The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 05, 1851, Image 2

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    12 24) 211 t MVO=
akt—READINo .11,47,71.2 WILL BE F.9IIND
It ie proper fOr ve tO eay, that the 'gatemen'
made by, the Pittsburg). Poet, during ourabsenca
and which was noti: in our columns last Mon
day, which charges frith being a member of
• band organized to br i pak up ascertain company
is totally false in whole and In part. There Is not
the limit foundation for a libel pogrom!, and a per
sonal eisaulta,tisairgon and uncelfed for. This
in all the notice we del‘m the attack 'minima at
tae present time and Place.
Hering escaped firm the drudgery of the
eauotnm fora fee, .daye, and made a flying trip
to the Western Beeeroe and Cleveland, we have
jotted awn a et few of the tboughlei and facto
whictt'paseed before cm in our little janniey.
Although we have frequently : passed through
that part of Ohio knolin as tbe Western Reserve,.
we were never more filvorablyimpreseea with its'
capabilities e and immense grovith in the &eland
comforts of modern ciiilitation, than -during this
trip. It is probably I the most densely settled
part of the country west of Pennsylvania. The
farms are mostly wall ; fifty, eiu i y, and one'
hundred acres being au average 'kite. The
houses are generally built on the roads, which
-run usually east and west, and north and south,
from the centre of One town, f or township, to
another. They are mostly hatidnonie frame
building!, painted white, and present nn air of
great comfort, and in many instances are sur
rounded with down, 'and fine shrubbery.—
These roads are jibe immense suburban streets,
and you never are out of sight of one or more
`dwellings, and of the everlasting light buggy,
which is in 'universal use by the people. The
Inhabitants are not rich, abut they enjtyalmost
universally, 'a modenite competency ; you very
'seldom find a man Wilo does not own his house, •
his farming lot and his horse and buggy, while
ethers own attentive farms, and enjoy every
'luxury. What imprened ns the moat deeply
Iran; bcrwever, the moderate 'competency which
appeared to be enjoyed by io great I proportion
of the population, and which we learned, was the
fruit of but little hardlabor. Most of the country
is - devoted to grating, for which It is well adapted,
and which is far lessllaborinte, and more ping
table than the raising of breadstuff,. We yreie
told that many families lived respectably on ftfiy :
and sixty acres of. lint], an which fifty days *tf
really bard labor was , not bestowed in one year. To• her aura, there is lattention to be' giveb,
chorea" to be, don t, but that - unintermittiM,
• exhausting Labor; eh is necessary to a liveli
hood in the mechanic arta; and inmeriufacraring,
and in most of the occupations of city life. la
not required. The I inhabitants are generally
intelligent, hospitable, moral, and independent.
They read and think for themeelves, and
although a little dbiposed to take rather
hastily with new-fangled theories, and rather
egotistical and over eelous in their manner of
defending and propagating their notions, yet
these are exoresettencwhich will he rubbed off
without, leaving a Scar. The acifool house is
every where, churches rear their spires in every
direction, books and peri,dicala are freely circu
lated, and each mail as are almost inseparable
. in a transition from ti wildentess to a full-grown
civilisation, will grow less and less as society
gradually advances in the acquisition of truth.
We question - if there' it less poverty and trio.
=woe in any sectiola went of the Allegheny
*fountains, and more l retd.comfort and rational
-enjoyment, than on el Western Reserve.
We passed.over the railroad between Cleveland
and 'Ram= twice. In its constraction, and all"
its appointuients, it is a, -credit to its projectors
and ahem. PO sub-ills are, tried-in its eon-.
strudels, tht . cross-ties being laid only two feet
apart from centre to l l centre. At first the road
was somewhat uneven, but it is new Mostly
adjusted and grave led, and
,will soon ho as
- smooth :and beautif a piece of road as can be
round in the country. The equipment of the
road is ail that can be dairel. • The stations
are well-chosen, and' the-Depot banding' are
handsomely constructed; in a style of arehitec
• taro similar to that tu;cd on the Pennsylvania
• Itailroad. The condintor of the train in which
we travelled, Mr. Curtiss, we found a most
-obliging and gentlemanly man, and although the
• can were inconveniently crowded :between Hud
son and Cleveland, hi exerted himself to make
every patio's' as comfortable, as possible. The
;bad is doing a first rate baldness, all the cars
. the Company now have, being crowded to their
utmost capacity. In a few days more cars will
be placed on the line. The road is opened for
public use, milybetween Cleveland and. Ravenna,
but the iron is laid about forty melee farther,
I audit ie.-expected that the road will be finished
tS the-I:lies at WclloTWe, and opened for public
by the first of Novel:Ober next. Great exer
:Aiita are 'need by the Company to consummate
an r gfialnible objeit. Great praise ,is doe to
,P#lFl(P.ltkarnse, Ea4.,:the able and enterprising
'll . ll; : etideitt of the Company, for hie indefatigable
~iinrtioria to promote t he prosperity of this great
- work. He will soon ate a hundred miles of the
'tied opened, and will be able to point to it as one
of the most suocesalid and beat managed Sali
na& in the country!
We visited this nelr place, so named from Its
being the point where the Ohio and Pennsylva
nia, and . Cleveland, and Pittshurgh roadie cross'
each other. It is attested in the north•eastcor
nor of 'Stark county' close on the herders of
Portage, Ma honing,. and Columbiana counties.,
Contiguous in It are the villages of Freedom,
Williamsport, arid Mount Union. Wane of lobe
is to t4e - place, we believe, this week, and the
ground is staked out for a large hotel, which is
to be erected immediately. . , No doubt that quite
albriving, place will spring up. We found the
,track -layers at work on the Ohio 'and Pennsyl
vania road, and the superstructure woe reedy
~the iron some fou or five miles ,oat of Alli •
auce, and some half Mlle or more west. No Iron
~.had then arrived from Cleveland, but eome was
received last Monday, and the work of laying it
down coinmenoed.- on the Cleveland and Pitts
hitrgh,line, trains wetev!assing bourly,:conveying
Materials of construction to the southernend,
and gravel for balloting the road. By the time
the southern end is finished this part of the road
'will be in complete order.
This is, indeed, a beautiful city—not excelled
by any of its sire, probably, in the country. It
Is well named Me `Tercet City," for out 'of the
boabiess streets, it Lte the appearance of a large
park, inteispersed "lids streets and dwellings.
Itbtust be a delightfrd place in which to lire in
the satanic" season. 1 The only drawback is the
dust, which was very annoying during oar stay.
There had been no sin for many weeks past,
and the country around the city preented avert'
- parched appearance. i The changereduced In
the business aspect or Cleveland, by
e opening
of her Cincinnati and Pittsburgh 'treads, le
truly 'wonderful. An unusual life and anima,
.'lisp has been imparted to the whole city, which
. 16 continually crowded:with strangers, who are
almoet hourly arrising and departing in cars and
let eamboats. We observed that one branch of bele
nwss appeared to be very extensively carried on,
that of building,passenger and freight cars, and
locomotives. This promisee to be u vast burl :
ness, sal the whole Weetern country is to be
supplied. There is room for aiseavy business
itithme branches, in Pittsburgh, which weitona
some of our enterprising capitalists and.mecl4-
les will embrace, ini addition to tnose already
, engaged in it There is an immense demand,
':and a tiger:Ms competition will increase it. .iA
,great number of wealthy persons are attracted
to Cleyeland as a delightful place of residence.
„Ileruilizeni have made ic_ so beautiful, by their
mode of 'detached hi:Odin, and the cultivation
bf treee, that . strangers are captivated. Will
the citizens; of Pittatilitrgh and Allegheny mite
at this salmon La yell
~ptlished, by means:Al, the
the route, and the canal
Oita can leave here
•re 6602 4 14 6
6 vi.siCt : to eh:melon.
fit, &arkslikl4tioco ,
lianicadsateach otat
boats and girt bet
atat 10 - o'clock trze i•
on the canal boats, and, wive in .Clentlanil at
helf palit four in the afternoon. There is no de
tention on the road, and.tltere is suffacient vari
ety in the mode of travel to render the journey
quite agreeable.
tang Sonar RAlL3ollo.—This enterprise - is
progressing with great spirit; and 'energy, and
there in now a probability that the Locomotive
'will ran from' Cleveland to the 'Pennsylvania
state line, early text season. :.of.ishnt in doing
between Erie and the Ohio line we are not cer
tainly informed. From Erie to the New Toric
line,, the Erie and North East Company ere i la, -
log down a track of the nix feet gunge : and the
people of ,Erie say that no other, except that of
the 4 foot S} inch rage shall be put down east
`of that place: The Buffalo
,Company has, bow
.ever, commenced to lay down their . track from
'Beni:irk west, on the Ohio 4 foot 10 inch gnage,
and asserts very positively c that this shall he the
*Width of the track between - Buffalo and Cleve
land. Both parties are at work, and the war'
grows exciting. How it willand we pretend not
to say, brit as Erie h as to fight for, or take the
right of jay from thit 'po ... int to the ObiO line,
and as she has the law t:! . the State, in regard
to the gunge, on her side,'she ought to bit. able
tomaintain 'her ground. The New Torkersare,
however, hard to beat, and we shall not be sur
prised to see the Erie people knock under:
organisation of/the Pittsburgh and Steubenville
Railroad Company is now coMpleted, and stands
as follow.
'President—lion: llarmar Denny.
Directors—J. K. Moorhead, Joseph Pennock,
Samuel Livingston, Wm. IP,Lyon Henry Graff,
Isaac Walker, Jr., A. Kirk Lewis , Naylor,
Jesse Edgington, Lewis•Liutehison, Wm. M. Dun
can, Thos. 8. Clarke.- •
Secretary—Charles Naylor. • •
Tressurtir—Win. A.
Engineer—David Mitobeil, Jr. •
Consulting Engineer—W: Milner Hotrrta. •
Under such auspices we may loot . for the rig
orous prosecution of the 'enterprise. Mr. Denny
Is now at home, and rathough somewhat debili
tated from his late illness we are glad to see him
• again &both our streets, and hope he may soon
enjoy Ms wonted physical sirangth He will no
doubt devote all hid energies and influence to the
great enterprise he hits undertaken : We certain
ly wish hlin and his able coadjutors the moot
complete success in their undertaking.
.et.avetwsn AND MAIMAING the
Trumbull County Whig we find a notice of a
meeting of the stockholders of the above road
. Yrarren, on the litOth of September, for the
purpose of electing directors. The road will
pais - from Cleveland,.. through Chagrin
Garrftterille, Warren, Niles, Girard, • Youngs
' town, toland, and Peteretrurgh, to Loon Valley,
and tile' Whig says Much interest is felt in, the
construction of the road, along its route.
. •
We are glad to rind that the people of. Warren
are waking Up to the importance of eons railroad
communication with the "neat of mankind . ' for
had they done op in •time,' they might have seen.
red the benefit of the Cleveland and, Pittsburgh
Railhead.—C/crelend Herald.
This is quite an important movement, and we
think, if it is energeti4lly persevered to, it trill
prove successful. The line passes through a rich
and prosperous country the whole way. The Id
eal travel and trade would be heavy, and suffi
cient to justify the enterprise, and it would stand
as geo.l n chance for the through business as any
other line- Warren is a wealthy and tine in
land town, and must do something to maintain
her position, or she will be distanced in the
race-of enterprise and solid advancemenL Sue
cees to the Cleveland and 3lahening Railroad
Tao men commanded by Lopes, io his late
invasion and battles, are described by the New
Orleans Delta as being five hundred in number,
allpieked men, and of quite' respectable char
acteAnd superior inielligence. They were all
well armed and provisioned, and carried arms
for a much larger force. They were some of
the soldiers of the Merican war; and although
they were sober men, Gen. Lopes insured their
temperance by' taking not a pint of 'liquor
with his expeditien. The -organization of the
force was perfected by Gen. Yengsy, one of the
heroes of the Hungarian war. The Delta say-s.
Therewas also a complete corps of engineers,
composed \ chiefly of Hungarian, under Major
Rugendort Then there was a company com
posed excletairely of Creoles and Spaniards, in
cluding the tioldiers who deserted -to Gen. Lo
pez at Cardenas, all under the commend of the
gallant Capt. Gotay, a Creole by birth, and a
gentleman of dauntless courage and lofty bear
ing. The rest of the command were Americans,
mostly from this city and Mississippi, youngmcn
of good standing and habits. These were com v
mended by CoL Crittenden, a nephew of the
Attalla& General of the United States, a gradu
ate of the Military Academy, and by Colonels
Donovan, of Georgia, with Major 7.. A. Kelley,
and Captains Saunders, Bigham, Stewart, Ellie,
Victor Ken,- and others whose names do not
now occur to tot.
Panama or blast ' , somata—The increase
of manufamming industry in Great 'Britain in
slaty years is Amen by the follotring,table of
the raw ,materials used in that kingdom i"
In 1790 .
8,245,852 the
1,258,445 "
592,800 ..
257,222 "
Cotton, '80,674,874
U. 8. Cotonssionia's Orrica..—Before Com
miesioner lielson.—Decision in cue of John M
Bolding, claimed by -Barnett & Anderson, of
Columbia, South Carolinit„ as a fugitive slave.
The Colon room was densely crowded this. fore
noon, the Commissioner having •aunouuoed that
ho - would then give his decielon.
Bolding, on the Commissioner taking his seat,
was brought into Court, accompanied' by his
wife,) a young' woman neatly white,) her moth
er and brothers, and cabers.
The Commissioner read an opinion of some
length, setting forth that Bolding was claimed
on the affidavit of R. C. Anderson, which affida
vit states that Bolding was held to eerriee or
labor in South Carolina, and escaped, &c. As
to the point that Mr. Barnett didnot at first join
in the affidavit, that wan not necessary, as the
affidavit of one owner Is enificleat ; but the sub
sequent affidavit of Mr. 8., concurring la the
claim, seta that question at rest.. .
The Commissioner then alluded to the point
raised as to whether Bolding is partly of African
descent, &c.
The claimant must establish three points
that Bolding has African blood in his vein; a*
therefore competent to be a elave-2d, there be
ing no doubt that he Is also partly of white des
cent, that hi was born of a slave mother—and
Bd, that do iv the slave or property, of the claim
ants,' and escaped from deride°.
The Commissioner reviewed 'the testimony as
to his -being of African descent or otherwise,
and comeilered it to be 'established that be has
.African hlood—,as to his being the child of a slave
• thei the evi4ence Is that he was held and dealt
with and - transferred at a slave for more thou 20
years—that he came from Virginia, where many
of his people were slaves, and if he had been
kidnapped could have shown ft. •
He is•beir, therefore, of the unhappy
fate of his ancestOrs—baa been shown to have
been held as a slave for a long period of time,
and it la conceded that he has been hold by claim
Itappearing on satisfactory proof that he owes
service In South Carolina, It • certifieate'mast be
gtinted to that effect, the Commissioner at jthe
same time stating that the certificate would be no
bar to Bolding claiming his rights to freedoin, if
he could do to, in South Carolina.
Mr. Culver, one of the counsel for 8., remark
ed that he hid just received a telegraphic die
patch from ituffalo, stating that Judge Concklin,
of the U. B. Court there, had reversed the deci
sion of the 'Commissioner in the case ,there pend
lag—and he asked Mr. Neleon, is a favor,
to withhold the granting, of the eeitificate for a
few hours, so that they, might be enabled to
bring the question before one ofthe U. States
Judges. ,
Mr. Nelson said he wircrld be ' Pxceedingly hap
py to db eo, but be did not consider Mist ho had
any power—and that whinapplication wassnede
for the ceitillcate he should feel-bound to e.° it
—if commit were obtained from dhe claimant or
hincounsol not to plains,/at present, the certif
eate, he should be . very„happy that it word
comp before older and wiser heads than him
Mr. Culver thought that the Commissioner
had mistaken the ,case cited at Now Orleans,
which was in relation to a mulatto person. Mr.
Wood, the counseffor claimant, he mid, wee not
present /
Mr. Goodman' rose and mid that Mr. Wood had
gone out of to*n, but had reputed him to at
tend and say,he is &Anus he should two the
certificate forthwith.'
21r. V. then said they would appeal to the
insgnardznity of the gentlemen (claimants) them
selves, segos twenty-filar houpi to - bring the
ease up,/dte...
There, wee no answer, and the proceedings
0.0.0../ 'Bolding and his friends appeared to be
Orel at ihnretrok—.N. Y. Tribune.
. . . . .
.O - I it tfAC EREL--
.5 bbl,. Large No. 3 for
. .. . [ .at Pittaburgh:GeFitte. ! Wurrian Artmdihdivziy . Socrrry.—This S
?dn. Entree: Vamdrery, sorry that the 'Whig . ciety, which is of the Gerrie onian stamp, held !MB vale br Gros: JA3lYsDAistwLh. _
editors neglected t o rii hi . i c h th e D e mocrati c ad- `its anniversary near ?Runt.. ChM; Stark Co.; Ll UGAR & MOLASSES—
Ohio. on Sunday,Monday and Tuesday last— i . I, ' ' 10 bhdanrirse N.o.lRutsn
dress written by the •Democratic Committee at The meeting, wlt held dnder the celebrated i To ' bl4 ll "k i i l'n_r te hi
liarriaburgh il. was the mestextraordinarypr. Oberlin Tent, (the same used atßuffelo in 1848) I .ens 7/Luis riatzELL, " li trawr si.
duction I ever nw. it comnienced with the bold and a correspondent of the Cleieland True Dem- i
assertion that a liberty of the people Would be
i h
ocrat. stoles that not lees their:3,ooo people were I ~ by W. mectayrocx, new. .wt red: striae sudeattai...
whom wore 300 ladies is the ! (lARPETS! CARPETS !—Ree'd this do
:4' . '1,?.....inT . .. i i .-"A than xi caffi tbrpt a r Atv:. h .74
in jeopardy by '.the re-election of Governor John- P re " ° ‘ am ' a g
stoic, end the onlyßloomer dress. The prominent speakers were' . in thin market. we medially Invite the attention of
reason they Eh°, was that be Charles t!, Burleigh, Parker, Pillsbury, and ~,, ,,,n o d 4 1 V: 1 1 . 01 ,.. 0 ",.,..... 1 . * 11 1 didd.itp.....h0d.....ii. 5 t . 1 ' % A .° , "
had neglected o sign a bill which gives to the i Miss Sally !Jolley, a daughter of the late Myron , — ';, - g,47 .—--- 7 . " -- ---- W..XCLIATC/f... '
Smith a right ri a the occupanri.' of our jails, for ; Holley, of Rochester, and a graduate of Oberlin. ' - T - Auction Sale.
the retention of their rosin, slaves'' N ow. m The meetings are represented to have been veryl
my humble I,piniofi,..„our Legislature has no right ` nt ' s "" ii° . "' I h°r° ' °° ' °° ' ' I 1 11th of September. at 3 o'clock. P. it.:
I r 'kESIRABLE Real Estate for - sale, on the
......- . he Mannino on Nunnery :fissile .asst 10 act. of
to pace su ch In law: , The people of ,Allegheny p 000a ,„ or nit ENOINRERS.—The company
1 "7t u esl!Sotstut on. Brick Cotttia t e. with tw o .med. 1
County built Our jail, and it belongs to us: and of Engineers of the Flempfield Railroad, survey- 1 About a/ arm a/bud:dug the above,laiil lout In lad f of I
no set of men-1 care not whether they are Le. log the route from Greensburg, have reached the ! r "1tr i ."..,r i .4. 1 7.1: 3 : ; '., b .., . rad., rid 0 ,, ~,,,,,,0 4 .
' the moat ad bl tt h-
gi , e river at this place:.
„ We . understand that the ! der x hoe et sitstibrir . elty.
_. ,_re .. 0.• ,
Oldsters or Locofocon—have the power to
r. . route between West 'Newton and Monongahela ; ;11,,'" T r a,l : 47r al.',:. ( 717,74. m g ee . ,'" , :x: , ,
it awa y to the people . of ""'" A ." St '''. " 11 "" t City does•not present as much di ffi culty as was I thio,t7,i water and cetll, and
Shied every Dart a i:Lnt a a
our consent. :Bet I will not discuss this part of anticipated in its location, and that the grade aa t i l.V a vaa 'i oro .,r„., ooro ar 90 a . • ...f our th t at Jo
the address fdrther, at Air time . . :dots not exceed 60: feet to the mile anyplace be- 1).1030 one- berth Ist Juittar7.ll,l3lird.the Wanes is
tween the two rivers. The Engineers think that "fr'11;,1,1 4 i...... at. - MaLANE. t, mnyrrra. Si. Clair
The balance of the address was a moat excel- :
y they will he enabled to reduce an.r. serazt
lent prayer to,the South, to forgive them and ea-
iL a grii '" de to about 60 feet to themile , and Ilk
distance .-
ceive them as he only friends of slaveryipnd of, Ise s h orten the about a quarter of a
the - dnion.' .1
, ile, thus making it just the same length as the
ike between the two places.- This will be grat
fying newe to oar eitisens.—Lifortongahria Repub-
Wan, of Saturday. - ..;
The corps of Engineers from Wheeling arrived
It this borough on Friday last, having surveyed
a route for the Ilemptield Railroad, from Wheel
ig to this place. We are pleased to state that
trey encountered very few difficulties; indeed;
none of a serious character;. and that the route
tilhich hen just
been surveyed, will make a very
kacticable one, with a grade of not 60 feet to
the mile. We understand they have returned a
dletence of six miles with the intention ;of our
viying a route that will reduce the grade ands.
4. rtail the distance, which in all probability can
be done. The distance from Wheeling to this
place by the route already surveyed, is the same
as by the Turnpike.— Washington Commonwealth.
ong to tell, mid hard to trace
from silendor to disgrace."
'Tis o er
Each ate
—who would
are [height. during the days of
, on. the the Democratic party in
would c er ho found on its knees,
the silken aristocracy of the South
ad asithi. especial friends of sla
out.' Abet old hero rise from the
old pueblo spectacle, be weali4
and a Ohange of party names.
s, haring no other -way to divert
the p esent wretched, state of
• they themselveet have hrought
tritish Tariff of '4o,—talk all the
.n .iniportance of. this union, as
er party was in farocelysevering
.ich bind] it. The Whigs` Acct as
cciontryi as the Locos pretend to
General Jack .
pleading with
to be recognl 1
very And
grav4 and be,
perionsly de
The Locofoe ,
the people fry
things, whir,
about by the
time about t
though any o
the cords wh
much love o
The principal diffefiente Is this,—the Whigs'
are notin favor of saciificing interest and honor
to obtain power—the Locofooos are willing to
sacrifice both, and humanity to•boot..
The are always cheered by the eight of,
and tnfollow, the stars and stripes that
fluttered In the breeze over the heads of our so
lutionary fathers, when in the battle field • on
tending for liberty. The Loci:locos 140,
ever animated by the stars and striptis tn our
country, but it is the stars and Ilfripen on a nor
nigger's back that they now like best
!f ever this) Union should to broken asap ••r,
see will find the cause to be in unjust and p
pressive laws. Any law which Congress ha •e,
or may pass which will operate against the h n
or or interest of any portion of the people, •ill
sooner or later produce discontent, and It is •s
-content among the people which weakens, ...d
finally destroys all governments, or rather p e
duces a modification pf the forms of goverura.•t.
The tariff of '46 has been a prolific more of
discontent, as well ae bankrUptoy ; and let e
tell those sapient pollticians who wrote:that fa
mous address, that they have given the rst
blow to our Union. •
The phor laboring man without employin•ot,
without money, and without credit, willlh •it
this Union no great things tate all.
The enterprising capitalist, that wee -o ce
prosperous and-happy, but now finds hialit el
! nesiobieed by the sheriff of his district, will be
ready to curse a 'country that would not pros t
I her own labor and capital. But I must' a , se
my desultory communications, and if you.' •Il
publish it 1 won't bother you soon again. Be ng
no politician, I, often vote -with LocOfocos, i I
know them to'have a better man before the • o
ple, bat I want no better man than Gov. Jo •n
-s;on. Mr. Bigler might make a good Gown • or,
we have tried 4ohnston and are antis Pd
with hint, and we ought to let welt enough . of to.
Our plain, honest, industrious. citizens of ef.
(croon Township will i _give an increased main ity
I September Ist, 1831. •
For Me Patsburgh Ga:a
Ma. horroa—ln returning to my home I.
night about the hour'of one, I was a specta
of this singttlir phenomenon. A portion of
northern sky, from the horizon,was lit up in
most splendid and sinFolar manner.' So hrigl
indeed was the light, that the objects of furnitu
in my chamber, when the shades were draw'
distinutlyeast their shadows on the opposite:i
whilst trees awl other objects in the distant
stood out as id the light of early morning, at
ever and anon, waves of light, somewhat roe '
bliog Sash lightning, shot tipin rapid successi
almost to the zenith. The sky was clear, . wit gentle breeze from the porth,and the stars disc i
in all directions save Wbere they,were °beau
by the blase of light which seemed to stream 1
the heavens. I havean several °cessions
nessed showers of stars ..and other phenon
of the kind, but nothing Which equalled
mild beauty and splendor of what I terms
lent night.
Sept. 4,
As a amal
of falseboo'
now brought, we hope, pktty nearly to. ila
graceful close, the following is given for the b
efit of the still incredulous few.
We take. the first dispatch from the Mo
Register and the second from the Picayun.
this city ; and we would suggest the propri.
of both of their journals giving their auth.l
ties for the respective statements, clearly int.,
factored in title city, with a view to • don,
deception of the people of Mobile and New
In 1849.
76,766,173 tbs.
0,081,881 ••
haw OaciftBs,.Aug. 21, 1861
The Empire City arrived this morning, haat!
touched at Havana., Lopez hut had two bat
and was victorious in both. Several hood
troops killed. One Spikuish Regiment join
Lopez. Fifty AmerloanjL making a flank trio
mum in boats, were captc(Xed, taken to Re, . 1
and allot the same day, the tioldiers commit
, the mast boirld brutalities on the bodies. Aeon
tha executed are Crittenden, James, Kerr, B
and almost all the Artillery. Five bun..
Coles left Havana to Join Lopez. , Creol
were docking to him in all dir.ectibus.
Pamper° had escaped.
On the next morning, (the 22d) the nosy .!
paraded the following, purporting to tome fr.
the U. S. steamer Vixen, at Pensacola, f •
Monne, Th4sday, Aug. 2, ISE&
The steamship Vixen Les arrived et P.
in lees than four days from Harass, bringizr
bearer of despatches from that place.
Lopez has bad two engagements' with
Spaniards, in both of which he was ruccis , ,
.One entire regiment of Spanish troops has j
ed the Patriot Standard.
We stated at the time Oda wicked fabrica
appeared, as a despatch or aims by the irt
that it was adomestlc product., entirely rabid.
Is it not so And, 'fellow citisens, is it s cri ,
is it unpatriotic, is It unrepublictui In sisl
warn our people against devices so wicked
Read ye, who are slow to be convinced t.
falsehood and deception are the order of the
these two despatches carefully, and say if i
not demanded by every honorable considers.;
that the se two Journals tarnish their authort
for ;hese impositions on the people
The effort to escape a horrible death by
beroCrittenden and his men, is calledln the
bile publication "a flank movement," 'while
ery other assertion In that compendious deep
of lies is utterly truthless.
Barely come Incomprehensible film must el'
'the judgment of our intelligent and truth-lo
people, else each trifling with them would not
tolerated.for an boar.
,The Empire (Tity's neve WiS , first mut f
our city to Mobile, thence returned es a deep
of the news from Penesools.—N9.
A New Base. —A Banking .Inaiitntion
organized on Saturday last, At Franklin, in
county, ender the Free Banking Law of Jut
ter, to be styled "the Franklin Bank of *Po
County." The stocitholders elected thel foil .1
leg nomod gmtlemenlas a Board of Directors
Zones Kent, Thomas Earl, Rufus Paine, Ds
J. Beardsley, Marvin Rear.
The selection of Zen= Kent as President
an excellect one.'
The cap tal l stock of ,this institution is $lO
000, which a mount has been subscribed.
The loco on of this bank is well chosen,
we have no ,iloybt it will be received with fa
by the business' scup:acuity. —Portage Cou
Cooper; the Novairt.—We learn from a Erie .. ,
that this distinguished Writer is in • very -
pious Atop, and but Dont hopes are entertai d
a hie reeovery. Me debility is extreme; tho h
his mind is in its usual Apr.. Thin real pr 1-
tretion in the result of an affection of she iii: r,
which manifests itself by various nnpi : t
qmptonnong them • gentowl drttpkwl• -
'awn into the loiter • extremities, awl sittly -
to the abdonmos,, jaundice, i ts Dr: J. :Fri -
cis, the distil:washed physician of New Y
Lae jnotrotiraed from • constfilaiire upon t 8
malady, which we very much rege,t AP th,luf I
eo Berton. We hope in a few days erchillel o
enabled tannic of en improvement, Oahe can
not probably continue long without come favor
able change.—Nimoyk Dully 41r.
rall Importation of Hardware, Cutlery, &o.
No. 129 Wood Street,
Desire to ma the attention of Merchants and others to
their Wins MCI of
And which they are arm papered offer at =eh prim
• , se cannot tan to plea...
nortuyent of MANN'S celebrated C. le. Axn
elwarti an hand attAMY
Smardyssuou, Iluottturdon ro., Pa-, Montt 4, MI.
S. M. Itmar—Dear Six, Your Petroleum la worktod won
der. la Ode 'trinity: Mentors we would thank you Comma
O. Iwo dozen by the Pormayleaula Railroad. We are eo
dotty out,. mut M la balmy impaired Dr almost army day.
Sours, resprettally, JOUR LONG t CO.
11...00:tukshibul on, 0, Mani, 10, '6l.
8: M. Etab—Desz Bir, Your Agent, a. tow works 'ebbe,
It ft with us bur don Rock 011, which woo hay. tolo/1
"Rowse rorwantto a. sts bswo Immediately.
`Your medicine is working wonders in this region. We
eevoral esullent cortilicktoe, If you Jeslu them.
Pot rale by Keyser a McDowell. lid .Wood Werth H. 0.
&Dere, s; Wood street: B. A. 3' atm./cwt. Co. tont.
Wool and Frolic strewtan' .
D. M. Cum. D. A. 11.111ott, Joseph
Duttglaas. and H. P. tiohiratts. Allewbany. also by the Iwo
8. M. KM,
04 , 11:41/1v:T ' Ciatsl lisalp..6•Teatb aL.Pitt•bonb.
LIST OIL ABOVE WATER.—The shlt math cad - tell •
good nth:ltch:l.6y trying it aenulck as• Dr. can tell a grd 1
anther by eating It dug It one man tries lt, and Enda it
poor, It trill destroy the pownlarlty with the whole ally.
You can't Introduce • medicine into piipular use unless lt
-posmaree really tallegoritlaietrties, freeborn's:l bed agate
of tell] objections. and It le tide tact that hes established
rho reputation of "Bull's Conspenn4 Fluld EOlOOO wf.Ver.
saparille,.. beyond all cavil or dimints. Its aCtioll 01.13
the h11111112.,/{421 Lim mandanre with rational end phi.
Imephical prinelpleit. pmennte. the vane.. eeezetions
ma ageratums of the body, removes obeaructioni, displaces
morbid rad 'AL...I matter, eln,ngthcns t6e stemeri,
and oho:mule iiwebs, create, new, Int.., and wealth',
Wool, and regulates the varioue functlere of the different
organs of the holyl. Thl. Is all pm/cried without th.
bil.t danger of harm, the prevention being .0 mg , .. it
is edlcariouo. It they be thought by the skeptbml, that it
ocirweti to tyre too 0007 disease. but upon eviairs•
tithe:, it .111 bw Mond that a here ona.loritT of Oa. dams .
re width afflict Boa Litman family originate In an Impure
magi , of the blood.. De net de...lvey then. by other Oar.
..yarilles wing offm.4 you by - my sellen of mots..s
aed water prevention" se a stibstlnate mar the original Dutra Sarsaparilla ? Thie ralusbi. preparation iii.
pietointar warrant. to do Inlia , rkli . all othora
t •r
O.nnon.--ihrettro and sok toe th e origins/ Or. John
s Sertaptinlio frossfingtmkp--ead have tooth. Pee
eeetueement on weweber tame.
KEYSER a IFDOWELL 140 Rood st.-
lOtillwamT l Whole.). A Itetso amt.
.. ,, tgby - }row often is it the ease that we ne
cc a slight wound, burn. oweillng. or patu, in the vain
be., twit it will camera to. (tar or tw. instead
If getting well the', haw wewre. fieWer. exa vernal... ,
ci mtlo n takes place. and the limb bre to be atapatateM
Ir an Lf • little of EL G. Werreirs Arabian Lltitmestelied
b d dapplied at the Woe of the accident. It would balm
. .
c tam It inamiediately. bee advartimmtent.
liarDa. MAiirs's Loeze Pmts.—The is
wielweing demand for Oils great catelchte memo Wit mi
the bacreme. When it has been intralucei.lthewestain
ws w,popetlerity tothmordented in the annals or imal/m1
piamim. I%y - eldest me wain, It In teeny mimic at least
when they can obtain It. Patients, howarer,, heed not be
undecithe emensi of asking medical sdrkei as they fah
Matt s.. a boo of the Lim POIa, with whiehillrectaM,
will be hirolabed, which will work a needy cum i j'l,•
following huer trim on Went eh... Ihr PiDnlmitY I. the
tetton frier which the letter le dately,
0 DI ton.
eftmore of D, . Urbana Lira MN Chan gnu+ and
eft 'with us. Tyra Pills are rued!, riming In nkrar, nal
Lair almost old all dal la had. 11 Tui . na an. a
0 or 12 donna nano boa. rimy Lnet verbal,. until
•ut meat an bring fauns. “IPPIT.
atrocious apt I
on and dept
for sale by
Pittsburgh Lilo Insurance Company.
CAPITAL, 8100,000.
(W.W.ll—Jong I!. Room.
Trosarer—Josooß lama.
Ponuozy—C. Com?.
Rirfroo odwartloesmouttonotber port. of !Ids polo,
Uq tle Eh tad., by Rev..l. u. Goaburn. Rosmar AIM"
s.llswitAlantrE E. Aiurz,
o a 're,e a d a v morellos. heptameter ally Soots Jaaee uth
of J o.landusoo. The faneral will leave tbe realdeave
of bet husband. on geplinad• stmt. Allgetunoy, neat the
Woad Ward Meal Home, GO Friday 00111112 g. at lee
cloilg. to proofed to the Allealtent Onieteev. Theteteale
of the fatally' ts invited to attend.
Horticultural Notice.
Pittsburgh HarCoultural Society. will be held unite
lath. and 10th a 1 Ceptcultar, in
girth street 'All ante.. Soo exhibitian man be
Famil the Committee of Arrangwiaents,beforelideloolt:72:
of the nth of Beptagaber.
y Tlogete can be bad from any member of the £O.
eoutira Cotatultie•—grise, Al. !Bugle Tickets, cents
By enter of the Batt-111We Couingttee.
Moturt Anburn at AlictioA
WILL be offered at, Public Sale, on th e
°I L; 37_._e'rr A T arer ;gar Wl), th in ' gr
Two totrudrlp.lllo4l4 bete.., 13. 1 r (Itatelded
e " 1 t . 1 :14 .‘ r . . ° o=l. ° 4;N:kr i •Pin't °
Zhao dm of aviddtion. It Ine
01.0 4reduarael budge
o o r
dry valuable: It b.. a Sao wing of water. The pro
prietor 'deflect° WI It all la one lot. and often smog 10.
ducal:ante to rapltalleta and optenalatorc_ If_tot sold to-
" egle r Xri b VETV2I:III " rIIt.TP b flrt or awl
'lttaberen. am too /01911 of tatt a ftoest aim Ibr lelloolwea
f a./ Kollodl now it markuiaiet u Ow terms ad rare
tgliolrfetne =tr Pat
,p r it area. Kitaaolil a
Madae... , •
' Temperance Notice.
wanes community generally, are Informed that
/ l am
tor the Exaraton to Deaver, on the 10th hut, can
ba poxured of the eilioning Oonsteltteee T. A ahinn. Dr.
A.G. MeCsadiess, General Committee; and Brothers Cro
117,,Lemb, Gear, Doe', thimble, Behriber, Lyrae.. Wogs!,
Mattis , and MoCallonst, Division Ocunrelttoes Priv, 76
• cents the round trip. aspinit
7 . 0 Dealers in Liquors, &c.
J. CONTE, Fr,eqch Reed4er, 360 Eighth
Iv • sttiontlit YORK. hail hla blatillery le full oper.
aeon for the eiaaufacture.a flea •ttialftll, Reza epirliat
Brandy,Olthßeolol . llPunch.euYazoth&titillithatitelaolta.
ltters, &o. nu Brandy and OI are carefully *oda ar.
.ato, to the b.( receipts used in the Beetle or Franco
sod Holland; tho quality NILO to or the leatileta .
eons from thou , mulatto. Drillers oralriTited to caul and
;r!%"(ntr Non
tosar NEW .b
, y
to. woo
To. highly sanatory, balsam,. and tonic yornporttee
le ' , Urger, reorror It far roperbar to Colbatru Water
for ttie ordinal 7 ;lure.. of the wiler and bath, torque
thg f
o. e . ig4tayrrltrldr amil d thtnoesa Lai ulna
ft is highly rerronAteftded 107 ' 4.4. ' 40 Sit.ottititA b oi
delicate a , tb. .4 ,1 PMeo'fiflE
freeborn. of the coothirti.• rhthileli progerita tore.
Per the heat and dryntas ot the skin, alai Impart to 10.,
V e'h p '" leZ l letll ' l ' roartreettte ViriVet r r ' o b t . rtltett
hold by Li. E. SELLEIth, 07 ri'lnd
TUNlC tatt IITIVATL Ih t!M YTril lo
0010 by the Agrot ilttrborgb, begin:lEll.
:astAAl7.rmirolt collier Market ails.' Ththl
In thy 111.11,0.4. itt . " - iLal.l o zt MOEftltr TEA MART,
the, Viblekles. as (Audi lonlidart) Za n y 1 . 0
dedly obeaj.
lIEESE-8U bxe. prime W. R., for toile by
the *hah of WAI. p_II<CLULUL, PrreMeta orthe
un of Common Pleas, and Ihr the bth Judicial Markt'
of llennerlyatila, and Jttstirett Coon; of (trer real Tar ,
miner, and Osmond Jen Delivery. In .4 fbral4l.Caroit,
and T. L.• 1.1•311111. and Wm. Boggy, Fate., AentedateJalia
of the maw Court., In end for the ttountr of Allrstern„ ,r
dated th e Oh day or notesnter, In the year of our Lonl
Light Hundred and Ftftpllne, and to we di
wed, Inc holding Oatzt of Orer and larnotner and Or.
ord Jai! Ime
111 . 77. no the 0 , ..21 U*ale•p. %by City of Pitts
bzr, yetobtr neat, at 10 . o'docr„
Pabilo =toe la hereby glean to_ 414 etaiAgat Peen.
c. 0.., end Condahlwat the oonntynt
ihabs, nod th 7, In that nmpetset=rltt
rtawrlVA= OblVtittrh. to thr r 72:
or In Wel.. behalf, t&p esz t 4 be done—and altt ' rttay '' e that
.1,2 Mg; " la ' .ll TZ h i e t
.O. T . ' At% f and than
91rfre ti oMillar, rnlte .t. - thla 4th dar of
Beptentber, a, CO , daa/01146 Or the 0,n4,11.4 Itth;
.076414rAz • CUM' M.. norm.
Express Packet Line to Clevel
giallyw a ab .
l -7 LIE Proprietors ort the Linen ee
log nude the rsquislts ariarguroosts with the lo
lib P r
ry ; A t% Corolla d 41. rad 17 6..tho=.7ddVt11:
th n e
th e, will to turn.hew Irllll tich
et wlarth will giro them the prtvileigr . of going to Roches.
ter Tither by the Cars or the tlleambost.
For tlckstwaupl4 to, .1 a 0m 04000E0, Awl.,
war ..
14 ea- (o stairs.)
, • Pitts burgh.
—The MANSION HOUR, fornerly kept b y D. R.
ta end pop WA. O. limn , is offered at prin. eale.
Said H a,
owl oppoalte to the Canal Ruin, and adjoining
the location of the Deronylkanla Rare. Paneuger Sta
tion—bu rented for $1,:00 per year-hag pr.peet. of In-.
ess.l val.. for further particular. auqulra of B.
PAIRMAN, Federal la, Allaglonael . B. GIAMPDALL,
Marty L. Phitsburab. AdnifuLtralon of the .mate of
Thom. deeM.
[Phila. Lodger copy ch. anata.
Bewiokloy Bottom PrOperty at:Auction.
g„ 'Thursday morning, September 11th
at 1011, atebtek, arlll be WM, on the premiers, DINE
. Woo and valuable LOTS, handeomaly eituatsrl
tors , the 001 A Hirer and the'Obla and P.. Ream& •11-
4nittlag tangent thikrucetatny ISculatlt and Dusld Maids
;; er:lta l able far Unligning or Poo Contrary Satan beln w thrit
Phut ' t ' aittl ' o o nTtt;Vot. C r ..21 .° gbir:t 4 tay . r. ` .. " l: r at the
anal. roam, or ea e=. . 0
The above DraperLy afters great logurements
afers, Wag among ths most dealrahle adored far aide to
this county, • and le within I.lo,minutee tide by railroad
Dam Pittsburgh. Teruo at sale.
eepttes P L. DAVIS, gorge.
15 sham Bruildcek . • Mid Plank 1100;
, 1 - Alleglunty Eayinags Initullon;
•T 1 Peataylvamia Railroad;
1 . • then • hunintnee Coterny;
^. egern
10 . Olift l
il. of
se pkdeer9l,B , Stook !!!!!:lExcherrge Broken!.
—MURPHY d BURCIIPIBLD twee opened thla
Ermine • lot of Bola rell_kinge and_ Braerttocy Jaekoort
l i tarrl:l4=l "F lnrarl 4' 4,Vi i etT et;R=erd
• .al:4
-4 ' 6 7 , 1 bbl.. atect N. tI. G onna Rd! aryl
Oa tuusd slut fur nle 4 DUttnitnioii s a
eer.l 110 Water, 5.1160 Fruol
RUSH. I POA"D.SUGAR-50 bbls: for
M . 1.01 RIIIIBRID011111101111•11.
11. MOLASSES-100 bble. Goodala's;
IJI4 " 511. Jame& 1104
For rolr 11' 1..141 BUM/RIDGE INGIIRAIL
COFFER -250 bags prime Rio; er sale - by.
TEAS -50 hf. chests Young-Ilyson;
- 15 " " leopirbob bar sale by
Yep 4 11U111311111GZ via flat LI.
COFFEE -25 paikets Jiro, for sale by \
EATIIER —2OO skirl Sole, for gala by
KM noaemms a INOURAg.
I 111
. 1 74 20 talk puruatT=lll4
QU6AR,-. , 75 hbds prime N. Cf., for sale by
Is ITER EB Y GIVEN !that an Aasesamant
of Two mum' Dei'obant [me been keletrazt Mel.
...ale melt of the titxth American ltining ComP•nj
Delable at the Onee of the Compahr. Pat.
T HERE AA, in and iby the Aek of the
u.n.ndAsiknanir of Poto.iisotria ee.4 i,4 ".111
L. coloring to Meet.. et this Onomonweoltb." ale en.
1.1.1. on tr.... 4 sutler *Oath elect..
and enumerate In such anther what officers are to elect
ed. In wunu.s. thereof, I, CAST/ill CURTIS, Sherl6 of
the (booty of Alieebeny. do thordore notho known and
olve thh. public netlool to the flock. of .aid Couot) et At
Swireny, ttat• ikweral Election will be held In Ow .14
at thaseserstataisw district, than.. •
The electors of the First Ward of thee... Pittelathilt
pnieet at the h.. of Mrs. Jame Little, at tl.. cancer or.l
/..S .' ;..=?llia=?W ' t PitiabUrgbi -
- tom. at the ..rot Dthrlcalot:). owner of &oral sad
Prolth.bildittrei.s. in nail ' - •
The elec.. of thy mini 14.1 of ut ter .littstowah
to meat at the law. of AzotreirWe.
Theolartors of tbetodrth Ward al theitiq of t.bur;
to own at the Public Se boot Rouse.. NW W.I.
The elec. he of the euth Word oft. eltyaflitttbsi
to lb. Pethuyinuth. tools, by Got.
hietthl, late aho. Newt" In totht
The. elector., 4.1. Math Ward of the eel
• to meet at tho finbiloekhool wad ward.
Thaelectors .41. Devon. Ward of the city of lit
Swats. to meet art. P.O. School 1100101. In in. wash
Tbeelectorrof the air bth Ward of thodt7 of Pittaburah ,
to moat at the Pubile hobo. tio.r,ln old ward.
The elec... the-Sloth Ward of the city of firtaburgh,
to nowt at the Public School Lout. In ra y ward.
The electors of the VII. Ward of U. thy. Allegh.7.
to meet at the house of J. Woritho.e. Robins. street.
The okotorsof the ...Word of thociry of AlhottionY.
to me.. at the house of-W liotalhompecoa north ...cor
ner of. Ithlo theot and the PUblio Wows. . .
71e electors of tho Third Wan t of ths at of Allegb.lll,
to moot at the Public Ikhool House in tot. ward.
711ee eke... the Fourth
IV enlof tbseity of allogh.Y.
to moot st th• Louse of Mrs. yll*, mitt Common.
• The *leetots of Pltt to-1f ... 0p . . meet. at the boa. of
Mrs. Nancy Murry. on the t acal WarmitriTurn.
rite Hoed. In sall townshtta esce. quiehred Totals .
..ling to ..dicing Noe aT. sod of the any .h e
altall vote at all general e 1... in the :: lo Ward ol th
, city of Pitterbor...
I Ibitolettots of Peebles total,. to 09. t at the.... op!
John Settler, In the village Rost Libor.. ll
The ...ono( Collins townstee. In moot tha hon. of
Wen. McCall. Jr, In the sills. of Mot Liborty.
The elector* of 010110. toornabip, to meet al O. host.
of John !hark, on the Or.usborgh Torn.. Road. in
raid towomblo.
Tile elector. of Plum 'township._ to Orwit the hon. of
Job. Bummerrillo, In said tomato..
thonOrls, lo nowt at Ow hon. of
Abraham Taylor on lb. Northern Turziptr i o, in .4 loon
eloctoth of Penn t tirnahly. }octet at the bon. of
Itoliort th e ' Len th bargh Bead.. .34 too. -
electors ol Vail h i t. nahly„io meet . the Brick
Pellool lb . t. lion. 101 1 ..17 =MB. bY
Thom. Nal. and now by it. Shaw.
There. tore 'of Elizabeth twonahltal to meet tad...use
of 11.1. Bars. acne. In John Walter. in
Elizabeth borouth.
' The e 1... o the Borough of Elliabetb. to meet al the
house of Lettiloi Parr., krmarly bY J.. Wolk
The olectors of JefferniOn Lowe.. 40 Med at. ths
of Maul three, lirmerly cam.. blJohn.lanit• m ndd
The ...ors of MINItn townshir, boe. at the boo. of
formorly nz Jp It noel, in isle
EL Chair towthhip, thmeet at the,
hou. of Jos Con . bile town:111$
The Onion of Lova Mt. Cter ta.urtlp to zowt st
brick tavern et tho 1111.109 of tho Ctal 11111 and Pt. Clair
totorill . t i el. WILD Lb* Brown. illy road.
It noTrVelre ono t t= Ton' mot .t
Th. oleo." of Robins., terrtubly to met. at the house
of Sarah Matertand; Ibilsorly blefarland. In said
Tbeelectors of Fltalley toirwhip to meet at lb. bones of
A - M121 , 1% fannorly cvenplid br Jno atkrictin
stligo orcriorm3. in odd nn , ndLlP:
Th. p.n.s at Moon tnnivtdp to own at the Douse of
Peter Unot01:1, ID liskl township.
Thealectors of Ithlotownship to at the hon. of J.o
J. KIDD At 00..
No. W. Wood st.
ile. in ealdlosTehiP.
The electors of Franklin township tomeet al the bons.
Theby Joe lloteream,ln said W. Way.
The electors of the Bormigh of Manchester to meet at the
Publlo lichnol boom-
The *lector. of Weer@ township to tee at the hew of
lictleih , trer. In said toinastilp.
The e etore of Baleen township to meet at [W hors.
mf Jig. mat, In mid township.
The elegtots egnowden township M. meet at the house
of Peer Isomr, In mad towsuhlp.
The electore of Web Fayette township to wet at c.
bolas 00 11. Maya ye aya on the Wm of Coulter.. to sal
"Ifebltors of TO b y Pipette toe:able to meet at the
home 000 occupied by Francis Jamlann. at Bogen' bun.
In mad teen.thip. .
The electors of 101f1 2 ‘411:1_ to mod at the lofty
of J.Ob Kebaugh 0. the Franklin mid, In. led town- !
sb 'lpeletors of PincloWsublp to, Meat at the bones of
Liu& Cninumatn eilllthwwWp—and Mat The Wallace
? olrEitgot t= ? t r oWtsllP?? ? jk??" b ?
obo"b ton .
The el 4-s
Md.:nema tainaM am to Wet at the
Tee: etion %Vat ' n we et the item
"Thehan Conley, In mid
claim of bast Bee towns I.m meet at the Public
demo! 0111.0. the Bommigh of Tarentron.
The el clam ethe lb:Toughof Tarentual Meet at the
Public School Winer, In said Borough.
Tim electors of Mamie township to meet at Me home
tormairmangled by S. Mackey, In sahl toe:ship.
The eecton of BMW township to meet at ]no Roma
mill, In mid tawnehip.
T £ll, etted voters of that pet of Indiana tortrahlp,
In bray Omer. maddlog *Rhin the ibilowlng
acribedifordeleieto beginnlngat• point oath. el.
12.":41,111.1,Z,"::,:geTty'mgqi.t= 0 T h r:g;
of sea Cetgeed Jobe i s matter of Cebisfa
farm --thence running a evenly course To Umlaute
in In such • scanner, Meares all fewer
lots situate in Conflinghwa's Thinict, and . I,,e r the
deer said boundaries,!ehall We at genes Aachen. ln the Muough of liberneh aft the
election you of sae borough.
TIM Pu bl ic.
the Boroomh of Illrmlngharn to wet at
Me Public. Ncbeol Hameln mkt tanmegh.
Theo lectors of the Baronet of gadßirmingham to
meet at the Helene oak. of 011ver Orme/. in saki
The eletom Doemme Borough ti> meet at the MAW
&heel Home, In me borough.
The Cortes etthe Borouge of lefeencerfds to wee at
throPublle hots. In mad tarough. • • . ,
Tim ogees. of the borough id Pbargibure. to meet a t
the home of Jews !Sharp; lured bommet, , . • !
the The rlbeara
o f
sala borouf the boroug ch. h of McKeesport to meet at
Tho electors of the baroueh of Pon% Pilteurecto meet
at the 10111.1 famtaly MIDI by IA htcennlacb. at the
lb. In o salcl berme ' A.
ohl di trTlV.,M,';'theql,4°Ud°" "
ofie person for governor of Pitinsylemia:
oe new. 000 Cmallkarneedoner
Five germe Mr..ludee of the Sormeme Court of Petal.
cine pamoviAl yresideot indite of the District Court be
WIZ= for &a u, Judgwol c 0.%
County of d
safe pereon =Um Judge ofj Comte of Common
Flees. quarter Omaha. tree Allegheny coney:
....Twe mamas far emaciate Judge of MM. tonne;
Fite person
rexma ast=zoipelimbly of PVITIPM.j.,
One Mama he Begleter
, rr,
fie peen Pa Clerk Of the Courtlef Meet. seek.,
um.perion ft:rt Treamierof eIIe.MMY OMIT s
u O u n t e ppoerennnt f
tuburrr C eeunntty
am en f d ais{ Caa,m
terr,n•im7oin,rn,e f
Alm in and by the Mb wallet e km fat, at4roxim
the of Ap t %
li ly, it Is anartad,
the Lbe Nation of
the ad
uy,utted m entwastang to the
elections of dalsCommonWselllbaballboi bearoonatreed 000
Mime or boronah,,Mhear from wry
t,:w as JWremspeotor, or Clerk, at aa , .... m a oe sp e le:
Mallon m a shie leimmoneraalta. jtive a , •
-.lea MA firtemcindge a the pegieged.
WA are requiredeo tows yetthe Wet Mu. 111 -um city
of rusaanh.oetwidarratat TtlilldlY of
WOW, nut, then ineTthere tu
1000 lDr law.
When er My band, amd nal at Plitibrotisti.ll4.l Val day:
tf w ited s tem Ezz,t. t. p.13.51. sad of . thif Inerpeedenced ths
0 / 33141 " •CO PURT/K.
, •
EGS W lea l ve eint. l \ o
itt ' f PrC6lllar orm the ' ci 4 Ux * ens lial of .c ..Pi ' '-
tts '..'''':
11 \ -7.nell'2,':s'il,%i,- Cot , 1,0.10, - 1 ~,, ,, '„.=, , ;'",",g ' - . .• ;
b. petru - A_ MI VIFPI L 4 , I4II9 . Iakti k aV 1 0 L l ' !7.
the 7sti Bern
_. A .
• \ -
114,r ' . \ \
I . 1a ,...a 5m..1..1 . 1„ ,, F.A„.. , , , , A n i.s :A . , 1.t , ...i,.. ,, ,, , , . , , , -
..r . ,..",iFfrr= r h,;l4. ,- " d . , yo ir
NDCN LABOR atiq th,e Leu4 R ,
~ . .??..tii.,k,r - 1.,.0..
Bete r at \
ordain t • Pokl Office._
T io, TANN r oTA,,! a s. ' •
an, eolith I . Anon:re a
rROF. A . X. O. B
tannt, oft =lee TE
etly for the end, cm
Pne cranium eon . Id, at
N,7!r b iteti " ,Z.c ' To 11
11 16...
th In
oldies of rtalilll.
t 7, In the lakid It le o, ttit itly
he al. It dada \r
tin t romote.. Its aro ht ony
sdsklia dancing! find Mel
' f Ird r a4Vot ` .:rdt i t i tle d r oal
' I: arrlp.:szlzg l i.- < I 4,Z
t aiding Lo r 83t, \
By oral* of‘t(!e.. Quart:fiat:4 o . e Poor tte Cit:y \
of Pittientryk ',
'I\I4VILL Bt. SOLD, at Pak 'o
Auct n, on \
TMtriargtr d S e tP m t .r , 13 • i“ 3
Vi k :Ali h n dth it I " b°
La are .3-14 N (to mb Viro ' s I ' l t.tticc, til.
LIZI:r the Depot end alachbil Sho alll .he err
la ' r t e t bond and offer an a . Ilenk on t -
Mail for profitable Investinente. Terme in a ktitiat i
de. . -. \ J. IL 3.1011 CD AD,
se td Channtan,of Oont. on. Es tate.
alt. AND JUEIT/CBB 011 i TOO PEAL (Oda
‘ atgir7ki 'La..
144 0. tn . , eititet, '"± iArt tur enil: ' IT; \
Attachments; m ew BMA la. to., for Inaint 0 ' '
W ' 8. 11 a YEaCa, Sidon.;
. " \ sep3 . corner tdarki and &pond
pitArrs.— him earlntr".at Nhtes and D
tyeedidatsir soar. for ,:t!,t,.
,_ , , i 'a,.
L m A nr N e. K ,
. 1 , 1 , 1
1 i ' MCot giant la,
' elf L eVe jth r .lV'
Loo'dint CA.
can had at y
sena \
I.Journal, Di
._ ._,..
10 bars. Ind - red
d well worth tt
_d_ i railing the or -
Do ne, cuhiner
French I
pferO no,. open. -
. _.
1r T lief. Just reo
plant and plehlJaeone
Idle book diens Doti, •
dornmentattid di clan
. _..„
E O EL R RoEessNa T, 4han
owitrstrii, , . pr
naldlPi rIEn glkeo
' B UTTER -'
BRoaNs,7s dOl
..._, , o_,L_.
-- .1,._ - ...!.F01,_
NE W B \\ O\p K S
Mason of 040100 n
r .De Lendlina Trot
_ io re u regr . af b. :leL , Statrd .
11eildedtt d Inta7Ape
2 v0t5,12.1.. mu.
Antlinds RA.. Al A..
f i i_dr , -Itbd,\Th nomad, 1 ___,.
~ /Cha., ity . :in.
\ Vila In he Dark Ma .or Belittled. ohthlittlan fe
In e altild r lticen front . e adman tif thli ate A 1.,
tn.° , sande . demo ~ Ida •
The Ntar of IV:Sleellindi Commends' orahe al'
Dbliptur of at. pantie, by ard.Chencrix xrecith, .
- 3 , 11., asarrintfoa ' dad, of the ,rd Iliehop of ot,rom.
0111101 r„yilit, L oyy d„ .diu or ioe„,, „ ye , \ \
Lranalit Alidob `—Th. Venda, of Alga . 'gnt.d
Ar Beglanera af !ant . Idotny (D 'A., Prof o ' - ' ... . 0 .''
emetic, ite- ,
(to. le, Pictorial a IdV Book of lbw 12...ohttiote. , e+x . eg.. %
1 . P ltri ' 4l:;xl a fp=l. ll'. 11' k h l. IY X:likr.e ',' \
,I ' did ~.,..'_. pApollo scn,ntPrurt et-
1 . 311M.,800 1 'HEW . Et/WO 1
, „
t r LIOLIkiKS' LI Xlitl - DEFOT, .1;e:74
Third etread.Oplaalts . e
Pi.' 1,1( • ,-... \
, rpd• Baykal, for ember. '.; \,.
It C , .. , 4C.r. • dlfeteriral ‘loaei. ,"\ , . 1 0
atinbeininend tab /1/11, or B de .pd Blinaiditta.. .i',
Lady 'della, tin node. "Trade in tbefitidetca
Bayern,* of • 'del. ' *Book ( fled. •., ,', Lea'
Llttelrit /dna Atte, No. 381. ,
\ Met rateie tale of 3 Ina Tint ".by .P. It Jane,
. " \ ke , :a:iizzel, or thaildidiroad ti Life. `:..
" uja nalt;:d
1,1,ttradm , :iii ,.1,,,,. . ~ \ i , f...,, ,
NinOrAtt,=edalcca t kr. . \' \
\lt'Vri u lL " :l ,, ,,Z 4 V -.% \ ' \,,,\:,
1,6,:,,,,L . ,,d0,.1., - I,_ \\ ...,,,,, r. ,
i Mrerlitte. m br .lf inked.
.... u italiall e da the (Bydld of , liatala y kb a, ' ' , ,,f t-
TIM Adder's Ihiu bier. '.. W. ainlna (an Cap tr "by
Ednioaldildet. \ \ \ '..,, d \. . . • 1
\ at
4.1,, kr o ol of,AattiP atelft e ge
.. .
Boded cer t. .Sale.rgarty ' ,4l. ?dad. phantom,:
Toad ,Pr o , Vile apt cf ''A Locke. , \
The Tamers titan din Ilustredo
Vx. t r,Aze' ..V.lztl&w. ,c,...
\x...01.„.. , , , \ \_. ...,
11 -i pT,f.nre„r4. 76 4 .-,. .. 1 . 7-11 **, ;Ls.,
kng__. ' \ fob L - - \ „ fo ' Faille by
t - \
, 7,
0 .. \ ,_ to ' \ 3 I da. ' DILITII a C
S Et ( 4 ‘ ,, l f il , 7 l B\l , ll . 4ita t tik u bi ,
.. 'ii :\
EAR ='ko . o 11 ., (. 4 1 1 . 8 \ , . „. 11:21.: .:
\ ll7l 1.}...P .
-11 3
T2 AO • • o• -et, extra, fox sal b:y
y _42 .. \ \\l. fa DU, 30tH i s O.
Great Bergainl
,5 , t erces k iel)y ~ ,
p 2, \ \1?: li. DM it w 4 64,
t i o L 4 .4
, g . : - . -. 1 : ' - , v. 4 . gk . 4
~1 *..1
j e D a i l4 c T il '5. ,
(~._ \
polll ,l„ kr z. A y. lffms d rit Sr.o . f i lix; ?. t , ,E n tf: , ...„ . '
A. 17- v 4 8.t € , 1W \ 51 - 1 "
QATETYV SE-12 lible:lor s?t, \
__,\ 4.,9 , e , : rk , kpl t
OA - Pgii. 111.*....NCiew\ .pa s '4.4
1 *.4 ,„' isst.T \ ss.‘p.m4ma..ti. .• - s.
set,2 s 1 t ' , \ ht lice!? e t.
/Q,REEIOVIIIVAYW 04P 4 ER-4!e.4\1 rid
5tit. ,1 0(0 , ..'• IX te s e.o.T;itt \ ' ilk
—25L:4-.- 4 0 -- : - . -- . --,-..--- - tt.
NIV',It KS !*-.., Tr4els \ In the Usat .
. s t.: , tsusi,..!, uatt ,ssctss , r1iti 4 1 . 1 7 t1'..! . ; , by the \ a,
Iti r eePg=ol 7 4 ',, ''''''. ' "'''''i
No. e, ftr Avow, titypletoli(e hit't , ...
Citerint*e \JeurceL t
Boor ,
Mt IbTlesortal,) o f
. Now ZS\ stut ih) ti,i j tuta; Ter
_ . ..\ \ !_erl \ • \ 1 .. \ . - „
rr. E h es lrek eee 11 IA aid for'eser
r ,,, _.' l \c-st.,!totiy,.,,.ik, 2 ;
m, ~,,,._s , _._7 l / 4 , ..„,,,,..„1,,,i t_ _, ,
vitratE x4 , Pimp .—S v anlea, \ •
:bra 41\ 9 7 . %M B ck ,
le tt a te'. triPA7.-
Iw. ad, Lacep; Wry ,- • -
Jikwelty, Millte. ,0, skidel.e.c,,llo,whee):
I ' eAelee,'.
lIT . III Tel= er,
FALL. 0001
it A. A. MASON ....
!W.I. \...4.u.!',.
Slam al* elude.
- -
" se r
kfvOe s 4
act , toEN SOUP -40 Hip. foilikie by
)IPIB P.W ° . ‘ I 7 4I - 17 -' 14 416 1P Y
f sitt "i tr ‘
.. W. HA
and kr ute ri
i t at.-jAierres for'
\ 4 (thump
4 WI. Honer
6 w. 4'a
PEATLIERS-30 sacks land' .fr r , d for sa e,
IL' 4r toep!) \ JELAIAId DM J CO. .1
CUDA 1 -Wilk, be ‘ published. ,N onday,
the /. .r S•ptamben',4 spa rOi it A. , t the 1,-
li.d of OVIIA, pgre 11, .slits. s .J. JIM.. •,
t r l g dO, TJ3Ir4 Pi.. op pk..ed. P ••.
LI EATREK--a , 'so Sides'ilemlock '• .ed
1 0 go.,o,ii , V . . ,
r ,,q, \ \ - s • It.,, , nALzku. ci.
g:iorgia'A-M i;iiOfor sale by _ . \
1 -- 1 .._r4 41 P......,,
~,,; A.- :P - ° t ~.4f. •
sulA i n u —6 \Win, rinnei . 1 1: 14 . t . bi cu. \
SA.I,i , N O O - T S '.,lbls:lNio. l i. f i lr A gr i i L l ai
Al ORRIS' \TR . A . MART, in thi7binnioncl.
'ex -'.9 i nsoogii wr krt.,. war . ojo n r ir , ...t,
at'ibls",'••"t•PlllV &wind a lar ama lestode oa 4 .,,=.
I cl!' " ..'' .l .'‘Y,':/ .. J: id ,V 3 I'L'°,? A. ‘,
GIV:Zg."''P. I . 4 IR* , tel.. Ojthm. 10 Pj. rid
--la W1T,.." --- toarnr.d.BcznurzaLD
ii. • c , Artrcin7W-Viledd s port full =1:: :f I h tlgiT.P'•
. 1 _!IT-It."" \ -__-. \ -2, .'''''' ) -.2.1.
NIRDLE WORK etTCLARS, of new and
- , ..,Vel""'" 4l4 ,l3.7irrerilfucliriELD.
IuiIBRONS! ItIBBONSWe are openin - g
1.1, mat iN.}4 \ ..4 LTiZßotatiet and Neck WM.:Mt..
. . F ,0 3
... \ . nu Rl' I gUROLLYIELp. \
grililßlST , i:i4 ,Cr PIUNTS: Mnit
lia out A lit L o ri Its: rftelved slat ot , raT
braeLtal Ulf ,tt4 tub espnoly-An
tb•Waslirs ram. tgt 11. 6 aCtinnica Pr th£o.Z. ll * -
. \ 1 \•- . \ .......,.. i i , \ -
\ .
. \
HE3IY SEED-25 1;111i; for sale 14 . '
ug3l , J. KIDD & CO., 611 W. • st .
I ARD - 611.-40 bbIe.NOT4, for ritle,brN
14 augSo ' ' , .7 awn a to ,
, . , , a ,_
P UMICE tSTONE--800 Ibi4 j fz i llk,: ta \.,
RRA DE SiENNA-10001b. fur aide by
Drug Store for - Sala' \ •
ml7rdiscb e7tmti7l.-t•
r '' exeollent tva of rano. at the peraeat time. Thin
marteetntl Nth the eetabllthwavt eeee,ral aareacke.,of
' rt * := ,, fltie k l2; ' ,;tlV.,,Z, H .Vt.lT2:ll=7:=4
fa It For partleams e aadrese nos 11.9, with real aaate. •
4t, BURCIIFIELD are nor
st i tonleVtlA ' ll?zi,r:qxtlg c ‘!,l Y- 4.P l4•uw fd
m tm g
aa n n
S- 1-I ;'‘iiihe the remote they will rr tl
h pewee.
tSW PRINTS A 113e.--Opeiiirilt this
:gyenklie , eg aesortmee‘ or pew etyle.Pill prints.
' \assummitlA
JUS : .CEIVED, front the Phillipsville
on lotb Feetors--3000 adet , e, and 6 quarter Pat
ent Otesedirags 011 Cloth, are site th e antennae of
obolhals ors and enniagenissinbettrthrsto thitherto
.arnole—the rrill End It to tiottadvattatin pore/watt.
0a,0.t0 at a.tiov
s krpott i gX i tixt Ver ' : 334l lona, than MIT other.
tre to the Ited States J.• p + IIILLIPS,
\ seo29 _ i 9 Wced St-
ERRA JAPWNICA-10 pkga just reel
`Nao for solo a \ J. IiCiiOONVAIC I W: t. %),
, ..L V
m TR AM AR ttit BI,UE-0 mien for sale
lE l\
‘ 429 \ J. PqjIOONM
L P NI SALT - S l c2s Gbla
KA , s a , .1. 0011001
1110 SIVO I f
vs bb e. 3r s e c :a i tt ) 3 o : .
11 ARb 4.-10 Mile. No,
.4 gonad/ A \ _ _
_., scitoc
vii . tyystioo ta %j g if
Dissolialon of Porto
Pre Interest fethe Month. Ito -wrung Nib..
otos partner. Som the 4La do, of J arts UM, •.•
V ,‘ tier Interne I the sum All persona
Ind r e
wilt set . with the rthitlithing iirttherer
n Par .I L to d ,*4 ;"'.;.m.a wax. "
o e.
holders N )cf Wile Little SaW.,slill ,
• c.ipeiy,.. ki.enby thst
Do d 3ars ,, aNs repul obe
Pkazd •11 bictocr. \
IE .Swe
• Un
nt ol tiv
ir the IL
ordor of
.4tvcd 8
\ as
iION/ a -
qUonraritt ttO
uaratown, '' wt
fair It lb.'
taatfril and d
nog. and a goo
the temlaes. F
l 4 igtit
\,,.‘a l al:A.11A::
Rat ,,ta il
glu t, uta s t
ins tinVtlMl
Compau at
tniettohlo\ l k
By orde of t'
Mill Ituti It It
sm .
I. \ fOT A6 '
T 1
01710,. B TD,
all m a w fi and iptirly 14014,....auLt.3
i m.,La tt rio. 3,
JA3IIiSsA- ' ll eI Z ,I IB O' N & CO-
tralti l ' N.
I LI. N C7l,
A " N,
77 1
~'''' EX \EX,S tit ASSOXMENTN,' Or
r ,s t; D Jtriailltfit A. ;ftir t 7, Y, °/''"'', \
sta. k 2,-:;_ _ \,, ,tllotArAlatEß. Attrket pt.:,
Wit , :_---, ' •
TRNMPARVN,T, Itc l iDOlin u '=ll.
rtribtoing the tonttkiktrat and otylek
,In Inklttot tre*4 awk for Or at • gkarosir4netiotiV
TM`tttk.. b/
1 E 136ARD pai,r 7-
T trikkfrnik la.rk.r .
str e ese.,•fut
1.2 m
ik LEW k 7..,
1 ...
''YraxMa%hr .
• an 44
tocelved iant bar ok,l
5.. Orearred Writer,
...) .. N . • \
loliN, H. MELLOR,
t ., •
g,.. rerrived dm 6516:7
.. I.air• A .
bole, \Jorter4e. a Fore- •, s. cti, team '
dr Lam-
S . ..tilra mr . rz t 0;2 4 171 0 1 , 341. 1 x 0 . c 0,,... 11v, ,, \ \
VIIIr Must dhal . nc , ‘ ' YCJ , Vartett,` .
A4Z2v ' \ Mt !
_ t e n t.,4 l "\ tcTt...t
TC, cps bums to \ Orn '' s , b. 14 .,7- 7 -.1 ...A .
1 .flarb ror the% .. \ rk stag me Mg rrolit air
.P. ib'd 1,20... 1 7e. A 9. . - -"Aolati , N. • \•, 4 .
L'iT;Ny: T T B L :lix ....'i l tir' If..':•.i.;':
.b igneViT2ttap; `1 4 4, 4 344 \ a .l,
tuatht. ‘Wrl ' ir, Aurora. rad tili , trlell \Ws/. ' A
ricir, Ne.acr's slur, iiloamer.t. Firetlr, itacw
Grar, '.liyq • ctr, Cograge,' , Usdery‘• Cf...9.1 , Ta. ‘altri atis%
L .
II iswp,k j. 12 1F-150 , ,bble,*uit. sec':
IrO ES ,R ' 9,
_WC_ ,ERIE \AM: I \S . I— }X,S,
3i 6 ,_“N".." Tcr ..
bLl:l ,i .-ABrk Ttur. \ %tyrr_ALldorr t a t Att
.b. , tbtibeb.Sea \s,77l7frdeitul\ And ' ‘.._
nz.x,=i- I kb ‘ b l ie.rll= 1.11
24 ii.v... 4,3% •
10ngt.8.,,p; \
V. c itife4r. \,..."°""' *Vg a l„\ \
kN . l*(lA , . \ `,7.1.7. 2 ' . `1\, , % 4 \
1 ,,\0
.„ :\ 6u catty , i2O beau ptha , PIA 41201:.
Vt , . s 0 4 , 01
p. , . :.5 d0z....1 , N
x isktr Tine mmin,
t . t ., , , Rut lipirtt 10b d. ..n Timms
, ~, \Tar A r.tabx,„ D. ‘Ybtslit lid nhall DT,
,` N v.,, ,, ,5:,. $4,...'i —7kodia r te, A.. •
Ify,W - 1
81c,K i
VA •V . 7j:....d &h.. , iEn. s
8 IL,* tl.E.42q . bbleYor spli by . ,
• an & \ ,), ~ F.Neau esp r..), NETT
-80 , v.t . ,1 I,otps isiat 1., - icor sake !ow by
suid7A \ \ 't. .6./IDL 8 • A DID NETT.
TAX -10 ;Ith:i n k.. C., •1\ ti le Idio by
iizzl \ \ Nia &NOWT! BEN*M7.
'4 II OBACC bi. s's L. ..i
lauir27 •
_, 'NOLISU A ~
-, tOBACCO,-1! ' key! • Twis 01 4 1 a0Pw.
-"", \ • =Kau ' . ' • t Z . reA
t 1 1 itiE4. \ ) \
IN_ ~' , .4. : •••--- . - -ti f“ \ *1
41=:t B.j. C .
' 5.." "*.:,?.''.4"
: 4.
. 12/ o pav , s . V u .. :: r i i MUnr n p ri tizitirild
. cI rK
' I N t i ii. 7" 4, '"°'" Wit2o71 -71
\N : 74% 9 L ' ia 4 : ,
[ A. Thi%i r t_t s tViirwa 'l° `V.Va u atggt
end ns f pteP4. MO Nat% ''''
. n'of an_ p Watet.r.d
ld lkt le condtry \ tIN \ 31(.416L140.41. \
ue i corner bllittit itna tort. eta_
4\ 1 014; '''
tttze Rio, *Ail
_II prime,
Ittt ket t itiiiiiht wa• br \J,I , J4k" 'o 7; , " '
urPl • 4., \
8 lITE 'sr( AN ,,, --''''\ - "?.
LiiiiiiPhi; ado
Xli_ ,do \
\ r: r g , ili italL
• E FAiE, \
o P. It Jukes.
Ms 0 thit wttr • Om..
tt.wi---a wt with Ingreml
\ Por le et 6.631 E d. I.
roald44l. Pod 011)ceiL,
-.r. - -- --
. i i... ,
taldo. 1 , 41.0. 0.140 . .
' '
b4.\"" .l3V 'M .I. 7‘r
120, cauldron ut, to addife per maw Can .\
Wt. bP , \ ~ • , ddll IL Yi,6l(D.
13011" EII,-- - ,150 kepi 1 --'--- 3rig,, fiAimle It'
1. .4 , / \
__\.\. , LI R. 71.4,1111. ,
ice Roo= 'dozeil:ccric , fiir'elde
IR :`.°4 -.4. \ :,_.l___ :i .. \i .
.I \ll._ , P.k.zl‘
kliOLL— doi:AlriiiirtNikeei, ' ITO ,
rhea. w hiii4teta e thiltle it ItabbiWAt.
1„„, 7,,,,diiwohitAL • - I ) "J. .ItPL. LtILLIP% \
kiu,s_sV4 . in boies.iSuct bb).) .
P.r., 4,r,..avi,v.i.L.Vms_,..\\t'l
. 1,- ;f 6-4 Lorizi t.b vyi
' "Attn --- 411,Vil=gi:
.! +"4:4:::„,,, J
% \
S.A.tfupply , f an
TH -g sus:. _
NO. [LT POLiiTH‘37/11/27;
r. F. IL ELTON. and having- entireir matted I.
will open, on tbo 14day d LlPWLlaffe.illf ff Il
'froperfor stack pf \
torether with itoek of TRI.IIIUNDS AND „ W
IND &DOD.% ea oi kald efr * 4l
knern and favorite eltablishoLeior: '
If i n7lng . ' lLLlT=P=l . 4 eTI! ' I . ILe P '. l=lll.
hist taro move. obtain • more mar lif.r . stoek thin el*
where Lo the dlr.. , he intends &fearing Pardon'. gaffe
Lion to those brantles.of bysineor, Ippartlng the mall
one ekthe Geol. hinsseil4 i nd t d s Zel l :01r
\ FALL agiLiNonirxr. \
Inc on eztth thi'Oilia asul\k"earta.,E4*
. , -- TEIHOUGH nr,e 80171111.
1 I ASStNGERS iiill take the 10 `4.lii. - eigthe'
fr6 ''' PubburVhenmth.. •\
eh rrtral at l l,w Brighton, at lIM. A. M. daily \ it'll
st.N‘w Castl t 4 1% 11. •. N
Zorotog we New (lesthi At 'I P . M, turitireit :
\Nrtoo for ttle7l4 A, BI: train. s ' \
racket co
nwocte at New Cattle with the /Mum \
Moron barco AO. \
' 71.• tllek4. twly to ONO. P.MIKIN
I. 0 1 .11Wer "li'M
\. , , o—, kluctorwahola Iloonlin t egh;
\ at 3.l,slie'p Rotel, New' ...i.
041:Im •• \ . _ Jtoeboeter,‘,w
sqcuyae4 LoC%rt, 20 mites sew of Johnatot
FirlhE St!" KRISERS have t 63 plenitice to
) tEwlr Meads aad patron et tn. P.n.
s u v,lsllcßall i roa,d, the we, have anameoeM trumblpplos \ ,
\..l L.^ es Phfrallpto.toltirretr.ura *deo. ba \ ,
W. am'ilo. Armvato teekir s and fOrwlrlaar tmciont. \
tt. \ \,
a .....tßudi..r,_.. , 4.c. w , . .... PA q.i.tach h \
t.b ?NE, Tlluvm ND AB PER WM.,
yvat,A=l4 ° e 1f.14h.... ik.k., - - - '‘
'` .l ` ,ll ,,° V4ltT: ' DrlZl474l3o;f r eg
INLIng" D Itr \L ' st ° •.\ \ , -
I .tiu re... , .S s ot tr (1.17= . . \ • ;
Fo k u Lt ri4v ... iir
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, Dni
I:\ v lo,tt ofeeite
Ws i ter
Ws 1.
, e
li . ... tmes *tune ...• _Ars' t.,..-, -
31trywg to t 4 .,,. ti s .t;Ji .,ln Tettellt
I\ lltig_
°Ft' &.f .
Le •Te Donde fr, 0.11..MM0617..
1 6 iv4..
atlulteralloo. end impfultr ette. It \ ell, Le
\I - cazattolly Otte. and to =U. - ' I =4 gr t t
LI: , i'.. a l xi t , ohk-nrukci.r4*\ \
m 0,...1 to settengeteta or treqadttr,...a.balidlott ' \
PettrePale b reettLii l aittlettieN== .
thite , ear other, cot. he t le W.ble to turn ~ ,,i , ... i1. . ky,' or to\
,4 1 . ;:olgo , ,ett , ..tzut, off. g a tTg ub e Inf . / IL al=
t...... torrteleln= • , t I r ",. ..., _N e ' -
, Throe Itielarobiteel atm low petee,ead us U . deObtt.d.ii.,
The <balk "... ent b beet pinta he TAM mule pt ..- -
roofs.ereof woo" i% Trett it , "
oat they
- or Item st , they ere pettlealerle%
a ealverde livereetion,...Aeetlrelt ,
*I" ' :1 d'i e
= j ar ols% . at l tt:e "
k: At sop" atb., Met! al terns A a.,..
~% ! _, m ~..., bunts. Pb.l: .1 •
tiltaAßS-8 t ni gn s . I. in it.
I. \ *it tit\ I t.t \ 1 ~..
ft 140.5.P.,---100 Ekekee Cream;
el:b;„‘ \ , \ N' iw ,-..1V - X 0 ..t0,.-nil
"St I FFEE-31V4 t rim t
ei ,at,
T\, .A.S-40 hf. eAgatiTocch 1
\ 1 :I \, , lnipeal:
..tilk . ..14.31,E4 L'Lli t n'
QUP. I OI-sCklgtl;
.Ta lMft , , l l,\\ Aa ,
ituf S. .
red, Meat l'tot feet In lonsib,
A Win alike unaffected
tre; rer. and requiting no cillu to
blevn trete breaking, yorsent et tens,
Cqba mu.
prx , rh. , wits, 14t net
tatloN 11011zuT L4L7.t.Lt t
iB . xn. • . 16 twist,.
JA g DA/.ZELL. 65
boxes Vi. for sale .
a 04,15 ' JA.11.13 DALULL
for sale by
eitra dry, for 'r
T-1;07 . - to fat i , Filt r gaVoZ
;10.15,. TUittENTINE--3t'libla..for r
\ FL A. PALLtitArrtC)l\
g A - KOBER OLOV,S— An 1113* Awe imett cat/1. 0 1 . 9W* Iscal
riPtaWit i grAt* D , sleot. 7 . 0 0 7 W. " 7
Atated hand. la wa I ' 4er '
• '4414 . M iTtektga.lfi 115,
t a. . TRINT:s ? - 4 . 4; sea .
\ k,al2T# 'PA =tits usual at vary km at
Mao, \ 3 of than ♦ cle.irabla azeat kllllll
. \ rly ~,. . j....t4 bgti . .. 2 m,t , i t awt ,
IVIAV #.1.7.-50 bblti Nu4,LaNcti,
''''34 .\ ssA r V n it"i. Hec:omait;
4 . l CLARY s til , ds. N. 0. for side
\ 4.; J. s. immoral bo.'
~ s4ontB--15
'doz. Corn, for eale by
by • - 7
LZI, 119
10 11 1° 4 'amI\
f or
me \