The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 04, 1851, Image 4

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. _ .
ntint-i4W:EVERS_ keaiCAL...-:
. .
. .
CororeFiltb tbe Lord! oan IL bo• L -
Tb..o obi, bolglot ma:tools tor das or tont'
That ibr,tho so. of festl'olortollty
•Lit g 1,..,. thi, krolloyo of .w4eoloos gooitta t
vc.aa 'Mica° thy neut.
lialiaver, La. ibis Au,: a Unapt. cheat
tby,Frep., thy Path
to third:looi' taaett, and all krona.' to dinar_
.O.IIN Me Litt ! tot ttita • •ore
ne niclij note, to quick.= Into lift
''[Los 4.64 in kin, whinke kWh.% take not n*6,l
'Tto.l r Pe. tor , tall le Wu the Claalaaaa aunt•
forayer with the Lord! Sou !ball tap light
-qi cn4 the eteraall day fa epletatorjaaa •
Theo Lef al taesatewy the wort* of night.
.;and take CiOatianatir ere Par Wahl to Put,
Forelettartth the heti% Ibetoott. the teat,
We nitkieik lemalu shel meet him to the air:
The ellt,nif LKlaf. the eeeth elt Pee..
• With r fhlttediettool the thee or ..... to roar..
Imes. sat. the Ltd Ayes itulk rat
Owrati W ceaulaeatlOV. syo, still with Ll=
'Ws aull pun. of [la s3ul' tba.l.
Tar. pimaitre ortritca IN Eitaimyl).
A recent dumber of the London Christiae.
•Pitotea contaius the followfug article : •
"On mOrolay ti:leafing was held of the Cdurcia
and congregation aesembßag in Union street
chapel borough, to recent e 'a deputation from
their brethren New England, and to confer ;
with them
on the means to be adopted in the con- '
cart for the erection of an'edifimitin Southwark,
• In-conamemuration of,tbe Pilgram Father. who
4 farm the first Congregatimud church After
Td staging and prayer, the evidence on which -the
• claim to this distinction rests, supplied by pri
• estapapers and rare 701111022 in the possession
. of the senior deacon, compiler Of the tifileinari•
Ms," c c „ant explatued to the deputation.. It
wee *Mown that the the churCh can be
traced with oinclusive.certeinty fur two hundred
andibirty-live years..
The pastor, in the name of the brethren, said,
{hat standing, as they did, in the locality where
liarrots and Greenwood communed with each
other in prisotr,Uilal languished out hie life in
' em ofiensive dungeon. Peary suffered on the
gallows. Jacob formed the church of Christian
confeasors. Lanthrop was immured; where Bun
yan preached and Baxter
,Othaversed with Mat•
thew fleecy while. in jail—in the very Thermopy
lae of ifiligious liberty—they felt that their re
. sposibillty was of nu onlinttry pressirie, tiers
ted'• •the inspiring hope that the , friends
of religiSPES freedom would at length combine
to raleue from Oblivion the precious and.hallow
- ed memories of - theiheroic Men to whom, under
Gad, this country owes its greatest social blecs
. logs. They began their enterprise in weakness,
and'under ,much.discouragemeut but they bad
tOund e friend in. his excellency Abbott Law.
rime; who wee wish them, mind, heart, and
hind, and who said to them itt e ifite of his cur
. • dial commultieations, "I will ere the upholders
'..' of the Pilgrims at any Lour, night or day.
The Rev. Beth Ellss, one of the New England
deputatieo,rose under deep emotion as adesceud
ant, of the Pilgrims, to expretis the fervent
sympathy of the brethren on the other aide of;
diet Atlantic. lie had Jost returned from the.
Sou; of Europe; but since be hid left his native
• laud,' he, had never felt at home before this me
; atonable and delightful evening. He refrired to
the thrilling interest awakened by the address
from the:thurch in Southwark to' the brethren
in New England, and in partithllar to the strive
deal of. the Hon. Amos Lawrence (brother to the
' , ambariador) and the Rev. Dr. Leonard Woods,
in the important and 'deeply interesting object ,
At a meeting of PestMte, he hal been requested
to pay them a fraternal visit, and on the spot to
• make the injuries as to the worthiness of the
people, the extent 'of their resources, and the
amount of interest manifesd by neighboring
pastori.. hit eiteusive:journeys through. the
New England States- 'he would not fail to bring
their before the attention of the ped
. The R 27: E. A. Lawrence, of Massachusetts,
. expressed.with rioted fervor,•hil fraternal Inter
ests, or he might rather say, hii Mial reverence
for t•Mother Church': of the Congregationalists.
Messrs. Danbury, J. E. Newton, J. U. LeeLJ
Churchill,.O. Inn!, J. Caton, and William Brad
' ford rose in euccession, to supply the informa
tion desired V the New England, deputation,
and to reciprocate;the sientirAnts of Christian
confidence twin esteem. The Rev. John 'Wad
.dingoon having farther explained the position of
the church and its present movement; and .
Messrs. Bliss and Lawrence haring again ad ,
dresied the meeting,
,the proceedings terminated
' with devntional exercises. .
Dr. Ity&rsot4 theable superintendent of edu
cation for Canada West has recently made a re
port of the state; of education in that conntiy,
which shows a degree of activity tutespectedly
encouraging. During the preceeffingyear, there
were 8:863,912 paid to teachers, and $66,758
for erection and repairs . of school houses. The
number of pupils hare Increased nearly 16,000
—the whole number being nearly 100,000 chil
dren in the pro wince, who never enter the door
of a school house. Of the 8,060 schools, only
2,097 BTI3 in the-habitual est of the Bible; and
in 8,059 religious' instruction qf an uncertain
charseter is given. Daring., the year 8,476
tendhers have been in employ, of whom 779 only
ate females-291 had been trained at Normal
sehools-858 ase Presbyterian-94 4 lifethodiste
—795 Episcopal-890 Catholic2.BB Baptiite;
and CougratiOnalista.' The average of their
remuneration was from $l2O to $244 for males,
'and from $9O to $lO for females.. ; •
Osiom or tar PCNNT POSTAGE traveller
sauntering through the take districts et I:4g
hind some years ago, ambred at 'a small pUblic
house just es the-pettman stopped -to deliver a.
letter. A young girl came out to receive it. She
took it in her hand, turned it ever arid over, and
asked the charge. It was a large sum—no less
I that, a eitillidg. Sighing heavily; she observed
thatltesma trots her brother but that the was
too poor to take it in, and' returned it to the.
, postottan accordingly. The traveller was a mat
of as of- obsorsatiot he offer
, sd to pay the postage hiumelf, and in spite of
more reluctance on the girl's part than he could
well understatid, be did pay it, and gave her the
' letter. .No sooner, however, was the postosan's
tack turted, than .she confessed .that the pro
ceeding had beet tepee:Led between her brother
and herself: that the letter wis.empty; that cer
tain signs on the directiou-conieyed all that. she
wanted to knew, and that, as they could. neither
of them .itord to pay postage, they had devised
this method of franking the intelligence desired.
The traveller pursued his journey, and as ho
plodded over the Cumberland fells, he' mused
upon the trains of seyatem which drove pee
vie totuth straits for meats of corrosponderme,
Asti defeatedlls own object
ould have ended before
all' the time. With
most men etch musings
the close of the hotir, but tbbs man's name was
fLowlead'Hill, and it was from this lit,cilexit and
thestrellections that the whole echemtof penny
s .'postage 101 derived.
, .
dutr.4ccrura. Paccocter.-. 1 -1t once' happened
that an anxious mother asked Uri Barbauld at
whseage , she should begin to teach her child 'to
mad; should much preferthat a child should
not be able to read before five Yofirs of
was the reply. ••Why, then, have you written
books fu 'l children of three?" "Etcetera, If a
young mamma will be over busy, the had better
teach M a good way than in a bad one." !have
' dunces - at twelve,- and dunces at six perticularlY
clever at sixteen One of the most popular au
thoressos 'of the present day could not read when
• sin was sena. Her mother was rathqr uncom
fortable about it,but said that as everybody did
learn with oPportnnity, she supposed her child
would do et, et last: , ,liy eighteen, this apparently
slow genius paid ttetr heavy but inevitable debts
of her fram'e t tte,profits of nee first work,
and before thirty, hertpublished thirty volumes.
-- Murray's oftertaikdiwr , "sedan." .
xn Hasciat,%;Turoar,&.Antong the trans
actions - the ScenfiSc Conviation at Albany,
is forma the foijoxlne
Prof. S. • Atm:Nair, of Princeton. N. J.'; open
ei4 with one of the ablest papers which has been
mad in this department, on the Origin of the,
Pawns, and on the, prevent conditions of the clus
ters of Stars and resolyable Nebular." He ow
siderea the 'lobular hypothesis to be sufficient,
in 'node attic measure, for the combinations to
which a is 4 rstir..l,amignie o, brilliant application
of it to our own solar system, the milky way, tic.
His generaliyation from the various nebula which
vier" Tiribre Odic eye wezwespecially not e-wortby
PretTierwor delivered p high encomium on p ro f .
AlermideYs maxim 'as 41 , 1 also Prof. MitcbelL
:LI RESdH LASTING—An additions
sbli 1-
Wt i
.APPLES -4 bbls. and 1 a.b . k just
vat‘ EL
lICKETS-30 doz:Marietta, in stare and
8s py br(r:C"FTELD.
hOTICE--The partners p eretotore ex.
Witt aider the firm of A. WHITE CO. be
dal born dttaplved by mutual' =gra.' .. •
. • . JOILS EVANe.
I BACCO-2 10 bozc3 Richmond Tobacco.
&--111. E NCI:JESTER PEII---NTS, differ
aut =tom " sae sold xts so as so r ri 4.• toff;
ducale •
' 4 ' 160 . 1 7. 5 garrB.
Q,AND TAPER-40 0 rms used for
LUM sale by
5.. - • was - • /A &Ca
1 ;b 1s 131" a 1, for
Wel) EsDp co,
qr;bl4B DiL.-40.------ree No
A do by eaci2l_ *tun RIP= 11V
SELLERS' WAMIYUCIE—qt has never;
in .„024Kijivlea, tag
' leak Y.a..7.7iiiiii1324 , .. tet. trist- whew ere
wrSe hi Pittsbetrt ticenterhrle.; row Mentled 01l we
tent:. W.warre, ,tit tra We al so. wed
the winter ewe roket• we swithad which
were a hir wmgrattorkilAblastire purchased more
:witieb wee hetteeert of - rely. We Mew
more. Ilrb.septehettert Pp. _of..there , ,
1 ta b,Ar,=,,L.ra.,,,,,irg,,=borgta:
d.. mere. -it i eget It rtt , witthjernehrter, rhst.- eve.
P'lre.e.rt.orttN=teleato it VoiVl ' t. te ' rritttt 1 i
rtr p re ... y r - Wheys of ItVestellency..t.)ut.;ut the ‘,..atit,
Iru e, h t . vl •• e ' rV: iL
-h VY ' V. ffiltns" '
' t'.1.....41.6411.1.1 by. R. It. `2.F.l..l.kitzt, 2,, f.,7 0r...1. st.
- • ---
A Valuable Improvement in TrllBll3ll.
DR, MARL'S Improved Patent TRUSS
ongl 11OPTUIMKME14. by goblet tortuanaut
C .
T. bo-annbtat Vila Trust. ottlnay,thnorott tu
I,nlll.l4.bgbibdnintnt.stilon tit. actor Thos., Itorlun
.11 inftantaryt grolloingulated awl toglignin proo
oro bruonh. yon b. go reginhand int to give owe ttun
ggototbri In tko ono 41111041.11e 1 . ag.....V lll . r r4 r n r , * :.
z tut a to.=- , x _trt,'LVZlna::lll46l7torr, lto.
uun Srt=l ALZCaTa.-7 1.1
LIM UK tbia Tbtaigg 1.ba131111,1Vg1i44/ cr.
to! tb. Intin4 it Loruntk 11. ,1 4ng
strungulatlon,,nynny onog .1 1 .P./.1. 1
Wes. /Lien is x4t unittortiraciecuy 0000 onto trg,l6.=
tgr„`4,,..."L'gruarlriliuPtart to :t i t . lort stitt 4 ing 9 onn.l ,
Wilt 1b...11e, Tole
o tOti yoblin non to
*ion ugly by Ilone 01.• unistotnn6 anotamy tboi
Wt. abided in 0.0010.
Ka euunlolttteitit4. atontiot
tonlgiuctt roo • . t' eeti iarVfinto
N in Tr
Intyt_eurtatantly 01.‘ haat
• KEYSER anYlelitrif ELL, /1.11.14,;
040 Wonn et. PM/bunt tt.
Dr. liard's Abdominal Supporters ,
Trll ESE:SUPPORTERS are intended chief.
it . f e the core or,YroiaDsie au/ tlacay dir
her. • tructutnleal pPort to tr.d itretatatict.l.%l.ra
to t.etulrt6.l. Tkfvie ‘ e . ;,j,; r tMt e c ttrigit th ; ' , attlfftukt
:'J:ertetil:in hi :weitstrea r cAbe tiNiar:tuttlyetnete
tr..'4:7tli:ttUtiVit!..tnA B a at; I.Vett;Ie P riE C IIV! .. .L .
ee...trito PrcAitruitort. Strattblete. tittelthera ct
Valyitett,st ar , 9 , te kieettt. zedsgritite,Ellat
140 Wuxi rt. Pttretaren.
Sellers' Pills
41 .. ttrbia t iltj c Jun.-4,44 .
' 1, 4! ,
toulty of Veetwono is Into. GI your toritete r te
er /11101114 . 0 VtAtze atio, I wet lotto tlowu lett!,
istW:4efi n" Talrar th ./tA1 .",:,1f1.74:4"414',11:1'.
thut 112 r .I•ll4traguired We Atter ott.rogartets.l tall
.1,1 .I.llselvieert phydrlau to try ho t
Ltter Pills,
.11 Must *ay thAt.after' taking cue hot earl a half I
LILT. [meet eritore.l raeporothle health, tehmtt I euyety et
[hie lime. 1. tbraelcua take preamerr rerummeulimi
them ra re hr, attllrteetulth tatetate of the tottet...
mi taw...awns. 11.1111.1
All Other Ville ralled..`llletr are .-nuoterteltacr
teuee butt/abr., Tbe aenUltie are breptere.l aria ealet
1 1,4
14 . I.Z.ALI.I.IIB.SeLI Waal et
L Bak-
fur the H la's (sacrum:4 to Rousse andkerchief.l) Perfumes
?CDR:ACTS of Rule, Orouge Flower, Jee
* Portugal %caeca ete...l. Pea. rabbi Pat
cLoolfrl- hbh 1 e e . \
' l: s r"'eun ' et tiee:o=t
- alturetAlus, Tutertam 101.11•ILLL C.. 113.1114 tieutke nt
noel ;rt.
Estrart bluets, eit (me coma Wie., elm µlate
arr. All the atcre artnirte, halt , r
ocrurt te part of Me I
,ortt lb. veep l o ste 41.1.111 t. L•IL, matelot, I
Loma utak especial care. eater:4lft eal.altialule
out:Au, Maly test lA, WO estimation o Etch 11,v
Cala b i tb• meethatilatty ecr sale by
lals. L 7 %taut et
White Paint • .
Icased and for ante at t;co. 7 and Y Y.
, 2.1,-Welsalte th• attematOn of Llcua and am bad
Vanden to Oils &Aka, which we
taa. 4.00.1 wi N ng tot La ,
atls of ltda* Months, and can 15E.1.13.14 to suijolL,
to ntatc lad pant In elan:nap:a. Inacad o.oo. l ana
the light Ma Willta bad, ctnc tyLitc rethicts It, LW mai.-
.quatta has a Erdal. and men, I.ollllant coca a acctacca
it radar hudnustanti2l.¢ 1L.J..0 nutad
a.t.ra. It will nct t ub aal can
pay; and LS It UVLIS not. Cart*. Witt. •,014,1•16 eleit,
to cheap. dbl. 1.3
jUST RECEIVED,' by this morning's&
press, ..err swyw. On , .... 7i .. °!‘ "L '''' '6
~.„,.,r"grz;',..lbw- . - : r:. ...t.„-. -.1..r.1..,
.sssyluti' g“..lsu sisal/I,W ...1 awe % ext..r
as yus) h. , !maw it .7 ...a.zu,....b0d,...t Oar .0.
tarsystoents with manufacturers stsi Isaw Ws ...suet sa
W wszcsot Os In sasaitalug thst we sr. ousblel to 4.115 t
Ms loos,
scrub, plies.. Awns" In the I: Lll O ,l ~. lab.
/sw. lislog asslawl hy eswerltursl nod Vica4...3, wstst.
=alters, custosarys awl deswal utl.lss! Natoass
"I."'"‘ "'
Alri H I nbTILZIV. Vis ' it blsssr, ,,
1 . 33 - Y.I. , ‘7.sastnoi ?Iwytet sisl Ysartn ws i
4 — 4 , P l L w
'Nit I,?%lit!'.l•EN:‘Citn'l,3'!turd,u.D4 '44'l
tsr ss.l. y. 0111.100Y.Y•LTED, •
' 01 00 %.S. we
6.-10AP-10 9 Levee Clueluaati Pella S.,ap
mva ‘-a cavussauve‘ f. WA pr a t
A LCOLIOL—fAI tibia for vale by -
V A *ARNE:n*IOE a Co,
bbls. No. I, for vale bY
U. A rwrolsroca a 'al.
bb a l e
ppsom SALTS—ltecOska Cur stile by
lJ lie, J. b.ILb aco
Irsibh.lo-2 uercions Caraccas; .
• kilts llcaailli-‘ , •iii t• soli 101 l 14 rico.
vocalimptam. ISAIAH Dlt.liti 1 1)./ ,
Waisa sad Viola .t..._
lOTA -20maks pure, fur sale by
Jrll J. s. wise_
9 ii
C°"; 000'b Shelled, for sale by
LbiS7-4 casks superior, for stile cn et..n
H0 . 9' 1 ti T. WOO DS t
al at. st.
T7ITING-1 00 bble. (dry and very oae)
, tor Ws Dr J eCHOONII/L6gli t
QA.LERATUS--F. , casks Orarranted pure)
/0 tor 7. ECELOONNA.Vat k tit
• ...—..
MACKEREL—Not, 1,2, and 3; in 1,1,1
ANL siad LW., kr .1 juii„
AZICK POWDER- 2 3W kegs fur axle by
C. ,. . - .1. 4,4, t , . Cuodtlsbrut , Tits p.. 1, . ws,
rn, Cato Basket., twos v u.laiti 1,47 13•16.1:ip Lia.
dim Thu. Cutlery" ' .
Bilm 134.0.0f..Nart5. UAW. is./ T=cs, na.s.,lart. ,,
ra to 0rdez0t.t113.14114.-01:1412t ..1.011 .4., haz.3. 4.. t lta.
otreot pa , ?•a. _ , K. l'.. Vti..0'....",
i PitTer Nalt.b, 0: 11.1a1..t saw.,
Summer CMlite. - .
I RAVE received a case of floe
IL duo., of flararent zizta. for .l. loa-.
1r.51 Wll. NOULL. UPtzaz"zazaz'. Tiztza rt
QMOKED lIERRINO -50 tjp. Nen - No. 1.
tut male az SLAW' , IC. MAP:Liu tt... Irta..zral
MAILS 300 kegs ftbsOrtEd.CSi:er. stur e
I.r rare Ly ErriillN , rir, fl It a fit
B - •
ULL'S SARSAPAHILLA —lt: dor.. t,r
b, ) hlOra
Wib Ww4 6t.
(teen . Teas advanced 10e. per lb.
fro see buy Ureen Teats, fo threa mouths
rtromota raersrair Tax kirrt. I. the 1,10.0.41, 01
old Dry and Ile saw qsalitah nutsith,tatulhar, thr
Ittraller.Vltt VatllVV=L".trit:'
• • Irtv
• •
CC--51 boxes receisixt . Ep
twr,,sis ssciatxsaxx,,,
Will be imanzßaiNdei tarzaols rate. 6y
, A. o.ll.Kl),talk,
pO WDEB.—:
' sOOO LT. mrior Igra
'a tale 10. , by
771i. 1 11UVo f ax cu.
IOFFEE-12 5 sacks. Oreenfilo, for gale by
1.1 Jill COLallallaJN a et•,_
rig I) a halal: Man
,li:Glisat'a Kauai! ow:, otba <oa ,
taaaltbr saw •A , / U spy n.
4.2 E A $ Fijit CITY
""""‘'"-A b."°' Mir."
e... tam n.
_ ‘14.Y."!°4
r wDER_
WTZTCr wan mmu.
, o
. 1,7 [sal" man.. of 'v. high
.i.b to:ts./ an,
a 1 L.r .1.3. M. .4 14.111441 c y t
6 "' 4 rind Mart..
Pittsburgh, Ciz" citaisti HllllLouisville
Kmar,AREVLis Stock want,
CAL. SODA-200 casks for sale
LEACHINCORS-200. enakis. for
ale by Jill -AIMMILTT. BEERY s CO.
(aODA ASII-I'u man for eale by
kJ 6, Ar WAL1it13,613611.
VINEGAR-15 bblL .
D d . W jo
C b AA
ANTED--Land warruni,s ( wanted, for
whky env EigbaS , rite .
E. twwirew, at ,
Jolt • ttchtpto awl Banking llosw.Fourtia
I -RE . C k T I , I :AT
siactner ß iC t . HA I. R ... D u S t O CA N M 'S °
ialleaimompa.o/ lyl ipgue.....l elm
:13,31=7;igiC41 the. publi!p r vo ro.
VINEGAR-ISO galls. wine:
" Ms kit= taL,
Me W. IL, for oalo by
NJ sari. ' DASZY.LL a CO- Libol; n.
CILPHAVE QIIINLNE- 50 oz far sale te
la /710 , J HIPD 00.
Jacob Torosexid barsaparills-4
O dm fur us. b 7 .1 KIDD.* . 00.,
//V , 04 Wood At
4 \l ll4Ese—A
s-60 - wad eta
Xj(3.. 1 itiACKSRE.I4 Harter bble.. for
. 1 lag trr • LWILIIV 00,4
• .W10 3 , azulinstais.
-13 /0 00111/W-60
111 -
-N. Boob, Just'Received.
t '
. AST: a Piotiltm,• ritthitili4ith correc
t Mut addltknb by Um bad= lit ,ittAnk Lock. :
1 Tit Cleopgirs.. (tomb of PirjDK biJicob Abboott.
Ill glet alai of lb. Turning. Ilmo.. mug.
': Eamburr. O.IIIM by Anim R. born. author of .Prigudg
mid.rcato.ogs...' P.._ . ..Alt e d,r. ..., r a ,..r,. Jour
: lopeOel 410.1Ue
•;Eyrd Diodrolzr
1 y of lootionlro, Euitur Wort and Do
ro . a r a t ifOfeo '' Lealal vi and z
Book Gr tlo It.rulutlo . n;
01.1 ...P'''" Di p .III I,I P rIN b . igel a tl i tlaeVatt% b r :
ourTe b aJojoillon:4l P. Illdlec . 12ma. mug.
Vat Into by ar '1 ' Li" ~,,'
i ,=, ~. 7:4 Apollo Bul tors. ou at
New Books.
101/FREY MALVERN: or the Life of en
LA Author. b 1 /t.hus.• 11111. With tvehty.thur
bituts the h Sr tuthag hud Itto
No.! a 1.1 . .1ut LAL : hta r t
tlb W .r.ation rhat
1.abk.1.. e .. ,.; . `d. , o tk tptjattotj
Hark. at
it r ikilAN ICS' MAGAZINE, No. thr
' 1
PAARa xaln the of
Stn. Slut..[ 01 huh.
41411 t.. L,
. LIOLIIVY pt../ Laid[, th•
11001(8.!- -NO. 33 of Byyne'4 Dictionary of
lerbiLLe. Lud Euxinevie t i.
, u 1 Appletuu•slleebaLlNt• Lud k:llyincer4
iollll.l •
I,— A tar, Lar4tUaLezt ut Claukst era Nalcul bow.
• Ayonolguildluya Vcartik
N U.Le'u la ...changeY. 3
• - .
TirE SPIRIT POLKA. compusett r by H.
dt•dk4l.ll,l ' w C F . btr
fiyarly Welt:, orr.gad. 07 Li. Lieber, .F.L.Fed If
arr.)) of the mart knpulat cut
Neny 61y, rah bt.a.r
ltdl. - 1 sarlittduu, byDal. Dale t
Xt. Autumn of oUr Yr.'s. by ......nritt btraer,
At... a the or lll.lrte for P 1.11114.
V..11a1.. .171 rem 101 Third rtre_et.
• id.. . :Ist. of the tiolleu
P. : --A splehlul tf new PIANLIS mot 4.10.g.g
dua ...mud-baud r. ...Ira 19. n for rale
itt.e-aA7-,'re'e'0r00...c;,nir...0.h....7 a t t. : tt i .te ' fire . tltl .
"4 .INL
nor the Arta i
Dhlrel [K
........11....tadturre,•ol a F..oejal It.
TL, al,ct..sluaLl+..tiZr ll ...r tale b
It .3TOCATO , .. C Martel ot
Mote far the Blooniers.
IitKLEBER, 101 'Mini street, sign of the
..tolden It. bardo_st weaved—
trlfmette mthe btlhoh.r Chrtumr, tpublltibed_vo.
9u4wrn„u v..
••Selly rY • Lady."
..aid. of 11.4. Tetuhar.eatileelf..A.
Pianos. .
lulIN U. MELLOR - , Agent fur l ft
Hauus, far 19lt!turyft.
eta Wertern Veut..l.lkoi. be $1 Hocattu,
L. ~.celel end ut, op. for iale, thedkol
....erlutt *bogs. asoartuleht el Wane 1.:run...41re. Indult,
It Mr latiatellt.:• prira , •
Ltue resul.teraud klatto crater .
Three •• r..tdad ecruem
. 19.... e Forte. are . t t the rtyler ca turn,
awl ..11 Mr 4dt...eget . ..ter 1.1dr.......rutr.
pet.. loran ably' (le sem... at 1N...L.0. thoreby
1.....t...a rr.g...1.. etueole .a111...e.
11.80 FOR RALE:
- -
un, Cory./ MA,..!Mu,. 1.11, Oeta7. Flan.. man
0K1 555 .5 1 ni Aluau
Up. it Oats=
*JD.r Kb.
uu• V. 1 , 1, I.ritt se
_g.t as new:
' tlt.A ' r O 4 llESaktts:
lou L.As
•555.5.rY GL..y 1111 , 3. . oYWrS. IL. Purr: uti.L.
- Nlas,.lt.e. •
1..11<.r4.1 Neth,I4I.ISIMEI.D.. /71,
.10Ing CSeat...l (M 1 . ,. Culls. Cb*, lac.
11 walla J.,urtt )1u.:1.1 sbJ
.utlll3l I, J
v.v. rdotlaga, 42.41 141.4
Wtaite acul Marl Veils. Lace sc. rt.. a 1..-
... th. t. palleulkrly .!Iriir.l I/o
g....i...5t1,..vvr(11.121 .111 t...1....11/w wahtp.
-ywr thl.6t7 masc. , A. A. MASON •
Black Silks, Mohair Mitts, ere
It llit.Plll 1. BUhOIIFIELL bare ,,, r e - 'd
.7,1,. :tliZ,',;',',-.;....-.P./Ni,'.'ontr - - .4%; .
Embroidered nouticinge
A .NIASUIaj .1. CU. Los' t Ufa re: eh ed
t. •ullbal imuraturti
i' r rra":fr! ' til c int " l i tt " al:awn Loa Tor, •‘n
• en•:: , ..... at 6. • A AA Mart. tt *1,9
11-1 1 ....T. l . ..` l. .. .A..V. tf ....',',..." .1 . Scienuh: lialr 1 Juic, btestorer and Bcau
‘"t"'"tt,!-Yil. L ' . ."': *si:V'ar . f of'sfricattlAta 14 . , - Trl. , I "' l ' . .^ •'. feu. 1,,,•• L. La'. le. ,
tr,„=„4 ‘ , 5 .,,,..31 0 ..„.4,1, ~,,,, ~.,,,..D.„..,.. 1 J=. canal 11., ir......„, auew ta •aeallemt Cimantww
an aasartatanyilwarawn I. loan; at hied ..11'11 ...
' I ...-, • ~. ,-+. ~... ••• ....... st p.,,,.......1tim t01k......1
sae n ail .. .1111, , tn• • hur toguaw en say pa:tube.
- - ------ -..------- nail.. lotarided bald r... atufr, *top It .11•1 off. caravel.:
Murphy it Burchfield ,6 relfml . all , ...ha 1 1 4 - redar gr., igur grew dart
Fur readtrug lb Lox sull and c r alas call eared
ItA VP/OPEN this m:rning it further sup was.-`1114[ , . 11,[,11 a...ann....1 h........, .., ~.
'''' ' i i St"4sl.a. 40 eit.'"Ilretl.'; l ' o '' ' gar av ta ' lr 'L n '' '''
"."'5"-"A-""." "P"' `-"U'A'' " U' ' ''
des b ur t r i a a Lu au , ;La. at TI oalarnd eo
~ et -17 a' - .7.1.1 J i C.F..e3 - : S elm ,I.L , Liter:, StntilL
.1:4•1 kr 41 the north. , ^ , ran.• et Fourth aaml Utast'. teal. A ucl 1 ttr.tbrati.
@treed Fte.t. t'-in e--..r n ear La. to meta. .:.1 *1
r Mosquito Bars. JONES' L-. lata,m of Jet. a Lulu, I llutnuO
i/Lit E J ust received one case 4 Wash Nit, ai,, Lys. t` - r it. m.g ei whlto. eed,, or gler: badr . tr. •
o.'4' 514.
R'‘.st.'h'". I $ r ,' l'q r. 4 ' 4 ) . r%tr „. L ,:rt 4), '4.--
3 - 0,--,
tirL"OintEß - HATS, FOR I ' II L E CO STUME I a L'i.7lrlt;.4 ft 1 a Cl,L‘ ..4Learly tree , mead -t kr
- -
A f ''
"Kk. -"A
" ‘54
"",rer, att. &."' JONE.F LILL: WHITE - Latta@ ate ,ab
y. 1.., a•bt ey
ra- 1 0 : !Jane . 1 tactual a.m.. :c.a../ prcp•ta 1 adel. in t;
- - - I •r• sa ts. {,i InarMuLly 1u1u... 0 . 11 1 , 1.1 ad , ./...1
- Mack Lace Veda huff u.wrw- 4:. r 4.0 LsoL•110 , y. 11.11 abtuau-aat y
A . ILEPLIT .1 BURCLirLELD have a f.. 11 1e;,7.1.,-,'..:.j.;;Wf;1.1t1Z,1=7,1,,11'4,,_ 8-•,l'•
t l, t v .1. andrdmicat et 0,14 A. 4 11)....1 Illeft La, .@ 1• N. 31 .,„ ~..„„, . „„„, ~,,„,, ~;,,„ „,, are
ft- de- Mu. do 010-a .11. lttr. plain and geared a i "3, . ~....t. ion 'fed ./ .uriLed EX a. del ter u•
' ''''''''''''''- a. ''''' ' r.." 1- '"'".4° - - 4r.'a
1 "s'
' Ohttig:ll7e..a'nt."'::lauere" " I ' . L 'A ' tt. '. : lain • wkly. 4 4..... LI , •1
Great Suawl Sale *taster clear .ttdr • talc at @tut atue Um, a-nu.... -. •
wane As r. tut..Li 11 ~•,. a d5cw.... ,..
b., v
A NIASONS.OO 'SGreut Atinual Shaul ii then' L 4,41. 1 , ti Jdalatf.t , .46 I ~, . I
. .a. •su :.13:--x... 4.1:I laral.s7 auradt Lt. where afa,,,,,.",..b1 “e we•e
a ~. , „ _ ,a
I A , gill :ger Om Wyatt •11 twat sallictedetat of If taw a •' . ' .ire - -
•T .4011E14.4 to taunt y ...riling MORSE'S
}1.910 14 hit. Crtge Fdtalwle
1 fir... L....
.. Etil .
!mace nigh a.. d Franz. 141 ts) atomic
elain ;fitted gni ....rdalsred Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Boo:-
OCCITIEN ii, froat rank among the vs • -
~...I_,-, es,,lAis,..: Llo• eadatt t 1-r ....L.ll
etudna Gaoler !milt Wet ale. 1 ry• Tat mat all We
td t li n ' . 'l"' atel aotersls'.''qua.s4l.lll4l:=ol of aka li [aft are deter l'eff, f L. - Lt.,. ,Er,' ... u ~,1., , 1, ".., -( 47 LA 0 ..., .Ai -,
c..... 1 to clue. oat. ;cesium@ tu nee.lesug tbdtr 4.11 oo.a• ',.. c .2... 1 ' '`e. rl i. • ,I.and •- `,..„ , 7„,.:_i ir,,T , ,
l'''' rail ''' ` a"" " ' st ` " ^4 '' ''."` ' fr"' "'""' ' t ` il "s' ""'"
1- L' au ' ll ;[..1% ' air.; " ..t .
i ,",--" 1-
•-" --
•-, ',,,..;;: 4 4..-i.;'l, '..., .. ...,-;. , g - ._ ...
New Patterns la all ma. A
)',sage li,lho,i and, tie-ara: 100.,3.14
1 '
OF 44 F l 6 U RED WISDOM BLIND PA .„.. c 1,4,.., .... ~.....4 ..--h 0..., 4...1,1..
iI g duet led Ur ma,. eat.n..• „Warn ,„ ~,,..7,4 _ ,..„, ~,,,,,,,,,...,,, ... „,,,,,,, ~,„..=
it...sta.:tart.. sad tat wale at the all eletral 1. al. Ilas 1..,...7 ~.„....,,.,..,, ,„,‘,. „,,..,,„„,, ~,,,,,,
" 1 tuf . ' el 3., I H O a ~." 7 4. , all parts.; te.......z., .........e.a... ,,, .. a ..,,,,,,..
- - 7 1: eln-a,o• ua: ua ... Done.rt t. aml maturing
Scarce and Desirable Goods, ted .....dt.roiffu .1 ea ,•tuddidttlatto 11 . t andf 1..a.t..
()I \ A FOUL S STY LF.:, ott a this 11111;11 I b l ,.
‘,",,',,1;fif,-...1:'..1eb.,, ..=l.ll;ber.L.Vb,e,rll:
lop 4, kilidrill • hbhd , IFIF. D--11.1"lm, vel .r .• ft nael. eereamat LarlittALtutl, unity IL
11... 1.1••• be Lam., dirk Yuplaan knee F'l4ol Y. the 1.1100,1
flaw ming flallisa. I lanit Lax dime la ,
Buda Eullt• neat blatant., , .
.1 mat rem,red L4L/L I tt.1.41 , 1 4 .••••• 0•01, 4 1)••• 4.1,1
tdlotatamte Lc , Zr 1. • 61111 .1 t.• t.nd ;heck ;al. .114*. ale. cu., Laufer,
etteed.... is ‘arisso tu thar • hates wucAradiedit r I Franc. ~i t Flivillo ber , fr 10tt0.1.1 b..nitula • t i ll 1, , braarpa..l.
I awn. U. al. t1at..... Lc de e... le at Cups tutirele LI•4 saa• La 1 t lay • •Id? ...
N• • uta lac,. ..-tay , I :I. at,i4a, 14. 5••• 344,- I It ha. loan treed in mutat, oven at ngud.anua. Ist
ibex. Petal Luau. ial7 ., IttultS 1.• tout atertam.allauters have Lana rated L
;;,- -----;-. , 1.11 ta.alutue 14 • pa, that 1... • c U•4O, n 1 .. 4. /4 •
I.IUSISIER BONNEIS AND IiATS At 11 ethwhe all:eh...lye it etre.% all abstualsee 11,
" V"M" 5" ''"' 7.'"s'' ' ' :ar '' --, " -0 "V't.',:•..''a tarti::;i::t7i:liet.."in
hutatuer boardels. ondiat• baauttnal admit •trief At... l ) t.? ,_ -...., .. 4 ~,,, ~,,„1 ii.aidna a sas 1113
ai.s • .1.1•41 . tab. :tr., w ad ca.: Ilald tt3 at , elferla ,1 4.1.Tz , -.
Goods folvrosm---fpooChs-s, " "'"' ; `"` i , r., :Li .., i t. 310KRE a CU. al. ~.,
Te. sr ul o k ) 1 1 . . ,
autoatwa 41.••‘, rl,l3lrber at i, .: sow rta:ask,.
lap 13 RPHY Lc BURCIIFIELIh at the N ,. .) , :t . h i, ,-,,,i, ~
r.,,.. ti .‘ i . t i 1t.a , k . 24,,g ;,..
,1 sltt"..r:l/4.1•=t4 Ikr. " •:= 1, 4...% . 147 a ; ua- , .... Y...., arid 'nate , @la Putt`g
mcatchueld• swath LAM:. ,
kultauLlord and Priatai idushaa B. T . Dabbltt's Celebrated Soap Powder
;tele atalar 4 kr... Ma •Illa•
berage•Sl. l Tiwudeld , It/ ASIIINI.I teltholo labor' W arrunted
luata • Ego Oaf. ati.l Mutt dt Jana. 7 7 . late at.. ...tat ...11 41 table 41... t. ..L.l tu•L
In Lain. , lOW
I, 1e. 4 etst naedwnl ...ern 101 at NEM tsIJULL.• i 1,...11... , .01 Ist -I ut yula L 1414. 11. • sulli ant
u. b as l'srULL444 cliaaw•al la nilks U.A gaunt blitell Leda- i quataltd dl 1.1.1 • &IV La ...dter Meru. ltteu odd tag tsl.l.
lasei klabair Mi. 1.111•11kta.t. Waters...few, 1a1t.4 Salt gpouldfulc al li.. day. F1w.1 ,. .e b. mac la all quart., of water
Ll a... 01 1 151 a sdiughatue, dark LI.. idicar••,. rartekt -...d wit. II,. • r Mhos if 14 solar la bard, tald pure ad
1d... tiaal Wills, 1441. new elOar 1111100 aa11i30. 1 . 1 0 and 441 thew n tolauter In the ta,... Um.
a i r tbartgeabl• Ponxie pima aboa.h,•• awl • sua, W.. put thew la a tub and
flair adaustraohl Leda, very full. Ct. ...dant acal g wad rudekleat ef...1 •attn ... bat they .011 act tor tuo 11,
aloas al gu geadtt. aril a. 1.1 at lug.; ealt.a6saalucarbouta I. hand.. flu., r uatua 41 11 ......• az .t. over .r..r.
ar• elated t o but., td rail eta mat.. a.. purchaae• .la i ttl.. a ...caugh al.• Y. sad th at A. au dt,,,.. n,
I lf- 11 - -- Ih+ fbar• '4..114/ - tto rartla irt Ms S..d.d. It lull leave
Straw Bonnet and Rat Warehouse, thy sldth. roll arid 1.,.. bad us. *at..., * a a...
watoldu la. vuttl, 1'....t dt Ile sate:tat ea •. nut
No 105 Magill; STRgET, - slaved two .... bamdaylede a waftang al tea b.,.
li t, 11 PALMER offers for oak, at very wt7,....r 1 r„ . t,raL1.21:j„ 1 .,•;=,..,..,,,,..„.
L . ie. price, • Till aaturtattent ...era* and 411111.. t,.. & p r, , 1 / 4 , .....,,,
InILICIIJNO I,lt I:" --I kit, Oa Lit LjtI•II/OI water sal
.1,00,./';4-4.1V fri ..^ 4 ,1 101. " h.'' , mlt lb. Puord.r wit. it. sift thrti MI II bail. say csa Italu
Eller, at-W .0.1Y imp a Own 1.a..., alr Flataela Lwg u.•, t.... add .It quart* raid wab,r nit Lbw= lutrtuatelf
bolo,. ,l. together and ..1 it •way a bare 11 4111 ant treys. and
MI tY-51. 3 n 11.i11.m .
b aud b .ur• halo. 11 . r.U .1 1, gni , .4,.., ,i...., I. ,„„ ...„....,,,,„ . b .. ~..,,,,,
f.:V°. tf,',Lr.'.•,;,..;:r.°,t.. 1.t°4 ‘ ,1 , 4, '", .: ! . ° '.
131 ' ‘ .1,1.",71,'', "Lt."A.,e'",a,.:ti,,,,;1111:A-,,r ~„g
1'4",. of .0.17 . 7..!;r1.1 . ;:e'"'"'"_. 7 ""-. 3 " (" 1 ' "" -..r. DT mall 4!::, 414? 4.1',`1,..'"%' .. '11g
".4.,;,,,..:°.....t.....t.aa e....eialuKeilk etol la, , 1.7.1`;',„.,..:,,,,,,,,, . "f • 'r ... lua
C 4.7.51 tV- ' l+ s
i s, - )4 '''''''''" " 1 1• ‘ •11 '''
C l t 7l ' dV/11/11411filPf - edli. l6 da.eld. bail.... hraldn .
2 LW $O. 1 LnrJ:
1,1 2 12
" . 1f
r /ploolt
.1.2 a .1 2 C R
.2e 124.3. WM
ar s.
- .4A Sri, LI I
C 1,01,1,041,
1 .1 000 tur• Bita,os. In tdap.u...:
1.00 ...
AM., In Alq A.M
' J,1_5,p11.14 ukcq.La
d at I
wll blititY'S, h 0.139 Law.
amlmp ami ..prl0( lava a bimlllmaLl• Llomia.
Al...plait tw montlemmr. Naar Mt oyelmr mtotirialn UM
witteist stilts, In American. AwsLiab. sn4 Frogii 4.100.
..,,,ex . limy aolandld atuitirtolinit o'imUnv i a attl cloth'
of r.r.,y.thlitablown.isiti.lo.shatit.Z.4to,x..whOlitskixacwilv t b e a u ltt
' 'X lll ,::. ' ?;..rgtt=grjrA tirblititrtlArpirVt
It dotatmload to case at micli Atka as will convince all
Vtlttitalabndlibtl:latiott=tia=:ltr Ira
WVAIVAI.. tfariMiorin nue . imutri..: straal I tb '
twat porelble wormer, awl at Me stiortmt notice. .• ' '
nwAlli ~ , - • •
A. 1511.1[1:!1.4
Patent Candlesticks.
Q^. ,_
.40:SPP.Viet77,1411.i uo. .
yleltUra.ots Mrs, tlor.c., eaul uyame ni Ira. 11.41...1
° Xl and
and luw, mind and Sand
_ me
VI Matti INti .ALYACCAS--Light lu-tudy
c a gurn i g.!.= l7, :::.
.eArtflirtir CrEollle;TrAlifikoS.
C c ooprisics to s47 lthefoll , wing rcoletta
tioins Polo Coopitc dp. ..X . 417!•41 , 7
" 5 " . " " o r`ht'Ef•t" , llu u dX:. , ` , 1,7 . ,
e,4, aml tato* do
plan — Atids, • MATS, OIL CLOTHS; Avdo,
""c buali gl2t 4 To l Ci '
1 1 4 °' 4,14.17. do. Tbrac
411 41* maha 124 , a idoo
Cznanb,C ottt o • ot to , oot . ottt bott ,ti.
14 74 6.1 M 4440 3.4 Oil Clot,.
Als.-37sir 014. , al s istgrI T EW Ltczi
p.m ku.9l,..iruliti.stut wiritt.„,
tefl D lttlaor Lod= do.
Core= da34414d0 ....t 4 do. s=7lVir trgii.
' Catrlt=lt=',, woo, of ttio Nett 4
nod. 7 . 1 z, to ff./ pnm 4
v to t=
Vag' ro cui.",:axibasii6risca at
Tho.Cturt NAsoliatis 55 rourtN street:
The !nose Extregmfartary Discovery in the World is
the real Arabian Renagfor Man and Beast!
H. G. Farrell's
PG. FARRELL'S genuine Arabian
o Lini
men?. • pne .craorilitary•modielae , the troth
. whi •
ch le plan.] beyond deubt by the van sales of the
article, mud the moo rums being daily perforinedsby It.
whieh had twisted .11 other medjelnee sal the
eh 011 of the into phylletans in the tworld. It le competed
of Ostrom , . sod gums peculiar m Arable, Potteee•
, sing. it . row-outsets...l form, all their stimulating, *op
dyne, ,peer uneutontand nevutaleeprtopertlee, and
tbra 'Ours whi..h. 0,1 .get. wen
red by the boos' or the
Dram'• ill, %orb talrn..lllDaltltnr-ing. halruring the the .
*asap of 10.11, 04.1.2 and beast
head the following remarkable sures, N o eboul.l of
II Farn•llls Arabian LllllLuirullar 1.
y9nd ant .Im Jar raw+dt
' • ).r •1.1 • Lalf ago, • awelltog alrllwertti io col
elft.• stuoraeb, graJoellt inerraelog untol Le
. canoe ita large es tor des, "EA et/ sore that ehe could not
to•r the leapt pre.“ore ult .13 It without giving her estnetne
pale. got Its stems o orkr ben doctors , and they differ
In °pluton about tira 01214 It vas I. ague W. of
~,,,,,e m ent of the t.pleent tome. that it le. so Enhargr
meat ol She t arid other. said It was Two..
° In " II171 , .41"117141(1%11 coredhe
Aratn . a . li Llcatit 0t . 05 , 00 rtrana.etesh o ge n- es
the thlld applicattlM she bek"....1..p
prOT, getting better dully Mrtu ow
the its w.II as over--enjoylng excellentlheelth.
Pa,ro..l.larrti l. 1549. • •
;Rotart thuds. pothomter, ek I
Lkrestowto,. Pa , Id h 27. 1640.
Ono wantan lib used your Liniment 'OM gmat suomfa
•ntie bad luat the ime of tor lea. lor ihral Yam, Ma mivd ,
= ,. co , n . t ..,, raLtazl L l tli i ii heLl.eir;o:l4lTtrabsean vo.rlollll
ting . , nod the could nut : bend the= In the lea but b!
lie to. of U. U Far:vire Arabian Unita.; sloo is Inn
able t/... walk with ea., and hey. Oradea Ilmb. I bar
found II a mart exaellent remedy for home bath; alb, fa
elar, Mina whlrh motares an +tumid remedy.
The fLinfou of en r.lll,ayneriennatlandscleotlac Warria
11 . .. Masten. low., Jahr 26,11. M.
Prom tba speed i and permaticot come, both ott matt and
tweet. which tour Arabi. Liniment la . I do
tot Ilemtate to Pronounce It the Wires i rril. 4 u
1 of lb.
to,. 1 have prarclood doctoring Chem. fortwantw MI%
awl bale mad all th. eaviouslininimita, olOtnmitt, So,
Jwar h pulled op in Ito yaw, blot I Must say that B
0 Farrell a Arabian Lltumant exceadv .7 tbat 1 hayo
de ow of UI its um, I have mtmd 6weenl and SDavin
cun Inure e ay had lam hrotionnordineltrable.and / ham
red enure tn.., nay h,taas Shia eabirdi with tots Lint
ment, ectil,raring every Opal. a Mama., Rona wnitchilw
and FY uhaa up to eppein, rinc , Wee. nod awasay.. I cap
aim Lear MM. , . at 1M good Oleo. oh Mai bum. al.
tool. 1 vs, confine,' nearly ell Inn winter coins mow
with lilieumautm. and could se( nothitht to hallo um tin
• u l . [TC 'oo'" t''''"'. .J i—"-Vrit-,;gh.',l-1'
dun Man lf tan va.,.t , otmdloi aural by B. J. Yarned
Arabia. laainoni•
Oir II I. F•karit—ii , aat die I hal tom artitchd with
tha - oho rut - for the hot ten year. and could waver cat
suer except Ly bhaditop. but by O .P
m oat 01 IL I.latralCs
Arabia° Llniment. stroll.l over the tatoplevabout three o;
icon ...Ito dai, it no, entlrol, remotal. and I have fah
nuthiug et It *Mira. a want luto thy wad. one night, to
Gt,l ' aL ' Pet L l bl'Oria7truirilgt%'g=6:ll ettlal4lrin
Will that they turned av'Llack a. MY bat , rend fa
phew tio Iv,. 4. , ... I applied yOur lanlowitit, nod WWI wen
enohigh In ',. taw db• rt, co ..bouLaabli SA tomb. I at.,
mush.. to) hi., iu a allachlpai mmmer, by letting a
L.,, , a lug tall Loam it hut you: Limo:dna nhealed it hi ,
JCllltt 11. MrkiEt:.
in :et. I,..rtt. -t, Patna ra .111,. Feb.l6. 1119
, •
/.441,1/, 0.1 et•lMlKirlt/.
I 0 4UANp AvaiNSl MSAD Int Out
1.001 C.III.t.SULI.Y ,
ID. rut.: are partcal.rlrfautiora4,Faluft • telf.
Ctaa:rriver ulna. teas %slaty mods 11:1 .Lataza sal It
.Ih4,Ly etc mat. It - li . r4rtall'm arabt
fArtitueut Tlat• es dangr.rOte• rind More lista.
to deer.. trozu ht. tan - ring the taatira 4.1" arralL
Lora to partoculer na err fowl/ or a thr
uiur'YYnal 'e
LJuliaput, for etuorlucipl.l dealer. eat kap.. tleO
11100 uyou iou for the scutlitus, but aln~p't an
t. 2.• .. 11 U. Aorta s •rd.O.,en Larto•colV
Wvooto• d,a+.o tma 303111111 0
Lacreiarrella ,
tale • tut ustare 'es alno oh Ite. outalle worapper. at:4 tr....
word. blown itt the Ow, L.ttle—“2. l . Fdrr4/14 ,44,1, ‘
I.intruant. /bond "
te9rofre oratetvd,to every 'luau, ',Maga 50..1 Is
tjuttal Japalr
II law, / V....
a.ll.2,L•nor.rwuellality. t
Can aoauf •leu tarsus rev of•
Loot coutaluio. , tuucL ralual,l,lulottpae.ou for avert CI..
t 111. 4 .115.
Pascs—.Ocautai. !,0 neut., mud au. dollar oar Lot*.
,nuo. ut.outarterrwl b, I arr.11..1.
ir.T.otor ta..44l,tua, Aragon. 110 r,
mete otto.t. 111 tut retall
oroorirtor .
,ontdlf 1,11111
The Human Rudy Iltuit..Perspiye,
j i lt) A.-11S NATIJItE, td hive et healthy
Paw.* c do teat periptra..• Leatl•
I. Ji.q Sta. rstme, Jos.' 1L.11,2
• fee.v.:spire/ I cm, sad•at ltka •
ume 1,..
~.,•111 'mut - u. eta atm. Oran, It tb• t.•
ArZtr4..-•11 and 0.4. are VW,
ctirr.l vt ‘,05•61.14 2 1 It, lut •an
,u t. col 51.4 It uute.,lluo--... &Is., IS.
t aloes ,ll..uadlawaas
4:44.1et 41 Mat this Pun. ,
0. trial •ill pro,. crull eaum.rato at dear cillty
pere,tel cur.. 1,1 1aa..1. 4.01.04 war ..110.
1103 13- - 0103 401 r..-Irr a,faua n
ullsc toot:co
al, et •o••••. uulc•• I Luc* et t.t I ti•t• ,
IL,. oatee “. .1.01-4. fractal,. claa1;4• 1 Oro , .
thok • col., Out • {rata:Ml.. wad rob
DIM July all, that . t o • witite ar.., It . al, v.,
cr aswas , a, .C.ll Lad [1.3 wra •ven c.ata 1.4 w.
raalalla Orop.rti , ... ft.... I foals.
Oaf -out. ...ler. Ma sta. , . at, dcx,14.1 vita 11.14444.11 , 40,
505 1.1 ,01 . t. ltallatai.:tortmorel Sot .n 9
• our -ot) fi r.tC.t...itES, . 01) Atm!' is+ a
' twat at
Pearly White froth, and Prize Etrzitth, to
oe nod 1:1 :10t.—I'+rr.:te wt.: o•wer enter. 441 , a Cl - tetr/t .
VII .4,1,1 fiat It troall. :4 4-49:4 .111
der...”.1..1 , Or fan., .uto - uat..l wills
1551 1:1. ce, 1 , t4l J.ttal: it , Ata 111,Ata will mate
tten wont. .1 *tat. .a trow . 54.1 th• terath
gold can at .11010stl11 1 htora, 140 Lt,txty u. a.rl 01
w cal
I. itee 4a 7 dlowolyna tty a:4r InutllKlctionru t ,.
ar.lbs utulos.:,ya•J .tittu.rathl to mitt. am
ooupt.. Its old firm . NIKUI.4.I',
gyittehun,July I. 11,C1.1Sv.luS phPt WILIIIVAA.r•
10- PA ft:4l IV 2 r he ti bseiii;ers — Kaye
rh.p . uckier ID) Dip ;'.l F-mtlfe.
1501 •
11. r 1'1161;1,d ,
it !tit"'
I •
Greenwood -Garden
CHOICE 17 ulleotiou of Shrubbery, Viuiny,
bob, IlLrybort,,butmtherrnoueeL:rr).,
Vlorr, hard, ilnuthli Marc atot *ter y tiaut on.
ruserr to uruntznot but
bill be brutal bt
threentroni Norbert. Au chnolbue letirtn the corner It
Mallet and Fifth rtb etn etery both boar. for
th r (*.rn errntor I d
rther refrnhosentr rent./ or
In the t14,... , n5.
Palert erlirrtted to ilot rreirtioer.. Trott Xnnebeenr.
Altro.bene county. I'n. • n.istre brrAtrol. anew,.
°MIN 116 a. 11 iLA rig INto
aso 31m— itv;.nd Eteew W.Fpl"l
T.,0 • • Crdwn "
fu Double
;N M ~d loom
• 3 mill&
• It 4u{ti r4/1 ChneV PA
na. ,
alealwom 24x47./Itintinw S'apsr.
Iwo dal "
lbs atm. •Ith e let st• wf num of liners, 4V th e, lowest yrlees ha W. S. lIATLN
:Ratios. Lod Papa Dewlet.
4wWl • es am: of Market an] tlestwad alvota.
To Druggista aid Painter. '---
rmids GREEN "R" 'BRAND, TIII0D011!
kmrleacrVa Pramrt torardeml Or the Gold ni.h.i or
g ral r a TftlY.
_tTglr; "I'll= 6 Zl ?Wl* ItQWZ
mam ' llac prcoui.l du demo.% sad toot rilllsat articlo
at *Wt. Lire.. 'that
th emlmst, alma that cm bm , Am nand
vttlttur demi:merit to as ma radar,' 01. ;m
-ew ta =marlins mtulfbnaill ,
iwiAt t.......1m011144 mar agent far the male or UM
' armlabralhall Wald al rub Orem., puralaamp rill toe aup
pll. 000303 Ph+,.... 0.140. L LEOLa.
p 196 7 Wood MY a.
RA Irrralusht• to' .• • • ylovrtio•tok• huh la
fair JewtflitlV=cfi "' lt i rtrYcr ..1e I=2
ainWiabborDe•ot, 7 m a
9 17g0Q1114.1%.
, , „ L~~ IL EaIILLPL
Mai 1851. AEA
CLARICE. PARKS CO., 800[1.212. Fllol4=ol l l.
rrIIR PROPRIETORS of this old and well
yarn line. would rota- sk U. public that Mayan
opestkm for tha pram. sews. snal.ave coma.,
osd rocalving Prett and Pasteasers. , yrbich thole. OVIL
Lint will
emPtatt, al , ths taogun, 0•tow the Sonar,
r" .in
utra, roe. Water and Smittole'd . N ta
nigh.r.raiuti. Pt •
.41. lin, lam.,
. dug, Sharysturgbi
Add'. (.`.4 , 4=viLte.
Rad, Exis,.l4.:
NC*llb.rf4.l. entralo, N
It W .
R. C
N al
L ' 1
'New Lake SUperior Line.-185L
HE new steamer NORTHENER, Capt. B.
arrytt, arcry molt trUbnadarneut tor
And.rocafort. Dill l ean Clam on Yrilay, du 91
h gr raip—oral weakly they attar on
Friday, at 131 deloek,y. Sl.„ for the V&A Medd.
The steamer 111 . ..; i 1RATTANIr JhUlt Carbh
a g .i.xt.ntAnt!,'srtt.t4r....twarVLlZlPS3rdet7ststirig.
a regular wcphly Ilne; throughout tbh sandura hot - arm
Cle,land and tb eCappa land Ircarsllnso.
IL A. TORNER, Proyrtatana
Prn 94, 1551.—M.-
KRlM&et:Merl Line.
affigffiggg 4854.'11bigia
io that Ws Lin. 'couneuad eutirely of Sec2l9l, EWA:
I. ULM to full operator, arab 'Mellitus 10 GLITT t 100f0
auaatite cif frelgtft fel YlllludelplitlalttallettlAcceoustimet
tranship/N.O: In u , Shonttf.u.A.C 2 At WY!' tst±!, U
other regular UDC'. ;
Evadal arranirrett r loW team made }t.e . aefTtiui ,
r lig . te=l , 4 ' eigsburshilti=rt'El l
Creek, ' Nete alatalluna, Vertertne,
Newport, Clsrk . . retry, burg uhit
lutarmedlate_pplute on Pen tuf (Waal aild pun
so Railroad Having r urn load. af Inn smeared frao .
ehe-a i t ruata. prollipiaess said ,regularit ) ifialrasogi
tub•p""'l ttllMliirrkrtygAprtV..o`4
yirtikehuttse. aibertl street
BAY'S LINE, to.l brabe ,
busivt. al Vlttsbur, b hvr.
ansportation Line,
118 5 1 . Mgt
- 1A. 0 4
n l bt,
s N i
ti it OO.
dtrt I. [mum:tut ttultr,
Co (
ilinghsits"r ,
THit CANAL tri
Jl W re-Ist cal
rtanAlta."M AAJ.
as. •..t. watt..
ta b_ Lailtr
stlmiri TO Ak.1.4 .1 C .
to r
Iv. .112 tivt
ring now open, We are rea
I t.nrar4 ,romyti,„ P,o4ue•
oc-tired 0,1t.,0r01 , 1 , 1
any WWII. f 0 ta1 , “11.4 A' 0..
'7,r:if:lir. 01,4 talthralli
ad% CO3 I:0W
WAWa 112C1 . 10000i,t ,
I Doe Is]!{em i r*
b 4.01 FM rta,Yl,ooloi ,,, ta.
• tic.ool, 000,_001.10Lre ,
1004141. lu Welt 0
851 g.
anspurtatign Line,
igaSal 1
i v
Via PENSII - 1V2.2i
n. SlraNULTti_ 9 *
Vtail, HAIM) '
I "t ette Droat4 '6,
i ..: 4 141s.igrl IT 1
i 1:m duo Wan IQ 11 .
LC :I)ti rb
yt.l-s. , '
' 1u ...a C0.121/1
SM 11a111,411 , , Will
loti ..
qit.• xi, ll:114L111
r o :Nana.
t:4;itral Watt. Broad PLII
t,1.• • loop. aortouot torrciarAiso
0pt11134 of lt, , aotlt to Ptio,
It•bala Oa,. at lON., taloa, col It
sototla Mt.=
t.t Intittlotr a - 'ITUrls prz7lo.l t. 7
ts fat Motto/ nor Watt on tha
p.V..,apy built el deity ..1
art Or ColutoLia , thls etas.
1 lt a .I.o.aitr w v: i tl i .l .,
11851 lisiiigli.
~ drehaiiii‘a, Produce, eiC.,.
.01. ottla- ?Alma's amt , VAN
' - z•N LINE. •
I.rprielCr, too to: tiartet, ant et
~ 44t0t0, Carel Mato, inttatsmit.
* chi Zitllltrta P.11,i11••••
O:Ms.% t,"..L'lt'gt , 'L'ig..S'''
To Shi*rs of
A ThlN.a ai L ,
coma U. rrra
Jaa , Laya .
..b J.
1 , 18 5 1
Pittsburg Transportaticm Line. . i
J A111:3 1. , CON Nola A CO. Cursal iie.elor.P*Oburorre
.1-11a.,)ANIAA t Cc.. Petuu Brood und . 4 et.r. "It"
or, No ',. 8400 Fount, lat,t. V.1.k.02 Alortet ACA thee ,
e . irbolAretrAtto.
u',l,r ..
0.,:‘N021- , a CO ..., traret *met. Boil:lir:tom ,
gj . AVING Cully completed our arrang
M;Va..7.7.1t,'",.. ° T:',,i , TA 1,b .;:1rig ,11g:
Cur., Aalutoore. I olieletutro. Neu lOrk. MAUI , We.
= " Cotttal ,l or ' lit s 1 1:=1 ,1 1 0 SI tgora ri:o",:e.
co Ur* All polo olrorped ley our Line ore TWIT eoeer
cot2,oEu* ir,,c oray avow.. a pecteeto a
ct toothy *feed Of .111 . *Are , Muer.
All M.. no, ehlresfed to ourerrins es Sat
, lioll t Qe • Cbu rad . tout ebb, , L.oulrellie. cal Loue
' Oeborroc. bt. Lour ...ill rout wall prom!. * Aticortioto
/Fir: , S. On I 11.0 trao nortpeCii,nolxatooyr lola, r A
rtdwilottid tuttturrd‘ rt.r.arr,tatirs, Mae el t.
clot • a
i"" "c=7±L,c,l,l,ls;„,f
Penal Had oad Ca—Ca:trill Rail Road'
r iE tubs, nhers haling been appoluted
...b.pplo4,ag the 21.1ontrita.roloitt 0.n11.1 SSD
ob. O. ohm me at. no. kryparoot to rw.
arum. of onorriner - 11. , Cr Drain... fu.blirtoont
• La Mu. out.b. <Uri.] in Go. da),
on 3 3.11 a tv US 14111 og 5.,...1.11:ta of nag.
n tr ensrs.
. -
..,.., C , ... , .. - nrl.l ier..1..c.rm.,....0 Irmrermart,.
Dr, Ocnik flats nice*. LbokcPtallor-ary.(silarbecafre.
tion.v. 1 rul , E...3wra.' Furl:Mom Drag. itodkioas.
Nulf ler r, a..., , 1111NtINbs.
11.4.. a• tinv,tre. Palate. Dye IDDIYipq..
LebaLci .1.4: - .T• • h., 1)...11, .3 cax: am. 0114 y,
W... 1. it eoc %A - 100.
04,f. err. Du ter L. 3. 1....1 01. Lee, 4.:utics.
1.11,0 mlO .00 1c... we. j. WU
AA., hi Els tour!, na. 0.“/, 0.130. ir... F.T.
O , ro*". t roll 4.- !WV , Vt ,
CtiVUDIC 0 Wl.O,
1 . - c.a. P.m and lisyDe strecti
i., 1. /541=/rry._____________P,_
Freight received for all the Way Sta o ,
on the Perizuiylvazda Contain:l.lLitre •
liAllays. , . Ai:. J WILI.ra
lifdlia Jan. bora, J.A.1114111•12
A1....3 LiAL,A. A I 11-ttList.
r. li.utita,ply.o.
tlus, L 111111 k.
A IL Clarl
. :I. l lfly .A.IA 2 , ; i A Scat.
41Z,511.1. k 11.1ororell.
1',..kr3t. - .•
•' '
, JNI eLturrll I
Iv e S ut .A 1
11.11.4. a: A .eowA
lou-cAorAu. 11 t. Be A , e
. I ; .llillAreC l. , 1.42. Z"..
i v
. n ,r,
11.kt...A Iloelll
Maple.. , , J0b01...11E.A.
MAIL ' • 6-aaler A BrottAni
. 1"
tY) I VILI2 . 4 CULL.
nova lot - I ' l n Ala Wayto• ounce
Jul, 1,4. ,
N CONSWIJENCE of the decease of John
AltPad*a. toe 4 , ......“. 1 4 Letetutare•tiallug lotraf
111.. e a Cored.. 1* 1..) insulted, 4.440 1 Et *t.
tally authorized tt, W. be... of ta. I partaa 1 IL. las
0, e rig.—
• All Lt...? 14tle*
net •11l plea.
i,.....1 , Pataturgb.luly Id 1111
CiiVODE dr - COLS,
I 50,,,..,..... t... 71107wier. a Con..4* , _
Tha buotheed of the Itgeocv n.l the r' ,, 00 -
or.alay.otral ItallecadVull elll 1.4ta1., to
'. ~ ll
uad*r tut net. a ail atd
*A olt
E 4 CU Lk, .
_. co. of Vous *4l .Wey ao a 211..1. -
PlttsbutgauJaly 14.1 W --Idta •
• '' Agricoltural Implement&
HAVE JUST received from the L
East the
tollovlng plateanta or of thy Na ilialbufartun
tit, met natant lot 6t10211, .114 I .004 it,llo I• 4
0100102. le Mil .0! .1.:11.191 M.
I,l'o%oZ.Vgiurntttaa and need pa.*
•tu atu ' d Cant Stalk Cutting gears \
• 1447tettle Inset Cutters ,
Ina lute*
Idte aettlaec t C. Ct ... wren.
irtet "ont.dn fatt' l
As ng.l. rtlrrst7lt letrtaal.te.
.01 1,.01
. 11 1 "il.'d.'.
a:o'dr Cranes et Wool end Otttle atroot.
Beaumont's Patent Starch Polish:
IJATENTED, July 2titb, 1851:I.—For Kiring
Is. Alit V-Via?. l re . ,',Orat r..:1r. 1 4":9;: , kt.
$4.41i000 UM., ti. and TrOtillto duet from 41081011.3
111.1113, tn. and costal. uctlautil WWI , .
Illreene.—Pat a paos tbf we of a pea tu a quart cf
stated. when 1.11., hen tulatly,
Pan. 1101 note P. Cato gold anolestlf gad retail 11
*3' II
V BELLI/AS. 117 Weed et
A =.
CARD.— I have remove.l to ray nevestore,
1 11,•:„1,: , :itlird I:ll:4l'.'r;i2lPA. l r - ,:0 1 -
. 0. and recely• a alurol taalo notate. /II UI
dis"reirilllarr,'lrkligNyeatitll2 tertligt..
021eather gala adore, all P 111.4 liltutls. lint,, lad C..1110.5t lag. , gbadaa el *tory vu
1. Duos tlata and every ante. usual] y gm:Ala toe
.00.4.ataetaive oataellab meats of Oa Wad. I.l.lfrarturpect
tug 7 aollcltal and twat areatptty gnat t.
tad Wtl. NOIILO. Thltd i etreat
OW ,- Cash paitiforlfooily • .
10. /11.1117110 4 LEE
It V. 5 Cttq
(.7 . et
ritAVE jut received from Neer I : eriE. e
r-'""' n
c° n‘ iic
len Try. f;ente.
'iaI'ECTACLES!—We Lave a ,aaapleta
17 ,ttoo of Cloll. thlegegnad EtrolBpealleeter.aselthebget
quality' og (+313.1%. And <OOOl O O 01.140. V. at 101.0. , ,
~.My of 11MA:ea &medlar go the
WW. beettet )Ye of
oprloal Kamer Anti
Fajta/ at F. tla.-ver oelatratg4 Liar .4
3 snare torts. on Dana and for vale at <astern pricc., Dy
K. W. rult4DESTLlt.Wargesueet..
12 - .Ihaagstruhrlarnag , '
AntlinOite Coal. ~
can T fiw ttlu , :t . lo2;ed,'n frr ette b ri r nr a:ctic \ lc ,
• 14- ' _ C„Il. bIeANULTY OD, \ \
Canal Bolt
Conies. Stocks.
),lirE HAVE, ureteral= the Stock - at iarl
ce, Xining Cemplaiss of Lae Nupcsira TEc..
stand h r:11•111 or addreas
2111 • , 11.K.r.c a a 00.
pure Wandy, for Diarriat, dco.
ly EAR IN .MIND you need Frenoli
111.61jejt, RIFT 11157 Cat De altitll44.llt =alas'
M.rt. In Q. rorZnyt Oebettle. • -
NreKEREL--1 00 bbla: No..a swim, to
only. and for sate br •- •
- • JOHN 'WA= it 00.'4 ,.
IQUORICE ROOT.-60, Olbc for to by.
OIN!i of Comraissary af Subsistence,
Wasuorago r lf, August X 18.51.
ed, at thla outs, until the I.t day of October run; nrr
Nut fiallyary of PrOd.ol3. fn Ina, for the use of to.
tutor. of tho r unisoct ewes, .P.. lo o.noins wuthlin.•
baA f n tP Or/eons
part Barraoh; Losanopro:
11.6 barrels l..
of sof
fund, superfine flour
66 rootlets of new whit. hold trans
676 mood. of good bard was
ent prounts of stud hand Nut= randlrs
la bnebelie of good eloan dry One salt
gallons of good odder rtirein.
r At Baton Rouyn ßcfr , arte, I 1A:1a...a
ir ber. if Of
ot porrrest
s tat-Moh superfsnit tour
45 bushels of now white fold beans
84 rounds of good hard d
14 rut L o s ' gf l' Clesa o SlT o finroi l alr
gallons of grad cider 0100.30
Afro Feord,
its barrels of pork
barrel* of Melt suvernoe tour
1,5 bushel& of new white tell bun*
876 rounds of good hard wrap
ttt 7:Alrael2l l
~82 mallets of genet cider vinegar
At Ole Prbhe I. andono, fa min from Fort TarsonA
mouth of the. Chterotola
` IS learns of ptirk
NS Lurch , of fresh sopcln• Don:
bushels of new white field boom
pouotla of good hard oorov
0 . 0 4. of good hard &dem :malts
14 1 0 ..1,1, of goof clean d ry Ono flar ,
wallet/lot good eider inegar
The whole to bis dellvenal in all Nut month of April,
1652, turd tr. limy< Natehltmhes tty tho 20th of Februar*
t At Fort Smuh, Arhunlas
borrels,of toot
i[ 100
" ouigollfT4Vico r t l Pbo ' ..4
IZ, a u x"d oi: Nse ''' A riches
1.1 bwahals Dismal dews dry One *alt
211 gallons of assail older einew
Wise whole to be dellYsinel to all 31. y 13
At Fort Oihsean, (111.1,
255 banois of Fork
I - 5 tars .la of froth eut*srfaso 000,
US bash. rf new adiltafold t u i .v. ,
/430 ruunda of rood bard 'NOP
cod o
onesgood d*r elv y fin. Hit
71,sthts0 to he delivered In Nay, 1651
At Fort Saelloy, [ff.)
o tfti o r o sl:gf KL k
bry b eittar
of new white two trroo.
-,0.1 pomade f Fo u l hard o.ot,
o rtllld. of 0404 hard tallow.ndies
04 ins*lssils GI goof chiun dry tot kass
coo gallon* of issuisi etdir vinegar .
Ihe who', - to I* asliterrd Item the to Nat 1110 .
to. lOtu June, 1652.
At Fon Brplry, modtla of era,: *Noy 711.11 , , 130
VW. 121141 c Fort‘ I
eutarlme loot
bushels of umw waste teld lasatia s
re, I.e.,mee, of gmal bud wet
• si'ln pounds of good bard tallow ranat i:-
It buateile at itotol clean dryant rust
ttts gallonso awl robsr toe
abble to IFFl4llrer.l from sls..las lune' it 1(2 I: 111
- nagints IksJ
At Fort trdtSentrollni, iitasoP.l
a R oast
lt. c rr.
Gou taarais
herb gu arms. fi at s "
bush.. of 1..7 atil t.2l/441 Saar..
3,L04 pound* al goal bard .cep
Ltunds a goon hard tallow ...nal-.
bit.hele .4 gond ,le.u± dry but Fait
of good ruler slo•gar
rho *bole to La .I.llaeran OS [ha let June. IN,
At Tort Sr,tt, on Ifs Aformaton nos,, Miarcuri. TO
Milei land frorarpoefaticas !slat AdLormsiesirr. tso
tl.< rump, 'Pres'
10. arreis os pros•
Situ Farrel. of Trash anpartne Nati.
05 of nay white field Loan.
al3 pounds of good bard aossp
a leMes ' Uf
ISMO gallon. 01 taw ebler , I , lfsr •
Tinswbolis to be dellearett by tbe las Jun.. if
Mott—All biller. tsr oivie•ii..l to erithil the snout:
of their Lida tor amts. - IMS, and enbibis the total amount
at watt bid, man to Ma to acted. utile,. It etAbr.ra•
all all oath;
tetrad at a pots
The ' Periods and goer:intim or oessy4ty i at UFOw
oats w,b.ra lb., are nstameCil:Fd. bunts 1.1
Jun... Iva Strptemins. 1.111,-etnnotr 1.5 Z. sad S l Mateh.
The bop al a blob p,rt us pasted lota f Fuen each bog •elgts not coat than two 00141
ponnsis, axelsollug test, less awa, and wont. 5.1.
pnwes tuay sai.tstutal (with. Lem. TimMorg. to
tr•S oiled vlll Turk's 14.1.,1 salt. and than ranstdbf
PKlted with oh. aator.ruFla In pl..** unt wussenlng rtibL
pounds eacta
{1 hen It,. ma ling ha/1. oecss Firapl.l.4. tba Font:ors,
Mart turn., sotut. otflea rt stratu from the oat Ler
that pOtt ba. Gam •ea
and.parlOaL The Lott in
to be conlolsten to .e nil heart of wblte oak Larrrla,
MI Looped: IL. Man. sold rail In Wirral.. and tn. soar
and mmi—lealsx axont boxel or cLavenwrd atm for tr.,
. •
`tall .111 nofir he rraare.l o) n....var.raabc of thuds
bar.. roma •ick...
2 ) .t Lou. tor tlaar deniart7. ' sZTtle t lltql .- 1
15atr, he gore. tar Wort Itipler wu.a tar , , f
rears by Ist June. 15.4
a Win+. in ch.* parriraiara vat ...on, u or. ,r 1)
rontra, and qt. Derartia.......ll nut, rlre.l r+r
..baaa 0.. purkly Moe p.a..
lbr prvirtra ,, InrWrird eeel
lal e ire . ry, and all ex wand td paid by cont7nirtor• datdi
I.ll i i „., rz ,„ galt t ;l o. l r t t ;;aith FLVMehoner! too may be designs
CrAnL....aary (IryPeT.r.lsrA I ,‘ A•
~t ntanlnint the A....1th, CS . Of
VIM ur artkirar.,ulr. at any -ay. rt. ar anr
befrr tertas Into contra,. and aLar ri rze.rasaina
ewtu4uLlt. , orantiriw nf each deilvery 0n...1.1rd
/11. . .ittI C t3tc . t r rt 's: t n'
Lan/ rr,dr troPLOU7ranertdr=!fitraValltV.4.7ftl7-
rt stn Inc ars of their reenrlnea
.mapart crrilted be , larinet attarney, or by mineral , .
Ilr . n . m. ttl 4 . overtararnt. otneralra tDelr prapo
was.'st7a tva.feaa,/ u.
.to .111. rvarat.ralx.: ant f..Pre
alaa . t . : ll I,llectf ruttrurl-frirli7 "b ro " a ''' , • t 3 the rf th.. Flint Of 017.
eta+. tb. rb.rontrertars at tb• °Pak. of
the Tr tt . ant" Lapsrun.r.:
tray .t5.-r• ir5..111,11,
St ser..:ol tl3 F 1.11322104, rurrlopc. rnl
snari.,l for fctratoniug-Arrny ..ambrlrtenc : ' .
larartlol tliCakyti C. c. F.
:Sure -Edot+, .ill wit tn. Ina,tini In tio.-Lr
prywir..tta,Yrnwer =earl author...l. doter I , - the
:tpbrarte . a ,
_ .
g - i -- i - 4
i - )CERIES„
I OV EltiMl SLiGAR-54 Gblq. Crugh4
A ant Pu1k.,17.1 f:r talk al.
YEACIIES--lu casks prime ',lialres, fur
b: 5.1.0211/1 1 70 LI.
13ACK Ell & Co.'s (uf
!lade it. ta.) rtti.tivr packPl melt attit Black Tee.
•artott. rata at all tiatrn La oupplvaitttorder. and
t . AeCt I . A ./.111./DI
. • -
prime Cony-lased. for tutu
jyll .'W
L 111)--1,501 Ibs. Zvo. 1, for sale by
, ACpuDr 6 SUN. 61
LOAF SUI;A.I,-1.5t) bbis. as 'd Noe, fee
Wk. .1710 IV R e.NVILFON
MOLASSES-30 0 bbl 9. onk. for sold
al° w t r
SH. SYRUP-2G bble. fur sale by
• lf.V IF. t} L9o:_
11-- ---- ' — 'o St"----iAll-----7---.l:Whd fade
• all, w t I wit;:r22 l ____
I i lIRESE -45 boxes recelvirig pel 7 lliilvelre
\‘,.. • Ltu• atul fi,r,..11, by ' JAMFb D 11.7.111-
'' (.1 Walt, sod :1 Yrent`•l4
AC K 1.11. E
i,v New 0.3, for -r ank'
. :, . JAMEI.3 DALZEI.I.
~ k SCE EREL- -100 bbl, Nf.R . ISO : 3 Lau
6.. .:,„ 1,1 ii.l .1. ,t 4
t i7 4,.. )A
. 1 - C ,
FL b Ol. l
NIACIik. L--100 1.1,1 , . Large N 0...,,,
ra .... b Jriv " b , 11AABA1,1 “
NIACiIi.ERF. —150,1,1)1t Large No. 3
tiell/•11, p, Canal nOtiel. 14 .
~_ _ XS DAL.?SLI„ ea %taw: n
' M
ACKF:IIEI k.l bbl!k. Large,Nu, 3.
A ELF* ho
ju* , , asi , - ,1 ac..l ,: e;IA \ V "L. - 1
)0* _ JuliN V 1 Al I al,
' g. for
is 'd '
A ItS-:-.QR u ALVA . & C ° "
- - w 3l. p t it
. 0 2,1
20.1 I.Tbis. Extra Family, for sale
rlr. `_l Pi . Utill.
Lulea for sale b
LiALAti lAiJ A
S lit; A lt.:--50
11.tru. 1,1
lor 4.1 e 1,, ado INS , I.
11 10 .
4 1 91) Kit gall
_ATIv • ,
1141tSti--'NLAN-kerel, Salmon, SIM ,
SugalNl:mred, 1 - •! 1.
D it.l . ll7.l l MA T cNirriW
NJ. 11,7 Lubtrty of., i . . arty 4:vac - rocker factory
<7 6......
r1...1.3, ~,t P.t.t.sbura, [Pe stOnntc.., of F. 1
VICE EISEN & ST LITENEL, respectfully
i t o, :lojr=th ,r e h rs . regazztll,r l ,`
\ ft si n&thgr z i d
il4ltilk4l ' , NUE if the stave snout haze tiu_ ye stusll tat
keel ' ' f II f tie beet aLt.. , -.lnteells end'
„wars a n lusostlOntuste •
rmach Rd Watch!. Witte 1. Sojrcloeh dark and pal.
.t t
, lionnales. of the Choicest rtntas • sullitatt Mo. ItotUnd
' ato, lrou tildskew o hunt... , sPotklins hook ssbtest
01 the Iyue. meteors. bread* port tetnes.t6taderwanserS :
r e rtiZwTs ' ar.. i dtzl i erWZ t itres i o ' ..: ll,6 % ' ol l gee;
oneor I, whoesale, or , retell. sn lhonNet resposibla uncut:
O. of tho cartnert. )Ir, Stour...pill ertatin2lll,-111 ,
Irrivr.lloo business lo dwelt, of li 'Syrk. tie I.Noer3 Cr .
ts b ar to sell s chrajmE n .y4_,_,bettnstivAlo than •
ouber bouse In this tits L' -
pfurcbseo ...loss ,
I. D. WELLIANS & CO, 4j•Piaatilot sUppl'
Crrr qt, nod and Ftfth Ske el , POWs gh, .b_t_ ... O ° ,, F• .
,_rE NOW IN STORE, a , ud t .. larriN t - i. this Lewlo . 's Patent
..44, ‘.1,,.‘ 417,12....E.V.,L1,1,,,.!,,T,2,,.tieca.,e4rmc1.- xs Now to `L
tfler!aribtl9'l‘‘•"'Ve... Groom 1,,Z daspltr r atia X.lnc ti II TATE .i. C.L. ,
.. !'e nod
c.r 1,, , , ........... -. ....,,.. . ,iki_ i %
.4 12 ' 711 ' .. , a0,„,..' ; '. ..9 ''''f." tr,,,,,fr r , ' t ' r ' .;s 1 ' ..t0 Id ... 1%4 4.7t r iC! Ittffg il l nlegt ' jf h TnrtoW,
as " 0 , ..".V.ria,......... ..,-;; Im . m - 0 ,- ~ai„., , ...1 ~ o,rtitAtta from the Vrantlitrlnstitute of PAU...
Ut i , btis t1 i ! , 1 . 1';'.,,.,...,, , ,,,,...,
L i', ~," 4 ' ii`,' , -..— obit.. for Its supeclontr In Pe on 'na te,
- \ tern • tot item those hart amain Pr' lnrlstlail VIT. 1
'oe tense S't , i - &e. ' S , it' i 1. P` '... ;' l_:','Vf,',VlTild,, nr , la Irtleb tb. follow., o r, tlemplec r
~.. .....,.., . . \ . l'alculaucuo. Mar& ttlo. 1651.
S 6 Obis. tios. 1 Val 3 Not.- t \ re•JeSsdS.S. ,, ' t, it este mowcast awn. to recommend to Of, e Pews ,of
seal; , SOO IDS..thos Inc,.
. . pt., dear ater• the l'intot Iterers.ble Water Stletto..-
.Jo se..sho. 4 , ias co , u.v ,, r.m . g . r . sawed br kir Lowly ' Iles. used on Of 0 f r sere*
1: ,‘,, mad 1, Jo, .' 1.. =Ars hosduaus oust, i 0 .,,,,, , i
..., , ,,,, i , , ,,, ,
In l
o, ,
tb .
~.,/ ..0 . , . s
eu Wass Scatel tinnitun 09, t5i ,, , ,, ;', k. ',,, , % . , ,_.„.,\;;. 1 ' ' N , tiEtt , Hli ,., t: 17.! .. 1t ., , 0 1 , 5 m 7i ir 0t h 0 , 1t t k
_tree is t i . " . '
litro Ste. extra SladJa.
I Wass tteneat \ ~, ,` • .. c a",e'',„ ~... 1 The Pate .E , Itorersibtr - Water 11 . th..rit Ipe,pt.,o Or Mt.
1 " Closes; ~,' •
~ t? .. ....i; ~,,iji i 5..t..1,11. CI, ,b 1 need by net tor wt. months at rat
6 ta,ffl, , teprt ~, ~ , I, O SI`‘. . " ~,,,, , T , ,pr rate Was ....Li on Ism. sss person' could Utah. /
!''''''.l)=.ltlD4*\ 'l4 Us. 11111 u. 4 ,ltp: \ th. ` lar o `f '''‘''!" i ' er .. P -ri ''' 4 " . 4.1 1 ' 'P .r ...r t o
t „
~p. , ~,..0 ,
~ , , ,L . , 0w...0n0 ato ILe t,m1,11 ,, , , Jk1? . .. , f; 1f b...,. ..YA11 .. „ , 11113,,,,,
1 - " fl 1 - c", ~..., ~Tv, 'II'. Tha.4llters warrnated to tihe out • ott. lt or
10 krjo - ~,,...., i n'll''' i t ', - ;.',.. - - 1 ' % . taste lelllch 17. ' eu r rtadrem duvlaa 4tAtim,Lr i or ve . grtiu•
10 ' - ~.. :: .I, zu,l ---- ',, n,,,,,,,„„ ' Ole matt. In tie water. Thew arMattesited Olen we
'9 l ht.ll. °Prost l'enV'runt' ', \ - . 71. ' eluo . ri , -\----- \ 7.r5,: -.1 ,,,, ....14,"1,f . " .'"'.., 1 14 , 6 'f r \ ''" . 44 r " .... t :
46.1.nx0s Stesritittendlen I . tl . 'Arrow tn., . T.. . It Sto/JSTIt a'JAIIDIti
•ip - nu., " ' Sfrldiqr , t , i, ;I \ 'my Mutt
__ ....Arch atiret4ol.la4stel;tw
_ ,
lu " Poo. L . t hi. Sttwr olchu ,‘
btu dozen Slatousllnychtnte. IltS nos Nstrtore: V e , . \. -
100 Aceuportinettlte Stour. lo‘ t Eat. ot !Am. \ I }I AII Pii 011atal 5 trßprovcd 'l,4teo
1... - .e.. F. India, ‘. \ ere, and ‘ .111. jt,..ed r,, for "111.. tn.
?? V. knit: , 5 4 t Lenten Poston ‘Z'' .. P' .. ‘,‘ \. \
.ecn itrtosy ~ 1 .I.Ni. Cyst
cOOO , uedu
~ • 1 i ,„,„,2,.\ \ ,
i ll/NI/RIES — • „ oo b. ,.m. 8.. i; 7... Rat=
wymtivittigen 3.Lxio Za. Almomal.
ales Ural wag
:, Ere It ~,,, , Welgutk
16U buts C: a f,, _
. 0 , 2 M, i ,,,,,,,, , ,,, z o - aouri 2.4 gag
G. " . "t) dna. 2 0 `.
X, '" 'A . ,' ‘ , R Z,,,. , ' .‘ 01 02.24.0 . til r,,, rkrael2 .,„ .
4 . 1,G ,
6220 axes Ilerrlng: : ~, - ~,;,7 - 0 \ 2 ,,,,gir.,i r ., :
' UP,, bbl.. '''• C
,1t1i..,v.2-. ,?:,: : 1::... Ket4.2144,2,
IZZ ...I itsvmsw. 24p42 4 . f , ,' ~ ;m,. 4 "IPA
2 gag 21.4145;
4 0424g446 10 , 11 M.— ~....,—.. C_J 1 ,,,r,,....1,,,,,,,," . 77 . ‘,
. nubs. 6210. i..vy 9 7:::.. , .
s 2OO 442440: WI. gag- l_i_ 2 : 4 1 0 •
i r o. .. ,t .e5.„,...
' en " 'V1. 1' 4 4 ,4 '4 2 21r61224 1 :' 140-24. IL it.: - ` 2,
-- ,,,E,, - c,,,t Et
.. M 1,1,140242. up.x. al
Butter exacta..
1.4 ,, Z€4 ..","- WI bi.."ftidq:e tar. \
r .7linratri: Oa 144 7. .:2 C., &. pp. Tob_24,
la ' ,47, 11124,401 .. , \ N
1 1 IT:lttits. , . .71 Lost.
rn.,L,..1td,.... -.,
.• 70, , ... i 1 ' 6
etwalu ft.,y; - I
' .. ‘ ,4 idols! ser Bed c.sia , app.34 spa Cro:
41211: g 044 d . tt , Z.f L '3 ,2 6 l4lrel U l%f=::: r 2: Ci '
:444123= .
~, t , 0 41.,....14),nilak i nOti rr \ - l i fl o, V
\A /Setr4=34/4114411,11a\
Pittsburgh Life. . , .... Company.
CORPANIf ' was .orporated in
ta:auir,leri..ith AT . .. peak Mater, =I b.
comsrmassed bug••••ost • capita of 11
Themis•ssrd.....p.fip.oaah o.**Thi.lstftaug
Mut I plus. s , . •, • ; . -ho= • s
On Joint Sixt man the rats •an thls•
Lb.. eb s irsred by Vl:thl.lo.-mpales. assul
rapes Cant.
loser th an tits mama' tombutock Compadssa,
Mutuat rates ass \ the:saute as those ad by °SIMS
safely corv dratted Comyanlss. Thom Manrod &Om mutu
al mincloletasu Mt cOmblnad mosuitle• fu Sat by Mai.
mama of [Ow., and the Capitalist:al 9urDlpb,rmsl of
the Scam Boma departromat.\
alll ' \e\ In Ufa.
.1. '1'1 .44 3 fo .IV,illay, grriabt or wile, chfbi • cu
m... o-lattoMsl,tnetals cot cre%-ors—as hums. Mol M
&clothes forthatrown a:clumsy coebt.pkyabkdbid tb,..
cr u yon the Inaba •covlpc st• • arm 0= 6 4 4. 55 .........A7
.s Osa ovsf.n sa tb• in 1. \ .
.L the e A IlfXt:Oe ' atl.r.i.
i.e.thuel tffe Prethlanh
Jooph leseh. Troderre.
tltarlo A.Coltou, Sserelsey ,
• otatothar
Job.. d Boot J fteesiten. Leech.
Hoot. t'ithrlead,Coltoni
Samuel NieCluriten, Wo.. Ph Wyo. ,
.1 A. 1:11d..`
tlo 17 tidontSDatris, late! esetaky of Wan,
Walter °north lout...ataxy of won
obo clot:let Soy- Caahlar vig l'ltthOwsh auk:
te4.. Wholesale billuar.,
Loomis, A. B: Idethed=on FuS•
does.. 31. D, Willie= Adttlaoso,
..niqvc.k..m. }Lit. uttort9, D
E=mitsifto PAtett,ana
duffel thisarth, St D-47 ours re meet
o ottoyder, 111. D., 103 Fourt
o h street, ' •
l ' et fl .11, 6 10 t T b LI Sr
Dr td11: be la alto:Llano AS ths
3 .4",„ 0 1 - Fcrutuh street ,
IY2lalterS C A. colainv. tket,
Sate Mutual Fire :nil:trance Compaztj ,
BRANCH OFFICE—N7:64 Sattruniin SIRS=
ram:clam. Vas lrt. 1561.
THE Lest avidenoe of tho buctee4 of tho
Dlreatt , o to dodeavoring to make the STATE
t .1711. E. Cf.f.lf/".11S1 Wee; the suit. of
Ole fothluttoity. le the ouparallelrd_samount of ~.iness
.sthtt beers issued 1,400 Pedalo du o o o
the pan to, thereby adding over T$
el the Gloomy Nearly all the property Oozed LI of tbo
eatiat kind to atoll risk, out a large penfrortiOn Insured
far mallone pear.
11 hell , ,1 Peluito totted-7,60f
Do. . enduLteronotv.d. cool d. 04
Le, do o•forov . . • 7.10 _
Atheist,* fP t 1 ST egUalg
010 faoraled, tercuinateOespired. 5W1....1 U 0
Do is fan+ 7 Slia
. .
Vr...totom Soto.. - •
D.. 001,r 1,1. to rrulaut , d , entre.
.0.41 1,4
----- 551.= YU
Vich.te 1r..4.s sra, pall =AI 45
. 17,ht4
bbletv , ta.faeur tif the to., 11
cMutrf mere:mute. nue. OWII4II trelph.ll%
eta . 01 . 0 efi.leourary ',open,. ft is heberod this <oar
yetly affords sdrbutaffee In point .1 chreDbele,, 00 . 4
~ .unty,ltsfeeira 40 no 4.e.rirr. , Cerlls4snr 454. 14205,544. •
L.,l4lin , led on tn. eluitable ortagrestly teopepved els - leaf
of cla,flJ . en n 415 , 14,4,5<1 , 444 4 4g .11 4Per ,,e 1 . 1 1 '4 5 . 5 .5 , 4,
obi, mount way one t time Dr ,
chin!., the frequef.T:e.f. b`xtffr.. , *
abso on both the .ttmtrel 551 arr join.
lt. not ball pp~ na ss--
9 th the lb..
DirecXvre—Juhn P. authethe.e, et. J. eiillett.l. , .4sinef,
elm: , A eAffi.r, Name 307Sel,E.oh't
t ‘ t.; Jot. Aktil ..v..utherforth \
J toe 1:11.551 . 411.1).
e. U.l.l.Ert , e.crefery.
th . rene cf , 1•1[410 f•E • /s
r cent•on entru:s
h0..0 flea , " by J ht. Director. ..01 Is now 17-
L.0.1.)1r 111 re., +Sealable th tn.. 14
atAbe red cd Jeff. A.
AaLTIT-1' , ,
Fire asuranee Co. 'of . __..
11,RECTORS: Che,i4a W. 'Wicker, I:le:31
iir 4 Iticbarl•,.:lltotaL,S, Sordects D,141•1•,1-otria.
• 4EntS, 44,Iphe E. Dori, : unnel ()rent,. David S. Browne
.11.-4, Y. srontla. Morrie Pat , ,rson. •
CLUES LS E. latiCialt, Er e•ld•nt
Ctlsttolvti. Lufft'Ess. P. rater,.
ThisElnntinn• multinne4 to ts•ke inttliillMt, prozainzt
cs Untit•l, La grer! J..-:s•non of town and
country, •t ',led a• km . ere cons:Want with •erurity.
Th. Cotal•ny bare r•-•:rted • tarp costing•utlunl ,
Utch, yap 31141 r E•otal .41 Prinniums•seas Inreill'S.
344,03 losol4 prstoettsa I • th• ...surd. • •
Th. •••etiof th• Companr. on .1•••••ry Lt,IE4I, loyla4/- •
ll•bon 44r.a.1„./4 - 1.., We .1:•t, of A.,..bir. wer..4.1 . 00.4
5315,110 an . .
b ti
:i....p00...,-; , t.....y.r.
t" . ?`'.. ''. " -- - . ant '4l
\ \,. ------ : •
Slan.l'U• 44-,
uo•e 0...-fr 1.1-.• ,r-,c—tStnn, • twriol of 01 „vatic:eel
Cleo ptud 03 ,- .11.• of nit 11111fon Floor llublred Thou..
.Wharf Lou. by Ftre.,4% , r•by ollordlng evid , nee - ofl - 4 114
.l•mAturr• rt I usorant . , •ell •• Usetr •Lillts•nd di.
00.3. '''''' ' ' h 31''''‘,WEV'tilViel/IN•si — A it '
- L. , ••• Ail \e-- . :n.ef a w wa 61`.11 M_\,
Peau Mutual Life jce Co. .Philad'a 2 GEN.T PITTSBUNI V, pArts,
sii..°L., J. ey tin Llbertr sisett: •,
or in, loiter contcnierwe hen ro a. residing in We
laser rest of it, the ssent baby slq befoul:a claily.
Vito stol o'clock, 'sill. onhbir room of
3. hobo:m..mi s Co, by col SOW.. label. 511 roodb
ury InformApia.lii gieon conipturilotiots prompt
siebt, lb. honybkrs sal/bib:bag the print:Wes - and
6,0.00 Insuran,a. atd fors. liariustied,ola
Capital .tr , :k. pan . W.OOO anet oinitonhr.innesbnint —
Prun. div Wed ontiosny smut:opt tho. inhinoti Id'
11 ----- iu - iite. Fire,. and Inland
littfurance. TratyrPOrtatioll.
. . '
\AM *c
riE Iwurnuce.Company of North en a s
Pliiil7,s.leinl7l.—elootordl7.4. Lb4ital MUM. L..
.onsr, ,12, .1,57, $1,0u1.,245 SO. '77' _mato .thantranio on
bu1k...a... 1 giro ennteas. in als c 1.7' WA TiAlNaty: 81.10
rn pc,rry, r , t -very 71744.1 per Worn boats
and other rcr.r.L... ribber br inlscd brsnsl7.. 7 a 7 O ..... kl.
\ , nrasorOss.
.trs.bur GI Comm. Crli , , Thomas F. cf, p.. \
~ ...A ww""- . ggA r,Nic... \..
INlvartl Smith.
John A. lin,n, • 1At1112.10 Wald, k .
coonori 7 eolith. • Fronds natl.. ,
,a.ouri NroolO, V.. AuStin Al/171one.
I.losles Taylor: \ • Ire. b.. Bono, \ I
Arnbrors,libite.‘ , rCril , Vnnil. , I
Jacob NI. hlrlast, JUNO N. OgsOn. '
.. Morris 7, EL. 11. Bbernaltr.bsc'y.
TU.. Li the eltirrt. lartaranco Company in thoUnltod Staled
soal troth I n higoltatatvg, lon' exprriepee. =plc EXAM,
and •, , vlll4 oil rIfILA of \ Ala er.trs hliArdoll. cbaract.., It
..., t''' r '' .. 4 -n " . 4 " ee . r Aff,fa rrREr. khgrli`
- - \ No. 141 lercnt street
w„ tern l aw = r Coppenyof Fittibnigh.
APITAL 8300,000, IL . SaLLEiI ,
VrrsSirtir. F. M. tiordos .t , lc,rtal7. •
Fill adaLast all kmd• °S cots, Fire Viol Marina.
Alt tan,vi will la 4hOrl l ll . 4 1J WSW and Prwirilily Paid.
A worm, ins itutron—moorigsst big Diswtors woo an well
town rte rormuntrriosiol. %slip
~= rilk
Wararstrord, itrot a llislit , -- 1
who dojos to Sr Isrir., Tudor 21
lir Luisa. Jr., Ws.. B. Holmes, C. ibrosen. brio. . ackono,
Wm. Lyon Jon. lArytircolt, pv.ic. x •
• duley Als. irricastklthot. Scats. Co..
Oro. WS Ns awr s strrst. (warehcrws c
ov rtAws.) illtaanrFb. •
Delaware mutual Safetylasta - ancepomp'y
Third etreetrZhlladelyhia. \
Gut le.tosenCc—Builttntge, 31e. lee and other
Veir.lp,th tern ceellitl7. 131.1.1 . 01 I.II=IIPOPP Or
br 11,0.5 t the lowan motet innenUto
Tteclet. I:Cf.-Ll= —Thep plso insure Vessel. Carves,
ant fretzla.. , forenGa or COmMesse, tlrder ore , . Or 7.
pe*.h. the arolml
lALLYD TP•3lireare.l.l.—Thea 8.110 lIINUrIi Mart= 01
talaApOrted WpgpSol. Unit roan - ems. cisonl hosts, and
eteect teat, cc tiTeTS wd latts, On the moot Ilbene testae,
Incmect—Joeeph IL Feel,. I,lznotei A. noudetr,
.John C.
DariNtorbert Xlurean t John B. P.m. Unice , Llnsotot
Gearsl: Leiptee tannen Derlinston. mull[ DOG*, t
u>=4.l.r.u. p i: R un. 1 at_,
Heal. Ttrot.hclue lots. II JOt.E.
Ruh, = aZ:"fr o . ii!ICWAPt
Joho tlellerte Eyre, Jr.
1 101
tar `et l'ettceecoa—.l , f Molten, 1.1010 Ctent.
PresLicat nac.l C 1.10.11, Vie Pere c
Ohio Liboratory.
.1 - r& 76 %olio 92.17 - fri.-
L 3 IA .• , -• 11.; , -
1 11111 \ !OM .5 1 11111
85 _ 99
I\''er cent. Strength.
uIVELL 'LTCIIEft..t CV., Manufactli ,
rd. ot ALL 11014 l'ure2solltts foreokortto solißona
ot Cooper Distilira Voyao ohromaa haat
Comor or Vint iAd knot areas. Ccoaoloool. OutO
44-An tos. rittobuntn-nillb,nr...nAlinu.l
looma market Drl6o ' .017: Y
uuves hovering's • DoL
ti b Le CL vitt/ A cm.
uti. dried Pearbel
IIS, PERE , wnirs.
\ ktau a co
\I and Iler
\is aCO
77\ 'iiriiedis,' , , celeitated
vo3ROlille\ 'IIE3SLOOK, PT
‘ l, l .l rift
.2_o-, avi...A.,..1,4 .
1 .....,:z0 w iqr..0...d....pi.u,"
Adana i,.d.o.,reetiarite,..rz,,,tll.
.notbrcoolitle m - 0 eir Mtketicl "re:. ~,
b." " \ ? s lero nod' ' \
n e i. v ...nno_ be m,.__kiroa, tore
correctly combined, derr fruumui .
peruausuutferby:ll.l.t uNz ary &tom,
For poLluu la busul., plus.frutr.
*h'l ll We b iu.t " qAMT•Dg ',7 l:
Voth ' ute sts u s rete c \4l in Et
<1.. , - y a l a 0i..1 . 41,01 UM", ineil MI Wa0...-
rt iZ';,:-.T fully c , rru T . 4.4 b ;c tb. ,....' °i " .l ." U ''
!Z.Toni:l L ' .. l dl:24Tk t ilit . doers.ll 7. , refrat
ruTigi 'Tr. ' I ' I L s rt l .7e r 9 l ettl ' 7A=lW - Iti tor ‘ lrtirr
colscaLCu ° Toluchtenttur ulth MOM Ebel*
. d,;,,,, ~,,... , uu susu t uqird. utitti \thu , cuuSdeut erenrutert
ilat curV ..cLu.lul uffrets uirl i tu kouna Ter, decided.
\ I r* ~."..."''''.'" ''''' riL ' allillls arwocd ct. . tk .
s , InclU. '
LEI, for utumg wbenntlful.W.Ta...M. 4l, ... 't s, , ,
u ruulllrtuMinru'UL'iltuu t'abezint au. - firtiot .
flp . mA74Mg: It round. cornier: frrtorl oil Ordlzi ,
The ladles lime Itog n ‘-e It e n
of tit nnetlele, and In Oils theft MO.. fodorill bete
1r reedariri, ne . corpendon is feed-ed t Li Impalloul
hi lf..ll-I:t s , • Coke arlll do tblrtS dm.. c 4 cc\ ea . 0
(molly sbo Id br tritbout it • -. ,
Yoke Ikliiceratd per Coke. Fmk Cake with toll tort
For rode by ‘ tnetioo . ii- E SELLEttd, kr An,
.. TheM are more thingsin bea:en and ear A. \
.11tanlizei.drairolit of in pliiimiphyi'
'FRE VI%LIiIES of this remarkabl: feta:
j_ A T , arid natant application for it. to thirprOiri
tlii=a Mulcted littiene=tirip,hop br ier, nlilal •
TIP Aftl)LEl/31Vis ;roomed fri . m ' it - it Pril li tif this Ch \
Vat a depth of four hundred feet, 1" a puic, otiminifilm
article. nit/rout, Wry ttosmical ohnogo,_ bat put adrift
ers from lintarga, (nest Labratory. I That it von
peoperties reech l ng. a, ntrbes of dlecasos,ts no Mim - ai,
, tolitter of uncerterial , i, here are mane ttr In then
\ fa=
in fell"etTigifratiertr. It ' il Teft h ei t .'ina the " blroi . l * of .'
—...f4t ieie cure anme, Vie conotent s. ' iod Sang Inineal
I t=k::', l ,!;:j i ldta t it7fil ' a l iVir ' cliVifilt: ro4' \.
k.iViilrottsigen=Tl r, " pa d te ' r :,kift..z.o,
`me arepoolnlone that the meelloill crSti open work •Ita b z . ss
into itichitos of Owe nho ander, aril alit to lei ' ;
%MlA's, gli opt claim fbr it a tro 0,01 application In se
Phew, Me ontieeitatingly ecb ilia In a number
Chino,' iliecize
d it is coorna t i , ieir. anion:tte mar b . :
renigirinoizur°3,° c0 , ..4.MVA, 0. It, ....4 . .
ffN•tit.T.VN A I 't.iql , V l li"A",.el4V o, =111T;
B!'4 .2e d" ;T t ,
_K E iti l'o r let 1411?[1:l* t t o gtagl i r ..
etas, getleileiti a,' norna,goslile;, geol som e
ie. am Ath reiresiof hility, ger:thing `foig , expoetire, OS
101 l
lairi!•%liil V rae a ' elaral ' iNili7.ll l TTlT:
ATI iti I curb casee,'Cloparfulf Ion« sold A.rdx to le*
whole fr;lioLretorprlot heiriim onsi cfm4nri Vc P .L I
futmtine, .bllth CCU. litafie and a Gr.. 21 i11..,3.3
nagiptiu . loormiried and nand energy mill VP. newer:.
of 1.110 Wbe proprietor known ol scrorar cane ea PILL.II
Itire"111.111.1117-= r:Orrk.fls-ie`3IA.IZT'•
1, 0 „,, 0 „ „,„, ~...L . h, gam it-,,. G , ,„ \
None genuine le.i pti , e ors ,
s `" b 7 M 0 ... 701 ?,
.e IrakteNr.lo:-,
and KEIC . k . ..R a hiTifir 1; \ ,
' • i 'Azar street • 'I 117,1.12 Alley " ). , r
oceli ail his rem:aim - 1 . \f gooltitar age.. \ \
tre 157
0. 2" 1
kc NOW all .inch who ar s e 6.0 k and iiflliotal \ .
it i,,x.
it th 5....” a toe 136.1.10 r Uod h litioeyo. with cheer Ni:
iris p•lns ir. boot or Ilachu.. l ll fOlca oi.l cores, funkekols , -.
Uire," Sr,. that doer An be 00003 U r 1 klua U., .P.F.TU4'. 4.,.
WI . loir boar talk about Ite Let ot . i rruerb•autuotk , A
sal you pie., buy this does 000 mete it t o tqwe wog
.. \
In the iws of on bone.. cosurtesitr, i a hiss_vm . \
uhr. ore uot contained lei .7 at t. tnedrt it...... N .
' t uba is rar_ked nth, pin: woo skLoir. 4-04 diseasot sisa,
\ A z
ca rtie(
fro .y of—to ill ectOra.san
\Ender , It ruts eery bule t. costs 0 cz' 1.1 cl• Pd..
00 '. 1 .,,, L ' 0° md re,l:oc o . o :l2=tiAVl 01L....
bil:fu ' orere head of cloture, and bubbletsupLfrout Itlbit
toe= a our mother rortO, In 14 ocirtin•b, Perir7l eful t n
fn. to ruairiul humstati• a iisi'• re.mrt • r y k r. 1 .P. 7 .1
6Ttlolferc' f o . o . sfreo 'other 'cd!rines M.A 4.1 w
~,,,4, , • - - t befu, ',.bof on/
etauttimute 4t. Waft.tuc t'urek , e
Ilse curer, 't
curet) ob t. ch verl cr. y 0
i ' ' on.i
In •
as l of
ft*\qiul ,
W . and Liquors.
arrh, pri
lyi Frott arne.;..
. „
and Ventilittion."‘ \
, (Ik , APPARATUS kr -
as, Vac ,ories. Omit&ls,exl Wahl
, publlsind Dti te. Also,lascac
fur ellre* sane =oral* ,
I sod Stmes
s asaml
uLturalraced m sas. 4113
AVIH kscripLicass arratioted
Usicraan is Swim U.srrA,
. uu r,t t ti =LW= ber. cr./ .
ccaa4 d lc= Ur
A1K111.10,1,e. (
afellt - hethat - d - FieTc;l7l - ra - in r" n. FiWir - s - 0 . T, ‘
111,410de, Ch.4oac Eryshorlanvuod all those cratlnar dla
rases pccUliar to remain. I deed. every tbrat of'
vanishes ander the use ct lids turoc(Dc.arrigh hantsar ~
Sy Is ladr—not by the use of one attuoroGid can for tit 1.
.111, Physiological La . 's Put by the uss
' t!i=el ti rs b , ' ;dsilited to. end ~,,,,,,,,,a r. , .. orp.un • •
1 font of di4eane.
Dr. Vases Tonic Alterative Pille, hen wed, are Int'ag
bly e uldr r
; nritai! to be enrarlor to all ethers. at Dun ~,. ...,
ha nob as they leave the bowels toe. s--• . i
TeglFfroe ' from conticenear. st alsd his Go/den Pills are ads
gate& by the U..), tO X... FOOtalOr ITOPerg . .", ..*"
tett . female dbaser. but bring striated that a tare thge s
Is endldebt to establish abet has beta add, In the inintla s. •,,
the most skeptical. ~
The aftllcard tam invited to call nista the agoit. gad pag , ...
gore (gratin) one of the Doctor's prdaphletagloiat ed.. , ' •
ed amount of each renady, and Its agplinsion.--,
For ado by I.Wolloglosionto, as well al by/3194'1MP
gig. throught he , tut , . 1-
l J Delsogiriust ou ur 4 C0. , • 24 oal st..PigairiEgh. - '.
l J. Ids Trostuends Tfatglaft, 4 5 Mlirhe't 'IL. ' . • s
~, Lee L. Deekbant, Drug -•., near
Pad Cdiceidileghe s,
Ild• ate.
Joseph Flarkley,erllngton. Dealer amity. Pa • ,
'John Mott. Mine. TGlnr , '* " "
a , a • .
DATILE AFFLICTED will be found ii
orKi,",, Plewatt C Halibut:ea INFALLIBLY: LINIIISPPT, t
agar fluid. which bas stood lb. test of thirty your. air
reeler,* and bar, beyond 'a doubt, been thanes= of aid.
Jug tbe lints of thoueude of inandusle. In alaloat, eveaT
sass( and character of disease. We feel tint we turnard as
thuag in raying that Chit lathe only meditinel that Ida Mgr
earned to the aloleted. that do \r, In every tante Or HA walla I
what It is told for
an i Potrotr ruedleihe ed seed =
for o Cal ' MCWout . by wham
, ; :v:r mtd.T.jr wbe.gatnavt.f:
of the
tbs. It ' le &be tx°a g ot:do article thrt . ra l.baud il l' aglkim a i i t r f
adtt e n=li c ein t oit , tte: . &Lauer
patjord w
. egel en . d= .
gemily Median. ever oderol hur tal; or ortl by goy at
th rik
The Hon. Hoes" IL Grinnell, We 4.0 The Hahne*.
IL Morrie, lase Harm lion. John A. Pis, Ista II A Ingart
tor. Niilliam H Pork, Eta.. =tor Of the liplyit Of the
Titans and • boot of other dl
' eithad of New:
Toth who hart fully tasted Leo manta. va peandtted the •
ptopriator to refer to the:a.
As it le well known Out Peanut Mod lot not_:= :
.nr patronded by the issT . wealthy Della
int have undoubtedly • r tto foal ottrsalvel highly putt-
Hued. Thar Roeder rror Cesodetund hag bum marl*
emu you.. tut. the public, Ito hut tlindl., .0a:
ranungest and bnt. .1. =aid undoubledly I. \Plano(
nj= g it r ir:a g' r-l.i uniit - ' " 4- ' ll-4 "'
%.....,c, ~.,....,,di,. -7:4&.0..p.., -- r...,
soma ail the paha undue' na that flash Is heir IP.. ~
Over LOOO,OOO bottles hare been Add without neq i itanat .• a
• hare verfeeted sorb o ld tures, otter Wort
renedin hare failed, .o would nagger belief, hal nao - L
oth,T. u.l in our puranecoh toe, nrongest Panikle TS ,
Tb ontlicint. or natures rented. le toulnaud. enun. eu ,, , , - `
r udder, Inr interma . well us uvulae], oda at acre
17="'"trdrYtaZi""priatniir'it k "" . g ag , ,
all epaer7todic On:na,
of the hidnay i ri and
Li ends.. In rune r ore male, rrent whateTr cause I
bo le t ,r ' =r 'a r Pitubutilt. LY IL fl l b. . ' Heuer HIM at
Co ..'and Ogden A ananden. and by a .i '
„,,„.. r „,,, IN. ant up in fwd. ore, and one shilhang
tlere. " lanStarn I
To the - Reader:l of the Pittabughliszettit: \
- nuBLIC ATTENTION it respeclully Li. ,
1 - witol to the ibllrm I=g night, at form in rentl,ll,4
om of the mon O R nooodieo of nialorn thing
PETROLLCII OR ROCK Olt, It to not may 00042 OW r -
yeoy ago once this yen remedy au bruught begireghei
C'hl for the relief and cure of Omen. Ito gnat i . 4
hW,, Mee.
is then.,becona• fully .ppreassed ,tbd..
unit=, and iseiliVe that the longer lt Is UM,
mon cern= • 11l In Sine spread. If Is mat the Ma
tr4°i:3:ileflr:Po=ZPV4V3,,klU.=l s,
..vb, ii = l. hmea hest i for:+gt. •Thm Nagai= OM
by elpyrrr and ommicKtheit bluing to semi " all a innaast I.
omilegant Lt la our *Miran ants about gare: a
eine, net ere aria tha tr
uth—thel two Pa 7 nottand mina L ~
lead to deceive than who cony mat one eclat cr put coat- s
donor in cr otatersoonts. the ant on Veryopt br Mai at '\ '
e el thug thg . ti tEmlses relief fmn damn' n. gory na
hardly bean o wrought Pasaans the ctinct of inn/. •
ing or hissed+ KIM of theta NO* w. 4, DaltrlP
to-do thy'... too amino only' that th e t r uth In n 1 to
on. r ...y . &mid te told. in Cake to enure Pry It• rope. '
wi c . f a , adr as stink eagle In the mantis UMW
Philo tinshod facte—fects that nay be manned
Inur mlghtirchoud. Ma anion Molcomy in Dr
vor of thoPetroleinn. \ •
Wlthiti the not tee soma,, two of =Yawn ellen; '
atio wen totanf blind. hare Imori regareci to idght No,
end noes abl dneas, In the Eton. of Oblo.. aim bar*
eared. dada: lb* ease of • geothoe to to Donne Otintr
\ nen an Ott.. 3.dit thalll 820 Mad Ilt. 0.1.1,.T1::.
Ipa ,a fermi to by .y Debar, oho he's double on • rub.
wt. Itwoe Nato •w• cured after Um bed been
, L .,..,,,
~..,.,..4 b t ,„ 14 ,n 17 , 1tar ...
pil...,...stisautfant.l.exaslgU. k• lioo•oo th• MO.:
l'hopim ant ho facet. Climatic lan Lyn. Toblore )
Scold Idesd pdos to the tuned Lod joint. oi Koos, Uldery
W e , jmo, ctinulo Caugho, 2mlicon, Ilicaddlts, net We •
pahnonary Onto. of a chronic Datum tending go pup
duo Census:option
Borne and Balda, dismal of au Bladder aild:Bldal7t4
Cl,.nd Minds, Encoriond ldlstilvs, Corn tad m
In Mt. it its atras honour. argot, ad hge bo - eir — Orß
mmat of the an , . Steam within the rig scar 2/Ilt the
mast pectin *num. Corgllcatirs thug will anontsh awl Ila '
th•handi nt the; proprietor, who odi rate picsam• l2mhanl
w e them ad the ‘ tad ot the* friends.
Whatever oth 0 nay lay about their medians., UN s
Petroleum lo ths realest Remedy' of the ego 70713dan•
, high th th dt,,, • the prohosoot are beg ionith to tow ft
thth, pieces .. Tho o oho at lOU lector dh. doubt
sod suscortaluty. am ollhos to mated It do prole, onli
oopaidandloh Beforitatorthor yrs: rolla mind, all trill to •
rotopeLed to 4.9 . 1.011 tr
y st
the liroh b m
•Ltth• great' 11-
an t i ..... 4 wen uerr.—
tru.l : kelit'criTtle Vert..., 1N.. 1 = 1 ..... 1 biii..
sets about your Srrob. t. .L. .=. 1 -•-
M,4rtt=l s-7 ,t;1 .- , - :';!t.. 0 :,,w,.. - Aggz. --.
I k.,‘ rco..ttaed it it, ' DU UetAbors..4 doom Lel ye Mat It il the Oett cough 0nd.....
t.r. b. `vvi r ben, olyergrl to tLe public. .t.
62114.. r. \ Alit
Parcotti\onl4 11 L. a• I tZ4 tE , ma
. I' are . j. , .. a sr
cow.. Ithery.ber Q. \ k. , urt‘d by • ZI e? \b?ttl• of
,' B riT: - ... 4 ‘ dby \,.. tt. Z q.CLZRZ,
. ' =V \ ' l l7 WOOO it. and Dniiritst'onszsay.
I - SATES T VIDICINES,•&e,—.A. 1 'ai , p stock—
J ig t. s a e ..."' ''''' ' th =til i gr i '''' viv. '
Ides tlitiatzkt\
L. P.' , atitl_Stlt e t Lira. a . t n "'"'-' •
• Norm watt ti0 .t X1 1 .... •.. rgri u l 1 E11x..1 r eif 17
.. -
• N UP ,tgr.r-Y - Lialsola \ ..lattell•eth Ext Fact of Dtkhil""
N . .t,:err - •••\ • ;DRIP& Ct.nratative I t
i1ud411... . \ Dtp924111<..1511 . 9p,; fsri , e •
lictaper'fi \ curt tgt.tutes a.,11..6tra...
-•• Ea, • lati-1570ttret ‘ ult. tXrblits.t.
•• .. Ey.? T `. Etatlrt of, Yuperttial • `,
, ;•• ig . 1."1 , p . e b aa , .., , : , : y , . ,\ . i=on • , N
....„ XTEIVI , . !\ : Ettgratat ,
. ithle - i "
I '
latiDlDlk . ' r
VntI,ITMI.g .
'mask,. Bo& .
1. • \ Sitistod ' , •
, • Stiallt.s_.... ' _
... n, ttri-xx, Con "
Of•Gani For
°°"- /
• ,
04 • \ \
alorsa Yowder
Ikti, Wlqw ry•sr • lor
9tare of
Muer at Wool 0,41 , 151,••1• staariL
4 •
Zit 1T.A.,JAL,W,•140/bs.
alocn.:l.- tor Salm
), *mil&
• 1