TTERS THE ,AI.I.7.GRENT :MUDGE. CA.III-1. J. Fox Alden Esq. yeiterday appeared in the Bnpretne Codrt for an ididnetion to reetrain the President and.Matiagers'- of the. St. Clair. street Bridge: , free: divpotini of any of their corporste,prop . erty. fle alto avked that a receiver should be appointed to take charge of the fonds, and that Vtoli-collectors ehoultplikewise be selected. 1., 'rite Court.iotiirottinl that they wosid• listen to an argument fGr the application, attar paper bdpke bad beou printed, Fiat). Marthi, or Man elleetei: yesterday presented as with a number of very largo cirldeliciouv peenhath of the ye riety kaO77ll.'HL. President" They were among tho ' fincst we have ever eaten, Mr. Mar tin is Well kuoern do our citizens as one of the beat.. rareness and pourologieta in Allegheny County: :Fie Lae fur aale stile ntuwery all the chhitest varictiet of pracboa .and other fruit, ' adapted to this elitnate, and we are confident, will give the, EVS/OSt satisfaction to those pus chuitrg from him , MEiTINo or ,11E' 001.1701:11 , 1TIALL 1343CU1T1.7- 116 Board of Managern of the Pittsburgh Hor. tiCultsTa Society, metier the room! cf the Board. of I . xede" yesterday reornie'j g.' ;;;Mr.lJames Wadrop, of Manchester, took the Choii; sod Air. 'Monsen was appointad Sects. Thethairman of the Eiecuilre Committee an isOuncedroat the Masonic Hall had been cop, gedfor hdding their autumnal exhibition in, on the 17 . 03, 18th, and 19th of Septimber. tho i api L bilutment of Judges of fruit, flowers, was.ennonivied tnbe next in order. Simnel Cooper, of Findleyrille Cap iainifert, of Indium, and George Shine, were appointed Judges of fruit. Mehre Hathsuiel Nitehell, of Manchester, Abralizra Davis, Allegheny city and John Hersh xergtir:,, Manchester, were appointed Judges of .regetables. 1, ' Meiscs. Vs. Hollins; of Pittsburgh, C. P. Spout, of Pion towviltip, and Hugh McCarthy, of l'e.bles township, were appointed Judges of flowerc • • , . The.premiums 'will he awarded during the first day—the lilizsonic Hall hill be opened at two o'clock, 'for the reiMption, ;of risitors--the judges . will Meet at 11 - gin: w. The following le a list of premiums: For tio Rix at. variotke of epploo, iiot.leia thnnoix each, Second best do For the six hest varieties of pears, not leis thariiiix each, . Second do • . . For the six best varieties of-peach es, not less. than 5i7.61ah, i 6 00 Second best ,to . 3.00 Isabella grapek, best peck. 3 00 ,lo . Is . ',best el/ bonchei, stomps. = best peck., ' 3 00 du • . •ios. ,I „best six bunches, 2DO l 00 otlin — gropes, beet six bunches, - winces, best twelve fruit, : 8. 00 tin • second, do . - 200 eetld . nmlie, ooe quart, : _mac_ ' G 00 3 00 _ 4ecositi do•7' Best, collection of Erna,' of. - ali raism:m . , Cnctenbers, best six, \ ---- 2 • do .secund lent six, • • . • . 1 Squa.h, best six garden, • 2 Tomatoes, beet, one peck, 2 d'd- -- second do 1 ' ,Vegetablo egg, best 31.1. fruit, - 2 do'', - second, do 1 3sbhage, drumhead: best three heads, - 2 . • do red, beet thine heads, • 2 . ' do . any Tuley, best three heads, 2 - '.Voioli, best three, • ciy, white solid,. best six stalks, 2 I e second, beet ail stalks, 1 ~!... ...":„. blood, best twelve beets, , 2 7 .t...".V7,'aecond de . . . • - . ;:tp, the beat twelve, ! second de . ..-- - kerepi best peek, 1 . . 'del second beet do - , : ...'e , ros, best twelve; ' . e'vlb second best do vr.:l i Ilbubsep; largest els stalks, t, d? 'Nec mad do - ' ttini °tie, - eilvee eitin. best, one peck. r'l do iseodlinp, belt do • f ; , dor any variety, . - Beans, lima, beet,. . ' , Potatoes, :realised:Lock, bust, on* peck,, 4 ' do say 'variety, b ee t, i .. de— sweet-yellow, beet, i , do do red, best,-' 1 ;PtunPkins; largest, beatrwo, IPareley, curled, beat six. bandies, Bactishea, longscarlet, best, 'de tu rnip , best, Corn, sugar, .besetwelve ears, -Peppers, largest' twelve,. .Lettane,. beet six heads, i M'elo'ns, water, beat three, • do: citrons, best six, • Best collection of vegetables of all kinds, LI China aster, best six in pots, i It . Ido best variety, cut, P 2 00 Thibllas, best collection, 1 8 00 do best twelve, Phaols,- best variety; cut, 112 -00 Itoseis„perpetnats, best six cut, . I- 300 do bourbons, - do i,, 800 t do id pots, beet display in raristy, ' t 8 00 di sooond best do- t'2 00 Verbenas, best six, in pots, i 800 ilo . beet display cut, '1 0 0g Foshcia, best six, in pots, Seeandbest do : - . 2OO Pansiee; hest cut, , . 2OO Best:display of greenhouse plants, • 000 . . , Dislana :MrD ,Ao(IIMIS. I Designs, best , 1 , ' . --_ I ,i 5 00 Second beet do i 8 00 , ;Wreath, evergreen, hest 20 ft. or more, 18.00 ' Seiji vases, with llowers, best 3ftor m ,I 8 00 eeded beet do A , ' 200 Bouquets , hand , " be pair round; 200 do parlor, beet pair rotmd,,l6 in.,l 800 do any form, beet pair, . • 800 Basket, with flowers, best I 3 00 Second best do , • 't i 2 00 Dish, with dowers, best, • ', i t 00 do l2 00 i bi Semi , display•of boquets ern. designs , 6 00 I All-article-3 for competition most be th pro duction of the Exhibitor, and most be 'se orted 'to the Committee of Arrange:mai:at be6d Etna o'cldcit,•"..A- M., of. the 17th of September No ',collection or article of any kind ' ' be ,alloised to. coMpeto for more then one psi . ~ All seedlings of fruits , downs or yoga es Of Merit, will receive gratuities . The ' will. 'be dire:a for the reception'of articles for ex. , hibitios, on Tuesday, the 18th of a ' ber, I when a hat of all the the articles resented i MUM he tarnished to. the Committee without fail' . . Drscreticiasy premiums aid, be given 1 every d.hinfs 'of metit;not enumerated in the All pemons competing for premiums, and mem bete of the Settety, will pay me dollar. 1 mem cerSfacates, Oka One:dollar, can - be from any member of tha Executive oomenittest inlbs_ tidal of achnissido,:twenty-fivelients. Byleier,of the Exeoutive Committe,ll • ' I fit , '- 1 • Tpsi Lt - secs 4.74iir..7-The ezoeediegt i I. nouttestimony In this ease, has bias bight a eiiSe , and the Counsel engaged. willidd the jury this morning. , A INIODLL • TELLOILLIMIC ' DZIPATCH.—, 1082 .6 maxi in this city, who has a pretty g ' edam , tion,'" 111111 informed by hie employer, so ellime a'go'„ that, if Ile would bring his bra et up traria Cincinnati, where he was, be wotild give hi too, a tang birth. The Gorman,' of so good an offer, Wrote twito to his broth ;With r ouvrecrieing any answer , to ho-ccmclu bd that he bad not recoired - them, and reit:die to lay the letficacy of a tclegrapio communlcstio Go ing ' .. to one „Of our offices, he ain't the' following Jena despatch : ' • 1 "Asko will you comet" • • Tu, which :rake replied. ••1 doesn't I know wheayou wants.% Ito the poor fellow . \up: be again compelled to resort to the .epultrery" styli. , of ancresp9pdence. _ . i• / • - . . 4ar5i.:2522 - m.utm—A men flamed morph. Btu:Manny:l, was committed -to prison yietterdsy b7 l3l nY 9othrie,bergea,, on oath of John Brownlee:with the InreenY e between !arty and fifty - shedp.• • Brderna a WOMAN.—Daniel Jones via com mitted to prison yestineday • by Aldsrman : B. D. Woods, charged on oath of Mary 'lon , with assault and battery.- - • . - ' Lannans.—Alexander Wood/. was ye teriay . committed io prison, charged, on oa th. ° , A u ._ da laras,`with stealing'it batter kidder f • •• her. -• A large• nmnber ofemarket baskets, . other articles of ,triiiing value which hod . atola tt , baskets, other found in Lis. lame. Mr. E D a . , ghat lodged. a oinaildraomplaint against bi zEL , ' ___ ( • 1 fticsirrrs .—A.roambei of csivsazy Wad ill:hitl7 gity Tursday,'ott tbibe tor. lerscat•Banselts; " BY TELEGRAPH. IiCTIVED , IT THIS O'SZI'LLT TILUFALIMI Llll, •AND ItiS)lt+lD /OIL THE PITT, BMW!" GAZILITL `FOREIGN . NEWS. Arri9el of the SteeT*hip Aunerica. .-,- THREE DAYS LATER NEWS FROM EUROPE Saw Foliar., September 2. The steam ship America arrived at Halifax early Ulla maraini, with three days later hitelli geneetiom Europe. LIVERPOOL MARKET. LlvEissooL, August 23 Conps—Common and middlingluati ties have advanced during the leeek, fully one farthing, and better qualities id 14 lb. The quotations are—Fair Orleans, bid; Mobile, 51 lb. The . week's sales were 68,000 bales, of which specu lators took 9,000, find exporters 14,000. The sales on Saturday amounted to 8;000 bales—the market closing firm. •Ftous auto Oasts—The markets are extremely depressed. Flour has declined 6d 11 barrel, and Wheat 2,111:1 bushel. 'Corn tat! improved Gd 11 quarter ' • , Trade in the manufacturing districts is im proving. Spinners are fully and profitably em ployed. The Havre is ;wive. The tales of the week amounted - to 65,0%1 bales, and on :Thursday, up to 2 o'clock, to 2;000. 'Very ordi , nary Orleans is qoted at •fulY ,Money is more in demand, but the' rates are unchanged. Console were quoted at. 961®96i for money. ' The yacht America's,challtmge, to 11111 against all English yachts isiot actepted. At theiegatta on Friday, she best 18 yeelts easily. • • sEc6No DiSZATCu Liy.taroou, Aug. 23. Ft..o'rs 'esn Onern—Some circulars quote a decline of le "t 1 bbl ; the broken& quote western canal, at 17e1,209, and southern at 19®195 Gd Ei bbl; and Wheat at 2e4d decline. Corn is more in demand, at 25s Gd '4l quarter, for yel low. - Pleownnons—The market in dulL Middling quality of beet is tending downward. Pork is in fair retail demand. Bacon in slow; shoulders are dull, but unchanged; baton F are attracting more attention, at 24®26s gl 100. Lard has adranCed Is /31 100 lbs, and is firm. ostoomuns—Sugar is in :moderate demand, `and 6d lower. Coffee is in moderate request, at previous rates. Holders of Congo! Teas are him, but purchasers demand a coaciasion. Molasses is in limited demand, and prices are tending downward. Masans—The market is less active, but prices remain firm. Pig iron is negleeteli. &rocas—Matted States stocks are inactive.— Pann'a Ws were quoted at 81®82:: no change in 'western stocks POLITICAL LOTELLIOEXCP.. ENGLAN L) The Queen Will leave for Scothmd on the 27th of August. :Raving expressed a desire to have St. Pancros weigh repair a certain road by which she might pass over it, the Vestry coolly inform ed her that the road would bo closed on the•day nnmed; consequently she could not pass overlit The affair excited considerable meriment some vexation. The meeting of the Catholics of the 15th Kingdom was held in Dublin, on -Tuesday. led to exciting scenes, and some violence. In the Yatch race on the 22d, the America w the last to get away from the moorings, bat she soon - passed 18 competitors, and reached the wining station 25 minutes ahead of the Volante; the best English Yacht. It was a very brilliant roce,'and thegraddest day ever seen at Cowes, the throng of spectators was immense. The America's match with the Yacht TitAtli was to come off oa the 28th. The Great Exhibition is growing less at trortiee, the receipts having fallen to about 2000 poundssiterling., The discussion of the estatilishment of a pack et station in Ireland is renewed Large meetings have been held and strong resolutions passed at Dublin and elsewhere. • FRANCE The opinion gains ground at Paris, that Prince de Jeinsille will run as a candidate for the Pres idency. The President hes abandoned his trip to the Senth-western departments. ,'Some disturbance in the departments have reqUired the interior epee of the military, but nothing urinals had oc- Cursed. . • VAIN. • The regular to of an impending crisis in the minim:rid all we have from Spain. CUBAN AFFAB34I.. Wiantgalox,' Stn. 8 The Gosrertorteat at Washington has received despatches announcing that Lopez is in a bad way: No CreOles are, joining him, but he is still holding out. The collector at the• port of New Oeleans has been dismissed on the supposition of conniving with the Cuban invaders, in neglecting the dis charge of his duty, in allowing the Pampero to depart with Lopez and his troops. VERMONT ELECTION. .Ncw YORE, Sin. 2. We here only scattering returns of the elec tion inTermont yesterday.' There is but little doubt of the election of Citn. Williams, by a considerable majority. As far as beard from, the rupee sentatiTes enstd 33 whip, snd 38 Co alitionists. 4 CANADA ELECTIONS. ,H•tasas; Sept 13 The election held on Thursday but for &mem ber of •the Legialative assembly resulted in fa vor of the Liberals, ;who' have nine majority in the Asereabfy. The' result also favorable to the, cauterization of the Canada and Portland Railroad. • , FROM TEXAS 04INZST05, Aug.. 28. The Teine crops are suffering drought. Three hundred Cuban Liberetors are reportAd to be on hlastang Island, awaiting conveyence many of the Texas rangers are among them . The - Bowdon papere say the Indian chief Wildcat, hu 1800 runaway .negroee at hie town, lately built above Engle Peer, and his Indian forou are daily augmenting. . EL Ptah, Aug. 2. The Bouudfiry Commissioners appear in a disorganlvul state, about the startilig point from the itto Grande. Malap, thtkassistant appraiser at the Custom Rouse, is hero now undergoing examination au a charge of bribing and abetting Charles Bal. harnis in passing a raise invoice •-• The bark Panama arrived. from Rio With 6, - 600 bap of coffee 'COTTON EITATiSTICS IS'AsaviLLe, Sept 2. Tha total receipts of cotton this year, are 86,200, against 29,800 during samß period last year. The present stocks are 4,460 balm, against 1,400 this time lent year. Senn bales of -new crop - have been received. There Brill be considerable falling off in receipts the coming ye►r iMoirucc, (Mich.) Sept: 3. A tout' named at Wayne Tres killed almost Instantly, at Bliesfield, Mich., trot night, In trying to jump upon the freight train, while under full speed. :Nivr Oatraxe,./3ept. 3. The ■teamer Winfield Scott arrived here, in seven end a half days from Now York: BALTIMORE MARKET:. BALTIMOLIZ, Kept. 2. • IloterLBalee 100 bbls H. 8. flout at $4, add 500 do city mills et $3,94 "El bbl. The market is dun. GrAn—Sales red wheat at 71c®75, and of white at 76.:®83 V bushel. Yellow corn sells at 570; white do at 558®60e 'V bushel: Rye 66, oats 83c@26c. Previsions—the market is firm, with sales new {seas pork at $15,87, and of prime 0413,- 60 e 1 bbl. Sales bacon shoulders at 81c. sides 91c®10, hayins 10®11 11 lb. Sales lard at 9}o in barrels, and.l lc 10 kegs. Cheese ie. selling at 7c®loc, em 3 butter at 10®13 7 61 lb. Groceriei—.Sugar has advanced to Sc. Sales .coffee at 81 i ogy3c V lb. Whiskey—Sales at 2142211 c Vgt 1. . NtW FORK MARKET. 500 a WOES, t3dlW• 9 . • • Caton---Sales 1800 ales, at an advance of Gt;i4 onr--Sales 9000 bbta Flair, at $8,87€113,04 for Qhio, and $3,76 for Miehlgtus and Indiana. • Gain—Sales 10,000 bus Ohio what at 78c.• 'Sala 30,000 Ina Coro, at No for mined, and 68 for yellow. " • PTOTigotie--Bale! 3 800 bbis pork at $16,81 for now mess.. Sales 600 bba beef at 918,76@,11 for ran. whi i gei--ggles 100 bbls. at 11111@28ie 7E? NEW. ORLEANS MARKET. Nsw Ositsse, Sept 3. " Cotton--Sales this iaaming at 200 bales at hrinerpliees.: riddling new psvp 81, All'business is dull • -Rio ettlhe'S4l,943 lip re: - ' • • --, Fnmo, the Slaceamian 'MPS. =SOH AT CAPE MAY• The following extracts from a letter written by Mrs. Judson to a friend, dated Capetown, May 27, IBOL will he read with gratitude by all, and especially by those who have been looking with ea much anxiety for the news of her arrival in England •• We left Calcutta on the 24th of February, and ought to have been here in seven -or eight weeks.. After touching at Masulipatam we were detained by calms, So that we only crept down to Madagascar. Alter that, the wind freshened, and we had hopes of getting on at once, when end denly we encountered one of those terrible win ter gales which are so dangerous in this latitude, and after that we had continual bad weather, so that we almost despaired of 'deer reaching land. The gales were terrific, and tried the good -Tu dor to the utmost, but she -rode it out bravely, with only the lose of her bulwarks. The b ad weather continued up to the Last moment, so 'that after we sighted the point of. the Cape of Good Hope we were three days getting into the bay; usually the work of an hour or two. •• Up to the Übe the gales commenced I had scarcely improved in health, and it was the gen eral opinion on board that I-should not live to reach England. But the effect .of the Cough, cold weather was almost miraculous, •• From the moment of the first, gale I began to amend, the second-took ine upon deck morn ings, and after the third I was almost - an entirely new creature. •What •shall I "render unto the Lord for all his benefits' More thantids,do you re member how near I was going in a vessel called Buckinghamshire? Well,the B.wasburned in the river Houghly, and two invalid passengers per ished in her. if I had been there in my help lessness, with my three, littlechildreti - and weak minded nurse, escape would , . him; been scarce ly Possible. •What shall I render unto the Lord" " The Tudor probably • reached London about the middle of August, and the unremitted kind ness of the commander and passengers, with the signal deliverance from impending dangers; re ceived at the. hand of God, mast often have brought to the recollection of Mrs. Judson an affecting incident of which we - heard some weeks ago,and which occurred soon after the chip sailed from Calcutta. With health prostratednurround• ed. by strangera,and a long tea loyage before her, the weight of her loneliness and grief was at first altodst insupportable. One day, while in her cabin weeping, a soft, little band touched her arm and a very sweet voice said, "Mamma, 'though I take the wings of 'the. morning and dwell in tho triternast parts of the sea, even there shalt thy hand lead me, and thy. right hand shall hold me.'-11 that true, mamma ." The bearer of this precious and timely word of hope was her little two, a boy of sin years, who h ad crept into the cabin unobserved, PELLNCE A-413511T non QULLN are assured by a gentleman recently front Lon- 7 tlon, and whore means of obtaining accurate in formation on the.subjeni Cannot be doubted, that •the popular ,opposition that Prince Albert is a henpecked husband is erroneous. On the eau. 'Entry; the Qtteen, who is really attached to him, finds no little difficulty its tanning him to he ami able. lie is of a fiery and almost nugovernable tamper, and extremely haughty andoverbearing to the members of his household, so much no; in deed, that on one or two occasions, nothing short of her !ifsjesty's personal solicitation has presen ted the offended parties from throwing up their offices in disgust. “Nly Albert" is undoubtidly a man of talent, and . in the main River,' favor able specimen of a prince; burl be is a bard boy to manage.—.V Y Sunday Times. Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh BNCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS .um, No 41 W.t.l• th•lntrettouß. ofC. 11. ANT. • . C. O. He...MT. PrcOdelO..--.A. W. MARIE. SKI". Thy , (Sampan) , buoy prepared to linsureall merchandha In ntore. and In tranritn. An atonic is tor In ability and jutegtity of the Inatitution. is atTurral In th e character of the Dtrevtora, who are all citisens of Pataburgh. well and favorably known to the community IL, their prodeno,. Intelltience, and inbegritr• ' Imarctua•—C. II Win. Bloater, Wm. Latimer, Jr.; Walter Bryan, Hugh Ir. Ring, }aw ard John Hayworth . tlerbaugh. S. M. Farr. • at4A" tf. EDUCATION Penn Institute THE SUBSCRIBER Il having removed to e corner of Penn .r d aneoe streets. In the :rth me Ward. Pit.burgh, rreopen We English. CI.. .slesl sod Methematlral t l / 4 thoOl. on 31ondity, th e Ist an of ..Sentember. The numb, of`upil... poeltimlT and the etricte.t ettentlon ll be paid to the,dnratinn And morals .1 thaw committed to hie Tuition. 610 Stationery, f.O mots. with the ne.e ot larva. hie r s " elect Library without additional charge sugMd3w J. 11l .i.. 11111. E. a, respectfully informs hit. J.l pup and tbr publio of Pittsburgh arid Allegheny. that e .111 r.-nnmence girloginotrootion. on the l`tano Foie =6l la rilsoliroc...abot4t. thy Cnt work 1.0 :..k.ptegybar hr.. , For' at 11. Fi,LEuir es Stem. No. ill Third some. astas:lll. Young Ladies' Seminary. RS. GREGORY'S SEMINARY is no* oven et 24 , l'emo etreet. where few mon Pupils tow M tee...1v0:4 La whom le thorough rott,e of Itstrnetion Iv the Englieb Leuxuage will be itwparted arr . tau ,ht ' l mo, se Fell wt rewl me Fretvh Language. !la eh... bwohw aur..Txl2w• • Pitteburxh. Auww,t 1.41.1A,51. Mr. Griggs' Grammar School, West Safe of the Diamond, Allegheny City. TMILE are Two Sessions a year, each of 21 irks. mramenthai Scrt. leO f.. 1 nitlott. VD per S,l,ion. u-91, Wilkiasharg Academy Male crld Femclt English and elansins! School. .13.3.60C11.1. Corr?, Pt . ,TAMES HUSTON, A. P3I2ICIPAL. LIIS INSTITUTION trill be open for the r 10-'The of ptipila and remelt) nn Mownat, ,Ellnk nouro, of LT nruttion I/111,1 all tlan branchestanght tbe bect Lade.). and &mina. 11.- Innatgatinng gi retain all branch ea adnaittin of Lite.. She Sehool iv pvided with 1.1 ...naive and valnatiic Thlineopitt,d. Che ro nticul. end Avarnnomical Ap Itr Circular, containing fall particular, and rvfarence. Adman the Principal. Witgitalwrg. Augli4 14. Ititi —lauglfratend:w3m, The College of St. James. WASHINGTON COUNTY, MARYLAND . . The Diocesan Colleen( the Nrcteetant EtaerogstChurehl HE TENTH ANNUAL SESSION will m.., en MONDAY ()etcher nth. J .: , 1. .nil son.. u p ; the n pee, •en-.ogpen'es.tnent dal', th. lan 'Parsley in Jut, Ihrid. Nee t i talents ere n-e. - .¢...1..1ed 1. , •114..r et the crpexang of theeesFlen. but Sr.. rovelve3 at any time the, spor, sod the charge te retina...l frt. the dello ..1 their entrance. Tilt. COLLEGE has the ants! cute., 1.1 clitSnes. st fords all the nyportonitise ter s rowidetsedurallon. slid at the •orceestut terzginstion of the eollesiateauree,eontere on Its Fredustee the usual Leaden:a...a degres. TILL GRAMMAR SCLIOCJL. loirot•llstele the College, sod Oat, the sngeteleton of the.kwet.r.; Dal nu .der distinct ..thstuillne, ruches Jute et the by ...I tgair academical awe., end repartee the. tot {tie , r.. 115. g 7 ate chaser. The ...fright and direction nf the ttofeer .re of the College secure ?psis! Sassatsild Cr the pupil • in the Ctrecotnar - hchoe,l IL tbe MFIiCANTILE CLA,dlt, the stud; of tintelt t aAt.d, sod ito plate ecdplled hy sddittr.nal etuale. IT Modern Lang - age" Bookkeeping, an The eaustion of the College IS entirely healllitut cud eg its distance from town , etel •illsgee. set r fset , ettgle to g' lVETlVlttll., c' e j lf;t.e building, gt) Set ST 40, ;111 B. Piltd i ll ' s Z P treVrite i t -.4 ;arks "'" rf got . s::: ' „ ‘" , (017.1 ` :: Jig, rennin, appointed ilugti arty trtfens, LL. D. Let seder.p Clotl sod LecturersEeclttiseticalend John 13 AI, The td.. D.. On PhyAi. clot eberl3ll4l7• The whole claus for there/4r. gr too months (the gas.. e la the College end Orksontst ilehcall la two hundred sr,• dollar.. pat chi. senallsonsislli ID isitittin• Application , lot wituleelon tn . he 4lsde to nee fOUN Ig. KtItiOOT. D to, hem s. College oh Lit Ismer Y. O. Wesbingh.rinotitits. Maryland :4 li.—Peret , on Id littibUrgh nishinet .ii laturrost.l..l. eePeet.lhg thinDistitg!lati. an retorted D. the Bev Ttao- Joro B.ho P , rlPerl e T 0... I 1 . c 1..111s1;iil "as ' ... Pittsburgh Gaa Company N Annual Sleeting of the Stockholders of the I.lo..elourgt. 011121p1Li. the Durpw• ut eltlog two joereoto to Mn. u TrueVes of mid Comm! for the of three will be held at the OM? o_ . _• Works. utt Monday. the let d. , ./ 01 roPt^o.bvt , A.. between the ttour, o J a . ut!. o clock, F T . AM V. CHIOS reasurer. otos.; leitt,burxti Gan Co.. Aug IS; . Ir/ W - - Kentucky intaal Life Insurance Company. GUARANTY FUND, $lOO,OOO TIM (10MDAN Y offer, to the inatired all the security and a deautaitee of the Mutual amt./aka Plane (as heretofore ePPlied) ills rates of presnium; annoal-return in cash of a per tentage required fee the Cuotalgont dal of the lest ILO adccidate. bet not CLMIPITO prorision for the esterase., city of members tor The whole term of life, with an coulter ble Interest is thewootimulatinirEfund emitted eneh members, payabli at death, by credlie upon their peril upon fund dotirmes] for the pennsMent security of sheet term members,andalso for the or Security of those for the whole term Cl life IT ja u the only Mutual Leto instance. COMpikpy k.< Wits of premium ere filed at a fair rwlnord stand- N. with a provision leg en bra:Melly increasing commie. Whin of fonds (for future ereuritf) 10 esert proportion to the amount of tinsineee smi the lecreming risk from ail - among the members. Pamphlets, traria. an. e in sleet. the plats and n ee or the company, furnish...Frottla eal applications for liersepre moo , red hi J, !t Agent, 129 Wool Street, ritMlourgh,. SANSEL IntWaeTll. INederel ELepirler. J 124.15 Elegant Light Carriages at Auetion. SIXTH SEMI-AxsuALl TRADE saLt,..—Or., Wednesdaymorning, irltb su .MK kepteber. at 10kr, o'clock, at the Aaiun. Of. thrjentmow kliewom. tonnes Abatis and Ueorge stmt.. ,riltioAlekie 14.11 A will to sold for clot TO the Mahe. 010100. ea collectlon of elegant 1.14)11T tiAltillAtitS AND AMA WAOOO 0, of the Lavinia:sun! of Dunlap a Co. Flagler a Co., J. D. Donahti• 1. Merrirk. o,ptirk.t. Lox. a Co., A. M. litury;aul easel-we( ank.nowledged celebri. 10 Ihl. city and.looooo. , Amnontho assortment will ho foulitl several new style t r a ' i ti ortVgLtaa , and a choice ios as IlAnakeA No postponement on account of the weather Open for examination the clay Drealous. . ALFRED IL Aurtionster Phllada. Morse awl Ninth awl Wort, tuitting additional' sub md stenben.lue Hall• COMMITTEE for At e.criptiono w Up, rineo ro.a 0.p.0r ChEri co n Paulson. K. N. lEwle E. Scanlon. Lay .11.0r•r. Juk.l.llPcnucck. J. .11cD.Cro..J.1- Wm- K. 11..n.b. Jnbo w. NEM:Li:del 1J,1En... John Eirmloghun. /man IL 0.1401 Jon., 11.60 a• Ed.ard Or•is. 1. %l Ponoix.4 ( 4T.Ni?1 , 7 Jobn . Bm I. I.pbralm Jones. Yozithaey. Truuick tvillburr l'attoa , 55111.3:2 E. P 7 • • Same, folV. Wllll= NIF.P. Cisz Lewin !lutalma. NEW FALL' GOODS, I At Not. 62 4 64 Afarket strtri, l'itottervit. A A. MASON & CO. are. now in daily ril ..rx.• ooipt of Pelt goods. tos.oy cf . lamb to.. bern go ~... v..,.., exproferly for norio fah, whet Iser le ith an xfOfondo irlet7 of cbolo• gd•IP, f•Aerled wait oat raft • bacon Imi.fUo , boo•on in the matron WU% be us Up dUralg the saw.. rerining a MeS.l w in ...,likr, ...d to. Pn... PM nave ben in city. he attention of whale:vele end inch. ehsaai Is hwychetar whetted: , . MOP TRANSPORTATION. I YIEMBERIVANLi =MAD OPEN TO LOCKSOST, TONTIr MILES WEST OF JOHNSTOWN • WOUVIS B Mis ISSI. FALL ARRANGEMENT. 1841 CHANGE OF HOGE. TIME EZDTELD AND SITED INCREASED! P:nnry/canis Railroad and Express Packet Lin .n 1 mII ItaILTT. Wel =must LSD COATOITABLS =en To PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE A. NEW YORK Two Daily Linea &press Packet/Boats, /MESE (EXCLUSI‘ELY Fou reasz.Nons.) -•- - - On and after Monday, Alignat 25th, the C••• o f m° to• us Ped i Len , l o t _ r art k ts tick Igre naf tb• act for Pk i i • M h s, th Fort). 11•••."ft.w-i -oe+tax. tbl• r• arrung.nen( ttsn HOBB SOONEIt atm •re•=n5. , ‘••••..•...„ 1 .,,,, , „ canal cr.00.) cubit= thm on • proeeed on m Nn loft at once. • •PABRINGIL3 FOR BALTIMORE Tata Mid York at CatabartatarMallroad. at Matitatomir• Dimodto. oIERIY - toor mile. nap. MOOR boats.. • Tam to P, _ 91134 • 1 331a. no. Mai. to Baum... 'WI, do Lam.. cu . r '39 do Ilarritbatlf MOO. Wpm dmire cheap traveling mut comfortable mecum. dation,. metre your tlekeU at the neat Omne. Monona.. lug. Ironer, of _ _ J. P. HOLMES, Agent. , D. LEECHGOB" - :.: C.oal lIWw Penn gm.. Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. FROM PITTSBURGH TO NEW BRIGHTON 28 MILES. ' 4 r ls.s a l nd after TON . ui AUGUST 4th LEAVE NEW BATIITON O 117 74T.1 . 1.t00 2.;;{ P.L. LE4VR PITTSBURGEI at 10 A. B. and 4 1 WAVE PARE, 3 CTN. PER RILL Children under twelve years or age' belt Mire , Betweenl-Intl.:VD and Itrre, rte • - : •• rrevd.m. ItOdlos.l tlll''r 44r Evtli,l4,o t4k.te will be to d at !adored rates thr.u.s.a hrtaburlis and Ilaeheathr, h. soy elationlei Betweebae We eras n Pit...harsh and New ihriethou snot.... • the ethos day,. .. .. . ... . SW The Train till not thudito . . but Escur..lcd Tickat• issued cal floturdar eta for the n.turotrip ." Th i l : Naroad Ns estauddi be d al the earliest yr:doable Ta r. 7°' 144b"..' Br order of the oard of Directors. PARICIN, angTlf Ticket. Agent. oHemy m iTrhilTulailia & Liverpool raze of Packets. Sailing from Philadelphia on the 15th, sod Livsrpool tat dm lei of esth MOM 1, )lint PLEASANTE, it. E. letninne, _Vaster AIIENAN Win. P. Gardner, Mailer • , EUROPE, Nethanlei C. Harris. Mader. 111.11L1N, Alfred 1. bmltli,_2lseter. • • /311ACKANIAXON. (new," W. W. Wert, Muter. Toe above nip. are built of the but and most costly erteistiele, and ore noted for thinaPKWY their Istbaksk they' re kited up with all latest Improvements, are most Luottletal. and a +. u.neurpsemd forkiseir sr Lio for kmosif Cure and Sten., Paisenertsl heroe enrattiveled by con of acknowledged Went , who are equallAk kr their esperients In the pac.ket service Persons desirous of bringing their friend" from the 014 country ran obtain certifies,. of plow, wtdeh b. goodlor eight months, sad our agents to in sad LIT .erpool will furnish them with the proper lUrntlilastit. sod Met melba• rvietive to their deparWre. Fur tbz eolavzinienne nfn af t n i er r n i erla i lsblnA • q"llt w ei h be oto bod "of U. mats or Post OM.. in tb:llidted Kingston". too SW-Provision 'implied pereengers Col9l[llo from Liver pool. Every week the following stiPPlle6 kill bk hirklitted each ;sank ger 01 12 years of age and over: 214 Wis. brnd, 2 lbs. nee,.2 or. in. 6 lbs. oatmeal. lb. nor. 11b.tionr, Yi lb. moiseses, and I Ikkork. limier 1: years of sr., a lbs breadstuff", 1 It. pork, full allowarme of interned vim agar. and 11.11 allowance of tea mew and molasses 11E0. kfeIIENRY A 00., Tio. 32 Walnut street, below Second. Who. PhiFLOlndelphin M JelbAr Miller Birth and Ward sts... Pittsbnikh. NEW YOU AND Ems wial,oAD. 1851. 1851. EW ROUTE TO NEW TORII. crry via Dunklit and the Erie Hollosid. coanteldPg With ;rSclass omen on Late Erle. the Illation, Cleveland. Columbus and Cincinnati. Cleveland and Pittsburgh. and liandsmkg and Cincinnati Hallman. ml ntsamem on the Ohio tad Mlssivar rivers. and the Ohl, Indium and P'''''l l l lWAY LEAVE I.IIINKIKE AS FOLLOWS tHundarn excepted,/ let Morning Morons Tra . ln at °clock •• Mall • " 10 dd Eventing Exprens " - Th. Mall Train moos at Llmlnu where punt:gm can C 1.,. I hour, and take the k.:prt.Tralo. arriving Int hey Sore;: morning at 0 o cinch. making am dleanne dar-light 4 PAIENITIT Ii ~I l and C .I . 2nly leave.lbvkiikat Dram Way Pasmoglow mu Munn. _i. Zarb are him Dunkirk to 'bark, SA • Second Cam ' 6 will given In a taro dam. T i 1. a TIITITI pp pared I r* Mit I " Particular attention will le Pall to Stmt. TPI , belt. 6 Feet was. root. great ntdrantagn oerr ' w.anyc o ur ^ bzi:. 9i..d .b oTarit will be d.stlibuted, giving full particu lars in regard to th. Pri. of netObt, ea mon m prepowell H MINOT, linal .1 NOTTINGHAM. Aomr, Dun kirk nyLheino &version Tickets to Beaver, 25 cents: Tt i lill'E f e e anTl - 2001. • S N 'e o,r leans their laztlina at YittAborzb And sia, chocolat eyotpal). tollonn— ' Deana, luas yilitborph L N itoebater ;P. Michigan do do 1 N. ho •IL. N. larsoot 'tithing' to go to Bearer eta aerate z e ro Ticket. to hochuter and back te Pa p to cent , Ticket. stood tor down one day and ap the :text. For dot tabs . 1111,FFT Ort.l.rd th e 0,11.111.ta1. ••111ottbrolo No. 2." or at tbo ortloo nr 401111 , it rood .!or. Wear Patitheeld ttsol'ittsburtb. 26 HOURS TO CLEVELAND. 851.12aSia PITTSBUBDTI . 4Np CLEVELAND Erpress Packet and Raitroad '.l.4ir In !Newland. DASSENGERS More every morning at 9 lieloelr., by eteatabcat to carer. then., by ',press L.,a,tlliggjekeLe lrwd t t .c o , r tags.thoure l'ittobutsbo.rALlev.- .arnr.. Clenland, $4.00 To C ll bre ugalelio, tn 4. hone: thrhone:, lo Chlt.ryc'ti. 36 giveu gh u, • - CINCINNATI, Fis CAlurntare and Ream. hr -Clrrraland and tnralnnats PLIII./Vre 0.4:01, 4' =0: -. 0.P.1 LOP Ykif.a."l.l.f. Clearlaad ovor, wroning tll, L.rdwn, Me erdandr.l newness of Mtridion Central Itsllnnad Cr. for Datrolt. tbruor at 7 , , n clunk, A. M. Ly Raltroal rrrw Buffalo, and arriving 141G0 eirnina at Chicano I. . Burin, low water In tl.• BUJ rirrt, tblo mats tot-anio n/IL Ct Louis, and Lialetta, will La roma tutten patellar, r and plrutan ,r than any ranee. CL ta ARKE A PARKII. PrOPIYAKCII. - . . . • . • Itomtterrs.Pa. Wor wh0.... intathustt il App , N ymolii. , :,.., It• p.,.c • •orhat a Emithtleld mad Weeretat•th .I.t ..ppttett* th. Nttntotsgr4rain, 1851. WI3BTI3RN 1854 TRANSPORTATION COI PA NY u. meat & co.e v RAIL ROAD ANL CANAL 4/I",tr , ?ITTtillU it OH, PIILLADLLPHIA, U.Vl' I. I VIORF, AND NEW YOlth THE Canal tieing in goad order, we ale pr•par... m trsa.phrt prtslas And myrchaudlss hos. Da •hoy• At thy lowest ram. t ot [might, will loomf,toss. sod dlostch. haat. And Cart •1111cnrood aw,l Pontrolls4 by the prop - lota,. lOUs lallog Mama., sof .11 latrufilow. pr.soptlf at tend. to. Apply an, or Address Will 6 • til..•e6, s;•••I Bale. re. ottret. Val!burg LIMAtUb d ILPECII.Promator., Depot, No.. l 4 A It, PhDs De lly •: erahDe,Dck st., Imlrti ' FKcrL4 .li,Noth i , 111 ..• C. U. PEASCP,Arat. Ist , Cu. T. Ww.t. etisst, New Parr FARE REDUCED! l i fif i d 1851. lifilagigi& - Itunoseeline Ram. v.• Brownsville awl Cumberland, to balttmora and rhihoophie. 11:111: hILIBNIgiI BOAT leaves the Wharf ...boss the ati.lge daily, st o'clock weasels. rots Ree eatt the can CurolorlstA nest roorfflos. The tees:was Boat leaves Jail? (*rapt Bo:NW i,eulngl 616 s'ettok. ostosectiou with She :ars at Cuosbellsod nest ...wracks 10 o'clock. Trso s stssoo‘h to Cum OslUrnose. S 2 hours. fore oulLtit. Mae thstough Phlholelphro, g +V hours. rase Ito MO Ilse National 'Usti e swsr ood. Corsluttors the Coaches between Irso t wnstille s and ber/sod. Isola , tas.k..s this sleerdeJly the best, route asst. J. hILEIKIIIP.N. Agent. soy= Oat to the lloousorutkels llostes. - 1851. 4fffsi . UNION LINE' ,On the Pommylvania and Ohio Canals. • PROPRIETott: CLARKE. PARKS t 00 ROCRItIna, Pl. CLIAMBMLIN, CP.AWPORD t Co.......Cuirsboxii, THIS well known. Line is now 4. ertred to gr Tg r it v 'l i t 2 1 CLit .INu, y Molar etlla— The twilit*, of pro ors ousursossoil ionuather.qual- Ity, cod away of tasP,'rEPreri m '. ''r e. ' 4.l.B ' Ersey of Amts. frog boot lessee Pittsburgh tad Clarcitud gnat,/ It conaretlon with Lira of stasiaboats betwown PI Tiw BORON and BEAVER. not • Liao of fast duo ob.:boots (aorme, ova vessels) on as Wm. ' CONSIGNEES: • , Nags t Co.. Yomptvwa. o: M. IL Taylor, Worhoo.o, A. S. N. Mork. Norton Vont C. Putnam Roma. 0.: t=lla . ..(luy oboes Falls. G.. • Co. Atty.. l/4 limbo - run t Po:Whorls, hosultaky el:, O._ rotttam 1,011. Toledo. O. K,iihms Lb, ..tharolt., idiehizaa. Iroursinom /14losattle, W1c4 (1.0. A. Oltaai tC....Chlfiago, Thom. " Ii ty L ILS.AbG/EIEL.-Arr ' .Oa. ovl coe. Wooer and halthibild ea. Pittahargh Arrangement Made to .Forward Freight TO BALTIMORE IN FIVE DAYS, A T SAME RATES PEENSTLVANIA ./11. RAILUOAD COXPViIi i s 73l ' cones Penn and W.I. _ FOR SALE— -Pittaburgh Gas Stock; st. Cwt. sheet urtiseSt.k; Oblo 1 . ..1re B•n o 14101 1131Wailtn.4. W 'ANTED—Stocke of the Pitt , egh Bankm; Amnia. Dollars 1.1 Half Dollar. Elaxime sod Betit:h.l,:tll=F:l..eJa rilllll2,Fruvros, It. I ,l ll.trikAer ka.l • : Fourth street. • • j[tEFLNED SUGARS "-40 bble Loveriug'e croabol, yolveristl. wit crtrated. sad loaf stm-srs, '"'""n44'l'4l7 RlO COFFEE 4-100 bag jail raft' fol. malt) br Ism) a. DI 1. WOD.TII a CO ANUFACTVEED TOBACCO-10)1)u 6 7 1 °"" •i 71'bbM14DU. BOSTON. TREMONT HOUSZ, BOSTON, MASS. Trilil.s well known establishment is still son ducted in the roam moaner it boa ;neutral and plcormtaituation'of the too., ltsmodl ems orrangsments. and the comforts sal lurttries L. be rburld there, cemblue to renocr It eorm•nble mod okivazto.. gonte to the Moldier.' !laving been hoe of [lts trim of Jobs L. Tucker d Co, to long at the bead of the cstabbehment, the tutecnto•r bhaittee his tomt amehous to man:ital. im ...Potation. mot to glee satiefo-tiOn to hie mamma. aufll94eorlghe • 5551. 11.-PARKER. PHILADELPHIA NM FAIICY GOODS, FROM ENGLAND, FRANCE AND GERMANY, ci.ONSTANTLY ARRIVING, new styles and patterns. an unusua ll y ea - tended variety, °dared ea - York Imporlallon Trice, Haden China, or TerrtOolta ware. Ektheroi. Ulan. Ver.:table Ivory, Roaevrood, Olson end Papier klaehl Ar Uelae . . . Vstory Bask Rork Boxes, Paper Wolfillts, ac Coureettonsm spers, 134nes, Carnets, Cate Onasmants ac, Drogsists' Fsmey Artleles,'Testh Brushes. Tpliseeorklets Ayrlelero To by t h e cam or dozen. Garman FlLtee; Pencils. islrettarpreo o ronC:ps. wlth'sn 'f isrlety ethe r rr TILLER . . Importer. sogl.s:lm 1 Commerce IL. 11,en.abstion/.. THOMAS ' WHITE, BONNET. ItlA_NlY rAcruial No. 41 Stioth Second Street, (above ednut, can e.) Philadelphia. , febls:ly : IMMAIST RM. trg, BAGALEY,, WOODWAR Who!, D & C0., 0 nair nrrcrrf, N. =I Market et, Phil.l4ol. .01 11 PALO, RUCK NOR & CO,, 411j1i; NEW • YORK American Hardware. rWIVEN -DOUGI,ASS, Mouufacturers' Agetit, ,;!,!u I'lol ettert.threeduot,feoto Pearl ,dlV ' lnTa d tr rem the lasundmilur.rn. iakt•lor r.lo 011,rable brine • . Steam Communication between New York and Glasgow. ar . o (dasr and Non York 2lnstadtlp =lnter. poonnut glnutstilt, d LAN 1,.1•0 tool .M •••• 2 0, • VI., 0. Srewort, (Ist. of Ow Cu- 11,411 .tnultn.) r0M.1.01.q.50t.010t. , 1 rOm dinstn•Agow, ..o S•tarda th+ I I tt. untt, •t own 1,68.11.4. lint Cat,u totoman , frr tnanaa,l 100 .. a . .... Na stneruae poseauttara tatkau. . .. . ..... . . VIPs.. rates Jur Ituba provision. ; but nai ,ura ur INubre. nothirb will ba au, 0:4 nu board, at tuMatate yrieee l'ar ries a Surto,. fraleil ..r pt..... ally J Nle. ‘144./N. , telui.lV.Vtow NEW YORK Hem. York India Rubber Warehouse, tlVt. 27 MatJtvi•Lotr, .4.1 'lo. nil 6il•Atl.l Ira mittel-t from aointwei Yartnry Tlu littetlitth et. SUBSCRIBER, Prop-let , . of thin übliehment, weald ilglolll los old-, downs, tad merehimte genteelly, that be le den) receiving from Las factory are nonentity ler, and eat... Gen- 'lock of India • Itubber oowle manufeetured expreeoly for the Fail Trod, 11/11l which, from Ti Pi eworerties. t portant imprnveinents in bit machinery and eompteitino. ha lwele eonfident rerun, e lob porieetastisfactien. Apertal ettoution rwininnee to be paid to rho( umlauts.- tut • of Matted andrialo CA RiIIAGN ClA)Tti,orall widths twin :1-.1 to 4,4 inetnrive The drills aro carefully sett... Pod • iholt.fl brand, and opnm4 with the ithre .1292,hirh Ro t ation equal indent leather lie el. manutoottieve the ta.tattut Cloth, a highly to improvement ne. eemtly diewserwl. by whirls the diet!, la Mod. fo'inew kv eater. reventblancv to enameled leather. The plain Union made anJ as usual. 'Osiers eheuld ere...4ff the veriety &rai. • OVERE4IOIII.—A full Meek of all the different sty lee and verbatim. from the Imported Pars Antihero to the re • dact Perwtnal llints—embracing Mesea, Women's and Children's Dots. Shoe, !Monet, and eandsle. Women's Furred and Line 4 Rubbery, te. A complete wienetuseutroCtbe following alma ye on hard: Maelutnehea, Coate. Carew. Ponehoc Pant,Llfe Preserver, Delving Glove, 'loupe Glove, Beefing Jena., Cates Leg • Tebseeo Wallets. hlathine Belting, lioepltal Sheselna. Burnt Came, Who p, Preen. Pump Steam Faceted, PhouP dee Braces. Parer ilolders. Air Dollo, and Figure, together with every dasolption of Rubber Gouda tole manufacturer of Vulcanised :detain, Rubber Door "PbenL "- t r a G l ' ir lZ . fo r. n . L ' a t 7ttet meta . rare venuve - of Cbarywd Hands. bleseyng thTut and a k n e. al ahem white and sat- Pert Itnbbee Cement tor Hatters' up "Man Shawls! Cloaks I . ! F t S. MILLS, No. 6 Cortlande•t„ N. York, •u , uou Winte r •L hi* Phawl 'Fared:l6 . ll,i freer Mue of Fall and BIL4.ii La. comdatinft of all style. of:.•,mt.e6 and Don+tle IV°. bong Shawl., together with It full ,pitmen[ of Fretteh t. Nuare and Lnng fireeMe Shawls, of every grade. extworive etoek of Coburg, !dertno, P.llk. and Velvet CLOAKS. NANTILL.I9. ke., of ratioue ehapm and Myles. umnufactured from Parte pat ter.. his eon trormtattmaa. received ..eml.mouthlY Per Havre Mesmer. -Ile leLV t les [be ereelal ettentlon of 4.Al:tem mad West. ern Merelsaute to the *hove. •.• they will tad an won. vent %rid midi-made gnode'far .L.lleorear, oo.urpeust.l In the city. ALseuperior InitE SI/OW FrANDS, eallilting Ftts•ls NlOOl - 11s, doqq.olltt .eery colored Print aa,l Cc:IA..IE4 .t.l 0 each. ~e3otf To the Public, putEDIA. RUBBER SIMES.--Our attention hue been owned to to olloorti.CDOOt ht lIITAN, It. IhI• ll.hett In the New took Ilorst4l of 11th July.llsL.nt the Courier and Engulf, of 05.1211 dal, I. whirl, eft.. mush unmerited abuse of oar stowory, Wm. 404001, 14,41.. 10, se.erie that w« a.,... •- 1 .% - • him . l‘b PlmUnC th.A . peer4j L , lent o u ts our own ounve. owl that he dove not Ira," oixAyoaet Potento In the menutacturlos of idiom We so plirrhorecdoor Booty. s f..r. tho msnufecture of 114.4 R Lbee42hoee under 1:4,441yeke. l'ateute, Lod palsl our,. .T , and err dell! pkyiue •.turill for the game: and de to., 'th Igk r .S . :.: 4 e l . ‘ r ‘` Z.t. ' ;ll; " • " : g.ii.t4;'4'.', Wok I more juk to purohnoo o right. 00 cm* a v 0 1 .144 pw4 teot. nto icarinor h. 11r4 liar likvisq.N.Uptorto,...l, 1 ~ t tow 40, V0d,..t0 a 1;g Ito. coed, a settlement, an d awrgeol U lat Ur. u 4.1 tn infringe li, patrot. Ile to tiow all og, aot out, o 4 itiOlugu e 441.1 0•1011, but to inloool ~,,,fi. e , oho hie. IL, • Igru. ootudderutiou, puroba.ok our 110 of.. end now pork uochr the= au we &ante qr. DO. throctiz. sod a,. 01.0 our 4..5 lognsiuren. still htient•, 10 III• psulltay . u7 o . c. f r., IV L.-, m•-t• , • - CANDEI:, ut IlAYWAKVlibrit by %I ;4. A Vlthrlt r.e. M ..r 10 . :vt it U If Ifuir`lit,nn Pr•ndryt J •W: flolberton. A. tho Wen Lune, Nr, ORTFIi in FRENCH WASH t .ANA.V.AA./LoS, A.,A1At01 . ..5,.. mud A Aloft,. tat,. t..r Valrg .1, , ur.,- . 1,1.1,1 ... j r lilw r Slack W ritoug and Copying Int. M 11}, ,trobt, Butte ""'" VlT . l . ht : l 7 oll tt llli. e Jed 10. irsuchi. ipwr gi.l..a. . emu. • lbo 1. , anicl• roalhottriutrd II ilow , tr , ..41 ,4 CoP41:“. lNE—and- will not MlTOdli. mould, 'ate or .1,+,,, 5.1 {k..,41-6... 1.11 ill. ....11”•• nq old'. 1-tfpzt r itnt!ni.n n Va. '" 7 to. lb' "1". "A .4 """ I ‘ ....r d b ' cl! '''r lP n t l i . n.7 " T 1 ' ; . • "." 1x!:.... " ..; '. 1 "T,j), “,..: - ,:r7.4!:,, La ..ay.,:l in .., ISA .r ra.n.. I • I I .: 1 7.::: 1 .-7 , % . • a. `!:,,';""r '- '*"• 4 .TirEOlklitF I.L, I. I, t ' U.l'ArYit',"ii7)"".. • -- - nor Alex. C. narry's Trieopherons, I'ELf I Ad 6Ar d e.rp:aticiA. 4 ctioiZTAkiL, V 4ralw, rtc 11 in a.v.rtaned by .41, ntou, that llarry'atriNatt as na.lumi tb..tew 111,r in rartnal utlha th• and of Ins animal kingdom .7 ha ilree'l"r"s9V trvm h o ' f ' fr " p• . rs o ta 4 t i filt r . .n Idol le arni,h tt Ly thus. orb. bats • Idol , V,PI, d • th la:Ar Lsaio hs.. •Illieta irt• ca. sruptkat of It. arslp, . ug, agigravattal char lb. last y eats, al.! during that issr4,l th- st pb ••1 ha,. ttlsi all the tarystatlonp tn. bah' and kUOI , II, Irilip - Altl}o , , ti't i pas .].tad ,e . n.l, to try tot tr Prlruphcrurt ,11,1 as a hat, at,tiniss t r., liartially blind var. C 0 )1 ttAYELI V. , kiak bit 01,4, Brooklyn. . . I , lSt. R4 1., /.1. nu • 1.. r Alamttvo True hair ‘;:drtl. I j ' l;lottt i o 7t * ; rltTVri .' 4PtV , d I,IIJ , tn,deotoutmlautzst, LU, hair wax rod .11 lb. .1.1701!,l, ae the ite,ll 11h1,4 •It ' 4 D)1 . Y LL. e..,1 tip , .. l7"r th . .n.itte• the ethil %.,r\ coat. a I trot the N.AI flt.,llm. :1, V., laAl I • ere le 00 reln..dy tor 0.. t rtnaneut ere of liable.. dlasspeP, of the ersuluto grueralls. that has reach...l popultultA by the article known ye PrOtesaor tiarryN rlcenberou, 7ttelltated Coutroural It le testa...4i tiara b, utroer eln.r I )lii. r.utrouniti. In almost eytrf unreel, In tt.. lend It .rod preferenee to. other artkles of the kind It Impart. s.or to the root. of the hair. slut thee promote. Its growth to a remarkable de gree. lt .I..atzoy. tle..lathlrell and Scurf. end mates tNrh he end 1 ,. lr Itr .a tp. den of the abbot eta,eporatt as volt an eftlesey, It stands unrivalled. It ss sold to bottles. prim ItSeenta, at No. IV Broady's, end at the Druusoste generally% threolthout . thaUttitcdhtatesarnlCetiada. etPnZttf CHICAGO'. AND PEORIA. • THO)IAB HALE, FUIIW,WIIIi rtio immissori MERCHANT, H.C,INCtho. 9NT PAILS hih,ugunl facilitiee to receive R/ on *P .P., aid Tratahipment. all Miarbanillai cowlPoPil bito. 1,... la kil• dirk J*llfni Pil Mint. OD the ilt.4 til.• ltiiui., Cpuni pi p.l itivcr Liirrus, uip tegS . Co.. Jiinop* Q Mr. Julin.A.Cauphpy. • Wm..H.•Haskill, tiENERAL COMMISSION I MERCIIAI' 7' lAN!. •UCT10211i):1, MORI A, Prpeciallatputionto ConiaoMlol3 Patine., itugle,y ST,. Louis JOSEPH ST. JOSEPH; KEW:PR/ , mIDDLEToN, HALEY a. MVEE. / . 1,.. , .... 1 .4.1111i41 , 1014..tul Fqrwarilaf lierel..uts rr. it,* arr 4 .... A Irr.c.i . :r ' 7l.:rgrtnN t l . 2re ' ar, ri-litua A Cv., 1.11 . 0. • 1, ttettb n ~, , ,,,): , ....,,,,,,,[: ., UT: t r 01 . r. ..,..A: %t 0. .7..e i fLu .,..t. .1. : az : tr rialnar.lcilurn prompuy al:warn..l ortrly - I MIN Q. RANIII_,N, Attorney and Coon lqt.t4=:4ktmitVhrltg:liegt:;lll4i4!''' 11 . hillier, 1,. iTra.• VS.lfwvra.l. uaugjr.. m a hillier, SiVuulle'r 1 McCIIIrr-Jrku E. Parka , Igraallt 1 tr•mple. McCord s ' Co. augltly A Good Bargaii, in now Offered, IF APPLICATION BI: MADE SOON.-- .... rt.., Throe .to tour A CK*B, re Dueuestle,Boroalth runt' pieces I eland—on the armless Is • Read' tee .yere, trltit .retsery building, et- The property mai be Met- MO lett. lots, and eola at it!pood- prob. yemme dtertrel to r : Rear w 11 ill serif ,: ! ItAtekile, tieredl 1t11.., it (knit Stlfl):—.S4 bill - 3. Clleta; 64 .__ 4.ia . . : :. k li. PLOVIS. -- ---....-- - —.. S. ERATUS- , -5 tow in bone. and bbbs., i L . - . 0 .,„ 1 . b7 :. in. naizsii., ,,,,,,v a .r. co.: .. - , ~"---- :Tr../1.11i . 110ATS:, • ~.. \ OR CINCTISNAII—The sp._ ,on- • Private Itaidence far Sale .- kV did new and light dm ht etaltrra ha Isk RE PROPERTY - 4s iiirered - exceedin§-1 Eli h. Captaln - Pl. L. ‘ 11 1 4= 0. 7111 . . and, . gm for the stn. tad sill' Int pan s til, aWs IS moge l lq - lbly ,:.,:flit the rapidlr l i nfitroeing . CitY r ' - h. 31,1, . 100 oloek ru. n.. • A' :,, \ 1 / , of Alleghen The situahon is m00r... lathe wore rd,,, i ft'dfibt "Paaoaae nPed• On braard nr rn'. •• \ ,I, Nlgtoriftl4 doNES. As...EA_ rn din:.0,......0 Moat Pleaaing flew of the city of PI. , • .r_." —..---.. tOOR CENCINNATI.-.-Th fine i lli burgh and three rivers aka glance: besides bethg err nisei to the business part of Pittsburgh: combining In an Thunt degree the advantages Of kola too. and country. steamer .51 ENE V A Wilklne, r. he lot Ls Large, mtg.. near an acre of around, is or lea. frar thaaboreandlnteron s du,,,,... . \ Aridhundred and fifty feet front, run/ring back Mu how on chi day, the 4th In., at 10 A. 1 44. - \ d.r.73 and laity feet to an allo•re, 'the re...lur rf th., out 1.4 an 11.• 1 1111. na. Ault. La.t, to 141,e etre., Wel, rwsupuut io u.,1,1111 - d 1,. For versa., di . r 1. 1 ,111141, 4.1 Ilr !Lattatytt.L.AN twit' tin , otruk.e.e, or of un. al.t•a••teef. at h.' dl Nu " c o l 111, ...owl. Vittubur,l; , tyLlf , it .Llll (IL, 10.t.KI:Oz. ' Reel Estate for Bale i V ALUAII4E unhut;retuil LUV, - . , ,,, e, Ow :11 con .., ut 1.,hur\,..5.,1 I..olart tirs.l-, 4,1111..14,11.4 4.4.•11.11 I ' l/0 11./.111•111 1.. 1. - .1, u'huren. 40 ket (rut° du Lib ..rf1,1,,, I,lu VOL. , 1...-1, ~ ota, o r, ....Au' kt tun,.. rin k 'U A3; , ,--thr throo T. ri t he.tatu; home. ou Lite., ltrret, attaining tLo %Low• tut L01a.. :, foot ',noel)) . 00 f.....t deep Th.. hon. I nag.. an.l 1..c0n .or nit. lu 1 , 01, and .-outnina q.v... 1.....,, Alro—tl Jo n, ~t v..t-t vat *hit Nal urm.,l.orpotAirlitl, Al.r.—A ,armof !Sr. au,. , , %,.at Du,r,,niu..lup . Al•o—A Vann uf . .g.,4 ...rt. i Lauren.... nun., , 1 :. ,011.-e from Nor Curie. Alno.-I , nnuf ItU Rears .....0 ..f ocricht or. ...1 prioun, from uunsiv \-6 down \ O. klgo-12 very ,gc.h6 lot. td ..fur,,., 1111•4. 1.11,,, '.4.".."' '''''''" 1L1 . ..A U. L. V. ' \r1.111..H.N1..4.. . ''''''.." Nl l. lllbt Atilt re:• ". /Iftlirr ' n Ltra- \ --':' Tol.i.ri.ti .3. 13,....., It 6 . ,„ , j , .4 ~... 1, .. He... at . 0 . e‘ ....i 1,1 AC. es.l., ill, I. 10.1 • ' Co ., , , •u.i . J.lllll, ,1112,1 1 .41 1,,, 1 L J. - 7 ,.„.„. ~..e.e Aill, Ga. Hi,: 1 P..tre. . li tke • K 49.---CHcli.a. Marietta 10'' tale i , ..flhu. r......,‘,..n..n . "\,L. •C. Cl \ ,el 4 . - .1. IS C1t....N 11 , LD , . 7 .),, • ,,,,,,},.,, .. itz,vonveuH.;,l, \ tlCX—Sektierees Ito arrive) fora. ~b 7 I fett Setr.—• ISAIIrIi a. tit\t.'; ' \I.- ctr ~ : .:urIA I 1 17 ----- ." ______:___________ , v, \ ;, , UTTPL - -=-1,8 kegs ki .riug, for E . , 1, l''X' , . '..- - " = " 7" - ''B e sere Pianoltece t . or., \ .t- IA ~.,, \ ,m.iimi.ALL.l. a t.2 . 4 \ ,_ KI.,LBEIt 'ME tat Mt Pied\ Beyer , \ jai ISINS-611bms burl in store, etkr trsO ' . , b ,,,,,, ~..,...„,,,.., , ,,,.,i .,..! . ., . ..„ .. , 1. .. .It' ' ' \ \ ''''' " „' i r cz"Y - 16" \ ; :,,,,,'4.,i,..e.V01,.nt:rr: Ark Et T. 4,,,!... .. . \.; , " - 4.- 4 "32!2t\-. ; :f,,..,.. k..i.r... r. V tout xuc..T.lsAr,nr 4,... VG '1"-- ',A: bhile. N 0., rl ettu,xy.a.:rt.,; ..= . 7(: l 3l " tVe 4 tiZgritiaqi7 delT j -'1711: \ \ io w. n , __ \ t! ... 5t . j ... -________ I , _-_ , 5 , ..r.!.f... fv 4c .i,, proirylaz .4.: , 1 3 7.... m r5 . ., ,, , , , , a ugu2 , i . 41 , .. ,, ,,, 14 T .. 111 . 11 D EK.7I. - WO 1 .. ‘ '.. 15 • for . 8 , ,5,..4 ;.,,,, .„, 44*": 41ocury tat. ltd.. •;:kd 5u1....1-ert 41,4 c ~ .f Zii- A.ll,"jiiii! S ~ ~, tbCtlq. Land.anst. in., 260 .. ea Efi \ .....,, Juda'fMedicated Li/laid - 1:0*i , " ‘, ..,',... , THIS .A..!Tltik.E. is intended for ftilmlftile, - ,,,.. i. ssd sb b• folitd In the cittarkuicCsaerT.llritit ‘, Y Otait land. Mechanics tbo axe tO ecusitint. damccs Cit \ • tojtrysto theft parity. call accident. and at ItO.P . •., \ VI,. till Cod tdit uticlato C i a 1.., \ oath. Wan, wad ex a t ri al will consider t tDIIO. : , DenikabLi> \ \ " • ThL. culy e,rl.lty ttnra. ye. undritirited, bating Er • s Icatti Litt id Cuticle' par VAV'N'il,a.,,. k ' rNeld .' l l Mikla,rinch CO% . .eheetfulip 'ricrac:matt fk to ciat•N pro:iota:mai bres.l= o. tic nacelle/at antaritclo titt• adheave plus:cr. in . • borlll, CV. , %. KaltsL.:,,TiNek: nod • 1 klitl.or trr.hvgased slo.s. tn . . IN,. a rrstivi ult.!) pd. 1 . • \ •., • C AID diLD. 2.1 D T ML. E,E.V, H. U. . - \ • , \ • i - ' „D. IlAill• ci.oh l , NI D, F. itiClolitil,l V .)41) N , ' \ namiLroNoNlm eft, n. D ~. KLLSWORTJA BURR, td, D. ko r t.w c '. ~Compriatris ail ttc. matting • • Talittio Co il l cri, c{' , Iliddlittoant ro,....3.l”, - , a. £. PA 1.1 , 1'0 , 4 a a.)., • , 0 , ..Der,., .00d alk.l Fu - 4 an. THEOREM! KENI. EICR,Y \ REHR iff I' • ' \ \t Dn. ‘1011,3 BULL'S seitSrALULA. \ • •\ ' ' ,• T IS put up in quart t.i..1r1 . lint( Urin• ~, • 1 , ‘ , talso • the Arnie btt ,•175 TIU, •• IC*, J.... itareena s i , , • el aa any unifier nitswra'• t ' • -, • ••W -* :; ti. ..E...r'l , •,',, I 4 : 94 1 1 r f _ 1,.:, \ v. w ll. . m esa qni. . i \ le• Liao u..ed....1. liotra risrospan.,..l ',known \• ' 1 ' II to L. mod, with entire ecti•teollinc cod Cl Mere no he. I . Latlote in etatitur ihat o• 1,11,r0 It in 1.••••• tafft • iaLl val. ' • ' • att. medical rompq.s.l. oial ...170.1 1.. pnal Itc nius , t• s ,1 ko,l and ncllcia tinib ,111, ,, 1u11. aol . ..WC handt• ...Wail/ sad MoMtwoi-fir 'encomia - 1 It to tOe ..o , . e.t.a uad.....a) ' a. w ctilitili. • E•• l' ... 't .3. '''''''C' ' '. • I azaur \rat il,tllisa PKIN. .. \. ' , , .` • ; • ••'', Doe we , all lobs. a a ' i s., islotiful .t.a o shin. en a. ' , racr c010r...1 ot.ek. /Iv of,ottert do no ,e. rumens. • [SA • 1 . \,' a .tin sub. n desiler.toori. 4,•rn , ..., ~, b , .i*1..1.' - I. sit lin, Li enetnena, Folliro), worlow. oeibri, end eoicrto ', • pawns', is. rector. to Won a r sink.. of whet dim. .I. '• . . Oa..deprived llieto of, ant that too;witis Lusa injury to , . Do Flits. litill'o fionalwrfilif is in. kiwi enclitic know.. -•.• i It Sweat...Me the akin, Ly ' enotorin, every particle et 1. \ .', rrbil ant dteasoeltasitcrlref Cite I.4ci, makion it, pure, b•Ltild . sieLl rigorous. viiine .1 ivy to seer, minor. . . . • . ' \ Vrf.l 144, ihe • oils, no itaris countenance to • I. • ' ti. ni'cres aud freshness of mot . Lroti. ritual Um I. \ ii : Wol. Tunic nan d mister... rite 1:017,. Sarnmatilla '. ' • . trwoulr. offsetual rernely. 1w• ist t e ills wire is suLl . coed" blicl A Lil.l. Is eumqh to the Isellow , . 'l'uttimeuty Like the Follotcmg, Zspdtr....Yerrellhio • ',, , • t, •. .111 eminent on the Effieienrjj ki ,Botre Sarrl I • ' \ ' purillef. \ Lo m lo L. T. robin,, Prorate.' td, L• crotiWy in ths , . , tunimlle Zidtral Ck•llesse \ \ • , 1 0 , , -•, - I hare tookkit over the list of Inure. cc MPoLlria . \ • • ' J - Jin Cifillqelosoramod listract.Par•aphrtilarlsel Lave . ' • ' linsitisein l. .0 ins 'Lit they forme =Sitio/elf...and , ; • , nee Mar prom's. w oil n• chronc :Mem.% to chid, it la - \ aperatile.: ', - - •,, , leill. 4 Jut, ItS! ; .37.11 FIR/ 1 .. . MP-A, rnifficumbr appatrtm.t:totiaLw. •' r , \ "rill ,11,,n. Wined., nays ur DULL'S astfistielPs4 , ' ilii.l A \ \ 14,2 , 11.11, :!..1 11111,13,74,150. \ \ J•Litllr :' •!•± ' S.;V•4lel7ll 2 l7l•V' Ltl3 ' , ft= t '. ' L• m aseelleatotta.and of ralcitifitot tq modoce on at. ; finprwei. Oil b•ds 4) . 1.0. Iha sired it nods la 'dots.T.ll and prierde mart., and think It Ms test article ed, D nem., tills Inotas. • M.- rrlus..M. 1... . ..., r., Thrsorrea at the DooDeilie Marion•llwPdal I • . \ 4, - - CllTTlDY—fieisani nudes!: tor tan nri s inal Dif I • . VOUS BUIL'd ~ - 1.1(.5"-IP,IRILL-1 _icor. 1:m1w:1:v.-And \ '.i a bate a c.ther. Kt:list-IC fe' 311e)li KIL, . ILL Wood Fir., tfitieb arch. !is., trt , slersk qui liethq . , • , ' 1 - 11 - 5 1 , . urlOykl th•AptPt Mindkoti Laitot that multi .pr ikle aealon a tbe wunt,s, .1th..0.5 tupti.: ,, I itav. alto parcluloril eye"- laurarotat r,:nrantXr. Ike \run, of Ruch Ltlreateg. al a .1 , FrONa 6 u'orl.k f ... \the Wing of ISO. I wt., ,n:lnt aa, u, - . n..critl t : ,4 0uvfotra Tab., Plea an,: ~., r , , arllia.‘, L .lo4 ti to! four mouthy.. Met the has ured it hr Matte , ,r 4r, It ,. eviArnt t., all of,. that ..v. van lrurrvvtus. au.l frf.; la, Wu aha ft?Frorai . rapletly.aoliminel Is 4 ah ..1 . nak. ant, e1a...... aoa , nj , .7ln, c.0....Q . .111m\ li, , alek. \ \ . KM. HON I OUT. ‘IC, .bekna '‘Aghborg 1,.. ilea. and Julta.Monfort. know thiit the a 1.,. tatalankti, me to tt, rl , kneri .1 Mrs. M. 21; • lon. masa* t. In clue blot aff.t.eal hr t;urtiott'ik Kelly., ' IN .,, ic and urea -1111. Si. atrittlr true. \/, JANE EDDY. ...alLiti i CtIT 1.K.• • \ . .4 4 . 1 ' erinier Et4l-I:4lsg ..c.f 0. Y. Ltor.ard, \ . eu•oinita Guy, D., 4 VII.n. .... I . i,. Ile., d. r. orroa.rt a ; —Orals i ;cc, n.m.t. it114;4 .. \ s I vat, attaeled Mil Illuife ell In or mon, Which linesine an. int l'ionid rot, age it, RA fn IRIS mortification eet it,. •' • .kktoPioleO4 et KiffenLat tilmos.‘eaeh o'of okinti uf ...le noql4i I' wiltly mr.trartil: all troldine 1:24. arm tnuatlai amputated, '..4 ‘ . Prenlt the elinutior ti? the wap fall of running \ „:„. ,Hi runnel - Q. at axle Lima v....c.vnplatair exhaust- s , ::17.aii or'pa ' n touch criatiate. I =ntinuod ill Wit "., i mat o tintll ISIA, when I eat no ad •rtioutiit(fiuTentt'a Ynlline Rock and &In. - 106)+11kb. read, and emit fora • i '' , env \ , linttlei of the artilt. if, oy.eotta Soli Deck and SexaDa • -'. , inn. curea, co. I tkoi, m. otter teniiiir walla val.; it; • . lanil felt...lOU p. if .1i 4.E.. i ,, ct1e itxtb bst. 44 Va. 11 I tiled it at t . O fart ap;corauct I thnntalntiri.* 4.1 int. it i. lrotTlll haae . I 0.1 on nom; 4, ,1 '1.11:1 , tali . ' , ring. I liiTt ea .!T mr,lacrro.l.r... rwrr. rat. ' ilna. uu.ler inrelzr.• . . ...1... - - • 0 amt Sarni. ti4i . , Nene of tin'eurer ; 1; - . mil fan Peal.. alltan, Ours 43.4 .. tter% lily ~ I. EtigE nceserdil? ' \ vrhaterrs `traltal (o r A \ \tpraa