Vl`kTsl3Prk6K ',AZETTE varREAbING BATY'ER WILL BE FOUND • 0,),"" BACH PAelB OF THIS PAPER. 'the Post is becoming exceedingly mirage, but for'inday or two has not said anything worthy id a reply, Its ill temper s augurs well for. ,012 r sauce, and badly for its oWn. People who are making progress are not apt to be cross. Jut ot ter failure to Make a tittle capital out of the Cuban excitement was indeed discouraging, and enough tir,put it into a bad humour. We often hear people esy, •gire him rope, and !he will hang himself.' IVe intend to try that in tecesting experiment' on the Post for a little 'while • ' The North Britlett,Review: for August, is ou nur table. Vromn bssty perusal of .ROl3lO of its artieles we cart say this is s most excellent num [her, well suited to the time. Wolf, Foirth 'Street. Kern : —Monday last, September 1, was the day tired for . the release of Kossuth and hte companions from their long restraint in the Turkish dominions. We trait 'that Austria and R 113,18 may not have placed any obstacles in the way of this mah desired release.. R . United States Teasel was there ready to bring them .away THE tIERIdt,tI/9 IN THE WEST Not. long since we Called the , attention of our readers to an organization; among the Germans of St. Louis and the surrounding region, under . the Style of "the Democrat tr Partp of Pry,eAa " We spoke of it then as &movement fraught with ' , danger; tot we confess ire had then little idea of %tie hoftible nature of the doctrines pat forth by these new 'teachers of democracy. Thrir.organ Is a paper called the Anrcyrr lir: Mr erAs," published in St. Louis, which is extensively cir Waisted among those people. The St. Louis Re .publican translates slid publishes capions' ex tracts from it. in order to warn the country of tids dangee Ia thaf paper of the 26th ult. wo 20 the folloiring paragraph: • Snarl' 41 sac ()clinks press.—We shall . . have to stop our translations from the German papers, in consequence of the inability of the translator to get them ready for the press : They frill keep (071IWO or three days, however, when their whole spirit Will bo served up. Until then the pra ceedings of a•German Convention,which we copy from a Wisconsin paper, will serve to show how things are proceeding, and that the propo sitlOn of the Arun j or to form a native German Derbotratic Party here is a part of a system of secret operations which are ;being carried out all over the country. Those who advocate this • policy hope to put themselves into a position to compel the Locefocos to agree to such terms as they may dictate. This is the real object of all `these movements, connected with a hatred of all •• priestcraft, - of which there is no conceal; mart whatever. '• The following is nn abstract of some of •the resolutions adopted at the Conventon alluded to by the Republican. First, they declare that they belong to the Democratic' party: not beFause of its name. but because they thinkjo ;pier progressive, and best suited to them. But, nevertheletta; they judge, from the acts of the leading members of this same Deinteracy "that a majority of the members were Democratic only in name, or pre. ferred the, oca selfish interest to ,those Of the people. iA hard hit, that So:thinking, they say they met together to compare:notes, and prepare to go into the next . election, and vote for "prmciplea not-men. .- . 1 They then set forth the following declaration' . ef principles: They believe that slavery exists in violatidn of the first principles of 'republicanism, but see nn right:to interfere with it where it exists. and 1 as to the 'inhuman and odious Fogitive Slave Law, they feel under, obligation to obey it while, • WU a They,bell229 lop" trade, provided that 'when other neaps tax our prodactiorut, we demand . .yrposii for proteraw on such of their produc tions as can roasonably be produced in this' They believe in the liberty of the people' to dial in ardent spirits as much as they please without any license law. They are opposed to all laws requiring anyeb servance of the Sabbath, and remonstrate against thcpissruge of any such lava. . • They will support only such nominees of the •bemocratie party as will' adopt the foregoing -principles; and they won't submit to being eon ' trolled, to use their own expression, as transits: ted in the Fond do' Lac Journal, i•by either priesiism or cliqueism. - Such is the declaration put forth by the Con. vendee referred to. It will be deemed, no doubt an entirely nese-phase of 'Democracy,' and as shch we area title curious 'to see its reception by the 'regular' Organs of, tide party. Our pri vate opinion is, that politico this fall in Wiscon sin are, likely so:be pretty considerably From the Republican, of the.26thate copy the following translation of a letter, prefaced as it Is by come remarks by the editor • "Tux LLSZCIOCEL DES WESTOIS.—On several OC-1 cessions ve, ESTI, been called upon to notice the eviltendenciesof the paper published Within city, hearing this title. Printed in a tang:magnet un dinstood by the Xmas of onxpeople—confined 10 its' circulation to theie alone who Can read it, and yet read no paper in any other language—it has been permitted to go. on, sowing the seeds of most monstrous doctrines in morals, religion, And politics. The peculiar genius of its writers -; . ateres to be diiplayed in. agitation—their chief dolga seems to lee to unhinge sad destroy our - social and apolitical institution.. By the aid of societies or associations having , their • ramifies.. dims all over the country, and their, papers, they', have succeeded in impressing upon their:follow -429 moot unfavorable views of :the Ataericrn character and American society, religions, ecici. al and 'political, and they have undertaken the task of reforming what to them seem to be great terminal:sr institutions. We lipeak of thiYelasis of Germans having their representatives in such ' papers as the Anzeiger, and in each secret soci eties as are knoWn to have Inexistence not only in this city, but all over the country, Under — the delusive idea, that they have better and unlader notions of liberty, and government, and laws, and•the religious and political rights which ought to be acknowledged In the United StateS --claiming that we, who have lived in a:free and a Representative Government ail our lives, do not tinderetand Its functions half so well as they, • who bare been 'educated in a despotism and in constant personal and. political restraint—they would take upon themselves to intrust and en .' lighten and guide" us, in all these essential, mat ters. Thus, the drueige r , and its followers, pawn weary otthe iIY success which has attend ed attachment to the Democratic party, • and • • longing for the offices which they think ought to fall to- them. hare proposed to cut loose from ihat partyto set up a -German Ditaocratic party". for themselves—dictating terms upon . which access should the given to it, sink claim- Lug in the dispensations of thercity Govirnmerit, one half of the offices for Germans—relying up an their number and organization to force one or the 'other of the "old parties" to go over to the 'new parry," and thus eectire their individual 'no-cask This is she political "idea. Non we have the religions idea—developed, not in 4 war upon the Catholics alone, but upon all religion. • Of the extent of thii, the public are not 89 well informed And this because the publications In which the attacks are made 'are in a foreign language, and circulating, as we have before said only among those vat') can read that language— , But we base a specimen before no, which shows (the 'extent of this feeling, and which, FA, it was first published in the An:riger, and is believed to be from the pen of a relative of the editor, may welt, e supposed to have been published without 'mat= consideration of its import. We invite a calm perusal of it, and then" some idea can be formed of the design of these patent Reamers. Fr-c) LETTERS FROM AN OPEN HEART TO AN''OPEN HEAD. , LLT17.1.. Yy - Frund: 1 have got to reseonhig I hers talked too salons Indeed the people ore not worth it, although the *object is worthy. Bad cues, at which one •cannot So much as laugh, oppose to seriousness the ugly dam of self-com placent folly and the .most vulgar hypocrisy! Min as dough—what one would call downright Ilethodist: I trll . l surpriu them in their acts, Will depict them fro the head to the toes, land then eritichun alon m e be left to (scoffy—what • reason and science, what veracity could do, his eras alsootten beendortel. What are these peo ple, really? Junius without tbe Catholic hurls puns. dust u. hypocritical,. just an tyranni cal; just as eager use to their purposes, not only every worldly paeans; but to coropromise Without reserve their own religious principles whenever it Is to the service of the sect or the ockeCtind passions of the individual. Have du/Wits • Citholio boccurpoone? so have these people s :getbnistical one—one less fair, °old- , er . my, naked, and less The former wyside the ' heart , and the reason Ibi'.;l4or the ensue; the hates prepares the retie= sotd,hesu oalifor folly and hypocrisy' in'a mere intimate and cordial way. One can imagine s Catholic gall separate from s_Jimcd4 as then sigma many Catholics are • Inst soother people are, only that they, through a iagsg• which they hear miry morning, save their elidta on heaven; a Metho dist is a protestant . Jesuit, where - the shirt touches him from early tall late, in ail he 'com mits or omits, in all he reveals or coneeals,ln movements of his muscles; in all his.ipir jinal-finactions.. [ I know such people-from hearing and Seeing. [-Tories-re they have been my study. Tn the day ' timParey pray, and the night they steal fence [ rails from their neighbors; at their meeting they [ tear their hair from compunction, and the 'next [ [ morning they •sell to a green immigrant a big. [ headed bore, which will undoubtedly die with-.[ [ in fete weeks. Pale and painful steps the father in-law to the bed of his eon-in-law, afflicted with, cholera, and whispers nod makes vows for his: ' recovery; but, for the animated body he. has al-il ready ordered the coffin. for impatleoon to enter; dpoo the estate dile dying consumes [They assemble in conventleles on the Sabbath, Il and love one another; and shake hands and call eicb.uther brother, and swear fidelity, and wring p the hands, and sing hogwash, and recognizethe Lord, and depoitit all their sorrows cud joys at the foot of the cross; but on Mondays they, part from each other, and cheat and defraud one e another worse than the -Yews in Frankfort on t the Main; and on Teneday ;they ask the most t dishonorable market price of each other for • i meth:eaten seed corn, of which not a gran will s tome forth; and on &tinnily they disuade their neighbors' children from obedience to their pa rents, who forbid them to visit the Methodist alimcis on Sunday. At Imf. the Sabbath is there again: the works don't save by any meats,tthe faith alone inher its the kingdom! And then far acuople of hours they believe eo heartily that the rafters of the bend from stupidity and hypocrisy; and they knock the past week . of roguery in the neck with the Sabbath grace, that she through repentance beComes as white as chalk, as the Chastest ionocente. The works don't cave by any mesas, hypotrigy:only does it. The greater the sinner, the richer one grace—where in the world is a more,comfortable, a more profitable moral, than this;:- Add Wove this,- fora people of money makers, for a nation of chatterers. The good roan, of course, can make no nee of such religion therefore they are always ready to as sert, ..Thera are no good men, . ' one and all are winked and in the power of Satan," until grace takes them by the neck and extricates them from his clutches . Enough, or even l shall fall iota the Methodist -dogmatic , The American sick—then he takes a dose of of laudanum or calomel - recently tee has oven invented a painkiller for all cases. from a bro ken leg'through the-nervous fever. down to child bed, a murderer of pains, 4 of which one. spocnifull is to be takcm: and if you. doter. die you will recover. The American has a bad conscience--dated from 200_per cent., or from a sale of wooden hams. or from the accidental blowing up Of a steamboat, or from a bankruptcy whereby the creditors Save ten: and the debtors ninety per cent: there he bikes a heavy dose of the moral ,pain killer, the Holy Bible, or etrallowr a portion of psalms and anecdotes of conversions of hea venly virgins, and hie immortal soul is caved here and there, on this vide and on the otha .aide.) The reconvalescent then puts on a cod, raven black attire, and trembling on arms and Tegg, putting on as long a Mee as possible, looks up up to heaven entlarmstiudly at proper in' terrain, that one only sees......yet the white in the eyes Friends, you may be assured ourackft-pa tient is perfectly eared. His fast attempt suc ceeded beyond all expectation. He has receiv ed through ineantionsnees, tan genuine.) fifty false ten dollar notes. and already passed again every one of Ahern witheut exception! Pain killer, great ft thy power—thy - kingdom cores C L. BERNAYS . . The politicallustitutions and principles of this , country are too benign, too gentle, too hcnevi. tent, to withstands° rough an assault as this_ • . Mare political l pppbsition cannot arrest a mortar pestileacs. frothing bat that religion which le here 'no grossly maligned, can alone cope sue-'! eassfiilly alt4 . ,this monstrous evil, which har , grown bold ara audacious under that triad sys ‘ i iem whichktheigenins of Christianity bee here Itemplished, ~'. Like the serpent iathe fable. these Geri=Ms are stinging the bosom which liiie warmed them Into life. They—although they do not know iS--are yet elates, slaves to pre in I dice and prieeloo: and totally unfitted to act the part of freeme. - Our only safety Is in enhauci. patina them frtm this moral and intellectual ale very, by opening their eyes to their errors. In _this great work, the humble colporteur, who wil mingle with them; and in the fearlasa yet me and gentle spiHt of his roaster, show Hain ho •- ' greatly they err, and how dangerous IS is t. follow such gu des as the writer of the shove let ter. . , Tux Houtirou Coaasseonntocc.-j-The Pus of this city, a d ay or two educe, denied, in tit most authoritative style, the authenticity of th letters from prominent loco-foss published is the New 'iork fleralq, synopais of which wo published on Tuesday But the Post 'spoke at random that time. as often does The letters ire genuine Two bar -been acknowledged by the authors. Mr. I). H. Beown, of Providence, R 1, in Letter to the rProvidence Journal avows his Le ter (which is :a funny one) Init aays that it we written in contidimce,. and must have been dis 2., honorably obtained. The following is an extract from Mr. BROWN'S Letter "Chase and Gicbrings may be relied upon to the utmost la Ohio, and we are In hopes to handle the wires even In, Massachusetts. Gen. Hous ton, I have theddid mesas of knowing, will be on himself shortlito take charge of the wires " "A word to our' New York friends. Nlake no missteps little allusion to "niggerimen," and let the State Convention hot go beyond the Ohio platform and tolerate difference of opinion regard to minor questions." Hos: Joannaß. GIDDINGS, of Ohio, it will be remembered, was also "among the prophets " But itappears that Giddings was "barking up the wrong tree' when he wrote that letter Ha lettetrin explanation, which is as rich as the one of whichlit treats, is published in the Cbece land Free Democrat (Free-soil.) It is mei, good to be lost: so we publish it at length lThis, together with Brown's acknowledgement. O suf ficient to establish thegenedneriess of the whole lot.'- JgFJPONCIN, Aug. 19, 1651. . Grunt...sew —I bite just 'reed your aril • upon the Donaldson Ciorreepondence, and th. of the Herald. • • The idea that I had entered into . airstigemen for promoting the election of General Horst , to the Presidency, will, I think, appear mo pointirely Ice:Herons to bo two men of the nati • • than td that gestlemean and myself. Your • title gave me the first intimation that VIC • thought bad entered the mind of any human ing. . . . . • Some weeks since I reoeiveff a letter dated at New York, and signed, by a person named Don cldson. I could call to mind no circumstances which led me to euppdse that I bad ever seenlor heard of the man before. I was unableto dr , rpher , trren ono-half of his letter. • My rep y which you hare published !thews to every moo precisely the facts. The fast remark contained n it informs hitt that I could not read his comma , nication.. : The.nent, that so far as I underetoc d his objects, they were to bring the democrat c party to the support of truth and freedom That I in such-efforts I bade him God speed., I 1 It is likely-that had I been able . to read pU bli hiereglyptdcs;l may have discovered a differ ent intentiott But I stated to , him distinctly that such was the object which it appeared to me he intended to express. I supposed him to Cc a Bloats:anti of the State of. New York, who vro all know are seeking to imbue Ate Democratic L party with the principles of freedom. And his request for the names of gentleman who sympa thised with him in that desire, was readily grant ed, as my lefts, shoirs. This. appeared to me to be the sole object of his inquiry ; and I men tioned, 010/14 to him who I believed would aid him in the work of reforming that party . bet not one of them, to my knowledge, ever express ed or entertained a desire for the election of Gen.. Holum. . To encourage him in what I regarded a very laudable object. I expressed, the belief that both Whig and Democratic parties were making pro grm, notwithstanding the sfier.ts being put forth to prevent the promulgation of truth. My letter wag written without the most dis tant thought of ever again seeing it, or hearing from it ; yet ihere in not a word or sentiment in it that I could wish•to keep from the public eye. Nor did I suppose that Mr. Donaldsou's letter to me, or its author, would ever again be thought of by me. The letter was not even placed on file, bin was thrown among the waste paper of my office. You refer to the connection in which my letter is published. It is that, and that alone, which gives it the lesat:lmpertance. But every man who reads it, will see that it has no more refer ence to Gen. Houston than to Den. Lopes, to the Democratic Convention than to the Cuban expe dition; that bad my letter beta published in con-. oration with the Cuban invasion It would have implicated me in that affair to the 'same extent that it does In the plot to elect:Cleo. Houston. • Again SKr, Dcmaldson sap Abet myself and Chtmb may be .relied upon In. Ohio. As alrendy stated,, him I know nothing ; metres he ..eser , ,noelsed Crom me Any other -annual; Winn than the which bas beta published. Of that atm' reader can judge as as Mr. EEM== Dtstaldson. 'lt wu intendedto express the.real sentiments or my heart upon tbs . subject men tioned in it. On reading it again, I can &armor no reuonable grounds to distort its meaning, either by Mr. Donaldson or by any other pruon. b Very supectrolly, • 3. R. GIDDINGS. Will the Pont be gooillemiugh to,correct Its mistake'? Surely It se,ill not 10 such injustice tn. 4gu_ , t Democratic fleecy ail to nonce.' these im ant letters, written by some of its most dis t' ished members, and even deny their au th•niiriti. . Resolved, That we rejoice to see among the e iritually minded a growing disregard, to mere fo ms and symbols and observances, which have to long urcapied the place of purr devotion to goodness, the cultivation of the spiritual femur tieh and active interest iu the . perfecting of soci ty: anal hope Om( those who are made only a little lower than the angels will aspire to such puhity and love as shall Introduce them into the mutiny and fellowship of the pure and good in all ' Resolved, That no day is too holy, no time_too tiered, m which to plead the cause of down te l ddden humanity, and that alone in the true tio•ipel, which places man above institutions. hd considers him as mart sacred, more to be re. irdc.l than ordinances, institutions, boob or that We esteem that as the true religion Melt thus recognizes man, whether it he called await. Dervish, Mohonedan or Christian. Resolved, That we hail with pleasure the et- its that are being made to secure to Woman Cr au - d - politleal rights; and will not foil o use whatever Influence we may possess to- ard.the promotion of flak, end Alici.tyan Yre, .1 ft.soiutiono lued at n Free Soil Convention at Hinsdale, Mich gaw That party have, all along, vaunted their Reform' and !mil “Progres, - principles, but hese are steps into the palpable obscure' of •tclero onovation that we bad net expected. Is tins a portion of the higher law"' Is it a fect that when men thug aside their conserva tive Iselingo, they are ready to rush into every dangerous extreme It, IS true that when men make,kither is politica or religion, th,s-...?eu •roe , ~- . n.3. . their guide, above that which is written,' that they soon are shipwrecked in principle " Is it a fact that *hen men assume to be govern ed by "a single idea' that that idea carries than to every extr'avagrinco of belief and prac• Gee! Garrison is an example. We caution Ist :enthusiastic friends who have been led astray y the false morality and uncertain teachings of bulitionisto to beware•of the 8101301 to which heir nitre doctrines tend' Are they prepared to follow to the letipbs of these resolutions. so iieitructive of allthat they hare.nblieved—of all [that they have hitherto held sacred " Let them consuler.—Hatt(trd Co urant. _ _ THE CUBAN EXPEDMON publish this morning copious extracts from the latest' New Orleans papers in regard to the issues of the Cuban expedition, and the 'excite ment which they created in the city where their unlawful enterprise had been encouraged and tittedmit- • They will be reed with a melancholy interest: The letters of the dupes and victims of Loper remind ns with-bitter emphasis if, the s)lemia warning of the Presidents proclamation end its denunciation of the foreign adventurers who had dared •• to Make our shores the scene • of their guilty and hostile preparations against • a friendly power, - and had sought -bp •hood and mareprot,danon to seduces:, ottizeo., :6p:ottani, the young and inrcrinderatr. rote 1.4,a• • ictrkedzol.eme: And no if blood enough hos not been shed—ac if the tears and greens of beieaved.parenti, sisters, brother., and friends, do not plead with resistless eloquence for the preservation of the laws of their country— '. we find men even now- reckless enough. and wicked enough to seek to instigate new eipedi ,lions, to result in similar bloody catnetripfies ' To all such—and to the guantrY—we feel we may give the assurance thatlell the power lodged with the Executive by the•Coostitunen and the laws will be employed to prevent the repetition of such offences against society - and the world. and for the preservation of our neutral relations with all foreign. powers.. The victims , of the re cent expedition are now beyond all hamen the fate into which they were duped places in the boldest relief the criminal ity of all who are still eeeking •to *educe youth • and inexperience into the same hopeless career of folly and guilt. Guilt—for no marl without criminality can violate the laws of his conntry ; I folly—for the result of the wretched expedition of Lopez must ehow to all but the willfully blind and unbelieving, that they are called updn to shamion their pursuits, to lose their cheese , ter, and peril their lives in an attempt to excite rehellion,among among the seemingly contented eubjects of a foreign Rutter, and not to aid an uprisen and 4icitiug people in a gallant, struk , ' gle for'liberty: With regard to the departure of the Pampero, it is proper to add that the most imperative and stringent orders had been given to all the United State, officers in all our ports, to arrest by all lawful means all such expeditions, and that they will be held to a strict accountability. If it should appear that any such officers have con nived at any such expedition, or have been col • pably negligent in the performance of the duties enjoined upon them by. the President's procla mation or their special instructions, they wilt be forthwith removed. The Collector at New Orleans has been , long since called upon for an explanation of his 'conduct in permitting the de parture of the Pamper), and his statement in the premises is now before the Executive for examination. If it should not be entirely sat istactery, we have reason to believe that his im mediate dismissal will be the coaeequence pubic Tire SPANISH CON3III. AT Na. OILEA:IS Our' newspaper edrices from New Orleans do net sustain the telegraphic statement :of the outrages said to hire been committed by the mob against the Spanish Consul. They were much eravgerated, no doubt for effect Id distant places in fur own country and in Cuba, The person of the Consul — had not been. outraged or endangered; and, though we cannot too deeply lament the riotous visit that was paid to hie of fice, we rejoice that we have Lean Spared the infamy that would have blotted the American name if the madness of the mob had sat been arrested before proceeding to eztretnitiss --R, • From the Nor Orlean, Picayune. Aug '2.t To THE Cirizaas or sin - 01111,116. —Not hat leg engaged in the canoe of Cuba personally, have foreborno to inquire into the plan of open titian further than ha. been common to all out citizens who took interest in the cause To-day, however, I have made the proper in quiry, to enable me to forni an opinion as to whet is to be done, and the conclusion towitich I have come is, that if the citizens of New Orleans do not subscribe liberally. there is no prospect of any aid being furnished to the heartland gallant young men whose lives are now perilled in the mountains of Cuba There-Is no time for delay. We have had one tale of blood and murder, and we may soon have another , My object is, If pouible. -- to save the remnant of the gallant band who defeated the forces of Enna, on the 18th instant, and marched in to the inferieron the /Bth This we know from the official publieatons in Havana: and further all is doubt and uncer tainty. This, however, is certain, that the same men who defeated - Oen. Enna, and compelled him to send back to Havana for reinforcements, when they were only defended by workshastily thrown , up around an old building, will be able to hold him at bey for some time when they reach mountains se well adapted to defence as those of Cuba'are. This is more certain if the people of 'the country unite with them, which is confidentt ly stated to be : the case by correspondents from Hnvons, who ' I am fully satisfied, have net made statements which they do not believe. hut, fellow citizens, after examining the poei ti omit, a military point of view, I am satisfied 'that our friends and brethren will be finally ever• whelmed by auperior Spanish force if they do not receive assustance. However anxious we may be to relieve those who are in danger, we must not hazard any more small detachments we have bad enough of that Whatever la dOnclatuill be doneprompt ly add elitiently Whether any thing at all can be done depends upon you, also of New Orleans There is no tbne to seek aid from a distance There is no lack of men who bora to succor the surviving comrades of the slaughtered Crit tenden. Kerr, and their brave companions. It is the means, the means, that is wanting. I therfore plainly , appeal to you to come forth generously and promptly._ It will require a, considerable sum to do any thing that you or I would •sanction . for I say siatice, that I will raver consent that oar noble-young men shall again be hazarded with insufficient numbers and inefficient means. t Fa is HtaToa. New OaLiana, August 22,1861. Wed, and rear of OWN , Percha. —Tim • expedition in search of Sir John Fran • klin ate the value of gala peroba in a remar manner. Each of tbeto took out sledge lio#l of this substance for use among the 'masses of Pitted with a :Irate, the boat served as a sledge', floated, it would carry flee or six persons with ample provisions at other times it might be folded up, or converted into a wrapper, or bid sent, safe against the told: thit„threi , or feint men might sleep under. Its Weight .was nub' :,elg undergoing hteen pounds. - Moreover, after an the rough work of the voyage, it rotterneldao Ingland not in the least damaged, and in almost 1 as good order as Id= she lafb ' From Ile inn Orleans Itimane MORE OF TB =Teas. • • These young men were all well knoll:, here, and lied numerous friends, M whom these touch ing memorials of the constancy with which they met their hard fate are Inexpressibly deer. Lefty- fres. J. Brandt. E=EMMII MT DEAR MOTHER: I have but a few momenta to live. Fifty of us ate condemned to be shot within half an hour. I do not value life, but deeply regret the grief it will cause - you to hear of my death. Farewell, then, nryldear mother, sisters hod all: we may meet again In another world. Think of we often: forget the causes I have given you for grief: remember only my vit.- toes. Farewell, dgain, dearest mother, and be: lieve'me to he your affectionate sun, Mr, Marie Brag& Letter Own Thum. C James. SPAIII.II FRIGATE ESPIRAN7A, Harbor of Havana, August 16, j MY bcoe 8EGT112.11.3 /LSD SISTERs 1 This is the last letter you will ever receive from your brother Mum., [LI one hour more I will be launched into eternity, being now u prisoner„with fifty uthe., aboard of this ship, and under sentence of death. All to be shot: This is a herd fate. but I trust in the mercy of God, and will meet my fate manfully. Think of me hereafter, not with regret, but las one whom you loved in life, mil Who loved you. Adieu, forever, my brothers, sister., and friends. Temsas.e..lnates. Robert, our poor friends, U. A. Cook and liryce, aro with me, and send their last re gard to you: also Clement Stanford, tormel.y of I,:att-be: Letter fro. r,rtor MT DEAR FYLICIA : Adieu, my dear ;wife: this is the last letter that you will receive from your V,etor. In one hour I eball be no more. Embrace all of nay friends for me. Never pa ry ie my desire My adieus in my signers and brothers. Apia, a last adieu. I die bac a soldier Your husband, lii= Augu.l It;—tl o'clock. M Y Ursa Faients itll.e you forever, and 1 go to the other world. I am a prisoner in Havana, and in in hour I shall hare ceased to exist. My dearest friends, think often of me I die worthy of a Creole, worthy of a Louisiani an, and of a Kerr. Your devoted friend. VICTOR ELLA. To N Larose, H. Bonligny, Leon Faces:de, Wm. Vincent, Felix Arroyo August 16-14 o'clock Mr Donn Buornra Roams - • Adieu'. 1 am to be shot in an hour there is no remedy far it This will be handed to you by my friend. Mr Costa. who has been kind enough to take charge of it Adieu ! Robert. I die as • man and as an American should die. Kiss your dear wife. my good mother, sisters and, brothers, and be !' roe erer your brother, August It. 1861—t4 o'clock 176P1 Sttr Orira. BE, August 2:1 i r CARD --The undersigned. (other-in-law A of t e late Victor Eerr, Sakes this method of re t ning his-most sincere and heartfelt thanks to N Antonio .Costa, for the kindness which ho oasnifested to the lamented deceased in his 111.0. moments. The alacrity-with which he . came to the assistance of Kerr, his - offers of clothing and ofhcr comforts, and finally his efforts in saving the body of the unfortunate young man for in terment in his native land, will never be obliter ated from the memory of the undersigned Rrvras or Tan PHISIDVIT —The President snored at the sent of Government on Saturday ofteznoonllast, having left Charlottaville at three o'clock in the morning, attended/by a committee of the cititena of that place, who accompanied him some seventy miles, to the functihn. On leaching Charlottesville the day preview, the Fresident woe driven directly to the Univeasity t 1 Virginia.; the site of which is a tittle out from he village, where he visited the Observatory, the Libroty, and being accidentally recognised .y Professor Tucker, was introduced 'to the !hairman of the Faculty. Mr Harrison Ac nmpanied by these gentlemen, the . . President ant immediately to the 'Hotel, where the party .recureil a carriage and made a hasty sisit to Monticello. On their return to Charlottsville they found a large concourse of citisenz who had assembled to be presented to the President, to whom it was • source of sincere regret that the necessity of his return to 'Washingtda pre , vented him frozkprolonging hla starlit:l form ing the acquaintance of the neighborhooeferldeh bad so kindly and cordiapy tendered him their hospitalities. Telegraphic inielligencs4sf the Cuban exps dition, and its results re rl the President at the White Sulphur Springs on Sunday teat, aril he Mailed upon his realm as Mon as he nadir; far recovered from his recent ilidleposition as t o 'render it prudent to travel We are happy to be able to state that his health ia entirely rester led —Rmothe Petroleum ! C=l:El=l r title 'Laity; therars we would that footo.a. , L. two do,a, Ortbe Yeasylsools lle tee •o Oa., at. al It it Wag Inquired for almost eoary touts, reepeottulls, JOHN LOINLI t CO Astdood ro , U., Stall 10, S. 31. tsar —best lout April. • Ler feel. atom. left rut us lost dcao hock utl..whith we Wirt 1 . 1. f. award to us us Joist. latudiatele 1 cur Ine.ll,lns Is working vandal, In Ml* tsg.n. n nEtaln sevoral c•ttierries.ll iOY klnnrs 1 nra. • Y.urs, wan • tier sale by Keynes t alcDpwall, 140 10..nd street:lt. nelleia. L 7 lisn4 atrettr. U. A t alleeemct.A en, .0050.0 ViuLl and Stunt street; L M. I:nig Y. O A hallotttllneenti IsLuglase.und U P.4Laarts, 4llsi b.al. also by Lbw yr.- btletor, ~ S. td KIER, aulltan A Canal Bano.!...an.ntbat Plttebura b. PlipprTHOTll FLOATS ABOVE FICTION 4.400 OIL £OOl4. .let man rLn tell 4043 J by ty 1154 It. am dnict ae Y Ur. can tell a 000 d dluto.r by emuag It AO4 It one man tries IL. and 00.14 it .poor. it .111 41.v0, :Am pc:Lula/ay with Ile ahol/ CILY. 101 l (alit istioduce a idiadletne Sato popular ue• 0011114 ncesesaaa r.alh naLat.antlal virtues, n.eeiratu etects Lt wand ot,nrcucra, and a 1. Ws fact that het astaollooel the reputation 01 . 1101's Culinnunno imld 04u4.4 - 4 ci h•,1011/.. teryund all casil IT dispute. Its acne. ttp4o the sumac system Is In 60000.1.00 0110 rational and Lhl. latcplllcal ;inn:tales—lt G=Gtas Lne arzretlmas and etertlona et [be bed, [el:cue - es ntertructlcns. Men/acne morbid and dleeusd mattes. stiJnatheue :ha sum.:h and 00iestlee cat., entalte last. 0001, .01 n:JIOY Ll..cd and regnistve the earione function. II to. d4Pertat Grgao4 of the hall Tot. Is all pQrturtuld ,althout the ieast danger cf harm. the preparation b..itug aa sun at It .4 eflattact.,. It CMS 04 thought tiy the ateptical. 1001 it purnbru. to cure too many disenski, tut utto eitapira, Um. it will be !coma that &Urge anuurai ei the lzgasst ea which a1:941 tha human family criginata In an Impure std .. of it.. bloc,' Sr not I,elve-.1, then. by other hr yCsrlllaa being anal too hi '''oor moloOlos and 'crater pranaraticu . ' . • substitute forth. original John aarsaysrttia l This valuable proniaraiton the ;Tour/moor lemmata Is be superior to all °Mora. CACTloN.—finale and .0 fur the orletnal /AA, .sarraPartTha-from OrerotazAt . .--an . .l have norther f..ev .ITlitle,ton:it on soothe? the. 1 KEYSER it 31 - DOWELL. if Wsind st.. tau d• r3oT Wbalewl. &I/W. 1.. E. Fall Importation of Hardware, Cutlery, tko: - - LOGAN, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood Street, tte b.. L• 101. . o :11., f G ICK, trunti .01 ethgrl, ti MOT 1 of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HAR . DWARF., CUTLERY, Su.; , INITuRTED RI RECENT PACKET.I. Arl.l SLIM SL^T ar.t nGt fal prul to ated to offer at attrb ynces , -atl la, Jr.r tali4MOTtzotnt of N SS.lebratad LS. 8. AXES wia 0. austs li/br How often is it the: nade that we a, afe , t a tits," IWG/112.i. Grp... In it, vain tibp. that it will be well ettough low day or two: instead 1.1 gettln: veil tboy grow won.. Ist. , and perhaps moo ' tit-retina take. ploe, and the limb has to b. amputa{adt oleo If a 11t110 of II U. iarrell's Arabian Llnintoott had hotn applied at the 1.11120 of the sorldent. It would hue ur•J It tramedultoly :tee advortlsemoot. •mpg eL•Ne's Liven an teolahlog design! (or lilt great raedieltili 141.13111 In 7. on the Increase Whore it has been Introduced, It has atuio .4 a napalm", uttproestJanted In lb. annals of medical poi a tclagoi are using at in Man, mos. at l.Ot who. the) can obtain it. Patient*. lonesvar, need not to under ton elven** siting niadlosd adVit., as they eon purchus r boo of the Liver Pills, with which dlrestlocia will twi lurulabod. which will work a speedy aura. Th. :allowing iv". from an ..... shawl lie POPularlt y laths st-tie. (font whlchlhr latter Is datoJ itliras tarn. Balton! en., Pa.. Idat,ll:Lt, 1047 J Kidd {Co —.Gentian:too. We and w. coo nil a ,11111 moor .710, of Dr. McLane. Lints Fills thin your agent kill with pt. Thews Pllll arc rapidly rising In hear. and we bare 010041101 al/ that wt. hyl. . If you can wt Tel w to ,r lr dorme mom boats, thay'wlll lore rtrtutpt otait your arati eau bring us a now supply lnr Is Lt son t,).14.4•11 Pittsburgh We Ltumrance Company CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. uFFICE. NO 76 FOURTH STREET OFFIVERA Pren.lopx—JAna S. {inn. VP.* Yrundeft-B.olCal. Idelafacka. - Tr uttnr—Jonre e. Luca. .tocrnary—C l‘ooPos. /Wt., .42.1Pliforunkt la Another pan of WM ;Inn. onZl MARRIED, At Now POW:tuna, on Toodaf. Um 'NI 1 art.. b It.y. J P. To7tor, Ur. U. 8. C 0.119.111. to MISI L.OOO ur of Ala. Wm. Wen.. c i tARPETS! CARPETS I—Ree'd this day or W. hItCLINAPCY. new and rich reeks buyertin;. p a f. 4 o, totedos la gPIf.A4N C.481'67.9, whi c h , n , .4 sehl awn sass hit 7 Culotte ever -before offered • collaild mite the attention oi Intl .utgegVeZV:r4 . ,r i girh . .. :d - THE folloiring th. Mt of sukacrito CI N Llbfsl7 and Moth of ;waft: , A &Ivy mg ., , Jr A. , Jose U 1r J. 2ovuerna, Thfs hurtltution n • • volumes In the LI • ted wtw trot - HU ex • • Thelllst Is now op. Coyle, of me Conitl yt .• Auction Sale. ESIRABLE Rey Estate for sale,- on the Irab of 1) SePtemhYr.th'e.e.'jjl p oek, P. IL: 1 1, .Itoialoo N Zhu .rydi with about iii of of A tesuliful Aver Briek Waage, with, two serer. 4.,hhot aerre ad.pitaze the above, had out Iv LA• of fr..to our to five scree • prowely l at the fowl of Fed et— o the bows. .10, hue of Aliegh a ezi And th. eral moot,. decr p able otter. (fdt Pearl - 11 4 0re.t will woo to. grs4.d, when tie M.,e1141 will be awl: Oo the premises the. Is an at.uu. .10. r.. a wet, and r,.41, sod almost every part prefertr a dellehtfol view. l'ertu..—uue Mot th • note at ho . fourth V.l Ju. 4 .22 .,.. 0 . r7E,urth let Janu•ry, ABA lbettalAA, Lt nn - Le gem . .., MeI.AN t SIOFFIT'3.4LCIaIr ~ t Express Packet Line to Cleveland. J BEA. yrr TICE .. Proprietors of the Packet Lines hat' tog towir revulaita arraowsoSllll with the Ohio Yawn's Railroad Catopaa ,Itti,r the oilavelatul tie hew (Suite Packaoi.atat arttlOS tbrousb tbikati at lb , . dile, will ha forrdabed will a llo r lo waril glue than/ tbe priallaira of going to Roa tar attoo tbweara or tba litratoboat. , fir W.A..* .Poi d to JOIN A. CAUOlin, Agl— eam, W• 141. audiloiltblield sta. (up ittairad Pittabwrab.. . • Great Bargain! IBERTY ST. PROPERTY FOR SALE. the MANSION I.h/1.51.;, formerly kept b U. It au..104% Li %1. O. Sax... I.°tiered at ptivale onJo. lu BMA polite to the Canal Huh,awl KlLlolning loNtlon or the Penney/Tau.. l'uaanger StA racteA fur 111;:u0 p.r year—h•A proavects of In. crea....l value. For Nether particular. ennui.. of It. VAIRMAN, Federal it.. Allegheny: or R. CA.MPBELL. 1.11..rty L Pittatturnh. Adtolal.trator• of the gelato of thnm, Falrman. . l-Phila• WY? , rtyr Sewickley Bottom Property at Auction. N Thursday morning, September 1 l'th, le s s iii:tork, will b sold.= the premier.. NINE , relnablel.UT.4. bandeothely bo Reen the Olio neer and the Ohio sod Pa gallroad, ad anti land! or the Eroticroy Focteq, end Daeld 144 , tare for liattkeMLlS roi CotiOtrY Seatw. heleg 'ere, from three to tlfteott aords. agreeably with out by 1011 Orme. which mar Dearth at the, etvricir room, or so the ground. abbee prop •rty oder. great 11301W:orate to porch. tenbe,og srabog the most desireble offered for sale lo tbie obionty, sod lo within 30 mindtes . ride by relltbai Pittaburgh lona, at tale eevals • P FOR SALE— b..7 atifts BrallockS riga P . _t r k a ,Road .. .... • Ittrosa: .lo•• Cit.tum's Inzursant Comr=T: We-era • - CHIC vg . Stock and Exclan.g. MC= WISS ANL) OJACKONET EDGINGS, &c. 7 DIURPLIV 2 BURCHFIELD Eat". oPtut'd dat morn., a lot of tivtlit l'Alortzt , rg J o ckene itkal*Etititr=9-D=21.L•3'''.:a.1,11r1P.,53.; • OAF SUGAR— RA by! , end So.. Battle Ground Rogierr. t 4 O On hall! 1111 frn. sot. gyp • DIMIIII DOE k INGI.IIIAM. ryl IA sad ILA Front •. 4 ( , HUSH. ,t pow , r, SUGAR-50 bbrs. for 1. 4 41 DURBKIDGE a INGur,Am 11. NOLASSES—IfXOIIIIB.•GoodaIe',. . 50 St J•crm.• Rig Jo, r.le tr wp4J Ittill0R14•IE • ISGULLILNI tioFFEE-250 bags prime Rio, for Bale by RtHBRIDGE B rSaliama V icroa Kcfte T EAS -50 lif. chests Young 1 - Iyson: • impelled: r .1e ti 11CRIMIDUE fc & IN‘II4II.AM dIOFFEE-25 packets Java„for sale by 'payt BURSELIME* INOLIEtAiI EittilEß-200 sides Sole, for sale by A sett BUILBMDOII B INIMIELANI pure k La i mr E s' i kl• u s . ale m by Utl'A Mids. prime N.O, for sale by •••rA BLICEIKILWA B Intillfte2d IER:EBI GIVEN that an Asaessment Ocilazeiw, abar,has been levied ‘xt Ql ihct a...L1, .19,1 c of tFI N , .rtll Atouri.-..ll . diming COMP , / Detrd' payable at et, .It. , at the ennapant, ia Pato. bur,L. .11ctufa, Ih. itb of meat. t.. PALMER. rekim.rar “111. • Mialug Cc of Dearclt' Pautb.agh St; a. PROCLAMATION ‘ I I7.IEKEAS, in nnd by the Act of the v in o.ral A... Hotly of I,usteylvaula, entitled - an Art relating to Elections ot thl• Cammoowaelth, • 0 le so o r d oh me to ores. ounce of such slactioue to Le he , .l. ad enumerate ln each make what officers are to le eiet ( ed. la mutineer. thereof. 1. CARTHEt CURT'S. Sherif of the County of Allegheny. do [head,* make itoown and ere Ibis public notice to the elector, of raid County el Si fin Lome, that • deneral Plectluthelll be held in the wild Charity. on the PECON If TUESDAY 00 OCTOBER Nt tr. . " It: tln'ler t ..•2;lVltlnt. t-P.771° .7.f ~P Lobo o to meet et the house of Sly,. dane Little. et tne U carti:s ' CI rem end Fount streets, to said ward. T be el,crs of the Ascend Ward nf the city of Pittston- oh. tO meet at. the burnt District Hotel, corner ~f U.oond ail Odosillifitld Pres., to sate we'd. The electors of t the Third Ward of t henity of Pittehuryta, ' Tatl=t!rthe Ftotth W17N1 14 01 theet4olitittebur b I.lineet. at she Public &Ma Musa in veld ward. ' . the.elentore Of the Fifth Warluf Charity at Pittsburgh.. I mart ar. the Pdroshraula-Hr.tue, oomshisd by Uorlwb 1.1.101, late Ales. :Hewers in sal wand. The elector. Public tilath Ward of the sirrof Plrrsturob. to tweet at the Ordinal House. in said ward. •.... The electnrs of the terauthr Ward of the city eif Pats "' it. h .:l ' oZitf r tJ ', Vin e hteW 3 atli l e.._,TtrcTe. a .vb t the Public ccboof 11 u In IiLLLA ward . . " Itte 'i tore of the Ninth Via ' N ' illtie hay of Pitteh o . to muert it the Public achool Ileum, lo and want. " ' The electoroal the Pit. Ward of the cityof AdlegLeOT• Co meet at the kanks4 of J Woodhouee, Robinson meet • The elector•of the dermal Warder the city of Alleg heal. to meet at the !loupe of Widow Thompson. meth west Nsr. Loa of Ohio street and the Pubhe Sahara The aletors it the Third Ward of the city of Alien teary. to meet at the Public fohool DOW., In said ward.' 'fie tdectore of the Fourth Ward of the raj of Allegben, to meet at the house of Mrs. Wylie. Last Common. I be electors of Pitt towhip to meet a [.the Louie Of 1 , Mrs M Nancy Murry. on the echanics' and•Farmaraluns plke,Hnad. in said LOW [Obi, Iscentthednalidel eater. re Adios In notion* Nos. a.:. nod 14 of the city district who s n s ii r o te et all ,suers' ,henna to the Muth Wand of the I atiksor:a=relhPeetuestownstil to meet at the hot to o f . John Helder. in the village of Mist ' Liberty. ',' Th. .lean. of Collins towaship, m meet e t the noose or , Wm. McCall. Jr . in the ell's,. of Last Wherry tors S, The electors of Wilkins township.to meet at the hanse ] if be ehaller, ho the Urechaburgh Turnpike Itoal.n said towneldn. The electbr• of 'to n township. to meet at the hones Join endonierellie aid toartutilin. The