kiNiolleittent MVANtile Vlii.l BY 14, PITTSBURGH tVEDSESDAY nORNING, SEP. 3, 1851 rdr.h.EA DINO NATTER WILL BE•FJUND E.4611PA9E OF THIS EATER. TY I.titire roux CCIIA.—The telegraph briop us a despatch said to Were been received from the editor •of the Savannah Morning Nese, who 'received it by the schooner Merchant,. which 5 1 left Havana on the 23d, which,;( true, la indeed • Important. Bat after the numerous falsehoods which have been uttered through,thetelegraph relative to the affairs of flubs,/ but -little credit can he gireis to thili etatement Tteditor of 'the News does not teltusthoir or fro whom he received the, news, except that it came by the ad.( uner Mcrchaut. ''.Bops is eom marching," Sr. When tau that ! Who any. It` These are particulars which, if true, would not have been orniVd. The account states that there were only '701.1 troops in Havant Why we had that. Item dt nears uep.rly a week ago, by a vessel . uthicitiaded five dry. before th e Merchant The . • tchole thing comes tip win so questionable ti ill'atpe, nod is withal so improbable, that we thu: it is not entitled to much credit. ,The Picayunq states that of Col : irittenden's conimand, ill were surprised and shot at a small farm! house. A Spauieh Lientenant reports that he; found a party of '4O, guarding an equal num• hTe'r,of 'mounded corortuleti, alt of whom were put to death. -These were, no doubt, the same forty mentioned 'attoeF. Twenty-four remain unite cout4eil for, out of a command of 116. -ft is to be fiared that they too bane met the same sad fate. Of the fate of Lopez and-those with him we are yet in the dark. , • PAYMENTS OF THE STATF. DEBT • Our-readers :readers will remember that about a wrek ago,'Wo noticed - d long statement drawn up by CO. Snowden, of this c ty, in which he missy oredluthow that Gov Johnston had paid leas of the State debt than f De. Bliaaik. We showed, with the most perfect ease, that his statement wee 'wrong—anti Stili)l6 Gm Shank had only been able to paYinid,f.6o, in nearly six' years, including the cancellation of a! large /mount of relief notes, Gov. Johlision had in tlwn and half years, paid over One million, In the• PoNtr of yesterday.morning,• Col.. Snowden is again befOriChe public, with a statement, the oNeet of which we cannot perceive, unless it be to ceztify to 'the public that we were right in every partic ular, for it certainly amounts to that • , Possibly - Col. Snowden is not aware of the fact,' than the law establishing the sinking fund, Makes: it the duty of the Commissioneraof that fund purchase, from time to time, the blonds of the. State, as fast ae theit ,funds will admit of it : that at the endspecified periods, it is made the:lnv-of thou i Commissioners to report What amount bonds , have been purchased and can celled, and what Price has been paid for. them.: and thatithe first of September, instant, .is the day fined for the tpublication of their report.— When that report or proclamation reaches us, we shall know all about it. As yet, no official pro mulgation of the operations' of the sinking fund, established by act 10th April, 1849. has been made, and het:teethe apiaren: difference between, the payments under. Gov. Shank's administra tion and that of Gov. Johnston but it will not do fcr Colt S. to Pretend to be ignorant if the fact that more than :ix hundred thousand dol tars •of the bonds of the Commonwealth have been-purchased and ctuicello, in addition to 8, 888,919 specificalli.appropritited and paid dor: tag his administration,to liquidate debts contract • , ufkprior to the Ist of December, 1899, and which were not funded. His , whole statement is ex ceedingly jesuitical. Be first Mites in $1,288,972 of relief notes, as a, part Of Me fried debt of the State, aud then connis the cancellation of a part of those notes ass riduction of the funded debt: . In that way be.swells up the amount paid during Gov. Shank's administration to our Ire hundred thousand dollars. This be -calls === Interest Rot skied to the people by these boasted 2 • payments? . Bike it his own way, and the ac count redly stands thus : • Paid by Gov. Shrink, relief•notes and . all, in 6 years By Gov : Johnston:in 9-} years, iuclod iug about scoo,ppo paid by the • sinking fund, 1,038,414. Being $52E;758 more than was paid during: Gov. Shnnve administration. The Colonel gives evasive answors to.a few specific queries we put ,to him; but no matter. The intelligent 'rider will know why be does so, , THE . 9i./Its DANIEL, who wasi-eocutly ar rested, gilds Leing brutally sent:tilted by the sigent of , bis feaster, at Buffalo, we learn tionCa despatch puldiehed in the Cleveland Herald, hoe be, .en discharged on a writ of 80b.,,, Corp fudge Cenci:ling. of Bolding, who wee lately arrestia at Porighkeapeie, was under investigation at the last accounts. • Great Interest is manifested in the case, but there IS nothing like violence. The evidetutSiDlit him is pretty direct and strong. ' He brie Wed at Poughkeepsie about four years.' Is much esteemed, and is the husband of an ami able free 'woman, nearly white. Should he be remanded to slavery, we think there is little doubt but that he will be redeemed. His former alleged owner, who is a tailor, in South . Caroli na, 1671 he was worth two doll., a day to him as a tailor It it very hard case THE FOREST CITY BANK. The Cleveland Herald of Batniday evening says: "This new Bank, ,organised under the Free Flanking law, will go . into operation under the best of Managers and the most favorable auspices. The stock, $100,090, is mostly held by Pittsburgh capitalism. who are ready to in crease it to 5600.000, should it be found desira ble. ~T he officer's of the Bank are—J. G. Hiterej, ?resident:: A. W. Brockway, Cashier: Direct 'oil, Charles Stetson; Joseph G: Hussey, John McClelland, Benajah Barker, and John P. Grib ben. . . ••We'landerstand it i 4 in contemplation to pur •chaso half. °tithe el4gant block, being built by Messrs. Powers and Jones, on Superior etreet, for the Bahlribg Office of the Ponte City Sank." BYPASSES IN NEW ORLEANS. The following, from the riew Orleans Tans Praxis, will be; read with deep and painful inter est, portraits:ly the letters from two. Of the on fortunate rtietUwho fell at flovana. The heroin firmness manifested by the editor of the True Delay-during all this trying period in that city is worthy of being bad in grateful remembrance by all his countrymen. We tryst there are tome more such spirits as that in the extreme South, "Lg. , the yroyndtgl :" what siy. those who havicleen sounding the praises of this milanant to this testimony borne by one of his dying. Tic - tiros! From the N. O. TM. Dena TEE HAVANA TiIAGEDY. .'The community is convulsed with rage and in dignation at the terrible vengeance takeu by the Captain General of Cuba of the .unfortunate young men whom the fortune of war and a deplo ruble fete placed in his power. The feeling now •••abroad ie akin to that which pervaded every '. portion of this Repel:ilia on the receipt of the "news of the massacres. of Gelled and the Alamo in Texas in 1835. The feeling is equally totem! and just, but wheb under cover of &bands of desperadoes as• sembla- together, break into dwellings, plunder than of their contents, and into stores, the mer chandise of which they scatter to the winds of homes, or carry off in , triumph, society ig re. solved into its. original elements.and Amos is some again. • v The extraordinary spectacle is vritnessed of . a great commercial city actualliin the hands of a mob, and the most daring. spollatione commit . tad in the presence of en inactive or parented . chief magistrate. Threats are on a hundred tongues, of fellow, up doubt,.mlbsidited for the purpose of destroying Bur property,7beranso d. dilitod, before the sailing of the Pamp,erd, to ad vise the youngmen against the madness of mish it* blindfold to' aid a .peaple who we bed brit too much reason ta believe were faithless, cowardly, or uuresolved, or to undertake an in with numbers so few that destrualon was lueritablB This was the sum of our advice—aria is Me ex. taut of our Offentlingsvandlar this our property menaced with 4tistruction, our persons with Har?e'we44'346'lo any tingle instance - ' . , . . . •., . - . !., • ',. Ini/Paing the .. -ople? Caste sal be tu4need eib. ..'n we itsive . bee , our great true , as public Jo. the silent 41. ii , r on the press• 1 eorrupt - and\ . iiblingf finger to that han'eser'• , ',ipetired to I ) 4ese lug in true the blicsuism;defici the greatn es s, Tory 'nil boner of No, but we are eneunned in this .i For and official incompetency for h 1 examine the atrocious fatiricatin i . which, our young, men were being , : etruction:lyr presuming to print, its of atnerirsn nierolcanta,:inforn believed:ea& now know to be cruel the wild exaggerations of Cuban I concocted to inflame the imagines the spirit- bf liberty ever living brightly in the American heart. Is it a- crime . .,to advise cacti. property be destreyed' end our pe for stating as our duty deman truth, the whole truth, and nothin_ Do the relatives . df our brethren, us forever, reproar.h us because' them not to emb r ark a mere ban , i , fight against fea ful odd • ou dont) i r, support, made hrougb the coin.. pera? Have ou worst fears not have our youn men not been I ~. slaughter? W t could they effil on all sides by emies—succore by none': What must have been of hops that co ddrive such me aid.' Kerr, Cook nd 'Vienne, an t asseclates to sea in wretched boa Orate expected , ' a of escaping, th that they well : eve. awaited they their enemies? .. • • Here are two ,etters placed-in publication by i essra Stanton • relatives of Mr. ' ionue. We be., peruse them to • fully, and coml . " the letters publ bed in what are I,an official org , s. in relation t The Italics are hose of the write IN Boone T• e Man-or-WA - a 11t.ra.,474, • August If. . em onate Sidirt a I Brot e a am permitted to . ddr smy las My Dear mut Before word? in the. 't Ise visions, t em ached in the l'at Rr urriv , about four :her, In•! week, sit d to about au Deceived by expedition for hundred in nuo bout from now lost. r was end, with b(ty I die, toy de. ant sinner, hay of our holy re of ebilife, an sisters,.•pray f. we I I mean tifty en prisoner after then, am to be F. brothars and list gbeenhlessed wit Forgire m I,you, my dear. a. Amy poor soul. y dear mot her a ild! kiss her n er for my sake ' go to Oh' my dear cal (Jr mr. Love ; era and all yj Blaeliney, - my Lacroix and F potie of my son, lily dear mot is shot and de,,l ur dear children osf profound resp herll'Hon, a MA farewel by this time: r'queath my dear c rod-bye H g. , did my duty. Job ear Sort and Broth, .11esoar Ta Costa it. promise '.•y body It so. 1 wife. . I give and h you alone. 0 and T Mr. Antoni. can to obtain buried with m op. boar .I a Una of War. t block 001 . Aug . tilh, IS.-51 it* Hnso 8 STANTON ,t. CO , lity dear riends:—About',st of us, Colonel Crittenden's =mend, were token prisoners yesterday. ha not received on sentence yet, but no doubt e will all be shot before sunset lope;,_ the seo iirs:, bits deceived ,us: there is no doubt but al l' hone reports about the Cubans rising were a trumped 'tip in New Orleans -- Loper took ne l f y his command and deserted us —we were at ack,ed by some 500 or MO of she Queen's troop , the 2d day after We landed. Our own Gallant 01. Crittendon done all that. any man could d but .we saw that we had been deceived'ind . etreated to - she eea shhre with the intention of Iting-t&to oar country if possible —got three bta and got elf with the intention of coasting drail we fell in with an American vessel. and wire taken prisoners by the steam boat Flabaner. • Explain to ..y family that I have done notb ma, but what as instigated by the highest mo tives, that I d e with a clear conscience end' like a man with stout heart —I send my watch to'you, it is f• r little Benny, my nephew. Good bye, God hie you all. Truly yours. GILMAN A COOK. In the na • .of Heaven, why are the still practise on our people' if capture of the.ialand of i •ha he an affair determini...l on— if the 'Aineri a people consider that its subju gation is de 0 tided as an attonement for the blood that-ba: been spilt, is it .wise` is it prodenr . is it patrioti '• is it practicable to. send a few men to do th t which it will require thousands fb accomPlisti7 The friend. 4 of the Spanish Government are those whq thug counsel, and the newspaper coun sellors will ktep their pale- souls far from the • scene of coal t The above I tiers are vouched for by the hon• ett and patrio "c citizens whose names we have given: we ere , menaced it we publish them. Lot we beleve our 'ellow citizens will riot shrink from supporting us tow for obeying the wishes of such men, or withdriw from., the all sufficient sup. port provided I . far for our protection, in the event of rampant mobs assailing a. , Owing allegiance to the sovereignty-of tho peo ple alone, trust to that allegiance, and faithful to all the duties it imposes, we rely with a .confi • deuce never Cora moment impaired: in the 3 UF / Clue of our fell sr-citizens. --- TO -PUBLIC TILAQI !LITT . ' The True L/ Its continuee-- While all pritise is due ,to the Second Muni cipality police for their seed and their Prompti tude, under the peculiar circumstances of their anzimolotm position, left, as they have been, to the direction lof their chief alone, it is more particularly agreeable to' us to' testify to the deserts of that officer, and to say that Captaio Foino deserves well of his fellow citizens. We never regarded our own position with the slightest anxiety; our course upon public tions, uninfluenced, as it has always been by part f considerations, may at times have exposed us to strong dislikes, mayhap, enduring resent ments -. yet we feel secure of the support of ev• cry citizen who-will not bow down to the dicta ion of a mob, br consent to the suppreilioo of honest opinions, at its dictation.. to We do not ! omplain of the course of some of our contemp les. nor express astonishment that the letters of oor Cook and Vienne were refused ' publication n their columns: but if conduct like this la conformity with the mission of the American journalist, we have most grievous ly mistaken that MiflSi.. No voice Is raised, no authority exhibited, to interpose an obstacle to any man's going to Cu bs or elsewhere : but a dastard fear hashes so poisessed tho minds of men„ that they stood stupiked and irresponsible when the true friends of the people admonish them of real danger and counsel its avoidance. . . We are daily told by fellows who would crawl Into a mouse hole to avoid a bullet, that it is no man's basil:ices whether the young, chivalrous and daringspirits of our country go to destruc tion or not. and so that their slaughter may he assured, what cars they, if the excitement on which they, fatten be only kept up 7 If our young men will embark, as did the gal lant men on the Pampero, on a desperate venture. are they guiltless woo conceal any fact necessary to their understanding the object of the expedi tion, or:the contingencies attendant on it To advise them truly has been our aim . to do it is our determination : will our fellow citizens enetain us! We cannot doubt them, we dare not doubt, and we tell our a distance that we never felt stronger confidence in our position than we do at this moment. Our mayor, who is a kind hearted, good men, le not, we are compelled to say. equal to the emergency . he has shown his incapability in permitting - the property of some of our oldest and moot worthy citizens to be destroyed and carried off by a thieving mob for it is the thieves of liar city, not the young menbiere from odjastrat States. who have taeen the city under their, control. We. eau now say with certainty; that public tranquillity was last evening reestablished Major General Lewis sod hie command were in readiness td do their duty . the military and effi cient politic of the 'Second Municipality are thorunghly , organized, and a strong force of Cu bans, under Cols. Pickett. Bell. and Major Haw. king, have been sworn in by Acing Recorder Harkins Tbo true_ posit:on of ntfairs down be 11000 and sokno*Lagl by our eitizethi, - ..4 praise or blame distributed as it is merited • Of nue thing wn are , fully conritomJ. the truth cannot be trampled on in New Orleans. The New Orleans Delta. of the 22 , 1, publishes the following letter from - iplutant Stanfori, whleh explains partially;pe manner in which our unfortunate countrytoin met their untimely fate HAVANA, August It. 1861 lb,' We - arriral on the Island of Cuba after the most, horrible passage you can conceive of, cooped on board with 400 or WO men $Ve arrived on Pnaisy fast, I beiieve—date s I 3 Folic almost forgotten. The next morning, Loper, with Gen. Paraguay and :all the com' molding einem loft us—l mean Crittenden tisol hia battalion. We heard nothing more' of him yaf tyro days. whenCrittenderi despatched note.- lie .tbso reinested we aboald join him a little to,lo some . sii.oi deg. - Miles off, leavingnoin the Itleautitee to take can eta alt the, baggage: f ife *tasted for Lem oniraitmay morning at • hadyroceeced only three , consequence of the act of Part; ,kept that pro- Inreis,vheri we - =were attacked by SOO Spanish 1 hibits them from taking titles front places : in the soldiers. :It - --flee first charge I received a very ,Naited Kingdom. . serreee.wound*:the Imes. We repulsed them, I And now, by way of retaliation on this mew howevei.' They made another chasze and con, ore—which the Romeo Catholics of the Empire, pletely routed ,tut: We spenetwo Jaye and nights ; a few of the courtier nobility,onlY eicepted, the most Miserable you can imagine, in the consider as au attack upon their religion, tut cbsparei r mithont - ,inything to eat or drinl. 41,mptiou of a right to doterfere in their relig• We noule thibest ofour way to the seashore, ous proceedings; whicht they think ought to be and found aoatelxritts . with which we put to 5, ,, a left to themselves, their clergy aid the Pope— Spent a night =upon the ocean and tiers day, . they re•olii; ott resting satisfied with nothing about 12 o'clock:. were taken prisoners by the shot tof old ,105- w,J perk Nudity, both civil liabeuero, weiebrought 'to Havana last night and religious. 11 hen,the klmemeipation'Bill iras and coudemnel lobe this morning. We shall they were +atistiedshi remain under ear-. all be chat in arbour. Good , by and Stud bins lain.. testi-lc:ion, bring nerscalri, - -T.trom the, yhu send the: Masonic medal enclosed at exi.siag c.rostiuoi lop But now , et o " ee tl C oo _ this, belonging Idroy father. Convey it to toy stlinhon th ,, , restrictions, they will let .sister, Meth aud toll her of my tat, : it be the cosy of corroundiur nations mid the. lase more,'GQtl blear you. SrAkruao. if the "nations" and the "world - choose , to view it so; but they will OR T FIRE AT MASSILLON. have it. ellaugv 1. An act of Parliament can be EA L en ast week we ;published changed; add 'so, 9.1 the Lord. Lieut telegraphic des- tte Lord Chance ll or must lie Protesta nts end s by the patch, girlng . kbrief account of the late dedruc- E mstoe tp e ts sos A rt, so or d er to the solely o f i he jive fire at klamillem, Ohio. The following foil Irish Church Establishment, guarautled by the 055600 we eopy from the Massillon News, es- .4,1 of Omieh• these Ar t s . 11 . 4 . rePO.l2 • 'ceirelyesjirdaY: and, as ad many .if the people of England d t-truttanil have become hostile to the EstAblialled "GREAT COMPLAOIIIITION becomes our . Clinrcie-+ there, How Must be abolished alting Paid.' duty te . Ter-htd on event the met', discs- with the Irish. And the Act of Settlement Fe- Irons, by far, of etiy that has - ever befallen our I retiring the monarch to be a Prwestiust May town. next be repealed ; am.l all—from the crown to ';‘, I I be,begg,tr—liave a right to lie . of what - religion filet chose, and neither gain by being of dine religion, religion, nor lose by 'being of another. Stalt, tee are told, is the intent'on of the AssoCiatimi to lie inaugurated next Tuesday ; attittertainly. alreadf it has received, with wonderful unanim ity, the adhesion of the great body of /hi:filo :non Catholics of all rank+ and orders In (he noel Kingdom. - . nuTinstanee unfaithful to . &lista?' - - Can ' tint with kis 'tingle line ;alumna want t in ardor for our country egion of Ter Jared to by means of educed to de m the author- Lion we then in regard to volt, artfully ion and rouse and horning le Shall our ons outraged ed of us, the ! but the tenth?' ow torn froin, we implored rut of men to ul promises of: ins of Dewlpa been realized! i to inevitable Warrallotleil or befriended the de.,ltillau ns Crlttruden , I their gallant, in the 'des , terrible death if captured by At about One °chock on the morning of the 27 th, fire was discoveted inn stable iu the rear bf the grocery store tf David Ilane, From thin it 'soon spread,' melting in a short time the store of Mr. Ilane, theuextending east to the tin stove and sheet itonestaidishmont of Mr. Ezra Leland, and was not stopped in that direction until the whole of the buildings on that end of the square extending to Mill street was entirely consumed . These were occupied by Mr. tlibila grocer Mr. Judd:saddler 01r, Nlintniell, hat and cap store: beets ,h Krepititainters: Mr. Young, boot and shoe shell, and Joseph Coleman, jeweler. West ward it extended to Erie street, consuming in its progress the , large and extensive ,frog and boot store of D.. 1. Bigger Ii Co., the dry goodsxtures of L. & S. Rawson. and Lind, Weiblebc. CO and the American House of S. Hawke, with the out• buildings and stables attached, and extending to I the rear ,of the bit, it demolished two swarr , wooden dwellings: , thus sweeping the entire square with the exception of one brick building belonging to Mr. daMes Jaceliy, soil o,unit-it by Mrs. Dabney.. Although most of the buildings destroyed were of the best class in our town, yet the' devouring element seemed to swallow them up, and 'they disappeared with astonishing rapidity. It is im possible at this lime to estimate the amount ot property destroyed, but it MUSLIM very great The loss of such a block of buildings !WO., tis that which embraced the row from the American to Mr. Hang's store, is of itself a severe stroke This row 'which but a few days since was the pride arld ornament of our town, IR now a mass of unsightly ruins.' Blackness and ashes now mark the spot where buildings of fair proper tons then stood. That portion of the fine stocks of goods which were n few.days since on exhibi tion in these stores. displayed in their most at ! trite site forms,. which has been tared, now ht s in confused heaps in the ilitlerent warehouses The amount destroyed cannot be shell of 1 , 50,- UOO, and many reach 1;75.000 The. Amount of insurance is large. and will cover. we Lahore. i the greater part of the Ina It is didribinot amongst a number of Companies. and will n•-t fall very heavily on any one The companies interested, so far as we are advised, are the , Hartford Protection. Merchant.' •Mutual of i lluf fele, .earl County Mutual, Columbiana County Mritual, Portage County N. 1.1111 Trenton Mum al, City:lnsurance Company. of Cincinnati. and Ohio Mutual Insurance Company We are not able to state thi amount incurred by each of the Companies Nor 'do we know yet to what amount they will prove to.he liable upon' the adjustment of the losses Some or the stocks ! covered by these insurances were saved entire. whilst whilst others were partially saved' The merchants and business men who have thus been'driyeis from their old posts. nre corn pelled to resort to•various parts of' the town tier rooms in Which to re-open their rust:li , " We learn. howeier, that it is the intention of vies:, if not all,_ to re-bnild immediateiy This we have reason to expect from the known energy of our business men, and the enterprise wh,cli he heretofore marked their course As an act .of justice it is proper that we should! say that o at of the vast Cularriarar assembled around the frightful scene of desolation. labored , with to spirit and energy which merits the thanks • of 'all interested. And to the ladies an especial 'degree of credit should be prep. We ran safe ly say without fear of derogating from the praises due the male portion of the assembled multitude..that the ladies exerted themselves with more activity and seal than the men Wherever there' was property to be saved, there their forms were seen moving in all directions, and putting forth every effort to Stl. Long will their noble conduct on this 0.1141912 be re membered. We are gratified at being able to state that. through all the crowd, contusion, and falling and crushing of betildidge, no lives were lost Some leer were slightly all., but no serious accident creamed: it was with the utmost exertions the • property on the opposite side of the different , streets eurr - daufing:this square was saved In. deed, it ,was thohgfit Tor a time • when the Amer. ican House and stable were in a blaze, that it would bit impossible to , prevent the dames cross 'mg Erie street into the warehouses updn the Ca nal. Nothing, indeed, on event but • the most untiring efforts on the part of the F,irenten and citizens in plying the buildings with water So hot were the flames at Late time that the . ri re men could not work until a carpet was held up to screen them, which was kept constantly We t Had there been any wind It would base been ; utterly impossible to have saved these buildings, and 'had it once crossed either of the streets, it is impossible to tell where its ravages would hays been stopped. Evert in the absence of . a wind the sparks and cinders flew about to all parts of ..the town, and endangered property at a great distance from the scene of conflagration. lu the stable in which the fire originated, two ' valuable hones were burned Thre is but little doubt, we believe, but that this stable was set on lire, as the doors were firmly united fast • - Had this not been done. the, horses could have been saved. We !lope that the fiends who caused this sad destruction of property may be found out, and brought to justice. Indeed, we know of tin pun ishment stUriciently severe to merit the name of jeatice in such a case. We have omitted to mention that besides the • sustained 115 shove, nanny of the boarders at the American escaped with barely the clothes •they had on.' our hands for Co., and the our readere to re them with railed the Cu. then. events. ) will be engage meat, t iu au huur q. a repent the la.t rite, bne all f illte. I atieettanate leen•ole her . nsan•l ti nt o • lON I roth ITo lath r et to Father / • for the EMZEM Id to you it.n 1 d•t ye (1— bye oil . to do all he .ace have me Rumor , are' afloat, these two or'lhree date fa•t. of the yet...lice and spread. of the potato li"ea,m Every day'apnst Irma, in accounts of the te , rupati on NTH, by new settlers, In dis. I tricts toSeared - be the famine. evictions; and emit:tali.. tin 1 Luglishmen and t(cotchmen, who get their fanny cheap and labor cheaper the country peaceful, and an exemption from Briti•li taxation, -Write. encouraging others to follow them let emigration is rife as ever: the Irishmen, to whom the bit of land was paradise, will not Lax e 'any thine. to do with it here. It is all Atuerica the money comes itt almost incredi hie q uantity.--a little • from those who went tfsie. • 'to keep the life till they can sm.' more to bring them away, more, from those who Le. ha, Len longer in America, to “tale them out of misery A whole chip full of women and children went the other day, sent for by their mole friends, and occompatned by a few prow , rit.nd a tuan timedn littrye came over and bought a the fee simple of the little farm for his mother, to,, old t., he moved. and left her in care of some . •44 , tor returmog himself to his beloved and adopted America The Tenant Learn° are holding on their meet • ings - --but sadly crippled by the all absorbing re lignms antaguntsut which ham drivennil other suit jects out or peo,le s mind• Experience haa shown that, in 'nese old countries, (governments will pact no reforupt. correct no abuses, redress IRELAND---A RES - UWE. no wrongs hut upon - compulsion. - but that this, rroipocclocre cf tn. :ow n.rt strongly • end long enough applied, will in the . end succeed. Thus - Financial Reform" has c:o Duottx, Friday,•Atg Teol got yet, reduction of taxation, Chartism has' What can the man du that comes after the compelled the Premier to undertake a further King'.'.The Tribune has been to Ireland. and reform of the Ret . orrn „ ill, in spite of seen - and, no doubt, has told America what ho and the -Peace Congresi'''ts, by tne,pow, of saw and thinks. And 1 am far, very fur, from opinoln. Intlocalg Nlitsters ro substitute Dego thinking that "the glees:tinge of Ephraim arc nt „ ti „ tt , i and veetne - ti intent,. for, those hninty, better than the vintage of Abiexer, - nevertheless, oneetn ,„„ ze t i,„.. t .,.. e .,, T hwt- ose ,f t o plunge nation' .the gleanings most be gathered—especially as in was there is now the Mustering of forces fora con- believe Encouraged hereby, the League continues to , diet., compared with which, if we may who profess to be in the secret on both ; knock of the door or the landlord Legislature. , for a fair settlement of the tenant.right'que4ion. sid i es , , , a fe ll r h n ith ow ert , o es li p a ec s i te l 1 7 . t t i o ut the . skirmishing ovem ~ in I But. while tho,o who hold solvent estates, and rthoie 1010 have *ought insolvent ones to lake favor of ofiro/ute andper>et freedom and equality. 1 money of them. are alike interested in'having a civil and religion,. which is /•to be inaugurated salient' aad tlarivingtenantry, they are desirous next week by the "Catholic Defence Associa tion,'" the first public meeting of Which in the • to hold the absolute power they Possess; they are ; reluctant to give to their tenants rights to their • Rotunda, in this city, is to be held next Tues t 'ndustrial improvements by law, so aigto make day, and is announced as "An Aggregate Meet. the united Kiegaent, . , them 11/ .reality what _their election addressthi ing of the Catholics of and "The Most Rev. Doctor Callen. Archbishop ' mill de'gnate them xi the coming general elec - I tim—sroosingly enough—their -Free andlnde of Armagh and Primate of all Ireland is to pre pendent Tenantry • And, no in the case of the side." For he, and the other Bishops and Arch. I ft_inhorford family. near Bainbridge, who having bishops, are' deseribeirby tbe prohibited Titles in the edeeetineheeht _ ewd w i ll be et , with eta , . o lf en•d their landlord what they considered a die. care en eeei7 occasion—ne the •' Anti , tilt rent for "his share of interval. in the soil," and offered -arbitration ' if he thought it too lit, more-if they try to Titles Bill" only prohibits the ta.kany of titles: not pnneiples while law is malting the gitnny of them- I shall referi by and hy, to , tie. refused to pay t4e declared objects of the Association, and its i On "eat right :the y ed. the get they worst or it, being turned out, as Constitution and proposed means of accomplieh. lug its designs :as I,mean, by next mail, to give i were . and deprived of all. . a summary of the proceedings of th e meeting , • -._ —_ .__ ..... - . .-_._....... _ _.,..- itself.., But I wish this letter to be. first of all, e resume.of the state and circumstances of this country I=l I believe that no one now doubts, that when the Pope acne his Rescript to Eng!dna. solisti. toting Dioceses for Districts, and Bishops for Vicars Apostolic, had it been let alone—had there been no •`Dtarham Letter" denouncing it as an ...a.ggresaionno public meeting to "rouse the Protestant-Spirit of England," and no legiir. lotion to nullify it—things would have gone on pretty much as usual. Only that—as the Popo had appointed Bishops prop , o morn—or rather, at the suggestion of his Cardinal Wiseman—thus depriving the Clergy of the rieoonil Order of their Canonical right of election. instead of a parliamentary warfare with the Pope, which banded all the Clergy on the side of His lloli• ness, there would hare been a warfare of the priests, supported by their necks, against this onnibilatien of their privileges There was vary , deep, and wide ,frond indignation felt inirelanil at the Pope's appointment of Dr. Cullen 6, PO. mate ;. passing over the three names forwarded to hita from"thls country—though in this he did i no more than 'that he he had a perfect right to do , sill still more, at the nomination of a Bishop of Rosa—a new See. cuttn from that of Cork-without any domestic examination at 3 all. But Lord John Russell stirred up the:people, and the people the Parliament, to, rePtY,the der- . id Rescript of the Propayandl, trd the rhetor- ' irol'displays of Cardinal Wiseman, with a leg- islithre camdmortuum ; for neither will Britain —as another lost Pleisd—resume her place, : moving in her orbit round Rome, the center of unity, DOT will the prelates whom t h e Pope-has appointed, and their successors, be one whit the lose Bishops, or their functions" las valid, in The olhcial notice convening the "Aggregate Meeting - of the United Kineum drops the titian 1t,', , , and is now •imply Ito form a 'Catholic ss Aociation"—for the purpose 4 have above spe citied But its announcement bas beett, the sig nal for summoning into activity other agencies. . Tho Orange assoeiation will bereinvigorateil for . political antagonism and aff.the great of the Protestant clergy have beep steeping their people's mind in controversy, and the laity have horn aide.o phalanx of disputants,' by-the pro reislings .finteee.lent to the “Tittles Bill,' end doting its progress threaga Parliam4ei, there is wondrolpi - kilserity fur , the eucotinter on religion, grounds - The initiative was taken on Wcilnesday lest, at a meetingof the ..Protestant Association," which tilled the Rotunda to sutiocetinit. It wan an nounced as a meeting of "Cutholies,protesting against the Anti Clibt.tian apnstney of t h e thurch:o f Bowe, fintimaintaining the Catholicity of the ancient Church of Ireland, by l a w mob, fished The object was for "adopting . au ad dress to the Il.ausnisis of the United Kingdom, toui•Ling the audacious calling of a meeting or the t dies geurrally . for the instant also ••for addressing the auf . lior;ties on the sub ject, and further "for agrkeiog on steps to. be token to prevent the usurpation of the Catholic name hr Boman secretor:els:on that ocitasion. - I iecorilinelv resalut,res were adopted, by socia -1 mittio asserting Members of the Protestant Es tablishment to be .•ip right, truth, and law, menders of the Church of Chriit:— I pronouncing the rasfuisitions for the meeting,sign ri by the Aggressive. Titular Prelates, and lira con'inierable mother of Popish noblemen and members of Parliament, presumptuous and of- I tens.... —and - sssertingtheir right to take such I steps to vindicate their claim to the name ut j Catholic as may seem foot to them An address to ••tho lietrodaisle Was adopted, ftonoled on these resolutions anitlisuppose some of tho champions will attempt to address the meeting. on Tuct..lay--and as they will not he permitted, there will hen challenge to %diem.- , ion of the +object. For thin—in the ,present lay. when the Established Clergy universally are carrying the controiery into the hamlets 'l'll.l cabin of the finnan Catholics-,is a favortaii ble topic that the great body of the clergy came over at the Reformation. that they did so know ins that rhos they were recurring to the do , - truic i dt of the .1.1 'dirge and chtistians of Ire !and that the prayer 'boot corresponds with St Parrish. L. - dm - obit:l ttli.l the early Sainte,. and ecntains the old religion and hence the Prete., rant i• th. ,, ”d ritticion. and the clergy an, la. the truesuceenedrd, entitled td their churches and po. , .. ioi.nd A u• 1 thin line of-argument ells powerfully tin the other hand, Primate Cullen, in consih ting to tube the chair on Tuesday ninxt, say, - I „ „ , feet leer.) . tut indignity heaped upon no, the an jtiq a , writ ./.., norviniplrLl attempt to deprive as of right+ which, ii• Reiticips. it is impassible we Sao surrender. and the revival of a code of pain. and penalties which every Just abet liberal ILIUd had hoped was /dtted in oblivion." Ha add.. that he u lippr4. of the elhetts of the Atiati - cia. ti p tdin :hen to oe tormed. t•ti pink it will be the Inetliet of proem ing the re. rear of every griev once , i n... ri n e the fr,e e,e cities of religion, nod plarinc us and war people icon prrf.ct ervial,:y!' Thos ate the Prote.tantit hid Roman Catholics of this l: rated 41.1110411 (lure more committed to a struggle that dots fair to he more despe'ra th than any previous one - fax now the existence of the Prottistan I Pr. - dhsteriiin establishments is the object in l it...lien, and the maintainance OA the la”t te4ti, i t Pr.Urstant nrcedeneyds peril ed and mela34 e.l . IMMED Irs..rtost,. L.,1 ,Lts or Rcv Or. Herron, -Iwo. NI. Aural n 't 51. lIIDA 0! ...laughteiol tLu /at. DIED, Lou , u , .,.l•3lasßutlrt, o p..lvf. ~implow 01l (b. poftruraftr..l.... rstlron.A. f,l yt ulte tb, tuorwmi i . •I r , . . Irv. Cur Ida rce , Y,letzx ,r, • 10 vr. • n th. ~ r tn eonstacru iL. rcnr,ui tlly olvite,l attru • C. W. Fo'ine, Professor of Music, EOS likforto the cit Lens of Pitts jurto, teLe.t nal DOW earllalen.,.. I‘. mn. t. E,lOll, lad ylou, 11,, Hoar4.lmg. TV') SMALL FA:IIO.IES N un be ac 0,,,.. 414,1....1 74.14, 41e,..".7. 14; , 4,1 Moyne cn the su,o4 ......•••11.• r cum.., , usOurnuh4d, .4,1 tK.a.rg. Arotr . t 414 :u m, ut fl.aa ..r+,l 4os•at 444 4.44,:, 1 U NION LA BOP. and [lto LuudOri Per, LA ti., , , 1 , ,. I, . ,41 t 141 d b., ..1 Lb. It-vAutock, No.lo. - .4.,414....4 41 114/1,111, 1A..40, 1“.44..t. :4 :444.14,4 4,,,,,t, 4,,,,ite 044 1,1 4411L..4 4,4444 91‘) LET—A large and couvOtdolita j• x ARE 1111,1; ,V. VII ~I. i n1f.1.1.1,011.0 fit. 4 111, .tui114t4,41.1 Lr.i.juir, ~1 ,44..: $lll.ll. JuILYSTON. • 1 : 11ROF. BA ritICOPIIII- HoL,,, Olt Al I.I,IIPOUND uu Lust.t...lof 1a.143..5s disesN's . vt 111.1 ca. rearbed lb* Volmlarit, ru or u Profess:a !fury's Ttleopti Itr.lvals.l Cou.Krult..l. I[.. sxlaoeliai7 UsaJ L 1 slaws; avrti our. Mr Isud tt It to ovf.riooe to ,, lbstsztttles IttuJ it ttopar. vssur w true tools of 14 , 011114 an,,l ptc,ctictve Ito grovala LOU mulatto:llr ditgriel4 It Jr su.rys stir Isultuti awl scurf, and 1.111ae., alf titialladd `L setlt will cute all dlseves acalp: a/1ie414 Les& dos worm.solvtlsgrobsu‘lous dbonlellol o eosepoess , as vuni ai star c 7, It elands darlislisl. Is sold IC Wan bottl•v, price 24 esdt., ; pr • verP3 dr ,V 67 WOVE- A: Valuable Farm at Auction. IN PURSUANCE of the directions contain .,l to the non will and Wotan:mild JOHN CREADN. '•d,ill expose to public sal, at lb. Court Ilona, In the C i tyl Pittsburgh. on MONDAY, the eat, der of °MOLINE. IShl. at 10 o'clock. A. all that taluable PAESI. salute In Baldwin township, in thy County of Al leglxuy. boundsd by lands of Daniel Riabei, Jahn Gordon. Jan.b Cerady. mad otbox nnar th e six tally hem. on the Monongahelaneer, containing about NIN ETV-SIX and allowance 1...r0e prnportion of "LH! contilne Stone Coal of the eery quantr'the lanO o el ao excellent deserintion Ex femme purteew...•stal persons wishing weaves.. wal e:. sgrieultute or the business. will nod Um de.. ~pteitturitti to secure a good bar,nush Terms made et .1. • dtinF.PU YIIIII EN,. A)111011.5.11l1,11OLLAN.. F:s'r. of Jobo en.s.ll. For Sale. AiL 1 4 1 .4 , 1: of k.l'irli Frame Eighty- i se o, ren •re yf • li on, hams. uiblib ilaru. vs mad suitably but buildalus. writ abd ptut , al the Jo,: • xisst tlrub•bl ol yryty vs. .lAu eznll.ul tru u it uf all ilytismstuatiou• Thi Varw 1.l uatrsi tit the ,taietiou the atui hab•uniti, au.l bulimia yr taus , Boller was. •isst liiikerstilvrit. Wyse Guru wsusbly. Allrgheny vataity. . au./ *lll he sold a ble tem, Tale tindisputably. tut . i iiirtivulars ...null+ 'or the o.thor• bu he prowl..',. I noya aIEO. VLElll:aa.i.. Building LA for Sale liv order of the Guardeam of . the Po , r of the C, qf 'burp, IV/ I LI. BF, SOLD , , at Public Auction, on V V tLe yreuneuou ttaturd9 . _ententled Idtla. at 3 titt.wti, I'. 1.• I\T w N , UN ldll3, 'rattan, tu the ,fLuutl U ni. Alle,Leny.dues, the new Italltuttl Date.d. ?Leer d tee ar, each 3.1 wet front IL, 13tetleet deep: and from their proatuult WU, 11.401 and \ turbine :gent., will L. ten , abodreld. for temuat 11.13 P., „Iles oar an use... Rent Lpton, t unity for pronteLle luvrettuentu wn.l limn-man of Uwu. on Real 14... For A LOT Of LAND, A CARDING MA III N E, sud I 111.1.1 NA MLL, liaMtcluyireburgb, ,L.• lb, A me, I.µat I,lr‘liaor, . Al4Yb.ut rvarity, rmmou,k6l,. wrui.. lurth ..l „L,r• Ole tLe premiter, gt,nl.. • TIIOM Af UUNCA B , LANKS FOR ArI'ORNEYS, ALDER ji MEN, AND JUZT11:10 oh' n.r..elureaL.4. 1.1,131un,ht 11,11. ta la., A I LieL., At, .Ar I, mar YI , . 11 A 1 ENI. 6Ltlmakr, /ha let.L.l I.P:CIIRA% Eli PROMISSORY NOTF:S I'4 L.A., --A lan, ran., b..11,t, ..L.1,‘,1, 'or • • - - 6. r ll* ES': !tee.,aarry Store. MASILed„ ou4 AS LA NI. 13001‘ . S. W . S. 111,1*.k..t .avd ,1 ,, ,11,1 -beet,-, h.. Or ptla the larq,4 I • et, ..11.ted —et.ualatius - Nal et the I..weet ta 1 4 N !ASH LAID PAPE4S.--The 1,e , 4 1,,,,t0u Cap und Letter Eno er.aulle,d. hal et IS • 11A VEN Peter Wer.hL ,, . , e • Q --- I'LLN DID SILKS--A. AI MASON G CO. met rt , a a Le:tut-it - to nwuttnolot of Tery rut et,l : , 11. The stnr, itstrak ;was Li/ the att,itiou ct purrha.,, Abu,. 1,1 Gr., J. Atriqup. Salon .1. Chew , ' bvatattLl Chum . V DRESS GOODS—w arc now re. Cerra Al, ni utn•, l'ouu.uu ,),,,,Cl ot h Ale l „ e no. 0 1.uu. I A A. MA1.,)N.L:13). • - `IIITE GOODS—A. A. Mesos Wluv. Gotlx, rt..tudnllvstof nd •planl u..t. :Utah and lied • It.K.k. 0.111 Mull. biuuux.,. Monti:m.4c. A mouplete tment am: Tr, ,bent. R}NT—The WarehouAe, No. it, t I. orcup,l, tn y TVou ;41, g.,. Ih. utr., T F11:011'N. i,n • . -•- bbl. and 24 ke,eB for sale by W 4 it in T,O, -.,dd to sate 1 ? ; Gbh:. C;der,for sale by ull ii tuONI , - - I NEI, 1 - k. EW BOOK S!—Thr• Stiin; , 1 m.........i ~...t ~ , 111...." Tple. &EP / I, ‘, De I..muz fine' Travolate..l from 'the • ..., '.... me rrennl. :!.'irr'f,`',:',T,„"T`tr i n ß AlT",;°.i:,`l„",.;f r t:ll,%;t: ~,,, —,,, ...--duct.o. t, ~e,,,,,F , It Ting. D 1/ , .1.,. .1,,,,... Antt.en . Retnian AraLquities . a 51,4,131 PI II: man An , tlq.ut ....., , A,V,atuet. , uailluntr...tlona. %.) Char... Antl,l3. 1. I. / 1 L. t ~, lb. Dgiii: 1.1.-r. et Nlemort,ll. , ,lChrtetlan Ll', n tl, N1:J.11., At,S. Inc the lien:amply( 21,- late AUg. , 1.1. e.nd.r 1,11., mu. 1 L : , tar ~. the WI. ..Men • Lernment.ry cntbe Senn-1 cp., . !..t Nl•tti., , 1,, Ite-hartl Ch-neVki I nosh. It 1, . F nmlnlng Cbmple,n of the L. , rd 61. 1,, mel .e.!..r.a• A. , live. .1 Irma th. Lowtoc,..litien. 1.m0.. ::.v. 1.,. tno. fliebre —The Elecrrent. ,11 Al,,bre. de..zn-1 • • 6 46.(1. , 5• , Ell, L,ml. 51 • 4, , ,(ta,t .1 Mile 16.1'Irtort0 Ftril ik.k of tb. Revelanot..Lottrtr,. •t• Itutir ]...A But-, • St% NI nth., Ml44Sitl L IFS!, • .r Rat:100. h,httrth .1 r i NEW BOOKS! NEW BOORS! HOLNIES' LITERARY 1)E1:"01'i5i , ..74 ',Tr.., tit. 1.r..1 • it t., • Ma,. •hh, frr ,rt.trtat., • , Fib trtlcr+r, rtcht I••ovrt `.tut.-actut s.thl t.1.00t, et flu.! 'au! Ftlh•Kato • EGirlihr Itt•htrt , WOrtirs r Travel. th. Th. L thtv . r ... a Itart•rhat:.•• Ito, thr Ilrart 1., h it • Ltstn, v... • hale oL tlt•mhtt hy I' /: !tunes Asu&h.tri, thr Ittolrtrl 0I if th-a hale of tht. t•Wro Figur Ca-t.ltta.• hf .Bruhratek. Sh I hr. I_ • ..)ther tit.thhe li uly Athlt kttru F. tpla kuthrrlol. a Nett lade It egrAilr 1111LI.1, • Inle ol Pars,' r Moir/ atth ~1.-•:n• i•otz,-. I • rhata th..hart ••1' Mr: GALL., ash.,:. r.• Gipt•th Chi, 6, - it lb Si K•rtyuLlt. dl lb. Clawof thr btatte r• 41,1. a ale et Nat, • T •y D. ,, D•er • Imus hie,' • Isle ..1 liultsh 1. abs.s ,, ,' t • I •DDltt , b Lt`suu,... , j ,e YU ehnt,.....1 l'uul 1 1 .•ritYttstIet Os.. iaers .rt. , ts, st•Stm• of P.m., by Sr, Rscbtadoct, I s•si. • Dr,•bletu. 1., the mabsa ..1 . 1 111 but L... r, 'fumy, 1 tbuism...n, .. Illbslyshuns tr•ThlYr s ousie thr.stylt th• U h imll bawds, Aram ,t 11.. hm.. 11.r.1. • Doe ul 0.1 Mb. 1 , , S. arylint• 1,1 W . .. Th." llhti , "1 WM I W ~, , , ,,I • tab, id !b., n 0... 'I b.• Itus. ..., eel., . ' eer , d , OFF Kk: - lii Lag; H 1,,. Inr,ale by ii„ i •-•,,,• .1 , ulkAl will' i t., .. S ItIA P. :u Mid.. N. u.. Om salii br • J . oll.ntunil ico P r . ~ Imp., . q EA_,„„,..•,,,,, ~..., and . p.: -,,L .. J :1 DILWORTH ' S Lc, T„E,A ,„,, ,,.. ,„, ~..... extra, for sale by , e.,..., J h DILWORTH aI, " - ICE -2,f, Iteroe.l., sale br . . ...,,, j . i d s olln oahr rco 11. OTASiI .1% casks f"r sak. by • . ...i.e . J h I,II.WuRTiI aoi YU \ V 14:P.- •A bu•ge supply el uls lure Os ... •, 1.11...nd am, tut I.mekt rm., J A La Lit Willi .1 CO ,i A1.1•;•1 1 FOSE-- 12 b1.,14. for sale by .. I .': J h DILWoHTII l C . ‘, APER lIANtiINUS--Newpattern% tar D sLI El, 1 , SIAIMHALL. 1 9,11.5yl olbtes • ~.. • ill H BEN IN DUI% PA PElt --Plain and l ef,,:ed J,,,.,,1e 1, .e.. IL ALt C.e. I' 31.Mthll ALL - N 1 . : ye ,,,.. 1.5 4 00 , K . 6:: .. .1 4 . ,,, ra% . ,;1; , ,,,0 in „ t 1 h b e urk , 11 , !...1 . .111.;:sts•r1 Duni., 1 vul 11Mr• . - .5, . I n t t 11 W .1, .' 1 b LDttst• t t itsrbbms• 1 , ,J r. eau-1r aie, ara..a,a, rei 1 mu S N, , fur Aast. A bblylbo y SI. ht.., Mammas. bnJ Fugleteer• our:sr./ Is,. la 1"...thrl t ,1,1 . 154,1 c .1 the Dural bun - ...,,, ... mbl "u D1 , ..110, la Nlrrhaat .. Eng., Sk hrk at.. 1. 1 . , ,,, Mk, Z.l, ..tsst rec d sod Pm mle by J 1.. READ. , As.“ll.linthlisagy. •-rI FWarth stbr•S Silver Coin Wanted. TtIE highest prier paid for every .I••••ni.ifen sl Ml•nd Coln, at tbd Eschant,e Uta,- cf A. IFILKINd A CU-. • t•ie.d.n, of •Nlarl,t and Thud str....ta. VI REM EN S PA RA DE.—Spanglei , . Ito 1 Int., Stan. I. Fru., 'Burk lakaltr.. In Ittr‘at tn. rt. , • ,', std . ' l.sintti tiItITANN IA TEA WARE, Communlon - woo, Ccoor.. Cand i ..urt_s. 1,1,1 r utler,. t 4 r... of 1 . kinds. L...,e, ,iiraJed.... aimi Um.. v. rc. Vo utri,..,,, Iliii,i.r, and Fanny orniso.enl.ll , ll,S,rln.., it,,,1,.. rr,..,••.. 0, o,ad ...1,1,... c. ~..,...... • ._ ` 4 ":"_ I 4 , ALL GOODS.—Just recd,er express, L ~, ~,.., MASON • 0i 's ~, ..., 1 C111.... 5 013 o t:n . n r. n b elf:: , lilvf cre , u....e. and ent..: ...1.100.h0 .t " - . EO. 0, ii-,. On. Jr Afno.i., 1.....1.1 I morc I, I,a. Ilarr•line. It , , tha , l, I Int ..trivh 11l ..a. ctiend. , 11,. wpl. LAIN BLACK rn.. SILKS. as Mcartiv & Itu.amtkt. It avt,cort rrel r. anlcnild-tiortment of k !hills. trum 01, up VI - , rirl Urn .111 dr, • - •U 0, 0.1:.0:1 rurrhfur from arts. svpl FRENCH MERINGEg MOOS. DE LAIN V.5. ,, f Ora,. Hui]. Ptak, W. and r>nrn cr, for n, Droos.o. ad Sseks. 1.4 reed by )11.71tY11Y a li viEL: L; UIiAR-20 bad, N. 0.. for salit 0 ~,I . . :=a W LIARBAta , II ...._ 1 -. 1 (ADEN .SY Ill) P-10 bbls . for sale by. IX ..P1 ~ aW. 110.01.30 GOO. fkl GLASSES-30 bbls. N. 0., for sale by .L.VI ,91 . !.‘ R W HARI:IMAM 6ALER A'F U !3—:l I bbls. fur ltle by 1.; - .1.1 • S ttt A i1.i.,1,111. • lIIOBACI2O-10 kegs Va. Twist, fur sale by .pi 0 it 0 LA 1113 ALli II WE—IO iterceo for gale by r+ a lAILLIAIIOII SUNDRIES— . • • ". l'..fcti'V'f". cl.ts na..,• • ~ Urea , i ". ulrrll°,',llMVitr."`'" _ ..,1 !Water aud Fruut ers - --- - IILik.,AT ft E it:7 , - ..i, ,oieke landing and for vale 1 r Ur I.PI ~ IsAtAit uitiK_tl A ‘..., _._ .. . C 1 , PITA !—Will he rufliehed, on Monday, IL; ru, ru at ~ ..rotor or a tat. ar.ln,i 31.13' at th...ra I af CI 11, ',1., lu J. II 11()L.MEn. urr34 Third ar..upr, , ,ta tha Purr Mk, "•--.. . . . _. ''',,THER,,, Shine iientiock 'fanond :LA, L.•ath.r. tar r.ri.. r.., ' I - ."' It DA.I.ZEI L a I. 0 ' isoFiriiE-- . 201,1 Lugo 1.11 . hale by . I_ , •‘ - 0,"0 It OA CLELL t. i r/ - . - - . . -- • Sl.:tit It ---.01 1111,1 e. Fully, 'or :Rae by ,„.., • It DA Li-ELL a VII., . S A LNION —'".• lAA, N... N... I. for sale by n u., to U 1.1.Y.F.L.r. i t'o . . - ill Willi:I , : TEA NIA la. in the Inaniend. Art - void...kJ tirru 1 - astart: 11.11,ii,ii in [1...P.1 IL., or ..lhuu ruarurair tha •erna qualitua a: .o , ut r at Otar.° ur ort.a.ll,huraut. hat - al, 4 lark „ rtrzt. au.u a r r pa,.t.. r, V,r.. rup rtar torrau Ira, 4d. ... . .. .. D=B==l 8111" I'S! holcur lELD hay, rorvti..l toll lowormo.ot I It., above tn. 4;.00 to LI,W por %ow. ot 111th At, of t tr• •11,n aud..l4 &Kt:I)LE ,, WORK 4 . 201,LA1t5, of new and ItNil' 11L114:1aliLD. cu Y,4 . • I) I IMUN S I ki (BISONS ! We are opening Lt '„l . Re' CIiIiYSTAL YALAC4, PRINTS.—Mv ell a' liClCiffnala bare Ala nterinal a It c 4 Icy beerinfollirigion kintinioasite earinenly lor erktbitictrat ate Wort ra k to nbCtL the attention of the Wier Isl. cited. anal TrEMP SEEI une leau OTL=", h.. 30 IMICE S ERRA DE STE!DRUG As, Ass a w STOCK OF sr bo4.' _ excellAut rp _u I...conripc.l with eriiiiLatr - u - s;;;lleinet (t - a nehfitala. 1.,, , ,.._.__ .... —,.....- .-...,,,,._ i. it. For *AMR. D‘.. ~-,- aitir reaontin tingeJelf -. Fri URPII I ;- iti.T RIE2C tIFIRLY• etre \ niAT . 4 N'EW • ob 4 .9, r7 "." ....T1: t.' 4 ' _ ' ; .. ..b " ..i ' 11y ' r10 ' 11 ' ' el'ilwir r ' 4 ‘L o " ..n. 44\ titiTem b ..'ll.l‘ll;" br-During the ..-.N.n tt'''.r'arill R reiT2 suppli, of the m t.t. ca.. ni F ie al (loo.41„ maintniniam an ....oritu a nt out I. I. •urnaete.l. mkt at, Vet ratth priers. - mire,/ ' . .. NE"'PRINTS AT. 1•....- - - -7- opeiling this mural ing en ae_tort talent ot 'new .I,le Fall Print, .warratOnl. , . mi.' . .tret• , WURPIII A 111.1111.11 FIELD. -- ~ ~ JUST ith;(l,Ei V ED, front the Phillipsville 011 002 Fiktory-30/0 04, 4. 6. Mot 6 q uarter ',d ant (n...4tlarri to r a oil Moth. We invite th. attention of irboleintl. desire. and carriage manufacturer+ to tbe above eirtlrla--they wilt firki It to their inl•mtageln histahmln.. . we are detenalno.rtneeli se weal nn article at aa iow— ...a per h. a 'little hatter• mini lower. than MI, other bow. In the United Ntit.• • . J. a n. PLf ILLIPS. O FilEitßA ,IA PONI.CA -- 10 pkgs. just reed .1 awl tot eale I, J. ,C1I1JON)1Alli lilt A CO.( ang'-:D 24 Weal .1. _._ IL t'BItAMARIN E libliE-I(iesgeB fur sale _. :- .ar?e , _ • 3 ..el"Iii.$l:OlAKER • CU -1,1 kiiCl sXurs--.2.5 hble. for sale by L 3,4 a .‘,.. 1 ' J. Syl,. iN NI A .. KEit A CO. ROSIN 50 1,1318. for sale by , Su,,a , J t . C 1 J14.11,..11401.11 a 0) , ._ I ittn O 1 - to 01313. No, f, for . a l, 1 . , 4 .kuir-v J. :ti 'IIOI,NNI AK Ell. A 01 tiCh4l . ll.lN:G4,— . lob 41s. 10i n tile:by TT_ -\,,,..., \ .......,. rellonalt.:llelt a co. iganlntioll - 0e Partnership. - THE . IiSCRIBER, having sold out hit entire i ter ett in the 11.a,u, Bait Rollin,- MM. to the remaintno rtue.rn. t -mu nu. 410 day of Jun. last, to has no forth, ntereet I the *awe All pe re o n • u; ,..i.1. t . ed to the ,onet with. t with the ,onnniiin,lerinert. ana they will pa sill debt. ( the late 'arm of .11.11111.1. Boum.. t::o iten29'3t •1•110 AS 11TYF.N ' \ \ • NOti e. TllEN'ioelf.hoDiers of '-.- aun lerw ga' par. a ine altrien“ I.Pre Doll lee'r 913 t .or treforeolet ,la f Orton.. n 9 iF \ il, f• ler or the and of D (- a ng2 , -.IA. lti.:l ALEX. I. I . , A Tibia N arm (FONT tIN NG , Ini One • I ?Duet Afro' v isi t \ a n te 11l Vt . abaci gotraty..l. ...A T a leuna • ...en. and vitt n klyteru ntpra or t i hutch. The moil it xriAlent , ainv,it tee 1 ,,,,,,,i . n i unde r . vt fear.. (kith eu it Daum an , ,l a g r ,, J , r r: „Ni : There a i li r -li..o . nd. :i n r c „ .. \ ZIVEN. or ‘ AUt r A7 , l-1 I.NI N IAIiSIiA 40 .19 .tiltklrl LD \ Attorney a •or. Pit The Little Salr,,Slill her,b, ma tact an re IA re,c,vet te be 141,1 ne , ‘ ejLN A lIA \ 're...A. T Sale, Uandred and N . `;' - ill‘ . .T.r . oti l s;',.. ...(3 . 7 .,,5, ,1; Pitte ;, k nl D ,:::ii " fl \ TiIoNIA.I Lbarhl Notice to' rtrac - SEALED PROPPS S tor t h EXtiaN , tion .nt Grading nt thOrack wr .arh, Littlok?uvr MU bun .H.Oral.‘: will 1.. re,ived by Etxr 1 5 %.41..ta, of tb, , tmny, mutt the gab of bent,Entkr n., t. l'itnnd .. clf,rACurm enn br ...en xfter the ufb of ~ot.m T. by log upon the Prebident. or Gram Urn' , En‘i f" ~f UV Commoy. at be !souse of Mattbrvr mant,,,, i n ch,ti e ,i "'. r nAti Board Ifr ',, fAi r gatitallr47.lCompet4 ' ' \ ''"M' Li.C ! ' 2n. aitir2iKinubil , l WM EtTlAt'rc.lderit. • \ For Vale Low for CaNihX A PATBN'r COTTON BAllttiG: CARO, ~ ;An tOir.rr an.L lit . rnrl, ner, n.mol,run roll . 1.7 , ...` " ?"--f!RE 1 \ ''• " " 2 ' T.": - • !" . i?A l r , '. •',.'" " ikIACKEKEL—:O bills. Largt , Nti , ,:> ‘ :, Y tmcbtoetts \o.portion. I ni, by • , L EAD--R)oo ' Ttitt..” - MIEN t 4 m' e ANIS , S A ittI I CUTS./.... 4.: H. 310LASSES=:)James' He ‘J • 11..77,6171%1e bv cur- , JAIIRS k C) EXTENSIVE A, 0133;11ENT OF t *.f.V""y D'" " • 1.142 , TFIO9. rAE., TRANSPARENT Wk.NIIO)V cm:Lew:llv the mr".t.attreetlytt matt I.l.chicn ble .tati fits oat O. •„rst ttettetat 2;7. fonlre ' ; yr lc "tc-tes. T/10. , ..t1tAL5tfit. vac, , ” FIRE BOARD RINTS, at a thecout rb 50 Tr, cet.t. from ldst 'rade, Trlc , •• ,0n5t , ,.....1,4.1 ~... la:ket edr.....t.1114 for snle,lny ....\.•,, , aug^:n II,IIC;NIA: , •I..•II Hi \ , 11, -- EG BU7'TER--50 ken , prinwrin ,z 0..),, Iv aktiblit..• °tart.. lar =ln by n. 's ..c2, ~ SA •01.:R1,1 . s 1.111.! \ ',R . 1 , 1111E.A.NS- , -30 I,a. Small Br Ilibc..,.far ,F,4 , 1,2 , by ~,N, an„2l ndfll lld P• . 11.‘, , m ..; i ItUCK ET ...-.-- - -4. i ,1,,7 Bvari.r, 'I, ~,al,,iby ~...=4 Yr li , s a II t d Uddlb s 1 frbiß 4' S - I . „ V tit..Z. for -al. , Ls, , . au,,,. ,aa II A ti8N1..,11 ..• ' I) WEI/ BEEF—E.-3u. A Smitr , .tapcai.:r 1 nagan Cured Beet I bade.. lk,apersr.r l'ugs eureJ beef, em-od, r, r ;Ale : , 1 %v .11. d b c 1.1:11te A Co L'•'€ .2‘• .1. ~, bin..rty et I Fit r,.. ..... , ,r,,,,1AL1A.N MACCARONI- -Ja-t JrI•J and for sale L ' 24. ft NI CLL bk. t Lilo \fl AR ilil. I ' GINGER--I ca,l2 Cantoirp Dry V/ Ibrrvr J kilrl,c , •l In. re r.l end Int In, , I, •S:', VI NI A .it 4 I.llot 6l'_ ' New Music. . ; t UN \IJ. 'IEDkOR, N. ' , I W.../ii , trent. I r i :.... r;r.i U 4... (al wlng neo nod ,npuiar p........ bt.?lci .1 ,•a—S, C ilpeter% ;Marcb litnn 1.41,-.4 Je I%m! 1 Pe b. a.rit ' a s K r :il.T . :it "''—' ot•r• r ,- Ws, , ~,,n,, ,AI ai, ban L.. telr Ws nog mo . !. barb. \ Vnt Id s boa 4n.ct. 11/eb" ?be 1 &saner., N II \ hato r,rbep, a,. has , Tate me hno...a to ale, , I beauty — V111 • 11110(14. I watch Int int. \ 1C...1......“, toe tbat 4.....1 h.r FI• Moat., tba bided nobs 41,,, •trultl—barlsrion..-. ratber'S PI, rt r. \ , ‘l, i`n..1161 , —1,..1en - 'sr Joe 'lardy. I, -.• en. Si all Ult..e en i Why du aumno, rVe. 1.61. • I d..nrm, ~ one ebnrcur ldillg..nt ylnr la Step , 1 i b i.r,'.T.;,:!-',r,,"1 J. ;'';"ll'L.',"t.:,°, 7...1';'”'',1:,"F1'r`.;..n, Ons. HI ru a.... tutti,. g.l.u. A.:,...".. sill , ml.l bulk., nog , : OUJ , JV i L.L:E 1...1N , 1i.,'` , ,- lk . \i !,,tale. join t re ti L i i Water ..treel - FRESH GROCERiliti A:::j . 1.1 SUNDRIES, ) Corner /rya / Po. 0. dr In . La'. L b 6t Corner a Hll4 Teas.. k. ton 4;o. - . d l. tn.rn1..1..., MO , at. s. ••• - - I 1..... nssor ...I Plekle• al lad. choir, Toby I ... - rdc us Ind Svl. 0 gro..sllller'a A tiodararY.l', If sone, Fiore - al Ti1t..44, 10 box". Alm. Palm nod I.llso liawann e.e.gars; ' Tr , 31.4.500p Alm Com. and 111 Synnlalvl bawl I.labllna. . 'etbags Itm Coffee. . ..21,....c, Co in StS, . Lonny,. C.. 11, 2. -• 8a1,6151 s ..• y and 1.1./ - Lill live...l,ra " 1 1...... n P0v,..1... ,- , :Ai' •• War Caudt.t. •.., boar. Cloth••• Plns -10 - ....I.•rzo ' - , 11.. JAI Palen, '.;:,or: , I a. 411 SU - 3lould a Lbnp,l - I 13,0b111. ‘ 30 tee Unnlnd Sio.ent. au) dolt Coro Droning n bags Pet,r d {',unorb. ~ II bnlennle adal v.l, I.- j p it 1L1,111.11.`± A' •\ anat7 Nordne.l :or T‘ 4...1 andPl,P.b at, fai [l9Ali,-2 , 5 , L.,agli . Brajii. , . LINSEED WK . EP.EL , --4A) bbls. as PI arid pr n tn. Nn '2: fur 1,. kuz:2T ENGLISH • DI ~'NETT 'Ca 11. MOL/0„:•••:ES--20 bbls. fo; C :pile U. ;tor., , ENGLIFTI x IFaNvrt.. - bow . 4IOAP-150 bo No. 1, form g. IR:\), - , 17 aug7.' ENGLI , II x BEENFr\ TAR -100 tibia, N. C. for sale low be \ 1:):6L1:411 d BENNEtS TOBACCO -I°o las 5'.4 Lump for sale by tii:NNrrr. ' TOBACCO—tIy kegs 6 Twist, for sale le ‘ ie• •1 aut . !: ENOLIau & BENNETT CIGAIIS-10,000 Principe; , oe Rec. iY;Qta) Havana: . • :4).00 Half Spanish; WAX* 0.11I1011,• for role low Dq .U2l Frit:l4Blf A it Eli lt F.T T EW FRENCH MERINOS—A. A. M A Co. t h e'baojt rereleeil alargil lot of superior reach Marino,. of moat dialrab • shad. of color. so lected exprearly for the retail trade—tory choop. TEW SlLKS—Rec'ddey. a beautdul .L 1 lot of ricw stalr Silks and Flo ri n Chcrw; rich ro o r s. at trinsf27l A. A rtA.SONifi XTEW BONNETS A.ND RIBBONS,—A. A. .1.1_311993 A Co. base Just opened a new lot of rootlets nod Sonnet Ribbons. tall rim , . which Cher will oircr eery ehrap. auk fIHEAP EMBROIDERIES--A. A. )1,kt..0N anoth e r a lnt of tt,Ar ren Ater Embrcd tries ta and Vl d Market l. angT -QUAVER PATENT LEVER WATCHES.. from $l5 DE 125. 413 ...1...01. 111 u 6,14 bk - yrpre-t. Rya fonale by imairal " COOPER WATCHES—in /11111dity And ewe.. and at itnnallattd iatt ntiatd. Lata tha bin 'Annan manniteturad Watches. and Of unt,dnall td tntaltation I auirdt)l tr If AI. TORIAS &CO.'S IV ATOII M and have given the Latt antitfactina tad Wd atd...ttl. kdrith thte,ontAt, W. W ItdON, uproar Mutat ana Fourth q • f 101 , TEi.,\--40 bogs Rio. prini•ipally 'too, itiat ter .1 and lar tale Of ]OILY %, ATI aL. W Ifil I/ IT 11 AND TROUT— 'S) bbl.. )Abbe Utah. IA 1: • 1 .... 4 .¢ an I r,r ..: \t y - h' ..1". Tr..". 41.1.2 t - \ I,IIMIDIC , ,EI a 1.',.. W06. - --'; Ml , f ri/411. I, //al, /../- e sto,/, ' 1 / DAIZELL n c,o, VIIEF:SE-3111 bx/IA prim! , W. It ,for :-.11, by IL) intglltt f ALIEHA'IT:s:::S NM, in bur., arid bLI7.. 1.- , ran/. c -, ..1111.1..n , tclt salv by auex \ I: I.lli II R t.r. rtirk i'IITE.t..Ci . 1;11: 1.C.: - .l,.Priiglll),,a t,, - U I I. Jap. , • k . .. 3 •^tttv of t. n.szlia: \. z. •1:::. att .1 . hoz ever••ritten elk.-1.(14.11, L.Tir., \I. N 0--/led with llllliqr4ll2l, 1.10 ti Itil .klt , .t . . " f.. .. , k al 11JL1112:: Literary l •,, .1 I 1....4 , , ~} - 'gaA'."`!,' - '6,,A, 4 ki.:J, -- --':7- tii: K.n-r.i. ! ,-.....-, 021 Mininpment. 11 , arrity.vr .i.,14... in. ",, i.. 1 T 1- .! ta 's i.l slaty ' .I'4 I \ iLtri I. • uy2s _ _tuun,l 41.1,/,:i \ 11u11,1,L, 1101 V 1.4.141--1 - stl keg, illantlilt • ‘'i r - / . I 1 - , .5,4 i .; . J 1:1-0 . 1.1.:::. , '5. tilikouN i* _-.lsthat:/./ t: , rl - 11 i;/ 5 i., , ,,/ /. hp , 4// // .2:, ' ' .1 • /I\ I ~/ 1, D IAL ILEA Lfrs-8 4 0 /I. 11/dI. : }I1/\1/ r, jubt W. 7 jk lii . d ed i ti" t on ' O t t l . f4l I ' PZI ". ' .Y.'n'it th i e t4Ni• ui. . _ • WINDOW SHAMS—A supply of l'Ans elda li d . r We, , THE Stliti r'zilia t .' th. au,rlor or .CRIBER having taken the atom CRTII STREET. forroorly by arbl burin?: rot tt,-.1 Eh. eat., et 41., .f Wittig lario*Mbd FANO% , STAPI.N uetlior with a tn ?e /AG 4:toOps, a) l:L a.l,lmnd I.l, Ilt .null n..,-tfu/15 , inurntux end Iron.. rum bl..tore'tbey ran `brain a arta,. In rit), ha lu.ut chnoa braorbr. of bn • ip.rtlun 6.1 1nu0../1. EI4..,EiN Pawls. UNING )1 111)1 SE PUNNI) , III,.I>, Y GOODS. \ THIMJII.Vay AN() .FLIMIS// at. herotoforr Itro I),‘ 1I»» w).11 11‘41)rit») = )777)4) 00.4, thsf . lo 11.)-cauplule• dvlra.lll2g partkul.r »»)-41)n).ni.11) )) n)1 tlsrto`tt , )\\11.:). A. Nick:, MIT REIL ESTATE' GENCY Soarer Coottv, and ,viArlt tio,'aTF.l) IN THE IfflßL•ht>l l BRItilITON• THE SUBSCRIBER:,havic,..4,,,I.ven located for Foote two year. p2..0 tritbelthuir:h.lo,l3orougl3ot hrlehton, re.klel fir mere thantnelee 1... r. P. , o the ‘leinity el the 'tor, .4 Yuri.; 1141 time hie ale e.neon bar been ven tk Laud fireti we Fr, the aerntomedatinn of the patele generally. be ha. opened an office in the .fan--ee ,, Nituatedon Itri.24nsty etreet. Lear the rehire of \Willi the pa. , fear. ...A keep. 3 Public Rect. VW Toon 3303, or orher real eetate for 121.. There ore mw a MILIIner rA'ie re defer. the Borough and routibc l'fr'c , d lon rat.e.A.l tern. savatittioeour., fides atwuy. trimly or,Artr will he 00.1,1 wile,: the title is het Yereon• de , iroue ol parch 2.41, all and ex:train, for themarle...i. 81 , 40 d , ORD. NGINE 110SE--5 .- nafr.r.t 2 inclt, 3 p 1 4' ttt At. India 1101.1 - , yr.., brooch! eut er.prerelNor lo Fri; c o h !TY. l 2Tp V ea "' lr I:7 . 4 . ex "" i ' o n e v t . eT. ' ;et. ' e .ir f . ;io !' yTi n rt r . ' ; " :;ra "( :toad prewure than line loath. r lincom2oofaetpred. In o. where they don , ) :000 ..tit se rr,/ , 33 , 13.1i. tho more • will he refunded or the , lleee replared by r. J. U 11 PIfILI.IPS, 1 - 006.) 6 . 1 . 1. ES--.Jllst Al,lsfeet In :I din Rubber flooe. for he din) I..xmOtives withileam Natel hot water.. 11,00.00 to. rut .terief by any Ilene,. it te,airve marine, perhell: :41iLfuhinot affeettet by heat or cold. fur Ink at 20,.241 f the alanufarturere. loblo. le ho • /vs, t 4. KIDD It CO. .11F, .KCAL}IIUN - rt. 11S, or Romantic Ad , re‘oilurr. , In North bj,CatA.Altym• Reid th Lair+ t yrforil.m . by Fir Admiral Fb ..o. YraYrd4 in Am•ri,.: by ...Stout nwrtb.y. 'r Sbnobog by Pd. Ennvd.r. - I • Dig for of Arknorai\ IlumonmA NOTri, with. II- Iv Umw at\ lIOLNIES . t.: , yar, D•ptA, 74 Third,tr,t, r,rynal th• augZt " • —," Q U GAR A\ND 31 < SSES— • ~, ir• ' Alo WA, ' 'intaljon Malaayea: . . \ 29 hh I '' n. ' \ ' ' ' 'l .a .:', ll 24 =Eti. " M;lV • ,•::: \ . .._, ~,. ater a.. d 1- 6X.'S tnnt ‘S \ parklinatine--.3 gross Ll for aala G \ ' ~ Anto & co., to 0,-.0 \ to wt.o. ,t. 17(TF.. 11F., LI7THFUNIFRY—A fresh % 4 • • Ica or nad by .- na;".2.1 ' ,.l. ' liIDD • CO. ic - VITE,q —, lio I I.: A 7 TT:Taititli-LlfWa ju ti,,'. day\ Sato y. aue at . ..3d.and tit tale at laoe'Z'.: : \ NlOll 'IS' Tea MAW Diamond. L" L'IROM BO7OL - . Just 'co' e'd— • • \ lltal fy I 1 yt. :1 ply \,lnlin I'.l3.nay. 1, : , P .. ' :: :: '''''' 7 •. Irr :.1. arat; lod \ Loot •r D a IL. . and ; , m n.kar, '• .Ye ,i, s . • J Ppit.o \ Y,kelitak - BUT11 . : • thr eel.) e- , „ 10.1 A, h 0,,, rr , URPEVIIN E—l\ hbi . I . I ... .21 .-..ence\ lis. I L iNs,EED ...IL- - ; idda, C.. . ", UP. IIARB. SODA -.', Irv , . 14 6. 0 ,1 . i AIL- Ilhl HO.: 5er,01.,, roreale bv \ IL 11F - aucxi JA ME, DAI-.I.F.L\, he Vat, mt. ' !.201..E LEAT Ilk;13: 7 -:',51)S , h1 . 4 ptne. for% 7 ~,,1 .d ...e.? , „,.„ , A1P4../Ai ELL T A 'I" t ' , ' l' l' ' I' T et ' el . F.!`. le r ll'l:LE ' \ L'l RE RR 1 UTir : 20.JTi. .Tor for-'ale I o w`to ose i. ....,..,,,..‘ ..: .1•010, ,e‘haad. \ - Vl.. 3 .1.1.,i' Ih. ER EL--Illti 1,1,1 . 4, for Ade t, ~ 4.-h.,: II:kVA:1,11:0:1i ' V f4kr Ft, -fdl\t.r.l.. 1 - I.Sprerve's extra fain.. R: ~,e,e,le th . k, _, .1 ,,. IA" lIACIIAI76II,_ lit ROrAIS---;!nX dr, fog ~Ile h . .," I" sea, .\: -a n. ICARRA Ctill CIiKE4 \ A-- 1 , 0 Ohs, Cream, for role by ~' L W IIAhBAUIIII . 2; Gtis=-I 41. d. jr. .r,1.. hy • 1:4 ...en .._ •.. • h IN. 1191111110011. VI i_ISI4CI're), 'lt A 1 - :: - . 72 boo 10.. j.n.tree l d and IT I , t ...h....di .. .m..1 , A A 31.teoN CO, Au.,./ Nlatkel et. , .. i, HI .MPF.I. It l ~.N S--A. A. Mlasos & Co. 1... to, lueureee'l wrieL he, , . mo i de ,•e 1- ..1.. ...reel coh,r, au r,t, • •• / .1111.11'ED I Al{ bill'ONS-\A. A. :11..0ne v h , A LA. hese ..,tetra etelleehr, ex hr. - a loss.. 'eme h el Th..-lOnar, Seer.rt. hrAu g :, N}; IV EM B 1101 . 1. E ill,F, S-- A . A . MASON et '. Co etill er.hham, to Sr, sdhoaAl gthentoo , I,..autfLll Lew 414 •ra k hroal..rr v , ohi o.ii them etre heel, „ u.,AI _. _ liEtt,'Aid E I.E LA d N ESA-,A. A. Morey & co. dr ,Ir,i, d , ;Nut theleit e ,k r.I heravre nee4 er At re de L an. n. ath, Oli o . tho\r,ore o emo au,a, IP lICIU LLIER.S.ifid ies.. B;leOn Shoulders, I,JAIM re-9 frz,e .mot. heo..e. for ,14`1,1- sn,,2d aOl c , .l' I.ITk:LF. a co. .... laA Ms-506 per. Cald ' rol.d.. . . lioehe Sugar Ciorod: ' - mote P 1..: la Kure and Id. ea. by hug'. ' IIOhIIOJV I ITTLF: It CO ‘ U3AglO 10-'.2bhds. NOotlONforale by ) au BI CCITLE a Co. XT 0. MOLASSES-2001?blai) foinale „joi „ b e to re ROBISOhi.I3 ' LI.O Co.', BAUFFALO'r ;01.... 1 ” -.J , ' ---1 ' - ;-... .O.NOUES-466tret.C4vmlfroix " ag2o tin.cers ry , Tve GELATINT. IS hue and 'Color s' \ pr.ferml to fin) . tbrow. now u[e. for:rnAking. Jeliim W , A „ c c AZ:u fi v m t,he lorsalelv I C e-S-Nrrru_ 11(10A lELLS. received frevh idaeler.r. en,lfer lale by W3l. A. IIcCLGiN 8 nu,Y4A ACKEREL-5 bbls. & 7 qr. 1, 1 J. P. ELI,. • 100 boxes Cream: \ \‘' " 1.1`3QL.11 Is pl r• ugl9 NEtrING, iv,roi.rn.rning AIURPI/1' AI OL bb r nal° ky gh> Ano.nd qr. chen,l . ISAIAH DU G UPER - , CUL IR XIITTS.--. Litrits & Aj Duacurtts- wd thts marni• futtbew up;ir ofthe d d,trable ante turl9 Nlarket end FouT fUSIC. KLEI Third street street. h 4 Apt ~,,,,, he , . .tern cabLe.V e tulowlux I sable mu•aw . , MY hope. bars Idriaos 1,l lalo In tb,,n \ 7_, Ma.'Ma. me no as i tt,' 1.h5ch ,,,,, ._,,,.... Lltt: bol o ewe, ia . V, h ' 'Tram a:eh .' ~ rt hot away 160 \wCre thus ceasky.:ll,l'. ter . I rl Otter th , I.4Wlteling 11,1—,., : - Istlaa. \ e'tte:, h.hatiaa 9 eelettaiat lioar. C'esus7l , ,aces Sphit Polk. t:tt '- \\ . 1. 1 I,', Ica" - . t . . i, klrwle'vPhlke: . . ILlttia Ilfh.wh, illulmer'Polka. '' /lb' 1 %.-12,,""'" .i . : . 2. 1 % , A t.'3, au . ~, i ,::, 01 , TOE NOl. S iir \II Vl'. _ , .. „ . - 'l' h ANL/ wAtu r tANTs wAvrct . `.. \-e AA ilich.. , t mark:: yrlw , will Ire ,ewd ?'or I)mi rarnte . ' • ~ 11:v. h. A IL! , 01,h a h , ,r, . ~l 1. - k.,e, ~. anhl , . • it,t to hank et Platt ire . .1 _. Ebi°‘ A L.. -IV e intend to retnot \ c , •4o t [he ltl., uf ,t,.[aue:. Iron car, pr,..41.“ ~ez4hel ithoute, - nna wrarled Id Chwenaa l'ot,er.,,Nh ‘11.•. are I:cd ”treet- hinele et Cia, , i wh,ln , ye hall l•eiii, .v,, , nor km w ueull. . • ' "' H 1 i L J 4 /I. PHILLIP,. ~,,a 9 ci•st 6a. ' .... AM ATTRES:IES.—I jean; u 1 e 1,,,,. 1, 'Age 11.. aw.e.rins.ent et lurlwl, 311wa, 11u4.: 'es,..“hh. ra.. awl iTriaw Nattx,•es A l‘w. Iktlvrerg d 1 , W...,,,, , ,. (math , heWA NoLILE-Ibinl'atrwei athile err ~ I.- tb, VC , I tftti,.., ..4.1. - 0k . i..- cu1, 1.... LLl p s. pre Ltniaed ; I: : r t: , , ,t ~i.y , ,,, , \ '- • " G LEAD •fiti tag. Lead, It, urrie.., ) fv..i Y -s-- - sale I. .uo,i / II 1 / , WIL , I.M. 1.17 hr..t..r • I.O.P.PPLii. l ,V , 51,1.. &C.,— , . • Ll,' /31.: I . k y pt. r, do hau.htn• , ,„, ~.,,, ty,„,,,„.. • • 1 AIL! N DEMDOD'S ItJAIATt. KETCH L P at ts • • --.---- I NDitiU AND AIADDER— hbda 3l•dier—rran4 eirocrnsla r r.t I. d. au cc" rim B.‘oll' argto , ./ Wood st. PrNSB I --, • • : .ontiection with' \, , niatollos .111 \1 6 13AS§..P.NGERS:ivi IL t . a att. a I- \ j f .,,tikV't AN:Zia g ki., , ,-,,,, 1 . •riatl at )...v . LthElqtaxa. at-11` 1 '. t 1 \ = e r4 r--7 ottoboaktor Cll\7!, A .4 ME*. . "' "' '' '...." " N" e.'"' ''' "" "' '''''! . i t'. \(I itr.. \',.. IT i ;,• lf, t • shyly o ,!. 1 1 )111: IN # -ha.. er- vx )1orlonE• rola 11.. 1.. t) lomat.; \ \ 1'1.1)1'1.1. A tlEwVie , ` i• • 1 .".\''',, \ PRI; \ I4SY \ i,vAisriA\ . AILRO. iN \ ''' \ W..,, ..,...,‘_._.-- =OO . O. it . .. 24 ri..t.4o.Olfaara.lhoZ - 4 , ...4 ,-- ' ~..7-1 \ \ eorptd,r/ to ./..T.,.(pw\f, 2.11 lath . %cr.\ 1 ../..x.. h • . x \ ' ) TIME REM r.)F.I/ A.ZXD Stip I N.‘lff. ‘SF.I.. Tut: SU BSCRIIINIS have tit , 'trio., 1. : , oottoaii, to thott tro.n.l. at ) . 1 .1.x 1-, • .\ 1 ll'" 1 , ' , 4 , - \ vat.. /lath-wad, Mar we hex , commu,., 141)..htahrui s At Lootrort- ...tot mt.:01 , 1.U ,- t•sport to ,:iat.tOotsoht to, O il \, , sod from Eloladelah1•Io I•XII2Ii,trAYS. . . Wo air wow matured to re.wisa an.) EA w -,. / x mxamooar \ ~ • \ 0 ..f toerchan.ll, km Mal Irt•a wlthla )4ro .• ~ . 'r a 4.^ 1, . ) -.. ONE TIIIIIMANIx lONA PI is 11 FOL. \ \ .. at th.a followmx fans of frattal ,Istiellory. Calllety. V.Znif...liht..." 1r , r-, • ~ Foall , r., Fortmora r Maas. Mda .r..-...t 1 ~, ~,,,, ,L,. ‘s \ \ • , .... I .T.ifkiC7L'At; -u..,..,,r,,,1.,......” :,... ~ rad., Peat, Ma muffs. 011..1 1 oh,: a . Ter. Flax. Tmaahr and ..11•1.1. xirx-. -..,1,. . . till/U.1:1,A- 1t...1.i.0ri.,1trat..4.1.,:00 1-0,/ MI. Tuba,. Leal, Colt, Trl/Loa, a a r-Mta la,a : \ ~ laAfii : llii.7l:l,:::—...a.ahaa, Mar a. ' 1, ,k,1V I. 1. E11..11, II a.lO. Ito iota 0 4:, ..... , ti A. -:". MA opt: a Ctil , A....0t. • • 11 5'= 3 mru, a Pout 40.1 o .to, _rte. , . .-.. AIIERICAN,HOTEL.. . . \ SUPERIOR STREET, CLEVIa. tN n t tlino. . , T ILE PROPREETORS having nt.ttio'stnplq ~ . - . alprndllr, rodltuh li.ti alterma owl fruhrus.o a t I,«Elithlate I . roally kmat totertislll.l.l., takkr.1.1...,1 1.0, larvad bit , I arallurrushee it throthrhout with uow :.,•torwr, sod has s - \ . , • • Iw. 11 trm the ar , ommnlatlon .4 th,. I .0110- ' - ' \ Th Maalox 11,.... Chambar., E...r.,,,704 0 03 0 ,.. ~,, \ •I ! ' \ ' ao•I 11 ha will Dor bar I.allort lo to. ~ ...114otal. In tlw• \ , • ..,.. • . \ ktlxvl). „Cm., nod thr sot...cram r aill..adolartar tif al*. to. lino I. in aro rt .Ipartment aato.fxr, r, to hks Mari \ atter Mha IF il.l.lAht !MIAMI). ' • FALL FASHION. ' , .'i • , • lITE liz-v t ! , receirad this 1 , alitiftil 4 ...,.. , V etvl , .. 11175 • to w hob . era Lathe 'he a‘tete that of oar frie ti. ho d . th e pulohe generx:l. atly23 Iktroll![... CO- ce.r.Tiffh mlP.i Wood ata. ' p 7 , Glass Works,' • r lillt, i 1 ... 1 ' OREiNiZS: \ kIG 111'3 AN, (I:uhterly of the a_i fpm of Wm. I.cCull7 tie,) Mahal:le:ln,. of all lauds of 1 lALZ 4 . POTTLE.%d Tr IN 0:,,,,,,Lyx,e , 03 Water and 1:4 ProuttA•et,lltialk ,an urgh. Ix. . . • N, 11.—Partleular etleytion pael Px . •kik • !rev et Wimlove Ilia rand private raiathlAhr Ifhttle•ah.l , otiv, ;mg= —. h. . - , i lr,l PERSONS klvm-ing th-m,irr;:, in- .., ..,,. deit,a 1. , ~ for Dry Goce,t are rehh...P.l h , ,,d1,./ ...11 r. oili, or before the let dab-- a u t d 1e1,..t. .I , ' ' Of, that tine the ar-^ocakta will be plyretin the henXe hl x omit, tor collholion. JOHN :Is 11.10 It, 31. 1.,...,.., ,c, axe-N.3 , 11 •TriE FrOcittioLithi; :\f- 0., - ~ ,„,,i .:, . .. exxil salt 51xonfaothrio t' tolhhk... x , N ' , WO.' • . at an lovtalment of Twelve 'lt inc.l v•I xud i :2cx'oh,llm-. Per %bare la rrohlred h::7.. ,,x,,, ~,t , „,,,,,,,,,, . , ~, next, at the hlller of CI 1,k1:LI:h ' 1.111 3,11., 1.. h.. Phl!adol- PhD , Ile Iml, of the ',sr,' of ru l.t , ( ot tyhhri , • G r lik:k 1 :1011 , , /kS. ' a Elai , lerrotoM. uR.22. .51riarx,k.P eee , r, . --- A ttipieltd i ey , l —'X INIVF, A5,.4141 7 .N..1--OFval Paper and Borders, for the Pall Sale s .. \ . , - 1 UST I tECEIVELI. it The 114 ~ 4allished "%' • .and. 65 Market atm., hum W,..1 .a 111....t404-11,KI '.' . eamtern,.faetoriee- a great many et PAPER 11.1 S- O and BORDERS. entoprlelue .141 , en r 4 eg 5 et etylee and prieee ae eau hardly fart g , grafe,t J.,. t....gee arel gneet. mint nlatiliio 1! ow l , „IOCIlel. the wen , of the . rw,ig \tf, pALMER. • ame...o ZINC PAINT : IVJA N UFA CTUr It l I E D I) BYk lIE NEW, IT 3EnsEy EXPLORING AN MINtN. CO3IPANT at ewark.. N. J. Thia Coron..) ie Drererea ef.trel , h ^".- seloleVe . - ZINC P. INTs. Which - tee, been found after eeeral ,elg, ll Europe and th e, United Mate to retain . 1 heautT and Preteetl.t Pret`erti. , enreeof.r i rain! whatever. Their • ' • )Vill'f-E ZI:iC PAINT Is purely an ftide of an, an •ie warranted alolteration' eXid Bounty VOLteoel er. It en beautifully white, a 54 Le aritgrelyleee tt• ta t Em r- 0. , wo. c.,..,,, i.,—; -.., ”' th : . DtTe'ret...74...-5-1.te..q1?.- if - Wiiii.TSfii;i' 19. iii; YE: , vb , o , ‘Pnvd ...krburvag or maPhi , ^ . ...ran when Ilhol up ha a elf.. rum A , an It with, a aouthata erlimat.. and iIL. , a alma any otba.r..rot bcina tuktd.. to lona crmable,acal rub oaf. It mil ha ar'...l a with wafer and ow. or a`4th - rqo.ish. wh,h b . rattl porta.lain tivista..,‘, s SLACK AND COL RE ZINC . 'Eh.w are furt.lah....l at • liar prin, ~...tal 'tr. -the,chaatacat aral tart paLnl;\ lot it... myrk, nova, Cauria,, 0.1:10tIv., Vto . ll4Sibrvt or at, taa... cOrtoxl. brick. tia./or irma , Y 000 ' AVEATILER*AND \ 'ID. ' Pitt For 11,0 eurrar.... th•r ara ruin kr!, rolL f..rm a aNalanuie ma .mica attr.. tlau. tba, \dry h•a , a*,• t , u " ‘,.. : Dealeio au : m.41,1 as tit...ral 1p10.5 V:- 11,..?.. ,\ \ '''''l'"' ll . .' . i: I'OUIt .. il j a ‘ V '' }' ' V . 1114 - \ .DEARL....... tone No. 1. in ... ore L sala b, ' .„ Owl,. . .I..IIA'AN anti 5 kefa imt DicK,Er a CO. IVe..r.(t Front sr!, .c.,.,44 for , al , ' \C make. Tor t•ale CKEMIlyky le , -. , ri EESE--100 hoSes tr.,m:, '.n\ , IiJJ LI. C.D1.1.11 . 71('4 \ foi , , fc 6,, . 2,au11, .J Ii CA, F i to , . .. . IDKIEVI' WINE a: FRENCII Bllfir, ji_ INkrre_nt.P.l v.., ell,ctecl-,, for n 3, 'kin I Purr....e.ti ter mae by I?. quArt,J , Lr.ttltl at , ' . Me.)11.1:1,* 71.:.1 MAIII4 aull 1 /n the IJiwamlii. — \l rucibleA, froca .., , c 4 ,7 1 , , , I,tw Ly .. _ . WVF .1.14 CARB. SO g•Li. by N ertSito:4-=:6' avgls ACkl--200 lb attrx UXTKIi—U bbl XJP. Daßu (LOUR—+Xi bbi ykrINDOW 7,,,;crtrFl ESIEIi \A RIJIBISEIt GLOVES—On hand, a coret.ent of Ladies" and gentl..napn,lndsa ItoF of all kintla nollanfattorwl, •thntfa.,le ,I Elie Itnbber Dep.. 7 COP..] brat.t En. ‘ng/ • d , HEAP PIPNTS!--A. A. 31,km.N & CO. X./ have Just '114,1, 'red =5 c.c.s boNuttEil new 7 rt la' PitINTN. whieb wily:A...PI ox. uxurs.l at Tort lose 0 , 2,e.L. .0.0,.:i r.a..eal of tho.N.ery dr.1ra....), 0 cent rgiz. Ty.... the nbespest ...Is no+ u. Pr. In I.tor marl., nacli,•Ne...E4 l ,lo 04 3:04.rt sO. S IACKERE. Yor gale hy .8144 illlge ANK. FIVS D. .11. for sale ao L UG.A.R..--bAhhde..,N, U., or salt by ' 17 .n t it i , e. D1L, , ,2111 . 11 ACo ' Roams-15u doz. Caro, 11,..r A. DI llfilill e co 1 1 01C.C-20i1 b., for safe 011k1.1 . J. k 1: 2 0. I tiFETY - 11;:t.E-10 eqsks srr blasting, for r.sle Iry J 1111 , A0111'201 . e 1CE...-1.5 res. prtuie, 5:11,4y itil.wthorc . Irkilh.ESt 7 ,--.40 boxes prime, .1,,r N,AanGl.l .wicK a n...ct:ti.Jft, ~ Cakil ISLI tts. for sale t.•, - A t 4. Lit IST'S RAZORS'.--Thr L b,.,1..;22..t tor cr2lo.l'. These 220,2,20.20 r.../ Lbe 12,2,41 Rm.., awl kr.. ut.0011.12. I it .01 2 , 1 , rah , 112 - I , sh 'ar,.1\2[2,:.122 mapnlsetu... 1.e. , : 022., tozirel..Sn'{ t It .12.0 tot ,r2l-0...02.2.2nri , .,, 21.0,007 .011 t0.10[,102, Li. W. Lau, --1. 120. 1..-12, '. 4 22..•..2r-I rAplllly lolpe nottt or., 221: 0:100. Lhe, tretl, r.-20220. Lento, l • Int .72 .2 2” 0 1 , 1 v., marl , note.' 22,2', 5/.II.Ic . NiEL -I _l2,ad hr ttan 1 4 .„ ;tt C. 21, 2,2 ~t. _,.2.20.14 IV!, A AI IA I 81 A •• A At le A t` A NT/L.c. t. • • • • Att 4Ers \ TuNuttEs - A , priou• urtitie ort 1 1 1. t. r r., A %y„ a L. , . tat .21 it all 4, I 1. g ALE] kJ .41 C ISI. %_) sue' A - . GASXLE. 1q train \ c=l • , I,aAot c. d for I o, for sale by ,„ MEMEMBEI SNUFF--30 boxes eele.- " 4 'tsTr,iTiiVih?:s. =IMI n. CtNsiNotifor, • Litrrty gtr.4.