The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 02, 1851, Image 3

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I • •
111.thraTED BY Twz* o'Rrnir TBLIGILLYiE WEB
AND REPOirrOp FOR TIFF. rlrrallOßlnt oszral.
. • New York, Sept. L
The American mail steamer Atlantio,• which
sailed from' Liverpool on the afternoon of the
Midi, arrived here this forenoon: . She brings
near 200 passengers
The Atlantic arrived at Liiverpool at 3 o'clock,
A. M., on filinday, heating the'America seven;
'; honk.
Liccieoot., August 19.
,the =ailing of the , the
markethas been very attire at-full prices for all
deserlptions Dliddtior luallties are {d dearer..
of the pa=t Three aye *ere 24,000
bales, of which ...iptenlatorp and otporterietoOk-
Flour—The favorable weather and promising
itarresta have depressed the market, and caused
a decline of GdO Orleans' was quoted at Ills
et16319s 33, and lPhiladelphia and Baltimore at
19 - @203 tar bbl.
Orsin—Wheat is dull, with a decline of Id per
bit Born Is in fairinqulry at previous rates.
'Provisions—There is a retail demand at pre
vious rates. Lard 19 dearer.
Groceries--Coffee is in increased inquiry, and
prim are 'fully . ..sustained. Piarchaserept tea
demand concessions. Sugar is inactive but not
lower. Rice is dull, with edam:mend tendency.
The Manchester trade was decidedly better.
Money klorket—Consuls are quoted at SG* ®
9Gic. Railway shares tiove,declinesl. Ameri
-4111 Stocks are unchanged and inactive Meri
-can Stocks have declined.
elcuraiND ,
The number of visitore izt the Greet Exhibi
tion on the 18th, sees She Commission
er, Wore decided to close 4 F he building on the
11th of Octobor. On the loth the Commission
ors meet to receive the reports of the several ju
iies, whin the attendance of exhibitors, local
commissioners sod Others will be required. At
the close of ibe,proceedings !ease will be given
the exhibitors to remove their goods.
' The reports of the juries„ and the names of
those receiving prizes will be published in the
London Gazette.
Coati Guestomani Co., a Greek house
base failed in 200,00 Q pounds sterliag..
The reports of the potato rot iiiilicate no far
ther eitention of . blight
The Roman Catholic Priests of Ireland hate
indicated their intention to secdtt naught the
prohibitions and penalties of the Ecclesiastical
Titles Bill.
Dre. Callan and McHale hare issued a letter
showing that the Catholic hierarchy in right,
notwithstanding the recent act - of Parliament.
There is no political neiira from France ei
cepting that of the lame majority for tho reTio
ion of the Conititutiort • • -• •
Commercial reports were fayorable. The po
tato discs. bad Appeared in the neighborhood
of Paris.
- .
. The COTIICiI of arrangements have pledged
thoinselves for the oincerity, independence, and
spontaneousnesi of thn revietbn movement.
One hundred tied eigty:seven out of the three
hundred ant sixty-three Councils General hate
Total in favor of o •revision of the Constitution.
The President has dooolved the Council of Ar-.
rondiesement of nonage:l, for hosing. in their
sitting of the tAli of August, expressed a wish
'that the Constitution for the futuramight be car
'ed into full effect; and that the laws contrary
to the constitution, particularly the Imre respect
] lug public meetingtt, and those affecting the lib
erty of the public preSe, might be repealed or
- - - -
The King had n narrow escape of hie life
the 14th; the horeen in his carriage having •
away, completely destroying the latter
A meeting io soon to. tare plare between the
,Ititte of Prussm, and the Emperor of Austria
Also, in September, oue between •the monarchs
of Russia, Prussia and Austria. . .
A paiish Priest bad been sentenced by the
Auitrian Court Martial to six years imprison
ment in a fortress for hariek fire arms in Ms
possession; a German to two years hard labor,
and another to six months imprisonment for like
offences. Another attempt had befits made at
Boma upon an official, but failed.
The overland mail reached. London on the
18th. The insurrection in China appears to he
' gaining:gm:ad, thou'gh little is known regard
lag the real objects or probabilities.
Advices froin Madrid to the 13th, - state that
Ithe .first adcounts of the Cuban difficulties bad
beau retemed, and . was represmited a very alight
affair, wbfcb had been promptly..suppressed, .
I Count Alexander Candrelli, the 'Minister of
War daring the Roman Republic, will shortly
k.e released from prison • -
.. .
New ORLEANS, Aug. 31.
We have dates from Brownsville, Texas, to the
.• ,'
2illa ult.
Cuba volunteers are gathering. and are ready
•• fr a descent upon - the Island. They number
prat hundreds.
' The Indians have appeared•near Roma, and
: muidered several persona.
Great distress exists in Sprth ;Mexico. The
crops have failed, and the stock to perishing for
*prat. ,
of pasture and water. Th e Indians are
• ravaging the country, which adds to the general
-- '
The water in the Rio arand tee:mutably.
I,A T .
he Cu tOM Hon. ag point Lathel was robbed
•t goods to the. amount of $lO, O OO. ,
The Erowssrillle papers any that 'the Mexican
overaMent has pro tented several !castors,
or sUeged- misconduct. " Some bare .leea fined,
ad &barn Imprisoned. •
The crape . ill Texas are doing welt
1,. , -• I L
Neve,Ottieses, Aug 21.
ales have been received from the city of
- .'co to the 10th ult. • •
„L ', quantal of the 0 , 011e7011 of Spites at pseud
\ ession, to con:name° the 20th Senate, have
declared in favor 9f a gen'eral chamfered= of
the Spanish American States. ~ • -
• • A number of citizens in Vera • Cruz arose. to
oppete the orders in relation to taxation: The
military were called out, and three persons
killed. , .
~.. . -
Nan Ydar., Sept. 1.
\The &deices from Port an Prince to the 16th
. Of 'dupla, etatot.bat We Emperor had retarned
from Capelliytien.. It is reported that the dlr.
~ amities between the Dominican and Haytien
1 , governments hare been amicably adjusted.
• 'llosior; Sept. 1.
In the case.ef Bolding, the fugitive slave, Judge
• Filson delivered his opinion to-day, delivering
Lim over to the S. C. claimants.
A Committee of Boston Councils waited upon
the president on-Saturday evening, inviting him
;to participate inn celebration at Boston: Be
!replied that it would afford him great pleiumre,
to be present:. but he deferred a positive answer
until he cauld ascertain whether the state of
public business world allow hle absence from
Weehington at the time of the, oelebrationi The
beads of Departments were else
There had been quite a tun toiday upon the
* Philadelphia Bank, hut it will amount to.noth
ing.. Therimount withdrawn by the latteceshier
was • $189,,000. The Bank holds eeeurity for
• much larger amount, and has a stiriffmt fund
ortvo t 000:
• The ' deposits of gold in this city daring the
Meath of Augnet was $1,07e,329.
' 81 . • EAVER BURNT.
lllcirenti,. August 30.
. . , .
-The steamer E. P, blelgeal was bursa. The
boat is a 'total lois. . .
_ . . .
We have had a Feat Cuba meeting here, and
the excitement ig immense
, •
Brteato, Sept. 1.
••Dsaiele,, the fogitivo Moro from Kemucky,
haying hOon discharged upon a motion me4e Iffr.
'on the return of the • Marshall, he was h ed
oft to Canada.
Stu QIILEARS, Aug. 30.
....•The. steamer Alabama was reported as being
rni led
for the. Cuban expedition. The author
ities; consequently neirtd, tbe bat afterwards
eased her, upon' her assurance that the re
port was false
riour—Stoall Sales trumpire at .$3 75 ".0 bbl. ,
'Eye dour and coizneal is dull. • •
4 brain—Sales 5, busbeli red southern
wheat at 82 @ 83e ,a d white do at 85(ii139e.—.
- Sales of tie at 506d1e -e huh. Sales 8,000
. ' bushels corn afloat , at od(D2c for yeltow. Sales
.j2,ooobmshels oats at Bi:G.B4e V bush.. - -
•. Widelf,tri '.. , .-Saletat - 2121ic. — . i*. .
Proviiionis are steadyi
BALTI)104, Sept I
F loB *--B.alea 500 . 1.1318 Howard at. and 500 do
City Mills at $3 87 001. Rye floor is selling
',at V. 3 55.
\ Corn Meal—Sides at '41402 12 .
Grain—Red wheat 706475, white'd.3,7s(s.isoc.
Yellow corn -57 white do ii.9.(it . ..60c. Oats 36e.
Rye 65c 1. 3 brishel.
Provisions—Are firm. 'Mess pork is held at
$l6; prime do $l2 40. 91es bacon side. at 9
.®.loc; hams Lard is selling at 91 1 c in
bbla, and 10fia11e in kegs. Cheese 10@1 lc.
Groceries—Are steady. Rio 'Coffee Silo:9c.
Sugar and molasses are unchanged.
Reef Cattle—Sales 760 head nt $2 2554570 u
the hoof, equal to $4 50€0 75, net averaging V 2
65 gruel Hogs 506147.
Nat. bona, Sept. I.
Flour—The market is depressed. The - sales
are 2800 bbls at $:43 75Qn3 SI for Indiana;
. s3'a7
03 94 for - Ohio, and $4 (3.4 12.f0r pure Genesee.
-- Grain—Wheat i neglected, rye ,is offered at
GOc. dales 8000 bu mixed edrie at 69 ®s7c.
PrnAsions—Porkis selling at $l5 75 for new
.mesi) and $l3 75 (or prime. Gee and Lard are
,liilaiskey4ll,in L 9 - held at 23ff. • .
.. -,. - - • -• .
Groceries—Salel. 100 Ude. Muscovado sugar
at Sc. Sales 100 bop Rio coffee at tie ^. t ) tb.
Lisiseed. Oil—Sales 500 gallons at 74c..
Tabaceli—Sale* 47 bluls Kentucky it..Sge.loc
Stocks—Canton has advsncal't cent 4 Ihio
Trost Co. is selling at 10:2,3. Erie lass advanced
21, and Morris cent Sslen:Kentucky sizes
at 1(14
NEW Tots, Sept. 1
Cotton—The market in firm, with tales of 1.-
200 bales at 9c "."0 lb
Flour—The market is dull, and sales light
The quotations are fee State, $3,871 t ik -
$4 for Ohio, and $4,1240,4,25 for Southern.
Grain—Wheat in inactive. Soles 30,000 bus.
corn at fiGc for mixed, and COe for round yellow.
Sales 2000 Au. rye at floe.
Provisions—The market in hem. -Sales :;00
bbls pork at. $15,75 for mess,. and $13,00 for
new, sod $12,04 for old prime. Lard is steady
at former rates.
Istntresr.—We yesterday attended an inquest
held at Backhouse's tavern, to investigate the
recent lamentable death of. Mr'. Backbouse,
caused by - the gravel . train drawn by the loco
motive Canton, passing over her on the rail
A large number of witnesses were examined,
a synopsis of whose testimony will be found be
J. E. Wiggans,sworn—l was coming up I think,
on the third gravel train that morning, and had
different places where I whistled, that Is, where
there were curves, and where there was any nee
cessity for whistling. We were coming at the
rate pf 7 or 8 miles an hour. ',The last place
whistled was at the stone bridge (about 100 feet
below the tavern.) I saw n lady on the track,
parsing ; in front of the engine. She had' a sun
bOnnet on, and a tin dipper, I think, hilser hand
When 1:1111W her first, I thought she would stop
to look - at the cars. I then saw her go on I
at once blew the whistle, and reversed the en.
gine. The fireman mid conductor went to the
breaks, but before we received any benefit front
them, wathad crossed over the woman . Shawas,
I think, six or eight feet ahead of the engine
when she stepped on the trent:. We went a lit.
tle more then the length of the train, after the
engine struck her, before we stopped I whistled
and reversed, and this fireman used the break --
The breaks were dl lu use. l whistled es
quickly as I saw her go on the trak. I think
all the hands were at the breaks on the gravel
cars. A hand IS stationed at every break on the
gravel trains, after they leave the pit.
I did not whistle eller leaving the stone bridge
below, lii! the on the track, When I
first saw-the lady, I thought she was going to
stop, and lit - the train'pass her She was from
six to eight feet from the track when I first sew
her. She was on the siditdbf the track going
from the house, acrosatlle road. I could'nt tell
whether I reversed before the engine struck her.
I think I did, though.
The readiness with which cars, when in mo
tion, can be stopped,. depends on the rate at
which they are running, the state of the track
and the Weight which the locomotive has to
draw. [saw no one mating signs before we
crossed Over the lady.
To the COrotter, Atter I whi stled, I stteuctett
to' the engine, The Inibmative was working the
other way...when it struck Mrs. Backhouse. To
a juryman. The engine was drawing
hundred tons, and it was exceedingly difficult to
stop it. The engine iloneweighed tan tons. i
Could not possibly stop it sooner. Did not bear
any one cry out. I was considerably excited at
the time, for such an accident would excite soy
One. I always, however, under such circum
stances, preserve mypresence of mind. I could
tell tehow far it . . was, exactly, utter I reversed the
engine, 'till the train wan stopped. I usually
ring my' bell when - I see any'one on the track.
This it the invariable custom on the eastern
railroads. I Made every exertion to stop the
train, and could not have used more if my own
mother, or Wife, if I hod one, were on the track.
Mr. 'Morey (the . , condlictori * said. to toe Phan
we craw the lady on trio track, that woman is
gone, and ran to the break in a moment. If
there had been a every wheo..l that day,
we eovdd not-have stopped the core before they
ran oier the woman. It would be imposiible to
stop within sin or eight feet, since it requires
several hundred feet to do so
' Richard Schroeder, fireman of the loco:native,
sworn—l looked ahead along the track, aebort
distaneo below where the woman was Min over.
Did not see anything of her. As soon :ne the
engineer blew the 'whistle, we put on th e breaks.
My post is on the left side of the engine. As
noon as' the engineer blew his whistle, all hands
were ready to break. Mr. Moray and I jumped
to our breaks whin the engineer blew the whis
tle. I looked ahead a short distance below the
point where he blew it, and I did not see any
ane on the track them The whistle was blown
as a eigii to "break , I heard it distinctly
To a juryman—l do not thing that the slight
est censure can he attached to the engineer. flif
dirt all he could to , prevent the accident I saw
him reverie the engine. I heat no one cry oat
re in
befotater the whistle was
L awn- There is
no person whose speSial duty oto .watch on
the trains.- The engineer watches, and the fire
man also,.though that is not his business, but
we all generally watch for our own safety, as
well as that of others.
question by „kir. Sterret—Mr. M'orey pots one
marl at each break. I Miw a number of the men.
at the breaks, along the train.'
• Thom. Martin, John Gallagher,.Owen Cun
ningham, and Peter Monahan, who were all '43,
tinned at "breaks, - tekined that they heard tVe
engineer's wltintle ' and all pullet their breatre .
tight, and stopped the train.
Mr. Morey, (the conductor,) commenced by
declaring that hie evidence was ettnnar to
that of Mr. Wiggana. lie then went on to de:
dare that he wee at the right hand of the car—
that he did not ere M.. Backhouse till elte wan
•eight or ten feet cal'. that he then malted. to the
break, but the cmrs could not be 'dapped until j
they had proem, over the lady •
otherLaii-thouce Introduced on behalf of,
the conductor and engineer, went to exculpate !
them front theefiglileat Dame in the matter,.
Mr. Bruce Back-homes was sworn, and testibed
that he was in the 'hon.' when he heard the gra ,
sal carscoming.' ❑e was astonished, as the pas
senger cars had just passed by, and no whistle
or ball was sounded. Ire then went out 'and
'waved his hands end shouted la the conductor,
for he saw that his mother wes'going towards
the track, and in a moment' bed passed upon it.
Mr.,. Morey was standing on the Northeast, (the
left hand,) corner of the engine. Ile Wits look
ing towards his mother, bat the whistle was not
'sounded nor the engine reversed. Mrs Bark -
'bowie was caught se . she Was stepping off the
rail, and carried tome distance, wittiout his oh.
serving her palming ander tha wheels Her body
was left cavern! hundred - feet above. Her head
•as in one place, and her different 'members
mattered around.
fle.'eral of Mr. Backhonse's laborers who had
been engaged in repairing n bridge in the neigh
bprhogd, testiked that they had seen the gravel
train, hut that the - ;engineer had not whistled.
Mr. Morey woo, according to theria,'Etandir.g nu
the North East corner of the engine.
George Armstrong, the hostler, testified that
the whistledid not sound until after the gravel
cut had posed the stable, (in which ho woe en
gagedt,) when according to the testimony of both
Odes, Men. Backhouse had- been caught on . the
track, some distance Jelow that point.
All persons whO were on the gravel cars, and
a gentleman who was passing down the County
road, testified thit the whistle was blown loudly
and . distinctly. Those who had an opportunity
of seeing, did not perceive Mrs. Barkhouse till
they were within 5 or,ltl feet of her. kir. Mo
rey, too, was saidle be, on the rigid Lund nde,
in front - of-the fanusea door; while, on the other
band it was contended that 'he was in front of
.e locomotive, above the furnace door, wholly
exposed to view and able to see everything atm.
or in the neighbOrhoott-of the track.
Alter an absence of considerablC duration,
theijury returned a 'verdict to the.eirect that the
deceased, Sarah Taekhinne, died; from the ef
fects of, an acddent t l canstn by gran i tra i n
Pintitig overleir.' .
citizens had the.pleneure, on Friday last of see
ing Governor Tolmston, sad hearing him arleak
i The meatingTras largcandattentive—all appear-.
eil anxious to bear what way, said on the occasion.
The Governor is a good speaker, clear and ex
plicit in the exposition of his views, and hail the
faculty of making himself 'readily understood.
Ilis views of State and National policy harimo
aloe with our own, and' the policy indicatell
him to be pursued by the State, in our qpinr
' ion, the only true one for its intereets. [ .
. _ . .
We have not time now, to more than glanCe at
the leading featureS'of hie address. lie exhibit
clearly and lucidly the:condition of our State Hts
resources—its ent_eipripe--the field of profitable
labor for its citizens, and demonstrated eletrly
and cooclasively the necessity of protection to
our industry. lie showed the effects of thd op
posite policy upon `the industrial interests oil the
country, and,its bearing upon thetitumes oflthe
State—Mat both suffer, unless adequate protec
tion is afforded to the industry of the- peOple
against the pauper !shin. of Europe. He shor
ed that the tariff of 1846 in its disseminatiens,
operates against our own citizens in their corn
pesition with the foreigner for our-own market,
and lie produced an array of facts drat carried
conviction with them. He showed that the, re
sources of the State were enhanced by protec
tion to -the industry of its citizens, and the, rev
enue from our public "works increagett by • its
healthfuroperatiou. tie showed that the Fortier,
Nlechanir„Laborer, and all who toil, were eqoal
ly interested in a tariff that afforded necessary
Lie referred to the establishmefft under his
administration, of a Siri4ualg' Fund for ihe,
of the entire State debt , and showed that i
under its operation for three years, upwar ds
six hundre.l.thousand dollars of the bonded debt I
of the State bad been. paid off, besides a hooting I
debt of some $400,000. Ills laudable offorts for I
the extinguishment of the State debt must meet I
with the approval offall.
Ilia triet!; for establishing the Common School
83 stem on a permanent bests,—one that will
make it useful, by affording the means for giv.
. lag a more thorough education to all the childnen
of the Commonwealth, without increasing the
present harden of taxation, gave general satis
faction; and the mode of its accoinplishment, be
..satisfactorily exhibited.
, We have not time now to enter into a lengthen
. ed examination of the Governor's addtesa, or the
. arguments he brought forth to.enstain'tiapoix
tions, for his whole speech .abounded in argu- I
went and facts.
Every rtnprejnded man. arho.knows 'Goren , atu..lot - . .....
nor JohnstomMuafadmit, that so far vas talents !
._-. . _ .
are.concernedAe has Ina few superbirs. in, I IdaHenry'a Philadelphia & Liverpool. Line
good sense has been manifested in his adminia- j of - Packet/.
Soiling from Philadelphia tin rho
tuition of the Government; and that he is an hoD- I
~.4 a41
est man the history of his lifeand meta fully role . 1 e le''Pezd WL7M'Nit.T.3I:::OPTTL.thi:
lie i. truly a man of the people, and we hope that : ..:. 7. i iii, tin lit " : 7,11:11a: ,,, ,, , er ,...1'. Oardinor, 'blaster
. Nathaniel
they will cast aside the trammels of party. and I
act for the interests, of the State and their own, : r ., ,, " , 5 1 !/...c h ist . ,l . .x?N ilt tney,,?W. w. 1v.... atm.!,
by casting their votes for him no the 2d Tues- : , na i,,,i,„ a m ~,F„ ~,,,,,1 f : e ;74, 4 4 - ,. - Itfr,, - ; - ,,::,,4
day of October next. _Gov. Johnston is the man` 11',..7,,,,.. , ,, , ,D5tl .in u n,it . l. nil inf.'.f looPrOrnntruta. are tuust
for the times. fie Lin n more for re-m.ta- I eutumedation.. t ior ' ,Zi;o:ililM 7,17•=oe " ;los th
retr';;; the credit of Priunlkivauia and for wi l th r r1.r. 4 7;‘, , :,.. i n , ,, , ,,; —0 , .... ;7g ,, ! ,,,,,, v ,....,
~,,„ out her public debt thou any other Gorer• 1 7...r...m. tir.trous of bri r nj'JX - tll t iT; lrinn I t Tram - iir;iii.l
nor that has preceded him. , try ran oblain rernsn. S c ent, whirb sill In
.. • I seatfur elglit months. muds ur in I land awl LI,
The Governor was frequently interiumeo . in
II , c , rx; r t , T i tLi ,, fo r. rtiAl ti . ,, !..ll, , ;N i :o4 , 9l ,,, i . z.p .rom p er 1 Dfinetion and
bin addrces:by th e shouts of his ettiltptur . l t
, Yor thr etnroulatior of passengers vitiation to wend ruo
dience. noy .. , a's supply drafts for El ...tibia sad upward. potable
After concluding his address the Governor was I ,`,,„'A' . l'',., - ,'!, b r 'i1',".,1 1 = . ';',..11:;51.,,,111;. 1 ,,'",:r.t1,712 , 1. 54
escorted by a very large natuber of hit fellow i ww - er.......0...epp1at..1 oci.engore eomlno tram Liinr'
litixens toEyer's Irate% where rordial salutations 1 P 7 1,.„, ,;,',„, ~,„ p ,„,,,,,,. ~,,,i , i , ,,,..,,L ~,, ~,,,,,i.,•.., ,
were exchanged, and finer spending the evening I oar+ oits.ouyor ot 12m : ar. i . 4 . and iris, tt, thy p ra m,
very pleavantly, he took ho- !olive of our eitirens, 7 . '1'.” '„Z;;,,: r :.';',1 . griC i tt...1,,, , ,ipv:,. , ,t.. , ? , 1 1.. 6 ::” , i ,
and proceeded to LTI:110IlloWtl. ., lb. bre..lefuflf, l li f.rlt. full ell.e.raure of T ealte Wad tin
lie was accompanied 11 that' old elitist/Mid 2,.."' a'''' h." '' h.r."-• "' 4.„ , ,, , ;, , ,, ,, x,,, ,, , , ...„ , „., , ..0., , w,,„ :.
'Whig veteran, G Ili Jo,eph Martle,•Of-Weetmore- No, ...7 II idnut ot 'v.,. In•tots ,e‘did. Dlolsdniptnr. 1
W5l. Pl.Ol - 10. '
land county
iriom own, oat i, •oi Wood .tn. Pillstairab.
On. Saturday, at I n.clook, I' 11.. the (lover- •
nor addrmeled a very iiirge andleoce in thel'ourt :
Monads at Utsioutoun. iloaloue 7 0 clock, l''.. 51. he lB5 I . ,'------- 1:=33=11 1 8 51 .
ePeke at ell.nVihlr , l , l i t ".t''''‘l . at It '' ' '''''' k VT ENV itut , TE Tt) SE W YO ' CITY tin
1 A. M. he made % epterh at 51uoittplemmul: and
6[li •
1,,,,,, and l b. n,,,. 1,,,,..,..,., ~,,,,,,,,.s ing wlll ,
9.1 7 o'clock, P NI of the -astir day. he addres . fel elii•• Ainatnets on Lela 1: -
<th.slie. rf5e h m.,..1,,,,,i,
dpd the lettizeti. of lo g native town Ureen,horg ~::,;' , ,`",",:;:Z1C , ',..12::2',','. 1 M.",„,:,T,,1 ; ,° , ,1P , P ',,'' r f' o 6 ltd.,
From- a telegraphic despatch, we learn that , 0... , •/../ ) te.ovir?.. ii...r.. and the Ohio, Indian. and
! the meeting nt ilitennAiiingli, was nne of the tar - ''''''Yj r ,"l?; ,- Y' 1!,..4 r MlligiftX AN pri
, /gem. and most euthontmolo that wan ever conveo:
~, ~,, ,r.; ntex, r , ,v igg i t. , 74 . 1 ~, i,. .:..k . , , ,
• ed in that county.
May sneersa attend the pitons of ilitli r Jolm '::4 ce bvv. - " %%." .
lb.-Dad Tr.,. , . Mum., litre panienners oan
iron - , --Bruu,xs , Ili.. Free Pr..., .
..- . ;:;:t ' i ' le t >l ' h r 1: r s n a 4;!.; " o k r e , ~ : ), '. ' : ?.=J, r 7z." & ,=' , ' , 4 ' ";.,'
bo .
The Expo.. Freight and Catlin Tuft, Davao Dunkirk al
4 A. ff. dell, • Pa•aongtir Car It attisohyd to alas Train to
anoint...lnto War reeeep,ere eta Druvors.
. As-Fare fpm Dunkirk to Nen' herb. IS. Sserind C ia o prio, ,11 bi• :tyro in a feu d tya . • -
nu. ir
to mg., nee prepered bi transport lira ..tack and
t., ..,bt. of all kinds no and flea, !iris Tort. '
lartiou Iv •ttionti..n sill Is. rail Di Diock: " the asu g s
twins tf tenel-le Odi
re. la routs groat advantagn over
nanny pin k ... itailriu , ln in tbo tralvvertatiorent Stock .
- isp-Aildiuunal Trains will 1» pot In trom.taission la a
raj short ine.
Freight Tarutv will tie distributed, giving fall-Parttrn.
LIN in regent tr. tlii , prim of Creel.. eon la they can
''' .? ! .4fil t FlNtillA..ll. AGefel. Dunkirk. MI N UT, 7:Pial
Penn Institute
iriliii: st . itscitisEß. h4vlng removed to
1 i C. ~.rtar t.l • 1,..11 1..1 lislappit ,t,...c. , . tu tht
Fuortit Whnt. Pitteburch. will ...op., hi, F.....1b.h.1 . 1n..
+Pal and Mathetnatirsi ~t .. 1.. - 01 liontlay. tiii 3,tisp oh
September Ti:.. cumber of pub. I. porittrelp limited.
sal Lilo pc.tirtePt ott..ntictu will pt be paid to the edu.tiP
sea moral, of tho , cennnitted tn hi - , tart . Tuition. *lO
Cr.r: r ele r2 l77.l; " A " 4l 7, TL.:; ` , ' ;7!Vt'intl h r.P,'` °.'. ra'r
t 0 0
.up . 25.,,13. .. '4 r.m Rif
A Card.
IVI P ,, ,.. I . IA iIBOR la req, , eetfully inform+ 14. ,
, ;2, ,
nrei tl i g .. l:4 l : l 6 l 7 ,of . ht.t.tbur g bacvt nosh. dc'
"i , g inatruutions en thn Plano
Fo• - to and in clueing. stout th. hr., week In,
nazi.. For purh ....pun, ht 11. KLEMM& Mu•P
SIM, 14.100 Thine..,....0 . - aug - 2` , le,
Prof. Thompson's Female Seminary.
THE First ser4nn of the Fourth Year ni
this le,ittith, wilt - commune , . r prat
Ser , tamaber Early appllratl"l. will t. ,. a..0..ary ton- cure admissica. a% enly a 1.,1,1 ram be act,.
randatrd For toll, rrup.m.. at Prof aum T • ronro, 4 Ltlwr
ir gtnvt.
Pitt•bx,r.h. aor-4!..Gt
--- -- - - a .....-.----,-- t. Nkiit,
. Toting Ladies' Seminar - -- 185 y. PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND
, Pachet and Railroad Line to Cleveland.
mmo ,,, Penn mart. .PP , • r"” fn.'. ' , nth. pASSENGERS leave every morning nt P
recriv,d, na whom a thorropvil ....neve ,d inotruetun :
.„...,. ~., , t. .....,......, to. i",„.. thoo „.. i ., ~,,,,
in the Ennliah Latyynnv. 7..11 he llnnatted
Pupil, are. taught to .teat an well av read to Yrenrh `I "... R " th.... ' , P ' . ' bu rih." C b. "
lard allron Ito Cleveland.
Laneuarp. No char:r f, hooh. . gau‘r-SYI2.• to Cie
yyjr.Fare velatul, 84,00
pat,biarc h. Atru. •=l. I v5l
! To Clerpland, , :z4 &pan: To LP•tmlt. V. , hPura: •
Mr. Griggs ' Grammar ScitOol„ • Petal., ..f . . ..
' rfrlvet• elven tbmich to
13"[Pf 34d< r/ M. Diamond. .111.2hfay Cit.a ' . '
THERE :me . Torn SPpsionP n year, each of V 4' C " . "'"' " 4 A "''', " Ci " . " 4 " 4 ..4 4 ' . ` 4 ""
YI 00.0 e. mtranprifinp Peot let. awl .Id. Pavv.enarre ter IP -, 1:12 , 111, and 3111Paulne. Itaie
Pitana.Vd) p0n . :4,1141. . attalklea Cl, emiand refry vend[ 01
) Pk o'clorit. tn . five el . l.ndid
... ,
• , nu.... of Prlehlyan Central Railroad Co. for Vetnft,
Wilicinsburg Academy. ew.. at 71. o'clock: A. PI , by Rattly:id to New liall'alo,
zO.I unvlrpt Pun eprdilp at Ch•by atmenbat.
Muff and FPnial . EngliPit and C.'affteaf &Aro) During lo+ tu tor la Lb* Oblo Alvi n ,
th.o. rptito Lo Wirt.
• tall, et ',nub, sod tialrria, will leffound tippnti pujeker,
tir1ia,...,.. ALL[4II,I eca-s - rr, Cu. .-2o.aopr, and pleepanter, than any (Pt., ' 1
NITS INSTITUTION will he open (4,r the Fr., f,t,. or . I in,,,,,... sypl, Io ik '?"'" P '
reception of poplin finale and femal. , on KOMI, ' JOHN A CAIYORKTotprnt.
-annual Irt. 7p. pcnne pf Invtruetka, nomprspei. ill i lin ..tan.vreivrn, of ettaithf.eld and water atm..
ft, branthev taught In lb. het Acadotaiv, and ',mine pop.. the Ilanonarahrla tlon,
n, s. 11l urtrations till In Oven In . all branch,. admitting 1 ,, • PITTPBURVIII.
of tbarp.
„ Ili:. Peh . pol
. ith an epte,rurive . atvi :. „. ' _
;;t l- ‘ 3 W;eki . ;;;:;;;I. ;;;A; ;:t3.7l;.[ru'eal 1851. WESTERN 1851.
parstux Fr.r Circular, odutaaniug lull partl.mlarl
r..-rrnmo. whlrtal. Pru,lpal • TRANSPORTATION COMPANY.
W Nur,: u Zu•l 11. 1,1 %Lug 1,, .]u a+
The College •of St. James
(The f4o-eean C.lliece .1 the I.r...tenant Eri.e , ipalChnrch ,
ob ledrp:i-'ll'l 4 2:caer(r:ntda tmr t.)''' . 11 4 .11;4'111=173
Jo y, 15.52. New Fludente Ire rernsamended Monter et the
ote.nins of the ortodox. but ate rereN et any time they
ePPir. WA the charge II P. imotvil ( no,the 5.14 or their
TILE COLI.EOI.: ho ha mural number of elamee,
all'the apporrnnltlee In a completeeduentian i tuad at
the aneremlui tertriluation r.f the colt/pi:tat. oouree, rotifers
an '4 gradual.. the urinal eradetnical deurben.
IiRAAIMAIt h(iflttOt.. Immediately adO.ininit the
- Ilea, sod under the out...rm. - ion of the Fti.etor, but ure
I dog dlatfort recrirei. hula at the
their mead/mural tour, and pretteroi. than for the milt
glaze elartrea.• The orenight and ilitvetion of the Pr.,.
Ineon, of the Com. ti llege tret. opeotal adsantagne to the num , .
the Gramar , rhool
In the . 1 1ERCANT(Lfi CLA,..fiti. the ;Indy of flreeitl
')hontitte4, nod ite Antiolted by .liittinnitl quint. Ir
ider,, language., Bonk-koepititi.
The altualloo of the College lir entirely healthful. any
LJ Its •
aria from towt. end very fartirabin t.
Mania and order
IiEMP•IIALL. a new hnililtrim DJ foot by 40, will 1.
ready for pectination In the roue.... of the emitititt-bareirn
in addition to the former rorp.of (tie Truilleer
hare tree,. al) •rpolntbd Dolby EristiooLL D., Ise
tu err On (jolt end t..eleviereirat 140, and Jblin
ander. LI., D.. Lem unr. o Mir...-. Chtm.r,.
The • hole ehurge li , r the , i 1 ten mon Ib• it 1.• • it,.
tfit. t.4,ltoite ,itot Oraminat two ituulted
meat, Ure dolt*, pat abl....tuliannuMly adann,
Anolketibri . .. for acluilmnin lat Go made to
'ltl, .11.110 R. H Eft! , Its. 1. r.
0) Jai,.
• tVadiitraquo .}larrliaut
.1 —Perrot,. mus'
'report., tlor T
1. ,
i ' r2ttll i c3l s :: ,. i . t l'' 5
Young Ladies' Seminary-- Allegheny.
tim , rlrion.l•.l. $1...7,1 , , 1.1,112
. Arer ourtrurtion furl
rm.. thilinn the .ierne beretolote 1 , 10 rattle...a
"ee C.tctifitti or .014 41, th.
• Pittsburgh Gas Coutpan3
AN Annnu'l Meetingof the Stockholders of
tAw l'ittptur.rb for flip p,if pi, of
lt, two por on. to ffirre Truot.o.f of
1... M.• tetfo of ill b. elif at dm Other of
Wort,. op tp• I.t do • of ,ptimbe , A 12 JIM,
hetWeott Abe two, 0 sool 'Hook.
J N COMM'. Trrw.ttror
• rtllcr ..•
MEETINti t.f the ititoekholders of the
North I:t.rot.ytur, will s. 041 t i Ole, to the city or 1,, ton Tuemday. the t oil
dot of YttYprtettly,r nest,. 1Y l' II . to take a:lion
che amenJnyty.tit to th•ally - tor of raid rx;nypert,
Pru•e4l Jut. 14:1. d PALMER, nerreNr,
Kentucky Mutual Lifelnsurance Company,
GUARANTY Mill, $100,060
1 aaddofnt
111118 COMPANY °Gra to the inqurad all
the security and advantage. of me alumni
k Plana (ea heretofore applied) combined. narnelr Ina
rams proMiltion an mutual return In iamb of the
tnutagg moulted for the contingent riot: of the year:.;,
ad. quote, hill nut igrearovis provision for the futon arena
ray of manabers for the whole term of life, vial ...print.
late intermit in iinfi-dietnnulalltnt fund r.,,urni to Burt
membert, payable
death,,by upon their pobot,
• guaranty fund &Mimed Idr the permanent tenuity of
abort term mentherl, and Mao tor the pr.. 71 wcpriqof
thus. for the whole term Oil ale'
intro of
the toll, 5101.1 L Ineuronee Ctrapany
whore mtrn of premium am. timed of • lair reduced. nand.
aril, srltle a pro felon ❑rap pnpludif tneremlng
theof lands (for future scarify) in ettet ProrPnrilini
the amount of Moque++. au I the unit...estop mak fnam ad.
moot. age among the mnrlbt..
Poolphletn L tram, he . , giving ha detail the pi" and
rates of the Carniamit, fundahed mina, and lappleiations
for Insotantai r..critod by J Agent,
Val Waal at not. Vittabllrgh
nation. Intaroatii. Medleal I:taminor
jy21.11, Oat
for a'
'EFLNED SUGARS-1'24 bbls. CruOled,
L,41211,4444.4 Mailrmal kukare. tr,t York
otii for .1k b y W3I.I3AGALIIN k
19 mtxtd
VLCOIIOL--76 and 92 (leg. otTeOgth, for
.4 - A...- B "2 . tk:l_lt.l.r l . J. , FP9SL'I44 , EgAtI...c9. ..
1 J'hGLUE-Li
.l i rfigtTg;f l 3
L N'S Nerve and Bond Linilllata....
sm. , ter •td,, ll
scan:lN-MAKER .ceu.
.101 P-41 bales Missouri. fur enle by
Jew _
_Elf Et, mArruswe
OT'fON-4S bales foi Bala by
44 EA11-1359pigs Galena, or sale tip
• ring arnrecu •AND SPEED INCREASED! •
Pew:Th.llk, Railroad and A L .re,l Pucka Ling
lot mil. EAllroTal
.5.3 mit.. CAE..
ErsT, moST 9Lia9lT 4.1. cIeTOETTBLE {OLT, To
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats,
On and after Monday, August 25th, the
, PrkeLt of Nir Line. rill lenrr r/ItSbllrlh for Wrk Wee
.Miro.llwhich trumfrilately after their arriTml) 0
0 r e"
Pbziiveisibro.,a. "
1 11.! MaT.4 ^,^, Trit ", 1%rifgtg47aZg.,t m ''en
frvo , l4 mnabllng aloof arrif tl 'at rialadelphi, n.
Prtrerfai to New York. one..
Take. the Inrlt and Cumberland Railroad. at Ilarriaburtr
oinht,four mllm. Cum; FOUR hour,
Faro to Philadelphia. CO. Farr In Baltimore. 19.76.
Jo Intimater 19 do llarrirlhurg
you de.dr.—th4p traroling and comforttihraccommo
-44t1110n, ...ure your tickon. al the Tirket 011ie.. Mononga
hela 110t0e..4
J. P. HOLMES, Agent,
Or of D. LEECH - & CO.,
atntln Canal Ruin. Penn keret.
Ohio and Penhaylvania Railroad.
' 213 MILES.
( 11c
, and - utter MONDAY, AUGUST 4th,
[J:I4 'N.P.V'iriiitith.7.4%ill),,`".)k° as follow('
PITTPBUIItiII at - 'A. Nl . . cud - i•
}y.r, v FART., 3. t:TS. PER
Children under twelve yours of see letlf pr .r ier4
Between.Plttshurgh sod lisynrille. rro
.• " Economy,
• Haden.
•• .• -
•• " Rochester. ("0
New BriUl.ol2. • ••
411 , - aror.teti ticket( will km redurtd rate('
Between Pittehurgh and ItoeheAtur, to any - statlon and
hack. the name day 11 lat
Between Pittsburgh cod New .11 hark.
tPk- The ahe .The
Tralt. wdi out run en Exturrlan
Tiekets [mood tut Paturday will Le word for the return cas Mendsr.
The Railroad a ill be extended Unghton ar
the ...lien( meth-shit day.
By order ef the Board of Directors.
01:01tOR PARKIN,
Ticket Apent-
Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 2.5 cents.
TII E fine passenger t•tenmers
Med •t iNttobtar2b and It
eTrry day. tduod•ya •Reold.d.). &Hoop--
4 11. deer. tear.. httoburgh at 9a. 0. Roctbd•ter 2 r .
Ildlagata do 3,. pl. do 5 a
adrbitc .rr. Edas-.1. dad a , rd.dar. t.addrawdo
finch...Ater and blek Iltuddardh. tor TO ,pt,
T 1 1 .1.4. .mad tdr &,.o du. day add up the
tickdta a{d.ll bdard tb• rteatnboat• - Pd•Yed.' or
"‘lidhwad NO.:- drat lb. otsce
JUIIN CAUL:I/Eli Agdat. •
auk 9 Ccr Water • Edaithcadd noo. littaburfh.
TIIE Canal being in •griod order, we ore
prepared to transport prn.lutv expl me - rebutlit. to
art from the abore eltlea. thy lowest current rates of
freight. with premptnees,and Ilispatch. , The I,,ate and
cars are r.wned en& ern:stroll...l II lb. p'i.onrietnn. Dills
slf lading Irsamultte.l. end Ili instruction.. protoPtir
tended ni'
Appl) to ,
DAY: /
Canal Ifwu. Ponst ntreet, Pltu.t,urgn
ilAttlW • LLEVIi. Pi•prir , ••••
In.N, 13 !lA, Snuth..,l st .
llolivering Depot, Welt I . Phan_
VH AeiCtself,, ent.
No 71, North rt..faltisnor.
T. 1 . C.1.11C.K. fent.
1t,,. I. West street, New Iota:
lad 1851. &IMAM
Brownorille and Cumberland, to Baltimore
and Mailmanlpbto.
T ILE MORNING BOAT Laves the Wk“rt
ta,...llr a i a • Jrllf . at d
euw*, •tTni ,, C)
at I c.,twaalua •1111 Ca. can at CuatlArlana ne t
....tow,. 10 0.1. wk
thmuyl. naltituo,r, 32 luAtto Fan. fail y 119.
Ttta.ll.ruu,ls Phllaarlpbta, bow.. Fare unly 1110.
Th.. aaional Itoad awar good. kainnottorii rn with
tlviCaarlontl.nrarn .11ruvrt,..ina aud Chatabellaaul, a Welt
au,27 War. in tla, Ilauoalßalwelalloro.
1851. , had
On the Pennsylvania and' Ohio Canals.
eI.ARK PARKS a Co. • Rocararut,,et..
rt HIS well known Line is now prepared to
transpt freight poneengerelromllTTEDUßGll
kl VE LACLND, to no/ point the Canal and Laken—
The dof the Line are Inunirtemsed n umber:deal
aud capacity of Boats, experience of Captains, end el.
(teeny Of Agents.
One Boat leave. Pittsburgh and Clar eland dally,runolog
Sn_cnoneetion with • Line of boats between FlPftt
BURDII and DEAVEK, and a Linenf first elasseteatutende
(Dropelice and i,kall) en tle Lakes.
Parke A Co., Tottngstreen, O.
L. 0. Taylor, warren, 04
A A. N. Clark, Newton Falls. 0:
C Pretittee,Daroutne. Og
BI nyton k Co., Revco., 0.:
Petal, Orionol A Co., Frunklin, 0.,
11. A F i nz o nt=l it ;
; (.1
Ilen r d . cre . nt Pettil v xme.gendusity City.
Perth.= 4.14.04 Tondo, 0.;
G. Williiinut& co., Detroit, 3liehigno;
I t, woman k MD naukle, Wiet'
tit., A. Gibbe CO., Chleaga, lit;
Thema* Dale, Chttagto 111.
J 01.15: A. OAUGILM, Agent,
ant ' cot. Water nod dthiddield an, Dimony,,t,
, itrrangemeat Made to Forward 'Freight
~AI enrnri- Penn Ani Warm, P1t.1;,;
del nd
io and Papallvania Rail Road.
SOOSHARES for sale,
Loottire .t the Banking-Moan ot
artiglttulthr3l•T Wood nL Above Fourth
_ _ _
- pox SALE—Pittabirgh Gaa Stock; .
Clalr atroet llrblga Zolo
Ohio abellering Iranla '
• • , NO,V 9
—tebnl brokor,
• ....—,-Stocks af oho Pitti'gh Banks;
k "Prtr.r) l l3 . AnlLkor and Woo.,
u. EFIN I 4I3 Ot.JGARS-- 1 80 bbl. Lovering's
by Neborel o Lrd r
ratan by
II 11. t. lloCLUltil
wool Grown 'l"ea Dealer.
RIOQOFFEE-100 bag.e jest reed far Pale
by (and)) 7.6. DLL WORTH t OQ
rpHIS well kniliwu est.bli,ineerw is still Nl
1,- .S.lrtrtfin ll,rime i• lin • The
ceptr.l .a 1 Or, - 4 , 31+:ttix:.... • : to”
found t
xr , ./. to
Ilsving r.nn of lh. 42 . 11 - .1 John I. lurk, • GI .
' P '.7„Y n ' l ' l l n*lTll ' .. '' r. l .: " lt;lTl%7l. ' n7J
to pa •livnedon . t.. rtlr.m.r.
; 4 “l4l9:jfuli ha - WM. II PARKE':
C‘ONS'I'A;.NTLY ARRIVING. new etfle,
knit patittrak. Kn. unurrually , , Jkitirty.tot•rt,l
rkr York impon.ll,,e,rte.. ' ,
nutlon Chins-or Trrra (min It art,ll..k.rallan tolmtd
1 0,4..61. Ivory. Itt4,•ootl, lila.. and Patoor klacht dr
titaoi:y If.,krt... Work
Coot..non Paper,. Oructrwol..
r' Pape,- r7ttt . !tr.:Art.
ti r t r lrktt
'""h '"J-' "r'•'" LA'r all.V. l i'Z m n'r`c:i. •
aultik Ito No. IC...titter... Pitudi,rtriitt
No, 41 South 4 , ...041,1
torkdina es4t oult. Phil .41.14.11.., 441.15:14
etoti_rA .• . Jona r
a a Femora,. ~ ...
C 0.,,
..ILEY, WOOD IV Ail I) & CO., IV hOie
11vnl. raw.. .4141
A. . ... ..fOSrACIA
411UBALD, BUCKNOR' CU., Tobacco
, 0:11ni0-100 llrrrtomt.., No. 41 North 14 . 14. r Rtr0.4.1.,
Nr. North WharTes. 1 , 1111n.1..1041, sugl
American Hardware:
LIVES & DOUtILAS;', 3lanuraeturers'
m ,A,rut, No. l. PlAtt , nit.v, thro , loor3frocil Pearl Id..
ilarinloay. .I"ra•l'l47llrfrn:Tu'c'e'7;%`,..l,!`;:::,!l:!;;;c:tr,gr
.m., U, enanufacturrn, 0.n.1 inr sal,. on f•rorablel•rmn
Steep Communication between New York
- • and Glasgow."
rritE Glasgow and Now Yoik
m•luo Couttatty
ntt.ttehlp nn' tott , l Attu
httr., pont, t Ow Cu
rhtnr,r,t., coutmttothr. ehmitthttl tt, N..111, - 411 t'ett,
York dirttrt tiltotztoltr. t , tt ,otltthrlay. I ht. I Ith rafttetober
heat, .t c. , lark, at , ,t,th
ettltio 12.wnril'o tip. lorlutipd,
• •
cur4orizer, tu.keu •
Tb , rutru in , luth• pro , lut , . but net trine., Hu out ,
ut.bli will be rut - ,11.4 1.•10,1 al 1.41
In - urt•topi•i) 1.•
.1 Nl,l , , ~, 31/.et.
' ~,,,, ..., i 5,,,, , , • , - - iscei , . -- i . ,in's.
New York India Rubber Warehouse,
No. 27 Maiden tone, and No. Sitl Sc... aural,
Finn pm, fruto Iltorulway Fortor?l2lA Eiwt 'At h et rriiiE SUBSCRIBER, Proprititor of thin iin-
I labliohmoni, would Morin LiA utl container, and
inoridiouta gooorall, that br ....faili Acolvtow loom hi.
Isoluoy au utuutialli L., awl oso. 11. l At.ol. ol,lwlia
l a t iVl ''
,71„.t1;Or lilti:NUl i i, " attVZ. 41 " r ol h :i. '" L l '':-•
1 ::' ,4 1 , ':gm" , ;.'; ,. ..,".`;'.. i .1 . f";:i . ."',,th ! ':',:w.r'..‘,= - ,,",., : -..
I,AA'iul iiitrulhoo eoulicir.. o. 1... pold lu ILui iusuuuto
tare et , iwurril awl plain CA It it I Ai. r. elillTll, of all Widtliio
11,111 :I-I Li ii-il 'milli,. e Mr .16 11.. unit...N.lllA 04...-0..1
not I ho br, by awi -.01.4 rproad trio Ow euw.ailil, I,
0u..10.A ouu il to. patrol fi."lll' Ai li , ii. inainifaiquro i
Ito. ixamii.i.l. C 1,..!,. a hill , twoortaot 1L1...v.41W LII li'
~ iniii ~ ..., 0 4 IP, Ullirir 0 Tor o.llli I. Illitili- Li 1•41 aw
'lot roiculliboaro 0. i'uatuole-1 'Author Th.. plait, Intl,
utode owl .011 •• u.....t \ii,i.,,...1,..,,iii - ....di Ili. iiiriiii i
0VE11i.1.101,..—.1 lull .1...... .1 all Ili
awl'A'ariotui.. from Um Ira port.: Para lii
0n...1.01 Porpolual illu-. .0.1 , 1,, 110: Al.
i'liodi.uti liordi. i+1t.....a. ,131.1.. r. ...01
Flu rod' awl Lau., 10E1.1...r..., a..
..wok., ai.A.riuoull 01 , tlie /..110.itu
Ala. lii(cutu . ..(A -0 ,1'iti....1 . 00e1i01. Paei
Intim{ lilu.o. 11.00...11..... Rom, .1
Killi.Tilo.cou %1•11,.. AIA, h., 1.110,1,
lulu, Ili. tot 1 . .ini,...F1ea1l
.i... lirioo. Ospor il.ilar, Au. lialla, 10
~, , l -luir ..,,...,,, ifr i srtilil i ,iili 00 Huta,
, .lo to..Aio.o...turor ot t o .A.:0 , 4;4Pu.
It , . ;..... • will 10 101.01 a 11.... , ..irA
...L* of C1uu......1 1b.0.1.. 1.1,r1.11, i
I L• i lli 4li a.. .0.1 041
I Ii IWO., i'iwooi 0.1 IlmIL-1- . up.
I i I:.:ini LI
ShawLs I Cloaks ! Man!
L; 'MILLS, No. fi Cortland
A • I ' d -. I
L... 4 , nf Fr. n.. 11 Ana wind.
I:rt.etled erfri Efede •
nI4I, ,ji eidd,re., Tlaiel,Nlt.
retinue hat... mid ',I ririnaLsetimill Irons P.,
loe •den dui reeel irtutun.nll)
11. rre .lettrner,
MA lueif.. lb.- q.l - 111: mient ,if , eirril.c.rn end W..,
Pr: M.:relax!. di the thei
rm n . it of :Mole, and In: Liulitis'
aiurpai.ed In Ole ear.
eueor IRE ,TANDA.
..I• nod Slay. :;, . . dn...., It,
N And i.
To the Piddle.
I 1 NI:11A RIA3I3ER SLICIE t S.-6isr nwllfiwn
Ali hr t l in th.
E.7,.g„- fl i r ,:."l- c fi:tl I
met, thV
Unmerited ':daunt
our att,rner. Ibm Judarg;,),, •
he sagertg that we dare mit ehgrpe hum with pirating Occ,l
ylmes Patant,,, ang that 1,, Ann.,
inpqng, agrgh,ear's Pfttent.• in the manntartpring uf rho,
it et hate purchased nu, Peens,. 11. r the mannfactute t , f
lo, , ualtablaer Shoes under looralyear , Pate awl paid
a t : •t , •l an Ja , l,e p., hie 3 tarill theame, and
otter r (rm.. Wight have Ifrot. the iiame.
ah rather than p, , tte upon tir..alt ear's
th.olt it art j. 41. purr ha,:. .r1:13. to ow a valid pa
agrA,l In Turn, un,lln intr.nge hni patent, 11,1.
atPqapting. urr nut, eat.t, , ,toute.l.nt Ipinhure
on. arle,.. set, have.
v. 41 tie hot
_them: awl eba,,
flr I,Pl'rAuhar, dvr. , tl7 - . clut th,t , ur a gwatun....ith
Pp ahp, bete ,n,mng !".1,11 ,. we Ore
nom. that be ;is, ail pl. , e•wr , ne.lWilh him in pur
chit ring r rendlo, /1.1 3
ear P.lghP.. will it
Tilt t I\ ITN'httllllo.7lTl77,.
Itutehin , ,or Per.htvot,
11.t.1) i.,,
? , pa
_ _
. .
3. W. liolberton.
r 7) .Ifead,n Larie New York,
. 1 1 MPORTER :Lndin FIO.SCII unl
TV,'T ,:krrnan
A... for INN r . • s•I reoPsll.
,r fat. turs, , A.,. , •nt Int Atlrri,r, Tin r ? , r
Hack Writing and Copying Irk
oo USK'S ENII'IKE IN ,7 11:S.,111
ej _ Yuri
. . .
Prsuzlit. rap
"Iht• the hp..l art., thaphlia. tut, Ideate, treat)—
,to g.ael • .I.11:10 ••ht teat .4ht .0 4... th n, ".
Dr' ...pst:a, .4 Pre,' , a,' all the l ill, nviutr•
PVl.f.;jj,lat "
The prE11.1,4 E., NMI. .15 the trst,
th. r tor este.. cr),...t, the above Tn.
. ;rim, Fut .b enter. and .I..livered in attt pa"
er ate eltarr,l ro nett te.l
1 Itl
Professor Alex. C. Barry's Trieopherous.
dIH MEDI(' A'rEl)
Nud roulrt• cur., brut,. .te
6•Cll bwroataJned oN,rito.nt. that Barry', incopl,
, p• tol.• pruluot..l .....
nf Ito lane, or, .11
GutAn.l. of .11m41.L
II• •33. 5,...
us• l I 0. 1 ...Li...1w0 .41 .1.01 or o•hl 1.1 'Who
10 ,, 1 • tn.i •
~rrr 1•••• A !IV rz,
I hat, Iwo •016.,1 •ali. • a
111.i.,11.•101.6,14 r rl •.1,.r
.rorrr. hut tail* that
tt gr. rv.l
th. uirte , 6 , 1 ..itue tbr attrt
o•ro •r, 11.v...11 trr' Imir Fad
etak wog tu..,r, 1.,t1,••0t nri 1..1,rta I Ira.
. 0 : ( 10 .1 , 1 , ..1 , 1 uW. ,
I t 1 , 4
.r 1
• n 1s
h It
tur. rt, .4tu% .n { 11e hlvorortu e4krrrl., !bra 11 Im.. I t.rIIIIII L IJ.
horr,reriullr• 1,'ELN
• •I
up, yi* 1nur141.1..1,
outo , lotoli an • vg•• tol.l r r.ra.l ir
oodu. .ori a., 11.11
bra. .Ininirrft ‘l,
lit 141F.1.1., titkoultray
it .4s.r „..ultru.•ll.l..ntran ILn rmbriiticsq law
*lll W. A.. roll At I . l.lfrer.a .A B. r r.
I,,rr tort. wisrrm well gq . .itao, the orlKo
jyrnas Inr /11fitsr, sn.l Nl,Ol Art 114. tire. 6,
Thrrolr mi salt 14.1 . the. bl
t.l . - naaujo Mal has itra,brd
".0 4 , 1 , . 11, ahnle . , e kbown
in , .,4.1,1A4. CI 11, 1ir51, , ,1 Onnpot,,l. It .n•
, e nq Ua by ta,rs, ta the nivannnlt,.
alturarar, , tay , •,. a, Oa. land II In jorrliiraues Lt.
dln 11
• Inp distplymlf s ,, urf. nod unsla..
1,:".47;;•-1171 l p
11 I N'.trog1=;:
Cl slt, In rlipaspnr,.. as well al-moo
unriralli,l. II sta.! In !now brall, pnro 20,csirld. Nh•
and at !by Ihncgislm th rote r
IlttpUnittal and CU11.114. appZ,tt
`_CHI 1 .;rO. AND PEO •,A. II
FORWARD N T O I ri " ONI S MI H FS A IT; - 17 ' MRFM ' - ANT,
fIONTINEJES him usual ftwilitiesto r,eceirn
‘_,/ op S l
tnraje. °Cr, and Trap. hipmrlit, aWM.rnohainliar
him. Boats kaln h. .forlt nrtlnwito
On th , . Lames ttn , C.sual atnl
I ..nnta.Blntilna A en,
Miunn, innea k Quinn:
• Mr. John A. Caunh, .
Wm. H.
tiENERi, coi‘km is, , Aots; MERCUANT
AND d'O‘CTIONI22I2I:, NI. .2 Water .trePt. 14:01,1k.
E . 1 ,1 al att. ntfnp In romtol , .i..p I.usizr
c+n zn,l Forwunlina Merehroto. tho
tt,r, 111+17.7a1:n.7nra:1.•
vt4 Ir
J )'C. TUTTLi:, Attar.° at I.;
4ou.N U. I:.L11i1N
ion, Mr t,
...C.1.1y I
zt trornev •nnd
Jnfl *ate I
(Into or l'itinbumh.)
51111,,W. Facward, natio. et
Weandlvrs 5 McCiurr, John Park" . Ulnwlin
8010 1 40 .1c.C0n.1 A Co. awelLl;
A Good Bargain is now 'Offered,
F APl ' LWA'fluti
r. to Four In Puniest. teirouttis, '
eiund,”ii the prem., le ,F <I ear.).
d.l lute
lireel•Parr Ar. The ,rnpertY trie4 See di..
to 41.1 late Luta, atut u. 1.1 at a su.S pentit. Perßilla
ptireL., aslai D. 11111,0
1,2 s • 114 Sorond,t
-rvISIO Y SEED—a 4 bid, for finliti,y .
- t — one is
.leb II DALiEL ,xc'o L
CO flail
ryo ,
, Li.:1 07, ..
t3}eerr rc - EIR
".,..,....\ ' .• \ i 641.1...
, - 1
ERS' 4 ,-,. , ; , _ ,, ,.... , - .
rr , Tr , i, ,, ) , l . lc m s t mt , T ,T, L . ,,,,.
. . ,,,, LS:.+O2 .
j a
','- : ' ... 7. M. 1 ; ',' :: ,R 1 , 1;.1 1. (.." ' °':, 1 1 . 1.- L ,V . ..91; .. jit ' :. r .T b g.T
4,: 1T. , :7.V. , °,;: h'.:tt,',-t=; gd'il.",,;lrtg:
hi townltitg I.l,:pnowst •ilit.,E.r ottirMectt by ettler
the II vlrread or Caw.] , . , ~,
le A rra eu,514,.,( 1. , P. -T4KA.TON. Allepheor PAO,
, r . li the 14,ntnre ,f, -- \ Y. p: p 14 .3;KT4..5. '
, rner \t M 'eke! Amlblrd PP,
ll' OR RENT—A, Sturervom and DtKel- Zr"...
the /ow atNel...l. In BlnetiPellnt,, , l-atuxtedl'itr ...1 , :.1
Map! to r, erry bu,pc‘,, i h.• re.t e 111 he low ;pi...
n 3, ical,l, L. onla Apple
14 P
Effi , !): M trTIII.3V, A 1.,,:.
•. For Sale.
hl :. I , t!o;it t i
l ,tor , lite;c 1r ,, 11dfit, r 1a: i;..4, \ r ,,, i , r„.., ; ,,, : ,i,b,,b.10 2
0.C,.,: o{ u , t ,, ..t.i.uo,l.erlandlng tnsk —i
ih, O•rtt . o. •tk h ll,. pn.,hrt, i; 00,4 dirrtly &bog.
, h„ slotlllt 4 ibt , Itrig:stn hot/dr. ,
of Oh No,/ ' , Are, l'oi notl Oh .Ig.llikg how,• or
A. W lunoni•. 1,0 atn , ttga On t.. 1 tot ultuble , Frournt
0 her lor th, ..,,,,,, h ..I , hr ..r ,a.. ft - rfroltlsoulltor, or
dr r.r . tghl -, cti Itur c010n5.... t, t
*r Tn4T "''''... ',V,SPl't:':c ' ll ' ; '- t l N ' . " ;[47 ' ,t I.ks •
uogll.ol v •••t I 0 Fonrth rtrent, •
A . BOOAI, k•nrnor n Grath, nnd Third, st...
• , kri 1,, t ,, ,: k i, 1 1 - .. a 4 kr ,k ttr , itt, n i phs orouu., Igo
' • ' . '''
\ 11' W.roVINSTt/ts.
11, 4 , 011 RENT.- Th, 1.4' illg. 'S;,, Ifni ; , 3-1,;
.N. - • ... .., -1t . , ... ttLe
!. i 2 \: . 1:13 " ;1' . : ; n 'l
r ti " ,:." , j . " 1 3. ro , riu,,LIAL".-
L7 : . 7) " I !";.7.' : ~t. Z, V VZ:' .,lt rr i. i,'l h T;. r. Z ,Vl,l .
AI.. -tit. holt , ..,I.,rAung. it, t, nu ~j tr rent tot
nt t. 1, Irk [NOD N,
ouglorl ' I ,, urtl, tt,tk \ . nr 11 1.1
Sewickley Property foi\ e.
THE :' , 1.1'0,.6 ikr o , lThr\f,r ,••;tlr , \ iint , ttyl,
0, khotl.tto tonna, u r„.. i,,,,, r, '' i n n ~,`‘
ortatny lotnly ots ..1 to 1.11. h +hoots , Fhot •.
ittlitglotos \ rountl. tutaln,ug relhur lw, ~..\, (
',to Butt..u, tatul. kr , ~..t, Win Penkryiromettuttlti \l,
I toll Wit, Uhio 11,. , pikter. CM. krkst. ttl
Wt. "tot. ~. 111 ntlhlterul for lamina Porlnttor \ lOU
' 0 shlch 1 , 1. W. 1... r 1,, At. gull a 001, rm. elsW ell Vtitl
gond running riot, \t • Or gull, pron.. count!,
dencht. I:111 yrr,r,,lOnno , 1 lb, Itutit vs, hff•trrt).
cog ht.,— t. {1,... , 2 ..,,,, 1J01. , -. h, Ilhlon.l. 1:14.„
Ohro .•
.. . . .
. 11
11%, N t r M.11,1.*
t, 11,. h
.1.... I, 1:1 1 U1.1,', 1i h.drth 4,,1'
Valuable Real Estate in Beaver Copra,
at. Auction.
HE ,nlvocri),,, ,'hero R k r , ale itik. l'il!'ving
M, l,
Pro.ll.l`, tokt—
I. Teo., Ihtv 11,• InEkton. 11AI, htu Kay, 4tutt 1..
N.... . nod 4, lhothr , ,, , rout 11., ft.ti, nnt,nr..on gluhk, tr..,
t" , our Itltt , ttl‘Oht, truto. tt0.11,0, , thl ttor ... VW'.
'""'"'.` t i" ‘" ''''''' ',". .
'''K'n' .. ,7 V; s. r '" l,lT ".''',' ,u t. u,. ruroank
(nag It. wth.l toloo \ trhtlt . r snurl..,,, :I,, r s ' lsl,ltr
ki. 4 wn. rulnahlt, w,,,,, , , Inc 11h vt, WlO.l glotn.
th crtsa 4w.. 14 , 1 a01.1 , 101' ne,/1 , 1.1
...cultng to thr lop .0 thy 1.111.
tot. "tort ',irk ,torrt.rol wank., o
(0"0::10 t : u " e1 ,' . ' ,... T . `" f ' ;,.„ ...,,....,...,.,.,
~, ~.. ,he 'hit tat h.. on, u., ut0..,0 ,rill Id, at,.
, I ••,11.0.., 4/11 , 4.. ,d,I I, Ir i10i,r... all 41:11,....
/ I". 0, , .....rty ont 1.10...11 , •ut,1..1 hit 11, 1. C. until.,
tool o s.r, hiro. , ,,tlg I.h .t.. 1. • , ,4, ongooliktelt ultloott.
Oh fd11h. , ,, Ittirtg., -
L2.0',.....11.,7 ,74`1;.1=....r.ti,:,'...-2,t.7„11q.'t::i
•. ~ ,••. „,,. nen', nr 1,,,,, ' utt,
I ,ltlit,in, (Le WI ,40 of tt.. ' , hoot.,
tripet .o, . it hill fit. , ql. tol ut pultho...
Seven V il tiluable Farms r Sale;
A 1.1. srrus TED near tin. Oh , trlot Ptlllo
- .11 , ado, hart, i ~, ;to t rthno, 1 ' ,...,1,,u, Olon
•1 , oiretkco,,, _ •
I. lb. , re.
11 uen at 1
at .1, 11nus
• alwri r nu har,l
11, awl
0,1 or •illsueettul 1•••1..1
r•III•r • I 11, 1,•i0,. . it iAR•
nt ,
co—s. Imvalnt
rho:. lintel
.1; .../..... 1.• Is as,. ) Wei...l) h na.ll to
, to lo n, nod jr.. tho I,o' IL?
..) In orol It. niZno.loin. molt.— It nen ,
', 1 !nth .rntk.k.r.l.. al) tlio Illt, 0) 'nth,. Inr on.,
. .... .
nnlono ...1.1, ••I.—on I, le on \
C antry . Property.
r., i ,
glitE ip.,.(t 4,11..r4 Ivr hal 1.
l i ch . t..M.trtu " t\ ' ;eVZitg: . rll K :l:.r, 4 i.i' . :r
th....e t ant 0N.1,..1 11,h n I
-1.71-117.a"._-1::' ' l ‘. :!ft ‘...,",',', \T", ' , ' l ''' r n ,,
I.l•nlinc 1 ' i1t1......11 '' . ' ) 11', 1 I11Y111. :, 111.
Valuable Real 'Ratite for Sale.
THE fillio,ring ,b,.,ib.•,1 F0r4 , 14 , ,1,n0.
1 - ro ,
th:1,;,h;;;:: ' , 'F' , ..7.„:4•.:";7'..!:'4;\;,',';,";',f;',!';,
.r...n0. mo. , , ornn . hy Wn. 31,1 . 1, I'l n•
Moo— 4 Int In rho , hiphtl. Wsnl. htt•Pur, b. bound,'
Pr tho honor,. tr, knllinn 11,11 on ih • 001. I,nd /mains:
11 , •111 I. ~ 1 nn no llnnnn,,l,nrnopr
A Ino-1 hon.n 4,1 n, tho <non( /11,1 , 70,01 r. trnntoon
I \4st
P. foot nn On ~..1 1 ''..ninon, botorron And nok, gt um!
a•:11,...n owl nn Innol, n , {inn, nlh y u.l. hnn,
a ',pr.., I • ,nnnon - 1 , nt'll.roos- t'1.1,1.
11.0 , --- 1,1 . n. Ironll,Nt IP ...An! part.ll ing\on.ron
on i1.,1, rivoo. an./ At...nic, 0bc..1 II a, - pen ,
Sion—A ../ I,l int...lllonholl, 0.,. Ann nn'Onin'i
I I Join, 1..,,,evi1. front. : . , n Lap Lon, I,i imrumil.
lalnlT lirai.) ),,11,i)Mr) 11i , . .v , nlatrun, pins. 1 - :1" n.of in
+t., N. York,
. t ..1
II .41
14v 11.. r
luun. L... 0
11, 11,An A 11,n1 into A m u
thon,l, non o, unit:ll , ta Cour*
.10•111.11 hAA
For Saie\or Perpet - 41 tease,
FORTY -MHO.: itF ii.DlN't LOTS, Jai,
z V:Trr ... 7 .; froneinson 1... neon, In•nnwennArnen,A.,
AL, row int onr or An,. ~/.. • o r r, o l n o A , tn.
Po/i 1o: .la tle 1101 er t.1 , 1:71. %, •. ...i, (1.-..1, Wei)
IA r torn, Ar. . runup, .:1 11r Al. •1, 1101. 11N 14, n .,,
I:pe prtnno, Ar e t tee 6,1 ....ii- - t 1,. 45. SI. lei!
:lord t nal, Ao.
' • ' "n,
TI ilrx , T vrlft\" , 1
Real , Estate for S
• ittr 1111 i - 111r , Irk• i. t:'
, .... : /1..11.4,
pry ..
Pt A . , ll \ l
Real , Estaul for Sa..
A\:U.lll 11 , 1.. r 11.. t.,,,•,,,:.. t.;
~ ','?. ? ",7,::,
....• ..1..1 ....; .0..
A1...—....rr.... y.1ry,....m.1,.. i... 4.1 r0. , ..r S - 1.,ekt...
' .'• '''
..;, ' A :J s )
Al.— A /ann. , . .. Art,. •11 L.
e 4.1 It
o Farmeia.
.iiiii )
.: , k(c. tE5 1 ' , .!1.1.: . iiri, % !,,n,f I , 7ra til , l i.
" . qt .' , , .7 ;s,l ~• :41 it ' : " ....7....,:,,:.,Y,.. ' ... 4 ". V,:.T „:
k... 1, , 01t wl
...K.—, ~ ter a
.. I
TWEN't l A(. 1: ES ~
. ...„,:„. 1 :1 \
c.r. •o,ice ,,,,,, ...,Ou su at,
0../...t to. I , ,wk - nw 11. ow ..! .N
1' II f\ * . ~,1,,,
Far Salo. • .
. s \
: 1 11E II .\ 11\e.: . :41' A T 1 , ....., FRO :I.•:::•;,
K 14 4 .1., .. 1 , 0 ,' t N.i , ,..., a.., ..,,rt, r-I a 4,
~ . .T;',7,,,,v,:,„,",,,;,, .•, - ,., 4.::,•."7!.. - . 1 ',, ...V.::, '',:',';','„":.
For §nie.
• ;mid
v '
--- or SKI.?
RAE Eli% 10'1;0 %pup, of
k" !,1 1 0,"' , »" '"1'• • `
„IT ..,,; ,
i ) I Q 1R N -2-15 " th\ - 7 \, 3141 er , ek Itou
t• 0 • 4.tro.A VIO
L Oh
1, .1
\ s„ 1.41.,1.,
1. 1 41,4!
• ,
" .”"ATT
il.)(; A it•il arid Puher.
I, • 17,1. • try.nri,.. nnA
,0 I 11. IV n rt.l.l
NyT Pi. A ti; \:I`NI . ; II A NIS of Nuper
tir 'I
1 4 , I; A YI:14 \VASTY:O,
\ •pllltlth\lß4lN,
(:)I' . I 5. 1 Rtkg , \ti t 'r
• ;10
SiAL-tr. EngliA4. Cu: p)hLv
\ J
, Si!lb
11 A C 9 N \ rk. ‘, •
J7lO \ • 14,
0. i \ B6ne!tl,
jula n , s ms c. for e.b.
NI, AufrAut •Ire.
)biti. \Mite 1 , 6111, \ 4 77
lD "b u " \
A'4l 4. LK, •
"A 14 bbb•
• ' l ' o \ •
• •
.alt r,tie bs.• for
lEESK---74 broy,
ir \‘,l
t .
r 0,.,c5_--:.: ~Sit- -,T,. .. , -,-„.t.
( i i A Lillt iTus-A 'Li t0x,...4 pu , \
AL tdil.-. , ...' ik ash, 4 -
_ Jr. , : ' _ ' J . : 11-X. :t.D.
1 Akik: Fl9l lii , obis. Whito ,i , r
h t , t, c ; . ...J.4 ,,, ei r v 0.
. 1,; ,
'.l--.1-- , ~ '. 411._CAISFT.X
( a. OM) SPEC 1. 1 41,E5--Alargo74Tiortr
li, just 4..lnnstl it :, Oliver an& Al ...k f'n...4'11
.t, kind. of 01.00....1'n the be.f. quality, ca;no.oY.a.i i , m. •
:t t'.3t7i4T)=7::^it ,' . ,. r,b,..;.''''n'it J " 41 .. " \
,\ W WIL.‘../N:unracsat. - -
Cl' 31.u . ket stmt.
. -
\ S..T _
_III B 7N.
-ItiNSAINT LOUIS.—TI I / 2 ‘lln e fr 3t ; , \ Tadds VC *cated Liqui
%`1..... T , t,Tr tii.Y,ADA11'.111',,...1,6
Tms AilTici. --.:„ :1119-..lki Is
s• n•wo, 'op. d. r at M 1 ric10...k,..A.M. '''
1 • I •1..-uidl.. ' , in •'. . ',.
N . 1,\11112.2.- nast,a,.. apply on bp.d.N ,•1.1: ( ~,r k els. ....1. Mot - Lan., a', Art 11l erct
, ...
to .1-,.., ~..-r, . r.. it.N.,,.. il,•-•1,-,
R\ SI% LOU l'S..---Tills Spieri:\ W.A. th. ' 11';117::111....7.1"ti24,::;;A.c:1;jil"11nr
I d.
.d h. , . 'lranat 'donator 1.,` ' ~,,,;.,..',.. 11 ' ''."- • .., • ' •
...lIT IPE.M. cam ii.j.., • ,01, y,„," r r th, , ‘ 1 ”
1 ..rt n .......rri,r 11.,t ~:I's, n.!11
A 1 . ...c i , a.l natorcel.ll.. porl., on Chi* .1.. 1 1i ,, , .. H., r u.,tl ~ d ;\ u5e , 1 1 ,.., 1d - 11, 1.......,./ I 1
11' "!'''' 'I" . r, i+,' , An I , ..ard I'..tal I [ I, 4 . ...,_, ... ::,..-;..,.-.!!
L u. NT‘E„ ST. 1,06.15_-.Th,.
... 1 ','.;::,`.::,t.'..%:-.V'Y•!LI'; r.
~...,v,..„,,,r,,,.,,,„.,.,„„., ~..,.1...,.........,,,,,;,..,...,..,.„,,,.
i.,1,...",...r,.,,,A,."n..;t....t...t.:zr, . , : ;"(,',l'.7'll' Al
For tr..l,,ht • t. 140,.... 41,.11 - A, imAt.l ..,1 '
011 014Lit4A V . :
. -
~D M.
I XI EGULAR\ PACKET BE.A R , 1X1 1 1..T.:N 111 V •r .
11. TwEEN pz Nnuf:wi . IbloEis, .
. u.,
.•: ~.E.L:1,1111T214,1(.iT.,1
• liT.-1.• 1 . 11.0 N . .: A.N.1....... ...,,,, '
ifjwlllUare Mucha,. 1\ ,yb••••1,..,. Cfraipf An.l finet.4ll4. ii `n,..1:" ,r .,. 7 . trs. ~..,_' ~
,rti,Z,V rjr;:tnrlVl: 171.:.1.1Siirl'=!.Zt Jr . I " '-'"..."''.
'T„ Ztl d 'iV.,%; ,E 1.7..,. ' tit.E "'"... l " '' 'l'll ' . T 1 , , GREAT K i. S .:OUCKY RI
.., r , :n arly dam,: lb
1..7.. trA • '.., boani ......,, DR 0.1114 hLI ..E. s RSA
1.410 R dINUNNAAI..-Th e iine , fr.. . \1 9.
r " ° P in. "" . 16 " le
Isi • teanterJEFFEE...ONC.4t obna.nlaillKA., r. ~,4 12 "`, ". m .t ri .. ,,,T;'! , •. '
Inay.• for tin- ste!vr .
, :,.,i nn.rm,l 1.. ~rtr co A.„-, ,„
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- ' - ' r ,: 3 .. Vsf. nl'n ' •i ' .ltf,rl.ll J1:•:.-..1.,•1.• ' ,3,
iII'c,GULAR WHEELING 'IND 1 th, '''''''fi''. s '` '' 1 ' .
Jv t .FINFL9II PICT LT lan; r ping , „.? .. \1. .! b. , ;, 7.i. , ; , ,.. , :•- , ,,: ~,,--;• ~
RI,AILIei WFLL,VILLE. Cant_ 11. lioun will 1 7,71,.,,- .. - ,':.1...,'7 rt 'l'.v"rh •
run. k r,rnlar pae.rt Ittkt.a., , n It. rgt.. WL4•Litag. ,,,,.i.„,..„A.,. , .--* 1 ' ' .... 1 ,-, ."
11,1 .0.p:rt.:and Suctilh; !aring l'ilblinr ere, Mr.dy i,...„ .. ~ . 4 . • • . .
afterna.urn. Wellerille..9 teut.eur ille and id.nrr.: t and
.. ~.,1 „ .„„ ;.. I '', , . 1 :',
every - ThnXedaS afUrn."oll Zr ~ ,,,,... i4 N , ~,•••.,,,,. /.. , ...09.,. r' " '• . ..•,,;
ItridncrtlApUncand Sanfuh: retttruin '',/k.r. , Hrid..,-. • ,„.,,,,,. ~ „,,7...- • ' , .. • •
yort and eunllghTuneda s y after... ~ e,d eir:4, i 'no,. ~..?„,,i,„,, ~,
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VOli LOUISVILLE. —The splqn- i , '""';'?'''''''', \ _
did steamer MA VFLOWER.,II.I4tt. _..‘,346,. ' „ r, , ' II * r "1 1 .' '..*- 1 ' 1
tasalrr. •111 leavelor It on Annyr ad.,lntrlrn, . . ' 1` ,1!:,4,...V '' 4 I• t'' , 1 1
'I. ''''. .. 1 .
m'Alat.k. ports on tbk.. day. the :-2.1 ing...or .1 P. II . -',. k
. ..rn. ..r Tvi v1t.....ra..A,11,, i . L, .11
For Irst.u.,bt or Par , .c'. aPPI3 1 . ~ .a 1, , 1 , i
. 1 0R. WIJEF:LING. --:- TIIP k • .... ~,-. I,r, '1:In•-
t.nroar I.IIIIENA L. W.:" -14.a...ii, 1011 Lair..-4. ''',..i /...
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I:,.,11/ 44,4114. Th‘ .. ..T 1 . - ndl•ft.,ll a. Lttilt 'kr
'!'•,, r '''l, nr, th'•
.Inur. -Newton, land ot.L•,. r 1-'C \
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Grindstones ! Grindstones V ' •
i IN7AN, .1V I L," ).:.c & 420, N ti , 129 w,,,,i .
ft , rnkl. I m. n no r , lur , gpriees,lll slant
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a r-turrnny..s..l,l,, aba, ' 3 .,
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, i , Ifidy,eillity.
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11 w \c , ~,,, . ...r; ~ , ‘,
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' " .4l " h •'"'''''''' . '1 ;11... 4 .- ' AI Ea.,. 1.........
Sellers ernp uae.
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'!'f7rl:l;rtn•l'7:l"rt) : l,..l ! "l"l: .\,• '" ;f ' :!r7,f ' . fr h / . .. ' f,
'' lhrl. OT . l''''''''' •';', - " "'• '''''' : ''.. a . 4 li. 51 1 , .
I Shirting Mu ' and Irish , Lmens.,
t .
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~ It, narthex.; rs/A,,,A Ag • II , S,,EI:I :51;....1,et
Fthe Watches!
2 :
IC nttio . tr,r f:,\J,I PylLa.t r l , .
;‘, ,t r . ' 1 1 , ‘• It,.Lai7. '.,,t,1''`,.'„.;..,:,‘ ,7."':!tf.l-1-2
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