The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 02, 1851, Image 2

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T. By. 4'478 FROM CIIDA.—It 4 has. POUT .been
our fort eme 'Zo encounter such a maze of contra
dicticatt as *e have within the last few days in
hat purports to be RIM from Coba Fresh des
p dales reach us daily; but upon close. examin
stion.ihey appear to he, but, a rehash of the old
ttedl4y. We are as much in the dark as to the
foje Loyez as any of our readers, although
the accounts have had him captured some time
O That he hati been captured in very proba
ble: this is nll we can say..
tl,e week ending on Saturday last, 2,135 pas
:tengers were earned craithia road. Cash receipts
1t.1.103 IR.-
CUILIVI. A Commenting:sec.—Somebody re
gave to the world n rich 'secret common
dtitico between thediffereot members of the Dem-.
is:ratio Notional Committee of Correspondence,
eve,ling the movemenM of the chief wirework-
E'er, touching the selection of a candidate for the
Presidency ilt first saw the light in the col
mans of the New loth Herald: When, we first
ants it, we had 901X1( . 1 lampicion that it was a boas,
but as it has of,* been befiire the public for a
fortnight, and very extensively published, aml
our having : been disclaimed by any One, Ll 1(
doubt about Ito authenticity 0, remo'ved. The
whole is too volMninorisfor our columns, so we
tike au excellent. synopsis from the Albany
-Si Ne legister, 'vrhich.the reader will find in this
Aye ask speciarattention to the letter of Mr
Britten, of Alabama, wherein he says that
the Union men of that State isredbe Whigst and
of curse the Democrats are State rights amen,
.it secessionists. We cornmeal this to the, spe
dial attention -of the Locefocos of Pennsylvanis
r feta Route — of Diarel drtuern Pit I nod
c':neinnati.—Lea4e Pittsburgn• at 10 A. ht., by
railroad, and arrive at New Brighton for an ear
ly dinner Illrom Brighton to Ravenna., Adam of
rscellent stagecoaches connects thelthio and
.P.mtnaylvania Railroad, with the Cleveland and
. Pittsburgh Railroad.: The stages leave New
Brighton After dtndei, and arrive at Raven . na
at twelye to one. o'clock the same night,
pupping at Salem.. Th' next morning the train
teaves 'Ravenna. for Cleveland at half past six,
and arrives at the utter place at half past eight,
in time for the train to Cincinnati.
ilettarning—Thetrain, loaves Cincinnati every
morning at 56, and arrives at. Cleveland st 5 in!
the evening. At half past-5 P. .M., the train ,
leaves Cleveland by the Cleveland and Pittsburgh._
:Railroad, and reaches Ravenna at 0, where the
Pnrsengers' take tea, and immediately proceed
by stage and jaitivett New Brighton in time for.
the'firet morning train lot Pittsburgh. By this
arrangement, plat eittirtiLlty. is saved between
this city and fileveland. is compared with the
canal packet
\ Yesterday, (Monday,: tie track Inif s rs cqm
to\nced laying the rails from Alliance eastward,
and. will reach Sale'm within thirty dap The'
Cleveland and Pittsburgh Rtilroadiq now tat,
pleted to Allidnce, 84 that' when the I thin and
Perinsylyanis Railroad shall be completed to St
lem, therewill be only miles, (and that a - good
stage road) wanting of continuous railroad from
Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, pia Cleveland, and earn
that gap will be tilled up eboat November next
; .
'Mon Joittseacyirdscc. There is a Etstemcat
iffilie papers,to the effect 'at "Samuel L Galla
gher, living in an Fran o, was informed that
Louis 'Pollock. Ilittilleen sand in bed with his
l e
it)allagher's) ke!pt „mis se, : and was further
instill aUsnainteittrith fact that Pollock bad
calle'd him a coward. He went to the house
whire Pollock - was. stopping, called him out of
ilia room, shot him ,dead, and then surrendered
hiusself to the " Vigilance Committee's hut
llallngher was a fine fellow, was a Lieutenant in
the Mexican war, and there promoted to a Cap
taincy, was' rich, he., and although the Vigil.
owe Committee could hang a poor fellow for
stealing, a case of deliberate murder was be
road their jurisdiction, and he was turned over
to the milder codelif the constitutional authori
ties.: The utter rottenness, insincerity and cow
urdich of this self-constituted body need no bet
ter illustration than this fact furbishes."
Mae or Cvon.—We ate indebted to Mr. Jaw
ifiamv, r ibird-sireet, opposite tile' Post Unice,
for a neat little colored mop of Cuba, winch he
hos just published. It will be very interesting
at Ibis time
From the 41Domy Stste#eytster
We have before alluded briefly to the corres
pondence of a National pemoerntic f7ommittce,
• published ia the. New York Herald, of Friday
• Wit. We hare seen no Contradiction of its &el
oineneas—iinleed, it Carries marks of authenti
city on its face—and l it: ay not be uninterest
• tisF to our readers, if ire refer to the subject
again. It has leakediont that there has been a
recretMertilig of a committee appointed at the
jloltimo're consentionl ih New York, very recent.
ly. 'The following extract appeared in the New
fork torrespondenceiof the Vincennes. (Ill.) Os
t a,
'• "A committee of mocrats have been in this
city for some weeks s making arrangements
for issuing the Democratic National
Convention.Boltim re has been fixed upon,for
the great nationil ga ering, although the mem
bers of the Committee from the northwest, wish
edln more central point—Louisville or Cincin
,The followinga.thicle.appeareil, in a late nom
steer. of...the Ghia statesman; the editor' of which
;is apiembet of the cpmmittee '
Dern . jpraf:c yationat Concentlon.—.We hod
in a late letter Trim New York to the Cleveland
Plaid - dialer, some inforinatlon in reference to
thenext Democratic National Convention, which
will be foimd to be interesting. The writer soya
A cominitthe of Democrats have been in this
city, for some. weeks,. for
issuing the call of the DethecratidNational Coe
_ thation..Baltimore lilts been fired upon for, the
great national gathering although the members
. of the committee from, the northwest withied
more central point—Louisville or
Nathaniel 11. Greer, of lowa, appointed by
, (the Chairman tot the Democratic National Coo,
mititee, (B. Y. Hallett, of Boston,) to fill the
vacancy on the committee from lows, occasion.;
ed by the death of ex-Governor Clint. has now
heard from nearly every member of the Nation
al Committee, chosen ley the delegation of the
'several:Rothe, Intlie last Baltimore Convention . .
reedit can be certal ly'relied upon that the Con
vention 19 to be he! at Baltimore.”
!Ibis Nathanliel . Grier toms ant to be a
siren° partite° of enerali Houston, and to have
.been pulling the wi !for his nomination as. the
Democratic candid to for the next Presidency - .
The Herald coated [eters to him and his co
g li
barer, C. if. Do alelsonoifriTerss, from lend
ins Democrats nil Vey the country. several Of
within express thei preference for General Botts
ton - No other:person, except Gerieral Cass, is
.• named for a candidate, by any...of the writers.
eho better are thou summed up in
a rv.l-.. It,eu rrim Mr Brown, of Rhode Is-
"But as Mr, Van Buren would undoubtedly
contrive some plan to defeat him iD New York,
and perhaps Pennsylvania, it 'becomes us to in
quire whether hir,.Case should give way, or the
party be defeated. Of conies „then:icon he butone
an aeree:
.te Ltda. Still many believe that
:iew York we 'eball: - (owing to the passage of
the nine Million bill: and the late re-union of the
Whig paties) lose any bow, and that PentesYlva
nia we etc 11 cony with any candidate, and that
Case is 'the one who con carry, individually, the
northwestend,Ohio. The conclusion is, there.
_fore, thatit byne meanaseitain but Mr. Cosa
is • the +Mt horse' for .the t iekc•hem,•
Mr. Commandet, of South Carolina, flanks,
the Union will be dissolved before the convention
can be got tog - ether.
Don. Wm. 'R. King, of Alabama, in this
rir saY , i •
"All our troubles have arisen from the extra
ordinary conduct of those professing Demo::
crate, in whom the entire Democracy once reposed. ,
tinbounded confidence, and felt delighted to
• And he ccercis•inprettymuch despair of 'those
professing Detnocmits'..beha7ing any - better in
tore • .
"Bow, then," sari he,
mate in maga with those wbo havernot only
shown themieives regardless of our safety,lout
judging from the pas', would unhesitatingly
pave thavefforimaking %trisection areemulhan
Domingo--and coolly look on.,:if they did not re
joice to see, the blood of our mothers, wives end
I sivlers, moisten their native soil, did it give mei
I a doubtfallsacdtvas-libertyla such a people' as
the blacks!"
This is a significant question, and his answer
o ii 1-9
•4Pe most have no 'pretended friends In our
comp, who, while they cry 'bail brothers,' would
Mab us under the fifth rib."
Mr. I'. Britton, editor of the Montgom
ery (Alabama) Advertiser and 'Gazette,
clines to commit himself to a national cameo-
Gen, at present, and o:m4ns his reasons as fol
'Our State elections, as you a i oubtless
aware, are almost at hand, and u. the result
of them is known to me, I shall not now how to
proceed. The Whig party of Alabama, under
their new came of "Union,..' are making extraor
dinary effort" to carry the State, and as the
DemocraticlitateX night party have not only to
tight their old enemy with a new and popular
name, but also the influence of the Weihhigton
f 7 X,ort, and of such men as Cobb, Foote, Clem
ens, and many others, witoaro now body and
soul in the hands Of our rimming:Tr may be that
(defeat awaits us. Should this be thecase io this
State. Mizsississippi-and Georgia, it seems tome
that it will be hard for me to tlefiue my position,
io these no party, or rather nothing but , Union
' party times. I think lem still a good Demo
.'rat, although, what is called here a "Southern
Right Democrats:" but it'll not mistaken in this,
and the twit of Detdocracy throughout the Union
is to be adhesion to what is called the. Union par
ty heie iu thc , Bouth--nui the Union newspaper
makes that the test—why. I think I 'am not the
proper re Mar to move in the matter of n 1311-
0?nal demixisitio or Uniou Convection. For,
lob preserrel the Uoion and me, too, from all
such parties as the -present Union party of the
South. Its doctrines are not democratic, no
more than int members are democrats —it is fed
erotism. and federalism throughout •
'hi• two lost named correspondents might pro
bably haveheen saved all their hesitation nod
'misgivings, bad they only hero treated to the
. consoration contained in the following letter of a
',arra, \
. ,
"My Dear Sir—Permit me to say, that I am
111111111 e to Ilecypber much ,it . your letter, but so
far as I understand your views and objects. I
approve thetu. You appear anxious to bring the
Democratic party to the support '
of truth and
freedom. In this I can hid you Uodispeed with
.:a hearty good will. '
"1 think Samuel Medary, of Columbuys fa
vorably-inclined to your'views 116 in, perhaps;
thi moat influential Democrat of our State. Mr.
Myers, of Toledo, has been a (State) Senator for
'auto years, and i 3 inclined to bring the Demo
cratic party to the right point. .carob Renickerhoof of Mansfield, 19 another in vrhpm you
may confide. lion..R. P.. Spaulding,. Akron
'Hon. J. Cable, Carrolton ; Henry Krum, Cherry
'. - Valley, all may he confided in for that 'purpose
"1 think that both parties are progressing,
itotwithsanding all their efforts' to prevent the
progreils of miff. - •
4.Witlegrest respect, your 01id1... semi.,
, •C .11 Donaldson, Esq. .1 R Hinnia..s.
If the above (Ailed to satisfy Me,tro Ring and
lirittain, we are lure the following from lion rt
Chase of Ohio, <anti not foil. to hove that
effect:— •
"I entertain for lien. Houston a very sincere
regard. tin kindness and courtesy towards me
during our association in the ttennte could not
fail to win it. Should be be nominatel'for the
Presidency, I should wish to support him
Whether I should do so ur not, however, would
depend upon the position which he and the l'on.
ofioll making the nomination should think pro•
per to take.
'Should you return &•uth through this 'city.
I should los happy to see you and if you will re
main a few days with us. will endeavor to make
ycur stsy as agreeable as 'possible
The letters in question all bear ' quite recent
dates, and from their,geueral tenor, there can be
o a g nht tint lien Hrlllsloll H supposed by a
class of Democrat , to be the man who can unite
the discordant democracy, in a laying brother
hood, and ho at once acceptable to champions of
Panthers right_•, Hunkers nod Free *oilers. Clint
so thud:3lle afore aid Mr Brown of Rhode Is
land, appears by e following extra•) from his
Houston is, in My opinion, the only
WIZ we can nominate, who Can surely, undoobt•
edly, carry the nest field. Them are enough
elements in his character,•and incidents in his
history, to kindle an enthusiasm in lta favor
that would sweep, over this whole land lh a per
fect" tempest ; only, do not begin too soon.
for one, should not like to abandon lien. Cass,
•onless it was for some one who I was confident,
would carry all by storm. But, pardon me . I
only meant when I began, to give yan,the names
, of the prominent politicions,of Rhode Island,
who wilt be, beyond all innbt, active in the nest
What the , comrnittee did in secret session,
we know not, but the letter from Mr. Donaldson
to Mr. Greer, which we give entire, aheds a
bright light upon the subject they but in hand
"Mr. Doutadsou is the Texan member of the
liatiormlCommittee, end appears to be moo of
the moot otreigt•-forward and Osodid of that
antra received a letter from Tex
as, to-day, urgently demanding ruy r returit to my
plantation, and also one from 11. Toskum, res
ponding to our pLans. I had .hoPed to have a
further eimferatice with you in relation to the
cormummation of our plans for the call of the
National Dentoeritic Convention, butlyou may
as well issue the call at once for the first Mon
day en Jane. From the them of our correspond
nice, we have ample assurances that the con
vention will be with us, and becomposed mostly
of Houston men, who will overawe all opposition,
and secure our oldect In regard to platforms
—avoid all new tests, especially land reform.
Partly re-afire:l the Baltimore platform, without
offending one (see soil allies—who base pledged
themselves in good faith us—aii their vote
will be most formidable, you may depend upon
it, and we can afford to make a fewzacriftces of
the South where so irascible a. dripositlon
..If you could but prevent the passage of land
reform resolutions in the State Convention of
luwa, and other portions of, the West, then Walk•
er, of .Wiscorisim could easily be kept in the
back ground, and Houston's chance gicatly
proved. In stopping here; li. regret to learn that
the Buchanan interest is rapidly gaining
I think, however, our well digested plans for the
calling of the convention will destroy all his ,
chances, the Southern rights faction to the con
trary notwithstanding:' Van Buren and Croe
well's influence secures New Cork . certain and
their friends everywhere: Chase sad Giddings
may be relied upon to the utmost in Ohio. and we
are in hopes to handle the wires even In Massa-
Chusetts. Gen. Houston, t have the best Means
of knowing, will he on himself shortly. to kake
charge of the wires,
.9t word to the New York friends. Make no
missteps, little Illusion to miggerism,' and let
the State Coavention,mot go beyond the Ohio
platform, and tolerate differences of opinion in
regard to minor questions. Should it be deem
ed advisable to get up 11 . mass, bone and sinew
demonstration of Tammany Hall, in the city of
for the purpose of helping along all our own
and old Sam's plane, do so, frovided Axon be
done by both sections of the party, without I
possibility of .failure.
ehall proceed to Washington to-day, on my way
home, and may not, therefore, soon see you.
I expect to be in Washington next January. You
have my address; keep me well advised of your
proceedings and prospects, and bow things are j
working Meantime, I remain yoUrs, in the 1
-cause.--- C. Domatu.sos.
'!P111- 1- shall wilier you upon my return-
home, should hou.stort not have already left, and
keep you advised Of his, departure, movements,
• • •
.., ,
The fuLorreepondence, from which we
have been able to give only meagre extracts,
Probibly Trod — its way into the Herald
through the'ilreachery - of seme one In the tie.
mkt*. ' who does mot relish the "Houston "
plot, and•by early exposure. s eeks to break if
Or. .
The New lock Commercial Advertiser.Cto show
the spirit which junteates the Cuba party in Nei
York, gives the folloping sketch cf Capt. Ilyn
dcre haraugnejo the meeting in the Perk in that
city That paper, in introducing it, says
The projectors of the illY4llioll of Cobll, end
theit allies, `nave beets aware from the first that
they were violitinilhe laws of their own cdun
try ; and the demoralising effect of persevering
in a' known illegal course has been strikingly ap
parent since the failure of the project The ri
oting demonstrations at New Orleans, and the
harelaced but unsuccessful instigations to riot
uttered in the Park in our own city, by thcise
who are most prominent in their laudation*? the
men who would rob a friendly comary of its pos
sessions, are painful evidence of the spirit of-law
lessness which either moved to the project or has
been engendered by the prosecution of ibilielteme
It was no fanit of one of the notorious speakers
at Ihe Park,' save perhaps that belted not cone:
'can we of the South
..- .
.... • . .
ago . himself ta . ! iet an example, that a certain 1, -.
Serpa. McLarrea Idvms Pitts.÷The no- 1
newrpapei othee in this citywas not sacked i toniehing deemed Mr this great Medicine [vertu to bp on
and robbed,. and Its editor maltreated oh tour- me teorease. when. It has keen It hut wain.
direct. Thelnostiedge that the pollee were pre. , , .1 a Motnlmity nap r jricedmiifed In the •armah of medical
pared to quell any such lawless violence, and 5 ..."' M PhY. l "... •^. wing It . 0 030 , 1 . cases, at least
remembrance of the fearful issue of -the Ant..' ! " l '!'" tb " Y '..'''A"‘E. In Pijii"i'i lour'.., need ant be
Place riot, probably had their effect ; and we tv .11 ‘ toi " ; ' ) . -f1. 1 :. " (707:. ' .. k t. ' l ' se ' r ' r " itl i s r . ' u l fu ' lercic h eot. " full
r htipe; too, that - the bearers were better citizens will he rerot,te.t. 'nu coy.. Prewar not.. The
than the speakers. Some of the remarks of our 1.11•.0t00 t. ...Smo3 sa nwsot tbare im laPttlitettr to the
of the latter we subjoin : . • ....non Ism kt,trb lb. 1...ter111 datp.l
- there is a Spanish press here as well as in , , ~., ' . . ,7.'- ' . 7 . :;,.. i tf` d ;: - , ,,,, P , 0 , ..,:",::: j , - ';
Nett Orleans, and there is a Spanish consul here l many nc.ti ..i I.r. ,Iclane't 1. , r, hitt , than your a:tilt
nii well as in New Orleans. The name - of- the kI , „,((), 0 ., ~....„,. e ( n A 0 , madir rising In rater. tot
Spanish paper is' •La Cronies,' which mean. I ...),,,,. „,„„., ..„,] ~,, that u ,. „„a, It ~,,„ ,„ ~,,, „,
am told, • The Chronicle,' and I am told, too, it 1 to or I• ..e.)... kacts 1,,,. lb., will In. t ;..char. 11”1,1
it , pretty bad ; and if it is half as bad as the one i.iiit ...iiii "in brit , i - mi. "WO,'
in New Orleans, the best thing that can be done
with it, I think, is to pitch types, press, editor
and all, the other side of Governor's Island, .on
We way to Cub. [Great cheering.] But mind,
fellow eltitena, I am no lair-breaker. . [A great
ugh.] I ocher break the law -- [mattering iu
itit crowd, • That you don't, but you stir up oth
e to break it, and keep yourself out of the
war]. - and I don't advise any body to Irreak ii it
but if this • La Cronies is as bad as they say it
is—l don't know, for I can't read it—it would be
better on the other Bide of Governor's Island
than here. [Renewed cheering.] I lt : ?prove the
breaking up of the Spanish press i New Or'
leans I think I should have had a baud in it,
if ''l had been there. .I would not suffer a foreign
paper to be insolent in my own country.
[Cheers.] Cdt mind ye here I "advise no man
to break the law. , • ' • •
"The press, bad as it is, is protected by the
law,—The editor, 0410114 and datunhblo as he is,
Uses under the law. (Cries of b—u the law.")
ENO can't help saying the press and the editor
would be better on the other side of Elpvernor'.
Island than here.—(Cries•of "where is it"") I
don't Wit& even our own newspapers . have any
right to the protection of the laws when they ran
against public opinion (!) , but a foreign paper,
.0 Spanish paper, theorgan of a government that
bus just butchered fifty .of our ;Wrens in cold
blood; man g led them, trailed their bleeding
limbs iu thedust--stich a paper, I ain core, has
no right to the protection of any law. (Renew
ed yells now of "Where is it IST.Cedar street
that is the place. —(Great surging of the I crowd
here) • . .
"Ituomuld ye„ fellow citixons, I advise no man
to break., the laws. There is danger in breaking .
the law (cries of d --n the law)—but human
ity speaks, the spirit of a man within you speaks,
your own heart speaks—and the number is ,7
Ceder stiyet". -- Tf 1) could rend this paper. I
Mould have read it the first thing this morning,
and what was in it, I should have read to you to
to night, but it is lucky, ford rather wish to re
strain than influence your zeal against such a
paper.' When the meeting in adjourned, howev
er, let us go down there, St Cedar street, go in
1N.5C0 3 I mean; Weir any of you do, contrary In
my advice, choose-to look un there. tend the
press, and the type, and the editorodl come out,
when you go in, why I shall be there to look on,
and there Mno knowing loot what-the force of
example 'might be no strong, that I might be
. . .. .. ..
.J Erna." July 3q, Itlsl
templed. to have hand, in it (laughter and FOREIGN• AND 'DOMESTIC
cheers.), As for the Spanish Consul, I would not IiAItEWARE, CUTLERY,
advise anybody to touch him yet. Ile lives on. . •
der our proteetion. Ile will lie warned by the
An u toot :I L, • on Arra ,o oder m
rate of colleague' in New Orleans. (Cheers) ' '
If the Spanish Consul here, however, sheuld•Pat ad-s Ido 'mimeo oi NI N .-.•l.•firat•••lC 0., AN 1•:,
any of his lire iu the Chronicle, though I am a' ''.. , "1"" - sus le ,
law abiding' citizen, still I think, I should he al Citizen's lusurquee Coippany of Pittsburgh
most inclined, in this case, to break the law. nod s
hang the Spanish Cowin' (Great 'cheering Inn, S.. Al ‘lO-, ntr....1. in Ilk..
Mayor Klogsland, I know. can't allow this to be 1 "" „ r
dune he iv Mayor of the city, and must keep )it...v..00*0, i••.
the peace--that is hie dot t•ut I should say to tilr „,,„„rr
the Mayor, 'My dear friend, Mayor Kingsbuid.
you go out of the city.-it is hot weather, awl you
need do airing: gn to Harlem, or the Ain,
lIIJUSC. Land. see „will finish this business while r , „;;;„;
you nee ottt The Mayor would say 'You_ ; 7or.n 11•,49 11411.4601 A. s 1.6,.r51i , 111/
i gt t i
Crptiika Hymiers,
h know. are a law abidine oil
Pitt shur P L lT ir . e .t.l. l .7B ar lO aD O, c o e o lC o.°.. "'BY'
hen, (a ( augh, and •if you wilt r keep the pence
among the Goys , I will go Ent I would not „ Fier so t. „ , 1 , 0171 , rif
make any„prilunses. and the thing w,ml I L
ot ICEC6
lone 11',$11 •
The utterance of such sentiments, the •'•ul
*bleb greeted them, and the carrying them lid
practice • inuhe city of New Weans, where it . ,d.-.•-.. L e, r‘r•t
could he daide at leis personal peril, are stilts _• _
ces of the temper and character of the men agiin , -
one phase sit whose proceedings—the Dina
invest-in of a foreign territory we have felt our A 01.5.•
duty corm.stlygo protest, • Foiled in thenttempt and CNch4nr.
n v'utia. they are now waving their fellow citi . 4 7: - _ - _ rr i .. ; r : :. !• .
rens at Lome s specimen of temper. and
what they would do and would be. did u it the ' , „„.
strong arm of the law restrain them 'The
EM - 1 - II: e often is it
unteered exposure of the principles which octet
ate them is seasonable indeed industrious, The indusious, rrr , u
laWabiding citizens of New York will now thdr “ ,„, •o,,,ought) , understood the character and the aim ofWl I
the men who are at the back of these Cohan to- 1 a l b's.,,, 0. u esrro
radars They ore not itmieW with denouncing stn•lest et the ciao. lt• •
thbhe who differ from' then, the law of violence , nn'd • +4 ,
is in their hearts, anil they are only restrained N i r E w 1100Ks!_i
from involving this great city in not and murder or 'sun l`t.ira,
and bloodshed by the power of the laws they hate, I
and the force of that opinion againtr-w,bich they ueniots
roil se: fdWard
impotently rebel. It is well for the manse of law, T,..,.,„ i , , „!'„'iZt„kT . •
and justice, and the practical liberty of the citi- ' v. . . t2aio. roo•
,tens of New Yorks that the disguise of -patri3t•
and •.Cuban independence" has been thus 1.
grown aside. And pray what would the spelt
her and his„hearers have said had such language
and threats beep employed (kgsiast foreigner, 1
(Argericans)th Havana': 1,. nstanitorie Ct,rl,ie of ui
nori,llr.nilbe 1.. c. lon ,•¢u
As evidence that we are not alone in this esti.i.eemi, alret , rs
male, and that :menials. less openly opposed to 1 : 1 ".
the invading movement than we have been, regard Peurisi Corti Book
thi; - phase of soli r:ultionisru with althorn.,
quote the following remarks frocuour Democrat , ...a, :s Apc
is contemporary, the Everting Post: NEW BOOKS!
Tire is au explicit exhortation to pull down
ce of the Cronica, for, not agreeing with Tha-.1 appc.nt. th
what is called public opinihn, and to hang . the
Spanish consul for acting as the representative me Coor•••:.,r. an
lof Ids Government.! The"P rehe° ' i " % hot 00
I attempt might be made to stimulate the mob to o r a p
home such atrocities, led ton city authorities to • 4 ,11 , 11L . , :1ar^ 0 fv, , 1.;..;
'station strong detachments of the police for the Leni, A.tOodel. the. Itna
piatection-hoth of the office of "La Croniea" and L•; r :! ,i 1eg2241 , AF . .!
the dwelling of the Spanish consul. After the 's tI 1,01.0111 c. Uutd.•
proceedings of the meetiug were over, the crowd tlV: , ,,hA r ttAV .. .:ttul.
formed a procession, which parsed down Nassau Th. , suit II ,•ab , r, a W..
street and up Droadway, bet without showing
any disposition commit any disorder, notwitte 1.
standing the cheers with which the harangue was
THILADiLIIIIA, Aug. 1:, 16,51
. 'lt may be that the appearance of arrange
ments to repel any violence restrained theta. It
may he, on the othel- band—and we hope that
the crowd regarded the invitation to violence,
with the contempt it deserved, and paid it no
further attention after they lets the ground on
which the meeting was held Whichever suppo
sition, be right, there are two observations to be
In the first place, if the attempt to stimulate
the crowd to violence has not been as cowardly
as it was base, it would bare been repeated when
the procession came in the neighborhood of the
police. The procession would have bean halted,
end 'the exhortation to disorder repeated in the
prepuce of.,those - who, were stationed to put it!
dotal-. There would have been something adven
turous, at least in that mode of ,proceeding The
instigations to riot were uttered at a safe dis•
Lance from the scene of action, and when the
crowd approached it the leaders hal not a word
to say. It has been often observed that those
who arc the most active in getting up mobs and
inflaming' men to unlawful violence, are genes.
illy the greatest pelt room.
In the second place we must remark that the
,cause of those who desire the independence of
Cuba is not to be serval by any attempt CO cup
press freedom of speech at home. The outrage+.
committed by the mob at Z4ele Orleans are to un
fortunate in this respect as they are dishonora
ble to the people of that city. If liberty in Co •
ha it to linpurchased Ly putting down liberty al
this eauntry, it is bettert bat Cuba should remain
forever 'under the yoke of Spain. If people are
not allowed freely to express their opinions on
thin subject, in speech or by the press—if men's
hies are not safe,Vior their' property - eeeure
filim wanton destruction, who do not sympathize
with the patriots, we shall tisie . amNrug ourselves
the vel7 tyranny or which the people of Cuhu
compWn, exercised Ly a more forMidabls muster,
the mot,
C01111Cm.1!. - or Aritea—Lie.ut "W fr Porter
in a letter addressed to the' Chairman of the
HavalCOMMittee of the House of Representatives,
expresses the opinion in order to h‘netit
Booth and West. by the contemplis.:-.1""m line
Alrfte, we must have sre am vessels &Orme,
only sufficient Water to enter the southern harbors
—He adds that' the Sduth andtWet have a great
er interest in the trade of Mast than New York,
as it to the prodUctions of these Otates that 4ti
make most of the exchanges. But if the I mrl to
•Afriea in to he establiehed. says Lieut. Porter, i•it
were well that it were quickly. an the English
have already taken the incipient atop, toward+
gaining the trade, and geteml steamers under
. tize.patronage of their government are now non.
Mug to the Coast of Africa, seeking for points
establish trading hones.
INTEN3II:I , tS IN PtIC MI OF Pll744liltGLI.
FlOm the 23d te, the 30th of August, lertt
Adults. Chaa
tharrto....a - . -
Intim:l2=th. of'bolaalal
hlyaroceii . balua Acta,-
Meulas.. ........ .• .
Ulrorstion of Stomach.
Whoa log
esrti Bort.
UnJr, 1.• 0 From /lino 10 roars
From Ito / years 0 " 10 to CU
110 10 - ..... U 00 to 7tl -
• to 30 • 2 " to 10u . u
By onler of the Board of anath.
/1-.OIIFSEK, Clerk .
• is ELL •
J. littilt A C. 0.,
w.4o.dtitt it IL, • No. In. Wool 0
- .
bib It 61/. A 1.... 11" ot.•k man eau LLu,
..•I ta..A...the St trying itutclic i sto Or.
duo., by eating it. Au! It ,tut Alan 10. . It, Ind tails It
IL • , a' J.—troy th• popututtt, with Mo.rat
I• , u ran tols...lurie • tuedirlste iuln 1..1.01thr It
-uu-itanual rlrluso, fr, wan 01 bad
..I valid ettsid it I, ths, feel that hue rstabi 01,1
the r•-buttsl.ho 0 "lilt. e titstionhutid li,trthitnelier,thu'• ta.l,,nd all rut.• or dt•pute. Itr/ bction Sputa
the Ituusso s/r.tria 1,/ in a...m.1101ra with ration-Aland ph.
Inii.4,ll.ewl prnsto•les th•siwrsitacite.
sod eserti , ~ tbs. bk.4oc:lunit,
aud wetter, atrettittbetta the awn ht.
•shi .11,,tive Cr..,., nese, Purr, and hrthittif
btml. and rt•trulan.s the fitortloos op the dillerent
lit the 1,..ty Ibis r.a port.truoid without the
len danger of harm, the petiparatioss tieing out,. et.
.• It may le. thought by the tkeptlcal, that It
Putie.rt,•ti rote to.. many doettar,, but on , . eaotiits.
st •.111.• lotto,' that a lug^
vadd. attli , -f the human !amity nitgloate lu it. Impure
the hhul li. ts..t tleeet red. then, Lt tither Iwr
hetog otler.d tits "cnr hsllest Lf totiitt•iii
sod wan, pretral/tirmi . as roleOrtato tor the
I,.hrt t.ttual..te • srrent4 I, he Stintirtor to 1/./I
—ll,eure suit tot. 1.. r the or,..ust Pr ).. 0,
II min Keribi , r•—tstssi hi.sre or.,•tbse
wlr ergs. mint ~0 another pave.
,/:K 31i11o11 ELI., It, el.
0-flote.ntle nfieuti. •
Petroleum 1
~.,,sr.,,,rintit.n.l6l, ....,11are 4, 'II
0. hits •--liehr ins, tour l'ail i s.lettut I. wurk,u4 1•••tt• IL,e r n. 16,, therefore we w -it Id thank r, u h. , t.. 1
tw.,...zets 1., the l' en
ure', i sad hint , . t , esi
.I,lll' , I,OOOCo .
11•Vcerstte. Ashbfo,l ,t 1 , 31srris
airy— Li.isr lour Agent; is Plot
ts 41. us Nur J, en Ito-'k Ud, w lull ;we hat, .4h
Oen...visit,' 10/1/..:11 m/mr..listotr,
Inn, toed... warlino w.oder. , n Inits reg.... 11e
ran (.1./1/// vorAl ear/oil/11/ r,lll/c/0/ •.:I 11/// /I,trr 11/..
sour, , 1 :41./.11 t.
;feller.. 47 it wJ strmitt It. A. F.t_ht..,t , . It es.
sot Front Areetsi, U. M. Currt• It A ,
I tq the torte
is 11 I. I Eit,
Can.! Ituto.,,ersth st Ihtt•thurgn
Falllmportatiou of Hardware, Cutlery, &e.
No. 129 Wood Street,.
esit toe attention of 114rrtmnts-an tithe!, h,
their t ,OCL Oi
lie ea.-, that rce tic•
Itov. pr pun. a• the T.l)
••n dm, . tv••..E.41..g.1
Lott P. uppt p , ,slP• n•'••
nib in to in nmPot. ,l "
Plralnan Lapanot
neri,lvnt. a .ul,l ti iYe
rt I ..k.nasut •••'l'
rFt..tll.l4ar 1-c-Uvr of Wat
NI A.. 14,1,4 . d lialkhatt
,t,brn II 'I r.g. Ii b
• Alts . 0 41 of ILutitan An
I. cf
r hol Chruom.Frrorh b
Lord CI4LLV ui ult., 3 ^
• . •• •• • .
cl A1;e1,.....1•Fien , ...1
of Muth-
I Its , Iter,,lntionl L 0,,,,,
Irw Nlonll/1, 31,4:1n.• •
J 1. 111;AL.
1, , 11.Llinc. rcurtb •1.
AR Y DEPOT, No. 74
1. 1 :1 , 0111.,
. .
.4..1§1.,1.1 8in...:....
T1M4,1 1 oa iti ll . Ftst,
'icur, .7,ecte
1.1 rioneer l l liallubler, n la. In,Data Captivity: hl
Igulereon Peon,
The N/I,euturew ol Paul Periwinkle; a Wes Suwy.
Tbe l'euvleew of 11111,buru. L. Duwwy.
' Exurb. ur lbe Tab,. or 1 1 srle. 1 / 1 Maj. IllebarJesu
Teat, a erobles. by 1t,.. author or 1 •Altbo
The Turner's 42.omparlIwn, with 1 1 1 04. ,,, ...
Guide Lbw...11 the L KIM Cauwla
IL•na l+wow a 1100 6 , ‘ 1 , 1•1 Ilfw by Carolow
I,e• Ilebly
The Ile, bl IT set ',lamb It tale: by hhar llcwltt
11 ela
oilollN CA LVEit LE .
CANDLE td1A11.1)14. N
Tltlyd,oppuwite the
DELPHIA Tallow ChnuJ
.19 1,..1,14.4
Nwau IL.le 1. 11111. A
eu.l Matitavtmwrit reu
w • «la wlnrhi9e. I.
I;ey P an nflAr the KoKII.I.
44.. Ohl to 'mt..,
Iro ler ,u,tilor
• Itla e Or. r.Pg att . .
rZ111T5 . 1.%. '1 .1, 1 :.:r 14 . 11
tlarto fir& h
Ktolt—thr tetra on th
tnght the hooch. Irarrani
otlaro nun in.use.
N 11.—Surgi , a1 lultrutup •
once for Sale.
Private Resit
llf lov. wml uu •cYI a••
usual rtigibly Inewlea loth
uf Allelthoor, Tba nttuatia
• muff pia
n at
....M ;sert ut
othittont thr rants
lot I. haw.... cuthirsof
aur bssualtrsl atal thl
anal and htlf f!! uts.
new: 0..• I,tark. .11
avert - W. and hoi.hral Its 1
s!!.• that gtaal
ter ift th.• du!, awl fat , ' lu
1!!!uu• au!! *tabling. var.
boy, Its 'hurt. xitualts
appr,lat..l to, ef
"41310 , 1 trim will talfo ulo
Itoss It la t< f•hau,
ur fo parr ra haa..
. 11*11.
otiertlilelreetlihg- 77fP ,
,C 1315 It
r n pidlirpt.roihrg
I.ustorrryne,arl In
the reun-
Ir“, Ir., ur the et', ul l'ltts
rash., tealtlet eor.e.
I L nmtargh, ~.I.lthro io ah
em of .th tam. arhi count t,
near au wee.of grislllo. l•
oht.•mamas, I,arl; tw. huh
lel The iclpt.veraent.
• lu ah'ilero Style. of ferwt
be, Instr.,. .fle , y
-nd 51011 c.k.hl tr.44..T•
err la a veltof eleelleht wa•
1 fur hydrant water. CIO
.ty of rhnirs fruit.L.J
r.iml advantage, re.
or ot the presst..... tient.
• to alied trk call ota the under
, tn Krviu
. eve, shihrht•
aecuri, delightfulf
r !ATI!, 114±•-rand a ,
. _
state at Auction.
- - -
Valuable' Beal
favurfth trrmo, 92: I
"14 h• 1
I ru ' rte u : g .l h t:a t hle
au tr
th Thirst Pn ut a,rbuien C
four .tut
, I.rok hew*,
the .tun .
th, tub 'biz. 11l
~ITers for Sle, 0r, 2
1,,,,e/eOOO pthpert, 10 the
lartet *Pa ett,
LS rt
eh,Thir.l 1.a.,413111•
tal whith t.
prionng ahr, nnd on
Ihe vrrm....a. , 4 Thar. , r
1. fent. nt ruin
. ,
itio, for sale by
N. 0., for sale by
O.IF El.:- 100 ha
`UIIAft-- hhd,
1110BACI '0 --60 b.
I.CE-3,5 twee.,
11, 1
11 .en:_
DOTA.Sff— I s ens
uNetnre,snr..• ,
AFE:11! 1 7 1i SF,
' ar ..11.1rA.V
51tath, I •
'M a q
r 11151.0 it, kor
, lor :
Eurtsrers Jourtml
Nt. .n, UielWq
Pirrl . ,!FOLl
Lo I Eraln.'".' JuE
.3. bl I,WORTII ie
y. 11., hop., mid G P.
Rafe by
es ISt,,
or mile by
h 1/11.14 - 011T,I
lor talc by.
s unArtorrtt'i r I
r• supply- of Mr rt
mn4.1.,...r nu , /
J .F• I , llll'OllM
IL bblg . tor gale by
n PILSVOItTiI a. i •
• • - •
NtlS-I , len . patern, 101 -
, Wi.4.l.trvtt
Y` PAYER—.PIni~ anti
IVkLTEtt MA10;11ALI.
Travels in the United
NH nnJ Iyso. 11
tr . :: 1 4 . 71 , hi0•• I.iJS
k of the hutt.htlica,, '
al - tot .11n.hatett haulm. 15,1.
Fourth tr..—,l
TIIE hio6eat V pr
nin Wanted.
er will be paid fur every
r Cow, al re. radiance lob, of
of Nhrrket sad Third
• RADE —Spangler, Ro-
W. 1.. Matt. Lae*.
rlcty, lur bale by
In tvrovelton vile the W. and Penltt. Rdifroad
DASSENG ERS.will take On 10'A. M. tram
C frt. PlltaNttrzh. nut! m. • •
I'ACKET ItuAT Gt,t,l.t..
Iral at Nw • at 11-. "art ,
at N., Cualk at I I' al
. .,...s.Fltu'lrave Cagl. at 7 I . al
lb.. ,:111. tl.O
F. r Or, a. at t .1.i.1t f'.o PARKIN.
"'lit. 1t...)r05.1 ,
./ l • 1 ,11.11 Kt., 1% at.,
. J II
ja " t c;
C0mi.1.04 to Lock7iort,:2o sntiej ,o.•r
rulE R11111,,i0 20i spe.t. IN,HEASEL,
• SUBSCRIBERS have the itlea4ktre tk)
116. tru.u4 , 3“1 Vstr^n•
tliat hat , not/ta10n...4 tn. h .t,,,,, t n.,
.n no.l 77inthinnitt+10 , 1 fr.. tit L,
• fr 1thi1,17.1 - htita in D
Vottlt AV+ ,
\t'.. nia
.. prethrwit to rerint.. soil ha - warden.. mcninut
• uni n priduen within hilnWtllo l
1111 ST Cl.Anh—liri tin .17. 11.1t.7.,
Yurnitis,. Minh
• 1 7 tinti., Lit i• Stn
ti lintntist atiit nth, - (i
romp Pork, Hull. t.
ry. Fmk,.
I -0
oc I. ni Axx--A,lt,Altertent i rentAlte.l,: '
' ' ""n"•
3 . .4
c emu, tx
l'euu and 14 , nee nr. ,
LA I; IT AN N A TEA w Com ut Lin i,,tl
.eree, C 3-101, ('4 kek, 1 Coble 01:11 c ~ V.“.• •
•,1 knola, Lamp., eltraudeneea. tett l'lntudeentora Icat:tteette
iteaeter), 11iItt cr, and lemtete tin, et, (I, l l l :xna. , ,len , e'•
It •• et, frnnueilta I t'ulel aO.l +elven. Ate
t el t,
IL, V. 911 I Lei , . ex
1 4 1 A Lix GOODS.- ..1119t tett . . l teXierrx
A.l al teOteeeN x Ces 4ctarl . e.e . tta Lletnuen Inl, te•
tneuret la laneualele e Jab. end I tee
tenet te te
r lete attleltneeent r• I^
@ lo•Wt•• het.. .••••.
k i , it EN(' II NititlNul , ,, l NiA MoUS
Or.Olus.. P. , . ~P
C .. . .
FPIR RENT — TiIe 50. , 11d and Third
••• - •rin. M.... 1 In I .•
SPI I ..11;-- hhd- N ,:lle I.r
1 4 .1 II 11AP..1,1.011
I 'OLDEN sI lit' P•IV LI 11. Ihr by
W Ire ltnel'laf
2,1 10.1, ior Rate by ,
• II Al:alit. II
F B l .k , e1:1)- -4:
r j I y
111 . 111/11k tli.
S, Au, athi PO.Ol od
Inndiug>nd Gtr
041 - li?41, onMoo,
II II entlock TA.
I -, l‘' I'
for ell, I,
r t fa., . t:
1 ❑,., 1.,r
• i.
I.) 1 I,i!t;
4 , 01. Ft I,
I.MO:s —5 r
st „,.• re.
, ~,,, ,u.r.r• t••
. .
the Diath,” 1
, r
'Country Sea sat Auction. .
.., rn w,ll “tl,r'r mat.
mi n
.711 , -II 111. 1,111,,,i,
P,lll I .
Inns ch. ); , ,t .•..
•.1 It tt.r.
,• to, am 1,44 hwl
p..eta.twaw obit twom, •
II In t hap, th-I,.tat
r. I„ au s
:surd &slams,. orsisis,.. ;sr,.
au,- Is Cs.
Posrususs slonrsuss r.I
uposs s Cs- "su s s:, s •
l'ssslsscul clrsses.
Ars.srus s s. I Is. sss
ssl Issis sssscs I—
I. s us s o. Ms Isnlnucs su ICsss•ss suls
uss , guts ul us, ts sulsscs—l. • s'str• sl Lr Ihsts.t ssusl
st'slss' Alibi - Licks.%
Niy , :rs , ~ 511 . 17 , 5 i N , It . 1.51.°10',
L.• i•rop rid a .•1~-
. 1...1. a . I, L••j
. it
L. ii
tsu- ows. Ni
1 . ,,e .1..
EEDLI: 1V 01-11 COLLARS. ,•1.
I ' VV" . ''
fp illtioNs 1;11:Boss.-- ‘‘ "pethil,
1111 --En. P. 44,1 i
. 111 111. 1!1
H EM E ED. -1'? 0 }I, I,
R b i b i,1, 1, c. :31: , . , 1 , ,z ,
RD 01 WA, No I, For ',lle by
, .1 KIDD
pum IcE . soo 0
rd J rho ,
T EKRA Di. 511.4% N A-- 1001111, b., sal,. I,
J Hluu A C. •
Drug Store for Sale.
4 , 1 -1,,h 11171 , 131 N Err. to hilt rel. E
and,' Prtall burinr..l,ll3 brig nu ,
rr...11,r0t nip Pr aptor.iirr ir , rer rut int. The, II
pippin arth ut her. brie,,rs r.
rto protitabieitlV.- 1 / 1 1 , 111 en, cue .lunirounot nUtr, PP.
rir s it kor pArtr. urn, pl.l, with
lUltP11)s lIU Kt:MIELI) are
opetrit,3 nr....rtru ht NlOl 31.1. Pip
4 Wall lur (hi :Moat ~,,, at Wen. 1 1 •1.0111 , 1•
4,71/11111,111 aril re.
r.ron ropplren of rui...t .trio pi P.P.,.
Pinar lama. Prr u..t I.• nut paap.nt, pp p
Splendid Building Sites.
( wEDNEgI):IIr, September 3d, at :
P , te. 3clrl at ptrhli , nurtrvn oh PP
prnpri..., raw. , :IP met, of laud. 3131.14,1 luto lour, rpr...•
1, • 1111%114 ou lb.. tr,nprirp, p. 'Or
It 11c3Ilitant-Llr, suri Isrrtuf th. Sioute.r.up.r3 hriur I. ri
run au i...pruu PO, al Air. Nardi Itrra3
It L. ruutpill tt rny tlint.urr m.orrr iravrtrop roper
rnnpleur . w o
ri sprin lu Mir in.u.l3. , Purbitrirrg ill 0,1 , 1 , ,
111, J of 11•1111 eo,tryl Pith sour] weir., "or ..,1
iptuut3priihri . prirnpr-rtPunt rout 1 , 10. air, tho oath. r.
rtatplarn. rn Iraittrft..lnuil Imprrlni. I p
the biainrt J. tr.
.Tt. tlti. ti e,rrl in.3pori r.ntrt,lr 111.11 1111
1/;11•14. mud the tutu , Irherat . furl her unroculal .1
WI to ti3rUiltlF, till Kb!). N. , RR, it VO.l
Ir it P Km 3 lit rl I.E. nn, rt
1...t...0ir5rp. bar. 0 ,- . 1 •I. "''
11.11nt, st
O. 1.1 • F.a. t. 151 NI,. •
KIV AT --upottng tl.l.
1.1 tu,,rums, .....rta3..l twe. 1411
w•rt - eted
sit 1,1 . 111 A 111A1b1.11
I ilSl' li.ECEI 1 ., :1), the
4.u1 out, 'S..l.', L gust to i Ins
rllt •rni,,...0 , 1 Clui j ot, 0.t..nt,,, o
lalla II 10 their •Aill[loll,
~• ea. go. ,n0..1 nu •mt °He j
nuJ prrAnt... o I.oters
Ito an. L....1:44N • .1 AII Vitt I.LI .
rish:llltA JAPONICA - -10
g ,tud for J lAk c.
I I L ' r HAM lILUE - vsiges
Sllll - 10:MAICI . :11 A 0.
r$0:11 b. Ly
UAW,/ f.,t'llooNSl Ali VII A Vo
ROSIN - so bill,. tor . sule by
t , cliotiNiAl:l.ll A
11 Ala) OIL- 10 bid.. N.O. I,S, sal, Li
4140ur...JC1100:‘ NI AKER al,
111T1 MG-11 , 0 1,61. tor ,311 , by .
JugZ .1 ,elliJONNl.lbl.ll.
Dissolution of Partnership.
SUB4CItI HER, limin g Auld ,11111 Ili
rntirr zuto toss Rolling
tb.r.twoult, I.l\ (AY< lA/ Truly thr la, Jay of Juno
It. u.. /11TlIst! Lbe oftta.. All f. - r•oro
rd [n 111.
wl 'llolv,-,
Kiln limin•wiClOZltolll3l.. 16, Int-reby uutin.vit,
Lallia.. ••
11, 1.1 day of nr•st
ler ul 1t... 11..4,1, 11,,••,c,4
--n tor ale.
A Valtfable
CONTAINING ,) , apt Ona
1••er wn•l,
Imemb lo ; . tuat 41(111. o° I no r.on
1.8.4 vita.
11 , A. u Itaria mbuE,lPu• • odri
1V.,1 1
su ;',..o,twi, • Ait•ar..,
• ! ,
Notice to Contractors.
SEALED PROPOSALS for, the Eat.III :owl)
taa.l tits tilt, of the thug, - The 1,111r+.. - Mut heat
tlituaeh' .411 tereutell I,e the 1 . 1.-theut the t:
until the:LAIL tl :teul.-ethet neet Haut 1.1.1
ea.. alter the uth reptetntter.
u t e the..u)the I . trehleut. te °rut, uptt huour the
C. ul pet, .1 the 1,,,,, tlletttu thluturli a. Chet nert
Kuu CUM - .I.lhrtutrutr
uttC, .I.sute
For Sale Low for . Cash,
1411 rau
at lb If , • .1 I vs es
lIIITUBLAC are hereby cautioned ma to
rmiTe two .tiotrn tirswgt Ly Jut. L. Lrbs,
by the. otaocribrr—one bittyltt..l &Mat,
I,:tb (4 - 1311 lux —yy ninety d.y
R. C. LA/./k.1 , ..
)k/il ACK EitEL,—.so tdit. Large No o Nan o
171 F ''''" l "`"'"''' . .intii:::.`i n tVZlLUtiti a uo.
-e - -iir,:ire---...t.,-,..---- o'' ~. \:::„ •
rill( El SIJRSC,IIIBEII, barintalten the 9 tore
I! NH. , A': FORRT II STREET.. forrukly acruirbal by
tra av kr,
IVON, mad haying, ...Aryl,: vall4tral dot name,
.ar „,..”. Iv, no r Int may a ti,aiiiinaise,i\.iitti a larg..t.t
I *NC, • 5T.014.F.‘ VIOL Itr.ilNl.l • 1101,i0 , 11.1iN1811t:Ial .
I '
DRY 000DS,,..r with a r. \ rtr., , 4 TR IM 11 INGS .I.X \ INR.V/a//
i .Vr; CUOPS, ... complL to as beratafora liav6trY N.M. 01
Lana, ot.l Mrvri a titabliaLmtrut.
Ile t. mid rarrfnY ..' , I I IIT. th.".`' . e r'''' ' ."" 11 1 .
\I al . '
SV,urnla, ant. I in, V uroistrinn Cr hale'll 110 MIN
u 7 a
~, , ~,,,.. ~,,, .rata atrtalritt mare ramirlete rtr.r.k Vb ni,
r a tr..r. ro rlta tit). 111 A 1, ill , n4s derrating ',ardent* too.'
1..:1 I Ira,. Irrnorto \of‘tamlaart.' , attartltat. t i ßnit ,
~,,,a , a ,f,. thanta rnmoll. arat \linyntriarr of opt 11
tr, rr t r., purer- t JANIE! , A, Mrrietriltnt
. REAL Ott/ AGENCY ,\ \
rer itriir , el
c'ene, ,
vt ad r emittol L'nlies ,
'' ,
tart 41 EL , 1.Z. , .1 lIE MAW 13 ,111 `I VIV 11111tillTtINI,
r !PIM ;111:Si.:RIBEll.,\I‘a,ying bee n 1 0 ,0,4'
I 1., oni. lie, i iiiir, pswt it, it.rir thammiiiim BarrainbraCl
... r. briairtim. and ranitled 11, macre than larlrarr trust,.
rt, 0, treltitm r.. 1 thr mare. mal.rlaritia Wartime Ma at
1. utam Imr In,, el tam almart kAI ukt,ir to Lard Ag... -
-.,.a ar.r the n. \ mamorlatioo of Th, trotrlle p.n.:tilt, he
:,•.....I , ..ra.ti net arte. to tlirtMrrrnabt akrreab Inltaamd r.“
It r\rndwar rm.., tarn/ the rant, al \ 1 re,tomer denary. tba
t ' r ?; " a r ti . :; 'l r i t7r , :.;:a ? ;.4 .A nra ft''''l l .V , ''''''' "
Elm . , am snre a ir limb, r.f rain thti.- IrAn nod Ilor mei-
r'.• . ilk 11,. 1!,0 -,, ovb mut uomblrarbryl 'brir tab. at Inv.
itu.t i• rum arltnatamrour.
, 'lll,. a..., rtriaLlt ammiratt tam, te ,I, vo {n,p,rtt
~.11 lane IN it...W.1011b
1',.....1..tkr0b.. or purchn•iim alll Mr* It to rail narl
-arta., firr
It'ENJ. 1i1.1811..t4 ArOH.D.
......1 ,mu ttertl Kereav Wm.-
1 }IA ii— lilt HI i,‘ es I/ alota, for Si,f` la
1 4 ..,..., JAM}, A. 111:11.711I,UN\ 1.1.
110 . 1 '..:5 kegs for sale by' \•\
, - 1 ~,,.., JAIIRtI A lll,rtrlltariN t '
111 11'E— I, 0., pritu r e Carolina, for salti\lry
g .2, J ASILY A. IlliTtlf Irtitit a C\lt ‘ , •
ki IL MOLASSES-3111,1;14. St. ilitinesql,i.
.11511 , , , A. lit IVlllatiN • Vti. t ‘ lra
rit ilifiEßn, -tabi rano: a ,trtur rurorrr ot part•rtra .
111.1 n PA r... \ It,. rt
. -mby t , the mjtott attrarme ski $4,-hibmattlrOrk4
tett.. ttt utv.. ytt-.I rvc .1 and kr ...h..1.1. grvat kftharlibb
Imo:, I'ALMRP,.
. . :O t t, Nittrk.l'llt.
I, l i RI: nOA RD PICINI'S. at. a ttlispoubt of
5 .4. bet rAtt trazu 11.. t e,,.. •
1 1,....., . t t.y y....ty. t y .t
SlttrAvt ..k• I. mod tur •al , , by
gyp, , Tito.une rt.t . q..titat..
L Et: BIIt,TER• -51) kegs prime, in goad
I ‘.,,ii2,l'''''' ' r i; ' l '' '''`NnvEl. I' SILF!Illat.
I) FANS- :',O \ Ot. Small \c hip , , fur salr. by
II II ...1.., . , . 01.151'.1. I'. slut I VER
Bt.crkrri, - It\ do, Beaver, 'for gala by
1.1 iO.O W 11ARII,U.M.
... .
rirlitS- 4 Q) 4 g 1).,F Aale t bv \
t t k W ..11111(BAU1111
, \
, i kll jEll d; Sivill't. Fula ria;
.li rn '" I ,
r' • '' ': -' i •: 4 ... Ct Y , l•lkt,l._tytikll: kg Ybtb. Or
`. sLr —"' r''
"“-r k
?.. A .11 o.loak; a r.)
2 , .. lotmrty w
II y, , ,, , , sn..i fa otl. LI
I G 414,4 4 4 4 4 ,, 4,
44,41:1 , ,W 4
lot\ MELLoit.'
\III, 4:llra.
01,a • r
Vnrs",n, •
A Iva at. rhr 'Ave •tr'. 4. '
11‘r.ri ' tr'r
t.iOrd, k `" . k . • rru.k banner.
• pr.... pa. Err cr r urrra..l,err.J dr, r e ‘ . , 11
rr. , rrorr• c.v.,. Or tr , Cr.rrrr ar ' ri
I L.LE LAME bhis. jeer re.
t ai tt OGW a SON.
LI li - Atvr street
10 I Ifl k T.-
c '•
r., Usti, r • .IS rrkot,
m I `
CAL ., A
J• t. ' I , I
Clutbr. • •
i•:0• i•
• I tst,r-le.
R. Or usLI dur,linu.ry ~
bat! , I
IlLi‘nr,\ Li
KN. ?IS llti
ur Ilt,:Leoud. and 'IF Front et
.50 bbds. N. for by
13l rmi`L.Latt a BViD,ETT
INSEEDprima for elle Ey
auttZ ENG Lik , Ll fIEN;iIrTI'..
NI ACK E bbh. Nor. I
ht and pi t,bl, ,
Nu. '2: ILI. Ll •
_7 ENIIII,II er.r;avtr
II MuLAS;: . 'gb , - -20 bble. for sale b
k • :au:. NG
N ‘v
m LP
'O uv
A lot) bbk. N. C., for sale low by
rflOitAo2o -•121) Las. s'a Lump, fur tale by
Il .ut527 Es,, na-111 lILSINETT
1 1 0 B ACLU--111 kegs ti Tct ba, for sale low.
;A 1t Iti Priawi
. .. .. .
..MO 11.11 Spattl.h; ,
:,..s3O Comtom4 - 1, tub' h., I. ,
;S I I EM, FRE:NCH if EItINOS—A.• A. M.,-
. ~...t c., h.5.......1 rwelvol," lug, lot if o uper,or
t..r....11 tb.nt,..l. .4 th. il
most ,41riakb. thadri or color, ,
...,,..1,,,,,,,1t for Ibn reltal tr,...11—...rtra rhtsslt. ott::
EW thh,day, a beautiful
11 t ustr style SIICJ an.l et.tin Cluck,. rkh ..i •
A. A, MAltOti & CO.
LI lot a
•4,1 •lotcn llkt • 111 atrr rrrr
ree'd'souther lot ‘a
tantdrc,,l,k4 and tl.6l.lnrlu't Ht. actql
lr/gu .u.l r,M J I.n.rx t ,t,sx
g wup-ER • WATCHES—In Hunting a.;.1
,11.4 P itti4 tunnnAn.tlly prim. 11, 4.2 aro
thr ektt I.o k l,At lunnttlarttik.l ekl of °aro:v.ll
I.. o llotlikt I ‘t..2t1l IV W. {lll,llt,
and bar. a ,orn IL. •1.4 tatisfacton Of any Watcl•
5.13 ,n emtol, W W
.I , rnvt!,l rk4 and Friurtb
, 0 1;FEB_4110 bugs Rin, prineitnilly prime,
11. • ,u 4 ri•C'd and for .ale by lOLLV
.Wl.. Nn ATI . d
ly . 1 3
, .2ol,lll,Nrlaze lA.
,b pi la I.
et.:l I r ,I:: of
bbls. Fresh. for sale by
R. I.ALLEI.t. cu
d II EESE: -411133. prime W. IL for sale by
J mud:, \ It. D'ALZELL
`AL:EHATUS - 5 tons in 'boxes and bids.,
Mead :ere. , Ikkt r
atodtd L. b
1131.t:LLL t
THE FATE, a 'I le of Stirring Tiiimp, by
i It Jude, Re.), the mote ,otemellnOttork the
terttl.T .o if,.
or tu'io Ver.6l. T ul ' hi r rd stir. T. TTlT
tbd hot ~tar:
-51 . . 1 4 lout 'Dolt ply
levita Rubber bevudbt ow...xi:mealy for eim
tdtenue We: .nrild the ttitt Dererttoeut I,tl.
...IR, e,t I -at I ~tome IbrEn. &Albite, are teatrauted
lem , rd bre than RUT lesth htod tosttufacturel
tIJ eeee, •liere they do ootturu out on nd.reerated.
td..b. 0 :I; t. r:ruhbel or t .l n•Rlarret by hew
&Ad e Wood et
tie obtaining sub.
.-Alex , . ne lb- P.m.utzh 111,1 r oboottno
2 ,t r,:t • L ' aT l i.
p 11 QOM.-
1. , .. k., Ilvrter. . Jon.
I h• 611 F.:4;
I4LI NI. 11,4, ,ase4 \
11",,I•on. 111arn Part:A:, \
Wlllagn FAT.. \
"".h" Ilaivee Inns.
" !
1...• II re.rl:
• r Tbems. Clarke.
k II u
t. 73 I L lAA- LI thia..
LbU I•latantmu
To,r Cif MIR'S Deo C,0r,11. Lr
1". J
tt,toht Chtmn 111411.1iD,
ip ‘N I)Eit i
111 . it011:11ti tho•Lerl Curl, for
usa,.l. J i h PLOI t ,
1 ) I_llA, IrEADS - doz. , Rubber. jue4
4.a 6...44111 stud, ter .aIeIGMWLIA , ,
I^!l.lzand nt •.1 a 4.1 : 1/ .
WINDOW SHADES — A aupply.of
Fliltnt Win 4, mit ! .lkor
War.ol. e
lr, 01;0316TIVES—\ittt p ree: * 3, 300 feet In
'si U.S Rubber ~ tor Nrqi gl..c,
rol , ....withsty,•7 ,
alld'hot larttxt. It cannot trier ^N bT Ely ll.or. a... It
w,,.9 1 47xf7,=!1,*'' 41 111 , .ritinrir: ,. "b ,
Area. .r he llsou(Neturers
- A .. ‘ 11 4' ..‘ ‘ i . - . ..N25 11.1.. for. :, , ,,i
,-.. / . •,
ase, , ' .. J. I.llll' 0 (21l
rir ..-- r - g - - -- 11 ---4 t• ---- • • -- -ci
1 !..(‘.\ A,.i 1 Th r ..11:,:,41r It(lmantle A .
d • r .gl i tu , rai , 4& . ll..h ,. c7 pt .; !, ,, ,.... ; N ..
.. .j.L3 , 1 ,13,1 , : a6 . ..t
(I 0
'll-r •- ::.[ I,','ff,',t,' ':-,
Th. II:r Bear , c , ( )Cal.3ro_.v. 1 11uL.c.r , ...\ ~ I. e
'' l.f....!i: ' :• ' ; ' l . i'ai,Sl , ,. L,,..", P , ll' '0 '
,1,.....1,0tu...1.urttfr1111. Y-- .., \ •
- 1 . 1:00 ktks. ku ut...r. N1..1.1 , ..•, . 1
lr N k
3 , 11 NI • I, .C1..1.1. Lt. , ,rt..`l.t
COX'S. Pllletit. 5ii..,1:1 irg.GuLtim--:.1 , , .....,
t r ale Ls \
''.•'l'. lL ',
.i , \ \ S,
11T E'r lIERILL'S PiAii y111t:11" —A frel4 a,
V 1, 1 , 4 -ni.• ty- au..:1,4 , \ .1. Is 11 , 1, iCO
t4 , 11E51,11 RO . LL & . 'FI it , RV 'TIER— Ree . aj
a . eit . dai,,aturtliy. Au* ort:.\'.l, d 0., ra . h• at I
ug.... . Nloyltle,le.reart. theruoud
lilitt./M iiOSTI)N, ji at ree...l \ --\,
:;01 l 1., inch lOr Iv a ittlblwr 11n..e.
, ' , .1.. , ' 6 , , - I•• ” \ • Reltlo,'
. •
Fi,r, ° tL7.. I zidin Ruble, Det,t 7 •a.11.7.,W....1.1
• a... , J 6 II: PIIII,LIN,. .
Ell I.
a_'_ . 1:0r , :....1.. by r Al.all
L "
14 I, r •
A_ p I L , jtfr 0 10,14..5 , tit:
_._. ' m '
OLE 43 . 1.;AT If ER
r...' ' 0- . _ 1 "5 -1 j
r ,
Ait__l.H)libls,.. I
,) ,`MACK EKE \--1-0 Iby A,. t sale ti
k, v .
ara ' - t IV. ILAIKIJAI/010.
1 1 ,;;II-AID.Ii -50 bhls. I. Spracue's emu, rani
L' a ,',.v.,..1., , al h e2l .h.l ‘A nmatAu.rt
p 104NIS --....!00 d 0,.. 1t;1 7 ,y..i le hi
i) h uO.l , ,`\ a 11 11:11WAUtill
t , II i'f'A-E- -DID lAA es erlia t : s t: ' ar sale by
v, .; . a w_a \ , h a V. 1.1 c
1 4 1 01..:F.- 2 -1, blil. for .ale by A
. IL" ••,2, , s. • W41.t11.
' VA
iNi u r ."1,u 1 1 , ,,,. , \ } I A , Ik!.S—:,o,:i.r
chl Au 4. , t , !.. , , , e t. ! and l
.00a0 , ...' a Martin at
g i itill'Enk, lABBONS--A. A. lIUrON & Cu.
NU 1.1 , it", ~ ,, l, k 4 hi,he 21,.1, .. thAAbove •,<...1..
•Vg.. ,
‘ .
. , ,
I , R.IAI PEI) I:AkuTims- -A. A. hLk.: ,
Il I & 4 . , t,..- f Wit 2,,k..1. (MT , Vry ". Y lar, 1./...1
el . llllrMa larlAou.......atso,rolur.. - suzZ!
i, _
...„ _nun mr‘tlrtu.. tv Arre‘,.. a.ll4tiorml guantitit,,4l
c .tutittli pew ..1)14, rat r014.`,...... no.l F.. 1 them ex"
s'l 'D • ..'''. T.
TA \ERAO E DE r 'l..,A.LN't...ti ,... —A.
ro—, A....ISLegoN &
Ite ' ..c\ (.Y.,0 n 7O. 1.,...4,;..,A.ri - 0 ~.,, I ..el. '
4,„4.I4*LDERS 15(,:i. yeA. la SboulderA,
3 A v t . al In, kou., 01%1, .1_ ,
i .:01t1.,,,:r. I,ITTLE A 1.. Y ). .
AW.7-, -500. CS Cntivagmeil;' ,
~, k. nok 'lam; in More
S T far for sal.. nr
•' ItolllzON, LISTI.I.: & C 0
L.! IlliA kto, 7 lo , litul . 'N. 0:, tor ala. by
,-, kr ,, ~,., 11.0131:KIX:, LrlTLii..s CU.
O . 516. 4 (46 . 5E• 7 200 bbls..(oairfor ealq
IN. ~,... ,34. , A4 ', itosts.o.'. „LITTLE rem
J up t me. f*
1, 1 ;:l:Nell GEI
rk 11. A. :ICCI.VILI4 Co..
tY Liborti
• incved Irer 7 clin — the
1111 msci UkO CO and 1..44P
0. 2. .L.ACKEREL-s\bb,ls. k 7 qr. hbla.
-11 r•r ta • •
oxe. Cr
ConnonneUnr Nile by
p 31121 • CAN YIELD:
OtiQUITO NE TIN(4—A. further •up
,ix2 • d Ih4proine
.1C111•111 itURCIIFIEL.D.
elpkO Athll7l9 ,t 4 arrive,
L for watt er It. I. L.I)VD. 4 • Round Clralsh IloUd4no .
DOTASII-45 ea ha ph; for sale -
L aos J 41t. Fulyb.
ItR and , 5 ST, forsale ' by.
'.l SChE It} t - 10 bbls. large„fur
• e , I 0 g.IP .
I.V v OOL--f , meta for sale by
ouch , .1 a R. FLUID
9LASSES--.2T 0.: -
V I j
.14 S. ft 1.1.0i'l). •
. Li qr. chests Y. If.. far ;ale
HAIR MlTTS.—Jlcarlty dt.
rirN Ihtv morning a 111 - rtbkr
Pr.orcp. and Jean - able article.>
curter Shekot pod Four.. Otf
S telt.
' •
llifftW MUSIC.
I ll • \ E.4.BER, Third •truet, ha, j , ..,,,t•
gArt:ll , l:.T l, P ' 4%l.l;t l l.= !—r°"'" "-
9, hope 11•41, 4 , Parlei for. I dream of ray fatherlaoll ,,
ere, . \ • Jena.. Li
Male ote n gaudy ellaple4 Mary . ..errT Ltl , e+-M0 ,,,,
11 , tx.,-. .T me 'lour. \ the half broken heart:
Tutu n.,1 as e—Auer by Fot, And we ere thu• rotopelled
c . ' to part;
I'.l alor ttee: , . thi. , :hand otit4rtle.l4.4lll4,rw 11,. l—rig.
. \ rte . .:
MtFuoti'e ~lebrated ;Tag: , C , Aftaptoin Itacen. . •
nplrtt P.a., ‘,..4
`..liyerl.t Ihaltre . ' I=Pf..= : '
Lii, Polka: baye Polka:
Ll:l`L', l T. l o t ‘',. - t ' 1 , 1 :i t IT;.1:1 ---
bku h l it in
=:bup..,.l: 1, , . •, e e p • I
. . 1
iugh) 419 Oi . VIE i'iOLDE-S WARP. . I
_ 1
-'l'itt• .
.I markeiyAre aillibe pod lot Laud Warraote
at n .1LO: K AK,' , OLI , AU) t... \.l Fount tit
-111.1,14, ' '- \ orlt to Batt cf Haat:min:h.
, .
L! E3IOVAL.• —We intend to "repine about
1.11, air lath of 8,4 tubes \ fnauour 0100101 rtma to
It,. . ti ,, , , n053,0!.1 by Otirlatlart 1,41,4 No. 116 Mar.
Yet etreet. uPpoNtu el. Cho; itt• Wllrre Wr As4ll be ia. ,. ..3
Vueuv.Lerery - artlel , iu ounllrte as uaasl• .
auglh J. All PH It,LIPS, •tiaa•ttott•t.
'AI ATTRESSES.-1 have in store, a large
/•,,t a.e...rtalerit of Oilrle4 Hair. Moe, Bunk, C01t..0.
:tr,v, mud :prir, Nlattres.... A1k1,134 - . 4ererA .4.A:ilk., '
Rig :Ile b) • , 1111:WULF- Third greet.
opOsite• the Poet Offi,
A kil,r-15 WIS. pu s re Lirtecd. tor , b 0 )
IJr a 11 3. 11. LANFULLID.
Ele t Light Carriages a Auction. ~
( `llvri SESII-ANN'UAL Tit DEc.l>lef.;
',, 1....3 ..,ALE.--\O. W...411. , ...15i . .m0n110., utk,ree--
V.. ''.....ttut':C."tsVio 1 gtlE''atkall424.6.air.:tqlri'll'lrKT:
Ott tt. '.lll lob Id, for cz , lt to tbe hivileet Idle au rx
many,. eultectl%l of o e t lyg:tnj ,
, [lll . ll . .C. , A ° ll , .Rall i Ki p
a 1:::is
rIZe ' r I A W C: ' .. U . Y. D. ilauklatt , ..l 51ernek. 11. Iqe:tka. Lane,
A Os. , A M. 11,, and ..then of sekuovrlnly . o nelebri
" A L U ' N::; r-tt. and 41.12317
II 1.,. fektUa eeveral ii ve etrle
Pugg.',l‘ay.,,, With EfOodlog et,.l falllay t 0,...
Al.,...neeeral dextrable errani baud tnana,\4ll.l a
et... , liq of If AR NK:iS. \
N , . yuel.portuleut ou axenzrunt of the a ember
tly.en (4 etaraluattoti tiatily t tre 3 vor„ , , E.,.....
Aur.4mter Ptulada. 1141,0 lOW Carnage Bak...
at,,,, , ,1 , • t% ital. and George etreece '
plt3 . 1.4 1.)- -cm., pigitt\Lead,"tto arrive, fu
`'''''''''' ' ''''" l " - w./ "."-'''''. ' a ; F. ' . '' . \
7 110 . KPPERVASSIA, &C.N--
, IV, E r
rt.\ r,7: 9's-
• ''" , , ~ mu.. Camel.
, . . ,to,tel , .tutEa. a—latllvAsua lor
1.131 HA Aj.kl 0 I.N.L.
t. '1 - '', - . ...,..... .-
-, i\
A. w.r, aupenor article far iale ler
. ne Wkl. A. MeCll --
11/C. A CO
, . _
' 6" 2-
.rtftZill '''''''''
5 i ' tallAV i ' di: ` irt t .•K:• . ci - V e
I„,' , VG Ali-,45\ hhds. N. 0.; ' . '
t . at VA* Non 6. G. - and .5, Loot
"rt. to/I by . ' • It- A:COX!. 1 ricIIIAM.
male '.....:.9 ,bent etre.
-.7v •
0. AIOLASsES-150 bldg., ( 103_I cyprettsii\
.1„ • .
.•••ftw 1 , 7 . . IL - A. CeNNINUUAM,
~ • a4gi a , .1:31.1bcc.3
,:ii. 1110LASSES.,2.0 Mkt. Batt g I Ground;
~ir lryril. bi It A. CUNNINOWAM.
' 'o2.n Liberty Wee.. •
'IIIII‘E\APPLE OILL.ESE , --For male by
\:\ WIC-11. MeCLCKU A CO..
.0,13. • ' blynners and Tea Deetle.ra.
g.goLL, ND 11ERRINT - 10 kegs New
XX Hunan Ilerriug, for OM, by
. aucli L WM. A. MeCI:CILG A, Oa.
`I 111.11111NGS--0 bat Lubec., IS
11 7 - ion , r-o.•ky E. ..v. 1.,.... , , , 9. pi c..,., ~.:,,
tifultiNo-,:i•J 11,l1‘ ‘ .Vor ele lloi r ' _,_
S I 11. , -P4S \ . \'‘,. \ e. .
i , bbl,\. :1L , 1...0 k. ta . , Z .. . , ...rif5ier14. \t,'Yt . .24
'' ..rAl L. A.ivrettlril ket?-
~tt 0r17161, for lc by
•itairtr.gio:Y .0..
Ilat.V and ror!.l-t!
,r..,1,-,1.1,Nr 0 r 19.40.
1. 11 DIC s KEY A L\ I-
\ Watr..l Yrtkt =At
Jb o tt wtitylttardputg,
o il UN , IATA . BLOOMS-2 0 K tow I,ity %al to
fle et
1P N!,,,, j 714,111:
DI ED LEAD--'iv." 11,. for _alt by by,
it oit .. ntulilt\ 1.
t \ . 7 1 iLIRET WIN E- -A choice article, lily Lam
'","'''''' '''''''''
'''''''' .Vl:e ` tlitt ` o l .• et
' INIIOIIr ' 4I•ASti - 460botit;0 Oitv 'Ad
~ ~.tri.,.„•..r,”,,t,, - „
ill (OA! WOULi—Cmh paid for the Atilt:T .-,
• • iti s t grade, el ace:l LT . .
, ,111 A._ , A {5. It • i1itA1.,,,11
g 11.Yrt'oN--;,. t,%l,,'l'entiess", in and
1, , 1...1e1l MAY, Dl. JUN K.:" 'A 1.1..
W t E —2O tiorcef pripite'Carolina,•for itate•
' o - •I'
,t/A•lat A 111. , TC(IT.iON 31,1
'._ -. t,...:1—_---- ---
‘II.VW IST, TOBAOCO -104 ke,gl Nu. 1,
to i t reed ttattftw tate by. • . ...
'• \ . 1
11 ICE—By chi
- 709
,11.671.111 :11
con . Nal 4 1,,
tr. as+
s,-,\zitiott-,,,-ra,.. A .,
c alk
014 IntkrnellY,' lb/. ou,t,
he.' R thriluctioot.viv
f fp..n..l it tor- tf.f. nnoultan.o.l.sProf .i.f th.
The Drank.: 11.,,,a ; vh ...,,,,„ . ,
Datiff, rill\ nut iflrelle.l Or a,.
Atlunti , Litie., nu,l lb Anifferitorilv tn.
' f ix 11.. et. in If f , ,1 s!if ref rat Ifltsf , ",t.
Ail. AS' HI(Y•Zi
lil, E if, v e 111. A, (.. ' ' I II . ' i ,
5,f ,,,, : . 4 %
, i , , , \ ~ . .f f
3 tel
1iff . n...1-/-t.t . rriemt 4 And \f,V I T en..;:\
f ,,,,, . Atlll.l , t , kl ,;:r.ritil:n.l 1 ..
Penn. O4s.s' Work! \
L 01...X4J. 11 R-. lll \O- ,, .. , \y "
1.1..., , .1 1 i %I, 1ftY171.1., , , ,tfAl f,:f , 1.11 f.,-.1i , .
1 , .,..- mil f... er.,•nt ,re.. .4, PtrlNffi, :I-,
• 1 , . ..rft , .flat atteuti.ff.pad 1...1.1.1 11, CA Wlll4 ,
G,,,... ~,, ',mg., ~,,,,41,/, , tf., Boifiefff I \ifflf. ' \ sac . =
NOtlC ' et '.. 1 ..• . • \ _
k i LL PERSONS knowing, il, .otsvir,4o,,.
X1.... '' gpi. ' !i . :., 1`' ,, 1 .:7.17 ',1,.. : , r ,", • 1 ; ' ‘.\r " ;:i,t1. , : `, V
'," L i t r.''''''' -i l. b iN''.llVAYA`ll‘' ,,- '.l . i-,* . ;.;',.,!°:',..
' c„;.,,V.i.,, • . , 1.. r let fz.
, '
r ii,,O.'
. STOCKIIOLDERS ~f ‘'..,, '• 'ennsvA
\ i
\ ........iii, 55...1,..i..., C ,,,,, r• ,,,.' . nail,/ \
6,4nali n ivAtalwriLt of Tretre'llttudr , 'A 1. ti . f . Dollars 1 ,
t,',. r ,' ‘°i • T t,.. ,;;', l 4. 9 7j 4 lljY:ff . it! . 11Mt .:li f' . •. 1 ,: 1 ‘ ‘' Iltrol: s
phrl ' " \ '' N Iff efi•J•r t.f the I,tll-.1 ef P.,..,,, , \
tf. ,. ' • ta.tlll,fi 1: '1,1)17,11N‘:. "1 ,. ,
til l
..1 ,- 0 - 6\l -- \
F.,.., Tefr4iffn..111,'... ,, , 'fit , -i.a.,f , i_!., ,
..,,\ - :,..
Real lEstate.- •N. . ,
: \•\
-1 0 R SA EE—Tivo linuses:an , l Lotm in thr - '
,‘ nub Wifnif,,-011e on I.ibiIIIT tt.r....t, .n 1 Th.. other if)A. f \
Alfff-A ph,. nAtmisznl.l`... foot 11, • 1, , t, r f
I tn., I,fr\ , \ \
If 1, J Arn-fl rt.y. I .s. k
F i r 1 ki.eiS , LII:IROPERI . I I ..n b tlic
. Fot e s , ,r .
. Oa, 11 .. •Ip'. tit, 1,..r F 2 , or . e ..oge r . f
int. '' lf„be Ar7f::l ' ff , .ti " fl t m , l; ', ln i tl;l4 ' .. - .. ' ff - irt ,' : ttlr. ' ; ' , \ • 1 .
\si , fr Urfa., 'I Le ..“1,4711, , r ~..f+ e:f..: pmety f. f...• , \
.Nutu,..lariu,, teraffs.wliich).,he . not. .. rn, ..., tl, tot
.., ~,, , \
t 011 ISHlortb "EMI , 11,1.1,3,14111. bad. 117/ Libolll \., ,„ \
•Cli, ,5 rt. non..fnmlfittl , r ~,, .1,....wr1f1ch af .., \ '
...r .t I Rrielt llott , e.roolntiff Int 1. n rt,..,,,,,f1fed br.rt
\ .t,li
; i
m i; t . k.' iii ' il:.i% " l' ' .ez A t 'lh as Th iyUini.i. ' \
1 \
Zllf IA If 1 1‘....1,1`,,,f .1 " i; iT,.., .t,,,, , ~,,,„ r „f f om it, . f ,a
Wto.n.l Afef . Inti,, , llful• A, ‘ , .141 , KIDD. t
\\A .11.1. AND EEENAN%, A,••.ll)AlW‘Ttft ,
Waller and Bortlers;jar the I. all Sales. ". \' \
1 U•S CEI V ED, ..0. i110,,..1.1 ~ ..mblishca
\t,o ,t , h rt... ftfref t. tr,in ff..% .1.-rlotantee '. \
, r ffrfuff,anunif ....I. 0 1,11-111ANfi.
INtf,'aufl lt/11. , 1. , , erffnuri,sin, off.-14 :,?,... ort,t, a it, 1...
..ns i0ni........ 1, r,ll, flak!. wrntlls 11Aff, If -•, an,l tn.... 4 •
l l_
.If-te .1... q..... ..""k7 TitZt ', Vii.lit ex .
• "-.' A . '.- 'N. . \
()EARLS--N. tus No\ I. in pinen anti for • . ~ \
I_ +ale 14 - \_i ull.l ‘, Jlr Ittli!11,1i.
t -I ) I,IEESE-1 , 0 . 1 1, b ' tk ,, z , e 5
, C , r . eti. , n r, . -, !ti 4
,r • \
~ ..3, I. c' : . lkl . ll, . .1. i; cA:.!.:kr3 . 4., :
• •
.11)uk , ' \V Ih E L., V4E,NCII I:lNitY • •
L tr. ntrff rrui, I-4 , 1,-.4.1.1 • •fsf.r. , -.. fi, flafflioulf -
°. "6.
" " \ ‘ ' t ' :lft ' llt ' i .'".l ; l : t farfa - ,%'
toll ' L. It .0 PiAtooff,
d , ituci.B. lili- -b l a c k ki. il erucit4ns. front • ' •
I_4 T.fuot.n, Ma, fivin No., tn 11.1.4.,,, lovf I, VA.., .
.1. If 11 elf.. tat 11'....1 f t.. : lt,. .
I , OFFTY.-- 'OO bags prii e 1.5, b .1 . ,ilg. by •
ILt iiiii us . .1/011".: DA 'fl . _ I. Wtrar ft,, , (f .
rirEAS-40 11 chest. Poxv, . v.; ~,"
1., - - , e.., • . '
1 111 - - Litinf..f
aftftin J 11E41 PA1.,..t.1 , 1
QUND RI ES-. ' l c eks Poo , i
i 1,0.4. C00 . .-;al ,,
1 bbl `Kant/. Cur
...PI: , :
ti ' Yti D. ' ' tn '
c OLF 4 f. s .E. - -17 hay s ',,, ic r ,
jr , IGARs- , -50,0thi cromiaon ' ,
A ) ...oh ~,,•.- 4 •,
LlLOtilt 150 bbls. Extralio
AL If, aufxln f:-. it '
,-- -- -
Mils. 4 - .1.5 keg,
niita:Er avo..
Water 6 icrott nA
!ibis: (good) 'for sale '
:.-.. :, wickgocii-A)).
l'of SAIL and W0..4 ,A.
Lls.eitv make, Gine:. •
s \ 41 . 1CKY.1D.116 . 11\
-- 3 keg, fir x:ile b. \ \
: its, for sole by \
DA LZELL. f., %I at, M. '
~351) :Wee prinie:• for
'. .1111 E, DII.7.ELL
C . for ,aIP Icy
I• JAMES 061.7.1:11
_ .. _ , . .. .
7 1 1(NI FOE salt lOW IA AlIVe
S—Jult received from
D:ce' Totlgue...
. 8 CO..
iruern! , !ted Tont
E. White And Coinr
r.n-a- In flaking
\IMAM), 081
ciug nuuke
r =
, 11,:zmpxr.on..1 '
,10 1
• tlett•tes
t Itittiat
I/ (hi
frnea_ 1 to 7 in ren:th.
6 . er alan unsate,..l
urt %cz m
, d
Lle end braunnking.
SR -14 S Ul6. c,41b: 1 / 4
! , 0411-5. of primequnlft) ,
• auglo
was icc 41 - .
br tangl6l JAS. 04127
AHD bbls:qc,
11/ 1 1 IT I N (3-2.00
/S. ec WALM
u, fi
It. A. ISt
4,2 C P. C A RB. SODA—too
tiT511:1361.111,1b5, by
augli . 1.A.1 FAUN FAITOCR & CO.
ACr.-200 for sale by ,
!vs. .w e s.Y 11.'A. FATINi:S.TOCK t co.
bbls. Packed, for sale by
'g-1;•• TV. AE. 11 i l ;econd .L
- ILOVIT-6U bbls. , frpsh ground Famil):, fv.r
salq GS '. EL...F, VON 114.1NZ:ItOltST.1.1,0!
it/ I 1)01V.G LASS—Extra, quality and ns i.
v v r,rte44Fp.lo nt
colgls . E. VON BON stiorts.T &CO,
i isfIRESE- , ,100. boors for gale by - 4 • ,
v„_,/ \ ~r, \ 0 y TON DOI:N[1011ST & CO.
iL.N111.3. liellßEli GLUVES--On - liarid, a
- 'ht, \ .. , ,rtrut,ni ‘ cf 1...11:c5 . and lierd.kuarn4lrullaltuV
. r 01,,v \.., of 'li , l C 04.1, rpanutactuod, for tale V 11.1011.0 o .
. 1;;Il m 7" : 11l 11. 1tut,.1.....r 1..,p01'...;
J ar . .d ., l i W p neo u t iL it ui„. ' •
f.„ 11 .2011t..1.1 SNI.Ii . T- -30 boxer Bonn& eel,
I \h rat4loooll, m `,.. 2ti !4 lb. r.ter... fur oats, by'
jjjaultli +, . , IVICE e. , l 4.'.001101100
_.„---, , .....„ ;
11 11'AP 'PRINTS".,-A. , A...Maimi tSt CO- ,- ,
' , h re DIFt rfavOlvd 111 raw.. \ L.:au:lfni Or‘ style.. ,
ONT. alo. wlll 1.0...b.1 as
t usual at very Inw prier,
~ 3 <es of rho.. TY,ea
dlrable ‘ n cent PRINTS., the , .
1.. 0 a1,1t ...4. nc..i...tlernt oa chi. mat t• t.
.'“" . . . N '' ''' ... t to'l'll'4 ft . •
ICI EIIE.L.A.) 1,1)1.1. NO. 3 Lrge;
, For nah• by t It A CI. I. , ING/Ll5l,
' QUGAR-CAI 1,11,1;5.N.7 . 0., , for
~ ,,ilty. •
•I 3 anc.lC \ \J. h 1/11.1% ()ATI_ 4:0) .
ll; R00:4: • 1,50 dog. Corp, for,eale ny ,
. . . DS. ILWOIITIf 4407 - . •
C./ tUl au„±l ^W .4. . for sf J
(mot A EETY FUStl , y- 10 casks, for blastinglhir
0 ~,h. by • ... J. e. Ii&LIVODIII A CO,
131 ICE- -15 tea. pr‘me, for sole by .. \
B_IL amili : 2‘, J. t DIEW , OLIFII a I:O.
if 1 11 LESS----11.1 . b0x0 prune, for;sale by
k) 811.14 . , ti ims a IDCIANDLE;A. ' ,
N UUFISLI---1 tea for - sale I't
V . . .
N / attgll . -.: , 'l4 tl6 3. SI. - CAS.DLES.S. , • .
. •
I ILC[IRIST'S RAZORS! -4 - he can't:reign- • \
UK o i l ha. appointr.l,fz.r Che ottWtn. - Dlft , o.ot , Thy-, Ea.,. are, t.”untartured, In. the
I.oll.dandon,oulted ha .11tattry LT, either
Itott.h ur Am ri d tuanntarrare S Erery Itnror I, war- ~
. ut.d, eo,t if it due. not prow. , a atath.r, Els• trey. ..
.al 5.. return...l or thr that, tacha ....f. a. , the , purr a.wr t. , ,
mat Rik. 'I Lila article hasi hop n Ili 11 koveritl yoars, and LI '
I , rapid%) eukercedlna• every Ob., .il ..or WOO a ~,1 ,IL
~ ~i not ~,,nti,,, boos,[ i„,,C a ' , sr , . ~, ,f.
' W..; :a b le . w ' holrgale lull n WI. at rho ll'arch and Jesr,:rV '' • %, .
..1.01 IA
art2l3 b:, corner oft surth un.l.OlarCecal \ a ' \
11 l,:i . SlA nu C t l h iE b ll , EL , - A Utle ff l;:L , , ri t nertlinn \ . \
" Iv tilyi.L WII. A. '... ‘ 4 .„ _:/. ' :EUVI,II i co. \,, ‘,
1.1 Aelit:ltEL ,150 brlr Sc. 3 1364,.,.1851; \ . \
Vl' • . Ita, ht LNo ..:. ' \,,, do \ \
r.0.1e.d for .tle Er langlUt 11.1CII 2 M,CAN LF-in • , \
NI LAX- 2:1 noel; i for pale , hp . \- .• . \,
11. augl'.: .. I V.' libld Met.:AL , ,:IIS'' '
W'rtittell-..42 hoar, Ronl.right'e extra for - .\
I - y dal* 1.,1 !at'. I:21 WICK . 31 , CA IS DLC, ,, S
-, -
01 . 1100M1i-In3 dm , . torn brooms _l6l'B3le : by .
ip atigr.: WICE 4 AIeCANDLY.M.
i' 1 TrOCOLATE--140 boo 11 . ,.At..n Chocolate , ,
lj for mie hl [aut,ll,l IC IC R.'4 tdri,A I. DI.E,g .
- ---
\SJIi . L . E ci tIATUS-.11:'.. ca.1;c 1. 1 . , : 1 - I ,, sli m 'A ,e lti c ttle .
, lIESTNUTS------ti brOs for ,3le by
• -
~ N ... 1., 50112 , - IVICK. A )IA.7.ANDLE.,2.
V4III3INIA TIVIST--',"n keg. , for •rale by' •
V .13012 , -• • . WICli 4 llc-CINDLE,
' .
Turnip Seed, CroP of 1851 2 •. : '
JUST received from the east, one barrel
fresh 1 arnlp Re lof the t.-.t .triorld -. and 1.,r val e at ---,
the ,red ]tore, corner W We.l and sLizth .tort, . • ,
au2l2 11. A. It ICKCICSLIAaI
NO li AI,SINS--00 but hunch in FtOre, for, sale •
lt , il/111 DICKEY a co
It ater awl Fr.nt Iv..
i c i UGAPc—'2O lihd.." N. 0.. in storCand for -
.1J ale bi 4sull J. It. CNN/LE - Ilk
. , , . . , - ...
yaALEHATIJS -75 ..i0 . .ze.., \ -
i.„3 , . of LON. In xtztv; and . fo:',yal:br
\. . J. 1 , ,:a.N1UL1.,‘. •
1 \
- NT?loVAl;il7ail.lfift- - 7 -- , - 7 -----
, \ .
en, how.. i.0.....ic •',
h en , Manula do, Li
Folt Fillet,' \' • ' M 31. DAGALP.P i-co
- •
Ulf , • is .._l,l--.) si=t • . .
— ZINC -PAINTS, - 'e
1 . / , o_i ! y Ayi:p: lI,ED BY' TIIE' INTEI
- R . DO/ AND MlY , flZ.ii COMPANY:\
Ty yy n yr' y:ny ,s Prepared to furu.•h • cupid,' of the.. \
eaduable C.
Z 1 VC PAIPN TS.' -,- \ i
wt.... hay, n.tound dux reyer•l Te,re tt ,,,4 a‘b to
harype •n d' tit United :Matra.t- tvtal , t.their ortytlnel
Ifloaytty and pro :inn propee‘tey .4,,,.rwr to say other
p.• 10 .triddwrcr. Them.' A
I. ." Wit E , ZINC PAINT „ ,
I. pttrrly an Laid, f2tur....1 ia Ye•rranted free frtitt ell
l ' e. ' =T. 'll, l ' 'ir%;:t7r;',:ri,-'1.74 . 4.2.V4,11
tql*.TpautaT.::.ll . 7,,rig.r,. - dn° 4.- r7 . .t . th . . :
cotta exposed to et:lnbar tr. er te:Thair •ezkeJa.yo'nx. 6r! When that up In • c'.roolu. AA ~n pound. paint„
It nyth•tande • onuthern • et^ •nr.l . the I . ol o+[ .etter
~, L., 0 th, et 1,1n4 110,1 ,, to turn ebilk , or to
IVCa water
nod rub oh. It tu.:y btAT,'•,^l 'Pith any ,lor,
-Oh ter and vse,. or cob Tzroi. , /,...h . .ch Km. a the eel,
b' rPOretlain Cuah.
The, are lurcl.hrd of a 14er Pk... and e.r. Undoubtedly '
the chray.t. anti taut 'manta lu r e? ;1.• mmt Lei for cutting
~Nr. fcrµip‘. 011t110‘01, Lt...... 41.117 up y ~,a4 ..e.
y.,., , 1 •,o.l,, , hrick. ttn, cs iron, Ty :hay urelit . .
1.4 a L.ll ~.trY..-KY they ate. I,2tticulouly - val4a24, at they •
~,,..a ...Prat& ~ anectnu, xt.l- , oliteb prevent 0%4.
, a, dry dui:llly...Ltd hariro;.•• pure xnetallie W..
.1.. n ,- .. , tae mbor Ilke nt•ny rl 11,...rthy.p•Ints Ery• -
Lot ,re zuppt.....l on lan , ts . l jetots
hi by the aiints t tho
i, ~
th VC. Jo:ILS k LW, •
, A I I: ,ouLary... Phlladel
EEL' TONGUES—A prime article n '
\ LIP Land ant Mr 'Pale by
, \ \
W.S • ... M.'CLUR. U C., ..
tusa. •
. 2. - A.1.111:1•;47
P - APER—Pi.:'sole by
- --I - -
.... ......., . • '
'0 Ibs; for
C/111. , aCo •
ISCUIt and
11J.s. I WM