The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 01, 1851, Image 4

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Modem Iraideli mai ton,
.VT REV. T. . Broom
The infidelity of e predent day is not
the infidelity of the ast. It is not that,
innuthingi vulgar an loath:some thing that I
i n
U. once-was—a doing o disgust and alariu,
rather:di= since d perenade. It howl
laid l asille - mueltof i repulsive vulgarity,
has pat on a}neV,e t est e, and conies forth
in the garb of leand g, yes air, and some.
draes even, in the soli habiliments of
religion. It no longer appeara tia the eno•
my of religion, but rareligiim in its highest
type of dedelimincot- no It tiger as the an.
egoist of Christ' try, but as the reform
anon- and perfecto nof C ' lenity itself.
It cornea to us wit the co ray greeting of
Jett, hut also with , Joale concealed and
bloody hand. It approach isi With the smile
and tibia of an apostle, hut. oily that, with
Iscaiiot perfidy, it shay more effectually
betruY and destroy. And this subtle and
platisible mode of attack is :liade in every
conceivable form. It meets :us in the form
of science and philosophy, falsely so called.
i'lle_ authority of the Bible is coolly and
sneeringly set midis for this mildest apecii
lationa and the Wildest generalizations ofsa
conceited sciolism, and its testimony ruled
out of court, as inadmissible and inconclu
sive on points where its most splemn utter
ances have been diitinctly made If we
assert that in the beginning, God; created
the heavens and the earth ! we are told tat: a question of science, and that theo
logians must not meddle with what lies
beyond 'their department. Ifi we wart
that GOll has made of one blood all nations
of men, we are told that this is a question
of science, and we mtiat abindon it to the
philosopher. If we assert that God swept
away.the wickedness of an old world by an
universal flood, we are told that this is a
question of science, to be abandoned to the
achools. And thus, step by step, the an
thority of the Bible is undermined by the
teachings of a pretended philosophy, whose
tendency, if not its design, is to diminish,
and finally to destroy the claims of that
Bible as'n final and sufficient rule of faith
and practice. Systems of social reform are
eagerly and busily pushed forward, whose
principles are wholly and radically nnehris-.
i tom, if not anti-christian in-their nature.
Men are becoming more merciful than God
himself, and affecting a philanthropy more
' pure and allembraci , ng than that Of Jesus
Christ. And these view's are promu lgated
in every conceivable, form, from pon
derous metaphydes of philosophy, of tell
' gioq, to the frothy fiction of the } fugitive
magazine. Lectured, reviews and newspa
pers are carrying thee in popularided forms
• to every class of Minds,. and alOwly but
surely poisoning the principle of the young
and unsuspecting. But more than this, the
influence is secretly reaching the Chunk
herself. There is a tendency in many parts
of it to recede from the old, high land true
views on the subject of inspiration. Theo
i mime gaining ground, modes of deaaoning
and interpretation are comingin vogue,
that practically nullify the authority of the
• Bible as an infallible arbiter, at Irst in all
-- questions of idetriae.
Thus, from these seemingly o4osinsidi
rections, there is coming in a daik, fearful
and*werful current of hostility to the
principles on' which this. Society• rests, the
, planary inspiration and safficierit authority
- of the -Word of God. lAtik it, is with a
feeling of joy that we look to this Society
.' as - a common spot where we can gather
from every department of-the Church of
Christ, to. rally around the eawrlasting
Word. Many a storm 'has dashed in its
fury . against this rock, and roaway,
leaving it unmoved and, d en its
• deep and unshaken base; and wild' and
wivartri r
fearful, - thengh this tempera}/stV Yet
l e
when it has spent ita moat tend Might,
the rock shall again be poen rest' g calmly
on its enduring foundation, the neon and
tlih landmark of, the world. 1 -
But, meanwhile, how shall 'we meet
these influences? Shall we rely merely or
mainly on evidences of} Christianity,' and
learned defences of the Bible? . hese are
indeed valuable, and not to be rejected, but
we rely more on the Bible itself. We need
the armor of Saul, but we need yet more
the name of the Lord Gbd of Is ' :, The
Bible itself shall be in God's hand , it own
- m ightiest champion, and its o moat per
' suasive advocate. gene we mainly desire
that its silent and gentleteaclaings ahall be
made morn tinivtirsally aeoessitde to the
minds-and'hearts of men. We desire its
teachings to come to the victim of supersti
tion and infidelity, not in the stern attitude
sof a 'polemic, but in the winging aspect of
a friend. We expert not to reach the man
who rejects the authority of the Bible,
when boa heart is swelling with pride, and
his lip is foaming with blasphemy. But
the, time comes, it may be, in'=ea,
life, when his heart shall be stli en with
sorrow, when his earthly -oath shit become
lonely and dark, when the frien of his
ungodly piose,ity shall forsake him, when
the light and mn.sio of his home shall be
gone, and when the awful shadows of eterl
sal tings shell fall silent and terrible on
his soul. And that wild and blaspheming
man, it may be, has had a pions and saint{ ,
ed niother, whose image is attli„ stained;
and whose words yet' live unftrrptten, iii
his secret heart': And then in his hem of
loneliness and 'glen, as the pale and
wasted face of- that mother rises in his
memory, all furrowed with the traces of
sadness, mid .yet all radiant with unspeak
able ley, the old, forgotten words of that
well-worn book, on whose pages her teen
have so often fallen, While her eyes were
yet flashing with hope, shall come clothed
so hismind with a new and unearthly,
power, and he shall bo drawn to inquire,
.'why she in that dark how was all bright
-in hope, whilst lie is all wrapped in de
eipairing gloom. And then, if. this blessed
book is made aocesaible to him, he may be
led - by patience and comfort of the Scrip.
tom, to Pad that Bible to be a light to his
feet and a lamp to his path, that may lead
him ,to the cross, and at length to -the
mown. Hence is it that ire desire to carry
the Bible even to those who may seem
hostile to its teachings, and verse at pres
ent to itazeception.
But, that these ends . May be accomplish
. ed, we need a new translation of the Bible.
Be not startled, air, at this assertion, as a
reflation on ou r own most noble version ;
-I do not mean a translation that shall above
Neaten and earth Latta an Anglo-Latin
word in the - place of an Anglo-Greek one,
and that shall rend the bonds - of Christian
fellowship to make the Woid Of ',God a
• mere pacLeaddle for a restless and grasping
'}. sectarianism. I mean - a'translation into
that language that. can be known aid read
- of all men; the living language of a living
- Christbusity—a translation into tho daily
• thon t ,4t., ....1 wards and nets of the Chris.
}. Jima world. Lord Rochester declared that
.• she onlyigood argument against the Bible
Was a bad heart; and we may as truly milk
'that the mightie st and most persuasive
`argument in its favor is a consistent and
holy life.
, Yon have had colporteurs to,carry forth
'' . the Bible to those who lune lt not, and
they have done, o noble and a needful work.
But we need another class of colporteurs--
. theiseWho shall carry it forth, not in their
s. - baskets, their knapsacks, and their wagons,
- but who shall carry it forth in their hearts
and - in their lives, speaking from their
'' words, and breathing from their acts, the
silent eloquence of a living, embodied
Christianity. • Give us such colporteurs ria I
- - these, and though; their numbers were but
.. as the little band of Gideon eompared with
the hordes of } popery and - infidelity, yet
with the sward of .tho-Spirit :thus wielded,
4,• they all; bY- 00(5 !$ VT4% pmt to ffiiht the
• • .. Mai' Int
the aliens. • ." 1 . •- •.- • -
1Y!*,:,e7 4,k0 ii 11;
SETMOWMa in N IEI. "*- baN War:
CotolOi .
' SU. B. £: estasste—ltoo -mill molted Lou when vs
irere Pittsbnis iteltrantmbßylut, yen prmil)ed as Its
to try your,linstity ,WlOll, ea. sad
Olttsften tbemintotift• ygdrll surebosed., *Etat
as " it Ruiftysnaulaw.: erstatdsst!ropireltainizoons
hi e b sese-dlepoear et Iblaedhday:.o9terlbes,olatered
)1/(1.. nbleb ft:Rebel on Alorlath and 9resen.l moth.
pec e nloy ere tobillisteltetAckew bottlea,..We
w . l.b You to tat 4 oa,hr the prat WV ecarryebre.
dOz. bare.. 'Wu 0 ealabies inedleinft. tact 4•TerY
pers. of fondly -Mats to ha wou l d ); 1 , 0 , ...t00• •
os wbo-hsve parch'sid it Le m pSrfretly cLling
co give cecittlealts of ititcoceellecaii Out a. the iftuatitr
we have yealaL it has eiever, in • Angle talled
eiftsl norms. - WM. C. SILt,LEit -
Proftstod and sold by B. B. SELLEN.S. No. 47
A• Valuable Improvement in Trauma
R. UARD'S-Impzoveyi•Patonit., ,T, it U S
unr-RAPT oat itestroy. Dry yard,
tore tan laCeeffaclO. ,: Tbls Trees te entkely alffetent In
lOna erufbrloolplea of - action fronYL abet . Ttolaela bNmg
.01 Abe elyanlaya of • well-renalated addenda... are..
Tbe mature essYbelo regulated Y 1* 111. 0014
run:trod in the neat dlelealtnarea of arable, and nen be
therneeedbo almost any larva desired. The I/nature W na
st oh MU* seen limner we an d eberelee.
.11 than oft,
tbla Tres* orhend irropertr by &skill
.tonne num.,. the wwer. Wyman the danger of
tensulation, orate, other near painful. siren.
elthla 11 rent aa.ntra] nentoorneeneein
d. 100..... lt •very eaSiblOtt preetlee
for nevem lem. Ilapture to weleet• trees and ay
nlyit themselves,. .Tbte Se • ban emelt*/ OWeb nth be
rya .= thy e vim otlastan4 Ono or tb•
We w eald matt nuyeetfully - e7Oll ale attention o
s, Initiatecie Trate,. we anon Abetwill abrreelete Its
reloe. We also have ge'rellety. of O th er "I'lYeeell at the
ktobot LaY.l2O TrU.SeCkerkemetirtaren.lll.l.l
ILLSY-11 bLeDOWY.I.4 - Agent,
)!F. Yfßod
hatard's Abdominal Suppertera
qv ESE sUPPoRTERaaro iutendd chief
ir La. It. eurenf.Pluleyele Meat inn all
Vlore* ebbed wheys • m. 11.431.1 pleat tbe Atelotolual Vlore*
~ .4 1 .1 r 4 , Yrhet ntre terfret tornott to tbe atelosolnel
°repo/1,44.y Om Woes bah 4.ablort. by All. TO. -dis•
- wand] by a weeklies. at dee abdominal made.
tz ,, rl , lt nua f f tw illigg ; I T& ti m alt. 4 Pit.ettew
Ywellogy of Yrokratlotb Mounds, altaxteistr of West:.
kelynalle.a of the Wee, ilwpolt. and IfillVOlLY4ability.
' je/ : • 140 Woad eL. PltUberat.
.Sellers' Liver Pills•
• Miii.iuxo6,wiVit.burst) Aar N.
u"T - k
tnn tr of to •Lr
stn ago. 1 ma...lea down with
wealw tatlamatyaa of Oho 11..4 and was ao reduced ba
ought mega saaLothar.stlferts, of Ails draa.lllll dlayass,
- that tar Wawa. donsthyd at Alter attar means /tad tall
ritaTrlTKaraer " t i air ll Waly:l.Th
Ml s
date..oot to roaaeadahls T aal,. which t Maidl ci
I tbstatabitate
th,rti to othrtt atlleted - mtrtudtasr
j oj n Ytot .
Your. resoittrallys_
/II other Mile added "Liver rills,. tra rOuntertslis or
hue imitation. Th. &aut. aroamazed and sold by
irk ,11 - . SY.LI.F.ILS, id Wool at.
X Bazin's 'nes
Bazin's Osucessat to Bousael)
for the lisidkerchief.
XTRACTS of liose, Orange Flower, Jae
-1.4 amine. Pratutral. Verbena. Waif. Yea, Panlll4
cauulr N•thlet...MlirolC.RlO.blibetieras.Aionen leia,
ona, Bouquet d a Canna, Canaan, Ilelletrape.Galat.
bloiroalltug, /Llama, Habana, Camelia, blouczyncha
Jarallle, Jockey Club. WAN blanctuna. C W lac Mw
Clatestna, West O d Jenny Lind. Cana CbtroueUa Warr.
ad alatract Una. In and ounce Patna with ttlau .toP
pas, AU %be acme kitracto, which aro ally a part or Ina
lacruneht, an Or the wrr bra 0001101 b 4.6
tura nab fractal are, Abetenziya aka anima Ude
fully an tha LUAU tai a natt tia ablalt neer are
heel by_ du commtalry. bar sale by
Peti • IL E. rELLEII/3. Wad et
White Paint.
- -
tete. and for .W at N. 7 and 9 'Wood .7.
N.—W. Invite tha attention of Num 8310 Steitotrat
eninteroU NAB aititio. utah we have been using for
erzrde of b re ad e i n
and ran reoinunand to be superior
to .11170 paha in moldy rope. o f
of absorbing
the fight 1W white Inut e lino white reflects it, and moo.
90,810 has tn9berand more brilliant tone. It bowlful
&rooter bardneew and la more durable tor Inaldr or outset
INart. It 9111.4 rub of, and mu be wombat eitbont 19-
:2rrt.UorTrt atutuuentb equal wlt2bl. It l a.p.hii .
1621 J,t IL PLULLIP9.
/DST RECEIVED, bythiamcirning'sa
erptees, sreryenveriar soottoteat of iltstrb
o. Wereetteettally tatema our eastoatersatst the
public generally, that we bays now. end intend
tsehatill estotsattY: se Vert saeseryteteat of lite VI susses
J coy be thaatt It say ustera establishment. Oar sr
's:stemma:reds swotted:alert
t oolbaprrters toe slob as
a; sorest se la stleettialug tha we sre enabled to at
Ow lowest regular wird foals! the thaw eso,..
Mir Betas sesistist experiemftd and finished weal
iits= etertoaters dapsod t =Orli Winches
: to fh. W"
W. W. i 71.1.13 aaa
011, West: Maker.
'025 67, corset: yams}
sal Fa anti stns..
PLAIN PREEN, glazed and taught:.
4.'ad WINDOW BLIND PIPER. joat r.e.IT
ITS/ -
6/R Market algost
‘,IOAP-109 Niue Cincinnati Palm So
. No. =I Men,
LOOHOL-50 bble. for sale bi
/re* , 13: A. PAILS MOCK a CO
I AHD 01L-7.5 Oblo. No. 1, fora Ie by
kACKEREL--100 bbla. Large No. 3; for
al. by ',.10 .K. A. CUNNINGHAM.
_ .
EPSOM SALTS-10 oaaka for sale by
its J. KIDD • eV.
INDIGU-2 ceroons Cail-accom;
s kegs Manills—wlll be Fold low to e.
contdirotitent. INAIAII DICKEY aa%e.
WU. and Front
7Doresa-20 assluk 3 , u a r . .4 . ;m1,0 1 00.
-1- Jilt
hu. Shelled, VA* lige by
casks superior, fur sale 61 con.
by T. WOODS t BON.
151.Walcr st
MTING-100 bble. (dry and very ,
fut.l•ll. J. ecnaositassa a co.
Q,iLERATIJS- 8 cask) . (warranted pure)
for Ws by J 2i11007.711.1151at 4_%).
IIi44ICKEHEL—Nos. 1,2, and 3, in Gale.
.1.T.11L bud hr em., far silo by
OCK POWDER-.-0 kegt for sale by
.171.4 Y. VQ N 501:10103T CO.
fftorctglrttir T r" h eralig
. 5 fa/
Itig i tt gW
=alo. Wl* ftrar TOW. 60za0.r. ,
od Wotdor, and • suotl smarty:L.{ tr . rgbitt atlla
Unrest Erica:
71 ' - Earn Eizdtb,, Mean amt.
Sommer Clailta..
IRAVE needled a case bf Eine. Marsei4es
.Qa[ih of dilferost rtes. for plc kw.
7rBl irktql 06LE, Oftrirrarr, Third et '
:8 • •
! •• • ANAggl
116:TAILS, 300 kegs - assorted. sizes in Store
1:11 15. mas br 1L081N.503', LITTLE* -
/716 -
I 09114 fa nlO by °'"rissiM7l6.ll446l:.:A
„.IthiarV d • ”
Tuey sell the best Tees ha n.4lnaah et
stere °' dP
C 7-11-11-1 CHEESE-51 boxes teeeiving_pet
BldnralFs law. for Ws by LIXFIIDALZT.U.,
/yYn 69 WIS.. and In Front st
I „ASE, FISH2.S !ALL Lake Trout, (new;)
"ite matted and an wl• nr
Time Bills_ -
' l l-1
ciN bINOINNAtrmiII4i - j "; • •
Lo ' •
:141-NT tell°. ,--
A VILLY, - ,
• • EU DETROIT as.
It ill
al A. to pored...l at favorahla ra A. td .
j -ILKINS i...
---r-- CO-.:--
CYDER—.. '
tip inag
. Masks '" oukb , a , : p by.
- J. a. I:44.OGATLit .
OFFEE-125 auks °multi°, for sale by
TOBACCO-100 boxes blimitstotured, W.
IL Groot. nuomell a Itobtarerch, and othey choice
broodo l tb s ra ts by A. CU =BISO I N ou..
1.7 PROPESY-4 bayisbo be el it fiPlLliestion
1. Mao aeon BAIRD a IRVUt.
Jiltb , , .114-botood et.
pAVDER—, , •
woo 4pp:web:a. ;
aim ag;:I,II,IISNY.T7S
FDA ASH-660 casks, of our own mum
-1.7 Same. Warnuated of am high tea al. pry
mod lb rc gale at lb. Imnst i rssivit r nai
74 : ‘ Virast, taw kha.k.t.
Pittabargh, Onoinnati and LowilvilleTele•
A FEW aIIAREs or this Stock wontdd at
S AL SODA-200 casks for eal
irn antrarirr, 8
1101tLEACHING POWDEELS-200 auks for
by Ira BENNEr, BURY • CO.
r • EASE.:I4 NAB. for Bale by
2 ODA A. 911.-15 casks for itale by
~, , &,kiv . ft •EMAUOII..
A . 7 1.
NEGAR-15 bbl a. Cider, for elk by
Du - J. D. WILLIAMS a 00,
ANTED—Land warrants wanted, for
. , which Ma Kabala aaa o ar Ingwin co.
roe cutler. wad awklate7Weass. Fourth At
Patent Candlesticks.
Nel. Barka .t. Moot, another to arttot tiar a
eke, • sow artku. at • Ututach In vagas..ditirm .
• . . "
4 CT
nal sal
EGAR-130 galls. Wine;
• to INs. Olden-,_ter Bali by
'NEESE—Prime W..R, eala by
sae; - ILDALZILVk Co.l.lbuty,
fULPHATE QUININES- 5 Q oz. for nab) by
%. A i n J. KTDD kW.
OLD, Jacob Tcrsnuiend Eccreopuilla---24
dos. isle by . KIDD *DO.,
}719 co cpao
VO. 1 -MACKEREL rterbble. for
iltaq9Eo is lifrAplAnc ca t for
NVASTi a Problel
tlems .ad additio.
I—co, raw
lllsturr 01 ul.opitrok. Cl,-
1,31n0. mus.
• : Ealeybeld; Sale of tbn Plrltisns. 12,
Yin i - TS ireiTtii . .l7;;l7 rif; of . Friso 11
And Fortunes.. Pap. wad MU.
APPiston's Hoch-lair: illsusenw and Engineers Joss
usi: , No.
I , l.rbr'A Dictionary of Hisclisuilca, Engine Work and
ninverinni Nos 51 snit
Loosing a Pictorial Ytetd Doak of the Devolution: ti 0.14.
Valesticsi its Geography idol Bible History: milli I.ll,fsb.
orrrstottio Hang, by Y 11. Hibbard, of Nast Helier.. tionf,r
'nisi,. edited by 1..11,1 P. Kidder. mos
For sale by .17171. tHA
ly= fanlio Doildines Fourth st.
110DFRES 3IALVERN: or the Life of •au
%Jr Autho
by r. l
llt Thotda• Miter. With tweturfour It
hawtraUtuu. a.
Tl,Toie la the Unit.wl Stabs, ar-., daring tam sod IC.O.
hi the 1.1 y Conyellue Stuart Wortley.
No. of Inralou Labor mud the Loudon Poor.
The alswe Loot! iota reed athl Swale bj
. tr,a tt. C. STOCKTON. 4, Market wt.
Bow, Ilora4a
Mt Tale.
P•Antlje• theif• ol ltaigaret Maitland. of tluo.
nlslidr. written, by bertelt.
Hai:wire' at 1101.111:1 , Literary Llerept, oppoiltr tie, rest
Ocoee. acts°
lipt.ooKk!—Na. .33 . 0 f Byrne's:Dictionary of
_Ms.elsugess Entine irio
40.: of Applstou's 51sehau4rs'3124.sior isssi togiosers'
loaroat.. • !
AlsoA Issce assort/smut of , 51 an/ School pools.,
ust stet! awl f, sal.. by J. U.
RCA% Ursa,
N N & ... T i ltrg ,.. n Fourth
• N ew .u.i.
lII} POLKA, composed by 11.
girls,. .1 .I..llratvil to *troben C. Foot.. of gbh
_ yerly.4 44116. arrant•od by 11. Kleber, playy4 by '
Llll . o6 . s . ttir s ? Ltzxr . , , L L05t..114, watse•.out.
Dols, Joao, Ulth varlsttioo, by taLle.
The Autumn Of our Tsar., by ttsars• Barker.
• Ono seleotlon or fool Yluela'lbr Plano. flute,
Ytabn, An. 1" IL K lataM.-101TItirdalmt.
.Lo Slay. of (b. Ouldsu Mary:
P. S—• epleralld lot of n•yr PIANOS :um opeolog.'
On• vary Roof Awatutitatal *alma ('tuna loyal..
a. tr.r. - . 4 .ll:::g°,=°l; i " Jo' Skim '
• AO noon Primal
. tal=lgyt Trial/ow Cato
Nina' *mar Itsaterfli; asta•fiatus Poi= aist.;so.i.
G•avarbleal: Sclei:rallatrlcaL F Esattazolcal, *DA 51-
??Z4 h .• ` ol l tl na Art, ta d Maollfarieres, " •Z • o .llnr y rroTee
En-tits of th• Thump frnal lilt.
The churn patualL• porta au- oda by
lelf It C. STOCKTON. 47 LlarAst it.
1:1 AL1:131.:11,10111:;:irti street, sign of the
rll easliaul honour of the Illoutuer CdsturoLlttlpeed ucc !
l ik,faWint t itgCNl l :274 l 77Z l ,
osaattfol air of — Nell/ sabot."
• aupply of 114100 Temperance Glee Doak. 1,76
Cnickering's Pianos. •
10113 i IT. MELLOR, Agent for ' •
ItCltitirt°4t4l::zifg.ltrat 77 7-
Intereceiest ago now open for rale, the fee t
Lowin u =nt i :sor= r t , Mie . o , o.Forte:idlrect „ Sintothw
One 0111 . .00 lonewood se calhostel Plasso.riS ootaver.
One - flItP4 7
Flee plulo
One 7' cary nsa
t: plot . -
I. These , • " !round sondem
Tw tonere
b. ahns. Plano icor, cf the latest .twin of turol
-tem and , with all Mr: Chickertsee tenwetecheOdn the
rya ineariabl7 th• sante ae as linston,.thereby easing tu
ocoheaece to thla regent tbe eapsone, ant ask of Omar
One Itnemacaal (Want Montdoana 0 , 111,11 Plano. man
. Mad Lr Adam niodart ACm
Jrna Inmoronl octave. Adam atodars A Cn;
ab ua aamnt Mayan; •
Oueo. , .hatia d.
Literary Npor, Third st. oppostte the TO. Offif* .
iindel'oy...ol . • Book, I. "MAN.:
Orabwra 6 .1.14.1ne.
• • V•rtsdn's ',
Lad'ox , Natichal Mu-aline, " lila
isistloss of %t or teAS wilars, Cod, Chensisselt, ussl
smlsu e trove., sxcoult stud Spam losasselasss, uelir alsa
bessussful eryies, 4ms:sat and Swirl Ellssinssa sod Issos.rt•
blip, White sad Mack Veils, Lees, llsolosta. c, Th. &Slow
tics of leo tome. to rortielto b r.l wite b. l.l tbt.
A. l lY1.:10.41 r
Black Bilks. Mohair Mitts: &c.
Ly ..t oman i :Nher 7211 V •11121i0i
• Embroidered FlouneMgs.•
• A. MASON & CO. hare jug received
per pref• • largo oupply of beautiful Exatioaktorrot
Cambric sol Swim blowing, 0.1 , .1t,6111. aM mrr ot , .
per. tromlo. .r6lark el A. auE9
.__ • _ _
Damen,. the M..=at parchatore fn
r of the Morro scuts, samdl, tomtit., arol
Imga Alto—llitp• tbo yard. of oar.. trbitho
sod quelitteo Creeh.Toorelling..4 bath Ramo Mawr,
an ansfirtmentalltem. be L.... lowmt priroo.
itlicuTphy &Burchfield
ELAVE OPEN thie 'morning a farther sup
yty Iluento aisaL7ctsg:
to:4 1" . laus . 'un las s and natured Flo,
£O4 at the northeast turner of Fourth and Market
Iticksguito Burs.
HAVE just reeetved one ease af Wash Net
I Cr """ Mini street.
i 124
A 1.. A 11/Etti..—fat4l64o4rwl aismonttl rea61,60
for POO br . It. 11.
106 Maryut tL
Black Lace Veils.
la Lona olul Ilarra 131tck Loa roar.
L7¢ Irkula urrun tha. dn . . erelut kleraus aul
fat au: blur do;.bl.wk Edlr. ti.u, ul*ln bud tlme4.4,
- • Great Shawl Sale.
A,emsA &CO.'S reat. Annus! 911 aw I,
.win.ccomata. an Tway!. hurnsthattldnk
ay n'ark 111. largest and bert "elected atock et lazed.
fler estittlted ln this city, conke
• Plain il , htte er!pe hhterlk
Black Late -
Story high cord French Mittel Eberle. :
ta ;tinted and extbroldered
B Pla rehea. Cashmere and Lang
pf gem and toed= gastrin. all of attach Meg ant dour
mined to dose Dot, lama to rectking their tall stocks.
n m . sin be offered at a great reducilon trot" former
prima, and w. than eastern mat.. ' - • nag: •
AL. 19141.119_.
sic; St.o
Jost Received.
reprinted with coriee
by the author of Alton ,Locke.
can a Eitypt. 11 Jamb ASbott-
New Boob
Matie . tar the 131nomer&
lipagiv !wow
1... id a;
Dulola S.burr, I
M Oomma•
New Patterns
IL, pm, just ,reettved from the mess rate:vim totem
senstufeetoies, ersl for sale' et the'oltS Mad, No. Oh thsr
ket ettoet. f 0731.1 , ,11108. VALUER.
Scarce and Desirable Goods,
imty MURPlVarrltett lading
BlO%.Poiline,larrlthe lit' As D‘tk
B gent,Atolnalnc
Attention 1. invited to their choice ascrettiennor French
_Lawrie, White Goals Ow Orreacti. Cc.
• We mill receive. birder Or tomorrow, irem fie et Fcßk—•
Astaes. lames jar
PAttalE6 has ion rocelverf • erre variety of Imo
•eumm.t Botneu, same beautiful and toe.l•tyks. Also,
Hoes ant Boy,' Braid. Buser. wed other Hats. Jel7
Geode for Warm Weather.
Emit earner of Fourth and Market amen, are well
rape ad with goods adapted to Immanent:dr, met as
d' dental auerVrenalt LAW?
.Emblklered and Printed Unlink
Neu one Vinod. Unlit=
Enrage. and Tn..%
Finn white Belies andllull Maaline:
Benno De Lew.
Thar Dave lost neared another lot of NEW G OODS,
Mas Yawns; ehandintle bilks In lioarfe: black Lap do..
Mack Milian Illtts,Lllia Glans, Undernatvera liana
for do; tint plata Ultly.tdarm, dark Linen Lustreta_Fmach
Llnene and Drills, White Maids: nett. sten DROWN
LAWND, ehangenda POPLINS.
Their anortauent toted 007 fall, ta
with aonent aemer
,s eee , o f s ew ei wte, lead Bold at nounr vucte,lladantwale
are offend toluene to call and make their narebane.
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
RU. PALMER offers for gale, at very
op, pa«, a fall utesrtmeet of Mtn., sad 1111111 e
ert tioods, 311
b0r:6,11, ' '' 0,
fIP 4 " - Td m V ne=l,..°llttlf:: Le
Yll o at t. 17 * Li t e
Aad Bins, Cblp, 'Amp, Lane. spa ' llan
AttasrtlipseT:dost4And, and other forms, lb CM{
8=111:11 Dottet ad 13114 &tin and Taft
faltatligLkltsur lx;,,tozdtz.u&st,td,saer Ars
Cotten Netts.
11712.11 W TRIM. 11 IN GS—Cards. Talo's. Button', [treble,
PlriMaWkrenct, mad Atomism> Sprigs, btmebee srsl
. 1' 1225 ? 76/71.4.1 . 11/47 0 a.. the
ples, Urn. de Rhine, 910reare, and otter Arles, user's.'
valltirs ssul color,
Bd7INS-I.norted qualities sat color.. ,dbllr—iliett sad lor prked Parasol. slid Umbrellas, Ecod
Bases, to.. to. metall
0 URNINO ALPACCAS—Light in body
Crai a 1.11 & irt d reis I=.l.tid 'on n
WIC DIOBY'd No. ISO Unnall Mawr, •
tem aNd aorlor etzek of Yeeliontdole Gado,
adapted to uentletorn Wear for eotovi_dnutb•
power. etrile o l. taarioarittililaip 4%2= etti'
TrZ;;:gc&l..tugte and :go o n fairN_toteliter:ltt
irtnronn r t a grnn ' l d an ' At o .Vi g at 'Y ent=
pe.ette molt of the Allegheider, all of ',hien t h e Proprietor
iinrertio igtftre:ll,llllortetry n th r 4 . 1
Ciotpiorl• eold st this eitabliebmaut. Inn Woo atilt., low,
set v - kee la the Mr.
AU orders In the . 7;dring ex=l, aired, lathe
beet !weal. :Num , and at e ett
° ARPETTrB, VOTolffrA! P ittliMos,
Coutpdolue Innart sartorlor
gem gayal y.ivetrlis do. do. Tapestry 4,0.
sell do. do. at*T4l.... 211;7
41. 3 ply; 0014401 w 3 ply;
Yocatton; 44. V. 14.4ru1 d .
0.1. do.; 44,34, 6-2. and 2 4 wool and cotton do.
tars Chenille RuR, floo do.; cIN ogre totall.da;
do. do.; maroon du. 9.boullie Door jletC tottod do. 41.4
snoop elan On do, 34.101d..4 , - , 10, .4 L. 04 do. do.
Crumb Cloths. foltlout do. Meting 144.44, .nd 2.4.
31.-4111.0. 011 Clem. out to lit spy bnll or tool.
64.154. 44. and uu
:tr jr z .l 2 : 6 44l,9 2 .lr i zatostr ,
nod P ld vert kocioronordo. Tranapeoulualnitoor
j4.41910d0w 11441oadr. W.W.I, 141144 - gmboned • Fta
Condi; do. Ta l l a do.; do.l3tuurd.: WentiTthld• •e.
11.01n2 Octal Ltd purchased nor 4044 • • the
mon colabratol Poolorlez.boilcit .310410 W 14)-
=d 44110 u sad e*19.4 are jenpulid to nu •ea
.e. 2 1 nt process wie dl4Ms ects D. • 0000.
w. e m y Incite 011t00.13 had a> our at .
Carpet Warehouse; 85 Fourth ; et.
Ll 9 Eq. at • ts : •
most Extreoidinant Diteottery in the World is
the great Arabian Rem* far NOB awl Boost)
H. G. Farrell's
unalmerEsi ARA • AN =mom
G. FAITELVS genuine Arabian Lini
. =,. is a most extrrLoidinary medicine. the truth
o lel. is plated beyond deebt e r the east sale. of the
c hid,
sod the man rums being daily performed 1:1 ,‘
whi,h pre•tously had resisted all other medicines las -
skill a the phi ,icions in the world. It is 11,23:1 ell
Of baleen, extracts and guru. I..culler to Arabia. 1e.. ,
dyg. in a rancentrateti nAnn, all th en- stuunlatitn, eno
ne. penetrating. uncutous and rertilnive pfropertitu. and
the seine which. ages zoo. wars mall by the toerof the
Dr.. ft." with sorb trairaenions imeness. Inctiring the die
ea:es •4 bnth men and beast
l';,1.1 the ',glowingrostwekablr pores. Whleh
th:darelyea place IL (I. Farn"ll", , Arabian Lintnirot tat In.
rend any 'lngle' ' , we'll':
• .- .
About a yv..r and a half aR
sunnadll. gradually men:nail:lg In Ate until IVA&
panne lan4r tuy nst. and that' she could bat
bear the 'nut inwaure oat it without gif Inn her extreme
pan t. I got the advice of our hon. doctnra. and they differ
ed in r.plutnn about In Pomo Paid It was an Ague Uakp, or
ularvinent or the Sphern; eon, that It wan an linlargr:
meat of the ()torten nal otbnn , Paid it wasa Tumor of
the (/wire, and could not be cared eleapt by cutting It,
put. In this entiral situation. I was penuauled to try 11.
O. Farrell'. Arabian Liniment upon It, and, irtntnyto as it
may apprar, upon the third aPpliranon she began to it.'
pm,e, and ha. cuallnued getting better daily, until now
she it, as well no ever—enjoylng esn.llant health.
• U. Jict"UNN ELL.
renna, Marcl3's. 1549.
111.,Inret. Iliude, Do.txouter.
•• tirrestown, March 15, 1g42. ,
one woman has meal yittur !dement with groat surreal.
he had 'lon the ore
thatr legs w ere me Sane, the cont.
%wing relate...led so her logs bent.. moth While
Standing; as Ii natural fur the position of the leg whilo
sitting:end she 'timid nottoOd alum tot the lame; but hY
the totr , of 11. 0. Terrell', Arabian Liniment,, she le now
able W'''alt with wisue. nod has a straight limb. I hese
tumid its tahat eacelleut rsentuir tor bore, Herb; ate, fur
eiury thing which tee vino-extumal remedy.
The °pluton also oil. exporiencaL and eolentilic Farrier
Wuhingtun, lowa, ditto IMP. •
Yount the speedy sod pertuanentourrthluith on man &nil
beaut, which rtraleon Liniment ,pertirming. Ido
heath, to vonnunov it the "Groat Itermady of atm
Age" I lure pranneed doctoring Iturueslur.twents ream
and have trted all the vaiieus Ilunitenta Ointments, 00,.•
MM It putlut tip hi the paper.; but I Minn pat tlut
tl Farrell's Arabian Itnintant rtreels any' that I him
trutid use .4 !frit. Usti.l linseiuredthrrueuy anal yariu
long aftur they bad been pronounced incurable, and I -hare
eure'd morn an BUT homes this eau.. with roar Llub
went. toilirsclng some shade itif donee, troutscratch.
and. bruises ny to spelt, ring•holae. and/weeny. MO
al.,Mar testimony of It. guod ultras on the lumen Wte
tom I wiwoontinet Marls all last winter to on room
With LateutpatlFltp, and could get nothing to holy me tin.
011 cmnmen.ed tbs new al Tour Liniment w Mott entirtiS
eared me, Wlt. 11.1/ROlllB.
• • .
Sun Pain uC ten ye." , sinuchug owed by II '0 Terrain,
/rant. Lanhnaut ,
/dr. It. Faeactr.—DearOr: 1 had be.b a/Wed with
the "ion rale fur the ket ten years, and could beret get
relief earwpt by - lake:tins: but by the we. of 4.0. Yarrell'a
ArabialatAolcuent, acTlyed neer thy temPlee about 111. or
four thnea•d.r, wurntlnyly ectuarmi, and hat. tell
1t0... of It etnre. I w.t lulu the etable one night, to
ye , badly that aney turoat a bk. as my hat, rebooting
tbem.t.w..rleee ahlted yuur, Leulment. sod was well
rnouel. lo a te• day c, to go 0.0. agani n.nal•laity
ehed any 00100 in a Phockins Immo., by lettlng
Lark-log tall upon in but your Llufw..l Peaubesled It .24
.11101 thAINJEE.
La Salk. Precinct, Pawls , u. 1540.•
&var. of Counterfeit.. '
The P.OO. are 'parr...rawly cannoned analcs . r: a GdW
Gualrr i fur which has lastly Wadeus aßpraratsee 14.
ca led or U. Ibrawater wbomakes 11" W R Yarrann Aratd'
Llndorta This I. a daricNtrua Ostia awl liable
te. trot. his bowing thO ream ..I lid.•D 'Sher* .
hire ha parGeular wire Aural fro by Lls arms - rarrolEt
Linimaent: for, unpribriplwrilwileta will itßbina the',3/1/
Riutz .untunt inadi you Lir lb. ab0Wt.w.R. , .. 1 .4 1 . ,
Farrar Alutesan and tar ho *Gm.
tbaggeouna *ludas hu. tba Laren .11.•0. beton Fanairs.
ril r b r k.tlt4.lW and
havianal . , st n 1
orm." tl7l
eassra wanted l 0 every Toarb VtDadt ana Ihtnael to
Lho i jinited Etatekyn which 0116 it nut e<tabllel.<4, 00017
br latter to IL U. Yuba!, Peoria, /11., with goal ratiwort
at fo barurar, restadiribilitY. to.
doll.taws an the ot all* will furnish Eras chagi, ■
IC.nantabdoly iouob wahuhla intbrustlin La .4 ry riass
t to 3104,40 coots, su.l annalrliarwr 00tH,.'
• neastiv praustpr ar•onfulawal by r t.. Yarrail, cola
haraohrr and nnunator, mad abulo•4l* druggist.
No. 11
Main strut. Peoria- au& f r soJe wholabah• ant NUR at
'bropurtor's LC rt E. RELLYttn,
No. Li 1U.N.1 Nue,.
Rola by D. 11. CURIO. Allaithena City. •
The Human Body Must Peivpite;
(..10 SAYS NATIME, to . liave 4 healthy cip
ind pay.. •ho Sun. paint, a., ii .
47 the .7. ilogustiatt MLitt Illseitn.. No., Junta' 1411. ,
eheettic. hoep .7.. • 1/.• perepiration, sod at the •
Om. .111713.7.77 sod rotten. tlie , elan. stelug-It tho t••
• .• • .
cl spiotantis , •
licur•T„ Rheum:4.nd 110/1...r0r 4dronit km/Jut.
tuned 1, I. us., as at }rut T• pbzek.u. Us N. Yarli an
awls. it In such rims. .al 6.1 It tioilailit.--as alroL lb
Pimples. or toroth.. ii.l .esse.
rro.lor is asere,l u that th is Istst , asalkias.Surt•d
sus trial will wino. essiiil , sautilersia at Wei *1111 1 )
',c.0.5....4 61 b..J, ears leas, eud Hr
U.' IL-6.1 the remiss is, assiimal I Woulil st,tero•
slip ..113t 6,r atm ars., kers it hr bell l ma..
Throe la. are li•tila to eltasi.l. enicksil,or Sliamsol
sill and this suit cult a sun, but elirs'rsOUSSi ...I
I ran
that•LtbALPT,.l 5r 61 ..i . .
or altuilsrat....., will MA is th all., st iii - 16pros Ilslail•
table lu Hs Voss:11.0 then
a ImitnUopy
ilt• Hut, edit,
' J ' z ' rres . TalLtl Z ttialal .
hur,itsnl, al Wll. J.a1:6?,1.,L1,..011s to P ll . wa b.
Oval ,(1%
Pearly White Teeth, and Pure Breath, to
be Ilea fbr rent. —Ptracum eh. hereiithrr. are boom.
aiiiirrirt that LI their ti,..111 to our dm fi4lt re their
lath iterareil, dark retkile, end etictuskd with Wt..
that tent I.x f Atill.rr taut Paste will rule
dui e. whiteand tile !mirth 41orifrreuerr
Mk 1.
gald only at JACHSOI7 . 3 !tore. Winn, et, bud at
A Scientific Hair Tonic, Hectare* and Hasa.
M.o.—Trial Datil., atii colic, Thaws whs. haw. wool
Jowls' eirral lintarar. kos• lt. locals.
twos who hat, nat. we strain It to wowing the
.11 taros Ws hat . to grow on any partvlors
arOrathitteeitKlAtir_to ovp it Whims
. 01; rwrowoit
Vor rroari lug ths hair soft owl silky, outfilliA
thli—it mated it truly Lwaotiful, arid kstlisi it so. It Is. it
Ito port gozoraitati—lott_stigirriot—artiels Gr it.
So only it toot JACKSON'S SKr*, Lltorty 014111.
howl of Word, PlOstrorgh.
Prows-4710 casits.Eo craw. maul It. •
JONES' - Solution of Jet, a ljqoid Human
li k ,AtiXit i get - gr.t:e l itl i t t A e M e Vg ,r lglTl '. . t°'
Nuts, and
Mal by 11111. Y ACK SON. 2443 LYberty sty Not. Ond of tr
hag orgh.
JONES' LILLY IV lllTE.—Ladiee are Cali.,
uoue.l agatilt Wing the touuaut% Quits 1 1 .7
ar• obt ware bur frightfully Ituurtuus It jib. the kart,
hs,...euerre., hoer rough, how mallow, ration, awl unhealthy
to. skis appears-after using plupars.letalki It a
'N`.l,7:rp°,=.°:::,tre,ft . z. i tx,: . .t,„..,.„., 5,
call Janet? Stutturh Lally Whits.
It la perhulli Inon(vot, bribg ratline,' of all dttstertohe
uuslitu.r,•/t In the etln a natural. health', II
abaster, OlearOlvtrig ith n ltsi t alll,, tans t/ru...actlog ,oa
tiL L' sh:l9l ' ,.gulT, ` ‘.l". rly Me*,
haul 4 Wouat.l'lltaburgh Prle, 2. mots
. .
Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Holt,
nucCPMS the front rank amongthe pro
ftrietcred ewmdee. or tide tenantry for ratooliWlT
endue Cantor, &Lit abeam. Yap/ plea, and all otter dis
eases seising from am lair ainte of the !dad. Abe,
Li ver wardstnt.eatartb, spews, Ileada.thee,Dtzsicos , ,,
Censtits, Sorrento and Tio tom wboot the Coasts Bron
<idles,. or boarestow, dryness, and • Salina sensation
to all rues of
Fe 4.1.• Weakness and Genera/ DotiTity.
Etren.thenbus the weskened bald, Wiling Mow to ito
various <trans, and invidorstied the end. orate. ,
If the testimon y of Jhelum:Os of Being witnesses, mum
t=lonst ° =?. 7 l7 , l ° l}=l ' .ll:l=l,ll:l;4lr..
tod cud broken do , ru otoostituttous. It is bumf
We in its eompoeltion o , and w
I. e ne
to,t rnra ok trid eve
1104 nbtowd. its
runt; the MOOKI.
It Imit rumored many chroniedbeasee which have bedded
the skill of the bed physic:4ns, and has also =red Caster.
Salt IthettoL r i ryFtp•les tc re SamelOWW.
87Teg:.`"'`.47, ew mite
ers Id l L.VMd i p
MOBIL The nod obstinate Camea hap, tern by
this medicine. We my that It le a valuable tnedielleln
all. In
the circulate's. randarins the Liver *Mies, ied heal
dealmunoves ibtlititan tisa Ligart,..l MI,. in
t/ of Asthma, and mar beam& Ist all ollmates, and
at all seamnsof the year.
This Sweep Is prepared only. by C. 3108011 t CO., at 101
fountain street, Providence. It end sold wholeedo snd
retell, hr . WICILBILSILLIC •
Only Agent for Wsstern l'ennsylvoula,
mylity Wu:shone.. mew Stoat snit Sixth sts, pinto.
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Boap Powder.
WASELING without ilabort Warranted
to Ulm tin, gains oat of table linnen and oar,
rim. •
lorartmoas COO Cal.—Pni your clothes In a oudident
noMitay of cold avatar to curer them, then add two table:
olo r l: of this leap Powder, to each to quart. of water
the with the clothe, If the water Is hard, add more 01
cr. and Pantheist ten minutes: In the MS. de.
preys them Mum with • litiek,then put Nam In • lob and
.4d media cold water. to that [boy will not be too hot
baudlil. Then rub the dirty streaks, or In other word 4
plea them llsomush rinsing, and that Is mliktent to
make them 01.7.
H. B.—Thera Wag no' mein In lido Boap, It will learn
the clothes my white, and no tisolcootfsmedl, sot.'
mops do. Th. entire mat of the material vont doe.•oot
execod two minis, complate a veabbsit of ten tarwma —
Warntntect nut to rot or itd tiro the cloth.
Tao Is • Powder that owe paper will make twelve quarts
Beet Madly Bull Melt •
Dinceriosts rot I.l.—Take, say sit quarts of water Mal
MIL the Powder with wad thou let It boll. may Ore Map
le.. 'heti Wild MI quarto told water, stir them inhinaleil
tonether, =I set It away whore It will not frette, and
whew mid it wool be very Wen and Mao White limo. and
Soap.wash welt, asal wl II not eat the .hando like other Mat
Soap. nor Tot the clothe. can be used with hard or salt
wider. by imam' the ountity Into ela .pwarte hutted of
[lroise. The Belt Stop L. bat adapted (Or inahltut
add woollen gouda - •
Bold wholmele wad retail by NELLINBi.
.7 . N. td. Woad at. .
MI .
LE CO-PARTNERSiLIP Iteretofote ex
t. to.i: d. unwired by limitation and multtel ' Vulmb
Either of Um underelgued t authorieed to.eettle Um im..
PIA IliAl• . , WM. WHOLLY, ... ,
tiliaMkS.l4Y illflsl.itikratull 408.41011T11.1 . 5ti ,
0-PA ILTNERS/lIP,The a übsoriben him)
entered Oda Co-Partnenhip under Um firm of So re.
'.lll. beam A Ololy.
. W A M. C I S I. A A K I N k S t O
' - • Removed:
pENNETT, BERRY CO. have removed
. to their tunr Warehouse, conterof Chturery era
Fit anat.. _ AsZhat_
Greenwood Gardti.
CHOICE collection of. Shrubbery, Vining
4 j.Rmn, ispharVgr b .. 7 • Di. Nb A " ,, " L b nli
aa= V tt i ro 4 "rt I
U r" v Atl. 4 4lllri.t.d
1 .1= 7 t ill i 4- ntrib.'elalbatf th. LT: fo ol ;
Itta Ow:1m: n Creams ad d other relent:manta linven
la tin daloons.
Orden Waranad Pto tha Welt
Allegheny county. Pa., will reeahe prompt attention.
jr2411 I. NnKAIN .
150:ntas 1. 1lag awl Atrr Wrt.pplpg Parr.
- .
" Doubts Cross "
124 . smarted 11411111 a
40 " libo•
19 " ouparior Poet Ofbre Paper ' _
100 " 1/publo bledttito :4137 Priutltuf Pam
100 Itopertsl
2412 tr
'Me stare. ' 1.11.11 slot of aid 411,.. of poem for We at
lbw lotred prim, by • 19. S. 11/NEV.
- • atattooor sal Paw Dol/sr •
jet{ otroor . of Market soil becoo4 strata
To Draggista and Painters; - .
rA1(18 GREEN ';'B'' ,BRAND, Tuiimoas
Wanner:a Prelim rewarded by th. Gold Media of
Armri.ean infante...lDi_ Pnamainer navaryloa mato,
cony or abode a nd color: ma marnalestorer of tbe ober* I
'Paint has prodruartt the 4... mist and. most Milliard article
of Pule trreeneiturt b permanent. and tbat can on g rott nd
erttboat dattintent to the ohadn..seld hu rednoed bre Pre
ow to turn:ling WillortortY. 4 '.
Hating tam -.minted - sole anent for the tote of.ttris
Wanted brand! of Parte Gran. yardmen will to Alp,
at raiment prime. , li t F.. SELLERS. ,
On • i , ~..
. brntivableit India in • promotion to Gni bands In
bars olaininfrrlPlrgt cir..K 6 """hp"pat' " U. '
e t tbilils.aca ic,N• ourr.urat% . z., 1111 A,
/tabor Depot. 7 nr4 9 ig . ° 4
;, a a.-gin ii:i,
!GUM 0351. I I I&
CLAUSE, PARES k oz).. Roca... PaoMOOS.
T EE ,PROPRIETORS of this old and well
*mien Line, would infirm the public that they en
ln operation - for the teema.ndpaeefommen
nod Pamir n¢ Freight and Pueengers. which they are fully
PrePeelei lo earn' to all pointe ma the Canal. and Lake lbrie
and Michig'an. at the lowest Pala One of the Boats or tale
Line will be ennotantly at the lauding. below the Memo,.
athela laidge e tu reed' freight.
, JOHN A- CA lar . Agent.
(Mee, nor, Water and aanithne'd eta., lattsburgh.
It W..thannlnahlea. New Caen.. I.
U. C. Mathew., i'uleeki, Pe
W. c..alrlan, Sharon:
na. Achre a Ca. tireenviile:
Henry, ilarletown:
• Wm. Power, Conneautrille,
It Erie. Pa,
' •
0. It. Wallfaidge. Buffalo. N. I% apl
' New hake'. ittperrior
TILE new steamer NORTIIDNER, Capt. B.
u.iAnte, having Ivrea' mallet. hnPeorelarnnt foe
r ely and com will leave Cleveland on Friday, the ad
of May neat. o c her first tripe—and weakly thereafter en
aridity, kt reelect, P. 51., for the Beat Pte. Marie. •
The etevner MANUATTAN, Capt. JOlOl CA will
leave Swat Sir. Mari, Pr the Were.. landl=Yeke
Superior, on the arrival of theineamer Northerner. making
it regular weekly line, throughout the sexual, between
Cleveland MILLI the Copy...nil Iron Mere.
11. a A. TUILNY.R., Proprietor..
Cleveland. 0.. April 1.5, 1851.Htf
Nannfactarer's Line
giggiiggo 1851.. alligigB
that thla LINE. mmposed- entirely . of Pouliot, Boat,
b nlu lull o with faullitlem Carr/ • hme•
hoautity,of, Indult to Phiperatitm,
ladelphia mid Baltimore, tea/hat
truitih:l...r, In at abort. U.... 0 at ae rate,. any
other Ilse law.
tihtei arruommeote Lava also beam mule lot rarrylue
WA, Frtletet h, ../ohtitiova, thumb
Water :Area, Alatamirla,Peterthirmeth liotitiumlos, Mal
Cheek:hew NitVeythoo,
Clatlea Harp, burg, columtla, mad all oth
er introuomate_polom cm the Pawroads Canal sad Poo.
ago Railroad. florin; return loin!. of Iron 'mired from
3ordate. Protopthara and . regulnity in shipment., to
Afnvenki nointa, .4 the lowest rut.. may ho
npna. J. al PCCITT a Proprialot
Warehouse, Liberty Mind,
mehl.Mlf Stemod door mem of the (*nal.
TIEREPT IN lIINEIbtIII.S LINE. to my brother.
iiitetill AM, Um huninem at Pittaburg h hero
after tap teat:motel muter the style of "Wm. Blatt ham I
[mobil . 14 - 11. &MOHAN
Ilinghaine Transportation Line,
rj[gllE CANAL being now open, we ere ten-.
dr WI rewire and forward promPur. R..."."
4 .
T archandise, cars and ween.
Freights always at lowest rate, charged br rwrpousible
Produce and Merchandise will be resaired and Orrwarded
cut and west, without aBT charge fix forwarding ac ad
eanidnit freight. Conuataalen, or ancrasca i ,
' liiilw Of Ladingiurwardwal, and all one Willfully
attended to. Addreas or apydrao
1 TOL IllitallA,Sl a CO.„ Oan Blabs,
' Co il Eel 041.1Z 1 C . 11,16 , V11a174 b ar, Ih.
• • hawser& Tomah and .11111.1ssta.,Bhilasksiptila.
• , ti0. , 182 North Unarmed atntet,_ll6l4ntars.
r . JAILES 8188 RAM. Na 10 Wset et.
Mehl , • , New Tort..
Merchants' Tiansportation Line, \
r? o.' \
o. A. EIeANUIgTOO.. n Van. l' keine 408 Penn ttreetl,
PUteburg h. •
I.lflAltliEtt RA ENUR. &tr. Block. Broad litre., ihilar
4011111 A
Ye, an purpared to reed's • 1.6. 'IUlt Dont toetal.. l .
tie prod uce to adp 05p. 1 .4 0 - fh. tint itie 11l Pillikt.' '
elphla. and all tatertnedotte Wake., are loigete rate., load in
tem Woe than is .7' Plariona Mason. ' i ‘,
MVP ii._ll The taaresaol number of flnicts proVide4 by
r Clnall bitannatesionen for carryinsiand Witte ott the
Plate Railroads, will preaent any ciaiall;y of delay .
Job ars, Itoliday admit Orealt .A. _... era.. •
U h Y bal k.
-----H, , T17. - --,-.--- i--- . ,
IgCliga 3 i :;tBs_ A_
r i4Wieb
TiiEhliitera of ItTerchezdlie, al, e, &c.,
•TO AND has entairdiela;rar...a.rueb LID TOM,
01111.`811 • eo., Proprietor., N 0..., If t, at al
COUSMerr• etre.. Philadelphia.
DELL • ;alai FM Aim., Ca nal Illsetn. PI WWI
Jill ' 7 A I LOWE SON i Attests, Malltmoret
lee... p.o.e. tot On 09.11.4 0 the P. e,/e•
Canal, to l:dew-I. for freight at as low tat.. od i.(l
alp,. IT mart, deepatett sod ear. au tinl tale L t, , T
rirOgga3 .
_lB 5 1 a-imiz ,
Pittsburgh Transportation Lin e. -
JADY.Ii giOOXIYOR k CO, Canal Pai nt Phoburgh
rITIIR. JAMEY • Co..'DePnht Dr..s 4 and Chlrhr . 1.
and Ne..l,.buth i .urth Sitre.t, 1.4.t.ri Marta eel 11, I
Dot 'Deets, Philadelphia.
01.Y.etl , 011n 0 0n,,:0 Nrytt, etre4t,lll4ltnnre
INO folly, completed bur arrotigo.
meat, we will Lc• ',royally! inioll thy; 14..1.6 Cl to.
enneylvanla Canals, to terry freight to end teetu Pine .
' clt r afiii, o ll a nravYlV., geltotrat ;I ' l7tie ‘ LYl.:tlV: : et . T .,
loto.trattt Imo with =top taapateti and care Outu ...ts•
et• Llne. All . c o de
lan dn b, our LA. e are•Oally tnecr.4
by Insurance , wi th out eerier, , akyrortY•ttnn
not realty atherdnl by an, other L...
-,44,...memottnicalions add reseed to unfelt. , it! atnol..
''.l=. l - ,l ", ' ''' r l''',r K "" th. n i l " rn ' ttli i reiern a n ". _ o ,.
llntiLtAt and , YretattrerTranatltniaDon Line L ot An
kW. a la.i Y4l .
COVOPg & CR \.7..'
is.-...t i to whim t 'ovoao.i
Cant Sarin, \
Pro. SOW.
Penna. Rail Road Co - --Cestrat \ Rail Road'
lEEE oubecribers baying been, appointed
shipping Kann for the Przonytntedaontral hall
• ,nhonn th• poblie tbat we are lute perk to e.
sei , r , i, any amount of or prance shipment
Otode el. thht in.. *III be carried throtuth lir, nee on.
and CO tottrinnatto cue.lll be Inrwarded tree orr. \conar.D , _.
,sna az rh.rge for advancr!.
- • i i
' I
arm or 'umpire sewntsolooraml Otte rtrinvern
Ony Goads, Date, Shortqlloolt a, ntallattary.onireT, nlne•
1 , Honer, Fruity, Feather, TurrAnta,Drnilk D M rr , Y,
Bridled. ar ••• - 'U.Onit• loolk..
11.. d....“, kue..n.ware.throreal..,Tatuto. .re Drs : 4 e.
Leall,"r,Clor•tr, lian i Tlrunthy .4 Othgr Pft. . 4
Wash 4e. 00•111 lle,
Beef. Pbrt, llhrter, Lard, Lard Oil , 'lnbaenLtaf, Colic.,
Tallow Grain and Kim blellll 100 ',
Ashes. Muth , (mob). Tor, MA, Roan, Onytnatt Cloi.'
Boots. liscon. .e. welt DO
. • corner Penn and Wayne ottata.
Pittatrartn, Anti lot,lotl--(jro
Freight received for all the Waylita#ons
on the Pennsylvania Central Raitroid.
124:: - Adam J.Cre ' r
Jams North.
Lewistown, , . 11121..• !Milken
'Mount Vela,. f , J. o:Gwadar.
Itnn . tif : eon. i J. D . .)ierr,
Maw "' • ' A. rat:;lt '' .
./laliderriarnh. ' l. d. Bran
ane ..3loderwal.
Cannata: .Minitrerell a Hstalls
Illerristara. J. Wallower a Son.
Dsmawntero. 1 ' Pia. Morgan , A Co.
/Newport. 1 Jape r
Millerstown. ' 1 llerveirk
Pariaille, , O. D.
Mirstown. ! Mama Natal.
tio.sler Brother'
.turner ofL.nn an 4 Wore. sort.
raCONSEQUENCE of the decease of John
• merademitbe paitnitshlpiterstarore rilstiag between
dsh 8 COToda is hen)", thsaalsod. Jahn F. Lola to
fally.authorlsad to settle the %hearses et the late lltts.
All VIIIKIIIII having, claim., lit plasm prrsant them fat
Fermat. . rittnbUrgh,,Yuly
IHnoorrnars mMaid. ' Aural. I
The butinese or the Agency of the l'en# Centna flallroad Company will Looreq . tor he ron
durted under lb. nornoand Mu , a
. • . COVODE s CO - 1:7.,
meet of Penn nnd WINT. Amon.
Pittsburgh, JOT lei IsbL—lirs
Agricultural Implements. ... ..
XIIAVE JUST received from the East the
following Isoplamiosts , all of the beat ntalaufaatura
the woe. mwast Invention; and 1 would tuella all
Armen to all and smut:Ann .1 M.A. •
Untir 6 r ' llni - Vti rt. l o re,r
y •.n b atT " . aitd t' atl:l7 l". I '.
UornCob Crwthrre.
Cunt Sbeller;for bows end bend power.
Straw and Cona Stalk.Cuttlng aches., ,
V.irtable Root Cutter.. •
OA 'lola, and How Chain }Uttar. •
tned Oraln and Chan
fool,Brva. m Hoes. '
- Ese Caate tateel two. three anda id
Wong attlA \
All wanutactneed from,
the heat malarial. Cod nw Wale
Cl the Drug and Seed Star. of
.. 11 : Horner of Woof and /kWh sinew .
• - Beaumott's Patent Starch Mich,
jpATENTEii, July 201 1840.—For giving
. a bean emit cum, to lausa.:).li.u... Cambria, col.
nk'Shlrt Brooms, we., and also Dr.tuts rhe Iron Ann
dhering to LW., aminroVente duet !ram stlrking to
Limon in; and contal. nothing Iwarkonn .
Di.ctims- - rut . niece the aim of a pew to a quart, of
!Mitch when tolllnal Iron briskly.
_Mos, ditki cants par Co ke. hold wholesale and retail by
E. tirjj.R. hi Word St
- - -
ACARD.—I have removed to my new gore,
(three &ore . WM) emrir ortmao lb. Bank of
boreh, wharaL *lll bo .1 Naw aI Menlo and I*l
- dawns, at r t . rtealre * short; of thrtr enotom. 1 will
,Ir d tztt o rpda n t r lm oi rtfr j of ti c =l47 . l l li /V o re 0.1
polo 'toothy.. Ifet Itolitrri, rad 1111corg 111.0k.M. Qat..
coontrtwor Dmr p and Combrrta; VFLedow St•des. of .very.r..
it ' g r eortentairattsblUhmants of wd [earl a IrlorOrdrr ud zrt i t n
fully pollard pod most promptly flied.
•Pl • WM. SOII/JO. Third atm*,
01 m
.--,Caah paidfor Wosd
J :by
' -; arnica. •
HAVE just received from New fork, tot
1: TAM .
o tbff lot g o lot °tooro* al l io
Y ale
QPECT.ACLE 91—We have a complete \
tzLI T _4 4 ,-fr k .r.r.ti.zr"-v.rirAthbv,
*Tau r:tioTy visica,aaconilogio tat boopprinciptto al
optical ream. • I Coaa I • W. W.
ANURE , AND HAY. .RKS-1 good
u l irza hP
r0m.,ExT.,.... \
J!l2 Agent W Won, a co,
Anthracite CoaL
TONS just receved, n sal
30 Ibijoc - 1 -' or - Madly we. 11 - 31• " 14 4.
143 i• • Canal Blatt
COPper7BtOCICS. —7
yvrE HAVE ,o ere for the Stock of
Coropardeo of Lake linforlos. Thome
rhino to '
eel, or .m,..
rn - WILKINS co.
Pare-randy, for Diairtuos, &c.
•yt 2
I , 3 AR IN r
4T ttu W, on thotil
b ! lon need Fiet4elt ,
. quxt. ru.doxii Per Vtr4 itte.Rl43
'IIyerCKEREL--100 t 0
artiTs-alsd int Ws by
&WT_ uooibe. tuz Ede by
O aoOf comixospy Gni of Suboistenpa,
WASLIINGTCd4 August 2,
PROPOSALS -will be reeeis ,
,udessh untsl the 1 , “ day of October nest. far
the doliserr Poi:minions, In for the use of the
troops of she United Stanss. upouinspeetion, es follows:
dt Nag Orlea= Barracks, Loairiana
basseis of port
25 barrels of fresh superfine lour
66 bullets of new white tield beam.
.• • -
176 roundliof gaol 11Ord‘tman
L 0.9 pound. of good hard Orr. moat..
11 knothole of goOd Olean dr,' 66. .alt
421 gallon. of .gt. 0.1 eider vitTitar.
At 11.1tvn Rooro Bdrn‘r,lo.
K. barrel. of Dori ,
13 trarroloof frovb ox.y.rfiuo Aor
booholo of now while field n.
1.74 ponside good hard
L I pnnund.. of gtod hard <versa
Loyn..l. of wt.] clean dry fn.n it
.11114. 01 ,i`Od cl,lrr rlnegar
Al Kee, IVraf, P . /And ,
Ofl harr.ole of 1.01 - R
124. barrel. of treat. import.. rte. ti r
y ~boahela of new whit. Held bkane
poundo of good lurd two, •
•21.0 routglo of good bard opens ondb.-
14hnengl,of good .loan fa. malt
gallon. of vluegar
fh , Pubiir Landlv,rii putts frors Fort r
mouth of the
.5.5.1.arte1a or port.
30-5 barrel,. of (reel. munerLtro /lour
\' boatels of new white gold lgato.
• !!qontado of good hard Dozy
nude of goal laud gym= candle.
14 naltela of good clean dry fine nit .
asllono of
older mown..
Th. whole. 10 be dellearod In all Ider month of April,
1 , 62. and.. 1.•noo Natehltoeboe by the foil. 01 Frhnlarl .
At Fort Smith, Arlawur.
I.arredo of pork
harl-rle of frelb ..uperho. Ml , ur . '
htlaheLl of on. whit* Orld beaus
". 7 o I. o ondr Of Food hard Poi,
.204 1...1ud0 of good Lard fivesto catoo..
1.1 of ow 0h... dry One .011
2.1 galloon or Coal •Inegnr.
tp,..ha,.1. eleliverml ILI all 'lay. IV,
At Fort UiLxon, A r.(art•um.,10 t.f pnrk.
17S,barrnin Irrnti etiperlior
of wow whltr 174.1 twann
yl,,undlt,ot rood hard I.oip
t. pp
rlIlOl ' N % I f
'4 l
b et? "'""" I
One malt
e ri l 0 MI 1 7Irl!!• 0:4de1:;.1.4.,
sit fort Snelliisg, St. Petry.
\ . i . 4 ' a ' frrllla:g; r4tt = l ran, lour
slbd bushels of new. to 101 l berme
243 , "...tads of goollmrd eoap • .•
- ues. r aurals of good hard tallow candle, \.
-P4 bueltelo of wood clean dry tins tAlt
oohaalloop of good onilar vinegar,
The Whole to be dellveryd &km the 11th May, 1142.
the 16tbJune.1.52.
.4 0 F 0,4, ligsley., month s us Crow (Ding ray... 2 \JAG
\ mitts isl Are l't;t Sntliing '‘
a& batrids of pork ,
12.5 lorrrle of fn•th euperfina ` door
tw, huabela of new ..hue field beano \
`K6 poundal; good. hard, toe°
6`.ktounde good hard tallow
oaleln td
tel elea dr flo 4d ah le
. Z) l gall he th of`god cide n w ,
nt n
Tim, whole to he delivered frao the dal June,19.52, to the
151.11 Augnat, 1E4,2.,
At A'ort lArentrorfit, Missouri River.
310 lured,. of pork
1.00 barrelo of Imola fopertne ffretr
221 bushel,. of now white held beans
T.tdn pound, of gond bardabaD
1415: pound" of good Laid tallow candlea•
(I^b...tbov::t,, , tov,al:,z,,'?::""
Tbe,whoh, to be delivered by the I.t J .s, 1552.
At 171ri3to0, •on the Jim-mason roofs, Missouri, 7p
Inilek,irrpd rronsportation from fnal.pendenet, o 5
ih. Mirshurr rive+.
55 barrel... pork
Ida hu,ele`of freeb ntiperene floor
F 5 bushels Of new d
herd white debt heap.
"7., pound of goo 000 p
teaunde .
wtiod of hard 'perm candle,
It barbel, of nrod clean dry fine salt .
,2 :-. Fella.. Of prod rider Onto'.
Thr hobo to to 4.llTerrel 11,T the Ist Juno I 052-
• live —All Indateredtre ~ i nerted I, eatend the amount
of Welt bide for earlarticle, ntad ex hthlt the total asturnut
of eel hid: and no bld wlll'he aeted Oh unle, it embreeed
all artlelea retotred al a poet:,
The Demote god onatuittegoof Pad, delivery .t those
mis 1 1 ;v4t7ILL:' 1:1 =lt, V l Oll-a ' - ii""TSIVI,'
The uoyS of ethleh the pock to poNtod to ho fattened no
:ern. and 'each butte welwt, tut how than two hundrt,l
pounds: <waled:OW the feet, teg, ear*, and moor. hide
pinore may to enteltlutted for the hew,. The ork lo to he
and ultwd •ttb Turk'. Inland \ealt„ and loon carrion"
pecked with thrrande arnele hype e ton etereding eight
pout:ale, aeh.
When, the. park trl ha• twee cvnpleded, the contract,r
n t r h u st k &TVl t t ‘ l ' w t teW , rst t l ' aa ' tt . ora r 'gWgre l d ' . ' lt: ' , ' lt ' t r e
to ho onntained to eoweosod boom el\ white oak It;n11,
full hooped the Wane nod It in heroic.
the aawn
end canalleelo etrong Lo , ates of obnvettlent Mtn for trane.
portioned. , ~
Felt wall ot,\l he in ! 11``d by utrasurecueot of
It. ' l . ..r ,t,' :l ' prott " .- I .i. IT: ' ,:•\ `' . 4 ,, n o d ri , t; b it ;tor :,‘T,,; ''' ,.._ " ::
tit 1... u., 1,
ultimate \toetnodta , 41 al the Ilt.d •eok.,"
t!LI , A: i f:lx:4 , l4lre .
it ,, , ,, or tort ntpiny - todet
I (snore lu the* partlenla sill beeonstdered o ' breae-h
ot enotract, and th,e,newartgle w,ll b., authorized Input
eh... to !opal' thee, woof.
T e e prcretrlane +llll , . iett .. dd at the time arelplake a
&Bery, and all raptor.. to paid by col...tore until
they are teteAdt,‘l et sucluetorahre,,no as tn." he dr,...
, ted Ey the 50.13t1 a the be r. porepotrt, . i ~ ,
to r lslo o fr ' r ''. d l l7n s t o a 7 l 1711 ' ; tt ' to r =l es ' h . L. o ri oP4l:Ze ' rt , to u t:'
beTr: ' A,; ' :.ltr 'r lT ' l '' g " 00101": 4tro ' in at ere " L ' in t' n ' fr
clog the ottantitlen of earl, ,le , t , .ed . nordhlnl aubre
71 ‘ 14;11,"! 0 n7.1r.r. " ,!,;,,,T.t gl=e'r . ''''P re4lf '''?''''
7 ~ M" : :ig r bilit t ‘ Ztt
I r .:, b. tir '', =fl i. fl i elrre ' eU ' r ‘ ltios, - Ato 4 re • i;' ,lbl„l,
moo r rertilled b the Inetraet Att.trtAx. othy roma r , r.
IZIcro r l: rec i pe } ° `'e \'''''''`• - ` l " . ''''•,'_ P'P'-
, drueqt .eener Vad , ,
any caw, a Vo ,
' t
reVace.l i " Pre d' r' e.:,N L ' ) . ; ' !it...t/..1.7a ' s „ry '"
" '"'":
„ , ,,,,,arn..
A:: , eall ‘, he etleeted I,rt a , vt%Aao r blle .u uxtf\ a, f aLkor .
r ,
~r u. ofd s.
jaoltOrt, 21 Pal of
a l, ' '" fr i tntrl•Ttlll l aLet ,, ed tot imid a.. 1 .,
any el e oastannee. ‘ ,
kaelb ~.. T 1,114113 ea pare. onvalole, \nd
, .• EiiietA I idli( - 144,13; (.1,"
_ci r444"k
ti,da. Itor0•111 Oa ba
. liell for
, K..riAng In thetf IN.
=this err r to .j. t i t itl , :wo l. alr ..rd to do to L'ithe,
anwlT Moped.% \ \
load I
'no Ral for
IlAitpAr 11.
as & of
uppliod e,rder. 111
r.l.lkirollr en
. _
,r,50.1, for sale br)
\ --" foekairo bi
..ON,VII Weer o.
a.sacl Noe., for
F.`Prli-`O. •
. MOLASSES-3001N oak, for knalo
Ir Jon w . L'. Wil&ON.
Lai D
ICRUP-26 hbls. far s ,
gt t S3o . AR—ISO-150 hh4s. rot ',Oa by,
N .,4
8 rue 4963 . dwelis
(2) l l,, l ;ak, S u tew br' b x ,
jy9 B9 WV,. and TA rTv .96
"ACM:RE 50 bble. Pie. N 0.3, fo sale
JtbrES VA= '
NIA() RE Ikl ,
E--100 bb1,k...,0w No. 3 i N go
al a=l for NI , by WM. JUPALEY Aco
t o nr
re \
F LU k t b O y ,-2N jog bA l ls.
VIIIEESE - 13. bOxes, for\ rale bi
1J ~77 \
_ \, " A !" Dic lk - t.___ c 9
mACKEREL-106,1,61a. \aEge .N 0.3;
u, , ,1 -
tjrti llo t 1)" \,, .1,10 IS.* W.‘l#lll.l,tiajt.
NIAJJKE ItarL '- 51:i blhr. La . W.N.f , ..3 . ; _ I
ft...ming per fanal'll.4 fur .le 4
c. \ s w
~,.., : JAM}. I. . • \ atorsi__
~ 50, ! , f t,1! , . (~!,!rge N. 3; 1
YU t t i. t tbu \ '''"\'•
Ju....1 axkl at rale bY \
- -- ,., y , " 4 . \
.._. .14J1'NjW . AT . Ltql. 1 1
111.:A 1' SUGAItr-LO‘i L oovos 14 --- ang's boo-
tls Refined, rec'dr , l v, v l b iic.c ,, ;cßo
I) ti lEll FRUIT-4300 'Wish. 41riey1 Peaches.
, ). . ::', l '. ~,4?N.A , CP'"
L.* .1* 1.1 ' '
COD LIVER 014-40 gallonx, IT Rl\ WIWI'S,
~.,,,,h, by J. 19 k . It. E. SELLER/4
CODLIVER 01L-3 Arm 'enuitle 'Rush
ton, Clark 1 Co.. fcr tide 144, ,
-• i 1... 1 K16119(1\
Firu. --
f !ltcl. i erel, Sal i ar iyil h iL t l tt i tln a d o l , fer: ,
_ drl ) t
' 11A6PoitS—U,n, P UZ n / e i.4 B l U nff 6 .. (4.‘l‘ 7titi V zZt i r "° . l l. t e r a
Jr) k .1. 11. ICILLIA)I9 Jt C.Oiltd 'Wood a- \
k . J. D. WILLi&MS & VO., \
)9 'Pittabs
Corner of Wood andliftd &Tref; , ug h,
' ' AVE NOW IN STORE, and tii,arrlv. tide
week, tha &Mown,' voila. of tin. mon knennt 116Por
vs. which ant offered on the mut reasoned* Jarcrun
tibcau, lane/ prime ilreen 11. Z dolcaZant 4 7,1 int 11•. h
.15iattesta dik do. 66 box. et4ra p4e Sine b;
46 \ - Orklong ltlhulkin 91.
1 : i . nalerarcic9,
t I' l,olltTnncl Jam 7 1k b o' . i', 4 :11 . .) , .
991 , ..2n.,! ,., .,...9 411, 19 : t.,4-4=k
116.. it hatr.
25 blds. Nor.] uhl 3 Mark.
. 30 S ood 4 do. No. I In
and 4, do.)tamogu
6C , Lorts liorriO42
1300 to. r2tr• Noddo+l
Wei Com*
1 o CIoTOF
bop Popper, At
1 bbl. Nom
I 2 4.1r0a10g0,;
i•• •• i•ii;:abbs.
SO kssa - Mustard.
1,, •• Caw.
1 ltd:Lt. 0 srret /T VA:
is kauss Huario Laud/.
Mt - Star • 1
1 1 •2•19 " stu=n'alll ' ar . kl 4 /
.! ,t
IVO 54' Vtful t,' "
'" C
Nl6O •• vs Brooutes \
Wass. B t• Wbi. ' ''''' L.
Lb ' l ' s IN . r rtulAran
al . k Ts
o.l ,m iT , A ', .!t °
t• lA/k ni t/or. ,
Tar, MO ta Ash,
\WO box t Harris.
MA bbla 1 C. Tan
I# - •• - par Al r 1 quint.
/1/0 eves / swans 6 a gang
\ 1 blkts. adds's,
4 r . Miss.
B5(1 bat. Bs/ /0:11(11Stat.
1 ,0411=t 'd / I gt•sst, f'° •r .
ao qs blr No .BStasatrkl,
NI rrtlialleked tisegl
'1"1 5 , 3 bhlatal . L
t= i Y B s.
,`com A.,lfy vas 'incorporated '
• • • shrruary,l2l7.. With • PerpatuaL Chariot. moil ,
'101111:1 - .1141.blliVI CZ +1.0.M.' of $ l7OO,
, \ The coMswoy ilor beisisiess both Its the/cant star i
i M e/ti n ltirrtn tit ‘ et plan ti.lSYstaw are oneetbdrd leers thin
those chargarl ' by littitual Corityasie. and 'Fifteen Dar Coot
lower the.o.theyarewpf moat block Complale.
Mutt.) ruti• asei the um. aa thy. adoplll by other
iotely csotomethpani,. Tho,,inorrod on du mural-,
itt Pmnrip itiihav the biped securities runrishol by that
.r ill ' e ' S. ' „;J. , l. ' 4; ' , " k " 4 ,11! csiT 4 —I Surd- Paul of
The Charter nennits that\ granting I,t intoning , . ou We,
io we form.toclilding the right ll ./fl, eblidron, pa
roots, relatiototTric de or eit.ditchs-Sto. insure tem
another fortliairewt exclusive tieuent.paystle;afilldostb.
te wan the peril, as-riving Attie 5ay...... -.1. oiliiir fii 7 .
1 . .{ th. /Vim of rim, rimed. \
an on.
\ \ '
munisil 11cOlurken. ti
ae sni Pre , era \ -
1 X....Ph - 1s h eoch, Trearive.
Charlra 't 03(ton ....ektary \
Jounce ~'slam.
Jehai 11.1iilwoe h. Charbie
rani :ann..' Nlreln an, Wu,. Phillip, •
an,". Man,.
11,41. W 0...1 W I kat, /SW 5e,40.1.•37 othiir '
I lon. Walter Fur ant
orierlate Freestary of Treasury
John Snyder. i.. Carhieraf Pittsburgh •
urgh Vatthi
' 31•Liolm le.ech, ..1.,
~I rli, r ila ,..i iital4. G rs .
— l ion \ Ran liii, A. IL lb:Cal:non F.,
, roth. non..
flmni/fam Pay:miens.
Joseph thatam.ll,D.. William Avals /11. U.
Jeremiah Brent. IL D, E. G. Ed.ringtotti ' , NY.
Exanrimny Phystrians. \
Samuel Dilworth, 31, 1., 4: Smithfield dr...
Robert Snyder. 11. It, 101 Vourth street/
John Crawford, L. D. n Sixth stmt. \
Wm. Mrli. 51Organ. 5E D., lap Llbesty atmet.
I) Dilworth .111 la , lu dttendahor at the ofllea, *nag
day, tl2 oelo,k ,
UM ,of the Co roof, No 7;', Fourth street. \
0 idamiS i . , ,A. COLTON. Segii.v. I
State iitiial Fire Insurluace Comikuiy..,
IIitANCI OFFICE—No. o 4 Sacianuti Brum.,
Pirrvarsite, 31a, let. IUL .
T HE beh evidence of the success of the,,
\ \tlk.r
Directiii• I endeavoring to Maki tho ATA TS JfETlhi
. A PlIel; ILVSL .4-I . C.k: COMPANY Meet r ise wwcts of '
rim cilmmonity, the unreuallrlad .count cg bnaisimai
which Las lawn d m having teamed ;gild liollrivo during
the put year, th ii y adding 0,7 0130,000 to theile
'.iiif tbeCewoleihr. 'e ly all the property insured 101 of the
safest kn. In am I An, 4.1 a Italia proyonien Dririihwai
Sir,,only ...p.a.' .
Wholn No. of NI rIA wed---....,.. 7.7 , 10
lig do, explil: e i • red. canelid. • 91:
Amount ot Potibe ' sly Ins i 17.11115,419
Do.De, lancaled,tazukta . expirid..TY/1,7Z1C0 '
o: Premium Note.. • . 70,176 07
1, rottrel.4.l.eiroltuted. .... CV 10 • .
Ito. 'hi /o[ a,. 70,37.77
I,sµb.Prs .ls, uituros ke 'o Cer -- 7.:.::::, 11,157 14'
ssl=l it i,
libido waft and espenaesps ...S=4ll 45
balance la ar che 1 ,, ..",1 • • ' VT." 4 ' 4 '
Ts city or ciatidey merehairia, ann\irwners of dwellings,
Sod atwori, [...Pert,. it ts osuevca this hem-
Oozy aliordi. sohhielatios. in polti chat p ricerii, Soletr..ild
arm - Inferine Who Inaurannt Con* 7in thiscoonltcS.
onducted on ilie hrialtable atglanaU .MD=4l:
141aesiticatiou of Illvta, areludin.oll a
w.r.only a limited amount lts anS, ova I .li lt, tbiltyra•
VI vr i-1 ,11: 1 1 .11T:L ' At Y' lafell=e r rgillt S.. Zy
. Ap d
.. ebvityneas and Scommoodathin of bOilt method.
I, the foamed to. parranDatloo in the profit.
~--..101in P. ilutlierfonle iL. J. glitcri i''"` ,
Caren. iltill C. Dedgveick, Samuel cs, Itch's
1 D. Packer. Jo
I'. Rutherford.
A. O. GILLETT, 2erre,
0, Preat
Achintry. \ traq k '
:Dividend of Aileen per sent, ou onos
,deehired by the Director+• and le oat rte.
itire Me renewal. or redeerne.ble in cutiiidore
44 . 1 u
Latin e l.
Dir , t
.11.1=4 A. C,
Klan. Job a
A. A. C. 2.
N. B.—A Pb.:. ,, r('
I.l4cles I,llt. h•-ntilAre
, VMS,Wc. ,
Id the eroi.aful.t4V
ul.r, Adolph. ,
Jarol. 11. Srulth.
• Tbln ComDAUY
ur litut u txd, uu v.
cu uut ct
vrblet,l.'wlth Wei
;gr . ' am I prat
The ...s of
Neel 4,128 68
84,=7 IN \
TIZ3'; ~ .6 3,1.1 . •
~....:; \ 61.811 Y th - - , 1, 0.. -
thal., Ar. .
\ 111 . 412,7011 44: •
thou their incorporation, • partal of in yet" ' th e,
!the. t 10 , 1 upward" at One 31111 tan Apr /Ithateedrhousand
13 11. r. 1.,.. A %y Pith. the eflopthas efirlettha, of the
...Pte. tho
~ of uranee.,, pen se,betr ability tethdll,..
loom; o to wootith pr.taptoo..l4 Itilit ll .4
J. liethl/NKIL Frth. Aire. , s,
11Eiro r 1, romor of Woad ev.),!.! et,
Penn Itinteayl Life Insurance Go., Phiail:a.
(~... J. f in.,. Jr., deoresed,) Ith. 383 tikerty . siitet.
or tho !Allot rat,onience of panto= ltlooll.lo. W.Va.
lower part all, al, the men% may also IP...found. diiir,
froth 11 In 12 .w 1 2 tea o'clock, et the rowntpa ktheit,al
eehoopeuel,r • Co.. No 24 li oaf Meet, etherl..ll toeo.A.
sup tedorthettati In begiven sod eozothunlrettaroptheapk,
IT ett.tdeat th, Yeapplilet , ~Plsl.ins the pn.dyl..=*,
eallto at Life lothreure, and bleak far= 1)21 - 1 thaed on .
Cepttel creek ores V I JO,OPO and eoost!stalp in...llns.
Pratt. JITPIPLI artookny'sra.g.t Chase thawed for 111. •
'Pitteburgh. Jta. 31.—pthl
Maxine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
-- - - .
THE Inguntnce Company of North America',
Ptilkiiiliiiphin—Cimninid Mk. plinitAl inlo,ooo. guest
.inniil 13, 1.51. SIMI.= 51.1.• Vi 1111 nint• linnursnees ou
binkltinni iin4 their . ..awn& in Mtn city and ridnitn a..
.. .. ,
~,,,, G. c.ofil, prey, Shotose P. etc* ' I
tuna eI,W. Jonee, • Joht, R. Ztelf_, ~
Etr-erdooOth. Ittlbertl D. Wool.
.4.41-•• . -.1,10,...Z-11Oris, • 1
Catnuel root,. ' t, Aust.:, AlLibooe,
Cherie. aTiot, WO. E. Born. -
Atobetre t Otto, - =WV. ITV!, ! .
\Jecob H . honta,t
P. Morrit Vali \ 11. )1). Nborreid, Reef.
'Shute the a,o,t luiunn,.. CoOtPow7RtAbo Dotted Mk ,.
I ru l " Otr 4 gl h ri=ta=l7=i; " = . 9 ' y, i
'lnsl \b. ,ourkter,..l os, onerloa am.oe eeturlir to th e public.
• Je.ti V ILLIAM D. JONES. Altera,
\ , tin. 141 Eton =rt.
Nik:s4na Insurance Comvanj , of Pittibumi
c , i4i4T.A.L $300,001V 4 R. MILLER, JR.,
'Arytc. P. M. GordOo,
All . g. ,- ) . & - w4ti=u4g , t AlN;d4—. '
A Mot r\l i , sttut.on—menof.l la D 1."... ttito ott”toll
p k" trl ' t?..t.7ll=t t ylol , tatst to. a =V4c d bl i gt
the, boot .N 5, &ring I,Ye trt 9 \ rotectlon to tßoot.
oho crenrob? 10t=.1 3 .
flcTm o ,f, ' , Jr . %. I nt ?tn ' t , ... ° Z . llle i ti k t:, fi,": . ,P.'11.=
„w. >l. ..,-„..„ , Orspo 1,41 , 00ttt. two D:f 4 do. h... m',
Vi.g , e,kc,..l;il 'a . el=l..T:era t- boor ot .I , oOR C CO,
up ortairt.) l'lttsb. to . \ WW O II,
Y hbin Crushed
Delaware MtlSafetyliumrairecomß'y
lIA! , 011, weal, Phitadelpina. •
laeurcr.-- , [lllkllnge, .I . dele.handlre, mat orb.
ITtera r aNtle:;lll: ' ln c ar ' A ' aVie
elm mars VelarelACaineea,,
and Fr 64, tA, forelga or keeurto
e. under open ac "lord.
sanna anaured' ewer 'diura. •
Tuaresrorrarsor,They alto 31erAankre
eranaperted Wiwona, Rall . wed can, Canal beat...and
'ntaans beata,'Un
and , tharaaatlinaralterin\
, 11. Fe.. 1,1 Edmund routler,_;ao
Tm, Itnbrrt Jell. 14 Penrose. Sunval T•nnarla.
MU M J ". a. D r. * WU'
ara . ulan cent, 11- -I. ilnetau,
taut. TbaurhnakaLlrldi o. Brnona,.. H2a 7,
Janner Jvu '0.>`.41: 1 7°37.
Jahn rellerr.amb 00
y r• 1 . . 1.4 z, J, • \
Lnaneeen POI ' ann—/). T. tilergat. kfustl Crali.
Jahn T4lenran. a • \ • ,
Ntaarce, flaeadent. Tzei.V\l.l.n. ritli•
danl Jestru W. Con.. ' • .
c arT '"‘"l ,2ll,l 4 r ur '
00 t.t , lrs. aso'd Nos., ,
1K soul Woodsi.
FektailT for sale
R. tanlinuarr.
76 ..-___*---- 92 11 NO
- ire C, , I la ... T r -ill
80 lief \9 5 'NV
'',,, 85 '''• - -99 '-'---- 7, -
,„ Per cent. Stretig‘t.
14• .
'IF '
ton ot AtiCOLIOI.; rureSpitits fore niiie,
Coprer That v.por IVlOskii7 en /woe.
tumor of N nie mid }rout streets, Clocueltsrl, Unto. ,
Norm' onlera (tom Pittsburgh will be p ..'pnattir Wed
otflowe • \ ‘evaitar •
, to orket Vetoes.
Willed And LiquorA
157 Lily si.:`,Fi;rmerly Dar* crai.erfactory.
9=4 of hittnia,J orticirxt,(N, Y.
112KEISEN,f_KOUVENEL, nespeactilli
''ree I g liab" . 111
s -t . ovr Land, vb . th
b'sl F
.: 1 1 141a+ .'41 piti d
thhlA , Jalasks nth UOlll4
ti con th=tra l iT4
ateetil. 'All of Aitth they
thattlowtrintronabb term"
aresslohlt antitmlsitt bit
S Toth.= abetv.llnt
afpreall, Wan
itoT.Nnozi: . urri:}N A U
i a:int rbaript : am] it the
. ,
____ ,
wavers ible Waier . Pilter
in opotion* W3l.
No. 10 Fourth Mohr, M
yat•t Rod at PRYOi i - Ailliblrry
a ile:l7P - 0.1 - alVM7tli:o
... . ' r t a; ilg4lll,b,r,- vow.
and a erttitexto from flat .gi kwaiiiin Institute or Polladoi
of which the tolloolo li aro toartiplow n - - - 1
\ -11ntrottiont. hatch bath, 1:1151.
. 1
1: \ ii " _ :
. g Crgr ' s=tlVlVe 4 iTt i to= " tartitrlTl If k ;e ' r e lfrl
reg. or lir, at.,
urnag nvAc 010.3. foe ..,,,,-
`'. q u ', " th ' I ''''' Ti l ta l E ° A;KW, tzer.i.4.,
~ - ,u ,° "Pattromlona, Pi Mb, dial.
Thii Nun!. RiOrarelblo Water Filtoftt, limpti t, by Ili
E..* H. Little, god untst try ma Porrerate Amu t .., 0 1
itare noktemot, Is 'A.II that irstP Poblmta mitl artett 4 t
'1,,=. - stzt:T.v.t!': " r 0 i NTS PIM%) `AT I ..,"! 6
' No. 6 812.10 tr One , 1
tja am fins. aro mirror:Poi to tale oat'airry mbar Pr
taloa which may vim from decamp:mot =Waal or wombo,
OM mailer in du water. They aro warmotobto lart two
yearlatmal with ordloory mire will but 1.01 sad tamale
'''''''''\''''''''' b''."'d' lllATElii./.tlil;b., 4
mytittt _
.._ 2 . 29 An , ----,Philadtiptia.
r1 , ;;;;d1;;17147r.' c
GDO Ds. /Wed len !Saltines.
6.0 drums SlarTas I.lg,
IS)strs Dorch.sul P.D.: `.
1 to
D. Sicily - \
Damps . •
12 dos. MiUts:u Soap;
I Dbl. suss Mils EWE
Crewss Tarttr. .
1 ram. 1416,1 Fara,
Yldly tad Itefthel
1 " Arrow 14,..t;
rot Bath Brick;
1 bbl. Flour Bulphug
go Mparkli4t
10 doz. E.t.a oi rw..
Ror., askl Vanilla;
'6 " Lrtiicas Petra
I rook Sal Sod.:
tr. 11,1%
EAA PlPE—Conic
JLA rnm for Itrlews. ,
All eirrii ve hantijaf to arelv ,
Mehrlf \ •
ddo 81.11.11..111.. Mating
3.02•0 de. Alenorsdal,.
tans. 4Jnav,
T e dee..
imdpes Elm Creek..
I 1 Pruner. .`
5 fem. Bei.;
\ Te.elpnehdpe
al •• Pepper educe; \
Brazil 004. ‘,
10.01 1 3 Prbzeipit s.otyc
6,060 Havana \
1.14 , -M. Con. "
110 Ms. Wederoad. end
110 bld . 1.1:01111 r dlet
11.0 gee. C. S.
110 Coe eut,
"4)0 be!tes nes. Bdays
I ro • D. a Ni.o. Castileßein.o.4
Bed tko , o". Gmand sad p..
r 1013.0 Wll4OOOll Bkded:
I. and Terldewelak • Ir".•
15.1010.111 d /14Yrdeit SUN
Il loe t,
at • ii!ia .,
!,: 1L TM,,,, 2 ,4 ° ,,,ripk, nuttl l t'i p
&tut mut ntrtuir A.A . fig
it lpup
ieuipiqultaiii, either 1110 cirlow, des— .__ _
" IrariTer otM
tflP .'". 7 . ' '''\- '
im.fireparet shelu n erilZed. '' 7 ft ' . -° '" 4 ' in
HW'(diaµ• or tit ' s req.. pillar naeutioued are
'wort intecessrnlir belted upott pl. hi LAT wee.
if the method LUSIIM ••W
" rtiqited ituire.rautte. trltt i ll= u'i
lit h' ltuir .."
plotswhat, drutot, and Weir tramitiez
. yl5 Uq.qIVE;ATEF(I3O:it • Oltr.LY.
rri6 - 11 : nbs eal"
csibeiki 71-l iirn Pot
n 4 I Y „. ale .4ge H ribs
A d by- C. 4 2 1.7 Co-Ohr the ale of ibet
t t Art CUT an
OLVP:1.4111.1 a ehMlahed rrt Ij:id of themat
Pamlbhs, =bantam koora =ib my rigings4 clamped pirposia t
scr%o - Man* •
~car, Geo.
tnvo and
oeßnlitr ,
Input fuxul,
Inv Arted.
ere aifollowe
Ohio Laratoxy.
.. : ' Needjes' elebrated \.. ' 's.
. • ,
nil. hhithlyrnellithiedlesaflrs hue. be. waft..
.or. litall teensy ././ . . dMiir); irbich , day they hi.
ra , l 4 .:,.. , ==•%ta:l4l4,,efuttio'ioncet ellacealeue • • • •
ta. ' re of the Itil ' ibeet en4en g re, 6 " 0 " /S., ' ig !Telt nes end. =
Z i ,
. t t Lari nt rla t tl o b i tiM p V•ee-ciVerillei cost flattert
7koa• a irlitil or .1 other pl. ,
g oditiertelleuta of their rary.Vltieti , AT earefully and \
e r %..e . l;itiLat , ilit i, , , oc , ; ,: t ....
.ar elle costiliined. reiwtor tho becur 7 ie • arTiffaeie •\ •
wb oir coma, alai betel pains '' (( ti for. . oroua r nauraleli \
L alse in the torly, Moir leicateial cl.aleter is before:. •‘.
\„ 1 m 1.
.4' • u " f.: I :ligi.. A A l l4=Z. L .l ' 4 ' tilt " l : ` \
LA0 ,, ,, ,
1 o fully tetrad/ant. bruit Irene # 4....44. e,. ..
# a ye, and 1.11:11. in fort ech auda.h resulting •
fr o m oet tralnyi L liseraef N. tel . , IN thoir eat
tigi, '. !:= ' ,.. ''' ....UrlVga:4,-.. alti motet , b g
app11 , 44.a o•uchu oullor elth r , atic I. these
pluton are y on..d.:rah the renfeleut Into Ilt,
, Oleo their tie dpi ollema •111 le foutol'i•ry 4.
4. sale. at. I .alo and rensll.l.7 • '
i, mad ILE. FELLE.Ri. .67 Waal . !
SEArmoN, ?s PAYINT ti . Aßeff j..
dal. for inirlii a beautiful glen. to Linena, 21 • .
co%Pon Collars, ek t Bow., and all kitabrof ortnth Ile •
weenta tbeln , roan adheriuF 1.11414.qm:44.A • .
frocaiedeklog: It rota lAA' mitt:dug InJurie. to riothre to
iathr,resTerto. The ladleo \ beau Jr...4411.v felt Q. ,
of such 111:1 article. and 1,13 this le , tr expectation s i ll be ma.
ry reallsed. aa fro err ..1111. it fear. after .16441426 C V.,
N. n.—o. Cake sill d thlrtrdinen of cloth.. so ,V. ..,
family should Or without I
- Price 12li'efruts ref Cake. L Cake filth full dlrect . .\
Tor oalo byte rincon , :., . E., EL LER 8, 67 It oar
PETROLETAI, OR •I G t is .. •
11tere &Stator. thing. Inhissmen sod ;lath,
'MI aws se s deerruTtOf In plitilotorh Y. -
THE' VIRTUES of thog,romarkablo formo,'. '
of .and the rotataire•prhcoNtln.for It, tattle f rOpi
Vl:'. ' ilti . ht 4,'"? MllboeiZo.eoltAt..too'tit!.."'. with ''','
...netted, without soy cheroleel chafe out foot •
goys from Natumfa Cruet Labratom!!\ \ That It coat
uroynniler. reaching
,a number orvilerarenvls no tonne
matter of untortainty. Thern are many trtlaga lame
WU of inhale, whlrh. If known :night 1.2,0 f mut tsar
' 711 1 1, ' al l r:11 1 1 4 . 1' uTof It ' g T o " r ' itu re 4 r.. th e
b lt=
Vir e gr t' tg u g " If Ilr l'" Tre l Aiit ' h .P.Sl e Tee
"gta l ?.tq,g,'ll3lTuV, ,r2iforT,'‘li,`.uZliiil;
7.,, fP7 i, ,,, . 'r'lta"pp l. " `l '
llut4the oa t edlFineres, e.-7e ed
i c,
into furor o thorn who suffer: and what to be heals
Whilnr. • sio mut lalnsfer It a uniterent erlikatlonin a
nry dadssner• unhesitatingly ray, that to • somber
Chivas Maestri throe, nrivalled. Among these me- -
enumerate:l—all ' of the .u.,.. th...., go,
T ASTHMA, • affdlnraner of the air vantages, .
T.l. COMPLAINT, Rh PEP lA. Dinrtuns. Drawee of
Blaridgr and ERtneyn
,ns lo the
or Stan keno.
plenum NOnralran, Ps/t .Rhosuirntie Patna, Goot i lNyvh
elan Tette, Ringworms, urns, &able, BM-I, Old torn
Ae. 2c. In
MN . resulting from ontroroun,
long and pmtinotrri• =ICS
.1' Sheans, thin mead.. soil
liOng roller. It will get aslr a al TONIC/ and ALTER
' , ATM; Lo snub PM, im • tone and enersT to rbe
whale frame,
.remoting obstru on., opening the rAnowli.
fttnatirms. which car:readiness* a brukat olutounisten
lad citing iIICIVILIVII and renewed range to Sli a s nears
oof Oder' The proprietor knonnoCeeteral rope. PILL/
f every ether trentment. get well sm., the re
of the rrrßoutat r. a abort Lone. Thin ......t on '
111" ti tunny 3,,m0n who
~. Noneccuulne wittamt the rlctraturs of the
gold 170 the pernioter,
B S S. - HIE& Ofittal 6162 , 6c,r.e.60 err 7.6
A 1.,, to• IL E.
67 0 Woad •••• . W.V.ILITIN
• nnT2 - 417 7,67161.5r1y 66.160int.b3 Agra._
KNOW all 'ram who are mick.aral Wilk
\ with diseme of tbe &ladder and Atriums, will, 0,
. ROW IblaWa or Ilm be, WM Joint, old wive. taani,
u IA7I. 4 tY, 2114 1 .1 . 17:b 1 ;:lt7 t brIm " Ztr4:, " T tb.
t he puma, bur tide loot tot'mate it vet p=si c
1 in the face of an Immet communtty, that It haa MMus
hips "are not wantalme, in =pother LebtedY..a Th. lltilli
fhbix racked Malman; and
of Trine dime. , me
fhb 50 -cents, , net relief foam sty of the Illa euconsmb
ell it cristeeery Mild to make a triil. ThIS . ,P
I. La us sairtnrm-tie carriperund. pot up for tbe pr e „...
of imporltd on the commuultr, but It Is a moody easitors.
tad bethe roamer hand of netute,and hubbies up font, the
MeocureL mar mother earth. le RA orininal punt., and . of.
fon to mnrrinn humenlif • ready remedy. a eertain sad
a litts:l " Aed M .& after orb, 'Moines ham failed lit
c c,
render any lief. It Its. mated - he/mats. of lone\
standing. au f the wont end mon st n
chwaclar. It
ham cured C t iers Martma, by loae t w o dome It has
tura:l.old care of DI hot, to which Tory:other .emedy
-.hap born of nn rail Am* loud Yam 7 in burns and
-maids, it is tette thanany belled can undo or ointment
0 \
that w e %now of. It will cum chiltd and trusted MM.
. in' a few ef , , , pirlb umitinthlr ‘ l =tomit can be Ilt , rna:
rir %Milk:ff. L ' lER t eenni Lleal e t t ?Menrh i. etgee. of '
iii tot Mx amnia. ' '. . d
ye t. t IlcDown 7 l. corner of Wool street and Vireo, •
alley: ILE:P.4I.ra. 57 nod etrreh aA. lama. and D. his,
entry. Allembmy zii.T. • - the 1411013. \
..-.-- —..-.
—b. !moo Rome allo lecovererbal sole projarletra
moat pannier and efiriel Medicines •14 alto
the inventor of the ceßbreted . otrumentfOr hallatiV •
ans. Lq effecting a min of C re diseases, yea a -
dent of that eminentbnyeiclab,pactor PhreM and •
graduate of the Rainfall,' Of Peitmaylranidand for thirty ..
yearn since Ms, been engaged In Vim Indeattgation of Its,
ease, and tar strellcallow of Mmedierithearto.
• Tlah the use of his inflating tWhe, in connection wl
,his l'itiserle Syrup, andrahor of§is remediesg4
, named ms, unparalleled noluesan in =Man thhee • \ .
toot fetal maisdim Tubercular Courimption Camera
lierofola. Rbeumatlam,..kethrua, F T.. gr,St A••••,. Feterso • •
;i4l thule, Clmonic &impels. sod . all 'Mom Obstinate dim .
:ewe peadlardo franaled indeed, .erarglfbrm of Mamma \
wallaires underdite ma of his remedied Which aunt. \
07 te heir—not by the um of mar campanneamly, far tact.
1 La incompatible With Phytlolonical Lew but 1P r Abe mar of
Ma remedieMinbld M. and prercribed for, each peeullm '
faro of dimes*,
1 Dr. Rore's Toole Iterative Pille when utedAralniseine
\ 1 , / , l , teelenowledsd, 1 xe error tb o tel a tin..
. '
or epar p . u no m they Irate the here per.
featly Ikea from coed, nem m abo histioLlen Pi ll ears wt.
milled, by r the Penalty, to proems peculiar Prolwrllervad•R' .
MS so female dilemma Ist being enthdirdthat a t7lrtal
m emilciwar'm entablid, st has been said, in the of
lbiht tk. fd tattL drejtated eall ntn the arrent, mug& , •
'aF.lch reetaidY,Mart fi: 3= l °' • '.
g„,t,th,„:„.„7„,„,mt„,,,,,--,_t, as la, a.. 7
J. Reboonmaker,a CO, ill ill. Rittabuelt.
J. if. Toinurand.‘Pruniet, Lambert at....s "
Les d. Bectiman.llbuipPt. bier the Poet Calm, Anode.
, .
found Ist'
rs.Fulis =N 7arisi'irf R. caimans of Villein mils; to •Itcet uuT
elms inurobnuetst of disease- \We full Ms} sini basted Dill
Using in saying tbst lids Is the IT molitinsi hn bum
I f
dootln own manna oftlinmm*,
oh•t It is nold for. r \
It has mud sad Is ottani. of etainsf monrim emir
any other medicine offend for sals/„ we use n by .totnit
=Ade or .014, or by .bat rouse- 1
do • strinag •Sd cons - Mang user of the stmt.'. fa?
that It Is the oat,. article that has menus.; In th o f
.eaters the
1.0 0( 1
the th ets get Tally, o hso r
:be most • lals
Pun* Moaning, over wifortspfor Wm tR reed by o f
teem, vim
Tho llon. Home U. firinneit\ tit;
Monis, We Mayor. Hut John A. I; lats
Wall= IL. Porter; Em.. Editor or Ibs
Times ud it five[ of other distiurvisbal slats
4 or , AVagiv . o r galla•=l, itanseilts, ham in,
Os It Is seen known that patent. 31pbrianssi
n ot 1W: runnel by the lamed, stealthy mtil
are trodocibisdly fool oluselmi• ,
• ThlsWooder 'mishit:Lk Gm:open/A ben
reran yelLr. tefne %bit panto* Its nost‘firienta
stresmost and best , Mistrust Mutoolitsdly
omen:loins proof of its general utalimm
V iet It h4i . swami= tgit:dglks eV r ternz
sores, Woo and ashes that flub
Om: 1,000.0014 Units base nun reld Wthont
snd b•tonerfutid mob metordelitur se tne t ith
swn w twi bare hined, as ••oull be/lof
othired, and In Our PCM-04.. stEutpest
—S TN . , stelldne.,. ratµns rtmtd.T. it 6.16,.
rU4m.,,, 6: Internal as vvill u ext 0,6 1 ,31.417 /L
thl atetatedEart—gter; It htelt6 sad
lt manta cuttif, rtnnte,Cramp.. Billow i
AR nle.,<Kuo arkt-tion6 ,w,.... a th. kw.
thic‘ u.
In mala errand*. ftc6t •thattltt tv
it.y• WI.
.Evr , In Prttat6tglt. hy . RE. Eellett. Sleet
0, and gderr 6 tt6.4 , 6 utd t 7 the retio
r" -7.`"i.-"'."----
To the /Leaders of the Pittahargl.
vited to fhb follottna truth, eel forth- In
7 ' ;ic A/173AT M
d e t
e rTrlla l.i' iri f e tt cd = 4 . ,
poL V t c, 4- I%rterrell i fvf fr e i e ro
to bool, her, entice \ then. become ion, ainnl
I . oni e i r 4 lt it tr'
y, of a doy, `any tirTh e sole pun tltrw. nubs( which e• contrive, ' will conn be
ell other onerrunas haviohnot !frontlet. Th
Natural Remedy, elobOratad In the deptlai
br • Power tlld Mellor ttud w h en to sad
eervoito. It is mu utr, when we write
Iblwe wain/ the to
we ter . noted..
.LSII to devolve thaw eta nolr trnet our wont or ...Way
nes. In be statements. Tbw are very sotto esteti at
, 47 fcca.b. mher 41 .. 0 A .t.' , Ta
htrdly be tero hig 17 wrought to anewer the obleco
lag, orqbarens Kite of (tom. Now, we do net dates
to 4, r that the troth in reletkoi to
Prieto. r ehotid be told. In order to wore form[ repro \
Cation fer etre. Whole wide in lb. =ohm/wined-
leo. Nein anyvniefeete—feets chat mar beascertaited
h. our oity and neborbood, beer otopli tech.., in B.
vor of the ketroletin.
within the 'own two aonau, two of one awn tablet*
who vrerw, robin: blind , bare been .restored e1 , 6h1 8., •
.ref tufo!' blindly... 2, in the Bwite of Ohio, 111 been
cured. dud, oleo, thV ease a getthanan in Breyer county. '
There a re othert bar pole ere as test hone, and. CU/
be referred CO by one Deriote who lava. daub. on=etr .
toot Them roues wrwreured eller the ha/Ibsen
ed three:Lou bqviess. The Petroleum will on.
\lrtiet wed - sowonlinir to‘Whvotiona—Diurhan,'lrovetlerr.
Vilev,Rheutimalava out.'o' enrols., trot boos. the Mil.,
Pitopnw oulhe Chronic gree, Tenor.
/lewd Sled, paw In the bobs, end ootot!. old sores, Weer.,
',Vein, gue, eugho. 'add -- •
I sreditonarr afroodortio of eh
I ducepotroit Eton.
\therm end hohle.'
Chapped Hondo, ilocdrinted .
In Tact, it is tour unforsou,
cri=oe shore dioraewi i .
the howls of the brodoie.r, -
intl i blgo noted of
Petroittot Lt. .orosTheit Het
of blot 4w:ding th e toof,
thedrptadho. Thom wt
tad anontwintr, aro willtto
toiniderelion. helm atollri
tdatknawledge the
net ocuoildne Vow dhenrered.
t4 U-- 'y N. e.u aEl t .o, 7 o t4
rdion, ewer
rttenei A 4 -Rshaeetoti ,
..__ .
1.7 —lt 1, dour, burr to-tab, IV
kir. IL Z. befleta—bly child
gubjeet to trodblegorge: gb
regudiea glop gr,
tagovittd your 1
f••• II tolleo or bay bbl
adertat Ilmeg, gad It bag L.
, / hi,/ Tetatnitoded It'
natucleo3ol44l \ell,ee tba
that buy/Ivor beep oleml t
Perartgebbald got art7/1
• • __ __ ---
oo—Pripozedugh. wham IBbrysad/0d mar p , b.
mr_h2o \ 1.4 1,46,1
sTrnfia, ",""'
a r3 B sl.l qtl.4
m i t
. ~.
1 1 6 ,1 t
Itoe, Ofr
Wara Tea
At theY
• \