The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 01, 1851, Image 3

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Titmunds ACCIi)EXT.—A fatal aecidentm.cettr,
ed is tiveneighborbood of the falls, near
tlb Creek, ' , tad& our readers will remember, was
Ott-multi of, another 'accident last - week. On Sat
urday nfternoon two young men were out gun-•
tang, and one•of them, named Thompson, was
n.Sence with hie gun in hie hand, when
it went cdf, lodging the uharge in his throat, and
killing; him instantly, !hen ° Ms eompanioA
reached tke spot, his body was found lyidg
seroastke top of the fence.
. ' COBAIe Maema. to Biedantadarl — Riajo"'
, Poiltirs.—A b ban meeting was called through
i f
the papers, on'Friday evening, iti Birmingham,
but unfortauktely for the patriot, who wished to
get it. up, it i was destined to be a ridiculous fail 7
, are.:. Tw9 distinguished gentlemen, toe limollin
as a'.londing. member of the Bigler Club,. and
. enOtherThn at times does a good deal of vocal
, fying'for tholdeumeratic-party, are said to have
=ado- the boatman 'row them over the ferry,'.'
In order to participate in it, but when they ar
rived at the,place!of meeting; therowaa no meet.
~.. ing assembled, nil he charmed by the graces" of
:their eloquence,' end they retired In disgust, too
. neighboring lionse of entertainment. After
sante time, ~ nowever, a low young men and boys
assembled, And by way of burlesque, ,got a per
son rejoicicip the 'euphonious name of Sonny
rotilb, -upon. the stand, who, amused• the and-
Jenne by blood and thunder speech, which, in
point of fire and fury at, least, exceeded those
delivered in B
itteburgh of late. " .
Tai Brot.r.a Ctom,We obeerved on Satzix.,daye
the old and, to our eyes, familiar eagle, whirl
bay L2'olllloi au tiered at the top of Democratic
placards, again carrying in its. beak a scroll for
the edification' of Its friends. Only a few days
ago, - it, bore aloft a Cuban in.scriptlon,, and on
'Battimlay, is pi-oved itself a poor proihet, for
Bigler t - Victory" were 'emblazoned upon
the hi
Tht called-for a, meeting of the Bigler,
Club.- ify the tionitnatipne• made - by the
Dermocra., Jul:ay Convention, and was signet
by 'Mr. IV: IV. Dallas, who has acquired so much
renn cd`,l'ile, as Presitint of this far famed
Club. .Th - at gentloman and hie colleagues were
determined to have attoverflowing nieeting; If we
may judge by the preparations which they made.
One Unitoditetes !lag woo not. enough far them
to bang out of a window of 'Wilkins flalft*po,
they seemed tp have a aoul.framed for nobler as
pirations, to they sewed two long and ill shaped
flags togeihei, nmating smonster, thelengtlx of
wkich contrasted Most. ,ludicrously with itf,
breadth.. 'The . eters of one fin pointed in one,
and. thole of Abe other in a contrary direction.
eomplele tie attraction, a solitary transpa
retaiy above the door lore the inscription—
8,1 L'ER,
When we ,entered the hall,. we found a vary
main meeting assembled. The Bigler Club, for
„several reesens which we Isere atready narrated
aiimari'io be in tied odor kith the Democrats,
and although 'rie eaw two or three leading men
among the audience,- they seemed to be mere
- We , got there too 'atom hear one of those short
speeehes, delivered in his own peculiar style,
with-which the President generally commences
the evening's performarices. W. W. Dallis was
in' the Chair—Charles Kent, -Esq., the Vice
President, sat at his right hand, and; gentle 7
Man whom we not know appeared' to to act
ing aiSecrotary.
Mr. Samuel Fleming was speaking, and most
n . :mercifully:did berate the tariff, which he
declared to be themannfooterer. 4 6 friend, and the
workingauttes enemy. The remainiag portions
of his address :were of n piece witacthis
meat. E 7.
He was rmcceoded by a
.ldr. Stewart, of the
• rah Word, who hidulp,ed in a violent harangue
against 4 , aristocrats." SCe dial 'net rajahs to ,
f - '''''-ahert!Pu. 44 . 4
ivered, for the audience -
I was 'very thin when we
left the ;OM at half-past eight O'clock.
Two flags and a transpar‘ey, aided bv..the
eloquence of the members Cf the Digler -Club
could, not gather e gcod andien4. . If we might
so far 'presume as togire a did en so delicate a
!object, We Would Suggest. that , a hardy gurdy
player, a druitimer; and. a fifer I ahonld be. engs
ged for the neat night o f meeting, and we think
that with this additiotat attraction,
the others; as audie ace, respectable in. point
of numbeve at lists; rill be assembled.
' gi.111,131G 0? inn 13 Oatin or Mearaorms or TEE
AZIEGELaY ,(4,144,1 AGlLlCUrrts.a.t. &curt.—
; Th4lßoard of Managers met in the new C'ourt
1 1:Ions°, it 1,1„cioloc.14 L. m. The President, Mr.
• .7... E, MiCtbe,in Van chair. j
•-•:••" - ",hlembers,present—lifessra. Boyd, ?lard Mc-
Cabe, Miller, Murdoch, Young) Way, M main,
3.l*Cluskey,„ Parkluo, Speer, and r Stiott ! ' - •
Mr.. Murdoch, from the Committee on Printing,
mille,i, report relntire to the pesters. i
idri Mhrtin, from the Committee on Arrange.
Inuits, made a verbal. report.
Pb.. o=o gentleman, fore the Committee on
- Plonving, made " a repdrt. 1
• ' MT. McCabe said that a field: belonging to Mr.
Mwoifield . Blown, •Lower- Saint Clair township,
ecraid be procured.
1 - hfr• MoCaelin sarl that a add belonging to
.Mr. Bass. near Sharpsburg, offered by Mr.
'Jame Gariard.
: - sir. -Mille ; mored 'that the fair be held on
:Wednesday and Thursday, the Sth and 9th of
'October. halltead of -'the last Thursday-and Fri-
- ~ Parkin, . ch.siqum - of the Coixordttee on
.I)fplomas, reported t a ,ltthographed diploma
' =opted. in the big; eat style - of the-art, and
fatly equal to that cf.; the . Ohio State Agrieedtu
ral fair, could be procured at fifty dollars for the
and live dollars far esch,hruadred after
- ' '• .
''. . „Mr. Martin thcinghi-that it would be best to
-proemirthe . diplcimaeas the rote suggested by
,M r. and, muted that the Committee be
'.authorised-to probirtl theM. )
Mr. Murdoch mo am an amendment, .thnt
mu hundred diplom he irthographed.
;'..- ~ M r. Way rooted , t firs. hundred be printed.
' Both gentlemen: thdrew their motions, and it
nig finally rewiyeil that the Committee be em
hundred -powered te gat a d,iploma lithhgriphed, and one
- and liftrooples' inn:Mk.
! Mr. Millet's moti n relatien 'to chane.n g the
Miss for holding the {air, was taken up.
'.- :Mr. McCabe though
t that the fair should be •
held Istein October ' after the Harrisburg' fair.
- .Mr. lifeCaslin • footed that the • time .be
albrred to the last4edne.sday and Thuratiair of
. '
~ .
A lom. disteusiion! ensued.
.. .
Mr .;• Mines • motion, changing ,the time of
.. Adding '.the County Fair, to Wednesday and
1 alturedsy, the Bth and lth,of October, was car
, ~ On motion . of ,Captain tones, :the Society ad
...-Jogrued, to meet stone eolotik.
• I OOs e n cores.
• , The Society met urenant to adjournment.
t. ..... Mr.-Seively David die adoption of the fol
+ ' , inning resolution. ~' ' . •
;`..' Besotted, That‘iferros competing for .tho pre
• ' taints for "the est: cultivated firm;" shall
:.'ssonsist of not less 'thin 'seventy-live' acres: Per:'
. ions competing Will enter their farms on or
...f .befors thefirst of O ctober next, with Cannel
• Jobs Soott, County Register; or any member of
the .I{oard of Manager,
• r . Mr: Miller amended it to road, ''not less than
„ iffy acres."
~" Capt.- Young - -sortjtcsaia amendment to the
f r ., aznadmant to the effect that the fa= eball con
- siert of- ant leea than one hundred acres. .
Capt. Young wi drew i his amendme n t;' and'
Mr. =lees amendment was carried by a vote
of: Sre to three -
Mr. thistly pria tilted a coretaunicati'w from
the Mon. pumas Embank., Commissioner of
' Patents for .the United' States, relative to the
Z40613.82= of Allegheny COunty. It was read
-by the Secretary, and embraces a number of
queries on the various. branches of arrierdiuml
operations carried on in this county. . , • -
Mr. 'Cooper mered that the circular be infer
_ old to sceonantittea of three. Lost:
Mr. Ilurck4l moved -dist 'the querietOm .
.. di
} ..d Innen . a members in inch a manner
that each elud answer the questions with Which
hels best eel - tad. Caniel.
- The yutriai were accordingly
Aviv . distributed, au
.to be banded . in at the meeting of the
. .. , . •
A discussion ensued as to the:propriety of
admitting-citizens Gem the . neighboring coun•
• tieseSoclompete with citizens' f Allegheny GAM.
' 'Won payment of the regular admittance toe.
,by .r.L. w o mooed that the. editions ofrotlzer .
mantles on becoming meh.bero, to Milted to
bring their d oer , . farming implements Ac., to
. th e:l , l4, fur Which they shall receive suckd la
-0444 Preai n MS' . " " I) iiaffesnldl am} mi.`
nemesia tie --14 `" 4 " - '• biTLY 4 - -toldierid' she'
- "'ldattglatzmitietcl'onilse - oiezeO terms
' . N. The motion was carried unanintotudi. - ... :
hinr Murdoch. of Peebles. moved that Mr.':
IttallifOrt Mancbeeter, be appointed a col:limit
tee to purchase a silver =pi end cause it to be
nits* engraved, as the first premium to be
given S 4, the successful competitor at the next I
ploilghing match. Carried . .unanimously. I
On motion of Mr. Murdoch; it was resolved I I
that such of the members of the Society, as
wish to attenittlm State Fair,receive certificates,
as delegates thereto.
Oa.motion it was resolved that the admittance
fee to the fair be tee cents, members to be ad
mitted free.
On motion It was resolved HMI a portion of
the bond bills be left in the Offices of the Daily
Gazette and Daily Post, the agricultural imple
ment depository of Messrs. Hall d. Speer,.atil
the office of the. County Register, said bills
tb be struck off by September the oth.
,On motion the society adjourned to meet on
this tiny (Saturday, August 30th,), three weeks
J. E. MccABE, Pres't.
J. K. KENNIDT, Secretary.
SVPREM6 COUIIS.— , The Supreme Court
commence its semeion in this city to-day.
Accroznr.—A young lad named Snyder bad
lie hand very severely crushed bye large bar of
Iron falling on it in Kingsland's foundry, on Ban
dneky street, in Allegheny City. It is feared
that amputation moot bo reeorte,d to. The acci
dent oeaured on Saturday.
ATTEMPTED Inernotaams.—Some incendiary
attempted to fire, enyathe Tribune, to the lumber
Yard of Mr. D. Loorfird, at the corner gf Pitt
street and the Allegheny river, on Thursday
L'OCRID.—A boy whose name we did not as
certain, jumped off the railroad cart, at Jack's
Bridge, while they were in rapid motion, on
Friday, and was very severely injured. The
.faultwatszaltOgether his own.
BCHILP.—The body of Mrs.' Bakkbouse, whd
wu unfortunately killed on thy Railroad last
week, was buried on Saturday.
A RP.WED. —The Judges Of the Supreme Court
of Pennsylvania arrived in Pittsburgh towards
the close of last week.
Ban as Dows.—An omnibus belonging Co Leu
ng Rea, broke down twice on Saturday. The
drieei was gomewhit injured, an won a lady who
wan inside. •
There was a great excitement here last night.
A doied of several hundred persons paraded the
Ballets, with the effigy of the American .Consul
at Hams, which they intended to been.
The PresidenChas been compelled to delay hie
return from tbe i Whito Sulpher Springs for a few
days, by IndispOsition. He will return direct to
Washington, without stopping on the way.,
The Post Master General left for New York
to day, on bfisiness. lie returns on Tuesday.
The Attorney General leavds Kentucky on
Monday, for Washington.
The United States Treasurer announces the
amount of publintoopies on deposit at the several
depositories to be $13,751,556 35. In the mint
at Philadelphia there are $5,711,150, and lathe
New York Sob-Treasury $2,762,376.
Ne.o MAE, Aug. 30.
The steamer Baltic sailed for Liverpool to day,
'with CO 'passengers, end $510,000 in 'specie.—
Among the passengers is Hon. R. Walker, late
Secretary of the Ttsvisary.
The Temperance party of' .this city has ap
pointed delegates to the State Convention, at
Columbus on the 3d proximo, tp nominate 'can
didates for the ensuing October election. .
Cuccix.v.ii, Aug. 30.
The City Council-last night, passed a resoln
tioa loaning $600,000 to the Ohio and Mississippi
Railroad, and 5100,000 to the Covington and
Lexington Railrolid.. •Boade for thatloarpose
will shortly be issued bearing 6 per cent inter
est, and payable annually at kew York.
'CUBAN ExntTr...v.rrife
• '• • lit. ORLEANS, Aug. 28. •
' Strang efforts are making to afford aid to the
Cuban patriots; and a Committee is caniesaing
the City collecting Panda to that end. Theatrical
entertaipmenta arid concerto ireadvertishag bine
fits in aid of' the cause.
The city is healthy.
, • RALTIMpRE 31A1111.8T •
Batriiroax, Aug. 30.
Flogs is duJL Saki!. 400 bbls at $3.87 V bbL
Grain—Red wbeat 71c; white do. 76e,840.
Oats, 33g86c, ; Rye, 650 be.
•Freriaions—The market firm, at last.
Grooexiu are quiet, and without change. Oates
lard at 91-011 c. •
VirhiskeySeles at 220:23c V 'gallon.
Wool—Common' utrwashed is quoted at 16 e ,,,
18c $ lb.
New Your., Aug. 80.
Cotton—Stiles 200 bales upland middling at
B i' 3 13 3 tb-
Flour—Sales 8000 bble, at $3;7563,87 for
state, and Ohio brands. Sides' Rye Flour at
$8,80e,8,31 E 1 bbl. <
Grain—Sales 800 bus Ohio red wheat, at sop-
Rye is dull at 66e. Piles 9000 bus mixed cord,
at 590.
Provisions—Maya Pork is held at $15,75, and
prime at $13,25 13 bbl. Sales 1000 bbla beef, at
$8,75(,1511 per bbl, for mesa,and sslas43 far
prime: atlas lard, at e,, , 3 1 1 Th.
Whiskey--6aleir 80 bbls at 230(
• Spnits Turpentdne—Sales. 70 bbla, at 330.
Classed 0i1. , --Sale* 2500 . galls; at 72®3a
Tobanco—Settai 40 hide Kentacky, at 56,8ic
- 4 4
Stocka—ll 13 Se, 1867, have advanced ct-;
Cantan and Reading •
'tine °saws, Aag. 39.
Cotton—Sales 300 bsles new middling to mid
dling !air, at Beitto 11 tb.
Business is generally lira '
Nsw Oncwaa, Aug. 30.
Cotton—Sales this morning of 400 bales, at
fokmer prices.
Flour—The demand is better, with Bales St.
Louis brands, at St 4fl bbl, and of Ohio at $3,62
Corn is dull, with sales of yellow at 42, and of
*kite at 63c 19 bu.
/ Prairialoos—Ari firmer. Sales of, oribranded
mess pock at $16,60 bbl. Bacon sides are
selling at 111012 e te lb.
ihirsuancre of an Order of the Orphans'
L•f& t e; l at= b rife r a c° ' mt fle:?2,ltlg.l6`l".=
In 0.14 county, dec'ti, .111 expose to public rala, w tm tba
atomism he toonathlp, on GU TA day 41 &:pfrva , re
w.f. or 10 o'clock. A. Af., .0 undividol fourteenth
Part of a certain tract of land slant.. in Elisabeth town
atitkabeay Co .
m agi i .
o tisnr . ded hy era 11. ofweet
ttrifel= n et " ?eyed bi Jahn .1. Can. and wifo,
by deed dated tba day of October, 1040, a7l retooled
fa daett b o ot. Vol. Ia; Marti'. to tbsuld Hobert Illndapar.
In tor attolaw ' '
The abort men Winwl Inco of laud,' now in torreadon of
Cajali Kart, la in a genet stata of 'cultivation.. betiatt
thralija i houne and barn thereon. and contains tit eVel.
lent ty of coal..
for ."" fitrOVPrtnrul " iit eUt4go of Mali Itllith .. .t4na ; r,
twar toe praniren 00 of V. C. Fifa:COW, Two,
OM= 'tio. 171) Fourth strtet, Pitiabuelit.
.10/IN KING.
anglflatelaT damlvl.vaton.
TEWAIIt ' Aii,";rl7 and
• • miler. at La..-011ita, Ar.rea 11 38 C°an
store Smithfield. riteommb. ". .n*,t.
, .
AFARM, situate in North Huntington tpj,
• Wastosi:vlem! minty, contalaing about El Ams of
pate land, on which ars good improvements, Wolf awl
for n • le on rassonable. term. Title Indisputable. Far far
, 11 . i: r v i li s. 1813: r . .4P g r pag girl atLinton's h111: 4
ton ;ft Wrayeriligt or on the premiers to
angl4w3tral. JOLLN MITCILELL.
• Notice..
g111....RS of Administration on the Eli'.
1 . 4 &t o Wall, late of liasabela tornehlp, dr
asal, haye vantad to lb. anderalgoed, to whom
all pandas itatiated thereto la matzo& to mate unomadt•
•u 00500 aO4 all person.. aortas dab= et demand.
t gad re a tedueeted to Make knO•2l the ratoo
thoat (Way.,
JOLIN r4Frziss4s.
&Nil ,
IVarm for Salmi
VA.LIIABL.E FARM, in Versailles town )
?LIN Allegheny count". %newt:Min
arms abota b illitarßAdlVB of ern rite Lad. on
ertneb WV wed troprortesterne—Vgtered ler • We on me
rou um ..
ble • Title ttuglinutub 000 farther
epply to du suluert!mr. Ste
,31 7.17, %amt .
• .`
.1724feltukT Turtle Creek P. C.
'Valuable Propoxty for Solo. -
rn Iy , , Piltsbargh .ad OreanilbusßkTorlavlldi, hr.
trat.E.asi ut.rt7 Wifillehrbarg,.
. ohm ahem. ca *hie
aro erwthl tro , DW. ll 4f rlth sr* yards, anet •
warlaty of -sehmb .ach:
. smox. h hen hoaw, all
. 09,1 • 721=v0 °raw:Z.l4 graihd 4. 6 %
:=lTtlartid Ltt " Ulleir tn ard Tit=
of au' Itcr . e.tll t=
'anthers , . 6 ` 4 %,el.•LeVAr ft " • !!''
zat.l.7 mod.
' 'Ara ihriburixrikabal v ap..
maims. Lira.
. •
Penn Institute
rrIlE SUBSCRIBER, Naving removed to
I *Legarner of Penn w,tl klano . x.k Anna, ID the
Fourth Wang. Illteburgh, 11111 re-open hie English, Cles.
teal and Statham:m[lml School. on Mondar..tbo let der of
September. The opals, of pupil. le praltisely
and the "crleteet attention 0711 he paid to the ',duration
anJ morale of tlmee committed to Ms ram. .Toitton, SW
‘9m ;;TLT
11 , ARB th ORDj:iesp;ctfullyinf A or%hin
a s k nfil thflNfn
➢oN audio
a n tic about the
week &Fit:ember
rte. For particulars, .tutulre fiLEBEIVB Music
FUJI.< No 101 Third street
Prof. Thompson's Female Seminary.
THE First Seision of the Fourth Year of
till., lo,tellea,.b 1011 ...owe n goodar nub.
bvptoruber 24. Early 'will be breesaarr toaa.
burr Nlmtaelon. obly a Ibmit,d vilmber can be *rec..
cobliattO Yer ttruk...oquile at Pent T.'r nnms. M Ltbr
tl augMbt
Pittaburgb. A u{rset beth,
Young Lathes' Seminary
ly open et Penn street, where • few more Pupils
rweirett nt whom a thorough sr...poor Instruction
inftbe English Langusge elll b. lmCmted
.are [Aught to spesk am vrell m xnd the French
Langue,..e. No efierge for hooks. •nr..M..d2w*
Pittsburgh. August 212.1851.
Mr. Griggs' Grammar Beluga,
irrele of the Digniond„'4lligheny City.
THERE are Two Scissions a year, each of
al‘a maaaklcing Scat let, and February 2d.
Tuttim. a•-
$ . 20 e r wo.ioa. augltilm
Wilkinsberg Academy
.Hale and Female Ensl4 . and Clasaical School.
UlLKFt . scr.c, 61.11011 LY 1,„
JAMES HUSTON, •A. M., Pinivar . m..
HIS INSTITUTION' will be open for the
ieception of The
(Male and female) on Moms,
Tri.stars lel. The cone, of Instruction tompeises all
lb, brahotes taught It the beet Academies nod genalme
illuetralleus will b given to all branches admitting
of them. The sboot ta
_provided with m gatemdre and
,valtmble Phtlo.opbtnl, Chemical, and Astronomical AD
gamma. For Cire,thn. MAlLl4l2illg Celt particulars and
rtference, adder. the Principal. •
Wiltinahurg, Auguet 14. le.ll—(augl6.geod.w3m:s
The College of St. Tames
F(The Dzoo,vrt College of the Protestant ErdecopalChareh)
Jule. l e xi ~ z
Nola. ft udento are ret , mmended went,. the
openin; of ther,aloo, hot are rr,elved at any time they
apply, and the Charge eonnuaml the,date of th eir
TUN COLLEGE has the usual number of elapse.. of.
fouls all the ePtegtrusitits fora completeeducadon, and at
the ...tuneful termination Of the collegiate comer, ountere
on' Its graduate. the tuna' ervilmaleal degree....
THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Itorea.tiately adjoining the
College. and under the supervon of the Rector, but-un
der &stars OLlclpithe. lade at too tregthedng of
their academical tour., and prepare, them In:the toile
gi....d•sees. The oesmight and direction of the Prof...
eoreof the College reeure eyed egeantageeth the Via ,
in the drama School.
In the MERCANTILE CLASSES. the studyof Greek.
omitteds and it. pleue supplied by additional stadies it
Modern Languages. lloolukceping,go. •
The situation of the College IA entirely healthful.mail
by its Mame. from Owns and village., eery fardrable to
good monde atal order-
KEMP MALI— • new building. 90 feet by 4., "widdor•
fur occupation in dm mar* of the cctuang session
In addltlon to the foMner rurp•of Pmfentorrohe Trustee.
haeereUently appointed Ku •h Decry aeon,. Lee
terse on Civil and Ecclesiastical Law, and grim U. Alex
ander. LL. D. Lecturer on Physles awl Chesidetrc
The whole thence for tbeee of ten mouth. the ears•
tm the College and Grunt.. 'chin l) two bun red and
wenty toedollen, payable seroldigthally in Wean....
Arldirationa for ad....Wien 1.0 be made to
lige. JOHN' D. KEIIFOOT. D. A. Red , r.
College of St. P.O,
Washington county. Magelmd.
N. IL—Persons In Pittaburgh wishing any informaties.
...meeting this institution. are referred to the flee.
dor. D. Ly - man, who was formerly a Tens.,
• ,
Young Ladies' 13 • c -Allegheny.
it 4 V. AND MRS. N. W. l ETCALF, will
Fa. a ton the same, horwtaore. For partlalare
sea Circular,. apply o the Principal. 1J3134
Pittsburgh Gas Company.
N Amittal•Meethig of the Stoekholdera'of
o t f h tl I nlo=n o y f
for the term of three year, will he held at the Offaeof the
Work, or Wonder. ;he lAt day of NeyLeatber, A. D. 1851.'
tAtlyeen the houri of sod 5 o'clock. P. 5L
JAMES CHRISTI% iteaiumr. I
MIN. Pi...burgh. Cho , th....Wor. IS,'sl.—ltd
Proposals for Coal and Slack.
CaEALED PROPOSALS for delivering in
13 the stores at the worts orate rittnbut. GA con_
=l= '' ,IIDV;
uotil Wedtr.N.lay. thel7th trot, at °emelt, P.ll. The
Coat .0 block to he
re of ouch otudity, 101 i delivered at
such times Isod le su quantities se shall he apprornl
of .0 directed.
Tnastsndaniof computation far (bal and Slack to be
7'P' s u Te,
t ..f3lfilt b rei
Ite m made rdontlalp—ratainlng 3) Pcr
"'t'" hcutit r" th "'"'"° Vtikeicrwil L.
Proposals to Pe addmvad to WO-.
Esq., Prendant Tact
thr Company. and endorsed Proposals
tor Coal and d'art." . _ .
Ofetee. l'lttAbargh Gae Cb. Aug. 15.
tiMEETING of the Stoekholdero of the
North Anteettan Mining Company, • he bald at
e l ir °thee. In th e cify-of-Pitteburah, Tueeday. the 3al
day of 'dopier:thee text, at 3 o'doeh. P. M. to loge *anon
on the amendment to the ettarler of eatd company. an.
• pentad June 1031. W. PALdIER, neenatary.
Kaktrlcky Nutual Life IttsunumeCompany.
LuivarAis.l _F
one ITS & to S sg l i l f isTixress ass
the murky and advutitamee of the Mama end Joint
cock Plat. (ea heretofore tiPPliedi kthatir Low
rates of premium; an annual return Ire cash of the per
tentage required for the contingent Mak of the pram an
adequate. huh not else t ee pronsion for-the future nacre
they of members for the whole term of 111 e, with en equita
ble ',stoical to the amumulating fiord scoured to curb
menthe., payable at, death, cordite upon ththr rebel.
guaranty 'fund destraed for the permanent eecurity of
s hortc terns member, endalsorfor th e premed esemity of
the. for the whole term of life. • •
- AKAM•fhis is the only, Mutual Life InFural...Cmarealy
whdee rates of premium ore deed at a fair reduced stand
ard. with a provision for to titansmlly homeasing moan
latten of funds (for future iseuritp) in proportion to
the amount cf budness and the increasing risk from tt
s surntg age among the members:
Pamphlets, tracts. ie.. in detail the plan and
forof th e Cmei Taraithsd psalm arid ertglestions
for Wurann received by • J. TUKBETT. Agent,
• IZ) Weal street, Pittaborgh.
Ss.= thiwoug. Malierd Examther.
lykttly cis)
j_ 2 cern= Cariccas;
pout Modl44'
1 , 4b/N0t=.8 4 .1. sun, wail will km .14 very 10,
eloee conzlipionimo ISAIAH LOCKEI & CO
an C 3: Writer wad Foil. S
UGAR--1.40 hhds. prime N. 0., in store
And far ebb by
Q PIS. TURPENTINE-30 bble. in tine or
dtr j fussier by J. 6CIIOONMAKER d CO.
HEMP -200 bales Missouri Dew Rotted
for ala• by 3A.M.E3 A. HIIICLELSON c CO.
INSEED OIL-LAO galls. for sale by
az:l6 J. Ella , C0..,6 Wood s
UICKSILVER-60 lbs. for sale by
1404 J. KIDD CO.
lbe. for
YA.NIDEPOTASSA-10 IbP. for sale by
A I SEC ND-HAND PIA N - 0 , Miatokany
owe. oct.o. ond sood order, prlee 878,-.lBr
..6 7 81 • 81 19..1 68[884.1'
WASH.BOARDS-25 doz. Zinc, for solo by
,Lugi J. L. WILLIAMS & CO: -
ASTOR OIL-10 bble. extra qiiality, for
blj w» by 'WM. BAGLLET 6 CO..
iaao 211 and 20 Wood a.
FIG IRON-66 tone enperinr, for wale bi
1.4 . nuxn a IhVIN.
RROSIN-"_00 bbls. for sale by
3.30 BAIRD is IRV/2;
TAR -200 bag. for solo by
id3o g. 1.1 di/ d and'
GREEN OIL CLOTH-300 yards (or Win-
LA do. Bhnds. jrut reed &mi11...777, and for We at
7400. 7 Uld 9 Wood arc.. J. A 11. FLU
Dal •
!'' .g ` h "'' . 3.%!cligsr3i k 60.
S PoN4 — .EF:x — tra. fine Turkey, for sale by
24 41;00ett..
pAINTS GROUND IN OIL, in 1 lb. cane.
Burnt end Ram. Umber, bu Cbumbe IlerMOmer,
'ram. Ma ter tor TM ,
' 5,1100:4 AR I.R i C0.,,1 Tico.l
ALCOROL--76 and 92 deg. etrorilgtb, for
Elle GT i.271 . .I.fCIIODYNEAKUII",7r 410.
WHITE GLUE-3 bbls, for sale by :
ALLEN'S Nerve and Bone Liniknent-5
tyr .""
.I. /Ell co.
.11EMP-41 bales Missouri, for sr& by
1,1 Jo:4'
TIOTTON-48 balei for sale by_
1.30 . /HEY, MATTHEW. 3 00.
LEAD -1359 pigs alenU, for sal. by
.1.10 lin.r.l,34yrunwi , 4 no.
DEFINEII SUGARS-124 bbls. Crushed,,
Pulverised, 'll4 Clarifird &taus; boot New York
brand, tor al. bo , WM. BAGALLY A CO.,
yak 18 wool or.
LEAD --1000 - Rye Gakaa;,
f 403 . lot sale by
u s { Ji lIUTC SONY CO.
RUCKETS-,sociez..slarieitazaaka for sale
, )04 • J. B. CANFIELD.
101- 1 50 tierces (to arriv i r2 n flrloth by
/131 ,
B UT ER-3 kegs SpAra i trAl . o o b ( z )
boxes lyiLit.3l.Tirxey-aleo,y.
CORN -500 bu. for ralo by ..
vnEsir TEAS-600 picinges Fresh Teas,
per Wen arrivals st New York--amord. l oll
Young I.l . yson. Ylu. Wong.
l'outpong. .
lulu& elects usd cat,Zl l o:. bindi ra c d b for br.
powDER-500 ke g . Du !'out's
j7lO 1
S 0 AP -100 boxes 154,. 1 Rosin, for
LINSEED 01L-1300 gall. for sale by
jrlo J. KIDD i C 6» 00 Ward el.
PIIMICVSKONE-fOO the. for sale by
• srlo J. KIDD Co.
SODA ASH-23 casks Lutivich.brand;
We by •
Jf U
• Communion Service.
riI.OK.ARDS, CUPS, PLATES, 1142115.
JO) Market rt.. recta of. Yana.
.QOAP-400 boxes Roiin, Cied brands, for
10 Ws . W3l. BOAS= •" •
hiza and Z.-Woo:1st
nut p . LOUGIEL. MID IsescrAseD!
PenAsyleanea. Railroad and Exprers Paikrt Line
mak. 14iIrostl .... • ............ rmile Canal.
qcdre euuuse an mvrvtracu 601,( . 10
Two Daily Lines Express Pullet Boats,
Waitig LEEMI
,On and after ,Monday, August 25th, the
raekrt of thi. Una • II lease l'ltteburgh fur lankvort
warning at ed., on! ewer, evening at fleolnek,
nrerfadr—thera taking the Cars of the new Panneylamia
,a bath-fear° unmetlatlely after [halt .rival) dl
tact for Philaffalphht.
Silefiroe Mr:fuel. Port.
flourt ,- 1.4
Br Ulf! nay arrangetnent peanenger. go thrungh SIX
1101:M9 500 N KR than aretnfara (heiabentymiira.a
canal trarci,) enabling thorn no .rsral to
proceed Ott 1, rime York at once.
Take tbe York and Cumberland Rallrowl, at Ilartistuarm
eigb'T•fnnr milm. Time. FOUR hours.
Pet„ w SUL .11 to RaMims, 69,75.
da Lancaster f ''*./ Ilarlisbarg 18.09.
If trod dylin, ebdap trayoll. .od bc
dauoyaY. ot,una your octet,at <be Tl,tet. OM* Mon..-
b.laillou, of
J. P. 1.10L51E5.; Agent,
Or Of ' D. LEECH. &
Canal Bum re. stre.
Ohio and •Pennsylvm:.
Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad.
13 =ES.
)N• and attef MONDAY,- AUGUST 4th,
1531. a Prooon i jkar Train will run ax f4llrtariv
LEAVE YEW BR lITOE et 71 5 A.M.:and 234 P. 01.
LEAVE PII2BBE Oil at 10 A.' and F P.
Ebildrrn under tielee years of a. half Vric.
Bateman Pittsburgh and 141.111 e. Eh., 30 eta
Erono• Sewickley, 30
hereon: on
air EInIIVOLI ucket....lll be o f d at rernaced rat.:
Retereen Pittsburgh and Rocheatag, to any *Munn and
it Putsburgh and Neer irigidon .4 bock.
the a., day $1 `t ,
T Train win Dot on.. Sunday. hut Escursiqa
Tlelgtiseued on Eatardsevill be grad
fo r
zeta= trip
The IZoad .111 be extended beyond Be. Brighton at
thve.lleat prartcablo day.
• By order of the Board ofDinectors.
ausalf . Ticket Agent. '
MeHenry's Philadelpbia & Liverpool Line
of Pallets.
from Philadelphia on the
1110. mod
hlyerlr '
l enthe let of esaknenth
RUROPE,diethealel C. Ilan% /teeter. t
BEELIN, Alfred V. hedith.dtteftefd
• • • -
SISLACKiSIASCON,(new.) W. W. Wen. Slake,
The shore thips am built of the best and taint wetly
materia/s. and ma mod for the rapidity oLtheir swathe:
they are fitted up with all tmpmren4Sntr. are mast
thoroughly ventilated. and am uneurpmeed for their se
commodationa for' Second
of and PosmumM
they are commanded by man of acknowledged talent, who
are unthualled Tor their experience In the packet serene
Persons dolmas at bring/v.IIPR friend. from the Old
Ltiontry m olthlei euntdgtea of panathe, Willett will he
gad for will
month., mei our agents la Inland and
crawl will farnah the. with the proper infOnnattou and
trotractlon. ft-lathem their depature..
For the convenient.. - of to Bend aYo
at ;157t:Ighllilr=%t.,110hleTrlIre! upward.
PI T A - ' 43
toe thalte or twist m the boned Kin .
Sirlirthirioth 'applied paesengers eimaingtrOm Liver
eery week the following thpplim will be futhieted
each pavether . of 12 year. of age and over 2.14 broth.
2 Ma rim, you tee, 6 Ilk. othinesteß, IR eugar, I lb.flour,
44 lb. molthiev. mad I lb. pork. Under 12 years of aga 6
brlieDithirr. 1 lb. WTI, full allowthmof water 4.011
eau, and half allewance.of tea, sager and moth:nth
GEO. tilthrENßY k
No 27 Walnut etreet, blow Second. Philadelphsw.
ielgif tanner Sixth and Wood Ma. Pittsburgh.
1851. i fftf 1851.
Dunkirk and the LYie 'tanned. emmeetlng with
ni elm keamers US...Uri& th e Sikh! span, Cleveland.
Columbus and Cincinnati. Cleveland and Pituburgh, and
andlokyand Cineinnati Railroad., and stealth& on the
Ohio and Atireirrippi Orem, and the Ohio, Indiana and
lienthylvanta Canals.
(Sunday. excepted.)
lot Slorn , ing. l l Tr!'n
I p , oiettek.
•el En-oink Express •• - 2)1
Tbs . ldan Train stem *1 Elmira, whom pamengers ew
Sort boort and take the Espres. Train, arriving in New
Sort next uthning 12 oicloth, making the wholedistanee
by darligll4.
The Ex prees nriglat seen
Cattle Train Ira.. ihnlkirk at
4 1.. M. dell et Psesenger Car is that-h.:4M Gide Train to
accommodate Way Passenger. and Drar,M .
(6. - Yereifrom Dunkirk to New York, SS. Soeond Clam
prem. will be girth In AL few days. •
This Company me ;inner." M transport - liv • aatock .pd
freights of ell kindtho and front Now York.
Parucular attention trill be kaki 'to Bieck. ihn taiga
laing a nut arida, Ores this routs ntuat arlrantairantat
ga llirArdrtgut " =l ila tbriTrill'r°"=.
obort num
Tur last a regard if o ra th a . ill xi bt. Feeei girlug wilt..
p etL Teas
be J P .7rtatiGELUI: Lamar, Dunki
Racuision Tickets to leaver, 25 cents.
1:. 1 =144 1 .7=f, n6"4
ch g PoAdiral. ---'
cheater. every dar. (Sundays escridsd.las followc—
Beaver. leaves Pittsburgh at 9a. ta. Rochesto r. x.
Michigan do do 3r. do 11 a. X.
Perrone whhlng to go to Bearer ran mount Excursion
Mckato to Rochester and back •ta Pittsburgh. for LO rents.
Tickete good for down one day ataxy the neat.
For tickets apply on beard the steamboats - Bearer: . or
“Iliehigao No. 3.. ur at the oar. of
ang9 'COT, Water foolthneld o... Pittsburgh.
1851. /i2Egi
Pada! and Rea2raael L-Ue to Cleveland.
PASSENGERS leave every morning at 9
o'clk, by atria brit to Beaver. Menet, by etririe
aaat_packets to f1aTr91294, thence by Pitteburith and Cirri
land P.allroad to Cleveland.
ie-Pare to Cleveland. IS.OO.
: To Clevelac.d. lri hours; To Benet, 36 hears;
Baal. S 6 " Meade. 60
nettle given CINCINNATI;
Via Columbus sad Lola. by Cleredaril and Clrithonstl
Passenger. for Petrels Clri d.
a lto and Ntheauld. leave
Cleveland every striving at o'clock, by the splerilld•
tes.. of Slrialgari Ceurial thread Co. for Detroit ,
rice st tri o'clock: A. H. b 77 A.llnad to Nee lrithrile.
Oa writing aasoa evririns st eirigrt by atesriboat.
During. low triterth the Ohio trier, this roca toClacto.
oari. St. Lauri ), aril -rialet t p te florid youth pukka,
ts. an thy other-
"M OLARKE PARK!. Proprietors.
Raman. Pa. •
u ` k ' a '''''"'"Vd:4l. l C/UGHEY Asent.
(71, stain) soroat of tiriribtleld sad Wesstricus
• cypoelta ttLa Motrimethe s us.
leSd irrramnum.
1,851. WBTERN 18.51.
D. zmng az COT. LINE.
THE Canal being in good order, we, are
prepared to trammort wodime sod merthugglike to
frau the .bore cit., at the kree4 currant rates. o;
freight. vitt: promptbees and dlepeteh. The be.t and
tan are mud 004 coatrolled by the proprietor. Ewe
a lading Igagmaltttd, and all hastradioar promptly at.
Waded to.
k or addreat. •
AP- o 1- 1 t' -8 BLACK. Proprietor.
coo t s
s LEECH. Yrot„h
-: Receiving Depot, Noe. 13 a If& s.:mtt c rr t.
MIMI? I =CM - tilt, Agents.
• No. 75, Nord. rt,Baltimore.
T. 11 PEARCE, Agent-
Lee . No. T. West rtroet. New York:
lag. 1851. Naigliff;E
Via Brownsville and Cumberland, to Baltimore
end Philadelphia
FrMORNING BOAT leaves the Wheel'
. E lam, the Bridge dal''. et 8 o predsalr. 'eon.
tscting with the cars at Cumberland nettmooning.
The boat 18 ncee daily (e.t.a Bendel awaking)
vening at
et 8 u'dock. connecfing with the carder. Cumber/and mot
e 10 o'clock. . • • • '
Time through lb BaltirdoM,2Blltdoin. Fare only S 9.
Time through to Philadelphia:4o boar. Pare may $lO.
The National bad le now gond. Conductors' go tettli .
the Combos between Browturrlile and Crdiaberland, which
makes Una deekledlT the teat route East.
J. bIESNLITEN, agent.
m 7.1/ Ottice tbe Alonottgaltela /loose.
6n ,the Penzsylvazda and 9bio.Canals.
.TIIIS well known Lino in no* prepared to
trainmen freigtit and paiwangen YITYYBUROSI
CLEVBLifili, to any pant to the Canal and Laken—
Tha Utilities of the Una are onsurp.ted in numbertc u.
ity, and asseity of Eloatr, experience ofCaptal...ii eM
aaer of aunts.
One Boat loam
Pitt .4 Cloral.ddally,nnining
in with /km of steamboats PITYS.
BURGLE rul BEATER; and a U. of Brat data al.mbista
(propellor slid remelt) fin the Lakes.
Parkat Co., Youngstown, 0: -
M. B. Taylor, Warrati.o4
A. A. N. Clark, Newt. /all. 04
C. Pterant,Barennn. 04
Oyayton 6 co., R1L1.11114 04
t i rlpr i litli e ri c, .. Co., F.nklin.
Wheeler, i•C; 0 V‘..°V,V,2O"
lltoderaon 11 NUM., bands.) City, fit:
Peckham 6 Boot; Tobias, O.;
CWittlams*Co.. a Datroit, Allehlkaa: k Ca, wank*
tlibbe a Chink*, M.;
Th°= '""" l ,sl7l.l7et. 21banz
ant ear. Water and gralltifudd at": Aluotran.
Arrangement Made to Forward , Freight
ILMLIWAII COMPANY Vtt a t E l'earts,by
jr3l • =Tan Penn aae W•7l2llOl.PrPg:
— Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Toad.
')lMano fS ,fo f:oLetale,
auglitdkr3vT MIL A. BILL • CO,
Wood at above Fourth.
FOR SALE, r Pittaburgh Gas Stock;
FL Clair Street Bridge Rock;
OAS. aad 1 1 / 4 .l . Tra 11E4.4
H 1 Daotvaa7 B
WANTED -Stocks °file Pitts'gh Bard=
_draorkaa Do Llarks and Half 'Allah; blerfeaa sad
Ers et M Miran Crodrua far addata
. f.L. D. and Braker...
crushed, pulvartred. son acushed ‘ end loaf cwt. ke sse the Loren rate'. by the Lena oar all by
...p7 , Groans • Tea Dealer.
DRid com.F—loo bariVed fot sale
mitts well known establishment is still eon
durtad In the same man.. It Idas alwala hoe. The
central and rlissent situation of. the bonne. Its conunpli•
one orrangenunt.., and the cv.mfurts and lusuriss to be
Loma them eatnidne tn rend7i. it * and advents:
5.0. to the traveler. . •
'Ravin¢ been •dte of the firm of John 1.. tucker CAL.
(.1g ..111 heed nt the entabhabment. tits subscrtNr
pledges his Nst avernooi to maintain I. reputatino, and
girt, ' , attn.-Lion to his customers.
auSlYdeon)ln, WM. U. PARKES_
/ . - katnl pattern, an un.ually extended variety, Aered
at PIIF York Importatin . price,
Want China or Terra Cotta War,11.114 [Man Mae, •
. .
Ito.mgrood. alav, and Papier 11.hIA,
. . . .
_ 1 , Baskrts, Work , ' P. WeiFbt" , A ,
Confectioners Papers, Boxes, Carnet, Coke Ornatosuir,
to. •
Droggietz . Fumy Article, Teeth Armlet, Lc.
TobarronletA Aktikles; Toys by the rare or Eloten.
lit man 'Kate, Pencils. Jew / arks. Percussion Caps , to.
v"h an
`'',"". of ei. firill"i'lr ra te..
nf v,
ankl&lm No. 1 Commerce et .Vll [Lents.
VACTURFIL No. 41 Booth Second t, (oboes
errata. re. ek1,11•611e441 phis. febl6:ly
U. U. woootriin.
enle, Grocers, Ne. 2'2/ Market et, Philadelphia:, 441
D. J. IiGC.OII ...11) HU=
IEALD, BUCKiiOR & CO., Tobacco
ckuaa,a,b, a Merebnnte, No. 4,1 North Water street,
:aid N.rth Wb.meabiladelplai. artgl
oilcan Hardware.
LIVEN DOUGLASS, Manufacturers'
7400, • N . 5 Platt street. three donator. Pearl et..
torrrtiTir s a tVni "rr t ar i reriO °greet
from the manufacturer.. and for o mle on r uncraole termt.
Steam Communication between New York
and Glasgow.
TIH.F. Glasq.w and Ne* York
el 2 e - stairr Aileaciq,°7!;;l°o°4".": 4 o l onlZ
here power. R. Enwart, (lam of the. On wen...Y.MO
steamere,l emmader. is appointed On ROI ID :OW
York dirret for largo., on SatordaY. the 'lth of October
at 12 &al k. nom
F . I.SRACE 5105Z1T.
PIM Cabin Cm tad'. tee Included.)
bennuf Cabin -
Pt. Menge asertgare taboo.
Than rat. in ludo provisions. but not wines or liquors.
which .111 hist: plied on hoard, at moderate prin. Car
urgeon ,
&right °r . r. 7.f.051111 7 51Tp.0. 2 Brayer street.
oug2o.6slaelen • NEU , 7014 K.
York Inclia . Rubber Warehouse,
No. 27 Maidin Lane and No, 59 Naas. dna,
/Int oca-ner front Brow Lear. Far.crr=b Eestilith rt..
T",SUBSCRIB4R - Proprietor of Chit. es
utaisturniu avoid loinin hie old ctutomen. and
merchants generally . . that he le daily reniving from his
factotT uoustially. Urge and excellett et.k of liolita
Robber Goods manufactory)! expressly. far the Pail Trade.
pnd which. nod having introduced .revand new attl
mrtant improvemnto Mx machinery and cuomaltic tit
he feels confident cannot fall units perfect eatisfacnni.
Present attend= continues to be paid to the mottlac e
tang fumed and plain CA arsAn E CGITIO. of all .s.ldm
from . .,,'-1 incfuries. Tbs arillsareeanfulTy Wetted
.fttem Lbabest breadamtd spread with the form tromiwhich
IDII/113of aortal to latent teethe, lio elto manufactures
the nOIDIDILD Cloth. highly Important hatuoventent re
cently dlemeertd. by which the cloth la made to lam an
ester resemblaote to enameled leaner. The plain toish
mute and sold s. usual. Orden) should specify the moiety
• •
OVIJLTLIOE fun !lock of ell the different styles
mad Tanen.. f r om the Imported Pam Rubbers to the re
nowdid Perpetual tikm—embrarlog Moo's. Women . . and
Chlidrou'a NAM. Elena. blifpera aml Panda/m, Woman'.Purred and iluel Rut/. F r.
tottering m
A complete moor we nt f the ering abea on hand:
MacluttasheACoataXam Poueboa Par:m.loa Pretervera.
Driving 0 Irreet, Home Rouen, Reeling Jack:eta C." Lear
Wte l = M et kr B rae, '" Ntli7l l l:l .° 7l, '° l!
der Braces. Paper no!Lia.a.rlialna
Rennie , nith *tarp dratelptlon of Rubber Gooda rtPura,
eois manufacturer of Vulcanized Iletailic Rubber •
Whim, under hoodMarn Pateut•
The Owl:ea mill be final a mm' mottle curamal
yenta,/ of Chapped, Rand. bleaching them and
them white and rat.;
Pore Rubber Cement for flatten' 11..
./TIT2LI D. 1/01.411Abi.
ShawlsV Cloaks Mantillas!
1Z S. MILLS, N 0.6 Cortlandt at., N. York,
ittla f kiilMlLUAto h .:' , k s at,7 l 22.l7.7glt r ytl
Soirteli stel Domestic Wool ifalg togirther with
is full enruncrit of trench aria Ilea. burisre And LowS
31roehe rhombi, of every Ando.
Alsi, co extensive stock of Oriburo, Melina Thibet,Ailk,
Saila and Velvet CLOAKS. MANTILLAS, SACKS . / e.. of
Tatin6 shares and style.. Mantifseturid from Paris fat
ter,. of hi, ow. hufartalfous received esmiwrouthir Per
Duero !Mesmer. -
. .
Ile Invites the Mantel attention of °anthem wed West
ern Merchant,. to the Wove. as they Will dud an wore
award nhatent, end renlydavle goods for India wear.
nyteurrawai in the city.
Alto. superior WIRV. SHOW •STANDS. fur exhibiting
Shoals end 31witilbut. drawl" In <eery nylored Print and
Comb, at Si wad lb eArh. ie=4.lf
To the Public.
hoe beau called to York vertiscatent by florae. ll. Day,
published in the New timid of lith July,
the Coaster awl Euspairer of game date. in width, arlth
muds wunesite& abuse of onrattothey, Woo.] thaw, Re,
Ws mewls that we dam not ethrge him with pirating Dori
rtg FLU& Is , :p;T i oZZttir=satlt=e =mt .
.t4-I°.-.6.4.-.4.4,6, 2 1....1..-La paid
ea throcy. and are daily Dayton • tariff for them.= and
arty otber t re , rwra ,
. rght 7, dr t i the sarth.l , ldia l pred w uss
thtak It more dust towage a righ T th ' usse • veld' Ps:
ent, thth to intre Mr. Day having beers rowerutth,
acknowledged Cioressea rigets. wade • mttlemnt, and
agreed in future of to intrigge his
lle is now
therapting. not only to infringe msd.patenta, bet tots:turn
warmly. who bare, lot a. huge contidaratlou t Tensulthm&
cur Itothvea and .now work under thew: thd wro charge
31r. Day. directly. und that over our ow a signature, with
pirating upon licceidethe Datentv, in the snanufactum et
the e thos which he ie uttering to the rut,lS and wee give
notice th at he and sit wlso cotherned with him In pure
chacing or reritng lda shoes made in violation' t said Pat
ent Right., will ho.ttveth.toti.
L C.futeDEF.,
by Vim. A. butkiagh. - 1, Trresurtu.
U. Ilubahlacou.PreEkleut.
0011 D L CO.
Ilbw . Vox. July lath. Dud.
J. W. Holberton,
No. 75 Zaiden Lane, New York
• •
I'MPORTER and Jobber in FRENCH and
odo: filo.. Slate Venal, Enoll Dos.. A coordocoos:14ok
-140 (11ones, Vblim, 11.e5...
A,uti tit l'aboe• 1.4 2..11.
4 31.1u1motorore Agent for Amaxican La loy
Sis;prior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
NE'S EA:UBE INK, 87 Nassaustreet,
Alt Bulldthrs, New York.
ta, per et.- 60 6 or. per doa..-..—.40
i .
This the Met article tmordartared. &ear—
is a good COPYI.NO IN%—and r<Bl mt amicala monld,
prechatate or dear. and pm... all the-qua/Mies requir
ed fora good Writing Ink,, mamas for tha QnW,, and drip
mirahly adapted for the btarel
11. uridaggned is prepared to foralab the,lnde
tbar taport at home consmaptiOn. at Me above von'
loarprieas, igM op. per order, and delivered. la any put
of Me city Mat of Marge. h o et , kazfe Prr awes Berreda
oz deg. are d'"'d e - tra at iIIkODOILE LENT,
larhi al Stamm,,,Ettiovn„Booldlinga
f'rofessor Alex. 0; Burrs TrieoptexeuE,
Af =l2= i vad =tn. the n o ts b e .
bu il.44. brastrasortat '" .l by ".W e g iparins 'ut /W C Ar.4 6 ...kthi
crow bu prod.. tb• um. ode. to disc:m.4 •
•klxt eta- of Use bum, sad •11:lbe nalmusl The
.folloubss tertfaimaals. oilseed from bu of shall.
Import, .11 bar. Ls Om the 'slava tbetbs...lo4
sa4 the allastkm In vrtucb Is la :add by the. wbo bus
e'en it • trial: .1 , •
'llkw Yeas, Mph =OW.
Pam. Damt—laear elr—j hare been. a.9lded .b cer•
tineourartlyCon of the maly. of • mo,t akaimated char.
KW. the Isar airtern sad donne that wird
bare hod tni advice of veneer tb matmaltent Pb) 7 l.
and bare tried all the yremratbur far the hairand
akin sum known, without the least banal*.. advised
by • blend to try your Triamherrem. I did ad as a LW
retort. and, to my minim and irndllkatiOn.
drt! 3'Ktil= - rh7A."=ttztz .A a,d.,
, tdPLYE, I4O c0 ,, 1
Nrw Yoke, Oat. 23. ISM.
Pada: 8.01-31.rpear hir—dboot two man ago my Italy
came out • grrat deal and my bead waa much adleted
.Ithd.adru 1... tcid DT • fraandm .7 SOUS iliamb,
ens. and I did to, and tb tar astouldunent, UM hair .110
firmly motel, and all the .dandrud disappeared, as the
bed now Mom for melt •
. With reareet, your Med% erret.
J TREADWELL. Oak Droadwar•
If any lady or doubts the autb.tleity of the
shore Lilt, will playa all at' Profemor Bury's aloe,
Broadway, New York, where he will produce the oriad•
nal letter".
Ilrrom the nn end t he
Annie, Nos. S. 1550.1
There Is no remedy ter the prrinannecureof Widens
and di...7e of the cranium generally, that baa reached
the popularity ediond y the article Impslir, MI Professor
barry's Tel or Medicated enopeund. It la es.
insanely nerd the upper eludes of the onneminitm In
altdoetarety nursery In the land it la tend in merman to
other articles of the kind. Unmans Mier to tbe none(
the hair, and thus mount. Its growth to remarkable
It demon the dandruff and with and makes the
hair Erie and glean, It dill nue all Manses of the rale,
ench ise mild held, den done. and other obenslona dbors
dens of the Ater la cliesPnen uellaseffinor i It dente
Bndrallot It It wd IngeM ottle., prloe 230intai at No.
7 Bradwey mid at the Druggists genteelly, throw:bun
tbelbiltadStelasandeanada. ' .1713334
•rONTLNUES. his usual facilities receive
IL/ on Storage, lisle, end Tranadomant, Merehandba
eocadsnol &tn. Boats Nara Ina dock daily Arc all points
on the Latas and the Illinois Canal and Maar.
Ilefarraret—ltraars. Loran, Streit& & Cot •
Hamm Immo
Hr. Jobn A.C.aurm, aptitm
Wm: H. Haskill,
2 AND ADCTIONW, No. a Rat.. amt., ' , Mimi,
pedal attention to COISIMISBIOI3 budness. stigle,7
Pr c a Corandmia. I t. Frorill.3l2Sorri.nt.. ot? th•
Rant ilexandtr Godon= torus. Blorlkut
PitsburrJa. Way
PAVID C. TC-TILE,- Attorney at Law,
nud'Cooolinictom Cor Paptur
au..'cations prosavUT louvered.' ec=2:l7
1° 11. RANKIN; Attorney .and
ot tom sad Cconoolosiooor Ho the Slott o
r Tryon* et t ystois.ftnce . ttstare . .)
Breatorkoo TtloClure..Jobn E. Parks. /114"TCO a
tkozpis, ltecort• Co—,. analtar
A Goad Bargain is now Offered;
l ' Uo 7 . l ll=ist a r . ...l`. l l:l"..l b.
r , i= , Tb° I 'l'4 '''"o!a ta
tr. d'.l
- purchase .111 apple* to TAP P &
Mr Le--
Jr 23 - , 11484=111
rleg4:#7* SEED-34 bblz, : foT_ sale b'
S' • TUS-4-toneiin boxes ea bble.,
.1417 7.11 CO4 I
. . .
atalnetura,toreroom and thrall .
meaelad. inß sittlat.ellbse.
retail ()merry boattrem. 2he rent *lll below,
a dealt - We temp:A. AptlUo y,
le. and Tr vder Wm,
. For Sale.
A LARGE lot or piece of grouasituato in
.4. ,th , 7 otlt2Putf.lAt.tV.,i'frZitg f ,,Vir-Tri
to Crawford stree. T .pro erty le ' lloredevlmrentlyabove
the Old Basin. and In t vicinity of the private twaieleteee
of the late 0. Ilenni.f. EN. and the dvedli t t,B 9 . 9l 01
A. W. Locards,_tip' and um be used as 'end rad'
either for th e erect s on. of one or two taetefed dwel ma or
Mom air or eight moaner teneminta ,
Terma—On• third In hand'and" the halatme In tire equal
annual payments. ..cured'by lord and mortgage. u
nil STOWE t WATSON. Attd's at La*•
• •• No. 110 Fourth street.
Valuable Real :Estate at Auction, •
reE SUBSCRIBER offers for Stile, on
f l aeoralvle tern... the folloanng Pt` 9 l ll,l l , In the
ity f.ritMbordb.
No. I..llwee valuable threw 'wry briek dwelling bon.,
on Beeondatreeettetween Market and Ferry strertte. the
lots being each 10 feet front
.th . e " itir t Prlg 71.% " rin /To t er, . c el "d o ' rl
Nur form. brick nem, lived as printing v111:6, end one
- -
If the above iv nnt 2.411 d hotore T.turAttv. We ith day or
September. at private !Ala. It will then be:offered at public
outexy,ou the prerni.,.. Terme at rah
Agent tor John/tun:. k lOon.
--TO LET. \
A ROOM, corner of Gran. and Thi
Food Iricanet Lar lawyer or . yob,sumart.
F eir7l6FroN.'
FOR RENT—The Dwelling;tio. 155
Third moot. near Saantneld—.a sonn AatiLsi
117= b e th' il . ol d n;rd ' 1 4' 1"Fa ' e tati qrgr tha
second door Ina a bath rt.= attachtd, wah be and e 4
water. water <hoot. an
ALs.—tb. Rout, adßAning at oil
- - street. Bear
Sewickley Property for Sale.
MILE subscriber offers for sale a fine Tract
ot Land, containing ghd aeon, belni •Portioti f We
property lately earned by tLe Economy timuty. lyingln
e t r i t it tot h rg i n oLaTtdl=',lTAT,ViegiMgois: o
road and the Oh io river. The Wanes (iffd any.) above
the mad. I. wadi adapted for farming primmer. cortalning
• valuable Water t Yuen atith a gm haat .ad Oil 11111.
good running ordea l
For garden& or prigat. countrYreal
deuces. dais property to one of My Iblem enrer offered. hay.
lug maces to the cit Eat all tiny, by itailroad.ffirer. and
Bearer road. -
tr l c o otn ' t r y '' .
ourgh. angiam
Valuable Real Es :te irr Beaver County
at ; :ction.
THE subscriber offe , for Bale the following
140P.TM l i tkrin Pallston BeavettntT t being iota
Nos.ft mcd 1, being about 100 t square,on 'mob tante=
ed one block of four 'frame dwe Inge, and one toparate
frame dwelling, all two stories hi h.
r. 2. One lot 00 foot front on * ntreet , opporim flu
above, and egundlng to th e top of e hill.
No. J. Two beach lota, each 00 fo t Xrent, and roguing'
from the read to lowater mark, on • Big Beaver.
210.4. One Venable
water int. 100 t on Wheel Bane
with tea shires water power attach=l.
Ntt s. On. lot Opposite the water lot_ JO feel front. and
extending to the to,, of tit. bill, on wb is eroded one
two Story brick wows and warebowe. 26 b 00 teattaktoOna
Awns dwelling. 1.06000 ea 61,10.
No. 6. One largo lot In Sew Brighton. BeTunty. bra
alnut 110 fait v Broadway. and %boot ••MllO feat deep.
connuning lii acre. n w blob are erected two Imo frame
d•ellingo. and one vmall memo bone. uari an 0000..
hi. proper, war tormerly occupied by )10. C. Gould.
arid le very Plearavtly located.betng Immediate opposite
the Yallston Bridge.
Pio. 7. Ono water lot. litem=listely. =low Fallafo Bridge.
being abent 100 feet in 'nowt,. and ',Woodall, fro Water
stood to low wain mark. or towing patt,
if not sold before Tbureday. the 11= der of itept„cpber
next. at private ta l e. It veill 4 0 ,0 be offered at Publictont•
ory, on th e premiser. Terms at sale.
• JOll2 PLEIII26,
angted&wtvn Agent ibr Johoston A Stockton.
Seven Valuable Farms for Sale,
4 Lli SIT.OATEArtear the Ohio and Penn
rt. eylvania Railroad. in - tlce vicinity of Salem, Ohio.'
=waiving from 00 to 2)0 sores each, and in •• good nate
of =ldeation.
. .
Also-100 TOWN LOTS, between this prearnt linahanas
kart fth oa lltakkand tha ndalnk. •-•
All or .bl a
ch Donald 013 nay trrinaln the parchio.
en. Stork In lin Ohio and Ininsylkanla Railroad, nr. in
either' of the Banks In rinsintrali, In taken in pan
elm nieb t donate . Piero of Pmeod• efitheien the
Depot ground. to • Competent manor mamma,.to erect a
firet elms Hotel anon. on which • fountain van be had to
ea poly the hones mai rtablisoith water.
totem is Me central point between the citim of Plus.
lintsgh and Cleveland; &LW, between Pittsburgh and Woos.
tent and Um benefit to to derived from the Kook Roads
now bein conetruenal to end from Palma. nukes It ono of
Me most important prints on the Lotto! railroad for first
<lain llotel. ZADOEHTILEET.
Wpm. fi o Sole 1. '3lO-fdrilitit..s
Country Property. '
undersigjaed offen . for bale a piece of
hind conjoint. botieen Itim and E t s oltuatwil
on a road limiting from ilincrecilla to asLibercr. with
in • taw rods of the qintral Railrood. With a front of 47.
r.rawur rr4--4,bome=r o u into
Bon.. of I Who. A. Haiticw.
Valuable al notate for Sale.
HE following described properties are of
fofared roe rale, upon ea, PsTroent" ,
nt store brick fearebnoes and lot. fn Pittsburgh. on
the south aide of W 0.4 elope,
y Wm b c e C m ulleye n k
fifth ad nxth
st Ano— nw ot o n p th b iabWeed, Iltto o rrs.
labtel'grlT:ll,VlVTD: she .set, sot
tam c4yof dul : Ime.n . gbeffy. Octa
ml¢ek) to l'
East Common and runngr fret.
ecljoirdng tbe‘property of Harvey Cdflds: 7
Alec—A lot. 5.0517 in Roo and partlr to Acme Wan.
8b te,
Also—A botodand Mt/. roruPted
by James Cresdell.-slontfok on Beak term. end Unnardt.
ate, under &miner, HIM; conraltint about 07 feet 11:L
ildO—Abeut three acres et aronnal In the city el Ana
littr t'anTrecTi ?it " aqtral C r i la r :ry ' LMV " _, , ,:r
atm cuss thereon. and taro, prinas of water aue
thzof, non oeco . pied hry_ Chureh
4 1 ,11%. '7 E "G E , - Zg L .V=riTab•;b..
For Sale or Ttrpettkal Lease, .7
cot 144 No. bo t c
he catannal plata al Q. tort •
Ce i thetty.tatati.. • Aden of /Lebec. meet, and
•I•.S. fat teat tor ate or tame yeaft,the rettilue of las
roClot on the MIL eaten./lag Bael to /LIUe str•eL lately
occupied. •• • pumas lot. _
th l , c4Lt: s z . % , y4 . lljtm . t . lo
TlllAlT•treet..hrtsturylL • 3 °°,
111. , I 1 BIL .Bl* WILSINB.
. Real Estate for t >la
AVALUABLE onimprvveo LOT, on the
=vas of Llbora tb ood j&ctor . otfti , eg c s, Yiftt Wcgd ir ,
s o PTV;ltl ( la g treff. on Acton% ourixong t=to c gl.,
Alto—the throe story Molt Ltorolltstg floor. o¢ Marty rtr..t, otrost, isljoinlag• th e the Jot Mos In: fool nun by
103 foot 41 . fret 7, The Acute Is lasso red con wool.tot, Ittoltto
=lan. awl coutslits •lonma roc=
Also— . sr= of 'or, valuable Land steos=bastat.
Also—A of 1.55 acres in Yost Door
Also—A Yam of :LK =el lD Lastento county.
It WaStosts in Loam MUCCI , ralen sises sal
M from 000 sem lloton.. • •
• Abo.-12 serf Talc:alga loto . olattooo, rableill. PllOl.
-4.4‘!fr. W. P& G. L. I. TE•I7LBALIff,
Atlzzaers V. Law amt Bea &due Agents,
mr.1.3 No. Ita Fourth lama., fluabarsit.'
To Fannon.
I 000 AORES Farming and. Grazing
Lands. to Rim. county, komerl on Lag
Arit t ly Ora, wlttla metre taller of tho Aar York
' 7lro—t r aArreo In Elk tummy, for r.,10 on rotommodr,
tray Grum. itzavth' of
myl carnet of Alotket sof TlLlAtulu
To Gardeneng.
TWENTY ACRES of Gardening Land, al
nad 7 under val inittration, lo.Airi okumaTe . eat
~1.11 ba, .4d re.5.,500 an orte—one third ca 4 :, sad the
4 ~..ti zaos V arattasynars. I , :ar .k..
.4. corner otitaM S Pod S T 4 lalli?as.: ‘
• • ' . . For Bile. ' ' f
RE members of the Fairmount Fire Com
gr 4,ATlRltaWafelat% ea: It " 1 " th 'F' 4 ""
•pS;tf $ t sirru,s,er: ..
Na . , 409 Pox. eves'.
For Bale.
. E . La
HLOCA OPECILDINGS, on th e menet of Wath•
glee, and Penn streets. and frvallett on the r
etle.da Canal. In the City of Pingo:lath. The Lot Conte'
tiete Donde.. and fol. toot feet,. en Penn street. end one
et:deed end nine feet nine Web./ on W.114.6bAgt.. itree ,
tole [went, feet LI.. • Uto.. of
mettetem Nettled P.M AL
For Sale,
• •
41 ,1 BAKERY, with three years lease of the
stand, 1 , 12 redaral street . Allegneer. The Bakery bee
a he Ileums neelevery for deenge4 haloes.. The
Oven la large .Italnvesuevalwed In th e two elthwk. 'Soca
low. Tor term appl te BAIRD k
nil 114 &cord M..
- -
PIG IRON—I.SO tone Mill Creek Piglron
MO toils Reds Credit k do
, tonolhode
foe by 110131.NNON LLSTVE C CO.
.IylC. • , 2153 Men, .heat.
No. 3 Mackerel;
Na 1 Trout and {Ma 114, -
Ido. 1 Moak-oral,'
JOITN Irtaisal
C A. LIES-30 t.,(ixes Star;
le er4"—r 7. it.
J. D. Whaa...B CO.
Q UClAR—Loveriogll , Crushed and Pulver
kJ hid. NOr c 00... Los ou I Clarid.d for We bi
ilds \` • 4.D. WILLOWS aW.
IVIAT PLAID OlNktialllB of a so.per
istollty,Oat,ely rewired wd will,' lw WI W:
tor ... d• . W111.1.1.1Y t BURCEMELDI
f .... _
, 4 \ 111 Second irE
, .
('COFFEE-150 ba
• gs Rio, for' 'sale by
J Arse
SAL SODA--30qii.lbs. English, for solo by
. i7ll/ J. KIDD & CO.
BACON—? 0,000 bbLs, ton; §houlders
2.000 bbl. heia kir:di:we&
LARD OIL-20 bbln. Nix. 1 Bennett &
JjJobe. mat., tor by !BALM DIME! t CO.
- Water ar4 Front gtreet,
VlOl-11 bble. Whito Fieh; • -
" " r T
L AAR CAUSTIC-5 lbs,3. foxy eb •
I • raDri4 .
O.VE . § l.--75 boxes for sale by \
1.1 ,24 S. B. VON BossAblstaco.
A pELEESE--200inkxes prixae,for.baA
PARL - ile br
t' S.Letlei
but!' '
10 bbliLtk*Trostt:
gOLD JSPECTACLES--Aleirge assortment
A i ir . prtwr: tr,, il iMe4 sod loolg t : u wa i rj . ea
•4 Me ;11..0n according to Ms i ' l l ott4proo of Otand "d"
robbleo ynt In to cedar. ' \ :
W. W. witio,..a.
. , ak w warm SISIMI
15'10R ST. 011.t.5.--The liPien -- Jea '
a d drcV. r &atillt, ...,tiV ‘ V,roiSIMIE
.. ,1 thi.m. o 4=o 000t1 0. Tx at 10 b'el• k,
Few Lght or puke, &Wk. - .
tool \
CIN'TiVST. LOUIS-424e 1% - .
re v...ak...7.c.rt.tug.u. 1.1 ~, -* 4-1. 0
Froferce above and ad InWnstgliate .• • \ '''' -
on true \tile let hut. •lot 10 o'eltek . 11.
y o r fly - t or vaotexe. nPVIT on baud. vent
, ~ , :noT hE wrap, a n a Li e nmig_
w in l e ,. Pity Ar i r . 3111. Cap!ta• lard .lELoeV
reiirg7e 7 t 114 :ttett• 'V'V tZlifitd " Pi n itab th ofrA. ee...
erg Thurlday !IF
doer. ,P. 'amon...and shippers
otter), t is boat running rettotarly donng lite
low water weavots‘ ' \
For freight or e. apply on board-, •Wag4o
-----,---,— i
FOR . CINCI 10'ATI.—Th‘e firte l ai
ttearoarJEFFEl4otC. Johnson, will
eare for She stove an. tern:was., torte on .
ship day, at 4 o'clock r• .
For freight or • . • a Ly on . board. I'
SUNTIBII PACBLl.ztfact. roma,
er %egusaiLLE, c
ran as • regular packet bet u Pitlatrtgb,,Wloccalg,
linelabert., ad Brined, leant g Binaural aura:louder
aterapon for Welborn., &carbonic, end Barame . tr .
. l i 4 rgoper rb`" *pluttrEf===4...eria •
part .nd amens every Truictlaf. rt. asal eaaerb
orrery Friley anemone,. /or tre 01=2 M i tr ea
a a
brd. to WU] W. B. 1
IVOR LOlllSVlLLE.—Thiktplen
dkt meander 3.I4IYYLOWFFI t Vaedt:
water. will lrave for the stare and ind
'mediate tarts cn thia der, the =1 t=t d F.
For trelght or petnsse ynly on
tenner METAL. W
.RgR ARMSTRONG. MAUR A C..; lista..
=Scam, Thts aplendkrbesteme ta ll ; b
We o noqmf r f the rtexattre haw Newton, o 'era Ice
the Qneinnati and Pltuburib Peeket tend, nal leave
17„,jr&A rime of the Ke.trnit
mr!O "" • ''".'llrirffitß.,.l%l36l.l.i..r
tievystket steamer DIIIENAL.CouweD,
ter, ut , e liuttermiug her resuluetti.sreekly trigs between
Ms site and Meeting, itariug Pittsburgh at 10 er'clak
leaver `7:3°,VT.I,ITiV,L 7 ":I re a m ftru g y . ;
11 ., e)helt week. sok freight , S4Te. board. or us
A HONG the numeroutittiicoeertee Science
ri.hae mede in this inner - Mon\ ;tacI ll tat• the bualoem
cf We, 1 1. 4,, are ondopmeink•aoa yen prolong the tena
of human exinemee. ince can be otroore nalnaltre
est:main& .t.hen [Lid 4ontributton 1 Chendetry to the
Cleating An: A rut Mal of Ite thmushout thin
vett country, hoe prom beyond -a don that no Inedleine
oreonibimtlon of medicine. yet known. to intely cc:
tool and care UM nornerom cutetiesaf po rentarydbese..
.blob hero Memm invert from our midst tkousande and
ttioneende every roar. Indeed. there it now Mundent rese
cm to bellete ..remedy bra at length been lotted which
cm be relied en to cone the 100.1 dmiterorre iL•ectiona of
the lunge. Oar ware her will not permit as tit nublieh
an; proportion of the cures 'edeeted bT Its tore,' we
meant the loticeinnk Rimier* of eminent men. add rarer
meth. enquiry' to the Mind... which the agents. leelew•
named w W always be rimier( to furnleit free. v. are
full particular* and indiefmtable proof of the. feet.
Fran Vie ) raident of Amherst CbLledr. Coo alebnUat PR
:T8.04011 HITCHCOCK.
thimee C. Ayer—Pitt I Lave need your Chesty
soy ewe cam of deep-oekted Ittenchltia. and retired.
Into etc chemical remilto don that It In an edunrible ooze
ck.praeore.llatooldagnirtal ar
parlotcid=hial 01
tm ,1=
'mete, soave. at liberty to use It ak. mu Mink proper.
/74 fie midelt i Vrated YROFESSOR m stzirium
feZ,Mil lr- i tgr , - Me= gAttride..
Mend,. Menace of AmeriMend Pampa. ' `. •
dorm Ma Merry Pectoral an admirable cimpoeitlon
Rom come of the bet the In W. Mater.
It and
dry .P ct. remedy for the clue of dim.. It le 10t..'
ad eon. • New Harm, CL,Pfte.l:lB4P.
MAJOR f4rrisrox, .11,...;:kni tuaasmaiai.sor
Stitt lie hag ured the Cherry Pretend, with ronderfol inn
12./, to cure art \ intanunairon or the RUM. _
.Prorm7g 4„ l:e fire PAirimecten Nadu. •
Bac* 8., April reit leek
``Dr..l. C. Ar ea, d well—Den din I am now constantly
ceinsc Tom Cherry oral In ray preetioe.stelsnefetlt
any meheine polmonery complain.. ram
ration at many Mester..., I am mad IL con
couch* cold* and the Image, that thee put to
&tame all other terni :lee I Inearhbly neorimend Its
pee In eases of cenumunktlen. ae , l maunder It math the test
remedy known for Mat
pe,. R."'tn'Ur IFEPI U =Ati
pared and so O . , Clem
let, Lowell. Dlems. -
Sold in
NESTOCIC CO , e Phtehnzend 3. 14 TOWN dEN M lebelenale and retai D. l. by Z. A. 118.
In Allegheny - City. by IL PV . CLIWAPITZ. and J. DON
CLAN and by IttcrAlne jeTelawidyna •
Sims' Fire Proof '
~1 f eral Paint; • ,
THE subscriber, havie ompleted his es
<4.l,ll.brimst Gar thoTropara of abaabors manned
article, near ttro lama of fed s Allegheny. Unm
annedto toted/la it. through his , ts, either •
day, or'
wrounii in oil i A ES C. Fret . .
\ \ AGENTS: .
A. Coulter. DA;nalat. cosnoy - ; ini k and Woo:111144
Y H. Nevin Ai Co*rogilata,.l2o Lilian Arent
:511i 7 ;
aciAV.Dal.._ , SALM Diamond. `. . glion7.
, ___
, , Reward. • \ \
STRAYED OR STOLEN from 'the. Ware.
bcuie cf BufbriU•tihchf•cf• • • -••• • •4!...••••
re.lcm• legs. the refs of his. Wty beam ye
t 4(4flelf.
Acf , 1.741:11.112211.14 .11 d.CV nhall r•ccire lb> . te,
....rt—x.quebtlons,rlll be ..ed •
4 \ I 1171L11\1.11 . 1 6 E4pU1ie .. . A
, . UnivVreitT , of . Maryland: \ k
XHE :VEXT SESbION 'gin begin qn WPA
MUT, the 16th day cr. !Dmobar. 1111, ens doia lair!
. 1652. ! 1.. \ !
' . . \
hathan D. EmitlMM. D.. Ewan), \
Wm. 1...1.. Aiker!4 M. M.D. Chemistry and PhanamT.
smaa , alate-a., 4.1:,D., Tharapnalos. hiseria liada..and
\ t,
ooph; Roby,
_IL 14.4.hatomy. acal Plafalhit 7! .
at. Dower M. D.. Tboor.t and Pramaceol edialaa.
Xi_ IL' Thmaas4 31.?.. ralarifery sea Mamma of
W ll V. =tem \ do; M. D., DaMoloahal 4aMmoT
Tha ... WrlPie !cirpazlnniVe. 'for the , prekcacuti. of
PractlNl.Anato=7 4 , • .•••...i.....t••• smith
Ctirduk4 Leccuros hoar time: SO , g lib f I.
and Power, lc lao Balthaorala
,v ilamary: ay# raymT r
of daily odaa. 44 eta Waal.. .r4t!. , 4.. W ‘ 4 , ! .. ...: '
f lan 1711 a.
a' a nd
'436...„ . .' DModo.M lt
' IC ' 3hr49'51t4 "4 34.041. r. Of. , ` , Z: ‘ ,
Bakal:tom. 4 kj, 041.--jangeoilmarola
&laza -
k.. 5 - .-54 80.cius far E 41.5 by
_ . • k i • • ,Le w.AABSAEIGIc.
LiOrnizlkls.—Spralts, Patent.
JA ALES J -N. Ozmat.\ LGtei . ,".
Wholesale Dep>4 Wood dud, Pittatltigh Pci.,\
(Cutt'sCuilerrEt9l4 , ), \ •
• aarnessol that they Allot gat oneof order. . In
a mat Au...laments liming aconnately. lit ants
o.l2.l = .2 x . ..tza — Aviivat b tAuctor'sfrr7i.
suasonfactural. J. ts. .7 sekso. 'nu assail Ilona aC4-7,14
cants r roa t rad Illtor , Potavtud 17.2.0tet5, Price attn..
:era Yo
am raapsattoily ttid my{
. at fa \ licsa
and azazolnes the ahoy% or sto atm sig.tatn7
Jott2lotfer \ \
DUFF'S IiMR :: : - CO , 03.4 , , , ,
• sT, F.: COF.:ItIER OF : K.'E.T AND.
e TNIELDSt.-anablithuitzt Ma t Now enthorated
1 t i =reedn'thjnonsylrazdAtheththe . ireer ,
~ P. DUFF. • Preablen- Protean. et lkot Keeping 'Lad
Comeutral Selene. ' • , .
N. a !Mall. amt.. Prot. of Mneethale an •
J. a-WILLIAMS. the meet acenthiathed • Amman west.
ofMA Mountains, Prole.. cf PdimaillhlD., ; ,, j ,,,,
Inr.: l : = o.•b t rD r , :, L 2 ? , ... x tb 4 l... „?.. „l2:glaalt = v k a5 .,,,,kr. untan at tr.
.0111 and Accnuntanta inNne Clty,wbo tiara 1,.... , ned
ter basin.. la iL Al. the. naphtha WU= Vf U.
Amalie. InAlblte. the Chamber of CommereALLtd'alray
of the leading Mere.sta. Banker. an 4 Bank °Meths nt the'
city of .N. T., appentlyi• to the nagethf..L.ll'a North Aneyeri
mu AtennotatiL° and - Weateen eteamboat AcrountastN
ap& , - . l•
Philadelphia Carriages - or Sale, ',,,
f yg,„fk li4.2 T .4 .llEl SEIBSORMER hai
01'' ' ' ed CYm cr" PAidabi~ 3 4- '
h at:1',...1.- 'net l.
Ityporttor la.r Ant Mci.a,l,l
Tann. on the Pittsburgh ad Etalrensille Turnpike, 13
miles weak of ittsburgh. alargeassionamter a7./.1./(ZE3
of a,kinds, which a wal sell St kris. tuna awn. tha
they tan he bought el where. • , \
Prom the ...apemen which ha hasnethe hallway — al
Z ..
the general aatWann rendenat bonenefore. to thcee
hap btruisti him .I . l[nel:oft patrousas , be. fog . assured in
ealang . theit be an oatsan oterrement to compete nth ay in Market. boat as regards quality ma mice. Persona
wishing to.purchaw, are rennet nada OVUM" of fifty-ter n Carriages mold by inalastseam.. \ \
The subscriber: reporting to ovation, l n` the kW.* of
buying arsi wiling . laire... keeps on had none but an
mrAbi6mtra. mole Cantatas. . . . JOSETIL akLITE. •
. ,
.. . .',
•liiilitary \ Bounty Lana Agemoy.,
HE UNDEESIONED, residing in'Edgar
Conntri ,11116616, prnpared Iccr.t.• 1111.1tarr land
want., 161 goat buth, at ii. foilonlnt ramie, 160
.71=tsti:; :ir
shoat ellelnio thi " Vi • Tint Cr '
V. an, 6p6
a .nmfr.d 100 hem .t 611.11 Mat of th. vumnt ana6 fu Ink
6615, rancriber bon T.teullar 61vantso• in locating.
Warnans. , 4 1 ,41606.16 61 1.1 1 6 1 0
1161 \ 1 1 A140111), rna,lll..
/IVenno4—Lyon.bborbko6., Wb.lbnon a W6lOl Ham
tonA.436lllll. , . /16.1annbatt
• State Mutual Fire _ Ituratitii ce Sompany. ,
BRANCH OFFlCE—cc.'s\Sitripz u
ui Ss
P 1 TBBUltat :.
Yonabregh k M 6.10,1151. r
rSllFE'bebt evidence of thoNenooese of thO,
Directory In et:drawling to tank, %...?..tate.Slntun.'
Internam Comynne treat*. want* %by 00111191.1.120.
I T. Is the unparalleled =own of businent , bee been
down baring tuned 7900 Pond. donnuthenset, year.
and add*, error 01.10,000 Carnal - to the Mpretty.
anprodin say, that nearly all* Preliert?trh
cured la of the paha kind. in mall nate, *large pro.
polllll2lc,sure4 Ihr only othe rear. .
Wholeleo. of Pollenee Wooed
D. do. yrrird, terannatot tanocini. •
Do. do. in three .. 7.108 •
Arerunt of c.vvvt elfSesa9
L.. canoelad. excite, =LTA 00
Do. canceled. terannstyd, ex Dal... WI
lk.D°. la " 7roonnas 1.;7 14 7D 77
' do. do. . cat:tooled. 01 021:3
Whole am't lows awl sirs.* veld_ h.'411
Bata.. 111 Wes of the On. in sada- V1T414 46
The Walston! the centgatry Ls toculont strlgy.on ths
tt , tottl=e4 l , tOO r a t:7lttae , tb „ : „, 17;
epal ' tO ' hle method In the arstr ‘ in of J... -1;
of CLABSIYYZO TILE ItIOLLS-attes tag eq.!
booms to the basaml. The risks era scoa‘htmlldir+ag
1.0 two arti.% etageres, the &tater. ortralon that nt'
HA of the fouls of Other van bee Iprop. 1 for the par -.1
aunt of to
neet I. Menthe!, Tint Clam 0
Sentnninated the .Y.AItSILItSL COMPANY.➢ which
we may ba made won babadey dd. , baitut oat
bbaldh.4% . w ed rpm,/
catching mats
hatayetona le a ll owed to be wtoo.
__TMtieronit LE '33.EIMXTS , Inrarante 01• T tte myna the
searttads of ntritertr in toe. wand .111 a ear
'The rtentiom ma. are only aNnot toLr as Ursa aa
than usually ehttMa n Ito rat
Zi, l ttai r kt. la allowel the
id tura,
fts either wlth or without am
of.* tortnintst note.
41,1 lowa et" be ettlth at the Naos aided with prwpt
mesa aml \;.ty. It la now tWer tht d.Wl,attha
.ipboi habhblf , ed. Albvri .7. GlTlett. T.'.l
tilata snot
Aloalst L.?t's
L Y v khUo f i rle r era i t
pare J:
mralteT \
Lt. 11,-.• forth Itlettlend of Mr . !. Dee [a: on
Nadu hlbY atleeltrad ttotpaddwbadd.t.
\baltabl* otla• eisg.b.
' ,
t cAL..
' - -•
• -• '' - ' .'
,Tad ' s 4edfcrited liv 0/tide. ' . - • \
S A.lrtitgia \ inteltdeaf id
t \
,h o ,ad ~ ,,,,,,,k h„.„,w a, ,,,„ of .*err fkia• •
rII am land. NI ica',l%, are in o nt o tokat da t ajer d
L'ju OT " ' th'r
D' s
I_ th lnfl t 4Tilz.v, ""
'W ei t
tt . ba 111=
m ica
'tt's ♦
lx.e. tz them. .11 1
ICI. a ' fiiir mal,vni oulakei It todis
\rit t i,tiy 6ertitr . hmt ilk, the c*igmed, bartng 64. ~
=aVatlfr m mteiVa t .2.B,.. „ 4 : 11,V ,..,, .:!;L1: ,, itr4. t ,
.1111117 . tomej it our pro‘dorna boo ay
roz\Zno. " b rg;'.,ll. h z147,Yi...i1=
~.o.‘ mpt.,117.1z . PzitrAli. ALA.
\ \ 43 1 AElj , y,4 .n %
TF '. - 11. IL
51 E1.1..5. A1.11 1111 N l'E
: w Ri. k A. D Bo . ttai.
Comprid lt,' , an tb e prsctlxba; pb ria.. In das qty .1.
Itlldilletoen{ , -
.It .i..rallNETolli a
For sale D\
' al \\ cmtker WO* atrl its.
DB. J0K1N 4 13111.1,13 BARSAPARLUA - • ' , .." , :i.':f . ,
l i\ 'f Is pat U
in quart bottles, and bon: • •.:,.
\ thins On t, m eta somas ma th I, WO Seasapa. . •s I'
'as thy Oaths: W 4441 ". 41 IP 1t.i.,X11. Plift.t. GPI
lar pa bottle, Os eth 111.- •n ,s • ...l o t=
It bo ben =ll inn*. P lnyears wt. =et •
Mton. D. :ce. er ' 2l=la=suniaill.
SrifthoZghabst. b . k"4 %. Is.ll-.41 "44 nr- h t= • • -.."4 "...
oesert ..fof/EltrElle
~W 8..,, , , L1 C? . °P 44 ' 4 • 4 4.-4. - Or
pr0 .R1f1., „....i .i w o. , t t gy , tirefota4l , the . p 4 ablic , g o uge . .
=ninth. Mas hanenso a ~ no lfe ,;s.t Is ' , el ' withfSut mug ,
to prate. •144.2 T V
rtticfat 4F e 01:41. b. .[ 47", , ... :RIM. to an • . ••• A
31¢111' paeilja aiss=uslfis Ins virtue. of anent
other val e agnts. t. ethos, lo o rftla l an bri.t.e ••, .. i
, ' WILL aultz flocs ri.u..`
Satfula or King's Rail. Caneers...Tthaors. Elect *i• • * '
t ..
the` Skin. -I. , tl l .llqe. Ct.:.c sore Ep., IP- .".....g•
• Net= Of Sall liewl\ Rlocurow \ ,
~ Dm l'allas 4., bouteor Johns. ~ • • '.. 4 . s
\. 1 . Old.fSe,r.,=b lag , " ' ' • ( -.7 ::ii •
1 in Dyndpco. o t \ •
tbfii•t i llVurf
." - , '\
- \ -••
- f' ,
Ye , . Of the :ld e ...I ~ .6 . . \. \ e • ,fl''.•
den,,Gonecal Debility, L
bat Jaundice. Cannon T
' ' s . i . w. L . errlto.,Sevahn : Ugi12 1 74 , : - as i =he Chest, ...„•,•,. \
PRODUCZ coNsustriKt : \ '
LiVo wm . pusos, 34..1. tonsu.l.ow .1 Lint& . \ -....f
Pith =I hymns linden, Low Spin ', Night woes, ' \:• •
Exptoure s Looprudencep to Life, CO 'nuo Cnr E tational Dime
astsasialt le. thring a O 4 Fann,,,tri.t. g ...."...
la for nitre, and none =I bleu= puthigiV
superiby to Plus Lin cr, Cz,t1211115 .ale[. eit ,,, .s. or •
any l ,
, ~
The fothlwtrof le thy verb.= envy a
. eailltioos net fa .
.f. 4
the wennitsa of the prerriefor cf Dull s,bansweatho,— \ .
itv. 3..1iel Bah. ly:and tra...rally_lthown uaa
elothnot andaccomplithatisesters, the 11. E. a1h0.5.14 Ltd \
Nor. E. womvo. has beau k nown .,. one of th= . ,
mated nod asamenthera I -at the Entuny
eeuld =lot of for man - nth% and at thie time b
the bileek n, and newtum...e - etation of agent for the IL R. N
estgfactog tastbatony In Ono: 'my cocllnftel •
BefferAglazony Nang., Egg. Offera az Yaw, - . •
- -:.• 4
4 - R. W Ail
m`g"int . ' \
Wt!." -.4 J.n m i le a 4.44 4"" .i 4041'44
k4'4"4 \
• ' \
it to uni. with entire sattgenton n_ we have nohow . \
tthDou in =Urn that we, bellen It to 1.0 rafe and oat s ,
able medics/ hampoand.. tad \ calcniated to produsimuth
aced wad rellen_ rch, enlerting: sad 'walk, thlrafore - .'.. \
chnrinlit thd • most e.nantly ‘ -, :nefaeWl it, to the .5.'
ist,t.d. (Bl,gned). \ "i: F. 8 ..t.g76 . ,,,.. , . • • .. t .
How 0 all =age a clear banttlat white =tn. and.. -•'-
rely colored moot. How eft. dory EVllolll3 . pc.
assethg Cala edeveLninum to 4noutly to be .to ned
. rl . r . tj tw feemetfrs, lotithe, 00.1 co nine ,
teriathno restore to the= se eemblean of what , hear _
knodoprand them of. =1 that too, with true thrive.. to
the am o ,if Bull's Earesnamll• litth. Do/A.150U A . D.,. \
It bee. es the the elfin. I,y removing su i tr i liebect
morbid and =need matter Em the SR. , .
healthy, the :thorn.. obong 11.11110 tO !vary Alt '
\ Mel. and changing tbe yellow th4 , oa.rk thnuanatoth ho • - s -.--
the bloom and frethue ... 0 youth, Lodin abandotaßba •
we of pal= thd mitrase - U. end u. Dull•li lianaparilla. \ :
the thly effeetuai remedy. eA. efOril to the arum wadi, ' '
cient." =I • tint Is'euollg:1 to the loran- ,
Agin:any Like the .o.lleneinsr, Randers SupirjUsaua. .
all, Comment on da E.g,tterity .of Blare SF - stk. , ' .1\
Prom De. L. P. YLTImil, Prnewor of Chemistry balther ~.
\ Lenin/De lledieel Colin.. \ .
.I.bavesicoked over the list of Ingredients map.lng
Joiva Bully ComthundEnzanof Sonapthillaing bans*
benitation fl say that they form a eafe corapothaVd s
obi, tbat prcadoes well to thrthle <Dons= tr”rbieh it ia ;
apecoble." L. P. N'ANDRLL,E. .
ttermu, urea d. 1.18.
. , • -
inn' D li/ PPLE.E./ e buende by appoistetwit to therses.. ...
4 =ilk Mar= Slo== sous 9, Anz:S toe Rea PA. '
, ootanut, March I,O.IPAR
I ban entained the pnenaution for the =pang= of _
John Bull'. Sarsaparilla. ant I beinve the anblualion to
be ita enellant on.and, sell calenieted to praluee .n al- •
teratin impresolth on.he =stem I have o=ll bothth ,
=0 Lad mg 00 = thiftlo the bell:U of
IteesZp i lmontat the Loulorll4 l• 3l , a ; rth . o e lisepitillf . ,
ZOSs t‘...z...i Kucriilfk: E lll,: r , h i l;sn=", ,, , Eil --.4 ~, ,
1 : 1 17:41, 'siren. Attsburgla, P.. , Wholesale thd Letoil
fn . =IS Imp , . ?I, CURRY and Jae,. DCRCLASII.,AIIe. .
Incentintience of Urine.° goer.' PrArtriaijooi& - Dtsten.
I:wormed Saliba and Giro= Etat, of liirck•see omroit7 .&.;•rte. of Fd7oto Doo. anoi , ,Sxmos.r•Zwitkh
=re. hamedisth relief by :Inserttheta/thin of health
y.a...e.n, toe broad. It ctentraliges bed humor.. IMPS
ldnuatneal aimalloca sad ateo,. h.ltlfittloo to al as
\ mild altexathelpropertles ithles It p=ollailt SNAP . -
ogli to the atheist. sal, delicate coned= of As Ilk
nalil. It imensdistely thouteracts that g iverectue
etess , lessitude soauxumM 40 the female a, rod
IM ,
so, energy sal bcoyanot es es that
as graWid. We hats =Mamie on Me which us
in recommend this nesacks ler maeriedZ
who Ps II t=lia bloused with oftepting,
Dragnets ...Telling of the Womb, a tiveYeers
ding.; y Dr. Dayton's Emmet a yellow Dock sea
earnpalitla. story ether Imam staudy had best
trial withei r
t relief: ~ , •*?
\ . W.8131.3.,0.,/reb.315./SAL. ' ~.
Tug eutlfLee 1 s- my wife. omelel7 yaus. Ma indkjell ‘, l
0 \
. 44...„.
under the shore ' . tine doe yeses. nearly oil tha ‘,..
thus marred to bid. I for Pine years athersaDY '` •
•amploreekthe hest Amara Went thst .. lttld be procured in \ ,
I=alma of the y. without helmet wiatteret ‘,
I there,elej•naretheock ry !tut: reemosactelled for '•\
Diatom of stub dier•si- of wads permed wnetithies.
\ Irk the spring of 11-4, 4".. lrmuldunect by my Meade te
cot N
tryltr.Ocitt nab. .:11.1414 Psessparilla, mach was
tuel, too moat.. Akar tine had used. ttthe sheath=
"...V as .14eat to al tf *s cast the wag improang.
Wel this tins the impressakeinatit. aid goinesl /leek •
rod s ii\th. until the
aaw !enjoying mat excellent
health. \ . i '0 5r41.110 - SJOICT:._
•Ws. biting , aeighlans to Wia1 . . 1 41.t.‘ Julia Moeda= lesow •
that the c`lorev i. tanatucate, es to thit'aimilate of lira 31cm.
tort, akto ones being ethronaly Odyroatt Wk. '
' endneXesamills. are gristly
' . elt POWIDgn.
7 \
\lCial• E04.--Caso of O. J. raoi‘Yri.
, , \ I`, ' AMAINg G tore, Deal, 1.410..
Dieu., 4. 7..116.634.. 30:-.6.13: Rm. nun: to 1343
I wei attacked math IL:, Eril in MT ana.whickhthatue
Warn 1 could roc B. A. a. ./
1..•%M0r1f./m4/4..a 1., ..
I math; ti.\ et dense.= ilea esat of rad.= .Y.ayt=rhy ,
within my reach lall toll•gas s ogy arm Smut b. authedeited.
Prom the slolr. Meet= Ina faCearca wag full 11 runefuz
BMW. Mr Arame./1 no tale dim 1.... ma/BOMB/1 tattazokt.
eel, sad my =Ma much ;made ; l ^octinued la thW
etas mill ISO. alum I sew in eettelensent (iluysOtrkt
Yellow Dock and s.thentaellis) sad / reed. and r ot for. l, . , i
bottle of the =tide: o =toga's YIP w Dock and lariat. - ''
eille =rod the; I took wadi= `rainedy while using It; , C
lucid hit repeal! pee/edit well belente.sig the sixth licit.
ke. Dad I used it .t a. test spOSithati° of th• .."
inn nee 7 •I • %
it would hare =col AM 1:1.0. 7. n. of tutu sal
=geeing. I mosteetly reanneconial e=get pawn nor.
feritit under sat et/au di....., to u. .
=matt'. Yellow ‘
• •
Dock' sal Earealurillt wflals will rate. ll* to heath.
CV/ of an \ oggraoated daze of E
The =fres nerfordst by - De. Getsott's Est. c Yetlere
Dock and Zussparills, BO ISAM4. , The menet -
heath ainikt.s to improve .its u_.,„dge is •• • ' ti,
C 0050... oak cluonielrd until time hod folly [cited
to• be i‘relaweeC i l rat of rho i‘ os si. 1 \ ,
b. F e, Bnnett A C 0..-0,4. It is % - ilti cesqleu"..,:
I writ yon eboat the eery happy of ygue Ye/kw
D=k ead flawasiale Math y son, who hasimag Dm.* ,
feting wia tbat dreadful so lostheame dues., Erni
t\ .
- •
ea with which he litgattse in la!, and was to so.,
a rooothe =tended ter ..... a r beet ObTadate. who_
reel thole skill 1 , 4 - RAM:WY for t,th radial , walla eat 1 -
- -sw
beneficial malts whatiii•er. D. .tie eland to epee. N••• ' , .
lot Ikeda='Be hid: slicers - from hie bly to Ids tate, .
which were octiththeily thicharging . 7 0400siva • .
MBA. Malin! and stagictl 01311 w haft . Yhyddigne . .
'raid th •., his =as was hopehei i there en, be nothlent .
, .
door!o . .erect thaw terrible agraile. fly neigh.
bon rad myself thnocht ' Mesas nay et hand.
One of 'lll/ //.40//...1' ''.
.. C. ' d..o lZ rl • ,
. .
with year haesluabis ere...aduel sae mulct v . '
11; Rd, mate sm. the =alas Melo so while . " , . \ •--.,
I lifelsatalethan. Imui =whops of gating relict\ / .
the. bottles of your Yellow Doak And Damp!,
contheitheed using it; and tl my .. 4 yoomma 1... • . 1
t. Improw baue hs bed used ths thlelt kale; lath=
he lad used g hal &sou bottles, he mad =eh a .
Matti, all twelve baned dude. the yien,l34o. gad b. Oc
tober bist he wee panwtlelestobed. kraot e=aol4,i of era
due., except the eatre,,ls Jerm4d. tad "to :arid.., to , • ''
: ..' .
weed heath at the Dement time. Dis eslevert. under ,
the bletatur. of God, to sntireth oSiag. th :her, = Mir .
Yak , Dock and Persaparllia, aid I assum, TONitat f
Yak - ,
tedf under great obildotics e for .. exal it. kir/tape
fns m 7[Wlly
lAlfrs at =
. '.,.
24157 J. . Pus. lothetrecr to EaufulA
re Deukar •„ .2 \
,\, • , .
sal Walnuts , Crothth ica Ohio, Genera Agent the
[bath ....t Was(. to hoe .e. al std ~..t tea Rldru \
cod. ,
J. Kidd a Co,-9 a. Y.-brae-ma a be„ J. A.- JousZj...
Wilmix,jr,Vinektmilhl isei I.lkeibam. alkaany Cl
f.ltT. Ewell.Weelladax: dr . 11• Down, Cau g g e n„ IL '
Valle iltessaborr,,A.Etarda,Maierisca oast a Ditto:!,.
Data.; Deal a Ear, Lethringdoinial es. ilre, licilkayebure
arid: thsed a Co-. Tosnos. 1- X- XiMsktin Wittiandegg; i -•
B een e \ a ca. Ethoteille;.d. St doow. a hum . Wans/meg
..Nell , a C - . 3. Callender. lieschill= Earths a Co; •
Eel= G gm a Forkes. blermn 1A.,. Roily A Co, gaud
1. n .„ 1. Bower; J. o .sedsmertatUlraressa 7. - 1.. ag. , - • '
5. J..i. ama.xace: Pit...k.r.JL.linnalaiille.
rPrt - -$. /Pa 2Wf4lc4 sk.Boul. for $6 , . \
~-•xa,,,, c .wT : ~
• ,
\ :' •
\ •,
Borers' Tian° Preceptor.
_ELEJSEA hos ~just\receired Beyers'
it it, celebramei.M•nicapter ror ytigh Lie.
eagli d irbtLet trib= "4 eF a rcienrtialtf QUI , . gust stlenemarulansipmm;
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