The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 30, 1851, Image 3

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    Flc ME IVIA'rqERS
Tiro •Canowicce --We obiervo that this pa•
parwill hereafter be publislid in the afternoon.
We have no doubt that the change will be Of
=eh advantage to it, since a good afternoon
paper will undoubtedly do Well.
Moor klasaint.e Acctprx.—.9. terrible &eel
ntbpeu.-red -near (Turtle Creek, at au early
our yesterday morning, Which . filled-the In
a/atellte or the 'Rho?* c o untry around .with
A party of peon residing in the neighbbr
i\tli had assembled at.llr. : Perchment's raver?.
danced snit' amused themselves till shoat
ono o'clock in the morning,: when the festivities
eireaed; and (both who had been engaged in them,
returned to thidiseveral 'residences .
A number of periiMS on their way home, were
compilled to piiiS a precipice know as the ..falls"
two miles from the tavern: The night was to
dark,but most oftLcso who wore in the coin
piny kneel tho way. 'floe forecast couple, soon
began to fear that those.; behind them had
wanOtird off the path, and called to them to tali •
care: fThey. replied, /owes*, that they knew
thire iOll4. At that very instant, a cry of horror
wan bpard, succeeded by a Crash, as of some
heavy 'bodies having.fallen;from a great distance
to the' ground; deep groans followed, and all
was still. The terror, stricken party, though
conjecturing the fearful cotton of the accident
which bad happened to some of them, were un
161e to' afford inmiodiota assistanoe. A light
was procured 63 6606 66 Possible from the near
est farm house, and after descending to the bot
tome( th e crag, it was foundthat to Mr. McEl
roy, and a young lad y with wise= ho had bean . in
' , company, lay at its foot e • •
Mr. McElroy wee perfectly dead, and bi,a body
ras most horribly crushed.' It'iriald have pro.
ably been 'better for the young Indy had oho
too elyarod his fate, for her book and legs were
broken. She 'hod, besides, been otherwise .se.
warty injured, so that it wits ti matter of sarprite
to allhow elm escaped instant death. No hopds
\ of her'recovery,aro entertained. The feelings of
those, who had cherod the festivities of the
preceding night, with these unfortunates, may be
tter conceived than ezineased.
FiTAL Annum - T.—Mrs. lE4od:tot:Lee, etu eatl•
amble old lady, well known to iniiny of our , eiti.
lens; who reelded'uoar the line of the tutd
Pennsylvania Railroad, nine miles below this,
city, woe instantly killed yeeterdey, by the gravel,
train on ilia railroad. .
Itsppears that the . decesied wua rather deaf,.
and the regular passenger train having pseud
i nk; the road, s few moments before. she. endear±
eyed to C 11125 the truck. Jf ehe heard the noise
made by the gravel train at akl, eke probably
mistook itlcir that made; by the phsenger ears .
Her body was moat horribly mangled. ' • "
Coroner Arthur& was called on- 10 bold, an
.inqcieet upon her body, but had not Veturned dt
a late hour loot nigh:, so that we aro unable te
4tate the tutor° of tho verdict
Veazaser..—An Italian, named Angelo Cunio,
woo yesterday sent to prison by Mayor Guthrie,
' charged, on his own confession, with itagraney.
The commitment specificd thache wasedo bo kept
at loud labor, wbialt doubtleii would be sery,
beneficial to him,. though we cannot Gee how the
saatenee ieto bo enforced, unless we bad o wbrk• .
house in this city—n deficiency 'which' we hopo
, will soon be supplied.
dna/tot—A sturdy vagrant, named
was yesterday committed to prison by his. honor .
Mayor Fleming, a Allegheny, on a 'charge . of
isgiancy. •
POLICZ pollen bueiness of the
• 'lightest im,,poetance, Ni•o tmosactoil yestercisi
at any ofthis,hlagictraten,cilicci in chi" city. ,
LIEF OIL 1.80 VI: W.:llk:lL—The etek maid can tell a
good =amino by trying ft. u onion .iaDr. run tell egood•
• ‘dffirar by. eating it .tme If one triait trim It. and Lode it
Igor. it will d,...ithey the no,niarity with Die 'thole city.
. You dull Introduce a test tie into perul. nu unions it
gooseemiwtreagbrsubstanitaftvimua. fee. tram all bed effects
, of valid oberetion., end It is Ode yeot that bas <publish.'
the repute:fount - Belli Compound Fluid datract of ha.
eapuilla," beyond nil [aril or :Depute. lie action noon
the Miran enema fete imordame.ltb magma] and pie
, leeophheal prom.t the warld. reitectiona
and sanctions of the Ludy. romeem otiermodens.,thiplace.
morbid end [theerwl math, strengthens the num.%
aid &muff., ermine, <maw new. pure; god b. , 1 , h7
blood. and regulstee the curler frinthowr of the dill,rent
organs of the Italy. nth Is ell re:firmed without the
brut deughe of ham:, • the rm.:nth= being se safe a. It
he efitoptiona It may bethought by the eke:di:al. that It
Venetia to rare too many dinette, thut .Lpon
"'son. It will be found Lbse a litheimaiority of the dim.-
ge which aglet the family originate in en impure
Oat. tif the blood. haWiet deceived, then. by ether than
eaparillas being offered, you by "'my rollers of molasses
end water pi:hare:Mu" ea =thulium. for the original
int= bunerartlle Tide valuable gm:inn:lon the
proprietor learinnte t, t C superior 10 all other..
Candion.—lleirme nod loth for the original Dr. John
Dart •Serscepteriilo fori tiorducti g =and hale noother fee
idvartlawsnent an another rage.
EXYEEII.r. Ii'DOWYLL.I4 Weal at..
jelthdtwamT Whelp: ale 1. Retell agents=
A Ploughing Match. ' CINCINNATI, Aug 29.
EERSOICS having fields auffable for the , Flour—Ssiet 900 bbls at 93,15®3,18 per 991.
niusning Hatch, le take plane tel.. fall under the .
on at the Allegheny tkutoty Agricultund &duty. ,'Revertil lota Lave been stored in view of Ingber
gra mmexterl to give earns to JOHN at the I priCell.
ReghttaT'a Oglre, ur to J. N. ITEN:TEIiT. re.. . I Whiskey is in good demand' at 18®18ie per
- emas. , eutt et the Unmet. OThue. a per gallon.
Provisions—Small rides of clear Bides at 10).c.
Bales 100 bbls prime Lard at 90 per lb.
Spices—Sales 160 bags Tepper at 940, and
1600 math Cassia at 330 pei lb.
Butter—Prime Is selling at 10.!,, /1)11 o per lb.
Executors' Sotcp
N OTICE 4 hereby given to 01 persona it
' datited to the natal.: a Sohn Purdy...dned. late a
.toweship. Allegheny. county, to nome Yortratil and
inakegityltienU nud nil milt - . Luting,:laitua against the
alma will 'matins tut= inroittininant to the
ntUnO In Vtiley t , -tshin.ii ro,.
aug2l:w3t , T I‘7CNil%
acviro HUNDRED ACRE FARM offered for
stio—arout Izo cr IGO acres cleared nod in.. titeA
of turtle non. bal.nce well timbered: lire handsome
Oar gnrinc or roituri; • guel never Wing *ring In eaelt
&Id, Itamearmeme. am nifortable mu ettor7 Brick Reuse,
amp., hmomo, emelt home, errLutt hones frame Barn sea
etabllnwi wagon mlriarriegi. brine... Main house, am thief,
a, nylon I, ~,,,,..4; ~hi within 179 I..mbes of the 1.011•
Villa 'MAT , of I:ookrtou'r.. VI-nvcr ciaintr, Po-. In which
aro two Trearioa• ?Lill, tlit•n :law 31 , 11 e. two Gering and
"camps' Nub. Tim elm", ',within 334 miles of two eta.,
Dose landing. . There Is slew • nest email Cottage Howe
erithlram^ etablo.ilet the beak *nil i.f the elate. The sub:
. ..anthem Iming etcternalrita to ECU. a ;tried liargaln may be
had bjimplyilaz soon. on. - JAES TRIMBLE
anitlir.w3LT .
"11A V ' -*
Came' •
SoeTRAY COW.—Cumo to die htth9Cri
. ber.rosidics Uppr:P.t. dair OTortelop. PA. t.t r r
111171="'vrrifl re.7 - I,:l?nr . a . r Ts
09 the bort.
about eipht or not Ye
c. requeerted to col oa the es:ascribe ' , prove property.
pay ear., rour
r... take b es. away.
ufale" •' • '
BY Virtuo oi• It writ of Levari Faciaa,
out of the bunriet Court cf Allealacor County.
to no dinned. wlll be excebul to pub. .1, at the
Court Mot, City of Ihttalmrs h. on Saturday. the 6th dry
of Septe.:mbor. , ISAS. at Id o'clock. A. 131.. the follow
hitiVeeterfers.rtralro. ;2: of kroond. oltn.a.J In
of Pittaborh. benbled and deacribed ac foillrea. wir e . All
that let of Freund froanng on 1.1
bet 7N loth.. end ...depth prof-amok Coo same width
112 feet. A. 110., All thaalot of gr.:zed Sr .nt... 1 2.5 feet I'Sf
lathegon sn , eggind extending ha depth Omen.
j og th e I,:g I, I 100.5
the told Isle
g';' >J‘ TA; '4.2'L, - ,rb - .' r. n'°t.tff,t7V. - lii . !
a Elizabeth Mara. deed. which,. aplot.4 linter ." anai
to WI Aleazader Dcloa, .ecralty.. wal more fully.
appe. on latent.. t o t,
the et , ..41.81 In NoehBof
boy Terin.loBB.(ekor‘ntion dowel)
in the Dacriet Conn of
Allegheny oene.lo. :anted sod 14.1.0 In eke...a as the
Ct 7 of Alter. ElAat. the anit of Ch.les 8. Dr.:-
" f t nk nee of T. J : lad to rad 1 / 3 -
C. CLIITIII4.I-berla.
Sheriff' , Orem. Ankoet 14. 111.51.
Notice. •
.. & Li. PERSoNSlndubted to the Estate of
, ) ,7„.
Nt..ii ici;4oll, tarn f Ittalvrtn toirostlip, dworsoled,
' . in crebr unt....!..1 to me tntrtell.,.paywent. and Owe
1.0•10{, e1.46 , 111.ita.t caul -t.r.t.salll pretent than. dpi;
, . sattwrittoocd, tot ...otticrn. ,-, to,
_ ... • , TR./11AS V. 41. V. FI , Acttley 1
- . Btltnr , rll , to.. Aug. 13. la —,...up•10w1.,. " • .
University of Maryland. •
NEXT :• ,, I.:•iSION' ! WiLI begin on W D
.y Intaftl. tbe 15:1‘ day of 1./debt, ISt:, .at glom let
h. lILSIL IL Smith. Surgery.
Ch.euxtry mad Foams Y. •
Salami Chew. ]t. Ma:spa:loa, Meteyt e
R .na i,„b7. M. D.. An rand Phyeitlaty.
Wm. Paart. Lt. ,
Th.orr mud Pratt= or Ild.rdleloe.
Blghlard It eb T;dast. 0.. ta., - Saidwifery sett blame. of
7 =re4/. Miltenberger. V. It. Patholcal ittateter.
The et6ret op t 4rtueit.• L.r the pramsauthna of
Pse.ttaaal Amt-^¢o et a utod.r.te
Qhatesl Leeture• her illhee a Mr.-R.4y Prafeeems Smith
set Power. In Th. nal tufirm.ra: etth Ne arlollett
Greatly TOP. N its yard, ce•ret
for the titkeh
Per Le the Leentyy.
6'1 1:11. c ... 17 AMEN. true
Baltite•re. JOY. legit —f•ve,..tufetvet
Attidiiistratar's Notice
LETTERS of Adnainiatration on din Mat,
of Ann Parte, 100 of ir.q Elizatwth, deed: 1,1,4 g
rall their halls, claiscu
tid for4ottlement. tor - 00011
lc Naviekleiy PZO.. Bri,or augl,pro-13.
Com. of ThirS and s:l 4 .rkst are Charted A. 11)
.6. 'Pm eddy CLArk,e4 lorltitn. of h o kind to Penn
FaCCITI-3081 FL.l.l3o,ltttlpa! Inatrartor In the
Anance of Anconnts.
(AIL Caananua. I,ofalsci, of Pan.laanehip, Metcam
ALLIAISDra M. WaTBON. Za.l., Lecturer on Craronernal
Brune of Tarrnas—lico. Tern. Jaine•
Hon. Charles Nay I, 1100.
Ifoti. W. EL Lowrie. Dr. Y. K. MrClinicca.
J o b.. AM„Grap4 Em, 1/G4J. K. Moorehead. Juan Mire
100, t . 1 3 . 1 . 1. :1 1 74 ,E fLy0bn T. Cocbraa, Attorney at
J... Taney. Mei4b.c . Pry,,, A , rotltant.
Siaditht4 entxt this I tolson at ppy
g tOdji...l. hOth day and en.. atm,
Coalne a dlybana,•ll by ilta Fatuity and
-Ty. dmirbv .. . thorough. Immledro a link. keen. 4.
be. In rend that this is the Can
I"M"'" gisaa eilrel in EtstAbterat. , Ccauctoala.
Ul Oat. Cbs=ballai, wllllnwtt ith prompt
lIIGEITED BY yrin 417LETIZT TELEGBAPIt LINT, Penn Lastitae. • •
'AND ItEPORTED.Toa Twit PITTSDraGn GAZETTE. , rpriE S. r BSCRTPIER, having removed to
1 11, no ,i of Penn end TiAner.ic sirort, r a tOt
-. THE CUBAN MEETLNG. Fourth Ward Pittobln•pb. ietll re..l.n hit En alt.,. (.1 ,
neat tlnd Slat ematiml ,on Monay'. il, IA SAT of
. . Crwalaell. AngwV 29 . ' `,. ' ol` . 2 l .``sir l gilT% b i 7 ,; d :lirt. ' .: e l lidt'j.l!:.l ' ,= 1
At a Into hour last evening, the Cuban meet, , and ronrnl. of thf,e corimlttdir , l44 rAr. l',ltti:zr. ut. l i
"iv g wait organialtd, when it Trovea to .be a very n r . ' .....Ten. ' 0,:;• ".7- ?......0 r'' ‘ ' ,.....j r ,iin',:a . n, ', 1 ,1 1 ' n. 1 : .' . " 1 "i"'.. l
large 'aesernblage. After the officers ware Ehol atix"› , l2.l_ Jsl SMITIT
—; ~ .
len, Several rpeechea were made, and resolu
tions adopted, denouncing the proceedings of the I nt .' it. iim ,.., ol ,, A fr e r, r r t etml ,
u, " h‘o
"Spanish tyrant , " at Havana, but at the mime 1 .It.nntle ' ttl IL. 00411, of Prx
kllatut%nd All,lieny ,
time denouncing all mob law, or violence, in our . t * . • *4. a ' ,, , , ..... , ,,,,N(11 ,,,,, -• ...r. , ~..,
Forte .T... 1 in .. n,nt •,..,.ut tltit..nt , week , n Sitesb, I
'Own territore.
nest. For r-. enquir.. mt. H. KLEIIEW , u, ,
' :
--.--. Store No. 3,1 Isl , l 0,, , atre.:n.h Ntr
, . '
Prof. T ompson'i Female Seminary.
'Now Town, Aug. 29. 1
Fi t St . S.,infi of the Fourth Year of '
.., The steamship Hermann, from Southampton, ' I . do. is- tete. ,-ol ~ . .irenote.....e )1-ed. 5 ,,, .
with dates to the 13tuo Au it ; , arrived at noon ' t,f 7 ,T-....;-fx,
. } t r ', T'''';' , , ,, nt; t o ...4 . ltl!r;;7 . ::> . t" .. :
to day. lien DOSS has been anticipated by the r ullnlate.r iwr term. To;;tlic a: l'oo ' l r:e ~,......iYIT-1•
Asi. ,
iltt.hurgh. tnru.l 2 , 1t..b. IS .1
' The Heamign brings In p.Bntn g ers, mostly I —--
'German emigants. I Yotng Lacries' Seminary.
_ _
The letter book of the Spanish Consul, seized
by the rioters, was foundzo contain the namesof
many citizens who were prescribed, and reported
as such to the Cuban authorities. .Pare of them
will probably be published. • -;
Thera are 1,000 Liberatore waiting bore for
convdance to Cuba. Goner 4 Felix Ilonston
has summed charge of the tnov4tnent
IVASRINOTO3, Augtist 29.
Oov. Letcher, Minister to Mexico, left here to
day for Norfolk, from whence the revenue Fut
ter Forward will convey him to Vern Crux, vie
The Secretory of the Interior has, not yet re,
turned. lie is expected, with the liteablent, on.
Tuesday next.
The number of Land Warrants loaned under
the Bounty Land get, since Beptaisber . laet,,ii
38,545. .
Senator Fledges; of North Caroline, is here.
Senator Bright, of Indiana, and Hon. S. G.
Marshall, of Madsen, arrived in this city yes
terday for the purpose of eghlng a duel. The
difficulty has been amicably settled. •
The Cuba excitement ie on the Inerecae.
Powell, the Governor eloct of Kentucky, or
rind ben to-day, on hie way to the'seat of Gov
ernment. He was handsomely received
The market for breadatnffis has undergone no
change since the receipt of the Aria's news.
l'lonr-The market to rather heavy. with sales
at $8.70 bbl.
ltye Flour and Corn 'Real—Sales of the former
of $3,25; and of the letter at $2,87 Ql bbl.
Grain—gales 1000 tam \Vheat . at 02(&$ c, and
,n lot of old white at 9fo. Sales of Rye at 60c
0 Mahal. Sales 4,0%i bur . Corn at 60c for 'yel.
Whiskey—Sales at 2110 V gall.
Provisions age hue:dive, but firm.
Flour—Sales 300 bbls li. Street at $3,87}
Grain- 7 Saleiof red wheat At 72€076, and of
white at 75675 e buslaeL Rye it aelliug
64e. Sales of white corn at 58@b0c, and of
oats at 20e4.35c V bushel.
Provisions—Sales mms pork nt $l6, and of
prime at 513,75 V bl. Sales mesa beef at $ll,
bbl. Salts shoulders at Si, sides 91®®-
10c., and hum at 9iOlle V lb. Lard to sell
ing at 9icello.
Groceries—The sales of the week are 10,000.
bags Rio Coffeirat SicOrdo bbl. TLo present
stook amounts to 40,000 bags The imports of
theyteek are 4771 bap. Sales 1500 bags white
Pernambuco sugar at Tic, 800 Wads Cuba at 5.}-,
Gt Ib. and 55 do Porto Rico at si6.7ield
Whiskey—Sales at 22V23c
3001 , 1 ncron . r. •
Sr. Yoa.n, Actg. 29. .i:z it .7.111:1,T1
Flour—The sales thlifforsnoon were 4200 bbls i Nnab em
at $3 81®3 94 for bulimia, and $8 137€ 4 on® i ~,;";:iT,.;;;::.;
412 for maw and Ohio. ' lon the 11.11 0011
Grain—Sales 1200 bushele rye it 68a, and . ITZ.l,l„i''''''
11,000 bushels mixed corn at 57@)574.c "iit bn. ,
Provisions—Mena pork is bald at $l5 75, and' Irentlek7
prima at $l3 25 ei3 biol. Sales 50 bbla mesa beef DLit
at $lO 25 "T? bbL Sales of lard at.9€.911 ? lb.. rrillS CO4I
Groceries—Sales of ISO eacks Rio coffer at . ,C the ffieranl,
9io. 'Sales Porto Riau molasses at 260, and 100' „1,. : ', k r ,',.. L i.44'4,4
hhda sugar at 6@9 -C ria lb. ' ,iwaie ieciiiiii
Spirits Turpeiirtne--Salcs 100 bbLs at 384® • :,`',...:';';',...;t:.7,3
34c '7O gallon. 1 ble :nter n
ba nw tA
t. i 1
Lead—Sales cf _Galena at $4 75 11 owl a c ud-an) . Yllll,
mart me 3.1; in
. !hove brr !Joe . - bi
Z171311t0 UMPORT. , Ozerlib. In t.i
Now Teen, Aug. 29. no-,,r„, ".
Cotton—The market ia firm, with !sales 1400. iili'ca of to-a,
bales St-c for fair Orleans, nod Sio for Uplapd.. ',,1. t.... " t
Floor—Bales 9,000 bbls Flour at $3,87.4 or , `V.:ilghlf."T"
State, and $4 ee4,l2i for Southern. .. rate., of the CV . ,
(di inenranee re
Grain—Nothing is doing in Yheat Sales
25,000 bu Coin at 56c for Western Mixed. • t•ssrrbb rnmn
trceir ‘,.) i
Whiskey—Sales 200 bbls at 23ic.
ININGO AiND NIA '.sl 4 us.
Proviaione—The market is firm; with limited
sales. t en-,. Mown
Groceries—The market is Mandy, i .0, to mss.. in .., ~ ,al ?1,1 , , ,bt w , rt
: elf .e cuneigb‘ne. , ' , 1-4 I A II pICKLY .:, CO
Wool in in better request. , ae,iiii um...: nit. Prot, dk
' --- ----- - r ------ - - - ' -- - -
1 . 1. 1 .:( 3 -kit —149 1,1, - .15. - ,t,riu, N.. , ~ ii,,,ton.
1,._, ..: for F. 1.. b, '
in kegs.
Linseed Oil—Sales at 700 per gallon.
The river has fallen S Lilies in the last 24,
C..AAI- . - --
1,1 1 "4,':....—t J.l(lbtr n`e... ARIL R OAD AN D CANAL - ii, - 1
a um: ~._x. , Tneopherons,
',,.., SECIOND-11_1N1. PIA,N 0 , .)lul;cgaroy . ,Areteo, •e hh .MEIBCA'i hie TA POC ND, for r‘,.
NE* ORLEANS MARKET. .f. rs.u”.2in .lauf,. mu: lo n....- , ,1.,. 2flr. 2 t,',.--4.. , PiTiSiiiißOß, VIII LA DE LVIIIA A BAT I. If- h V
...., es c,,,, . . . J.nrs It , 1*21,2,'
0121f.A1415, Aug. 2, .. . A , ; •3 . .hlOltE, A'di NEW YORK.
Cotton—Boles of 100 bales this .morning, at ' lII' A.f.ill 130ARDS—.25 doe. Zic..,lor ~ itle he TILL Canal hong in good ./rtiC , ,
~ 0 . ,ac ,f' . ~,- : ',•,, , T .,.., , , , , .. ., : ;. ,. .,!,
••.,,:•,.. • •, , , , • , ,,!...! . • , , , ,,p . , :,•4• ,t • ;
former rates. 1 • i V erg' I, 4. '..
Flour—The supply Ls hll% but no sales worth , A ..1,,,, c, ; - ; ; ,-, ,; ;
( 4-•.• I. ~. wau.-2u , 0.1.5. cNtra luslicy for , freo,t,,. s;,, ; rufoptu,s uml .1121.,,, Th.• ~ _,.
~... :.:. ,
_ ,,. f..a . / .
~.. -. 1 1,,, I •.r ,•1,,,,,,
• .
reporting. • i . ',,,tc- I,i. I:,,ALFI a G...; . naf,anal' ~,...,,,';', br .." , rn"..' "'° .1 ...,I,' u r . `-''...', 1. , ~ ...7;:i;7i,'::.
Coro—ls dull, with sa4e of mixed at 44046 c its' • ~„,,A
.„, s , , A. of mni, a trannunnucul. sun •.: bustructou2 promftlf •t . ~.,.,„ ~ t ~,, -. • -
terulen to
.12 bushel. • I_ll.lll, 11.10N—B0 t-us rikpero,r, for , - .7:lThy A. ' l ' '' A ` A44 " A ti, X, a BLACK. 2 , 27‘a.a ,
Provisions—Bales siess pork et $16,26 1 '0,1)14. it i4- - , _ . ll.ilf.D 2 111, IN teem Itaana. Venn aux.,. nctabutah.
The receipts of Deer cotton so far; are 2000 Irls 0$1N—:200 I,his. fi, ea. 1... I.v . tiAltiti, A 1.2:24:21 Pu , prnnora,
r.,,..A. heron, ~.. le , la. ',until .ut 42.. ^bile
bales. . Illt, .1.r.z.0 •, emr,o e litY pi • Ilt,tvenna LM.T.02.12...A .t .It,:s.
-- - ?ITT II 0 Ft. A N CISCI. a. err, u,
No 7a, Nnlnti ot, I.IIIIIL, a
2 11. l') thr,E, Aar..
• Co. 7. 14 out .22222.: , tre York.
lira , OaLease, :lug. $9.
Beainean IS generally . dull, and very halo
Cotton—Salea 100 bales slow ml,ddling, at &ie.
Ltotton—o..., _
12 lb. -^ ` ^ ',... r rt'
Flour—The market is heavy, with sales a St. ---_ 7O - iii ;- .F.4 - i ,- Fi „- c „- p - i - - 1 ,- 1 ,. ,i& h l iB5 t. fin r 1 , ..L1 -. , :-I,..e'r ,•,.. q..•...: ,r ~,...“1.• Ur, Irot
Louis at :54,12i "El bbl. il Viii .. le e r n bev^ . V.r eat:. b., ' . ItIOIIOFOABELA FtOyfE. . wttaatattart •a . ~ , t , . ...II t. r,.•..,.,1[1,, , ,!,..,..
Pork—Sales mess at titt - 15;25 - ta bbl. Vt., BrowintvtLe stud Cumberland a to Baltimore tttt-• sot Irl • ,t. t ut •••tn•T h.l , ...,..
•. 4. - .Z - iiis:\ . Gi- - 41TS - tr 7- i 11 - t - t - .' l'llrk.;7, and Philadelphia. art 4, r • ••. .-, •.-;•o .1,....p,...r.-1. a. 11.
BY LAST NIGHT'S MA1L..''.,.2., , ! ' ="'""s"^"',. ''rill: MORNING 110. AT loaves tbn Wharf,
4 . 0i..,- :1.• ItrIJ A .. ass;. at :, ectoe, pr•ot•-..••'.-.- .. ~ ..
, , , , DALN TS tvittll:ND IN OIL, in I It 4 elms, or.ocrut. av , t C.TL•eia.+d o . !orfir•-.... r.
A Boston
"legraPhid despatch ' New ;"`' 1 .- • l '''' .'','''" 1. . 0 ~,, < br'- . ^.` Y''''''''''''l .G ' ... CP7't::::"ttuTZt! !' tTe .; . ,:.:;`6 . ...,'1Z1i..., ;: , , •-
under date Or 26th instant, rune thus—
•^• ' ^ i'''''' 'h" - ' '4l -W SJ'''~+ ` tot ttutta, t.• ba1t.m.,..,..t.0'1rr Fara only V.
~ I r.Lo., ,1,.. ,I ”...
CC - BAN ,irr..tvas VIA BOSTOI.—The brig " Ed- ,Lc 01104_76 ~,,,,t ...,.,1 ~ . g. t r , ~,,,h f„r 2 .... tr,..•61. , ,... i j, ito... - .T:! , .. ,. ..0w1 i jt7,... ,, P , ~:,,
ward Prescott" arrived at this pact laSt evening A ..0.,,, ;,,..:. : ..11.' '," ~,' .' ' . ' L:4. ,'!..."-,:‘,'• *:... 1. ',.t . , :' ,,,, N ," ..s eufir , b:'''..fir''' ' ''` . fi . ' ' '
from Cardenas 14th Lae{. The news a the Land- 1
ing oi Loper was received there previous to the IV iIITE PLLE-4 , 1,..,i t a , . , i . ,, , r 4 . , t i v , ! ;. ,:e:
0 ,.. , 1 '...-. ',,-.,:: °' • , '', ''''' b ' r'f . '1',Wh..,,,,,, 11,, .- . ‘., , ‘l.- .., • ' ,
.01.. to Cho 31.610.110 a 1100,- '., •` '. , I' ', • • •
sailing of tho brig and caused much excitement. -
i LLEN'S Nrre, Intl liatit. L.r,.....ut -4, I - ''''' '' tBr it
• ',',',..r,: - ..:, — ;r
As far as could be judged the general feeling was A „ r k,„ „. • .) .
unanimous against invaders.. There was one "' A t.. ' .• ~..':', l •.t.rt`'., h l, ,‘ .t (Al _ '
Spanish vessel of war In part_ UNION LINE
Another version of the news brought by the lkir l t r , 3 ,: i f, -1 , 1 h ' -'1" N i t i g7.7.a . 'l l r ' t r irj ,",'. .t, ',:v La, ' On thu p eam ,yiva h ip. and Ohio camas, ~„,, . ~.. . .
steamer Empire Clty at. Nem ORentes, 'in eobleill- ( lOT •ox..;Lln v.,,,i, 1,,r V:. by rsul•att.TON.ri . ; o 0 1, , ,..n4 ttrt ~tt - ,
tbaCtated,l,t,• .r,.‘ • ..:.,.r.
' • 1 liS A 1,,, 1,0cni...t44. PA
ed in the Mowing despatch, dated: • ,), , ' '''','^ ' ^ '''' f" -w ._!..L'l'L. I. I ' l 'll7' I "' N 'i l'lth .I,W I. tGO Claret...m.o ..............-. 4 .. 6 . , ' , "
- , -
New OILIStIVS. Aug. 22. , -Lettera have been 1 EAD , --asth pure (Jul... ". r'L ' '') , rt i tHlS weilk Lit,. IS litr‘v. prepared to
11,1 . t 111.1, - , ~,, 1 I , lllitli i , ' 1 2
CP le 1( .(
) t '‘. I) PEOItIA..
received in thii city from authentic sources, da- i .41--'' ' - --- —, , . ~.flarnn:V.:,-,-, ~, . =;t7711'.:,%1 ,,_ _ - '
tad Havana, August 18th, which state that Gen. • lA EliN FL .‘.•Lt., A 1.0.--IL-1 lads Crtieh,eti t , • T C„ „„i : ,,..„... t b. L,u....,. ..• urp..,...1.n ratn,l.,,tual. \ h- - '- = - „„,....,,, ~ ! „ HALE
Lopes had fought only One hafiln -with the Sp.. CL 1 ,,,, ,•.n. .1. ..d , ~,,,, s :r. : , ~.:,•,,,. -•^,, ,',, I ~,..‘. ,a n( . c-•: or 1,e...e1....nee o , Lat•t-LII. , find .I. .e 1.1010/...1. ,
• t rani 4 10, eat., IN
.ish Mops, and that lb° lati.d. met with tt re- ~,, ' t -t turt 'stt not. -t. 1 a ' - o ' la.:, 1...,... ttn.L.itarall au:Cleveland dallr,rnnmnlil ~ 1 UllW .`,:i.lli :, I• , t ,i,lok , I i,, It , N' II EIK-O,tNT
cm, tt. t tt I.;.tte. •v
LEALl—lttt•tt 1,14' ~:'.I,IPC, . !h. ....t.:.,.0 ~ ..,,,, , i,,.... .4 evarni.oar..• ~.ta...te, Pt If. ,
011••• iII and 11, A, ,I, end a Line .4 11,w-ie....Link.... • c oNI Er u
~,„ •
Shortly afterwards, the . : t trds having re= tis, I, Per t,•.- •.•:- l• . ' u.tarrurt st.t.e-sel.,, or. thfi Lake ,
ceived Iltrqn retnforeemen 1..1F1,--, &noon, •&.c , auF.l J... •,.., 1 1, , . O fillfit , •'. fin C 0 , ...1.,.E1.,
• e.r.• A Co . VLat.r.1.11•13, , J. ,
returned the charge, and surceeded in utterly . II lICKI..TS--ht / .It,s. Marten, tun k.., it, stile , IL Tex ,or, ...ran.. .I.
touting the Patriots. 'lnd c pturtng neatly every II by Jvi. 4 1,.1 t:,1.1,L10. ,
.t A :,, bark. :,...." jun Ili il.. 114
one, ineindiny.Gene . rol Lop :-. l , I. 11........11A,cnna. V.. • ' NI r
I, e, tou A t....., Itnyenne, V.
The Philadelphin Liner U., the following 14, 14: 1!;io :--'f'" "'".".
"';;----HteUi'''•r:''.1,"*".1'1. L.,,tt, A C.,. I rnnal•n. q.
--- - 11 tall ler t ,I . n1:••ge 1.'111,4, ,
despatch, d t ated . it Lt , ' , I ,, T , E ft —l3 kt-gs ..':, p ‘ r: i,, e, : 4 , :i ,L. , ; . 6 : , ,, 1 t ',Y, l l_ , , V, 1....1,, 1,... hCo .Aarun. V.;
11.,1.1, on A l'eal,ue, nandumN, VII, a
'*Lew Orttss,s, August 28 The steamers' A D t . r.,4...... A 1,...- i01....14. 0.,
. : H
Pansy anti Alabama, filled With armed men 61.1 d 1 tiLEzt:,_;26, 1,,,x,,, 1%,. 1;. t•r ..a.1;.. , by 1 A ,0., D..... t, Michgen.
ifi 4....,•.r.-ki t o . ‘1.1....utie . IN ..
munitions of War, sailetl last: tug ht f cr rube, ,I, .1."0 u^ , h." ,. .L.'" _,_ I
---.-_-__.___ ..._
amidst great I' nthtv.t ,m, and in tl...lfmuce or thr , , ,01,2,,_,-,,,, „„ 1,, ,4,, hu I '''''''' " I . l . lFN"'2?' . allll . ltYs'A,Nrel. • I . I.( )11 11 , 6, ... I. ..
feeble opposttion of the t.vernment Ltlicerr --t. I ) t .st. ~ - Itt.uto It , ,co ; .t I ,:t. met, end. eolt Wald ./... 1411,141,11 .
The revenue cutter, it 1.1 clad, tut.entially kept - - ; - .c j ii .s i \...z...( Ili) • •k. .1 n lirtah f;r1,,,,
out Of the way. tla ' ' ' '' • P'" ' 4 ' ~., • . -1 '
, per2Al..l. ,r1..4r. A, M. s• I,se--..,.c...,. ••I. . Arrangement Made to Forward Fr r -' . ST. JOSLFE. IdISSOURI.
ill BALIIIIIOItE IN FIVE DAYS, ..lltirtilLi 11 , 2, ^ ,1.11.61 ..t. „TUFA:,
.0/Mi/OeIiSNA.A.` 1 '',. AIV A . '' . .. t. -.- I IT , illL RITES PENNSYLVANIA• Int..n, k., no- --,• t, ~.1 I . ~..r.11.1 .• - Iter.: ••np.tu
, 1n , ,, ,, .'• b ii I ,T
r''''''. '" ' turfi. fi ' n '" ' In he ct. 0.1.•• Len rat,. - • 1••. latfi , •ni , .fil fi , •Lal 10 I Allr. A „os.
i,„,..,„,.,.., c o , „• • ,M lIAA I. d.. ,,, r.rtter Penu Awl 11.yw,.., Itits•e: fi. ' -",'• ..
kA ~ 11, • H 'it 1.1..
--- pow I It, It— 31. k e g, It I ,ati s blasting, - -
.: Carolina, for mile ' Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road J r ...., t. .tt., - t ttt I,a,
IlUTC111;.07N it co , ' - .. .- '
iallAltE;• fr,,,1•1.,
J,....„tAk. e: 0., Ila.l.lng Hon, a
300 ,
'M il,ll. ,1 1,.1.:,14\ „I. ~, •y And Coup
et.: A HU. A ...1.
, , ~.....:., A......,,, ' It.. ~rirl''lll.lli,nn A
%lA. , , ..... , ~^;,,,• n sal 'arl..... 111‘11.. A
t, tu t .l.. 51-.'.1e... A r.• " , -.,,,,1.L1y
OTTON-5 bales Tell
kJ for . n.
ICE—Z 9 iderceg prim 1
Llavul, •JAMt, .1
S .
IX. TWIST TUB ACCO--10.1.1c.pg5 No.!, . 4. , OA P—loo. 1 ."1.., :\ ~. I I:osin. btr sal. ~ . by
• }opt reed ILltd for 'Aid la IJ Jrl''
•91e1 DM:I.Y. RINES • CI, t w tE.tbot,t,9l.l
,cn le by .
1111EFINED SIUAItS---050 lAA. Small Loaf, L i r e. El) tell — '.., . ''''..'ri I- gt:'',—i, '
':', '`
--, -
CruEb...4. Powder/41..4 Clsitel•d.: for tals I , y . 'ij u 4 l . i c}.:,
s • '
...:,,,: 1:, , ,, i 1..., ,ajo - b 7 -
JAMES A. IlLIC1111.1):: • co ,
ogi • .x.vnala ft, :`l. I,l.ll•9ugAr It•Ta....Y it_
' u l ! . J .0,11.1 , Jo `I,
'•-- .------ . , _..... • '
SODA ASI.I 7 - 4
.!.3 4!a. , 31t.8 lAttwteil brand:
' l ""tr. :VI . ull,ioN.
hr - by ._. - - - .
°Madill/Ilk/IC Service •
r A 2 AA 1t1.)% ~ :1 I': , , PLATES, ISAPTIF,
2/IAL BOWL , . ~.. !..r ••,la 1.%,,, wiLi , r) ,
•,-,• Moak., It-. ri•rll , . ~. ., I n.b. .
i' for ealo
artgb S. k
"DICF c --26 tierces for nut, by
suss ,c n AR r.AUIII.
4.2 llGAll—Lobc 7 s;tle by
17 ausS .
ODA ASII-40 casks for sato by
•usis s. klAkI3 ccu
litall-20 casks
IT t,pen ht . .!.le Penn etre.% where A fee ware Pupils
ran , ee lee.t.
Pooh,n a thor ,, ,nrh r..une a lustruetion
in the Konlish I.3nKunge. wEil 3 , imP. ,,,,,
ruPil. Sr. mugh , to ~ elsk as veli me rend 11. Fren:l3
14.4f1gr. No ebar, 1..- ley). e no4V,llte•
Pand.urat. Augnef '..2.1,15L1. •
NEM Oat.r.mis, Aug. 28.
Kr. Griggs' Grammar School,
Weer Side of the Diamond: Ail , :lheTY CO.
THERE are Two Seesionm a year, each of, ectunomeing 14ept 1,, awl February Al
ition, 520 ler • auglOtltu
NEw Onisem, Aug: 29..
.vt Female Eughrgh and atssital School.
28 MILES. : NF NV ‘,.'( )R1 --
i )N ,,, n i nd . 4 , 1 te n r lONDAY, AUGUST HI., - t
,-, American' Hardware.
LE...VI. NEW IlltITITI 7 l! " .7 11 : 1- 3; ' ). ' , V. I L I , I fIIt II SI. I_,a LI V 1... \ ..1 0111:t tLI . ." 4 ..*: - * Itt.ntlf - tretrttets
LEAVE rlrrrilukuit ..1 11. A L. and A II M
.. li ) Auents, Ns.. Plitt-trees. thrwshiorplesin Rear! it.,
W .i
AY FARE. t ear . l'Eft MILE. ' N riv Yowl. wi.•l oswet...r my, Um attentlodel the
Child . e under twelve rear. of age half prips Hardie., Irwl. S. the.. el tad: •d Iltssts. urn l e din a
Between Pittihurgh and Ilayetllle, Fare. No els trine the manniaintir.i.. will for .Me. s Isisrable true.
.. Sewickley. • ~,.. •• 1 ,1,0 r,
. •• •
The College of St. James. . .
i - ilwdon- ''' 'P I ' - "Steam Commrmication *betiveen New York
WASHINGTON COUNTY. MARYLAND. I •• •• - • •• rtochorrr •• -., - and GltsgoW, - • .
+.The IhoneMu Cslleis of the Protettiip Epi.mnalChureh. L . 4 ,. eur,. . ,, ,, t ,
ca i ..
, `,.. 4 ~ ,, , r . l . i tl \ ll. l i, n ie du“.., ..m t.l :lN " rp g fi1,,,,i.1e• all :'l • Zei.‘" for
. 4.4
rtlllE 'I'ENTII ANNUAI. I. SESSION ,rill Beimwn ritt.i . bitroh end Rochester. to any station atol ovani....i. .I, s.pss :up e• rf.2l new . • 4, NIuNIIAV. tietoler ca.. lEU, and pont... thick. the wale dor . , . ...... sl.fgh I a osinsl.l, il LA `.•. , i5 , 1..,1n sot- Ind .LIP ' ' -
tin I the neat -ctinmeneement 143." the :ow Thu , dan In Between tiLo run and New Itiiichtun aml !Lock. how.. us , , II 5.1..til mi. il.s •d Ise I
of \ ittetent. are me...vended to•nt, at the the same dap rt., ' minli•wiimpi.. , • •polt •selir.- I , el, .sh ds el ifr. , N II
°Dentin: of the wt. en but arn re, i.e.l flaunt time their Eli o The Train al. nid run on ifinalsy. hot Ea. ur-tin York •Or.w . t I.r ..1., - Pie pn :lathed,. the I Inn: ~ t ober
apply, and the rho', II tt,rmar-lfrttto the drat. Of their Tullio, iwwied on Oaturdav will lie neat Mr the mimeo tett. ra f t, tt , 1. , -1, 't 1.0- ,
entrahee or. Wal,
•1112 COLLEC.Y. La- the nitial simalor ..f ease . sf , Ti Railroad will Lp ethended h•yrnd Nrwr lirluinon et r „,,,,,,,
~ r o, all ,l , .orroroaxotes for a ampler , ttluratum. au/ at , the earliest prartmatile dor
the /33-4344 , 1441 34 , 441,..0.. a the ~,lir ithtlenouree. confer, I By order of the Ilpani of IllreOtori . 0..... n.. Oda-. -
on Ili ristuatia the usual' academicald t ~....n. liEUltillf 1 . .111,11N,
ilew• rat., ....Ind., proville 1, Iminoththilo. or ihlonri
TIM iIIiONIMAR hthilOOL. ininieOffately adjoin.. the! opyfNif
w.S.. . Tlf'l ll t A ''''' • ..1.1,1, v. II be euhplie/ ou.laiani at meth rs, prune Csr
Cwllace. and illieleP 41, ruwr•trktrt a th. Earth , hut un . I ._
rte. s our,pnu
der dirtthet dUclidlne. no., Inds at ltin ties:tnic , et 1
'1 McHenry's' Philadelphia & Liverpool lane I , : lrelghl tells hm-`o- lI I if..' '
their arsdendath.ourre. ant :morn-. them for thu en), . J M. -L li •I• 1 heals r un..l.
:late elasors• Tile overwal4. mot d.reollon el the tel of Packets. . N LI , : Y..lili
.west the Coll,e e,tari. roiouil advantage,. ii• the punt! . , ~ .all
. ,
... _ .- . _ .
in the Grammor ochsol • .4.44, . - Nup.rig troxla Ph....delphia. nn lfif.
~,,A., New•York Tadia Rubber Warehouse,
to the )IERCANTILt CLJ,,Eo. th e newly of Greek i . '1i..y.t...1.5t11. and Liar/1 , 1, tno 14
omitted, mid ,ta thio, esayolled by isulttiorail 43.11311, tr ,hip NI Ali Y I . I.I:AiIANf , . n. li. Divon.. ‘11.11.1. A l , 27 .Ifaiii../1 4.121, .1,41 Ne Ntto...llt rm. , .
Mod. en Riml•i.i. ping. 1, ' Il ail F:N AN la oAll. il m. l'Alardniet, Slain, - i ' ~,... ~„ „,.. ~, ~.. u e .,,,,,., i „.,,, ..,,, ~.,,,,,,i, ~.
Eh. riluallf. of th. Pollege Is enitrelP healihtul. m.! - EITIIIIE. ..maul tl. Harm. N f a...! po
bp .ntimate. from 14344313 an/ m 1....,.. •eri'laystable te • - PERLIN. Alfred i ,muh, Nlosiet, : PINII I: SULSVR, I BI.R. l'r. , ;:• -1 this
good moral, and enter, . - , thAflif .010505, in,0+.11%, IX W.,. )linter ' j 'lnhisLin•ot, ••••,,d oil. wo is, .il es•on.-r... awl
r.rn r MALL, A Hew 1.11.11ni. (00 'lret by II • loth b- the alisve shit, .are Salle ,d the beet nod imi..l.N.,r , inew•Lant , ....... is , ... ii,,,, he .• oat, i5.....v0i., tuun lA,
ready to Tura.. in the cont.. ol t hee)
et pmsg -.wit¢ material.. and are n.... 1 for ..1. , rapidlty of their riser, , I Iftetit . .in tino-dm. I it,. a: d eN.•lls, sw , st Int.
In additto to me 'or . om.. t Dish-sons tit. Truoheet . U., ere Sued up with all las it minllnvemeol'• an' "I' ll lth'l , w'r l 'lll . l`slo l 'lol l s -t i lf. 1 ethlrow-lr lor the l•fil , / oade•
lure reo. tv atioutit Boot Duero Eva,. LI- I:, Lee I!,,i,ughll - s.lollateft. ant men unpuriourod I, thou •••• mei v. loth. :ism La, or .1.11 33.4443 .. 4 4.130 4 41. , 4334 i
tun, on TI and I: .. nial Las , . and :robs IL Al, ,tocardatlons tel Nicola( Mita and gore., Ihismooni iisrtant mostvemssi. •:. loi ma,huieri es 1
E p.„,
ander. LL D ,L,tur -- 1•10 - ..ei and , bemutr. they are esmplancted lu Men ot solto twiwiliod Mient, who - : 'ne l.,hi 5.01.1 ~..aret ts I :1 , 1113 twrlererim:no.cian
the who c enures.) r t trt. - sen.r. it ter. ns nth., itheium• are unequalled fi r the.r rat in tn.. paraot .41,1.- ' Ppow•.l snout:, .rwattos -s. beitos! loth. roam. ,
In the C,1,14, anti ki • _ 33 3 44,33...3 14 tan t.i.h.trwt in.' Ferro.. deetrous .4' l'lol.p.i. i i mete fu=nd - to.l thu old l 4411. , Ill:Lind and i laui (AIl 11l Ali Ile!, 11l II 1111 ithitilt
4.444441,13,34 3 / 3 .3144 It 4 44b44.4.4.311.4.134144/4.1, 111 adi one- pouter, can Lain e., of 1444131444., which will Is, (rem ~-.1 v..-1 It, .. 4. • r•.. ,Ir.l.lsreiariti. Ili wlretril
APPllentiona Isr a.t 1,31.14 43 t, 4 11413344 4.1 ---esi Mr eigkt tuotal,. and ea: agents In ',haul and Ll• fro. the lu -th , ..5........1., .e•st ..11,11... Pile.,,
1100 JILIN B ELLEtall. D. Li.. Rees il :rhast will fiarnl.l. them with the hroper Informal.. mud hui.hei. won. s• 4,443, •• 43,4 1 , 34••• 11441.311/S. (11n.
.s•.purtmtl. Vett, to their departure its n •uu IP Cl,l. e 1.,,,, Ir.:sr., uoprsvement re.
i NV othiniuso ..,,outi. 'NIA,. sm.:. I', the omit men , iil piiengers 'e.t.a lo Peo , ms I PP , 11 , •11P , ' ,. ^'• ' • ''' ' ll I, ' ' l oth o l"..l" it . be.r al l
N 13.—POreph. In PlUshuryli wunth e r tou t00dn01.11 , .., ill, .. ounpl, drat. tot to to :aim; and upward. painble . eat, 4,43314 4 •1 4. 3 4.14.11•. 44.11.3,33 Ti,,. p win Much
reepeetlng thm 1.1.4[ referred to the hey Ihw 4 I, tight I.lll.sur dtsonunt. which will le cashed br any el 'me le nerd -sot ...Pm, i o .1. •, .I .... -veil, the var.,
de B Lyaan. who was formerly a Trust., ' the Bank, or llifle... in the Bolted Einar/or/.
ang1,541,•*. ,• . lbel l iowietstot eus.phod paeiangers coining ironitiver . V Eltell. ri., --A 4 4... .•. • 4 . 3.' 41 4. . flprest .I,les
—i-- rmrs-1,. usto IS.. lint •1. , - l'seo litthle r , ts to , I
Yoting:Ladie ' ' Somivary—Allegheny. ‘
.... , r 1 ,, , c:L , 74. , k ,
~,tri1..,1..,,,,,,,,,,f at1,; . ar,,,,, , ,L,i1,14,;rt.",%'1 . i L',2.1.1,,1; rii,• . " . ‘,.:•;:!,,::_; - . - .•:!' . •:.;r.,:;. ,, ,, ,, ,,,5, , r . .; , , ‘ ',;•L;• . %. , ,;',;:::.
xi ...4ND MIS . N. W. METCALF, will , •.: . ii it rlre:. '5 ~.. tea, 1..1 . ba, painiel!). ti Ib4int , ...r.
.1 Ili.. ens.
: rtior7l lital . ...--1
.71, # .ir 1 .1. ...1 i , 'L 17,(! '',
1 1 . .. ' , , ' ,. ''.',`..`,„ h !,' ',; & ,,'1 it,. ctrt't=fi;..Tii-..',..,";;CM, .ti,?:::`,,,;:il.,T;;z ° :.i”, •.,. ~'.'..,•-,.e....
....,4.1„.,•• -' ..'-
..... ~.. r .I.n half all. et a .r n r, 1.0 ten. nuour and 114.4.413*
ORA. 3f.,111.NRY a CC,.
Ca" , l. . .114' tli , ritholi al ,
WM. FLOII/. rl,
14 , 11 ripener :loth .U... 1 Wiwi/ six- littuhur..h 1.,....1.,.: w...! ..--- '
HIS INS'CITUTION will Tip open for the
recent!ca of punlls eiyi fon,le) on Mcanai.
FLeTratra.o Int. The eour, i •trud mm 100 M price all
the branches taught in [h.. 1.,:t emit/mi. , and SeMin.r
(I , J. I.llustratiune will be given in tuan..hea
2.1* them. The hchool vit.h 4112 sitenvive arid
"minable Philo,phleal, Chemical. and Aatronomir-el At.
peratue. For Cirvular, , eonternin'g tall grrtirular"
reference. andi . ea.. the 1,111 .4t.i-
Wilkin.burg. Augur.t 14, augni.deod.n
Locksvatz, Ang, 29
Lociuniir. Aug. 29
OAP-40./ bozo. Rosin, Ciu'd brands.
anviised, for sale by . : I S •
br DmalAtm
1 4 w..u.A.itaAvaa. . 1 " W `" C "'
Wilkinebarg Academy
as Company
;.; 1d...n0 , .
KEW YORK AND ERIE . RAILROAD. ..„ . ., 00 ,..,,.... ,
1551.,74 .
A'rEW ROL -r E. a o NEW YORK CITY vin i ''':';'" A ' ''''''''''
i i ;lo.l6 ' ... ' t . .?,67: 4 rl. lL L ' atC:f r , ri ' : ! it . tl . ll:4F7 ' 6n7l ' Vvi:ii " ti:
. , t olonslott etd Cl,,,,tott.lli,..etand .04 Atitotodtgb. .. I 1
-.-- --._ --1--- Oondue) y sp.l etnerno.ts
r e . and ..t0Ar.0r....n the
; D al and bl ac k. _ ~1... and Mtenoeint., rtorre. A.ol the. cbto. Indisna met 4
16LS f- , 6 . delivt-ring in l '''''',: . LSO LEA VF It 1.1 , K1T111 .1 ,, 1,11.1.i1k, ft '• '' •'
, ,
, f the Ylttoldar.b ibtx COM tont, ;RP ..1,[1.1.1
1111111.1..C.A . Al, 2.1.4,, , 1.u•b. 1.,' Mdrnto, I. I{drse liriiha at 6 oseldek. ' 7,; • 'l'
,O at I.lde Oltro cf 'lle 11ornted1,. 3 II it
1.1 IT ford,: Axdreat " :di • eit. id. •
...1 /tad. Await,. and „I , 11 .. to .1 a. T 1,,, Mal. Trouts eto, et 1 Itotr. •11 goonen,nre can
much gunst..... 2. /hall 1 ,, erf.D..1.1 ' , OP 7 Lout.. and to, th• Etd.reeoTrn,... errtoln, In Ne..e
... .-. Vor , not t In, roll,. et II ai.0.k.L.11.1, ae A Lrd. dvlnnrt 1 :J. ~:',
Ibe 61Itudstd of CA14114....1:111 11 CAI.. ..I Aiadi. to,to A dar.ll/be
It. putanth per ueel. TI,, Lf.pc... I. o .] r / e t Cattle rm . ., leAr.:, leunktxt et , .: ' O T', . ~.
The 100m.uto 10 to ddeato svontd-dr-tutedn:A,"/ , dot . 1 A. M. dsalv, m rower/et Car ta •tdoelltot to elle Tray t. . •,,,.. , ,
cet. as co:it' , for p. rd.rntance ot c mt., scoonctodtte We, ~.......,• AD.I i-6.r..
Prodai. - 0, Ix ..61660-etot to THOM to RA KEIC11:1.. • 41.1-lare from Ititnitirk to ]or. TorAeG l, 8 .. onT C I Ao t - • .l.
Y. z• - , ~ 'sad. n t I n f 4n , Caddredor. sud .u.lorred • etop.....ade pr...., .111 to /•.eo In . (... 1.,..
for CanlloAd odic. ” Ili. 1 nIA,A, e'rl. pron.:Lot to tr..,kort It. et „took act! I , t .' • :: ,. ~
I. ,1. , 1,.. lIAI4 .... .l- .1.11,j1r. fd - I . -.-t. oho n•ted,tion. ,1 to t sof 1. .t• k. f t„, dAtt, • To ttp.• ?utlitc.
G ..f i 1..: SI.J.-11a.h.kri .1 7 f he o,!;.. - : ..,,;„;.1,,,„,,1,;.:0',.b.=4. ; c7r1..e1nT:11' . ft:(tv r i N DIA 1:1; BEI. ;: ... , 11l ;1... - .., ; ~ t. tt.teriunn
Min... 00 C. 10p...yd. 011, de 1.1 lat .11,-,1 I,llllonat Trutt. .111 to 001 rn I.otutulremn IL a 1 I ,„ ~_,.
_, , .. , , , , t ,„_ . . ~,,,,
~ u ,., ,, ,
...Mt. to tat. set., I r..l„,st T., - II • ..111 te. dlet AIA ted. ,ftrlpsr ft,ll rattle,' t ~,,.
.. .
~, , , ~
„, th„ t i,„ . „. , ~,, ~.,,,,,,,,,,, I.r• tu re:Ant to do prno. of Fretcht. ...An n. arTrod, 1 ~, .!, -,,,,,,, .. , •
TV I•Ald1.111 , . O r,rtar, Id dreparol (lido. 111 !Orr n perm ~,.
~,, V.lll. il. ~,,,, 6,0,66 6,1 T 1
ntual Life Insurar.ce Company.. Excursion Tickets to Benyer, 2.5 cents. . ‘.. ....,- ...
k.-LNTY iI.:SP., $113,,0i-4. ril 1.1 E hi, 1 , 6, 0 ,6:, 1.10.1111,,
..?6,••• '... . 1 ,‘,7; Vr:': . : . ,
il P.INY a:DT ,' It. the inst.:kit 1111 ,! l a sri ' •... '' licii j'i l `? .-, L'' -.- 1 •11 ...........• •
at.........AMEAP ,, U... Mutn. l, nd 4tAt. .I.e.ter. of., do,. I!.ltsoda , . elcort.d. Ia- Rdlowe - ~,.. ~, d
etot , re .10 1 .0. 1 • ......dt d'ol•A l d-' l g ...-. ~......... 1........ •,...b ....,,t ..., . 1.. c0d..,,....: 1r 3, ~.,, I
1..,Aual roturn In clod, of d to , ~,, I j „,& ~,, ~ , .1 s do .• A „.I ~...,,,..
II 6 IT t•'. 1 , ... 11, •. 1 . 'l'''. 1 ' ' .f l.l . I" ter ..,..; to Ct. to 11..... r con pooure r-sitirii , o o
core-fol. ;do , door , tor tbe torutd .on 'Etre,. to. It L. and tort .... PittobArdb. Ad ,kl. ...1.1. . ~, „.,
for th, .1....e,rA....1 Ate. with /•‘, tit.. , T......t • ,0...,1 toe ,1„-op one Jai .1 At tbo n.,1
Vol .otto.otuttne ft , A. 001.1. , to, ... ,1 ' I z.,, , ,ct. 1 , opidr.,d, board td. idnataloot„ 11.„,.r.• 1 or ~ o- 1 0 .„.,., „• .
1 , I, ‘, , ' , At.' "PT , Ito , 1 1 . 1,1 ' . • .r. -I. ..r.r. ~J. , 1 - ykt di, Otrr • f
do . 1 111,.. . t 1 1- . - t0 .,,,,,00 t0 •ef - tf.T • ' • .1, II '1 A 1•,1•0171T. d, ot, t odto. ....i. .•
,-r- t I ......0 166,0,0n-0x 'OOOO , . ad, for Water A ordl,l,told rt.- , 1tt , ...1ra .”. I.
.. .-
10'1,60 0 , 4,0 I „, - -
0 olly ii.riu.,l 1... 1‘016.1, i- , -.P..,
-oto,dln ef • A 1.4 , 0 lA, roltoott ontrl. 28 HOURS TO CLEVELAND.
...... , r en unponit- tt.....1,,,,,,, eecial,t.•
iirr 'tante
. e , cut tt, ~/, , too. ploportl 0, to 1,4,,,,,,W........,.....n. Icij 1 : 1.51,,L1MMA1•21.1.1...;,......
kit .. 7 ..n 1, frog od.
VlTTSl;Citilill AND i'LE \ ELANI;
1...:, •:.,-• I, itt.i. tho rt. 601 . . ,
~.606, f.:17,:‘, I ~...i, A... . 0 ,0.0... 1 . - , 1 ,1 6.6. , / ark , and 16,iirf.. , 1 La, rn C:rfte, ,f
•0160.6 10- J TLltl,lll•T.A.ent. IASSENUEILS Ica, ..very morning at II
:: 11, tt ~,,,i “rtet,lltteAurglo
ol.od, to Ate/unto. 60 b•Avor. lbonc. 1 r esditeee
rte. N....CA1 kaaztouer
, 0 aoml 100 t..., i.... eon/. tltcneo , , 1•41.1.-ute), ond I we
11,11,..,1 torlovolAnd
,-... 11 - F , , to Clv,..l•nd 14.1. 1 ,
.1 1 , t I tool.,
of tho Stoektoldere , of
tho mlrravA,
lrust., of fAt.l CAtA,ny
'At, held ea Llir ~ .111craAhn
Ly of A D. 'MI.
rMti I..Tr.l.Ardr,
li tn t :
in five°
E3IP--=;:uu Dew Rotted
Ve fur utle by .1.011.:.. e C 1)
1 IN.'sEED t„ r
I/ evyl a J. R 11• 17 W... 1 pi.
UICKSILiVER-60 11, for rale.b)
‘ 2 40
1A LONIEL4-75 lb, 6, , k by
r rw-„„
AN'l PE; tOTA 4 Rale I.y •411.24E—'
. , .
SUi I Mt;
ree'd F.c,3
I %%VAL ntre, .1 a II
rennsqlreima liazdroad Expre, 1,,n• p . • ou , •
13,11nr. Rot •
Mitt ttot Tt
1'1{11..1BI:1.PB 1.',, BALTIMORE & NEW PORT?
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats, NEW FANCY GOODS.
FIGN !E. N6l. LI:WE .wN ER MAN).
IN" , T AVI 1.1 A El VII\
t EXC LL Sll' 1'.1,1' WI: PASSENGERS.) •
All after )londav, Angust 25th. N.
the Ai
i:.:1 I.
Nii.,,1.; .1 this Lice trtll 1,•nl; ydlobut i gh for 1.... k ow, 1 , 4 :;t:? . ~,
, ever t inorrit at `tit , ic,
ant every et...TARE. •,., •t, eit . i P. ,
i•s krt. , . '' .
'11;,;;',.,`, 7- .,.'f,,1. b- 4 . i1 r ,,.1,!14'47. 1. 1"1 " •i, ~ • ••••, . 'l'''''' "-'' . I '''''''' I ''‘" ' " ~Al I '
net tor Pliandelyttitts.
Cii-Tort, thnat i tti. Fort; 11tmr.,.1.-.1
R. . this new arran g ement, pa-twnik.t•rt , tprt thrtati t l . , IX ., i'2::,,,,, , ,,, .. ‘,.. ~ , „,,,.,
r " .7, t s'l “ t - rn ' v l it"l l ,..lllr E irt=o r. g't;e'r i i;• i ra:;rl'l'::: hi - ',."Gt r;t.r".'` -, ttt .. ' - rt - t , 0,‘,..t. tII-. Et r^tttt; It.t . tt,..*,
.. O. •II ei i .firt.. I t t -•• 5., • r ,•••,.. st kis 'at' , •
' ItrEse. l Ms . oe. York . OW, . Vi, . I ' IIA.EI. to,i-,rt.r.
PASSENGERS FOR BALTIMORE , ' tiut;• ' 1 t.rt, •: Itot,G,l to t .
. TO, lb. Yrtet end Cumberland Railroad.. narmlnatt. .
Distant, ei g ht yditur miles. Time. FOUR hours. 1) 44 HO; \`l 011 IT 11, IS , NNE...I' 1‘ . 1,N1.:r-
Farr to 11,111;ilelphi., flu. S.i, to Bwlttmtirt, Stt.Tri. . ' • , . 7 ; R , ' ,- ' t , : " . E.t' . ` ''''''''' 'O Lt I 7 . i! cs WS . '"
ido, So do Ilanistiii, kJ. . (...f. r ! ...-•t.
It roil dettr• e 1,..., tea vritnic and ematorValit 15.,01.11 , I, II 1.,. . . , _tt,•• t. t•Ntisivz
tlatt•iu. necurt. your . the Ttrk. t ace. Nlnnmaan Et;
hel• Roo, ttr lil At; \I r. %., W Ot . /I)Vt \1 11 & ,Co., Whn le
i, Or.of. .1. P. 1101;MES, Agent, , 111 ..0....r0, r• ••• ...SI R.rl•l tt . Philhdolplita. owl
D. LEECH k CO., _ . .
' Canal
Ratan. P.m street
I KEALI , . 10C4:1::cf11 , 1 ,t C 4.1., Toimeeo
Ohio and Perthaylvania Railroad. 1 . .
~...,....,....r. •I•e•totra., .• :I Nt•rth .titrr r t.
' .itltt .
17 : i , ... 71 , .., ' ,'--- --. --.• •-• 0 ..'-'....- -- - t.,,,....t,...1 ! mt, .'n. lilN.W.l'. %I harr--. kukt
. .
Ile .
Cbtrar, 'snd
4 Or! , k,
eL A
M., N... •
".i Zritu;„l
, " -
Yor tto•ke4 , rprl, to
JOll , A CAVGIIVi,..I,rat. •
tiv,mrs) c. 0., hml..l4ffel•l sod Wil.ter street,.
thr Motan,
851. WESTERN , 1851
- D. 'UPI, X: CO'S -LINE.
..,—. 4 E'.._'''' . " r; __— __t_
11. 4 1 0}t SA I.E--Pit4s burgh this Shteltt
I- o. 3 . .]t r a ' l?;:t . L l T ' iTZ",lit.i. ' it.a.d :•,..-k
IL to.'hlslt.--1:66. - i.n Ilreket. __
. X ill — S . ' - 17 --- t• I t i'' It ' 1 Bunke'
}. ••"ffin '"''''• ' ' . A Good bargain Is now Offered,
VA •:-. - , J - -to-` .- r'', ' 1 .IF. A l'I'l;R: .1 111 /j f N 1.11.: MA1)1'; SOON.--
. Atm-rittar, imila.,..and 1101 null t . tuatcatt a wl
Ewttth ht.hatt I trwt. bud 0.-rmatr o•ruwt.r. 64 Trhlch.'• 1 ..,1'L. 1 . h f:','-. 1 .!:__ • •""ri. A , C1 ! L %'"..” . :•''''' , • . ',..., 14 ' r,.., ! ,
the.lllh,t Inmik. prin,..i 1.. 1410 I.y 4 . , ' , ,'..... ~, . I Pr 1r .t to-t+l t t ahi.
11 - h , tt- , M r i,',...,',',.',.", n'i Un A " • '.' . l ' l,7t;'.‘t`t''''... ' : u l '- i .. d !'t 4 :.t . ';;;;.•,; fi t t' n ' t l "l 7 r•'-.7' l n i t'tsrtu d Z,7
nut, — tt • t. , -. tt I•• I. ; BA11:1 , a tll, IN. ,
1111Eiii: , •}-I_ , SU LiARS--:.0 .bblh 1...Veri07: 6 , 3,v , . . - 11.1:A•cond rt..
JA,r.-66.1.1, pu1.r..1, erAt c, rl. bnl. ii. /0111 /0,01, ! Ti M,, : i. I, A , EL B . _,, 1 , 1 , 1 ,,,,, r
~.. h . v .
t., .4.11, at t.L.t h....rt ra..., t., :h. berrrl w.f.!, , •••.`"„... •• •
1,4 A.•6I6:LIAIIi 6 IlAt I .)6.
- . -
I, ..—-- , -.----------7-- " '''. .' T"
'''''''. 1 c.. Alai:luaus --,V101311 in bugel:. and bbls.,
' IJIIO COFFEE --100 hagejust reo'd for sale 0 1..1.11 It. DAJ.ZELL *CO,
Vlitt.7 0.41/ J. 13. DIL WORTH a 00 :wire . Liberty still.
• .
I'lll LA I)ELI'FII.r
Shawls! Cloak., ! Itialitiltqc
ilt 1,,. N,.. ,', t., rt1..1.41. 1.. N. Y .a. 1.,
r,.• • ' 4. • 1 ‘‘ yr.b,,,,..• .., },-...,,
,••-.P I I 1- ..,LC - 1. 6 , ~,,, , ,
)!•,• ,•
14: 1.1,1 VAork• rm.!
',;'-' ...•••1';,;'TIII ~
ui.sollo> t , ••r .
ottri evil ‘‘,•-•:.
I~ Xl l l
lo 7.• 1 , ...
• J. W. HoP4erton,
T " I M1 1 )1:1 Ei't 14 .1 .1,,b. lu I real
ebintuo.. ••
Sopenor W mune* and Copying 1.
l'll.l' !-•-•
rtr, nut, —.l•••st
n 4, "It n.
thl: or
i ' 1:N LI tA I • ~ .4 .. , IMI: - , II•N )IF), 11,SNT
i 1 1.i.r,...0.ti0ut. 0 ~0i..., ,rL , ~..,, -• ,t.,....
I 14( /US ES; TARIVIS, &c. \ '
1 1, 4 08 RENT - -- 1 A St,iero om:14 1711 - el.: --- c.:4• .1
1:4 r•';:.:
' ' 4 ' '!:T'
il:W= " iL::
n' f.... 1 . ,;tiii .
'''' . ""''li;i'., .t. C •
, 4,,. 71,17: W al. r stn•
.1 • • r Th•
I t'. r '4
.`l% 14, .1... Mx.,
TIIE oub.eriboroli'or, for aisle the following
. I Two :MA enmity. Iviing I.ra
No.. a au.l 4. bell, 11 , nalLIOV wlalelt
ml ore I.lorig of tour Irmo aid tr,krate
tram, 1..11 all two fl,rir4.lll4b.
So 2 00, Inu.
1..1.1rat trout 00 ha i et,uat.
t 0t.,•••,114.4.
Punt ...nn,l,ektu.4.
~~ .~i.l . n Pn
..a Y. Y.:L ,l u n.... a I IY+
i ,
~. i. ~w
:, T,., y .t~.
i. ~ fit.
with n
th. • rtnl
. . .
.• 1;n270, “V.". I
~,1 • •rk
. .
• a tramarlant,l.,
4.,12,3f;.,. to ro,ive
' •
Wm..a. 2L1k11.1.
JO Elll
.it [dos',
• For 's.le i
t LA RC; E lot "r"pice.• 01`;ground mitunte in
re iie/.. '.treed td• le, :f d abet*
t tl e e,„ ~,d ti, ,rj u• 1. • L 1• prie,Ade meldeuer
te it. Inie deelizng len.. of
A, , ; ‘,,d etti„ tift-1 ...title ground
erd. tiwe tiedtful dwelling, in.
eenie t x -run.... tenimegai.
Thro,•-fthe tlunl .Ith- Who, in ',cud
•Cgf xt
tO. 1h I re ,
Valuable Real state at Auction.
'I4IIE StritSctu BEE „ffer, i'er Sale,
r l
f a.- t .
• T llll . - • thtt. 1 . 1, 11.n•••••••.rt_141....1 1 .uf.
hi. :to..V lell . l4eres, r.t.rl .trhet•.
fe•t 1..1h, • 1,1. loft*. front del I.
f u
Nt I yothiot :•7 1.45 fret{ 1.1. Ththl tow.
Thinl 'l,•••l•ll,refis. Chuff-h. 1.4 trllich voo
• Lrt • Pr'-o- om — • "
. Nee/ t+ u .t 1..: Jth hf
11 It. rl , ••1 1 1.,./
•• , th• 111nr.
• . .
mA t:,,rnrr Grim! ~ .nd Third 41g.,
. In.nuon Tor tro,,r
" w" ' '""‘;
Nq. 155
Tbirl I. FO liE
-ar etn114,1 , 1--1. u It • .the
nwat .•1 PAI..
rile I. rnpirt.4l h. •
0.1 noor bath rf.,n2 rnd
ul).•lning. at mot Eaqutir
DARLINGT. , ;i .
urth .treo..nvat 0.1
Sewickley Property for .Sele.
rilllE Orere for sal , :4 lino Tract
• 1 u Land, all..etl/A/ /4 the
A”Tertr 4uir owned by tin. tron•rr, .C/ordel;, Ire
l/es:l.lly rouuir. euntatotug stunt 1•.! , / ...rer rieh•
betueet, tl,l'nnbarleur2/. and
road and the Obln rim The P alanee acre.)
the road,l4!&dap,/ fur farenlog
• vrtnabla Water reltir fine rale and (H 1 Nil 11. On
running order For ganleu. rrleare rountrr rea , 1
deure, pr.,Prtr I.roe ,/ flue, /nee offerel.l/..4.
nrcr.n 0.• fity sl y tam, um,., by Itatlmad, litTer,•npr,
Ileaver P / bk ll
For term!, surly to W. 1/rNr,,
'er vountr, tpe //FA) 1:11,L/Lt.. lOU Fourth ',reel asaur:lm
Valuable Real Estate in Beaver County
at Auction.
f the Ctll
Sr.,. io., frool. roonloo
rm.!, th , roan U tow marl, on U.. U:c I,.ftver
No. 4 Ow. oaltal.le lot 1 , , fesa
with t. u ell.rfn woo, ifower
No. R.Vue lot !,,tre foot front- and
to IL. tot. ,f tiK hill. ,o 1 .1.10 1 , ‘.to,
.• firt , l. etc., 1., .A.)
from...1001:100. 1,,,,t0r0 !ugh.
Our It., 11. onout,-. be-
In: •. , •ot fr.! ox.• 1 about. :110 ieot
•• • ..n tw • ;0r... tot..
!• • I not on. on,. 'lO
vros—rts lorrtorly <. qt vMr T 44.44 4. 4
•144 ror phrtgorntiv 441:4Allatelt 44 141 44 . 44,
the I,llrlon 44,4,
No 4,4,44. r 4 .1 lulgurellate., het,* enlrton
b e ing A rott • Nr In length, lad gt 4441.11. frAm Mat,
street 113 W SP 441,4. or to Vntli
tint .lol'lrotnrr 11411,Ay. t .4. 4 Ith day s—rt..telwr
rm... 4,lva tr. rale. 11 sr the he oarred, Al P. hi.' 1' 44,
thr ; ;tumor
Js• I il.f.)llNt ,
AA/A... I r.I N •
hawN, A ~ I , 4,aa
Seven Valuable F n for Sale.'
i m. : , cruATED pes,7i: thPOhio 31.1 l\ean
Aro., I ta;lza,
'' i11. ', 1 * ..1„1*7 '1 .V. ` ,;!:...., , 1;,,: ' ,.„,..,4,....
cr• rt., la, the NJ. at, a. r ;a IN a.a. gal:Tr-AA, t, .
eAl.r .1 the lI.AAL• i, INIaA, a'A. Va- I ^ , .laa. lal ll,'
~ t prl, nt. , l•ed
e 41.1311, th.e....atrot t.opeee.
I,lle A 1..,
• .
. . . .
, Cotultry•Prope;l
§III E unefrtri pied offee. r
I.rl ,••
on te• wf I 4 , 11, fn e 4
Iva tb• 4 , r,t,n. I,llM4ii
Gce , 31! .1
Valuable Ilea; Eetate
LI 1, yr I ilitt• %:11 r Orr.
1 Ll y
rar.rot t A
" r— " rr
• •
tO,Sytng ther—elttra..
11.• : Lon.) ,at
s ,
tee , . htt•hurgh
l'er Sale or Perpetual Lease,
E E N LOT:, 1,,H
rti vut .Itxt tr. ID LI, 1r tr,i
r.;: - Ifort !rut r .trt trrrr r r gavret.ruld p
niter rrk tan..
Real Estate for Ealc
A 1.1 - Aii
-~t. ~
r: M .r.: ~ 1 .~
~.~ ~..
t 4? \
o An fr.ra ro.):scr
rill\Nt:Nl Y .
r~~YI F. 1 \ I'
Sri, ur i~
1)17 IRON
iv I. 11-1
1 I rout a., Vlota
..,..,„,,.......t., 1it ,,,.p.,„,„E.„...N„:K.:,„ \
5 t. , ,,,„ 0 1, , v,11,' , Cru.h.•.: 'kind Po'yen- : i.Y.,; - Vi1 r11 1.1 4 4. - :ii c' ;\,, , t;.,,,
~... 1'1...Ai-co:Iv, su \ 411. , 1 , 11. • -t:: .:. >..-
‘'' EAT i 1., A 11.! (0 Si ;11.. \ Ill's ••t it 5ur. , ,,. •,.., rur , ..-‘ , ...- m ‘,..., •...,:,
,1,....1it,.1.21..i, r. ,, , , .... , :.”1 -• , 11:14 Y 1:. al tile ' '''''' . "'“.. l, ''‘• '''''".. ;" V: '' ..
NI I'M il .IL ist no II il kJ, ',".. ... . 5 ''''''.' ".‘' ' I '" " I. '
th r.::”..1/., "• ii thu.K,..:: .• :I ' 10, ~, .t•
lII,' .\CII, \ Niil I:A..N\ l'ile , K 13 .INI'LI , ' ''..• '''+'''''' ' u `"" ''• y• • "."..'''''-,\' •''t,''' "
' A \
11 L; lilt I I,I1IIII'l:I.
111 ~ . ..:.1. r , . ''.•
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, ovr E) . .- - ] 5..,..);. \ ._ ' p., ,L,;‘, 1, 3 7 ‘ ,,,•,"' - '"1...` '''..':•,'..,,..r.'.1,','„.1
U , - - -- -- .:,:, 1 1 , • icur I ,41:1:1 \..:-. II- I , '1.,A1 TON.
:4 t1..'2-.'"t!'"f?",,-
' .:.; 0. , 1:1-I.0 nt,.4:1;11,111.•
_ - -
:-.01 , A.—:A ,, .1 lb, liglisti. fq; nal,. ... '
• s \ ..".. ;v it. , . ' ;
...'N' •'. • H . ...." .• \•• l -...,.••• '1 Woodworth 8 , Patett \ Bbnilig . Kite:line ? : V't
‘. ul.. ~., 1.1 i LT ..,!. . ~ . 1 t
. .1.., AT I'..t4LLL.
MO:HIS Ili N:LIIIF.R. iEN.NTSTLVAiii.A. 1 •,' T 1
`;1. i.lle No. \ 1:4414,1t .t.
.4 1t.1!.,1 \thll Cc. , 11 EC I.NT 1 (.e. :Itt.,bu \ r:„. i iu...y ,
1 1) -
-" t -,.. 11 ,.i..g: I i, ' .:,..., . 1. 1L.,+ ‘I, u,LlitV,P),c_ V., Is, .:\t..%,.....,,,,,,..1: L ,-, ~,,,,,, ~, ~,,,,,„,,,r th
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X :,,r...`", - ,1 - ..uLu., , ;.,;, - ..,-1-% ( „N.0;1.1,,°.,N, k ,,, " 4 .`"c , '' A''''''' ~,:- ,-,-: - ." 1 4--4 , ,
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, , I • I r... v 0i.....5.a. 1,...". A ',Ter Al art. , 0r..1 s, , f ,.1 ! ,.1 , 1.......1., . .... T1..4r..t... ...1, ...14 .‘-..,. 4.-a1...T,,r Clt,
[NA It .At !.. 1(' -N 1.,.. le, -a.. ~ ~,i“...t . .%7..t.Y.t.' ; '4' , 1 ` .."-!:.7.5r.' ., ..: ' ...'e ' .1,.„,,,,, ~,,.,,,, ~-
gs II tl,-.F.----75 1..,. ,, 5. Iry al , • I, - cIAt , • •: , /,..,r...: - ., r.., ,tn.. , Ana .. T TnN. ~.i.,,,_, , k- r ,\ ‘ . .4 , 1, . r.l. ••• .....-.4.-4-4 4 ...... - 1: - '
11,J , -.1 t 1 \N., 1..0... i ‘ ; .1... ..N
.1 !4, . 0 ,:. 4 4-.., I,n_ attn 4,11 IT. 0nt4444, i
~ . , ~. „:...,... .-... • c-,- .
, t
t lllE.s.t.--oi. 1.0., 1 , ......, .... ,11T• Il`\ , . TIT I,i ‘ 444 1 ti,•>l•{l,. 0,N,, !I, ohl, . / . 0 4 t . Ttt..cs.. .Iclltrelt.. - 1T1 ,. .. - :, T \ 44.44.1 I. -,,,,,,.. i: ,,,,,,, . c .
Jr.,. \ J 1.1 , 1 11 , 1 T 1... .' •• ' " ...
'''' '''',"' •L
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".... ' V.,..0,.. \ Chat,d6 c ko, ••`.,.. -.• .. -...r..... 1' 4:Ca. 8t...
- 4 1 A 111.1,..! ~.., 414 I,T-t-rt,4 1441 , h 14t t .444. i ...„, ,
... .
IpEAltl. ASII- , .-....1.1.:,., ..... ALI.- 1..
), be 1 . 1 . 1 1 ' > 11 ,-..... , ur 1,.41rt}..r.: z .1..1.-.4,1[. 8.L..1. 0 4 •
JI 1,13 T.11 , k A N el KL,/ ~,,,t , r, ~,,,,,,. 4.1., ?g . .. ,4 .., i ,. t. '-'
S ALEJIATUS--1.2.3.ii4.1.‘ \, , Furl ; r- I •4. , ‘“t' , Ts'N.•••••• '• '•••\n. f ''' .." ''''•••'• .••••'4•" 4 '••••'"*" 1 Lil4j,
' ' ' '"
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'1.21.4 vrdss T:T.. L. ht.. ~..• ~,,,, r el. .T.4 L 11. NV ' k)? : 0..A.,,,• . I •
k irti. ~, D. CANIIF.L.II. 11141, •4 end WU ,1 lr 4t: 7: 4 41:111t. ,4 44..rt, .., Bc „ t , Th t p i ;'•••••• pr . 7 = .. ------ -• --- .- --
L• AKA - Tgi - " - .....E 1,1 - )bi:,:.1 , ,,-„, r i , b . 1 b , ...,-;.„'„ , ,,T 5 !' 5 ," , ':'..7..:::„!„.,.1,=.0,:kT T:', - Itk ti 'k alik:lL 1“... ° )....-t e r L , ' . l9l.
•'" . '' •• . • ..t4 l il ' 'a.,:: ',...... 6,,.... -,,e'....,,: - .;,.. i,.,,,„,.. iv
.., 1.1,1eS Le...1:n.441. ' 5,,. 4‘ ,4 44 . 'AT, 1.4•41. rt. En, ...1,41,
~ V.I.Te, \
.. , ,-;'•- 1. ..`!. , r'..!l , Tl.l , 14:2 4 ,
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~, ,,; 10 c . . 1‘ 1 , ..., , . .t..1.;41. ' r4 : l-1 .... ..,. t 1....,,,
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„_. J . .. 11. 9Ak. 1 El.!. 1 l'o el s .'..1! . T. ` ,. ;' , ' ,. 4, ..:,-. ~ , , , d
.; A h... 5. jc.,,,..,..... 44 itT....ut...4k fto r L :l' . '.. :•-'• `" . .. • .,f"
( I I OLD SPECTACLES—AI u ge aslortment l r...t..:,a , ;-..4 , 17. \ ,b , ,,,, ' 4 l - the 4'1;:‘,....,,,..,...1AV " . i'.P V. , r . u.V , ` , ~ .- . l : .A' 4 ' .: :•A' 4 ;
Iles or.ninin Woe, bilyt• end :WO or ~..„, ~,nd, • ~„t i ., ' n ' N r'' N . l ' l '.Tg.," l \,. l•ren A l.,. r‘ fiZV , k, ' 4'4l 4 :'t.'r.:?,...:!", " ' ' ,‘,'..%•
Al kinds ul (1144.4e,i4C the Loa ,Tudlitr; tarellTll, ..t1,411- .- - 'lL___.\_. ---\ --. .L--.: .. 2.-.. - ~ trtll 4..t . d ‘,111.4.,1i.LT. 4 ...i4 -. .' IT. - ' . .. - ;,...4
4114 tho •14,41114711Pe.14 the pnuclele4\ Of OPt/ml 44. 4.k Oil /N--2103alreinA(124 and tbr. talt by ' 4 , 4 1b,..--...a , Ni.u , ' et4.l 1,144..1 . 11 - i - 41
euces 1,11/1.4 Pe 1111t0_9:4nr.
K. K'. Wll.BO, o)Ttetlair. 1t../ . • ' lanun Dictu:r a (.11. \ k...-_E; , + ~ ..,, ,_ 0=1, ,. ..•1 1. .....1!, . ..i.., .........,
V,• ' . ' 67 Make; stvoet. ~Tti ', ', ` \ Water *.Yzont di.. \i "" ''''''''''`''''''' ....d ' 4 •
- • \ \ \ \
. \\ \. '" \\ ~ 'i\ V".] 1 " ' \ I
sO.l ,
L Vinh
\ i F i l 'net.;.. ll - i 4;‘ ;[T ,, l l lllFli bi t E l f I r
OCi l i.{.` °
let. -1 - 11,. 1•11.,IT 7,...... , A. e.ertkeonly:Ar.
111 !oars l'ittvt.u.,-.4, r,,, , lile,.!ing. Ca,,tna and Ilo•ting.
• vrY I ne*la?, at 3 o'elA,k r. , raturnin. lea..
11.4a114,,rt f ,, r , fai , titua, %I be. ding and Yittatunzh , v.,
ez raburaday at , o'.-rkek, • x j'altenrretaand sbirpera
aln Aepend upon thl: 1.. t runnlan n.eldsrlr 4 urip. t I.e
low ...,atrr pra.aon.
Forlrright cr rattarrgr.:\ aurtig ~ tatard. , aug3o
11410 R, CINCIICTE—The fine i
1 ~..,vr r .wrernsos. ..,..e,,,,,z,„,,,,.„11).
leatr fur 11, alg.r.. aud /14. 5i1.1., port,' ,rn
thin eta,. ti 4 4 n'clu , k F. M.
Fer ?rri a tt trr ;aka,. arD`r on
. bcagd ug:M
Y- -N - -.
11 E t t ..1 T
rYi ll PA W es: l ll• E kiii i \ N 4 : : , r _.` t '7,,, :
4..w.t0r WIIirVILLE. Cart, 'l, ..l. ,L tu ., T!'rtli
r , .n • a trey ar park, t brittror try,llethurgh. tglarraltugr
brid....r.rt, and %tunGth. lea v r lAlstrgrrrt-, orulag
al. !noun For Wtll.llll...r , tertlonrtrr, lard finds let and
rrt.r, Thurada. I,..ftert.X. tr,. gt.tutaurafile. Pr:alert,
tiraig..,.rt. Ca g u ria. aIA ton uatk . r tritntl. a. nal- ta Drilg e .
rr rt n.t runt...r. A,r, Tur..rday rtrrnoun. ma ountlah
•r..r;.F-I.lar 0rr..11, , ,, gr,,Frrtg : oript . tge 64,1) te
t 1.,
r... , anr. or M. ,It -A - P. ut t. 1.1, Arm_'.
LB ST. LAI 1 —TheeS. p1en., ,, ,
Igt. tra- and t:g ht draught rte.:Ar,. `
I, Tt .121 , . Cart liarittr. wilt Irate !ir gke
but. and int,r=. die. vrt• nu ga.turdartar In n'elttelr,
For faeight nr {.......... , :' ,. . 0F ''''. tm•rd . " .2? '
j;4 1 1, 1 1: I.ol'lSVll.Ll,'.—The new
foul r.i..nrtri ttratour 0.1...1UCU'.. Cart.
. obert. aril leart far thr *burg and all Inter
turdutt.. puma ”rt taturday. atl 4 o . attrk. P. tr.
Frr fr. Ittl.t or parmage apply , 4 Lad. . attg:Xt.
leach 4
USW , . Lwin Mr3lil np lan. will lone for air
and lit.rniedloac at 10
yi.L (plea
J. NE.B,_4zu•
. •-• • - • - -• .
1; 1 , 011 LOIJISVILLE.—TIin sNen
-1 afa ' NIATFLOWER. 11.iet.. 4 Mit
master, will Irani fur the abov , ! ...I lotarmo.
nudist., rx.rte on ch. , day. the' .:'..,1 :net. at P. L.
1 , 00 , 1r.1000 nirasnu., atTly , M board. . ..z."-'
:)FOR )tiIIIELI.NG. The fine% .
steamer DIURNAL. 00. S. Conwcll. will
..ire tor the ay.. and tvt.nanitate tomb en
Mi.:lay:llth ite, at IC, 0. 03. \
.10 Al...msrtar , ::: nwzr..n .t CO, .brat.. '
If: IVI)
J ji d% a .
A . l'ACJirrr. ciNCINN nil, eltpthia John
rminchart.l This ,1...1,11.11,,e.t...1 < 011t l.)-
tl. , ..•rtivr. .4 the steamer INta , . Npytte.ti, .4 othera, for
th.. Cin,muuti and l'it,xlmr,,h l'ackPrtra.l,:nucl will litsr, I
. ‘.. ”. W-Int,ley Vorl,l3,nuati, la pia, of the Near 1 5 50 C..
la. , :,.., For flaght ..,./ p;aar . .acs. agply on Oc!rd. ,a .+1
n,Le , , :1 I LTL. , /JF.ltfi Eh, .6..,..nt....„
hew Iltt'A la sreasaar DIDIiN A L. :...cwoll. In
I 4.7. 10 row s-rfurrott, her n.qule,.. ori.weetly Mr. 6, tweo”
MI.,- rut-'r!
tVt.nellok.,, Pittsburgh . I,) n'eloclk
I .v.,r, Sh,tday. W•al o suadur sod Friday. nod retarniuht.
1•100 et Wuen.lin4 eten Thuslay, ThurNiti4aucl Entoorday.
In .....41,.......t 'or frveltcht or paersfe, op nu board, ortn
nol, 110.1.ET110N4 . 4 CI (91tiP.., Agent,.
\ r0 , ..• 71tE 171. , 1.1k. .1:
. -
Cr )I;Ciii:', 1, ./.1,6. 110.ilLik . ,i.'iI;if. tsfifilikllTT.
T 1 WF6 .01•ING -Cr.)Ui r ; 11. (110t7T, -.
AliTliMA. OiNi:U.ti I" TIO:i.
A ,,,,,,;. , ,, , ,,,, A ri,...,,,:,.: . Fd . i., !::! + 7 ,ri ::: ,, 1 5:...1 7 C°
•.I rn. .rr
In-r....... is , .. - r.n.nt, nrr, ~ .r.u. i :rolnng. th n r-rro
or Euman ertr r. n. ~...-. b. nrc.-.lnl corn r.alnall..
c5.......nti. that ttn , .7 LI .11k.1401: 01 C11,7.1113tr, to ti,
41....tng Art a 7613 t ,trikl \: I. ntrtuer thy:l3l,ll.r ILL,
to- , nuunt.rr. hl. nn0r4.1.....V.1 • dnutt that no nr..llr 3 rn.
.., ...rm.:dn.:ion ..1 ~.....11Cnee ~......innov, rnn no ,nr....1,. ~
1,1 ...,..1 -nr , th.. one: r.n. rm. .[Lee ^f pojto , yarn rin.......
iri,:. lota Ei th er .0 00 ...“ I- ~,, ur rr.1,1 ,, V: .runnd. 11114
1it. , u.1.1, • ...Tr I..ur 1.J.1 \ ./. tl. Inn" W , Nn .:-.3.n.innt no
..,,n n Z-rt,......1tne...i- Ea.. 1.: I.l.tath toot r...m.: Thnb
v.. intlgt. . uur 8p... :Lk., .ill 4, r r•rtnit net Lk. rninllrt
As ,c
....- ^.l- rtl..n ,f tho ,urrn nr.',,t,l b... Its 'e+ ' but v.
„......,.,,, ...,,p.,, n ,.. 4 :In, ^N rid, t men. 60 nr:rl
rw :.- •, ..,1, ... tr....,:rtiar, lucli . .55001, INI , Nr
m, n.%:.. nlvra, IN r.i.a..nt n. rurnlA fr n, ..nh:re.lek. er.
fr.: ,: r• utrun.-und 13.11.11,.....V.0 y.i....n1 a v.-, '
~,, . i.q.nd,,,,,,,, .I:nflerr• 0b.,. Mr 7 , ro,d I'EV .
rE.V...t,fr HIMIICON ,
',ler,. C. Synr—err I bn, 'net-I re...0.:1n.r r Pan•ral \
- - -' • •.-...nnml Ilrun.l4t.tet nni.... ealEtee , d
11.1,A, thnt il 11 ar - l'adnunnt..ll. a c
1 yr..tte4 nt..i bronchi.: .11%.:. o.
ut....r:nr tLa -4,117 (.. , lii l't. .f' •ET
' AY t . ! rii l r: . : llC " kint t r' M '
are. i . :t I , FE,St , le. SiLLLVA dl
l a t'-i L ,.. r ri;.n , .. " ,1:: - .e. " i F tii..: Eurorl.
• • 051......
.. I: Iv- .' ISIS Solve
• ... ,1,...t.. et., .. *X. ..T. I, ~41.
''' l " . ''' ‘ ''' ' ''' ' ' .... A .... : =. o l ." . rt
I ra..-!...A.
have. rut It
' ..• r-,‘,..ra•rul
Witch C. taut
. ,
±7.T J. Di 11l
oof Idmeral Paint. •
e.mftleteti,hi;. e,
713 R"
. Th.rd ta.,l Wood
85 '4,elvard.
T 1; ' 0 1 ; 7 EN' •bc \Vaz;•
n. Rttri,tl, , •••1 rtt,..11 rect..trt , Itte. 4,W:to t•
I Ir., r.:01131A
I. %I'm.,
liommvathic -\ \*edicr.l College of Penn'a',`
FA,;. r! • rea, E,'errath, • -
14.11,111:LP , 11.1.
'Pint; LLUICRKS of regular aolirse
..,matettet. att,t the ..t, II notutly "1
tni ct.utinue vuttil -.t of Msri entalt.ft
lA, cur dt... SIM 00
, ft,
thor,u , •lll ,- b u m.,
u. f .
• th.. , I=.ll •
• Judd's Medicated Liquid Cuticle.
MELTS. ARTICLE is intended for family nee,.
semden, -anti the tinlYoj:
usgletl7u. " 7ol r n t gr ;,7 - 11i s ; ' ;, " 1:Vil . 7.f;fd t c u r it lu4l
I n tl may eertify.that we, the nodert!ellett. tn.
fluently 61 , 640 ux of Judd', Medicated Liknidetitlckt
nnred Mews. Pect.ehl Camp. 74.d.lietnnu. emu.,
cheerfully recommend it to tnir yrnfee,,nnl brethnen,llll
wan.lient Fut...tante for atihr,ise vlesn.r. in an..w..r.
Cur, ruts, mall ., brut:, s od sll kinds, cicalawound..
.lei.7 , rSam
!I. A
D. /I ARKIhtIN, M.
M I LTON 1:111:1V CA. H, D•
the praztuclog vh,•, UI [lap OtrZt
' N.A. FJO I N Al W.,
eurras Wood t 03,1 Ylr2 w.
T IS put up. in quart boulef, anti coa
t Uth“ strempOl'el •,tap.ns , nun' our. Sams
itm ao yaunll.l2 Yds:sot:LAl
Tar bottle. Sr Az,
It Leo bt•on - r& ematu, 1.1. that
Baresparala. when pure an, s • f•i,epared, •611
fea th 4
only true permora Jaie' SO
pur r s , eta. of 'the blood, the tug. of c
Ite,evll hnho- routh, boo, e boldly
ae,ert the: JOHN H21.2....N P-X:;.4,7:1"01 , SARSAI'4.
Rai , Le the ow,. pr•ep,nretbu ce:^re the phi•lle that la
PrePerv•d on strictly ecien,,, et,d of uniform
strengt2, rho bar,e•r,r.:,.. r P . .1 wlthout recard
tv Pru.... 1 e'er). pout.. wl— , Ls rubject to
the tancuut ch 1—• • _ _
bear.,• uwrl ~~
tna rtrtrare of (wren]
ow, a,tute, t,ttbalf Int - aims: the bee* nom.
t. , curet:ye Brent In the
• . ,
Scrofula or Bal.'s 4 , 4. enn.., Tutrac.....EruptlOn.• of
O. Skin. Ervittel.. Chronle So. tty.. lan.'
.. - nrsta or Tettrrs. ilabi 11.,1, Rheum.-
titst,lty.intt. the lion. or Join..
• Old Aut", Clire ._. -'t I'Ming ' •
the - 011.4....:5141-
' . 4. l4ne DY 2.. *' o l' fth 64 .- t t
t- , - -, . Kithirt, i
1.. ,
, .
tit, Al7- 4
.... ,
... arfsiiii:trotn 1 \
Chi um of 31t4estrI . ,
Pnin In [Dr Shle 8.111E 1 :oat- r i ‘•
ten...Gen.ral Dethibrr. Drop, Ln.‘n.
atty\ isantlia, CoMiret.4.3.-, trn. Th_ron,.• '
broncilitv., Conittbo, Col , D, We ekne. Cr tLe CD ', .
r.1.....ry Atte..., end all•oth., glitettet, to oling W.
WV!, COVlplatot. Farts:* letteniltaltien nat . “mpklntir
Sink and : , rrron.r. Ilenolae.. In- dnitiD.. Itlitht dvetat.
lO..x•n3ure. , , , k.unrndence in Lit, Catt :4.: ,Dfmt.itutionat Dt••
4.., nod la snrln g cr-1 trt.t.,,, , ,lrtnt.. kind..neraltnn
rl to: tl,- 4. - te-tra, .4 .14D ant plo t a: porpttive,t.
nperlor le Ult. Lfek of 'l,-,..1.,-0 vs., salt, •T Md.
tk• T %:? F :. ' t•rtriOf i . t- ^ ;[ 7 :11. ' ,T1 ' 11., ` 11 .` , ' 5 ' ... t a,4117., 12.
P., , W hiet-,L is .4:.; e.,1 per.ett-lIT k4o•tt .1 . 3
elnt.44‘t and vtromtAlrini v.....,.,1}1 , :. 11. C.D.-a,
W,. X. tavenvYn If. bean pr , ,,,, ra. 5, of the mar
• '
en, 1 ...lErsloa ....111.... 41.. t.t.: ..i,utt,l7 Ltatftren.
--o4;.1- ..f. of tor C-c, 7,-7, r.,..1 .... !tvl.,4l.lair L• nui.,
the itittb .1 reerenV.l-2. :tattqlt •
• : q?-' tar Dlr the .m. 3.
13,0 k lott...qn. Ct. lt. , :t , t, 1 •• anti 1.-,,,, cr mar
es . .,orrViticr. , nr n f.t.t . 1 .7 1i1,1:1 . , ,,
fl-Nry. Te.rfttorly VaGilm. 1 , ....., (1,1•Eq• in Ferci ef
, 1.,.. - .44,..., ..laT .1.), 101.4
sr. tiA.• uted .1,y1. , fDatt ,\ 0.14..,.:4'.x c.d . hill'elLnOWL. •
It ." C.•• UP,I, ..itl,..runr. “k;A:4•.1,1•V; 41.... t, latoe'r.:. t.:.
1,,,4 to rtattnl: tlett c•• I-,-I\t,- it tO hen .•It 4.1 sin
•II• tttral 4.1,114.1. .....,1 tl•ts.tti to
tAncl ,
....1 reDe. nnxrD r,,^: 1,... , 4 voial4 1.1,,c - etr.
t.rfoth - .4 . 1 Intrt • r.,, , .: - ..1 . ..,..-/ It L. t.Y., of
SP./ CFI. ,/ N. %V. -III:10N. •
• 1..1ti DILN4):i.
- •
A ar.auivit:L c—V..t3. .14.•1:•
Lk , ...• All • ,t,t,.4 Dr,,e,,i C.l, tr.n. and •
- -21-ted .I.h.ek. flow Ven o , nt- ,,,,, t4-- . .t , t 04- .
:,....rlt.r ttaf - 'dc•rittum tv n o t::A D L.,:t wt.latnt,. .-
tartan* ta ,-._ertettea.,1,1,4,.L1,..p....4 .t.l t.lorin.
ea atPnale., r.lotr. thenikt.,entb.roe, ••_4 w 1141......
:J. dtprt..l`thect 44..4 CLki ttf4, t. v.. bajcry vu :IA ttln. Bulre 5A...111:1 . 5.: t.,... 1.,..t ,ClXl.te knoen.
It beauttSrt. the Q. 0.. m. br Aworla. - ry twencte 91
c_. z
rt,DI .1 D......1.tnazt.1rt , ..t_t,t DiL,O, .41. ttpartt.
Lealthy. at.,l vi0tte.....,,1tn, tl l .-tiv:tt- -.,
, Trt. -,intlit ,
• e. 4. awl cb0..1.1n4 th e s.-tI, r. 4 .1.: 4 aLruunce, it
tip. tgron: iard tr.. , 24nex• of , ti. :1: 1.... , .., 1.. a. the ,
thef peduti and mixture.. ar.d n•• , . 84-Di 4.1...ti115.
nt, 41,:tunit.neny. - .1 ...4 D., LI:. WAt II *MlS
rient. sod • hint t i S. tt- 11, 1...D.5.
Testmiony Ltlt, the Flllorril33, R•kmlPre Sup'epltorsa
' :if C..ronent on the Eiileiency ...i...8V.1.P8
parilil. . .
Dt L. D. '1'44.3.. Profe.,r of C4•Ltliti7 *, th e Collt-,t.•
VI bare It-okel ,+.,r the h. ef Incre4ient, ann . n.
Jultp, 8u11'he...0u.11;?1..0f .441 - a.ilslilfoand tt... 4. .
be4l.tivo In ,:tta.h.4lD, 100 l e:.!..i..L. 4
n• lilac oroni; , II to ILonin di..e....h to Png4 r P iVANDEL. IL ; P.\Q .J.., i 4 ,
-.7.1.1 of
Ito tt \
1 .
7 . 11 .
31 D.°
4 -': 1•14,
POW PUIiIFYIG Tilt BLOOI. , the best
u t,m:o. 3!..tietho I. Vnt , l. :\ , t:•... s. .-..-q• Pao
13a.rmi.X.,....,L.,,,,,,bm5, W0.4...,-.1r...,,f,r1 . 1. i:r - X1.1.1or•-•-•
'l-nc.urtunen d a of Uri:l.4 G,,,,a1 l'n-4..1n.n et ` rni
A orrHall f.rir.. and i,:lnainiil..., a. M. 1,1. -...., • db - •
1) , • G.RP. , r, 5. , — , 4-1,/ rtir.,.., J.-L.:and. - a . ... , ,,u - Cast
e, itc.,•-rlias. rtlict by 1,..., ,, ,ns th.,. :,. - attic, at - C..
rtrength;thr bt,d ItTeutrailtee. b tun... •
unnatural arcretirea. 'and sin. Maltby . ;:lan lb 110.1 Ine
•Kart.ovrars. . ,
, It, mild •alt,auv..ntr - pertil . r, it, It. pqctillarir,aol2
~ ,ent. l .• tn \ the .lever and de..o t., c.lnalltutica\ nf.ttte ftv
...'- l , ir.lnodistv/ T •xn.t..., ,^ A'!l-st ~ j ...:- . .,-ini\ntrrour•
54,. and IlLe4itan, .1 ~. 5.0.0 0..: st, ,f.. 11. frs.lne,snd
untaitn. au „vatic; and buoyanv.i..rz ..... - Drt.- , .7..., 4, th-e,
are vatvail . IV. hay,: ~i,1,a,,, p...- ;3_1., ,0 . ,,,,,j,,,,,t.,,,,,..•
010 , 9tily S., i - eccuntnett.l tl.l. mclicine t, c.artnAptc s al.
I .ho have nut bcau blepprd wan , 2,ria, . \ •
FTMam...kUt...n. ' nr Falltau of the Wo ' cat.., , f t.slini4a etank
I inn, cik ,
a.rl by If: tit- s:`, Ussract as Veacw Dock and\ ,
Eatrapaa, *lna eve ;a
~1..: L.'''n tc-=‘ , 7 h- 4, bd.
11101 •al tarn:..,:. I ' • -
W.m.a.....7.c,..L., Feb. 15,1412. ' \
rta. mrtit \, tny w, , ,...,1 :7 'tat, La; duffered
upd, th..boy cem,lkmt. L, ....... `ye..n.. t.:, - ly till :hat \
tlnia contiaud tu r Got 1 hay,: t,,, Sur Tm , ........d7 .
ennploy.-1 tha bea e , V.eal oalect that cull bo ortru. red in
tW. f...‘tion of the m 31.1,. ',CM,: ml - ~ t, .1.4..... .
1 Gq... ell, rul - chat. 1 evlry :c.zu••as re, - ...mendtd tar
' th,.'eue,..4l.oian d!.,... 4.1.611 ct a ugh provnl warth.lesa.
le the, of It 1, I woo ti.d,..c. , 1 - by MT friend. to
trr s r . tioyset, YClo N. 1,. 4,0 .. , ....., , I , N. wtiMhwi , .
uF : ,t'ls c.t1..: - A , 1 -be 11, u-.: 1, Mr AMl.a.tosti
14:et...11. wan nym.imat a m af a.., *405 ......• ~ .3•intu-oftus. .
n rtp..1.1,,m:....,...;:d
ea I.,tr. anth. LP. P.I. 5: , J., ,........` r .C " .4. '.'
L ' esaLe . 17 , 0. 5l.„):, OAT: • .
We. 1,...r.: uottnbon, to W ad6_,.; ~ , C.l.a. ,lculeit. Saar
5.5t..1 tbe al , vi, eta:cc:en, ~..- IA b., fi....- ~ a 11r.0mn...-
~ ,,...1 . lost, cure 1, ,4,.. 'el by GuT , tt'a te- 11, ^.. ,
1\ -'4 sal .....resaarilla or- strl,9,
...0 , 1 5 . ,:z '
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' r" , ...7 Ert?—Cdac of O. M. tvgate..
lita.M.Vl.., GM o r. ,- 'c 1 .. 5 4g•
M, , ri, t• I Il•-nnett ' S. CO:-A - ,r4, • E'.l. ii., in 7h4 3
I , .. k!`,1, , , ,tll Enile, E ,.. .4 in MT , r[i. '4 MC-111. , C.M.
oc , , .7. I ~.,M, cot u.... :1.1,011 11, emitltxx, iWIII.4C ... .
I ~..11.', d.C.O•ct :1.,. gi, ph0.,... o. i‘ - lebrtri
./aut, or vale. all tlAni me my al - . :nu, be • utantd •
Fit , . thl . -encu\lrr. tl th e , fcc-,ral Ca. :nil of nr-mg •
r.. Sly .t.tend, a., Ohl, U.; 0 ~...7,1, , tc1y cr. ans. ' 1
,:. al.k.ty re.mos causs .ma.• - .at..,-.1. 1 cx.asis.u,d 1 thia.
, a,t, upld lb.:. a? 1.... j a... , IS arirerti ...Isis I.'in IA". .
Vial...a /-Vck .4 ~..\ srar.: i, ~1,,, - , I 5.,1, and trot t. 0
t.,./..- yf thr attn,:e ,`ouys.o.os 1',111.. Ind and%'.... - •
rtna vcref. tn , .. I tc.311,tt,, ether Fercal . ; wt.. 0 0 )0 0 It. '
and 1 , 10 us, aell perlecti , vPell irfart , u.,.: tha math tot. •
tl- ilad 1 utell it at the Iltet .1,1•••aoaa, n
.+ ... taal..lY , ; - '
.3111, It .46/4 Lava .. , ad .. fr-i..,: .:.:. of 1... '....1
~..IfferZl3e. I . tr`.. , ,: ~:i...,.e/14,.,r....manum..1.r.;11, ,11...11-
,ric..4.04 , .: an, alal:a: ,11.ea,c, 0, ^....1 ‘..., - ..00....1111. , . • .
1,..k and Earearitilia, Rbleil',o7l . I. th'.. . b.ilLb- •
V .011. ic ~,,,a.t.. . • : 0“:
`I •LEONA.B.D. , ' . •
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uutij t.,• '•ll.l'.y,Lt , tc.l that
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.1:1pa ak.l maNsaranna LIP , n :•43, •,3,.. bat. nu.
L m. .utd luau•
aj, • ,0.,..q....^131at , Cr::. I: cad * (Cr reve
atu1.1.4 at Our wLiO
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rit'A to, :it,. .4 a o,lo . pettf , - , ttt, ,244.11p4
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