~=';~- w,x. . . . . .. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE 001114 not Olptairt any answer. Before she got RAILROADS 111, HEW YORK AHD TILEITHTTED ' back on the imports. These beim been invciceil i ' Country Seats at Auction! ' I back, the .itial had terrninated. Most people !MATES. . - to the Custom House at $528,000,000, while the i HE Fy undersigned will ' o f f er fur sale,- et country seems to bare paid to Europe in produce t routs Auction, en the eremites. onV • teFe MI. cram l'Unt.lnliED BY WIIITE'I, CO. ' , are of opinion that Armentera and two others There are one thousand six hundred and nine- - ' ' . ----1--- 1 willibt executed, and the; others under sentence gold and bonits,ddr the same goodsabont $694,- ; • t-t'vb.ar i- ,1, ••0rt lb. l''''''' , C`llh' lq•-”k "ll'i• ''' it w e'' ty-five miles 'of Broad in operation in the ?lON tne Mtn day t: rict.n.mter next. at 2 0 ',.1001i. r. , FITTSSUAGE, - 'of death, banished. A few days will probably 000,000. The deception on the country is thus t 3t..;Csouristoo of me rroßextrnO4allela Le now ro.mte, ______ __ _._____.,_— State of New Tork; one thousand two hundred made shout one h un d re d and aelnuty Millions, • get.gninty, Janie. INstion. comprinng J:t.tiVt77‘ • --".---, denide. Thus has terminated this outrageous IG2I1 G21 Jilts BI.II.IgINU LoTS../ Iron t. to ter& litre. i' RATCHDAY NIOHNING, tiXG. 30, 18,51. , akt of folly, which. I 'think, .b 0 .03 very coital.; and forty in cruised construction, and the entire ' and the fraud upon do revenue, for three years, l ,b.. ~/ , .. i di! , . l.i nt...r i t r ,..• i t , e ir etu rr y co of . nere ,,trr ggs , t . .Ltli b g . : . •PLa , ti r l4 l t , o: o gi = . a , g i td . - - lightly that an overwh ledog majority of the in, 1 coati se down at5t11,145,546. 4feasachtinetu i• ab out thi r ty -s even millions . .1k a1..0 tila , ane in fa , ' of the Enyortimciai nod I 1 , treOked oil over with railroads, all ...noir:. Cg. l'tgo next point i.. has th e country the obit- 1 Thum elle.zo ,,T l.l . itj. n .. =l i g oi .... , rtm.. , ..lgi,:got i ta . lilz . aeriousip trust that t quility will prevail for a, „ „ , , •, , . .., • I _ i ~ I . y to stand this operation three Jeers a 1 ,'!'l l - er '..' . ' ITsi3Prior.:, tor Miler in extmt . . sot ti..lT tun!. ant amt - y Tug at B enton, out N ew LOT. 13 anti co /1. , V.llle ' Mir current ritimurce , ill gold from (..111Ortita tol toilet.. whew txertery I, qatturps.9.ed , I - +./ in l/p . ~ , long time to come." , .„ l'of all other States in the extent.ofiker internal _ . bore averaged, acconling t,., the Journal. Three .'"''''' ,- .1 • lottteri a ceque,tioctiblo autheuticity from Tice shove quaint on in from 2 letter co 2. film I 1. er.....1 o i gou Ihi• 1 , 1,5 ,,, 1*. ..%''''...' ,4 ^ f unprovementa The vent capital , 2acrumulating • minion, a men niece July 'lO, . $-•• "0( 00 ' ' •-".- ,0,1 reil,ho, 'I, highly reept.eletble St tleinali , now and fur nosy ty . g ...,0 I,V 1 .otreti F reeve Nlettotto. IN tehtt - 9 ILI.- ..1./ , : ,,,, 6 , .1 6 -14-artanaotats that up to Chu time of writing tot ~,,,e , rcs id oi t .4 . 14,r0,..t .a ci,.„r„, g ,,, o . j. tb'ere every year will maintain thie adroutlgo From rtuigratton nod itiont-IlatieOna foreign !,",.. 1 , 1 ,4',..,;;;; 1 4 7,t,1i t ',:;,;. :,.....L,'7.,7,,, 1 ,.:,,,., „ ~,,„,t , 1,':‘,,, a single Cuban had joined the standard of a,- ib„„ u o, it of - Culnii.{about 1,77 tulles from rOt her, and aid in' the construction of other seurcee. ',tog Ise .louroal . . e.tintete agniu,cay ..... 111 1,,,'.'n.,1.et vol. of gar... mr....e.14t.i. ;VI ‘:l+4].4, can per- His escape t s supposed to be impossible . ; Trinidado to n friend in 'thin city , dated l'2th .,, . k.„, .„„,,,,,,l e d for h,,. , h ,.„„s t , w hit e t h, ~,,, s 3l . o ,ii i " ) • Thl 4 I.' krt. to th" I .= , ef Upw th tgo....cring-r,...t MongtrOgn. `.3.13,..A1,0 11 to Europe , an increased,prcie itimith ige total streot. allechet... tin' Aottgoggl‘gslo`. Kr•tst If the telegraphic despatches from New Celestas I instant. ~, , t ....., w.tion, ; ' wears outlay of Boston capital . three improve- of S:il1 isolAtuu to set off in part .an nu. : 4 ,,,,.! 7 ;',',4:‘ . ' 1 ,'•,..,•,,',.',.,.',. ::',.... e ;• gig ..g'tgro. wt.., plant tgrAY be creditetl;More tot to tad no hove gone . • .. menu ' lt M an sachu s etts. h. served to keep foreign iudeldedue.,of $175,000,000. We hove o; it . tit•scso 1 , tt•i • • to itrucle in reply to the Gazet4's t ort' sent, .l • •. , v i.ve,-.,,, mud ~.i Iv.. ahnti to t:etwt rowel tow to shared like fate. • ' moots respecting the late Cuban outrage will , money "tight - in Boston for yearn past. Still Leers going behind, therefore, every Ming Ma. , g al n ayga..un. wl.it toter...rt. 5,9,91 ny'hand mutt:not. • into the .accoun t , $111,0(10,000 in three year,. . ei..... :ANIL hi. tfliteNN - appear to-morrow .- Port. * she has been made rich by the expenditure. in... togrig.n .to.. ..r.g.1.4.1.-•,atio.tiotil ' 1 I ' •' ' • From three data, tlto calculating reader may , "Tory," eh 7 'Does the poor creature who , The llailvtay fumes has made a aompilation of ;draw his own Views of the future. ITT ' 4 ' M ITTS!-Nlrertir A Lir atitTIELD ,NI -• , •.. ~„„,.....,,,,,,..,..,,,,,,„ ~...e coutloota that paper know the moaning of. the 1 Railroads in the several Staten a the Union, and ' G. Last point of ell is, 111,101 we submit three - 1 -.,,.. ) "„r,',,,,,"1 7 ;;;',1,,, , ,, , , p ,., ~„,,,,,,,,,,.„r ~ii , 4, „,,, words We think not , or .4,,, ~,,„10 h,i e avoid- 1 the aggregate amount a capital thus employed years longer, even with Marooned ability from vt '".•••;?"!'''• , . inl . • tool Which outs himself -„ not the habit „ f ; etioe i d . ; Ca li fornia, to a pernicious on carr int cp ~,,y , 1.,1,1)LE - it ()Rh t 014,AliS, id new and .•.. 1 will net'' '' ''''h P c "C m.. ,7 - • , , . teen of dude', Whiob imperceptibly, sure . £ 1111.,k41,ii.e d,..., ~,.. ,',Oin, by Webster defines it thus-•' To•gi s• said 1,1 be 1 °ring ih.'''' iliCb g l ” ;' annex '-", '''''''''''": ly, deprivre its of ell the SOhigtantinl and lasting .. • &gni:xi ge, , _ .nt•ignity .t.ytßCElel gbh._ an Oriel) word, denoting a robber: perhaps froui ;•ii at oil inns or Tits UNITED NTATI.B-195 , advantages of this golden Meiotic .We say i II.? I B BONS IRI 11 BUN S : -We are opening to, r. ouch, as the Irish banditti lived in the 1 N, 4lt u , . No. or tutte, NO.& wile to thinu now-for we desire to write in no mrtv .1.1. '-." .'" ." t" . "'" B """' "9' i '`' t l '''''''' ,„.. ..,,..j. d ,„ v , n , „,,,,,,, tha ~,,,, a Go, .no thin o . ' , ~ t, ~,,,,,, nt:1111Y A lit IicIIFIELD. mountain., or among Irreg. • .. ktrewriew. oete ttatelreenuo spirit-of the paralyme to many of the leading • - The norm given to an adherent to the i 5i „,.,;.„. .... .... At) 2,1 ' 0 " P''''''''''" I b hma' ,1 m sti industry; but At' the • ild:„%li i SkiEli•' - ' 2 : l i'ld'•• ( "r "at" by .",,,,,,, rune e u v ere log . _ . ti toren. 1,.. I. Eton e Co a t" .00 M. 0.. nt lll'elenl e6 " 61"60"f "tt lu ' d, "a to e ' d ' i ""i ' .i.:" . ...liti'r o '' it . :ea ics fittia.iiti 1 question upon the proms deception aud fr auds ; . a veal hierarchy. The torie e forma party wiftelt i mssinctowtoi .3: t.t ... .c.: , ' ... ' 1, .. 54 .'• I •the s y stem ,I i 1 I I ,It 11 (111 ,-101 dbl.. \,.. 1, for tiale by , ~,,,,,,, ,just expOSEk m I' of IV VS orems, lUD !MI elgarva with 10.1151 , 0TrIng morn arbitrary i l i .i!.=i i tiod• I'S, i• i • 65 07,4e 4 ,099 I the danger of ultimate I,2llkruptcy, mercantile, . .4 !..',....... . . . 0 .1 Ittnn it co. , pririciplee in gOirerhmeor than the %V big', their i New 'Vert . ..1 5 ' X . W . ;55 , - ''': ' '.l:ff. r. 6. 4 FP lit not State end National, likely to grow out of 1_51.:110E STUNE--t•0 1 1 Ihs. fur sal eby . l • . , New Jerwe, .Iv Nee J. KIK/ . t.... oppottettte.. ,' . ... ~..., tai wan.. .'2 --- Ir. I i MO.. : the enormous balances they are annua l ly' neon. _U r !.,,..'!_ ; _._ 3. ••to Imeiwo, during the reirolnliun, FlittSo I p. 0 .t.,1,,,,, ) . el t 1., if, " , ( 4 9. 6 " i mutating. we Iwire to reflecting men tn judge the ; rriEltliADE SIE.'F.N .1-.1000 lb,for Halo by • t erriend ..... N N 55 . ..04.1,921S who ...Named the war. mid favored the donne of , , 1 w, ,,,,,, , ...._ il. .a. 59.1 13 ..7e.t.t,054 the Onneelnencel .If there are nut lentful!y ',U •oe. . J hint, A C._ - (trent Delia., sere called ter:, .... • ; Nurth cerofine ts . 2 ' - l' - ' - '''''' !'''''''' w ' der loned within it mice aborttr than man • ' - ' . iMgettA7ra.glina -- ' • '''' 7 '''''''''' e I 3 tlieme Institute for Young Ladies, ~, 78.1 1 reo 1sT 24351 t persons suppose, we elotll 'lie must agreeably t.",tSANg.til titi.L 17,1. r1 . ...;1 . : .4.:...' .2 51 '.. P''''''''' 1 than lnted Sme f.n thor re I,v . l' , 45 e.,t4.itue . ° • ° l• °,7 0 - l' ! . VLIVIA J. IRESCII. PnINCIVNI. '‘. l . ° ' • : . •.'_, ''' • ...t ee '''''' 1 . 7 1 , 1.9 0 ° .- be already felt. • •, _. -_-.... '4 lillaitlr g& - REt . bING ,V ATTER FOILY PAGE OF TEM PAPER. The reader will find on the first page a calm nad'se47 able article from the New 'York •Coca mercinl Adeerdser ou tboenbject or the late happyevents in-Cuba. We ash all tScoe who Lase permitted 'theft sympathies to got 'Le het• ter of their judgmentri to give It a careral pe rutol r.nd a thir and impartial consideration. lOW A PROTECTIVE TARTITI ',FUXIN II e' v Coder the Compromise Act of 1883, the rate eft •latite to foreign imports, Impoeed, by the Act of 1629, wan gradu a reduced in the ratio of ten per eta t: er all of the difference be tween the+r s I maximum and a uniform min imoin of 20 pe cent: ad valoreat Ito helleve we are right. Wo shall pow take the iinport• io• to the ptrt of. New York. during the period of hlob yrotestive dutiesnander chat tariff: 1823, 134,743,307 1830, 1 35,724,070 • , 1831, i 97,077,414 1E32, 58,214,404 1832, - Wo bare ,cow reached the descending Beale of , duties. It will he seen bow rapidly the amount of imports Increased, until it woe arrested by the financiai ernsh of 1E37 1834, 73,168,503 1235, - 38,191,805 1630, - .._ '' 118,258,41 n 1E37 - ' . :9,301,722 We ehell now take another perlodbf ef'i years, 'from '2815 to leso inclusive, when if 701 he seen how like, causes produce like effeorsr,„ In 1845, the commerce of the country had become fairly , adjusted to the tariff law 4.1812, and everything • was again prosperous . 1840, tariff of '42, ", 836,176,298 ~ • ' IB4G, -. " , 36,085,413 1q.7, tariff of '4B, % 84,167,352 ,• 18C48., " • " ~ 94,525,141 1849, " - 1 92,567,869 •• •1850, l; 3 111,123;524 There now, a child may. see the effect of the tariff lawiupon imports; and the etartling fact • will strike, every mind that we are on the one of a c‘sis similar to that of 1837. California geld - inny vert it , for a short time, but even tirer4v , - not !erg postpone the impending , catastropbe Let us then return to the only wiEe poliey, the policy cinder which the country shroys prospered, and, withod which it never prospered.— • These figures fully corroborate all we have ever ... saidrresPectingtlie ruinous policy of free trade. l',-. _, . . --- PAY YOURDESTfi. . I ibe . .Poet has an article On the money market • but, it Entirely omitted to mention the .prime e4 l ea eof the difficulty which it speaks of—tho fact thet,during the fast. six months of the prevent y , about twenty-fire millions in good bud cash her been seat out of .the oonntry to pay for goods stki h, if its' party had let the tariff of '4 alon , would :have been manufactured here.— Thie it forgot to state'. lint that our readers rosy not ndeorived of the light and coral,: which thisprofebnti economist can give rani, we giro an elltnet ~_. "The eastern merchants have lams ,sums dee , to them ; and unless these stauauta usu be real ised, many of them neat fail; ands few failures '. of such as kayo been'regarded as heavy bonzes, would soon set the ball in motion that would crush hundreds of others. Bathers: , is a way •by which the severitye of the blow dit may be expecteilatill be lesstmed, and that,raiy cause it . to be ecareely felt,; that is—let all those indebted to the merchants pay what they cwe, br at least as much as they can, at the earliest practicable moMent ; and they will find that even' their own business will be implyed by it. for there uover wile a Monetary crass that did not occasion panic, dud in the midst of a panic area {hose most able to,buy are often deterred from : doing so, under the apprehension that matters - may yet bo wore." , , There, now, farmers, mechanics, and every body else, pay yotTs debts. Perhaps you have . no work, no market, no money. No matter— " pay at least asemicti as' you can." Enable the "- importer to send more specie abroad to pay his, debts, and buy morel foreign merchendise, and , theb, acc3rdins; to ,the'Post, that ball hf rein will bo stopped in itsiprogreal. Welt, as the Pod has given its advice, auppve , wo gtve ours. We don't ask you, es it doe., to do what perhaps you cannot do.t mayiseXt you cannot pay your debts; but you be election. Possibly You cermet get money, tent . \you can get a ballot, that will count:miens, least, u4Cari9t the party who ere ruining the country with their free trade policy. Look at the tables of importations we give in this paper, end you .., will see how near we are to the point we reached in the perilous year 1886. Yes, you "owe one debt to yourself and to the country, which you are bound to pay, and can pay veryraily, that is a good Whig vote. Tur 111/52 QCTIIILEAN. in CUDA, AIM tin vr.s• wittariox.—The reader will remember that the east of the early movements in what was called the' Cuban insurrection, was in the eastern por tion of the island, in the neighborhood of Puerto Principe, some two hundred miles eset-of lia• vans, undthat during the period of these dis., turbancos , only a few weeks ago--thi,western portion of theisland wea represented CI being quiet. It 'was with am:prise, therefore, that we learnel that Low and his party had landed on the western portion of the Wand. fur from the -scene of the only' revolutionary move - mouth of which we had any.acccin.t- ,Ilad the objoct of .Lopez and his partg . been to, render aid to the Cuban-plitriots, he would of- coerce have at lent .attempted laudingat some point near to tho scene of the alleged rising, and nut hare put Haven: between him and it There Is something in this -that looks very 11125ii0I0111: We infer Ituctit that thedisturbance near Puerto Principe was merely a ruse to draw the attention and forces of the government in a wrong direction, while he should !strike a blow in an unaspected and unproteineti quarter. Certain It is, there WAS not even a rumor of insurrection in the quarter of the island upon which he made his descent. What then was his objeat Lei f dently conquest and plunder. Of the little affair In the eastern department of the inland, we bud the following statement in IS letter published is the Penneylvania Inquirer. (Eztract of a Lau,' from a Meritu;ni of Cuba to his friend in thra,ciry.) , • ."Cticarsucnis, Ang. IL, 1851 . "Ton have no dotlbt heard ten thoniand con- Rioting reports about , the recent Revolutionary • movements in this quarter. and I will endeavor to give you en outline'et„tdie facts. "Of Ihd affair:at Principe, i cannot ea much; much; --I it appears that the , small band of revolnkionists -which collected in that neighborhood, after some \ N elir ,, ---'—e-o— ~..e. • Airrou-, , i by the troupe, i and uu.ii., .1:i D. • lucuili captured Their \ I : I sentence has not h.", made public, bet I believe most of them have been pardoned. j , • "Of :the movement at Trinidad I have more I, positive, information. It appears that Armament 1,,,46d, -body of about fitly or sixty men and boys of various classes—from lawyers down to mule toes—and assembled a little-out of town durin the night, expeotintor Girge number • more, who, not making their #ppearance, hefted fora country, directing his course for the Trini ad nadulatains, whit= they succeeded in reach lig, thonghniosely pursued by the troops, who, Ith a large number of country people, hem 'el them Lo, and in the course of two or three days, they were nearly all made prisoners -boo t of them having come and surrendered them elves up. The few missing ones are sup posed to have perished from hunger and fatigue j in tic ' woods. A military commission was iSIIIIto. I diate y assembled at Trinidad, and ArMentera I I nhd :ght others sentenced to be animated, four to banishment, and the rest pardoned. If • Tho,"lsabel" was despatched immediately to EfayariL, with the sentence - and will probably be u p again to morrow. It remains to be beau whether tho Captain General will confirm or .comrauie the sentence. " Sirs: Armenterii berme dialtely,on her Malian& being brought in, est off to gamins, to supplicate the Captain General ea spare hia life. She wan kiull retalTed, but ' • r", _-.; . . .. Now :et. ?e npply then three'debnitigne to 1 the ens! before on, and it, the rosin own party . The old IliSI, meaning applies to lien. Lupe; and his party erectly. We used t , more about that Thu voond is applicehl tcithe Loco'locos generally, where it speals of t e arbitr.sryr,nriu- I / cipltes of tiovernment, as tilos, raked in the un scrupulous use which that party made of the I veto power, while they hod :the chance, and against which the Whigs, (tlutir opponents, and - the \better pepublicone,) no le4 .1' eau:testi,' prote;ttel. The 'Bending rooltitions shoo meet i tide portion of the delinitiou. The third ditini. i non applies i, the Looofocos with great force, I , for no their tariff policy is,4looceritei The i tortes of the revolution wished to bring the I country Into politico! .mbjewtion to, and dep.- ! dense upon Bread Britain . but did not succeed 1 I The Locufocts, their successors, Lne auxeeded tu banging the country into commercial eut•jec.- lion to that nation, and so it remains at this mo ment When the Whigs 'in Congies,, a low mouths ugh, proposed,to modify the "tory" tariff of the Locotocos, the British Minister ioterThred, objected, amid it would be offensive to her Neje,- ty's - government end people, sod our modern "tortes" who had ,the majority, succumbed es tamely as epaulets . 1 .Bow do you like the word now' .Is it offen sive I Does It sting'. Wtll then drop it, end so will we - . Total ~1!. lO W 10,114 '(his k says the N. Y. Heralds ,eseeeds the entire banking capital of the country. At this moment the construction of railroads in different States of the Union is progressing with an much rapid icy am at any previous period sines they commenc-,1 ed, and the'increase is nt the rate of more than five per cent. per annum. It in about twenty years since railroads were first put into active yperation on this side of 'the 'Atlantic, and the Ila , rmie has Averaged about one thousand miles annually, from that time to this. Twenty thou sand miles di railroad are completed or ilia state of construction Until within the past few years, the Eastern and Northern States monopo lised the building of railroads Lately, the Smith anti West have Korth extensively into the' buiduess, and railways are stretching into the remotest sections of our extreme Southern and `Western States Ina abort time, Indiana, Illi nois, Missouri, and the States bordering on the Mississippi river, will be as well covered with railroads as any of the New England States are at this Monica. -In Few York plank roads are also a btrunte mode of improimient. end are deemed a better 4 ! mventment than railroads. They are extending Insane Perna —The Bishop of the Protestant an rapidly 1114 railrotals, and at so much less coat that artv;neighborhood can afford to build them , Episcopal Church in the I.)ioeee of Penosylvanm .0 y • vor conventence but - for profit. Since will preach in the ditfarvnt 41,e0Pai Churches 11S{7, fifteen plank roads have been built, of to-morrow in the morning at Christ's Church, I distances varying from five to sixty miles, and at Allegheny in the afternoon at e, Andrew, : a coat of from 3JYOd to $5OOO per mile; the lat• and in in. at Trinity, • ter being the cost of one short read only The svmm g.-average of these roads would be It $l7OO Sitth•street • per mile The saving in in the ita.reased value The Bishop is ofi rcloffi to Philadelphia, of the land, in the facilities of getting to mar from a .Courehtion of the itinirican Aceociotioo ket with heavier loads, and in the wear and tear for, the i .ldvancement of Education, which has of wagons, horsed, ho. In Missouri, plank roads can adopted in every eeeoiou of the State. just coneluded ire evasion of ifior days, at Cleve with e. with infinite benefit, and we glad to see the land. attention of the people turn to them . Lturing•Seturday the Bishop will be the guest ' of the Rev Mr Paddock, Eseeliirmingham. I --- - - - _ 444 4r , The Journal of tommerce, the ablest and most 1 drops," which are hoorded up by their oppress- TI. Now Vein Feats.—The C°"" .. Pq' •-•"• epecioui, (nod shall we not odd the most disin- . ore ,—the Banks and the •minionaires o f Wall . t tra i n er totes Er'far grunted, that whether ,Loper .'geemous! . , adtomite of free trado,atteuipted a few 1 Tit all who enlist, the t• lenders - venous° a On. has neen , taken prisoner ur not, the utter failure days ince to show that the excess of imports over afele shower of wealth; nod trot go enter as to o f the 1 7 . th expedition m Cuba has . s h„,th, c5 ...., e d, exporis under the present tariff is tittle or no. „appropriate,as special reward!, t'., Fifth Ave thing—the deficit iu the letter being figured down t etre p0 i e .,,,, o r t h e upper ter , • • to, be matter for doubt. tie says' ~ • , for tour years to two millions' This result is I This is the outline of the plot,' disclosed in -This Cubanscheme was concocted in the be, fUreed, first, by deducting the balance of twelre . th e communication o f . G.,,.. e i , . nt - dine ,.. and giUuing and how been kept alive ever since,'l.s m igio a , i t , favor „f the I. S. i ttr i rt , t h e h r ,s u, r , r u „ us r ttu , nitera are assured that the t:nvernment the taunt unserapuloa• *Maine A 'Considerable ; year of Ito tariff ate 'd';,oustthe rerdatoirtit , will not dire. to inte'riferh, for in this c,uctry portion of .the volunteers lest yea's, re x, as judicial , energies of the manufacturing interest, as foe,. •• Tull PLOPLIS pa. tees CI'OI'ILIVNIIENT ! investigation has fUlly “tablishecl, wars invigled 1 tered by the t f tV/f '42, and the famous •in En- I Wh a t effect thisanuouncement will have upon into the enterprise by tile most contemptible', rope, .ueotra ited the new system for a season, I the money market, see Cannot any An an ~ In fraud, they having been induced to lea. their , and, secondly, by Including in the expecte since 1 dependant Journalist.'" we have felt called upon Kentucky holes sololy by extraerdinay. induce- • th en , as et •• domestic produce ' the California : to publish all the information ih oar possession. merits to ga ip California.' - , .., gold ehippeg to England anti France,. The fait- I forbearing to nuke any comment that should of a • • • ••-, ' "-• mess of Mit pr,ocees speaks for iteelf. We pass fend the "patriots' who are getting up the es ' It was the grossly false report of the etttleeas it by to come to the Custom 110.. NMl , es of the! pedition. If the threatened lure/deo chord :. of the basing ts, at Puerto Principie, Inat'Jely. Journal, relating to goods brought in, nod pro. . peace tO,COUtor: any itriotvo, op, the mere,' ; that enabled oyez to fill the Pamper° with those duce other than gold, sent out for the hot three ,me might be remembered to cut-disadvantage' i brave, but II -fated men, who have gone fo Cube yeari, the real test of free trade. Three figures We are inclined to think there in s great deal of only to find loody graves. -Those, who, by this we desire for a moment to try by the known in- 1 , real , u ff er i ng among t h„l„,, of people 5, .g,,,g,,,f, syrtethatic Isehocul and fraud bare brought debtedness of the country to Europe. ' it [m i • in this enterprise , and a great deal of extrava. about these nisi reculte, haven fearful account 1. The halter, of the twelve million, against ! ,p,,,,, f o lly a nd misused wealth among the of guilt to answer fur. The bullets which laid Europe for the menreercial or Treasury , year e C.ATALASIS" against whom it is ,hreoted. And the fifty bravo fellows low, at Havana, Would . 1846-48, coding Ist of July IMS, we assume • does not the binged Constitution say that all have been far more righteously sped, .had .they to have been settled by the return of American ; thee in- the Unit. States ore born frue—that it!, been aimed at the men who planned and paid for stocks daring the famine embaritonnenta in . er‘,,, to do ee tbey—pleare ' the expeditio,, and aro now treading American Great Britain. The facts in regard to thivbeed ... soil with impunitY es i no figures to onstain them.' They are well io- ' ge.Leteevery one who boa not yet need ilk, membered. It was net Ulliil ' the Ise of July.. ~.lebrat, .Irablen t,r.thurni. ~, i th• 1„,,., v. 1,4 *of The Journal of Commerce has an of-dcty 41) cu. I - 645, that the course of American tdoeks Wt. m, mob threl vult a puuetal, rrat.. mrtts".lng m..t.h . _ bit in which the editor says:— ; again reversed. The revolutions on the Conti. ealuiwle infortcatt. 'Me m 6,4,4 io th• tnet,i et cuss. That be, Loper,linuA he capture d , and that. neat, and the onsiety of Great Britain to facilt. , ns. le.trod n .0: alsv, tore woo csrufirvtes m ru e . ~.., very Soon after tli date of .oar advicea by the ; tate fr. trade in her manufactures with itds 'Z' r ',...' -1 2 1 , U , } i . .. d .7 ,. .L''!: , :r s T. ,, , , : ,. .:::: , , ....._ . ,, n , , , h . 1 . 7; Cherokee;seemedo us inevitable, What ',country, set the hall in motion. The starting I °„,. ~,„,, ,7,, „,,,,,,,.,,,, t ,.: t ,-, v .,,,,_: . ..,, , -. - - niece four hundred mei n do, surrounded by twice as , point was a fair one. By the previoui return ! „,,,, ; ,,,, t ,, unglO many thousands, in a strangr,'country, with of Federal, Pennsylvania and other lows, nut' ' little or no artillery, and atiorta amnuition mid 1 by redrawing from us in the fall of '47 and sum- I provisions. , " We are prepared to hear that the , mer of 4.8 a large poptionaf. • the British *gold ate completely used tip, if, Ind., ate Lave not which we had the' temporary ure of for bread already heard, it, in a form which demands be-) stuffs; the'balance bad been tannetell by English lief . • policy. 1* account was .bstatitially square. The Express demands audition to the porter. i England. Was again ready tocks • to barterloods for lions of law, civil. munincipal, national and so- L. , 2 The eedom Rouse figures f,ir Mr. years, , cial, la, reference to the Cuban business, and in . or t.'7•mouthe,:since then, are ea follows; using 1 lists that —. . - the Jeurnel's urn , figures: • . . , i "If we once begin to . justitY or defend eucli, Year 1846--1 1 , ending-let July, Vs 1 Iswices expeditions to this of the Priropero,• ere., o f imports We may to well begin - at once to defend piracy '25 months 1849-SU, l'oso-1. rod in all its forms ing Tot .lugust loot —We have Isar, the editor) our feelings, wishes and vieire respecting Cuba, which in due time we shall disclose, but we know no lawn higher than the laws of our country, or the laws of nations, and we shall never aid or abet in their violation We whit hare jest withstood the higher Fugitive . Slave Law men, lion will not truckle down now -to' fins higher Citba Law agitation. Everybody engaged in ,1 these violations of law will soon with the y act oh literatet's,. „ The Lzpress has alec aL article on thei attacks of the London press upon the Aterican portion of the Great Eahlbition, and quotes the old pro verb; “they laugh beat who laugh last." The editor then proceeds to quote from a letter re• eently reesivedin Boaten,ehowing that ties Amer: loan plough bed been 'awarded the Fite, after plough-tria-an Amiricon reaping-Machine the "great model' and in several other articles the superiority of the American matinfactare had, been etikuowledged. "So Brother Jonathan tarns outto be somebody, in John Bull'a,dominione aftir all Who laughs nowt" - The Trib4Lreplirs to a correspondent who insists that - the people of Cuba desire Liberty and indepsiiesine._ The editor very justly re matw • o r will Twdo. to argue, ai Giantism' (the toe rerpondenty does, that,because the government to despotic, therefore it is evident that its subjects art, only restrained from overthrowing it by fear, and will gladly welcome es liberators any armed bind of foreigners, who choose to try war on their government. To assume this is in effect to declare warn every absolutegoveniment ip • existence, and justify them in regarding us t. a nest of brigands. Nor will it answer to take whispered teatime • ny as: to what the people of a foreign country think of their own government. The opinion of that periple mast be made known by public, au thentic, unequivocal acts. 25'irho would be free, homey must tiu'ae the bldw.' .Ohs corres pondent cites Lafayette, Lord Byron, and the 'lrish Directory-4.0h case directly fn his own teeth. Lafayette never came here during Our long incipient straggle with British tyranny, to to a rebeilion. l but only Wald a people a.l - yin arms in Giri maintenanoe Of their ail, , e my declared independence. .Lord Byron did , n throw himself into the Greek struggle for I I ependence frond a most witheringdesphtism, u til the Greeks bad, by well fought. battles, I p owed their resolution to be free. Soi did the 1 I 'eh directory et any time profess to do - aught ' b t remit aid to patriots already in the field, struggling avowedly for the iudepondenae of •their native land.; So that 'Panama' has •no ground to stand upon. Bop Remus—Early on Monday morning of loot week, a young tad, about fourteen year, of ago, who was confined, upon a oharge of petit larceny, in the Reading prisoo, succeeded in creeping through the skylight of his cell, a every small aperture, about eight feet from the door, and gaining the jail yard, he scaled the wall, which, it twenty feet high, with no other 01019- eisticico titan a short pole, and good use of his hand., And feet. ge then scampereed off, un obvervti, at the top of his speed. The Night of the pri4oner wan discovered in a short time, and . he was pursued and, retaken the same atty. Ile manifested ceinsiderable surprise at being placed in custody again, for It appears be was possessed with the singular notion that the law permitted tiny prietmor who ironld maw in *aping from durum vile to oat/fee , 1 1,0 LOY I On 10. K td. 1 " 1:7 11 cl an Indians I ir I a K I .1, its C.0:1 WJ' JO 1,t6b.0W 1,6 , 17 12,76.793 8,046.:40 1,41 LaCiu,uou 1:71 . 1.,../1.1.( 1 ----- EARS OF FREE :TRADE. THREE '1 Say, in round numbers, forty-right millions of goods brought in Over sad above the vnlue of pro duce shipped out for three 'quern, according to the to the C.f.. Holf e retterne.; . Is thie is the real balance, or is it Iguithan orse-fouth the etcess which, tinder a most vicious system of ad valorem dutia, the country ,has actually incurred ' This may be readily tested by the cash paid and debt contracted, and still owing to 'Europe. The figure., tlitugh partly estimated, may not be gainsayed, 'The estimates., are.i . largelyunder the opinions of some of the'. best informed financial men. The minimume have been adopted to tender the conclusions ir resistible. According to the Journal itself we have paid to Europe in gold end eilfer, since let July, 1849, the sum of /$43,676,860 There iv now employed in Wall Street •an4`.dt other commercial points British and Continental capital, not bete on Ist JulyilB4B in the shape of mercantile bal ances due, and loans en demand on stocks or on short paper. at least The bonded indebtedness of the country to Europe, in Federal. State, County, City, and Company loans, has been increased, since July, '4B, at least $160,000,000 Tile real balance, paid and incur red to Europe, for gbods, is in total $2111,676,860 and nut $28,000,000, no eshibited by the Cu.- LOM House returns. 4. To establish tide vest and startling roan an exotes of goods consumed, it Is necessary. we readily admit, to go behind the record: Ileit there stands the gold. remitted; there stand the mercantile or private indebtedness of twenty five millions and the annded debt of one hun dred and fifty millions. What have we in re turn 11 it be not goods, wares, and merchan dise consumed, whioh we might have furnished at home, and the luxuries of silks and: 'Pains, wines and brandies long since womGand drunk, together with some millions of iron- I rails which ought to have been made here, we •should be pleased to knew soma other way 'of answering the qoestion. We do go behind the record.— The record is wholly deceptive. lays that the Value of goods imparted, year ending July 1; '6O, was $164,0E2,088 Value of goode imported last 13 maths, scan To 'which adcl,in absence of official figures, for yin: ending let July '49, say, 160,009,000 The same record, adding $148,- 000,000 for 1849-60, mete.' the value of produce, excluefee of gold; exported for the same pe ' $11 7 6,7 I 6,0215 riod, Arid it 'report. I loss gold of 43,676,850 •' _ Thus, substantially balancing the lecount, while it is known that the Increased Federal, State, corporate and private Indebtedness to En, rope is one hundred and seventy , five greater than three years ago:. Now we have either imported more or shipped lasi than tfie Fraud value a, produoe this result Certain it Is, Europe owes no nothing tot our bonds. Cer tain it is., too, that if our exports, this year, from the-rapid decline Ins ootton, were overval ued at the points of shipment, they ware under valued last year from the equally rapid rise of Gott= after shipment. Bo the whole error falls J. Rt. to . be L-cady !et, , r r „E next Sessi to of this Institution vv.,. We have not deemed it necessary to pursue. , ~. ENO LIIHI a BletiSi . ... _ , the inquiry as to the drserepancies netween Cos- , e..,;tmort ' o ' r ' s - 5Z " w. ' , ' ” . 7 , ... ' AT N 3.3: l N .;:Vr i i n d.. ° I% -r, sw °H i. E 'r ll e ' li , j l - s - ti ---- A. 4 .lL '''' lso boxes No. 1; for sniiilow by Wm Rouse invoices and tho selling values. The ; !,';' l 3 l "t' - ',.„ 4 '" ' ';,,, , ;,,,.,,„ ' ,„,h,,...„i i r '" ; t `" r`Tri r „ i_. sus= KNOLISH te BE NNFrr. former ere made conventional by the Turic act I o:.nih... sod partite iii. It tent an.. Totlenn it 41111 c al- T A It-100 hbls. N. C„ for sale low by itself. Tie behest American importer, ~..ho , ..ne-. ,hall . entitled tt. a re : .lnetinn of $lO ~on rani, .„. . ENoueu k BENSNIT, 1 rehninr. rod eny .tn. -rit lila., fit.. r titular. and teeing makes a hill on the other side, returns the same : their Ili " rd nntl 1 ontnu In tel tour, ,r ,. . e1n11 , ,... jr,„.,14,,,;:ni, rrioliAo2o - I'2 o bx.i.s's Lump, for sale by hill to the Cie , tom' Rouse here. Tire foreign ',„';.,.'.,',M . ,T,..,':;,,r„. "' ,„! ' , ' , " ;, ' ,,,7,, " ;,;hi,th,„,„„, „,, „,,,,„ , 1 ~,,,,..;,-; rir ENE/Llell A BENSETTe ----, In.ufaetnrer, . the other hand, who makes an , I , mos •,, u= 1 ,.14..'1 ‘t l ` .l ''' ,. ' 1. 1r 0 : 11 V..: , 77' /5B Aje - o_lo adventure of liii wares to his ogent or porta*: 17,.',',17:,,,,,,,ti0 ° ,; " ;;AV;. 1 g. , ,..105r. , t•o t...4.4 "1,, T , EeHe't • . in Sew York (and full . two-thirds a our imports i eels. -o It. tntreller..., tf .1 tan.. ritt.hur:h OGARS-10,..00( . .L ., PrIncipe. aro in this way,) nettles the valor in Euro,. '''''''" .4 between his conecience and entene or profit, 60 Drug Store for Salo. 1 4..,0Cal lismow. ;Tudors a Custcm House bill ii6wdingly: sahl I k iißuu• sTORE. FIXTURES, AND \ NV", Hat( for. \ ...0.,...r. Coil:anon; roe it low 1.1 bill having little or nothingto 110 with the selling A ~, T iKIS ttrn1i,1t . .: , 1.,... in ..2E -t et, 4 , ....a. 1 ett4 kNortett A TIF.N;t ET T price afterward‘ , The saving in duties often af. 1 ;.,;,;.,;, ~„:!:,, „ .„3; .„,,;.,,x1,,„„ 1 ,7,. , ..,,,,:. i ford It large profit. These prn..,ire. , art , permit- . , ^ , , ,r i, t,rt.l t witl. thir . .. , ta1 , 11 , 7:.: , t 1, ,: . 7 . 1,. , .V=i1:; , ,, t - 1 tell, ney,.indirectly invited, I.y . the existing TI, , til. r , ante z.d„,-,,.,.A„., ..,.. a ,.., riff. and it is not for us to trace the fr.ud tr In- lin r. I..t.e i te‘enne.......et.Er , 0 ..• . 1,4 . ' , Bet re....erne . 1 dividual importer B.—Sort4 A ni,-eren. -----e--- 1 . . Splendid Thdliling'Sites. , , d hN lYF:lhNESDAY..qepternber 3d, at .3 o,j i 'a V doel. I. Al ..;1l t... sold at public enettren, en the . . ',att., ataut : . .tt ate+. to to I, dernletl int. , I.tn. lar, ' .1, •itatr.l , . t,. Hal, In Ittneree torettentt, nnrth . I% el.tlonnt...,.natt 'TEA t.f thn 31 .ntertattn : farm. Let • El. n,'", , ..; .. .,1"V4r . ,,',:f,y1,7,t,,. 1' ,..; ^ !,, 1 . r .' ,.;,,,„„.„. ~ l et ILEA P EMBROIL/IA:I Eg-=-A. A. MasoN r•.“l..;,,,ii..it.l.rtetnt . teneat ' l . tetn:lll the 'eds.. i et. \....... ". ',...:" ' ,..i,V, nnt 'Vt;: r '.''X' f‘i !t :'' ' ' ' ''''' '!: . - b".9 tenEett of treiti ante re ntrE, end et...A water. a too trll. le ..1"........enn . t. • tsr .. ^• , ~ .....• enretneneitte ttrovEn, 140 plan atr. lie native fneert yet I s • Arrijit I gs__ ~ I. caAble 01 ...ii beau."' ~r , ,,,,n r, . .., it , V . • tb.• ItnEhr.d. ettnent. la liagi Ft3tbnrie. The title ts ,Ettot„tetet 1 n quotatnn. enterr:Y ,nnin.nn. 1 \ ' 151,1 r ".9' ',, ,red, nn I tn. ternhr thoral Vre Iry bar °snit:elan ate- \ S, ' • . le, _e. ennt• , ply to ti E. OW E BIM 'l., in It. Wt.. rtne.t. d.... to lilt Elli A 1301 Lt. et ter t Er. I ' \'' tI te BrA es. Warr:rob. d ..le UT til Liti'Ll'il t.t BURCIIIVII . :I , piire no . \.o,o7):___ ivatm:tit, r Inv, atentlEuent el' NEB FA I. t. tit 01, I F .,. „. ~„,,,,,,,„,,,,,„„_,,,,„,,,,,„„„„.,„,,,, . ~ t . ERS--.__llll;l 3\ ie:.:lo.7_l:. K _lZ E'‘ .. e y `, ' : , .n:! .),. for . \ huy.ers enerall, 11,r - Dnarir, the .gearrn they .111 re , , .44.2 .5t.....7.7. ta n t ti 1 I et.t.enltt.nnent e..........e dE'''...t .. r- - , k 1- d .i. (A RAS 10 bble• for as.N hy , cooonsiusoF so •eww‘wwet n". . '. ..P . ''''' • .l tx ~,.. ISAItli DICKEY A(. . 1....1t tr.. , '''-',...-' , . r.:,;!-- ' .------. .._ . 4', lIRIsTAL PALACE PRINTS.—Mc E- , B - NI, 1 Hie A Bemnrstth bar, to.. eneetvo.l a lot ol en, 1 l i t:ou .autifui F.n.riirt, Pr1nt...111.11 , ^.11r... 1 4 InEe.. l . l ntette. E. • the ttrld'e Ent.. to et Dirt the Rua ntlon tel tlen wt.-Ent th ;. E tn. , nnE ett,.l . aunt, er , _.....___ %i t EW PRINTS AT 124, —Opening thin ' - ~ l et..; • ill ao,r,;ie, ....p.,:rito.Wit ttf re. +EI le. Fell ermt , j ‘,,, t ,., %errant., rwo e.o,r. inoczu snit PITY 1. BURCHFIELD . I 3..0 :: . , ,,, ,N.; . t .. , :i arttl.,l4 it,nl the lea York Eveny, NNrtur LETOUNDING INTELLIGENCE FROM NSW • ORLF.A-NB. Po, alma Espr,Rtiult evuout ro,k flowe 'Lod tle strut Bank,' AHEAD .CE THE Assocarat PRESS. We hare received sn-day , a etarthng confiden tial communication front General' Caraagar.," disclosing the plot of a gang of New Orleans Fillihustera, who are organizing an expnditio'n IP New for the purpose of robbing the vaults of th York Cuatom House and the Fill str4et Bunks ! They protect against the •• inhumanity" and in justice of locking.up these idle millions. while ' the messes are suffering from poverty and want. They have assumed the names of •• patriots" and "liberators' of the oppresstkd and ilown trodden rsortx : add they count on a large J.' cession of •• sympathizers" the moment they land at the Battery' They assert, and not without me truth, that the recent striegent laws against Gambling in this State, hove thrown a large pro. I portion of the citizens of New York out of nc. cupetion, and thousands who have devoted their whole lives to •• plucking pigeons," hlva been suddenly end cruelly deprived of 'the means of paying for their grog, and other trecesenries of j life ' . .. . In the sacred names of Liberty and Humanity they make them pathetic appeals in behalf of the suffering black-legs and destitute loafers, who now hunger and thirst for the countless •• mint- Petroleum tninllnintan, , Yw., Harrah 4. 'DI. r 11 lirsv.„—Dyer Sir. Your 4,tmletun IA wnritina von. Arin In Mi. rtonley, thrref,,p, se would P. by the I'ortry4ylvomia !lean., ery, or, tirel, ~ul. and It lo 1.i0.l 1ry,..1,1 every in, JOHN LONil 4-1.0 . •. . II am V,ILLr., 1.1,1 try., ry.. O. 1nr..1. 10. 'hi II Kim —bear Sir. 1 MII A,lryl. n f+. ...AA. .IRary, lOU .10. ar Inor doh-n Kock Oil. hhirt. .1.5 Lase AIl Non.e h.rienrkl to us 01 .lowit luah...linlely You , 5 ,.6.1ntit vArAing ..,ale: xin th.to retl..a. W. (41/ hblain soreral .0,14,1 5..51 iii.,stAn, it ,nA .1...0-11.00 IS W...t 101 Ahr sAIA br KnyAtr A Motiorenil. 1.10 titA.l At., It. FL ollnre. 5: IC s.:l ttrupt, II 1. C0hn.0.0t,..t ht.. totuAr 40 ~I nn I Front stoh•ln..l. Hrthcrs7..l.l. A I:lllott . ,Jhonph D4uglas/. 051 11. A. 5 , 1 t rreirta. A 11. t /wily. •1 .., hr lb. Fro-10 0 " 5 . . 5. NI. KIER. .9 1 51A w'l' - Canal 11•Ain.1.•Anthe...lAto'hAnth Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh 1 j,, , ,,:cauRAGE HOME INSTPTUTIONS t 44lttle.. ho. .0 %Cot., 05..4. Iv MAWS/A(4U. 01 I' 11. i 12.1 iII,SEY . Prr?../ryl .. , t. W. 11 trap, tel Tbhs Cohopnny I.oucm Ate.yrirA, h. ihourr 01 huArel.audlse In oorth 1.0 In trAtAnltu. ..L. [n. So nmple guaranty 11. r tho 0.1111, And Integrity of the Institution. Isialthrdol ni IL. cluwaciAr of thr 'llls,ihrs• oho opt all citirAut h( 110..thurgh. n.l. nig! ravor , lo known t.. ItterotAinuoli, SrA o , o' 1. 440,71. • irolhoA ,oo . And IntegritY• LIAOc-toSA—C. 11. Ilus..my.Vto. llagnley, IVAL I.Arluisr, - Or. 1101.1 Bryon', Ilugh It. KA,,. 1,10 0.1 nesgloton. John 11••••orl.11. A.llnrhaur).. A. !Lid, t .1.20 1.0. Pittsburgh Lite insurance Company. CAPITAL, 8100,000. '>2,101,u1" 46 0 9/,[04'2 $47,859t601 ofiTiCE, Nd. 75 FOURTH STREET OFYICERS , • l`nldeni..—.J•stx , V. Pr.sidetit—SAlacn. Mrt.l.l7ll‘x Trauuursr—Jofsvi I.orn r•tarT—C. AA:OLT., at,'., adv•rtiv... , in ...M., D.. mr".2 Fall Importation of Hardware, Cutlery, &c LOGAN, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood, Street, $26.00u,000 Dosire W call tOmlte e il , ! tlmV . ;l o 7 x ob o rt. sod athcr. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC • HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c 13IPORTF.D BY RECENT PACKET.,,• And wrileb they of . r) at sarb term .nt hll to Vlasv SjA 1.11 sw.rtinent of KANN'S celobruted C. P. AXES •I•ays on Land..' sial•Da. MCLANE'S LIVER PILLS.—TIiu min tuninhing demand for this great medicine 'tamp to hr •m the Worms+. Where It her b 0•13 intruinred. it hen attaill. ad a populvtly unprecedented in thw.nale of medical I'byFirlan3 oat 0,100 It l 0 tunny raton, et lent when they ran dltteld It. Petlente, however, nwni net he wader the expense of asking medical with, es they fan purchase . boa of the Liver with which directions Will be furnished. which will work a 1 , 17..td, cure, The following l a tter from an carat shown Its popularity inti• ..C1.1012 frotn which the letter is dated Nitld Co- , -.flentlacen. We Pad ye can sell a areal many more of Dr. McLane's VIVI than your anent left with ur. These Pille are rapidly slsiLs to favor. sod we have almost sold all tfiat we had. If you 'eau rood va 10 or 12 dosen pore burs, they *4l Ica[ cmrhap...‘u TOW agent you rain brio. us a new supply T. d.l. BELLY J. KIDD CO.. Na. K. Wood For J. by w.30,1° on to.. 2i.rth IDIL, .tier • Bogglinglug, fitoLus g mgygggmeo, gin.. 4 Pigtail kttroare, Armstrong gonnt,T. '-119,451 N.. On TbUraday, tA• 25 5 th hart. In All,gLany City. AYLLL grnd.r, tecond daughter of /sue and Iteherra CralK, aged monttscaul 11 data. (CUBA!—WiII be published, on Monday, L the Ist of September, s Orl , J nolorr , l MAP of the ir hml of CUBA, price 10 Dents. J. B. 11(11..MP.B. it 0,30 Thin! optsr.he th• Post offir -0 LET—A three story Brick Waroi :11 bow., nu ir.nr street. home, 3.lsrket and . 7. erry strosts, welt sdapt-al 14 lb* prolote huunm Enquire of JA.IIES DAUGGLL; 03 Water streel • $683,468,8Th rEATHER-550 Sidon Hemlock fanned i.ole Leath., for We Lt swan IL DALZELL 31,1 5549.292,378 4OFFEE—:!OO bugn fur oulu by lJ atta3 o • . It. DA LULL aCO UGAR--80 IMO. prime, fur szle ntm3o C. DALZKI.L F VV. bbln. No. I. for maid ha I'ULZY.LL i .). r 4ORRIS' TEA: MART, 47 iiv, Diawoud. ; c1 J r-Althouh Limn 2.• s have _T.:rod lath . E•.t. 13ii• ors ollipg pred•alr the Pan• a llUee .04 ..".... :I= est=ell ; , , W . Ing • 1.• dof kon band tar cuperlar ( 1 1m TT,. ti, , 2, Sil. . Ofxd Sufi" 7 ..1 5. VI s• rri. cne..-io w.f. P. 6400 - . 810 Remusid , - SIV ILL .. , F , T , y , :1 , 1 ) ,,,. 1' ,. ,1 .,, r ,z, F..n c i;h ,.fi i; , iLor ... n p li b .t . i v o th ri . .7• AN..k4 SUPERIOR sTe. ) , 11., t!. 17, II of !!bbtrynty ~ , E r a 77,.. : , .. , i I.,: r ?v i c . u:l:F t* lay..y . 1 . ...1 i t:1 t i l , t 0 1 . 11; fr . ; ./ ,‘ n n u , n 1L .. 1 o r I J .. ...; . , i r r E ._ _ l , 1 . 1 . 9 . K.1 . tLE , ....4 ' ht, .. II y bstiler 'Le naYnYT I• , 1Y1Y , 11 , 1 with IVlbblon .. , , ,.„::y r ... ...;: . ;;,...4 4 .76 1 Nun,. ltyyl rt by yblyr of II:o , 1 , .i.1i Cinb , , i er ,„, „ th„,,,,,,„ e /mg', a :St•J. , ,_ v{ottled It tur tl. accomaic..4„. CUT ItECEiVEV, from the ll'hillip 6 % \llt -, , ~: rt., , i. % ~ ,,, , .. ..7:,,, ~,,,,,,, ur , t,. %, x c: k ' , , \ cr oo , :.3th i ne.t.rl -...0 yI• I. D. and t , quart. , ..,..,„„ c ue ,. , the e A er. .,) ~,,. 6,,,1curr,,,• ...) i . l-.1,., • tbVltu tha at, o r..n f 1 ... ......... ~.,,,e _ 0 e .,,,, eee , an 1•,, , .le.:. r• K•t,.l Y..yrlaid ountl(Aclurer• to he et,.. I " .0 . ....;:Li e ° , ', • , \ .r - drl.- tb... .111 1...1 21 t wqr.l.Jatitp lu patch...ale ! . 01 W.. aro Jct. MOO.. to , Y:. ot• r/bi ...n artula at as 10. . ..la parL.l. • 1t...• I+:l,r Luil luvrer, than :tray 1 0 . . trAtryr In Ulu Loped ~ ..,..o.e. J.. 5,11. PUILLIPS.. i .tlc2l 7 and ii ...I ,t I VELMA ./ A PON iOA—.-10 pkg({' lust roe'd •oi 3 ,13114.3!:31A - K 1L A to.. ill Wool r!. , A MA 1,,1N EML.O E-1 11 c, , ,Fes tho nCIIO(x,MAW.Fa Co 100 le. PSWI SA LT S-25 bbl,. for b/3.10 by J. Fel:lttP. , M AIL 1;11 -50 bbl, for etilo by • ' ,V;ICON MARIA 1 1:4, fI OSIN tAHD b!.1,. No. 1, foi- Kale by 4 , ..2 .4 J ,CIPIONMAKEIt 111 . 111 T IN(I-10(1 bbb.. f,r K ale b y y .v v z , J. ,C11 , ,0% KVIt CO PENNSYLVANIT-1L51L8.0,53). Compl,frd to lorkport, 20 fiil!lJ rent ..A..41"f0n U. lila. faurcia, AND SI•tED INCItt.k6E'D. HE SIIISCRIBEILS have the pleasure t , •1 of n,ltlnrt. an./ cnnfi.lent.l. tr. frelghi .f trona I' llll . dea In tr., inns pre; nrni rnerri tn fornanign, &noun: 'Whin nur r3rivr..hird. • TlOusn• TOSS VIM WEEK. h.• , I , nning rnl.- of frnigh C1.1 ,, --Dry 0., .1 sfP, • • , nttioner!. COIL ty, lnnfortn.nery. Frau,. athrr I. 4r...it5..., Drug,. .sro gEc...Sb Loy.. an,t kber C 1?... 5.., 'tint; Sur)...lluttnr,l...nni. Lard ' Lcal, C , Are, Tilly,. Comm and FOE nun. rnrunr of Penn nu.l Wayne wool* Dissolution of Partnership. 'VW.: SUBSCRIBER, haring sow ..b.4 MG 1... rt P., In :be lian,n: Bra Rollin, NMI. L , Lb, replay:dog nryr. tt, 41th doy nil .1:7; ""." T 117 A .a A Valuable Farm for Sale, ! I t(\I'..ININt a Lout, One Hundred I,io Niueer Arr., . °e Pitvebt In Wedt 1,-et Tottwdot, Ade ' aid.arn, ndlrdnine the ealage or .aS Itet.d,a.u. awl within •itteon mlle• nt lb,. City et Pitt.- , 1 buttell ahe txoell,tl, ane Itundreat tt• no eleared awl and er in.) +enee. *Mt oultahle !Inane end • amed Item 'There abundance' nr Ctart the preralpea. ler.furtl.ert.artieulart reqnsre Tlltal.tzt BOWEN, or 7'll4ltltta id MARSHALL, s anettddalteltdl Attorney nt Law. httatal.l.. _ . Caution_ oIIIIE PUBLIC ore hereby cautioned 11..1 L i i•••. 4... Norm dm, n 1.1 I.llr L. Ribs, e .ut,r —Ane bunAre.l ralh.--1,1.. 1 1,31. 3,11 IR. —at uto.IT 4 • 1 . Satre. K. C. LAZIER. ll•rEant...u. t.. Fin Sale Low for Cash; PATENT EOTTON BATTING CA Ey, .11 manpletA sod nrmrly IltAvt rim mai, ton luonitp, Apply at thla tu,rll.ll.Arka , VI ACKER:EL-50 LIAR. Lurgo • No. 3, Maz.- iv!4.l&".''''''''.i.i;iTsfli..iltiP(ncttioN I EAII-100 Galena, for .ale by I a co le by B ,)l., , A ., f A o s r ii, tr 11 IC l 9 tcx. by 11. MOLASSES-3O IN, St. Jame.' " • 1- 1:" Y ' f " r h TAMEF. , A. IitiTCUIPON* aog-S N EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF A DOILDEPS, etabr•cing • sr , ..t varioly a patterns rec'd told for nl. by austte TII4P. PA 1.MF.8., Markel pt. -- • -- IrRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. w ematiming Memo. attraction anti lashiunablr •tt lu mot In ate, old rnO'd mad for saln at • goon rmioclltto loom tomer wk.. by Hint. PALMER. amtiat No an Marko, at. VIRE •BOARD PRINTS, at a diKaiimt7f SO per coat Insin tut oSerm, Just re.40..11 at S:arkst gloat, sod for 'al. by sog23 THOMAS PALM KEG BUTTER-50 keg, prime, in g. ~ u d r‘". I. l' BEANS-30.hu. ; Small Whits, for sale by " SA ' , MEL P. PURI V HUCK ET?---4u dos. I.l,;ayer, for Eialu by L tV HAU6/it:4lW lUBS.---10 doz. tile sale by • eugts s aVc 11AllttAIA:11 RIM) BEEF—EvansSwift's supgrior FAgar Curvet Bret - . 11'1" suaa ?Sit. Se. L'RESII ITALIAN MACCARONI,--Jun 141. A: 31 , CL0 illi svAIS ' 245 GANL4ED IiINGER-1 coax Canton Pry p re . d re d i titngor, just teed nod f.d •slo by \ mtg . : , NN. A.. - NlecLUltO a I,t • • Notice to Contractorr. ka EA LED PROPOSALS for thy E.Nrt‘littufl \ I_l nod Gred.ogot the tenet, ot •-fh. Idttl..ll . 'lilt owl Itadron.l... will I. r...no•ed by the Pr0n..1..` of 'th.• Com. tdmy, until the :Oak. 01 l'...otooehor u-st 1. 1.43* , . , , P.., rifle... Loom cou ho neon niter th. lith td ..wideduled . .`rPi le.t . toe opoa the Prteddent. or t....0rg0 Urn), Klegltt...ro.f the ~....d o enr, nt the bouseof ldetthow Mcluto.ll.luVbertlere towtothip. . \ 11, order. of the Board of Directors of “The LltiloView 31111 Run Pollr.eul coun•nr. - I ig . 29:dtwol l+ `7--,- ...—.. Noticl rilllE Ste of " 'he Littlo Saw )fill i Itun liallrond 1.:na1...ie." Id. herohy notitod that= I ne.loodet of kir.. 1.11. , le , 'Onto l•ertutriel to to radd on or t. -fir, the let Jar or trotubdr noel. \ By ardor of the I,nel ..1 Director, • nue:5..1,4,1d; Al.OO 1' \RN A lAN. 'I r•Lne ILEAL ESTATE AGEN Y F„, I. i c ave" County, anti ,Iti jarrnt . unt ~ LOCATED IN TILE 00001.7011 OF 110 W B 1 ItaITUN. rlili. SUBSCRIBER, hating born ottOtl Ka. ourne t you • r.ro poidn the Courtehlog lio dldb of Sow Brighton. and' roddr.l 11l more then twelvo yea ,wet In the vlclellY of the eetne, and during that time le et. i trullon hes , hero given almost eselu•i, elf to lam: n -1 "t:',3 o r d !n r od b elf ". ‘ " ZrX:!t. t ot. o r f es l,l : 7l l i .r " n t' 4:4 . h ' Z: ' ,Z, ‘ , l , l ,4 ':;', \ 1 B'''''' "'""'.. "' W .r n7l " lTnt7Ci f e . ?i"ln ' r7V• " T " ' " ni '..;"ortlieVnrtil't!etate far tole. . ~ ''''' ' I bore ate WM a number of valtmiejg.i. and doom% in tho Botough end noighbor e f\ltel estne. wad terms adTa.t.fir , ... Titles &bray, otrietil olionntod Into, end o‘ , will la Offered utile., Um title le indiewatsblo i'resoue'deelroup of puranstag will do wI ti 11 A j i 1 and examint for thewelvel. BEND . RO6ll B • aW.M. New Music. OTT 11ELLOR; No. SI Wood street, Liu recairM the following new AEA ragaar rayon of C. g c , ten ;Sim-eh :rpm Lucia de Lam. Olg boys, c arr y inelong--do4l n.rmuan Posentnl ht.—C.Blmm :F.Ot Moongehl ie 61«p1o61:\ tlin.. Slgok StoP: We now must gall: \Et.T . Th. C•TaIl taut • et . thou luot ~-. n Tab. ue hum. to .11, ...Leh or thee: ICom. nn¢ MA Om sweet sir As kind to thelorri ol tee 11 JOO nerdy; nle If all those era. Who d^ aritic ‘ .ra • Itio Cada, 2 mar Calm St 2.5. Laguyra Correa: z" Italddtem ddy..laaa l. lout Poardt ar busts Matter 10 " `perm ddx. Patent 2 Mould a Dlapod " gaud, Ju I.'lo °MIMI FP is LIM!. Corn Brave S 4n,, P.Tpar Peuainty. Wholeasda awl J WILLIAMS Nortbraid a.r. Wool and Fit' Lift 6 i;ovi•B ; 17 7 wv.bAY.brirOMl.l4.l . . • Er.: Socond. and 147 rronl.. 41. 11 7 ELVii 17:nagi:r • ENGLISH Ai BENNETT. , 11: 7 -- - 20 ib's, prime, fur anlel,y ENta.rep s BENNETT. chERE 1,-..1.40 Wilt . . bids. Nint. I and 11; • , s bf. and ,r. bttle. no.. •-j G kip No furrale br i^.NOLlnfl x M:NVETT. 44 .' ~1 3IOLASSES - 2U bble. for sale bv '"NNETi. keys frjaist, for sale h, ENbLISILA BENNETT. \ VWF }LEN 011 MERINOS—.I:.I. MA -11 sow G.. hare .m.nt. recalled a largo lot. or superior Freneb Maritos...l the rear detlrabla ehades or color, a , lee.) for the retail I.raria--werl cheap. •awr_ N S y 4 1.1 , ! . 1: 1, , , Dm at !A.Yrai A. A. }I A,ON t- EW iioN NETS .M. 4) RIBBONS— A. $ 7 1.. r 11,, %'. CL 0..10t or toonour,, IVO RCMGR iabhous, n; le, \:ttlaa th.{ will offer verr, op otter's Appointments. \ \ 1 281 ~ 4 1. M.., •:,, ew Ca.stte, 104 M.. St. Taul',.l - I,te.x. . ' i.`lf. l =Zi;‘!;4.ls .. .c,,,, • ,°'.''!. ' l... "' ;itrotree's amnia I ttsbuv h r ‘‘''.• 5 1., nuttT Church, pi ' , ttrgh.' ' , \ I„tiree , tuburgh,tlaying earTher stun! ) . . lICAI'd HOTEL, l°\ i., 1 IA T, .LEVELitiD, 00. , 4P :7 1 , i . (../1 laving made .31110 . ‘ ..," tif -' ' ' 'i.ll.:A'l':Vt b r i 71'1 'R7 1 :. Orilla tlea tan:titan, and it i ' mr,,,, ‘,4 Ipo of `trbtle- i lon. , . te•r, ' npa. Teti, IN, , The Than ,IT t r I'eet siote• In thr, r„,„..,„,, r t .„ r e 1 k endaynr to wet , I ..., tiechtt MllsteAtory to hie avant,. , \ lb 1 :.,,,,,,,e TI,LIAM Mll•rorth.•,r.,.-..--.. co' t h e Wata..,l a I•tat.ht, Rirun - ler% , Co \ teler't Onlde . ll ,fr the e,,,,, Confectionerpante4. V\ IWO go .ol Confectionnit 'ranted at N 0.317 1.11,0 em-at. _i ,, , ~ _:,..._71.1:5:gt . Real F ' stlie ' \ \ ' 1011 SALE—Tun llou,ini a d L , ita in tto. 0 ii.. it .iro—ii,, .ti i.a.irt,..... . 1 th., , ..b.' tn 4,.... ./. ylvm of “roue,*, It, f......r.„%ce syr "zee, W ~ ..' t i. ''''"" "'"""l..."il'O'b:gll,tZT,l : \ 'T(A4S, ' A E. ' 15 w S.. anal vssrants4.ws3*,' "Ms la by • " • " , OOPE WATCLItS—In ; lb w gold et onailnllr cu.ufs.cured Mateaes, aoa q a , aov. I 4 J . TOISkiS &:CO 3 ,'SIV ATCIIES7--N1 • ,!: 1 .; apt uar. alr , o 6-At .stisfartta,st of *AT w.. 4 rr ..• •Oiti \ ling% corner Mark t nna Fourth n‘a QFF ;E-400 IT pri • cipally rrk4..4.111 , r a . JOll. WATS [scrim, A ..ag26 Liberty' \ TROUT- • LW,. WY. it b. Issl Trouc da Landwg.ro L. MIENS liblo. Fresh, ')r sale lIEESE-3 0 hie, prime W. inr :40 K. 'ALMA. t CO 1,1 mrt In mod utly.hr FATE, u\Talext: StirritP s 0. P. IL. Jam, F. 414. -t araoat intet , alk nal ,ar written. alvol-Latalrs Li V,—.1111.1 wnn hat rre.IIN .ad µfalai IZIKIL(i YonLyIeMII.NIP.S' I.terara x ilepot. Thl. laaita th`a Notipe. \ • • LL RERSCMS knbiug \ themseh I det4,l\tn toe for Dry 0..1)1. Lre rvioc.t.d ts'•it,?ag;';;LlZ he IS,II-sien''1111;:1.13.11:191"2. far orAJ,,ctton I .IOIV. tq11.141er,.1),`;17 Ittert,A . 4.l?urpal. cot , / 1 , 4 g1..11f5; 11.0$11—, 500 feei . icich 3 ply \ Ivry. tubt.,.„\r Ija,,,brought ells rapreo,tli for ilrt • FonTan Mt", V.! lilt Firr Licrrirtrurne of both 'nn.. to roll ....A.13.1 or Ivlther mataithfictured. ."1 11/ot. turn nutA,se reptee.na... the molt, vr, rrlttudia or th rial‘trol • \ r funpbfaimiog :tdditknal t7114.1.a. 11.. l'arruil . h , add :umber. Ile Roil \ Pat sr liiwead l . 1101. 11451.1 e. J, D r "' -" L141 . , ---- • \• John '3l..eplk\l'enttocit. \ Cpbrelot J. Verkctoe7o. \ Jolla`, Juo.e U. Spycll, 1.0% , Thc.Opt.C4nrlt, 11. Jen a , r• . kevrl4,ll4lcl,l,n. • „ . ee " rth r tr . oirtinl:::lt i' . 4 TlNrogin,\WdeireNi suat:s,l.lkwt 9 erde \ ‘j L - . 1. IP AR *R 'MOLASSES-- ; ‘ ,..,,,,,• , ),....i; \ to syriT• per .1374 , 1 0 711,,, 5,, t , Utl% 4 , ltortrul CbulA INN Itvg. \., g.nt Light C . .age4j'Ailetn. "; i -" D ' ER— iT 0 keg 1 111:•T..Ifii7g . \TA . Ti -. ., L '‘, - ' 9 \ j A 1 -'4 .4 .,.. 1 \" \ 'Q' IX* SEM I -A NT:IL Tit\k: c .17.3_, --- 14;, - )IS.:-.'oo 4ozen Galt, tor nai,el,,V, \ Q Lt.11.1„--- , , ,, 1 . 4.,....•...1 syNy. •r.t . tyt m . l b , ,*--'...,•••••••..•.•:, i1t . ;,,‘,. '. 7 \ . ~ A R. F I;VVF,' \ \ q,V,:',1r . ,., ~\ i r k l! - ,:',.5: ' ,.: * .,4„,.:..tt....: ,011Lit..V11.- (~ c , Indj; li.b1;;;,• - ' . •ilt.,, 121.11 A, :rill ' senid tur„,, tu tte• 1!ty1.,, , , t • .4.,•r, at cr. - I)° ,v i i; •\ l i. „ ., \ E z A .ut i •, ) , Sj u ,, . rt6i d e ° , - f c ; ,-;,..- - 2 , ~,,, - 7 „, 4 - o,' ' ••,::.;.. ‘,. . ,, r ,e nnd li it. y , .41 A. t 0f ., :ter , k 4 p m. L ., 1 , ,, ,,,, Lit ,„.. A. 0 ft , 1t r 1 , , , i , t . L, , , t a 1, vt.rm:o eW.' l r. I "`''” " I A a' Pil l !- 42 , `. Ilaxt),,:NlCn.. ' ;:.a..,::M,:, I. i .,,,,, ; ,, 11., .P.Z; , i.,•,,,,....i.e.;4,1 u: s,,evetinu, k •\,lft....,, I'll, Al t4 g%T.:r. ,,"''' ... " n ' t% La) t. C.untt sevcsal ti. \ o,l* l U VZ I.ZkT'll: ..T 24 • ' ..%:V.VtaTTa t' ril4er . . n:34 , etr,i,r4Out a ILALIAt ..:. ' k.' ~. pcotpatiim.rtt nts s ., . unt k,"( the veZher '‘, \ "i fo r ''''''''' ...g.'r`7l.q . i',P).:Ntl•S \... trtione••=t,Pl,ll.l2 ior, am,' Carrutge Ualz.n, ..t , - `, \ Nu:tailr!. ti0.•ra,,,,,T. 1110.NDO Sii , ADY; ' ..,,,, ,y of ~,,. • r ovr Sb.d b ~ a l, LT Vend . d TiLL11 . ..3. IN .V,P,I; BA' i RCA , j,.. .jUmt re 4 Ul)..l''':4l, . '',..... 0 44. driVIA4, A--,'ilth•:.°' imil: sTocKi\o , t ..peu.„ I za tAt \ ldOu ar tb.t.r,y,iplcoml v.,f,1, el - art. outdi..i .1 F:11, 1... - .liarm oPqt:tr%.•.:t."selVNlZA, 1. " ,...z. • ;. % - ,1 . P.r.:: ( i..5 - ir:l7 , = od. - \ Tly ord, 443. , ., , ol • r i.m...i . ,, . . .0. 11101, illt.3llN. .x 4 trrd ,.. Va.'eaT Ea..l rartrirsa. ‘).11,..A ..____._ \FAL; J 7 9N WE bivo\ l jije 5e .iv,e4 • tstaill: 1 1 :s. 7 \ \ \ ' Penn Glass *Works. ' lORE.):Z k WIGIIT'3I.-12C, (former .7 f the i arm of Wrn. MmrullT 0 Ca.,) 3fanuf3:7 f all , k3nd, of VIAL , . BOTTLI.S. and;WINDOW GL tz...', 45:3 %Tater .cl 0), Front .troet, 1 . .tul deb. P.. N. 11.—Particular attention re'd 10 odd 41e.-1 of 'tilrN: Glees and Private mould. fnr tortlea ancl VIA'. h j V ESIRABLE PROPERTY on ' he Fit;s; \ R re