ESTABLISHED IN 1786 Pt 'TSBURGH I OBLISUED DAILY AND we NitzrrE & co. f soma amour. Irzcz Cll Ter. ;ill. .131 LOOS to T. FM CITICS • DL —Ser v o dollars r.. , +.00 0 .• IPla if pail in dram,. It r i , ,I , ALT7•Two ovr annuni. Ithllll.o. CMOS U tto Six co pied 9 b vOples at.nta 09 I rack, each übto be vid4rui.:iii to rson, anti to be poll invariably in ado Pio Club Pipers will be ant ottae t.S. year en.irevi -uoloas the money in mat for Erailil or ADvEwrisoice. • , 0.. 40 ... ob ours of SonOsill.or lent ..ercLost -4 0 00 ..haalitlo4.L inscrtlan- 0 u..n01 15 . • two wcyks 900 • , . .. -,- N three works. ..... . .... -....... 600 Po - : t w o M00th...... ........ --,-- 601 Pa. two les, thrm merd1a.....—..--. ... 9 00 Ise • four months ...... ..—....- 10 00 1 .,,,t A utinc Cerds. , (6 Ilnee or lons 1...m0m -4 6 00 Ow Daher for each_additionsi lino, - O e A d d), chwuteable st Idosobtra ..per Mi • nous) exclusive of the IMPori-••-••••••••-•^Z , 00 r 1 widitlonal Novo, Inserted over one meoth, mid s e a midstional eoumm 'warted under the mdir .t. 4 if ge. - Advestia•mento esessedin a g a sonere, and WI are! MP. 1111.4t0 be enamel to a square and • half. Pabliabens not aecoontable for legal adverilsements be. rood theomonot charged for their poldicaticre- Annouceing condldebes for °Moe, to De charged the gems ea other esivertleemosts. • - " Advertisementa tot tuorked on the copy fbr • ems:Wed another of hmertlons, will to contimmd till forbidand buy- ItMot model abordloglY- The privilege of annnal vivardeera Is etrictly lholtbd to their own immediate boobies, end all -advertmements Om the tamett of otlur pereono,m well assil adearthements not Inituediately monocle' with - Moir owes business, and all club. of advartiegmerste, to leugth or otherwise. horsed the limbo engaged, will be olsetitel satins ossml rat.. For ell Nes. transient advertising, bills viii be eeparatolY endured. in,a pioniPtertattt 0 dealred• All eolvortimmente r Marltable institutions. Are am. Pottim, nranl. township, sod other putties meetings. and finch Wm. to be charget half prim, pekablo rime . sol• Tinto. Marriage Imbues to be charged vice • . Death notice. Insert.' without clients, oolses secorulou Wed hi floors' lositations or obituary notices, mid when . fie accoustenied to be paid for. Regular advertisers, atel all others *ending comesualm tons, ,or ismulring , 0.100 designed to cell attention to gain, &PUY./ 041109,39, or any public entertaloroents, 'boa charges' gra made for admlttanee—all notame of pr[- solo associaticasy-every notice designed to call attention to private ...purism-et: mints," or Intended. to promote Ludt. eldest Interest, can poly be Inserted with the understand Jag that the same he to be toldintended to et ire Inserted In the local eolumn, the tame wilt be charged et the fib of not leselhari 10 Ce130.9.A.C . .; , _ . bishop or ATNotices - to b. Marge' triPm Press Tavern License Petition. 11 essets. . }tell "%tato Argeotstrson Auctioneers' adverthementa not lobe clamed turtet . ye•rlr Wee. but 'to be allowed . nip count of thlrtp throe and one - thlrd Mr oent. from the .mount of bales! Ow Febossibitipie __Si be lbo. .ese.b iWertio n- . • emnroz.... , res O. Square; (10 lines.) we losertion. 60 cents Do. web Witliciowl boserb—..lls wits. All In dent loteortisemente to be vdd in advance. BUSINESS CARDS. ATTOIUSfEYB AXES F. KERR, Attorney at Law—Offiee , na Fourth et. between Etottblield wad Grant. PAW With. 10S:WEAVER, Attorney at, Lam, Fourth etrewb neer the Mayor's Ofnew:Pktebargb, Vot. Cob lectfonn attended to Dre=plls. I.I.ONCJII 01...11.1-11, I WT.= M _IMI, o( Uniontown, P.) tLate of Indiana, MI . LIPHANT TAYLOR, Attorneys of • i..—,oft.on Fourtb etrtiot.No.B2}o.4.o.3Vood 'Smithfield Burl., Pittabortfb, Pa D..ollobars t 1,1 Cototalfalottarfot tbo ?rte of 4e. WAIL - • , apl6 QIIINN COLLIEA, Attorneys at Law— OCI. on F.urtb fpil.t. glove Ezalthnad. 1 . W. F. )VIIITE, Attorney at Law—Of t stree neat Fourth Lath P.14=1%1, 4 .1 .' 1. 4 *IA me 4a P. & cl. 1.,.. B. lETTERM • N, Attor . a eye at LIM and ILwI Xstste Agent/4 N. 107 4th Pittsburgh. f4blo ILAILES J. KUHN, Attorney at Law, office, rtlarnan HEM, earnerqGrant street and,Diazoond , Pittsburirn. Ja3sxll, BANCIS C. f LANEGIN, AttOrney at Low No. 170 Fourth moot. Plcuemrott. - •- • Tm: ;WATSON, Attorney at , tin rourt, I, M . burr.h. oen:l , ll.l'k Per - Jobe, Seeder .ol.; Ger ron: Ilon . *xl Co . , Wm. G. Posey; John 1161. e, A eetvelanU Geo. NV: Jactsoo, Netsbamh. fr;o DWARD P: JONES, Attorney at Law , Me, on Fcrortb etrec. betneen Wend and Stnltt, ASPER g. BRADY, Attorney at Law Na. 119 fifth street. Pitithargh. Ir HARRISON SEWELL, Attort4 at Law, 11/1 Mtn State Oonml•iwai tn. Lakin, /Lek tio=trii anta of Dacia. it,. Ofllemn—} 4=1.5,1a ra:~;t;r~::.~:~zt~~ y;~p:ea:r:' fIEORGE E. ARNOLD; lc CO., Rankers: Deolere In Esobange, Cede, Bank None', &c-, Ito. 74 loarth street, next door the B.& of iltteburgla. kntkele arefolly attended ta. and the pro ode remitted to say part of the - Union. , ' • anir. LL "mum . - a. oa oei ring. Wit!;td WILLIA3I CO., Bankers sad Thnst Mande. Vird'hr.... Rood All trannactiona made ca3 6 libadal and collect:Mu JaJnIT I D. KING, al Danko and Excl - Angeßro r, I Fourth error. Deer in Pank..liZertire. BiII or • o -Gold sad Either. flock. bought andJ ID* blubest market price paki iu premium for it.l2 Half Delius, and'Mfropo .0 fpanbb Darif. t 03.24 D. ' LARIXER,JR., - Banker and Broker, •lf 71botre.r.10.6‘ adydning tdafllook of Illtrborob. & WILKINS CO, Eachange Brokers, Jam. E•it•Oorver of Third rtreetn. All Woo at soort,lltond rote. HOLMES & SOS, Dealers in Foreign sad Demerit , ' BIM lirchange, Certificates of De Bast otaaand.Sfeclo, No. Mr 'Market street:Pitt. Nrtagollectloos made or 11 rife' principal rifles earrolg oat the Volt.e.l . w oak Nottls, an 4 Sped *4 is W ° nr.u. "ivt. o f ht Cbecks to* rale, sad col= " %wi td " 7.thth of th. ath a .on mar- For.istt .and Azoftican • • ,,. .arkeeerauleoucolisignal "t" miTlrral tnine. • (F'"'"..""'d "". -p W. TAYLOR. Cormniasionor aud Broker 112 Smotl ftmet atteritlon pia be von to eel:m.4mm eittruste.l to bit ram. liiittoboreb istainifactured artkim *brays on band or procured at abort Inge. Note.. Bonds. Mortgage", dd., 'argot:Weil on farm. able term. Atbratimi mad. if nired. • BOOKS MIXES AND STATIONERS.. Eli • C. STOCKTON,.Iate riofirTraTre7:iiSt.rrcli tea. Brkwaler. Ribtioner,lbbaurr, and Illntb‘r. coz ier a Market andThlrd gtraem. VittAhurgla. aAS. B. 11OLMES Cheap Literary Depot, Thlri street. Mxmotb3 3 hes Poe trek... New Books rw. bet dally csprow.• . dicriptlnns w.tteirod to any of the Harablues Nebripa re, publbbed fit the yabl haver', lowed price. • HOPKINS, Bookseller and Stationer; Na 7S.Vourthtrevr..ipsllo [lulldlo o. GAB $T DEALER VWztl 'CLINT 0 0 K, 3lanu facturerand Ina s a' .. LIiFV: Ell. ( 4 am o i ' i l 9 hnii.. 8 :0:65 Iton2 - 11 pl: ali4 79. Wool Mt., Pittsburgh. ",. • _ „.._ .9' MIIIISSION AND FORWA.RDINCE fW. POI NDEXT ER, corner of Water and . Ilsrket rtrrete. I'ou:bomb. Leounmeme AND Vox. tts , itt Ilocer. and for the purchase and sale of Flour Sti , rtt Produce. Iron. Nuill e a Ism. and the manufactured ' v Mil re of Pittsburgh general g. • Alpe—A.ld for tbe ...leaf S. 'tarp, k Co.. r _and 1. MI. smeecelebrabel ?deouro anal liar Perk% SO Fitaroielphis prixtromd Jenkins k. 01211 Fu,einr t:sekni Tows. and.f V A. ISL:ANULTY A.CCY—Transporters, ki romanlingand Commkrion' Aletehants. woo.pu 9..91.514catrect, Pitlibutgll. . TKO*. IWOOPS..—. 11/131016 WOODS. IWOODS It SON, PRODUCE DEALERS • sad C.9taralsalon Memb.ta, 110. 91 Water atm. , . /mash. WM. H. JOHNSTON, Forwarding and Co=lot= Y..i-char..t: No. 11 Sees 6.3 str.e. Pittabocul.. tI ER it JONES, 'Forwarding and Corn minion 11,•wiwaw.; n..sinn, la Prodara and PM. dd.alaetarnd artitd, Canal BlOirl, near Foaeath .a Illts.burat. . " vns. r. loHrl ARDY:4ONES k. CO., Successors to At ,1160.9 k Co.; 0.1111..510n and Fermadit4r Nee em9na, &Mery Pit nrall M run ufketnrwl Govt.. Pitt.. DRY dons zczßunAyrs. A. A.NAAOS k ssrstsosi*cs.„ n. sots. A. INIASON &COWholesale and Retail p.a.:. in Yaws And Starts Vry Mssist s t. Iryttsborsh NIIIIRPHY 8URC11771.1), WIIoLESALL itaa Retail Dry D0,.1s tilerr.batita. rorrarr Faurtb Arkit etre...4a Ilt.trbstrah. iinTrlsTs . _ D.,IIIINT, Dentist, Con'inr Fourth ari I t wa t = .1 . 1.. between blerket awl, Ferry erwete. 'Ann h. - WOOL NKR-6-8 )04ORPIIY & LEE, Woot, Dzettas and • Canards*. Merrl.ors far the , solo' of Aroorkon oo Gordo. No. 179 Liberty rt. Pitlaborgh. /c; WAIARBAUOII, V4o — l DlerthantA, Damara I nFloo. arrl ..Frsiute ,gsnerroll Arsl Dnr warding Asa Coutrultaino Harems:lts, Nn. 116 First street .ird 116 Btsl atr<•t Pittsburgh. HASDWARE & bnpintern and IRpokpla Dealers la Ilarthrate and Cutler/. No. IS God gnat. Pittsburgb. TEA DEALERS OBERT MORRIS, Tea' and Wino Mo. .Last: East .Ide of the Diamond. Pittabursh. WIS. Sl'dLUaritle . is.; Orotens and y Tea Dollen,. V . U.r77 Waal t urn , ,gry, on ball_ sluoctimptMate• GlOOlll , 4Tailrlabri iligigjaVignartab4r THE ,'.DAILY .';;PITITSISUROII DRUGGISTS • A. FAIINESTOCK & Whnlesale • Dniagt , .. dro annnureeturerr Whirr ft R• It and I,Lthar,ro..roor Wood and Front ntromo, Pm, bor4ll. molar 14. O. tl. [l7si. f EYSEFt & McD°WELL( (Successors to to gory .t Keyser.) Wtolonyla and .netall Drqdt and rescription Store, corner Et tWoal al et and Virgin alley. rhya/cians* prYnatritdona cantfally co pounded night and a l 'BILL &CO., Wholesale Druggists: Deal- Nino, Oa, Dy. i.tuGs. and InstrumentW— Ir . fawaL . o d f b . r.g . 1 . 4 . W0r , 0!ri1:14. j. r 3 ° Fourth stunts,o4era will to tarefull, fiwwwarlwl 00th 11,10x:h. E. SELLERS, Wholesale ;Dealer in Pauli., DV, Stuan, ohs, Taxulaaws. ea,. ar.. o. 57 Komi street. l'atteburgly, (.1 i IC . WICKERSEI3.M., Wholesale Or2tiggist • A:tDruggists,RElTEß., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, corner of Liberty and Clair burgh, •SCIIOONJIAKER& CO., Wholesale Drug •afcte,.lo. 21 Wood FL. Pitcsbut.b. GROCERS A: WILSON, Whole Sale Grocers and n0131111‘,11. Merchlets, AK.o“ or Du AIT I. • P .. orkt. Powder. No. IIN L'44. , 01id, and 141 Front N. apt ?IfL. SlitE, Who!coal° drocer, Commission • Merrliani., and dealer In Paper and K.[.. mt.' , < 4 enn an.l Irwin stmts. Pittsturch. I AMUEL P. SIIRIV ER iRoduu and tin..., Wholesale Gro- P, h d.PSeoad Fteet, between xd end Smithfield. ttAbugh. JOlll & VILWORTII.P.:II DIMS IJOHN S. DILV , 7OII7:H. & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Prato. au& Copse Winn Merck:mats,and a nt , = . ll p eae u l r le t s:der 11ssardrIlle. ;i6. 1.11176641.1.2 .1 I . materna. I RBRIDOE & INGRAHAM, Wholesale 5 Grocersand Conanalation,. No.llB Wale Meet, and 159 First strnst, Pittsburgh. HEY, MATTIikIVS Wholesale Oronera,Conitmitaion sea Forwarding ilerobantia and -lAA for liti,lnfi Cotton Yarns, 57 Water et, Pittman raft • 4 01I1g WATT St CO., Wholesalo,Groners, Cam...tosion Merthants. and Dealer" In Produce and ttahurgh Mumbler, No. 260 Lawny .truer. Plias burgh. Pa. JB. CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio, Contruiaeloti and Feraunling Merchant, and Wholi sale Dealer in Weatern Hewer. Che,se, Butter, Pot alai l'auzi Ash. and Wutern gencraDT. Water atm. , . between DwilthDeld and Wood. Pittsburgh. T. VON BONNHORST & CO. Whole -1...7 • sale Grocere. I'm...ranting and Onottoistoon 31errit. sot, Nolen, to Pitssburgh 3annfertatr. and We...7i Prottom. N 0.30, center of Front rtrmt soul Chstactny 11(toburgh. • 11.1. 01.11 S- 6C11.7 InSAIAH DICKEY & CO4 Wholeenle Cro ce, CononLartan Merchant, and Dealer,. In Prrahlo 56 'Moor. rani 107 none anent, Pltaslarrh. Ll3l .:TA.CI J 1M.,111. 41FaNGLISE1 4k.. BENNETT, late English,), Gallagher a Ca. Whole..4e 6 mom C.3tratimnola and ms:sting llerebanta t and D.A.Lers ID Produre tad or burgh 113.theture, No. 122 &mod Ft. and 121 , 1113 c et. between Wood and I , mitilel.l. -- ' --- .. -- * ---- : —. 7 — . - 7 -- - roux u. trorttL.-..0 - errrn c. to. GILLS & ItOE, Wholeeale Grocers and 0 , 191:11166i012 Merrhority, No. L:i7 Liberty amt.' atts urtb. SIiOBERT 11I00RE, Wholesale Gruce;, nuetgrtor Otaleir lo.. Produce. ?ittaboret factortr, eaten, di kinds a Forel. sod Dolomite Varier awl IQ No. %bogy etrrea ; ~, , , ,andr rivz ash . c-ng DOBERT s---I-.LZELL & CO., Wholesale Gras., Cottuntr 31orehsuta, dealer. to rmdoch scut Pittsburgh htsou tore!, Nu. .2.53 Mang trnr.t, Pittsburgh. _II • 11 . 0 n BERT ,,, A. CIT'`;NIN GIIAIII, Wholesale '1" foul Dcalur to /ML " b " "ina d ufs ' gr d7 V., M lG 1 JAI/arty street, Pi bm_Dtt . tra. 'master _ ..... . I mound a , . hr.,. UTZ: TIM A I.FIr& -- ili6.7The ' lesale . Ora 1, v ears, NIA. IA trut 20 ICorxl step., Pits burgh._ : — MORN D. wtot • Mi. 111 . ..131, - - - -.- •,• •• .. . NTICK &.McCANDLESS, succOssoro to L. V a. J. D. Trick, Vanier:sin lirtornp, For.ardinS tl O Cnri ,n . m . Lisinri 'lii;rrAti t ! s iti ,;, driq in u lrot u i, Nailffi, Ulm, corttrr.of lietiail and Waterviulit.i. IVli w m t rgr '''`er"lir. --r- , Mil 11111,6,1 I. CULBERTSON £ CLOUSE, Wholes.,lo rrc %,". Dealers,* Pro tute:a:at' IlltioliorA o r '6 Wred b .=s. 11/b Liberty Greet. Dltraborab.D.. .. n . i __, , S. 0. lITLIALIA .J ..) al usalt 4 D. WILLIAMS ,& CO., Wholesale and • Retail Yocolly Ortice_oc.ForeariltitY goad Glealtieele* orcbutts,oad Dealers la clicultryProduee o ralobar eh Tl.citsetareo. wryer of Wood stet nab to Plushurat. ar. lama** ..... .tace,Thstets.... _usu.. a smottsc* pLORINSON,• LITTLE &.' CO., No. :..'55 Liberty Arena Pitt...tough, Wholeesle Grocers. Pra. we and Ootnactssiou J.Direbauts. sod deslers In Pittsburgh bannfretarte. . , • • SO. ROM gi& R. FLOYD, 'Wholesale Grocers, Corn= • Atimian.sletrllinta, And Deal., to Prolute—Round rth Buildfoc.,lfrontiog on /AWAY. st.r..t. PP:zit...b. P.. PM= Wt . cen. , - WOLIN PARKER CO.,Wholesalel,meort: Deal.. In Produce. Feral= Mu , Liguori. Oid angabela awl Rivaled WidAay-5n a Commercial Rea Liberty ia- PittaLurab. A5.EtA.1.7.,E1,L, Wholemde Grocer, Cutri lt/ m 114.14.3,1 forwardlas Ilarchavt, a d dealor In Iron, Catiou rams, and Pgashurala ltwatafralturea. eS Waxer at., ana ib £Lrat nL, Eatab.rah. JOUN U. MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Porn:4; Mute, and Slufk-al Inr.trutteq., Schrol Itcnkt. and ul.:wry . ant fur Cttlekeranc's rtano Fos lee, for Western PentlFy bl Wood ft. . • I FI ENRY KLEBER, Dealer in Music, Mu dal a r c h Instrmenxel Importer of Imnss , ftrinits ; Zi= l r 4, 7:l.=° pElhisi:/.00q0:11:4;f1 lIILLINOS, WILSON ' ,Ft. CO., Miitatlftte• Wren a allarirea taste, lace mud gimp task, tint a, chair. and lining math, tintehing, clout, hob, and 'h. nails: lions barrel aul lathing do.: also boo ad and 24 blued natl.. to, as. Office at LIPIigI.:COTT a co., No.iis, we.. .t., Pim.- bone. toT anTEx:. I>3.lstU `utt opposita TIIO4 J. calm— --dß*. fd.tofrt. IRON CITY TACK FACTORY.—Thee ib eerfLnre onsoull.ctura inoul k p wustanttr an band *0 gum of 71tek*, Brerff.end Orainbl, FuOshlnceloub and lob Belt, boo Blued Flour Borrol aW Lothlnic O.IIJO Color bade nd T ;f ' Ii:I•Z,U•Pry. t ?Z:nrorrego=, de., de, de. CA3II•BELk CO.. aplfoy Waroboueo. la Wafer at— litteburgh. ji.EICIsiEDY, CLIILDS & CO., lanufactu- Mre of eery aurcrlor" 4-1 Sheeting: Caned. Clod.. 5W Ins and Bannon Penn 51111, Pittsburgh. , laa•C JON.. JOU, F. 6610.. LONEKA. QlJlGG,llslanufacturers of Spriog , .od Blister 'Egret. Plough Steel. bleed Month Wings, and, blipUe-,Bprtuts, Ilantmered . Iron Axle, sod dealers in Itlallsablit.Cesttuga, tire Engine Lernts. and Coach Trimmings generally. t6roer of Ruts'and Punt sts„ Pittetatralt. Pa. , , VITTSBUILGH ALKALI WORKS.:—Blen j_ue.. Dem A Co, blanufsenibers of Buts /ult. Pleach , tag Powders, blurlatle and nulphurie,teldt. Irvehettes. blo. 63 Water ft.. below berry. PAPER HANGINGS I i VALTER P. MARSHALL. SuccOssor to v Sarnu , l C. 11111—lmporter and Dealeein French anW AZlZerir/L1 Paper HAD g iMI/ Dor:Lei", Window' eam, Fire Board Prints, a, Alro—Writing. PrinUnit , sad Wrapping Paper, No. eS Wood meet, brmekn Fralrth ad Diamond filer. Pittstiarch. Pa- TRANSPORTATION AGMS. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent forth.. Like Erie .4 Lim, Beaver and th. q*cv 0it,411 onnwr pi W 110.• and tualthaeld nts. D LEECI.I & CO., Tranaportnrs by Canal nrwarli., vorner "a Pews rtr.t VENITIAN BLINDS. 1 A.:13110W N would moot reopectf t inform 0 the nubile that he keep.° hand irea oathe weet lode of the Diamond, Allegheny city, • eemplete awnrthaent of Vaultlike tamer, also Vert:that Shatters ern made to order In the bmkt rtyle. warranted newel to any In he Belted titalev. Die Blind, ran bet removed without. the aid of • ierew driver. Slaving perch, led the nova, tools, end wood of the cabinet eßtahlithreent of Hammy IfeCle I land. 1 ma to foretell old eurtemerv,. well a. the pub lie at Itaue, with every thing in their line. Agenry, Z. Wood street, P Bebe akehlte r". J. A. BROWN. PAPER HANGING AND PLASTERING. OSEPII JOHNSTON. PAPER 114-voth & • 1.1.A.n...-141iden.... rornerof Third rtreitteod Enet Allegh , ur. 11.-1.11.. smd..>lorlar, Lath: A,. for rel.. fprb.l:l7 • rrii(:4:4Clatireati:iew.4zo A Veterinary Surgeon, late LI. from Edlnbur.h, e•xitlAnd, would reews:tfulls the the public that And. comments.] prartvw In the above prof..leo; and, b r easeful attention to whatever in e ntrueuel In bin.), howl t., Fite rateraellon. In conntelb,n vs 4 ith Jatrow Horne Eborlost and Illacbmultbirur general will Is warded on. at the acne., of Tunnel etnwt.and Protayleaula .tvenne. ENGRAVING AND LITHOGRAPHING _ _ _ •, EVILLF, JOHNSON, Engraver on Wood. 1 Nato tl.Ol. tthtrt •wry., Pltt,l,tar,th. h t.—View. N)t Eat dine, Machinery, limier./ Neverphr.,,,,,ltroyti,lerro, Litotlumt , s, tlrtut 1.41,1,1r1 cvlort; FtAtz for rtivitlt.itt...lo- W it..r n iAx i tiv i rz..F. , ;ll44pampt,tc..lit the ttrrt Anle ------ ly1LLIA)1 SCIIZICII3IIN'S Lithr%rap V to L tyhi4 meat, Third Otte, Pitts/..•,;h. Naps. I..avlstnp... MO, Lilllatsd. Draft,. Bond. L.t.d.....tichitoilistal Drawing, Vtt.itia.c Card, ~.e r,t.rri , .Irsoru NI eon., earl pri,,tel in Itron,. ar Black. iv the won at1 . .r0t . .1 xtyl., and at t.b. mo•t Wegner. BuTelmer 6c Mueller's NEW LITHOGRAP ICS EST ABL ISII MENT. PILE ABOVE 11 IL io,pectfully arianunce JIL w th , ir tririvin *IA the i ddir xtrtnnilly, thft; 41.1 L itt, hr yi .11 Lit Prut_.3 4.1 Carns:3lni.: * Cbsr,, m 2...l.l., a.. Thar 0. ,. 111 , ..ut ill at Nt t narket ern., Thlnl an 4 Fnuith • M.h.''r 3312. W. WlLsoN:V*Akee?..Tewelrs,:l , ilver Ntlaur . 0 n4O, Or., 3fo.rkie. - und fourth ot re.A.llVatursh. .. N. 1,411111,10.. ,, . 11 j BAGLE mARB WORKS, (eatablished IS3xLlty . COMUND IN7LKINIII, Nu. 184 Merl' nt., of. wood • Area, P7ttebutsh. Meraument... Tosotes, IfoideboeB. *a.; Manta Poem, Coats* and fur .Dm, on hood. sod made to ardo. it. P. • atuolso ockstigm of Maytag,. co band. itdo . , ~ ~_ T . ?_i IdiSCELLAITEOUS CA.RDS. &c. M:McKniglit I,nn,ylvania. and EaaLnn lf! " . . ,1111 c. In Slight.. 11.11. Oppctii4. rho Nevi 12.1urt Pittsburgh, Pa. Re..ter.,,—.l•ll.l,lorrt.n. V.l" Flan•gio.P.ll White, Mn,:es 11,. .tun. and Wni. Nlcenadle , , • • Doctor G. Reichhelm JINFORM S hts friends and the public in Fen end. that he laneremoled U! l'etm t.te.e.t, ndlt to S. Clan. Hotel_ • • ' ' • • V. d.-I,rvnu, to 11,m (nr a I. ngth nl ao.. an. aettl. their ./1:1111[5. SAIAI.I DICKEY CO., Agerimit Ate ebattle'a Iron Wurktr Ke , nr ntlrnStraiidand or sal. at very Inr ; ,rui Bar ==MIM F. K. Moore, M. D., A'IIYSICIAN, devotes epeeist LLt«nuon to the treatment of dixeaseg nt men and eilltdren, anal arum disco., generall3. no Well he ebrnule and surgical duwases. Itfc.. on Anderson st.:eet• near the Hand :trret Odd,. and next door to the lug MilL Allegheny City. OfEre hour* from I ton A. (rum' to 3. and from 7 to a I'. ?I. 0t,2,7 ~ y p / ~ILMAP Ii ,t; NOBLE—City r w Pi burgh. • 3 rPi'CHOLAS VIVIAN, Civil • Engineer, Draught..., and Praeneal Mining Agent. Mstt,t ghta of Models fur the Potent dotlgru of Ilsehl. nery for Hines, Wwter.llorks, iioillne found betwixt 10 A. M. and 6 P. M, at Ills P•stdeue, No. Y 1 Harbor) etrnet. Pittsburgh. i 54114.111. CQRII & CO., Wholesalo and Retail Mantds.-turer, and ihnanie In flat. Cap, au 4 Pura._ earner of {Tout and Fifth mtroeta, Pittsburgh. Wherctbey offer a full and complete nt,k of list, Cap., eLary quailly and .yle. be Wholosalo vile the otter... thiiuustotnors and parehwe urinir thorn thar.flon will poll on ch.. fur. t rau torn., WM. DRIBY, Merchant tailor, Unlnor. ould 11.alur Ready Nlnde , Clotbleg. Ll.rif Card. RRR. J. J. MyEßS—Surgeon and Physician. OM, derolliof.. carver of Dirlihgton. row. No. ini street ono door Abol, .tmit.txheld 55. Dr. !drum h... rwrousunotly located la l'lttaburgb, and will 1555..z0t m the duties of hie Pr0t.,...10n flo wi ll pattlrular stt.o.tim to 84 - O.OICAL car,. nod the diva e. M vox. , nod rlolanon • I] ON EGO Elti..6o.:lmp"rtt.iin of Wince, xtvi Own 4 131,.••••• • ICI Ela/1111..14 Ogren Chtll and Swantall D A. MADEIRA, Agent for Delaware Mu teal Eater I.uranm Company, 42 Wan , r area. Ti GARDINER COFFIN, gent Franklin d rim Inanraom Company. noHh owl ,•orner of Wood. and Third stmet, W . ' dd. GLENN, 11..%K 13”votn, 'Wood street, raoond Jo, from It, oi Ttilrilochetv tor la lua to owtry itti.uhns with nests , . Malik 1.1...0 rubs' to .y pattern, awl bond ritbnant.taity. lits.tis to number*. or old 't•ols bound carefully, or reii.sln..l.. Nagle. put Ott Fitt Those s•bn hair 111T1l41 to mill. ita.9lll, Steararaat Agency, and General Commie 'sion, Receivlng arid Foranurding. StiA LDW I'Lti3IER. CO., have • this .bry einscemi;slisithtb.zt Mr John LsirtAo, ..and oth, r earirimsto tho pubho ris rtemnithoat wioto.ral COMlllitAieli. and Forserillitg he..lueee. the •sir 1.1.VM P.II A CO.. April 0.51 It. %vim... , iv... (MINTY LANDS—Ctre. bierLoa. a yy Attorney . at Lan. No. Intl Tltsrd et.. corner of a•r , 11117777 J.haring made c-. 1. the tturpow, veil) ,nra-tn, Bounty Lam!, ofheerr and roldleo. their oeidowor and Hakim. sod erili sthhd ni .ther bu.i. nee; connectni with tbe gOrernment or any ofits Depart ment., the Penaloo ,-.r On! Courts at the Cite of Waahinalon. Drawing, Perspecuive, and Painting R. D. R. SMITH it now prepared to give at,'"dsZV2l"...l.*Z.S . .:'Lrlt°`,'odTfe7".__ b :cr.'"!t h '' Atlctroonm new Imitate, Fir, ftr 'n ee ' t. ' hemreen . W;ext:n ' !l Market ntrette.. Hour. of trittruetinm. from t!ti M Lnd flmn Cli to th Churgya and other t.artiettlars e.o, le known hy taftervxml ar.the room),, be : l:arum or Dr. Arldnon. 1..2.3dtf LIGHTNING RODS—Spratt's Pat nt. JANitIS Whowai, Arm, 86 Iroad street, PLUAburgh, Culltry rid lEEE LIGHTNING RODS are so con atinct.4 that they cannot fet entet cyder. Th., In aralmtnrs and Attachments Ctrintit lt , nratc . Y. the PM. , " &Yid Magnets Are unrsvall*l— the n'hnic 1 , 11. g highly e.r. nagnental. I , l{ll 4 =Ut the rntaliiet , tnanufactuted. Jam-. Jack.. *ill attach them ',Li 1-rin.- at the .16n. In anePen•-u are realm -tinily dt3e , dod td call at ad It ,a.. 1 *rivet. and n t. y.Ataina tld .41,the Agent rnsy • • toy-11 ti HIFSSEY C.: SINCLAIR, Storage, Sl4pping Commission Merchants, farocene:, inn • .". "" • °°' Alas r[nat. Cash adn'aoms. made a nt., s:onlannt. Annu , . or t....lsmbu and Pr r.•ln, In 14.1.16,.. u rrn0r I. 100 . Ed e r w.—Wm..4 .1, a et,.. - Clavoiaul. 'NL,a Whenler. T.N. lic e.coble!. Itlttaburgl, -~~ No. 19 Woad street; between lira, and Second at (WIN (OLDEN zl-FVE,) NI.A..NUFACTU,II.t. , El of every dt,erlptlon of COOVAG "torn, sod svoll ,• ai tto tisk ,atirfaellon. ,10‘ ob!.b . 1111 J..«11 hunt': 00ore. ..btoTo. Eult•trn. EvantEhnlip..e., swllnney to which we , hots: the atter.tou - h,lll.lorN "ion I , ”ffies, 11.11 c. Woo, War.r.o of .10E41 we tov, Oho ld,nlort be", - - - Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works. THE undertigned have just compleited their xteradve IRON TtBE WORKS ..ed err can. laszuLacturing all A.D., PICK. to. votanllve and otber 50.1 all Os,. of WROUGHT IRON TUBES, - - mks off, ahla m„ h.. prlcea. Th., are rrrpaz,l to ax.weuto onit.rn. apy lay. h 3ca- .11. PA _ _ Rockiiagham and Domestic Queenzware. "(WOODWARD, BLAKELY & CO., Man yY: ufsentraTa nt hooktnobarn and Yeller. Cato NV., Et. !Anode:at, Ohio. tri - Fample Rot., carnet and Liberty pktro•ot. (Round Church buthiluth) entrannt or t almr to J h. }laid, {rholeash , Groner, Our extensive tVorke enable ut to Itolders pnmtptly. A competent deahruer rontnottlNr empotod• ou• ably Ile to keep pace wtth all the ammo, rho of the wa tor Urn., El - Atm.:L., Yetvy Toys, Do"rt Seta, Flower Vues. Goblets, 31autal Ornaroonta. Medic:no and Enuff 4.4 smi artittee for domestie use, in great varlet,. • Ord." mrpectfulty sonctott. coth.Pl BolimEti Fire Brick fitannfact:mi.iig Comp'y. .GLOVER, KIER & CO., l'rcorxirroß,. TSUBSCRIBEItS, Anving at, IL poll:144 Adnts fur the alove mooed rol.nern, wlll, keep eonetantly en hand a our pi, nt the celebrated na,.‘.r. Yew Briek. Crucible Fire CIA, urhaev Bean , . aed tee 4 l , e• They are an prepared to revezve [teller, Ad. rya hreet. be newly lonise and shape. ti ,nit purelusera. 'deb be IQ. W• n o t deem it nerverva7 ...Mere. the le•nr ratittn;ei the Bolivar Fire Brtek weer. over ellether.:hat have been offered for aale Iu the United 5.., their on, nritv being well knew, altnoat all Per. , ale a, Fire }kick. 711 e woo/1e0...el have determined that the Brick Phial' Imo none of their reputatlon. end that no appease ateare.l to make them even bettor than they hate- leevtefere been. Thin le the only, establishment new rr.anula , totrina Fire Brick stßelisar. lER a JON • mob? renal Nerdoth et, tOttat•erdt., W. Dixon's London Pateist Lever Watches, • - • Sup,int any Itittch.a rn Itfunurvh IaI4I3AIIDSON, el )Inikot Ntmet,to Agent fur th e shove uszal.l I,eer teateheA. e ollntalca• guarantee In attached to cock Ity appointment to the Admiralty. WN• tS, .ltce and 'Watch Manufacturer. 45 Miff; Square. it wtoad, London. Th .teertthee that . tho accomptturtna Watch, No. Is warratttod by mp to la. of tar attanttlacturi• and 0. 15 'at.. 1 t with my oitme upon It in genuine orders az-output...l It, certificate beartzta ml'° Watch No.—, llgnattt rr. to kt7Aito . lotfactit.a of tholpurehaser. attlattk • RAVE FITTED lII', (on the Now York or . Pn. glio" . 3?.t".. o rr:r., ° `,Oll( ° :; , 74l'e , [4ll( th"' r='; ' O 'C . "7 . the fullionable parlor. and lar;lL.t anal inoit ituportrir airortitiont of Satin Ertrich Gerronn Damask De faint, Entilirli Maroon, Uinta., Turku,. Reit (kind, of t. AldU..llno. tiro kind, LaceCtirlastut, flurell and plain Nutlin; WO of tllllPrgrit widths, Comico. of iiitTut patterns and iitylcs, Gair 'Mat, Window Blind' , and nhailloi.Curtain Rod. il Mind. Curtain rill,. TaemilAuid limp, CON. 0111 c sad Want. 13.0 d Chltitt.i.ii anti Coat, fin, an 4 isinriteter Counteriants tnli Cotoforta. 8.10 ZIA 411 ad ' tha n ""' r r ll ' . 7 lli f i l r y d ti. 115 PERE AND CEDAR WARE. KROESEN koopm constantly on h o odnrsortment of Worb noel Both 'rub, I orte. Onk Well. KWh,. .Dra ,, Bucket, tVo Ino,l3ipel.. 00000. Dry 51ramIrt.r. Zior awl t;hrt, Woth Board,. and all rtorrlrtnl. , r.f wore to tor ho Woreroon, It..o.•trr Fifth strml.. Ptt,borgh e ..1,.. o revononAm. • • pITTSBI.IIOII CITY GLASS WORKS.-- - W cUN N I Nall A3l .t llnteut.rlOrcre or Wiolora lorket..6trm.t. lelne•qt Ylr9l In 4 Metro!. M."—Deilerr In ' • 10111•[. Q3IITLEY 7 & Coal ilereltantx 10 and I.tai.trx Dr, (heels. timeariee. trim en.l Nail lit Walt , tre-t an I Va.thlntouto GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO BA IN 1 - ERt._. .• DZALina IN 6XCDANGE, COIN, BANK laltTLOI; J.C. 'N•' It /q•torta twat Atm- Plaitatrutt Aatl Ural. cattleenel ,arto ol the Lawn atta,Carnaht. awl eohl an otaurrnenton lelaalkatT J. Wilson & Son. • • VirEOi4SALF., xnanuractu-4 v rent aro tietaler• . Rate and rat, No Itt IV I Hirai ette,t. olant 4.e.r Ittatuna ,l burgh—a - Lore ;bey oiler a lull atal coutaaete Cora , B a t, arta I,finto of their a. u tuot 1: here' manufacture. of et " quality an.J et ot, by et en I retail. arid n the atseutith of limit elle,etllvt• xuel the COM , aasura. them tLat tt•••^ will welt on the tu,t, erßa. NEW FALL GOODS, e. r;:2 'A Market eteret, k )IA9ON A CO. are now in daily man, of whirl, haat, fat. too. rtOrte7l:l. l }V. 4 :lAter their entre. tnaethet with an ttnntent. the V t f .Z.llye.,`hota" 71trte'cfAe'a::11717 nel utirinit V• 11.• f•lttlifle • varlet and Inwirolcra. has nevor Ewen equallni in this city. The attenttun atholortale and rattail our. &seers reapttrtfully e.0135.d. aogit 0..; LARGE '5l . NIACKEItEL- 1 7A row 41N ttarrtaa trr tale by DAB° k 110,1 N augi) I'AHD 01 L—A lot of Iltirck ho.rd t & Co.'s A b., (Dr rals ey I au..^9l KIDD a CO. PATENT MEDICINE DIRECTIONS.— so refon aimstell, for rale byMD CO, .u`BCO Wool rt. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY 111ORNIN1:, AUGUST 30, 1851 21/199ELLANEOUS. New ChOcolate Factory. IG. N. GLAMBON I CO. re.s . peutfully - T nultko Lvov other avid nere:t. warra nt , . uurr atui Ova dultorat,l, anti htonco of tih.r Mayor. tat.. tutt) ,,, ou , and trIICo • haut) , ‘ P....a"' aa , laro•At Choeuist, tuanurartmir , to flab • th , 1 , 8 , 111 that th..‘ I furnish an arttrie .qual II hot .al , •••• t tr. tho touu - truport...l. and at a hp,l pnn It tur qalr at Mr 61,1101:0. (Mad. 1,0 Fourth sto - up 11,rt U, II), augs.ltalt k,g) GILEENVIOOD SL , III.II.EIt RETKEAT niu.n for the arra.mtualatatio of thon. rt. Th. lantutr .1 e place lota lawn much Improved by Ile tuldtawn rhot, rhanlthery and flower.. A lame roll:eta...l' ...or blw•uttuo Plant, and Shrubbery...l . the ettoleeet rt• kr . pt for lode on the prvuttera. • lea l'resma, Fruit, tr.. ilia In the i.alonrw ao• uatrat at ll•tleta [A...totally put up at short tmlf Ti,. utlift and comfortable alearn twat UNDI•i.I tear, the lanaM“, beton. Pitt grant ant the Old Alle t tborty Inilge, at the beginning of evarr hour—trom Welorit. A. 31. •untll to M trip etory eretann. at Iti rtrattgera 1134' !"111,3 are inritea t. p at • flail tho ra.rfeet Flower tiarlen. • Thedenten I, princivleltool el two" on pltotft ST. CLAIR HOTEL, (Formerly Ole Exehange,) Corner of Penn and St. Clair Streets, PITTEIBIJRGH. sliacicii4, central, and raost•convsni, located littTEL, having bttett tot tro• thomughly rep itml improved. I. note open ftt. the e.,,tattmedattc.ct of the publo• eubecriber. at..l proprie . mi 21 IL. 1!1..41 It riet/dr mil nir 1.001.0 hie style, rod employed catopetent wistattle sad etz.rottee stitt le err - v,ku.. and that he will opttre B. It ecttinl trt /my hmote It, rho euottlr, l'he Itnoven eeettrkl location of the How., ma rot, vemenre of Ito arrsugemettl, retuderat: It moadeeira.. Mt. tabor to Itnvelen or prrmsuent him • trt rAlell and hop. P.r . it is Itter•ral ehere petr..ne4e... ttp=tf WALL PAPER. . Fresh Assortment of Spring Goods. nrriolAs PALMER is daily receiving Irmo the, Earn 11th., et the obi etetd. No. 55 MARKY.•S STREET, Beiwern Tlard . 4nd Fourth alretts, tfinent , f.tock. or tbnono.t t.autit.l 'PAPER 11.C.VGLAWN that hare appear...Nl in tint otos-Yet Int a lone ....O. Th. ont.ros are epurelr n tint ntrlen pnnuharly rho... end thr mint, to own,of dor.- oonotonnol. tom In ono. upward, porno rang, To thin attrnnttnn Int of gm., of obinh more .n -fnoond 6r night than dencro...n, rim attenti...n mnothnoin nod Igrann 11,pern Polly inrttrJ. tnnbl: New Coach Factory—Allegheny. orectiel ,hot, on Laxly', logneen •_ee '. l and 1-nd."l, Thoy 0,.* Laski. are prepare' to mee. onion , Tor reerry deerelption ',Mole, harov. ilanoiolie gle.. Ploot,e".". do, vrlilds, ft+. h.-, long aspetionvo tbe aanufartun. of the ate,. nor:. and the leetlltios thoy bare. they r ea m on they eiro enehlod to do nor". ou Che cuet reamonable tena", with lbw', wanting artirle" In their IS ioeocetiruinr attordlntt to the telection et ma.nala, and 11E1,1.: none nut contpetent workniret. Way hare DO LI.SitIIIIO,I in ' , annuli. thole wart. We therefore keit the titian of tho public to Ulla matter. at\ 'taped/lox dono "in the toga, mannor, and ou this most rea,nahle terms.. utyrspuitiai COMMERCIAL Collect, . Jir,cl., --J st 'n FACTahn Pleitor. Primes* trintrUftin la '1 ha ot (. h u . Pmfttranr of Pettrtmaorhip.)lercam4ile lex.. Com utwn, me elson,LieT t c. , iturvr nn rimmetter-..1 Lam. Thom, Mertirintt • complete know/rile. or lirmlttMmi aml tut appliestion t, every ,are roo k 14c mm Fen t rspitl pettnammitim. are ictrlttil mmti ream. mit the strnummentc. Lecture on Cornmerct•l Late ever/ cretin,. R.if e eepce of the reemient tit, merchant, ,tirlt . . . . EAGLE MAI I B LE WORKS, •. ESTAULIhiIEti 17 , 22,1iy . EDMUND ; 7 WILICINS, No. 245 Liberty st., •n.. of Wuosi Pittsburgh, la Sitinurpentsgßurtsl umbrtunes. , Maiable Piives..r.untr. and rib I always on hand and triaLls to ord. , . Lm Ilaritle., and at sorr ui CZA. A Ow., trbT.liini et t . ) • Th . ° burs: _ . _ •ji.jk,;! c“gr'r'te,l , - Iron. Italy. HOI3 Itarmai , lark Hun. Juapt, W ilkiv. •hAtu F 4, Wu , W"fl'hh• Ir. I Jae SY/Kerr. Esh .Arl•l'-(t. Juhu t!ayth.r. e . th.nk, I .th.hutglirx.--k. -- • ~ hahm. .f Nltt'andhs. ithhh '4, rt Mek su T slorwht. it, Wra Botta gau! A C.. , Ilhnlee 4 CO wt rI Lothro, AileghrtW I. W leole grateful for eer7 litwral patronage I, cetrest Scary Itt Una cm, Ihtemg s ha4 the larc.^4. and Iwit Job. eutruste.l h car. twthe rrgYaIIL Mi.., awl eudeaeor reuder ran.f..etiou h,r..atter. 1a2,1 JAMES W. WOODWELL EURNITIJHE ree Warn-mow. V: tr , Third pAree, J. fi \ '' V ' rettieotfullr infttrlne but Into,. Cr) Aral that I, tuff terse Pr=im e largeat end fdnotatock of 1t0...b01d fu iron: ever before a...t0 In Uns 111, sa tictvrteatted nt uphold Idut qtdttittr " , ttt vullacsatened tuateriale. Cott and ne.ret n o: and frt. tbe extent .4 ht. orlfera and [actin, to taanufartarittet. he te ensteted 43 prattle , .tdrittlat-1 101111. ere'. at ttt• Ittart.t fulcra her adopted td.. tdcuntruta the ruetutz. tantrcrt . it Itte qt1:•11t, cm, and k.o_ra ou hand the . aroatcal vteriety of ataery drextrtptton of furtutun. front ttee ehespont and planeert:to zant .d:rt.rtly. that a hone, or any d'art CI tate, wa. do furnulted he bin WO, ur ntanufartured n d . to e,ict ll*. the mforer eolicite an tutpeettrit that the taatte rd ht. eetaldlettsr.eut may he artowtt The ,11ooltur artieter mart, NW. L o- Arad, a n ) rot rteltnee. et) le and fnueb cannot to surptataed to an) of the lietrru cttled " 'Parlor. drimanst, daday, sad la..norn rhure. of ..err vnflet, Ovit,tlt. of simrstta.t. ntalmatmr and ' , M.... I.iistatattlien. ER, Cil OM. 4+! emit.. . Couch., holas. and titan. of th. stncl. and Amer.-au patvrci.. TaslarK, Whish!...... and hairier Untie. Lkaks if Tan,. kanl, and tinny L stand.. mono, stand, , and h01d..., marble m.Lutan T• romwood and walnut, and M....4,1.11,t0n dining Laid, all sires of the most utdhnty.d. and .1,1.1..d1y the 6,1 kind Made.: card. l'embrokr hall .od plnr table, wanindwit. t.tilstgrads amt wfue11,444,4 • lararnarantm.ntanthl, and rat+, rt,,httron rhatra. Mtols. mg-relay, and Wok qam, We boanl... .000 n. t05...l rack... hat .100,1,. and mud..;...:., and gm for child,. moor mok.he. table and 1.,‘ 1.3 y 4. viahougsny. and inland Loon Tables. 6c. ar ht. A tart, Ka-oatmeal of Common Furl:gaunt and 00 tu.lsor Chais 001, 01 nak.t..auppLiod with all ..cadre It their ithiaraboals and [fowls, furnished at tho short,t Ail urrteri. tinnxititly ((4 DI E. AttliOLD . 1 / 4 . CO. have this day :la y.' ptwinteil with them JOHN D ectt.i.v The styie of thr firm herrlotort.. Pitt.-burwh. ll.r ht i . St The only real New Yoth Plumbing Estab lishment . . IVIf F.R.E work on Scientific Prin. ci Ilumra.nd Id all. P . + bmn , hr, Aut. with tw.hlnee. , aod 11... Er Flu(' up from ; to $l . ; /lurnp, . , Ks,lw Rnge e 4 Imo tr.". 11 , AO Furn,•+, lort Luatl Pipe, furvo.plw.l and put up. The low ~AI Lat, Ftxrr. and Fara Purnpg; IT on Inm/1, cool put up at nn r .11. ten.... in o+. rounl, ll,pronuit punetually atPeni.l . I'ILYI/R.5 WILEY, VIZ", j 7,1 1.-twroti W”, - .1 cord 711ark..t..0.0. Al AND MANURE FORKS-12S doz. e4;1.1 , ri0.1 Forl, r u7nt ' s. -d „ , 17 , T .al. tr "r"er''' )l ' . I , '' l.l:l7 t riTGi r Or. '" Itcr For nenti, , , of llnleh ft, u 1 Introuir 1,41nr, raux,,a Iw n. lurprer...l, and Ow lon parr .old.r. r fold. ta imam Writ tiltm , lutrwm ' Remoral AMES 1.411,50 N I o rtlnovoil end Cap Stnr. , o No. Ul t 0.1 01 1 , 11.00 d . 110-PARTNERSHIP—II:wing -taken DIV I, I n. }Award t. tau, partoorf.All , ha , . Cap awl Fur lAonolo, A. will hortAtlef lon.itfo/o fool, 11, ouzo of J. WI LAON A SO J N at WI W trod .trout. AMES? 1,11-`,1% Y. .• ti.—daze.} Wllpon rontinu, the Ilfo au holorAl fare, Allf•AboOl FOR SALE. `TUCK . of the Jlarebantb A; Manufacturer. A 3 Bank ~ t nelt 1.1,. Elchangv Dank. by 11.. Dana, and ar,rer. not frortn 01_ .WANTED, WWESTERN BANK NOTES, lowent mart, rnt.n.nlal bigbeat In paid f a Am- ri• :+livrr, in par fund.. by /1.1). KING ran, I Dankrr Fourth .1. • For Sale, LOT on. Penn street,. adjoining Mat hula 1 , •• ful.l If 4-1r0,14,. tho I 'Au altl.l,A to Ault two yvv.vrie. . To Gardeners. FEW acres 01 Found near the city, rnit al.l. , .lFrankning. wr Fs.. Enquire 1.. 0 W11.1(IN, .45 Curled Hair Matrasses. HA yr, on hand to Large stock Al fait of roe. .I,nt rav .rtrele ..111 plow' call. 1131. NI elll.E. TlArd rlzret.orpo.lro lb. I,.it Atli.. I HAVE on hand a largo arNortment of WINDOW DoIINICKA utid CURTAIN BAN IIN. (.4 nes - pattern.. fAr rurinlcA. W3l Nordd.. m,lnn.arlyobr..laa the l'o.t Paper. 131tINTING, NG. and - WRAPPING SNP 114 by :11 l'rtuttug 1.0 •• I. by N. by 14 : A/. 101 / 2 400 •• 111u t, e ' l 1'1;4 ' 041 , 1.'1 GOA Illnile Crown eur... , list •• " • I / Medium Awl rin:le er.Anllc. 0• th• ,r1 , r.1,40/.1 ,ustenl.l, I,,wIAIAI vs!, ex , 11./.1. n largo And t 1111 , 1. I'ay., mud .Ifopti.‘ lloArd, A. , . Ar of .11tor PAPrr Printing I`a,er el ru order on nhnrt rll . 11;e , i 1.1.1/1 r of 131( ; METAL-560rorAe tond for DOle It A, , ,. LIEESE-1•25 bow, for bale by » I I AIArI waxy A CPI . la 1 .u• 1 t .1, / In.; .6. OM, tl., aro ...,I t . f) bbts for sale b •A L I;a 11()L-- • • J. Z n , co :' . ‘1`.:;1',...7ii,•'`,.,7.''.`,:i".`;',T,1; . '` . .:1',",;;; . : .",rd:;;17. r .,.` 1 .'`,,,, *^ ,A7.; --- , rock, Tlo, ..r. , a1....41,Lp T 1..., I,r 5.t..0 at . 1 li ari,Ai N BLACK SI Lli.S--For. Scarfs and ; r ..1..,ure. ~,, 14.1 . 1'arn atr , 4 l l-, ,, l - at liar: Dreraes. Alm, light end dark. changrablft :Ilk,. Inr • rte' rt0r,...1.1.11...r1y ..1r....1, 1•,.... et. I . lair. "Hen lefl It o. A la.r.r amortment to l.r round at the Atom ,4 I . tb".`" rnav ...a , br• PPn ll l ,l, Wird 1 1 tbrA ,l,,, 'H' ,, 1,..11 ItlllPlll' ,k BUItCIIFIELD I r.tonv Were hp... manufartnrrll At lie ...v... Oar, and I urr..l f., ~..nwrylp., %au, tn.. rrringe, or for tudr." l ? , lIROOSIS---.50 4..• 1;r sale by ..t. nlan 1.. fnrn1..h,..1 11 1,4 ali Am, and ran 1., re, I- , i ri, ju. , A , ~.,,,,, , r.. 111.1... ~. 1111 qt •••,ell‘ll thr prim ..f .Icm.l inla; - 1.)oT Ass-10 c:iskz fur sato by _i_ .42.3 J. /1. atinv,Ln. 1 . 4 1111E AND IVATEII PROOF INIINERAL --•-, VAINT— ,I B 1,1,1, for msl., In.. I, lope ronitatnnent. J AVA COFFEE.-1 0 hags very euperror, 1 Jr l • . 1:1A1.4.11,71,1CKEY aco Juat reed ,red fnr 1.4* by_ 11 , 31. A. 2001.13R0 A CO, i I ARI) OIL-12 bbls. for Kahl by .1...26 • . 2501.041 M .t. 1.4 J rl7 J AMES DALZia.L. - • lIMMI/!:E4=9 "I'EAMERS, MAILS, &„. C 0 111 MER 61 A.L. ..„,„_____ 61=0 ,_ Aro v tau Zal .l_b A• "L.......“. • ' , ,•,,,,,,,,,,, kt .1 .nll ..L•r+,... , . .., E ,, E , ... 4, !WA pap.t rt... 3,..1 nipd .ra .4%1.1 fr. ,, pf oxprupe, Ihm. GSM STEAM sRLPS. '''''''''''' 1.12 of ,4111 , .. It; .(NU 1 11.0 l TILE UNITED , I ATI t Mr.trwn 14'11 1.; ri LA, • 1 ',Jen f;•1111;1 ' n•Irrt.11...:..: 1 = 1 ... ' ''''' "''''. '''''''' 6. '''-.." n ' 6 ' w 6...4 .`,..‘ .., 4,11. Ilarr.n.. , 1.1 . , , 1 11..111r1. 141/rt, e•r nr..nni . , ~ : .. A.1,tui........'7,..,' '1,,mh...r.:,::..1:;;::%:,11:1:',f1.n't,:r:1:.:•:r:...:..1'....,1:1.1'rt,ft•itir!".:1.:1,,::,411'11:1F4,n;(:;7:..• FlolAl,l.l‘ 11,frn. frt. 11...• , fly of rtill•rnrn. w.••• 1 14 h., g•frrt ......11f r rable artil 1:1:1col•A. \L• - ,.11•.11 1 ..1t1 110.1 .11 .. .. . ~y, 1 ,1 I ' l 1111 " 1.1 1. h.rf 11171 ..I. 11 ~ ,,it I. , rk:c. 1,...n0...8. Irtan Plote- Fr4ll 11.- '11:•• Irrrii•t•• vor.r... rt.. n (fir •ri .11 1 " . . • Aux 21 • Vm r • Ant '11.• frttn Ar.r 1•.. . .., t , t ,,. , rt-quelarn... wind. en., ....inn 1.• or retell rem 1..4 111.• 111 1..... en linv. ..... .. . .Annr . I pnel, erhe 0. prlrrt- we,- n lirt.l,fr ‘rolrnfe: Tile ..1. , •11•1111 - A. I ..rt. tn.n/ Nl' . . _Aug 1,7 of r. , ......1, Irtrm 1 1 11 1 ' 1 801111'. C. nrt...t. Irrns New 1 rrk. • ... ..... lug :MI .... \ . ""' '''''." "'"'".' E" ''''''" - - -4 ) , I. I. tt f...tfu,C 1 . 11 11.41,..1,5,11? HA I. ••• 1 and At , Tr. 6 ••• 1, 6.1 ""ff . "• "1 1., .6.... " ..6 ' l • 0 - I . lnt I.\ am.. f•nlr. trtn.. ft... PI, reaufarly rffrt..l . All 1.-rt.., • rn.: Arn - .., ro• ..11 /1 , ./m.l I•if 111.01sta.l. 1.• Isfrl 1,1 I , .1.110 :Iry nfra 1.,11,1r. rtrnmorr, nr evert rr f " 6.11 1. N .6 , 6•.1.6 ”.• ,, • -• ' .70 . 4,, . -611 ..r r k and ..1.1i . e. I vi, fin , • • 111,, , .. ~ o lutur• 11. f ..r rrtfurrt :alb.. ru/I. 1. tin. ... rut .i rairr•no,, Itn. Coln. s Lir. .. ,•,,,,.. ••., , , . u . 111,, ~11 1 , 1..4 11. r ell J. our ern. e slug. mte...x.•pt for 7-• ..`''.... ....T.. , • 111 . .1. A , 1• ,.. 1. 1•1.1,e1 Al..ror• 1b.., ,lenr• ntrontrtl o I. per) 1.1 In full.. • I salve of .'orn •1•411/1 , erfron. nrtt Ilantl4. med 1 1.417 Irani 1 to Ihr Cuntliiont Eurupo-i, due 1 t.. 111+,0 fit, N.[Kto n F ie orrept 1.1•••••• plariut re•ituru•l iu• prepaul in full. Lert,ri Li the lam, mt. pr,il.llveuty lour rum 1•• rworpt Grum Britsirs. .N.144...ij0u, 1., • Prn•ol.l four cr,:loi•, tk , the 0.... W. mued lolar/k1 1 1 .010., court twiul.l,lLetterp .wlNvw-ok. tho I, , ,ttnont •o F row. r ] .lo the IlAvr, sua Prom.. AILIinALS ANL DEPARTVRES 01, rite Ise Ina neo HA ne arrival, 1110 departure. rerthe mall:. \ on Atte, ( . 4 4 1, 4, 1.4 14, the letter /. 441[104. Ile tlreentebtere, eat:stoker thur, Maltale.lilatae Nett le erte..h.aotern. tleetre.. we parts al N. seat. 14.10 tow,lren .Iree.t. nod [ln. tet Now koalawl Stat., nee Until ler ...toren eef lower Cart/air., Nora Stwle, sod. Non terue...wenl olettle ' .lorit, at t. 1.1, ; Detealle at IV.. Nnten .t.tret , ler telenr.ville am/ Ilnlllerat teem'. ree.., 10. as l.te, teee.....aeeeeno .el Ilreeltenti. tateitenea C'entre, Clea t.., .; ane.. I e eentene4., Millho. Mrk/nau, Frelter, Pert,. Tee.wee. llultete. eet.l earl eel Irealmoreland, tla I.lvarninre. Nlartarovnle, etaiene et: !Owl, New etigtolna, awd . loth. owe 4, e..tetet. 4,1V4 4 , fitlil 4 Pt 11 V 1,. ;. t 4,42,1, ,l a ,l, at la t. el. I 1,1,-1. erserinrel, Reel JON"... ,ert i.f Neu Vnrt and 0p,...re5ne44,1/dir• .1 rrr r rvr xr.uir end d,rerl, ur e. m . . 01. ,11 . 1.11,11.7 it) 'A aab.agton. Omen. I,: of tt nount, irff ?lalllnt.l, Si'1•011.101i Gar. aotstlernalkt WeA rra K..50.11 , 1,111inau.. Illeat,alll.l. rlutasaa. North Can, 110% Lanattanr., l lariat, and Tessa, dailT• at al, r. and .lapar.t at a a, a. Syrt Ita.nam. 11ariartca.. F1.,•nr... is ‘ l'ar, 11.17,1 a, Cove. Va-. iletfrrou., Carroll. Holm., and ranearawraa couptar,ublaxolailr• Arm. , .t 11 r . depart- t ee a u. . 11arE t% rrrrr — Bear., End Clorelszci. ark,.tkErbmEt.. ,Trurrobll. 81...LEFE. a) MOfin, T. 1."4.. llrrann4, liar., mho., Fen. LtErniusky. ‘Voud, 00,1 tl,e ralr. nrthrru r ,, Entlrs of IL. of I irllrvr 'IA I r•, , 1 1.71). at ; dr trM • E. tht rrtNror rhorpn:Alr,,lllotrrloA. tura irrrivrt., I:attarttun,, K Artuetmog. Lb, too, rtni . river End at r E. • ‘lCur.n. ~ stord, porr.n, Title. I larllnrhurg End S.. LA, TL r'.l 3.1 I depl•rtr r, 1, , ,...4,4,1/tr • nrsi i rAn) 11....iyarito Hail. Flol4yriilll,,r4,l Map Ao-lnArm. , s. Fri.l.l a, at 6 P. a.. dr ppal 1V..16....1ara an.l 1. t ,.. , .an,.ii.. 5. 11,6. co, Lyra. 16.1,11 Wu, O. a. et 1.• A. so: .1 •A.A I. •loo.lA, • ,•Ai Thor.), A. nt A A , 14111,1. V V, NoblAat.nan. ro-ttati.ia , 6... Cr..., Val.,, I' ion mill, Pa.-1 Briliai.y. iivatniT Thiired•i 1•A A- 54 ..11•AtA M..n.LA• And at I ) 111.1..6. !War.. Moo-, tato,V. Arm... FrAlm,„ a , 6 . ,latiir.l6, at 6 L 1 01.,A1. 1 .461 Tim. Ncrtli. 11 an.l Ps Aria— oti TT...16.6A,, at a donArtn on Mond... , AL Li t• rrt .I.rmr• YrliAr. at C ratur , , , • Ea., a , it --I, atnrtl. 1111.114 I •usa u. tur:u It, mrt -1, and ‘..nauct , munt, , • • •”. ; , at• tt,•lnr-alar. and Frad•y nt 7. • dvuartr Tu-..1,1y, 1 hurnlar, and aturda t:d., • •• . • . ttr. tr. the 1.1.1 1.• th• 1,111. ha: f an twur EArB6 OF DISCOUNT 11111,31 ES t FuyS, i Itank.ers. /1,111. th plc:v.l4 . 1.. %or d, part Itrn,trb at luurt,t•tuwn do atuu. do, it alma . .tt etri . . e.,tlt , , , ' ttwtont, t 111,,, , rt0 rrunLi.t. Ittuttla . . It, 4eut. ion Ottatta....t. to. It.. • t . Fia tta I ‘I Au I,,trit•.r.t , .t.t •• 41. Nnt. • bout-it • t•to , LA , 1,,, , L.1;, j.l, ""..- gankr." "'" LAN't 1 - 1.1.444:44.4. {461 Co.outry .. .... 44a Iteeterh 14.e.t0, . .por. N JEILet.I A DELAIVALL I,adi ..1 I.i.:lslll,•boith I. et , . ... 11 .. . . 4444 i. of Datorl44 eloo ltlle er 4 :44t/uM . ..tet V1.1:111,41 Bon • httllt.ok 6.1M0. Vallee...-... hank 4.1 4.lboetet.tost Mk 1 1 1cLtti tot ,44, heat ..... 14. uNr.t.x. Rank. ~ Norfolk.- 1,44,4 444e1t, o4orth ....A- 1 / 4 ;Fareuere l llsut al VI ni t Sunk Leertekre 4-014tel4Aute . t Mech. . it Not! 4.1111141.11•Noen `4N"4 , 114 Weetettt Hank Mnt144. 4,11,1 1 , :e• Be , hot 11ro.tehto .: . klenl4 of Nontout lerilhO hot N tt N C:Nrl4-14. Iltett S. ' , tot 4.14:1,.. tent 1:441141rIon Ilk. Itrulge '4• 4.-. r 1,1.1,1 elfts. 11 En. ,1. Bunt . •1L.441. Nee 444 4L4 •rtrerr IN• rr, h.:t rf • Fsrmerr . •r I...hrrr•trr h•r 11. x ••I •outh Carhlts, hur I,lth rrifinrirfl-o-....., I. arm :•-Lu • , .. - hWr . rxr N Wstrh• rt•r - , '4l OEM: le frvlkith , r.ra,truhthl prr..,,rit•r• 4•lllrirt. liar,drur: I:Nhh .•••"` • . L IA • 1 lirun.. lA. tr.; ra E•rnrehrur c0ax......... ••• k.• N Y;NS uvrkly ,az• VI: . beak Kt,rucK ..t l'otto.tli; IDa Ilk /.fL , Thu tar 11rek..1,14t, Ilk vf Wrultsek, ,••:11/.11. la, , l.arr,rSooth..rm Ilk oil lt,ntork lte list Se•trA—. .. • : Br of .nteor ot ‘llrcklurl - oh, • t•tat-tlttnt . Sur., att•l Ilrattt•lt t.t tvt: Itrauet. at .• )V1,5 , tNSI N Iltaut , at 111-1.1,1.,t 1•••t5t 11.• 15 .1.C.5 Ilra.r.,L 1 . 1,1,551.15.• . .10; Nllt'lllti I.N Brawl. at 1"1.•••••140.1...a. .1.-IFarmei;lechatltra• Haat 3 Itrant'lt a: T.. 4. 5, r .. tr. tiort,nm Hank"... a liratteh at•lra " tltetpu" I:s.rtk. ... 3' Brawl, at Itclamate tt I luta., 5:atm,...)3 Brant:lt . qtr• fe. Bank - a Brno. AKltt.atottln... 12.51 s OM N. otna Branco at Matt.rt.l.l 11.55 A. 11.1.5 thr Ftettlett 5t Itnnk of sl••ntrtral . lirvich at ..11tetnnotl •Inlllso. If VA...twin, "I ort•ott. ltranelt nt , ,I••. S..ISTEIt, 15.ACIIANli ilrnttott IV.. • Itraat'L at U: ..tta Phi1:0 , 4551a .. • ti Itrsurit I 5%11 5 .0 , , • Ilranch at .3,4•• At. &NA:ILA,/ E. Ilrsnrlt nt ail '..:5..n• . . . . Braurt, P V:“.0 'truurl, ,LantAta ... 10,1 Branrli al Mt BraP - ' at Etrara-t. t;t Brawl, a , r.r• Etaaf,r,larirkaEl Drartob at ElatlnatElallar• ....... lit-natl. at Part...o,lEo.a .lE.,t ktratteh at F.AE.Ea E.Ol taKt Itraurts at Km anna ..I,.!tat•EEElElvra. . . , Itrar at 1... N a atEr ta. , 1 Nil HE - snail sit Cut EELEE,E, PRICES OF STOCKS FOB T 111; 114.11 ti. 47.1.711: BY A. kVII.,KINS & Cp. gxcIiANGE 13M:4:Fats, :11111.1, e•TS• • • '.-- k - 14' II; ,12 , j Ivy I. 1. . i'•• k 1, .1, (_.l, ;;i • Int. No, 1.1 I . td.lrti". Mani,' 11.1. • timantytst,tn :%. 113a..1 I,t.trr . 4444 4 !! 4. JY l4t Nortripc,‘Frt. ! 44 . 4 ; I,cc tic 11.611 Ali In „ , Manz, I! Pr. line. , ircnct r. 1.4.1t0 t ! . Itt..but,ll North /111..ri• tI4 Nurtlt ~ t) ii11:1 ' .7,1, A tz,r Stone Ware Pumps, fur Wells and titterna BE,Ii inform,. th e Ik l }.PvivrS ,uttuntl nom!, 0., • 111,11 beta /Avon .11, 1 i 11 , a1. , r , NO, 'Iv...AM 1.11,••..r 11.0,1 Tbe. IBIIMIIMBMI! •` \ ' ' ' \ 0 "z. 1' - \'• 4 \ \ \ ' 1 ' A \ \ 1 \ • , \ ' - - PITTSBITROH MARKET. sin Katiry i,\l, fatf mine-t . It 30t. 14 bushrl .. " . 3 ,101 j. Of r OO 1 , 0.10'1..3 1,01 , from prat I.3tnd-ut '30.. 'mud 3 3. 150 I I n tlO, nt I , Is tnlett.l wait a 0..1 3011014 , I .R.K . KRIES -3110',Ins I , nv.lloo, I. 0•41.... In tl5. en, ' or, mnrkrt. 0 , 0.0 , 01.0.010000,10.nr0 to repay. ,r, Ni .0 1 000 0 .. r0.0r0 . 4! , P , •10 mt the 1 . 5113wiu0 rO4. 0 , N Xtt Or:inns:agar Oa ?V.V.. for Uri 1.. 11..laiir. a31,-, Ilia ati4l.% su4ar hokim. ftic :a tierce. and att.. Pit V !Stith: , .The tnarkat at rimala nat. vlalo haver llVoitti. and ntarar 61 . rid.• lat ~,6111e for eirsr. 41..1 In IV Lei 'utt at writirn at..l eity inti.l, a at ,no, I.nt.{ mirth teivlat i r. wuppli • nal— Jr... 1 loyil.l —Th .I.ulan I i.. prionpaily For So . 1 MD.... whirl. have n. tinerit Uhl IT qunti nod hi... T...., it lake 1,11 at FEATIIERS.—ti tun.rk. n .ii In prim. • • ••• LIMP, 6a tn lota 'at :4,,',11, . t ••• lA trapart• rr quirt, with nn rhangr Flilnt wn, nrlltn: In iftalo on . the IOrt• . 5.1.334:S • prkurittallt ttrl Utirr buttrl.elr 1111••• ..brat we al t•ra,01.,. SPIRIT-OF THE 'ROUTS MARKET. f inat Er tatan. Atilo .1 . 47• ' Tf!:Le7:l l rt n' ati u lk `lk„;,l' ", b.— Nll4lllOO •t 577 LA belor •o 1 , I S-4. 35 halr•\ol t• rt• hairs waxt fa; ta; 1..1 at 5t.7.:41. and So btllta at Slkt LF./10Nt• rah.. Wr• •• untr.r . ,.o.tnr. at.\ SI 11.0 . "- • • I 1.01)/i—rat,Errty I(tiht. rt.:loolring klbbls Bay 5t0,10,, .. Wat .•nd .Ir.r - otrl \lt: at $l. Ana Shlr rxtra 0N,., :3.1.1 ,g) the 11/..r 1.1. •11.0n0.• 0 3 :• •0•. o.S•rs, . et•lro. tt/s2 r • . •a/•• rut , A, 1,,1. I ,, I.N—SaIr II 11 , 40 ha'a dacrraztil at . "21, rk.• • ion a 1 =, 197 aka dun .0•I at .0: 00 ,It• ' 1 ,4 o f nit 17 , 4, SSe. dahve 0•11 trown.l. , s, 3101.11 . 1.-Ilierr—jbe worth, rI MSS tt. rt . Oa/ hrsll. rurrS, t.ork. raatatt.l. at 114 1,11,4 1, rTli• ats.l nnettasitl 111.0•N—MartrtlIaarttr... and Ili' 0. 010 W' ha . Mao rttArrrl atol clear al at box, II v•sna •twar 31 bbirjlantation tno•ifar• at 02c.a •usar Sra • llon. us. •tr qt.!. the..marlu•S Mltt.,t—Wr qn.•tr dry prat lit dry asked . g u n . at I a4A,.. wc.)L—,th gun,. thr noncral ratr•S‘ nuirarbr-1 at I.,,Entnnn at nt 0•41•.1. b ' s 0,; 1 , "..5..1..1 at and lull b1A,1,1 at 71-7 S, •, I. s ormvut.r. a AuAm, La IL. mark, ha. era but au aVraskjan aLiah Mara 'ha. troll al) art., t7r,A. ' .. A47 n We Eridar or 00 14.1. tma. at Sit Pa• bbla .1414 'Li .I. • s , mbLajtirtala mkt at Sl4 .4 , caall : an,l4L, t. 1.1. at .14 aa I,ata 10 lb 41, twitters had ...her atttildrawn them Ira tu.the mark., var. haatuo. at au th •In Imam. a ...ale ar a.loak ra, he.. manth, arttbata tot, , kla nta . . . .. . • . ..... and unra rataiiing in .mall li.. all ik.ii^ Su nat.... n .1i... I.lon niur..• • , n rr.tate•tartun We nun,. thl lat. It r TO a:l,i, inr u1ain.1aa......1 and,... ~ nut aro , hltue 1 Iraylo. % little van ..../..• in 'lour I.i4ht s'ea'm I. i. , lA, fur. Ily the 111...1.1-1 h 11...... quote al Vo•al IVll'lli a. unr. un to 1., Shrihil man iiXih-iI , h . '. lb. ...ii. . v./ inui i1ant . :W . .1.1,.. ••11 Et an.l 71 1t11.1..m.k., 11., i lit iii I In tr.. a-rn-ara mail but Mit, tinlnu. ha! , 111 , la: , 41 1T.... Oa V 4, Rini 1.. lilid. t in,.:ar ai;........i.r . al, Infoirl, an-I I • f., a.I lair ' . '1 . 1 , -, 1 11u,, ....11 nt .. 1., raw .....rnit . Err , ti Whin., a ti hitt nit t lath at ;he !ate end Ptittetzurttalh ntl intant lo tnir ourloug ttn, th. triiire all nu h,rt ri heti Ili. it - iin,thiant wi antucil tn. huh,. nuil pll tentuul eut uilttft tutu thy tut - It, t v eflf eLopvif 01 !lam., end hurnt . anter . .....1... Alt ,e.rw0u....0 um. 1.111.. and tret. hu•iu, Um.. U. their eflorta Tl. Cbinnarr ta tran bullt nt New York nal aka. two T. untba aHn If.r crigtna. $4...00). atb:r • •utu the wrortnaurett In New Lorlrantaull Neer the Iv Ifs vlrt.c.l hr r rr , rol.or Journal. PORT OF PITT:!;;BURCH --Thete were lee, .7 Inch+, v. manna. metal n,rl. la.t evening. are? (•11,, I,lll,l.nnett. .Nhrtos.o.u. livavor , 11 , n1 , 4). NleiterNiendritAson,llrKrerport tumutar-- IStrkmal. 1tr...t0•111. • Won, ), 1,1, Se , _,lnn ,anti 4 ..11eNgan. 14.3ver r. mprr At la., Nno .1 Mr litodrmlyou. 31-.K-n•port ~,,, r. ler, It Nrwl.. liallk. Demi. It. 8r0 , r2,111, 4;inearttati Jtn Cirartonm, IVhrol.ap lourtml. txmlrerl, W.,ID LNAVINO FOR PIIILAPF.LPHIA AND ItALTI MORE, D L« , h Cr, Pa.v.roa, PArk.A NOS N I,sll,VlLLE—Judvr,u. . .1 la:l.:LlNO—limo% Nol.un WF:LLS n XILLE—k , ua Ilrom,5VILI 1. P; , 21, MUM St, MU:. mud 0 Fuu I.oruu tur.—Tho oplentil I no./ light drauaht er Ituu.u.k'Nut u•stwure tbu ht, ~ 0 . the Ilur wu 1 'IT ti , U• te. rI .—T ho 1,33,33.,,m,3731ach , Ltr. Call 3'.l:l.nrt ,r 3 I I 1 , 3,, n.• 4 IT 13333,33 tLI,3 • 3 33, • Th, , vatno.r. liar'font alai ,na will al, le-kr. 1,uta•311 , 1, , 1ay Th.", arl3 all ~..11,a14 3n.1 afford fale . arganatunla.n. for 11, travel!, • IMPOSTS HT RIVER itLA% P. bk.,3,-;11.1.11•pa,r. L Didn A 14 14 • t.c• 13 31 1 , 3k3 4/J ,143. 3 U 1.:•101,1. I .3IA 1 , 1.1..3 X A 3l'. I in.:31..1, .Irt, Lart.3,3l ).1.1:1,J.3. lIEELING—CLA W I!. lu.. O 14 1.1.1. lorbi.key 31111.5 t atol Rirloo,Uoto fir•••...•• 111.. r.h3rl iwooot. tank to too,r, C. 1,30 "cm, r , 3Cl3‘ t.. 30 it —1 1., coot.. Vrt-.11.11 so coo it‘s .r.r. C 0.... L. dos. J loar.l co.. • AI $. cri• • r 111- ',CT,— VI II MT 1t...1rr W 0., 6µ 4 Co. sJto rt. S,,,,AND PAPER-51.0 rill= ass'Al for ililp . by -., ,o ..1.1,11.1.s • ~ i 1 AStOR 01L- , 11.1 1)1,1r, Bll,'s Nto. 1, for' x ,' .d. b, • A., ~ h 11.1.1 A Vt. I:4 1 RENC II LAST! .N . (;—/kr \ l ad , l tlonal ~NO r.•'.l by 41:1.1.111' A . .1.:ItCLI01.1.1, Ant 1 • I i 11. Y ~,,A , P I:I,, E S-7.1 1,1.1,. :ma ~,,,,,t, .1 II ,•\ 1, p ci!.K.ETS---;',o 6..7_ :11ari , Ita, in t il (....1.- , y ,A... 1. A II CA V OTICE—The parcrwr-Itii, , i 1 ,Itilz ttn.i.,11,. ta-An .A M. A W 11111. 0 1 Ito"' ''''' !"."'' ''''9"'"' '''' ;c7: ‘ ... ,,, ,,.. AWN LA V. ro,ll r It AI.ENT4 FrOIS.10:0--21 1 ,. I,..xes liklimotioi l'n la ~.0 II ---.• knti 5'......t,tbr 1t,...; Apprv,i bpor .1.. ~ 1....1 .: •mt for ,nl.• by An t i L 1111. LIAt.A LAI . .1., , , pICE—'.2 O to: ri. , , , t'or 11,1. 1, m. NI. .1 e• P PI , g r Lb I.l7.l:lt—i'l 1,14:%, roll hutier for -al' ip W 1 :W. l llll / 1.; 4 0!:. SALE:—.\u 1' 11 , 11•1; 1 n•vur• 0 , 1 t IlosT ()nice. SCAI,I.IS--41t,t reecived. nu ."1•1111/•nal Anti lor 1m• 11. 111t.r.r,. • nu., ‘llArlo, n• 1 ,1...”r71. EMI= i • . . I "'IN nA LA WES. 6 , r d, .r C.,untcr 1 . 1., Ani. rtc.AAL .....,.... 1 , All 1. ti...min,(l,e% 1 1 1.... 1/. ...ry ~....k awl ..31..1111.1.. te...t.r 1 c ‘ r.a, , , , ~,t i *OLD PENS—A 4 line 1 , 4-v. 1 1111 ,111 3 Or I ” \ 1 '/ II I tovq. mak.. a1.r... A ..13.m..1. Atd , ..ArrantlAl , .t tv 1 i.,.. ...v . , f r.qt-5111mb. m r m., aud fi,• hp 1 • 1 I,A 1 Arll pls KEN A i . 7 - IL I ()LASSES— 164 Wok. 1 . 1An14(...n. Iv. k.ll Ai... 4 • 1,..1.n...,...Ar 11 .... ,r ....... 1., .1. 1, A 111.1. 1 111,...N A t .1\ U 1 . E I'SOM SALTS-10,14d.. tor ..11.. by . - -. • M Y. -;:o• .oporior t .untly nti.l nl.l. mArket. '• ,„„, ;••••11, 0 01 %h. 1 CO 111{USZ , I E FYiLA. 5.,1„ A .1101.21'0172. et CO. pus 5 hid , arrict.... rule J DILWAIRTII 1:0. - • - • - enskA pure, for anle I P. %IrOOL TWINE-500 Ills. for dale b y C. A11.111:1 7 11:0 T. TURPENTI'kE-40 bbk ( rive) 1, NJ. Fr ' ,d. a co., •.!_!' • - • • eu Hir , nel at. OLL BRIMSTONE-2 - Phis. for Palo t Ir^-5 • J. EC11001.7X4113.13.A CO. PITT I36RGH GAIZETTL . \ WRI STATE TICKET.. \ ~ \ a-tu.q .11. - i J.iIINTI :. J.IIIN . 4, 7,501.5 - 5 - f - 45 - 1'52,...5. 5,..r., 55y ,5•515'. - rituk ....9.. 55r, . •,. I. 5. 1 1 l ARD .5 01. LTEL. \.51 'SA .51p0r..1515..1 .i 1.55151.1 1 5. 5711A.:•113ER5. vf Frant 115 r, ~ .11 5 ,1(1 , 51 W. 5:5 5 51,11...1A.M0ur0i1r. S A - 11.11A 31 Jr., , e1:3. 0f55155521155 ' Antunasonic and ..., , ttitty Ticket. Ni‘tg . m-ti.evt 5,...i.555. locar. \I ALT E It, E, 11 NW II D, \ I'..ebl. • ' ~,,,, \ 5,.., 15 I. rAp-r1...555,r.. 55 5, N5l 5 II W. ILI.I A , I e 0 P115.5.1..502. \ I ...51,5 - xlOr ' yl Fr. r 4, tArti 1...., 1,\., ic 'WM 11. XIV .1'.15E. of 1 'ttalnyl. ' •,..111 - . P . .1 umEr .. • , ..t.v.t or ..Ic, Tt \555,5. A... \ 51,. 1155555 i, of Lower SL .r . • • 1 . 11565.55 5 L 31'3111,LAN. Aye. .55, .1011 N 11 , ..LIAMo r t Rota 555 \ . JAMES. El FEE, of enov..krs. \ • . 5. PI I E. A PPLETON, of 8ir2511 Lira 11151,5. PENNEY. of NVlt...ssport .101 IN 3111.1.,E11, 55( 1555511•555.. \ ,1, 3 11: 5 1".1, VAIL .. NE ,JI STOCK.S.I Pllts... ”rt. \ ALFA.. RICIIARDS ,S IN..A A11.CL•455 \ c1.r.551 fa; 'NC tem, JARED 31. uguFri. of 151.6511,5 h. . \ ' ,• nrasynn. .15515 N V 11511LAND....(1:55rwr'et. (riot 5‘,53e555.507.. RORER I' Ell.lO. of P 51150.1.01, , • ~,,,,,.., 1.115 Ni E 311,11 1C155. of Areatc.ll.•ss. • ~~ ~-. rn rs::rnre ~, .~nm W.~, tutu ttt fr.., the A"..a' lorkCornm,riell .4.le,toser. THE CUBA 'NEWS, AT THE SOUTH—RIOT. It was to he expeated that the .painted intelli gence brought by the (Thera. froM Havens would produce intense`exciternent at N. Orleank Mobile, Savannah and other Southern cities.— Thosehave that beep suddenly cut down went forth from thoite regions, and had there their nanOelates end friends; and defiant of law and justice at the invaders were, Southern sym. pithy was generally with them. Probably. too. rem the persevering misrepreeentations amide by the majority of Southern journals,. a large number of the people believed that the invading en /edition would he successful,and Were littleprepa red to hear thatit was so easily and soeummarily disposed of. These, nud other circumstances con sidered. we are not disposed harshly to judge the Thullition of feeling: of which' the telegraph brings imperfect accounts. The executied,of the _fifty most have been a severe eileek to Ifiltny a Parent and brother; while to thane who sedimed them from their allegiance to the laws of it own epunery, nud led them into the snare iititt it:n.oll , o them in on ignominious and unresisting death, such dire, intelligence mot have been humiliating and exasperating: and the' citizens of the North. while they condemn the vieletice committed pt Sew Orleans, will also deeply re gret that. surit sudden retribution has fallen up. on those who violated a friendly, nation's rights, and will retneniher that the victims of an incen— ited tiosiernmenthad their friend , . mid syrnpathi- V, at the South'. • r n.p 1 ntlcP Lave \V .0 are glad, ais - o, that in the bred burst of ex +tied feeling nog !umbel. lire, have been sae- The murder \of Spatri,h Conant would Y ever dis;:raeyi the : city of New sir ytt,tit bringing , hack tale of the dead any stay l,eib a rpaliation upon 1 General ~f Cahn. 'The Consul was sr Orleann andel; the moet sacred of ',veilou which\ intethational law upi• , y: and the clomtry would bate . 111 i hrUlliiiltird 't , efore the world on ~n. v iolated, :be boa he r.•. admitting that bah, kept n.lvi•ed of the,desies and, had :noosed they datvriiii. ,o,ostions, what did he \ , L aild he have been an thful Con,ul had he fail. otherwise hare been reent hi, country np -0 the name u,nl of the Veiled hy, then, should reatened—he, a, le -madly nation, cities., under t, e ' , for an lti ct tl7r a ly , p ow - Yupo.t, „him one lin'ppi ?outhim leans. to lite, •it the Captut bring iii•Nt All (urine of ' and usage can been disgraced haul thot protect. done any wrong: hragovernment tr,i;i act-sof the men rib, spina. to invade. it• more than hie duty' dionorthle man and a fa iv' to do , this! COlll,llll 'regarded , ... worthy to yet tm t tur ,eit . : Set; / , ,I . 1 , 1, L lILLInpf connuct from every C. .S:Illlep whertarer rc,tdmg '.' t he be . assailed, or hurt, or tl, sem:noised representative of n iotfictalli resident in out of ow the mont'atierafguarautces of pro net dono ht Havana, which he was erless to 'prevenq ems the.,.-atta quite in accordaurti with that chiral tinily, and neikse of lainaor.'nf which-our friends make their bOust 7 \ c‘t ,Seither waalt,vriso)Ot the citizens of . lehmi to destr.a property. Yoriwhich thee a. of New Orleans will hereto make restituti But we shall not dwell en:thesti things. ... be Sot :a has no long cherisedtthis idea of wrerti g Clildt from Spoilt that they seo tht—whille 'mitt In toil otlelkolllt 01 view, and speak and act as; Spain hail no rigida in the pi-anuses: to itivntit , I the coil of Spain is brace, right. chivalreus--; but for Spain todefend her soil is crimltY and wrong; to sack tier villages, reiliitheir treatories. and shoot her sUldiers Nod her peasantry, are noble deed and anloruus . --but for her to defend ber towns from -nob ar atilt-, and, to repel ,the assailautawith the name weapots they employ is dastardly and `man. Probably there is just now too muchhot bided in circulation for calm ' 1 reflection to do It 4 wort, otherwise the conduct of the respective.,‘parties, the invaders and inva ded, would be vie -d in this light Sporn is in amity With the - United Staies. .Bp to the time of the executinn of these fifty men, she hae done nothing at-which tbe\tinericau Government or the American pimple ci old take umbrage. She has fulfilled to ine,the aft the duties of a friendly power, and hues inno manner interfered or at tempted to interfe're with our affatmor institu tions. She was Lally entitled to the same cour tesy, and had a right, to expyct that the Ameri cn Government :1.1 peorle would 'preserve to nod her the some MIER, and friendly hearing 511 e has shown towards 11f, , This railion our Gorsenmennivve are glad to say, has earnestly striven to maintain. To the toot ability it has ittiorferrd to save us from the mirmich of Meng inferior s Spain in the faith ful ilischaige ..., interuationithdollits\und oblign- . vinous Not eo, howevr,"with.e lioriinn : ot tee .0 niericnn peoplej chiefly residfnts of Southern StAl, Although Spun never intrtned them . -- ' over broke faith with * them,—never interfered 1 . with themin a iry way, but trialed freely with them, treated them at all times kith courtesy an.! good will, sent. her representatives among them and received their's with all Buser.-uot• wttbstandmg this, we say; ti, portion of \he Amer dian people. have been turieuror.tli Fir ' , years to sturb her pence,, to provoke rermlboOatlioug bee subjects, nail to wrest from hoe by (Moil or' violence one of her tom, valuable missessions. For this purpose they have subscribed money, subsidize! pres.Mryi.ed tinned compathies, marshaled them 'unde ru r a Spanish refugee, sent I them to Cuba as am invading; force lauded them for seeking a town. imprisoning ito Governor, robbing, its treasury, murdering sotali'of its res -idents who sought to defend their property, and , then reenived them hock into their midst with I ,em',• , , as though they had accomplished a noble ' mail humor. tale and chivalrous deal. Now, iu totae sadness, does the contrast be \wren this breach of international faith on e our I part. and Spain', international fidelity, reflect fii 'ridity upon us.: .1.4 honor, or justice, ur,Com. eit a irt honesty, on the side of the Americans who have done these things! There has been no provecalion, no pretence of provocatieh, on the part of Spain.'that.min jusin'y or excuse these, hesttle itemal...init. Spate riniouatrat4d. as well she might. The frisillCLlt, for the time beitag,,issited h., iriiela um 'ion agamsi these out rages, and with geed citizens that ought m bare Lad autholity out! tutluence. The press, having at heart the h0.,..r of the, country, and desiring ' that the tloveragonit, of the.rotted r , tates should at letutt equal Ufa{ of Spain it, keeptuggoml-faith 1 with a fricu !Niece, re Imned with those who ' stZt,tht to tiring ditTetotte. upon the couutry, and eurne.tly , frote,Auti Utmi,mt tlie'-e illegal and do gratteial pretteettUtv:,‘ • - till It., slum partuto of the pimple person !e :bete content pt of trt c o, ,nd the', tbetite , h Of honor •Tl i 'ldly, acen may avowed lbeirActAttnicuttiop no turtturt,ot sa e the tipardt t h territryttt n tuttraortsortUtti , .1 oitu Spain reuienstri/itsll•yealing cal-nest!'" to t h o bi tgatton el treaties, and hi her oira ex.! ample at regar•ling, he",,t aprihe-deellrang alep 1 that 1 tiles , t.>.,..1 . 11 .. L9 iipon bet terntnrr were tepentia the torbea .ttiee• sac hod shown would be continued no limiter, that the ineaders. tieing I leryl t,l,'l . l,l by thi. 'Gover nm e n t I, to he acting you Ore,' own respanahhiltiy, and defiance o United t 4 tates law, would he en- garded a. pirwiya and would he soureated Thel • re enident agaiji isaue•i h is proclamation, Warning these men thaevieht wool liW,their fats, and that ' by a isf•further a uph a n .th•mia i alley would ontlaw themselves, and Nast not look to thi s 6,ni-ril- meet icr proteeti\ II or interfere:me to their kw. I ' half. in the event ; f their. f•VAng Otto the hands. I , fi the Mecubed a •noriti, at flub..,—that i n \ tnut• they would he fighting ar,abust their own ciuveramelit I, ROE • , th.......i ,'pain And what \ towed -.' They reed d the .l•lndutetraihou that Io ght to restrain IL it lawlessness, 'and th e prssea that, true'to the honor of their country, siil•vorted the .kilinrula atiott in It laudable purpose, 181.104.1 to .! Tr , the ohlt noes 0 law' Ind justice, nod the'. etrtes of p triotism. null okylng the warning it \tim'Captairenerul 'of Cot 4, ile.:kared them:le:v.6 ( i trilling to %Ire 'all th e cOikir.ll,l•4 , CO , 11p-14 . the \ own heed', and' nem infaded t.',...iba. . Those 'onsequertres overvie"kt them—tercible and *oven . , you net more en gum the tmealled party had ekeclared they sronld/R and the ' at eailinta bad rleclarvi themsetien willing to brnye ' • \ '. „ . , ~ . _ • - , 4 . Al, ' \ • ~.w~~~:. V4III3LE 7 li 1 1 1. I 1. . I. \l l\,„ l L i 1..1 i U s e , -. 1 7. NI I. .. qc i in. I e l . 'I 1 \ ... MMM . . and prepared,to 4,dare,' Doe'N'' duo it 'sour • A ..(age,- - has it the aspect el high \aid chira\rous • _.-__lf' houor--nois te try out Clot riot °thrill:et Cease , •uence of which they were so Apliaitly and i taithfully warned, and which\but a fikinight agy 1 1 Ii net aeowed themselva so willing:to 41..50u4ter 4 ~; ..1, And then we ask. , diipassnmately, itlukh to the . -i„ ....4g•dparty an ,tt,thir • Sit the . cubatte lamp- \ .f it with our ,people,, or! we WittC, 'theirs `t ' ; Ind ~ • ,! ! they .4erici emissaries s uiilie roitelhtates to ro- .. '% ,11. mote rehellion, or did tt, portion 'of the Amerk n . .., pi,r.ple send such to Cuba" Did Clibaz,Ciilve, .. , i.'•,,f r iAmerica. or did Ameicatis itirs:tei2uh:t ' The s sek s, vestions admit of ready answcm,ind s thote ariV l s wwere most Y completels, show tha.i, imiignation \\ . 41' 'Lod denunciatory epithetsshould be\applh.z.i not ,\ • to' .Spain or Culla, which has kept the peach, but \ s „ .... .1 , , , to I.opet. and hiit s pirtiticat party. with ktieiiaid- \ • • era and abettors,will, in ,lefiantve oi\the Cu- !retitle, of their Ihslow citienS andthe prod's- C A •!. oration of our' ..pok s ortuneni, hair broken, the : \ i peace, and broken it \most dishonorably. \ ,_ , • 'i, Nowt is well, ketily ao we may feel `Lit s ', the Cuba a u thorities hare taken a' severe ven ' geance itEt \ n the invaders, not to be entirely, s , carried awe by our feelings, but to' pay some \ , regard to-t 6 voice of justice. and truth. We . ,`, \ , \ , egider the rorocation a, well .a's the Yen ce; we to st remember what; bar been - ione ugaiust ' Cuba ...4 well as what lair been Ilene by -.7 Cuba: how man .- of her people , and ',Mier, • . \ ..were shot', or wo Id harp been shot, had Loper here successful; a' well as how r any of the in— ritOers were 'slain_ rf one could • a dieve the re- peva,. somewhere he ten kw,, anld, five hundred . Spit:ash soldiers were - died by Lopet's, band in defending their soil fro i the inriniers, trurely his it of some account.. It may ,he auSwered t at the fifty Were eNreyt ~ i while tbo five bun d d were shot in conflict ' But 'wh'd provoked the conflict The ttporino soldiers were di fen ng Neil- land - from - rutli vs, marauders who . ; had i•ratlett it. The right as to thekr side ; and th`y were suddenly ;tithed y Americans, of 'whom • bahly the fifty forme a port. ' In the allot, remark.. 09 rill pia . ,,:., we bar 7 said noth g about the rillegiki tie..rp of the pro. pie to thro •on the ~ :t;pani,ll 3-0 •_, We bar not though it nece,kary, for tit t. 5 not flit slightest ey fence t, la it, elistenc.c.: but inucl presumptive rpoc tr, 1.11,. oontran ' \doreorer, before the pee e ofanother vuit.l,n ea be.ja, tined in aiding, a revolution, tin!. 0 mu I have been o 6 0 no fide ommeneemetit a ~00h r •volu. lion. Out upon t at part of the r t tijii t it - t, I. Deet,,llry to rate There wee 100 nicht tm it: Cuba, and to oll`ktppenivinces no desire lot Lime.snyrs OP ItION 'or'I , IIPOLERS. \ t In Lomartmee netr' ' Work . 4,l: the Ileator.ttioi., to portrays the Empenor -Napn,im as perhaps never Frenchman before hat deb iceti that ear, 9rilinary 04.13, at one time ~1. el/Ikkalcally are bteranytethe idol of the whole‘peoble of Pronto. r WI; lire somewhat curious to knoll . such seri: tinikrits as the followtn.s are . ne linsce ised \in the Re; pdblic:— \ ; \ • WITAT 'NAPOLEON 010 roil Fit.i. ‘ XCir. „titri'rondili set?—tie left freedom chained4e,Tuslit rani .promised by .riiii posthumbli.,_ . irirtitc.ii_ .itill v. sm parodied, without power to vll,l hitniatt,,on sebqice repaid, philosophy proscribed,prejtidteeE encounaged, the human mind diruinished:‘tn struction tuartenaliare and . crnicsntru'ted tote pure seienßes alone, selmol, equves.ted ii.t.r... ht. . rackis, literature degraded by e-nol thip, no 111.- 1 bled Fy barreness, national representation per- sorted, election aboli s hed, the Arts, uslaveib . cons- moron destroyed, credit annilulakil, nusq4Stion suppressed. iniermitional liatrcd revised, the p-ople oppreseed, or enrolled in the-army, pay- mg In blood or taxes the anlibutotiof an unequal- . s led soldier, but °over - 16g with the great name of France the contraditiOns of the hge, the Veertee ' - \,, and degradation of the country, This of the '', :founder: This is the .man:—.l man instead.of a . \ revolution'.—a man instead of o'in epoch:---asnlaas \- _ it:wt.:o44o optiorry!„-ii toiinto, , vioit or n riaboal", \ Nidhing after him nothimioafoonsl 1.1f21 but oio shadow, making sterile th4.l2 \ eb:Uteuratit century. , , \ ahast ‘ hent and concentratedinbrtuanlf alone E'er ..iowil `glory will be always ..Po s kieri!et\a, Cbdrir.Ct, , ertting the of Nai.oltton,' koill'it`w;.i never merit the praise t.e..dired up ..a\ that of Atto;i.s. tan, of C,'isselernagne, and of Lob'. XIV, There . in no age, there u.nuiy a nainel, \ cud th,name signifies noth ing to numanity hut'ett \ th False to institutions, Poole retrois,fade.i. false in policy, for he debased: fait.* itif• morals, tar he corrupted . ; false 7 . in' eivilitnididt, (ice lie op- , pressed; false ip diplomacy, for "lie ii-c.kated—he was only true in. wit, for lie shed torrents °Zhu- Man blooi.,litit c, whit can wo then taldw liie: Hin-indiliclual g..iin was *mat; but it wits-the t ,geniusof materiali\m, Ilta intelligence Tenemental:A clear, but it vrakth. intelliner,e of cal(ula (inn. lie counted, ?lie weighed. he uicasurtsl, but he felt not, he.b;ied not: on soap/id:ll'l,d with none, ho wo, a Agile rather tlian'a in./. Therein'lay his toferiorkty to .11exandir and to the working of gen!ue, Arerll l 4 fuP., and hanging, like [dose of Otim, w tie gooo4ll med als of the empire.-- I ,lt. exoe.i nonglmg with the.bloal, g to tic skip which at It thstAt gold en his ccur.t ed their GAc ing eaatiy bony . ohm jo feature, • transparent. greater brilhauc look was sehrckM —a t e emblem of ' ed to have thta.blacl. hair. ture ~ loonttnuar hie brad, natural to give &tufa. Sec tasCb.luery and thoug'tt of watch The ma p of to, crusted taa \ite or a was beginning eu sn his breast: Frederick 11:- - at apprart. , l to RM., hi, antlatiers anti tottra It Was evil by the rough. pt of himself—ot LI moulded himself, tleotton before t:lckmataa of Path, pose of desuu,y:,:i, age in Icon movcaret insnar origin. T . broke out counts .His nature, too part he had to I, 'ifs lore no resew him. Superior 411 odspring of. at out of ton ultmet stranger eve in this pot - ma tao p, payaiuptotny hiu,,l the Mo 4gent. of the A nte-teat, ;; ter era Indiana, Iva, „,,„„„ Eer the follovrnig eircimistsiptep . H., bit ...,rted' front theetennirg. t fir ' Vernon, when 4.4,4 ttie i,r iNast ridiug through the th e H er , beginning to fob, 'LI, :atrmapte,l whhn ljarge tree fell on him, treat ; :,Inl otherwise injering him. ...lie managed to reach 'eo much inlitredrthyt ha lied afterwards. 1111122 cx VG. jays