A Ban 4itti f the Whiting 'marks en the latelete k et Paiirl;Lin'the Episcopal geeoeder., - Mben we rend l the*Oomto ittlalets and pageva;MiimerutitcbCwerentt‘umiagdus with Mon of the editor of Ltheßceortiert , ' letatFmg the accatmts,of the fete given: tr la Paris to.the Commissioners of the World's Kerr .and . .other English 'noblemen end gentlemen, 'ste are mortified to find that they consented.to make nSumlayerhibition of themselves at VerenSles. The gardens were crowded , and the display etas no doohtst Moat brilliant eihibition of Sabbath ' breaking - by high dignitaries. Such Frenchmen SA understand the ditlenence between Protestant Ind Papal' Sabbath-keeldng, vaunt have been strick `wtth this inconsintent conduct on the part i d the t4.c.,,ntatives et tti cation which has umulo such en. indignant protest against the Papal by sago's. , We hme seen, as yet; no comments of the En ei.,h press, on this pitiful auhserrice to hunch Indifference.. it could en readily have been Moid al by a word of et objection; and the French pmfo pie would:bare had no ranch mere respect? r their guests, had they declined a Sunday parade ° that even!, on. the lowest ground of htinum wislomend:poliny, the hordhimor of greatton din and. his 6guests have committed al • ' mitten. If they had gone in a body to the 1 English chapel in Paris, instead of going to Vor- Itsittes, the hands . Land hearts of the Protestant clergymen who otfictate among itonianists would have been strengthened and'aucottraged, end the caust . of Protestant Christianity placed in a de oent attitudebefore Its 'opposers. instead of such a show'of countenance from the visit of their countrymen the English Piptestants in Pll4ll are made to blush for the easy compliance which will dohs Some attliamena do. Taarea ens Var..+Thelimposing ceremonial of taking the white veil *as performed in the Boman Catholic Church on Sigh street yester day morning. The whole services occupied about three hours, .and were performed by the Right Reverend' Siehop, assisted by a larger number; of hie clergy, ;The fair devotees, who thus took upon then:melees the vows of poverty. ohletity, .and obedience, were three in number. They were youthful-awl graceful in person,,and when they lentered the oltureb,:. were all beentifalli attired, ' as for their bridal. !' The appearance of oil indi cated intelligence,: cultivation and refinement. A discourse, unuinally learned and &anent, up, . lon the religious life to which the youn ladies bad devoted themielves, was delireted by hie. Mr. McElroy, from the state of Maryland. At the close of the discourse, the damn retired, to throw off the drape ry of fashion tied them selves in the gar b of t sir order.-Proridencr .Joi!rnid of Friday 0 An"C.I.S. COTTO3.--iii4o fifttOda years ago . the ent few bales :of Acirican cotton were crop ped at the Livreptiol C tom-ham, on the grand that they could not be e product of thi United 1 : s‘ 'Stets. libw, our export of that staple exceeds L , in value the commerce of any other single article sent forth by any other nation. A western 'trim-, turn has hardly ever risen from a smaller begin, jning.. : .. A tea weeks sham the weekly list of Imports , at the port. contained eight bales of Cotton from M oor via, capital town of.Liberis, •be ':, [tides twenty biles from :Wald Who can say . [ that this is not the beginning of " trade which, ~ ein timh, may rival oars m exteng The African ' sail and climate are more favorable to the pro ' &action of Cotton, and it is said produce a better article more' "bandently, than any we hare In 1 American. Wa hCar from Liberia that . a great : deal of land has been planted with this crop, I and the same thing bas been done a Slane Le \ one, , A missionary anima from there that native . chiefs. and othitre in the :vicinity are procuring seed in time quantities, and. that from • i titer:lrd time 'native bad just applied to him to buy a cotton gin. lie is confident that, lnc few ' yearn, West be extensively exported from , the West '.l generally. • 1. , We trust the efforts making to armaniplishxhis end may be crowded with success. Natal' g , could do so much to put a stop to the slave' trade i'' and lay the foundation of civilixation In Africa, ;: „as the establisioneut of regular commerce to any considerable cutout in some articled agricultn , nd production. Cotton is decidedly the gallica / , and best thing to make aria 0tt....,W. Y. Tribune. 11. Pd.CTICA L L; Joer.—P , gentleman of Consider able talent as en orator, beokme i member of tbe legislativirbody, in one of the Eastern States. In making, be was addicted to en old habit of .1 handling hie spectacles: first placing them on nose .—suffering theta remain a minute or two—threw ing theot upon his forehead, and finally folding thatnem and lwriug thembefore him en tho desk. One day • reTy important question rime up for ai istoni% coneiderstion; and he cortunenced.a 'speech in ,cpposidon. . • A friend' to the who Wan a r most Incorrigible wag idling. eternilned to spoil the efforts; of the bon, mem a remarks, and, , . to beforelie ent ' the house, provid ed himself with C dozen par of spectacles. The 1 7 member coraniermed his erp with his usual . &Atty. Bat a few minutes d before he .. • won at work with Ids aced= en d fi nally got . themnpon his forehead. At this juncture, our . wag, who stood reads, they pair oponthe 'dash' before' the speaker.-z-T me were taken up and by gradual gradation . ' ed a place on his fmultead by the Side of th other: A. third, .., • fourth and fifth pair were ' 'of in the same mamma , A am e n settle:lapse the countenances to the honorable members, which gradually en ' lightened into a grin, and et lest when the speak , 'Taunted into ono of his most patriotic and de . gait sentences, be deposited a sixth pair with ; . 11M - others, and there sag a long and loud peal , 'of laughter from all quarters of the room—pree i Meat, dole, members,alljahred in the chorus. , . The speaker looked around in astonishment at 1 , 1 , the curiae interruption; and raising hie hand , I he grasped the spectacles, and the whole fore of thajoke red tirr his mind. He dashed the i• ' ' s • the bell. The kV passed by a triumphant ma jority, probably inconsequence of the gentlemareo . - silly and useless habit` ----•••••----- • Tics lildsr Wev.—The number of Telescopic 'stars in the 'Why Way, is estimated at 18,000, '000:,In Order, I will of say to realize the great ness of this nember, but at any rate to m - pare it with something =dogma, 1 mill call at tendee to the fact, , that there are not in the whole ..heavens 'mord than 8,000 stirs visible to the asked eye:—/ftt " boUt. ' Tiw Tats Ines...—The policy of every man in business, and who must live by the-public, is terlet the public hear of him. Ens best speskl ing trompetis the newspaper advertisement. In a populous contratmity sada rapid age like this, weary tmaer must make h* •• heard and known, otherwise he will fall be l ug the progress of his neighbors. -Ile may be u early the marning and late at night, and highly his pbrical smerglni, and eat the b 4of carob:alma, with honest intentions and a s only brain, be yet he Is ever ?pen to the Ghana of failure for want of that mtalleotnsl sepal • ose wide views of Pings, Without which n• man can have a cafe bans for his i44110111C80. UGAR--45 Peas. bbla. Kas. b.e, .A 0, Y_ 1 51. SOO by A. sweat,. ----------------------7_ ~NO. MOLASSES-1-115,0 title. e v , f elsa,) SariJ• by 1111... r. CIINNINTILI.AbI, X. 51 14berty street_ .. IPIIO I2 I ' I SsEI -3-2 --b a . - lite. Battle Ground; la i " - fus rah by FL A. lng i lialLiild. 1904 lilt .-.- . 1 N& APPLE OIIE7I-For eitafT o tily stitl4 - . ' 0 • tvm. s. ItCLITILO 1, A" 54 _o '--*---- '''' 1 101 - Eltft. lq.0" 1 " . nahm "at br A. warm) a co. E PUNCH:ESTEE INTS, of cl"--iffer ' bolabb 11.111 vat by as so ta 07• tab buns wean 0•11 lad nbok. WU"' IiEgItINGS-40 Lu — trec, in awn2l xseun DICILZIO_O ve— nice Po 1, `e CEXREI- eainy two 49 qr ' ful--zetainnEra co l • MANUFACTURED Jrafaiipco—ioo mod appremd brand ' lAy. kr c o • _ - II Wry the tierce or bbL for Nile by "".3719 ati :U r sal hod Rs. close I""ngaMarcm°2t.m VILAXSE . ra , b /In _IUNLAT WIFE- - A choiceartielegor fun- I nu. a. (an aunlln . itals 13, GLASS -1000 .Ixries OiNf and 11,11.tcr brands, Or ate br I_ll t _l_ajr,_/11._1/BAI3OII. v L.&RE. Q1'11.IIP0)1,1--S-27-bbls. 5. LC - Syrup VATT • CO. WOOL! ••WOOLS=,Cash paid foe the Mee 171ELAILB AS —4O fOr Sae BAtirE- Si JIAIITIVSTOCIC t CO. CIOJDFrest received " W i ?laV•kail s. ; ge N 1 • 1 I '7A -ft " 14 b 7 08 weer sad in Fins sc. ust mairing ' boxes'; as'd of the best bum4l"l.244bi=or,, V h „ co _ - NEM 4 1 4. tag never, P 17 nut wbra, Ire , wab l e ,.. osz a Ll F 4 11 t 2 0Fthe tauter Ire wad ' , MIX Dumb . .. 4. lake, r t Fab :L u g . Orr P.l'Lar.7l:ll" l, Amabe. ra t , of f to trt.b• Illntleste busteerke , dca.. 13102, We Tad It No veleable a medial.. the. e•erY rb: eamt Il="ll.loUlettZelrrZte g I°..T`4l,l=eb i Z e rOt= 2 : l s °l = l9:4, to •LiAl Rte , WtO.o. MILLER CO. kn7.1,,,,1 tokt by R. S tigLLETLY., No. I. Yedod aagi , A Valuable Improvement ln Tresses. nIL-ILARD'S Icap_ruved Patent' p e rm/. Lir wie. 814PTUILI iII•INDY. by 'Mich •r cure em ife effected. ,ff MI Tense to =Linty Mimeo/ In Mai M 4 principles of agile m froze other Tn... liming all the earentag. of • erefloreguadal ma mike. mere un. The pressen an be oo regulsted ful to amt me be give ems wad comfort tu tha matt alfaCalt cam of lien's, It /aced Welfare. ear M. , 4 Mt. a. 'XI . P.'... i. " tura% odol -beltig Wong .24 1.0 berg lemellatidy over the betn 44 Muffing.. Mel afroullog soden otuartty and rota. tlen at all limn, oven mulct lb omit dofent enrol., :la tb:,...-• a .tt,all= v . 25i li c l=igbagi elirno - IaTM, 01 any ot h er to 1..... e• or painful M.P . • o bleb to not an unfrepoottonrome tu Mee *sr . 1 of illy ii...1411 1 1 .% ., ....1 1 41,raKa a trres ln Lad 010. , (F I t irt6tife-Fves, This I. I: bad 'grad:du Mich can bo , ArLl= , if;rg.otto . odustead th• amtemy of the We would tow ropectfully dl the Metal= of Phyla. le. . Mi we Moo rimy Mil mum.. its (nu' , We 1100 barn • variety of Mb. Tromso at she lowest Was. la i r puma koptomerautly on bar& Ktdl.• tger o r ....1.1,4=4,.., • Di. Hard'a Abdominal &Raters. pi :SE SUPPORTERS are inteadA chief- , Ivefribe run.{ Prelepais,ll%l4sAtli altlirleglec 4:74.7= .Itry.hrdeftelf. Fri... Peon to ' t ' b ' e fatut ' .1.2 t roam, mu 16111 4. bee.. vitt comfort by ell. abo die. ne. prodmed by a weak.. ot tho Womtbd oweloo en Prolapols Uteri, Falba; of Ma booel.• re.. Conin e.; Pal. tot s e Bare. cur bplm,Lmeltale asal Exton. Megrim of Protration. lleorebiU• el:ovule. of Ilreetb. Pelratiee of tbe heart. liintafarMagtebllhf.. - - 110 WOOO at., Pittsbo!Nla. Seller" Liver Pille. pa.b.gba 24. qa. En 11.7.11". SeLURS , --I take tine °p p m.. taatry of lestifflog In Wo l f About gool7tra aid yr. ...V3c=s r 417. .tx.„,ezt.A e ' r b,j ui re.,;ts' • bra ?MI th4 l '7 Tlvltri by COT plwlciatt w your Croor b l2,lll .4 06 X MCA for 1.661 atm . t lkOg on. n IttLya al hos* tools toctotoi to roanonablt.loalmtbol6oo, thorn to Alr ' Z ' or Welko'd "14000 ,6flrt? or erode. ono pre. , ..ou.sou bi6llr.". 44. g It. SEL Lai. 6. Wools . Ibuiree ttittecessor to Rouksd) Perfnmes for the Handkerchief. • XTRACTS of Rose, Orange Flown Jos nemino, Parings', Yellen. Sweat lMelle rie2;f , it! i l a=l l 7 7, nouseoltue. Tnberrate, bemuse* Cleenalls, • .1.4011., Jockey Club; Ltlse e Illemettelee M 0 %4 Clemente, Wiest End, Jolley Lela. Ceedi Catouelle 'Load. and Ertrue Dlusk. tek one oweetrbottice, sptin Oen ittFve pers. ID* atroveginentiorbie=niga=r. eirtt eAt . ce r el S LL-- O cur of ..7 . 31 , o_ v_r_v ...... ,s , nu beum ....w.f.! wnigh, ..., .----- , za 11....1* or. tbe Ir.. ..t r y i lr,,F7 y t CO, - Virsi st.. lur. ObatAft. ATIL;_.-.----------'--------------- D °JD -5 ellOosirarranted pnre, \ ie. imiamus, wad Bl pp tone for sale to ut000,)or 11.°m'''7"..—Inite Clay Prpes; 50 boxes) “I,bl 100 B Vrst. A-AuLurx New Books,:Aust ; ; rASTI a Piableaa'reprinted with canto- Adinttozi_by tbo sotbot of Alt= Luta. nub err at meopatn. Cott3to of EZTIA; by Jacob Abbott. ens. . • ItattblalrTki. Tal I, , i' f • Ann: 1r=7,1 1 that' end Fortunes." Pnpi anal:nun ittrklettoPa Medusa& Magenta mid Engtneare' Jour l: no. Byrne'. Dictionary of Mechanic* Lingloo Work and En nagineering: Bac 31 and Pa led Pictorial Yield nook of the Bee olutkeiNo.l4. Paled its Ocogynoirraryl Bible_itietory: with earenbin Mang by P. Hibbard... tart ihrocreet , onkr nn 10 pitfall by Daniel r. Kidder. Mon, mos, For ra te by J. L. IiDAD, Syti I Apollo Building , . Bonrth rd. New Booki. fIODFE.E.Y 'IAINERN: or the Life of an anther. Or Thom, Miller. With Cleenty.fouill . loarations by Phis.. Trarele in the United Platen Lc— Suring 11141 and 950. By the Lary Pannieline :Boast Wortley. No. B of Loudon Labor and the L.mdon Prat. - The above ha • a oat tC. 'd S OC KfuTs. 4by Minket cr. liklEC AN ICS' 'MAGAZINE, No. 8, for Rust • 'Una :Wenn a Domentin Tale. Be tlie . l4lf2i of Moe. Margaret Ilalttand, of 100 ,tyalld 1100114 r Literary Gannt. opposite the Hart Qfneat sue 001(.8 r—No. 33 of Ilyrue'r3 llictiopary of 5100100010* and P.nalueerinfb. _ 0.1 olAh n letatio Mechanic . ? us.smslor law nOldm^.• JOurusi. Abe.— large anwatepmt of Giamatti and rehon tte t o lsooke, jot reed awl frit rain S by . EMAIL A O Apollo linitlinete. Fourth .o.eet. 4. 11.—Raze taken in evermore. • , New 'Music. • TV, r0..,,,Ld o r s .. e! , .b of 1h 10 y fie kertra watt, rxrangea bI IL 1P.ber.11%.1,,,;.d Or Byerly i e Haan—one of the We b t poptuar p Nell? Rip, with Ta.tfations. y Dale. Doter Joan, with etilarnm.t The Autumn of ' lt riO.tely OKSCe n . ri Shale for Keno, Pints, Ah'n, no*"l'"°u°ol.nati.L, 101 Third etre.. • "4 0100 of the waden harp. eplanal lotof nen PIANOS no. Onrinnii - Ona very goal wood.hand 6 Genie* Piano fur rata_ ATIERWAN STATS PAPEL§:-=-S u ..d tatLP: . ton: If? * oo o4oo r 1. Cloosc r it. tr ratitstiures,lll 1%4.1 ot the Event& of the Times from lb?. 7" .0000 "a'" rr'ffi;v2B4 hlnsio for the Bloomers. ILKLEBER, 101 Third etreet, sign of the I golden Ilarp,,hvrteareiglx potaA,:,o, , OlireOhl batik of tht 131.-..9ws Duhlt• et -e ; exicti. ner me troy ae 5 CEP.i t ~ •VX . Jove , teeetted eir :it Alm • ourplr at nootou aliekalfßNU OL lOIIN If. MELLO , A ge , r , i b t . f m o r 'l'l""r'genir= te I:1 I ' 2 •" 11 NeritZ.Wrie..dtwrfraco I te r . turg reig..rc Coolioat lernteirand 1 7 , . 7 rtrn : ntt Onoptsdn One :a •• round corners, p,, L i crt ,rl:47t latest grit.) Or M. , ' tninTltd"trith -all 115. Crater-Wren lturroroinenter.uu: thr Portent it Button, thorn p'ktorretlats" to ti rogh Mt air... and of portal°. Pitta tV-r-7--rtirgCuwxu3nati—'—'andLotuirnneTeatr i* A r SHAre Ps aot this Stock wanted ! _ (142 c .a. SODA— as c ka zic.cr or " L IZ a CO_. iYn UT — w"LEACIITNO PO ERS—'2OO Basks Cot A p r yrllJurswrr K.a_e_La,coz. /T 4 ODA ASII-15 s.w cluske for sale by ITINEGAIL- 15 CO.UIS CO wWANTED—Land ,scarrante wanted, for .'lth""ngb"`Vonlii:lMl co. i /1/ 6 /..1"12 , 1 Baradsuc lizascamth rat* , CrauilEticks. JUST ta REV), AT .H. HT 02 . dg trot! virg nwatulli sad cumin. WINEGAR-130 „ Y'- " — gr ivaidasii aco J. n. i"--vj}lFj.„r--E—Prgnzt.e mix' co"lilLY -.I3I,PHATE QUININE-L-50,,f_ops _* by 01 _ Towneat Sarilirin 2 t 1 . d r 601Voad4. CJIIESS b" Tfaue - TICK co now , umi.g.vte 02 2 . 1,1 Water sad Prow. rta.. fpr A L TO - I MAC.KEIT‘ ateralt At Ca -1.1 debt fr , " . i'° 7,,l .d. 1 .1 ZQ a • , •41.61 NOB cos: ild•Kood Ct mut Nimbiludo 6X octavo ?log. man -004 K Adr hdite,tt4 ' tor L ftsuiss t CO One " 61 tlocou it Novo. dc; C. mo.-Om:4 6' "etdokoriu hove. d, as goal as uoK; too. ono " " law Knoth&K. : 2), AGAZItiES FOriAUGUST; ateli.oL, oyp.D.ltte t h e 0 Ulf:12 1 1 :.711 0 „i t . for iiiiaaddGragm'e :11'mirk . * dc .., museum; .171 1 . leen, DRY COODSI_& VEW EMBROPEIIIES.J—Just teceived angsgYlgg'g:Mng:°== it 1• 11 of uorluni C Olars, 00., Ch. M.... La. .D 4 11.11. Elo4,l4,Jamnett D.. Flouoci... of new •ad r.ttoV,'o,{fetrAn tr the z.a.4 i.rti[l.lll\ the till Es (ulna U. , ftered OCT. (.22LT9•8! ASON_ . _----- Black Silks, Mohair Mitts. &c. AIFRPII! A: .13..U.K1.11:1EL0 ituve . ree'd itY't`ris far Ittlata• :trit'k,="'" ' '"!'• ... , 'Ecobrniderod Flouncing& A A. MASON A CO. have just received 6.ll,,,,r.l27=lrgrEitYgrZzi,V, ""rr't. pariatgocato, at 621 64 Mart et at -:,,,r .14iiis.a.IN TA cvanan ll L E th e..L.OTllS.7 uenuw .-- f Mc , spos ,. A . laft=6.lgarliro,da ,tll;4.:s7:Artils":lZ% st aaaortiatrot alatars to ba tott, at ho att artr. 1) . 47.". atm° iturVhy & Burchfield 1.14•VE OPEN this morning a further cup rojLigletretitT=likwasilriFtw°*,l7.ll=l:-. tor . onotoorr wear. lath Linens; wuwe awe mitred Dar annrE A'r4 at the northeast cumer of fourth awl ar M L ken nthrti —. : —LIE Zdossusta Bars. , I HAVE ,lust reeelvedpne.case of Wash Net, bbrre rarUs wldr, forjthen,ulto Barn WE. NOBLE, Third atnwt. IVOOMER BATS, FOR •THE COSTUME A LA: TllRll.—Ladbme slut Woes' Arne lust reetthi an br rale br : E. IL PALMER. , ICE Slather el._ Black Laoe Veils.. • MURPII4 , & BURCHFIELD have a fall asearthreut of Lanz and Dead Meth Leuze frith. we. whit* and green o.nce dr.4 Men tor dur bthe do, black Bilk Nen eluth and Ithunwd, ar ail • •-----L---- ------------ Great Brawl A. "MASON& CO.'S Grqat AmmarShawl • mu .131 0.166.11[11 Oa ININIy, Atufturtftyhere ey will diet the turned Lod best selected stuck of haul. ever exhibit's' in this city, cosoutleinu Phis' it Blte Cure Btfotic • , ' I • rjt a Lnee Well Bak . . Fancy high cord French Mixt Streit Plain printed suet embreldincsi .. , Bndel', CA:cure and Long Of flue end medium truslitiet.sli of vadat' 'they ere deter Tharto t le out, preview to receiving their fell stouts. They wil rbe nifer at • grunt reduction Av. former prim, end low th. castes east • ' eug2 New Patter= ce 44 FIGURED WINDOWSLIND PA- Y. ....rerfolajatttkr°'`..7V.er, lurtli3l7 THOS. riLbfkit Scarce and Desirable Goods, Fla VARIOUS Sa'IMES, open this morn byarmvarirtacrErnaticli B hi=el6ll3:4lackLseen ve balli ve [war. eats, turas.Mata./.4 Ginenarcks. Le, te. /Monti= to Itkollod to their as wortment of Franeb Lawns, Whit. Opals Ibr dr**, orrow, hem N 101 Le. P.. 111 rscrim ..dar or to-m Brvins oRaIDtEBONNETS--AND-11ATS—R. 11. PALSLEIt hu Jost focolved • Smelt Twisty of nor swan gonsottt,soms bessitlfol snd coral Also. df•O's and Boys' braid, Stress, an d cams tel 7 Gola 'far Warm Weati NILEFRPHY &BURCHFIELD, the North , tag ague. d Yourtb sad Market el arc ail .u 071) alib.z. stisbyttl,Aomrsi nastart, Embroldnars:l Printra hinging . a eo Oar style rtsturis lionlisub • nd Tlsroee Plaiii +WWI/in and Stoll Masan. Berate lie WU. Th., hitti just survived smuttier lot of NOW 00002. rtatilitisir .41ititaItil:411.1frbar,:t t. iatzai tar 101 l nail plan ivribtausetrig Limn . Lanynkyryneti blVflr'et ittYgoirlatrPailr" ''. Mir liliCilYN Their! gotortnent being very fall, with constant maw flag or, nets Vs. and aid st.t.olllo. Tars% lod petw.t. aro dinned to tutors tn esti sal make their yardarm yen S Straw Bonnet and 'Hat Wirehonse, No. 105 MARELT TRUT, 1 IL PALNIER offers for Bale, at very .4. .. r ... B full assor!tuent pt Mr. and MIMI 9100t7S—jorsign .4 American plan . . 4 Cenci ...-14..4.11: WIN Ina., 1111110. Ler, lialr. Pamela, Lea- Tpai1igrt1y...=...512.4 i x = r a. , 7 . - ,: fi ri ,.. kti ...,6l ; :e7:.leir . l B 4 U nrartel lti ns ,ll.44.c"Vl: "YELiarakti ISonnet mal HMI. plain &lan andDA 1 : af• deer, all widths and .Icrm loamy Oa.. and Crape CA i..ict.s—rig. and AA.. nidce end =4 0 . 1 ala dent nriilAßldalLlOS—Oordm.r.selm Beacom Braids. PlaWit:glinaka, ra American WV. Immmbm end "VOVItiAILSTMVVITTLIVS—(II.4. , Clnn de Zia. pint,l::;cjl lir, itlerance, lata ott. Syfterl, soon. "Nniirs—rmal4 anslitim and color. Ai Bleb and 1. priced Parasols and ihntmelienltan4 MOURNING ALPACCAR—IstgiiIIIIbOdy ar(blatlrgrYkrre. boatesltses, ot;t1 otb. l i t i t of Mari" 0006 lialtriararl i 0 :" " 16 " 1°\ ... f .5yrv RE 1d 1 i0rv.wr05ai. ,„: 7 . 0 1,.. E.N 5 ....1.14 1N0 ..0 7 11 : A wrt" - vr....h7 , ..d. aiiu - id tv;' 6 .-: - ...„ . .... Knor_ wd Clothl rV, r 'wry gletentO sittrL% ...t.,,WM.,...,,, _ 4O, ""7 1i 0 0 ro.k_OreDiiiii taga o rnthe go4T.lfze: — Am mrrii I suck. wetid u, dur a ova. p.n.„ , ,r i LI geperlOT I ;Y a ' n r' lia lgt ° ''' Toa.t. K ta..t e1.. 1 9. - ".tlgnal i ..„ dr Beta , .... “uml,tn the " raga. 1it , ...' ~.rid . th• gortoa gualco. mtAte • . CARPETS, fe r o plealr n - svee tar cumin, t r i 8 B i • r P cO 9 . w. MCCL tr""t'il'ir Vatosr; ,l Aiii B , Z ict . r s ..c. omerieessc, Ers. rs4l.49:nstna' 1 4etotteldAil,2leli ntH.SA, s. andl . e i ; " .c_"W itor;tTS,lrOL OTllB,,da. d.tiVerjoi.dr 'Wan= g s tr. " &d a dt• t i ; .711tIlec=itaelligLd112=1.11.11s4. 1 beet 011 CA, 00 l o llt any else ball or rceSIS. 1 Birgi.tl tfr tint !ii , Par. deo VIM , ite. I At...—su.l.4,,asAvrg=4,meggeßj...g , MitiOittti,,esot do. Trasot Wlndor%beder.ll I liad Nelo liolleddr , VerdStd. S,I MX k,..1a4 ndt. Comm do. Table do.: do. Bread dd.: Wooded le do. I Meths Imporbeised purchased our stoeltdisett trosettes I Wed seletest Yeelostes.beltdi 01.,,,,.,,Ustdeteet *Ores n -Icolon, we n I !Mete sell.sstoosere et vises a =ll. - ds r — tbest sliiel i sZerz \44:-.7...g.z,t,,....,f,,,, ...11.:.0. iar ita.k .4 ~..,i'The Carpet Warehouse, ES Fourth street, -`•1413k119• .W. ItlignerrOM ' • PIEDICAL ... . . - The ma /autraorednary Dircovay in the World it the . ..great Arabian Hem a g for Matta./ Bra L! _ -EL G. Fairell's CELEBRATED ARABLIE I Lnammirr. II G. FARRELL'S genuine Arabian Lini- A! h lj,%;;VatiV:e tr d . .....nvi: 4, v 7L'.'r.trutth. ',:,V.,::,•,,'1!!:.:', 'VI ;'-'lllrlll“.l7l_lle'gr°,7,'.V.ll g, skill ui the be,d'physiciart.in'the yorld. e ' nl•ed uf halraxus, extrarts and gums peculiar to Arabia, Nese. atrg. in a eroux,utrated form. ell their s halating, ano dn.. penetratin. uncutous and xr alive prutietiee. and the ,aur which...gr.. ago. were w..,114 the ',lam qf the Dee willysuelt tuiraculuu,....ni,.... in curing the die- IL.. uf twill law nal beset. , Ise ne e folloaltut remarkable cum., which thould of theoleee p1,, , e IL li. e ll's Arabian Llnituent far be ',ad any sunder raneds r About a wl ii half ago, • swelling Appeared inan wil.., Y '" era etomarl gre 1a....1ing In nine until it be rate. as large i. ax wyduellY Iht., and so iwre that the euuld nut hear the lewd pressure apius It wlthootalling her extrem e ai I got the via ketof oar Gest doctors. and Wei ilirr . ed in uplidun aleuit it... sane intitl:lt niu. an Ague Lake. ur rolargentent of the ripl..en: runic that it W.. Enlarge' acid. .1' the usericic. and otbens wd.l It 'OSA IL T01:130( of the Oaaries.. and could not le, 'tied except hy cutting il out In this rtilical .0 u•tion, I wt. persuaded to try Il 1 1. Eastell'a Arabia il9Olll 011011 a. end. strunte OA i' 6107 appter,•lll-00., thethlnt ehhtleathal she bcgan.ln la {.rut e, d t, V VI r,.. 111 ''''. -lnlct'Xll',l‘,lKl.l I'eoria.-11arrh L. ladh I Robert Hinds. postmaster. any. 1. C.orestowtir Pa-. Slat . ..h . -I, ISSO One woman his uft•l your Liniment with great...nos . hbe had torn Oz.; nee id I.or legs for throe year, the vonla :=7:,ri.'"..tt,,thiat,'r &;:',,..,n117.tv‘r.,'1.•';th:4111: 'On. ' i'' ' use ". '''' of 1 l ' . b t . i . n l.c " r ' re d IT s ' bLuadLit'..l.."l'llti"inail.:ii'll."7l.4. l's'atutwr able to volt With ear.. and has 0 4 , 0.111 e. Ur ot . 1 here found it a most excellent reinetlY for hotwe flesh; Oft , lot ''4l':. th,,V0,7, b ,;: b rn"`""',;n""d,"7"l,,i,. Fa rrier s 4a=.. t0:.'Jr.."9.4. 110 0 Mm nu the spenly and t.ermenent rumor, both on man and hewn, whirl your Arabian Liniment Is tortormiug. I do nut !wallet} to pronounce it the ',treat 1100.41, of the ii.;.iljeb;,‘;','lrz'i",ch'd. l'.r,tl,‘,,°f.,Tg"„lf,orngg,j„'lr::, rZVaiv, a 7, l 4Z.l , ' Tl'nr:,.t,'T,V ,„ l , ';;;lVat u i a ; , . " .. , med. uft. 14 By Its use,llure enrol tarsal and B.ln , in' 1, 0 atter they had barn pronounced inenrable. and 1 have rated mu.. than fifty horses this ftoafr.n with rout hird. men, et ubraeing every shade of dterase, from snatches Vo LLi"t'L:.Ul.l.'n'y'tflt'..lk!ty--,.,,....,,,,,,:l zn..,1,,..1 .- 1 ‘,2 f.m 1i..:-.=°:.d.r=r,vt'.,,,"1.,.t.",:t ...,..trty room 14 I moor Ural rho nor of Your artn ' atatil which P rotnaly A area tus... 1111 11.01 - LIMES. run Pain of ten year, standing natal by 11. O. Ferrell . • Arabian Liniment '. 11l It. U. Faaer.t.i.—llear Sir I Lad Leon elided with th• .Stin Palo" hir tho laet but 'roam an! could never get . 7,4'1,::: - Lr,l,l'",.. b : . :7:t.Pg.' , Yteel.'z ,,, ' !„lti.it u jr • " nr four ply • dot • it won e.ourolly recant...l, and 1 hare Sat nothlnd of It Pince. I went Into the ...Lie on. night. to 't_UtiTalAntlb"...r.;.",7,.',TWVL.tr,f 'Lll :.‘l';;S'iol l . ‘g::.l . .0 holly that W., 10110,1711. U.& 111:III hat. tenanting them powerlos. I applied t nue lment. soul wee well enough In a few del •to no about again am tnual. I el s° nwy Llun. 111 e....l*.bippal nUr Lista Alw prull t 1 tOireZisliil=s7; :17; ;tVi.it "'``" All ccrolounic.a.* tn nareolr. ....wAta., 11•11 ACo . rinvAth Woht., tad oAborw... Pe. Louis will tract with prunt attention. our Lino bye tw,conperttcowhaticre.r wlth the Phil.wiA/phi4 awl pit Tromp Vn-tattar LW. b:l Qt At. king It Cp. . • . .. . COVODE E .. & COLE, I,Ero-ra,mr• to alcredrn .. Cranial , ', Curyil 80..,-Prnn Strei.j. Pena. Rail Rofid CO.—Central Rai/ ROaa . ryliE pubscribere having been appointki .titorirdt NW. f:11 . the Pennsylvania Or Centro Hall ...I. tuunau thr outage that wo ara now prraarred to , " G o and amount of morrht..lote or pNalune trriblou,ot eat , [ Good. via this toile will be earriedthronab la 'a - r• •rd'r and all COtIfiZIKI to WI Inn t. forwarded tree of r od rra.. don of tbsnr , ax r0t,..'•.. burin 1!;r4rnri.0.7.10, hate. ' e b n.... Lna.---L,Str'nti., A '.7.:17 - '=:- . ttonary. co rd Vaal &art, Vormlazin...7n-was, U;alltinee. 1117Vrn.",.4::-....c.,.m, 1.1 ca rad t It " %t It. ' ta Leatter.Clarrer7k,a, ebnotlaT . and othwa Grae....e. d a. ' ' 7 Sta u ci,klLC . Brat, Part; Butte, Lard. Lard Oil. Inbar., Leaa„......e...e. Tallow. Oran and Raz". f.ft V. 10a. Jaablet Marble troy Rh) Tar, Pltah. Ilnln. German Clay. Done, Barn. t,_ 60c la 1 , 4 .ICOVOI/lt & COIL).. csrorr Fenn and Warne greets. Plttabor&h. Jab . lat. la.sl.—{M . Freight received for all the Way Stations 'on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. ...r.„..n., at mem- Low .1. am, Mount L Mtn, IluntruEdou, • LL rborgb Lancaster, Columbia, Harrisburg. Duncan. , New to Millorstoorm Perrysville , ateVtatmn , Maleto, mill Urea.. /anon, r a =_ll DissOlUtion. ' TN CONSEQUENCE.. of the docenlle of John ZytidltZirtx,' th'ePir:;744,i'lreereia" fully ituttiorLOto ratio the bunneee of the . All We.. hsalng claims will please present brut lei rophit. • Pittiiburgh ,July Is ',151.1. . . PA IiTNEItSIIIP. .. , vouNcorMc...,. .... .:. ..... ......L. ..... :. moo v , tv• C0V00..6: COLE Chr•rovono to I.lofrodvu 6 INlrode The bueinces of the Akertev of the Pe 'it rtirmix Cent -rot fl Compour ' , AI bovrofter re ducted under the name ood Awl. Jf oxoo 01110 A COLE:, vomer of POOl2 00,1 Woyue Arret, Patotowill, July, Wt.. IMI.-4 It , ' ' • Agneultural Implements. ILIiAVE JUST received from the Est the . follorrint Impleuinut:,ilel of Or I b;l , !..i? i , o l:VtiLo i , 1....%T.V..1:7,2tr=0r Ll' +WA DOllllOl m..1.11.0r, or r..... tr.., 1.0. 1 ..0.. 1 P.. ... Maio rill, for obeat, ryr, mt.% md b.. e].. a CorttCoOlNuahrro. , • • ' • Corn litLellrr, for horn. a bawl mot, • X trilvr and Coto Stalk Cutting Ootf". ./'.'T'ftbZr',lac'tgt'v"l3:sll.o 11 0 e 1 ro. . judstoel (10.10 owl Oros, elV•thrv, ono IV.. ...:' Cadatml too. Nave mod four pmult Sitltv• . All mmulletuml from Mr Mut motorists. awl f, via at ". i r g " ' d e" e"r“' rl. N. WICNEILIWIANI, (km, of Wood suck SWNI sw,cts. • • Beatunont's Patent Starch Polish. IFIATENTED, July 2tith,lBs o .—For givint : . broutlful ti Woo hit:knows, Mush., litrastbrtel; ter: tt.trVl47eNtrrtreNot. ottrict= I idhstia hr., wolf...omit. n leo. oth U. lo, lojuriouw.. rt sttirrtlT4-algrtga fen ; r t r ' l . •r. "* of 0 1., e rzt, row , tor calto. hottrWholoosto owl retell I , SELLithrt. %recta el. I ke CARD. - 1 have removedde my new store, lire. deer. wow.) ...et,- °shorty. the honk of i urth, where I will be glad to setiony frlowdr...o4 RF low alum: poll receive o rbtrouoLtrOr. eoZto., i I 111 trartlYrtlLllllll.=ltrttlig:&ttir=tl If, Nlatros: eon, Bohr, seta, .1119 Quilt; Co "gr..„„iitpargl iiro t t n t extorler ortablilanootof the Mod. Oraure ' rlopocte folly "At" ' oolv iirr nerd WOOl,--Cneh paid 'for W m 0 ,0117, Cornices. X HAVE junk received from Novo York. an r.7 .121C.INDOIT .oht ner; liOlthrt. SP} TAOL Sl—We have aeompleto zxiiazr.srai. o verf voriety of 'tarn. orconliww to f,te I"pa%llNtot topical on 1.24 I n v AND ILA . YORK S-- C,arbrated ,th 4 , tc. A pond W 74; . ° l. b r i •P° Agvnt for }tarp. Anthracite Coal. 30 ,T,:) v N.S j ustreceived, , L8:7.1101. article A. Ale t , CO.„ Cans.aus, —. Copper Stocks. IVE BAYS eiders for the Stock ef van-- V ens AIIiATIO CompActles a Las &who , ' Thaw .„ 480111dd Akar. call, ot Ws,* A WILKINS A CO_..--------- Pore Brandy, for Diarrhosa, &c. 131E.A8 IN 1111N11 should ph 'lee(' b'reneh s m edy, We innlnnT enn be Obtained l MORRIA, 1... Met. In du. DinniOnd...t It .0 quoit en WM.. ital ' \ nA.OI3II3IEL-1.00 bbts. NO \ 3 S, to • artiv• Pam Dr • sSmall, k IQUORIOE ROOT-50( 1 . lbs. fa a; a 117 Office of Cominizsary Gael of Bublistgate, -"":" ' QEPARATE PROPOSAI , S vill be receiv d as this oak*, until fibs tat day of Octobers:wit. for Alm dellrery of Pgadirtotts. *hulk. for the our of the troops of tn. Molted States, rgmufa pmuou.aa fo,lonto Ai New Orion. Barracks, Louisiana. barrel in park 115 barrel, of fresh Fortran , Ilmir Oft Pasha. of nen white held beard aliG wand, of goal bawl nap win pou.ds of good gadd gfedl:o twidles 14 bushels of good clean dry Um salt T.Porllints of good dd.. 'lama , Al Baton Rouge Barrack., Louisiana. at barpls of piirk )1.51,,,rra. divot , olarOllng &Mr I•usbels of war white fold beans • gord hard soap ponds of good bard sperm eandles of g rind clean dry toe atilt goli•nui of wind cider vinegar. Al Key Wrst, Florida. IN barrels of tort • rzii barrels of Ptah vol.:too flour fit buahals of Ben whits Bald !woos woods of gond bud mop Jimiloas of good Waal sparm j tru4o.lg of good cleats add fu. salt .22a calkios of good rider Siositar. .41 the l'uldir Landiny, str mum from Fool iknoson, mouth of the Chirmichl. barrels of port I . .ci barrels of fresh superitris floor boaliels of ollu tsalfolleld beaus poood, of groat hood soon , u pta of wad hard spar. candles It lwatiels of towel cleats dry an. salt ZAP µallow of goad rider vinegar. The whole to be 'dell...Pl lo all the Month of 'AWL :061, sod to Pots Natchitoehes by Um mcb or Fettroar, Algoma.. 41 Fort StnitA, barrels of tot m rk ttperfine dent u. lIiW beang Ko wands of pool hard soap T i/ I:7;gl%n f f ' ;l 4 l i ! : . r d ean l 7; :° n , rel g 2 „, of atyd eider "Inogar. The wbolo to be delivered in all 51ay,.1852. :At Fnrt Gibson, Arkitnaga. 2:.5 boreal , of por 375 hs.rtelo of Roth superfine done los bushels of now white field bum", pronott or 000 d hard soap vi o f ' or ', "C.t h erell r iTiffn ' troirt . EU) Salton l of abet eider Yana, Thawbois to be delivered in all May, OM , . AI Fort Sne/ling, St. Parr's. %la banul of writ • barrels s of fresh rap floor 45 1 busholo of nen snip e:toe VAILVIIIOt rod. litrliwrg, ru72e. d if o o r t ' lr ' ootl n .vm r" d. u rrf=alr `shove of good ;1 1, ..W Yarns, The whole to be lothr.red trop the 12th May. 165:, to the ILth lune. it Fort Ripley, mouth of Crovr-trong ever, mit. above Fort Snelling. , o 5 herrele of peat 125 loanle of fie di supertax* door ht. hotrd, of new wtoto bald boom S'ie. luttods of good hard ....p 3zi vocuado of good hard tallow candles 14 boshela of good dean dry Gus tadt. ....,telleue of mad cider vinegar. , TA. w hole to Mt dellYeed from the Mt Ittoo.lBll2,te Ila Ilth AUK.. 1852. :IL Fort foorsatcorth, Mite on Rinir ‘. au.Marcia of pork t0...b. - rein of fresh ornp.rfte dour ..„... \ tralboattelo of otos whiter told boos. 5.5.4 pound. of good bard asp 1,812 portiats of good hard tallow candler on bushels Of grayish.. dry Aim ult ' 0. 1 1/011400 of ..cood Met einem,. The whole to b e deliserml by,thalo Juno, 185 T. ~.45 Fort Srork on theAf artaat on vivo, Missouri, 71 mil, bmti fratorpostatom from indepertdrara, or • th. .Iftmouri Mc, , herrela tit poril ' • . 1,',0 barrell o h. 'wools soon dour . . Martial , 01 , ,ww white held Masa o woods of bir dd map \ ~.1 pound. cf good d Openly candles 14 bushels of greed Mean dry 11no mat :do gello. of am.] cider risiegar. .., .- he Whole tO le dillvered by Wrist June, 1.M.. 14ors.— All huldera are requaded to extend Me mot et' their Idle for each article, and ea the 000 t.f each' l'all and no bid.will te mteal on Mends all r trXc',,,"7,7 4 r.V.lt:',,l= \ e of ach doll , *7 td. N';'...,1t.;%=1.:,a1 r=r,lll2,a lia't*Cl IsUt rho 1. ).as of •hich the pork la packed to fatten eon., ond , ,rach , hou to weigh not len than wo hot pounds' er1ud,11.c.tite41.1.,..1.4%;%5. ag.,.,,,-„, .r"."01.:V.:.:i t 0...t 1 .,:,,,1....i ...,Uxi Us n ctre.P. parted with the tams ankle in plume not •rr dtt mt .-Itit ' Yrrh b e . notate., her been rtnnitards, mama. , muettlorniel. to thas bellow a corn cato f the pasts , Met Ow lurk has been ao gelled mal ward. , Tho tart I 'to he rOulatnest to instiamod heart of whits ak rre.la ' toll hootell, the haana mood mit in barrels, and Ow soap sod candler in 011.4 Isom of conremlent 400. cr..- auttuou tre e lt will only , mealy : rat by maarommantof Martriwo veils to the bushel , The, candles to ham cot rd.. I,le. orovitions✓ for 14..1,1er. Nod fort 11,11pto1T , 0f.... , Loom for tleor ultimate dtstmemon lis too Ors sweat \ Spnl. lel.. 6.1.1 the 111/11 , 11 1 Mr VOO . l. Mislay moot 1741.101 b yetera br it Jobe. Itt.2 • A tailor. in these bartieniarawlll le ronsidered a brawl. of , s3otru - t. end thoitepartment will be atithosirod to Itstr 'brt...' .' et ". ... ' n.. 1 ::1i Ctopteamt et Oa time 004 ylare‘of eellsor s t7and ell extra... mhos m.by coutrantaro ondl it , It , at;,...1.1..,:1:l eleh otoraboufts as may be deals as, TI.U. Conn:loner; i'Met:il".rseVa'r' Ws nr , 1 , 1 1 110 *Q..' =Ttf. a" lin4tl:rfecuirolTot24 i:‘, at any , tetts marmot .0 =tract: and arm of ineraming or ~.e.,:,.,, the q.t." . d " I, , ,tty r .f• P r es . it.==.l b raer! ' uy:lF 7 t r e tn'tc o al. i,S l :;:„:".7.T i grilt r . `ri o z 1 ' Crit ' lThe Ci7tcoe Pc .l a...1r eecuritme, whom fealMoodh litr ' must ha certidtd I. Mr District anorory, or by mo o mr eon w.ll to,.sen to the, tlovernmont. cab m their Vol ,. MO* will not e weed on. A o e... ”...1 V A II Rad, on 0f..V4, gal 110 .. :b 1 , 01 ..11,,... - , ..;:\7,,,T. J .,;',f 1 L".. - 2 - -,..z" - 5,77-Z.V.f , =Z l '—' \.,.. -a ; t 4.s'.eielj: 7;11 ' 4:4 U . ' =a: tr . ; of eht;: ' , - ,tba resideoco o( 00 cues,..lstore, at Ma option of ""t:olrt.r4Vonrenrig wtl , l 4 aTts . S t to ptatl or Imid motor my strcOntsteorr*. Each proposal will be wraled in a strtr pxygi, : vad, marked . I,rcpooll a for fur=atoiktitre. ..8. Nort.—EdMors will not be VA for toMfdrii,F= pa pers this advsytiorromot o.:lsaa a:Merited Oa coo (''''foae;fl...!g4teB - _ _...... ifft!IIIM _ --8 1410TERC.,iG':1\;,170A11.0 bbls. 'Crashed PuPrytyzed. r al. by "IPEACI-LES:I7IO casks prime Mares, for .1. by yrbl \ B. • w.IIARBAUO4. IIaCICY.I) TIIASI--Jertkins & eq.'s (of rsossaStos) w,o"l. 4 l„,l'Alek,T= w ow, varn4. can all 0p. , . soro • "tw. pousoxirgls, A.,131. fur Jenkins a ca., '5l - 12 LI kW La o w N• S ". • IN • Jr k . ) I. o • Adam J. .tront. 3oror s North. Ames Milliken: J. I.:Lechler. 1) Kerr. Modemeli K eLL nufflll.. .1. Walte.er & .`hni. 1 , 11.1 . .wr, Morin , Co. Jesee.r. , T. r t V=o liirturd Ilecloff. lobo I.kanider. .t.BiO.IIEO . Jobs COLE corner of Penn and War. Ittlegit.A. • • \ IL- • p 4'i RE -- I• • 0 0 b L. ary tniLliOgwa r 0 . 0.11 .16 by ,03. "DALEY 4CO. 1 GAF SUGARS -300 bbls. used Nos,, for .14 ,o 1; by ly.f.l_llS I.:xtra * W. 11Ak... 11.F.ESE-1.50 boxes fort ale by =26. ./ j, MOIM M--A... CKEREIG-IQO bbls. Laige N 0.3; - .ale hi ) T l ll -60 hf. .. - a W. 11AILBATIOkl. ta? r - - -- s - - ---- ---.-- s AIACKEREL7S.,..O 146i S .. 8. barge DI"3 ..3 . . It:retsina Par 0 . 4 . 1 . 47,310,g1.1., 65 Water et --i-- --_ _ N , I AO - li.EitE L-50 bblll. Large No. 3; , zo ht. 10 bbls. •• No. F . 10 hf. bill. • •• \ J wt. rertill .1 sailor de LI 3‘4614 WATT aCo VAF SOO ()ayes yenn s r kli- 1 50 I Lo •le 13n- Ids Kefloed, reed and ors by ____ W&-SILWn"COL___,_ RIED FitillTT-300 bush. dried Peaehes c \ 60 do ro Apples , ,:o ..,,, hr frpSINSON, LITTLE 2CO 16 _ d It. D LIV ER 011.--.10 gallons, eons wuirs, 1.., Y f sole by . , \ tell t ... R. 8.1111tLE5 13 . gAO IV ER 011,----ll gross genuine Rush t) too, Ckkek A Lk, 6tt eels br j E.lo _ ~ _,,. I • • ''' • — 1 InSI L I 51acketel, Onaori Sad, and Liar r ,toy, vele by '5l Lt. W I L L LUIS A CO.= . I_II . AM ' hue Su gnr C ured, Venison and. Motion., Beef and 'Tons, Wool by t 15 . WILLIAMS A CO, 116 " ,i, p; B & CO., 6,,,,,r, of elfvosti Ara Sawn, Pataburgh, AVE NO .1N STORE, and to arrive this 13. ereeh the tetit „ tt ~,,,,s.„ of the top.sk reeed/11/ 0 9 0, ' t oto., each ere 165 on the most ruts:amble brag: 115 elttty bore. vireo mot 125 dos=erot \ Zino Tr. R, bf,:thZ. 01;5chuo fg bal. extra - lit Lege lon Cafes, r 75 tads. N. O . " " ""IT, •6d J• i lj : tell . tiO toast D' 1i.,:,.4 I 2 „ .. .. E,..4 e , 35 bl i tle. tfoi. 1 stol'3 Meek. 'Voted ~,m, L. seedless ..,, 1,...d 56 do, No Id. . 0 1,1 6 . 6 k:r 64 ttiVe'rd .:,',4 ekl'ith.474. a 1... ,e 7 40 130 be tre. Madden ' ft borer Itte k 3 bales Cacets. I t V . til , Lott 1 " C''' Ta 311 tor a, , e 0.11 ; ttf"!nt'55755.5, * ' -,, so. ~ i 5 . 5,. . 5 i t ; . zu 5..,... 1 ", bbl' .1= to e t , .I. Iduelard. 1 ot!. 1 . 4 I l' ; ale Garret " C‘zilrlt. I I It , sa not.. stosno 1.1410 r. 1 1 . Arrow 1 " ",,,,-.'" :. I `i try . F2it , ii..&:...l,l.ntenßlarlWA:loti pr. .... . 1,.. to o °,-.,!71:5r.."-- wa— E X... d Itenla '53 dos. Ink. a - Lyn.. Bea= ' ico t• tkrrn Itrontss . 1 . 1. cask Sal tkels, 5 Claw. If ells. Whit. toloo, La id MI. kc.. QUNTI - Afig B-- 5'7 bate,,Ti""l°6l 3= 4+1114 '''' I'kg' 1111'cltITZ - . be?. DI 130 buts ni b .= T B ° end , 2 . 5 Ka, 15 toe- Na. TOO drums et ypq b PO tb:IF:110:111u1G 66 cotes Inn 6 . Pot l') 4 . 1. t ' xli if ftr'd Boger. 30 ' : Toe ro Hareem fre Yettare: 00 " Pel t 2.1.14 51•Ader, , 15) 't Ito 4.61006. 1.4130 50 "• Itrt 050 bre-5,541111..1Z iltt= 1141 !tinily% IN C . L' 6,,, r Tiz N „,.., la L-:- w bo n;tl.• i. - lou Ms. Wtft .710 kett• AIL, ttss'd 1151 Br WWI, bbl.. _ . v . ° 41.7 .... 6) 't the c i ~1 , , Z i0 1: 4 6 . 1 , , T i za . tiT u rt; -WO doe Bocketc 100 boxes Rosin en -.., 10 . Tot.. 1 1.4 • 10 " D. th 11.t.ktodloto 25 . (Settle 6Me tv .. 0,.",5- -..,......--5,...raf ,°s= l ,... ...:*. ../... TZAI%l°..."Atal MI 14,tbVilll a leti nitri °I C"'"igji•Vittaill24Nirri. /WO • oon& sat Is3,pseda its. ------------ Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company. T ~ lIIS Co3lPAlilt N;-as inco r porated to Tabrnarr. 1541. with a PePPOLual Charter, and 10 01 commantad badness an a capital of SIOO,OUO. • The Company do. b.i.mra both on theioint Stecti. and Mutual plan. _ an the Joint Stock plan the rates Aer . oneethini lers tl.rt that. chargotl by MurnalCompa.altra. and Mere , cer Cent. lower than the rates of mmi Stock Comp. 4 A Mutual rat. are the .nia Li thnee aIAM.4 by other safely condocted.CA.ibaba. Thorn Insured nu theruntu . al principle hall the combined uri nes furuish.el br that, sas . te j na o,f.grAraZer,L.and,:te Capital and Serpi, • ylin.l of . The Charter pismire the &Panting of itr.brance OP lire, , In every 'form , including the n o te ..1" wAI. children. vac rant., relation.. friends or ctrl ton—to Inc um the life of I amther fur ihetrown emelt , e beneet.Palabieel ier dr. ,b, or upon the pude; errivi g at the ... : . ..I ..., J 5, for. or . e l at tha option of the 14.1121P.1. vr,c James :7. floor, Preei.l. ot. , rainuel Alelflortaee Pc. Aden. Joseph S.,lercio Tr 0,0 mewl. A, Colton. rerretary. ' • 1 • 3ames S. anon. , Joeeph S. Leecb. John P. bilerorth. . , Charles A.Coloon. •- 1 e.e..1 McClurkan ' . W. Phillip , ./.. A\ . ,NPjlarai• , mo ow Or . Artancr... • I Hon. Wll:im:n Wilkins, lito*rotml , of 03.0 Llon.3Valter Forward. talePe,reinry of TPriI....PY. John border. Eca..C.bler of Vitteburgh Bar. MalcoLm teeth. AK., WholcaaleGromr. .....LICII.P.S. P lion. A. 001oomis. , A ,11.\ hlcCalrorat. FAA 'MULL-rota.. 1, rhibuthor Ttre.'"A,Ln ae , . e I=2l:l`itr . ot.. m •xf p .., e; E. 0 ~..u.• ?I. R. , \ ..,\ Enaen.a, pa,karri,. Panniel Pilnorth, M. It.. 17 Smlthhebi etre.: o • \ Robert enrder..M. L. 103 FourthrAtr.t, , M jobb Crawford\ . D.. P... 111.1. g.rpOC., - s , Do t . ' Wilrgett r if\t : It u,..a.1. 1 •L‘.`"1t41,Ye.tp.. ,, T7' . • d•Si g t-,.1/ ftV:tur., :so— r .. th t\ • .`t ' .I,2rze.--.x. .• • . j. Jt . cOlko . N.sey. State Mutual Pio Insurance Company.m \— BRANCTOFFICE--Sp. eel Ssirrunann STEEL; 1 ' \ PITISUURGII. Mr./rear, 3lar Ist. V* PRE beet evidenee nf the sneeese of \ the Aii-A713-talk7fricUit.l"..:l7 f ‘ l L T Lit‘ r . E .,;. " T:i the onnuonn!tr, is the\ unparal ...loot ^, 1 .... 7 ." , 7" which has deal done; hreo , •• •-; 7,9u0 Poluteashrnon rear,ticaZ Aunet PI of the ' a ' alest kllVlL:Largs. •ien /toured 7tige;r.tilftrdiricA is Do. in. earird.tertai Do. do. in foree...4. .... Amount of trovety ISO yo. rare *led. terminal. . . . 't,' , .• 1 1'r 7 't.^ . ,:, - ,:tt. D 6. cancelled. arm1ha. 6 ...P.0 . Do. Cub i' , ..37. ~,,, A ~1 ~,. w •,, ~,,. 6 <....* — ,, ~ S, al .....S Terorqixtf4 11.14 \ k,,,.7x ,, 4 9 ^Og, ""''' ' ~ of welll6g , embantaa. ql,l rwp 0 ig.., 1 , 71 i, . '"' , t ra,l pr0..i.,, hr.ai i„thkt 11 tI. Pu c , „,,k, Nitita .I Te and ~.r..7 , V. h .t. r,,,T, ',Wait, all .r .... , 1 ,,,.. " tbp. jr , " ' .. l,,. "'' ; 'r nV : : P Ol ' i• F; . t i r ` . 1 A * ''''Ll:;.':,':lLt , `L't tk..l \ " MO In th6yr , 'L ' 1 ''' n- r., L . ''e r r',;1,',i.,....,, 1 u. , ) JO 7 , u \ l '-litigroup, Pr , timt I. t.F.Tr. torrt.rTi v 'IC in ~ P r ' t: re,, oril::,, , .. . ' .s.. sn t. ?l,:V it ki, 1.. of 19 1 ilacr\ :ancker, Geo. 1 . Lemil, Ta 41, 1, . .. ad :-... Etr.p. , ".• , Vregid, Wool. am... !Want" m tbaor To HI, or rouoarT \ Aanalsolabral tail eisnt t ' ''i rttt Interior an no Leenduetad o n the thad of 'ClAOJtoatinn af Blake, wing - 4h • timitud amn chiding Ohs nsivJenca .. \ al. hub h Ib4 ..,cark ar..l. " I s th,' (ratrinlVel tow 1 baviclka. P. Polthor Alan. A. Carrier. Plain d. lila, John B. V. 1., J j ao , l . a . IN . A_ J. 4.1.1 ,oviitzt,',l:7,V4 :,_ ,irr a,:t:::',":A_ , \ , . 11) .. :1,. . W.R c cir,, .... c.i.i.::::.:,::.:!, A ,,,,, , ,::.,,, i , Th,1,1: 1 ~,,,:icr ,: h.7.::::1...c.,5::::".m,17.::,tt ' 71.111":17"7:1'reb.;11:-.",gir5::::::::* ' _ .' u 'u rt j.cs. . b l''"' CLIAIII.VZ C. BANG% rregidecro. V.-. C....-• (.1. 13.c.zut. t.. =tar!. "".1,1 *art,"""tr,..50c.."7:11:4'-:-.lLlo::'eo'cL7aTit.lalmecuell"..". a h reh, ...-Tbe,C.utop.). tivre. zwerved . largo evat-iMc.t I .\l:\ vrtarb:.ltb 1501' eapital*ra Pretaiums,l34ly, tnveSt., odgagnacitirr.t.:2{:alt;. s .' l rantanzr let,llA7r. l t . stew 114,5 , 1 twot...t.ty to tn. .to rof APee.mtlr. 'Fora a.,1, 11t, \ I;T;r ' . ' ... ... ..".,.,... &c, invaelsodjOi sale by A.*. R. 11,11.11Ar.? [1 ,_ ---'7Dg 1; for male by s 7 cit BON, 61 Warr it. bla - Taafd Nos.;,for w. a r. WILSO9 . 3 -.— a ,, tr- oak. fi. , r„tjii w. A f. WILILO s__ . _ - 46:14 — 5 - alo w, a F. WUJNN. sale by re ccirboeprerßidivoll' s JeuatriLtrxrx t i Cs ; ts : W:ikulp . 2) jai New Nol3, for solo -JAueanetzLL4 _. Mids. ta. INSUR&NCE. . \ 10.111`1.:Tis le , -Sheri, their, throrwrancTo, • . penoTl of :A, ti;: tare 1.11 upearle et cme 31,11,0 u Ivor 110.0.11 TllOlO th ENI/Ilr. 1 ...' . * T`Pr'• ""q` hr "".'"°* `:t.iir 1a : .4.1•1,(.61•II 111 itaellf ILLICI, .1,, r , I ...?.{tiF ,t ~, .P • .. ''''''..." "a'!" '"*, ''.i. nZil..7l",''iiTii...Af.t. sts•os ‘.,,t..`., I , .;.2,r I' .N".‘..„,....,.. Penn 'Mutual LifO Iraq - once Co., Philad'a. \,,, 4,.,ENT IN PIT 'Slit.; 1t431,1, \P 11. DAIS, ~i, J VTuuey. Tr., so,l,shb. 311 L k torm - Amt. . kr to hen. , eouvetp TaTe cr per.... rceTnfig tt l the Wirer 1 XII the re. the pmat uckjklao be hnu.l dell, eenm Li% ' and 'TIT,' h k et - Q h etcutkm l nennlTf 5.,.-gbAulSll;, "a•rle:LN;:llnaTetifolliut=\ l'rert.ieigtl'lYal:ferc4"-?.:. tlT:thth;surfrrstrUt "IlarS:l..Telr. ei:ler Ina,(0 1 a• • cowry, inereuelug Prot , . TI exled • nuklly arecuaTet three red,lor 11/ , IhtnlT kh. J .T.,1. 11,1,-.,• „ :. l isno \ iiiarine,i, Fir \ And •Inlon • • rtalion . TVlTRadill‘Aran ' i°ti: n 2i . ' ', ' .... ' 1. ,- ~.:(4,4C2Artnett bnudtV;:ll;—;,l-." tig4.10,;,V,t; s.'fll,'="..a\ and••property of arm d phone ship. • p,Tr . etrant boas and other Teasel. ei th er • r %Wand tram • . cum he oh the en* \ Hamad K. J oe ., .. A Joho R. ties heff, Zdeard Smith, 1, lll chard .D. NV • • ....,....../obn A. Broern, \ - Viilli‘m WelSh. • :El r,..- 1, , t"° ,'„%rll.` l ,':, • , 1: ii.',l;•„7, t, • VC. Y..L.11.... ' . s VT:throws White, 1, T sptneall, anolo 31. Thome. 1, ...4 ee , h.„l/ickson. TkVfl'irjolT:'Aiurarier Cl[l . -' y b VIII Tfteinal. Wee and from its Dinh steal mu. mug es Triune. emple sus. ."' '''''':sldn4t Tat ' cfge n 5 4tr' le n ) i s eu. ,, , ' W. .''' b.."' fft.131,1 I JO& Ag.i. 9.24 . \ 1 I: 141 Front street. West.ern Inanrgnce Corapariy f Pittsipirgh; APiTAL $300,000. t. .) LlXit, J0.,1, CPresident, Y. 11. Ge•rdon..S4. T , , - I i 13.1113 enanset all LIZA , pf ri.. ....,r‘r aml 11. - in. All issues 1411 Le liberally ed.ine - ted %.,,prt. plv pagl., . A home Indatutiou-manke.ll 1, L. ttc.TTrka /To .TIT skel., Phiu nee commun. y, and who 0 ret,,dehtraiurl ITI threTrVe"ter:sTri;e`,;':,'V.'.`l,T., =,11,,--I,`A who dente to be 'rheum. Disacroa.....-11. Millen Jr.. G., blel., .W. 1197. IL' Ilenues, Jr.. Wen D. lITTIme. C. Ihresen, 1 eo.ll. sc.., Wm. L. Llou.,J.TneeLlOlTmnlt.t. 60 ,,, L a , :l = , .. , J , ......a w . k`iiesTkAt "t1;"4Y:',:,•,1.14.,.!it,e,... of 41 C.. ‘ nr• onatn,)l2lt2TelaykL_,_ Juinly lkii*are Mutual SafOtylstourtincer nYFICE, NORT_LI 1100)I OE , T Elf 1: L 1- t f e a g GE.,, T-,"l. ° Z 2 t .I,,''` u ?dgi.... L iiii ...a nen\ CZVirr. ft ti r . d , =Y4'. Tpurn Vessels'. ~' Stuns Insi.tnen—The's also Ineure Vessels'. CiVoes, And Frigt fereign or ecTs,tt , . sender open cr speclaTlT . polleies, seethe assured y &sir , Leh...D. osmovOlinoNiallge,.. D.=11,;11:..141 tnvnP S.. =l7l . lWrs and lake. otnrOC most llberil.t;Thuh InarcTrot•--Joseph LleSenl, l'almuud A. '6olldor, John C., Davie, Robert Burtch. John B. Peurem. Samuel IldrrLe. l . George C. Writ., Edward Dssliupton, Isaac ft. huh. 1 1 ,11- Ram olerell. John Newlin, M. 11. 51. to J,!.. ,, . C. Hand, `, Tbeopbilus tackling. IL Jane+ Works. Ileary Sloe., ' , Hugh Cral, lienrce Feyrll, spencer Mr:lleum C , Tarle• RAI, J. to. ohnson. VT ce. Ilan. 1. 1 . ST the m " . John Sellers. Wm. Kyr. Jr. Oranlvo AT 411110 70. s—D. T. !loran. Rau Cr.., John T. Logan. Wruxua Mauo, Preident. Inn. C. ILAN. V e Preel dent. Joker. W. Cormr, Seer...hwy. .. 42 ~,,,,,,,, . 1, , ~,. burgh, *"" [O2III CI ---- , Ohio Laboratory.__ 111., ii i hill 8 0 wit, 95 1 85 • -99 Per cent: Strength, '2WELL FLETC.ItER & l'ilannfactu nmot ALCOHOL; Peresphit, rercdoon B ran me, Coo. Dlstllied Vapor 'Whiskey elweeewri eieba. tkirear: or lane and Frbiel Meet, binenew m. tr.. 0 1 olden, frem littebergb will . be tre , biart.l . 7 PA 71_ 1.1 1,1.1 ~ Wines and Liquors. . N 0,167 Liberty st„Formerly Ilari/ cracker priory. a ncci4art, of ki.burig,) • inoi athrthrt, ot N. V. \ VICkEISEN £ STOUVENEL, rfspeatuny .21.;,-;:ryi,1r....101,0 rb.,!"`AVVZ2.lre'V'ir:7.t,i .;140,1'..,..n..1.hjt..• Loth sto.l. were they than al seals keep aloe anortantht of No 01 00 -310.5r.10 ass! Yowl. red and whits W i lo , e i s . . , .alr,po=lldrazol\ Titled rit ‘4lltAteli!sktrataThoutne atel syrarkllml , irelS lime, .fltp, ,,, :totnt.:"l 'eith-70,,,ZdAtb"'""wgwbuth,;.r .h.....'0,1::::5.0431011 .th.reZdocilkla..9 win sell aLlerafe, oLtrre'tall!au Wei:nest ressolvbLe tnllol. Oa. of '11... c..ea.r.. Mr. $ , 9.••'.. , ! , e1 canu.v.4 0, ,,1t 'rn"" t "" "I'''" I, th ""1"4„.7.; , a 1,...'47 Ls evablod tvka theseer Wa •At re ran • other boors nOw ett - ;. TlMlil !q . t.. , us • ,, sits Paient Iln Tiede ra W in ;: i. 'h' . tiatero Filter e .. -i;.,":, l''' , ? , v et"w" ''' D 7 ' i P k iq 0 17.kytl; purchase else , here. Ile' er .it W E r r,l thol :sn7l lleit . a a , : , „ .4 , T e,Tv it ...." . .: T r i.l. : . - _,...,_ and , • • . 1.7:10 3lartet street.'thrtabuels, This rotor n s arrocired • PV" ''' ..b. (Sold Medal from Ine„•thenfoo thrtnoth or a ,,, ,00. eaten \ ':,,," a c,,,,atocate from,the Frattalth Institute' of Phasst """'"' ' rl phta, for Its superiority to itS ci,;...ta.,amr.l , ..., 1, .... • ...-". earnerans from ttioselthalon them to was Yo I hliadetpoi. 7 -...47 ,„,,, li, • va ""b" th e"k"rblll rsampl .. `' n.:=l , 23it..14.1. '---- --,-.4•-• it give. me xrett plemor ' lto renorsnl roe to the lose '- ' yore clear .11100. the Paten neaenwhes 15 ater Utterer. to- Trea•ljun . ~,,,a4 hy Mr. Lewis. Ilarirthaoseod,elneof,them.foraveso Prue .1 '''''''''' I n 'ati ' lli l e t' VVl'6l l, l l ii ' llt ol'ea-tr«. ' -e reuturoartes • Marelt`aalh, !au1...,_ * al" "'" \ Th. Patant Reversible Water P * 101.0 :7 . ,•: . r:Schlit=„,_'-::::'`,4r.t.:1*."..11,:e.te.'i-,.4t:'i,,,-,4.„ i 75 -=i • ' rthottoro“''''' ntrtt, orlriCkg'.loo:l'..irill'. 1° T.''''' es-a; , ''''' 1 0 . No. S e , , awa.. ' T''''''' \ ~h ere Slur* are warratlted to tali, oaf wweroodl or lava• ~,.. -• • nay Kim from drerompcsanhaolroal orstrweta the water. They Ica -sra teal to last two and l Beano] th ordLeary care a ill last eth an d ean ata torn.' noon 01" t" i ' 'V"t • . TETI* ARDIN, \ f Arch threat. Pb adelohla.‘ ' 'l.l"Fr-COl'llellsl ithprOT "latent for 11=‘ ,. ... , , \ • I \ A AVr.11..j..-, —•'. • Stearn.. to. , • reeal a . • ' All •Itrs!..\ hn ' ad "' d i' ll/7.&ro i ) , lll b C/A1t ,,, D0 ., N, ratta, tondo tt., .• - _ , • g-Wslo , Ifeating.ann Ventilation. - ata \ ........._" X ILVE ARE\ 31AKING APPARATUS fo \ „„,•-,...—..., ~, v•T neweloO Imeleatto In notela.eoturt !loin. , Lecture , '-' "'a ' noise.. Bank Wherry Stun, Vas-Orin, Hospital, atel hued worm este.: I t ~,‘„ .„,„,,,,,,,-,,,alow.psther and private._ alsn, Lauo "."°l".°2ll4 /eals and Itrytoa• ltor, tor all pone* w oers, moot. ellw, ._r a•Oae . emperature, either br or Itswos desired: and fur h......-_, 1 . 1 .,....• ' • k _...... mo th er fee od La ea 001 to st. ° l'Los for rentllatin hi owtoral or freed snreme,. vela. `AIM= Irrthrv - apum deserionons mentlOuid aro '', no' to k : t eassatlly heated opal ad. Pl•o la E....a' 10.-ta : . ' L." ..... ” metteat it a arlsolorome. uniform hoe. at oa4 _ der. Strare..-‘, tem tory {tee n . ` ' eot freedom nom root. ,Nra,.oCr"'a,'”"" r ,25. a...M. A. Vie,a, at ufety from Op% • •-'- -''. , '''' ris' ---7 SCr.II I - Jai/Pied:: 1 OLCIa.Y. Copleys t Clay. Firsuba6'ribere aro now, Sole Agents st Jena h r tab, No the ufe of th eir Pot Clay, an. ar of wS•11 entabltrbed repots!: the utattotartare of MOS Potlyeter-1 EWA. M. „It ls •of am oft ereon. nthile=a,wors %Imam sod la akraallr Pekcied to enweacaruinar -4.3. , „. ------ . Needles ' Eelebnited_ • ____\ (19MPOUND • lIEM.LOCIC , , PL.A.STES.. — , Li. Tbego hied,' mseliested vlsetms Isam tesen''semM or Milli. 'n urs. drariug ' , big., ti..e th.r. lames frgsmi=TrrruaTt;,t :AZ1.`rh.k..7,%.,?.;714.' ~,, , Z,..,,, a air 1,1,,h ,t matusucc, Ls wh,a, rheas ...LPL* ' txr, hmt Iren mita:milted, hate Oren th.\ nuwt antl.e•sf • u,stiostadale as is thri.r surest:a airy,. OS. . Pte. :"1,,1t:t!..g:1....,ni50..,ts t s :ft , h , - ,,, tr , :a L r . . 0 t .. .;:t::: ,,, t,: .. r . ry . arwhallY a 'l6 • ~,,,,,.,. ~..ilp.-..1. 1 , 11.i , i lb•ra ,-..uliarly •pli.nlas t• lot rylo.. in the br,...t, r, , nlttnc fnan L r.tr .r.l .11 ''' ''r'" ' l'''' ! 'l' i ' l 'l I..i.'l:"'tZT','.:.t:•L'':::.;"' 7-'re'' :lit,r,T,. 5n.,1;..,,,,;L.3,....A,..,5. ~,....,.. ~.5 , , , ,....: , : , . . b.H . .. OT rat ..I'.ll . isra * -I•'' '' . "t . Das h 'tosom• ': \ i'r•rf a.'1,.....0,1011s rarrO . was tr.% by 'ls ~‘„,„,r. ~,, 'r„ ~,,..ns.„. sna imms m thr LasSms , s.ae. r s Itsr,e ', \A.. '''''' '' '. l'. :) . "' .is ' lS l t ' rlrlr •\ ' .. i .:7. ' a ' t ''..* . e h • . '' turtll,l-.'171.ati..'-',.:,,1pt-r4,er.,..!;.k.:a 1 :tttli - , - .. m r & , si \ ••• ~ *, • Zll ''. t "''' . .t. 1:.!..0.n,'a1.". ts., r VP.:l ' raT ' s .. .. , ,, 1 1* * . t,c , tlst.;tussr t, o r rranal rttsats 1111 w e, hairs] ' , ay thwiard. ' N . • ' '' ''''''. ''''''''''''' a"4 marl. Fr , LT Wosal ail \ \ \ , SEA l i N11.NV : . 4.- P ATEN T sTARCII WI- ~ •,‘ , \ • Ihll, f. Os in. •Feauttful Ore. la Lion, .ItrOth N ... ~ t....5ni.n., (Ajar, ~1,” 1. 11.saus. Merin. all tal44olymott. it. ..? use , prel.4. ti, iron .r. es adhering to are fatten. lul4lll. - . 4 fn.. saKaas, %I. tomns notbaus inturs.a , to elothoe 11 ~ .. n , ~,,, n„, a 5,.,;„, tase tang Ftl/t., fete 11,0 WaVill.... . . \ Itfiglieh US ortlrle,aua tr. lh s thesr earrsastnaa will tar PA- " , . \ •Iv reslorol. a.. as , . eatutettA i.• lear,l otter an Ittireattal, ~.. a 61 :1 1 ..13.-One Cake wlll.l , Ls ,at arts a f clothes, ali •• .‘ ~ ' \ . fastly stwuld hr wstliout it , Cale , ~ f ull .„_.,, i ' \. \ ' yria,l'-'1 - rent, ker Cake !,4 , h...t 1 , ° ,,.4....;,... • . - ... f ., \ \ FETHOLVIII. OR \ „Rocs. OIL ~ . ,„ , -114, aro mn.ri , ,,thloge to beis7rlS".. l earth, 1 \,. .'...,, are arrarovt of mvpiNssos•Ns•- , .• . THE VIRTU ES ,o f thin s4ltftrkfible rOm., ~ • ' ) , \ - \ \ st, it Lbs. n.n..kasit ipplamtSpn f•, , r it . . toile rtopai . , •:, . haa juauss-d, luus tonase it put Up in bottles, • th la t.M,....r0l dm-tions. fit, th, ta.u•alt 11 the nubile. , l i . . 'f w\f.I7IIIO I F.EN I ta prsesursss frouisa. ell in tbla noon, 1,,' • \' \ • -• \ ' I,N. th of fouls i1.113d,1, fit `t• 4 n sr, unad hr, Vil a 1 ' a , ..„- ' wah , ut mil . rtnaoleal c.l.- but Just as It .\ no 1.4, Nature'. Orr, Litaatsay • ! itsit 4 eurttaino , l`f,f•s•rttri.,reaciAttg orabe: VI, alts , ~, .rts! sT:r • . ... ''''''''a ''''''''' '''''''' """' i.J: • ';‘..', /.. , 4 I rant. f 'cafure„.11.111,...,,,,!tr,t Iss,..x.:nlfta ~,,.., ;• • bi. a ,k4ii \ 1 1 1;;Z:f .11 ' 4 ` ; ' Jr. ", r ' fi. Zany a'iulle4•ek ", -. lnn. Net re T ~,.... • proa,rtl.6ogut of pustule aiN UP io !,otti..s.,tt I, • lust. - LOU far thSa-ure, of ‘11........, , tr,i,;,,,,,T:tt‘•,T,1t.!y.,..d.i5tl ~.1,:q..t.:l \ =arc:ttn7.'ll:3l3-e'Ll",l"o7:i. 0r,,. tia., ,pl4.rtir and V''''• ',A. ,nr , .71 ssi , i.t'"" I° U". "' a ' '..". t ,'.•• ' : \ W..' " ' nt... iA: r ''''''''''.lt."'.."'" " "Te rt •:is ti. 401 - ,i • sae as, eats,. tint the tar I:me csu ,al t . intrithr larcr those who eutb.r., and a• 1 1 ,11, halseallo i" P A , l ll ' er wc ',l•..rruit'lrttaftru.sl ' ,Zr ' til. ‘: 'Va‘VooNot s de,;. ~-lasi:•=l.;,..'".;.•'''rttin-U....-‘alms ' ti ‘ .T7. iff;:b ~ - . uu RUN IC BIILINCIIII.I"..'•CONSL'hi'I 10N.a: . it , 4 earl , ""g LT!)'.l:‘,4.7llV'ti,'N.A.ll-7(..lr.i;lt.,l.llTlttri.lit ' ilf . t;. ' ll 41 ! .. ULLA,. ne.1„.11,d Klanors,4'ains-in .tharitar , k 0r . h1,1 Nerwoutt \ , ''' T ',s.r,lT'of-;"....,"ll:rturati's.'•Vrr„ Gr .4,...:, ~.• ar. tr.,! ' to ra.x. of dernaty. r;rlune , frt. enssAssre. sr • ' k'hrr.r.r../.17:r.',i1:,?Z' .; .1r..'gri,17‘,%'..r..1-Tlll.l \•. - . ,Alt. n la .10 cm , . insa.artinug u.nr aod .eg,is= ~ \ :, Tohtigr ,moue :=x -, :'' , l''''l' ` •""""4 : ` \ I ('lift'''''l"l '' ' ''''''''d "nt."`"•.'j,..7.`g ' <.V.t .` ^ ' ; PitE• \ - - '1 . krs.t , r4tor , now. r a . ~oh,o. . I:A'n7V;Al,l:.rUt`h;•;,'.7nuo'n"ig:', 11.7,,,f a s . .• gi-sert sm../ j •ese, t. dratres Lt. .. None genatat erirlsout ths signature of the 11014 by tbn Trraistnr, A. 4.A1-ecti'l!Te R - 211. ' k ' a ' .. : =, rE.7.'';',,,,`.., .: .. ".4 KEYSER. B MIA/W ELL, u , ' ro'roor {Yowl icons and l'lrmo Al.lry. was: \norSsfly .lll. 7Fnlmil aqs±.!!!'"?`selil..„-„,...-- !. \ ''., PRObriSIMAT/QX• I . ' *IS:O.W• all men \wklo arc sick awl afflicted ~ • . ‘lrith diarros• of the Tl,O apy. rid ,4,,CS'il .ithgr, '.. • ~ , tlk,' Vd:::P•lth.ty."Zrt...\-(!gia3l‘{Ultrfr,.. VET.a. ... . 1 .L.;.Vt.O but ialk about 14 1.1.5 a rosetromom musk •s, " i s ' s, ' r-gst f . ' VII ' = .11.1•P5171:.%.t"1t4 tlltl7,l°,!‘=. .. it:Lich, Is% sa ‘ os semin ' e ' es in sm•f\ .ther re4sitsly, Tim Milt .. . bn '\:-",;.'''''' .'"' tree ,, . of - fp} 60. to.,, , grt rr. e.,, Mot ..q . ~. 1.,.. . • • •A ' r i.....1 7 %\ . ! \ t reats ~.4.1. Lit.tie tr., :nii.2.X• trtM. ''Thip Nue. ~. . • \ I.lm is uo Ira-ore -or. evade S: po s t nE foLtlefo= , .. D'' r. th'''' n ''''''''' ti; b''' Vl KulresusTiroto the . , I nd -.h);ttrrA ' 4 1 ..1 4; ' t i lllss ir:rivio pan;.tht, op ..., - ..r., „ssu... IS,. laluusotts.W'sssly trm , r•X. a restMo.sLA ..,.,' ''''Vr" . .4' \-..., aft, sth'sr nrciickw.‘ bare ftSilea 10 ,' , t,, It. r"S re b. It. bf:,;,:m in,..r..ii...0 Ili _i ' • , \'`'2`ibg,ll,,,!,,c, ~,,,,, nod on , . painful thasartrra ug s \ ~ 1V. -,j%\=.l " 4.12 7 .., I ' l 'Xitr'l7eNrs'; l eolii . '-, I,' • _ ' n.t.' , fi of \,. .' ,7.„" ;,;1-.,,L,2' birta n st '-'s \ tlll.-.P:;:`:p%V.- U;LVTgr,•a'r.blicga'lns iLo4,l:trZath ' . ~ of w, li lino , drobted testimony ean , tt • ' . '''''''' 4:"na;sj I'' 2:- .I:',;.:lMrtergirnixis;'e; . ~• . • log fa. eitN1CE..!115ir.i.'4..4......1.., • •1' . .;,., ^f u :"Af.1;,, , ,,` It s.n.pri \oi Sira - 4 Art...tiara VITO ~, , ,\ , . \\ll , -r, It" 1 7 . '.-..ll,Vl,7.:WeNtrsel: il. A.-EWA...A EY 101. urn'''''.gh_.."' AVv*.r" "!'-n". ACTED. \ . ' • ' firiiiiitregr TO THE LFF.I.4_ \ . • , R. ROSE'p 6F,LEp4.IOEED REMEDIES\ . -14. J. ~,t Ttor, the,alst -r4rsrmmgcst.fuzz= \\ , • .:.\ o 't "C" 'iu,....,7'.0?1a‘,,,,,1,,rg.,41';14-,:siy,, se,, , ,biAssiustMe \r^ , 'L l l;gs: . l , a ,c.....<0, , ,, ol' . Chinusts dietrok, Ink, • • !1.. \I , ha r =inept rh•sitlan, 11 , -rt , r, l'hrsie, and LS • =elsklnr'the Ertiveretty . of P•11.11,ych,Ti1....1 for thirty .- 7 . _, Ted mu lama bort , rognava eat iustatiotiort of dia., , WI.. and,Sto- ermliession of remedie• bt5,....•••., mt., . __ .. . l'brouctS4l,l.4e of las intlattog r , . .to oon. o with •, \ ~ • . ,•, b'"P'''h""'k ' rE . n d f.thqis''‘.g 711!:=1.1 --: \ Z i ll."i %,;',Vi'..;:,k,r;l`.= c.,,.,. , -- ---- .. • . , F—f.1::Rb.,,......A.,...... sr ' • A . . all Klna,Chrsinlc-Errell'sl-.....4 . 11 1 - 1, ems.. yr-collar 1. , feutalr... Indesd, errs. : \ . an4Des %mass the use ht, r,otrthe , It la hels-ora• by th., ow or one traaPot \ ~ , \ . to inesonostible with Physiologula law, his rotrdt:es.a..dauls.l to. awl pre, '' lyr.',F,o•taesfo.ols Alteia, 14. whet ti e nelossneMlged ter te• nutwrlor to . all Tear T. lit, pilL'lrtarruorh as t..1x ,, 511 ‘sza.'"°,4s.fr,r,...zatv,--, r-,;=7,,".1, tea " . seuutse tlif•arco . but .net ve n t foentilloent•en eetblels lwen ret . l.l ll l2' BF 4 : l" on ,tl='!4.'faTl ''r Eir a ' a ' S ' a ' h ' L tlibfonrwtlt.'::edn'tr ..: . gleta ibrouguoutther\ut,trl-2 , ..,_ _ , 3 11. b rerottat , g 2"011ariell .ilsedl:y;ll,l,oalatti.,Frog.wl3-t. mt.. 10 31,1,r1Trit'rotr Ittitratt7..B"'''' ' - T.....a.,,,a..,..cr: . -\ ' --' ..‘“ ..d .1 r ..i • . COI. FORT' Bv.T;TTT y' It TIIE, AFFLICTED --- - ~.n...i,i e. Kelliotrs LVYAS Or \ .i . c Viii,i,vttich has sMs , ,cl,sle - ts , 7 \\l4&.ji 7.;7; 'glif ts ruTf le of #l t i 2.. 1,...,.1.!Y 1,...iet,.( II rl , l-sr . a: s.. Wls la .. ‘h t"r u r l.l trt . r ' s ' 4l l' ca ' ,,dral s, ro:qe; What 1 1,, - .lts.. I g . h ' ta L -.7uls%, ' •gegrlV ' " etn \A . 4.as r ti.T.t...,. , ... . As trour a couriatlng TrnC \ '‘Lis I ry. rl\ ',., ... at-m.l+:l4a, rf. \ l_ 15•5,..tatut,31..°11.1 - .that h. tsar Iwso etl the re•i4, , .. ..,.. gelfer,ll.Y. a , Yeually 1.1t...%Le vcr Sarre. C . .1( ',,..q ir c u .b. es Grinnell le.: 1 4: 'rSTiltat:eilosf' ej.. L ', 'rms.\ asoi upstv .1 , . Yu:N.-wt.. turt‘e f, ur 'r Vit •w t' . ' 'A l \llr•Val''‘'‘tr,nAsi, ars. 4,-1. ligs Wo s•ros yeari‘bem streMassessas4 te "'!' 'i,-,.. th'4. 111;: Monntss ra, •orre., nil MIS 0,...1.p0ni d Airafort oraat the ch It la inn, col all apancorho rokoraa t ha, aria oat For al lo to • sad Lt. "')7. To the RI 13UBLI , ,Ind one of the t PETROL) r 6 .noir b oo have 'to mut, ham. ..ronre certain will Ita great the eam sp . tie Ma fturn. edict a day, ti nt ep TN' ale porrae of matat . o r...yr, , heft. me. warn We entl.M.Vs. IF ill CC11151.1 The b sad when \ e) other onetrumr bane 6 . 1: 1:1 flproxtect. retards/ea* '‘ \ Natural Remedy, elaborated in the depths of the mdtg . • , , co " cope l . irte; '." l ' r. ' o ' uVdtTy . .. ' ret h :.e th rt ''''' Ttn to! .1 ! t i"'" odu., ttit er . • w ' s ' ite.- toe trill. -t.bet ere ' ray l u t eUalut. . ~. laded to deceive tiny' who mai train our wor d d or put ..4. dome I. or eta 1 Ibe slek ore very apt to old* M. - y thing th at punt:Mee relief from diware• A story emi '•, ' "hardly tat too highly armed to ..ewer the Ode. of •Irtftle'.. log or hntoleftennag some of hem. •Now, we &mot d. e . • I to do Ultima are *axiom only that I.lm truth to rut .• , .. .our remedy abonld be told- 1n order m mecum fru it a cepu \ . latioti ear , fr .f.,;7,=. singief,artgaLll4lll„a=.twall. \ , to 0 01 60 and oeighborhood, bear dtrople Matt:M.7 I. fr. . ~ 1 ' lF o sihi. grit.: two umitihne two of our Uwe dint.` : s .' 0 10 1e...,.ern,10c.tta.111;bd1111.1,t,, h l tto ,b t,e , t. , u th re lo t , t o ricee o t h tr4ufla r te . - 1. 81; ~ , i '' 'cured. dod.alco. the ram of • timthmsnin 'leaser tounty. , • There are otheru ftnt these am el-w, oral, Immo. sant may • • , ' : •h e re t er ,ed to by .7 venaas who hove doubts on the rob. !yeet. Them em. were eared after thee bwl‘boett ebandork. • . . ed' by physicians we Impairs/ 1 0 .0 wi11..., :when used arrouling to dlreettmr—ldarrbra. Dieetantly, . , ' VIII, Ithenroaftstu; Goat, liettralem. EhiVlord on the /WM, .. • ' Pimples oat the lace-Chronic Mee Epujßtnaworto. Tet/Mt: . . ' • 'Heald IleM. paltuftEi the hones and Aloth .ld lum/.t.lcart Wons, Ague, Chroole Conette. hs.g. tirowebitiN, eud adx. , Pulmonary &freedom of • chronie nature. tetelltig 10 11. \ : 'elute Conatunitton. Burt. and enalde, &snowy: of Q. Illaftler and Chappnl liamla. Excoriated MM/(' crane and .I.=', \ lo fart, itis a GZIAS CttITSI.I. SI-VIDT, and LAB hem tfteg , \in moat of the Mere dtseawe within the rut your wi th the'. •.. i Meet perfect sucotea. Certlfzcatia that will satonith 1., to; . •: . r, .. r d . ,h,. i y e rietor, who r pleasure In Mena I theta to the a:diced or their 1 del .. ~" \ • r • .1 . • chatters cane. may ray at t their med.uma., __ , .. erun in rho e. meet limed - of the alte. rhysialt . • pezot b .-,' ' . • VI, 1.,,,d -h a0,.#1,,,g,,t.r. 5, wilting to 107.14 It duo praise aud . .. , t .' lg oe . , - va . A. R : .rt,t,:,.,-tylri-.v,zrmta. tae .. • \ eatudellietion. Mcfore amther 70ar roll , round. all will te - emapefted to aeametedge th at the Petroleum: is the /mgt.:. eat mafteine ever &moseyed. Yee sale. wtalesalo and re- . . tall. by , • ENodEll A 310.1:0WELL. Ito Wood sae ' \ Also—ft. Fe Foollera; :4' Wood dn. , t - e .D. NT entry, /./../: •, Elft , utt, droViiiAmul oll. a=igitr . 00 ~l .'11 , !. ; ~.. /, ti ke; a 7. ..el tep r ., 1 ' ' • , . :r s' ilrlrtf..a..l . ft. A. inhonstock £ L....; ' , 04 . ....i . .. , id Front il:I., • . . • . . . . . • , . . . Q. Jo ELLEItS',IMPERIAL COUGH. SIICUP.ri —lt ',fleet, eh ejLolte,, , ri h,hl r i , f.. - i, ,, ..a. Me B. T. Sellakm—`l, chalt o. he • n. ' it ' lbltlN hams Man auteect to troatarimor —.11 ,, , .nd b ,- .' ~ .-1 4,11 ' 1 1 ,4 - tl r"' eent i" nta te eboa "'T t y l olle t. C r o u he r r• - • re ' 1 0 . 0 . 41 . ne o"d l , O bi n ' s filgretrt=idel'4l:l:4ll'o7lll:l'n! en"l;•=7'' I baTe reramtarchled a M Ms nettLohters. atat ao mon coneeienclouslv tepee!, that IT th e ter hntl,teed• that ban ever been °gene to th public . , Parent:setae:ad mammon II le ry a deco to =hem, mush, when they may lot cowl by a 25 ct: bolt of their Aared and sold ex . lt r. UELEIL, mehM •• 7 n sod et, aret brlk!11112.l9[1 . 11117, ' ' 4T ENT )IE/i/C/NES, bc.—A large stock' in Mom. and for salt on Moment laweel terms, TIF '.. MU • Ointment ".'''' A Lt i natal $.lO a L1,T..: 3 ,:: kinfl --- : , ,,,Ld Uorte Liniment ha., -e , s Law of trZ . \ Oyodelue. etenee PythrenteeTlMMeto nu, Arat-13111ena - tow's N'tod=.. C•try. ntIT , EZ.ll,2l.ofllbele •Mby's •..rionotata I" e t eg s ; tt ) jeltit r , fie; )Logs \tut] DTeCoPtic eae. o/P .., a-- , Leans . \ Emanta of r ,err4ni i • Phelps' ....E. Crumb. en \ ` tieTZa •• y.,,,,,,„, „ \ , Ilam getattna • . emu. . YoN Itosa i7bu.r.if : uum. o7lre :7 : 4 ll: \ t 4. l . fo n' tm r T\tater tanoo B•Mr • bwainea Panama Worm Vow \ At the brae 60ml of ~ etabla-3,4 DIA& tot Sudo by A . I.sl4linlai , • ' \ " • • ' . • ~~ ~~ Nye thlwr Got frr liven e'd de d. N. W 1 MMTI=