The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 29, 1851, Image 2

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t* 'c'aing.
Jonne\on Inman, dishoneitoind suchlike
Watteau" This is a good men for him and
'he:Whigs. We shrN let irgo ahead on that
th is freely as it pieaso.
.. tig o vs .Airwittxm sic°.
riTl : 34l:oucts. ,
MORNING, AUG. 29, 1851
- ;ifirt:P.ADWG 1i.1.T1111 - WILItBE FOUND
, .03T.E.,1# P . A,?E OE 7111$_PA PER..
~ .,A: . InAiCOTTON: • -
i "::".•,1, telltrier will '
_ find ;titlie 5.M1 page a highly
sig!ritc.le on thin subject, from . New
' • " ) tibuner.!, -.... . .. T ,,
• ' , : :•...oitenclie- substitution of hemp and Box
. AOll vrtmld be , followed by censequences to
§ ,omercial,. foetal, awl. political world of '
"PrOfrolimiturtance.. That great pow
},...t.iph ths culture of cotton has long given to
1 - ith over Ihe •coMm,erciatand political: of
. ... . . , . ,
i ' this Union wont" behroken; rid it would
! .
.....e....,_ . i:r . . 0, northern 'Utntes tt , political .iadepen
. device yrh eh theytwi t:tat enjoyed. It would
~.would: also xender , n'elMr.l independent or the
Vatted Stoma In the supply of what Li now to
'her an intispeniable * article of me material.
Then Ireland,Polind, Regal and the , Danubi an
: , provinces would be the competitors of our' cot- .
-ion planting States, almost of them are'novi the
-„,,,,, tanipetitors of ottr grabf.grewing'States. Grain
-:groving, tie a bitainess, would bo vastly bentifit-
ed;-becanse a portion'of the Lind and labor; now
denoted to that business, would be -diverted to
, another branch. 'Na nation would then hate a
, monopoly in either the growth of raw material
orin its fabriesitiotn, for it, would be found •ne
,. rectory to bring the Producer and the manufac
• torer near together.
With. all the advantages which the American
. .
eotbon planter now enjoys, slaverxte ft very Fob
' ~ liinitical ticneft; hat let tile use. of,cottan be,.
• to a considerable extent dispensed with in the
• ',fabrication of clothe, Sc.. and it would,beconte
at oneeburdenstnno and intolerable; and tboeo
- who are o tio vertu and pugnacious in, de"
tome of _ lostitutfon *NA be klad to got rid
Another effect would flow from the extensive'
" - , 41 ,,,,,-..imbstitation of hemp - and flax fur Cotton the
slave•holding States would Sod Was much their
interest as iris now the interest of the ticirthem
' States, to protect our own. manisfactures, nod
thee incresee, to the greatest possible extent, the
hoine Market for the products of the eoit. The
culture f sugar, corn, pork, sweet potatoes..
, . and a t Onsand other thins . ; would have to by
ante upon to absorb a pert of the labor now,
bestow d upon the culture of cotton. This, of,
nders the question one of immense lot
:port= e., And in addition to all these lestilts,
it would Probably go far towards the restoratiett
harmony, - . good feeling, and unity of interest
between the North and the Sonth, and thus se
cure the perpetuity of the Unica.
OVE COSIOL AT lIA.VAZU. *T a little abase
• .s. ./117 beat heaped upon the head of thM gentle.
. ' . .Seen because be did not; or at least it is alleged
that he ffid not, interfere,in behalf of the fifty
prisoners who were shag at 'that place. Some
.accounts any,that he did seek en interview with
the Governor (lateral, but could not Obtain it
ti f
until it vats too late. ' Be that as it may, be had
no right o interfere in, his official capacity, be
cause I ',' \ e President had declared in his proclama
-..,„. ' \ data; fi ii mouths before; that ebould any of the
citiseno of the United States engage in a.hoptile
r • . expedition against the Spanish Government in
1- •. ,
Calm, and fall into the hands of that govern
' ' meat, the gorernm.ret of the fjaitiql Stides would
not interfere in their behalf. This problamatiou
via law to the email, land therefore, nay inter
~ fixate on his part would have been DO act of
' , disoiwediance'to his own government.' Officially,
,„ • ' therefore, hie
way wis completely blocked:( and
• ' ',to have. attempted at Such a moment to diiest
- himself of his offiCiaqcharacter, and approach
. • the - gorernment merely as the countryman of the
' unfortunate men, yenta hove been as 1111Mililiflg,
• ne It would hiarti been ridiculous. The- reeolu
*tione aid cover hard.tbinge which Imre been ittg,
. Aired against him her? and elsewhere are; there
.. 'fore; just so much gas expended for nothing:
Rodent fog a moment, pon the ridiculous at'-
,- 1 ' node in width hisinterfereice Mould bare placed
• •
this government. Snipers Mr. Owen had ap
' ' ` preached, the Governor of Cabe, all the latter
would have been required'to do'woeldbe to place
... ~,....,,:-, - -in hie hands a copy of the President's procinms
- . .- ' •ton, and ttunfan him.
. .
The l Y . ortTribtiste, epea s' •g of the slough
ter of the stusgaided y Americans at Havana,
pate forth i s pretty sti'ong analcgcoMhypothesis.
It says---Suppose a - i fOr regiments of Efaytien
Telanteer should land any day on the coast ' of I
parcilium or kabetamotith the arost'ed
parpose oi giving 'fieedem and independence'.
.t.O their bl'uk brethren in those iBtatee, and sap
pose they 'Should be!orerpowered and captured,
as they certainly srenid be—;ithat?, think yon,
..would be their fate: 1 Does any :body imagine a
• 'zinglO' man of them "maid haviaver chance
'to die by disease: ,
Ravourrino tit litxxfixi:=Anotheirerolutio n
Mexico fill evidently at hand. It wilt probably
take Place in less tharithree months front the
'present utoe. Santa Anna has still troops - of
friends there, and they tamt'eager and ready" for
'a new prornoscianterito:' The finances ,of the
Republic - steins wretched condition, andArista,
Abe President, although an' intelligent and
pataotio man, Is reduced to a condition that be
is #orapelled to keep _ a bod,W guard around, him,
is& personal safety.l:Alas! poor Mexico.
Why do not' • - .athieerg go and
- help Seats. Am is ae.goo4l a
republican a 9 '
Mancha. REALITY. -
ThO Minnesota Democrat, a spirited and irk
. Westing paper, published 4t St. Paul, - Ova, the
• lollowittg aemraut or an anii . eipated pleasure trip
Selkirk Mad lake' Super/or. -We regret the
geutLemett had not i:pat shMildera to the wheel
• and drireti ahead, for it would 'teem such o
!deity aiiipansata theta for tlie little,hard.
• aiiiPet.of Midi au exPe4tion.
"lain'ißeoteas to travellers from Edrope a re
gon of great interest and attraction:'. Almost
every steamboat brings up foreigners of fortrum
'end education whh are travelling, for excitement
information and plenum. . Lest week a scion of
.English nobility, aeon of Lord Norton, after hav
ing puma acing Wake in the Telm.:tm - y, went be
' low. .' Ile is a. yOunfitigontlernatiorn7 arere - 1
messing mamas . , appearare, andrhad the 1
good sense to damtMxt himself is plainly is the
Wat rePublicen. . Ile and Mr. tiosts„..,
lieh gentleman' , of edueatioti, andertOok to
mike a trip trigolldelt, whence they intended to
cross to Lake Semler in the fall and return to
England ails Eialifa%..._ln pursuance of their` in
tentions they Pure:Used two road Wagona, and
four horsea ,ile47wsamna were fitted up with
all the fancy meats for comfort. and con-
voidance. 0 'was covered and Made water, ,
proof. On - h aide, of the inside of the box
woe a ease 'Mining a rifle and other dead-
ly weapons, to kill the "wild deer, and the buffs
__-, "-' ' ' • to, and bloody 'lrrilalter." They had, in abort.
P ell the traps or camping/Mit slid 'cutting and
4' • , fighting theLr sithrough to Eielkirk. Off they
.. started , aided y /abut men to - do the hard work,
' . and excited b the novelty and romance of the
:4,enteiprlse. But las soon as.they got out-of the
if ' _,-.:. settlements, which happened somewhere - above
.4 4-1 flankilaplds,
... .. 1 ,1 - :Cr talk hub.l in the soaked and spongy . hol ,
--, , i' lams of the e. Their horses ; began to fag
:,- ....,, - . ' iota; the,' muiqUitees
, to_ bite, and they to
.--", f . think that. there !we® 't se much romance, or
• ?:.„i.- I ,i'aprt . . - after ; all to that sort of cutiitrise. Bo
...i.,,,..._ . outyrith fatigue, they getback to our town,
ili., ' ', ';' looting late Selkirk hunters, and wore glad to
1 ,' ; ' ' -Well out their wagons, hones and trips at a great
...,... isaarlfin.a..
.• " A •
Ii 1; t , ....' I • "Van yarx-baises or some light conveyance
I , T.,i,::.- , . 'llketlin Bed river carte, they, could have made
tthsjotuney villa:int difficpity. ".
dor Tamers !ire much annoyed by persona
"shooting on AO farm. They ilt.peroaiee by
susadtlatH.,a2ll4 In to day's mea. -4 lit the law
- reldlA L thiji
hefOre the
Usti, killhig of- partragee;
26th of
. Sayt*rber; will be „riOY enforced,
Upon ii/formad# given of Its I:erection; Ilse
game Isere ItertN . Fs (Erectly the reverse of those
in Extripe . ; there the object, tO preterit; the
tt? die/FT:4,ly It is to yreseree it from,
the , aelishaetiot _the /mi. (wbo would, kill
Itoniien young) for the benefit ef all. .
. • .. ,
. °4 - ~„
' • For de P0:614k Murat.
-I . : , • ' The eluarmun at the:committee
i' :.'" ' B . gurrus"
lu t the*lbVt meet.
. . ..
: .. i rot pessetb“hie..--"e 7retPliGoosnable toifsay off the ,
0. ~ 54 ' ;,, 0 re V ar t e d to the meeting; IliceP,the,
b . bite • sod
1": . . • - •11 1
,I. 7 Two.:so , c"P" l "'ef ht ,Y' tatte
'. 4 I ' sl ie mkt? by iliOtker mem be !'or . • ,_,._,, : ,t
! ••.- ,- T -- " To diipute, unammouali adopt. '''
4: ' . tu n " ' t°
uteu. ' -To Ode: , frutittutiod Ltt the dol
d some of, thesestiMeuts, he difk
v soltitiott4 ll4l ___„,. , ~....... •
~ ~.,
=rte . • .:I,otilltdep# 4 "! . `r . ' ,' • - ~..._ .'.
.' 4 ' .-, .:=4.,•'-...‘,
'I We are very touch gratified to obseive that
the larger and more respectable portion of the
American Press has -sustained the shock of the
;Listing Cuban excitement with great,firniness
be few :attempts' that have been made by some
hose hearts perhap s were in the right place,
t whose beads were awfully awry, and by odious
ho finciet; that a little notoriety or political
capital naiglit. be manufactured out of it, have
generally beim treated with the contempt they'
merited. We subjoin's few extracts, because we
think it extr mely important th at the getters up
t i !
of these pi 'cal expeditions should receive the
only pUllili \Di which unfortunately they are
likely td-rmatere—public reprobation. •
' The IFushiaPton Iltpublie thus forcibly eharac..
[crises the Leper expedition:
It is gratifying to observe the xenerally sound
and conserraiive character of the editorial com
ments upon'' ite recent intelligence froth Cubs
Sympathy fey the dupes of Lopes, and indigna
tion at the eungulnary vengeance pf the Spanish
authorities, do not appear to have!diverted pub
lic sentiment - from a 'just estimate of the nature
of the unlawful enterprise of . which these men
have beemithe victims. In the quarters 'where
thereifthe most show of excitement, it would
seem that the pressure or impending elections
has stimulated the members of all ',ethical! par
ties • to the determination that no, one of them
shall profit by a monopoly of sympathy' in
behalf of oppressed humanity. The impression,
however, seems to be generally prevailing, that
the attempt to force liberty and independence
upon men who are not disposed to seek them
blessings; is rather a work of supererogation;
and that the expedition of Lopez isso exclusively
one of conquest rather than of "aid and corn
forti' to a straggling people, thatthere is nothing
to save it frost the infamy of an adventure for
robbery and pbrader. , .
We extracf the fallowing from 'an article in the
-CitionaLi fatelliacacth:
To gray that we deeply lament the unhappy
fate of the persons who, victims to the most
!cruel deception, have lost their lives-in the
Lopez expedition—not to epeak 'of , those other
adveunthere, whose fate is yet unascertained—
would he but feebly to express the sbhorienco,
• which we trust is natural to no, of deeds of cru
elty and i rimguitotry violence. As truly do we
deplore the event, as, before it happened, we
foresaw and deprecated it. Most sincere is our
sympathy arid? the affliction of the wives, the
parents, the lir them, and the sisters whom this
event bias ber ed of the objecteof their pride,
hope, and Mice n.
Betsy, must, ot suffer ouraelves to be blinded,
by the tears ofjeotamiseration to, the enormity
of the crime, noL so much of these unfortunate
victims, ,115 of those, far Leas innocent than they,
who, first blindfolding-their dupes, led them to
the edgoof theprecipice and then urged them
over itintotheyawniaggi;lf. Yet, Lear these very
men new, in the city of New York, screaming;
themSelveabeiree with the cry or Revenge! Re-;
venge I' See th m pealing up phrmerde-at-all - thel
corners of the n rrow streets and blind alleys of
the city, calling public meetings to express their
vengeful wrath
Is this any ing than the stratagem,of the
artificers-sr all those horrors to shield themselves
from -the responsibility for. what has passed, and
cast lt, instead, upon those who have itivain en
deavored to open the eyes of the people to•the
evil deeds of theseconspiratom against the fob
lii peace? It to a consoling circumstance that
the People hive not responded to the call of
these gentry. , They the matter. No
journal in New York ot \ any character has se
conded their cry. Noboru, of any mark has
made his appearance at the. meetings whist:chess
been held. The proceedings are of as little con
sequence as the persons who made . themselves
mosteonspiirmas on the occasion. Few intelligent persons, uninfluenced by per
sonal interest or by purposes purely facetious
and disorganizing, but know that, could' those
persOnswho, in thenanguage of the Proclama
tion issued by the President of the United States,
(this day four months ago,) "dare:to make our
shores the scene of their guilty and hostile pre
; parationa against a friendly Power, oral seek by
falsehood bud misrepresentation to seduce one
own citizens!, espeCially tho young and inept:aid
erste, into their wicked schemes,"—raccred in
bringing shout a revolution in the Government of
Cuba, and thereafter annerinj it to the United
States, t)sere is no possible view in which such a
success.vroald not be a come and a plague, na
-1 er than en advantage to this country, if it did
not, at the first contact, shiver this Union into
fragments. There is, in our opinion, no consid
eration of policy which Matilda induce the' United
IStates to accept the Island!of Ceiba, with its pre
sent population, as a free gift, with the consent
[of all the Nations Of the earth to the act. .
The Journal of this city, after noticing the
meting of "sympathisers," which was held in
this city the ether evening, very justly remarks:
We warn surrenders abroad against receiving
'any of.the violent sympathy with Lopez and his
lawless crew, sheath in this meeting, as an ex
pression of populareentiment The Tait major,
ity of the -people of Pittsburgh `have arrayed
themselves on theside of justice and common
sense 4 ' I I .... •
The•ndiadefpnia Lidgee, a paper which circu
lates-more largely among the people of that city
than any other paper remarks :
Individuals who dignify the acts of. the lava
; tiers by comparing them with that of Lafayette
in the early struggle of our own country for lib
lerty, either deceive themselves or attempt to de
ceive others. There is as point of similarity,
and the comparison is ea insulting to that patri
ot as it is to public intelligence. Tim Arithrican
colonies were organized governments before they
revolted. A whole people rose aimultaneously
against oppression, that revolt induced union
among the colonies, and through the authorized
representatives of the pepplethe Continental
Congress—a body of os discreet and pure men
as ever assembled, declared their independence
as'a nation, and:published'„their declaration of
principles bottle world as a )nstification of their
acts. They rose in arum, and their first bitttlea
were fought by themselves. - They saccessfully
maintained their independence, acting wider a
government of their own choice for two years
btfore Lafayette joined them, and in the end
the/ would havebetin equally as successful , he
had never eel foot oh. these !Mores; !dr the brae
spirit of freemen animated their hearts, and they
nobly dared incur all risks to establistb their'
own freedom hod that of their posterity! Au
thorized commissioners were sent by Congress
to France, to solicit aid; and it was not till three
years after the commencement of the resolution
that swab aid was extended. Where then is the
point of similarity between the two countries 1
Where ip the Patriot Congress, or any knelt°
persona who are Willing to Meer * the responsi
-bility of actin at such ? • -Where the Patriot
'armies? Where their declaration of principles?
Ind which of the three published ler -different
sections of the United Styes is the traaone ?
Where, tn.fact, is any evidence that a majority
of the i eciple are in a Mate 'of revolt, or desire
-foreign lid and interference' Nothing Of the
kind ex sts : : -
The iohmond papers state that Alfred Bart
lett, of Inman county, having been lately mur
dered by negroes, and John Clements dangerous
ly wounded, the citizens of Wythe have , held
meetings and resolved to expel from South Wes-.
tern Virginia all pretended missioaries
'from free States; who base preached abolitio g n
doctrine . • • .
: Coto sr. Dumas, in hisspeech at the:bluse
omea Friday evening, 'claimed that . the sum
now received from the tax on collateral inhori.'
bincee is the result of the bill passed in 184 d.
To ehow the fallacy of this, it is only necessary
tp reiterate a atatemeol, we have previously
made,' that the bill passed in 1646 was no ineffi
cient in its operation thet, . from' 1846 to 1849,
the entire amount received was $146;571
The sinking fond act. of Governor Johnston es
tablished a new end more efficient mode c 4 col
lecting the tax, under which the amount, in 1849
and 1850, rose to $'293,107 14, or more than
doable . in two rum what it formerly was in
three years.—North American. • .
• - Bosom:Ewa, d.y 19}b, 1851.
• e •• Sugar and. Coffee growing Will, I think.
bathe, great lonsineu of these Islands. •
What we now want is stability of affaire,
which ciao Diver be, se long es the French con
tinue to enter.* their frivolous and unreasonable
demand, We came near being ceded to the
United' Setaes a short time since, when the
French were about enforcing their ultimatum.
The King bad determined to'oede his blends to
our government, rather than submit to them,
but - they;.concluded to send home for further
instractions, and therefore the crisis, tuts been
postponed, and in'the meantime our consul, Mr.
her_Allen. gone home to make arrangements for
our orenrment gooey) 6 ng the cesaion, in Me
it becomes neeemary for it to be made, as We
arpect the French back again in a abort time.
. The- foreign residents arc mostly Americans,
and Meet of the ceufmeite zed planting inter
ests are American, anenot Only they; but tbe
English, who are next in number, much prefer
the islandi to be'ceded to the United States.
hope oem„golternment will be favorable'to it, and
that it will take place very loom ••. -
Can yen , not aomethlng towards, getting
n p public' ophtlow favoiniktt pc weir inanition.
IC. 4 - 44 rat.. • - •
~ ~ ~ ~~
..a~ k a,~lh ! ..:
~_ r s ~L.
Ar; 41; Pittsburgh
The - following. obiinary notice was written br I
tb . it accomplished scholar and eininent medical
professor, John IL Mitchell, of Philadelphia, the
friend and physician of Major Roach. It was
published in the North• American,- Feb. 2, 1849.
The noble sentiment it contains, and the Eery
just expression of admiration for Gen. Scott, the
commander of Msjor Roach, will entitle it to
The late Illujor lasso ,Roach, so recently re•
moved from the mocial circles of
. Philadelphia,
deserves more than the passing notices of hUn,
which appeared immediately after his demise.—
Major Roach irks descended ; from. a Scottish
stock by his father's elide, whilst through his
mother's family he Veceived, lk share' of Irish
blood. This mingled descent, upon which is
- founded en much of American virtue and heroism,
conspicuonely exemplified its value, fin tho extra
ordinary military exploits, and- eminent civil
services of , Majok Watch.
Following the military life of his father, Who
served in the great war of IndgPendence with
exemplary courage and. conduct, Mr. Roach
abandoned 6 profitable civil life, to aid his coun
try in the second British war. Although his
position in the army gave him only artillery du
.tier, we find that he never confined his operations
to his corps or bin department, but that he, was
ready to gent one time, on the almost desperate
marine enterprise of cutting out Vessels, at night,
by boats; and at another, when. en infantry eer
vice, taking charge of a field piece, and aiding
in carrying Fort George,
In these many. adventures, Major Roach wan
twice•severely wounded, and was once a priaoner
in the hands bf the British. His nattering!' dur
ing imprisonment, and bie romantic attempt to
escape from Quebec, during winter, are interest•
ingly told by Mr. Front, who has devoted to his
military career a capital cabals, in bin work on
American officers. To that article the curious
reader le referred for the particulars of a career
"of remarkable daring and peculiar merit.
• There was One great quality posnessed by Ma
jor Roach, not noticed by his biographer, 'M
elina, it tam probably unknown to him. As a
reason quite as important to the efficiency of the
service, though fess strikingly-brilliant than sc,
live millitary exploits, the peculiarity of the Ma-
I jar should not be forgotten in the enumeration
of his good qualities It vim the good fortune
of the writer of this brief notice to have very
lately met with the Surgeon of the General 110,-
pital oil the Armyst• Buffalo, whither were tent
the feasible of the company, to which, as Lieu
tenant, young Roach leas then attached. Every .
'day, in defiance of weather, did the warm heart
e'd officer, through very bad roads, and on foot,
repair to the hospital, a distance Of .upwards of
two miles, to enqui re fa listen
to their complaints—and to niinister to their
comforts. The beauty and the utility
conduct so impressed the surgeon, Dr. — A. Hays,
,as to base given him though life a love for
'the humane and considerate officer. It was
moat agreeable to the friends of Major Roach to
read the well worded letter of Dr. Rays, giving
his testimony, to a valuable point of character,'
probably overlooked or. forgotten by every other
By:Jr. Hays, the former commander of Maj.
the_gallant and accomplished [teeth, was
-iWrOMICA of hie death. His answer, a true sot,
dices testimony to a true soldier's is here
Ilea. •
New Yoga; Jan. 22, 1549.
bly Dear Bir-1 am happy to hear from you
bough the aubjeet cif your letter in. a pitleu
Through' the -newepapers I had, some !days
ago, heard of the death of my friend, Major Indic
Roach. Ile wan my first Staff Officer in the ner
♦ice, I haring appointed him Adjutant of the
&nem' Artillery, of which IMO Lieutenant Col.
'MO Commanded in the irt 1812. In every
situation of life—in the presence of the enemy,
as hlnyor of Philadelphia, the Treasurer of the
'United Staten Mint, end in hie family, he was
always intelligent, honorable and highly esteem
ed. We could not have toet a better citizen oe a
better man.
Should any thing bring. you near toe, 1 tho
be glad to Reel.
. ~ ... Very truly yours,
Doc - roe A Hera, Hided's.
The brief Mayorship of Major Roach was 1
made remarkable by its quietness, its discipline,
and its morriliff. It uo period of its history
has Philadelphia been better governed, and ma
ny of his friends refer, even yet, with pride and
pleasure to this,difficult achievement.
in private life Major_Roach witiverittrach dis
tinguished for habitual and delicate politeness,
sterling integrity, a punctilious_ regard to honor
and a kind and obliging disposition. Habitually
observant of the duties enjoined by, a religion
which beautified his character, and soothed his
last day of pain and suffering, ha was tolerant of
the sentiments of those from whom he differed,
and choose to correct the obliquities of others
rather by example than reptoof. He had the
courage to tell a friend his faults, but he he was
not an incautious or an indelicate adviser.
°creel yet resolute, polite yet dotermined, Major
Roach could qualify the duties of his position
with the smeneties of a kind and cultivated
His' long 'one painful illness ishook not }lie
confidence in God, or his concern-for his friends
and family. The children who watched ft bio
conch, and with ceaselesi, and skillful kindness
ministered to his sufferings, will long mourn for
'the - loos of such a parent, of each an intimate
friend.; but there can 'be no bitterness in the
sorrow which remembers only virtues of the
sternest ',stnff, softened by good manners; and
sweetlrffashioned by religion and love.
J. 6 M.
The cholera and emall-pox have committed
fearful ravages among Missouri Sioux- Indians.
The St. Louis News Letter has the following ar
ticles on the subject, condensed from a state
ment made by Major . H. Pica to the Republican:
In 1850, near Fort Pierre, cholera first appear
ed on the 4th of July. The disease did nut sub
side until nearly four hundred of the Missouri
Sioux Indians had perished. Some disease which
Major Picot thinks to have been lichlilera, also at
tatted the cattle, and was very (fatal. In the ut.
most raging of the 'disease, the Sioux held a
council, "at which it was_decided to strike camp
'andleeparate. Part fit to the mountains, and part
took refuge from their unconquerable enemy in
the North. Cholera followed to the North, com
mitting frightful ravages, and to add to the, fear.
of the people, small-pox, scarcely leas fatal, aping
oul'in theiviuidst ' The traders were moot hap
pily provided with vaccine. matter,,-1 and Itlajol ,
Picot estimates the number of indisne who re
ceived it form them, :at no :less than 16,000
to 20,000 men women and children. The panic
hod spread amongst them, that cio feeling of
blood or tie of sympathy could keep them togeth
er. In this state they. were, the choices and
6 \ st.,b
email-pox remaining with them, from Irily, 1850
Of the Indiana who fled to the North, o major
ity were not vaccinated, by which it i eared
tharotetheir rotors, while appropriating the lar,
lonian% clothing left on the primes - , the disease
4111 break out again among them.
. Major Picot gives a fearful incidentlnot kbow,
that a party q( Sioux, numbering some,duiusand
families, in 5-availing to the North (this your)
fell its with a email war party,of Black/eel in
pursuit of the. Crow Indiana, stacked them, 'and
murdered every soul,
On the first appearance' of tite small -pox, the
Sioux who had gone to the North were averse to
: communisation with Amagerr. Cfmtrdpwere pla
ced round their amazement, with ordsra to shoot
down any who should persist in cruising their
Rim. , Mani. were in consequence, killed by dis
regarding this precautionary measure,.
Toe gen or ,wear.—A poor omen, the
mother of two young Children, and. the wife of
a cruel husband; undertook a few days !duce, at
Itolmmo, fowa, to escape the ntlecriee.of Ivy
home and lot by fleeing with her little ours c.
come other neighborhood. The 91...,1r0nis
tlgencer says she got on the steamer Robert
Fulton; and it was soon, evident ttnit she woo
destitute of meanz,and As she took deck pas
sage was likely to suffer for the we i nt of food.
The boat supplied her wants in this respect, a
contribution ,was rained eutftclent to defray her
expenses to her relatives The second morning
out, the unfoTtl maw woman, in attempting to
draw a bucket of water at the stern of ti.• boat,
WWI precipitated over the•.guard, Sad conk in
stantly. The Orphans, two Innocent ch Wren of
three and five years of age, were "awed for by
the officers of the boat.
STROCX DOM.-, remarkable .inence of.
electric influence ,up u the Soles and of the pow
er of Galvanism as I remedy. is related in the
Saturday Fuld, published at Glasgow, Scotland
Itappears Pitt a man named Rath= was stand.
'meld a window during a. thunder storm, when
a flash of lightning, more than tumidly vivid,had
such an effect upon his organs or speech, that
be eras whoUy unable to titter a sYliable.- No
other consequences than this appeared to have
followed the. daub, except that Rat:burn was
sensible, for about a minute, of a fasting of gid-,
A number of the most distinguished tPhysi.
dens were consulted with reference to Om case t
but !attics In every effort to restore the man's
power of speech, he was thudly recommended
to ,try the vatue of salmi:data, which was itd
ministered by a Mr. Ferguson. The battery
was applied to Manta, and after a few intrudes'
he wan enabled, to articulate a, syllable or two
wig:mush disthictiness..:: Six applications of the'
galianio•pparatips kern eabsequentlYmade,land
the patient had sefarrecovered his speech as to;
talk with almost an great Ability sad dearness
Of 'utterance aa ba AM oceuninae.or
#0 accglatt - -' .
~ -.-.,.•, \.. : - .: 24 - 4!. , ' ,- ,. z f' 1 - . li l Z ' 4 4 ,-
„ ~ , • - ~.
, .
Intending soon to pay another risitto this sec
tion of,..Copperdom, we will, defer speaking of
the mines here from observation till anothei
time, and present . = readers, this seek, with
on extract from the interesting correspondence
of. the Iron City, by • “Viitor," on the mines at
•.faking leave of the oi:dean4m chnntry, we
started On the propeller Monticello about sunset,
surrounded by the glories of the setting sun, the
*hale • horizon bathed in splendors, which no
Ykeiican describe, and no imagination conceive,
but which is of common occurrence in these nor-
them latitudes. '
"Arrived at Eagle river, another field of in
vestigation opens -before me, of which I shall
give my impressions, leaving them to peas for
what they are worth. .
"At the landing huge masses of pure copper
besides. barrels of stamp and barrel work with
out number from the Cliff mine, are strewed
around ready for shipment, every craft" bound
down being employed in carrying more or' less
of the rich mineral to swell the dividends of the
magnificent concern. So much has already been
said and written shout the CU mine, belonging
to the Pittsburgh and Boston Company, that a
particular description is needless--suffice it to
-say, that its present condition and prospects,
are such as to satisfy the most craving ambition,
and that its able and judicious management in
every departinent, secures it from the remotest
suspicion of failure for many, many years to
come. The mine is situated about throe miles
and a half from the landing, and within a quar
ter of a mile, the. North American company are
actively eitgaged under the management of -Mr.
Paull, toe of the North West, where ho obtain
ed a, reputation that ensures the hest results,
where he M. now engaged. The 'North Ameri- 1
can has'greally improved of late, in consequence :
of some rich feeders setting in upon the vein they ,
, have been working Widen which, it is deternin.
ed to open-a shaft upon the south end of the
great Cliff vein, which enters the North Hmeri-
can's tract, a idiom distance from the present
Cliff - diggings. ' It will emit a considerable outlay I
of money to strike the vein referred to, but once
obtathed, it places the North American in a high- ,
ly enviable position amongst the best mines in
the country. Alcoa a mile slid shelf west from I
the North American is the Albion locution, which
is not doing much, and manifests but little im.,
provement although confessedly under very able
management. Near the Albion is Zeolite, where
a drift has been driven a considerable distance,
from which a shaft some eighty feet has been
eunk, in which a vein carrying some coppechas
been found; but so situated as to bout variance
with the acknowledged theory respecting-the ne
cessary geological formation to insure a good
vein in the country. Some queer stories are
told of the Zeolite, and 'yet the amount of work
done, and saiddo be well done here, would seem
to encourage the idea, that those who are engage
eit upon it are serious in the expectation of ma
king a good. mine. - The • Orilla belongs to the
same category; is nearly in thesame hands, with
only a small force to work. and but little. done.
If these diggings result favorably, and should
turn out to he any thing lint mere matters of ,
speculation it will disapppoint the expectation
of many, funa,,,lcere. l
"Returning towards the -lake, between the ' I
Cliff and the shore, is the Eureka. ' The work on
which this _concern was commenced has been
abandoned, the vein having given out; but they
have now started operations at a new point, and
are very sanguine of euccess., There is a pretty
-good 'show in the Oreenstone, not the true cop
per bearing rock, whieh has -been stripped and
an-audit is being run in ;through the trap rock,
upon which they will sink a shaft on the course I
of the vein, after which they expect to - be out of
the fog, and I hope they may. At present it '
cannot be said Ito have a very good show. Froth .
the Eureka, towards the lake, we arrive at the
Phienix—a company revived from the old Eagle
river company, by whom the largest_ expendi
tures -were made in mining„..inachinery, and im,
provements, and which weak down in a general
crash some years ago. Thin location is only a '
mile and a half from Eagle river landing, grow
log, well improved, houses in ahem e, film
water powers, and perffeses ever li ly lity for,
advtuitageons mining In the greatest. dunce,
including an excellent road. ...-
" The new' companyhave !commenced opera
liens upon two seine called fhe -Armstrong and
Ward veins with the most flattering prospects of
success, both veins carry hoist stamp lodes, be
which it is thought diat the old works if
driven to a greater. depth belOw the bed of Eagle
river will disclose the existence there of a - first
class vein. Eight head of stamps run by water
are in constent opeiation,jand the work will be,
pushed from this time with vigor. On the south
side of the bluff, they hash just made the diacov
ery.uf a large vein in the Firms Stone which is
to ha attended to hereafter;! This company have
1000 acres of land, and a large portion under
cultivation. Mr. Mandelbauxu, who manages
bare at present is entirely confident, andl in the
finest spirits Imaginable, 'besides which he is the
. prince of good follows, and entertains his friends
~WMh the most hospitable' liberalty."—Loke Si.-
net .1.1,7.! . ,
.A LARGE NERN3II or Citrens of Pennsylvania
desire to know what became of.the Fees received '
in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth
for the fourteen months' embraced between - fat
of April, 1843, and first of June of 1845. They
never reached the Stabs Treasury' Thetis cer
tain, and Is proved by the Records. Tbe•Leco
focos had exclusive control of the government.
That alio is certain. It in part the hiStory of
the State. Where then is this money?
I on addition, the men who furnish the mom •
ate very anxious. to keel who it was that, hip
1841-'42-43-'44-'45-'46-47and 48, received the
$7OO which were anneally appropriated for the
recording of the Law--ewhich we paid out ty - the
Treasury Co some one who did not perform the
duty) Thetis Laws must he recorded, and the Le
iislature of last minter and winter before, approi
printed in all $3,000 to have that done, for which
$5,000 were previously appropriated! 8o that the
actual loss to the Smte,icansed by the neglect of
the of who did not, compel this Locofoco
Clerk to do his duty is eight thousan.rvis hUrt.
dred dollars. This is Ilosofoco economy! Who
wonders that our debt i 9 forty millions of dollars
brought upon us by the recklessness of the 'Loco
foci- party of the StrAe7-11ar. .4m,rtron7
lasinase FLIGUT Or GRALSUOrratI--011 Satur
day last, at about I2o'clock, - E., a flight Of grasa
hoppers panned over our, city, continuing come
three hours, and eztrending some miles to the
'cast and west, which, in point, of numbers, ex
ceeded' all computation. ' The sky was perfectly
fnll,•and in the rays of gleam], myriads could be
seen looking like snow flakes, moving about in
circles, end apparently goinglitouthwird. Some
eight years ago esimilar phenomenon sea, sheer
ved.-41enfing Prges: 12/5.
Terrney beoten!'—Mr. Tummy, who lat
ly occupied a seat in the Senate of the Unite,
States, it may not be generally known, Las bee
a:carilidate kr. the Lowed llnuse of the State Le
gialaturs, and is badly.heaten. "
An exchange reports this result of a conies
with another'great man. Also, for human great
•'llon. E. .t: Ilimnegnn, Ex-United Stated. Se
nator end leteAlinieter to Berlin, wee defeated
far the Legialeture in Fountain county, le., by
one Seca. Dyne, n 'Dutch bleekemith."
To sruit'Arviacirso.—To those afflicted
with that dreadful ecourtri to America—the Liver Cove
plaint, tbe proprietors of dicl.auede Lin, Pills are happy
to peer this remaLly me 4 nu.. complete sod ago. It bad
le-en tried ofteu In mil pory• of the couutrp, It hat been
uakl to th. pesetice of the bunt etriloynt phydelana;tiret
always with tnumptumt cuter... Iv °derive those Pills
to the public. the tiroprieturs Is . ettlated by • drelre , In
alleviate human suflerlog...o4 offer • mined, one of
the must terrible Wh1C114 , 6• 1 1 be within the east
e•erb of all
' For Nabs by
we-M11.1.1•11. -S
. . _
Farhat every one Rho has not yet need the
velebtated Arabian Liulcoint, go to the agent, wbo will
value sh them •Ilb a patupt.. Rattle. cont•irting meth .
valu Information WW I Ord t w o the treatment of v. ,
th, le . net a te 111 al. Ill*. , you of come per
tenni by II 11. Iternin n.bion Line:lota, w hint hen i
man bah equalled, an.l bias cure. were effected after
of the matt .rt utlfk phnbituth Pee tuner
tieement. an
LW: OIL *MAC W .TIVR.—The sick man , nth tell a
goal median. by trying iq. inlet as • Dr. ran tell agarl
dinner by eating it. lan 11 ne man Arta. ft, Ilatki finds It
poor. It will destroy the popularity with the whore city.
Von emit lolanda... • me bile Into molar on unless It
100...0.. really eubstantial virtual, free Inymhil threflects
of .011.1 otoortlooo, and it Is this fact that has easidiebed
U. reputation of ttlith.W. dompound Valhi Extract of liar.
mantilla. - beton.% all yell or diepute. Its at [lon upon
the buntan nen= all> niordann with rational. nd phi.
lomphini prinelplesq-lt pant . ..nett the •arious ennylons.
and exertions of the I,ollll=ol.
morbid and disesrad maths, strengthens the Stanch
and digestive organ. creates new. pun, and hraithy
blood, and regulate.. the 'anion Amnion of the dillkint
organs of the telly. Thl. 1e all variant.' wlthoui the
lawn dimmer of bunt, 'its prevention being 0.1 safe Ws It
In alicadons. It may be thought by the skeptical, 11461
purport. to sure too toady dinans, bat Upon extdditue
Won. II wlil be found that a large majority of...the dinar
...which taint the itumtn Wally Oriffithle fw.. , IfflPtif.
&tato of the blood. 11. nod &wind, then. by other Ba
ndsman.* being offend p u by . col *oilers of miaow:.
sad water preparation' , • substitute for the niginal
John Suln.barsaparilla This vguable preparation the
prorpristor.auxants to, be superior to all ah..tre.
estrilon.—Barture and'ask fbr On origio — Dr. Jen
Bars Sitthneirafx Ann nfuchy-qaul bones other. ne• '
ornotisnatat on aeon. p oor.
Icavf*Rk IiTtOWKLL, to Wood et, .
ja p-0.3.7 , e l Wholesale .k Rona , &goat.
CitiZeingaranC9 ComPanY of Pittsburgh:
oneo No. 0 WalaT strecLin the 'mastic:map WC, IL
• C. LI; II assai,: iTeslijkot.-4....A. IV. Maui, Sae/.
This Corat..T I. rtr. WPM! to lkianJ all speTcha44a.
In atose. sus la tr*Adt.i Tomela, la.
1 Aro alga gusrAT ft/Lab , / ylllll7 awl Weal=
itfr ' in , all Amur Of Plt/f•=evie'll We
icrunul „ to th t . 7 l . 4 . rotronutaktr' kr tber Prrghm.,..krdAill,... 1
al Vkix Lariztar '
.7r=rieWlek'ir447,ksrli Hcaalmtoo,
. . . . . ~,
Pd:rokixm I
• 001P,Pssorso, Eltustbsudoss co.. Ps., Duel 4,13 L.
..0.31, Ups—Des; Dir. Your Moak= Is wortift6 .Oa'
dertifiTiddisiclultr; therefsri as woold thank you t43Stsl
us two down 07 111. Prousilnnis Railroad. We &repo
Drily out. =ld ft. is being i4quitrd,kr
Tours respeoffstllf, NADI LONG CO.
IltresSudOs loshiand 00..0... Marsh 10, .
B. M. Korsu—Disr fir. Your Ascot. • PM weeks spay .
left witti us four dorm Work Oif , sadels we has. , told.
Ilse. forward to us six doido Immedist•lr.
• :Your medial. Is working ...odors loth] , re 11^ 0 .
au obtain sevend exrellevt,iltlficat.Lif you &aim them.
' • Your', ar.. , r w. scurr.
Tor sal , by livpor d Mclkm..ll, 140 Wool stmt: It. 6.
Salk.. 47 Wood Arras B. '6. falmestoce..l. Co. wryer
Wood sad Front scrod, D. 11. Curry. D. 0.,6111 01 r....d50•r 0
• Iscoglue.tool I. erhwast. s s
os Lit v 0.1.-
prletor. tt. MR;
•011,11 w T Can.l Itaplo.SeTretbat-.l . itul.unak.
Pittsburgh Lite Insurance C9mpany.
• orPipe.rts:
Ilsrtsident—Jsuss'r. Doom. ,
Yla Prenident , -ti.tio. 311-C1 ca...
— Towourre.--dostro S. Luce. —C. A. (Moos.
a4verti.ement to eatother put or tale fps,
Impartation of ilardware, Cutlery, &e.
-- - ;
No. 129 Wood Street,
Wain tn, rail the atteutlen of and Atm to
tl,l-11,-Al.. -
An..l Irbleb ttni are now ryrintarKl I.llr at Orb kriewg
rannot, fall to
We A ftill aportmant of ',MANN'S r...lebrated C. S. AX.I.S.
al wa,a eu !sand. au.ll3:y
tOlome._lns itabEfor Young. ladies,
.11/1:-.10titilltiliti, PA.
'OLIVIA J. FRENCH, Putscu•n L.•
rrilE next Se.;:sion or this Institution will
continence no tho \ TP.P.NTiI OF nu.l
....limn. for Se.mion of TNN MONTIIB. llonnl. Tuition
and Light. PO an tt..mion of 6 totitithe; or iSlun ter rear.
Au)" fterton een.linn three for 4 .. -81i01:1 of 10
nynntlo.. alp! pnyino lloart and loin. in full In tol
vn,. .1..11 i... •istith,l a re.luellno of $lO on eneb•
noy one %puling fire ttaholara and paring
..their Bonn] mud Tuition to adman., dm.. ontitle.l
to a n‘tuction of lin on .1410 reholar. Thif 0111 milord
anion-tit iudivirlualt in On oaniitntliborbotal an oppor
tunity of unitinit. and thenthY r ue ottuOhnn the oattentine•
Catalogue.. nod co , ilari. riving further information, can
In, hat by application to Ito , h4inciptil, oar to linall•h A
11111nt. 411e40 ellerl. %Vnal etriol. Patetturkb
Drug Store for Sale.
, i I ; , g . go S ; IO4I : F . I.XTUREp, AND li t s(
lion for • wholerale and relitih l'' .4e ,f 47•4l 7 l 4 ;e ' at;
excellent run of i.0..t0m at the prerent time. There
temonneee with the ext•lolbdurient revers! agencies df
popular mdicine, which with the other huainrce render.
It • profitable mrostment to any one d.,troo• of en•• 050
In it.. For paitintlor.. eddrvra Ilex 42X. with real name.
Splendid Building Sites.
ON WEDNESDAY, Septenlher 31, at 3 o'-
rimk. P. m.. radd puhlic auction. on ths
premirer. about : . /1 mu., of land. dtvidod illtsTht• of largo
Ire eitn.t'dnn thy Hill. in Itor,reo township, north of
W. 51reli0tnek's, svt wr.t of the hiontgomumrann, hav
ing an norlanst On Es, Perrysville Plant P. 0.1:
It Is ruongla roy that no more InTiting p r 0000 far
rarldrastes ovistr WI , cuunlystambinins all advs.'
tsgor of town and country, with gaol v.vr. a doe end,
uonntnialng proelo , t, and porn tlu. native tonal yrt
rtarallng, it is capsolo of ng hosnlined and lutpruval
ioo tslghost dog,.
Ths utle I. wonl lwyoud a ouratloo. ruhrulY utsinruns
trrml, and the torn, Illwral. For further wartit.laus sr
ply to tiErrltOV , BILKED. No 100 It cod rtrost, on in
augthunt• 001.110 n 1300 LE, tomi:r2.
oprolog a largo uNntuagut . of NEW PALL ‘lOOl/h,
w s eh thoy too ittgntion nf their ousdonters and
Layers generally. ria-Ouring the *wagon they will ra ,
retwe sup , bra • • rat durirablo now lily's of 0001 a.
maintnlng •wosurtntr w, suyistersol, and at
I 0 w ras ru h priori,
Fin 3: hay. jufl rreniTed lot of
lbesatiful g Print, wads ram-molly for nabiLltion at
the World's Fair. to whirls the ,ttention of thr tulire in is
N - I , \TENV PRINTS AT P24e..—Oimning thi,
morning an s.orttornt now ir Fall Print
warrant.] fmt rolor•
11llithill t BURCIIVIELD.
$lO Reward
11! ,
I...nwefwion any eartAdv n.e. lego or
.framorw iwithrularhi In Int..= or lri ,•-
pwri, owl they will hr firowle.uted wlthoot xpeohe or thaw
ble the Lamer. The mower depoWtrd' with galmnp
:Wooer, Wood ft. liy lnl.r ni Ch. Shooting C l -oh.
woGIN , feht•
(UST RECEIVED. from the Phirlipiville
ap . Oa Cloth fanner- 4 . 6, .ndd quarter I,
rut ttlar,...l42arnave 'WI Cloth. We t.ttflte witd 9 ‘ lo9
1,..1,-ele th...ttora and enrrot.... m• 33 I/ fur lii - re - wrto - thww.t.war
terrine—lher will God at to thew twlwantrwe In Pomh 6 .t 9 t
wti we are alet.eration,l to yell gow,l tot articlot at as low
4.1 ',orbit, Mt. , . tend lower, th. any °dm
tv.ute in the United , .1 it U. PHILLIPS.
.11.17.4 • 7 and 919.1 et
pERRA JAPONICA—tO pke. just ree',l
rod for hale 1,1 J..4O.II)(MIAKEit &CO..
atm.. 2/ Wool et
T LTIIAMARINE . I 3 LII E —lO emies for sale
EPSOM SALTS-25 bbls. for onto by
"J. ectious ItAICER s CO.
jaOSIIII-5 1 1 for sale by
, sug2•J J ?.C.II , ,ONMPLB.IIK ..X1
ARD OIL-111 bfiD, No 1, for sole by
H 1 , :1 4 1 , Nll —lOO I,bes. for sale b
Complrfrd to I,oc4pori, 21) mileg weal of Johratourf.
THE SUBSCI{IBERS hare the pleasure to
announce t‘; thalr friend , and parr°.
•IT.odenkpo_''''ren t that ,+ 6are mmmrneul
reat t ' ; ',
and from l'hiladephl, DAtift.
Iv, are now to reopgruld forward artsz%agt
of ''''''h tTNT " TIVIVAI:r 4ON ' S t O N : VM.II '
Fl the fnlowina. rate. , of freixht:
FTFLET CLASS--DlT.o.h.. ll .‘thfihoe , Boat
t i ta tioneee, Ctler, Caxretionurx. ruit,
•Veathers. Farnltur7. Dro,. Medina', KO
<fiery, ,05 . ; ...11 Fi 100114
LihOOMICLAS...---Ifiardwan,Queenaware.!-Iro- •
eerie, run Pxe Ruth, Oda. Leather.
• r, - Flax. Tlmally aDd other lira!, 1 , ..e0
5, •
THIRD CL Ac Aht+—llreL Butiar., Lard. Lard
fybarrn Cote, titain iland
Foll WTI I CLAeh.r.. Marble tratuah ). sr.
Ilteh.ll.,iln.Dermao Clay, Door, "
' oro, of Pena aml Warn. Areet,
Dissolution of Partnership.
rilitF, •SUBSCILIBEIt, haring sold out his
'retire inter , .t in the Dancing Itnrk Whoa Dill, to
t he mu nioini t partnev.-front the Jth d y of JULIO lam, be
has no forth, Inter.. in the ramie., il prises , Ind.'.
....J to tbr r.neern will ..tti, with th ee utinuity parturrs.
ji?,',e l t t I t (;','. lP "'"l'l:. l t7.!:l7llt o f b. ' .1 4 , igi' .6 1 . 111C:.`..*
' .. A Valuable Farm for Dale,
cONTAININt3 about One Hundred and
/ Ninety *en, sinsatean Vre-d lie, Towtotil n , , All,.
t . .;: . l'o . ir t'- n . .":11' , 1 . 1 :.',1n u. ,;; 1 6'.' 1 , - ,:uv,v0rg...A . ,% , f,,17;
hur g la
ne t rod ill !S./init. altooat. ono hundred acres
(leered nod, a new! lone, with niltable Dwelling
I lotion and
~...gta.l Darn TIN, e is abundance of T CoN no
it:cl,V.'''''''. For for th 'Tliac,:n.ll%l7 ' "°.'"'
..._.. EN, or HALL
ug ,lali,tAwit.n ~ A,ltornor at, Pittlantab
Caution. -
'FILE PUBLIC are hereby cautioned not to
4 y"i,.. h 7,•17...:111.' , " ii r l: n :pt r itr . t h 'i'lo i ll 0 r". h..2:1 1 > t7t
a .211 6 1 or t aall lon.--et ninety 4/114 date.
v.081:310- It. I,AllEtt. Mor g antown, V.
, . Fonale Low for Cob,
.11 wimple. and nearly new, haring run only two
.yKltly, Apply 20 DID Offiee - . an g .2,l.ttrvelbart•
. -
ou,Tsr ; l i a i rge No. 3, Mae-
IAFJAD-1 11 00 pigs Galen:L . lhr sale by ; •
...zit , /AD E, All titereinsoit ato
‘11.101'—'2.5 ker.i for sale by • . .
A 7 small. -JAIIF.Ji A. lIIITCHHON .0. ,
L) ICE—IS les. prime Corolino,for sale by
Xis coat. JAMES A 111./TelflthlN t ell.
SR. - MOLASSES-3d liblS. SL dames' Ile
:06.1'17. for eel ` - JA it ES A. lIITIVIIIFON ACM •
,IttiltDtlith, einbraeing • chat minor et tatters ,
en r a e rP ee "7 .4 n Aig.A . 'a • •
4 E1.,1., Marltelr4
_ . -.
5 .int,”ring the wort attrartive and ta4tionabto ct. le.
new .19 tom, not reed 10.1 roe nits at s Knist n.dur.ou
from former { Tie., by Titus. PALM Mt,
form N. 65 Market act.
F tit - BOARD. PINTS, at a disconnt of
re, cent. from I N )rat's telo, Jas , nrr"
4J , ill'
Market rtreet. snot for Pale by
ang:N THOMAS DAtAlill. ;
I[(BO BUTTER—Li) kegs prints, in good
All-ming order. for rata lay
uyyl,. . ItA•111RI.D. PIIRIVRIt
— 1 BAILS -30 hti:liimall White, for :We by
UCKBTS--10 doz. Bearer, for sala by
sotril • in a tr.hAttllAUtlll.
J. MOD &
'N. GO. {Pouf rl
[IUDS-40 doz. for sale by
S a W. lIALLEM/till
REED BEEF—Evans & Swift's superior
eager Cured fleet
" I
t." r,V
twat blbertytat.
ju Int gale I.
1011. A. IitCLUM) It AV..
MA Liberty
ANDIED OINGER—I ease canton Dry
C- sisseissil Glaser, ion ree'il and
ante by
mig'Lb • MI. A. MoCl.Ultil ACo
! Notice to Contractors.
SEALED PROPOSALS for the Excavation
mid Gilding of tho track of . ..The Little San 1111111 mi
,liallroad: . will be received by the Srmititent. of the Com.
pally. until the be
of September toisL Plane Mil sp.
eidostlomi min be men saurian nth September. by milli
11, report the Prealdent, or (Marge (lea", Engineer of the
Oneopmiy, at the Coma of Matthew Hannah. inehartier
U' firar of the Board of Directors of .. The Little th
W ]I. E9PY, Preeldmt.
insTILE Stockholders of "The Little Saw Mill
Kari Railroad," uee heleby uotiffed that on
fluent of frlvn Kabuli nor ruffra r.fulted to Ue paw
on or benne. the Jot day of uetote‘r neat
flyonler. of the Board of Ditklors.
sulol,l*frullf A LKX. IJAILN AKAN. Tn...
.tbr /Wore Craorry, and adjacrnt
HE SUBSCRIBER, having been located
for POMO LOOyeilL Not In the flourishing Ilot,ugh or
„ ftbtr , o4 end wridel fur more thin trralrr,yesra past
In'the vicinity of the same, and duffel: tbat Endrlde at.
tontion has Levu almost excharivoly to land Agin.
rife. for the oniaturbalitinn of tterpublie generally - , be
.1,70.02:4ed,an other
,txt the afore:Lid-borough foltrutted on
tree'. war the centre of the town) during the
and booboo Publle Itegkary for solories•Tosm
PAL or other rest invite fir ale. • • .
TWO' LIS LOW MI ontaber or trauma bar sal 1500 Milk
'drams to the Borough and orfehtSextd: for tats et lon
rat., sod torsos stirseitssuose,
Titles +WIT. strictJr-ozomlord !sr., ssd no praprrlT.
dill be ogrerl =Ede %hi title Is Indisputable.
- rersons &elms of panne will do sell to mu atr l
OUSLItio for thauettes. MAJ./I'lBff DRADFOR4
••.,,spilifFOOS , Ml4l ailflt. •
Hew Music,.
OLIN.H. 9fk.L1,011; No. 81 ' •
hasteand • • stain et
Misr Jonto-13. C. Fodor: kikikh from LL. s' de Liito•
Oh. carry long—do.; monsoon
Pe rul me 31,sts-h:
kimmlitht la Sleeping: Tick
Weimer., moat p.B •'. sir Quis tris
; bkko• ktthes. thmi Mot
Take my home; to dlm beaktF—tarbi
I watch fot them gkmik idol: I.l!atAt air
FM kind [Atte toyed once, to; scelo—variatimis,
Father's Prater, loTormol6--liosselienikyar
Joe lied fislikke me if all Mow ‘at ,
Why do amomer row. Ladd • desschm'sso,ng ehtpn..
Dili ilokeessiisilek Ntkik •
Mid., Brolly s, A.ssar., wad Silver BritWaltm,
Lily. :lanky'',lavc r. Floomet, Sharon. Rot J.lnf
, Cotta t ie, Ogden. Corms, \ and Cally -
Folks, aues7
I OUIS.VILIS LI.NIR--.--1 0 Idds. juid rec'd I
j_4 sad 1, ......1.• T. 006,1 A SON,
amen - 61 Water strtt
. . .
( ''''"'''""'" l ' l l fit, "' ( '^"' - 2,13....,
110 est bxs. -
,el bl. ` h. "".^ I T . T '.. " ' 3 ...Wan rt.,ll.lelltleK: ,
3 . lk.r x sad Siei
ai. tas. rhoieu Tubs...
6 gra. Mil4.'s & OA ..'.
. 0
ho lyPr A ya
vi, (lit '\. ~ • Toilet t ' k r . " : .
X.. Ilayana 55E... ,, . , ~ i ..„, .
2.6 m. C0m...1 Itf. Splints . ! . g , .
0 :4 ; 0
0. Fs, Pia cafftei. - I ' ...‘ LI bbitt.l. su 4
25 l' '''' ''''' ' ''.9 . . 2 'Yeast 1.... t, °
.2„ - 014 oT.J.s
. .. Star lull.. ,:a ha...a:lathes
,i,, .., ..,.. r . a , .. . ('n dos. Patsnt Zinc \Waft.
r.O .. Mould Dippel - \ BalrdS .
sa (Iruual ! "r t i. -( 1..
5 ~.," P "pir ''' 't".- .). D. Wlet,l
Nen east •,.. Woad ,
-- -1.. K.; __.
Ai UGAlt—'2s b 8r.. 2 1 1 ;‘
In ' o. w e h rittitii%i
tleseand. .d4 . '
N. b., for'
- 4 , LiAit:.s hhds
L I NSEEW. L-20`
16:4Ailii ER 4-49
Tile. prime ....
is , (ll.ltill It tiptit...._. ' .
Nos. 1 atd 2;
------ s-si i i.... z 4
aukrVi ..-
Q 11. MOLASSES - 2 0 b 9. foe sal b - -
t 1 • '.. - '.., ENOL (I_ 2 IkENNL
150 boxes 'N E o ;,,G I Li t - a s Nai ,,,,,, : N 10w ?,,„
S 6. ':. 1 ::::7
ri.Att-100 bbls. N. 0., for 4Vow by \
1 ..qe.7 .ViGtall inaNNETT L 4
11708.1.000-120 boo. s'n LonsiCke sale by \
.„ 47 .., 0501,150 t BRMETT
-.. T ,..-
ORACCO& - I.o‘ kegs 6 Twist, fo4oe low.
mour \ , • ENGLISH A
CIGAAS---oLoooPrincipe; , 'rt, \
- , :,00 , / R.I.
7.i101.,11.1171%.irb... \ X
WO I Con ti for sale low by '.
2; \ \ ENGLISH a ogN NEI7
1 1 \1' i'M FRE I.!lcti MERINOS—A. A:NTS
. Meino, of '''Tree \ '9 A " - r '" " " P"
''''' A a' e ci_l”.irabla A-NAM Of color
lettrd *rpr....sly for .7re II rvultv.ry chnal, ..! ‘
N.51,115--4Lekd tins \day, . euttftit ,
lot of A.,* ityle Fllka i, 4 Satid,do Charm, rich col
nra, at lamir/71 \ \ A. AMASON t CO.
it l i i i EIV BONNF,TS'A I RTBkIONS-4. A.:
MAW, gt C.ll. 11114,301 t ape• ell a nelt lot of *Stotts
,guattont.4 ltibboot ..1411 srtylut, • bleb thttc , ulll offer...,
i .--
(1 HEAP k,lißitoPißi A.\ 4.. M* 1
) a Cu. hat.. J ust rt.e.funothfr I of they vary cliky
U m bluiderlru. I.lsod 00 Alarkrt,sl4 \ au f e2.7
cgII _.,
NDRIES— \'- . • , • `,
kT7 • In bacn Yeithertu \ \ \
4 . Ultotruz , \
4 bbl, Iloctety; t. \
Ilee.e. '
s 1 u• 1k...4.urt to am 4 e PuJ for ells by
- \ IttAIA4I D10141411t M., •
W.44.r and 4l r ut .-
V EAT nEIPS-1000114.ttiii
.if• .i1).1 iiuk.:7 r I 1801.411\1/1124
C I:EASEL:4p bbl.. for Slde(l/I
1001A11 Mtn
• t Potter's Appointop
MUST '2.rith, 4
.I.g t ,: 4r,
. 310 a. 1 1.
: \ +l.t
r• P.
nUr \ elt:K ll: ItE I L _ ...e,VECANt) 01110.
11111 F, FIVTORS hti'vine m'do ample
\ ..,..0
A m r , t r, 0, , 11 . ,
in , , i p s\ r t i to6 ,t stls d n e p r o . t i aLq l i
and furnotbedNt Into hoot alth new Intalfursld b.
ottent , l It tor tit, to °dation of the public.
the Drawing \ ra. Chambers. Iteddlug. Tab s. Dar.'
•nd Oaths. will pp o be earallod by tht beet dotal. In - the
atlantic CID., and Oie aubscsilber will endwasor to make,
I L., 11,,0ee in awry eratrupient satisfactory tb Di. einem '
angfrod=a\ WILLIAM lIILYURD. \„
- - Conlae . eTs Wanted.
TWO good Clorq'Ationers wanted at N0.31:\
Ltb.lty street-
R • '
• tte.'
. ' e •?.saf .
VW:. SA LE —Tw I ouo3 and Lots in thr
salt Ward—one on it ty street, and the other in.
Ai—A plea • t ofr.tround. 53 eat n Nt aster' street, by
:a.i teet on .lacno,r . • on. gut t 517.,LlbertY st- _
-- 0 , 11 . ..h'E1t PATENT 11,LIE.R.WATCHEn',
2,,,`,7,1,,0t4t0 54 ',.t d ,z,.,. , * - . I ',- 7.lave r--\
if 100PElt itiA,TCHES—te , ;II - 41ling and
gj plain Cu*. .ml at unusually lo priorls Thateara
the bent London inauntarturni Ws hns;.and of unagnall
e3 reputation. _ ~ lantrAil NW . 1, it'. WILbON•
r - i lki J. TOBIAS &VO.'S IV TLIIES-Now
. Irk. on band. a , , , N1 akeocement. in IV , stratt 'dal°
.et, of tbla old established mak., ea I durable.
and have given the best tutirfaction o • 'Watch eeer
‘.,..,dd bi Dd.. sonar, •
anle,t, currier Market . o rth ate.
iii 3 OFFEE-400 bags Rip, prin4 i rime,
I_, )3. ree'd and tot sago by , 708 ' ' C 0.,.
auggft S iTnrY‘t
'. ' •
31/ bbl,o l /101, 1.1r10411..
4) hl. bbh+. Trout.
lAndlng sod for tale by
• ,c 2.6 1561 A 1 DICKEY t LT . 4 1
1 4 1 G0S-=-5 bbls. Fresh, for snle by
_EA iih.2s
It. I).4ZELL A CO. .. ...
ViiEESE. - -3 0 boa. ''Rrime W. U.., foraalelA
‘' "".?.!-- ii. DA LE.:LL a ct2_:'
1...; ALAMATHS-5 tons in lioxeV bbl,., ,
j..j Part li you.' rims, for i.s le tr.
un.t.; sIL trALZE t CO.
HE F TB,' a Tale of Stirring Ti en, by
T -- G P. X.., teu the malt ill 6”,..1.4pk0Tk '4a-
ant or
hi , ere, written. "Abo—Littell's Li FC..
:lUD-1111.1 with 'lnteting 100.1 toooll triune,
Foe ,ale at.ROLNIF.S', Literary Depot, Third etrEet..{:"
pals.. the Prut`..Office. nudh .
\_ Notice.
HALT. PERSONS know - Pig tbciniselves\ in.
deLtel to me , fer.Dry Owdr, are Inuitotettßo call got
el, on or betook the bat dry of (kWh., as after(
time the uonromt. will be Obi,' In the beetle at a =OA
for 0011..010n. 3.OII.N.aIiEPII ARO. 317 Liberty se
onc.froutl t , i Jot:rota topY I
-..... , " \ . t.-7p •
104 , 701 NE HOSOO feet t inch 3 i ply;
rj oak Rubber WA, bronght oat expreftely for Ctrl.
•.- , pzrz i , ... , Ve.tritrt. , e jF r t u b !le r to . .g.t .. tnontof bolh
re preaun= irtyleaLbrr broonrufanottrrel
se. where t h e y dd. mit trArn out sr rrprerunt%,
17 . s ir lqii l LT:i d El: ' ! '
i ..I.
rt. •
ZEE for obtalaftigadilitionsl enb
tn the PittsbOrg'lrArcul•Etrubentillo Mt.
z..,,t 00 t, . . \ A
1 \tE.Y. J w
k'urd' O,rernr.
, Tirm'
5 , °;;;::=. , ,,„1,°,"•
E trUnkOnnee,
Joni , ' EmlthlOy.
Ju s Trunick,
Will urratton.
1141371 . M. " '
!V ott ' llan ?rt .'
T 1
o tr
11 , 011111 s,
7,_ .
‘ terf Vann\
1 Cam pany
bl Mtkil
RYa llarbrA 2222
Lnelry -
J ,. .1.1• rellskek
F;. A. ;11; k 7;;I:on i t,r N .
J. Ilen.ernenan, ,
Wm. Ilt, llonart.
Jobe AAWllantt.
Nathaniel Wall , .
101 l n lilrongt.
F. 11. P.A.To's.. ent‘r. , ., .•...--
LLI op o, sown Irl day - of 1 4 •7...1.k . 111,
superlt•r «tort , • • \
!ANCII. STAPLE, MOM:41% 1 1 a 1101!...F11.11LNIt.+Illiti
SIR VA:100113, ,
ta t.
.r *it', . Ina of .TRIJIIIINGS Ait'D MINIAIT ,
1 utnn4 .. c0m,144. as turret...44ra %apt Or that non
tonna and taro,lti nataldlohnunt.
fla antald tbaee
Mourning anr="grt= or tittro 4Z,d.ttat'4"l
- 'darn lb, can obtain* mon monies odork than an t , '
riI"LIIMTT:::h`,:,'N'bV.I.""I:I PV,'" l 't,",,t"
rA rg li I f, jb. I
n. lona hintaalt, and dinvrinKor 11.11 at
JAHEn A. Metlx."10111 . :.
, td.d.- 14 41.1Sepld
ItirZl:atil . .? . il".T . ...:
OD CODOuttoent, 4i , , .Mn per &Vast ODD &ROM, fir
sale by .. . lt. OYD.
aux::s \ licsiod Cburch Dulldins,_ .
VIOWDER-150, kegs Blav , tin7, foreale by
A . kft, VLOID,
ItHOOMS-L2.6o — agten Co for sale by
... 2 t , • \ J. kR. FLO2i D.
pOM. READS-B ' 4os. IndiOlubber, just
reed. a lesußful artists, for sale it`ths Rubber -1/s,
7 sa d 9 Wow sf. ( aus=l .1.1 1f, ,, PIIIRLIS.
WINDOW SIIADIISA supply of T .. tie
.,,,4sareut ithidnir Sh ade n fed sudrfor rel.
J. t IJ. lelfl,LLl 8.
INMA RUBBER CAPES 2. doz.)ust,rCed
A_ (.ILA 0. - ....,) • ailt.l.t. send. It.. 'Mug* 4.1 , 1.1
wzrw ,t a to wet al;a: 2 l s Le i r. [Cr ado
j lte .
rE. STOCKHOLDERS of tlee "Pe4syL
vailla S alt alannfaciatiag Qin ta . anat,"_ara. .11rokkaW.
t an Idataltneld of Saralaa t ne X: NV , w, T .: 411
L'ltr&RU.l Of , al i titrES LICHNIU, Jgq, ?Wad F.
praa. 11 ontafof Oa Iloantof Ille. , ctotx \
, • • 411:0KUS Tlll.lltP2.o._ x s
11r01 . MO
East TaronexitA,•Aitir.l4l,•sL.4alig=Srr. . .A.
'nit received this beautiful l it
welch we 'write the stint: N,DERW" a )
—Mit( renotally. A --.
'.Yt6hICSVF 4Wr,
„ ;
\ -:\
r.' tSL \ - .. einn Gli
s us iTorkt; - ,\ • -
\II6O4ENZ AVIGHT formerly,of the.
Arns_6( ig .5100017 . A C 0..) afarturer4lll
eor ''‘‘ IS. LES. 'and WINDOW GL 63
,Wliter and 65 etreet:Dittirgh...Da. , \
II 11.—Diertlar Gelation to ollketzto at Wee!" .
Oloasand p rsta m lebt for tr.le mut 5 , ......_ , V t,
lip. i# Alleghk7r. for oder exchange for Mt,
rtn, The loratiou tx Mon 5. 15smiceem ten. roinutrs
frotlie.64rtr,nd about' Arto 6 n fr.. th. U......
Stemit ,ge. mil erten nntl propert7 an so ,
corumaleting term . obi& now oreurte , tht , t i nt te r .4o,
ottl k ft rn ' ttn t b.,. 5 1 2 12.' t 'ere:. t i ....i ‘ n L-i,vo:itv.,„.
etec.l.l3l II tousr.sentol ten roma, prresol brick
hone. . nab mi enrriage bo ou the.lnecr of Ow lot.
! , Th* ft. U'''' Sam n r : 4 '' a m\‘ j'
,f .b reVn ' tg , tlWV sl
' 4WD r. night. s r.\\4sl lilt ill\ ~ - suer lD,Vottrih and
Wtod rte. . fi! a-gt Im) \ JON : KIDD.
, ocOo tiVus---4,,, , .. 1 r.. . . : 100, feet 1n
adie.i15.r1tt:7,1t,,,,.,4 \ fo . r . 4.11!41r4 otlxlia=
m‘ert..7,.,v,r.,1...,.4\'`•4-4,4.1q411.,..m- be
ati* . Agri:l6 , oV\ the Sinn fsetartret,
4 .. t. ..,,....., _ \ J. aI. A 01. \ ,
A 1.1131-25, libbi. dr saltk by J.
--..,- ,----- - ---
`fill 80ALifilUIN . ERS7,,IrRo tic AU=
s iu l ;r==d'fl b lgir4 , 4 , Til.rub ßd .r ,4 '
Trarsl6 In Ammiem b y - loo y
,Stuart orttey.
Igy Shooting Bari by Frank•Perrerte
re .
t i fig tte , srar Arbro.. 11:1111mur!, . Sorel,
h II
' limn= er 71231 k s , , tat,77;1•7\D.7.:4. 7 Third r t.
appetite. the Port Orliee. \
__, .. an. _
S [IGO AND 14.(51..A55E--- •
Ne) bble. Plante/Mu 5 Om.
. ;.75 0106 N.O.S.Ormit . r nate b
' einal . JAMIN /ULLA'. .. eS V. a r
\cifoxg — Nie - iit - gp - aiiiiilig dil; c ie.— I
Gar %ale bl \ \ , . \ S 'KIDD A Co,
.4.4c2z. ur moud et
El R. i kk ': ''PER} 7 l3lFiii,- 7 ki_ie - •
lot for 8 mw...n J. Kloc.,a rxt; ' \
OR '§ii ROLt,\ & TUB IiqTTBR - :- \ -' Ricld
i th " i '''' "m/ A 'ini t ineittri .. ma.
. _"' r ',' \ ' .m” ._•_-__\•-_--
11. 4 NR01% BOSTON,_, juit. , {e: ,1- 1\,,,, _ ,
1 ' . .: •-. fr z` c,':' '`,' I P -"‘'t• b ` Votk
. A - .: -- 4::: 1 .,. .. ".
Per We at halo Rublete potwing Wood st.V
auggs . 6,11. tiLLLITS. ~ .
10,J , . by !SAL\ RIC,
tojr . .l__2 „ orner of Els ,kt d Wpcd se
\l \ ' -
L b - S0 bbbk 2 FtV i . ‘ 1
c ,i!il ,
‘ 4 :7. CAiiii - 00 D 3 kegs t;
A... 7 • P. N. WIC) ,
fill 00 b 4 4.,..52r31 , for sal
ur,IIE.:II:IkL7.ELL, .
10LE1 6. L ATfita-3kSidef
-1. ,
otreet,oppoelte thi. Post, 0.
.orolcu Art'Journs.l, (or Ala
'the Moak Architect. `ellto
Fuburbou Itesideuree,
Lewin Arundel. or the ItoilrOu.l
'Nob..., of
• Littetrs Living Agro,No. 49:
(Inl ltut ay's I. o's .el m )e Book, for
A ugtir.t:
Sartai ml
n'. Idanntlne, "
The I.lles' Notional.
The Ulprerblef."br U. W. M. Iterno
tdebol, or the Child u ( it bott
The• Indio
Thers ry
Ih~AßlncU•n} loe{l
Lurch, Pittsburgh.
tying 11/121....00e )
• Pim:weft Daughter.. tale n
ne non Bennet-
Adrearllrea of Paul Perin ,
the Comte:. of Lllmburgt by I)
ticarte: or Ono Batlour of Dark br nith
geart, • Problem: \ hgthe oi 4 1A5nn
.n n - ‘.4%
[l'4l•'Tc I"
the ftlny tate Y . reel aft- by relit.
The Roue; by Butner:
\ The Ileir of NS Let IVayland, a tale:
Wall,Paper and Borders, for the Bel*
Il k Sa D I : at th
from .e . 0 t 1.! 2 . t.a2tt
%tart; ha - torte, a great mane or PAMIR DAM , '
INDS and DODDERS. comprising nueh•'variety of 'Wins
• and pleas an can 0.04.1 y fall to =Wig the WI. einDetret
the Tie. or the n.ot Paetllirene and egnorolnal. \
oggurrq BARS--5114A read an
rale ell cheap. • A. A. MA N k CO.. ,
62 .41 64 :1144:ket 40.
itIMPEIiiiII3IIONS—A. A. Mews! & Co.
kJ boon prat nett red • large Impels of theabove good',
coo.. • auggi.
bare )o$ rped per ',Weer large meartnicsit
Va Co.
ped Tarleteta, 4 .4,o(teil mlors. anal)
..... .
.NEW EMI3 • I ThERIES=A...A. 51..te0s ..t .
c.. nill coritinueteSieceive additibbal attabSities'or
nfra' net style embroideries. and fell them eerf
Reap s _ • . , \ .. =Zit , .
Oki:AGE' fit L AttSj-A. 4.,PLEASOIi &
Cos are 126111 cleating on their strict of '..witt,itral
ratie de Lail:lC/W. ie. tit.' tern cost ', attato.
HOULDERS-2500kBacun Shdtatier . s
roe'd from smoke bow , fr !lie by _
smell ROBISON. CO.
AMS--500 pero. Canvi
In tiercei , Fuca:
rEuied; •
ntbr , O , ler , br
QUatiß-20 aiN,68„..,,0f1ia)7C0
0 .O)
1 0. MOLASSES-200 bble.dr) for sale
be augl) ROBISON. 1.1 fit Co.
Bdlf FALO TONGUES.--justiedeived from
" ''``&g. o .l7Nitalit&
. .T ‘ alers.
mule fa„Qolor
111,:b1.0iidiAT:.:1, IV: t r”
, , • Mt. A . )11311 1 ,b(1 OA . V.,0 Liberty : li_
\cOOOA SHELLS, received freh from
cnAnne,ctur, , ,, ant for ;6;. , r6L co
O.'2.MACKEEEL - 5 bbls. 7.qr
.1.„1 by , 13:CANylk11.1).
5..E.5E-Iql - I\boies Crpaih;
• leo " C0M13.12; flr wile by
\ \ - J. 11. cANYIEJJ).
MOSQUITO 4 T TING.—A further sup;,
, -
r 0 ,SAEE—Two qble Clued Steam'Boil
-42121Aws TheYV 6
rEARIASEI-18 ca§l..
VOTASII—, 15 'casks
UTTERbbfk. any
IN .0,1 7 anFID E .
WOO/y-5 sac s fat
v • susa% s
,1410LAS§ES--213N. 0.; \
far PP by 'yu¢l9 \ J. IL FLOYD.
itfk:ATs . - cii4tWif.Trk,
by anill9 SAI DICIMT
BEILYJMI3. !um red, -.1 ,
jj • •
Y.PIPILI thy abomstaree
--",, , k
ii KLEBER q ;
N 0.14
lloVuß ,mt s.Zo l :i,
fly hopes hero alop l a
set cee eo M. 1 . cho p Mal
4). Left, eartauntslosi._ Theo—. ....... ....... ~
\S ,
rn oetawsps-alestby F And are arr.44l. ru.p. ,,, i
I " sflar Llso; Lbla 'N..I of lA= Rldllse 11.4--. a.
In. \
\ I ''tt.r.
Mltimmes edehesmal Do, r; theoptoarn IL , \
v w t...1,tt.: •,, A lm .
\ L Ravel Volk.
Villek%... 1 . , Lowe Polk. .\ s \
bloom. Polk. , '., Witgl n l u r • ' l. ' \
0.2.03 ii 01011 '
I". Illenehe Alpi . ..." ..
_ gi_:... -
_' •810 . 7.4 iLlni; uumw us2lP„, j,..
I AND *2 - Ciiii.,I6ITY,IIANtiID I !--Whe
JLA hlaNest market p et er :...ill 'Cs 1..1 for Lend Warman
. U .P : AItICOLIS h. OrS.., 1 4 Routh se. \
„ . alseld
.. emst_httl.k. of part
tkESIOV W e iutondip..Dioiu aboul.,
' . the Mk Of Amber from .0a present. stand lo
ow. not maenad. 1/1 Cli.rtian Mame 1.0.116 Mae
ter ...PA. omenite et. Clair et hore ISI. .6 .11 be pleased
to furnish slam ...le In oar line.. ono.. s _
eugln = `.l : A \EL CIIILLIPS,7 ral li Wool O.
AIATTRt , SSE'g\ -- I have . iu siore ,4 4, large
assorts... of Curled Us.. alt..' flask, Cotton, -
=mil ...a Idettralass. Alm. Dolsters end Dillow.
ler sale br = ' 11( \ 31. NOD I.R. Shard street, \
aught =. , 'emote the Post Mee. \
. '
AIIL-15 Ale. pure I.,:tsee,il; for eale by, '
Ifir sell • s . , 1 J.II.CANFLELD.
Elegant llett carrigtes;at Anction. .
0 BALL.;—cmlwmucrali, 61 . 10th
September.. et 10X., o'clock. al, Lb non .4 the i.. roe
''''''' es=tl " ''''
its 7 ‘ h * l V l=Vet ' lAll9l '4 a D et
PULA 0111 tea . v 4 ,,.., :,,... ~
Co.ennis. collrctio ' f fas t
BLIIIOI - WAUUND; of thonaL= d Duro? s i ll*
r igfair, 1A.7,,
_ " 741 o ' ibers of s ackDoN * l=l.l;lehr;! = •
ty Mtbis bit, stad..MILL". ~..' \ s .' \ \ \
Among shs essortmaeL'aritr a bo kw.; Serer... Style
Ilstam l Wageore M. alldber. iandfallesome. \Ls A ,
A sae. detst. ascend 4 11ata \Osnegna. mad a
hlm ot of LlADNithtt .. . a , i . \ .. \ . \ .._
No postpone... oeeseottet of \the as time \
Opus for ea.... Depot day . brsnlote. \ .
, 11.171 , Id. LIKRENDEN, \-
AostlmmearhLtstle,Llo . al. Clerategs Deltiler.'.
itteM I . oflOadalUtegeatestdk.2\
. .
LKAD-40101;e1144.S i tci: • erT
131EPPER, CAB kc:
140 G —
A wu.s4N
eteeehorM ftrraistist meoututetroPil
wT dm of the beetillarletto lirtedea
hcalerly' intentlet.,‘,
A full sheatotent of mut\ see Aleroye
.I,lE4h:a 'ASt %ti LAO: , '
I .3 . EARLS -81013 8 NO. 1. itr,stare
IMES - B-100 baxe4 rm :
' -
1.4011 T
mm Orr br ane <ltlt oeV: i tl
suntrak NAILS,
t_l -T
- oaderueeNe4, from
n r
( 1 01
— Nfirjt --
___,.. anklti
hand makeasor PIA.Z.I/VOAITE,D.I I
y \!. Ta . 0 .... a Cl...rif o ggr i Tiwii . igut .
6 ..! \
s _ si w v x,t,i.t,
, ,
I N'et 4 l.. \ RITABER WI.II--.1
.c ,
A Zia i i a;'"' a:C ( II to
W -vb siV°ll"4:'.l.Vlt'.
vt, il ,7L, •., % ..1.1 - '.. i.4.'_
4.11.19A.R88, Blida. Cuba au ,
WAA • o. b
(..061 \ JAS DA.12.1?
lk wad.
Fr h I z 'Iie , LkSPORTERIT, ' CO. I4 fStISSI O N •4:
t I OCER MERCIIANTS.—For este on scamtorkoOdt' .
dug la , YORK sery ealueble LOT'S, each Verdi , * 'XI l • i'
I leed or l/f .po k e l m, ea ....„ ao .x li tc r d k o La hiog t b : ur A . ll ,...a dc. th. h . ekt ‘c itly n .4l . ..... th rm: At t - , ~....-.
\ , &Cannot': the teat iLd4''" for C44.e'eee el
e e ilml
For dorm quire o .C. ETOCKTO... 411.1atettl MS' ~
or the I . Lora ot , \R. C. STOCKTON, ,- -, ,
smgls 1 roar of ,dl &Act end Third KV -% '
IxTurri '4-2013118. extra,dry, rtir ash.
'. TT\ I, , It . FAILNES7 NE A CO.. .
\, eoval e \ roar rine, god Wood Oa:
"V n EttO. TVA NTII'4.
% at 1515 l \ R. .A ..
--8131 5 .7cA11'13., .13 , :1.A- I kegs Etiglillt,fot
bp, , 11. A. lINI,4I•OC . ,C , k"Cat ,
\NIMAGS --600 11/5. p ~ e, for mail irr •
vos \ • \ ,A. P NERTOCK A Clit,', r
MAI . .AllbS. \ l; , SR . III ,
.v .. .• t. ,
.. • • •\," ::'
t • ;IL 1 •. . kAll!‘ .•....11.0..1 , A CO . , \
BViii -e• qIIIIS. P,a 'kcal, farl sale by \ .
11: 1 i4J.10 b Is, freqround'Farpily, for ..
I: dvklo- \ s. v. yoS 17:N11011'er a IN).1
SS—E . 6' . t lit anclits'' ' •- '
W Irt°l. l Awd9.A.Lt t u r: b Y '..
.4,0 ,‘ 1 % so,. v0.....AN5ti......4 . r ` .4 co.
If 11.1.EESi:-1004 , 40igt. for 841,,' by \ ',' •. • .\ ' ,
, L.) .1.15 \ ‘, . 1.",
\NDIA.:KUI3I.IE.II, ai..0VE.4 .1, 0n balid. • a- • , . \
Otte atetartmlet‘ of LatlipelpedllantOptan'a India tol l g,
• Waves, of &Ilion& mdpu mod. lava:ale wholeu/1 . . )
tall, at the Robber teapot'l l , ll ,,, n i, E t iars , ••:
~,6 \.,
Vq•-•T:44.111--:',0 oes 13omus' eele.. • ,
tot boo ,C ' and 14 R.. m, f ,c 11 . 1 . 31,11i ,. .
PRIN lit—A:›4 Illeeox .k.• Ca ,
..,.. •
wt, ~•,,,4, . ••••45 ~,...., hr - Om e4r. ail. t t
ci, will be ea ma usual St ,Tta.r.i.QT larps. , ,, • •
off those eterrolndirattle tt peat ClilttrEi_ol, , , •
now offered t 'Ode markdt. . \ . :Cr ....
\ 'on, slur Ilk klarkdt et..• ‘,....,, •
DEL-50, b Is. N - o. 3 k.arge - \' ''
' ..'L;
\ ii. cus...tiNktiAm, .\ - • :
4 4 , 29 1.0/edy,str.l... \r ! , •
for 8111; by
. ,
lALLik , O3II.
n'retv q
tt l‘
i t
t Fourth
~~ iIJOA. V 7 ~~
•F DEPCPT, Third
of eatnvrejill..,
\ f I
111 '
I have
I' Di 124 A
A/PO, 5 .oe.
cheap. a.
Captittly, El
1 1:11:1A1V-760 hhda. .yo. 1:or Rai°
t , '.14 A ~ 14. .1:1c011:111 • CO.--. . '
OEOOSIS-7150 doz. Coiii. 4:iiioreti=. 1 \ (
19F14 . . J.114/666‘T11T11 a i:115.:
Y--2.00 \ bll.. fur sal
s Ak, TY FUSE-1 ,
ICE 5 teVbrio•
pH k:E§V - TO 17folies
t Yc,
0 - D - EUtP74 tc; \ ,2i
~ aimll .
, ,
• re.l Ilia been einaninted ay.
'hri r. R.z9o. 'nu* Munroe
Unicrd fatataa, and ate \ Mn , ena
Prilla\6:: Mamie. mann('
annal. and II It, doortoot ..
will ba turne.7 or tb i a ,
. ekmn i t
r u h At r edrog , 7l ' '
ru, 6.1... lad: nnt rmaiErk ar
Fen. nal, laolreale and re'
gyre \O6 • \ e
.Wil: . C. corner
mAcKFAE 1%110
nod tht twewlm tukrtirlf, * \ ty \
.04 A„ • W 9. A.,3irCIMRII , et
. ACKER4-150 br`ty ho
\ tirDll,tbek Nd. 2.
114,4,4 for by \JA .121
ce.., \ .
I TARCH 2h ps BolAbrrlhen' . .xtra for A '
Fale•by No.ugniA WISII. &J.? *1)1:E.IL -% • ,
:1-1160MSL-1 4 3 doiain hiFij..s f\ale k by •,‘„ ':
t .02 \._.
~ WICK‘. :ti z CA:DI.I.II3 , \
eIHOCOLITE l4O 'l*: Bastori \Ch eplate ' ',,
l,_,!fnz eale, I T lan g ‘lCl I,WiCKpI...Ic4IIIITIEI1 , WiCKpl . .. Ic4IIIITIEI \ •\,
- SATLERAtUS-52 .rif4 -- :Oian r kiTirs e'b,y - \ : - \
.1 .42 .• WICK 0 31 7 C.C,111) , L=.•5,
,1 \.
VII.ESTNUTS—S b is for sele,
sewn • WI • it Shed ,
"VIRGINIA TWIST 29 kegs•for \
y ttag.l2 k 'cCANDI.J.Se \ • ~„
T — FirmTseixl Crop en5617 77 7'
p ,
tr Sk• eeiyed frota the, east, one
T rato dof the be.t. va s ieti.s
, and for ealetleA \
e See h d corner of Wood and \sfh L •
N 3110.311311311.
1:104N - GOODS-6 os Bluket •
b MA'S Jean, Blue and Grceu,
„ b eusesZive filse t tyrialClet/4
laniciF;; •
\.. Vt:elbilTg:ket ,
„The &boo good.. be../ uud rteetylugfreeselieHruce;
eft 91 Wood dreet..-would reopeottoßy inci. the \ •
art-moon Of Owe co amen and the SOU. 4 , ttn NEW
Frrtz OPAATS, which Obey inurikace on Sottirdwl.
the I 011 inot. .
19 \Adams', to arrive,
17.* VLOYD.
iN , DIG ,
O • ND :
M . ADDER --
6..,..r,. i i , l
—a\ .4.,i, ~ . Ig l p i, W3l.nag e
i ~ igL. ,
• ziN \ c\ PAINTS.—.
- A s / AN lq",/ . ke,T,UIiED ICY THE NI
.„ . ,
Thls Concyany ta Ywe ‘.' to' fltriii'llio.r . P o7
rateable • ,
•- . ' ZINC, IkAIN - TS; .
Whleh bee, berm !bowl allorywroraltyuanf' trial, tot
Europe, and the United !Liar, to retain their arig
beauty andtprotective propertk't anperlor to. any , r
paint whatever. - noir „
. WHITE 'ZINd , PAINT:• \, ....
Li. ionely in Oxide of :Zinc, antis Warranted freceßwro
Ov l cupratien and I.lnnity iians t o.ler. it rawer 'wet'
, \ litlfalir white, met twonUrcly free * haw the prime
' Voi .' lr . 07'p:I=orbu'ir.17,..,":, "'4 7 " !'.
\s'ltilg expelled to tuilphurona or etephl eshalatic
When Mint aptn * dose room' Ay sit outstelw r
Itierittirlanda a southern &mato Nail thy Weather_ t'
than any other; not bring liable to turn ',Wig or
crumble and rub. PM it may ba worked with as Pc
with water and der. or with rvnbb, which sea
liiwtol porcelain arao,.. . •••
?bean are furolatted 'at a low 'prine,wial ornate:lout.-
Use chows! awl heft paints to tbr,utariuS for roateni
G. fencing, outhouse, otrariboareow ooywercued Puri
fare of wood, tea: lin.. Um; at they Awe both'. ''
~ ,-.
, For Iron surfaces rhey are particulariy taluabla. 4 .4'
"forna n unlcank coonection, and entirely prevent mkb.,'
Wm, they An. quickly, and haring • port =Wile babe
do not chancie color lite many of the earthy Pant , =ow'
Ini up,
Dealers rupplled ha liberal Imp. by the anots of tha
pan - . , • , P. C. JUNES./ OiL.
.„,„ 7 :37 c • t , i IT Routh Ilibortc.rbilaclelabia..
:REEF TONGUES—A irinc cirticlo' on
\CR hand suet lie rah' by • . ' _ '', •
I, ' . Wl4. .I‘. WOuvrea
li Rf.,NCII PAPER = For ualelzuiU .t.L,
. :.•..
IptIOHROMATH Hui. c\-: •
1 jp,..,A . ,. by • , Leto) `POTASH Y. It OD ACO _ ,
A osToN CILACKERS--Irliiit aria ,'•,,
UlLLtirtalgia or Grelwaterwirre.irecrlowt "lie( Rai- \
weten, constantly on baud?.! for We col , b• \; • • ' \
\ . , ' . c 7 - ' ~. IfIL ...c . ,\ ShitutiivitTO
.. ,
‘.°°_,___3.--:.-------•:-..--- 2.- - ALL'?nt7-2L'L_ , \
j n.60%.1 , N05., fcir•Etale•bi ,, :z.F
.. t ,,,,,, 5 .,....._ Altliti A. 11V1C111,...4)N1i Lilti.
c ‘ \ \ \"„ . _ Rom Puts LW!, 3' . - s _fect . .. 4, ' ~,- ''.
- • Nr.‘.X..-&./w.-ix yore Wernilleter A , ,I uty ' li tton T 4. ,
Imitation, that - haring Wei it rytenstrelyht wry * puenetil „
for clot left fear or Neltra, .I thine it ilcrideuty,tho teop,'T .
priperatew et the of which I here ny' IreeirkeleriA
'l . elthonel bare bey ore usxl the prepare/Ibn charm* -, -
*tiler nutraufsettrys. Yo.u;s, req.-that . ' ' • •
ployaredatat bold try Lt. IL S ELLERS, ;a Wad .t....4ai - . . 5
:14:11.Salaby dittlftattignittatr. • " • jattli , 'i- ,
_.-.------- _.....,,,
- •
j 3. ~~To: ss '~exu~'
1. iti„ store
b ? xef(lV. 3 l t t g ' i; a l igY
ikit—Wbble. No. 1, fWsPie
bbls fur sale
FAFmEsTocK\ 00.
la \ rge, 1'
AISINS-40 tits hunch' in stare; foraiale
tv• • 18.4.1AILDICHEY L . CO, " "
*.p,V2 Wart and Flout
20 laids..N. 0., in siora and far
ATUS —75 boxes, ..:\'
ttL, In stove and•Gyrzabo
Shirting Nrtslixis ari# Irish Linen,
$ 1 ,411Y &BURbtIFIELD havereceivek MO4
pureloaftt alertly fro-m Ib o ratnaliwturer's•
VdresM ,.,r Cm be sad ac rdrybie pripy
Inds no. Pillow CV* a eon Lank,
tr 3ez rot Farlkt.of PFTYlkaftd..7l.Fel!.etrtr!Vag t •
7,4 6 47,R=...r.= .
W .. •
- \