The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 28, 1851, Image 4

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free.. .
• and for worse, A
. 'Aiorrnw, Muse and pahi;
• .I,(tbat bring a curse,
wilekste to tare the same': •
• -
+rddwliolilert.theenow butme7
The•world look on in pride and oFot is . 1 '
(31:idark indeed - thy way - womb! be,
:.ffith,little hope'of brightening morn, .
to lieu! the downward road,'
•• Withoyt one pitying band to eats
go r Acorest, will 'hero the load-,
: : , , cilrpartieirepot shall be the mime ,
.'utte.• , •
1101reben remorse Ist in thy breast, ;
;.eaked dirk thy , broWelth invited:pain,
.. Rpm It mine to tell cf rest, •
And guide the. to 'the path lipslo4.:.
20 smooth the cogged tray to pricer..
To cheer thy hopes, to tooth thy feata---'
Bid thy !ancestral angniah Cute,.
And wipe away thy bitter lens .
Or If toy pleading love is rale, •
And deeper, blacker !Time! ascend,
My betaking hind shall tell no tale,
Bat steadfast, follow to the end.
Where abodowy Leith shall beak the chile,
That bound en In ► life leng spell
The grave !dose disputes tby retype,
Then oily will I eiy—Farewell! ,
Bea Binantes.—At the meeting of the British
asseelatioti, • paper woe read by Mr. Atkisson:
see•sickneas, and a new reawly ler int pie,:
swim,' from which we make the following ex
tract.- If it ehocild encored ii in certainly en
eney remedy:
person oil ihipboard, irhen she is bound;
lug over the AIM. Oda himself, and tike hold ; %
of u tumbler' 'Bull filled with we'sr of otheelV
. quid, and at the some time mike en effort to pre
vent 'the liquid frum running once by keeping
• the mouth of the glass bona:Bel, hr peaty an
When doing this, (rum the motion of the vessel.
Lb hand sad arm will seem to ha drawn into
different positions', as if the glut were attached
by a powerful magnet. Coutinnig his efforts to
keep the month of the glair horizontal,. let him
eilcir bin band, arm -and bodyto go through the
various moveconte—as those observed hieswinr,
~ planing, pumping, Wowing a quoit, &e., which
they with be impelled, without fatigue, almost
irresistibly to perform; and he will find that this
has the effect of preventing the • giddleees axur
nausea that tho rolling and ; tuning of the vessel
have a tendency to produce in Inexpe riencal Vey
•"; "If the rerun is suffering rim sickness at the
commencement of the experiment, u coon as he
graspa the glass of l iquidin n !Behead, and suffers
bis um to mks its course and go through the'
movements alluded to, he Biala suit he were per
twining theirs of his artifrsewill- I :nad the nausea
abates immediately, and very soot:luaus entirely
and does not return eo long as he entire hie aim
end hake to antrumetae postures into which they
- scunte be drawn. Should be,' however :resist
the fete mann of hie hand,• he iastantly feels a
thrill of pilo,jof a peudar attuning. kind, shoot
through his head, and ezpetiences a suss of diz
ziness And returning nation. Prom this tut air
eoinstance, the author of ithe paper Was it. in.
probable that ittutssetne , , primarily elreesee
thrones the cerebral masg rather than thug* a
disturbance of thoracic and. =ld - Jibdolated
• ecru and he is of opinion teat the method icpeer .
seating stawieknesrject described, (whkth be
has foualby experietsce to beeffitete4) &peas
on the carious fact that the -involantity ;
communicated to the Tolling - lad timing of the
'user are; by the means ho &aorta, srpareally.
00111VIT(Pi,illtlf Tolllalll7ll2otloll.' •
Elias. Eaummeramts all girtain.theizatui gad
West to look out for her gay. decor g. rounaway
husbastd;Dari3. She gays he kite left her
and told the folka..whem he marled. tint ha wee
going aoath-wast to jueseb inivermt ealretlota
ead:marly le:Header. Eliza thinks he may be
mate imowni wad to prate, sayQ"Dsvid his a
*ear pa hla. acne, there I aerate b{it."
A Teinintranne pledge . lainiA by Father intim
at Clevilanti, Amite, besiisalutantmber arab
ainty-fonr • tinntanaktvo hundnyi sad
finPf.nt: l 4 •": • .". 1 •
- The trtoierry'crop or thitiase;,
beinificiently abninitot to:sapply.:fiktfor•
gip. as welts) the hams manila:.
A jinn* wcnnati in Providenes' ilie beet abed"
$2O * * laws for appearing in tlinatteetaiti aisle
attire.. .
Judge Kelly lately stated 'on d public oceleien
that they were thee in the - toast of a criminal
end f that without_ 'FLlViitithi;everz cue
that!ai toxic before bluiaiulted,froln intempe
rance; and that co general was this the fact, that
there wee suaesely en exception io a hundred or
even a thousiod catte. - -
The - Atliroodsa Steel works - in Jersey •City .
which were destroyed by !me a few maths ego,
lipe been rebuilt atidsreaoonr#6o partr
ttodarfarorable ausplec.
PLAIN lIILEEN, sat Irt ,
4 µ e 1 wuQow MIWHONAUMME
(gOdP— paw Cincinnati-Palm Soap,
o.P) • .
ALCOHOL -50 Ibis. for aisle
LAU, 011r770..1T21,:iil.'i;Wit141.
I►~fACKEBEL—IOQbb*s. L4to No. 3, for
i 1 ar. . M a:CU C OBAII : .
ElAm 13AITS-40 - c " 111-1 :1! 1. .611%
TNDIOO--2.ceroons Camelug •
41.aniumn.—..iu w ..cad
• maw! DMLY L•
it da"
W l an sad host •ta.
rA for We by .
iweiTu 400
CWILN-400 bu. Shelled , by
. irn.::•-• • - •.. 44.341.w0rmai00.
Ain—tou ouperi , rc i for sale mu cow.
• . /TIM ) tOU tat i c a dri arid Tn.! flp4
~ it t' t .!" b r , .?!.. VAEEn Op. •
, --
adtialt&TOS—b 'cis= wanso '
... .. ted on*
Ne m. .CIEBREL—Nos.], 2,. and -in
ui Mb. Ur els Or , J a ai i •
OCK-POWDEB-300 kNi far sal° by.
• S.T.ON 8011 YORAM 4 OD.
Coadeesli . 0, Ocodelabroo. Sea Tests to datt4 new
o.ko 114!... 0.. ttood.lity 1 rimy Balm, Ilao.
. 41" ... gasor 14=7OtiLi Lddlot. Mary TOW. oxsoo Attaor-
A togas. sad • good 11440,1401 At alw,y. on Laud, at the
lainkrimd. • • W. W. IT ILN)N,
-jf U. , . • 'Silver Eolith. CT Markst IMMO
I RM . received. a case origni Maraeilles
lr 6t " 6 "iitfirOCy .VfirVam, Taw r.
MOKED HEuRING-406n. NawNo. 1
NAILS 300 kegs aeeoflld,aiser•ia •stare, .
by • " • 110innbatUrnE CO.
Q NDRIE3- _::.." ..
1 ' auk emir& liogr tsaillsttei'Wei
.10.331. I%* oak kir 7 • ' le•i•tt bimtv • t •
17 areetTaaaluive.advaluxd 10c;pai.1;b:' ~;
011. can buy Green Tau, for three saciother
• vt"o n w iteh.." 244 :o4 2 ,: jua. ""ton. )...k . .... 5. 111". ...=0." - lasvci. tb 2
JPREAM CHEESE-51 tries rb r e i ti viave
1 1 1/ 7 1 a 1 7 1 " slam rs twin A.
T A ARE F . 211 -1 tb!". itke Tr: 3, ?. (npr;) ,
ISms BiIIr
3U 4S.
~~7tl. • i:.
. Z ? in -
RwYfaMi ~ ldnsauDb~ LvlL*lzuCo. `.
• ". OtirfeAt"."l
OFFEL , 4S met. Green Mart ovale by
FrOBACCO,IOO boxes bisaufootisred, W.
JLGislagialtir Itobtaie °Orr thaw
60 .1%, - .
• ", L3=7;t*K".7Liegglarg,.
. • . •
po• . .
:.• . • . •
.*f :
•a is
• • • ! 1 ' . ."7" ,, th.i.v0r!..:
F • ' • '
•• • • ••• • • • . . • •:. canto.
' •,•••••• ••••• •. • .".."'•••7"-.....: Jacob/MOW
•• - •'.. 111., oT Up Potlhu.
I=s:As. m..4. *- • • • i
4 Yocum.* P•P....1 ..tu- • •
— Appletwer thehslllCO • 11 .. C.. ? ,! aad
• F a lf i rr t ;t*:i
• .. rut 6
411": ; rad itOnt. tb.ll.;3lsllC
pantw:: ol:v.0m vld IItli4•1: with 211=
ea Maps.• by ...1.111=4, .• .
Wan: 111.1 ••J. z. azatv, •
-"! L•fits,lrosolJi i
iIatREY SIALTERN:. Wail .166 r an
Ift. Assn.. Illr Throw - NNW: II Ortnalpfriar Lt.
V t •
Nthneel. V2,Ui, O s . N 6 ,
allgc Ie e.. lslisdee 'v4-'
~1 adykoaiLiam '' •
a =m1•1 1•:
jThy u bo• bsto J svw d St 4"Mat/it,t s"•'
: • A
.410 - gal i W ILICAWF i. .ATB,ik R .
. . • •
i‘ • Dom;mtier alde. .• •
.. ~• , •
: higgria it,: Lib el Ma. Ilarirwt 1,1 duaakiof ft.
Mits i TartZtirearnir Dek . .g..M:iithi red'
11:906S!!="461:= of I — WWi Dictirilliqtrif.
• . Illettaales oat 2 ..:4rod ,..a ktf u r . • _
_...._. . _
NcLuo• sal IhOlOilf
.i=o -
.. . .
. AI , . .
-A lute itihorot of Choshl
nd U.
h Ap l BO
i.k ,
JIM ore/ ul Iv ah er,• J. 1.!. REALsti
5" ... " g !'.!" , 11 ,,.
frILE SPIRIT POLKA; - compoied by -L
. ' iliktif;iB.l 4.loiioiraistot... C. roan. or Ibla
. •
ToillOol tinioi br IL 81...1.r, ai sur.4 br
I:lpWio% 'Wafts
the law major vane,. oat. . •
I. sal. T . with moiallos.. OT h.• ~ . .
I Joh..oitt. varlath.. by L.N. . •
Tbs . OM. agar Y ews, by 11,qrsi _
Plus ~ __ .
ALA • flew erlmOrn uf Forigyris t fAfflrf.
!Wt... • •::•'• IL" .
_ r ilgo of lb. Ookh O: •'
P. 11, ,, 4 sslimal4l lot .0 eh. PIANOS nos doiskos.
Orw. oh ;oh hood•holl • *Awe tho for .0.1. - ".
It, mu Pelle. Ekeemeete et the lleltatt Stetee,
, •7. uhllettee a roagle r = " e=n t lloes &en
*bet Coer_lnslatthm Orofersast Dnensoests. • •
• NA.. Were ltitaLme; out:asides itelUeet. 11/Melon!. •
Ptotletleal, Ms sosoltal, eat Iti.
,: a nt=rLetare. sad eet; together ertlit
Mottoes of the Ana hlentalletnrte eha • Crud pf the
tweets of the Slans fn. lel L
The Qom yelashie vertu fee do by • •
lel7IL C. rfOCKTON. 47 /Wine ot..
• ' Nude for th e Bloomem - •
Elt; 101 Thielitteee, - sigii onlie
Ookonlloso, hos just ?Aami!—
AMP 008TUKZ POLKA. glib •
a. lorosUAO ourootto of Ilto Stisoaur OAttia m o tabliolood
tb. ootransEs of lb. lootAwro. ooso P 1 / 1 Zoo.
NKI.CY 41:me SUP. ogriab y eapayagsa. on
robes lowalgol .. ;.•117 waS • Lo4r..
1 AKAA•ootoly *LIAO= To ()too Boa. lOK
4• N
• Chickerlog m s Pianos.
• ELLOIt, A f
AAA melted . nas b*.khtb•
r=trir ==s i er r t *am the
(kw *layout Itossosoul essailrfod rcVATTeI , . •VS
We • • =rod—
Woo • •
• • Mg 4 • 6x . - -
Tta. p.m% •
Trn • " slaw • •
Tbs abov• Ilasool*lss see of Cho 4Lsid ctrlec et RAF
tan. pod "las WI Ut. Ch.lckotao Icaprontsanta
vino icistiotl,ll.s.ssa" sc CS . 0 .1
purcbassts U.% mom Luc tapackp a7I jrus
- • -
• • £LBO FOR BAL • .
Ow Rootodod Carved 110131411051 6X octavo Raw,
ordetwod WOurt Egodart Cer,
00e llodogool u Mate Illodstt Cos •* "
. • " • Wow* Norm;
, 6 wetland
• •
6• " Loud a r ; •
.• • .
••••:1 :.• 02111,10
! Ono • . . 6X ...• • Abolutioo thy •
°P u• tt. eat
Wien: UMW.. tll
giv..EMBROIDERIEB:-Juit !waked
~,,,,r,,g,"..taVetylarxetctlf.efganbroid.i.s, so
01allag of it f rALAVnars. (000, - ClMaalsetta. W. and
Sleigilo 01• F1....e.5...i.n , ...t
busnito uf ies, Jwn.ll and Sot v Edlrs awl IsalS
-111/2. I MIA loaila; Lea llohos, 0. Ito a=s 10
U N ortz: I.dlns I, oartlettlatly acZjel to 00.1•
ittooo, a. lb. anortlpoot .111 Le (mod Ito II
Over atonal In OA, city. • /4.49) A. A. 01 • CW.•
Black Bilks. Mohair Milli e &a.
mfrAlPilir st. BURCHFIELD hare ree'd
i -7- _ - _ — iii ab. Filide - iia — klo. uncings.' . .." 1
A: MASON L CO. tmve jitst=t 4 d
: . . o .r. twiiapp/ yof tow:tufa'
WI bob. Ylntmeltot, sm. Hy WIN tad MT .a•
prter gottdo, at tilt tGt Mark tt at. • • - ot.¢9
1123 ER txticcubtii-s-,---m—viiriii-4'
, Relturan lowtta tla attnttion of tottretturrs to
tt,t madman'', sf the atvie, tot an... 11.4 as
tartm As.. Alt.—Da&ar, L I - ce. 3..... tr ....4,.. , ..ttb.
gm.' tictlittet. esult.SrArellipt....l nub Boom Mom,
s ametto.rot tattatt to t. buds. it tflrmt Plc.: •
, .
• Zdzirelly &
:11 : 1LE•OPEN thin morning
_a fur th er mip-
L _ , • ply al Umtata Nolllag,
Nat; Elart Loa Warm buoy Ulaira am*.
re' h yew, Ina, Lamm 1.0.1 S• Asa egteld/Z.
• pi a. =Oft* carry of roartb fold
Xosstuto BaiP• • . • • •
just recetred one case or 19e.eb Net,
th " .T "'" g ' /t a u t=
. ig nua.m....
ALA TURN laillea' Missintatrmipps rafted
• RN In4a by • • ft. U. PA LNIR.
7 . J. 17 • • •L• 10611.146
URPHY 4t. BURCHFIELD barb a full
1 attoetsrent of Log D. 04 iu.k - VAIL
• . suelyreas (40.46.:inm5. • • sal Ti...
Oust Staid Sala •
A.mAsoNAco.,s Great .:.ariaal . I
•. 14,10 trill mum= abN•li•T.Alll.lllibilb...._
" Vu l * ft Is U rt•Ver As 1T18 "
1 ." 1 7 1oloVklto Cepa
I rae% Eat
atiri tilzb rot'd froceb Thrbot
Min prlotod anti otobroldsted
Illrot bra. exbalare I,l=l totog
or toe acid lardltua qualities. all of 'thtito7 an dater.
toliwil to doer out. mei.. la nothing auk fall rtorka.
Mei be offend at • mat rotl• trona Annoy
pttrol•sad I•ts titoo raFtent ma.
• o 4 't-.4 FIG URI..ED WINDOW
vB*LIINtinDt PA=
ill% VARIOUS:ai m / 7 1.45
%JP tzky i lletPar a, l .l swa
5655 , b s s►
lading •
, •
56onrogiti 6
anaoktot: D.r . l
iteetlee lo Invited to tOotr theta odocoltmittot YU**
lavas. !Mtn (Kato tor dnotot.
if. 111 .7 °l LOCI4IOUIr. 1101:p !tow torit—
PALIaII. hu hut , "*.1•4. 1
P mica." &man& K.. besatital
11...8 us! Bars' BraWl. atm', sal alba
floods for Warm Weather.
14;.1 1
I RFEIT & et BURCHFIELD, the North
•Zoot ft.. of Faith and Maoist olawto, an wall
to romlo odatit44 to tram wood., .sea..
r , <Olcil "'mach LAMM •
• rrotraden4 Priot , 4 Muslim , • •
"N. Ay V Tlettoto Mullaq. • •
• • N L
& T aro Da whlto lobola.. sad Moll 01.1.+C
4t Mr
moP.haaar.tir dC 0Ma0105u.0.4,1L./i143t.b? in. .... M .n da .
. h t o to Wool00lo o l ofttm
. o fL%
eMs b= W . 0 0 m r 0 • t e 1 l , z 1 .11,
LI.. .4 Slooda. Art* 'SOWN'
.410... FVPIAMS.
rh.•bol. •Ilf M.. WWI !041..41 {-.thin SWlM aWV woo.* oat sal oilkosztrimmlagoostom.
foro Genoa blur.. to; soska their pm.... •
airtiaL Warabnue,
' No. 105 I.lAocirr 871tOlif,
IL'PA.MER offers for 'sale, st Tory
1 • kTrVeeh• MII soostaiset of Straw .04 Mari
943 1 . 1 ,141-lassisa sat 4,iii,trieso.pls4 *Sid sae;
g lizaw, Braid, Ctils. WU", Lam uur.rrms.tesi
171;.itru... COlithr, sisd Bed/ bore, sid
e st . Wald. Mrs:. esi
nld.timisi 51 , 1:2 Palos
..01 12 . -
mt.: 4 =3.ns Lied, Lid ass lA..
ogy o. lamp Wad OLL.lria.
glliliciN.4—Kkh Mani .11,1.4 pi.1.8.01...ita:
6 titg?-1= 0 :1 - 1 r„;.=h11:4•="41 - .4
Comm Botta. •
rirRAW TRINJUNGS—Conb.TwI.. Braid , .
_. PLUNfJW—t'nptti szsl Muslims Sprip, Bushes alai
" B{.: r."' NrSILKS AUVl7X3—alme, gra,
ri di
uni. de rid.. siern.e...eos who Knee. roses
scen.o—= ;maul. sad mime. I
• Also-41th sal lo s . soled pralols sal o mbs=pll4
WHINING ALPACoAs—Light i n b o di
it , re. g&I I V I tor i atat. Alm.
rig, " 11771% .":1° P/rlnnr "" • .
• tru. DIOBTIttaI.3 6 Ilarr Sta
hlmn • ;
Is= • a l" MValLTroarte 13 ttlur: cam tal.ll6ltp
..mot - oas la AA:wind. b . nittb ,_ and romsa
toprrin a er bl.atid ansattlarat et lra , U asa C , "
at every Obi. aad coital ableb
=MU.= ca* of LboOtlal biat i t
frda k =t to irterttla vitae an aiLloo
who tasar Mat allb • ball that not only tiles/ail fa
Glatblog la obla g i rt balbllabount, bat goo at Sas LOY
* oda. la Ma • . • ' •
_,,, , a.. la tb. .11•14 lli: vionct , d..s.A La do
0... 'owlets =Mir. sad as lb..barb:at =W..
.01VCIAME3, fife.
•• . • • - w. icaustoix.... •
qiuTETT.irr. ".
• 02.0.1... ,Act. , • ,
• c.s.likgra.. • *- •
Taro Sopa Volnd Me Comex do. dix Totostof Um"
...14 dd. do. B
o remol.. on
• oLtor. 3 Ii 17: morass WI:
v.itt;a, 44. sat:lr=
fddie d0:44, onof God cotton do.
totti etwidrl.lf•lll. dal, do: oven tolUd do: duo •
4.; =wood d 0..• .=lll6 Door • Matz WWI 40. do:
sloop stto do. do. :
Adoiald ninon <to. do. .
VII t...Yosub Owls. fa ttlos 004 aft.floo 12.4,04. aod
Vote* ool.St
Rods. of dam INOTof ShAlpioo Ow.
fag d04 , 114.4.4..50d 54./dialimor %YOU Romeo
. Comm do. Sable do 4 Worotod OA. •
Liar do sod p01.4001d ad , ofootdifoof %do
mot Me 'mini of ito lawn sad pr
V.l =1".
w all 152 ea.Ll d coaufwn
Urth A au stock id
85 FOCTOIrt.
.:1215 9 - 109 7 USAXEIip • - ,
r • • ---
• . . .
RlAV: l 7 , l•l= b llt i otti r sitlVAUttg:
eh bat roilabon ea oneld. It In umunal
balsom.stracts od sow pinta. to Axed. Nara
Mag. in • lam, all Inez I,l4mobolngotoo .
dyne, moodn.oitn, aid Inez 01
e t t , ottezmlll=,...::
. b..d of WU pan sal Oma. , .
tinilinnotainathtibin mit
t, of
anemias ploor LL u. Vahan, Aratno Liediantlne-
A T.
bout othand Eldfllth, ain annahni lln 11.7
oatan ) acta vernally unrimulnd to elbg
L. antliltoes
cams am ,laron on o.od wAn find the coaleten
bear enn In moo. non It hit Wino tunr qua.
nal.. Loot tine am' bud Celniaaml tbn
ad apWol . shogl wit ab w AtrolWArr
etnt ia V . l P lrr orta r' sm er= skid .11 . 41tiet=f
lb. Oran.. and mos t oat to rm. punt by eratlentitt
oat. •Is LOU ul Malin, 1 ins permuted to
e n 11
Vorneen Arabian Ltedavent ormin It. and. anod on II
to. appear, 0p...* third aranadtan on began to In
pran, eanttanail irOffing Weer dall_ anUI
ideals atrall at rerr—atkrleut annikart. biabb. .
*. Enntertillata Pnalnohn , hlr.). 7
hoin. Ined your Lassa .ob
oral airman ,
:the hake*. Ito am of bic Mods In then Tiara Um tad.
bdopoy contamonta an that the tan one beam mon Ad*
atamiles. on -she ,ftillorer the lege hen.'
atm to
sot tem& tban lotto, boat Ma 8.7
ma of IL O. Jeareall'a anbion Lbolmani, abr./aim;
to walk , • Itb oar. and bas • straight t bon
*mud it • ar,,,,t wanted 080017 far Lyn 1101; Ida. Ma
'r;rn o g gfroTof . l o . rs " . =TM cc oa , /ankh
- • Jun •
from =needy anal t zmachat ourt . , tab cm moo al . nd i.
as ottt.
48 Opmra In ninth ram
mod ban 111 "IN r=lfto punne. oloosunta, e.,
..oven paad orb Oa panto both Ina my that,
rarrelro Anil= Llnunint a.m. .as that -I Lan
muds to of. r
Dr 111 on, I bannsoll3 worn yand B.parlo
land Mtn tbo Odd taro p r reamendbontratla mund /ban
.tit . man Mas gar nam mum hflb your
ant A M
al,* pp. tAltLtooy9rf 01, AM. sri
Um. 1 ha. nonened a/.1 tut .Inta in my rain
ir I. lawman:n:lM ano/d SaMt= *OO.O, a* ot
171. Lan wand Una on pt.)... j • spa I
8. Pain of bb mica mmo, Mlnnt b 7 W U. ov.L.•-."
• • - •
Mr •ITi G. P . an I Lt d Put •Elleta• wttl
lb. `Su PM: e iss the lost oars. sui ussid unsgst•
Mkt swami try lowdLem tby MU user M.O. lorrsall
Allsblon Us/ st. sPPBUSsou MU I MOM/ . 0 ...." ,.. at
Itur Um. • Ur. It wu MMUS zwasuct; tut
_ / bans Mit
=•dle simsw• .1 mut /.loth oisbli WM Idillt. 1*
to • hono's sora Mg. sad Wog trm Was Os Kam
usa out MI aqt ay Issr,
a twiny tbal .. es Crirls' • •Ss l itttl
ttwo sour*. • .n / M t-roar rutt RUPSUt.
L ie ws
acme, la •Inos WS c . •bo* . M Wm so .. Mow
Usslusl au_ltosso to • mama. r Pt •
/wt••bll all ut••• it MOS ry Am ..,,, I
If eOli !**l; haytkia. in, hb..."4-tila --, - ~..
. 00111 • -•
1) &mg y p at t lti g i . • •
Litre? I go An ,
'it's PoDllc V. errticolssir eitotrootit• ars ,
Ctoosurfal +Oleo bar losoty or& Ito aorronillelillit
add_ try dot lap:~ who maim tolr.i. Morn 66/0*
on Mb too
ng ataroxono [Food
to decry& tem trio bori • war lo rO4 noLL • item
Leo bp oortlmtor row soca fuf a sj, ortoritiznaro
ittr o. , lOtodirol dation rill noir.* the artx
firm roa Ss tps , Matas, bat stow ask
fir 'IL " and ta. no MA..
tlho maw, 4.4= I=tr. belbro to
ront=ls also or Ur Milrlio 'otroopoc. , and thew
lo the "hotpot:Ur-wit. 111Yrtg's .4,llSuis
A•••••• remold fv of TM% clnase wai Swain to
the I) oltad if.tat••, jowkieb ow. Is not artablistod. *Pal
by Wow to - U.ti. Wartelh„Plods. ILI., with goal ram",
414 on )2.• spot • 17 , 17M1 forobb Iwo of aims*, It
boob WC41,04p.r..0...4.11 1 nab1• Intawatloo Ice 4uryda4l
bite•-91 , wots. CO eau, awl boy boat.'
mattrantiot benU.Ootarwl Wt. be; iiMrdLollt
Ismotor sod_ wroortstor, sad w • ottai.
bl•La enwl. 111.; boa ibt ale oinol•mod nt•UU
reeeteteee are/. .
.. • R. IL g111.1.1/bW.• • .
ClnutT, Allmttatr — tIV T W".l
'' • • • 41. • :
tkie_PlMP My Meat
akys wawa:F. hare .• lieshby op-
P 4 3 .4. 4. Wed patag
I.ll o z .„ cro, one
Poo ammo* twe i ceVon. }bra'
Vp• =Mngo 2;4 ;pram... 11, Olio* It tbb t•b
..... sti rst..ll &ow. ,
111: 11
r i t: It niV.S4V , r4
• eastnank ea
6. tale '4l WZ! , / C'T
r=t—at..l " tta, nod. ugh" sasiTalT•iaa! baton.
•11 . 1, t = taw** sh•t. atel••• , 1 tarn 1611 I stata !
Win li•ol atria. ma alla y
• .11.1,but pler.l.l= I •
ryr i 1. 04 tbat ix. :4 74,L ear t a t I
:= th . excy: 7 6b;
bind of
e .. Pearl " White Teeth, matt Pi= Breath, fp
s hie lbeZ crotn—Pwwww wist, b•v• echo, In boson,
Ur &Wad tbat if tbdr broth la ..R NI at or thee'
with tart, du* or , •of sorrtotrl wttb
Utat • est box of Joan' Aztn`foolb Plat, will•
y e tatb a wbit• t 0... and tb• blotto lob:sib/may
•W/K 8 " , 116 iTh"tri" .b"6
•'•• • ' •
A Scientific Hair 'fFenc, itetintnr 4.14 Sell?'
tsee—Trni mom Ex, net. nee* wbo t•••
'la o f liotent ILO lbstmet. hoe •
Oro* ono twr• oat, w• birw• uto taro Ins 'Wowing
qvalltler—ls. rin Ibroe tin, OW So paw on as WI. hmt
asrai• loWnible bair C. imrr..%46111 , 4 MTN=
a.oa+aG ova m.b.. roe.. mr cam that
tb• balf soft sag matzo 4.swed
MOWS Vial /24.1.14141. lumpd la. II
41-Iyrt i es, to.
orb beltr.9ll.nt Ow Rh.
. • •
.60 objli Ka t tel4ra tansy stula•
bond of w
reeie-zi ewe illirmite 14.•
JONES' Solution 44. Jet, Liteld Haman
fr a tr •Inomplas sr nth*,••kw! ILMAllryitte
at Wraps alLat.lo son, tatiobbl.
Prter•—bi St. • • n.
Ito;Zt,••• WM.) ACILEON. MAIM itrookliNalaMMlD
si.a. •
'JONES ' LILLY l eiliFTEMies ere air,
41.4 ivies 6/dag tb• mason
ors oat swan bow trlghttolly. • - A.l - •••.i r : - . — .1t - lttiS4
tr..• eras, bow man. bow neoe,
the Utz wows. afar going lOolo.d Man , 04.141.11
coaisLcrag • Warr!Lplaa4(l7tialcr • •
esl i wq
saittl44 41:10 7Patr.r.
[ow. 0. "
w rt i
4 bi r the pc b t=,
.. , ==ieetr wen,
:•willdwarb • •
—-•— • ' lOBSES "• :. • . •
i.—somiioth Syrup at YeUow Dock .Root,
OCCDPIE6 the front =kerning the gyr o-
eMs - s Pl ''' X.rld i ktung.WriX•4 " aarstrocber 4/••
...... listalt:a as twang ff. Ala%
wogs Oar 1.A . 1d.1t= . p...1 . Ma.
'4 w hotabrams. d
tgoot Ur thbatt; &no i: "."4 .smatAr ' Idd =no ,
Feuds Wattatta L and &emi r Dtbitity:
pigth.: Ow Anakaboll body, er tag tom 33
Y ma:mud I.:rico:Ming 0* ..), Al. -
gt• te.stmday of thaaausto at Ilvtag Itassid. bus
ram at tametry. 5 to bond avow It it almku..
i t:d dad bratatt dors 'lt
' .
It el n = l ,l*,«:
U. 113 Ica lotapahtlatt. hdy exanblattl fa Ita
=rti=5a ... th2 . .. ,.... , at rz .....maa p.o.
1 ."
;....." the - Blood.
it . Lrasairat.eseyetuceardisolurivlskti 014. Wart
IL. , ua % it=011.34 baejt v .resa t.p. OM
Wire...=a g , MAIO lb. izar= il v :
t121"V: Cita. boss etmod by
eiuVell — )nitedi i " . a
. FAT 4
tby. It remorat=rdhalFq , . " lienird
01 butoof •Aithapa. - aad NW
is dad
at Whammo at ta• par. -. • •
lido II TM It prnakai daly 040. Ml= di W. .a ill
Vdastala lama, mamma. it- 1 7 a/MOLVILL CM
IL h. WI 0.
I tayl7 W C' soadstea gB =lFac= egtrargd
- - • ___ :
T.-Babbitt, CeleloPed Soap P. .
WASHING Without hurt' W
tau ca. sides oaf' ot tail. MX; VS
tltpapoahlaa U Pht.7aar d 012.1 bl etheledase
Ilthethr of tete Inter Weever them. Mao add two table.
11000.010 of this both Ptnrthr. to eeeb sts wets of Or
teat eltb the e{otber,ll the tester le bud. 044 am. of
the Feeder. thd Witham WI esthete; la the oath Wee
ens them dose ertUf •fear pat thee In sod
wed rotheleat cold beim .
s iZ 4 elll sot be toe btlt
'1,11. 0 1[12 it= " 3 ttoebth. sod tat =Net elf
li th .-o.dth ea teds Maw $ in"
the eletheereeT vbits. en tee. on,
_mg. *INN
ewe do. The feel. oafs of the weaned used foon
ther" the thew, to omelet* • .eat= 0.11.1•11111
not UP tet yr 1.4 1.“11.• •
le Yeetfor that eel MM. blllthaiellelltheelelle
thee.—Tithe. eief ethated weft" emit
vitf . h . r . oltbea it WO. wt.
Vt.,. :az! lailvAin, ft eV nth thee' - eir.ind
er mill Is erlil erry tblek the thd
will meth eth not eta the eite *test len
&op worths the thltbeft Coe be mod yea WI,
voter re. beThe who* lbe w 4 beet ow/4y
an Lb. dr curio ef
ma bon thee "Whet fee
' wietheeSe -11111.51 a
63.PARTAIEBBILIP beretorom el .
x ...
tie Ilra 04
iiiald , roming tnr 0
...fl ed k =
coasts at tbo old dass. , '., WIL
_ _ _ - JD. %Vs
Slatloltarlaidalf 11.-1111 - 1-olassoa THOS. 'WIG LP.
-CIRTNERSHIP-The =Weber, have
• sedeid Into CO,Partaaalc t et? O !oak
.1 a. borr al
lat i MErt ow ir a Roy k ? . .. I . ) . reino . m a d
ars' etre.. - _ %Simi
. . . .......
ACHOICE collection of Sitrobboii,l744lsl
Bora A rta47 : oasabarr. atriM
ONIMIT ID araronat aad am
OnnaotalllisAaat rip, Oaanibas /ear. tee
Maalcaa aad Klatt oatrarra
...!,,awg= boar-
w ar
lb. =Ol4l, Ober i,
"Orlon eatofOr4 1. lb. = 4 .r. W"1"1" " r
atrropy, mast,. Pa.:apt
.. Tamable aal•slaga, ,
USINTI . • " 1 1, * r -RALpsas—
1 4. ,
oii,cep# ten
r. ma. si
--1 "=" L - •
• ;as • .
• 10 •Drageits and Pxiaftri..
rARM OREM •"S" - 1111.ANDf Tritne;mi ,
Ilorweat ou lMsr. mrarbsil by the Oeis nag
=l= sad rata. qh•74.
Peeleeed the &ewe
Mol y Yrd fertsthers, the Ur
whippet dm:llmm% to
*ll ed eaWttl h ti
M . larlise vm .
pled at Mood , 1. • N. .'4
-jyri LI••••% , ' •
• -- 0 - 16 1- o . illigietaft - 8 . ... —.! l / 4
- is irsouvecharoseptims. _
= 4 "rahrigt
- -- • •arraCialt ;
- •
=- ^~''>.
•••••-• •
:: . •
. .. .
oboono;no:...—isto.Atr. -......: 1......, , ,,---.-.
.. , .
. •
I • -
.. • •
LZEI MinEir OS UNA= swat.
N &maid) a Liir, t: iiiii.i . .u . ii ruiworz,
Predisal et Use Unrest Moos et Amen> do terrelty
sod min Imo.; MA
min otlf be toed
unbnorabenot Wet Moot bathe Bohm • •••
AS the l a b. brsetsaftee, bd: -'• • • . ‘'
lk the 0111•• at fIATICOVULto oustonselog •
Nooday. tbe Ant asy 4 =taber sett sz t jp:=
Innb.l a = fraellosot I towasV aa nk.W • •
1 ..lbrd of nohow ha •••1 WI of thit.fnseibinenista.:
rfonostOrs toga nag. those.
fruflotal townshipbebs:abaC WI Mlles that Ai
I ii,,,olieflastotabanntenistratAnh'inblititolonitsh,
ItAroshlp Memo of m. 0., toe. • ~• . - • •
I . 1 Mho ' a l
A r nai l or= Irl; 1 1 l / a. t C i s lUA I =4 n of
b. Our . t i r rod. br lbe t... An.
sots riffle bale fnesot oftfetfl•Aftlnoblefinfoundlk
, iNyo guano Anon And barbs.. of • minateest. 4 . ,
At tb• Lod Adios •oh A. poisamalbt c• Mos
thy, tb• der of Anhui nod s ft ths.Us-onr
nt pot.lle bun olthlo lb• folloolor Iwo • .he owl
. OUr egs. ..! ant of Ii boboatberitioit
.6n-then thlnanz.t.roty-lbeeso sr Ireton end mob.
Ore. east of Ids It frauds dyer. to toontbAl tines of
since bur.
•Totoehlp ob., etnag• 'Went
Swag .eu,./...{..t and waif t 1 ..u.upi•heridissi
,TotoshlS i kr =EI pue.4 age /slant le sedion flirty.
A sod th IA is
thirnso. of
, At the Obey , of LITTLE hOCK. somag re
klonleft. the Ant stay al m honnbr ir out. hat tbutlspr 4. l
tor a tlA ZIA . 4II'
/Fara tant awl onistas . ,ifftysearifsitt.
Th. ono* half of tedium eight lb. mob Idlf of t‘m
bectionsl anticso Outruns .ad I Ram the forth halt Of
•entOno: tbr net ball of t•satyoost 1•111174119. lbs
scrtb hair Ind soothmed quarter of tventr•thoust th•
• 0ir9.1114"115.5,617 al MN trett. WI U. .at gel•
spetbesel 0411 n. a tlrcatpl,T.l4 lu lotahlP 0
atnrontand by Is. Ihr the On Of nobble; tab
ivy assi otb. ponces*. toolbar • with °tbs. swamp Sal
• rdbmel nods nate soh{ Oniony Iln.tultlntloo." If
iny.' trbkb shall el nlissied by the Stott aotborillor bp
tote* Oft ManYbeled for the soinwasoseet al Ab• pub
lie tan osshectlnly. 0.1.11 ass art entlUssl "lb An le
• suable dos WAN sef Adomne sod Won. Bless lo nobia
the oornot bate within then Ilogn..
lcd deptnor
tar '3lb, 100. otl lut adobe' ins the . W
Wind kr hod Wattles hostobre gruned say Isr of
Owns. - be allttorbrolose..ll4loo4 - 0. Ufa 1:1111.1
~......434.3....tut may. et,...a.......0.n.d.,,
. =pros Wed ror the arfanetba ••11.• Ad totti r = a nt
ettnebr tbs dell sod dtpboutle•rtssonscf
he, bonoved.l4 Aland Ital. - •
1 The *SWUM of Ws etas ofintiMndi...u..ui e. dew
Moon' th inf. srlobstol. and stll l tronstLa . tba l :
' :. It.l4l=ir t egi"OfJergiad fades
os • tio oat eftlthos L int 090. 100. P. MEC
two ...ts. Awl fur hfirer . a . V .. oaoy.of On WOW leo.
Il• olioltted coat Vier of du ten tOO %
Gino outer .oty toad./ M'adef If .
t i lta s kil LT.. Ago. Dootl4m ii o , r.cyMr ,
. X I
• ox.soeion. d teuto=Mate: .
fiIIITMAILI t• tbstith=possiost beer
inns bottmodeol. le in=abrestalitne na il
oiebetlm of the beilster Ant Iteenos• of • th• grow
Lod Ofielboof obit* pOrsest tbeninin nos sre ,: metc
en Afbr weep this Anor,••o bed. ap th• day At
the annosoossind fif lb bablle:ale of the note ea,
lan tbetsoctielbel. ,... .
L os s g r alvallttbi •
Curoliquimr of ftioOltionzollsboi 004.
... tf
._.. •
BY 1411. MUD= OTT= DMI:nI Mr*
Lpursme .
. a u f w lv i r, L kli f ii. no r FlE.NOitir
and mono kn._ ..0 . that polnO , ..100 • 14_ le! WA
th. or lei tt n r l Loon Cffiloso In U. Stole of linalnln r
!I :At tam! direrS1=1=; 11 0 1 1O.
non um am no, Of nononntor gnat-Oa Ur dl. 'IOW
Wino Weis Itsatat within the Montag ifffply
l jt=f%totorliatoadf . .lo , 4A____
~....... ~.............., ...... . •
Inf and war Canna ohm of run roe, .4. a__ _
_.__..... ... ,
• Townstape toreatywnina latintowSeglato
na cod war than's& Om. at tugs , ;..7•........ ~
Towigel tillighTwight.ea a hnighlt Altefilotriewha
Townotenc toes ty.llierea unelrieli s tmlolgvittht alai
... Togas/sin meaty-thaw, tirgetipteer, itiiet»Vht slid
Fractional tonnn p Mostrano. inn tire - nail's Moen"
I. twown.thyow.nrittylboo, tweittylon .At tirentren.
• At tp. Wig YU= taanoenting salhoteloy. the Of
within tho hallowlag aw of govtaintler ant. kw tho &mpg air Illegal.
tic lento are Arrosthwo onti. gong
pf tame u: . .. ~.,
NONA ef the - how awnoat neeiteAffhfAialholawnihth.
Twine** twontywana of nage tant . .• . .1,
tosethesal Ittonshipt Matron , ant Yantrans had
township twean.frya•Of nags Jana', , .. . ~•_,
.limeistit %venn, of roan lbw, . , - , : ..,•- .
, Rath..27=l; . o . aati nr ul t= of nage Am
Arntyllota ,
=A& :47: 0,4 a n r,..,„0,,, rots mg
V 'A r a* ern Vet tenwatonagad high,
Ohlp twooty4wo, a nage no.
• k magma tofrookapo onto., =natant. etablenh lig
twenty... townhfce tanotrtwo 0001 b
soctlcsullgr4oll o o. oForntren• to nern
one, ant la titritoTwo map.. MU... 1 4
mooned. noes e
Township alfortare(unite hortionar tiettoti
to leartgen innoonat frattlocal iawattifo tw
hoe nasal lawashlo twealywnensoolit notkaihaos. • 1
thston, OrayOkno`'. noonOloon'.noontrOok 0.11044
. Tin northrest trte4oP al yalloa fia. to itaDditg Weir
nine. ant teinwsla ibrouroD buoy; 0 iaSigLhoo.,... .... 1
• halloos zoo to hogs Ifoquiro. noo sollb you 91
Ojherteee to nownewetw toeing.. end noragreeeht ttiaOW- I
Lulea., 111 township eigh tocuome tang to
inelnette, to lowinalp anemia; ..low citin '
000, the 000th boll of tendy...., to hoolitnoo.
woo„ en..l anyrfooy, to au r f pall Inchodvit; In ',ma nn,
toooly. of moo. twoho.
Wol of "Lath. Infvf . 04irdev." of ionfnn . ini
't h of estop thlnoes. , ‘ ,• , • ,
) 0 It=tt..l.oll=llft gilirtletr e =
sae, ,t 4:2 4,
luny tivaritow.' la tast=?Of f!?4 , . Wor
. At "the land Mai at ISPIIII(011=1; tolionertig ea
=4.4 1 a v t,r , ==== . lo4, 4 ll ) . du e the d . :
2 .ltotjir itt toonoltips, la wit: •
_,,,V .r .
*atlas admit of e r eMitjdogo,
Tiot= tonntrtinl f f MO 1.atr4.... ~, ~ ~..
o,ll :thgli a* MVP lloll.
d tranthani . tonaiW ighttigtiO. progl 4l4l .. Tho u, *
Lim %tune tatity=oaw=ll Oh
‘ . l ttt th ls_ aFiptiatallry low ity lb. liso of . hrhad. eafil
.l 10gr.441=9.= On .entUnUna*
oay. which Ibe by the Etats Whorl.," Wive
Iho dap sorted Is the naltioe
5104nntaiT.1 of
igrcr4 4 .6="7. .go• & a tot $1 ; rye) stra
0 3 60 V11,,,A1it0a5....,... aspu t i . bin
Ix Lad bmatlabni osatf . E . ,:7a,7
Wow , . Mr taltitargewagSs4 to Un . •
ma to pnwittel so the
ykted by thAr an entl `La Mating
foe the 00.00 ..I aw.....u., *rpm.. of ,Ogrrr... o . - 6 . ,
won-4M at... 10.1614.
n. Odor of tho ahoy. mentioned Issas •111 he entY
ZIATt tbyl=virek a ggitaata:
pima. WA A* 'nolo 0 .,. 1tt10 Non entibOooini
Um. • est iro wao
inns, and =print* orit — rialiVrteStent "Vr otil ' Vkl"
hatted anal lb. erptentWoro ID* aeon.
Ulna ... vatothaiy bud al the CUT. of Ambler Me
t d =or=y! Mi. DosoV j ej o rnt s rabeir
- • ;romp TO Ns.p-Eti.ncur cupwcri..,_
1 1/.mgal tg a r o o .. !:7l
edert to oeteDlWto sesto r
ouldeetioa of the rtfao One reeeleer a =ettolere
ochre, sod male My moat Mender woes at
or wiser tets lobo, and Woe the dee ted be
memot ef the EMMA* ettba hoete embreetelt
the trect dameo; °thereto eletetyl . Übe Ihreettet.
•. Ozethedelbee Ai the Geseral Lee lane'
.. eneenior.
. . . . .
Etna nuinuarT or lilt III2P ram
tEraruifice . of I . MIR-L/1D Fru . iau
eddent et
i. tla e • d u i rag . A :Led te . Mbj
.., 00e.1etbAteatat 41ay. ell
eVat CI '
it Ibe boo b4and oetetof MIND YedonDed Mari
...wean,. a 1.32 tVillity.olo.ll. •
Seanata onnotraine .4 ens DO( odes 0113.
te=eetoayneLeo etal • le,of Irse49 1.41.1”.0.14
e.o.ty - .0 .0U and Olabt.Toes., ail nairl
toßribeetp alitrtrme, ot reap tbeetred.
t teasledet ode at YA11.11.14.4 enotardni
.111 •
3 . lar
. Iv=
deern et tin tow Dm ant orst .101 jiratflpti .1111 r;
• Tanabe. nenner• 4 ttay. W 4"'
I TORMIRaII, errow, 0.4. unarm/ -
ar" i 'l,l=llZErSr b". .oila , .4ser
toneb day at A We. eade. toe the " anieLe l e! ot t Urfeln. sus
A ZIA , . maims sad eleafeen.btter.-
dder wet. .1 Note alte *Od
. Radb• holl•Ip•PROI. IR t=2 ,1=
oettb. or Yaw Or watt et lb. Mb
appeentaNd try km Ow the do
bale wiLO
OAT and too.. wile =ft
enorlovent bade ends sails tbento
ifx s t.tb=•A=ll , 4lb==l .
mooolvely, etabry tba dee odltbal Aall
ea.,. ;be Mo
I.4ts at Astueos and alba Wow se mat.
Um we.. hod/ witnito 1011.. *wood nee..
bor anil onendet Poo Lee oe. en en.
=loans. loredim, maw by
teal -ee ony low of
ter Lltow moo. ..•d/.d to 1/nO4
Oita. tam7. ,, aartm V A L: a.....m.teeedet .s = •
ea pontded by
Doan for 0.1111.4 apes. at 40.enalmal . '
4,morarld if Nerd,. MI. • • ' • •
albrine of tbo Dads .111bereo=e the teg i !
rortrelltib .'4 .ll=nrer4l=l. astuu.aaretua
lb. d .llBlOlB bed. ob.
desl.l to leeed RP. kora Um* prik end leo peers*
mar, at ut at am Iffinde MU Mattud asitt offleat
itos las •
nets. • • •
9Wander of
esy be. et lbte City or VW tbis
11 " 14a /V
1 4 .11 1 /T 11 9)
.Dossodlida44oll.o.l7 , llll
°rig P Pag
ibe Inoene
174 r t nt
estl•llo2a at tlas near sal en:4l7,ra tia, Immo
Mak sad ostc .t. thenbr Am aoseateido6ll4 ,
is **Op Yd triboolhaga Ow the
eamsommemamt 91. spallegYis at tha WOO ea
Ito tnet Wolano.; goelicto(ak
• • J. 111:11rIMIELD,
: s Prilies4 e. itsd with am;
Wm sad odiLltion
tho • .
o. from litolrodoo
- b llokt • tel. of br Um amber al
"I .adom . In lbo Lao et Km Ilatlaat,•“lort•
Itiolon .Of Cionosii.QOW. of KUM 4 , l4bi.bAtiet:
Ma 14 ot=sl Fiala sof thelt. , astioo. ':.
11.3 . 1,e_.....kologroad___Ituo 1 . 14r.L.-, , •
aabl'llookif " . • •-,
' ct ciatiTZ's itisToiy Warakce - r -A Mato.
bkr 0.....• tr. ibo forll.l Ala. ADom
t.f,L.iw.a.,vv,..b.tor ~.
Vb. Haxam7 a Provbeiy. at ealvtanillllmtnslica , o/
61= ar the d Mammies lidl:ll, 4 L c H , D.
Ito Thaw Owal llaesma, Thanosarl
U F= i gt=tg, :=P=IL f
Wilirwr Ml
ll OA.. .4 11 0 A 4 4 4111;116 111. = i r. ' B4: k v
E... =
..k ., satl . ll=lt t f SI:
wAr. bap:ruins War=rs ....
1 zat=s=relat; 'ad z
tre& mactqwe tar sa. ,
, ..: a. r..bor . ...= iii=4 r. 1...
13 0 4***2 1 4 "" a z ".'= . cM d il b icatAXl l
WG'fi 81JELUi.--20
fs~ ~ i ti• ITY~ F 4 ~ }~
- lIKEETAND-ItraltUairpril t.
=Alum o.trAvwcolsiookiwsio...
BE-PROPRIETORS of this old sad welt
Yam 1.12 y tedbra "AO, th4IIII7WW.
WIRS la oEla s pandlwa tavent lowan, I=o bow memo.
WEW • hick -OTT fig
=IV= Ifie ted.
1.1. on , wastaWl bridaw,the aFra
"ht.." t?"
VC '
Witeralli ws.•••••••••,....
=4=j5V,V0 4 4 4 1:i.1
'I W. 4 Aria; ehan=
Line. 2-1853:.!;"
Iltnott, basi onto, otors
re vad onotlart o tri m
m Mow an m dasoloi a j
r. rat roltli,V=lrt M t =
h a. s torrj . %t u t tritit. dlllwm J Wv:2
l looosior.oot the ot'llostassoo , au=
Omani sod the o th oroot
Vlrodaad. ADM 21,1131.41 , !.... _ . t
QuippEtis:All44,ll3MY INFORMED
Ott. LUZ - itaaptantl . )tatttily ISsekea boats.
In pew I. foil • with Cfficilltlnslll' UM+
=, any va.:l saW-iii•ZIM
1 . 4f1r-anitgiLebWiiei rimy
11.1 k7 '2t4l itu l trlo.r a"L ' 476
=;..a "b =6olcuab , s. mit=
trmod.t•ll.Totata umlaut Surliiouullykl P
tb• 41.0.14 WO antn~Se a .
"."' . 1 etn;.4
' &mad awe "tit at IDA
r.,Yr BMW/Ara . .r. bmy blather.
DI/MILO& tb• bedew at Uataugh Flu ham
OUT be tnametact androha rtyla a • LFes. 11gLasm
; m 6
swiem b4o=W;
. ..
HE CANAL-being now open, are rea
-1 O, to MN. WI *mud raptly . Pmpsor WI
ettbanAlso,oulico4 oar
firetrap et.. et loiroot Woo asts+4 by royo,siiits
. rietratustuk6l t0 ...,•-spr ad-
ItorMit WI/M=llm - or•roi•4•.' •
• Bills of r. 4 ? ng krffuttltt4 &nal= o.lthrolly
•Illoolad Oro . A.nol or • r
- - inAti n •
. " rinN i trar i nere.iga L sert.7
bsl,•••, Fourth toll lab era, Ptelltialibla.
• • .1•1151% WILSON. A teat.
No ,11:1 ?forth Harald &Maar*
'Ir•'JAN ES 8U19114b1, 1.
1.85 - 1 .111Seffif
if:l rtirsslLTANWealutS iNbIUILM
H. poas
..fFyilualutue.ii ti Vt
-t . _
kuirig i. q t TFT 4 c l• ° , .' 'll ! ";•" !r i A ll O*,K.
riSr.,.. l P i TT • ! o il! ll , ! . .: 114° 1 ,
" :04,., witecAliYow, 412.k..4.14.
, ..".P 24"" iii r """ Tve=l , fiticii ttenlikii . •
lil4o-I. l :l b. .oi l laboloairs IWarrtytnig-b. k...... l
7 of doou
phi* italbledurtli wrecterV v.._
t a .. ,
MIA': f l'( • P' ...,. :', ..... .c.l=l
“susniced . icnists.).
I • - TATION •'.
..ITllC. , lr34l .r. Xt.:4o 4 tieste,Nex
pitacim e diria t irgr:c.mi lWqsw .e.6.rfig7ll, •
I S Ni P d.t "th4' r. It at ng°
. -
1851 77 1Mga .
turgti tnuurpottatian-line: •
1 :mos rou T a too...cipa uftezti •
said ViR;
Cri=tel .
pAnNo completed our enoligo-,
mom triwill be . zalopand 4ipeoi ttot: L zalus of 11.
Ogsal.,to oeu•r.l!paht Our .
eara 1W 4u ftUabal p.b la, wev To:141100m. ask
14•74•Ltl i lat Loot sad all Lb* Kan awl West. a
laaK """ .A.ll 1= p r.rtr: rVr=
•t. Tl := Neey emomte estop, • saptootha
!••• • 407 other Um.
7..A...lwharaMer " o adTilbs akt=
I:4(lt U rt==xerrenban= 61 - ibe
4.44l l Mir.rth :4•••••••••••s, Lbw of Atl
. • ••
• tag, , . •
• , - *'-'.";',:titixwerr vir 00 47 64... • •
• Pen= IliailltiiancL4-Cestral Rail Road'
.FPLIE enbectibeis having I benkt appointid
a t. ld=i t ellbe Ito fiellortfailsbr Rm 0. 1 .1101
0 4.74 . 4=0....z;
- 411110 *wird asresell 1 ,11 .=
alui aza/rOlll ont larnr4ol try, of
asm Ur= Worm 011 INITIPAOII.
1111 .., 001.14 a5 1. =l= 14 . 1=3.11;e 1 . 1 e2,..
Ranirsni,tree Cirreenlinh Petals. 4. 1
r, flauTteltaby sad - other(lloTha,
Wrol, &a. • •
. 11,
o r,
011 11 416: 1 :F.7 11 . 2 4.E1 ,111 . 01erann; ottr
nntialEShailFbli• — .M; ; gri • - • •
Freight received fr. an .thaAVO addlli
en thip**lninia' Central Itailroad;;;;
Cl= •
. •
: :
ILrrbbaß. r_
.3',...4•16,1=4•• Co.
14 =. . 11Vop.o.
pr=c. ,
• " 4 • 1 4. -- • " •••louvTol'a oti.
come' of Pam sad Warm titmeta,
744 11061101. ' •
laity 1V=1.174.12p="4
41 onOu. lisAug rhino 111 4 a b yrworat there Or
worst. • PI 4.11 , Irt,llllL
PA Wr EBr B}l /P.
you I. m•
coral - Arica
. - Ifarttes•Clemeel
The hitir 61 fluistgenay of tho Nou
n-on:doom zghrodoomooor . 111 ••••rt.
Owed amier Ease •111.114 •
le olf
• • . 00t0Di • COLL
• -fiemwJ0••••••••4•Wer•• seems •
ce. • WlO-4 •
:.. HAVE Ea t
A -...
1.0 .
ltb. Mug wall I roar=
dcwno to will . grzrior ay .....
.. y.i.... k .
.!-.e Lzebet:.• l
eit?.?..,..0. 71%
". rt. toi tbratart=l: : ..
I&fti&trWals . Ilt2t.iw .: :.
OrAwat =gl
mats sad 0 not IS N.., walk.. - .: st,
zr ..., two. th i raw Ilwi-6- ",
... j ' 1 ",
pry =r4 414 "1.x lICILIERSITAIf. ..
Ewa,!. -,,:;,?;`- Oilitibia. of Wtbcct sad 61118 Oribta -
7-lesuinuors,Poairitareirmik:: -- ,
vaTlKNTEDatabili 1850.--For
b Arin
- •obsaatusa Olos tzor..)toallos, Coak
.".. ttjtr i tg M :it vt d nm I=tr a:k stWat
strtZ 1 is of • Mt.•<1.... 4
olaalk when Wi l liam .• , • •
1ra•Pk_ ..1 ” ? ".1.2.V . " * & " 9 "6"1.
IN aedit.4
014 lof
twO7•= l, lmatriglilli ISB Mot
W/10121411110 direct.
car- •
=es . l . A;adve...
tally solicltsa MOO
- ';iICOFRO*-1 , ;;•"?,
ri a raMpowaquacra
-777 , 77' 4 ironic
_••••• - loco
16.7 deekuroll4olll4iriaillaißpsthiem Meted
ssatltyMft.meed • St to
=I " V ima
RAM= AND HAT 100=8:...A good
sigret W.Lty: eiliirliod o Vead
N ijustreedr ` •
anur ratrr shwtrrt. C &Vt- 4t ! e " h ,
a.usunges !
" Mom Stocks:- ;
11 -HAVE , olden fin
ens latabs Ctesandui kw Itscprior. Tim
( Waft
. .
- ) •Lf ggxe:baW• fa . lko. ‘
PEMI iti /11Divrab • ,iipeed Midi
I ibirdr. tbaun =Pr a t rilr i was"
7 ! ga4 .‘. 17 aim* If • ' 1 -
L i ulg ia ge , OAXIT-4001bs. for rale by
0 .- - 4 1 'Of :e...,....±.{4:41 4 7•411•4, ,
.1 •
••• • • •
- • :
3'..7.. - 777.!...7,.'T
,Aususcrrals Aural. '4,1851.
.§EPAILIAW - PROPOaIL9 ,rill be rec.:dr
/U.7,104s aims. wan the LO Wir of Coed. sear t. Its
Um. cdt Pier Astoria Er b aai ar t ai
too& af Lais Volted we! lospswicia. gaisva
•l • %tit sWir Orirdos Ponticks, Litortradag.
L fit7 =alitasomrtalooe • '
Lg booboo of so • laws
gig minds of good bud sad
. ! sApl.llll.ll. K sood load
lN)e kist“).l
of go,th
tallow anal elk
Al auts Saw Porrscia,
Z bunts ot
ildlonevis of taro onto WWI blew
ttt MM.& ra•
• SSD wow. of a room =idle
H- KO' West. ikanda. '
i g bdrrd• dr ,dni • •
4 =14:7
• ;&• wools of led IMP
f a
• I = = Mite
At tL : litßgallosts vf good OS. nava . .
POkket LitleanY. tit Inektring4 Fors Ilmrsen,
•ssosisl 4,1 tit Ciiirsithi.
rt i A bs =iii= sou • •56 toshele of onr Odd blow
cf=cfeTat....4"ray. R.% Geisex
mt levy tialealtrgron iDtb of Mown
'As ibri Smith, Ark: • ;
tr et new v Vs p.m
WO pa s& of atOil
Vi =WWI= Wan= Pl a tt .
=I :allo.• of owl odse sloop, '• '
Ita Wats to ne dollesnidia sal Kay, 1152,--
Afti&l Gator, Artstssee.' . •
766 bonl, of pork
karst& of tow
163 borkOr ems •
&Ovation ofaccd c s b
of Good
rho atm& t s o
kir &Owned 172 " 147,
At Art &Am, Lk Mee's , . •
'at, pints
-Ott bingols Of offs' le/ "
As Fart isoki, mid y (fieworisw nos, 180
vile/ awes Ara &Wilk
candles= of good WS tr
f ov •
IA Wends
catkins of rod of grad Ono drs di. wig
The sib* to be dalletiro Ist ags, tho
iii...1:1 (..f
- AIL All :Lescanrorth,' Ilisrouri Riser.
• .240 harreli of east . . , . • .
terra, of bath
=Mellen sd ber beat bum: , • . . ,
. 1 1 4 0poe
_ PCIU ggpV r2ennadhe r q.- ' • .
4: = i V .,... 11 . te
The aboh to te 6811 ijWid „fee. mu,
At Fort Scott, on the Mammon nen, gissouri, n
mac, laid Hlrvortitioni find rakteuintor, on
thijfizeorri met. r•-•
t= name. of ' •.' '
• . Id Matins of inn :=1 beau . ! • ' •'
a 7 11 pseuds of scud Null eon, • .-
r.X. ;mai* or cood heal mean csalles • .
14 hostels of gad dean me It. eels
. 23: 1 'slam eg a .,..i, ect
the whole total IMVt , :i ILI3.
oilt=g 4 4 4 .4 ', ..t=itroltrpo Au " =
reschldtr. sad SO MI el.ll be artalan sumo tralshrsan
all ank* molted at a pod. ,
The palcds sod dasatitlde off each' &neap id aside
rods ahem they ere me menial. rrli 1 be. ocalleserth let
Jam, la andasher' ytpanther. bleb, sad In 111sech.
. . ~,
Tbs Moot which Want Is peclud to be Odtesed ow
coos, ea( each hog to eletsb i zeLm ... l . ters tundred
melds, teZthellaa Um SM. . MON ewer- akek ,
Ert . Z.s triar=.ll, 'bra w l=
rafted with the loss Made te ham salui:rretst4
. Ware the prides bees darchand, be seadricier
nal ME* la ellen' • caruantr haerchreertsr
Palau mai has ea wand wad panzet.„ 710
to be amteloBd Is neemed Mart oF .., dna oat =lt
'flaZhcconer. Me' beam ma melts Maas seed as ism, •
.esd mall , la anal hozn of. cannattai anent neap:
n• hue pal *alp tes
h. remand brmalnniessel at thlatskser
n. Vae b r " 'Pe4rigo l. PAVlZeler4Ppate
111."Int08 Inflate antantis dienneences ladle inineset el
w i ti,ns Am i te- ix h. , .. 2,40 x mut p.... 4...
hildhuala it*.
.. ,, zlll be meshbend eln&
a aamtrect, spa t . • 111! , . •f:a 1,, , ,, x ,
u s
to maw them pats. - r ,
• Tbapertsions will be Iratectal eltttleenid anneal
delintYB e 2 4 .41 Unman. to he Flid conerertore mill
thecen drecated az moll inimmin IMP In dienren'
The Cotententy mm. the prf= ww. Ath
creeds* or .11minehtsa tan ocier-litlaa ar of
wlth sap °ran undo neptent m mackw=ttese
==ifaXB4=lB l /1 4 M emelt/al este:
Ms ri t ionsteiVA Iftis. ...n. noW l o ' fi=
map tads . propahas al Win 'toroth:
eni-0 tbe same eiFse estiUm4 atemirearrf
crass be certified bp Wain Attorsey. or sone par.
sas pal Comm to sae Omenatend , olkorra Roe.
. Adman. open he rah de dzartaasce
l Si
th Prashado
which all Ibe Ina. d I.?" a l pg as easy be
esmndeat ur On mats of , the plans sr 1748
chres. m Pa readmas of the nenneeens, ea Faa.
th icreWoNOVi vac lie sniped at isitiiiiii
` 7lsee th's"'"" Ali.....l.iilii ' itiiiirsiii! '
amend . Ihr tinalsals Mmi o estelehl:
leetri-Maktore Plll eat he peld Ihr liserden. .
tab advertbesems Wan ambartall to tie so
I , l l* o o *, • , .: ...,,...- .: ,
4 :IT 8 • 'Or-.49rbbliN.Clvalted
IaIkEACHES-10 cuts prinks Hafts, fot
Hu - w. =nom.
VII_ACKED-TEAS rabid - k Co.'. (of
a. • lanom000) Tow toad o_ , lltienO.Wrz
. 44= te..mpts,
!I -500 pairs. Camoodaor meaty
s.• 11.3LIMIULDOIL 3
AILD-1500 lbs. Na forsaleby
si./.4b , 10. • T. WOODS a 102.111Wels et,
W 0A24101111.;-150 bbls. ass'd - Nos.,for
tA ago ,Wll.. • &P
W. . WWW. •
0.140 • • .1 •
SIL EfflttlP-4/11bb. fartalrb
• 1110 • • !••
o. sooes—wohd . s. far tiga;
• isto • -- . - •r.
11 . ILESSE-45
Loq aadtirlatitr- ,11 J4I.IIIOIII2AISIILL
ird - - .da Mar. sad ill haste&
pi:41:14 f=4 lArfErriiMl'7l
14:: egnut 4-100 Mag. NinrNo.-3 Lalgo
11 . : 1 0AY SUOARB-300 bth. Noe., foi
We try WX.IIAOALIT 00 *
• • . sad =Wooed:.
t :.7171 we-r 9
cHirE---150 b05e..134f0r nlle
IVEASAROW--.1 ew.. lase N0.;5;
M AOKEREL-50 MIL Lerge,No:llr - :'•
gfrs eitold•J
M4C.XF44.7 SO ePT• . ...'5...-- •., ..
f it
Jut nototrid ioNfiFiii, '''',:•' 's: 4o ' • . :... , ..r.
, 171 c. A:t • ,I.marirems OM' .
OAF SUGAR--50 1011 Test • " • .
1L 11•11,11, ned nab ?s em i •• '
DRUM FRUIT-300 bosh: dried Nadu*
_• ex ate by 11011B50eLlia4r
/NOP LIVER 01:4-40 gallons, ma wan;
gLitbei.i. by ' • Jar -
v "„„, ! ,-
.KIDD aOO. a;
:irrr. . :
.11 athrB-4'Zirile Sum 03:14,,Vanisay, an d
.„ , ; - i 7 1: &, CO.
Core of mood a id Ala BDrocia, Protoloogil.
116kirE NOW IN STOW, wad-warm Wm 1
' .7 k agt. °ll .BViorg h . °L.‘ hl A="arr r.
. rears.. was gleam IA tor MIMI um Me '
id hMts a. ao. Go wtr.?l , la4magis I
as .. t..i* v ., amour. ir:s.. r r_1.1....wi ~.
VI b t 6. tijes al a' I I M e . W W2 " • :: 1
OD caral*spi/ 10, 6 .,
I , 4 , lol.l Cm Vain
Etta I u : bor.: e"*...
19 MIND •
1100 b. eV,*
... 14i C 4. IE D a'AiLipadt t : :. = 4 : .
..• i ;., .r=a l l4;.. ' 11 , - M:,..." -,,
a • • ' ftil; 1 . Crum IlatUt t .
1 lIKI ..'
=o.lll:tttiVra.. "" M O#'•"
1 SO de . a , . 1.14 •-• •
.. )4. 4 • D :ton • - :
.3kBl. " Leloopla .
bag 111 Atm. rige
•• • •••"540 41 .''''.....
44.• • • • •• • —4 -- • ' • ' l6 "
• • ••• •
, • •
• Pitta*zstaifs latreno.Ca*apaix,::
TlLlcompen' was inssiviia
awsy. didni Pena:ma Quasar. sad Zsa
assaddad toddasss as • adasd $ 100 . 41 4,--
dolid bob do!ttshisiststOY sad,
thi iatms Sas enip r ridri els .
Ulm shafted et LI (burial.. sad 11113•0 istOsur
isms. Una Mil missal' soda WOOL 033.1ipUd.
Matsui este an. Qs slaw es thaw sated trY et:
al sa4 tszyset.turalMl
MdsZ x izgasse. 4.. ztr Coital sad Aaratsdlra
'll* Curse /pedalsl las swatting at. lastandd d. ; . l36.
Is awry lama las.llstlas nab% sr ad S.
Madams Mimes. rendlionr-to issanilbs qd
ihdrosrs szelosivs Isksattadyabisetsr daaa
at wpm Qs Mar arare so dr XS
el a,ortY,
.s tea aorta.
Juba Elcdsa
basal likOssksn. Vies
=V A. Cale. ad:Mali • •
• • ...
• -- • • - - -• .
'irosontue Winaarow flocivtati W Ihrt •• • • •
Aaa Walunt VOINIPUYAO efignia=p :. . f:
labs SAArSip:Outler
ilalocam !mei toy.., WißkwaYsamair..."*.:A -t114...
Mel A- W. Larii.lA. .. A. 2. Kt
IcOWN*, 8p. . -1,
thecs. C r f
l=r 4 -
• h 4=2. mar, • -ma. ati=m-a?
Norssil DO S i =l . lifte. , • •
r . rt i i= g • arth
• 1 0 ,71%. f D-.2rilid.,TritbadlPklt:.isi7
. 3 th. oxse - a"" •
. 4.122.4ft5• . c..A.viusaue.e.*
State ideal Fire rantasee Oaearay. 1
iis#bi iihici::4l - 0. si . 'iiii4aiiii - iiii. —
1 ~...,.,, •,,, ..1 , - •rcrrstruaair• • - ••••' •••••• • • -•'
. . _ • . bliaraw44l•.
bait evideile ilriltheeelee 04.).f the
te.nda' m r l .o th aei a . I re
romarththr • lAN moon of
Vidi Oaf bore IVrlag , Wood
yoth Ores aLldtag Om WAVratge.
fi. a h ie eur z w, I
~,,,,. =4 . ,
~z , N =
ViMf,,,•; .6 . ; Z.f..' -
i 03. 60. earsa. mauled. I.Clani - ~, m- , ~ i• •
Do do. to f0r00.—..,..-- .—....—.... TAN
*mama of Plopertl . 1...Q.__
....—... ' . " 115411
I Do. outboard, Lorsthathod,rsooros.siss.j2B CO
M:'=4 l. . ll Vl' - '' . '-'
M tt.Mt"...."7,74' - 6e main
....141. PO
'Meta =Alamo os=psitia=ll4l , • , 1. ...
I bsisan. in an* o 4 Lb. is c.a... FlitZ
, _ . 1.0 our or c. 0., sagliffitaii , ol so
sos Wald ad <mar, pootorty,lt. bo. Wand this ooss.
pow Clonb olnatoos la :obit 011 *...... 0b00t0t00t osbs: 7. sr.. ,
ac l erl.r.r=orprovo. w gi
bt.qoutho &DU oachalloo oil oproY4 tar
only • 1,.,d mount la any cos tortal t y. as pm ,
Vatting Os Dogma, so/ aseurseco Olson boa ad Moo oo both Ur boss and Itsoal elan. It not ot.l, rt
saw the oboommur ad socomototlallott of toth .
but sothlas the lamed to • puttoptuon
P.' thrribrd • .4.ol t l o lo th l4 e p .T rt . i 4 lt 6 s ..
At e m• k . CarnPel k C. ledge . kl.
Bun eel Joao*. itetil
ILLotz, Job. EL Pula, Jabs B. koth l.6 oribol.
I...C.Jtkril6/011D, Protltho
• • A. J. DILLYFT. t.
4.: AL
O. ealleatT. • •. ' • ' ''. sail
if, 3.-4.9. Diviebrod ot lasso pot soar. as strptltoit .
polidos Los sectspod by. the DUsrb" sod 1 ..7,Z
eshoblo la Moo la• or rad.c.oblith
IS Dbo•MO of Warty dm.. .- ... , A.. A. Cu • ASS: • ;
r ,
• Piro lastinate Co. of Phastri:
utEcrrons: Mules W..,Bi ig uiciii:Gio!
ww....i ii iiitr lin. un l vg
.. , 9114:11131,h,A6.4 -.
I curuti 0. Rama. , • ~... •,- .
Va. O ...P.AT..U.v i r= Ta.srmens,pansubest
Deb:alba*. war &WSW* in Ws sal
pal:tot:m.lNa ockne an. rarity.
~ .__Tb• 0..P7 bk g. ealidtp. fa d.
:wawa, with theft Ca - 411 1nr.1.0.
411 =4104 , 0014 3 if . f, : i a . ii=olg , s =
50g.i21,14 -
• • •
tbetr tu han.nuutu4
n pal , ,lsywarlig of tt ossell.m.m.•
b74kts.lmo•hr r
filan th dkag evideletp the
..• J. Willa& QM/FM.
• WO 01e3 B. N. eon= ei
Penn !Mad Inninnantrali Philann.
M T.JL. d. 14 No
......3121 t.
the *t FIA
in goarnleaes .I,gamma
Mb west Imo abe t=lamelystml:ll2"),
rZta=t .2 to . gr w t. i. dr a s
'tatlalbrourckeetM gad maws
(11 , M.114 11. • Puoipaletnesphantsrz tr= o. E4
bl r * . ol *4
. awit 11:e0/300 indleoulastlf ved ec
J.e ,Peolf=gg LozT:Mtatreupatb?“l=ll4
mine, Pitwictul bland Tramparnoon
!FRE of Noitiazinrica,
: ".. 11r i rsa
Zlitlags and {brig =tuft Is Ulla city •ail incialln ra
. M1=74.1. ' 72Tbor=re=
oaf VI 30.b`Tr.T4° 4 "-
Ir=OiCalatt. • -
at= - yrs.& Dovnia: •
StaS i ll=l
=7,1% .1 2. " = "" artn.34 1. 7
ecossYnol onaMtscarity•
Weiteat Insurance Company anittaburgh:
AcerwAPlTA.l..s3oo,ooo. E. MIXER,4L',
in..... war. at of Oslo, 117 r. sot blotto.
Um= will to IthesAli otiosMocl ant motply said.
Alton. loollbrilob—maboool by Ltoroon vto are grail
homy 131 Oa welintlblPy Yad .Go W. debr.altrod b
==sad 13boollt bo mm Ow emote .tir_h
mossd. on tbo b , otiotOftOo 1. , 2 , ....
Woo awls bb Insood. _
Deuctotb—BAlllbm Jr, Ow. Mock. a W. thOlo. F.
Solto.`,Nat. B.ldoinos.o.ltiors. Ow. W. Jees.
Wa JIM= o.loro DitlK Jams kl ,
'at lt.
, a rlyi imooy na' omoO.Mtobtoot( a/arm a 0).
%O. dtbaJtlOOuitik , .3....,Y
Delaware Nadal 84103saninneCuipl
-7.-frzu ,Iricaar:L.SO4.temoadT . caw
r a r . h b. ast=7. rand b2.
Iss=—ltom ato Ware Verdi. hem
or omuisio, andwr moo or ipK.4l
as mound my deod.n. -
b y ., b u ..,7- r ium .1. blears ltkeituid
WwWbonwt by WoLowf, zood oor..
Mous taxa. tit )•Jun, <a Ur tifib t rttems;
5001.,1aw.4.f... Sctia. .1 du C.
ii. o.7; , klat u dtaarirjk il eV=
._. =6.. it ) c Otteyto C.
'WM , " (lam Er% r bWww.
.tir"'gre44,.„Atlll=o•ol:4;.iliteb CMS.
Wawa AMMO. PlTiari l i ' CIL a /a., IniePwo&
boot. Jows W.
‘,. e4,....e.
= at Lt. a .. , 7 . ' •! ' ' ' ' (octal ,-.' ...' itCtiar t. Pittfr
Olda Law**.
• _„ .• ,
. .
au , Iti
„, •,-
:pe r ., e •ht . ! /
j6::,FLETCHER CO.; ilinnfaceli
. eer. g u. IMOI4 Pun et,ils Colap . S .
' P f V t ‘ Ca a Wi'' l,ft. l l .7 l. el=.ll2.l"cla.
=I tots
. Plinbergli . irtll.o*
• Wines and Liquor&
21FslaPhatat.,Porater7yDesu naderiectory.
gmeosa r arandsw (i.slansm;olN.. P.
to 12 pol .. 4 l.ove tbao ..L.4.1*
M •rt•l , Aleind • 05t ..... 11131t
M• ttal of tb• t•Zirri., 7 l4=l
A 'MU Masa llsojrcrack.ll. =i;
.21 . 1. ch..% ,111•; , . Joaale• 7naL
nr• w....0•••2.c0r oporial i boot
soxot ow.. bmods.
e44t."....615t _ tr.
Irtrol• as 4.tzr.L. • terms.
O. ot
ha art ein. N th• 0r•
no Nal•
and • .13. Otkl• lua NOT
=am to this dty.
ilkattcallin• .flt . kl tr. of altillippomi at tb•
Leiris's • Patat . .' Itaindble.Water litter be seem in.operatiazi at WM.
: 11.211 /VIVA Plenotora. ' ffe.. IS harth
. laA=A : 74 "..= 1 VP a vrngrar=
oilloid Medal frto 1.0. /maims lioututo of Yv ta Mt
SO;LOootO boos tba Irraalllor Imago% of
lbr Ito
tros9===toso P" = " 4l=
a.L4 .7" r P=Oloall 480, nal: '
' IlitS • lion out to =II lOUs of
: info. Om& tra, tt4 4l = 6 lt=olocrillorm.. tit.
' 0W...1b1' igr . loot, 811,111.1 WNW Grief Um= I* NM,
illapongri on Obabkd to j : o4Lo of Mar 'Woo- _
a1L010.1 . 1.M. ISI WalotazotrooS).
"Ilike lo ttido sew =law: ta=tr u t.
ocoldosos. oalroil Uroou coI4 iliii.'i:
loooklor It• geivilar• to bars It tomy porn to
looommoo . ll . l* the yobbo. JO NA* I, 71 , ....0. ,_
. ldo.ll tlowoor ergot..
Mao . Mos w wirmotoil to Cots out ow mon spi
pitowhich ow olio* hoe doompoo4 oalaul or ammo.
No Lk
to Um rotor. St.ol ... Tome toil lo!oot tow
rjef L oto Its_
__eq . ._ Wt un. 000 l nom . in
fl, .°. ". r '...P.LATaik 0 i/DL • ' .
• Wit= •- .. . Ith/ am, gu.s.mudeval.: - .". .
IX4II - .FJPS,,Coeuen implored.PaSe!it
iumiThiitfil. PP
. .
. .
An"...b.4"416 ' tgalraiurr
". :, - ThstafawastirSrentilsZzar - - --- 7
AL ...74=t.g..4..v.z2a zt .ti=
al i g . LitTaxaTho, Lour
liommenr . 641.6; aal Ibc " =
t° AL •
'o , Jteml itsavi,
t Vl=l as
4.iNibiSaos enuNeaid say
as the "meant Imam Jairs,= at gal
matt.. • 1.1%1 gym. Vowtoot [ran sooL.
got:ow- 1i
• ilk are now Pa
• •
cit'atim.ebm Virlita sm3
;$•1 1, :7-
i • e ' -
r .
--- IftEritelt -*
• Neale Cedebra,4 -
lilthtfuelkaboel gams ba, • ,
' t2l
8=4;6'.211.%::"A :
Mtilewilatialta.Viiriivrt • •.
011td=0 , 4010 tart inn* valve w/: ; .. ;
__, P 77 `.. e Pul=tirtL ' i.. ria. P".'n"i htefa iiiei . ...
f ..-
...won or Clipata - kr It Mad) hi alttligkie
cdgrx=rej trm iTtic. ,, at a na .. m.,k ,
. era weel - nm, inattipl 5t m a441.11.1.
Weft Nee* stladsa Ilitedwe ..f Ur 1k... W
•b aceil ". sadraf ""•••
to Md., Mk* With Anathstkr Mt" lk
es an moonnoososet vitt, um 1...M0t boar
IA 411:
. br=iselto .W4* bane van . &daft?
p c......
'i=.- -, - 1 "W15.t.,.L1AP.117 litotd
-Itilldo?ini PATENT IS T. 6 1- 11 ,1 .-
"a arars, sl lsMrsa=titm i tt i gi
nera.pemau A,tu I MO I=l bel na I tur Lterkomi
firms '<Salts: It moult, col a aric.a. 1.1. dal
Atf.Li m= 21. =An. mattuturi
/ raltsal. a. to rompottlias lainad Ow.* WWI
N It —O. alliaVin do War animetttottios. le.
41 . 11 =VN=NrideiskowIthr.n ale
/ 6 1 , 6 1 •ti.r ,Vira.'r C. IS. EM4.7.116. t 7 Ike.
,, on wow Wage In bea ackwarth. , 1
'Rho. at•ttotompt or II ?... ' •
I . r VARTI7I.B of :thir ten/Utah .t.ed
dy, eat the mutant ahrt tor It. to thew , , •
boo Ms Is toys it_pat vp theatileo,hrillt
to.. owl
_ll,, _
_rwetaoli&aor are Om= et the Pelt/h..,
I no. rrai—oiaar =ad tilo • Ina La ala Apt t „
`Es" ` g artraey canat C ...14ra=r;
.nat Vi
11" =
A 1' . 1 4 ' y
Woo% lm
lbw O a S
ow of maws. •hk It tome, Witt be of. aw oeato.t.'
...00 ...1 "LUM fo - V:rwr " L 'a ult. t ir S •
theeo n grat =nip Is iethh:ht au 1.0.141 6 1(..
* Zritifi l .gd a trant I;b:,..vrar.dteiti - w,
m tlaux• __ at ha. tot* Torilatitt,eaal ,=...,'.
• pi too
olaftpli. ` '
•W 0 007 to teat.. loos porhte of tittle:Oda i t
at. otwocione that theism:Wine an eovi wort 14 .
to the Um. of those •ho wader. alai •Ish to be r '
hlbt we do to* dais Ow It a walewrorl'applicatio• la `,
41seawe_ ore attaweitatittit o m emos. la.sjoiaolomopt ,
4 Mow.* $t le hotly - al Atto= moky by
of th wech , a,
illitnile saaCtilirs. oanswirmso. la ... r • .
USlltlith, ant all diorama of tbe stepson/oh
lIPLAI SIT, 070711P111A. Martins. Plage oot-eof 0
NM Laws. Pg.: iil.'i". 0ti..14=.
to. .17 6 11 . 7:41tty. ' cams rr,ost e! ' oOlittleh - yr .' .
tad o.otM ewes ott dimossothts arced
wll.l :
110111 et., ~.., a rimeral TONICI asoC ALM o •
V la inalt cum Mvar , r tam sal ...AV* 9.1..'
bale Mar, Lawastavfaia..abasa ageaLar the wa.aa.
E r
which cum dhOlea• ma • locitro 0.....,
rittaVagord •••17.11••1 sown to al tow war. 5 .
• mallow Icanro ci apnesl m... 8 trUKII.,.
whibleit wthiortro,toetif. pa watt sodiet the. ea. , .
tho PAWLS t,.. new.. 11i0....14 tntt i t •
te hni . oCrL:ont tlo eicaathro oof Oa . y
2‘.41 U r. VIM J .
1 ti
~.......v. :3.7, , , AP .. • .4.a bl M rimism ilL 4; 4?
liiikafrrwycf.=, .. .., ~,
1 ..: \ " I s ' ' APRIXRAXATIDIV. ',74 ~ v.,17
NOW , ill saes srho-lirs sick and alight)
so* dimto of LP IMINIOot !LW Milmytorlll
palm in lock at Mots. Milt Ininl4 old loio.r• • • r ,
iiD • .4
tr i th 7a/my " tlatlrtraing br •:_ n th ' o% ..I.;
too eitnit Uslo domino'. mato Mims '7
OI Ikui m honed ommunity. UM 11 4 M
ilKilitil Ot t lif
fay lia Orntm. Pe in= Inff .f .
atirffiCeorti - - • • • ~.
iiii.i....t„ = „ itt.f. to Min' i IIiAL . lib %Si
of Woofing on Ito eaoun l MMArtgoooVy=
I.l:nt 31,...-=...-,- , ffi-. r4t21,7, 1 _,__.-v2
~.Lo muSestas b y • ready remedy/ a ."..= sob
eboto cum
'IL la clatoif Mt. iftWitfut MOM.. InctO to
.. • .s.a , L i nig.f. h. !! „„ bika .. = Mountailm, of ,
1147capi • (..Itolers.sliMas. by ont rt cm lir. it . .D.A.
...-. 'cfa emote Donbas. la %tab every olloe.tion4
bac bonrvc4o. avc iiie
I A; •.- koml ramdm,ta Aaron
del. li • .y
AtomMoilmg .t• . ACIIJOIAIIk
Is • fru apmQeMouir. andoubtal loci/may cton,
MA t all.)..l ' ' tit. u' t.mf2== b°
Lox A eDonell. <cow of miiol ;Mot Awe Vitt
al•y: D. 11.1Itlieri:17 time stook: D. A. itilloi..M.
Cam. Allestruy city. ars tilt SZTIII.4 . , .... . ....
'D'o. :moll Bola: the ditoowror and •ol• •
wog "molar onl lroleadat mallets ira , t% 04t.
Lao amino" or ta• oath:Wed loatratmut for I
lotito. la othettoo•varslartAtto dalook Aran •
4' l4lrarkr• T ll4 et ralatrito='ZlN4
L05.4100* bat bma cogalod to arly: !iLit , , l
........ith• ODU..tio , of noomllto
tar PvVvi th &Tratl h arater elagiir '
gabbed ea mamma Walla& About
mot bur to, tubercular Illoara6-taloo. •
Llerotals. About:wino. Asthmaimt sne Wm. 7.44,0 i.
all tbalallEraoto tinsiptlar. mut all lbw alotlmto am
mow peculiar to anolate..lottool..onoor amr AMMO •
Tanabe aoda_lb. m at Ids ma mba to orhals It
t 7 I latli.aoilly lb ap• at oa• cozosansa4 eat 'aq
rdi=i ,, ottbit .. olth Pbridoltrootral Lam, but kzoo o m .
a1.96100l 10. sad prat•ard for. r
Dr=i2 . .c..10 Alteratin l'llls, • boa' and. wit isi ;, ►
MY . .bo lropiolot to all otbwra•ul ll • • -
Leo or 'nougat , . loodmoth as din lot. tao ,• •
ftelly the trma eon/armor: at aloe Lb ualdm • .. ' • . •
ma, Is tb• Iltallty, to
te twaray •• • • .
ol to iio.11oosoro: ba beta" eslraol ass
foro oach. tell:A.lW, Irbai ha. bOOO old. to tb•
cb. cart stootkal_
t 0 ,10.4 iD Illlag%tilo,
413111 UMW) Otte Ce Us, Doctors p •
ed um:OW of oseb mods. sotl .._
_,..._____• *
• •
• /at lal• bz the 11311doolos oiroll,ta 1 .1'041 1 .1 1 /Mr •
pr 1,==1.11•41 .
. ....,.... r j a .
.I:"tiL2t:La6, . ' ... 1
i . # gai rt t- ;. " *, 11 - ;iftrit .'
.k. ti . tt.re4lnta '
c r, .TILE AFFLICTED Ariii• be. total'
.. Dalts.C.. Iteilliasees lICZ/LIZI2I.Ia
ss. al ain.erh ich hr memo the Sat eCthlrizr neno,
re n : . :ta has Selma . soutts..tarn ter immsse is.
steel at theaseed
et" et bWe ailie .14 ha .ere r
we exel ammeters( ab PM thse .er:
hale Thai tads Li the only ssedlatse Omaha .
4ipsi t f . .
.I.bakekas, ha sun *peed al.l.9eii
rrate4u b. iaire ... elted =atm leteslrTase . ' Ella
Zrerfolet. or g . ' , vie'''. ." 1 "" . . :' - ' -
': Ay era( sad
k tmor ar ale =3; = at
1.1. 14 dew U=CIMOS7O9 PV ~ ..4 “d ~...
al Dm velem or ttso *Las geheren.7, et Q. , hose ailesSale
Hama. emaCtarse! L.,. ohs ,sr • said r a7ssety,sl, -
dem. *Lc • .
7 Da. Wass IL. ad esettilsta ICA^ Thy tas. VEIL'
L IMet.thrig.'t&rtrthejltip:ga
abase_ Id etbax dletssalehat slam*.
le , eZ a 'slao there.ruti teleselAta sterlte s hoes .
...Lie le erel Lows Oat Petast Vaasa sew set .. .
rshae=innt to SO virestnerZfrre=
Owl. 1 Tha n, Vostr Ml!' %art= Oues nose y
stroneest end bees Iris mod oodosbiell I . at nacr .
f 'l'l Itirs t esist i grn=, re r er " "
"' ' Ass ' ...soe Ua. ' venaralcess ....thns. Whams'
Ss.. Osumi. al aels• alsseassh ye In: -,!
....10038:0 WM, lases bees scall sithost
sideteasFea . sarli saCcalshisa evam mt.
ErAllah as wealli env
h. ~,, 3F....A.?* th•ehofNWA =t i t
:i= la hu% se mar eil e k= " llW
rt star Crordlomed==tletN asel og.
I= " Plec . two. <Weems a s tin 0
Moamar flars> Saes* laraostentayer sum. fat
• FraUte ""L e Phleturab. be MP.. iSelleai,..: lies'irs! . . . a
Csosel Oades a resesam sad byt e' Mal.
my5117....1a te put As Is bpi. ass, sed sualas ] op
• •
To the Readers of the Pitts • ~ :. (butt*.
DUBLIC • , hp.
. 2 ... vu..4 to Lto filmdom -troths. Olt ta
oe. of ter... Volort.ot temodles of stokes •
ef11732313X1S 01 , 110 M 021;4 Ft not nom I.lJui ala
g .' Nlanttri nt" . ter=== t" lle t troLl t 1'1"
to Mal. ham woopell2...tmeas• nu wo....maSaw.
. 4ffi
tr. e . .. rjr. 4....„ n . b it i z t
a. 14
ear& a. IT tr — tto fola impel. of toalbeg omen
ML mi. II .3... n., • 111 ea..* to to etiol
all lbW balm be. E... Tto
pl Naomi fiataboattoi to tba Atm. of Las
kr atom, .4 s Ltut Unalka to mono ob.
tenuoredea: ll 4.1=4 . t. t=.
Et...m.,....i..., u w il,T.P=
... a
La etr etatetonts. VW ~ .et .n my arklJ -
=MIIOW tom .aloweer . a
0...= . 01f . ',moot to motor ttra 010.
befOrr b meteor tbeta. lemr, ov ato - I
Of o= vs ano oar. enoZ , that U:t . ilLgerfoo
Zoo to. igliw OLP.= no omen. 22
0..... • Plato ft,4 forto-etorle thel tet.ooraemo
la oar lity erect alsbtorltool. bear ample tit.
roe et Lbe Petrol...
o -if fftt tts ... two {metro of oat - otrandliliva,
:it mow a u.r.d..... j. lbei etro ". = l atin
S„.aiel . .6- , ter ewer* M .o. La Ilervergt.or.
r. bat Um. aro carte tear beceo.aoljoar .
eolleval is Mr owl.. ofeerleavo dootawribe Yea
fort Mire err our. moot base
of tyt partitions sat bo k r 714grego a
wl NR.
r * Zwt.N•sx*Wt.B2"
6 U: 6U
.I , l,afroe.t.letoalo Ontaggiaeolfteoralaikor WI
tram crest 41...• of the
.12L.Eed Ilsotte. • 51001.1 1 =
.1* It Loaarr commit oamf. a. M
.t. L.
of Ito etoosellow.• meth. Lbodou4=Ve
mut sorbet nomad. 'Delegate. that oaf
1 11. •tUteltelftelar.ofovait latoob.o.ota
tad VYa• to LO. altlttool or tleir Le 1.4... • . • • • ....
• or others am tat tbo= the e'
Poem.. Mho rotest v = Wt..
Iro. to aa Orerkoked weer
k 7r."l"' . ~ Co mad/ ft Zio ' patio
=fr.' "'".."" ••' .'mLl Sretcr.,lnfteol
or 4teree..ll. , is wa.;.baNsa....m !
V,&:it_ t ederN9MorVa tl iSLTlVt!i i
.1211oft•enk kntaltZ
Stl24 . 6 4 b 00. txr 7!
: ... 3: . T!`°!`, ll : tP °' ll ').,.saFeili
Mr. S. Z.
mltoaw.grtnsgi.m•aonshs. sat lir,l,Wiatdiry.el
j =stoWANMIAST... I .MUCT .
lova *to tweet srytis..„.." mat -M T •
" I
Nth • b *". = 1 . 4
-,..somudiori m met eddy ebtlareegiol
4411 ills tA4 0"/ M gr!lk/7 126 et j
kespiaval6L 11-Aumumeozs
• meklo •II wad IL. oa Druggist maw,.
114 TENT KEDlefli
. .&gfeeZZ a atf" * "
fa t '.
Nem sadaka ,AzonsT:
Opolb ands •
1:74 1' 11
Raw Obitorat
Incogibeatas Maio
Ihnbtalil •
. ismurgllll4.-
tie nod Mewl tcgilepot
gr a '.
Dglites Carstbstkr.
SWAP , .
• 'Acre .1' 111 EA L. L.
.1.. snail.,
.. 5 .
. • .3i.V.J
ry. -
&Amt. UNtleal . { ,
fLeax. 4.
V.HALY-10 bbia.lbr ep3s
JI• •