The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 28, 1851, Image 3

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•: •
• ----
je students *aging to the isbor
ra popular bnititatitie, took piece
oteninig in the rooms of the toner,
, - t greatly to the satietnetion of the
• ;ends - of that Important branch of
It -keeping, wtro litre repent. a
p sustained a eery creditable combs.
:ire young gentlemen graduated, him.
Al:dough their course with honor.
S. Chamberlin, the principal, is one of
A teachers of book-keeping in the United
sod IdeJohn Plemlog, his associate, is
known to one badwre irtizindt7 u as el'
* seed acconateat. Edwin AL Stowe, Pao.,
able lecture on commercial lair, sad
inns, by their ready sad camel same'
questions on that subject, evinced ebb
'emus of the instmetlea received from
:ad his calk/gee, Mr. Merano, both pato
; mamba" of the legs! profession.
:she plastid to learn that Mr. Scary 310/. ".
• r oe of one best draughtsman, viii become
'send with the College next week, as pro.
rof morluan rti drewihg. Taken shogeth.
re know of no Manton= Inithe Milted !
• ;'• les Supeador to this. The prefausrrs of the
. dons breaches an all thoroughly quilled to
Charge the duties devolving on than; end em
ace quite s formidable array of names, se will
:teen by the fallowing list el the faculty
_ Chamberlin—PriScipal, and Profaner
* c.the sciatica of 10:011IItil.
hi= tleming—Associate inDookdreaPing do;•
istionnt, and Lecturer on Mercantile Science.
' J. 14. hillipe—Professor of, Mercantile Cont.
4mitdtion end Arithmetic. •
D. Croath—Protowor of Pvuowlskiip.
'• IL Wateon,.-Eaq.—Lecturer on Commercial
; 1 : 11. X. 8e..,' Eaq.—lnstrucior in Commercial
B jiiBert--Professor of lelatitematica Nett
allificatrotessor of Mechanical Drawing.
of the college we dated up in the
, bietiima* and i fine llbrag; comprising the
laiiillieitOike on commerciallaw, armee- un
:!.:ll3tua itr*tregcs to the student
. -
wry true nmuthar of our alesens, assembled in
Minns Hall ythterlay evening, . for the purpose
of esprusideug their views relative to the recent
alarythiltr et:dyti Americans, by the Spanish
Atlovaeulthilth in 'Cobs. The room wen densely
.struwdoilVind many hundreds went away, unable
nuemesting vas organized by calling W. W.
lrwto, (Demount) to the'ehair, and appointing
, thaws., J. P. Mass, June, Watson, Wm. Moto
/mad, W., IP. . Dallas, end T. Scott; (all Demo
crats) Pee-Presidents
3astote Dunlop, Esq., urged that some Whip
ehoulpl be appointed: ..This ,as net • party'
surmount, but it meetLug•of the clarets of ell
parties, and a/1 should be fairly represented.
2. Democrat, (ar. •Wm. Wes:thy) laid that
• be had not before observed that the ofScerewere,
no the handle of. a jug, all one way, and mired
. • iiieetonsideratlon of the election.. This motion,
Mathitynd, Elliot, Jobn Mellon, and Joseph'
&Ankle", (all Democrats) were elected Santa
• ~,__r_ Mr. Don)op moved that a Committee be ap.
jean:tea' to draft resolutione. Messrs. Dunlop.
Ipn, 110(11, Rippey, and Pettigrew, were sp.
' plated on tlat Committee. , .
! teeing their ebsinace, CoL Samuel W. Blade 1
Made a speedt.,
' _ • •
Ai We own:thud= at his remarks, the com; ;
althea marled the A:Mowing reiolations i !
Pfsixamui, We recognlna the principle as Wile
acid holy, that a free people should ever symps , -.
tlabe with dowalirodlen nations, who strive by
I Pat sad Wthenate maw, to vender themselves
free; luadWimmis, in all mises ere recognise the
E tna , - that •resistance to tyrants is obedience . I
.--- hetlartiennue, we deem that the - people - of Cabs
I, 47.:sg roanel ender a moat merciless and
i bo Ziany ; tne tte lLetTis they hen
i =die' banner of" independmm e ,
: • -. tiedithind, oraththenntt envenom ot tb = i ti
7 well, and their detimannetion to be free or die;
end ham In despite of the utmost exertioni to
. a m e neelah iii,.,-, by the whale namil and military
forms of the (lemmas, succeeded ID maintaining i
eiberttie sad often victorlotie conflict, thus prom
Dig theassednis capable, dome and brave, WOT•
thy the CODA4IO2ICO and admiration of mankind. ,
- Therefore, looobred., that they Lave car warm- I
imit, sympathies m this, their hour of exmzest
seedoand our most heartfelt pray era for their
egendy„ complete and glorious triumph.
f It/solved, Thal white the despots of Europa,
to deism* of every law of justice, imam and
diets, slam and erfeitise the right of Laterfer- •
lag by intrigue, by mutual eabsictiee, or actual
. everwhithen • g force, to engines and teem*
not the sacred Sams of liberty, wherever it suite
Suds polit7 or eturecnimae, we, as citizens of the
peat American republic, do here must that the
• thine baa come when the vole° of this adios
• ..
chi rid be heard, and the vigor of her arm be
felt, in favor of all who battle to the cause
ear sine died for, and who cell on as for
Resalved, That while , totally diseleiming el
denim or inn:cotton of melting mite-Ulan within
the limits of -any State with whom we are at
poste, we ,do most posisinely declare that rime
the people of Cuba have thus vslimtly thrown
off the yoke of sovereignty, it a oar opinion that
'b the itithstillahment of Spandsh tyranny, attended
with every circumstance of redeohled enmity to
the babshitante of Cubs, as wales Increased sus
on and insolence tonards this comatry, is
ftnOt with peril to our maimed peace, comfort,
•i. • aid protection. f ,- i . .."- - - - -
;•... Remained, That our Government, while main
taining prcperrelations of amity and intercourse
• „with powers, as stifinlated in solemn ens
trlee, can enter into no engagements which win
- late the rights of one shi n gle freeman among the
way mations who COT= these independent
' States, can do nothing width Jeopardises corns
,=i Send security, or stains our national boner, it,
• - one a-ke no concession derogatory Co cur dlgoi
ty aod one rank as agreet, free, and powerful
. ,
!Ziiived, That we regard ' the atrociens and
4 etirardly battherypf fifty Amonicens aiptnred
es th e 15th of /ingest, either on the coast of
i - Cele, or op the high
theho wine mercilessly
slot an the miming of 16th, in or near the
' ellreedie of Hanna, becesth the gate at a hoot
, eag and Jeering mob, an faction whose ferocity
sad barbell la a stain , u' in the name and mi.
i • Cure of man, and degrading ter the °noon:nut
Spain_ •
Smolved, rhat we call upon the authorities
. 41$ Washington to demand instant scut thorough
Mutt= for the slaughter of our lamented fel
”,,* 4/e/ itUltecis--for the outrage mum oar "mama,
.... • 114, billeted in the cannonade, dem:den, mut
• : ARM= , humlt of-the United Stales steam ship
' •hliefiet fm the threats and indignities beeped
*Apnea concur:om peacefully sojourning in
' 'lll4lllless, and for the treacherous and unfeeling
• , essiesiot the Spanish Consul at New Orleans,
Le villtlliolthig the last lettere of the deed, un
.• ~ 3 11- s tiotate‘y faroed to give them up.
, • Seetimed, Thst to the opinion of this meet
. : I %.te ne todleaiinthate ebcoting of the fifty
et Samna, on the 16th of Angel;
-•• , ,mee a mild.blomtini, inhuman and atrxims act
: ;et Oreelly,'diserthetui to a civilized cummunity.
a Use though those men cosy have been en
_' *pith c lawless expedition, and aquatinted by
ear national flag, still they were neither pirates
larsthe, bet a land of honorable solaces
the nett:meg to liberty of down-trodden
Nee, may 'of whom stood high IA one esti
nation for their private character, and gallant
'ecetdopt in the wan of owe chantey, and deserve ;
. 64 sympathy of their fellow citizens, and VII
&Mit frnm the government.
r Reeolired, That this muting recommend to
. . •ille (kmetanent the investigation of this outrage
... spew laimanity, . end that if these viitthas of
cruelty were captured beyond the mar
.-- ~=t a lerisficti on of Cobs. or Put to death wilt- -
sat total, or it their remains were mutilated or
-• insulted after death by the eonnivance of the
Velma anthoritles, that they demand immediate
eadsfection en insulted hommity and ,• Woad
.. .
, Resolved, That this public, meeting of the
• , mom% of this county, have the right, and it Is
• their dim, to assemble and express npon all
1.. aleadeas; their - &Unbitten of cruelty and op
.- • Raul veit,! That the tancentratedlndipation
i . of the patina meetings of Ode country. express.
. mile, the atuudy language of tetanal will 'strike
' teem to the bloody tyranny of Spanish myrml-
ecoduciof e ou Tta nja t this a m maw e , e= triti conmaen
.o,i. d p th r. o
saran their faith to the treaties with Spain; io
1 ., • tbdt susset.etrays. to inter:ept, end gum. .fien.
. i Telt= Ilipkist the Gonsrtunent of On. ken,.
11111/.0111n15... • -,
_ ..,_ ,
• , sr. Phaltip moved for the adoption of the
" above resolutions. •
. .
. l! Atz. 4ose zwroa. that. tau. Isat resolution be
• ..'
Vilekila froin I,lo l7SWii ,, ioFli-7iii ti i - ~
.. - t
.IStOteituiderable *eel* AO fealdintarsi
kiedelarge nietorityi at the .161101)3 Fee. *
• 7 3 ' 34,::
; ' ^, C .. ,
'• 1 . % , :•,sid\ 4
r ik . ~.:4i-...A-(.;0..,.4 IV
.. ; 1,...5,
cat; Toting for the resolatiao,• Ur: ROHR, Pa
claimer; declared that it was aactial HO
. Mr. Dunlop—Why you have Jost 461141:hit
it Tux curial. Cries of yes, yes; and great mt.
Mr. was noticuried.
Cries 'of. 'that' fa entrue—yoit Imow yon are
wrcmg, and the grutest amassed coat:Leon.
W. W. Dallas, of Bigler club notoriety, rose
to mate a speech. Cries of pot him out y Taiiff
Oahu ; Qaestlon. ques•don t and confluiL3zi.
, Mr. Dam finally soceeeded in his darling ob
ject of mating a lade speech. •
Mr. Dunlop rose to reply. Confuslon, In the
midst of which Mr. Dallas deacmdedfrosi the
stand, and went over towards the band, which
commenced playing. We aftervazds understood
that. Mr. Dallas had ordered:them to do so, bat
trust for his sate, that the report was false.
Mr. Ferrol made some reins/halo Amur of the
resolution. .
!poi qaestiaa trss again pat by the Chairmuua,
and ere are certaut that at least Wee Brae of
those preseit voted for the resolution. ,
'Mr, Irwin decided that it was lest.
cees of you aro nut fa to be chairman; It is
not true; shame, Ae., and the grestartecas
?!r. Foster, the talented editor of the Dispatch,
Who to not, •e beliere,a member at any parry,
end several Deism:ate standing near as, speed
that the reaolitligt weir carried. • • !
After the molt frenetic/noir. Ur. Irwin put
tle'quesMoo again, and spirt by .s Inrge major.,
Ity, the meeting decided that the resolution wee
carried. Mr. Izwin, homer, decided than 4
vas not, and after another uproar, the, meeting •
emplaced in Me decision ainoelhey could do no
We lefttheissemMy While P. C..- Bkieratan,Eaq,
ems add:wing it, Mid understaid that- Nast
Fens? and Bose stiodietied him. - -
` A more disgraceful meeting than the above we
Mrs rarely attended. The next time that the'
Locofccos desire to soaks capital ant of soy of the
otrartenteS of the dal, we advise- them to do
justice to other parties and therwiwse in the
deice of officers; and above all things , to , &iota-
Wilkins Hall; the 'Some of so mattes vas fool
ish sod sae:mama even in theeice of their own
At $ meeting of the 'stockholders of the Little
Saw DRII Ran Railroad Company, held at the
house of Matthew Mclntosh, In Chartism% town
ship, on the 26th of August, 1661, the folkrwiog
clams of said Comvany for the ensuing year
wire elected, els:
Wm. Espy, President_
AlesandaCernahau, Wm. Patton, 3eue Pear
son, Ell nal, N. P. Fetterman, and IL 8. Mc-
Coy, Dittos:ens—
Tong Ladies' Seminary
opoo at 246 15asza Moot. there • for more Pact
fr : st , mtml l igbon • Unroll mooed laitroott
PatoCiViaV nook so nod the
No for hook. sozZicl- l * h
l Age r tsly • 1"..1.111.61. •
•3i. Grim' Gnaninas School,
Wed Bide of tho biorwro4'4Ullooto City:
rCRE, are Two Sesaione a year, each 4f
via& iscamrening Ent sed Ilotbmiry
CIO per Ilksofon. aaglate•
Yell mid Fatal; Sztgl.iii :and G7astiar2 Sawa
• •
LOSES HUSTON. d. M., Paecuv•
INSTITUTION will be ope)
. n
MOZIWTfor the
Men Ist,
TMcoatoo Ittstreetka =swim all
Itto t the 1.4.t0t 81.1
11. 4 =11...w b 111,00 sit. 6.11 0r... .
al •tent. 11. &hoot kytt.l.l ate*.
P1ar.0.1.1,, C.betaltal. .M A...0.W Alt
tont.. For Ctrollara c 0.1.1. tall putteulansttO
nrStroset. 6441nr Prtnettal. •
Wlllttutatsg. ,
Tha 'College of St. Janus.
gte Mane OellerooltheNotatetet
l egs osy . tONDAT. iatavbie d, r,a3 l l . n e=lim
Jalr,l&l3. Nov etodasa av, rocommeedel toevedva Use
envoiat of the mare, but are ...awl at ear U ee dor
t:gz , gtest the there ertiststat taw the deb of their
:HS OOLLEGS Lela oriel atuaterr of Cum, at.
thole ell the ortartmaitits tor • warp. oda:Um outlet
the socceectal tavenstlen of th e co.'...max:, =Jac
. VlL F ir= " tr&l.. Tita;lLleed.ltivava -
Calom ad ~ the menial= of the coo wIW
&a &Won Oloolphar, men: Jo& at Ifizo
OWN The coattail Abortion of the
the O
tenon Meal idouctep• to the aftlit
to Cho Ucavaar . ahool •
le dee xi:swank. CLej-312, tio d Olgett! ,
matted. , sod its rhos ommelled by ettclicoaal stellar fa
el Leap:ape. Elook-Wplas. et.
The oltioutoo or the Callao, to ant)) halthtOl.
h7rood Us <llama. tam townseuallUsitaN hanrablvar
nand. otal older. •
KEEP HALL, • saw boildlar. 00 fa 4,1. .
agar tor occupation le the avow el the =tau esaila
lit addlUms to the lama or Padetwers, the Tata.
have t
to c. :11,r1::&16 IV cad U Da= Traat k L . L.t. 4 ll .
.hell. LL.D. Lamm on Plarav etat Chavtal•
-The abate <barge
oft. months tlet as
to the College sod maw Waal) Is too boated sad
avet4l .6„ lot moblo rOOrolosaaLlw adtwoun.'
odhalsOwa lo be mode ur• .
• • • ' •' JOUIS =MM. IL It, Balm 7.
• • • . Wave et at Jean P. 0.,
V.l6—Perevot to raaezzah
-aiheettos InallaUco. are si=o "' Clo Bow. Ttoto
4, B, tam, who woo ItontliT• LTULOw•
rilnE Tenth Animal Session of the Weslei
L. Panels Waft. andansti..lll mama. ea
5/0.0.11y, 11.2.5 th at Mums. To arms of tostroctkea
valsovive. etabrscloly most ot the naltuarta ontally Wye.)
vost• eallaor. with lastromeatal sal Vaal Alcoa. oars
ths 'other arostorotal Imam:tea. Tb. Yea - 014.• Is lure,
and eatapstal of irel red rzpotmad Tambov v.
Toms tor Wallies sod elsy ay very snolvvv“.
atovlsal• vaosivol at wry ti.t. War iarttrolsmeoly .
penagosty. or try *tar to the aseloreliaalst ths , o , ace
sosVsla - P. W Preielea.t. •
Ycnmg . Ldies'
opist tlelr Selman o Iloadsy. &Amber , In
V.v. redooal ctn. 'Conn. ct I causal. and
noes • - ouzo so borestors. for M"a"
s ' SW/ ts duo Prlneltals.
=V m,
"tn = -. firZtid.o2ll:lle
Pittsburgh Gas Company. - • -
& int.,.
N Annus] Dieeting of
Stockholders of
lb* Pliubursb Ga. 4....p..7. ler the purpc•• a
Orb ;ammo to rave •• Tra.4•o cicala OampLuT
forma of Ulm yew. wiLl Os held as the OM. or th•
Walls, pi) y.. ID•1•2 dsy of argeobar. A. D. MI.
boar s ib s haws eV ofif. ofeloeWl... ?..L. , •
'Mei Plitsbilizit bona. Pos. Cj iltla4b r i * .:
.i.:Motalo for Coal dad Clack;:• n , —
PIVROSALS. for delivering- in
S dor. st .orb of tko Pitisbfah Oar 03.
t rr i= bo DnWU gotl4 sitar Oft iratoSool.
earl Maeda?. 42. 2 I Wt..% &ma,' P. Ito Slat-11 to Do of sod. quality. sod dolltcnol
snob t=ad 11. - Inott cosatluooso atual to opprond
74 . .....a. ---.. 0f anopataLl. k r Cad sad ilsek to b.
per an. 1.- ... . •
T. pumrato tat bo ands atcnalair ;10 per
iambity ItEr prilbriameo of andne s t.
to hddreued to TIIOIIAS
tof the relied
sad asklaraxt "Propainto
t tuack:' . amerlT,Ttusergrr ..
• • •i - . JA117.3 11.
Oadiltiodisealt 0.6. Co.. Aux. IL .111....40a1bad , ,
MEETING of the Stockholders of the
/forth American Minos Nans,"l/1 bi the
am Tutelar Ma
My ora l'
f,V4V. V_ . P. 31 to Mio se=
*n am4 hishAL
Mutual Lifeautmeakanpsny:
a AE 1 TT PIINDi. I 6 IOO ,O OO . •
COMPANY offers to the iivtored
the security sad sansof tho Mahal sad:
(ss Won svPS=Olsof. usßstp
314•10 f praetor es soma to olob tas
a d. resultsd 'lttr ths oon riat. 01.1 pan sit
setsstats, bat Dot samples Ss the Wass pose
ray ur mashers Cor af Illsorattnt¢
bb Interest Is IP recanrulsthat hard srea•a
I tostwm
lavaboes, sayable st fresus, try arsdits spa their
greaessty tua4 dettond tar th• goenusat •N I M
thw. Proassabors. mad taro fur flat pent spuritrof
J. tL saly Llatatl We Lam - saes Ocatissay cw il *,==* l moe:
fg, , elb • P•ari4 'act procorsim
vousin Thooortari ,
alta rs socaity&l thir
do, tQ
PsWonletstesets. ifttbs Put sad
rues of Lb* Company, yorsr
Imam= nadir@ sy . ItSLTAW
• 1.19 Itsof anal, et
tret4a--45 bhda.
, • aria-4s
so Was. Nisi), f o wl NiAmt aium.
'oldbr . • h
so wasp. 41.01.
MOLASBEt3-150 (olpreag
/NU. by
HAIOLABBES—P•bbLs.Batt/e Olotuld;
iz i r a e arl, • COILNGUAII,-
PPINEA?F r ,F. ca4 . E i s= ?L eti& t. bx
wit ,Orxws sal
"i4 1 1 4 , 42° ir
- alth z• watts° a co.,
41i11 micas, lab mid Mauro me ip ogo tb a bum sa
cd =pate malty, at kw CollAksa
almaAbozial .• • • T. ODDS 118031..,
SMOKED HERRINGS-40 Dui Lubec,. in
sicewebr. out,/ %au' moor a 00,
4 74s gra bm t il t igla ?Mire
Fro' BACCI3-20 kegs. (Ctzesi No:1 Six
icto..ll7llNst •
MANN - KW, 0, bbbrAU2S..ftleAdling
br cansl. Lut br 'AMU D
rriogAooo-42,5 • tateiraa'ct. * t . the
~b est t.
TIMIGOANII - NtrilMa-." ~ , :•::'.1,.,
:Vbsiasma4b- F21 26 -t.e.ico- . I v -......... ~
icsm •. „, iii.
~,..‘,, i • ;= 7 ,„,..,-,„ ;: ,,.. a hrtfitsa 0 6 i
ri ltag'4' lill* .l. ' a oink= "ras/51 46 "" 7 : . Witat la/ hilit 1 I
: ' .::::° ,•:-..._ .- -' : .• ' 11:. :1i ti r.i.7,.. , ?t:7-.V•zio.... t ikAi r . ...!.',•:',
..,.. le, - .:.
LTD nworria. rosi ; • • GAUTTL
A WHOLE acitmat Ut Asurs.
IrOgghs:Ang• 27. •
A fire broke out shoal o'clock this morning,
hi the rear of lineman's store, Web spread to
all the buildings adjoining. - aetll.erary one upon
the whole sena/IN-on the - earth side of Main,
between Erie led .Mall street, with ane euerp-
Hon, were destroyaL.
j The following are Oa Indies, balsa counts:s
od—A=6%n Howe; Lind, Weiriels & Ca's dry
goods store ;A.Z.;l3aireon's store ; the large
book and drug store, of D.J. Bigger & Ca: U.
Hate's grocery store; E. Leland's tin and sheet.
bran establishment; Mr. Illbsick's cap store;*
Sitila's gayety store ; Joda's saddlery shop ;
Young's shoe shop, and J. Coleman's jewelry,
am; besides two or three mall dwelling, in
the rear of those iota • •
The lose Is immense, those' this time It is
difficult to say t what- extently MIOO,-
000.. The amount ot insraHrance is large,
fell principally epee • the Hartford Protection,
(Sty Insurance Company of aneinnati. Clem.
land Manua, Ohio Mantel, ilinutents Mutual
of Buffalo, Bark Co. Mutual, ?pinball and
Portage Co. Mitual aornynales.
This destructive wire le no -doubt Hie work of
at.loCu. Aligont 23 .
The 13,:ot• Fe mall Las tsrired, and was no.-
poonW i Messrs. Sanford,
CranetroL Donn. and : 0E *I boundary
. Tn. rakiny Hew Men.
lon. area* ausda i'Merry bad to Blom
• CoL Enmarr linaMiebad Sant, To, and eon
iumeed oper•Eons. Hokadioade inaajektangea,
and broken up the interior ports, on the Rio EL
Jun, end Valved Bottum Caboistt‘
quirrquo, Don Anna, Las Degas poets had been
brokanupy and the troops of the last elWas bad
boon tourardod ut• Moro. • - •
ifightman, ' to' to. Conireis. • and
Colonel Samna,. Neve getting up • Naruiklo
...WAsarsarmr, Attgast 27.
' Hon- Janus McDowell, inamter of the 144
Congress, and formerly °crimp, of Purillite.,
flied on 84norday last at his residence near Lex 7
brim, Vii„ He hair been a repreersitsthe in
Congress for eight Jean: '
Niw Toms, Aug. V.
The 6451111ir for LitatT44l veiled
to-day at noon, with llpuse mad $&50,01:0
livarilno• or a saran.
The bridge'of.ttui Perigee tiver,'em the Ups of
the .essesme Wl3 set on fire Ism eight,
Lel same 60 feel Mistnryed. ,
On Eintordey night met. at a& quarter past 32
o'clock; s ere bloke out,:in Boiler Bow. and
weed to Haddock's large warehouse. Before_
the engines weld got to the ground, the times
bed spread seeped" that all efforts to "ernutegoish
Won were unoThngThe braidings were cam
,pletely enveloped In Ames, and so Intense was
the beet that din trent Were (him from th e
posiden they had taker to we the Ism wan
bowie of H Horton dr. Co. OD the eat, and Ms
elan was soon completely biiiad. together with
several temporary bonding, adjoining, Welt
Were used far storing dour and other nterehla-
Cm In two hours, Haddock dr. Horton's, and
all the buildings up the hileldgen Central 1
rand depot, wire inarnedtbe latter being and
only bathe continued forte of the entire foe di
ne fire also- oommunicated to the wooden
buildings'on the comer artier* and I/aft Wa
ter, streets, sad • the southeest of Haddoedes
warehouse. together with eight or ten *thus
adjoining, In thedirnotion of the railroad depot,
Haddock's WeiediOre . m; was the 1 tln the
city, and coatl q o,ooo. wew ownM by IL and
M. O. Walker. Mr. Haddock bad en idllo7llllCe
$3,000 -on hie Intevett. There were about
10,000busbelCioni burned to the building, one
half or which belonged to Therm' Dyer, the se
=tinder to Mr. Haddock... 41130 about 6,900 b
e etwheat, a quantity . of linear sisilaid. and
11.hbatilenPkbdiongin. to J. H. Dedityn, of
The atindotti b : estimated at 380,000.
Abeas:ms_wilottsF r i• orappoiskterbisis
Ers / F e, ' k;i•
Vamp', iv' Ezin,iia twit
lap Is Patna were destroyed by tile last night.
' BATlPKtigluccr•
• • • • . • :Hatroooas, Aug. 27.
'Flouo--The midtet with naafi Sail
H. 8. brands at OHL ,
.-Hosho--Bahs red shoat at 70@76e, sad of
what do &I'M .G 8•10.• YeHosooiltbstlEag at 66;
white .14 at 67 QBO Chttaara talltst
at W.r., st 63e..; • ~•••• .• :/ ' ••• •-- •
Prooitiono.—'fhe •satitorls its; . with &QS
ors • meat •parkat ;$ll3 .sad. ;pillme do at
$l3 60;i bbl . • Bassoohooldus ass solliog et
81. sides Of. aislokama at ioeluclo.m.• Sales
of had at t} 11e in bbla sod kegs . • • '
Grocerla--ala of Rh, eels as .8i ®BO.-
oaks Porto Rico row at sfig7fo? fb. 310-
VlLicker—swlia . ai 7:628. • ;
PffilataLPlELA unitscr. •
The market is quiet; with Limited isles
of tizai and grain.. ell . parties are awaiting
&deices from Laropa, width ire now tally dna.
Soar—Sales 500 MU at $3 15 V IbL '
Gisiw—Gales prloae . swir wheat a; 81®520 '76
boated Corn la in fair &mated: as. 500 for yd.-
Whiskey—Sales at =a.
Provisions and Groceries are Erin.
• • Nay' Soli, dog. 27.,
Comaa—Tb• matket is dall, snd daddies 'at
moment ilatag, • • ,
Ploar—Seles 8700 Ws at $3 761g3 87* far
Stets sad Ohio kinds- Rye four is "Inn at
$BB7 9bL• - •
Oralta4taisa‘3,9oo ballets Malawi at 9349
9-to sad of - 900 bushels Mediterranean at 96a V
basbeL • Wes 12,500 tatattels at 11706.2 a, for
damaged, aid 96i€,67 for mired.
, Prrtialite 50 bbls mesa beef st 3610,-
25 13 tibL •-,. •
GrecaditAailee 200 'lige Rio coffee at Bit,
9c, . Iti.: -. Eialipt29o. Idasactesdo =Was
at Ma V „
Twitititait--Hain 60 bbls at 884 c
' 500 puns no V
„ • •
Tabaateedeef 10 hhds tabula. at Bic fai
blarylsadirt -
• •• • - • .
_ • - Naw Posy., Aug. 27.
‘Oottaa-Illsr =rata is flre, with alsa 1600
biles Watt quotations. ,
floor,Elaks 18.000.10b1s , $8 87 for Btata,
$4 for wartera; 'and $4 12111174'62 tar sootier°.
Grabs-Bales 40,000 babas corn at 550570,
and 8000 do 'rya at GBO. • • • -
Prarbdatues: 1000 ' isms pork' at
$l6 50 ? bbl. Bales 200 ,bbla. mess beef it
IFS 75€410 bbl.
Groceries—Batas 400 bags Bto cafes at Si@
90, sad MO !No N O. Sugar at 6o ?lb. Bala
200 bates Porto moo sugar at 6@6 o.
Ilaseed 011-80 es 5000 gallons at 7:7780.
• Totsooo— Bala Statuary tobacco at 8 ®loa.
; Wool—llertaarkat cautious duU balm.
. ' ,cdpingin*Al Tr.
'Floui..—Tbe market is again Innea, with ado
at $BlOOBl6. Doyen wirold *rate heel
at 518; , .. • • s • •
Wbiskej-4fitleiat 1801 Ne. .
- Provielontt—Tte only axles are 60 bble mete
Fork at $l5, and 211,000 Its clan. eldes at 10io
Orovider—Balso Cuba molasses at 28®280,
sad of New Orleans do at no ij) gallon. galas
'l5O bags Rki coffee at qa for common, and 100
bao good at9je tl 110
Linseed 00.—tiales 86 bbLi at'66®6907001il
Sklica.. •
, Tba river has risen sin Melia since loot fo,
ST-L01:118 MARRTT.
• _
St. Loos, Aug. 27. •
Gesin--The receipts of wheat far dipole three
days reach 5:4000 bushels, and prim, CUM•
woody hale given wiz, drying an extrema
range of 45 to 7511 bushel... Cott is ham.
Oats, no sides
Porelsiohi--dre ledennad, sales 47 bblo toss
pork ar:sl6 • V bbl, and 800 btis 0.14 62.
idols erre. salel . 24pikiptime clear ace at
180. Silas bagged_ hams at Die, and colorised
at. 10* fb. .
,yehlskey—bales at 201240} 1;2 gal.
iesi. FALL earueroEsistrrA- 185.1.
(1111 - 110 Z or SODS.r
Nicrorip AID anis) 110111.1AUD
`Penaryfasarics Radroad *ad Dgnsts .faeld Law
. .
Two Daily Lino. apron Packet Eatbk,
(ISICIMBIWILT 7011 PAS111210.10a.)
On and after Bfondny. August, 25th, the
Packstfaar . ll=l:2Jl asb= s t
u Lt=g
r=rudna. ° ""tlear i ttlgrmsliV
net tar m ai ts=a
kwatb. Tsar llosts./ilk
11/6111 . thl
SOONlttatridt== t l i=slos
anal trawl.) rasbaat the= ea salvia strbllsdalytilabs
premed as Is Nalt Twit at area, : .
• ?Llamas roe Beverrou
Ibis lb* York sad thaabilitod Ilsltratd. u asabltrais.
Mow.. dtaltl4as, mama Taw. YOUR Itanza
Tan to Obadiah:by, hor to &Whams, ao!a
' do Lwow
SO ' I TIAarO ia.a a
If you dadra asap tombs, sad sotaltetsbl. wows. ,
41 s
1.10. •440.1% !Mt *Asia al Um netts Oaks, Idsower
bi nos d •
J. P; ROME S, Agent, ,
Or of D. LEECH & CO.,
• tun OwslEada.bas start
Ohio and Ppansylvalds Railroad.
alter MONDAY; AUGUST 40i,
• lAN *lMghlear on .Plrt PX.
Lam =warm ot to out :
WAY FAX; .3 cis: nu' ins.
Qugoto_ott , :o toptin.t. ot Balt grim .
►n It. I
- •
~ Za=tikki:d l l A n o . / .... i4 red.:ad tabor
inarana b.a. • '•
I , t
Trati";tirnot rox tostag ; oat I:sat:I:lib/a
Stskits Broad an names .111 ea X , ..cani to ,
n m e kailioad 118 bo asboidol toyoad ie. Brighton.*
ta , tarlins oractleabiday.
By orkr of all• Board
aosaal ef_plowtz:
OLORGE A 19324
idiearrlndkuteavads a•Linapoollizte
Ailk_ t. c litArom Pbiladelphis on the al ,
p tl . 4v p roVtmolit per . lb .
-. 811 AS al. • 1i a1... •
I OPt, . Moto .
.1. !.. L l Verg.PortVA•ot.llaMg.
TM Moro to en bollt of bootm4 moot
Ito 40 VW% all coolly
tad are scud for Um YO
tbotr pomp=
sr. lam bayreneinats.
•1194 . 41=WZ
. 421 . 7 2= i4 ‘ t ,
, .7 m -01=014444_10f aro of ortoooloSirol i:l 7- 4 - lii;
aro ao.Oirtallrid lioO Unit 12 tbr. pare mote.
Persons dectroos of Tie Moo& nom clo• OA
oab .111 to .
. B.4 .l 4 C'"" irei n ziptM tb ow th me 14 .4 7
Mtn:Mims Mann lo - -
. For M. eou=m ic. <4 irubias to onorl 1. ,
rtart.Vott dismal. Si , = 4 67 " .=
tb. or Post Ofßcor to WOW lvotkoft..
irrorriskolo r , ot*O4 poompro waft ttaallior
Very mot Ur Ibliat ironTior will tro I lis .
a lec=forg i llt s coar lASI= 111...;
mu. tad MN eIiCM... d&V:ftz.v 4
No. rr liana afoot tak. 1 4
10104 Wm &so'. I Mood M. .
NEW YORK AND . IlltlE Renschsi.
.1851.1 1851.
lAAldtt sad O. 12"%sr , Ino:sureStag sith
dr staus e tsz .u. LAlts tbs likbp=se
vasbas s . M
tME": ( IssiaZ i scs a l. s 'l T '' l t tl %sq.* isdlssrsod
i/LALN Tit int11ni ...,.... ... mums: •
. Ist lambs 1c .. . 4 <Mock- -
no Usti hsta nose Igxl2s..bars Durum eigs
Pil bosesoad take tbs Ibromerrals. an
rt east craft aa. • esitet, sates Lbsyrt= =
r d.rustd.
' Tb• Isms. resfsid sad WU. Tres Yens Ihrsitzt st
4, A. X. Agin 4 Puomear Ois Is
.oe tcse.Erd is th is Train to
Arts. tion ' llanStailVielr Ar a. awed Clan
priers yin to shss Is ties , dam
Ilds tpssy sni prspand so tlniarko.t ihs sist* sad
NSabts ill Led. to sod RPM N. Y ort.
PUtiffli atellitlM .nn b. p.m . E.c.,
b..tAs 0 Rot vt& irtils tirtr th. nots rtv.4 lid rstacrs:r
swArllTsal =s 1 :111 Dr ''
t " rsamadatko to s
Wnicse " lo e lhi n ptiossi e ß it"W r ixar ts n , e r ..
' .I. DM.!(011A31. Adm. Dvaltut. ' iss
. Etemicm Tickets to Beater, 8d coots. '
Fr H E too pa .......• • stem=
uti.Dar -4 " 91 "" " "In
at Pittsborzt 3.4 11111 . 1 .
clawr. tmrl7 as
=4.61••••. Ire 21. is.
*0 - • *woe. do ,- 50...
Pomo. mtlogaig I. go tit Des". tlll pong.
liclobt• to Barrbab• WA boot to ritAstarxh. WV=
Sktodo Cr dogs oat 447 rod ay Ur swot
= :74 torl , Ns* stausboszs - 1111•••,.. or
DUN a. CAbOIIZT. • '
I Wig Car. Rua • 8a531175.14 as.riliusb. •
•28 HOIIIIB TO U : ' : 4 • ',.
WilEifigg- . 1851 alliiiia
rPacks. and Railroad Lau to Clenslosi.
ASSENGERS ksve every mor a in e as 9
• o'clock. by steamboat to Bomar, tboacatry
so Raw ;boos tOr ritiaboriglasi=
lartits4 to
diy-Tars to COnaland,ll44o.
To Classdasd, 26 baTas TO Detroit II bora
Batas. 16 ctdeaso. (I)
Sista. erso O.6LE 16 ' •
Vls C 61320,341 and Xanta c.e b i kralassl and Ctodaoati
Ea mot. MOMrilflalikko=
I CL:=MTI .11.1181 &I 6
rovases of
thaao• az 7)6 5 ;1'e1i. 1, ,.. . . 4 141=
WI arstrias sow soon .s ak , arn ,......,
bad. Es. '''.." = l .l= t.:6.4 mace, q.d...
crows. ' Wirt& tnanut.".
e'l*M" Ui' M ' O ' 6l. 7 _4l:lollß, Assot.
(Do stairs) arras of cata aid W . Matoostl.
7POdts the
1851. • WESTERN . - 1861
&AMP • Tu. MEM
a: Canal being ii4ood order, al, are
=Wand to to
'Wra=rt . ags and aunakludist
VddAg tesascratid,, and al .
Ari R i°Qi aTjVILACT.
Dem r d it o W. la.
SEMI Pl , *
T. lioll=l.
776 zia. 7. dot mut. ow Taslg
t 1851. MINIM
VI. Thennuillle end C omte Behheare
Idri.NlNGStar l. leeese the Muni
et.. tb• BMWs My. et II ettatt .110 b.
•rlak Wawa&
Baal Wow tr•sm•
lit •••
eke.. 'with ......,
gr•obas•l Q eke.. _
=ll= tl i=igl:Altak
Tb• 1.1•11onal ACM to ao• =Apeall
tbs Combo tomies reantivak sal
itakes thla anicloyL . the bon T rfa
ree ire. • . •
IWO • Olio to Qs ilamprtheM.
1851; di d
On the Petrenteetda end Ohio
• elirliktllf t". . CiltgaltD 6 Co,2Cinsais.. At
now ll Ides ' is to
r A l omp we ori 044 LA had pedwarrn rem
....La. ! .
LMSs 1411..iutaknown
a , titvr . ra as we
y. sae arsocil 7of Babb• nSerba, Dr. , ... . ,
, k ramigW:arithearo mil ami - . .tglialat
41pli= ' ,1: 1 11.14;$ 43, ao4 , ,
sad 'loran pa th• .
A,ll, 1N1.E=.1%11404 .'• '' ..'
, 0.11•1
i •LlA:4 %),4 =ti . . • , :
pima A • Mat* . .
I.„A.X.ttler. • • _ Mk
~ r
b...1. 7r1; , ; • ' . WU!, ' 414 64: '•
' R M . unsonTbu in :* '4 ' . .• % ,, t4lir. . '
tntila/11-t .- • , •
naM . ' li tre rt a. i ttOrr,
sin we. Wart eal .2a. F 1
Armond lade to - Forward 'Freight
EAILIKIAD 00121.141 wAt o ll a 1111a.lrt
/13 1 aff air Pout soetarsee 1114—P
,Ohio sad Penasylvaxialtail Boa&
sHARIPS for aril, • •
. tot Milan Tooth.
WOR 81iLE—;•P4tiburgh. Gas fily;ick;
1 st.eha stew • • e.ih rontt sta..
ANT • of she Pitts'gh
MO= sat unit Dota c ge n ZA
iMals taial : • 111 . •
• • • tt. D. =W. IMOI.Cf Red iltioznii
I i‘ S : t . -i, sr.—rr
, ,
It OC B PSE-100loamjustnst. tarsals
• TBEZONT .E 01783,
• iheihrted plea s as tars. It tor 41rays bort Thr
.rattal sal hltorthe ot Ur boar., ratoscatt
ass. rialinttott, hr 3 tlll readotth our losouir to is
ri Mrs. natl. to ...der It hattgsr....d sttsmL
Iturlrone of tb• too. of lois L. Toot. a Co.,
so k•olg at th• brad ct tt,.olZhirtorst, tb rstattite
Ord..lL hoot ovrtl , u to imitOtalst lis ropoll•lkos• and
100, gin oathotootio• to ittber.4ollloeit._• • __
athillitOod)lho . WIL PiAKILE.
NEW PiLIWY 000DS,. -
sad WWl* to witonally tytotatel rtrlorl.
Yort lattoriorkor pries.• •- • •
Bodro (Woo, or Terra OottsWort, Abbott. Coo
'Tototatto Dory. tiormoo0.0!oto tua Pttlw Mad Ar -
Voter? Butoto, Wort Ban. itper Wolffift. to.
CordOctkorro Poornretloaos, Comots, Colo Ortarotott.
• Draterto . Toney Attkl" Trott Read..
'Tobacco:olds Ankh., Toro tz . ttArkos or &ma '
- Oast. MO" Teromelook Oaf% to.
vitt so wartime ruler' of oar. at low Was.
lklatirlroantrilw oc, de.
LeiALD, .BIJOKNOR 00.;' . Tobacco
Ckiembidoe Itenalaats. Ife: 41 North W4l4r Wed.
..1.4 tomb Whams. PU1444101. 4asl
' • To Plmabers. Gopperstaiths, ite.
HS Tindertrigned 44,,p_ixals , tazitl on b on d
r V ave. ei .ecripetonz4Ple .. 72 . .n Mj=lA.4
iratnil di . ear te.4 -J , e= .4 rianue ton.
lioarre aael WaabCopper leen. .al CI..
te•Oyper and Brake eres i rasaa ma Bram
r. n. r. and Cbaleu arm. Pialar4re•Toolre
rye, lanes. leches E news liN i ...b .
t.... A. 12.11.37, &R. I..lfttll lab ilea Va. sada
mods. • • yi L AS, COATIS alf V
areacat e : PIP Pearl etre. AU 1 . •
Steam Comm micatiost betweaalreve Mat
sad Olasigov..
gLE B,.. %ad. New Ta**
inZt= 440
ear, is
=n i j to =0 to re
mic Cost =tsar. laterfar,tba Oloble
Pauacag ito37r. • •
Er4ciablo toteeprO
. ,
rot uolght ct o 4 to •
oeSitaUairtie we&. •
New York TwU B Lbber Wiurlumse,
ko. 21 Maiden Lime; ciftd No: 69 Nauss abut;
llrst ettlia it= B reed raohxritifillosthith st.
THE SUBSCRIBER, Proprietor of , this ees•
tabllehaisot. mould Womb 4.10 old customers.
=rMimosa/. MO ho to Masi nods= troso
d. ummissitiAmoo sati ese.u.a macs of Mae
Rubber EOM. aismdbilmand strOmmt? tar Mo rau Ilista.
sad vista.. acto b kith's intradused ormrsl issis exit her imirresami la his sassicsserr ar.l gamma% os
be hots coutdmit autism Mil stsisht perflm satistmlim.
poctal ousutiou
hl sam.. to ao odsid_m_Uso
tore of %fund sadet w o C.o RiILICSL its . of
mom 3-I to 6-4 :Amon. Itho drills sr. osreAsili selected
tbstims besatts.sud mmodyiskthe Odd aushortich
to Mhos eausid .c onrt frowns. vite ohm mmatiMirm
gisitly dist:mond. iMit=7 . 4
Wok nemsdawas to
hashes.- 4
outdo sad add eusleuid.. Orden . obedid
tan es. 01/ v $
sad from tb• Impmrteo Pass 'Malmo to the no ,
welrdme Pataal 8 low—alatnlas lift% Wawa's 80
LIEI k,J1 . 1 amps. "W.. Want sad Nagai. Wamemi
A e:o2, , 4 , • c ler v a Stkntb ri abast , t„
ftirtirmg liar* Qom; hetaca.o4 t3
wvr alldeo h. UNlk uw
ovvry=e of end
' •
b i=aserfbctarcr al Vatoodard wie
Ora n
•111 b•
nail,* at Clatmol UMW
Shawls( Gobi Midas! • • !
S. was, No. Coillindiii;N:riak
w b.. ----- Ills Rival W
IaRsr 4 DM I L W 4 .. .V.
..I= lCE* Verel
tali ~tmmld tome
ArfoY ebar• SITUP, sordlormnd &On lb 10 pm.
hit, ans hopergoitkoh marvel eximi
tbir — altaities at bac Ibrib tart Wm/.
tee Ilraebaabo M tbr atm, as (UT brill OWas ..brb
twat ea numb, sad bariverra• gtaats Sir Ida' lbw.
tomarratral h tb• city. • •
Abborapailer 161.111 UMW fffAIDIr. Orr rathetlag
Mona sed Irabllagr. /neat brans/ atbrai Yrtasaad
&rod. at S 4 ora Ili oath. • /.110
To the Public.
bDts..HUBBEIt L SHOES,.—Oar attenticii
p . s 3 Wee t e . fe h telV ''' reet " = " rrell ' a 'LE M
Ds Cassia GIP aura of rase fts‘
iwatb wrest ribid WK.
kw o% Uut •r• Oto ittatew
• •••• roan ••••• oar •.•44••• don sot
• ma tkwom•=er•st •
msber ecalsars•rsows•
oar Doom 1.1 Ot i 1i .„ ••=• Vito Ur mow sad
op= Goottrene• 14=111:
Utist star•V bau•bas , • rtab to
VICIt. %Uzi ti:r I It. Ur. Ire y wing Sws
adtsowlslo4 • me. right.. mole • ••U:ai .
alma to 7 tm. act w infrkoc• raten.V. U. la sow
..., = .r.... rig :,,, g ,tatriatro keel retee.bal Mare
elrilmann and Zgr 404 ingo. trarM .. .7100.
Dr. Day, &near. ard dud ever ow we Leaman. wltb
spates opera seodyrte• IVA:W. ito•na•Dtelan
11, Dom wbkb b• l• Wiring Io tb• we•l .3,.
sow. IDA b• Gad LI Isbe esweresel with Ds P..-
bisAg Sr IL slkoromadets idelailmat skaa rar
sa.; T rawatad.
OANDLY-. • •
I .
THE lik IL ir 111 ^ 0.03..
IL Uslebtomea, PrlDlowl.
• • DM/oa.
'll Dr Sum J•ly 124 IDL 1781. s
J. W:HoThertim.
.tia.. 76 Saddle' Lau, his Ksk.
BIER and Jobber in FRENCH and
WM' GOMM OrmaaTo7ll. Man Vades.
rata Bases. Acratdams. lank-
Agsas k4r /gars
.matbetwarde Avail= Andean Tla Tem rtn.arks.
44 .771:=1
Brßlack Wrignz and Copying Ink.
NWEXPIRE INK, 87 Nassau stmt.
thoi Dallol3am. littv Tort. • •
.• • -
• Tun ln•M TO tai Taala.
ta a as. paT.o. ....;.110 40 •
noto 1. a
I " • M.l( " 21
' Oa E
TOLT Is Lta bo ZS San MOLT—
La good lalOPriao Lai—araill Ton.a. Taaala.
daa.. sad pawnor 614 th. oaLTIon
Vl= Wri
Dtsd t t% . /at.gric p. at tor WU. ..1.4
Tba .4.4.4 peapanal•ta famish In Ma an& al.
LW/. anal ar oxameaLkas. at tba abaro
00 tbdtr of
ax warder...o d aattranal La ea
== . 2
Profeuer il Alm. C. Ben_V_Tricoplutrout,
MEDICATED compouND, for re-
MIL rtroda duo.. Ulu: la buret of Ma
=rt :be tan. arof
YT " the Wu et I.
MSVo est: YT Mu:km la It thatt P" = "2. bars
wean acrid, • • .. • .. •
Sam Tau Rua ZL11511. ,
?SW - Sant — l bar.•
tuut oakhaioti,.ce.
mums *rostra of Ow reslp. of • oort raturrbd saw
ibi U. That Osamu rum oadt autos OW pedal
.fie Um, whim of rams
tb• pod slaw rti•
Hum ; az trtut all the rntpus br rad
Oda W. a. ultboot the lout emu% Is 7
by eta ut rem TreepbsYme I did al la •
ntram t. try strut. su e t ipribta.=
t‘l7 .. tSgrAttuat pirtale m nk
' 1"" 1.1.0 Oat mud.a YL.
Pin Yom.. Ott Itte. •
Mo. IlAzer—hl Data illt-41.etreo Temwev Itlat
1 . goT a l 4=074 . 10 " : "d1.4.4
ea. eati / 04 se..OA W atr artoltistrtatt. en nen est
*We mead: eckt ell du warner etunimmt.. the
Wm Dee oboes ler Instr.
• ' l f r l, r‘ Z 711 X . 11 . .143 .
,• It say WV et rename es cm eadViet the
ploy IV plow nal et AO sem.
Nor lark. whenle 111101101eet Me*
- . . -
ip u tttllitf o l Leval Aim; //Sgt .( %
1•• 41"." •= 42 r _
_I/nautid ltrrll ie l = hu gnenewr
'd" lannu• a/ Indleatwal Ilsopenadr It lw =I
r tb• mum <lnns .ot Ulu eandonsh7; Iml
aten=7T Iv th• hod Is Is um In Minn. to
Ifthrr dr Med. la Input& Agar to t. mood
, the ban, and Qua promo!. Ingrowth Is •
E... LWnenarlsahlot
10 eboutuu In• dandruff mid wart and
I_: It will ran idl elione• org t
a iialga
as Raid d•w was.. urn other elmankandlmon
w t., I. Iniar==lo=are
_ , und la th• Drlttglln Inlnnan. Va t ,
Man and Quad& •
rONTINUES his usual facilities to roceire
defigt=".4 St..T.T.lV=atzfrig=
on tb. usua Wati tin Mad. p.m% and
Bablanabil i za l e= len;
Jam .I..Cansnay. • aa.lnei
wrizati, COMMISSION lamacauirr
AND Auctrioxr94 Do. 7 Water strotJloll.ll,
6tooda Woollen to Cotosdadott toilstos.
• ST;ZOSEPH, mescrulit i :
"maw% ca...mreetr
EnEN H. RANKIN, AttoraiiimilAkosP
sti*Fr. um, ocomousklf 10. 101.•
r feir,
_ ° 'w a:
al as =r a t oat!lS.P!!ii.
• - APPLiCIATiCiIi .BE: VaiDE, 800iL4-
: • IacrACISZL bi - Doorz Immo.
12 6 111
ji tirlir " H " g ti tat:
sadil-1 s tootl t— Mowery
'didw- M11 77".." r e :V. ' V ' . I'l :Lai Ileritg, / '
TISMIT 14311744 bpla for isle ti
tai xas .Is .. ~ „..
• kit OT. VI:Li) ..!
ground sittum in
'V $ t
.. t d lig°l 7 4
4 :4=kti ' Llandj:graducreoced
cos or ivo etwOrlass. or
eti"; 4 ". .swalets. „
4'440% s Ctill 4d la ELLod the, I+l=alM, opal
f • /ES)
~, . ...
: . Valualila Baal . Estate at Madam- .-.
r6tIII4CR7HER ofers for Bae; on El
tannt. tb. Salkm.lsts WWII:. lil Aujai
er Pt . .
al. Tb...• tbra o stag b u lrs7Das st. ria
C. 4 1 5 . by 111 den. 1 7 1. .
Ma 3. 61 Tram ea TbledAVort.
~... 0 Z ji i (= . 252
It=thZs ' V‘belbt• thandaY,A..4th 4 1 7.0
frptaabaroa winks It will Lbra be mama *A P=4.
away, cc ma magma av,,at i 55...... 0 . 0. ,
iseht Li; ' Asuai it JOYsii rilcocktoil.
&ROOM, - corner of Grade and . Third etc.,
a good efay 4lr7ar er • Ora Iva.
parmicel OW ent.
FOR MNT—The Direging, N0.,•1.552
,nbd amt. ow azik.bll.l4—•• docai,••
onr b•ft vela tlpg met pawing of
th• nth, Isom is moppiet•4. 'TX* Ad &meter o•Z
arecocl Boor bus • bath ma stiAchiCl..ll.b t sad
Also,th• Howe . 11•34=.13t. Enquiry
Sewickley Prverty fie Sale. •
THE subscriber offal for Brio • fine Tact
oa r; owl ''''''t i . 4 •cl ' % ,,4 tb• =1 1: 1 1 4f
stai sm. of •
the ninlvial• bob Oblo t a
food • MIT. 1114 Waage (210 am)
the beito *doted lb+ earmboi
• •it• Wster rang. Anal • lbw =I 017)1.U1.
guxl roman order.' /for ordros of pants emu, old
dosoo. tbl• prowl, oo• of tb• ba.Ol•M ofb•••. 1 . , ••
seam So OA ettrat •21 OM*, by Rana. Atm
no. fort '
oe buns. apkily m>r.o.aVlfaCrow'. ria4ion.ll••••
oo•bbf.. USD. a. RIDDLE, 142 Tooth stmt. flair
Valuable Beal &tate in Beaver Coma
soiecaititir cant for age 1.14 following
. 1. T.lota In IlMatos:Stater fta=f. brag Lou
.6 es-Sahtl 4. betas shoat 600 ten glsats. 6 . vOkh
ape biota of toot ass. ttvalktoss. sad ore emu's.
Qua Swatting, all me storks hlpfs.
No. 2. Ono 10 Ool7µ frost oh Sect stoma, bppadb the
abota. awl atlia to the top el the MIL
NP h. Two bosh lots. ash to Wt troat reasiall
teen the mad solar voter aut..= the 1/4 O.IIR.
No. 4. Otte saleable watt lot. 100 Ml cos Wheel /ilsoe,
filth ten that.. rater possr smart
No. 6. Ose lot o f w in. W 1 tart frost, alat
asteadlag to tlat 101 of the so Slammed me
WIT= stars sod In tabour. 04 SO get; stracoe
• Lam' lot a tirst il gatoa.btrowtoaaty Or
tag 11%1 a trapdvm sale, atoatMlondief. , , slsO apt of
me lane bulls
4..11m5: 06, =4l rir tr . cr.
ka , nowty au ipespy
Li te 01..01 , 47 0 . 10 .4
g sold
1.40 Get Ls Ward. imadhas team
if =Vtll t aiM i rlitt% .. of SSZta e les
saat,Sprlsate We, arom se =0 as. po at.
am** lba madamrff
st wale.
JOILS ....0
.- . Seven Valuable Farms for We. • : '
ALI. SITUATED nes: the Ohio ea Perm,
• ohs.. Italbood,lo L itto okinlty of dolsoo,Obfo;
fdlut frogs 10 to ow afros ova, sod la • good mato
Als,— , t .in ltall LOTS. tolzrooslk. .propoot tOsisom
' Viz Vol M . A., a m '' zi n
cro. k la ito Okla
either of Ur Soots to Plaobt&to tato.mrm
Ifr ,
I also itai if; fki.a. :tau - a/maw etiotetee uu
r,u p " u 2=== t t=ull:.
_n et fa at V " 'al
di girt k ott,citto
oofOO ff 4 • ii/oo.totzolnky sad 000
tzaz ood zoo to to dolfsod crooz tto ltofdo
vow to . sod tno II coo of
OA lito softbo tat
w arn
foam. O. July 1. iL , 4isilllM.ll . , '
THB ondereigotd offers for solo • piece of
&ad tot.dem els
Oh nod swum r
n nx. .rte.
Valuable Real Palate fer Bale. •
Ttr. following described proper ti es are of
Alls math Ids 2Ves4 WsnsoPßZtla
Iss-TkiNtlNa i fiss tousled
Itr a peaa . sot Soca.'
SAtrosittrAns% sce.
Sas lbessoo. mosalrito sus We, 130 k.rt.
" it t — L i=brikes, Arm to;ns•
ob.t^ tlo woad us as. sbo wise sol. &salsa
os osot k eesistatos obast 11 wens • -
&.Isasos=4.lllsepas ISI O At = r l,lT. ose
&maw/ Kal. ast St lot*
Also%SlSost olsno ' O4 th. exi Au.
EZZ u iterter=elet=iTe.="..
enrol. Iw:ea,
AssLy NOW • i 111;OrSafr So.
....bsa •....a • • • mom. Slls4ses‘ ,..
r- - - - irvirEakics • • ••• Um« • "L•
off Is oat lot X 0.21, ta• seisbud Diu of the too*
t allej ... iyolosltosoo SSA Win of Somas arost.sa4
AI. far .at tae oe. or 1.241 yoors,tho suldoo of Ma
=W . ?: WA. 05tx1.144 book wilds" salot.taSs/7
, for sass; =mire os 1101= .Sos
&re 4.a.a bee. la 0 mo mm a
nut asps Inures, •
/WI Bitate for Sale.
A vAiumax unimproved LOT, on the
ll ' ea''a
a allollo za l M b Za•
A`roctio ft* Chem.
. I;=lt. ty by ICO Art 4.0 as 4. utot7. manias butt to eyrie(
. tbropil Itttirllnrent. t Com. - 1/bter
strut are . Ma lot ` ...., .1) 8.... boat by
lOU lidt 6..". boar 1. Um .1.. ~ sat. built la
shah=uh. 4.1 coo Was Wentt e,.
!icy naloable tan. ; ...a SliuttrarilL.
Lbr-A F 5 pa ems la Wan ..s1 .• •
Lltn—A ore -X thcrot la
. s. olmzrjsollts ,
'''' W:s.cs e t. " su ta hone comp. of voloot • dim toe
prier boat 000 bens .1 , ...0. • , ... •
• Aim-. 12 .40n,slotibbkdo la it*. vo, Maui& POMP
. ....
Soptr!oi..- 1.4c .
To Pumero,
/&01LORES Fanning Witt Onsing
st.s. l ia l ta= r 4=2:= 6 :llr4
Au.-4.oooien.i. .t i , t t a ts o n= m4.,
du taw. Swan , e:
ra/ wow arguing ad Third us.
TY ACRES of ,Oardining Lind, al
gare wert=lie I = l""u'L "L.
P"'"Lt— "2.
=Tr earner et listicet cod 'tiara OW. •
nurintien of thoFai--zoOunt Fire COM
-141:111•137, ±sCal thairTaits• lisr Ws.' pt. Lig soot or
bad ylUbe r-- mimel• •
7/....)CE OP IMILDIAGIL ax &b. coma of Waar
ritxxiaa "" = Ver'eta "`"'""it. rasa
ea• lagx4x4 . 7 lart‘hot oft matt. sad alma
taustred swum • Inetat 012 116 Nt.t.
Ivo ours.
mcbteek • ' 10e Pao et. '
~ . ..
BAKERY, aith three .
wad. 114;sesiit g.
CM redalg .11 . 44 1, ..
• -
Oral V lArrs uzl vassg w l a Mil '
.1 1 11
Patent CmAlealUb:a
11.6 al Malta genet, another lee et Petal Cuelle.
a um witele.:Fe altle les= ma k sad await
tha e oe
mwet • Mg.'l.7
Tea Dcfan Edward.
1 , 0 S T , Thnrsas7 eTening; at the
ousWat W..= Lot limbo and Moot D.
_Seeli.b64 . l
. 12,1z1 motto... POCSJIT NIL
or MILT S ONS ortstroat IWO b Was.
and Moo Mo. of fa to ovum
The rovarlortll to to vloomr Mors It
VANT943-3o pa*. Wine;
• --Prim= a co:
~:;rnr •~tssr
~ ■ ~
O LD .Jatioto Tom:wand ' •
IL, art& Dor age bi • •P• IT D °°' •
VAGESE-04 bosetcon cot* ,vmmt
VAl m f'" /11A141Vairit=iti
1 Wlgl . l4oarter bbls. for
tbsthiteror tobi, A)r isle
. i tla • • Zte le f i all& gn.
.0174,E487-1 elcr
OIL-A pustermattedpure,
• Lle.tizzzu. sr Ina -
. . !rriti
111211 Li • BLOO2O-20 lona ftwr sad to
-greccats—glbr,... g....g i grai, •
ItED LEAD-6009. far sae b
CLARET WlNE—Aahninpartkle,forfa9-
.I.2OOIF,CdaM-1000 boxes City
IO COlinerrs6o lawruw oat Ica
nib? JO, NIL &
-"DlESS :t 4sojApyintite C nj Pipes
11 V+. 1 1 ,7
I s J ,N • rr! lr - 8 . 1%111
."1. "..,:prsoz. f
wo2y woolwani• 'iodides.%
ty g K" , " 6 -P T h-WlLoolt •
/1): 77t,t1TfiTAKT"
ir*idaiee&3ls l / 1 2 .16 th
Ni ji if oak 'IFIL.L
• .
abmo Y E A
latam.....—• 4
;pc. thisk4..P.•••••,!Piti-YLACE,
• 3. I' VESTOX JOKII, Age.-
ammo OH • • A t yllktrut. =aster.
Ibr abm. cod tamadlata
as this ;San fa* flat kart, at 10A. IL •
Ira frattat ,
: aria • MMUS/ a .1 , 800. Asti
A: did Owner XATPLOWOR.,
'amt.+. will laws far the &bon am
wed. portil on Ude au. tbeAl pri.os P .
• tftr Thiplatar pri.PP .ft EON- •
"4r ... WHEELING. The 9ria . • -
DIURNAL. W. r. OsnrcU.
intrzwline mrt. .
, Uth '
Ajilbratil,tnoica a co. Aem:ez.,
NETr i matz—n.,fasts
••• • Tr porlurCirge; r ii.
iguyormaterVaii = h"* Brletik tuk t — al
rnrry Marotta /afternoon for ht.brorlllt,
1u24 Soutlittq rsaurssbg,leav:22
P.n . •••27 TlveLtltseaosa. sad .5
mery lridaY
UoMidl. t• jr" nleriaMglarnt-
tri/I {apt eltUtauy,:tbr irloseilmit, Plata tatt EmAe
...oTOndal sad MUT. at 3 atlati Frtandall
studbh ctos. ilitodltg ... .t3.3Pltubargb...- WO it.
sad slacrw deptad own Ws Watt:will=
MIMS/a 0rra.40•409/7 Tan
PACIET._CLNCIN , I . ..Votain John
golajtmo. TtSa qd beetwas bulls
th e eer h ete , the steamer Newton. wad Ohne.**
the elnolnaea end PatelYorob Packet trale, end orttl , ave
every Wetheetday to, One/math bantam or the New ft- op.
Wed Bre.2. lee &Qat oe Iterffigiabowd. es Se-,
pse WHILLING PACKlEt t —ZataeJo
arattt deader DIURNAL
Itt, rta•partsrmlagkerteS tdra beaus
{EL dtx tad Irboaltalt, 1410 ahltak
lg=tik , W o2l, mdal , sall
mat ;tatotatag
we every
r.% T.. 121
at ter Thrid7oW
comas, Cows; Noessnrss, 13116140111-'
AMONO the numerous dix:crieries Science
bar czar la td arrrriur,a tat* thelmlimi
/ 1 0. it.....,asmiat, sad area *On taan
ar.bsiesa allrtecca. tans eau In mania 01044•Matlabla
Una Wow acatribatlas r Chiselster. to the
Brun Arc A raze Lrfal at Ile wither thatabast Usti
raa cocat - 7, hie zn. , u boded UMW that me molida•
Or mr•v— , ..-. Glamiir......rak.o.s: am so natty oafr
arcl sari tan tha cameo.. varisUaraf pobaolarr Goma
which ban ha tru, mat trim our addri tboaraarla ay
am b. Niel cs to car tbal mart. danoreas almtion.d
tb. 1.4.. Oar tp.• bcrt, ell) not puma as to mall&
say yropartfon of tba mum oSattal by t aar, bat of
orrotottbs Wooing oblate.= of Willa= t run. and re.,
fo,tb .aiur t' lb* Ob IU. atkb th. wed. bear
waist win direts b. okasal to (dorsi) ft.., oilmen ma
MII particulan. ant indspatabl. Proof cf thrs. Mitt.
Trma eta/lecref C 044., tt. aid:ldd Pl2O.
'Vas. O. dror—litr: I tm. nattl Ma Cherry Pecked
In Mr. own two <I drarp..).lDvers , hll. and WO ad..
from It.chetdcal caorarto•Son that It la . mlatrad. coo.
...hi me tbo Mat of larynotal am:atom:OW allOcaltint
If my oplolon to to tra RIPOIACO character an Oa of;Tcli sr! to u. It so trait rrs.
_adabst. /110
. L. L. D. nuNrow C
Yale Mold. of thaM9ll.l- - )Gl.. — Fra
dolantbra of Amerks nal Xarova.
'1 deem tie tarr77 Pocoard 161( stbribmbla co m as
tam KAN. bast arida) lo th Malaria ars
•Ina rowdy Iby W. elm cd alarm. II b) Mae
ded to ona" • • . per Moran, OL. 40.. 1642.
14101 P 47111017 Plonk. ef lk R C. thraisatstg
lb.. boa mod lb* Own Pa we- with randerell
mg, to can an insibaratiou of Las Jon" , ,
. • AIM qf Lir .14,4 PArafer•out• Nair. -
• • EL'', LE 0, AyrilM 110.
.9h. CL Tar. Lavtt—Dar 01r..1 ank Bow assw•Lit
using roul Cb•m• itelogut th ••.79•••1.".
at cwodicia• t•pnLiacaar•a•••l•L•l•. " l=ar.
maw of may MVO 1110e4 I •1:11 C0111b3064 it Win rani
.11•21/4 ce14•.••II dims. cf Owl Imo. qua Live rola
&Wes 411 ether rstml• lararlabbr ncoolan4
use Is at oassam i at •• ace. •al Imelda tt turtb Ito log
• •ETI.TAILII; li t e itsuleetaia•
.I, l•V zott. Lovtll
fl 3. Doo
eart' l =w4m'• • jetin-Zzer
QELLEatr;VaiILIFUGEIt bummer,
.),...7.4a a gen. imam% Idled le erpol imam"
Ur. It: /.E.rwt—*.ialtet422M ti
. rtlffovroter 2r1 . 7 1 1..d CZ Qv •
• =kr tleo V =V:i ' VT %its s.
.9 .4%
falth trdr=4- 1 -4 thu
mom vAtrIL mcbed UR 1,101 gemat mnt.ty
v u ratrlg, acit kar t jt' 2 de,. boatel. L W.
so. ay..% 656 1$ 1.16 104 ' ll6liableastrarlad. thrtretrj
. 9"4" l.Sautriaates 'l'LMl ffLis s '''.."7: lP.• our. b. ce 4tiallptr ".
mdad. namirr,A• apajln
...ousn o. fa.yea,
t) soma. • - • WY.
. . . •
TURAFNESS.'noISeIdit , the 'head,. and-all
dleat r noesblo abk l erie. bona' a. ..r. moodo7 ?Oa
v. XI. and a i r
ea retry. ant at G9A.tobot-.l2iladeltYd. 'esrstoensoww
kle roma fora Medals The clamber • anoonsnoo ot the
CY under au roma I& room otts. and tba yeatibint.
ammo of atoms sidr4 alten.le um. d Letreatment ban to.
dam.] Wm to atiwallio MO M Lilo gay bore will do.
rend lunch upon mammon... Lod It ertil be advisable
for Lbooo wbo 'dab: boiroandt =pato an earl, on.
D. IL buy be r tootkok toAL.
gben . owed atitAr. , beyond the banal How!,
A Val able Improvement in , Trusses.
nit. HARD'S 4ttinved•Patent TRUSS
aod ECM= . PMET. by which • rxrdsocol
Cure tea be edbeted. This 'thus at mainly trt
sod prastiples of action Imo other Truer. barber
all the errestatadre of a ve/reedtdated .ad =dm peer
ore: lb. prem. esh be so redo:Mel to to Pew ease sad
comfort ha the suet dilLnalt rem of llortda. and sus be
tartpseed alromrt trate deelad. The rovecoMta
tend. sod Odor broagb:. to hear Ita=edlstrly enc. the
hernial overdo& atal /Madamsperfect e11..1417 .s.lnada
taini at 0/1 Wm. taro ye* !St. esuefr
A Ir. -` ll°. ' i. " l..V=tg U.=
arshgnielarra er ear other or palatal error
LOOM phial is twe aa uhtbessent mom= to the snap
hug of Ur, sdeptsd_ trams. it la • very P.m= preettee
for yrs/pos.l=o.M elth Florture to salmi a trate modal.
ply rt thstamslyet This to a had portant Irtalth ate be
two ra t ta sassaarty or the
P VIP vrakt lost .portgly tbi actaof ksi of Ptrrd ,
lowed peigts.,,lntlia: •
Thus.a keVt econsally
- Kiln= & dlebeir
le2 - • 140 Wood sr.. Lsreb
Haas Abdominal iliMportam
►~IESE SUPPORTERS are intended chief- .
1 1r ms lb. - of riaisPds Cted. Itha ./1
O.* where • alsobsolcal Samerttel2ks Abdominal
Is regolnel.. neer eve harteot capon to the ..tenlml
Amos. esstmAy De warn nth cam by OIL
_ll. 44r
ruts psoloaett or .amass at the IDl=thal crawler
kroleptle Wart, it tha Bangs. ftles.. Costly.
, re=l=lgiLtct ..
rillott•Uolk Of CM titan, la=
110 Wad et. Pl
fie*l:re Liver
Itasoaccasifittalrartb.) Joao :U. 4 411 . ,
E ... 5EF....H8 , --1 take eill 00p01 ,
• quay alma/,w I f.. of poor Spnatnale
AWsa Ilso nate aiza. / on tat= &Poo altO
ernes infleausatwo c the lint oast was so Wood by
night nous aad saw: elNets-af Ws &nazi dinar.
thy Gle was despaired of. Aficrotbetamos bad fail•
ot• lon beed OT o , f „Ovale , esk so tn yone.Llear Ma,
wad I most sar toss amt. talasio nee boa asit shalt I
ban bora resior,3l to nerosits. srlikhl. at
Alga Irm j . thas=ao .g .
ti ntras= " 2.ed .I,4ear ri/la.. are gailaranellS of
Wm loatattosta . Tha /Moat. O,rtpre_ Aped sod /AO br
t 74 E. Y. aosasoo.OT Wool at. •
X.BakII . 'Ors=e toßonsael) Perham
BXTRACTS•of Role, Orange Flower Jar.
aid,* zqmurd. Tort e n. 10., q rea;Vaafita,Ptr
na lT boosa Yk tet ( lU =l t4 = "'L ltreg ... .
.Jounislanocleglipp, A l. arsabola. t ,
CleimUte. Wid a:my ideol„ C.d. 4:::: -- =
asaloft. Vert 24 oak.. IL ow ooze boating alto
. fida7 . 2 .
pen. -11 1Ua alone Zatraelooetdch WI o nly . No of
ancroosent. an of laa ren bra qualltr. bring
torsi with especial con. The ortoaatre Jake osa4a to =I
coatimad.l7 tort Um 4, occuuezoo in which 10.7 an ar'' ."B"'"7. IL '. 0.' 0 % , 4,. ilTiroolFd...
• •
.• . .
grim% owl tar oolot at So.l on.l9Nrcal ot.
.13.—W0 Wrist tit. MU:titles of bloom gaol ISlaributt
toio t Ltd. &sok* viol& we two ter.ll only nor air
worts of throe =Tits. gni gm no:o%r' tr ar bo =Wt.
aapt trettotoncl. oorg gi bit* IstUotto H o n=
sum y hog • !rather and roots brilliant taw It
erostar borina snot to moo durable for tad& rt. °mold
not It will not rob and con to uoobod Irritant W
hir; gal so It anon woo coition with costal neigh. tt
t la( ss du p whist tool.
Ste' Piro Proof Mineral Point:
lIE subecribe:; having completed his wir
twatauzun tar ttezr t v i pas.o..e of Übe 11b01111 =avid
ts.r& or
atr e‘ apany
groasi uz au. - 4A.ILL3 C. ,
T. • • W„sTsi c f . ... b7;lss , Ark:statv•
ODA. ASH-850 east!, of oar ova mina.
'Sawsaratad atm Disb tut u Sul iscpanal:
tto imot tvg
Pittsburgh, Cincimiati szu; lassis?Ale Tao-.A TRW ,SRAltEroithis &mei
=3,11 . A"alfdlitla •
AL SODA—Masks fortale by
S• , ' 11321111121'.1=.1Y.CC0
1 Mb. krn *..10/3/gra, M 00.
35fm *as zligiii a
ODs =aka for sale by • •
A V` INEGAR-45 Cider.
lfruß br:T
Watches . ,
. tral= =ter worth.. W
tbsc we 0. smr. cod th°
. .....Clr x t :good amusmets t.
tottialorta mut troputilv an el
11411trasting ttLat vliocre alabled to . Z}l
lualtat. gr Ulgiql
eitoloir VW &peed
gt. ormi swim. : itta,", 1 1":„.6: •
t . • • • t•S
kfrb • 5 trOl i • , ,1167.
44. at.m.4.4 • • Lirmaqsautttpt.
. •
SUM novo:,
. 41121 7 .61 ":
• . •
• • 414 " Cidfc l ik -':
tb. imacmAns*
A..1.1•7,-'ffii..N.';'• •
0:11 , motile rood on! eaut:r
ILTH3 put up in quart - lxittlee, tad • c0w 4.1
Italoa :be rtromatb t as Moor mad, Quo ihreopp
=MT I tl coo !so ' '
It i ramut‘ whamczy=o,Lr =ok .
=re at telt:Yu& Ur u%oramorri k
??,,Z7 tIt211"11M riaritM "' M or
tto oroouottoo Dorm,* Um, mak. that le .'•
oo rrigt, ..onte Woo Woo and aIL o. V
=. nuommi Us bra ‘11 , 4 mtthoat
....V.toorri. •, •
maithor Loma moutotrod
"TV. Pd
la./num. =nun mesa to UM
RILL ;C u inTuot-t wt! ' •
nouraLo . or Ir.lo4rZECo=rocooro: l‘ral
Um &On. Croo.
mono Tr Sat4ll U.; ' ltturosorr.
B. .ii
vitto Wards. VAL
. * D DM" Itit: I
• -
Lhi L w of Da
, Uto.. AP remo .
• tab la Um Ws and • •
..2 . mtezne&l , lA 6 l . lrrias , -
nuLoM2..._ooctu.. Woolsom a
ralaimait J.••• , ^^". orM 011ottror Obrooto temdkur to
0N0.614ftl Hmaitodpdrlw Lrr LO. tit
sma= :A.:. mau
•r I-Iet l&
Cootcomm !agar. mato. or •
It. ••••••,.. .-; .. . ~. dr
. .
12.• kdkrains a MI vatbanct t..: , / at onaltenta WV In
Ids yaw .dan et Ina ai atm. immostal.-
an. H. IV. bodca la and dresll7 lama so 44
elaidar i pwar at Wald i, Otanni. owl
inn ak
... =ltassa an one af the =anal.
than at Earaery Goodman
& ...... 6s =or
mssow at arda ter tb• St. 6.
; Wtrawal
="rreitV'td=l bows. arm
1 1 .4! . 6. 66 agi..., 4
, krt. 1. w. Br: 63-41sv. IL Shimscin L
. , - - . . - .. . • . - . - . ,
' We ham mewl Sobs EziPt Bassessoll!a.a. kroms . • •
lib Do ma. with maim odarbaleat a. we ham so two " "
baths Is statist thso te Mama tato bo a mfa MI sallt
-1E:141. osnow.. ao 1 •••slatas to Dr.= .
.4 reign soda sos-hana a. wooll .
amt. ma amotectlx moomar. ltto W id- •
wad_ . trysoU - Xi W. NIHON.
. ; • A 11.40T171:1L OJAI' MS.
Des so all wish+ o alms basadal white Ws. mad a
taw aimed ehom. '.. ow Wawa aolee perte=ter ..
madog QM "4•0.* to &mot& to to
was; to easseam. louse. andeoNwsats sod colorist .• •
al awful,. to rearm babes s madOmot of Mt
tose =M a ar oh ast Latta= Essa . R
ta bototh3a, Ms e .
or ' bat ast dams. aMtnts thslreWL=log It Ifis t
healthy. ate etworme. OS. WSW/ to mews,
mo. ast etssztow U. 111,..r. 6100 COO 001011001110
Um bloom a. Swam. of ass '. Lela ask= SW
me of sort esl slamas..l Ears
lb. cl r oft anal twasely. 'A a to the siso
Oases. • tam le memets to dm
...radasomy Liu 014 FaltrifißS, Roden Svcrilawas '
all artsument as Out Sigaithey of Bias Bents- .
pariZa. • •
li. •
Irma Dr, L. P. Veinal. PmfeiMe or Cbastatry ' is: Um
. • Lshrdlle otioal Callow. '
el to look. am Um lin of istroittota ammodow
;atm IMP* • *soon. Ea auto( Ihsragetalisaal hue so
haahtt to tortes that Ib.t Om • ode commost.anl •
atis=rossem wall to dumb amen to IMO. It la '
L. P. ,V DILL.W. D. •
~' " : 1 1 , 74..o *.
3®lo. LK& • ' • .
.... • . , •
!WAS DLI P7ZWo4 Zlogioess by eamestroad Os CM /...
. , mum • As. A.. u.pord. ow V' VeWS ALLW*P 4 ' •
&Z.LL.P • • - '
1 1.000,13.10. Yards 20. ISM
Thom to tO., saverks.d. tar Um prepuscloa Of '
Mks 1.11 StrassoLla...V I Whom tba ambIIINICO 10 .
be . szelleot cos asa to pad me ea al- ' _
Salim lawommlos os the ates " Vtgami so t Ati , to '' '
btes wo4 stub ariede., ast tatiV itgt.... Of • ' ' ti theL.Tartdo Vs7t - Si Uareal i i4l '
ding.krialtsdttirli ciz gluyi
km ao other. •KZ it lhs W
144 Wood gri.t. Pitstarwb. Pa.. .as Dotal
e ZosAls . Ll , t i e i =41=1.,..1,X1P:=„g0.
L .......... ,
- -,..f.,- , - w;--ircpc.,...:...,......,t
..,... .„......:.... ." ...,.
Amsal• italldra
liauttLoasain of Prne.-xlim al dm Bram..
Depend [Arita and (Ram,. P at Mid. an =ad b 7 •
Dr. Otcpoes /Strad drdt • Adaadtwit:.o4 vticti
ding lauadisia mint reanrhyr Lb* Soca taln bald .
ua Aµ‘,l6 Moo b/m4. It wean/ am b.dticonms. otolg
=Word oloootlamo nod Ono ktooltb, lidos to 41120' -.
Its pWd.dluattn ottykoe mutat St toottlostr oat&
osOlo to IL* and. mad galleali. again!** a dr to
'aaol..lllsmaddlotals atoattrartt Ntlstreitita perms
iums sad laadtodo. too mamas to th. Uzi& tams. oad
as alagY sad Doman . on tortelatto tbrr '
out ondottlL We bars ontsato oo 64 sided falser
stivatair b ra01.11944 this zwoUttco tojhersiitt posit
.bobaino sot boos Woad witit adasat.Z.
PTabbil. Or.>f.or 7. 1,1 .*5d %ha Rambo(' a. nen 4.1.
alai. .w by Drjhaygotrilliztal a Talk', Do* ma
ivasaad/ta. attar 01 . 1170,10 k 1101,12 ranady bad bon
, Alfasaiarr6s .. 4 .
• Thu; mietlesi • Ur iddl. rad 27 baa safand
• .
atilaothes6o6,6llbisf 6t ar. pat" soaudy. aD Clot
dam aida466l. bad. I eras Ito tar roma coostsadli
6466 . 4 tholeldard.63l Wald OW mn,.t To pasomadid
w.artltm of*. ,67.1.11.hca5t say tdoadi mbasanos.
1 Llama alma puoWrid orgy tostrassuat ausassuodad 6s
ter can of soli Crook all of .Bird scowl ararddab.
' Isk Lb* oda' ad MI6 •I ...mus•tbs scr ethadh ,
try 6s. GoTootrefalkm Dock sa Elsffilatll4.:* blat vs.
asol be tad osoodlia. Law aba bad oral fttor &Oat box
moots; lt. was and6d. a, Oaf us,Caot aba' taiposeafto&
and Dom tLLtlaa aba I...nrooollitddin sada:Loft 666
Ittde"r"`r 447 4=;M_ „
WiL. btu oitgjacas to . Iltaii.and %Talk. Illaobrt.ketrr
'llast **abate =Wampum as Oft stekats• at htzs.llo*
tart. sods• ts tbs. owe WILE abetel Ity tht.fitges WM,
Dock sod bsessmids. w Szlear was,
Ia ZDDY: '> .
; ; •;
A lOtoio loOr-Omo of 0.11. Loorutri.. • -
1 • taros? °mai. ft.% ittita
Xmas. a. Likosistl t Cos-Oartsi litrai Cs
- I mks attackal ?UN Linea NMI In INY stal..aitlibsams .
m tors I could mot IMO U. sod la 114:. mortliottko Mt ta.
I /•=34o7*L.6%ditiemsit ?ma. ...II pamietsd of od.bittY
ambla tar moat
in tit :31 my sma most bs asiZadataL
From; the Moulds= to lb. itromm ?so. tall at rmaioa
loom My simmetb at this Wm srvi compl.ady aldsmalt
d. mat so: paws mod. assie-ataL I cordittard to this
Mb. eutll 1.14 t. .14s/ eau at, ..samouat NSamsata
Tatlai Dal in fur.a.o.lo ?Lich Iraid. Asti mat AO
loolutU of thsartfte. Q once. Term Dcrkata Fazio•
dila mod ft; I took IV odor n.. 0 ?bd. maw It: •. .
UM fat mysatt ?wholly ?IN Mtn using tie dila 'kW
Pa. ad I mod it .t i!....irM arstaismot de? simild7. l
eat Sam it maid ban ass vi ft Mom 7.. of Fa. out .
itseksisa. I most eamstair mossiaasa asat7 Maas ?O. -
tram ?oda ear /luau 411.. w to a. Ostraotra :MIME •
bath d ad damatardha which will ter.or• Was to WAN.
i'Yeats, ta ismilimht. O. IL LEONI.II.II. ;
" Curs of as gyravateg cut• of Erytipekio.
- .104 cam mina. by Dr. damssa's Ertriel of Yellow .
D,,,k s e, 5.... m au., i t . haunt. Tb• patioses ttWi •
bailtli mestizoes is imam atttr dia.. t. Mistresd•-• •
Cling an not .:tdosicisd mill aft bin &Ur toctal lb. •
'tun ou be m?dame Dints= ot Ur dims.. .
' •
... I POMMY. Sailitei ea. , itY=Cetta - ' ,
47. ttoMlOLLitlitraeoto: Ittnrie armapirator. Ms ' -
; Tents yO9 .bat the awry Emmy elimas et mosa .Taft
.raitliand dinaparlftaisa?rm toto, mbotatlong toontiml•
lades Ada thst dnisitai r.. !mama. dlsmas. Erysiss
si, ?Mb ?bleb ft moil ittemtml to 184. sal .as ft or.
.atialmal. ..a.aa by mom at rair bast la.7shasza. abs
1644.k..itai primmrmily ft dm otoottoortametamtr .
mOdY =Wu ?Warm 11. boom. redirodi a pet. v-
tat .4MIiMoM IL bad ?loam from Lis Ma AS hi. Roes, .
Atidelliamt sootoistallt Cabana= diatossatirt admits?
taidao . . Malicia sad sortie] a1..1 was biNied- Pbmasitas • . ~
N g kb'. bio tool MAI boroliam tbas maid to actlitag
land. ?ran dam minribia miagstalos okers. Br sehtb. •
l ioo oat wall Um:men hie dlassiatico ow at twit. .
rsa. e• ny• milabas (oft bad mid • obild at tasidala .
.roar faralaabis modictro)trtamd a....., aiam
la; std. ma. ham M. ntr.ltot &stn. tO cIOIMMMIttIiX *UM - o
1/61.1.1. than tom am :..opt of motttmtmllog, Immand •
eni tows of your Y, • Dart ~A. tersumulit. 1.1 . .
omimmoml unit tty .oral to my marsdiftest b. Mims
'ashtrays Data. I. am oat tba ttiof tads:' wl beta.
be 11•14 mad a Ulf down haulm. to' am. *III mi 110
lirigetililtirktlO bottlatilortmg Ma Tear laiSomel by &.
?ski Isiah. tat wawa mum& Lim, lootim• at tin
ddlilloa. Mond tft lora is round. sal I. I..tearllu ,
paha boolit. at for pm.' t tit.lft - laramrt. MOW' . .
.this *arias at Oal.bismiraly owing to , hles of yew
yaw, Dora aid ihimaymillas sod I assay Too duck deat
Sweat modtor coat otaiisika. ID yrs. itod.llM srithafttt •
joy tlat rjabna yam at what tour Nmsmatift be Om .
. ItwpcYoD .
i4las J. D. Put. IncomawA to E.Suid a hlkiiimei
LooMulasseneuteadsauctOb.,. .
. &alb sal INA. to vim all =W. cause to dime` ,
1 ' JAM 400- E. A- 7a.hosaiost a Os. J. a.:alissii. L. •
I Wir.., Pittsburshi fte A. Dirckhsa‘analtftrit City; -
c.I. 2. Rama. Waddoirts , ..!... It. /Wis. ihieutona, IL : ''
weir, G•••••unrs, ft .606111.1t1kan604,, Raft/ (illamlit, , •
• Botta& Simi A dm tiantiamios: StraMrstlaNtiattbllMl
. 3.1111,11.. ad .11, Co. .Ilaux: 4. S. Wit, Lutsoutm
: En. ,I, Cb,Suordilor. A. Wit.. dt• Sou.,.wmadorg
ilahrsiod A Cs, N. Calladar, 11M41113te9.,1 0 . A c,,,,
MU GLOW= A VOUS. !lour. 2 moti. soul *a, Dot
dead.. Band J. alaidaTartas. Warmr. T.LAC.
~.BirPrids-41'per J3otao; Si:Boula"for 14:5
I - • I •
R kuuSe
- lllst:itcsiud- , Beyre
II ' Wanted wan= ar the pi..... 1,./ Li
~ ~
w_biam bi r ll l..
SSMC t ramery ra = •, _
a ,, t hu.
a. kaMialr,laa aaapa aalyaars. .
say comma a was
....,..I.y liily ao =mita 3;Kattli, vis: em elowanca.
~,...m a.,,,.(1 yassaitag to t I.• MU, toll So Us
, ..., aN , Mal a<laYslos sal wad. -
tay la NW. Yd. taloa akt in.... t ,.... 2 .,, , ... ,
Gs aaayleao isialia .1 1 . Waal, !Wawa Ida bon
awata th• salt. sa alma to : 1
Prargoa umtana. afdausar r•w... 34 tb. A ;,,..t