r==:l =MZI efEcacy: of ... Zap-e'en' board • .o board the Wear, Alert; 'moored - off the' ftrolly-walt. , lb.- vessel ~stfosting Materials, in.order - thd agent.employed: 'One' 'lutalatid2 with Mar; :ttopimtine --barrels, satiated with and tztrpentituri one dozen tarbarrele, and. twenty sulphur bags, — these beidg tlllial with 7_, Shavings and tam comMistibles. The hold of the vessel beintebtot thesignal was given and the whole. Mass . -of combustibles , was -tut light to 'from tl.kbottaneof the fore partof the hold; and it weir alltriled todnun with the batch es closed for sevatal'pluittea then showed esti': thicabseme of the admission of a great body ef such a burning mass might continue for several hours on board a ship, and yet icarcely ha:perceived: lie then suppoecd the case 'of a ship-on fire, coder such circuits atancom he called to the . suppoied crew, to: clew up their sails,lindla" order ninseertain the ex tent of the fire, (a mode usually practised,) ho • bad the hatchway opened—the rash of air on an blatant caused the flames to ascend with Im • mense power, so. touch_ so, that many of those who were in forepart -of the vessel thought it • prudent to make good their retreat by the lad der which wee placed anddshipa: The needs- graben" was permitted to rage for emend min. • Mein after.whkh, the word being given by Mr. Phillips, hia; men brought theportable machine forward Each of ' these portable machines is about 20 . horse porter, that to to say; that from the pecu liarity of the lulenttou , the vapor,' from the nor ' ile or spout of each; was admitted at that ratio: Two of these Isere brought in succession on the burning masilrom the month of the hatchway, and in three seconds the vapor had-extinguished the great, body . .of the thine, leasing or trio email points where flame was discernable; and in about two minutes the vessel was almost cleared' all emote. The imitator observed that of course " in such an emergency the crew Of a ship would' , be employed in extinguishing the smouldering fragments by . supplies; of water. The marvel :lonely midden disappearance of the &mei elicit ed loud cheers from the gentlemen on board, and from those on shore, who were within 20 yards of the sew!, January Bth, 11351. • . 'The London l'unes of January Bth; and the Morning Post confirm the above. The Monga r g chronicle thus desclitres tbe same expermeat— 1. The mac/dues were placed .in the hands of comtnon' salon, who, haring placed them as near an possible to the bold, whence flames were ehpoting tapierds,strimk the pin by which the :charge was ignited,. and thus discharged the Va por; which, according to promise, speedily ex - tingdished the fire. Presence Of mind is nil - that would seem tube requiied to work an en . gine, which, properly apPlied, roust always be successful. We congratulate Mr:Phillipe en his inrention-4% =chic's containing a chemical .; preparation, which * wbenerer occasion demands, will discharge with the power of steam, n raper in which llarafkmutoot exist:" dancusti 29th, -The London Bun rays: . . Flame wale -applied. to the &hip end, the fire raged fore and- att-with great violence- The Vapor was .again deployed, and with eimilai success.lt is solacing to the feelings-to coil -template any means of protection ar,alnit the t honors of a ship car fire during its voyage, hay . lug regard only to the ordinary crow, bat to imagine each a catrunity'bappening to an emi grant ahlp, - knch, for- instance, as the ill-fatal 'Ocean Mon a r c h, crowded with passengers, how truly may this invention bevermed invaluable. It is well known that on such Decagons it is _ . found impracticable to apply water to the part of the hold where the fire taay Lei but lio . the principle of this 111Tellt100 the emission ora humid vapor-with prodigious force, it - irad • necessarily peuettste all theintersticrt between the 'articles of: the cargo and -_ not only effectually - nave the ship,...hat : preserve many hundred ha man .beings Gln's fate too horrid to 'colliers plate, and escape might otheneise ": prove liopeleea, In conclusloit;' ire ad d UAL certircates of Cap tarn. in the Bcryal.liavy and merehantnereir.eof . Ureit Britain. The eitmets 'certainly establish thieharieter of thin invention as one calMalated to bestortjuunturstr bleasings on every civillud =don in tbiliabitible globe:. • .. [Copy.] • %Loaves, Jail. 30, 1831. • 17e certify th:at we were present atthe demon etnrion which. took plate on, Trutedaylast; off Brunswick-wharf,-Blackwell, to test the poweri • of Phillips':!Fatent 'Fire . Aindidletor, , , when • read, haring: her bold filled with sugar bogs. beads; pittilt, fir; and ein'hernia:shavings and other:Julio*4lde `materials, was ignited, and after basing been Buffered to blase up to an alarming extent, the flames were extinguished without difficulty by the Fire Annihilator, his therefore, our opinion that. the invention is a most valuable and efficacious diecovery for the krres.mation of life and property at sea. • t , • itignedynamas Planning Clarke, Capt. IL • N.; John Sykes Capt. S. N. •E. aPersbutl. CaPt ' N.; Thomas Extort, Lieut. R. N.; B. J. - Hall, Idea. R. 'Armes Rigmaiden, Lint. ,R. N.; Charles Shen, CapLll. 'Thiess Di 01139014 Wat Bare* ship !Mama! P. Your ...... s'rr .711 ,6 a 44. , • LOA?-109 boxes Cincinnati Pab n .Soap, A7 " " ?''` a. " 4 ""'!' V.:4VNITILNOII•II,. A .100 11°4-50t tc.2:7 1 a 16 aaVocar: •00 LAR bbltizo. ACKEREL--' 00 bbls. Urge No. 3; for aa. by .030 LA. cuinaxotum. PS EIALT-11) es ! " frig:ll INDIGO -2 moons Carious; • aka. Dhallia—eiltbe meld itnt 10. clam eassirsamt. pLULLIDICILYV I OD., u~rKist sod Tart*. 101IN-600 bti. Shelled, for Bale by 4.01 • • J. O. DILWORTIff 00. AMS 7-11 tasks superior for sale on, COD. sicaina DO' • • T. WOODS SOX ,7 Ude. (dry and very fine) tar Ws by • • J. WM/I/NUM= JOU. SALERATUS-8 - cage etwinanted ' IVIACKEREL—Nos..I, 3. Whit ip CCK .POWITER-300 toga for MIS by me, Jo& - Z. P. TON DONNIIMUrr*,CO. I iRITANNIA TEA SETTS, CASTORS, Ape Caodalsbna, Trail lo Ptatad utars, Table Damp. SutXthar tart quality Ivory Fisaaael, /Ws Pm Myr, 0.. folk.. LOW, ee¢v Tow. easenfaelan le oreter, sat • reel amortaumat. 1.1• W. 7 6 bau WILt latls• , flint guts' amt. . • ...Mumma Qdi . • - ItEr received a case of fine .Marseilles QMOKED HERRING-30 Du. New No. I; to boo kr sio . la - al xuaals 2%.• 111112, la the Dlaasoad. 4 - X: :also sues In stare, by We . SOBIRSON, LITIIa a CO. SUNDRIP-3-- • • . •• • s laaaal. Sr r • irsau D H r AI rla s/w.7 _ . DULLS atafititA.lLLA-12 •dos. for met • • J.ILIDD •CO mai M. Orem Tess have Linseed 10e. per lb. otr esrfbuy °keen Teas, fur three months samuNg viion e.. 4. a. , Wins • • Waft as has& I'+►.~! ~: i il.~l:IS+~. -- ' + LAM pIsH-5 bbla:L4a was, (nn). r. ne.v.f itaaAr" Lumina. . i• Time 8 p 5:...• •ONCINCI . NNATI. • • • WHAT NASLIVILLZ, DETto FT an WQIb parchamat a; layorabla natea r ba : • • A. 1311.4161 s I co. popi,DEß_ test ntwler 1,12 la easke Bartz rr.on riot air b 7 • J. S. DIImOKTIKS CU. etOFFEg-42i " di Often Ilia, foi -- IsaieTy . Jut • - •i‘ A.aitscrrsoa co. TOBACCO=- 05 boxes Manersetured, W. 1 arena RobttleMsplk fmar de . 5116e7, 4's:l`TsuMets: * TEAMBOAT °FIBRIL", Wit Cl' 7PEOPEPZ bartOtyinaddys z tit i o s i gr . :7 tc't -:. '.' ' • .'• • . ,-.-- -•- , -, :ii ,,. . , :-.., . - . .. , ,,,.I,,:ie I.u. ''•,.' ' *- . • ' c1 , .3*.a. (7c -, i - ' , . -, 1 , : , -A - ;;-;!. - ..L,!!...6 Abb.= .. - • . ' --. ..: . . • iK , .411; .1 Tabs of th. Pavitas: .12rao. picu: ! • :-. . . - -. • ~,,,,, ~.v . e.oxr: •Ta by Awn 11- DOIFCr. =Um. oplhiends • -• 4 ,ortangle • Pay. mumiljoins. • _ • i ~4 ;1 1 . 7".`Argetosli ilerlanfes• 1 / 8 2.0a• i.pr• IcAgateen. Jam , ..:': • ' '' grrottiltaii a u..4.:4,3,m,#,1.wa1e r .3245 x,.. iNornizig- : il M 4 Pl=lat B oo k of thelL•solialasc .16,14. -.' ' ' '.. y . - spoc iu Tre, iltr i brl. l 4=nam 'ita = seVetea ay XALrk P. Htdder. 12ospolina. •,. -.. ••' For oak Dr: , ! . ... . •• - • •- J. 1.4 332.11.1). - -- JrZt •.. - , 778:4icilko gado= Amihit. •• -', ICE= mem 0-20 c " k° lutriliaiosgenbio9 Tiantry rr: 1 iut 4,:,v4Timi1fx..4.34714,..ai5h, ''''...3l.A_titzti"..stalaa-,icaeoramas -'"-- PUTS. ouocUrtss, &a. . gi,.. -.. RUGA Ar„4..aa4 adnoaahaida. , s ' rm. czwailu249F6o„ ihaz, u . at .t a aa. a. ~,,.., da.ao4motr g0..„.-i.d.ho. 416......dagtanalga 34. .1?"" bliotha. ,‘„ 1 =6,,i7 - ops .10 , An WI et =Mu Ah."44.4‘44.13.4 0110161b._ _.: f_ -. 4 : ttibl e 101)8; in/M. T e l ar W liAtrx: • :Alno-.41151t.L . 5.. at' Alratibsperabh4 Ca* na =l.liacanbric 401,411.00 4 WV.Va1.4.14'46.15taxa &WV' Are.ft.tb. ' i''l"l/2=4"ii..,id thnurz 5 .. ............,--.....-.......0 7 41"e1.v4,......-----:;.ektadi.;(4lsit.k'st I ""Wintann. l6 " .4l4 8541inuthstreet, -- Li' e i k rt.r. , : ri- w..- 26 9 1 4wAx*,..-- , 330.119 7-1.4'.-..-.', ..kilti/,' c . ; , .. N •-',.-,',..':,--;','•%' sti'i'''''44l;4l; &T ,:''', ' -':+r a .' 4 ,- 4g..q,.., _ ~'-'-';'-'.,•;<•''-',l' •,-,•.4e.,siti-affs.:',-. ,';':4o4a - aar.se.yti. d :'•- , — . s . .e --• ;------•-: ' ':,•-'s:72-,,--.77.--i.-- s..,A';';',:j'e-,*,,....:'- • .... GODFREY RAIN% RN: or the Life of an. 4atitia, ,8tr.171:19,au tinaty-kar 11. • Travels In United Mato, 2e. dating IND lug MA. . n ii t =daa Lbw lt i ttWia . roor. .71.14torettetsiost seed sad fordo by • a. 6 STOCKTON. 41 Market at ILIZOHANICS'. MAGAZLNE, Na 8, ibr trr t ' is Ike;rtie. Talr. • P. 32 4g„,_ th• Ws of In. ltargarat paaraume,of Bot. u rit=ritrO b aniteray DMA. Medi* 64. p o 'f:.-' o. 3; or = yrne's Ihctionary o logo switment of (Mudd and Ikboal put reed and for NW M' - J. L. MAD. Aromt. . A e B44WS ;Tr lu'tske%.:.. Haw Mwdr.., ..... TIM SPIRIT POLKA; compose d by R. Hither, SPIRIT dallkated to Rohm C./ete. of the 14.1t5, wewnedlly IL' Maher. an pls ra . 81 : 1 16 ' 11 1 1;= * wg tattr pouoler Noes bl rbier Jan with eliee. by Dale: The Autumn 'ot our 'ee. IR ...f[• Air, • lbw melodic.n of rondo. 314f10 for Pluo. pimp 11. IL . l , ll4B..dO t l i. r . b z =ottooa.] • P. 8..-A rpirodid lot 4 raw PIOOB .opening. 'Ow very oroodooomtrba,W-6 sates Moo far - ABIERIOAN STATE PAPERS.State Pik;' r A =ataio Dopuntuto •of Qs Crated Sgt's. of GeTrge ifeahlu. the Pre ektur a...t, eintl i =are u t u tZt o =ljuralloto allow SALMCILT Parturrce; coatelutea Pollikat,lllsbaleal. CleesTeralal, Eieuttbeul,Platlatioal,.....ltouovaalvel, ma 14. P, V4e of tbe•Arte l:at.t.lt. • ....za=ajone h Evetan of the nave 144 UM • _. • . , . The above valuable worts *I. ale tiy • • i. 17 -, . 8...t1 STOCKTON, 41 Mutat M. Music for the Bloomers. KLEBER,IOI Third street, sign of the golden fitrit 11;:pjuAtreecleed— besntlfgrette4of flua Zan e ? gs " _is rPL Atibr: ::est. "l. Aniseu tl ri Fis 2 5.r7417.7 4. _ , Also. inlpply of /loam TemmalmUldo. Hook. .415 c Ine's Pianos. TWIN FL ItIELLi) Agent fui . , .M P g r arlik Ra 81 b. cocain. and nal, open to. We, the t)111 1 11117, low. elegant salaam.. of Ph= Emus; deft. from the man , alr.ateckerinee (Dorton) manna one Meta. Romwout eentWatal Piro, !'N' oats . vea: One " care . Vivo " Veen ' " " " O. " ' nerved " One " " plain Tbree " round =rpm Two " square T. above Plano Fort. ere Of theist.: Alla or W.-, tut, and with all Sin Chlckelinn'a imanntorantn the Prima invatiablv the nu. at .1. thereby . ..fin( tO P art.ll4.- nvobasors WI rept. the exp.. an 4 rise of Mama p • • ALSO FOR ISALIt One Rooter:OA hind bleuUlna, 61‘ edema Piton, maw afertared by Ada. Btodart t Co: . Our - Rawl bed dative. Adam Stolen Ore lose . 6' Raman Raven: iron •' ' 4ec One ent'Ased tl Clacker - in& nagOOKY Is nn: one . • . Remo Ram; Our • " 6 Loud brotherc ' n ; Dubois a &Oen: (me " : " Mather:an Ceeopanr ottiAZINES. FOR AUGUST, at llolmee Depot. Thi.1.1... ozwa to ths , rost Mag . otier's Wes tor Au.sult; endow:V. Al.g!itine, • P•rtsher •. • - • I..figies•Nationgalimitto, •• • .1,18. DRY GOODS, &c. EMBROIDERIES.—Just; very large . ply of kW:dater..., ft. w M a ra the bax. Importatturd. me. siding .1 mind Gaffs, ebenthette, Le. and 11 01110 bleevea,Jaennart atad 1.1. Flouncing., of new and beautiful styles. Jaeonett. and Sabra Inca, White .4 Meek Vellr, Laee bk.., to.. The att.; ti. Of the Wlu le particularly ledleind . ed ( .tb,h above ev g cd.rth Itnnt e[b.a4t . Blapc Silks. Mohair Mitts, th.' - 71 °HEW - .I3pRCIIFIELD . have reed 67 rf so arrior . ii . ohate mita Embroidered Flouncing*. • A. MASON ic .CO. have just received e .assess Isere amyl yof bouttlthl ittabtotel.ed sad Peria mw styles sad vary Jae terioe sada at 62 a be iiarket et - - ~ L INEN TABLE WAYPIIS.-Idrerar •Ilcicarscs the tat..a of harehasere to smear...dot the abets scads. =alb modlota, sal large bleo—Dispere by U. yard. of various mettba sad qualities. Crash. Towel Rag sad Data Boost Diaper , as assottasett attests' to be bend. at lowest stitata P • • • • Eincpby"& EnrebEeld • • l - AV} OPEN' this titorning . 4 further sup a PIT ItmulLoli•tting; whitte, - blne and'grever. per os,a, DUCK Wert 4.• 411 Orrootegoe ref Mt indattog tolo h eratentininll9l maimed ocaanMer t onno iinterhoitt end Nal - sonaditte Tubovenlar Controntnon. Omenms Bernal. Itantandso Armory Tore sal ••= l =a • W Mod& Mono ttrOlinse, no: al Na Ma sons moll. to 0,112{1.6. Infted. soy dortn" of Mimi voisbn odes Moms of his remsdlO to Mani ton tyllsot tras h •to of ono arnr u l s nave _ucn osntim. dap "oomdnoond_Alo !" Dr. Dosesde Alieratirs Ms, Idea Wed.ars iambs . tdr setayerkdasd tso b. •Iw•ta all seem -p• p.. ,'": - • Mrs ar hem VD. wamea ei 11 ..3'1...a1bs lee • Smear tree from ecatineasse as easo Ws Mersa Pitlx. , •,;, - . wleedder _the Secalty. l s pow, orals presetisr; • i • set to smeal Mame Out brine satisfied thst • bars '.---• ' • is satitslasirs escaldish what. be bees aid. betas ' • TO. Misted ant tweltie to sal uses eha oirept: seter•••:. erso=rter il .notut=C=L l •- :. , ••••,• • • :b••::' ageat=thegg=ro.sTmCM....i,.l••.i -7: ice A. Beesessh woe thel.tm ' Ofee.. -- . A 132., i ..,, lots 6 WAValon l4.l l= 4 / 8 1 11 . 46 V ie7 ;1 1 ; ' . b: -.. 7 , 7-4 - - " Iton THE' Amicrrny In - u .ba .6% . thilia - -." . r , Dr. Dori CL KeDbiet o r . VP.ALLIDIXDDMIZfr. ' , Me , Oilia l tVsllog ad., • : . ' ..rArkitilitilttihiNkie" •as a etroassed aolonnola— time of the abtaa. WOW . - - - ...' ••• • itaa tat only saktathatbas appart4 is the Asa, • - - .1+ • • • t)ladkina that Us am beat moroalso4 oad ~.,-...:, • the Mtn a tbetlltlerally. ... tag Souls Nally 3ladkino was ar - saL; 0u1a1447 . re. Mi. mo...it. Gdp.n.nut.4tl,-4- 4 ,, !ui. sac . i l • iejev ~,/, . .... .. , , ,,, ,, , ,.i.i.:.i.,;;;,,dti..,...... ..i;,tr4,l=-ati.:.-,,, ....:. . -.,,-- - -,,,/, ..„...,„........„ moo moor it., 4.7. ,, r d i r t zTor g...43,..t0e 5t = -•- .tie z L l l.,== .. onamaal au the patostax4 Was Cast:oh is ma• de .;- ' - , 1. - • : - , Ora 3.00.0 Ca tattle. kara lama noldarliboat - `: [ mal assaperhotal mach mantaldag , ••• -. num Wad. as amid mamma' . • ao4 la OW MINI• 130111. the mamma .• ~ '7'.. . Ibis aredieDr. or stahu. , iresord r . - D .. m ilr o ...... ~,,i$ eilfirir - ' . . 7 , •-.- . 14 k .I W i .....- :- . : .. w.. niii.4. z iga4-4t 0 =113.4...k . ..trarrr range ~., .• ,•:.-: .. • l : _ . . .: li 11r a O :-N 1.4 : 1r N ay . [lna lad e' : -e.. ,: ' ......______ • • .. To the .ltixiiiiiitthe littibitiiWilikaitti:; T. F i IB LW ATTENTION ,ii; .!..,..41)..'., ' f i t a secet toporam ----- rat: b.'' aec ''l4 'ee a titiihiM i tcQ'n e'' ,:,: mummy ea HOCH 0 It It not summon me amm ram thle vet S.. Mesta beim the •; L e t.l6:tmgvaa= ~.,,,• it4 . l •= a gral .awnemme=trixt.tor_eldlcra....-tha=getcri.e. , l AM . . et • defile* epteSs eteepatele or malting maim - •• h M b u m.am whim In maim Mheteetem to Ice p, == ellotheacomcom bag tau forgot:fon. -'jam enteral. Bated.e. elitteeted I. lb. embit Of tbof meth • , ••• :: Wribr a I * . " '" I, ._t V er ge_ x hi lm r.. b irliti m .11 11= st te errnelle - ' !..mc,''othem. eitecet , • , • tei.V2.lzbeity.tatitax, tmelmat.23-., ; , cm acme chi sic Mkt tam dlsear-ri War: .''• -...met,•j=ziaccrttle.arcuLthAtiut , ',... , ine Yawn an astztoos obtytbViSarath is I,latma se - : a rm should OLttUe aloaccp.ikr. , .:.-,,:. Moue clag m... , .. _ oirithln Abe tee melare at Mr treltet %.•• ' echo iten toiled. Jege .rat ortow of ' lir % the temp sltteee' bra ...'-', emm Acet, cam_me tam eta itectueme. Demteem mem sa• abzyc ea, tam us ems neer a monel to by say mete eta bete doettalmplc . Themmas vemmed Oa It bad tem :c4.--7...demetems. . et acce:.. , , pleut.eith.Vrec:l72. '''-' mime. tbe Wm, 1 . lam Ailfohs49lll6 COMO; hoy elet .., ~i..c, 1 = ".n*.'" , I'. .ema l‘ ,F L .,__ . !gym. .U: •_,.., 1 •--imacece igigT illackhor - sieft,',. ,%:,,,• IgwEdft be man temasahmaar.'babasulbems.""= I. i _... 1 . ag i r = it :gm wI : . th rzirc= t ib It !' =b., of t ..=.---111 Ws r . leaanFot laWri. times to the mom may nr seautincte____ l i • • .teen ir r it. oc . i _L M If W . i C s: O =m OtO . . r I C . o artl E e l l rWaaii—e hf "Mit..! :,.;- c--I,: .exeelamidm Cuefo tth. ff "'2k4Md=idaVlllN ~' :. -7 - g,6......i.. .x..841e114 111 A 1M o itrat: - ithi. 'tUrtat''il.ttA ~ .c. ,•,) .R.W arena] .Flerte, l aMm Ai rAL . 7 . 1 ;-:7-:, 'me 0- LA. Mumma 4 1hahrtmlesel OW she : . - QE,4IMRS IMP: • - 0011011 . SYRUP: — , z ,* i 4.3 —lt Is ea** 4,4 , h :t a haa:sael Wily ABeatioax. • . 'llll.. i 15;iti %Ll ' s i "trie4.%iviles ;_', ...", • sokeet to troableiam sod Ilksur t mobs ttlist7.llV.Ordzm / it. =tzar ; - agert=l.7ltl7:4%/hahefmrokag- -, , t r/ leen ncamsuadid It t01arr.t.b,r444ir,41% atDoa er4o9loltt Wlw ml.t°,P2Aiumfertedm ''''''•-• %ieVerlattoWc f r ' 2"""4•144 44.4 , -..dpmeg,o*.44. 4 TENT MUM:RA i • 6466. sod he We on 0644 - 7ail L or 86. - 6 am 800 4646.64 4 41 ••• 1. • 4 440 70046 IC" - - • 4.4.13 . • Olatmest 4 77640 11= 1"" 14. At 0 11 0 44-66