The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 26, 1851, Image 4

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? "
,board air the
:',.ttestland Islc%
~.l i athousei there
• m was successfully.
-titian shore, and a aba ,
.4(of the outiaying:.4liii
This position not only
centre of the line eV:S . l'O6r;
.4..,tuf. sicker horiton In thi direction'of
•;:.'n at the time the Odiplte, land .remoied
far from the great meatsit Child.
of 'utonntains, sunning along the Western coast
af — fralWaY, "and gathering - about them that
morniug, et multitude of Monde, to makeup, as
unpricidented deluge of rain,
, "for the , unusually long spate of utduterruptml
fine Irgather.which bed heen experienced:before
The instrumenth were linded A in early heir,
and there were seficient•glimpees of the sun
throtigh the donde to , r ebtainthe Wessel' eb•
serrations for time lieltor leittele; and before
the commencements of the eclipse tacit observer
was told off with his instrument .:prepared, and
with a code,of histrottionaLThese,toq, were so
arranged - that by dirielon of lahor it was hoped
that. ,although the important - part of the eclipse
was of so short duration, , and the number of
phenomena ton be noted no many and various,
that yet none of them, whether referring to the
purely aeronomical bearings . tif the case, or to
cosmical or to terrestrial physics, could be we 11. ,,
lost sight of—that is,. Weather only 'permitting;
but this. wee by no mama err favorable Its • could
have been wished. ' Still, however, the coot-
tu \,
enciment of the eclipse In very fairly ob
serred,.and anthcieid was ee during its. pro-'
gross to enable the observers take accurate
note? of some spots on the sun, and of moun
tains on the edge of the moon,:soes to he prepar
ed to state their degree of connections, as regards
'.. place to thine :wonder= tongues Of tight, and
the variations of thei corona, the most inlexplica
hle and' the most important of 'allshe phenome- '
re 'presented during a total 'eclipse. Further,
"the instant. of 'Complete observation sees . ob
. served - very, athrately, and some ..interesting
feat/tree were remarked, tending to explain
anomalies perceived in former total eolipses,and
indicating a rapid fluctuation in the degree of
brightness of the sun's surface.
Iminedlately after this, however, the clouds
became SO very thick that the emersion of the
suit was not Octseen at all, and heavy rain begin
. ning. soon after, continued through the rest of
the evening.
~ Bat the terrestrial phenomeas, to
which more attention could be turned, on the
loan of the celestial Ones, were of a nature
abundantly sufficient to satisfy any soul capable
of entering into add -appreciating the awful and
' 'As We - totality approached, the air felt en
. albly.colder at every moment, and the darkness
plainly increased; Anti donde seemed to lower,
and miderthe sunsets seen lin appearance of
rushing; descending strearna of them. while the
see tattle' O•ppeared_by their noise to be gather
ing amend the rocks for. their nightly that, or
for.shelter.- - .Thediffereace of illumination had
also become very marked on the mountains at
. difieront distances, those -far - from us - being
brought out .'erith a 144i144'23 ariVdiatincteesa
which MIA, our own increasing groom the more
&nimble. . Suddenly, at the moment of totali
ty the very extremity of darken= seemed to fall
upon as. Not ao, however, abiolutely, for the
rain -clouds which closed in the greater part of
_ thWbonizon, left open a stripe of sky extending
from N. 11% to H. E, and two Cr three degrees
Itigh,and which, gat this 'moment, became of a
dark lurid -mange color, verging from red on
, one filet° . greenishon the other, and enabled us
hotly to see each other by a faint unearthly sort
of litptit, mall band-lampe . , fifty or sixty yards
a, ill • lolloar, acre as viable an in a dark
eght,sed,withtimir redcolor,contrasted strunge
ly with tbelcueral groan hoe if everything hn
inediately around. . . ' .
Meths appear - incisor the country, sten thro'
. • that lurid' enemies. under the, clouds. was•the
meet aPpairing.;:.Though standing in the centre
. - of thcahadow weeould yet hi reason of their
grief height; seethe distant peeks of the lofty
' • 3cortridela aid DcrtreVitild mountains still Blued-
nated-AY' the:vays of the sun' descending upon
them fronton high; yet we were shut out into
miter tkeiniers; , ',Some approximation to.the ap- ,
pearanceinight be obtained by - wedding the op-
• portunity of a thine. configuration if clouds in
the northfrom the Calton hill during 4 midsnm
' Inefer.ndanight, hat 'still it *maid be only iti I
.' . approximatien,for never have ,e observed all the
light of heaven andearth eo entirely confined to'
'renenarrow strip along the horizon, never that
Peculiar. fraaialt liae.i!a. d laalar that flPPear
.. ance of outer idarkness. in the place of eters
•':_ tion,'and of ektenslvidistatko - in the verge of
- the - hearth,. (canaid - hi , this case by the' hills
there‘being more highly illuminated its they re
ceded;' by alma and less eclipsed sun, while in
a totem:darter evening sky, they are,. on the con
trieryi wet in the shade, ated therefore are dirk
and utizetztrally thrown forward.)
. Though itone;cif us were unmoved with grati
trade at Miff; been allowed to witness such a
spectecle, though we should hare been glad to
have soloyerti-its teachings for a tenger space'of
• time, and /should hits beers alarnied, indeed, if
, .it had not happened as -It did, and With ouch
• 1 wandefol aceunteryto the competed time, yet a
' tertainreeling of -relief wee experienced whin
theloirdetreak in the sky suddenly changed to:
yellow,'Wheri the clouds brightened up and the
debates'tanned to ' be walled viebly. away to
the south
=Tins seethirds that had mopped their scream
.... • big' daring the darknets, now • reappeared; but
the Wild Nentmeer of those rocky isles,, who had
congregated e'o corlonsly aroma! as during the
commencement of the eclipse, when the light re
turned,- where were they? . Gone to hidertheal
selves in their hats, thinking that they were in
the jaws of destruction,' among the atones of
&rime* and in the shadow of death. Such we
beard afterwards was tlie.general feeling among
them all along theeoast, even beyond the limits
of total oboe:nation. Horses and even oxen be-.
gun to wend their way homewards, and' poultry'
to fly up to the": nests; but one farmer inform
. ed us that on amusing scene of. confusion took
' - place when the fowls found the darkness corning,
. - . an so quickly that they could not all get placed.
' on - their perches in time; and then again, when
they found by the quick returning light, that
. Isktry bad haul a false ear. :We also heard
• ~. that there' had Inert 'cur all that line of the
, country such OXll444ilre 'Mill that day., that our
. petty, enabled by the lighthouse steamer to take
-up - the peculiar-' position we did, was probaply
theta:ay:cote Wat had bad thegood luck tosmake
ini accurate observations; • circnmstance the
mon fortrotate, inasmuch sa, thatima the earli
„ ; est pert of Europe visited by the shadow .in its
. - 'prompt from west to east.' - ....r. , ; . ,
.These observations will, of Course; appear
elsewhere in don time, and in a” different form;
. but meanwhile.some general Um. of what was
witnessed may not . be unacceptable to the pub-
iffer1=u6 ' = ,17 7 7014 % " 4 , . "1911 . , : '
PLLtßJßpooan. orta, ladle., Sugar Tears, maanArtax.
t t t atpa . scl44 romrtmlaut ti v vagibM RttW
Parer Smith, 61.garkst,s4elt.'
HAVE received a case of fi ne Munillea
Qui* a Wawa LLsto. foe ~,,ow. •
.• WM. 21011LW,
• • QMOKED HERRING--50txp. Now No; 1,
11,7 Ibr al. it NORNIT TEA 11,LOTT, lothe •Dtarkontl.
Neils 300 kegs zussornid sizes in store,
to We by 1101112iSEN, LITTLE k CO.
• -
P • •
, • .1 CtAr
exialoby P lt4 Wawl.llClrr a ituv4 "4 ..t.: •
ale try J. KIDD CO. -
%AB , O . AUSTIC-5
... lbs. jor onle a ta . .
13reen Teas bays iidlYancedlOc. perlb.
t. 017.. can bay Greet.Tem, for thTef, mongis
ai toqa t , mclutz=== . 4(... th l
. adThocejallANO e.t.a" they Darr a I.a.tacimaßrand.
' • TbrVia. UN best Tem In 1 . 10•1...tgb al thin storey and 414-
' fy mmitic. • •
PREAIt CIEEESE-51 boxes reeMpee .
IL/ sewers goi 'as by JAMES D
- .1811. CS Water. and 78 trout et.
.16. NS 21811-9.5 bbLs. Lake Trout, , (msw;
teed. , l on; br
ONfOINC ftre.
INT 401718
WM F irth**l"6 ` ia'"..‘ ttiflLlClNS 4t CO.
, .
• • • .• • bYs ixiTl•-rT k ! Hut •
; .10 esski4Sn't b 7
OFFED-7 125 lath Gil= WO, for side by
g l ice(j of bans Diannfacturat W.
04.-.."apoll9oawaio other du**
TO' 07, '• '6C"Blat"uNsax:
4119[T NAME°. Al -OFFERED FOR, .tallr
`. tesua l =l.7 -A It "' " ' Nair ifi l AP 5146
. 111 3 alrg!1$4,
~.: ,~
~. t,. ~./ _yr
° a ~.—
4 , ti
Kum of
../ . .m.h,a,k . e mu t'
(1.1-`; w°q` ff
O;WL pilgook of nu. n.vaauca, N 19.14.
roma.. tt. 13.41.1
. bh Bslll==. JD=
auntie. Mat.r.
•Da; wilted by' !link! r.Kkkter.- ISSoo. an. '
Yor ail , by
, Jrz' 41.00.1, lHlasr ., lwrlb LL'
Heir Books;
03 1 .6.15 FRE Y MALVERN: piths Lifo of an
or rocoou 31111er- With tnanly,ltair n.
rnpla In Stata. 'di 134014.1 .
Ay Mr Lady Dxunallue litnati
.L.:41. ef Lmaan - Labor and unnann Etor.- . .
Th. above Wok& just reed anal forth by
STOCA7ON..4. Idarket _ c
. 1 1 1401IANICS'14.4 0 3FAZINE, Nn 8.• for
Howe ix Egt%it DOtniati, isle;
,•11%.*.npn In the We et Mrs. Ilarianet*nitlaral,of,on
.nyclide.: written. by [...1f. •
Eteevivel at 1190.1 E.W.Lita!na7 Denot.'bpsanita
sue .
00K8 33 of Byrno'e . Dictionsryof
sacusolc, Trielnaarlsw.l
• 7et lipplecaal .14e.bsair- , Magazine add
Also—A. Wen uiortment of elasab , al ass" tiohcodlkelra,
just red and ke aide by - READ, Asyut. ...
•• • 121.Ap0110 Culidlnds, rourtres eat. -
N. B.—Rap tat . en,lo •debature.
• • ' , ` , New •Bliude. = • -
yirt- SPIRIT:POLKA; composed by H.
Mabel.. and sclein4 to webs. P. ecru,. or this
liartn.'arintigni by • 11. illerate, as played by
Byeelts. Hand-AKA of the mat =lse waltzed rad-
iI.I 7 ,SuP wi sTithstkis t a. 4 by Pals. •
Tbo Antonin of onr-Yeers. by. George Puke .
Also, a Atiaseleetion or Foreign Ilusio roe PL.4
Violin. 00.. •-. ICI.CrIIs/t. 101 'Fbinl
140• . 01.0.1 tb• Golden IlarP.
P. 11.—A isplensdid Jot' of •nenr PIANOS
Ow very anal sanind-hand octavo Piano roe sale.
crLan.,hotoegSutaab re e o
w hett a g t_4
IZargri'fr=letr ofoar a i 7
s l3t6ab'
. batonite
Naze' iVum ammo; Dnish:llQ T * Itutork l a e A a l.
GeoarpbbA,Eiebt = acaL lfl
t ot ad
Zo r ti ' f hAZ alget 04
ui=l=on d t
0•013t11 of the Times Imo NIL
The above valuable works for sale b
017 • IL C. IiTOCKTON. 47 Market
Music for the Bloomers, ,
. .. .
KLEBER, 101 Thud street, sign of, the
• &skims Karp, has Pat rsosirsti- • -
II RIA)OIIEit. or smir OUSTODIE POLKA. with •
bed vigoetts of rho Bloomer Owtorne; putglabsd law
der the patrons...of the litoosorrs: composed Ly ig Is Roy.
IiRLLY QUICK STEP. • very sprightly soospoeltao• ow
Poster'slwalstiful air of “Nelly ru • Lady.. .
Also. • supply of Roston Temperas.. Mr. Rook. irlIS
Clurkeripg a . • • • -
j°4N 'LLOR f • •
k2f,fat i+ , Sa
bare ortnrtaXennslllania. No. SI Wood nt,
eelral anal nom open for a Or. Ole fol•• -
taring elentom tenent of Plano - rostra Mont from
...a...l=r, a ar c ttkilrrloin Moa.) ; ; •
Ono almaut Ilartwooa =mad P1413.0.3i
Piro " • 01aln
Ono " •
Oste " plain .. " •
Throe " rotuni corners. . • -
The Tw o " ea..* " 4 " •
.born Flaw Porten ern of the Utast Oyler of fumy
traro, and. silb all 11.0. Ohlekering4 troptormenta lM
Prim invariably lb. same am at Boktra, Olnotbr oaring to
purchaser* In thls trains' th e Anew+ and rtok of tzar*.
Om &tan, cod Ca.-.4llkraldiziga CG *dm
ufgot unntbr Adam Maul a %kr.
One 'korai octave; Adam &Wart k
ttw. Baron & &Leon
One aria-bald • Clitekering. as stccd as tanr:
• Ono , BacantlCarea;
, Lona Brothers;
Ono ' Paha. a B<ablary;
74' " lisahatt. Camapasir
IT" TWA at-. mat Lb& Mike
,b.ode.,•• Ludes nook. fur Immo.;
Grabsne• Ita47a.siat, •
Ladled " "
DRY GOODS, acc_l
yemeEiv EMBROIDERIES.—Just received
Des extreme, webs large supply of Einbwinflates, se
d with greet rare lam the latest latipstalans. eon
'bf Warted Orem. Mud& Lsras end
Muslin hierres,Jeconett aGl9.lnllitnitaingseof WV sad
beautiful styles, Meek
.4 Swiss Edintesr end hued.
inv. White wad Meek Yells, lesu Goole, As, The Abele
lion WSW , Wise U pertleularly *elicited t the Muse
sande.. the emosisrant will be unut the
in lads tentil f /...: Md.,-"'"tk'KbVr'
Black Silks, Mohair acc.
URPIIY tc BURCHFIELD alive' ree'd
a l i MittWpms , :nahrs =POT of sups*, Moiler alas.
Pula f r Presses...l Aprons. spat
Embroidered 'FlomMngs. i.'
.. . •
A. MASON & - CO. hafe xu . st - rc4eived
.y. .riu..s. •WO popplyof besutiruibnAnAdered
- lo AP wad Sala. IrtAunans. ow Pulps, and !MT Po.
perk.r vats,. al A 2 A•B4 31Prk et K. ' , Ang9:
icalES, • I'ANIS -7 d.tio .
TMSMuirirr a:
libacurum {write LAP .Mention of Nu:diapers to •
r assomprot of tb. shoye goods, ammthl. toollum, and
gi tt a A
~ DI. ac e tals , 4 4 ll, 4 4r=p ix •ratta
. seportorent . shwa to AP found, el /mut pripm. "'.. .
aokfi .
Murphy it Burchtlehl
ItAVE OPEN. this iliortiibg litzth'er up.
'Fly of •Skeynito Netting, ahlte,broo Ind man ta
le; dolt Minn
mmmee ,&I tr.g o zAt .b.... 2 v o= a rk ,k, r ,
*nem tc4 •t the cantbOwt corner of north and Market
- Nospito Bars,
if HAVE justreceited one ease of Woeh Net,
tbree 3vxds for 10.1411.41
JP , ' • 11 , U. Nom.r. Third drat.
•LA 10 REL—LeAId and if al velar 'astral
' J. 17 - • ; Market it
•: • Black Lace Vets. '
usartmcat of Long and Deal Black Lobe TWA
as, vats* sal anon Osas• do; gran Boras sad item
'fordo.; Woo 41.; black EU Tien. nista sad timed, te.
' - Great finawl Sale.. ';
MASON &CO.'S Great Annual SkaWl
• Este will eminence *a Tuesday. Altuittrt *het,
eel sill offer the tarpon sod bat meledechttsit of ftle
einr i Vgidfg •
Fattb'd ," .'.
131sek tax'
Fanc -
nigh aird Preset Tilbet Etoerlig
Pla t ntrinted atutesobroi.lered - -
Broeboa,llestmetssad boas
Of an. .m sodium tthelitiet, all of shkh they are deter
mind to dose oat. previous to marine Ibex 1111inceks.
Thor sill lee offered snit great anniettat ittea tanner
and It. than meters cost ' • mr2
- -
= :Sew nit
IL" PER, aft re:viva from the toast extrusive eastern
mastic sod for rale st the elf stud. No. 5.5 Mar
!Let m.o. DIM • • Taw. VALAtta. -
• -
! • Scarce and Desirable Goods. -
driF VARIOUS this !Pour
lur Iltfltrify ItUtterlELD—Lwl=t
3 jr=iitr=lscrtre F it i ttr.
Claer Salcihresti
LlniGana, 4. fie.
•tiller Praia
itarra, Wklte rood. rit dresser, re. - - ,33 ,
• rill rearm tority Spriarrow; Iran Noe lierl3
fa' PALMER has just received • great misof am
humus. &mart% dome twatlfal .24 oorei M s... LW.
reel oat Bari' Rev" 84-4, mad aver WA.
Goods' for Warm Weather. • ••f •
nay. of Yoarth and Marion streets, en wen
Momb rogoals
S leuth eda N
rded to warm weather. .0
Embroidered sad Peintethlashom
.. New style tktorts •
' • Plain white thetwend MALI
lion=Ta=dri.d . Mine. Id of NM65014
nab Panszla.duiagarbl• /WU la Saft. _
Usa lioblrXlT,Lisl•Utotes. IPorslertes.lNfia
17,t 0 =1 PaubtVerbtt, L IT. L .vAROYEX
TW.. socalaak.t Was yell wlth dantarit sm.'
do= of now goods, and saitiprzer ma.s,lndvenstrats
otiored In buyers Wean laVr*X• their pute4a!".
Eitraw Bonnet and ant Ware Mine,
.No. 105 ,
RH. PALMER. offers for sale, at very ,
fullsTartmeptof aux* Land MOW..
LI rt T b cr 4 . 11 root . ; ra 0 - 0 2 4 1
L f a t i t ti
lESAiera's, Waite, asel L sm ; are: &my M .
e.d. Brod, Balm, Panama, Manilla, ant Palm Laaf. l
Tame Legterra, grata, atrim,Cbtp, Ohms Uwe, and Hale.
Mistea'Apaeidr=, Ott tarn. to great 'art.
* VB . Burt—glee Bosse sa'a Sear& plain sal...inf.
telfa s arld=tarl i ror ratle rb trar o =eat.
MILIIV TR LlLVLVOS—Cord44samb4 agtleak Breda:
alnriaere. tr. •
emu irrnd—rrosa and smelt. swiss. aa*a..
'/WAri b.
j M.,s,rt
arayla t&
pat. B Floton a °Mtas aaetl
tilatelUeh aatt tam primal Parma Ana Ilmbrelleajlesat
- fla OURNLNO ALPALIOAR,-Lied in , body
atetod=l/.ll4V.:,==nd' aEa
otylos of 111011rDitlt Gotdo—• fah tosottottot bo=looact
WIL Vrafoa36o . 7 , YuMouble Goode.
'adaTMlttMNLL'lrWear for ' priow: mfalDrifffrlf
merrt Mika 111 Atortfran,•nglisn, Yrroch °sad.
riiiri•:'• sploorid•ametasent, Cloths
•riry atMot i ble gaffs ockgrarrilem r An t t
ma of tta jarmrf and .bmt
stab •red of the Allegbearr, all of IrblettAb• Proprietor.
le dataroMed to offer st rah priers m famine e sll
frbo War tam wills • rall. that not, only , t , he mast 114 Pr I 0?
Clothing fa sold al this rstablifluomt..A •14 We
. - 4 2= i rt Trilloriruf Ileezmated.s.•Orml.irk
berrpoaribl•mrao•r;m l l• 4 the rbmt!ist notim. •
W. mciilimon. - .
ALR PETSolE'culthrivriiitifi
c , GS,
coop In with* Ibliovaork vastrtion-
• •' . •
r.t, Bolsi Velutetlo ardltotc..dO. do. Taidtd7 End- '
solr, do. do. Mnuseir. extra stdor.3pln moan. B ply;
do. nomad; outs Soo da; doo duo commando- ooddado •
ad, S., led, and Vendlam 4-4, Z-11; irk .td to
M.N. 6-6, 00d.24t000t out cotton do. •
`-- BUGS, Onf.CLOTiiB, Std.
AGMs thoodlie Amor Soo 44444 onto trend do.; du
dn. domino. door Mots: tolled do. • •
dwelt ludo. dot Adotaid44Tha i dst i o. to.
t 14th004 8.4 ott,ol to Ot mat :Litt L ue
14.7-4, on
Ah.—auee a" or on doe-Contot Itiodlmp: Lades,
mtlagdfitr i zzl i t Btatdottanitttr a .V. u .
End Windootlotbmdr, Ifonitita • Madrid Flom
CO.= do. Table 40.7' do. Mad dod Worolod Talk do.,
and pltreldatd otortdinettloottbo
most, elosW Wodootottbdat of the Writ sod to ot 41t ,
...tot dyke mod colon. de. iritionarod en to du
yAmI.V and adootoots etVioddct Me Ode Idatortir
wed isi a =lks told all 10 datimi f • 4 ,
Wf oarottek
!Atte Carpet WareeasepBSAtearth Vied:
m an ". W. KetOUNT9CX.
- ,
: •
2%e *oat Extra ingsars taisaffetst 6'4lo:Wooa
the rvarepethiese Raissfly or..liart,est Bard! - •
. . . •
mo:Nmargr ,
It G. F.APATAL'S 'genuine Al l / 4 41111311 , 411,
la a met astraordlauy metirlae, Marna
o ta plated trayart drobt by the ea. who sof the
thee um. cures bodes daily perbolosth it.
which predueely.lnt MUMd ell other melicion sast Use
Ain or Use len physicians lathe meld. It as camposal
Imatims, ettesehle2 gum pecoltertolustda, screw
gips. lone, their ethruthuireh o.
edam. .pos
r -t . tr,llllrsttoosarelz i ro t r uo v.,==
of irothruiremalooe morns, to mph. the 411.
eke. of Mh utth sod Ma.-
t SP. the p
11. am. which dout Of
tirtuselure p.m Warndr• Arabi. LW:rm. 1 00 he.
Omuta ye. aud hall aguste.thee appeuedi. MY
wiles eneasch, me dually I.
do it tee
ear. a. large as On Pet, soll , so sem thee shame. emt
Mar the least prem. epos it wiLhouthistalthft =Mu=
relLl , :tet the Mane eats butt drel...exel they differ
al et apittleu shout It ems odd ft was sa. Ppm UM, or
.1 ea ot Spires enc. thar. it mama Rale..
meat of Werke sad others mid It Ina a Tumor ot
the Ono. stud count ea iterated elsept by ninth' it
out. tuthle critical eittunkau-1. ear perereled to try l.
U. farrelll Arabian Liaise. lama sad, Ammar a. It
may appear,
the third applicathro abe beam to lay
sinew mat bee etwerthed gating better 4.1 =MU we
she la ma well as erer—estloYiat a... l th.
Peoria. March SAM
Mobs. LLloa.. pootmitee. =DO - •
11}9. 7;
thee Timm has Well ye. Liam m tm lath Vest ewe.
Pb. 1104 not the ore of her less for UMW pate. the bolds
te ... uatrarted im that lerbestairtrochwtdie
,as it todundtkerthe punt. or um In. while
slalom ard de copal not bead them to the I_h but bY
the we of IL wil l. axmll`e Arabi. Llaimmt, eh* Se UM
able to walk ase. sad Om. • strdebt soh. f
Mord it a most nacelle. remedy for home heals also, for
every thine which mashes WI erteroal remedy.
The ..past scan olle.Perlesuedonal aciallAtintrism
wmadastoth 10.4 Alas wo".
the mealy a=maeutmtres. both mama ard
befulhich fn
rjeformlog. Ida
uot We prow.. tt , Itermely ef
Age.' I bars suKleAdtetering bend for Smote yews.
asid ve nt d all et. Mohr.. fe.
=Wire palfel to,theaopere but. 3 mast eay tbat-IL.
U.lll. ArablateLtahment a.m. say that [L...
male Ms of. VI napes, I haws Eared Sammy and Spaeth
long ea. they hid tem preasubcadlacurableuml I base
mu. too. Use lily hen. at. ammo with your Mal
mect..euttnetoirreary dude of dlsoma - fromseratebee
sod Imam op to spaelmilabsess. last Imam eat
also tear testimony of its *Sects oo the Dumas no.
tem. I was male. war y ell last winter to oar nos
with Rheumatism, end reel 4 get rothlauto help wes•
td coomeemed the ore of your Ithlmeoc, which
cored , Wed. it.
s. Pan =it'd U. O. larrelli
Arabian t nolicns ;e;
11,11, O. Fasent.Sear bed,beila alicte4 tetth
the ^Slut Pale for the Wt ten yam. and Medd=
miter except by bleeding., but by the rue of ILO.
Amblers Utilmoot, applW tbs.6.lft thews
foes Sum a day, It wareothely reneriet. nth I hate ill
bothies of to Uwe. I W. alto the stable one uhrht.
.4olr it to • horsele. leg, arid beitaste .
bed and fell action ray Sus, meth. lieu
no todly that they tuned . Mack se a. Rak
them PLUMS.. I applied your Llobanak„ sad wee
0101101 lii Sur dame to go shoal WY* IS
by mho
snub. my Unge r to • eteelluir ma n ner. by berms •
back-ley all up. th.but your Lionoust *probs.. nap.
Linow tv..nwt,
' •. • , - Baran el Owitaf •
th...Pahlle' are harUctrli haitlaa. t a thir .
Cbetaterfat u nkh hat late roada t Ai w ateralL.
called be almterleba =Yea • Ad*
darkgerana frual taZgitre le
to deceit, tram bat besting mamma sr Farrell. There.
key be sari... ItatT f 0 Ca Ir Sr try the shautulra
Llarseat.r as aaarladaled 044 re adl hag. Na 31'6
MO= eh.. noon Fan !:m a l 1.. but alathal o al
far O. Fame.' ! Arabian :.. and
Ult ahatas bee the letters th bet. WWI% •
Ills atm alma la who Oa the onto. errapper e .tad [Eer y
ardb Umtata tha eats tottla—"l7. a. I,aren Arabilni
y .a i £ol3ll . warcted 111*st-ill:arr. 71114=4 .
.lb. Urdu] sta.,_taNhidt , on. Weed
It !toil to 11. O. iatull,..Paerla /114 with prod taloass..
Call ea IL. 'aunt t Fr.. of•
boat ...has aa.h.Sa.Ll.loEcsUoalxaserr tail
Pasca—Zbents, 40 Obbis.obaioo doUbi • •
The only henstine WhihaThesre4 by .U. U. Yousllooli
investor sod woorbitro, obi irbaimpla druggist, .No. 11
Alan Moe. iorio asul goy oak mb01..14 lad Isbkll4l
biborSotar's prim . - lELLIII3.
augidivrZ No 47 Woo,l
tk44 n. 14 M. Caltit".lUitibblir Cies.'
The Raman Body Nut Penprre' ,
sCt3benopik SAYE
a N.og Al.l4Ton 0
i to h
st u k rs r i . i . r . o 1 hg
.peilt•7b y. •• . • _
camas • dee pa and at the • . .
Was lwnra
calla. an 4 steam tk• a.. (Wink tt tb• talt
mud bllts I ra IVO ritrans " tn Itr!Vorit Quin
omit Usual s
nook/ad kt waistline:lo akpOw
Pimples, Mclnnes. YrseUes. ar . anyoLUttkin Musa. MA.
ruder is mural kW tkii is no twal•s4naliadZa=
ow , Vial will prom 1 mold ennusunr Ft
.utsoas suntan( wee !wadi ww• WPM sad .41 Card.
Raj it—and the rode: is Loin suartd I w=l.owo. tern ,
ella W a gs okra. = / A=Ll t0=1.....,
will and thiS not Wreaks. nsd •• anuslatkr,t l irrk
noir only add, itatzono . . i t =l=l . egg
, or similar
reds In ltiMics).thui 1 nate. . ..... .
Sisrbut. . UHF awns an inxdoi vildi
an 4 t. pat you uk to Joan' Italluil
1 kwlt on
s ly of int. JACS2I:OI, aniraiPta k• Pi
.. . .
reArly Wbite= Teeth: And. Pure Ifrestb.
bid Sr 25 einTA—Pascoss who box cithMaxwbooork
tly imorsd Mat If their briath
Meth Ami.n4, /Ark or roam gar Lesornatod with %Mr.
tOxt 2.4 out box at Jultir 4 Tooth Pato wilt map
'Ma tomb as whit* as mow, mA tba brain idorCimam ,
. &id only K JACKSON'S SWF*. 245 AlkortwAt, bowl XI
Scienti&a Toni°, &satires and
last—TrUl Bottle...ME boot. litre also have auso
ihme Oan t Itatnrar. lus.roolkffla 0. 1111 .
Uwe. who en. V.. yaw* ta Fars Ur Btlawlaa
qualttloc—lt wm tar. Ms hair la grow a...partwiten
wasr. latnxtad tau orc u miss
omme. sad ya irrif our
Far nu:Wing the
y aks b
arra& a
Mad= esstatamt
161.—it maim it
Cad. - tea most «osatuel—nt amk. —.4 tha• l k y
so • ooirY wit Sunlamps otai.. . aW lAbWit ems.
trios-3751i mak to mite; aid 5,4 • . I • •
JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Moan
mu. Dl,.*. tto ateaaatk oeue, nd, itn7 UW3. •
boaapla brortvel i tadVet CCU:, Is • for ulnae&
Writs . aasock, DLbr eavet.teas et wee 4,
Mut ants. ,
tlowd &salad oAng the ,m= ttlrpnrdd Chan 7W7
AI • tYll anus bort I.ft hitosioV 11 Is to the OW
how wan+, boy .I,...tain
the sun appearn •Itar tudag pound
{DI cootandag Q 4114, , g
ej== " l:l/rW re.
Praltrrgit =eV tb
*dozer. tn , . Ittins whit", .4 tba was Ws% wallas a& mi.,
mutt* the Al% Eakins It ran aosi =mat,
Bata bv.i. pc i L. 6 7 : JACILBON
wad, Prim 2 . 1 t...m. • - . •
pompound Sirup of Yelia Dock I*,
daCQIIPIVS the Imnt raiik - ainengtha pre-.
eotteur e deserreoftjem or
971. =OUT far amaykka
tlo T
grm...14711pa1a4 azt gtorr A r ,
Cbughs, banuter tame I me O.llaW Bean
cm D
ibtoat tbs tII=IIII.II 4Fes=spted firma
reltak 0g. 341 DAil 4 tY
. . .
Sussmanlnn the waaCeasol 1 , 41. t0t* the
nylon, ors.; insitoratialt th• *tun
If thsnestlmany of llaccurads of Using sil=
tl1=111: =triaT ii =l ,
•tod, and Canaan down . i i i eamtltatioin la panelr. ,
Ids In somposltlon, ands* itnntately collat.* its
'proportions that Us. stamina]. Waal/34 and PP.
paths. qf eibe,h lAigtwa Imascontor o lnatte to
tt tau reamed aanyehroniddlasassaalelibs ' sia UAW
'lto still or the OZiclans. and lias also surd Cantor, ,
halt Ithattos, mud &Vt. tr Mob Bansparilia
mt. boom &tad latany now or Onrattl:7l:
MOREL Th. most obstlasSa - atucers hale barnennal by
this toolicina.. mw say than arainahlanisdlotaa tak all
/311.100:3 IDOKYLAISiTIa. • Itall obstrtotiona
NMa Amnion.. r .mda the say tom, sctiva. and Mal.
7. It maven Pain a the Liam; nil sallow in
all ems of Astbssa.Ml may be used In all climates, ant
at ail mamma( the redo , • •
Fountain stsr Q. a. an
""T"'" t ! l it.T.; V. nol4 • bolesak and
Wall, Ur • • ../ VilCalfttr; •
• - Arta Was_h**.
• • •
B.T. Babbitt's Cebibrated Soap Powdar.
'WASHING 'without labor! •'Warranted
to tak* tho gtabo out of Was limos ao, uop
km- • : -
thstmoro rot Uht—Put roar Mem to' a ingtotrut
i=fu t l& o lt thinZrpArl V o7l6 4l %Eart& of mho'
'mat wi th tha eloMro.l the mantis dead mom: of
the Powder. end boll thm tart tottututg M. mesa Que.
prime them dots. Fth OM, thou bot In stub rag
gulllehrut tokl oat', go that Mg Fll not to too trot
to hthd/o. Thou rub the atria .unto. or tu othetnetetts.
sin th ou thorough Frolug. Fog - that to gruglelort to
soh* thou cloth,
8.-42.. tripgm man In tal. &AN latss
ths sloths...lw white.rnb wee bat '.ezrojt. =as I
soaps do. Threat:Les oat Of the =aerie mad don sot
rural pro bats, to prasphas • Wa#14 , 44, , P1 1
.W.rmatal pot WM. •
This Is a Powder that. Oaspaar Mau a
Walt Soft *as, "
DOMMOS• 10% Usr...—Tass.rair at spas at' water ass!
asla the Powder with it, sad than Is • sal. 111161 k,
W.Va. halms:al
th th 7aTil eV Vigil ' not trawls, =X:
VD. :La tt .111 I. regthlek awl wha, _WhAar &MN sad
Rill wash well ,_sad, Will not _sat& I . ; . w i r olhar
Soap, nor str i. ?: crew ea,.
id. Wye . 0 .... L0
Botf hceip " rhrgalVlfd for wishQ .l .;
r- hold w rod holosels sad Mill , a.
a.o. sauxits.f
H IWool. it.
,helpltOtarl eri
tstiltyjoottaen the embeiolyeef.oalevtloo Dral mad;
mtt lZooalgat r ogd d l t =l s uostrjactsroos:
yahoo or rho onehototoloet Is etatanot:e cu l 'eollitothP
onus of the GM firm O.
o • VD. LOotear.,_ . • ' ;
posuabotoott. hay I.lS6LotiorlhoD TUO3. WIGHTMAN.
111:ARTNERSHIP—The sulnariberehavel
*Mora Into Co•Partneraluxlse Um Ann of aoalpl'
• ' JOll2l /1. 0 LT: I
XS to ENNE3T, BERRYit'CO: bare roirityrteci
lbelt IHrir Wareham, corner of ChSwery Ism sad
- J
(ironwood eimin - ' , :
iitCHOICE collection Of Shrubbm,Vining
Saw. ItaapbompriadatTYAknotilinslWtherbi"
ma Nom hardy thly aad arm pima oa ,
oaksar7 to ornasorat yards ai d vill imi baud a
drokowood Narsad rho UM* the earotr_of
lisrset.saillti Plusberth...nrbat
_A.. 2 *
la .m.. sero arid °Mar retresta
in %be Bkraos.
..sare.ut to tbso oroyrlatorr . Wad
...pod' Fa d rtil ammo onompWaltlrs_ar
1. 9,..5.i1retm1,14.144:.14..and
•.. ai.,ei. &ow. - ' "• • -t i
au . u.^ ,
,a- '' r ' it? ~ 4 .
- - ' az "• ~ Mode& amnia., , • • -
le now.; eat ittei. Path!r; . I
too • .. Dcabi• INdlrni 34.11 XriFtwc Nat
Tian. '''. "*, •P 7
34 "
n. 'bum with d-lot of did S .4 VAN& id
ib , ~ .....t Pr":. M.
,- ~ Ittastoose• ugi Mott &wit:
. _Jai , - mom of Itatst dad ildeadt Moto
. To . Druggists and /Warm.
ritiROBERN .13" BRAND, Tazonots
emains's Pinot; yorrOrdol by Ma Got& MAO Of
Alial6ll InnWolita,lor pomoolor won ,
softy ofobade mood Oro tosoutootreM • •
YAW gooducod
, tli=o3ol soma brißlost
of Pomo ibloo.tnot to owl WO coo EN
orltboot dstrisooot to otoolso Joy bps nrsoool . p.
Awing boob
or oafs for die silo dab
Wanted brood or FLU tinoo, poytbre.o be sup
AIAr4PFTIa trneattli'.;.;
LAMES' it • 01.0VSS Ain
battnanwse !saw oewiotebtam 60420 a.
bane des= s icats al lkserys. , Ina&
IZ.Vanabb=erN=ses , ___ a
- '-' ' l, - , .- ,-'.,-),',, •'•-re•-. `V7 -t-','.4. ,-,0.7"i4717--;''''r''''',;',•:,- ....4,,;....".....:.. , '-' ...'- .'f. •.- 'a;
l ''''' r , --- " -.. . - :-:. '.
'' • 'i, .41
:-.4. 07 #lt..litrro !WU
.aoce of la:or, I,iiiiiiiikiwiniii;
ostd;ht dr the Vatted Rohm of Americo, do MM./
-.tom raid Mato lames Mal blic WM white held ot.
Ate tradarmetttooral foods Mt fitatoof arkamm.
of. the ported. torrotoaftordmirooh4 Plods, , • . . ••
. Al the lam 4 Moe ot itIITSVUI.M., emozoosettur ou
4looMay. the Mot day of ftamber Desti==the
at Itto pahno Mats slMat mithhy the
leonen , pe saditmetkmal roornahlpa__•llr.. ; . , •
it'= ;;;, ftrao tam rote mid mat qf Au JIM motet:pa morittoM
1 • r=lill ' airtlbr t S, W- vicetta • • '
... .
;; it orb.. _ _
.of hfhlto titer. of
1 1 1 - Aroitteffft!rtrflatlnat ' MT:It Jrprfmr:todoreretht.
.goolnl i N v arld; &fr . , i.t i . , ; . u; oli r t ;;;.;
Ifoadaf. the Allototb tlay of.Soutoroter roma for tho dlo
tMo Om pobllo Watt wham um toolorottutioard tor.
'A h qr a. """ ...., ...a, t igp„.......
4= ,.. Mem amf . rice emmateem
, At th. Lang &Tr ak, cammonekl.. Mo.
• day, lb. rfth. day, of August mai. Ile the thawed
of madly Mod" ulthlu W. Milootot Dowd monad:dm sad
Sottiotqf a hl ''. a '6ll .lLtOu= ll tomb
. 114 . .4 •of;o7oroodailler, IS township num. ttt
• Tomahly tlibei of rmikiihros. , • . '
f . t . o=fooehoorredmatit._4l/Arskorisimentatom ,
it the 011 rat LlartialitUCK, c tina r kM =rs au
Ifotoloy, Mi. amt day of fletermalor roma for the Omani
of lb. on ,knou an tit* =owing =hod poem an mot
.411. - . 2 . 7 MI iftli: , fh..itak Pridiaba ,, it 4 lM
The south' of metke'ei t. um math bait at
tisetitmal lborttem =am the myth WI or
seventeen, the amt half or tweatram, remarteo. tho
oorth half shot routhwert• curator oftelmq-th,_ rm..
_. .. ;; _the
burhlrimit opkirtn of MroutreMl mai too man to 00.
'oortbout s =tor of ematronos, la torstbluattme,.of
Vrhowod . ' Pn'th.l a br oV bi";ft till thil i um e. a .ta i rmuht -'2- tr i.
tool, }h am to mlortioLho lb. Stateoothorlhoo be
troltday Jtil=p• th oratatteat tf A ttlg t ot
a ' o ' ablo W . A of, krtruott a erot-ttior Madre mohdm
m voiL ,
.a. " . .aillga . rag u leai i r 4. VAI horad/oo Arai Qtry parlor of
Ootsgesie. 40 Caftan 11;Irondored to the VotOti
ago.. eIF aut ,asa•no o t ( M otio Ism eth me I ...ig .
or provide' thole tle!♦o mottos oireroteh
.ationslta efel=g enti a i radt a An e. ... 0.11 7 r .4,, r7 4 .7
r. The ofbriag. of the a me . f ood. Mittman.
•M a tratira r lilt 4 ' ". - "1r.4: 4.4.4ll°ln'""Mir-I".dtr
unto Arlo:hi tort - oo soda Ash •te_ opoo.n)Lown: ton.
Oleeth a my held ett UM of W.W.1.. LW.
sixth dm Ilan Ann*. bowl ol boo thoomod ht ham
ihvdsa4 0fwen0,_........ , MILIAIW.III4It SA
• • .' '..•- r '__. ~. ..."'"."-... ' - y r units
• . ~.,...:, 9 1paliWIDMIC of the Gortmel Laud Ott* '• •
, it' idle ivizzegmeozAtituris •
Beery roVra antlttel to MAI or I...motsms to mg.
atlas lona 'dada tho toomehro mall lofts or tomuldje
atm. ru4ororod: M MO•Moa to aftO. , tho oho. m tr.
1111; ..f th e Resider , aol: lieeeMor. of :
i, ll.
`hi l ttf o rZL.l Nit aeh j ethaael bane the day ao tor
the of the public, oats of the tondo am m
eal Me tmee Wawa. ottundee each tleho erill be refit.
el. J. tit=hltMlLD, .
Cormaladoom of flu General Laud Ottra
sayr,lmme.lM .re 11 . :f.
'' : • ~ , :•,Y;ili
, ; ,•: • • '• - -'''' ' 7" aglglikiP ' 7. ' ''''
BY-Taiiiiiiiaptkortutilin stim
lui.var A stHe.noe; of ltw, L - Mtliiin Fililtoll,.
of tbe thltel Bina of Aanie..,_ do Meier
a 'l,l=guka Wren, tat palla selavoUl to told at
the usideramdmltgtl (aces in the Ststeof Idolloeui
to vitt -
"fl i t=d b ar; '', er•dCW:t a. econneasing an thel .
• dity.the beet der of Septernhee nat. fa the Manta 4 the
peillls eltated within the followtos mud bee
tiolhaf eaflei.t.V.lttfari eared...
, lo pa a thedi aatrata
- am and eta Meant river, of iiitsown . .___ _ ,__. '
Tonitablpli twontrethen. athee t =elend ...froth.:
on end thommit Ilea, of Ma • - , . ,
T Pathettinslit. an a of Carat Ova of
nose I . . . • •
. 0 pi tllfUltribilgt cr.trdeht Dad'
a•=.4o ass art.- • •
pa twadyabsee. tantribuy.
L ateltraitht and
tirr =. matrons; end townehthe twalti :
l iz
ace ma •thatatantriba.twentylive and teradyele,
4 " Z - ..
f a ita us calsosainit op
,IfoteteMbe lif
t.eith do .4. ' nal: la uto Casual oath ao
/b-leteieleithin name :Molds. ea Peel.
1 of towneldwvit: ', • . . , J 4B baethie aid gado! fheftfihate4thlaenitfeet.
Tathilip tento ta• • ' • end
i ; Frectionel townehips twent
sofa.=sal [natty-two,
1 4 g r t= twill= of •rease lees. - . •
. , Towl i. 4lr=l=l twa i tty=f nine
theery4/jra. rotylar. tweetpfine, twen ' irM — set
t rirgle=ten=4l.sOlt Oh* thantheit.Ond kiorn
'tanglW . slatom. senates% arbleat ad
rewraps, townthits bather two Ord tenottrthar, end
sedans Om to tew inclusive. mend. to novenae Inetta•
a...the• tharath to thfetrita inclusive, to tearnship
wadies of rem Mita- • . ' -
. 1 ioartlp shothat ttherOlhetionsl sections O=
w. Inclosin.) freehand bawdily
terenthin mentswoe (snore' atiostro
tenehatera fonetpfsete, nocedrab• toreepea
P , 1 , 11d.r. manor" u5i...h....t anne
. . .
‘ SW atthweet Sheba a tattoo sti,_in toathip Isla
anoted fratiosed township twent y . or reel.Oa • •-•
Patinas ow to false tale..., the arth haf of tlieehos,
Meta. to nearseene ineln=sl hoentatta
tate inclthiee. to toonsehth , oo no
Inclusive. in ineptly othetesa; au.= ow-,
:tare, the .sth Ulf of banana tascohataa to Naha..
way sad - thirhafeer to tiltrtype, inelosive. In unmade
twenty. orange twel_ . • . • :. -,„ .._
, ito pat eat of abbilis , liver laoreca.* of toweshiP
treeartLree of a=l.
ke fen t the naltheest gametal. nod thole..
osoth.notkee, Alms end *ulnae. and, •Idike
Itiver Onalla.. - in toaship tasty ilea. of .F.1••=.%.
. ,
At the Lad oft.. eviturancla......ssvii
ittaxur, the demean de yof Adams tomb to the due
Pal 4 the 'ewe lends ammo within the ibinala sr
Needle the oae. Useend sri al the AIM waxiest menthe* ,
lanthip ihrentrtwo, of ma Samara. , - • .•
Townsbletwenty.twoof nags twatytaa. • • • .
Ifineticeadi sestina twentslteee tharaf. &birth%
iforatitne lbri'rfar.thetatee sea thapelnootbef the
614 lima bine, fe toonadditthlitrna. lona tante
digellOt bd arnebin twentrone.' tu -- ed..tha abba"o
mina reanyomin. t.pyt yag tan ehreo nod mantd.,ias:...n...r
--• - •
Lena op by tsw la the tuo.of who:a mill.
ten tha * .Puna., todettoe with_oltao neap ad
entstowed lends axle • onni larelee caltivetloo,* ,
'aorta& emit be Weeded by the fa by te su if ttewiths beta
the • de red
atp•ged Ito the asinstathent of it. With
ales th et jr thes Art entitled -An Ani to
Mtn to sate= the ea
unde end other
Irani lends' within their theta* oppeaved
nth, I ' at/ be escholoilfrom Males, And 1:=
foe bonne heretofore rata br etIL la of Code
dab.:d.are l
...,, a
... , :u7rr .., , . . .. :0
ax,. "Li
7 t andere d . i
im i , ;
ril l ..... s
u=o . 1
3i t h e i6Lii, r . 5 .
6. r
pr,,, s
~ Cone
..d wu
.7 1 . .
all be away draw east nunhood inede, =-
Una =Arabian), stoat teehßn2= au I . * ,
Ini • antlf 4 =l U= ''''''''' a& ......u..- .
to MY of -Wear*
l r
sixth of May. Arno lbentB as thou, At . "...,-
:: • .. Van**, aof the floneeti Oilloi; •
. '. •• ,- 01171 Z! TO razzatprrom iciAnuiirts. -
! Evi per= entitled to the tight ed lavalltlon loth , '
4 tbe sods withine townehipe stellate at towable.
.re konnasten, I. to Walla the atm to tth
of tbe receiver of the wow bad
oli nit t *ko lelf Meet mean a mama 11/-
..k, an thart and tolime the der +Matta a tho
of tho path ale of the lathe embrolla
• tho 'othainto snob cite will be indetted. •
L. • ,• • ' ••••,-.
.._ .
) . 0 - 4- -
SY man= or THE MITIIED rum
punnianca of la I, Milian. Suasion,
at lb. Dal da WAIT
=Actor ;40.1 vs Al' utMi ❑ I. bid.
Ma a =bed lablObb. bagtr ffi l , tal• of lora, ma
r i .
A lard ineke attiarcrh, adararadas as Mar
DM days, by tL.di owl VOm
pa larda aluntad is the flflal WIWI ,' MalP.
Nap, V Psi baseline, sod a
soil ebb Affb prtraPprZ air&
. .
'ltabaahlp aulartralas, or raaltinnatyalsa
' T alnahlpa amp trolaaand al/ tnof bans Mil;
To suably, andatraln• and %or nag. tbulradr ,
tab Pa larrati•bir....lsbrY abd agbtraraoarlaa.
' A. uppeflf=f a albbnitr, b"42 .7deNtos Kayo
gr , Aft4= l. dajA i ,
.f =gr. saVVI:=II
. • W.
X 4/ the &Myst asS tone of tb•Atra prime/pai iamb
hip meter, Vends WOW •
I, smolt. a n , nanabtrit , m ' ' •
itrlala=t7t:iMalWraktoaday, Ma aldh•
tam day of Augda mat. far tbo dlalabal of ma fallow.
u l t" ltaa
to a . l
nab= braddlal add 474frea.labr.b
• thtOtostOrtno noltb. of toolto ost out.otolUto•Ol
[ poortor Cl mottos. Motrotots. Is toMthts =ts .
at nag. sine Mot of the bah totostpol
by Isar ray tbio as of sub 1.. WU:
basyr a! t'air , ...r. together .tlO .ibasa anvil
irig', 'sada dual be Imaaby the I LAT lb a alltiss b:
, v.:E. diwitad . Zbb t a h l , faubaravaiit V A T. pub.
tha — rlal7rTeristaaria assl ' a:..... to ri a tt:
too horm=l•4lZ..Vigoting mrart A d .
talalbiar tosot bombs. borotoßer
. byt:T u ogra
2A . th : e rritr sfllsrt
agract 12 IXV;I=
none ozpomoot Clotormast..
..i MAD& will Tr ocoustosol MI Um Oats
Appal sod a m lba lajr . tl:orzterLab u
lam I. th rdenia:6 . ld the tbso demb boo so ..3.
al" Ar e kr"i du last {gym
adod ott
soßrino of 2 be atalLeat the
alniCliAdef my b r) I
... v pt. a ANIMAIIIM. N.
21 .1142 • 2,4 May, Maw ow Omani bight how
Orott • • guta . 4.l. LLAXL. VILLMOWIL . .
• i. 1 1 i 0)** 40 0 1 or U. !!s.:9!,'
21017(21 l'O PRLEMPIIONC/af/Url3. -
ramp alm antfoa6 to Ibbrjett of seam to am
of tba Isoda within tba towns7 t rtb • of taradtipt
tib moatabal. la tour Oink= oa
Mtba »Attar au of the lan d t.
maks oan& fop= fuPtomaabla V'
tko oda , . cot brim* tbo Goy oppolotadi be tba
ter tba poblio Wit of tie loolla nib.dai
tb• 71. alaiamat; abatig" sub j ellimill be Lard . .
Coassilagralt of dr finial Lai am..
Xeir 4 00 k 10,
t . • :e l "i'iolitinti te , tted with tar ,
'T tli k ", , tar.l": l "It. PIRIUMM . by U lk elterof
.1. in lb. LB of Mn. lismant 11Lnia..d." .. " 1 .
_.:2l,•o l CllNlFicrh9gma c. 0 1470; b 3 ' • . ..
7arftel i.o. lleTetsl.llaid .a tek Varakn.: v.
Ngto Bak% 2_,... e . 1 7. sai sr ...I..trr
Jar. 7, .. - p.c. .11)Z1. 47_ Mee* et.
S V .1. V 7 :
i S t p 7 of G . nteri r -A r l :itiLt
FttF% IL l itw. 26b°°"Wl4 ' P'7 4.1 " "Dr•
n a
ib1 a ' we1. 1 4......4' ..1==t411""
Liao. soclodur Ponca II . irm i rft , :tM•
— iyet.ftki ebliosestr, a
al Alrlof" wat a 11 . 2 4.1 1 % . . 7.l:t it.
. 41* ,11. " Maidtbdo ll4"9" - Posith• et Auf.a. 0."4. Bi!iic ,
t• ' am lats.& ids lialkagt TX - 1
.40,01,,,,t temennT, .7..% -ivia,
- • nartaaar Wanda la litt.t.:'.___
aigl " 6= * laWAWstY 117- tirt , " 4 "' 2 7
rn•tiold Werstano., or t.O. dim*. 111..4:1....,.
NAOMI sonaL ..,.....v.rar—
,....;......_361250201410."....,.. , 41
4 WERINfiII I 81:10611;.' -20 Ms' Lon7ar- . _
th gri c r ""Wi l . Rear le r l ir . • Ili IT
_LOMB= BOOT-5001U. for min hi
• ' wow is. .I.‘ MA . 4 .' 111.11.11111=1111.
'1864: 7i n n i t
L A Aim xicaliciAa
CURLS. PUGS • CO. Acoosto, Pscoungss.
PROPRIETORS of Oa old and well
un t. s it tl (aim thavablie that thous
U segrarentet as=avey, whicit Qur'an tea
t."'" UtbelcrirestlaritlM M tosti k lthla
Lift mill coataX , Jui rm thnoaandlar, Wry liamOr
Irshes,,Etridir•O° . L.
oaner. -
Once, mr. Welt wad SasilbSeld
• ift.; W._custaildtblum. NV/ WL. P/14
D. C. miabnrs,Plalastl. Ps;
W. 4.N
.1. 41 I. liallaChaspburgb;
- N ~tLnnrut~NK
IntratrA P." • •
iblo. X. T. '
_ Nivr 1 4 stke Bveriar ram-1.851.' , ! -
THE new Maather NORTIIENER, Capt. B.
tiaaa " ramscat. "'" "%ki n g "4"111 :3 1 =a7. ft ai
of Slerweet; on art• Met weekly tberesitet on
Ridgy. et GM tifoelk 4 P. M 4 the gent let. Matte..
The steamer AMILLITAIf. Cant. Jong Cmagat t eln
hare gent McNutt; Mr the dir ammo tendim uMe
Banesier.on the urn' eftheetemner Northerner; meting
• melee melte tbroegbont the awn, between
Cleveland and the appealed Inm Mina
8,• hoinietori •
Cleveland. 04 Anil 15.1tat—tx
MunMett:nlr's Line. •
. . .
WORM - 185t-'lUsigia
. 0 ib.t thti Lutz, eafirely tr Birth:milked"
I,e rxre , L 3 15311 with Isellltlee to ram a , Wye
olL3tstitY 9t frets m li ft s stoll Baldnurre, Wilma
the r me abort Awe. Lad ei eit low ratei3, Le . a7 ther re Lim
lirrtnsilTzeiraltitlll7" t o eatr7lns
Niter litreed,ll , drbh Iwtosbargb, thistrlarit iz at
Omsk,. rim Manton. MeVertmes, Levisemn, M
Newport. Own Yerty.lleniebariLcolaimlesapi alto*
:er Interneollete_pelnla eattegessemmisCateel And Pert.
si L
= . HArlag ret33 loads ot Ina mewed bass
sad ty la ailments, te
Is* aS7ald ge3llsSta m e karlet - Mee, =rd .
Iratebonme, Liberty axed.:
.fterroAdece vest eir tbe au.
- TERM 111.112NraWIPS LLVZ m mr brothel.'
4.1 E DIMILIAIL the bosimos at Pitts la will bag-
Mier be trommotsd copdoas tho rills of "Wm.
OW'. _. .. ~' • • WW. DIEU IL
, ; Biagtuuns' Transportation Lim.
1851. Milli
.- attwtar
HE CANAL being now open; are nre'res•
dy to reedy* sad Pulrard pomptly. Pro4nos Lnd
PgritTess at: lowest ritoOduisir.ii bireilitaf•
Prodnei Uir2 lifikults . • vrtilbersealvei sad fornstdod
earl mad red. rl t any clam kw Ilarrseding.or s 4.
liCO.,Guul Egan:
° MB_ Viatit&Vtairke t r ".4 o,
betinen IR,%&llllthcl.PlGLadel.u..
4.7•10.3 ,Aigeat.
JaHEa G • titti P ab r pnilh
. • - El - 5 . 1.1" !„ Uz .•.
,18 .
'5l ' -
Imo' Treunpoilatioa Lim, :
ma marartvAina. cAmata Ala) unsains.
t )
1.11.01 1 : 1 L4a 00,C I 405 irua. aini.. t.
R il=3 ititnoß. coma liket. tama amt. ?tar
..aa reV ta
tb. :=astea d
4 rltattraata
UAW. ' SU.. rati. mai 1 . ,
Isas time 'ham Ilt I . =a,.. f ;.,,,, r i. 5 ..4,. 4 i,
&t a r aL 11 .114,r amtail var kat.ea.
Et Italtrada. gill w e nt car lataibillty al 444 at
Jataertm. li.didays!ttagarStrattra r raat..
. W* ., ~7,lsasatal. -
gag- 1851
43 ,0 811 ). *Er5 ,..,6. 4 ,;213.. ' 141541"14. 0.. '
AIX/ICM * lto. SU/ airtirt. ss4 . b!1
BIALL • _ Mutts. Canal Buis. PLlAstsmilu
JO& TATLIAL aCC •11. , , ,Atira
ISt.. .14 - 11/c•
stdploptiks* *Mb illaCsatthAal ant &kW
- • -
FiggigiN ' ' 185 1'• ',
. E{ '....,.` Pit4buiiik TrsPortition - /4 12 #- ' ,'
Jils.asCPCMOßlltoltk_Plttabores.• :
y, JAM= S Co.. I;oto Mad owl Mom stmt..
Nal tla 3Boa p al d. rrogLottoot, Istvan, /tut* owl 00/N ,! " Mtlrelitl• • 00.70 . 4 Arcot, Itoltiosiro: - . 2
APING . folly completed our arras e
trill Do PttlAtoa t o r r t tho 0P01 ,1 410f Ot
117Proola Congo. to. tlsadll MP
1:.2111oMm“. , 1 boo Torr. Boa.. Cis-
Logilstillo. pt. Mello 01l Ito Cut and Wes; at
boor 'dr sod *lib nista dlAgotots sod earo lbw tarot! ,
tine.: All roods ablypid by oar Liss sty CLIO corned
,toot,_ submit say asrw . to seam. • Drama.
not na tr 7 saY othott.m. - - .........' •
All otossatoialtiots alinotod to ottoilveo at
11.114100,, Ciooloostit R. Webb, 1w tad apitra
(Moro*, ill
. tail* trill oust with mown Mts .
P arg
Za k t u Ost Lino too notoosottlas ',Wm . . wink f
il Pittabintlt Tr totpatot Ulto of As.
JUR 1:611113.......::..............................4 1101 IP. 02111. '
COVO.DB ec. COLE, . ~.
- . te......... to Italt•Out t -
. . . . Canal Basis, Pena Street. -",
. .
Penna. Itailaoad Co. - -CentrellailAosik .
%ME antaai bare - having been , appointed .
Ael t d=i b ra tir ia. Niaush.ii. at a•sl Sag
yobbothat vs an ow Dseparect to to-
Mt* all totioltet a! ottrobst4ll.• of addle - for 411;
' ..
iioodsletittlis foot, Tilt .be esniadttitootil In an top
oat all tomegool to us vtu t• forwarded fro of totozolp.
alottor thaw CT 6.trzom: _ = .
cu t
.. z ry oW.flttot.ersZifillAlitlitt 11315
itsallvar•.4otocortiscPilit•. •
„Leatba. . Mr.. 1 .13.0 1 ,7 ..3.1 Oth. OM
lieregt. 00E; Llali..tead OLI. TebilMA ue,pgm,
' Tallow. s ' waist •sa *many _ .., bOo •610 c .-
A•hts, liable (1•06610 Tat. Pita, UM. Gerlaall QM
Boom f1ac0:640.--. .:-- ' , , Tv isfi; ',Oa"'
=Mr Non Lad rim Mom.
1 - litt•batirbaoll' fn. 1 1 1 4 , -4Jf. ''' • - - • ' - - '
Freight received for all the Way Stations
on the Petals:Wallis Central Itailroad.
.11393,11. .ems _
ra • - • 'Adam J. Walton
.,4 7.- ; .. • •
- • •
A. u.curir..
• 114%!... etyal 1a F noWl •
iLetald Wadod. , •
f t:Vinraw. -
cocoon • 013/.2. • !
corner arrow. and Wayne amoeba
July 1ath.18.71. :•.= •
lanAil i z,
14431= •
I'. • ,
iN CONSEQMCE of the decease of Jolla
Padlocks, tit. portectobto bontedta• orlstbogbotwout
Went Condo U terser ttloott.ol. Jabal Y. (do
folly outhunted to yew te. bosituoi of th. boo arm—
AU pout=bar ing elaitos 'wilt visor 'moat Net et
payucat . • ... • -Putirsh Jtar
finebeisyra se Men den a.
The bushiest of the Agency of tlie Pesin
Yrlnnla Central Itailned Company ylil haraartar be am
dfterd each ,110 A"'"" ' 4 'llrons. a cols.
of Penn and Wayne rlyeata
Pltbiboryb. Jul/ let. 116i , 43/ 9 •
• Agricultural Implement& •; '
1 HAVE JUST received from the Emcee
w. mai lasparomata. all al llaa but taxa
t terteatlecua and r !add lA=
Panora ta m. Maxataliss Ina stmt. •
cita M nrW, ttlalt .ata. wulrAn": '
iiaiband pima. •
• Visor ana Oars Walk enttlaff Dom.
cfriVVaaW i atiin
• =lll .. ate WI =raw: aai , Laaa.
All caasialbattantaliroaa td bait lalaiala. Alta ta. male .
lata Dralltanal Pr' , / 3 tas 11:g.'inoaramaia. at,
I:ll7Sri • Caner of Waal anal WU wad&
. -
Beaumont. Pert Starch Polhill:
jpATENTED;MtAdOg SO- 0 1r b il 1721 $
sibesstllkd Oka to Was. Stuallad."
srs. Pahl tr.; sad also comet. tlus Pros from
wasting tti= dh te.,
sad i mists dna tram stletlas
Liam. is. sad costal= ltdarioas.
IHrsettasso-Pst • Sias p Wass to •
starch then bsillnia briskly.
V.Pit cads per bold abolessls sad Msg . b 7
• Ps3 ' R.‘l4. SKI.L.FJIS, 67 st.
KA .t. RD:—I fume removed to my new store,
1 -two balm)" neer apwWW the B.ek a
.fads 1 Ell bar tunny Ina& . 1 4,,,, it
V,,,ll:The....ALZ:iscoWrr. flassui KW-
Ooft• sad MIK IlaUw•
soK ai fr e etr 4 W WRZ' Man x / Blukr, ladka,
tistrorr atlas bad In Os'
Low cdmain• ts 40 the tiod.
I WI, wlidead KW =4 pwwWW IMP., •
wol . • WK. KOWA MUM AWOL .
WOOL—Comb paid for Wool by
1.4 • • • - •' • KURPUT LIL
HAVE jest ieee ed from New Turk, an,
itatial/ratile.°ll7:l7.ha7D3W, 99/4"40
. . WM. nonce
SPEP TA 0 LE 81—We Aume a COMPiete
stock WIC Silver lad SW Bp.Melajwilbsbai
/malty Of : 00 . ,51 pad mews Glum. yre IR slum ta
'coaled= "1 4 )41 " 1 -4,, VIVW1 Oe
gotriliZeri.oo ldu rd ft?.,l4 . b z uwalftba 11 "
102 !!!'UltiDLlCflB.r=nriu
Anthracite Coal.
30 TONS ' received , a tmperior tirade
Ibt for badly um, fk naL by
'l a' a' a 2fULTl a C&,.
iktrULVE Orden for the Stock of vari-
T V • Oa Main Voosprofoo of Lake Booortor. ifon
M ia il la ! eu ' i " 4 ""P"'ittaura a at
pE4R layar ialak un. oul t. " pumped French
, ! , 6 :1;
sal _ . sw==sur
• -
AOMMtl,'.lOO bbhhl!io, a&udU to
Pr :4 5W7
Office of. Catiniusq . dialititutsiiteisee, • .
• 1- , 41151;' ,
QERiltkre PROPOSALS 1)8 • Pittalnig,...,h Li fe - Thstailm 0:410413 V
A... 7 Oda WhAodido, =0 Coin dorod 03tOboisostAls VOMPANY . incorporated in
th.' d a ti.rt . I P.TWOBIV-B. lb. wt.. , the ' gotdaget.rll6l, - vtait Chute sea us
try. a shr p..turstst.. • tmgo... ....mem of Eoo4doo. - •
12, • ' 41Areoorticiiri .Thitny#4 , ; - doss boldness both 533 lbeiote.soXlAne
of pcdw Boar • " On the Joint:Block glas tial; robs are ' ow:WM 100 . 0
.• • 66 UNA/do of moor lOUs god& toms thaw obarized br Mogul Oosusios nod liffeen,Polr . l,l7.!:l , l7
_,, r tougtian Co
Looort. 000 ct ump thor ffro.• •
0005 Di 05100
15 =lf d ir rog elosa=egA =dr . 14 .42 r Comm leir . TVoso hungrod the =to:
S9o.Wnm.of soot d 4... bay. tho =gland oomitaeo On* by UM (
• • at.RadAlidgp_B4 , fridki.lquij4mg: Zrgotira= l .t e t''l E . *
' ' ' Th• Cbsrtat
lOW= Sae •" • ' ovorr forgs. 4 =Zlll L ro ,
66 gasbolg of nog _ bellow , rads. Maions Mend, or erediko—to
the Wir of
' • 670 yo
a. good bard Nap • -; anotherlbetheirown ozoloWeoLeargt.payolgooltar deotth
sod =a. ow Iwo • • . or op= the Naar
h 5.71 . = el the 5.t• 01 DO. 514 65. arab.
ot good dosallii - der • ••• • .d dOW=” 3,
A ea horn , . t Kryi.',Fas;frof* :
50 b
p=rroz..Wimkt",.. J
ems B. Moo. 7 noropi Leoch. :
11 r i d= Vl : = l Zo d argair ' 44"w itit '' ' •
'At, au Palie Lokiitur, air su2atinns Fort Tonvoi, o
zwati. taa' Chirmi t hi. • • • Iwo; wana B.r
•~ 7 or Timmer
• tozeols of ;ark .101,0 Bmder.,Bm.. rittAborgh floalg
1111 LIZ Pinthl gritoat , migodisiinur • , MUM. 1011e0.515, boLmat• Gram. .
55 moos of nog orgies Odd bro. • . • •
wand4 . _ or rood boa KW/ Hog. A. W, Loomis. A B.l7Aalmos4 En •
"lpomodat .-- iritirsra -- .7ir7m tandloa
b normoutd ytod dom., too .11t z '
Yal plboto of bad ddor 'boom. • •
SG - whole to be dallrondl In all lb. mouth of Atom.
INd. Idol to hue Nabehltrobro by 11.V25th of YobamorY.
" ,• • •
I .4it otelneith, drUnsas.
• 'Rs huhu, ' • .
125 barrola
; 65 bushels of turr.gZd
1'7 .4 ro M ir:. ref rxd 'd bard spool Oa
14 boubols of gin ars Ibto dolt .
TMo . rbtrtolo g rt i li=r ar1iy,;1152..
•-- • -. 7 : , 4t;E* (Moos, Attains.
256 barna. of pork ‘',
.3761torrals or Mob ro.rad'loium
lorattria ow waste M 4 Imam
7.6:13 gonad. of wed hard loop
otO pounds of goal hard kora , audio.
420 f good claws arpdsa oat •
A. ibo U rtotTetr= 182.
de Fort Seibert, St. Pelee..
- '
'.ail =rit ZIT' t.hrlitiliZ.
'MP', ;110 Ml l 2. rah
42 =Lots or good Ado= dry des nit .
. Or irk= of good ndor shower.
Th. shale to te =bored boot tb. Uth Man lit% to
41 Fort 'Milky,. enema of Creto-tring river, /30
100er aberve Fort c'ealiej 1.
' 115 bur= of pork
126 barrels of bear ooperecoo tour
64 basher of nes ore= Bold boa=
6:6 ma= of art brd roP • . ~.' '
WS prods of rod taws rams
14 error of err dry Pr nits -
223 .01101111 of odor= =kr from
The shot. to bo , dobrond from the Ist Je55,,1662, to the
If Fort Leevemeorth, Missouri River. _
, 340 bomb of pork
' 600 =nal. of onpordoe bar
2ln bares of sear WO bras -
',sot tomb of ox4 nos /Lora sesh
1,312 prods of goat bad talker Walla
be bath= of good =ea dr ea •
830 arlono of good elder
mo or bolo to to dallsond VyM y teer iot Joni, JUT
It 'Fort Scott, on at Mierseaton riccr, Miuouri, 70
nap Glad traneportatim frost indepoureare,. OR
. sa tornu of pert `' , ' • .
/lb turd. of err mower ter
oo wart, of ow-own Writer.
r 0 rash of good 0.0
rim order ,•
It buret. of rot alert dry Pr bat .
Tto whole to be by ts. by j....layy.
Port-6.11 radon are boosilW to ernd 100 sonnust
of tbdr bidet= r order erol esidlit rotor/ moo=
Of ash WU sod t ot
11 bld irl/1 te we Ideas era It sabre=
The sorb= =it a a tho of fade tiblify: se tree stow
Jon.. Ist ertinoter, lot lor,V42„'"aorri t arg b ort
• Ter bond bo y ta: pat is year& tO b• ftr as
aro, rod orb boy to =lab sot Ism Ono two bred
roads. arodbag tee la u ts t. e.= end roat i.
tt IT .
Woe7lti b itietT.WlThit . 4 ad; rot th iromtont
parJeed =eh to. was artier to roor not nerd= rata
poor. orb.
rhos I.= paridalesalson eon the eareisator
e M d to Moo • the raw
Chat tin DU 10 alb! aral T he
r a ts I. learonad heart =dr err
Or bras and pet to terrals. mad Ur me
rril k =
ho litre= bra of error= oire be trons
an sell erdy b. rentred byrommert if thlrtrtro
.dream the robot. • Teo art= to bar totem ref.
morrow lON- here sod To rt Rivas tour . pro
r.. Lords Ihr =dr althorn dor voter redo dui onek of
.11.1' .y . , 7 94er ebo or.* 11 7,/rt 8b t 7 most per et.
_A firro In those rertlearts V9l to oreakiorod a brach
or maw. and the Depreerat rate Slith<4ll*l 10 VIM
! b' 'ITS W I lle l
5101 T. MI all terms to he paid by ronneetors wall
r aro. dawdled milloch sterbrour a. matt Is drips.
Tit' tr.,' 7 ". " liTsse n =s . lb. StriZoto of hb
roan= or di ortedno. es Of eereentee
With say or atl m o ld ardelo ry ion&
Par ostriag tato aro Of Isensolx . r . a """'
redact= th• quantri arrow oesdned
kora la retract. ber= dare arra= rd.
II arm tot barookeo orlyeetani ass teltrrod to aeons
pry choir propeor rth =elms of their ability. tr••=tb•
1100 the wirer of err reortiosorhorlortaltY
oar terrier to. tho DIM= or nano =fern ser-
Mill IFOU /MOM to Ur Oononstort, oars= pry.
fro sill not be sera on.
Arsons ore= 6..... a. is dm an,,, ad *side. .lie
peck= pul fidi Mors t 07.1 to morel at trod= bete =ll Le rode fps Or Marry for porreer,
ir=rll be clear In nelosahlie row as mar Is
roorrion to the slats of eeirery, the radio of re
=sr.= the
froprosn ekkore r of ti. corroroce, se the
o r Trinearyaft. cartels Mee 10 ba warted err pall odor
" fronblirta:lllberolod te a orsonde rordor,rod
surer "frogman PorforntAirs t j o ryaM r. •
Tfori—rdtbire 'Sin 1 . t4 by rid for roorAbotbeit re
Mb odrostloorst urn anthortud to= ea by Iso
OVERING'S SUGAB 7 -5 . 0 Ma. 11ruped
EAOHES--10 • cash prime Halves; for
er J7ll- • a. . mammon.
'PACKED TEAS 1 7 —Jenkins' A. Co.'s (of
IL Pt:1114401a) maioriperted Grim lad Madam.
l b s e =r eo ca r l st. all tientbr songiml Warder' ? ad
triatTS-500 prime C
Al 301
• • i 100 lbs.N • I; • ;?.
- • woona a amr, .•• a.
• rpAR SUGAR.ISO bbls. aaa'd• Not., for
ed. bl - Jrlo 11,111f.WIISM-
lila 0. MU A Fig B-40 0 aelr, for isle
121 • ) 1• -- W. a F.
I! K. SYRUP-7% bbleAbt map 1
, ~,&
1-.7-4 *lO • •,,.- w. af. N
0. SUGAR-150 hhili.; tot islll=-
C6EBE-45 bolo re4eivinrpertithreire
Liu, and lbr imlatrr • 3111110FDIUZIJ. -'
n 9 ^ Water. ud Ina% gts.
DELI NivrEt=cale
M AOK.REL-100 btu. Now No. 3 Large
' ao
tl s m Ibr sae by, WIC Btejej wo
406.1? SUGARS-300 bblo. Med Noo.;' for
. sail In , • 971. MOLLER WOM, •• • •
VLOUR-200 bble. Extra FaxoEy, for tale
1: . br /ylO .Y IA.SAWDBIL
KEESE-150 boxes for sde'l‘r
MAONERML-4010 bbla:lairge No. 3: -
tjera. ID 6.*W-11A113•11011.
M ACKEREL-51 tbas..l4F . ge 2.10.1;
I=ring paCpal .41 M. '
M ACKEREL--s m o Largo 4 tbiL
andweifrat smft.artr •
40101 WATT 03
1 OAF SUGAR-50 boas ',covering's Don
2."*".'d lb at t lffecursa aW.
BREED FRUIT-300 bush. dried Poaches.
A-r nu es. • nosizisotArrilsite
CIOD LW= OLL-40 gillo ia, ruts warn;
11.. 161,1214.
CODLIVER 014-3 growl genuine •
ISll—Maakerel, Salmon, Sha
am d, and RFev
Jr. D. %ma a caw
udblFS-r'Ptime'sugar C 17 4, Venison an•
1 , Vita; Paktiiirk'
I Wapi molti° writs this
• tba WV*
.' 1 4 4
!t it
6 g• 6 141;c.54,
- GUM Oltnan
=11• 4 1=
l iklit t"7 4l s 7 l l.o l' 4bK ‘
Pam Maur,
i c t i !rar :
``,. red .11talqpi
. 1 "
15 1 b1
E % 4 4 . 1 . 4 46;
f• "'lowa
1 ask Sal &a; .
Z. "
Coma qf Mod ind
us CSTes: tritlOLSoll.e.
ertl.chats do. da
lcp moinjr,Chbt
Ihotss i rirk
blMs.l inoct thick
e Er i tlcxl do!
2 w do. ethom
1903 Ph extra Medd,: •
Ib t riro=
10 " Clover 2,..
It tr. Chunitri 1104 '
- 46 nos ilaorts *VI"
I LO parny u i ttic
ICU 110...04430• 41603;
2o d2f.lnur. •
Q.= M , 01 .4.
1111UNDRIES.-- ••• •
1 )3 TweZ,
b's "au Talicex
... 1 .
i i :g i .. ,
. •
11,0001 u. . • -
OS Woo utr.
L O I XT :
TOO drum • , •• i
r e botw.4 ' ' i
So " ' ILsiebox
._ Bo 44 ?Tap, .. r
=1 -
t.O. , ~.,-...
41.3.. w -
,i..4.-ii... , 8 • 44 ttr 4 . 4, 4 % 1 *
IL4arr. ...tvi.
A). • ~ a
. ~ .... „. . ... -
• -.- -
? . .i . .''' ~_ , , •- .. -'._ ,
. .
YIN bom
1004.1.t.N.C.Tn ut ...`
111=6,40.5. ,
sae mu. oute d A
kap NSW. UK% OK
Icon Lui. .M
DDIO. ui
- '-r---7,4" ~.-.5-.;.i;
.teespli assent. 61. D.. - • 15 Illisse .1,601,550, it D..
" . Jerseslah Datote.ll. D, N. 0. trllthstos, 61.
, Nreeeee Peeskeem. •
rolatel Dllirorth„ N. D„ reslthforld etreet, .
i oyer. Snyder, D,103 Fourth street,'
~ • Jae Cr. - fwd..= 0,69 Sixth . •
• .
Wm. Meg. 61orcts. D..,107 liberty .11TM •
Dr. Dlilltlib Will - Mr etteedenee at theolke, fres*
Vin at thd COMP 1110; N0.:6 foist!, etre .
- : t • • —•- A.couroer: nis
State Masud .Fire maxaxance Compsugfr
BRANCH OFFICE--No. 54 Sthursete Sem;
beef evidence of the 'success Or the
Dlrectorit to endeavoring to make the STA 11l 1171 TA
.178.1.LIVdt/714.1V11P1A/NPANF Inset _du onnta of
W "ncenanontty. le the unparalleled amount of bootees
rtnahhaa-been tonal hawing taraol 17;900 Dollar ddltad
the Put sear. tbenahi oDlln t L oo er Oa o = d o :,=,
of the cltbmpany. Dearlya/1 ProPerfif
,OM$ toted to malt nets, ondo lards propane's. lauded
I tt
b eallol.ternahnued. concert!,
,7 A4
/moat of Vropertr Siiil/Ofl
De onsolsahnextalte
. 20 /? 2, 110 „i m p '
Do. Preanq
Do. onneelea, terminal:lL nonlrel— (X 10
, In
• ' Cu& Premiums male_
Po. do. do.
Mole set loan* sodaspensee esti—SAM &S= de
Han. ill favor of the. no, In caste r .• • sz,VA no
To city or country saarnants , sal oozing of dennhorte.
"d ""ddd ddd "ncotrf bdurnd
Opal ofboloothoofinee ionotot ethane." ..any, arA
murky, infenor to no Jaus:me Company In tais
Conducted on the minable sad gre ireta
bf Chnothealoh of Anks,essll34.htg s.ll hr.
swing only
o amount lo omr/vesISMIM.I7r.
elndlog the- freetteftes ant (4[12.17C.• of lam Iran ana
sieo Volk the ,Etcck cod Mutual Snot,ln , o=
trot entitles the WE ea tapmn = to • sartin&ln thlLor — afs.
iDinenotot P.ltutberforO. 5.T. Jct.,
kaso,A. Carrier, rhilo C. fedvrfennuel Jones, Nob%
eiknat,John Pecker: Juno
B. notberforL •
A.-CWllies, Astruny. • •- • MAI
N. B.—kßedp Dirkland a fifteen per onot.vnantetti
;tads, has hem valued by the Dimon', sad Is
salvable at this Ohba fcse mews* o< rattoosabla to ash
at the cid at bloat,. days. A. A:41.11104111.
PrOak.lin:Pita Insaranio Co. 'of arliira.
pLEtECTO w Charlei W. Fill:icier • GOO- .
t....lardecal D. Sobiaa I
iset%T. ilaalor Morals Putman. ar"'!' I
• , CHASM) F. Reiman: Pne.ii-f
;ounce 0.
:MU Oomusa7 ccsalsome B To = . llo; t ,
lizedtaf.,o3. every daserlylion 01l
. esC7 e lt flow (ks b./
7 bay. • fOaM
which, vitt, their 01;42.1 sod, os...i.Ogestegh.
:seal ample grometion to
.. thaualdd•.
% C ir 14'" • 1
11=.4= : :=4
. $7114.132
• .a
Mum their • Lowl-Dwall'a pertOl . w
21' ao 7.g . =
01(kr z. Vr.• Yoarlhootrect
wirsof..* of Instrranca, welltVr abaft) 11:111 dug
. gadtian torso* SLOEaceptom. ' -
. nig
4 , oxyr IN PITTSBURtiII, W.H. WI%
(tie J. Slnnoy. dontamita No. Binl Mail Anon. .
or the Dotter caorontortre orrookling. Ist the
lora nart tin ctn.% Um Watt lotoy ono b. Wind daily
bom.D. .1.2 Ind 2to tienek. of. tG anintlng Mot a
i. notnoustakor 4. Co. No 211 Wcod ottoet, an nem._
oary tafornsotion orill to Liven nod ocanmunleattono gaming
anandNt In • Yomphleta
tomato of ur: Insurance, and blank forms o "4 n
CanlLlitook,vier MVP) and constoodif imanoonnr ••-•
Infidel annoall ocaoap‘ tLan 11 ..$
Tina ...b. Jan. 31.1551.-1034 • • • • , • .
*axina,, Fire. and Inland Tranaportcitkal
P li3 l A p u l u 4m. eC 4 omp- l a 9 n C y o
r fNii l r S i s l M a O m ltt
/. io4 rarvidalr,.rt=24 t t d t4 ,
h airs Dmidmp
y olort dinonnotlONDOthiPted awn ottl
sad t moic.ictus AriWod usancluilm or, Mr
irlitsr O. Lam: POI% • Thrall r: cow.
Zama W. Jour, John U.
Stab.E. ft raidn ' I = j 'ass.
iSY t2a:' 11 ' 1)- b E trfra k.te''.
=afro= lta.tagla stssidkur.louggs===at
sal arc== i rkaks -mg czaza
,xwtal rlV.t4r, •• tt 4e . : P a th ,j ''
'Western ;• Coinpuiy atTirtsbargit,
c i f . ITAL -$3OO 000; MILLER; ..4. ,
, • I.ll fru4 o.
'Vet, dJ
teen w arataualtr i. agzl44l:= . d t
Z M .G4ssonasl llb =riaa Cut bac% par.
. Dasenva—lL Naar. Jr,- Ova. Maki .7: W. Huth.,
Aolakar. a.. W. B. Wats. C. Wvhduet
021Taar . argot, (aaratr ppaca a
bigaiiixiXutaalSafetylzumramiliCompl ,
! uscL.m.--Braft. iteirr
to town' asd •coantrr, to • lis or
• M =las, in""'7 .P:4l''' togas. Fes. oees~
*lidt "ltFi rralsokisuro.ktottmaila—
by alk" 0.1 work od .
thr soon Moral teem:
•.I °" ror•p laren h elli bl antrod ewr o rza .
•Dortratobat Boma. Jan r
=l C o ' ro l lt 7411 , 41f4MTIL P H.t.Z '
'Hood: l!soldin. - IL Jczir ptax.. Bst. IL I ZT
Ohatkw6 4.3". J.'. Dr•SM ,
1 , 1310=3 A2,llingems,D. T. NorgF4: nu 0 .12 1 74 6.
klA!nt: LJCiati
gp o[ the J
-'i•%.7)LADELIZA. A4r9:l
Ohio Lehma n .-
I -92 germ.
c,rk .
35: itii.
85 . t‘. 99
Per cant.: strength.:; •
ZVELL,PLETOLLER .h CO.. hisnufsehr,
0. A.LCOnOt4 aria .
atria* sad Cs ' tstrorta, Crcla:icM
/PAU -order: Qom Pittabare!
• •
• S r mes and Lignott: ..•
50,161 . Lilterti at, reilseri7 Dacia crisekerfeday;
1): ncthoricof ilttsbizsa . • Pa . . trognm.4 ON: T.
• • .
Jr- neeolnite to Iht publio gm:relit. tbrts Mods
i ergyata i t s tlm u ta . i. attabUsbed. a b tl2et b. Wl
waralimpliall =tuna. attitianeek-Zielloutd,
lrrmschnßlmM fs
bUotmalsli = m d:d l eo WO " E b . l
ar lo ; em resc w. r. ft m.=
Eit= • kenm
. and hc
=r =*
Chem.- Atllltleti
will Nu, *Jamb,. Manua tam.
a tb.
ratlVVltg l ik the j=
.4 4 , r3trl , reto u raz e
o fir , erand bea utlctoo_ Asskto7
nee gins= • Oal. bl's lc"
webs.. ebewbers. • .
=Mt. !MAW !no of extra alarm odd at the
Lewh's'Pi nt amplar.Waterlhltn.
IS NOW to be seen in. operation at WILL
max a ea. , a, Plosibus. No. ID Vomit
trA P ll ' amqmtlin I ' m d . bra t lll " A tima
• add *KJ from ma amoortln lomntato of am C •
out 4 Mittkat. from thm raokno lasting. of MEM*
=l L ir amputonWin Ito elemodurmummilm maul*
tom true thou haring thou to Me Co Plilholephim.
at 'Naha* follorlos uompler • •
• , • Poluzamott. tfurh 9 - Montt
' It OW mu put plague to nonatmonal to the bumf of
• pot Mum MART. the .riot Emnormiblm Wan Yiltomer.ta
Tana Of Mr. Loan. listing mod coo of Mao Otr mmTfr
id math; I pip enablai to loft. of Mat ram. • L.
• • . , 47ZOLLOB PLITT. IST Walnut stramta
TO* Potent llonamfble Water . IJoa ar
llontonlL LW%
ho and by mom for mono inostba at
=.muldritak all thmt any tasson amid watt m
anakler a prl fain. la Om. ih
manna mad It to thamOba . JONAS P.Y.LIIO oak ft :
2401 !Manna =a&
Thema Mai varmatoi to tmka Wm
tuft Inn& of•T mime lomat aaempaemealati et.ttltsta
blm imam lo water. 17 . y too winuded to usi too
7*.n. sul with ardimarr 'ram Intl tut tun mul moots
Gulp to Ot manila be wpooyou&
, • - - RATER a JUDI* .
=lnt, strut. Fallmdolatna.' •
T SAD PIPE--Ccrniall'e improved patent ,
14 ugu',
• •cdo.t.
• `.116-.o.tiukay
..`••11 daatoo luadasut stsiv ibistfiti yi
Mital .
.A91'.2.41(Ded as anoa
• • . H eating and p m tUaUon.
ARE ',Um() APPAR*Ta for
111•••• mem, .••.4.noorle• maw Minim;
=of onfrydmaisMoe,zob)Je Your
i z , z ar‘ s tltt Erga r i =y wd unlbrbvi%
"="imber =Mod% 41 to tt. -• •
.....LiVeatd•nar.liirn4 it..a'pketz.„.til
Urt vulvas damliptimm mintimm4
Um% soommtaUr beaftt upon thlat•MadaraM•l74
%alb* m• artbed Warm • 14**m. Em;-at WV
mmi t•mmmanm, min , • from moy
maw oda% dist, ent, and Naar from Ire.
- •. • eu•l ATICINFAR. WEILL ,
Coidera - Pot - • „
HZ subsciibertriLre. nciw - Sple_VP!
ajzkr,/ , %l= it
= Pots. its. It is siel.Ao**
tacnoroseed 0.1.11r=
/39141014 lIIMMIkO a &co :
, . .
L ,', .'•; , . - i - ItheditteXtbthilibie - !
' • . Thaw =VW:WM yhrim lim...
. Ibis ratfoltartag 7ahl,* yiry. . ...
' =iitialxn ' stre.=.6.47 - 7 71 .;:. -
7..... , ,... a ;1 ... = .„...... t ...., la - WlPaa - g • ',,• - - -.-: .
y...timobLyi lock qwle rum*: rlKa.avoraik • -.- .- - •
Tao lagedtaatsai tbeityi ii: it :
Ma‘la nit rAa ta.a.‘=fram yriattad. 1',.. , : *:
a mao, wad keel i=m l l2l.. vatioio L.
. the ao,„lttalz.
la 1.. , m2 4'
.‘: -,.• : ,
Mr era ''.
' "
:r " Zraa nu rro l 2 3ain a dr .. 4 • - '.....:--'
, - am . .Zl ' l : :imas anklataa la lb& bags aa41,141 , 00 AC'
tram Mall itlfhlk a.1141.0•C 'be alla.Yar aa. a . , 111.4: ..---- .'
, 1 =fa . mbatra cryorlaatad tan is ii iM - 1: .i t... -.
, alyalleadsa So gnat arlatar TYth imo., thy
I Cr an t...t rwrevotal,.
Lu lu,.
tttl. i . , . : ,
ray fa* alloatiala sad Z . , ~0 i i ,i;ii i k.:t. '•T' --
111RAE,MONT'S PATENT STAR , • „,,,_ , .Tri'',
• • • Mbig l im9r, a r l ' A=l 4 ..fatt - - i' - ' •
tr , =:/i tr th ar i =aggg i t i litn i. - ,k42,.. r ',.
say respect.. TM
hare laaaan tall Ito I.' ,
at nth . ankle. in tan tbst , antotatialratilb•
ly nallaal, as an ,rawyetltipalalamaYarbor
••N. E.-On. tSk. wRI do ciLlypr dram" of alottakaa OS '
.omaily sticadd be without It. , . -, 1 ' •
Pn. L'N era. per 40k... Biel' NU irlth nal Ana
FOlt Oh by., .. t0c194 -- -144 ..erg d7 Watal
, i - ;P/MCOLIMIL OR , : ~ OE ALL , . '
'; j `Tber•
it. soon things la IMMO sad did& : • ... ',
"Mon it. deessopt or la fddeonbe.. . ,
,r-'VIRTUES a tiiii remarlialße rear:,
,11, asd tbs mutant sprostioa toed. toed•_ - - , I
. assotl ' ir "4 • hi ftiNignolro t aieteb b lit . 7 r. ,' "'
Tbs. PETROIJI Le wormed from . ce ll b et e.,
ty ' st s &did of I= Mood./ Sot, Is • bard '
d r e,„, 11 , 11= ,. ?7 ,... r=rit. tha rlaii= l, l
=r .., =4• 11snaber of .d •••••• „1 4..q., losisse 44; ~
d .: Tben see 13lay ID sox Id..
a bruw ,it If e Me= h tlt b r b. lellM.,.
ter plnlgnWalio t tl?",rt.',;'''
dr surest dims. , rho cocas= seddeft. tossest , *
Vjedtit the ilstirs . "d lodle= l of Its te tr a =.-;,
ride reed amidst:Wu in*. otao of Odom , ~
W. do nos 'died to make • kat indad. a - '
I. an 001=50110 that the =dicier no *am sect Its • , -
Into the Ater of UM who ..ter, oaf with to be
dbille, In do not odds for 11. dodesuslogs tae ~
o r =t;os n ed " Tr,is tll igii•l74. Ibg
steer bd. , :
mersted—all dimes.. of the mum.
Mom mu:mum% ousimPtie. , t it..o
MOlM.Mski h ra " ,Vat " .s. ' =eta: -
Molder 1124 i=rt i rlif } t i =ok or Skis, We i. ;
rbf.r*rdlosdot.d , ,Ciaros, bodderZed. Old Mid .."
Att. lte. • Di woo of doblitlT• ... 01 , 011, =,.. , e
mos of
Wl z roldr=ll set . as oFt , t . oll/C, oaf - ~ - e
ATI In add mos, sed tooreg .. . a o soo,
whale hear, romosled .... 0= the
fodetkaa. flack nem dhow sod d.
Old thing itCrobati and named wow todo.d.o•omo
of UM - Tbo breprietor lam, of lasted 'ma* es IFITAIIP
OA twisted akar tro•E., got veil molar tbseek,
of the PIZMIOLIK far • dont tlmw Tbspoof M .
.aura to sarprtiony Ito , tettr“. IV, - _ _
doo• sed without the 0,1 , 1 of as
tokl by do
B. VMT: Oexisl Iblete.mte ixi llodkalt
, . , . . LW, de It. R. 4l Wad ot ~.
& iir
- - mniewoca street sod Vldeld ino lri t l id
' borlhdlr. - - . -.- hie riculaitr amtava
f4,loffA•Llooo : 4
- 01.: nem who arersicicaid - ofiNetele:
onbrlinossnatthe Madder sad Uner.Orlth MOP .
yalos In tact ar lino* stil e no, old in..., . .
1 tablet M.N may th. Zl=l. Its Isebre wean thie
moron ale ..
assi but Ws dont oat snake Itiolorwo
In thorns of an haunt goantronity.' that It Sue
winch as not egastaboond too= other ranwily., Who ma o
oho is arbor with pato. arat ennui= I= ,
Aten OD rondo: roW.lrcee say or the
Nowise tt coign rirr Hari to nub* a ladar.. PA Pita, .
Imola no oniztano—roo ontpond. Pot OW to the Pt/110•11 -
of ,ffitoftg oaths emomononter :trot It Is a nennero -
in . :e=loo m.. e .the rtrog th erotnt
.rt= .
.brajLotolm 4
arra enoonsolty road ? goonerY
lirtto mtor b a r
as ""' wertnr lollost.Olter other iniOl L'l
itrlood - Ini"
mem anyrrolki. ,Is • bar carol at Junto
and of tbs worn end most Iniontl ...4.... J/ _
= O 4 gi Cholera Inortgoo,- t.r . ore or two orang. It init -
i .
Mcrel meat rearrtorkin wbkn erll7 We= o
beta of ono aralL . As a loos- I mad' tn. barns .
it ls bettor eissianyandrod compose& or
goat va konwor. 31 will ono obllbt sad 1111;196 tirea
' ea tl ' ilitru Pl di'g ' itsined Is the r=sonorotr .“" M'
eltb l=on of. of It* watt &MULL la. pros, Coml./Miro, fesreothotrentlOW.,.
lOW t ateDowslt lora. of Weed west calrlatiel
a. . %maA. Elia. rool.rOar ..
Carly. LUicti.u . my. N. tacmanst. ~ . .
• —lts.lsois /km lb. ollseassest samisZ,
wait maims sad Masada
ibolaseasor ths aslatestal=sal tam
mamas ef abs tJahrit4Passuithasisomai Iltesszar, -
Pairs ease Sus Doan la ths tausalt7o.l.,otAil ,
aus, aut. slog saplicAlast seaudiss Taanr•
Itu =sat Sas latisMaa tsaausetisairiths
nu rrapsylseas and at Iss
gsliad au wass essisaass smiagilwas &•• •
sad tat& Wilsa "Xtbarcalar - Ostossaptlaa, CalasaW
Scratsaa. Eassauctsm. Asthma.
all md,4sus; Paws
all kinds. Quassia litryApeWsad).ll-thol• abstbale air?
=galls:. tscoslou lado-M. may Ikea ststimula
sales the ass of reasstiewbo width
tab beir—aot by tbs.. at ams am:ma mar t ISM
is lasomtaabis vita Passiolagleal bail fir ea
ab srosssUes,adspts , M, sat ansmalissa Jatsissek-asesellsa
- ia , :lsasala Altamaha PMs, arbaarseeLlua Wan —
bly selstawladvd.tote all others. s i lAcsa
Mil or Illas via, lassom. ay. lam ths
'Sealy trea tram aostimumas as also Ids Wass Pals sal_sdr,..
b a d 1a 'es 4.l%lmass. 64'th7 la s r . lsthas=ll;
saladaas to air sass has asso 2.14, latba aaaailats
Stur atietad c• kolited Vaal in&
itut ArAg . th• Lat=r. .. 1 • 11 . 1
4.11. niriansel. T= . 44 MOUS • '
I.lllloltu. melba PoiX
loam EAlantn= "
- - , iDOXFORT AND EKLIKF • -- -''F''
. Dr. Dewitt Ct. ffallisdr4ll•lllllLa usnaidr.
e,•• 19. vr= du•red cr ou thiatt Maze ,
M k' Voi d tb• setUssiohts ' la = Cg -iwerr itr" : -
rind madam -4 m or dinstos. - res reold int Wash=
alai hi soiLMO. this Is Ur only tnerdnino dist ree•
'adarecttotman,thatemas,iatmery .....0t..„...
vhr—tt., it . 101/10 tiadiiid ;nein ki.fa ,
stir otbst alas/ Sir Isla demi net i
ands or mid. or td last masa .. ..... ,
4 a strong sad conviastn- a waif of dot abodA,Nri *az
.bath is the only article that isis wrearsit iii the Itiffit sr
. ..iled.idas ass is
nem corns:dud ant SoSPIP'
ed tn.. inane of thsaltla, od ths moot sestabloo,
lisadir i llesditsa_ortradarl an ni.or rod by rarer
th il 6 o lbs. Woos 11. GrEaseV i tilLa. 414 Wei.. istal,
11. Mor% lectoXam. i Hess- _A. ritA /M of dr I AIL it..o
tor. W d M= si. mad, s
Tino sad a bad of other ' citlsoris
fforis s ztin Way Wks =tits modnia hstorterffildnd tbi
rC'tsti;:e'un=thup.t.t icaidiiiiii..4 , ft
azistaraftzekby_tba irk i ed, r wlettlis sin/
leo sato indonnuoir A to eel ottoo l =dr i. o;,
innied. .Thitilrouter dor Composed bees taint
mena rods before a...Ambits, /tr arid Ire=
ractigsd mad nut This cast tindisditedr. a is malt
,o= coosindeiginot br
I= o it. somend-. =f ista imi and b,
...mond the vans Ind what that Is t a a
o. - '
Oros I.O9SACO Scala hove. b00n501d .........
. ......Srtthoot ...
=than perSolst oath utoolohiss
remedies loss Ws& IS trotdd stoggsr - lalaTsarisissi
oftrod. and in oat nansstica. 14 antitvilq• distdd
TM* asslithilit Or sattioThisotpyla seCqiend feisPiarg
'.table. lbcl= d oa inn as attersal b s . l . tartsdidiali
1ig::::.... 1., iCa."'s A stionata.....
ow*, =
sit dissandili affections. dimes •efthe
15 =
Watm.ot ta made !:fr OsiLls, from shalom 4:,ass,
goo ta gitt 4 , 021:14 br IL Z. 150.14
dia. Orion • anarniess and trr alio i l litAi
mesallr. ,
taste pat an IC Ida, two, and sot Arnim
To Requiem . at the Pitterargh 4:filAle
PUBLIC ATTENTION is respaeAll3r ii':r.'
A. itkd te thottottoohn Oath& ntftth ht Matto
on ot the wit; n Radom noel - --.,
PETROLEtin h OrNAVA 6 tot ascar
yea 411. dna this Ron i,r ate loonete_
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non m.a sill ea or, Roma.
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Oft Unman
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