„.., „.‘' - t.tft== A . • HATTERS.: luttut utsuo.--A. writ de . 40, care* up for efUl. jells:day; to District Court, before • .lxoissioner. Owing to . the peed* , of Abe case, we felt buwillieg to t. Two other reporters however; 4 and both began to take notat,ito 4 * ‘lre about to follow their example; t. 0. Loomis, one of the'eonnsel ler ,latt; rose, pad urged upon the Con "Xbe -propriety of requirino the reporteM the case. = - Had be asked theni . ~.,ptirste. not to dot*, wefeel pertmadeci d UM had no diffivalty., As it was, JECsiderege trouble in pre : Fulling o~ them Fbeir, and had not our ownnotions of. tiro'. I ectrespoeded.with : his suggeition to the ”mer, we wouldhave reported the trill; so'la 1 1 44.5publie, whetherhe eddied it of noen.lt continued in the watae)dace thin ALLEdinza MUDGE CiSE •• • M6r4l - ,.Augast 25. Before the Ems, WM. B. HeClam President Judge, and Wm, Boggs and T. L: Mohitilus, da soelate4lniges. • , The'Hourt of Common met at 10 o'clock , thk The Jut" were till in' their:places, and Judge MeClums, - addretaing „them, observed that the pease•piktge ilia bad =opted them for euchs length, of time, were nearly concluded. itp had never, hinird'aL c e ase tried with more powir, ia tetligoncc, learning, med, eloquence aitebility, thin this had been, by the celmiel ".. - His honor thin proceed i ed to'explain the Act of debenibly relatiye to .bo' itial of writs 'of 411uo -Warrartfo; after which he read the folloyr- Aug - • ! - CHARGE 01 , ..ifffE COURT. , Thiies noienending is the Supreme; Court of Penneyiyanit,for the Western Disirict. a pro ceeding, 'wherein the Cotrunonweal; of -Penn- Syhenta, at the instance of James T d, is plain idff,iszul the Corporation, known by the corpo rate Style and title of "the President Mansgere, ' and Company for erecting a bridge - aver the Al. kgheny. Biter, opposite the city of Pittsburgh, in.the countrof - dllegheay," is defendant. This proems:ling Ul . 1 , 10. 65 of. September and October term, 1850, on - the, trial .list of the Supreme The SUFISM Court oriered'and directed that tie lanes in Actjoined in the cause, he tried in - thee:nine( Common Pleas of Allegheny County . . Thus you observe we are not trying the cause, it is notpending here, but in the Supreme Court. This Court pronounces no:magma—issues I= erimution, for the cause is not before it. The 'verdict of this jury ascertains the facts whichh-Kemp to the Supreme Court, to Wane its oansaistie,.sad aid itin the trial of the cause.' Therifects which are alleged by the plaintiff and denied by the defendant, and on which . hones ' • are pined, appear by the pleadings. .; 1• 1 With . the moues in law, which arise in time pleadings:ere hove nothing to do whatever,- The - wade! fad are submitted to you to pass upon r ned.those issues are' confined to such as appear upon the record, can writing, and to them . alone.' They are seven to number, all which I , shall'.band you in writing, to be formed affirm ti)ely-: or; negativelfi sodding to the proof,: or wait of proof beforrazion. The testimony of tr ) ti. iri,.. thePlaintiff. - aonsiets o , ii#ol, r ecord and deem-. mentarievidenceof the fpnation. That of the defendant consists also If parol and documenta ry end record evidence f e Corporation; fie. . You haveobeerved the: Togrese of the trial, -that'irlieneirer an offer f ony woe objected to; and the testimony'emit overruled, or admit; ted by the Court, to go in evidence 'hofore yOu; that a bill of exceptions was taken, so that of ~.... Ake - 'multitude of questions of eviderKee, which were heard daring the progress of this proceed- - ti - which must/necessarily each bode:id-. ed_atAhe instant, by the Court; should any cr .': - meonsilecisions have been made by this Court, the Supreme Court will correct the error and ' see thataeltherpartveniffer goyim= therefore --'Upon each. ISM, ;of fact, 'you will pass in re. ' ...' view before your ovm minds, all the testimony ' you hive heard bearing upon it, and find accord ingly. f Every Plantiff is bound to sustain his by proof, exactly as those, charges are; snide, and not oriierwise. Such' Of these .- - -charges (if any)-es are provtd, you twill find affirritativelY-4incli is are, not (if 'any) Yoe will ti i =ely„ ' :You perceive our duty here,: is c to finding - the hums of fact sent here - by the Supreme Court, and that is all we hare fillargaments and assertions therefore, =the. part of counsel, made to the jory, eicept only those which are warranted by the testimony be. fore yen, and the facts intssue, are apart from' the business we are engaged in. What effect , your finding may hare on the decision of the Supreme C,ourt,is a matter with which welfare nothing at all to do, nor can it, for one metnent, - teger,bito ;year . deliberations 4. What the effect Of the decision may he, pronounced by the flu..- uprresinmee Court, whether it works forfeiture of filmrhise, or forfeiture of property, whether ra - rake rain "or redemption, or nothing at all, is a , mutter with which we have nothing at all to do, na ran this; or any collatere rastters,:eztter for one moment as an clement in pier - delibers- 'Your calm and leirefal delffseration will he bestowed upon the issues of fact, joined in thls the evidence which may tear. upon • = t ilug ' ines, and the _effect of that evidence.— •Who or what the parties to this proceeding', may be, matte not ono parade of differace. t3o far as they. appeal. on this, or any ether-record, in the eye or estimation of the Come end jury, they ire Au l li,-On one side, and C, 'D, on the other—_ nothing lees, nothing more—be they in Ineivicb' 7. 1 - ads; coicarations, or Commonwealth. , • _ The coaneet have, on both sides, imbedded ' potato on which they detire.die Court to Insimet **Jury. • , 1 hue caratily permed them. ome berths litederee of law,some assume facia m proved. cm ads - as disproved, and some. assume facts arising from facts thus m aimed. We are requested to charge you that certain facts: ere _supported - tiy proof, and that others again are not. • - I did not from the beginning, nor do I • now, eau:risk' the. opinion.that, in a proceeding of thit ; kind, it, was the duty-of the cruet to charge you at allots 3t is in many ewes When • the testis before it. The jury (lithe peeper, nib - nelto nuke presamptions, and inferences frees testimony.:. The jury are the judges of natters of feed;end this proceedingleeo ascertdamai • , tans ezeltosively of fact. consider. thit to charge as requested, would be an - invasion of . your rights so Plan, and an assumption of an theritylrith which the law lose not invested this mart Ina proceeding of this tort:. I therefore dram charging the, jury as requested by either . aintenel, on ponds _ submitted .-- My reason for sayin g anything to you,*aa Merely defuse 1 duty of the jury sad of the court. The facts !are feyet: Yon have heard the testimony five Simla once from the witnesses, and once review ad anti applied by. each of She counsel, who ad . Artmed you, and your finding cm each iesnejoin *MAU be in seciadrace with the evidence: The following are Ithe issues of fact; arising GUI, of Ole o g ed oceedingiori".which the issue, are let. S4bother the defendant did, by ; epeeist rembadan,hibit Tamed Todd and his family • from end ; meroMeng the bridge at the yearly rates preserfted sby the by•lawn of the • 2ntL Whether the defendant did, every third year, make tech rethrm ati they were required 3rd, Whether the prsite and income after the - decennial period, met bear a dividend of more than fifteen per cent per annum, net annual pre. fast or would have borne inch ifregend if the charter rates of toll had not been reduced. ; id: - Whether the defendant vested the excess id dear:profits over fifteen per cent. inlmok • stook. other other productive rands. • • talt; Whether the tolls over and_atOlO: what isfeadante were authorized to receive and retain for the use of the stockholders, (and which might • bare , been received,) would at a fair appraise- LOW; are been sofficient to pay for and redeem the bridge, and psi the stockholders the'apprsie-. value;ed of proem for thoresidne of the term of forty year,. ea. ;Whether the delta:AMU did appropriate the Mlle to the payment of individual itulebted nese of the etocoldore: And if any of , the violations set forth in ; the 'suggests.. :ort of the plaintiff were cammitted; • ••• then which of them were committed within ty *is before the filing of the euggestion, and whichiof them were pot. then retired, and had not ret mined , iepidlei at a late .hoir tut night.; They i. 'tbe'LWlL tin 09k•thOr dinner And enplirr at , sr j Rotel, neer "the Court 110011: Mt will probably come into Court thin mincing, i tiZA:IW . fATION:777O ,I:4dflrStalld tho an 6XI/19 E===l latiorill be held at O. R...Chentberlin% Com -luau:la Collage, thin ezenhig. A Seetzni iiUb dram* by Otowe; a member of .the Pitts burgh has. The examination will COMIllell4.O at T eckek, .P t -M. Citizens in general are lissitect to attend ••. , . Prottre:—YesUrkir wore . fights. occurred $ Fifth Vtarl, than. we . -have ever known to 'tab plus. Thersrute pricipallt out of gnu , We Wrens thownEdbets drivers; and' droveri, w h o , . 9 lje c tod to the former driving through their •a• - , ~ , '; ''Ciatc' - ansr-z—rtlexander Woods its yesterday committed to risen by his honer:- Myatt Flem ing; dined, on oath of Elizabeth Ingdmen, with larceny to s small amount 11 , ASSAULT WITH ITTZNT TO E.ILL.—Ams. nailed Thomass McCassey, was yestmlay thamoitted by Alderman .Woods or Birmingham, et r adial, on oath of George Gross, with assault and battery with intent to Dismal= Cosnocr--J.Thorp wasyesterday mated to prison by Mayor Guthrie charged, on oath of J. MoKinstry, with disorderly con duct Few Locomenvz.—A very fine new incomo tiTe, named the hisasilon, armed yesteiday in Allegheny, via canal .„,it was built at the Globe Wake in Boston, end is destined for the Ohio and Pennnylvania railroad. Fistrn.--A man named Henry Vi'arter wasyes trtday committed to prison by Alderman Par kinson, obarged, oath of A. Gabor, fraud. TEN COUNTY Psunn.—One handled Persona_ are now confined in the Connty.jail, charged with various offences. Cowsurrrn.—Hugh 'Uskland; titer street preacher, was yesterday normiltted to prison by Mayor, Gnthrio' in default of paying idue of twenty dollars, imposed for gathering c , •rowtin on the public street, on the Sabbath day. NIMMIXO OF SIM COIPICIM.—The 'Wert sod Common Councils of the City of Pittsburg, met last, night in ,their chambers. In the Select Council, James Id. Munn Esq., the President, took the chair. .The election of a gas tru.stee in place of &Mittel Caskey, whose term of • office had expired, was fast in order. Mr. Bruce received, seven votes, Mr. Jones - six, Mr. Bruce W as de: Glared duly elected. Mr. Gallaghet: gave notice that at the next meeting of the councils, he intended to present an ordinance, praying for the repeal I of- an ordinance providing for the erection of. a new market house. • A communication from the Firemen's Anode. lion, relative to the rebuilding the Eagle Engine Home, was read in the Select Council, and re forred.to the coinmittee on Engines- Onaibtion condurred in by the Common Council. A petition was read, from the Duquesne flre Company, praying for the removal of their En: gine House to. a lot. on Second street; adjoining the corner of. Rom. In. Select Council referred to the committee on city property. In Osmium Council cotmurredie. . . A communication was read from the Firemen's Association, recommending the purchase of hose, as follows : Eagle Fire Company, Neptune Vigibutt Niagars, " In Select 'Council referred to Committee on Engines. In Common Council amended, by adding 400 feet to the Fairmormt Company, and sea back agoln.to the Select Council. After the transaction of some unimportant bus iness, the Select Council adjourned. The Common Connell met, the President, Eobt McKnight, Esq., itt the chair.: Lowry presented a petition. praying for the litYing of water pipes, in the Sixth With on Pesah, Alley. Referred to Water Committee. A bill of $26 from Dr. McCandless, for medi cal attendance on Mr. Jones, s watchman who wan shot in the leg eome time. ago, was read and referred to the Police Committee. The Common Council met for the election' f a gas trustee,' In place of Isaac Pennock, Fan., whose term had expired. Mr. Thomas H. Rals ton remand 8 votcs—K. F. Friend, ESQ., eleven. Mr.. Friend Was declaied duly elected. A communication from the bonen of Law xerteemlle, praying for the extension of triton pipes through that borough, was read and refer red to the !fader Committee. 111". Reis reported from the Committee to whom hadtbeen referred the extension of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad to Pittsburgh. ATetter from General Robinson was read, de. Oaring that the matter would be referred to a meeting of the Board of Directors u soon as they could assemble. Mr. Riddle presented a report relative to the extension of the rails down Liberty street. Ac tion postponed:and committee granted- further time. On motion the Council adjourned. - EDUCATION. Yozog:Ladief Smi)kwy. • RS. GREGORY'S SEMINARY is now epos LISPS Penn street. .hare • kg more Pupils esti be ow it to whom a thorough roam of Instrurtiono Li the English Lgugusge wilt be but~~ PuoiLt eoe taught to meat sa well as road the lretteh Pittsburgh.g ars, Oa August tem 2141651. 1. • •••=ll2‘. • Mr. Grtgme Grammar School, West Side of the Diatheertel, Ago ;limy City. MIRE aro Two Sessions a year, eacto of 21 week.. oxmmuning Sept.lst. an. 114111.17 of Goo. f= pet Yeation. • i actgll,lnt k i;fr iunrslrgr.r.,n, 'Male and Fannie English and, ,Claniend &hook 1111.611110. 11.1206fT COLITT, 11 - JAMES HUSTON,. A. M., Panora.: 'THIS INSTITUTION will be open for the motion of_ptipire Onele end fi rtutle) on Manner. 'THIS Ist. The mune of instrnetion amp noes all the branches taught in the best Atedleaner ant Mawr rue. Illuntrettons will do e'en to all brand.adalet laf of theft. Th. bawd bd.:widen with an esteosire and valuable Philoooptilent. tmleel,natt eattoricenteal An ;pawn. ror Clrenlatk rentainlng foil punt-age and reterenee:a4dnn• the Prinelpti Wilkinatetre. *signet l66l—tangletlendmliza Thp ;College (Alt: James. WABILEFGTON COUNTY, MARYLAND: cm. Mame Oolisne of tbsProtannet EMempalChonit) TENTII ANNUAL SESSION jwill open on lIONDAY. October 1651.nmt contlana nu tha nest . roonnemarmant day. tha beano:ulnas to Jolt-1612. "Nerer stattlanta recommandled tossstattb• opening of ths nation, bat as received st sat tin* tbs 7 apply, and the charge te animated from tbs dub at tbedr eartranne. • TUE COLLEGE bee !Novena nutrily, of clams. a 4 eyes all the aptaretadtles faro cm:inane:aloe. and at . the neeeematnl tersoinalkes of .the coaree,oeaftre : 00 1716 174311rea the u.a.i.edemlat t the tiAeral C ig r L i err r ra-lie t teenor uia be .I nn a i Ihei da r seadnolaa ours. and theta tbr the 04 dual. • The areraght direction of tha Prof. eon of the College wars medal edhateesa to the ride In the firsettear School la the Busficearrut tugs= 11..tody cirekt emitted. ued Its place nipptled by additional etralles Xrdern latoroagna Boolykarpteg, de. - The atesann of the Colleen le editio, healthful. one W &shoes from Omni sad villagta, very heatable te morale sad oder;`• 1/131dP ILALL.' • one bendier, fa Pret 111 40, obi be resdrfor oceepatlem la the awry , af the aches Yea.. addlooa to the tanner mope of Profinsos. the Trashes have rtaintly and Iltigh Eyatos LI. D. 6 Ler . tares On Chil and Ecolffiartl.pl law. and John ll. Ales• ander; 11/. D., Lecturer on Mho and Chan/hay, ; • The whole elms far theseasion of tan menthe the has So the College andilreamnar &bag) la two .lanodred and twanty-the donate, payable afflotnansally edestrea. A P• 11' O r fl/Vrt. I b rlZ ea T. '. D Rad . College of et—h.« P.O. Weal eat= meaty, plarelead, N. B.—Persona In 'Pittsburgh lashing any bamatlee rerpeetlas the lnaitotlea, are referral to tbe Bey. nee who was katnerly a natty. : 2 : A: •Jr • I AA:ie PTenth Annual Session of the Wesley . eones C4lest of Chainnall. ahl sommisoes . n= v ,..t1t . ..25111 Angut t , The course afanstrostion In mods collo.. mitt Instosicaitnet Yam). Asir ::2. We abler ortiamental brandies. The Fanny to Ina% and somboded of well qualified and es Voodoo s, Minns eh boarding and day boons era eery . extant% nexidents sasalved at any for partlenlam and r ersonally, or by letter tO the I:mashie:loll at no In augShltd P. 11. WCLBER. President. Yang Ladies' Semisuiry—Alleglualy. KLAND, MRS. N. W.. METCALF, sews. tkedr rrtk Monday, Isyteukter iq Row. Nelersl street. Course of srustreetkro wet Wanted. + AZIt ; RTNER IN A SELECT SCHOU at asnallslnfa. One who Is well nosll4ed to teach n branches of female edneaUce Is &inn& Pa • • • Pittsburgh Gas Company. Al. L. l , Annualfoetid* of the Shiekheldete . of the rittelorgla Oat loopthy; for the outwork of . two poems to sore as Trinket of Md Commity Abe the term of three yore, will be blades the Mee of th e Woks, on itowday;' the Let day of 8E1*ml:o f 1.1/.1161 , between the hoofs of It arid b ofeloch P. ht. • t • JAN[ . .e - olitarry, Temeeer' Mei Pittentrgh Oss ABE4B.IIO—I td r Proposals for Coal'and aFIAI.I4D - PROPOSALS for delivering in l the stem at the works of tha•Pittebrugle OariMm• Vattr, MOM bushel. of Bltalaimas Coal, and 20,000 barb als of Puck, will be 'waived at the Moe of Ob. Cmlata.). il" Wedasoday, tbo drib lan. at d o'clock. P. kl. T be o e al sad Slott to be of rod. duality. sod d011...5al at mob =los and In satb quardltles ao shall be aPProfed of sad oireetut. TB totoutsrd of compototop, In Cool and Slack to to Td Pro thlr-rotalnlos i 0 Der amt. u for performance Of contrast. Promos's to bo addresood to 21.1101 Lita BASZWELL. no, .Preobloot of t Company. sad sadorood .. Proposols for Carl sod Nast.. _ • 88. CIERISTr. Tuamotu. - o. Pittebrosib Gas Cs.. Aug 11..'51.—{arisladd ABIEETING of the Stockholders of the Worth American Mining Cemponrodll to hold . et afliee, in Ow city of PittAburgb. on Tomday Um 2od nor ofitnomember sort, an A o'clock; P. 1.1.. to taco action na too amepdtaillit to too charter of and oanson7. 0- P roved on M :ni, t. . W. PALAF.R. Rltoortary. welldtd , atuckPLutnal Lifeanstuance Compaay.. GuARANTY FUND, 19100,000. FyIIIS COMPANY offers to the bleared all the security and advantspes of the Mutual end Slant wek Plans Ns beretafore =Weed. ...... rates of premium; an annual rettnu in ash of the pa tentage rewired • for.the Amain t risk of the 7en o l an adequate. but not esceseisi •so for the fatale emu. Am. of 'members for the sr numf life, minims equine We interest In the emumulattng fond second to such =tame. Peythiest a1.th, ,, t37 melts upon their Pehrit, itroirhig p t=b:s. 4 =l " Zeitr P arreint - = of thoee for the the term Of We. p+ r at I. the only Ulnae( Lib Inismuse• d. mo od eelmre rata of premium sr. teal at is fan mewed of a prosialen for ms annuaLy increasing accuartr. halm of funds OM future security) toesset. ranporsion 18 *WM ign2s the — lD 4.11 " d re.. Pamphleta. trama. Wm... in detail the Om end raise or the thomaor. furaithed _gratin etuU eePlinatiem 00 WWIO. maned of TUIiIIETT ' • ISO Weed engirt, P ittaA • (Is) BLACK.. - GE. DE 4CILIIMI WU& bso at - • .. ~ ~ . 'l ' - ''' 4o4 .. _"-:,.-- ''.."'"::". _ _ • .., , • 7 La„ 3T . :0'112.0417, TILAOLPH :LW; . ILiPORTXD 1/01 ? T IDZOu aJxmL TICPCIIMANT racat WAJSIMICITON. TEE UNITED STATES FRIGATE BAR ARAN, ORDERED TO HAVANA. August 25. • . • The Government has ordered. the United States Frigate Sarawak, ,ordered. Parker, to mil immediately for Havana to demand an ex planation of the !hooting of a party of Ameri cans, and firing upon the FelconL- She will sail from Norfolk to day: or to morrow. , Rigid In structions are being leaned.to. all officers of the Government to Rumen and break up any armed expedition spinet. Cobs, vadat may be fitting out from any port in this-country. The Hon. Luke Lea, Commiseioner of Indian Affairs; and Secretary Ashton, have returned from Minnesota, "after concluding , Important treaties vith_the Sioux Indians. THE CUBAN FEELING AT NASHVILLE. ' Nasurrus, Aug. 25. , A large and enthusiastic meeting was held here an Saturday night last, to sympathise with the Cuban Patriots. Resolutions were adopted, alluding in terms of indignation to the barbarous murder of Amer ican citizmis, and calling on the Government to inquire into the attack on the steamer Patcon; also.declaring that the Presideitt bad no right to present persona lasting the United States for Cuba, or any other foreign coantry. A committee was appointed to collect means 'in aid of the Cuban Patriots. A grand proces don was formedbearing a flag, With the motto, "God ann-Liberty—Cuba!" • • . $ FROM *&SIIINGSON, Aurst 25. The Intelligencer of this" morning says that dispatches have been received from Mr. Owen, the Amerieen CoMml at Hans, which chits thit the prinoneas shot were tried before their execution. ,The Government will require an explanation 'from the officers of Government at New One • • for their apparent neglect in allowing the depar ture of the Pampero. . ,DEATII OF COLONEL•ROSS. ' Senna, August 25. Colonel R.. Rosa, of the ith Reg:intent of Infantry; died at the Rorer'''. House yesterday. Re true a native of Maryland. • colorox ~.AIN -xn YM sbn d git - ttu - d - g; Weem3o2 . ol, August 2 Wow:anis, (Mau.) August 25.. An attempt was made on Saturday night, to blow up the depot at West Cambridge. The windows and doors of the building were blown out, and the roof raised some six inches. The building alsO took fire„ but waa'soon subdued. FCBTITER INTELLIGENCE FllO3l CUBA. Pertanstems, Aug, 25. We have accounts from New Orleans of the arrival of the Empire City, with dattPfrom Ha ma to the 18th instant. The steamer Vixen ties alsq arrived at Pensacola... These vessels confirm the previous accounts and givetome additiimal information.. Gen. Lopes Ind made a Stand at Marie], where hacked two engagements with the• Government troopi, in troth of which, be had been victorious. The Apanish loss, in land and wounded, was 80 of ficers •; and 800 men, dead and wounded, were taken MHavan and. hitied witlithe boners nf war. On the 145th Lopez's force numbered about 1400 men, and was daily receiving accessions. On the night of ,the 14th. over 100 loft apace to join the invaders: end the people were ris ing in many quarters. CoL Crittenden is reported by this arrival, to ' be among the prisoners who were shot. • - PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. Pr. Floor—The market is drill, with small sales only at $3,76 per bbl. Rye Flour is inseam. Corn Meal is held at $2,87X per bbl. Grain—Wheat is a little irate; with riles 6,000 ha new, Southern Red at 81€82e, and of old White at 91e per,bu. Cont is in tairdatuusd at 60e for Yellow. tatsats eft steady at 33e. i Provs iotss ,l —The market: Is firm; with no im portant Whiskey--Sales at lr11(4220 per gallon. NEW TORE MARKET. new Foam, Aug. 25 . Cottcm--Sales 500:bal upland ;middling, at 4. and Orleans at &in es lb. Flour—The market Is brisk, with sees 3,800 ;Ids, at $3,75e3,44 for Indiana, s3,B7(si for State and Ohio, and $404.12 for Pure (Immo. Rye Flour is dull, at $3,44 bbl. - Grain—Wheat kid Rye are neglected ; Corn is same, with aales7ooo tot. at 47 , g 5 00 for dam aged, and 56e for stand , . Provisions Pork is 'quiet, new most is held at $l6, and prime at $18,25 11 bbl, Sect Is steady, with miles 50 bbls city toms, poor, at $0,50. Whiskey—Sales of Ohio at 224 c cl gall. . Hemp—Sales 25 tone dressed Kentucky at $117,60' . ton; Groot:rum—in without movement , Oils—Sales 200 gallons Linseed at 72@,730 id gallon. Sales 100 bbls lard at 75®79e Tobacco--Sales mum= Kentucky at6i€,,,r 6o MUMCi IZPOIT New Town, Aug. 25. Cotton—The market is firm, with Anther sales of 1,000 bales . at noon prim*. Flour—Bales 12,08/0 bbls at $3,983 for. Ohio, and $4,061 for pure Genesee. Grain—Bales 8;000 Ins Wheatoit 85e. Sales 5,000 bn Corn at 56®57e for Western Mixed. Sales 8,000 bn Bye at 680. Provisions—The market is steady. Sales 800 bbla Mess Pork at $15,50. Beef lain SCUT, de nim& at $8,75e511 for Mess.. Lard is less ac tive at 81®91e. -. Sales 18,000 lbs extri balk @boulders at Vilna per-lb. . Butter—Sales of Ohio at 14®170 per lb. CINCINNATI MARKET. - CIECISSATI, Ale 25. Flax—There is & lair demand with sales of 700 brie at $3.2012 bit. . . Whiskep—llse'advanced; with &ales at 180 Provisions—The rely' esdes were 404 kegs prime lard at 101 e. " Linseed 011.—tisies at 700 . Groceries.—There is rather more demand for, but no change in groceries. Cheese—A fairdetaand at Butter—Good-end prime qualities are selling at 10@lle 3 lb. TRAYED OR STOLEN from the Ware• . booms of Batbrldi. klniVagt, p()?, .bill Myr.. timattinto m. BORW9 oat a moinun. • Kn. 111 Waal • L UCiAlt 15 Mids. N. 04 , . 1. 07 btu. No. d. rzna f.A 222 Liberty &die- 0. MOLASSES-150 cypress;) /Wad* by 8.. A. CIIKNIA ( no AY. artAl4 • • ATa Liberty . Kt. B. BIOLABSES-20 bbh. Battle °Mind; • Irr t R. A. MIN NI NO /LAX CZ Liberty &mi. PINE APPLE CHEESE—For Bak by Wkir.A.HoCLUIRO a OD, sasl4 " Oroonv and Te• Nate. D s • IN t I. egg s e w ilollud liming. bT angl4 WAS, I. IdeCLIIIIO & W. 3SHE MANCHESTER PAINTS;of differ coiotit ere told by to io ys to give thy buyer =I ot motto. O da " WO% A C t i ChNe. U..* • • SMOKED HERRINGS-130 big Lubec, in I.Jstomlbr oar br Garb] DICBCT &CO r:iy :4 3 a 9r,pm !!nrM VI A NUFACTURED TOBACCO-100 bxe 47 1 - 004 %57 2 1 1 "'" I;VeN; urcxrcirfir«V° "INDIGO AND. NUTMEG 80-- mama calswag • • d sold dlss7 loss, to; tig=prin "d&ggigtte. - LIREN,CII LASTING—An additional nea mama I DURCEIFILSD DRY APPLU,-4. bbts. and I Ctltaj .8 readred sad tar rale ta Wall) 7.D. CANITZ.O. B - IJOKETST-30 dos. Marietta, in store nncl LIP for W. (gull) D. CA NIVIKLD. OTIM—.The partnership 'heretofore ex_ DieutOlo ri taa na oa, WHITE aW. bas day dlmlred by mutual boassab • M. A.WIITTE, 4 • JOILS liaA4B; - " 4 4 '4 4 . 4 . Y. 13, swairz.. YpOBACCO-210 boxes .Richmond Tobacco % I xle,AT t ` t N7As b oira iao • VRESIUTEAS-;-600 packages Fresh Teaa; per 1: arrlyalask.Stw YarlC—cosaptildng loans!! 441=nie.,i1"11Villkonit. • - • ant pniaL &orlon& Li bait &eats and tans—now jandlng and for Wit bi gal •:• • Wit. BAGALKI t CO. rOWBEIt-,600 kegs, Du Pont's Bloating; Wt Y. 000 P-100 boxes iffo.l Rosin, for sale by W. likaBllloll. • IMP ) ( 11 L --1 1 0 IlDil:Z.%°2y.t. p11M.1 17 19 0 E . STONEI . 00Lbs :f f e. o itici r timn s o a l % 4 b co y . i smA 14117'''' • • • " Nn ELLANEOP.S. . . . - PALL WOW - ' • ' • . :.els 164764 Market street, Piaannia..: :1. A' A.:11,480N 4 (/.are now in daily re, WWI- or wwwf imils, Wise 41 ~ h t idi have:Lwen im p.sniroxt4fiic their SW" w ith an immense rt ' rk tia ' nattearlrtawaLa h nretl7:l2: ll.l, be tupdu ng Lbw M.O. (maim si tix ' Pat. as In t agric ~ .I . ir tk i . pv . = . ..... bn t tru Dnr wa Vo. 3 LARGE '5l gACBEREL-411 few I Undo for tal• low by SURD it *VIM .11L-4 lot of Burckhardt & Co.'s ta997 J. KIDD 00. MID bet. tbr PATEN MEDICINE DIRECTIONS.- 30 nuns ossortod, for In& try" J. !LIM 3 001 ," 000 30 WOOO st. ANA PAPER--& V moo nu'd for sale by ang9 CASTOR OlL—a) bblo Blow's No. 1, for br : - boas9l r. 11EDD *CO C YgIIDE POTASS4.--1.0 1 , be: Ibrlst: by AbSECOND-HAND PIANO,•Nah. piny cue, mil, octaves. ml rr o d i atpG—lrOt e hi/ irl4-00311474. OARDS-.45 doz. Zinc,for eby I I bu. for sale by J. S. =MIMETIC a 11 ~. ° I I . IIOWDER, JL I 10IX; kr . Elastlair . , !.1%. tlLi7*,tatoo,`, r llLien "'E FUSE-25 bblis. toarrivo, for tale I [Da] J. &DILWORTH aCO. -30 casks pare, for sale 1010TAS a. 1.3 LTOOLITWDIE-500 lbs. for sale by jell 411111T/THNOT. 0 POSTS TURPENTINE-10 bblaAto ar -17j:17111"k b" J. KIDD & CO., . • 0, Waal it DOLL t RIMSTONE-2 bbl,. for rale by jrro J. SCHOONYAKSR a CO. , m u TIPN HAMS-2000 113_11,_ rime, fo br mySt2 •ISKST. ITQR Ql6-10 bble. extra quality, for • b] WX. BLOUNT k CO., 18 and 0) Wood st. mIIiON-60 tons onptor, free !iy . 200 bble: - for sal t = k AIL-200 bblo. for sale by OIL CLOTII-300 yards for Win- Jest reed tram Partos7,_stid for We at. LU Woo ...t . J.t PILILLIPEL. , CITRAIy WRAPPING PAPER.-50 ream extra leave and belay for be • Je27 ecunottmelma a co. Slq)Niir,;•-•Extrafule Turkey, forsah by J. sonooloiLEv.apat -DAINIrS °BOUND IN OIL, in I lb. cans. Cam=l Tarr Umber, Chrome Yelled, PeripPreem. . at: Oat sale sr_ jet= J. SCHOU, AKER* C0..14 Aped PC A LCIVOL-76 and 02 deg. strength, foi .11 ',Oak" 13e7.9 J. SCHOCOCAJAM 00. i____ssis. 's WHE GLUE-3 libls. for sale by V V . i _ .1.201100:MAILER a 00. A 1,11:iS Nerve and 'Bono Liniment --5 .. 7,.. . . ' . b ' J. 13CROONMAKSB 200. • H. 7 -41 babni ?al : for sale rrn ,110. ii:of .--.4 8 bases for sale by ' i "...! 440 - '.. MET. ALLTTUVWI :CO. 1 EtFli 1359 pigs Galena, for sale by Li soo - _ = KA 1141gT11411111 I 00. A r. 47.11 , - VlllolED SUGARS-11 , A bble. Crashial, I tity:: .1' t • ISUMIII MIES-1U hst sariarrr WiLMILL; On& iLl'r ran as a reiralm,kst 111/maIIII. alts ßna = " 4•l32•UlP. 1114Peckirilia lkI Z' BIZIMMX:r=4; rim b rivw=l port sad wrel7 Samaday rerso. moil =l.!'llCWlliMg2iNaltr iti w G izs llli p A rtist li—P u e n K e grsn ET •B aff_ E- • • L •emhxzegz. nem Scad . sad rridtro ,ln" lnTaTa: Mines B=Osh for Coda; irbeellug ant AttibtaTV st7Wednesinyand LitamiLT.ss 10 rtr , e.. a- IL Purim% I EIVI dODOM Iwo Ms boot nomILT Maul/ it Into moor. • Fut t or vacuum .Deb en teari. taln : RE:fLAR , - WEDNESDAY PACKET.CMINXVII, Captain eliro4l4ll.e.s.balltb Wth• MUSS of the Pane Noni;and dime. lie Cincinnati and Packet and will leave mem liedneedapier andsuiall. pladLthe Nine lb! laid Ma 2. /or freight ne a, app on lewd. we to • • 0:11. JEUISKNII Asent. 14 EIJI:MWHILIDARN PITTSBURGH AND' JUL UG PACILET.—Tba y ea4I war pacloge mans DII3IINAL.O2O oar, kit WM parlaragasber Vtatiree_ Wait?. Wawa aka adly_ a.tal *beano& lea Malmo at 10 atkelr ...7 u 01 . 1.7. W.tOa.KW , 12tatli rftsalskg. lima. 'Cooling_ wary Toxiday, Th la so& wept Yor 1:1%ej r :aer ma " I tZl% iIX; MISCELLANEOUS. ATREVEICEERBY PSCTORAL", NOIVTIII MEI OP COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHI TIS, AS WTHMA, C HOOPING OM -COUGH, CRIMPION , • MOT. - • AhIONG the numerous discoveries Metro hie bob in Ws to boilhata the 1...1b allffibbit e nd .tom wine Cis tam kt bouts MM... woo an be tbs.d admit& val. Iplasakkerl. than WU contellatlon of Chandstn to tin Elmitag Aft. • tut Wal Of lb virtomm throughout fhb out couttif. bat seam bryood doubt that no meet. or bentdnadan of somikion Ist known, tan m surelyncr teal smi bun innamona 'markt. at pnitoonandlnammi vigil. ban Warta t..at beat ani NAN thoomitab sad tboombis amen Tem ' Imbed; Maw b nor abundant rei* to beim • rowdy M length ban *mad .Slob b. Wild cm to min lb. net damp.m aksical of tb. W $. Oar nob bib trill not *nub to poblisb any - ortimilion of On atm gibbed bt lip no, lint et me. the Inkrobts ambit. of abland bal. mad rein tonna tawdry to th• dmabr, ebb. the *SM. , blow =obi .111 abbr. b Pletani to Tani.h tko., when. an Toll lentnbenAnd ladianitabla leiof a tn.. tt.u. /noble./ ofLabont Oil.. tie Cabinda Pitfa O ' .lames R C. Ayer—M I Mrs ENdyper Chain I . .itteld In toy own an of denamemad Brommd.. mitmeet trout Its Wombat manswetkoz that it Is an adietbidtmcce .w.d for the robe of lannt. Ur medal Meat dos. by opinion as to its SONINN 0 sionn am Am of any 11.11 7 awe It sa u st i l: 4 7 . c. , • Paom las admVattl i Ao/ZS - N p, L. L. 11. haw of Chatinsam Yale Collo.; blunt. of th.. 1.11. a non. =ft adblibt not of Muer. and . • -1 dam the Chien Penns' an mdrehnhla nmowdboa Imo an. of the best sr.. to the Mat.. U.W. iwd • bar affectent monody t o Me at. of dlambarlt lee twe dad to mum • ' harm. Lb, are. 1 ,1140. YAMS PATTISON:PruidoaI if Or d C Saw* abbot that ha bat Ind the Own'iebocal, ebb inniatcfni an, roan tun --^-"-n or oho nano. • Are me 44;4 41 P Mo AP*** cois•ii.: • • • • o. April 114 la. j. 4m. LcroU.'-eaor tHr: lat sow 96.