The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 25, 1851, Image 3

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.. air
• 4 - A. _ ' ,','“
- • -1••••••••••'"
'i• • Aiiiiknot. 23.
' . 'pler:- . } fe.ria' ixtf
ia'vefy kide
Stiadoon ,
ng voteu for
f rut. h3yort.
• :In Its nature.
•' Olore titnebrits
Aar,- but still la
~.ia pimisibly be. -
.., ,!•is obrirgn on Mon
.'co gntio r.„. f ixe,trisi,
cony'boon crowded
'hinr we' hire nova
~ ' l ° 'MY 1 =44 by
A , ° ki t ha a ' eet a• _ -
- , Na.—We copy - - the
4 6439: .
- 1- - -Accookini to promise. we now put;lish.• list.
at tiallategkenfitnasho hare rieltedliewAtigh'l3m aciif-,tiie opening : of- Bic
Bondi 'nit
, I tSl93ltiirclay;' the 16th whose
names we copied from , the Sairisteir.'en the Mer
rick Moue alai Mrs. Soirbeok's ;Hotel, e
nowt* whose: , names s -star (*) WS xed;r
tribianot Muslims in Pittelnirgli„entil lire In Al
'Wimp , There, are also twine among the names
appearing below, who *serf that they did not
write , their vetoes thinoselres, - nor suthorks
41:51CP/liYl a long lotof. • Purim
lasox•NztiLits • •:'ll l'Ornitlivt;cur
CO r Vitie 'um makiig some:-Tety. hoge , , :wheels,
40 6 4410 be teed . ie the'awamps'eC the South:
A,por:which 'were lironht orp the'; .Allegbesty
Beb: l 4KeeM447. - here' "so_ huge„ that they .
In?rhed soaio bricks pffthuirch lho Fitts-
• itiatiasttro Too Ponta ,fitacs.=4, mut
Andrulm was emanated to
prigbn on Saturday, bt Mayor Guthrie, on-a ,
. eigistiAt atsturbing liablio peace. -
William Sleigh, residing in Sha.;
6famitted to prison on Satur
day, bpAlderman „Reinhart, on a cluirige , of re
sisting police. officer Vaglay . , While ;Loving on
so Sus.
—.Tains McCars* committed to prinoti on
• . 1 flatortlay,l7 Mayot , , Guthrie; aliniged, on oith
r, • WC.' D., ma. with=aawat anahstterry with
woman- named .MOoda,
4aaatiminittra to prima on Saturdays by Mayor
Ett6lWW cafargr(4. on' oath of_ Ellohoth Ingra,;
with baring tot= a butter kettle tic= her:
I ,loktp:Markel Itottee.. , 7,,
Biiaer: ` IPorkmcn are noir buil' y en;
gaged'ln laying dowb" water pipet, en llidge
!tripro'ilt . Alleghenl%
- •
c omes
, *anti* to learn, one of.bii'arms veryeetiottely
kiattod;hy becquinkentinglul lathe machinery
*Uhl, brother'e flouring mill , . in chaitiens town-,
ship; P.1 12 41411 1 / 4 9./ast;
`dasss'rm. Kirtland
'street firesaba,
vu muted, jiviird*ebargedvith disturbing
'thaVlMblic,:i)ease !ip , gatkiintr' large ; crowd
atom sdlhittart the street Ile was admitted to
bail ter his nPrtsranee thientorning.'....Thle tam
hiM. 2 troseral,timem protohied Mayor eithria to
latliplotr.the',grac% deo , Dt street preaching, and
12m0,1 - orieci had now his 'Written, promise, to that
etteet,'lmt he Aloes net keep bin word. ".
"ICE'--ics rich far sale bt , - • '
tiTTE.4-t6 zoll butter for e ale by
I -give • S. n g.woRT k-oo
tt , q T.V.—An excellent:FAMlLY
eggs .1. ECITOONILLICER t 63.
IC l• . A .1.m5 pdt
atadtitticanliftdc, and for sale b i f
, corst.lrllaretitnathsta
iinOINIIALANCES:fei detecting .oienter
111 - IOLD •PENS . -4: fiiie..eeierianent the
. eLe use MAU &linnet, tem. and vrareant • ,
O bbla in atom and for sale by
OL:SSES-160 blAs. Plantation, oak;)
- 7inTA:titilioViMmiur
MINED STIGA.Rri--6.sobbt ••al.l Loaf,
J '"" A " Y 17.. ' • W .
r tt• • ,pa . BE= '
111!7Cfi 26,tiercao for,.4.llll_br ' ,
SJIGA.II-50 hhtlis:-N. O.; .1. sale •
.120VAAS11-:40 casks far sale by. •
Mtirs - 8: a w.a.tanott:
dMS -20 nubs Canvassed; for rale by
4... , bas'i • . a. a w LtARMAITGIr
,IQPTEL TLIRPENTINX-'--30 bble. in fins or:
der'.&isa. by • - x. SC3looNitillEta CO.
_ TS-10: or.. S ,y,
‘l2*s .r. BCIIOO3.I3ABZP.t CO.
'W I w Y-45 kegs ..(assorted) sarierior. to
• 411:11;tho ustur# add in tbitimarksh for sel• '- •
Galena; •
soon sir fal ~r
'4 l ,t,llaLli-140. Ude. prime N. 0., in store
14.7 MAI tor sat by •
-1. , Matt ^.• • JARFA A3II:ITOMMON CO.
- EXP,-200 , balos.l.dissonti•.-Dew Rotted,
',?43.l3'dAitTel.p.Pwr CO.
~s Do. ~...„.0g.....0,•...•
....,..,..,......••••., I. 41031thi CO., 61 WOcd
A•,, ..: , r
~ . , i ,
e* J e .., lll l ; r,
][ KWDF43. Jaidip-415Qibe. (pure) for sale
.• - snal . .M.DD f.XL
$41.4i1t - ATIiI9—,S Was in boxes' and bbbs.,
• _
• • 60 bbla. EL Lot& Rim ClasiEld $17014
" 1 - ,' -' t - 7 7 1 .M21 noTaithate a
boles. Temiessee is stare •
• wes •. ,tv.e.Dr.3oNr; ea:
:}IIOE---2 0 c),ie#os print° Carillizin,' for sale
..112LICIVI8T TOBACCOIO . 4 kegs
lastredst me- •• • • !
3'4 GREEN-540 44.:8ut or "a 'Y
': , •-'7'.Cordlltuaion•Service
_ , Ronk- ta. 0.,440%,Nr.wn;i0x
v- idarka rt. ocoser of Ifoorth.:
zoie j .l..6l.ane vs.'
• t Jib; • to Piustnartb.
43 13 ESWAX WANTZD--The higbtst price:
14 "! illb°9 11 / Zi e lb17 1 43t;iiim .
/et • ... Fir..., Wand
48.C10EREL-100,bble. No. 3
X (1851) for:
see by . Deml •, • fIaIRW
4: .- ' -. 1
.;::'• : r. . . Watehele : • ...•
: : .. 1
- 11IPT.ILECEIVED, bythis iaorninelh
ex. elhtucaereyeaperielanorbaert at'WeW
-I , llaihßuctlourtedemetteeugamers sad lbe .
- 11 , atea11 ...,,,.. .. A.. y • Ma" ery'heverhoer. erd Woad
...good.. sweetmeat or des Wahmee •
ea awe rerrrearan easteroestablishatna• Our .r •-i
Ur with lama and Imhartees wench as Z N2 hal ea 11 - ateeetlalaw thst era as...mtted he sett ah
/Oren nra. , rte.. &Mai in the UMW Stales, • ,
• ...e.../ I,I A ..1.1.4 17 experienced sad nntaw vett..
• *admen, ray dope= au havb4 Iteeir W5! 4,10 ,
elr.IM:3-#4lNb"_. birTNlTteriV, !faker . V '
• .thriti ~."••..4 - h'i„ *lone Herteliat. gThie; .• ..
BER&GE DE, •LAlNFA,z=nds'
samiewuet. Mt. be Nal at Lb*
•, •
SPECT -11 A-PLES-Alargo amorttnant.
r uctoptual Vlvot Atria at every
to• ottloo sotogto to the seilecgrZireptit i ld.:
tdta kr rata tbr pablig bread .
'a ring of 13 per main kerteaaaa
-1•41 .on no slg= - en for
461.14 AlAll Dl Z e t blEr CO.! ' I •
ASH i 0 bhla. for gee by -
• 'sat , OANFrELD.
INSEED 01L--30 bbli. GriSiOid'ebrind,
Evr rale br joItCANETELD..
i I ASS,-.4 c1u..1 for sale -• • -
' • ILA-034xlzrOcK a Co:
1F0N....ET5.;••••50 dEr#. 3 .lbreiiMke,tor side
by • ;J. g. CALM/lUD:
~: t ._ r ,:
11411,,, ZD U Maailiilt Sins
AME2lll . ol=7lllll7l7arantrlCl - (11JUITZIG:
' - Suriato,sal suscßipTios.
; • . Locurua.4.Au'in.
The votes's...taken to • day on the citf Ea;
ecriptiou of one asMion-dollars to the tonlatville
and Nashville Railroad; and 6200,000 tO the Jef
fersonville and Coinsobtur Railroad. - The ;votes.
are not Counted, bet ,enough to
make it certain
R ut both ems cassoaxl 171;400,
Ch Annuli 2V
, Al 7, •
. The Culiiin taws is eausinsitici veitestextiW
tient here. The papers, as well as the people,
Who were heittotore oppesed•ta the Man ape
dition, are iciere upon the Spanish -tiooltiament.
for- - their brutal treatment to the prisoners, , and
the outlive& the Weenier FAL=
menu; August .51..
to the Kooning &strict, ChurchiD; Dun; 0'
elected to coupe* bye small majority.' This
wM make the delegation in Congress the Urns
ae last session.;Catopbell's majority is 1,200.
,• Augala
Last evening dm" villages of Witte:demi, Wee,
Cambridge, Boinereille, Medford and Malden
Were visited by s violent tornado, that swept .a
space of MO frith fearful veloaitY.—
Monsen, factories, hotels, and , baronies'', an
roofed or thrown down: trees *ere prostrated,
and'aiimmensearoonit of damage• dons, some •
eitimating it as high's $109,000. Many per .
were seriously injured: !Two Mir*
Mown completely across Myetio Seer, at - Mod=
' - Toni, digast,lo.
The - otemzuddp Humboldt Oalled to • day tbr
Haire with 88 panel:lgor', and $180,000112;
Maxtra hat fa c tory was horned last ,
loss $4,000. ' ' '
Tobacco hag; declined $1 100. on ill. quail
tits , during the past three 'dam and dill tend:
; The, 'Wainer laniea _Hewitt, while being
takin on the, dry dock, at Salaida.vaii sunk'
with the .dock. 'The Hewitt. Was " hummed in
$15,000 - in the Colandnie, lossington, and t.
Louis offices. The dock waeitot homed—lois
eitimated at $25,000. Roth are 'nearly a total:
NEW YORK meant
Nrw Year, An& 23.
[lone—Sales 4000 Ms at $ 8 , 76 a5 8 . 87 for
Indiana, $3,87Q53 for Ohio, and ®412 ,toe'
Genesee. Rye flow is held it .83,50 per bbk.
Grain,Salas 7200bnshels Ohio wheat at Ino
and 2000 Genesee at 95e per btesheL ' Nye is
doll at 72A Niles 8000 Imehels tikixel assn. ; at
Proeitiou—Pork li Irrigt*, ie prices.
teem Is bad at Sl6, and prime at $12,25 tip bbl...
Bed and lard are enaltard. Cut' meats_ere
doarermaes 20000 Ths at To for shoulders
for hums. -,mi.71
.Oreeeries-,Sales 200 hhds Cuba a a
gar s@
51, add 200 basaltic coffee at eig9doillb: 'Sales
tohhds Museoeido moluies at 24e.
Lead--Is fuse, with saint 500 yigalKintonsi at
$4.75 pa 100.
.Spirits Turpentine—Sales 200 bbls at 88.1684
per .
Linseed OR is held at 740 . 41
Tobitcco.Bges 20 hods Kentucky at 5}r...
Btoiks-11. 8. Coupons have advanced {; Edo
hos declined 1 per` cent.,
• . .
• Nom► yam, Aug. 23.
Cottari—"lhe =keit is firm. with Biles 1600
. ylour—Bales 11;000 bbls at $4 for,Gtotem &
OW, and EAT for:Sesta'
."(irsk-4bere fi little &Imam& for ,bast Saks
20,000 bight's corn at 5606* for tree=
. ,
Provisions-84w 300 bbls 'mit'. at $l6 for
mamma, and $16,60 141' Jald is WO,-
Ceffee-43a1ea.600 tog Rio at Vigils.
. Flour—Tlue market. alcaiedi 10e &dine,
with tales 1000,30; and 100 bbla, as
WhhBceir,-.Bales al 18e /I
Cheese is in good demand, at clav
rrarisions—Weslo bbde Wan, at ii€J 9 l o
for ribbed, and 10}e for dear On; Amadeu.
o ID , s portion of which :urban far 84,
Nothing done in . gram:eke. ; •
river Is stationary.::
•-'Ficrur!—Rales 250 bblsciti
.berrel. - , • -
Pririttioni—Mtes tork:is selling at $16.50 Bt
bbl.. Eisen is selling st 106110 for hstor;. 9 3
@Via for sides, and 8 @Eli for sboablers. Ages
of Lad st %Olio 1)1 - • •
• Grocerier-Ssies Orieklur molasses st 88@i850.
&les of Porto Rico ongsrst 4®70, sad of Cabs'
at 41(4610 "0 lb. Rio Cello Is 3424 at 151(g)-',
81e,-and Eisquiges st 9}ald '
Msekorel—Old Nos. ,1 sad 2' mackerel wit
sabot -0.13;501102 bbl: York , Nci.'2,
bags 6,50 (€15,76.: - ' • •' • !
rbiskey—Sales at 221(32240 IR gain:
SOAP -300 bineello 'sin, °heti Wands, for
13 aid T)Wixd it.
ip.0170122 balea inseam and for sale by
. fwaufc.LWAffit„
COTTON 13ATTING--50 bales Saraily, oD
aeadgazopt. or Isla low lo Llano:
" '"` ° " * " 7 s ft sciloo l guluai a co.
PONGE—Extra #ne Turkty,lbr sale by
. 3.13411100 A 7214.=
rabiTB GROUND IN - OLltilallb. - tanc
!.27 '''L 4*.
r r OMt . /172Lk C 0414
A 0 . 7 = f1 , anf' 9 2 &IkußdrEmiVicz.foi•
bbls. for late by .1
TV .tar ' 3.BCITOONDL. maim).
LLEN'S Nene and Bone Linhintd s
, _
iipttp-41. bales Missouri; foist& bi;
COTTON--l 8 boleo for ado b
}•3O ' RELY, ItArIBIZWIS 100.
EAD-1359 pigs Galena; for isle by
. 340
-LPEFINED.SUGABS-124 bbla. Crushed;
ulverbet. -83341 CLAIM Iluszafrbed ICinr To*
fla al. WM.. • OM.
:4H:t:I P Y..uif ..
ICS-416 tea. fresh Carolina t Tor ario by
' • hak WIL SWALE! CO.
1TAL 7 1.10 .. b. N . C . , for oala A g
SOLE LEATHER3OO Sidesibast Hanka
Taamd Aar York LadberitaLlarr
ANTED—Land wantadawanted, for
ototalao atiton rtpAoto kojorm,
soxas 00. At nArg=
IRB E-;-25,000 foe sale ~y
~KATIIE}ILS-Fosenla b ~ , :, .
its ISAIAU XClzisoo.
FAIAR-45 bbls. Cider, for sale by Y.
Jos-....J.D.wusuitse co.,
c ..„ iL l & ti
iIiONACCO-20 keger(X li go) No.l filz
Todd, for ado b 7 BALMS,.
nun 75 PIM R ,
OINOBACCO-1,25 boxes iso'd - of the boot
° ""Brul ETON'
WWI WATORES,- of Double Hunting
,AlLL t rix If
. .ILUE“ , u .. ::rad i rr , to dr ma both
sub.= roordnol 14:Zig uic r
, tOrn“ Atai& tostibrits.
ATIEMS--2000 lbe. for sale by
CILA,SS-400 boxes !Wow Masi; sawn
aosituossr' ,
Dr, . .a... 4 71 • •
" revltsllrm;gfr. sao'i
VANARX 5EF4 1, -314001 ei treCeited
from 94 r . ..a5,,a pi:4r sattraler
b ite ' o.l4mMod lit 4 than moo.
EFINED BORAX-500 lbs for sale: by
'1•14 EMDD Co.4olFood
P. -10 °° 14 '"f°7
SAND PAPER,--60 reams seed, for
UP PAL—AO 1)14 No.l, for oale:by
,itt • STICK h 31eCel0Lat.
POT OLAS-- , 7 tons Pc..2ere!. Pot Clay, Na,
13 1 R7 2 •• •V 11241Mailego.
- ,',. •.1 .275211E0/12,440 . 4811W=,
. :LA thloOldto 4:Lotion otisuseoltblatilhildli 'no ,
ettitsalstat itteamattsod th. *waft of tito —Ns ,
losmd 11tototit to vitdelrolte l tatt. n
- 11 etthg boo. 000 tribithtWolgbgiElLiettO
Nltem at the Ens( or the eitthlletaltiat: the
pods. bin beg emu°. to tooilstibt Wier'
go on attlateettaa a/ EN tnittethetu ,- , "•a.
. aatltettedittoj '" •'" .11.)"
asd 13.u....,;,ut.i. m .v .
Brim CU:layer [Terra dar *....,13404. •
••..tat. .aamanamkpwr
I lacy Basket 4. Work Bain, fi: P= . lleat i t i
Coallotlemars Papas, Bova. .
Dr.ip n oth i t.r . geles.
ow.= 814.... P..antgprtm t ~ esror at'U'a,..
codling vadetr of other .
suglfam ' Hof Ckomemoorm •
: . . :it • „
int. a. orvosawa...“.
IpAGALEY, wootTivAirp.• 004 WhO
ol• Groom. 991-Itsrirst st: • • • V 4/
a. 1. Mcm0a...—.,..„,.....,P10p..1131411.1
ar', irClNEVairri
43. °'='"U' IO Nara Wham44241,161174".4
To Plumbers. CoppeiliosithViiii•:': •
tviTHE undersigned 7* i= Anzbirid
avert asnipt.of PL . M•
ffprir=dr Paj m trel and
grown and ;Wash Cm!
= . Crargct d Am.
tar, Antim Lrishr"essester.
so: Sl:Vsnea,Mos EgM = l *
ony, Marbly kilstribr-Wath,S - and*
, t,3 order , . • . SHWA, ODATIEr& •
• ,Tte and. • •
Steam Commtinication'beitypOiTCalk.
and Gbagnir;'•;';-' , J4';;:. ,
, • ar,,oh m ,and..New„Yiirlr4 •••
li tatiy i t o k=rtl a
s =hip 0
hots•Str. IL fleawort, Oats of Ws
nsrd ers,) romnsotisr,___ht Wort:tad to w
York al 6,, olas....'"tt 114.fti Oclob r
nowt. • ly O'clock. noon. • - .7; ~
maaas - •
First ca. ttiokt!doitiowtt.t.4•4B2
il=lt= "" rottrons,lititantiliktni‘ .
which till alpyo.2l ow bowl, at . Wells
rhst • kortnna. •
Fut trajght punm a lair hz u tt
Lomovniz, Ai:g!uit 23
New York .Indist Robber- Werebgese,, •
No. 27 Naii2o.Lane,ieutd - AWN' rt*trotrort,
Pint corner from Broodrints tutor/ tritsoi24ti st. ,
HE SUBSCRIBER; ProAmettleat s this tit-
A • tablishment. voulfrteribrso LH OW MMOMtsflArkel
mmohaats Emmons. that ho is dailL rt sso= ri , fs.
ISlVAL ' a:d a s= r fs= "d omig . v, nu tad..
asai Wag, (7.0 balto . r . tatrodneed - sta• 204 br
CZ: 2221 =r1:2222411221.22 02112111. '
. Spools] stunstkel mum; n i e . be
tore or eiromdaostyaOss CA in
..., a 9Sfas
Muria-6 to 64 Insossim Oxllls ors
from thotostA z ok.sod 'nth We smaTisirsii
• rm. attar. -Ito oaa
beano "'
red; . * Wire 4 trio.
apes 4122222 71. ur.t,z us
osset scsoost to imoosolot . WO
muds sa4 mo .. oma 024222,222
OV2Ratiorg.-4 (bat doek ortill" r
2321 2222420. fano Molmonstorl Ras to so.
r a, frog i obachut .l . is site
/mud sad Lined 1191110 1' ._ ._ :... ' ::: . 7- 7 7 7
A complotoroortommt Qs moms{ moms=
Moo; otothes.mots. Coes,- ooftrrtth.____
DIOT2P2 / 1022 2=4:4. 4 , 4 _ A ussiipau. 2o2o.o .
liser , „=ige2 4l . ld rnt2 "t r. ' 2111:
t 22427 Aostsfilaart
r im edmaanbcmrtr o! Sp ilrull„,i. j aHftitioadoeiai z t
•notr• or tazimd,,,,,11... :Yr 0f.Rm1.,..
them Wats
Sms• Wes IWart*.nsttO stis:f' li . li•;i 0 V.: : ,':;' •
•: ' lihawhir Clitialdrlllhugglis . T ':::" ; '
A:, 8.: Binv , lo. 6 Cortland!' Fir, .1 4 1:plik,
.5. new -''at Mt Shawl Pr Pod
wee af Pall sad facer MANIA arriri
of aeotab and D... Waal .leo_a Mum with
a fall anartmant of rnma rim Wassalempre lad Loas
Alaaaa rump.of Co Mariparnate t
Wks, wet Trivet =ANL MAN
minas teapot ADA irtykr. manaleatcuad Paha pile
Woad PP own
a. lrirmlaa, Noland par
erirlliaarnta t o o . ri " ralVw• l44 , all ttn i rIVIVIAMICeI..
meat of atlawls, nd maraud*. apaialw , wear,'
etworPrilaat In charity.
Awo„ mi WINS =OW PIPAINNIVbr Wollribitia
Stuarts. ace Maarinat, 41riatat is win . , tod Print
. To the P.ublio..
te.lti. RUBBER' SELOP.-.o6 , ,otteittan
too tom oilltd tor tkoptitejnot i llitookat Heat
tha 4:oorio l f Violitt&o " 0f " =44,12= oho.
rr th'u = "l l3== "U M et'
.. iti%:
.rasn'a Patty/ onto oar oolg t = . t r ooa L oc
Vroloro,oar Memo Ow tho of
India itabtorOboot =War Fitotloop t
oar =tom gaut ore aiSr . ia: . .
ji t
; str4 4
ath4 toot. eme lt rilnal: ott' -" lgolotsta
mk'" Vr a st4 l e‘Ookto l ===toor
= gu trif.l " l. 11= "4VAI
oar uoToot•ord oar moor tux*. ' moat=
Mr. My. diM•lx. sod thatsootrear
pirating upon uwaroto , o "drat. toe tosoottortson of
a. at.* tttOob bo lo antritte to tee IN snaAnigt.
.zatie• th at tot and oil 10b0... conotroott itics•to pi,
a0te .....
oestodlog bit olowattoltprtlitOtti
^t tiaestrmo t r.!..i.:11F11.4 ~'
lurwaliumnizitica:: - u 1
..., . .. taill Anic. DrvisiMos . .
~ :
.: • • • - , R. Elottblosao,PtOottat,
•, - : - 10127)*VO. - • "'
Jim Yiiisararnui. ust: , . ...,_ holba •- I
Cm:noun, Aug 23
W.liolbeiian, -
- . No. 76 Maiden lary, l Nno
Abbeir in FRENCiI ocl
ikum..4.77:m k. Lot.
, Lo_ tann i
••'• • -
Superior Black :Wl_btag =d em* I.
••. NE'S TEPESE INK, sr *A paps,'
104414,41, Pam York. i- •
Qrarti.47 . dos-: • .,,f11.60 d <a. perdcs
h copym =dd.
rtnelramo or dr t or e cl rooommorr
*I fur gad Hi • =ablo tor trso'"7 - Za r di
zalroblrbr . • -
• 'rho I.
ratmawkilka s .l'
ltur kr sir bum rosoaororkm. 'at trou arm fat
loorprroor.pirtore so Da OntmVellinneabi ifo) wt of lb. city Int et chugs. Iro for mol•
vz . oro,rbasod st - - • -
--383.0DOWL_ VOL
N I .. 85VzgirIntetg!*
Professor , Alar.,lll Barri. tretitatra,
',t.iw.cnalislarr mall 04 144 Mrait VA
M - geett meatel by.ompertaamt., to
eroostm anal ttee um sleet fa al
,ettm eV- of the hone. end ell the
. hZ tir ' ...„ um .:'::. b ed t ir llaryarallm.
eattragdos hi erb?eh r itht beLd ti atbd bur
rm. &am-NW Mr-. 1 hem beau il Atilee.
Zlet ." cerr ' autVteesateVatti n da= l 41'.
have bed the advice or same or the matt mid
dam eod Mee Mel ell the andaratkor la` r t g ,
WWM now kaotee,'"lthrott the bast bandit. lete ad
• Mend to try ylm . z . T....,Liat II •
112:4 ' kW MI•
ft=l.l . 110=0 . 17X2•11. 0.• •106••• Of 01
tilamirs lL that
_akttra 1 tem tartlally . td v •.. ,
~,,...- ,7 7 .7 "1 0 &WAS grit
Wet r=rittntalVirgaz i S hdx
am amt / dal so, and to 107 107 T .
Matgfpuldr - - .
11 . 4 -4 I JIIMAMI=II .- '.
•tr my Wee retinae dombte • o e ft
s i tr t e c t m b=llo:%Z r at u = LI)
matera pfO 4 "
ri ! A CT .. ,; •- :, t.l: 1 ~: ~.: .ti,L
gr i 11. 3. 11=4 . 1
trr ,=,. .-
.... ',a a : . I
am abeam, of the mud= =wally QM
the aotettt . /tired! Iz t a suot e eatlee tt rilloV
it g the sod. '...eormadtaltA
aat sb iaWari '....'1. yloirroesß
_ 41 ' 1 to a de.
globate. Um
=lloi nil artd d"'"'" gleety. tregrear l M ' AZ a dirdatt
mat as meld arm dertrarM,
s a d
dem or **Atm to eltsamme al teen the • 50
1 lOW,
1 7=ii_ lI tte . 1= 1 /%llt4 L*Ul TerM,
thellartedBo.e. Bad Omit. . wee..
iortwAtinG & COMMIBBIoH iii*l:ol7
ILLI.I oNTINIIPS his. nenua F. i i taio
sTrsl" 24".44 Welamte=44.l4Pl4l:3lll4,
a-Luas and ills
1 0u3s.haki4r.
- akli &AM.
-AND MICTWILY2I2, No ,a Warr,,,ngsjAj
rupti etsiostion,to Oomadadan badman; ~,,,twasl6l,
ST. 3OU18.& ST:4IVMS:
trzlbSiant, mniao
-- .)rourrolicisirrrib'Jtes.
Prolaps. CommJua. iupd =am 11!
lin : , T ,c 3,1: ;;i 1j4 ; 4
- -
- va• ••
=1: RANKIN, and Otnii
st. ad e Bra e;
Ne.....ol27t xwr. "Eatle r
: • 11 Y 1
A-Ooodairgabi u aawledsred,..
t. Poor ACRES. la Thmiliseacrostsit;
was Rases salsod—ca Our prmissilb sr Ms
vritti Ms" da Th. 0 . 7 paw,
pa = ds, .11mkyt at dad
, M l 4
yropitorilT,Szuk.44 bblis4
1 4. - -4•:: •
la ila
e I
. th•
. ..14 .1 '''' '
~..,...k .„ ....,7 , :::-.. .
.. , , ,, T,- - 7., , 7,,- . - - - - 7-2- : :: ; .-.-.,
...45, .. .et eft °
i g
t 0 , • I,; s• ... , V-• '''-• -.' Vg i e ln . • erg,
a r;Leteetfteart,ere•teoistel lim ,
iimilviror•diateelialtio , , --', - 1 „ , '
.1== . 14.1m01 ow 1 . et : :; ••
j.=•,,lf ~:,.,r - .., l iprey „Atte.. t..„, , ,_
. .
BUBSCIRBERcescriI °gide. op
warom, Im t the MolOpqr • 11 1.
ot• Pittanrirb, c-- •
0.1. Tbreemrslara• tlrt. nary Grams,
1911.1:,,n 0 ta
ihw •
it Le. atm. Is not sold WWI • • 4th
tailor. at prints 1.1%01
.. 14~1411S
. 11 1 7 " 1 ". 16111
! R0084 1 ,1014 -;d
eGW ' Eta ,kaatbat
,tea{ilaaa; la-
WOE ICENT,442IIa 01/0 1 14t - ,N94
atutr atri t m as r
".„I'Zuroc,=== .1117.2%
ihn.i i rOpeity : falift s 'o.
r ilitE.iiiitiaiiiitici`otaiitai:ilWii '"%iitt,
; ...:. oi .Leact, eaateltdaa /8/ etati:bdoWallet '
portrety lately awned br the ZOOOOMY
talleithear contr. matabhit abottallaiestme4
Itrenekle enttl started far lam*/
_ls Water /term - with alake ewe )tiller
P " maim sedee,ltar prams ar latrare=r
eeve Llidepnapertnts see et the Iteeetasee
mos to thaeltrafill Wawa br Nalweeka. Xlllrt'l ,
Bnm .
/or tettena mg Dry ta IM_Dtlilly Poies WIWI; ist..l
.......M. a. OM IL. ZWOLN, lie Vometh ann. lilt .. `
Yelnmate 1 E621 &Wel 'fa litia,vbr'•L
, , , • :At Motion. " „; Id ,'
11 - 174
illpr, ,
offers for iti,lia 4: , ta Mow
a Co: iv e 1 g i
trt •,`an% elle=
. eue pita, term tl elaa,egruele
fr rat=fa ll ert Cr*
.how., and extrailas to the ere et ch. MIL
Ev.ttte=thiteb== &LVOV:I4Y;
"%vele valuable wake &re *WA YaNI Aar
. it... tirt,,,Moted.W., 00111101
exteulleacto the toe el the WU, es vaim E 4
,tive tom. smarten wed anivehatah 2I bye* Web
Nu i Oni l raeot le Ear l h UtrYvi:& .L EMO•fttt bi.
tor .riwt la on Retraeay. Mal t _frel .6.
ett , alattet /X CM Oil vothla eve evedEl toe wee lb .
I bri ."'l lrai '4ll ft !____re . " At r ig n,y Gee
and levers ET euarfa. LE=tEuauTrPrb
No. T
i . illintex i,.....r bob* Eillatea hid^
f rue% ICO Mt lail . ifteos Weer
oat mid Were ti,
.rtivet• otlenreMl t k e. eint• o '
007. 00 tee maim. UTE ,
sesittltrterr 1 LEM N Er FL
Berms aloa.
A nk l.4L: z... BlTrY. 7211rgisr a
• tYhtaht , , 121 no .dettets , drfiebtai Gab.
. uili nV0.4:1,P: ._TlAM?±..elloFttly,f4M, ,
elso—loo Toww - Lotvii=aaran
pars of ttre
i 1
which VO*
All of cagy
ers.• Meet fa tlt,fmolt
INontstylvaptiv tams regarcet
"M. at - il. ,' l . the
f' r A ' : ft ' , ‘ l . b.
Me " 6"3"4.ii,i6; . srti;ftilis; :i4.16 6 4•
..e.g.t4. tow. mtalibu •Ita ina=l 7— ! - - ~,
rouleir ...12.eins-betamelbottthiatntei,
hunt pli •Ini al" tottweettifetwegtews wow
'te . my bosh. tub Mattel craw the ratow Lott
' eastrettit to and frost Palm rubs It cot of
t enor
motlmJau44t pAzda au Um MK ,6111lirgent
.- ----z-d,:......; . • .. . ".,_:......- L.
fr'ondiesigaa' 'Abaco ' •
ad am ' ar* *cog
hi I Se es • h i .11 es Mx
rum • s.vrts ciii..A 4 42441,1rai n g
MST. 4 u•crivisosettarx
er 5 "ai She
• '',• Valuible;liiiat,Eitsitii icze tilit.L
rl i.folliniiii i daieribed:piaimekte - s ;air" iti
'mit Ix Ws, upos eu7 waratr 1
Im e mb rr otag L r ett are lotl ig losa
araiti.nar occur • Crev•••-ta
- Als.h. kit. In.
_.. 6 •71-1- b7 -th"C ra= tg le Z! ,7 lti:lim
apkti oo fiosn6
.Dast mmmon. ard ----- *ll
„ . .
, . .
Dll l u E i ' 141 4 4 i i g "2 % 16`2.
!r te% " a u. " 4 . m ix,AtediS , ' °
.4* ll l
azader.fselasts M a litt-17AITC lotAn
-,.tb.:..i.ioi gt . .. i , 2i• tjr it..biclei a ' Ano -
fit. - 7016kr=aed, 49.
nian. Mon therm& V t w o olit .
~,¢ •
- tor Bilikiilvialii4ialteiAT:l:
ost=io of loss
=b.27. tonotorte2
Alm. let oter, wee ecoidee ylano,the release *Me
oto lee an the mi. twAmtog tack to en.p sone. beds
Wheiot at opener° tot -
- -- -
. .. ..... .. ,-.
Eealßta for
',li • VALUABLE. = warporred LOT,. 41 , 44
111: wow
IR:. 4 Mf.f4.wmrttrrpp,7;,paFl!.,
..r., t4.
ou .„„.......03. - .
.......,,i. us au Iloet_by
M. , boon Is=seel ma
~ eloi . ?
Jll.-11.4.1 very welftbk, Zs= '
Ik Alsrp—A him 414 erne la 4.40 we
ALVlarm ar254 sem la:Lint r , * II.
2 4-1.. 4 1 1 A. awe , 4.liT. 4 14;e4 •itio:s ad
=sm. kb
,Aaavf _ ittertOtaitanelo.
vd; w>
ACRES Farming AM antl 43rming . Lag% fa llama meaty. !adel its
r AVM* twain mile. cir uut ow Tart soli
uo—Loanian.leXTß col!nuf.ais
tin i g toms. 11;nortra or WILMS • •
oxyl ' • ~'Ammer at mamma •
.TO Chirdenas:- '-• • " '
Twzyrreouls of , Gardening lank al:
trz n t : d i Lig% nat. i dt , ni ' k e m6 ,..-...ttarri nu ardths .
IllitirMig : Met ne ce l ' L
'wain a A L Is
• - For Sala
PPM taxabgrevf the Fitai nnountigt in Com.
45' ZnlolZemft r l b t 04 : 6
033.1 , 11011:1, jxdla~w.~ 1
UNITED sTAx.ts-gotio l
.m.wvuoui `
eh . w ct !t i lt
rgh. halati
mmt.t...t= h "" : ° 7 u's
• =mut=
kelltY iiiiisii4"the
• it an f
i tfr ur rreaq .
altars' ea anal
Owen Is Was sad ozatalaama • moire itaaarft ,
Id.. /or tan= apply ta • SAM lana,
:" POOLLAOIatit46: '
REO'D, •
to 11 Goa:torla ettotut •
ianionaubs on thil Aminvigwriii.
1057, on Tfurninrilirs,,iiiiiii fAhe
Tbestili•er Utsvia tbrits •01 , 0ruit.vr,,
.ionothatinfrvi it-litztvgrt
4 q 9 1 4 . 1 77.7 / te k lia ,AV
REESE-Talmo W.ll. for Oak by
17LPILtn QUMm =ySO itifatisWiY
grikLZ, Jacob thtutilla,l24
Nu ma. tar ed• by ' I, KID 4rC(b.
ChaUse. itei
:4: :1: riot'. g . - : 1
Stirti •,
fA'" ---- BY,
tierce or tibLforOide by,;:;
1 37 UTNE:QS-1 fdr sale low Ao el
omulammalt:' ' • regkEIDICSEY Jo 004
19 , Valor emll Promt
VAT !WILD 011,6.8 „„k., tm
1710 It OILIZEttr. 0 Woolit' ,
_ _
1 MUT . B1110348!-20:4
euek.r . matocuntibr• iastah
001 X :
C- I Mug* - tab, • 7'l'
WINDOW O- 1009 boxilagity ead
• tucb••••M.6l4l•4ltivir.tunatroa.-1
tv, 0 , 1111 - 6 ,
K„ IIIPE s S=ISO boxes. Wbite 04,ty
_ ~4 9-e •?- ?!' .: ! "_V itirAcrt e byt
QYBITP MO) A gin -27 bWaaill. ?tilt
Nolul, massiet rkijor •
.Is 7 JOHN imam • go.
PosA t :' Fwt . ~•et di.
0 1 4 IM" . °Fst it. 'a 'l 4
_ -
' • °KNIT 0000/1.4. -- n1m .4 7. 0
.F 33.D.L0 Jyrlt
_ •
TB. •
OH - ; 11-.A.1 N.11 0 X . : • • :Ct.: • e
rs. inmr •
!left: Aikf l igra-L•til r ..... L 5.... ~...
~.„...,-., i: • 'AA.' ~ ''." 4 lW.: •
Ira ..
r , ' . . 12. 11 Vas • • Mat wO. e ... t
! • . et mass 4117 aa2amilli..l-
IR; 1 1 CEITICIATL - ,TTEZiaiii;t'
• in, —..eme;=,....
..tato 2! ,P !!!!llintifilMlS! . f.,-ajukt. !• :
, •
t=" r tea= S at 10 A. .. ..“. )• , .
~ ..aiw i rehm t a t =?. .... Cat,
.COVEMOrCOLDFI. 110muzizz88;, smolicrai.
us,,wHooPutoxotaa. clout' ' '
' , '-ifeirrumA, 2 porsulimoff,
MONG Ike =nazi= iiiaixrathisliclesias
ka air ~dim* now/ism
• a tib:nwerrottte Impel
et Maim exlime hroarlateressiDater
op math* ibi• samfbalteOrderr b tb
!LIU /id.' A nat trial of Id ulna *MOM WO
Jona dyad alogbt Uri as emilibe
meawials soilbtans ree 70/N.s. soar. ambraiK
tra oat q 4, cb• rumerscia milt* paliwgin mos
1.1. 1 / 4 2L Iblikl4ornrcpi tram 41 MUM Omuta& •id
earl& power pm- I.l.l.ames is way samodince.
. -
Mu 4 JO 1.., ). • err tat • kmill bon 0. 4 4 vthib
csa to Mot al to INIMI ila liill Opsemai.4ottas€ll
Clotionit Cootie Imo not poem • MUNI
oty Intillinks of I* 011ie A S V 11.1••• tili ow
ormatts ItacoligAtt••••••••401•11,
.tentos tapirs to dr skaart•••, IioNM Woe
.1.4 lip ••••rbt µsoot Sollthelig in
1:14•016.4,0, 41 • . - ',Voir INK
r,... w
a . VAC . fini;••iiiiiir . s '
.7 '. ‘ • , ° ! . UEVAD :.,..e.. .. • •
' rA,
jh.:47.67,.. . •: ,- .117 . 2__t IT a ,
• -- tt. A• 11 1=1 "• ' , .. 7 7 ,:, 1
*a rm. aralaW w es . 'f'i
ertr ib" Pr -,'ll, 1R 1r
• °I V
ztro i rj .4 7. o l4ll , T=syy t
um, so =ma -‘Wlti ... .'. - a - irliakoh -
': , . rrna limut*/ MI ifllfL
•11:1 ". ‘ , ..
A ."=4‘ .I :k ki 7r2l - 1 ;
. .
.. ail 7 T iTi,.. : .. . : -, ti-iimiit ••••!..- 'WI
'S A :•• llZEZEPtilibisa naiin
n .. o ,
.iFn.. •. .. • g•e O ets
lat••0"•T• •
e ool toi lio=geatelyeNb ,:
O,S • 4 Ui
A elf .
y'e ti e/ ee
th e u4t oeltttt. w• le= W
Ilb• ogee ye boll vie& vs
C.M• leg weetta. Ls bry en
i ' y Ire itlerel at Creme koado.• • se=
elm tee& male an te Lisb of m. tbe mere,
tad ear loolonla, so sad i. 1.. lel of lAt Me
vow whb'ytq to end at by Um betaresoreTaart
boa. oar, • Ws be la e astbel• • ••••lebtot lba bell
ley.. Alts =slime- Ole all Um ;mete
; eVy • •• •
oe N. F,M X. St Terni
- reboot eel try -X- cd Al
• ...
Tothewt.- -
, D traiies,-14' the LI es 4, and Ai
' Kier, of Rs!. iv i ''''''. ol424
L "'"'T' Cre:d4n.
:44 " tai ... s
r*it. nanzt
nZV2Arr. maxim., tvw e 4 .
1 071 „ ur ,..... 4 .....,
vaz....-1. _.7.---a.irr,4..40.."
- , A. WWlle „tutFroirtauttlii,Tragt. ,-
I rui.,43AßryB•lni n:Kel
. lE'llen; TRUSS
r..d =VIM RE Y.`l7 . lltilaz =na b: :
= a M 15.. el l' antt other Sydow. hantai
~11, ot and =Wham Lomat
......1 p
,T, --- %a ma to pr. awe apat
.i.Mr. RE4 r =
. Noma . ... e,,,..,...,,,
ve Tbl .' - ' L'legr •
acdtavt I% a l an
x. A.
4 'll.:i•;77itrna.
nlyil fan Z . / la i j ZlZnitn
dans le, arta n aa lall ;
.., H. la 4
Pi= . SUPPORTIRSiie intended We;
uAt s viilLtedra t
lowa via*
MOM- irtre Or i n
m.o. led Ms gels *ilk
ma A-.
"—.; 4—.....tabarbrrou ratibbriwbusloati.
4 .1L45:4-1 take Abib ppd.
bteborrtes It'll.
th -m
it- tab hmlaibi
• A ty deret UPS vv. I inks" down 'nth
e liwir c and law seed br
;;b1 wad ulaess nel
Ibb egatnd Atur orloonam.ll%ll,
azi ! , 7 mr rigA
W•lmiLinrraimieurn.a. ei!
%1143.12.deke.4 _ • •j
and mai
_ _ _
maw, Pextemeig+
. ;E I W the Kezaherehlee -+ - ' ' - +
• - elites, Oma.. ric Jeiri
... ;MUM v a . B .. - ir . z k. ....
Orislioate4ll6 - 11 . 0t . A . 1.c. • I
OW 01111ei ° )F*6l .• ,
1 , 616. the 6 • .
...,%,..." . t ;
an tb.
Wa 0 . P*T: i 951` H tedi 111. ' '
. • . , . . ,
, ,'',•. - T , ', .. • • White
, - i , mind .61 Ca ma* 0, ita6 i V . T 1 .1..
t.... 614661.6 sad II
Ate 61, 6 WI. wldt6 ire bon 1466 lee
".acl Ili twillunend to OM RI
wthe mow= 6, awl
atr.. ,
• =31766
1. 1= "" =
, teak...'fgt .... eall=l6 661 mu b. IT:Lind .'42.
Lem tt 1 m E2 ...... 7 _,,, J .k . .. .
- ..1, ..—,,,,...• , .4.k H. rimins,
Vireritoof *Kona Pa 4
T. oubscP l .4lk l . eied hij
.... , Weed' ...'
~• : Amer at Stint cod
.. . .
lar a met
_ .. iel li t ika' 14
1111 ' 111117 . • •
I ........j.t i l i ttnlZrZglallie ' el: ~. .
41130 D ''
its 4 vtru -
' Cd - t 30'4
.3 I
.......".t: .
.: • t 4 W'''' , .-7. i-. 7 1 .- - :, Ralf:, t). , i..
'' . 0 = . N . • ' 7--,..- ;;; .", . .-.- . ~' '-'• ' • -
!.. .
..______......_ • l••••• Or • •
! ' ,..., ath
. 5 . 1• 7 ;
,4.—1 1
, ,
P:;4::„•1.0;(=•1,4:'%'.,,,4 1V
1••d.•••.1•_,11ai'a 4
:t lttrW,Le4 . ..'"l'' -,
& . ir
... , ::4,11; 0 1 7, 6 • 4 A a .at
la •1111.1W•41
'. .4% . ...k.17•••• . . MI
• .1, t,..f,>?....,.; I. ..,., - .7,74 . ;1 r e.
:.. -1 , •rf I •••••Ir . a
; ',... 1'.....::
Cka,r6.14. 1 . 4' itt VIM:Wu vbriyematt.
-a 4
TUAWAS Yen 1 siiyagifgpfl,,. .
1t L.1., ~.BoultLesoyattrx
wot.i.i.s., =dart' ' - iii t d. - '..'
• , lalsr,fib er ik -;.- 08, • :aft.
rates*V.r.t." =VIM
l ti .-...s modae.. c . ..:;:1e yeas - 4 '
a t r ...lMtr, EU db.liF l = 4 etZrat
tia• as co
elte r wr i t ..".g'k,M'- . ...
MAtt.z.=-4 4- 14141.9=W;
.... L. ---,, ,,,,.. er 4 . 2 . 1 :. = ,
",......,-4...... -. .
' WPM Of CC.M'''""' 'l"
Ig t
." . Eilw. l
.::.•: : . : . . I— *l. . _—:
;• :' ;:: • •''
. -.'•. : :: 1 •
. 1171,A , .„,...,..
~ 4.:..,,,„..;,..,0.,...,.„...„,.,.:,., .:,
0 .6.1 m 0..
-1 r.r.1.. , 1 ..4.1 T. , . T1141311***0 , ,.. 4./ 8: I, • •. , i
eielha irt illaa , !
rrr. .
C 1 u r: e • b .. 2
mt.. 44. mooe k'' '''. "A 242, 1"1 t
i 7 . 7 , U a .. 1 .,..,.. =v i tha. k.
att , L b v
.Ikok •ciai•T•,.
sattelrearylmo=mis brct or my 6 Zire. '' ""
• . .... rr: 1 ~ L A.O7 llrockiaa . • . " ...... '.
_ L. ,.. . . .
sa. .=rizz6icsa.
Sudan •• Mist UM wetj=% 2 4 .I=r%
'Voils metl=••=,
l' - ' 7 4 -j•r ' ••' 4 4 1 n r M' 7.7r110 1 V .. ''
_ , • 1144.0771174 Qua..AL ~' ' •
Qat bomita! irktla Ma..
=CV . • *,•• I• • •
0 • amm•
, ' ' • Mr rtt •
. LWl ' s* cg g Zb i '''
C d
Zripow • . •", •ni razta. . ti."
_...r" • •
A M saS. ir ti 4ll • . 1 1 7 7 6 . 14 ~ 1' ..,11 .. •
: ' at COliiiad # . 110* . 044 if: ,
... i ... . • .
. ham N. 1., P. UMW 4 11;;ft t ne Ira,.
4 the Wt of
oiLues . Ca:meta ••
fa tho• Ora •
Eri ,
lik r * .e k ''. TOMlUS.ltsfitilko•ol.; „
• •••
tosannoto ira ti• inflow ' I r.. , 1 , : ,
EF .... earr W4 . a k t , .
alb. lis•kirin• Ilartsw . N i l
dr ,c,, 4 , , 7 ,.. 7 . ~ ,
t",,7.4. •
. 617
.. 0 r
r , ~,._ _ _ _ .
irarlity. b alti
. SI
. ,
- • •••
•7-- " " '
tiiraSt WlAlDS_WDLUlF
akawr or Mit 111•110111117
j eitirn `r d . rbeltimeratnte.MC
o z,
t‘actlK, Ittee.64 Un bee arm
mod ifroarth, the b/cee It emtetrelh. ¢tlhum%
mearal sem.. ad eves. Imakl. oll . AO"
Iti tale e..leteLtre =mem med. ittepllA
a l las tthe ender to &Ital. a Lb.
111 .mdblieK .3saibmsas. but duemem
ire tad Ihnettlidk ee mates to thit keels Ram% ad
;saxes 0 sod tmrwv a mule. at Choi
reteete. V bere ..Neao•s 1i which had MI
itraterb Ilitteaae tbU stettklbe st t memoir.
The Tore hot pew Ihmiett afire galkeltif, •
pl Meal, at nth. el the vir.4 pmc4441.1..
dtair, erase hr Dr. 0137.1). Ertnal Is Ulf* lint ad
seneu, an, ea a2ial lase nee Me
461161 . di5t ty nlar, 'ore V 34A ILMlXdatet t. Ir. MI; weft on DA
etar.o4.6 ia bur be& Ur. ihri.p numaxitaaar
seen VW WWI amilial basal test wall be emeartette
thyliktket Slay earn. sake Pay beteett "resaar.
Lan ail steed en nacatss, Selene aar
tea can rf each erJur-k
la lee IVOR tt MI. I .s..stroand 'by 1,7 me& Is
est an•enoltsl'iler Zeal leastiakana vs"
se la Ileseas. 'Jae astatel (tibiae Ins
emu al aal Ska Ina knee.
anima.e nalared sae Gab
uC itestall testa els llMP•qkryiThr Imsrt
bsaa. " • Ma- Ikaal
Ws el* esake* W•adas.bele‘sassa
that no ass' easet linease of Kra Ile
ases lo Ur duo Mimi One a (anart tee
4. 1". 1174 . - •
• iri
.'. 4 4 4 .
Vr 4 W - Tat ;; 0 1 0 . 4-'24rd:
Mom 11.7. *nada a ar—Qmiu Das td. 131 uu
I*. anaelPlTral 141 1 / 1 4 VW ara. vesca
Ko Aortal& a* so la sod la 11a5 fttuna:Lis met is
et <Wont lbw. .ore Aural= or agate tr
wain tetra: all told an sr ma used be sa milabotl.
ep.gok taw* toll re nand.
411134 th. 4 09:444. 2 7,c1a5ara
'at. Led Eel co* nicaddat t cootbrood wd.
1014 =3 ISA %tali I rn 1111 odnrchirmarat elairola's
nik. Pa* ard analarmilla) vtikk mad awl lit , r
Wale tor tirr redo. eicreFra Inaba Deeli and ammo,.
1 .1 21. ma k ea; Ica ma alba rands adaaa
aad Miami! Wrote/ !nil/ Won whoa ora, atria 1. , *
nod I earl la sub. tot sow.. att,tll".
'oat aro tt *aaldllarro reaa thaa raan Wm aull
loallatlyiananur aseeisood way pima paa
Wrong, idallat Work to min ettyll44,Tdlaft,
Gott sad eampulitik, ebb% villmiltriArss Wahl.
Toaralak , NAIIIIMIIAna
• -
Oro trosotropaustem qt •
...a. oust gamma Li pi, eahoiii paten of Tatar
boa rad i!aroradila. ao lartag. pubdre mea e .
lo.ortiv 000tot000 to in*. eau: TOgglel , -
Cori ada ektioadd ;lag" tau ti.. Par *lot kgel
aloe on be do Woo to teem et gee demo. • • •
Octwar,l4/IMtirsek: Ntabadr.ll4o,
amnia% Oredfrarrx . ILls Oia
......... td e.y , °alot ierne. at. roar ..letko
tate and derketarda Omit) asa age totteal breard
Saida spa. 14.4 Amaral sag laigtrakeilmookarnlii
rybieb vol etteclust lap ite. and no to dm
=alai vacated by Mil at eat bese phodelaaa ado
daft pmmeteudyta =LW, widow ear
' ..b......accobauliriOrcaaattagdiroutiaglia
avd r!Lariallaal arrarad me WOW. MOINE
ytivait.Tiebegais Cam MOO adMaji
&data - .ll) .. thaaklarebla . s . asiNT4aa Wibad•
eos.raybolf Mope kluttsotheimest M 4.•
..9 8, 1 0 rWr mi L bta t a .•4 l3 flialgra4
• *la togr , ILTthOlb , r 1 1 0 , 6 . .
• IS Mb MaStimilmobidio todbibodblass
Ilb loorataboo ihrebbib bops s plum rellet„ 1 prwtred
tine Will or }au Tilkr. Dort obol bonsOullbsed
comalobld wino ( rtlfklbllbParithotost Ps MO
110 *Pro" Wan beam* f.tht , d•cfrblt'bod.bobro
kid wed batt doersdoers .
.1.4.10 a mid int, ost4
sostla all tlntn tottfor dexter tbe Tau ma, sob brr3s,
tober Mt Is one prs•etk retrosb...pv. . tor Mass atemottba lb retsboor."(bs mere to
letrloolibab ebi palest Us*. : 13*.x .
Sbo MOO of Ord. bo Mirtly Ms, to O.
D.rb and bimmfr...:Sot 1 übtre Jiro lbstr re.
.7.11 sae. imatokasiiik. {offal. mai b awe
.147 WWI ISM" rs sreloor.• MOM
to. "lbreettltelt''' '
OLlZotlibe -Jt TA-10XL M
s k4i.DrA:4i.1176;4
prL'M Oo Mirbi
OD.: &Musk • tbo; t J
entamigh: lostlest, SUM*,
LT. Isreill; Woobbeas 'IL Los* °Wooten.
Wobr, bnosabers e. Icestsbartense. froott 11 1
jai = •
'LbSibre Lood • ow aminsii••••,orr;
uskranat • O. tallow J. X: WNW.
Irmo •Os ltroobabs L. 111111 m Isco. groros
11141Mbet • fbt, 11:00osols.liostello Ibuloo
iris MMus • lorrtor, Moser. Jam Oro
tor • ISSL SIMS I.o.pammutoo o 4 •
14. hark Onsisivart T.Ontoket.k.?
_ 1011131Lt•Che! ...I :5; •
we r .
110 eta a Chlallele
lAr ....tea *"
• ; gs bllla.
... ,. .....y.r.LU.W 1:14:7".... 47;e1;12 . • • 211111111r*'..4
• • --Valuable Property for Sale..
rut rotarnansf %icitr.,a•
et the Ilttebeosit tot TWrtylath
; teat berty wad Willtestats.
; ae [tee WWl.= etbeß
nemeetry .et . I
• ...Awl .
004 ma • ,
oar 41
• • nid.....aaladinstua. tui. mil
- - - -
Lummle iumep.4l hint
• 3111:13 :AMON latow, Ups, " - •
. 14-4 &.; 1 :4 01 , !O . gam, pietg a i4 -
iii ,
( owt.9 ,
.1, 4 113 t ~m qq, ire ii e0n
..&,... = L n ce ...... AUL.
A ht e.
Ina • AM trilksaid in. th• bat
EWA • - -- vu
. c.d. r• • illlnt Pqat faa 1111.411 E
e ., ..4......4Mt1yi. jlegi_4lo_llllllol
%.Buntv maagAraw,cauxus. .
31. , .c0ana• or. mm
N uorr -AND
~ : m4 . 1 . „•:..,, . .9. 4 ,,,...z. „. .) . ...d
'..... •P!' OMR
r. n /Sc
0.4.1 % .
Ev‘ rew. st 11ssk1Lsossz sad
Thai' VP ,lo tas . •. . • . . .
f i li, ,,v iss u d j ... .
.4..• ~....,..1L.:.;
Pschodaseeta 11.1llos Ur snsi:4ssiss Sods% ' I
•Aarslessa tsaltsts.skos C.Ago Derst
threw Nes:huts. isszsr 4
•1 i :-- l lnt' , M ttuzisesi For Sala >
F.:WM SUBSCRIBER 49. :!,:',
An"' nooki.4 team Ptilm.bby.
le 0 6 1 7401.11,at Mal ka.. , ...141.
SI linneival7 name AIM VW
mil....l7<thr Stir=
0.111 klalv . v pe •VA eS rem "Ink
t. =. 3
born lb•anid td:so- - --
• 'TM raiser 02,fimisom h. IN, Dadra
banns am Plains Umectwrio, kml4 .. Varies.
Imam" &mar Law 3 igfeter
UNIDR,RSIONED. reeadiag Mai
A l kirr;:%* . 3 •7=n
Witt: :=l lv = %ale
tre arloaasz actslrxrat c
invalsa.4 tra clean.
Statellatal Thelosurtnee Oampany.
mu NO 0610 E-T i. 54 El '
o. Minn= Elr ~
1 - rUnaT., XV lit Ullt.
if.%•THE best eviricroorof moms of th•
b....r. Dirvaae t...0....„Vrair aattL
ow 2"
‘-r ..eturV
. ii. te. eelfesst_ et bembeene setl hes
lest, bevies Yawl LSO) meals u 7
07 reme.
.4 rkllng Ow. amigo Optat Ito Alm .
basses are Neese le sq, - thet lowl7 We the sesstelS.
veal 1 e el tae slut ISM. la math tie Le. sad • leth• htle
Dw tpa 2 . - ..:,,,,t7
#irt io .mi=ma wii. . z . 4„2,
o rp a g A pi
tU t %rall."l , .. .L- * . '' SAW 11 714.17
do. . auadial—...r •an is •
Wade not lame sad appame aa4,..awn a& •,
24essa Is Sets of UN oh. Is slide . al
•l in xi. ar. argl it =aa a mat A Aara ,a 4
sad co= tolpere tithe el= the
Wlthlli !!, ir 211.11MrT.2,.. dhow
Is the sales Itt ruha a amatiaar
bin ta, 4.lntaa cia.a, Um aria awrida.
tats a• dub atialar se be eperer los ler as Ithe MI.
MSMwe, of lama ropm r. tr oi or m r. rtror con. r
atala awn caIA4 P 4 A- Zha t erie ad
trOil airon - 7 vilban.
• wog= :mt.:
with Was <4 I U
Is "e5e ,... 7e taa,:„... =:.
iumilty.2,7 l7 ziat.imarw r th±U trc..... 7 ..
CUE a m damaaaaaa, tir
esoad the 1 b the el . ISMS
7firei.. yin ts sated et its Name/
nit Litaaharf.•ll it aor maw Ma aafterant.
, . ..
xvii . c at.them s .V au taMEL =
A.l. noafraL, Actuary.; ..
. .iga.••T
N. 11.-A pan,Dinda=tapaiitintexpiaaa
=Mr: e s
o&C"r alibr,464al=EaS
•,r. nal oad or ortromirorr, ... ••o. A. OVUM e
01 . t14-451V17: ,
Q.A.FLITT I : MAL tolusive, for as
LI 'by tson . a. a Dawn= a co.
- 11011
re qr oa . . . ;.
APASTOR 01.1.-10 erlmstality,
!ci..lOll(M J111434=45-i,-)
_ _
. ,
rit7 20 0.1:2. ' :; IZulD,rrarra•
BEWOII, ClA)Til73o o .7 ll rds,Jr. Wifr
~' ~
...., ,
*24tehtittiravii= taia-•'' .. .
.‘a. the rapt.late *aloe:Wu Tv put to Nz g ...4 .64 ,
vit u t Vsotor mvor tb•h• wr . wow. Wel •• , . .
.. .'••• jl•f ',,
, .
' .fetagarai: -
.. lat•g ; ,
ce a. ,
naeue;aaildewtm.a~ ! m •
mosso vita IL ..., •
&S . F.
, 4 1 6 . 0ri6%,•4 1 0a u ta .
r, s . 4. 1 - a1 1 ri .p... 4: •
LU aa a a = 6 4. 4" ' .
Vr2 i t a ofT:J. /144451,4adVL Na:..,„,
i ftrliii <Am /1 1 .4ria14,111.3..,..y .a . ....t 4
a ; naliCitig indebted'.
WY ollotavta .
ado twoothoo
ka. Fl/1.
• TROW.Le , lILWRLYA 441pfe''
! WM. to.. Log. 11. 13...-- (dotalcorioopo . ~; . ..--1,
• •••'
Ikm ralt• plohj......irctividseeterlhooonm
Pletaiust. An. O. 11112,-rialal
,it :41' Attecoter.tliotiot %
?.. ,', ,
911014s.hereby gine** alt perstaat
1 X WO il MOM ACM Fecffistal hi
..e.mosat lbW) astoralased sads_l
.f WI, t n a a.. snoll asahmet.lls.
semi:a b m a wed asses =tag It i !.7E
• eastasialeatwo ateas
• ows.
instals torsion sad merino psis latas.strU
sr bbay - .lseask sad it p e rsh... et the tLes
-liSe: e t 1 IV? i 4. . 0 11V "' Vr I a 4 s P i h'l 1 0
Walesa IS • paws to villa. adLo Sao
1.. k. hwilwr., re L. We asset }X
met OLtbse rw goy
maalga tame &alas. on Ms Net end or tar
:,.:, ado
rs bras.d..tensuad.asislimmit kiesr b.
JIM • Xf " , —J.—los - 77,v, ..,,it
-- -- -
. ' ' • OILPIIABWI .. , :4 lA=
Ertukace of in: Oricr , ll4u ps , , time.
• Akan af Allagboay Oloestr. the
a Hobart Madm, Ws a
In mid county. 4.1. 1.11 .1.• 11 11
1x..... se Or 20LI
lama sflO i :enV. net-. Us ono •
mg 4 • onnatnen 4( land .In Is 1
tt..4 l l4=a — . . if Lam i l g I
m . zastain2 . l . r . of l o4Agjijozgr •
bTieide 13 da y .(6.0.• .014
1 . 1 . 1 14 book. fa. /6, ma 37. to the ..kt annatzummo, .
In ha aLsa.
Tb..&i.. -- bra 4 lied. ix?: hi 'lift Of
=yak Sam -lo kg • =4 Mato of oulnoslina
Len.arake and bun thn , , and enander an onoatl
• fzu .r nhao known ciCtlto do if to. • • - '
MstdlW pnoning " V IV C.. I
NO /min stanaltinkT •
•. • , /::., /XL .. 4.1 ffltkra.,
EZWART &GEL, " ---
4:1 . C741.
Prr ;11157!ZI1W4
AR/T, eitu ► te in NOTtb . Ullabigtolf 414
W.Lmemdsad 41.160t7: aetendag sheet. liVat
had, as .bleit sak seal ts,
15..2 orramilis; or on tbs smds.
aadLko JOMI
ETTEBror Administration on the ir;
too or Jaao L. 6.-
mood have bms_ mated blb- tmolondissol t vbek
MI wow tsiebad thento anvates=
aski 4 X• ""'"' to nab lawg the mu
- •
Farm for Bale -.
A . VALUABLS ttal4,in Versa il les tawa.
; u. v. All la, Wzt
edalas lama _ P 471 mt. bal. ea
*MLitt ass gocd Mit4 alolus.
=AM sobeerds. • tb. Dramas. . "` 7 .
: • • •• s r 614
O. - •
- -
12. 47 , 1 , 2,11 uutt:gcric
ASH-40 iamb pare, for oaLsi,
OLL. BRUM° E-2 btu: for ads by
G i gGS -4101 QuiSiggai nff i z for sale by
EatiL.2oo , lloll.lorii_eiby ; •-;
yaw , .• •, • ; , •14. RAMO azivnt.
, ' Untranny
LtiL' - '',
D t .t borlith Iq of Oe N,
mbot. 1 s do Wris,-,,-
r ! tilt a alk ‘' t ilk c . =
"Mud Clem/ .64 • ',_.-
~; A. 2konomtio. Maw*
M*I.V. 14-it.tai=l.o4lKtidi:
11 .0obt. Illastihr, mad dliaania•i''
I WO. i=d,, V. b.. ixtboiegLY 41itsp: .
zir an.ri
ispro rmobt..! b: 1 ..
barbs a -.
--111 Prtt
blow. lib bdnurrt
se PUP. ob.
bstel Itst
bar Piatts b tse m.
b baton *barn am=eli• ,:-
'I, ;
WI bast. •
IMMllaWrnia,-.=4" 51.
I'S V•' ' -A drothistrstaei lltodai. l4 ••• -, f :,.3 f
*TM et daminigiatioitisoiiiiiiiiisie. V .
of As Fortes. lab. fit irs Ititsaith.ll.ol. WWI , .
bt=irm aktdelif=ttlatbror O r
M i ke th rst= ,ll" Leli "
Itteb. 11...1.Abp P. 0, lowa et... P. - atselmielP . •
4.. - -
Leearaf s Pi Oat stied aka Maws* . .
=TURES of the .reialar ••
Oho annum sanuliy. at am rasa •
Imet. am emestro Imlll Ur CM ..t brat .
asstflo h rtairit n aUrtir tiall 4M*" % - Zo•
entomb, • --,-..---..„4,1 OD^
n. , :: :Aarky.---..—.....;,............._. 11 . Or .
TM mass, in aft lbw ainfia;r6.7 l l , ,
1 _0
rix 1 10: 1 5 : ,.. = ~ ;. '
IrirEHL,.... IL D 1 relblet *I 111".111/11014
Mlani=a;le A. tionor a Lgri.,:ak se ,
r.... , ..,,,4,,,,,,.,„,,.w...,,,,,,,..
, ,-..-.7-y—=.1:.•&:_...........4.94 A t
p....... ,
... tr.,,5.,4.,i;„.i.Q,0
• . ~,..,,....A
.• .
~ Blom. X. ria ttabwor 0t117.7. ' .
A A " ' 14,......Pmeolutrytor ac
' eifelittil -, ,. ' '' SLT"X=ttm . . t . "41131N.M "
DrGB.--ndi:OWlersigned haring
ar=mirmesar of belmerst at'
los ate. do n•irti.
au paw. eastmadroxantts Aping - the solaMP,
1 Aar
rill-finorr MS3O,
1.5":(4.71...4;5g?" *bomb, ,
%elie " fetals a. PI '11641...'
C 4 F/Ofi will be Made tO
• C ' j 712.1 b•=l
tt3S/L. " `P,h`
'.. • s_ laussixixtirliantdoes, fkipusioni
.ifill'AtAia= b l thorou t ta4
c l ii...t.atiskatta cod woad by_ILLITTAII 11-
. 4. Vs 4= . 11155111. SSt i tura
... wawa, 505,.415. temenst Ilismie n z
t il=lirort .ttli pas] cormuleses 14 at
vort. licze n Ze U Ml:of the= aro so:Utise he
ate Weights !Ulm sad a sim7 Les of ;bar=
74x7 et Ithow haw Umbel Bum 110 d I
ow* ee4 oh thomeg i t iv. rtel. thor bore Imsrm
ad try thin wries gin to be ea eimphate.= " t
se "en ..w Id the %roe
• The Drissaire LI /Lawn wttb ,teetiech
pees, eat Le sheeted 14 thiseliss. sal IMP
waft the ors., ssel atestr Oars Ur vsbi, 81.4
asttrs satiseseskas stisswrftr cried. Maim tat V
ss lo ran I sad as no actecbed to
Wee rem end. Taw atrertlors atanne the tof •
emdttet alx MU Irssow 4a the BMW of TA ,
alma ni men% at thess .. Stret
14.7 * . i . 9 2..* *na11iat ,
; Clore le &Jo loot mil is est or the
. ft; me, mod rot notty Ss set
....,..srat err Ole
We boos me visatag dew
sum Ss Vas of Proabousek. AsialWar.
Ilae lw. mosOers. eat wee. ex Datum amonodirlo.•
1 ....
r" raithremeisteiditlaietritt,
M Isirlitts
_V. virtspeedlowerßlp4e
AUX W. FOSTER, !Warmly and Oonep
, al:10.411 Lai 111 a, mmint“taa, t ra
mrs $
. .
' Qs n..r b....e
1 . IR I
L I L A C 3, A I 1 . (1. '' 1 ,,..4 01M ra •I t i MIL _
.. .
.. ,
6••• Ma aw.; 7.
.11imaltan Ow i=ni, Ve= .
t r.
• • mcan , cleitS. &Via I s m n
- • -
Zin,reffcgits bqtaT :. .
Um saga. 2 well Us. 2el
. ' •
about E. Irony • 'Mai& : :
AMriba'"W.Pcl.l.73.l.l27ann .
Mziinxii i, ' - •
Itrs..Wtrr ~ • • A L •
. w ant a Mille6l7 lsl .
ugaRNT- deeimioas like r
fi fittabiagh PiUli
- .1 ... %7Z wer a&ruitarta
u iirr i _ rAW
..sau.u,/1..R0w mTlr_..ll
a Oa sag.l4. op
nlalt r iE
yu. ea.tri nr, w
T .
u. ... Vc.3.1 .R.
" 7 IV aWeas r r egt: a2 B • rd
bre. • am ran tom
.h/....• ...aleclttfotoe= sad
IVltltf=" or arr. la “ boar. mai Is °'.:'
.ner_ .. tiZZ=.aat
AL .m.... 1 aro 90 . 104.0 SiA±s _ fab.,
Ler= l, !b , gtr ctuwe cEpumowrrlVAlSlre
E: Ste 37 42,0tdd
.... A.. :1 I
A...WnCilbs at SU Om .= .—ti.
......d ..,. . oodva
...r . r . mor u wet tola+ir, .
rt= „ T.N ..., X. tn .., 4= t. Daslarlf.
14,.. Ntatta.
I b.m'
l' =Th a s il t. 6, i 1 iii o.i. Naetbm
sorsof Tidal ad Stsstss stmts. mart` D
Tts. oaks Cloolmst Issitenss et th e lasi to Mr ,
sosse-sam rums. Petisdisl totesslir ut pp
a ss.. l. pram,.
41=00 Los, Latins is Cessiiii
E• 1110011 Trepom.--Els. 111ffilM
.... o•0=1 ,.. 1/11 : 1,.7 . Haw •
Crirst Pta.t mos
la - Joss. =EL JL I M . I.=
igt= n arrssti=_Ts7s.s.
.ntilid Q tll molli•• • 401:=110•••••••• • 17_4•04.... 1 41aa
1412..naugh kalem Do* I.
.14 P•LP /IS ehtsOaetta Is S
•.(U• [toe' Le Pt nat.
=mg 0.11. Ce.s. Ul V
1•••41,112 CDs
' Vabiale Property fa Bale,
am cal/s soal=24l4Bs viltic i ra
Is mist& st tbiat=V.nt.' .Cl4l=3.ftnbra, Dor
Ong Ils. as of s Jot Is lbs matt
s=y s S Ce t h Ln'b2o*s'
nsu of
th ot e " M m
to Moo* :w
1r rgSst h o
asssetassyin ate
put ow ti Dipc -
s t te:Vgatliseta an 440 acm, of.pod iscola;•l....ila
onsillhsissi sam Me aro
ert 41 fine t
641 , 1===17 et th•- am bmil.•••o7
TM .earn Of a l. .afloat
= ik rr. • 5q•Lb0r ... 4. 1. 0e550,..= ,
rariqr- Motirri int narTFR VW( ;
so Übe sentSust bassi as Q. tares
mikes teams by tips Ssolgos /iMs•ar -,
by canal as
All* . =IV tr l S "n r=tri
. Atiss ir" i= Ciao s,.re,==o . ti
"Pas?"' mt 4 '••• "eg 4WD. raorrrntir'
Y 4 ta Jo ma. t -
ilk . '" VrAtikia gabntibtr,
- at • la
6.4 ltrusLtlft . "
usolb. QM= . 4
tzt , /r. larikar lawlll
oirafteSti a''Wj u rW7 aaialfir:
FMos flilltltrThotaems ornet
..oAittf bo
=ir..o. .
'. 1,0 " ,4 f.t.". /IR Mat9Stk.'46.
Ir - "*
T-. 45