--= .t'~,, .. air • 4 - A. _ ' ,','“ - • -1••••••••••'" 'i• • Aiiiiknot. 23. ' . 'pler:- . } fe.ria' ixtf 'in ia'vefy kide Stiadoon , ng voteu for f rut. h3yort. • :In Its nature. •' Olore titnebrits Aar,- but still la ~.ia pimisibly be. - .., ,!•is obrirgn on Mon .'co gntio r.„. f ixe,trisi, cony'boon crowded 'hinr we' hire nova ? ~ ' l ° 'MY 1 =44 by A , ° ki t ha a ' eet a• _ - - , Na.—We copy - - the El!itel" 4 6439: . - 1- - -Accookini to promise. we now put;lish.• list. at tiallategkenfitnasho hare rieltedliewAtigh thi-Titni-i.be.'l3m aciif-,tiie opening : of- Bic Bondi 'nit , I tSl93ltiirclay;' the 16th whose names we copied from , the Sairisteir.'en the Mer rick Moue alai Mrs. Soirbeok's ;Hotel, e nowt* whose: , names s -star (*) WS xed;r tribianot Muslims in Pittelnirgli„entil lire In Al 'Wimp , There, are also twine among the names appearing below, who *serf that they did not write , their vetoes thinoselres, - nor suthorks ctfyirsA.ito 41:51CP/liYl a long lotof. • Purim 41144:01TP°4::fe/tOr''o°,..ted,New.l!righten. • lasox•NztiLits • •:'ll l'Ornitlivt;cur CO r Vitie 'um makiig some:-Tety. hoge , , :wheels, 40 6 4410 be teed . ie the'awamps'eC the South: A,por:which 'were lironht orp the'; .Allegbesty Beb: l 4KeeM447. - here' "so_ huge„ that they . In?rhed soaio bricks pffthuirch lho Fitts- • itiatiasttro Too Ponta ,fitacs.=4, mut Andrulm was emanated to prigbn on Saturday, bt Mayor Guthrie, on-a , . eigistiAt atsturbing liablio peace. - William Sleigh, residing in Sha.; 6famitted to prison on Satur day, bpAlderman „Reinhart, on a cluirige , of re sisting police. officer Vaglay . , While ;Loving on /6, so Sus. —.Tains McCars* committed to prinoti on • . 1 flatortlay,l7 Mayot , , Guthrie; aliniged, on oith r, • WC.' D., ma. with=aawat anahstterry with woman- named .MOoda, 4aaatiminittra to prima on Saturdays by Mayor Ett6lWW cafargr(4. on' oath of_ Ellohoth Ingra,; with baring tot= a butter kettle tic= her: I ,loktp:Markel Itottee.. , 7,, • Biiaer: ` IPorkmcn are noir buil' y en; gaged'ln laying dowb" water pipet, en llidge !tripro'ilt . Alleghenl% - • c omes , *anti* to learn, one of.bii'arms veryeetiottely kiattod;hy becquinkentinglul lathe machinery *Uhl, brother'e flouring mill , . in chaitiens town-, ship; P.1 12 41411 1 / 4 9./ast; `dasss'rm. Kirtland 'street firesaba, vu muted, jiviird*ebargedvith disturbing 'thaVlMblic,:i)ease !ip , gatkiintr' large ; crowd atom sdlhittart the street Ile was admitted to bail ter his nPrtsranee thientorning.'....Thle tam hiM. 2 troseral,timem protohied Mayor eithria to latliplotr.the',grac% deo , Dt street preaching, and 12m0,1 - orieci had now his 'Written, promise, to that etteet,'lmt he Aloes net keep bin word. ". . "ICE'--ics rich far sale bt , - • ' tiTTE.4-t6 zoll butter for e ale by I -give • S. n g.woRT k-oo tt , q T.V.—An excellent:FAMlLY eggs .1. ECITOONILLICER t 63. IC l• . A .1.m5 pdt atadtitticanliftdc, and for sale b i f , corst.lrllaretitnathsta iinOINIIALANCES:fei detecting .oienter :A4tWargitOLgilrlfttr"'"" 111 - IOLD •PENS . -4: fiiie..eeierianent the . eLe use MAU &linnet, tem. and vrareant • , O bbla in atom and for sale by OL:SSES-160 blAs. Plantation, oak;) - 7inTA:titilioViMmiur MINED STIGA.Rri--6.sobbt ••al.l Loaf, J '"" A " Y 17.. ' • W . r tt• • ,pa . BE= ' 111!7Cfi 26,tiercao for,.4.llll_br ' , SJIGA.II-50 hhtlis:-N. O.; .1. sale • .120VAAS11-:40 casks far sale by. • Mtirs - 8: a w.a.tanott: dMS -20 nubs Canvassed; for rale by 4... , bas'i • . a. a w LtARMAITGIr ,IQPTEL TLIRPENTINX-'--30 bble. in fins or: der'.&isa. by • - x. SC3looNitillEta CO. _ TS-10: or.. S ,y, ‘l2*s .r. BCIIOO3.I3ABZP.t CO. 'W I w Y-45 kegs ..(assorted) sarierior. to • 411:11;tho ustur# add in tbitimarksh for sel• '- • Galena; • soon sir fal ~r JAMES A. HUT BON '4 l ,t,llaLli-140. Ude. prime N. 0., in store 14.7 MAI tor sat by • -1. , Matt ^.• • JARFA A3II:ITOMMON CO. - EXP,-200 , balos.l.dissonti•.-Dew Rotted, ',?43.l3'dAitTel.p.Pwr CO. ~s Do. ~...„.0g.....0,•...• ....,..,..,......••••., I. 41031thi CO., 61 WOcd A let.tv•,, ..: , r ~ . , i , , ENMliaGmalm e* J e .., lll l ; r, ][ KWDF43. Jaidip-415Qibe. (pure) for sale .• - snal . .M.DD f.XL $41.4i1t - ATIiI9—,S Was in boxes' and bbbs., • _ #llll7 • • 60 bbla. EL Lot& Rim ClasiEld $17014 " 1 - ,' -' t - 7 7 1 .M21 noTaithate a boles. Temiessee is stare • • wes •. ,tv.e.Dr.3oNr; ea: :}IIOE---2 0 c),ie#os print° Carillizin,' for sale JA.W.9 IiVicEIIZON h CO. ..112LICIVI8T TOBACCOIO . 4 kegs lastredst me- •• • • ! HA 3'4 GREEN-540 44.:8ut or "a 'Y ': , •-'7'.Cordlltuaion•Service MgARDS, cuPe PLATRS, RAPTI& _ , Ronk- ta. 0.,440%,Nr.wn;i0x v- idarka rt. ocoser of Ifoorth.: RY DAVIS' PAIN :KILLER-. - zoie j .l..6l.ane vs.' • t Jib; • to Piustnartb. 43 13 ESWAX WANTZD--The higbtst price: 14 "! illb°9 11 / Zi e lb17 1 43t;iiim . /et • ... Fir..., Wand 48.C10EREL-100,bble. No. 3 X (1851) for: see by . Deml •, • fIaIRW 4: .- ' -. 1 .;::'• : r. . . Watehele : • ...• : : .. 1 ..,.':: ... - 11IPT.ILECEIVED, bythis iaorninelh ex. elhtucaereyeaperielanorbaert at'WeW ' -I , llaihßuctlourtedemetteeugamers sad lbe . • - 11 , atea11 ...,,,.. .. A.. y • Ma" ery'heverhoer. erd Woad ...good.. sweetmeat or des Wahmee • ea awe rerrrearan easteroestablishatna• Our .r •-i Ur with lama and Imhartees wench as Z N2 hal ea 11 - ateeetlalaw thst era as...mtted he sett ah /Oren nra. , rte.. &Mai in the UMW Stales, • , • ...e.../ I,I A ..1.1.4 17 experienced sad nntaw vett.. • *admen, ray dope= au havb4 Iteeir W5! 4,10 , elr.IM:3-#4lNb"_. birTNlTteriV, !faker . V ' • .thriti ~."••..4 - h'i„ *lone Herteliat. gThie; .• .. ..._ BER&GE DE, •LAlNFA,z=nds' samiewuet. Mt. be Nal at Lb* •, • SPECT -11 A-PLES-Alargo amorttnant. r uctoptual Vlvot Atria at every to• ottloo sotogto to the seilecgrZireptit i ld.: VriTASON:CTiieSie' vrVESOLNG.CONPOUND;:ii-)i N trAl. tdta kr rata tbr pablig bread . 'a ring of 13 per main kerteaaaa -1•41 .on no slg= - en for 461.14 AlAll Dl Z e t blEr CO.! ' I • ASH i 0 bhla. for gee by - • 'sat , OANFrELD. INSEED 01L--30 bbli. GriSiOid'ebrind, Evr rale br joItCANETELD.. i I ASS,-.4 c1u..1 for sale -• • - oriluzo)4Anabltti'nan:twriral Ibz:•fortsalelly ' • ILA-034xlzrOcK a Co: 1F0N....ET5.;••••50 dEr#. 3 .lbreiiMke,tor side by • ;J. g. CALM/lUD: " ',!;4 ~: t ._ r ,: ": VE=Millt 11411,,, ZD U Maailiilt Sins AME2lll . ol=7lllll7l7arantrlCl - (11JUITZIG: ' - Suriato,sal suscßipTios. ; • . Locurua.4.Au'in. The votes's...taken to • day on the citf Ea; ecriptiou of one asMion-dollars to the tonlatville and Nashville Railroad; and 6200,000 tO the Jef fersonville and Coinsobtur Railroad. - The ;votes. are not Counted, bet ,enough to make it certain R ut both ems cassoaxl 171;400, Ch Annuli 2V , Al 7, • . The Culiiin taws is eausinsitici veitestextiW tient here. The papers, as well as the people, Who were heittotore oppesed•ta the Man ape dition, are iciere upon the Spanish -tiooltiament. for- - their brutal treatment to the prisoners, , and the outlive& the Weenier FAL= TENNESSEE ELECTiON. menu; August .51.. to the Kooning &strict, ChurchiD; Dun; 0' elected to coupe* bye small majority.' This wM make the delegation in Congress the Urns ae last session.;Catopbell's majority is 1,200. • DREADFUL . ,• Augala Last evening dm" villages of Witte:demi, Wee, Cambridge, Boinereille, Medford and Malden Were visited by s violent tornado, that swept .a space of MO frith fearful veloaitY.— Monsen, factories, hotels, and , baronies'', an roofed or thrown down: trees *ere prostrated, and'aiimmensearoonit of damage• dons, some • eitimating it as high's $109,000. Many per . were seriously injured: !Two Mir* Mown completely across Myetio Seer, at - Mod= ' - Toni, digast,lo. The - otemzuddp Humboldt Oalled to • day tbr Haire with 88 panel:lgor', and $180,000112; Maxtra hat fa c tory was horned last , right-- loss $4,000. ' ' ' Tobacco hag; declined $1 100. on ill. quail tits , during the past three 'dam and dill tend: ; The, 'Wainer laniea _Hewitt, while being takin on the, dry dock, at Salaida.vaii sunk' with the .dock. 'The Hewitt. Was " hummed in $15,000 - in the Colandnie, lossington, and t. Louis offices. The dock waeitot homed—lois eitimated at $25,000. Roth are 'nearly a total: NEW YORK meant Nrw Year, An& 23. [lone—Sales 4000 Ms at $ 8 , 76 a5 8 . 87 for Indiana, $3,87Q53 for Ohio, and ®412 ,toe' Genesee. Rye flow is held it .83,50 per bbk. Grain,Salas 7200bnshels Ohio wheat at Ino and 2000 Genesee at 95e per btesheL ' Nye is doll at 72A Niles 8000 Imehels tikixel assn. ; at Proeitiou—Pork li Irrigt*, ie prices. teem Is bad at Sl6, and prime at $12,25 tip bbl... Bed and lard are enaltard. Cut' meats_ere doarermaes 20000 Ths at To for shoulders for hums. -,mi.71 .Oreeeries-,Sales 200 hhds Cuba a a gar s@ 51, add 200 basaltic coffee at eig9doillb: 'Sales tohhds Museoeido moluies at 24e. Lead--Is fuse, with saint 500 yigalKintonsi at $4.75 pa 100. .Spirits Turpentine—Sales 200 bbls at 88.1684 per . Linseed OR is held at 740 . 41 Tobitcco.Bges 20 hods Kentucky at 5}r... Btoiks-11. 8. Coupons have advanced {; Edo hos declined 1 per` cent., • . . • Nom► yam, Aug. 23. Cottari—"lhe =keit is firm. with Biles 1600 . ylour—Bales 11;000 bbls at $4 for,Gtotem & OW, and EAT for:Sesta' ."(irsk-4bere fi little &Imam& for ,bast Saks 20,000 bight's corn at 5606* for tree= . , Provisions-84w 300 bbls 'mit'. at $l6 for mamma, and $16,60 141' Jald is WO,- Ceffee-43a1ea.600 tog Rio at Vigils. OENMNATI itAHKET . Flour—Tlue market. alcaiedi 10e &dine, with tales 1000 b1de.at.183,30; and 100 bbla, as WhhBceir,-.Bales al 18e /I Cheese is in good demand, at clav rrarisions—Weslo bbde Wan, at ii€J 9 l o for ribbed, and 10}e for dear On; Amadeu. o ID , s portion of which :urban far 84, Nothing done in . gram:eke. ; • river Is stationary.:: IMI.ITMORE MARKET •-'Ficrur!—Rales 250 bblsciti .berrel. - , • - Pririttioni—Mtes tork:is selling at $16.50 Bt bbl.. Eisen is selling st 106110 for hstor;. 9 3 @Via for sides, and 8 @Eli for sboablers. Ages of Lad st %Olio 1)1 - • • • Grocerier-Ssies Orieklur molasses st 88@i850. &les of Porto Rico ongsrst 4®70, sad of Cabs' at 41(4610 "0 lb. Rio Cello Is 3424 at 151(g)-', 81e,-and Eisquiges st 9}ald ' Msekorel—Old Nos. ,1 sad 2' mackerel wit sabot -0.13;501102 bbl: York , Nci.'2, bags 6,50 (€15,76.: - ' • •' • ! rbiskey—Sales at 221(32240 IR gain: SOAP -300 bineello 'sin, °heti Wands, for 13 aid T)Wixd it. ip.0170122 balea inseam and for sale by . fwaufc.LWAffit„ COTTON 13ATTING--50 bales Saraily, oD aeadgazopt. or Isla low lo Llano: STRAW WRAPPING PAPER-50 ream " '"` ° " * " 7 s ft sciloo l guluai a co. Jar PONGE—Extra #ne Turkty,lbr sale by . 3.13411100 A 7214.= rabiTB GROUND IN - OLltilallb. - tanc andltsr,Trakter.FtuvpsYpil.e:l.Fo3lsOrirn. !.27 '''L 4*. r r OMt . /172Lk C 0414 A 0 . 7 = f1 , anf' 9 2 &IkußdrEmiVicz.foi• bbls. for late by .1 TV .tar ' 3.BCITOONDL. maim). LLEN'S Nene and Bone Linhintd s , _ iipttp-41. bales Missouri; foist& bi; COTTON--l 8 boleo for ado b }•3O ' RELY, ItArIBIZWIS 100. EAD-1359 pigs Galena; for isle by . 340 -LPEFINED.SUGABS-124 bbla. Crushed; ulverbet. -83341 CLAIM Iluszafrbed ICinr To* fla al. WM.. • OM. :4H:t:I P Y..uif .. ICS-416 tea. fresh Carolina t Tor ario by ' • hak WIL SWALE! CO. 1TAL 7 1.10 .. b. N . C . , for oala A g co. SOLE LEATHER3OO Sidesibast Hanka Taamd Aar York LadberitaLlarr ANTED—Land wantadawanted, for O ototalao atiton rtpAoto kojorm, soxas 00. At nArg= IRB E-;-25,000 foe sale ~y ~KATIIE}ILS-Fosenla b ~ , :, . its ISAIAU XClzisoo. FAIAR-45 bbls. Cider, for sale by Y. Jos-....J.D.wusuitse co., S RITt TIIIPENTIO bbLs.4 c ..„ iL l & ti ;emrarjgimatr iIiONACCO-20 keger(X li go) No.l filz Todd, for ado b 7 BALMS,. nun 75 PIM R , ...' OINOBACCO-1,25 boxes iso'd - of the boot ° ""Brul ETON' WWI WATORES,- of Double Hunting ,AlLL t rix If . .ILUE“ , u .. ::rad i rr , to dr ma both sub.= roordnol 14:Zig uic r , tOrn“ Atai& tostibrits. ATIEMS--2000 lbe. for sale by W.IIAILLVOR, CILA,SS-400 boxes !Wow Masi; sawn aosituossr' , Dr, . .a... 4 71 • • " revltsllrm;gfr. sao'i VANARX 5EF4 1, -314001 ei treCeited from 94 r . ..a5,,a pi:4r sattraler b ite ' o.l4mMod lit 4 than moo. EFINED BORAX-500 lbs for sale: by '1•14 EMDD Co.4olFood P. -10 °° 14 '"f°7 SAND PAPER,--60 reams seed, for UP PAL—AO 1)14 No.l, for oale:by ,itt • STICK h 31eCel0Lat. POT OLAS-- , 7 tons Pc..2ere!. Pot Clay, Na, 13 1 R7 2 •• •V 11241Mailego. :024.7 - ,',. •.1 .275211E0/12,440 . 4811W=, irdide,inait4raltitusum.Yl4-vatfiL c‘iiii,,, . :LA thloOldto 4:Lotion otisuseoltblatilhildli 'no , ettitsalstat itteamattsod th. *waft of tito —Ns , kw• losmd 11tototit to vitdelrolte l tatt. n - 11 etthg boo. 000 tribithtWolgbgiElLiettO Nltem at the Ens( or the eitthlletaltiat: the pods. bin beg emu°. to tooilstibt Wier' go on attlateettaa a/ EN tnittethetu ,- , "•a. . aatltettedittoj '" •'" .11.)" - • NEWTILNOV(IOOI*_,_IaV,I' , FROM ENOLAIWFRANCRUP 41.41 1 4 NY .f4ONSTANTLY;ORIVINO; "ntiOdyli; asd 13.u....,;,ut.i. m .v . Brim CU:layer [Terra dar *....,13404. • rtußon ••..tat. .aamanamkpwr I lacy Basket 4. Work Bain, fi: P= . lleat i t i Coallotlemars Papas, Bova. . %loth Dr.ip n oth i t.r . geles. ow.= 814.... P..antgprtm t ~ esror at'U'a,.. codling vadetr of other . WIL suglfam ' Hof Ckomemoorm • : . . :it • „ int. a. orvosawa...“. IpAGALEY, wootTivAirp.• 004 WhO ol• Groom. 991-Itsrirst st: • • • V 4/ a. 1. Mcm0a...—.,..„,.....,P10p..1131411.1 ar', irClNEVairri 43. °'='"U' IO Nara Wham44241,161174".4 To Plumbers. CoppeiliosithViiii•:': • tviTHE undersigned 7* i= Anzbirid avert asnipt.of PL . M• ffprir=dr Paj m trel and grown and ;Wash Cm! = . Crargct d Am. tar, Antim Lrishr"essester. so: Sl:Vsnea,Mos EgM = l * ony, Marbly kilstribr-Wath,S - and* , t,3 order , . • . SHWA, ODATIEr& • • ,Tte and. • • Steam Commtinication'beitypOiTCalk. and Gbagnir;'•;';-' , J4';;:. , , • ar,,oh m ,and..New„Yiirlr4 ••• Steatrothl li tatiy i t o k=rtl a s =hip 0 hots•Str. IL fleawort, Oats of Ws nsrd ers,) romnsotisr,___ht Wort:tad to w York al 6,, olas....'"tt 114.fti Oclob r nowt. • ly O'clock. noon. • - .7; ~ maaas - • First ca. ttiokt!doitiowtt.t.4•4B2 il=lt= "" rottrons,lititantiliktni‘ . which till alpyo.2l ow bowl, at . Wells rhst • kortnna. • Fut trajght punm a lair hz u tt Lomovniz, Ai:g!uit 23 New York .Indist Robber- Werebgese,, • No. 27 Naii2o.Lane,ieutd - AWN' rt*trotrort, Pint corner from Broodrints tutor/ tritsoi24ti st. , HE SUBSCRIBER; ProAmettleat s this tit- A • tablishment. voulfrteribrso LH OW MMOMtsflArkel mmohaats Emmons. that ho is dailL rt sso= ri , fs. ISlVAL ' a:d a s= r fs= "d omig . v, nu tad.. asai Wag, (7.0 balto . r . tatrodneed - sta• 204 br CZ: 2221 =r1:2222411221.22 02112111. ' . Spools] stunstkel mum; n i e . be tore or eiromdaostyaOss CA in ..., a 9Sfas Muria-6 to 64 Insossim Oxllls ors from thotostA z ok.sod 'nth We smaTisirsii • rm. attar. -Ito oaa beano "' red; . * Wire 4 trio. apes 4122222 71. ur.t,z us osset scsoost to imoosolot . WO muds sa4 mo .. oma 024222,222 OV2Ratiorg.-4 (bat doek ortill" r 2321 2222420. fano Molmonstorl Ras to so. r a, frog i obachut .l . is site .2.1 /mud sad Lined 1191110 1' ._ ._ :... ' ::: . 7- 7 7 7 A complotoroortommt Qs moms{ moms= Moo; otothes.mots. Coes,- ooftrrtth.____ DIOT2P2 / 1022 2=4:4. 4 , 4 _ A ussiipau. 2o2o.o . liser , „=ige2 4l . ld rnt2 "t r. ' 2111: t 22427 Aostsfilaart r im edmaanbcmrtr o! Sp ilrull„,i. rbALVAirarro.ir j aHftitioadoeiai z t •notr• or tazimd,,,,,11... :Yr 0f.Rm1.,.. them Wats Sms• Wes IWart*.nsttO stis:f' li . li•;i 0 V.: : ,':;' • •: ' lihawhir Clitialdrlllhugglis . T ':::" ; ' A:, 8.: Binv , lo. 6 Cortland!' Fir, .1 4 1:plik, .5. new -''at Mt Shawl Pr Pod wee af Pall sad facer MANIA arriri of aeotab and D... Waal .leo_a Mum with a fall anartmant of rnma rim Wassalempre lad Loas Alaaaa rump.of Co Mariparnate t Wks, wet Trivet =ANL MAN minas teapot ADA irtykr. manaleatcuad Paha pile Woad PP own a. lrirmlaa, Noland par erirlliaarnta t o o . ri " ralVw• l44 , all ttn i rIVIVIAMICeI.. meat of atlawls, nd maraud*. apaialw , wear,' etworPrilaat In charity. Awo„ mi WINS =OW PIPAINNIVbr Wollribitia Stuarts. ace Maarinat, 41riatat is win . , tod Print . To the P.ublio.. te.lti. RUBBER' SELOP.-.o6 , ,otteittan too tom oilltd tor tkoptitejnot i llitookat Heat tha 4:oorio l f Violitt&o " 0f " =44,12= oho. rr th'u = "l l3== "U M et' .. iti%: .rasn'a Patty/ onto oar oolg t = . t r ooa L oc Vroloro,oar Memo Ow tho of India itabtorOboot =War Fitotloop t oar =tom gaut ore aiSr . ia: . . tiroo, ji t ; str4 4 ath4 toot. eme lt rilnal: ott' -" lgolotsta PCP* mk'" Vr a st4 l e‘Ookto l ===toor = gu trif.l " l. 11= "4VAI oar uoToot•ord oar moor tux*. ' moat= Mr. My. diM•lx. sod thatsootrear pirating upon uwaroto , o "drat. toe tosoottortson of a. at.* tttOob bo lo antritte to tee IN snaAnigt. .zatie• th at tot and oil 10b0... conotroott itics•to pi, a0te ..... oestodlog bit olowattoltprtlitOtti ^t tiaestrmo t r.!..i.:11F11.4 ~' lurwaliumnizitica:: - u 1 ..., . .. taill Anic. DrvisiMos . . ~ : .: • • • - , R. Elottblosao,PtOottat, •, - : - 10127)*VO. - • "' Jim Yiiisararnui. ust: , . ...,_ holba •- I Cm:noun, Aug 23 W.liolbeiian, - - . No. 76 Maiden lary, l Nno Abbeir in FRENCiI ocl IPANCY_GOODS.Oe3=SATO7I4 91$0 , ikum..4.77:m k. Lot. , Lo_ tann i ••'• • - Superior Black :Wl_btag =d em* I. ••. NE'S TEPESE INK, sr *A paps,' 104414,41, Pam York. i- • Qrarti.47 . dos-: • .,,f11.60 d ?....,.; I. ..,., - .7,74 . ;1 r e. :.. -1 , •rf I •••••Ir . a ; ',... 1'.....:: Cka,r6.14. 1 . 4' itt VIM:Wu vbriyematt. , -a 4 TUAWAS Yen 1 siiyagifgpfl,,. . 1t L.1., ~.BoultLesoyattrx elYr wot.i.i.s., =dart' ' - iii t d. - '..' • , lalsr,fib er ik -;.- 08, • :aft. rates*V.r.t." =VIM l ti .-...s modae.. c . ..:;:1e yeas - 4 ' a t r ...lMtr, EU db.liF l = 4 etZrat tia• as co elte r wr i t ..".g'k,M'- . ... MAtt.z.=-4 4- 14141.9=W; .... L. ---,, ,,,,.. er 4 . 2 . 1 :. = , ",......,-4...... -. . b••tia. ' WPM Of CC.M'''""' 'l" IS Ig t ." . Eilw. l evalllair-, .::.•: : . : . . 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UMW 4 11;;ft t ne Ira,. 4 the Wt of oiLues . Ca:meta •• fa tho• Ora • Eri , lik r * .e k ''. TOMlUS.ltsfitilko•ol.; „ • ••• tosannoto ira ti• inflow ' I r.. , 1 , : , EF .... earr W4 . a k t .ruts.ss , . alb. lis•kirin• Ilartsw . N i l dr ,c,, 4 , , 7 ,.. 7 . ~ , t",,7.4. • . 617 .. 0 r r , ~,._ _ _ _ . iz,......414,04..111t40."am5.4.13.. irarlity. b alti . SI . , • • • - • ••• •7-- " " ' tiiraSt WlAlDS_WDLUlF reptmantaicwau_de.best akawr or Mit 111•110111117 j eitirn `r d . rbeltimeratnte.MC o z, t‘actlK, Ittee.64 Un bee arm mod ifroarth, the b/cee It emtetrelh. ¢tlhum% mearal sem.. ad eves. Imakl. oll . AO" Iti tale e..leteLtre =mem med. ittepllA a l las tthe ender to &Ital. a Lb. 111 .mdblieK .3saibmsas. but duemem ire tad Ihnettlidk ee mates to thit keels Ram% ad ;saxes 0 sod tmrwv a mule. at Choi reteete. V bere ..Neao•s 1i which had MI itraterb Ilitteaae tbU stettklbe st t memoir. The Tore hot pew Ihmiett afire galkeltif, • pl Meal, at nth. el the vir.4 pmc4441.1.. dtair, erase hr Dr. 0137.1). Ertnal Is Ulf* lint ad seneu, an, ea a2ial lase nee Me 461161 . di5t ty nlar, 'ore V 34A trame...here ILMlXdatet t. Ir. MI; weft on DA etar.o4.6 ia bur be& Ur. ihri.p numaxitaaar seen VW WWI amilial basal test wall be emeartette thyliktket Slay earn. sake Pay beteett "resaar. Lan ail steed en nacatss, Selene aar tea can rf each erJur-k la lee IVOR tt MI. I .s..stroand 'by 1,7 me& Is est an•enoltsl'iler Zeal leastiakana vs" se la Ileseas. 'Jae astatel (tibiae Ins emu al aal Ska Ina knee. anima.e nalared sae Gab uC itestall testa els llMP•qkryiThr Imsrt bsaa. " • Ma- Ikaal Ws el* esake* W•adas.bele‘sassa that no ass' easet linease of Kra Ile ases lo Ur duo Mimi One a (anart tee 4. 1". 1174 . - • • iri .'. 4 4 4 . 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