The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 21, 1851, Image 4

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. . .
. • '...,.._ ICAILIOAVii us Auiikwa:—ThelEitetta- CentMit
tea ityportifa . bp the r glabatin Internal Improve
..• ': : Matt, antielitica; held at 'MObile la 'ldarlast,
;--- - -- . - has :iisimedmi , ntithisei die obj6ct. or +Web. is to
, colistliciatook.on, to a • motenVof r n ThOeds
. throtrOlAto Biota; : The bcconitiso 'recommend
' the moneeut of five lines or toad,of which
, .. the:omit Of Midi:dons •as liewithcit , Alabama'
. •
in esthiliteditti 4032,000 -
11M gimp( is the Mobile and Ohio Rail
- .., - "road,. nein*thatldobili bay with. the, inouth,of
, , ' -.- the.mi,„7,,when completed this rood Will beat
. - . Mang. or ,ea crossi ng
' Utiles lang, CFA -- . TO - Stated d
' - . SlM:tepees ot latitude iSt, itetiourso Lathe Ohio,
-. .witere Itwill conned; by-the Casio and Chicago
road, With taseries of intertmethig' linea already
' ."' completed:43;la penmen, 'extending mare , than
• . 2000 wake T he Alabama division of the road le
•cmt n.
sixty Miles, sane estimated Mist three mil
lion do .-, - Opert,tiettfitpon' it were common
: . cal at !lota° !et-Minna *October, 1840; and
thirty Miles itilMoein operation in Decent-
The ' ' - and Temiestieo - itiver "italhild
, - will ei d *Con Canter ' s Landing, oh the Teo
: , memo xi
.., lit tielma on the Alabama slier.
•' , two - *lea , This mil form-a Portion of
l e
the pr ioress ' end pn3jectedlon the meat
. , direct teepeditio seat of connextion between'
. the G 4,rafaxine • • d the Atlantis States. A
short b h.M . IE- 30 connect it with the rail
. .Giargis tut :South Carolina. Its' coat.
II es - te am V.6 06 ., 0 0 0, • . . ' ' .
i i ted
• The third Tanta a section of the Memphis
. . and C esCon rood, Vrblch. is intended to con:
• neat te the T e s aid . Selma road,-,by a
branch of one•htni miles, eta cost' of V.
: • 600, . Thelon io.a line of . one hundred
- sod miles to . form a connetion _ with the
Memp 'a, Charleston, and Ohio and Mobile road.
its m cost is $2,000,000. Thelfth is the
• • Mobile and Girard road, for connec ti ng Mobile
bay wi Columbus,. Georgia, on theXhattanoo
, - the tiler, 230 miles, which will coat $3,000;000.
Previte capitalists hare eubectibed liberally
toward these enterprises, but the object of the
. co
nul l,
ttes is to' bring the subject to the attest
, tient o the Legislature chosen at the late elect
. ' ion wi a view to odtain the aid of the State, by
the loan of its credit, to raise . the means siecee
airy for, the completion of these roads.
, .
&no:M(111021 Or Tax TJlTratos. op 'Arnica.
The - Washington corres pondent 6f tba lonzinsi
of Commerce says that a'plan propelled by Lient
IL B. N. for the exploration of
the interieff cf
/dries; is now under examination
• by the. GoverumenL -The lettersitye;—
Lin& IVellier's plan is simple, and cotta the
government nothing. ficaake leave of absence,
on &inept 'fay, ,far himself, one midshipman
onte - engineer, and six mechanicsi. now belong
ing to the naval service, under pay- and
- nothing: - 'HBalso asks for the .ttee of a small
• iron steamer, to be built order lie direction--
which mama' he will take oat to Africa in one
of the government store ships. This boat will
' be made In two pieces; and will be eo light that
she can sootily be carried around the falls and
`,"." other obstructions that may be met with in the
• • Mr>i'latkins does not even asked for retinue
,•••• for his putt in he eipects to procurer Supplies
very 'cheaply , by traffic with the natirei. Ten
thousand dollars" Will cover all the eapinees of
the expedition; which the Government le, called
upon io pay.. Mr. Watkins will take a draftsmen
and a taianalint, its a physician, wittchis,narty.
Suitable Men, who are already acclitoate, will
- volunteer for the enterprise. tElixer eight color
ed men from Liberia, whciare accroateinei to the
natives, and have bee - engaged Mformer explco
; • :eations,'wifibompletethe exploribg party. One
of the meii;ldoore, accompanied Captain Trotter,-
' - of the British navy; in hinempedition.
.11r. Watkins will first mph:ire the St. PauPs
--a very interesting river , ,and trade it to its
source. ; The valley of the dt. Paul's is very rich'
and beautiful, aloha be of great importance to
Liberian commerce, by reason of ita : iMituthie
productions. lie will next trace the Niger wad
Comm 'and other important elvers, from their
mouths to their sources, and proceed to explore
the vast Mid low imlmown regions of the interior,,
where;for aught' -we know, natural products of
, novel mid *rich character, new forms of civilize:
i lion, add unknown races - of men; may exist
Mr. Watkins is confident r from thkinformstion
which he derived in Africa, during his former
. visits, Out he can find coalfields on thedt,
and Woo, one of the chief obstacles to the cash
. lishmem:of steam communication between thin
• country and Africa will bo removed:
It la the ready objection to the project, that
all the African implorers hare hitherto perished
in their attempts. they effected tiomething.
Lient.• Watkins Says, "If we do jgt come back,
our Journal *ill, awl there willhe many officers
ready- to takeVm our work where we leave it,
• Vienna jails:mils Stele that the first ascent of a
locomotive up a - gradient of 140 was made; on
the Bth hest, by the engine Spe, on the new
'.l Austrian railway which passel, over the Simmer
' lag jbfoaotain. The .engine was of the eight
wheeled used on the Southern Au
, triati Rallway. The engine drew up an eight
wheeled loaded truck at the rate of 14 English
miles an .hour, and 'was stopped several times,
resuming Its journey at the will of the driver.
. PECIPERTZ.-- I b.rgg..ill s trav a tTilk . limtk.
'be =Os mg=
114 Bromul it. -
UTHEITING--100 bbls. (dry and very fine)
k.'r4.10,7 J. 140110otilLAILEIS
QALERATLIS-- tilt • ( warrantedpure}.
"1,3 tar sale by AX
M.rKEREL—Nos: 1,2, and' ;; in bale
wad M. ; for sale
JOHN. lixri a co.
.104 73. P. TON BONNUOEST it CO.
SEEBE% 7 7S boxes for sale by.
, - S. L.TAN no?lNnw rl CO.
CHEESE- , -200 boxes primp, for
AsEtab!Du. fojr.lll,l4rno.
QALERATIJE3-125 boxes pure;
.. 40.1 "b 4: , .1. is. CANTIRLD.
L l ! g i p m E. 9 OIL-20 by
LAK6"--11.8 4 -3.0 bble. [ White 'Kish;
- 10 bbla.Lek•Trrn ..
- _ • _ .
: PIG IRON-150 tone Creek Pig Irian
Ob tans Bois Creodri, ,do do
tons Shod* - do do.
• ' dOO by • • liOlgliSON LITTLZ CO. •
7716 Cll.l. Liberty Amt.
'dawn jukt reekred and for silo bT.
CITRIC ACID-250 lbg. just recd and for
ar S: Jae E. S. SELLERS.
LEATHER -100 Sides N. Y. Sole, for sale
VI be USQUITO 'NETS, Blue, White, /to., to
bad at istorell
^ • //6 ' • • aroartre a BoIiCIITTELD.
of Fronetk and lsoodcan. A v er
. CdiA, olyun on
hd and for isle Dr ,P muttvz....„.
FIBII-150 bbla. No i 3
i lti u4g. ' 4 14
- 2 ' l° by
• Join( wniv k co.
lyßAPikne'to Extrn;Fine Green;
. :1 - 9e .. v i ineiroe , lie j le s merz ui n
CANPLES -- KrboreiStar; - ,
• 3via
SQAQXR_Laverin and Pulver-
N...?1191,5z0?:;.!0 . 15 ,. t0d Clarined,Tot tale er
Jrts •
ea - M arTGINCLA3I - 8 - af A ssu e r a.l U.
• ;ampav& ausaarnam.
IFIREASE-115 plaaWeia - 19;4
.IT4' _ ISAWfDIGILLY a co,
r(iIODA ASH-45 =akar for sale -
OFFEE- 7 125racki Green Rio' , for sale by
Li jilt- • ~! !a. CULBERTSON a co.
.%..., 1 11 1 0 u. A.eq0
. -7100 . boxes Manufactured, W.
41° 'Aft. nr:tr 94 • 1t be? E ma.
130TASH,-.2) caskßiptuv, for sale by
i..JTII • . , 11.8. DL4W08.21111 00.
CORN:-.501) : bo. She!.lod, for sale by •
.A,MS•74 cluits - aulierior; • for sale [ru :IWB°N'd.'
bbls; far'eale.
.) an*t. btu, e tßuti.l tb r ni "
127 ' ll j -- • - WAtA•
. .
, -
w superiorlouzA_• zee' d
1248 ERD OlL—is ga u
~nouNittir are.Tor sale
. : VA Wood Aent.
OIL.-10 bbk: pare wintek.
No. IN. Woad R.
- •
OTTLkIXT.KS-400 g o. far sale by
„ • O. — 67 Wad ,
• :••• Wall Paper d.l3ardera - • •
PA.T.MEg.;•SS Maiket str e et, re r
4 : : ,- .= ; . 4 .invitortho *tend= a purelarersin Tie
• saki to luetA, eaa " V ''''''' bsei "'k " W ' r"
- - -
- tee Assard.tam, moo Zed Wait bating, for
_Narroaraorr,sslsLot the IsKtts MAW liepat,
.14 airoxi . st;:• •J. It U. PHILLIP&
-., ~4-s" illt?W::,kca,
1.104,F,!,,, --1'..:11,5,;'.., 'u,
':: I)if'Wiritianr:;;±it
' - 1 ,les.`t-4f i tti"-1: ,
' ...,,,,,... :,:::,,,....,-4.1:;'
. _
", ~,,, .-.--,
.-:-.„., '''
L .,..._
e ¢ KSpiVIUSIG.-&:0---
351 •
AritAST: a - Problowi reprinted with ccrttee
,F. iinna.asal Wl* ocatbus
. llr.Allaa 'Lanka.
= " 111 . Cleneariewia Sink 14JainliiiAcat.
•.Tal• of thiT'arilasa
.Eaailarn a Tiae: br .a..ll•DnalT,aatJantor"ylienas
. dad Vortanin. ria.
Ar gy acaea Ilecaaalei Hagan and ErtalaaareJcarr
naC _
• yrni• niettowt or Maataala. Dntaa 7/..
Sr. It and 22. • .
Lotalaa'a Ple
c; D b
aurTn Lal Voak thallakalkar. N. 14;
"" Palestine: na Qoga2lry.val Bible II Wars with 93 Lltta.
L ru T
or o raSt 01110165,35:2-
9 . 77 [Vn)" •
• TS AWL° /11:11:11=1. Itoarth ••:
New Books. •
gaODFRBY MALVERN: or the Life of tin
/Lather. • ElLThsantutdaller. With ttrooty.smr
' b
• Travels In We Ptatee,Le-,slarlds;•lMO atal
By the Lady Patomelleta Stuart. ley.. • •
• • No. Bof LoWno Labor cost thn Laudon Poor. - _
The above books Just reel and tonal br • '
Jrzi_ c. WYBCKTON. 4111orket ea.
No.B, for
la HottnerallotneetJe Tale.
oy o
. t r W itr i l u tab la y V i reeir . 51 "" 11 ‘ 1/1 1 M..r . S ''' -
ltmajiott at LIOLIIda . Literary Depot. ortacalto OW tort
33' of Byrne's ictiontrrye ' f
Sleatanlee and Csmineetiost i. t .i..tha -
Aprieton'a aleobordord
. dhate.-A.laWri miatottnentorelaseleal end &boot books,
laW• We'd sal for sale by J. L. IMAM Agent.
. tg B.oolkt thsildingta'Pnarth
t Ni Bo—Ragoi taken In exchange- • j/Itl
NenarMusie. "
Tilt SPIRIT POLKA; : composed 14
, Eloper. sat dalleated .to atephint C. Poster, of th is
is; arranged by IL Metter as plated bY
Ptlrr',liirttri of ret=o_. u . 1.4' 7 1.
. leer. Joan. with variation, by mare.
The autumn or our Tema. by a roma Barker.-
Mao, dm, etelection of Fonoco Sluts for Paulo. Slut%
Vlolistto, . ILLBBdit. PH Third otreet e
1. mon or the (Mitten Harp.
, P. ILtr-A rolendkt lot of new PIANOS stow ortesdai..
(toe♦ ROA oseond.hand 6 seta. Piano tor WIN
.1 IL Pin , 5.4. PablVe Ireeimeuta <ha • United Mees e
Mom the Ateemitztof Ileome limhinglan to the heckle.
IgatatiTig d lMlD= d eu i rjo==lstlate Mary
hltutrireritr itrermamatalnlntr
Geotrraf o rt Brieuttfestretteal. Semsaadent mut 214,
•Ither with
=I P° of the An. ll•initedere= • Retarder the
Itmette lor the "Xlms from •
The aim* valembl• matti f ode bT ' • -
Jet? , • It. C. STOCKTON.II Idertet
Muis for the Bliximers. .• .
KLEBEft, 101. Third street, eikti of the
Lim; tiaajmt meelred—. •
BLlArtftilL or NNW Wnxuttß POLKA. 'with I
Manila.' vignette of the Bloomer tustume:pablmbeCas
der thumb...ace of the Bloomer% tomimedbry legor.
eoKVAXIL COM iful MB. Bea . . r.rr mrtsbur mas.isas on
sterl Beaut r of "Nell) arm • lady..
Alao; s etuAllr of Boston immermmeOleolikut.
• Chickeris o s .Pianos. • •.•
rt anin' ano, r A
lgtetnt f
r ghe •
W c n g n s ne Pl vaua, f (+moo t do. r
mO l .
hoe raretred .I.IOOIV open for We, the R.I. •
lowing elegant aseartmant of Plano Forte; divot from the
ettorofertory, at Mr. Chicaning's Maw* bwkag
One eleent 110 wad sertibgraod a•tano, l X oalwrar. • •
Pb. plain . " •
One L !, ' tweed " f 33( •' i
One. " plain .731
Three " • " round corners, 0
The aboryPlerio. Porker, are of the Welt styles of furni
ture, and with all Mr. Chlelrarin,eo Itotoorementw t o o
W• Orrariablythe sone es at thereby ateltig to
Po parch Lam In thin region She expense and rist 'of ma.
rtatlon. . i
0180 - i•Og Salm:
One ilasevrod (Surd Moulding. 6 X ortore Plortooo.-
taw/tuned by edam Stodart
One RoveL. odd b oet , re. Adam fibrantt di 6;
' One . a , baron Ibrvero
one " " ft. •
• Ooe ree-bandChkkerlng, so good ea DM
6 " Boron It KIM.
one ; e • Loud *Orator.; •
line' Pubob. t Seatorrri
tow hfrorhattaraionownf
Lamm, Dew; Third a.. matte the Past Mee
rsodry's Lady's bask, fur Atpruel; • ,
Uralleneel DlNgszine.
• VUtaliVrt • " •
Lailiin'Estiossl blaming, ,`• _ jyTh
pi-EW EISBAOLDERIEfi—Just rectied.
some, • Inity lain. supply' of ilabroldarlaa,rw.
led Ida great cars Irma tae• Wert Importattorua eon
tinting ;of' IforkAl Collars: 4 / 1 1U Cho/darn% Lao. and
Itholinr!leere•Jacrantt aro/ Pam P lout/dam of to and
brantinalatylar. JaconOt and Swlrs Edaingaratul Inaert.
Ingo. Wblt• and Piot Veil; Lace Ocala. A. Tb• /Men-
O. of, Ito ladles Is particularly solicited to Ito above
ax•da, OA a:wain/tent will ber Puma the Uric
ever catered In this city. (rung/ A. A. 11A.ION • Co.
- .Black Silks, Mohair Mitts, &c.
ItRIT BIIIteIiFIELD have recd
j, by espisan.anta.• supply
ova Oct hall. for Dm.. aild Mucus. , ' .69
Embroidered Flouncing&
K A. MASON & CO. have just received
. e r rezAprje , e n AlrrneePlret brautitol lirkbreiderod
ag new stOva,..and UT,'
PRior volt. at rez dt tel NI aft et it . apg9
e DCILCIMILD {write' the attention of poreberets to
Wr um:tweet. a the &beer peds, 1.111104 medium. and
lugs Mao. • Alrn.—Dtapeds by OW yard, of Vailogi. cldtal
and qualities. Crash, Toßrelllog. end Beth Rabbi Rebell.
so amerkeeet aborsebele be Rao-Let lowest saline.
. EtirchEela .
AVE OPEN t his,morning a farther sup.
&Alva n ciztatear? ! .l l :ll ait=
Vsampaer WM: Irish Linear:Ufa allj mama! nor
tams. re; at the aartbealt corner of /cloth sad Mutat
1 • .
I Nosiinitallan.
I HAVE just rocei red one case of Wash Net,
thew yirde wide, Or Maguire Baru -
.014 Wil. NOBL& Third mired.
B TURK—Loke Ud Mies.' elves ink. teedved
and 03. IWO by. p. H. PAL.llllldi
3,17 , 105 /duke"-
Black. Lace Veils.
-MURPHY & BURCHFIELD hi 6 i full
u =rut of Long and Dena Mut Tian
los gn.; b Wain d !WM% a.
, . .. • .
A. IWASO,SA CO.'S great Anniuil Shawl
; . .9.i0 will etrintrienci ongoesdsy. Augnet attiorhen
ey will oder the lamed andhest eeteeted stook of Eltanls
ever exhihluel in this city, onsodleinif
Plain tetita Crape lihre 1.%
Mack La,..-• '
Illate - alk ~
• ,
. Fumy high cord Trench Thibet Phrte:
' Rhin printed and etahrukterod ~ . .
ltrorbea,Ceetunere and hong .
Of Zoe and medium it ualitlea all of *ki th they we deter.
Ttool to close out, previous to receiving th eir thll docks.
hey rill he offered at a greet el:don:Ion froth looms
prices, and kse than tote . mot. anept .
New Patterns
PER, tut remind from the atnet ttetsamin motets
Scarce and Desirable Goods, •
AriF..yAßT.ous- STYLES,. Open this morn 7
infr. by aIUILPUT BUltiuw,k.:,
payynr , .Marltig •
lit_o" B" S l ikr .
• • Ototborn A.
• Attration Is Invited to their oboloosonarttrUrot Yisach
Lona, ^' Goods la dreg.; Ika,
IrIU reodwo., today Or tO•OlOrrOlr. 11 . 0111 N.. York--
Drows km, LOIMIL • Joll
A 7 PALMER ea. jnet nmiv94 • grat'easier al DIM
311.10126 *mogul s wase bambini Am port' .sew.
lierte• BoTeßrald, flub*. sad atm iIW.
; . Goode for Warm Weather.:
East corner of Fourth . Worts, 4 Market eets, are well
carp with goods adapted to
andwand weather....
1 =l,lerersit b l P i rtuTrri sell . az -
-Stew Mils 9 ktosts thulium .
Oerarer and
Pials, whileSwiss.4 Moll Blaslinis
lleys . IM lalass, '
~ •
Titar mead 'slather Int of NEW GOODS,
each a Ram is, charitable SOU Searte,llack for
black.Molialc alitta„LleleOlowa, Ilaleraleevea.Dotted Nat
for chi; neat plan Illosharae, dark Lam Laserae,Peench.
Liana and - Drills, Milts Banda. new aITLI DROWN
LAWNS. changeable POPLINS. . "' •
Thole anoxia., being 'err fall, , ,lth mutant *ma
alas Itif new gouda, aralabl at LOIIM Pacrs,lnducemetite
an offered to Dagen to all and' mairtheir mebsses.•
Straw Bannet.and Hat. Warehouse,
No. 105151.kacii• Smarr, '
PAISINR..ofTeis for axle, at very
• at Straw aadMLII.IIr.
" LAN T3-4arel Alasrlean labia sad faa; o l
Straw, Wald, Chip Fa:NI/Mon, Lacs, flab, Pamela.
b Th 4
l'ireCaV Ace
o. .Wiara; W. lad
gult g L4ltr Pala. Lea.' and flat.
Miro,* Glaikr:J=TAV.apa 4411.1.42 h la grad tub.
" '4101 2 4 a
kb &moot
'`.411?- 1 1.1ala an tW d
11g ri"c a l bIla aad as
calo C =l4lr . an 6
Vi born, digßi/a/iNliSas ' Lla.Dist4sa4kalia.
vent lad American Insicaaraaelum *ad
7WAVirvii, gar A h a r tA r ktiis'3 ,: 42 Ga 3. de fir
;11 tiro. AU , Ilblber..!.Floroaae, matt styles, oussated
AV.77 , 17 2 =4 and
aid lair prima andSialbrellwlland
Ilmat;ac. ta. - . mettla
14OURN4aig u ir PACCAR —Light in body
. and .to funninn , near. AL*,
Melly. I ton (hltfes.llfunhUif.. sod nth.
style* of lie Uoedr--e full easeatuttrut in b. found
,et the slam 0f... MIJAPAiIf A BUIiptiELFAM. .
UST -----
,•, 111. MOM'S, N 0.134 Lidadtte &MUM •
..,7 lug.. and nivel...dock g ri Vionable Gad;
adapted ' to tietitletaen • Wert coo . eteamidne Nu
omen etylea la Anumiran; ragl and Preach WO
todrrx ii eqty epleatid telortairat of Veal:kw and Maths
of every tartdonable disk sad colon whisb.tnwetherwith
• Ime and well inanntactureal edoct. of NETIl111)1t
CLOTHRIti, mat. toe of lbe lamest and test seistud
cloche went of the Alluebehli of, which the, Proprietoe
I. &Wafted 'to otho at such pre. no will maths all
.hp favorbim with a call. that not poly the met superior
Clothlogkaohl at thlies4blithaudit, hut also at the low
, .eedt'olialiralelTallo'till•ilneetr;atel;••••••4la the
beat Intdiner, anht the shortest halm ".:s
1. r , : vr: IfeCTESTMK:.•. • ... .
• now winwtantlf rotriviwit _
eammnsinputtSefolk.riounde4.4 l4ll4°S°
Ihtti ltdrd. Vetvall•CarPds.
.44 4. 41.13/WarelK oxpro so por. ply; spin'
I . oftslor, ostro Oir= c . outozoo • oaten%
tihrlstjAft♦4rO-!O, sod 2...1=4 4 =r30.
• -; OIL clouts; Atis. -•
• • gotro Chenillo SAM cl. , ..litat• ones tortoil tto
00. onatooo'd4.. poor >WA tufted 40.
'0.% skin do. do4,l4rlable do; i•brvok do. do.
Moho: Mang 24.
''ales—Seel Ott MUNN- cot to et any ortopall or room.
1-11.4 y 4. 4.N. and 3401100 U. • , • •
t .
.simitl3ol:6, BLIND:VIABLE COVERS,
0100-,StOh-licolool. elite Colon EholiNor Want.'
.PoOC• ItoodoisO4.4l-taad MattlosoToblow...„.
rilrirr; nekebadikr ,
Can: do:Util.V.OrdaTiratitxUrshlokdo.....,.
oVta'"rpetorie...,""alberg ' 6 t ra
no r t. rp,
Citt L t irstagai ' A.f C l = "Sr*:
W; r lp= i tt a XraFo ' rl sod. cOr OiOolt
The Carpet...Were/paw, 85Fowa glut.
mehl9• •
y W Zdeol43 OCR. .': •
. : 'A few dits
'l-I's: wiamaanA l w'
i ce . ,11 , ..,4 elan =mu,
154 sag .Ertnsoiasaift iiliiipastery fit lA. wow
great Arabian Ike** fin; ;too sad Ikaig
: . . s:_O. Riuntra - •<'• . .
wo:-PARRELIM gennitie Arabian Li&
leant lid gnat cahnkoralnatrandleine. the troth
• , n'Ter• hla placed Wood denbt by MOvast sake et the
•actlela. a ndtae navy bein
earn g perbeinad, bY
• wbk pr
h erfoney.lind mulled another n,.dkine and the
atll}oa the beet Oneidas. tat the world. At.i. canoed
et balm., extracia and game preallar to Arable, paean
W.& in a conenatisted lona. all Melt atimniallugodw ,
dyne, yenetnuar„ uneabn. and mold,. propettlekand
the wee whir*. accea NM were nod by 1.1.-" at the
Deem.' with each adranoloul tapaar. 1/11. coring U. dls;
saes ofboth =an and betel .
' 'Dead ihe following littblitlable tufa. which ehredd . or
tlassuehee 91.0. H. O. Ferndre Malden Ilitheent far btP
• Ahnici Year. end a half 11,ereesing, n e e Snelling apteered IS MT
wife'm stoutish, gruktalr.
ramie es large or my et; and so Ism that she could not
tear , lr NIEL Invlrtu• It • ItltOat glrlogberwstrem•
tele: I got the advise door best &am and they - Older
et! oplnlon about It arm saki It was =a Ad. o.
Golarementet the Splee; Nam. that it Inman Want.
meat .of the (harem en
odors - mid It glum Tensor of
the Om and
son not to eared extent DI .PUbll
0134 le Ude esitlead situatio. Inu perstodul trY is!
(1.. Ferrer* Arabian Unionnst .Den ent. ' o
tear appear, upon the third spat/esti= dts tease to
Wore. and has onstitosed gettlng better deny, ant/I non
eh. Is um se ever—etdcolng •
• D. IIstgiNNELL.
Kush 5. ISM
. ' 'Flame Mids. poebssaseer. art]. • .
• . .
• , Pa..llaselair, MA
One woman hes esier==tnettt with peat mews.
Bite had kat ths use of hes lesa for threw years, the mole
==/.." " trthi g aa b :l " . ( ttrir ' s =
ifitleg.olto abe toed eot bee them in the. kWh bet 55
abless of MU. rasydra Systems Liniment/At* In eerie
to' welit with fate. and haa a Weight 1 L. 5 bops
found it a soon excelkel nottedy for harm bah; Also, 15:0.
" a3zrr.!mirp , =.4ll.l4tr4 FM k.
Wasishigtost.lowa, Jeep 20,184111.
'. Frisi the Speadgend penstastesteeseL * .boih PAT a mid
oat beirte r " Woe it flor .th tt ttritTass7ll ,, Of . tft
a pirba; l e h isTiV b trX vadooslessents. = lt he .
in touch naffed op in the page; bet 1 mestiny H.
.1 14,, ..
U. WAreell's Arahlan: Liniment speeds any that have
mee es of, By Its
to r.O 1 Ws Puri neap Se MITI
long mono they hayeastonsAle lc
mared th ew llly harm tectonic with yo
laset, etabasaing away Awls of diseem, than es
.pd breisep op to pasta, sing-tpap .ad Prow. ',an
also bray taitisoony of he roodstreets to the heats aye.
tem. 1: was stelined Amer all Isst winter to my nom
with ithsetantben. amid coed get nothing to help ma an. ,
ill 1 commenced 80, we al year Linage, which seemly
pad am , ` NIL /b. GRISLES. .
Ben rain of ten yeant s e ea bl e[ eased by H. G. Pamirs
. ,
Great Shawl Sale.
Mr: H. G. PAW:ls—Dar PIZ I bad bean 'Meted sitb
the "Bun Pain" tar atta lan tau yam, and antll num gat
yeller except by blaadthr. but by the ate ot Vattall'a
Mathes LWmaut. apalbed arty the tesupkaabout Wee or
bur them a day, It tram entlusly removed, mat 1 bal. Sat
nothing of It alum 1 trout tato th e dials Gas Welt, to
'apply lt to a buraVa my lag. mud tolarrouT lataa be MU , .
blal - and tellagaltut I.IA. sua bno.ugibm
so bully that they tUratid as bltak at my bat; re Mug
them townies. • I applied your Llultuttit, and Vat wall
•anootar to • kr days Soto about mato as usual, I alto
eruatual my. Auger lit ..hotting totkunar. by 1111.16 a •
baelt•lost WI upon 14 but yap I..taltatut tom bead nub.
JOIiN 14-11/2.L.
• La Balla Preolnet, POlNdlb CiL; 111., Yob: 6. 1619.
• Beware of Countelleits.'
to attar. mower m
cuu otrnot R111.1:5 tam
Lowuto mitly.
The Pebble are bartleaterly cautioned modest • Am
Clentlellise *bleb has lately tose• W aptoaratees and Is
celled by the Itapelerterbo makes .W Vsmlro Aral*.
Lfiallatelt." Tble is a daststroae freed ead mare IlabLe
to deceive tram hie bout= the rams et' Farrell. Three.
Lee M partlealer aneeto tett Re by Oa same .Warrellbr
Liniment," It¢ abbrheOlDlre &e 4. Val , leapt. the SPL I .
MOUS eitstant ppm yrealhe the imotetlak bat elms.
for Aragon G' eat, teed gab, ea other.
ohm., kw the legate R."o.tefore flayell's 4
his alenature la shoot Lbroateide erreyper._abe Wes
verde blown to the elate bottle--LL then Ws Arad.
. .
Anonym:lW in revery tons, 'Man and 114.1111
the Unica), bblinsOn which ono U slot want:dished. Apply
orby loiter to WO. Torre% Pow* 'Fhb good Memo
to chanties. se.. - •
Call on do Sant who will banish Iron of Chatie, •
beet containing =nob ininstdo Lutannstiao goy eters data
of etbizynn • .
Puns-27 eonU, an* and one dollar par ad .
The olds owiotObe intaininctoyed by U. I.l.:Farndl.tolo
tnyentoy sod wboolau.otaelwbotoolo druggist. No. 17
Main moot, Powts. IU.; and for salywholoroknod truU •1
bror.Wstaldw,lW • Otie• by . h, Ab.Lirklig • ,
Bold PTV. M. C U RRY. Allothour !oCI stmt.-
The 'Body Mtn Perfpire,
SO SAYS NATURE, to hare lieolthy op
pannara; aid woo= abo ck• aaaperzatra an Hebb
to Ito man disgasclag Blau Dawn. Km, Jona' Dallas
Maul& lama mass • fres paspirsaaa. Ltd. at ma a
taaamolllar sad softens CU ails, elstag It Las t.%
of an Indaa. , • • . •
hearty, halt 11.6, and Bar" are not only harded.
canal by Ita we,.s at lean 7phyPdatto In KAI tat to
boaae It la nth cum sad Bad IC aztailing—as alto. la
Phapka, hlotchmaFractlaa, or wroth. akin Illame. The
reader bustard that Ma LI. wen; Old nostrum, os
ow trial Ell prop. I could at least eighty
person armada sore brad. noor Lams/ad sore baud. '
•—atul tha ranter ts await imam! I would paten.
illy all It b the shore, aoh•as tom 11 to b. all I data.
These who are 11a11s to chafed. orseltalor chapped neso
will nod tale not tally a turn. bat • prneartre; add 1 can
tea soly add. Out =Tow taicted with any of the atom
or almiaioLere and Wm all. sad run nacas taclatt
rata* Pa 10. ) than / Mtn
Strlhat. the stores are goaded 701 th I:ta n
b ud mare you at Or Jame ItaltanChertd/al Pea
buy any . of WM. JACILhOtt. catty Agent to Pi nib.
haul ot Wco4. •
Pearly White Teeth,
L and Pore Breath. to
be hal far wan—Pereena who have either. era hareem
easil u that U their breath le ever ao tool. or their
teeth draw dark or yellow. end entrusted entru with tatty.
that. or t boo of Joule baiter Teach Nate will mike
the teeth as white as nom. awl the broad. eikattertweir
804.2 astir at JACKSON'S fitbre. &brill at., had a
. .
Scientific Hair Tonic, Heebner acid Bean.
dar.—Trial Battlei, It hat.. Thaw litho ham deed
Ids& ttaal War Reeterar. lama It. eseelleat qualifies—
those who hare mute it to gown the talleving
ditalttliee—lt will tom the hate loyal, ees enepart where
Ware lateadal hat CD gem etep ft Wild% oC CUM semi
az cleadratt and make tight. red or VIM bo lt Vow dart
rot- =arum the hair wattsod NIX. seeing on dewed
thla—it matte It ante headlight. keeps It to. it te. tae
dad. the mot etiagolkal--yot sayerke—artlel• ted
hie only at WILJACLION'a etas srso Minty Mut;
bead et N.; Puidhttrdh
Prleme-47)1. emote. te. mate. add V.
• "J 0 . NE S' Sobition of Jet, • Liquid Human
uutba abusing of whits. rod, or srs7 hair. taS
teal tal brows. or block ist =lra, In . saw Wont..
Prkors—to mark and SI.
Boil Wkl. JACKSON,24O Liberty stmt. haul ar
JONES' LILLY WRlTE.—Lsdies are. CID•
doped erase nAny Kee mom. wormed Chat. 'they
ere not mean how Ilielstreely int micas It Is en the Owe
ten ecenrie;wer maze. bow 11a1014 eneveeilelgey
the ekes weilare alter mire prepared Cbalkl Swedes, els
Were.; eretelyeacis lame greerity a a...a
we Mae pretend • 6.MM al teretabbe Mak We
W Jame 44.416141 y Kelt. • •
It le prtfelly /mewing. Wu prorteat of all &Waling,
etualtew see it lerwle to the skin • = tura : beeltey, ae•
gbytam elmt, tiring whitgat tea MON WO* scene ee ere.
=see ea Leo tile.mekinwit Wt red mooch.
• eal4 by the Amit e JACILAIN, MVO:NM ow:.
Led 4 Waal. .N m;
Pres, SS gone
aMawlre • - •
. .
Compoulzd' of of Yellow Mock Root,'
CeoCUPLEs the front rank nmongthe
lt" pli•tory medicines of tids marry kr maididLY
ming Coat. t o te glelusi• ErPltal* AV/1 <a...U.
Coirird a tLoildaebr .DirolarordcbMt sad t th• Clem n. s•
<taw, or boaronsom drromi, arid . rielrilas veruiation
sboatth• Wont...lad Li wed vitt. onprroedmied swoon
to all
Frna4„.Wertk*SS and Gascral Deia4 f 3r.
B •YreagthetothlPlthe 'weakened bodi,' erthig ttme to the
rations ortanaandittrigotattot the eoOZ.•7411:61.
It the tositatotof af thatintala of. IM= vitnethes, atm
all patio at the amino nth be rellad oppa r s Angolan.
Is. edlinsdons &nearing aU lhasers, IPA Oelather
bed and tank= down onistinstlona St r Vegeta.
the Isi
u othr u llo,asal so asertrately== Us
PieGe alTssah i''=
mats to
y 00 B - ~ _,____
_, •
It hat retoond tharrthroniedlotamatikb bath toMel
the ULU of the bast physician& and hoe also cored Cantor,
salt Oast., threw. to
t h e whkh ithroatatilla
nyvapa enttodr 6a4 to make the bath inapmedon own.
It has then toted in many eases of 0.1.1101.11.003 1511 F
31001-.. W Othren bare Dm oared br
this inedictoa_ that It Le ',shunt/ medidna in all
Rumps I.XI.LINSIS. It nesurrar all otatrottions to
the <try:dation.' tatatati= the Lim free, octira'endtheth
thy, It mimes Palpith of the .othrt. tod 1 0
all thou af asthma, and roar be oath In al thaw.. and
at all meth cdtbayear. • • .
• This hyrop Is prepared note by C. )1011.81 t 00.0 10
Voimtain street, dimee Rd anethold erboletals end
Mail, by ''
. . , r _ ' P.R. ifIOI(ASILLL: O6
Ode - a tor Wreath Penoth . .
nor fey ' :11Fatstioosa Ag corner Wood and Meth de, Pi it.
13. T.• Babbitt'. Celebrated Soap Powder.
WASHING ,withoot. labod Warranted'
• to tab. the itathe out of rata. litaten sud bap
Ilawnows rot 1/ig—Put your clothier In • sualeleut
quantity of mkt water to sorer thou, than add two table
lawesfula of this 15mtabirdar, to melt aft quarto of water
'Wed Viarthe elothew,.ll air water la bard, add more of
the Powder. sad boil them WI 10201414 In the mean time
ma thraldom with *sack, then pat them la . tub and
Idd imtkieoThis intim so thst they will Ott be too bat
to boodle,. rub tita direr IMmarr, cer la othrr ord;
sire theta • thorough awl that la sughient to
as4a them dna.
117i;111617thlr rode MIS Soap. It will boon
the elotbao very ard no had ollvetotlli am ram
wow do The matzo eon of the mural Dad dew. not
oroooll two ants, to cosn*ato a waahlow of ten
Warman% ma to rot or Inn,. (b. 0 1 0 ,5„..
210 a la a Yowler that °napalm will mak* twollroonarto
MtfoO. flotzonono row Un.—Takef ten grtatla water
m id
mix thy Powder with It, and then let It boll, soy era min.
add lekx goals cold water; stir them Intimately
.a t It *war when It will not hew, and
iMircofdl It will LW very Mkt and Woo MR* INWPOtaoI
gillwult well, ant will an oat t/u, band* like o th er Soft
yp, 000 rot the 0100,011. , Osa be weed with had or salt
Imloo. br ntattne lb* cantlty mm ols -quarto fungal of
[WA.. The noll Rotolo Dee adapted fOr amnion rallto
.1 4 . 'M..:. • - • •
tl 71d sad estall by R. X.-116LIX8Wool1,
No 67. at.
p irr*Arrm
HE CO-,PARTNERSHIP heratiirozi.ex-
A.rOaratteclALMlP th ` th• mi to,
hittila day ttboolyt4 by Umltotkoi otrototnal co:Zta.
JOU...* Me oodtastitttod la otohoriled to otttlo the ocr .
maws the old Om. VAL MANUA'.
IPltttlomb.3.llll.l/41.11/hdoll '211C1:4. WIATMAN,
(rO-PARTNERSHIP—The eabeavibera have
=timed Into Co•Pstthamhip undo, th. gam of Dag%
A me Obly. rtimvs,.
R ENNETT, BERRY & CO. have removed'to they sow Wartholuo. tomer of Chooa7 loom sod
Greenwood (hxthmu
. • .
: CHOlCEUollection of Shribbery Tuy , ng
AALoma, Fteanbstmetrawberry,therrbenrf•gboborb.
tape Vneee. hasty Monthly R i ap . alke every plant ne•
teseari to argument lamb sad trill be found at
Omentroxl fiuna o . •An 'On as boatee the mow of
kartet mod filth s,fittebtugh. ewe, half loot far
tbe tiarde. Ice andotbereeloadmante up
Ovine eaktrased to the penprletar. West; Illantbistir.
Ann =at/. 'B4 trUl teat. re proopt attentian.• ,
tl nese Rea DA pDer Wrap.' 'Mtn:
ba .• • Doable Crows "
iaaaried" - "•• "••
pear Pant 0111;
Dat ". Doable DallaikkarTati . aa
Dla • Jeaperlal
" The abi‘, valet blot of odd aim of psiers.Acr ale id
db• lovas prim, by . , .W. li. .
;grand Paw Dealer.
- -4 &woad istmUr.
• • - To. 1414%W and . N4ors, -: • - 1:1
11! mat/}.ErlrßlNolett
.. mreFded y the 111 id
tetr or eta& sad 4 . f ArVir=tie
Paint tme pirollosed the deepest resat WlLltat article
at Pate threth that lajoellastett. mad MU OD be
Arithonteetrlsoent ta the ghee* sad Us reduce., 1C:417
Listing bmat sinew"' cab
o iglitii lat thiieaaf Ohio
celehrezektesect a Put. ling. P.M.... . 111 be ell.,
seal iit esaoaki prket. .8.. /L WALLY/14
.._, kit .- -, .'" , - , - ,- • ..: GT Watcleixest,„ t..
1 411;44 1Oil 11 4iigiiii
us.aa zn,Yeatrag.:..
.. ~ ~ ?L=_:r w
BY race mu:draw pr inktOlimai erzatizs
Eti nnUanCe °MI , . I, BiliwiD raLiou,
Prod.. of tarTinitat Theta of America, do hereby .
and take amen tat pulthevida wth be held at
the natlermeatioesd Land Moe Int. hate:if Athathenn
At Ma periode hereinafter doisfetratisil s to wit:
At thel Load Oita at DATEWILLIL, moometwitur Po
Wooden the eat day .1' ang..1.0.0,.. for u. , .
of there lima situated within MO a .OO
toad, ..1 ['sacral townshits. es: . , - •
T o thr
to fins andante/the AAA Prhethied await.
-Township aro, of o.og. the* ~ ; • .. •
' . Traltorattownehip Imre.% north of 'White river. of
' I ' M qt fAf Moodalefffd.iffikthaithisilmeridare.
. Towsnidp of range tors.
'AL ed 0111. at 0 1 / 7 1.r141111701.Tec tu=11 1 : .
111...dayi the fineenth day of September nest. for the .11 5 :
meal dl:
nubile lands within the adman... tomb
sham. to wit: • L. • • • • • • , _
iihategfese Mee Liam. we:toff/a NM principal maidtima.
._ Tineabatamen sod •telso. of nose wantons. •
At the OM. et A. warnene.log on lion •
day. the eighteenth day of dogma next, fewer die..
of path ands within the Wowing woad towashiPthed
ara ot lownshipa ex: -_. • •
Worth of Use ease lineemtakf the Allityancipoisseddroa.
Gradio. thhteen.aenty•three, twattyloarand Maar
rp who( the ht. Pranela river, in township time , a
melts fair. • •
• Township pia, of rause loran. ' . •
Seale ta bowline ond westaf the .101Apasofiel euireJaa
Township four sad put of at blind to meetionethirth•
two wad thirty-tam, in treenehtbirtmr. of M. ea.
_At Up Leal Office at LITT KOCK. othemeowen can
Mad.r. the eat day of
. &m r nree for the Mama
of the puha lands la th sawing Domed trate on and
aar Cease Isl. es:
Awfaara. Owe Ultima ago/ th; fifthprisdialmeraigm
The south hat of action eat, the sleuth ha lf of ten,.
frationle seams fourteen end Man. the moth tudi„,a
ementem. lbw west half of twenty-M. na
well toff and southwest:mart. of twenty.three. the
northwest garter of bemired:, and the ad halter the
oortbesst=ta of twenty...en, in township three. of
range km i . .
__,Leade_MFOPral. by law arr the use of selthea. odit
arr ma ci. lialsoa. together with ••tbooe areesthetr...
overhand ands wide oat thereby for alas..." u
any. ',lshii' WWI be seated by the Bate sonatas b.
lath., day: se einted he the. momeneement of the pub.
re .
lie aka wily . . under th e set entitled "A 0 A 4 to
made the 8 of Aegean: And other States to melee
theilwarop lauds . within tbelr limits," Approved amt.. •
bee Zee, lea. ad...from the area AM ass 10-
etbibos ft had Waal= heretofore grated by any law of
theirrata Par military terra. mattered to the Unit.
Slaw. fia be lertand may %the Mine seenneleabara
Y pratiled by the set entitled- Al art making mgoi.4
ethos teethed:nand dint:meta expearsof goverrunmt."
Tapproved 3d lamb. I 851 .• - .
The sprains of the atom andiosed Imds will he mar
lad= the elan sapiented. proceed in the or.
der to Ithieb they are wthatisew it ell mayeakat dia
eati. Until the whole salt bareboen offend end the ma
thus ea.; bot reale eall ta kept open labor
two wake, and no private et t Fut say of the Wade will
Isi admitted oath Alter the es tthei a the WO yea. •
Ginn a oder my baud at. • Ci ty of Wahines. this
.10th da of Ma. ;arm Dead one thousand eiged Inur
dr. md Bthreine' . BULLARD YILLUOKIL ' ,
i By st. ki...eideit: _
therunholoner of the thimersi Land 00... •
Every person etaltled to the ilaht 01.pnewmptem to eery
of the hts within'the township and parts of hownstilp
above enumerated.
I. required to establish the to to Um
estlefactlon of the Resister and Resew of the prow
Land Offic. Nilmake peyn.nttherefor as some asps...o
- ailer arinny sour, and Menlo the day
the commencement of the nubile sale of the lands ember
elan the Met chimed. otherwise Inch claim will b. Itsfele
CommlssiOner of General Laud Ofeca:
0 4M4--
Er THE 11122111)ENT OP THE tranzp Van
~. •
N pursuance o f talt, A, All/LARD FtLLSOIIt,
{Went of the United States of Americo, do booby
Lon asul molt ?mono, that public soles orill be hold at
the undsruntatthad Load (Meth In to Etat. of linitoost e
toalter4o4 dada Wret
s pnol:e load. tl`; "14 a 1 i4an Afre ::.U;ltri.l7l=V::
No ies„ ra pl the law UP ea then , t o 'sl o tr i f a. " 6 "'
Townatilta twenty isernos,thenthe ht ond twenty-eine,
on and war entreat river. of MUM roo
Townships linsattnietth, twesteoffill nod tersithealtth,
op end near Curren ever, of nap tont.
?Punkin the:at . ..bib( non broach or Consent ritor,Of
reap ithe
Townships hnintribm, twentellest, twoutroleht and
thentenine, of nap eight.
Townalepo twentetbreeatwentNiont. twenty-eight and
treadof rasp two
kractiocaol terming. twenty-ono, and towootillthi toe.' 7 -
two, twentethamtwentyltine. twenty-4re and tersulydia,
'l l oo 2 ' Salt PLACE, ctmmeoelag ou blond. tha
teetah of Sopteseder next, for diansool of the tothe
lit lands within tbe following Pram ..ownstdp and put.
of township, es:
Hera Of the Portia stud auto/ theArlio prthicipal nthotiaa.
Towashl l e thetitetwo, of rant. two.
tactionol townships tweurpou
o o and Motet.. and
ta•oeblpp otdee , of Tana. shun.
Townehletwentetins, of range fine •
Towssetdpo Meaty-two and healthily-lie, of nag.
arathanal lownstilp otolnen. and
tw o twenetwo,
tweaty-then. twenty.faur, twentt-dee, twentreth and
twentronto, of nap sa.
lowastups otatoth and yerouteett. and town
gap twetittiwo, of nap woe.
ex - than, othenteeu, eighteen said
thinsaly-ons, lownoldes [went-tee and twenty three. and
acetic= firm to the se, thothatha to heenthosth Will
i ae, and
of to
-fsen thelasere, in tenable
tweuthels of ranee eight- •
To no bl y vitept frorttaaal realms /Wisest,
betheoth Isnuin.l trateassol townehip twouly nod
[method loanable thetilyone lexcepthenonothe, floe"
thirtme, twiney.three handy 10,
hesothwons.thirlarleith, tharth a aro, and Wren.,., of rooks
, 'Ma bottblreakarlbation of madam tar, in lownthith Mee
nen, and bactlooal township teeny el nab ten -
heelless toe to Mita socluelth, uth ' nestla holt of timothy
.1171arrit to egrailame include, and tionithethekt tit With
fkithe inclusive, to townslue eighteen; ethootho thrth leo
thelustee, In tow whip Weasels, and. teINNI. thirtethethse
awn, the south bar taamtai,ol/y-larte frotota-sa ,
*O, sod i , nrilddla . aut itiolusith, In tow soaup
tan ogr, 4.1 tugs tweet..
The pert oath of Sher thrthow,. of township
tweidythroe. of tap. thirteen.
'Seethes fig (ems the northost posztar„) sod thellons
mensidstent, amoeba. thirty and thart:s. Toth of 'l4llO.
Klett throllicrw,. to towuthip twenter, of moth Ante
At the land Orate .e Seal NU FIELD, minsuesciaor
ilooday. the eighteenth day or *path soar( tat law die
pont d the midis land. oitootel w Anal the (Merles no
anal froth.l towooblo wit:
`V"'''Agr°. /mpe, t
thefillA pthecnial worridato.
Tenable twontetwo, of nags
Township twenty-two. of roues Men t them
Yroctious of stellons l
lienithfith t lethithth.
,thillarfultrahlrerfier s ue thirtie th s. sonthi *Me,
t ait=rone. townsble tansy-our. of nage twenty
a inctlona township twoutrone, allothast to the Slots
Lluo. of moths twouthoevcia. 005017406.. Writ, Itsit ty
ma. ttdthetwo, tithly-Iliner and thinly-lour.
Lando taprooms. Ey low leO the CM of edloolll. 1111.11.
tory soil ether porprthee, pethher with •Itasse ethane Pal
otheilswed Lod. mode mat thaVetat Sat minion..." if
goy. which obeli be Mected br that auto outtonitiso thews
the days sapottited air thin ethothencennot of the 500101
Pales nips-Lively, under the Act mantled .th.t. Art ta sno
b!. the Mote of Arkantas awl other Mono to veleta IL.
'swamp nese within Unit Smith' . thinoted IthOlsothith
Mitewall be thdedeffne. the loth.. lout pthothetes
fa laud lacthintles Smetana& atunia4 by auy low of thiu
ance.. for niiistary maxim sendetect to the United !Sono,
nal 1.4 Sethated ao any ola ta• lorobanol Wok. Oa
110 ed by the wit entitled - Ati Act sathloa oPlitherthlions
for Itio doll and thplonaatio extensors of llorantheat." As.
amoral Od kareti.
The altering of tb. above tionsUoml lands be cote
uotond on the day. appointed, and will p mend will
is the a r
do. in which Obey ate oder:end with all merennot
P.O. COW tbe when 61.11 hart be.. Mired. ant ibethiso
thus don* ilstno wie shall be kept open longer thou too
Lerx i lig n simitaf .. a antlo i Lasi , Vbe lande k til bo ad
.4.llk\ an tinder toy b ud the 4'it, of Koa two rt.7, shit
day of May, Anne Domini ono thetthand e t bun
deed and fifteen. ILILLAMD 1 , 11.01
er the Peakdenti •
Comalsolober of Ow Intend Lela oda, ,
• Lem perom nth/id that of preemption Joan)
of the laii lentils, the townthipo sad ann. of towathito
above etitunctased, la thquinst to eitablisti tw same to the
ollofoction of thong:nut and resetter of the pryer land
offes, tooth Mown& tharefo. canon CU P . ,1.1.1 , 54 4/ .
ter seep OW who, and thine No der appointssi for the
othissercommt N tho entail sole of the Ithd. entrains
the tract Mime* othwthriae such clans will be twaithil.
la alowS.S. ucrrsaa,
Ilsonniosionet of the (Moral Wei lam
BY TOY nutennorr os rattorrreD
paremuiCe of :13w,1, - Kazin) Fitumitz,
Prroidost a the Usitod Stain of - Asecdeo: do
d. L T' 04 stab, Impaa, Mat public galoo will b. hold az
tho tiodonstadicsod Load oOscao is tbs Blau of Ulm, at
Ito lonia, benison.* ddstrosswkto sit: • •
Al flu Usid 001ta at lOWA CM. toszoindsS os tbsr
gbo gra dor of &Vter sin, foe tho divotkl of the
Vsblio hada Wanted Is follo•Msz eassdtossadON
I t f:o4'iy/ Wham list, i6l.ocirgtl tha jirindsga sani
Township ementrnine, of ranee twantywine.A . '
Townahips wereitynine and eighty, of moth MIME
' Townships athentEntna and eighty of mune Metros.,
Township, erventy-oina, eighty andeightythe, e 7 math
thirt) , taro.
-Itontshipeightrom, of range thirty-three.
4sy ALand Mae at EAIUSTELD, manomng t heme itten-
Illbsenth day of ori
Ereemeaber mat, Syr Lim-Ma m pped
of elm public Wm. within Ma andennentiomed town pa,
North El Ma hats hoe Mei Mos and Of the Nth PeMMME otert- -
'Township wean of mmite
Tormhtp amain of vastmelMterewn
IeIP ...M. of mgt.; thidrehrne
trbu Land Men at DU uuQUE, th Woodsy, the dab
heath day of Andadiest t for the diapooal of , the Wow
h-'7t=triXti.:mehlonessurafeen and efeideMe In loons
ship eighty-two nortb, vends one eases.' the masthead
Gnomes at : motion twershmesen; hi tow WWI. .p , X=
north, of ramp Moo west of the filth prtheipal
lanolswpropetesed by law-for thy nee of =bads, nslir
tall and other porthers, tomehev with .those them, and
overlithred Made mane man themby rultivatim.
if um, which dial he mimed bE the 6tate anther-Wm tor
nth the d o :Fpointed for Z. eanutsesemetht af Ma pub
lic Pales mly, Mister Lbw Ad entitled •.-Ati Ad to
suable tha tate of Arludiras and other Stated to reclaim
the ',tramp Dude vithio thole halite; approved Mobs,-
bey Uth, fabOonal esellohd from Nemfm. • And no W
estin. foe land bounties boreloado vented by any law of
Conamea,_tor military sardine maimed- U, the United
utaime mu Lem ethadon ath.tltheneweementsomdtpals,
so pmeideel by the art thUtad."An sot melon athvorrim
lial=nsa c tdlTapaitilt annum of Uoreransextr
fb. oftering of the lane. will ethrmeneed on Modem
einainted, and proseed in the order In which they am wt.
vortlewl with MI convenient dinstate nntil the wbole Asti
hay ber o oftered, mei the mho thoe elosel i : hot no ado
aha thtWelf thj &elude onatt
lOU trorittl onUtErthe
expinition of the two sesta. ' •
Cliven nod. my band at the City liflEaddirs. tbla
den day of nay, Ann° Ilthdol one ontod td. hon.
eyed and 111
el. /ana. atiLLA FILLE
• framtatedcoei of the Dram& Land Wks. '
Every mown eatithal to the right of pramospelan any
of the land. within the townshipeandserte of towstahlpe
slam thwathated. la npulnd metatakto the ism to the
eatieflution Grebe :yew. teaintr deb. wpm. Wet
, ditto, end make paynientUtemito ar Some orproemente of
me ROW gar and Mine the day 4P1W00.1 far Um
eotommerment of thapabliende of the Una embradolf
th tenet eithsteshotherwtsw heti dahn will be forteited.
Contiohtiossm of the Dewed Land Udine •.
• M72Elawdat
New Books I
10AT: a Problem; reprinted with ear
w:Soao, 11441110. trosti riaseta
ob Oka: - tale of the Purilas. by the
_ll l / 4 1 . 1 . .b0y of
"Ilme, In Um Lib of Mrs. Monet MULL.. Mak
aboard imato... sni4 bi-JiwiAlbott
'eta rime.
N 0.14 of Muria Mid licck olth..Parrolution.
- or Ind. Labor and lb. L... from.
Tbcaboye 21.1[3=4 renired ..1* by
- BTOCKTON. Idaylutst.
" /bail Books!"
.„00111111171.4 Ilissery or Givect.—A Iliolo.
; Or c es .i from i oasikat Ltme• tor . de a strod.loo
.Iblzhnat L. IL, RIO 1114. .P•firs. .11, Df eon=
Schadee, Y3L ILE
IlarmouT of PTOVI.M . 6211:4=1a n
l'l" .D.
a= d atailtut (holt_ We, Wean — A
Llnes. sad othr brut By PilMs Wan tr Too
PraW f
I bis P 744. tad
Ito Ibis of Nod IV I.& • a"73. irekrarltl
Tiro PhliO•ophy of ll•themtim •••••••••• ••
(ao.•• phl• po•114•• of •Agtist• unot..
LemoL Me R•11r0ad..17014, amtamt ' harking • doo*lP 12‘ 'Wen, Toner. Vll.
wort. otp• - Witt GU
from NUM) irsiihm ,-- feWaW6O 7 tittle4)r... .11 1.
ib Te►collar itoricoltor Sl TAß l l6llaor of 1 11 j i= 4-*.: t‘"
The aboTo boaka put waived. out Ix ink
i" . KOCKTON. INitkot •LI I
OVNRINEY,S SUGML-0) bbh, Lova.
ig - trowV .4 " arimdm ma. A. Mi t T:"
*do • m,
• •
. .
: ' . • CLAREZ. PACES k CO.. Itictatearit, l'untotrakt.
THE PROPRIETORS of this old imdirold
W,. In ure o would Worm Us. labile that tba are
cat acairing halal; t i t
Ir '""""°'..'n l.b hax
Papand la awry to all points o=lllll. I rai n).
and Aikidos., at Mellowest ratec O. of the Bata of this
Lias nill la constantly at the landing s ' below lb. Mawr
"h i
'4. •,, 1i ..__ 64*.t.° r'"6"fr VtClAUO . ''.. A t e..:_.
a.csa. au. Blasthlloa li sfa Y .:ourgh.
R. W. Canninglisio, N.. Iliadic l'a.;
U. C. Mather 14 Poloist, Pa; ~ •
,W. 1.1. Atolso s Ittutons •
J. aEL liar„ Shotabargh; ..,„_.—
Was. Acton a f= r e
.. ctuille'Ys.:' ,
limas II
. . W., kora, Conneantrill
Hasid, N. I% • ' apt
_ . .
New Liike Superierlane.-185t
TICE new steamer NORTLIENER,•Capt. B.
. a. 8141.1% haVing "wary 11201.1C171 Itarograrrmaat for
aa Pomfort. PIC Iran. Cleveland oa IMO. the 91
of Mnr next. on her Prat trip—anal weekly thap.aftrz an
' , Saar. at OS o'clock. P. If.. far the haat ate. Marta. •••
The atramrr IdANIIATTAN, Capt. Jolla Gamma.. will
have Galt lite. Marie, kir the differant hallows so %aka
hapniar. Guth., arritalof the Moamar Nartharioac Making
a lewd. 001.01) , Mb, throughout the Imam. lath=
Clereland and the Copper. ' •
S. &lA. TURNER. Propriitras..
•Charlaad. ' DCl.—tf • • • •
- •
ianufacturel. Line. - '
.sll. IrP
hat g:lt ta l L
iett7lXEßotnpotsi .SBY:' , INFO . R3I 131):
!,'Xift:tll4atiVo i eWaph f r. i .atii=tleb,%*
intr.lkippirg , se three Wee, and at se low nem. at =I
" re=gemepts lave alto boa atado Set earlytha
'Fat priatit to litelreetlle, Joh=3" LtonlYelethgE
N=troonPVeytove4.. ' Le4etteett.
Newport. Clark.a Ferry, etatsborg,Colamb , a, and all otle•
er latennedisto iodate on the Pennsylvania eau/ and Por
tage Rallreeel.- Having Mem leads of Irma weird from•
the . prom& j trewe and regularity to ehlpotew
the' o f pole Let the kneel Mee,
may be nth*
• upott. ; • . MITCHRIX iSCOTT. Proprietor.-
- - Warehoata.-I.lte=t,
: 'II3IEiIT IN Jima/ars LAVE; Iay brother,
1: EINGIUM. the Mullane at Pittebutgb bare.
nate be transacted under the etyle of "Wit. BiM.. h.
Ca • • [num' • MIL NIXONALL
Bingham? Traz — i — pottaiion
1851, OEM
-IE CANAL being, now open, we atO yes-.
or to re.lre and
west. tbrward Frosobtll. 'Produce we
etehandist and •
freights sli re, ea me. at lowest rates charged . by respainfble
Ptsdnee and Mercbandiss willbereeelved and &warded
east wad met: victims any dung* Par forenennufOu
vowing freight, cosandsdon. or atone. - • • •
541. of lngllna . wwl and ell directions faithfully
• WM. 311 Nara I t CO, Canal Bag., .
• Corner Liberty_ M sad Mr ebb, Pittsburgh.
HMO NA DOO Ib3 Market st,
• - between Fourth and V otL,
No. 102 Morel Howard. etnort,_•_l3altitoona
JAMES MINIMUM. No. 10 West et.
Maga 1851 SPilgla
WI :dumps' T!iunixiTtation Line,
KE'ill atTa a Penn . • itnlB4
e IWO .inemit. Orniza Bloik, 'Head litrieit, MI..
ealeaSa. • ..
W. an pnyaitil to twelve • Imp imoint merebastass.
gW::1 :11 1 ===t1. 1
11tei ." °Zit
len timlL thus provioos auras
&WY Meiners's...tetra. of Tras& provided .
theo,aal /.
Commaktslaner. 6r aiming ou r
bate on t he
Mae Regrew% rill prevent &opposability of delo et
. 3adatoor4 Ifielidaysbure of Cbinio ibL MAYAI.
C. A. Iit.t.YULTY &S .
Able S Dula.
striglONA 1851
To Shipper' of Iferchrifuie, Produce, • .:11
to Asa Mai reristc - may..atto.a. 'Mamas LOP 1K TOM -
• . TATION LINE.' ' -
~IPropriefata, No. Z 7 ntal4; IRA 6
oatuvrea Phtlattalptata:
Or.L.L. a 1.10,1W1T,. Aguas, Com, Wats, Plttabureta:.
Jut, TAILOR. EON. Agra,. Baltlmona
taa are yrrranai, an lb.. aptalatt tha .Peanrylvattla
.C.aaal. caottart for Freight at « icror ester. and am
aattpart at mutt. detatateb t ool cam Xi italr caw Line.
• Stal:totm
Pittsburgh Trourportation Line.
JAM gel trolltlnell. CCU. Canal aWo.Plifelaarpik:
OITA& JAM ItS A Co, Depots brad and Cheery strata.
tint no. 3 :tooth Fourth l). 1. Wriest Anent and aeon
out error., PhilaArlidda. . • _ - .
r yt‘dh IC ILY a CO, lti North An., Italttmorr.
AVING fully...completed our, arrusike•
ILL bemoan:of t4ent the oplethor ot
lents Canal. to tarry !anent to sod nem Pqn
' ilt r tW i lt i to ' guatirLt . 7 47b.Uk =sell
torn eater sal et Ith more anat., ant Otelt then.' oth.
er Linn All tn. nipped by oven. an MIT corned
by lontranra. without mar elturnlo onnernot Vol.eettor
colleen, ended be any other Una. •
All ernmenitntloof adttneued to ontrolrea Of tern..
null A tn.. Cionnotatt Weldt, Lootrtille, soul noire A
Osborn, L Unit willeneet wth Lontapt attentba
IL OueLloe hee no t onneetton Ida Ms
rldtatielphla wet llttenonh Tretutnortacon tan. or At
kins a • • • • • sa7V. •
ifaurestort to" Mandan • Covada:l
arnal Vorin. Penn Stied.
Penna. Rail Road C7" -- .-Ceiztral Bail Road*
:111IE' subscrihern -having been' appointed ,
.. 4, stij=teentlorgb o tiPinnvylvanlior
men any amount:l marthatutts• or pnntato Milyanuit
woad via thin roots pl to carried thron•htn E.. day.
.to ail noovitoud to [la will ha to wanted tr. of noOtn , Ut•
anon or chars. fur lolvarues.. . •
.on as mummer xirincl ratranartui rrninseir.
Dr tiol;sl7. PalU3 4 :lh ' en, k k i lliVtlnM U Z:ditirl;
:.addlery, 40.• floa
Queconnorealectsrire, PalatA,Di• IStit
Lee,ther,Clom, Nba, Timothy .adother 0 8
D,0 , 4 York, Buttes, Lard, LA Oft, Tobaq,: , Lad C.a . •
Tallow, Oral's aud .kaglN • we
Miablo trough) Tar. Pit4i, Rada, Ocnman
Boa*. th.o6. • bOe_ipi
career Penn awl Ways”trtets.
PutsbniA,./aly 1481.—{179 '
Freight tereived for all the Way Stations'
on the Peonsysia Ceniralltailrosul:
'AT • Ma:l4. Walton..
.Lentatoiru, James Mites.
Mount Union, J.Dleetslev.
M "4 t -
V esm
A.IL Clark. ' •
Columbia. Modernell & MAIM. •
Harrisburg 1.4 ?"•ntrr m .
iialca i i'.; 72 . Meta ay.-.
Nenort. - • - .7ers• wan,
Millgotown, ' Ilar•Jostea. -
I . enTrrille,G. D. Tbamplion..
MF , ,_.0:U . 2.. - ' Tabard 1./111.AI_
She itn,
July 16tb.1631
ja,3; •
'wiser of Nan GM Wayne weds.
LN CONSEQUENCE the decease of John
McAdoo., the perUmshlabesetalbsseslsthus between
s Corals herebnitssolsed. Jobs Y. Cole
laity esttualust tamale the !manses of the 1 W Ono,.
Au pampas bating deltas sill phew present them tow
Perasest. ' Sittehopsh,Jul,T 1641861..
[9 gleam... W. iderbdite a 0n0u..1
The businesa of. tilt Agency of the Penn-
Ccatral RattrodiCansaaor ,11 banana be co.
dueled under tba nano and stria
IVI4O/ °Pram 1121 COV 4 O WDZ
arns stnarta
Pittsburgh, Jaly IstOsni•-4,17 9 •
Agrictiltural Implements.
LIIAVE JUST received from the' East the
folkiwing unteavvi_.ol ie. best aanbetare
. moat meant lasstillons. awl I o. LI Writs all
Faro." to mil and manilas my Moen.
Drilling timilines. for men. beans. Mas s turning.
Drain Drill, Dr wheat, rm, oillsomn hem):
Com sbollm.for home sad I=l4 comm.
Ntravr md Com Stalk Canby Bons.
c. tat* Root Cottan..
fix loin 'ad Ow Man th/ton.
thAirtrel Unit; Andtirttss hitt.. and nod.
fkubiteel rho. three atul tbar woe Eck.
Alt mattstfaetnnel from the best malarial; sut4 rtrt mtti
at the Irrits sad heel More of
. B. N. wrourNaftsu.
.rn Cor".r of Ilqad sad 13.1411 areas.
Beaumont's Patent Starch Polish.
. • hmatitul (Mos to - Lluses, Murtha, Caush..
nirt Bosoms, le. and abo plrrrnb In. In. , nnu ,
•Iberlug to law.. au, wade revents dust from sticking to
••, and oout•lns nothing Injurious. -
Dlrmtione—rut • p. Ms Hs. of • pea to • qUart. of
*lv& whoa touter;lo
12K mute per tab. wholnials and rutall by
/s 3 • . lt. &MILLE/IS. 61 Wood st.
• CARD.—I bore removed to my mewetore,
(thew doors belowaTaessiy opposite the Bulk of
usbursb, where I will be glad to me my Mends and lee
w clUaeo. sad rendre • share.of their mem. 1 will
k 4llo "9 :d7r o lfd l' irr,=_ _," tbir, uir."ll"=
reK's rather P 4 -. Volsterlt
COOLUMMIIOII, andikeinforter; Irladow Rude.. of *very yr
'lnn' Door Math and every ankle usuallptduel In the
moat extensive establlshmrets of the Lod. Orders resret
belly .liclad •nd mart promptly 011.4.
•01 . Wel. IIIIIILM:Thlre 'West.
LEI 6.
XHAN% just received from New York. en
can knit lot of tlalf stil• WINDOW CORNICES sal ,
QP EC-TWO 1,131-We haira eamtilete
rtook of (Iola; Mu, sod Steel Epent.ks,sad tho tort
pnnlity of sown .od away. , Ulaloon W. n i tlanoto to
n nrid I Of vision, ...cannon to Woe of
ootn. l 0n.. , ISM) . W. du
W. % l et d ‘l4ol. -
0.147g1,11;= gti': =I? DJ
W. Wade Ansi&
ttiracite coal
30 rec li v r e . d i. i gl i snl or article
• C. A. MUNI; cu rt CO
CoppqeCrr Stocks
NvE 1?:4 2, E erg43:ftem,Slock 0
ope 10 .1 . vats
. 1 4 AV °
Pure bun. 4, for Diaracea,
ißp4p. IN ItlINO! should on need French
uniai,At4racre care51404...n.04 noftRIN
e• Sinn, mDus.o4.o.sll,pe . zoirt ten)*.
MACKEREL -100 bbla. No. 3 Small, to
*Mt. and tor W. try .
L IQUORICE 1100 T-500 Ilbs. for sale by.
i. 1
OfficeePeoliseeiel of trabdrtentie,
WAOLKOTON. Atagu# 2,.185L
.1, a. t.h.t. elem. entfl the balk. et Cletobeteast, ler
the a alv.7 Proliskm. le ler Um, me er the
te?ele , lb. Alcltal elm bewilee. se bag= .
At New Orleans Parrar ll,
%Mel: Mrepai — ISIP
64 bushels of sew while fold
geed hard /perm mak.
to It of rood Ct dri doe oft • -
At Patois Rouge 13a:racks, Lairisiana.
- &S barrels or park of barrels 013 Data•
durr "
3bushels of um white. gekt beam •I
8 7 6 a COM bled POW
pounds of deadbeat sperm csoolsa •
14 ft.thela
et 'owl elver arm f.t •
galkas of gaol il6w.rboeP4,.
d. Laurels At Sty TFrrt, Florida
1= barrels of sobla.fta door
is bostooll of ogro trb, gold sou.
876 pound. of 0004 hard soap
=I woods of good turd
C 0.6.•
14 bombes of rood duo dos 0011
ll= tallow of good titer
At tic Putdie Landing, as mita, from Fort Towson,
mouth of the
barrels at trash swords.. door . •
' basbals of new wilds OM brow
• WS rearog. of good turd sow
tuob. o ged tud Spa. audio.
• 14 ..bals of good dean Orr L yssat
• . fallow Cr goal slows, •
?Ma...whole to In In W ttu month of A. 114
18f i bad to lump Natehltooloso to, Qs 2066 of detso.7.
At Fort Smith, Arkansas.
12 barrels of CI snorter hoar
• Oh boaheleof how while gekl bland
hid pound. of good hard meg
rev, good sissaT7 good WN r 'esn. alt
:LW ggetut of good old.. elorger
The whole to ho dellwerwl to an 1114, teal
At Fort Gaion r Arkansas.
.2.5.1 beim - Is Of •
370 herrele of huh sopergoe flonr
165 lanheb of new white geld tome
gp...1 rounds of wed.= meg .
Ow bound. of geed sperm media
41. boabela of good class dry Smolt..
dal gallons of good elder show.
The auk to be Glinted In galley, 1814
Atlbtf 'St.' Peter'..
255 bouts of f
1011 buateds of too It h. field beau
2,523 goaods of goad
ad bard e u ct , e i g .
411=12 clf good eloitidey two wit r -
ad) pitons et gotd MUM ethetpur. , "
The whole ,to to Mamma from the 15th May, /552, to
the 30th J teats •
At Fort taoleth nJ > GSom.4I4,4 itiocr, 180
li born!. of betlo supertioe tour
.55 bushels of Ise. white
geld beam •
111.5 pounds of good bard etam
pounds of good hud,tellereatadled
14 ardhels Of goat 0104111 dry du gat •
gallom of goal abler Mega •
The shots to be dellymad hooka . , s =haw. to the
15th August. 11552.
. •
• At FortLectOoltoottk 'Niaiattti River.
310 nimu
of y y p 4 ro -
Wll turrets of fah nyetrase dour •
• =1 Isabel. of WV White Add teem . •
' 2.5 0 4 lestade of gad
=°off rol eleasa leo or.
The whole to b. aol motto, the Ist.7ato, 1552 . ' •
At Fart Scoff, on the Marraaton river, Jfissauri,7o
=ilea /and - transportation irons A.,llserukisee, ow
the. Missouri river. , . . •
• 15 basiels of porp.
125 barrels of gem smudge door
Id bushels of leg whim field home
870 potted. of good hard um . .
23) peon& of good hard sperm wallet '
14 Dubai. of good clam dry doe Wt- .
2.Y1 gallant of good ogler
The whole to be delivered bTarlit 3dto 1852•
ridden on Mauled tit algal the onset
of their bids for each utak, aad eshibit the total =oast
of each bbr..ead so bid sill touted oft oaten tt =Drams
all asticlee mg:tired at • poet. . •
The periods sad ustatldee of ugh delivery at these
tads %here they are hot epeethed, oualicarth
Jose, let Leyte:ober. Ist Ileogaber. ltf.2,"ead let Muth.
MS. •
:The bade of which the port le pW.ted cob. *Mud tut
corn. and etch bog to oelith knere no hundred
puede. a:chiding the diet. 1 ran, eat most Ms
rent*zvdtvtrTTookolltitt 71 ,
14a21....a The
es ltj e paitSer
parted with theses. track le blear aot exoegthweletl
What the taelthatute hastgototteted, the eoulasior
mutt flash& to oak. a orttlamte from the meter
that Um bugles utealted teed peeked. Tbe pork id
to be coutalued Is eeenoust been of slate oak butyl..
full Moyer. the tour and malt la betels, and the mop
tad noodles MAI.: bares of ocavationt Mee for. Usage
g del:go.
halt mOl
1111 us brented bytemeggrestest tithlTtlia
to the bel. rented baths to have cotton aricts.
T out he grodatou et. P' me eters sad lad EL*? anut. (4.
J.,. Louie toe their ulthaate deettaallor bathe tad Imhof
Atoll;and the scree le Wort 80$07 [tadluso 10..
Pcter's ist Johan= • .
♦Wore to them Wre bootadeleud. a brach
of eoutract. sad the est ertil be autho ri sed to pot
etum t0Lin37147 th e.
The provosou lameeted at the tigie ged placed
dell.ry, and all to be told by otogrutort anal
ttter s .r. derneUßl sorb staneuxteell 10 Mar 81
t a="t. o .4==
caleeing or stablag the ettazdttlee. or of ak.P...4.1[
or la
*Lb Say Or all oracle rooluvo at my
our ttme
before watering tuto matrach and amo of thawing or
redadog the puitalitho of nett osilrep ousg.tdrd tatbee.
re=to bap
cot h tratau . airing sixty deur r i = ..the.
'tool noir yetToate with evkleneo of thlt aty. hateth.
er with tlo sasses of their eaemiliell. abate rerwoMmtity
most In certitied by the Markt Attorney. or by tome per,
ea veil IMMO to the Ihnersanakt, tbalr prop..
sale slit not be arted ' -
.tdroecre omen( to node is very owe. and eiiiikruor eie
.60des Med 116 iptivinr all be required at tkis eggs before
veleist4e. oat to wale Kim , the Downy A ,
Irma will to effected la each yobbo - money ea may be
, wreaks[ to the sedate of dedivery, they hoto of gar
or the readout. dthe COUlnetOre. o b i
the Trustily Department. .
No dish.. Ohl oast old be grauded p•I4 mow
surd ramaidauces.
nrb pogeeal Win be sealed la a etMerate eervikpe, out
Martel ...Yroponele far furatattleg Arm yhabeistasee.•
Nove.--14.11tere trill got to geld gm images In the CAUL ir s►
toesthis aturthom shim
"" aathartsed bolo m by um
e** =.2 ;CZ of
r OVEBING'S - - SVGAT44-50 bbl. Crnahed
Laza& Pallstisd. far We hf
TIDEAWIL9r,-10, maks prime Helves; fat
L oar DT lru • &I W. LIARBAUGIL
. •
'TACKED TRAB I—Jenkins. it Co.'.: , (of
.Philatlelptda) saserriur tautlog Oran ard Blatt
fu every randy, nen at all thug be napplied eoemdar, and
14 unmated to stye matlebetlon M. FfIIDT
1114319-500 prime Canvassed, for sale try
JLE Jill S. &W. 11•12.117011.
LAItD--1500 lb s. No. 1, for sale by
03.10 " T. WOODS it aox, Raetk:
low4lloAll-15011alii." siso'd Nos., for
ylO ""- W. a-LWOW.
NO. MOLMI3I.B-300 bbla. oak, for rile
, -hlO • Ir.& Y. WILSON,
8111,1TP-26 bbia. for sale by
. Jo) _ •
VfIgESE---45 boxesreetivi_ngperßidwell%
A.,/ Line. Uhl tr sale t 7 JAlgia DALEILL,
• iT9 . - Water. sad It Plant Ma.
MACKEREL -50 bble. New Nci.3, for sale
by M. JAY= =MIL '
4ACKEREL-I.oobble. o. NewN Derv .
ns inciter uli by WM IMA 90
& CO.
and 90 Woof rt.
. • r.ll°
TOUR=Vbbls. Extra4=l;?:irn.side
C r i f l .ESS-.150 boxes for 121tIgirkca'_.
'MACKEREL -100 bble. Large N 0.3;
fol. • 'IT '
ACKEEtEL. 50, PP?' Large N .?* I;
rfaL " ?.(1 " I tiruitana. edAWrR
MAOKEREL-:-40 bble..llFe N 0.3;
. 10 bbli.• " -No% .
luet ready*, sad *sal* br.•
`l7/9 • • JOUR WAIT & CO.
OAF SUGAR=solosiee Lotering's Don-
Itamod, teed wger..r bt.
WM. A. McCLIMO cu.
D RIED. FRUIT-300 bush. dried Peaches
60 d o do
f OD LIVER OIL-40 gal l olug. POI Winn,
for sale bi Jail R. E. =WM.
C ODLIVER- 011i-3 grons genuine.Rub.kJtoo, 131tak it Ca. br mak by
SH=hiaokerel, Salaam, Shad," and Her
Hag kr ado by , J. D. WILLIAMS a 03.Z.F
i■IAAMS-4"rime Sugar Cured„ Yerdaou and
Mallon. WWI BAdoad Pod ogoor, do by
:16 J. U. WILLIAM & W. /26 Wool d
•J. D. " I
Corner of •Wood isal
ILVE NOW IN STORE, sad to Anil.,
week;t2•222.1222124. of tbs soonlabbad 12422 , .
which an offeta co the stool num:Wad tow,. .
illbicatt y boxes salma Grum I? down Adea!, FyieW,llt
M bl...cheesAO
._ 12.
' do.
°°(11 2. 2
.. ei;3414 .
k 4 - "ter-b"...r. .4 , • t i r k 8 -• - 4
. 0,1 bps b ,1 1,,,t,, A55& 2 , 1 3
.. c =
I 361.b1inf0.... 1..1 266 , 4. 140 ' i i ... i. 64 , 2;22.12LT27
2i Lt i t( t. EL. I•di . . &O , 4:12:110 .
•.- 65 Aar1 d 622114. , 60 4 2. 22 ,1 1/ • . ..:
nowt. er; . -- 0 barl ,34 " , k 0 . 4 Y: '-. • ,
I tales C* . . . 2 ~ Dam Ohm; ,
i. 1 knvo; a * ' . 1: • : =l3=
•2 : top—
:: 1 " thou
..11.1t, • '
1 . ..
le I,V h ' 4 ' sta.4 —
2 tibia. uand.,
44 boxes !Mani
1L . 41 . perm
•100 dasim mom%
RA Ir. attplo4ool4.
100 " 8. Y. loOlic;
210 dot. int: •
1 Oona
Mu% flank
1.7 34 V , nntoolLectiten
.1 1 , tat& If.R. Imp% sad
ISO buts %%el ax;l
. .
• "! 66 ig"' o
1.4 a Pe.o4
160 16 . V6. N. C. Tan 6' Lemon II
. 66 . 6.7.
GO - - leaf 1...Yd86021 SoritstaanctOM
100 ea
ch rdllanitraVoooooozr. 30 " P 10 .11 3 .01 ,.. •
•.4 010000.0 1.0440,0, ' , " Brasil 010 0 1,
0:4 bzs. 6210. 1011.. Mug NM Prthdp. &tar.
100 VIM sal Pt. Pinar. SAO llama -••
. 1.0 bolus
00 01..b15..&rafk...1n.t ' . 11. 01 .01.11.100101.."
01113& 100 MS. Wator. earn
.000 Yews lUD& sm4l dam; • • Baum C.a...
0040 ths. WILIWar - d
• 600146 .'eglittes . .11% -
40 Wafts...6' 011; 1.66 t Omsk
46:61 Las=p On; , : 666 eat
a„ 7 , „„, bur , , taps Ueda 066;61!!
• t ,. ..11)
N. O. Poiiir•=iellobiom
and =Wt.
=i epbear iwun. Gercla u = nr „
• .7 3.12 e.a.Bd a m B i
Pigitittrgh . Zifei.lrumrap*CONlPaPY-; .- :
.COMPANY 4,4 inoXiipanged.
/army_ ~,1/51. shin a. Permian! Marto; mot b
commeed Memos on a meal or smote. • • -
the Company dm MMus both on tho Joint Strokmar
On the J Stoekolin the Woo tosoadol
those craned b 7 MOM! emarookamd FilteesPor that.
Scam Mara tht rot of mot Mock empordoo.
Mutt rates aro the mar to Um adopted - by OM
safely conducted economic... Those immted on the moss.
al mioctple Me the combined securities furnished Mend
ord.. of lammed, and the Capital antrehopton Food of
trT GM Stock demtmerd, •
The Charter permits the maor of hisoranes on e.
lo Emery corm.. incholbrir rMhO Of bib. ohibo. Po .
ecta. reistime. Womb or
Mare the ha of
mother Ix embalm melmdre hmtefit.PoTobimeordmfb.
or mon this mem me_ i_er.o . at Chow or MI, 0,00. or Oro
at tbo Meott of the •
Junes A. linos President
S arnside.l a rk=iseldient .
elitts A. Colton. Secretary.
• MUM=
ilassei 8. lions lamb B. Lesieh.
John 11.. Dilworth. . Mules A. Cotton.
!Wood MeClurken. if= PhililPS
Wll2am Wilkins. We Secretary of Wet:
H. Waiter lonrard, B , a.t..ry T... 7:
Jahn lin7der. Mg, Quitter at Pittainink Bank;
Idaleolso Leech:p.
Joesph Oszsam, Al. D., .
Addis... M. D.
.Jersddoh Drooks i lf..l 7 ) ' S.O. Kdriagto.. 11. D.'
lisakuel Dilworth— 117 badcbtoldstroot,
ltolsrt b.,lderoa. D., iba Fourth ea.e.,
ennrSord.lll. D, Birth stmt. I •
Wm' kW& Maros, DI. D. 107 Warty. West
Dr. Dilworth will b.' stleadszoo Id the dB., nosy
. . _ .
eb• Com pikxT. Ito. 76 Yon Kb' Areei.. 1.
irM:davr.B C. A. COLTON:beey.
State Xiltaal Fire Saginaw Omaquay.
BRAECH OFFICE-440. 64 earran ems,
Prrimmunr. May 11.0.11aL •
ITbait evidence of the mem of the
l E reetort in mode:mins to nuke STArz mum
PLY.X ...7178/324.NCV COMPANY meet' tlis want. or
tnu =Oman is Ina Anneranaint 11200111% of boxlma*
'IMAM., tam done, Davin lanton L 9O O Pthn. 0.U. 9
them!. year, - Wren: *Minn corer til eeebme trade
of Dmtkompany. Nearly all iba prime*, inam.4 la or the
=kat anai ill cowl dial's, LA • bags mmeetlon trend
Wtoas 0.0 Polities limed— • • T e pee., ' -
Da' do. aneni.tmatoti.tvc . ..74 92
Amount of .Pro
i . • it
AM• 4I9
D. eane•led. tennhated,ospind=lX9 00 •
Do. 'Premium Notes— ...... '
m. 19,076 Pr
inint..k.d. tarminataCampi — rtd— titst
force-- • - learn
Whole em't onen.orield—s;3.n 43 •
tha...o. faverof the Oa; in cosh—
' • g ga .
To ci or country mcrettantr, onsiograrrs of
ioe ty lated and country onerezty, it Is Wined
tt Ws coon.
reint ton and
(7angeted etw the Zoltable and=sornored m'4"..
of cLudikus. Blab. *retuning aloßfeinA
ming anlf Inalind Loma la on.f eno Mon Pm .
ra= g ball tb fr =irl er 4 y 'OO
but esti:U.l;lle tannedto a partitiptionTothe piarli. -
Direetors.—Jobt, P. Itutheribnl, A. J.tiftlett,4l.l.JOlNN
Ake, A-Carries, PADo o.lsedgeriek, basauel Jowls, WWI
Klotz, Juba B..Paars. Juba& Rutter:Stud.
< •J. P. XISTILHICIOUD, President.
J.S# ll 4J4T.:Secra
L sf , . •
Strip Dividend Of Mem . perreat. crplrbig
bolleiet has lava thalami br U. Directors, tad is uosr re.
oeivOla at thlt Wes ta Icturrale, or radatruable ash'
ai sod of 11in.17 days, A. A. Cumin. AV-
Friiiika Fire humane° CO: of -Plulad'a.
pwi:RECTOR/3: Cbarles W. Ileneker, Geo.
W:Rtolu.. olds 'fboaatart. Woolson D. lenritedded
as, Adolphe .g.oovia, gamut Oinatt, /David pl. Brollll4
Junto W. Smith. Weed. Ye. D.
, cu•n. Puddent..
'Cur= 0. Baum. &MUM . • •
.rts Coronary continua to make Inserances. Vernet.=
or limited. on evu7 deenintloo ad Property in tuna and
country, at raw m lon u an cmidstent with smutty.
The Ounamy have ruerva' • large contingent fund;
•Itiett; with their Cnital and Prunlotas4 safely inyestad.
afford surds protection to the assure&
She suds of tbs
on Janlet.ll6l. ismtb.
. g re.btri. the Act of 'Ma foliolek
• dl.BBii are
LUIt. 444:0 V I
dine their IneorpusUoc, a. meta at yeers c. =
bars paid armada oi Your Umbel 2'
DollaccLoars by Me, thereby winding aside= of the
advantages of Ineuranne. Y well es their abtil4 Yd A 4
pain. to meet with mount... all IWVIVOrd.
J. trAltlnikal WYiIH. AMU. .
iDld . Mar S. P. arras of Wood and ad eta
Pain Mutual'Life Insurance_Co.;
• leioaj. Fthretl"..l . , 3..000 ?to. an !natty stmt.
Itragret t oliti city, tat ats
.gent may aro be Towel U /stily.
from I/ to Li and . 3 10 3 lidera. at the matting new of
J. 71==tr . .I . Wa,;.:Lif . rl i tiete all wet
I r attended to.: listahlaVte eralainiett misdates ead
Losalita of Life Itaarattee, sn3 hlaxklorate fosalsbed ott
pqratitiek ' . 112.3.000 and mail:wady . biensiing.— '
Ntstgriat=ttuth".". fib ' • •
Marize, Ore, and. Inland Tnuuvirtation
sanerlnsurance Company ocNorth Aziericit.
Medd pt e.—Ceseerd enpltalt.so3,oo3. Pere
saner 13, lel. $1,191.340 00. Will make lasurana. o
Pullen,. sad thee aneents.ln leis de' and UlueerAlt
or pollem e enry decipeeped per item
eel nth.r versels, ether Or 4 taxeort.lect or MS lb.
Arthur O.OaOW, Pry% Tbsassa P.
• P.m& W. Jaw, Jan NO4
John a. Omen •WFllllam
W. 144 •
6"" :1 S. Aswan .I.llloces.
& Mort& !I . au, IL D. eibernad, &ter,.
Milos the AU& hararanor Oompoxylath• Unttad ammo
sad ham ft. 640 Naming. lour &=.4
• gO. Nn. of an cam am
S. cavin tbe Palle.
P. JON &ma:
j.,24 , •, 14,1 Iron &no&
Western Dinnatee Campiay Pitlibuiglt.
'CAPITAL E 300,000.. It 3dILLEB ds,
- lan. aptlast all Ueda Winks,: Ara and Molina
all bonus all! to liberally utitobal bOOOPIY
6 Woo Inetltation—otaaaaerl In Directors wm aro matt
krona in Its cootatardty • and oho are eleternobredAm
leoccOlroor told c.aadalia" ths character trithais
(bay hare wormed, ea eta:FIJI the htst protactlon to dem
atm dads.; to be •
keei. *Atotlii.ll.
Kat Ct. Malmo. Itt . W . yhelcar e
6alry, Abentlmick. iboa. &Oa
Weirs strew; Orarthana ,
UP stairs.) linaburch-
Delaware Mutual SafetylastmineeComjelf
CIIARGE. Third street, M '
• , Deletentn , -11olldteure, ether
Wrtone uld eotorter. tam nid ed ha or
en. .t the bolsi rue or premium..
teseurcs. , -' neer hue. Te 0 .04 eg=
nod Froisht=itatr oosigehee, ender open or
burin Tweroweeiner.—Tbershe twiny llierchendir
t.T...iiriiirlitaiT,',:47. - i.7471.7.1 — bma
Steam hosts, on tiTer• 1101h1" ea ths -
Boom ten=
lassetosseph IL Itlesl,_ =moat lotta C.
Doris, Robert Barb.. John 11.. Nam! Sd.adm,
(Isms C. Letper ‘ Edvard H. Dos% Wil
liam llobssll, Joan Itsolha. R. W. lia=iliass C.
ilaad. Tara. elmduza; ' Wsart
lam. .II ends. thane tostaLaproser dint..
Cbstlrs Ho 7,_ J. C. .Tolmsoty Wm. Wan Dr. 15. Thant..
701113 Scams. gy m. Mirk Jr. _' ._ __ - • '
Mown. 1100 CwW.
Wowur ,'Priddent. I'm. O. Muni,
dew.. Joan W. 001 . 13. aoattory.
taWl7of Ow Goaroxy, No. 42 Ain Wept Pato•
-76 92
. 95
80 111,1 .3:
85 " • 99
Per cent. mtrautgra.
L OWELL FLETCHER & CO., Manufactia-,
• rocs of 11001101,4 Itrenthitstzeologeemadßrare.
' Cces :c le l gr Th r"t raml ' argaltOro.
eirAll orders ham Pittstarth will . ix, pnamagr
int lona* mutat prim. • smia7
N 0,157 Liberty o,lbriserlyDetois cracker/H:4Ni:
ranoussx, of IsioslTrij -. • LZ:a. witmons, ofll. T.
• •
.00noso to tbs patas ts.n7. NNW dr
_that thay hats estabtowed a Wind and
LIQUOR STORft at the above stud. whore atom thW Ith
nays keep a NU ancounent of the best stork—aloseß• and
Ifraosh red and ahlW WWI. ' Also, French dart and
Brindles, of the Owens% ststaiwo Junks roe,
eibtMaur. thadtharne and spatting bock. wines,
Drum moat r=ral t. bTi =.l . = . ra kai sharz
4rrtragllisa and Llat Theare.. ntlrbkh the
11 Wt. wholesalla or Wad. an that room resestathie taxi
Mar of th e rteKVII. Mr. dtharzni i ,i.V.l . ernalorr i gs
Ltnablad to WI a rigner We, batter artiste than an/
o=hcare fn=dlT. Pinot% Onto a alp, beans
airSandllas u i autoilhal
Undis Patent' itinnErale 'Water - Pilfer
vIS NOWto 'Nemo in - operation'.a.,Wid:
. tAtlt asobeer, No. -10
tie.lo=totrret ts il Pa l ko W .earel — r2
nth* Medal two the
lostitata of Fen Vara.
and a Certtleath from dirr Franklin losotate of Phlladel.
Ws.. far raparlorttr in kW staanalnepronerthra amt IWO
tartiOnataa front throe /tartan Item In we to Ph.thaletabta,
of whtell th a tottovbszr .... ..ustpus •
•!, i t em. ma great abloom to thoorourred to ten 1011140 ot
1.• rhar. maw. the tettreraltde Water Alters; to,
-yodel 07 Ur, Lents. Ras 'used ma of than 00 wrlt.
.al wrath', / tht eashlrd to dgoof their nth.
IST Walnut Meet' —.
"Wirtuoiint Muth Ath a ItISL
lb* &falai ft ere:nada Water illieser. Invaded by. mi.
Ran= H. I. l =, a i t j adot . trzg for some 14 . thrtl i L. at ol
Werrlbn constdri It a reiVJene have ht insrvith
reanotaand tt to the JO3 Afl
• Na a samtea Anna .
than atitere are ter to taw out any stoell *or
pit , • 001dr may 11416 rtOM deretal antout or math-
N natter fn
d rater. . They are tatraaw leg l..
oar. and
to he 01th to br=reciated. rdO '" P 14X Ud M:°44
A Stratt,lll~,
. .
* Ism.
=XI Vsaill*
TEALD; PIPE-4oen a " •
• '
411 /MIMI tO taraMp •
huAl7if •
.4 1 aTZANDAt trdioosr. •
100 tuca.V.11.1 . L.71,4t1i
AIM la. AiOaedr„ .
25 bales .111•34.1 No, •
26 - Xog. Walnut;
. tirooad th.l4 -
• .
_40145 kid VP411040... • •
larE.l44kt: RAKING . Appzis for
w W hiestla
at ithy Whom_ .aotek ladzeri
Swat. ha =ow. apnea neSories. y
i d eglogr D irseriptlat szanria print. Lusa,
Iseageriario. enet high or keg, 4= " is i aisd W.V=
eio other method Se equal to IL
nom Or Vositihtilosa rta. nal Lama mew, hopresand abereeer
Balkilegs th• varier./ dneehaSoce meatiosi
moot asseeesdo/ly of
heatag mesa this plan la Sga% Oil
tar w
oath* method hums. • whokroese. =Mao heat. 'as say
riquirsot wish main lima= tem
Mato. sobs% dash or Am eahty Stems ere.-
PC E. TELlitigh
I. •
• itolilerePottlay." '
omsubbr scribeis y now Solo :Agents
..r 0: 0
Jo 0,0 the ale of Moir f= l. ...xt
of Liyo u ootebliohott Topotationl444
At Oh W m Pot ; etael Pots. 4. 111444 ammo of thoscot
IO& oabotonoo odrAf
and 4441 peovicon to sod Is wory amolKly
. -
Wines and Liquors.
oMPO •
Names , Celebrated
re.. /War oimtkahed alaeters hero bees Usadeihr
more thaa y.. tvor .. sl. auto"
aa arblelk Liao rho . -
rwro, the ese '
=So sad atuntathoduur rim
fflimin everroost
cderel. ehle aritrip
eirreas of the highest =lsere. to erboat their oampld
Cm has Deter nth:titled. Dan riuut tres haaa Ammon
teethooalais es to tbarrupalor virtue over eh other pier
• The latretheutr br their trearsalhonoretY
rorsertts oteablued. leder Ana teur 'tr •
Vita Sue.v. _ _ •
• Poe polar hi US taw* roselhas noes prolamettel ptla
rota. •
=tree hot d = l =lStl th rhetter "
queetket or &mote. As s remedy la Ltua OOP
critr OM all IXltlratO gosh se
has tam fair mnoum. Or fro wear rum
• or weeknom aast,pdas I. the took sod eideonealttrat,
from wren stra/os al.. eatemee ef the kfrinera, te.. their ar.•
Cr= tarot arterietee Da. Ma dl ea. 11.64 . 1==bg
TO It= gib e ttra . *l.
that their heaehdal efforts vill be rsarut tea iLid. • •
For tali. leboiseale Lad •
Instill•• • rt. Z. ar44.1•13. V Aral rt. •
M.E. for giving sheentlfal g Unints.
W 1... W. I Boma, an allltlsofpftw,
nee etetenn tho Inn. from atihning to the Lima and ftit-'
in , to otithinin it eontslas nothing Injurious to clothes la -,;-
nnr mines. The ladies harnkaz wan SIN the
of rata ass article, am in We theiranneotatlea irt= '7
it Tea sed. a. no competition is fond Wu!
laiaL • • .
N. 71.—One cahnkfde t drty dmesi or elethes, Led a .
Cowl, Omni br without it.
' Price costa ner Cake. Zarb Cake with roll disci:ken • •
For Web, nth% K. L g UM. 61' Wcod et..
7055):ei7lior4it t 1
*Mori are more UV in Damen and earth.
VLRTUE of. remarkable rem&
b itir=ll , lll l * mana agrarian for t. tett... progr i e - : :
bo vit!'
- The Pan= ia Pr 1301114 from • .11 In felt• ,•
tY. et • depth of loos hundred het, WA tam. •
rtioe, eithoot anrettetnieel cheesen ti
dose tram histare's One Labmfor7ll y& I i
anthem , ,
=l " d' = teas an c't
th"" %ky
casti of endormoidLt4nre . . =oat be II not amfat.
'ono la alkyl. end the bleats et
heath and throe _ Mine • mare, Leas the pro.
t==7„P= ht ., =2: a meth
Mg MIA Ms it. and amoral remukable euree d niaa.
tamed. ia •
.E . t , Latiention of La fntary pesnalMill
slde send ' ht the Iran et &mon
' We do not to maim tom peeled amtifirntat:
in are amnions that the medicine on moo worker na
Into the Um of them.ho Mier, and vial to I.
MBA ire do me claim ft It • unlymal application laW
eredi....l.7 . .ertheeitatherli awe •1 • somber et . ; . ; ,
t'htmleit IA 11112 o rdl th. be
Cilliotao BEOSICHITS% comaissexig...mi .14
etyma ASTBALI, and hems of the sumo& LLI•
SU CO T. DYSPEPSIA. Diarboes. Maoism of the •
Bladder and haw V the Beek ar Sian Fermat' . .
Dimwit Seam/sta. Bletterehe P= l... timda d ErlslP • •
elan Tetter, Itiliontrtot u ern; Scald; IMO,
de. An. ' Lanham of de ty , melting from woe at • •
long and pratmoted amen of diamem,Abis medielme...
brim relief. It will set as a TONIC and ALM
MICE Ist nett am. ha tam mar to MI!
whole ga m
ma, opeal” na the
hroatiotos which norm disease and • broken •
and shins toe:reseed and named nazi mall the
or umi The proprieter ban of••••• 11 cums of rum
Out retitled every_
_other treatment. set nen under themee
of the PETROLEUM fee a abort ham tea peed am be
giv® to nay wbo Jesires
. Nom wittloal th e diastole of the emulator..:!.
Sol 4 hptw
• • . WMO=4 Dadrs.'neer Seventh itimid,
. 9*. igd a riChM7 W*cd '
armee Wood Salsa and Iflngts All W D e :
rovZ9.7 • maker ninsktka • '
• : .' PE= AItATION. ' , . • • ..•
KNOW all Men who are tick affilitied . ';
' edth dimwit of the Meader and Skttaymirlthrhos.,•
Pelna in but. or limbs, antylainta. old nem a,
deem Se., that they tea be cared by nk.ft•
=M.. Yonmery tall about lta being • IsM.e. , a,
Y ion platen. ..but Uhl dote not nuke it sts ibr.lll
la the boo or an bound, Latennatotty,' that it hem "blase
, which ere slot tentstard in wry other reasedy. Tidies& ' .
who at racked with naln; sad milbaing from Waists. ten, ,
for. ge week we ww wee Ler or we ile. mown= '
neederi It ads very little to make &trial. Thus Penn
ies= is no ralature—no tompoand, put op Its tbel pennon 1
of bop:sloe on the trarmunity: bat It la • raoserlyalskoter
bat by the master bead of totem sad babbles up bus the
balm of oar mother earth. in Ite originatenity, nod cf. ,
thra to sollerlan bonsaalty a nail annedre a taw. =I
. ....
' - h litas e ented-Pilee. after Wad addiction hats Wet to
meter say relief. It ha. tared itturomatian, of lont .
etandhat.inei of the worn sad more Pool clowlatel , it •
1 Iva =tad Chokers Norton by take or ten.dens, „it be.
Vbegeorro iftig r i " tent "'hka 71g 7 hrrntl=
stelds, Ws better thartertyleiltalt or olatonnE
that ere know of. • it nill tare chilblains sad trotted iv e,
la a Om splditatken undoubted testlamy tart% •
ed of the treth
ae adned in the above gateman, by .
bun aIMUY.L M. illAiyCanel Bub, Bersoth ettelt Of
no., a allowell. , toner Of Wood stand and Tiralis•
alba; B. h. balers. 67 Wind etre*. -D.A. Mika". sad D. X. .
1_51:441 1 li t l k. 11:1 3 /31 p lAp 10 :4111
Jame ram discoverer WI solopmditor •
• Pth., smottiroppbx WlFbeenr6dal mod id.oak stet otee
the iterestor of the odebrsied tesdnuseet for the
Lenox is erecting seem Cumin dames, era s
dent of thee endtast rankles. Lentos sad. te
monde of the II athwart ce . Anneftears. end for um/
teen arm has hem :mateget in the hienethistics db. ,
ewe. sod the eppliostka of renollee thereto.
till=the an of hie lasting tube, In enatellserith
t jleeds /Map. mat other of Ms I,m ud
ss ini,
ganef sa oneendlehel mama mi tba
end fent =ladies Sublimates to
Cnterate ng
Berotods. itheroostists, Aeltoan raver end Ave. Mimeo
oil Muds. Chan& th7dpelss. sod all item otstiade.dis
eases ware: to femalesorker..frrerr Ibrai of dimities
esab. muter them of his npurdi"!io stab boseesS•
ter ts betr,nottrr the an of oar enosionnal Li. 7 tterStutr '
I. inecarpetible with Phrefolookel Ler . bet t 7 the oat of
Pis remedies. sawed to, and preeertbeS tor; sale wanes
Dr. Bosley Toole Alterstlio Plll, 6 lrlxen *Nil; 11 . 01 i
arkoorlodoed to In rope= an advert, =ar , .
Yrs or Jim lasmw.h webs, leo. Ur
Ileetirtres from eon:1room as .1.. o t. Golden PIM area
aduW., ;Is* tannin ea toms pron.. pro-pent" oar' ,
ted to amok tot being estittled dors bars trig
Is rotation. to oetsbUsb what hoe twos seld, tturrotodsat
- - .
~Reamktad an
brrite4 to eelltreen the meet, sod let,
[en(teeth) este et the Doctor!. pexeehall • de..
of anneal of eeth remedy, eta YAKIto
Pot i u. V . the 1011erfatritts . e. bylaw% 01
J. &hammier Oa. 241 - IFacel stalttabuib. .
1.111. itertuelet, marut a.
Beetheaty, rear the Paell Mee.
Cl= MD:ACTED_ be 'roma fa,
.IDf.DeeritlC. fleilbeferie 12f7ALLIALIMmomm e
or Ibektortdcb bumped the use of thirW riefsem ,
Nny befeeet • dnebt. been the mem or esee.: ,
ef =oemes of.ladiebluale,
deer and ebseeeter dlaesen We feel mu. =SU
sakeeeffue~betthie is tbe toff meted. Wad Isabela c.
,Sared to the=l-,tbsidaes t ta..rvF7 . sem attls? Mak
lihas ewe end beatable eneozhinasene diemr
yer ahoy tlne eased ter de. werea teat
nude mold. bY .hat OM.
A. • d... 5.4 eonrlWa soot of the aloe, we ses
that It is the only ankle teethes mewed In the lima set
a pahmt IledleLne that bee ever teen getneelsed asa .
we the pnkhee et the ellteallyeee. the most
stetu a for nag. we: newt .
• The Bon. Mom 11. GelemetiLlati b. Bozo Peliet ' a,efe
E. Yvette, Late Mayor. Wes. .Teim A. Pix/ate u. nesee;
tee. Winn= IL rester Bee,nell wear ten nestett et
Item sad • host of Witt W.Maeshb guano nt,3lret
toto Deter them.
tts twerele,
As It is wall known that Mint X etudes. ant not {fi t
laly h. estremlsed by the besoweed. wealthy seat went.
we re etdonbtally,e right to freloarselses highly P,K.:
neend.. Thla-Weetecr wneann *en Donne has bean waft
Man 71Mai Nana the_y abb. Its nest Maeda are now lie -
etwaesen and bee. Tea tooet nadabbtolly straw sad
g _waif of Pa metal neetatnese end esaletter, e rmwe tise. RIB • mererettea Tamely for all Derma
all theyelse end
ga ent
that fleeh anleasonasine,
bah. bro="Ml-'
unessoend me to..
oses L J . t.O betihme hare been sold .theist occenlelnt.
ead hawe Doted nth attettishing mew.. .after all ether
neesedles bans Wei. se .woulet stance beilan heave nei
.and in on. prweeminta the My . wet posible
itd• ateditith% mist:sari ttesettr, ta 'mond Lettint.
attics, thr mum! ta trell at =Waal mt. It sett w , its , -
Ij . apou Um tillicatatjtal,otttept It htslth tad ammtb.— .
It Is a owe ents its ritsettma.Ctamas. B
ALC optaatedia ittbettk.s. , Clew! ;of teßt. tad
Wettnett ketosis or litsuals, tram *hate., malt 1 Mir ':
tuns . .
BertPttlettittl. 67 A 11. Bairn, Moen. El& 4 ' _
Co. sed .ordett a Visettclac PA bl. am Mal
. "I " P e n 9'P' t igT ,t.. ..... , ..• ddlit. '" rtg 2;
To theratiottliiltiftialiiith Gant* ..,
PDB C ATTENTION is reaecta i an ,
.i_ to Um Ihrlowhig Miths...t tb ti." .•
co. of tho
moot tm temedko of mob=
prnmeou. u 4:22:2:na Imo thm. atm : ,
It . . Iwo mine Mb pest . Inko brought bang tho „
ra z t rzw ,..,..,, x4/..ert,
ltooeconsate = l =
I T , en . . that the ,
u ltA.2 tbs. ,
Lit Vegterio nP omscolso..4llthksilttr i menrm i '.
W otbormoetroms Imo beto lontottra • The Banda= tr , •
a 2tatonl hoMmty.otak to to depths ig tho, , _ ... .mrth, i: I
M. • poorr mat Wort ULM laugh. to morn On ' •
1 . 3.1, 1 47 . .tatt e =1 ma 1.14 . •=a; .,.
.1.1. , decals* thts. Ninny trust oar mord or trot casti
or stahmemotn iterk cro very. set to eatelge; ',--
tlt ty b. too wymmh. to tot tho ottmt n .'
W tm...
..= :1 4 thm ta t 1 . .0x t 0 ,
i tIM .... , ;
our re•Ly should b. [G, to Order tO SWIM toalimpo. • • '
twice Am mmandh...muttaglo sitiola la Um toolmiham3- ~
la. Plata =mobbed theit. t mo st .yboasootla ~.
two. ;Ay and neight.uod, h.. om wymoar Is 5.;.-
- Within the -
aro anothis no .1' .t...., dam.. ••-
who wan totan part y
_Mod. torn taarrestand to dolt:. 8•1/- ' :
end awe of wago n s. in ad tam td UPS Pat' taw
pond. And.also, the amid s pottanainhasra sountrq. .
Than .alma bat thaw .t. ..r atar hams gad tes7 ':
.I. yererred to by say pains who ban doubts an the aps. ;1
int. %;* nun nag cand Whey tha Lad h....p..4...,
~,,i in , osopp p booths, lb . Fara. mill ago. '
~,p,,,,ap, anmdmg torappa-L,Diansph Dyantaryrf _
Paittannatino. Ut mantes. cat tits Skis. ...,
PIM on tba Inot, Clank FR. gyms .i tri .„
.... pdolin Ms bones and saitotoakotzi f.'.
W/WO 001•114.. Asttuas.
pobosopy slastions tit • atorosie
ptgy lotmq tadlag to goo -,` •
- . Rona ad ' Iboaan or lb. simaii ipit . = .
MNada ittraflated tavola, Owns sod
it la a sun _ ..
al tea ohne = l". •=ta yat t aZy with thr '
toottpata soma thrtitattas that aitiaataith an Ili ::,
Mahan& of Ur inocaletoy, mho trill tak• phones loan..
lag Warta the ands! at Oar . .
- Vbstara Plan nay ~rots Sind . Stsikinis; thio ,r 1
Patrolman it the patted Ilsandy of sp. stn ~- .
Giblet standlag ul the poind sr* to St/kW
in than. grattka Thor taw at gra 1. pan ,
ands notitant , b as willing to sward it dna psinprdi
andttarsdas.• atfts loather Thior tolls rtand, all rut 1. ,
enstgalla to sans Was that as Aaronson is Ild illallPi'..t'
Mt env diasonad. Yrs' yalalsoda sod ni....,,,,
5a1 4.0.:. • ILltYgp lk lUD° Hp Rood. Et --
8.1,. Wad
.itnemit...liwz......, ~,
~....4p. A. PO
Mr. L. C.Sellem—lly 4.b7ldnot. llt.atotis. •••••::
woe. to I:emblem:ft mum., LA LIU•• b yr i t
readies to very Iltar &Try I vs. , I V,.
frk,..Lt Wt.° Pt 1.7 tom end a.6grwtt
76thoft, auk It bu arm failleteweses UV= ' •
.a n eticz . " .. l 644t . r i n n y t LepolAre
• Pirestutoul4
axe.. 1 1 100 'PO ''t7 11"'l "21 --'
Pnywed vs,d.oaby_ BILUMS.:
=WO • 114.:414:21,11011111rWitiMpli'''
17 1. .
.lb. l
arge doc
mat Meat Was. 7"
.=Ms of 4745
1 r4371. 04 1 14.
L E ftt4Z7
•. . •
eurdesses Iholmasi
E.Y. Ootatat . '
IhiaggetA .4 . •
g= l l7:et trotl1 44'! "
xadot'.ere *.
• ."
• Thelienteasto
" aloe
item Mat:ma far Totter .
Strerkettendat Pierian
liwattres Tomes
Surlinlaal Adam , •
' •
At the /vas Moe*
mot • , ems
Liu/da ---10 bbls. for nre t
me, c„:
..,,,::w,., ..~.:.:.~.. -