The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 21, 1851, Image 2

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PUBLIBIII22 , 2 14 ,- 112 2 CO
r oof 3111 Ire
THIGG3I:IO:O3Wit,:I4 • • G. 21i 1851
, •
•01! PAPE,R,
To fqm,uplootlon of. c Coastant B ; ewlea''
a 10 . 4 0 - W 1.9. 4, - 4 7ii, • 1-
. • .
DzPoiotATtoi or;lasuao4-Ono of the mold
remarkable trier4of" th . eags r , is the sodden and
unienWldePoPullOmlk . , f. /rebind; caused'
by the leoinbined elfs Of !famine and.emigre
ins in the Great 11;itido; the continent of i:larbpc,- there had been
steii•V • biciiase of inhibitants:for the last cm
tury,:anil from 1821 to 184'1, that increase was
very great, as will appeari from the following
J - .6,801,847,
•. - 7,767,401
• . '• 8,176,124
The,,nxtti of lacrosse from 1821 to 1831, was
15.0,peroear,-fross 1831 tiilB4l; it was 8.7 per
cent: *tar rom 1811 to 11351, Tho drerkse was
2" cant
t 1 65'1 340 in
, reon , , ,
Aire 1841,ip Ireland lost Lwow,-
habiteatn , but when it is recollected that the
wOrir. .of.depopulation did not commence rntil
and that it is altogether probable that there
was at least a Small increa:o up that Vine,
the Jolt, now of this f4ghtful decline in the
spire; of five years, will be presented in. ell its
startling aspects. A writer In the list number
Illsokwood's Magazine, estimates the popnla.:l
tiro of Ireland 1846,1 at 8,318,986,4 y the
m 46411851, the ictuel number-le only 6,615,
784, showing a dementia Of 1,868;102, or at the
rate of 372,i300 a- year, end this- in a country
which fttan'll32l.tollB3ll increased 965,574,. or
at Gni rite of De 27l Y 1P3i0420 per =nor I Woo
ever So sadden and kretrotrhable a declination, of
; 'population in any rountrY on- the; face of the
globe, in a period ofprofonnd peace
The decrease has peen in every county of 14.
land, burconSued to the feral districts, the po,
1 .:-...-„polation of the towels lurking increased from the
. lodine of , tarnished paupers and others whaled
&teethe tztiJsery of the cor:dry. in Dublin, Bellist
Gorir!,'f.itnerick, Waterford, Galway, Drogheda,
and iCarriolrfergue, the'retbas z been a greater or
I.9ser, increase of populatton, varying :rem 43 to
5 per cent. - Dablin-ineriesed 9-per cent.- Bel
_ . feet 32i end Galway 43 Ar cent. • 'may afford Some or. our Irish citizens a
. Melanoholy interest to ainteraphate the relative
decrease In the different l oonoties; as will appear
inithe following table: I
No of Per.o.
mi. )855.
Mani:, ' ;'''
1276,1881359.3 53 '
,, - 202,aas 150,170
-Down, - . 361,446 317,778
.... • . Lo'ndoriden7,l
2.22,174 1,744
Donegal, • 296;448 2 44,288
Kildare, 114,488113,627
Armagh;" • • M 2,893 1 ,4."41
, Louth, 111,919 1,045
Tyrone, , 812,966 . 1,865
Kerry,' ' • 29;880 . 8,241
Carlow,' ' 1 811,=3 68,167
Wicklow, '• 126;143 99,287
Waterford, • 172,971 135,836
Kilksany, ' 183,349139,934
King's Co., 146,857 112,876
Westmeath, 141,300 106,510
Ifeath;‘• • ' 183,828 139,760
Fermanagh, 156,481 116,978
Clare;".: •, ' 286,394 212,720
Eloruegluirq . 200,402 145,410
Cavan; 1M3,1581174,303
Cork - ' ' . 773,390 551,11521
'Limerick, • 1 281,638 201;819
. Longford. ' 115,491 83 1 198
Queen's C 0.,.. 153,9301109,7471
_ Leitrim; • 165,279111, 1 808
•• Sligo, 1180,1386F3,269
- Galway, . 422;9= -19,1291
Mayo, 388,887 1 274;716
Roscommon, 253,691 173.7;98
Whathas canoed this nisi decrease, amount
ing to 222,0001 is Cork; 124,000 in Oalway, and
111,000 in Tipperary, andeohn through the dark
catalognet It is estimated that 800,000 ilare
emigrated }o America and - 14044s during the
last five years. and 400,000 morn live inundated
iliglandand Scotland, filling ell the large times
with a; - wretched pauper-population. There Ta
males over a hal/ a million, together - , with
roith the
Miura/ increase, to be acc o unted' for, a vast
multitude which has been swept away by famisk l
and pestilence. .1
These terrible Downes, however; did their
workht a Short time—ssy two years.—'
For the last.three ' yearalrel4ltaa been blessed
wit gmsd crops Of- grain, which more than
• Made.up for any failure of the .pbtato, _and the
prospect of the latter cropliexceedingly fine for
this year. The decrease froMemigration, which
retailed a remarkable , mseeterationYes soon as
the people awoite from the peal° had horrors of
the famine, has gone on withlinereasing impetus,
from day to day, from that firteo to this, until It
would seem that all Ireland was obit' to poor
• . her millionaapan the shores of America. Not.
withstanding the. good crops, and the freedoM
. hum vrikrit , and comparative comfort at home,
- the stream of emigration is increasing, sod has'
eat in so strong that even the project of saline
e. crop at potatoes as ever biessed,—some would
,eay, evned—tho. Emerald Isle, cannot. May for
One moment,the Mighty cu+nt, 'A late Dub
• ibklettel. to le .I`y:
. dounr,and Inquirer, af
•-•:_ see•tiving cheeringamountiof the improved
•-•.and improving condition of:affairs in the aided
' torsi distriCts says: < .
strain of emfgratioa continues to flow, to
themstmlahmerd of every one who recollects the
cresting tenacity . withwhich the Irishmen ciruig
' 0 , land." The astonishment is only
equalled by the sonatement lat the '90061:11 of
money that flows across from], Anierles, to bring
the Mrer.l The latter showithat however ac
cused of laidnew at home, peon Pat must work
harkwhen he gets. into a country: where heir
paid fOr Wisher, and that he is' not the heart
reckless being he is often represented. The
fait in'the' r .bit o' bier—their own altogether,
. • end fmerer-4emow - associated .with America;
tArfeiito be their fatheida nd; and thv wish to
herein out with them there. In th'e years 1
mediately following. the famine; the emigrants',
were chiefly 'Libman; bat nines; a better class of i
fanneris has swelled the tide- ' 'ao that Capt. Ler
: oore's . fitatietical Baptist, jet issued; shows , a
•' diminution in farms of thin); scree and upwards,
to the amount or idiom forte - thousand."
Happy America, which, e v en in the midst of
'the sous mhich flow tiers a seine= tariff policy,
.' c enable the exiles' from Elie to muse a streihi
of money. to Bow to the Atlantio,: kill the
; • wings of effealon and benerolezies. 'While 'our
Irisb Poisgsgsn i s. engaged, in this go 4
their hearts 1121?.it be made better, and they Most
be aociniring habits of thrift and indush7,.
which will curse them SO take rink among our
.most . prosperous and useful citizens.
.. - .
isticuitauta 'ltacerrioir.-7.1t will 'be recta
! lated that the Pittsbnigh Pat, the Lao organ
- of Western Pennsylvania, undertook to palm
Judge Spalding, off en a, Whig, after . quoting
' 'some oP•hia Democratic . ..higher Lae speeches.
Well; into the Lenora.) State Convention, the
editor of the Pat ha main turned hie attention
• to his brethren in Ohio, and be a sword time
excoriateS the Judge without any regard tar the
Pennsylvania statute to ..prevent cruelty to ani
teels," but dgeniously attempts to featert
judge upon the Whigs, by asser:ing - ..that.
-the= bold incendiary did' not :rive a stogie rote
for the Supreme . Bench." The editor in Ibis
readings must have entirely overlooked tbe let
° terra&rulge Sparing addressed tehis Demoma
-io I brahim in Convention positively declining
• the nomination! Yon can't I turn Judge S. over
to the Whir at an, at: all, Mr. Poet lie is a
( at "associate" of the Free and Radical • Demct
ehly.--Ckerland .
- . - Gase lh g resid erhe 6l24 m be lln4 goes TuU t"
, 8 .
~ PiTotairpression upon the people ol e 'i,.. trgin.
f..‘ .. r ee pre , h, trplot - IVea s :trs gairi: with him
is Yr sad republican &hum& The r, ' t Y , c°,1F
,1,..., the qua li ties of an jionest ... and
C.I, -. -
patriot. ' ... . ' . m an
Ot li on.
. Edw Ar 4 A. ilgrilAegah. (ex-MhtillitEr
.... - to Prams, erAfai
_. for t=fratt'r,'&,,yvilse',
;., \-• • camwm. ire of Fonatabt
etnEoo;eit OA kllisbAumef Wens, at the oleo
„,.,.. r. ,- „,
. beld . inthst_etate on the 4tkibut lt d t
:::,..,•:-...,,,,-,_ IgfiaaMoilz7doo. Automat, by, a euy of one
......,.. , -..
::ij:70.4 ,-- 11,*:" .-:",
'.. 4..'
• A Convention of these Total favorable to, the .
tongued= C . 4, Major geirrr,
no the rtig. candidate for the Presicbmey in
14 Western 1 i..41.15.-'a*embled to
this City yesterday; in pursuance to previous cur;
•tie'l°4l.t*digvOloPt... •
Delegates were in attendance front nearly err
er, county 'in Western Pennsylvania, end from
the counties rtearcat ns, end thence:Ober present
was WV'
The Convention assembled it one o'clock; P.
in the largo yard in the rear of the Amen--
can louse, on Penn stmt.. wllio* was marl/
filled with a deeply iutereatedand intelligent au
dience, some thousands in number.l The stand
was ornamented with . flags and banners, and
two or three line bandS of music were in attend
ance, which colivermd the scene by playing ap
propriate airs. The large assemblage, in the
middle of the day, the interest end enthusiasm , .'
manifested, end the absorbed attention of the
vast audience, - men in spite of, rain I via the
threatening aspect of the .weather; shoWed the
deep interest felt by the, people lit the cause
which had brought themltogethei, end reminded
its strongly,of the glortoul scenes of and of
1848. The procceling, of -the day were •Com
=aced by
llon. 'Cornelius Darragh, who said—Fellow
citizens, this being . the day-fixod t on for holding
_ _
a Convention of :the friends of ten. Scott for
Western Peunsylmnia, he had been recomted by
the Committee of Arrangemmts to Mill the
• ' b rs
meeting to order by nomansttngGeneral JOSS PH
MARELE, a soldier of :the vitt'i. of 1812, for
President of the meeting. Oen. Markleyas
unanimously - elected, and on tithing his seat,
thanked the meeting fer the honor which so re
spectable a body of his fellow citixens had con
I - Mr, Dttstrgh Moved, for the further organise
' tion of theineeting, that the -following persons
he el.tad
:- I/
1 1 t ice,Presidents, to wit: Messrs John
I Dickey, of Beaver countyJ 8. A. -Fortnum, of
Bigler, Dr Wm. Imi;in, .of Mercer, John IL
Leech, of Armstrong; Hon. C. Myers, of Clarion,
Paid. Chasten Naylor, of Pitbbargh, John Blies
' man, of Weshington, Jamesjiendentin, of Law
'Telma, Prescott Metcalf, ;if Erie, IL Holt; of
'Allegheny; Gen. Wilaon. of Venango, John W.
' King, of Indiana, S. 11. Lutes,. of Jeffersoi, Col.
J. B. estop, of Fayette, John Wells, of Greene,
' and Joh B. Smith, of Elk.
' :These 'geniletheittook their seats on the stand.
Mears. Geo. - V. - Lawrence, of Washington
I County,iJohn AL Sullivan, of Butler, Patton J.
1 Lynn, 41 Clarion, A. h: Shaw, of Asyette, B.
Orgaliaf Armstrong, Wm. Henry, of Deaver,
Thomas Sample of LaWrellet, i and Daniel 111%
I Curdy, of Allegheny,were appointalSemetaries.
1 The following gentlemen were, onmotion, ap
pointed a Committee on resolitionm Messrs. .
A.,. 14;eviance„ Bader; J. Rulisell, Washington;
o...Meins, Clarion; C. Darragh, Allegheny; R.
Drama, Armstrong; Wm. W. Taylor, Lawrence;
John Allison, Beaver; and Adam Black, Mercer.
John. M. Sullivan, Esq., ,c , t Butler county,
read the following letter, winch' the Committee
on.luvitatione had received trod Ideior General
Winfield Scott: , . • - ; . _
.I Dece.W.
Cent rat
and 1661
Wasinaoros, Aug. 8, 1851.
Gnalkntra: I have - received your must compli
mentary invitation toil:neat you andothafritmds,
at Pittsborglr, on the 20th irust.
This is en imitation exttemely difficult to re
list, and if it.Lrere possiblecor rather proper,
foi me, conciderieg my potation, to accept, I
certainly should be in the - Midst of you at the,
time you appoint; tor I truly believe, there is
not a . p`ortiors of America more, remarkable for
strong arms and warm hearts, ever ready in the
_cause of their country and 'friends, than the re
gion. of Western Pentisylr
With thousands "of my countrymen, native afid
adopted, - ot that region:l have exchanged in
peace the warm - grasp of fAendsbip ; and with
thousandvm brothels, have trod the battle fields
of •Mexico, and received their shorts of tictory.
My heart, therefore, will be - with the incetingon
the 20th instant.
I ~ x emaits, gentlemen, your friend and 'fellow
To Memirs. T. J. Bighorn, F. G. Eay,..l Toting,
Jr., R. Porter, S. Johns, A. Mayne, and E.
Jones, Committee of Invitation."
30. G
The letter wan rtneived with loud cheers.
Crwmotion, it vriv resolved that • Committee
of three be appointed to wait on Gov. Johnston.
and the Ron. John Strohns. of Laneaeter, and
invite them to attend. 3fessrs. R. S. Fleming,
larCurdy. and Sewell, were appointed to this
S. A. Pursitmee, Esq., on behalf of the C4l
- ort,Resolutions, Made the following re
port, which.vrao unanimously adopted:
The freemen OGAVestern l'ennsylvinia, in gee-:
eral Mail Convention assembled, submit to their
fellow citizens* of , other portions of th4Common-.
wealth, the following resolves, and earnestly and
cordially incite their co-operation in carrying
the same into effect.
1. Resolved; That General Winfield Scott in
the first choicelof this Convention and the pert.
pie it represents,--for the office of President of
the'llnited Stones at the next election.
2. Resolved, That it is the privilege and duty
of thin to make blown the reasons
which' have influenced them to this decision.
3. Resolved; This the chief magistrate of the
American nation ehoold possess these qualifica
tions-Ist, Devoted attachment to the republican
institutions of the country and fidelity tithe
Constitution end lawa. 2d, Moral and phydent
courage to discharge ell the duties appertaining
to the office, in the regulation or its foreign and
domestic affairs. - 3, Comprehensive and enlight
ened views of the foreign and domestic policy of
the country. Ronesty, fidelity, .pure repot).-
Heroism, and elevated patriotism.
4. -Evolved, That we find all theseregaisites,
so necessary to constitute a good chief magis
trate, possessed by that favoritechieftein, Gen
eral Winfield Scott. ' •
5. Resolved, That the history of our canntry
from the war of 1812 until the present time,'
furnishes irrefragable testimony of the devoted
attachment of oar nominee
to the institutions;
the' onstitution and laws of the country—on the
sanguinary' battle .field, as-well as in the civil
council, no name stelae, more .ocospletieollY
bright, than tbat'of General Winfield Scott.
.6. Readied, That the - courage of Geneva
Scott to discharge all Str4 'every duty, in ell re
lations, la conceded by ell. men as tmdenlably:
true. ;
7. Resolved. That the delicate and important
civil duties his government upon
General Scott, in Me affairs of the 'Csoadian
difficulty, in the war;with Mexico, in the mdse. ,
'Non of the army, and in prescribing for it rules '
and regulations, and the superior sagacity and
sotutdeess of viewsliaployed in the performance
of them, demonstrate the comprehensive and en
, lightened character of his great fitellect.
8.: Resolved; That his honesty of purpose and
fidelity are tonna in the awed regard with which
he bee at all times controlled the peopertyof the'
people placed in his charge.
9. Resolved. That the battles of Chippewa and
Nisgara—of Cerro Pardo and Mexico, and the
blood therein shed in defense of the country,
attest the patriotism :and republicanism of our
noble chieftain.._. -
10. Resolved, That the wounded, sollerinit.
and aged soldier, whose cong a been attend
ed—the sorrowing parent; of offspring,
whose homes have been bemired by the heroic
Scott, give convincing evidence of the humane
heart and pure morality Of the greatest captain,
of the age. • .
11. Resolved, That the people will esteem it •
pleasure to repay, .at the close of life, by the
highest honor of the Republic; the - eirvioes of
forty years faithfully and: always successfully
performed by Almeria Scott
12. Resolved; `That with his name on our ban
we-cannot success—it is a mho
hitherto always bringing victory and triumph to
its detimders end support : ere. . •
I ill Resolved, That we will use all honorable
means, and pledge ourselves to satire nestle% . 1
to decor! the nomination of. Genets' Scott, and
for that PorPooe. constitute this entire Cowan.
non a vigilant committee to correspond, and by
every other prpper means, in carrying then re
solves into effect- • ..-
14. 'Resolved, That our present State Execu
tive, William P. Johnston', .is entitled to the
port of this Contention, sod all who sustain its
proceedings, . for bis firm and manly advocacy of
the claims of General Sbott to the Presidency.
' 15. Resolved, That the entire tonne Of
P. Johnston's administration, his pat r i o ti c ,
dettition to' the interests of Pennsylvanis,
wise and faithful . advocacy of protection to
American indontry—bitt • discriminating • and
statesmanlike . policy in regard to the finances
of the Commonweelth—the agency .of his sag,
gaktioas and bin influence bkm•dming the. State
debt, entitle bid to the void of every Peonsyl
ienitul,ard will secure to him our enthusiastic),
I..„.l6..lteekrial, That the experienettitinedbi .
John Strohm, Cu regard to oar male and pub
improvements—his enlarged and well stored
mind—bbs well known honesty of elusion:s r , em-
.inently fit *Sin thef'offmor of Canal Comma* ,
Reeedied, That this Cotirinti eigerds'
the policy of protecting the Waists and labror
of the country in the enactment ofrevenue
laws bythe National „Gorernment;. ae being the
true one'fo develope our resources—to Increase
our Indeestrlal pursaini.--aford mutant employ-.
meat ant - good wage* to ourWorting papule.
lion, and diffuse public prosperity • and private
'happiness throughout our borders. . . •
..18. Resolved, That Pannylvanis will demand
a restoration of the protective policy, and that
we will not ;cum to agitate until this system is
• 19. Resolved, That the tariff of 1846 is anti-
American, . and anti-republican, 'as is plainly
evidenced by its ruinous Mid disastrous effects
with the inilastriel pthsnits of the country, in
bringing foreign' pauper'lsbor Into direct and
immediate competition with our own.
den. 'Markle then introduced Gov: Win.. F.'
Johnston to the Meeting; who was:, reCtived.
. with laud cheers: F.:, • • '
Gov: /omicron sold-4fiallege geittieus, yon
ha-reassembled' here today to perform whatil
Muncie would-ben grateful end pleering
to every imerlearreitizen.• Ton have othenbled
_'for the purposeof doing henor to an individnel
who probably has done more to ensbrin the hon.!
Or and great charihter, of oar nation; than any
naw•living. He knew of no man who bet-
iter deserted the deep thaptht 'ea homage of
this great people, than Gen. Winfield Scott' , It.
Was not his purpose, nor did he think R was re
qubito to enter into a hiotO4 of :Gen. Scott.
T 6 do so would reeplire more time than he would
likeiC occult.) , at present, or ask_ them to . give. I
The life of Gen. Winfield Scott might almost
be said to be the history of his country from
1812 to 1851. Scarcely any portion of our Mil ,
May affairs, from 1812 to 1851 have not been
under his immediate *Age. Relied not only I
displayed abilitie highest order on the
battle field, but in the discharge of &ties which',
were of a civil character. The batithent 1812, • 1
'l5 and 'l4, on the northenifrontier, were famil
iar to the :nation. as houehold • words, To no
single mind, to no single arm, had the nation
been more indebted fox the glorion* victories
then gained, than tilde, whom !the 'Convention '
had that day put in‘, nomlnationfor the office of
chief. Magistrate, of thie Republic. Again, be
had been called upon to Mille difficulties in the
South, and by his' military skill he had brought
!affair* to such an issue, that what had been .a
loannina-4 wir; was terminated with but little
bloodshed. ' ' ; ' • •
Once again hi%ad been called upon to mettle
dithrolties arising M our extreme north tuatara
state, from
: disputed bounderiea. Here ha had
aotedth a capacity wholly °lir% and bad proved
that his qualifications for hthiness of that na
turn-Were tally. equal to Ms military abilities. •
Mors recently they found ; their Country en
gaged in a difficulty with a thigithorlng govern , •
zing ; and the services of • Gen • Scutt were ' ,
again invoked to "conquer a peace," as it was
called. •Re was sent not only command the
American Armies, but to act as a diplomatist—'
It threly intend necessary to call theleattentlon
to the' vents of that war. Every battle field
from that before Vera Croz, one of-the strongest
fortifications in the new world,. up to Mexico and
the halls of the Month:aims, bad been the came
of • glorious victory. His whole military career
had been one continual scans of triumph, and in
the Mexhan war, he had received what be well
deserved, iite thrutha of, the government and
people. From 1812 to. the-present boor, km man
had discharged the duties devolving upon him
with 'more 'fidelity to hie country than General
Scott Surely his fellow citizens should reward
him in the only way in their pOwer, by fleabag
,him to the highest dace is their gift.
He believed that this glozioni Union wee safe,
no matter who guided it. - It was founded . en
principles of piglets,. which would ensure the I
perpetual safety of our Instituting. ` Still he
thought that there were certain qui:diens of
great moment to this nation, boimootwf with
those institutions, .which.would be eating in the
hands of those persons who bad hitherto been
friendly to them. • !
He believed ituit • the time was rapidly up
:preaching Whin the people would be called on to
select betweetraen. Scott and some other citizen
of this great republic, as candidates for the
-presidential. chalet, if, in this selection, the
People eternised care. they would Bettie all
questions'of great public moment in such a moa
ner ,as best t 6 guard their interests. Be said
again, that they had that day performed . the
'gratifying dutyof placing the name of General
Winfield Alec et• -before the people of Western
Pennsylvania, as a candidate for the presidency.
The resolution& which bad been adopted that
aftenthenk.daelereu ! I that Gen. Scott possessed all
theqiialiflathione far the Frei* discharge of the
datithof that dice, should he be called upon to I
fill it. Tbey Anther said that he had the moral
resolutionith do what wee'right; and certainly it
required a man of great courage' to discharge
those duties. He most do right, even if for the" l
time being his conduct did not =et with the,
approbation of his fellow citizens.
Ho said that the mind of Gen. - Scott was a
greitand comprehensive one, which eminently
fittedidm for lluurerforziance of great deeds.
th support Of thMassertlon lie need but refer
them to the herculean task 'which he had per
-framed in 1815, inanely the redaction of the ar
roy.. --Herold further esti their attention to
the fact that he had composed • system of mil
itary regjailons, which were not only regarded
as high authority in the - United States, but in
foreign countrias. Wherever: zoilitary,feme exis
ted there was fGen. Seethes well known as Colds
Own country. His eminent abilities ikons con.
epicuotudy when our country was in
delicate position with regard to Great Britain
by the; iniurrectlon of some of her citizens,
Who were aided by eery , own citizens.
Again, We --- risolrißion had referred to the civil
quelificatinne of Gen. Scott, en exhibited in the
l eettlement of the Mexican . war. They would
well remember that he bad been empowered to
khegotiate a treaty of peace,, yet it had not been
rielt altogether as it ahould here been,i6' his
manned dianstion, do whit -was right; lint be
lbad been dogged pursued by a small pAiti
. clan, sent from theeipind to !overlook his pro.
! waling); yetnotwitlistaz' ding, ids duty hasheen
well performed, and_ hest, as I . error, had been
Out Bcott possessed not only the qualifica
tions • named fo the resolutions, but every
other' which, would St him for the reel
dewy. He hid been put on nomination by
that convention, and the resolutions bad"dt)-
dared that hewer thdr tinz choice. He assur
ed his fellow citizens that he thought the balance
of the State would colohnis with' them; and not
only, our own7tata but his Mends, in the . other
Btatas of this Onion Were strong enough to
place. him in the chief otitis in the gift of the
-' 7 . •
Be told hie fellow citizens, notwithstanding,
that it was their duty tow:at:sin whether Gen.
Scott's opinions on certain questions of greet
zdignitorle, which they believed to be essential to
the public; interest; were correct. No critter
haw great a Mend of Gut. Suitt he (Goy. John
ston) might
. 1544 he would openly say; thit if he
I were not sire that he would protect booth indus: l
try,, be would feel it his duty to once, hira.4l.7s
twisting there In favor of Geo. Scott, than, was'
evidence sufficient to prove,' that, when called
npa'a, that great man would be fantod in favor of
pronicHng home inthutri ... • •
Abaie ,all other things he"could not conceive
wily any citizen of Pennsylvania should' be op
posed to that system. If they would Ira into
our resource' they 'would - see that they ought to
be in favor of it. 'Let them march the Mats
over, and they would ffini that our mittenl re:
sources were inexhaustible. Our water power
was sufficient tor the entire Union, and bid
small, a very swill partiOn of it was turned to
any useful purpose.' Wes not oar, climate as
healthy as in therviorld 1 and bad not • kind
Providence granted them all those gifts necessary
to sustain a greet empire--great not only in
name but in fact? Baled tnivelled through this
State very extensively, baring visited wally
every portion of it during hle'roblla life, and he
told them that thue was:sesitaly a Ante toot
in. It ihioh was not adapted to:man's support.
He told them that their ,° were not Se.
'eloped; • that they war beginning to die
corer them. He tud already alluded to the era
ter power which was almost tetalty unused.
• drove, it was troy, a little i muldnery.: but lo .1?ro.,
tenn-terantletha of its power lay idle. He w orld
now tell hissesultrod Mande that might,
with bat little .addittekull trouble, raise three
./. ~, • _ •
thses &silvan:silty oi grain sad other products
ibich tlit7 low Sent toAusikat .They had ell
the nteiza In their own heists of becoming great;
and if theytalltd to be so in &A, as well as in
name, it wits their iwn fault:
i'reteetirni bid lithe:do been • ilveriis policy
.with all nineties this Commonwealth; and. on-
tll lately, 'mane !cold ATM that he was hostile
to It: The'cieetVon of protecitoithe non-protec-
Hon retried with Oita; Not peen
ed eiNhAnt the :rideof Pecauryleatda; none could
heoepoled 'without it. The power of this; State
inuo vast; end If they examined, they would find
that no President had ever been elected who had
not received the vote of Penns-Amnia. It - so
hippetted thtt. Pennsylvania had alwaye been
sueennithl, end that her vote had decided the
question. Ile mentioned these &chi, not be.
muse they were new, but to 'ahoy the power
which their voice and exertions had in the Na.
Spool Legislature. Now why ahonid they not
repeal the existing laws which hampered their
industry? There Iva", swing sad convincing
.reasons which ought to be regarded with favor,
and should appeal to the remelt of every man.
This State, in her corporate - capacity, had a
deep interest in the matterin other words, her
betusury was deeply affected by the laws which
Congrerustiesied. If they remembered that 4
portion of the public. improvements had been
constructed to reach the mineral depoalts of the
State, and that, in fact, the prosperify of all the
nubile worts depended upon a system of protec
tion to home industry, they would see the neces
alty6f an adequate tariff. lie old, in support
of We position, refer more muircularly, as he
had done on a previous occationita the Delaware
disision of the canal, opening ni!'the valley of
the Lehigh. •
The quantity of coal exhumed in that val—
ley, and brought to market by meson of that
canal, was so great that it pays the interest on
the cost of its construction. Take away that
coal trade, and the public records would show
that the tolls received would not pay the ex-
pause of its-superintendence and repairs. A
systens of revenue hid been adopted which did
not afford adequate protection to our iron and
coal interests. Suppose the manufacturers of
Philadelphia county were struck down, the coal
,would cease to be brought to market; thus, at
one ow, two-thirds of the revenue of the Dela
ware &sal would be taken away. Thoy would
thua see hevrimportant to the State were proper i
revenue laws, whieh would protect their menu. I
factures, and in moaning, protect their coal trade,
and all other beanchel - nfindetstry.
'lf they would go talc her portions otthe
State they would end that t o remy mantifettdries
were situated in such potations that the public
improvements conveyed to them.articles of pro
duce, merchandise and raw =deviate, and ,cat ,
fled away their manufactured articles. If a Sys
tem , of laws were adopted which struck down
these indristrisl pureuite, deficit would be at
once mated in the public treasury,. The instant
the treasniy is, affected," the value of real estate
must diminish ; thus they were every iv inter
ested in the passage of a protectivetariff.
But were there not other Oases interested lc •
iolitataioisg proper revenue' laws; and while
many had spoken of the manufacturers, be would
not enter into any dieousaion in regard to them.
It was oolinecessary to Bay that they most feel
an interest, • end • deep one,, in this • subject.
But another elate was interested, that class which
made their living by labor. Those who earned
their bread by 'the sweet of their brow, must
feel the deepest piterest in the support of a eye-
tom which would support them. He desired to
speak practically to the people, and to give hie
reasons for the opinions which he entertained.
His fellow citizens weft aware tket r .
lands, the laboring man had neither part nor
parcel in the government. They too 64% inter
' est in it- The government had placed them up
,. on • different Weis from that which (hammerless
occupy in our own country. They gave them
food, and whys-40 order that with it they
might give them strength to labor, but they only
gave them the food necessary to support their
physical energies, and asked them to toil from
the uprising to the downeettiog of the MY %Hui
'this was not all, for the helpmate of his bosom,
and the children of his loins were also doomed' '
to toil, and to teilferrimr; All this. too, for the
purpose of procuring - what would keep body and
soul together. This WAS the State of affairs on
which his *pietas were based, and by which;
they were - sustained.
The laboring classes here occupied a different
pupation from.that which they filled in other,
lands, and why! They were Called on hers
exercise the privileges of the elective franchiseLj 2 ,
they were electors--they were likewise ,r called
on to fill public teem as well as to vote for pub
lic officers... They were asked to do all thisintel
iigantly, to know what they were doing. They
were asked to educate their children, so; that
tams the parents left this mortal stage, their
children would come forward and fill their pla
ces. This very portion of our citizens gave
strength and form to our. free institutions, and
he asked them, was not this government bound
to afford them inch protection as to avoid the
competition of laborers in countries where they
exercised no such privileges. 'Unless the gov 7
moment gave the laborers protection, and their
children instruction, he warned them that s fa
tal blow would be struck at our prosperity. ;The
laboring clam here must be surrounded with, a
protection which would afford them-Come meats
of escape 'from competition with ,pauper
abroad. It this were not done ours was not the
paternal government which it wits represented,
to be.
It they would take the trouble to examine, they
mast see that neither inanufacturer.nor laborer
would succeed, unless the latter were protected
from the pauper labor of other lands. r He ad ,
roasted the system of protection because it wee .
necessary for all parties. There was, and there
ought not to be, as be had said in Allegheny'
I City, any antagonism between labor and capital;
I they were mnittal,ly dependent 'on each other—
one was th e resul t; of the other ; and under the
free institutions of this country, capital could
not exist without - lebor. We bad no system of
laws to place property' in a channel from which
it could not flow. Prolthrty, with us, could not
be locked up inn family, and raisin there. Not
I labor formed, and labor used. to keep
capital with us. We labored, in this country ;
and why? First, a¢il most important of all,
because it was the great law of God. Next, be-
Minas it was o law of our physical system, ab
, aolutely necessary to secure health, energy and
sound sleep. Again, because it drives disease and
Idleness from our homesteads, and prevents. the
transmission of disease to posterity. it affords
enjoyment, and brings protection to old age.
Slimly, then, there was no Ontagonisin between
labor and capital t and they who said they dif
feral, spoke falsely, • because they enlist be mu
tually dependant upon each other. Then why
should not labor be protected and honored?
Could man be mimed in the performance of
any duty on earth more honorable thanthat la
bor-which the laws of his nature called upon
him to perform to secure peace and prosperity
to his children? For his part, be would tell them
that if there were any occupation MOM !imam
ble, Ile knew not what it us ; and he pro
nounced that man who did not respect labor not I
only a fool, but a knave,. equally regardless of
the interests of noddy' and his fellow . man,
Now, did the laws give
. tbat, security to the la-
boring man which he bithrequired and deserv
ed? He did not deem' It necessary to enter in
to an argument upon the subject, for the history
of this Commonwealth proved more conclusively
than he could, that they did not. If they would
link around them they would see that one half
of their manufactories were falling into decay.
Many establishments had been altogether aban
doned, and semenl branches of our industry so
depressed' that they wereho longer carried on.
Thousands of hands have been - forced 11 relin
quish the occupatkoss which they had learned,
and been driven to Beek eziployment in other,
branches of which they had hid no previous'
I knowledge, and which of course were not pleas,.
Jag to them.
Looking at the state of affairs amongst us in
this point of view, he asked them if It was not
evident that they required Laws for the protec
tion of the nadMud indmitry;
Why, Winona the counties tbriagh which
he had passed, _ititidn the last threeweeks, more
than half their= establislunentabad been
id.. In some, scarcely, one had been leth and.
what hod become of the industrione andthem? -
I population fonnercl supported by They
ewe not_ tbere,.• since theme was • • emplOyment
for tbein. They bad left their booms, awl been
obliged to engage in other primate. Indeed he
knew of no pursuit:left for the msjorityof them
nzeept aviculture; atul he asked them it -this
policy Irene to be ,persisted , tie, *mad not 'all
• Could they tell him what bed hr . :meat stereo--
ion and degradition to Ireland? Wm it not the
policy of i the British government, which • vetted i
manufactures from thatislard, and pre it a sys
tem of lower calculated to drive the lower classes
to agricultural labor alone?. lied there been
manufactures there, there would have been no
starvation; for the operatives would have coo
I tamed, a large' portion of the products of the
1 agriculturists. Such, was the cane here now,
and such it would continue to be, although, of
carafe, the suffering us not so great, until our
manufacturers were protected. Made would be
driven into other channels, and ruin brought on
all,-Until laws were passed, regarding. and pro
tecting' home industry. lie believed that if
amoral Scott, whom they bad that day nominal
, ed, were elected, this lamentable state of affairs
would be remedied; and he had every mean for
believing so, -because tho s General belonged , to
I that party who bad always bee n e consistent
I I friends of the tariff policy. Ile la them that
I that tentleman had always acted w tli thatparty,
1 ind upheld its principles. Ono (those prin
ciples, the foremost and brigh . 'of all, was
protection to home indurdry. Whether or not he
' (Clem S.) should be elected, was a question of
considerable importance, because en it depended
the question of protection or non protection to.
American Industry. '.
. _
In 11340 the people determined -to hare a
change in the laws regatiting the admisaion of
foreign goods, They rose in their might, end
o mom on'
Allegheny county. The Whig party had elected
a President of the United Staten. that President
went into office, and through his influence, ma
jority of the nadinpal councils had been chosen
entertaining sentiments similar to hie, and the
tariff of 1842 had beau passed. They'll knew
bow, subsequent to the passage of Ibis tariff,
Immediate life and vigor Lad-visited the manu
factories of this great city, and of the whole
eiogle foottwhich had .not been effected boned the tariff of 1842? Manufactorieshad
been erected on all aides ; boasts built and fur
nished ; mechanics employild and pro!perous ;
and ". the &Octant:al, portion of thnintomnitity
bad been furnished lath a : market. -All classes
felt the benefit- And Mae it singular that those
wliO 'risked to
. strike this tariff down, afraid tbst
they would meet with universal condemnation,
had professed to he its warmest and undying
friends. They said they were its friends; and
in blazoned letters inscribed.= their banners,
had tieelaredhhttir adhere:we to the taril
Since then they hod stusreetted in obtain
ing power, and their 'first sit .was to strike
from the Statute book the tariff of '42, and
substitute for -it the toe! of 46, which
was destruetire to the interests of this great
,• -
bin& lie was sorry, my sorry, to say flit
the tote by which it we dristly'pessed, bed
been'-glees bye cilium Of Penzoiylvsnii. White• .
others, who had not half the itsterest in it that
we lad, had been wining to sand up and battle
roenfully in defence of domestic indnapy, it wee
reserved fur s. citizen of Pennsylveni► to destroy
all our hopes of prosperty. That man bid
received honors from this Stets, yet bed be
turned his band spinet it, by giving . he out-
ing vote. It was alleged at the time`ot the pal
ms* of the tariff of 1846, that our induatria I
pursuits would not be affected by it; and vari
ous causes had combined to postpone for • short
period its injurious effects. Still the pectic,
tie?* of the friends of protection to home inane.
try, bad unfortunately been realized. To prove
thie be need go no further back than last week,
when, In company with a . large number of his
friends from Allegheny reunty, be bad taken •
ride on their new railroad—and it very good
railroad, be must - say' it was; bet in passing
along it One thought bad made him uneasy, and
that was, that A, was nifing over itritita
iron. - Ail along the line of that rosa were
hills abounding in Iron ore ; „and yet he had
been =tared by the gentleman who managed
that road, that the iron of which its was
contracted was mannhicturell in England.—
Thus bad the laborers of Western Pennsylva
nia bees, defrauded out of the manufacture of
this iron, and the egrieulturalists of a market
idr their products. These were, -it was true,
unpleasant topics toerhich to allude; but if the
system were not changed now, affairs would
grow worse. They would have been Changed at
the last session of Congress bad it not been that
flier Pennsylvanians bad been found so recreant
to every principle which ought to bare governed
them, as to vote against an amendment of the
tariff of 1646. So long as the people manned
to elect men hostile to thou interests; so im
portant to our prosperity, they never need ex
pert to have the tariff of 1846 repealed.
The wholeCommnuity, to gamest!, must actas
a uniti then would their manufacturing interests
be safe. They mast speak their opinions plain
ly, and he knew of no better manner of letting
those opinions be known, than through , the me
dium of the ballot box. Wheneier the people
said that protection must be given them, there it
rnould be yielded, and never otherwise.
In view of these results, how important was
the coming election! If it were merely s.ques
tion as to whether, one man or another should be
elected, it would be a matter of no moment. If
persons were elected who trued their opinions
upon the Reeding platform, he warned thorn
that they were in favor of system of protection
merely for the sake' of a revenue—chat they
were in favor of the presentsystem, whlchdrain ,
ezi the country of the precious metabb by ,the
emelt otimports over exports. The next See
lion would, be trusted, teach these misguided .
politicians a lemon which they never would
There were many other que stions to which he
would like Mull their attention, but time would
not allow. If the friends of Gen. Scott succeeded
in electing bins, they would carry sock strength
into Congress as to prOcure an adequate promo
tion to home industry.
Coy. Johnston than proceeded to describe the
operation of the sinking fund; but se he discou
nt that'sublect at length In his speech in Alle
gheny; which we reported yesterday morning,
we deem it unnecessary t o report ids remarks.
Gov. Johnston eat down amidst londapplause,
when he was followed by llon. Jons'Etrizonn, of
Lancaster, candidate for Canal . Cciminissioner,
In a very Interesting spisech;'s report of Which
we shall publish to-morrow morning. -,
Amos Mrses, Esq., of Clarion, followed Mr.
Strohm in a speech replete with truth and 'hu
mor, a sketch of which we shall give, after .
which three cheers were given for Scott, John
aton and Strohm, and the Convention adjourned.
inuci incznao
The meeting lut evening. In Comas & Cole's
large wirebonee, was 'very unineronaly attended
by so StWille. wawa. amthrudastio an
• CoL Alexander Hilends, of Roes toil:Alp,
was called to the chair, and ?deem. John Me
&okay. Stephen licfilierry, and David Fitzsint
moue, ' . of Yittabnrgb, end Jesse Doughty, of
Elizabeth telaable; were appointed Vice Presi
Mr. Bessie announced that S. A. Purrtance,
Of Butler, who Wll3 expected to addreea the
meetiog, through indisposition, was enable to - do
_ _
Amos Myers, Sec; Of Clarion county, wen
Men celled for, and delivered an interesting and
e lo q uent epeeeb, during 'Midas was repeatedly
applauded. -
Capt. Hobert Porter noceeded inn speech re
plete with interesting anecdotes of General Scott,
during which be avowed his detertnination to
support to the utmost 'the Hero of two wars,
and Moreoier all the Meade of Oen. /3ce',3, end .
as Gov. Johnston and the Whig pasty were suoh,
be felt binind to yield to Meal his cordial
Lion: George ..Darele concluded in a for re
marks on the improvemrat of the condition of
Petutralranis dining Gov. Johnston's admints4
bream, end predicted)) d: at the ensuing eleo
tion -the State would ratify the policy of that
administration by large MaJotity foe the Whig
On motion the meeting adjourned.
. •
E-10 bias. (good)fOr ;sale
amal menu lnz Wl th end Wood Rs.
`OP CARS. SODA-3 kegs for ßales bb
7.00, bblo. Straits, for age by -
7A.11,3 °ALUM.. et , Water mi.
OLE LEJLTUER-350 Sides prime. for
TAuR•TaI 0. bbls. N. C., fokg ale tz:utu..
BRICK—W,OOO for ludo loif to close
r coksrunemt. DA47.7.LL.
sug2 ,
NO. 3 MACit.EIIEL-120 VIAL for sale by
FLOUR -50 bbls. U. Sprague's estrs Dun.,
for wN try. ain't' IL t W. ILIABILICIIL
B R OOMS—WO doz. for Bale by
0 0 4 1 • El. W. WARD/Wail
CILERSE--100 boxes Cream, tor &Ile by
tj sea' e.l W. ILIMATIOIL
EGGS -1 bbL for nye by . .
smell D.B W. 111.11.11AUCIII.
%%dose Halm
. •
PolihOTloE Iwroby ,:/:vea to all perw,A in,
d e 4 y. the ex , re tit :atm Ynn - y, deed, latent
o p. Alien..enittrunty. to eaact forwent end
'Ake pa aunt 6134 r wit perenn,itkrinnelahn=l , te
wee en prevent the-. tletnent to the
reendlor fn Inelle7 trent•hip..e . .ienntn ,
11101118 pLBDT. Lem
Stant . Communication between New bit
and Glaagoit. •4., •
MIRE Gliegow . and New. York I
sn.mod_ pnerertal Parr
. faenspojt, 0 LemOW. I,ltao tons end 403 t
para. potter, It. &swirl, (late of the •
mad rtesmers,) eosner; is appointed to t ea
Yost direct for Cliaesaeron Patuntap. the 11th of Upham
nest, atl2 o'clock, soma .
rivet Cabin (atenrapro fee
FlTA;rraii - Orwungera taken.
Viers rat. include yroviallina, out war wings or kW%
bleb will bo rapplisd ois Wahl, wroderal• prim. 1.W.•
v"" P""rainitm, a n Ty. ; v a rohic e.
TV open ea MONDAY, RIPTIMBU. leL _W.J.
exeresses grettbale to thee* parent. of Wilmot eelt
delboonnathene wbe have coutided In Ws letelette.
that be nil not tamper watt tbe religions opinions ot Ole
Pop*. tie beds 'warmly wore teas :bat Ohl confidence
boa berme been *Owed. Whilst beaten. himself of every
et/an-unity to loetneete • nrrereattel regent OM the Do
:ad eetiptstree.l.l%l to esteem the delble a :Otwetkal re
, !Woo, be carefully avoid, all collimated me of bath.
Terme:SlD per quarter. &boot 'oak stmt.
new Unto ! eturithete
THHULLS& the eteiimboatlAKEßßlE.:
itquirs an board. at lb. inesbni./ qqpp.~rr ~ Lela.
tba aril. Eltreat Drift.
I We hese maw en t ametesent of
WATCHES. of the osost gnawed EnglisOi Enoch
eni Geneva wesanteetura, to doe (10 ,14 LI WIDE.
~,,d other Wins of elek.{, • al Illarratteit 11.1.1 at mien on.
tumidly In,. •
ft. , Weal itepalsinE done in the beet Iskaonec by Hu,.
ben MA 112. t. iripeligiled Vert6.l to tb• efity.
• W. W. IWILSON. 61 WArka_t et, ..:
ember of Twrth
street, opposite the Dog Offlon—•
ondoll Aft Journal, lin Anong.
The Model Arobibd. , with deolow. of Cottanas, TIN&
Suburban Itaidences, to.
Lewis Arnadekne the Itallnanl of Lila
-Dictionary of Mechanic.. No. 32. ! • .
Litter. Wins age, No. 379.
Orshi .. a' W • = l° . " k " '
F•ttAilell .. . . •
The tlipsay Ctilat by O. W. M.-11.azida.. -
II &abet. Vo tha culla of the Donk • •Lie Or 11:6/..
00. _ :
The Mo nad. Danght.r , . tale of balm Captivity; in
Emerson Benewt. '. I.
Tim adventures of Patti Petiole** • Sea atm.- • •
The Combas of LilesborS .. HT Ihnnaa
• . Swim or the Sabo. of by lial.lticbudnan.
Tut; a Prob..= by VG of "Alton Get."
l'ha Twain'. Coln. WIZ Ilin.trationa.
Traveler'. Guido Go U. S. and Canada
Dena: or thie Snow Si ; a tale of real 111% by Casolts•
T Ge be &nub tryftniwei. - :- . .
Tb. tuiv• of WIWI Wayhunt. a tar; bf Marl Ef.fdft-
• OESTSFLAL MID 2.l[lll:NtiltE •11301rOttlart OP
Wall Pam asuittordars, fat the Fables.
CST RECEIVED, at the old established
vo ll 4r. tand. 66 Market m um
mid ad Om telabratad.
a cant mum lama of PAP= IWO
! istid and 1 6 7=85,_essobrEntna . mit • misty of gets
'and pri. at , ittn hardly fat to grattftrthe tastes arat meat
the vtawo at tba atart lastknana mut ...West
PuTUE "Edneational dasociation of
aenn oa,onr," rill ant to runaunena tea
ie Settool Mem. on los.* r.d.hlstentiall=l o t
P. M. erbirti H.V. Hr. Milord will deliver en
=l4',ltild 1204 B.ldaten will hears
ou Dren.PLr,ttl lapartattorosid the bed modes of teeth.
irdr the same.
All pomp drieridirto the .. .War maw of
doe ere rordiolly invited to be In atitesdaria.
Dr ord. of the Eteetitt. Coreinittoo A •
aurittld "- B. !deCIEGLO, e.g',.
To. Plumbers. .Copp,
LEE uodersigied kee y on hand
every &ecliptics Of PLUMUVIWAIIIii
ion virbiT Waded erwl gilded banns. .Ateo, Pan
Ilioerts. einaddinw. Inman. and Pointed Iwo
!.al , t e and '
boner Ir m ean
s = w lietwe i =lez Pero
M. Nonni. dir, Leah lira
., m 00..., C. Mut& Wikidl Sod., made
to order. YILL OdATIOS VOUIX. •
e.iirin 170 Pearl etnet, NEW YORE.
MOSQIIITO BARS-500 pn. just reed and
fir serf damp. A:A. MILOON CO..
In and di guild it.
...M od hive Jagora , ost neotlyal • lam npply of the Ida» gooir,
iu • ch, have jolt reed per *maw • larp smottammi
Crimped Tarktenu. smtad .
c.r.. KW <Wino* to roonfro odfliLlooal ostontiltos of
boantlfol new stile ototooidotion. and 1.11 Qomeery
I . zorll
toont ekoloo out tholo otrzlt of &rag. =I
moo d. Woos at low 0000 o--storn'eo•f.. osr-i)
HOULDERS-2500 pei. Bacon Shoulders,
jo.t nied trona colas boson 'for sale by
anyZi • E.011160N., LITTLE .1! CO;
H AMS -500 pa. Cat:mused;
io.tlerem IYara Oz.&
• .6 mks Plaka.. stun and bar oda by
aai2) WATSON. LITTLX .6 W.
QIIGAW—M hbds. N. 0:, for sale by
1.7 sores , - HOIMION. LIT= 100.
NO. MOLASSES--WO bble. (oak) for sal
•by &visa) ' ROBISON, LIMN & CO.
RFFALO TONGUES -4 . notreceired from
EL lan* a by corm choke Mrsl6 Tetrues.
WM. A. MICLUEO & 034
,_ ! Lere. •
WRENCH GELATINE,; White and Color
t=reu"g!'".. h!"
Nett. A. MCLURG • Oh
met) Iltertr
OLVA SHELLS, received fresh from tit
CfOr rale
J 0.2 bIACKERKL-5 bbla. k 7 qr. Ms
tv trr sair2o ace MILD.
,CHEESE -100 boxes Oream;-
sada " C°!734llllillaa.
M --
OSQUITO NETTIN farther imp
-94111' "" 41 " dth " WanCL—A
Steam Boilers.
VOR SALE—Two double fined Steam Bon
o era. Locbea disuatsr, ottul 28 tom Stry eika
Irma fll toad th• Ammer J. J anslikot JAW Yg. ATELNSON i OIELT.-
MARLASH-18 caste Adams', Warrive
for see by / IJ. IL PUII'D.
sagl9 / Rand Chub
I)OTASLI-15 casks pure, for sale by
....11/ J• a a. suite.
BUTTER -5 bbla. and 51kege, for ode by
aosl9 J.alt.
• 4
1V 02 . 1. 1 sacks for onlo bl an:
MOLASSES -200 bbls.' N. 04
G 36 .. Morton Syrox
16 Hagar Ilenar.
agile J.M11.7L011).
i n ; UNDRIES— '
THE undersigned respeetfullp Informs ids
Moods *Matta yob& gesseally that Ida atoc•
be closed thr the pampas of ma'am sdlaratloos—Dattlag
bam Itot t- - ontll the Id of aistegmhar, whoa MIMI
= a t W rAtill IL BAIA
Bommits romind fhb mores ng • fudba
supplr of tba Wane own sad deelablearUel.
.1,19 corm IlLaket end lourth
pift LEBER, Tbird street, lutsjust
.5..t.0 from 2.l= ls =toutorGDAßllesGoam .
?Howlett um sad
My bom bars doputed Ibr. I dm. of =7 rab.0.4 .-
41,er; - - - I Jetunv Llods
Atm GM no mindychap4l Harrommy totboo4loorr,
Ohl boys, carry m. 'lo Phalan Woken Work .. .
Urn noinwoi . -doeA by ao• Mt ,wo m UM OMPouoG
to GM: -
II oder Gloo Ms b o os of LAttleßodlUdlASHcolk-Tir
Mac . DWG •"
tf i n t .,,...
i rel . etfated &twa GAsoptoirp RaveA ' .
.: -
Dry.rly's Ibtg. rirolloVar -
I Wii.V I P%o: . • Love Polka:
' Litt's DIOOOOON .
Stamm Polk*: . . . INGO. 11177 - •" : .
(Wan Boris% . Maach• AIDIP. • - •
i Natalie,: . .
highest =star wino will beCor Load Warrants
UM ARNOLD 74 fourth ef...
meg WI to of Pi [& '
TEE Fittabargh arid Boston Mining - co.
. bare &eland s realleureastdleklded a Piro Palba'a
par sham, payable ea Panda/ tha
(111A1V m AY ila. Prodigy&
9. lel& lleatirlet'T
tiCOVA.L.,,We intend to .rint o'fo about
ttko nth ollag,yr from our ororatrdaaad to
&Watt= Owen No. IV 0 Kir.
I.t. Wort, ovfOrit=ebir rd. ‘ yhoo. Ito Wall
N famish rrary article In our use do nand. - •
swab J. PlittiLl93.l Sad 9 Waal et.
Xr. Griggs' Gram mar Be ll -
Wed Side of tie Diemowd, Atleg City
IruItIIEBE are Two Sessions a year, eacho
k om A eneing &opt Lit, skad rebnur , .4l.
MAI7IIEBBE9.-1 have hv ehere a laige;
assortment a Coke Hair. . ostsas,
I:fal d "6" Ilnel i t2erlitt
manta tbs Nat Oka
- '-----
, .
-- • • . ~..,
-,• •':,,., TREMONT HOUSE . 7
. I .1
Z i llS well inown istablislizitent is still aim
• 1 dueled to the same maenteett hes ~bee.. Th!.',
4. awl pletant sigma/on of the ho thr_••
or. argaagregerrth lab matron. end lez to be
found Ohm mamas td render It agreeable sad iamb ,
vette to the traveler. . ,
• - Ihrotog beau otu of the &sr.( Jots L. Teeter A C 0..,
ea long at the had alter eetablistgoeut, the euteerther
oldie. host exertions to maintain Its Montego" and
to gin__
..... _ to hie cottreaere.„.• _ •
18.51. • .PALL ABRANGMENT. 1851, - •
01141107 07 ,110171.,
. !yrs mum= AID lACIted.WILDI .• h
Pritarybainlig Harold and Expres., Neill Liao
- 301 miMa ntEira Caul. , .
• k • gumff;.olll cogroaraati an ma • """,
.Two Day Liz* Ewes: Dad* Boats. ' • "
On aria after . Monda y , August ,sth, the
Parkes of ttda Lhie leave Plttaburgli D. Ladtpore
me „ racening II dam*. and
maim at3tecledr: • •
Ir —Uwe taki atm Cam of abeam, Cowrie.%
rord.Anbleb lemnammod6Mly an r tbair atrial)
root far rrillade
AW — T through, goer ItaaraMill,
.4 1 .45 1 100i1ig tbrl:e=7= W•hul.
canal enabling thou on arrival at Pl:da to
ammo' au t. Near Tort at ono.
Sake lb. York and Cumberland Madrona. at thrthearre.
Dutton.. Tiatm. FOUR b...
Pare to Phlladelabia, 810. Pam to Baltimore. nag
do Macular 13 - do • Bardstown Sada.
If ran &dm area traveling ind comfortable smaniso
datkota, imam your tickets at tbe Ticket 1.115 ca. Ilamougle
beta Roar.
- • J. P. HOLMES. Agent,
P. LEECH it CO.,
peal Pena land.
or sale 17
CPsFeFstE-3°°=trlart‘siwsurst... Dhio andl'unnsylvania Railroad.
area. will fatal& at roandatorer's paean.= abort
, any aist of lbw batallabata 0 rindatoaa, sal por-
Nadal/ **ad 5:III.. atria. taaavrarQ at
h l
wharG . , i
' A fall saaortmast a small War ataxia oabasaL -
• • azattatiot .- -. . WOAN. WILSON It 00.
Joitri . R, No. 81 it , ood. street,
has ner u
eiwal thi lbllowingrunr and lailmbir Plano of
. ,
ilsuut I would riot ed Strewn, !hi away.
GI,. eee tar band. • -' Cumberland Q u ir k M.P.
I welcome th ee with glad Willow wocd Q. B M,. '
• Orte—Bellle ,I . &pedalo ala la liadm—lim
irony Linda Hird Bong. .nations. • •
Wornbord Words and Marta Vale* ilentlownl;l44 - •
Lagllosnarr iver Bell Walts,
snediurt. .. ~, ',, ~ ....s ~..v......
Raab word the* may up bran 0.1.. Salon.
~ - •
Pittsburgh Gus co..mtism . •
A I N Annual ?electing of the Stockholders of
tto. cieue,uea cies .I..horir. for Um_ prvvato of
. Log two permits to o rem ex 'hatters of mid leroliwrir
the term of throo ows. will to hokl laths Mini of the
•Works, on If °Way, the ho of heptorti Ifff
.t*"' Oh.
b ! "".. 4 3111%
• OM. Pittsburgh °. 00.. £OO.
T EAS -- t h .. f. chvits trc h ong; _
r d 'lor
SUNDRIES -5 caeca Potash
k7 4 Nivea Conte•es 1,44404014;
1 bbl. Lan Careunte. far 4.14 by
J. D. WILLI/1118 t 00.
(1011'ES-476 bags Rio, for sale by
soslB • . B. MUMMA-ME.
1 . 1113 .. A!.g . 50,900 Coukro h n ir. for salnull‘
L~LOUR-150 bole: Extra
a t 2 . d I...frail:oe
10.000 Fs. 919.0a10.100 , 9,999.1 /190. K -
WO 99.139mir Culla Smoke.' 804
200 large hoer
90 kep No. 1 I..,eaf Lua: fbr Pak_
Wlif. 8.11 MKS k BBU
_ .
EOR RENT—A riod ' leoond
mma a Clark, Nair Tart. A y
. . JOILN It. KELL) . 4.
Am9l6 - ~ El Waal attest. Attsbatil , .
-- --______--,..
INDIA RUBBER WHIPS-30 :dos. just
moil ed;isval 1 to 1 Get lit loadth. mantra to soy
et ar kind M. use,behte alike omdradad by elbsate and
oat wadbar,and molting no MILK to kaap tat. Pd.
bib and tram broaklag... dot Bala st Nom totod 9 Wood et.
. aaets , . . : , ~ J.* II: PFILLLIPIL _
UGA R-43 8 bhdc, Cabi and Pinto Rico
1 1.1,7 - • vr.reimrivrAx
Kr,EsE-400 to l es Wl B. for sale 17
j guelL - . ' 4/1111E8 r.
• w. bDlti Wltlts n.tb. Ma:
30 bt. bbts. Trout. '•
IBAIAILI DIC kir t 00.
to arrive slid for obi In'
GROCER MESCITANTS.--jor Polo ors ii
7.0'f8. eao6 =custado.
gefk=cr grit "hsa lllogbear ClO, and
Org.ob the L. mod Oblo (Within &Ovum of
the Dolor.) mkt oortrodhor bark to Um .ftnal Dada. them
br afrontsba rho mayor faellltior for stfrmeol DT MM. ,
tba Sailro or Carta • '
Tor ter enquire of - D. C. STOCKTON. Allargbarry Cam
or sr tba Bookman of- N. C. STOCKTON,
.gt 6, • moor of Market aad Tbird W.
WTIINO-202 . 131 . 15 A . 8 er=1-gr "!sal , e
pit wow FDA and Root sta.
4,IPTS. TURPENTINE-35 bbls. for
Q. UP. CARB. SODA-400 kegs Englieb for
Et. A. tAUNITOCK to o _
LITISEOS-600 lbs. prime, for sale by
' 4.7.4IIAErZOCK • 4N5.
ROTTER:-9 bbls. Picked, for Sale by .
mat, W. s P. WILSON. 118 Second at
FLOUR—GO bbls. fresh ground Family, for
mi. by B. P. VON botanosST 8 otl.
WifiDOWfilaiS.4—ETFtra milky and as
, .. • ,
• _
VifEESE-100 boxes for sale by
1.../. , a0515 • S. Y. TON BONNIIONST a co.
_ .
Sm seeentossot of Wine .40 entlroser:Slesits Hob.
enOT.I. of sll Shads sosaaakestred. Sse sas lawless".
sad Wall, at tbs UntAbor besot. 7' MA 9 Wad . 1 .
• 23416 . J. It It: PHILLIPS..
SCOTCH SNUFF-30 taxes Bom& cele
bnts3 Wilt In ma ~ L llb._p_apas, far $21,14 , 7_
• magli WICK t IIeCANDLM,3.
tarairjost 'moaned CS 'own basailtal run atyla
I& which' mill Ma sal ma larval At am• la_mrprierm—
Ala, 6 eas. attlboa• very decirabla aW PALMrS.
eta:apart aolada mow Wand in Ws mamma.
ausla . • .• a, Nal, sR sod 64.Mamatit K. .4
MAC KEREL -50 bb ?' K°' Large;
by I°
1 ossill Inahn Analen
• NADA DICZAT a tv, •
• Wan and nun as. .••
0 hf. and qr. chests Y. H., for vile
a! Grindstrauss I
11; • 3..
AIID OIL 20bbla. Nb. I, for sale b
. ~ ~ ~-~
UGAR-60 hhde. N, 0:, for sale by
IIttOOALS-150 dos. Corn. for sale by -.
■JP: aye+ ' 3:13.1111.WOILITI aco.
011 N-200 bn. for bale by.,, •
an4ll J.'S.DILWORTH II 00,
Q.AFETY FUSE—IO casks for blsOing4fpr
ICE-15 tee• prime, for lisle by
ausl4 1. S..I)ILWORTIt 1011
CHEESE -40 boxes prime, for sale by
essl4. WICK • lI<CANDLLaII.
lODFISH-4 to. for sale by
1....r14 WICK* ideIIANDLYS&
GILCHRIST'BRAZO • !—Thenndersign•
id has toen appointed agent lei the Weed MAUD
cedars Mau. Them Razors are numursoband In Um
United Mama and an nacquaaim to quality by raiser
NOM or American mannfactare. Emery Razor 1. mar
ranted. and if It dam not prom eatiaLsctorr, the =MT
.111 to returned or the Amor ernbangee, me the hatcher,
may with. Thie article hen been la um semerel_Teare. and
I. .0117 mpettedlor ever y Mbar liasOr. With • gad
gimp, lbw will not toning Iter Iva yearn
+Yoe ealeoebelende Mel retell. at the Watch and Jewel.*
FSS MACKEREL—One grade finer
LTA No. 1, sad Ms tangs taken a. fisr Wak
augli ' ANL A. MaCtII)10 00.
ACKEREL-1 I brie, No 3 large, 1851;
10Obrbr4xo1 ' do
rentived tot solo br tondl2.l WI & )I,CIHDLtfa.
"EILAX-23 auto for st , tl l y k
QTARCH-42 boxes lionbright's e for
L. - Yede Dr 1.M121 WICK & il .
U ROOMS-1 8 3 dos corn brooms f eby
.111 aosl2 • . - WICK a
iIHOCOLATE--140 bss Boston Olaoccil.
Pkir tale br Langnj WICK MOCANDLE2B
ALERATUS-52 caskis - Deoa's srealo b
cH2 I I 2 'NUTS-4) brie by
'IIIITITNLA. TWIST-29 kegs for ealti_hy
. y tocis mutt IiteCANDLM
'Turnip Seed, Crop of 1851.
-"UST received from the east , one barrel
1.4. th Swab seta ortm boo viivittiot, ROa flat sille at
uS.KI Atom man Wad W sod Stste oboes.
liTeicg•E!,' 'nit', Blanket Coating.
• • •
• a „tn.:
1 tam largo sho Hod -
I cam
g b Ilarattlx. - •
Tito &br. ood Cri s cot bood sod niOrirtng. from 111. mortio
forums. ond for re* am or piroe tty
- anal 2 lilllOl.lY L1C.1391.4b!rf7 M.
AISINS-60 biz bunch in store, for sal
.C.MOKED HERBINGS,-80 Lubec. in
I.3Yagra lby We by tbobl9) DICSZY CO
m "i ° "l3l COT
bbl Natmen, in lat:v.ond vili ealtl ru7 tow ,to
clan ersisament trT ' 'WAIL UICISZY 00
ti/ ; N: t o:=4xd=t,, rald nor! td . ty t i n i t r b i e w
WTI LE OF FL&T`N c :Ncti ttary .1111Cdoestaltatordat.
tin lath tut. - •
yits.yfto . usifFmr7tl
75 boxes. e
, t 7. zizgaz
JIMMY rarunitho AND ?masa CANWANY.
ark. N.J.
intreputd to Ambits INNIBO at Nm.
nleahlr . .
Each ban tr . =ta t wt . I .o. yeus:& both .i ta
bosiV zed proNealve propertir sapesiNr.No my other
Pg*i wbaserrirr. 'flair
posetriu tyM
Zino, and is vorrilatod tree boss gal
anueddlon asd Impmtty whatdoirer. It emirs vet. Is
beasUndly whlte.sud Is autfadr D .
es from tb• polsonoss
paliders of most
and Mulet heir fudges points. so dangerous to ths
health ot •
to aulphunest nenbltio
even *bra phut np to • ohne no. A 2 an outride
It wlthstande roolbere ,elloode artl the erratber Mtotber
than toy other, not bring Ilabht to turn rhatlry or to
ennoble and rub WE It My Ite worked with nay wk..
with :water and Ate. or ulthranallh.nhka Oro the orlr'
nee Ure torelabed a. tai e 0 .teed era uodoubtedly
the cleanest and best paints ut the mart for onntsg
nub; tendon. autboonea, idearateunt. or anyaanned nu ,
tam of wood,, or Iron. se they are lath
y orl y. e .yr ee in they en; pertleularlfraltudde. me IN
thrm ottani.: rounertLon. and entirety prerreut nide
thea, they dry nub:Ur, sad llSTing • pan übet•Wo tam
4ks par ot the earthy pinata gr.r
tiginlellirupplad en Ilberel Ulnae by the embed the
1. C. k CU
) lotttit Wlaryer. latlnkable.
kid and alter 210NDILY, • AUGUST 4thy
1831, A PallatOrtle ?min AM rue AD &Maws •
WAVE BRIOUTON at 7.96 A.W. asl'lM P.M.
LBAY6 611131113606 at lA, A.M. Dad 6. P.M.
Ctirldren coder twelve Mt. of AP A61(666*
Bat6 , re ettubamb end 1 1 .7. 1116, MI . 4 .
• 1116610a66
E 66•667," i DO6D"
.." Baden • " "
. • la .
" Itotheetat " 76 "
knew Bit
ton, "
Slirltneursion tickets will be so etzennowl,rskie:
Between Pittsburgh end
,Hceliester. Me NA.9...,PG
Seek, the mom
Between Pittsburgh end New Btlihtsn and D ec en
the d" ----- .Rscarekw,
Nip The Irvin will not sun on y,
Tickets issued on Estardly will to gine for the ip
° Nseliaitsed.shll be egtonnell borsht/ N.. Ugblaa at
the curliest Irsetlable der.
01 .
• By order of the u.. 6
. Ticket Anent
& Ltymoica
of roasts. . . •
!WELTW from Philadelphia on the Ali _
00l on the dends *
EIRENANDOOII. Wto. S effsalb r e... - •
1 1=11.1=. 1 C. flarehokrer. • • -
• " EU e LM
r* . Weet.Nistse. . •
The oboes Alpe sr* ballt of the test
of coed/
astaie/e. sod sts noted far the esialltl of
shay ere And op with slnotad loWandaatts= •
=.l.7atilsted. end are oneorlaseed te their se. "
Ea Sowed Main ad Mama. flassateec
they ars cresunsadedbr mind seknowledosd tsierde who
......reake e.g....we...3 le ?Salad eeffle.' - -
Prams desirose of banging their Meade Ran lb. Old
(Saunter can obtain emee , of halms:witioh wq u ho •
sad ibr month.. sad our sands in imbed and .
aped will throb& them with the lolbrastles sad
Inetenetime relative to their de
/or the nmeadenee of seesemans 4hddng mend sof -
reiWg=l " &t: 1=11 0 %. ""'"I ir ".1"
the Lake es e.0.m.:0m treitel s=. ' O7 •
ltoa airPlorielons . embed pusengete analog form Lm-
• Sem; seek the Months susalles Will be fornlshed
each pseeenger of 12 rens ad we sodgeer 2X, lbe. weed.
2. It. ries. 206 tea, 6 It. mama. Us. atm. 1 AMA,
SS lb. soolseses.ead port. Under 13 roars of %ma
lb.. terandstoth, 1 lb. owL foll allowsnes of maxima =le
sear, sotbalt LUessoes of burr sad snolarea.,
- No. 31 Wad greet. below 'Wad. Pland
sonar Elsthood Wood Pittgarzis. • •
r; ' :7'ila):11:41.11:11]1:4:41:.:/. 1, ft:W.1101
1851.a.ffilaffEMP1851 - :'.
kier and the Ma Barad. sanneattog ride
dare . '
etemen, au Let. Ma, the IlleliWas,Clagela
Columbus and Cluehenatl. CleMand and l'itte
hal2dra . and Cluttnnen Halbnade, sod stamen
Ohio and Illiseirdwe deem and, the Ohko, I n di an__.
feaneyg un aniVatla
: ' letillditag gazelle ae
Train 8 deka..
sd liming 7bider• " - "td
336 "' . .
The Mall Teals daps et Dadra. rte. Perreeraw ea.
el 7 beam and lake the ExpreesTraln, mien lus i l . alz.:
Tart next eaurning at 0 ceelaelt• male
. 7rY daPlliht. , • - ' .
The Saimaa freight and Cattle Train leareaTtruldthst •
ta. IL deur; • Peneager Car le attached to thleTrats to - -
to Way Paseessere wad
f Drama, -
wr • •
ilkre from Dunkirk New art, SS. Bwwid Olio .. 4,
sakes will be giren In a Ler doe . - ~..
._ - -
_ TEL 03¢1P.T .... C.P.I:: 1 , i. , M , .1...... 8 .41 •
a. =
I=st lirn b...kai Stork. re. Mee'., :.•
b.h.g IS feet ride SW?* thle unite granted7=LW. ffer , '
.. ,
' narrow_ genre }Llama. In the tranwetellen or n. , .
Si-Additional Trains will be pot in curasidaran b•. .
.5 !hart Mae. •
Tar tu Wail dletrilmard• /den( rdn.
, .
len Lam aul to th e WON of freight, as soon an sZ t = • - :-.
CllA.llllloTatukt . '' .;
1. .1.11/Vli4OllAM. * harm Daunt- • .llr •• .
XXColliall Tickets. to Bower, 25 cab,. •
Titly& !l ard
-.con this loadings ort sod
donor. only d0r41 30 4 0 ,:.;
ZOrd., • _ "
no.t. do _
Anma totoblog to go to Endow mu hennas KIMGEYIN, I
Whets to naho.. ottti book to Pittaboanolor 60 oath
Ttotots gaol no dont con dorand with ontt _ •
-roc halts only cm nerd tnt otootobatat•lnornip or
4 113.10. ton the alto of • •
30814 A. CADOMSY,
acton Ottr. WlOO Batatakt 44/Zama&
185 L SAM
Erprete Packet and Railroad /dub Clpuelmait
PASSENGERS , kayo every morning at 9
eclat. by otuallooi to Ower.
esand u.dß.u.. .poktbsto to . E_V=lLosoo 11 , 1= ,
Clonbakel,46 boil= To NW; bor.; .7
lioNolo, A. 36 Cbiaco. CO
Tkuushs. tb.tud.
cohimrol sad loala. by Moorland mai Claeloasti
tor Dam% ht=mx,..a.. urn
Crosland won . orrodnig itt. o U=
WLYZNIFII 1 / I =si coop. Co. tor
throe 5t7.% o bL Itoatood to No. WOTAN . - ant arriving owe *Twang at •ma.r
,00 0 gotomboot. ,
„„t ur rt, l7Z4earzjetfl i to ibuad =adrosiet",
dumper, . than ow _
ro.° a PLIIIES. Pwor4otrom.
tk-et.""°""'grOnrircluotter mem.
' Astro) oxen at Boatradd ood iamb. "
• - ‘4"4"*lL'"Vrimmniuircfrt.
D. LEDCR et. art Usa. '
Coma being r trod or
ma der, ..ire aro T. 7. 1
ro t e• C nro i sro=ot tbrlAAlt currant ralaa
m anta. N=VOnlaa and diapaira. The teat. suld ' •
eara ata. osmd Sad eattadad by the an.q...laLaa._lllllB
cd lading trnanittal • lad all L.M'amm igsmr.7 .fr•
APO , 6 " ral ,rnall SLACK, . •
:Canal Bul k Penn stt. aaladm•
g acg t a i gg Da n a, Non. 13 la. Eng °l4- raLalllaa'
• t Na 7t. 0 . SIIITLI
- : w.o."1 1 :5. Naar Yaeb
AEA 181. FoaffiffiLr-
Via BrOtrzunille and Curabedandi to - Baltimozi
• : - • and PhiladelOds. •• '
rSZIRNING BOAT lava Ities Wharf
above the BAIL+ &SIT. et defeat modesty. ever „ •
with wane Combeihted met =maw&
The goat leaves daily (cue% Sudsy evredema •
at n 0 . 04 , 1*,021113111CtiDS 11124 the an at Canteelarel!sene
erasing at hove eke _ _,, •
The Uuvoiti ehneitieseee. kaki. Ywn. hely $11:'
•. Thae,thmegt, MasitelhhiN 40 braze. ran way Oil
0 o. l , L;bal a. stiohal t d . teeti i s 4=fa m etercere
mataa this deeidellr tae lewi Tie &et • • .
myl7 ' • Oman lathe Maeonsibeltresa;
1851. - airhit
on riser eeneyhranis and 011io Cam&
essitw,!..___Akiiiis es 4sionarse..
Ctlablaut, alititlaND ixt:—Assizisss,o,
THIS well Isamu Line is now
~ pl to "
.I&= "4l =kr.h. °unload.
The Wiliam at Oa Una OM anntrpural tIISSIMIDOrMaI ,
at. io.i meaty at Bay.apackane at caplabst. ied at , .Z
bag at
Ilas=a Plitaxualk imaClesalsia dant, •
amaactiaa with IL Lim at otanateatm bastrata m ift' •
=Malt sad agairala, atat a alma at exatalawiaatalataa7i
tropalat aad limas) ina the Wm. • -
Pa ha a Ca.. Yousada.n. 0: • Z.
M A .L
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Att suigniant Made to Forward Fre4;td
1111111.0.1 D COMPANY nottr o rzelMtkis, by
• 11731' calset Pews aut
Stone Ware Pumps, forVells and Cisterne. •.-.
that informs the' !",
that b• has bataisead Isla' lib socka tba '.
RIC Plale d raulattaral by. *taw . Y. LL lk 1.1. - y
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wractly mat mi ant; sad aro aa tarabla is trona 4 .
rata, .Thal an WY claw. - Tba7 eau - by twat 1.., 5. , 14. ,
ty.babya wraboata ?la las PIM We ar at law Ma
at lb --.
la? Way. an Lltalty to
a stwa, Was tit.,Clalr. Oremol .-
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Yaw Ware Wow witi
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au alto be ta at all law,
""Wilib. .laveiragi..-- : v
I - Ohio and PazuhuyWahl& Rill Rook ,
3rali 846.1110 for sale, : - r.
1 . 111) Lei t sbp . at Oa 3baking BOVA Pr - ' ,
naltdk•elh ' - WM. - Litt :15 700206' - '
CPOWISA-10 lbs. far sale by
V Xs ;.7. KIDD *CO.