The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 20, 1851, Image 4

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''— fitia - iiitir;:fir.d.liti.v.mEgocesi. 7 .-'-Thierong" - -
debitisibillfinally 'pesied the - liaise Of:Lords on
;the 28th elt,ind of course became aln by the
ire* eigOatan in the dna comae of formalities.
:19batrrill be Reefed now remain to be den._
No law was ever devised with respect to whose
nature and operation tsgreater diveraity:Of Opin
ion incitedpreriousto theta'''. On the one hand;
ins contended that the Cathhlio prelacy will by.
it be restrained from all official acre whalers?,
end in fact betorned out even from their clerical
fanctiotur. No priest can;they .hencefortircon
seerake,.ito catechumen . can they
by necessity, Very great social stile must result.
Ontaq otherband, it Is maintained 'that the law
has no - such soope, but will simplyperiat the
lamination of prelates by the See of 10ms, with
spacial territorial tithe Roman Catboli countries.
Thal there-ehoold •be Catholic p ' tide
extreme Protestant party whitened day they
Most not bear the appellation of B ops, but
alicil4y or Apostua Vicare, such :Lathe man See
appoints in heathen or othorcountri where that
Pterch is not perfectly tolentted.,- .--
~ Ileantilille the Catholic clergy - 'bit no in,
tr : • en of Yielding before the terdre of die, law
' ands the ceremony of installing env Bishops
luie , "reitently been performed all proper
mp, an if to defy the expected Petsecution.
There Is an evident willingness on eir part to
wear the crown of martyrdom and p its ad
vantages.' They rely, end, with jos 'ea, on' con
:addable additions to their co union as the
fruit of • their coming struggle with e civil tow,
er.. There is nodoubt tharthey will prosecuted
ends? the law, for any citizen may orm !gams!
my Bisluipi and dare in the pe nal y toned up
on him by the Court, ' There hi no doubt that
the'process will soon be act on foe mad that a
deal of bitter feeling will bo tithed o both aides.
Audi theigh we unspeakably dial Ice such per
. editions; we may find an evident i of progress
in the fact that none of these new martyrs will
i ed
personally suffer bad treatment, b t even in pri-
eon will be well lodged and well fe . No ouch in
humanity awaits them an is hen upon the
' venerable. Poerio and bis dmply:lions by the
bloody ad:tater of Naples, the. Dear Frind and
• Beloved Son of the name Pope who . fiatned these
. bishops! • -
It le merely thought that the world part of
thislaw's operatiouwill he, in Ireland. There the
Catholics 'are not only in the majority, but hove
had regular Bisliops from time immemorial. To
deprive them of this privilege will be worse than
famine, Several efforts were made in Parliament
to exempt that islets:Mom the effect `of the law,
bat therwerenot
. successful. We presume that,
had consistency allowed it, tho Government - woidd
have preferred such -exeniption, and that; on
its part, - no Irish Bishops well be prosecuted. •
Tint it has not the :Control of the matter. Any
body can prosecute, and the promiged share in
the fine will-rsisehosts of informers. In Ireland,.
at lesat,:is great religious' and political agitation
seems now at hand;,and England will belockiet
than we see reason to expect, should the not'be
eini.ilaxlj shaken. We dislike the cause of this
coming disturbance; bat we. expect that some
pod will arise out of the evik • At any rate, it
is likely that the parties will• tell more or less
truth of each other,..which will not be without
ib use.—AT: - K. Trawl, "
'Tan . Now Anon . UNIFOIUS. A general order
-. luta recently been issued from the War. Depart.
ment giving a deacription of the new uniform for
the army of the United Stites, which has been
- -approved by the Secretary of War. It is to be
strictly enforced, and generals and all inspecting
officers are reyoired to notice all deviations from
it commirunotfed officers rosy wear the old un
ifdrm until the first orient:tau next The orioles
of the old uniform, ' already inariefactured for
enlisted men, aretobe issued tuitikeshansted, but
will be first altercd, far as practicable, to cdrres
, pond with the nee pattern: In no instance will
the tiro different patterrtshe furnished to troops
stationed at - thesame, poet
The deecriptian of thetuniform and dress is
ItiverCerith . tha ,rlLobest erosctucss. The details
are too numefoult , fOr oar present purpose; and
thareforeweenerely state, in order to convey a
senora ides of severe/ of the changes, that .ull
officers are to wes.ra frockeest of dark blue cloth,
thetskirt to extend: from two-thirds to three.
fouriots of the ttistbriee from top of tbe hip to the
beta/ of the kniceingle-breasted forcaPtrans and
Uenterianfec double-breasted for elf other grades.
- The uniform coal of all men is to be
einglobreiabod frock of dark blue cloth ; The
• .'collar and 'cuffs of the artillery are required to
be meek infantry, light er Barony blue- ride
men, ;medium or emerald green; and- tinliopse
• orange Colored:
Pe caps for all OfGeeriand enlisted ampere
• to be of dark blue cloth, according to pattern,
and so ornamented oittl , varied in trimmings as
to 'denote rezdtand the savers! branches of service.
these appear to be the most prominent tasnges ,
add that 'there are too many of theta for us to
enumerate—Rtpublic. • .
__4new Constitution of,lndiana was adopted at,
the recent election by sonde 90,000. The clause:
prohibiting the settlement of free negroes in the
State, was adopted byaatill,tirgoryote. Among
the population there is said to exist ri axing in
clination tO remove from the State; to - some
=nary where they can enjoy grenteradratitages.
They are opposed to going to Liberia. preferring
Canads,lamaica,auderrits Mexico, New Grenada,
.and Cendzal.Ainerick . I
PROPEIVIIL—A bargain be_siven If empfiralloo
nisd• mow to BMW/ M% IN,
114 bocopul Pt.
NIVIMING--100 bbla. (dry and very fine)
Q,ALERATUS—: cwir.s (warranted pore)
1,.7 tn. sale by 4.; EVIOONSIAKEIL
ANAC Nu. I, ',I!, and 3, it:lll,3ls.
LTA ad bba, Or by •
/Y2ll • JOAN WATT* CO.
ROOK. POWDER-240 kepp rale by
pIiEESE-75 boxes for sale by
1314 & F. VON 0.1.04M1u6.5T k, 00.
pIIEESE-:- WO Num primz,..fa4,3tgr.
EARL ASII-30 bbbi: for sale by
-Jr= . _ 'J. IL CANFIELD
US—:l25 Loitin pure ;
40 1.4.14. " (04210 by
LINSEED "-T.EED 04,-20 bbbforS 319 by
LW. 1 , 1811-10 6 bbin. lirtlke
. 10 WAIL Lake Trooh,
- G hL ^
B. CAN IX IbrF teLILe by
IRON-1.50 tons Mill Creek Pig Iron P AL. , tour Rens Creel( do do
36 tors RIM, .do do
for sidr•by RoisTeos LITTLE a CO.
,716 Ma Li lowly dr.). •
dorm bat mired and tor pd. by ' t
*l9 n.kasmaii2.
VITRICACID-250_1bajnat read and for
see br- • jai* LE. SRIA;P:S.
LEATHER, - 100 Siati N. Y. Bole,.foi sale
$.13. J. t FLOM
MUSQUITO NETS, Blue, White, &c., to
/Nato AM at. tit• stars of
riIAPER HANGING S—A large assortment
of Fn..;h wt AJnetietn nerillangtoggt sy• on
and Ibr gals DJ. W. P. MAKS
F ISH -150 bblia No. 3 Mackerel;
30.." • No. 1 Trout 400 White 3140
. •
I....4ogynAttor yaw by
rr Fyl—Prime to Extra Fine Green;
or qN Cb r r ie WB nt,T. d arr B/i m k ;
("ANLLES- boxes Star;
QUGARgioierineis Crushed and Puhrer
---A7 bed, liet.Ortros. Loaf guld b 7
taallty lately reeolvet mad rolling, law at thdi
or ' t BUILOYI MD. •
15 bblz. fpr sale by
ODA.- Ass-15 cub for Bale by
S' •
ion . P. A W. ILARSAIMati
driciFFER-425 Aruba Grben Rio, for Rale by
.171/ . A. cummorsox CO.
TOBACCO-100 boxes 11' anufactnred,
AL IL Gnat's. &moll t Robluson'o,And otter claim
lt+Attfor pat by A. CULDELTAON CO..
OTASH—:A casks puce, for sale by
1111 . 7. 8. DtWonall 100.
pORN.-500 ba. Shelled , for sole by
gut %bar - J. O. DILWOBSII CO.
203-4 casks - 15nperior, for sale on eon
dzambat by, • T. WOODS W
A LUM-50 bbt3. fox sale b
QARDINES IN'BRINE„--1.11: kegs ,Sar
,-1,7 dt. l bi brit. MAUI s a te isle
• .. r . t u • . Wit. A. li'CLUllti a ou..
111.1 a, PAPEIt—A superior. lot just reo'd
11 it &ream •
W. 8. HAVEN. &album
M. • emperor Seam( and 1124*". 42.
INSEED OIL--1500.galls. pure, for sale
J. ecnourouttza
24 Wood Moat
:ARO 4:1114.--t? b1: 1 1: winter n
' ji g, sato bi _J. atmow LLAEaw6),
OTTLE CORKS--800gro. for sale by
jes— - UAL SEUZES, ST wOid 14.
ra mp - and maniers. .
..rOIOIIAB ' 55 Market street, re.
JL spectrunr incites tlsa .atenUagrof paniuum to hb.
tiDX.A 'ROBBER - 11ELTINGJaat ica d,
Wont the_ mixinkaettams, MO fiat IJght &Wag, Rot
salest. th• Indio Redeem ,
nm. and, it, ~J.s /,
Nevi Eooke, ..Tust.•RecefTed: •
- VR&ST:Ii Problem; repainted with &mi.:l-
L r and alitOMA tlwaatbse or Wiwi Locks.
tam of peopates; Auselo iwrwob Abboti
• lEttoo., men • •
Caleb Isehh• Tap of th•Paritilss. IZon. mna. •
Eastbsu7: • Tale; br A om IlDeray, unbar orTtimli
, Appleton's lloqusaide Itsvabi, and galloons` Joni.
Ott . field
Bmeo fliotionoty of kftehanics, Eno-list Week and
OsenOry Nonlll nod Mt.
cancans Pictorial Geld Ilooleof the Itevolutiosetienl4.
Palestine: ttstiontensbe and Ilibis Ille•osLwadtb.
entraPhio Nape •by . Ifibard , .r Past OMIT •
it by Daniel Y. Kidder. nasta. mon •
For mid• by • • • J. le READ. •
Jpll . • • • 78 Apollo lisilidings. /mirth at. • -
GODEREY IGALVERN: or the Life of an
Author. By Thome HUM. With twenty4bur U-
Instrilione br Phis. • ..
Travels to tied United tan; hr. dating leen an! b 360.
oft Led, Emmeline BMA Wortley.
leo t o! London Libor end the Leedom Poor.
The whim hooks,inet mid nod foredo by
aTQCKTON. 47 Marian et.
ft‘M L n snot:tuna Tale .
In the Life at Mrs. riltweret Idsltinaa of tinsw
opilie; written br herself.
Hoesival * 1101ANS' Mem/ Denati.initswita the Pod
WOKS I—No. 33 of Byrne's DicOonary of
Idrobsoles and line • -oareing.._ •
7. of APPIA‘deo hilotoodmAlotpulne and roidoeene
" Z " :2-A Le¢a aaeortMosd of eluded and &boo lrEontb
ion rft'd sod lb? lade by 7. 1..11.11AD. dont,
. 78 Awn° Dui Fourth sti_eet.
N. 8.--iings tabsik ln exchange. l642'4, iy.3o
- . New Music. ," •
r ,-.• SPIRIT
_POLKA, COLlijmed by 11.
Mace. andidedioated to Stephen ilyortnr; of this
. , •
' l3ierly'e Welts.
, i7natt by LL ittebeArns }avail by
NVI& ' 'JITY?I , TuTr.Et„,,r; ra.L. l— rt-t!" .
Dolor Jones, with variations. by Dal e.
Mtn Antnrannf nur Yiatrsi by Gloms. Barker.
Also, a 800 selection of. Foreign ramie too Piano. Bob,
ILLE s tl i gyd- , Tt a tidsurft,
P. B.—A. splendid lot of new TIALiCIB O =nib
Ono 0.07 gOod second-hand 6 centre Piano for Ref,
AdillifiCAll STATE PAPERS.--State Pa
ws atat rublie DOCUMPfit, of the Ilnltal talta.
the Aver...ion of Groner Waahlagnon to tbe Ittakiatr
or: exhibiting a complete vletrof our forelthlrelatlona alma
that Um , Including (loctEclontlal Dovuntants. ' • •
thSCIA Runnona: vontatotan IMM/cal.
.tenovaphlval, FlatinleaL Evonovoloal, ant Bi
bon/threat lAnunonts. alcrant_an4 Fact. together otlth
NOttra• of the Arta aW Alavutfaclurret and a Retort Olen
Evvuts of the Thum Inlet 1500.
' , The abOva valuable votta for rate I,r
4.17 IL C. NTOCKIVOIf. 47 Market rt.
• . Musk for , the Bloomers.'
TKLERK% 1613 Third street, sign of the
iltrA l er •ith •
.binutirga 'Uncut, of Ibi,blooVI•• Pbblui•ld
•der. the partnn c• of lh•Elooftirre: trempord by E I. Roy.
11/ILKY QUICK bI'EP. wry oprigbtly compr•Stlot on
fetter's brzutlfu I air of "Nell y ora• • Lady: .
Also. a oupD/y Coot& Tamiknatre teb*Bo•lb 1721/
• • • Chickering'; Pianos. • .
JOCIN Tr:MELLOR, Agent. for r im v
Chiebning . a Planosl4 .rlabarth
stattrestern, let.,
nteired and urn con for e.the ,
lowing elegant amain«. Of I' o Fort., attest from the
mauu fartory. at Mr. Chiricriatc's (Bost.) •
thinklegatit•Boenotal eentitra.7 /Urfa aM caterer.
One carved - t
Five .• plain • • .
One • eartivr.
One "
Three ••• " round roue., o Two . ••• ore •••
The abo. Plan Fort. ate of the latest styles of Mirth
tare, and with ni l Mr. Chlckeri.• itioronincour. the
Prices Invariably the au.. Badon, thereby ea.. to
Riortbasers In this regd. the co.. and risk of torn.
• A L AS' TOO 6A - Lt:
One Rotewooel Carved Mottlalto Of octave Pia.. tour
ufsetunnt by Adana Mods. A Ot
One Itneennod 6 octave, Adam Strdart t CA
One ""' . 6
6 Bacon it Raven; . •
' O t o eee.l.4 6 " Chlekering, &lord es newt
O. .11 " Bacon Raven:
One 6 Brothers:,
Our raf " Manhattan Ormtvol•
utmli Dot.t...rbßß oPPOOte tbo Port Ofiloo:
to , dot'• Jody's Book, for oVirosß,
oral.,'.Alsor . l.lloe.
Ladle,' Notional If sraziete, 1119
E3IBROIDEMES.—Just received
IMed r .aDra, ea rn WV. *ripply of Itsobroldarles. see,
sith stoma earn trona tlx latest tosportations, eon
siding ,uf 'Worked Villas, Gulfs, ebendsetts. bust and
litualin - Slesies.acsioxll and Swiss Flocurings.of no( nod
lessuiluletyloi. Jai:lots and Swiss Mends and llosiost
insii, Whits Gnd Glatt Cells, Lacs Goods, to • This attese
lion of the dWNr I particularly .melted to do above
loods.sothe ausuttoent 11l hstinndl,bi lanes'wham.
ever otlerwl this city.. (.49) A. MA'AM
' - Black Silks, Mohair Kitts, &c.
b r plinas. another rustily al superior Metals Mins,
sad lack bilk. for DM.. and Aprons. .nag
ISnbroidered Flormsings..
A, A. MASON & CO. have. just received
. per expo.. I.row amply of be... 1 tonbaddered
tie And hoc. Ploonliag, ocw style., god cm . on
pal. goo., la 4.4 Market. go.
TABLE lOLOTLIS.---Mrseur &
LA licarstato Inca. ihn ogroptina or patch.. to
tL louortoant of lbs wtut. goo.. onallal, madam and
lent...Also—M.lw. bw the 7.4. nf ration. 0 14th.
sod goolitles. C.A. towelling. anil bah Room Diatom
filloortortat Wily." to b. band, Wowed porn.
r" .
xtorozw u fkitirther,mintri
at th. canll). - 164a.r:21:142.1k 54."2.
Aryls's- . 1,25
Mostinito Blue.
-1 YLAVE3uIt received on c cam of.Thish Net,
M irer4l7:, greet
J. •
Jur ALA TURK.s-ladlreaat llLe . e• dxe vet ma th !
mxt for Alkla h 7. A. 11 . rALmn.
jar:Market 0-
Black lace Veils
- •
Itrifi.PFIY .ut t r 'BO . R . CLIFIEL' I Ii: have- a full
61...b114-.41 - g man lexuse. do.; Feeder Br= add jilt
Lo do.; blue do.; black Bilk Nett, plain sad figande
A.'3l ASONk CO.'S Great Annual Shawl
'bi b c ww
b c mmenn e
o hi tar the h nt y o , n4 btseleedrontonmb
rcrP x ain HAM Crape rum mpsin
Mork igme
Rich gine • .
Psiser high .rd Vibe%
}bow Ic
ao printet and =real
Of Go+ gni inediom qualities t ag at which they ars &lure
mined to elms out. previous to receiving their fall stab.
They be micemi at is grmitirselnetion frib 'Runner
-Primy outline them cottern ma; • • tar=
• • • • New Patterns
- - - -
. .
_PEN:Itut reerived from the snood extensive eastern
teanntsetor, and for 1.11.14$ ai the oil Axed, No. Ge. lioF
est idlest 111311 - THOR PALMEtt.
Same and Detdrable Goods..
kir inn 3.IIIIIPILY k
• Al l = " llnrrlslo=lVr 46ratZ:12 ..14. -
--Nun ann. neat ?downing
Ulanhanag, Sc,. an
Attentkm In Inelf.ntl to thew coke anantment innwb
Lkwna. (l
Whita oads far finneann
We w i ll reale.. today at ta-marros, fn , New York—
JhL. • •
FILLSIER. bee Put neutral • met variety of rem
er Meete, ensue lematlfel met novel style. Able,
Mete.aid Bay, Ertail.Strea. met other Ham Jeri
Go?la for Warm Weather.
1k i 1 URPHY & BURCIIFIELD, at the North
XIII Ear* cornet of Fourth and Ifarket streets. at. tvsli
anootawl with geode *detest! to warm weather, nub as
!botch and french LAWNik
ktabroidered and Dented Malin.;
New aryls Verona Munn,:
• and atnee
:• RTh
ain white Strbw and Null Nurlient
Bream. De Weer,
• TlitT have ran received *bother let of NNW . 000DS,
leach as Paresolibehattarattle Mika for *wee; black for do,
blackliohalr /LIM, Lintel/toren, tulerelneres, Domed Nett'
for dit,, neat plairtAliatibsravdark Linen leurtrab_ 'south
Llitens and White ' , loads, new atria , DROWN
LAWNS, ebangsals ronma- •
Their aasortnient twine retell - di, withetinstant maw
okras of new goods, and mid at teens Mora, thilucententa
tea otb.ree to borers to calL end Malta fbelr purthaess. :
Straw Barnet and Hat Warehotuse,
No. 105 Mittvir Seim*,
H. PALMERiroffece for Bide, at very
~,lovvviere, • roo atear,tawat at eta . tad Maar
.93 n OleaEg:9lneen area Artielleaa4lsin Luce
ablr. Laid, Chip. UMP.lllann, lees. Hair. Pamele, L*V.
born. ie. Lc.
Youthe, Boye Whom god
Nam Drat, Straw, Panama. glthillo, and Leese Lea. In
fame'. Leghorn, Braid, Pthaw, Chip, Mum, , argil
Illrees• Glow, Jenny. Lind, ...p4 other forms, la great gori
er of stunt oat Ingterial.
RLS/tO ,idth, tleh Drone aull Beet plain Wan grid UP
h' 7.ll ( eZer i colre C 7lll9r.,
Cotton fietig
STItAw rravii SC ;Tsireele,lhatonm,lllll4
Teleriroot,Ate., •
I' Writs--Frnvh the! A ineriesn Aprkr,Apnehep elm
genonte, fiat and lacrnl etylear :
• . BONNET RiLK3 A 157) ISATLYS—GIiaL Ora Ala Na
gle.% Oro. do ;Mine. Flamm, on4other Selotherl
q .01'V= onglltlea mull Wore. • :
Aleo—Wet god low reload Paranoia and UmbrallaelSood
yi. or Illoanzlas Oactla—La ra il aparaltnent tO lie taaad
al Ua.l4ol,af • • 11174P111C A OURCIFINIGI.D.
ITII. DIODVIt, Np. Me Item,' grater;
Arry. Won. and ea Atm - Wet rtf Vaihloaable GoOtt.
adopt.' ta tiratleturtee Wear for tlpriar coreprittaa the
aeweat styles In Aterrlcaa,Eittlleh, mat French tturb
memo a v.rreplewthl ameottotent of Waning, sad Clotho
of reef r fashionable that:brand rotor: erttirh. together with
C le u attl u d . Z . T.of one r r errd i :rat . . or = f i s a y. wat
Mugu weft of the Alkohentetjall or;ritteh lb. Proptietor
I. &Armload to offer at inch priors ea •111 merino* all,
ho favor him trlth call, that set only the aloft eaperlor
Clothhte fold at thin ertabllthlarat. at shoo at the lotrt
est p.ribtalet the tit'. . •
All erirre Oro the Tattering Hoe retteatat, Yuma. fa the
beet Doolible moaner,. sad at the phortest notke.
• W. itcounocK •
• now woindantlr tvcrivalg Ate ifirint Stock of
CARPETS. oiliturrus, & TRIMMINGS, in WI thrfolluving variation
Eztra Ray.ll Velvet Coriol do. On. Tooortew Brio
pan do. do. BrOSPolc A.p05..,3 ply; 3 or.
extra floe d_ Mutts.: ononloo do.; , etoton do.;
44 '.:4.440n0134 twilled Venni.: 44. 34. 44..0nd
0.1. d, 4.4.34. 0.4, and 34 wool and mita. do. •
ixten Chenille 'loom dojdo4 entea tatty 4. 4
do. do; common do. Menillo pomp lA* ,taltpd,
nh.wp do.;, Mobil& do..l4 , Thruntda do. •
Crninb (nat.. reltlow do.. Docking 134, 64, and 2.4„
I.l—tiheet Oil Cotbk tut to tit ony Aso ball or r00m, 4-4,74.44,
_44.4-4. and 3-4 Oil Ckoths. -
• A1m0 . ..43.60-tols, of •1141teoc Carpot
Ta u LiolOo
orbs • ILtada.: 04,44.40134 Maltinot Table Limos Onolb
out Moen liontennek do: IVanoporont Window/Shadow.
Buff Window renon Lando lintbamed Piano
34.de4 do.litand do.; Wontod nay as
Battu inatowtol and parebsood oar oteekdieoctitomaii
most eclobrotollootorles.twinSt tbo Wog and 110w444.
wowed sa4 *it" we are propOPod.lo Mil
friends sad eastotoors at Dolmas um as theyon! toper*
an of The Anders Cain.,
W. lowite all to call and WWII. otientook at
!ThtiCarpst y,lar -
.-W. ehouse /0
, Fourth - street..
TAi eat EceitzorDiory Discovery is ilia World ii
the greet AralizslierttedyfOr Magda Rata! •
• . •
IL O. Farrell's •
-:O.LFARRELL'S genuite •Azabbutt
denbtr,i l the vask 'h eri t er of trdt .
:Aida and the nr yan ewe, beta` daily performed b It.
nideltreehartiLtmd twisted all other meadow's - mid the
.till of the Lert. Philo/dans In this world. It la mentaard
of haleanta, exilic:ls and
ooma smaller to Arabia Ponee
sing. In a coneentnste4 , all their atimulating, 1113.-
reerthdro promnitekand
them., which... Wen alp. Weft used by th e ' or the
of rm. sheen.= rmstem, In Mille the di e
ems of both tun and kart.
Bed the iblionlorrrensrlialeV• eines, which abonid of
thee:wh y
oa pise• li. (l.Yarrws lesbian Llninteat F. be-'
yend anahnilar minaly
About • year and • eat y t q a mealllns aPtearal in MT
nib . Mmoseh, amdttally else until It be.
eume as es my as; end re , wee thst aye maid not
bear Um least Inearom pamitrithont giving be r extrema
Palo: I got the adelos of our beat danona and they diner.
„al In opinion about in moms WI it was an Aim take, or
entrant.. .of the BA arms. that It was. Rniarsa
ment of the Wart. end othas said It was Tumor of
the (leariae; no t maid not be eared extent by outtlnalt.
out. In this clad a1..0n, lam paransdad to try II:
ti. (anvil! Arabian Liniment upon It, and , strange as It
mar vv.. upon the thiM aopliation .he boa. to Im
prove. and haa continual getting better daily, unlit nor
she 10 se welt coar—enloying exellent health.
Peoria, March 6.1619; .
(Robert Mods. postonster.mar=l
papery. Pa., Minh 27,1619.
floe woman UR used your Liniment erlth greet memo.
She hs4 loathe um of her 1w Wt throe yaw, the ennte
being contradal so Mabee lees vent bruise:ouch while
standing. s 1. natnref Ow lb. podUon of the lose utak.
pitting, and ohe mold not bead them In Use Meer, but br•
the nee al IL U. MarrelP• Arabian ua fb• la now
ble to .walk .It 4 .m ham •,,
ta llmb. num
Moot It most excellent 0.00.47 lbr hemm fish; elm, for
" TT, = k at M i Tp= n usl i , Vel d tlife Perris,
• Washlogten. Mom June 21/1.1801.
i w Z r zm w th , : h . epe:dital.blrmanument yam,
man asid
not hesitate th" 4.4 4 e= d j• g ef l lli:
Ago^ have practiced &storing hamster Meats 7 00 .4
0.0.1 have treed all the yarlotu liniments. olutumbl, As,
much potted hv the mom hut must ery MOIL
U. Pamirs Aroblato Llolment emede any that 1 ba
made nee of.. By its usee 1 have moll Sweeny and SPWrili
lens alter they bad teem pronounced incorable, end I have
cored mote than Oily bootee this memo with your blob
Anent. embracing every As& of dlseest6 from matches
and bruises up to spayluittrooe, and malty . I con
also hear testimony of Ito effrete on the human eyo
tete. I was 00011.4 /LI ail lost relater to my t 0361
with Ithounialism. and get nothlulte help wo
1.11 / eonmeneed the WO your lAnlmeo which ontiteir
eared mr: • WM. (11111110.
Sun Bain of tell years' Bonding cured by ti.
Arabi. Liniment:
11, 11. G. Psamt—lllear it,: I bad b.. elided with
the "Soo Pale for the tut lee ream and could never get
essyptly bleeedinst but try the use of /L O. Panel 'e
Arehlett IJuim.ot, .pilled over the tompleeabout theater
four time • was entirely removed, ant l have felt
nothing . of It Mee. 1 asap late the Mtgeone Woke. to
oPt4/ It to a hors.. =Meg. sod beteg my L on beaten..
bled and fell egalnst my lots, mishins amt braising Mtn
en bedly that they tomel la Meek as my ha; melerius
them wooden. I apolied. your Liniment. and Bag well
enoogh in • new dara to tto .lust again as usual. I also
muted trot.fieutty in a! aborting manner, by 1011101 •
471 apron lb but your Linievent mo heeled It up.
.1 Sil' 1 • JOI.IN B. OWS.
Is all Postal. Notts on, Fah.
Berears of Coniefeite.
j LOWING emu:Full%
The Public ere partleblerly cautioned whist a ROI
o.4ltrfell Which hos Lately mole its aptetArstor: sid
by the leoponer risoinohce it n kesTell • Arad-
Lleament.. rile is o Women:las [md OM more 1.1.
to &hare trout his bearing the nem et lreemlL Them
lbre b. inaticulor rearm rail jlir it bp tee eMe
Liniment,. for unprincipled Macre Wilt imam the M'L
AWL'S doisturer rya 11x to grocina, bat drays est
tor Itandf Anstoem .I.4lMiemt, enS lab, meth,.
nth. gnraine don* Ms the lettere O. beim Fermin , .
wor=Le oleo on I the ordelde mapper. ond time
010 the Own bottle—../1. G. .1401 , 0 'a Arabian
Lismah /MM." 1
- ACOIO nutted In 4rtery tom. tilloste . affsollet to
the United Phelea,ht which Me not ed. Apply
by Nner to EL O. lorrelkflotie. olth Mere.*
ea toammeter, mrsonnettlty, to.
Cdl ou the smut who will ficreash Fnee of Mum o
am courelobter touch reheat& intennotkaelbs may dm
or Hm. • . I
Pans-25rests. 50 ends, aol inn Mist pgr bottle.
. 1 % , l• maaaLaai.a bt IL u..rarrelL ado
innentar and_blopzi..idor.sad onoimu &mist, No. IT
Rain alte. mots. 111.;•ad Ibr whit wholmay,nd retail gol
pkvy.l.t..'• prim by I R. IL SELwR3. -
&In, 0. I t. mazy. i An . 6 . 0 . 7 1 : 14fer Woad I.
S 0 SAYS NATURE, to hares healthy ap-
Wanner atai paw. who do uneve* art - liab
to atm mot dlaanathat Nor4orse
(Tanaka/ Soap cacao • inn parrotranktea at the •
ttnar toollitt. poftenn tb• aids. t aba tat
of an infant . .
r =ts ats= l at Straw. aIT na ad
Door tt ameba" ao . 1:1 it ardallizie—o• alto, ta
laa Motet.. oranyotbat T.
Amen, sound that dna is no andaa, patted
trkl .111 prove. I obvill 000nveolo or. caned.
pd.o. oared of arre latts. ata nra baud.
5 .7 th. na• afttan .nral 1 natal yam.
.1, 1 , t , !gar . tit. 6 l2 b baz. o ram I tress it
LI, 00 to / 6, 1
and this not may • ma. bat • pnroatitlitV ' sual I it
tt. only addAbat woo. an 414
vat Anal. diaama vrnlitud Mt. *h. and noto mono al.-
,anla ta
"rind, irsoder. the Kam ars itottlzia
i t t . t . f . a•Lm .
and be ran 110 .11 0, J... nlll..
bay It °air WK. JACKSUPE, Alvol PhiTIMO•
boort of Woad. I i
Pearly 'White Teitb. and Pore Breath. to
to bad for 26 arata—alcia who taro attar. an boson.
blf aararad that $f Una , breactila ova lath Usas
terth do:alma, dart or fallow, 'ad etornaaartar,
that a oral tar of Joao' Marra Tenth Pair* tall maks
. the
trothe a. whits ea awe% ao6 W basal, raforlfrroarly
Solq =IT at JACKSON'S Mt, 1140 Liberty at, bead at
A Scientific Hair Tonic, Reetnter and Bean.
leer,—Tibsl Bold.. rail mh lbw wbo Imo ward
/ono' Owst Wiz liewsonar. know Its anoslitotousitino— ,
lbws wbo bass trot... omen It to parr tho following
anolitlec-11. Iwo tbo bt. irrow ony pa% wibosw
sw " reVrolk 'W ti d b itiltif :.I<t: =sr=
Pot maiming the bob. sotto,' ky, twitting ron . jsenal
tat.—lt nukes is Issay kosontol, oAl4 , Mopil It la It
itoot, tbo swat owsockaln4--y.l
• ••
JONES! Solution of Jet, a Liquid Unman
inn Dyn, lrtb. ebanybas tit white, Woe vyy Wt. t..
teas tilW brown, or bkiek est color, la Anir Waste.
Yrke•—bo baotio. Wid
Pad by WE. Ja.CMON,tlOLibsyty itrbot.b•ad lima.
Pirt.4 !ugh. .
JONES' LILLY 191ITE. , —Ladies are cam
ears soden the exuemo mauve awl. fear
are not wow. how, tinily inpri It le to the it
how 63•116. hate rooab hop wa/wW.
the skin towers. anew mien wmaredehal Began, it
ininetous, 5001.121112.• • twee easonti of Leal
We hare prebend a beta Win vegtaMeattols. whieh
tall Jame Spanish My Whie.
p.of all deleterious
It* Argektura. healthy. a.
abetter, titer. It lute , at the eatm. Una wasng as as
mile on the Wo e Wahl . it soft eat math.
the 240,Libeftw street.
heirn b ltront. rter . nallt. Ana 2$ atatae
aoteelewl re •
.CotOpoundfrirop 4f Yellow Dock Root,
OC the front rank among 'the prp.,
prietotT medicine. of this . 0001 .7 for oirepletell
enrlngilienkra Salt Mum, livrelpelsa and all other d
arbdow_from iniF EMMA( the blank Alm,
Liver tkimplalut,Natarrh, Ifradscheablesinem,
Omaha- Sorenewe and Tis tows about the aunt limn-
Matas, or. licereenme. &yews, tad a Ucklins
about the throsM and la ord with natifeeedented minim
IP Mi mats of
Female Weakneu Fad Gateral,Dtbility.
Shamgthening the weakened tone to the
Wien. Mims. anal hmkturatirog th e entire ey dem.
If the testimony of thowande of living ornate... from
all parte of the country. ran be relled upon. It W
ly to cuing al/ Ihrlneft, and reels:sins &MMr
td and broken down oinistitimbrata .1t I. purely-Vegeta
bM In ta . oimpoltkp and to o...irately combined t 0 11s
; — e - VM711 .".. Ingredient * k l try units to and medial P"'
'Purify 810 Blood.
the M h a s ll
roefm t o b dm l yhronic ciwo h d eb him baked
yskans,and hsabe mind Cook.. , Balt ;hem. Wykw e and Srntla with ismatatilla
rz r
It Via=
r, lout , I t"vi= s urir r:
MUMS. The moot Obstinate Osman hem been mired by
this medicine. Wogy that It to •veluablemeillei nein all
nrwoom nonrimana it mayo. all otatructions ip
the circulatiota riondering the Wm free. *Kiva end hai
thy. '.lt removes Pulpit
of the Heart, end tellevisvin
Wawa of Asthma, and may b. and In ail rheostat. sod
-at all memos of the year. 1
This Syrup Is rei=dib i r nom a'no.. et
Fountain Omni
magi, by 1 . S. brYillegliZlW"
only Agent for Waters" Pelineyleania
myiky _ :quassia.. corner Picot Msth eta Pitt di
T. Babbitt's Celebrated Beep
I t y/ ASKING witbrat labor !' Warranted
v v ego stains aof tabl• limas and rap.
Pommes woo Ifes—Po Tour clothes h a sufficient
enanutr`of cold wisteria agree than. tbep edd two table.
'Maras of this Soap roa dat each slittuarts of water
used with the elotbew the water is bard, odd laver at
tho Powder. and boil dust ten toluuter, in the wren Slaw
trees tbetodown with • etich, that pea than to • tub ad odd sufficlent mid water. xi' that they will not he- boo hot
to hand/. Theo rub the dirty Weeks. or in other word..
to saw a
tboniadi tinslos. and that is euffident to
wake than ls. • I
N. n.—Then helots no rosin in this Soap, It 001 dean
the Oahe. very white, and oohed ear sotrA u.somw
soap do. The astir* met of du mania nod doer not
exceed two ante, to cotepitbe a waitator of ten persons.— ,
Weeranted not to rot or Wore the .0.00..
This I.a Powder diet °nevem all maks Mel...smarts
bent Wally &ft heap.. • • •
Isusarton roa Usa—Take,ear eir octane of water cad
ads the Powder with it, =Clam let it Dal. ear are min
now, thew add six a u r a cold water; s% thew lighttelj
liet ' afid ' ltilt be 1 , 74701= " arid Jew W o rdie h loop,itur
st; 0. 010 ' ' 0 , 7t 41 1.0 reVer as? bl: s =rli Ll=
water, by . making the tionthr Into dr awl. Instead of
twelre. be
bat Soap is beet Wielded for weakling calm
and trosihm dada I •
hold wholesale and Mal I* R. E. FIRLLTISS,
'l*7No. AT, Wood rc.
. .
rCO-PARTNFISIIIP heretofore et,
itirruhcla area "'' aitolrodebialaSLr
I. . dor a y
Ilatibt. anjzoll mown.
Eltbor of the obOorolittod bt lailott to *onto
conoti of Ur oh* film I WILL LLY,
ifitAabaisb.lolv 1. illaoltvala THOB. WIGHTWAN.
VO , PARTNERSHIP—Tb. subscribers have
mitered IntoCk.Patunkstpunderthe Arm of Soak
• h2llOll t Olmly.
• 1 .
431 ; • J OU II N stAanumr.
Roraima& ,a -
ruslfni!" removed
to their oro Wiarbousioonpirof Olionotulatto old
atrooc, • •,• wan'
arimmvoca Garden.
, CuOICE collecti4 of Shrubbery, Vining
bete lP2" Zro ir"' ornaine n"DbV it.yanig 4l2 nini lb""a Peit i'9"" 47r: b"" r . nh
Vb a it i 4 ;
.tarf bolt r . ngg of
.lb. 000.0. - les Cream mid other ingsetunentsserval up
in the flacon.
Ordure Maraud - to. the preptietay, Wist glantheeter.
Allegheny' =mit. Pee Inn euWve pnnapt Ural= •
/Mgt . J. AlagAllf.
Bto raps 14•41...E5a sad : attar Wardag Parr;
60 " Doable Malt
00 " " Medium " " • " •
11 , 3* . '6 tad •
111 saprriar Ofiles 1vor; •
Duabls sdlun 2CM Mew Nan "
." 'snarls!
sbas, lath • lot of old silos of psons„Sa ants st
Ib lowita Pao.. 07 W. S. HAVEN,
Mit/aria sad Papa Data,
'. coma of llsrl4 stal 660660 stmts.
To Druggists
k ß a l rWmfg Pan= rearanlad by the Gold Bledsd of
American Ins Mats. O. hosnalog ...Ma'.
WO - of aboda cod color. Th• loanotacttoor IW above
Yalut has, yrotticad the doesest Lod moat uttola
of Putt limo. that !upon:mond. atal that oah ba i rtod
without detriment to too gm* and has reduced pto•
: toso to ilavarg ustitotadty.
- .1 WL/Md.
JI•• • I mw
'UMW RIFB - 8 7- 1
1.110.1..t0 bd.. a.
WAIVE*. i irta.
•• • -•7lift.7.:"Par itt
, 111A4.-
• •
EY ?PP. macworr: Cm me wird]) /STATES
pan wane of
Pr.a4.Catibillnited States of Amelia. do heySh7
sad mak. fflau that yobbo axles will he bald at
- the ondermeatioued Ltd Offices In the Blottof lataatuat
at the-rebel. hareinaltar elesiavadadtto wit:
AL tha Load Moe at IidThaVILLE. lomeeteuellit
lfooday. the OM day of /September neat Ar Lb.
f/te poblio lauds situated val thin the underuseTtgroi
unruahipm sad (mamma towlsehiluis:
Atria of the Lau Ilse and aka oftfe princ(pethao*lian.
Tmretatily tyro, of range Unmet .
Ternahly two, or ranee Gnu, '
Frac/foul townaltip Lataleau, myth of Whits eilan g ot
51=4:afee;rifooened illitlfas rfilffeadoiNtAtt,
Township fifteen, of noes ,
relational townWpa eleven sad tereles, of nu*
At the Land (Moe at QUABIPAII HOLE, sotameoolua ou
Monday. the littimoth day of &Member 13.01. fur
PPF:aer Ike Publin Isattemitbla the Urea.
Int: •
SAW, lhatsuelfeasood leaden* ARA prOtolpsimeridialL
Township, alma and Mortom a, of ramp mambos.
-it the ZetrofZrafti. oixemeguilst ea lbw
der. tlv. elittanuth day of Almost a
wned di
of lauds eithin tbatalloolog a tovashlDoona
parts of toeruehlpe. Us: I
North trek aneelioseoadaddg RUN* jeriao(redmerfdiaa.
Beak.. tulotf tune, 11.61 ribur sod meaty
ere, out of to Et reateds river. ue tovaubli due., of
rano tom •
- • .
Township nine, of range semen:
Snake/tie baseliee end imetif w4 l (ftlesteldiest
Township four and part of an Wand In melee, tidell
len mad tithlrebtre. In townehip thief... of p.m em.
At the
01Bee at lATTLB BOCK. commenoing
giondu e the gest day of &Member meet. be the etbetemi
of the pnblie lamb in the billowing named Made on and
neat Oymess We, Mot
Nara of Me bass line and ais/ Oa AM placipalmeniliem
The month half of melba eight. - the south half a. , Mk
thetinual meth= fberteen and Memos, the north haltof
amentee. the east leaf of tweetyone. *wham.. the
north g,
half imd southwest lime. of townlyii. _mat
neelhemt cauutor of twenty-OM, and lb. ML us'
emetheast quarter or Jesuit-erten. in tolnaldp thee. of
range georteem .
leende eppeoPristedby taw On, the me of chain. IMA -
M, endemee gammen. togethemeritti "new amuse nes
crtrillownl lands made unlit thereby for cullintion."
any. which Mull be Selman! . by tbe Mato antharitile I.
fore the to Ix the menesonmenent afthe
Ile Wee • under the set...tied "ho Aet to
enable the y
of nrtam.a and other Nal. le reclaim
Us 'gesso Mods' within their lilts.. armored &MM.
bes. =h e 1850, te mot_ mind Imes Ma W..' had se le.
cations Mc hued bountlem hextoforegrested by my Lew ed
-Outgrew, for military aerobes metered to . the United
Mates. 0011 be permetted as elm Of Ike alesng wmanweileindee
as wedded by the ant maithel "An het making *swop&
Mb,. for tbecivil and dtplanatic es peitemof sperwenseet,"
/le- approved 31 diesedieigil.
no of the ithere mentioaed lands will be emir;
Mewed the dare ametibled. and will proceed 1. the or.
dm In which tbey ate
rtisrl. with en oasmet. die
. bah
lume bre. offend au/ the mem
[boa closeog.but n o mile eludl be tot open loagm
two 'mann and no minas etey of any of the
be admitted mail lame the ex ranee of the two weldor.
Oiles MY baud sit • City of If mbre
Nith day of Nay, Anna Domini nee tboeeend t hose
deed and Barr..
• By the Resident:. .
• •
Cosomlfotaear of lb. flors.l Line 060.
Ermy pervert ontlthol to Me Mani of onemn piton ta oaf
of Um Lands oral:du U. towartdpe and parto plteanottlpe
abut. enumerated, is mg Weed to establish Li name to UM
eaticfrolima, of the Reabder and RaneiVer of UN pram
Lad Oft Mo. mad make wound thereforar ram arpreratt
after rerirm Mir noncr, mai Wino tho day sowlatml for
the rummettoomeat of the pantie rate of lb. lands motor
Mug lba tract claimed, otherwise men claim will be Recife
ed. U J.BlTEfkliEllnit
—•- of the flonand Lad Mob.
1 •
pursuance of law. Marto Fazio's,
?radon' .10,. Utdiod Peat of Anne& do twee
se and make known, ttial able salsa bat at
' LOP ttiOtellO.Liono4 Land ilffeetin (( h a nate lhoorw.
" rtg " tot h aley ' ratMr L , eannintend on Mee
day, tho het dor of beeentor wit for LW Meant.% la
ableßair altazal within the Aglaia was teas
, shim re:
NortApf the banlisd tad Wen thel t ri.CPam , Ati.._
MOM, 41kolVO. Malty. t SOO tliOtitrOlOO,
nod war Corona river, of rap rya
Tatehit* wedreere. laradrodahl and ttraatrialoo
• cat ad noetarr Cornet nee, of nap far. .
T p lientreight, a 0.11.0 0 f Cateat le, Of
loadies tatiethres. torne-':Pr. torntreight tad
twearstine. oC - nalg.otah
' Tanabe* twarfarea, t
errardbor. gontgettiald sad
totateddne. of rage Woo • •
Prortional townextp toontiae, toonalle alter
tproeihreo,PTPTßOlT.roentrers and toed:roe.
, of rawoo. test
-.dr de ROLL MAC& realawates Ott *War r en ilif•
teroffsdar of &pleaderfor 00=1 pf arab.
lie hoe with& IP followed name ' poste pea
of toiniship,re:
Noel of 0.4 We Woad and tif Pe.iffiA weasel asonktino
lawhip taratitrirro, of rage too.
Prookual bowalp tworrea sad twoortere, and
bombe twout,fte, of a tango throe.
• Twined, entoeloo, rata far,
Tawhiei torWldrio and toyntrthroo, of rate era
Froetbost b.wbip seem and bashes
tientranah toesaplbar. '.dons ettro7=
toyatypen. of As.
Tractional taped* seta. and Waldo.. sod UMW
Alp nnoty.tro, tunoPt...a. •
kisaltioal Goirother oaten, wantrea. Alaimo and
tanirotto. township (sedge.) sod taterthroa and
anew thre to tea 1091 Wet sniestier b hiesievet iwls
j a ae%tbt
obeawn target fraelletal means Wept.
fer Napa twittery.) feeticoal natal, lane End
frattate larrnship twentrawi ( real alba as. MOM
Weirs, esinageer, tweedowy, twestkAve, toonitgate.
tworegenia, turtrAw, tadli;fity, aid Were; of nos.
' The Otirthoret busies of alba o.a. In •toorwibei Woe
biro, al teals el bombe toner, of rap tart
&new way to tower Isola., aware) bA fof tato"
Ines to favorgew Wear.. roestreistat to tiers
lay ine to, is bleat, eaten; metions fkror go
twiairt. to township waideina ostaitet.iens deriesoryor ,
ton., Use woalls bat Of handy.q 1an044.00. to twerr
en, sod Metope. to 'guava:. Incluthr. Law.ol.lo
10.1.17, ef
one part one of 'Ledo filar Overdo.." of toonahlp
tirsaty4lina, of range esteem.
siv.,l , loB.l, (ce vr p er nt.hle e r it t orthap a t otpao rLf e o) r uantd&
WtY Ilyeirlkor; It tam athlp 10.17.:futa, of Mao . Mu.
A t lb. Land Oftles az FrItINGYIIMD, econsissring ett
Aloosta, the eighteenth dsy of .Aripse test, die the die
posid of tbe pat,. lands alnutssi *Attie the followleg se
mai townstd. eft:
Township twelitetaisa of nusgs tweet nthese,
Prem.. of switstia em1.91.r,- 14-0111horrI=M.
tAisry , fessr, OHIO re and tables.. ef
ell Kale LA., is townabip twenty-me, of rms. twent.
Watt. township twentrome, edjacent to the State
Lit" of nagq twestyisivert, nentnednin thirty, thlrty.
one, thirty-tyro,port thirty-Own asd;
, fsfsit hy law tor ose of WU
tin' mat eses, together with ethos snow end
litede emde mint thereby for roillralisa," If
Ny, width . ball O. sileetad by the mate settbarltise lota.
. dayeizolitted for the'sinamencentrot of the pub.
"mite res nily. under the Act eoliths' "An Act to me
i. the tate of Allunaas amt • other Mies to soda. the
nnsmp las. within tbdc lint.," approved fie=
Zi1i,14:41, Inn easheledyrten sdla. And so
AT 'Ma boson. he wranter by an boc of GIP
ow, tor military nen.* residereigtirthe U y_
nited Matas,
slit be permaed imsany ey oh. essatiosei lonstn. pro.
Tided b., the sal entaked "An Act mall. tionsitineuss.
for the civil aad ditilmaide expenses of Uovernmest,^lc
" Re ' Vligrii r if k ilria l bove lands will to awe
meoessil on the days appolstsd. and will poised this or
der iri which they an edrertisoil with All ...neat die
lb.. patch. sattl the
b.ettett.eed. and Winks
clitesd; but no ode shall to kept twos lossirr Chas two
sects. and no p *stay of any of Us hinds wilt bet...
sated Until OW' tbn eiptrationlif lbw tins weir.
Sifts soder my band at tbe City Wuthltaxtotk, this
difthdor fir fief. Auto pcattint no. tboomml elBbl how
Und 8.1 Aftroes. ..IULLAI4.IP /ULM Zit
By Ms Pmkteretf •
Conualesinewr of the Uremia LorOnfen
Every perms entitled to tiscriabl of pnwropeion to U./
of lb Lands within the twernehip. and 1.2f1.1 , of township.
Mawr enumerated. Is misdeed We ...Sabin!: ths mem to the
aaUsfaction of the mentor WA marry of Ma mower hod
tnsih , P., torot tlovener or awe urporedwak of
kr wing this s
eommaesit.and tern th: r day appointed for tt.;
the trarZgetik! ottwerlas mash rialto will lso Mdted.
Onadondonor tb• Ussersi Land tOm a r.“.
N poignance of law, I, MALLARD FILLIIIOII4
Pershing of Um Voltd state of Moeda., da Maar
sod mate kno ,irti that aublle sat. will be held at
itak oadsreoeuttoneil LAM Mee. In lb. State of loWa e at
At LM OOlee we
dof the lint day of September not, fur UP dirpoplof thea
public Janda situated In the rolloPug pined township.
viz •
Nati tif Ms base Him mid g e atti Ow Nth prinefoulPe*
- TThpp s
a te r t nt ym a n e oafn dmp
ty w tm Ma ia w a MKT. KT. •
Townehipa sinfentrisina eM eistly.of nap thistpidic
Timushipii reputrnins, eighty and Sighty•ons, of rand.
D.Ttra MP . 1111=gartWEIr 741'"' eleir au ism.
o. the fiftputh day of JieVisialaw ties*.
of the public land e within the isudermentioned towmLlpy
to wit:
AMYIe of the tam U,.. wed we ar th e ,ftfth nriecfred auri
*enable meaty. of range thirty.
Townehlto eerenty, of range thhlrrvo•
Tm.n.l,lp eeremtl. of yea
a[ the Lm Omar tt Du.l olloreter e M
tee nth day of August next , for the dismal of the all!.
! Ins Ueda tb mit ••
, A email bleed in Peahen ere tare ateddakkno. hMovur
ship eightrtere north, of mimeos* east. and the...timed
onerted. ot mtlou to~reen, Is tounahlte sthet .l ß
stoatgf Tante Woe tzta r t f tto gib mu
aw g m .
tar 7 ana l = norecm, bvengr with "Mom lIIRIPP
1ME5)1,114 lan& made unfit thereto,. for coltleanon,
If any, whleh thall be 'elected by the Had autherithe
fore the dam e ted Mr the 001021t110110111% or the pub.
lie otalm wader the AM entitled "An Act to
enable e
of Ailments to
States to reclaim
it; r th atog . and . Atthltair mltedamovr . teger
cations fiw had brantlem berated. granted br any_law of
pomided by the met entl her .Ullar7
="AnWtotaklut aumuterhe
Mow for the and dlplothatle mama of (lorernstnd,"
novAntevred &I Blunt. - _
offering of the Lode vlll be manteneedc z the dein
anterhthel etal=l4the order to which am O.
mortised with M*llhiuntoll thew Moduli
bare bent offend, awl the salt. thus Moved: but monis
shall be Iteirt open burr then two week., end so private
entry of WU of the Lands Ell be himltted until afhw the
avirstkal of the two Imes. , • -
Gime under my Mod at the O
ne of Washingtn. te N
day cd Iday. Acne Domini one thousand eight bes
otted and rams. . •
. fly the Frandent
(Mmudedoner of the General Land Me.
TO ris-inerrroycz.irmairrs.'
Bv. perm .011)11.40. the right of preemptkat to any
of the bode EMI* the tomeohlpi and mute of tenntahlte
'stare eansuenated, 4 requlted to emablleh the nom alto
of the "mister ampearlver of the promo. land.
calm. end make payment themes or env at pamMhlt
ter setheo faun end before the day appointed fbr the
conunenommul of Um public sob°CIA. Made embeedus
the tract thdruch otherwise nub Mahe wlll bo forfeited. •
Clotturdadoner of the General Leh:loom
audliae:Llt • , ' • '— •
• ' New Books!
VST: a Problem •re_primed with . cm%
V im sad addltistut 4.121 Vnareie Ma g asinc
lekl: th. Pluitsu f
,l i r n M c sibor ef
"P I In flu LIP of Apt. Mums "'Wert-
0/4.i P 7 iir7vU by Jamb Abtotk
N4.7l7PMirtal Field Book:a du Errotution.
10.7 of landka Labor awl the London poor.
The abov• Boob lost 44441vm1 and kw ago Dr
17 • IL C. STOCKTON, 47 llarkst et.
Books Books '
„OCHUM'S history of Orftes.—A }pito.
c altozr, l f 4 rom thvarlieed thaw toriatroalo•
litkop 04r, D•r= 14.1 , 4.=
"rt u teriltotrropeetnericrii.iandru.a.n..l
! b rit=dtirjr "t.t
" FA fga b rsi=i rittrAgArtritTEl.o..
ma of Klux Alfred. 3i Slo th s Farouk. Topper. • '
R . : Hair of Nast Willard; s
Own tr i f i rllttilro of 'Augusto Owe" ' HT
York sod Vol. Italktot kook: oia
takdog • lr.
awption of tho_tlorriery, Wren, Towns, VU.
=r i d oreggrozgat Works ort the Am& Walt eft
from orlii " 6 okatAmol=f Sbr work- My
MIMI% N... • outlay Kuala. toi•Jaae.
The Bold Worahlispcor, or th e days era lin leg • Amu%
historical aoseL By the author, of "lirbilehlan."
Mombasa tooksjast remised and firs sale isr
- . iruexTurorniurta
urg OVERINO'S 81.10A11.- - al bbltr "Um
igsmaril — thrutrixrii.
1.851..' • ar g i
CLJUULT.. MIS &W. Roc z. Paarawrosta
MILE .PROPRIETORS of this old and well
kteeia troold lama Ma white tbat May are
reason ; land have roma.,
bleb they are folly
=to eat mhina - S . al i l r potota an the Canal & asha
Lbw will relioat.2olle er the lastlit of belo;r ther tr "
abt. MOM to naive Delght.
• Ons*, mt. tiateiPlZAAlTZ•Pitttsh.
R. W. ennolatlvila. Nine' 0.41., Pa;
itl'embP'',,t,'!"/%4 • • • •
M. Reed " ,lrrtePl4
41. B. Wallinids... Borale, N. T.
• New Lake Superior Liue.--11351
PE new steamer NORTILENER, Capt.
Sway, haring every mode= improvement for
M e
hog Clanland 011 r
to Friday. the
Ve Z '" Vattli t lll . 7 .
Urn. r
d~hDple t. ...actinm on
en...W. on the whaler theinnaniar fiattlarnaer; making
e floe, throeghonttla yon. pper
n .4 1 14..Z . VW . F7
*pi Fitiprintars.
Miuthidt='s Line.
S gliffigm. 1851
that this Mitt, wpmnl entirely of Section Boats.
le now la tail operationwith Galin. to carry a Iss.
anatite of braid to Iddlerletplia and Baltimore, without
trintaddato, in as short Us.. amt at . low sat.; as soy
other anal....
tiperisl areaway.* hare alai hen nude for mamaa
gmlle t taht to Johtuameniggl West
Oak. klettert=bisListo:o".
Newport, CLAW Year, Ilanisbura Colombin. all otly
er totermediate_points on the Canals. 1.1.
oar - Baring raw loads of Inns yawl foam
thoPans i Attess and adularia its shipments, tn
Ms same. pe lota, st the lowest rata, may ft roiled
upon. MITT, Proprietor.
11V _ Warehonma Lardy street,
Mom. dear west. the
TNRFNT IN BLYOll.4lrm LINK, 1 my henthrh
NINOIIAII, the Madame at llttebarshelllherh
eta t o transacted ander the etyle , Wm. Bane... •
CM " [stela] BINtilLlll,
Bingham'', Thu:natation Line.
gliffigiM 1851. iitaeMi
TIE CANAL being now open, we nie fee
d, to moire moi Ibroortl promptly ! PM:IO . IP Mid
i i lrlirl=rmsatlo t4.
•ortrotor cloarbrd by morp;suSblo
Predum mod Merobandice will be neared sad forwarded
east and west, without way dune fur forwatollog or ad
vancing ttlwht. comallaMon, or Monta.
Bills of Laallow forwarded, and all tliractiona faithfully
attandad to.. /Mt.. or apply to
WM. lithOlfAll l CO. Canal Emig,
COMM. Liberty and W. ota., Pitlabetexh.
)1111U UAW a MOC 163 Market W.,
between Fourth ws4 Ma..lldladriabla:
JA3111.1 WlL i 6ol4,Awant. •
ECM ' 161,1=1,,, •` 711N,. ' 1 1 1r.
Raw York.
illigaß 1851 REME
. . _
Merchants'. .Traasportation Line, ..
A. IfeADDLIT A CO.. Canal Basle. ad P.nt area.
P rIM511111:03. Coated Block. Brod street. Me
7., are mare! fa radi!. to amount tarchadho
sa . roce to Alp on tho u pening of the nada to Phila.
d01e ,,, am all laamodate pare at lover rates. sad in
lom thee Chan Way pavans setae.
WN,_The increased number of hocks provide! by
the Canad a.
sftdasimas *sr earang ma "bte cm the
fate Datlre viill plardat any Aposoltalty of delay at
Joiatown. 110 l dayeborg br Oslombla, tar mason.
• atat C. A. SIeANIILTY • l ad
&WM . 1851 'llll*Sie
To Shippers of iferchoodiee, Produce, dm,
I F yrtt'Sw 7,"""•4›.... , summon am> toot. -
mixs • co,ftws.e.... Yo: ILI Market, lull 64
(7•••••••• otrwt. etil444lph•g.
BOLL • 104 \ Avon.. Can4l 0441.6. Pittabuxgh.
.106. TA 6 . 1.011 It EON. Agept4,l4.ltimor4.
"... = " altbn l ffr . u lv P "lgin'"
61,146.44 •• moth •esaateh and est• as 4e4 olrkn , 1.341 4.
bELdm Zt"
MIME 1851 ENRia
Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
.10169 , VCONNOIL4 CO, Canal Dula. Fittalnaisk.
NIT/Ut, JAMEI4 t O. 4.F.A. , tro. l
ant No. 3 lioath fourth irtzewl, betwvois Maraca. 5a1d , 4414".
mut gavots, IrttlladApOla.
(YOUN NOBS It OM, 70 Noeth rtnet. Itaktmoro. •
lIAVI NG fully completrd our orange
.....e., w. will be prrpiral opals Um opening of We
casgyiraal• to awry freight to god hob Pitta
burgh, Daltiraoia, Phihrleiplaig, fiea bort, likatii, Ow
.Inroad. latiatilln. St Loam soil an the boa and Well. at
brow nitca and vitri own 411:Apach mud rAhr than .y cal
ar Lirob An Warr Willipal b 7 r Liao an folly contra
by uuumem. Warta soy c to swan% a protectioa
notroalty atkeeded by oar Us.
. An anstainntemlion• sad to ounirlyea or manna
Ralf a th, Clactisaatir 14. Web Looter/1K awl Lora a
~,, t. w. r
,iO4 , :tiltim , t ig.....i.•&-V,A= . ibo% th gb.
Pi ,16 and JiltlXOrigli Traagobstalloti Lizsga i ri
-- ,eara vam5.......—...4.--......... —..:—..310. r. CoU.,
te Wham a. °wad.]
Canal Basis, Penn Strut.
Penna. Rail Road Co.- -Central Bail Bead'
' g subsc ri bers ba ri ng been appointed
2 1t ts tr. .Laor o t roatuvrtraala Cetangl
agars P:f vont . tnallsrtr a'rodn=g bail
floods via this mate will be waled tbreagb V en amt
sad all analawd an 1611 be Rama...lad tree of comm is. Leta ar ebann
tend es simer„,errdrct parrunarsta era enesienda.
Dr. Goods, Hata, novo, Gook, dationail,CotlreiGonfre.
mits, reader.. e'ernitia., iledkre....
1.144 l ay ,
Oo.4SLUG 103 t.
Herd due, Goaralnue, Patna Dr. Sadr.,oll.,
Lealter,Clorm 11..Thdoth7 mil *Gar Oven &Ws.
001. de. 1141.
Goer. Pon: Batter, Lord, Lard 011„,Tobeao L ottlie,
Tallow Grillis and Rae,
A. liabla 0... th) Tar, Pitch, Ildidn.theri...
covoni M e V
p i " ire, y streets..
Freight received for all the Way Stations .
on the Pennsylvania Central Beam&
nalleaa. moram .
= J. Whalen.
ties,... J amm er
troth, '
amey llllkea.
Mount Ulla. J.PO'"
pu.t, = ,
Z. Illlllkau.
I l eri g rme, 14
A. IL Clara.'
llollidarelalrath V. A. resat
Laswastee., • 11. AloderwalL -
liolorabia... ' Ilederwell *Kautillt,
Ilsni.bars. J. Wallower A Non.
1 411=ra. ' rehera tar. , A Os.
1 4 =, - UV fittoTsur
11.Wrartown, 'Wawa llawlotf.'
?!.....14 , .. . 9
dift ' ai, tarll .
realbeis, . ~. Jobs lioyett.
mina of Peas a
ltaly Ibth. WI. yne ...b.
CONSEQUENCE of the decease of Joho
Menden. the wrtoership heretofore existing betereem
ages II Onntle Is hereby alsealeed.. JO= P. Ode Le
lolly authorised to rattle the byelaw of the bete tirin.—
All moons baring elenne will Weer moat th em for
Pelmet. ' • Plititounh.Jely let, 1101.-
JO= E. mu.
Ile/Men unsay.
tOneoessons to
_ en4.
Tho bumnoes of the
ellrottla Chitral Unmet Oeninny. will be
ducted under the name and ett. & worm a cola,
tem or of Penh ard Wayne streeth
job. 101 4 11151 . - rt JP'
Agricaltaral Implements. _
IUVE reoeived from the Eaat the
reds; all of the ben onaufecture
mon meat lerembOos, _inn I would Main an
;mum to WI eml examlotamy stook.
thiltlan Mathias, Ibr Dore. bean beets, tiunn, '
Ovele rill, Mr wheat., rye, one, fad tati...?:
17Orn tlhJler, for home and rarer.
mar and Oar Stalk Cu Ikmea..
° Veritable Boot Onuers.
01;Votea and Co. Oludn _
Canned three Otsaa Byars. and Ilau.
Cutattlei and four prom *lts.
All manufactured (tom the 1.4 material., and Or oaks
at Ijr" and
=el or of Wood and Sixth moat.
Seamaccit's Patent Starch PoUsk
IpiATENTED, July 2Q tb, 18.50.—F0r giving
. boaolifol Oka Mono*. Co.o.brDA ai
j r mL a° ' " 4.° r
ilTrAlitiV n ti
olberelog tw0..116..0.0d pom.O . on
Lamm ao, and =Woo wain lopulo.w.
Dirootiont , -Pot • Woco lean t tlaid so or • pen to goon of
a g07191 to a ta i lrr PAZ gra .10•rii•aoiltlt.1t Dr. B. E. SICLLE.MB, 47 Wool mt.
L -. OARD.—.I have removed to my r newstore,
t' oar a dam below.) eiar' Ir aPtmette the Dark of
may abaft I rill burled to me my frienda and lel
w eltisedsoardrratim a Mem of their roam. I will
d re t ,L WlLS.=rlagee t a=rae r t Iftiniett.
mot rattler 14,44 milidas, awl Illlomt Sloatetr, gall;
emeatermaes. mod Oortdbrted Wiadowlibadeo. of rrrrr me.
; Mar Mat& and mem. mttelo asaolty Moot la the
mat deloostra ms of the Mad. Ordennopter
tally malted sad mostyronot' y titled. ,
~ Ida -. WM. HOULd. Third atmot.-
OOL—Cash paid for W
I =
lAVE just received from New York,-an-
I.Wife HAN DS Dmmello w. RlDOW 00817 ICES sod
TAM jar
0,2E0 T AC LE SI---We hmve . a "complete
to anaemia 11Ihot and Ptool Spectacles and the bott
..aty of maul and =am. 0 Imam lave. to
army vszioti 4 !Woo. aetonlinab Na Not nel§ko of
ot4csi minus.
• • •
j 712 TER.W.Aandreet..
At Aar Llama A Om
Antbracite Coal;
gONS just iiceived, a Superior Article
for?d , 3` or Wally Tu., forsoU by
- U. 41.. Mesa LIMA POL,
Canal Buda.
XI7E HAVE ( 62 2:1 foe the Stock of eari
oceireiromeet. of Las Spiponior. Thom
711 'a -'lth.l47.Knolsco:
e MIN D ! f s o h r oul l d a y i u
e ne t— re nch
linedf tn. vat am °thaw'
Pa la PT va,noe batk , •
4AOKSREL-100 bbls. No. 3 Small, to
ite"'"' d ibr ` 11.17 ;mt; wArr &co.
LIQUORICE 1400T7-5001bs. for sale by
Jai - Z. EXLiany.
IMO of Commissary ficol of 81theiviiii"
; • Westawirraw, August 2, 141.
SSEPARATE PROPO S ALS will biw neeiv-
Weigh& until the lst day it Detelernett, Ihr
tbe delivery. of Provision& to balk. lbe the me of the
Imams of tie 1.1144 d Hite& Mein kiseisakki. Sam
de Nei; Oriecen Elarraeks, Lot:icier:lm
125 barrels of fl , . t
bemerbne dour
Lb bushel. of nee ehlietield team'
pounds of good hew soap
:21) pounds of good hard spores oandie
14 lolikeL. or good elean
• . - :4 gallons of good dater vinegar.
At Baton Rove Bantle,b, Louieienter.
barrels of pork
12 barrels of Reap en AIMS
LS bushels of rum white geld team
poucals of coal bard rem .
p. 0.1. of gm! bud sperm beadles
' 14 maxi or mod clean dry nue mit '
ltki Calico of good eider vinegar._
x. b barre "" l: * o rA f I;'W
etheoperenelVl Ftloael"ida.
LS bushels of arne hM field beano
.020 pounds of good hood map
= pounds of meal bard sperm modlei
14 baobab of goat dean dry gne mit '
21.11 gallons of good eider vinegar.
At the Paiiehanding,sizmilerfrene Fort Pawn, mouth of the Clikrachi.
; 0.3 barrels of pork
1 .111 barrels of freshhoar
LL.3 bushrls of ism vr=.l beam •
MP pounds of 100.1 hard soap
T.l) pounds of red ela n m candles
i 14 bliebele of mod 417 fine eat
.osilone of mod elder vinegar. ,
The whole to dellemed In all the month of
1 , 3.51..14 to leave "Platoblichee by the nth of tehrnarr.
"'At Fort Snit% Arkansas.
horse - lig = w h ile fknir
" blabela of new while flak! Wawa
I 876 rounds of Road bawl wasp'
14 b 8 brl, f Rood h cr i
211) pato. of good elder
The who!. to be delirrred In all Wf , .1152.
At Fort Cason, Ark nuns.
larrel4 of port •
.0 - 75 halal* of fresh superfine Boar
I 6 Goal:m(4o( am white Ileld•beans
pounds of goad hard soap
Cll 'l 2 , o ' f '. lold ' A id ,,x ' fisseTllt *
660 g:hous nf good elder rlo y egar.
1 The whole to La delitered In all Mari 7b:4.
At Fort Snelling, St. Pelee& •
:NS barrel of fork
615 Lorrain of fresh roputs• flour
1.16 lowhalaof rum whlta Geld bozos
pampa. of prod hard Noy • ! ' •
! r;;;litar,, £°° l elean t i r
• WO 411.-ow of {rood older rlnerrar.
2hp ar bole to be dollrerod frost tha 16th 11•15 16651,
the lath June, 1652
it Fore Inoarh of Crow-ming riper, 130
all above Fort Snelling..
r 1 5.5 barrel. of pork
125 Lanais of lwrth moraine !Gar
M boahols of mar wham , bold brans
pootab Lb good hard soap
potato of good bard tallow candle.
14 oushela of grad 014a0. drr Gm. .alt
• 210•
rodloor of good older vinegar.
!The whole to ba dellrawl from tha lot f0ua,,1852, to 111.
15th Augart,
At Fort Learenworth, _Missouri River.
barrels 0
bonolsof mlnettit
ls of an_ forfone Mir
'""A) Motel. of new Mite &id beam .•-
.504 patois of good bard nape
'1.31) rearidA of good brad tallow candles
bushel. o rated rim drY Ifite
ant gallons om elder vinegar. salt
• TM whole to be delivered ty the LA 4tanes 142-
At Fort Srott,-cm the..Verroaton river. Nierotai, 70
mike good &total:writ:Won from indrpenckniv, on
th.< Nitrouri river.
I Its barrels of pork -
VA Moths etre&=perdue Dom •
bueD.L. of nee white &Id Mu
$7ll pounds of mod held soap. • !,
=I monde of pool bud sperm candles
• 14 bushels of good dean dry lino Mt • "
=Mime of rood elder .mega*.
The whole to be delivered by the Lt lam. 16=
burden an relursted to the mount
of MO tide &Rath Made. and a:MID tlo total mount
of each bud: and no hid will be anted amok. It embraces
all artklee minind at • poet.
ITM &Md. and mooddee of ea& Maloney thcee
pcsU where thef are ont 4441441. will be. °mbar& let
Sane, let &ptember. 14
December. len, and LA Mandt
1 ;
The bor.A bf which the Dort reltAlobe ht 1441 ou
corn, and nth bog to weigh oor leo tMa tms hundred
mandr. minding the Mt_ lime s eY. , and mint hide
t e0,114:1r7VP. 4 4=4 ..d rh ul.r=v;
meted with the same Miele in Mem not exceeding eight
mund• melt
'When lb• patkine hen tom mmpl.M.tbe emtractot
nmrt fitrotth to thle Mew a mg from the owlet
mK the pork has been ro WWI eol peeked.. The=
to he emalned le emmord bawl of wbite oak
foil homed: Urn Mae and salt Le terrain. and the ma
and medics in strong UM of eonvenient W. Ito tram
' owl:Won. only be menived by mampfemint Of ildrtrfwe
emu tbe bathe'. The candle. to ban cotton oinks.
The ereviskno M. Peter, and fort &Phu Mint omt
f Innis for MO ultimate Mottnetion la the &amok of
AptiL bay a. and the atom 000 Fort Ripley most pm St
Peter's b let Jam ISNL
'A failure ili these particulars will be coo Mend Moth
of contract. thzi the DemeMent will be anthorland to pow
ehm naval, thes. rtm.
The promiom will be iropectal at the time a ctor. am of
delivery. and all mom... to be paid by contra MD
they ere &wailed al an& ntovehorme at may be dedena-,
twl by the. mo anta of the Department
The Comns teary
memo the o f of 10.
7 414 :11=t r oi the en.ny ft dU art
before enterlon info contrect and moo of inerman . asr
redoclan thw mantifto of ea& deitvery onwildrd
mot & contract on 41100 441 deft' tool..
Glidden not o.ectoine santrsenny rnolnd to atom
prof their proporthi with wrialenee of thew
elth MI mom of their severities; whose
Matt ur the District Attorms. ar by
.. .me per
eon well Mown tbe tioremenert. °therein. mar woo
irano win eat tw• Seed on.
Adreuvers nonol te mode in any rim met Mims of new
MM., mil Jan Mime], MN be rowirof at fair atnot Wow
eili h . ma ma DO fremery for somoit s
which will be effected in rods public roomy matey to
comenient to the pitota of delirecT, the pima. of paw
etas, or the re.Wellos of the contractors, M. the option of
the Tomos, Department
Nod drafts
m Ohio GPM will be ocreptof or foal mare
Mein propwal will b. maid Ina morale envelope. aral
! ecertwa2Proponale fanfare tablm ArlraistenceS.
Nom..—illite;4ll Ot t o palTfOriceervdsktr= we%
= Ude ad
( nersone i rem antboilaitemmby StM
•auslaM t. theptli c
I'OVERING'S SUGAR-50 bble. Crushed
AA sod Pererised,for sale 'by
. 7 I z w . cirumitrioN A co.
VIEACHES-10 'casks . prime Halves, for
irit 8. A W. ILLBB.IOOII.
TEAS I—Jenkins & Co.'s (of
awe:dor peeked theesanglllleek Tema
ipeeery,vailaty. een at all Ulan be euppljepoonder. sold
lm'verreblet to el'. salisreetkea
Jyl2 - . A,,mt JeAklas tee.
4313-500 prime CIIZMIASed, for rale by
jyll • y S.* W. TUBB/MOIL
L ARD---15001bs. No. 1, for sale by -
.Iylo T. WOOO3 4 SOS, 61 Ruin. K.
OAF SUGAR-150 -bbls. ass'd Nos., for
NJol. br ,WlO • W.* P. WILMON. •
NO. 310LASSE5-300 bble. oak for sale
• by 7rlu. W.* P. WILSON. '
‘ l , 1L SYROP26 bblo. for sale by
0..7• .1110 W. AF. WILSON.
0. SUGAR—ISO Mids. for sale by
IA • jrlo W. VD. WILEON.
11111ESE--45 Lomeli receivingperßidwell'a
We by - JAMCSD.O 7
Mir CKEßi to -s°bb i ls. .i lew 14W.;17181ile,
00 1 1ibla. New No. 3 Igsrge
Ole and for ssld by . WM. BACIALXIIA 00. ,
' IS and.2l) Wwd st.
.O. , , , , i i. k i I y SUGARS-300 fo r
IS mut SI Wood st.
IrLbo;llß—, ExpNl:ArAtljeAlooriz.eutle
IffEESE-150 boxes for sato_ll . __
Iti.ACKEREL-100 bblo. large No. 3;
Vor'.% by lyl9 -4° 14 6! W. lILLIIIIAOOII.
AUKE4EL-501obla. Large No. 3;
GoAiug M chow and for SM IT • '
StACKEREL-s: 4 ) a b e br !.
lo hi MA Largo No. 3;
bbla. .
ir Iv JOAN weir: Co. 1
. r
OAF SUGAR-50 loaves hoirering's Doa
ble Reanal, odd end Ibr male bY . •
IitCLURO a CO. •
D RIED FRUIT-400 bush. dripd Peachas
6d do Jo Apple.
tor Ws by - *MIMEO. L;TTLINI,V.
.106 •
LIVER OIL-40 gallons, PURI win,
for vain by hl9 E. E. 81`LLEBR.
( I (iiii:WE T EL/11;:::5 R tosi genuine Bash
tan; Clark Co., for islet:,
, Wit J. MEDD *CO.
ISR—Mackerel, Salmon, Shad, will Her tacrA. br Lk WILLIAMS Oaaae
'MlS—Prime Sugar Carod, Veniecafand
Ito tiae, Dried Dorf
LLIA rod Brof
it Tongan., for' rale by ,
D. WI MS 01)..1.1e d Ob.,
Corner of Wood mid .
I lb ratty Um. prim. Until
15 k . • I "Pktn to
tU p..b'V' and 111
as Orsr.S.s=3ll;ot:
iirjsc do. No. I do.
0 . pot .
Ara7N 11141
IBue Iv. atm I
Wes cusla;
tritart " All44'*
lijd &redo, PiitsburgA,
TORE, and to write this
oada, of tb• mat meat ham ,
the ma namable Maw
11:1 dam Paint 2.laa Wash
60 boxsik Marsh;
10 bbl,. N. O. aataa
4 .4 . 41:16141 . = -
• Sow
VA es. medleys ItstadaN
?rumsPm Powdered
rn* Flag
P.ats " 2lV "" _. r" jr 4
6 Pave del Candy;
2 _ 011601. Otros4
12 doe. 11:111:76;4x
le. ss.p. Curb. Bodss
1 C 11.61 Tartar •
ler . • Pearl Ur%
" 1 41 1. :14 Mood
" Air — osr "‘"''4 2.oog
' Lsa Rath Itsielq
MI. Flour Balsdnd;
t =Argent
1041. 16 =
" Lemon tlogiu;
1 essk FY Sods; - •
• • Oil. ie. .e 62
" " 140,01ce.
10 " Muds:
Übbb. 0•11.11 . 0 Swat
twues Fuano 1.10011/ec
! !!,..
lo " • !limns
tionen hWvnesttlarkinr,
ltk) lb..perti of Ilke Flour
r. Innis% • . :
dos. Ink;
Ihn " CNlrn Broom%
Whits L.
34; b.. prision.cogre . Soo bzalLIL L. lividag
' V. U.. aa3 3A OO Via. /Jawed;
M/4.K baln Bawl Mata
130 bats tro La a. sad . .t Fag. Wa/aat.r.
/La Tobecca 30 " 1 ' 334
25 tro.. Itler;7w drama Y *
ISOOO Cadeala2 Ca maw
Am Nun Ulllllr, 3 PPraase; fene
10u Ws. h. C. Tar;
j*. L.°, (lea mam. ItaaataLßl.
- laa rasa liegara 30 m. &ma;
4 mA44111 ". lick/ola
um. 1.3914 , 4 131=11 SAW;
aso /410, loaLI Maar, 1010. PriatiplaaTm
4t- abd Pt Fladam 3. 0 30 Hamm'
50 gr. tdW.Ei bi ...l2l=ent 130 - 31. Mama,.
klta bk. Vigar.lgagar aad
••••.4 dais • = i l4.. 4laLtar tasebac
•4a rtaa, Tara:soi • / 00 VM3 (rant *
IWO gall. Lama oil; •
D Fczn Lola _ ,
lOC a*. Ihsekalg •
N. 0. Boor ind
Ndurog_ Bed Coal,' Ground tra•
= v e r pevallmarga:4l4 sal
.... rapplz=
NorsaTr °!.4 7 ad., ' MUM .
: laani MINIS:Wad /1.413311113.
• Pittsburgh' life. Instance • COinpargr.
COMPANY . iicortiorated in
r ris 3 breary_ HU, with Perpetual Charbe t sad has
oactuaemad boy-am ea a coital of slap ma • ' • -
The Camputy does beams both an theJetal VA& ere
Itoteel ph. ••
On the Joint Stith rho the Wee ere orethhd heir thin
throe rherged by. Motnaz Coarealee=estresthat.
Una than the rates of sera Oct
Mutual Wet an the metes there adopted bt other .
ledeAVoetedectosmaldts. Thor Insond the oto
s] • have the orthined resuithr hmelatteet he that
=haseraareotod the Capital Bed porgy* toed or
et Ste& &Whea. . . :
.The Muter revolt. the insatiate of Wormer or Ilk
la every &my lortodhor. the r rile. thilitrok Fo
rests. relations. hien& or endttors—to Insure the Jib of
enotherfor theirown mime,* berett,peyableattre thigh.
or epee the Janke =to at the me of 60,6/4 00. 04.
a the obtro of the I •
• ,;,-Dimiel DeClarkin. Figs Prrichnh
=6. Lomb. Tossomon •
A. Colhodhentiry. •
Jaws a Moo.Dna* a Loa.
Jahn D. Dilworth. CharkA kjLnitca.
nanknahlatatirhas. , WS. rh3Ull*
Ma Wlll.Wa w w becadary of War .
Ma. Walter P a s. ' of Vaasa . IV
' loan Snyder, rag" lashler% ' l ''' =qa;l:g &talc
Malcolm Leech. Kin" Wbaloala (Irma . , .
Hop. Lomb,.
IdeCalmost. Zoo
/mesh Garemm. If. D.. Y p D Labe..
Jeremiah lima& M. Sthingtoo. IL D.
Sestiosi DihrortN r'n" r '47 . 41= " lii tantst i
Hobert and... D. e 103 Yoortb •
D. John lbewloel. ZS Sixth Greet,
wee i MeK.llleresa, AL D., 107 Liberty street- '
r. Dlworth 'gill be ha atuodzac• at tb. mo7 'h ag 1 11=anman . , N 0.76 loarth stseet. .
- ir.u.dAhrs C. A. OULTO _N,
State Mutual Ere Insurance Company.
BRANCH OFFICE—No. 64 811111717111 W eniarr,
Prreasodoz. Iday ht. IBL
171 bes t evidence of the maven of the
I:o l: l E riewn S u savorteng to Maks Q. AT4f0.117/ITA I
FIRE INCIt CaII.P.SNY aunt the wants of
hkennelaity. th e unparalleled amount of busbies
%Web ham been down having lasted 7 PeLitilio.
the We J. thereby adding over to atm tends'
of the clamp. y. tiredly all the Monty Is of the
neat kind In Emelt rinks. mid. lure proportion Wound
for only ono mr.
Whole - No. of Poliviaiissied-f.... 7,P30 • •
Do. do. exp'rd,terralnatod. vancard.
Do. do. In
Aroma of Property Unwed— • ' PASS AU
Da antreltd.terodnattal.iiii OD •
' Do. In 7084,691
Do. Premium Note.— Ti 1,6711,7 I
Do. rannaled,terminated.ernarad.: t= ID '
D. to . • .--. • 79.0!9 77
Do. Cash Premium. Tresenkt ._,.61.55714'
lka do. • do.
Whole meet I
. • SS= Y o cons suet lases annarpenentyaid 4.5
balance 10 Amor*, the 00., ha cub— 1=414.1." 45
To Idly cry country tootehatda and ovum of ettrellhavt.
ard bedded and otandt7 propetty , .: , : d ihw l thb tone
Pea,' nftortle adyantaent In point of
"""1 6 " noted thfr:6" an trernal "m‘e. tabla and Venn/ I' lat=an::
of Gandbostion of Silks. excluding all tnneinl
swing Indy a Waded antonnt 101 any Tonality, thnn gau
che:hug tha frainettey and 1.113T1901 of
out taw. Mg
alto on both the Stock and Mutual plan. tt stay
bothe then.. sal sesentsondation of both
th homed to • Dandoipation the noon
itath.e.t, a:inea l &T. Jab..
Almeto &Cartier. Philo O. &Union. c
andid ones, flare
Mott, John B. Packet, Jahn BAttrthezend. •
J. P. ItUTELN/1/011.D. Pntaidnnt
A. J. inwsrt ekmims. •
A.. A. CAW"; dataary. • . • • toyl7 .!
N. B.—A eddy Diektenst of 151 teen nay mit. on ettptlddi
Dodd.. has been &Wand by U. Mecum aad It nor
able at at Una Olhee ffi noteorals, ce .ted.onatble in cash
sibs end of olthaty days. .. A. A. Canna, Ant.
Prankin,Fire insoraike. Co.' Of Plulotto .
CiORS: - Charles W. Bear-kir, Gee.
TboaViatt i Mordecai D. Levi s
weer. Adolphe E. lki=el Gnat. David
Jamb Eadth, Mania _
e. Browo.
„mouse Y. thresszatuesse.:
CIZAMIP G. BAJterct,Seantarf.'
Company imatlame to make InspraneahP........2
or Dialtrd, to every doicription ottati la town and
wintry, at rata aa low as ere mmi.O. with semaity.
The Dempsey have reeerwid • large tatittogeut S h od.
which, with their ilhoitat mad Dismlamy early lavesteiL
Wald ample protection to the tamed.
Tb• ..U.: the Cdhilethlith,letallhle
Whet ameealikr hi the Act ot .a.mspy were se iotbwß
$018,1121 61
Real Casts --- KAU 78
'l=g:ary r 4: 530.06
tub. a.-- - war s ,1
11e2.70a •
ha. raid aaanrT.e=
Dow. er rim thivrby allardag arkteses th•
=n , s o =Tam. as irs11:1 1 = t all! sy arst
J. 134.11/X.IElt OJMN.
Wm &E. earns:sof Wood.
. .
Poi Mutual Life Linn= Co, Philadli'
cepa NiffonT. if.. desosoed.) No. ina libortf Area.
at tbs boner elliteoltrOOß
01 pumas -mining In ;be
.lores . nart of the C15T. 1 2..e.T. Mr SIM b. 3 ffund d3llk
110= . to 12 and 2. to 3 o'cloek. 03 the wanting roant
4. 151310onauker KOo., No 24 V ood Knont, ninny on VOW
est, Inforaisflon will ne Kinn sad ostontsualo i l
IT oltaladri to. ' PassTbleni lull:1312nm the and
boofilia of Lib lussfranne.dbd Jilank fox= on
option... -
Capitol stock uric 3233,000 and aonotaalki.
Prrflta divided annuany mocapt Um" Innanoine Illif. .
l'lttaborrh. Jan. :IL 1331,-.34.- • - .. . '
ydak. Insurance Com of NorthAixte
Made.) 79ii. Capital 1300,000.'1AW.
Bi4fldn Wwan layman= on
buildings and their rantrtdr. thia ray and vicinity . atm
prri.ertl rrerl dentikbian,adyped got Amara Ices
and other year* cabin by Wand ttaarpariatiaa or an Ur
Artbar G. CisMn, Vl4ki, .178tenso P.Doroy,' •
1' m 1 W. Jotied. Jobs NON •
W.lward 888th., Eirlard D. time.
- Jobs A. Mown, - . ' Wllllam Webb, •
Smsnol V. de1126 . lnurssa liontles.
• Vanua. Bnots. • A.BB 1181 8..319_
Jamb L. nom; .I=te.=
8. WortlaWal • IL D.-
' is Oa oktostr Ooortanytt=olVitati;•
IV ' Miittlf h ts== " 2,l " ,:n
war to coasadarokas offortowelority to Um Dow.
ja2l - N0.14.1.1k05t amt.. .
Western anmum company of Pittabargb.
qAnTAi-i300,000. -
Prettiest, Gonteo. &cretin% •
Inane Iwtolurt en Modems :Walk etwo Mud Mabee.
All trues be liberally colluded end protagdy
A Lame Inaltuthe—enenaged by Direetwo who caw twin
kin j. the etantawolly,. and who en debncadoed_ by
th•P=and labewellty to maintain the thane:ter which
owsuned. se • .eferhow the Owe rotdctiont ;to theme
whO donee to be itLEIVed.
3.1 r. aut& at
lita it. Wi j e. D. Jaebiei r;
A rna4 A Po. ' 9l= l =„ E rsm at
XS MM..) Pittaburgh. " - f
Delaware Mutual SafetvlnaarameeComp'y
g mat ri.pti A
at 4.33411=7,
am !reed tom as
Simms lasemsTibar also Lamm Vfmaiii, las=
mil /Minh% gird= or cossinism, cede open ar
Munn M th s a s mammminandn o—dTh
iss lmam liarettandies
tsmumsted by Waseca. NMI mei ears. Omni Wain, sad
hemma boats ; on rims codiak on Um moat liberal tants
Untscroas—Jamimh IL. MM.- Mminst AL. Sondem Jan
Davis, HAMA Rohm; John 11.. Pram., Banana
amorns ,„ C„. Leifer, Edvmd Dartimiten; Luso 4. Darla. Wil•
1 1 1m1:
. r .L1.1 2 4ht: D.
.C11.. 7 3=
w. FieniN ry mietr i ? . =
.Zahn Sellers, ineEZ Erro. Jr.' • *
Damara az Pmassna-D. L klorann, Wnek (Sale,
John T.
ManaMrar, Tace.b. harm, Vim Pns4
dint. Jams W. OMAN Eimmiarr. " -
No. *ELM Meart: 'PUMP
at C. & MADEIRA. Agynt• -
. Ohio Laboratory. • • .
•.. •
•• • •
lea '
11 111 /
. . Pei - ceat, Stienglb. •
L • OWit.r. FLETOfIER 1 -
eyes of AICOIIOI4 Rue Ibreeloggw!ml En&
Copper Distilled Vapor Whitlow allioTo
Comm. of 'km mid /Toot steesita,Ctisccam. ,
oedicr. hoot Pittsburgh be procipalp
atiesveq.arulut prim. ' • . mg,17:17,
Wines and' nom.
.167 Laarty at., Araserly .Davia anal: factory.
D. Mail:ai r of Yittnburg.] tr.*. roOlm!, of N. Y,
V ,
ICKEISEN k 8T1:11 rape/till
A ' couotioto to the imbil
. t= zad rbrit
twathvitxtrutalt— .4=Thin at-
M h k.a d Val=r r ent of . !eft stook—
Mama. and
Ilyt.k*ls It)a rest sistim_issuarsto.=l
..e marl a
sod =mat filikabegstbe illso,rordlosr,
barrinßlllg% Sobs and Llsa nu o i LA Otrsig. •AU ofirhielk Lbw,
roll. rdriloss/o, or . ma tbroson remoosago.terms.
gr= l .= . ribiroNrallx."=l,lt
flewlrby us • tour
cal, yoi
oorrham obrobres. • •
filrlarallies 100DY.14 frog of ixtri than% and .at tb•
Lewis% Patent Revereßile Water Filter
oAt3 NOW to be seen in operation at WM.
TARN A CO. Platabm. - No. to Poorth M i t r t
Na T i tuird ww, Ma• and at PITOE •
Tido /Mar boa
a (bold 11.dal from sno Amnion. IlatOnts et ass
and • Ommacato from tba hastall. indlt.M. of PlONdal.
im notm e ass= th ltz t el e. mml i r=re caug e
of ahlth thllantag aro asamplem •
• r Pazusoods Kush EIth.MAL --
It elm UM /0.5 pinaranwo Ne 019211.114 to Ur Imes of
PM% atm orator. tba PatontWow Plltostran.
mold by bly. lanrt. Hostas nand ono Of than Be mow
01 months. / ant onablod attede , of rte.. value.
yadrr. natant soma" 2011418.61
Tbo Patmtllommablo Mates tomato! t 7 Nz•
Samoa IL Low* and wed by m Mem moths at al
MM. naldonto. to all OM any gems
tbartor• sonsldu It a OthEtts /Mu It Piloo
raottauad ft to tho patella. JOn AB P. P "son s .
These /Than - No. II Illsam,ftpri
am unmated to take mit On; mInE ar
tams vtlish soar wise ftamdammaa n d anima or mom..
blo =Me la the vntiat: MUM
years. and nith onlbomy ma WM Ism tom and man to
only to b. ma lo bo
gpTlCtif . Arth shoat.
EAD PIPE--Cornell's •i3nprcrred patent
1/ Lau for Iferswes. - • ' ,
All dile MI MUM Llkd tO arrtv• fur ra i tba nDow.
Mrl;/73; 114 inea Anat.
• . Heating and Veatilailoa.
so." ARE
lieteb..Ceart Itannailsetne•
rre,°"77l.o,ltakini astm...4
gs , Mama. minty
ar km. laminar =A ltr=
bs7.:=TieTeser deZedr" or 2* , a t "" . • win
nodding. of the various —ll.o.lintbsai enadiaged
ii , sdsnaseegall7 landed asantbi. Mains= "
as tbe method imams a windeaceas, k"r'N
Ivan/red tienreratare ‘ vita entire load= ircan "."
Ainoa combs; mt. ar gam .aret
• BOLNMUlitalti t'".**
& oKlatit •
'wan. beril l are Pl4 2 l w l :So ' .kente
po or lcm.w,k a.; Pot ca ay so
..0 onalliobre ropolotoomr Uao
of tits. Pock Bowl Pots. ao. it la =Ma of ow of Cho mot
infosiblo goOnonao k00n0 ...... 00d Is very confoUy Monad
mod elooomol Pontos to
• , noo6g.imikcrx"
Hecate' Celebrated -
‘,/ Them highly Mellested Owes tare been wide ;
store Mtn twenty yam Mains which time they ham
pannirat reptitstiT so the mat anoiriato
ind Mare ever offered. l'hy
dole= of the Molast mango, to •l.• 12 their canoe i
ticet boa been submitted, have given 11, met natterion
tondinordals es I. 15.1 r swedes virtue over all other phew •. 1
The insethatto of their emormition,very mrefel_ ty tad
normetly et - cabinet reader them paularly applies tee I. -
parsons orMeetns- with pulmosetry Ma rn e, • -
11 • 445. ht tte teem; multi= from protracted mkt. •
Or Marl, and heti i*ns to the ruin. rgeorolids
n the beds, their brornrial elarseter
qlllllllOO.l OridWit[6 .. l 4 4. MIT=TOI4.I:::b unites.
b=notlr roma= la the atsstr.mrx i eCretwG•
or nreknem and_ paint in the bark sod ade,romatirt
Croinornanstroim ab., Mmsese of the kth eon, Zr.. their a •
ron= teh r otse str=l mire sod lmi hero
relVitne b = •-
• ike.upw ea rl nmer nab rhumatte- ham these
laadaie eta oesommasied, with the conhieut co=ven
inst their benelieisl Meets sill be Load eery Added,. .. . •
Ann* obolessle and renal, . • —
recta E.& Fn MUM 67 - Wood 4.;
• _
MEL dir airing ebiesatlftil nines beldame, littaZoi r
btion,Collare, Obit t &mem nod I kind. of priztt
um prevents the Lon rout Whetter to the Line. std. , *
from ceickincr. it enemies frothier internees to clothes in
any reepeet. The ladies lota loan since tett the ewoortfy
of soca as article, ear to Ude Vele eireeleibrh will brilti
ly nelleed.' es no competition is feoreit sitter en Imfornlai
B.—froe Caka rill do Mut,. dawn at dab., and no
family should br elthreet it. •
Prim , 123 d mate per Cake. Each Cake with full infective&
Tor =derby mehdri K. Pt. tifiLLIOS. A: Wood e-
7- . 7here are more Miro earth.
arederampt. of la philorophy."
TiIVIitTUES of this rernariable ros'
t!, rears' the eorotant &ordination for 11.te the panne
btar. hoe Indoor-thin. to have It pot no in battles. with Is
ete and dimmtions for the beoe6t of the }midis • • • -
The 'PNTROLEUII U pitkorrd tram o wall 10 thla come.
ttl4pt..,6=orstrytodzthst. 411 ne7 o t: trZnitri..
Rows from Rata,. Great Labratoryll ' ' ' illat It meltable
!"'T'hie"4" " •
roma of natorr. norm. if known, :want Oa s t
turll . l .-
pp em In allrelatiosi Pogrorint. and marring the bloom of ;
h.Wth and rigor to army s Wren, • Long before Lb. pro.
motor thought of potting It up to hod a repot. 7
tlon for its. eon DIA/wean Theo:m.lsta 001 , 1.11yIaen.•L
sing mile for it. and several rerosttabis run" It has,pe j
Asented. Is • sere Maladroit of Ns Arturo poo o lultr aid
vide opread- spOimtion In thegurs of dietwo. ! •
We do not te to note long parade of oreN l l , frat -
to are comeions that the mettkirre em cam wort Rs 1.117
Into the far, of throe nho anger, and alert to he heAW4
Wham we do art claim for it &maternal opplimam eel _
err dlassae, we nnhaitatingly ,y that in number of
Caroni, Dow, n to unriralled. Am.; Num our i
din., of tn.. morose Usenet such as ;
/ften) ARTILMA. sod Al db.., of the alr_icre • /
RR M3I.RLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. Dimes,. intesaes of the '•!'
Bladder sad /Woe Niro in the Awl. or bye, Narrotts f
'Mae... Ne mid. Mordoshe •
00. to. In maes9i=lll7, remelting fono e An/mte. 4r,
bps cams of disuse, tide noJkiro L.;
f.brioxg It will net am a general TONIC and ALTER •
.1111 ii In rush omen itorting . tone end energy*. the •
whole frme. removing oft•nolk
br ok e the Amish
tonteass, ohkh tame dims, and a broken mauditution !
sod_ plying inamakl sod renewal energy to all copra
of Wel The proprietor twos of nerreal roma of PILAU/.
that notated of
treatment. get well under the
of the PECROLELMf for d short time. The proof tan be
_edema to eny person obi
A r e it. . _
ltortvenoe without Are itentatore of the propeientitsa
lol it l k 7
Canal roar ge• Stro•i
- br R. X. ' a, 67 Wood sto .
col KEYSER hiIarWELL, ;
- gamer Wood Axon and Virglo Ailey, who ent '
tine , ll7 - regalarly appointed Agents. .
• • .1110CLANATION. •
lar NOW all ineit.who are sick and afflict:ad
• •14 • with disease of the Madder at el Kidneys, with then
wane pains in beck or /tube. Stiff
by old ewes, runntow
nleent,Wr., that they an be cared by tablet the rkfllt6
LZU3f. You tear talk aboutits Wind . a noornat.aanineh
as Ton please , bat this dins not make it cr. tureen:reclaim.
in the fate of as honest community, Uut It hits 'virtues
which are not contained In any other remedy, The run
who is nekarsith wain. and =Aerie= fcrnt al." ern;
-aa La
` Cents. Wet real fttwn eny of the Ws ennuefatat-f•
amiled coetivery um% to maks •a triaL Petro
bunt ISA. zarture—s. eCcapa6o4, rut on (=the impala
of ludedag on the m.ity; but it Is a mosiyalabarse •-•
tod by the master hand of nature,' and bobble:lmph.= Um. •!.• •
lowan of our mother earth. la It. mtglnal miry. and of
ana to mitering humanity a ready remedy. • certmei and -
• - •
!Vt. cored rileta after otter Medicines hare Med Is =.`
nadir any rellet. • It ha m maid itheutuatiort.' of •to
mandlos, and of the morn and most painful chamoter. It
rd Cholera Mortcm. by one or too does. It ha.
cored old met of Dianham which entry other
tail been of no avail. da a brat letocaly id:barna , t.
...olds. MU better tn.., medical 'impounds or oh:Mosul,
that we know of it will tun chilblum and bolded Lest.
ida few mulimitkrou maloubled testimony en be tarnish. •
ad of Um troth anitaltied 111 th. 0h..0 Ftatemrat. by eat- I
log ou &MI I7EL M. KIEL Canal Dada . Yorenth stotot or .1
elbow of the
Keyser +1 =IL owner of-Seed sheaf and Vire.
akin M li/kos. Of Mad .th.t D. A. Elliot. and D.,M.
.Corry. Allegheny zdy. are th e agent, • •
—At Jun Ram the dhentetei ant seas propristot
'"" algolle . r=r a." naef " Vr=tfirs
Use, et ame of Chanute anosses. was • eln•
' AVle t trttot Ilearer r il Vt 4 D't gatrl=rthlit;
Years Once has been anted In ' tl7* loreettotion of die.:
stoWfa the andlestlon remedies thereto.
- Ma the tae or his nesting tube, conneotionititi :w. Prwhflaette nym,; and other of Ms resonates, be kola :;
l l i
waned us reoploalUled embrace lo not= thaw dmaul.
and fatal otaladae. Intarenlar Consatontko, Causes, 7
Ilernfals. ltbreunatlsm, ast/tns, lore, sod Agna,Vrrebie
W that.. Merano Infslinlss,; and el those obetinato-Ale
eases peentlar to fenostes. Indeed. every teat of dingo '
;vanishes; ander the an able; remedies. to abkh hinttann
tr betr—mt. by the area one naropooral on/7 ar that
leossaratitae alth Phastolacieall• bat by roe of
his ressedlet, adapted to. .tad tat avlb4 for. eselt Isanl4r 2
• •
D. ROWS Tattle Alteriatlye PM. wises rise& us (amir
ackuoulettral to beitupetira— to all ahem es mreac
the or liver pat, 1 1 / 1 .112Gh .11 they iraae the tweets per
Putty tree fit. comthrettema an aim big tiolcieu Miura ad.
=Mad,. hy the faculty. ta mem peculiar tonic.. .
ted to } create &mum but beta( astistled th pro at bare trial
la eulleicut to ertabilaltathat has been saki, in Ma Wolter
.. ...... • . . . _ .
•• The affheted ate Invited to e'en atm the eareCeiit&
eot• (settie) cee of the Doctor'. pamaphets.slele a
M waxen of feted moody. end he aphltee“ee . • ,
..25 sedithei Lilo ...leaT . rats, ee well tethr theit•
nntebootehehee al . :Vita:4a; PlatiV
111.. alitir.
J. Townscod. ...11 , .rozglft, 41. MAU R . '. '. -
' '
•. Lae A. Betttuth e STeentiet e Mete the Peet Moe.
VI MT: • ' •
JaaPh ikaklarnatata Banes mat,' Pi. - ' '-.• -
- Jetta I:Woht, Vauar • " ' " . ...-• -.'-
K.:THE AFFLICTED mill i.e foirid in :
Dr. Denitta Kelllnser's INFALLIBLE ILNIKENT.
nahlorh/ch boa stead thotest of thirty yawn !.
Zrareidolt="ailltidtktr a=1,41
dogwood asrattarr of dims,
o lio feel =jinn bawd
thins In saying that. this la tiro nly tnada that. ha. burn •
Waned to the afilloted, that damn rtorlAnnas M.N.%
wLe 4. Mr
.aad Is capab of ecrlniCstant. Alasaani
watt!. offarad f rate. or:raro act by taboo
af/mutual orattiachte proof of ebony ori.tai
thatlt Is the only article that has appeal," in tic, ama
=eat AtoVa a. thal . taserer bnal . pa t tir Bed
m.t and...moth!
Family Redid= otos offered foi ' l:alt. or owl by an yof
y of
The Dm Mom IL late ILE. rho
WMA. r* lataltag 4. .. + lhtn. loan Dix, A. gm.
tor. Editor crib. Spirit ot tha
Ylsarrount • bust of other dialhagnishal ot Nov:
Fort. vim bare Iblly *lO4 its merits. hare 1...Uhl
yropriator to taw to theta.
A. It is well known that Patent Errliclues Iva not
-vttur viktidn'ht
rantatr MIT.. oorung Ortaptund has Orn r nati t' y
arm MSS tollso thopoldle. Its ghat Blends ore now BY
emrind.wand but. Thiamin undoubted ly strong. ard
gegler=yVVlr "'d
doess"7 . 4
tsar.. scrofula= nrolhara. 'main... 1..1.4
man. and au the pans and aches that P.. 11 ucLr to:
Over iARdAp basks hare bestraohl without anablaint.
=I bor. ;weeded snob astonishing corm after all caber
tontedlea &LW. as nnuhl • stasser bellc4 had aro not
acad. and b ttnr Pntaradth. Orr strmerst saughla orb
. _±
Star roodieloo. or Isororo'• moll: lo I , Trltt”d . . . t .. . -r--
r ake. kr internal as wallas exteraal tut, It adz onect•
ril?' th egri=l' it
i rg 'LVe.r,4
all Aatabodio ' aL47..ettpal. direasta of theAldtwia,.. and • • --.
Wellman la male or Saute, Cam It bak•rer
11. may
boo otated. • • .. . . .. L .
Fw ...w la Plttabtreglt. by B'K Sallrtz,"s.laata HIM t .
C 0.,, sati v Orlea -A 2 nemlttr. sad by th e retail Inv...arts , . •
• =all, : . It la 37t , ay itt tour,. Mtn, and ot.• 1./tilling Lot. .• ,
.. :
To the Readers of the Pittibijigh Gazette:
DIIBLIC XTTENTION is rerpectfuli
-.lted to th e fallowing intim. eet forth to tela to
• ono of the wet imacettht remedies of modern timed .
PETSULECht On BUCK it Is i not mare th hoe s. ago knee this great r-dr was breraht tot s. to.
• rile, ftir the rebid and confresma XI. gent wan •
lona awe then. becosnatully eprremated the
imearathity. thel ise allege that the mean it is tried the '
• mono mann will its mere none .plead. • l i t Is ratite moo
rirecflat tlid °l 4 7 .ti t t, " :4l?= ° tutt.=
all other madman han been formitout. ". The ' beftelooralt
a blazon] Remedy. obi/sanded in Um depths of the math
parer and astral. Qat laugh. to morn all haul
ampaition. •It la oar duty, Vb. we 1.111., about a mon. •
=tat we waite th:Ltudi- r nist we sabuothicovekra•
dame to or andaneuts.• he r e= 7 47 ' et
um thing that mambo tette hum
A story ran , •
hardly be too highly wneight to amen the ramet or mill- •
imr, or huraitragieg sown( trans ' Now, we mi me dams
*ode thin we an thskint milt math - t h e
Minh ha
o r to _ -
cur remedy abase. to told, In order totecuro for Marna
intim flra eantedingnny tingle article the cistern mad- •
ica , Phranunandined hen—ete ha t e tmar be maligned .• •
in anat. and erastbuttaol. bear trails mammy ln fa. . •
Within the ..ot tee Mouths. two of 'oar dineos.
wbe wen baps blind, hare rani
of to deka: Sera •
eget same of blinduesta la th e nate of (1010, IMO Leen
mud- And.abo. the anent
e wer In Bream uras. • •
Then an ahem. the an ewer non Maui mut may
b..mid to bY
in rations who hen
be on the pub
ma • nen mei inn taw err they bad beth aneadoo• •
•try passicians Orrodem The Penne.= will • rare, •
when need edngto illreetleesenhoeiereatery,-.
=.lltheee.the,Geot, Neuelizia,ra•Vas tbellkth. •
ee the limeiChronle bon gyn. ' erms; Tater, -
Mead Dud.
, p le the beets and Matra eld eon.. Uan. •
We.. Agra Chrade Cambs.
Arad B
end •• •
~ , ., P utteentralleentee of a chtenk ratans, wane te pins
- la'. • ria — ranl::Wiie'' a".. Abases et the Bladder ind kettlas,
nuns. nuatand niPplex. Oxus sad 'Etuniecus -
to I t te ewe manna. ansges.and Is.. tem Wei -
In of the aim. dim... within tra to nee with the •!,
most meet soma Calibrates that mu] arambh or. to 1. •
, ha
= Arabes:ldt of the proptieturorhowill take pkerare litlhow• tret the aillictest r es Vielr .} L n rientta .
Petroleum b the greatest rimed, of the itse
blehaterall og to f
or gralc ere begiuntor to me -
Mahon tiniencia . Th vb. at Era Motel on wttle Awn • !
end anorrtainm are willing to emir. It dies sue* ; •
eanddentkra Bire =ohm. year min rand. t
hew t •
ammalled eranewledge that the Petroleum le the sraide !
ea inedleino &eternal. Yee Sera whoesiale sed n." •
• it a. iusytn.A c ateDoW ; xl. , L.. Waxt 05...
Mika, Joseph Denelsk Allegheny ny
City. JeLeMe p pre.
& WES. amid Beth; foornth anat. Para
eal A. Mamba*. Oa. Wed and Irma am, : _, •
0, .
9 7...u.,..b..,....vgaivanagmt • !';
Mo. ' obil&o. Woo °Mow,' boo* t OO %
soloed to troobloooloo macho slot turbot tool dironst
yentodles to Tory littlosoopooe, 1
I:mitred by .tyre
• •
tboooonto aboat your one! !pup to giro it s
calto=tr ft lejto , d=og
boTo rotoormood4l l
ib to NT
cooarloorlcootly beboot tt It tbo bm cunt, goodtottot
that boo nor bOes rem; to tin yobbo.
PosTritsobould not permit they childrenEat:not& to ger boo
womb: 'bat Lbry MAY be =TO by • 2 5 ot. 14.50 oy this
Omit ,
Prepared and 141 VT. - E. BELLEE4 •
moles 4l Wool st.. sod Droogiot go:woolly.
Is 2, and *a ode
. 4 Nardi akaal t
_ .
Pl , 9s. An
" Asslennes
" Lipere's
" Ice s Asi-VT.I.Sb
" Phelps' Tossto•
" Sloe ' •
nor 011dsossic L, Tatter
rtenusibesisss p 154 , 2,„
• , fret:Ertl-sad Borid. , -..
Conn Plaster •- - , .: ..
Dolb,rollwroloolii• ••• :
Deporatl i dm i lfd e jg r • :.• ,
jr....,:m 0t0, ibb i i ..„ lll ... 7.. thc i ' : ,• -
• • ••• - beadda ''' : : 6
• - .
. ' CLdea - • •
. . .. ' 13iirter-nrd
. 13procr Tor Beet
liars me - • •
dolthro Cord*, •
Golden lioctut,
Hone Pordn'
W oo dK.quEßFll43l.
ofooat IS
diAl.O Arum.
rwwrugs , •
• At tbeDros Star. of
cHALa nn. bblo. far üb`-•