The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 20, 1851, Image 3

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• paFviars. ixAIT J1X1333 30 . 3311 /3 am.aannwr
• • ' orrrips smiths./ avisma, sou: 18rn.
Noverruir Johiligon 1 3 / 1 0 on the platform which
bait been prepared for him to speak en, but - so
large was the crowd, that he was compelled to go
mote towarde the middle of the meeting in
order to 'give tdi no . opportimity of hearing
He was reedited tni
with,lo-c.heers and said,
Felloiroitiiens illow me to thank you „for year
attendance ben this evening, in 'as. muelt as In
this lirge aeserablage of the:, people, I. think I
- see a desire on their parts to criticize, and we-
Sully scrutinize the conduct of those whom they
haie Placed iniPower: Governor Johnston pro
) eeeded to thank them asepublic officer, because
' •
they.;had thus poven him :an opportunity of
frankly expressing those oppinione which had
rgoverned his conduct in matters of publio poll:
ay, 331/33 he thought that no men should wish to
obtain .tikevota of another person, with whose
' hews he
. could igt agree.
• lie thanked Gm for that attendance, eerie
, ',WAY wheelie considered the importaice of the
approaching elect-lea- He did'notfoltade to this ,
with a view, of creating any alarm in the public_
Mind; but theiesults ok that election 'Would ha
f rE ht 1111 W matters ; of the gravest coma --
• q Ince, not only; to the community, but to the
of to be Oman. They,would ae r ie - hint to
ay that nor, for l i the first tine, the people wotlld.-
elect the eistire officers of the CorisManweallb.:
Heretofore they jhad, only been called on to
,choose Portion.* • .them:--thso Executive and
legislative bl'anokea--nor they Would berequir.
ed to makes selection of that portion of the
paidicreac were more important, to the
people thaziallel,..* Regicide& to thsJudiciary..
Now it was theirpoweV to make ratlactione
'either for weal or, o. He - asked them, as, hi
had at other - aske d his fellow citiz ens,
to 'consider the ;importance of this new duty
which devolved-nion them. .That in his
opinion, was Efiea - tfr thin 'ail Others. - The
elsai Were called on nitimately to decide' all
questions affecting the Property, the li ves, and
the reputation citizens . • -The pe ople were
now asked, for the f ant time, to selo the offi
cers 'of that, tribinial4roni whose jedgmente
then vws no 'appeal. . They Meat fota4y . decide
Ma all quotient)" arising tinder, thi tinittitutio*
-and the lawn. The suprpoie court was endued,
by the constitution with enormous potters and_
diseittiod;and they we're' required, in - ozde? th
dieehage - Ithosei diodes, to be learned in the
Jim. • , ;
• It - that the'
4 woe : c.c e ' ar j, -4 a , -
Airborne, incorruptible, fearless, and far beyond
I/Wreath of petty pre judices , ;nor most th ey be
liable to be excliedby passion. These were some
of the requirements which it woe necessary for
the judge& of the Supreme Court o possess, and
If tbs people felled Ito !select men possessing these
qualifiestiona, the coneemencin would be:felt
not only by, them, but
, by - their posterity. A
Efiof would not suffice to do away
the mmragneneet of a single lase step with ee
-1 gird to the electionlof these judgem for &ilium&
icons true that they could be impeached, yet
they in it great measure gave their interprets,
I donna dishier, andeould only be =noted in cen.
llequerras of emus gross violation 'of their public
',duties. He mentioned these facte merely for the
purpose of=Nig their ittentiontotheimpertance
of the duties which they were. called on to per
form, and trammel be mished • to thew Oat ell
am under enclicircumstances, should attend the
polls, if, in conselttmce of the non attendance
of some person 4ho stood before him, an in
competent of64r ;Omni& be placed on the branch
of theYStrprome Court, how could he ever repair
the mischief attach be had done?. 1
The representative portion of the Ocureinment
night pass bad ' lows, but !those . lore were the
enlejecte of analmdMent and repeal, for all the
RepresontativeUwere directly and immediately
sin= the pointer the people, who conbithange
the unworthy and elcatothers more'compatent
tee flit their planes. Their gueutivebrinehmight
' fall inthe climbs:gear that duty Ida required
him tif eremite theimmand he couldbethaaged
lot a better offient; but lee 'knew of, no power
ithiaratO a. ' Width mold reach the Bo
proms Court. Now he asked them, when such
eras the Mete of Me bow culpable was every
man, who failed ',to vote 1 Henry one should at
tend the Pollse'ttnd Idea= it his Privilege 8 44
duty to vote, acid not only esteemit a duty and
privilege, but its Mechem =roll, be pleasing
to him, and he shoal strive to elect those offi
ces who would give peace and contentment to
his own More immediate neiedrarhood, and
to all the State. I I ' • . ' 1 1 .
They would belealled on at the coming elec.
nen to theme a OssMl Commissioner, mid here
wetted to my that they had hitherto been less
careful' in selecting him than .thesy should hare
'teem He warned them that ltreoniredno mil
.mary man to .di charge the arduous duties de
volving upon hint, in such a manner as to pro.
mote thejntemesta of the Commonwealth. If
- they reflected for one moment. that the state
works, which cost sixty milline - csofdollars, forty
Of which rare - now- remold, vele put under the
Sontrol ,of a boxed consisting of two or three
Commiseirmers—if they cousideefid that thong
s:dello:24a vast system of public improvements,
reqedrhagihalf a million or a million of dollars
per amuse, to keep tam in repairs, fell tether;
and it was either 1.12 their power to build up the
'Mans, ar to red= it: .o banknaptcy, they would
See the ' portance of electing a suitable Ca
mal •'over in the ensuing election--
Hemmed them that 'a system so vast in itself,
required ISO ostibiall man to manage it.—
He I shouldlae a person of strict integrity. His
knowled& should be great, since he ought to be
perfectly conversant.with the commercial laws
and intercourse of tlie emit - try. This not
'be oralined to his' ORS State alone, but he
<mean be one who lacked over the whole Union,
sod via f5 ,,, 18.- with every part of it
The Bard might establish a tariff of tolls,
- which-might either turn the commerce, of .the
Union away from our Stajo or bring it to onr
•doors., Its members were ciee m l . 7 to manage A
eye= of groat pedals impo and it was
not now that improvements eo MLA should be
• unelected, or left to, take Cern of themselves.
While he had not said sword Rem the qualifica
tions of the varions'earalidatlis for the Supreme
Vetch, they wouldallow him to make a fewn
ess:he relative to the 'qualifications of one of the
Rilladldaies for (final tomixoner. He alluded
' to John Strohm, of lancaster County. He bed
been:walk oequaintedjaith that gentleman for
' _Veers, and be could assure them that he =-
sassed in an mcdneut I degree all the , guanine.
thms which lie had recited. He- , could say to
his fellow cilliens, that no man in the neighbor
hood in which he resided stood higher than
' John Strohm, and inden the report of the rem
ben of all parties vies untrue, no man was
He had become nap hated with Mr. S. while
'lle was chairman of Me Committee an Cana ls:
'and knew .that he wit* intimately acquainted
with all the facts bearing on them. As chair
men of that Committee, be l made & Mort
which did:honor not only toe Coumitteee but
to him. -It was not his (the tlovernoes) custom
to se a r dil a i n e y . thing relative to ihe qualifications' of
; but he Must ea that John Strohm
was the beet most honest man who could he
elected Canal Commissioner.
The people were likewise called - one at the
craning election to choose an executive officer,
and if the guestionans merely whether A or B
was to be ' ; called to occupy that positiou, and
pad& over the destinies of the Commonwealth
tinder the. Constitution, he would say nothing,
--I- since rip would not Mss matter worth talking
about Important political principles, however
were involved, and. must be carried ant accord
ing to the views of Iko person selected. He took
it for granted that whoever was elected, Timid'
falfil his duties to the best of his knowledge and
ability. , . Ile did not think that the members of
any party willingly did' wrong; and those who
asserted that they did;were guilty of agrees libel
en drain; bilthe said again, that important goes
+ tionc-of public policy were involved in the issues.
:and that if Both werenot the ewe,. they mould
and find him a candidate for re-elecllon. .
The next election would settle many questions
.connected with the public debt. When Cover.
; - mar Bitner retired, it amounted to $28,000,000-
' Under Governor Bitner thedobt warnotincemed
, although many of the public works! were &d
-eemed towards. completion. The people then
felt satisfied at the outlay which had beinimade,
becalm their investmente were calculated to se•
at= in return, benefits which would accrue to
'the advantage of the entirecommuldty. Ou the
Ist of January, 1849, when he 'Money adieu,
led them;) assumed control'of thd executive nine
/lions wader an electionby the people, he found
I:the commonwealth saddled with a debt of forty
and a half million of dollari. In addition to the
' funded debt, there was a
,floating debtor $400,.
4100 Mt the public . k i...nmentn. In the,sacan.
lime, scarcely amile of new works on the publics
ohmlosements had been completed, nor)ool throe
WWI had been commenced whoa Orreenaor Bit
- mar Mired, been,Draught into , profitable twee or
carried towards completion, and yet, some ten
rare after tho expiration of Ritnar's terra, the
lenblio debt bad inores.sed from 21 to $40,600,-
000. He believed'that a eorresponding increase,
,yeaiafter year, would hate become so burden.
Donn that the ‘ State could never bepes to pay .it '
'.., -
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'• • He tbrnilbe - thei the ' entire aimitanitiwas
interested in the establishment of some project
to pay dither debt, and‘that public effete who
mold contrive a--plan for its .xed melee, ores in
the ffustli arge-of an important public duty, since
If he succeeded, lie must greatly enhance the
public prosperity. In pursuance of this thought,
he hetternal his attention to the sodded of the
"reduction of the public debt. The idea Mende
-1 ly irruinit novel, since it had been, entertained
by 'many before him; but Ili:steal was
such that a certain , poition as annuaily
diseberlPtd,:end the time weed e when all
Would be paideff. He; hid reed ended to the
Legialature, in 1840; the estoption of a sinking
fend, and had suggested to its sa port certain
takes, so that a Sued errim4rould devoted to
wiping out the public debt.' He' ,ailicisied
Its provisions so' that no new taxwould be levied
on the Blois:literal community, bstlaws had
bein passed, by means of which toms of; taxa.
tiop, which before brought nothing, were now
resideral efficient agents to promote the ends in
view among others, a small home tax had been
Imied on chastens and the price applied to ,
the formation of a Slinking, fund d the reduc
thin of the public debt. - . •
Such was the result of these m s, that in
the teat year the debt was reda ed _upwards of
$250,000. The nextyear, on acepunt of a alight
apparent unwillingness on thepartof the legis
lature to continue the provisiotellof the original
law amassing& bones tax onecharters, produced
such rem:titans to 13111311 the p nt means of
the find;. . and. consequently ca a smaller
amount to be, paid the next y than was paid
the previous !year. -, The amen t paid into the
e. r ea
fend during ';•the present yearam unable. to
state, but iths certain that half a m illion of dol
lars have been , paid since the establishment of
the system. The floating debto,4 which should :
never d have been accumulated, had beezipaid td;
Allthe funds had been faithfully applied to what'
the law intended them to be devoted to. , .
He would now turn thenttennon Of his fellow'
citizens to that dais of the ComMunity who werej
most interested in paying off th t debt. It had
both repeatedly . urged " quit it Fi l m matter of ;
small , moment whe th er or hotswere 4:mld.
This he did not believe. All Were interested in
paying it of—both • the agricultural. and indus
trial close* for _a State tax of two millions per
annum pressed heavily , upon all. • All were in
terested, but one'cless mire than all; he alluded
to those who were blessed with but little of this
world's goods. They,- Above all others, were
most deeply - interested in its disebarge, since
they depended more than the success
of th e Public' School system o r education. - In
order.-to raider. that -system se efficient as it
should be; its conductors Mist.* re more as
siatance , th an they did , : at . pro t ,- either fr om
the tax payers or from the p blic treasury,.
They would call in vain on thcl treasury,. if Mi
lieu of money wereto
,gii to pay the interat Cu
the public 'debt. q. , 1
If, on the other heinlethe harden of that it
threat of $2,000,000 per annum, woe taken off
the treasury, it required no argument to prove
that instead of receiving $2OOOOO per annum,
the publiC. echoes 'Would matins upwards' of
12,000,000. That 'vrenld . place system of
education on a basis immo veable, sediments se
.cure., It would give the mesas of education to
every child in the Commonwealth, and there was
no man, no matter what his; - situation in life
might b e, who ought not to feel a deep interest
intbias scheme. It should be remembered that
the - question of education, or ignoranee, on the
part of any dass of citizens in this Common
wealth; affected not only those Who paid no taxes,
but those who did; ‘•. ! , I
It had been said that thisuntry and its eiti
:Maus had a destiny to perform .
He concurred in
this declaration. It hid .said that this des
tiny was manifest, and he 'Mussed in this
also. It bad also-been alleged that it was the
destiny of .this country to extend its boundaries
by, the cannon and the sreordlbut this he denied.
He did not agree with those ho declared that it
was our destietto fasten aril replier religious
andpolitied apeman Mousuvollingneighbera,
whoaadedre them, but dettiny more gip ,
rionsitenite' d us. ',lt was tha twis should give to
&dame! in our country, education and intel
lect:nil Culture. 'Not only would their minds be
improved, but a love of freedom be mplanted in
their bearts; and they would hellie centre.or a
system from which masted j ;aye of living light,
on 4 the nation of the eartl It was a destiny
whieb Angels ndght desire, end of which the in
habitants of the Urged Matte should feel proud.
laming off the , ',alio - debt, they were best
promoting the interests ot abiattion. He who;
addressed; them,. had meat' greatpart of his
time; in dervisiog' means to create, a sinking fund
to swallow up this debt;,and he thought be hid
a right to idAdetecas the' piotof the friends
of education. • • , -- ..: : I. - I \ ~ _ *-
Another question on whi ch eji - ould be as I
ed to act at the next election doe 'Vitally at:
feeling the • interests of all ipresecit, he alluded
to a system of protection to ilimeriain brclu.stry.'
They shield be hileiroi of ti Istria" forprotee
dins, -- avopposed to - ene for ; are semis& and
he was in favor of such a syrata' as would be
s t
guard the industrial pummel of . the coliatiy..
He - was talarosto ao so Sly hispublic duty,
because the present ounce affected very mate- .
rially the public revenue; inch thispeople, by
electing him, had placed, in a measure, under
his charge. He would attempt to show in what
manner the treasury was affected. In' the first
place some public improvements had been,oan
striated which reached theme mineral depOs
its of this
_great. State. He called it a, great
State, since it was very fertile, And pones:serf
water- Power suffic ient mkt= the mills of
the Union.,lt possessed such rich Mineral
deposits, tht they could scarcely go over a
county, climb a .mountain , 'or cross a stream
where these deposits were ; not to be found.—
They inhabited a Steel which abounded in eve
ry thing to make if great, and housed that term, '
become hernent precisely wixt he said: • .
. He would next allude to the Delaware division
- of the canal. This branch lied been constructed
with the express purpose \ of me. hing the Lehigh
coal valley.,Without the itolls- to be derived
from naming theproduotsef this valley, there
would not be enough of money collected, to pay
for its superintendence and repairs.. With them,
it would be one of the most Iprodriative of our
public : improvements. Suppose , then a system
of laws should be adopted which would strike
down the manufactures of Philadelphia county,
what, he asked, to a large extent, would become
of the revenue deriv'ed from thb Delaware „divi
de:tot the canal? The coal would -remain an.
exhumed, since it would not be required for man
ufacturing purposes. It would only be used to
enmity the trifling demand fur private families
and as there was no demand, comparatively
speaking, Thera would be cud supply. It then
our domestic lo.dustry were! etruelc down, our
rashes was struck down with it; nor was this
asiniodis example, for many other, branches of
industry would suffer , frout;the injury done to
this min
' - Then ii, deficitin, the treasury would aim,
=dhoti ' was that to - -le - made up! '' He could
imagine* no other method I than to impose a
tax upon the citizens of the Commonwealth.
lint again, inannfactories bad been established
all 110 4 the lice of the public improvemeits„
awl by their means the miuMfactured articles
were conveyed lo
, a markeN while the raw zon
teriale were convoyed on the to the manu(io-
Cosies.. Strike down any and of those .manefac-
Weise, and Ilistjactorn ent a portion of their sup
port is wi i.vtafriturour canals and railroads,
and then trade - peeresses. "Me might -well Say
then that thirlicato,treasury was directly interest
ed in this lawff, giving or withholding protection
from domestic lidustty. Other interests besides
were dependant upon the welfare of our seam
facturthg eaurramilty. )Theie was no doubt that
if that were injected, the I tol ls
i on thepublto
works would decrease as w as the value of
real estate, bud other vital . Wrests were at
tested.. • • .1 -. ...i i 1 ,:.
-No class of the community , was ir4 intended'
in a glisten:if protection to ihome industry.o
the laboring class. They 'tread permit him to
assure them that this was tidi class, which strive
art others, required proteelloo, and they having
this power of government id their:hands, should
demand lluttprotection. Reelable fellow-citizens
that he had long reflected en this setdeot, and if
he found any diffiecdty coureeed with lt, it was to
account for the, motives of those who• labored,
and yet opposedra tariff.' It o bad difficulty -in.
finding the repeen which, ioduced- any class of
citizens in Pennsylvania, Ito le hostile to this
system, since lier position end mineral 'resew
'ass pointed her out for a manufacturing State.
Why were they hostile to labor? wasit because
they did not love it?!. Had they any respect ter
labor? He thought 'they 'hid, and why? For
two reasons, first because iteras the great law of
Clod' and next, because hilt man's. physical
strength 1111 3 preserved,! without which his
-nights were aleeplies and hie home comfortless.
By it he both secured his present enjoyments,
and laid that-.provision which rendered old
age cheerful. hbuilabors, and thus drives dis
ease and idleness tram his homestead. -
,He la
bors because he thnecreatee capital, and simply
hemline he finds in, it every thing good which
his heart can desire. • 1
There was, and should beam contagonism be
tween'labor and capit)d, at least there should be
none, in any well regulated government. . Capi
tal was but the creature of labor, and no insti
tutions could exits in a free circuitry which pre-,
served capital, which did apt at the tame time
protect labor. Where labor ens, there • was
wealth, aulithere there arm wealth, there too
was' -.strength, '.commerce; , end 4ho gremest
amount of hums happiness. .In each a com
ma:silty as this, he could not imagine why labor
should not be protected, ;deco all men should
have an equal interest in the welfare of their
fellow men,and the perpetuity of our institutions.
Now bad we not laws to protect property. and
11113. later, :which gave that property birth,
not to be protected? He said it should bo pro.;
protected . 'Other governments furnished no mi
te:Tient& regulate ours, for &where else 'were
thimple a part - Of the ginerzuneat, nor .Were
they called on-to vote, or exercise any public
dales.' Thai Were .Inerel 11111321/111111.. shoe ' the
jzfewssistettriove 'to depress thein,find while
-,- . .1
tit con to be the cue. 5 0 ingirotdd
Dor not be re.p.tma, and not receire its just re
turn. but many pro:intro sualeuttenance as was
calculated to develope its gre!test strength, and
pen:anion to labor from manse to mad. N o t
'only:was the foreign laborer doomed to toil
foram., but his wife and the children of his loins
shared the same destiny. All , must toil, and
there was no respite from it. until the grave re
ceived their weary limbs. His children had no
meanant education—hi himself received no em
pathy from the goveroMent; but how differ;
wart the case in our irwaAappy land. lime
laborer. was a part,' tied - important part of th
government. let they were told that the got
ernmea ',should take care of itself, and the peo
ple would take care of themielves—that there
was no necessity for protecting home industry
because labor recilated.iteelf.
Now was it suit most singuLsr that some of
thege very men, who lived by that most honor*,
bin of all means—labor--should .oppose theirj
own interests, and endeavor to protect foreign,
at the expense of home industry?. He told them
that they were not only deeply Interested in the
protection of labor, but their children •were.i
Give the laborer constant employment—remu
nerating prices, and they not only gave him,
power; but bin children, too, for they could then
acquire education; end he ensured his fellow'
citizens that more power dwelt in a few douche
and publioachoolis—he said it et a public fans
thins:l—than intan army of ten thouzand menJ
(Tremendous applause.) •
The. other, classes of the community, were
equally interested•in protecting labor. • He bad
Made the same observations to the inhabitants of
that city, three years ago, • and he felt now an
.theu 7 --give protection to home indristry, and
education will be, given to . all, *rough it. (Loud
But it might be said that they had now a sys. l
tem which gave prOtection to labor. • Be. could
only say that thelistory of the State—that the,
transaction going on around them—gave the lie
to the assertion. (Cheers.) Instead of the it-1
dostry which °Ugh3 to prevail amongst them,
many of the manufactoriei were closed and fall
ing into estate ot y clilapidstion—and many oth
ers rapidly going dOwn. Why, one branch of
their manufactures, which was *Sufficient tol
give employment to their entire population—he,
alluded to raiz' oadiron—wea fast passing into]
foreign hands. Even in that very city.'he had
been crediblidefornied; within a few feet from
where he wee standing, wan a rairoed constnict.,
ed of iron brought - from abroad. (Cries of true,l
true.) Now : he said that the oppressed laborers
abroad ought not to be brought into competi
tion with the free _laborers of Pennsylvania--
(Cheers.) . Such was .the,iffeci of the present
tariff, Gat eves here, they were undersold in the
article of railroad iron These facts • appealed
to tho sense of every man, yet were there. men
so bigoted as to close their eyes against , them.
-In bleopinion, the tariff of 1846 had not only
brougdit all these evils upon us, but it, in its
very natine;disitiiminated against home industry.:
If ever: they would preserve its principle, they
most take the home instead of the foreign, valu
ation. . Unless they rlid so, the manufacturers
most be prostrated. No care on their part, no
industry, could prevent that result. Why, look
at the effects of this tariff on a single ton of iron?
The price of produce last year might belhe
same as .in this-=the value of the raw material
and of labor Might be the same. He supposed
thit they thought the price of the ton of, manu
factured iron, ought to be the same? 'There had
been no changein the tariff, but for some reason;
Great .Britain - might desire to Lasko - money,
Scarce. The Bank of England issued its raise,
and it was done by regulating the rateof inteteld.
That would cease a &premiers' in the price of
iron there, and simply on that account it would
tatters. The manufacturer waked in the mei
ning, and found the iron which was worth thir
ty dollars wheo he went to bed, was worth two
or three dollars less. What was the result?—*
The manufacturer must curtail his expenses,
sad stop his works, or he must reduce the price
he paid for labor, so as to make it agree with the
price of foreign labor.
The lone COMP on the laborers, and If they
refuse to' be cruahed down to eke earth, the man
ufacturer, must stop. This might be a spade
which would agree with the prosperity of 'Eng
land, but it would not with theirs. Let Pena
-1 Innis my that the present system should re-
MAID in force or-thabit should be repealed. If
the voters said at the ballot box, in the fall that
it should De altered, there would be no - cliffienl- •
ly as to their sums?, The oPpoeing party would
never risk an election on a polley,which they
could not sustain when opposed by their fellow
citizens, ~but if those who build up a platform
which they - did not understand themeeleres, were
ineeessitil in their fall election, they would lay
that the people had decided against protection
to i home • indeed.", :and there would be no
change. •
Them were the questions which ought to gov
ersztkeet-tratwhezttlusy baud. sasse--keiwewg ,
assure thins - thartheeleetemed a Governor of
Pennsylvania. would affect the permanency of
thi Union, they peed merely to laugh at him.
lbs was net one of these who thought that the
fate of theglorions confederacy depended on the
election of. 'Layman. hi any State.
, Just think of it! Thirty sovereign State
w r.
were now bi the-Confederacy. It was inhabited
by 23 er 24,000,000 of intelligent freemen, and
yet it wail asserted that the Union ,ould be dis
solved—that its people would ho dispersed,
and that they would wade in bleed to their
knees, shinty because a Governor was elected
in Pennsylvania? Why if they did not - elect
any man for ten years to come, it made no diff
erence. If they never elected one; its citizens
would love the Union no less. The man who
uttered the sentiment, felt he had DO chance un
less he mounted some hobby and rode it as
he bad done others. (Cheers.) Whin they hear
some eloquent gentleman lecture en the proba
bility of the dissolution of-the Union, let them
tell him that they.never 'basset any One mention
the eubjett, except: hiciiielf. 'lobed spoken on va
rious occasions, relative to this threatened tibi
solution of. the Union, and he told them, that it
was hat, and in -danger.woold never be in -danger. It
would flourish in united strength, king after he
who made the assertiob; and he who was now
addreesing' them, with . all around him, were in
the grave. The last monument which freemen
would erect, would be to the Union, and be said
to those who made the:throat, that they trod on
dangerous grayed. M '
There was no danger of the Constitution while
the people obeyed the laws. The first attempt
that hadimen mad, e to dissolve the Union had
been made by four Western Counties 'a Penn
sylvenbt It was known u the Whiskey Inter.
motion, a term which, perhaps, the government
had given it. , The people had declared that thoy
would pay no 'excise, and if they had. carried ;
that de • 'Onto effect, it wotild have been
k dissolution of the Union. They adhered to
that determination for two years, it he recol
lected aright, and finally the father of his coun
try ismiedhls proclamation, when the lore of their
country finally prevaUed-over their love of whis
key. (Laughter.) Now . ' this wad the first at.
tempt at disunion, although the actors in it did
not koow (Laughter.) •`"
Again a Convention had been held at Hartford
during the late war with Great Britain. This
Convention was supposed to have assembled for
the purpose of endeavoring to &moire the Anion.
It was denied that they had assembled for any
such purpose, and yet the mere suspicion which
had attached to its members wee Such, that they
had sunk into obscurity and were forgotten.—
They might recollect that when South Carolina;
(a State which would flight almost anything
that was not near it,) (laughter) in 1832 or 8,
would not submit to the laws passed by Con
gress, General Jackson, declared that the laws
should-be obeyed, and prepared to enforce their
,execation. South' Carolina yielded, and the
Union was again :aced. (Laughter.) Thus the
' Upton had been three or four. times In danger,
Sad yet was sae as ever. Akre recently, how
ever a:Convention had been held at Nashville,
'and wee then -.declared that the Union was
once more IA danger. What wee the result? 'lt
wee now difficult to meet any member of that
body, who did- not declare that he had opposed
the die on resolutions. (Langhter.)
In one State where seem:don war eupposed-to
have been strongest, the tritunpb of the Union
party had bee:attest signal of late:' Ile Our-real
the papers -or that very day, that. tho die
unionists had been signally vanquished in. Ala
bama. ' Ansoman who would broach the doc
trine 'of secession was unworthy of the Public
support. , He said it was necessary that the,non
saltation:and Uwe should be obaerved, , :eince .
we had grown to be a great people under them.
The Governorthen alluded to the renditionot
fugitiv'es from labor. They bad solemnly agreed
to obey taat•clause of the cionatitution.regoiring
the surrender, and they should carryAinto ex
ecution. Whether it met our wishes or not, wo
should obey it. Opposition to law was rebellion
against the government. The Governor then
alluded by way of comparison to the small note
law, which was very unpopular, yet should be
_obeyed. . -
Now he had said that had , he been in the Na
tional Councils at the time of the passage of the
fugitive Blare law, be should not have voted for
It. If be had, he would at Least have insisted
on the fugitive boring a trial' by jury. He wish
ed it to be distinctly understood, that be did not
speak' for the purpose of arching agitation in
the, public mind, but be again said, that had be
been in •Congress, he would have voted for the
trial by 'jury,. from principle. It was indeed)
terrible to send an unfortunattr fellew-belng to,
.the dreadful doom of slavery: but In a few years
the grave cTosed on - him. If, liewever a free
were reduced to bondage, how end the
restate both to him and to his posterity, because'
once there, he remained for ever.
If it were desired to bring a human being,
whether white or black, under a doom so dread
ful; his fate ought not to bang on the judgmenti
of any one man, but on. that of twelve honest.
men, sworn to do justice, anti who had appealod ,
to God to aid theta in doing their duty.
had been charged of late;--for all the
racer& of the Legislature had been searched
:sithin'n'ehart Ante fast to And odowsotionfl:
against hlm—with having rated in that body
, lagaimd the trial by jury for • fugitive from
labor. He had done so+he would do 'so
again, and for a fiery good reason—bemuse the
'} Supreme Court of Pennsylitioial had decided
against such iris' I. It had been decided in the
cane of Briggs vs. the Commonwealth, that the
Legislature had no right to Interfere with the
relation between master and clove.
This had always been the law, end howerrer
they might differ, fugitives from labOr had al
way, teen sent back. The best minds in the
Commonwealth had agreed with the Supreme
Court relative to the unconstitutionality of a
law giving them a trial by jury. He agreed
with them that good chinos should obey the
law—be trusted they would do so. If they
thought the law ought to be amended, et them
attempt It. What right had any State to think
that. Pennsylvanians would seed their lip; and
' say nothing about a law of which they did not
. On the 27th of Bluth, 1847, an Act was plumed
to prevent kidnapping. No body voted against
it, and the law was•signed by Governor Shrink.
On the nth of March, 1851, a bill was passed
repealingo part of this act." It was then sent
to tho other House; inwhieh these were eight or
ten of • political majority, against the person
who now addressed than. They kept it till an
hour before they edjourned.. A committee:Was
I sent to inform him of their intended adjourn
meet., A committee wao sett to the Haute for the
same purpose. They thshked their chairman,
and paned a vote of thanks to the chaplain.
They had even thanked their clerks and mes
sengers, and every thing appeared 53 if they
were ready to adjourn, when .a member made a
motion for them to do so, buttheir hour had not
arrived. Havingnothing else to do, they passed
. the bill,,and sent itin to him. He labored un
der the impression, then, Nought and he ought so yet,
that they had repaled the. law for the purpose
of putting him in a false position. Be then look
ed into the Conititution, and fotind that the Ex
condi* had aright to ten days in which to ex
amine any hill, and if thelegialstare adjourned
before that time, the Governor 'had a right to
keep it till the third day of the ensuing session.,
He fell back, then, oa tha t t position, and pot the
bill In his pocket, where he now had it, - h•
did not mean literally, but regally, since, if he
hadOtthere, he would show into them..":
He told them as he had told bin fellow oithus
of Beaver County, that, 'though 'short, it was
important, and he would keep it until the meet
tog of the next. Legislature, when he would give
his views upon it.
The gentlemen who was at the bittern of this
scheme (known by his aspirations for the Presi
dency,) might put all the capital be could make
out of it into his breeched pocket, as he (the Goi
enier) had the bill. (Laughter.) '
Governor Johnston then retired, amidst loud
applause, and the meeting adjourned.
Before the Bon. 14m. B. McClure, President .
Judge, and Wm. Boggs and T. D. McMillan, dr
Societe Judges.
Mr. Harper was nestled, and read over the
tolls received since the construction of the.
1 It appeared that the bridge cost 101,676 68.•
The expense acernme until the first dividend was
declared, on. January let, 1821, was $1,748 30.
The amount of tolls received from the opening of .
'the bridge to Januarylrst, 1824, was $23,936
05, as exhibited In the balsam 'OW of January
let, 1824. , • •
A tabular statement, shoeing the rtate of the
'Allegheny bridge company, from the date of or
'gsaltation, cis the 7th off illy 'llBl6, until Jan.
let, 1861, incliisire, via rad!! '
From it, It appeared that the tolls received,
litre •
$387,849 77
!Interest and Sent, 87,796 94
xp e n es , repairs, &C., 137,689 92
Total amount of annual dividends; 241,421 874
dividends paid Commonvealtic 70,000 00
''State tax, ! 5,657 03
Contingent fund in 1850, ; , 30,704 ; 74
Mr. thtrpm proceeded at some length to ex
plain the books.
Gibes Examined by Mr:Wood—The Untingent
thud of $40,748 28 was reduced in 1842, by
booing used either for ordinary or extraudinary
expense Oxon the'bridge. Part of the contin
gent fend wept" into the fund to snake up the
dividends, *1846 It wu done, the serums
being nearly equal to the receipts.'l Find the
repairs out of any funds, I had in my hands. I
don't remember abouttheoes that vu real yes
terday. . The average of the 'luta:a dividendei
Vroold be about 10+ per cent. They have divided
the whole tolls received, lees expenses, and about
$7,000 of, the interest, received ..on Contingent
fund. The tolls are Op to the let of January of
She next year„ awount. The loans to
individuals w 'ed into decanting's:aft/ad;
and were gess yon negotiable mum. I re-
Member one on bond end mortgage, not tarp.
Inltterwee mussy:we ._kapedre inteewatale.
common with the tolls. we never. invested the
I interest on stock, whether we bad large extra
, Ordinary rapers, or net. A trip toll book le love
at etch end of the bridge—also a book of the
yearlings. •
Female Seraitutry- - Allegheay City.
AIRS. R. W. POISDEXTER will corn-
V mown thn tam of ImA4flotatta MONDAY.
SEPTEMBE.R. oa Old coma of WactOshrtoo
and Put Canna.. for particulars pan Omaha. or 14
ta Mr. P. ptrsocally. . stalls-tt
THIS INSTITETION is in a very prosper`
ccialltion. mei Munbaird, M its late tem, OOP
hundred aiml trendy-0m pupils. We bam isinnn
tad and enterrienced Leathers in Me seven! dapartmentm
and mem facil=s giving a tinierougli e
anmenplished ad
[The milt lemma PIU conamsuce on dm lat of IIiPTL3I
- and McMinn tea calamias month,
lEameity dollare mew, lb. rapes.% of M bosrdian pupil
pie mut.. in Me resislar b.ulnvr mum. 510
per manatee mum. Ifiamet Gersuem 1000.Deaniellb m
Prang .4 53 Per llemitm
leaminnues mut to memos Nelda. further taformation.
Wbeeling. Auguet llib. 1641.—ian515.11
HE Tenth. Annual Session of the Wesley.
an Female Collage of Cincinnati. pill maim.. on
the latb of August. Tim mune of mstruction is
lamansire. embracing matt of tbe umsell7 Mnsim
n male callestes. Plll imtmumntel end Vesal Widmann
tese ntbrO ernamenta/ branches. Tour Fatal), le
at cnispomg of mill gualitted and pet Umbers.
Terme lor bunting and day pupils am yam inentseets.
SPOOROU mmired. at .7 lime. icrr patina
'insanely. or by latter to the undereled st
laumeitti P. igiliflee President -
I Ladies' Seminary—Allegheny.
1 1 , . ,. I . EE: s r . C.ALF, will
&Made Com, Federal sheet. Cosa. of =rag
set. of tuition the name as heretofore. tor
nee Cireoler. or apply to Oh. Principali. 1= 4"
ll cotabhabod. Una who Is Wall oughlkd to tooth
o hairlieut broneboo of femoloodlarstios Is dogtrot Now
fOrthslwouoularoml eCeo. • toz29_
PropoutßE:osllTtagriit ----
SEALED PROPOSALS for deliYnring_ in
the Atm at Mr von. of the IP:dtablergh tftm
7 8 7.10 k 0 , ttAls . Illtt4tAw or tnial" . lll2)Ao bu•b•
noW lidmday, the 27th toM, 2 Iftkelt.l. 17n;
Co. and Monk to be of suck untlllf. tt . ad nenned
eutn limo and In awn quantlUn as stall be approved
I'll '4 =4yr h HmTotWon tot Coat and Slaty to be
-21rxrrigrg.rpbX+"' 20 poo
Prorntals to to addreaandlo BnALWELL.
i tvgn i nglat of k ,e Company, ad calmed . Plopoanta
3511f,11 31.1711RIIITY:
Plttatottnb Cal Ca. Aug. lb. '4l.—Lanal(ktd
Birmingham and Broanurille Macadamized Turn-
pike and Plank Road Company.
yIrdOTIOE in hereby given that the Stock
holdars In add Con an revgliv4 to Vol In.
Instalment of 'lv. Dollar, on awn nano of otork
Aflr+•nth der o ttlL u orn .t. soirm ; (W . fa.
.Inr=dr i. .g t oa
. tlg ,
ft.l dal
•f nrtptemher toot. D 7 o3aH of the
UN Alen.nn, Denman,
&MEETING of the Stockholders of the .
North American Moine OtaapastrOrlll be held at
t e °Mc., in the city of Pittsburgh. ma Tneed•P MO , 20d ,
day of tieptorohor next, at 3 o'cloolt. P.M to take union
on the amendment to the chute{ or ,
1 Proved Jolla =1.11131. , PALM Secretary.
. .
Orgapiralion of 64 "Pulsbursh and 8/114,t0
Railroad Company."
EE, thondersigned Commissioners rove=
eehe mtbaorlpttons orgardnt • tom 7.
l ri
:by the Art of tho tlonend Amembly of rattnnt
ge7tithillaltait=cr.othr:,rt,._ E l gtP u Len b oiTh 4 ;
Joan, hereby tioa notice, that unaorn ratoot, bomb. date
Jot Vi .toned b 7 y ' Vta rth i.s7l.7l °"4 .; " tr. .mg;
ben loaned. Otatotitu b una trio aubacrltem U an Iho3O b otho
ahall boreallar oulacribe, to lb. capital OtOOk of laid Ct.-
luy. their unceosora
antioneea I !WY
oerporate, In deed and l., under the name
And Ire. therefor., agreeably to Lb . Lana of the .old
Commonwealth, hereby appoint and- it,. nen. that •
tar V . 411=7 the . 0 = rot l tr :To rl ,l f
Third and Woad atreeta. to the 0(17 of pulaboran,
Thuraday. Monty-that day of August inalant. at ten
o'clock to the forenoon: son that . election 0111 be then
aod Moto hold,• y aald subecribera at Ma said . Jima grut
plate of maetitur, to atoet a President sal twain RitOotons
of the paid Railroad 6.mM:tr. 'rho thallon OM unto
mance at ton o'clock In the
/ im am. Livi.N...o7. •
• I'llikltsttarci.' •
ten i alt l T ' U PA N iI LB 011,
A.R 106113,
M all 1,)
W •
Plttabarato Annan 6, 1851e-mmTal •
XelittMutual Lifelnsurance Company.,
IiTIABANTY FOND, $100,0.00.
THIS COMPANY offers to Cho moored all
the eternity end advantages of the Mutual end Joint
tat Flo. lot herotorms orPlled) tosohlhoi, namely: low
rata of premium; la unroll morn Cl rash of the per
eentege matron for the eontronent it& of the year; an
adequate. but not exceesieeprovielon far the Nam 10011.
rity ot interibere'for the erftL tam of 10. with en tont.
tote Interest la the econmolatrolt fund root.* to raeb
atembere.nyeldettdesttigy cnrilts upon weir
:en= members. •I•3 th f:r j r=itt eltroglgf
those ror the ...boba term of ' .
/WM tbe onlY Withal Life Irooarance Company
whine tate. of pronnom ere fixed at • Liz reduced eland.
ard, with a pr o
(tar rar e a annually lnetomins mom,
lotion of
rondo (tar Mar security) in ernes proportion to
the amount of badness and the inerating to= e d .
venclere amens the slumbers. -
me, rindait in detail the pima
rates the Ciouipahy, f=l...thed errata end V ai.
for insurance mend - J. ULM%
./.% Wood ststet. BUJ
1 r
HEW Parer GOODS, •
.C 4 ONSTANTLY ARRIVING,. new ' styles
and Pittstria, an unusually' extended variety, °da red
uYork Importation prima
Badenehins. or Terra Coats Wore. Bahamian tibia.
Pegatidile Incr. Inwewood. alas and Netter hiaghl Ar-
Varier Bukata, Work Bases, Paper Weights. in
an •
Conterceiners Paw; Boat' Cm", Wes Oruateutsi
• . .
Ingididatie long ArttClea. Teeth Iklultaw..t.
Lle di n .. Tr= at
with an 'Bea varier of other at low rate,
• WK. r iM Importer
andlddin No.l Commerce at.%xtionunik
liaporlers of Finch anl tint= Goods,
1 - /Q. ta 17ROADWAY, NEW TOES,
RESPECTFULLY invite buyer" to exam
ill., theh• Acct.. •
gR E IE MY C AVRTatel t it IM M = a i t .
ACK GROS DR•RIIINS—AII widths sad wires, of
• Gls best make.
IRLACK SATIN VBSTINGS—Sizae make that has here
tofore Orem so moil setisfectio. . .
1 dENGES, Velvets, black end fears Comets, black au!
catered Greyer, Crepe Leine. sad Hat (rapes. ..
I CRAPE .SIIAWLS AND EVARIS—Jurt received as ter
voice of all colors and prim. DRESS GRAYER, of mime
, SATIN DE MIN& Eareemets. Serves, end other Silks
wordier to the Canton market. .171,3•111)
chmil,zu.,4WAltartlat 8".
t~J.aaan0e.......~_......_.__:...1D~aau . eu~p.
harm. Philadalal.
Anierican Hardware. • '
diskresamt., No. , larattstist i tbEttorsfrozi ,
toppUon ar ilard4o . Vrwle gereiGocda,re.
d ceet ftota mantecturen, abd lyre cal*
Nei York . India Rubber Warehouse,
Y0.,1 27 Mani Lou., and M. 62 Nassau atm!,
lint cobra from Broadway. Pachn7EllliErst24th
MIRE SUBSCRIBER, Propnetor of this et*.
• al jahllshinetat. would info his old customer.. and
nionihsrata generally, that ha 1 daily recelvins Err= Ms
foamy' an .unnsuAur Imo and excelleat Oak of India
Iladiber Goods sissnotactured emarraly Eur the Eon Trade,
and whinti. from tartan ltdristaired resent new and tr.
paean t improvemea ts to hi. machinery and comessitioo,
ha facia cogent 000000 tail grrixtperkist caindatalm
itiMetiredtZl c s e lfi d eAltall WYTVI I VIIVid u
'bean 11-a to 8-llne pulse. The drilla an we ly Wetted
trot:, th• best brunt...darned with the entist minnvhish
trashed; sans] to patent father. Its alms cianufactstres
thelarsetro Cloth, a Wahl, Important immanent
really duicorered, by which tho cloth ta made to bear an
enact resemblanna to tioameled leather. 'the plain finlah
EMU MI sold as usual. Orders amid sportily ths variety
OYEEEIIO22I.—A full Ranieri} tha Mervin styles
and TlLlietirS. front the Isriyortad Yam, Until*" to tin ft.
minded runai 0100—embracing M• 114., Woman's and
Chiktren'a Dom,. antl Uncials, Women . .
FUTIVI and Lased !tubber; to
A complete rimrt• t oi r tra„lbtlrgin tzr =bud:
gr i iritr . oreh . 9 ". lrd=orea=ny /talon., eln' .
ifinTabatico walk% Bettina. Iteatiltal ensatinf.
DanreCavant,Whi , ...- Braun
Ernan Partar Midas, MI% i i." ollt l' 7ar k =g
apringo, urger Goodyear's Fannie.. •
Etnst Dotty
i Owns will tai Mani a moat antaln val__yr:
wady of Chapped lititriN bleaching tams and
his and solts
.ro Rubber Ilament ht natters' am
Shawls! Cloaks! Xiatilkit ••
E 1 S. MILLS, No. d Cortlandt at, N. Yirk,
. non opening et hl. Shaul Warebouna a thel
a of Sall and - Winter aIIAWILS, nougats, of ail =flea
Or haneh and Domesttic Wool Lana Shawls, together with
a POI uonatoseut of lftenet. attd VinIDA Sows an: Loan
XprAe Shag= of every gran.
♦ an =used= =oat of Cobum_hrerina,Tbibat,
Eatita and Velvet CLOAKS. m...siu.Les,_6ACJIDS. gee of
=dime shapes and Asks, =ndulated trom Pan. petr
WU ktb 0.4 MPOSIWRZIS, reader= aemisatatthiy pet
ateemeta •
_Winn the =seta atbmtionot Southern and Wain.
ern Ilerehenta to the above. attar Sod at mart.
mutt ot Shan= and radrunati• geode tar Inallee mat.
uneorpateed In the city.
au. mutton WIRE SHOW STANDB, fat exhibiting
Shawls and Mantilla; =weal to rem =Urea Pant and
Cm, at Se aut SS eat= =hag
has bats callatt to an adaattlonant by RCM. ELINIt.
to/ band la tha Naar lock Herald cd Ilth Jul T,lfin.s.W
the. Ottnitr anel paquhay a nuns data. la which,
RI Ott t 111131•111.1 MA. ors. auto/nay. Wu. Jud..llP4-.
Da wawa that an data aot thus* /dm .Ith pirattag Grad.
year. Patna undo. aar oaa mama. atal that ha dor pot
latm:od==art . a .. .tot Iw:.
India Ittadat !Dots •1164
tlnalyntra ratan% sad ps44
oar lamer. mkt a= iz:ltna arr Pox the mama tad
It ao." " tal=fate pinto apon thot4yvara i"= " 11:
Lldalkii-latt• jut to parthaati a yight, to an a Yalta P.
Vl=4,pra to I rn Wl ' "ta:diSatrottre:a U .
I d i ! =WIT WA VD kl I . lllPateuta um It pow!
=Lti". not oaly to n Wag/tabula/ Lama 1
arbo ham tor a f lame conakterattea. oarebase4
.err lionnsea and no. .ort atalaran:l vs
Yr. Day. 41rattly, and that over oar awn •
Wgll.ll mach ttyatr's Palants. la UP atatnalattaty ,
.... 00. a which ho bulk:ins to Ite pa hlitt sat to eta
cake that hs and all .ha ana mwtra wltla hoot ha pot.
etutatt err 00011001/1 .. /tontant• ta Plolatlaa of mold 114-
7,815ht...111 lo
1 L. CAP.ViI=
T . !'.-- - 'l4, 6.Z5,141.4.X . s.3l. " Vignkirrl " GM..
• 5 4 921i. " 1/S1 •
how %oat • • ---, SY4.2ta
J: W. Halbertan,
So. 75 Maiden Lane, New York,
31PORTER and Jobber in FRENCH and
=GUSH VANCT GOODS. Orman Tors. Glue Nara..
alatar&tal:rgs, Era Dor., A awakens. Lore:
lord for Parer's lead PrJahr.
.alarteranr Una Car Arrarl.llllTODl,
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
JONE'S EMPIRE INK. 87 Nassau atm;
trust :row York.
e - -ats. per dot.- --SI 00 d 110
Oa dr - Mortit,..t ' dt c wa • orata.
211. L. Mr but artkle viatialactored. It flows Mir—
ts lit good COPYING Iftli—autWot oarroatt. rom.ll
...13 , 1tate or Money. and possums all the eillaitite maim
of for a gad Writiaglok, metalls for the tlall4 and ata
miraly adapted Mr tbe EUel Pea
nadersignao la Mimed to htnallti to the trade *a
cheviot upon or bane mataamtion, at about mom
patsp la pr seer, and
g.lOl .1.7 tart
or the city tree of thug.. elt=e for area Zuni
aril ko " ." dwi ' d 00'rn1t"" TitEtfttOßE 'LENT.
myt.r sesta st y Pao
„Professor Ales. C. Barrrs Trieopherons,
ill taming. immersing o , olo.oo4aidarrefirat
Ong of
aw du5431.0. a 0
4 Miring Omura of matm
gimas anII Worlea smogs rata, lt
hu twro aserrulo by uporimant. tbat Jiarrylt
emai bias prolacwa the was effect in Mona. of
Ulm rte. of bona, awl all tbe saltaal . ?to
following. testimonial., ...Meted Itmeti of amilar
ItWll, will mt. .bow the tam of tbe preparadom
l and the o.l.loution la wtOolt it bad by Moo who has*
era it a trial:
• • Now Yonz._Sot.
Poor. BLIT—Dew Alr-1 bovelwen to t
ed with s cue
taxman eruptkg of the .alp. of moot aggravated ehor.
Actor, lot the last Mitt. yew". and durtus that periol
bro. hal the.. alert of wane of the moot eminentniyhyot
r, foie kntrjr, eutter=o.t . ltiartl
bra to try your Trierpherotut 101 so. a* loot
to my ourorieettni rrallAutiCO2.lo.4l nopelf
mort4 in about two elontta. thwki wm the Tiolen. of t h e
• 301liff at umes 1 woo porttallT i l r .ltn4.
, • ' 4"s'l4ll ! . "4" 1,10 ColumV.ln Lo g i t , P IF L YY.
Now You, Ooh=. MO. •
Irate. Basarlly Dear 6Abotwo years o4po my bale
mane out
_vest dool, awl my head woo math aMieted
Toth doodnth. twos MA try 1,101.41 to triyo.Trioophor.
one. and I dm .o, Ina to my notonhaxment, my' hair .wao
fithtle rooted, anti el' the nandrul disooPeOMl, m the
hood ter• thowo for ltoolf.
With Toeton4, tr,iramr,,,r2., r .
yf any 1a..17 or gentleman doubto the authern 0ft.24
oboe.. th ey 0111 Owe a 1 Prohisor AO o ofaeo,
117 l l!.
Heaway, Now YOrk. where be will prodnos • ode.
Shed.Millar/ and Natal Argus.E. 1150.1
no remedy tor the penhaneat cure of beldame
lnd .dlseamea of the matt. generally; that has reached
he noyala u r . l enjoyed todr the article knonn as Profewor
Inures Vico erous, or Inatleatollkmmotont. It Is
la tensltely toy the two. elutes of the communltyd
sibteetavary num: y In th .laud Ills used la ore/snots to
other artlelea of th. kind. parfa to the
Mohan. and Qum nrotoold Regrowth to'lg • or
remarkable dmeteore
spe. It destroy. tbs danlrutf and wort and makes Um
halt In. and gkeol. It alit tare all amen. of the scalp.
owl.. scald head, den no= ssal other °Danielle disor
der. ad theakin; in annum* rell.edleaey, etende
norlealled. 11 la sold In large bottlmr, rhos =cord., at blo.
Ilreesloort etsd et the Drogants go:wrath', throoshaut
tbstraltadlitatesaadeensda. aPD2It7
CONTINITES bin usual facilities to receive
tu on nonce. Sale. ml Transhipment. all Marehandlse
him. Boats tears his dock daily Lon 611m:data
mo the Lanes and the Illinois Canal and him.
lialhrenom-31erant.14linta, Marling Co 4
Idomm. Jona a Clnism
DU. John tu,Cansbory. aDS.IJa
F s mml
AND AIICTIONEED, No. . D Water street: 1T.311.13.
Especial attention to Commission business. stigle.r
Prcduce, Commisnlon. sad Yorgranlidg Machu:as. on Moo
ae, AL demet., .
Wet to Alexander (Jordon. Lorna. Etertma * Ca,
ritubusgb. ai4:l?
•TIAVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
tert,,,mag==.7.l4. Bt. Louis, V.
OUN IL RANKIN, Attorney and Coun-
enor at Law, and Commixdoner Car Um Kato 0
nanlynals, lit. Louis. )10., (Info of Pittatnunh.)
Itehrenotro—Picubstroh: non. W. Forward, Mouton I
31^Candhuo I McClure, John E. Puts. Innon.
Bccoplo..lleocml I Co.
I lISTREOEIVED, by this morning's
exprou, a nwy superior mownmant of Wait. 4 t t
l i , Ns mummer lux i pure - mita:ten and tbe
=ing r g=b7 ` . ° .:Z:dll7:,:=l.
Jur may Ist found id any eastern establhiattemt. as ,
rumemanta with mum .mmorers sad impotißO ansaeh
to warrant ua in advertising that wo aro enabled to sell at
the lowest mgular prima touud is the United *tab.
Welleinglamisted by eshatietwed mad iluished watch
.Mak ebstamets may depend on MM. their Watchas
rDa~ndin the best manner aud warranted
W. W. imson.whiti yam,
Ira ' GT. coma Maritsa argil fourth street..
Staid article taw ba b. 4 at tb• mot* of
ion 511:11LPUY t BURCLINTELD. •
OLD SPECTA LES;--Alsimiatseortment
Just on•Ploi: also. Sams and Steel' of even bal.
of Glines. of the bed lana/Ity, awfully_ adjust ,
ed to the tido. soma= to the pflociplea of ODU .d.
~ .PsbOlts put In 3o order W. .
- ' 'GI Mastrigtet
;wt. R.: yeast. kr wabdas 'aaVaa,ke, "'Web
maims at 13 pa osat la guar JAW:Wad. Ka au 107
To the Publid.
"~"''~ E
'For Bak. • •
ALARGE locor piece of grouini eitu , te in
the Rath Ward of tba eft7 of Pltbdrornb,
at 60 fret on button Meet. attd a laa barn —bat
to Chanfonl stmt., Thiamomrt, Is located Mom
t o le i lll u llej : iks tbe it Lkinl ... g 11 , 111:limb
1.... ruk121
A- W. lands, and am ha clad as ga2le
either for Me of one or two emend dvell=re
mem Ns or Mat enuMer tenements.
Ta al third in hand asid the balance in 'Ara etNa/
manal pennants, moored by bond sad Weevers.
ADtda tti BTOWE a WASSON, Mars at lam
oanaNo. 110 Woorth greet.
Valuable Real Estate at Auction, 7
raSUBSCRIBER offers foe Sale, ora
mble the faucet* p ro perty. In the
f Plttebarrh. TM*
ha 1. Three mduable three storY brick dwelling home.
on Betnnd m.o. between Market and Terry atm% the
lota being each 19feet front by fa &es.
No. 2. Montabsair feet front on Third stmt. adiatdAll
the Third Presbyterbm Chureh. lewd,
kar Rory beta hove. used as a petattmy Mace, and one
two story brick wareboole.
If the above Is aot mkt before Thunday.ll2te lth day of
September. at pirate ...Wlt will then booffered at pane
oatm.on the premiere. Tema at ale.
'anatottt ' Agent Ihr Johnston k Stockton.
• • TO LEL' . ' •
ts.:slif, Corner of Grant and Third ate.,
• go, lomidon tom • lawyer or o: phroidam
m ps..emlao Mr= 1 liie. 1
111 0161Toz
FOR RENT—The Dwelling, No. 155
Shied stmt. near Smithfield—aa ken se the
new bark baildink am the painting and lamming c„.12
the entire home is eampletqL The hid chamber o the
amok Jaw Elsa a bath min attached. with hot and eat
'War, water deist, tau t
ot.the—the Bowe scheming, at a moderatemoderaterent."Shottr•
- • 11. DARINGTON.
'fourth street. new Wool.
Sewickley Property for Sale.
grin subscriber offers for sale a fine TraCt
land, contabliod .936 anrea Mag. &portico of up
nropeKl lately cued eV; :=TIE 6° ' w `,',4 • ilveleihr!
eat Bottom land. I . .sc ,olLirt ' l
Inhume .toofTentaylrala wad Ohio Rail.
road and the Ohio river. The (216 mate) above
the road. le aril adapted for denotes Tonne., eootanannt
a valuable Water Roarer. aelth a Ana Caw end Oil 11111. In
good rannlng order. For garden. or mints country re*
denote. thin property is one of the lona ever addend. UT.
aer mass to the any at all aim% Si Railroad. Rim; and
Bear to
• ;
Tor harms, ayoty to W. C. PUNN, Crow's Banton Bev.
....lota'. or nail. R. RIDDLE, Foorthstnet.
bursh.. angthst
• evenTalnable, Farms for Bak.
kiI;SITUATED near the Ohio and Pima
rrivaala Naito:4,4On the vieinkT of 8.1 aw.. Oh*
Inn bk to looks:ea web, and ion gad Wane
of mkt,
100 TOWNIao— LITTP. between tbrpresent badmen
part of the village and the Depot et. Wan-
611 of +bleb be sold 011 easy tonne kw the pinches
en. Stock In the Ohio and Pennsylvania liallvoad, or in
either of the Banks to Pittabut, wlll be taken to pay.
I also midi to donate a piece of kinianl. adiednlng w.
Depot ginned, to a onnwetent mor compasty, to
eta elms Hotel upon. on wbkb . fonntaln on be bad to
" 111%1 '1' 4 Vbr cetVr:lnlirbertl ' eri 'the ces of Pitt.
bough and Cleveland; oleo, between Pittsburgh and Woos.
ten and IL. bared to be _derived from the Plank Road.
lOW being constructed to and fromkalem, makes It con of
the mast Important panda on the /Ina of tanned fora ant
Salem. 0.. Jul,' 1. Yrneartte
Valuable Cormtry Beats for Bale at Auction.
Ilig SUBSCRIBER, - divided his
1/Allsl—containing 137 acres, eituated in am lawn.
within ten Ullman . welt of the Ohio and Dittyl
nu:lLn Helloed. and Ain Wks teten Allegheny city. on tL
Deaner tad—into ebok• Lou, containing from four to
sem each, trilleell the name, by auction. on VIM
DAY. the MA date of AVG um 71.51.
Tholand is of excellent quality. and in • hlgh gas of
cultivation. hoeing been kept as •WI Lon for
natab alum- The Len on the Dune hear.
corthards, two of which are of the one-litre( Mgt.
It la veil Wanted for Country Denis or Oardening i narpc•-
" gt 4 h 11 2%:= Y e. ,, v41..
total payments, with Wrest. to be•seard i. :Lbr e ; w ad .
c0n...1111 1 4 gai viil be
d' ofA ir nina Vd'-k. A-
' 7 , :rrakctsgit " 7
- eusieltd.Y.Y.3
Cony Property. --/
undersigned offers fOr sale a Owe of
Lad oostalatu between to end its len, slowed
en am me t.suss tom MlFirle to Yost Liberty. Min-
Le • tes rode of Llee Cookal roe. Wlthka is flnot t of w g
=op th e nowt to Is ne 1 adepted'ke is on.
ou. A manor of the f ronool ina_z To m tae
Panklns Howe of ,14 if. a luta,
Jraoteerate- ' ,/ ' ,
Valuable Real Estate . in lleav,er Candy
THE enbacriber'offers for sale the following
annwe. E.osreoant7,eania. lota
No./ tad 4. baltx about WO bed wide/tisane.
14 one block of /bur thaw riarellbig• and one Ma sh.
trains dulling, all two Mateo Web.
balt'One bot 50 he trout on Hark Mut, opposite the
. abore, and estroidlog to the top of U.', bal.
Two brub lots, rub 50 fur groat, and routing
ftrna thy wed to low Inter mark, cease 61; Baur.
No. IL One valuable water lot. SW feet co Wheel Rut,
wllO 4t
btt . Soot bent. and
*Alto the two el wolth erwolod
r oe
two /amp brisk stone eadirerabouse, by 50 hen alum*
d. *Alo dwelling, two Mate Eloit•
" TA g 1 :1 t r w
BtlB ', h:a
xv= ,
ompuntag aue, on white are eroctlol two large trams.
W•olllosP000d one /moll trams tor. tubed as an odic..
thw lral=s Sokloo.
bl.47.:borit l one
00 Int
: nn' are ' t
wool to tow uter mut. or -
cot sold btu Thuudar4M ' l . : at drylember
wwlct. at pelyotolotlo. tUra Ow al as pabqo
on tho modem: Tama sr .• •
g"4/ketre Aunt lbr Jobeston • SiorldratY
.. Viluable.ReatEstate for Sale.... ,
ittE follcra l iok described properties are oP
irt-"-MlSSlrilu . cors , ton tuall - EnniA,
eneMa, AM occupied t; w: he
, 11. A Os.
Aleo-• lot he the Mud. itudargh. bounded
by Ma ilanatARCIA Rollin; Mill on Ms mat. and boson:
about Put co Ma 14monsbela tit.. • '
• • home and lot to Um city of Allegbitust. fronting
. .10 fee on tau South Commou , Immo. Pasclusky at. and
East mon. .1 running back . Water alley IMO feet.
adiol i the propcny Of llanney Childs.
A A lot, partly in Nom tab partly In Kamm Immo
abipi, the wood lot belay the Karim Llespltal. froadicula
. the Ohio Mamma coutanittog about 11 amoa.
Also-A hot. and lot.. A/lealtany MM. toy ototthied
by .Ird Cive.ll. front An on Haut Lane. and Item di.
Maly under /Seminary Hill, contairdat about la' .
hoOtAlso- . .
About tam se. Of mond. tee city of AI.
oe, r, aotiointim ttie rotten. of Chatlearever. front.
the Plank .P.Q Pith • large mai bandm/Omly built Iltup
aka Ileum lberaom and mro ratings of Pater at eltber We
MeV, mar mow. by La:tomb. :
rtollm t‘i JOdEPLI
s Omni atmet. Pittsburgh.
For. Sale or Perim__tut Lease ,
oft la out lot no. De. la the orisinel plea of the torn
Allethear, fecatins on both nese cf Ratoota Argot. any
on Rank /Oat. • •
Al.. for rent for oae or-mole tha residue of the
oat lot on the 11111, exterullns back to Mtge street. lately
oorarkd as • Won , . In
fer terms, cos., enquire of Mr. HOAR BORLAND. war
ant m an n
. el. of the ann:Dm at L4 n0.101
Ulna street. Pittnuersh.
Beal Estate for Sale.
VALVABLE unimproved LOT, on the
t 1. maws
( of Met= Eat , unimprov = ed
Wf a rt :
:ciT d b t ; It; get deep on } 9 &elory. 4 innuicao b ook to
.11 E;0—vetotrireo y ➢rick Dwelling — Linos* co Liberty
rirowL &draining trirfifborw. th e lot being lb 3 Dot trout by
103 feet deep . The bowie ia large mid °rani:dant, built
modern stye. end tontains eleven mos.
Ared..—Lli &cm of very valuable land new Sharpsburgn.
Alor—A Vann °VI3& acres in Wet t Deer township.
AD.—A Fun of saes to Lawrence county. 5 nal.*
hum DO Cagle.
Also—Tarrin to Deaver county. of various &nes sod
prices, from me valu a blee
moderate. Enquire of
. 1 00p IL imec.
nittuneYs at L Rai Locate AirmatA
niyU • stron. Pittabmvh.
To Farmer.'
. ,
... . ,
. .
/ .000 .I.l . RtS W Farraing • = i d Grazing
/11 , : i i:emir rirr.r. within Voodoo pato& of u tt Nor log 2,1
Also—Loo d.
0 Awes irk Elk ocozaty of r saloon so
1144 . Wm. Enquiro of A:WILKINS a al.
loyl moan of Korkot wad Third oft
• To Gudeners. .
I , IW iINTY ACRES of Gardening Land, al
. ready miler good cultivation,lodhiii ono goo.
y, Co sold for good orre—ont third cash,
4110=00 One, tIVN, trim bard. For partterdr.S.
dulro at the Buda. U092i1l of
wyl , • oordor of Market and Third ata .
For liale:
171rEmembers of the Fairmount Fire Com
roffery thelr.Ensb. for sole. Ls orood or
der asellelliOe Enoufte of
• !Mita. Peep.
opktf No' 409 Pe.stroert.
For Sale.
LOCK OP BUILDINGS. oo the tomer of Wash.
i r yl ' 11a7.1175t A7.;,ivlr tge - i.:;, d
„ 74
at gem" V. 1.!. wt<` , 7 , ll. ..b rK f
to • [treaty feet elle/.
.. /..1.1. OL AviD 0R
No. 106 Penn et.
For Bale,',
BAKERY, with three Years lease of the
stand. on Federal eteret, Allegheny. The BaerThee
010.1.1 neolosary toe doing* large button*. The
Orlam and unturirameal In the ma 010**. Peke
For trios apply to . BAIRD &
J 717 • ' 114 Neoond at.
Patent C=l:,!ticks.
No. at Market Meet: inotber lot of ?Mug Caudle.
ta. • ner wild., at pftrt Enoch motet
Tarigmlt'.:ildiggetrOP:2the DaDL~ .n rr
• • Ten Dollars
OST, on Thursday er nig. either at the
m. 0.. or between tbe The tee and Grant "tree.
o Fortb, Smithfield, or Third te. a POCKET WAL.
;o oor Pula NON EAIE. conteinind Omit MO ha Mates,
UM* nwrr of to Talmo but urme owner. . •
be shore rworeml will borsht to whoever trill nicest it
Ida suit
galls. Wine;
10 bLls. Cidarilmve
nest J. D. WILLIAMS A . Ca.
CHEESE—Prime W. R..; for sale by
DALYL'LLt CO. Warily ..
QULYILATE QUININE--50 oz. for sale by
STl►___ J. KIDD A CO.
012°. Jacob Townsend Sareaparith-24
dot: far ad& by , .1. KIDD CO,
/YID wood rt
CHEESE- 54 boxes, on conti,., , aunent now
I, fo
nduw, ",,,k by DAUB DICSEY b CO..
7117 ,Water 6171Yrobt cts.
NO. 1 MACKEREL in quarter bble. for
by 181.1A11 DICKEY I CO,
' /Yl9 ,troter ond Front U.
RIGE— . -By the tierce or bbl. for sale by ,
teAttit,tlartme..col W.
.109 _
VUTDIEGIS,-1 bbl. for sale low to clooo
ermsignment. 18.1.1411 DIMLY A CO..
i7llO • !Water and Front dB.
LAXSEED OIL-5 caaksirazrantedpare
.7110 ,R. E. BELLY:BB, 57 Word it:.
1 lINIATA. BLOOMS-20 tone for ado to
• ./Y/
alt• lc o e caruignment. by XIKB. k JONES,
Canal Mali
REPTio 000 kbs. for s j eLl . b . g k
WINE,-,4,cheice aiticle, for fa4r:,
Urn..46y chai(on.rdnienl. by •
.171:4 • ... • , • . A.culAkeirroCLYt CO..
W.INDOW GLASS;--1000 boxes (Its and
. 11.‘"•'.1i4sluauoi.
etegmee RN Eva,: 111=FAri a t
I lstvwfre the Mx. sad bate
ea Walwaar. the 29thVi ri ai 10 A. . •
Tor freight cw,pswage.
• 1 • MEM and •
anir 19 • 7311 E 11111/V k 111311121 d,
did , stsnier 31A171,077M.,.. ,
master, will lease for ttu above end
me atedi_ pent. re tomorrow, the 714 inst., at d P.
nventa o s puma apply on taunt. , • ang2).
t OR CINCINNATI—The Splet- jd zie
all ta m at
laaas far thirsban aial laterraana points, on Yri
daz. the 2:d. atla o'clock a..
YOZ fralatit or pulsar apgi l a& Ara
and ankndid Iskalnar OLAIICIIN. Cant
•111 lam kr Una abate and
mMtsb nata• m alda daT. w a eetas, r. t.
Far nannt or Inman annit an Laud.'
deszcw• DWIINA.L. W. S: Camrell. WI
,k•do ite Lk, sbov• aitd intermedlata posta .1
Wpw.lay. WM Instaa_
_I, 0 10 a. it.
anB9 ARMTRON G. cBozmi4 co, Meats.
8171a771111 PACKIST—TL. feat
WELLEPiIIjx. Capt. B. Y , 5 1 41 .
•• • raialar packet Ware. PI - Wbeianz.
and a th.Loartag Piti.bolva7 Maltz
aftcniaan Wan.Stintbenallte. aM
en.ri....Laanan3ca. • lot. 13tsnlam•tUala
sad an.lnna••
liOrVar laMermry Ta alla b:ga', arnarntnaltaraccal. =I boadrah
i id , a7 nrm.
, Par y kt i
i Mmaimzgy no
~ r y l y ip
.pleacad will steamer =Mart B.
Neter, will hare Mr the shore and all
interinediat• porta. ma the gest riae of water.
" if r tght P IM RlELTEt r ritit " Elt. Aze t
iivrxrr errnßritait & suinnsa.—
PILOT No. 2. A. B. Crane:Maater.
will leave Pittaburgh for Me:cg. Cantina and Smilleh e
17err Templar and Friday, at 11o'clock r. returning
:;:vea handalo for Captlna. Wheeling and Pittsburgh. or:
err Wetincelarend Bettirdarad.lodelork.a. 'L.P.:women
and shlpperscan depend upon this: bait ranning regularly
ming the low water seas=
For ftaght or passage. MIT on board- myld
_cnitinreir.. Captain John
Um. Ras Opleadld boat.. built
tio owners of the acme, laze Nrotoo. sod ahem for
tae andrusaLl sod rittsbargh Pookot food, soa lean
.He Wedoescby Clouttooott.LO place of the New EnV .
.lotogo. Yorfrel r at roar t alli .m o Ito,flooz%
3 Kt s ki• • : s •rr :
L za a.
dnind lea Plttabaj.t2.,...oced..k
Wfe l7 W.I. Vdatt-trat
Wb. ^ - 11 .5.”.7
14nTi"'"k. "lttaMirehlzg.ine.
LICIPORT.—The It. rtrascurr PACLITC.
.Latarter, viii lean. for the above =I
Iwlt , .very Thruxtrr, at 4 o'clock. P. If
' for freight or T armagrapply en O•Td. Ot tO
sadao I ' -
," • ,
T. WOOLS a am. Ka. 6.1. Water awl Calmat ata.
ion Timetas OP
AElONG,dertaintioun cliscoverks Wince
haa mi to ibis geseirstlost to Eacintata dai liothain
1 et lag, Ira am Ito attiontarit, and even Frame the teat
1 gy !.e.,,, , aggaggggg, wag am Ita gutlea of gam mania*
to than thla ondidlaintioa of Cliasolatry to the
Mating Art. A gad trial.of Its vlatool throaaboot atto
vast lieraatri, tag promo bengal a doat that ho asedicias
or coaddostlos of atedirt know.. out ma isinilr =a
aro! and ears Cu sassiervoir naiades of palssozary dram
which ban Wimp oar *Wrist tbinuasida sad
thousands erresiT 71.. / .. .a.aied. then la aureaboadaat tor
mot to Wavy a milady . has' 0 ]swath beat total aluch
ems be relied on to Oat" goo moist iltogenius alifacticad al
Lb. bait. Oar ,pane heria6l riot vomit as to Nabob
atiylavportioa of du carts ofbeted by. Its a., bat Ira
pasiasit e. Aothadita **basis of Loh:mg rasa. martyr
,funtur entottry tei the, dards:. which the stows helm
assaad'sral samara be pleated to faistribfeceoitharela ars
fall parttoulari. sad hallatndatle woof of thew facts.
p. Ma Proageed .Mirial arlemtlr at:Arafat PRO
7.1.5011 ALITC2f
*Ames C. Ayar—latt 1 hoes coed Your dam Yeatnral
In goy font ewe of deeplesated Breaelatia, mat sat satiated
Than Its tbsogicla oosaltaticeo thaz It to an aithodriehts too.
..road for the read of Javroschil and Inotiodal dadicattisa
. =7 oplataa as to Ito snagragr agsgatag eta be of ea,
..rn.• 7 ' . ''..!: _ ,11,7 ” Ind !AG& Mr,
Prow. the isiddeLtida_ d PROFESSOR olazi.x.fx AL
l &teibl i a l. 'idars - rf
• •
] mo d MaCtoeir= la a atc=.dioxi
Isola wasee of th• toot ankles ta - th• Mau:is 1 1'".. po • : d t aad
• my eidastone tasairly Sr ths etacs of dames It be ham.
4•4 to core." . I !Iry Norco. Ct.. Nov. I.IWO.
614.708 PAST:MON. Presided cf Oa tr. C Senale.vtato
, that ha Us nod the Oteavy A i etaraloaliti Iroadaeol sae.
sees. to =a sattioioagaideo of the ronspie. --1
. . Poi" akar Ma Atai a l t Ate saaldasa. , -- •
.. kir, Avail 31.1612. • '
.Dr.J.e. Arid. loSeell—litar .I am bow amataatb
magma= ?Googol la serr roadie, azdjasiforkt to
avistdraotar7 coaplatata. Yr= *bare
.Hirt of lipa.o lams cam. Ito. comb:rad it win
maths. coda 01 disdaia of Mo , IE L that have got to
foto.. all apse Maass' . .'l la hir re.maraeost It.
ate of tookrotimaca. lad r It mach tlai beet
V Warn falba: thaseas. , , . • - ,
areotfallf rms. 1". 6 ctraw .Ltlii N. D..
Prepared awl mold 117,7'611= C. Arrs.Fm=ai ca..
I s
V i i.A4 - -
lo ASleshiWECtia..lar
‘ IL.
Q Err S' ' mit '.E . G.E.liaaltexar r .
ky la Anil. induce.. failed ts oepel arm."
Wed Conn House, Va_. uly =164..
M. R. Y.. attsster —You •111 swollen thAP. when wet
were to Pittemuutt. la November loot. you rrovolled um u,
to try your Vamlthge. to test Its woo., we dkt to. sad
thontth the winter In sold what we purchased, which
t••• It a Pelf Ponta/lon. In May last we purchased more.
which was &nosed of lesnatthately. lee the. *tiered
nom whyleh *rel cm the Valk of the pretest month.
saand on yestaday ub we sold the last of 2 dos. bottles. W.
now wish TV. .end VA by W. dast Safe conevyaney. a
clos. mom. • flad , Vo xenahla • toadleitw. that wrery
per i. talec nr it o tat= ,. 4l ... s lg= i n bep, =ea .
to corttheates of Its ethel hooey. Out of lb.goagottte
w• have vendsd. It has nom. *Mt - Anal* instance. felled
to expel wawa. W.M. C. MILLER .• CO.
Preparal and sold by B. E. cyr Pme N e . by Woad si
teal • •
To the Deaf!
TIEAFNES , 1.5 1, j .= in-the '- head, and all
AN Wastrel:Xs from the ear,. 'seedily aitil
Priseinill ` wato! Y. gezl. r tr.
Sorcery, and °1 99 Arai st. Phrisilslybisibeintti =mum
his teturn fors few day. Thitnumber , importance of the
cues under hts inn on his recent visa, sod tits gratifying
amount of 611.210 which Ittende4 ii i. treshas. in
duced tibia to extrodlis his rsturo. slay . out b &-
KV °:" lr ' b:Mi d ja ` reist=t, l and 'iits'ATar
Dr. IL mar to eatisialtrid, wail Intuits. =tie,
beroad the feattoblooss,
Valnelle Improvement in Trusses.
DR. HARD'S Improved Patent TRUSS
and SUPTURL EZl=T.,lff talon • Nraismat
case can be anted. This Timm Is entirely different In
form =1 prlncifiles of action from other Trusses. hating
.11 the adeantagen of a trallonntlated sad maim mew
am She pram. can be ao regulated am to stye ease ao4
enalbrt In the tont dlficalt awes cf Henna. and eta be
4to almost wanes &siren Tie P.n.. ie..
t betas btoogbe to bear /.4e , e , eely ono the
kennels peoltut. and annollag perfect enmity end nano.
tloo et all times. mu under U. town violent exertion
11l nu. nee of tide Trou. when 14:11propeolyby a WWI.
p.lthe amer Ls beyond tne ttanger of
012, .114 Y otbn peinfol map
tem. arid& tm pot an anfrennent *ammo to the wean
On of 1117 talented ulnae. it Is a very mom= Innottom
tor persons Onated .1141 Rupture to Wed. e tram wan.
ply It thenteelvea TOO le a toe practice. ertdola camt be
11.11.17 br those nno andareatal the sostOacf of LM
parts anectt4 heroin
vaunt most rerseetfully caU tie.. of l bw
clans to Unt Tram as we know nUI appreciate Us
value, We alee bale earsetr of other trasaes at QS
loved Drina. Infant Truena tete cocim on haled.
KEYEZU e 41•
140 Wooden . ttentrah.
Dr. Hard's Abdominal Supporters.
TIIESE SUPPORTERS are intended thief
ly for the eery of Prolspale Merl. arid el those dis
eases .her. • atiebstilcal ettptext tq the kbdogstual Vicera
readrot They give perfect support to the attleatiosi
orgesie. soul may be mon vita ocau •Wt hy
_Stu die.
eases pro:Word by e_serveknees of Pb. abdominal auselee
are Piftde of the 1 8oN
~.16 ..Pilee. Costive,
;Mug of VeZt Brgrilas,. eh of ami E lf th.
rowan, of the La, Dnpepels, gni sews! debility.
jet . . 110 Waxi Pittsburgh.
Sellers' Liver Pills
littumeitiat toplte Pittsburgh,Pal? 24 , 46.
..Ik . r. R. E. SEUERS:--I. take this oppor-
tuna) or teat/fling in favor or your Inman:able
en a about two yeate ago, and talon down with
wrens hallsounation of the liver.WM so reduced by
nighti:sweata and other effects of this dreadful dims.,
that my life vv. despaired of. After other means had W
ed. / warn:Mead by my phyaielan lo try your Lieeil,
end must ear that alter taking on. boo and a boil I
have been rtutonal to reasonable health. which I enjoy at
this time. I therefore take pleat.* in recommending
them to others afflicted with Ceram of the Live.
Yours respectfully. JOIIN GIVENEII.
All other I LL call s) "User Pala. ars counterfeits or
base Iniltatious. The genolee arkpotpkred and sold by
fee • E. Eglii.Y.lta, 67 Wood st.
X. Basin's (successor to Roussel) Perfumes
• for the Handkerchief.
IEXTRACTS of liege, Orange Flower .Jon
amine, Portusal, Verbena. stet Venillagat•
e. i f , r g reg=ll:= l %,""treptt o
afouscellne, Inberoso, DaII,IIIIOt. Camelia, Honoysual,
Jonquil', Jockey Club. Lila, Mambo', Poring Mama.
Clement, West Had, Joany Cam* Cltrouelle Beast,
pand Extract Must.' In one mango bottle* crith glass at
er. .111 the eteee.Utractaorbleb aro only • put of bb
ailsorunent, are abbe very best quallty,biltm tuanuleo,
tared arid, efpetlai The oaten/11n sales made lh Ma;
oauntt7. fully teat the blip I:alb:W.1On In Ida& ther
1 White Paint.
ceived and for sale at tioe.l wl9 Weid st . A
' •
..11.—o Invite Ito attention of Homo sad Slsn - oit b
paoteeo t st. article, which we haws been naing sq.
wards of tbsse suntbs. and can necamend to he superior
to white Iced mi b tlatmer s ma;p r ri.. Isudeoi of
..4 abo l ortring
the t
qv tir i ttla k ifiesbor mom bitlllnrone t : It wares
Meter bawl nom and Ls mon dursb:o for Inside or °Maid
work. It Ell not rub no. antl tan be Imbed without Im
um and as It emus noon rattanwith eqnsltelsr,bb It
neaqas cheap as Isla. • •
was J.&71.11E1LL11.4.
Sims' Fire Proof Minimal Paint.
TRE eubeeriber, having 'completed his es
tablistarcentt far the nreparaten of fha share =meal.
arucle. near the_hee4 of federal stoat. Allegheny, te
parad to toril. ah
throne. We neenta Other dry. ca
ground O • ' • .• '.76 MU,
J. A. Cool4 i . M u Corner. of . Third add Recd N.
JrNervin .1 126 Liberil it sq/_
Jr=ourdass, ir.d2odd.
-CODA IuSII . 650 casks, of our own mann
facture.' aranaand of as blob. tnt. .LT I=Port.d.
,and for NU at Ulm krnestrMgnii .
, • ;
non war Market
. .
Patti:ll:ugh, Cincinnati and Louisville Tcle•
FEW SUAlLEF r fi ll au"a Stock wanted at
a: anadas a co.
SAAPPA-2°°, wska
zvcs for B.=yir
al* by 733 BE:MEW. BERRY t CO.
WOOL! , WOOL!—Cash paid for the differ
d" g 7 444 " 31 " s:a v. luanavon.
111,01tATE POI'ASIT-513 lbs. for sale
lIS • 11•881712008 01-
. \
3': ~
._ ~.5.
.. . ,
i .
. •. ,
• k
. • -
. .
i IVIEDICAIA:N: -4 r ;, 7-
. ..
- add's .3redicated Lipid Cat- .-- - ' .1
y.KIIIS ARTICLE is intended for finuri r -. , L
and mooedmooed be fount in we ptemiodst, of enotri 4! ..1 ;1
Um land. bisebudererbo are Is conntrat daoda,
MunlT to their perm. Umbel maddsett mal.tho haw. , - •
er or tandem nee of Molt, mill tind NN b• Meat\ •
aabbio to tbooi. sad after • fay trial otll cormidor it Win ..
tHmietl TWA
made am of may ontify utJudd e.. ine
Moitmacti undersbytted. barb* fre- \
y Liquid Hatialamm.
raked by Marra Yenteld 4 Camp. ItkLileto%a.
cheerfully recommend it to otn—profemiceml es
....• aueUent otbettteste to adtmeire plaster. In
..=.tot t AT i eo rz, bra , ?ca ,.. o alladat d d . lreati .
1 6hAMI,Ed 140 - 39TAIIDOL
..,. • , WM. IL CAW 11. D. , • ,
1. rt HARILL/30S 1 :3 3 LA i -' • •
P. WOoDa.O/e 'M. • . . -
1 . HAMILTON 8 M.,.
Otetit MI Um McCain. Obleidaas I n tee Ctt L yst
Middle .
/or ode by . B. A. TATINSIYHMME a SCL, ' '
ATI, 6=4 WoUt se4 Ma t& .
113 put up in quart bottles, and mi.
taloa the strength al strrems te Loath Dors
so pay alrollar serstazi ittk.. s =
!u pt Dottie. or I.a Pr .I Llee tor ~u sta
',Mon been • veil eatabese. yaw past. that
earbpssalle. when plus ono tr ' ereetrgeepired. was Ito cW7 P"':"Lat hibl4 W erl b"'ll th". 4" .
th,74ll Cll" % ''saft . 6"'
smelt that JUMP BUJ: .
61r1 2r4 ASSALP.i.
HILLS Is the mural:rogation berm. dor pobtfo bob
Newel on mini, seientnic grtn !intro and of voslkesa
ettength.• The Unarm v vrithont,
to sod posta .i t
need. to
uricest eh 'tone.. a.- • - pclaNtrantrergilr4
before below need!. • •
Duni lhownestille also az/gains virtues ot antral
other valuable *gents. together homing the bat bane
portel sad modal:ins toe poster* mann ageat 1•04 _
koo world'
Iksoftda or 81K...Ev11. Canter* Tumors, &lan Of
the SUN: elpelas. Chrmue Son Errir,
*OFR rs. Scald Hod, Monona.
'l%l f
I:ta th= ta. litLis,Eoll.
• Diem. ofthe 1
Sidsrers. ,
mll4=of •
_ a. m. a from ' -
I . Pala la tn. Bid. mod 6
. darenstal Dabl . ty. Da= • ' .
iloos=l.= rd. 4.=.......i=0„' ' •
Pulmanary Alifecttoos, and all other daimon Watt= ID
i ' rump:: comoxrnair: - • •
Wu ...cmadaut. 7.. mala lareaularitko asei <OIIIIV
c.V . 4.z ... at Herron : Mantuan,
( I.o=dta Meat
tarmudanea ta LIE Comaltuldaost la
•••••••d to • OM= aad drialt. sal a. , tea . •
M tor tno Motota. and reale am plaasaam r a ..n a To l loy
maim to Bina Lick to o.73sess vat.. WM. or •=..
• I
minfollowhak ea eon ooeittlestai nos la
the ummelori neth•the=t m
provtletor of mtp L •
Rev. E. W. Debeic ts wine 4 me i rocusslltitherwn as ete
Woodcut end soomovlished leetor m then. &
.11m. E. Iltereanon bur be., known sA ma at the meet tal
ented and melons members that the Endue:ker. Conimeeed.
amid bout of Dr meaty Team and et this lame Is DIE;
the lalagt reg.:elite • of agent for the . M.
Beak van the world produce Win, RUIN -.-
ratiefeetosE teattfethy in fame"( tor tudlchmf
Betkr TafirarAy add Das Boa. Offered is limit if
- Yeersdra: • • -
:11xv. r. W. Emont...Bay. L klntramall."
r, Di, um. •
W• hme need John Entre Emenertllcarnu.;
s • end Ma harelcarcern
Eta be med. with entire. eatakeetket and me have no to.
Ration ha dating that we bolls. It to be a We and my
able a:WSW camoutd. and ems toted lb tamtnee
good atel relieve seat mderinett woad thud=
et=ally , end Most earnestly
,nvma mend it to the allc
, : •
• Bramrawi. 411.3&A DUN. •
Haw w• all edndr• • Hear beenatal whits MIL ma 'a
thee calmed cheek. Haw often dove us ••m• =Joie .
seedrat tale •dedslaretenn 50 devoutly to be -
aortae to connetke. lotions. muhet.yenta. end ooketag
metenale. to tarn to thtem a ...tune of whet Dame '
Leggieed ß lhro= l. .th ac bent zn i t t atwr
b ee
It beecatiflee the the nth. by =mime em .. .parriga
morbid ma distend matterlrom the heel. It_ pane
huh-hey:me vismona. givens 'airily -
mewl. and chant:lnk Um piton end dart combenedhe fra • .
U. blttaz unt fr eedmen of youth. Ladle Mazda* thet •
nu of pants and sestorm and me hull. Parmeekllle.
the only elteculel ward U the wise ss
dear. =I • hint is enough to th e ladles.
Tertiesony Li to the Fa:owing,' Routers SalpOrjettosti
ag, Co stnient On the - Efeictuy of Bear Sim
'ma br. L. P. Yernsm. Pthhecoe of Cheadday ha ths
I ' losseS.LL. /Wind *deep
hem looked one the lint of lametionto onethoenk.
John itolPsOcan Extracted harreurilisand U.
hesitance in Myll that thee dorm • safe omunind e and .
ono that prosetwee well to throats Menem I. .00th it L '
apeoehia.": ' •L P. YAM/LLD. D.
. • ,
105.5 Dailbv erased -ft dd Zee- •
ainve Am. tt - al out =LW agitaaitt
• locumax. Duelt 23.151/1. -
I lure munned th e investintion th• premtration of
/*handl. bersanuille. and believe the emanination
b• exarbnatane. aml cskals...l to endue an
tender. impreedna is to system. / have steals bothtet
utile the prim...mode. sad think it thnbeet ankle of
eft. M. PYLE& D. D..
t Ph w reiden at the Loctimill' • Mune lionntel. I
S 101110E-Bmm. and ask ' the
have mother. • iLEYSEIL I.IDOW
LIO. Wand .recce, PEnbtargh, at= ,
- rw0,;u.'1271).1.1- CORRY and JOE. UG1•81,
shear cut emi by Drusmiste centrally. telidtweracT. '
Somata Statteine kreicto Cmannsgtifou'
Barresotess,Lencortheaor WiaiteOrregulir 3fa:;:Anttiktbs e , •
Incontinuence of trrine,Germalllatrealtmof the
Deer iced Spirits, and Glochrf State of Mar an =recta?
Dr. OPPooterEntiglef TerknegooFendScrsupanifoorbdth
times immediate rage by renewing the fountain of /math • '
and eltomitlh thalami It neutralCes laottratcas, atop
nunanorsl semattsms, araraSTM healthy tenon to , all the
trttalgarers. .
lii et.nti,. it geougarbgapplS..
cable to ths deader and delicate octothostion: af the fs. •
male2•ll immediately counteracts that thefretaeit4 =swap
woe (ad leadfaida 110 . 1.11131012 ths female frame, sal
imPartg an enema sod buoys:Ky . as sotricbigg ad tbe7
or. grateful. W. eridertm Ni which Indutme cm • .
stronaly to recommend this menetm to asnied prole •
who hare nett*eo bloseol with offspring., .
Promote Dteri,or Faghtg of the Worob; of Sea Mtgs. .
ding, cured by DrAblyeart's Extract of Yellow Dock and'
SarsaParllla. afteicrery other tench remedy hat been
tried vitt:lnt relief:
WASIII3OItX, 0., Tel.. 141.612.
This entities that my We. aged 2: Team. Lae sugared
modes the above complaint for five Team, meats all the
don condited to her bed. 1 have for fnis yew. eodedesdar
emplOyed the talent ant mad I:open:Med .
ads eectlts of 12.* country. without en 7 benefit whatever. -
I brio alas poirehmed irtes7 inatrionent recommended ton
the cum of snob diseases. .11 of which proved vrorthlean
in the Wins of ISA 1 was induced hr =Moo& to
' cry- Dr. GispietsSe Yellow Dock and hassappirills. which Weir
used Par four months.' After she had aped It dir about foots
wealth Ulna arid./ to all of wg that atla VW IS itTSanaja
gad from tbis aho Impronnt rapalt.s=d stained dash
and .treagth. at* Is now ettiot:laz riact ascallant
health. WIL 310111011 T,
Ws, beisbi sislittbors to Wm. and Julia llosdat,
that the acne statanwas, as to the sickness of Ills Iffs.
fort...sal ps to U. cute belay .fatted by Conett'e YeUo•
liosl and &asap:•an. anittricrly cross
J.1.1C8 EDDY. .
44 4 4
inng's Evil Cast of 0. M. ..riosard.
Itcooma Gam, Dee. 1.11112.
, .
Stearn S. P. Fiewatt & Oor.--Gents: Sc.ii tim.• Is 1543
1 Ina anacks4 !with Eines Evil in rar ann..lsk& Seam.
so sore I ootdd not use it. and to 1544 mornfeatima set In.
I sntPleYed. at different times. cash physician of aelettinf
within my rash: all told me my arm must be ampstadeeL -
Pram the snooper to the lora.= Ares toll of ranging
sores. 31ystraugth at tins timi was ampletely exhaust.
ed. and my, ierson much entaciitol. I math:sued MUM§
state until U.S. when I am as advertisesnant
Yellow• Dock end Sarmgerill.) which 7 mot. and emtibi•
tattle of the article. Guysott's Yellow Dock anti &maw
elle cured Met I took no other 'remedy while niingitt
and felt myself pert - tali well-lefore lading the Meth tat
tle. llad I turecilt et the first appearance of the nialedy.T
am taus it wall have need. eke Item Yeth, al Pain lina
rufferink. I most eariastly remsomend every uemon Nib
Bring under any dMilai diseale, to use Oursott*. Yellow
Doak and Sarsasuilla, which will restore them to !mann.
Yours, in =Mud.; O.IL BY.OBABB. • ;
OM of on aggravated ca.seef Erysipelas.
The tures performed by Pr. Claysoit's 'Extract of Yellow
Dock mad Sarsaparilla... Luting- The patient's general
health ocatitutes to improve after diem. is rcoaored..—
Cores are not chrinicled until time has fully tasted that
there MU be no relapse at return of the Maas.
Beaver. Ilarkiams co. Yetrusty,
Y. Bennett Y Co.--Gents: Itlawith grim:pleasure the
I smite you about the eery happy erects of loat Yellow
Doak and nazasparilla upon my son• wk. haalang ben sot
feting wader tbat dreadful and loathe:me Benne. EmiPa„,
al months .treaded by seem of oar beet phYMeins4 nht.
tied their AM perwrreringly for five months. without inT
beneficial mold whatever. lie hennas reduced to a per
fect •akeleton. :Ile had ulcers frOM Ws hip te
matt. :.31ediad and surgiail skill was bated Physicians -
end etet was hopeless: then could be =thing
darn: o ,trot the.. terrible firehttehhtt ulcers. nate:t
hree and myself thoUght. his • dissolution seer at, haul.
O. °flay naightimajw. had aired .child of &8,1%,1*'
with your invaluable Medicine/ wished me In man ni.let
it; modonate teem the:wiles. deedre tOdoeotoetlaingwhile
life laded. than from any hope of getting relief, I procured
three tattles of your Yellow. Beek end Smsaparl/1a....nd
• commenoed using it; tad to my astemlahment he bona
improve before be bad toed the third bottle; and bans
he had mad • half damn tattles. he mold walk mg.. Ile
used in all twetra tank:adoring tt. Seer 184.9..0rit7
lobes last b. was perfectly motored. Entry watts, of the
di.hile.ezetyt the wawa, isi removed. and to stoning
perfect health at She present tin... Bit reaorerT: under
the b.,,..d00 of Gad, I. euniely owion to. the the of your
Yellow Doak and Eartaparflts: and lemur. you that; feel
myself unelcilreat oblistitor to you, sod it is withmerat
joythat I infonn you of.what your Eareay•rills Pas don*
5.14 ivy J.D.NU - (=duo - Or to Sanibel k Part)iburlb
and Walnut stmt., Cludonst4Obio, Geom.] twealtor tho
South aul W. to.wlma all orlen muatts sdthaimaL •
J. Kidd 2 Cc- 8... t. Fahuestmt k Co., J. I"
Warm ir, Plateberrdh; L. A. teener; Alla-OurCity;
L. K. ReaslL Weebis,.tan; 4 11.1loarle, pracnamy U.
Welty. araeadbl.m tosnr.r.Tornerark Scat di Cam..
Dedfard; teed k Son, Iltuattagdon; aLre.Orrliollldanbars
Itildebralat A . Co, Judie= J. K. W!alght,
Era= i Co, Ilroatville; A. Wilma 2. lionOraji.b.s
blclaralnel AC. K. Callender. aleadeltr.. mutcris Co;
:Aloe.Gralaido. h Parker, Mercer.lam. telly koi,Dc3..
'ler; 8. amity. Dearer. J.. o.2. , nzunerlon. Warm; 1;. 7. tC.
B. Joni. Coo P. Crcologids.:Brovasvill‘
ler,Prict—Ta pir Bottle; six Bottka for $s
..rx-st. nor
&leis! piano Preceptor: ' • ,
A. LEBER . b da just received &rye& ;
bnatt4 L"r,
:nr F
fge. to rl " l , e narst . tlxilciod- mantrf~ oTer
cr, cell ttawn ta one a ttannatsuountataloSmacaoza
for beet:men-cal ottolla. D.' here supplied a triatt. long
wanly fat by Igo nnabloal Dottie, rt.: an elzonroa • ..
knolt,groonsallar and Interesting to the DOW. both In Its
'curdle, and tunes. thus greatly tad:Mann and atocntb,
tog the saner bat tattoos and ittmos.gazt atudy
de and piano pining lartbllowtngDtotsgathologe
ezands.llbe woik. ato ratmul to: . . •
1100= EtattorALosalloann.faingitike • m
'-., V'