The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 19, 1851, Image 3

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    . . ,
• 7 •
- ",or
Scorr ScuttVonvention for
'dream Pennsylvania , 'namable- at the'
rear if i t the American Itoteron Pefin'atreet, neer_
the coat bridgecon Wedoesday, the 20th Mat lit
Tti Committee of Arrangementa hive precar
ed So on ILdt corner of .sth and Smitheald ate.,
(eatrebce tine Sth'et,) ma the Scott imodlasr..
tare:'.' The CODISilli4OO Fill be: in attetahume on
Metall? end Wednesd4 at that plus, where .
delegates are requested - to report' ttystneelvatien
their arri rat: • '
There will be 1 meeting :¶t_ the American go'
tel grounds on Wednesday , evetting, at 71 o'clock.
Go*. Johnetatiend other spielers will Address;
the meetings.
By order of the
Coxxrrrse ordittes.eetwisr:=
Aim large and enthusiastic meetltig of oar
fellosisithens, aseirobled in tie • Idarltet , House
. ,
'Of 'Allegheny City, yesterday eeenilg: .., .-
sseetingrras called to order by appointing
:JosraniCnrai. iscp; President, and - 211./tienDel
8121IPLII ALIIIDRZIffiAVIDSOH, V,i c o Presidents.
Messrs. Tunes - K. -Kennedy and LAI: Rays
were appointed &enteritis. , •
Josiah King,,,Facp!,in taking the chalr,vbserr:
esi Mud they hid met in pursuance of St call
Which summoned all the friends * of Scott,
johmson and protection 'to home hultistry,, to
meet in the - Allegheny market =nu; at early;
candledight. lie was warranted to almuntaciog
that a promise contained in thit namely
that Governor Samna would address Me meet
tug, would be , - •
Ile Legged to Ire allowed hireturn his atMems
thanks for the honor' conferred • upon him in
calling him to preside, on an occasion se littered-
Mg. It wee an honor which he did notexpeot,
and he feared he wee not competentto discharge,
tie duties devolvml upon him, pleasant and grati
fying to atom they were. : ,
It fat scarcely necestutry for hinijo bespeak
good." 'onier on the . part ,of; thou attetopng
the meeting,- oo an iicresion :Of soUre occur
rence, 'namely, the attendance et the *el
Magistrate of tho people, from whin lips theY'
would learn the', principles which "luagovented
his admieNtration, and which would again gov
ern mule, of his re-election. Be' trusted
that in o abort time the:Governor, who was_ not
Mn-Darale was called on fora speech, and wi
tting, said that his fellow citizens had Met that
night for the; private of bearing an expresaionof
the:views of Me Governor. of Pennsylvanie,inVele,
tion to the policy which had governed Mtn dn
tittg his edminietratlon. .lle had been'calfed on
to it Iceopy - the Mind until his ! arrinl, end
fOr lice life of, him, he did not know what to
ire did - dot. wish to occupy .1111 i ground:OA
the'lloverger would take, and handle so 'much
more would BOY a few words, how
ever,: and he might observe that the Pe&arMt r
of our Goyim:lntent ente, , ,that all power under it,
was lodged in the beside ot. the - peons, tree,
'nude' t.tatetaie. kn.Emiecting incompetent.; ofi!
cers; the cOneemiences fell on their unt hndsi
Mul they" entre obliged , te, pay the result! of
their wiptef judgment,. had no dead.
that in that assembly there were men Of al par-
Ilea. •In every large meeting there wawa disco-
ally of opinion, but ho could not ban. teliiying
.that oil our citizens were honest In their entre , -
It :limy interesting to ensemble on,oeessions,
like the Present, and comps:ewe:bele views, one.
with - the ethir. The GorMior vaa'teiten pp. a
,new ground, but - one which he hair' red was -Ca:
:Teas T - #ll debmniced to address his' tenni
'citizens; in the varioos;ounties and explain
--Ilhat he had done,and -what hi intended to do.
, Pennsylvania= they had eireli a;deep 'stake
eipat he had dime:: This obi Coinmenwealth,
knisern among her tinstein seam Xelutuha State ,
radiagracedeome years ago. --Pte wee abnost
On the Tale of repudimion. Under the shelter
*her SonedgMy, sherefased to pay her Iton7
By reforming avast numbe r of abeam byre
eteliting.the apendisereinf She State, Garin
or -Jaunt= had mudded them 'agaizi to - Set up
6firithin -, thifirsi ale- Mantled ' ed
.° ministration; he had paid a
. 4„emporary loan of
*X 1 0,000; - Shitethen theinierest of the State
debt bad been „Paid, and more than $700,000
bad,hben ItPAriateg for the completiono f *"
*AO _ Thiel , hag beet , Pfevh; o3 4 . &mai
doped tOO,OOO had been paid jor the sample.
flop, of North Branch •Cened,--tind *, large
stun avoid' the inclined plane! Half. It run..
lira of donut; hadlikewise been 'appropriated to"
, formation et a winking fund, to tdtheetay
per the principal of the public debt. •
' _These facts were stronger Man argutratitv,
eat showed that • never befiire had we- had `no
good a dovernor (Cheers.)
. He knew,Nyyt lie bad eat forsix years
in the &mete Chamber with him--he believed
that be was in honest, clever Man, but he told
br'nn taaowledge of Min, that he was
.11014 the ' Johnston wan., wanted:John
;Wein outage end finsancis—thatfimmess wash
. - shiiald lisle him regisi- demands esfae PiMir
He could illustrate th ie by a Slumber
dot sneedotee,.: tat could brizig.:unthing etionger
. .
than facto to prove his easeoilier. A bill was
introduced into die BMW , wbealMe• Blgleehe
longed ,to tt, now well well knowit no the... Ge
neral Manufacturing .Law"-s
. law by which our
Meelusuics Meld :sesoliste themselves together;
'&11.1b44010 reantaetOrere. Etr. Blgler,would
not vote for it,bat subedit to bet_W, until
he went up the.§ittecluellethtet end attended to
hi t r:, th e theelet7 of the ass
hi Morays wiehed fo avoid
thin point of Mr.7kiisids •;pe F cb, the'Goi
incur Outlived, and Mr:. D. iovewdy.
' King said thetttsa pitbUi; el.:sew; Gar.
Johnston needed no introduction; ohne hi win
blown to odl, bat be might not:he Inoue an a
'private' cltloen to cone Willett sod he would
thereto* tsig 6 the liberty of tetre'keelk hie , to
the meeting. • ; •
We regret dult the!lateaesolei the heurrei
whieh the theetthg-edioefeed, invents, os (ha
eTitig & copious report.' of the Goveielore
ttaarki, which we had 'prepaied. .It wiliaispeor
th Reeree .
Alamo= latz4ta mug
. .... , . . . „
- ,- Before the Wm WM. It. MiCinre,.President
Sedge, and Wm. Segel MAT: L. Ifeutdillari,:Ae.
eitobtteJedges. -- i ' _ ; i. '' ' ... ,• , -. t
- •,'" The Court mot at ten creinek this • morning,
s liteitne of the jurors did not make his Appetit...
anite until eleven o'clock.- , ~''.,
~,-‘ t 4. ., .
.lobe Harper re-called—M r pro- .
;posed . to patin evidence the betiki of the Con.
patsy es as to give the mimed .021 the other side
e. - opportunity: of examining gleWt: While they
proceed.ed irit)k their abstract.; ' • . ..-- ... ..-...., :
Mr. • Alden raid that they could not do two
'. l ;.things it. once, examine the books and attend to
- , "OM abstract. They had nothad an oPportualty
i.. of examining the hocks;hitherto, owing to the
leftunti of thhOthifeide to furnish therm
• • Mr." Ilarper,l 11211 Betretary of. the Bridge
• 'Company. Mr. iltirpe:r, Proceeded; pointing ID
the books., These book is the subscription book
for the stook of the.Alleglienypidge Company
for littsburgh. It is the only , one I eon dud.-
- -This contains the. name,.cf- the teigineheteek.
:laden, with hinds:mots paid or not paid; in
logy happen; :It is thoearlimt record/ ion find
. "-Of the proceedings of the Comfisny. Thirtieths
i minute hook of the CaMpany. ~ nth is eisoir o f
,stook-legit , and. general amount book' of the
Company.. .It slat cootains 'setae of the rePorti
IniniaMtti to the Auditor Oeilital. . -.. ,
' O . Thiele the transfer boot This is the receipt !
hook of soils from the opening the bridge tin.
el•theffustC dividend- wee declared. This is a
day toed. •A These - two books , ere.thildivideird
s t
books; . Y 1 ps; .. . I ind 2, abasing, names of . stoat
: holden, d dividends declared op to the pee-,
. :cut lime- These-ere the legem I and 2.. , These
are the anti-annual reports; arid copies of state-
matte made to tie Auditor General. . ' .... ~.: i
i; I received all these boobs from my. predeces
'• - in oleo, except those - which I hors opened
. , for
.The bolas were then offeml is eridenee.
liy Mr. Yfoode=nr. Harper, Where did you
j. find tide book! (the enheuription book.) ' L ..
- Answer—l found it with come books that were
not In the Court House When Jon' asked for it
before. • This iv.the rooir , 'ration teek..of
which 1 have any knowled ' , :. There to a day
book not here., , The stock boo k fele the:heed
writing of Meresider Johnson,' the first Secrete
. . r y, , en teV have ever area him write. "and,
sza lanifilar with his hand writing from havin g
• 1010-overibiiecoidogibo ifirikor Pla t t:4k. ,
Mr. man ta t ieeted to the effer , of the biroluil
. .
in evidence, gofer as.thereretttbseontredletthe
defendants' pleit'ard'demenei, thereto, .namely
—that the capital stock wan enlarged beyond the
oriOns!.8000 shires. The .plea admitting that
the .eapital;Shiik 'hod not been enlarged, and
avoiding:, that eonflision of that plea, towthieh the
Commonwealth and joinder. Mr. eltahr that
the - plea clearly mit :forth Opt there lad been
no enlargement - of the capita
,atock. By the
Tales at Pleading , thb party: are conclOded,by
their Plea end demurrer, how then can they be
permitted, after that plea, to; contradict it, and
raythat thuitthe capitalatock was milked 401
absent-, Did not this. go directly to the lune
that Me hadZefianded the State of ono-halt at
least of that etock, because, tieing joiat partners
with the Commonwealth, in; propeition to the
original stock subscribed, if the atoek was good,
the State had aright, having taken 1600 shares
to their 1400, to reap;.their, proportion of the
benefit of such enlargement of nook. Besides,
if the stock were enlarged, the Managers should
have published that fact, so auto give to all an
equal chimes, and l not, as. appears to have been
done le this case;. considered the money bor
rowed for the'oompletiort of ;the bridge, a debt,
until the stock became.'valuable, and then when
a dividend was declared, turned the debt into
stook, on which divideeds hid been declared for
many years, Una clearly defrauding the State by
not permitting their to sharrilothisadvantageOtta
arrangement. This fact went to every issue. ,
Mr. Woods also objected that the books- were
offend in the last stage of the proceedings, and
not not been`prodeced hitherto. They had not
been offered when the had beenealled for.
Mr.- Staunton declared that the books had been
famished to the other aiderwhew celled for. •
?deem. Stotler . and• Loomis ,contended that
Me. Alden's Objectioddid not aptly, hemline,'
whether such were the fact or dot, it was not
triable betbre this court, but mutt be settled
on itiguementibefore the Subreme.Court, cm de-
ntejildelliAiqtesidedthst: the whole record
tiehur necessuily'hefore the court, • they • were
bound to tikei retied of the facts admitted in the
Judge McClure 'overruled' the objection, and
be. Alden :mated a bill of . exception.
Mn Staunton - preposeCto. slim that 2,412
shires of stock were subscribed by individuate.
That of these 452 share= ert abandoned -and
nothing paid •on them. That on 146 shares,
partial payments were tnade, bet not being fully
paid up, they were forfeited. That 20 other
sharer were partially, but not 'entirely paid up,
and no dividend ever declared on them.-: That
8,894414ra of . Biotic, including the state and
Individual sabsciriptions had been - paid up—of.
which 1,7 . 04'111170 taken by individuals, and 1600
Pllthe Siete.: Every dollar of the 8,394 shares
watipald np Without the application of any
. , • . • •
As s pert of .the sante.. offer, ho proposed to
show that by the retorim to the State; the ratite
orthei shares. we/VT.85,075, 'consisting of the
1'011611412g item.o6oo by the State equal. to $40,-
000.; 1794 ; shim, wholly Paid by, ndividuals ;
44,850,, those , two. being the - whole 'flameout. on
which:divide's:At:were declared;'and-a third
Sent of:20 thereon which $"^...5: were paid, but
'no wan !trek declared, •as .it woe not
Mr.lirooda.• objected,, unless the time of en
larging:and the manner in whidli the stoat yea
enlarged, &c., eras Asap. -11 e - wished to know
whet Pat of .the hooka - we offered in - evidence..
- Objection -orirrrnled ? • and. lull or extvtlotis
filed by Mr: Alden.
'. Staunton proceeded to read from the cab- icription beer.; show* that the book allonym
ed on the 17th April, 1816. Here followed the
eowSticiiiicifinbioription,eachetockholdet agree
ing t00,41:24,00 per share. - • •
Mr:Aldan objected,. unless the naMes Of the
subscribers ..were road. 'Objection °remitted. -
Sill of inuaMtiens filed by Mr: Alden. • •
- ' . lkir . •Eltarmten Offered to prove by the niinute,.
issik,the time * ben, the •Oonaohntioneni met to
.orreanise the - , Company:' - 110 - Sobjeetion, and Me
Stattetort.reed - the proceedings of the meeting
of Bth Of:J - 14i 1818., - • • -
•-•' Roblinan t luier.;:wat theiWappointed
President: thenext . meeting. on July 9th,
Seth:tea'. nimbi Itteen were akointed , "
Staunton jniocieded to lead Tuiotlll el.=
iracte tionithe-mittjttes,.. - to which. have al,
• ..fillindeCtuidLths Court adjourned at half
past!twelie • .
Mr. Staunton proceeded to :Iliad extracts front
the =tautene' the Bridge Company, referring to
points previously . stated,: '--.'
John Harper reclined—l have examined the
Ant. book, showing - the original.ntockholdent,
..;.Mr. Staunton wan proceeding to ask Mr. Har
per Its contents, when Mr. Woods objected. The
book itself , wee the best'evidence.
Hr. Staunton saidthat be wished Mr. Harper
to read 'the ‘migirud. itantes of the imbeenberg,
the stock aftecribed; the &mom% paid, and the
kin Needs said, that from the Arai they had
been anxious to get the time When the stock was
paid' in: They, maintained that snag , of „the
stockholders had been eo dilatory mpaying up,
that the : dividends declared, ultimately paid for
the stock: If they wished to reed a put, he in-'
alined on Kr- Harper's the:whole:
Alden objected: farther thitthey should
not be - allogrod to 'proieed. =lea 'they showed,
se *preliminary to ihe'whole, that'the books of
subscription had been kept open according to
the eat of assembly incorporating the bridge, on
fir as regarda the subscription of 1400shatesby
individuals, and tinker they Proved that they
had 'proceeded p ro ceeded to - enlarge* the : capital etoek,
in'tbe mantarpointed out by the 9th se cti on of
: act. . -
BOth. ohlectionl *ere overruled, and Hears.
Alden sad Woods bled* DU! of eieeptions.
Hr. Harper Proceeded.. This book is in the
hind writing kif. Alatandez Johnson. The head
ing purports to be .‘a list of smallholders of the
1 Allegheny Bridge Company,". Stockholders'
names—Humber of ithares- - -let instalment, 2nd
do, Std do, 4th do, Collide; Itemarkri. The num;
bee of stares sabseribed amounts t0r,2412.
Mr. Harper then .. proceeded to read the names
of the stiockholderW, and ) the amoixote of itstal
meats pea •
Bp Mr. Stanatim—Does it appear from that
.bOolt, whether or not the instalments of Thetis',
Deckhouse for 6 stares, - were psid?
.Woods.-objeeted. Whatever 'intent:Me
is to be drawn; from I.he boot., most be drawn
from its face by the jot*, and not . from the opin
lettofidr. Raver.
Mr. PlanatonContemied that Mr. /larger was
Objection nee:WileA, and bill of exceptions
Mr. Harper-4t :4per'imt. -Mr; H. nats mad
an.eatry from the bookoOntaiiring a ouster of
stockonientlly . in the rukarrof.,William Hasp,
to,tbs idiniittarnstats:ofJames Jack.
. .
:Otdiated Wass the minute
book • ordering :the transfer, arm produced, which
•Obieition oierteled. aad Mr. 41. aaahal
-hill of exceptions. — .• •
-;; Mr.- Harper proineded:;hr read the nexus of
tne elookitolders; and el* ;mount paid. Mr. x.
imp come' to another person (Mr. H. Balsloy),
"hose stoOk (The letter V, in the handwriting of
Mr. Johnston, stood for forrelture).tras declared
forfeited. Mr. Staunton offered to prove by the
book, the number of shares forfeited. ;
Mr.: Alden: maintained that. that book was no
trance of forfeitire. They Must prove [Oath*
manner pointed out by the.'act of- the o tail.
ture.t The letter they saki " fop
orfelttre bight, es well stausd for anything elth.
Exception overrule& -1211 sealed, by
objected to the reception of
the boolr;ott the ground that gorse . of.- the nets
tkuurithich • were read, were made upon it, in
Penal tharksi 'UOritrary to the legal mode. '
Objection overruied,, and bill of . exceptions
After the bookbad been teed, sfr. :Haunt=
asked—From your examination of the book, bon ;
many . ..ebante ,have b een . abandoned, how many
paidM Natty and Forfeited, and how many folly
Alden'.Objeited beestil et, Thai
could bane share's - on which fbe, dollars were not
paid eccordiog ' ls.the charter.` i...
Ent Before there could:be any
facts relative to non:payment'mnst be regularly
proved, Arid the order for the eale of. the stock
"Melt b eentered oittiie'samites Of the
bin Elteruitori said th e case was not • question'
between ttie corporation and its stockholders.—
ehlttgeMsta taught by the stookbilders that
an/ fuffilturteMere Illegally made. ; They wish
ad' to'prove on the part of the corporation 'bulr
Mak?' shares tad been fully paid, end how litany
had been aFandoned, . Scarcely any one subscri
bing stook, ever paid the money on , the ,pot, but
malted untilthey mere called on afterward&
Mr- - Alden contended
.that any , fact of this
kind moor, ho regularly Proved. _The power of
`forfeiture was aldah - prerogative,Snd there mats
no appeal from the' decision of the Company.
First. lt must le proved that the:shares were
.legally forfeited.. Second. That they were regu
larly- sold; and' third, that if the corporation
bonght in this stock,' the State had their- fair *
thane of Wised received tho dividends 'there
, 'Objection Orbit:tied by Sedge? McClure, and
'bill 'of objections filed,
'Examination , browned-146 chafes were for
feited,' 452 th erm' more abandoned On bratty
sharesi-partial payments, amounting to $255.59,
'have been'bade,' but they 1114 not been forfeit.
ed.' 4294 sham are entered in the names of in
,dividoils, and V.oo.tiy the State, 'which hare
all been paid: This 'appear/ by this =dottier
books. This book has been in my possesnon
ednee I because-Treasurer. - Home - of the - tally
nutria on the booki were made by myaelf,7„and
tome by Mr. BakeirelL The marginal letter on
the pages were made brldr. Johnson. •
Staunton iras pniceediog to ask Mr. Haw
'per. as jlesestiotrielative to :another book,: Oen
, M3l:oo3NoqtddL: , Tltty had nosnAndediritb,
the book, and hs InuLk tight to . crotikenamlae
on int cantata. . lion "oicirulard.
The book containing the stock leger 'And
caiunts, wu handed to Mr Harper.
Alden 'objected to ita reception,- on the
ground gist it was not an original book, and that
It was only copied Prom original .entries. '
If I might name the book, I would say ;that
it wu a kind of petit leger. At sow time Mr.
Johnson endeavored to .pot down the 13/10:105
of the stooklioldors, the amount subscribed, and
the amount paid op. It differs from the that
book, ,because between the time the former was
written, and the latter, there were tranefers of
stock. The account in the' beginning of the
book; is drawn from other sources,
Objection °yenned and 6111.1 Of exception
. ,
Mr. limper 'proceeded. to read the account
containing the lumen Of shares of stook, and the
amount paid on them. . .
A paper marked I/ was handed to .ll.r. , Har
per. I found this piper among the records
of the Bridge company. It 'is in the hand
writing of. Alevander . Johnson . and; is .dated
January 6th, 1824. : It purports to be a state
meatpit of the condition of the Bridge Com any,
af that time, (which was the date on will h.the
Brat dividend win declared.)
Mrt Alden Objected to its-reception, o the
ground that it was not an original:Pa , -but
oowed :on its fate that it was a cop ~ the
origituel was lost, and it was proved that this
was a faithful copy, it might be evidence. -
Objection. overruled, and -bill of exceptiooe
. The paper was then read In evidence. From
it, it.appeared that the total number of shares
which had been paid, amounted to 1601. Amount
Pardu it, $40,000. Simber not paid up 215 ,
Amount $8,684.
Mr.' Staunton then offered - to prole from the
dividend 'boob, that no dividend hid been de
clared oit any shares, except those which . had
been paid up. •
. Mr. carper proceeded to read an abstract of
the dividend book, showing the , amount of. the
TearlyB2S dividends, • which have been made since
' • - I %aye rude a careful fulmination of the
books, mid this is • correct abstract. I and no
:evidence on the books that dividends. were de
clared on any stock not paid up; but the reverse.
The dividend book No. 1 is in the handwriting
of Alexander Johnson. In no singe instance
do I cad any dividend not carried ' out to the
stockholders: •
The' transfer book was then offered in evi
dence, and a number of extracts read, after
which the Court adjourned at 5 o'clock. : •
Gody's Lsdy's Book, Graham's and flartales
Magazine for :Eleptember have been received
et Holmes' Literary Depot, No. 74, Third
etreet, opposite:the post office; they are excel
lent runnbereLeobtaing • large number of steel
engravings, and fashion plates for fall dream;
also the ModelArchilect, containing original de
signs for cottages, villas, suburban residences,
&c. Each number will contain four lithograph.
in engravings of original designs for residences,
varyinen the cost of erection from eight hundred
to fottrtivin thousand dollars; there are also Ai
Melt Pt details correspoding to these designs.
Tug Rathrtoan.—Quite an interest - is being
aweJtened westward .Of us, in favor of pushing
through the Warren and Franklin Railroad, and
securing a connection with the Sunbury and
Erie road at its -most svallable Point. At Ra
venna, Franklin Oarretterville, Newton Fails and
other points, the people are stirring in earnest;
and we - are seastred that slarge amount of stock
will be taken along the line. '
We see by the Pennsylvania papers, that the
counties and towns of, that State prop:wed to be
intersected by the Sunbury. and Erie Railroad.
are holding oonventiOs and subscribing stock
largely.. lien s now to be no doubt bet
that this read will 4 completed, and the cars
running between EhUsdelphis and Erie in less
than two years. . '
Correspondence is now being had on the part
of our citizens with the President and Directors
of the Sunbury and Erie road, and we wee expect,
in a week or two, to be able to place our readers
in possession itt,taone accurate - ad reliable in
formation with regard to the proposed connec
tion of the two roads. It is-proposed, moreo
ver, to holds convention at Warren. in a few
, weeks, for the purpose of inviting public attms
tion more fatly to the enterprise. The, project
isnertainly worth looking at, and we trust our
tartans, capitalists and business men will in
form themselves in the matter. Ik -the mean
time, let those astready alive to Its Importance
work earnestly.—Trestbitt County W 74.
ligarrizat. Ilattmoan.—Tu a latrarers.—We
lawn that the surre7ingparty= the eutem end
of the HempSeld rail md line hare nearly com
pleted the foeaboa of the road Gem Greensburg
to West Newton. Thee report the route as ea
ecreedinglylayombla. But UWa regarding viii be
necessary; the root being nearly level the entire
distance.. The distance between these two points
is some two miles shorter than the first calm
lation made. . .
The-party on the Western end of the road are
proireesing rapidly towards this. They are now
near Clarksville, and will be here probably next
week_ •We learn thst the distance by the road
serteTed, from here to Wheelinc, viU be two
miles •ahorter than by the taropike.—
kn . /kw/ten . -
We publish the foregoing sllp .from the Wash
ington Reporter for the purpose of making some
necessary corn:ekes. Our neighbor Isla error.
We areinformeduponproper authority, Olathe,"
is no reason to suppose that thedistance by the
line surveyed from Wheeling to Washington will
be say shorter, or even as short as that by the
turnpike. What was gained near Wheeling will
be lost near Washington. We hare authority
for saying, also, th at the dbnanosbetweenOreens
burg' and , West Newton will not be two miles
nearer than the first calealatton made.' There In
no reason, • to donbethe Unit estimate:was pre
tynear correct, thotaN thedinance IMF of cones
depend on the route selected.— Mal* Oaretta
Q,CQTCH SNUFF-30 boies Bomus' eels-
S.7;bratd lifinll;lU utid Xlll.lopas, far by_ -
ssall , • WICK 1 IieCANDO .• • •
beta as td ZS ISM 1.40A:a WM layle
laid" will b add as mod at vas lew War
Alp. 6 earat of those &warshipB mat MOM tbe
MA . FAZ. 29,i Large;
'101:811,1y1 A. C1P.W11011.191,
hhds. N. O.•
'/) e i.ol??MittriAlt
or oalirbt ' .
N • 0. MOLASSES-150 bblB.4:prese;)
Forimils by CIIA QUAIL
3.9 LI tmt.
SEL MOLASSES-20 DIU Battle Ground;
ity ale by ma-coarrxonAlL
OW • CI L 111
nod Tootal:4 aa
E TONGUES—A prime article on
Air tome mo for Mit sr •
• asil4 .7. Aroma am.
- HOLLAND- lIERRING-10 hp 'New
14.11AL1 be We Ity
auslt . WM. A. 11411711,9 AUL
I.IIA TiftafeHESTlA. PAIRITS„ of differ
ant atom siiit sold to ton m i te the loosnait
f=pallor goatill..l4 Par Call mut no
than at - 00031 ' T. DS a VOWS.
VEATILEIRSesekifor ea= . -
tieroes for sale V •
QIIGAR--50 Mids. N. 0; or ellelt
Ly -
0DA49.11--41:1 disks forsal=
uA Di f 3-2 0 enakiseatvaned, for =le by
- • • 6. Awe ILAIIIIAVG6I.
, 1 4:8C - W " NA ' 4 °r-
E PSOM SALTS-10 bbls. for sale by
E.2dERY-35 -keks jessorted) superior to
that masll7 lad b tht. eartatitor rale br
Lass - • - J.1154:11100nItAICAB s OD. •
.EADI(JOO e . ge Galsna;eooo
- JAM/8 a. 41
SIIGAR.—.I4O . Wide; prima
_:44. irt gore
•••4. •• JAIELS •a rr • nnosmo co:
EMP-200 bales "Moroi Dew Rotted,
bi -Taste A. titrranees a co.
i_4 l} l. s o m
quicKauxEs 7 co.ib!‘ for sale by .•
MILD it 00.:
CALONIEL-75 lbs. for saki by'
000 ' _ LIE= CO.
WRITING—p bblo. for tal l ri CO.
iblvDra"*.tP -15 °
STLERATUS --5 tont in boxes and bbL
. • . 11. DALZELL • Ce.
astg4 - Liberty Janet
CBEE , SE T Priine w. R., for ilo by
_. . . .
i c .7 • . . So bbli to. Louis Slam Claztflool Snoto
16 tooktollooboo Uoldoe
tor nla by
soil • -
LTRATE° T° o yt
• •' 13 515- Tho'l9 . st
bw i Lutwigi
"I eh
returatursed &L Th." uu
'''" •
sh nronsass.
" •
fIOTTON-5 bales Tennessee. in 'tore &Ad
iks.l W, , ELLILDY, JOUS a at..
tiortiattig.-4 . -It'l :
• •
Mali a nd :Amok 74i ii and, C
Erevaal: INSTITUTION will bp'opai fox:. tbe
tket of_ pupil, faaali wad . fethell44o4 Mani%
lat. The mann of lastnallonseaaapriaaa all
114 , braaehea taseht la the bast Academie. aa4 fbnalna.
It. eran la all branebra admitting
of them: The &tool is Mprmorld.d,allh m ealesiala.
va4.bla PhllaaaPhical. andiatmoomicat
par Out.. fr . circulars. oantatatme• talt partkolan sod,
Wllklanburg. August la. 1651,41440 61acd3r3mrli
.Pemale,Bemitiary—laiegheng qty.
merce the fell term other &hail,' on MONDAY.
SPTEDIDOt. on the saner al traeldnedon et.
and hart Common. Far parttentare ree CDeular.or apply.
The College of Bt.
t i
' • lammed College of the Protestant EpiteropalChureb.)
p.n.. )108TDAY. • Cletober,6th. ISM. aisd - coattaa*
1:111 the tust .oematenorment Pay." the lest Tburedey is
. Ju1y..1852. New naked, ate remateente4 loader at the
opening of the tosidoo: bat are neelred at any time they
apply. end the thane Is estimated then the date of their
entrattee. • .
• TUB COLLEGE has the usual nititthe:i
*ad. oil orptice Arc • i c 7i d leterductition,And U.
the en
0011. ceeevfni terntinatkin of the lerniebaree.confere:
SLLK rll 4 oo . 4 d rointotiatelMasitng the
uotlea and oder thesurtereizion of the nem bat
der dl e itleot realm lade at the beginning of
their arattetnical coarse. and prepeive• them for the coll.
gists clam, The ertintigtit and Atwell= of the Prof..'
encf of the Colleg i ricure epeclal advantage!. tothe
la Wedmefr I • the .11410411,1 NTI CLASA;the nod g - of I:thielgla
vcaltlad, and Its olaeatgegolled b )' eAlltlova.tOlndlgli
Illodont Larmaages. Ilook-keeplog./1, • . - •i.
The attaation of the Collette I* entirely Iteiltl,:and
by d
o. ialect. nom toyna end villager, Vera garOvehle
send morale aat meet.
to battling'. 9lutret IT 40,
yeady fur
to the noun* at the coming
In addition to the former olrpt gerollthicetO the
hen recently and •Ile LE. IV, Lee;
tuxes on Cl, ll and ' *mg John IL A kra.•
ander, EL, o a illlll ..tatthaittikul.',
The nhole foe the iesebthtliethlitten•the 'Menthe
In the College Orman, lithettiFigallttloandted and
threntrfivi . dollar; list Able
/thontnne far eamtaglon
• Ithc.'.ll/lIN I I Klitri o .:p _atipetor,
• . llotleite , of Elt. ham. t o •
Wealth:atom tietantY,
N. Iti—Pentene 121 - Plutbargl=ng arr., &l !balion
notheitlag this Itutitntton. ar. lAti. ,1
. 09f
dor. IL Irso, I wu foraterlT,L Tawas,
. Wheeling 'Femalez • 7:71.
THIS INSTITUTION is in n veTtiiver
t co..lll.ka.'and nanteren, .4.1t0 la Ilist . a;
Inadadal and twenty 4.. putnln. Ws ban, b ahla
lan eXpert‘nowl tewor-0.1, In the ...-01.1
141.!...0 , 1 ammo hdlity 16e giving a 'barons 1
.ml.a ftlowatken.: •
The next Eftaluo .' commence on the lit of ISEP . IIIC!I.,
Irltß, lad malign eviedentlat motaht. ' •. ' • •
tsesn.t7 eavorpursepsoses ate boording
;:r4asarter 4 iatri . Zta, tlenusaf 7=l=T_
Drawing. SS Dee Owls ,
Cstakeeues sent to pennons deitring forth.. tafbinsatlei,
, Missals& Awfast 11,16.1M1.-1.¢14:7$
rTenth Annual &Wen ot the Weilej,
Tem& College of Chatimasti. commesce oh
ths2sth of Alind. "• The roam of usstrnotioo Is
exteusim embracing moot ef the tolsierts tinselly tsught
to make colleges. with Instrumental and Vocal 11ete1e....1
the other onsesseutal brsactwe. -The.fsenityto hes,
mg mowed of well usalified. and entyerichoed Seeder..
Term he boutllog sad day pupils env eery molenste.
Students noceiredat ter time. Yee Putlroleht •PPI7
Pereoudir, or by letter to the godershroed at the Cones.
- . .P. 8.,W111101. Preeldeht..,
• Youbt,Ladies'
me .r.
i t r .l=trcerta t igt . tr i,f =.ll.4 . ll%
M. t tton the mune itor hrreltprom Ytt I t A lk m pr t!
atm Clreular.oc WIT Uttl.PtittiPtat•
A i :Anti - Ens IN A SELECT servia„
.huts quallfed to teal
War branches of lettaleaditrattra Laraine!. t For
farther particulars apply at this Wrest • - myZi •
for Coal aTBlaeT~
Ow norm afttot ororks of the Pitt.baryas au Com-
MrTi WILT, IT= e d C'L oo . Or tAtpn bW 2 . 4,
until IP edomlar. the Paw 1.0., at 2o cook. P. bt.
Cm. oat 61110 to bil of soot; 9u.Gtf. nod dettomol et
',MD Abner sod to mob onantitiost as dull 0. UMW
of sod disocool.
The standard of restautalloli for.,Coe
Te_ponado per Weal.
Dotatehto to be meta otontet — rothheot:+n Tor
oort. se wanly' for perfermonee of tealeort • -
Propose% to To oeldrosattl 111074 An BAISEWEI.L.
T. s :l 6 =nt of the Cconeof,. she todorre Prop:tees
Mite Flttatrargh IDo 15.'31 ; •
Bfrwiinsulan and brows:riga Mck.adamei4 Tuna,
pike and -Flask ROad .pang.
OTICE is berebrgiten that , thi Stott.
how.. sam com k iprsn rapidsr4 to dair•GO
lzotaloonat of Fin DoLLant.qtoadatuoi of atork
saborritad. to lb. Tl•searor; tho
Ottoonth Jar of Mid .natty too= lostalanat
of Itre Dollars on au% as.. rabolitaal. an • tha.lrot day
of Borderator root. Bl order of tba 8...4.
andfolid JOlLN.Blelite.frondary..
A MEETING of the • Stockholders of the
Nara Aswrima Ninths Onstuskr,slll W/I_4o
their Or.. is abseil} of PitUbsts.S.S. TS.dar: th 1, 7 .3
dar kommilosr Celt. a 3 corbel.. F. 11.:ls me Aetna
on the Justesdasnit to the sbsrter of saFt veneer, ep , ,
meet 3.• Z,1t41.. W. PALMER.. secteurr.
Rail Road Electitta
Or, , ation of tk "Pittzlnagk ,etel Stasbeßeate
- figairoad Compowy.:'
WE, the Ilndersignedeommisaioneie ett re.;
eolve sobenintkins am nap die a totepany. oV
Pointed by the det of the .morel denexubly of resseyi
vanen entitled "An Let to ineortereto the rtylebuyien and
Steubenville Sat Cosepaay." •
lee. hereby terdlaftdemat laatem=baLtal .. o h ■ 2"h•
ant eloweby rel.ton.i r overnot • Wye
been Weed. oenstinating the tuteerihets ' ad tt • *be
enal bwaftev .. tote., tot e replialltuek ' of is7Cuse
Penn their theemera aniire.a, • bady 0.14
etworate, in deed satin leer, under the... arynnbione.'
e And we, therrelli..•arretebli to ther 4 tlay obi
Canmonenalth. Wesley Weald and
manna of .aid sutterieetu lo omen. weld Company eitle
I. held. et the Bowe of the Omni of Val. maw of
° era 0. me braid yt '°"
ded in tbe
of A city.
w of n. ern
I. lb. Oremm and that th elle.oo will ne then
'*llan.there bod. ty eakt enbecribern Or meld elm and
of nasetina, k irk. Pn.thirut and twelee
of We wile Wt... Coatheny , The election ..11. edav
wine et to deket in the ferrennon
11141110131 usinFrom..
danilid Sienna/ lAN, •
• •t
• ' 341113• . •
. .1011 1.191C401. -
1.011111? PATTiIIiSON. • •
T 11031411 Pi 101101.. th.
Xenticketttill Life Inttss - te_kloi - piny . . 1
o ARAHTT. FUND, sloo,uuD, • . • ,
'pins COIIPANY - ofters to the insured all
the ..deft) arid Met of Lbo Mutual sod John
o=t rum 0. wo.tobromvalko oombuold.ta•stYl lens
rase of madam: :Fs/ morn la net et me, per
:e d o .. utr .,.. rrogre 4 t .lbr xi= r p litathe year. au
Vr r gibf=rl tr . Itlatinufnfar"itrtr fate
taeratelv, istrabt• at da nall
ta, by lts ups* that, policing
• ruusaty id shittgamMr tb.” - teooluassat sesartty
short term matte.. ods also tor the presout smartly *
those far Lb. odds Una of lilt. , ..,
OP Is Ulm duly 'hiatus! Life Itieursae•COapaay
abase row of premium an Used at • titrsedusal rO.&
mt. alth • goortsion tor an atonally Inenossitus 00011.111-
loam of tau& Orr NU. security) la rust propottloa to
the mount of Maar.a sad the isenasing rist Ms ad
%Loyor. smog o.s:wren. -
let_ trees& d.. ,., =1 la detail th• Phos sad
rat. the eloattnali ra
tor istrunates coortnd by - irmirai...l%.t" .
; p v ." street, Pittsburgh
gum= MINO•111. 2,6, i , .. , A..... , ... ' .
R ICE ---00 tiercesziiin is&
SIX TWIST. TOBAC(X)-1 0 1 kegs No. I:
Just 7'4 mel tor Ws 1:7 co. ;
iiiellirediALet I •
4 FEW ,&y superior (fold Patent
Lam IrWhia reed br .41m14. =want
yr la v. gplendldrontot chrtloloceoa.ra. of
tiful &Mu double omil Hunting: a1.:40M0..,
"1"...d. a "A rlertlat"lrlSClli iirMidust .r .
r• (RR ovr.i
014 S-40 d 5 4 ;.. f l! !! 11 1 a.
ASH-1.0 casks krc,aleky:".Lli i i
• "u"nz
JAVA COFFE bags , Teui nlOO,
9. 3 .1 -3 !' 4 °' tk.
A 4 ., PLUN GREEN;•pdased. arat.64 , 41 ,
Om Pao . .• • - 1110)Lth PAUllsll,
. - •
SOAP -109 boxes Cincinnati Rahm
re. '4on'4'4l""*"3P4 We UAW,-
A LCOHOL,so bias. woo
li 1.00
AOK R F.T...•loo.bble.Large
/VA Ng* br isBO;V:9 , - , . 8.888813100
PSOALSATitff. 4 lLLonaks for .
Jrze - 7.1L1PD4
'.810, , f0r
-ions WAIT *
COFSEZ-. , •150
INDIQU-44.eroons °status;
. 4.4 4 44:44m4-4rd4,14 144'64 '41.4.4
/Wan DICILAY 100.
, Viata sad Froocltv-'
AL 501Y.6.-4000 lbikr-Eitglish, for Valt,bi
.131 D ' J. KIDD aC6.•
11111ACON--0:1,000'libls: Bacon, 'Shoulders,
• usual& P.ooa, W. for O. acc_. ,
JIM -:. d •
TAN,InN E'O bbJAf i ol4=.
.A.RD OIL-20 - + - No: 1 Bennettya
ISH.:l l o..bbbl.7l4it e Fil2h
W Fb.1 . 1 .1 ''`;;ti
2 '* 27i1Vrizip.
RIO OOPY,Ei-560 bta* landing' and for
'0L1P8.5.450 balea,Vitito Clay Pic; •
SYRUP-140LASSE27 bbli. S.ll. Syrup
11141asies, • al puke tatieas4ar a„,
F RENOII.-PAPER—For saletk i ";;Y
prWpat- 7 6u0 kegs Du rout's B
y INSEED OIL-4500 kan.lar
ALA / 7 19 • it CO.,
y! DUCE, 140.14X-7800.11is: br sale br.
i.VDD 4 alti.l:
^ - _ • err
• .
coraniku se 011, AO • •
.• St Teltaitto2l4o:soll Dzei Ctivatsi Vat* And.
tolond 1..%-spes.Dpkpe ideutia,ADA :r44.16:
fitAPI SDAWILD AND BOADYB , 4laelnd es In
,ioleu of All e , slqrnAd riam; DIM cDl2llB.olTArkrot
f g rATINCHINE Screrneria: Derg e ArAtid
taw LOW
OW eollteln tba snarlt
emtaaet. jrlYmitts)-
riga; ;ao . llen — reiniatiigliraareciuTarlbasksa .-- " --
Wealatteutalumdlense• to be bald tptbe aussnse•
Weal dread UILAILIAGEOLOTHof All withal,
dunk 24 PO Pc4Wni;e: , ne drills ere earerally adrenal
from tbabnil Imodsausdepreall dab the gnat guesorbkb
liniebes mid
_to psidd lealber, Na ago reenutsetand
the mango 0,4.• Middy Import.' lm} )* nr
really docareced by ablth lbe - eke ls adds to bear as
exact reeerablence to easatekel Welber. - Tba plain galsh
nude and add as suroaL Oasis dad* Ramify du ruddy
UV EBY iiOEB,—AIY fall ideals of
r a g aw etrica
.ad saddles, feast M I . .r o rbd d S A abbers to the sa ,
ng Neu%
Wa g bad
gilldres i: := l 4.baer: KIPP, and eptielas. Wawa',
Yarned le &abed Hubberezaa7 - • • • _
& tom plete sseartrocat orabe isllt ' ealag el ye ttd:.
MeagsbaluuoealaCapes. Feraelda Hata Peewee%
Driving Glen, Mew Alper. keened l a bee
Tau*. Wallet. Madded Wan* II cal abeelleg,
llareeOrreraliblpe.braestrusemanag , Way , bbaai.
der Aroma Paper golden, Air Army bulls, end blamer,
sesnaber ugh every deueelptlon of gabber goal. • .
dolearenuiedarac nf Vulcanised Yetallie gabber Dour
6411 age, under dm: Onadyear'at
' be Ouse. dig be IbSeat certain *ant mid par'
nabs* at %Teed limb. Itearldug then sad 1MM41 , 1
Pure gabber Calmat ibir letters' ia. - i
'• ' _
irl!den . ... ,• . D. BOWMAN. . -
ShawLs! Cloaks! Mantillas! • •
BIILLS, No. 6 Cortlandt st., N. York,
now oteT.lng n i l. !bawl Ware/Qom:a freeh
.5 or vats.t WinterWLE.ronginihg of ea Miro
of tifoteh sal Douro. tin Wool Long newts. together with
full worriment of freath tad Alen. gonare anol Lang
Dm-to blunt., of every grade.
• .Iho. so .00nelet stool. of cohorg.)lerhao,Thibet,gllk,
Sella. end Velvet CLOASS. SILISTiLLLS. SACKS. go. . of
Tamils ihstke end MLA. ntenufartuted 0000 Yoshi 145 t.
!v. nyze,otoeuggentahreny noosed estohnonthly per
Um. stemmas.
iavitos. Las nodal Otte:aim of Bantam owl Welt.
1111 Merchants to Its atom. as au , gill god mamma
tugs ol Ithawls, and toodpsrusts goods Jot Lodge wpm,
4., 24 , , ==z At ra gltow stem,. va...utating
Numb stolls. dttOSol In story sokg.l Print sag
Comb.. at 114 and tt twat
Tci the, Public:
ICA - RUBBER attention
• • has toin ea/I•1 anadreOgat lemma IL itir
a?. ox.i, lt r 11.0
0 /1 1 .....
4 ,... , 11
1 :141.
south intottritioll ant. of aqr althrstry.Woal•diont,Xiiin,
to wen. that vs dart to:ad./at laths with grating Gad-
Tote. *want undar_tor own imam. and Una to does not.
Ln .ti l :ToL s ? '4 ,?= ` l ` .. " .e th- 4111. -I"' ==
Tana Runner nolo ander Goodreattl Pat.. In and paid
1:1101My. Obi dare
4•101 . 110•0 • rot tam 88.14.4
uly Warr tonna might hi dont the inimialf dltpoordto
do to. mated than pulite um. Got - dyne. Mt& Wo
Walt it mom hut toya.reliare • that. to We • valid w
tent. Unix, to 0.00... it.. Psi Lorton boni rrowrnw
•or.ino Hoard (hooter Bubb,inail a rattlonetit. tad
aahod I. future put. to tatinno Lb Winds- 11. 1. coo
tanittntunt., not oaly to hi/:Ingo total Wotan nit to lattus
*unwire, oho Lima D. 4 IS Lag* .M.1041.19Z parcbased
oar 1.1m6.1 110., ...In. undo. thaw tit dame
4.. lam dinatin lux! that oho nur torn ainlatnata i thin
PlltUndlinehliotailltitert P. 0.1.. In th e atinnlattant al
w ool:tuna it ti• Ort•rig to (to. what= sad to Xi.
004.0.1411 rod ail whit.. ronarratitotin Wax hi pates .
autos or leadingldath ro made la viadion of mid rate
ant intintiti
wocralp EII41:11 CO I ,
TUX Allati . / 4 4 - 1141r &Ann lilatrCil,
Mita/oho, Prioktreit.
Wan Tott,ltr
IMPOILTEIt•iad .Jobberjn.FßENCll slid
• is:JILIN! WA ACT 000 DP, (knits& Tiir ik: GU= Via.:
idk Mato.. Slat* l'eatiLl, Ile off Botts. Atearchoota, Look,
le, tilyees, Vinitoa. than. &e.
Arent for r&toels Leal Penal , . ' - " ' - '•
Ilattu.faetoMVAtent &T.AaarriemTla Toys, leinnior As:
Superior Black Writing and Cop y ing:
1 ONE'S EMPIRE_ INK,• 87 , Nagasu street,'
iv Mau BalWlorr. Neer York:- • • •
- nm n.m to Mr • -
'211;0W 00,1per.510t.......40 40 •
mat • 4 —..,.. GO 4 re. 4, aIM
, On drannid.OrrnsOnn..“..........3nonitto.
'Moir int Orr/. ortleqe numollortndot. it e
ach, *obs
irti 001 , 111SU ibIL-dnd aot norr nookl.
prrendtabe or derv. am thy onalle/ed
ed a gond Wrltbzo In. 'Cubit ibr the Otani, and flog
nb.otar ederand Om doe *nod
no b-bdobblbbat. Prolonod to Who Ind* ed.
M Irr enrol or boor • edernexotlon. one*
I r o f ezlza r . Attu 1 . 0 ozzl . .l:l4nod In - 31=
or kegs tro <tamer oils, at nett erre. "
la Hassan Tti k-,_ l*D°2 l. on4BOL"TaUdlnor,••
Professor Alex. 'C.Banyx_Tricapherotut,
x, stades. preetvvDnrasi brastlfring the Datrovedko
Gut ecurf ant dvadvatt. awl scrim Mame of the ado.
invade olV•phoice. ante. btater*, ehralas
et is dI .. et
kwo wa experhavet. that Barrre
• ge w tt
W for
rthtivele/trtasettaltA r eLoted hota=stli tit .huller
: r eitatalo . e 'n' t t vt Wel tlittt '
alma It • tvtol: -•- •
oes. Sept NW.
Peer. iala—Mk t•
lbats T
bora eAlldvd with ea
Weems eroshe et thet . or s mot antravatid that ,
who% fis We lest althea. roetoona4 dating trot Voted
have had the advice or mass al' the mood .3111040 t phy.S.
Winalai have ttlet ell the Itterozatkete-Sar Me hair lust
skin see horvee, without the teat beset ' / vas advteal
by • aux St . trv i r go:ammo. I did so. se • Lot
: =le dot two ta r e r rlto Iterttitoleados ' ore l is
41"I ravt4It L yTT "4" 12: iIIAPELYX.
.. . ,
111Y , ..-Abcnatt”youlinne=
my 04 tbrod., sad my hold WWI men
IN dandni Inu tad by sfrivallo try roatTeleepbar•
ow, and I
atit i tt b r6 dror
hpod }WWI lby Unit .
• rntb ry=ta,".4.
ai Indy. or ig.glenuat doubt. ltu antbentielty . of tho
t . ta t z o nv . ;r3iterw t sl . l . oll4Yabro ri th 4) LnZ.
diroot the Unitary sod Nand N0v.9.1850.]
Mae tv re r tor the fermata num of talanose
sal aware of the amok= generally. thst btu vesehod
etie Pastlerity eskrisd the art.lea lowan se
Botrr's , frieoplaerouti, or Nalleated Ofteposat I' l l=
teselvel9 aa4 hr lb. OOP* eilleeee of tthe coma mar, to
shwa. eTy' aurrvry la the laud lt leaved le arerknetee to
oth. Melva of the kits'. It Impute rigor to the amber
isobar: mad Illar car tee lts growth to • ZIT tastable de.
gnarab r atey. ,Ittres ' esirlif. t es . tea of '" tha salt
o le r ateli k r..tlA7 aottal . a4,:tber. I.4th:re diem;
Mea l %Us =bott=6 " l.4.
itaadasy sad st the Draggistesestersllv.'throvehoat
. .
ft.C)IITTICOEB bit tuittal facilittes to teeth , :
, • stag , ".o,9 s ,
0 : 4-0_, :
tWle ST„ jjosEpn
ACES 91 _
X-*.!M , GEE,
liad( litoreNtetaoia
TiAPIA: C.:11/TTLF4i , Attorno at Law,
40IDI IL RANKIN ,': Attorney: sod Coin-
ot'Low' and Ccoloduloons• 'far the o
ansylnalo. f HWes ~ p 4,J:oulsl.l : oglaWS=ig ,
Miller 1 , 1 " " 111cCluro, J04Z.kat0.,11.1m114
I UST RECEIVED. by this inonab L eiti
.01 . mad; a em , niperior mortaleatof Werth
ed' ' We respect/11W . Waal out enamels aid the .
- wobtie gerwrilly, that v. hoer doer, ohdloiewd
Avowing reamandr at goal lin goantement of duo le oared
de War bo found st gar euters estatighwurd:• Our or
rsogeownts with menataeturaw end Iported, ere each as
is entreat Us ba ateertising Qat we ass enabled to WI at
the loWestreistar grim fated la the United Matte. •
— a/rafts Ar estwelawd Lett flood watch
ve t temsose , :petti ow hiatg their "A . ".
4. , •,...,-, %.-.1: ,. W W VTL/37)N W
Maker •
i.4.4.•'..iii;ca6ill.lcut adjtatila eireala , .
`jutkloo tin be hid .t Ise .(0,. of •
YECTAt3LE3—AIarge a9ortmeat
-alo: QIIsK and el,el vi enr .dj-
Op*l .
OIaoN: of tLa bR9ullll. anl
... aemNfas W tEaDelmpl~ ' of 4Wla M-
DPa to ieads<.
- A W.lii4yJ9,
..r -:-c~•7 WrfKwnt~l
Ser r 1.1 I, a .193 , - •
:rellrillktiririlbrralrias bread: aell.
1014.11PoPins writa. 00.11
!; . ' 2 •- ,--, ;'•'• ''• .'.' 'L For Bale .-- - • •
I:4liiittilE• kir. or piteeiromid situate in
•- 'the &nth Wigx . A..h.V . W , rittalant wi l.
, non_lig:
1,.„.11-lat. Tbill7ri;na ' i . ' i ., Tin soma., i.b*.
u.oif Essig and in tin , -.mildly et the winds nudeknnal
olAbe ban CI: ninte5.10.80124.44 iOa 0. 11 .44...........
..,..w,Loneals.. nal„tan bornani An _
niibor (at Ur 1. 1,u,knioni
1W.1" ► "8 ' 1"-""'"'' inininn'ia:Ara nail
Tneetio—One.. tbizt band mil Lb*
Winneklinlnan4n,aceind by lail nod =wenn. , ..,„
; ! ...iinply to, . • ~,- 5 . 1 01117, t...1.T8011. Atielt 4•Lan. •
ingl=l - ; •,:. : , ,..t, .t,; Bi4llo Fourth Ann.
SUBSCRIBER'offers for Bale, rt
4.11 " 1=64,Qii• - tory .
call.taa4 sitest,l=l:ll4llo end /111,7 Fe!". I : tr ,
t ogWvl fnsT J Anne
lb. MIN Allbareh,caa *bleb as mud OM
low Aar/ brie*. Wed a ‘ o DOW.las Oka, .sad coo,
0ck*2 0 „ .1 , 1 1=47: dr 41h day j!,,f
=as F. =IC .fa.rm!"'
forJ oticKenft 4
gooM; !atiriki. of ' Griot" l'bizd sta.,
• II goal-kauloa 124. • hwy... Zie • ztialaa. In
l•••!••&".V4144".' MIIREITON;.
• 112 Mewed et
lb `"
awbed. ac ia a ho ber . g 4 ma
17;01a144' a" W - '
. 1.41004 7,:rap0tt •
•aliiicribel'offers fdreale a fine Tract
•ttatalnint SUS semi. bellts4M,l3 tilo
otoilt% sena of ig ‘tr a
botsoo ft reonahlialisaill Ohlo Kan ,
awo Mgr; Tbir tsiasce seret) akmo
lertVrAllltr =a:o 11M
t ortiet. far imam or private colattri root
er otrwrod. ha*
'll74ittri ‘ tt r r, r " BoLgoltd, Him. nod'
ipal • to R:6; DVIIIP Cranes Bottom, Bay.
µdi, A; KUMLA 119 Fourth Amt. rivw
/likable Farms for Bale.
JATED near the Ohio sad Penn
to um. *laity of Bas.,ol+l*.
as SO to WI ward nab, sad la. nod sista
betsreeit lb* Dreantanuiaals
% 4 tll; l 24wydoll e . m.u.
tbs sad Paansilssais ..arasd, as la
busks la intsbasaa„ belays* La pap
picm bf irronmu leildatair
7byatgroand„ lct001•04••• • , •11 .1 . MOW; •,••••• •
on *bleb • *manta an In dud to
" Welle 7 m Weibroent=tieti r enilbe di:faint Pitt.. burgh and Clreelard; nbo; between Plttebontb sad Woo.
ter; ;L b t eingd : td=t to be derived Atm the Plank Road.
nter Ltd to and toot. b• 1•01. makes It me of
the moat Impottent ;Keats too flu doe of deemed foe •fitet
Stone WarePiniii* . for Wells and Cute=
rE :SUBSCRIBER inform's Alto - Ditblic
a tleat be Inti loan:don@ Into Ws fttt b )rfoNli
MIPS, anurdbetored hr @ en* J•
Lbfanariof bliddlabary. linmadt county. r hale
biter rah Polvereal sathetortion wherever @ad.' Thor
reed ra h
ol Uwe Pampa are. lb@ they aff @WIT
wornal.raldone or never rat out@ mar. keep-oso rata
prfentlErreet and mot, nut ant sa dbrablo to granite,
reeks. They tee l. cheap. They can be Ken at J. B.
Cantielfe winders..., No. 112 TIM etroet,oe brae Llan.
@a' Matron Litany street. , Woe 8t Clan.. Orders Idt
sot thoso vt...“0111. n. IrraldlY Ind by the antratiter.
Eta@ Ware Pipe, manuteototed at. the ram Vane; am
and Azronityymig Inter fr . c. *Wags er Ra .
can also he Ynnet@ed, It le of an .W., and m be
lathed at lean than one Led( the price of Ind i r • '
Valuable. Country Beats for Bale atAuction.
TITE , I - SIZSCRIBtie r Eayini . diirided her
PARllt—ennaheing 137 wren stneeten in Ewa tow.
• es. within ten.ndeutes._nnik of the (Thinned Pennayl
mis aul t bZeti ,o llizt= NXlO. t x . cla i l:
hen sews each, will mil the maw, TAB,
.)If,thel9th day of AUGUST. hint • - •
• The lawn Is of *seethed ginality, and Is • high state ht
caltiration, haling been tept ow %Amin/ Woe- lo
number *Omen then am OD the peen, Awe three bear.
111.m:141144m Co otrn 7.11 knit
to. benne. norm beillen *Wane en
beat n
Terestreinte thnd in band. ib• Winne ht bre equal La
nntA Pelentena, with Intereet: te wettred tenni and
mon o rst. -Sitting 'entente will he girm cm WI tat
SO-bale ee 11 teelocka 4, an Towner, Vie bantAar
a! Aaron. 141. • , • -..llhgehths OUOPEA,
r`: co~try.Properfy.,
PILE undentigneirofers tor sale' piece . ' of
land PaDtatell. Letwee• slad Lens umb.
U. road Inding Loa IllnarreUl• tont. Libnty. nth.
la • thw mda of ...sal Saline... WI. • haft oral
U. mod. It l• well adapted for !Wag out Is.
beildtut law • Lases of the gromul mmses7 N ...Lb.
bask.; Hour of L 0.•
Valuate East Estate in Beeves. Coady .
at Imetion. - -
subscriber offers for sale the following
. o. ll.Twg lou 1n ialleumalearer arum
.being torn
Nes. end 4, Waged:eat 100 Wt pour. on wkrllle erect ,
al one block of bar Game dwellings, bad ono ..prat.
!runt dwelling ell two Unties filet
NA T. Ow jo k e foot Itront on Auk Amt.
Menu, sad erittldinjb UM top of lbw tall. •
Nut Two beteiti Wu, earl 10 foot boot, and maths
from Ow rood to low motor mask. Ad lb. Dig Nearer-
NA 4. Cu voluble outer lot- 100 , bet .m Weed Nam
Pith lea ahem water power attnebe
Nit b. Uno lot oppoeito tho longer torn SO lia=luad
entendiog to the top of lb. WEL on or inkiir ono
two Mary brlgketore b/nlfutalutatt
Mau dwelling . ..two ugh. ••
-- • ,
No. a. Coe large lot n New Ihiglaton.lleueuniantri
log ohne. 140 teat Urtindway. and 'Apt 200 bet 4.e.
'%bunt OCIIN 00 .hl4l 021061111 biro Urge bur
de elling...W ono small Irmo hove. wed nai ea otter.
lble MUM wal lormerly arrapied by 11r. T. C.
and ie weep veer...rely lonWed.brUs lausedlogailyNwito
Ni T. the Inger lot. h 001141.41 TNoilobltilitidfit
A about 100 1 004 W. and wstrodnis ha® Warm
lerle omier rault. or, tow Toth.
iwt 0n44 Wm. Itormiey, non dor of
, Aii;Orber
nu at prob. We, will thou 1. , offend et p ow,
cry. on Me grunion. Terme et mole.
nageNtlortort Agoeit for lot awe A eteatotr.'"
Valuable Beal Este for Sale. -
THE followidg dex ibelpro peities '
fend air N., upon •
four slaty brie! .11:011XMI .ad MS rAtinbardts au
fn. math AM of Wood Stnik botvena Ann and *Alb
Arrods noir wink& by was MONO, A - • - • :
Also—A lot la Um Nana Wordilltsbardb, bounded 1
tx . .baen . lnixo th. ll=lllllll:l:l. wont, sod frodAing.
Also—A boom and lot 10 ety of Alietdiony. fronting
nil god CO db. booth Commas hourn. gondol:ALA and
End Comosois aai rintingd but 10 Water - Ann AO
" t "W i th* P"'" f: ""e = C.hth".
Igo— pull"
olligsAbo mann Initaiibirho:Dloodje4. 7"" isAydssii •
Aum Undo fiTAN eadi ecanniad snout
bo—A boom sod OS In A Umbeni no.
by Jon. Craving, finning on Zook Lam, wad Inman.
only under ddionloory eintaltind anon India
- , -I.4o—Abaut thile sato of,TIPAIISho of
IL Nook ia'al L i g• • two a••• haodooneb• bidlt Mao-
L.P. Wars and too Oi•ILR V. tabor AAP
Owned pow occupied by P. Mord,.
• Apply to - JOPIN.II KNOX. Attorney, AA. •
altel3llto : - Montt Patiolmrsto
Far Sale ar Perpetnl Lean,
a/ Juan tat No. ia the arigleg ta=f the toys
~1; gr mow ey. &cadmium
~ pth. ales& scri.aad
. ,
Abet 'for mot for ON or more Taars the melds. of the
oat lot cm the um..swidu4,br.k HJOIA street, bleb
warted se a Nome ,
••for tenor. Aro; rtmoiro o f Mr. MOM BORAND, mar
the promisor. or of me mbeerther. la hie OW, AO.lOl
Strfol stmt. Pittsburgh.. . ' '
. - • a. purr waxn,
Real Fatale thr. Sae.
AVALUABLE uctiniproied LOT, on thli
mon otubert,4 Potosi NUM., EIAI,-Wel.
:ft:AIL it: g=„ . "inth.'t o—
reelect, muting beet to OWN;
three May itrlok tleOme es laborty
eajobetas the Oar. the let boot "X feet (root by
'LWbee.* h le(SeAiod coemsbn,t, bollt le
mob. lays.. nod eeetaias *ter ~, mom • • •
iho-26 .u.. e( veleable bud terig=bomg.b.
11pgy...t 000.0 segatiflettDc:
• . •Abo— arm to. Dower omati, o[ .vblu doss and
Weft. rnell COO acne deem
1.1.—.11 wen , valuable leti helium°. 1111 ode. Pm.
seeciasle. • Zoisstre of •
• • - • • • • • -N. P,.t U. L. IL
• • • :Attorosy• et Lt 00(14l Mate 00000, -
• • zey2B • •X. /07 "myth 01•44. PlUebnoth.
- - - •
Tk i nni .;-- 710% 81 1 -I L. . °r! ' -' .- iintl ' ' .• 6 '.. .'
. j
.44.,".15. worm anning
iotw locoUd wall
Iwo Ow, irittila !rob , * =et of *a EH nel ork ood
'--.... filoo..l.oooAreroo WAY'
mile soiont . ,
i r oalocecoooromoolo.
:ow, Isq - 01 : . ...• WL1161105 a 00.' ,
. toff . -..-- ..-.cooka of oold Mild saa. • c
rigiVENTY - A,ORIS bf fbiideidag Land; id,
..A.; mate madar rod ealtlreties. urn.. a1e ,,,,, ; u,,,, 4ekd de
cr .... aW be sold 5eer..... .
Seeo en • than co., the
ma.. three ram - - kw sec
earl ann. of Mork. end Third ote.,
2Cl 7 Ememleis of. tbeTtattii6uhtErti Com
rehy,..effers their Endue for sale: it 1.2 !upped cr
uel vita be saki cheap, of - - .
oteilitt., • • • I Nei' eliee a.Areeh
':.‘ •
- /40CE 01.1JUILIA15131; on the'ennterotaraibi
n and Vona guenta'and fronting anal. Vow%
ranlaPanal. tno Carat Pittaburan. Ple..k.Orronta
ona hundtvd and Arty tour Sat on Venn -WM; and bna
hundred and lantana Jam WIN on M*Stinatan.
tp • cvnty toot altar. ;nanny of.
' ntettadtni ' ' • N 0.106 Pa. .
• Fit Sale, .
ALBAKERY, witli4heett years lease of the
etuwee tedealt:Mk:lint:. • n't• Bakarj his
ctuann• neeeasary for doing ► laggehastoey.
Oran is Ivo and unsorpaseed ut the Bern cltiteL
Zat., rot team apply to . AWEDt MVO,
/14 Ne. 3 4 ,4 et. '
c' J. lI.VLOTIr
FlSll.—'4dackeral, Shad; d lierria%:for
SULPHATE QUININE-50 os.foriale by
(kW: . JaSob . Toirrisomd Sarsaparilla-24
TIREESE,S4 boxes; on. consignment now
; C/ Issent, Ibr ale by 18.111.1101CITSY a co.,
1%10. I . IIACKER L in quarter bbls. for
ealelw • 111.1 ELI DICKEY 1.11)..
iv) V' . ' Wear =Erma au.
br e by,
'e ' PICKET 1103 1,
.4/9 I Water rm.
- - - -
13TMF.05=1'bbL for sale lo* to. close
mtudinvage-' , .;....,4341,111D/gICE; 00.
FLA:xt3RED.OI cws4. leatiOted pure
;ow .. • . E. 11XLIRUL W, pod
.NLA.TA BLOOMS-20-tond fdr:gale'
pp elootecatlimmat, - it J 0325.
R }l glil .klAl)- ' sg° l l f°r
CILAKET.WINE--Achoice .01e,forfani-•
try-0...0T (001 ticktl a tax 1011.17 •
iNDOWOJAASS - A 0 00:lbo boxes City-and ,
._ ._.:=7
•I'F;A: q i 6 - •P;;T:,:.1-
r)..CJNOINIC4I.--Tlio-: um ,
steuner GENZV h t . Wilkinly matey.
lease Iht the aluse sad intaratedbcte
ht. Wednesday. the ..4th hut-. at 10 IL
h'enttright or hessage,Vino bald. or to •
AUX 19 entaxtriißurNmo, Azt,
CINCINNATI.—The lac* .
sad nimbi nscsarr GLAUCIA Cala
rt. artii leave IP4r the &bore and au In
'mediate_ ports Da tktx y. 44 4 e --
For r..1.1.t P....av da
•Ppli oarica..
board.; - 1444
WHEELING.--; The fine
DIURNAL S. Casonat. win
_ vs fae:tbar *ha. sod thlembullats pats
: • CEO= •CO Urals.
ire l ff.l• wi:4111 , t •
am ea, r W
egular wag Warn PI rgb. 19.•e x ts.
Md.... GM Studlsl2, keying
oaten - lc:Ai gar11•11.1/1e, Steabwrille. - aai
aa7 - Thmvdt •fleexcee Btabainii
tad Eadtgb: Morning. kara •
rot ad am Tosa4ar reasoo., inaS , .... r.-
=.1L 1 •17. NV4ll=l:4l'
tr.r t r, P
a I L
ratellatereazVrelk r
t p stet AWaft
er '
o twi t =M,afr: As .. L - -
adnimp MOT Na Z A. L Crane. manor,
Ari11 . 111:41110:2h Ibp Wto t 11 . I,s4Zaa fiad Mllah.
in Wednoodayand loallArlde Pn"l9 Rbadding and litialticreg
ary .at IDeolook.a. n. Pummel..
and ald out depend upon this bold moatogregularly
rot elf. or nsiondro. noolp iii ta:ri.. - ' LI LO
Mi. epleneldboatirseledlt by
the owners of the doom Las. Newton. and ellwra. ler
the Cincinnati and Pittetrargh Prete tittle, and will tem
IMM7 Wedneelay for Cineinicati. in place ef the liew Eng
landliii.d. /as freight or
. -G. ArMlVATOttVen ' r.
is Wlll/1130 PACSETWI
mar Amass
tm.l kst
tarthemiashar tri+syskl tips balms
this Its sad Muslim le a at 10 &dock
iran7 M 05617; WahassisT tad • retssalng,
lams Wheeling mor t iMnirg sad
la ash snook. • Tar toe mbstrta%
FO r l ic i onz ßETT rboi Li MW
n.., I.looK
lit.y.ti....taorui lam fterat
to port, ovary Thorodah
_at 4 o P. IL
or freight or ar to
T. WOOLS & BON;:_ -
toebl.o ; ." No. 61 WaLor Pod 63 boort Oa.
ATKali aexest PECTOItAI.
NON I'll 6 CUBS 07
COU'r : , :op tHellt
TlB, 'moon:No.4oF r CROUP,. .
•.111TH14,- CONS lON.. •
Au?SONG tho ntuaercins 'scolieries•Soience •
his made Is Ebb atinantion to toeUltatetho Madman
or Ilia =moan Its enjoyment, and .m prams SI. tor=
alumna estatonot, Dona m lonamod of mon real value
to gauped; - .than thin antributlano Cbondstry to the
flodbm Art.. A vast =tat of ft. Virtues ttnoughose. this
nst.dorantsraua intlask bops= &doubt that no medielne
. combination of meek, yet known, can .o surely coor
toot and cure the numerous vatiotho of pubacaorydimant
obkh ban lather= rant from Doi =Mat thommele 11:113
Umtatmato moo Mr: Jaded, thong Is now abundant row
ma to Wine a remedy has at length Dean Aund ninth
ean Do salted an to can the most Ammon ageortione of
the lunge. Our loom hose will not watt tut to =Mild
say royortfon of the cans antd try its bat en
pronnt ibi fallowing minium of nolnent mon, ant ram
Duller enquiry to the drealar. obich the matte Debra •
mind wnl always to placid to fund= free. when= on
full - DerUndase. and Itutisnotablo Omni of than foot. -
.67.„ rt i rmick.t ge,ta OUT. fle calebnitai-PRO.
irotLtliri bare rued roar Qum Poetoral
la *pews car d deopeoated Xinoteldtia rod am oats
.Icoltaeltemalcal eattacitutke Wait JOAO
ad dir the rale of lamed sod brooddal
mr opinion as to It. tairocrior ettararoor cam as of arkr
ffafTice. roe 44 , 1M011.0. it Ira think rr .
Prout tie tinsidoodotrßOPL t SSOß Z.
D., L. L. Am. of Obeasisum
Tale 001. Member of the Lit- Wet. :Neon
&Lodi& tleis of Ammon aratEurope
deem We Olpory Pectoral wt aetrillabi r e mmperitiou
from wow of lb, loort. astklain ttw Manta Modica. sail
• 'or,' itarteo =NO for W. ohms of &poem tr. totior
dad to can... . New Lima 04 Nor. /HP
. MAJOR PAITZSON. P71:1417%14/ area C Ifessabodafar:
nut h o boomed UN Merry Agora, with Toodarfol oso
ors. to con oa UMW:mob= of ttu map.
non osee of 1117.11,1147iieimiti Noitse.
• • Elo.o .
4 . J. Cl.'A - yot., I r... .owittor . litr: l am trz a omatan
say oLM ' abolletnolorpoltoooary plaints. =boot
_Tweet of many anon moo. I .mm coolishoxl Is Ell tam
arahoool4o, uot &mom of tu.l Luc lave got to
&toad all othoz rosadies. 1 17 reccnsm•st id
aso to ems of coo.o sal coooklar It moth tffo tett
rowdy Imamate Qat ittooos.•
tionoctfolly Toon. - • if• 15. CUIEMA2f.
Prepozod awl •44 by 44w:1 O.
noldM D
ttAnnt . hr : 44o gisigiti, by 11. A.
Gal% d ch l. " ..rtgA l L 6 g W "327j,7W..14U.-
tj , ha a Stade instals% fsded to expel worma .
. Cabe). roust\ ...hay' .1,1547.
Mr- IL Ptittlist— ou will rotoTheet that when we
wet* ha Pittsburgh, to ovezotecrlas, yon Frani kd ou ue
IbtrY t leala Peralltoga, to test Ha virtues. W. did a% and
throb the orbits ow sold
I tir hat we in:oatmeal. which.
Lim was "ar
""U'U rehlon,ta b fr . V=rr "'
mom which veouleed ow tile 13 th or Cu proved moat%
sad ymaaSty we aold the last et dos botUca• - We.
lower wish yes brand us by the first sato ocaseranes,
doe. wee. We built so
to a eabliciae, that ..o
rests of a badly wishes to boys io Cele poe!moioet
Thum who have pubeltased It :add be penalty walla&
t: o ttel , relitkates i r acellon mot the cloaca
lo expel warat • •ae neat . l4ll_. t i .IIILLEX ec do.
r,sua4 mared sol mid by IL F. 5IlL1.5:11.:t. :la 57 Wood IS
. •
To the Deaf! r
. • . .
IPAEAVNZS S. no ilea in the And ,all
disaineweble dieobentes . troet the'spentili end
prisosnently renewed wit.l.ut ono or loreareniner,
D. Burner, triennia Aerial of th e N. Y. toe Lod Yor
Sarum end of freidelit,Plllydel Ircr to eatennew
his ntorn lore tiwilays. nonumberai taan ofthe
ores awl.. We rare on Me receta riga.awl the gratifying
nom= of owns • hint etteraird We Uwe Mina. bare io
dised kink toespoiewhir mim— IVs leer-into millet
qorn aloe eirraireleares. sad it will be air:sable
iiwe who wide to remelt him to wielirWo early relL
. IL rosy be rooretted. viola further oaten% tra
tbent, worm& brat dwelling Inwood the Schwa Bowe.
A Valuable Improvement in Trusses.
DR. UARD'S Improved Patent TRUSS
and RUMMY 11211 Y. by which a pirmanent
0.1.1 OM be affected. Tb le Tn. eatodydifferent ter
forth and principles of anion fr Othet Truces. having
all the advantage. of • weilseindated ard uniform we.
an. - The program ain be regnisted sit to give taws.
comfort In the licent (=cult es. of Wanda, end aan he.
Inceenswl to alinest any nom desired. Tbk preorure Isar
teat. god being-N . ht m be. latoolicdsty cm. the.
hero of owning, end accatity men.
threat edl 41,1 0i414 Vrilift violent ezinvist.
;rue. .hemp not be = a lli c t i f •V r i4
or anf tieh ecr g
LIMO= ar painful ern.
ttowlc not . onfesment mower. in the weerc.
lug of illy /t te • very common practice
proon. =kW with Septum to eared a Ursa and ap.
DIY thatnethse. Thiele a bed icortlee, which can be
ears - Pali hrtbree who oaderidand the anatomy at . the,,
afiedid la d ent.
Wwwould respartrally call the dreation of Phyd
eine in this Trask at we know they will appreslate fte
val. We alto have variety of Other Sr.. *4 the
lowed prim. Infant trosses_lept oorsiantly on bard.
flklifita • IlelidWYLL. Agent%
144 Wood W.. Pitteburidk
• Dr. Bud's Abdominal Supporters.
SUPPORTERS 'ore intended elder,
rmund. 4 1 .7
gems where • useobsoloal r‘mart. to the Abdominal Viler&
reeired. They ere pru. wryer to the abloconel
organs. and rem be went "with oteort
ewes produce' by •➢
meekness ot the stbdomlnel muscles
are Prol•poUr Uteri Fein. of the Bowels. her. Gonave-
P. l ll l = m i t ttandi a ktrlne=tudealllibrone
Palpitation at the Ilse, DY.P.P.I4. and ern' debility.
WM. t YebObrittlr,
jd ' 110 Weed e. Pittetrare.
Sellers' Liver PHIL
Mooselust, (erporite . rttleborsb.) Jags
K . R. E. S E LLERS'—I take this oppor
ast=ttetettlYtor fame of your lareluablti
Mo. was taken &tea with
lademmatior ot rbrliver, and was so reduced by
eight ...Is met other effects of UM diesdful Mouse.
(tat my jot... &seamed It.f. Att. othertmens had hits
el. WKS 11417.1e1 by my bbyskiett to try rour Woe Pine,
met I must say that athr tattog.mie end a half
have tam restored to removable health, which I to
this tire.. I thereon tote pleasure to
them to others Mined with 'lees. of the leer.
Tottes etemelfally. • JOI.LN GIVT.NIOE..
All other Falls ealled . I.lrer Pllhk. ere ottenteeirlts or
tem lmitethom, The senates ere permed mid sold by
. R.
gr iccesmr to Bound) Perfumes
X TRACTS of - Rose, Oinnge Flower Jes
. madam. Purrugal. Tutu.. Sine/ Pea. Tundul t bb
Web, illurnionetta. I+lll , ollmsza. Elcary.lunk.
bouuw.t de Carob.. (lemma= llelburags.tbdr.
/bulsoulibT, Tuber... beruazool: Camelia. .I.baumuelle.
Jrnquil Jocks, Club. Wax. 11.robbolo, Npeng
Citstab, Jenny Lind, lbeafe.CltracellelLutax,
uaul liztrbet Moab, la ume our. ball.. with gibs. Mb
pers. • All Ur. stun bUtruelsorh3ch ouir • pan of bly
uournsobot,uts cer lb my befit quality. bang nuumbu
tuna' with care. 26• tutudsu ales UMW in cll.
muulm mut use Lb. 'dub ectubbliurt whkt they an.
bed b, the community. UT sale by • • ,
. ,
. 'White Paint. • - -
i••11.1 and Mr We at goa. I amid Wood at
•_... IL—We invite Um attettem II Mora and gtemolgyet
:PaleltaTS to, tide article. :Meg we bare been using tor or.
ards, of three months. mai can rm.:mewl to be au perkg
t o okay toed pant to eVary Med. Instead of abeorbloy
lbe Illbt Lk* .hit. led. Ore attar. rade. la IL mid emu,
guoutlyjno a Itebbn emt more Mil ion, I*Minima
ereeder madam , . and Is mime dura fo r Wavle 0r antral
Irak. :It will mat rub a. sad ma be trashed without M-
I:di s ad ea It eortrarore surface with equal weight, it.
" re i fif 4 .hea p
"h U.
SixakTire.Proiinfineral Paint...
HE aubscriber, having bompleteit his est•
tabllgunent for tbo.proDoroU= or nunod
e. Ma bead of iod.ral stmt. Alleglnay. Ls pro-
Inftd torniSh trdnoth , bl. te, en.herAM trc
groontin JA.111:3 G7IUM,
, • .
A. 17001 to. Ihnagir... tomer of Th ird and Wood st.o;
• T. U. Month snruFgists. LW Liberty moot .
• Jonlrnilaas. Dround. IdAmond.
SODA ASII-650 casks, of our own'mrinu-
rietcry. warranted of am WO test sa anT torpOrtodi .
and for sale at the lovost istatet_pritor, by •
13.ENIUTT.BY.FX.Y k C 0 4.,
jrll • . . nrat at. odiar Maria. . •
Pittaburgh t Cincinnati and Louisville Tele-
AFEW SFLAItErt this Stock 'tooted ut
m. rattan.. OM*
AL. SODA-2/0 casks for solo by
1/ LEACHING POWDERS-030 nab for
br 11 onsarr, Roar a co.
WOOL! AVOOL!---Cash pidfo_r the differ
air" ! 1.4.44""t *, br. S. a W. ItAttaalsoll:
_POTASH-413 lin. for sale
fe2 -. • , • . - B.A. PAUNIZTOCII. Co.
.0010M1111b7.1. Service. - • ,
t• vcwis. -, • :
1110 • • 67 Market 4, cam. of /fourth.
Q.IIOT-11 kegs wsa'd Non., for side by
Jrlo • , • W.L lt. WILSON.
M B 9l, lbs. rk , for Sale by
~.__ _- „
4- i.' '.--;..,-'IIIEDICAL:,....-.:i.-,"f'--,,'.,.:
• Juders Medicated:l4dd Ctfficle. -
t r im.iISAILTICLE is intendetfor nn %
' - shooklhe Viand lit thy pcoailidial easels p L oi.
• i in. the /sad, .Marbarifoi oho are is weateut dam:east
lo.tiaT to their manse ttootigh aceilltiat. and the twos..
ofslasai alit endenl. artlehi to tsi
oabU to Haat, and after ajeLir trial sW iiooattier it 'nob
This oar essiify that as. the nadastrasi; hatitle
ow-stip lode toti of Jolla Ilsilitated Liquid ertida.loo:
wed lir Marra Bsnatid
Tronatosed It to ot 4 a l WoLaial k li -
as a:oar/sat stiblitUnta adhastra phrase. ta
borto. sou, bruises. and and all kin& of Matt .
lso, Yore Niro • reaadimialled. C
WH. CASET — H 0.
' , J. WOODEOI/4 • . -
ELLSWORTH SUVA Mi. D., flotailla
ComosiOno His gases:Lbw phydsissis la Ma City Of kn •
Eta mai ay
laYl '. somas Waal not First Sta.
" L i. Is t - I nt-up . gout bottle!. , kid con. ,
ya 4 t r z
oMionolb M Vol - S.o • Ciacti a
=M . DorMIC, Amm•mo: File• 011 1
41eriosb*gmi.° Y .
:Ot a lry ' rrptioe Ll a 4131TagIZOW=to,= - It
Wort that JOHN 5.11,7..L'5 .r..(1141Cr OP
ALMA Is tbe calfsavors. tioubelso/ the oubro that Is •
IdsPaositou atrivtl,v ICI•11111de irlsa mod of stallixtu
' tip elseastt.. The ham ant" b. I; t ••, , t1 without scrawl
ica sad pound. 2.l.lll2tikiort to
lhooloimoM ;•o t to oo Fat ~..,:ooo•l•Mmertaiatd'
ikar. of several
:abet valuable susob • :. a:so:bee lumina dr lost was.
t s4 r t and roduslnu u. greatest ottraUSISIFOIA the
/ • • WILL cers wrrnotrt 4=l
dlessful . Sr 'Ws Casuova T•mors, Rnappons ot ,
!be Stk. tlost i bota i sz=br •
MAlnPolOsintim ilatMXsOttili.. •
' ' •
' • C loft ' M ' Uk'' E S* 6 l lP W • • '
. ,
• •
• - , •
• 4,suenor'loortC.Nr'::•••
. Droo,VioAwiaria
Moboonary nr.. sal &other alma% toodhoLlO
• • . norarck 07/1111711IPTION •
Clmiptatat, Patealcirteralorktoo eamplatitt,'
ad Nomad liaoseo. Lon, apttito, laghtß•vors.
Jog I 1 sumo.. dliti, ' lt t looorat UM;
Ja fOr the VA..* agna• C
QC II 11/1111,11.1e..)11.111:01 , 00 .
cow zior to
,81to Usk o: wr.ter.,
T/1 Mlle Ina it
e le the entiallm tory of se:UMW may fa
the fbefeemlan of the momisto: of BoJI nernonaMfla...'
fin. 11. W. hannl tr erinely and tfenenelfe known Yna
etnnent ebtlamonarof
Par. X. Eteveneen hes teen kno - en an me of tbe wet
ented•ad mak.. tesnibers that Um liantaely Onehmennt
could town& many years, end ot. thlattme le @Was
the high Mal..lnwonadblo Cf SOUL for the M.S.
ilcoltOmenum....kaut the until pentium ;better; or meta'
rattalleten tee lloonny balloon mailie/olf . • •
•Better - Tatincny than war a*. Offend =Amor if
. elteter—Tre. fintrister.'
Ws bait and John Mare neoraanna, eraseeknows
'lt to be mal e eith mitten mtixf.tion; sal me loan , no
Rath* in Malan that we betide. It la Ara eafe and vette
able medical tompould, .ea'attleted to nraluce tub*
goat sod noller• meth • elnforlos.: esl: 0r.n0.14
cheerful/7 mai moat earnoaty recommerot It to'Vra
Aida. • thinned). P.. W. 11 :PM •
.. . ,
IIZATTIOVL an /111thr
- • - •
Ilow we all admire a cleat lesolitnt• wlillir sato: and a •
ray colon! Mutt. _Bow alien do wenn Yennsourtpose,
start= tth "desiderata= La devoutly to ae
an to eannotlon lona.. amble. as said adoting
tuls, La restore to than de assahleued of what &nem
ham deprived thencf. and that ins. 'Mtn great
t =
the MI. Doll's Sarsayraills la the bon corvette
It beauddes the the skin. by reaming ersry-wardale
morbid and armed matter Irma tha blo haalthY: Yoe vizonnua activity to man
Tassel, and chancing the yellow au4 st. onratenanse to
Ma Noon. and *sabre. of youth. - Ladies Manna the
eon et valeta and. =banns, attar, Bari isawayerilln
the only dffeetted remody.. ".t. wool to Bari
arias Weald!
eksst. imd Mate; awash to•the ladies. •
ilustissonv. a
Like the Fogeselieg, ReneteriSeptiftuintee: •
all Ca*waesll lea the yitienesr.4 . ,Eall's . atria.
dram Dr. L. Yawata. Profaner' at i
etwrda nT•
Lorderil of
Colley. • .
"I base leaked onw th le e
list of herrentata 'caravan=
John Bud'. Compound antraetetnanaterillanad bat* no
hardatioh in wing twat they torus • rata comp.:334ond
ooh that oratalses well to chronic &wan, 'to winch - It L
appikalils." • JP,;(4i.IIDZIJftILAIL.
hai• nitteiiteed dm prescript ion for impetration of
Jan Hairs hatectranlbe; cod I believe the tobabinotioirtet
Mae wyetllentout. &ha well ohloolatod Wien:Kluft weir
teratito Wpm-lion On due oystotet 7 home uottltt both la
Rubbly and orierw moan, and think it'll* bat eirtieho bet
W0n...i11& in • 31. PYLES,
Resident Phytieben Lortirtalo'.llarate
Sir CACTlON—rowant orki seek fur tto- eriaral Dg
JOILV .131;2.1:3 S.LECSAlldlelLLA. Culuebivethd,
hate noodle, 'KEYSER et 51'DOWY.LL.
141), Wood avec. Pirttburgh, Pet; lelbealottlo abl }Waal
Yorvole bile. )I. CURRY Jen: 'DOtGLA.SIS:'/LIW
&wear eety. lend by Dragteleto hoe/ovally. trltolieveatT,
,4 %...1. - ‘14") • - •
k: 1 7X: 1 741 2
:',l4`6` • -‘ ••
~A 9
Fox PUB:lffnia THE BLOtiri;:ihe beit
IFrauila 'MatlLtltte torn. lneildaut Conamnptlos.
Ineantlanenetrot Vtiter,Ganrral PrattratUattf thaltatan.
Dotteisaal Spirt:Load Gloomy that. of Illakaretniailbl
• Dr.GepeArs Eatradif Yawe Daksati - SsnalaXia•Orhich"
;Ina ltoamilata rallotbranuntinti *Wain OS bitattll
sod arrenaltailsa blood. It ti...ratlsta LaS totonoss, dope
unnatural aocretltua; and Otto healthy salmi* all Ur'
vital Wrea.
lb hall altanativa prolate:las ianler It par tafarli
table to
,t2u> slender marl delluata
men Ittronedlately winateratte that airn;ea tntrraiv
nem end leadrodet ao amnion to the !.vale rinse, WI
imrerte an energy and boorasser se taxis/cm ea Mai
'are grateral. We .ben erktenoe on Me *Welt Wheels as
strongly to reeonumend tins tenUente to Eternal people
yaw/nee not been ranging-
Errata 17tri, Tar.; of tat WC.L. LY: year Oa&
dra'rral by Dr. aural:* Erma of Taloa Irk ikaa
Earsopartlta. err,. ran Iparn remedy ball bra
.Wearowarear. o e . Yeb.16.181.9.
Th. emit. tz.t acr wise. egwr Pea. he. ..glorva
under abilboveoomplaint LW tore .yes:o. nearly_ all that'
time waltzed ht her bah I bale for It= years_ constaalty
employed troe beat marker talent that mnl3Di proeitted fah
thlkowlinal ef .04 eormetryoritbout say beaefit whatever.
I have oleo oanhaaed oval. tuatniand reoptcoarealedfei
the eon of soda dretweeo, eh of vrikb rrovod worthless.
In the spring. of 1147, I was asthma hy nay Etienne%
try Dr. Gaysottl Tallow Doak and SeiratierOla, which wee
tuella bar =maths. After ohs hod used Itfor about long
weeks, item erktera to slier as that she I , 44lanproring,
anti frame this time she Unmoved rapidly. eintgalned Seth
and Mength. Datil the is Dow *Worley hezet. mailing
health. • • ' : . • wx.r.osiosur.
. _ .
Wa betas ll:tabors to W. *al Julio Uutifort.l.K4
that *De .bovo natatotato. oi to Use tidal.. of Itts. Mon
fort, and.. toile env bdOit off.ctod tY 0.7.0te• Ton*.
Dock.lad Simparills. are adaiit.i, tr.. . .
~.• . • i TINE YUDY: •, .:
. • ' . BAII4IIPOWIL.B. f,
444 4 4
qt- 0. Jr Laniard
hamtame Gears, bee.
Menem SA!. Behests .1 Co:—fteata: home time to IMZ
1.. a 4µl set at with Mae. Mil is may Vl9..itiChbedl9/
to sena could not tut It, suel i1214,t/ mat heetioalet
1 mph:7mi. at Merest time; each rhytehatt of celebrity
within my reach; all Odd me toy 'arm mum bi imeoleted.
Prom 'lb...l:welder to the formula met full of reheda
eons hly MeiterUt et this time Ina committal) ulmust
ed. Ltd 03r puma muelt,emedstd. emituthtel ltethlt
state stall ISIS. when 1" . say om mitertimmeut (Gaylen'.
Yallar Dock and hattaemillh) erbkat - it mud, mad mut tors
bottle Of eu.rtkii.'c.yeott's Tube.: book end Semilet
rine c a mel suet I took :no otter rem/t.l mDU. twit:lll
eud Mita:Melt perketly veal beton, -uelsut the sixth tot
lend list the beet ahheorshot of the mu51u47..1
am son It mould bait tamed MO from rears of 'WM and
safferimp I meet euvatlr reoccomerel every peoton met.
iffiLlg Imam say shailtSdlemee. tour. tlursoWs Selo*
bock and Penaparilite 711.1t.h mill to tort thim to health.
-betas, in gestate/A • -- o M. =INA=
Cum Qf an aggravated rase of vpstao.
The rem performed by Pr.- goys.* k :UM of Ifelfair
Dock Lad banaparilla. ate lasilog.• -Ike Fatima's 0.. 4
hoet.t. =atmea to improve after dim:. I. remand. 4.
Coo.. ars not ebronkisd wait time bee fulkr ivied that
More an be Ws Mapes or return of tee divem*: • • • •
• • j..: Ndastag s Herklautreat. k.siatmllfs MO.
11. Y. Samara Oa-omm: It norifts pt.teel:tmtla
waits you about the rimy, happy:idea. at rotmkaCein •
Dock and Sarsaparilla wpm my sou, ',habit/mg lwessaf•
Ming =am that dreadful andloeii , - , • disuse, ltrylipe
as, with whiclihe was attached la WAS: 'and Vol for sere -
al mouths attialdsd by Mai of oar Wt. attialcians. WM.
Mai their skill perameringly for Am mombs.witlamban7
bemebolel results whatever. Ile bematertaluMskto agar
het Arleta*. L lle bad ulcers from lila hip to 14,
wbichware continually dlecharging tilairnettataratimiants
man,: Medical and surgical seilt werbakdol'Physiciabs
maid to Ida me was Lopeless: fbrie maid be nothing
doom o mat these terrible gnu grA:ta.:. 0. 1 40 .
bore and myself thought , btu :war at bed.
Ooe of my nalabors '(ales had Mid AMU hf Saluftila
• your invaluable =Minim I icbot ma to make Undo& '
t: sad, =man= the realms dealar taaa mdmethassadins
life Ward: duo Irma say hops of zeaarufialdit. Tama: ad
than boa/0.4 yaiaz Yeller. Jxsa sal ddradxs:l4,,a34
astratterietll" usitag It: stalt, "Imy itstatallti t t luttarsist
to Wpm. ittfor• Li had aaol bboa third bottle" out barns
b. had toad ► half din.e bottle, he'ecrulti . ..ilk out: fn.
all bra. bou.ko :ha Snr Ltitir, sad hiOsi
cubs list haarsa pargdly rOgorad. i4ior 'a...4a of Oa
dia... except the rani is ramonit a .ad b. postioa,la
I , ofact h..alth at the llama tin.. llsrozorem
the LlMnng of, Guth tiontirely to. Um OYU of yiios
Tallow Boot 11.01.1 Eampailllat sod Nat
myrlf ander gnats obligati , . to aid It is pith hits
joy Nail bitrnis yotrof ~tai bag
for cep son. • gasoooduity:i - ' • ' - 4
• '
NoW by J. Ouninenun to , 4..a.nleenikalolyth
sod WabautotroninOttro,Geurni Auuttaft*
&ouch nal W. to bas ailerdad man be 0414:11.14 .
I. Kidd i C0.1.R. riti.itiya - E.
1.4 can
L. kumn!ar linktolurn, U.
wag, Greeeib . 94mars,
ir.etordatna ik fouMoutinidou K.U.Cks.ll9lK4nJnbitni
klikl•bracil A. Co.. Inulanu J. .K. lYnnaht. Ki r tJanitos:
Kum t Co. KnookniKUA. WlKon.k EUn. 's"aunibure
skhodut &to, "Calluadii. MciatUtu‘Karuu A .Vo:
Yriß an.b.i.t latex: "nlcrenn Jun. Kelt, in Co;ltat..
Inn S. el:l:kidg.lUanes; J. o.ow:unreel; yunu r. C.
S. Jounn.ooP.Cuukni.Jr..
sarprice—.sl per Battatle ;SG
KLEBER haajust`rep ed Beyere
• ne/ehrlina Trerrrtnrfon" the Mao. 'Welt ac
Eu.srysneed , nr ohe.denal cam, in this con:nu and ha
rope. to he the bast, work or ib. Lod: erne nuhlinted.
ser en, well iniawn as on. of tbs mart Ineweerfnl
fee beginners and hwr Lem sunnliwl i Irwin Jong
..d ....My felt by. •
boo. nroiir.snr. and haterwans in in. nupir, both In its 'I
gruel.. wan toasts, thus greatly reatLasting nal at Mb
sranswhat INiaaa and lehnOtn. nrat sandy of nits.
sk sad piano playing. The tollowlstit Projewron whn boo
manned Ilas work, are renrren to:•
Prafeenna. l / a rbror. Lwavlsoarreu FigiosiNoth.