The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 18, 1851, Image 4

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    ,Avlystar inTjEadtasno..4.A.,trecommenda
..: tionfratiglif With , mentors ,coalseqaences to
'thisitigreeiotthe country his just been issued
• ' .apitrilainentary committee, appointed to in-
Ore:intOthe law relative to newspaper swains.
At preseneeveryptiblicationin England contain,
!tig Viva the alightsot paragraph that con be con
-Arne:l Ititn what to usually called" is
at one penny sterling if Issued
• it Intervale of less than daya. BY this stamp,:
• .'hh . wirier - conveyed of, its being,
tranialitied to sinypart of the country-by pestle
often as desired, provided it be; cent.
within one week ,of ita, publication. The effect
of the lad has beerfef course to encourage high'
priced , pepers; end - altogether te Preclude the
pahtfiation of cheap onearanoe on a twoptany;pa..
_per the tea, wiraldle equate. 50 per tent wbile.
on a forepenny ono it is only:20 per cent. The
arcuritieslrequiredby the 'Kamp Office and the
out aiiliself, likewise tends to render capital
ary, , in istich. undertaking, .and thus stilt
'further tglimit their dumber& I
. . The .redommendation of the committee no" is
that-the stamp law in such c ses shall be entire
liabillidut, and thafthe transmission by . poet
"hail be charged onepaany op each OccaMen..—.
ThelitOpciaal, however. is accornpatiled -by a sag
gestiott that a limited. copyright of a certain
iianiber of hours should be granted, and by . this
• I ' ,- tne)ites the property of the higher Class of publi
. cations will be preserved. la - any ether ease,
'owierto - the rapidity to which Printing has now
..been. brOughtthoMoment &mortal' ofinforma
fion.fand ate:tido; procured at &high coataoci pub
lished at fiiimiceopthtappetir, it would be copied
lii'allittistaintial points and issued eta half
pennyeritlisintg by patties to whota it would
involve iio expense but paper lead type. Under
the contemplated-_regulation, every one will be
free to make the best journal:be can by hie own
. fair exertions, - end those who have embarked w
large capital to suit the taste of the more Wealthy
orders of Isecietk will-still have the induconent'
• to do so if the public are disposed to encourage
The matter being at present simply in, the
"'shape of 'a report from a, committee, no ialtera-
Lion is iminecliatilyto be looked kr. ltia of too
much importance to be hastily adopted, and
horses are now solely occupied in huddling
ni thatremains to be got through, • so ea to
- mable`the prorogation to take place in about ten
days or alortnight. Next Saetlioll it may form
ono of thel items is gob annual financial budget.
:IVbeneverit may be adopted, it will do more for
....ithe education of the masses than anything that
' l, jait - YotnoVntrini. _The first — result will bothe
;publication of en overwholiaing ardbUnt of trseh
and iffirless - of - much money, but a few good
specitiletta; of the now literature will take root
and become universal:
. A VEXOADLI Awateces judge relates the
following anecdote
The too:Tag following-the battle ofrorktown,
I, had the cariosity to attend the dressing of the
wounded. I Among others whose limbs were so
Mach injured as to regiaireempatation, 'was a
mueician,litho tied ieeeived a musket-ball in the
hate. As was usual in such cues preparations
were made to lash him &in to the table, to
en pre-
vt the possibilitrof,his movioi. Says the sof-
"No*, doctor, what would Yon be att"
mq, I am going to take uff your leg end
it 'nanny...wiry that you should be lashoddown."
" IlLconsent tong =lt thing. You may pluck
the hewn from my boat, butyhtt 'II not confine
'Ls there s iddla in tho camp? If co, bring_it
A vialth was funiisheti, and • after Inning it,
liowidoctor, and he condi:dot to
play until the opeinfion, which took admit forty
lainntne,' was camplited, without mieeing s note,
or miring muscle. ,
Norr.:—Poor Warren should have been like
the Irish orderly that waited on A respected
friend, whom for the nonce we will call Captain
Vlllunderbuss, of the EmsialdHens. He was a
private in the Captain's regiMerit,'who hadhired
him in whit on him. One morning, the Captain
• • having visited hie quarters rather unexpectedly,
could not find a very inspoqtant article of his
dress, which he had retarned to exchange for
those ho then had on, nor his min Pat, end, with
true klilesiau warmth; railed in a great passion'
,to the parade where he found Pot at drill the
_ranks, As ik_would have been contrary to good
discipline to touch Pat while on duty, the worthy
Captain satrobliged to contenthinumlf with roar
). re Where's'my feather breeches ?—where's my
leather breeches? Comer out of there,'you sped
leen, and, by the powers, - 11l give yous geed
obliited. to yoo,' Captain, honey," raid
Pat,. with mtieh apparent naivete, knowing be
was pi e fe e tty egfiwe s ie be wee--"mach obliged
id you, but-1 wouldn't if you'd gin me two,
darling; thank yon all the same:" -
:The Captain entutd into tbe-mdy wit of the
fellow; burst into & hearty laughter, got
into a good humor, and thus Pat snood his boner.
L. 7 IMOPERM - 4 bailida wN baglren Intr. tlon
ba =drama to DAinD IR% tt.:. •
UNITING-100 bbla,(dry nnd very fine)
Ty 4.1: sale by , • J. BCIIOOSMAKEK CO.
- ,..Xu;phy & BurchEeld
OPEN this mornin g alaiiher stri-
Os of Meoeulto Mettler, white. bloi end ereore se,
pet IOW: lilt*, black Lm ulerrale henry No= acre:
I,c'etustaerwrer; Irish Unenr. echlte endcolored Ml
recce. te.; ;. kt the medusa. corner or Fourth sad Market
Q n ALEILATIJS-8 casks (warranted pure,
►7 Mr sale!by - J. ISCEIOO.IIAPSIL A 00.
:-,VIACK.EREL—Nos. L 2, and '3, in Vali.
" and bt. D 64, Ibr ale br
JOHN Weir a CO.
• Nossuito Bars. •
I'LIVE jitd.roceived one case ar Wash Net.
threw mix)rida, tor Mauna. Dui
7y2i. . Wil: NouLE. 4 rtird sheet.
Ppwnzlwiza , L T.
u f o r otle by
lIEESE-75 boxes for sale by
s.r. vox sosNntissi a co.
IIEESE--200 botesTrune, for sale by
IsW .1. B. MOP/Mix
PEARL ASH-30 bblo. for sato by
ten 3. B. CA-WIELD.
SAIERATIIS-125 boles
£0 bbla. / I l e; J. EL OLISFIK fur AidLD.e kr
LAKE FISH-10 , 1 h cipt. Wh Fi!h;
bla-Jake Trout:
ut OIL •• ••
CLI4 PIL lb,. ralL° br
FIG IRON—ISO tons Mill Creek Pig Iron
250 totiMens C7cnk do do
• 36 tons Rhoda do • do
".17 - 18 - . 7213 Wort,. Wee.
• ; - dos= just mind sad far We; br
1.19. - • R. P.. HEILER.,
("ITRIC jrust rec'd and fur
nie br. • • Irie 11 SELLMS.
T NAI'EIER-100 Sides N. Y. Sole. for sale
Ittl by I .1.13 • J. tIL NMI).
14 1 TSQUITO NETS ; § Bine, &0., to
had at dm a tm.
Yid' 7atuarPlll,
gjAPSE HINOINGS—A large aaeortment
-et French aed Aziettous'.lPnrer I.labiObe.)thwars pa .
• .11 Ica rate , w. _
F IS N -1.50 bbls. N 0.3 Mackerel; - •
30 • " Trial *O4 White Sisls
10 " NaNo. 1 *.eltart.
- 70 • " ' 2 '
LatollAst a0:14 111 r sal•
..ji7 JOITIf WATT & 021
••E.A.—Pritito to Extra Fine Gieen;
Noted for Three Prime Artielu!
fn th e Dia aod. is =44 fa asAing
. Its bert.tril: • •
Sue bun YRENC BRANDY; In.littsbuzyb.
• "Mould youstood lb. haw kr uudlo.l poryu," Tou
msr. utly &loud up. lug _ 1y.14
SUGAlL—Lovaring's.ercuthal and Pulver
tiar Otanta. Loaf sat Clatad. 0.
aleta bt
1715 - WiLLIANS W
lr lor quality. [WM/ reedvedatter aaLllogjoar at U.*
• la- stra . .r e
?rd. - • _ . ..18A1•11! DIUKEIr • CCL
SODA ASfl-15 make for pale bz
V./DUKE-12S seeks Green Rio for sale by
I bo lo xes w Man , nfactured;
brivr . aliby ; rA.coutallioNTma'4'
.19ASH -20 cask pure, foredo by
11 - 7.9. Dammam co.
41ORN=-600 bu. Shelled, foinale by •
•j 3711` - - J. I. DILWOR2II CO.
ILAMS-4 casks superior, - fornale on con
enimunt br - • T. 'FOODS t 60:t.
AIJUM-50 bbls. for sate by
~ 1 43- J. scuoossakra k co
. e. .Q4IWINES IN . BRINE —1
Ae r abe " , b1e.*,17 1 keg , Bar
. : • wid.A. Bi'Lvaild
ut.eir R.
U . lll. PAP.EItr—A 'lut jiist rqc'd
• p!yr - sae by, SA/ATVS, Ittationar.
• NO ; satatact tkaata awl Marta
011;01 5 00 galiC Mre, for:.—"le
b r .'" • XaCl79uallaKaa.
". • •• • •
.`" • ARD bbllt. - pure winter
tot`aal!by oCtiousit akra co,
11 sz a t
OTTLE:O9ItKS=M u tt ask by
V -
IRKLENEN. No. - 101 Third street, has just
. . ireveiebel—
I.E. not the. Loa; • .
• thwilint-of Sprinin
at . • • '
t' 'alto; to tn*U—Catharine Myr.
"Calltirt,ooallope—tablunti ' • -
Oh! bops, name p. e . Im,:tem Ethiopian wing—Toetere
Oh! Muhl I only well rhea
' tinompf llowere widen -• •
.. tlectlagtel U. te.c." ' .
: Joe Hallatt .
.01P, toe a hone Londe the lolly
Oweet Awene.of the vale, • .
'Theo hart wounded the aphlt that loved Meat
We uo moutpeirt--elenny Lion;
_• ~
Moooliebt to stueping—Lioter . .
.' tee rutted to Wien , * •
'The 'nether, •--
;11; , -
•re . mtbora Polka ii th Titnet ,
I liortke is Home; Naifftle
.7ra " gg h A Ll y . .rVJT U"g%raM' T ." ' "
Kee Hot.. LitasriDeoa. orrolt. th• Pod
• New Books, Just Receitred.'
VAST: a Problem,- repeated with entree
', toms .00 additions; byahe author of Alton Lacks.
/I..Ma, MI. • • •
111/tOrr of Cleopatra. Roan of EMS: br Jacob Ablxkt
lEstan. tram
• (Web Mat &• Tido of tbs. puritan.idmaina
last busy: a.T•ta: by Anna 11, Dow7.•dt.P.of
and Fortune.. Pap. sod sans. • . •
. ppletate• Mechanics Madame and-Ensiosont Jour
Dal:" No. G. •
11 . 1;ne'.• Diolkoo.ry of Method.; Ruin* Nf.b . i.kjend Zo.
ginecieue: Noe. 31 and 32.
Loseingl Pietortal Field }took of the . Revol otintr,No.
l'slo oPnpL ll7 . lt4 I sl , 7v . tyitt . T l V . l . lb . le or llco nt rard, TO=
Daniel P. Kidder. 12mo .e.1 uk tm),
J r l2:o' Sg ArolloPlIldloge: Fnarth
New Books.
irIOtIVRLY, MALVERN: or the Life of an
to Anther. Br Thomas MW.. Witti,terenitySione
hulirstione br. Thia. ' ' s _
Tramlnin the United States, kn, dinin(o4lran.ll/3.50.
•Dr the lad y Emmeline Stuart Westin". .
No. 8 of Looloo Labor and the Landon Po*.
The above books jug reed and for ads try •
- Sfata . . STOCXloll,47lBarket st.
15,00KS!—No. 33 of Ilyrtte's Di etAlity of
Mechanics as Eturineerins._ • '4.77 .
al of Appleton's atocbinies' iassasineanetsprineile
,••••. . . . . ,
Alop—A lona. aOsortmeot of Claiolool arta School Boob,
just reed and for oda by - .1. L 1114A,D.A.Innit. '
.- TA App.lintinlllLoo, Fourth street
:C. B.—ltscol taken in oschano,O• . . • • i3O
. I
.......t.,opytoelta the Peat '
.stionary of Ifeshattie. Nadi ! •
• Lltto11•• „Living Ago, No, 171.
illseterdsd, for August.
Harper' Maps:toe.
Murat/local tharallne, forJulY.
The Adtenturra of Paul Perim'table; a Eta
The Demises of Lllesbusw. by Ours..
floartee or the Salons of Parlse,),,r M.J. Rlchasslaon.
tesA a Problsan hy the author of ..Iton
Re of • Bachelors. ar • hook. of the newt • -
The Turner's Cornpaulost, t he U .
Tummies's Ouldo throne% the U. A. and Camel.
Mena: or the bodajholt a tala of real is* by Urging
Lee fleas..
The Ron. lo , Balaar.
R:lf.l,7l,trrea %V4 - 11ton't t Irdt.
Bad as as &won It starry by Dula..
ilsartatee Monthly Matruh., tor July—No. I.
Oodey'a Lady". Doak, for ~fool
tirahates Magazines "
sti • -
The r'' f iu' lea .M N sn • !MAL •
r New Nage.
HE SPIRIT POLKA, composed by IL,
Metier. add dedientied to Stephen C. Foster. of UAW
hyerly'LlValta. arrapcol by IL Weber, ea filar,' by'
\eill Ott.
..on kr Jou.. with variation, by bald.
• .1 - b• Antonia ofourT:ar,
our Tsar, bi Weviegir Sinter.
Also, a, rclostion of Yore n 010,1, for Pluto. Pluto,
Violin. de. IL ItLEy 11,101 Third drive,
jnai . own of ids Golden Hard. '
P. B.—A vglenditi lot of new PIANOS' now oliedinfri - 1
Ono 'err' coon 6 attn. Pismo for Atha. . !
gathe ."" 0=41",h," u tiop` the tlehrd Bt ldt
exhibltlug a complete views( ourgn natal:loud.*
thPlgrii t = l ag,V.,,
Gnestratthlcal;nelencidcal. tlecentmMal,and Ili_
Seraphmal haw.. and Fantle ttlien
akes of the Arte and llanattaeturm, and s Record of tp.
Knob of the Times from tb11..• •
Th i t e t l lhont valuable
. er_
t" NvelhO k t Marta' et
Music for the'Blbomero. •
KLEBER, 101 Third.etreet, eigti.of the
S .:ittc..
besittifal vignette of the Bloomer lbstwblistied use
der tha patronage of the Illootnerr. eau by
KELLY QUICK 8 MP, • eery p0pu0..4
festers beautiful tdr of •iNelly eas • lady." '
Alert • etpfly of Boeterf Temperance Ultiailooke iylfi
Chickerines Pianos.' •
Chieknion's Mann.. %1 ttsburnh
sod Western Penerylvenie.
hes ed and now open to rear, the Soh" •1 -1 71 1 111
towing ele rerwe gant weortinunt pf Pluto Fortes, direct frentsthe
manufsetory. at ALr.Chteketind's (aortas) brisew
• One atrial, t Rosewood sennuexend Piano. oti octave', .
oss pieta
• &If :2 • T', • '
Three " ; " r o u e
eurrns, ••
• Two ••• equate " b ••
The stews Nano Fortes nen of the tatest'styles of fund
ture, bud eitb all Mr. Chtekeing•s improvements the
prices instant:OF the pones, et Balton, thereby easing tei
In this region the expense 1.2 rule of Outs-
Atec• roc seic ' •
One Roareona Carted MenLllnge63: Oda..< Mann, min*
ute.nred t,r Ad en Haden a Or.
One Halewood octave, Anna &onset O4 One - Blbefon klefels
0120 "dee.
One see , Lanta " Chlektrian. as weal aa sms; .
Deena a Mean
One ." Land 4 Seethe= •
One patens /ea...burn
One " 03/ " phatnatAn Omapani
Black lace 9ei7a:
.SO . IIPHY & BURCLUE_TELD hare a fall
• *a ibßment a Lotg Ahal Thict Lam Tell, -
ur. vials urn groon fhlute• do: gr•nk Berage Ilmut•
Gs• do: blAtk Fi!k plaba awl Iletterd, ta.
• ' sue
Great Snawl Sale.
A. MASONAcCO.'S Great Annual Sita
• Oats tifootomsate on Turodus.. attosiotOth..tso•
will offer tho and boot ostastoditcaltof &awls
over oth.biusS JO tat. ettf. a,alott outa
'.Plain" iSlagaertpo thavlr. ,
;hack Laos.
Alta Via .
. Fatty high col'irrenels Thlbia Eihs.lB;
him god atabrokhrod,
lhoolsa..Caohusaro sad Lova. _
Of no .4 medium pualltica. allot which they are deter.
'aloud to dose out. prasioas to resohting.theif fall ouch".
They bo *Mord at • great redaction fta rotator
pride:and Ink that . ..tartans COSI. say*
0F . 4-47.10,11RED Wll3 DOWSI;IND PA
PER, jnat norlred four tho .000 0.62.1adr0 carrion
bootifseones, soli for solo at tbo old_r toad, No. 60 Moo,
t lamer. (OM] TUOB. PALMNN. '
. Scarce slid Desirable 000433, .
IV VARIOUS, STYLES o ibis.morn
• tiotrototot Potilion w .oloolt t.teatlliawir. •
Blatt San, neat Mourning _
tilootionot 0.. &O. • • L. r
Attention lo hooltod to tholittutiooottortlatltt at /Moll
Lamm, WNW thonto for drew*, az. - r _ • •
.111 moil% txtay or Itßoorrole. , fro= Sfror'Yott—
PAIVEIL hos just remind ame 'owlet} of mm
Nazoourr Ikoloeto. moo broutlful io3d store •tyleo.'
Moo'. sod Boys' Braid. &law. and ioh/roitots. ' Jol7
Goods for Warm Weather.
nut comer Of Fotifth wad Market streats, ari
1111 with goods adapted to warm orsothor, meg sis
• • &atoll sod Womb ISLWIlli•
P " ri a tifta l"..llZM •
Kahl shit* Swiss sowildsll Moulton
They. 13;7; Vst 'SCIOLturr led of NEW GOODS,
shag ad rm. v. stumble MU AY Scab, black for do,
m 0. ..7 , 1,2.4.1,:fi .,...:tAndera1eerm Dotted
U. sod Allis, Air, londs, doir i sty t terbaoWle
LAWNS, ellsosesblo.PlßLlS
71arL: wort/urns bang very MI. with•eos shbT7ter
Fiord Of rm. goods, sod sold at UMW? rlLlCllandstoelilidda
an ofT,rod to boyars to erll sad costs Gal. plirebaffiff.'
' Straw Boanet S
'and Hat•Warehonle
- No. 10,
. .
11. PALMER offers for pale, 'at , vary
J. losrresn, a fall assortment of Starr and lallin
5104.7tif—Torelst sad Amirinani . jsdan ban/ •
Straw, Braid. Cain. 01.9**MM /.. ..
.4 4
If TS--dlca's. Yontlu asp s Bop' Lei
frAir, Ch ni lq tray,
allsons• Gipson Amur .LW<4. and other lbrad,
anlal yl ywl
ty yet
Asp! and =Oohs!.
,RB2IOXB-111ch Boannt cod Bead Dian ladlit lad i'af
fed, all oldils sad onions Lonny Van., and_CrspeCkaa
d .
LW—Plant and aimed walls sad aolmed Edla a nd
.Cottan meta -
STRAW TlZlMUNClS—Oords.T.."l4,ltuttpi_Oralds,
FLO R. farneh a nd tlaterlau) Erdal, bunches add.
.Tolthiratir i nt!,,Vltzarsob;* am. Ns.
fi t u t , ...ll ate,. Ylornann. and othsr styles. , riandsd,
7/2M—Assorled.sualdies eadeolors. •
lkara U.. le.
Also—Elea undlow aria d Parasols sad Ellabrillsk aa Bead
ticatinizuo h.. 0 frothed • few pistil. Bios aod
Twilled /fault Clotho, of a soot quality. Also—
Ural. rte. to Su.mwr Owl& • -• • 112
MOURN NG AIRACCAS--light in body
mot • sepsMelly Manna! huatmet Irma. . ha .
m Chatty. /Sleet Cotton env.. Jkanbastnes.'an4 other
Myles of. lloarning Goode,. fall assortment to be thud
at the More a • - - • alUial'lrt BIIECIDTELD.
tir u, ~.. D1017r5 N 0.1.10 LIMIT Sraut. .
Tarr larpo and sniveller stook of tuhlonab a f1 a t .. .1 6, 14
opted to Ototlemen s Wall r thr -9ptitv =op Qt.
dy It American, Enzlisb, - pal 'Puma
mm; a vorr apkorild aaaortmant of 't eatlvlClotha
of well- faolakoabla shade and color; ',blot,. hafortch
ook of lIIK T 31ADIS
ttti l igti i .m i t,ryol f rib r r, ' ...., " . and beat iialarted
moot. won of thelkllogtettloc. Si 1 01 ' w hie b tba Probriator•
II datrrmlood' to afar at such pima. Will tallyho". tal
whntatorhito With • tall, that oat 0.17 the mast ruoarrioc
nosClotta Id It this establishment, tout afloat ths lor•-•
'd Airo74.?? .. fligfillOrilliti; - a 'f.. ti.
tut orratb..caanott, and at the shorten n oo n.
• ' '
QARPEES --- 011, curnis,, 64.
• hi. Bpesog Bidet of
c0 ,,, , ,, i 4 .5upi 6 0t.trakr.i., 7 ,.-ku vr •
Elan 'Born/ dd: do.
sag do. da Broassi..; easra ouprr. a pin
antra doe DM conanow dp p,, osttood
44,34. bd. and 24 wind Veolths: 44,
pato do.; 4444, 6.+10.4 24 wool and aottott do.
Ch•dal• d.= be , ...2 do.; id. I
de. v.; orrscl.rowo do. C • !lair, taltod do. !
.bsep Ufa dadat Adcliddo do 4 Thrum do. do. _
Crumb C/otlu. Yoltmi HOcldat 124. d.d. sad
St=74.l 9 4.%lll4 " (rlttlat n ! " l" al "*".
dlso—flialilods.orAu alac anweienaeson mow-
Pdtc_.0.2d0454.44.1k0d.3,4.Hati1nix Tad. Lenr, Cent
sod u4.per; moActinket do. Tnixtat SVlndowlibwder.
INS %/Md. Ilattodx Veoltlarr Emboh.ed
170 , m do. Table do.: do. Stand Worded Table do.:
Ll. mo.t o oula b r wi stewkdirral ft.= Wr
eaammn at 11 . 7C=C041.1 . t0 oar
. tO.d to
.tqfrio ozadrdaw . atm sto.';At '..
. The Curt 31 1 )whcmse, SS Fourth greet , lieCllNTOM I
The nuut Eitniorifirictig Dieeovery 6i the World is
thereat. Arabi= Re esedi far itzs mutBOW .1
car,F.Ba&TED ARAmtur ustereirr.
Iiz;FAIMELYS gamin., Antall Xaui:
. ...0 Is • mod extrumileary tosadia. the t. trqh
, arU .4. 1111 litrAgYand at.ibtrdZ.p...= ~..N.:
nether neededwe While
111 1 A; boas radea. In LW world.. 31 te cempmed
s f Imlsems,extamte ewe emu peonlith to Arad*. tow.
with. in a wocentritted 6.. rm. sit their stimalsOng,soo-
Oayed Wrath:l4 Ithenfosm aidnrohdre v 7 1 1004
AleVatthich.thweltte. Were awl by the •• one the
wan en* nainembona enore, In ming f • dim
, Iteollbe fhllowittatremertable torte, which thread of
themselves place IL G. Yerralre Arabian Linimoot hr le
-1 witrg —f--.. A rwr r "'0n....1mt to.
tm . 4 . = . 1 ..., . =I so we that ybe cook not
poalt wit son
Py le
I getitat " =ifour eetdoctoo. end they Illfor
;111:41=0Vt,== 1 .! t igtir.= lter . l 4
toad of the
anon end others sold It owe Toth. of
1 the unripe. led could not be rend except by cattiest?
oot. In thie attkal aittudion. loves. ersowitd le Irf l •
(1. Yarnara Azataid. Liniment upon it. arid. nth, Ws It
met tenser, topoll the thlrel application she IMO. ...Is4 -
11.:7...f4.11 " 47:1F2V0rigr=1;111. ' ,
D. /ftcoNsr.u. • • v0:t0. , ....;./.1 _ ,
• Cerostoesa, Ws, Math ST.,thela
One women has need yew Ltani with grant so
libe had loth the we of be hosts lei three yaw theFi
tramed to that bet kw were benteenuith
O s=r 4 . sa IS wood for DWl:Widow of DO /es
eltslot.eld the assla oatlsaisd ilals in MI Mot r u t
LW air Id IL O. istull's Arabbe Liniment, es acns
stas to wait with ewe. end has • etraight Ignite en
Woad it • mom eitellent rstordy Whore. Osstr,nleo, for
" Igs Or ta = =PT= " s
et olisit Wired
wysydwypon, Imre, • .lons 20.1110. .
Prom the speedy and perwmt earth. both cams* ens
lout. which yew Arab= lthinsent Is yerfonnlng; 1 do
not heaps. bo marrows le
t, e Nitta* Itentoly of the
dim" 1 Uwe punted doctorl( horwa fOr twenty o re.'
sod haw thee 0/1 the ration. lialintotha ointto do,
so mach puffed op in the worth Arol3 Muth It IL.
tl. Paella Arablea LtnWeet wove& way 1 we
Made mast: lay he us, 1 haw eared Sweeny P Tin
betwafthr they had been 1.001111003 Incurable, d haw
- mind more th w fifty hamerthlehowle With , too Lird•
meet, ethiarettaM etely stedentdlmew from them
orators up to eremi4 44 iroe. and y... Laa
alao bird teatiatny of It. 0100 c oti the I=4 al.
rigal• I war outlined near ' alt lath Winter to Mt tww•
with Shearestime. end ma letnotp to help me on ,
til 1 commasmt the WI of you Lth ,whieheT u ry
rued so* ~ , Id. LUBLIN ,
tinn Pahl of ten way g coxed by:lT...o.qr .
• Arabtaa LIM t.
r4... r
. t ‘ , 4, , 114.;4 1 .41
Mr. It O. P.41113:14, Dir. I had been 11
the `ion pale for the lest ten furs. sw ot
u. =Efti
I .otjZirMit i ali, anMI ott hot h rille b teroplee about Wye or
I her time • day, IL we =UM; Waal and /WE:
nothing of It alter. 1, went Into th e stable one nig to
~,,t, it toll bone e inns lee, and bents tenth= he •
hiU and frit wainet ray lots, erashiasaW brulang
•leZitdi thity r aamtr Keck es my hat. m
dijw. twice* appil y . ar Liaecot, end d a l
fat* few der to di id •as nensl. also
=abed my Dower n • sliothhod menner, by testate •
beet -log DJ/ upon It, bat !0O Liniment moo healed help.
It Fall, Precinct, Demie,sw, 111, Yob U* . 0, 11111.ka Net
Baran of Cointeffeits.
TO GUARD 00011 07 111 POSITION READ TUB tl/1.
LOWING oAar.ruilx.
The Public are wartionlarly cautioned wainet • sOese
thostotred which hat Waylaid. Its alajWillies IW le
old by the lawmterbo makes It "W 1 100,0'. Amthl.
w Liniment*. nth to •
w •
dtheurens fraud and more Iktle
so death's then his bearing the tows of( Permit.,
tom he particular womb ad/. for a by Me owe wf• 11 ,
lAnimtat.• for unprincipled deehre will Wpm. the I'D
RIOLU sasselas non you Ow the wermins, bat at erfs
liw "K.0.100,1W, Arab.. Dieteseel," mai tote .o ether,
Y the =thine always hes the harm IL G. belt. Partall'e,
his threathre is gluon the oats= wrapper, =I those
words ItownZLhst slam bottle—wit. G. .I.Ler...italas
Aetna warded In may TDIIII, Tillage and 11=1 in
the United Maim. In which one le Ind established. Apply
by letter So IL G. Ferrellaretnie. // 1 . • 11 0 irc. l fl*...
as mobs:eater, reeponsitallty, ec.
WI on the agent who will famish Pm of Chasse, •
book contelnittimuth valuable Information for every La
a cinema.
Puce-73cent* 00 cents, sad sae 4011th per bottle ,
Tar only tentrene is aanafactursat to. 11. u Yarttil.eole
Inventor and proptiator. wol Umlaut% druggist, No 11
Alain strost...... in tend thr sal• wholesale and Weil et
proprietor's prim bilL_N. 1581,LIGth.
angble.-9 ea 6T Wood Arad.
Bold by D. M. CURET. Allmthew City.
The Human Body Must Perspire,
Q 0 SAYS NATURE, to have a healthy
rutraarq stsrlas 44 turf...Tonir raoltad.
to tlte most elrultUblitrhisesses. now. sonts*.lbtlias
ULMlno trl;riolterVlre r it ' thl t re;
'' 'hourry s hotirs;
Watt by b a
n t, Rs at C 7 phremluso to • York ha
tus It rach 05110,axid Dna U. 'unfailing—as a/sa,
hitnyls; Illotobeir. swan/other The
realer I. assured that thi. It no ussless,buffed nograte,sa
onytais.l.,lll prom 1,041 snustersh. at. ;last .ti nts
perm. eartd - of we head, sure legs, alai toy beard, I
Buy tt-6sont ths rasher la again *so rod I would not orto
. I.ll . r h aa tho i ltrt = s ee . .l=t 14•41 ., i5ta
*9l Coed this not only cars, tat a sorrealre, and "I :COO
nosr only and. that any-oni Ikelleted an} ad.* shot..
u Si r o ster t. l.llo , this all. ahl so. owe Cetst. ,
arsitinr C"17 o.! U4l.27*tar&*Letc.'6u'ilt•wnr—
buy off4 " Mtst k . Jaen...M. l mb' Us.. In Fillrouthh..
bead Wood.
Pearly White Teeth,"iuid Pure .Breath: to
.es hut tar 20 amtaPlestlbos lies bare filler,. eke honoree
bly issued that-it Weir breath is .ev e AWL or abets
teeth 111.krastl. dart Jossw. ant astruted.alth tartar.
that a :IS trot bra o' Amber Tooth Pasta ertll tarots
the Wale as etlt• as a.m. and tba brush oiatilrrOdsl7
W EOldolar nom no Una,, Evili
A Seientifla Hair.Tinik.:Reistoreiatid
" . lii.—blar'Bottl. trio. tout. • Those vitio bore 4.4
Sono' Oorol" lb& . KaMtvti• know Its otottlo.9. 11 11..".
'• • = ti Ltat r t or a rt.l7o , —„:: to yore . ttot tot=
'status totanded bolt to vow; ctollLoo m oYt taro Kurt
ordattlnatt. •44 nuts Uttxt. co 'war Wrenn, dark
.or nodal= ttio 0.10 Boa 0134 ,tiothlag tea tamed
stila—tt =tot Lt truly tosultlnt, Itoopt It. It ts, the
&at. the moat, ottmootlool—yot 4 , 31 for gto
Bo :only al trit:7lC6BON'9 f..ltortt ttriot.
Mod of Wool, Pltlsbutott.
Pricoo-37ii MOO. 60 mats. 004 41.
JONES' Solnticnirof .Jet; a Liquid Hum=
nafr Drs for tin 4:brigand. of ' , idle. rad, er eau aa a
bestatlral tvolro, or block jet color, to • ire' mievtn. •
Illers—So rents. wed 1.- •
• Bold by 11)LJACII.riON,%0 Liberty etrestaseedof WCod.
JOI4WLILLY PMTE. • • • • •
Ara OW.
mood magnet isinw. the common mowed Quit di.)
ere net swore tem telrhtlolly irunrione it* to the Alta'
bow memo; bow ewer boor Ala, renm,...a
tbr Mitt apowors. atter owtog • ilrridr . o.d.
iat r =o..olotnoeg=:=t4eg t t u t! .j. ..... ma l ..‘
call Jooes:Zookel, Lilly. .. •
• it T. Posereol. bear rafted id all deleterious
nalltler. snits MINIM to she WWI • teatorsJ„ Itwolthy, 01.
, elms. Iletow wridtc wt the rum Um. irtiow es 00.
Irtio on the Ado, 11.A1104tit sett sad smooth. , •
Sold ¢Ltbo.A.reql,.W.ll. JACICIIO/1, 910,Liberly saw.
owl WoedpildWoorat.. - Priesoll rano .
Compound Swap • of
a- YellOw' Dock
niCcUPIE:S.the: frcizirsk the pro
41J/- widow =Akin.* of els- dftnttrfler aotesUeelr
eurins Canker, Ban. 6.beam,'Ll7elp.lso, and sn other di.,
maw artdajc from Imam Aso or Us blast.. Alss,
laver Ostoplelat.Ottserh ng , Dye h ve
thlltadachayM w Dlrriates,
Coalthe: 12103,02011 sad tness Lb. .: y..
ehlus, tit boarmito. tunas. and out
nallag m Ba as-loa
dent the throw; aad Is sod with saysecodested Irtlefre
Ulan (9/111.31 • •
Female Weaknos and General bebility.
Etnlidthentai the . 'maimed ItodUking lass to the
vulvae 0r.,.., sad laTleorstaz the ts •
If the toollmoar of tbotsthds or thins miteademe. 13.0
rsll.l__,sPottrnie hw
ly atecaotans =lnd a r ia MOM,. *nu 2111161i1y d num
Ad and betas &lra coastltutloas. It la pars r Vegeta.
ble 10 Its coathaidthal, ss
lard'/es accurately cotabload
rnewa.....r tharmeouav! .at rya
- — Ptinly the Blood. ;
It hes fdathred.manyctmonledlosoesrldetChave batted
the OW of tly pot Dlo•llMgillatt Imam eared
6.8 Mims. whlth-Bareettrl ,
.rny esdee ' or CAVVOV-
Idll)W; The most °ballasts thaw) hew bee. c -by
. mdlolp. • We tar that lite sysluable medicine }} Wan
JIILIOUII . O./XPLAINTS.. It remorse all otacrtolUna to
the elrenlationosadarlag the that tree. at*** and !amt.
Mr. It mamr ralpitatioa of the Ileatiedad tvtlaven la
an CYO or Asthma, and may be saes 6 steam, put
at all ee..omd
Ttde Ityrup le premed 0n14.0".14069.6 00-ott /03,
lonatals eteset,Trarldoats. thd eald sthohasladod
" : pal; Adadi
my . 67 WesaboussetoraerWtod sad 613th ete. PfttF
B. T. Babbitt'l Celebrated Soap Tcrwden
FASIIING ..tritliont. labor! • . WitrrAntbd
to tete tbe kolas out of fable linnet and nap
Doincnosa rot OR.-Pot r oar clothes to -i raltelent
quantity of sold aster to cover them, than add beatable.
spoonlble of We boasabf to eteab bunt. of tater
trod erlth - the olotbse If the efer I . d old afore ,of
the Poerder. and bolt them tot rolnatren -la the wean Uwe
Pleas than doenikeeltb a erica, then not Mon in • tab and
add aufUnent °old water. Jo nut they NUI not be too tot
to handle.: This rob tbe dirty sthell, min other uorde.
Rife Memel tbarautb tall& end ; that le. authient to
N. 11. , thers tatiAl DO Min tratils. Soap, It sill Wire
tlnselothea Tau Shit., and no bed- oily mail, air atoo
pow . The outlay on? of Abe . mania/ at Mt door sot
ea : tea andlu Oa ann eta in , MVSIN cr t. 020911 -
Af ZIOVISIg Iltirtjl3.lbee: ~...• - .
. •JP i I'mrder that 0111 , 1*IX0 VII ante brelrioarta
e t 4
. MUMMY rot 11at.,- 2 Take. Ay ali newts of irate: and
'adz the Powder reltb lt, and then let It boll. 'ay tee oda.
Stela then add di
It told tate , : all , tato lonallely
=O out be Walellettn o lT WTI ta g' I=, =
Lrll . l=Lell a. ang c :artglNl . ue ltlL . A . lft : emra
water, by inamg the q aunty Into; els ovate, larked of
Myhre: The ton Poen la beat adapted foe tablas calla
affd woolkno goos. .
told tbodereleand"rstill il , - .., Iti E. BELLEW , . 1
,JO - , . • . . - - , ~, , No, LT, Wood a,
Fr bOi'ARTN!RSITIP heretofote . 4.
Efi t bo b ro~ W r
neil l egjett U t d =6 " eedfethet7r::::
conete,of the Old IMO. . 1 1 ,,,rth i Zta y . ,
wittomiah-rwl. liutaasuoi inuaiumi
• c a ).PARTNERSIIR-Ttle,auter:ribers hove
satorid lota Co-P andoi tbe Arm of IBtlaf4;,
Otely. .oltava/it
jsl It tpatlN.
EN NETT, BERRY a.CO. have removed new Winbaniaaraer of Chaney In. and
-•.:•-• • 4re pnw o o d o2/47.77'7
• CHOICE collection of ShrObbery,Yining
.Pa t 704,,,,h,71f:Lt',...0 'ere 7 ;
' Et i l i Vnt s•
•mturr occameat Ards ard aantena all/ r to fond at
Onenaroctt hammy. •./Isa_ Minibus Inns the wan of
Mann and TIRB Irlona,Tlttabahlb, 07.27 half haw, ka.
thatia=lacCalasaa nal caber othalthattatainfta
(4 b an. . 14 + 444. ali4; Dlni , l•ar.Maat
14 ahr oacssir.4....du p3941/1121h1,
pßigttrio AIk ' WRA_P PING PAYERS-;= -
Mai?, gad.: Sas aniietirr Wrucios Parr .
• LO " Dent. Crain • •
18 " superior * Pat OM. isier; * - •
100 '". Doable Mulls= =lab Print:ma Parr;
100 " lmlstriel • . =s3l' • "
38 " :Us= " •
' Tbe alxrre., *lthi 1 , 31;id.04.1415r.8 mars. for Las si
"lbw lowest ptlos, by; • _ • ;N. a. nasal,
- bts4eurr sad _ V .
• is ta *inns of Market sod =a strisks::
• ' TD ,
/31ABM 'GREW Vr/OiVirok ~2 lOU
Sardeadra risat reworded day the Ocild Molel of
10nricea MAI? Mr pomading smarstog
ode, of *bade oad co ~Tbe laillunetttror of the elbre
I•Met ase andoso4 • lodatleet end mod laillbst extlide
=4 Mod attlttosi besemood
teldasom tOlC= a loat reamed Ids mo
nodist boos emaciated ado Wad far tbd
kbrittd tomall - oi !MU tiomp Mobs= be "r"
OW ad Mooed ;moos , • • RAE. BELLEdd.' •
c. Saki Stmt.
1 .4 444418 U81L tmoVss. & burrs—,
k. ha* sa • moteethan to the bud* la
.4Vbkot i =rtir= r sc.
!P l '.. D I N'. "4" w'4 4 •
3111M88 MOM= 07111:111111111ED MITES
► Ft
Iteddentof tb. MOM Stable of Anerloa, do beteLY
sad make innorn that youblk We. wilt tr• bald at
tar ealertodestkasd LeidlElhee Wile Meteor Atteum.
the ortkda beteinsiterdaVoto ortt:
At the Leal Moe at 11/1. 41/.4E. eummetredayou
lifOnday:ffie dont day '4=mi WA: tte..=
of Ow "KAMA tilatAti /within the toodatti
township. anti fractional townetdayyts
Nate of tat tuertheennetwelOffeeAßs aofiefa
-Thermitity two.of tense thrte.;• •
. :• .==hi r r•,=l/. L ' Mrth . of Whife elra. af
Trwm=lt'fhama thetesietistarthe ROI briiieftedssatdits.
y...t.otad obeirpled„ twelve, of tease
Al the Office at. CHADIPAIJNO4E.OOmmenebos of
Monday. the Ofteepth day of,th,, - 4..
poseLer La/public lands withW thettellenistowa
..e.o.hef Me haw latrond iced drald,afffion4s/fad iheroffine
Tawaships Matsu tad fbortete. Mtge evesiteen-
Towebb eine% of aktirkotblett. •
At tte. lend Odle , .0 tainffientlits Mos.
der. the eighteenth /Jaya August nut. fue th• dinned
of while lands wittdathe following wend townsidgeand
Sections thirteen, tweet wenty4zie sad teeny-
Um net of Mu Et. Frauds Mesh on tow whip Arse. of
Towns/de nine of net*etym. •
ascadYthe basehtle end sesta/ ter NIA printewitteridim:
Soot Ally/ow led pet of en Island h wakes thirty
two and thdtrtlove. fo townebh, thirteen. of I=o .11.
Al Um lead_ Othea ALLITYLE EOM comonsoolos m
Monday, th*Mst day o ler nal, Ow the Wooed
'of the outdid lands te s t mem/ asap/ tracts an sod
‘t.L, r I
NerfAeftl.4.o Mama wag Vffie si rtnaftelese/W/Loa;
TM tooth half iwctbon Oat south bat bob.,
fluntionst enema Ewan sad the meth bet of
sesenteen. , the sae half of twentrome. twenty-two. th.
north holland moth/att. quitter cif - teentrthae
tonlattert.touelet of teatuttetti and the we Ulf of the
•=these=e tatlereutywetely.toktowpahlp Met. of
/ener itithe uw of schools.
_r v in'tee,""rje'r:Pm=ris
thell rl4Md ter eloisuaoluethosieloo be.
towitnestays nom fie thrtampimament of the wish
r vle . ea undeveini sotentitied .n Act lh
.of fkansureind' other Jltatel to
the hrtrattit eirealitoito. asettrd Dayton
berffittb, %Idle /MS OW efts. 'And no la
rations Wee hattaffiat mated by mylia.
Conareali terizdenst Oa tintb*
n e../711 an . . botch,
allaoslagatiirlisrl t &tbethiexpeletrof Itiivetumsol,"
do.,..Prowad aloattiafta.. ,
WAN Offertett.Ar tht atoeuntaltionid /ands *lilt* tow
serscod ent.h.dystmented. sad wUI meted the of in ortdch t they o esdvert.zrit Quo= Ow
a h g " sal - tit , nowsiVstall ' te It= loam tboo
two wake oast ea gewitekmaruf say_te , th. leads Mil
twednettotuntil lath' them PladEn oat tws Waffi.
O under V 127 Wad se tat atf of 31sabhcl. 0 ,
Stith day of May. Aim botitlat Had t bun
dad md tiftrone. - M11.411E.0.:11.1.M
• Outordattonsiofthe Iheterat Wad OPlce. •
NOTICE ro reasrprtos iz.tutertz_
Every sewn entitled to the eight of preemption to say
of the lands within the townships sun portent toenubleat
above enumerated, le temefrett to eetablieh the Nene to the
eetlefeelion of the Aegis*. and - iteselser •of the papa
Duel 011okand make ;omelet therefor miaow
Mr After wane We saw, and Mane the day aler
the oontmencesoent of the pub li c ale Of the /ands an or
•Inz the tract clalmerd, ottectelie such elates te
of tho Oenead iansvm.
• • -
yiartutince, I, Dltt,t dan Fulatome,
d o dn o ke h V w o n l , a Pttpb.
W v . ad hby
the u a.m./kneed Lead Ofinka be the Hue of ineweent4,
" .1 1 ed= b enme at .I.l..riaM d ece t gontef. on Id.:
pan ale lute .tgillrdartrl.'= of tt.
North et tat non, liae end lactinf the Jitprdinipal escriktiaa.
Townn.lps twenty...en, teentre and tstsirsitaa
on end neer Curren. liner , of row
Seernehlpe tventeneeen., teente4dand end terentianon
on and near Comm( Afar. of range lour. • •
inenehsp teentpeight, * hisesh Cm.. of
ra l'on ge
netd a terenteabiee. teentr fani. teentretadd end
trent en radne, of range eleht.
Strstafe twentrahrel, terardratur. terhanennitt end
twenty-Ohe. of mos nth.
risotto./ tcninahlp Monti-ova end onettebbe
• troi tventfahtle,tereattfonr, teen/rave and. terentrein.
of ranee ten-
rLACE, nommanelny on Itondantha of
toroth dar of itoptenvirr neat. Or tha dloyarJ oTwh. 4 4 w
he lands within the following nanitais.wnahly• and mil
of tironaidtw,wla
Niwth ty the bow line oral rag VtArAith saix4pah r
Township twantr-two. Of mawlt, two
: ltratticnal towsublzt twentrum and tweatrivo, and
lownably twenty-11ra, of ramp. .
Towa,blploentrtwo, of rang* four.
• Toswablia twomq,im twantribroo;' of najr• Bit.
nrattional Mnahly Kamen. Mailpa brantrtwo,
riming-thine, twenty-km twr4. twentrmll aa4
meaty-form of mom .
Frartional towtmtdya slrteia and oonntema. and fawn
tLlyy twentytam.of mayo. acetone • •
nankin/ torn .slatoon. ormotoen, elaZai and
twantywns. tomutdra twentriao and 11.01:47 and
maim. direr to int ilielaslre, artrattert Manoons ado•
pei trentyin'ne to Noun..., inelustr., to &Magda
aatrett of room eight
TTownship nittotorn (ramp( Itartlonal steams thirty..<
to thirty,. inctostra,) fine loall trembly twenty am
!motional lowland p tieLtT4.l(riteVt
thiriern twooty-thrtt, hotatiofintr, terattyiama tomel4m.
4,may-serf n,Vmly-feers, thrtliAry, am of MO
' nartbadt•frietlon at median cis. In taitudd p atm
tem. met tractional Unraship trenty, of rands tan •
Sections oat to troths Inclusive, the
twaatiropht math Wel .
rostrea tcestrort Inelastre. Wad to tokb
thr. 'admire, Internship elphhoeln thectlens Mai to 6 ate .
la.:lntim. In to noldp Madam; and Nathan: thirteewjhae.'
the path halt et aahertiee, tamtrttair twastrea.
am, aod aorrrfarr ski tress inclosltt; in township
lasatt. or . • • •
pad east of - LIMA RPM 0V.1t0W..01...400,
h o
_ -•
• vre‘.:Arg=L...• nol o . 4.4 e . • ; /= J ...ror
furor °roam; In Ilia °sup tawattimr,.of Taarts.Jbals
tem. ' • -
At the 1.61 011ka at SPHlNOTTlCLA,ooolostadaiatr
/deader, tne elphharath day of Anima beau to Its dr
tonic, Um pablio lauds alMwtsd althat tin ItnaainaJto.
~atalfradjoral taarrablae, - to att.:
Notate,' the Ma Wawa 'Katt af WHO satnraal
Taal:whip maittrmo, at maga maatreve, • ,-
Towastdp Meaty.rwo, of sanaatamtrabort..._
Yzactloos ..f widen tamapplaa Warrens, tatraramh
tkirerarrh,OarfrJhar.thirtrifst sad thatroir,sliathottla
old Scala Llne, in toantabtp wrcatrana. at nanai tamp
.4 /4116atil tostital taMtrom, idlatraTan thig* .
Ilais.A o rsaltes Mea .larraa. tarentralne, thirty,
Lmds apro=64'77 and
asr tart rtr e 4‘T‘ e ' lf * sdroolS.
aad dad'Pnrroma,tmatbor vith *abate mom and
merthreed had amle mat thereby tar. cultivation! It
thy, labial:, be selected by tbe dude anthodate bdkat.
e dagEointed• Ors marwentarotert at 'dos public,
rad tear . ,
.aader and* latttlal TAn AA to map
Melba S Mama.Mg Nabs to mgebn tbo.
lasale. attain their lartaared tapprober
rill be esdadedirmatAssoba. And so loweloos.
Or Wad boontimbentotoraffranted by any_ law of Qat ,
same. - Ica aiihtaryseremenedered the Mahal ant r a..
• pted m artae edam wevatistad==
Deem Ly th e set ,s tand eAn Aet making
Lir the idyll and diploma*: estanose et thnhaostents" A.
"C ffd _alfri orolnO lanstlonWllsatitwlll bielarst;
tornowl on the days' sop:dated, sad walsoromal la Maar
der la able& they am adintrabed - with all armadas, dhr
patch. until lbe whole &all bamboo. ottart4 sed . lbeasls•
U.S. elowat bat= sale Shall MISS We. 1 =1",,,r , , ,
:.r,r,ttlzraz:-in-f-,111:1:4—.. •
Giro ttatn mt nand tt= elty . of
dreda'th as or
X". PI I ILTAir ".64
Stryshos. FILLerIY.
• •'w Ity thalstrokleats '
J. arrnanzta). :
Courinitaimer et the Omani Lead (Mop:
* 151217C8 Ti, PRP:2II{I7OA! c aIIfAST3. •
ICI, Tvoty persin entltlad to du debt Of pieeriptlam tsadri
of tlor lands Enda tbetortutdpa PoOtts hamakll.
Mare tatunetated, Is maim( to establlsn sam e
rattdartion of the Teener oad metric . at the propa
glee, aid 1111k11 plrytpaUt aroted
rer salad this aerie, and betas Ms day appointed tar
rotentencatroott the pow xth du trOverpir
the trod cadatat orb rmlfe Sorb claim TM be .9110.11.
yrklatt: . .
THE parsizaprr or TEX lIIIIXED 112AZOL
'•lN'purenanie °flaw, I; MittalEaFnutous,
Z..wrZttitti .
1.5116 Moe. Is the e fin s of labs. st
t.b A r% "' e L ' erelnettetenetod •.
the Lend Wane 4 1i41- CITY. cooserneles bl i er
1 s i llto=rager
/Worth ef: 014 Oata: tirtr. Siscl sea VIA* I.Jta pindpal wit •
- Tossehltr severntralne: of esato twat - vols.
Togroxides serratrabst sad elsble. of nms• Aber•
i=rt . redr=s e telfb . ga i r=tros
It tD•L.aaome.atYA{ttr flh.rM
Tlb ioeYEa•
Nortb /I the We Itu and mai fj tki AIM piinc(pai
ToArisbib 'Weeds, or min •
' Towtohlp tenrotr. nap.
. - IrtWadlla.ll% fraarolirCoselei Übe 'l.l/0.•
WWI ssT, O, 4r.SVIA best. Ss.
Abe, aisamat .4,1. saw.,
fa trKT.. td
ahip agbtr-two sartb, of resekOss natauxt the ire t
quarter' Cl prelim furbfestat. tooss Ist Moot
oath: of AU. also *at .1 the elt
lasde it&oveiaial DT 1 .., 4 t r ,o, Lb.
•ir.: jt.. ud
i:''w ar, lad4 hlei": shs.llF ,t,, b• .t .•lae&tW; a Yi t ' zr. lba": 7 4. 'sxi rd=* eorf rjitr tlss j.nrn k:
ensue th e mots of sitnoess roll other MIMIC Mild*
Igr th ima i td o nt , te 4 ,l4tViltlyailE =I46T IC.
MUMS irt lad boimalWhietwl Leta
.Cautrdhis.. totlitan. **Yaw ragout 40. tbs.
Ststee, te serviitteden t i sz flaw stawsestemal
..,_approved Mn,.!.. liii .
..e obit sg-IItUNDIMIT rat b
I=lllt72l=reil l =essitll v° taggr Aqr
MI 14/011 Ow Omit bat so mr,
dull be bets open. loneseethes two works, sad no prlvabt
onial of sae St tbe Isads wilt b? adatltU4 Ater tat
explrellon of tteItIT2IMI4. - .:-41 0f w •
•. • - C6Mosisloserat the LISS_
, • zarnew'MITERNPrIOXA=Lii
zrelokruga CMIJ2I.IIZI nets
of tbe Web, ieltblaibs townebles s =r, to l ls
l i tootiand
eaUelse OttbsreMar rtidellt at ths . =La.
olltah mak. mama imam ; sses iu
acing MU sal,
tos,the molsteCbs
oossasseemest at the Abe
iii Me uz4 tobsWbdt
the met slalomed; otberslse snob claim erlll
• J. purr
• ebmmhtlan.r or the Osumi Lind mi.'
• • ew Booksl• • •
'LEAST: O, Problem; repriotod Inth_eur•
. • • meow afkl •44111m0, klyin Tam?*
.4. 6 V7l4a L tr a nf A t n ogu. o f
tia .
uatD.t.t watt
IliaGari ofellb to i Ckiontrig, Elsir
.M al. laakao kpiealml =Anit
Jen , i . . :
. . •.'• - ' . Bookil BookiV . .; : ' '
tuoirtliillTZ'S' Middy oltiteirii:—lA Iliito ,
c trrum mum, tob i l l iie d
a dltua
rbki.w i t) , A: 14.tylp a r at, Dar. #71,,, i...=
rot rp o ro.r, ez=4, l l . lltVesil i.
~ f r
n' ll.ti= d eltietit Uresl 11111 4". d . Hanna l i. beUixitt
U... 6.6 other r 66 616 , ity Pri ran
erprorbla Ybilo•orb_ y.l liceler k r,,, oild. tho - li,-
am of Muir Alftvel. • lii Marti% r .- • •
The Heir of W•l4 1/1{711.1V111, ...Ail .171111Itt.
Th. 1.1111e669hT. of .114....5..... . ' the
Cow, 416.16 Pooltir. of OA:WAR (41%.1.,i5t y..
frlgZitk4 . raiit ii.l .- kii. aish.4 Oahl6'ill;ft Mil.
=l: 4 l , lZVA t.a te it N ilvg, I t Lszrn. ll2..soz y la ..
"huallted spettrtgrubs.,frr
V, a rifard." "''', • qr-' 11 . 4.- •r- / IT" .* F r4C-,23T
riirp,r. ii.. tdocialotairlAiiiir Tani. • • -' -
TN, ok! Weltddrpetl4 Or tbe . d/Wll , 9=Vi i
, atIM
h 1.66.1 turret' By the tathornf.Whl : •
11:17.1Pr..71,MM8.461rt. i...: ..
OVERII4O% BUGAII,4O bbll lArrer•
MAgmdm 4 snardald.weierrare.4 l
~w ZO Lang gt.
MEM 1851. kaki
CLARKE, PARKS t Co.. RicsurtrA. •
f PROPRIETORS of this old. well
- fumes Lk.... tak! lebr;m the i r bTfr tb.rx.r.
bow ID oprrition Mr du pittonat roma awl turn. cowmen,
cal wetting rteit4t azid P.aenßf, rrlllcL 41 , 7 1 17 fall
l asVlrtaa ‘ nthllll42 l ,lz.
. a rYtt•Vii l :O tblil
UM trill tot ItOtiStitttly 111 lastitair. lialtaithe Mown
gatelit,itettlge, tto traiivt, (Men:
JOllll L. Cll/011EY. Amt.,
Omen rae. Wth*Ail,/ dmlt4bla sts.; Pittsburgh..
R. P. entiskittithita, New &MIL
1=111 : ki..1%-;
J. it Bliartitbitritt:
• It?
• •
- Walibrktge, BufteNh N. Y. esl
New Late Superior Line.-11351.
TUE ra w steamer NORTIIENER, Capt. B.
t haylay Crary modern tkarnrremeat fur
and • •I. tam Clattliind oo Friday, the dd
of M. net op bay Ant trip—and weekly ther4flor
qhm " • r o ll tr 111.41 for
&it '" ? V h'i. w
lairs dastt tn. Marls, for the Qinernnt Modicum op 'Lake
enporlor. • Ms mint of thertenina ffinttiontert making
• yeAnday kb, 110 A thrwaflont tae 'mon o between
Lltheland ad tbseoptor and Iron Minn.
S.A. TURNER, P ro petnort
Mon .
tan 0 Artil Z.lll3l.—tf
Manufacturer's Line
2•• . • 2 i ii§kviNg ,
tbs." this LIMA nonnoted sralrely of Section Emu.
actr2l all opeadop, with jaellltith to tarry • Innen
v=o 4 ty Crp_Sskt FAlladelnlin nod Ilidohnott, without
YerdneTAL "''' 1'4"!" low " 7"
Wlll a tiNiirrhiltinil b r.t i orunVeg u frofrtinV
Wtur Stoat; dintaintflat Pkinvtiargit, itnallturdin. ouif
Al*Ll i gip to... p ci nVeitonrc m. ,. (4 Loi l loto tt iit .v rt.. l l,l l lll4.
m i ltal . =. Loaning mtl . w m ot loodn i Alret errnd from
IF. lalftnad initn pram r area 5
at nut triir g elit no
r ,. wt
up. MITOLIELL par Yromintor.
itthaddif dionad dcor Yenta lb* C...!.
Min a e r g r al=f,=.:l 2 47..btr & " 7 iireg
OW to tteresdetnt under the elle of A
• . - pinghame . T4zsporlation Line,
48A1. EMias
• f'
MI CANAL being ncw'iiiien, WO aro rem
ereb aratlfa,lsat ailipeercan Inevard prampUy. Prcdues Ind
sad d
Freedom slyans at Icererr Mee <barged by reeranadblo
3lencbsodfs• arIU be Nestled and *marled
asst sadd , without any alum for feranntrnir fn. ad ,
asenfai nylafer.nanuniesion. or mans.' • •
Balt of indank tr.:dad, and all diner= Wane*
stranded to iWrain or skyey _ -
• BINGLLAII CO.. Canal Ban. .
Cornea. Warne ara., Pritsburgb.
SIDIOLLSH et DOCK, len Market •
barren. Veortb and Finn ins., Ildladelpbls.
J/111168 WILSON: tam
•No. In N, Halyard street Annan:ay.
' JAMES BINGHAM. tia- I.o* } lst -;
. . .. ..
illeigt• 1854.: 'ffELVEM.
..-:. Xerchaats! Transportation Line; , ...
•i. ife.4IfULTY .4 00.. Coital Basin. Porn ttatti.
PU C.lsl.Ailaljft;Control slat. Stoat. Phila.
" ACe on . 44.1.4. to taint. large am ot tormtouttlas
.ct voodoos to WO coa .: l=peolna of <gnats to Pala,
.14t4a .4 ail planu at to . tat.. sod lo
ttto kl ta ti". ll ""U. • Ja i : b 1= "4;'""* E4141 "..‘'.1 1411 .f trU 4StaCa 'S tr 'i oa 'a tit LT
ate. trill grtsinott say torstt4llty of &lay at
Johnstown. a *nag or Colombia. 1416 'noon. .. -
, . r „ C.•.2taiNULTY a CO,
attila .. ' L. • • Car.olHooto • .
lirtaiM 1851 . EBEI
To Shippers of iterchuthas, Produce,.
LARD.—2,OOO Ibe. Lord, for isle on Con
sionssas sr • .7
-.. irOOD6.* 801/
ACON-5000 blog Robbd, on sonsip
11.111 mina, for ode :".C . 11800.116 lON. • -.-
1.3 "
.61 ly./.6/61.
1 0D.FiSii7-10 1 1 / 3 16121.f0r wile
je2 . r DWIPO=n (XL'
p 8 o GAILS-106.bbls.
vsni,Fsl,psd CrostVot 5a16 1 1. ic, 4
. .
'WOO:: 1851_ littoSie
to um mow iittrmoa. aro,. Yon. •
- • • ••TA.TION LINE • •
ATKINS 4 CO., ProirWr. , No. 217 Moako t, and
13)".LL t . L11314, AV:It Gaol Quin, l'lttsbargb•
JOS. TAYLOR S. 801 . 4, dseatr,Latitoom. -
- are vm9aryd. on .tho maims ut" the Poimmlrard.
o.aal. to eoatrwt "Might at . to,. .ad Sim
wattiotm a. mull dmintett and ean as aay Our
- :Pittiburgh Traiiiiientatien Line. .-.
JiMES O'CONNOR • CO., Oros! Buie. Pit iburgb.' ,
, SITEBAXIOI • Co. Depots Herod rod Cbrory combr.
and Bo 3 South Pourth 'UAW, betwerogrolot rod Chia.
•ro rorrola Philadelphia
(CONVORS & CO., 70 Norte rorot, lardarow..
Avnici Jay, completed, %our orrontle.
AE ~
.iiioo , will L• omoara N yco the orosoa of 1••
I roaihrols - (Srols. to tam !Med to .d. from rite
torn lato• mod *UP 100 ft dialetch and can than roy oth-
V7a . ; ....rot_ . . 4U =Trettr r- ...I ,, Awn ,
l a.
sro mi nally •••rodAy lea ettor Lda, +
gtakas"4=t atIiFSPI.I., k"..g.10t1
boo., Louis
mwaaewroom da titi '
Pare sad i r=orot Trooda Una IV
. cove:am:a - •;,
. Liareetsors to Xeradtis A OrttitV
• Casa Basfs,,Pam Bliert
- r
Palma: Rail End Co.-74t4 - tral Bail
'FUR rubsaribers haring boon tprointnt
tits& viithit auliedthmaAlt 11. ,
st 4 all ataitted At Ell belorrstra StAn
teirnt - 1 7- att
1:1 „.. 114.tatr. Mom:
. = ,.. ions , 7 6 CattLVA.
13.601 .'• - - • • te&ovi wo
[(admts, Oreerd., hatt,.l.7allitffr A Cl4s.
Met. " 2 ".(12 . ' ' ' 71-1 7 ° . 7 'th" °r tioe. "
1,5t1 . 4c ;i 3 aft x!l4::l.Tobtero La:9Am
(mos.M, Mb, Rads. delatzt Clay.
• • COVODS • ODLt.
Freight received for the' Virak:Stitions
OA Pirmiylvsu4 Cedral Railroad.:
•titz., rttas 3. T 41tets '
1 J.r
Manta. -
la A: loon"Metritult, RMater.% _
[ Oolumbit. ' t Stant- •
I . lantsbust. .1 . . Wallowa t Eon..
fltber & NOVA92.
• Illarstowty . Ilerv•LJoura.
WIT laarartury..
job tat u ari ' COLL.'
utb.. IW. aamma at raw sad Warm I rrcirta
TN CONSEQUENCE. of thi - dociese of John
mornamtn* patairshlpluiretofors exist's/1.1.r=
Woo • Coved& t. hasty dinolml. John V. We is
four sathodssct So settle the business of the las M . ..r.•
AU 1410 , 19-: turvisur °lslam n)tuoi pretest Urea ma
I•lssest. - . Pluslandi,July
• • PA`R 'T.NEII It
COVO . DLOr.' , IOI.E." .
Tho business bf:tho'24m6y of-tlio Penn
folrasts Central Band Oasql9anylllr tr.! t.. 1.
u"" "7 " . e0T01 COLt.
htubiirgb. Juira1e61. 1 7.179 "4 w !e",ti;
. . .
. AgTinitzkral 4 3 44 1 eata! •'::
rArilitg.JllST received ' fiehi the Itiet ttie
nuavis i -ftopideumts. all or. u i beat /Armada»
endure so
the ano
eau aall *maw .er nwe. valrmaat lamalloas. arm/ I rod/ Welts au
!Aahlnam, /sr tam. terms, arms. taradra, a ~..
17 . 11 . 2 r I. for Nat. I'6.'l6LN:tad barbel.
'lrio: ISll•Arr.abr harm and DAM /alter._ C ,.
::. te .m air t g ufts Stalk mar , Boarmy
1=1 ) :17/ C trat . /1 Pbail . ,.“. , '•,-_ ~• ,
. , t.., ibmi.5.p...1, 9 •'' • • . -
- 44 24 salarmarad from ua• bmal adarlaa, ///f,al r..!.
i ., 4'l LtmD
...r f 4 . ', - . IL M. vircitnetiva„,•• •
•:.y2i.... - .. unser or Wool arm lartb drwr, .
„ ...Benumont's Pitint . fittirCh'itigiih.• •
pgS,NTED,AI TA 2Gth, 1850.—Forjivi
n.Ait tikul ar.. "' and " alt ll P U iti the inf'n fn.;
.. g , ar d, ort .,, dust frpmetles lag
'Art. of yes to • Quart of
l e
di •
r l a z e ty
• ..:- ' CARDl l. 4hisei removed to inrnewatore ;
I 114ti-v7ll°,4lti g o rati l it!tlirEl,. l c t
1 , 1 a o=4ir ; jtl
da&lasdWrkl &Umth.l .
ittut Mau.
mg - lestber /Mb, Mono Yd PillogrA-
_Blanket/. WI%
4761a.laysisity Pfreitcto r o lt abadea.-or even..-.
irisfin= . &lA •At o py gi usuallNan d ttg•
of. klad nuppet-
Mr 7 satelted nod
.ma yropstly T hy
sol , . % la:Abut
OOLaikh pout for Woo byy
T.:. Tit& ••• -• YU Yllia
7-111AVA . Jiisi'reeeived from Ne:i.YorC, no
.kabiosprverrril.. WINDOW . IL:ORN;1110 sal
IC TA OLB --We hate eamplete
rota entente* ewe emeteeteheee howt
(mike . sham* so
=maws 'll:tr3l'4"o.'retrot*°'
otlr. /lamer A a's. ooklatmoid liar slid
otb#l , 34 .ru sra r d t br el* atrism by.
Anthracite Coll
30 TONS.tust received, enpuior
Jos/ . . .Tr aVr em0t.....0 by
' •
.::- -••- - Copper , Stooks, ' .•
. . HIND , ordets tbr tbe • fito4. 3 6f stir'.
.a. mato, comma. 0 LAO Botrrior. Sim.
a MI aril!, plow, coll. or addraor
Puke ; hirtitiiittic6l,44
Ttraltl.N.MINDI, should jog noe4 Troia
'MACKES.D-400 bbls. 3.9 z. aislp to
400T--51/0 lbs. for dale by
yea Z. I:ULM&
..Thisurtioic •
dia ttsburgillee InsurOndi catiPs 3 W
8 COMP ym. ANY 3
u lt s :W . ' was hieoriarated•
Pwwww aw4un !es 14.
bbts. new 1851, pi4cled Ilerring '4" teig IH*4*.
teatime oa the Akit Rich sad
gut 14. 44 . 4 4: a ro 4444'. 1 / "(Tualltl36.l _?± l .. alfoi
In store and fur ode by (jell] JOtrf elliTT CCL .h.1.1 b 7 ead Inflealane CUL
. ,
lower esti the /stole poet Worn •
; Shama rpm en the pose es this alcalled Welber
nasty condoekd Commies. Thom hinnet as the tinier
al principle hare the orenteeed serarlaietuniubm by that
rral4nzeroes aecl the plealejeaais land of
.717.41 1 / 44 f
.INTl tt tr Latabld a=f i t ,n,
oats, reletione.antale or eintlitoreottientie.,
enotheribe heienexcloar• benefit.
or nail the vernal untetne at the srWw6no.
Lt the olicloia otua. ward.
31ORRIV T.-16 Mist; DiamaL It
. i tre t.e aepau arett Tcu axe orrer h" lept LW' I ~
-10 bbls. new Lake Trout;
ARIL-20 bbls.,No. 1, for sale
III; 8 bbli. No. 1, for sale by
V 6 : Z.' I fiOKEItE4-7.50 bblli4 for sale
. !)y
a ger st.
• LNIO M O btr.'Ls . ...•: r ], - Spec i hurztrox'
For sole y'o?-11 JatiZir ir•IT • CO
V - VSOGAIL--25 MIAs. for side by
UTNEGS-4 bbl. N0..1, fore loi,,
ATEW' NO. 3 - hiACK.F. L-100 bbls. •
11 . ha elblii".4TAMittd..6lBlls=
YRUPS--Underwoirre fine ',mon Syrup,
• ••i
min,i isperlOr'aztleli
'''''' TlRri " fttrio " .ri.u., b'
'ell , Oman o i
awl Tea Leans.
SALT- 4 —kstif)eriibr article for the
F &airy t 'or fascals sung
ut rah, br r.rrlL A-rromnalec...
Jew. 250 Liberty IrL
ACKEREL- 7 50 bbls. No-3 ! far gale by
VINDSOR SOAP-50 boxes Hyde_ ,s' for
LL Lal , e 1 , 354,Wi4t90A . 51;
r Ede by JO J. D. CANIIELII.
QAP SAGO CHEESE-For sale b yie.w , • If 'I 'WIII.I.I4)CLUIttif CO.
OD. FISH.--600.1ba. very faie, for lisle by
• , • Wll. A. AfeCLURG &00.
nitlEb PrialEt3 7 -100 bushels dried
It I
ENrateirflrat. '
ACON RA *-10
for isle, by . .RODISON,'UTTLE &CO • '
ssa Litintr
IN 01.1.0IILDERS.-35 • 0001be. for hale
DACONn-700911:44Thuns, Sides, Shoulders,
for ral• br i•]6:' k W. 14.'""lAUCIEL
1. - ILO tor
110 Mils. ''extra" flour in store
bi :boo w..IIAILBAIMII.
6.bble..brew White; •' 4 • •
'prS-100 boxes p
CAN aux •
I J pa 4
200 boxes fotenslo by
15 eanks‘Shouldeni
19 fOr. 68 ti
:0 hairs for eal e :by
...Wa.ter*od Irroat
ACEEREL—Quirter Able- .No.. 2 fat
kv mackszel. m,w, and thr PA* tr
.t./0 • • ' Water react stl.
ACON-20 cke; received and for Nile by
wine tHCANDLr9a
LINSEED bbls for sole by
V 11000LATE--143 bxa: Bastowektixolate
it faa am. ar 010 WICK lt bI'CANDLE.99.
RD OIL 'of Beniattt do Jailer( mane l I M; loi br DIMLY'S CO
b47lhl . ll l 94 o l l4 tgl i r o by
(4.111.:Y.5E- 7 .45 bss.f9r sate by
icku , , yco so:ulnae:La-4 co.
I .A.RD--12 btas irt storesand for milot
1841ag D ir c 2 l i i sr.-
aavANA sucten,-0 1;1.. 7
: buAkaice
- • ..
, ; , ;pt . t•e 117.
11 10F:-1 , )„,nerces or isle .;
LAY -42 bbl° • ".ric for
'CI'ARCII4O boxes Bonbright's..extra foe
'lb fah be JA WIC K.* MIGADWL •
COFFEE. --300 bgs. Vms 1 - 4retn
10E4-16 tiatces Freskforsality ,
1.3 7,7 • , :7 t 3.1.B.:111.0111k t
1 WEL BEEF-I-2;000 Ibd piinie, just' te
.ls rafted .M foisala by .B.Nr.aawcreia
4Z, UGAR-64 hhda, received and for salt by.
0 - la .• • [, . maaarrorr.
- OVABSES-100tble 'just -rear:tied and
LIU; ftr »Is Dr • : ,kO. .•S. W. 11111.811.101 i , .;
ACKEICEL-50bbliai Nol •3, 4851, ire
Fare and %or saleby' , l4 ILA.R.MIIGIEL.
D YE IFLOUR.:*-'2Y bble ry6 flour for paia by
1.11, lea •• • - • - WICK C ISIVIANDLEM.
SALERATU , S=3 caskijor'Bect bi
Avamis utsa
CO tCIiINf34 ~Scm W I UX & o~liin'dand"
v al. by' 'RICCA ECCANDL723.
bott qc--
if_ 1° 44 thy id= ti ttrl t its nog:
ntll be f Must late most convmdsnt
cheapen that gas
he toed for tnniastmli Mattoess, union 210 mat. In bets.
snd elms, awl =4l*Kit:ft mart Angst, LIOt
I - eery, Ihutotem, tas with svitrat mynas of
.pd UnntOmM" grtsts ", ll
otra : ' • . Oman ..ass. Denim:
YE FLOUR-B . bbli for dale by
moo DALant. a co. LID,,,b , re. i
CETEESE,-50 boxes good w: ft., for sale try
B 11
ACONLe3,OOO%lbs: Shottdere; ,
" "'"lt=i co,
FLOUR - 7 10 bleadlye;
uglsAato SEED , I Ds for sale by
fat : . IL A. TMINWTOCIC it :
itAtXIWHOO• 11.011N1),-~lte.11scoli
1,15 Roam higlowas4 ShOnfts.toMa t i: • t
11RLED Biff-,3060Tb5. for ;ilia by
JLIF I 8.1 W. U.628817ii IL '
8 1,10 AR.--Go Olfar sale , •
"`"*".° tgraatti•llMlLnikt
mea i al,jlVritgattio:
J. P. WIMAJC 3 tt CO,,
ca--vx-16 , 1)10st-thatahria,'
W.! LI„ Ix,. Fr,,ou d iavitoarrhe xhio
iit,:tiTrl— jl. ' Jask--th:iia. mtbr=l,t lm
„ bf 2 Ated "P r.. - U do. 12 ►
41 4= erbol ntatei4. 4.6.
12 b.go tittlanAP"'" a " 4-I.=
ü btatkm-ip-,. .
wt.-5 1 ..6%—Am. - ,16, a,.
~:Y ; tl l .ll7os.lisek 22 "`!'" ''' d
9 i g . ... 1 N. r. 1411:thiLdfk. 60 d,..ozz. tug,
14 a., 140.11 thistag 22
t 2 Pr2 " 4 ' -
MA b0...x.
4444 I t
2222." " '
. 1 tlf=" a AlWi4 , .. 6. {`" I= a r=
° , ..... 2 1= 12 dos. eilge,....
I bbl.wp, cy,t, - ki r :
.. 12= 4 4 ,I . ...... Lt.l Tartu; .
. ":. I : Camas; 2 ••• foa; ar
1 141t..0.4=0 2' r
''2'l-7 'M 2.2**2
45b31.Nuat.Ceadmi I
r, .. nt,.... : is.a.„‘mik-u.
lot) &a ft Alumni .OS 222. 2 =c ..42 'f 4
i t!fl:r=1,10 VlC 2 Xatraci el Lime.
Tian. N e illit Mre r ie;J. L ' u1tri1. "& &.e.. 222 &2112:'11r;
i ? Tielia l tfi
lira Liu v.,, l v t =
tn.:Vim' • •
On ft. 1.44.10114 , •
tith. :1. C. Tar;
IUI mi4Wtr:l=
pee to
• rd ' , MSO. 1 r11=64
.V 3 krzo f i l et,
&OW lks. Indium, •
soo balmy- a ussimax
trp Dna r.
1)113.4 hat%
TO2 tram nig
rXI quo Ilirunall
6 "
116 " .76osoolirtehur.
XI • " ,r•pp alwrs
60 " =Car
.06:1 •• " (
100. 14 r6p11.._ '-
100 Ns. /ate .
iii 17itt. , " at, , , I :AI iget. l r.&. s
1 111 3 Z. 11=a 4 " ' ' 2 2 .4vueltadir "i I
..1 0, 0xlint Glooad l &l:bi. '
B,VilL. rini Zti r" : 1
gra tAt VW. =V a r i an ea Ils, ,ffr
Yards by & MO=
sec6ll . .
. , 13211em04 ipol Minas ati.
'Jamul J arab trkett.
Jobs Pilaanai r i the. 4o4 r • -
taianal xaCiatkaa. •
sato ow mama. •
Maa WalLiaa L lista Inma" af Wan r •
noa. Wait= Forwani. late& aiftri at Tusaunri
Oahu Hanka, Da. Caddo. at Pitiabang Saar.
naiad= land, Wadesals Gnaw.
Ulm A. W. Ls
o* A. a Wi#itnarit., pa. '
.arh B T .*, , WWI., m,p,
1). 47 edalttaield street.
Yu . D. 703 /earth strott,
fma,earth stnet,
d Dr. ini.ortlzrarg Zid=iddbarti otrit._
an. at 12 ced.a. the ama,artarr
, Vraf dd . r.d eaaticar ! No. Ti
State /Waal Fite, Sosuraries Company.
BRANCH OFFICE—Nc7:64 'ls:6l3surr,
riziaausau. ' I
bletß 2121.
eitideiide• of the 5tr.4619 the'
Mirky Ow ItZdfd AMR
778 C CtlF/LP NY mot tiro wants cc
lb. rommeaal.-I. tba ttsPtsatklee anima of Ulink/
oWeb bar boo door harion tonedl % * o iotoN lndDan Tear.'
of tb•crnelpomy. Nittely all tb• proputy trot the
Wort MA in sena MIA tad • WO DaMmithni t.r-d
aS '7:205
. Do. doomerd.tertato•ort. oild%
Do. do. to romp TAO*
400rrn Pi
OOf ProDorty.innood-.-.... , _ • • CAMAS
`Da` eatonlor. tornbasint, o.iptrod4rWlXDr* •
Do to form— . ruotrr
Da'---OW pr.ramaTiZA,. .F1.4611a •
Ve * • d° ' • 4. . cwOod-4.—. , ,.4 2 : 1 :h ,
Whole null Imes oaf wrinosooDara, , #& ,. ..' •
Datums In Amor of the W. to rub-
arkatlVlT.l2. It boDortarol*
Pentafordisdorto wore/ awy.....6.
inegz" d inforz i g,tzt d =o:A .
owClassibusolon of Mk,. sortodlos all tm
nswng ostly • limited alnoont to hay tan inowityitburpor
ib t= Ipo MD Mort
tem Oa desprosik
but entitles the 1 .9,, ,,r1 Ws aDApalaoY.
Alonzo A. C dob.
urler.Barnasi JOirf, !LW
tilots..Jobn B. /*km Jobs B. othorlbrd. ,,,,,
r. Rimo i e . W24.
A.A:Cams; Actuary., e.
Snip imuiesd of Arti.ii
Wie bon Wen &Maud by tionDttrotork sod toxins so.
ormblo at Ltris Or resumes. or rantorosblo b• nub
It Ow roO slants days.
Frank Fire liinaistet Co: Of - Bola's.
I )IRECTIASt Chliies
W. x-:* r.. 23.7.4 WSW, ArAhtra.
.16:6 Monis •-• • '
This Co=p= contbisesto • itisomussm
badtadoisk rmy drestotao3=== . l6 tc 1" 7 1 6 . = .
6outus7, at rates a. lowa. am
T. Camphor Mid teorived 6
which, their 1.164131 sad.Promionse
Wool amble protiotkm to the Wand.
Rat= u l)''' . 4'''' aet liq=a k eii*
"1 41 VI I
62666 12. *
ate n
. .
661 d.. SD•ria;IMMO'
of 21. 64
two raid uptrails TOw tIOI
Itaasibso= .
&Maas lame. by rim timothy
61”61••••61.1orto1111014 asmall= slaty 4.
po6tion to tow ritb Fnaapiaes• 611 ,
• .a., J. , tiaIIMINIL 00M14, , liginna. ,
•616 One. E. convex of .Wood Ad ata ,
PannliWaal Life Insurance —1111.141*
4 - wi t n et suar.iaTrvain.Txr sto.
igriVA dltt = 34.riirtai. el
,L=a ..0 1.13-0 . 4.4 . -Wjr==l3r3locirr
sthrtrird .. Panarrukup tairdorr trap 114
berallts of L so IG 14rursiwo,er14 Irtank Orr= on
Puri aromptiboor tOIIO3NI Ma.
dastamdr. mgt. 141.-44114 • •
e.. Fug. and ' ' Tra4 l 3o l LtiO4:
laenianee ~. Insurance.
L tdb it" - i ct ur nd r, ,za Company ( ofNorthAme
eribtrogosorltbstr rontanto.lattiodrr our vidorirr
ea property of otaT description. obropor.oor Noon Opera
"sad other mot% frilsod IrsonOtrattoo or ea as
Wong W. las" Jars
Boma Moots. TZTati... 3v
- atlas . "
t d r===.l“,.
orar, ootoourlondaa Oral= Tnr c ir more trallook
Aar • ' 1411A....41"4.,
Vat= 1111M3114C0 Campagrat PiXstarres:
4W1TAL,000,000. , .
':'b. d ue
tho..xonotottiv Ms 11,113o:on, l tly
sad Morally So lIIISIIIIIII2 lb. otorooline obi*
Elsoasshood.ois MIMS Sao WA yr:44W to Moo
ris p =t
'Muer. N.
it . iito..l:4ll. Dam. Goo. IRt.satok
Wt 0.111 ., ,toosso ',SWOP tatit6-3.,"Pi'
az Water Mod. ttowslootat.of gams
11frototto-IPiturbutsto I I
Delaware ILutoal Sift Ussessieso-amgty,
propuir,sid aguitt7.>aw:aa at
damiumln . amildla• kmillind* ' -
Isamin.....Vbey slay tyros Newels. Cherly,
and Frelaid*. tartans areoustutis. mast 'opt" Or *Mt.
. 'gaiety. nibs awned my thyles. • , •,
limuty hisaretammag.—Taiy aye lystuy
altYilir4a.l%W.lo**i. nod ainc pate r atm= *a rims sod as the arm yornu_tyyy.
Mareolia-plynall.lB6.l, arokisc
DrJ ,...Thliy
John B . per lispost NMI*.
a.m. C. Letw, Wynn Dataxilm.k..te
Jobs_ Pitylly. IY, /40=gear.
• It*Yd. +Vapidly* Ttialdlys. •U. Jou. il.rt
=l l le.
tesursui-a: 6.*
John T.
Wcraai l Meria ... sing. to:LC.IIa" Prig.
4pt.. Ja a
oki. zakiatark.., : ~
4...____ — : 76 • ..—: -92 . i:
iii-, - In . ' .-' i -a: , ...
Iti — vi :OD' iiiFt . 04 t iiii -
"- - ,
.85 og-. s trair c., t • ~ , ,
bra s Cap -Por•VstettirteCtiewhilailtra.
re nos assiFor= 4."7.
71,, 1 ="
Mta= Ira, T bq l b , b. lelnpid
•,• • ' Wines sad Lipari', ' • .
tro;l67Lec • riin.;iibnisirtypapke;rkki f fiWoy.
D:nesilme. terittoutts : , 9.ti. sterysin; of ir:
• kleirEiftEN _ ,
:krit uu r—f7 l .lu , " mid vvid=4-0%=4.
UM 7Tro al sae soon Raba; wow. sh•Ll 0.
Iral• ko• • ••••••st of Alt•blfft
.sloet.-- *AM .
tiseut rot•aal , shlsollita•• 11" From dark WC I
Boman, or tba diool. ilatipon, Anialeanam:
Ms, liWyWhOko. mm••p• s •ton.
caot wok t=l bone& latt
:01wImisd LI VZ CM ad
*. nor
•••••••1•. arrAi7l tintoesms.
gm — labs Mew% it. .
.. mato. east
-t• mabled le sel 1;,Ikopor Lti t hittirliter.= sir
= . r•PRe Oto.ol • call, beams
Illirtset hal at Eiteaskins; eats d: dimwit vatic&
Lewia's Riteat.43refoggek:Witer Piller, in operation "4'"'
P. AlLar s m . ,- k'' 4 , ' AVM i
, it .1: ....
tr: carigs.""tZeir="!=:`,
taa=a fro lvatztalaraterr a...
at dbldttawdlantr; am wr i,.:. ar .. 1 ,..... 01,,p,ii .th -• ' —''.
P.... 4.1 w r, dm Jrjaaat iladattaaw
dotal ar law trit. - nsMir wag do a .. glti h l lT .
1 -F , Vag I" targit.` '
43141 .1fixe11711111.1.11/11J , ' .
Itipoi. ,- -44,. - .. -- ...., amtice, dr.'
k 0.04 it. lads. wad mad b t dada dad dcaatirat dt
=raw ar "d er; It ' ' War at
m a : .1 " . if,
rawanand It la thotabar, t . tati
study Mara aro Inrnatat aLtaktraisar Wad Id
tub - dad Env weibe from d«ompare
se r aM P tio.
bar dr= , ztrzrz ,,, =: ,,..,.._._ _
BUT= it_
.. _
mutat, , • 19 Arab stroit -
iji. EAD PlPE—Corneirs linpr.oved patens
mteir.hrlift..' • -
isdki7.ll . TIDJ.Yi..II9II4Mbr,
. eituatiox
.E.4*Leirs bokeaxbunineferhummt
k're7. p.=4 .I.4%P.Mir=
immtpdais modooli ,
e. It* Mead tmatmak=WlZAT."ll4"l""j.
d pm
WaMOISK.or - "TA I'"NZ
of OWN Ii Patia
ga l
lte"miti nieess team 'o=
sad almond Realms to
xi . TL..hit tar .toakoted Out* Itatit' bout ...a...
Mon Ibb. tw.ty r.... dating sottieb Unto 'bey boy.
.....TOtlbottont roputablettou lbw ¢l.ot. atitooclotto
and Ittlyngtbralrett Plago.r rt.; Orem!. •Pb.l"
Cm bora tb" r E baalbd ". 7 "'" baro rit ' r ' lltatrZatotinTh W4
le 48 tO their supolier . titer all ottof Ibto:
.: . topollatoof 'bole comptelt At, I littuvrally sat
I outobtoett, nentbr tlaato M'ar'y abblltsblo to
sittiortacltlx putcaotfp d Its,.
1f; . : ' ,..... 1.
~, .
oro u
__ary d ar
ire b Atiist — tEs — brZZE. nodal fir. d ...add.
roadb, sad local rim. t the loaf.. toturaigly
Zu..., db. body, Moir boar. I, , t , .." ,,,,,, ton-.
u•sobra our 4.l.put. .I. a rrte..l 4. , ,m14,0 tbafe. i
W TI? . c b r . r m er s a lgtargard b =l , .:T ., t , L t t . , - . ,, 4bir...1
Art wystemut azdirtatns ist tbe " foals 4.:ina
•0 ,.
Alone amen sta.. Mama n of tho ' bf a do, War ra
=.. . z ., caber ;Osten bas . [ '.rapt)' tortadbr
Plicatkat. ThiatrarriTrit i iirrbVt7C " ZG ' thew
th.UV "'
Walton aro roamutuoudad. - ydth ear or.aLlout drama,.
91,.... 1....t ... , .arbeL1:1zia r :11141; . f0ut.d buy docidar.
R. b. SILLEH 6: Wood..
gi,LCollgrg MsTi'a=t4t
ton mein . the MD creme adherio, to the Lenfox. end doe*
front mieking; It contains IlothAgra,tl3l.. to Meth. In
any newt. the Itellei tee. lope- store felt the peoeetlty
of nob en angle* am 131 thln their ex - ph - totem 0111 be fol
ff feettnelle to no imapeUtiza In frond eller en Lareettel
N. 9-03:1•Cakoer111 do thirty of.,end or elothei, lad no,
umar sboold br viLboat It. . • '
`Prleol2.l4 ceded wreak,: Tacti Co k• r jib MI direction.
Yoe POO by entl.We
I. K. he-ELIAS, Wocd rt.
• • •- -
•PETROLEVId. 0.8. ROCK - 0114
•,• - ;Thera Monate thlo go In bare , kosi earth.
“Than are &sampan( in pidloh.r.” •
?limb VIRTUES of this remarkable remo:
47 , and the acumtaut application for to it, the propel
Ms induend hiorrotaro put up us - lettles, wilth la
bele r,
and dinatioce. for the hent of the public. ' . •
- The PETROLEUM Is procured from a well to this coon ,
ty, at • depth or four busolcidA," I. a pore.
ted srticle, without any clue chat,. . but as it
Rows from Nature'. Oval Into - atm.:: ' ' That It cattalos
=7 Mold. • number of diva..., ts no looms •
. Thera taw mem thinire in the or ultimo. whic If homes. - mirbt be of vast, useful.
1: afkrittfog,solforing, and nvorto,o the bloom of
th and ligOr &O, many • nteirrer too; before the pro.
• thought of putting It op In ttlus, It bad a rescue
ne the cord of dim.. TD eco nt and dolly mama,
atop eals tie 14 and areeral Montt lc cum h
it a pal
lamed. is • rare Intlio=of its. tare' TOPoliviti mod
WaTiVt * wlsb to mann • 141 ,: of ierduattp, _
art are tenacious that the medicine cut vwm work IU Ir.
• Into the in., oft haw who eugar, and wish to bs, heated;
WMlst we do MO claim for It I.
unirFatstypitration it o f
cry di.ass_ ,we nobeeitatiogly n,y,• tAn • .ntrollier of
Monk DO/MOM it la unriralled. Among anew may he
an®—ell diseases of the WPM. UMW., I{Od, al,
CilliONlO BRONCIUSIS. CONS: IXTIO2i, On its early
tr6r.P .A u i 'illgE d ar'.l . ! b24 " 5=191.;
Madden. aratlfdtbiara Psi= In the kor Baba Ramona
Diamiem:flmmalitill, k•isy l i•Rheumatio Potts. Unit, Ern/in
,„i... Ritamtgote, urns, braids, truim. Old tares
t , tt a irt= i tbr=tr. w faS•bititt slam 'T car. ... i .j .
rein , 11,611 sct sa 1 Araend bIIQ sod
• in such onsea. lapartMtar tonal and mem-, to tin
• - striglbante, tutoring ote•Uonawowatna the .l
- functions, which a,., diva. and a trona. reutltunon
inStielnatincremod and remoras, energy to all , the organ
of ppm mme proprietor ewes. of-metal OOZY Of
th e. that roslead alms treat
roatt. get well ocular the um
of tile PELKOLI tor a .nort dm. Th. lest tan be
o,ftto sty who deans It .
• u r . without Qv signarart of the progrittor.7.
proprietor, •• •
• : . . I. M. PLIES, Cavil Bubo. ne x t &moth Streit
• ~Alao, by E. E. SELLSItt br Wool at.,
&dam Woad stunt mel Virgin Alloy, who an
zurelldly hi. MM.'S aPpcinted-dgaota
KNOW all men-who ere sick and afflicted
.with disessenf the Bladder arid KLlneya;_with then
' pains In Met or nett, still mints. old torea, running
*deem to ..; the; they can be coxed by rating the PhilltU ,
MUM. You Spay talk about 1U beim;a nostrum:4u muds
Ulan leeao L trat this does not snake au Omer. ntecterm,.
Lit the nap or en hottest community, that it Lao Oras
athkb ant: DM asatsined In any ether remedy. The Man
'ho tS sett. rarkedatt.igurtsonAltishMd.i=4:a4
budget tteceti raj make a Mal. ibis Nem,
' t l im
en Le no ndszuw-no compound. put up kw the ptuepose
poving on the cammunity; Malt is • remedy Whorls
114 by the man. !ardor natant, and hubbleimp trlion the
'Wenn of our mother earth, ln Mt original yullt7,. and of llan sariterbughwouniM a ready umwir: a cerbdra and
Vftes ems .r, Piles. atter other medicines . hire' lalMd to
render any rellet.- -- It has cored Ithatimali ente of
SLlMldthi. and of the ban
met moot o r character. la
beeof 100
Lured Chaim klortrus, by one or two deem. , It has
cured old meet of
Al In which cm,. other -emedr
bas teen of cm avail. a Loral
harm and
eta% kits better thenutr medical rompoond• or °Lino. C
that we knew of. -It will curs etJiblairta and llama nate
Ina few applicallong undoubted bstimuiy ten
ed the troth otatalaed-in the elan. etabeetrat, fi b=
Z:tErpllllXL hi. har.rti Caoal Paget 11 . ,
Keyser a eland!: corner or Wool strmt and Ttrol.
airy: 41.:16‘ &Mem PI Word ativegon. A. Eliot and D. M.
(Lorry. dilostroar Ott7e are The agent.. • .
ROSE'S CELEBRATED REMEDIES.= —tw.faciir ken, the clicozierer - and cage nmaletor
mart palailar and Notarial okeddnno, and abc
the tone:tor of the celsbrated Itlnterat l
for 10•Uner the ,
LutelP. - Iticttectlnera cure of Quonleidlseteas, co 'a em.
Oat of that =bard ithrefelan. Doctor Mott, and is a
local:tate albs Unleendtr olfennsylvertlcand for th irty
I yy , ee m, al . gas==.l , ll.lg t tn ,, veegtlg . att. dime
ida i = " ytittl e
..±..4.,An carom/cum mime. In easing Moe* unwaell•
a sod other of huamedla he Ls.
'and ftW - tsalachbentoreular Conectuptlon, Cancun.
mss, Faroe and Arruo,'Vetara o
all hinds, chronic kryeurelse, and all *toe* obsethate a te alt
0...1.1=d11 1 / to female, loaned, seers form 'of disease
cardshea under the ward Ida cloche.. to :heels hL=ani.
Si Is Wiz—cot by-the use of one conescodat man for that
I. Ineompatthbe ottte Pbraiolovol Lao. but br the use of
bbe nameable, adapted tn. aod crearrthed for. each 'paenllar
Dr. Waft Tonle ILitenther PDlt, Iten need. are Lenoir
t i ef olrlver kd O rna l etrertrer ey leVe t eT . tut ra:
Mill fne from citticaneng aft also lila Geklen . Ddlsare art.
nOtted,by lb. Wall, to Vac .5 wall. Decrertlee. Mop'
ted B=eladloneeg but betas alathed that • bare Wel
Is ondledent edablith chat Ica been load, la tbstalndaof
- -
The deleted et• lathed to WI won the etreitt. aad . ptc.
ema(Qntlt) one a thy DeetteepeateVete.jertos e .. iete.ti,.
.1 M
J. Schteemebv Co, Whod et-, TlttelreVi. ' ,
__ •
3.e6.- T
2..ttua. usoimut.... et Pan ft
Ms, ante.
c ib ee r zu eeter . .ehte,74
WOR THE .AFFLICTED will be ToWiiii in
Z .4" joil;Wl l hWtoVlAlfiTi l- T ALl tLlttyVl 2 ll=
parlance, nod hth brytoi . doubt.
bee t of
mons of ate,
mem Una of Mounds of individual., in olt=r7
elm andelsorder of theme. Ws pet th at on
thing ha larinotbaktiiiv to th e rot; meddle th at biennia
to tamm.o.,.. that dm, to every arm" of tho word.
wtat lo mold
• It itho elth sad lthetedde of Mini num didadtho
way odd offered fre de, trt ears turt by whim
Ede at odd.. bo o lobo* mad
As thong and rmthrlng proof of tho above.
Chat it hi Us. only amide that tow appear.; in the owo,
= w ont hl dln
,%tAra has , the r r a te r on pot t L7isert and nod,
Molly libalkina_low= for . ;ar.„ or mot hy -th RNtt y
.I:nantos. Nom tr•Bti.aalL Isto Therfoo' ;Rat. '
lfli , hatilmor. Lion John A. Dis,thti
e. 23, Fed
ton :111rata. Porter, lta
,Itditor of toe trarit the
Thant Ind • of otimr thuottnthed eithoth nyltwor
=ohm. fay
th e It. medic: hate perudttod tbe
to rent. to Med . •.. . .
tt towel* known that Parent Idadicinot arm not
ofii.tettrontrofer to ythr
' its meclee~
ird i el ' 'r If nad 4tadi ir inVilor CoVr=reas " ==;
atm years bepr. too tot friend. arooov
'l" = " terNeit. " = 4 tato b roeLXrutatZr d e
It o dereign remedy On , all ammo
tuna acrtifulooa *writhes, rondos, btuti7es ld
sartio, and aU tbo palas and aeon that Raab le hair ta.
. Over !AMOCO bot Ur. bare born mold 'without courptalat,
and ha.. oath adoolahlos room after all o th er
=Mon bad. se mold rag= bolid, tad In not
old in thr pomodoo, tbe-dronged rankle rd..
dr it% loollicine. or Wane.
uterusi Pthotrod button
egad, M . Wald os lath sa ma ft ado ord.
ty upon Ma diermodiart,olving beslth and Amirth.—
ik Inman. for morma.. Conn, Bak. Cholle,:
Veni=rwsw .. 2 = ; :eau, fecto ilia= cano adnn n
' Ittroale to Ottlaterrols, &aura zawi. Eiie a
j .
bo., end Ogden anowdd thd by the retalLesto
ranally. /CU put up !Anna, two, and one rthuno boo
So the ,Sesders.ot the Pittsburgh %att..
:iited to the tdlostng troths. set loath = ea t to
7siste ego. Wm* • m a h . twk.
. C a lZ,tlrato M erth " laZon3e l Fly pyrteired . rtr•
onnotholtor: and se rdIE that the AZ ger tt =SW the
late eatift will ha rte tame nand.. /t mot the ran.
et, of nelay,getsp . val Vale *Maine mum
'bat one. ski.% Lonedre. sill await.= to be toed she i.
:11 " .= . 7d= t tr ""' . the deh ' the the math
by osrnad• =mei that
, !glatatts to acorn alt human
eontirh.tioti At.w.d t a_ta b o u trt ., lte=w f. e
=dative those ether our trust, ma Zard pat amIS.
&KO In et an
IbM tionnas t. . lo aet. us eel 7 ehtlo each a
Mly be too rt= enemth:
. ohjeelVt
VA: are anal. :LT that. ' the tenth In Wang* . t 7
• one ' Look he tokl. In cedar to wears to It *M.
. I V , Ti e h=a7=eeet "t ribit ' ulZie
Is OtaZ end nehtlaser_ =age, tettleacallo fe•
Ithln the two moat, two that oar awn When , .
ilbs wen- blind, have been rattled to et At- Pe,
ohels the Inala of Ohku,ver.iteen
And.elmo ems
as gentleman= Bea-!} count] ,
, two nee tabu% Doe three n OM. War lone; main'
'tewel*ln IL7 me wale= rho Imo don t= so=
amt.. am sere eared arter.thee had teen
eePtin nide= le hopelesa. The Parolee= eat ann..
Lit= la the tees, Mott Pore nrsl Ci t yeiTIV -
Hew. pans= the
.bonee sad ecente. eures.Dieera.
ene: dal^ Choate Catilta. - dahane. heteahltle. and al
-rammer: ellestin= a • Salo nacre; =Maier= re- -
gESßar= and =dierrire I et the Bladder Ant hifiDeilth
MAMA Lsooriated Mopes, =eraan‘alons
I• m
lei Mat tams. mesa, eat ton. trot
ta erase ar dawned within pyst Vat,
upon palm eneeam. • Onthgeatesthat •wis/ 4 : 3 1 ; IS,.
tatill.t. et the=tor, le Werth Wu ta gen.
latnelettenaeljoresattM shoat
osit theiVerwettbi
Ithatetstellos In he: t Wad= tevsw se•
Inthete yw.. "- Moe mho ex Wu knitel on * dolls
L U rlLVernle ix' V alr4re
eaew tdsetnowkdepo lad the Parolessi: le the gnae read/6
- discovered. For rat, I. Wank an& rs•
nal. 161111312 t IIcDOW•LL, Ito a.
....1 1k Iletlars,- 67 Wood etreet;..D. X. Orem D.l
3. .
I Dguslytagyl= . l7l22. ;.3 2o,
sal D. Valaseatorit Wood ant ' Vrtost tW
lo'clioni, eargagals.anct ilitgeLarf we,
4114.-117 ebiklm, 114 otbass.
'Won't* ttoubleottiso 4444 sad 4,14 wed dir...l
rosotdko to. arm Ilttla_purpoar. / waa Woad /madam
timarig about - pour couil Sat to
CZ ad Urba, "t r/talrga failanicure 1447 ' 7
:Liao* mtottoostlog it to re 7 auloisboca. Wad <loan
amarfeadowly 444 tbat II la th. couila
.114444r5er uma offured to Ma public. • • •
Azolaar Amattroosi...
..Mtoßst4 . ld Dot *mit tholt <Widows to auttalnia
El a PAL b:4 1 .4 mks
• - -
=ENT bIEDIGINE,S, - &c.:•-A laivi stock.
In norw.A.oo *eels oath@ monlibenl terns, Vto I
' l l4. r n-Ada '' ' -- ' l l4 44 =eat
Mtn alr t‘l eld= t I= . '' • -
Minns'''. ,• , Sznisnr : }4M" . i . 11 , 1
Mows • Court Slut. * •
- 1 Dalbslvasjsi . '
1.. : : . whenwit's ~, . • Desansin psnn. "' " In' 'the
1. , w • ' cwn wf Ktney.lol4 . * To.
w , . El.,. .yrane ~,,,..,,,,,,.,.,..
i,...:i. b,PL.,. L. :.:,.....
:,...... ! 4:.:_.....,:.. :, : .I.l.ssxCi.-• ~- .-.;
41. 4 9,4 *4 - 2 - ,, , - • ' ', .'' , .tittinnes',.
1 . falliti... .
Oistnnit se Sattei Eli iiisettr " ‘ Re i .e .,
At tin proi,e . of . ; 111=1 1 , 0 Ram - -
.4 , ---, • - arena Ifflnd n.:l WI: tb igt -
ft)HAL c.-10 bbia. for sale II