The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 18, 1851, Image 3

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    4 ,7;n
- I ,
___. . - - - •
• '--- teitticin , to l Emile -Indnattyl • •
j i,
A . ma 'alerting of the friends of Scott lad
Johustoa and of all who are in favor ofprotectini
' home in try, will be held at the Allegheay
Market °use, at 7f o'clock this CSloralay)ivea
-4,- .1 . . • , ~ , ,
WLLLIA F. Joassros,,Governor et rtaniOt
Tapia, will addresathe meeting. ,,. . 1 , ;' • ,-'
Are. I6,•1851:
D. N. I kite, Etq.,Editor Pitk.b.r9k‘ ticeette.' ' :—Pleuse publish . the annexed cer
tillcate, and oblige ' ,
Your.; reiPectiVillf;.
The undersigned Committee who coutracted
With the (alio it.. - Peonsylvania ItailrOad Company
to furnish a Oulu of curs for thriOaandred pass.
eMma,leare Pittsburgh at 11) 11.,. this
day, and io proceed to 'Rochester, and,to return
from Kochesterat 5 I'. 31., hereby certify that
the Company tuts 'complied with Its contract to
our entirl i a x a i tiefoution ; and that it was °vivre
ly 'thirds in the agreement that our special
train !Mould not interfere with the rogular , pass-
— `l, August 16th, 1851.
7.. Rtell7lo - o, Gov. JOIISBTON kr BliAltillitUr
. VIIIP - 11r1 Pnwentrana`-liscarrtom re -Aux
~, .. • oultsy . laio Finley Ban . • ‘
, .
On 8 rday Morning &bent' four hundred
, u
_ Whigi, pointed foi that purpose at the recent'
- :
Ward, B rough, and Township meetings left Al,
Jegheny n a special train of care,' to Meet his
. iexcellen y„ . William F. Johnston, Governor; of
/FmunCylvania, at New Brighton. In addition to
he specjal, the i regalar train carried , a large
• number jot persons unable to obtain places In
• :, f The regular train ararted fret, and before the .
departure of the remaining one, . double sand
. treble tie price of the ttickets, woe freelynifer-
. ' ed forlts. and refused. The depntation4as
. r aceomp.
led by White's Briss Band, and the I
beautiful, flag of the. Scott fluerds,Tu aPPnI
. - - priatel4liven by that fine crimpany to be used
tturoughtatt the day. Iliabonor, IL'S. Slitinieg,
' Mayor I.of Allegneny, acted tie 'chief initstud,
his - aids being CoL LeepoldZahl, capbt.T. A.
. 1
Howley', John:Young, Jr.,' William A. Ctuulton,-
and Althisre. Harrison Graham, Wm. Mackey-and
y The , .1) to-New Brighton, wee a very pleasant
one,a we were rejoiced to see that th e injuries
to the }r ope along the line caused by the lite
. ettirm, were scarcely perceptible. Many Seidl; ,erf,
corn which then appeared to be totally destroyed,
are nois quite fresh and green:looking.. .
. Arrived at New ßrighton, this Members Brighton , of the
• deputation were inttoduced to the Governor, at. ter which they dispersed ,to the various hotel's;
for' dinner. The Merrick House, and Sourbeeles .
' Hotel! were both liberally. pittrinized, and after'
the calls of hanger iiTreeatiefted, the deputation ;
aecoMpanirid try nearly the entire population of
New prightint,
_Rochester, and Bridgesieter, -
- - wentztrer to Beaver, where . his Excellency ; the
41areilaer, intended to address the assembled
The meeting was organized 'et 2 o'clock, in
7 . the spacious nod beautiful Court-House, ones,-
'cr. IThe. Honorable John Dickey, of BeiVer,
was Called to the Chair, Major DaVidW, artdok,
of North Sewickley, Johtt . Steribig;of HOpearell:
township, Itiajo'r Roblin. Dtuvagb, of Slutron, l
CoL Henry Snail, of Brighton . township, Jae:
Caughey, Darlington, James Meadif . .of Green;
"Jamey Morrison, Of Frankport,Atkinion.Martin,
of Big Beaver, Capt. Alexander &Wier Thipe..
well ( township, and D. D. D 11115011; of 'Ohio
township, were cheese as. Vice Presidents. - : -
... Metiers. Alfred Moore, of Brighton; towaship,.l
end John N..Darragh, of Bei:heater; .Im-re ap- 1
- . Pointed Swett/ries. ' ''' -
Thal Hon. John Dickey stated that it was very
_ evident the Court Home would not hold half the.
assembled ranitittele, and it would be better-to
. , adjoinat to a groin near the town, where a tem
:- porarY stage had been ereeteL -.. :' ,
.'• /..:":.
A: Motion was put ,and carried, to adfouriete
, .
the g 4,,,,, endure emat,,,,lan tlea.rcazattte m s.-
iirisiiiii - Ter but few of the Pitts'
Z - burgh idelegett'on; or the tohibitants.or the little
towers lin the neighborhood„had arrived.' The
amenablage Censisted altogether of the citizens
of Beaver, and, of the hardy yeomanry of the
an arena, teenier whom - had come thirty
--,-, ,or to .miles to listen to the address' lirpor.
Thal meeting assembled in abeardifol gri:ire„
. and the officers took their places. - White's braes
hand played some' appropriate airs; and after a
short delay, the Pittabargh delegation, accompa."
. • tiled by large numbers of the citizens ef . the
. ttltigltho, Zing villages, . : - , :L.
• Thelassemblage was very large,;tfix thontand
: • people; at the loner; calculation, being preeent.
- -
They Governor aricenticul the stand,
.and the'
-, Hon. iohn Dickey called the meeting to order,
'.. He said that , he bad manly expected Gat the
crowd which world assemble Would be So large
- ' that. toe Court House Would rmtcontali them,
• • They had met and organized there, howerer, by
. the aprintment of theproper officere.. Finding
,that'.was Impoisible, for that Wilding to ac.- -
, ,
come:iodate all, the meeting bad adjourned to
• the grove, where a rostrum had been raised, in
order that the Governor might address. the meet
' log.: 4re had been honored by being chosen as
!,' their chairman, and it devolved upon him to in
r, traduce Goy.
_Johneton to them. Deere he bade 1
' 1 • blietmllenci welcome toile:aver County; and to
. i, Its capital.'itowever, be would take the liberty of 1
, saying it few Words to him. '. • ' ....
Turning ic; the Governor, Mr. Dir.keysald,
: I It is not two yearn sir, since you leetPthi na fit
- L viiit, It company with the old'chioin, whom
. snifingia hat elevated Co the Draidential
chair. IWe Amsted . the hero with' the respe"o
. • ihretoh mas the Chief Magistrate of tldsmighty
.• littdrin—ire treated you with the respect dne'
, ''... your distizigalttled official woeittom . Whig and
' . Democrats Combined to do you honor, and the
. gen who received an , you. on
• , th at ion, was a Democrat.
. Talc a hero to day under ,- different , elnitue
t. 91
, trbureei You are not onlyoevcrnor of..Penn
syluoils,.,but you area candidate for reillection,.
• ' the Vcidlill.wej bowling 7 04 ?rith a lialawcalo
• mend nomination. No doubt Many Of oniDetti
- outgo - feilsw citizens . present to.heer you; i
still you staid here unde'rdifferent circumstances .
frees wit . you . formerlY did. Pavia a_ Whig I
meeting g d you ire. heroes a whip uctudziklod '
- ,by i Whig Grave:mon, end permit . ma to savor,'
;here Is dO, doubt of' year citation. Yids. Vest
Multitctdel GISMO here to listen' tit - Your addriaa .
and to hear you give en . emuunt of year 'Pact
' edministrationi as well u .to • understand the
..._.. Jadmdplesinhk.h will guide You conduct, in,ase
tf 'a ; reelection: I know yon to he -capable of
giving th4this explanation, and I its confident'
- - yon will Make it with pleasure.' With thin few.
- remarks.,Govenior, permit me to intro:lei:4-YMa.
to the meting, and to bid, you WelcUtes,; t
' . Dea v er Minty. (Tremendous ahead.) „ , •: ,'
I'l3arernor Johnston'rteose - in.h Laidig ~i loud
. .. ~ ...
"•- , - ,
He, to eased hisspeech by thanking thee'
,I for the bettor - 2 ,which they' had done him' some
years ago, I tn conferring their suffrages upon him.
:Hines then, they had- continued to support- the
adtaleisteition tinder his charge, and he thank.
ea theca fre. having .thus given Ilm an opporni
• silty of expressing his feelings towards them. . - - •
- Governor Johnston then delivered art extud..l
ingly caln4 able, but onprettMding address of 1
''two hours duration, in the course et .whiche be i
_ gave his . 4 .pinion an all the teading political
- topics witiO now agitate the two partici. .Afere
prefer to report the speeches' which he may de
'liver in' .litteburgh, we will not Write oat the •
notes Saha' we tooling Beaver. '•• i
At MI., close of his address, (thermuctitide '
•,' go:rather tremendous cheers fortiott,'Johnstent,
and pr Lou lx, home industri...,
." - Dering - the
dell veyl of hie, address, 'he Tea likewise fee: I
quentlyl interrupted by loud sheen . White's
. Drams Dud theo struck tip a livelyrittee, at th e -1
alone . 0 which, the chairtian, the Dam Jobs . I
Diekey, moved that this meeting do now actionno, 1
to re-assembie at the polls, inOctober nat. v ', I
Apteuelou was ' then formed, and. , maske d
down, to• Bridgewater. GovernoiJaUtanuOle
ins - carriage in company with the Won. Dunelins
Darragh and , lion. Thomas N. Dein, I lif Alle
gheny apart', together with the .. chGedd
Robinsoir Senator from the Beaver sibliiki.' •
• . - . - - .4 -
. . .
a#4 4 iwten. 4 4•4**?Tacw- ,, mla
withlitidecheerk sad thit tip:mewl 'mood. the
bridgeL Itoehister;
„ vriiit ere rut amemblage
wee wr<
,httag~jo 8 • exc ellency.: '
Atter nsgtirt delay the Allegheny Comity Ms.
Company with the Governor, f. entered
Ihrt .mers,_which 'moved off In amidst
the cheers of the bystanders. All along
'th reed,
wherever a single house Was standing, the halite
waved their' handkerchiefs and the gentlemen
ems.• ` •
' At EconoloY,' the honest and industrious Ger•
nual . .ha inhabit that delightfid little place,
were dm:lrv* to reeeive the,Goveta&r. Ond
gentlemen Presented,him with en =Omens bou
quet, about six fireehigh, composed of a great
satiety of titters, very tastefully arranged, toe
getter with se beenitifal wreath. After lue
been introdaced to all present, the °antra°
again entered the ears amidst the cheers of the
Ecahomites.' •
A. short diatence above Boonomy, a largennm
ber worlinimi on the road Vera drawn
the side of the railroad. A - "Cider barrel wan
elevated on s little_ stand,- with one end turned
towards the , road.. •
wee painted on it in white'letters. •
At Sewietley the scholars of the temale
mart', werearaltfusg toreceinethe Goierttrei and
waved their handken3hiefs settle cars pained by.
The instn stopped to take in water at. flajsilik.
*lte . numbor,Of Pithaburghers, and farriers
fmrtherstuTpunclingceuntry,werevralting there
and recelied the Governor with loud cheer.
A Mane oat, Le the bystanders.
.The staticuhouse at this "Place trine very tsiste
i‘lly ornamented with flags.
After leaving - Bernal., no farther stoppage
11/I{ll made, Until the airs reached Allegheny eity,
where we - were aitonlalted at- the them/in/ma
.croild'idifeh had askembled,. s majorlty.of.whorn
wo etterwardaundarstood,had bun waiting slime
fain. o'4oa. The 'Governs)). was received amidst
,Jeifenhtil chsena '• -'
the Hon. holies* Howe rose to introduce
the CleiMucte to - the muting. said, filiow
cithtins, I havethe introdur.e to you
his excellency, Gar: Johnston.
-Tinting to his excellency,-he said, Governor
Johnston this large assemblage of your follow
ciiisimn. and my immediate neighbors, who bare
gathered hem to witness year arrival, have
comeolot So much to do honor to the exalted
position which you so ablifill, as to . Untidy by
their preiertee,. the(rregard forymer private and
public:virtues as amen:. .They:also renovate in
P!,! , air 1 , t4tl:raMte Ptathe of a dtil47:o.lurtish
ed system , of Governmental 'which lies at
thefomlotion of their prosperitvie
ag j
,ailfait a .
' Allegheny hi emphatumlly a manufacturing
city,.araryou !Osmond you; its leechlike - and
sirtintis; who, *under the benign Inflamed of-a--
eistem of protectioneo labor. have built up 'a
city, containing tweniy two thousand inhabitants,
from asineolisiderable village with exopulation
Ora fair litiFidreds. There are, Governor, amongst
these hardy laborers, many 'who areyonr warns
Sad- ardent' personal and political friends, to
whom you are largely indebted for the responsi ble position a.
you now ell, - • .
"TuM3l.4 to the meeting, kir. Howe said, Gov.
ertiorlohestod, has coma amongst you, fellow.
Mthreas, alter a service of Thies yearit, as your
cadet niagistrans;.*:to.' 'give.. an'. aecotint.- Of his
'eteirardship. in h tkinik man," and seeldi no
notiOndinents,'lnd rather ciMits the oppertunitY
to )43 fOlow-oitinia tie& to face, and ex.
plaiii to them'the:f!ll4plos, which he has
ecught to ea:redoes - their affairs, ,(oheers.) In
your names;fellow-citizens, I bid him a' hearty
welcome to Alleghenyeity, (treutendrres cheers.,
Governor Johnson then said—
•Fer!cit.:tithe:l:l;T . hen already add:naked a
very, large peeling . in itenver eonety, to4sy, at
some length, indbeing home, and &good death.
tlgeed,rfeel that I 'hare net the ability to id
drennYon :in that mincer which the kindliness
of your welcome to medaserrea. I take this ne
n/IL:no boomer *say, that Twill begladto mind
yen in thin'eftion 31onday sten I an.
teu,s - teeennilenfte — ftetelFen y ,
then,fortheferpose of unreeling thysnantyvinn
on PoEttnnlettkieett. RA 'mining yeti my riaaero
thanks far your enthtutisetio reeeptlin,l trust
yo - w will anion me from mating any farther n.
mirk@ at. present : (Trot:holden ebeere)
". The eirriege in Which the Gov etnor wan nat
tld ntilOn.trithl! ; hiennw.:l3nWellUid.r.Din4gh
drove' off, - -seectopaaled,by which
were the =inhale of the day. It reeertinion .
wait binned which escorted the Governor to the
Monongthehtllotiee; where he will remain:de
rijle his;
,tday intenist lies* ' enird
gathered in front, and ailed londlj for thneitior
Johniten;.yrho:ntiuli, hie epneinince on onset the
: citizens, I feel somewhat !retried, hi,-
' 44 61 in:fel long Addicts to my fellow citizens
of Beniar"-eouity7tO-day, • Nit you will allow me
briefly to thank yoli tor the-Warm support which
you have hitfierto.extended to me. Fellow citi
zen, I stake the liberty . . to recall to yob;
reed lection the decimations which' I made
When eMet the 'people. of this tonne - , inlB4o,
`and I ierei ton to the . setrof my itdministm:.
.tion to prove that those* dechtrations have all
been tadeemed, faith/oily end without maim.
If In opportunity hi.affoided . to mebefore TIMM'
the city I will gladly, meet on all, to give an'
account of my postadministiation, and'to In. •
cite the principles uPon-which the govermient
will be - conducted, if it shall Main be placed In
my heads, so as test - to conserve the intirista
of all . l.Mtle , grisid .to Prinerve to is tinimpared,
the liberties-and prosperity which we now en
joy. (LouCclieers;lttlhe midst of- which the
. .
CbieraerJehne t toarestisitoddninth* an
togl* a ;arse' enitiibei otitisfitlends.
#e l li i iddrestifz'oeiiiig, irl6.h ilitb• held
iir lA. j, !Wit mteg , sadhis epesabirill
foria4 is talmiorow's °sotto.
zrezro or run Btoczn Cr.en.--4i meeting of
the Bigler "Clib lets Milled on : Saturday night ;
and a few indirlduals made their appearance at
the aPPolnted,inor_, l - W. Dallas, the Chair
man, made an'iddresi, And B. tg, Block was
kindly milted on for a 'peed. The gallant Col
onel bid, we pregetne - howerer, the good same
to stleTit himeef, aLhoogh : his name Was mint ed
in the - pleemde tethtig the 'Meeting is one of the
ginttliMen, who vonld:dslivere iTeech..: The
liathig nice were-now at their vies and,na
eigoltad Item:a:tit 'of sent ability to make
a lifliedi'beingireeent;orifinkiantitheideaiyi
ad' addimashig the' intnibMar Bigler The
Chairman, in piteous thtiec.eallad on anirient
noise to mine forWarit and t.ortisi4a iostiva;
bat he, might as well hate , talledsepitibt,fman
the rimy deep." - -
At last itimit f ew an Jilin
• • .
Ithinwee present, to speak.' and Johe
tiningtl.e'nompl/ed. sooner had ha detteiii,
than half the Modienott walked oat of the roma,
ea ashamed ct .tielittimen the' no. Mime),
Ma - lathe aloes . of re:'reiniirks, the so
&the%-if vs min ptaparly .dignify the- situ
Montaer meant, iff . .P3At name , retired. : lrse cr.
tel •walizaay y o u pray for . proteetion
from inter friends. , . -itt Qatari:tole between Ito
ehthati - cad Cam, the entenified nee yea sa a
shuttle' toek,ind'note gog By,to one aid% the,
battled* of the Cass man barbg struck yeti
• mighti r 'tdoir7—tioallp . Strolianaii men items
to the ramie, and
with . a feeble mote prevent
your falling to ttiagmuld. • Pali you must and
wall;: bowo,er , aid the adhesion of • the Bigler
Club of this city, if them were no other reationi
against yon,' would 'almost be nallielent to, tx.:.
tidally damn yon fanner.
. . .
Lcconoca_Pautaa: Ilartnam—The • Mao
cmsts of Allegheny nannty assemble' at the..
Haw 'platen for-balding - primary maellingi, on
astandatalgbb Tbelnandli , ' Oft'ass and Da
cha= hid 'entre time of it, bat oath' isholeore
beline that's majasity Of th• Adman* elected
wain famcst BashanisiZ "•- •
• ; putOrarit—P. C. Sitatueon' yid
litter:oaf .Waril.-.11. S. Megrim' and. W. W. Dal.
laa;turtriteted for W. W. Irvin for President
Judp at Coat of Quarter Beesiona. -
- 251rd,War,d-Jotoi C..Duuo. Georgs
, Watson, C. A. hlndatatii
insfractedforJP%S.Araft, at Rnaldent
of CourCof kite
Fifth tYax .n Mackin; lusdne Stitt,
Huthr Ph Blrminghlus Jose' ph
McCiowry.EighW WMil-LJObn Ciyie end Wm. Alexander,
'instructed for Irwin.
, First Ward, Allegheny.— M. L Stewart
Mid ILL McClelland, instructed for Irwin.
Fourth Ward, Allegbeny.—Miebael Kane and
Abram iSaya, instructed for Irwin. • • •
East 'Ward, l'i Irmbighatn.—Jobn Galbraith,
Fred. Merriman.
West Birmingham.—Jae. Blackmon, • 4atoes
Hokum; •
Booth l'lttobargh.—P. &Atoka, T. B. Ham
The Amerloin Association for the advance
'ment •of education will hold its annual
meeting on the Ifith instant, at Cleveland, Ohio.
All Educational Associations being ea titled to
Mite doh:guts, the 'Teachers' Amoriation of Al
legheny comity, at its late meeting, appointed
Mr. J. A: Walker, Dr. Coffin, and John Kelly,
Eso.,im delegates.
The Cleveland meeting will no doubt be 'a
grand.gathering of teaching and Mends of edu
cation; and it flapped that many of our enter and efficient Meehan may be able to at,
110111113 DT TU O'UILLT =sawn inta,
Ent 111.01.111101 Ting prrrestrzo's cuarrn.
AIIBIVAL OP THE 4. 1.1:11•
mina Dirawra IS Rona not LIVICIIPOOL!
Narr Yoxic, August 16
The eteameldp Baltic, from Liverpool, with
dates to the 6th instant, arrived at her dock thin
morningat 6 o"clock. She left Liverpool at 4
o'cloek, P. kf.,on the 6th fut., and het .there
fore made the pottage in nine days and thirteen
bourn Bhe !wings .148 passengers, and a miler
The Cane& arrived at Liverpool ontlie 2.d in
Lnaisroon, August 6.
Cotton—The market, during the last three
days, had been iteady, but prices were rather
less firm:. Roldere had supplied the market free
ly, smiths' rates of the previous week were dif
ficult to obtain. • The sales of the pout three
days had been 24,000 bales, of which 9,000 were
taken by speculator, and exporters. . )- ;Theiales
of Wednesday were 8,000 bales,
__ ) Ifie Havre
market, old - Tuesday, wife steady and prices un
bal aged. The tries to 2 o'clOrilr-wure 1,090
es. .
Flour—The fine weather, with the , Lige im
portations of Flour, had combined to reinter. the
market dull. at a decline' f Gd per bbl, with sales
of Ohio,. Philadelphia, end Baltimore, at 208,208
6d per Dbl.
_-, •
Grain—Corn was in leins demand, at a - decline
of lid per meeker; with 'Bilis at white at 25s Gd
tagils, and of' yelloW at 265'11d(327s per quarter.
Wheat alas verydull, sit it decline of 2d per bri.
ProstaionTliers was no new feature in Ba
con; and nothing-wee doing in Beef and Pork.—
Shoulders were quick Rains were unnaleable.—
Lard hilly suirtains the previous ratio
Groceries—A fair business Was doing in Sugar
atprerious rates. Coffee was in better demand,
but unchanged in prices. Tea were easier, but
tome parcels of,Congs were sold kt'an advatice.
Molasses continued steady, but leas was doing. -
Moser Ilmrierr.—Coosola rioted en Tuesday
at 06f ®96.1.; and on Wednesday at noon, at gq.
Trade in Manchester was good, except for; In-'
than account.... .
Business in Parliament tines the 2,1 last. had
leen unimportant.
Lord Brougham stated la the Rouse of Com-1
mote, on Monday the ith, thatehelorkiab Gov
ernment had promised the English minister that.
Eoamth and his fellow prisoners shotdd be pea
irirely liberated on the 15th of t3eptemfler;
• The Quern replied to an address asking for
continitanee of the Cryirtal Palmeestating that
the question was too complicated to be answered
Alfred Bunn fief watt leafed the Drury Uwe
Theal-engrossing mabjeet in Paris, was the
visit orthe...tordMayor of London, and the Cam
.missioners oflUErhibitlon, to that city, sc.
Companied by.
.man of Enehh, and
foreigners of note.
Me greed Banquet Oren on second inst.
rna . exemsruzglx ifortfetstiand.tastafah iyar
sons at down to the entertainment, a•Wman
, aa...4*.rwyr,rrantwv -
On the 6th testi.' grand7seriew and - Sham
tight!wor Polak. place.'
- 130th of d This - Elpindsh Com er was prorogued on the
uly. • • '
' The Chamber of tommerce hare adopted a
titian to the (loyernment praying a redunt ton of
postage yo the United Eludes, and thn, BMW"
- • ' • - • ,
lyird Anindellas been elected to Parliament
by the peoida - ef Limerick. •
Nur YassvAug.
The steamer Puna . nailed to-hay, with 66
paaaangetra,' and $459,060 In epode. Among the
paniangera are.ELCanati.bauer. of =be,
to Ecgiand S. H. Carpentar, of Ph phis
bearer of d o lnitebee France; Col. CAI, and
. Edgar Haight, a returned Californian, was
arrested hers to daY, on a reqedlitiiin . from the
thneitior of Calitsn4 under charge of perjury,
and as a fuetive from justice.
Tba cook of the steamer Buekepe State, named
Davis, was arrested hers yesterdaj, as a fugiti”
'Lye, being claimed by Mr. Moore, of Loutsfife•,
and..after an examination, was remanded to the
custody 'Cilia master. blush exailament iste
railed. and • rescue was "Mtn:aped, but failed.
A Mi Moore, and another gentleman, were
arrested to day, and bad a partial homing, on
charms of assaulting Davie. •
• CTICIINAATI, Ang..l6. -
Phillips County—Preston, (Whig,) maJoriry
99; in Warp., 86; In Dash; 10; Independent,
36; and Prairie 2. In Poinsett county, Jahri
son. (Dstn.,) had 71 majority; In Jackson, 14; In
Arkin's; 2; and in Tine Blur, 89 sots;
Joirsnows, Pa., Augast 16.
The largest and moat disutratut tire. ever
known in Jolinatovm, occurred this morning at
2 trclobk. Ten families ware rendered house
less, and thaaggragat• lass was vary-heavy.
• ~. • - .Orscusaser, Aug. 16.
Todd's tbizedwy, ;;;;,.Charles Foster & ML's
printliqt press msatary, were destroyed by
fire pals sttercoon. '
- ' lizer 'Tram p Ans. 10.
Dr. Deem President the IDthilebary
Conn.) Blethodhit..Dollegt, tiled this morn ing.-
• ' 'IA.TEIL in. 01.1" CUBA, -
• . move; Aug.
- Advi es; from'Ciabs, to th ßed: e Stadium, repreeeat
sll things quiet.' A:11mall Ametioso steamer Sad
arrived, vith intelligemte eatioeroing Lopes. -
AU the tift.udelt wer*sesla and gnome!'"
were enteied to Untie alexia - the coast.
16 iksnzut; Aug. / 6 .
The reeeit rains kare beetief i 1111903110 baulk
to the totatoeo and onn ems In Kentucky aad
Tanana*. Kbir **bac** yiekrin Keatucky wilt
itoukie that orbit year.
• - vievuss; Aug.
••• There•vaelthree new ewe of eholera to day,
The &nage le abating, end there is very litcle
alarniAbont it. • ' -
We eontinne 'to receive sacountifrotri barely:
of the danurgSdcnie by the recent storm.
There 110E10 Cholera in the interior toensof
the state. It liaecaleo wooed inures the
etearnboata:.• , • , ,
NNW Yost, dug. 16f
Cotton4ricies ••liate adranced to}}, within
the rut thine dirt. With sake 4000 bake.
Floor—Balm 8600 bbis, - at $8.76®8,87 for
Ludt/kVA:id Western common, es,smag for
state, fat Ohio brands, and $4,121 for Otweeew'
Grain—Saks 800 bus Ohio red wheat, at 800
Bales 15,000 biz damaged Corn, at 446606, and
of-mixed at 741.11 tpt.
Pr:minims—Um me t a pork at $14,75, and of
pekoe at 6712,87 f bbd Bales 70 bbla Mess
t we t; st, $8,7 $ll, Sales 100 Ws pickled
hems, st $7,'25 7,60 'ft Dbl. Bales prime lard
6 key
—Sals of Ohio at 280 ga2.
Lewd-4d es of Oakes at $4,72
Orocterka-43alei 80 hide Orleans Bttgar, at
4}(615,10. ;Wu DllO hhda Porto Ebro Molasses
at ZosBlk. . Bees= mach Bic Cafes, d 9lc
Linseed 011—dales 900 gellons at Viclit
Steete—OhLs 6' have advanoed $T emit
Nsw Yeas. dog. 16.
: -- 0011 - OS-,;TIA. sorbs Is ills, Ida u 1 600
Flonr—The market is rather heavy, witbeales
of 8000 Mb 5t1 3 .87.413,94 . f0i /Hata and In
dians, $4,06}®4,121 for pare Oeneeety and
$4.25 for Southern. •
Drain—Thera to no particular amnia= in
wheat. Sales 85,000 bas - cox at 50c , for mixed
western. Oats are scarce, with Naha of nor!bern'
at 42ec.44c pt ha• •
Provisions—Etabm 200 bbla linens pork- at
V 4,62014,75 QT bbL Lard in selling at o ® 9 ia
w CHl—Bales 24,000 gallo.0.• Go the
harf, at 68@,611a 1,1
Widakey—ailea at 22a 1
Balewititz, Aug. IEL
• Flou s r—The market was &Ulf with sales of IL
S. and City Mills, at $3.8711 bbl. • .•
Grain—Priees are declining,' with miles or rod
wheat at,76®78„ and of white/ do at 8043840
bn. Sales of white corn at 69060 c, and of Tel:
Lori srbtligEac. Oats are selling at 28032 , 4ain;
Rye at 65e bn.
Prosisiona--fiales mesa pork at $16,7511
Bacon Moulders are selling at Sienna, aides 91
410 n, and hams at 91011 c. Bales of lard . in
11, at 91, and in kegs at lie
Gr3Ceriell-8111115 Rio Coffee ,at 8109 e '1? lb.
Sugar is dull, with no Bales. Molasses is witk.
out change:.
Wool—Bales at 190=13 for unwashed 'and
common. ' :
Virlifiskep—Sales at 2 024;:i1 gall.
Tobacco idwithont movement:..
Cbeese—Balee at 7091 c rel;tli!.
„ •
Cirraranart, /tag 19.:
Flour-Prices have advanced 10c.. Sales 1200
bbls at $8,2508,85 bbL,
Whiskey—Bales at 17i- gallon.
Protbdons—The market le active. Sales.2oo
casks ehoolders.,on present terms: Sales 10
bhds aides, at 930, and of. 25,000 eager mired
hams at 10c 11 Th. Sales SOO kegs lurd, .4104, 4
and of 100 bbls do at 9c 11 lb. For "prime
abenidevs, Se, at. GO days were offered, and re
fused. Sides thin mess pork at $118:76111 la •
Groceries—The market is firm, with a file de
mand. Pales 40 low and falr "Salmi, at
61C)5k b lb. Sales Orleans Molasses &ffo,
and of Cuba at 130c151 galL •
Wilichisburg Amulany. • -.••
Halo mut I:esnala Eigiish and Clasrieat 'SeitooL
vuscrainno, =min comtir, ra. : • .
JAMS RUBTON, A. M., Prom.=
Tins INSTITUTION en . 11 be op en for the
reception otpapile tondo inutbseale) atcasar.
a o
[MN= JAL The mane of leutroction ecanpgine all
tbe branches taught in tbe beet Academies and - Beenhen
rie. Ilizestenttoen will giveseln all tosachee admiWog n
ez w ara
p l h l i o School le=ded withta erteneire t od
P•e•rne , for Premier& COiltZtj (WI =O.. 4 111
referec, Waren tbe Peencipo4
Female Seminary—Allegheny City
•NM.: R. W.: POINDEXTER . Mil).
IMMOthe_ ' ter m of her Salmi. m MONDAY,
t of - IMPTEM _ PM IEIt. cra the corner or Wathloctoo
and Ease Cosoansoo. For gortlenisze net Cleenlar. or opply
to Mr. P. peromellr. aogls.Tee
- The College of SL:Jimun.
wASNINGTON COMITY,' 81A8Y1421 - 1):'
(The Diocesan Coalmen( the Pentagon* EnitthinlChithelo
opn on MIONDAY; October bah, 1.51. .ad Continue
null the • nut ceconmeeeementday." the LutThorsdar la
Jelly. UST New modems an uthearnatered teenterat tho
opealet of the melon; but art rendre! at thy time they
apvly. and tth cthulti winged from the dot.' of th eCr
TUE COLLEGE has the other number
eww ell the oppertuittin of tounsiere ednution. mutat
the succesaftil ternathtlna colleriatecuthe,contha
on Get Mute. th a usual sudenticet troth, • •
Collete. end ander thesuperthith of the ilecocif.
der distject dthiptine. theatres IsAs u the beginning a(
War acedenthal cannee aGI prepuce Althea f
t he
P101,. .c01l
Lau. sleuth The averaight and direction of the
eon of the CAE • their. special a d v to the Grsmmn & LoeL antage. In the rade
lo the ME/LCASTLLE CLASSES. lth shady of iitUE Is
omitted. mot Its plea sepplled by thditionel stogres In
h. Lengths*, Dook-urA.
bysituation of the Collate t y ro enthely heaUlthil. sad
by Its distance from towns and vithese, very Securable In
good morals sad order.
KEMP MALI. a new bulldb,9o Get Ly 40,41 be
tradr for occupation In eons. of the wthing utticm..
In ethition to the (atm rums of P113¢6,10111, the Thou...
bath recently etholtited :nub Deter Ruth. LL. D e tee
Curer on Civil eat Teelegiuttut Law. auk - John - U. Ales.
ender, LL. D.. lecturer on Phut*. and Ctothlar
The whole charge lathe...Ma erten month. (thriuse
lathe and Grammar &had) la two Inandeth sad
tweatrrtre Perable etuthrinuelly thrum
Athdladieem for Unlade* to te rude to •. '• •
En. JOUR R. /LILIS/00T. D. D, Rector.
• College of tst.r.larthe P. 0,
• Washiastem surety. Maryland.
XL—Tenths In Pittsburgh whiting thy information
thsteellagiplustibation.ans refund to t h e Theo
dons D. Le . who was formerly a Trustee.
aultUal se tt -
Wheeling 'Female Seminary:
MS INSTITUTION is in , a ieg proaper
om etbilltket, and. mumbetel. M Ib butrherb
umbel and bomb-0m pm! W. Mee ,
• sad taseriseend tesemn In the several dnertmen
•• I romem= ha. Milne • theme:My q •
aarr" ... hatelan cettuom oateoo
me tm the Ist of MIMI
sad teettrme !Mr Weeds,
qmeaty dells. toes the nom of it haw**
JIHE Tenth itnnial Bunion of the Wesley.
• swn. college of tthelnhat. CU emanate
euday, the 26th of August. Shheouree of ihttruetl4
11%1464,11. umbesein elon of the mildews unwhyautight
to stale eul/euees, brlth Leetrumental end Toad Itude, end
the' ether untatoeutal beauty. The 1 , 1
ud openTtemad of well qualified and expel. =i,gr.
enuellur basydhur sad day Pupae lira eary
Madam rewind at any Wee. lot
peuseaally. or by lotto to the undersigned at the
augSaltd ~ . • , P.Jh R/14114, Preeitttart. - ..I
Young Ladies' Beminary—:Allegheay.
Att.t. AND MRS: N. IY. METCALF,. wilt
1. =par lirbjte trzdr 6H i?=tjagtg al
rat. of tuftloo 127 1 . R. , u herstafore. kor ipdniculsts
Citcalai. or.VDl7lotW PrlodWL. 3731-91
Proposalsor and Bkck
• •':
SEALED PROPOSALS for deliftring in
the stores at the emska of the Pittsburgh Os•
pony. 72.10 boahals of Itltoadassu Coal, sad 20,000 taste
els of Block, will b, teselred ot the 012los of thaPesonam e
until Wad.... the Crth ot 2 o'doe.k.'P,ol. d oh
o and Mack to he of roeb onallty , and d.lvered
=eh sad Is so. somatic. stall to approved
of sod directed. '
rho Madan] of moputotioo for Ccal Wyk to Is
" ll l TZsc P rent nah . to 4 fee ode With.
Rno ...di for .ms o. of tont4e . . "
to be h e to TITOAIMiItAXISWE'LL.
EM P VISot or the Comm.., sad endorsed `Propmale
far and Slash."
• JAMES 31. ctriuni.T.;;,.....,
Gap Plualeorgh Or Ca AAna. 16 31.--lasoldtd
ikearingAtres and BroinutiMt Macaddetaid 2 , 1475,
pike and Plank Road Compon?)..
OT CE it hereby given" that the 'Stock
holder, In eski Comma, ere required to eer th e
Ird iesteneeet of Five Dollars on each share of stale
ea beeribed, b the Treasurer, (irai. tanner Jr.,) on the
Oft.ssith. der of Aufrust. 1014 sad the South instalment
of Five Fowlen on eseh shaft subscribed. on ,the ten dsy
of liesettober swat. DT seder of the. Boer&
strSolt4 JOBB:osy.)bl eBFll.,cietim
(Disteitels c
A. MEETING 'of the Stockholders of the
Irtnth American Kleine Company win he/d at
r O. Itrtink ettl . of Pittrherzb, 00 r, the Zr.l
per Septtmbel at 3 n'eleek, P. NI.. to take cottonon the arrendment .to the charter of raid dnetpanT.K.
Mrs. Jane 20,1a7- Ir. PALMER. Harretery..
goad Election: • , -
Orgoor.olios 6, the "Pittsburgh and Sindenrale
• hernia Coirtparry."
WE, ttie undersigned Coratiileaithiers to ro.
gidanj * V' a Act oPntra (112Aaaren.
yank, an Ued r•An Ant to inannanala rittaburch and
Atambeamilla naltroad Comm_ apprenaCM.,a sub,
1844 bedew give nalea , that imam ratanaeboaring data
t24 44 .44 1 ' gitt.b.Nger. Jobo.yo. Upon
.Pull =or tabscribe.. tbt
to tier espinen
TanaY; that" lasenannaa and mignon. a. bXI7 . DAMN and:
ontlearaSa. clued and in law, =day the owe aionnna.
And we, the:Pekoe, emits* to the Jane of the taid
Cotemonweelth, hand, n
hs ewt enteraninka thet •
, neaDett7
t= " l , l. ° 4l ' o " . "`"'"'"l."
Third and Wood etreet.L 'f ln the dry -I MV
, 4 1;=, fi tto
1 4 re wearty•t= d u e . y t ed i t
.I=ltmet u t .
end there !oleo y add tateembern, et the seld, i r
Pe. of neentAn, to
_Wen. tlesideat en 4 twelve wane
of the mdd lumped Company. The tietim onw
mare at tan o'ctorek In the Imam.
searum, uviPriitrros,
Jalll4 314101:4A.
JOlttl 017N i tto
- • MO% MAO R I 1 4 34 .
TuomAx ititvirtorois:
IL A. WattrPt.
Mutual Lif' e bank= Cozgiitivr.
IC13:1311: 171 7AllaiTY I? UND; MO 000 - •- ,
ISIS COMPANY airy to the inanrod 'ail
ini Newity and adrantodeo oleo Ile.' aid John
Plano (Amhara:6lbn mind) oonlidood.rnnelyi low
Islas as premium; an annusl coma In csob Of Me pen
stifle nahind ibr ttoi l oo z = nab of the non lal,
slam* Inn not unmet.* far the fttunt ann.'
Morabenbsr the • tank of Inio non Midi , .
bb l in tba acanatnaling fond mural to rods
.nom moo, at aotto, to' mow won mown ' kmt
• g•mets am &Aiwa M' tin permanent, or
abort linin inamboro. sod .. a ka Ms Dna./:of
Woo en the ' , bolo torn .0
iirrbill IS the OW/ NU Ws Immure
vboao moo of nnmiton aro dul at *lair
.12 6 arith sproindon lbr an ananabr Inennalbes feel:Da
" 1.. " ( 1ZT" ... ..inn7) La mot Fontaine to
Om amount of ness and the bionanns nab from , wt.
rsoeing.ean anima . tin Ilettlbeit. • .
. r t % „„...- ...„.,, r0 , 4 , fa detail that plan and
num oUs wan ....nine Jondia. and sto . n . ia . n . tiono
fur Intommo inatind by - • .1. Tuatimr,
_ • ' 120 Wood anon, Pita • — lrr3pb.... "
_ urns Drianamlialkal pawnor. •, •• .
J.l.: l 2L iw a i n7jt-10'► . ags
• . Vi n.
008--200 do:; Palekb4.uAßDAuau.
_ EA jag
A ..t PLAIN GREEN,:.-glased and atklai
wzaapw Bacia PIPER. Jost reeelvd
+OAP 109.
naaoa bois.d.OWLVmrahum.tiroa;
irso• a""° i2eue.tra,
ALCOHOL - 7 -51 ) , bblit•
fir OIL-75 bbla. No. 1, for sale WI
' irso natNISTOCK
AOKEREL--100-bblr.largec No. 3; :far.
conturanax.: -
EPir gs B°K .WTS — /9 corks fungi, bT
, .14“zwace.
innv.TAircy GOODS,' •• • • •
sued paltons; sus ultosnally extended ftsWit. offorssd
" B , Z ,X ZW, , ==tare:l3;4lnoWs
tle Vs•gs , tallo (Torr. Roourood. Wu atil Poplar iwtss
toofectlooyeaNtok, W.&o%;lossli
Drugs:LW User Anklei. Tooth Ilrosbz, to.
Gorman loses,Wors..
with ort.oollooa . or other los ram. •
; Importer, :
kip3rtera French and Canton .Gooda,
ißeeznrar; wan , to kr, . •
ESPEICTFULLY. - ktvi buyers to . exam=.
- "ANNAT NIBBONZILA vortul s. na asid4l366llL
1:1 rA AND AATIN ItlaNs—A full assortment.
BLAC.K GROB DK SUMe—AU !Mho and pion. of
BLS ci dmix - rzsi7Nos 4 i. mai., 66.
Vdrirce .iret wtlef e
black WI th •
eatit:tilaek end
ioleord Crapes, C:ape Ulna. anti uattrapae.
CIIAPD AirLD 'AND ECAD36—jort: rreeireti an hr.
'TAM of all maim and priors. DADED.ERAPES, of orlon§
BATIN DE cnnri„e..., izat other MU
pftolitr to the thutue niatkat.- - • .. WOW.)
'17 1 1_103.1 . 48 , B . ONNF : T BlANV
CMitellserWiktil •B . ! ° ' 4. BViartrb''!
Y,. wodffweau Co„Whole•
, Groins, No.s2llllsaiket Philadalpatz.,
• 6 4.1Fi16R6 Lk • BALD, 'BUCKNOR - Tobacc o
Cloanoladon ligellaatp,,l4. 41 Note. Waist Oat,
0.16 North Irbarrea.Mtliapbbn • - . auk
fictuserr Ara, Ma. f. Platt street li thmdoorsteons
tentloa " nna r rAtir% Mulls
th• • utio:th , .., •
-• -.lie* York India Bulbar .Warehtnise,
; 27 , Naideii Lane, 'dud No. 69 Nassau *id,
Pint &row from Broadway: • Pecorynforeat2ltb
IrrHE SUBSCRIBER, Proprietor of this es ,
tabliatunent, would Inform 1. old enslamet . and
ma.bwrtr manffly. that lot. daily readying bum Die
factory an onnenally I.Re and excellent .took of hails
Rubber Grads manunlped expromly nor the Wall I'Mde.
aml Om Introloord
an new owl ..-
Mont Impraramente bla maelalnawr and Man..,_ of
Pa WIN amndent cannot fall (MIN; MIMI •
• Special. 11...10A talthlUMl be paid to tbe mon...
tom of damped azelp.ln CA RELLOC CLOTH,orallwkltba
Gem 0-4 to 641noluelve. T. drilla avowedly...lron.
from the beetbrande.mal spread with tbe gnat romorhlrh
Culebra equal to t Matbor. Ile elm rasnalberons
lbw IMMIX= . a lankily Important Loprorement re
.oently &manned, by linden the ok4h le mod, to bear en
wet. feirsoblanee to enameled lea... The plain nob&
mode and wild as moat. Orden abookl notify ..Wearlaki
. •
, OVERSHOESA stook a all es• dlffersai 'SAM
atid varieties. from Me lossatted Para thibbare the rs
isoinled Perpetual Glom—ontibtacteuf Mem% Womea's and
Children's Boots. Elbooe.,Mitysere mod paudals. Mem.*
- fumed and Llrod blubber. kE,
iilicas=e=tut offlialmgrif..slai=r,tuAL
prising Olorno, House Glom, Needlog Jostle% Cams. Lief,.
Mao, 'fobs., Wallets. Mariam Balttag.llsomtal BbseGoz.
Harm Ofrm.WhipDreastPmesouSteamPaariag.Bbooli
dm Drama. PSPIr Holders. Mr Malls, DIAL. sad Figurer.
together h mmydeseriptiou of Itubbm Goods.
dole manufacturer of Voice: rd Masai,: 'tubber Den gyo uudoe Goodyear's Patent. •
Ttm - Gtome pill !.
found • must sortabs mire 2.11.1
minim of Chirped Roads. blew-Mom Ulm sad kemilag
Gum obits and soft: .
reD. abbot Commit Am Harms' we. _
.1y17.1m - . D. HODGMAN.
Shawls! Cloaks! 'lffantillasi
E t in
MILLS, No: 6 Cortlandt at, N. York,
now openg at his Shawl Wardbolue. frerb
ewe of Fall and - Winter 8114W1, emulating of all tyle.
of notch and Domenic Wool Inns dhanla, ton•thar with
lnal amortmant of French um Vienna Square and Soon
ieen Ebonite, of rainy grade.
Also, an emaindin swot of Cobol% Morino. nation ECM
.6athi a Ind Velvet CLOAKti, 3.I4.IiIUSAP. SACK& La o of
various Mope. and lulu, marinfmnared tram POSe pal.
woo a kin o p inirottanocia, tanned . anianioratily per
Dona steamers. •
U. to the 'Manta attention of Southern and Wen.
era Mantuan to the above, as therm find an mono-
taa.u, and marinade mind. tir Lailae var.
ow caromedinthi. pry.
Alva, nparior WME SHOW ST.L.VDB; for inhibiting
Shawl* and Ilautdica, finimmil in every adored Pent aM-
Ooni., at 114 and $6 oath.
To the P¢blie. •
"FNMA RUBBER SHOES.-6ii attenticum
E, : u •am b i:
anl Inatdres of au. elatr. t w r ik.h. alter
touch unateritsd abuse ef our allonar.Wva. Jactson.
he asserts that we dare not enure hlria with kdrandigeooP
Patna, nada our 0.12 1.12104 and that ha does not
age Ch;c4yeer's Paulo in the autanlsetartrutof sbot.
• have purehassel ones lkeower Ld the toonstnacture of
India Rubber Oboes tuder tioodrear'• Pelsate , and and
our wear. end are dadr paring a Wier for th e saran and
aor lan= POOL hare dom. the SUM. if
do wk. mare than jade upon Goodyear's llamas. We
t l i nt k tlan ' arn j ferair.9l b neMt
aoknovehafged ooWyeark right, made orttlawnst.aM
scrod lo tonne not to Infringe 110 patents. iht oww
audoptlng. not orsly to Infrlust• saki rdoing. but talon.
ourselves, who have. fora lane conskieration, purchased
cur Monnes and .mm work under aro. and we darn
Mr. Al. tihnetlr. and that over our ern aidnatarse, with
pimento upon Owetyree• Patent., tet the Inanufactaar of
the idiom which he lc aforing to the publlO and we ere
notice that he lad all who us moaned with blot to polr
ehastuk or yetolletrade aces, made in 'kWh= (Coil Tat ,
nut MO%wel C l b&knowlean,,,,,
• ." ' •
b alms
AiriabrAß T ,cit.
W. Holbartan,
• No!: 76 Maiden Lane, New York,
IMPORTER and Jobber in FRENCH and
NNOLISIT FANCY Goons. (4111111612 Tors. Glass Ver.,
Stank Slum , Nudist, rand Maw, Accarthans. Look
103 bums, 14 1 1 217 . ithr.
==.„,"* . r2 4 .. lariamievertu TO1F1?••0.1.4
_. . ___
..a ' 111 ael Writing and Copying Ink.'
NFIS 'EMPIRE INK; .87 N111131111street;
thwatea. soy York - • , • - I ; -
4irs.l te - . , .." :...1 ant- •ca. '" v. • ,—....1 . 3tti
c t,,,,.,.
per ^""untr, " r Thui...... ~...._io to.
' • , Oh titWartv*titallaa.:—.—liii
Mt al the teat ankle tesaateetrusg. It arm ftvalv--
:le • goat CUPYLNU Ittlt,—see will not stet
I 8 mould,
thredhltata ea deny. and yttessosta ail the awhile* inut,
al foe a 'PM WriUM /ok. saltabla ave the Quilt, tad u ,
ralrahly edsotact foe the Maid INaa.: . - •1
~ thaancad In awardto [wealth to the trite el-.
the, .0e bOMI all•OIIIptleRl • 111 the slam vary
late ye lv etes. Cla pot atm per mien aret dollvarat la any put
tf Me eft, IV. or charm .No than, %sr ea.. ,- llama.
t tote aro elating extra at enamel
-111.60D01L11 Llit
ti l'6." t . ',PtZTYROVIrIC4
e nor ex. i
O. Barrra Tricopheivaie
ImAffrthog mad bettatifyisgtha ,Ite/riy . va alrr
ysl.aa. am
ben 100p433% by alperffeen. flat lar7itrkorbb•
:t raVhirri d orL ,l' atral?rbi la ardTal ft id? """f tl e i
mnoari! Imam orals, seleeted from bond of shallar
it= will sane to *bow the - realm of the Panoratlut.'
malmatlon la which it held by those who have
'"Na To= Jut. =,
• rum Dour— Dear hue bem miaow with
eruption or the mina of • mat agamated char
aster, km the laat atrteeta ines. And dozing that paled
hare had lb. Mvice or of tha ISM Den.t WA
tianf, and have mild all Um reparation. Er the bah and
Alb now b without tha lean beam% I au
•stared to m try yoar Treopherotte I did m. as=
I.ln'thotfirjo="lau I t hitlo t trate 'Uri!
dhorder that sr times I was ?oral band. •
" nt o Colrablister, " Wth E r .
• '
n amt d,o r , -1 Dear tre•Atesittwoyarateo my hair
row oat • dea1...4 my bead was m th Utile:tad
with &Ind . lau told by • friend to trr roarTrleopber•
am. find I did SO. and and aerniehmear. my balr
h ad mood, and all the dander! the.
End rem rho. En !twat •
Wnb ""9"4 tra W r E/D b leln3 Broads&
• • T.
mu lady or gentleman doubts tberalmatiolty of the
tr7 - =';: u l. - Wr , „zl,l l ,,ZCztigl'ln:o 4 o ,tx
• • •
. .
. ,
ATlose O. Millterr„and Never Mina Not. f. Mier()
Thom Ls no roma 'or Ul• permanent mini ofbaldnem
mid Mmes. of the snail= murrain, that has reached
the fmmibiLVered b y the artic'e known es Profaned
Barrrs Trios us: or Medicated Compound. It is sp.
touriren by the timer dame of the cortunatiltr: to
almost every nurser: to the Lead It le need to preference to
arbor estielee of the Mad. It humme Mem to the moan?
the hair.. and tlins promote* ha growth to • remarkable de.
Efinlt destroys the dandruff and scurf. mid makes the
e enst gloms. It 0111 ems all diseases of lb. solo,
ris *mkt, dem muss. and other oboists. Men ,
ifere of the Ann in cheannore se mall as efacear. it Mande
mutoalled. It le cold in larucbsittles, price Santa at Nu
37 Ilmedosr, end at the Dramplate nonerallr, tbtonahmt
IhstruStsd Stateeend Caned.
EJ Mi. Wei *lli Kg
CiONTLN IJ,ES . his usual facilities to receive
ea atones. R_ sad Transhipßoot.4llldorchaadloo
MI/“.. Isar. his Amu d• 3 lor all !Waal
oa tto lasai =dila 1111aolo 4.a01,a0d
Wm. H, HaElrill,
aXD . AUCTIONEILRato. a Water street, PEOZ-lA.
Estreisl alloatlas to C0111M4141.1 buainns. ..EM7
ST. missolnu.
/Wu% Canunleelon. and Terrardbiteneecnnte, en the
Ah,..d.Lert,n4Pon j e= b inte.u. Bh*Uher
CTTUTTLE, Attorney an law,
and Coamdationarlor Panisrlannf a. Bt. Louts. VA
co= unitnUana mamma annrand. octidar
11. RANKIN_ , Attorney and Cowl.
ioalor at Lo, AM
l..uommumieu., tba Sudo o
.....71.01a.thlatrttioborin aaa a
— 7llcClurs, J0 6 = 1 6. Elm/ lo •
• liVatchea ! •
IrUST'REvEPirED, by this morning's .
egg eggnog, a rnynanatior acalsoncot ellSateh
ea We Weseetfblly
our ost:dam and the r .
Ml .fi lo i. g=dway, that we hare now. and intend
y, se good asnottownt Of firm hawses
manesay . - 7 4734 at any amen establlthesco,t
tunin with dtananyeye rad torponar• are odoh am
to comsat at to wherfislos that we are onstdod eel at
the 10 , 132dullar thod ywie t e; tonal itri.:4l. .
tutara.mamma delwati °Shall tlicle %totes
In the bat acander i rd
Q. wow lelarkstel:l4 7omth Strla.
- - -
AJI sane solids cm be bad at the Ilan of
r. SPE OUCLE B--A large assorthient
suo&Sam ood Stott a eery Mod.
Wanes. of twat quality. of od to Um thiotk ocoottlas to Ito kthelplen of opopa-td.
PoWat Dos la to Wm.
goasiltarrairby bnatiretk
!': 11. . gP f Sow Isoffveyt.
Fo: Sale
AIA • Blot or piece aground situate in
the Ststh.Werd of tbe fit,. of Pittshoo& k frontlas
at PO feet ea o.alloa stook sod extending --fret
tbe'"'Otr '......1-I...nitt'Xirtri'' ty~ ' alma
f the I O.ZZ N;chszooll the dwellisao tone of
N. W. la ...sad can he road sa taltablefiroard
either the ot one or two tasteful dweltollik or
soma AN o eight kmalleLeneteente. • ,
wes.e. third la hand aad the beano in an serial
teats. poetized by bred sad socallage.
• . battlVE At WASSON. Atty . . et Law.
No.llo Foorthetteet. •
• V 'Real 'Estate at Ailictiom .
''HE -SUB REBER offers for Bale,"ona
favorabtM tains, Sta propettl. la 11a
aaR brira dinilasaom.
.on Snood nemet - betwani Market and Perry mans. Ma
late beim/ each ID fret tvon bp Mit daft. • '
ta Nct .otaina 67 fee
t &costa Mild stmt. adialtriat
a. Third Pirebytetiaa March. ma which Is anted aaa
bar story two r toiek 6e
Match. and as a Prattatit omen. and
It the stave tenet add itekrei Thoriiitar. Om 4th day_ of
lirptitaber. at private Kalit,tt mill than Deadened at Mall.
°atm. na Abe prnaimea. Terme at male,
• • snag./ • ' dant air Joiatstaa Vida-tam
ABOOM, corner or .Grant and Third sta.,
a:goal lobt.loa for s lawyer or • rbildels. I. .41' b.drrn i r blf.b 4 ltei 9l4 ETON,
• 112 Second 0.
I • I.•i, To Let.
b 7f enbsetibeeri intending to removel;4'.*".t. g u rrorTiiM ma"
acitaloa ekes an 1.6 a is* of Oetourr olt z okranor ea.
quiral. / - SEMPLE. k
saigiallar I
WOE iREIM—The Dwelling. No. 155 E
• ThlMlstreit. nem flatithilnl4l—am Nom a th e
lam bock, bailiting mat lho minting lad papialag o
litio mum lala, alaplated: Mamba oa tla
!R .
aining. nt • mm . rent. Magnin
Faiirth =ant. war 111 cad.
• Sewickley - Property for Saki. ••• .
THE iuLea her offers for sale a fine Traci
of raaa...thiales &2(1 en* euLer of tile
:property Lately owned la n t i be
.t../Aorm Mbu.
et= Irrr =ern utre....eiarMoraoun•
road sod the 011io river. The mime (210 tern) above
I valreall?Clertneer. f° ±lfb • 4.1 Wr=oll 31111,
=ening order. For
of =Kens or pinta mown rest
thh! PMerty! Is one the eruct me offered. tarr
ing atm, to 2be elty at a/I Cruet. by Hiellrood, Atter, sud
Seaver wad. -
term, Boob! to W. C. litINN. Crone!! Bottom, BMW
eounty,or WE°. LB. D i g Fourth ttreet.
buret, ! •
Eleven Valuable Farms for Bale,
' ILL SITITATED.near the Ohio and Penn
orylnala Ralltoad. In the vkiniti of Rolm; Ohio.
ao dor trout AO to 900 sere. each, old In a ha:4staa
of cultivation. Also—loll •
TOVV• /AM. between the oroself !Islas
part of Mardis,. sad the Depot at Belem. • •-• •
All of which will toe sold on esey terms for tha purchas..
en. Stork la tbe Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad to
oldie. of the Denks Pittelim, will be taken n Yer
b drate • air of
i t ,, ting tae
nd a
first elm Hotel upon. on which a lonata tom rdn . be . had to
pd., the bowie sad stable with water.
" e.faexer is the vented point lame. the titles of . Pitt..
bargh sad Cleveland: also. between Pittsburgh and Woos.
tor: and the •henebt to b derived from the Pleat Roads
now belle eensstruated to and fmn tithed. motet it one of
the moot tridurtant pal= on the line of tallroad f"wane
does Rotel. • ZADOK STBZor. •
Salem. 0.. July I, 'sl.—{jyBdidkv,s• I
Stone Ware Ptmtps, for Wells and Cister ns
XIE SUBSCRIBER Mums the Rublie
that hs'has bitrolneed Mathis region tha reSONS
POMPS. unuaufsetnnel by fiteurs. Y. IL C. J.
31aand. of Media:turf, Suarnat meaty. 0, erblat have
given nab unlearnt satiaaaioa aberever. used. Tim
good quail:lea oT tberre Pumps are, Out they aze coolly
worked vektem or never get out of molt, keep ate water
perfectly area and .001, nod ere aa enrable u grsatite
TheY.,sra aso cheap. Thee atta be men at J. IL
Cardleld's warehouse, No. First &tremor a Law lier
rie atm an Liberty areet. below St. Clair. Orders ial
at there plans wel be promptly filled by the subscribm
Stone Ware Pipe. manabeetored at the ammo plater, and
EWA Ad MIMI= water nom spnasts, or for bydfaata.
.can alao be forthabed. ts of all arm and ma be for.
lashed at lee* than one half the price of lead pips.
• . Sererlartne . • •• • JOLLY L. GSM=
Valuable Comitiy Seas for Bale at eitieticat
HE SUBSCRIBER, : having divided his
YARYl—contatning 13T acres, situated la Rees town.
a p. within ten remotes' walk of tbe. Ohio and I ,, maxyl.
*aim kOll. d. and dye saes Dun Allegheny city. on
Beaver road—lob shako Lou, containing item Z. in sin:
teen aeree each, will eel I the same by anedon, oa . IDAXP
DAY, the 10th day of AUGUST, 165.1.
Thelend le of excellent quality, Alia in a blob sista of
coltintion, hating been kept. as • droving Ur= for •
number of years. There aro on the xertses three home
f1i c00 214 0 ,2 g.
ngof tr74l:=.A.'l,lt'
=mg , 41
nual rtiment.,. Inch, to br wand by bond end
r a n T r yti 4e l. l ,,LliriX 'Privilege.. will is , givers an the pst
of#811.11117';'*'" otiTevtit4llk."7
a . ft ss : I
.. Country Property. ..
rrib..llE underaigned offers for sale a piece of
Lad roatsisdrit Weans fare .4 six Acres. Situated
eimid blaring boas lllnemiltsto ran Liberty...rah
la • few tors of the Central Itsilroad. With a butt of 47.
pact.* on aurrmat. It is well sanded far laying tranvia
but/dirty tots. iiiisartry or the mural itia_rtsi sera stale
Irsatiairllaratraf Lauri a CU
Valuable. Real Estate- in Beaver County
at Auction.
9111 E C subscriber offere for sale the following
PrOfertr. +no—
Yeai !..m.rrb.l4 YeLtana.llseerr coalUate.„l.2.
ea wart of Ann franordwellhora. a.:; vas oeponts
tea Moll& Wirt =VA etnik. ennolte the
alre .: _and extendhas to ths top of the 1011.
beach lota. each 50 front. tannins
from th e road to low water mark.,, on fea t t he Big He and enan
N. 4. One ealvabla orator lot, 100 0,0 oo Whoa Ham
with ton awns waterpower snarled.
No. 6. One let ovwcano the wow lat. CO Led o = sad
ex:tad/on to tn. too or the hill.. which la ore
two toz. 114 5.5 by 50 nen ahwans
9 , 1%, 6. Otte .11.71righton. &arm antoty,loo.
log •bilit 110 foot oa Broodway. and about, 330 feat then
0 onion 134 es, on which are acne, ,; an t buys Oxon
d **Plow, an one mall fonts ;nod ags neon
hes as eve. te was , vend> cosoptad b_ C. Goold,
the talbt:l=T laW
/10.7. Ons Wator lannedlately haloW Pant= •
bolatraboat 100 foot la noon. and e nnslioltteelk W
sweet to low water mark, cxr towing pathe
lf now mokl Nan noonday. the Ilth dar of Peptemon.
..xt, at vim< isle, it will bo orrwor rowto we
cry. tb• pontoon tat'inonone.
analkdiwtoe Agent its , Johnston Stockton.
' l 7o3oler/teal Ratite foi
THE following descrihA.A..... izopertie' s_are Of
fere wpm rwswpormentc
etory bnelt warehouse and loran Pittsburgh. on
the **MAIM. of Wool strut, between CM, wad Minh
otreets. tow eerobled by Wm. ifeettlly4 ' •
lAlso -A lot he the Eighth Went rwt
alt sborwb; bounded
utr i teri t wg . tre a tieg 31W ma west, an! Emoting
Alm.-!A hawse and lot frig 4
20 feet. the &tall Common. hewn. lietelealry st.
Zest COstuttoo. , reholsw back to Weber 511ey7740 feet.
aeljobleth thwproperty Hervey
.414 w—A lot, partly to Roca al= portly in Iteeerr• roma.
shim t
thehe t:1
ot snoulot below the M
arine Illopltal. lrfaltthil
hrXinoi Int. IrldPierbenytelityr'oecordeet
by /slo Alto
e. Creewelb thee .m Bank Larie,%7l tmonell
alely ernes Boolloary oontetolog about .27 hot In
Also—Aboui three &erre of gm ltd to the city oX;:illw
grirfor/iI2Z tbl;hrrrarge"iglitgaVy.feallt.
MOO Haw tbereowwad two methyl. of water at either *be
thereof. how reempird ty&Churrh' .
' 1 4°3 AttMnrf Ay
Briddcides Field Piopezty._:
•FERSOI4iB dersiying betuitifal, heilthy,
emu. and cheap ke/111.1 conotrinedftmoK ens
Wed to Wen Uteir attention to Bran:lmre nbkn
le non behalf mokl stetall parcels, cat the mon favorable
terms. lidehtfihre . see have teen thus eold thle mnom.
to several dithninit levilvlintals some of vim axe rim im-
Cforini bo Uinta, fie. tor ululates. of *Yew kind.
bet partiteduly of lamas from the city. the Mere is non
, walled. Threaten." thertughlaree run by It end tbnionh
11. r. tI k trre . Vl:gunnels.= the 1411aban m. t end
Wit tb!* Peentef Irli g a (Central NtliroentAlch the
er w e las =l,a enst
ee e=l Iltan
oan .Ll=th Utt b r u ar
sawn! wen travel the Plant Roan; and the Cu. C iii v.
/ o ring
aring for su mr
mmer et the Wm, ellen I gull I
be reedy to eh., peruns Um
i t and nay ,tillms
division thereof. Tinton no he
at the
ilanslon lion. as eta bust.
Por Bale—Property on the . canalTrasin.
LOT, corner of Penn Street and Steli
tosson'o a ll oy. Including fot of the Canal Dip
Oa wOloh os• tiro tbaoraory antic 11/.... -
.Ilboy—A Limo ood lot co. Pe. meet. nett Obi rowth
Prestrotion Churstlfth j pod.
,f r ocootto of .z.
• .1y15:110(ood) .erect. •
For Sale or Perpeilial wa
oft In eat lot No. R 9. In the WOW to eV torn
tasituLtreatlniron butt, Unmet /team, Strest.noll
Alen, tar rent tor ens or more 7.ti.J.14 , reads. It ti b.!
eat lot on th e LIM. e.teetsbni. bsek mat. 0 ..4
usropted pasture let
eh e yen • -
tor Isesos: mobs or 140&W 13011LANICI, near
Thl ning er. of the - suteettber, as las cake. :1.14
td et stre, Plttsbarsh. •
- , * IL BRADY wiumis.
• . •seal Estate far Sala .
A VALUABLE nnimproTed,: LOT, on tho
oornar of Libasa t tltraotory strasta Plfth Wahl.
nalta w. Givann Mona. SO Sat front on Lila.
rty. 1)7100 het dean on Ram. running Isaajr. b Illsrnsit
Ulm stay Brick Ana. ilmaie lAber . Zr
mad. attiolnbv.ho tha lot hens 31 feet fmt br
zoo tan th.p. ma hour. to large and eaoracdant. tin
mod= style. and contain. alarm roma.
Alao-23 atm of vary valoabl• land tau Sh burlb,
Abo-.A Pam of laS acres In West boy
Perm of 254 Ram /n Lassa. county. rtallof
Anna La Baivar county; of ratios misas ah 4
palm, from 003 aorta don, -
Aba,—kj ,try
oles valuable of lota to If/Linos. Mao/. Prii,a
ittodaraha Lnp
N. P. A 0. L. It TSlTEsaf.of.
Attconayi at Lao, and Neal 0.000. Asonta. •
tor2s • No. lo." /fourth stmt. Pittsburgh;
• , .TO Fanners. s::. ,•
( 4 21 . - .0 ACR t S sv iandng ! ll d Graiin g
hoar tire Iritlan twelve mama' Nrr Yoltal
Also-I,ooolires 1A Zlk mmtl for wl.oa.oeommo4a r
Ung tenria. ralnk• of ' A. WILMICti II CU. • •
sayl • • corm. of 314kriumue6 =AI sta.
To t}aedenen
TWENTY ACRES tif - Gardening Lind,' al
xrl ..dir good cultivating urging au vaitt a/ the
=w i le mold for 500 acrev—cae , Vd mtg. mod the
Quirt at the Banking Unman M Th'.
myl acme" of Market and Mild sta.
For Sale..
THE members of tbeFainnoont Fire COM ,
P•oT, • offers thoil Na 1. for aalo. It jn good ot;
and will bo odd qlloop. rasoulroof
J 8211211, Ney, ;
itAtS No' 401, Pena
For Bala
lILCCH OF RITILDWOR. on the corner oLliesh•
snd Penn
and hennas on the Pen
the My of Pittsbarsh. The Lot throb
Pne touldnd erribrty tour feet on him 'beet. and one
hundred bat nine Inches on Weabrestan meet
to """7
- N 0.106 Venn et.
For Bale,
••AhßAKEltYorith three 34 irs lease of the
stand. ortleiani dred.AllY -
waa Theeeensh.
a Arturo Decepart for deism slV:pi barlars.
M 4 tar o . 21;11 L utTedialiN "
li.anul '
mo . L.AssEs--Fo . bus , . N.
J C:dons!a r by
- -
, S' i.A r.,
rR SAINT . Loulg—Th e apien
id Resew FORS PriT, N Weq amt.,
kart Itortbembore hatormatite•
on ,
this day. a& 4 'clerk. P.
For frayait or past. lards . , board.
1 - did %Mow - 11/X/LOWER..
/Imola, will iwwn. for the above and in
mediate owls thLii dar. thallith 4P. Par foidAdit panwo MAI on weed.-
82 laitt."="roskr.r.
•sboss and lotersoedlats ports on,tassslar. al 10 /Mak.
For froisbt or wog., .noly on tonit.
. .. .
R ST. LOUIS.—The iplendid
r O =gr4t . easoe r APIA, Caot.l.P. &Yd.
147 ts oe Botozday. th:Strittt, It 4 o'cicet. P. M. . .
rOf aright . panne apply on board. or to
aalt • J. FLACK. Apeut •
rR WHEELING.—The fine:
immer DIURNAL R. R. Coavellorill
etrge ib i g t a h abora =I Warw.:hats porta Oil
Mani' 2113 3tal l' AltOrra 2 CO, Ascot.
IWAClSKT—Tbaratien Y hst stiodz
run as :tures: pat Meeid,Wbaallad,
thiddaport, and Sunlish, leaving Pitta=diriotri
ahem. Vat Stnatunolla,
,* arl • Th
, am . atak . ationnuit for Barnbanaill
a sad Sunfish: nendinlnl.kafauSreitfrOe
*eery Tiords, afternoon, and SulMMmas
=tlPuitriTyr. iNIZACatV
Au V wd ,_____: , ttrutrAltir.Pbg.n.'ar ill
ba ' asantimo perm on the Mat rim of water..
W'rygn.4-at or W ,
(P"I"XItaITEMETEV4 Litrlii•
TWEEN Pr11131113103/1 a BITNIIIS EL—
ammo Plier No. 2. A. L Cram, sugar.
will ban. Pit:Windt to li bridling, papilla cod Bantlili.
*wry .Tosodny and Raman at I 0 ClOtk T. N4lllltlirthw
lame Sunfish Ibr Caribio..Wborllnir oriAPilarblirgL. or•
ary Wodiundaysodllocinday,ni oialooL A. it. Paworatera
andAlEnn ihnon6 npiai this bolt ronnlaltroirolarly
du . low valor mom -
/or or slung% unit onboard. • al7lo
"t I •.t. .t.
the eareannan and Pittsbnerb Packet end erill leen
every Wedneeday frot andnnatt Wens o t o. N ee ter
lend N Par frelebt or mizali , mar .
„.7,r.,..... -- 7 _ ,.
:i t.
• wut=°tAcKl'T - Th°2Llvaii tad
t zgal w e _
.. gm lUbettonn
".7 M.ottni,' %dn.:tar, — . ”" t ,
, atal tattusang,
tn=taaitlign7 T h nOtd.. Ttannatar =a Ward.. '
nal& ." , fr.ttaMMTa,briglaw
INOPORT.--The Dna atom. PAOUl h eddiad
t... n, n i. tr f ax_ill Inn I. alarm and
Zar fasishe Or 1,103 g. apair =Eat °:intk"L M.
zarlao tita 61 %tar sad 63 Float att. - '
/011 THE CURE or
A"" the 11111litentin discoveries Science
Itail nude la Ws gmeration to lacilitstetho imalnete
of 11in loam. enj o yosent. and eras prolong the lam
of human esirtnate, none ran be muted of mammal value
ananthad. il/tas thLo contribuldon ot Cherohney toi the
Healing Art. A vest trial or is. virtue. throughout this
rut country. km Dram boron' a doubt that no madmine
combinatima of medicines yet known. cm ao mends ton.
teal and Celt the numerma rartee.or of pohnoregydisease
whirl . . Ewe idthOrto .1•193 fman Mu midst thane/Ludt and
thonundo weary nat. Imbed. their Lome abandon! raw
son to bells a tamely bee Ili length been bond which
can he relied on to curs the mat clangorous allection• oS
the Inings: l Oar gnaw bore will not Month to to poldien
so' mimeo. of ski rtei. strand by Ito We. hot we
game= the =owing opinions of andnent teurcotad ester
further ensualry to the circular. which ths agents_telow
named will always be pleased to famish free, wherein are
fall partionlars. and indleputeble proof of them Mem
"r.o , SZOS it VUther . st agt
•• ulo • Ciacelotooted/120
• 'Jam.. C. •Yor—illm /ham need your Chem Pectoral
in toy men ease of deepeested Bronchitis. and am ennedod
from id clumical consultation Mud it Lan utrolleble to.
foe the mind of terraria! and brommal an 1e
tt my opinion as to Its summiat character cm be of may
sereloo, rums at ii rj b : mt gi o
,tme u lta n yeltinnit tor.
hem the aile=r PROZEZ:SOR LEALII.4I,
D,L. L. .. of
Tale Collemg Mamba of the tat &dentine goolorles of Americo and Europe. -
"/ deem the Mom Pectoral an mionrable comparition
bum memo( the
artlake ha the BleteMa illesha, and
• wely geed
moody fbr the elm. cat dismees it Is totem
ded ortni." - New Merest Cl., No, 1, ISM
JLIZOS PAST/SON. Provided slaw C Scools state.
Unit be has mod the Cherry .Fact.:lrndr,,,,w:timth wonderful goo
pas, to ease *0 =gamut= of the
hem ono Sr an.drat Phorkeens egg.. • •
Pam Me..
..pri 74. -
.Dr. J. 41 AM. Loren—Dar hat a now conetantly •
ming your Cherry Rental In =maim. sodymfor
my other medicine az PeL 3031 11. 1 71:01:11141113.4.. ytonc b AS,:
wanon of many soma cases. I am conehared It 0111 camo
moth.. cohis, and dbeasee ctn. I that hare put to •
'anima ail other restodien 1 ly recommend ire
no. in ems of mntunynay and Madder St much the burl
genenty brown ter teat deem
deelectfidly room • 1. aor A 0 k^ • premed and sold by .1.01115 0. Preatieal
0 in
e tto r =who z.m. lseed. r and ns retil 8. AJAUX•
OWI: •Ileacarc ...i.. . ry. i
eu. L fICIIW
a.omelAy. Ir.
_ _
(ZELLERS' VERMIFUGE!- - -"It hay never,
in • Might inst.. &tied to earel warm." ;
Wel Oenst theme, rnathy tn. WC. .
1dr...11. E. aatren—ltota will remlleet
ou t when we
weft la Pittsburgh. in November last, ycatd tte
t . 220r tifoire. to tea in • Old en mad
thendula we sold ...hat are which
ate ‘ nr• erptatatiom Has lut woyar-theed mare.
which was dimmedtt . thalately, e then ordered
more. which reached on the 12th of Mr rtheent =nab.
and on Tutentli we sold the tad of dos:tonlee. W.
ewe Isiah you to rend to by the that mit convert's...a
doamore. We find Ito valuable a medicine. that every
Innen of a Ituallyarialtee to have It to then nomeWon.
Sham who have penthmed it would be pertly willing
lb . yilz . r ,ottd, ert.theates u or h ethelleu serer reyo .a. d .itnt of ttar ansetti
says! 3VILLE it 1 dOr
To the Deaf
. .
. .
DEAFNESS. noises in tlio bead, and ill
diham the ear. sidosdily and
pernoaa=vor=st pain or ineonvenienee, try
Dr. liaartgr, Principal Attest a the N. T. Bye and gar
barmy. and of %larch st,Phlladahrbia.beetto antonym
his rattan fora few day. Z rtnambinitintrortattor of the
amount Ida easy an f
atten t vtait. and lloldwillYing
of gunman whirl d him tresnoarn: Mee la
duped blur to expedite bls rercemn. Ms atay bent will do
Mstignnts nPnn sirterrnsisusees, and It wilt be advisable
one who Irish to conntit bird, to make an early salt.
• - De. EL may to anumited, until further notioe. In Alle=.
shear. woad taint dwelling beyond the Echoer Homo. as on Habana& street. int .
A Valuable Isapreveeicat. is Thum.
nR. HARD'S improved. Patent TRUSS
Lir and HUM= =MIDI. by wbkh •
ewe cm be Meted. This Intas andrely=tet
Wwitt and shims,, of salon foam other Trossaa, haft=
all Isr adratrtages of a wall-regulated and mina. maw
Pm IT. prem. en 1..0 regulated am to gins., and
exaaftztt la the tame &fifth est. of Henna, and eatilee
iacteastd to &met say ions dtwind. The m.o. is na.
tural. and her brought to bear imaoliatsly over the
op and ad.ding perfect remelts and reten
ti tion at all time., wren and the most violent exerwlee.
is. use of thls Thaw. wham whorl Proverb' 17 •
its=bnzatiA d e dirtra
ow. wttiern.i not asoanden twat he wear
lag of lily •=1 tranws. In Ls • e ta mth.
foe with Harts. to select a Moo Sadao ply
This is a bad meth.. which
at lo
tody by Moss who andernand the azat.a7 at the
ruts aged ht hans.
We todd weestrearenifalli eall Ch. Mead., of Phyd.
yak.. — lre eh. hael tee 'haw. ralitiet; r of th :trZ il l Ass. at Ise
lowest prices. Infant Triunes tart catulaatly Op hand.
BEYdBB / t lltehOlirELL. airtana
.1.2 ltd Wood a.. Pittsburgh.
Dr. Hard's Abdominsaln
T *rters ILESE SUPPORTERS areintEnded chief
_ ly for the cure of Profoptla Uteri; and el Moe. di. It hero • tootheaktal rapport to the Abdominal VIM%
b routlfoL • TNT gin ; perfect torrent to the aktkotholl
otatous, and m m . be moth Oith °nowt The do
nut. proloool by I 114,40,11.8 td the meek.
ireitProialnpidai=Utatiiief and 6ptaa lOut t tb. t,Lttv itoovis,
.e te.4;ElT Coe tzt ute•
Yalyttattl of the Beate; Dr...rt.. Sod evoeral
fohitot MoDOWILIo
100 weed.... PlttstoarfJt.
Eiellea* Liver Pills.
. .. ....... .
• •
Thdattrunaal js2 , .glettburgh.) Jon. Zt.'4la.
irki E. 5E.8„1:—..1 take this oppo
ALS:luny of lantifying In ft.r ' t-
of your luvalusble
Etgutt tea yenta ago, I nu taken doen erith
OR no tootmettou of L. hoer. and vas to red hr
i t
night men. and - other meta of thliedreadMi .
that gay Ma ow demand ttf.. Aliar Warn.= I
ed. I nu •dytaed by my phyvittaa to try your lay.
ond I must may that after tatting a. bas and • WY
have 'been reetond to re.onablaheithlt. vhiel r. go , 44
'tads ham ' I thereto,' takeykbasor• to
thus to •thna kfe. wt. macaw of the idear. •
.1 1 Y o ZrMi nil eft 1 /1 . 1 nal. MU,. an sosaterietts cr
bus lw:suss, ra. MM. meM e rnd mut dahi bi
ty4 • • It. E. OK u 47 Wood oh .
X. Bazies (rammer to Itcr el ) Perfumes
• for the Haruitterehiet
VXTRACTS of ttaee., Orange Florar; Jeer.
MulM P Pl=tteltirfrn,_" L lerie;'.%Wi t ::
Petra 4....kii,76%.,."-ragt=azt,
and Enrage Ilosk, n car ounce baths. with glass stop
pas. All the aim. Extractsortilth are only • part of Ins
nasonnatth are of Us anti tort snulity.' being thennfa•
tared with erpecial awe— Imo swamies Weenie& in Wm
itonniii7i rally test the blob animation in Width tbsy 11.0
bald, tir the anntonalty. Tor = am •
ww • IL N. 67 Woad a. •
White Paint
emintir for
ol it sad 9 Wood. at, ..
rh—wa Melts ths attention of House lead htcassboat
Pailltlit• to 1 1 11112.113[4.101.41 We hays beat using Sol tsp.
saris of them mouth; and moomonal to he raherior
'shit.. lima past to ovary sashseL lamed at assatisks
Ma that has whits kad. ales state: rallsets L mat use
qsautly. Bss a Ember sod mass brilliant toots, It tehttleell
OWOOIS Pardue& sad= man swab tar hulas or outstd
work. St sill sot rub IA and. ems its subset without th•
Lsal as it meters mom =Mhos with equal veleta, st
aVsa . champ ss 'has had. .
Sims' Fire Proof Xineral
TIEJ havicoixteted his es
nr..l..Dared .rax the head a Coral atteen.1144.1,7
coma ott. WM4I arAara,—a-
j /GIFTS • -
T. Neon • c, tl nxDß f i r t V i WI Wood .tx.:
" VQ 4 ' —'pr.
77 • • X.d.
a ta l.vniG sold our Canal Stock, and our
- uovt is a:obi:lUDs:a Melissa .2a. 2 au: Nearer.
at Clarlut a Parts Is Useehad. ,Cttbar of Lb* eat
at acebartat,,Ya... a n aatharUal to vett]. tea Du.
Il l airb Lao era. RANI MN CLaRILE,
. , . .
' liaelsusw; Pa, 2:27 Mb* if" .
' ' ..
2 R. G. PARKS -It CO.. - • . -
TORWARDING AND conxasarox nuatea&rs
Asrts fhr Unkm Lim In admirlabd;_
1 4 x l o m r ' 26;:iteriltZeg.ting
enesabsta NartriViM.l3s2::
Clowesest, litstaurat,
POIWIEMNO" AND 00XX MA= IflatemiN" Ts.
jtsebegar. ft:My 1601. Jai
: - .F. ;7 1W :!>mge Wry for sale 16.
o. ,
Jtidirs Medicated Livid Wide.
rat.s ARTICLE is intended for fiunily use,
rod ithenkl be lb:ad is the towession of gooey tam.
I y U. /end. blewbanice who oral& constaos denser et
injury to their pawns through widen; sod the tamp.
erre melee. est of tool; will cud tale wads to le snarl
ruble le theta, stud after Ildr trial will amides it ladle.
Ma Mad etriltl thet an the nutt.;;:a i Wing tor
Sineatly nude use st Judd's Medicated_ Catieta pe
pared by Moans Penfield wp mm MA %us.
cheerfully reaseastand it to as
an exeellent sabottute to adhesive alma. In
banateta.hrujsee. and all Modulated.
ZkAlLYitrattln l / 4 *o,
Val. It CAXILY ss. D,
Atli MN that.
henesetwas an the reactlsisur to tbse City of
Far sue by D. alta r teNtirroca aSta,
Kind sad Ma its.
LT IS nut np in quart bottles, and co&
tains tiwstratedd a af eas ruin es anuch para
as any wstUale del tae/v.=
lt too 4r ptr
tam • wan ass.en.“•- Maw past , that •
eoal l eatatsesh.V:ll" rh=4= 4. ft= nw ase
ntv im• mert
M&lt JoaviErffls.,"l" Ert-WIP,P
LA Le "lamb, perredluZbelenetbelsera reel tO
Depend oo strictly admits Welt les sod of nuns=
etresorth. the Pam remit L• a vitleast reglad
owsk. eta Vet; Mad. net , * a used. le w r i s t to
the strictest easawalts, lA, est ,oneassancerlsined
het. he used •
BolYs aferepatila itaatane a raters ad lima
otter tellable watt, auradvir th e bat rear
rand, and
gYn i rdsolus lue ' s - reataat surmise agent in that
WILL cons sign 111L1 :
Borohils or glees Evil. /leviathan at
the Ella. yviselaaCk=eltreeritua sat . •
worts or Xesera.haild
0 cwt.. Be Wag • •-• r
-Ada In ths fide and . • ,
• • ltainnses=rilsrcia ..
Coots.. Cold. If
and Ail ger=tatdioat to
Blom, recuat.tragalaritist tax 4
None= Ilau.s' obt, saw Eptrltt,
intoz, hatate Lifoi Cbtat r eutftattans)
la • toting ar-.1 swum 0 sad tow
Mth• rotas, sad'cratle plo
tdperlar to Mu Limit at , Omuta luta. WI; of •
. ,
The falowtryi fir the sabatai ton of ntrtileids now in of Us
80, 8. W. Noon is cMVVI amorally - burnt' es en
leanest ...mi t a 1 .1 1... - tn= it. zi• cb=4,l'"
Zs.. B. Ftsratoon both tan of the nee Isl.
eats! upat.alaug —mambas taut tbn Kentoray Coothuonae
I =ld Mgt of tor many natty mod at this tuos is Ohm .
th• b l ab " 4 =Crab , . Aut.. of atm for the
Book own: LS" tort.: pralttoe tter: or Vans
itattsfattrty toldlstroy in Aver of toy med/flat, •
Better .rcetirsow teas L'ea-Oferd fa Rios of
• ' -
We bay. used John Bolni Itantais l ulTtate kW:WM
hie be stud. sith =Vas oats' lactZut, an ' d wt hate :to hos.
Batton in ttattot tiot Its bolkora it lo be a tufa sod eat.
able ntelloal controttad, sad r
ing: rtudotto touch
atxd .04 relitTa.rtuth vetting: gad would thturtutit '
aoerrolly and mat turnurtly recommtuaS It to the *lt
Vida& ifhttnnl/ X W. 13.6110. N.
4 ireamirch h
tteer So ill •Ixtra • <lcor heantlful what. Ain. and •
nary colored theta U.. Il saaowteroMoaD, rat Tiel.
awing this tt datidmtuto t. *tweedy WIT • 1.
totting to months, lotloos. trth!, indutt and ooketagt
ott attnale. to nortoos to *eel • smo. of what Weds
the t io.
30 Nam of goo that taq w oo great lgt otl m.
heelthi. 1.1 eleoema gi 'aura" to 1(17117. =stet
Latatl=l:lltrnio= altos oannutuasoettla
use of ballot. and otiaturta. and oat Bug e.
the only e ff ectual manly. tt.t surd tot he alto .p er
Near" and all:Intl. .uongh to am ladba
.Testinzony.LCce the Following, Renders &poem:rue
all Cotossali on tett 2re:imp of •Bldrir Soria
Prom Dr. .L. P. 'ZAN..., Profs.' of Cheittlakt7±
• Louisville Ifettotal
bate looked over the ILA of logreclautt
John Bull's Cotnitot.l Extrutt of Bartatunlla.sttul to no .
becttation in t1y1132 illat Choy form • tate and
cos that or.ottasea soil to anal. awns. to shich ti Is
Inca DIU PALS Pti..don by gyootthtuat..
auTZ. Menu j • , xxx.‘• ens of aCZ.L.2 aerzarat
. .Lourtnix, March 24 1•48.
I hate exattOtt•d the yostnialnn far the pr•oatat•ua of • -
John antra Itareaperilla, ...I 4• osattnattkoo to
be an atoellott op.. and well calculated. to ?ruins an
tcm the system. I bate need it both to_,
the eat prorate praotio, aged think ft tO. atticl.
!... = " l4? 4** , , istv Loolotit 21;fil 1 ";za.
c.u.rdw, —urn. sad *A
the nrigl.44 llo'D
. 0 0 V 10111f4t DADD6ralcaL.l-,, kestsei_rit-tstt
ha. , too attar. •.• XLYS.X. a VDOWat.44
- LW, Wood ease, pttalturgb. Pa.. W/t.lesale mad Betell -
tor =di by D. ht. CURRY and LOS. DOUGLASS, £ll..
ahen7olo7, 501 by Druz.. generally. JcitdAhalea.
F.OLool:thei test
natal. Mopelas bum, Igetplent' Cennaptles,
Bar maaasacuontatovlrlatcalretsularNwaireitkey
laonaergwese atilxixes.oaaaral - Prert•atioaer the Spina.
Del:heed Spieler, and Glace: Elsteer-Iliad. sattaand br
Dr- Ztre. ef.raew.D...F and !;>,,.sacp4ollte. gide?*
drn immeruatirelkr bv reaaginz Mel-A=sln of. beetb
aral atrangtb. Lbi,bleel. re deneraltscr tsltau.* igois
aasta""al aeentima , =4 give:A:wain,. actlas to all the
Its •
mild e!erilins-riro;perideirendelit pe,simU•
eabla'to the. gender sod delkat• iseactla4km of the
was and Meaty& es, comma be tbia.Dmialo Imo& mal
haperte mew wad buoymoy u !taro:tank:4*ot
are ostalka. Ww
,evideace ea Ile +Web luablees oti
Ammaf to reemmod Atha mead. 'to
_scaprioat pooh)
erhoharomt been biassed with offrprba&
ProleaMe littrhorl'Alling of Ma Wobaha flrofosta sta..
diem cored by . Dr.GuyeotVolatraet affolloar.Doxit and
• Eozoomilla. alto: vireos other kawana maawly hid bow
triedasithoot relit!:
Wa5m 3 0rtua , 04 , 11.3.1333411.
This rambles that my wife. aged Z . rears. boa Altered
ass theate.% oompleint Ec L. ymm. nearly all that
time confined to her bah I ham for L>ur years camtentiy
t his the best medical
w i th that.old be procuralln
this section of the emmter, without any
I have
o f
mob irmt7 Instr... reettemended for
the mu* of mob
of whlchproesl worthies.
.In U.. lgrillit of ISA -I VIII trittliad by my Mende to
try Dr. anyenn'• Yellow DocEsivi Saramarilla, Ml:Where. -
mad kr Rear months. After Me bad Mollt kr about Omer
week., It vas evident to all of us (last ste was hamiviog.
and from chip Lane she (analysed natal y, and gabled Leah
. 34 grvthttb. teTI Ma le am cajoling ....t.....1uat
tv3.l. 3108/ORT..
We. bezinelgh . bona to Wm. and lu, ia blontbst.lgnew
Um the etstecomds, as to the eirtnew of 11es.7dore
fort, end am ' the mom being effected by thaymita Yellow
Dock sail faiY.Daellj4 are strictly Doe: , ,
; ; ;'-; .' ; _.....4 .
.Sing' Evil—:C44B of O. Af. Ltandle
' Leant.,. Cli.,IT, Deo. 1 434 X
blestre. S. P Benr.att k Ccu—Gents t Some time in 1343
1 wee Mth Frog '. Len in 13,7 arm. which became
nsae I cool not um ic, and an 1.313 aturrafration me in. 1
/ rdor es
d. a different tim, each abysidaa of colehnite
.t.a.. i
I within my maim all ball um my arm mast to amputated.
Prom the Manlier to the keemm am full of nmalag
atom Sly strungth at thls tboe vso completely abeam_
el. send my Pmca numb momiatat. 1 conttranad la this
nem malt 1343, wheal I ows aa advernwhent.(Otaysolee
Yellow Ikek. and Easameuills) .Lech I reed, mad mud etas
bottle of the M... thermal Yellow hock and Santala•
tills cored me: I took no ad:lm - remedy while =tag it t'
and *lt nareciti perfectly welt balms ming the sixth hot
tle. lied I wad it at the fart SPl , statkoi Of the =lain/
am won It mu. have 11.1,4 ago Irmo yeano of mat and
stafferam. I neat ealilmatly We... 2 ilra:a every p®2o ant-
feting under atcreduilar dlivam, M CP.O Calmat's Yellow
Dock and gareamaiDa. which will reatore au= tO beehia.
Yours, In grant... . . , Cr. It: LEOXADD.
eldTe of in . aggravated Cali of LirysOckui.
The earn per'kramd by Dr. Gurson..4 Extract of Ye 11.. .,
Dock and Sermaarille, an imam. 31. e patio:Ws gametal
length conthank to Inman* ed.. dam. In 1,1201id. 0 ...
Cann an 110 t. it.lloZiafil =all tiz. , has folly Mazolthat •
Mum cm lia miirelageo or return of Um ,11..eme. ,
M... naralMer co.. Yehrualle 13.53.
'A P. Mumma a Oa—Gems: leis etch meMplemum thi
I Write you shout the eery toPly .cifeets_Of Mar , Y4.10w . -
Dock aid SateMeonllaMma any mi, whohealoos be..a
faring under tlamdful ...a LW...a; diseaseilhmstpe
01. mltla which s was attack./ 161343, aml wislos ems
al moot., b y mae of Gus best' iparsiciane,:who
reel deft eldll ly for nee taiontbs.wlthout MY
missfamm ( nail whateser. lle Mame reduced to a par
ka skeleton- had:olmots Loma Ili hdp ito his loss,
' 4 ' 14.. "... Y0.461.4111.t dlssusUrgly oCkgshn,
3 ,,,,......
an, X and surgkel Mill Ir. laiftted."Physielme • •
gad ma a• was !option= them could to Dotting
. 4 .11
dome 0 ,rest *me :antis garmeneant Wee.. XY Sedate
bars cad mrs4 thomskt tile dismal*. oat at lamb
OM of .7 mighbdra (who bad tend • MLA of Ilatefola '
with Maar (malmble raedkine) viehol mate husks Ward
it; sad, num lima the mama Seam mdomoughlegirbtle
Ith heard. Ilmo him my hope el' grithat nalkf.fammand
thus bottles of mar Yelkne Dock eat liarsmaraha, and
amminihead ming lc: sad to my a55 ,,, g0 , ',62 LW IScAgsa
to hamar* tettssa ha bad vend UM thin( bottler sad bekri '
be bad need • half doseerbottles. be could walk opt.' Ile
ord. all Mersa hamee deriag the pm IMP, and by Oc
tober last he was ree.ored: - Perry math. of tho ,
damair, elCept Oa waro,--is lemon!. and bi symiliza ta • ..
wriest 1.10.111 x SO Dliasit. tee.,. ; Ins svotgel7. , - soda .
Übe t.1...1.4 of God. Is eittrrly .....n. lei theme CI
Yellow. Dock and basservaillarand 1 many, yod that. feel i ,
nwaelf nutmeg - and obbmtkird to TM: %Aid it illtithipttaS . •
joy that I lama you of ea. 3 our D.... ..b. hal skew ,'
. . ....
Jolt by I .lPattrYtimeemor to Yeatord dt kiztandinil
wad Walrunertista. Cuir-l[ala r t-i.C.1170, tic aeral dgardkr lbw. ..Y
Soath and West. to irtam all amass suet(l:ol,lllvonsi. . ,
J. KIM et ti , ,, Wrlnestuch a Co.„ 3.:.3:70rm5. L, -
Wtkoz..m., , Lee A. grellmn. 31tedbiogyedn
L. T. Boaull. Wastahema; L. IL Doal, , Catalans& IL__
Welty, Gramaborm ;il. Boot .1. Peatt & flibacri. . •
Bedfrd; bawd A goa. Xuallnatom IlraOrrarallidaysheng, .
Mletebeenl. IF ao.. Inellwox, J.' IL
~WFLAk Kittiastell:
Emma a Co. Bacot vlJr . c. A. Wile. 4. boa, WOrdsboal
Dle/embei g. Co, X: ;Cellfader. Sles.lvillr.„ Iturtoait Co: -:
Dela; Grahams Parker. Ilerceu James rally StCo, BM , , ...,... -:
let 3. Smith. Dames; .1. o.lScatuaermo. W serene 7,L. lit C.
a. Jaw. MadasP.M. P.Criokaror.. Dm mumllse. . , . .
se•viie4-41.per Bottle; .R= 13 051 , 2./0! $ 5 .
-Beyg,IIPUMP Preceptor. , . - •
H. receitai:Beyerie
1* te . as
gar 4.4
...ecalyfrit by ameinl psi Le. via: 1 . it .
cr.* sad tun.. aeon,
bMga. th• prefeema -"^
m pel .•