The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 18, 1851, Image 2

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Gov. Johnston will addreseshis fellew.eititens
of AtiellbellY city eu the Market House, this
t I evening. We hate no doubt thetpersoni e'en
partite will gladly avail themselves of the appal.-
, tonity of beating this noble public !errant g ive
an iCeount of bis stewardship, as well as a frank
espression of bilviews of the various important
• ' questions of public Coneentm l ent now agitating
the Country.. Let every iater r oome and hear, and
Judge for himself. This is at least due to the
distinguished gentleman who will address them,
13 well as to themselves. . •
A Deionetre Idorzecar.—A new party is
• about to be darted In Missouri, tote called the
• "!German Deptaeratie Party of Pregres*-"t' The
Gentian popoiatioe of that State siren* , nu
- • menus, the majority of whom are immigyints.
natives of France, Switzerland, Canada end of
the Ilzrzted StoteiiaY. as a matter of ,faiiiir; be
- admitted to membership. They area . .party of
• Progreits,'"iis their title declares—American Lie.
reoeracy, we inppose, being too slow for them.
• What kind of progress they are aimitig• at we
arena able to learn. '
' • The Eliesouri Republican, ittremarking upon
. this InOlialines_p_poposition, says that many re
ble Germ= e p ect adenounceit in etrong terms,-
as miscidelious and dangerous to themselves and
ungrateful to‘ the lind of their adoption. Still
there ore thonsanderwho, intoxicated an they are
t with the first -draught of liberty, would cast off
_ all wholeenme reetralat, and who, the better to
carry oat their - mad purposes, would be ready
enough to band together for the purpose, of
achieving more li berty- than our laws allow. Vol--
'untary, and cheerful submission to law is a new
Idea to 'many who are now crowding to our
shores; but they soon begin to understand - it by
mingling freely with our native population. Let
however, band together in diatinot pad
' cal organizations, as is now proposed in Mia
nuri, and the mischief &Jason:ad eneie would be
beyond calculation. We should soon - have in our
midst'it tierrof rares,. the most terrible calamity
that could befil us. Oar peaoe is now occasion.
ally disturbed with the imported feuds of the
old world—the Orange men and Ribbaild men,
bad the •,'Coitortians and Fardownera„ •of Ire
- le'od. These minerable feeds, however, are not
very - dangerous; bat let nalptial lines bedrawn
' - amongst or and let the prejudices arid antip
`elides of races be aroused in our midst, and
• where would be our peace or ~ entity
• Scathe most dangerous teeter° in this niece
meat is the fact that it lin been planned and in
stigated by unprincipled politicians, who hesitate
not to fill - the minds of then foreigners with dis
content and deineire hofee,'that thereby they
may secure their undivided rote. The dertocracy
of-Ifissiour4te divided at present into two hostile
- fictions; thirilfientonia - xis and, anti-Bentenians;
Vina it is almost certain that thie movement is
• instigated by one of these fahtion.
. The natural fruit of Amer-inn Natirelem is to .
'provoke counter Movisinents the-part of for
eigners. ;This, should the first be successful, it
`would assuredly be followed by. Oerman Native
ism, frie4 Natireism, and• all other isms haring
rue, and olns, and ereei for their foundation.
We ebould.then present before the world, not
the epeetecle of a ggeat end -united people, but
n parcel of hostile - ohm's, commingled, yet di
vided, and ready upon every provocation to break
each other's heads or cut each 00ter 4 .3 throats
If we would nationalize the thousands Of 'for
eigners -,rho every week land upon our shots,
wu must make them feel at hom - O, and convince
them that we and they are both alike fre'e; and
We ought to disabuse their minds - ;of the infa
mous fal,zhoo do ins t illed into them br unprin-*
-o-o,t,oelliiiitho make it their business to
511 their mind! with - lo,lvtiat..-Nwari e t all Amer
icons who do not happen to bo known - by th e
=tame of democrats:
In Europe democracy is synenimous with
freedom from oppreasion—the word conies with
it¢ strong hot vague idea of liberty; and anything
site d'au democracy is in their minds associated
vrithtyranny and oppreseion. Coming here atther..
do with this dewp rooted Earopean wjadice, they
tall an easyprey to any.demagegue who happens
_lto call himself a democrat, atilt who-is unprinci
pled enough to confirm theta prejudices.
Ignorant foreignere, therefore, honestly believe
that the Whip are enemies to popular liberty.
and,would, if tbby could, bringthe country under
a Sp . /KM:all favm of government They are to.
tally unaware of the tact that in this
we are all democrats in the European sense-of
that word. , This accounts for the fact that near.
ly all newly imported foreigners:ore mind dem
ocrats. A little friendly conference with them
by honest men, in whom 'theymin put confideoW,
a private, !meat way, would disabnio their
minds of this gross error, and be of great ear
tice.toboth them and the country.
• •
E restwass.—A Bacot steamers is tohestari•
ed Between NUR Yotielind Genoa. A steam
line to this central Mediterranean` part will en
:::able merchants and tourists to reach any part in
the smith of Europe will regularity and despatch,
and cannot tail to add largely to the commercial
and,: social relations hetween - thiS country and
that interesting portion of the world.
.rtraszi ann TV= Cramasstatts.-- ,- An obstinate
war ban been aging for Beyond years between'
Russia and - this Circosehns, in which the fanner
has met with bad lticCiesi. Entrenched in their
' . manntain fastnesses, the C1=16111:13 hare main
tained the long aod rational contest with the most
desperate determination.
The Cireasslans Inhabit a mountainous region
between the BMck and 'CUpian'Serts, to which
Russittlays cloim. The...claim is resisted, and
the peopleare therefore fighting for their inde
pendence. The Concision Mountains, which
trammo that Country from cut tiwest, seemd
. - _,.thuo to present an:impregnable s barrier to the
'Progress: of Ruub - southward. From the Ad
" !owing kre learn that the Rtaasions bassinet with
{mother-serious repulse..
, 4 " tatters from Warsaw may the defeat of deo.
, ielsterow at fierebeickow. -and the flight of the
llusions on the plaint! of Tiflis is unhappily more
ban true. The loss of the army la meir moons
nition; weapons and horses , is for-grea ' ter than
as been sustained for years; nearly all the
rongbelds which had been conquered and mitin-.
inestot arch an immense expense hare been
Jigniu ro2t. . Report adds that one. of the core
naudeiss of the :Hungarian campaigns is . to : be
c uunander-in-chief of the Caucasian aruty .
. The Nestorian , whose country lies south of
f .
qtrossia, are lion aheltored and promoted by
Ursa warlike people. '
CAASIOS M. Cxtr's VOIT-.-ANTI-87AVEllr. 1.14
11 itruca'r..—lkis welli• known to our readers,
that at the ret election in Kentucky, Cassius
~ 31 Clay was the Anti - Slavery candidate for
0 verrior. The Louisville Courier of the plk,
e_, , 4 ", : - In forty counties Cassius Bt. Clay re
'p caved 1.C. , 43 votes. Ilia vote in the entire State
1 wi t probably . be from 2,000 to 2,009." In Fey
.. ett county, le !bleb Lexington is situated, Mr.
Cht received 110 rotes;, in Estill, (his former
-rent ease.) 178; in Gerard, 198; ieliimion,
' . fiti now borai,) G7O; in Rockeastle, 970, Sc.
„T to fact that - 2,5W votes have been cast for
' Mr. Clay, whose opinions in regard to Slavery
', sio no well known, - is, in our opinion, the begin.
ningjof a new era in regard to-the slave institti
tion ni Kentuck y . That is ii Slave State—the
- pcopl thhre hare a political; moral, and social
, _ right to discuss and err upon the question of
Slave 7. -It. is their owe business; a part of ,
• =ten household ; arid we rejoice that they .
• have °cemented- in a legitimate'. and proper
the agitation of the great question.
arkfr. lity is a bold, daring, fearless man. Too
• •impulsiire, too impetuous,- we sear, to be a sac
, ceszful leader in the great enterprite... But, men
More calm, more prudent, more 'cautious, will
rally around him to' aid in emariclpating Ken.
turky from its " withering curse." The .r• ball
is in mation,". and it will roll on and gather
.: etreogthand largeness, until the downfallaf Hu
men-Slavery to prochirmed throughout the length
I'and breadth of glbrioris old Kentucky. , .•
i In Kentucky, in
.any .Slave Stale, political
Anti-Slavery organliatiarr end action are proper
, and unobjectionable., No one can deny the peo
ple of a 'State the right to' discuss their own
' doutestio iaffsliu: No cry of Abolition, 'outside
interference, ein • bd • raLsed. Abd If datsidcrs
.' *ill only llook on as highly interested speotiters,
and note the progress of the contest, we bare no
• doubt Of,khosnecess, of the Eutanciprtion patty
'in Kenindky. '- Truth Eia right oro•willi theM;
• and a talk and fr ee dlicoasion of the qnestion in •
Kentucky by Ketdacidans, will soon'inalke Ken
• roily fre4.olise/sradgaukt.
Front hie Aim York Tribune
, .
JTi,t arrink 1.6 y CU./Warn:pia root -$f178,579
y ea dint—Afore executions by" 'thepeopte--4-
dion dWinaties—Ricknus of she
.QOcutz Roc}'-. Sliipi4 Alamo ay
The Steamship Prometheni,
,Capt. Churchill,
arrived this momingat 4} ci:clock from Sao Ju-
Im de Nimregua, with 33 0paseengeth, and :$658-
579 in gold, dust She left.fienJuan on Monday
August 4. at 11 o'clock A. Mc, anifairived at
Quarantine, - Staten 'bland, yesterday; at 11
,e'atick the.passage in • 8 &eye
and 12 hours—liringing her passengers from the
iteimer Pacific, which left San Francisco au the'
14th nlLand arrived at San Joan del Sad on the I
29th, with 924 passengers and $BOO,OOO in gold
dust, The passengers by the Nicaragua route
came fiteen miles byletil carriage: thence took
the steamer. Director across
.Lake ,Nicaragna;l
thence the new iron steamer Sir Riney L. Bed
weir down the San Juan river to the iFromethens
in 32 hours firming time.
.. They: all expressed
themselves very much pleased with" the route,
and salt-that the country is delightful. They ,
hid no sickness.
One of the passengers- sends us the following
aboount of the voyage:
To the Editors of the New York Tribune:" 1
was my good fortune to be a paesengei in
the Niearagna Company's steamer Pacific,which'
left San Francisco on the evening of the .14th
a strong wind from the northwest,with 425 with]
pusengere. After a pleasant voyage of 14 days,
we made San Juan del Bud on the Pacific. , This
is a very beautiful harbor, whete,a ship can be
well sheltered from all winds, and` the climate ie
perfectly delicious. The passengers 'were all
landed by theship's ;boats oh terra firms. The
I.4ag of our country floated from the mountale
'in honorer first -steaniship that had ever waked
the waters of SIM Juan of the South. We im
mediately proceeded With mules over a ;pictu
resque country of forests, hills, and the mu,
mtuing of soft waters, followed by a clear, beau.
tiful champagne country. After a ride of 19
miles we reached the memorable and dilapidated
city of Rivas, vitiated on Lake Nicaragua. : This
he really a beautiful:eh/int of; water, with,jseo
large mountains rising from-.the centre. '
-1- At Rime we were detained three days and 4
hours, waiting for baggage, tic.; but all this de
;lay will, of 'course be obviated by the next trip,
as the Commodore will have everything in loco
motive order., From this city we embarked on
board the steamer Director, and ran down the
Lake to Fort San Carlos, thence th the Rapids
of Castile, a distance of 104-miles where we
embarked on board the new, iron - 'steams e, Sir
H. L. Bulwer, and proceeded, at `a rapid rate
down the San Jean river. The air was serene;
' the river plecid, and the banks studded with.
trees clothed in 'perpetual green.' Me arrived
at San ,then; on the Atlantic, in 30 hours tan
ning time from the Pacific to the Atlantic-;..a1l
well. At this point we embarked on board the
steamship Prometheus. I must not omit to in
form you that Commodore Vanderbilt was with
his passengers on the overland route, and did all
that could be wished to expedite matters. •
I am convinced that the route, from New York
.to San Francisco lay 'this travel' can, and, will
Ike made by the 'met trip, in, at the farthermost,
days, through a beautiful country perfectly
healthy, the inhabitanta kind, attentive and
obliging. • . Yours truly, ,J.
We take the following syn o psis of events from
the Alto California, of
Since the departure of the mail steamer of
the present mouth, the only event of moment
which has occurred in oar city Sias been the trial
conviction and execution of a felon known as
dim Stuart, by the Vigilance committee, a body
of citizens of the highest respectability and
standing in society. Ile was hung far a multi
plicity of offences, and, by his own confession,
voluntarily made was a villain of the most des.
perste character. .He was. hung about two o'-
clock on Friday, the 11th inst., at the end of
Market wtiarf, in the presence of 'event thou
, mud citizens. •
A Spanish woman was hung in Downieville,
in the Sacramento Valley, for murdering a man.
named Cannon, on the ith frth,
In Sacramento, Marysville, .Stockton and else.
! where, the chi:one' have feltthemtelves camped-led to act Is. their VWLI behalf, the laws having
proved so utterly inadequiate in themselves,
end their adminisftation by the properly consti
tuted authorities so lax
Men have been executed for offences of a mins
inel nature in this city, end in Stockton. The
recent execution of Stewart, in this city prods
cud a temporary excitement among those who
entertained opiniOnt antagonistic to ails action
of the Cominittee, but it appears to btoaabsi
ding. His honor, Mayor Brenham lots issued
proclamation desiring all good citizens to with
draw from the vigilance committee or **icicle.
Cans of a like character, and Judge. Campbell,
of the Court of Sessions, on the 12th • instant,
charged the Grand Jury for the county that all
those concerned ip the execution of Stewart had
been guilty. of murder, or were particii4:erim.
i ai
exercise its powers, and is using its utmost en
deavors to rid the community of theviltalru who
have so long infested it. Their acts are star
tabled by a mojeriry ;of the citizens. Orgeni
iations of a similar character hare sprung up in
almost all; the printineas plum of California,
and the Cinema have been "forced, by the mires
siou of public sentiment, to pay stricter atten
tion to the administration of the law.
The intelligence from the aorth, is by no
meets pleasant. A party of pioneer emigrants,
who had been landed at Point Oxford,above
Trinidadcansisting of ten men; under the coat
cnund of ' Capt. Kirkpatrick, were massacred by
the Indians. The Indians In the entire
of Rogue's river and the Klamath region hive
exhibited the utmost hostility agaiast the whites
.and being aimed with, guns and pistols as well
as bows and sxr*, area millet formidabkidver
eau: Several parties of whiter were in arms,
and in pursuit of those who had committed dap
edations, at the last accounts.
• The Indians are still troublesome In Sacramen
to Valley, and refuse te come in at the . place
epeelfied by Dr. G. M, Watercraft, one Of the I
Indiaireatomisaioners. Col. McKee, also of the
commission, is at Benicia, preparing to prosecute
his tniaision in the legion of the Klamath , and
Trinity rivers, ,co, Barbour is in the vicinity of
Los Angelus, intending to visit again the Indians.
igthe Tulare Valley, who have recently exhibit
ed a 'disposition to break their treaty of peace
and amity. • The 'eonsmission are totally without
*Rode and_ntterly ambient p e osetate their mie
rim to a inecetsful issue withouteddititinal
plies. ' • • •
A renciontre took plate on the Ist bast., between
GeO.' F. Lemon, City Xaseisor, and Win. H. Ora
ham, a young lawyer. Shots were exchaaged,
and Graham was allot In the month and left arm.
Leman immediately gave himself up, hut his ad
versary having told lam 16" draw and defend
tamale and suited the action to the word, the
Recorder discharged hint. Graham ie out and
doing well.
The Fourth of July was not celebrated with
any great pomp,. in epneequence of the calamity
which has so recently befallen the city. It was,
however, observed by the firing of guns, pa-
Sacrementio City,'s most aggravated
way robbery wawcommitted on the 9th instant,
in broad day light impatient of the law's de
lay, the people. by their united expression, in
duced the court, t and the lawyers selected to de
fend the prisoner, to go , into a trial imenedietely,
and at last accounts one of the party was before
the court on trial. ",; • '
The Hormone *remaking a dallied mqvitaient .
Deward eetablishing edited communication from
the Salt Lake to the PeCific. A large party - have
fp:aptly arrived from thaa Lake through the Ca.!'
;pm Pam, &bond nixtySilfes from Los 'Angeles, '
with an expressed determination to settle in that
section. They are said to be negotiating for the
pc — Webwe of a very fine rancho belonging to Sr.
Antonio Longo.
Theyintelligeoce from the mines continues to
be extremely encouraging, and a general spirit
of contentment seemed to prevail among the
The effects of the late fire in this eity.arn yet
perceptible, but the energyend enterprise of our
Citi2ooB appears to be unabated. The *burned .
district," although not entirely rebailt r is pretty
thickly studded with tenements of all descrip-
Dons, and- brick, and stone buildings or the most
substantial character are in process of erection
iffall parts.
Review OV VIE IiTAREST.-431000 our last re
view, we have, no important• changes to notice,
there being no disposition to go into any viten
sire operations, and no overrates of money at
buds fates as would hold oat any advantage so
to do, as the prospects now offer. '
A man named Stuart, convicted of mur
der androbbevy. was tried, condemned and exe
cuted Vigilance Committee of San Fran
cisto, oh the 11 tb of July. ; The
folloWing ai
, . . count of, the proceedings . is from the Alta Cali
finnan of the I2th : ;
About 6 o'clock yesterday morning the tap
. ping of the bell of the Monumental Engine Com
pany's house of the Plaza, attracted the often. ,
tiou of our Muftis, known, as it was, to be. a
signal of the Nittilance Committee. People soon
begins to throng. down in the direction of the
Committee-room, and It was reported that James
Stuart was , to be hung. The bell tolled for
about half an beer, when a edemas were
fired from a brig in the harbor, and it was ob
served that of the 'math; had their flags •I
displayed ; end It was afterwards learned - that ;
the Committee had required this 410 o'clock '
two or Huns thousand people hid gathered, and
appeared to:* quietly,waiting; iwitit the expeo
tenon of seeing somebody bang. •
W .
The Committee , in the mean time , wen -
ein& in agout i and it was evident" that Mao
. . .
thing was' in promise inside. Everything war
conducted, however, with so much earecy, that
it ease known to but very few, if any,. outside,
what waereallj going on ; Badman), after ink
inean hour or twr, went away with tha saps
Sidon that nothing would occur, About
.hilt .
past one, someone came out of the Committe e
room and read a portion of the =fusion which
Stuart had-made, and it wee -stated that ,he
would be hung in an hour. The crowd sanction-.
ed this , proposition almos t unanimously;', 'The,
news epread, and a large crowd soon gathered.
About 2 o'clock the. Committee mane
dawn stairs, and. formed three abreast.: There
were nearly athointand of them,principallycon4
posed of our oldest, best known and moat proin
' %eat citizens; merchants;' bankers, I:embanks,
and business men of every description.. 'Brut--
oils to this. s clergyman had been eent.for, who
remained with, Stuartsome time. r
The preelection moved up Battery street, M-
ceded, and followed by the crowd with Stuart
I handcuffed and pinioned, near their centre.
1 There was no noise, no outcry, no apparent ox
eitem ent, and there was something awitilly soi
-1 etnll, in thik . measured tread of the 'procession
- Upon the planted erred-_ When the , procession
, reached Market street, and it was perceived that
they were turning down, a rush was made to w
enn good places, and some thus before the pris
oner;arrived ery box, bale and barrel bad its'
occupants. T he decks and rigging of the ves
sels lying around the,wharf wers,covered.- and
the wharf itself Wea one perfect sea_of heads.
A bee n
of plain uprights and cross beam
1. bad been erected, a block with • rope In it,' and
the noose ready made. On the way dowri Stuart
appeared perfectly cool and collected, and not at
I all excited. 'When he reached . the gallows 'the
rope was plabed around his neek,tand with the
exception of a slight paleness, re
the. was no '
change in his appearance, no trembling, no se
, tation. He appeared to feel as though he was
satisfied with his sentence, and did noble-
sire to lire longer: The resemblance between
Stuart and II urduewas most striking, end it is
not at all strange dust one ebould bare been la
ten for the Mike.% The immense crowd remain- I
ed breathless, Ud Stuart, when ,under the mil- I
lows, said, .. I diereconelled,mysentence iejust."
The rope was pulled, and In a moment he was
dangling In the air. As he mint up, he closed
his eyes and elapsed hie hands together. He
had previously requested that, his face might
notbe overed. Ile siarcely gore struggle :
and although the knot was on the back of kit
neck, appeared Lobe in but little pain. A slight
contrattion of the lower limbs, mid • strained
tussle's of the chest for • moment, were all the
symptoms of approaching death. Atter bang
ing about five minutes, his hat blew off, and et:
posed to view the ghastly features of therobber.
When be had bung abtut 20 minutes, be was cut
down by Coroner Gallagher, placed in a boat;
and taken to the lett/District police Station
There was no attempt made at aiescue by the
authorities, and..miny persons in the city knew
nothing of the affair till it was over. It was
conducted with the greatest order and quiet
Heaven grant that it may have 'salutary effect:
Stuart was arrested by the Vigilance Committee
about a week eince. He was found removing
atolen trunks, and was tried before the Commit
tee for the murder of Moore, and upon a variety
of otherihirges. It is said that he has made
some diselosares that tend to criminate a num
ber of men in this city whose characters have
previously stood fair, and that behas given the
Committee clues that will enable them to break
up the organized bands of villains in this State.
From the Fan Francisco Wwskt.
Stuart'e confession and evidence not only prove
Ides to have Wen implicated in the murder of Mr.
Moore, at Dobbins' Ranch, in the- murderous as
sault on Mr. Jensen in this city—in the no lees
murder:as eseault on the Captain of the brig
Raskin, in this harbor—but in the robbery of
Minturn's safe, in the attempt on Mr. 249-
colicky's, to the robbery at Monterey, and in
fine, in every burglary end robbery of any msg.
nitude that has taken plasein this city or neigh
borhood foi many months. No criminal more
daring or successfal—more reckless or cold.
blooded—ever hemmed a community: Bred
up in crime duce childhood—conscienceless and
callous, he approached as our the character of
a bend as anything in .the garb of humanity we
hare ever seen.
~Be bed not even the excuse of
atiapidity - or dulness; for his talents and ingenu
ity, well directed, would here achieved succew
in any oilier calling.
The astounding revelations contained In the
testimony and confession wo publish &Sewer*,
will apprise our citizens bow utterly helpless
they havehltberio been bathe toile spread around
them by the organized band of desperadoes who
have infested for so long eititee this city and
State. To further the• ends of justice, we era
obliged to suppress for the presenttbe nuns of
manyindividuide in the community who are im
plicated in the crimes developed, and who are
rein nbw being jurstermingly tracked by the
Committee. Their time will come presently, and ,
the 'subtle will then cease to wonder that with
such an organization crime of ev ery Iyboa
ra4nastsralnerarknarirtir - rn - Cran FlrlintratiO. I
It will Dolmen that a runificatione of this ;
issociatlon of thieves, berglers, aularins and
incendiaries extended throughout the entire
SL It O-41 •t• Judgeo and Public Prosecutors in
earns portions etcher country wereiu league with
the organirstion- - haeliabontation of perjury
was one of the commonest expedients to achieve
the impunity of the criminal, and to baffle the
working of the law--thit the burning of this
city was several times resolved upon in revenge
—and that life 'Wes not regarded at a strew'a
Tabu when menu was to he gained by murder.
On the whole, we doubt if In the history et the
Unlted'Statee there be. ever liven a more mon
strous criminal organization !al there, than that
which has now been brought to light by the un
tiring efforts of the Vigilance Committee. That
crime will meet with condign punishment, they
gave ample evidence by yesterday's proceedings.
-; We have had same controversy with our
friends, about the •dtigher law" notions which
they have entertained op the slavery question.
They have (gait their duty to oppose the execu
tion of the fugitive law, because they thought it
interferred with their duty es Christians and as
good citizens. We hare endeaeored to enforce
Weider that any such notion is fatal to all law
I end order, and that, when we admit that every
person has a right to. decide for himself - whet
Mere he will obey.and what Taws he will' not
obey, we take a step that leads us at Ones into
anarchy and confusion. We have told them that
the idea would be seised upon to justify mobs
and riots in theßoulli, and all kinds of violations
of laws that see of the North think ought to be
held sacred. When we - reproach the/South they
make the same excuse that our Northern friends
urge. Therein a higher law that calls for a dif
ferent action. And who can object.? Who that.
reconguizes that right in the North can object if
it is used in the. South' We may say they are
1 tee Beene, and that they use this merely as a
prdra to shield themselves. But how do ^we
I - know that? A tui besides, they judge ? isely
same thing of us. Who shall jge • Shill
leech ono-judge for himself, or Isbell every case
be submitted to one tut, the law of Weiland,
and the legally constituted tsibutiele Meters ep
pointed to administer and prone that law'.
Just about these times we have a new appli
cation 'of the ' , higher law," the "meek' duty'"
I principle. An Insurrection ie said to exist in
Cabe That Island belong/ to-Spain, and with
Spain we have a treaty of peace, whirls. by the
Conetitution of the United States becomes the
law of Welland: • • i t •
-We have general law passed by Congress on
the subject of punishing thou who attempt to
interfere is a hostile manner with the States op
nations with:
.which we are at .. peseta The law
reeds es follows:
See. it And be it further matfett, That if any
person ideal within the territory orjariallatlon
of the United States, enlist or enter hinuelf; or
hire or retain. another person to enlist or en
ter himself, or to go beyond the limits or juris
diction of the United States with intent to be
I enlisted or entered in the service of any foreign
'prince, state, colony, district, or people, as s
soldier; ores 11 marine or "seaman on board of
any vessel of war, letter of marqtie, or pries
; leer, emery person no offending, shall kg deemed
guilty, of a high mieilemearme, and abetl be fined
not exceeding One thousand dollars, and be im-,
prisoned not exceeding three years.
Sze. 6. dad be dfirther exacted, That if any
person shall within the territory or jurisdiction
of the United States, begin or set on foot, orpro
vide or prepare tha means for, any military ta
' peahen or enterprise to be carried on from I
thence against the terrltoryor dominions of any
foreign prince or state, or of any colony, district'
or people withwhom the United States ate at j
peace, every poison ea offending, shall be derm
ed guilty of - a high misdemeanor, and shall be
fined Oct exceeding three thousand dollars, and
I Imprisoned not mare Wm:Write years.
I ~ ---This is all plain and understandable. It is
the supreme law of the land. The Priteideet,
and the. officers of the government everywhere
have Sworn a solemn-oath to see that the law.
are enforced and obeyed. ;This means 'all the
laws in force, whether theywere pasted In 1818,
I when the above was enacted, or in 1860: when
ttie fugitive slave law was Passed
! Now, we hares clew of people at the Boutin
who have clamored most violently, and ridiculed
most severely, the Afpler tow notions of the
- North, and who were great oaths necessity of
otresmit of the low:; but who, now, that , the case
it somestutt changed, sasatne, the same come
of autiment, and justify themselves in the vio
bellow of law on the ?more of paramour duty,
tiered obligati:4 fie., jut se filppently, and sp•
patently, just ad sincerely tut their "higher bar"
friends of the North. , •
Let us cite some cases. Our citizens want to
arm themselves and eines ever the gulf to the
assitdatioe of the Cubans. But the above . law
atares • them in the face. and forbids. It can
not be done se they sash to do it, withoet a pal
pable eielatitte etiats, w d
and they knoi -ETerY
. .
-pia: ~~ , ~,': .
badyknows it. What is to be done? Why, hold
a public, meeting, and molts that duty and sa
-1 cred tit*: Ind thittert th ing, d e mand witlibeohl tramping, law . undir fuotvitut
go-in for
.fligher Aocopiingly faul
thia thing dolng ail over the South:. The "Illgh.
er late idei,is as pmwdent there nowas it ever
was. In The - .north, In the paholest days of
stanantlidanery- excitement. Let us cite Sit few in
.. ...t Jarge.ind mithusi:astio meeting Wu - held
in New Orleans, on the:evening of the 23d, con
vened Upon. the receipt of the revolutionary
lune from the bland of Cuba.. Among lbe rese.
tions adapted Was the'folloiring: . •
Resolved, That It i the . sacred right' and the,'
Imperative duty of ail time American Repupli
cans to give aid and comfort by all legal. means
in their power to the twig of Cuba In their drug;
gletcoirow off the yoke of Old Spain, and that
therebywe shall disc e,. In some degree, the
debt of. gratitude we eto the .memories of
&eaten, Kosciusko, P Montgooltry end
La Fayette: and a: boat f other gallant spirits
Who periled -their all elitist us in the times
that tried: men's souls." ..
Here UM seen that t el
rights' and "im
perative daty,' downuth, Impel men to en
ii i.
open, public, and Pal le violation of oar laws,
and of our treaty stip onairillt Spain. These
men have the same m ve, and urge the' game
reason that our northeM friends urged in favor
4 1 0
of defying and tramp g under foot the provis
ions of the fugitive law The, generous impulse
to asadst those eteuggli for liberty, is the excuse,
and if it is good In one alt Is equally good in
the -
other..., , •
-Again: newsprperit that have ranted them
eoloen ho!ats. against ‘ the. Anti-Blarerynien of
the North, and have Preached moat eloquent
1 mumps against those who preanmed to make I
any excuse for diem:Wi ng the laws of the land,
now turn round, and, in the coolest manlier pos.
rible, take the very came ground they bare so 1
long and so bitterly condetned. Witness the fol
lowing front thelLoubsville Demoorat. ',The edi
tor thus eats the law aside, and ' ella the arms
of government: ..
Aid will be rendered to Cuba. Men and mon
ey, and the material of war generally, will be
Smashed from this,country, and let the author.
Ries at Washington meddle if they due. The
people of (hie country will not brook the Idea of
furnishing fleets and armies to put down the
struggling patriots of Cubs, and protect the
rotten despotism of old epatn. Some proceed
ings against. Loins and his friends were tolerat
ed, because under color of law, and against some
whose efforts Seemed to bare been premature.
The prosecution was but a penalty for the fell
ure to commit effectually the crime denounced
by the old musty statute. upon which the prose
cution was founded." -4
• • •
Here Is food for reflection. Win it not be well
for the South to stop and Inquire if they are not
committing the very BUM offence they have been
charging against the North.. Are they not, now,
by ehni course, giving "aid end comfort" to the
law breakers of the North And, after all, Is
there any Other safe, sore, and honorable course
but to, obey the law. Is it not-now evident to
every 'reflecting men, North 'and South, that
when We . attempt to and excuses for violating
law, we are breaking down.oll olonythr liar , the
great barrier that separates us from total-anar
chy and confusion ? our people see the ten.
deny of then thinp, and avail themselves of
the "sober second thought" before It is too late.
—Ohio State journal.
A traveler on the Ohio liTer. write; that over
five hundred persons have gone down that Over
stithin a few days, with the desigo ofeagaging in
the Cobs invasion. A New York tetteorsaye that
over four hundred in that city have boon enrol
led and will elan for the scene
.otsetion In a hew
days. So many gone and,,goihg; so man who,
don't go symphathirdeg with them, togeth er with'
the universal instinct of the Ameti . can people to
aide with the cause of those fighilisg forindepen.
dente, all indicate ..manifest destine In this
cunt, and though years may 'laps before the
consumation 'of the work, yet Cuba must 011111td
tally be free from Spain, though a general. war
be the consequence.—Ohio Salts format,
"t Souso Ccaanscr."—The Lomfoce press
es are beginning to harp' agein about "A Sound
Correney." The len they say about that the
better for themselves. The intelligent voters all
know that under their "Democratic" Tariff of
1846, the country is being drained at a fearful
rate of its aounclue currency --the silver dollars
and half dollars, quarters and dimes—to pay the
British "Lords or the Loom and Vett shop" for
the manufactures of thole half etakmd operatives.
if this don't disturb Me currency they need have
no fears about it. Bat if it doss; (as wit think it
16114 the people understand where the Isn't
and will apply the corrective. Harp on.
Ton Boxes ANII 81L11703.".A our ,
respondent of um Dubuque Herald, writing from
Fayette, !do, command mum the .
" go far updating aro concerned, Ihearigreat
deal oboe; Anti Benton - and Tom Demote about
thetrm mum tell you a good anecdote, ind 4101itc
" An old firmer cum into the More of a friend.,
of outs over in Benton comity, and Aida, dlot,
tented for Tom Benten..hualderahwon
thinking Inn; tirl bale sudden* Mein I wins to
tab Jon. ie anti a brother of Torn'e. being
• berate atde to restrain from laughter, mid, , " He
lea y . olusger brother, but they deem agree: very
well.' 'Well, then, '• laid Ida friend, ' I hate
done right, I like the whole familyclutt I know
if he opposes Tom he most be wrong, so I did rif
ght." The old went off waited/dad that %MP
must be wrong." •
tputation at anthrax*, Cutler Mix.
.• No. 120 WOW Street, ,•
D.t. a .11 In. at Wallin a Ifflarbtot. and otbno to
rowan! AXD DOIDDIrC :
HARDWAREovarrx, CUTLERY , die.,
• tr air pil
And whkb Abed an reel at milk pia;
naeot Lid b 04r.
aldrrA fullamortaustot MANN'S adobraidd C . . X. iXIS
wk. on hand.
1021 . The greatest 'remedy of the age beams
to bothieslotrotal weelkirte titled Q.O. terrell't an 1.
ee Lialpeat It 4 wed ee aliened aytalkatloo. welt.
eel/ to pears time wooderful enalitlet tr beWoa.loi.t•
leg - pew redwing palsied lambs. Ile- Al 01..1 had emote
ie't ore bruise, whkh theestenad mottlawiow be hal ewe
ihre'ereliemedhe lowa effect, whew he ire. Wetted to 1:17
o.' tarter, Arabi. Lielmwel e cue bottle( which.. -
•tirely tend him. We hare to doubCrrom the once/ of
ttr Warr. but fur this ...anent itudklce, to would bor.
had • *toes thee of Sew edeortlsemeat, Jr 24
tab- z v o Jon -
a ever
earrecd tuella khan reputation In so sheet • time. at
has lb Line Pill, cambered and anapounded by Da kb
1.... or Virrird. Although but a ob. Moe sompers-
Only bekwe the nubile, It bas indeed, anted kw Itself •
degree of popuberity hitherto unsursemen. The detuai
Lk them ho. bans. isamense. blemrs. Kidd A Co, the
proprietors of the medicine, who reside In Plltsbashe
Mar or fourth and Wood Annum* oonstantlyemetriag,
onto. which they dad It abb. utterly lattmelbli to trap.
'eq. The poptilmity of these ND Is not moaned belay
partkuler motion of the meant. the dean. betas Mos
end. from the Borth. Booth, East .Lid Wen The. truth
le. . damn le non cannon In al Murton of the Ceded
B ute than that cattle Lily. And these Pills are the be
ien!, • Ter jot danorernl U. Webb doranammen
Yor We by J. KIDD f CO,
eueedekelha No. 00. Wind et
LIKE OIL ABOVE Wan/I , —Tb attic men eon 1•11 •
.mod mullet.e by dile/tit, it,. quiets .• Rr. MI tell astal
dittoes. by btu. IL And I/ one man bin U. sad dads It
Poor. It will destror Me popularity. with the elude 414.
You man intrude. • maid. Into popular see sinless It
momsce really robetential Orton. tem enured beet *ante
of raid ottionloas, and it le MI that that hair established
We repo tattoo of "MOP. ooramened 11,14 Baden of Par
rePorMit." blond all aril or Met• e. Ito anion upon
the human *mbar feta anorlants elth enamel and AiL
ii,Phiftltelruiplee—lt pe.mota tic.' yellow senretkem
end bank. as. the licety, muna dialamm
morbid and dimes. setter; ituntil aaa the • litonient
enediguative alr•C&I, creatbnew. P.O. and heathy
blood. and regal.. the redoue fonetbass of the different
MPpe of the body. Thla le all perinsesd, without the
fend dazzle' of bane, the prepuelkut befuese gate ite
to illkottom It may be thought by the s.boaka. that
purports to are too sassy damn tat Una exembles
Con. 11.111 be Mond that . WV Waken of the dbe►
ea whkh the , human Lally mat/eats in.n Impure
stat.nd the blood. Ile not damn., then. br other Sur
eaparllin,bong offend you by nosy sellers of =noon
water preparation" at
11 4seraluablePss a sutstitut• /bribe Mend
John Bair. 'peration the
proprietor vernal.. to les samiirr 10.11 others.
/;asst.—Dunn and ask lb dm retina/ A . . Me
Duff, Sannuandle 1 maw bans° attim see
adiertisomint on anther pain , • -
, 18/11 IVDOWU 110 Wootl d.
I•lo,4tvrlim? Whaliall. &toll nat..
Petroleum I
Amderliersu. ibbtelogdoseco,PL. Kw. lI.AL
[+a—Dear thr, Your Patrol.= is working Wen
dt. lo thin ride:dere dent*re ti rook' ebeak yea tossed
us tero doscrby tbe Peousylvdialtallreed. We en en
llrely • not. sad it to Was Inoolnd for almost siert der.
You.. ator.oefuill, • JOHN LONG 4 01).
Gerund; Ashland eo., 0. 10.1• L
F.M. /Ltree , —Drar 81r. Your Agent, • 1. tusks since,
left with os foot doom Bock (M. Thlth hare al&
Plea.e for.** top. de doom bonsetilately. :
Your mod.. Is world. woods:11a Ude region. We
too obisip several aseellsot oevelfloste• ilr.o desire the=.
Yours. As.. W. W. SCOTT.'
/or sale Dr Keyser t MoDaerull. 140 Wait strestlL
IT Wood strasO B. J. Fahnsetook • A tb, tonar
Wood sod Prone Weds D. rd. darn D. A. YID=
Deie..)us4 . ll. P. dohs's.; Jllsor, also tz i eb• pro._
Pr uslol.l* • Osual ilasiu.ds.oebst%obist.rh.
Pittebnrgh Lite Insurance Company.
CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. • • :
Vb Psesklinn—S
ours unal.
• Trahanre—J S.
Sh . rttar.t—C- A. /.'u ndo • •• -
&that-lope itantlor part of tD4 row.
Citizen's insurance iluii2p,q of Pittsburgh
giNCOURAGE apblg
Mee 80. al Wear acme, /a 'antiwar. aro. tL
C. Q. hoar. Pnt41023..—....1. VI. ll.Aus, isee,% •
I. l . ll.z . :taay mum prvarl tt r luurir mrtasmiter
liZr Crkt."4 7 edVlUt,..., 4 th.
Into as. d ol Mina It'll sod Arrorsbly
known Uk OM *MIMEO kr ther =Wpm lI:W*2N
end _ • -
Dar.closs—O. tiowy Bassin. Win. Lukash
BniZILL „, I4 14k Boaxinatx.
Kir SCOTT Colt Era! Or AITAIt67.7IWiT.—'
7114 al . Coma:att. grin twat at ths ales of G. X. Ar
vie. 1 4 70 2% . Ykr.h.r. Angus Imb, op 10 A.. .r.'
_ .
: Mr. Griggs . Grammar Sch ool .
• Wed Side of the Die/nand, Aj 4 g4ery city. -
ICERE are Two Sessions a year , each of
21 &vete. eatottomaisz Err& let. siit /thent7 9 , 1
Wo o 1t.93 pre &tabu. soil& in .
tiffOVAL.—Wi intend to reaiove:about
. Ltu ISt.b of atir i abot from our prorrat duo to
t • now own &Y Ittiotion Tea.-nr, N 0.114 Mar
ket streeLol.999te L Clair et, &Eters ve Abell be plowed
to Walsh emery ankle to oar Ilse me usual.
usgIS L J. & EL PIIILLIPa. 7 eatt 9 Wood FL
it'r 2 we i n more a RE la rge
gift. Mr=it l f ft4= ll , i i l, M =o ti TAN Pi c =
ft, W. by WM. NOBLE. 'third stb..t.
knell oftftoaftft tbs hal ()M..e.
Lein IVAItRANTB Wikitto
IllOwit market p&. RW
_paid Mr Lula Wu
'OM X. ARNOLD It CO'B.. t 74 Fourth O.
siewi to Dant of Pittaburab
. ' , Grindstones 1 Grindstones !• i •
1 - OGAN, WILSON & 129 Woad
1 A .1.,,,,e,. ,rl.ll farnieh at ronnolactuter's Peices....bort
notice, may dee of the ben Aleriettn Orisubton.e. and var.
tionl.l7 WhiPtal fa the Onfliosee intended--delinoral .
the what,
A fall eamortntent of mail elsesaler/Aze an hand:
. •• , Pie* Kuria • , ;
' JOHN H. MELLOR, No. 81 Wootl'et,
bee spaded th at Ibllostas new ...1 lamellar p!' or
Haunted Stneds. A would not Hre.lw.Y.
I li ttetres t ! y th i r d WMl- sed- Vatrir4Q4V,Vlz.
tbeta — Balliel. '' ttpaeatette Bla I. Madre—Ve.
fottAbittallloilli&dolLak. ra th r ' D .M. 6.
nod Moth... • sot.. 1321 4 3 %.m.
Last 12 rrottas. - 1. Dobbetteti 'Vend
ttasb wed thy My Dr. bath Vol.. de Polo.. . j
breathed. _ .
.• ' . au gIM
Pittsburgh (}MB Company.
tN , Annual Meeting of' the Stockholdeni of
it.,. the.,Plttabursh.(la. I..patty, ll o tileaursdoe or
for th. s„,...' — ^,,riiTraz .I. th . Die*, !At
w... limit 4. of le bre A.D .115 M
r.r.t:•„‘a.Ualdgie f A and 6 a T eloar i P P. M.
. .l .
JAMAS AL CU nJI.ITY, Tresaursr.
Oillea Pittsburab Dam (h. Aug. 70.•61.—1td
OFFEE~Op p n~e p rime Rio,
Tjfi t. st4by
sada JArXB73 a IZELi. W a ZELL. rat.
VAS -40 hf cheats Powchot g
• • " ilunpowdor
aogls is°
" JA:II . KB . D V A Nat iggar.L
UNDRIES--5 casks Potash;
.4 box. Magma Lamott
W adc
I opt. Zama. Comma; fur eby
J. D WILLIAM it 00,.
t-kfll-N •
Tari lINNug& nL
Water and /rout st*.
1 1 OFFES-ncage Rio, for sale by
J melt& t W. RA lIIIAJT
s. foiTalety
a+11.9 • B. &W. LIARBAUULI. •
SE-100 lx i e ream,for
.1,, by
Ci M bulb S. A W. RA RBA SU 11,
rIOAEs-40,000 Common, for sale by
s. a w. mamma
110LOUR--1150 lols. Extra and S. F., for Bale
by soilb 14. t W. lIARBASOLI.
10.03. 0
m y... 1 , 1: 1.1. 7;r. uhmr
Wasp No:1 a lial K fir yea b . •
WRI. B. MASKS A ano,
Water NlYtet.
ylEi DEDUCED AND SPEED lama sap!
Pennsylvania Railroad and .17ayrees Facies Line.
unar.acia sae controlvmu soon To
Tiro tally Linos Expreu .Packet Boat',
On anti after Monday, August 2.5 th, the
Packets of this Lies *III Ltme Pittebursh (Or /..riokoort
;=r—taVeirt:44 = 44 ;l'7ll:=Tett4l;tl k ;
/Whew (slash Is re Immeentely after Mete arrinJ)
rest to Pettadelpholn
GrTlose thrimeth EOM • _l_
D r ed. • arrangement utmnt go Mintorsh
MIMS SOONEE than Wtemt (Mom t.eotTmun ler
canal travel.) ettabens them on arrlnt Itt Plailadelphtato
nroomlan to Nan York et one.,
Peke the York and Cum buiend Wriest at U
Doemme, ehrbyperar mile. Time, NOCE bone ntreborg..
ere to llMlntelkbla. CO. Pan to da Utaltinoo
Lestmente Sk do Ilemstotrm
I( Too desire sheep tramline and enatietall• amommo
deem., items. ram nom. at tat Tlekat Iformions
ludo Hone*. of
J. P. HOLMES, Agent,
' Canal }Sul.. Pea* greet.
Ofike d Commisaary Sonl of Subsistence,
• WianDroxin, Anglin 2, 1851. 1 ,
ed st this ram until the lot day or Octet'. mat. Orr
the dolly.? of Provisions, ha balk. Sat do ow Of U.
Mons of ttut troltot Shams Uptm/00..d00, f01k?.6" 4
At Ness Orleans MspressUs, ladarianc,
as here.. or pars -
11,5 burgs of I Import. Boar , ,
•66 Itultot. of sow WWI. dakl toms -j,
0711 pmts. 'of gnat hard amp
•t3l pounds of gad bard sums eassiles
orgeod doss dry to •
gsUou. of gool older vinegare W..
Al Satin Raw - Barracks, LOttitiOna.
gm.. of pork
barrals of Testaappal.. &or • • .
66 tong.. of mew white Said beams
are posatt. of
' para. of gbl sperm catdio.
to bushels af good cloak dry toe melt
:A /dims of good der nun.,
• At .8 . 47 . Wesf,
lb ht. el. of park
/21 barrels of bosh ouptiltoe dot.
' 06 bushels of too white ma teams
Mgood G pounds of haul asap
r.. 17 ;Dana of soul herrperta audio
14 bud.. of scud 01.0 0 417 dna nslt
irm tokn. of good shier 'Looker.
Al She Palle Landing, Ar man from fini-.7lrson,
moraS of the aliersichi.
' SA barrel. at pork
123 barn. of truthsuperfine dour •
63 tsudo. of nos uhUs Sad bads ', •
- potted+ of and hard sosio
oZ, d
114 . 1 Trptzt.lll.r :.^, gu11... of good rid., Vinegr.
The who. to be dsli.ored lo ed the month of April,
1142, aod kayo Natchitoches by Oho DNA or Febraarl,
-At Fort Smith, if rkarttar.
13 boards of pork
IN. barre of Dag sarde. flour
ez bud.. ls
of two ohn pe e gold
41 . 6 pouts. of good hard
235,, pnuodsof good hard spans p.
11 bud.. of goof dna dry dn. malt
Ztt gelloos of good cider viotkor.
This whole to Or d.Un3.41.00l Msy.
At Art Gibson, Arkansas.
um tondo of pork ,
370 ham. of that suporfluo dour •
136 bingo's of too• s
gold bads
2,edi pouodo of go:4 asap
dal pouts. o f f
bard sp..
slat 43 boats. of gool 0b... dry lass
The rlMfba dellootal 11 ' . 1fray, 11132 5 .
At Art Snelling, St. l'cor's.
zis barrell of pork
:66 barn. etDrab sopidlos door
163 bush.. of Dm 001. o.B° beau
2,6Z1 r .., god had rasa
004 oodo good bud tallow oadlo.
40 mg.. o off
gad doss dry Zoe salt
600 gait.. of good tidos. vinegar.
Mu whole tot. dellaared tram the 16th Mu ' 1530, to
11•111 June, 1602.
At Fort BOLT, mouth of CrosauSing nrei , 130
' mitre above Fort Snellii3.
I.?rru 1 4
11 Mt our
rd bubo'. of oar • Is fold gnus
076 p.m& of assd bad 10)
NAI pours. of good turd tallow candle.
14 bushels of good elm. 'Ur Ass salt
= ga11... of to
4140 r
Th. whole to to delloor . rd hoz th• lot J4l/.41332, to No
16th Agana, 1432.
At Fort Learmecorth, Missouri Riser.
ZS) balada of nen 061. near Nuns
3,404 pooods of good hard unr ,
I,3ll3pounds of good hard Wow candles
14 googols or good rhos dr. doe set •
MO gallons of goal cider olusgar. ' • .
The lobo. to b. doll rued by tho Ist Jame, 1612.
At Fort Scott, on tAr ifarnrcaon rider, Misscnsr4 70
nuke land transportation from independence,. on
the Mixtouri river.
85 hoopla of pork .
125 lambi of Mph attondloe hour ••
Lb boahals of saw white held Peas
1176 pounds of good loud wag • .
• 2tl riisterocidcZbe=Mineataal4i
Tb. gallons
hho lonsof
be good chin. vionmr.
le to dallyand by tha Istlatm . 1653.
o(Fon.—All of biddira are requested to *stand Lb. mount
their bids nor each ortieln and tabatt the total amount
of ach Lid; tad no bid will be actad co anima it esolonicsa
all ankles rodulnai at • ao4.
Th. period. awl qoatititias of cub &linty at those
posu wham thay are not,picille4 will to, onolborth Ist.
lit Juno , 14 iSootscoher, lat Desembar, laiSt sad 14 March,
The hogs of aliklt tho pork is puked to n o
endstual on
corn. nod oath hog to wohth not law than Pro Idowlrol
vmods. exelodlag Shia lega k ma, and moot- tilde
. v. may to substituted for th e The pork tote
with Turk' n'sad than cantons
hada= the nap p o ti onshow not exondlog eight
;minds and
laheo the packing has halind contaleted, the contractor
mast forolab to Um Ore a *rill from the poker
ll , isit . t , ti , il=3. l . l l3eati so ealtl
st o rt: r M 2.
b p:10 .
We brow= :141t itt .. =ls 6 er
k ?or=
Balt will only be raortrody'apeatippant of thirtrivo
1 rarts to Um basted. Tb• coodla to have oottott whits.
for7l:llllnate deTiolnudois ItithlTstweerf
tg.s 1 41 re th.,rir lore W hi° 7 toot, pap et.
A flit. la thedtrUnolata Will to warialdered broach I
of contract, and t panatela will Pi sothopial to non 1
obato soladlt thel• poem
. The nonagon will be Inanected al the tin. 44 thaw of
dedvaT, nod all erpoisea to to pail by courraotopi until
they b, sre a leposited at stardom.. as may
" The Oots=itai - W.pa7pt..the 1144laci of fp
crenalng or dlocutodol og Camay of all undo re iqu a a t n ng a a r: nt diam ono
Pforw *towing lalo contract; and Mao of I
Vi a[
of watt doilvary onottdat
ra or
zakiartovon=. itivatir u. = dada' =or . bona :
ems Nold with rridaue of th r 2r abilltroonodP
sr with the ntiona of their senorldas. whom tesmAblhty
cowl be niallhat Or the - I.ll.ltrirt /Morse'', or hi some rep
sou well ammo to the Oorenuand, othaarlaa tads MVO
oak will riot 14 wonni • ,
4drax. allow be Wider is dogma, owl trinvor if in-
Op ENO* med.fma del= wail ha mairod 4 t!ifa Oda kroot
141111 &taxi
tosipintion to tali paints of delion7 b la
OW: or hot`
, Owe, or
redden of Ms contiadop. at the
tt,o Sweatt! DaPattninot. option of
'a Pratte on tide Wee val b eeevytmeas pal under
any eitennistemme. • .
• bid, Novae! mill be Pealed Ina newels envelop., eenl
"yroy?tel+fatamLEly Armuostretessee..
Hon,- ‘lfealteriimEll bottoftj tfelorstei f iegiat pie
: pare ale adVellimomer r rim ustenovisml ba 4o ma by tbe
Dail .isnan
• . Wanted,:
f a ' 2nnn*t.n" nntontlinnninrgUth
ririsTriAzegargt, now.
.a$ 2fixagte
. VOA RENT —A good second'
a. - kn.' law NANO bliPTE.made
IyXontis a Clonlc. Sere York. TA
- JUILN klithil.LOYlt.
..'worlil '• . .{1 iree.fithreet.,Pillabolyb,
rIA IairBEIV:IVIIIPS-30-"dos:'.just
•,!rereirod, (moil to Yteet lit!.leagth: ettherfar.kwartr
. er kind la ner:Lelnir alike unalterdni by enrols and
wot weather, and requiring poi:Cum to trop them nine
14. and loon breaklno. For male at Noe. sad to W00d.%
6. , .11(.1A1t--t , S Wis. Cuba aProßo
Pl NE l WlllyiAn d ezt t i r ii r .V. ' e
hhiltr. N0..1 6 twist. for sate
by 1011061 . JAN. DALZELL, CI Water ft.
REIOO boxes W. R., for sale by
I ADD WILLI/ bbls. No. 1. foe sale by
A . / -suets JAMES DALZELL.
NU. Witit. risk tear
lo At eels. Tmut.
i IiItOCEIL MgIiCILANTS —For rale on secommodie
es= 7 lro h nrl e A L,C a'y 't ars il th rlT
2: ) reacto .4fw
1..,;•11,„ay Kure. Utilities Cr shltinent by either
For tonna egg . tizro . oi STOCKTON ,lilt-bevy City;
or at the Eloolsbire or t, K iiTOCKTON.
fora! of Mottrt aid Ttuntot!.
ifig d ;: aKTlAFK:extra dry, C.Tr sale
pfs. TITRRNTINE-35 bbl,. Fur sale by
auglL KARNES : I , OOC & CO
tGt e
CAIIB. SODA-100 kegs
.7 sid be N. A. VAiiNt-r , Tliella (Yl.
LITM iI . EUS --- 61M lbs. prime, fur sale by
ACE-1.1.10 ib4. fur sale by • ,
JV IL , 11 A. /r411NL.411/911 A Cll4
bbls.Faciretl, for-sale .
aug/L vr. WILSON, 119 el.c.uod et.
ipLouß-60iaz lrebh around Family, IS;
oide by S. F. Vgm SONNLIORST it CO.
IAriNDOW 0 LASS—Exiia quality and so-
Lcivs."`aeli.e awl Lncdr, Nr yln 6g co.
IIEF SF -[OO Lo=ca for
sale by
em,cls, :4. Y. CON BONNUORST t CO.
Rue amortalent of Wins' andOeletlemeo . le loafs Hob.
n o dllluees,nf kinds mantgantonsi, for sale erbohnuale
nod Mail. at the Hotter Depot. 7 sad k Wonte
J. 4 H. rlll LlM'ft,
• 11:AVING', received full satistactiiin from
thee Mato Mutual Pin Ineurareae Company, mr tho
lon or my nore and rentente, by fink on le•enn gnat. I
&Am to meonemend the (Umpany to tho festromuee and
Zritt."%fdWY-P:rimeteg7..ktr...7v, vs.dx
se br kw mot
the. nendlnona of thee Laden noo
enatlod to meal. only one half the amount of the lone
• J. P. PLATT.
stela formerly of the dem at Platt 1 Bleat
da..N. 0., for sale by
aIIOOMS-150 dm Corn,for
CPRN--aa) bu : ll sua 4 a. 9. DILITORTLI* co.
FUS};.-10 casks for blasting; for
Aj Img 15 tea. prime, for sale bJ
AA, mg4ll J. A. DILWORTH k
Cpnme, Tot sale,r
ith . .l.--10 box
ult. ICS S 111cOANDIZES.
10 MIMI-4 tag. fur silo yy y
TCH 9h OFF „0 bozea. Boman' ce]e
brae , 'Stoblf, 34 and lb. Nom., far ail,
ausrl4 WICK a IIeCANLIS49.
fiELEITFjTaNTS!----Niesom lc Co.
un cur, bedood.
4 . 1.1151Y5, whit* will reavir so ld sold mo onlal tif/
pry "Y"
Moo, 5 - earn of those very_
deshdble 8 tent L
' 1.. .P0/ P.a. 000 0 5Otod t o this market.
*1414 • Nor. A 2 and CI Market
EREL-50 bble. Nu: 3large; •
Liberty .tent.
§U°AII-111_, .e.l 8, Loa4 •
or sale , •it A. CUNNINGILLBf,
314 Liberty Wed-
O. : MOLAS3E3 15L0 ress;)
"rle l4 ito b.B • A. A. lIA/8 CUNNING.
m 4 =Liberty "Met.
Q Ei.---- MOL -----7---- ASSES--.2.obbla.Ba — ttleG roun d ;
to . Yrs We by ' ILA. CUNNTNOILLII.
tts, I • • ' • -,' . =Liberty street
-DINE. APPLE CHEESE—Fo r sale by
• trit..A. IIiteCLIOLG a CO.,
avall4 . ' Orterrs and Tea Mao.
BEEF. TONGUES-4 — iiime article on
11 host arid
Or We by • -
aeau Wit. A. arcutc a. co.
linnanditerring. tor by
.snol4 WAL d. 31CL171111 CCL
111,1 i .ESS MACKEREL—One de fll:TU=3
. • N'tt, 1, and the heads taken cFr eat. iy
Ali ,
__l' A. ettl.Vati A CO.
CI I L6itRIST'S ItAZORS2—Ttmt gn
[3l "I. n ham hams appointed Vent *t the Woof Wm4tl;
Matra nd. These Cason ore statintaattind It,.
I,nited natty. snot not- utioquellod in plarlitr br Other'
I:with Cr natation taanittastore., ZUrr Itttmr bp wan'
t anted. and It it day Itiot prora catlefattarr. the money
It rattinted or the Razor or otetagsd, a. thoottrohwr
AdtIZIA i llati= ht. bao:Zsr i zrßacra, and
ata t ,l' A ra*"'l r:i 'ir :Ithr 47to. r tra 4.1.. r.
...trt. at •
--....4.- .---'"e7:ll)Triptlif 7 64116 a% sip
" 1 . ENT BAKING POWDER. airroctly kerparelby
ittlan=tfoureitt ft:gla r al t reflgirt i o i tt ;o_ _ y b rekattr
lean, sm•baclan. Mut mart wheloemoo, light am, nut* ,
r.a. bend, made truly 16.1 r Om men la two or throe min
ute.) Jarnallty end emmanY la MoltioX.dolakm...
mt.. why. puddiods. corn mewl, trweltwhont ad.% Pc
fiwill la tonal Aby adiendlOtt . M. W awa...Nth mcg
n) ott jam trial; tot/other with • ming of omeholf tha
natialgtmoUtrof Mater •adoemr. .ho. II MUM of P.: /b.
cf nom , it) • lmdrat, which to deetrofed by th• nm of
I aloe or temen. This Powder to intaloahlo sor toren..
eimmboata owl thaw who take loon Jour.), by Laml or
In. It Wing always nobly iod tumor Rom, It le tomi m
teorleely its theand. feotload Gad Ireland. and La mot to
army port of lbw world. lute rrer....ield by Chit lint
phi ra4•• to Me dystwptba. - hetne ow of driq.... pre.
entlogeottytipatkm oaf many:nab/dm reauttlan them
. . . .
.ltlTim Coterntralcel Patent Ilakllat Fkonler la' boat ' s.)
e: stbromel. by woo. of the Mu funnier of Pitt.
L''Pri.. Vie lwoto • boa, esokLch S. it lbw of Po..
.504 oy 1t... X. bellon.. Joetnto Itkodata mid N. N. Whim,
;lhgt Nall
' L ` rtg °i n r - -. 4.1 1
...7, , rt.m."''"
.ad 1i..... ii.-.1,17,.f.D,:;....:.1tr5ix.1)Dart:i
ea... Maki street (loot). Stephemwn. aware Pram Idol
Frani.= Nacelle J.. Bodablamb bl. Plate street) MG Mo.
nl'../4.m. Potalb at.l Meagre. Dyer X 014 AIM kl.r.b.thwarts.
?hyoll:otal o!hers. , .
'."'",'!!'"ltrde:llll.)WkadJ=.9alraytge.t. ; • I
aval3 H. •
• - - AtUbunth. .;•
:Veat rolory,. are br us. le as to Ore thn bola as!
. I.
"P'lM. 4/Yttit, a 'A'
nt an
1,-750 brie 110'3 large, 4851;
5.,,h, by taZaltittMlaCANDLEEt
Ma '
orkrik tiIIARES ferule, • _
tpli fiaquir• at the litl.i...kfzlgihnieskr . I
-4•21.- 0 1."4.• 3 .T
stitaii2 7. l,:f i l t ze r.
it Roosi - ilfd don corn bn 3 emaTorTmilebi
111 a2clz • - WICK *IIOCANIAASS .
1 11 001A , ATE--140 bta Boston Chocolate'
./for rah ny lanal2l_ WWII a KoIIAINDLINSS,.
4 61ALLRATUS- 7 -52 casks Dean's ran aby
!..2_ .1 , 4_ 12 : _ WICK 2 IIeVANDMIS
e 1 iIESSUTS,--ti brie for sale by
..) ...eels i _ • - WICK a MoC.LNDLESB
l iT ilidi Nii:VlVlST—'2.9 kegm for sale by
v aosisi WICK a 1214IANDLESS
triiiiP Seed, Crop of 1851.
UST received froni the east, one barrel
elf Neon turnip Waal or the beat Yarladles. and We .Us at
the need ntonn corner of Wood and Illotb moon , .
atntl2 ..
e GOODS--ti Biank t Coating;
I nye lame W. Bed Blenkttc •
re. Crib Bletatete.
t.. .T *blear s . teatizel To-thi
eeeeyng from the ism.
suel2 - • Altl i ltPUT Ara& Ithibertymet.:
fA I pirs_6 4) b x ,
it i l ilm egi 2 _ luau ecir
QMOKEDAIERUINGS-80 bin Lubec, in.
17 Atom for Paa by 4E1021 .1.941Att DICKEY• 00
bda My nice ZIO.17;
nr (annul 18•1111 MEM CO
TOBACCO-100 bze
nunt spinnful branda Vs and IN In stn, tar
tanal2i DICKICY k Pa lo
1/41EMynaE ,..
2 camas .graki •, GS--
I • 6 rams Moan.: •
bbl .torqatl4 .11/
‘.. cop 7,1 4 ‘..F. , by ' MAIA/111/10-IItY
Water rand rob4..°°.
‘ 1 11.104 . 1..,10 . N 4 , !fin loNATllll7.zilif
VlYagilll4,l2=r4ll: riht:E.27.
ttu 16th
UYillt-20 hhds, 1.1.0., in store and for
mull. • waif 3. B. commix.
SALOCATIIS —75 boxes,
ull • : T 1 DUs. store and for mir fir
2011 _ J. 'Lemma:
I ,II EAEILS-73toctirN o . 1. irt store and for
br -) .1 'teas
---tboxes cream;
-140 -man "cammo mr
onto . J a
" Potor Amex,. Va.. Oct- lett.
R. t;. 'eaters—Of year rermilleete,. I say erneoet
.beeitation. that haring. tteel it extenettetr ie r prank.
gar the kalif., 4 , 1 her yearsa..l think it decidedly tee loaf
onitattatioo or. tee Mud of oleeb I exec ally trbovelektp.,
.thbotlith bare heretofore oast theorm...too °rams.
other ioetititarereni T;yre •
Prepared adl told b: R. E. BiLiaa.s67 was
to web,. drusatirte Vearolir: nui
I.RDICI( --- ) AND hi - ADDf• - :
._ • . gbeiu
chaos iforallo
, Forrolol4 - , - Wit. BAGAIXT &
leant IV Wood 0-
1110,EPPElt, CASSIA,. &r.—
L poi boo Obek roliPM
• • la , do Plaorito;
Oa mon Coat*
1b MOO) WaodOt
QIIOT-60 kegs aped Nos., for sale by
avtgi JAMEA UtlTCAgeger C.
• Warrants.* nom &head sansaettr • *by malltis'
Aura.. and (orate by tb• quart nr bottle at
• • .140 1 / 1 /13' SEA MAIM
le the Malmo&
e additional
..Plkr yee'd by suacuratu
LEAD -500. igs Lead. to arri_re) — fria
1 / 7 .(aall) w. aF. 1111.90 N . .147 .s.
SIJOARS--650 bbl. Sm ,l ll Log,
2.g. Cawl,4 Pa...lend and MAUL far
• JAMIS23 *AMU-la:ION t
_ _
fi ß bbls. as 1 ceuia just
11_,P revolved sad ?ilea+ by (aM) J-B. CIANTIZIZ.
UCKETS-30dos. Dirinetla. In store and
sal• br (ant I) J. CARVIELLD.
VOTICK--The partaeralup heretofore ex
,/ beteg niacin. the am OIL A- Ware OD. IN!
Luis dor dowoir.o or animal consatt.
TOBACCO-210 boxes Richmond -Tobacco
sZr *77. syr.--11.11 "aisnkriptilV4l.
Sll TEAS -600 packages Fre Teas,
F r ULM arrivaleat Now Yook—omusfidu s
imperials Do
In hal/chm
aste mid mo—anor loading and Ernu Ds
PIA r WM. SAGALII7 101.1.
• NSW FALL (VOLA L ----- ..
• At Aim. C 2 4- 64 .3144e1 sired, PitlA4airh.
A. MASON 4 00. are now in daily re
Mai of ow goods. moor of which hays boo IS
lostod etyma,. kw their Wm. ogottsr with so Imams
rarfety sr choiso'=ostadsod oltb mot can teem tbo
I ttr,s,V:rlT's tn. u ""r=::=Vit h
1,11%44". gad lorierrt..ti" boTol2l"''
amt. 2=l - par.
, 13asals Is neuvelhdly solieltsd. "19
Embtoidered Flonncinga , .
A . mAgoN -1 CO. 14 je received
.' f‘ b% ° :en:Lt l vi g or4g Pl . F " .T = l gi b i= l .-
I , crloreoce..4 at 6114114 /Won at. aaira
IVEW-'.EbIBROIDERIEB.=—Just received
fried min "
hra t... - I.°ll: 2 br'id" l4 " -
Ababst of Workad lja=b7. - flia Camino., Lear and
nuAllialamor,Jaaadott sad farina Iliousalap of woo ntal
basatifai Nrinnry , Jammu and &rim &was, aaell Ituort,'
imoyaahlte...w itiaek Yana . Lao. ads, tt..
lion of th e Waal perUeolarty =belted to lba a a bove
am the saartmeat will be C0613d the latmerttaps,
oa , rea In this Owen A. A. II a CO.
• .
Mack ohair Mitts, dtc.
-fib, avows ariather imply or raparlar M alta
sal ack &Ms Dr.ora sad AMU. .49
barrels tbr sale kos by 1
T MID 01.1.—A lot of Barekhordt &
IA beet It' Pa. by (=Win KIDD &
30 reams snorted. for sato b 7 Y. MUDD 8 C O .CO,
CO Wood xt.
ANit for Bale by
J. [)UL
/lAMB 4;11,2-0 his Blow's No. for
k../ ale br acx97 •J. KIDD it 00
ale by ' fame] • • J. KIDD & COI
MON band
bi l in 7 Tll7lr4 aritiMati z ti x _' * " i ' dfr =
see • • WM. A- Ifotuuswa tOO
•arr 7 A my superior article kt ale by
jj Oft
_ALE—Pittabargh.Gaa Stock;
f i: 4!l2lr Street. Brklas 82o*
ant P"uliVarj= a •
IV A. A.M .------ "ED—Stooks of the Pittarelaks;
"r ath r e' rr i= Vilitr" n nen tr ""';
dna. ,
AI EF LNEL o sARS--10.bbla Lovering*
eruabod, palverhal, Wt.
sale at tbslonst rates. by Om bane cr
Warran t
• • a .l[, N.J. _ .
Thia Company le jimmied to to rah& a raryl7 or thrri
rens* . r.‘,'
: . 'ZINC PAINTS, 1 • • ,
;- a Whlela have beonfirand altar metal_ Two' trial. Lath SO
z; :::1,?4:44v1„:=.t. "urn'
t fr attr °' otlat i i
paint whatever. 'Their • ,
warm ZIN , .• '
111 purely mt Orile ant,- and C b
warranted tow Erma all
adultmytk. .11 imparity or tonwo•ree. it mem ••13.1s
beautifully white, and le •uttrelLtreo from the polatmorm •
Caireivatrs :12.14="" !40
'"'" to
When mooed to mlphainna or mephitis exhalulaor I
0000 when Mot op In a d,.. nem. L. an otimithe tet.
it wittotarate a mutton diatom and the weather r
than any othertust Wog Nab,. to tarn chal or to
ennoble amt rth. off. it may tw worio• Wi th m ky 1' mkt. '
boltedar mot size. or with rartilah.ivhiM erro coo' col.
• porcelain Irdatt.
Thice aro. forolahul tin low primiand tr• andbabbigT
tha cheapen and best pat* In Um markot tot magma
ofs. koring. best vat*
or a s ! ovnassi rot ,
Mee of wad. brim, mi. or im, so thrr aro both ' .
• Fix too. Nutmeg thay are kluobl. miler . .
form • galrask eon/maim, and =their toMot t=
Moe. they dry ;salary; and having. • po t s =MUM
do not theta+ voice D (• and
rtm mtg. pus. poor
.Doolm apptlid Onlilloril: rims Eby ,or *
• 10 coyFE E _ pagaitm d
weep' a
:by . tortol_) J.. 5. DILWORTEte CO
IICE—X tee rice for wale by _ -..---
__ed - 3. a onwoetll eco
li 0 TIE 11,-6 bble roll butter forgets by
aog7 • J. S. D1LW02.1114 CO
u> o f
omit. u. L ebo of oirrobsem to
tr surortrosot or tbo ay.* o.u, =4l=4 and
az u rtr. Ablo—lvaczbT it* md. of nif0aa.......,..V1dt1.
on asecattoool /ran tub M at Att -- " ... ---.'""!
FFoxBEILE—An excellent FAMIL Y
• -aagt, "NM. of tiltm
____oooo,iiA &rant tit
addltkmal dtek, sad nle br
. W. mum .
gr-101.--i BdLANC for detecting niar
1., Alseninut coirt..ol. dames nal low. This Is a
remodel. and Weallßola /11 Wiwi= For
angs - _ W. W. w/LSON.
G OLD A line assortment of the
text talk* phrsys co band, nod warraat.d. •
aoss • •
W. W. W/ WON •' •
AR-50 bEds: in store and for eale by
MIMI DICK= 2 00:
131 F& &W 11
15&001._26 tierces
j~ICEfor site I_7
N.. 0., or sale
SODA d 3 • -14
Taj or sale i zu w
ks Canvassed, by
iFTS. TURPENTINE -30 bbla. in fine or
b Jurr It W. by J.MICONIIIALCA t CO.
P‘9SALTS-10 - 66 fW._ 1. ea
L't ME Y- ' kegs (onorted) - sopetkr : to
jr4 that umallr leold in this marks4for
J. Ei.C4OO=&W, & .
t EAU---I°D4 ' •
!COO Arsall_bi_
.ug• . Ban
SUG A 1C) hhde
1 ' 7"4 " prime N 0 •
N. store
MOUssEs.46obole Plantation; (oak;)
• '
a 4 by JAM 40 StieMsiciu•llao4r.
HEMP—OXI. bales bliuoari Dew Rotted,
mut fin. ad. br JANES A HUTCHISON CO. •
INS.EMIL— 200 gslls for as/elrr
44_11E4- J. R 1 CO.Ol • Wad at
6 1 . 7 :1CKSILVER lbs. for sale by
'46 .44 EIDD a CO.'
1 . .
V . mr.aa i I "k 4, *
1101 br .ER ALAP-150 lbs. (t tpD )flesile
ALERATICIE-6 tons ins an d bbls.
fixr Pas by . H. DALT= ON 4
fl MESE—PH') W. 8., for ode by
lout R DALZELL & OD. 1,11..t7.
16 bbla2L Louis !tom clarlMd ihrs/c
• tir4
ICE--,_90 ticroea r im e Carolina, for ale
J.X TWIST TOBACCO-104 kegs.No.lj
kj isst teed sad Iv .w by
at.e. lIARDT. JONVI 01 •
bales Tennessee, in store sad
1.) foe ale MILADY, 403/Ca a CO
:' • Pine Watche.l777" --- 7
I'PEW very auperior Gold Paten •
lavvr Rate reel wrim'
womb an. Witooll4Pookot Chrwaso.aw4 boas.
131 W Watt: dooblo mud dant! al" Nal* sad
axweaved. of varioao stele!: atal st
/TM: • Va. I Mart:Mar
„ Waft oww.l
B ROOMS—SOdoz. 6
139 T ASH--. 10 casks for sale by
Shirting and
Arah:4p 4 FrlnELDlATreeeth.ll
Putehabsd dined, from tho roe.
=UV: 11111 Li: sTrugl fi tel..
noz#!art =A of Fowl,b 4^.Ay
sepnui •
win to pbrehawat faarotabla isles b
A. 1411.WItill CO. . .
---7 , --- .
• - 5 Itemize
,iTRAYED O 1 STOLEN f nee the Ware.
tiirart:Dtiev.iati.,um a atoll
i EL=
Any pir.ria ratornait a
do, allaa gsceln r.
wal,l-.42 querties• vill teir, • •
E a Mall&
1714 • ' ' • . • • Zio. US Wawa:tut
Ohio and Pcaineyl7l;di
f r i .. 1 . 1 1 sifter MQNDAY, AUG.
Lux" rirnsausua l n - A. M. OW
WAY nix, pu MIL/
yes under twelve year, age. ' ;
77! rittb.rib alcl tlarmlie. •
• —•fladea f
•• FVONMI3: "
• Alirltrennias tickets Zirre li tOid at e '
Pltatnuirb Itabtater. ta sar
teak, tba tame
Between littaborgh and Ziff Ittlettqa >tat t
•trttl not ran as Sauk,. CA
B lamed an fatuttlai will be ractlr.r
itana7. •
The Wilmot will be attended bet nod Ny .
tartnet araatkabl! dtr.
!I .— twerp
from Philadelphio
klitr NT...Qr. Mea Apr
. SHENANDOAH. Wm. P. tianlloerll.
- SPEOPE, Nathaniel nun.. )1 .4*.
• 1161,L1N,Alfedy Simms
Th. abg.liAgriVtiAli'f'd".ll,:,-21,1"
i l +7 are g!:lat faii744:l2li
flier an eaminiaadeit b men of settint a ant i
anßnaV 6:1"1117= i f " . 12.1M
Itianz embalm affair. offs t,. ebb
itoptel ntlghttobOt tlitereart=4
ET:T: re lam
2 jstite
mob tre supply tlfama a el kn• Ll stooling end mom
, t aLmiLt b it nlgiort
• ai,Preetal-ian 11 teVb:iteir
aa=th areta y ..lAA ie A TMI Pame
7r.7iffrr Week 111ihnOrt, ;UPPU.i
I.:Tit=Mt, ATIII=Vi7tI44:
iteettiV A n d! ard=76l7:ll
N 0.37 %hot Fter.t below Beetrr.d. Litt ,
exoy,i4. Walia
Dunkirk and lb. Erie liailnAd. condo*
elasa wasiner• an Late Yr* the lifeldazaac
Columbus nal Cincinnati. Cleveland and Pith*.
randultr and Cinelnzati Hailreadkral Adam
°blot an±_lalitalz derv. and Onet
8 LE.S.Ylf.tvuintic A 8 POLLIAr
.. (eundanrt-
Ld Morning XAltol • xares Thin at 6 o'doet
'24 0 - 10
• &I Inning Edam Zir,
Tha Mall Train stops at tildira, who., Dumf.
!jeep 7 bout% and tate I .4eLsodwaTrat
toritneat tottning at sleet. malong wbola
- Tte . ra - afillebt..d Cattle Train friar; &!
4 41.11. dalle; • fbeantror Car la attached to tbn
aegamsoftle Ws Pawnor, and Drovers.• ••
Airfare frt. to New pork. 13. Pot.
Poles will be dna lit a tow daft - -
ffeTlabtaW'all lindat=eat =WI!' attentkna vitl
to wit to Snot. ''77.
ding 0 fad wid Oda dila mote add adtanti
111111.01 r tangy • In then ttopertatkot
fir Additional 11aln• will to pot to remain.
very Awn time.
Freida Tali& will be distributed. Ithi.rt
las In rceud to the adds of freight as soon as•r
i. re
bwapared. - CHAS.
dam. Dunkirk. 111 •
Bzeursicak Tickets to Seaver, 25 ea.
T f„fel - rran tanrits.i4
• kers their latellnes at Pittabollt and P.c.
chest.; 81.7 dar, (Sunday. etorptadt . a• foliage
l a tregAn
. 1" ; o" " :17 g!'"
Persons elithorto go to Bente eau nroArs ' . sta
Metals to Roatutstar and took la Pinot - oral,. hub
'Pietas I[l.l Syr d i n t doe day and up ths lamb
Far Sikes .I . . nr onboard tha As:ambush. riles
`T .NTr i .eit r sa ss : ant.erp .
Car. Water k Sanithaskl wt. mimes-,
• ;• • 26 HOULBS TO CLR 7rliT7
PA, Packet and Railroad ifor to CU!
SSENGERS ] cove every zOominf
doh:vb.-by Annals:el to Bower, throat, bra •
ostsal=s to Ravenna. thanes tiy Pittsburg/mod
@Fan to Cloraistel. SOX • _
• hoes; So
c tirral 67(9
Tleksta Onto thumb to .
ti is Columbus on& Seals.
)bar Chreland and ciaq
CI nl. artaT ' a DctnA retilog 4
..camas of 2dichigan Ventral Habroad Co. for.
thanes( at 73i de1:e.t.a...11, bt h Ealtsuad to •
Do.tiai'Ter4"inValo tr ''' „er,ttis tstV ,
nalii.St.inst..l Valens. Ell ' tat Piaui n5a1. , 19
1. tloksts Or lobtrzostion arab. t o '''' CU TL
JOHN "Ai csuatirr;.: ( imi
•• PlPentirs) corner./ Botittbald and Wrti arse
' • -.runs
err Ecs aco a : rov.
'MEM_ Mal
4.OrD cm/ALI:
ZCanaI Wig injood order -- eni
gß,v,„flfoozoare <Ulu, at ttrl a
t m um
&Kitt: Nit...l itrA .o %l tiro t r Ito
of *NON trooNalttett, and .11 flOtri4o.
EM"" IIA.Y'S a BLecx. - t ,
_ .
‘. Cu,.] DAN,, Penn moot, liwonfol
.I*ring Depot, Non. l a a tit C .
Ar. fr4/3.lNetta.
- PAU .111311170:141, !,
PIA Broainstille and Oimbertand, to Battint
• and Philadelphia.: • -7
' abdra th• litidge. daily. at o'cLea'ateelady.
arc with the am at. Vuatherthod swat Wanwid,
'Th. With Btwt haw. dap/ iethept saoday *nab
at 6 elnewthectna with the - care at Cumber/mad a
evening at oet
Time agltio atithaate;=batswt. Fare wall -
phnadmig.*, Fan aid/
The Itaticetal Sad t s mor geol. o...loctore iro
. the (bath. tetweett Brawl:avid. Ccuaberlasui.
althea Ltde deeidetUy the twat toots
J. Aweat.
air= Mae in the Mocarneadelalthaat
Maga . - 1851.: 4
e -Aggi
_ • _
gn t 4 Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.;
Paoriturroft ;
a PA:
ata welt known Line is now r i med I
c u a IM.liVa l at lest C0..1
re. OcILUSpg tho LAnoso onsorporol uttombovt-
Hy. mad I:mufti of &Mk onostork,l of Corrtdoo."..1 pj
Aron of
. Ono Dostlaiii• minions nal inersiaas doSty,rol:nli
kk en tiLtui .. Lloo of sonattosto Uptown PIT;
u..1.11411'd '"' -
!wNtre t ,:th , th+td....b.5....,
ivtieci4 x 4=. o . : • •
AL EL To Var. Worms, Oi
a. N. Lurk.. Ammo 0: • s '
elm*. HAMM& . • 5
Rana a . Co, Itatooos._
Ifn&P.Z.M'h j.
Can 4: 1 4:
Porktuat 153:1, a M 1A
I :4 zriTza•Co. k iiDocroi uk-wLi.4=4
Om A. filbb&N„
11."4""4:k5J 11.VnAtifilfir -
tol lrotof and Roalthflok. na:Alueoiob t
Arrangenund Made to Forward FAlght
RAIIA°4II____("PANY TV) ViVi n atril
Jrzl Pau. u.a W 11.714,11
..• AU IF •
r. ;recur.
• - WlltafeeUllY & CO.; - •
Lzlitudly on haze .ygn - .u.eription of MUM aact
i o l v Ar d lVAltl wd ti IntW OLAF& lisrP3
m. undendoeyd, thli day oweitiitoi
his as..lotlN sr. MC ULLIO.III ...rem. maul
ebuism :1 3 thhttasf•d i.
r ani.r the rlyle t : WX..164 ,
V ia& astd . sret *Ur i am to tit uality- ea+ = i
awed herwtaxixt. • - • WAT IreCUT.d. ""
/7 Mat • • '
- I Ten . Dollars ward.. -
OST, n Th
ta Ererday evenin Re
g rut , either :tithe i
Theatre or me. the Thaan, Gnat' Ana;
oug fifth. Iltolth6V Thhd steers. m /Vela? ' •
LET or roar MON2I oonta.iee awn WO Ta,t
mod soma paws of ea a ton to the ovum .
to this Mat;
The above Tread mill bmpabd to Vance mill ramie
V1NE042,--L.30 gala. Wine; -
io 6blailda: far-a:Our •
wad J.D. WIT r ma. &12LA ,
jdSHBOdRDS-25 doz.2:Er sale tifr
__lry • =Est J. D. WILLIAMS & CO.
.47,)... blallorz . 1
.... d. awe , . .ad In good odor, Theo ft:
JOILN IL Kii14,04 • bi wcod gout. '
Patent INuallestieb. - --, . - '
ag No.llXuicot 4.4 samba , lot or Patent Cana..
woks, • am . onlel.• al promtmor.4 IA ~ 00n0.,..g ..,...•
h m — modvezr.:,rtzt'r , th.--bil.T.— .
. . ..
._..„..______...:________ :
- - ; Black Tea from LiymooL. i
. eboiolt LOt of Stgogessgt hay Miami OONGOU
• übleh upon trial gall to 4..1 to go • little shad 1
Of gag 1i5e1,,,,L. Thy Wile aro forged t.c.. i
1.0...4:., wads ang gootctt pelvis la p •
Omen 7 .m. lingo of Tom lb*: walla ttg t
014 tn.
illtittltibriA TEA SETn . - 6; ----- , -- 1 0 - ST ES. i
CumilastleCaolelabrae. Tni In,* la„ . _
_s•ltt., Plnud . i
dt• 1 =01k• DANIEM. / . : 1.0 , 4 91:11.11kr 1,017 AMMOQII U..
art, 6, 4 ; 0 ,,,, 0drt T.1 . as. Lain. gam TOogregnig — ilieias , 1 ,
..,3 u, omse, ..4 . coed sum.= Waal" no brand, Au th• '
iove st rim. IV. 'II .M.IL,SON,
01. . - ELM' tatith.l.7 Maim amt.- -' ,
INSIED OIL-14 biTs:fot—EaTety—
noc . 4 140 Rut ea, It holatieratut tr
Amid for PUtiotntrilt.f
.I.IOEkSWAX VIANTED-Thehi,'gheNtimoe .
PIT grariaLli*OJ
- . _