The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 16, 1851, Image 4

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-..:.--agittni., irrilarititAitli. ' . 3±ollßE.' .
• i;" , . 4.) - i4 - .• • -•;,-
We:/'g't,Talher,-,,,, geed elatfite Other day.
14'10.,`-iiilindkltl(intsy leap In -oneteliing, , we
cannotrefinin front repeating. ' - .
' la; the gool'',..iri this 'county,
Wan and atilt is en ex cellent inn, which in "court
tittle". was frequented by Judger; Literere, lad-
Clan, - ithd :nrofr: ':: -'• . ' ' ''.. I '
.„ ,JpOrtioneoccation; jedgellL----- .- , is eouhd
IL 12,5511 Iss he was an inveterate humorist, was
bildlogli - cattrt at ' Raleigh, Several eery dif
ficult cams werfinhe tried; one of which having
teen submitted ' i ll the:evening: :the Jury were
`Escorted to a roomin =Adjoining building Con.;
Domed with the inn,' and fMailarly 'known to the '
habitues as "Collier.'"ln the same building Were
also lodged,a number of young disciples of Sleek ,
stone; who cemPetentted themselves for their,pri
ofezdenal %Wm We friendly . ganoretthe cliatiel
amusement o..l.Polcer.'! Their crestuee coteforts:
we,attended;holiy tione•eyed'negre who rajah",
rd,trt'Ae,,rottoe Of "'lake' It semi that thin,l
funiiimerry had some trouble with thejttry,Which'
remated„in. the introduction a his" bigot to the
'" i ' ' ' 4:l° the other hand, "Jake'." waSti special!
five4te With: th e iota% lawyers, Vihri . paid.:
liberany,lind -, for whom he entertained a cur -.
retipenditigregted, tinder =theseciraultstarces .
it !, , woultinot be a matter of doubt se 'to which
paitY.Was Mat carefully waited ori; by the sable
mercenary of gin and juleps - ..'.. ' .: J 1
Judge. B.—, in the mintime. , wsi lodged
' in the main building of tit totel.'.With him, also,
Jake was a:favorite, andafter hellmi,'Ottelodtd
the examination' of tom p apers ! he
. the attendant with en es is La whit . theyoting
gentleinee , were ‘ dolng.: . -••- -
"Kottio. elest4:l lo lti l 'o4' a little game of
"Eb! tbat'sall!" , ,
"Yes, est! dot all!". . • • _ ..
"the young scamps& hey ought tote attheir
boots! a - nice-way to ' tire their cases! To=
morrow some of them will:be asking me to put
off trials, because -tile h ave net time to got rea
dy!"-grumbled the ji •"I say Jake, can you
get me n.pUe'ef bricks." ' 1 ..,
• "Sertinaudges_..git pan of bricks-old oven
' brake-get beta !' . , '. ...'
. ' .Vely well -go bring a pile into the yetd.".
.1 ,
'lts, sah!" said the obsequious darkie; and m
inivihoit - time he , returned with;the assurance
that the, blithe, weremady. k' I - ,
The Judge accompanied him to the yard.' , i...
1 +Now, Jake, tell me which room those fellows 1
\ ski ifir.;'. - - _-- i _ I
V . Oat de room, maisa! dot room!" b u t the cum-
4.l ning uegro, itustend . tof indientingthat, occupied
:by the lawyers, pointed to alarms in which the '
InnoffendiugJorers irereJadeliberstiOit. .', '
' Ohl ho!now, Jake, dots 1 der" and suiting
the action to the, word his honor .comufeuMd
• pouring a perfootatonn word . his the
:morn of the .suppeeed delinquents. Bengt bang!
'they went, Jake's Ittissilta 'perfaimingno secon
dary part in the Mucert, until Om pile was en- ''
Imasted,and the Startled Allyn:ten began to Ito
: &gine themselves asturthd by a each of the whole
mint '' Still they could not escape,, but huddled !
• _together, bore the assault.
On his aids the :Ind to unconeious thst
he boil been '; - ge' totall y
stoning Ale o Jurymen: was I
chuckling over. the dt..ey he -
imagined he h a d' ,
brought upon the leviers... , ' , i
'They did not:helmet as h expected, vamito
themmiles,ttad he prepared fora second bom
;lntim Mealtime; Jake, convulsed with laugh
leirlind gone to khe room of o lawYent. ,
.."Yithl.. , yeti. phi" scream the negro, roll
big in hitighter, " dye hear ' ? did you bear
. t-..tbd bricks? Walt a little ! beer more,"
../ audits proceeded as clearly id his eacidurtitory
I pnrozystes would allow him, to explain the mis
• , ~ into which he had led his honor. i
I.lle bad Scarcely '. Withdrawn when Judge I D.
. summoned him to collect anether pile of tricky,.
Whitt was forthcoming as readily' as the Stet:
. . ~. Thesrime tornado' visited the astonished jury:
' but.the sante result followed, for the very geed
reason that they conld not get out if they worth'.
• . The Judge, supposing them the gamesters, was
proportionablyarritated that he could not break
- . up theirTlY, •- • ' .t '
.'Jake! , ~ 1
-• .. "Yes; esti"' .'_ ' ' ' t
. . "Brion : another pile of bricks!" and, ones
• ''. • nitre these formidable projectiles were laid be,
fore - him:. . • ' -
-"Now.-Jake, at'
the he windows." ,
..Stoosh 1 . crash ! whiz! intg I they went, and
glais. ashes, and evelythin else gave . ersy, as
brick after ; rick.peietrated the jury room. The
fortress was no longer tenable-the laws cf arms 1
justifird a capitulaPon, and rgenetai flight took
trafertimately, the 'Judge; in. hie. reef:And
writh, : -.neverithonght of liinking; his retreat.
.... , and as the jurors were camping,
_imagine their
horror se,diatanrerbitif *heel the learned ladge
' himself Via Alai.? Assi.flanß, and had h e at be
geeing them dining thanight'After. this extra
judicial fashion. Too late e judge found out ,
his udiboke; and, petrified With -astonisherent, ,
Iti afeed"....detehtel with li ' hand raised in the '
ii i.h
' . attet hurting a brick thro r gh She--windows of
the jury room:
:- ' • Great anti' the coufarion E_That Judge
1 , elipold do Binh a thing! Theca high fonedort. I
. 4 '- arY should no far compmmit the decorum of his 1
' elarzeter,• - :the r digeity ofl ffi
his oce ! It could.
. . not have been ermined, had it not been seen
. , ,- . --but, unfortunately, the,iJudge - was detected
I ...1 - • inflayronte delido. -• • 1 ' ' - •!
'• r ,
The only way lefewnito make a foil mina
. ' tlim, and this the - Judge did with many a mut- '
tett , / malediction on Jake,Nrito.load "done"' him
so completely,:and wale him the means ofelca.
;-ing accounts with: the jury. The lawyers me , '
.. nifmently rewarded Jake; 4POI I whom the Judge
conlci net trey well take vengeance_ without ad- ,
main his. confederaii with him. ,And Jurors ,
, . ever afterwards 'were - careful of drawing the,
wrath of...that dusky:dignitary of Copier... , ~
' The Judge acknowledged he was belliar an d
. . . interferred no more with his young lawyers, at
_.,there giunes of loker."--Ifear. Enquirer.
_ _.
• • ,
B*zcari-"Tintromemb.t2 Dr:Rooll ur t..l4t 7.e.dd/ .
ttr „
e CI be
kte tined ••MO for !".
bill: Do yon thin' Seal ever fargetlbst!"
."No—sertaiedy not," said Janes- .11 1 1 a, did
'yen - aver - know how he irse4sepssatea t fermi his
- Mire!"
best her ones."
- 'of •
."Bi7ido you know roi what!". ,
"No; I swam he jealous." • 1
"'Nairobi' of it. It wooallaboat his breeches!"
"Whit, she wore thein, the?" said I.
"No; the scat them ,to'him one day at a lec
ture. It happened thaa ' •
"You know old Poits Was dismally eiodezdrie.••••;.-
Ile,vtu the most absent minded man of my ao
iMeiritante, especially Wiwi be was called upon
to pay. anything. Will he thought nothing of
going withirathis dinner, or his gloves. ITS was
A very .stingy man, midmever had bat one suit
of Clutha: the tame time. However, meeting
lairealtif one day he give erder for a pair
bfbieeches, whicif were, cent, home unknown to
ihedmior's wife. Haring to lecture that morn
ing, ha put his new buss on, and left his old
Mots on bin library Oak. Boca after he had
P. entered the library; she saw
the breeches, and at once catioluded the doctor had
gor the lecture,!scss.erslottre. Patting the
tireechai up ms parcel, she, tolireTtint the Pm"
sibilityot mistake; took it ...herself to the lec,
tare'rooin. :Giving the permit* the porter, she'
.told him to give it to the doctor immediately.— ,
Stiihrself then went home: The doctor was.
lectritong to a fashionable assembly on the won-
Mins of chemistry, when the parcel was put into
bin band.,..he his wife/was in the habit of send I
hog diagrams; s.e.; which be had left behind hip
the doctor ctmeluded this waasomethingeonnect-.
.*1 'with bla`leitian,Which tailiad forgotten 'lei
therefore Operiod it •beferetheandience, and to
• hiti,sitinidainerri and lediguation, displayed to:
ihthemOoll his cast-off lnexpresaiblesr - . •
-The uproar which followed: MumelletlhiM AO'
4'Ocroolaile his lecture immediately. Rushing out,
laiwent home matbeat hie, wife," - •
antITO. NETI3,-Blne White &d to
ivaaPar & snwarrna.
amide= V of .EBRANGINOS-4. large seeeremerm
- . 'ma Jums rar 11=1: m stepson'
IA kerel;
I 4 bbla. Treat...
• -
T r r 1 •
- ycf;-.1
-= • br
V,..A.NLILES-40 I boxes Stan ' .
1 ,„ 0 - t „,:*
• - Jett ;- * a.
Noted tot Three Prime Articles! !
2101 MIR IN. ALlND!—Moins' Tce MeRTi
~. ,17 1 . 1 1 i In the Mr tauten tarnellthe • •
.D D et N BRANDY iin Plitel3l2l3: .
tarr ultr r Artend utt a l Its poZy!. 4l,4l , P": =l" ° d
seringre Crashed "
.and Pulver
TEAT P• 4111 , 1011A.MSf
4.1 wiper,
_ at pty squaF4.4lttgriertvad.'aeut palling of
*: CIitEASE- - , 15 bbla. for sale by
fj➢il 351 16'caeka fur rate by
• ..-AriolEEE—llb . sackillreen ltio, forams by
37 1 11: ,,- " A. exulewrsoN aW.
,7,fi10nA.0304-100:. boxes Maxittfoctute4„iff.
OTa —4,,,lska•Puret for sale lip
I 8. D 1 bwormit a CO.
blit-..-SAelled, for sale by - •
B,DIVWO 1.1 31a M..
00K, .MUSIC, &.c
asw tea.
HN KLEgElts•lfo . . lol Thir4 tlkeeß dasj:u4 .
Tba.{4rofVol VEt l, •!' •
l ke bOinir due Wilt • '
ded A
Thanb ast ng o ..l bi/VL ' d; WeWMa , 7 7 ! ,
wpligta •
Ratiggr.iikt,7l.lllll,llll7o:4}OLLlEN lIAIP.
-----"-"--"---rmEco.A.l9eS' MAGAZINE, 'No. 8; or
p.mco &VG at Mr} bl•Orgra
wa tomet tot,
cwrz . p.o.
LC•nr •
Just Received._
ST: a Problem; ' reprinted With 'corieci- • M
addittssun try the scalar. of 'Alton Lerta:
• .
of Clsopftra:Clayen et-Egypt'rbyqiedb Abbott:
• • •
Caleb NM; a Tale of lbw Ant:ant lltwa. man
• liambarr. • Tala: by Annan. Lr!rly.sntboF of .fyiando
and larYna.
IDpAtoaru.=.lnlna _ ionn
S tWas. .
Byrne?. Dtellanary of Mishnah F.lyana Watt and Zn•
lamellar ".
Lcmg• a , Pictorial riot: 13;:wi in: it.4.idti.:;: . g
UanClTplav sad Mt& II Warp With 20 Lid;
by try fit IL. Hibbard. at YaatunemOnsaa•
moor ednal by Daniel P. Kkldar. i , J You, yana•.•, ••• •.• •
• for sale by • •-- • _ _••• • •T• ar•Au•
'drS 3 : r:BAbalbillabaubas. Vow* et.
BW Boon.
ODPBEY MALVERN: . or Ilie Life of in
BC/tdadua =kr. NFlttk twatinrdbar D-
Varela attnlnitad'Etales, le diming ISI9. Ind 1851
71.adrZinaudine Antart Warrlay. .
R .
o. Idof Imataa Irbur sn4 1.10d012 Poor:'
above booko just reed and Mx an/
, D. G. Frocur mt. bluket
rip OCIICSINO:33 of .B . pzie'etp*oluiry of
r=jl 4 l . 4A2 l .:,'`g**(t.;•=id*ill.. 4 *
1"' 3 ". ' *rtmt or ca.ka .4z:14.5124* ,
Poet nett lad he
ate by :J. L. Z4D. apad.
' • • 78 Apollo Thaldiao. /aural actkca:
taken az *cabmen.;
. , r',7 New , lensit.': . _._.- .... -,- -- '.,•-'
01W H. MELLOR,: No El fW . itredi,
. a. received aston s wth► ;ei sEcaa!= 'Or.' or
Vara.rell If /TV 1 1 /e , .di - • . . ' ` ' '
Wets Elentlosestal..o7 Pao= .'. .• , •
, 1.4 Eon; .art/Mao. b/ Ilonsalr, . -, •• ! .
. Carotrol a Venle.l. by 1 . 0./. ' .
• i De Mad to the loved oacc •
Sam/ Liars 11//onbaloil /0 11 .4 : . ; - • •\
flettroadlng,..../ Behocti=s4 •
1 Inkoan 0/./ ls .
i Vd otter itko. /Manua
• .11/ home ittrrs sa4ll=Li ,
, j l/Tro are W as ' lrloodi or in o 'tb• - , 1
, DeWitt* ess/K • - ... ' frh: O irArns; '
rjet t airt ß egfiL ' ILIT Ilipa ~,,.,,,.„
sailor Bar. 0. 1 L.. r ./. - : - ?A It .* , w 7 O . i4za k atom
'•W. Is but a .w. : ! -,.'
Call me pet wow; - Woull 1 vere with Ow.
.load Luck haws — - ' rrced itu/shoo Palbr,
V7bsto so 1/3/10!..1.7.m : rail, •
~ ....
laritilciwis„, ... :a itik..
! cinczarfuis tualoa-4 irr unr• Roth ••• •1.32 d
...tarrlvinit• " - .
NEW13.0016314EW Nob!
trut motto the Poet Otkee— • : .
gl s ary ° a ger.bal i er.A. 31... 4
Diseka n . aIW.• r • ,
.I= o Maro•.,i,; ia t
The Adventure. of Pull Paglit:l • l3l6 Ikon
lb. Denrolus Of Libburr by '
rest,.''V4ble • byte sothor t of
ma•rw• a • esior • Book of the 11, -
i b ragrakS• a b laV " u r s'
...Rens: or Um Soar • We er ilia cu4on
ETCH.Ato . • -
Tbs tiler of You V. sew* st.lfbe
. !WIN Et t li m ° `.=, by Stir
Ylreossre. stomety Nauthne. 3alTr-Na
Treta`lr.t=. "
_ /7:5 •
usim. •••. ig
RE SPIRI LKA. coinposid by IL
y....... area &Weald to ptegtulp II Fader. of this
• • ,
_,Terlf. Walt. urusixd by et: S. 1.4 77 4.4
2 32Nr a firb =lnt . "' UM U o '
Doley Jones. with varlstlagu. .
The' Autumn of oce YR. , . azo
Vio Alß llin, a taw Wadi. of Vorelks Mods 0 34 1 :11 Z" Flat.
te. • - li LLISSKS:IOI-M4 , 4
/..3C. • - .. Mon of *rumor Mo. •
. P. B.—A roloarld lot or nw PIANOS sum coming.
Oo• very eaad wevedisiandL II oda* Plleteike Nile. • •
tom M n ArgaVc=grig ,t2 j , r , = .
Ilittbinglt:o=7gs= slcor
Van' *mu,
of t tb l. i Sdcri i e i s s m a M o c n a m S l M e t M rtt bu ,s r
. Im V M B
7otimlafume tml=.:Ae=M
'Emmet th. Times from U. • -
Tim above Talustio 'ratio for Ws by ' •
4•11, . ProCICTONAT Minim% it,:
Hula for the Bloomers. .
,111X-BER,IOI. Third street, sign of the
beentlfol trines of O. NOM= 'lobed no
de, tho patronan sftb,AlomeQaomltloyi
• :fI".LLI QUICK. 5fllP. - Yew
tonere tea:Mitt air of ••Nally .01 a 144"
101131 IL sio,l,m,
0 Cbteketbar• Plums. ti A=t
awl Wane= Postastivaals. Whilffoc•l•b.
ba• reeal•ed and co. opeolattlt• M
umtaz •I•bant woodman of Plabowle. Varl••.=rolpfbar
atanobotary,,at Ma Cbleartl=OrtO _,......
1, 11, "., . •' : - Pl m aL ,
,d a t,t : k -,:-:
' Ihro " " • masa CC '''
Tb. above Pluto bates at• 01.W...t0rt Mks a ( .r 3 •
Am* and vim all W. 1.21.1 et • I.l=labota nun
, prices laratiably Um saw as at Wing tO
pa•dassoal la OA. Maas tb• oaratr and zl•i a tans
• . AL/10 107. Ilatfi .
b., flogwood Carte eX tam ri...ts in.%
agnr=%Vef Itaftlitctiari a an
one '"' "
Om sit-taxa "- ebblterlag. a• Pat a. itlfl
Oa• twat t tams; •
" " Load A BrotherC
Ow " Dubois a beabarf:
On .. ' 34 ."
klaabattsa tb•ta9.7
Scarce andikairabla floods,
IVha VARIOUS STYLES opertAis morn.
raPol BMW •••IW:•.uttair '
/Wind==s Ilvited to Naar w t telrims4k
We, win main,. today as todialrM, Tode
1.3 PALMER' tin Stud rewind a mai dvalatT M.
IdAdnadß eei
HaleUr r
e traw. l u fa pd t metdhe &a
107 •
Goods for Warm Weather.
iftpEty BURCHFIELD. at the North
tut carom . of Fourth
no w 4 r.b m er, !ad. y ou.
.ith couch
Embroa , m 9 VP l g inusthar
Tluty ban tt. 'waive d soonAg it Nf t r a cra.9. ,
adenleeni, Dotted ?Ai
far rj. jkleVinAntilkflaLgrtz fr u e n
Milt, •.
Tbdr amentru.nt Wag v . 17 toll. vim coarLint saw
o( ow roods, sad wad lidgeramasu
n. geßors4 bibtirprs to call awl mast, ikNrFilta/.1.
N 25 • • ,;
Straw `Bonnet eau/ list Wsx,,
'No:105 Maisse Semi,
14611LPAUMEB. offers &ink, at very
m. fete.:. fall smart:ma of Straw and DillThr
nranur 3-44:relco daterlam plel - sell baff
Strimr,ard 4 .ChiAthnlh
ALATS?Per:, Tiadbe. susi 147, Lelboreh
Sr)linee=ZSZLO7.64 great ran:
‘ 4T RYBITAIk lk.amrtaa Sts;t, 014311.2111 anti tif
(Km Otykitho ad rotors. 9.-7.Q.1.• and CrivOspr
4. rs—ra 1410.1 ‘ . o3ta arol sa!st
a:maw rzwirstLics—cridLir.w.. zuttc.s,anis6;
3- 8 - e irmeb Amedirs.ftrits.bastebil mid
."LaVvroritiro. dm tiii•
kloream. sad attar aro!..issortd
'y i4TlNS—Aaioeta 41=1 111 . 1
Alw—litkb End larprksdlPseasall as& thavn.W•au
Ulf o m.O byre reedvad Ike plams Dane ma
t TortlieV Nreoth ClObs, af *good quality. bo—
Dash.Ele: Ayr Homew •••tx. I 1
i 0 URNING ALPACCAS—Iight is body
AIL ctli ilrg./..g . g= 81=ri67114 "1:.
ar .. .Aim oun liocul•—• full agrarusieut to br fousd
so t of IlUal'lllf I BURCILVLY.I.D.
4 41=. 7 1'Z' WITS: ck:d...
odanto4.l.o mile:wan Wear for
moat Miro in Anierioan. ninals t t th esn e VEnot
=eon ',sty snicodid anortainot of Testing% Clotho
of issmfostoonstao shone and Won ishleh a arr i l D ift
tttrigi d jiiiiii s s =" uf 1 t lrs Is% °:.: i a bon
m.o. wort °Tao Alloghlien allot winch en Pinlifiiibis
t bo i tioi:,sii,Lnal irelir.oting.pflorigs
I V mirso m ii .. .ll
COnnion is ookist this establllosot, Int AMM iho lois.
est onions in tho -dlr. - • . . . . . .
nil ordsinlnttio Tellattat Llnagrueste& u oral, to MI
ben wed* muneronui •1. Um durannotte.. - ~ , ,
moor ocoostmtly vins LL Slew Stock of
o=pria.s b. p.m. takrwing
• °AMTS.
dur. odPoo e.; tu T"m" Votro
do. A10d01.5 ot. , Odd o:oodsomod<oottooiiii..._
44. pi, 64, and:l.4llM Yonittom 44.4
oft do.; 44, 34. Erb, owl 34 Boa sad ado. do.
Rolls Meals Rugg G , ll do.; oxen slaw do: too
da do.; common daMeadlo.'Dow Mott tuned do. do . •
door skin do. do4.l.dolaido daAo; do. do.
ro k br d bo d ra2togra t tltiltztl4.
_,_4 a-4.64.41411A ?...d
RODS.isux4Dß, , T.mujeitiNKlW,
dloo—Stotr nab. at on l asir Colid Elbe WOOL,
M,..ri lUg / 6 4.b00k ad, t Window=
widdO.' .lolloadr ihabolood La.
Coon= do. is do.Zoorod doo liodso.d Tablo
a ' ewtatoekdlnetllomtM
tent=d pm r'Xiico p =ll theta mod oP•
wit =I =gm . .. I= ,
Wo lamadll to oil Loll domain. =Mak ot
The Carpet . Wveliocte, 85 . Fotutttoreo.
thOls1„; .11Y. X4O7ANT4E.,
:(fix.. .~;!
I*. most trsiworsiint , braccess, is Lii World is
tLe peas Arabia* ArtsidyfoiAlits dad Besse
: ... - H. - .CLFarrell's
c. FARKEtIL'S genuine Azistduis laisi
went io rs need ertreardleary otelltint. the both
:width es piseed below% dash. by the met ales of the iba Amoy essea being ally "seism:ed. bp. it..
whroudy.bed resigned all other medicines sod the .
skill tbe best *Qat:tun Is the world- it tenuelused
of . extract. sod gouslecolter to At ream ..
eng. is s cousentrated ,
ibms. ell their etitattletthon sow
dyne. peuetrallatotneuntheatal reetildes properties:god
.ne true shirts. saw se% IRK" and by the - ft., - a the
I) wert... wlttrorectradrecolous loseetes.!.b. unthil the die' .
cases of both thou and besot, -., • ' • ' ••
- Lead thwfallanlnw.mmaigeldi even, gebkh of
themseiree. punt Wu. Ifermlrs Ambles ilultnesit 'ULU-
Tend thy. ..Oar remedy:
. About a year and a halfswelling aPpeared la
Ks ehmendt, gradually. inernsint in /nu until lt be.
00.0 ae lowan as my On, Sa4sq sourthet she could not
Lear theleast pressers vomit Helmtering hue:thew
pals. 1 got the adthte sitar beet doctors. and.tha ,, W ILer•
.1 In cennion about It tom. gad It nu an dime or
galsrument of thaftyleett; seem that It was
meat oi:the Oration and otbus said it 'mu s Tumor of
the aforbor: Ohl. could not ho cored except by enttinit it
ode. • In tide critical eitustbst. Ism serenaded to 1 , 7 U.
o.•WarrelPsdeskdsu Liniment spas it, and. Kresge... it
may sIIPMrs uses the third implication she begets too -
Moe. and ma continued getting bone... Sally, unow
au 4uum u coin--enjoying excellent health. • • .
" •• •.• • . et,dIiNELL.. .
...V. bl
. PaidnOdareh 6.1134 h.. . ... ,. , . : .
i . . (Baal UludAvestemier...rcl
• • , ..' • • cesestown,Ts., Sloth Sl.littn.
-. One wont= ha. used yin. Linlueut with great motets.
She had loot th e neenf her legs fur three ruts; the earls
behusomtreeted ea tlnd her leAll were bontu south lehlie
stamelf.e. Ls natural for the towilltes piths. lest...while
dtUng. and alu could net tend them lathe lash but 'by,
lb. we
to o
.110 G. Fanelli itsblon .I.lnlineskshelnneW -
Ale to walk - wittiest's. and has s Weight b.' ;I have
*mud It stout ucellent rethedy far 1,01,1. ; .11.41br
erer7 thbag which requires an *stem.' rentedy 2 . . .
The opinion
- .lln old; septrleAced[..odulestine Perdu
.. -• • Weebinstan. low. Juts $1;11149. -.
• [ t h in Mehapeedy== Our bothensout i at
trot hesitate re pronounce it th.".4:143=%f lb.
Ago" I hare puttee] doctoring homes We Multi MI"
and hers bite all the ,010.11Qalments, ointment., Se..
t sz m t r g fi.n . fle A da n i titra=rtnAveuttl tabrotiall,g.,
wade nee of: By Its use, I. Went:redirect} sad Swarth
loss alba they bad beewptenonseed Incurable; and i Um
cured . mere then 'fifty bemeethle meson with. re. JAE&
seent..embredng 'Oyer,' 'bodied .4broeo,;,ba
and trate. nu to marts,phon and noway: .• I - an
also beer tuthuouy of it. eftt . on the humus irri-,
.. • , r .icl=sooLl:mar o r s oll lejl i t iutejt o lll7 10:::
tlrreotauenced the usel:74 ,„Vt.,....,5 .b.e.,4,,,i,
Sea RIP id IA meek steodlag mud 1.7_11.. O. Ylrrillll
Ambles /.41thoentt . . r
.. ‘ .
' We- MO. f"RITq sir I lia tie. .bilb
Welled she fur • ten years, gad co bungee.
relief *mut br io nc _nt br the use pf .Q. YeneWs
Arabian L.Wasnahspniledicctb. to , Vgit
four tiuslA do. 1 . r . ... on r rumor ,_
aotnn i hr I/0 . 1%M. .1 . 17: , :irble i naltiltiAle.
na4 lel mr r.., 1ede,.... , .Wbga ,...
r •• riC•nrarlfkg4' Mrmitt
=inn 0 fircaarTer go r bvut sr useeinriso
crushed my Mager In a abstllhe, er;bY kettltta I
0.010101 DAL wpm it. but sear Liniment seen heated dup.
.. .;
.. JOlOl D. IIeGE.F..
i•Tullerinedixt.Yeatis'en., Ill; Yee. 6, ism • ,
•. • 4fUotteir Counterfrirs. •
To oubuD 40.trA MEWS TUE 1 , 111:
totstlf ark pittkalarif • osOSSI eglaSk a sr
lkorarols vlkleh lakalyrsda,,lEr ar,thQs
f a apVl i t Itaztaltaatsp: t i rlts.4 td t
to dsoWo Salt finisa p a /VITA MOT
f aW
I b atl:=4k wt
WOE'S laiaterOx . pop for star salts; St *boas ask
for "IL Cl.'lbrrers Ararimi wall talk no Wow,
14 thermals adorks tsar IsT t 4.l4lkbdassfsrNarks
I I:44=l.llsaMraink‘ J.7l.ktAr.
aNttilrM4 lil a tti_pp lu tr t pga r.
by Uttar to 1.k.0. rano T 4
41.9 6t 10“Sk
sato ebaractsr, raDowOrn
Call au lila • seam - who Ism tarnish ha at Clano.
bust aositalalsof taacti voluble toltassUrra far ovary dui
- Pascs-25 seats: 10 cosits,and fni don. por battik.'
orstrMda zsisg.agetd
l'oVa, 1114 'ma Ste lola Inkohorkkaoda&ll at
, T S OV 4' " 6" • • • ll .ir l lll l e V
of grad.
. . ..
72 0 1 Eg4il-144.7 141.10 P*Piri;,. ._,
Liio SOSLAIURE; I Io btive .. 4.naq 4l l2;
jar:7,64111 •Rtfetplioity7*lssf natal
toory, Bat Itbsso.fdd Stnif. an set C:01
mod by Its sm.'s. at Imes 'I yhytidoss Is b. oiM
vb. ass It to nob ems, sad Sad ft astrdllsa—ss sffsld
alpl.. fdatebts. Freaks ay myoUtte odds dims.' ins
A L VIVOI44 tbslts isat=erl Otafr i ats r
fors SaV frig., b& .I. *pi and .la. btord.
sl 1/7 elf - IAV i= sisMl =Vs i to " 7.ll4l=
••• 4.. .bd ire nab to ctokfid. ctsolUd.or doptsd !bob.
MIII A..a tw...t cm3y a cc0e="14.11.th15,2:: ...
r.tir ad lab lel,t, W WM =Ft isdot.
olds tis .1.41;4001-_, 404 . uhla
IM, i''`
. Pisaity White Ugh, Vri Pi annitii.. tO
'Slyttr IS oosts...Pdopdy foto bps outur sr• boost. ,
sowed that if tbra ftroftll Ilya et f. or War ,
tats dowsl. daft or yellow. . gulf .
that 1125 oaf tot at Joyste-lattor Thoth Mu sill - al
the- lartla to !pa, se soos t ..d. the tooth . y
n ' ot cOly - at idmorse6gi; so Isi•rtt et,. bead of
4.FicigintiAo*T7a; Restorer end Beall..
barn Mar_ „tag tb7Wt " Q ,24 . 71
1 v.— a Ira. Dot. trs amary as to Um' mon=
sualthles—lt wilf tons Oa lair to grow as =Lott sttlt ,
Start tntrodfd Marto IMF: Noy it talliirs of arm marl
PRdsodrafft sof WU- WA.- rtd,_. lasi out Irmo dart
Far radertas flo b ..Lf b rdt aletut.vr ciazt
tiffm,ft solos astral,
&sat Ito molt idadff"-"res wn.k.- 7 4r4. tbr tbf
ie.:: • .
r uAI4 ucraors Bari, MD Libatistrest
" rtro. b r h. .ssis. cld p.
'JONES' 9caution' Prid !Luna
. ones, ad $l..
Wel V, if 31. JACTWON,2I O LibertiStrect. 6.1.1 of Woxl.
40N.Er1.44 eau
gro tot tfoo.e..talmt * thln
bow mum. bag rough. ju i ov P a rreouhuatby
gb . m o m:m oors. Mgr =hos Olh4gh u
Vew. zotagoing=r l OrA„.„ o , l „... ll , b
eon Votoganio% Ltlig Whou
Llsr .-- .4l.goparts sh oho skU - iroag3i.r.. 6 - 116 O.
_ L ohnehggVlN n tor.„7=ooling
tr 4.71. AMA. wow,. ..10.44.
b... 2 orreelaurroh. 1uhl? 00000.
• .
componwl Syrup of 'Yellow Doek Moot,
ificcUPIES Oe. &Old rant among the pro-
Mr= th rsareerartt'dg.
s . • eg Llocd. Abe.
tkraJtbs,.sorneeee eel Trughtert m
&h.. et
.boot the thro h' =l 3 .• need with B.4ented enseten.
.fOrnate Wickets, 'anst General Dbility.
Y the meskehed body. =lag Whelo the
4nerydl.thos= 82 , 1 errAeee. :
111=k... A I o 7:4l7:rirtlit Ur;
ted t ee tem.:nee.. teessseste. la r...spastti
tie In eela i er a r b =t eo . i wa
=oPeeth hrfient baramtenely unite to
wiry the Blood. • . • •
tgie,resso•reil niltry
bOO &ro 10 ute dio
o,oo4 siewirbieb irimierl
tt.Virem?'""tre Rnud
147 454. " 1.8 gleke hareellect twa:
a lir as beets listed ha =Pr taXA, OICAISCEROUS
•1108.3. The haat obWrieu. flrre, her Wrg end
• 111.1.1%Maltre/ I"4= 4 B W e
. 11r d r ' ak'h er= t et b :l' L rhr lb ° ;V1,104 rete l l=
.u r esiet of Ames.; sec M. 7 ha wawa In dt C.!b"*".".a
atell mew= of T
the ear.
nig Brtii Is provereel. =IAN . ?....IdIME nab
. g. WIND:1;11AM,
OW /vet ke•_,Weetets
theft • • Wearbestee, eonnetWoo..lo B . l ete.PIU
B. T. Babbitt i Celebrated flogi Powder,.
WASHING 'without labor! . •WarztuiCoil
• to I.t. tho .tent out of table thanto end snig .
-• • -
ki risoronts rot tiar.--Put your cleaves In a Snll tient
~anti of cold sager to cover then!. then wit t tah . :4 :
thle Sam Powder, to eeth az quarts o f
with - the clog/len If the water is hard, gad more,
the *dm sad th em ten W. 1.; I, ,, Vrgral
pew them dompth *llthnrCir r .O b.,.
p. 041.. Then rTiMe s fr stmt.. OF other n.nda , '
01•• 0.. • thennnall , 'and that a rafeeleat to
mat. them ctan.
n[ ao rOfinis, Ws will beim ,
thidottui m•y eno no bad oily. yaw tome
soaps dia. The entire cost of the anteral toed dose not
egged two nth% Tplete • insigne of ten pentons .
Worsened nab at ftnate the eiothar. • ,
Thin Is • Ponder openers. OS nst*eglnggndlgergd,
' Pals " 14"anI"al the 741vVaor1 wiL s " let it o i t r i tt' ll: o sar 1.0
. f
'tlrreVott 11.""r'L,Pbz:tInti., I,lr
. te•itt t•
wash and. , in est ton gan
Soap, nor eot aka elotbes Coo b• 11.4 syvt
= I T gy 6111112 6 11 . 4 1, 4 1 ragr pt 2• 6 1==ig:
nnd e inadttkiogib 7 , • g. riittra.
• n 67 st. •
THE CO-PARTNERSIIIP -heretofore er
stls i enrsea the mitlesSlasd 6 ss h al d r . t . b: l tan u gl .
Is!sllisoLUTred2. . 'Cl:3 l . l l 2l:lttlag_ ir sud r soulu_sl
o visso . .
tbs.. of Uncinslessles, ,
o=nts of tbi t Woo
rittsborSEl,Jols • Triad. Win! THAN
, .t
V.4I)ARTNERSILIP—The subscribe:s3.o.lAT!
watava nog oc..r.tnashivira . r:r A Tt o.
A man Clk 217. jA“..„,“
• • JOISTM" •
Greenwood Garden. , -
CHOICE colleetiinvolShrubbery , Vining
11 ,.e1..7„13.travbssry,Oiesebssfis StbVIWV:
ros Vin.,. bard - T Monad,' Hp . V.d sTs.7 Itggr,
esonsry to oressurnt.yards and vs, srSll De
Onessarood tiona , r.. An tha btu Wou,Aio soma of .
lelArtet fwd. fifth math Pittsbusgh, ssssa lusts. fos
116 , es Crown ad ottstrrefmalseratmerseli as!
In tg , Zslos
av , a sgirrared 141114.,proirictoi. Reit nachelteri
7 1.11kt7. r..., .4 1 1"...ft IMO , T 4
,L...sto etior Wripinse.r;
60 ~ Mediums
ito g tegritrl l' argialtai
.34 ' -21332 • I.:
Tho stare with tot of add eases ofvoolosJor maio
tho towost prim. DT -
.3.126 cornet of klarlort oaf 13.0 ad strata.
-To Draggists!and Paintits. ! i. !
FARTS-GREEN!,I4", BRAND, - - Tusoi.Oßl
Itcagassei Main rewarded by the Gold Medal of
Latakia pormanna onrarl l o.lOtdron .
salty of gads arinotor.• Tbo totroafortortr of top tLWro
Paint tool pro:load tbo &rpm and atrot ankle
of Muds Onion, that bronnuontot, andthat eon b.
without detrtrorot to the rbsdr; aotWakatodood lat pro,
cow to i 16111112111 uniamnitt,"
.4obs bran anpoloted Into toot for UN. tale of 64
n'a brand of karla Dnitiontrrkartil tat out.
1 PMflior".Z": tallEjattt..
you L 1 bawL
=4 1e ug r,97:..,7V,;°a:r.): 1 =
of w ~tLrlW Aubt.tnot. 7 god V T Wood rtreet.
ItAMS—kosaks superior, for sale on o
■l2/7310,..1 T. WOODS a SON, C
" C1:44".
ET TEE nuturnara iir;ms VIRTLIED MIMI I
EPro-purstunce of law; I,' Malan. Fautose,
• Meat of thri Bolted litteeisst Arad., do berthr
and Mb known that aideri will be held at
the thoSerasenthesed Lend Oflons in the Stale of Arliatem,
at the iralots harinanerdadroated, mat
At Use 41.1 061 n, at BATESVILLE, commeneing on
Monday. the Sender of September best. tor the disposal
•of the waltho lands Amami within the undermentioned
townthloe and I:rational townthlps, ells
Aro,oo.ta , bw.a.and cf tufo', P . .. , .req writ*.
Toinwhth two. of rang. throe. ,
T41 . 11=0.1=ir=,.. 1 1
00 0 1.
00bo O 00 sosren II., ei
ng on
.10.4 1 A
of fierand roestofiAs Ara pnkomol rarkbass.
Townehips oloren and tourism,. or ranior
At tht l aro7ll:: at IrEfiglA, twansendos on Mon.
o f the eighteenth day of Anna tort, for the dissool
of pobiN=Tithlthe following named townships mai
r r a tity-triZtwenty and tw . enty-
Eth, east of the tit. ;nods river, to township thee.. of
Townstdp nine, of rage wen.
s.dharth.t.eimami.e.tqf AfaxertAvalveorkties.
Township Moroni pat of an Island le wahine thirty
two sot thirty-thra. in township thirteen. of mum raw.
At tint Laud tith at LITTLE MEE. isitomendes
Stooday, the Mat 4 . o r September Irak tor the dboxeal
of the public Mods in tho Vineries ramod Matha oo tad
aka. era • •
11 , 741Fo in gs ' eles hew nod water the SihrtheiPol ateridfa
The south half of motion eight, the south half of ten,
fratkinal meths. nenteen and gEsien, the north hall of
mirentoinf. the east half of twenty-one, 11ro. th e
north half and sontbwest orator of Pettit roo, th e
northwest Quarter of twentrols , and the w half of the
Te u st ir Lnartor of tomitywevest, in township throe , of
range tt.
appropriated by law On' the am of reboot.; mill
eilegnita'r".-31;de et ' i r r ' et t P " p t'?f
any. whkh -*UR be seratoi by the Mate aottiotitra br
Ibre the dayested to the ormunationtonit of Use pub
r re. my. order th e art entitled `An Art to
sna the 8 .1 Arkansas and Mhos States to trelitim
tbewiratep lands' within their itorba.. approved Sentra
bejulth, 1680. mitt es rdshohd .0 ths mks. And oo ko
haiL ImmtofontAtramil by any law of
Eoelfroth for Military seteloss rendered to tho BMW
gramortit b y
ons! on any kf /As makefodds.
prodded by Use Mt satithol . .An Aot •DP.PA•
ationallgthe spoil end diplomatic asseramofsfitortmoloi."
agMored idereb, 11151.
• The aortae of the above mentioned limbs will be eme
mensed.em We days appointed.. and will mimed is the wt.
dir w t s , whiett they 4roadvtrtlsa. with di consoMent
will the whole shOl lime both offered sired the pip
us . a r DM no vas shall be kept open toner than
tol d and e ra t rglte . esitrf . of tio n , lttgitdzi:ll l
4' 6lmai until ' my bailer& City of Wishinatoo. tole
Una of ay. Anoo mite tart Airdi l lad i ktist
iiktithiratoner 016..
won= 70 E4r./71"170YCLAULAIXTS.
of the t',P=l:l2f p=l3r=hl;4
Mere thumerated. le remand to mtablish the Sara to the
Nthisfetion of the 11.11.10? and Iteeeiror of the primer
lend e.l tosi.ywymeottherefor sows as wrath.-
Plan fkr wow thss worat, benne the day rind far
the sommeartment of th e public sale of Uns math*
sing the Mot elabnpl otherwise snob claim w be Bildt
,.l. htfrTERTILLD,
Coto miadoom of the Ilenand Land
sprTflow tat
UT TE Passlan ,oi 'maxim) nut .
J.N pursuance of km. I, MILLARD FALLIIOIC.
rresident of the United Etats' of Armies. hereby
eau. and make term that while grates leltl held at
th. opentioned Land Ofdees th• State of entrant.
at the ode heraloafter deviansted. to wit:
dt Mid 011ie, at .U.Ctiatlit, cotametwing on Kerr
r ib It7442";:fgritrag l = l : l
SPeOAmfke eax/istan4 wit Ow.kalirt anal
Towanlfe twentraueo. twentpeight and tweatrillne,
Ina and nets Marva doer. a MS. mniO.
Townships twenty-Wan. treetrwdeht and twardpeine,
on and near Carewat river, of maw n , dr.
Tranothip tweedpeight. on a [nin th of Correct river. of
rondo dm
Township. twenty-arm twenty-liar. twootpaight sod
twentradne, of mute dab.
Township Pinery wbrer, tweetplbar twentpeight 004
tworaradno. of range ulna
freedom] townshi p tweetpone. and township HMIS]
two. twentPthreo.twentribus.twratptive and twentprla,
PAM R MACE. rononetwing on XlardAT th e
Q 701
Ib raggtilit=tronTsitrotr= Pe
of towarill.
rke base hoe and rade asAffdprtacfpaluswidina
= b all =IV; 1 ' 41.7=1 :OA vorrarloo. and
tO e i gnr,,, n gv m wt r =4 , lg ot , 000.
frarnaud gigs ' hip sintesi, and toirlAps Prettptwo,
tweetpthive. tweetPentr. tientlpfiro. tweatreia wed
tweatyverron. of nosy„blrnettataltrujast 00 risteen and weentren. and town.
I p ri7tl=l la c' hips al= urreoteen. sight*. and
twentivorya Weakly. twenty-two and twootritans and
atettotts nave ta Mr seclusive, onrotoot eedaircloo
aret toostyrioor to airfoil,. Wilma*, in trortishir
[ -too Of ulnae eight.
0004 rft
v logrA o:::,trgss=r sent e
rn. to
.insw toolubtP twenty...or (except sections ewe, ,
tAfriv - it. tundra-i.e. fresto.4 , or, twestese, liseafre , v,
hrdattrirto tiolf ther. latelifire, teal tharpeo, of moo
The northerest Dutton nip potion township Mop
U... 4 . etr i sas Du hoe =Pate, tr:n o t . :l2 . l l . ‘ ittatrters •
warm tpahiorer Lom a.] and NOW tte thirty-
Aar learaitr.lo lora 14Intoo, •am to let
lora, to tor/rale, ti • ore reCtirea aairrojta.
Al, the 0000th ball co truer gen.TrieoliAlra to terstero•
me, and dortojewe to law fps. ].donee. ter latilt.
ittuitr. of Purge watt..
Stu put oast of 'ldle. Misr Oserflow,” or tomubtp
twentftlareo. of news Wrier.
Peerios ere Weep; the nortiaaa aturbela and
pre., earktiot,veaelrot, to aurioreer, cost of Lade
]User Uwarnaw." In Maude) tunameta, meta, or mops
tot: 1
tb. anentallbs=l
pual oPtilittethe lands Pirglotrifttlirtittrowtag ea,
ourt }notional towlehlre. to wit
...Torch of Um Aus lime and eve pr at.
Torarbly arrotraro, of mute rodaraa.
=MID .. Ire= ot ,. no t, ocl . are=
•aardeouratafferroolthirlyers.oestliett •••
*101 •
tale torrattly torutrdros ^f Moat r.trtn
tounalit Coontrilee. Warta ID the HAM
Lia. of mums tireatpreeen, twenty eine. a Irth thirty-
' l= n elatitr litr ;.Wh i r o r riff eehoid is. le II
00.1 and ' Ahel oar... togetherr, sat, db... .0.4 ent
...Lewd uuido 000(0 foray tor ruttata ei" If
ant. which /bell be alert 4 07 tbd Sute atittartitiee
the days .040 10004 be the e
can of Eta pubis/
sides rwpv , we if under the err canard -.AL Art to 00.•
bit the rat.. of Artosuo• ant other States to reclaim the
`moot lona' within their limits," seProust &gr. ,
urdtatodinee the role. Atat 1.. ,
tr r . ra 0000 ti. bon
arya:fix der
won .5 , igrat de
titled sf f4d One teentstaohanda u rp;
tided by tho entitled 'ln .net noskles at townrialivos
an the eitil asal diplomatic expenses id tiosainfaept."
00=14 aion Ismtknbed hula will Le tom,
mewed on the dare appointed. and will tworoul le the or
der In • bklo thaw are edvertlsed with a ll ocervianot Ja•
pUeb. until the • to.le shall boa b.:moaned. and the uhs
ions <10••{V.1.11,11011.11•11111111 b• kept 0p.,. longer that too
113.4. etnoptivere mat of .7 , a the lands will funk
mitfs4 isnor the expiration of o
OP , . %IWO . ' inf Int , 100 C:l , tr olf uhtna B var, t, Is
d sta t h . fla of May. Anna Vmlll an . ; t=d,.. !II ter
sr the Pndelenti
3. urnsromux
COmmluoots d the General land OM..
Aroma ro PIZEEXPTION ctimusts
a zarr pm*. roadol to the sista of nreamptioa toss r
4,440 Wigan the townships and warm or orenitin
&tore entanended. tegetrirt. wtit4 l, 4 '.!!.
gellif.eino of the register sea
fo r of the proper mat
aloe, and make pal Malt therefor a,
or al prachoolf ,
trr ornuto Ws ulna. and before the dor antwantad 0..
erenswenoueent of the public rale 01 the Islets etobranng
lbw Una clan/sot otherwise tech rialto 0111 be Prfreitod.
Oesunlisioner a ow 1/eneral land QM*.
roz rornorirk or tin mum ISTATE2.
N pilritilllCo 01 law, I, —MILLARD FILLYDRY,
President of the United Steen of America. dohereb t i
eclare and maw Anon°, tlet publie miles all be bald
the undesmenticemel Land Ot p =e , the nits of lone. et
tavegada7~ We prefallar dui . 8 -
Mime ng on . 11,1m;
d pabik lands aldirThe Ib her Tlaimg named pn.
Proritaftbatax6ro,end toot .11 NIA principal sot
Tolerably eas ntr-nl a, of ragas twentyßini.
Torcahipe Barcaroles and eighty, of swum thirty.
• Tenably. mercer nine end eighty, a nage tbhtpone.
•Reanhipt sescrarsloe, eighty and eighty...of range
th,r=. • - •
At the /TVA t/lIMICVAIng: 112 1 c=ng on Mon
N ! ,..r via. I.nwana . ..ert ar the AM principal mal.
. TarneillY meal, of mote thlotr.
Taralde terenty, , ,f nage Weirton " -
Tonal:de ersentr. reaCe. Ihlltrtlum•
At Use Land Dare DDIDAOR, Monday We eleir
tenth day of August nest, too 'b. dispoeal of Um Iblice•
log Rats to at , .
A motif Wand in rations moan. and efeldat , leac
all,Otplar ( . 46. of fano ogle oat. olls4 the soothe:lA
ea raantemen.r. toicabip Wes
wf rage so non Of the DR principal Mu.
Lana appropriated. by lea for the we of sh oo
ivy and Ober papa., tooth •U nth °these en u enerri
airorflogrol tads 'Made 'lan Mashy
bated by the ROZanthorrtlee
l l4T a tr. 4 . d a t tiii"lin th . coostrectumant ofthepab
Ib melee rtercrlceir. nada au Lot ea. Act to
amble the We of .Askanme aber. &atm to nellao
• pg . l e nungindhgth=plisa e xrcAM te t
• cationar bad bonntiee
e lacretoforr=ted bi e r ez a
tl Ama„, are 4/7heaboo<Z7 . lfigdt. 4 4 l
• as perad byteziary=:tt trlng ernaTrte.;
r• the
'.141:1..!ttu - 4" - "7",4
Cd * i be lands will be of i rectidat thedelt '
wertinel • tlitrotTinillle= talthenioleehall
hare been olfaed, end thoS ekna; bot mie
dud! be kept num longer than aro wets, end bojamie
entry of Any of the lends will be Omitted nail the
atination or Wet , . 'out. •• • • - •
Ulan nada my head at the atT ifabloSMOttV
ofd doodd led bait Han Ara. LAdol i , ere , lA tbn=late
DT Preddmi.:' • • •
•Commtieldimer of the itenerna
,lib= Tag tVgasbil_;!l,%"44"6""'
stem eon m7420L Is requited to estao. Um eas2thro •
eselsfeedons of -dm reolstesmod receiver of the 1,
a= d 7h4=7:j t h ire fltVrar ' ai , o o t ha
emammomment of toe public sale of um lanosea t,i ‘ii
the tfoOt.olalomel oillersdee FEL eiam ,nll to.
- ' Ccenoiliadein of lle 0 Land 0111 m. -
asydidos dds •
. -r:- • . Bead Books! .• .
VT:.n Problem • r e printed' with' coo.
- - *cameo led addition , . gas roperelltegulne.
eb 11,..1eft s tau of the Putitemr, be the 'author' of
Pans La th e 14fe of Me. idergezet Ilettland," .3lett
ilitoriof Cleopatra, Quisu cf 470; he hoob ' Abhoth
with amuloos. ,
740.14 of YR LI Tleld Iteoh of Qui laiolutle. : . . •
' No. 7of Looou. tabor sad IW. London Pom. ..
Ito shoes Booluluet reeend and for We h 7
ill? • .., . R O. ti CUOICLON. 47 Market et. .-
_ .........
'looks! Booki! • :
11.1itory of Oreece.—A Meta ,
me Groove tcoajthel earliest limo tottiodeldruedra •
;br:Ph:lt F/ 3. II lig 0 1 1Btrr 4 ) ' otri •
Th. ILrmoarof 11.14.,r;0r Pediptoril illar4ettlow ol
th.fltaalM of
__„ l. l=g6. lb A tt:Wis . /4
La m a. andcabor 1 ono. Br aim. " 13 darant.or Tuyper_
- earl= Tsw hi; i&mvx."tot ? v04,.. -
Ildr of SU'S , Wayland: aTa By ) ar7
Thictbilcoovbr Ilatbamatlor. translated nvm th“
does do PbllolloPhit-P.Oll.lpT. of dune to pmts. SlrW,
disease , !fro and Erta Weeded Guide , d 1 ion;
I talnlna &MOIR/a of tho_flotnerhitte.era,T-ono, 11.
r e =Ai 1.1 Kidd -
from *rigida saase...... esoneady for .or..
Was StaelooL.
atir m , t rwirkwt., , ,fie. tiro lad • Agar*
Iblataval novel. Of the author Of .WlLltafrlans .
Theaboeo boolue Jost roeolved and Ise oda by
ehrougroN. 41 ilaiin,l4
OVERING'SSUGAIL -03 bblti :Lova
b i .je " 4 n i vr. SIM ra t Va l
Jglo • • pa law/
Bea 180 1 kat
. .
• cLAtio , .. Pius a, CO, Tong:WM. IhmmusSmt. •
THE PROPRIETORS of this old and well
R. tamed Limy nomld lognon the;poblie that tber are
.00n In operatkot tor th• nevem!. moron. mod ho t o
red reoeMing Smelt and Parencen. jalichth..) ,, •itil
tUrellll.7lh:er.,lft.n.,',l- of tin. Rome 4 — tia:
Una Mit be ootonantl7 at the Imeinnt. helow Me /10,MQ
embalm Bride% to memo freight.
• Oleem eon Water and Smithfield W.. Sittaborgh.
.. . 0)08100w: -
R. W. Coontnertoun, ties Rustle. S.: I:
ti C. Ai %Amy 1., Volatth So.;
W. C. Vol., baron:
Id. 1 d. linV, 8 hanhdotratv
W. lama It Co, tireenrider.
Wm. Ream ilartstden; ..
Qm. Pow; Conneantvilln /
0. 'I R '. r i onbitirausuio,'" N.Y. opt
New Lake Superior Line.-1851.
lIE new steamer NORTIIENER,Cept.I3.
Sear, having every modem Amprovetnent for
ety and eatolleft. will leave Cleveland on /hider. Mee IM
of May mkt. are her grid ulp—and weekly Memel.* ww
Friday. at 634 o'clock, P. M., for the Sant Se. Male.
The Meaner MAN lIAITAN; Capt. Jowl tntssnt ‘ .._l ll
lea* Abut Nte. Marie. for the different tanking. on e
3.tperiOr. en the arrival of thee teanver Northerner; making
• nen= weekly bye, thentighoot the nese" between
Clem and the I..oyperV A.
. TURSIbIt. ProPveetnnh
Cleveland. (1. April • ;
Manufacturer's Lira.
iliammme . lBsl,'
ti Z o I r N s L ., O9ES .
Ltlut 044. &"'"ooV a l, aim,. to entry • Ivy.
i.''.. tr i' of (M a nta to Vbiledelpbt. awl Beltbatore, teat . et
fr u !sai • , Itintsbort Mae, awl at es 17 Int.. se T .
other tegpeririba bteA • been made far taming
btutown, ttolltleysburn,
Water . A'lereltdris. lluntitunlollll
Creek, Nen . tleVertoten.,ll.=,ea d .7.4..
?7.111 1 ,1173=.4.14 cow
eOU to
We fl.m..°'Lt P.120'1" W. 741 rees, :07 be .41.4
- " 'WOE Lb 'OT 1 '9 , 1 0 m
OPoeb • IV eel:vet...abet=
, - TF.RFST TN DLITOII;a2'S LINA - td Mr, 4tutbet.
N 015011.01, the businesest Tritabargh trill bens
after be transacted under the .tile of "Wm. BMW.=
VO. l • • [metal NIL
Transportation Line,
. ,
iiiiiggilggA 1851:
Tartsl NAL being nontopen, we .ere ten:
• e.. 1111 and Itirwird votoptl7: ' , Ma. res od
etetao(Ute, east sad wee..
• Frelzbta laws at lowest rates etotrited 1.7 eeet*warble
, , .
, • .
Lloc; 1
Produce and Umbel:din witlbe reeelred and forwarded
H awl west, will:wet say charge for forwarding nr
fencing freight, occambsiow. or atom.
BIM of uting forwarded, and all direction. faltbfulty
attended bb Or awry, • • • •
wet. smvuuam a CO., Noll Basle.
• Corh i g s L , l 3 beatri p Ars. 3 ,, k= . , sh .-
. . Wawa.. goarth aref.Viftil Sta.. PbtladellAda• '
JAMr..3 WILSON,Age . nt.
ißli t nifirlrAV. tiOVVest , et.
Nem York.
MS52i • . 185 1
in.thantf Transportation_Lix"
c t„
/..31c.2.1417LTY 2 00..0.21 Bum. A 3 Paoli ottert.
2 ..C.1LA SllO Oratral Mott. 81.04 stfeet. Phil*
"t"" Al ItA
' l lr - Yreplued toned. a fa u n on.t oonoheofho
ti4la to to ehio W tke meninx of the male to 1111.1.
4 and nn to .Wmdlate Ono* et, low Wm, son to
Wes tinr then in =owl sea. ' T i .. •
i 6.1 b
thea-rain Tm bomoihokeiere . 41r=t Xl.= . tbl,
gate. Ittleoetif, ortil i zzovett car .rte•irf 741 dolitf at
4' 72. I. td=I.7LA B C26S ,
Er/ARRA_ 1851
To Rippers of Iferchr.kidso..Prodnee,
MLA- wastios. ar W. 1... •
Aurss • CO, Proprirta.4 24....k.5. o 4 5 ;
Comaart. Meet. Vhfladrlphis.
4a111175t,T.At c ,741 1 •".
°Walla .41h. rootallgsm.
Chat.l. to cataract tar Frelibt ot miss. mad
daps." at Ironti &oaf& sod mt. los szta ether
.F6=47 3 . 1854 EtetE4
Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
.1•111 M OVSIEBO it
INlt 00.. Cara.l /Win. 1.0030.1110 a . ,.. -
!MIL lA 43, Depot. Mad otud Clam 'trek&
90.350utb Fourth Amt. b•t•traFlarkot
tut Am.. rhlts.d.loht.•
O'CQNIIOI‘I co.. 70 Sura m runt. s.3ticro.
•11 VINCI roily. completed 'our arrange.
utll:72V*-P-4=i?.;•.l.r°' arrange .
Loulx•Llio.f4 LAI. sad alltlav at . and Wept. al
lower rata. and with mon diorsich owl rare tttoh SO' •11 , -
•1 U... AU $.1. 0 .• d00r...1. by our Lbw aro roar ons Tat
thounne.. without fIUY tharc••• ••••,.. • Drl••• 6 ••
rosily ainal.dar ant macs Liao. • .
All emu:AlWA: wty lons ritur b. cd mrooltoo I ra*.
procoptatlaullos. '"
p.SirNjullur btt coo:weal. shot.. math the
.ad l'ituburgh Trasutportatlas of At-
=IA C0T05,11!.:*-~- , ---•-•....
Rum!'", 4 a 4 l.l i ! °74:;,1
Nina. Bst7 'Road Ca--Ceitral Rail Hoak
PrtutAeribers hncing boon - appointed
' t raVAAVe r tgar "t r " gFL iuu...
ad.. any mount a toestbstad. prts.ace ealpsaut
Goode its this route trill be nrtbd tasausb to are env
sad mansard to or teal torearded ass of t. cards
' alto or stamp, tea abeam. , , .
Mu a man man 1nt110021115. on, rttrarma.
s PeViar;:rtlet =gra=
2."kng. irtecrlet. Paiute. VT: ' Ns.
Usrdasre, seat,
Lsether, res. Fles,Thasths sod label times .
Beef. pork. Satter, lard. Lard Ott. 'Totem Leed,_Colt..
Tan., Simla end Haat, tat laS
/Ist., latrtir (mush) Ter, Path, Stade. dem. Cl.?.
UN/PO[ I E a &IV °
ra,ov r Pima sad Wayne amt.
pasetsissb, July la, MI —1 too
Freight received for all the Way Stations
on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad..
rm., • . • I ULM. -."
ba.lleji, • ' ' Adam J. %Yaws.
Jsfou North. ,
ternlntosp, ' Jusiee Minkel,
!knot Union. J. D.7settlse.
ginntlog= ,
1 =s. 3.1/. K.
Z. SI illinsn.
A. 11. Ciset.
Undlidspbuses V. A.. WA
lannered, - R. itoddvedL
Womb!. - '. ' ‘ 'AlonherirsiA a Kadin..
letrriebus ff. J. Wanonor • Soto ,
Donoonon. Fisher. Morino, • Co. i_ •
Jess* Ben•n . .
:le Irpcll,
Mi11...,57:.• Ittri v..e l Jones.
. Alayssenno, Nkbard Wont
rig= . John tArnsldssa
. Kessler • Drothers. , "
-:lfatosis. John Ruyan. _ .
LX/VODP.. a COLS. •.
' ‘ . menu of Peon sod Ways. mesas
July 1gtb.1551.
_ -
. Agricultural .Impbimeuts.
1 HAVE JUST received from the East th 6
gal t W b. mw(n p at Doll 4l at alr...cald twits ' ,ILI
'Venom co e.a awl emmllm my oMelg.
Weetilom, for man. bow., tort., haulm, ie:
UraM Drill, for yr hem. ryk mm.y,
tkun n•
Eballer, tic bores and hand power. •
has. end Corn Malt Cutting Boit.
&m o ult
o n co n e m . ne.6.
Cae= Urein
and Ursa% dithe, , , end Ike.
'two, thrre end foci prong tits. • ... •• •
Atl menntartedwi front the twit materiel; and thr said
4 . JW-1 " s'"
any= bortiu of WPM and eutb
• Beaumonts Patent Starch Polieh.
FATENTED, July 26th, 1850.-For givipg
brantlfol Ulcer to Idartis, Marlins. Cambria..
A 1161611 Worm A. and abr. p rims. the h. tn.
sabering to Ltaao. La., *IA prommta dna from aticlarkg to
UMW. ILqd ronurios trot to Winnow.
?Vtlttt.llo.7 qwnW.W
.r tHrr i.l2l; =Si par Calm - 8010 wholesal and ratsl3
• Jr 3 • ILZAHMLEILS. I T Wood re.
t a, C , fl—l Imre removed to my nevretoto,
Allis, do
h.n r i ng vir orpr.%%Bon d ka
tow eltiteoslel receive • leatril!:ttherJeustasti. 4 1
imp • my Lam smote:sot of Ilkhobli j Rethgand Bed
rwg. atr i llreVite=fii m ijlreatilts.
tkratitewheateh and Oottilbrutt Wieder td, of main.
dirty: moistly round U. the
wet hetimaln llebasehte ol'Ulehltel..t)Tdersetwheeh
rally wallet sad meet- • ,
eol • IVU. NOBLY. Third .volt
IiATOOL—Cash paid for Wool by
aAVE just received froin Now York, co-
attar I. tot of new irtrle WIN DOW COILNICES oat
TAO RAMP& kor W. lan: • -
QPEC T AO LE St—We have a coriaplete
ameof oed, Bilyge sad pumi Spealvio.., and tbobst
ttusnt7 contiol...l cwv,ioe Otsitooo. W. tit &sons to
= Mil " .'l4llArribsg to t ir * . rmi"
gaN triai n k yr attrt
'• . w. Put DEAre‘fort"ht,...y
-, Anthrsoite CoaL
Qin TONS just received, n superior sirticie
UV kr 16 " d" " "sinteitTi l Are co,
CopperStooka. •
B U.A.VE orders for the Stock Of vari
ou. wo rd (=pan!. of takt thrverlor. Th or,
ir11 1°""' ! '"" 1 14 1,7111I1N13 iCO.:
Pare kandy, for Diarrins, &c.
II EAR IN rigNUI !should you need French
111 Brandy MI Ma tan raA h• °Waned at MOllltla
LIA MMT.4. at yl P" your °, OAtt4. -
lt/ACKEM-16- 100 bble. N 0.3 Small, to
OA .1111 va for mit
• • • ' • JOITNIVAIT a W.::
ALUM --6U bbls. for male by
‘ I AILDINES IN BRINE.- - -111 kegs STr
%Burl lb lair 931Fatrkormti Pale
1".91V 2.56,L1bet1, et.
.1. --A
by W. it.o r t a vta. l B4l , 347 ,:tb
ArzonullL. PAPEN
superior lot just toed
LINSEED OIL.:..1600 galls. pure, for sale
j ' S ? j/ P" m tfir 3 g g°olr.
_ _
bbla.. pur e e , winter
by, .•14
LIQUORICE - ROOT-400 14. for sale by
JI: /10811.18 Tr& Mut.
we or danuavd Mu am wnn' kept .1 UM • •
F .
L4O bble.. nemilSsl, kgkle4. l -lerring
• 30 kW( ill& do do de
la Aare arid for rale by tje,) JOHN WATT 1 .
1121§ . 11: 7 1.0 new Trout;
11.7 . b
TARD--20 bbls. No. 1, for sale by
ARD 01L-8 bbls. No. 1; for saleby =
IA Jae Luta Dsczst.L, ea was, st.
I\TO. a. BIACKEREL.,4O bbls. for I b
JABIZB D1=1.1.,
111 .
.1.1 • No. 68 Mater et
LI 100 bbi. Lan. $O. /10t0 0 101041104:
rot br JO liArr 101
O. SUCTAR-25 hhilfri; gale b .- 7y
UTMEGS-1 bbl. No. 1, for ludo by.
' 144 B. Z. BILLER&
EIY NO. 3 DIAWIRKEL-100;bb1e: end .
25 lit Dbl.. to arrizory:serraerailylltbS.c.
~ ..S . Y :UPS--Underwood'i fine Lemon Syrup,
•very itiperlar'artlele far casklig Lesoni Ad..
gu ; "'
' 4 ."•Vl.27Ararr.,
OndTe e
rm* aT.
PrAIRY SALT , -A enperiQi article far the
dairy or table, put up b small Up, tor Wetly ur%
.r ale br WM. ..t.EIVLUKO
- utunr
AOKI:11E1.-50 bble. No. 3. ,for sale by
wINDSOR SOAP-50 boxes Hyde's, for
mds b r tows! e,J. VAIINSSTOCK & CO.
VlBll-25 bblk. Lake fidtg. 'White, 1851;
a-it; br If.
'71.3 t, J. U. CAMISLD.
t.,1 .343 WIS. A. utautto a, co.
VOD FISH-600 lbs. very one. for sale by
J•2O W3l. A. 140:7LURO • W.
tifitto PtitifES-ITIO - testididried
LE A.COLIADIti-r• o,oo(llbsamperior qua.
LP q ty, Lir . xle by ROBISON: LITTLE * CO..
• .1.16 25t. Liberty et.
BACON SIMULDERS--35A00 lbe.fornale
by - 344 ' • ROBISON, LTTTLII t CO. '
RACON-4 rin beltains; Siddit; z houldori,
for pule by .410 - 8. W. ILARZAIIOII.
k t siEaSiMiifliOM
bble. New White;
1.14 • J. &CAM LD.
S LERATUS-100 boxes poro; , -.. •
MI Ebb. foi oils try
- • J. D. CAN FLELD.
1111E6.& I 1 boxes for aby •
1•14 O. B. C/NYILLD
11ACON--15 casks Shoulder*,
eIIEESE-4 4 0 boxes foi isle by '
15411.01 DICHZY• CO.
1.14 lirmew Sad twat sts.
I ACKERt • arta? ibbh No.. 1 • fat
anctirntl. In Ran and in N. er
BACON -20 oks.; received and for sale by
• - .
INSEED OIL-10 bbLs for sale by .
ANICKOLATE-128 trts.!Boston Cbcieolate
Vfa ral• by WA • RICE J 11CANTLES.S. •
ARE , OIL of Bennett' • Jones' mann ac
Litop.for dm by I lAs ,D
, 7 0",&1,26,6
I.l llUl—''
"000 lbs. Lard: for sale on XXX
41AUMI:al by I. If OpDSsrAA
...t, en'ople
CODFISII-10 drums fur sale by'
Jet .I.I3.DILVOILM J co.
ItE.EINED SUGARS-40G bbls. Clarified"
Pa.dend. sad Crusbeel, Om sal. b."
3A3110 A. 11117.111130:q • CO.
ICE-20 tierces Carolina, for sole . by
142 JAMYS /1-11137CIIISON A 4}).
SUGAR -42a bloln. N. 0., for sale by
VPIIN-40 bbls shelled; for sale by .• •-1
_'.ills • P. T. VON pOttN}letyi' cO.
Lit:ESE-35 tale LT • "
Jalo_ d V. von yogi:mast ::co
- -
11"--12 bbls in Wore and for ask by
111AVANA. SUGAR.-50 bna white Iln•
' lu. "‘" . ' J ` mt %lairiix an.,
• tie. Ile Wafts. Meat,
PAr SUGAB.--30 bbla toaf. !sugar pia
51.115, W.t.. stmt.
ICE--14 dates (or aby ' ;
/a WICK a gunixes.
ARD-12 bbls Noel Lard far sale by
, .
TAIICII-0 boxes Bo
CADIA extra
nay by je) ICR W
LARD oIL-32. bbla. for sale by
i,s at W. tta1t241.16.11.
iriIIEESE-=3 - 0 bra. W. It., for sale by
r4OFFEE.-30 0 bgs. prima Green itiseof
"'*”`".`" .m" "la tir .ICOUt F4IT 0 CO.
RIVEr--1.5 tierces Freatt. for sale IL
mull) BEEF-4000 lbs prime„ , just re
oetym ma cm. rsi. by 'id) .6.l,..gausamat.
SVW-64,, hhdz' received and for sale by
M 45 - —S
ILI ACK/MEL-5 0 bblo, No. 9, 1851, in I
mimes sad for NU by • bei •B. W. iIbRbAUCII7 . ..
YE Fl:OUK:ltifiibls ry; flour for sale by
jeg VICK 41 174:1AID4SIS.
6 1 ALERATUS-,31. essb, for sale by
1-7 .171= 1741.1.31L9513,
QCORCHINGS—Sissts prime on hand and
a Ibr w. b 7 .7 07
TWISriOBACCIIS-411 kr,gs
basalt by 74.41" 171C47. t 17CA7101.77111
4, mg time; ggirgr. 0.... t: Making rho best or
read with rho uhlition Groom wear only. :TOL riOUr
urill be 1.. Munro. rouvoulait at. chomat tail ra.
boned pa housebuki utrau. wit. 33 P.M.. v:
r. 4 @gm end ut..Uss la mat superior ra. hi
1 Orr. Vud..Unps, CO. tn. with surest Milif of
Ind tront.i.! Xbr oboe. is APO. lir riii euriatioui 4.1
pork 0 3.3 61t0., vita itall runutiaur (sr uss. To
be bad a . ' • . KM, A. MoClAllio a1.,34. ' •
1 Itt6=TroLCIITr7BL IT LI--.-° IILL 117i'' '',:-."-
. 13EESE-150 boxes good W a . ji,, t
i ci ---- t deb:
11- , , ur3G . . • . • ,s. cluza. a co. !
----- t -— w lix. i IC m•
B Atra-43,T on ..
BDOo...ittly ,
03721 ROBLSON. Uµll' & OM
FOUR -10 bbls. •
is s zl 3°G . " ILAILUAIMIL
jS2.ARLTgM°E.ED--5 lbs. fox - asle by
it — ACON ROO ROUND-8000b s lbs.. Boman
-1 bassosses.sosslssoss , nu •
a. w Iss . wawa=
1 - 1 QED BE 0001!)isdar At.
ountr and Itnm Arr my. h. th•
~—coruumair boAU ,I . I b , th•?! ,I . TI. or
111 - t grmtek th l2o =a Tu.
• • Virrifettl{d i a CO tr.
, • Otunisimita Dears.
RROOMS-2,59 co=on to'bags;
IL , . 60
Corner of Wood and
....t.lbrder& o .: •
04=40244ptha1 11 1
Te 4;
40 111,401024 dc...;dp,..
40 ` 04. 04 1" . .. 4.
100 Ito; Ina
C 0244
t i VeA I.tG bel4t__..l iI
93 egld l o. NO. i el. i
p p 4 da %4140,0!4._
BO .4 . 4
DOO Pa. can , "MM.
31,..44 Cu 4044
" 7 '1440.1 2 0. 4 4' 7 :
1 " "
1 0 0 , IFU
10 ittia : = ti r
/3 " " ( "It . . •
2 bbIL °Mr/ SIM .
Ab4r, swa, 011,03 m
1 1 0304.2Arr.... 141 . 4. ;,.:.
1100 160 m0r1104.4 1 04/' •
100 " IL .14.14d1CM ,
140 404 , 4 4 4
Ulm" 144110,..
QUNDRIEF.S• i•-• • • •• . • . ~ •
" an b ," t ..icedig : SOO lialliox
uo bkgs. ..11..psIet. 5..41:41r4,15 4.e,.. ...:
. . Was Toss.
110 buts Irsr/r34:41
.. a _ .: ;0941:1 , 404 .
Z us. Illen . TOO drums Vi51a ., .. k.i...
MO lbs. extOsbi __ . ; -.-. .It . 1". Y ft i ' .. .. ,
WO boxes Ltertus& -
C. T .' ..
' '' b '... Lemon ffussr.
, l arP* Eas4sigia-, ' so '•• ToolssoKnchu:r.'
100 noes Itsvpstes &Sat!. . - 30 :: ttr,..F''"' s
-.2 W.. a•g`n . ..
~ , • 143 ' 7. 1t...a114.4
3Su bss. Salo. Mato ilisse r .iPrlosips noel% ,
ipu Ve r a Qt. sod rt.llsalr.c. 7 H., : ~,,.. • ,
•. bp Whits Misr, - • ...,.•
-SO v Is. N 1,2 lisssearb 00.1 L MOOD
W. A. 1. '4 .
..._. ' 100 W. WeV3ai ct =
WI kW N LW...a .T 74 ' - 3jp bi...1.....'5 .. its:
W' ZI tNisn i s i trAth , 'L
' SOZI ors CriTh. Ta4t....,
louci 'sit. Lao Olt'. '; ': ' :.4 ~,,,,;,, m..61715il " •
NO oos. ButlisTsC ' , 1 ... y . . D. it 1111.1;salltx
, H.Q. Mira laul TM:11ml l ila! ovlar rand VD
,'Aftln,rP'*'rird'ujiriod= adiriar 'n' ar 4.""' s
, a.. 1 .=" 1 °I g'• "' lin-6: givo' 6 " l". '.
,o°, l , ? .: :,lo,.
,Pittstnagh Uuturanto Coat aq
rriMiS - COMPANY-. was incorporated - in
..11..Psbrnary.11.31. with Perpottial Charter, and has
asomenced Dodoes an • moist of 111004 as.
Coaanaby dos Asians both ou the Joint Stoat and
Oo UI• Joint Etat plan ibe rasa as ens-thild teas than
thaw thassil by Mutual Cmapantea, and EitteeoPexiJent.
lower thatathe rates of most hteck lompanie,
Manua rats are the name .e those adopted by outer
r " "rm 1I te 'sr= " t ult=
ein al
em of Issannee. min the Capital snit Aurpina
the Methuen densionott. ' • ' • •
The olltarter permitto the granting of isoniranre o WM.
on every form. ineluding the staid of wife. blidifs
rants. mistiest, fries* oe emolltuno—to loons the its of
another for theironn benetit.payatdoo after death,
non the partl. es= at ft. ms of 150.65.60,urnat
! - Junes P. noon, President •
• , raninel McClnetan. Vise Prondolut;
.1 1o ezt4 n i lseee-h . cat E . Trosontre . .•
.pnre toe James S. noon. IcoephS,Letieh.
• John S. Mtwara: Charles keen.. -
Paso oel Meehan. J. Wm. Planes.
.• . ,
50423 er rand .
Ilan. Willins,late &est., of. Wye
Ifon.Walter jamas!, sot tteeretary of Treasury:
Juba Snyder. Cstder of Pitt b ash :Banat
Loeb. MO. Whohosiaassr. - t • • '
ps N.
Opp. A. W. Limits, sum
•ot. 11.3feealmont. bd..' •
. •
Jawat, Gamin. • 5 arlfala , Adalasa; MAX. '
/eras/lab tavola.. M. D., Y.. 11. Cdrinalaa.
- 1-sawilarg PAarialasa. . ,
Kaalual Dilworth, n.. /, 41'
/Labatt Saygaill/3. Fourth lam%
Joao Craw , 1.1., la , Math alma,
XeX. organ. IA 11,107 Merit sirwa.' -
U?. Dilworth will ba la at.tendaros tba allaN alari
5 1 4 l T/ 51 L
.JiaP/r. Has Fan a O r TONalaaw4 C.A. CL .r •
State Mutual Fire Insurguice Company.
BRANCH oFFIcE_No. 64 siivilisw &nu"
PITIMINAH. Slay let; itsr.
TILE best evidence of the succees•Of the
Directors f. aommo,rtor to make the ..21.-ITZJILITe
11 , 711 Z .;XSUItAniCE.OO.IIP4Zir meet th e .mante of
Dor ematoonlty. Is the ungarelleled mooed of tmatome
Idikt, bed beau daag . laving lamed 7,900 Polito. amtot
tN imet f am. thereby &Wm; over 1130,000 to Met 00040
of the Omnosay. Near!, ell Me rowdy inzanid to of th e.
midi I= m maell risks. use ism. 0 0 10001 b
Mole ito. Polities lamd. TOO
Do. dMeldent,tonsinated.mmerd. -
Do. do. In fare_... 2. =
Ammon of YroroetY
edooded.lersolostatorettee=o,l,72 00 •
m ft o nalt e a d m , slost :OAS f 7
Do. iterm•mid.—
ast,Tialiai . ;;;;Wea= 7 ... 51,661 14 " ‘! IN "
Do. do. do. emmdat—....r. =24
%bole ino't lcaniand omensospaid—le-1,411 en
Datum m Woe of the Co.: in oath— . 0215244 6
To ror madmate. sedi owners of ddelliodo.
tad Matto] and country. pronuttr. It is Delimed Ode mom
demi afkode 04.004000 10 pointed' clessemess. te.d
soclener, inferior to no nmanna Cconnuey in Ws amain
thocoultstgo and gran/ ineprousd mem
Gisceniculects at &Lim occluding all special lissicne. hr.
.mina coly Molted amend in sny loesucr, lbw nre
cluettur Ins frocuency snd atenereree of bow fdem, 02.2
Wm= boa, the Ittock..odaintual Soh It tot o=
mom tbe mour sod meommodetion th
Dot entitlai a tn. insw to ed • pertnertion Ins pant
Itloev i i, " cvvi•M - rijr. '`nb`a' eectirvielt. j = ofot tOl.: l XO 4
Mots. John B. Packer, Juba Entberford. . • . •
. 4. =MORD, Prosnlcut.
, deordm7.
ogi,BauzleiTfar& by
. •
~. . .
R. B.—A. petty Diricatel of Afloat pa ant on Marta
policies hes been ...clued by the Directors. esel Is war le.
Weals a thly Ma foe normals. or recomeala In ash
at the ad of ninety das. • . . A. A. C.ausso As..
Franklin Tiro Insurance Co: of , Philadli.
wpIRECTORS: Chitties W.' Bazaar tied..
'th .ththercie;_miettithrt. Dretheit D. I...ikTobise
ar, Adolph. W. amt % ismattel Um.. David s.Drorni
dim ti Paor4 Morris Pans
ciwuartnAncliza. romapt„
Computy emotes. Ist • lostarsams. n od
limitad. on sway description of Parrs.. y In town sod
sountry, strata as low .0 .r. waseinent 'nth ...miss. •
Tbs Cmpsny have reserved •
which. with their Capital and Peristiums.valely toftsCtd.'
.o,nd nil to the swedwl.•
Th. IMSeLI of the Compay. on Jammer Ist ssyst.
Wind B ros
to the An of Assembly, were es totiowl.
••. • .
14m1 Y~im ..... 8216.12.8
• 5t.377 •, •
' •
tad, ta •
• r..mes tLelrth.orsomum , l r•r , cd of
twhi upwards of Ons Idles Year Ilusetrelik
DatLrs Losers try Yin. thereby allontion evidoies Of the
edssatassi of Ineuranos, as wsl/ ss their sbi4 Y 1111021..
paint's to meet with prompts.. sit . •
' - J. O.IIIDNUI COrlitf. '
• "Mild' • ' Offal 8. Y.. corner et Word sad s4."N
og • • nd,on consign
woops A 50X.
. _
Penn Ignizial Life Ininranze.o3,.Philiid'&
(no J. 1 Mom ,
r I.L. b. rtr.2 aconoacooo al . tanoola malls; in du
loop- put of Lao ells. U. item ...7 .1. , b. 5....1• 4141 3 ,
Rem It to r.: sod at° 3 o'clock. at the ovular repo of
J. ISpooonsakor a tb.. Po 26.1F000 Stnatorlans ail moor
gars udbrastrost %ALM* eves ard eomounestagasprompt -
Irstuvlnd to. • Paooptilais applaining atm
beatiM cf Ufa loorttraom aoa aPak t fermOtsabbia ati
onlical.D: - - - ' -' ••
Capital Rock ens.W.O.X. sad oast:Way Incrainure- r .
Protas OIPPaI asinually amoolal thookbasurad for li;•. L •
lttaborsda. Jain. al. 1641.—taal _
)la4ttp, Fire, and" TraWortatico
YFIE Insurance Company of NolthAmeri6a
llalodeledole.--aalaeod Galata Wao,ooo..dipeip
alatat7:l3, /01. SLEaI.:46 Will make, lasorance
ta/klaa. sad Mar axdazda flae ead Weimar. oNo
ProPeref darery daerloacrt‘ablyred per am= Doug
pod other rposelsoalkor Wand too:WM.OM Or < 4 . W.
. • . •
Art.bra O. Cala. fiale
• ' W. Roes J ' Nol.. • v.'
Ed ap.ward !tabard IL woo.,
Juba A. .KWitm Woah. • •
• annul =l.l • . • NTOOC. ,
taanad Nada. . Moan .11/Oasa. - -
cas.rir Tular.
Jamb PL Thaase, . ' :lama N.
P. Iforris.a. • .IL D. flbrrenf,
• Tate le tap oldest LIMOOPOOMONPaff ladbxl etal•
UNI reGit biab idaigiftlf. lOU .7
sad tnraetvr
or..WU Pa rake of Ks warn
=sr La Mulolel”1 , 1/1 , OlSVMlierr o l . triptho Dab..
%LW Mad,
• No, 111-Wrala eteset,
Westernlnsurarice Company of Pittsburgh.
QPAPITAL 8300,000._ ,R, MILLER, Je.,•.
raidant, T. M. G o r don: Eariotary;
arose an tra MI Anat. of rials. Tim and. Maxim
all Won bi morally •cuu.t.d manly tom.
A boom lanitatkos.aMmtad by Masan, ono an well
lama In the sanuaralnlvad 44.,="1/
=En. araunia l l, Inns t.a bat yora to tboar
oho Andra ta to taunt: • • • •
plates—t. UMW, Jr . da r t, Blast; J. W. Buda, Wi
trabasr.Sr.. Wm. Y Wham C. lama. W ; Jaan...
Was. X. Lyon Jams Lippincott. AMMT* •
Ite. 9! Waxy stratAnamboaso MEWRS en t
my Tiros. tleats.
ram) Plttabor 3 a 45117
Delaware Mutat EstelVEsuranceComey
_ J
CCIA3IOII. Talsl anat. TOlladatabia, :• • • - •
lasaavaa.-11mumara wythandiar
ammo , , WWII =ld anatry. lama! .nasal tam or
atria* try Am la rho Moon tau of proctors
Musa loormars.—lay Mao lama Torala.
mad Traista, amise or canvas, ands apes scra
panda. ari the wand may &Ma.
Luna Taa.NMIWINI.—Tbay elm Wan flerrLbaratbo
Mammal by Warts. Rail mad rata.. Canal boats; and
Boas Coes. a na sod laka, au asant Mere lams
. Laseras—Ja Ya repb 11. V.lmund 11- lioader,i.lotat C.
Dana, Rasa Bar i. . Jac N. frame, flamael Eaossa.
C. L. Marna mma Dor* WU'
liaml'atonll...)ohn alsolls. in, R. M. to=ilacano C.
Caul, Tbablalas J_mor raga
Cbarletl=_Th=, E. Mama
Sohn Sonora W. Ems.
Imurroas talssrast.,D. T. Maps. MO Crala.
John T
WastaLMsrt,Tredlrst. Tars. limm. Pr.&
dent. Jana W. Coor a, secretary.
7'6 92
.I_, _ •
tier - .MP - VD.. 1 1111 .1
-"' 85' "" 99•
0, for sale by
& w us&esson
i RE, sad to arrive tide
• • = l som% ....rt b.f..
1.15 oral 1•01006 : 1506 WWI
60 tom esp% ram Stria
15 Ma...
76 bbl 6. 16456•661
15 " 5. 11. "
B 7 " =AM. 60,1
f6ole. .w h ew ßattles;
ISO dram emyrfla VICK "
LOCirr4. P "L" r !,
b taxa tort Catbdr: • •
1 bbL Ir5P. Cub. ng
1 ewe ins) Suet
haulm% •
" flitll ,IIA4 a•Clcal
. " Amos Roar.
.1 bbl...llaurisarhur:
1 13=trart !g
ot alosh .
6 . imrll:altr.
1 auk Sal Sod.,
aid Oil. le__ - .me if .
Obk Laboratory.
. .
. . Per c.elet. *el:4th, • •
bLit'ELL FLETCHER CO., Atlllll
run at AL0)11014 Por•SplcitoltoOolopos col Brom
• Copper Distilled Voma Wiliam. Wran cm lam&
of Visa cod intit ,0211•4111.03171.71,01110,_,
Mb= Prom Pittatemb b promptly 12.U.4
at Wrom aoctiort pokes.
Wines and Liquors.
D. rood .ofPttteboral. .: ( 2,1 a tit;iffiam. Nr
" to the nubile general/. ate/ their Mends
4meeialir, that they bare ortatdieded • NNW it=
!AVM MIS maths admin.:ld, .inte-ther
greys keep a toll mermen% dab* beetatoek—Honltlensel
french red and white Winre. , : Also, rrenth dart =idol!
Drandim, el the ehoirest Ttatragra Jawial...z4thgm. 4
f4a l h Vlihiskez,chanspainntater 11.4
end :I=',/;=nher
herringit, Veda mei
or e All On Irittlist
•111 mu, whlesale, or retail: en Unwed Ivenesab o
Ow of the =ere. lb. Me
c lez 4, 1 .14 ejtitAv4 , l
Ifs=l ' to sob so tgr e ' grad ' tar Attie than a ` ol
other house in Wm ally, Them eve Int s ealt, Woe lon
.tilr Families napphed tree extrithazto. Ma . at the
Win =Um
Lewis's Patent Reversible .Waiter Ihlter
j_S NOW to be seen in o'resotion.okWAl.
SATZ I CO:_fs Ylmobas.. Na 10 Yotirdi
n Yong awl Liberty Ma.. and al 111.1702.AW/Lilt%
No. 10 Margot sued. Plttsba . Slila Pipe r isms[ vol
a gold Medal tram 10. Institato Took.
and a Oath:Wats mom Um inailtaga m ghilmleb
alga, tor Ka mom). Ity in Its tleanalog pisisertter. sod also
ism: Means nom Manhattan limn In tonna rhilailt/Pam .
of which Om 1011oning art
It gives am groat plasm. to Mammon to Um lows of
ma, clam valor. Ws Patent Itovatalblo Watar ll'Uttmr.lo
nonteg by Hr. tomb. listing wed um of Moon ter MOfl
a months. I am enabled to Wm. of they talc.. • •
(mops PUIT. In Walnut Mime
• Palant Ratan= : l%%, i bi Kt.
&aural IL Laub, and own by Ms for slant montr ns tMi
mints mosldoom,,ts_qt_
OlUmtnl ao4.__lrt=iconsi
o _peeve to
tberolt = t a i rurrjosiAg.PAlo..4
• go. a aostotz east
Sta. Illtan are minnittil to Mao eat la w 01010 nr
taste 1.
may mite from docompo:1 animal ot *gets.
DM matter ln Ms waist. nay an mmattol b lau two
and with mdmory tom gill last km ono catnala
only be wbo sOnittloWl•
Mina! .7.4.lgDth:
=MO atstliaglast.ManaMMo:
pap PlPE—Clirtiell'a !mpro7od pate nt
Ai Led - • '
• 4.7 =eßams. •
•• •.
all W..andaGdacd toart . „llre for do
Heating and Vennlntl=
lostbniby Steam In lintelo,Coart litami.tietano
k oMoav, Marty.= Iloopltal=tu . lt
! n go end 711 of 7 Il d n'lam ik ,os,a Vr .11'pa= :abaa•
temperature, oltbar Vow, Is t drairokaaol tr-tbro
"P=faVinti= , by :an u ral ?farm, memo:
tounnomatarberemir Melted.
Wallaby at Ma Imams. iDr
&sciatic). meatkpat
moot matemtally boated man tiala plan hi Embron onsao.
an Me =Waal Insurer a wham., nalannabaat. :al any
man & temperator .3 Lb maim Imam
"' "? ' l27ll h."*A. WAN 0 2:''
Copley . ' Pot Clay. -
TilIE eubicribers - are 'tmi Sole
J COW") . t Co fbe *al& of their Pat Car, an
=l4, °lma astablialral rePalaUlalifoolo , satobaUO•
how Pat, Steel Pots, o opt ottlo , abut
tahlalbla sulattances Insaarig , ilat la caor.ratuu,"
Need/ek Celebrated
X./ Mite highlit atedlenteg blasters Env* lien blade *sr
n Wan t`.•mtP run. awing *WW. Uwe OHS ' •
www.• • permanent teroUtient. 141 , 4 ellicertows.
Ithwurbetio end atreagthening ~ser et:awl Ph - "
Arlene of the isinheet eattnetter, m ea. to their
don bar bee. enbadtted. beet ;11‘4 n tins wort tattering •
swill:waists sr to; their raperier wring ore: alt othemplars
ten said, ;
She Isigrwilentt of their era:q.t.., very ilsredilksard,
etdrectly traibbrad, render theta rerttlissrir applleesle to
persona welerhntlwith pulmonary ellAwsts. .
Pot yens ID thy Drees; remiltsng front yrobserted eadsLet
hoogdwr osrgh,l sad total pains in lb. various wwdslzig
diserwer iti the body, their lsemehrtel thwarter IS bt•tw•
m= ot-Mcite iw t , s i e re=ls; Ltimtdsoghajfw.
/telir• been ballrecriebo!raled by tXa ' say
tnnuess snd Isis la the bank mad artro;restting
' fbogrevers artsts. argues at the ie.. their en
Zandrel s whotyrstelyerkneni rarear.i . gerfrissa a'l thre
=lst ; So sorb ws estfist i. wjth lt riats , s , rtl Me0 . 4%,..t1:=
th•lthele beneltelel efforts will be
leo' desisted. .
Rtail ..11
. L. W..s,
f..r ginva• a tcautUlal giars I. Liu., Wi lll .l l l,
rico. Colton lqi. t INuvnv. 11.1 all Mats of prinV4
ma preemie tte lien ,ruin sateeeng in ttm Liam, aad Malt
from nriethig eeptattle tanaling iii.une , to OWNS
teved.. The Imdm Late Ivoic amr, iettsth• amertlty
of Midi an ankle, stel in Chin their eme Asti. unite MP
ty,ralind. as sfa eimpetitina In kneed *nee. Nagai&
tem. •
N. 8.-4.1a8 Clic. will do I.l.lrif dot. ..t <ham aad tin'
ebould 4riwilb.o. 4.
Price P.:Sion:keeper Cate, peep Cak• with full db./dims:
nolo Ey niehtg , It. E. 1.!t.i..1.1. il& r
...57 Woof at.
"Thereon mot. ILlago in hearen andeathti, ,
'are drethipt of to galumph 7." •
T.ILE VIRTUES of this remarkable rem
dr, and the =allot appthadrou to tb• propel
• tea in/mad Dim to hare Itnut on in bottles. hr Ith 1.•
We and Shoring., fur the beseht of the
',. oth The OEUM le ' , rotund from a ..0 igk
tjalltr.4 thlthhOthltod feet. L. a pure, unaittltera!" -
' lo ttala, olthout any themkal change. Int ruse ay t
nd than drantrea tires( Latraththt That routaing
preprrtha teething a number 01 there 'el, CO •
=UM' a orovrtaluty. There ant want thing" In the az ,
{any of noun., which, if kno w n. ought Lea rat
new In alleviating thldering. and leaterithe the bloc. of '
health and vigor to many a eat. ref. 1.. ogle hn the pro
petetor thought of putting it op in tom %It had a repot.
tire rot toonrreot Caw.. • 125. constant and dully memo
nog WI, for It and erre& rththrludile ruse, It has pee• auto laical. of its halm. popularity wed
*kw *mad applkstlon In the mare of .
With. not Eat to bake a long parade of terUffeatelh .
ArPooneclooe that, the mediator, ran rntr work the nay
Into the freer of Wane who rutf.r, and teleh to helithled/
ant do
<lntro foe tt a maternal appliration theat
W ryer,•re 2311eiltzt/ oily to y
th it in a number of
airfoils Ithenun It to ohnealled.• datoug three ntaT
entharratod—.ll, • of the mart.. h,aet. ouch se
cultuNic Biwticurra.dicurauiuriv,,, 12 0 .e . T _
Hodder and Kidneys. Paine In the Bart
I m o tll,lo. Navoas
dleundfria. Paler, Ithenthelo Pahatt,r.thal
flag, Tette:, Ittrignerthr,,notne, Pf.ahth •fdlt• tonne
Pe. te ,.;,d ln tuna = ;6 7,
reu rtir ...h ic .r utuzeit ivx ri , g lota and
,v,z . A .1,,, L551 1 .,
fonotions, width thrum dolma and a rrdten eatiatiTM 7
and giving thawed atattroned tO au the
of 1144 ptaprletth , ii of Rmtel our. of PILXB
that rtlettal neer other atthent. Pet nett coder tlae oar
of the ri. - nunzum elthrt thnn Ile proof - on ha *
gl /tlr Vsiati,:• rroz:ditoE )
tom 01 ' LI
• • s.Canal Karin nose north drat.
nt- A i,..+:17;, N. N. et 7 4te, 6T Word tha
I and KEYSER , a• D 1
eether Wood street and 'Mirth Alloy who an
novxtor t motile" aro:iota' ,a4inda.
NOW all men who are Eick!orid afflicted:
.ttn otteearaeita• Piliddre and Eldrols. with rhea.
oilso paths at bark nob. pint:. old torotrandag
:Werra, Sr l uY
, thth thrr eurrd tho
You rny talk shout Pa Wog a nortrumasa anteh
oa you plena bat MU dot% sea ante it as totem Moira..
ta.tha lan of to honest oroonthaby. that It boo 'Vaasa
add& an ant sordatord sof tabor boardY. The ...a
Veto ts racked _faith ban. sod waterlog fan disakaa...=
for SO data arrt relief Icon arty of dab the eau
Ilea:dee It elan nay laths to nuke • afal. Tian..
lama 1. tm sothant—ao othopouna. Out up to the ottriank
of tothothat as th e oteansualtr, but It is • reroodyelaborn
:tett by the tauter baud of name. and labblas up from that
Luna of our =other earth. at Its orbaull purity.
_oaf of
an 1.:1f41T 1111111•1111 T • May rel. Ar. °Mara an d
'cheap core.
It that cured Yds, ahrt‘othrt nothitior have y
, renAlot thy rebel , It boo coxed Ithotatnatirsh of toad
..dentlataant f the sorth and matt Ythil dthanotst.' it
:has roard. Cho o lera dlorbab by on or tyro doses. It has
owed old mai of Parthas, In _which athry ether .00047
'bag bwet of to andl. , AS • tr•2l riL•C47 to hum ant
lea.ahltia.bettrr than arlyaathral cornrows:bar obotmeat
that we lame ref. • it add tors thultdamaand fraud feet;
I..,ll,t,afetLarnbiloaftiooo=„ie/oir teg o t r l== bsegigt .
barerft attest or
gt ~ tee lll.7ier t dbldowelke.eiter el Wood a l ert 'lard .Vlrett
1004I1.bobera 47 Wool throat th A. Elliot. and TS IL:
Cdt',7,ll,lll.heaa oar. troth. sand. .; .-, • t :
- -
Ron; isut tale Ptoooi
m, po,•vjar snd bonolledol Matidnos. sad MOM
Mut inflator Of Ma mists - Med instroment for ihh•hust th.
Lau" io droning • rayed Chnonto amuse, arm Au=
dont of chat antvoatho. Doctor rhyme, mot
grdwie of the L'al•enits Ponnellconia gra' OMIT
Tram eine Itoss.boms =mom% in Ma inasaloodtkorofflise
cso, and lb. syMicaticosof mmedios thento.
litirMWel of tie innotiom tolccal wit(
arito &imp, mid otbor of Lid hephyy
sainfd ol unyarat.eloot manse In man Mona rttdttl
of badinMsditact - Tubefentar • Comaraydno. COMM*
tanfot, ithonnutisto. Asthma. lama ond As.. 0
all Undo. Chronic Km Arab, and all tlom obstinsts die
moos metallic . to. female , Indeed. every form of dines
•shishwandar the um of his remodloo.! to which losinatM
ty to hoir—not hf th• use of ono marroind only. for that
inonnufstitto titht Physiological Ls Intt by the on of
tdo rontrodon. adopted to. amt yromr9beckfor. mob lacit#o3
Altersties Pills, re heariarid, are
My PrAnnutottrui t 0 b onperier to all abet% ar • 206.
We Or 'UM 1411. b1.19211= 11.11 they id.. Icnrais
featly fres from arreirenerr.. sr rho hls Golden Pill arr
mitad the faculty. na pore= WWl* , M.ldaa +Ur
tret to Demale ,iirearea bat brbui eathifird P . a bun MIA
1.• inidbarsd to eflablith what bar been raid, in Me viimods air
ty moat •
.1100 MOO oso In . Co colt uron ogunt. and.
enee (intis) one of trialara paroobletsoileing a OW.
wo of each , and Ida "
Por aria b airtr igi jarein . tTrita u.
J. 15rboontrater it ~4. froiad ilitsboarti. ,
.1.11. TOlnantd.liruirrist., aS !Wart IL.
Los d.. Draggisiorear Mr Port odic..
Jong ,
AFFLICTED,:wiII be found-fa
Dr, DeWitt e:Br.llfiger's INTALLITILS LEFIBMIT;
orDina. width
homed has stool thereat of thlrtyymrires.
=, and has, te doubt. teen e mesas of sal ,
tree ottbonserals iindirld ad&m elmmit *.al
dem and character of disease: ire feel that we hazard no.
thing taming that this lithe Only medicine that boo lass
offered to the ieUid, Out doss, in oral-mum of the wited,
what it ie Wad Par.
•It trimmed, sad arable otentiniummi disease s
any other meinolue offered for Isle, me pow Dot . by. saw.
node or sole. or by what raw, •
ittang satEramituoinz _grout .of sterte...wi ititY
that It is the only artiste Math. appeared in the forts
spOrM iiiialdne that has ever teen patronised tad reeda
ed the prairie et the elite reneudiy. a,, ILie mist saiemiiii •
o grody&lir, i_rrirm uttered for rate.. , seed by sap GI
.Tbs LipS 6 llaill. 40 1 11=11 5 l'ate 11. C. Tire &dd. •
gtei titr Tiliraft.eM •
Times; sad a host of ottier n tisnished situ.. of N..
Yori c who here fu ll y toted Its merit, hare perm itted _the .
As it is well kuown . th
thst Patent Medicines
nde are not=
... I le/1=61 1 4 a t n 'dv ris
Revd. This Wonder voralstiorepound has bean manly
err. paws before the pniallu its hut:friend, 11211 not its
Mouset. end best , Thin:lost utdoutiwilly .1s slitter. and
sonvincins ago( ot its garret toefolires And sanative
Virtrutti4l =rage !p i 4 " liri=
sores. sod I the pens and achel ItUt floh Is to.
Over 1000.00 , 3 Wild bare been sowithout omplalnt.
switiareparfirstrid sartonlehME onniik.sner other
remsdfee hare Mid. as would *Mimi belief, hada we DIA
wit - maraud In our powerske, the strongest passible evt•
1111 i itiedlubwiiiit natures renardy. limbered limn nip
NlOl 0-00 Internal es well as external Wow It site dinw+
ill l S " wiie th olkstioraa = . diusere '6s4 4 l:" the
%retinue la mateur fund% from whatever •motie .11 mar
" „
sbe traittabseib, try IL &Min; Mims. tidff
Co., lad Cialsn A isnowdetuural by t/.. odobl
. nqtym
=rally. Ills tint up In tar, two, Dot.
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
PUBLIC ATTENTION in respectfully in
to the Mowing
Sa ntO
one of the newt Importent remedies aftra time&
PETROLEUM OR ROCS. Mfg It le not more than one
year ego glom thle s szat onme=roight be t tors 11 . 14
C=512 . . gee ' tem=l... fun ' Writhe
? mew
oneiraltyn ore allege that the Roger it le mg
more swain will Iteareat syrad4 /t not the teen.
rdy of am y,got up for the woleyartde oe &sawn.
hat, mo• whim we onweire. aglogne to lie noel DM
gt been forgaums. The Petrelents is
a Nature/ Ranee!. elaborated In the dm/Goof the girth
bl a mekaem and ea ae? that lent. to morn all human
Coll , Detr Meyer datrothen w e
atoot a mat&
dm. that we write lbw ten hat w m e
ray nothing micew
bind te. desire those Oho may bent our ward or oat
demo in or datements. 'the net. am Mar ett to oath at
hi? 11 . 4 hat e= r iirto mnores t hnm he ettletVa!at
bast masa thank. Now. we do not Grim
to thig am swims only MO. the truth in rename I.
our meaty rhaeld b. told. In retirees atom Lett • rem-
MMeMs cloweeMit .0y Moak snide in no s at
anyartorised bete—fecte that may besseatalsed
in oar city end I=lLbortgal.b.... up* OsUrcemy la O.
Wltbin tee d
the nen two utordo, towel our am atiserm.
wbo wad lobar lAD& Imo teen restored to debt. Em&
real mom et blMdnees. in the State of OLIN hare 'hog
etIITIL And. also, the eased. gmtietnen in bearer detrn•
Thom ad earn: butthree are men neat tome, and toil
to referred to by any pernms wtodoubts on theater
}ed. Tame outs were enied afar Ite WA been &handca
r& by raysidane tOptitss. Tn. lean will rum
Islam and eseerding to .orrbor, Dreeneery.
Mr& Illumandism.bont. hen Wet& troLU.I. an eli.•
1 . 11
,4e on 8 th e hen. Mande PTO torwa.s. TOW.
Mead, ream in the tonna:et Mem eld mem.
Wein& Ague. Chronic Rothe. Saha. Ronghltie...T2
Ydmonvr WWl= of n cbrada mum, boding to pro.
Rim end darner of the Madder and Rldarta
Mimi amp, Jocorlnud Elmer. Corn and Brusiona
la bet. 1 le • gam matzo: At 11211191 . , Mt by been tithe
mall 0. snore dinners valan the part year with the
mot tweed sworn. Orrtineates that aill arteabh an a
th.bnoge wreprieme.who • 11l take &Lamm ra Lbws
lag Qom to the alkted or their
Whatever darn may say eat
their inednes.'lls
Petroleum le tire grratem. Remedy of the see. Phydebso
of kith Rosman- in the prefodon a n t in use it
In them rowan— al.:. mho at gret Inane on with dreg
and enowesiMy. me willing to ewer/ ft due medal -
amenIMIA3I4C. Brno another year rolls mood. all .111 to
annlBoB4 neknowlteto th at the Pander.= Is Om snob
est xnenienn em nel. toe , sale. erbokeealoeiThli
.JR Edam h/ Woad emelt D..% O&M 0.
EliTtemaPh Leen Qty. Also, by ena
& rat:ll. ' l;lmM Meta. termath street. Paw
and 11. A. rabnamde. 8 Co.. Vann and Vroalt w r
{„ak:41.14 . • W-IMPERIAL COUGH. SYRUP.
4p : 7.41. anulki ! spiVLlals. and hiattly aCaielotts.
ant Orr. sierray. latT
Mr. It E. Salliaric—MT children. lite others, hare ted'
salami to trooblesetoe oongtot. awl having need =dent
remedies to very littlapartone, .o lndtined brodr9
thatanta shoot Js !'molt Limp to-stirs it a raUl.
arzArtitga.tnrav,:t to m7~t`n66iarfKC+
1 to
rreetanirodict tor recistilniX sod de cane
oensosencionrir believe that it is the batons. fa medial:to
that Ina frf leteendder:d we • ,
'Parente ehOtibi set Perssit thdschile=.W suffer from
congb:,bro they tsar W erred lry • Z et., bottle of , thu
kleletrol lizol odd by_ • litarl4.
- atch2) , • LT Weed et.. and Yhorrlet gaorrouy
In don>, and tbi ell •
EN Ointment, • •
teVenflal earns
nem, aul Bono Ltoisocat
op:dekko, •
• 'BYO=
~, merman
Itandlitmeat for Tett.
I Strnittlf sine Plano. .
Worm Tea
it the Drag r.b..
vw 7 lo , b Ws. "r '
ES, LiCT—I large stock
the most liberal tin toe, etc., _
• - •
.. • _
1 U••• =1:0[11 --
= 3 N, KIL , ur cf riZr, .
Cueaw's ditnetof 4111tIca
poor{ Pisan - . .
Palby's i..Snalmall.
i* ilVlUTtlit ' iti n 2
uLa.,1i.11111i...14 --
rmitar. cf Yeymn.itt
ri= "*- ' . ..
•• • • •
Rig AV•ter
o..lazirrs Llnimeat •
iudlrey) , Conti<
tioWen Tincturs
Inc.. Powder
Weed spd EWA, estrtlii..