The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 16, 1851, Image 3

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—•.• . . . ,
,s7-,..-,..",•:;•?.:,vxr.t.:if,...,- , a rl. rr.t , Pfr_7 7 ., , z - z..1.c.j,. ,- ..4.. , -, , T7^.!.. - ft.•,.r.,,, , ,.-,, , : rt.:?..-.., ' ' '. . ' ' - - '
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.. - ALLEOHERT Baru's cis; 77
, . •,-- • Before the Hon. Wee. B. 'HeClure, president
• Judge, sod Wm. &g i gs end T. L. MOMillen,4s4
• ' - The Court met at ninee'clock, but only eleven
, .
Jurymen took their teats. After some delay, it
was announced th 4 the mother of. Mr. Moore,
. --- tho foreinart, had died on the previous day. * -
The counsel on lohdli sides agreed that, under
, • thecircamstanees, it was the duty of the Court
to adjou rn . -„
= ' Judge McClure, 'Wares:dog the jury, said that
`• arr a matter of co
e, the Court would not try
the case in the a co of theforeman, but teem
if they could, it as a mark of, raped due to
him or tiny other Orymau, when-se near a rela
tive .died, , to' adjottrn.
,They would be kind
enough to te in .heir seats lit ten o'clock on_
Mouclay mornin g, when be eroded that Mr.
- Mobie would bail recovered sufficient compo
awe to attend to •is duties.
' The Court then adjourned. r ,
, Oirraat. Itaxtran.—we received a notice
yesterday in ". lll 4r*immeloff the ilrshif.o4
fart that the Central Railroad is completed be
- tween between Joli i nstown and Bolivar, which is
only ten miles eau of Blairsville. Between the
' • last named point arid Bolivar, there Is no !tap'
road, butaisge I earn': will be conveyed by
a canal picket. e write this from memory;
for the notice role ed to was mislaid. .
•' ~ . EA3I P.trrannaatt.—Dur reactere Win MO II -
`•• that dieters, Baia fi Dithridge will offer for sale
at East Fittellargh, put the Fourth Street Road,
' " a number .of valuable building lots, situated in
. East Pittiburgh. The Sale will-take plate on
the premises, at Dire') o'oloek this afterncion,
and omnibusass willi hare the corner of Fourth.
and l'iliiket streets every half hour during the
afterribon,', to take pfisaertgers to the ground. '
. I
TUE JAM. —; zloty prisoners "tenon confined
our Connty'Jail, 6 largo proportion of whom
are vagrants.'
Hoc trareauta.- - man named John McKenna
TsB. comtattted to Aeon yesterday,-by Mayor
Ontbrin'' He bad been confided of backdating;
end yea fined fire 40111215, which bi#fneed to
' -
TM: :O.IIPHARIS 4re , saw forty one orphans
yesterday, who are provided for by the labors of
the Sisters: of, ty : They are all neatly
dressed, and are aa line looking children as can
arty where be sem. ~
IiOCIDCAT.—A I claim which Mr. Fox, our
estimable jailer* standing to make - some re
call; to one of . th rooms of the prison, broke
'yesterday, and "he ell, hie breast coming int:m
asa with a hem; and injuring him quite se
verely., lie was upped, howerer, and though
he suffered a great deal for sometime, he know
, . .
~_. .
Toe Nratta. his valuable periodicl f or
children, dated August the 184 . is now on our
table. It`is , edited by . the Hersiend Hastings .
Weld, and both Unoriginal and selected &redo,
*ohms much god lade. For sale by Mr. 11. - W.
Bunn, No. 97 Cha liam•street, Pittaborgh.:
. .
,:,. i..,..
&meas.—A re and of fire hundred' dollars,
.„. • -has, tre-rtutdekstand been offered lor the . date°.
tion or the rascal who reeently_plamd an ob.;: stritctiOnon the tr)icic near -Rochester, by whieh
the locomotive Alliance ens throarn off the track
though fortunately the passenger ears did not
follow it. Haul is too good far the, scoundrel
- iihoeverhe may . . ,
Tna ..Ccantat itarrittan—This important
pnblitiimprorein tansy coarpletedto Bolinr.
within ten mile! of Blairsville.
...,,' . Aline of fine Stage coaches will connect with
, it on Monday next The time through to Phila..
delphia will then be about thirtyhoare. .! ,
Latiostr.—High' liornerof East.
... liberty, comnti - to prison John Potterfield;
on Thursday els with Stealing a number of
r._..„..... impl nts from John Porterfield.
.A9EXT.—A Cage 'driver
was committed to rition, on Thursday, by his
honor Mayor . Gn ' . charged witlidaltranding
Mrs. Mary L. - Baydolds of two dolbus. Elbe had
esi /dm the. motley to pay her fare, which he
~ .
Prrrr Turcemn, Taro colored men maned Warfield and Brown., were committed — to — Prison
~.:• by Mayor Guthrie, on Thursday, charged with
stealing vegetables from a market gardener:
. -
In the Select and Common Cotueoils of the city
of Allegheny mei,ott Thusday emoting.
. . -. . , , , --- - - ,
1 . In the Select Codncil; the President, William
Robinson, Jr., tookithe chair. . '• -4.
• , Mailbag presentr-"Mears.., Borland, Ballad,.
Rebell, Delman, 'Graham, - Marshall, Malik
Painter, and Soathi
I ' ' ThepriOcipal obj ect of the meeting was to eon:
- eider the location oil the head of Federal 'tree,
at the Cilyaine, in normexionwith the Allegheny
and Perrysville Ralik Road. -
. • ' Theiollaring t"pkorantron" from Geo. Ledlie
wan read
-- . -Toth. Select and car mon Councils of the city of.
Gratatameri r .-1 Pr,opose tovipen Carroll etreet
to sixty feet from Federal street to the alley; and.
to widen 'the:alley to forty „leet—the city to
grade to the-full widih, sad pave the crossings,
, on fe ral Fe street, and Carroll asset for the dia.
;• Una
_eighty feet lom Federal street, and the
. • 'Plank Bead Compan , and property ovners.wM
.. 'grade and pave the i emaining twentrdive feet
on Carroll street; andthe forty feet street to the
eitrline, or the eotuiamion with the Plank Road:
the sanivation to be Ailed on Carroll street and
Jeflersozi street eo fairs necessary to grade them
end the remainder tol, be 'placed In tho ravine
. , Above,Jefferain attest; . , '., -
• " , . , . r
" I Allegheny; August H, 1851.
t . •t it
- , Mr.- South- o ff ered ff tha t following resolution, -
. - width was swatted by Mi. MotEt :, , ". ~ \
t L cd
Iltuloired, nit , the =position of .Mr. Wile
be received, and that e! Committee on City or.
dinannes be:instructed to p repare an ordinanca"
, ,for carrying into Matt theproposition. • .
This resolution was , y discussed:by the
. members: . Medea. P 'liter, Marshall, Melt,
Gelman, South, and olford, taking an active
i parthithe debate. . . - •
..,_-- Mr.lfaridiall moved papons the question
for some days, as he unable to attend the
, meeting but': Sitar:Ea" y ~itrabsg„ at the head*/
•-- Federal street: , and was not prepared to vote on
A ,the questionVils evening,.
2.1.1-, Mt Marshall's atotiOn to postpone " the pro,
ri itton ono week, was passed by a anal ma
-Idr. South immediately moved an adjourn
and; , Loa. I . " -
' . Tbe ' President . proceeded to receive, poll'.
11t I
,4 petition f m cithe of Morgan street rels.
tivs to the impassible condition of said street,
lac referred to Committee on Streets. • •
petition from C. blister, relativeio a frame
hnilding on.Lacock !ureic was referred to Com
mittee on Ordinances. I ' ' '
A petition from citizens 'of Lscook streak re.
tarring to the graiing and paling of said street.;
vu refeeredlo _Committee onStreets.
.Thor President read protest relative to an at
.teemt now being msde by surrey
,and reclaim " Smoky Island," atthemou th of the
Len River. The subject was referred to
the City Brliciter. with authority to take the pro.'.
per course against the elaien and that a Select
• Committee, comist' iog bf Ores members from 8.
C. z e d from C. C. be . appointed to set la
.conjunction with the City Salt:dor, in protecting
„the city against the claim. Committee on part'
:of , S. C. to consist of ,ftobinson,ldarehall and
By Mr: Paintor—Resolred. That the Commit
tee on Surveys be authorized to lours Ohio Si.
weettrard to the Manchester Planh
eridetlthe cost does not aimed more — thin the ea
- pens, of survey. . ; •
Marsha/I, Chairman of the Finance Cora:,
•nittee, reported favorably to the bill 'of .7 - enks,!'
Painter & Co. for water pipes, &a. and recent
mended an Ordinance for *rung bonds to:4min,,
Painter & CO. for the payment of the memo—.
The Mork of C. C. noticed the 8. C. that the
C. C. requested a joint meeting of. Councils, to
take'brunediste action. en the location of Fedeial
Street. - •
,The B. C. complied with the request of the C.
C. and adjourned to the C. LC. rooms.
(See C. C. proceedings.) •
The C. returned to their rooms, and after
some discuesion on the Federal Street qiiestion,
Mr. Bullard, (baring
.voted in the affirmatire)
Mired for a raconsiderstian of the postponement
• of the 'Proposition' of Me..l.edlie. --The motion
'for re-consideration was loot by a vote of to 4.'
• Mr. Marshall moved that the Clerk of 8: C:
;notify - C. - C. - that the 8, C. was MO.
.012 motion adjourned to
Vest next Tborsd;;
the IMxiktait, William
Ifithitßandon ; c4rundt,i,
Boyd- took the chow.
Members pratept=dl-,
end& Ocat,
gene Parke. aiddle. Ray,' Schwartz, Smith,
Walk's, and litickersham.
The minutes Of the hust elated meeting were
[ read'ao*Waved, after which' •
ThePr .nident stated that the object of the
I meeting was to adopt measures for tendering the
plank road. easier of
,access at the head of Fed
eral street, by making a suitable grade
on said
A petithirr tkom citizens on Chestnut street,
praying for - thilowering of Chestnut street at
the rand,, twelve inches. Ref. to Corn: on Pur
veys," to report at neat meeting.
A petition iron the agent for Mr. Steel's prop
sty, hi' the First Ward, praying for a removal
of a patience near-said property.,The artisan - co
complained of consists of etendin water in the
cellars in the neighborhood. Ref. to Com. On .
street—instracted to report at next meeting.—
in S. C. the Street Commissioner was instructed
to notify the property' hoidens to fill up the
streete forthwith. rr,
' A-remonstrance of eeveralcittiens living above '
Federal street, between the Canal 'end Laceek
street, against the frame building of Caleb Is
bieter ; said petitioners alleging that the adjoin-.
trig building* were endangered front fire, by the
present location of the building. The petition
ers wished to hare It removed. Subject laid On
the table.
.16.: Riddle offered the following resolution:
Resolved, That the sum of $4O be and the
same is.hereby appropriated, in addition to the
sixty dollars appropriation, to be applied tethe
repaint of the bridge over the canal on Chemed
street, in . the Fourth Ward, under the direction
of the Street Committee. . .
The above ;minden wiMpaseed.
PreSion/ to this the S. C. had taken action on
a proposition of hlr. 0. Ledlie to fur' the head
of Federal St, b 7 postponing the matter for one
week longer. In consequence of this the C. C.
requested ,a joint meeting of both councils, to
know why the matter bad
been again * postponed.
Councils met together, and after Gem Robinson
taking the chair, the object of. the meeting was
stated by the President of the V.: C. when the
Chair of the S. C. stated that the - subject was
postponed for the purpose of giving some mem
bers a chance to inrestigate the conditicm of said
This explanation was not swallowed by the C.
0: as pleasantly as it might have hien, and met
with general disapprobation; after •which Mr.
Park moved that'the Select Council retire to their
own chamber that the C. C. might "go to work."
The motion passed, and the memberk" "took up
their—feet and mizzled.".: 'After whirl the Com-
mon Council proceeded the following bo,M7
The resolution k relation to the Street Comh
tubusidner clearing 'dirt out of the canal, with
out instructions from. Councils, put it the last
meeting of C. C., was concurred in 'by S. C.
The resolution authorizingth opening of
street, through the West - Commons; passed the
last meeting. wan amended in S. C., provided it
involves no farther expenie to the city than the
survey, amendment concurred in C. C.
Nr. Parke offered the following resolutions:
11tesolved, That the Committee on Streets kV
ind are hereby instructed to ascertain.whase
duty itia to rebuild the bridge over the run on.
Hank ;Line, above the upper bridge, and report
at the next meeting of Councils. Adopted. •
Resolved, That the Committee on Streets be
and are hereby instructed to let the grading and
paving ofLiberty Street, from Eitel Common to
East Lane, and that they push forward the said
improvement with all practicable speed. Poet-
The Federal street question tree postponed;
and the C, Cradjaurnel
- titatztilf FEMALE COLLEGE.
.knnttal Seision of the Wesley.-
5r 1 .56.1. oaks. therkmath vitt comtneere as
reehtY. :•tu, antst • .The emsne of tostrothow is
threastre,euthemethe... toothed' the Intl:Jaw usually taught
Jamie Whom, with instrumental sod Tore Murk, rodthe ether ornatheatai breathe. The 'zenith. is large r
sad othopmeed of well tthehhed wet eximiehard leathers:
Tereth•lor hurdler zed tier ter
Student. retired at any Woe. For
personally, hy letter to the endereirr k We olL
sues= • - . • P. B. WILDER. President.
• Yortze Ladies' SeilinarpAileghemy. ,
Kl. ANIS .3.1113. N.• W. , BEETCALF .will
reopen tlialr &boot on llidatar,Seaterober ' lit, in
• Boni Federal street- Course of Instruction and
rates of ur ns mom aa her* to For pardentars
nee Menhir. or noir to the 'Plindnalx. J 131.14
- troll ettabllobtot. Chao taw Is o4alaol to troth
t =ln; :t ‘ C "dY
ZOiniviltun and Brownsville *tee - demised Turn
. • pae.anfr nank Boad,Company.
NoncE is hereby given, tbat the-Stock
wgert strirt P rotoek
e rnes Bar e
to the Trisaarrer,(Wen Lattener_ ,J 1 ° on the
fifteenth dee ofdarafe. UL
end the mum trunsbu wa t.
ernes Dellare on each there subfld, on the first der
fientimber order of the Doefel___
hifefind JOHN 31onrr, Seeretat7.
40innteh copy.) .•
yr:Pm & of the StookhOldeie of the
Math Jimmie. 11Inintr coonulo7,1•111 be bald at
ollEoe. 1n too city et Pntabarshom 'Tuesday. the lad
der of September met. at S o'clock.. P. Si. to take action
on the amendment to the theater Of Wd oanpany, apo
pooped Jona 2.5,1t5L_ R. PA1.X.P.3., Seerelarp.
Orstration • of toe, 'Tittsburgh and Straenriile
. • Railroad ampany." . .
W, theundersigneolCommbisionersto re'
eirest n
bscriptlthe . t i ed L organise a company . , apt
-Pointed tbe A alb mend Aesembly of Petathri
thinia. entitled .. .en Act td incorporate he Pt
,thbornle and,
Sithbethille Railroad Cathy._ ,r approved ktamt - 24th.
11442. hereby Rive =the. last latths Patnt. bearituretaro
Prealtr. M Ufd . 411 5 , J " rilst .W
been homed. constitutithr tegerri ' lZe '' ' and
.0.11 beneath. tubed:the, to the capital stock othaid Com.
Mr. their intheasecui abil andantes, a beds Poitile and
corporate, In deed end fa lair. under the nameable:mt.
Ater.% tt,..fon. sszei.alr b the haws of rye .aid
thrtheonithelth. hereby . anoint end re oaths
tereting timid nebscribeth to —th-lse Pm Ida
de kaki. at tbe Ronnie of the thud of Trade, thither of
Third and treed strode, in the city of PlUstiargh,
Thunder. tbe ,thentrant der of Aveputtnelant, as ten
o'clock m tbe Mrenomc end that an station rat be then
and there told, ty said subscribers , at the aid time end
piece of meet s ng. to elect Pnaident and twelve Director
of the old Rallreid Oompenr. The tied. wal otho
resters at ten o'clock la the forthecon.
_ . euum, taTEIGsroN,
• • - 20110 =ROAN, ov.
• I 211031de RAVINGT '•
.16. kieDONALD, • . '!
rt 4. 3142r ,.. ,.. ,, 14,
-- Pteubarzb. Auivrt 6.1.6111.J47(7—"-. . lr. -
- - -
. .
fMutual LifelzissnmeCompasy.
rpms bOMPAISTY offers to the d
semuity mufsdrantants of lb* Mutual and/edit
k flans fan !tomatoes applied) mtobtord, namely: Love
ratan of amok.: annual erWm in rash of the per
orotans required for Um cm; nt risk of tbs year; as
adnonsta. but not oressera for the Mom secu
rity of sambas for Qs tam of life, trithamenalta.
Pia hansmot to the-accumulating fond antomed to =eh
ItannhaVagpot death, b 7 crafts upon .their polkive
• swan &Maned ft , . the permammt sseurtty. of
ahorttena mamba% sod alien for thspnosunt security of
thonalor tile whole term of Wk. , .
/ant& Is tem cmly Mutual Life Insuramm Company
whom rated of Random are bred st a fair reduced stand
ard. with a prorlaton fbr an annually Inereadn( aorostor
Lakin of Wain (far Mons sorority) in tract
ths amount of ftdwan and the Itammudna
eta an=the member.
i t rin g In detail the plan and
reason=seer r oi ' " I.VJRVMAV °"
_ 123 Wood Rant. Estum.roh.
Maxon Danmark, blalkatEramlner.
- ao tibla, St lot, Stan= turit.d Sip%
laTeassUaa kag.Oallaa
Formals br JANES A. HUTCHISON 4-00.
ICE-20"tierees _prime Carolina, for sale
A. 11C7C111801Y & CO.
Black Lace Vefla.
URPHY & BURCHFIELD - base a full
at of Lauf, and Dem! Blaik Leo Vol*
foreVretto thocktr,Ndati= he.
Great, Blum/ Ba/e.
,4 ?JASON &CO.'S Great Animal Shawl
a i ldroffer the 's = ag T berellt=lgr4l:
Fess ivslibltsd la hi•city, ornapralng
PIU ?pm ewe ska. -
Web Olik -
Paw bigh cord Troia Thlbet Runk
Rain Printed sad soubtoidersd " • ,
Broebea:C•shoure and Las;
Of One and medium qualltiee, all of whist, Our. an dots,
Mined to elos• out, previous to receiving MO fall sucks.
!UT to effued.nt • great redocUon from former
SIX TWIST TOBACCO-104 keg o No. 1,
Art reel &attar ale or •
IPOTTON-5 bales Tennessee, in store and
IL/ Dx male . IletkDY, JONES a CO.
Ten Dollars Reward. •
T_OST, on Thursday evening, either at the
JA "Usti. or totsont the Thestro and Grant At m;
ar ItOthitPktdoWerbfrtiltr"".btoTit
con abli a note..
Dmotievers of no • ea but to th e comer.
• n d o
above retroad .111 be paid to wboovermill ram It
to this otElco. oogl • .
- -
' INEGA2.--130 eh!: Wino;
Sri - e Co.
ASEU,BOARDS-25dos. "nc,forsaleby
•° C I, J. D.WILLIAus a co.-
/hi, SECOND-HAND PIANO, Mahog.,y:
ewe, glz
,netann, And In wnr.l nectar. nTi.
New Patterns
..V.MVX7.IIgArt lm ioon . zi.m,s'k.rean
tat street Dy3l, uols.
Vr a . TlZONAtatairak
10Ap-109 boxes Cincinnnti Palm Bann,.
.Iroed cal eandt=aaril Ind far sale br •
_ • l'! : " INSIV 9 b
ALCOHOL-50 bble. for sale by
ARD OLD--75 bbh. N 0.4, for'sale by
-1700 -- Ikanm:STOCX a tx,.
A N18:1 I 1 . age 'cp.: or
- do by.' J 730 CIMDT/NOILLIL
p,sold SALTS- 1 0_ casks for
irz - / ODD a 00.
BY TEl,E6`itiilli
. . . .
szcuirca ;IT TUX .0'111[13.17 TILLGRAPIE 1111;
ILomeruni, - .Aing 15.
The cholera broke out in a malignant form
•bore jreetenlay, and some twenty persons have
died. up, to this time, among them S. K. Grant
and eon, George Willis and George 31'Clarley.—
The cause of the outbreak, is supposed to be
the continued heavy rains and great hest The
weutlat is now clear, and the dim. in &bat.
The French Col of Hayti.Toer„
recently here,
stated that he was on hie way tome for instroc
tiatusriii case eclogue, insisted on Invading St
Domingo: He stated also that the present or
'dens of the French and English Console were to
bloekade Porte se Prince and, Cape Hayti= in
case of hostilities.
It is understood that the Government at Wash
ingtonles declined to enforce by violent meas
ures, the claims preferred by American citizens,
spinet Hayti..•
Borrow, dm. lb.
The lutil.storm of Wednesday was very severe,
and extended over a wide extent of country,
causing immense damage to property. Several
dwellings, and barns were .truck by lightning
and destroyed.
Yesterday evening, a man named Wm. At'Cor
mkt wits killed by being knocked from the cars
as they were passing the Washington Street
Lomenttu, Aug. 16.
Powell's majority in 98 counties, official and
moire:ha, Letcher and Johnson counties
are to hear-from.
• BaLmtons, Aug. 16.
The Montgomery (Ala.) Journal, nweived to
night,-says that Bee Union candidates for Con
gress, are certainly elected. The Union men
hare also a majority in the'Legislature.
Barnannte, Aug. 15;
Heavy nine Gera fallen In thi. southern emo
tion of Miryland, greatly Waling the tobarme
Nate Yo'inr, Aug. 15.
The steam ship. Pacific, which sails to mar
row,.has already $400,000 in specie, engaged.
Cotton—The marketle moderately finn with
nothing doing of donseipsence. • • •
Flourales 700 bble at $4 for fresh ground.
Rye flew is sellineat $3 37 14 bbl.
Corn Meal—Sales at $2 811 i bbL
Graln—There is but little inquiry for wheat,
although the supply is increasing. Sales 7000
bushels Lt 800034 for new southern red, tied 90c
for Penns white. Corn is dull at 39€060a.
BALTIXOII, ' Aeg.js.
Flour—Salea 1400 !this at $3,87}054 311 664
Sales rye Hoar at $3.62 'lO bbL
' Orain—Sales red wheat at 754:0773e, and of
white at fK/coBso 1 / 1 bu.• Sales of white corn
at 001ile and of yellow at 06e06ic Ti? bu.
Provutiana--The market la firm with an upward
tendency. Bacon shoulders are selling at 74 . 7 4
fle, Sides at 91(i)91e, and hams at -1010 lb.
Salim of bulk shoulders it 74e. Sales of
at 01c®11e. Bales of mess pork at 115,50, and
of prime 'at $13,50®14,00 Q1 bbl. Sales No.
1 beef at $11,250511 - ,50 ift bbl: '
Groceries—The market le steadj, with isles
of Rio coffee -at' 81m2)9e,
,and of . Lagalyra at
91. e. Sugar and maims are mint Sales of
Porto Rico Nagar at sciDoo'll.l
Whiskey—Soled at 28 ®240
NEW yosx man?. -
Your, Aug. 16.
'Floer—Sals. 4000 bbls, at 8109 87 for In
diens. and 88 94 for Ohio.
Graist.=Etalea 600 bushel's:tem Genesee wheat
at 115 e. Rye is held at 740. Balm 14,000 bus.
-western mined corn at . s7@sBc bu. '
Provision-BOn mess Pork at 814 75, and
prime at 812 87. bbl. Beef mid out mists
are insetire.--Lard is Inn, with sales 100 bbls
Groceziea—Sal ea 700 bap filo coffee at B®l
Sc. Sold 70 Wads Porto Bice anger atWA, ie
'Sales Mulct:Rada taolataeo =all gall.
Linseed Oil-Sales at The - 0 gall.
Whieke7-Bales of .Ohio and prison of 231 a
Stocks—U. S. 6'it 1868, base deelined 4, and
do 1867 have advanced 1 per et For Ohio Ve,
114 i are bid. Iteaditqr bonds are quoted at
Nrw Yon x, Aug. l&
CottonL-Inhe musket is env, with sees •erf
Flour—Bala 16,000 bbls at $3,81 for state.
$3,94g4,06 for. Ohio, $4,12i fir Genesee, and
$4.1.5 far @althorn.
Grain—Wheat le plentier r but there is no dis
position to boy; Bales of °Mond at 88@89, and of
white Michigan at 1000 11 ho. Sales 45,000bn
Caen; at 570 for mixed. Bye is selling at 74c,
and Chits it 42044011 ho. i
Prorislons—Mess Pork is steady, with Wes
600 bbls, at $14,75; prime is held at 812,81 61
bbl. Bales 250 bbleslard at 810940 M.
Freights are lower. Floarlo Lienpool, $1,40
bbl Wheat, 44 bn.
Linseed Oil—Sales 80,000 gallons , at 120
Wbisey—Balite at 23f4
. . • Ctscissart, Aug 15.
Fleur--The market is itrut, with sides 41290
at $;8 25 7g bbl. • - • • =
Whiskey-4'10,.t 17 10 gall, with s rod de.
Cheese—The demand is Moderate, eriti sales
.Llesedd 011—dales 20 bbls st 700 per' gal-
Crocaritrez-Tberne is a good &amid far. sugar
.with galas of 100 . Midi, La, lots al 51® for
common to - prima. A sal* of 100 bge Rio coffee
at 91®9f lb. Bales molasses at qKy?4,,,,_
. Peathet*-Balslloo lbs. fair quality, at 324.
Provisions—Prices continue to advance. Prime
barreled l a rds sel li ng at In freely offered, and
90 askai Bales of clear bacon sides at 10c.
The river hail ristut alas ;Dolan slime last re
Illorntoninn in Engleaut.Tbere - more In Jan
uary last, In England, 42 nonfereaok 602 bran
ches, 82 seventies, 12 high priest!, 1761 elders,
1590 priests, 1226 teachers, 682 deacons, and
26,461 members, makings total of 80,717 paints.
During thelaet 14 years more than 60,000 had
been bardlied in England, of which nearly 17,-
000 had emigrated from her 'bores to Zion.
ft tleman at a hotel called for • bottle
ed him to repeat the order. •
bottle of hock," was the reply, 'Mk, hare,
After waiting for eome time, and no wino sp.
peering,. he agatnunnimoned the waiter.
"Did I.not order tome hock, you rascal; why
is it not brought!"
"Because," raped the garcon (who had been
taught the Latin gnunmar), "you. afterwards
declined it." - : ;
Stun=3r Rafts: '
RAVE received a case a fine fldareenies
I Poll e . of dlttooo. tor tato to : or
.;_jra Itonotoutoor.lnt ot.
PNDELES— 7 — • .
79 bald Cotton: -
IB l r
boa ttle.n .
nink.d• "Dr 14 Wk. trararrairgtr., at
- tinter andl front rya.
QMOKED HERRINO-5 t bxe. New No. 1,
1,7 for oda et 011111 W TEA HART. In the Diamond.
TAILS 300 kegs assorted sizes in store,
for nib by ROBINSON, Ltribt a Co.
• 2
LgtHOL-20 bblr. for sall.bimi,
-10 • - 2 tills. Nal Lord;
• .
' lcuk err tsll6 no+ landing pre stte
lonia. fin gla by 1861615 DICK t co.
J7'.'6 156 Wabre 6mi
CHEESE -425 boxes for sale
sale by e • J. EIDD W ood CO..
60 rt.
UNAR-CAUSTIC-5 lbm, for sale by
gnYANLPE POTASSA-10.1bs. for sale by
7716 J. KIDD a,co.
Green Teas have advanced 10c. per lb.
you am boy Oreenlmm, for three months
to ems, Al KORRIIP UR *en; in the Dintnetni. at
4 dd prim, and the axe tnahha, noteithstsading the
sienna in prier mote he they Iwo abuse trtmelt en hen&
Tbry WI tits bat TM isaittsrgh . t this go m and de.
fr rtahltichz.
A Good Bargain is now Offend,
Frena Three to Foot delteS. In DodursovEoronsb.
war Hares lilard— = m o
th the rrmalaa• is a Focal tan lard.
with tmernser bullaWl. ao tr
dad Imo lot& mad mold at • amyl P dLPaard
DthO• Val app/! to ISAL6D faVIN;
114 &toad at
ROLT, BRIMSTONE-2 for. sale by
barigowl3lbrAbren 1f Ivppebtlan
be mule Amu to' • BALM) t
lIITINO-1011 bbls. (dry a nd veti fine)
Y • tn.uW br J. SCHWA MA KEA &
Zhu: OITA Burchfield.
itiNt OPEN this morning druither.sup
.kr of Prtoenulto &Ulm. while, bine and crests ru
m alt]; Man ., thick L. Glo , , r . eiLhe:g %nen Clia
men., S.; at the northeast cora. of Fourth and Market
street,. W 25
QALERATUS-8 enaks (warranted ptuT)
10 for ids by J. OCIIOONMAKER it CO.
IACKEREL—Nos. 1,2, and 3, in bbls
wad bt bbts.,lor sale br
Mosquito Ban. •
ITAirE just received =emus of WasktNed
I_ three yards trkle, Fir linegulte Ram '
ir24 WM. NOBLE. Third stetet.
OCK POWDER-300 kege for ralo by
VHEESE-75 boxes for Sale by
see prime, ore aby
j A e itL ASH-30 bbli. for sale bey
SALERATUS—T, rir; ice , 4 br
INSEED OIL-20 bbbh for sale by '
A .11= J. 8.-CANFIELD.
AKE FISH-10 bbln. White fish;
-10 bbl.. tyke 'hook
17M 0 hE " Ibi Wet/
DIG IRON-150 ' toms ' Mill 07 7— ookPTg Iron
..1. Itei tom Ron Creek •• • do do.
' teas
Its eels by . .3S •
ROBLII Shad BON LIM 008 11 CO.
rite . . • 2.53 Liberty Weed.
doses, just mind ssul yab. by
Jen 11. E. 13
CITRIC ACID-250 lbe. jog reed and for
br Jag . A. E. BELLP.IIB.
j EATICER-100 Sides N. Y. Sole. for sale
■4 br .1.13 .. : J. a R. non.
OTTLE CORKS-800 gro.foltral w lbz .
11.. E. "
j. 24
P J.I GAREN-540,1b5. 4. . E .,, s t riy! e s e . by
14 1 )/ ivio oziolizmywrvwfwa
100 bbla N.C. T. in good order;
1a) " bright Na 2 ni for rale by
.111 N WATT A CO.
lINLATA NAIL RODS-45 bundles, Slit,
.for ebb br • 8. t. CON BONNEIOREIT & ebb • ,
PEIL—A supwrktr lot of Ih. stet. artide Lan reed
maul for ale by 1110.11 Ali PALMER,
, • a thokot
IS UNllRi rObla. new No. 9 !lack
10' No. 2
39 ht No. bbla. 2
bbl ' No.l Milt Ilaryium
10 - No.l Mb. l 91
" Estra Family Floor: My Pala by
J 01.13 WATT Mb.
3000 kvo Irlaaird's 0/0.001 . 0 0.40 C;
6110 _ atria '
10 auks Safety Tame tor tale le.t
WINE—A choice article, far fam-
Ily um. by the cue Ono drat askter aale by, '
012 A. CU.E11.1130.4 00.
I a
Pairwrinal. for Ws bt •
boxes W..R7jOr axle by
V Jill s. • w.u•ascalt.
LOUR—:3OO bbla. extra Fain., for side - by
wit LLt w. nexa.tnatt
- I)EACRES-10 casks prime Italves, for
W. by _l7ll H. & W. / Cli 11.
N MACKEREL-_5O bbla,No. 3, Large
IA new msekirel Just reciehrd and tor *111.13y
27/1 a.a W. IIIIiBAUGH.
WyINDOW GLASS-1000 boxes City luad
Cootku7 brands, tor tab. by
11 e. & W. UlBDAOfltl.•
SODA ASII-650 casks, of our own mann
&dem, trametted et as high teat as uty
L 1 tar ode at the lowed market seine. by
. /Pint at. mar Market.
.13ACKED TEAS !—Jesakins k Co.'s (of
a, Pbßulelphts) ntpettor paelnd Owen and Olsen Um.
. In ...yeartny. nut at all Uwe be supplied wader, nod
be warranted to xi.* mglispietlen.
Anent tot Jankles it Ca
Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and Louisville Tele.
A FEW SHAREE l l i titia Stock wantcd at
the Llasaire Mar of
_yll A. WILKINS 4 CO.
Q AL SODA-200 eaaks for sale by
`J Jrlt }was= smear a co.
.by - yylt BLYNTrt, Bran &al. •
i_cots-soo prime Canvassed, for calo by
11 J7ll a. R. IZABAUOII. •
WOOL! WOOL!—Cash paid for the difirr•
1 snia " ° "" °l s. aA. gaoluxon.
(CHLORATE POTASH-50 lba. for sale
- Comnituaion Service.
MAL' DoWLS , te. tor •Ile br • -
w. , •
irlo 17 Mirfort rt.. eawrneWilLSONr oC torth. •
Ali D-1500 lbs. No. 1, for Salo by
itlt) T. WOODS /WAN.ISI Water a.
S ODA ASII-23 casks tzitsg-ich braid.
Pm as by . jylo W. It P. WILSON
SIIOT-11 kegs ass'd Nos. , for.salo b
ism w.t T. WILSON'.
lOAF SUGAR-150 btan. ass'd Nos., for
JN.M Jrio w. * wrvoN.
DOWI kegs Da Pont's Blasting;
" 144117.1nr.'w1.Z.
F LA xSPED OLL-5 maks warranted pure,
Nn by
Jrto R. E. 116 LIARS. la - Wood pt.
UNLiTA BLOOMS--.2p ions for sale to
itp erre KiEn & JONTE•
J7lO Canal Basin.
N 0. MOLASSES—MO bbls. oak. ter sale
•,11 • by Ap.lo W. t Y. WILSON.
QH. SYRUP-26 bblo. for solo by
• .1710 W. .t P. WILSON
N. 0. 71 ,110A1150 Ithdeirfol;ag
CIIEESE-45 boxes receiving perßidirell'e
Line, end ihr we by JAM DALZELL.
G 8 Razz, =I 711 tract tt...
MACKEREL —5O bble. New N 0.3, for sale
bbls. NevrNo. 3 Largo
D. 37i pplior sal • ji7 WPC IaG . V. , tCO.
1 .4 0 AF SUOARS--300 bblo. seed . Nos., for
. 1174. 13A0ALLT • CO.,
• y 8 le bad 2) Wool st..
l iS b O r Uk--2 . V u bble. Extra Family, for
ED LEAD-5000 Ibm, for rale by
IT/9 J KIDD *ell.
SOAP— , IOO boxes No. 1 Rosin, Tor sale by
iU bbls.
j... 1.4
1.10 bbls.
Wby .
. -- 114 SEED OIL-1500 gall. for sale by
14 isle J. IC lUD *OD, eo wool rt.
PUMICE STONE-L.BOO lbs. for sale Cl'
jylo , J.SIDD r.
MACKEREL-100 bbll3. Large
=J. b hi
r • Jrl9 tl. fW. 11A11140011
, I.4o n rrge . by
OAF BUOAR--50 loaves Lovering's Dou
ble &dna/. reteil awl fm W. by_
COD LIVER OIL-40 gallons, run Turn,
for pas by' 1.19 It. F. SELLERS.
VODLIVER OIL-3 gross genuine Raab ,
bm auk* 02, for sole br•
OLD Jacob Townsend Sarsaparilla-24
)719 dos. for We by " J. REDD it CO,
• •
co Want st.
IpILEESE-54 boxes, on consignment now
1-11 , ..11.0. fee Maki)/ ISAIAHDICAXIa CO,
julg i Water and front es.
NO.l MACKEREL in quarter UN. for
webs 114.11111 DICERS' t CX)..
Jrlv Water itml Yr-
DICE- : By the tierco or bbl. for ealo by
W.ter awl Rant sts.
NIITMEGB-1 bbl. for ealn low to close
codgrament. 1/311.A1l DICKEY AOO,
/7150 •
wiser land Front lau
....._ _
NDIGO--2 ceroons Carecces;
e kegs llaolllo—trlll I. told low to 'dew
1 .
II•1111Doetit. /KAIAK DICKEY • CO.
.1119 • • Wattr and Froot sta..
r FEW I FflnNittTASlyi
Literary Lieriet, Mir] se_ opposite the rat Mee:
ar y. WTI Book.
tel Alm;
tiractaties hiselirliia. i - •
I.e.leeNatirat.l3l.;rayirte, e . . 1718
942._ • , • aOOO. 0 • ere,
• 2.000 b . 0/s.
lANNEItS' OIL-50 bbls. for salo b
779 JAMBS DIT.7ItI r
I . ..ARD OIL-20 bblo. No.-1 Benbett t.
a... 8 =aka far tale bri• ISAIAH DICKY] . a CO.
J 716 . Vat. ar.d smut stmt.
bbls..White Fish;
10 ht. bbL. " "
90 bblic, Lake Track
R.R/COEFEt-560 bta
m i ta din k I:or
PIPES -150 boxes Snits Clay Pipes; -
" w if rureau n ;uSiSrICV.
• ---
IdOLASSES-27 bbLs. $.ll. Syrup
siouom • riverfor article, ter mal• by
• Jowl wax? co„
ME-100 bble; fr sale ]ow byy
E. 3L DAVIS & CO., - •
importers of French and. Canton &Oda,
111 1 ESPECTFULLY buyers . to exhit-
IF; in* their stork.
' , GAWK? BIBBONS--A veir etsfaid. savratment
" TAFFETA AND :MILK' RIBEIOIIB--A follamortment.
BLACK GROG DB BI2YN-411 widths awl prima, at
the hest swim
BLACK SATLY TESTTNGS—Iistas tasks that huhs!.
tsionswiron so mush ratisischloa
BAWL:IM Tents, black an d fancy Cravats, black awl
dd , ori , d CM*, Cram 1a.., ua crwc • -
'.CRAPE STIAWLS AND ElASlS—oiazt roodood 01110 .
lotor colors and polo. • DREES CDADED.of yOrkoat ,
• SATIN DR DIIIDE' Sarum% &rimy and other Enka
remit. to the Canton market. Jylo3or(b)
AMMER, lqn.• 41 South Second Sheet (ahem
at. eest eida.) Philadelphia. 'fablrai
, .31:11V3ALLT.. =earns
Pale amen. No. ra Market rt.. Philadaphia. as4J
L. J. 1100.3011.
u trekNOß & CO., Tobacco
onomorth bgeton
Wham & P Mercha nt&hilade No.4llphi No ra:th Water
• American Hardware:
Peart Una...Ha 6 Plait attest, three doors fruit
etrret.Has Your. woula remectfully halite dm at
tendee, of the Hardware Trude to their Stack of Goods, ra
mired deem from the manufacturers,. and for N. on h.
!credo terms.
--, 'New York India Rubber Warehonai3,
NO. 27 Maiden Lan" and Y0..69: Nassau mad,
Mod career from Browlway. . Factory I:lariat:lth et.
T .
HE SUBSCRIBER, Proprietor of thin elk
tabllshuteut, would MR= hia tdd customers, and
Iretemelly. that he Is daily receletog Erma his
tietary ..a • namranut Wile end excelhmt atoca of India
Rubber °code maautemured monody for the Fall Trade,
mad whirl, tram haring luttodured mama) szE io ltso
portant imprommenta his numhinery and cam
be feela tont/lent cannot fall Valois perfett
!pedal attention cautious. to be paid to the mouth.
aurae Agamdeadyilalu CARRIAGE CL.OTH,or all width,'
Cum Si to 04 latitudes,' The drilla arecarehdlyseleatel
Caudle heat branda..d rimed with the twenrom.whieh
finishes' metal
Cloth,!lant leather. He also stmoulktutee
MI IMAM= a MA ly imyortant imontrement
tautly doworered. - by width tho chub is made to bear au
asset resemblance to enameled leather. The Melo Itulah
snide and mold as canal. Orden should ewe* the musr
of all the different etylas
and vatirLes, [mei the rted Pars Rubbers to the ren
[lorded I:apatite! filora—nembraring leleoW Wonitp`a wad
Chltiren • Boots. Elio., Slippers and Pandale.
gmand loft Lined Rubber", ie. -
A campente anantment if Line gaming elmays an band:
alerlntenhes,Coaril.Capen. Towboat Pants, Life Prawn na'
!Mains Glover, Ilotue aloe, Reagan Jaetete, C. Lg.
Pitta Tamen Wallet, Machine Bolting, lioeidtallitteedin,
Maas Cinema, Whipa, Breen Pune pe e Iftram Peolinggboole
der Brae, Payer Hoiden. Alf Balla WI cent Flganni,
Wi every damnation of Medall ic
Bole ..ofaetener of Voleanleed Rubber Door
/Triage, under Goodyear's, Patent
The Oman will be found a molt nand, rxre andte
-0608 iv of Chapped flange. bleaching them and tee an
them white apt anft.
Vitro Rutter ft . :meet Ilia flatters' nat.
Shawls! Cloaks! Mantillas!
F t MILLS, - No. Corilima et_; N. York.
• is Men opening at hlr Shawl Warehouee, ahnh
11. yr Jr..n and Wiener SHAWLS, roosinting ot an sere.
of Scotch and Domenic Wool Lo together POD
•NI ...Lama of ?mach henna KetteamsoS 1.31 r
Brucht, Shawls, of every unale.
extensive Mort of (P, Itertno.Thlhet,Selk,
Satin. and Velvet CLOAKS, WANTILLAS, HACKS. Ile. of
attar/imbues not arks, mauutectured Onto Paris pat
' er.. Mr own Importations. reeerpol rememoothlr per
, -
!Igo Orator..
rppial attention or Southern and Wert
ero Sialtitutotli b to the atom. they PIK SW POPP
mem 0 1 Shaver. toed readtmatle spree for Lint . nar.
....ramed la Morley.
Ahoy eummeor WIRE EIIOW STANDS, ta
Shasta ana Mantilla,. Mowed in every colored Mut sad St and 55 •
e Public.
, hag bum <Mind to thadvertlacamni by florae@ U.Day,
;ml5lOllO In the Neer Turk tif Ilth July. 1111, and
the Condom and Entinird of mane data,. whleh. after
ria "'b 'n taTiVerelf: gi'Ttf.f.Th7.l:7ll" " a Tut
Infringeaten ondag our oath Dand that he door n OO
OcoglyeisCe V.1.1;4111 them nikaetoring of dom.
de thee purchased our limiter for the tonnufattam of
f tithe Rubber Shod under lionised'. Falcate, - and pad
roar money. and are deaf paying • Idlif for the maw and
Pa r:X.7 ' n " P " l "" " b.
O, tla•lpen
hi •
think nide jast much.. aV t. teethe • raid pa
tent. then to initunge It. Mg Day haring been proamutteeh
acknueledged .
rightg. iwad a • eettlement. and
attth44 in future not to infringe Me Went. 11. is now
attenttlthg. not only . to Infringe mil patent/thug to injure
=melees, ebo have, for Wt. mrtaseleralkiti, ourchthed
our hemp. and 00.1 murk under ththn and we charm
Mr. Day. diseetly. and that over our own althattmes. with
tgranass upon Goodyed4 Batente, in the manniketnre of
the shod sliteh no le sffetind to the publtet asdwe men
none. that ha and wbu are corteerned with hint in pm.
Teo4lll. ILL. 0.147. 4 =4.1 0 vi9lstkrn of add Fide
." 14' t. '•
ILAN WARD acumen cm by ,
Wm. A. Buckingham, Ttementer.
U. Uutehisuots,lirealdent,
Ng! Toth, 411012th. 15s1: Jr9.7m
• ,
J. W. Holbertcm, •
So. 75 Maiden Lane, Aim York,
IMPORTER and Jobber in FRENCH and
ay li LIS LI YANCT GOODS. Getman Tor, GINI.. T.,
de.'elatee,.e late tecelle.2 a aff llezea, Aeaddaeas, Leak.
Ina like.. %totted. Fl auealla
• •
Agent fee Faber'e Lead Peaeala ...
• )1 machete ters'Arent far Lawman Tla Toy, Pirevarta.
Office for Pareign Patents, -
V,. Wall at., N. York. and 168 Fiat at., London.
alli es
ul n inroonuon “sia atatiiman!Vsanonnt
mom , area.Yeek. •
Biiiirior Black Wilting and Copying Ink.
JONE'S' EMPIRE IN X. g 7 Naxsau gtreet.
Bun rall,l4an. Y. York,
DV: ecru so reu tease.
par perps—....4o 60
Ou Oran/QMP.4 amis.
Tide the Nut ankle nowt freely—
is a good 4..`QPITSiI 01/1—.4 earrode, tuou.kl.
reelpitale rr dreg.. and preoeeers all the qualutes
rd Stn. a ;rod Wriung Intaalale for the Quill. sod *43
=trebly Or OM for Um Reel reru
The uudsroune.3 Matured to turolab to th e Crud* el.
Qat tur eupprt etnoeururulcu, et the übove ver,
rflgigt.rtee :tla;:: '4 lt. r .; enlVii.'•?lrdeuset caryt
trr k•te ameberged extra t nett eau!
4 ,1 Tun
-• • •
Preexior Alm[. •C. Barre' Tricopherona,
...its. rmerrfoq.and beesitifying tbs Indrolowiles.
tlus sal dandruff. and corm diseasee of the akln,
pltots andanueles. atimottents, brae% aprahts. .N. It
boa N`ttl OMlllailled by exPerimant. th an Barry's Trionpb
mwocw.zhat,l'at=rodueet the ti serst .i . i ffeet.4 .l eur : lLV l eau
I =be . et 1 art 1 c:u . ZriA. ebe Varir 'l a
w ni rt irf
glean It tsial: •
rur. bratettlL"Laffilaltl
Lemont erupt/on of the watt, of a moat assmated
wli fl ew
KAn• Pa :the .Iset slat... yenta, and during UM pwiot
tiare . Awl Qs. advise of wae of tbe lawn =Poen/ phytd.
data. sad bate tried all the mp•rallans the Pair and
ekln ilffrown. without the 'rut benetit. I was whited
by aldealN tr 7 your Teicoploesoue. I did en. se w. lase
nwori. int& N m 7 ant•Prie• and sratitcatiow [mud nweelf
total In about two ciondta. Bach was the floleanwof the
dltrader that at times I wy P r ftlia, bll.l.
ilwPantfitil7. Yews. IS V Al RAPELY/1.
• 140 Oolumbla etre; Brooklyn.
Wror Tom Pet. =.
PM,. it:Sat—My Dear Itir—Atouttwo para.:2n toy h e
time out Arewt dent, sod my bead au mash toMistol
/MU dandru ff . 1. wits told by • Iliand tatty yottrlticoldww
and 1 did on. sad tam 7 aatealshtnant, my halt au
firmly ro.sol. and all the da.buff
.dleappested. as flu
bad now stows for lowlf.
With reveal. I am your abort WV%
J 8 ffAILADIVALL. 011 l!m.d.rir.,_
Lf •Dr imp or gentleman doubt. the autnentosty of toe
above. they Nee ows WI at Profeasor A C Barry's office,
127 Broadway. r fork. when be will produce Um oligf•
rod WWl', !
[gum the Military and Naval Argus. nor. 0, 180-0.1 --
nue is
remedy tuna permanent cunt of baldttew
end Anwar. of the crud.. generally, that hat reacted
the PldnntrltY ttliond Ur the article known ot Professor
Barry'. Trlnuthecone. or Oloncuted Compound. It I. ex.
Monte', Word by the upper elms. of the community: In
0..4 ay . ..U.1m,, la the loud it Is used to preferstom
other articles of the kind. It Impute ,Igor to the roots of
the boir. nod Ulu p rettnotto growth to • retwartahls de
gree. It chttrnye the thoolruff and wurf, and make. Ito
hole fine and glowy. will cure all disease* of the scalp.
such no orair bud, dew worm, and other ohnoulono Wow
dent of the skint on cheap... he well so elllearr• 11. Mon&
n unrolled. II null In forgo bottles. ptim 2.5 unto. ot he.
37 nroadvry, and at the Ihtunnsts gentrollt, thruehout
thollunedetotesond Coudo. •PrZttf
15NTINUES his usual facilities to receive
tuwlaHosts Ivae. aet Awl foe W 110101.
atba ' lakau and the Canals Canal and Nina
Ilefortneall—ros. Sagehu l ater i ling • Co.
ST. Lpuis_ & ST. JOSEPH.
PrOduril. tionmaissiou, sod Forma/11Es' Merchant., on the
Iglu% Bt. Swept, Mo. Reda to Gordon, surthur Co..
Pittsburgh. ap.l:l
PAVID 0. TUTTLE, Attorney et Law,
awl COIIIII6I/40111VT Ibr PurisuiTisuishu Loaf.. Mo.
uUriutuointioas prornpUt uninurruil. o=or
trOIIN7II7RANKIN, Attorney nnd Coun
sellor at Lao sal
m liooner m for lb.
) Stato o
lrfortiottzil4ott• flotapton
Ml,,pl•;.llaord.l7C: ?As l'iu.kelliuralg,
• Watches!`'
I UST RECEIVED, by thi4 morning's •
01,erprelia a Tory roperkir armtment or Watch.
es. We reeneethilir inform oar notortomi and the
nubile grnendly, that we hare now , and inten d mows,tonetaat!r, mows, Met an assoriMatit at m. main
as may be food at any eartern .tablirliment Curse.
rangramilts with mannheturers and importers are sneh as
to warrant as ha !advertising that we are enabled to ern at
the lowenregui. prim round in the United diatea .
• air &dal amlated bY esnerieneni and &a bed watch
Mae., motomerr. Mar , kpaul on haring their Watches
mama in tit • Len Inemtarnpzi,
ir26 67 tiorns3larlot .d /moth Mean,'
Virrlossr.ll.l&42l:7 ` ellmae,. for
- - - -
In quart bottled. fbr ws br
Corner of Woad and Sixth admin.
TAR- 30 bbla. Boston, for sale by
1.3 J. IL PLOYD.
. .
pASTOR 011,-19 bbls. extra quality, for
.I•ar wat.IIAGALEY k CU.,
IS and Wocd A.
ED, by IIA1111) 6 lEVDI,
114 Secootl mt.
_ .
ja by BII7LDc IRVIN,
111 &matt
. 4 "2rDWATER PROOF 312 , 1EILAL
.1: PAINT-3f/ WE for ,ye la. to clot. conshroment.
ARD OIL-12 bble. for sale by .
DREAM CHEE3k..-31 boxesrece pet
lobe, for W. by .1...1.1:8
Jrls • 68 Wa4r....4 78 /tont st.
' •
LARGE lot or piece of .ground situate in
the birth Ward or iss el& VlNebarrhe hunting
at 00 het .. Walton street. and orb:Wing awe =feet
to Crawford street. Tide property Ls bested diteetly above
the OW Basin. end to the nftu r or thd minas teriduer
tot th e tete 0. Hermit, Lot, earl the dtrollhtz tome Of
A- W. Loom* Rot., Lod east be cued as salWble poood
either for the dreftl.son et one or two testehtl doelle. or, ,
tome els or eight smeller tenements.
Tema--One third in head sod the behoote In An tettal
muk•eits, mewed by haw and lounger.
Apoaasllo BTOWF. A WATSON. Attrs .0 ta,
No. 110 Fourth meth
/tftable Real Estate in 'Beaver County
at Anetion. •
MEE anbseriber offers for sale the following
ransWo.' B.iss,Oesosiusos
Noe. 3 anti 4. being Wand lee feet agnomen w lament. low
onwttleek of bur frame derail:tn. =I one m ounts
frame dwelling...ll two wee. high,
N 0.2. One lot 10 feet front on Back atreet, opposite the
abort. and eabortlng to the too of the htIL
• N 0.3, Two beach wO., each 10 feet froot, am torrokg
from the mad to low water mark, en the Ott Bras..
iso. nthiaaw water wt. wassi Boma
NN ten &area water moms. attached.
No, 6, Om lot °matte the water lot. SO &a= nod
extending to the top of the hill.. whtd, I. two atm beteg ators and warehouse. 21 Of to frog elsoons
dwelllog, two start... blab.
No. 0. Om Lamy lot In New Brightou.nes.renontill.t
.00,00 140 fee ton Broadway. azgi about wa, Met 10,0.8 im yr., On which sue erected two large frame
d•rlitg one frame i at gem.
tll n tla u twi woo Itlamallooen.
ae rallstmtßrklaw.
N 0.7. Ono water lot, tremedlakdr below ralbEton Midget
b i alte , o . 4lCO bet In length. and arta th od/ug from Water
• lf not sold betbre Thunder, the th day of teptember
neat. et private sale.-11.s th en be offered at public Dub
mg. en me premise.. Telma at wale.
J 013.11 FLIMUr , •
sonll;td&wl. s t 4.lnut for Johnston & &Melton.
• • Valuable Real Rebate at Auctiori.
TIIE SUBSCRIBER' offers for Sale, on
favorable terms. t he
follemlug Property. in thek
of ittaburgh.
o. 1. Three relivable three Vtory Nick dwelling boar..
fabound street. between Market mil Perry streets. the
r Wog each to feet trout bj- bti deen.
No. j. Contains 57 feet trou t on Thlrd etnet' 101 l
the Third Presbyterian Cbureb. on which hi ceded ow
four story brick hog.. cowl as • Inintlus tare. and one
istory brick
the above Is not foil before Monday, the 4th depot
Unlimber. et private sele_Ot then offeml nobtlo
outmost the weans.. T 4211211 la
Agent ibr Johmton l ntocktoro. .1
1 1 100 M, corner Ora
of nt and Tedrd ate.,
. good locallot for a li irperr or • ph . .putan. To
m yOmogion will bothrels. Roth.. of
sue( .
_ I._ , 1121 Second rt.
, _
• • , •To Let. • , _____...
. . •
!ca. subscribers, iiiendiog to remove
to 71 Water Aron miner of Chewers ....... 2
. not the Warshaw. tberstmeent.,lPT—Nn
45 Wood sareet—running through to Third street Poe
sedition glom on the Ist of Oetober next. or root If 3¢ /mired.
aughdlw i SEMPLE. BIBSELL * 00.
FOR RENT—The Dwelling, No. 155
Third meet. near Smith&l4—os mon ay the
new back building and M. pointing and papering of
the entln bonea la completed— The had chaantaz on the
ter.Man how a bath roan aftaelhal, with' hot and nold
atm., water Haag, tr. •
Alan—the DMA. adjoining. at • moderato rent. Tannin
Pi.oith apnea. ntax Wood. •
• Sewickley Prolierty for Sale.
MITE subscriber offers for sale a fine Tract
. Law/, containing :r4L :amt. teblitgorlion 14.
P ATtrai% l. eo W 7
7 1 1e..e:urg. VA:-
.11battg land, r batween ttlgenuaylvetv la and Ohio Roll
reed add tbe Ohio rivet. The tall owe 1216 arm ) .abore
the mat, to well adapted for fartolow p,peer, roetaLultut
gvaluable Water Potrero cult. • line Cow and 011 Will, to
ravta."Vil:f ante;. tar gsrdem r 'l= rff4,7`ir.
I C stew to the dty all Var. by Unread, Rive; and
Beaver ma.
• .•
..1 , 41.71a. I.ny to W. C. DONN Qon•s Bottom.
or CEO. R. BID , 110 Dowel. ortre.c. Ptttw
• ,
Seven linkable Farms far Sale. :.
ALL SVIVATED neat' the Ohio and
'pleads the Virility of e.ala. Ohio.
from b 0 MO arra each. ad to good state
of cultivation. '
Aino-100 TOWN LOTS. between the present basineth
part of the HI lthe and the Depot al Salem.
An wbkh will be sold on roe terms for the mope.
pre. agent in the Oblo and Pane ha Had/rood. or In
.ttb.oof Lbw Dante in Putebnrgb. will 2e tthen Per.
I SLIP •LA to 61211i0 NI. Of 1:199.1. idioichet the
Depot scround. to a meopetent nun or v 0191.117. to meet •
tint Hass Hotel upon. m wbkh. a fountain on be had 10-
en - POl7 the beam and Waldo with water.
/Math le the central point between the chide of Pitt. •
burs!) and thimelarels also. between rittaburnh end.Wone.
ten and the tenant to be derived fran the Plan i
k lcede
now bettor construetedlo end from thine, mate. It the of
the wet important Wale on the unroof railroad for • And
Salem. giants 1. tll.--1 Hittaltard
Valuable Countryßeats for Bale atAnetioa.
I T HE , SUBSCRIBER, having divided .114
TAkkl—entatalelnie anus. Abutted Roo tow.
within ten minutes' walk of the Ohio and Perdierb
wants and flee mike item all.tterrr mfr. on the.
Dora rand—lutoithoine Lout, trattaitting from lour mete.
tern sem each. will roll the eame, by auction. on TUTS.
DAT. the Inth darer efilftT. Sat
The lend le of .rellentunan tr. and in n te
ettniration, Lavine been k ept ea a. drorkan highsta
tor of
number of revs. There as on the torettlsea t' n bear
ing norhards. nee of which ere of the beettmalit, of trait
It l ell dented for Coun!ry Shahs be dardentrur patpase
es. haring heTer tailing springs Go "ly thr lots.
Terme—One third in haat. the baltude n fee equal an.
lAlMent., with Interett, to be kwurebbr bond and
nantreire Bundles . prisileges will be ince... the drat
ear et
/Qrtal• at 11 eclat. A. 6L, on TueNLZZ . 14. lath (tau
of dna.% 15411. /.1141M1L., COOPEIL
HELae undersigned offers for solo a piece of co atainlag bweels aro sod qs /kw drostod
to th
I. f:wrerlio:ll4l tofi t ao= . ll , to . loot
il abegz i ftti
pool.. tho rood, it io well - adapted er cal Low
oightlag 1000 ♦sun.7 of Cho growl . fir woo al 'lto
Egaing How of WM. Alt CO.
Vabaable Real Estate for Sale. -
TEE following described properties are of
f...a for sale. OP. ear,.
palm.: •
foot story We* ware/mew. stet lot In Poubeirgh. en
Na tooth nude of Woodnow, between .la
etreets. note thou/13..4 to Wat fdreollrs Co.
Alto—A lot to the eighth Ward. Itittaborgli. tottaddd
Meitingtorn 31111 on the waist, affi frontinir
/throZt bee itilrtittlUTWe' ehelirtfthni
00 feet on the booth common. betheen Patothsky
Yawl Odettoort, and ritheing belt to Water alley ?AO f.t,
the property of /ismer (Mild.
Mot. partly In am sod partly In Reiter.e then
eldr., the seeing{ lot below the Marta* Ithepital. fratind
co the Onto Over. and routalldng about /lamer-
Alwi—A boo. and to Allegheny city. now worded.
stain ( t reenail. flouting on Donk /owe , and annedia
ureter feteduary eentatoltig about $ r Intl In
I, 4llo—AbUtt three Tel or
(6."At d i k i= th " g Zra 1 ' e
li h r ' 1,7 . fl a t n "
arA bandaarriery
wan:a:4 -,,,,welure er water at ei th er aura
, • ,, EP/IKAO.Y. Attorney,
Graze raven Md.
Braddock's Field Property..
ERSONS de - nixing beautiful, healthy, his
taited tc 'W = d , thesrPairatiou t twos tnit=.4l
now being mid in ednali meas. m tbe wad favorable
Max. ltighty-Ont tunes Mee been thy mid tide sass.,
seneral , thiferent tndleklnsle, gam of eh= an now
ITfi•gll r r i tTlVl , d4747. e.
frvz, rt,T,t;:im0rr.r.7.11114%..
Three greed tborougbfannrun by it. and through
It, to wit—tits tionongabela riven the thttalynegb noti
ItraddoeWs Meld Plank goad, which b nog meaty mesh
eet,mi Penneylemla (Central) Railroad. on which the
Can mill be running mdeard fret. Pittstnagh flat far
by next (OIL Boats I.nd Mere ermy tiff boort Omnibm
glet gill men Meld the Plank Rok4 , sad tbe U.,. wilt al
'nraflrailii ;4 'l l l """"Wi. a..., ober» I a s
be ready to above perm gas [nan d., any t .xt y,ttty ma of
11 '6 % gr a ks tVdth • "
ltirtf J.I.S.W. gIICII6NAIf.
For Sale-L-Property on the Canal Basin.
A LOT,.corner of Penn street and Ste 2
on Canal vteees alley. Including part of tbs
wan. on trbieh Ma two ehreeertory grkk Itouste.
Also—a Home and Lot an Pem etroet. next ths Fourth
Preebytertan Lo
Chureb, Flab Ward. Lomb* of
J.5.3.1t.g JONES., 147 Eyeing .
r above Adman street..
For Bale or Perpetual Lease,
of i Al
os a, out lot No. 29.1 n the original Nan of the Otero
ii te beny. frontinit on both sides of Hebereastnat, and
• • Also.for rent for one or more years.. the ...Aldo, of the
out lot on the 11111. extending back to Bldg, strove, lately'
oesuoird as a Teuton lot. • '
IFor terms. du,<lllMile of Mr. MOSES NORLANIt, neer
i m o adam or of the eubseriber, at Me ogles.
1:MII:qr1 1 .1(7ra:ril
y unimpro
r y y e e d LOT.
.nW- tahrdi A
eohrGerLmabrtadliT(lrch.aLFnt .
erty. 4 100 feel deep on Portray. ronnlng book to honal
U igt—the thee,• It D I II Libort
Lthi= bf:
103 ititTrop. * . 4" -t honor to leer, e and =rot:lout. built In
socdern ety 0, mad contains eleven rooms. - 1 •
AlO-03 acres of ray/ valonbla Land per f M 00410.311.
Also-•A Farmof 13i1 meow in West Deer townsnlp •
Also—A Worm of 041 oars In Lowrance county. 0 tales
Qom Near Castle.
Also—Forms to licavor county. of :rufous 02.03 and
prim., Dom WO rem down.
Also-12 vary valuable lot. ihitonwoo, 111 note: Prima
moderato. Znontre of
- • • N. P. d 0:.1 IL FETTERNIAX;
Attorneys at Law, and Wit.o Agents, •
floyeil No. 107 Foo Pittsburat.
To Farmers.
At*ooo i!, CI a. RE , b, S w -Firm . ir a h an i d Gnczin h E
it .000 Mans milas of New Tor asted laid
Also-1.0(KI lap hi Ilk count gm
uquin t ir 14,7013113*1.
ii..kkral 00
kt7l - •
comer of Mutat and Mini
WENTY To Gardeners.
ACRES of Gardening Land, al
- newly ufolor i6X4 cultlootino. teat. ome ras' rf
n uan 117.1rtIOZIt ono
SW re at In
DaakinAmitou. of
mrl '
tamer of litsySat owl flie d
For Bale,
7111 E members of the FainnotuoiFire Com
poor often *els Enginctbr sate It Is In Root et and will be sold chssP, . on
apaat s liktlTEl,Essey.
Nee Sun Pam
For Sale.
Mg and Pena streets. and troottua the Pe
syloutla (Baal. to tbs efts of Pitobuntl. Tbs Lot Boats
otte buottesd sod fatty tour Des od Attroet. nada=
hundred sad tins feet Was lathes ow ......bagtost street,
to • Meaty het .Dry. . Ingot. or
DIUM ansza,
isetukasa Sto. 10t Ivan i t. •
For Sale, •
iii , ~ b B AKERY, with three cum§ leiee' of the
.t.ed. on Feder.] street:A.llft eny. The Bete:Thu
e Extures Deeessenr t doing a lam buskiese: lb.
rW i'l* i narte "P""4, m uir th ' l6 " eittlts . PtW
17 - 114 &mod a-
mains arUcla aka te hod wall .t or • •
grOLD SPEOTACILES--d Late assortment
Just openlost al.; Silver 'sad St eel of eters 'cit.!.
ktrds of Glaseee, of the bast quality, earafttlly adjust
ed to th e vision ...Wilts to the pnatiplest of OPLUaI *d
euce. Pebbles put to outset ' •
• . W. W. InL
PPEVESCING COMPOUND, 11.:151.1115ti—
into for nut Lor rahlog' bread, eakze... by which
of 13pre trotir. floor ireCertAd.
. 44 .
AA( OLASSES- 200 sal° by
ANA. 41 is 71A)VD.
USS -- Alsdkeipl. - bpi.and-lierrinkfor
■COFFEE -150 bags Rio, for sale by -•
'IJZ JOLLY Wirt .6 90.
- • P•VA! Iti?/.'f . •
dill lev ka th Dote
'N n W la ;rl'
cat Monday, at 4 o'clock, P. M. .
for or aPtib" onboard.
did steamer ItATFr
matter. will le for the abam and Wan..
medlars tarts en Monday. the UM Met wad I".
- Vat height or mama, amply .
rj CINCINNATI=The stolen -A&
did. new. and babe &might Ammer
FORD. Capt. II
FORD. lesll,lbere
above and Intermediate porta nn Tneedah 10 ed.*
. mean
FOR ST. L0151&---The plendid
= ° 4174...b7,41AdM
Fetl'' et , &amt. , . th olith fart ,; ,
For freight or Nampa apply as bard. or to , j
tall' J. FLACK.. Micah,
EOR WITRELING.--• The fine
Mama Dlllll.let4.W. P. Caamall, erOt
. for Mao *bars sod iateratabale Yobcm
Notabtl. Uth hotaet. at 10 a.m. •
mut A HAISTRONII. Mena /I CO: itamtc.
&MEW PAC E. Eat ntraSno
WELLV.L.E. Coot IL Yoolog. out
" • ••••1 Mr. 1° 17 ,41 1 1 '4 1 0*
•l ".ft.lton.' l "l „, %alk,e`44,a,iu, 4 =l.
r"7-m'cup&i=4 L'lrn:6l="
neon Turodor oflotroo, awl:oC
Certy 7 ofterneon. For tteloht or_ponot. co
ord. or to 1ii267 W. B. WM. , o. Moot- ,
bove ENT, MAU
rs, Mostar. trill lea far thouner
lb* a and all
Intermediate ports, on the drat rim of water. •
For freight or pavan epoliAin hoard, or to
irf • GEO. /1. MUSSED KROLL anent:
ea.. PILOT No. ," A. S . martm•
will leers Pitteborsh for Wh'eaßs Ca
aa 4 rrkta, a a tfclart.,4?"l4V 4 ';
arT rh far CarrUnA, Wheeltog o :lNl rurftiorirg
17 - I,==nflel_AVlAsl k 4. 4hll D4at R. Passengers
lthe maul,
s DA y
ttrPAtXEgOLYNAMCptaIn Jetu Althe Gemen of Lbwueudd s ave bollt ba
er Itaa
Newton, end other*, for
the Cincinnati and Pittsburgh P.ka
•weery_Wedustedur for Chacbundl, In place o the New Eng.
IsZlo.2,flor fresher retztewsplonVer
enlv - mum .PApast—au ndotlijkadt
t,re r , e , i - f=t U P AL.° Wei-" 14 b d .
thi.filtxgad Whelin g , I r oVitagglTS ,y d =
aej edoeed7 &WA= and otarnint.
In sub weekArrl gYucd
6018 'AlMSTrarrat&Z=L;
11k6P0117.—V.• km stemma tricari
b. qatra
~ ,= =ll, l '4l .T ib r the oboyo and
t o'clock. P
Pot (might or owes,. apply' OD board, cr to • •
" Na rf
CI Water and likkrccat
Mit ULU CURE OP •I . -
MOilla the nuinerOue.ainooieriei ttionee
/IL ha. midi to this anteration to larilltale that:eminent
of Ilkalocrame IM enjoyment, nod sTein prolong' tha term
of human ashrtenee, norm ma biname4 of more real valor
to mankind. tbs. Ws contribution or Chemistry to the
Dalin; Art A mat trial of its
.rirtaes thronahmit
vast country, ha. Inman blond &doubt that no inedirine
or combination of sooditines red known; as . Imre!. mop
trod and mire the nunteroviarietko of pulmonary Oman
whkh harahliderto moot from ant midst thousand* mil
thomunds morn yam. halsod. Mate le now tbrunisne oeW
non h, believe a remedy-ham at length him 4braul which
cm DO 0,11.4 on . to ouzo the moat damp:mu affection. or
Om loons. Our mice here will not menalt no to smbilth
any proportion of Um corm offprint kr it. an, but we
present the fationlai Opinions of eminent mea, andrafer
forttou onoinisylo , flu circalar, which lb. amt. helms
named will Merars be ;domed to foroldi for., wherein are
Poll particulars. and Indispotable proof of there •
from Ms President of Amann Gbti gs , the carboy - roof PAO.
56SISOR zurcilcocK.
Vanes C. Aser—Mm ham used roar Charm Pm:tura/
In soy awn cam of deeponsted Bronehitli. and ma onboard
from Ito chemical ann/ task. that It is an adomahle am.
pound for la. alley of Lamaist and bronotheldriaroliket
if my vote.. as to superior Mumtaz can be of amp
service, you are at liberty in use it as_ you think proper. •
"Ms fie L s
adel4eletroW IF) kss H OTP fait
v.„ L. L.. fewor of Cbcralsom, ,
Val* C011...a Member of the Lll. Dist. /I=ll.
Nekntlae.eamod-Arnerlos 001 Mums.
"I deem rim Ohm* Pecfmul ansulacksbleimarrsitlen
from none of the ben ankles in the Maseru Land, nod
very ielkeisT• nonstr e for the elan of dims/. k is intem
dad Mean." New naval, Ct. Nor. I. lain.,,ro. az lawero...mer
that helms used Um Choppy Paelonal, with *coda:al au.
ons, to cure .lallsausalka of the runt. - -
• •/. Pvon. na.Llcarm Pillosofoojoixoo....
"Or.. J. Q A YAW. Ile.. April 'AL 160.
m Loom:l—Nor 11M I am now commorir
usingar Chen.' Pectoral In tornraclice, andpretertt to
say ot he r mediate for ruchnottnentotapimuts. mom 'Meer
mai. of many corny cum. lan convinced It cum
Moths.tolds. and G.1.1"1,, of Ma lon s . ", that have pot to
&manor all othrr remetcs. I Irrosnatp.tecomenmsd
Cas 1.11 Ca. CoTS.O2Daf sna . tacial It nomlithe bat
Hr= t ;ore. ff. COW/11.1.11;11. D."
_44 by. ApILS G. Ann, Prooticol anew
WIVW, Crank: avarie's]. ad retaLL brit. A. YAR,
SMOCK • (K).. an/ J. X. TONS.MD.
Alleghemr Crir. by I, ECUIPAS..It. and J.1)011
GU& anUhyDruartote marsaily. ./Mcdamtmen
t• • mask; idanesk,Allni to italtervormatt
• Caleilloart /lowa Va...7u1,22.1641-
M. It. P. &rm.:Ls...YOU will renalleet that "rhea we
were Us Pittsburgh, in f or Wt , Youtprevaded 11,
"Ltiziour Vormltue, to test Its enteic. :We dal tio, and
h the winter we MU what we toirthaest. whlth
Itiieret btr reindatiora i letweurahmed mom,
wig& wao dispreed of &rely. e thea orlered
more. width reached em Me of the presentuutoth,
ymterday we *old Lest of 2. dot. bottle. We
dow with you to mod ,t by the Past Jai ow:went:ma 6
or_ mon. We taut It so rateable a medleure, that every
pergola of a family enabet to here It lo their pommaimr.
Those who bare purelumed It would be perfectly wOlter
to aim =MUM. or rts ezeelleacy. Out of the goardrty
ere bme vemisd. It has nerer ht • doe. instance, salted
to expel wont. • `CPI. C. MILLEIt CO.
Prepared =I told by U. IL LT.LLEII.S. No. 6. Word et.
atar.4 •
.IrkkAYNESS, noises in the hind, mil all .
L cllsarreeable discharge. from Use sax. speethly and
rrutly .mored without pain or :amusement, by
ArT.T. Prluelpal Aurist of the N.Y. Ey.. and Ear
Surgery. ..1 of 90 Anil et- I . l.ll.lelph* best...twee
attain* for • feud.. Mel:lumber importer.. of the
er ble care au Ni resent visit. aucl She isratifylog
amount of terra. attended his treason.. bare in.
dared him to exprlfilei .. return. Ills our bare wilt .le.
temdl math -epee elmumetaucee. and It wail l advisable
for there who with toeotaalt Isms, to mate m early cult
Dr.-IL may be commlted. until further uotlen, Ye All,
heazred Derma the Saleol 12.euut
A Valuable Izeptavemultla. Truant
DR. lIARDiS. Improved Patent TRUSS
and HOPIMUL REMEDY. br .hoot
owe on be effected. This Troll is enturlydifferent In
form tad faineWlee of Wien from other Truism, haring
all the advantages aft well-reenlated and uniform met.
ant. The Teestore ea. be ao regninted Were We end
come= to the moat difteolt cams of Venda, and eau be
Inereseed altame any... desired. The inmate la ce
ntral. sod bring broeurist to tear Immediately orer the
banter epode...4 affording tattoos *enmity end,rete.
don et en Wawa even. ender the most rade= enema..
By the me of this Trona bee applied rrommly by a akill
, Lea fa
, tro o r the tamer of
amta whirl is to y at amt.% oecntenee theTr
tug of lay ut.pbxt ==. u .
Or br o tat :mina 2);i. `Zt brat re
whirl txaa
eau be
fa. 091- tualerrtand the enatomy . oil the
We would moat ratheetfullyeall the stbet.lon of,Phype.
chute to this Tram, to to knew they will some-hate he
value. We also have a earitty of ab.r. Thames et, the
lowtet sebum /fife= Tn... tot oenstataly en band.
ftETtabal.telleDOWELL. Agents,
je2 140 Wood el. Pittsburgh. •
Dr. Hard's Abdreabal Supporters.
THESE SUPPORTERS are intended chief
-1- tribienn plolartels Moe , and all More di,
1 ram,. labor... ad
r•Clui.d..!That glue rawdart rail:oat to the abdominal
mum aorlmay wom with comfort by all. The du
nes produced by '•
rho abdominal mute.,
are Preapela Merl 'Ffallua, of Mellower, Piles,
otrra .
Mt.= to $e
A tlf, C itlo S attr, " Ao "'"
Palpitation of
Uaart, bpatt etW erMk
l ad
at. Pitrzburgh.
Thainaotlaytdopmdit_2S.ittabinsh./Sitt!ii 1, W.'
MR R... 11, SELLERS—I tako this °p
_ll d tunny of tralifiltur it furor of, your iantl.ble
ir no. About two years ago, 1 um taken down with
revere Infimunatiou of the Inn, aud.war uovedured by
tight meat* midother effects of MN itive4Ml
that my
Me Alien, arm Unpaired at. Mtn ocherous= had WI
ad, I was earned by my bbytertart to try your Lim Silly,
mad I most my the, Mtn MMus mei boo mat a half I
Data beau restored to reauntuble health, 'whir/ales& at
this Ursa I therelore tats toleurare.ita ram bit
Mem to others Millard srint disuse of the Liver.
Yours nopentolly, „JOLLY ,
Ali otlar •Idver Wis.^ are oeuuterleita or
be.. Imitation. The genuine aor luvrand and told by
iy4 ILL SELLERS, blAttetal ai
Bathes ( liciustel) Perfumes
for the Haiiiikeriglief. .
"17 XTRACTS of Itose,'Oiatige Flo . wor Jos
tearnine, Portugal. Verbena, Sweat Pea. Vsnlltairat
no:La. rionunet tle Cerallne. Gersten.. ItellehopaEntnett
P u rtill ' i f b. 7 " 1.1u .14'E"' }I= U t
Cl uUlu. ti nt Jettrttret CaarTar:=l.l4.l .
and EuHuot Musk, one ounre . bottle., with Erase star.
runt All tba above Ertracte,bieb ant only • part of bta
arsortment, arc of them? kurt quality, being murder
,tuna nide especial, tam The wtteredve sales nude tit tbls
rountry, tally test the blob ealtnatlon In ninth dray are
held br ate nusuntudty. For tale by_
J= , •,• - It. E. SELLERS. Er Heed R.
' 1 TON OF WAITE ONION OF zrso, , ..
m aloft this article, *bleb Int traTe beep ming VIC ore
marls of th ew months. and ran reetanmenit to be ft...or
In veldt.y le. riatlit In onyx mooed. bone. of areorlitrig
Um brat •hlio doe 'shire fttlaots It, sod ftiftry
....Ur has a fifth.. mod more brilliant tone. /I
Mara hudoet.s. and to rm. dor.. for Melds sr outeti.
nook. It old not rob oIT, and am be leashed . ..oat ty•
rovers moft surface
• yotral sredght it
be fully as
ll cheap. 'orbits lend, -• .• •
' .7. it 17.PITILLIPS:
Sinn' Pire Proof Pault.
THE aubaeriber, having contOeted
tablishateat Los Ile jaap , rauam of-{he ataa , past!
an ." rhrtgil!'fit l tif4t IL* t 4,73 trar
kroo.l - AMMO O. B.Odar ..
• 1. A:Coalter.DruseociOt Thirt andriordata:
7. IL :Forts a Ofky. 2•lsLltamiaatta:,
FLAYING' SCild cu Canal Stock, path our
latead niatiainticaao3llc.afgar,lVe, 2 and „a•aver.
• of 01! arta a Palk. a dasolved. -that elute •nb
seal:az-4 M atabait•r, Paoavn-re
1 "‘ -
sw.hatti.Pl-4.17 nth. JUL "
, -
AND C0.11111:..%1ON lIERC/1.51.
• Asuar tir G. 1 ,3 Lane '
Ettati=rLaekldire'to E
Staaaataata Bearentadjerhi
I{KGeAer. Pa, 7 41/! . , 4-, 3 gt .t i.M.l.V.!...Plitsbarg. P.
H. CLARKE do C`, l :
FOBV.ARDINO ADD Va.1111132,101,t .1 1 / 1 1MINTI!,
R - 44 . Cbisiter—Paaul€4l
VREA.S,I:IIIC. A:&-1,00.70.,g4Dirceee
Ida or resaaat., acTir
To the Deaf ! ,
Sellers' Liver Pills.
White Paint
R. G. PARKS, A- CO..
. Judd's Mediated Ltiratd Catac'tle.7:..
fairltlSAßTlCLElsiatended for fiicilYik,
u the and ahonkl be found tit the roneseiniat inset raw
. y . l iszei Mechanics who an to ocaratool duo/ Of
11, 41 ex btheir penons thrtainie weaken; oat the to
pensa e
cc oc yna of tools. will tad this ortlola to be loom
nab)* lo Mam e oral otter o WY trial via connate la tad*
bha •
Thialnar nertite that 'Fa. Uri =it bir
otiently mad* me of Jodefs
POW by. Mann, Prnheld a CairAtek." Casa.
Menially 114109.12614 ii to anr an
at excellent sixtieth:ant the WNW,* WNW. ta
Vilma rata maid,. brairoma and ati kinds oflnnh .
also, az B ornhlpplezika u naLedi i ltewll A LL .
~ , _
• IrN. Li. COECTir. A ...... .
. *. .7. WOODHIIII, 11. .
imittabir lIIIEWDA.III.D
wousu sum u., lomat
Chri,,,,,tt u i wi ittigui,rairarg is 160 air GI
111 1Cletown.
for aelo t 7 14 A. ntrxicgrocec. CU.
• Nat humor wax and =math
DR. JOHN BULL'S 13148APiltiLLat
nuIS put up is quirt bottles, and ear
bus Atrmtth ta rut vlatr re Oath wet
sew roma. 0 Yr I. a oi.elea. erne=
ter per mtus, or deer
It be tea • wen , • teen em pot. Elsa
Aideset., anigand. ena
ohly,tree mums lbe ell crlainenag_tetan se ter
= tfa
tate of the blood. the Itee or oettlar. metnesam
eett itabae m eoutb. hemerweee. de. We
Were that JO/Er MVO' Or OP
RILL{ le the my oretarstiott tel.* the that he
Pepered an ea . kt& acienetlhe onn - lehe mad or
to aatt
=.The , ?T
weed .,..Witt •. ell without
end . +e. mad. la
the etrietest r • 1 , 1., • - zleettele menthe*
berme betas nee] i
8011% Barseplailla il. , tootala tee wirtneeed aelrerel
other valuable scent. ...realer loonier the beet ow
mat., =odor-los to. moot mauve aunt la the
inza;tviri rm . move n
b e, V. 4.". •
worn! or Spat Zowytiforszea- . •
ac Lb*
Paha in OSS. sad
• • dozo.(knon4 rowan.
aundice. Oottivo
Eirono A po , Ookttposou Orgob
laniuury. mut other Warm So
PHODI7CIt 03175171117710Xt
Lint Uceoptolat. Notos/o
Misilonono Itastr-S__ ,o,MP
tokorodooto loUroi'etam Cosonl
lo aspens awl =nom dela oiodmosoraitOs
:rot tbo notao. 4.11,1 Dias sad Idousats
iroprkrc to Woo Lbk or Oossrm
1 2 6Si3[ONLII,;
.. . ----..—. .
Th. following Is Me totted= copy of millLitte floW tie
the postotaal of the proprittor of beire renapahm o .,
Itee. Y. W. Ash= St wider and spensaii. y_las.s
costae and mocanpllatod mere Mex.&
Re. h. hteremeo bee bees too= sente of th - rrtM . U..
=tad and meow =mom that the .
mad bort of kr way rearaotad 414 — tididaTra l
I% Vet= 7 = ri ttte 4 ir. tre==ta """jt.their
at newton' tedloony in war e. my =del= f, ,
Better ?tawny teas ear Drs. Ciletwi failavor qf
. En: R. W. astem-hsv. IL Bernetea.
' .
We hays aped /oho Bnirs . Prmaattiat loom
IFto be
l oad. with metre ottleaatem sod we bare too hew
hat= Mths. that we better:lllo bier We a . . 4
able inalisal oompood end ealtulated to pada=
rodWe h t telles mush tothomit,, i' Wed
Erst 47 .7 '4 (B ) mob err -
" 7 t. E. KAMA. ' ta.
. Z. STIII=NACIN. •' • .
has we all whe II
re Woke bteaUfol while Ada.' et a
tory anew] that • Ltow.mflea do.=
mew We 'Vander= to dirmato=ll.lz.Val'''
to= to re.= to (heal l ' l ' ftslif w dhows
the itrit i olre liliria "'d Mt tma =W= .
it beentitle the the
giXamovlng ev i a t. patttale of .
verbal ate diseteed metes to the Wed rim-,::.
healthy. .4 iteznon. meaty to =ay
gitteirin h Vai r tee th. 1.; youg l ftdle ' rk= " ' .
on of paints tad trot
telettate. ate am Phas
the only arcane semedy. "A wool to the' lase
Tatham Lae thellikuing,•Bardas thipaltimiif
aa Comataxl On Cu Eleciatem,qf Bides Sena
1 , rola Dr:L. P. trii: 130framr 4 64,,ig n to Mc
1.4....ine Idfttka coney.
Kb.. looted over the list 'of hes: mL =wpm=
Jam. Don't Comsotoxl Renal of Stnapaallmaml bate no
braze= In =tot that they fete_ a safetterad.aad
alrllthog.VaU""im"‘"VEMTLLhr Ai'
aermet=„hsta ki...-. ..r.- .. - ' .
. • - •
. What DR! PIZI
, Ly„ . enabei by
angle. , W ama H •144 - st. OLE'S. Ea er
' •
• • - ' lemilfsgela 20.1861. •
Lll•belaeitued et..l4Wriptio rir n La the preparation or
John Saint Sarsaparilla, end Lbeliere tbetoomoinatlea
kZ 6a•e need it l
bean earellentons, mud well ealealatet to prod :N an
teraties imprefet ., o: on the Lyltet:E u L.
UF l 4, ae o am llin ynetic
.31. PYE IL klt the bqt
Resident Physician at the Lenin/Ile 11 , 1E=
JOrer e ll A gin —'S.4lz.y,"' h e
have not:Oar. •
Ito. Wood street. Pittebargh, Pa., Wholealeand EMU
yo{ eal• by D. PL. GASSY and. Joe: Dounuss,
glens' city. and by Draggies generally. jelleletramer
' =
usfil <• • " ; '
ss ,
Medicine known- Inairlent Omasisytkak.
Barreezer cLedeertbeacrWhdeeadrestdst/leastrteddth
inceettnneece, Utine.ol4l=4lPrertretlatef tb•Breless,
Dermee.i Seetts. met Moans State a Thad, ere aided Di
Dr. OVlPletd+Mdllia ran, DOLL' Old s 7, 23.P.9l4Mddfdt
the tem& It neatrallses bed bumers. nese
etme.atel seetettoat, ead fene heatb7 oottoo to on 12,0
lb nolltl'alteratbs properthra rsodarlt, Totattlarly sapli•
<ille to the dander sand delaust onanthattba
main Ithr...+t.rey ennuatetocta that thartentem lintrivatr
lams! and latiltonla no ammo m. the female Rams. cal
W nuts I¢ 4ilerg 7 tut brwmu-s Y ..tBgag so thi
grateful 'V. have *Tides.. on Els which 1111h=111.111
5t.,47 ziecontatoonl maims to barrio! poplin
who baw mt. been Wound oltlt offspeaug.
itelarate Trtari;ar YaWas of ega Worat,ef Inners eto ,
- Was. roral.b7 Dr. Gayaotra Extract at Palley Dart mad
Earapextile, after mrrother lore , arem•Sy hal Imo
tried leabout , • .
Wanditarnir, 0.. 7 , 11 , .141349.
Thls 'oath* that Mr Sittil Z . Teen. has Wheal
under the above *mutant for En ream scaly ill that
Mme coonned to her had. I Langur Mtn Man aMMOOlfir
employed Unbent malleal talent that could be procand In
this section of the country. without thy basalt whatever. '-
I have also ptuvlasel nay instrument recommended fat
the eon if ettelidisessestall of whleb prond worthies&
lo the Whet of 11.19,4 wag Induced by my Diode trt
try Dr. Onyeat's Yellow Div), and ganaparttle e indefinite
wet gar lour months. After she lad wed Rime:out Aar
weeks, It war evident to all of th that.). wa(bagrovlost e
and Duns Ws time she hammed rapidly, amt teleed Seth
mot ettmegth. tail) eke ne nor anisltss meet malign
health. • WIL MONO=
We. belog,neighton to Wm. end Ostia Monte; know
tbat tinnabors statements, a. la the Mennen of Mn. Mow
tort, sad.s to the eon being effected br finnotee Yellow
leak and Saresperille. en strictly tnsa
• •., • 'JANE XDDY. .
4 4 . 4. 4 4-'4 . •
. Eetl—Celt qf 0. N. Lensui,ni.
Bwoono Gaon, Dea 14ga.
Meant& P. Barnett A Coe—Gents: Some time to .114 S
ems enacted with Bug's Evil to MT MN which leagme
m eon l could mot Me It. and 1n184.5 mortllcatton tm
1 amnion& at different tin" arephysician of welsbel7
within my ratahl enfold uts say +outmost his empulated.
yeson the shoulder to the threans vs. fall of =dug
nrea stemuyth at Ude tines Wall cosupletaly embalm*
ed, amt my person much conclated. I continued In Ibis
state until ISA when Isaw an senerthasent Mynah
Yellow .Dock end gareasartthavidcht read. end seen (bra
bottle of the article. numettre Yellow Dab sod gerethia
rills curet me:. I took no other randy while wing ; . '
and felt myself perfectly Udine wing the sixth hot
ti. Dad I used It at the Mat sonar.. of the Malady. I
am ran it would bare eared me hem 'Tars of path
nanny I mat atrutertly recemmend every ornament.
feting under any Amts. Wane. to use OnnotWe Yellow
Dock and Damayerille, which wIU name than to health.
You" la gratitude. LYANARD. •
_of an aggrarkria ewe of Erysipckii„ .
The move performed by Dr. G 'near. Tatract. of Yellow
Dock and Santepartlia hang. - The wathmt's general
health nations to improve Niter dbinitia N assonal-• .
Cans are not throttilled anal Inc. Ws fully tubed that
there no be no ranee or retire if the Omen -
_ . name,. Deskirser me., YetoltenfT/WIL
I. P . y,,,,ansm g 00.—Genii, It iswithgrattpleman loos e
I write roll .coot ths vary. !MORT' elfr'le Of your Yellow
MIA ant 'ffersapailla Inns MY quo. who haelthinat_ Sof
Owing mast that. dreedfuland laithsonet &nese. xf7M9s
ea. with which he ern attacked' In and vat for lan
al limo. attended by Inn of Mr best , sacretetessa who
eat their skill PerrewirtiMlT Err Am nintriank withont Mr/
beneficial maths whatever. Ole beoune re dual toe per • •
ten skeleton, lie be..) elan Yrans ULM, to hie bass.
wLich were nationally dischatgieis thsgiudinee abash,
matuiv Statical and =Waal Mlle lagged. Yhnitisas
eald In.. hie nee was hopeless ,there could be nothkag
.dont. a .ntett thlee Wahl. gthirenles ulcers. My nigh •
ton end tonself thought lie dlemintlon mar at bend.
On of roy todabton (who bad and • chili of Sewage -
with your Invaluable meikine) wished me tomato Wan
if: end, room than the reetleadstm todoestweldozerhint
lit ItrtM, teen from any horegnthut ndle4llmmttled
three Wales of your Yellow k ant fferesommthy'end
eironautord using it; sal to artsabhoseat be began
to Improve bass Le Ld toed tY. ,thud bottle: .ad ben*
he bad need • belt down both.. be wall walk eel.': Ifs
need la all twelve bottles dmlnz the yeastAth and he Ow
tabs.. leet he was paion s netoiat. Derry mediae of the
&Imam, este* the wars, le nensit'el. and due. =wain -. 1.
Perron haelth 'at the preeent.4h:ie.' Ma retentery..Mega
the blowing of nod. te entirely oohed W the nee drying
yellow Dent and Esnapnilla; eta Inane mre that I *el
myself uoddr crest dbligetionitojou. and It ts withgreat
err Met% lan= Tag of Dereemsalla
Bald DI J. D. Pa.a. (raciauoi to palest A Park.)lavel
Lott W,Croalstreets, Ciodamll. - oEcto..o.asal &pallor Ur :
South Lcul Wee. co Irbtal aTI Ordeis =Albs aldrousi.
SW, 41, Co- D. A. filzmoxi. I Co.. 3. A. Jou& L.
ir.. - Pittab&rlb; TA* AL 14:7.klma,,AUDIDeD7 CDT;
L. T. Sum e% WA.thisloc,T. L. Tr.. Tim* VasasoviLS.
Wok:: Dreesubaric iirguALL fet: keit Oacoreg.
2.1& , ..1: /WA It Cer,lfArlidsistme
m1401....1 a Cc..l.AdisAg X: Wttat. Patuacilmo
zmia Co, Dratiltir. A. MLA. takt,.Wayambari
.11<larshul & Co. N. r.m. Madvilin Mutat* On,
Xdr 7l2 .&.= & Lt..r."Jazet FAIT &co. sot.
ter; 8. emit&; 7. 0.13,2332 3 ., Was. I. 16 O.
& Jou., Coaderwat. P. Cemker. grows.
MarPrice..—St por .50tac. Six Betas: fekt4fs
mrzat...ctoT :
bas j remsed. Beyer' IL
t i ltbalaaa ll Telepezoterr. m.i , ebkb eno
.teropi. to be beg. art of the Itial - w jeptbyy,
Beeer. yel Merin aeonm Unmet nexemetca
for Madera SZd Day le.b.e bare supplied k.e
.134 merely felt br the yoble. ehm en elegemetr
be.k sn.nniglee and tr4erestiser Y the pmt, 6sa ga
tame, tbus gresaly follnating sod savant
- 1-4 the tew,,ewbss ted.tme sad triexwe ens MOT a -
Me end tm/mi. Tbs Zama, bo.a erbzi hew
us:aced the cork. en reeMld •
Ademas. nukes; JeaV