The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 15, 1851, Image 3

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116MF, MATTERS.' j
- I
...“.c.147 13111.1)6E cue
*fore the Hon. 19m...'F8. McClure, President
Judge,- and Wm. liens and?. L. iifiellillan, As
. .- eozictraron or sts..,toonte 'neon.
.. ' lir;f_6lG, glace the reqedeite amount of thuds
couldlot be obtrimed by prints eubsoription,
the Legislature fa. ed s an Act prostate that
1 1 , in ceasideratien f the inability of the citizens
to nine' the eum,reqnired, a Elite 'enbecrintion
of sill.:40&1 shoald be made; but this Act con.
tained tbei precise that no money should be paid
until the piers l evert, finished, • when half that
' eintkunt should-ire', paid, and the other half when,
theiltiFiev was ialsid, Noterftlosianditig the
fresh itapalso the Company by this act,
. - they still found i 4 impossible to raise their share
' "_ °Me' stock by t.uhscription. Individual, It
. ' , via trne, came forward anj eubecribed liberally,
-' but 'a time of severe commercial difficulties then
• - ' calk a
ed. It WAS ebort time after the tbte war,
and gre a t dtst. i 4es prevailed. Well, what did thi
Company dot.. All that was to their power :
. Binco they couit i ljnot diepose :of ctock M raise
Emus, they we e' compelled to boirow =busy,
. - 4434 in,1819 thellrldge was eoreilletea, and the
great (Nest which the Company ,had in view
being attained.. 11' hat followed then! Thetas:is
' ' geie'lisd fieen denounced as Oppressors, yet till
. :,.. the 7ear 1824, theiy ‘ persons did not receive one
pent of a dividei;d, inasmuch al it took all the
;--- , tolls to pay the debt which bad been contracted..
•: .Were not spirited gentlemeM such es' these at
n f rh
least entitled to live, to move, enil have thei r .
being amongst 1 They certainly were public
benefactors then In 1824, they obtained a
:emelt return for eft. investment: It had imsn
• charged , against them that they - had. violated
:the trust remedin th em--that they had 'honed
their 'tiara e iceerdlng to' what would <rondos*
to-the 4. c‘tn . inteiests: Those on the other Sidi
auPposeditliat thy bad scrambled for the elndln,
;andPut is their trochee all they could get.
Let it be, ttholleeted that ,by law the stock
rs were -,
• holders entitled to fifteen per cent per in. ,
' .i . .. num. .' The stook subscribed 'was sBs,ooo,' , and .
- the, Omit *film bridge within a fraction of $102,-*
. 000. TheYwere'only entitledto MU toll ms the
the'szseent eutLecribtd,not on the belance.—
_When more than 16.:per cent nraz realised, the
'eines, wie to go to constitute a sinking Rad.
' - - Aenardingto - the charter,lf the finid;before
thelexpliatidnn4fcrty years, amounted to more
than the cost of e bridge it should be 'Pirate'
'.' ed, s trl the sinking fund denoted to - its redensp
tior,lbut It was tri be obseiVed that the Comps, -
- ' .- ny was f not compelled to put any thing into that
_.... ...sinking fend until after the-toll amounted to 16
per , ' cent He 'would-nhowl what there -hiiid
. rumiliad dope, of what crimes
• lie oppreeiore been pithy.° In 1819, the Stock'
.I T watt aithicribed, blot the State waa mar* nathe
' ! Rathpani till the pieswere cretted:. .„I.n len,
. , 4 a dividend to the omotmt of 8 peicent.iras dirt
' dedrcoming to M4OO. Instead of putting this
• ,in their, pockets, the etockboldere set $2,886 01
squirt as Ilford ter', thevidemptims of the bridge,
' and what was • the public spirit Which they now
*Whited, for there were $20,000 in the Blaine
• fend!. This of itself was en o ugh to prove their
; • :In 1824,a dividend of 6 per cent was declared,
J.. ' and nothing ' w as added to the &Meg lemd.—
In 1826, a dividend of els per cent was declared
In 1826, 64. e. In 1827, 6 do. In .108;6 do,
noth'eldend had
,yet been declared oter 6 per
can In 1820,6 do, and $2,000 were added to
the eiekiegfaad. In 18808, do, and 600 were
'added to the fend. in 1881, 8, do, and between
61000 and 6,000 phloli th stockholder, hid
• right to divide; Fere added to the sinking
Cana... 1111832 8, rind .$1,600 , added to
Raid. In 1838; 0 da,..snd owing to erdension te
,, pairs, the fond wasieduced to $4,000, In 1837,
74 do, and the - fund Silent up to ..,•9 . 12.,000.
.1/836, 8 (Is, and, fund $19,000. 1n 1 ,1836,
fund $28,000. In 1837, 10 - ianikfdda
. 090. In-1928, 11, end fond $40,0510: •
_ln .1839, for the first Ante . 16 per Fent was
divided, end the find, increased to 442,000.
ha 1840,1. percent was divided, the sinking
hind being, .349,2%! , -t 641T12 per eent ,: tbn.
rood being 39,702. In '1842, It was 12 per cent,
and thn find 1940,769. '4B, ten per cent,
rand $39,903, 10. In_ 1844, 16 percent, fund
. - ei50,7487;16 --4 46, lii - pef 4 eent; fund $88,816.-L.
In 1646, 16 per cent, fOnd ;$15,000, extensile
' repairs 'having been paid for. In '4T. _ .15 per
cent; end fend F 36,764,. ~If the incepluSited been
dlsided, it world hails been sheet nine nei cent,
col - the capital stock, and yet the company, were
r . represented as chests_ When' they could' hare
.° l % divided 16 per emit, ,they chose to increase the
A. sinking fond. Thin enrelyihowed them In their
tree' position, and rendered their corporate
u pute,ole were their - ch. es
moo, arid citizens. ", ThoY couldlegally have di-
Tided 339,000 'among themselves, but did Oct
doso; curtly this
,showtd their putityl Why it
Was asserted that the state had bee= defrauded
out of a large amount of money by these gentle
; to lid that ..t4e Commonwealth had
- oulynubseribed34o,ooo iothe bridge; yet when
creditsraist a low ebb, nail the State was cam
. pled to throw all hir :stocks into the markicio
preserve leer honor,.so dear - to every' citizen of
liNtansylvmzis, that stock Bold et suede,* Is this
rem COMA noise fur 353,194 75. That showed
baler tho State:bad been ribbed sad plundered:
The stock.srldah cost *40,000, in a period of ex
, triune piessur4, sold for 353,194 75.. This vas
nrth all, for the State bad TOCIATed from &silted
1570,000, making , the total amount received,
addhin ' tP t00..at00 1 4 1 033,4 to
over $5,000 more, melon; the total -amount,
This ism s due atpOsitith of the upright COD'.
dnetof thelloixtL- This vats a fair. a:billiard
sad exposeO .the affairs of the C . orporatlON .
isainst *limn these proceedings had been lint!.
gated, - ' Amu, Telt add ibid.*** upright gen
tlemen bad violated thelr el:whir, and oppreserd
arid Wand the comsat:nit - 1i veneered to say
that no stock which the othinanualth bad ever
• • crousdi tad produced io mach. Why the
Btate the .MssitottiPthela
bridge, numettheg to $lO,OOO, mold on• the am*
daydri the same - plaeo for 431,000.
'Mut intithth !motile; skeet :4111th the ens
• atelneed,uras this Ithod beeit ollegidtbst this
_ .
o °or:solos, had defrauded th e Commo nwealth of
a 'Mr mount, yet in 1843, the state if
ellranis sold eel at anitinothe of $13,194. Who
purchased this mock! Soma of the,Moat esti.
sun, of cur feilva clan:4 who had Wig:ate
ate very large pteminm, add now, In thinnest.
of the Cotettionvesitheit was demanded that'll
they. bed irOnillsll4 should be thrown back into
_ . the public treasury.' Was 'tide to be endured,
and yofr, 801 would be the ease, sthis opponents
pined their nidteett.. The Santa would, at ha,
• be ittefie‘r th, 6 evidence; and Its
.',„nierlti;ini :Tat no daub's to is theism*, This
ieae ',that elm - that in action el this kind
had Nen brought, by o private individestithese
' muse was not espened bytheAttemsy General.
nage was brought nuclei the act oftho
—Mrs, pot ted in 1845.. :'
Mr, Lotimis proceeded to read the Pleadings,
and to' comment anthem name length .• • ,
recellet.Qeestlen mi
donee, held over stun yesterday, decided against
- Went Alden and Wooda,i by Judge McClure.
Bill of exception, asked for and granted: 'The
:Ideates proceeded to, answer:, the question
jected to,i, Mr. Anderson" sins \ going to read a
lllCl2lolll3thim which he talti'llas taken from the
books.' !The reading ors blrireemory
:by tho 'Memorandum was 'objected to by Mr.
Woods. Why.not bring the --
books? Witness-.
Lean sayer without chef p a per. 'Judge Mc-
Cl ure d e eded' that the.. racing mast not read
from the Memerandum„. - -
Winless proceeded. -"There was stock paid to
the &moan of $84, 1 /00. come hundred dollars.
'Atesoro.• Woods and Aldeniibjecdod: -
Tlie:teitrieni had jest read iinotiorandtutt taken:
,finnthe books. lie was pealrleg teem nem.
cry,' +shy. not produce stei books? Before it
waaellegOd'ibat'they were lost, but now. it sp
ptated-in, evidence that they were in existence.
• Anstrlr admitted, and bill ••of ateentherui filed.
torft e ese ; :_, proceeded— Question . asked.- 7 What
amoseit.of the stock wan lndividesd:onbsorip
' Una t Objected to on the former groondo. Ad =
' and Mr. Aided filed a bill of exception:.
liosumed.i I was wrong in stating that that
‘wee the indiridual .subscription.: Thera were
- $4.8,00:c0r544,000 of individual sebtmiptions,
Question by her.: &maroon, --Was any of that
paid from thetelle. Objeotod to. The dividend'
wore the boor evidence,
tlicitif Mitharet overruled the o b•
jestiedw,--•Biffof exceptionolilid by Meorre-dl7.
, ~
Resumed. To - the hest of My knowledge, not,
a dollar of the toll! was applied to the payment
of individual indebtedness. ' I can't reesallect
every thing for thirty or thirty-five years, but
If at was, It was notVone ;to the best of my
knowledge. The cost - of the bridge was gees - ter .
than the etock subscribed, :by eomewhat more
than 514, 15, or 16,000. We paid for. it in posh.
agile • contractor •wanted it. We bet paid, l
think, pretty nearly for the bridge, before.we
commenced to take tolls. .1 em not exactly cer
tain of that- In litilt,(the bridge commenced •
to declare dividends. It WSn epencd in 1819..
Qultationlave the dividends been regularly
declared since then, down - to the Ming of this
Information? Objected to: The dividendbooks
were the best 'evidence. Objection overruled,
and an exception filed byreleter's counsel.
Resumed—l can speak personally en that sub
ject, since I have received my; ividends regularly
semi-annually from that time to July, 1851. I
wawa member of the Beard from 1818, with the
'exception of one or two years, and I think not a
.dividend was declared than Was not present . I
arty bare been sick or absent, I don't know.
Question—Did the Dosed act honestly and fairly
in declaring dividends and setting aside a por
tion to the contingent fond. Question object.
ed to on the ground that . his Opinion ne to the
honesty of the Board, was not a fact, and it was
for the jury to jidge of thatfrom the facts.
Question =edited 12.„t Mr. Staunton, to the ef
fect—hoW were the dividendi deoleredt
They Were declared on the4let of January and
of every year.`
• mat quation—State whether or not the dirt:
*deeds declared. and =pante net apart, covered
tfitotal receipts, after dedUcting the expenses!.
Objected to, on the greeted, that this question
covered a pitied of thirty years, and no man, no
matter bow strong his, memory, could recollect'
every traumata' that took place daring elation;
rime, when the transactions 'amounted to 8,4, or
taoo,ooo. t Let the books be produced. Judge
McClure overruled the objection. Muses. Al
den and Woods filed a bill of exceptions.
Resumed We first declued a dividend of se
much, and the expenses were taken out The
berme wan thee placed in the reserve fund, so
far es I know. .That covered the whole ex
penses of the bridge. ; " '
Question-e What isma done with the contingent
fund? Objected .to on the grotmds that the
votes of the Board - of Manager*, in the minutes,
worild^ show that';'. Judge lloclure overruled
the objection. Exception tiled:: '.
• Resumed. The contingent hind was ordered
to be Lad eat, in : stocks'. of. some deacription, to
the best advantage for the bridge. •Thie con
thavrtit fund; has always been - rigidly kept in
vested, ee fair as my knowledge extends. -
Question—lf thetas hat not been commuted
and reduced, what would hue been the effect
doe= to the Ming edict Information. Objected
to, ourrroled. and bill of exceptions Med. •
Remitted I'll venture to say that If we had
not commuted- the tolls, there, would not have
been One boMe in Allegheny where now there
are tem If we had stuck to the tolls_ cconling
to the charter, I don't think we would di
rided.six per cent. all through. If they stuck to
the high tolls, I don't think it would ever have
yielded six per cent:
_Question--Was them ever , any resolution
rmthrebytiethe' Board
- .excluding
Janice Todd
batiotinnmectlng him; at any kind? Objected
to. Objection overruled. Dill of exceptions
Rammed:- There.was no 'such rifolution, ih
toy preeence, in the Board. I don't knowefacy
resolution excluding Todd or any other individ
ual from the commutation. ..
Examination In chief closed.
Cram Examined—l knew that James Todritild
net pus by the year- Ile was excluded for bad
behavior—lnsolence. Mr. Woods said the records
of the Coal of Quarter Sessions showed that the
persons connected with the bridge bad been con
victed of a. gross outrage lalhe matter alluded
to. I don't know that it would be proper for me
-to newer who prevented him from crossing-. I
'clonl_lmow_who, were the Committee on .tolls, I
when James Todd was excluded. We bed a com
mittee, and could'nt get thatcommittee gathered
at aB times, and I and the toll assessor perform
ed. the brininess pretty much. I don't know.l
whether the Committee was ever called, relative
to Mr.-Todd. hlessra. Holmes, Christy, Irwin.
Dr. Outran, end myself were on that committee.
There were some cases in which the toll assessor
'hod - the power to do tids.• If Todd had eome to
me, the difficulty Would have leen 'ended in bre
I minutes, but he was above that, and .wsnted to
bully the committee; we wonld not be battled
by him. - Mi. Todd bellied the toll keeper:—'
There were dotens of caste in which •I settled
the name difficulty.= emery- few minutes, when
they came to me. I can't say that 'Squire
Christy, but I think that Dr. (Imam and I had
Nemec:laureation on the subject. !harem. recol
lection of what he said. This woo yesterday.—
I. can't distinctly recollect _whether I had any
conversation with any. other member of the corn
cementation on the subject With some member of
the hoar% or . the committee, hot I don't
1 who it .We might have convened on it,
' walking in the streets. Doctor 1311111 W knew of
It. I don't know the data that it took place.—
Can't tell how much toll was taken from theßme
of -opening opening the bridge in the fell of 1819 to the
time the dividends cannier:cod to be declared in
1824; It would he a moral-impossibility. I was
not clerk:. I can't state from memory how much
toll has been received up to this data. Wo Par-
Chased a lot of . ground for our own safety. a
don't know how much wee paid for it. It !sneer
the aid of the bridge-on St. Clair etreat. end
extends back to an , alley. There arc no bad,
tags on it. Mr. Townsend had a scull beiMing
ow it, foe e raw Seer!. •
. ,
One of the to geo spoke of, was on'Oetteral
Itoldnerm's 'land. The other was ore ground
which formerly belonged to• my; father.. • The
lattsrlandednear where the Hand at. brldgencw
Meads. The ferrieetoutioned but a short tluie
eller the opening of the bridge, but I cant say
howlerig. We had bat orieeontingent kid, If
we had a suiphis,,we would - direet the treasurer
to breath as he thought beet for thrintmeste of
the community.. We only did to by resolution,
to the bra of my:recollection. Thle fond was
kept lightly knitted, except when we had re
pair's to do, and then we draw fecal it. Cho ex
peineswereveryheary; the tells never cola hare
realized inch percentage. - Theinterat witted&
ed in. I can't say whether the interest was car
ried. into the =malt shag -,with the tells, and
the expanses end &tidied! taken out every year,
but I think ft wee.. -All this Itbleg welleft in
the handset the clerk end treasurer. The
Bald 'gave 'general Insir netlops, and be acted
for'the beit interests of tho - Boarl. Vfie fond Is
there, and what use will be made_of it, I dant
know. .1f you ebeereed the documenta *read
yesterday, you most have seen that the drat year
a. dividend was dealared, we may 'deelared tie
per ant. when we could have deslare4 15 per
emit.: Ms bank" was 'parte° rebuild the
bridge If ;necessity. Our tolls:by this charter
Ti.r so WO that carriages, would not hare
crossed, and ferries would hare been kept up
ha the rates been aimed. The easiness of
coitoniadeadoti makes tea thick that if It had
not .been far It, not one haulm' would be In 7111e
glust4,. where Stare are now ten.. My idea was
that the people' : would trzt have paid at first, for
the purpose Of It last nkkingthe bridge free to
EZlllllllllitiCip ip alder resumed—l have urged
the Mesta? ;tasty. or tintrity•five years, tbot
the people of latth cities should buy the bridge,
and - mole it tree: I offered my stock at hot
riot fejt that parpoee.
Qustion•-•Do you know of anything hating
been dime or otaittedby the board to pment or
delay tiontideurption at the htidxat
Oldectedu by 'Mr. Woods on the ground that
those questions bad been sake& and answered
on the examination in - chief, and the witnees had
been cross examined on the same points, whiob
would, according to the laws of evidence, put
an end belt. Mr. Alden argued the tame point
at length: '
Objection ouraled. Bill of exceptiows Mod.
Hemmed—l know of nothing done or omitted
to *be best of my knowledge. Tim lot spoken
of was pi:mobed to prevent some iron works
being put up there, for fear of tiro to the bridge.
It was not the business the Board to- set
apart a sinking fund for the redemption of the
bridge. I wisbed the bridge to be free, end have
been an advocate for freeing it for twenty.five
years. , The managers are the servants ; of the
stockholders. What the - stockholders may do I
Question-. Did the managers or'stookholders,
wheal combined ever make any move or take
any action for the purpose of setting apart
fond for the redemption of the bridge? '
Answer—There is the find, as I have repeat
edly-stated, what Is to be dote with It, I don't
know. I have no farther answer to make to that
lotus MOrriain swora—Mr.. Staunton -offered
to peeve that be, Mr. 11. had been a mansgar,
and that, In hie opinion, the commutation of t1•ll
isle demanded alikeby the interests at the pub
lie and the interests of the bridge.
Mom. Woods and Alden objected to receiv
ing:Ma evidence. He had beeen a manager and
was intereited. Again, this line -of evidence
was not in aneycer to anything brought out by
the.pnisectition. Ur. Alden maintained that
when he wished to prove tho other aide of• the
game fact by Offering opinion• it was ruled .out,
yet here opinicin vas offered toy prone the re
Judge McClure sold that one eitle mnintained
that had the toUe charged by the charter been
demanded, the bridge would now have been free.
The defendants wiebed to prove that more money
Lad ben made by the commuting the tolls and
the intonate of thecommunity„ promoted there
by.._ The evidence woe admtesible.. Bill of az.
batten returned-1 reside in the city of
Allegheay... Woes Manager in ISIS, or !tliere
about& . I was Mine committee of tolls for one
year. We had the eubject of tails, before ne
u. thivtdp toll bilikeco demanded, the nceipte
of the . bridge would lon Increased. What I
• . .
mean by this was, that if
. every, body myself,
fur instance,) hat4..- had. ; pay two cents every trip;
instead of by the year, the revenue would have
been diminished. The system lof taking trip
trip toll would not have been eubinitted to by the
people of Allegheny. It would have been eon
littered oppreesive; and if therel hirbeen COM
petition, its business would haveldeereased.
Qaestion—What was the reasen for commot
tog tolls and charging by the year, instead of ta
king trip toll? Objected to. It will a mere matter
•of opinion. The judge en the Minch or the jury
in, the box might as well judge by. opinion.—
Tfie ex,wrizunt of paying trip toll had. eery
been tried. .
The Honorable Charles Stine? coned.'
Question admitted. Exceptio filed.
I don't know while I was a member of the
bridge, that there was any change in the toll.—
The tolls had been charged before, and what I
endeavored to do while a Manager, was,to geml
ike them so as , not ta.moke one amt pay more
Mr. Loomis read from the chimer, the rates
of toll, and naked what effects thUse rates would
have had. Objected to, question waived.
Cross examined—l ofin't tell. how the propor
tion of persons who passed dythe year would
compare with those who paned by ,the trip.
Can't form any idea of it. Ff . i,oto fone:lalf to
two-thirds of the citizens of Allegheny frees that
bridge at the present time. -"That bridge is the
natural thoroughfare for that POrrel°° of the
eittzenito crest. A great manyjrnore pass on
that bridge from Pittsburgh to Allegheny, than
by, any. other.. I =lie resided ivf AUegheny all
my life. Am and have troen pretty well ac
!painted with the people, who =roe to town,
north of the city. What is thb population of
Allegheny eityl/ Objected to. Objection ever
ittled, Exception granted. &Meter. The popu
lation of Allegheny, at the time: the camas was
taken, was _some 20,000., TIM part .of
gheey that was-first - built mai that lying be
tween Hand 'tract and helos Federal street.
The city has gradually been extending above
Hand -Street Tor some jean. It began about
the time-the. Canal was bulk :The upper bridge
on the Alle&heny, was built afterthe Hand Street
...13ridge, but lam not Very , certain'-as to this,
even. The part of tho city above Hand street
corantanced-th grow-rapidly,. in.1&30. Lt, seems
to me that as the city increased In population,
the country people fell off. We used their mar-
Meting. Federal street, leading to the old bridge,
is =questionably the great th - orin.ighf - are for
personecoming to the city.
EXAYInD lit CITIZI..--Question.—Wlmt pro
portion of passengers would hove crossed the old
bridge had the tolls been kept up to therate
montioned in the charter.-•- - -
Objected to.- Objection overruled, and bill of
exceptions find by hlessrs. Alden and Woods
- Had 'his' itystam been - adopted, - the people
Would not heee-antanitted to kit the Iliad street
bridge Pad given the pareengers yearly facilities
for classing, or If fenies ;had been established
at a lower rate, In ,oase the Hand street bridge
had charged the same rate of tolls. Irwin street
in Pittsburgb, Ls between the two bridegs.
By Mr. libeler. At - the time . you were man •
gee of the bridge, would you have consented to
relents, toll, and what effect would any change
of the commutation. hero had.
Qaestion objected to by Mr. Woods. The an
ewer would bo n mere Opinion. Objection over
ruled, and Judge Sheler Illed•an exception.
A 5131830021 assitox.
The Court met at a
. quartcr before two o'clock.
Sohn Harper called, objected to, and Mown.
ll'oodk and Alden'asked that he ebonld be sworn
on his ear dirt. The defendants' counsel main
tained that he had been called on the other side,
and that therefore , they Itkvlog given him credit
could not object to him now."
;The relatoes cannsel insisted that he bad been
called with reference to a special object. That
be tad been examined by their', and cram exam
ined by the other side. If called by them he
must be again -swim'
Jrqger BLaler -quoted 4th Watts and Sergitut,
page 171, mud Wit% art 79, is support of Lis
Mr. Woods argued against the admissibility of
the witness. • ,
Judge McClure..thought that the decision of
the Supreme Court, clearly bore upon this case.
hir. - liarper true a competent witness..
Decision objected te, and, bill of exceptions
Mr. Harper proceeded - to give his evidence.
I am , clerk And trcasarer of the Allegheny
Bridie have held tbasecOces since the spring
of 1812 •John Soydoeval ray predecesor, Alex
ander Johnson prrceded him. Mr. Johnson died.
I think, in 1832. Since I have been in office, I
have made morns to the Auditor General, for
every year. My Bret report was that dated Jan.
2nd.1843 .being the report for the preceeding
''Fbleireparte from thut.year to .ISM, were
offered In esidence but not read. ,jr. Harper
preceeding to analyse the reports, "when
.Tfoada-nri.slide_blected. _Let Abe
defendants give their reports to the jury,' and
then 'lt was for them to farm their. .mtleralstions
from those reports..
The defendtuata' counsel declared that they
were going to prove facts.
The Court decided that the reports were in
evidence, without having been read to the jury.
'Meters, Alden and Woods filed on exception to
the decide - rt. •
Mr. Harper proceeded 'tit calculte and rend
detached portions of the report, dated 1851, giv
ing an account of the financial affair, of them.
ceding year, for the purpose of-verifying a paper
of :calculations, marked A, but .which had not:
been' given in evidence:
1851—Tolls,$15, .
822 56
Expenses, • 6.597 63
—,Dividend, (16 per cent.) 12,727 60
18,400: 42
--Dividend, (16 per cent.)
1849—Tolle, 18,400 42
' 6,584 2,5
—Dividend, (16 . per cent.) 12,727 50
- 686 : 00
Alden asked whether the witness was
giving evidence from his awn recollection! Mr.
said he recollected that fifteen per cent, had
been dialmed for a certain number of-years,
bet could not tell the precise'number of dollars
and cents, without examining the sicards..
Mr: Alden contended that - this was not a mere
s4}illtel:d4 r,otzoory," -bni!et 'reading:of
the record. •
Mr. Loomle answered 31r. - Alden.
.irokkant etehnittec6-11111 of exceptions filed by
Examination resumed—These reportawere all
written out by myself. ; When. I take them up
and examine them, I most conscientiously batiste
them to be carnet, and when go over the cal
culations, end compare them with this statemeat,
and find them to agres,l bellow* them to betel,.
Mr. Alden mild If the defendant& uternadve
him the reports, sine* they would not read them,
he wouldttake that trouble. lle bad read the:
reports ortho- Auditor t3eneral, and wished to
- examlne.those offered by the company, because
he wished to use whether they were, or wore not
correct: - All hi wished was afar comparison.
The defendants' coanoll objected to letting
Mr. Alden hare their copy of the reports at that
Judge Kens* did not sei'erlat was the tEf
foram between; thootunset. It teemed to him
that if -Mr. Harper would proceed. u be had be.
gun, be would certainty abridge the labor of all
parties. -Attu conelderable discussion, Mr. Al
- lei - Stated that tide sow the ground of dispute—,
That inasmuch - as the witness could only retol
lett that portion of the report of the Company
to the:Auditor General,' which showed that lifr
teen per cent. bad been-divided among the stook.
holden, and -could state nothing farther, con.
tallied thesis), withobereferring to, and readin g
the same,;such evidence wee inadmissible mai
the'rePort was first read, as no explanation could
be given ores fact,until• that fact was first de
tailed in evidence. Sigh aproceeding was a
departure from the roles of evidence, and ought
not to bs tolerated in a court of jostles governed
by law. Ho Illustrated bin position by referring
to various rules of evidence; for instance, if the
s. oontract - had been in evidence with its
covenants, and specifications, without having
first been read to the jur3 , , could testimony ex
planatory, of.eta contents; be admitted by petrol
to prove certain portions of it? Mr. Alden
proceeded to argue the question at considerable
JudgeMelittre asked whether &paper could
not he in evidence without its being read?
Mr. Woods Paid, that such a course would
just be tantamount to saying that because
witness bad been sworn, It was not necessary
for him to testify.
Judge--McClure admitted , the evidence, and
sealed a bill of exceptions for Mr. Alden.
Mr. Staunton offered in evidence; a statement
marked A, perporting to be a tabular statement
of the state of the Allegheny Bridge Company,
eine° its organisation.. '
Mr. Alden asked to see it, and it was shown
The Court deelded that 'Mr. Harper should
go on, 515,1 verify the tabular 'etatement marked
A, by reference to the, reports.
-Mr. Alden ohjected to Its reception . 1= the
ground, that it was a mere calculation of the
portico themselves, which was not evidenen of
itself, neither ..-eould lt" be made so by:the par
ties,. beteg merely their conclusion, drawn from
tbd reports,. which had not been read in rel.
Judge McClure admitted the evidence, and
scaled a bill of exceptions.
Mr. litzper 'proceeded to read the statement
of 1848.
1648—Tells, $16,20912
—Dividends (16 per cent) 12,727 60
. —State tas, " 636 87
—Contingent fund, 27,806 60,
1847—Tops, . 17,656 94
' --Dividends (15 per cent)
—State. us, . 636 87 _
• • • 4crotingent fund, ' - 24,18265
1646—T0115, 11,270 57
—Dividends (16 per cent.)
—State tax,- ,
~G3G -87' ' .Hemp—The market ilatOtt-C active, with sales
—Contingent fund. '23,428.80.'-.'dew' ratted at $117@123 re !GEL: - ' ..".' --; i• •
Mr. pamper, said that Ito had made up the re- Tresz-The market is quiet. Sales of :Scotch
Ports for 1844 and 1845, which weer Mining, 4 pig at 818,60.7 • , - .
and forwarded them`Oc t the Auditor Gentrers ' *Wool—The market le rather less emu
t. ~
. . - '
Mr. Hamer proceedad to read the record, oft 011lC1171YATI MARKIIT:
184 4 1 and 1845:.• ' ! ' • • ' CraC3SBIAtI; Aug 14.
1845--Tolls, 15,681 61 ... Flour Meru in a etetdy demand, with sales
—Dividends. 10,188 42 500 bbis at 63 20363 80 per bid.'
—Balance on hands, 6,816 Ikl .. - Widakey—Sales at 19e per gallon. •
—Loaned to individuals, , 11,218 CO , PlOVitio63—The market is Lem, 'frith en in
1844—Tolls, . 14,676 66 creased demand. Sales 100 bbl, =OM pork at
—Dividendz, 12,625 621! 614, and 100 hble thin do at 51325 per bbl.
—Loaned individual,,, mu, .78 Sales 30 Ude ribbed sides at 9e. Bales 80 kegs
—Balance on hatids, 8,266 03 I prime - lard at 10c, being mostly held at 1010 per.
The 'Court then adjourned until nine o'clock I lb. Holders 'of bacon are generally askag a
thu morning. 1 further etrance.
Oros/ries—Sales 40 !Ids sugar at 9 col..
Sates 2co bags Rio coffee at liMilic Per lb.
. Cheese—ls steady at 61c, at which 800 boxes
were 'Sold.
Linseed Oil—Bales at 70c per gillue•
_ _
log in this city, near the head of Wyley street,
was, we are sorry to learn, suddenly attacked
with paralysis, on Wednesday morning last, and
died about 9 o'clock In the evening. He leavele
a widow and two children, together
with a large
circle of friends, to mourn their sudden and sad
bereavement. /
Mr. Amber-son ties nship carpenter, and was
generally know andligblyeeteemed among our
river men, for his industry and promptness of
character, as ts mechanic. We deeply sympa
thise-with 'the widow and the orphans, whose
affectionate husbiusd and kind and headgear
father hoe been thus suddenly taken away.
FATAL Acernewr.—Coroner Arthur, was called
on yeaterday, to bold an inquest on the hotly of
a 'young man named Leonard Helloed. The'
deceased was driving a wagon In the Third Ward
Allegheny, ' above the upper bridge, when. the
hones mu off and he was thrown out. One'of
the fore wheels. passed , over his head onmldag
hie scull, and he died Instantly. .
ing of tho friends of GU. _Scott arid Johnson,
was held at this publio school house in West
Elivibedi on Saturday the 9th Wt. With Britt
Esq.; was called to the choir and D. Lynch was
appointed Secretary..
me meeting appointed the following turn ed
pereons - as delegates to the West Conven
tion,' to bo held at the City . of Pittsburgh, on the
29al iust., E. Persiml, I. Brink, Darld Lynch,
BelaDrimes, Andrew Kale, Geo, Mickey, Jacob
Swain. lasso Hammett, Jr., Burman Carroll,
Docc J. B. bloGrew, Joseph Debarsert, PaTid
Pearard, A. Sayre and F. Briggs.
!Mat the delegates h a te power to
fill vacancies or add to their number.
Ritotred; That aU friendly to the election of
Gem! WI2IITELI) COTT be conatitutell n ...Scott
CheVind that wo meet at the call of the chair-
Man Tor pertinent organization. - -
ISMS Chignitan.
D.; LYNCH, Secretary. .!
CI}CiPSATI, Aug..l4
The steamer Desols exploded in the illlacia
river 'on Saturday last. She WWI bound for UM
notion', for tho accommodation of tattlers, who
were on board at the time of the explosion. She
was woodint when the explosion Look place.
Thirteen persons were killed and many badly.
wounded. The names of the killed were—Mr.
RaywoodnadtWo children; Mr. Dakar, wife aid
child; Mims IL Foster; G. Vansycle and three
children of Mr. Woodworth; H. Denies, and Mr.
' ' ' Crsct.rwrz, Aug, 14.
A treuty has been concluded with tho loner
nand 'of. Sioux Indium.
Brenton, Whig, is elected In the tenth district.
The Congressional delegation tree the State will
ha eight democrats and two whiga
Lettortm.s, Aug. 14.
[• Seventy-five countier, from which returns bare
been received, give Dixon 1648 majority. In the
seventeen counties to hear from, Powell In 1848
had 1043 majority. ,
Donate, And. 141..
Ali...Jot:us Stems, • real eatato brok.or.of this
city. ootstaitta&aokaZtthis.xsOrzi.g.
tlo. main aviary of his tight leg. ila d
ting 1p his elude. flo had only been scarried oft
Saturday last. MS cans. is aaslgned for the fa.
tal not.
Dosros, Aug. 14.
By, an Milli' this forczioan,• we have dotes
from 'the Cape to. the Slat nit. The reletlng
troubles were no nearer a settlement. The pa
pers at Capetown assert that the Caßirs and Hot
tentots, if suceeesful, intend to establieh their
awn government.
Fierernl traitors hare been dicovered he the
Hottentot camp. Theopolcs, one of the eldest
missionary stations among thallottentots, bad
been burnt, and a number of the Fingoes mur
dered In cold blood. Depredations Ball continu
ed;aud the general,opittion prevailed that the
Caffir, power wu yet unbroken. Bwsinese_was
in a deplorable state.
Thousands of emup belonging to the settlers
had been driren off.
Ke 11, o powerful ate, boa gone over to the
and ordered the minimal-Igs out of his
territory, being bucked by the overpowering
forces of Carßre and flottentots.
Toxorto, Aug. It
, The desembly,have adopted the Government
resolutions appropriating 10,000,000' toward.,
the building of thegrost trtmk railroad through
Sandi to Halifax, flora Scotia. ..
MI& it -
The Natbdlle 111.4 ii 13148 ill. • In 40 counties,
Campbell's net pin for Oars:nor is 2,106. Tle
Banner saps : We here 'elated Whig ilot.
taw.' Wirwill hire a 'Whig -mojoritranjobt
ballot in the Litgislature; . a Whig Smote, and b
all probability, a Whig Ronde. Wa will also
have a gain of one Senator timl three *ratan.
calves In Congress.
11. L. Tamer, late 11. F. Setuttor.los been
defeated for thiallonae." ,
Tzinrnacrra, Aug.
The ,WAtesh I.# 20 feet in channel, and : sleizg.
- PrindiDELPHIA .
'itiialiT.truu,'Accgost 14
1111:1 ißOCitleg market Is wary heavy and drill.
Plonx—ts generally held at $4? bbl, for fresh
ground, but buyers are ouly,Jound at $3 no
87*., Rye lour is selling at $3 25 bbl.
Corn meal—Sales et $2 87* ti
Graln—Wheat is in but limited dttoands with
sales of 6000'bus, a 806840 for 'new southern
red, and 92€980 for new white, and 96 for old.
Sales of rye at 72®734. Corn is dull, withsales
25,000 bay, at 5901600.
Whiskey-34as at 230 .f gallon.
Theis le a groat want of confidence felt alzong
boldness mon, in consequence of seeeial resent
heavy.' failures In the flour and grain busices.
Soma four. or* five Froduoe dealers tines also
gone by the board, train aeltany days. '
DALTI)IO7O, Atli. 14.
Flour--The market Is dull, sad buyeratslyet.
fer .$3 87 11 bbl. •
Oraio—Sales red wheatat 76e500, and whit*
at 808900 1.1 boob. Bales of yellow corn at IF
and or white at lle I; bush. ' , ,Sales of; oats at
300280, and of rye at 7 50 . bush.
Provisions—The market, Is Arm,' and pion
adranaLog. Salo of 160,000 lbs 1,,c0n at 74
for 'Moulders, 19910100 for sides, end 9iello
for hums.. Bales of lard in bbin at 9f, and in
kegs st 110 lb. r ,
Wearies—Bales 2000 bags Rio coffee at 83
e9O etooks are estimated at 80,000 bags:
a:cm—sales at 7@90 VI lb.
Featheri—Salsa at 86o; lb.
Tobacco—The market is firm, bob with ut any
nies of importance.
Whiskey—Bales at 23524 e gall.
The money. market Is lied and MOO recent
fallorcs hare Caused much excitement I
The weather is very hot, the themomster stand
ing at 92°.
Nrw Yon=, Aug. 14.
Cotton—The sztartot is firm, with osier 2,600
flour—Sales 14,000 bbls at $3,76e8,811 for
state and western, $4 for Genesee. and .54,20
for 'lowborn. -
Cori Meal—Baleeat $2.961 bbl.
Orsln--Salen9,6oo Inn Wheat at 920 for Ma
ryland, and 81e90o for Genesee. Aye is held at
740 1.1 I bushel. Baler 60,000 bum Corn at 690
600 for mixed.
Oreieriel—Sales 11000 - bies Riq Coats at 710
B.} for ;ordinary- Bales 200 bows Rio at he.
Matey—Balm 60 bbie at 28}e. _
Proritioste—lialea- mw-mess park at 614,02,
and er $12.87 11 MI - Beef to quiet.
Lard Is tteady at 06910 p 1 M. Batter" alai
Cheese sit dulL
E. Di. DAVIS & CO.,
Imparters 'of French and Canton Goods,
.4E9?ECTFULLY invite buy re to eitim
, their ot:
WATT Kt/MONS—A very oPyazt omorhattat.
TAMTA AND Zt.772r/t/111;0.—A..thIlastortatoht
BLACK CHUB DE .ItiILVE-.-All widths sal viva, of
thy tett make.
LIZACA: 3= 'Tar av cake thit Whet..
tofu.. gitett NI moth tothitalch.
ttE/WZ.S. Veloric block ant fittcy rat, pack szot
colored Coupes. CrapeLoirrsokot llat Crapes. , .
CRAPE 813AWIS AND DCARPA—Just rerearest salt,
volts.^f sR nlors sad prime. DR ees CitAPhr, of Daiwa
4 . u ti a ATr:r De CRI :I% a ets are o!
. ( I .)
retullar to the Cantbu S 8"
• JrilDetts)
AMMER, Nci. 41 Rath Boomull Welt, (sbora
oitnut,engt rida)Phltadelphl.
do., Whole-
G mon% Zto. Mute t r 4.113.11•6•4 • .4]
LAID, BUOKNO & CO., obacoo
(100.110. k. Uerchattn, N 41 North Wan axed.
001 Yulo North lqurre. /111.1.401. anal
American Hardware.
epuvEN, CLAP? DOEGLASS,Aldlitt
teeters' Agent,. No. Platt etteet,tbreedmretstme
l meet :isw tens. wou , d restaottgily juilte the at
tention a/ the thud true Trade to Mgr dtoch of Geode. no
cetera d from Um mitahlacturete, and ter ale oht M voretde terms.
Aeon York India Robber Warehouse, .
I_ o. 2 , .4rairkn'Lane, arid, No. 69 Nassau stud,
Fir/scorner from Moulins., tietort2ls Certlith rt.
SUBSCRIBE PrOpilOtOr . of this es
, ercold Inform to. .M.lSMErartnete i r ya
nrecinoto revorel3v. that ho la daily revolving from ow
factor) en conangliy large &MI swollen: elort of India
Itobior Uopl. gmerifettnrod orprotely for the Fall Ingle,
ant *kith. loom /wing, intrulunll sonarpurr sal law
nog tmoaraientat , ll f t .s tl i ? inarb.nori f gra coposill
Preciel attention onothimt " Vole7M7to the manon.
fano( end plain CAR/W.OC Lolll,of all irlathe
from 0-4 to 6.4 inelorivo, 'MA carefollgrialemod
from the Net and mogul the Port irost.whk-ti
bolder. ennal 04 Tamar teethe, Ito Won anatifectures
the Mienrirlso Cab, a highly importion Improvement no
natty 514vv.vemil, br ool.b the elothig made to boar an
exact renemblegagato 00100.1. , 1 leather. The plain trait
mule unt told ite fund. Undo. .padrethe Verlag
tall !qui of all . the Ofloirent
eat ration., from the 'mow.] YAM tlttbbM Om re.
lro binee,lVomon . g auk
llngett, ego,
.Ellr paw sr.d.rianda/s; Wo
lined awl Liarti nutit.le. *r.
rotatrete ogrortunint of the Itilwring Atari Cabana:
Mool ritteLort Com v. cep, natal., P.m. Life groan - ogre.
rrslrlppe toi ro t lila,.e iliove, kernos Janet; Cape, 1414-
Fits. Itgagoo eileta!lisoniv IleitiomUoimaallitigettom
More(..n Boon Mintoo,Bll4. Pertlnkabotth
tiorMa Valve L1t.14.1%, Alr
j W
it e4Vfl ll l" l=Pi d ZM, " l o : t
F l ga,andeonee eao ,l
to taxers
aid to fotm.l • mot Certain Mrs Mid pro.
vouttoo of hriere,l nand. t• 1 Mine MOM eget loroping .
Faro Rubber Commit too Ilattors. ono.
1101,01 SAN.
Slmwls! Cloaks! ?dantUlna!
r 4 l 5- MILLS, tip. 6 Corilarmllst.; N. York;
Litz.VZ.MPZ,VPvia:.==r.atEV ! !
of retch ar4 Imcortio Wir t .[ Lan maw!, su m '
a fall 500 t. . -at ci Env:nano 1. basiant Dal Lot 4f
kirrao ittaria, of owl. arsele. •
ou rani:lair.. Aar! of Coln ,
Satin; ar.l Velvot MAN' LLAr. SACKS. an, of
Anp..• And mi.. max/ riarod frt. Voris MA.
Irrr. ht, ulna .latrortotootri. ' trd. acracioathly per
Larn wornorn
go non. nor li - fret, aturaloa of &adorn and Wag.'
arai ;fierclinan to Co, an n.:. as they 1.111 tad an .mml
- 00 ntrils, era readrainia [cods tor Liam? nal.,
LLD t oo, in abia e
A I, V. I RI: SNOW aZANDF. lbr
Slninia novo NI asitilion. ilmoot la roar; cniorril Wriatt oa
at Si an 3 W. IT,
To tho Pabllc
INDIA RUBBER 51101:S.—Our actatition
Ps, 16. , 1 n:161 is an rarrolsmy pt b . Iftra. IL r4r.
rvumv,A hrsr Yort Itesala Ct ll I, Adf 1 .44.e.1
the c.sar.- o.4.l:tuttryy of P.m, 4:at., In whirls. alto:
muL unnwynol slats. of air oap , nsey.W.l.4listwo. Laos
supsts that .t cis. tv.tri.n.e hut with rlnaLhur (Urns
Ines vutftut inst. tar to. :4,64 sad that do. tot
Infrittp , Gskrlf es.", ihattht.i.. Lim inwAdllactlitiloo(
Ww!”a Lur limn.. lor thr, tvanunctut.
Irsta halts a' SLY. 1.4, In ear'. NW'S,. sad 131.1 •
nos mrnr7. all art 3 sIP; MU.e a tVill RR themaw. sod
tor .I.6 . Yrsrsvn tort"... tee. tlis M.. if dtrponsd to
OS vs, nano . than V.. itrv9 UraPPIWO Plteata. Woe
thick IS ton just Ps archmou spats MIAs • wail pr
taLlturNratietyLarrlnic been VlVlsettlrd,
rtimer•Mayro. • ilashie...alcemttimlast.eortd
afrani,lis lulu. tot to 'visit:6 his pa:lsta Is hove
saistpu Eat,. to o sahlpusatiabtit Wis./IPS
purply.. alto tave. iar Ism. POns.Ststattou s tannest 3
tar bow antic nulls Ilstsi . y sal Ps Phu.
!la Do:mm.llr. writhstur. oar p . m shinty.. with
tislth 3 3 Stlase ...If ray, ',Swap In IP. nustninat.
%boons. se hssls sithsing the tin's styl , s 6
make th at Le eval *2l arr .112/ Olin to t 1
,favor Pr Trn4ltt.., malt is tielitturs .1.4 tat.
st 121,13.,•.11 rysyyst.j.
NOS% •
.• . atm:l:no
try WmTryezinat.
• IL. LIP klusiseny Preskhnts
• FORD k Chf.
I2to TPSX. Jul r I . Z.h. if th.
_ •J. W. Bolberton.
'Sc. 75 drai.lo, La na, FM . Fen*.
y,IPORTER and Jobber in FRENCH and
NIAtAA SI , YA Ferietla. tuull Copt. A ez ydeona,lon.A.
lai W asAes. Vitt, at, „
fur,rittßes Ad
maufaclunas . AgraticrAawrirAcaus Firovmirs.
Office for Foreign Patents.
/4,6 Trail at.. N. rank. and 1613 Red at. ilroldon.
PATENTS. Fon, DraNTIONS procurud
A In Vrata.n, Franc, Pdornos. Ilafraadt, end .11
rater tart+ at karcv.--1.5c CsrairlaA Cuts, tba kro.
' 1.4;1554.515ra va Mr *Love can lar taut
.054 marks
tottrsa • 5 Woll greK. lira York.
Superior Black liVritiug and Copying Ink.
YONE'S EMPIRE' INK, tl tinzsau street,
V kin I:fillip. v.. York.
urt Illidstitsdir3,ll4P7.
Sato L. tt.f... St flaws fnely—
Liu • %eat OIN/17IXIS•12. it —ant •yrilt eat ereresdes. -Walt,
rtt , lettata au d. at and mare.. Rll tbs. eualltine mars
my • •atsl lau Putt on:table far thn Straits ASNII sug
lrytty tataptal t, the 24.1
She to4arsigurd Is prepared t
(strulth to titer tradeof.
that I', export ue barna comureptlar, stt the ebcea vitt
taw prier', eat.p as pry ardur, and del.very to any pert
Hs) clurge. No rberys frr ca., Matey
or IP shartetsatra at N o
ep r r ir. , o - DoRE tmr.
PT:Yuan rt. tom Raltrileor.
. •
.R.sw ruag.
Protcssnr Alm. C. Barry's Tricophorons,
( B
s:orlso. prwurviny nod teactlryinr
lknv ts..f ourl Llandrull, uld ming discamsol,9reskln,
t t mAg6 l / 4 ..'17,:tt1 fd
toitsmalls.l.c.lectokt 11..ta 14 , :pinxis admlla
,—Pear ba r bertl Y°4l ;e4gAth ll tete•
taneme eruptiLlearcep. ar
Zht,fp. el a so,S.gyeaeated
trn ' 0.14 Tit of ..IT .add 4. wer 1n.,: tsat 'Pry,*
dens,' altd have trliel oil the peeeseetiohe tte hue and
OM Dm kluolau,,ltbout tbn b.o.ft was %Uteri
Ile Mend
to err Tour Trenthereee. I nu ONsa a USt
ewe" sae, tt t , r turortee and geatilleetloo.lretiad earee/I
11rad In about 1,1 0000004, Such vne the illoecem or the
oOd, Clot at tU2o. I MU pettish? 111101. .
/ o .Teettlolll,Teen co . - y
lona/. nroolara.
, .
Py4y. Mayty....Ny Doi! flir...iii ' xlt i g l oteal e i;wl .4. 1 1 54:L i&
z es , , y o r o SA f fy.4 o 4 o ml.'gmel my, byYd may late. r :Mletal
0.5 aad
0 " ,
.0 % 5 / i m by , ...Yr . sl.l o4ooo to try o... egYr • ben .
fArlygr4,l. mc.l thy la.mdtar tilmiy,pnreil, ins Ity.
sl *rivet!:
, I ThrN;XM.l.l' Imnr•i•
It {lay hdy Rattlaciao doubts tbs aulbegVielty
nbott, that pirs•l toast Vrofearr • 0 Burro Oli o!
In Becokivri7, Itok, whin* ho produce the off
11Z ... 0ul the )IffitLod Neal 2;07. tr+o.l
is tto retuY for the.raltonest rare of beldam
earrCOessets of the tracluurrnetel , ly. that' hos rrossosi
. e srria . - 4141 •1 41; ' , ' ,. ° 3 7 1. , !W«. '` 1 of.!=”1
t. , 1 the tortre claws of the trueareltr:
.hey,et every oureerl'in Ito tend tt Is wad he Oretsrvore to
otter .ertlelrs or the kind. It Iterate seen Orb. steusor
WV We, a d thuormootoe Its growth toe rtiouratiotle•
rm., It shottore the mottrull sod scurf. al takes th e
halt boa cudglens. It will errs ell dleesess of tee al/S.
Such or ssal hoed. done/rat. erd other oeuestaus aces
deosof the Atte In cloraosee es well sitters. It steeds
etoriseltsl. , It Stroli In ter.4 bottles. rrlo. Setats. et :so.
a; trontlerir. tad et the Drosguts grout - 111v *
the:l:Rod ttetem end Carols. ' *SLIMS
FonlvAttiaNG k comAtissioN MERCHANT,
cmc....uo. I LLI.SUIa,
CONT/N LIES LIB Ilallai facilities to receiTo
La 'Manage: all Merrhaatdl , ll
analg...l Lam /lonia Icaso al, dally for %tartan,.
an Ma 'caps .1 tha tlacca.Ctaal and lavr.
flaLavacia—Malare, lunw aterara.
Jos. , (4.stea;
Mr. JaLa A.Can.L.,-. aalL.raa
iteir,..00=1,1 ,7 ,,v,,1jrz,.-21 1F -m- m t.ou, on Vas
ll.{ to Slrsonah.r flerlinr 4 Co.,
ritututob. ag,1:10
AVID C. TUTTLE, :Attorney at Law,
nod Cclnmisnloncr fr , r Posnrylvnuiel, Bt. Lout, Mo.
litemm&nth. mutt., anta.-rmi.
OLIN 11. 11.tli61ti, .t:t.i.orw7 and Coin
min, II Lao; sad Coraturssiotstr " but ths etata o
nnsylraMy 8L Laub, No (la. of Pittsburgh.)
listsioness—Pittsbusubt thou W. forward. 11=0. *
Misr, )isClusit. John &kart., Pistons &
Musts. tCo. oat g I y
ellEA:tl TARTAIt--I,tloo, lbs. fur bide by
• J. KIDD 'k. fkr..
• N k , W, ACkg-ltt..
UTTON 11... prime, for
by my a MIRY. lIATTUEI4I3 & CO.
I.I . ULLS' SAlt - SAPARILL4I:—A for: duz
In,cart bath., br br • •
• • itre Cornnr of ITorl nod
1111 Alt —3 0 Gbh). 13ostrm, for sale by
1: J. a V-7L017).
For — •
, Or
Ale ,A kt i b E l‘t ) r t i O rr tt i l e :tgFraft l4 ..4 i : 1i ,, - .. ate r,1 1 4
Volum vtreet, and extrudlut haat —feet
to Crawford store, Tb yrdoetty ix Round direttlyabova
the Old Hula. and In the outwit,' of tbe vdcate.recide eat
kf lb. lac , bletWee all the how,a of
A. W. enconle, }:en. anl can !volved as valtable flaunt
thew lbr Idvatlen of one or two tafteful dwelling, cc
Kw. vet or debt malice lc 0 riman D. •
tame-0 ttlr4 In band and tba Warne In eve
annual vaveavnts, aeannet by boll and mortgage.
Ann to , bTOWt & SVATPS.N. Attvla at Loo.
aunt:told 10. }lO
Courth otrycL
.Valuable Real Estate in Meaner County,
at Auction.
TEE subscriber offers for sale the following'
lon to Tallctott,' Deliver conatf, being lon
Penn wellin..ll two non. high. • One lot 00 foot hoot on Beek etteet,-ontionte the
to top ot the , •
lo.b. Two begoinute each on Int front, Loden:nag.
tho road to log water ar. fie the Big eaver.
. 1. One ',doable teeter lot,- 100 ben on Wbeel flue,
withheld : o.nm iGht. 14047 Knotted.
go. b. lot
my of
th.l.llter iot. Ant
.st ee di g , the toy. of the hill. on wbielt lac
two nosy Inch One end wainlotiee, lg 4r fen: alaopoe
frame dwelling, wo non, . , •
ito. O. (10r 'nye Int 113 Now llngbtoo, ec=t 7 ;.4..
log .loot 140 het ou Btnederey, aril about tivt amp,'
too along IN, aye, on which nu erected two Is
deelne ant on Knell frame bonne. need AN SZI 012 en.
WS tinopertf wee formerly oecopiull by Mr. T. C. Gould,'
004 Pleanntly /noted, being bintteneto re p,d,
the knislon Bridge. • . • •.•• • • .• • •
• • go. 1. Um water lot, •loanedistely below nellstaaßridee,.
•beitur about 10D feet in length, boa extending the, W. 1.,
ria.t. to low water :mak, or
path. • -
if sett sold before bonds), the t Int der of Septetuber
acne at benne We, It 0111 thin be offered et yobbo 0114
MI. OA •
(17, 03. T ILTAIINO,
nigrintkwto Agent for/chant= I Stockton. • -
Valuable &al Estate at Auction.
SrIIE SUBSCRIBER Zen for Sale,' on
fnenrablii - ters . the follow - log Thometh, f o the ",;6
or Plttehorgh. el.--
Ye 1. Three raluable three Atari Wick dwelling !mow;
co &hood meet, between Market and Teter etreeti. the
I V . . ' S:itain7.l2 ' l4e b i r tt j 'l4.lil . l street m e ..
the Third Thetbytrrlan clont,, on which I.Ot ed coo
Awe raorr brick boa.., 1.4 as a fainting hem mood coo
two gory brleh se t
s o ld
If tele above I. root sold before Mohan, the 4th date
BeTtokber. at prima tale at will then beached at on c.
ontaT, co the Treadom. Ur= at rae, •
' .11)11N , ILEUM°. •
Agent i .e Johostoo 121LOGLIOLI.
. . . .
. . ..
tROOM, corner ofTaat and Third
. sta.,
• gool location for a lawya or a pbrclaa. La
m ''''''!"'' b. ' . 41flulufaszt.
tug& • 112Fecoadrt.
BE. subscribers, intending to remover_
Water Erect. earner Of ClOsacety lane. "/4
not the iVaroloosno theyetpremenceopy—No.
0D Wad street — runmon cnrongh to Thal street. Po.
Melon Oren on the let a Oetele.e Deal. ne roans It to.
auolfiller • •
FOR RENT—The Ihreßing, No. 155 ee.,
Thirto i rmt. near 142141V—t0 soon sr tLo a•
in t les bows ana ittrun't tin%, tla+
artlo t, tltror has s tett: roan attached. odtli bor. ant cold
reaterorater clout. Art _
Alra—tbs 1.1Cno• adjalang. st a orrdelahr rant. Z.Vgin .
CI • D DdDLt
mint( • imarth evert. tear Wocd.
• Sewickley Property for. Sale.
9111 E intscriber offers for Bale a fine Tract
or L. containing r 22 taw. being a portlon of tho.
proper', lately owned by
loWe Zeonocoy nocietr. /712 f ln.
Allegheny county. contain g about 120 urn of thy ob.
ert &eta= land Wilma thy Proneyirantaand Ohba el
road and too Ohio river. 'The redeem (21G sorrel .born
the roan; is well .toted for fanning rune:yea roe talning
a valuable Water Power. who a nue bb. e and 011 Mill. no .
awe running order. For guelene nT ornate econtry veer
domes. Una property I. ono of tbe twat envy erred. ba,'
lag areera to at eitY at all thus, se Zallzoadi Weer. end.
. • •
• - Ics tumor. apply to R. C. =MN, Crou'a Bottom, Sam
or county, or I.IEO. ainvu:,,ito kccych Fu.s m Vltts.
• aust:
Seven Valuable Far= fpr Sale,
ALL SITUATED near the Ohio and Penn
nines refined, In the elciaily er ee.ketm,
containing Inca b 0 to 7A) emu roth , nnd aAM a44 of cultivation.
A TOWN Line. totert:en the prawn / //plane
Pert tbe Once sal the Dtiot et Belem—
All of elitch erld toll on ear temp the furtlier .
era. Utak Lu th e Ohm and PernsylLorne Pull:roof, or in
either auto boobs to Fitt:burgh. will be tate, In par
f oleo eelrl to donate a tlcto of ironed: adjoining thA
Tletiot imun4to a coutOstont man or ctutiVtuy. to coot 6 ,
fast elev. Chshel noon, on a thuntala fen he had to
otuntlf the boom tot en velar.
Eel.= le the mutts! pulnt between the titles ofilittt ,
harsh end Clrrelted; hetervert Ilibborgh end Woos
hut sod thri bout: to , be dairrd from the Plank Prude
now tau g rem tructult f.,tri =ekes It tat of
the wet important points ea the 16, Of rained fora Urea
<law nowt.
' Seim. 0.. Julf I. 'lilt jytttioltfil
Valuable Country Seats for Sale atiluctim
TILE SUBSCRiBEA, {aided hie
YARM—conteauta,-117 serve, al to aolf. to Root feet.'
note eishmoa oo f u o t e mi l , s o t t h c Al *
, a t b dd a oOfash he
roarer roul—lototthoite Loa. otranolnlng frra :hemmers.
teen arm Yea. rell.theyem, luEe.
DAI7, the'letb day of Al:ttltoTt-1541. ' ,
The 6.1 I. esoellyot quality. mod e hteh.state
euturaxtun. Luta: boar. Up, ot a al ortl_oat Latta ibr •
strata of Seam 11.. - art are en the revottoaa three orar
keg orchards, woof erUlrh ere of tbabyttenottratof fruit
lt la call adarted Coorttre Peat. 0, (1,,J00:,,,,m,F.
ejorto; voter titling,. errh.,t co Nearly.:. the tot.
e taint la tool. tar 1.4121018 000 SkUll 89.
otoot ram, taltla hoer , - tat le term/ Yr tow sof
tbl-oat I neUa , rtlf cleya t..h.t. Sret
day Gf .-ptroter.
- - - .
tArtrie rt 11 ticiott. acAttr t tentiltlar
of 2MC.C.15L1, .I.:LAti.nt r e CVOrKIL
Cormtry Property.
THE uridur6iped care for.cale a pine e of
VoTana,aa b g ..7.ta l ' 4
,1 4 ,
in a ow
! l it Ite r egre4 U :, With ' te letszi a t 4 ' 7 •
=ltch ape rteetl, it le tern udneted IsTiteg. Out tato
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
,TIE follawing described properties ere of
fordfor m 4, pert arr 7 paymenta:
foo r Way brerlr sr.., .1 Int In PlOrburab..
the too. oklo of 11 rod nor. botraqua C O. .4 dlr.
Tta, bow co.pladl.. {Val. McCully C
11.—a lot it Lao Ward , ratatrorsh. boundri
lbe l geostru no n lo a a...Ding:OW en dm acal. and front.:
t — fua h od l ot
01 aarla ores.
.L.l Vary on the :oath ;Commun. la m
C Ohfl eal Saadosty
toot 0... or., and roo niog car.k to It./ alloy: 4d r,es.
".C.2.VlPg,ala"Zi Ro.±arfa
wood los bolo.. toe lOtrtoo f05..1.4
co the Ohlo ?War, and roulalning about 11 torn.
alao—A boom aud La allsgbouy d.y. coo oo.ylad
by Jam, Corm., Irootteg cn 2.1. L... .4 louoto
Maly told.- Vousloary 111/1. oloatalulug (12:0111. th at la
foot ,
tblee wen . ) * of romaza the cC of Alla
'A. Vllv ' etti. n
flost [lmam tberece. irari Immo
thenocialow oocuptect br •.
ASTI/ JUaITI.I Attortr7,:di..
, waubllet " Orme sta.:. Ptteatnust, •
Braddock's Field Property. -
' i IpERSONS duiriug beautiful, bealtliy,ble
. Unit. nod amp locacous uouutryrtuddlornu, are
olttfd to turn uttrutiou to Tiratlduelea Yield, vlokb
Ii riot Won fold In trust) parcels, rm tbn mat u,verebie
tort.. Itlnbry-Cfn um. ban, burn Cmt fold taut....
to dabsrrut trullYldnu:n. to. of whorl Ireton 1.02.
routine by buildings. am. For adraanttea ar nor.", ktod.
but rotrticubsrly Of aotuff from an city. ttu• blare to nuri
satTe k new LbonnuadurosrOP Of 4 . ...dthr°, o k.
Pliurdetic 2:ltr Alio= u r r= and
reuray ly !Iris (Conks* lau= ' ut. ub Oda Me
Curs will be runt:dug ...mug bran Pate:mint that tar
toby neat Call. boo+ land awe arty? Um buoy. °doll bur
nut fora t o the suit the Can .111
Wart slop With era tee wfteeerp
i tunny tor CA mow lathe Wu, bt» Iyl3+ll
to rarity to then ynovron On truant; and soy blue of
dlyblou tburvaf. 'WWI" -Ma exarnumintal at flu ,
Iluankna Mow no eta bola
j ylAd f JAS. 11%
For Bale--Pioperty, on the canalßasin.
ALOT, oomei of Pecin'itreCt - atid Stir
',i.e.'s Inelcsting - mat of ea Card S- ES 4
srLich arc ta , tarer.stnry Sr..*
nut! Lot no Penn stmt, nest thanorth
ris.bst.rins elnas.l3o , llth cf -
1715:110.000 *two Alamo elh t.
For Sale or Perpetual Lease,
La nut lot:f. 2); in lb< original plan of Ow torn
00 14ntfrottlon on 14t1.21.1.1vt itobccon stmt. nud
••-• • • .
' Alta .for root for Out or more 'coin, Ll* rattaut of the
'oat lot an Ulll ratonellag backto Emmy lotrly
rorup tern. restore Int.
Err Cr., onntare of Mr. SlOaEll flOalotfiD, near
lb. promises; nr of tan subvert:x.4 at ELI °Zoe, an. la:
itand lama, -littaboratt.
islaf ttIIADIt
Beal estate for Sale.
AVALIIABLE unimproved LOT, on the
.earner - of Liberty asta rectory Anew, Fifth Iyu t.
oncellat the Orme n Catholic Cburen. Y.Oreot (twat on
N. by too feet deep on factor:, rowalogrock ta Exam
aho—the three atery Dr/olt Dwelling flown willb
a t
Ad,011211. , 7 the norm, lb. lot balor '4l feat f.2 , A
fowl deep. 'lle bows blame wel anteenitat. bull: to
modem atria. and contains olown mono. •: •
m lh
Alaw—g) germ of eery...Alumni , . lawl near EnamebtlrgL
etas—A Yana of U . . seem to Won bear torsunbip.
AT= of W 4 urea LII cOUnty. /1,
!tau New Owl..
elaw—Farm. In M , -17 . 01. Mat/. of
.V•Zious 111 AN
Wise. Than .0 sea . . &Arm .
in dame.. 1111 U. P
"Vi "v. P.* O. Lll. rm-rrasies,
. . . • •
Attorney at Law. and nen) L. Anent:
=en rin tut Fourth Futon httaborch
To Farmers.
. 00 00 0 d 0
ACRES.,larmin i nna Dram
W.nen tk i d cri
allrror. ”IttuMD* MM. ta twi
I A 4 m—LOW . ArI
to Ink cc A
Wrum, fiv rah. mmar:Ads
' LULA wow. Favaultv 01 A tr .. WILKINS CO.,
nil er,ran. of NI Art And TtOr.t r:r. •
To Oardoners.
riIWENTY ACRES of Gardening LcnL, i -
rrody under wood rualrotioa. reiatro soZr OW
y. be cold (Or ht,oo orro—va.jthlri rod.b. nod oho
balsam in oho, two, sod thm roars. for lodilroh, M.
101,0 at tho boating /la.. or
tort orner (.11 dlodhat Third
For Bale.
THE memlore of the Fairmount Fire Com
pany. news their 1:99190 tr sale. It Ls in awl or
". ' "rillbr
r'rdrbr". ' r'r ITII r I r II. Eget,
99:01f Nte 409 Vann 1.9,4.
1111 IF, UNITED STATES ifoTr.L.T.r=
In lb, 011 of hltmostah. Ttee LA An 1
I oslttd and Exly tour fv. , Vuor , nrx4t. +=l ou•
boo. od tone loot Wm , : Indies on Waoninonn rune.
te...t IMNilig
otetti.Grl Ye. ItILL lbon .'L
For Sale,
BAKERY, wit!, Wren soars leaEa of tho
o 40,03. tuxv 004,nr.
/Pa 111.1.1 .' 141611d me OElO rrne
• rot ilings apply to .1 1 / 1 3/11) X IRVIN,
17 111 rmml •L
IP 'calve ortlela too 1•17 1.1 al Mu ear. of '
levy 111,1110411'1111.111(111,11:1.1).
AVOLD IiPECTACLES—A large arsortmeat
jun rreelar: also. t'llaer and Intel of elan' kind.'
kind, attilora., of tn. beat vivant!, tsar UT ottod
cl to *ha 'noon acoadLote to Ilia yttonniva daded *de
vote. rabble. pot to to evoar.
TV. WILH.. Orndtacn.
felt - alart , * *o*.
jig FFEVESUING conpotiNp,. a substi-
JiJJ tut. for iout firr rslslou c&kon,Atc... .41101
. " °4 " " "" In ll.ltati4TZt4
VlSll—;*lnoterel, iimtlierrirfir, for
14 J.& It."PLoYli.
1J0141,1.--150 bagelLio for solo by
irzr JOHN Wa.TX at CC
- . - ..
. Sri EAA L lif j A IC:. : ' .:
MEDICAL: . • -
woR crsenk,.N.; , . : t.O 6 1 :10a- . ,
JAM/ Medicated Lipid Cuticle:. -
T .,: . did. .s and 2L et s ''''''' '-`: ' : gIEfIS ARTICLE is intended-for fitiaßy tum.
1 RTICUID. ta. n el. , ~.,,, 1, .* th•
ah.t amt uttatstatiata MU Oa Taanday, 10 detach. U ma .h...tdt. isoed 1 .. e. to!.esslos or .1. y isal.
gull • •-; - —•-• t ; - _ . -. . 5, . the land. alleoat•tes woo ant In teavtant daea t aa at
r twat/ to emu , r.- , .... , amnia &radon. and the tatte r az
VOR ST. - 1011.IS.=Ths Splencli _,.. et. yr c0r1... um of lora. sill End MU artlel• to Feta
hErIA Cart J. Y. Wed nab]. to ;hart, aud attar • fair trial . till antskter-t p halt*
illlirtee ffnqr A I M aid latetsr.lla Pno n Vha
artlfy Mat s T . th e land Me
porta nn'EatordaY. the ilh theta " 4 °.44. I. IL 4 'a
a tt ak r acf. woof Judd a hltatioatgat &Att..
aa i i? ll'ight "*.tr. 1 .8° "T1 i .. 7. 1 . .A . Vic '..,„.... '
y.,:t4a ty Mantra Itortold a, amp. dlatarn, Cana.
cheerfully recantmaend it to out yrotastfonal tonataril
an azoglaus Millistitlate lay adhesive plaster. ba
,busaa A tnlte. er i ltW lL, Et Mtra 1 ..a . 1 , 3 Iri n a n•ao
• r '• LIM cratIOSA, ataa:
r IY3t. h. CAE E
.D. ItA I,
IIhISON, r , • -
• : • P. WtaiDltUlT I t
V. LYON hilWk.'
frusirourn lataxja. o n /wawa
"-• Campractod on tea procdsloo phydeldos is so• MT or
' 3 4=l : y . D. aI...IttIINEITUII ACV,.
- focowo Wood wit Lon cto.
riestr . T o CII.N.I.L. W. F. alma". will
. 4 11 7 :g In
au e 9 .&11.1*.T1t0o. citOZlat 2 CO.. dirents.
ILL EV57191.1 PACKET , -The Leif running
- isbasnot WELLscrua, Capt. B. Young. xlll
ran u • snub, • racke. bctwern kittsbargb, Witeel
B ate= ',„ tvaiuzv,t i ar, o° =.
evzgr j. l2 . 4
.Sle,tll,drA-, ~sr,==-9,.....„
Tort sad gaol& trend
aftanwou, and Itsithit
r.5.% 4 t , 1 " MT - I' • SW:TNIIE earirsl r ''''
l i c n avendld ncv ELEPAN, /I.lall
L d ,Atra i lar,29 tpa illanraana all
Foe feaght ,51,1,•,,,;Z„, t2 1 r i .g , t , t. OF water. ' •
. FY2 ...,.231111:ENZEILUER:Jicent.
_ . .. .
ItE GLIL A It PAOJtET . 11E- '
Omni. PILOT N 0..... a. a. Crane. ina,:er,
will kaan Pitiaburah -far lititelliws. capita. nod &wank.
tura 4;ul g ., .zd e r t r.7. 4 . l 2. clOcl. r ll4 retina/1
' 47P.V1:37d 2 FrAtia.ailkfaaai. 4 l l =ko
a., dape e n l l o r t dairg upon Oil WO r ...Wig nwpalarly
Yerinilalit or mango. Amyl* on hoard. ' oylo
inghant. This snithutid bart was built b 7
the owners of the ateatter lune Ninetan. and' °then , . for
the Cincinnati and Finabargb Cachet Wad*. and will ism
etwr7.Y.dneWt., ar_tor Cinch:matt to Katt et Mali./ Ent.
tend thr&r:, 2. "."1'11') ar1.1,-nstawat..4•7.l°.
Re Am ' kelnl EELLTQ ialteVAM'sreTi.teld
tj, na• Dorton:alms ber m ir tsi.s-eklytew betwat
third% . 0 4 Wbe.Cat. I Plttsbazgh ft 10 o'Oot
b.err codar . Wedneedsr a hidtr, retant.lo,
arn WthaflinT 0.17 , T1af. Ttranasyg ilatazdz7.
In *fat trWa.
,V0,14:1164 g=rrcpxj
NOPOIST--Tbi doe annul. PAOIVIC.
natea toClrggl a fradll7,4l 0ntx...4.. 31.
° at Ante; t Mani. 4,3'T 'hY.ll-Isls/5.41
num)) - So. 61 . Wites and 43 Innal sts.
volt run Guns OP,
' 118,191100PING-COUGII, 'CROUP,
.1.1311111 d, 'CONSUMPTION. -
MONO tatmeroits diec,OVIZIOS Science
tue mad* in Otis gemenattou to , eoOlWethebueloere
of lila Snows Ite eleAyrcent, end rocs YeslClag tho U
"of Litunen er/shaws, =Oa can he Daum/ of =norm/ value
‘to mankind. than this contributlon.ot Chetalsary t the
Healing Art. t mat trtel et to vlrinee thnnaeLout thle
flesionntryAse nravon - 14 , a1T /doubt thaw toodicato
or eousllnatlent CLnusilrt,eyvt gums; tense randy eon.
tool and ours thelaunercui veskftwof tednionary dhows
whit* have teltherto rant from car Midst thnussode and
thotenands every ytres. Indad, there Is now stnindant row
eon to Whirs s moody hes at length been /hand vehteh
eon be rolled on to core the tauct dangerous afeselooa of
tho lunge. Our spate bars FiS nrt neardt us to on/4kb
eny =portion of the care extol by. Its rue. - but Ira
Pr.sesue Oldedenatt eminent nu% =lnfer
further enqulry to the dynast, which the Laub bolas
natned . will alwaye be *ego/ to taialsh rem wheals cre
fan osytlonlart, sad ind/syneablo erupt o f Guts foots. r, pr.eddv q r,lmura maw, damea ago
. „MOOR tinviitocK.
In t ounes C. er—elrr/ have WWI Taut Chanty rooters/
y own re. or doup.sratui Brouclalile. end ma ratistled
from Its chendcal eoredtatlon that le la an adenrablanots.
wood for tbs relief of larynglel sad britatblaldls.lilao
If nay opinion es to Ito suptmor tharmter ow be of any
"me, yea an at Lima n fi ingot,
Two Cobb.goi Member of lb. 4.4 t. 3:ed. r*J. suet
Soloatifto S.:lett" or Artmln, an/ Europe.
_ tot _Ll.Rera7 Yeekdal adrairabla Liar
trorn con. or Lim l et art.:lo4 La '
L ana =Cad
vet 7 orta-usa :?arty tor the etas of 'la.. 4, It 14: laton
411 la" Cans... ~flaw Ira, I, 1141.
MAJOR P.d TTISON. Preeidrat et the B. C. &sot; nistav
tot he h. 00.1 Prloril. Nth aundevul car
anat.: oars an Intr.:n.4. or to 1.14411.
fern olio of (UAW g")...eloglailw.
Sac., Me.. April:4lEll
"Ds. I. e. dyer, Lovell—Peer fir. I ore row constantly
ceing poor Carry f or is ay r-mtni% .ona mf r ., k
Lay attoo rionizioat fax roLmnnoor complatota Fraxobser
ration of many mina oasro-O, inn it will cure
tooth', and of Ito 01.04 bar. put to
dotaocer 4:1 other ivanl.4.. I Lo co o o ns aladoiily l r . olos.ocoi tt
aia to nun or oolum-,e r 1.4
tit Lan
snk; Itona-n th te Oohs.
' "Utot..-Cally
C . I:Cu:qtr./A.O, 11. D."
reuarat an.l add by kractlealChear.
/..arvii "gess.
Said in eitiohotali, a 1.010,1.4 0,1 retail. b 1 IL a- FAO
'S LS/NAM a CIL. ant .1. 14. 70414141 - 14415.
In illtattear Or/
i- r , and J. Ant
Mak cal to
la a floc foilod to sor•I warm. II
• Csbol Cour:lton,, V, I all
. Sat..,•;—You local/oat tart Isla. leo
PittAborna. Ir. N0r...1,r aot. >tat prorailra on of
to try lour Veratlforn. to taut P37111:1%1. Ice al to. and
rtrartaxl. rl.• wart:or we n rth•r •r• varoltord. Irblob
-to. Ito lair repar••:,...a. Ilar boa,t puntaisd root,
Web to., din•mol ut Irrtall ,, . , •lr• ll* IrMrfolLl
ra•clw.l or. tbo 12th of Wm prertmat raoatb.
sod .1.0 ma r.. 1 too lost f 2 dor. bottlestro
out Coll Jr u I ....owl br the Prst se•roaravtater. Ii
0.....ar0. C0..1t to ralaable • ae lboar. that tee,
prin. of • frailly triab., to buy. It la 1.41.4 pormatolea.
who Lae. ouruaoet It would be bother', willto•
[0•1•• eartlflorwr of It• totettl/ozor: .1.1111. a: the booth
we has. ri,a4 , l: lrza'nor. to t Brig - 4 Botts.. GUM
-to expel tootra•.• • • • W. 1.0. XI.LL ter a Olt.
' Brepared tad told t 7 R F 117,111•11 B, Nu. 6: Wood ,
To the Deaf!
nollc3 in the noad.. and all
4.1 dissnnenebb died:inn:no in= abs npnadlly nist
emery. end et tee Arehre".
es Pledelette. tweet...en'
We re tura we.
' rear
en 'Th urrbne inrror..y
ram =ler L. earn en Lb incest mbiScslthnoiratbibt; at reroute which eUeleved bin tetatmeo 4, i,
dead War %balm-11in Lit rzearn.. Nay bore mill elm
then 'Oran orcannotaaree. .04 ebbialle
,lcaeho wi t h
to to lams to nanik rly
Dr. IL =vine nosmais-3• trill it he.. a c tin, lb
gLm.y. . Lank tirelline. ber o .le4o C‘Lnel
to LeLmeca stern.
A .Valnable Improvement in Trass6g.
DRDR. HARD'S Impiered Patent TRUSS
ant LC PTCRIE &C ELY. br whirl a mnaar.. tan
mud oan etectod. Tale xrdso la ruled?
fond and on:tondos itetke Inc? lranda. bavlng
all the advantopea cd a wall-renh. - ated L.l ,, fnall Draw .
ara. The madam ran tw ro ronaalel stye toe rat
oemloct la lb.. rand dthcolt ca.** of here., era tea ha
'lnernded to anneal rarosswdmicerd. Is ow ,
tarah and Wag. brounat,to hear Leer lho
hernial Wraps% h/nt alnedtr=ronaet twangy and recto
lion 44.14.1 Undo, eeda ander tie atzet leolant
• Dr Ina tua or this TN, ' , M] ersn.6l b7a el.ll
- 'grow , . Ina wearer hi placed banani Na darner of
atraocalation, or 1.1 other “aavroa. or palatal a) - .P
Gds, whk - h la rot an nut-Iv:rat econrearo In Ma 1031 J%
tan Iny tl ii =trasna. It Waiver' mom= pnrna
let hem= wittt hinge. to *don I tn.. sact a p•
ply lt thesare •ti. mi. oNo motto* *hien ma to
aaou mai). by Ohne who noultutand aba &palmy al the
. porta abectol in basalt. • •
• Wa wneld mot realadtfalle atteratton of 'duel.
cline tu . thla True& aa WI khow they end ainvenlsla In
valva.. Ns-aim ban * Tangle - or mbar .Trusse• at Um
lowest 0114.116 bleat Tin,* ot..uatt rmetantle tm band
• 14,1 Piar.aurza
• •
Dr. liard'iAbdominal Supp. • 1.4 4.
TIIESE SUPPORTERS axe intended chief-
I y far tbe ea 00. or-rt'Olo rile Merl, Ind all thole rich
, tb•dw • mod.n ., nl lnblrtt to the Abdivaltiel Tiowra
I. tputmi. They. ion n yorniet ettollott to the eltbott.l/d1
cans,o ended; bo srcxe with cwin.not by all. The 4113-
yroloced by'a • twill., it the Widmann] caned.
wre Yiwlapide Vied; Flaug tho Isceele. kilos Coedit,
non lone In the Hui owl Erin., LeAollude end
Yield: no cfiten._littuobllit. blortnew lirosth.
Yelyttetten of the lleert,'and netters, debility.
64nd:14 a. 11d110WE.1.1.,
• 140 W' odd at. Plidobnigh.
Selhm' Liver PiUs:-
' rallterOall. Comoide rdleburibjelum 21., '46.
R. B. E. SEUEltz':—.l take ttiia °ppm,
.i.v tuatt7 of Ow:We, .to tater of - your lorolusble
IL, laCtlt lye 314,6 11,0. 1 WAS ulna down %Alt
tray if....tif.1.11.1 ti.. Met. inul vs s .mlneed by
suhl. meats and tt ter 'reeve of tuts droallol 015 t....
hot my UM nee thol ',we of. .finer other moms bad (.1
d. / woe 3251004 by •Ute - ohl "tms,Uto try yam Lint MM.
atad I nittn. nay thet. alt.,, =a boo mod a. lisit I
hem dam rononel tn rowtortoole Meath. which= ot
Ibis tams I Iltetetero Min Mem.. let tree 46
them M Mbyte stllictod wettiu Choir. of the Uwe.'
All Mow twernely
% tful
otter L.'a mlltel 'Steer Intla t . arc m t uutartelts or
buss I oattudros. 204 genuito aro pet r sr./ nod told fir
ill - IL C. SOLLEdden? 11 ood st.
X. Basin's (auccer3orto'Bonezel) Perfumes
- • for
the Hamikercliief.
%TRACTS of lioese, Proikpi Flower, Jos.
jua I.uto. rotitistl. ertkii, 8..13 Pe. Vat
liunerbct detioralice. Lie:simian. WI let niler.(Wriii..
/..rxranei, Inc., Iloury.utAbi,
Cinb. Ltl. 31rim.beir. i•lrmbrit
atd hr.:act Ahab. 'in 'wit ngnc, bettlet, eribb gine. gen
-1%.1. All I:suar...bicb 51X.1.1. IS lan Cr hi>
Yourtsit•nt. cm of tbe 'rev, beet tjukbii. being Cniiiiibtac
tnis4 witterpecial tuio. lau extort-1,. melte. mail* in it&
try. It,. Lb.:L ...ill...thin In *limb they we
hql • II Wood r.
White Paint
relvol Wad for vita at Nu,: a9cl 9 Wool We
our attroLt a at /tau. raid tibnabtbOat
Pair tapt to Ibis arbro.srliadt wa hart torts Whig for ur..
1'401., 01 three r961/ttir. awl Can rraviomrad b I/anti...tor
Itohita had 1.0141 In,cl, inner. lonteslof atd.bit,
Lt 1.3.1t1k Z.Jte rt..ell IL sad otltar
quo:tilt . ban n frontier and =ore Lrtiliun Oua It SSG...
hfefl.r I. I,re du re1:1•: 31044.10
wk. 10 9111 Lot rub oil. 004 40a 19 wtat.bral witbatt to
tor,: and. ;IA it reran , 19,1 , auriula with equal wiket.t. it
ran, oboap
1.21 J.Z Lt.tlfl Lars..
• Suns' Piro Proof Mineral Faint • •
?ME Balbsuiber, hevarkg completed his ta
tal.llihmsft for ttmirkixtrutton of the Stan o=l4
arokle. nest the 4.-ad of Fed-rftlatrfef, Allegbfr/fT,I*P.-
'loftvil furtfik Liffozgb r.grnra. cllker dr, fx
orofflod m J.131/.5
J. A. roultor. Dot .
in. cworr . MITI and Wood
T. U. Nerto a Co t ornaaut, latxtta ,trot:
J00.r . 4 Douailae. boo,: or. loix.ond. Allortauf •
~fitAtiNq Canal Sto:l4 And our
twiwt. etavalrcty •i . O. 2
-rra elvr..•4 bk tht . r " c f 11..770, 4 '
r,rl,trr., at ate l .•“•, ‘ , cci••.,, • E a.
....J.: . al th e ra... /IA , IILTONI7I . .
F , abbstri,
. .
11,' 0.• PARK'S 4: co,.
• rODIVA:UDI-NO AND coaron;el7 . 3.ll.lClLA.:i3l,
Agenc Z : tram Lana to Ci , tlar-3:
L - ttaLotvot.../Iverioisllll -
r Zl i f , 4l, l ?t b c . stati..-sat, Ysttenagt,
" • nocur.rrn, Ps..
, „
USE RECEIVED, by this morning sa
s wry topiqlar nertaTeleEkt
TM 0:61 , 310.152..T1111.1.tbe
~2111 e g..A.4.11t. 03614 o . bee nOl4 totem,
n.Lonsetlt. nven Si, sdrelt. ilt el tee
mar i•mtlati tit to, vsneTit..o3/16.bmem.
ribatt.9l. ll With lea.l.l.ltanrs sad imeollen. are ~ •neh as
es in nisainjue that. •se wily:std./ to sell at
Iplumla , zpiarrnlll W.llll tbe U1a3;..3 tante..
• shi — ikees escen4 litynitGee4 la.dlSdlthd watch
=nem rumours may dew:4Ln baring their Watches
eelatral In the hat reszlesr..lwarrattusa.
W. W. wit.sun st e t. maw,
SYZ 57, ear.= Market and !multi meets.
the. put up quart bottles?, and con.
D. ennui basts nras. tattrtdotos
OSSET ,!milt[ V.'', :c. it,
I. bqttla.ot
_ It bag Mena Ircu ail/ Mt* Ont
Ilaretruills. Wbettytt...4 Ft. ttertsrol, MU sae
=Ur CRS MUMS MI iliLlifeinit eta, to.
pare stat••
of the tb• tuo itltsi ury. latitetates
, atults, lnkrtetomt& w je na
thato4 p...fIAtACT OP MA
HULA It the Nur rretutrittutt embile m tte2
Impend on strictly mien, •••••• Irt. Gad or
trangth. The Eanott ant:. f. v • •
..t , l •rlttool .
grAt,•ttax i= etl . prtr:! ;. l..:4; 4
r ...Nail's 6i,, ntains blraelllna
other-TJAhubla LVte , ,tbtr autai the bm4 cow
;Quad. nal maimlag we ... all:amt ulna t Me.
kooszt ed!
Scrofula; or KIWI 1411. Camera. Tuocura, krupilur.
_ • • 12. Wu. L.Yrlpalaus: Chromic Bon Erre, RI sr
aciroCor TOLLOM Scald Ilanyttbouros
slan3,l.l.J.Jutb• Bomar riots.
(Al broth Marrs, Sinlllox '•
of I
aro .
. cy r. ac . ....pircjSur •
. —Ufa 4nna.
• ' Palaigitre Side sad ritual
.11-e. /Amoral Va. Coutba,Coldadiocf
maum7 denottons. earl ottws <Sawa tamdlai •
L6l f....3nalte ("m4111214014 DIP
5yrin,11134411.1.0.r data. .1 autOir
la for 4.1 gvntla )1 , 11.2 ,, pcusslaTdONt
•uptCur I. No-I.LP* at
trat•7o.l% or di&
TrlsTrllonlLs. • •
TN %%Mai 4 lus rects.L.Sn ezir mialcaS• IC
thy pawed. aWs r.rortknar / Wl•e ~ EsznpozWs.—
Iler. R. Ir. Dal= is tri.l•Ay drispkirstorril ail is
Via= = t a= 1% 4'46 a
sated iLsol mama rumbas . ..hist Or lets go%
mild mot a Ay ratty reur., and et tims is
I to m r=l ragrit,kls st.,:crt of . se•n:e bar tt.•
ssUrrnatr t.alaotn•
r,. ,rst,
oWer Tratku , :q Ltflt SNIs Airy °ford sniirrorl
, ara. E. it. VitaP.-ast. astranneaL
W. boas .3 Jain IltilrelParsa L4C aZ . sgffuri=
KO be O. alt csableetlan; , on bays pa b
booboo Patina that we isiirrattao oaf* aM
able audloal corniamod, and indonlatad to nrod4
cfumit .11.. , * mach ra/fUtogs olJ °"i'mr..ll-'‘l•'
• • A. Atzrs&S..
A nr.Arrart c.,..rau (MIN. •
amp admits sista.) akin, tad
a5...0 Wave. about. .11or Pten dove Po aa:PPY., .IPipPo.
aaaylna thin "d tun yo oarentla tn , bo sappy ay
gad ootatpy
t ea
~ci wage
tattl t Vrog o t i tir of, and th at tacrat. wfga . l,l4l=
itisaudfira tbo ti=l . ' earooaLw putkba ot
morbid and dixasodr.adoe =Pinch pun.
Leath). an 4
. Va0r0111;1 7, 24.41%ti, miry minsto
Its bi tstb L ora tad fretlora of acatr i Ladles asodos tba
pao of paints and natzturst., and Ipq Bola:
Upper Wends] ronualYi . sord to the sl a t
mat sr.4 hintis *novo to as /PILL
Taffina2ny Like the Folkaing,..ficiders
all Comment on go Lyrkdosty o 1 But= " 4-
Promo P. YaxDvyYroleasoaof Cherolay tbS
LoOLrllla anadlool Polka, .
.1 bps Inapt over the llat of irlyrodianta lavas.
Job, Bull's oo=round KIP - zeta asnanarllbsanal ro aq
buti Won in raying oba; lama to
a =fa oPalaPradtra
zp i ltzaly . aakra la chzonitcrta%to slat b
Wmarlt:s. Jana 0.7549.
D Piz=
(Mlle &grew Buqo4 044 40 , aiSILL'S 81iLSA11.4-
Lo,..paya, Mary/am
:AA h rOT 3 3.:';`,427.':=7:lttf,l»°,l,llElr= i ip'
Dean earallent coo, and volt cabnalet.4 b produp_sp. sr -
tarplya hayyssion on lb* rye... bare audit samba
11 bale and prlyydo groom. and tbadt Ie 5114 boat Whoa. of
•fianolyarfam - PYLES.
tb.aid.or. phyaleas at. Loobrdner EkschaL
Ca IJTION —Balm., and Lek t sba urigloal
JOULV 2.174 . 3 4.Y.R.4.1.114/aLL.I, rms. A:ratoot—ani
nave. otber. 1(00.3a.b..0 M'POWIt •
lab Wood strort:Tittiburgb. hyloyalo and 14.011
+or sale by D.ll. CURRY and .7004. DOCCiLASA,
.chray 617 . ,..1 by Droaci.ta generally. palsitsannT
• • • .. •
4 , tzvk". e,'•;•:"•••: •
:Emit ITROYING THE BLOOD--41,ebest - - . •-
Fectrilo SlaSktua knows. pr.lpis, Commigolima.
14.crenuneti.Lounoranor Muutesiatoa,
InaantLotmare of tricw.CmerellPri, N.V.. a rr bi • •
Degresn.lepicite, cad Ciliomi re. cr Mad. am cared
r.eUrbs , raawiag ltor to stSif of a..itt,
ana .trectxtb. l>ta blor.1: l c acctrall:;s 4.1 humor; dna
la.r.atunl beanstiozo..4 the '
, 11.4 P".rui • •
It , mild alterstmltor,ste muter it teordeartr emal
re.d. to the gender and delthtte towdbation of the be
roale.ltthowellote.l7 entrderaota that rirtrescing names.
nets ith.l hesitate to maroon to the f.naale Mum; and
Imparta. - as mem emd buaranoraa enroll:taw e. they
cr. valeta Re hen erkluna 00 I.t_ehkh 101,01. 0.
.W. 4 17 U. roennnesei _thin mamas to nantad atria
,whohnre Lot bean 111.0:43 cith offarrin.i. , -
lltari,or Falitan of the Routh, of on Ten. Inah.
Oar, twat DT Dr. Gtqw.tra linnot of Ulla* Lank =4
Sonerwilli, later CllOl7 Oyer IICL,121:1 rlslkoly had too=
tritd without rellef:
that =7 mile. .cot 'MN has sawed
'wider the state oneolslut for ere 'r 3 ooo. *300(7 ./1 that
non eandlual to her bed.. 1 base I, flur years amastaally
aroptertd the teat =4.W.1 talent th4t mallbe pronameitn
tlda mecttan of the *m 7, wltboatany tomtit whataten ,
1 bare elan parehseed sem inettuatht re,cmlneaded for
the ewe of toth d/anieitill of whhit Droved wort/deft
lo the arks of nth. 1 was Intoced Irma. Wends to
try Dr. 0 tower. Yellow Ebel nrul hareeparille,wlalolkerns
and for tow Oarenh.. • Aber the hut 'needle for atom:Mar!
tt waa evident to ell or n. that .tho was lanoline,
. ant born W. time she enthed Loh
and .hearth. wall/ ad% is now tworini 1.4
health. HONIO22. -
We. baba !Weibel., to Wert. and Jolla Ideafart, /mow
that the above statentaits. ea to the ILA noes of *so
anta and as to the cure helms tdreeted. by Gerootts Tallow
Dock and EtreoPerlDa, are subtly true. ' •
lANE EDDY. • -
'tool:LAU porraus.
; • ; •k' 4
King's Fes7.—.Case of 0.. u. Leonard.
linen. E. Bennett 0 Co,-Gents Sat. Imr la 1 1 / 3
I war attooked with Slues Ertl In to; ars, wtdditecesoolk
co Mc I mold net ace It.efol to 154.5 rtartilloation *et la.
I maloted. at dill/mat timely 68eb ihraidaa of celebalt7
withlu soy leach; all told roe toy arc tone. be aeonalatlet.. •
.From Ora aboulder to the foreerro was full of numb=
FORS My 5100.110 at thle thilto war countlehdt oalloutah
ed. and or Deem much ecoacland. I conflated ha 1101
age whew. saw an edecrtimeoest (flanotee
Yellow Met and ParaaperUla) witch t read. and Prat Ito •
tante of the welch. Dayeele. Tell.or Dock and Earialia•
if W cured to.; I toot. ro other remedy *kilo Gahm It; .
ant kit =oaf port:oily well !wrote. walk the Stitt trek
Ilad Itucel !tat the nryt atm+ ranokof the toslad7.l - •
am aura it would havo 4 aarod inn (Cora year, Of tail all
sufforiiig. I mat corncrily r,tounnetal ercet penal Pot
&clog cadet any eh:allot aped-n to use Donates Yellow
Dock bud Ears[ 411,. which tell: Mote than to/wan..
hoary, In gratitude, . • O. /L LliJaLtltD.
Cure of ell of zirnrolof conc./ ..Crystroloa.
like coma ,cclorrool by Dr. Dupont:a Latraetaf Yetlate
Doll tool Ilamparilla. arc lutoco. 200 patlasts knots] -
health cordlnuce to haprceo aeon IS Traotellow.
Cum are not oho:m.01ot until 00.. w bas holly hated that
there ran la so oelatoe or return of the &cam
:Newer, llarka.nm. a,. retront7.lBo/1.
S. P. Decant C:o.i-llocte: lib with ustatpkelettall thill •
I wrote you about the cord bolt, ofleonf of Twat YAM -
Dock and Sonoporilla upon to; sera who hos long blearef
feeble under that dreadful and icatinotoa Wawa. &Tipp
td, with winch ha we- attacked is Irtf. and woe tot eel*
menthe attended h, ream of our beet phygtolaaa. who
tied their ekill - pareevorinaly het coonttawithceit sal •
loud:nal no.ulte whatever. Ile Inearoo reducol to a pit
hot skeleton. Ile had uloc, roan Lb hip to hie bye, - -
which ware oadlnually d-chcr,loo nlgne.asltosaeetew
oat: , /helical sod assriand Thick:LW
aid -• hit caw too beetle,: then could *nothing .
done; o .rreettloa. tertihia oat-0r...318R ta.n. Aly Oder
bora and myself •• - ..hought hot olholutioo neat at Mate '
Out of my nolahhers (who hcf 'enrol a child of Ilantole •
.110 Tau haraluable =01d... , olvnd too to mal•alalet
It; and. nor , trecr the mole, docre to do ecentalalttall•
life hntod, the. from any ben: ofoetnno robed, I proogroll
three Tonics of your Yellow 14,1 soil ?ilaNspltr.ll.
ErrilOserxe4 11,114( It; .3 Sr. ~f ., 5 0 . .b.5e., boINKILIS ,
to llliprOte bodll, It, Oct end Ibo ohL-d lathe;
he batched a lodf dosca Could walkout. U.
wool in all twelve bottles tunas oho Scarf-SD. Lad Or tao
tobee tut he woe whoa,. rectroot. Decry coratito Of the .
dhow, .:oat the ea, L reocowd. eat to naaalaa to
twehet Lvallb et .the 501.005 La.. 111.4 rscoterli nadal
the pommy: of Oad.Dentltely oelag to the sue of pane
Yellow Lett and buret:a:ilia: and I avara you 50,01 feel
n,-aely nodal. vv.: oh/lA.l4one to and it la with Mat
jolt of I
i, D oen . , you of what s farottotala hoe dans .
for ar ado lloopecOully,
5,1,1b7 J. D. Yoo.r...(tuccocoroo gatfori aicsk.lFcnri
and Walnut nroo ClT...thanati 3 OlLio. Gram] Agentlto ba ' -
tluntb and
Kcst... tolOttom ~030r..13.1rft b ioldlosloi.
Ki.. 14 a Co- IT el..Zaboooti.,l:: a J. A. Jana. L.
%%De...14. Pitubarta; Lea Y Tocian.r...6.llarazaa Cain
4. T. 1tt00.1.4 Waeldnauck:
Wolty,Oroomburr. Nataalo,Forooliot; Scott t
Bastas... u.raiuss , ...mratlrr.ll.llldayabur g
lir.debrozol a Cu. Izaatca; J. r.. W:4:L.44 w
Y.vons Co,Dolook - rIINK k. Ail-.aop. Varaeramv
ykr ooo l o d a Co, N. Cationdoro ITtadleala Sur= Co;
FSLc Gnbnaa Foram merc.:lJ o stns a Co, But;
WI 14 excita. [haver, J. o.ttuamort.. Vlattsm LI, a Q.
8. Scaea , Coadoripart.,f, Crater. sr, 8r0wn.91114
jarpric 4 —sl par • A's - .Botatr for
Beyer's' Pia4o Prempt9r.
AELEBBR juet recetved Boyers'
. oeleinsted pliamotoe tot tho Pudic: whielt le as
ledeed b 7 etniesitmal men la We mapiter sadhe
tureen, to be the intet murk of the Wen Het
pet tr. veil One ot &event sucatinini meopaseee
Pe nee:poen end pupils. kite bele eunotied mans( lag
sod emcee-7 telt by.theromemel putt, rani &&m m&
book, pninemeise and Intereition VJ :ha poplin getk In its
aim eclat* and toe., ttme greatly tatilltatair tad &Med. -
Log the I.oo3lnirba Wk. acid frame. gin Mil/ elm.
eta and Clam Tarring.og.
2be !unveil)/ .ITakasors who bare
mopitted amt. an Wetted go, it k
!lagoons Butane. Laad=alll4 Fran