The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 15, 1851, Image 2

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1.,1.T5-11813 GH
,11111 DAY, MORNING, AUGUST 15. 1851
Wittern Paulyhauls Scott Convention
Almbeaph, July Ilth. ISAL •
To no /arras re Lot. Smorrt
Ths understood won appointed a rommlttes. at a Doh- ;
uteselmt of the friend. of Oat Warts. EOM, to i
JoThor tc,lty. to 10905 &gestate* Armin all the other
Mies Ir mo, silent Pousylvania, favorable to Um eise•
- tot of the hero of two wars to the Printleno. mew In ,
tioventioni In ths tiler of Pittsburgh. on the TWKA 11-
tiP AMOCAT not. the Anniversary OM. tattles of
pordonse seal Clionbusio. its lintsnamm Mtn""' We
ment, we cordially Invite army friend of that Moto , of
Lemanchieftains, who never neAS lust swat s drop of
Leman Plod • and who Ls woolly dieleuroldoi for tile
{minor, his bosaalty.lide rani:Alto end ti b.
• maul:do. Mensorrate in wading dalcgat.
Wnn, tOtl tO !nett WWI 91 in pool on that 90Calt011.
weldtsrs of th e war oft elf2l who with him endured the
I ci ' d te ' r ' L the
1 " , r git ' lg 1 r rill ' : 4 =41
mai moss Monfort friends:coms oust with ue.
••• •Oldos of the Mexico molar, hla •
torolran open fold. and MO. , - I
Mottoini hattertmo t'Vers Una, CerrsClorib. Contreras,
, me
therul.P, the
Phu" and EMI IMMO in triumph fon t h e do= of the
'hetlimotl`slairef and over the of IttonOsuliime W e
1 1th tgag.honarro your own beloved Chlefialn, the
pristest of luring Woes
Primula crate Uniont foes of nullifleation and seceesion!
Cdew tor standerd-brarer, the*ry man seisets4
to, Jamoon to *sitar. hie osirs, en lot wooslaime.ll
a- wine UM:Atilt mnstteed wrecermst . Theaintn
r ;hoot chutes of Wialleht Pod Os thw Presidential Chair.
whi mom cliectually antigens Youth Carolina seesolon,
than an sway of 1 hundred thousand bay mote.
riming Mot *tome enthusiasm has been oleo /ladled
by thermital of Peott's heroic deeds, ei,ms, lulu ni f h nos
In twfutlna the Blander that . ..Republics an. ungratefnli
LYe confute not oar Ineltation la those. who In 1044,
neural!) torus ltd with ns under the cots of +WOO&
Utigen= LtfAltr:Tilte,„'2l",tr moor s
%too Emu, crofiantsi the eicatotont these osmotic..
• will rally at the tone of itlnilicid Scott
s Units all tO come. soon the opponents of American
a .'ittilist and Om salvos.. of SWIM Tariff., who have
no t
1.0 fourteen Scott kir LI3 tre Omen tof wit alike at
LrJi.o.waler Landy's Lane.awil I.lainotra. On behairmf
th•st . for t's>. the tate Fs. nft1:00...L.....
I lf em•
11: )et to.lllo Win Oar
} i nn ht raut...b. We Pisdito You a Onlial an
-••• Gm t 1 olly i with the Whit .triode out in the mono
T, 01.11ElAtl.
t 1103.010 It
• - .)11 1th YOU VII Jr
LLA!' N.Lltt) 0. Jo • tNii.
Moodie. er hantation
- .Ni - okr . or Cot.. Iltotztes Stefano Frsu
hav;" already Spoken of the provision oon.
teler4 in thefutoens bill, to enable any person
soy time4ftekhe passage of the blll, to exou
irate hi, property from all further taxation on
account of the State debt, by the payment at
'once, of a certain pet centega upon Its assessed
verve, to be ascertained by officers appointed for
that 'purpose. We showed. then. that this pro
: vision Would operate to the special advantage of
, the wealthy capitalist, to the proprietor of city
\ • suburb property,. previous to its being laid off into
• building:loci, and to the projectors of extensive
manufacturing establishments; who could and
. ..` , ..writdct clear_ them of this onecdtbrance, by the
payment el tfifling sum, previous to the era
nee of theiremiki...l:or instance, an individial
or a company purchase, say 200 acres 'of wild
- efs2 pee scie, being $4llO for the tract.
"* Tow suppose that, it would require 12 per ceM.
,c . • • to exonerate it from any further titration OA a
of,the State debt ,- the pro rata, of th is
strict would be S4S, 1&e 15. par cent., or $40,50
' •—4 Well, this done, the proprle
end tireetfarnaces, and other improT•j
*ruts, worth one ,:tacked T ilionsand &ante ••-
• ..'. This amount of property, soused at the rate of
three inill..on the dollar, bow pays an annual
tar into the treasury : of the - Stste, of sloo.
llßigler's famous project been adopted,
thin would have been lost to the treasury, or to
epealt morn correctly,it would have been rolled
' - over as nn additional
. burden upon the poorer'
tan raj - cis, who mighillibt be ahfo at,once to free
' their property from this lien.
Lint this is uot all, As an inducement to the
' people to pay op at onee, a.banco of 'fifteen per
--" cmst • was allowed. Bulipoais a .taan't assessed
, s• _ Lion was one hundred dollars, the pay
1. • meat of eighty five dollars would be received as
_ • payment in full, and be wttuld bo entitled to n
•"; -Certificate of exoneration. I Now this fifteen per
, • cent. would have had to be made up in tome
;gay; cot whom would if fe.ll Clearly on those
!!. who would - utit'pay . .; And isrlici would they be?
Poor 1111. ;dm r . ould not pay.: The man 'of moray,
4 - - rise projector, 'of new towns or mmiufaotories,
- • toe owners of !suburban property aroundlaxie
cities, cud wealthy farmers, would pay a and
• save not - only. the fifteen per cent, but the far
s . greater amount seising from increased value, in
many inatauCes amounting! to too thutio.lnd per t
' ant. Upon whom, then. Would the weight of
the grunter portion of ilia - immense debt old"
• moldy t ‘ .ol ? Upon the poorer class of formers,
and upon comparatively-pool men in towns.
who, though; they may own', the houses they live .
• io, - nre 100 much etraitetteil in meaOs to allow
• them ,to elerir off this incuMbraore. ; Upon the
property of bucti,tiln would the burden have
- fallen. ,We should thus have hod two, ihatiorir
• , lreal eetate,-one exeneriied, nail of
manse. other things being equal. , : much more
• valnahlu:and,another burdened with _taxation.,
' au& for that reason !era ! valuable. And we
stout!' torte had two claase-a of proptietore,, the
rind the free. And yet the author_ of .this
project, is called a Democrat, and
: the couilidete of the party Who pretend, to . hackie
. special friends of poor uteri'?
- sir cannot believe;. however, that Col. Bigler
' •
:had any ceires hies of the practical operation
Afr la the case of lb. 'moustroul
•-• Priqievition to raf t lineal fidierittmum contained:
: intim come iiill,l ,, t are inclined to give him dia
-1 " • advantage of thri , Ulea of stupidity , rather than
' to charge him ;hill intentional wickeduesa—to
• -•• throw the blame upon a *eels bead rather than
beidisuarx But wiust•kind of o man to thle to
" entrust with the .responsible duties' of . govern
tuent° !Thia bill; his late letter 'arid his/leading
and Spread Eagle epeechea, all ' iombitie to pence
to be an incorrigible . blunderer and
Dare any of ids Minds defend this bill °
Cons,:—The latter from Orange Key, Bahama
Banta, algr‘ed J. Thomson Wylde, publiehed in
this paper, if authentic t certainly ♦e`ry int:
.. .Portard. It le stated that from 1000 45 . 1200
• men wet ' s, there In two ateaniers; on their way
to join the Cuban insuriants. •We cannot tell,
• howerer,.what credit to mullets to this or any other
stdri from * that quarter;,but , there to rw,air of
• truth 'about this letter which entitlesit to more
`itientioli than is danto ,most letters oa the af
:. Aire of Ouba.. ' .
p.P.Y.7 ' BMW BRADTOB.D, Eig..lll will he seen
a cornea
, 1
by an l:Lent in ibis paper , ban opened
an mike in New Brighton, for -the registry and
We pi' peal estate.
'lWoListi.—This State has done pretty well.—
, Trio 'Whig's have ,lost one member, of Congress,
-- Mlleig r hy, who voted for the comprom lie mess.
ore and have gained two ciertalhly, and peitiapo
ittreumembers. Mr. De Bruler,
tdln place of Mr. Lockhart, Lour, in the Evans
ville detriet ;and Mr. Parker, Whig. has beaten
There -Is BOW probability of the eleCtion of
" Mr. !Denton 'ls the tenth -district- Should it
.v ort ! 4 s be so, the nerd delegatlois to Cougries
from Phis State, will ,stand seven Democrat.,
and three Whigs, a Whig gain of two Mem
, Data
The' Legielature -: ig be largely Domocnttici
I •• , ;eke rota la favor of she new tlonstluttion will
'excietta twenty thoritand ;majority. and the
,•,linajoritylor the negro' oleass will exceed that
.„ .... . Dry weather lea staddltig complaint, at ores
~ - -i- rent,' with.the newspapers and agriculturists, all
the_ w ay *OM Maine to yintnia. In S. Carotins,
'.' • . (kWl.l;lm and thence M.N.:Orleans, they do harem ,
tide} shover that isabi a day or So—hot I
. ,
lir about we have hail none of eater th.o a tete
;haute "iliiratioa, fur a kng while Past. A letter
~. frolirdifar o Vitt dated lot instant, says:
dure ,
. This prospects are more thane gloomy ;, yes,
wing and alarming : I have travelled thro'
' several counties of Virginia of late • as far .0
• .1 have seen and been able to learn, there will be
.. 114 [fry small crop of foliate° 'led corn made. In
thla county, (11allfas4whieb is ono of the hug
-, microbe:en growing counties in the State, there
" . will not be half a crop of corn or tobacco, ad
, miming it is seasonable from this time until the
-• .: ..)ull: The high laud corn is spear, and all the
itiff low lands ; sad, Jai to the tobacco, it will
~ ahatolitmaks a man Meese to Os through hie
. toMomo fields. All of the low leaves are per
'' ' ficiirAry. the tot, leaves, look as if .ripening,
and the etailk r _ top
see/ -UM leaves look
stare like a for.'s ear than a, tobacco beat, per
reOpy. erect, imploring the attention of the
lie - crops in New 3 e raey are mid to be infer
sadly ' . for want of min, . also. , In , Watches
and Long Island there Is the 141310 COMPltita
' tu:
t ,
From tar Phatifelphia Nara Americas.
. urnaar taziffelo** 4 . - :
In'themid.4 of the excitements connected with
the Cuban revolution; we have not felt disposed
to forget on event; of no little interest to Plat
delphis, which took place on the 80th nit, be
ing the opening of the, Ohio and Pennsylvania
• itailroad—Or, to ',Penh more.. correctly, of ttja:
first section of the road, of nearly thirty miles
long, from Pittsbugh to NewErightore which has
been completed and pet in - operation. ~As this
Is not Maly the first link In the Ohio and
Pennsylvania Ralirood—an enterprise or Bo
much immediate importance to the iron city
—tint is the first. railroad of any kind the
Pittaburgbers have been able to ciell their own,
we may well believe thatthe'accasiontstes ono of
uncommon pleathre and jolity, as ft really conk
Tehre wean great turnout of people of townand,
country, to wonder at the sonny of allege; ca, ,-
yellers tried the speed of their nags against the
iron horse; the train was decked by the deanery
folks With time= an excellent dinner rewarded
the enterprise of the company officers andtheir
invited guests at New Brighton; and nothing ac
cursed to mar , the harmony of the day—nothing
of consequence at least—snothing,except a little . ,
spleen and 'disposition for controversy among
ate orators when the speaking began—a little uf
that ell:misrs, jealous spirit which our Pitts
burghd'riends have a talent for diegpiying on ,
unsuitable °cessions. As Mr. Element, one of
the epeaktre "they have in Pittsburgh the
most 'mercurial end changeable people in thee,
Bates.," and he drought "they ought to think,
and not send speeches abroad,which were &laugh-
lug stock," ft.o. Fir* persona will dissent. from Me
Bigham'e opinion. Thinking is always better
than epeaking. It was when they thought, that
the peep!. of Pittsburgh commenced the great
work, the opening of the fire !section of which
they have been able to commemorate, 'sod that
within but little more than a year eine. the com
mencement. A single section oftwenty-eight
tulles does not seem a great thing in Itself; but
it &mousiest° nearly one-aixth of the entire lint
of Ohio . and. Pennsylvania Railroad; and that
entire tile is one hundred and eighty-five miles
long, all of it, as may be said, under, or about
to be under peensa of tonatruotioo.
We have so oftenepaken of the Ohio and Penn
sylvania Railroad: commanding and urging it as
the great continuation of our own Pennsylvania
Railroad through the rich midland counties of
Ohio—the "backbone line," as it bee been often
called—that .we feel there le no necessity of
sayieg mich now. We are anxious, however, that
our fellow•eitigens should not forget the !raper
• minced trife route, nor fail to do any thing in
their. power to promote its speedy completion, as
well as thatof the other enterprise which are again
its continuations or feeders. The Ohio:anti Penn
weleilbia,Rsdhroad is, ea we said, one hundred
and eighty-five milettlang; etrembleg fioarPitta
burgh to' Creitllne, In the heart of northern Ohio;
and when completed, will, with the Pennsylvania
road af thresi hundred and thirty-five mites, give
our city men:menu= mute Into this important
region, of five hundred end forty miles, everyfoot
of it railroad. Some twelve or fifteen miles east
of its weeternterminust it is crossed by the Cin
einnati and Cleveland lines, now the great high
ility_of treed front Cincinnati to Neil York. --At
the spot where the two roads cross, Philadelphia
and New York will stand is thin position togeth
er,—the- farmer only about five hundred and
twenty miles distant, all.-railroad,—the latter
just servo hundred and one miles, of which din:,
name one hundred ant seventy-three miles is by
steamboat, on Lake Erie and North Ayer. The
differvicia between the tiro cities se regards the
above mentioned central point Ito Ohio, is exact.
,ly equal to this °nein:indeed and neventydhree
Milos of steamboardistacce, which is equivalent
to twelve hours of time. Thai is. goods and
travellers, leaving this point for the eastward,- 1
ward, would set out with the assurence that; by
1 taking the Ohio and Pennsylvana thadro Pitts-'
burgh, thence onward by the Pennsylvania Rail-'
road, they would be in Philadelphia twelve j
hours before they could expect to reach New
York by the Lake and the Erie Railroad. Cart
any one doubt the certain prosperity that awaits ;
the Pittsburgh and Crestline enterprise? \;
lint at Crestline, the-Ohio nod Pennsylvania
Ralleoad , only terminates, to look out upon two
breeches that continue it further onwards into
the boundless West., The southern fork stretch
es, by the way of Bellefontaine, to Indianapolis;
thence aiming, and destined, in coerce of time
to pierce.through Illinois, and reach the Misers
oippi river opposite . St. Louis—some five hun-1
deo miles further west. The northern fork is ;
directed toner& Chicago, about two hundred . ;
and eighty reiterate the westward: and this gap, if
;completed; would give Philadelphia a direct end
continuous railroad route to Lake, Michigan : at
Chicago, of eight 'hundred and twenty miles;
while - the distance to New York by the Likes
and the Erie Railroad, is , nearly one thousandd
flee hundred miles; and the grand contemplated '
railroad route along the southern bank of Lake
Erie andel:rose the peninsula of Lake Michigan,
the aborted the "Empire city" can ever Amin,
unless the travel by war of Philadelphia, will be
still somewhere about two hundred miles long
thou the road to the latter city.
The first link in the chain westward from 1
Creetline to Chicago. is In cheep of the Ohio
and Iridium Railroad company, which is folly
oeginis•d, and has already received subecrip-
Ctn. from counties, towns,bips, nod indiridtrals
along the line, nearly sufficient to detail the gra
ding and bridging en the road; which will be one
hundred ind thirty miles long, running to Fort
• Wayne, lb Indiana. and passing through a rich
agricultural region, :which will, of hurt recurs
a large tributary badness to the toed. We deem 1
this link of great consequence, and shall hereaf
expert to make. it the subject of some special
commett. We only mention it now Incidentally.
In its natural connection
with the affair of the
opening of the Ohio and Penneyleania Railroad.
itself au event of so 'Ouch leteresi, - Witieheught -,
to cause as much pleasure here es in Pittsburgh
it is the beginning of gnat things. We look
at the' departure of the first loeemotire .from .
Pittsbilrgh, westward. We neturaly cast our
eyes ahead to see where it is t.. make Ili final se
rival, audpereeive that it is not at Crettline, but
at Fort Wayriesind not at Fort Wayne, neither.
but at Chicago. ,
*This in a mistake. The Cleve aid and Co
lumbus . road paean through .. , CrestUne, and
unites with the Ohio Penosylventa Railroad at its
western terminus. The gale object of extending
the Ohio and Peuneylvania Railroad Co a point
same twelve milei west of Mausfield was to in
teresect with the Cleveland and Columbuirted.
—Editor Gazette.;
The London correspondent of the Plhaderphia
North AmeriCall says:
A trial of a few agricultural implements which
hare, been ehown in the great Exhibition was
undo yesterday at Mr. hiecbrs model farm, at
Tipireeheatit. CoL Johnston, of New Turk, was
present on the part 6f the United States. The
American reaping machines attracted much at
tention, but as the wheat was wet and unripe,
only. one machine worked to advantage. This
was kl"Cormack's.-,The Times seat a reporter
to Tiptree, and he says that about the success of
this machine, when tried under,' more favorable
circumstances, there oonnot be a doubt; and as
to Its advntagen they were sufficiently indicated
yesterday by the fond cheers which burst from
the large body o f farruersassembled. The Times
adds "that it is not a little singular that such
en invention abOuld come to us from America,
where the short comings of the labor market
have compelled Pentldito look out for meohau
lad (scuttles 621airOok out their harreiting ,
ere:lons. Than it has been In existence for se
van yaws, while we in thls country have been go- I
ing on from autumn to autumn, dependent for
securing our crepe upon armies of impoverished
Irish peasants;. , who came to reap, and remain
to flIl our work houses o , swell our rates, and ag
. gravate Unmoral and physical wretchedness of
our surplus pOpulation." The "Mondug Past"
of to, day, referring to the meeting at hieehre
farm, and the trial of aggricultural instruments;
remarks of kfcC,orinack's machine, and twicendid
it go overshe geld, and, "without the slightest
failure, cut theiorn leaving the stubble about ,
the ordinary height, and throwing the several
plants at the side dim path In heaps, just Sited
for being tied 'up in ehesves. , It is probable
that some Improvements and modifloations of the
details of this implement may be discoverd, bat
its universal adoption must be a matter of cer
tainty." 'lt must be obvious that, with this im
plement, the fainter obtains in a far greater/de
gree a control titer his harvest with which he
raver had before; and the
,extra wages paid to
Irish reapers will be saved. The machine has.
been In generalists. several years in America,
and Its Introduction hers is one of the mostitn
portant helps which the farmer has lately ?mir
ed from minhinery." These very mnes, who
now speak to stub high tense of praise of this
American machine, spoke of it with ridicule when
it was in the Crystal Palace! When, !rester.
they ,discofered j the practical utility of many, of
the American articles in' the Exhibition, they
are astooished at the Ingenuity of the Amor
-I=4 So WCOrmsek's reaping machine will
be awarded a Srpt-class prize
Michigan, with population 'of fi re hundred
thotmand, has three hundred and sixty miles of
railwaynomploted, and three hundred and thirty
six miles room in course cif contraction, and
'projected. --ExOciogr. - -
And Elissouri; a much older State, nod with a
population of sii hundred and 41fty thousand, has
not a single mile of railroad nor • foot of canal,
bat Instead thereof, tum fifteen thousand Demo
credo majority, a public debt, and high gaup,—
giuostri Manxman.
The h!eelth of Cooper, the novella; is reperteS
tole gesdnalltfalling. Reis Olt able to ride
out, illessisted 14 and out of his owing.
• A party of = , amnia from Illinoht Oregon,
have retarnecl.,bscls, in cesieenttensivof peeing
their cattle. stolen •by the InJinne, when ;they
had got about one bundreJ wily.' beyond %Rs-
yir• base WITIIeiPEIS or beard" the . advantage,
ef Unto market more forcibly Illustrated than in
the following paragraph, copied from the Louis
rifle Journal: - • .
'Snow: COOl%/20.—The teamsters have a no
tion that their horses wlll pull most effectively
when nv arsst the load—when the coupling's the
shortest • Ts not this principle the same in our
exchanges' When the team is at Liverpool and.
the load - of corn is on , the Wabash, the !haulage'
is no joke.
Fran Waan.Tlie Whip of the First Ward
met at the bonnet Mr. Little, coney of 4th and
Ferry streets, when, on motion, Major Willock
was -celled to the Chair. and A. hey', Secretary.
. On motion of F. G. Kay,' a committee of three
was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of
the settee of thie Meeting and to select delegates'
to the Western Scott Convention to be held in.
this city on the 20th lost
The. Chair appointed the following persons
said committee: F. G. Kay, D. Fitzsimmons,
Esq. and James Alexander. •
Reiland, That an economical administration
of gm General Gorerninent, a discriminating
' tariff imposed fur Its support, and the just pro
tection of manufacturing and ameba:o62l in
terest, the improvement:of the chief rivers and
harbors of the country, a strict adherence io the
provisions of the Constitution, mid a faittfol
performance of our duties under them, with nu
unwavering living faith to the integrity, intelll
goner and continual progres of the people, con
stitutes the creed of the Whig party.
Resolved, That In order to carry out vigor
ously the foregoing principles lu the Adminintra
tioa orthe government, we require a mau
neat hr .houesty, cepabillty and
Iteroinsl; Ttiat in Oen. -Winfield ScoMme rec.:
ognise the bluff rhonesty of an old soldier, the
ability of a statesman, and the 6delity•of a pa•
triotit , alizies displayed In the field, to be ran.
dered conspicuous in the cabinet
Reso red, That with his name emblazoned on
our banner, victory -L is eutatired.
Resolved, That a committee of live to be ap
pointed to select officers for the orgeoltation of
a Scott sud Johnston Club. • _ _
Redo Wed, That the delegates to the Scott Corp%
vention be appointed a comtnittee on behalf of
the First Ward, Pittaburghoo prooeed to Bea
ver on Saturday next to meet Gov. Johnston and
to escort him to this - city.
Resolved, That the following gentlemen con
stitute a delegation to the Westeru SeeteConveu.
tion, and that major John lVillook sot u • Mar
shal on the occlusion t•
Major John Wl.Hock, Gee. Humbert, David
Fitzsimmons, H. 8. Ringwalt, F. G.Kay, Wm.
Nimick, A. McCurdy, B. M. Riddle, C. D Scul
ly, Adam Cordell, Wm. Atgeo, M. Nlmlck, An
drew Humbert. Capt. Alex. Hey, Andrew Miler,
W. S. Haven, D. Haughey, Jonh Bell, Sea. Ban
ton, Jaffna Wightman, John Matthew", Nelson
Keep. Au Alexander, James 0. H. Scully, J.
T. Kincaid, Washington Muon. Wm. Thaw.
Joseph Welder', S. R. Johnston, Stephen North. '
em, Walter,Rateman, Col Lim..Sobl, Thomas 8.
Clark, Thos; McFadden, Caleb Russell, Robert
Knox, Robert Lee, R. Backharamer, Jos. Long,
Thos. Darsge, 'Jac. Ilubley, Frank Holstein,
Sterling, Dr. Wm. H. Denny, Henry So
erret, 'Dr. Thorn, Capt. Boyd: W. German,
Adams Getty, Jas. Grier, John tectin, J. C.
Richardson, Samuel Barnes, Dr. Smyser, Thom
as White, Benjamin Singerly, Robert Wilson,
Santa Whits, Samuel McMaster!.
• •The Chair appointed the following gentlemen
to select officers for the Scott and Johnston
Club; Capt. A. Hay, George Humbert, Frank
Behests'. Col. Leopold Sobl, Walter Batsman.
On motion, the meeting adjourned-
A. liar, Sery.
A liter to Bonnowens.—A correspondent of
the Boston Post relates the following anecdote
of Robert CI. Shaw, the merchant :
• We have on anecdote to tell about Mi. Phew,
which was never before In - print, and which, we
think, will amuse our mercantile readers, and
not give offence to our venerable Mend. We
happened to be present when the occurrence
took place. _ A gentleman met him ice the street,
and upon a brief conversation, asked him to
loan him ten dollars, Labe was short—not an
uncommon thing for him at that time It was
many months ago Mr. S raised bit specie
cleeland replied: -Yee sir, with pleasure , co
one condition." "Whatje that, sir r
that when we next meet,-you will tarn your,face
towards me, look pleasant, and not Ilan it &why!
I lent Mr. a small sum of money about
, month ago, and ever since that time he but
' cat me most decidedly. Meet him where I will,
on Stite street, Commercial street, or in the ex
, change. and be always turns his head away.—
When I lend a man money, and he is owing me,
I Wanthim to took me full in the face, as though
nothing had happened. And then I shall be
willing to lend him again." This is a veritable
• story.
Loravirs.c awn Fess:a - roar RAIL . ROAD.- W e
learn from the Louisville Journal that the receipt,.
from pwengers upon this road were. for July,
$7,012: for June, s6,3llo.—showing a differeurr
iu favor of July over June of $632 or nearly too
per cent. Owing to several accidents that occur
red during July, four or five nips were lost, which
fact probably made a diminvitationof several bin
dred dollars in the receipt..
The-freight receipts, it is eatimateJ. will here
after be as large as the receipts from paseengemt
The total receipts will probably in rotors. reach
-$16,000 or 20,000 per month.
The stock of the company is now worth 80..,
andpewill ere long be worth. it Is - elleved, at least
per. It is thought that the Iv l
.1 will certainly
pay 7} per cent, dividends u its nook. If not
0 or 10 per cent.
Legislature met in 1819,the Central Railroad Com
piny were prteecuting their work with great en-
ergy. Much depended upon its early completion,
and the efforts were proportionate to Weald to be
gained. A severe competition was icon to take
place for the trade and travel, of the great West
between the New York route, the Baltimore and I
Ohio route and the Pennsylvania sonic The two ,
former had advantages over our own Slate in the I
absence of the delay, danger, and expense
attend upon the use. of Inclined Planes The
Importusce of avoiding these greit obstructions
to suds and rapid travel, was obvious to all. The
Legislature of that year made provision for the
avoidance of the Plane at the Bcuylkill river.
This loan was made by the eighth ',section of the
• Appropriation bill of 1849, and amounted to
$400,000 at an interest not exceeding six 'per
cent, redeemable in thirty years.
This loan was taken at a premium and the
Plane is now avoided. The loan authorized
&mowed to $400,000. The old road rendered
useless by the avoidance was directed to be sold
and was purchased for $243,000. The actual
Net of avoiding the Plane was therefore SIOT.
000. The $243,000 were, as directed by law,
applied to the improvement of the Columbia rail
way, and an expendlharo by the State el that
amount, at some subsequent period. was render
ed unnecessary by.the proceeds of the sale of the
old work. The Plane when in operation, was
kept up at an annual aspen's@ of MOOO. The
interest on $400,000 at sit per, cent, beyond
which rate the loan coald not ho taken—ls $24.
000—showing en annual easing to the State
$7,000. This surplus together with its account. !
haloes of Interests is directed to be invested ait
nosily in this iota or any other loan Of ibis Com
monwealth If It can be purchased at its par nitro
The annual anrpius is $7,000. Ike loan Is re-
deemable in thirty years. The total easing in
thirty yours will be $210,0*0, or tlftl•three thous
and moon that: the clear actual :cost of the
road to avoid the Plane! In this calculation we
do not take into consideration the Increased ca.
putty of thit.road--the vastly' increased busi
ness which has been. thrown upon it—and the
largely Inereasedrolis which have been received
—4ll of which have been caused by the increas
ed facility for trade and travel afforded by the
greitly improved condition of this Important
• branch of the public works. This loon does not
form. any portion of the heathens of the people.
It is potting money into the Treasury, instead
of taking money from it and bee made an Im
provement which has been and will condone to
be one of the very best investments that ever
was or ever could be made.—/for Americas.
MAILIMILOI os 3laroiO TOCULUaI Aib.rns Eva.
OAISIAXiiIWaNE.—Wo are informed that Milos
Toctiman left Watliingtsu City on Friday morning
fur liarper's Ferry, where he was to be married
at nine o'clock on Saturday morning to Mise
Appellants Jagiells. These distinguished political
exiles, we are farther informed, wore to proceed,
-after the ceremony, to Shsitaitiudale syringe, or -
comptOedby a party of their friends; and thence
to one or other watering places, and Busily to
return to .this city about the latter part of this
math. We weals* imformed that they will make
Washington their picratanent abode, and that
lif4or T. will condo:al the practice of the legal
profession in the Circuit and Supreme Court, of
the United States, and in soliciting claims upon
Congrele and the Departments.— IFtuh. Telegraph.
A yowl Irish student at the veterinary col.
ley', being asked. "it • broken-winded borne
ware brought to him for curve' what he would ad.
vise," prompt) , replied,
"To sell him aa soon as possible."
Foreign and Arnett:sok & Hardware.
No. 129 Weed Street,
lullizleciapbt.gtockat MHZ:OSX= AMERMAN
nat.. fat lb. Praia)! Ulla. al. Plich they ate p.p..
to atur 10 purdwara al Mai that •111 eatop.•
• pp..., aim.? a 14. wham
• Airgisrusigg, Root:lord. oa.„Pg.,blorttilosl: •
B, M. Elzio—Dear M. Sow Petroleum Ls workluA woo-
deal in this skittlity: the:Wars we would thank Too Ki. 6o
no tiro-Joao br the Pronsylvaras Riabusil.' We erg sp
arely oat, and. It is being Lr.polred tor Almon give* der.
rsoricrapectfullY,- , .101E0LOICO t 03.
. I 1/AllAnili, Ashland ea, 0., mud, 1E4'61.
I. M. Rirsi—Dear Yoar Agent, • Om wrists sloop,
kit with 00 .Ibor dam nook on, laid: sib lass soli.
.Phrsas Mina to us six daunt Itagordistoly.
Your. utaletiols vrarklog sanders LIAM, region. Ws
ran obt a in Posersl groelleot oertlfgater.if rou desire
Yours, 410...
for ale br Karat A McDowell. 140 Wood street: R. R.
Dollars, 07 Wood stree4 R. A. islibestock, t CO. toritsr
Mod gad Prove strostm D. M. Curry, D. A. !Mott. Jour*
lhoglams.atui 11—P. Be/marts, All.gaenr. AL•o by the Pr.
0. KIF.II,
gollikikisit Canal Bssio.Pesontbeit... Pittsburgh.
parlhe greatest remedy of the age seems
to b. tbsolciebrated medicine utter D. d. remelt. Ara 4
as 4.1111212 , 1 Pt It is need se an external application. audio
/mid to mutt wonderful qualities fur besilog.tukt•
lug palm restoring palsied limbs. de. A freal bad a mod
mien/ brutes, widen threatened nustifeation; he la usol
•canal mulches to no effect, when be wee edsised to in'
IL 0. Fannin Arabian Liniment. oneAnttle of whirl ere
Cooly coed, him. We have no Agate, tram the extent of
the Warr, but far this caviling me:flans, be would bare
but a oolooe time of It. ewe eirectisoment, 1124
Lutz 011. Astiyi: WATEIL-11. Act inan an tall a
good malletni by DID. it,. tulrt ...Dr... toll agrail
dingier by eating it. and It on. m.p . h.. 0, sad Pal. It
poor. It lOU tba PoPularlll lb, ' , bolo tit/.
You met: hafrodum a media. Into pupal.' to males It
pawn. 'loth subot.t.tal rlrture, fr.o Pura all bad otl.ta
of valid oheeliumi. and It I. Oil• faet spat I 0 eatablisbal
the repotollou of "11011'. Compound Fluid hat.rt o( tlari
saparllla, o liarool all earl! or disputa. It. retie. OP.', ordeal IA to accord.ra with and
leeintibleat priuripir.--it promoter Abe 'reirisok rerrallou.
rod esertp.u. of Oar baty, moorre oterriiiillons;illsol.ali
morbid alai .Ilarared motor. stresista.. 11. of oomb
and Wyatt. organs, pure,. and bandit
64w1, willtiaulateatila rat.. 1111.01(..5 of tl. dlttainui
0:0005 .Irth, body. Vila .1..1 perfenual orttbout
Iwt danger n$ harsh, tba preparollou betag 11A It,
koliar../... • ft. may belbooglit Pr tha show.: that It
purport. to ear. too assay but ups. •raml.•
tint. It .111 be Mind that a large majority old. ,
.• s bleb alLUrt tb. Luta. fatally orlialsau la en Imp..
*Weer the Lto.l, 0.. t de...4;lLn, by. other Par
.pardliii taloa 'offered Jai by sell.. of loot..
al a t a.. • priparat/oun as a robilltut. fort. .41.1.1
lobo tlull4 riardal.illai • Thi. raluabie perpatsttun lb.
prowl.or wart . .. to I. superior to all otbii..
11.....-. Heron nod ash ko. 41. outdo. D.
B. Ws NarikijanTla frousdfrentarldatol bar. 000rtGr
rtrtartueot on tooth. ,
Osaldslawdast Wboleade lli.tall stnots.
ter LTV T. K PILL niedloinieerer
earned Soc lt,if a hlghtkCcputatiou to m Shea i time. SA
bag the LiTfT fill, disco:meet uu'mempout.d.l by Dr. 71Y
Imo. of Virginia. Ailliough Eat a abort thee emPlieca•
timly Leroy the public, le Las it - Pools mooed to itself
decree of saleability hitherto unsurpassed. The &mod
Le them hoc beossie fi=nesse. Simms Fad/ At Cuithe
PrePrirtom of the pp Mein. erim trll4ll lo Pittsburgh,
corner of Fourths.' Wood meets. era oisistsnO7 melting'
triers which they grid It simmt utterly impartible to rep
ro. The popolerity of O.:ae tills l not tongued le any
itsctioular mutton of the country. the teems.' Wog gen
ersl, fro= the North, Smth. Ems eni West The troth
M. no disease is Uturessamoo to ail iptartera of the United
ftntei than that of the Lives fond those Mame the best
tor.stly ever 74 d'ecovermi for 'level's &ranger:of nt
f. KIDD t CO.
Da CD. wo:41 yt;
Par tale by
>Pittsburgh Lite InMinutes Company.
. CAPITAL, 8100,000. - 7
Prraktrol,Jacist S. Ham.
Yidldent—abbr.. 31eCibic,
Vosslater—Joszos B. tatca.
bonetary—C. A. /Yalu,
42 - 13.• abrartlootone. In onotbar Out ct
. tbd iapor.
my 2:
Oitizen'ainscranee company of Pitta
■ ANr .,.. ha 41 Water street. lo the waretonee . nlll. 11.
C..)lltairm prost-Unt.-..:::A. W. Maim& Firer.
mi. thantwor letsier iiretetred to insure all werehaislise
In Mom •woul to tratteito. eriarle, Sr.
rtlit ri=r ' • t al I ' l AT. 'etZV,Ptir
*ha ax ail Hilts= of Vittaburgb , trial and tararatlY
tattle wantorwity tar Uri, proles, Latoliiirawari
liatora&b. Lllti•sey. Was. Bartley. Wm. Latimer
Walter Hsi/sot s Hugh L. Li% hilwaril Heat/How.
Jilin Hayworth. S. 3. 11. hies atiairtl
Th¢ro.ll6,. the 14th Ina.. 17, M. :park/. or MI-
Denville...lMT 1111` , Sui Ilya". of tl.•t plan, l Mr.JAittA
Female Seminary—Allegheny City.
wr t .ErE EMBER. o Iu• cutter o o ..ultl,tou gt .
W Eut Cowen. =
fa taus wee Chrtau, up:) .
to Mu. P. tUuuET. u:VECI
The College of St. James.
T .ma so oaa.r esto memo.- 1 FLA-N.-23 , tack's fox
smui so. sw t-mem:wafts:wit das... the ben Thervtar lo , .02 - . _
- W10E".1 tt . .^ANDL'IS3
Jolt . . Int 2 New Mutants err retetamented toenter•t the . ' -
mantas v( the sow.. but
ma ne.1,101 et car um. itoes : obi : , an d p eram m u g a B a il B o a
apply. enJ the <Dante la .11=401 fn. the date of thant 1
_ .• . 'f..300 SHAKES for sale. ..
TRU thILLESH be. the usual unbar of .thou. of : a r,o,oleast aut Rankles Manna of
. (ants e/1 the nJportnnttles G,e a complete etneeltath alai et t ' 14 - fl A 1111. L a CO.
tilibilitem111:11110.11111010.1. of the miteeleterentelte.eonleve $ ....zsl,l/..3ser W0C..1 Pt. o.l.Valthatith.
Ste evaluate. the nenal aratletaleal &o
trim OttAtlMAtl Itelltn.l4 imwmuloox sidloioift too i L: town -4:4 boxes Ifosibright's e.xtrj. for
Calkers. and ands the sopervlrtnu or the Itootne. ,trl.6 on- t ,-.5,, f analY• 'WICK A Alt-11AN14.10.
net denten% niunplt a t. tro-lres lade al tote helton l nl vf i ' '
th 4 r ... d " . " 1 ... ” .. .." 4 J".” 4 Q.“ fi ,, th". l . - ., B ROOIIS lh3 dos corn brooms for sale by
Kb. elate., The araralght Lad tbrertitll el th• Pleb ... •, snot: St. SCR At ILAIL % LILLOO
or, of thy Calf .0 PT. Roo.' of 0....P0 h. the Mat t
l* l t o } llTrY.H.V.: . ..i 211. k CLASCF.... the coda tn ; Onteh to 1 iIIiOCOLATEr-140 bas Botten Clioeoltue
omitou. *be us vaoe. rms..' by atiditkama ge.b,“ u. , -‘.2'!!. 1 .. t 2L ( '5'9 r 4 1 --- . '1 . 10 . . 1'._
.1101eria. Lantruattea..lll.loae-rine.eo. ..i
i 1 ‘L '
tr0,,i,".j.. 0 of , i , ~,, o, tab's,, ~,i , ,,t oLioo, i (~.. EItATCS-5- emiks Dems'o fOr .il , (...
i,. it..ll4aute fr.. toots an.l willaTtn, wer fa... Mt. v. . IJ ~,,L , Oil A .U.CAN LAX,.
0w1e1.1.1. Ind ohler. • "' -....—•- -
a 11:Ell I' 11 ILL, a gm. bolLltuth 63 feet la at. Slit be ; A 1 11.1161 N LTS-- 1 1 lisle fur 0.10 hv.
ethlo h. anoint...lo Ow run, ur the :on., deini...l ; It i sal: tt it:g 1 1. - C OM LtiS . -
1: """
I t ''''' ' '''''''l ; '''' : i'ciiiiici c'i ‘SWl'liik — egs- tor -- as c• by
to retreat, ahtatls.h..l 11 den asey I tun, 2(.U . too. , . 4 i
tom on (nen SW jevnelhalral Law. and Itht. 1 1. At, t anal: IV 14.11. 0. N1ct!...0:11L1... ,
antler, LL D . Lattat•i - en rbtneta ant hbeest.tre. • . . ,
Ma whnh. thugs thrth1e........f WA Int lOLA e1.p.514. . Turthp Seed, "crop of 1851.
..1 the Collet-. ••J thuannse Yet.... 1) t• two hentre.l ••• 1 &W.. t..stahk...ent Innualt, in hleanee , i usT reeeived from the eon. bile Niter/
Anteneatious One atienlselan In tet male 10 ft Ivg. Swain ttee..l el the Jett ferteltve. MA Cur fah st
I " JUI".,P-.."."..".q• D. 1. • 1' .. J..f. t... 2.0.4 Onee , throve of IS swat 4.0 Sixth iltrweio.
...ea.,. of rt. JR.., 0.. L.
ouoll 11. S. Mehl. nen Ay
it esblostoo county. Mast lent. - - ,
F.. , t •-retsula its I . lltethreb tenant., sot 5tf....r...1.541+ 110 ;
$ ...140 slog this institution. ant reher..l 0.1 the nee Tb. K.. -
I .I..te b 14$0 as.. •Ito ww. tertnerlt a Tettatve. •
1 aue6..l/11,11.:tt
4rOU LEN 1300 OS--ti e;l.tinnket Cantin
. - • <l.lOl Jan ead urtvn.
• • 4 eat. eine ' lliark bawd t.. 1
1 ea. In at. 1.1 blanket,
nb ntaltore •
Wheeling Female Seminary, n, t„.` • r,
•• eta [...ain, ct a
VrHIS INSTITUTION in in very rintprr. i. „,„„ st.
• t - v• v.roa nue
buntlie'le7l.ll:4lfid•rtli at k •
L bt„ area,..
tad uot esterleneal taetteni warral Je n a.
a p m owa : v a e /R . a .z e] r
e H d a utcaay v
airng a thavoln.
V.v.. &an
ela n.. Po lb. lit a St:ATM.
RF.H. and eattuoe Eve n ennorliP.
11111111. NM.? 1[ . • Itantined veto
pa. media, In Owe regular . naninary Unds, lll
per prouder site. Enacts, tienneet. apsalria
Drawing. dd per caner.
lataloow. ratio pare as .1.1.10ug further Informalon
Wlarating. Matta lilt., 1111.--auglalt
Fut Beaver County. and adjacent (bertha,
TIIE SUBSCRIBER. haring horn locato.l
for *an. two pan part to the tarlatan/ Benongt. of
Briabton, and added E.r claw th an aware mama
to the ablate a the FIDIP, anti 4111 in that Ilea bin at•
.anion ba•been given shaftn exclusively to land /len
ANL rot seeruntoodaticu of the pl ate genera be
bo ta Causal on
' HT = d e V: a " S‘Z g. 7 ' , 11 ni•ria f iW
vv. ter anietina outs
flaw ar
awa wr
re cacia, of valuable rod e our retl
dea tar cal..
n. In ate Borougb twigtiborlwrod, for od a low
area. sad tams adetadrarwu l .
Ithrlit• neatly rumba! Into, and no pralarrtf
Irlll on , r+a onift4l lb* MI. la Inillryn d lable. •
..1.-vatr,.,:dtr - bri°4s.w4Latiatun i hr'
analidan Sinai arta* Raab
sat patterns, anuntotaft, antatadnittetgbit&tad •
t n Tort Intooreatlon patent
Std. Ctana, or Tenn Cotta Mar, Sdnottatto
itaartablaivord. Roaewood.o Mat and Papier Matta ix-
Hones, Work Roam. Pam Mrtlfghts.Alc.
Cwiaketiaraolll Pape; Bataan Canorto. (Ake iltnalswol
Drift,ate ranet.Arttelaa, Tooth Drcuthtt , At.
ItoOn:malts Arad, T.J . , by IS. taut of doion.
(lotooth OIaM, Ponta. +amnia . ..toad= OWt
. A.
la than outlaw Mk ro
t( of th-t St low min.
WM. ILL AM, baportrr.
no. 1 COMEIWerw Pllll-aliCratA.
Sots Of Volta:lilt Lots at Auction.
M_UM sill offer tor /mkt all the recoV lob/ in
WltUderkb, as originally, tall aria br lb. Public
Section. Mae ormolms. on SATURDAY. AUU ST 10th.
at 3 o'clock. P. al Tbla IffLverty will be sole lon. thus
*foreleg I/OMM; 01 ./1/ If•pltal • dam. (0 PrIVUIIP
ntrr iteldd•Cre. With an the moronism,. of •oltr•
The Ulla. to ltatlcpulable; bra tho lotetc_b•log Of varltata
Mesa; afford porolosocra a clayl ehdce on the followlag
Mane cne , lllM, toy/balm i lano.lo Ilroancial annual pap
meat. wowed by Una and toort,age.
for the 000.21115 u of pow.' itlablnsW attand lb.
male, Utoolbutsea will leave tba corner of Fourth and Mae:
bet M.O. every !Alf tome tbrocultent the afternoon of
It. day
loloM r rale. P. M Au . DAVcU IS,
• aciaotmer.
tartoUn: ° h ( O H OLIVII? " , b itk l tat '
ell. =I4T
br b l'r boo.. .I[ld Otha . .ll•llrosd: (within a itrosre
rha Dowd.) sod estondind lisok to rho Canal there
be .OEM tho yr•etnt farlUHe• for airtime:et DT either
W. holltood or C•uol. •
Sot tern, rudaire of D. C:STOCKTON Allrohm cum
lb. ll.knors of K. a. SIVOK . TON,
aottli tomer or Marta and Third str.
WILTING -200 bble. extra dry, for lAN
mitab, B. A. FAUN MOCK aco ,
cone" Ent sod Wood sut
`YTS, TURPENTINE-35 bble. for gale by
Q U P. CARD. SODA-100 kegs English, for
lILTUTSIEGS—GOO lbs. prime, for sale b
1 D. A. PAIINV.RTOCK sat ,
ACF:-2UU lbs. fur Pale by
BUTTER -9 bbl.. Packed, for ode by
W. k M. WILSON, 114 'Sword rt.
jiILOUR—CI) bblm. freAgmund Fatally, for
e s: xide by S. V. VON Doviitolurr
WINDOW OLASS—Ettra quality and N-
T Late'"‘" dam W.
PIIEESE-14/0 boxes fur snle by
.1 48418 • 8. Y. VON BONNIKOIST 4 CO.
By Virtuu 01 a writ of Levari Facies, in.
tottelout of Ur. District. Court of Alte,fbaor County,
nod to me directed. wlil be expaed to public eatc, at the
Coo. Hoorn, Citf of PlUolaarKll,ottEnturtlay.ltteetb der
atwitter:Ow. A. V. 1851. of Id aciork, A. .If., the follow.
deer L ail Dro ltall ,
All th orn tw orrt•ln kas of ground, sltuttlecl its the City
of ritteburitt. ' bounded nod dercriled se Allows. etc All
iof of iftwutwl thetthell P 0031.11010116 Avenue
bet 7)4 locum, .11 In 4101411 yorwreing tiro swore width
/12 Let- - Ala., All that lot of ground (r-tiling Ile feet 71,1
tact. on Ultibour strict., cattrudlng depth brerwri•
lug the one width 1;0 fret to Wean went: 10...041
mood being pars of MU certain lot nunabetrd two V)
ta call Alexander Clack, in ecletaltr, At will usto• foiir I
appear In
rt Do, lo the procwlll4ll.l.. fkof ool r
10n9 &OW) 113 the thatttletthAth 00
ALthOelai nount, .44.11.1 and taken to ejtft *A lbw;
f..7l.``r:r ;LAjn , 211161, ti l t ' It,VZIV;I U"4
C 00 ICI'S, aberelt.
bburiel'r Umoo. .1/taitte. 14.1851.
foe . sefortment of Lain' EndGwneemn elad,a NEst.
her Ulovcs. of all khdt onuaoctored. Err f•la •Lolasala
and .teL little EWES.. De/XL ofi 9 Woo 9
A Card. -
HAVING .• received full eatiefeetiori from
the state Mutual Fite ftwarearo Company, for the
Ices or my to and antrate, by 01* $ on Pena .t set. to Promatmerol the (Marsh/ to tho sod
..onfldeneo of tb. putakt. My thmke :ewe emwelally doe
for the lifwmAty and awheroaity maniteakal In ttals
•amme. es by law sad e watatiUove f the
• Mahal to ...rite col r th
the a o ia
mount of Me ban-
ekml4 tbamerly of that Ann or Platt A Bk. L
6UGAR-40 Mids. N. 0., for sale by
..sis J. B. DILWORTH s CO.
BROOMS -150 doz. Cure, fur sale by
:nu _ - J. S. DILWORTH CO.
At No:. G 2 4- 64 Market strut, Pituturifh,
• .A. MASON CO. are nowt in daily re.
Mot of two good.
I.W. oil& hove• Wen too
Porto/ aftr mob. for their ee &A/, ee fah .12 Lumen..
noire, of obeli, torte. M i letfild with see. , eorcoooo the
It. will
'wt I froif • grow al e t fro= cilia, which
oalitr. and low orieee. ho never le-en equalled
In thu city. Ibe attention of adsolosala and rag' Due
v.1;11,1,1311 -4 for bale I.v • • I diatom loopeotlully sollested, • , *ollk
/ auglt" WICK L Staed:4llLESS.
Embroidered Mountings.
- - - - - - - -
VORN-2tlo be. for sale by
i,gAFETY FITS 'lO casks for blasting, for
1.1 We by .1.8. DILWORTH ikOJ.
RICE-15 - tca. prime, for tulle b
10.14 J. P,011.11 - 011 T It & Dl.
buzes prime, for sale by
f. . 1 COTCII SNUFF-30- - - i O-harm Ilmnaire
"" 4 ' 3" ' d VcrlTZ=7ll,
IIIEAP PRINTS!—A. A. 3 — i.ooN k Co.
itbinv 'opt received Z ukiin beautiful new idyl.
F.ll - 1:1T1k, whirl, - will to sold 61 mutat at city low — Ann, G caret of , thorn eery &hirable S rent INTen, LLe
inetpvrt a vattli noir oitervitio air market. ,
eul Non I.ll.trel G 4 'Awl,. rt.
Notice. •
. .
t PERSONS' intiebtoll to the, Extoto of
4 - 1 Mary Wilma, late of taltlcrltt tußriNl,ll., 4...arannt,
notitiol to tuako tmm.dlate...Tta.ut . 04 those
Lnrlng claim, kradttat .ant estate will rres-ft them, JUlt
""L"" '""L
"I"''.‘r lttl t ll
t lt C.tUs tu.
lit Id win ip..Aor. LS.
I SACI{ 1,1.11.11. No. 3,.Large;
. tale by R.A".;CIaNtN(III4M.
.411 1 4 • . . Stl,Ll4erif And.
1 1 ,1,70A11-45
- 34.6414. Nog. th 2-aar.
kuglf ' • - :29 LitKrt
- U MOLASSES—ISM bbls. (cypress;)
111 tAi • loat:)
Fur .
Falai . W 2 LlFArty rtrrut.
H. I.IOL ASS ETS:— . .IIO7)Ia. fi round
. (4. stli. ' VITNNINGII,6.3I.
0414 • i721.11.rty simet. ,
pi •
NE PYLE • CILEESE,,-Foritale by
au e. 14 &WM.& Ilest.4r
• _
EEF TONGUES—A prima article An
1 1 - 10 " rria. SA . E.CI:II
Anti{ lAberl.V.•
(IOLLAND giERRIAI-10 kep New
RJ:llolbaed Ulmlnc, r Ai. bp,
auml4, W)1. 110:71.111t0 API •
1 E SS MACK EREL--Outt than
grade finer an
IVIVA Ao.l. sod the heutt teem oft, for vale hr
agile 51. A. elelltAlKO
. -
- 13 hut lamb ailira.uxt ecru t fur a...1..1 , 3V. 0 1 /.
Raton. Thee. Razors ore mwinfeolurol in tin ,
rutted Etatea era unetentird hi quality he either
or American ninsinfettoria, /NWT Rthiir trot , and if it door not small ratleattorli 190.>
returnal or the Nazar esehengeit,ee the putrainier
trey te4b. Thie article las been in 1,. itererni-Ye•r.. Chi
repktiy nip:reeding. every oilier hater. hitth •goal
...op, they mill not reqntre hoeing fur ten Team:, •
Foe sale. viteeleeele and retell, at thq Wetehendl,eneirt
Hat of _ _ tt' t tyi
- Health earl Mammy.
1 . 1 9, BAKING POIMER, correctly tinParra bk .
I. .U.P.5F1.1.15. hale karat of Ws patent in tie L. lc.
ml. preparatiras lieu Inva . uaLla rotadUnts Par pact cr
!can, pry/orlon the twat erbalauxoth light and nut*
mua /nal: milid• read/ fur thr play In tiro or timed natty
ate.. /to oUlity and conanay making Vtalitivlat tel
e.t.a. wary. poold.nge. corn wad i barkwhaat rakes. kr ,-
11l be Pawl thy surnalun to Me diroUltys rad
least on Pry trisl; toketber with MITIIIX of odehalt the
Iwo] quantity& tatter and roan Cry • saving or 1114
ht flourst, • hundred, whka la destroyed ha tiaa way
o dot or lame.. 11.1 s Pander P. Invaluableid tavern,
bas. sad thou who take long jaurray, by laid Pr
...It betas alloy. f.s iy Ltd in,, sour it la aryl ma
h whet, to 1:1.14nd. Una:awl sad trelatd, sod IA anat. to
. very tart of th• 1.14. It veeta=endel by tit• Arm
b, , Orlan• an the dywralra. fed.. aa.J fiLdflatid.. Pre'
'uniting coratladlonso4 1:1301tr 11.1•11[11 ton. Wm
hs Carrantratrit N4¢/ Daley Pander It oast and
Middy apart:ay]. by tow of tbe ern landits* nf Pat..
PUY., 123, do,. a tot, ar.ough ret Paw
II by no 1.. 8.110, onanins Rhode. anotnn. S. Melo,
buoy kinnil Meet: 51c,tra. bran A •od
nayn• Cu . . Liberty Ur 11.11 t.. dlr. P.R. Pesky.
rad +l.. ref. lavorth 1:41r1.1, ara.Y.J; Mynas. Lek. a
trth iltrett:
r.teptlet.,4l3,mrn.. Val'. sod
trauktin stre , tu J. banslOyo, nt coldr .trait: Mr. 11,
Fourth sto Sidon. Vert Ca., sand nediarStd,
klieghenti arel yherr.
/FY Weir ^WM....den tenr. Apply to
WC. ItUWELL9.Ny fl thy dryit.
Fitt utmh.
'CM; 31.A.NCLLESTER PAINTS. of differ
mu•s, CAM sold by u. ma as Ur givr barn • o
c!c a( starcrior4•4 l / 1 ,, .1 •la synod Call Sad.,
111:16/31 T. 11.•.1)3
V ACKER.EI.-151, hrla No a large, 1851
i‘Xt brlo No 2. 1 q
br (AMA I - 4, 14 ICE 3.I,CANIAMS.
fp AI3INS-60 bis bunch in !cure, fur caln
11.11,D1t.1.13 N.,
.411 Water ma
CfMOKED bir Lubec, in
C/ nos. ad. 14 '2s¢l3l 13/4211 DICK CI 2eo
tiACKEREL-40 yr, brls very nie - 1,
J„11.4.1”.1.• ISAIAII li/C1:1:1,2 CII
apyruori Wmult aski Mt ill storr.,_[,,r
1 , 1 1..114.71
a NM
Z 2 rettxraenur
1 Ltd 211u4.-,.. In Wm. 1.1,1 will be Kll .11
Ou•tonfilg - umeut Lf ISAIAH DICKET Ot Cu
• an. tad Prom ots.
—No V 1 Wood meet, groat' rethccttolit ht , tWt.b•
.plip i tedtab A ct t c=chwrc hot . the public or , the NEW
•hkh the/ , callctr , door ca Nitculty,
lb. 11th lost.'
UGAR-20 hhde. N 4:s7itist.nro and for
iktle tY (WU) J. D. C.LNPIELD.
SALEIIATVS —75 boxes,
'DJ MO. In *ton. end far 4.11% kr
IL-15 bbbs. puro LinKeed for ante by
mat 3. u. CANFINtD.
EARL 9-8 tuna No. 1. in store and fur .
Rale by (.dl.) J...CANFIKLb.
iIIIEESE-100 boxes Cream;
Iva do Ccootooo—reetivod and tor
.1: by (Roll) S. B. CANYIKI.p.
OARRUGES—The subecriher
hoe Pat recsleekt by the Col= letee—lfi
;tue.lo4 Cl ute pew for • few .7. la timer et to's were
hheiva'*.lat !PSI t Tetip Wee= e to Ci=
tut beta.. to toy Cantu Repeater?. the tut.
ocAL m . hole, The city, • few days. A
efrocral sseottoarot vehiehe of eeery cle•reifoton—Roy•
fthee.. locks...eye. fatally C•relatoh •be- .I.ofe
ht.e ,
WM tit Nth. 111117 Wt. J 014 4 ,11 it 111TK,
.11,9t0 eleohen wale toed.
Pei= 11...a1Vit. Va., Oat. 4,, 047.
Ma, it E. anITS—Of your V ertn114444, 1 ear 4,104444
bedutioo. that baring ortlarxtensi••l/ p.o+.
fur the last Lu g ar tis• ream 1 I hlot It doc1,1•11T the bort
prroaratloo of lbs kind of srhtels 1 bars any kJ:4 , I , W"
although Lhasa herstaons wad tbeynorratlon of serend
V"'"' "4 11._ AVOCII. IL U.
Pespgrod W sold br It . H. ME11.2101,. 41 Woof st.. aud
gm see by dranfloto 4 4 44010. ' , • • .04
e bhdo 3 .4. 11 04 Pri m,
r.reono Vlctant 1.241ga:
\Vg . . nAka.zr A OS,
18 and 2/) %Yowl Ft.
CABSIA,. • - -
• SO bags Bina Pepper.
la do PlO2/Ektni •
an rests ramie; "
ob.4 ;7sl=areigi., '
A 2(1 Waal M.
D &---
IT ensiat4 bon. &Int.% esbieeelt. for tnettle/eal
'suns , '" nod far sale by the veers es bottle at
3101tIlltr TILL MART.
sell In the Dismend.
NCIi L AST I NO—An rulditionn
rupply need by 31011 . 111" a BURCHFIELD
1)110 LEAD-604) plge'Lead, (to arrive) far
I Wel by (min) IV.a F. WILSON. Fir./ a..
hF NLlSUUAlt'bbLbtn i. ,
(51.11.1. Powdered...el We.
JA'I A. 111.itilitIPON
anti Altolts ter At. Locklv 80P+ 11.14.77.
. -- ..
Blaak Tea Prozaliveipeol.
! UST ItECEIVF:I4 . ftt MORRIS' Tea Mart.arMart. p
p choir+. lot pi biroult" awl fl oored OUNUOU
1 Ari. trtileb Iljkln trial PIII be found to uu a little aties‘t
t coy to Pattaburcb. Tiro public mu luvlUil t try clic.
r,pc—bocilclu !rich and ticolch P.K.14. I. P.rt4 0 . 1 .r .— .
t•al* clactl) lb. mato lan& of Tess lb.' usc,l lo dm
Oki Country. 1:-.1,
tYttiebartu, Vat s setti.elatal
D.,. este 13.0keta, tlnast quality lea/ pg.. , !lase
Jiea Table Cutlery.
mica futlo, Lady; Noe. Tonga, ma surael
ell to order. an4 • 1140:4 worth:4st a 1. . .
.y bao4. Si 11w
nern rekea. W. W. Y
j/17 Over ttalltb. t'T Market alreet.
. .
Ir3l 1J OIL-14 bbh. I'or aale b e y -
J.emuwsM4b It CO.
IN dm Joe 'red f4l . axle *Wt.% mud
Arent tbs. l'lstabarvh.
EESW_AXWNTED,,TheIkigbyet pric
" ' A ' " 1 m °" l .. ITuraiticx.
J. 1- Mart Find itht -
EGGS—BUO dui. fur elle by
a *. nalnsaum
TRY APPLES-4 bbL. aid . Icajut
P ree.,l red mad Fella er, 4013 .t.o.CANYULD.
UCKET4--30 dos. Marietta, in store and
lup Ibr vet Dr 44+111) J. B. CANVIII.D.
NOTICE—The partnership heretofore el
-1 I Hung ander Hat fl mutual A. - WHITE I CO. tut
tOla dor born dbeolood moment.
soli. BLENTL
rEMOBACCOZ2IO boxes Richmond Tobacco
—V. the mast ar_rrorrd brand!..,taadlt:
a fur mole by 0.11.1 WM. BACIALIA CO..
11, 1 RESII TEAS-4.00 package!' Fresh Teae,
r.l.t.c arrirslt t New Ynyli--onmprblne
%mann Hyoca. • l'lne Oolong.
01:town:ler.' ' Ponebotr. ' •
in hell cheats .ad enttla—now landing and au ea/a by
1411..1SAOALKY • CU•
A. MASON & CO. have jwit receice..l
a nz rzirg• l •l2,z.nly of losutirui
wow. gmli, at al I,l2daetirr 5"1".."'4 '
jiT,}llY EMBROIDERIES.—Just received
prr repo., I% e«rr large MI pt! or Embreldealite;aa
-1,101 With_ l cars Irmo Eh+ Mtn/. importations. roc
..Otlos at Wo poo rks,' Callers; ThaSe, CLesatutte. Lass and
,I.selosalorter.JertosOt amt Swiss ilmoadatoset vow and .
hoautlforstylsr. Jarooste and Salsa Matzo end Imert
legr, IA hits ethhitlesk Welt. Lem, (Joule, to. The alt.,.
ths.I.IIS. tr LOMltetterlrsolicited to the attest
at r eseartment belhual the largest, perhaps,
,err tdisoet to this Wt. 1.0) A. A- MASON a CO.
Black Silks, Mohair Mitts, ito.
, La sale low 1.1 111,1 RD I IRVIN.
ARll tilL—A lot of Burckhordt &Co.'a
wt. to . (..c9l .7. lan A CO.
law uworteLl, for sale by . El DIY
P R-00 n=r , ass'd for sale by
c 4 AND PA
so p,9
rr lASTOR 01L—W bblo MOW'S NO. 1, for
.14• by ligne9l J. MOD k CO
linie by 1.01 J. KIDD 1 CO
111 5 C D IS ,, T re O p IC , : o. i . ) . K . E c t . 13;- „„ Butte l ettve a
666-tputly band 626‘21617 f saa ta aco
anal 236 Llbcrty at
V.../ A nry wYpertyr artlele manly by " •
Wm. A. MeCt.rBO .4 CO
12.0 R SALE -Pittsburgh Gas, Stock; •
a i 4 s, Clair Weil Bride, Eree_ t Z_ _ th
W and v `" ° l l.- I',lWl, 1= Broker,
tl3O D.
- Fourth ettret.
i irillsa , ll 3 -; n ltota , k.s g a pe gitts . lll, Banks;
tre i ttg.:llsm k, Ffeja&4 trE2ssazins; fur valid,
11. D. K I to: ir: " Basitre *mat Boker,
&MA .Fourth stn..
EFINED SUGARS-30 bbls Louring's
crwhal, Dulr.rtaed, *oft croshM. wad Wet enema;
or rale et the lowest met, by M i ter .
. 4. c f c altl l ly co
IMIgo • Grows Tea DealereL,
fora Ie arepatia ' forolah a torrlior tbs.
Watch hare feta room, after metal Teed U J, both
and the United t tate& to rowel theft original
Jaatfty an 4 anameth• properties toftftlOr lo tor otbo ,
paint whatever. Their
•larorelr .0:14e of Zino. and la entreated free from all
aftftteratlow.larl Impurity wbOLIONITer. It OM. .4/.li
beautifully artfte, end entlftiy bre boot the Poiroczot.
oraperties of moth other Peat.. NO .41.611W0US tO too
/math of Kluane and their fooll.let. •
- • •
L tSbeemmared to solpboratis x anykltle =balance, or
119 when shot up in a &Oa roam' Al an outside ant .
It oatmeal" tootle= sllntste mot the oreattarr ter
than an" mbro en& betas list.le to turn chalk" as' to
emmothe on" rob aft It may be marked with any color.
•Ith orator wad or.withraratsb. which eaves the ark
Mated outeeLohe Leath. •
, .
Vane an- farnlabed at a Irma prin. and are undnubtedly.
IlLa et rai.t and led paltta In the =arta far =Wog
iepeing. outlemo,a, ataasabanta. or ter IltllMed ar-
Nee a 1.1" i• tniat. tin. or tra. as thew ars botb
Fur imh maim. they an yatilmilarir valuable. ea thy
loan a trairahle riammiLmt, entliely prerchi oay
they dry awl /mythic acitire metallic ba.c.
11 cot chase ci.lcr lilte =LIT of thy earthy . Faints hoc
Dealers thyylled ma liberal Jarmo L. the agent, atilt.
emu eur F. C. CO.. •
IT Ezath
1110 COFFEE-1 bae4jtist itteld lbr sale
b.h, 1111.WORTII LCO •
tel rice fur sale by
J-0. DlLworrrn i oo
R UTTER-6 bbLi roll fur gale by ,
P. ramtrruo CO
anaCafitib Welt. the Manahan. G< purnhaeare ru
thtle annartat, at et the .t4T,/ efnein, atedlum,
eo Caen 7 Men—Pea... ay the 50.% nf eartaas attlabn
,oil nneMle}. Vre.L.Tnerellth, bath /tom
aseuxisanot aln be bond, et loved ark.. •
FO li tt ir S ,L Lr zl a nilicelleTkt FAMILY
• East Pittsburgh.
i•N COMPLIANCE with the requaet lutels
wade throurh the ot.hunui of the thsrott.. and a n
r,. uutubtr of eltirons; wo will
,sr at publte on
ATClitig Y. the 'nib day _of ationot. at 3.2<100k, P. al.
.11 Ow lots It our plan of East l'lttsbitra h. which Mar not
o of notwiwo this 104 that
To all 1...r..0ns d•alritur Hawn. a t
twalthy Iwatlona for nohleows, a rani chime., is now M
N. 11—Thow. Logi aro In the crlgitual plats, f East Pith ,
hurgh. as isid um by as. " aughilw
New Chowelate.ractoty.-
QUI N. GIAMBONI..i CO. respoetfully iri•
asset 51155 t ~JA an.. Is varrszotd yore sod Q..
otel banes el Lowe flavor, oors ontrttious 614
vottut Mat at
sill tostilals Su .ticte soma 01.1 sup.
riot so the Lost bmlsoaud. and at • Lou reins
Is 1. 105 RC. at )tr. WALL'S, (Mot. tlesert tall/tory )
)r. 4 Itn: oat 1.6 ttp•stoln., resat doorto tlayor's
yea. solot:lxotLitti)
110 ST OFFICE SCALES—Jun ree,riceJ,
ala kna stAck, .td kr salo bi
maw& , comer Maxtor and Fourth sts.
00IN BALANCES. for detecting Counter
wit Americo ccAo.ot eit dtscminiittosa This
laminae* 6.1 tufailltils dsireihr. For NO%
4 OLD PENS—A fine assortment or the
tert maks &lam oa mad. and ran...A
sues R. w. w:LeuN.
6 ►► , T~Ttß~til~t 757
FEAT S I . IEItS-54 auks for sale - .
s.-a W. uassacsu
11 1(4 7 55 (tem, fur I .l e a
LIOAR-50 hhdr. N. 0., or sale by
t... 7 wood. ' • P.£ W. lIARBAX/
QODA. ASII-40 casks fur sale by
i .
t I nmn. S 5 -20 essks . , ,Con •• , for sale by
Q Pf& TURPENTINE-30 bibs. in fine o or
*Os by 1. xnOON esxna 00.
PSOJI SAL S-10 bblß:for sale by
L 1 ERY-35 kegs (assorted) superior to
thst usnaly aid t this Earle, for We b
anz • ILIS
LEAD -IW° pig Gsloin; • .
tm{ J .1111116.401.1 tail.
UOAR-140 hilds. prime N. U., in etere
n'a Ur4 for "1.
by 3/3119 .I.IIVICIMION At CO.
OLASSES-160 als.'Plantation, (ortk;)
40 " St..rtee do m.;
tor yak by JA111: 4 . 6.1.1010Te1109N gar
00 d . ,
anx4 .
L HOT-60 kegs ass'd Nos., for sale by'
Li .0 JAMES 1.110 . 11:111SON tW.
E3IP-200 bales our Dew Hotted;
I ula by JA.1111:3 A. lIVICHIRON a Cti.
LINSEED OIL-1200 pile. for rale by
aart _J. IMO t OD, 6 Wood st.
14 , 0 . 10 . 1.51LVER-60 for.ltbioci.
cA . L . WI EL-75 Ihe. for sato
W II . LLI i NG-30 MN e . M . for sal br
Jb CO.
LJOW DER J ALAP—I tiO lba. (pare) for sato
wanti J.XIDD * CO.
SiLLe , t y l'US --5 tons in box es
1106 DAl ilbuty Istneet.
(1111,ESE—Prim61 1 1. It., foriale by
x.,) sae( TIL DALZELL Librrtt
'Fine WO:hest
'we FEW- very 4tiperior Gold_Patentb i
Um Weed" reed by entail, luffansfel
b ue epleo4l4 Evoke( Cheocettottera, of befuw
Weft Cobb: double ruled flouting; also. Melo end
elfunefwbot maims lbw and pubtoroaas •
Jl l 3 ICIIARDYON'S, l Martel to
Yost eopy.l
B R I/2 .11550 tlca :
_fw sale by
I.IIOT ASII-10 casks for sale by
I .Iy= • .I. U. AAN mar,.
Shirting Mullins and Irish Linens.
URPUT&BURCTIFIELD have received'
• farther supply of stlianior !lifting .11;ollom and
rta outelnood dlreatif from tha manufacturara
• 417:16=All?er.'7mr,
tha northeast tam..rot Fount, ma 31ai4taaraw.:
Time Billa
LLII Lociaviat, •
purcluar.l.t ftworaLlo tat. by cLx.yaLaN • -
§TKAY,ED OR STOLEN from the Ware;
lowa oilturtoidowaloalawoo, tak•tbr
y Low lean:
We not of blo body Way python; Okla.
Atty_ktroon ipprull i f i attMo d boll teens the 0b.,. yr.
..47-qu'77°. SURIMIIiUt -
1114. '. 5,116 Rata anwt.
JAVA' COFFEE-10 bags very superior,
Dan reed culla Wit by
.1.0 Salary N.
HE Tenth Annual Session of the Wesley.
an Female College or Onrinnatl. IrM 0,1:0260.• on
tiveday, the Ittdb Angurt.
tom.em ortmetruction,bt.
atenate, embracing moot or ider , . atrunilT "M"
rt male entlem, *tab Imarrummtal and Tree and
ottaT conararnistl tranvia, The 7= t• Wirt
and comnoted of nett quark' led ear* Umber,
Tense ter bearding and der natal& aro mat 7
received at any time. Tar r estlenlar , a PV
personally. or by letter to rice roblemmt at (be CZ ega
anitttibl P. I t I X. Provident.
. Young Ladies' Bemiluiry-411egheay.
1)(1." mII
D MRB. N. W. METCA LF, robes of toltlon tbe
Zit heretofore. Poe partied.,"
to thy Yenelght. • • MLitt
t ..., rabbi:abed. one wba b well 41.oirod to Ira
ma LILO:Ong trancheo of froabedazatiaa dedzazl• Par
Wailerbattlzabza. aVPIs ai tilt. m, • ..rn
B:entingleant and Brown= 72e iteeedaziised-rura
,Pike and Hardt Road Compars,. - •
VOTICE to hereby given that the Stock.
LI baler. to W 1 Company 'are molted to pay the
mint instalment or Visa llars on cosh stuan-of stack
sobxrib.. to the Treason, tWo, Laristuo,Jr..) en the
efiscoth dar °trout., ltdd: aod m. korib lostalaund
nr r 177 Daum on [ltch share subscribed... the Urn a.T
of &ptemberruat. lir antes of lb. Hoard
(Dispatch mord
aosOoltd JUJUS .14113/14Souridarr.
- - -
MEETING of the Stockholders of the
Cußp.ry.Ul hat,
thra mere. m the elf of Pittebonto.oo tteelef., the rat
der of September nest, at 3 o'clock. P. 31.. to 'take strati
on the =raiment to the eherter of nil recopmay, ale
Prove , inne 23, lesl. • • K. PALMER. ktemlen•
envilet.l . •
Rail Road -Electimx
Organisation of t "Kitsburgh and Strubenrills
Railroad Coraper.y."
tlio nilersignclEuzumii4uu , rs
"ive enticriptiems and organise • mentany. Sp.
tottoted ns
br the Ad of the Uotal As bly Pentayl.
Tanta. studied ^An Act to Incorporate thTritteturgh aced •
tteobaretile. ttarroad Corostart epodes! lildrar tithe
JP. hereby girt mte. that letter ratenctodior ente
illy 'Md. A. U. IPSI, under Um great mid of the Catimon.
*math, and signed by Wm: P. Johnstcm Governor. have
been Issned. constituting the entieeriben and trove who
Anil hereafter potectibet, to the ceidtal Mock of said Mom.
teity. their eumeseors andtwig...► body tolluaratal ,
corporate, in deed wad order thal name aturainatiq'
And we, tberatme agreeably to the Lima of the mid
Commonwealth. tomb, appoint and aloe attice that a
meeting of said sabectibers morganie. and OnettpanY 0111
I. held, at the - Itteome at Mr Bosettaf.'mdcomma
Third and Wood stmt.. In the city of Pitleteenin. Aq
Thursday, the teantydnet de, of Angnst hestant, at ten
*Work In the Potenoom and that an election will be than
and then held. I y said subecrahem, at the said time and
'plan of meting, to elect a Preeidrat and tonic. Director.
et the mid railroad Company. The deeticni mil cam.
imam at GM o'clock in Umforen LIVINO
oce. - •
J•tign liegltltltAN, •
Tllo3ll* Nevixorare
- • A ••Ktrilt 011W11
15AA0 WALliitt, Jr.
Pittsburgh. August o.lBsl— ant: ' • - —•
Muttuil lifelnzuranoe Company.
I tei gARANIT FUND, $100,000.. , .
Tins COMPANY offers to the itimired: all
-• th. security nd advantages eff tbe Mutual and /nut
. Lock Pleas (es heretofore appl.k4) oantbined. namely: Lem
rat:* of naming au acausl mum In rash at the per
snug, nnuirsd teas tea souse ant risk of the nen sus
adequate, but not neenive provision for.tts future nett
thy of uf-mberre for the whole term of life, alth att Ann .
Leo Intend In the efourantatlen fund secured in such
menabcre, lentils at Math, by credits upon Moir holschec(
a guaranty land designed tar' the permanent mann of
ebart term members. and an. St.r the preen! sersuity of
new for the Intele term of life. • •
AllgrTbl• is the only Mutual Ufa Trumann Costa
ohose tans of mlunlan n end en • Ads reduced •
rd, with a ;rattans for o n utnualn barman& mama.
lath. of Mode (far future security) la neat rauparthus to
the oat of Innineas and the lunentagalat from mi
noring an among the members. -. •
Vampblete, tracts, Or.. giving in detail the plan sent
run of the Wmfosny, funk2hod gratis, and aket.L . btatiom
frsissurane neeterd by .1111111LTT
L.^9 Wood 0.141.;.. YitaiT , l7l , 4
antra DIIMINIMI. Medical Examiner. •
I,ldml!(I4). •
S YRUPa ti4 bbls. St Lauls tem SyrS
/ 5 tantr i llakr o r t tr uso 4 4. co.
For sal , by
Rtierces Orime Caroline, for sale
Black Lace Veils: •
URPHY &BURCHFIELD hi ve a - full
inrortment of Long and Demi Blur Laos Tdbr.
slatte.ta grey n 0.221 do.: eta. genre suld,Theum
Jo, do.; bl. dp: - ElacX slik Clain and 1540.4.
Great Gnaw' Sale
A. 31ASON tc CO.'S Great Arintug Shawl
• Sale oammena on Tu..lay.
they sin oh'. the largest and bent sehateSstook of Shawls
voir exhibital In this elty. oomprising
Plain 11 hits Cols thaw L- - - -
Hiatt Lys
sh Silk
. high kT4 Frenshlldhst Sulam
rrintrd nal llE•bralend
and Lao-
Of t. media. quallOss, all of which they soft /Mar
-1n...1 Is char not plarlons to rrerlelng their fall Racks.
T./ still be offsral: at a groat reJustion fro. Ilknriet
yrtao, gal less than e•Stelll 0011 t. .
QIX TWIST TOBACCO-10} kegs No.l,
Jioo r.ed tbr LT '
jcs i tl I cc.
lOTTON-5 bulee Tennemee, in store and
far ula by LIMIDT4O)IEft t CO.
Ten Dollars Reward.
tpST, • Thursday craning, either trt.thi;
,nestre or botnees Om 'Meath. .od Omit Weer,
ouu birth, doUthitskt, or Ittlblarse . o. • POCICIff UAL,
LEI' l. POET MON tontatoMu about Oa In uOtte.
mol some boom". of uo ratios but to the oeruer. ,
no oleu's mount trill be ballto shown" wilt rotura It
. magl
INEUAIt —130 N
-le tier- tar Mall.
11.411 J. D. WILLIASIS C 4)
!~yT >sIIBOARII- : sdoa.2inc , forsaleby
i .oci J . alLLlexa sIX ..
A . SECOb:I)-11AND PIANO,. Mahogany
Altoet•T uni r . o , c o .l i ceir.4=ll,7-F ,
fat 81 Word atn4t.
New Pattenu
. •
l ikP 44 FlG,he moot URED WINDOWN BLIND PA-
I%JP PER, Jost r eceived bun the extender sakar.
, greoufaersner, slet,fes .Ate et the V it r i i i r. 6.1 . 11ar.
i iet street. i 011
- , L Al? Rt;,g v nnd u.ou i444l g D,iLl
4.10. t '-109 buzee_Cinciruiati. • *l*n .ap,
/kJ r.. 04 tarsal. br
11. 4. CLINN
1,24 . -No to Meru at. •
ALCOHOL -SO bbls. fur sale by
ir3o B. a. FAIIYE.MCE A CO.
URI) OIL-75 bblz. No. 1; for Bala by
JIDI Y. A. FA wrocs * CO.
fitunmer Quilts.
77 I:IAVE received a of fine ManeMee
cow. of ittfrerent We.. tr Jate ,
sonLE, 'Casanova., Mid K.
plata Cotton:
&..s B.emasa; a. landioa irt'r
H2 ,12 .M. 2al• as \ - !SALMI 1/IClialt 0.), •
• • •
1122 Wain. and 'mama
MOKED HERRING-50 bra. New NoA,
kJ for nls st MOMS' TEA MAST. In am Named.
1 AILS 300 kegs assorted sizes in store,
fir fah. Dr ROBINSON, LITTLE k CO.
A LCOLIOL-20 bbl,. for sale by •
jF's • J. gIDD it OD.
-2 bbII. Na 1 Lad:
r Dace Vit ir. •
len& C. , Tailclaes lastallot per sch .
166 lister ftl4lt.
/oda. Ite nob by .
BEESI-12.5 boxes for sale by
na; maw! to co.
br 1 • .1. ILIDD k .
Wood M._
I , 11 4. R CAUSTIC-4 lbs. fa . r sale bey
C Y AMIDE IOTASSA-10 lbtfss by
• Green Teas have advitneed 10e. peril
yOl/ can buy Orem Teas, for three months
to cook at MOILIIP Tea Mat, is ale lotatatai.. as
01 p.m. mad Oa sa+4 pomaltliss, tam ithstazdtas the
ulna. la lotta. toort„_aa Lary ha. tam atoelt ago bond.
Th, WI the best Tow Pittsbanth at alb stow and da•
rs• o • do. Ja :
, .
A Good Bargain b now. °Carat -
A: from Mgt. he Four ACRES, la Ammer baneush,-
uear lien's Itlahl—on the preoelsee r 4rl to reed.
with nwesary tatildhlue, to. The may be Wel
ded Into lota, mut eOl4 et a /rood pro t. Pence. &spored
top ram trill sole to ~ ' BAIRD a MTh. •
Ilthesoud sh •
C ..F RA lit 11 0 AT .OFFERED 'FOR - CITY
4.7 FROPERTT.--.11 Umtata wilt ; bo A ttrea If villodort
be ble nem to mu Ilivut,
n 2.4 • 114 84cood
TYIIITING-100 Ws. (dry and wry lie)
fa We by BC=ONUAKIR a OM
• • Murphy & Bur..
(.SAYE OPEN morning a fatiber sap.
=( . 21 aepatltaielvceLlteillA tarts 7.7
Mame, wear; kisa , Drsetr.. - ia• is <clove! gar
raNa, ie.; at the owtout owner of Fourth sad Mu tat
RROLL BUIMSTON-2 . E bbls. for sale by
. ~Z - -- • -80100311•51 all aM.
O.ALERATUS-8 eas_ks_ . (warranted pure)
µto by "' ; ; .1.0()N11.18g11,
10 t ACKEREL—Now. 1,2, and 3„
ivtwaif. LIU. dr alp b.l
~Tows WATT CO.
• Mosquito 'Bars.
lIAVE just mc.niced one case of Wash .Nc-t.
three yard. Li.. Le Matquito Baas. -
h'24 WM.Nuat.x. Third •treel--
OCK POWDER-300 kegs for sale by
A. P. VON ISONI:110119T at CU.
VIIHESE,--76 boxes for sale by
11,11EESE-200 boxes prime, Cur sale by
XJ Jim J.Gcssinni,
rEgL A 511730 146:p
QALERATUS-125 boxes pure; .
• frog" tar ode by
i r = - J. IL CANFIZI.D.
INSEED OIL-11) bblv. fur male
A ilza • J. R. WWI C.D.
AKE F 1913-10 bbl.. White Fin.ll4,
.Ld bbb. Lake pour,
tit." ••• for 41i6]
724 ' J. B. CAN /111.1.0.
Ohio and Pennsylvania Itogro?
o g. iu 1., .$1 tows.
28 Imam • A
)111 nnd atter MONDAY, A G9UST
'..LEIT - N"&rariarf';`°:; . l ) ,:; ° E:' , t i. j arlfe . F. I
AVE P11110)tiRt/11 at 10 A. ~En d I P. 1.
WAS FARS, 3 cra. rxst OILS.
mobs tvelve ream of as" half ;
tionr=bont cod Lltyl l, ll/e: Pf' . . ' 4
W. I
Y Pa
" ropoott, C I « 1
" " - Frados., : " 7:1
..Ne Rer. ' ,
oe w
Rtirb ra t. 7
5.5 " ^
Jar &minim :Setae ail be :NA at Jueed rates: 1
Oman: Pittsburgh tat Soebteat, tn eny atttl", atut
. bask. the woe der ---.... ........
ltstarees: littaborgb aal hear lielatano nal tack,
the wane
• 44-70 e Togo ,;:irtroi - ran no rood. . bat Steurska
data tesuel ac Tetarday La teal: ether:l..lh)
rho thaltaal all be nth:a:al la) not :.'nee IltlsLtsu at
the rielat. tasetkoble Sat
• Dr ontea of tha Board of tharh-A.
OLlOtll . ekr.cts,
meta ant Atnal,
ellita — Frptua •. envoi lane
of Packets. •
44 Sealing from Phitzulelphil u the
I.sth, awd Warp./
NTS R. the lo to
V h ntb
*LO Y iiLI'AZA/ It se De riL
11X:( itslinll.ll. U.. V. ti.l./ier,
:N. , *
" 211.10.3raTtl i s ' ;(11% - 1 " li g Maiter.
The ears Onto are built Of • nT , [lost vuttie
material. Led a. noted air the exp dAr u
lb* aro 4.4 up ith ou lames *a: rotr neut., aro mot
int rouehlr ventibood. and P.O a nd the*.
runuodatinnit for aro. Mb* and /be...WM
thor br tom of seLtiow I dead Went, who
oro unosuatted [b ath. • para TOM.
*arrow dooltem• bath.* their Mt I•da teem the U.
001.1114, ran obtain satibrintro of! • * b he
/Med tor ttpbt cordlia. and rheas/ nu t
iirteeid will funbliih then with U o (toot' hiLdmhiLmi. std
imitrurtiona remin to their dU.iiturii:
no i ;i7l.: r . er ' .l=l4 l 4ll%;:i 7 i.roVaT ' s
irpaaut Ape/ ant, whit n tilt t es4.l tnef .) in/ Id
.bler Gant* or Port Wham tho inedom.
riarrroliemo Mtge& hrweensera mining traut 11**.
hoary !met the followitis aurallea 9111 to formsholl
nett homararer of /2 Liwrant ram: and in. 2X 1b... Mead e
111. dues 9 na. tea. 6 lb. natmett. L / fib. on., I IN Dust,
t f'j b. '1 = 1'1 ? VAL7 , i ' ll ahglir!iii=rll24:
,es#, and half alloradint of tes, sum an 1 almoca.
GLOP Neill.NUY ou. I
Sa $7 Walnut atroot, Wow Fero. I hilreteh bl.
It M. 14011.
tr mrner Glith and ]Ymttta. ritteburah:
It • • •a : : .10AIDA:41:111:ti : a
vr 7, en • lb
. .
4EW Rolm . ; To NEWYOEX.CITY 'Li . '
• Dunklrk atol the I.}le notood. couteoting Ent ;
does ME:l,nm Lake Erie. IL, 31 irbicar,Clensisoll s •
Ch =Ma SW C11.11111.3[1. Cle•relood and Pittsburgh. sal .
...e mb.
bouthisk W. Melon./ nonfood. 11.13 , 1 :trims. on the
*bb kilset-airld rivers. and tho bltio, Leditri• Mg
r• I C.a..
98 L.VANIg Dr!' iiIRX AS yOLlealgli, • ,
• Ist Morningos 6 o'clock...
- • 3d rT•111131r /{l4l,l*o6Train a
The MCI 'Train stops at nhuira. Etre peretagongart
4.1 f -boob. ot 'take O. &c'breasTratn. arc - Mosta New
-Tor test tr.cro log at 9 o'clock. taallog IE4 Eo9 c OLEO=
'Dr dornebt• • - ' • . .
The Exrem Freight and Cottle Drain INITeI. DmAirk ill
A. X, dull , • Passenger Car to attached 1.0 this Troth to
secoutotodatilOsi reoceogrre and tom co. • • •
-Xs-fare frt. Dtuatirk to Ne. 9 crk, t 5. Acrid Class
prime Ell be Meru La a for data • • ~ •,• , _,
ibio ecatraby an InTrlred 1. , transport lt. 8000111 UM •
f fob. of al/ 'dodo and from :Oro York. •
7 Partiettlar atttotiou mill be raid to Etcl-k. Th e gauge
trios-9 feet Ede, gm. chic root. gram ocleautageopror
names gauge lionrcads Ist the tru. , portatlou a /Amt.
WAEltiorial Value Ell be out. In coo:minim la a
, . ahon time. Tariffs Ell to dietribUted. giving hill
ionic. regardlo rise hole. of Vretcbt, t. o•c-o, nt tre=
1:11 - 41... ,-- `11NOT.'t.
-b. .I 9 .MV'LkdIIATI. Actor. Dunkirk. - . •- it Ilif.-
Exeurtion'llekets to Beaver, 245 eats.
MILE fine passenger steamers
seasTst sod MICHUPAN No. 2.
Imre Quit. Walla. at Pittsburgh Dud No.
elbsster. elan day. (Branlay sualusit,) o, folloinc—.
-Ressler. loam Parsborgb at 9a. a. gochatter P. r:. .
Idletalcart• do' do_ 51. 0.. do. 640.•
Par.. übblog tO Co ta Leaver eau rroeura Esedrshal
Meltsu to liomosav and back to Pituburati. brag) tat*.
Tietats gaol far douri ono day and op the asst.
For tickets opt; ass board lbm sisiamlusts at
"3Liehlgrao Mai..°eat the dB. or, -
JOll.l A CADOCItY. Auer&
saga • tor. Water a Budtbaelit sta. Pittsburgb..
Eigig lB5l. iZal
E*rus Azad and Ragrcad Line lo etweland,,
13ASSENGERS every-murning at 91
taramboat to Banver. throes AT errrarie
canal parkelato lia ram, thecae LT rturbotabolult. 7,
Land Railroad to I:ler-cloud.
Clerataad, 28 boor. Tolirtrolt, bout
- Catraira tra
Titter firer, tbronal, io
°dumb. ia, and Xen by I.lrrattol sad (7105Ltioal. -
Mr.:gm tor Detroit., 4.:tdco 3 r. arid 3111asoale: lawn!
'Clorrlarat every erroloa at r. u'olock, by the
rOramerr 311eLlg us Crotty' :ollrosd La=
taro. at 7X, dolma, a. tr., by Italtrood to New lai.daka.
sad assitior moo eveldne .t rtitoord AT ttrao:drav_
• Du tow voter to the Oldatirrr, thoi toroth to Conettr-1
tut!, St.. Loots. and Uairra, 101 t e royal tomb listlat,,
Pror . rkftn.. •
Boomostos. fa. I
For:eel:rt.. or loam:cation array to .
JCIII2I A. atiuortax,eant.
- (Up stairs) tatter of Siottlif rid nod Witter - ..lngita
thy Ibotar, • ;
P.lTll.l3trltG /I.
'jaw L s: 7=tami
Fortpsix hours w Philadelphia,
Forty-four hours to Baltimore.
miles Itruiroad-103miles.Canal:
Gilt., }Mg 1/}7 cola n:Ari nro
Bung !re. from. the - many ritangra and pirrtaraps
. connected piece-Linea: 7".
Two Daily ,Lioes Express Parket Bona
' -
(_EXCLI:!:IIVELY roc PA'3.4E'N'tipSi
1 -4 -SAVE Pitubure for Johnstown,thsoco
%Iwo ibandred Torti-bm
Packett leave every
same Id/leaf Idsht 09 1 1.1,
era every recall. at the same LOW.•
Pan to Pl.l.ladelphde. WO. Tara to Palthoora; f 2,76 I
.10 Lanouter. -ea - -
Passengers for Baltimore,
, ft s,, the Sark and Cumberland Railroad, at lLuaithurt;
rut arrival of Can that fleet. Listener (eighty
for. relies.) Time, FOULthorra. -
-No charge for handl:mg Boggage,on tbis ?dint
Can co this muts sea ryes. eekt.ohlh,omat mime;
eel idestruesiou for comfort and lath ty.
if Ti, desire cheap travail., mil eccifertable
=iodation. *emirs your delete et
J. P. HOLMES, Aw n !,
L£.ltil a ::? Cr ".
(;real noun. Penn neat. - :
- 11351. . 'WESTERN 1851
- D. molt it= •
-RAIL 1104.D - ABD.CA - NA - L,
THE Cann' being in good order, we are
, pmpared banaPart aal am-du:rasa" 14
fru. [Oa abaro duo, at U. tcraa.a carmat rata. a;
night, .al
a lading traascultal, cut laxtroctu tan
all pro:apt], at
'Canal Eaale, kettri turas, Yntabarsb. I
114.14/1111 • LELCII. now - la:am
- ' ltmlatag Data; Naa.l3 a IS. Ea.) , 34
14 . 11111% D. Cllatit '1 "
- % l "7ttt tJ.6 7!o..Ar. k
hag 1.85
Brawanille and Camberlart,l; to Balthaol
and Phi sddppbh. -
BOA' lams the
• -alms tbs MO* daily. at 8 chat yrs:Liar. saa
`vh ear. .',WPtgo.!
at o'clock, ovavavtbm stib. ths fans t Glamboxls:24
aseskta la okicca.
Thus through to lialtars22 bsars. Farmay t
t.tough 121ladslat..W bonn, Va. only US
• Sba Natio.' Load
_lt vos . aood. tEbtalvvacra go 1.-4
Up 4:Neb. beseen...urowardits.uut
pairs LW d 564.417 Um beat TAto 9tt d i . 0. 1
raj= ' OIILse intbs-114nostrabslittvaas.
On the Penesylvtutht and Ohio
BZULINO.;ft&II 1;t1) it . .1.V.,...:4111ZU5A,
well k nown o nor triMiZOCI
ad n et 0 4 g ° 2 d R 4
Tha twilltina of Um I..lljsr " r. .1 mbisr.
Il.ameetl7 of boats, enarinre /Ma •Z,
and Clcrolszd LanZr.r
to ecomemaq Lib s Liao ossosatcats b.t.rear
..dIIOU BEAVYIC, lux/ • Lito fintaccistesmbal
(propaLn sad womb) oa Qs
94- '
ti= •
Braytoalta:lta 0 • .• • -
Kral. tirlortal
31111.r.cui t,.
•• .'k."Vstr,•=o°'ctr•
t ul
;...A.tb •
.. 4,44 Wise sad limlLOSeid Itl4,
A#;u:onacat Katie to, Forward Yeigh
.(1 I!AILECIAD COILVANT reg i ktVrod•elsoll
11:1 emu: rasp a 3.1 Way. M....PSa&
Wm. Mothilly'd:Co.;: = - •
'tautly- cis band aver y d.:retihtlift of 011 W shi
Cl ULABOWARE,_ awl MAW 0111S.S. IGett
bows, 141 %oat Ihnot.Pitle.usgh. ,
- Tho usuttrArhot, hheihr (Mt day comestidwith lad
ht. era. Jolt] Y. etI:LLY, counnao the tactments
slet._ekt rank nada. the awl. a:4 ; v
Thhakfal tor pan fayors,4o,
promoUtado hod ttlittatteation loth* hualltrof nII
dr. to tadvo a them of tht Pdhohlge "h 1 M."/ tr
tunred bfretolhro. , lifpL ?Ist I.
Patent Candlesticks.
No.lll Mut.; amt. Wow la of 11.10t1