The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 14, 1851, Image 4

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thie or MA WITS11:11136. I Tlie late J. S., oman
!:.14014 . 1e :0 2 lAlit anar e .a t ual-si t a4l,4Probibil"
seen as inuali of life in Amerhus,, as any one,
i . .;. tell the followlink:sigri,litiefi is tolgocd to
he loat, , thlittgl pObithylyM . one hatkb , CCuild do
makfull justice to le 1 ' we "ere titt., it. ran
route (lei thus • • . . '
What railroad stoelita {{nn the east, -steal:axis!
~ mares are in the arekt, and as almost ercrjhodl
.. wns more arless, ids 'lathiest impossible taro ,
. ,
as: a . against
. ny . company , tar ieln.
y, CA,f;
, iteSS, or even I NI el life. • • Sec.hrrits
';.ere ye very frektient, slid gave rise to stone
i atAtige e l larreigr. '- I ' .• -- - ' ••••' - '4.
' Not lung si ,it peeps a steaethost called
the "Old Wenteck" blerri Alp, neaf:tbe Mall.
at the mouth of the Ohio. where. it is a well
eatablisbed folk that a great many of the wos.
.. i ultoes willireigh a poithd, by whirth ',oxidant e
lady rejoicing In the name of Mrs. Jones: loot h llt
hiukau . i end ber trunk, toad for bo th or w hic h
as neloroawaSbreloght- I • .
.. . TIT - 31 , S Waal' strange' h.. ? gay, great ,difkeillti ID
• prosibi thieldr.Jeties had been on the hoat'at
rite time of ibe colispae,ithst worthy havitiento
.... teridielly, been very drunk on the wharf boa; I
A - aa lisp, Cadilltar Left Trinity. ~... ;. ..- , .,_1
ataxy witnesses,were ~ e umined to' prove' the..
'fact:. motif ' finally ii` Mr.' Dietonanr. 11. - Wettherb
was--placed on the %lanai ;-Our friend 3. 8., was
—attOraey for the boat, and elicited from
twir this testimony. ' I -.,-,. . • •
.. AI, pi e truisr,....dialou know the Old; Ken
Y s 6, f Was bloweamp mit iter';
ilQ'WeTe you on blocs when she collapsed her
"When she bust de bilb ? yob, I Wash dare."
.•• Did you know Mr.l.lones 1" .
" . To he stire—Slr. Janus and I took passenger
_ " You did? When did4 - on last see Mr. Jones
• n board the 'S_.boat'.'.'
•• Well : I didn't stall:dr. Jones aboard do boat
last time." 7 I I' .
J. S. fancied his case was safe, and with a
mot triumphant glan4o it the jury, said—,
' • " you did not? Well, Mr: pictzman, when last
did yolt see Mr. Jottesll"
.I,••iyell, alum de sehirke pipannd me 'war going
up we niet.../fr.. Janet coming down." .
. I ,
.-,- .
Saone or- LAX% trtillOS..-.490 are in posses.
tion of .specimens' of iron are from the Michlpi
coten mine at Oros C p, near . Mietriplooten sir-
.or, on the north shore of the Lake, where, it
roues, large quantities of iron are deposited in
dikes, und,sitnated ' ell near thi`.coast that the
ore can b6inheeled oil Ward a :vessel., Mr. 0. •
K. Smitli,Jwhe made the discorery;,aasures an
thati,thouSerals at tans ean be easily extracted
from thel'etonnt, which is soma three or four
bemired feet is height.. He shipped in one day
withthren men, nbont five or six tone, which he
is tokinem Clevelattd",to hare tested. His own
.anslysie eihibitstrfentriCof 65 to l'fl per cent;
Some portions of thel dike are of a soft nature
end can' be easily . guinea into a very excellent
psint, - and in such a elate would be,worth more
than en ailoreof,iron. „ - . . '-^
Mr. S. also brought down specimens of grey
ore of copper from a tirge, quarts vein, ten feet
in width, adjoitung the iron dike, but the quarts
is of the hsrdeSt glassy Variety, and .will take
. great labor to- nark it- -6-company to formed
at Detroit to work the mine, and from the pres
ent prospects, there i little- doubt of their sno
cceding. ~.•
it- is . gratifying to- - to eee, in the.priment
stagnatbri of the min og business on_the north
shore, - any 'glimmering of a. revival' of mining
enterprise, and we heakilly wish Mr. Smith all
' the success which his indomitable perseverance
-4 , deserres.—Lake ot . hem —
, -
- -- .
NAKANO IT COOL.—As, a specimen of &lampoon
coolness, we think the ollowing Pondering feat
of a ooldier at the deign of Allighur, worthy - of
repetition. COL Sliinn@iiiyisi' . ...- . :
:As I was returning to,the torr, I saw a Ea
ropeati passing the avenue with a big of dollars
on his ehoulders; he was attacked by two native
trooPers, who sought tei deprive.hina of what he
had bought so dearly; whowhe found that blows
1 7
'solid not keep the felloWs off, he just took and
tore ihe bag, ondenatte dihe cash.. The rascals
belletist their' hooty th secure, - stooped down
to gather up the:money, upon which' he took his
gun, shot the one and ha onettwl the otheri then
cooly taking off his jatiitt, he fixed a knot; upon
the Aeetts, and filling them:w4h - dollara,.threw
them across his shoulders..:...:.'
Fteig . htree '. eived for U the Way Static=
on the Pennsylvania Central BaUraail.
. James North.. '
Id.vtribma... Jam. 111111 U.
.lincrut..llraws. 1 3 . U -7.. th b. "
• ,4.1. t
. 6"en.;
itarrik , urA
flamr Morass, C.
').nreaknott, • . I
Karkrifttn.l4r4". Jor,mneign.
I . 4eVotokrt . „.-
mtiers Ilnktw-IL
"i" Jobn
- • CI.)CODF, 011. k .,
i s 6 '• '
TRATE jc i ist reeei.ed freer' New YerE, nu
cuatici Ve l ie w .. " ? ° , : 1 7 ,c.,-BLE7a
11110 IHON-1511 tans Mall (desk Yag Iron
L . 20 ItelssCnek • dodo do
tons Ettede d.l
Z 3 Liberlr viseet.
- .e osaaJwt,mivnicaefor bT
1 - 1 - rrnic ACID--25A lbs. just reed and fa]
salu bT = IL E.SELLVIS.
' EATTIF,R-100 Sides N. Y. Sole. for 'sal;
4 P l®
- 1443 I J.l IL 11.01iD.
OTTLE CORKS:4OO gm fur vile by
11 Ir2l •a FE. E. EY.LLEF.E, 57 Wad K.
Pure Brandy.' for Diantuea, eze.,
1 BAN IN MIND! elicrald von need Fennel'
Lleaa&T. the la. sae)4 S i
et: ua ot tamed el. N(AtItIS •
AV. .'4 in thee Thatatnet at pa qn battle: ,
, 1 Si
VIRE BOARD DRlNTS___F_ A crt_ t. .sal m e w a ..a t
1117 - MATU.II
iri,R ANL) • •
•. Id) bb . 12k. ti. 11.2".. rd aider:
100 2 bricht IND. P+ k 2 AVL,or gals by
. • Ji H CO.
1 UNLATA NAIL RODS--95-bundles Slit,
fif b T r. VON BONNIIORST .* CO.
.0 2 •
_ 'Anthracite • Coal. .
VaL ustjez! i v r ed.,.sgmeli y or article
c.d. IdeA.M.U.TY it CO
6 1{ P E f ou peric!! or Met .4
above artielap:st
and for We 17 • • - T
S l3" 60 bbin. new c.a. Z 4 O. 3 31 .".. 1 ; -
•-••• • t
• Etrslentigoi;rkwb
Q,PECTACLES!—We Gave a complete
.10 Kock Of Gold. Eike , and Steel bed
4ardity eolevez end cooesve Oh,
every variety , of eeeendloe tothe beet =hetes of
°taloa eelemeee: eeddl W. I
lirMS--4 casts 4nperir, for sale on eon
-/Droamat by . WOODS &SON.
SI - Water st.
1011C1 . W DE
30401150 Iloavd . o oozy:liar •=OOl
10 mkt o.•frty Fuse for solo Jo* by
WINE--Achoice cle, for Cani-
Ir'jJA!:7.' lh. ton ( '' . . in'alii`niVig y a co.
• •and Palyerited,tor rule
l i wroN
k r • R. w. PULUVARegv.trrtlo.
1112 •
Copper StockL
%VB.- orders fo , r ,r tLe k. S:),ek
wirtorK a v iest.. call, or obirc. snob
/1.1 . mums ox).
ilaii„SK-30;b44es W. R., fur axle bya
jyll a. 6 W. Ulltaao I.
('LOUR-3W bbiti. - e4ra , Falii:,tor sal.; by
1: 3111 S. aF. IIAILIL/XOll.
lEACRES-10 iaiske prime Mares, fur
bee jill E. t W. ILARBAUUU.
NEW mickEßE,46bbla No. 3, large . '
a .actrrel,Eist Teat Mi d
ViT INDOW GLASS-100U. boara City and
Oadary brxrbbb for ale by _
‘:, ODA ASH -650 cnaksi of our own maw.
_ factum marmuted ofta blob test as way luutuffaal
- awl for nit at the lowest rasrter ; n tecc by
Finn nearllarker.
.„ .
r, 1111ACKED TEAS !--deakias & Cola (of
' 13, '-Thiladelpbls) siactiarbaded Green amllilack Tees.
la liar) . 'variety, cats at all tee be 'applied toorderotad
be aarraatad la We tratiefaction.
' hi: j AV IA for Jeakltte/l C 0 ....
Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and Louisville fa
... pap
A - FEN strAREs of this Stock a/laid at
ma E.d...D . 0134 oit WILKINS kW. •
... AL SODA-030 eke fur ialisby ., _
. cy j .., i i . .. RENNDM BERRY 4 CO.
LEACHING 7POWDERS - -'1A0: Basks fur
I : 12 b by iyil 8EN147 . 1 . . BUSY !OD.
Arti..oo.pngle.eativassed ,. rur Bale by
I - 00 U W/1)( -- tiT paid fOr thafr -r rer'
"t fi . " 4 " °( " °3 br B.:s w. mamma. •
TM nod Extraardbiry Diacovery is the World is
~..aukyrtat sitabida•Rondir for Naiad Bowl! .• .
• - ,H. G. Farrelt's .
IC:1A-ItYersLit'S gantlitte Athbifill Ufa .
• d meta Is a toast estreordirtur mediate. the troth
w Is pleoed wood doubt by the net . sok* of Us,
srtkle,.d the moor ear. briocally peresulted bi
e e .th,yd. o. twdets: ell caber medic.. end the
.", j th . b .„, wesoeflus t the er . sfld..: . Us
of balsams, eStrootS ADO lse, ....-
abg.lo.a.ogooolotrated- ell Jr ...Wog: oser
• woo *Web Wino. wed! bf toe , 013,e.„ Alio
weert,. with etteb untraeoloes enmesh; thefts.
...I of beDtb,Stesis liesd besst.-' • . . ~,,,
Nod du followliatlemarkable met. which , dtpold of
. plata 11. 0," Tarrelll MOW.. iebtbllmL m P.
rod an/ eito ~ r oad!, . ;r . .. - , • , ti-, ~ i ,
.. 4hOlst i5....el e; !sat .ittoe• oreUhsg:Sitweredinsfuy
elo's stomach. IttaLlually.tooseaelde ii elte: total titer
at J..* . fOr hat and in eon that she could ace
irarthe Intl borer , Omit wlthoutgirtod her
pls. 4 got the advice of our bat flastom . ;
edlospinion shoat IU mesa odd ins
a s
Mr , ece •
thdargicteut of the Splash; woos, Mails sm. ,
~ sent
of 'Lbw l
td mei others' rill It ass atom. of
the Onahet, lad coal not be eared esend 14 =Wiese It
oot. lo this mitres! situation. I. no premsdad U. Ur fi.
U. Ferrell's Anton stmt upon it,
be Manse se It
to we., op. th e third slupnestdott• d, lbeetutlo lin .
prove, .1 bee, eOutttelled getting better r =DU WI
.b"... ..4 Se •,^llOit seeellent th...;.
Poirle, !ditch S.lBlO. , L , . . . •
'_l-Rolaffiltds:aostmoster, ail. , ~0 •, ;
-• , . coenitoyn,r.., sweat ito. '1:
..'uoit Imams Waxed roar moment' with ge nt Imam.
She had kat therm of her le. for aim yShe eerie
I t her big wen
W. m ath while
. as Is 'Wa thr the ;basilica of the lege while
• lath., and she cou ld!
not bead Meat la the bash htlthr
the use of H. O. revolt . . Ante. Llnlmeat, stsi Is now
'n +wr l e t h ' in lt4 z w•Mht.l"47m4rsh t' Vnt r etl h'b ; 4. ' 7 4 F
" The 'opinion of ea oU. csladeLods atet.W ,, Ani." l " ..
'tiega doe irseuar sod permanent ear., both onto. end
beast. • kok.goordzaban lanintent I. performiagi A do
.00t hesitate to pyonontiee It
-u th oat ° ledr = of th . e
li.4 " zzg=g= 4 .= ,
resoluta puffed op b the paterr, bat I mu. ear : that. U.
;G. smiu . . Arabian ido.ent =cads 0117. that I. Ilan
made use oL , Brits net. I have cared deems am! Spiseln
Dona after they tad bees pronounced hstraratds, add Ltoona
rod Om.thin fifty horses Ude maim with roar. LW.
.meot, oshreclits every .shade of Mama, Dam scratch*
and. Una* •up to mato, rtarltoas, adi weeds. .1. ears
'alai bear Issitador 4' leo gad effects cm the human sf.
teal ilhr.lot=z4oce,4l.4 all lad wiittg:ex=
,t 1 ccoateled th ou , of scraribtli7bleb radial}
'eafedtmt.l ,- ' '. ,- • K., liflifflar , '.
Son Potash iess T*ra' eiaadlag taialla• .4 . -p. r.r.a.
. Idr. 11, (I,7ssaat—Thair BIZ i had fieWafillehal lmaml. a' witt
the oflan Pala" for the lad Om ram sof could erase;
' "U' d ratdslrldtbei=oNdb'reisbil:',gpai 5a1,5,::
four times • der. It woe entirely mooted, eeri e I se hdi
tosthind of it ines. r L west into the gable wo ottati, to
mir jt 4 to u t i s l tunree w realr. , ..d= v :2==
so badly shatlter ariled se bl5OO vs esi hate oroaertoo
the. pogerlisra I. applied Tear Ltolosans, sod a* wail
essmgh la •*w dare to so about scam as usual. I also
crashed oksftataar lo a shale= .mantet—er Idling •
beaded tai 13705 it; hit vat LintmettsoontwlM lin,
.: . , W 1 IL Media.
i ''' U ll . Xr d , o ‘ 4 r.' 711 c 9 i 1 "1 4 1°.! , cv1 1 "?. •
l Bi ire of Cojou
TD otiptiYituroor POSrm_otiAti ma rot,.
LOW - /NO CLltYlubia.
The Pablla Aro MrtianlatlT tanatkned :Wnd a' Dry
Otatainfal whiMbuta lataly au& Its a and Is
aallott by Ur ha main whomakaa It imam rabi
an Lintinant... - TIM la a Gwynn= fraud and cam nab
fo amen. amp Ina blaring U. nana. at Warfel'. Timm
s= In nartioniar erct ot a tall jar it 1 nam"lartal_ll
ment.' Oar altar tip4rer, Ll=
Pa PIA (2- ' .AL ' srefrA ' l Train I[o.W:a ma van.,
it ,a a . tb• ge13111120
bas le On e la
t. tta2 • ataraf , Er ,
aractiggr tba b=“/.7. Gr=ftrs Arayata
Waxen; Amin"
.I.l2lllwscaUd IS 111117 TOWN Village liazilat in'
tb• Ilona Nana, in width care is not establntaid: Apply
DTUttar to lA. ia.:Aura •Pentla, 111. witli good ratan.
Call an tba vba fatal& Tree of Cbanta a
boat andabalairsoneb lab; Infbnnallaft far mar dam
ThatiCa' In*art=wirfA:r.oll,
larrantor and anantatar. w • bp..
bills Om; Pint. /11A sad ftw 155 arbakPELLYWaat• and ,ell proprlon'a priea - _ 3.
anglalkwaS • - 11 o. AT Waal Mat
' Sal brit. ft CURET, Allinetwer Cl r. •
The Homan Body Mug Perzpire, •
4 , , ..) . SAYS NATURE, to have :ft healthy op
pistwoo aro! mum NATURE
do not.perephs. are liabth
to soma ?Os:noting Seth Diemen boa, 30ath Julio
Chantal Sup mina • for personelle. , and at tbs a
time mollifies sod mama the eithi pandit the us
Of ustinfalarer
. E'''
sad bum.
who milt in veer raw" WU A onfthimi--its la
rimy*. Blotches. Irestrthe. Oran:atm skin dleth - tha 4''' L . th.
reader is seemed that Ude la no othlaw. ,es
one trial Sill prom- ll - mold at lath
oersone oared of eon hoed, nth ea - •
T Bar It—end the ender I. Kale. Motadr.. bi tv .
a lb .. a thr the to
lathe. 1 eir It to 4 theta
. on *ha am liable to chafed, erethed.or pet dab.
trill fast We nos only a cam_bet s nrethatire; end I ran
i.e only 244 that any doe
this all.
ear of the those,
or similar inemee, will Sod this all. end even moth tedmt ,
table iodi s
e. loader.
attent 1 et.:. 6 4 ,.4 ,
... m •
A ii r. A . you auk for Joanne ltalianCherthoth Su
St pi we. Jemmy* emir Agra la Pt
oot. ~ •-. • , , , . , .
• ` Pearly White Teat., dad Pure Breath' to
,Lend ter 25thati.- , -Persone std taxi tither. are Mame
bly mewed that if their breath le =ail. Or their
Lath &cued. dark or yellow, end •
that a Ili ant tent tf J..? Latter laatb . X.ME
the tee th ed !tate ea ether, eod the bre
Bred lily et. ek.203% Store, :Xi t r ibutt it. laud of
• A Szienti IlairTotue,'Reatoter and Bean.
itier.—Trial sotase. 3734 meta Thoth oho bthe Aired
• lust Cent flair liattray. Naga Ira execlyst eguelltiate,
thaw ate bare act. ale saw. ia rm. la. tolamla.
Vantioc—lt will form tha hair to sr yo aripart • be..
wt.. Intended bar .10 ern; q x falmf Mint=
or darefraff. sod =ate WO. ar ant a gran
liar =chains the bale oat and , nothiag coo ennui
• thie—itmekee ft trolf Intanitni. lupe is en ./I le, lir
dud.: the that eroomaleal—yet. ..o ell rrrtk he the
so only at WOO. .tioKootre Store, SIO flbort7 navel
' heal of Waal. thilsirorgh..
7•Pieee-'473d ante. 60 math sad frl. . • ''• .- . ..
J .
ONES , Solution of Jet, i IlquiA Humnio
n.ulm, het the &eosins of ...bro. md,th Xiii halr,toia
brrire"Vabegta'rt 7'7' tn. ... 7:4.1... _ . ?:.,
• • soth by MIL JACIT.BO:42O Laertrie pmd o d lrood,•
r-1--,yrotme-trzalviilTE-aL.Afeeiiie cram :
. 0 .1. t. anag the cothome prapthed Challh Vs*
arrant seem bur hightfally lama= It ko I. Me ettlei
hen own, hos roogh. bur mak.. YrlS....airce.ra tb, I
ee l eaio appear...Aar masa P.P..' Cball 1+.4..e/S. ,
imarierar. cttail:dew a Wier qenthy. of leedl . . .
we , hthe=th r ' d • hthetfol etheththernele. which ere
mil Juan' lob Llity ig W.
.... ,
. t . d
Patten ' 1 . ITXlll=rt r e
le the .0000 natZter 1- .l e 1 =
swear. Our. hetet nbien a& the aura thew ideas as row
moth re the ado. suttee It oft and , .. .• • ,
, sow b4 . t.t. A...i. Ina. massob. ouktsbmirm . t .
bud 4.. othattitheartit. Prim...A uthe. . .
-- _
''-="-------, mown ,
Compound SPV of Yellow Dock 104
OCCUPIES ;front rank. among the pro.
pristamtriedieines of this errantry ; I. compLetely
enring Ca.., Salt Rheum. Itrydentsis sad ell other ri
011.6. ILliEllijrfl 1112 llP_pans Mt, 02 the Wed, - Alan
Lir. CeanelsintAnterrh,..yerenels, Ilteditteken.littglonn.
Coos.: Segenese • and 'lna..d snent the linen Bro.
ant., .5 batmen.. defuses, soni s. tickling_
. sennalon
shoot the the rot sad bused withnn.en... • names
in ell moo. : . , .
Female WOokoti coorGiosmil Debility.: •
' e
trengthening the weakened testy, Kiting tone tithe
eerily. omens. sad tirrisrmahnt tee .31. - e r..
• If the test.= of shaven. of tiring e :Si.nes front
all parts Sr the tomtry, an be roped anon. It is stagger
ty etneselous In caring off . Amon. .rd TeVe:buitir
led end broken il.nt eorietituthian: lt lo f Yextor
bls in its compnition.. end go
one 112 it/
that the theseital. tiotern.l,..d =die. pro
-I;=rf'esets int=id hermonloalLninte la . f
It hes o f many diseesesnblett hews
thy MEW of tboloort ihfoO..orot h. , .4 , . 0 .1 14 C 0, 1
Balt tyma:Tel tb. .Mesh esiresgsnt.
! T EM been lerted in sassy ease of dJUISIM
PierUh:On9f." 'ba lmy =UT:Mehra :=ll I gt I
13111008 COILSIIINIii- ;It nen.. ell oberrordlenn In '
the tiretdenone rendering the Peer free. setheotod hes/-
thy. ; It remotes Psleibetton d the nes., sad relleees in
fa moo of Adm. 4 sod sc nl ur to noel In sit nilmstint:end:
. sit MMUS of ill* Too ,
1 Ms Syrup Is 1=...0L157,0. SIDE= VA, eX t
lotsilri ; . 11.7 WIC=IIAW 7
; • . ' Only Agent Le Western Pennirytesnist ;
aryl. 'lrsrehe.r.ecenerWeed and Roth Ks, rule.
40 lbs:sup., for salet
binited S -
:B. T. Babbitt's Wm , So ap Powder: l .
WASHING refill'artAlibOTl Warranted '
totaltathe =las out Of lit!., !Innen. and lux.
; itterlano rim trat.—Pot youl: Clothes fn a ondlcient
otAtAof mkt ewer to corer them. theandd too table.
of ads Both Roeder, to exh lax poach of water
t rued with the clethen if the er is hot& add man al
tho Powder. and =I theto ten =ounce in the Me. Um.
arm the= down with a ethic, then pat them in . tob and
add meth= told water. so that the r will In
be too hot
to handle. - Then rub the dirty W. 1.. or la oUw worth.
Rive them athatteuth =sine. and that in intaicletd to
oases them elean,.. . . •
. N. B.—There tedrat no redo la Oda 'Bo= It efll =re
the clothed whin, nod no bal calf ,thall. as wok
ate= do. The me than coot uf the =who =4 doe. not
mood two emu. to efebbieLe a traedna of tan perecem—
Warranted not to rot or Wteethe ekda
' Thia to a Warder that mem= wilt+ trol=parte
teat WAIT Bon Soap. • -
Ethcciroarros Uth—Thke,.ay oir. qua= of =tar =I
Inix the Powder wi th If. and t he. bet it hoihooT u edsnare
the. add 'l' ria 'Wa . ,... i Mter — VlAlp. 4 ..... — ra z
be cotorslTl S le. Tog ' in= and aloe Veldt. BthP. and
Vim& walks:4ldß not to
the hands this other
R nor rot Ute clothe.. Con be d e
li with hard or cat
loot= by auk= the duality lato ols anarte 11.0.1 of
twelve.. Thr Bon both lo had s4oPi L ed o ,,, •hira ....lry:
• 11"flordIrdagad relell try , ~ R. RABI.LIRP,.
VIOTILY FRIEND, of-Baking Preht parative-
, superciding the cis of Voila, predating lig, molts!
tweet, Sitittli and dere Broad, of rt. mice",
t! oa st ime. awl sa bad an the 0rd16.1 ferounted
molt thlch now, a S gnat rrrtant, We, I odidastkdh
flantahos.,o•lna after mods, twaslactio, and other Pnimas
illiwues. Sorg* , to anr_thing for mating Cakes and Bite
rune. lo ISA poooda or or Mix otepara BUM hno will rade
10 more loam of 4 wands each, than with Howls
of Walla, and porton , of **sal V owtftitndofm f WA , Ita .
Walla aura broad.. one of Ma Swat medicines of the
Woe. rev liorldtals,lllfr Schools, Hotels. and Who
atallariAL It la • gnat advantage. bold In a n d at
!.thi. and us cents, with directions for We:
nir L__ 0-I "L i --------- - ' I. Z" " Wood rt.
Professor A. C. Barry's Tricallhavng , '
tati.da lo from ?n o
f m
tMo /Woks.. Gosmmot
mocoomary: NrF
Boriy'iTyloimberomo boo airs iiiirwitYiklite.--_
,s 3 simian:Um bldboot roonsett• We do ad do tt
upots dm todoos.
yoool Itscorbolco .orog 11Z%., Watiara=l;
to OOP St boatltT.ooft: nod dlotoY. St also moored a&
draft. pyrrobt• ti balr, sod loolgorateo Its'groWth In
teomoof sopa.. by say Woo . oomi:oolUtt. kn... • tt ,
.... • r omp only p a id/ to old owybottio to bocontintod
°lWO:oath. -
bad la bottlo; yrl42l.oynto, at th. pilzeljai cep. - . in
Etwo.7. N.., ion: , • .. .
6w i. tags bow.; Om Z .toOto..rdEM WO *—
en by ,
- ...ri• - . • , • Mita Vadat.
wrAvaulz izwww
Et% AND EAR POUNTAIL--Theatten , .
of tha viodkal tratanaltr to Invited to Oa Ell
Fountainio7 Dr. Antal. Oceollot,_of Now York.—
:Jut reconsd sad to:A.10 In W. W..WILEOZL
b . blt.. loEN No w . 3.7„Smkalleo.,
LUBI-40 bbla. for sale by ,
,rs • Ji2B . ' - 3.ISCTIOONNAILZIL a CO.
YERING'S 8 llGAl.— ab 2 ) bal Loy
lb by
BRINE.-111 kegs .Sar
fibsop is tem (Bard.llm.)mt mt a CO. rearl sa tot nlo
low 17 • WU A: 11%.1.0110.
"Iqt ----3t reed lLL PAPER—A men°
w . germ stigm
B' swami sal 2,
.Bt rins rimorirOVlVlMlTlPlrfogir
rt . :mm=4 ur..l,AltualiriFiu.zoll ,
Prendent of thir6l647B4iiiia'Aii.ii.... de tunftl ,
end mete Anew% that subhead. will be held et
the nude rmentiosel lewd Otiose In ibe Staled Annown
et these:dale berefeedterdeeltmanen to sit: • - "
At true, lantiOnlce BATLISIRILL tenttl , tvt.fte
Aloaday, the fins day of flenlember rot. Al=
the yank; lands eitosted within the.. _
VgftePrec a tee he t‘V i ik e "'" aed wrefV2ft.y;rns,t4Of eta
. 1 1 ,X; SL.
tractimat tornnip 1.01 ii moth or Whit. litor.'
are aloe
N t0 .e1.6 ofL l baseheidededd eflkedllthprfitipol aseviddre.
a tt l e= r silget . of - nunteAli.'
Al • the WO Oftlee et 011.1.11P1A1NOLS. oommenelos
Monday. the fifteenth day of besteraber nest. for the die
poen of the Subtle WA, within the ondermentloned tower
Snag/ the bare Ifeemsd nate Abe f 6 prinelpol enriches.
Townships nem Storteen. of range seventeen.
'Scowl:tip 4141f0; ot mop" ntdeen.
• Al 'the LaW Office at hairn et .HA rottoneoeloit
day. the eighteenth day of hairne Dert.iiebbeol•llllll4iavrisicnimal
rl.lLfirfsFeltd nide/ Ltd Add pri".:jonisevante;
.twestrehreeiwistrdbut tonal
of the Pt. Francis riven : is towends three. td
Township tdreei ?MP
Stontertdetenslonond weer floWth t`f .
Towwdrti.foor and fart of an Wald 110 S. natl .
WAVVlDthad4ho7l4ltVglgt.: ROCIV.tOId=
/10. 1 ./. the bast day of bestember far anneal
of the public lands In the follwrlng waved tracts on sod
yen Ulm • • •-•
rerth a gthe teisWitto and sal Of ibv . .dA.Prfoddo , o'ff'dk. 6
.. The math bill of Dation elsht,the south half of ten.
tracticaul annkne torten. ano-dneen. the 'north boil of
the mot half of twentpow. terentyiero. the
Went half 6.1 southwest quote, au tirethote,i lb*
northwet neuter of .ft ender wad half o f the
earthman onnter twentreeres, to.towaship thy.. st
elegy towhee.
~ - lAnds sorrostieted by lad Int the tun Of when. trill.'lsry and other purposes, UK - ether with 'Uwe memo
overflowd lands inads sent „thereby for ailtivanon. d
any.: evitieb•Ana•br erierted ITV. Stade anthorttleit
.fwd the dye enlisted for the econsonorment of the sub
tle Enos y.,intder the net weltbed. ,, AttArt
enable the .. of Arlan.. And - Other IRMA% in reclaim
the ...ewer lands' withl=ll 11E114.'1 sar.2 . frpx:
Tritons int% bouttieshe mt taw of
, (negro.. for military . seriinte red tor
of wov ernment Mille=
' B.tateAtedl , teitat as awe
, as storldei by
omen° the set emtitled n Attanddos ainweett
'sinus for thedvil and were .
At=oPAroved ad March. 15.11. - •
Toe ' , Ceti.; Of the adore meationed Wino taw
' vowed on the daya appointo .v i i ted Srsond in the em
der In which they are a sh with all innventesoaks
palmy until the whole shall arshom anal oaks
thus eland; but led
ode shall to kilt olr than
too no no vats est aMT will
ledMiWld OloUljtr the cited= ot_gte bee weeks.
Onto soder bawd at I Cite AlbAhloYllf
d elgt . tat t opLay.. Anne' DomMitte k ar= .. arr ._ 1
Ay the fieddent: •
-• • - • • AlifrfEnnEß.
• 9:4amigogg . 1 iht Uen'bi
:toner str ratlitlitur min l 4 lo-3 •
Envy penes call id to.tile night of veremtuoa t.. 117
L ot the Inds within the townshins =dare if onnoldg
above erromerated, nestired to ens the woe to
Latort of the StonAer and neeetler of the proper
nd, and mate psymeot therefores ewe se to.
on sder seeing Me ern., ard,lwdeht the Stye pottel
the cosoneacement of the Do .oulte the Lode
daub , "" 4° `" l. '"J. afirtrania,
• comaid..Tpf
myfolp4 - 44t- : (
j[lrrattance.of-lsw, Fuiroac
• • - Psaddatt of tha Unclad Stalest! Aniorion do bentry
and mato known._ that patine Wes aid W bald at
tbs onlermentlaped Lana Ofhoot to U. amt. of W.fflOala,
011 CO of. ;401 N. onnmeneclut Mete ,
''gilgobtataggarPiittri.l!tragirs=t.T. I
(mita:tail.< cad seg tfclo.ft.clASKarclaitrositteit:
Townships toTOOPOOTen.toortarclObt toentrnclini
'on and Careent river. of mega Arm
Tuanahloolmentreoventisnatreight Lart.7.•iti.u.; !
un.4 neat Current river.of-tardee
OT.riC rhr" l
t v a:M . Art Urban toontroight aid
, orroof7 - 0 o • • • - •
too frptrpnT. aoontraight .
Monty or
6 , 14;0: ,
and r eArri l trorti P
Aro, twenty-Wm totolplaata. Arent re 0 , 14 i
of roffgo_ten.
that SLIM PLACA onsonstind Mandayithifcl
tenth day of eeptander nest, the Calmat of . te pato
1.1 acliniti,clao inlYurinStaninen oannaltiPt. Pula
XorOi Ne buetwon , ea theAflapanscipatmersfign
Toonsblp tonotrtoo. too
trartlonal towooldpo ~ o nto
nt}oat ronatlitois sad
to of rang. Aron • '
l'nerasolirtrorntrtors of row. Aar. • - •
Nl.lOl atwl
; Apwr.b.
tor=ts=l.l..z..„ ww,
Shio Arclity-ton of rstwe oaten. . • .
•"LVT,r)grtg.t, tel
net. and hoesiyanne to tairfsi lar.trinntO tuarnalaio ,
tosolyedg of Moo eight
Too nahip anona incept, fwd.:cal oreclona clieliteeY,
to Shifty.. nitwit...) fractional tennahlp toasty awl
frarclorol torclishiti twenty-aro (except section. ma
to ,
Nirtssi, notaterAro." norattriarr.
hotatratfoll,lhirfrA,or.onny-flev, a0..1 clarions. of !sage i
tate. ,
The northwest fraction of me c. 'sir, la tom:iota
teen, and fraanknoil towashipeannt.r. drime
Seclanta car to cloclos lueltainnthe oath half of
'II7;SP lira PT;
InZunrillirlahl alone.. and seetione Onirnes:go ,
ten, the 141(
tea, and thins:sat o r'•""."
wots, of rof.• ton rJ,
--put rasa 11Lally Riser Outawarrat tocaksp
twenty -gate. of moue thirteen.'
So.= to It mortised:quartet.) an& asetions
areas,eiraass, ataoren, aorta , sad Partreseoosclot "WU.
itirir tooodup Meaty-Cm, of moos foo,
w(cJP,mtt[a.lL. Lauri Cam SPiti t
Ncl FULA entratinandna .
blic Lisa siZte rigiltatillbraartad ear
mid hocleolEnacl aA,
lirodA 0/At o ant Pt cla .
T; T = P ni
c U4 rtg r i " tif pun
to township toady... of.clanro t.enlP
" %clonal toarticiclp totatrOtea stoma A the Hato
tine. of roam , tonailsoras. terootaraeles Wes. thirtp
con thitty.s tl.,.Xtt,.ticl • and thirtY•Aao
Wade by haw fie .. Ir . of Woods mile
sor ol=a l ••
ury..we , oholl solorood be toe Sudo attion no* WA , .
the days appointed int I).' L onotorneesent of tbe Albion
ndrothe do nut .la. ms to tote
his the sues c: disuses
. orsti Woo Po to reetaiepthe
wallop Waif. In Gs ;alai; tinte.l wowed
tab. WA oral be exussfoljnaa atiaa. ~ .tradre==
At land bemoan hoetternotteine= ;too al DAP
Peon lot milder, sorts. manna to the . Jacltal.encloaa
soul De setrenclod ai any Vlie
'bled b r the art entitled `An Lot Pathan eineorPouaclina
Ihr_tbe,etril and diplomatic einem l of lloyerosorst , , ,
ni Matrix.
.TOs — ollorlas of the shone marticlard tondo be woe
named on, theater. appointed. awl proceed la t 6111:,
Farb. they aro advertised *Ws an opianin=a
until the whole shall hatebeenalencl.and Wader
Loa dual; ham gala shall taker. leapt Mon too
. ¢gb nticlllreTtlaUwirWnstlra g,:tt,"=" b. " °-
IllAtott nay nt or. the cal or IcsAw4wW tkis &L T lilay.'llllll:4lDOMiti oa thousand viobt hate
dred farms MI14.111,1)
clie ronnienti J. otrrrruratik
_ Canncleclotier df . tbe clews) Leal nclles.
Non= ro VT.'" CUM WM . I
tiglyt of soreecloptioa
otzuul=thin pop of tenroabipa
alms tatud. le meanie to ambit. teis sane te the
aceslaraerlon of the tegister andAscleer of the prof* lard
.../.1.1=0.1 therefor as so. as Pancloscla of
fff. sashay tine saw. and 7,4.05 tit. day appointed foe the
tosunsosepaclt of the pane ale of the tends enter:Mt
the tniet
Coptintipioner of IL o 101µ1µA tend trcliss
BY 1113 rßzsmEr ' t OP TI ÜBUED sum
JILN pursuancept laci, latt,LARD
Proddent of the Cult taboo, do arta./
or.l:l:',t,", it
.I.4,.l.b.ernacyot cope,•=bcrs..4o!‘ceebrcellq,ar
Woo lands oitnama .
the laoad loonemee.
Nora of tie dee and woof of she AM Yirfsefsets spoof."
ToWladde=rd.. of ran. bovntpolna. - -
Tonalliso yak* al eighty. of ran. Odra..
Toornshas arovenrolasend eigAlnl.agg dattp4o,ll6
'aveoblys serenly-sdne. sista, and . ghtpono.of nags
th 2onneb ht"" li vi g . ef
w att tvoftguebrita=. "
At as 1 ono oxen
tbe fdaroth der or bee stmt., for she Mimosa
of Oa :palls bade vable: trodaWnt. tovnalapo,
to au:
:jar& 4, 84 dew , vie and east of Mr Ara neradlpa we:
Teneadde aroentr. oT nags abtr.
I= P asl.n try.
:i f Mg NZtr.44. •
.I.t as Lind Waist DU suQU V., on blonder. la el..
lama do °Cassese wet, far the dlovaal of fa follev.
I, trate, bolt- •
S. YU. In median. soonden: end otoldera.lo tomb
eightriso noetn. of ewes ot. eon. end sheensebeut
Onener of lotion teeoebearox. tonneofta As
ao hr/ =or i e an. aloe neat; llbs Dag ..1 1 1 ,I
e:d porfossj, ,corbel owesoo:a4
overbosett Itaktintroult.tifitb= for.r44=l:::
igAiis'dbe4..tosed..for the onesoneneement aslote
lie isles ly. owlet ino Ass entlael Amen
enable :be
.. ar arte•im.v .i fr . ,:r Bones: nee.
der edr=selAeee si; :21,
_And .no
_nor Lead boonas beraon. r.. 14 eny Isor
. evel a ref= " 4 7, 4 ",l =
at nomads! by the set maned ...en ere seal. eppentens:
ace for ths eloll sad dtpharestle apnoea of tioreamente".l
oe,ssmorss al Mesa. MI. •
gains of as sill be eonnarneed oh thedsre
e.ontol eall i fetwart the order a v Nob tber - as al
rer4"abaill'elfoloa.S"==gg'onlZr :clTiVa
sha he kept onat loom ensa taro lovas. lad r flats.
enter of .7 Of the Isode k ll/Ita admittal lath ante the
elalt of Ke A r.a. a P I . . ti ll e l M ,7 y ,d o a f r Weitatlsiug t L o l n.t ! t ' be
•• • • • 'J. 11017111FILI.D.
i • •
tact.[ of :a amoral land Mae
' NOTIaL^ MIIIIPTION '4411144i 8.
Eminence eatlad-to the that of prime fan to oar
of :be nmesletbkotbetcwsuteteqelAnt
snare enumerses4 Is rowan: to omen. woe ea ea .
µarse:Son of ebe rogineread render of
p ' , =e:o
OW. sail mels.ritl:at aerobe es PM a
ter neap afe ' and loofor• as der Vbebanl fee lb;
otoomoseernent of palls eas of the leads embracing
the tact elsentool• Marotta seta elan erlll foraust ,
6onorilexionet of ao Gana and a.,
Ifew Books I ' • • •
• .
'LEAST :• Problein ; rgrinted with cor
tarsal end abiltlone, *cm yesseen Ilasselcar.
....p.....b21•114 Li t t tag.rt : 47.A . 4l .A r a
!sad .7. •
thyucySMClefre.Q6e. of by Jacob Ithotb
li h lYrf — 42t:elel Platt Dobk of the
' 7of lona. Labor sod tbe Leaf. Poo
' la ea. Illeedee Jut weird era 11,111. .01
Books! Books!
Qcanarzis Iliatory, of Oreeoo. ,— A
Vogler or eam
o rp gt , trf
Ihirßraii D. D., Bithop in. Delia's. By Dr. Leozar4
Th. w.f../ Or B BV
9itfor“Andistr4=4, Marro Tr,
' Teo rr uv711,4 Irathowid.
- re. noc..oor
Co 00
nn Phslo Itoritip , of Basuto p3oor. By W.
' M it=riterr York sal Zee Bilkosel 001.1• Book: cOrn.
tathlottlitZtorig.Z.Vr j airg, inn. Ton lat
=rod and thirtrots pi mid WM.
ham arena Width e
mac! oximagY Ir art , . B 1
We. narlArod.
- IN:Wes rim Mesabi" . M•isliso
Tl4Wri p : 00
v the ... lt l r f z
or Ilwrin; J
h=, ' lvuth i t =
Tb.kore bOokrBM•ACS,XBN
Italke 441
Ins. Ideas lan Curs, with • toll aneastnientot Lam
s, .Dpnoion at Ulf +re of
mrlo_ 1.11. USW. /ma it,
liiiidatr!l i 036.
.I•Aisicir, PARRS bi3O. - lincal:Mai'Plewszenaut.'
rriIIWPROPRINTORS.ot this old and well
1 known Lin*. meat Inform the pnbrie ibnt OM' ert
lam In operstion for Om preeent mem. and bee. nommen
weelving Mitt and_rteseetera.biet 1.03.7 . k. ere tigl4
'n2wlrlebtoraelrgthe4llrierjel. One el tie. Ikea. ashler
Lim win bee anstently et the leatint. Wan. the Meow
14'4"'''4.44"SfrifietiC)1131illkY. Anen
Onlee, one, VW, and Smltbdebl Puubiii,hl._
i towsiopg. • r .
iv. c.i.d.5h..4 NeP o . o °. 1 ; 4 •
' T. C. testbeer=dlC. P.
J. t kl..llnl: ll lsberpe=
I Cknum "it =l . le;
• 414. la Pn4 •;_ K.
, B. We.unnage.ll¢lSain. rt. apt
.I.lew' lake Snimiior Line.-1851.
'new iteamer NONIIIENER, Capt. B.
arra% lathe; *nu modern ithProthreent fir
affralard. en Friday. the 2d
rr, 0 .4 11;8 wean:
of May twat. on her arse trip--an 4 weekly - thereafter ork
, thther..a 2 a'elth2j.. for th e Sardine. this:
The steamer )11011thilAN, Captoloda C
Jew. Beat ttle- Marie, for the Meerut lanilto
Supertior.onguarzr Northerder.Lauthi
6. d Wilt%
1 'thereiththth. dedl.l2.3.l9lL—if •
,IslairfUturelsl . -,, - i:'
:IgiliggEal 48 - - 4,.=-11r,
, t hatedsum , arciporied' eottroli of BeetSoti• Dods.
n i 'Llgi UL ott:d it thV l X 4ll* tht=.=
transll4o, In am &oft 11.4.' otht at os to
Talks, wolf
other rral. Lino. ,
81.7 anametneots tom al.o been =ilia for thiaiili
1 :Way 'height 'to Islitlrallto; Johostennt.' flollktitphorw,
"WWI. Ithroot,fiheratohis. Petereburgh. Huntingdon. NW.
• Oak, No. Usuailton, Mereyesorh, L netatomo. Wino.
, ampa'. MAY Fora; Ilartotwir, Folorobto. mael alloth
!a loteromediato_polots ou the Penns, ahhith Canal Mid P 011 4;
t a pe
Helloed. Ftweiraj ts ettm Igar i gil T hairura:l froth
' •e1,,044.,,,e,t4 i . 77,4 cit the log; 5ht..... ;_trerg4 l3
• ;op? . , . ,
~ htFll,ll2=ir b gte=
'Second 4kor lend of the Ilitotkl. . •
DISPOLEii ,s OI 6, I3II . *F I.I b Y , IN;
MRGE bosthos si.Plusbogye n ori
ann. Po tnaLmoud ander the' otrlo of "Wm.. mgr,
I . tmctai - Vrg• BISOILA.U.
'Bteginane'•Tnntwortation Line.
ligegg • 1851.. raEIDI
ITECE.E.kNAL being no or open, ad aro we
ar tO rooolva and Canard viinortlr. CroAue•
dman...out and vein- •
rretatnualwara at tot ream =arm hr taarannhk
Prod= and Ilarchandna will be tat trill aid *maid . ..A
geiK and amt. .stout Ulf ohm. for forrardnn ur ad.
trnunue fonsbt. nurnalosion. orator." •
Inlh o g 1.....1.4.0
,km ?! 11161. MA 'ea
Corn Llbli t and War rtu Mir Lure..
: 63t+ 4.43 Fourth and 1111.131441d1ada t Ula. •,
JUIESWILE.ON,Axaot. tOlaltionnu
hatrin b itg= l4o . / CI W*4
'l2kagi 185t 4
Mme' 'Trampirtiiion Linev •- *-
_ _
:DM IM8UIPP1:40:.
Ika,sitllirt O.; pa.! 114141. 476 Pam stmt.
MEIES ItAltlfoB, i*.:Ll.ii.tta.tat4;-atotot Knot; ?taro
A t tie • an atormitt to notion ohm wawa tostebtoutito
byolo.o. to p oath. otootog ta• moo]. to Ma
tKlpota. awl ell intormediato ;loon •t tarot now. sod to
Ina tltoetbanjo sof tootiootanao.
Uo bummed rumbas of /mt. rotifta
oho tott Cotomitotottort tot valtTloir boat , on the
q r %.l4,7 l fgt o racitt i zze d.. .
.IEMffN 1851
To Shippers of Merehathire. Produce,. dr.e.;
TO LITO no* ttrissassa„ rms. lIALTTMICUS TIM N was.
AT1314 a
SOB 01,,prryir= Pla. Mut., sod 14
rtr,lll/41. MLITT, ess %As. Pittsburgh.
JOS , 01.011 N,
_Ws aa , P=2. sa las ass Sam 4( this P• 03111•11.14
Maas W. . W.. Ss. rased nit* sad id.
Wyss.. assiab . say
4400' 1851
littstough trarapirtation Line.
hITSS2 JAMS ! , 4kl:b.a.Vltsfool la •
sms bo.t.ta •d.rl-1,404.-tortweeo WILL tat (b -V.
"R MIS , dilrit
UNictftk Pultimons.
pA V) NG (idly (`..llllllCt.til .. our ArrAlige.•
Wog, •• to to [4.141 , 1 up... IGVlatiit 1.1
ry haslix CsnalA to urn IrriilA t0.0.l fr.n.a rtitp
Lulli.. 404 w. t1.t1.1.-Iptd Von,
WDdailM. C 4 1.11121.4 Lb. kaot 1.4 Mo al
li tv
or rasp And with cuprodi.l..d . th.!!! t.
11411 ' 4 b.. cui6.0.0.4 lilt ea, •24 IL•orr
Warw. lAnipy , U l tart with plums stUath..
ARS 11. Ana gam haa oaccormedllosbsmrt
FloAdolphis sal littabossti ,b tEe
Itlas• , OA/
W. W. WILSON, Watch litaker,,
'No. 67 Marko. COM r of icncrei et., Atubaik
LAIX.S. in Wm Waxcius, JanTLIT.
r/ber ValitS. o7 . o .P . grck n m a.. =
rsge=l Ifsble Mem
• I sacnteentts. rrat=af naw
Wrebtrrk s .ovelior .merstc , . susi)lo4 )7
tteCbe.4 It NOW, sad rmelt warluse.. CU 9,
Lewis . * ,Pateat Rerercible Water Filter
r-1..i0W to be seen in operation at 'rig.
TAU: at OWL PlEmabels. Ife. 11 Mt or/. to.
7.ltraggretrt k=rit " h 4 ! Ibl. “ 1 , 11 3 1er ba W arWZ
*OM Illetal from Alnerkan Institutor et Vora..
and a Orrtlheate Non the aranklla luatatarte of nuledel.
augwrterity lit 10 1 . 4.115
triA.l4o b•Vilt, theta lu
" auw " fir k' lna. March
It erre w.a . taa Thwa r t. to reccumend ta *halos. of
Au ra .15.0 . tha Patera Unmade Water rsherer.Ur .
vented tr.* , Leal. Itarlus wed one of them for euvelv
al =ulna Ism eaahlrd tolla , of then . value.
. • r 003Itilr Mt.'. la: nation rovet."-
• mamma, %me 'new lasl.
The Patent Iteraraltae lasler (inert% tuvostrd lrf Xt.
!unmet IL tools. astljewl ma AT MVO Inlll.
VIVII.O SO hint to lay;erer
twanlrartaltt vhe petit,' •if r 141 , d1 . 4 . ....
Them Men en warranted Is We out. soy melt or
trteu,ratg,lng...trir••nernteoestone ant= : 1 72 , , , t
rear , . mai Ate ent r unie <aljedi not ire terc and Mao ta
only le he wen ur at'ltradat..l. '
utattotf Arcb "l etreot.. l" ifhli"plartelika
RoCkingham and 'Domain iineenswam
liroopwAßD, BLAKELY do c 0.,. manOMAN
„,alWar.ra.kalaurbsEL sod Ulla. Oust Wara.
lirjarair Insth and Moly
tUoa amen baikt stomas. out door to J. •U.
fiord. Ullotmc.'”, r
Uocestatula• Warta tu to ta trks" Dros.oor.
oasopaleat &Walter balsa tonotasUr asuslopnl.o. au
, aka as to kolossca litth 01 the tarorarst istPro.r• 011 0
athe ,far. • _
wow. Om, tottuithil hmtTol~ tPst
Jars, awl art.trito Tae, tobleta„ Mantel 1100.0..0
ter doemala are, la great 1.100 ,
• (Mhos ramtattay schwa. soctagt.t
• ' • noting La Ventilation.
v ltsittl t
PWb(=ebak Omni jot
r"ribp LlWrict abbl
dm , sad Albs ;or al rbebb...... nryW
tanystasursottbst MO . loba t tra . ited;. and Art wro.
ittNiloo b . r4a , laral a Wad ammo, •141
b. igit=l rge ". 40.3. thonfra...'
mon sucendady boklad up= dila plan tb Gem= teelkb.
f..44%laZare• b :4= =Wm 4.4 la . =
, make, oho, domi.nampo.., owl lobo , mas bre.
Agrienit4nd Implements.
tiIAIIE JUST method from die East the
tallsotag hostesses:do. of Ms bort snossfsetur•
• Lbe osotrFt terentims, stsl 1 .014 twits all
to esautto• ZBY
4v:ris,l", Zn t. Z.z7,•=,:mb - Zr"•• 00. •
I=ttkiaZmor—onse and Touid
Iltslocati4 Cons Stalk Cottlas Boa.
Verrtable Rout 0011000.
0:0 Iroise usti tlow Clasta titers. • um •
0, 4
I.ll.okaotilientoted from the best materials, and feo .ol.
at the Islowsod :tool 91ons of
„ .
Corner of Wood sad SIM swots.
- • --
iteatunont's Patent Starch Polish.
FATENTED, July 2Gth, LBso.—Vor
betottfal Clk•• to lAwas. Mugu. Cambilica, Ca•
ie.. .4 Al. perrePto the Iron from
titrzzt• vx•t t •Arlarmmis Mart fromotictiag
Dine:a-4' l g • . ' ol:es ' titlap in t ors to quirt of
stimh laws uga.r. - • -
P., US emu per Ct. Po. •1384...4 reto
at. LOUM% s 7 Ws. '
pley's .. l l 6t•Clay
E suisa.ribers are no* Sole. Agents
, or-J. nest** co., for the eale of their. rot Clay, ..
le of 'Egli establistia roulaaken tbe laanulature
of Wass Pr:4,4110cl Par. O. It Le wale Glove of the abort
Infusible aubelarwer ta...u; awl Is very carefully Wetted
sad e
m i r soueed prrnma to ifrtrallust
.4.) ;I. ascuoutThf AKER a (N). , '
'/BUFF. PINS7--Just received, a beautiful
lJ sake:maul of plain Uold,bhoey /foam/Hod, sod otb
or AZOV stmldcdf able pattrruo.
. W. W. WILSON, JewsUn,
joli • 07 bfarkot otteet. wean of fourth.
S—Just ree'drt lot
F A lEi r d trolTlP ' ' S ILT:2a ) , out. etotoioloor th e
et '
. lAku u !MITT .
WOOl,- - Caah paid for Wool b!
11, tot MURK IV a Llti.
0114-1500 galls. pure, I,4e — ale
J. BC1100N11•1(Y.11 it CO.,
' Wood erio.t.
LA.141) OIL-10 WAIL pure winter
,its NL bi J. d klicairmorft ate.
21, Wood
IQUOtUCE ROOT--500 lbs. for sale by
1310 DIETAL-:460 bane fur sale by
Imslek to N. • prolostion to tba heads is
t h atry bles t ell.fe ""
Imlay* DMA , 7 sad liiWood _
sulZ3 J lIILLIFt.
t r lßEuttla TARTAR-1,000, lbs. fur sale by
J. MOD it CO.,
IVtIITTON - iiiYS-:2000, for
Ws by mom SWIM HAITLUIWB t 00.
- -
tow"l'Y'''. •" I ' b it wiciaraniu.
onm. of Wool sal anti otnots.
VAL Ya ORATE POTASH -601 k. for solo
J'A.11213121= CO.
*F0e1V.090 0 3 1 1.---...
tVerIifiTiNtANDING tlie idvanceitinfite
mg or tb. orse9s . .re matinee togreveTfOr
eappllet of Ste. b...• open mom= nal t Z
rtr soR47 *Maks Hint elksi Thar Ittsailackllaran ,
Atu.l2l= l Licnbl• sztiflt orkfin wit i .
Cheap Back De Lahle.
M o URc.
win • lint of ego (WI ircel) Mast Dri
• w prim o f 3730- - •
Ihirtittltuslins. • • •
• • & BURCH lELD,lrive reed
.13a . ocipAM:3ll abiding Mr d
sunolgturces soma, har AITI; %mt.
MIA ••
additionalßEßAClD,—An suppl 7,,
‘1 DRY G00D5,..; :
62 and 64 Market at,
L COMMODCO on Tuunenar, , June 26;
.1- I. end continone tnePagbent the Math of July.
Tbe(t .lenda nooses milt be opened to the. ridell tesde.
end nye 7 ankle tbrtoOont the establlehment mill be
sold Id Immense maned= Om on& viten
Ilaein meetly made estennlve nurchneen, [heir eearO.
merit tel be band eery dieted and desirable.
;fiV,4l.:AgarAgrutr. l =TUaZ I =4
OnoWts Ban na kno ' • 7:00,
600 pm Venn& and &Mild! oar.
500 11 :on Kat .
llareause Y. .put Cnlon
nalish and AnWriean
330 , and Late. Bleached awl Brown : 110.11n. at inan
statement anima
Aloe. Lanes, Fatiblokleraw. Trimmings. llerelery, tilnaaa,
Linen, W alto Cicadt, J3onnete, !Shawls, Cleaba. A , . togeth
er wan an imamw all event Iv rads, ail
nt walela will hei nuatad down at even
.*, .Am - n
'lranian!. veleta l/e2li A. A. Manus a iae.
—Goods far Winn , . Weather'
of &B
itliUßOftrid lEMLD, a Otri th ev t o
mee, North
cant Von
' tarce ► grger , ."ab"."th
• Xfobroktennt mot Mutat flaellog '•
. I•l6lrhito airl'folt Oillox •
TharO ' d Tarr=Mr anntbar lot of NEW (ioone.
l'arluddr. a.gesblo atm Iledrd. black for do..
black Mohair Mid. LW. gloved. Iladdrrlems, Dotal 1 . 44 t
l anglt t t D •r2 Vaal . = Witll%," aen L a ' t " yrll E gg
' " Trldl, ' •=itigr i r l er " y . .I‘ . h ' anutilat art
Amu nt twlrr roaddoadd odd al torrral meta. WWl:moats
tolurrra to dial and Maim their giurolrades. •
ITELVET CARRETS,,,W. Dl'Clintack has
lu store and krr sal% the lanced aportawnt of Val-
C.& aver efts.4 V. 11,1. mutat. Carpet Wszeboase
B . .
„LPh.elo cb., and tit anis WV assortment of rape,
tint Urumqi. Cainatsto width ha W ri t. tha atinatiani al
ens intern Carnet asthma. 1t0.711, Yevarthft.
o.,_baya nut ranairad ger Fagan, thi.11=1:14111
• 1101,101 of Ow %boas sewn and dasirtnia antlala.•
Alm, an additional supply crimped trimming ribbena,lai
iddrit rim intention of <lnuit:ma la invited at No. G 2 and
More New Lavniv
A. s3IABON- IV CO. hewriS juit. 'received
• this thy. largo lot Of those very doldrobla brown
wbichtbry aall.arry &sap, at rrbolosair or re
tail. wt. Ho. EC and W. Mearltst moot. Jell
%MONS REDUCED!—A. A. hiAtioa
Oa are ste. &taw out their ear lam Walt of Dor,
bbOW, MT Ilidnret add 41111111110.,
rots Taut • bargain. No, 62 rot 64 Nara" rt. et.
White /Vanillin 'QUM&
I HAVE on hoed's - largo eisortment of Im.
ported and Atcurimn QUILTS. M w i rrN o w e ,
irnatil ii nglomd gwea
e. Cara;
11411 E stibActiber, laving made arrange"-,
0342141,16 6,0110.16443.e.0hl kda ;own% bunlneya
mud to drawl by the kot. of .4...41 , 4 nem »o'cdora_dia
ate ark
ift:rga ettrArrg.
Yorolableg ticae . Z.:p . Orb 1T!.*4.•
eathrlba. "44 baba. ar
Odra. Abv, • bows. lOW bbilablybla .0.0 be
0 . 44 0.. Pr 0.... • b..loaala aod
CRAPE LEISSE, and.piak;
rat?, veal...sad
it=l'itabeVr:ar dI4J,Tt..
• • manna:cot
(+RAPE'S: CR A.A.Matos & Co..
Itava u . ll reed B. tam van., Oat, Mao toad Wok
114401... f altos r. tram wed debt
acedvattll besot]
stamp at Not. c , .4 41 filarial
11;A 2-4&.1147t• Cto
tatt opeard 114.1. •Ista tiara Lamm, vont
frajc a lug* eaallf a toomtiful color.
ed La... al my law winos. al Rua ,00 alVil011 1 :
a t'-`4. tr. MIN clkna, 111.• tate and vatted .naafi
arid of Yamada slat, va.lanal Ilie•rh
.l. sat ollata An voytiratel to tall mat *salaam Soon
puveltasloaelta•betto 3.3
Fine Preach Rroaddothi.
`,.4 l ; , X , Vbgrlnir. "" 4 '/ 6 ".w a
G RAPE BRAWLS:, at reduced yokel
*Alum( co. •111 flow cal tbtlroaxl
us. m.: Call Km aa rd d ea.
Ito• 13 Nal WI tit
11' AWNS! LAWNS: a s u:sto . per pr,11... I
la, A: VOW , le M aros/1r .x (1.1.. L.,....
r• lot ckixes, Law. velt - .T.htfii..ll Is go. etty. .4 all
01 ,, N , nom ^% ~. .t.. PI 70'1.0- 1. =ruin , . at co -
.leanrr• ii. vtop•etratir lie irtest; -' ' - ' 011'
i' , IliAP DON'S rrs!—A.: A. 1.10.4 s A.Co:
I kW* slyterettned to clmetauttheteloaroeth.-tr aura
EbetriVarillso at ~.vally reaorat reiftes. The •stn.-
Linn .ir Wks ts ~I kited le Um a.m. c.a. , . ten
,VRENCII ELOWER4I*—.. The catention of
Elmo Ind Table •
' A. MASON CO. would respectfully
e 'the atteenna of bentskotperi War *wry "-
Lomat sm•etroott of cially gets••ll.l Mboned pts••
mad tat. nom, •••n•••1 colors. A. • goy, ho.
ply or kneltastasak tabin eit , tlr. earful%
toyetly el 04 Matto atreq- laL
QIUMMEIt CLOTHS, for .Iden'i and Bop'
1.7 Wear. .I... C•Ast•nt.,ACS Bop'
rli=„tr :lk* and 4.41U.5. rodnd •glo••
etra‘srbr Jur. revitld inm•lja time stem pool,
tttn• ma. of • very .apirlart iisality. pia _
L [LAVE just rewired, direct from the ho-
Perm • Unto amrLetwat Lw•Carmin.r. 13 1
sell to+. Curtsif,Mstertalo !MU ,
K N(1111.11. Thud
UURLAVS- - : 1 ' superior article 40 ineL, fur
eu. tar _ rteld.lll'
— Veloll92l 01 - 301/111 --
2 , CASES Omen rued Jeans;
" Nook IMO QOM
1 *aeon Uoree.
The •
.le= see ilut reed trais motet" tosnateeft
rem oo ear. use Om Flat WV co hmareble Oast
larr lIIIMPUT it LIM.
—noes Oloses try of poet 0t111,17, Is ell re
wort where orotretiosr to the hoods te enetroLeorh es ,
ft. Also. as
,ieste J. St 11. PUILLIPS.
rt., t.o. ooto tleovro or eorsa, oelfserbathe W tvi
pootiour so sit or Inter, Oar 1.1..44 :folk T.AutlVW:rid
tayl4 .
smotaloot of all colors WI qualliOrsof tioolory, with
• ...nose. of Llolo 110.4. nil and Cotton (mow.
for "oryghc4"." ICllOl'. e.
DRIED TialT-400 Peacit
ir-- -LOUR- dwiffs7=rge stock_ of
nmr cm astlia. qii widths saucing from X to ft TO.
• ilm. anwparld to nu as kr• se 1.1. Mae gocd• eau to
Swashasoi at the Vv. Ittaretrants and boon itsarters are
poqueotad 4. WI and duniatne oar stork Whirs wateassistil
thalami: a.a IL I . IIILLIVa.
• Mast • - • . • 4 assaiatiesol as...
Straw Bommt awl Rat irmatosue,
No. 105 M &ant
. PALMER offers for sale, at very
hal eeeertement et Straw . Mill
4 e
-110/c1A716-11erri. sad deserh. plelk .4 &DO
tr.*/ tirahh chip, Gimpy Mill.. Lem UsirJhrels. Ler
21,17t—dlerde, Teerthe, awl Beyf Inborn, doney vid
Ih n. ..: e rsid. Straw, Panama, Mudd% 4.4 //eha
sr. I.lbere. amid, sm., Olm ead
thway.diehriar../ a... 0. rm.
4"-TRIAMSW-lais sound .4 foclat O. Bello not Ter
607 all widths and tok. terwy eadees” U.D. -
ilaNdl—Phdo .4 ogurea sod miatut tut and
AMITY TRIENLY/15—Ords.Tue4 Bottoorhareldre
14YrAiN'eftreueb sad Anteticen tlrrhis, booth. .4
*ewes rieD nod snot *lll..
pt. tire. 44 SW. flornme, and other aryl. sowed
4.11 t. zed eaters. ,
AtA ria•ri—emarte pedalo 40.1 eolerh
dlee—Rleb eed wheel &Wools nabs.. Bead
.Se, made
miro AT
yr . DIULIp w o t lalLout . ,
o f
.1:4144;dt • 417101 14 Arogran, Este
' f.eot' "' tooff.
wow • rerr spletakt•eltOttOtent 01' Vl4ll . itrat Cloths
.ryf Untamable abode sad eolfft:
• lore, and moll tosetesetand stork of EA It
man oat of the, Issnototroi belt 'elected
mob west of tbe el of ',bleb the Pro:4181K
•terallued to offer al such Woes so ortarloce
•ho favor blot •Ith • mat. that sot only the MA .Prttoe
tiothlos lo ead at.thla ostablialusrot. 601 also st the 300-
.4•=e i ri In tittijltotiott Hoseitteffkolt wdatotthl• tho
posalble mouser, ood at the ahortoot ratio, •
toshtlt • , .
W. w. WILSON..
-"- - -
mew:amt. • •;•
•ti IWw md.teutlr P66siludbli oPrlua Shot -•
outtooto?ut In Aetn. foilair4 eatittt . ..l: • . •
WI. Rot,d6; O. Tapeatti
dal I he=o: I ' l4 =IPS
de. 04, .424 Nada.; 44, 34, .N aod
plain do; 1431.60. and ?,wool and dolt*, de.. • • • •
:Extra Chenille Roan ma &.1 do; eMa tatted do.: tie
33. 434 00311303 30. Chetillia Poor ttatq tufted do. do;
"Agtouthdeo", Wet
I eo—P C
het t Oil cto t. eut 1 t w l
T l4 dsa DW or room.
7.4.44,15-4, 44,aad 6d OtlClotha
fth.' Ride. of all dux Carpet Illudlugg Lietear
gelr: dad dui Nomad-4 [lotting], Table Liretor, emit
lulfDitlrod ttaltle%4=Atr...=
CPL. , : de. WOO: dotltatd do: Warned Table do.'
,0 0 . 1- VM=Detr i altUr c attd e. 02 most ave
op=styles sad odor.. we ore preponed to 0010 to Oar
g . mar: V . l ... ..titat: Poe al they czat be
larPeorzaY,,..... 0. tall awl reatathe oar stock at
The Carpot.Warohohoo, 85
W: Fourth
, t •.1•4r./
moasur TIM Mast. Ls the DiamoW I • !Le -
airl"•Telaelee worrettree. at thfe • •
bbla. new 1841,fiek1cd : Herring
h '-' 4 "gruf
pit - ft—fo MAC no* Like Mint;.
" , • " wibr
1A.U.D141 - bbla.. No. 1,. for Bak by .
:,,,_;WWI DISFj *fm.
bbla. No. 1, for sale by
folk ! 1A3113 tutZlaa,
68 WO. A:
N °.
71, I L=Seb
SIACSKREbIt. for: tide 1-4
KrifilitACKEßE. . • . . i.
- 222 bb ? 2 '. L tr 2 ' 9* /. 22
.23 1.f." • 2
ror • tien •-• JC.M.I ANITA CO
O• SUOAft---2.5 . idods. for sale lo
IV -- 17TAIEGS-1 bbL Np. 1,
.1 for sale by
.244. B.
:NO. 3 IifACIIEREL-100 bbls. mud
M bb • stn Dn . Mlb&re s p o tg . '
iehi I le Jammu LZ
§ .. YRUPS--Underifood'a finally= Syrup,
wiry suParicir uticb An =Jam Lemon AM.
mon Mbar; and EumarbmyySlobpn toy solo
MO), I ,•• • - : Groom sal Too Dodo":
n AIRY SALT—A superior articti 'fot the
" 14- "bu. , " - wl.tertmv as
ur Fate DV
.• • , • • . L! . ~...1507•Ltbaty
No i 2 6 f : rnale-by
WINDSOR SOAP-50 bozos Hyde'e, far
sid• by (my . 251 FL A. VA U.NLITOCI 1 CO:
IS/I±lls, 8 6 1 ; 7.l IN
sAP SAGO OnlibiSE—For sale by,:
• WU. /V McCLORGI it CO. -
1 .1 OD FISH-t-L6OO lbei very fine; for sale by
J 140 . WM.*. t&cunto act):
11RIED P.EACLIES-1 0 0 • barbels dried
LIN.IEED OIL-10 bids. Nur% for . sale
ACON ILOIB-10,000 raperiar quid.
fc.P!is br RO.Dl6o2f,l,lMiEnttrala.
CON,7oolelleaus, Sides; Shanlders,
'ID for gab. by , J. 16 . O. £W. ELLIBAUOII. ,
- •
, —
LILOUR-110 bbls. "esti,'" Cour in store
bad lby mat . by Me' a a W.ILARIMMIL
FISS-15 bblc New WhitiS; •
144ERAT13 5 7 100 bozef, pile:, T . , .
• A) bbIL,
IE 1 81.--200 boxes for /WebsJHEO/wimp
itACON-715 Cl4ll SbOUldell,
CIIEESX---8(.! bout for tale •• • 1 -.-
MINI maim k cd.
AOKEREL—Qoarter bbla No. l' 1.
• .
1./AOON---20 eke., received and fur aide by
wick a arcaNmAra
INSEED PIL--10riebbi for sale by
Jew- WICK ax,c.A.Nntsss.
11:1000LATE--1Z3.133e. Bostoi - Cbcoilite
sums. br. 1610 WICK k 11WANDLIKS._
LARD OIL of Bennett & 4012.39 . manor
tam for W. br
Lard. fa: 'ule a ' o xer ix
stoubsat bY .1; W riWojr.rmist.
n -64-CICD°
es a S c OS m , u '
surta; rati by .ooron
iof.)1161.1-40 drums SOT Isle by_
...I DcLlgoccClA cc:
Crnal"l far.. .hyl, , T oo c co.
bbl 3 shelled,for sal . si _
HEESK-35 Lzo 1,14 e,
if _ _
.oito a. F. VON 130:011101USTAIX..
t i ARI.I-12 bbls in store and for by
%Wet k trait ats.
AVINA. SUGali.--5 4 3 bra white
mu, .o&aras..l nelved *al for
Ea. 116 W•tor Meet .
''SUOAIL-30 bbla lost angst (sr
L voted enabon) borit
u a iDal
• • No I.lll. l 4atat amt.
' .14 i t re-E-14 tiereei for . salo ..y .. 1
.I ABI I .-1.2 bblsZio. t Lard for 'sICAN D ab,. ~
QTAILCII--40 bout, Bonbegtxt's extra fur
ado Ir :34 It /Cll t .orcAvuss.
C:ditb 011,-42 bbls. for sale by
..t3 a. A K. iIAttLAIVIL
• . -aIiESE---30 his. W. It, f_u_e: . _ Lg . _
„,,, __ . , a. F. T?3,_PW1L1 , L.4 ... .--.‘f-,
• ofitE.-300 bgt. Prune Ore"' rt ' e ''°'''
fteowind sx4lbe oak bi Jona wirtA CO.
'RV - E-15 times Fresh, for sale by
It et L l •IN
sod lur Wm by D BE-2.000
fe lb' p_F . irae
8 1.714AR-64hhdei reccive a d . for stl: u k7
4O ASSES-1W bbla isst received end
81 Vo:
:to L0"171. 4 " b ry e a .w. RII by
try _ WWI I WC A 1 % ,....
SCORCIIINGS--scat i pp i u x osrb tdr d
MO--ZI kegs—
, sssis by W= WCANDO:".
Ci•el l tit ids • •=sl Z.. tial;! nig
sitil lassd aidat sowisoisat tad stiespist that aist
v.. sa id otaisis•a avast Art esta. la tat
. s sad e w , sad smiling the m estewpcior idalit
*Ur; Paddlisph Caws, diss. with • gnat swizz of tura
sad taititt. 3 lX :r• anssitarat
i •
IYE FLOUR-8 Ws. for sale ti ' '
will IL DA ACO IA K''
(IIIEESE-4 3 bons good W. R., for rade by
ly. or____3o 31.1_!._....atr. 00. •
lot ACOI4-43,000 lb . ?. Slocaddera:
"own 3w soW". urriVa co.
F i,oult_tob t i..4 l2 "
-1.7 W . Ojailli=
USTAAD tip-. 50016& for vile by
. IYtoTor,s_a CO.
ACON 1100 ROUND-5000 Bacon
ID7 b,
LIP Hum Mu. Sbouldite for oWai man.
IS •W. _
/bl..for sae
1J mr~ .1 W. uAnatuuti
UGAR-60 tads. N. 0., tot ado by
6 th
.acts Us
Kk se sotellalis h j aoos,
pdoe.-Ile. n'WEet_ilt
nt-- 1 1"-^-Au'uVirt - zviAmo... .
011.121111ilTVI Natl. • • •
BROOMS -9.50 dot. owsdocm to boat; --
.'773 tonrso l iraltitt
.. - . J. D. WILLIAIIS & CO.,
Corner o:, Wood and ATM Strietg, Pittebunk
t..'E NOWIN STORE; antito siriive this
,: kogss====szspo r,
11 y bozos pr. , ,14 doom Mug 0.0 WI.
46 blets4 - :do. ' JO: 60 040f.10 news:
0001014 1 .
IM. , ttif lUD ODLIdeL d i
~,.. 11; DWI : g:”O• , 10.0 -,.
oitl bougoiri= al TO
loup NO
__ 23 i 0
4 rda j aul
31 Dbl. ma. 1 0.4 mom • 14e4 wiz;
,1117..prus 11.. or..
1 0711100 Cowie..
4 ••• . 0.0011.0. ~
1 6 ' .: • WA VtT i rM
11 doc`lllll.
1 D bl. bor• lk6 no
,1• ~ 1.4... Tut., .
4cr yawl toi/. : .
L a .. .131% sod 140.1
• TO Salt 14 da 'WV". •
2 ma s E hr a ill= 4l .,;
trIO Maddsr: • •
• - b.,p 4
ii.k . :ge • L i = i .
116DliOargyl — 1 . 413 W.
44 toes Bwasio 4 :4441444
dam IgooNlilselingl
WO Om 0upqe...1 16,41,6 4"an
100 " 11. Indlio; .*
t 44.114,
a l a N 4. TIMM trot tr. itRA"4 4 g .
Black Vox Zi Ntyl, , !. I Nut w ai i ."
16 ° 12 . 4 l 'U'a i tlect - O . *: tiroond NUM
33 623.1t10E , .: ~. -.. : 100 3330.0.31% . ";, m .
3000 W. tbrtas 00 care Vire
ON, bsses Ilerut: . 5 . 1"....c ' '
100 bids. N. O. 6 ".'. lascolguran
po ','• . Mak Cr'd *our, NJ ... TaNatalietehnit;
100 rams Ihreausrs ISJ! 30 •.• 1•33Ti1 5 a...1
SOW. 1401 , 1 en •. . . IS : = „..,. +..
33; 1 13. BIM eilim' r.W14134131 3 .V 313 .
ingrArthET ilarci- -: ' 'I .
VI Es - b reck t tit a • • • ... :" '4
11.104°.bts..1114atrrPt Now la
Nou )• Nallsooffd !WT.. , ANktter Cnietran
woo Om %Mum-. • SW bli.^rmilb .. Liq .• .
48 Ob. Volume Mk . : . 31 0 . 33; ° , I, • 1. C. a It s X'grx%
i j o% w. 1. 9‘. .V1; , , „ a. - .„ 1 = 1 „,„ 1 „ ~,,
A ..- Tab.: • ' • - ' V ..., -Seutit'
N. O. top Land IlelasogieNdthqintma 4471.•-
._ liad i rn t. a sp?t.
-1 0 =4"E" - . 7161 a 4 WI/Mt% ,!.
AWOL , • .4. 4004 4 004 RI P.M ON
........• ... . ....
/Moon' COILPANT. ricas:rinbirpnated
ftbraarr. 1151. with Perpetual Ctortare-# I .P.It
neentesoned banana on • capital of SlCO.Cata' ' ' '
Nl TJZS=fbaimn . , T.U.. .tb• 4 o" 34k !r a.
on the Joint Met plea the Wee oreenethlrd•Xj.
nfta charged by Mutual Ccaopenies. and Intent Per auft
ftrer then the esteem( anon Mott Catoputioa
!Insal rats an the sun ft thou, aterateelii other
safelylotelooted Campo:ilea noon lame! Ibe *MR
'al principle have the conebionl marines Inulaterd bribe&
emem tuncrafteereasathe Cannel earl Partfti fteral aQ
the JohnStook deptinanat.. •,- •
The Menet ferrate the granting of hanintirei be `into:
' la every faro. lodating the lieht of rifa cblielzepoar
mats. relation: [Sends creellfte—to land* 'thie O .
'auotherfor nonevent...lean betiellaparibblOn anegal
or upon the partleterrlnna at the aft .tat... 0.1,. or ft,
ett the opt/cm:Of the tosttacd.•.
• • orrlcau•
Str i lkicaris TA X ..., ett .
a Colton, becretairp:, .
anet If• HMO, • uu , Ph ' • •'•
• J ohn O. Dthrotth. • I.llftriea.%. Conn.: •
&atoll cann,. • • ' Wt. PUMP.. ;:.- ,
Hnie w n udnh a u
n . ft 8.
er ,..t a u ry r o
fres' . Walrfuna e l TnTa ,, •
= ca t Iftyeafaien ..w r4r= l . - , :
at .
lima!: W. Inoutla rain/fteaftrat . Bab
'!.lValsh Y. D.
11)ilAn e ,7 Erolt.hoold.irtivO,
: . DobXr. elud tua Fourth • _
• JoEux Crawll* 11.szb
Dr. Dilworth wi be in attalidanow.K . -
'da t. Ace of the CoppirFf• Na . 4 .Fugg ro g ;
Jr.:1410r2 ' c..
tate ifhtlia Fire ThElitlllo COMPW•
MUNCH ornes—zu. 54 tbancnituilbauret
=1, 6 1w utoter
P)Geet evidence:a Um mem a,.the
rem. In endeaeorins to make tbe STATE mar.
• Wild L'aUXLSCE CUJIRANT Meet Ms tn.. ce
the commultr. is the unparalleled unnt ef
et Idelk hes been dm; Metre' feud 7 200 Pdhe.Win"
the paat yam thereby Mtn. orer...tddr . t. r o Marone.
of theft:Pl:many. - Swab' thrprtmert y 11 of the
rfordOnd In tiske, wad • .ree IooPMM toMni
• emfrd. tls
nco; UN. +, 1
Da no. tn _ TAOS ,
..Amasstt of Property Lmtred—...- SI AM . ..,
rmalial.ttnnhated,esplen l42 = 2llol..,,
ytl67 p 7
Lo. ow t r..del7i;:".lZ - e.--.7.: SlAnd y.;. :.-:.,
L'. do. do: anceled--.. _,TZI2II*
:Mb. Imitative; aid yo
;PM.. In floor of tin up, to cub— :-..0 , 411948.
- • To My or country oterchann and mum of denatten
'end uawa ...a wpm: is a 1.11.14 mo•
mu. Moeda advantages an point of chmtpoole....enfety. end
smutty. inferior ID IntramentonmerOMM
Canteen:4 on the opthet. and M..teel I tmr,
• of CleeetessketofMAL meted's.,
Yourb2g may .1411.U0S enemata mem. Mt' dilf.thheld n •
'donne Me frequency and tectIMUON of art
Sooreus Na g lr.. n
on behAbontrahgod w PimApt=
the cheamer end o
entilka 4,131 . 5. 1trr
. 410.0 &G bma
ar. Y.
C ES e t i XIDC.I.M
Alm, John B. Pectm John B. utherML
' • ` • L. • • . P. talT/1111trai
rr T
nf7. temident:
ft. B ,4 be Died. 1111 Meow ref .esot. le omiring
has be. edged by toe Direcum, and me v. ,
eeivabla az thkr OM. ALINV . I4II. Of IroliMoolll WSW
it. {bp and of ninety daya. . A. A. Camara, AM
r . • Pirolnginal 6 oS; o !.dli a l iti t a •
MEGTGAS: -.Charles ,W. Geo:
' • W. Ittellard;.Thokakrt , E d 0 .6.1
az"..SO l o?!pb..,ma-Scsisareanori Om% Dumb. sowav
as emu dOgriOca Pwrri.A.r. 14..4; imis t 44o• raT.L.d.
"Mb Metz attal Prwalasmi.saf. l l
ampla swot/aka la she
T arets of tb* lzmapanf, Jaalai ht,1631. ampule
llama vermllaly VA aes of LomsabWora• Y Ibtla.4'
; 'ams4o44 - - -- •
Lm • that[ 1m5a1t.....t .c.rtglod. of PIE Ys m. tee
Mp i akl of On. 11111ima POW flaolrelT
Lows by tbsreby 'olloogrug af
itarraita... of Immo., es war. their Ability and O.-
porittorr tommt •Mt. prompt...
J. ti...11.1121YJS OVJYI2I. Apra.
Pt]. Ogee corm. of Wad amt 34 sta.
Finn . Maud Life - Co:;'
(. J. filaei . tr, deieard.tllo. zits ystirif
Ist the boner examentesx• of 3•3103 a rrll 2 / 3 31 3 the
loco p.rt at the - omit.. ward tux S la 1.33ri '.1341
trawl to 1.2 sad 2to 3 cerlart. at. mut0.,33133,43331.
Sebeeruunktr Cry Noll.llßool Amt. wbot•
tart lnfPrattq mill r=7"l.i.=4/
VreVta 'of .11 2:3131 . ga Ot to. 11X313 1 21V3A0 1 1 13
! L" Ctud ipEcek arch MOW 333 reinituallt litia33l3qp—
'Mel:rtidernitigif—tas4")",'" h'
Maine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
!lILE Insurance Company olliortb America,
IJladelsolairalartermill9l. Capit+ll,.l., AZMU
war/ 13.11161.810,13.5 Will was lemma , .
witarno and tluir earateata.g %iv and • idoltr=
raa Vb. btradal P"'triauta,Apir,
Aitime 041111. Pm% 0644.
E. 4.601 D.
Joh. Um." • •' • WillifsaMfaisty • - -
same . Smith. rranclo Moldna. • •
Mafia fair,
Jsmb IL Thoozsf, ;
E. Mats -
' Mots tbo GUI* .I izaireme• Company Lofts 11.
14 BUM.
11.4 ffofs Ito blab 4....111.5. of=sflg.,=t
oast afoloilmg WI data of so to UK Sofa.
" n"d 7r i " °l ,Varit 71V16: Afto•g' .
' • No. 141 from ft.r.e.,..
w ecznansuranzet Cmapany of Ritatn.
APITAL $300,000. wil.T.En; J
Prieldiait. F. 31. Gordon, Perrelrl.
I W Mears whirl a/1 tin& al Meta. Ms sad ltanne,
e• UOen riapralrd and ZICCIMPay Dodd.
, • bona Itaititistles—aaaleWa es iareeicea ear. are wall
Immo m the craiairmillyoad et. ara datararloist b g
Cr'=' li el. ` brat pretertaa.. telticaa
/nmscrva-10lillari • Or, Bad. G. W. &Ora'.
Jr 4 Wat. C Mama, Geo. W.iaura ffi l
tatTl- l.yari.J lams I.lyrineolt, them Duda. ilalsaw
Autry. Alas. Maack. Strie.'Sratt. ' ' ' "
ilevar. laza .0 Water Wert, (Imegthpose ANI foot I Co.
pp Maim) Plrtaburgh.
ielaware fluent SafetylaserneeCoratiy 7
u ,,,
MANN; Chltd PPP. D1ND.44341*:. , '-. •'2 • -,
Issonara..—BnikUmp, Ilacharrenr, ano othrs
kroPP 4 M M IDES 4.3 c omPIIT, Prom f wart lvoi or
pow by Imal M. lows rate of mlnalam. ' • - • •
, 31Awa. Insmancm—TlPT Id. hnor. ' VIroal: , ...rei
Ono nue... WPM: Pr a:Pm, oppr opro,A4 !woo.
policies.. the .wand any desire: ' '
Ouzo Twerransmsom—lhry OP *Pre 31P41n1:W1• ,-
r =r . l t.. bi . Wn,pgs.. d ilsJ l root e i T . Canal boats, and
' DuArrAP—J_Prpla IL baMotond A. boaSer. John C. ,
rDoted Dlnlw, John U. Pomo: larnma Edspols.
MVP, uvitost.,,b... U. DPP. WO. '
L. John Newlin, Dr. 8. - a. Huston. James
lanal„ Tam RAMP& IL Joao* Ilscokr. tinny
lona 'lt (Ws, Powys ForlllbpaPer WIPP%
1... k rl/4.4.o.Jetterm. Your gn7.l Pr•a•Th.F ..
ohn hewn, In. Eyre. Jr.
• Poser.. a rmarana—.4). T. Noma. MO •Ctedi.,.
471111SlIra w. '''''l4l.''' ., Iv . tax " P
15.4- _
lelrMris a Ibm Onapney. ho. 43 IMarr Pend. P ail.
bor . JP- • [o=tf ) '
.. A. 1111PatIA. Um!,
Ifir •80 95
"7 85 "- 9,9
. .
. .• -.• Per cent. SurlLitt...: -.- ~,-;v..:.:.
bf.LL FLETOIIER L CO., Micaiitsetn-.
...-1 ALOOIIOI4 PorrOphila Ibr CologarloalBrIn•
Copper laattlial Vapor Watoltay strata as blot. •••
N vim aaa Fraot Amiga. Corromr4-01x3. •
Mil .ft= P11141021:11 •111!.1....t 7 iVala
kt wrart market prtors. • . • .. aos.r ...
Zr 0,161 Laerty st.iFoiriserly pirilayiekerfactory.
b. nasampflittsbarz.) OtringiZ4 'IN , Y.
. .••
.4,pasisl 4 nralM WM:tn= 1 Iftw"w nt
utuvust From lb atm* lamb stay 11.7 OW i
solo trop • toll aseonsoant of tbo bat isodel. and
=Pred ao4bosa , Trost art. C i Mit
ea, of N. . boc. .t vintager. Sareska rob;
Illov kat WadraerbolOOLlPP sod Wabor beak abb.
W spa rood approved brads. vrb. Rath=
Obleassat Winos Absarbta. , ash
bertha. notes wad babonto Mem. =lob rtorr
. 'nobble, hire-,.s tbsvca rerosedd• team
Ow or lb mum. kr. War. ovrarrobir tdo
ti l l lbeb. pity./ N 'ort.vite Stoe
ta ambled to l • ebbs. aod • ban =Va. tbs. Ala.
Wort bow in tble dli. Phu. Om vs a WI, tavro
Mr topplSa fres oratri duies; ind it iiii
t o,
. • OARD.,-.1 hiv6 removed to my new otbie:.
(threw 4ove trlow.).warly obiooalf. Übe Raak olr.
/nab, vb./ I will be glad he en mr rrirods and lei.
eillsoar. and SPRi'M It .ban of cassora.. l I V
dirs:Wa Ppeing...atettoa"M I
asi Od
PM fillatlß Bd& Batton. Alice IllantrUNQuatee
lnabbr . =.4 Oovesortei Made, Of freer. a
r.emtil Door
..... == a arl o at/ k V.l6forple r. =
!all/ sollcitgal saloostrrarlind . . va i .ai 4Q, . ,_
T EMI PIP E•toiitell'is" 31150 . ,
lat ugrant.. , • •
All din tro band and tayrl t r i ntagba ani i`
• Anna arArt;
Seed Store llemoited.. - - 77 7: 77 •
THE subscriber bas removed his Seed Stale
from &toad ttrott to JD* totillug rectally oompidtt
l it, =l; 7 4lllr u l . otitarada jtitt„,ttntr
Ot i VrILALI l lAir. • •
l lQWittreet mam, —
Atm., sad l'acoltb;
mat. SS 854 u,
, te. olebVl
ontmd lettoCo-Partbersidi r oodertbo term' or Esti*.
• - -."
M. °RIMY: - -
R:.TENT MEDlGlNESoLc.—Margentoble
a Om wad forsala am the sao4 libalal larna,Acill,
li' M '' ... LtallailiaMit . PAL= I ::. 4'
f= u std a llozhlal.. awl „
1 =1? kilns al llealllV ,
Pulasonsry Rail=_ , .' .. , %ri p- aziesateißselti , ..:
t i :1 4 . 1 " ./3" 2", • . Dal aes Carnalnatlve - - -•- :'' '
Andanozell 2 .• Laiaaralta. amp. lor tba ,
•• . Ilaapees , ••-• • , ... can or inner 2:•11, Sava
... Eel J AElti•PylpPlPti. Ida. Brablitarao, EM ue of _, t
." Ormabutt uTo
era- - •"' •Leaaael
./ 1,1,.. :
.._.. . . .I.4alta - • ' - ' ''.'
. p... 11 ,q . . ,
:: Larl r. .44l o,..s.r. Llailaallt . , .: -:,
..‘..,...,.... , r ..=.i i .." .. . '•, h t.% 14 .., -•-•
HOGROSS STEM. YEN S, 'of ail rsli- "v0 th r , ,,,,,i,,,,,,,i, : ...1111 . 1LiM ammg : . ,
t" - toduntpu 00. fAr.
,oaccaaaba~t=d TT POA : acos - - . worn of Vast sad illala anal:
eatetastal Istaantbantierst kr NU
W. ir Wilfiltli
pla a
OSE I HOSEI I. MOSE I I t—Jeet , reed
tram thy Idantactory 10805t00,3000 foatlo4la gab.
coo, siats mato/ from 114' to 2)( loam to dlaatatzt.
• Lteo• ta far =make to oar. boso alsoottetorat of
that. for hydratt=adar=tro Koalas
'a Irbil It to to r e that ma=
how that gm from our ostabUthatent it manaated ix
the parocor Intended; co the moon Wooded. -Jot% tl7
It rot iiikat lb* lodla Rubber Dev 4, No. Tpara Wrat hy,
ITEAM -PACIKINO-4000 pounds' mixed ,'
PlaSit sal Pon- ballin- Eaton ,- Pollux tem UPI to
tuba Welton:nand to b. t.b* val. tan Parkingopl
6 7 47111 1 4=tnizo b. A l as I t tevi=4 , l l =
attinn 1.."....- Porntrat On . WA.'
amt. NA 7 sad v. Undid:tn.
SIM ',••-, - • . , • ' ' ' . L'ailillinit - Pgr . .
I ODA 1.811-600 corks of our own 'mark=
laature, aaani al oail•antir .blittt••••
pa say impartad: ma I= ale at too toren market. rim.
~! /MIS WM DEW • 4X1..-
• Needles' Celebrited ' - •
Thonsattbly tovallettedsslartlia bale beat. made Ste
itatitricwhtitttaittbey hat*
Adana at the histbest eteattenn, *I- aa qtr rear
110,h...been aabtalUact. Stavw - gle ea the mat tatteetit
te.d... 41 4 wit Lue sea a/t *Pe
The tagetclicota of their tampeattlos, vets ta15M17. , 14,
berowtST vttabt.d. render them sesolistis aspiicable to
f Yoe 'as is tae Istaltg solia. • -
ttlagt. Ida le! pal. tbe. tartan ttevagalil
Tar VP Ati gates i=s7 t th rat,
matarand :meh aa bstermsee'
re a p`4l, i 'r ye thilOA'anislrr=eg
from pqrsegir minx. at tit UNtr
r= eipeziesapd elm a bee ir'S eaglt= eir
66066. ' .6, To =II as onller with rbulatk , 'paths: tb66.'
j u r . vitt. Q. t0.01.1.0..M.141 , 14%
Old thdr.tratfaa effects - will Za.o.i , r6r7 4.6266. _
! , , 8.. E. USX 2.67 , Wood 4...
itc=tr.:=l`%iititi=le l ft
sabering tease laanAnd Qv=
frosrcir.klesp lem:ma= Datand•
aro reeled. ?kw lad:014TO
a awls an antiaa, and in tbla tbas k•W
ly canyaktien barnren= linasaakil.
• N. Cake will do tblay du= or anew, WI ?la
badly 'bona viibma it' , _
Pries 12.4 cents pa Caki:"Fnebige= lam fa Mrs.-tide.
for sadeby: spraM . : le- K._ it..lll;bB. 61 Weed at. , -;
- - -
'.,.. •PETROLEUIL' OR Rocs. or.L.
..: , --.. . 6,
....u v .l.iiiirett grid Uttli: . -
ri'lltik. iIitTEIE ; of .this reatuksble mime,
A - ..; ' ay, '',',4 thi, existent application for% lo th * nuo94;
kon Me nulueed blot to bo=ut ti
et Vu bell., trail 11,
Vie Prim is procured from s teal in thlt aural
ty.lut i &nib of bur bundred bet, ts a yore: unactultara.
f ro m'tY without Any, envision] thusly. tel Mt. on•lt•
Monm Nature), Greta Labrutory: I nut it coolulnu
in to
iIL lumber of airevos.' Is no law= •
boater of . • Tilers en tosay tlalnuu In•Ino i3s.
ea. almost... ' If Moon, roight be or Irma nda.t._, ..
irz:ret4 Vadat anderilte...d rerbutor• the
fen ü bla . ..e . s 'of
IM Agnit Y It lay nn
in iu4l l lll,A.a • r o rZ
Iw o
be The coonualt nod
inaudj .
sing nalrforit,anitl tonna
of nunn__,, ,, t,„_,._=. r.,,,,i •
fanntd:te I, rite Indication of its. future. 3.w•rN.P.-•. 1
r_kii.":Zelrot."=.l4 _ tot e r : X•i , i 'l ;rein t ift c• t • • i i
•-• ini bzlimis:fas Thal the = akin. OM t.." 11 vOrt. it4 . =
'ollttattlot Of thollo-RbO miter, nut with tO to
It taltt .0 do not claim for It n boaleasul eraleutfun tuun ,
eel Mena . , unberitanngly tilt *bet In a utunber at '
Mona It is- mrt•thea: •Atooag amps = b,
rittWirßihtitTli; w : ,A3VOT4o .. ritiu v n,
.. r .. ) ,,, ,, rum....., wiansolon of Anode —totrlo., mu. -'
CR f..VItYLAINT. DY8PX.112 , 16, Awn., biome.. ofilboi
MlX , snit Ekfrom Palos In the Bock or Ws, Nervous. ,
liorcentynt, ratan fihsabutnelbfkuit:B,7l3)). '
else, Te th er. itturworms,••••=. l 3..lth. e‘u.• Old =Mu'
Ur. Au. In mos of debility. resulting , floo>=7/4,1
T.,..riAnvii d vire=olia ~a _A,.... t .
re . t. a mit• _ ._,
..,,, 0 a ,
A i lu sonltouue. ti '''' tho l Lmic
+bole frairtoortoarizut oar soma
lb .;.,:übluilf,uttleuts4 1
of liri ... etol -n'u;Ae'''' knows of :m ewes o =IV
Inst. remitted oyea other trrsbutellt. ;la ;lave nadir t.•• ea
of I/to.PETll.ol.uult foe - .1. - elsort tbun. , The propf sc,sto
:glum to any .I.= 1e1..:i Venire. 1f.,.... , .. - : : . . ....,,,
' • ''''''' Ip n ° ' ..fthq ' , ‘ i1 1 . ,4 :, . A 49".
- 0 a •,•A tilZa. anal '*_.•••••• fkasenth etroit.••
. . • , , Ale% by X. L. 5.y... , ,b7 IN oat if, _,ll. '
, ,•,'; ' , r- , ' - •lort ligralal - * Rl'DoWnl.: . '
• i...i.;l4ilierollf .1/ftreprecesSWlNlrglry, Irbp 1i7.: i
I.S.N.LY___!MP.4.-__ :1
soKn'T jatmen sickand . aftictect
with d isms of AM Bladder and Sidosyrk lab sibsis
tuts& of. ilioWsttlf idols. old ions,
araltlrgra"rali' =.1.7
youpessi, bus ibis doss tot maks t ors torte
la.tb• Ow of Li busssweacosounity. dist it tuss vistato •
•btsb.At• ocalsOsert. to Any stbar tom*. ! n•ssoft
tso mum . srttb - vabs: sad euberius from Win . =
btelsi seLssbot MU , •••7' to. in". •
I...i.i.sofsbasernio couipouud.Pst ST U. 1•Mo.
ct Imposing cm ttuecoosomoityt but e is • reasedyelsbons
to! try du tosstsrboad of nature. and bubbles upGrowth*
tam of our stotber sossli; la Its:coistael gutty, goal;
b . teAo sullesisui ltspazdty rusty reemsly, • patst• sibtlt
71.11bui road Plkt• eft. otb.r have fal•Lts:
s•Ww.. 'my rslif. Das swat ttbssuoss=..of la%
ststodiAtousd ser t ittO Irma sad most paufal
pp eared Cholera kicabos. br oteor aro.asem-lt.
- eared du of Alurtters, srery other asamitz
has Eiva-of Issaa. - As- • tstsl •rerudy trona Ana •
ItiOrt.t.llkA.i =mama nzapounds..olatoant
that w• Samar f. it rill ours chliblu
o ol Y Atut frosted fast,
44 th gbs . r ralt" rutbeont•isled 'U TtbS tEd
lout ILly . .lt. Canal ilstiss.bosruip stisr.o!
- Staratesuts. • • - •
!•147atrys„D9141=44: r.44'.lt2lntrsadTkief:D.
Thufbarf ss• AO* mom. • •
Dom the discovered and ooh ImPrbe.
nut moths int lonefnal madadan.ual•
lla Iniretr of tlar oanbrated ioetromen Oa Mallow
I.troga, effecting Leon of er Claude dna... Jana
deal M natant saysiefun Meta Pbralo, utt titai
andante of On lltdaenati PC:13147/nalson4 far shim •
7.= E.t.a.. I. tna itmalsation_ of die
and the audieatioa or runt. tbuoto.
Through Ma am of Ills Wallin tab.. la conneellanirttli
Mr Prontirtaello 'Strap. and caber of Ilia nmedna, ba
gained en onparalman ennuraor in egging Man sendlat •
.124. fatal unnuller Snterrolar. Comoraption,
LStrofign'ititinatiannia-itethina..fgrer and num Tann.
all MM. Ullook.Errepetraa and all than Mein. 41i.
earn walker to Inn*. land. army. Rul of anon •
raindidg ender 110 we Otnia iginedkniel Udell Mann).
leis.teeVargo ma of on nocamand callygra tint
vanatoble .ao •rj ted Plad& p , , , :‘,7o ical fg .
pgrn g
torn of ann. • • • ;
• Dr. llabra Palle Allentlla TVs; rMu tnirlae
lute nor to all Dalt. % rap.
tattriZgl" •
nun. Er tba Minn rum Pon. ll i. -
tad to noun damn.. bat bang attuned Mat a bus
ne isi nnt to eata
ini. blleb. lank Ma Ono Or &not.
, amieted tortnanerdl Nino rbO Ulla. rllnt_rir
um (anrn) 011111 of the Metre pararblenyrbrit
ad ncoord et nab tonntri and bo. ad'
Pce sale= cSUbT
J.. &Mounter 0714.11
ierj.TaM l =,'stear ths'A broiitleicbc's •
JAarr zitu lardr=4 !MM..
VIE AFFLICTED will , be round hi
Dr. Devitt C. Eellinerei F4LLIBLZ LUMSTIIIre
or tinge i7atd. which tauten' the net of WM' tevsm
neesem• and; has, beyond • &Of. - been the menu et
Wthe Uuenf It memo& or Innielcla./.•, In alma unfit. •
aul &anew, at db..... We fed that ne beard au,
thins Inaing QUM.% RI the tele media= (het tambour
• • • the aMieted, that nom, in ...Team of the eentie ,
Le mold Mr:
, •
• It tat eare and Is amiable of mains mere Itneenee thin'
nu other einoentlered side, We cant not b 7 edema
nude or told, or by,nbat wane.
,itelastromesed ourtnetne. Inver at taw atom Nee ger
LW It ts the celr ankle Mut Rue Mileued- m ut tba , ,nent, ,
the•Mr=lly. 11;17b;17 - 1D17;t n t:
7.'2"..PFP.. P4.•_ rA4 V. L OATIO,
:,.},Vl49.llemois IL ihnoull. rift lica.
_e s Alai Wm. ho
ts 'Jo/Lath,. uuu. &taw;
roi7Vultiru. oh.
Edi of the •pleit
Mtn. ne4 • beet anther elletlnudebetl cilium of Ne ,
Yost erno bsentay tonal Ito nutPA. RelteJPal
greprietar to Teter to than. • _ • • • •
Jka It bereft IntentAtst. fault Ibeelletumes•
lay gee gee ' Teel thr It! Vb Int •
Drawl, Shik Wood. trockbegannponnel bat te.lncrtJ
rues beam JU Ern friends we we, Pk
'teem. nut hut. MU mutt -an
Is stuns llntt
valuation yr: 411. ,1. men u& Wellness ann . madly*
and aeheatha! dull In.
0..1.11== bane been sold without
and have paint. nub estantehber UAW.
remeinahaw WI., at nonld RUM Uwe: tad not aat.
offend. and ~In one ptuentx..ths strongest penibie M.
tater. elands. U Wooed Storn
Art Internal as well as .:tout on. It use I.'.
apt. tbadteuent_pert•-inetne It tweet mei strenttlr......
IS • tin= jenubeee-eutez.rnlines
e/I spina affeetione. douses tbe Sidne7r, oak
Weekends Is gula or hush, n® - .bate.? GUM trITIr
";* Utrlttebni•b,f W:SicCat,
I:ofend Ord. it Emma.= tad tb. mg' DrotlM.'
M.1',47,,J3 UAW, to 1.4; cue ! sad et ?ye.
Wines and Liciorn
„ .
~. . . .
To the iteadere. et theePittstfugh Gazette.
I)DUBLIC :MENTION - ie ,TeSperee alle.-
11. •, t 106 to the 'phasing trottes....*.th'-in olio
awedoh. W. lakporbtot rootedies of mole. timed • : ,
Pf:flu=rdt OX ROCE . Rt 1. not 0000 thus Oar
allure done the , gnat ens hmagbt bed. the
pa far the tote a O 4 ewe of ...... . Its vest /
to bans one then, teems follu t yd ri or•
emos:p i atod.septe that the II fa the .
tn. Siltits fix. mai in not the
ra, . •dge,,.....,:g.:4,7-7-".v,--3-.,..r4.
sianntnuas to , . been forgottra Detroit= '
a .audeferfashantekd to the depths a the. art/ ..
bo • m. 0.. e.ed soup wax hauala to learn all. lik=l .
i prat... i h u ti: oar =Awe trr . ga , l=4. a .k...
=lto dead. them rato wa71..4...a0rd Or pat sf..; t
teem is es stettemesta: The
( sick ere .17
.-1.. 1 . 11# to aW...0 Itt.
•o7 r / Q V Wrscurlt to sp•ovr' the tafoln i. t of ' a;
or bum am e of the.. 'Ms: se do not dears'
to {Daher* eresetkitaettly that abt bath la *sham toi
Oar MOO should be tahhia entet tetes....h. It e M.!,
rlet seeethingsay Ostia wild.. In the taaterle med. .
nalst =waisted thels—hotitlaa auxbioiserrtatorS;
r gl. Z 4 44 " 0) ... 1... F:P .01 ! .. t 4..9..irift , t.^
, waha . tb. a rg- mee; iep sae of oar two derma :.
who mere. ihlinel. hafe be. nadond to akolat... 8..
4oW ewe et Mdse., in the Peet. of OWN tem bell -
duo else, am owed • goollessart In Boma mama.
Tlnee ere WI thew ets ea. near loom and tear •
b., tete eerf serious w ate ho 'bres Oat. on the rob.'
i,,,,eh. , v.. vote ewe toted l tis =
...tem abwodOW:
ed, by phi - gouts a. I ran i... The wigwam hill ohm, .
vim toed scaedeVX freedom.- ston.
labn on,V 4 f....,
lieeth-aidea tsibe hAvesima Ate. sa *Ojai; h r ="e':
the,./Atea Llassae ustsha
t ,
col ilroactacia, and star '
R ....,
adeetion. of a
psyoc. thread. Wu.. feaidfaa ; to Pr .
~ mat s,dieteare of the - Plodder arial Ilthearea , i
(teat Mal& tb.......hq' TaPa. is. Qat. sat lloakene.
s •We • eases zeareteaSetelhe. seal hat Deft Wet '
et thastans dime.. sithin.the PeetToor with As,
woltterabet roma: Certraeakethat Oil artrodate an is.
qulatof the preaffetar,... beim take plesenaer la deed.”'
them to tile satiated or thdriklapda, • , . .; ;. - .. .
re ahem' tap say about tbdi taellehtok'fill' .
ietnaleaat u tn. 5..1.4.14116K11 a tb.. , ege.,z • atovieisa -
of high atetolitia Ls the alsfealioo see, hegleattpx to AMP It
in tbelrhonictiee. Itime who at ant het t 4 arl Intl. dold4,
sod onantalate, new award lt•dae
easederstlon. Befteenothee ran rot/. .011.1d a g erk: ill
axesellati testkastrtedge ten the Yettele AS • ant*
at nealidso ever deateared. , ..Por We, *Woods tmd sea. ,
ta.h.. by ' lilting a Th-DO 4a.Wpot at. ;,.• ~
, hteo-IL. E. fielhas, 6: Woad etral l44 lll. .I..tas t.. fa -
had 0,04 Ilhoe.a..* i.t..taa. e. ad sad -Rant sta. ,
!ELLER!? imptatlAL - cOUOR SYRUP
. _
4t ttetia >.
6ALE . :ll4Ni.K4llMl=nt , T l2 gt. 4 i l' .
SUN.% to mat:ann.:o,W., sad half god dlibonsed
foofo.tcatad.tOkaMiloar.Arkyroi VirogM •
Vfoinroo T tlyro "7" tt= l" ''
1 1 1 moo imam. 113! tor nriConcsodaeolel..,.
Mr==kal.o4W ilat 4491.-."4"."1"'
=aim 'Mold sot oabooit bow flOidoes So. owlet abon ct
vben they - mon" 0.4 by o boUlo of uo . •
, soclao " LI wool at. awl ;o - oiorkel bouratibl.;-,