The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 14, 1851, Image 3

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. . .
Before tho. Hon. Wm.. 13 - McClure, President
Judge, and Bon: T. ,L. McMillan, Anode' is
•, , raosiconol ). C019:1121171D. '
Boten Itialb '
• .:_, worn—Mr. Woods. lied you
, any conversation at soy time with Solomon no
/ nor (one of the director!). Vu e'er, I had.—
Questiern=7elist - ieu 1t.7 Objected to by Mr.
Staunton. -11 r. Woods offered",to prove by this
witness that Mr. Storierhad informed him the
thet:Warder Managers had 'passed a resolution,
eta regular meeting, eschiding biro iron cross
big exempt by paying toll at entry trip. • •
- Objected to by Mari Loomis and Staunton.
Admitted. and su except:la filed thereto: . -
iadge McClure was astedtin what grounds he'
.- Lbisted his .e.onoltisiot. Ha explained, that. Inas
. with u this resolution, if passed, had not bun,
, ''entered .on this Initiates, evitienoe of tffe nature
'offered was the au., best - evidence of which the
nature of the easdadmitted. •
' .. Etturanstiori co* s' neel--Mr. Stoner spoke to
me over a year apt, or
_probably more. We were
talking &boat Ntweell../Odd la
. She bog% and out, -Lt 1 jamming on •
ewle. He stadtluitiritte ttheirdiults. that
roods wan , abothers fell er, -and the Board
bed-passed a - resolution.: k ing-Todd' pay by
%Abe . trip. He •ssid be. was • member , of the .
Beariof Wagers of the bridge.. I wee talk
„ins abeet my own affairerredetint to the tolling.
enticing exist about making my ploughs and
other aidelci•pass our in my own wagon, ma
•-•,,, kinglet , . unload very frequently. The gate keep
.,.,en said it was not their fsalt- r that a resolution
, - of tiltigoard boropelled them to.lio so.
- ..... •-thinisramokted—Thii Conversation tooliplace
iti - Mr: tinnier', clothing Starr, on Wood street
-4 don'tknow when this snit was float brought --
1- - : ,-Iliilltotior lin snidest of this city. I think he
” • iiiver the tooutaatet. 4 -: - • L " :j , •
'Mc minute booker the Company datedlforch
, • • 16,. 1846, gap 191, showing the appointment of
' :1,:.W.-Cook;.as eusessor,•and collector of yearly
tetra was tewied.. l The report for .1847 wu of
--.."- SOO to pun* tt,at , 3ll. Cook had united his
-11•Me.-oitodi,iteke4, for -the . .:originitg beck of
steetholdin:benteining the names 4 the stook
. heidets-.bodi.the amount Paid. • Ltlr. limper
• said that the tarlionbook of shiest:4mb" con.
' -... Sir: Aided
asked for' the book containing tin'
' - - sated eubseriptiOnsof stack. • -
--- bleillmper said that the earlier papas had
. been very nunh,sostarred,,. since' the death of
Mr. Sciaucin, but that ,wirtild search for the
book,: and ifshecoulcifind it; would briuggit. to
• Um Conn toicarraW..•l;......- . • .
Mr. Woods next offered,'
inevidence;; the icor-,
'`. dal of .tireliermte of 1844;:ahowiog the,Wee
Of the State Moot, mike amount of $48,1 76.
- - - Tbs minute Ixtole .was Ligain, offered in ad
' • • dineeta grin the comroutstioncf toils. NW
.. " ALL: L Pirosdaydth Novembers---.- from which it
_,...; appear/ that the -object oflowming the tolls.,
- - itidletting fernillei over by .bontinntation, vas
- both tocondace to the COllttlaillEol of the citi
csuut-abd to ; destroy ell , competition 4 ferries
. above ortriacw. ,No faudlyins to be talum; (far
••• . th eenselves: iffeir flintily and horses) atlas than
-iL ...friar dealers.. L All cattle, I veldems, ,ite., -belong
ingu.anbeetOnors, were let overret hairpin.
, On Owl )8 antl'42, were found fartini:is
.2actions of toll; .
Pr-pages 179, 80, 81... fie., were fon d pro..
.amfrings . duilaring that it was found, on moat-.
Mg,: that May one eighth - Or - nlith of the passim-.
on over,the - bridge paid by the trip, and me-.
Moles a like progartion. The toll - keepers were
tdireeted to be more'vigilant, and it was reenm-.
sanded tri adopt some measures, by witch the
burl= of paying tolls, thoold not fall: is it '
!m did.
• slotest altogether, Mi. trip purettari, bo used
prj ‘
the b ri dge Inuit. -•• • - L
-• On pages 192, b e., were the ing of. " et
regular meeting of the -Board, to ' cm the nom-:
cdttee on tolls tetanal a tariff , of tolls agreed
to by the three hridgesorerthe - Allegiatny, low
• • ~,•• 1 •:' L.- -
"'Oa the set Tannery; i
1819, Axon= were el- .
lowed to erkes free of toll. -, '.- 1' -.-- - - •-'
agentßernd-sworn--I.litt lie 1848 end '44
for the -Ohio State doulpsny. In 1845,L
And In 1846, I wss'egpaAfor the Ens .Company. .
. The-Ede.Company's stages passed our at the
tatter 480. per, annum: On 0,1,• Ohio line; the
stage did not ran regularly. •., - . - ,1 - •.•
• *as EzillilillOS—Thore wentitherbriages by
ildok - Neon Mages,mold irsee , cromieft , ' There
• toes no ferries:. ~.. ..".• ' I, - ~- .. •
,Mn. Staunton asked whether. if a huger man
. bad been'obampid, the conipany build not bans
; • magi some otter bridge? '.. ~ ; • , • L '
- - - NO, because it would lam been more corn
- Went far them to cress the • old. bridge. - The
roprietni; o . jgrateand denied crossed tree. .
'' T. ..- ~..- Nnowlson•wermo; I reside , lb Pitt tp.
4E:4 leek maker. I haul Mirk: 11011:11i the
-MC - sinew bridge. • I• have varied: inlanwee,
. sometimes one horse and .caneitanatlim• a tem
h974ll-erst..--:-.Lately.l. pal Sri cents a hares.—
In 1848, Iliad:fogey : um cents per Wound
Wear - Had not to. pa yfor • any jrebein - tries,
;when-the-cart was empty. . ' t- • . - _ ,
• Ebben Siebert sworn. ' - ,l newt to be toll COI-
' leaterOd the , ol d ' Alleghenybridge: -,,
Was there
—tel, or twelve yes= . It Is eight - years or Mare
• Mime I
them e: ¢
mTeb. er.
k s w ra r s e a wm
endyeerly tolls. - When I itrm.thetre I hae.only
eroubleWith one man, and made Man pay by the
Min,..not allowing him to pay yearly. - _
' The managers and their families passed tou
T freewhile they resided with their Whets families..
PaLseucagersnotdidnot puniest. Snow that the
Presidentotthehlononsakelibridim passed fres.
Cbarpdfariarriages on the Sabbath day, unless
theywere going thank on afore ed
... Mr. Aldmissid that ha_ Itad,pow Gaillard the
tundution of his witnemcs. , 1 , , He only wished
.to offer is stridence ~ .the CU of 'incorporm
Nos of the bride; together. with the ulnas .of
' Allagheirl coludy;'sheraing the vast increase of
. population. within late years. i',. . -.- • .
Mr. Stuartm called for the de, Mr: Stun-
Wm asted,whethree the emu= 'hot tolls had
'is his opinion any tendency' _ decrease the rev.;
mum of the bridge, QueruMa.objected to, Mr.
Woods Maturing that it woa'not a correct cr o ss
ifiabdu•ffil ,
inasmuch as itLIM not tsar upon
Ibis smarm on craminatknoi chief. If his up
, gsuerdsbid say defence to Mt:dui, it wasthis,
sad now they attempted to bringinthat depute.
" bettnitheir case was_ opened. •
' - Mr. Altiammtudea that if answered, the
witness weiradmerely give his opinion. - <He wa
ne& en ripen, ..ObjecbonL orandediand:ris
• tion admitted... Billed exceptions filed:- ~ L j
7 Emakinfilitiremmed--,litortng the time I was
a collectff6thers was an increase of the yearlings
• - ••••ixestendlif a decease. Tim Mip toil would have
- L:L ' bronglitmost if the yearlings bad been charged.
sway time theyerossed. Whether thiumaings
would have crossed wo _often if theyitad paid by
• the = trip, I esn't eV.- - I , I .ga'i't tell.whatintr the
' yWllng Mann or trip'tolliutitem would hare
ant ptobmbto:
'-.- ...To Mr . Aides--There were - many. faollies
- - Inieji In Pittsburgh, whore loads didn't pus for
sir •nmntbs: - Some of their families crossed.
. --, bower. 4l l -* L great imiarity Of those who
. • :pesetedly the,,year, if_they had been charged by
- • ...,-* tri p . woilld.lane - gisid double.': Itvai! eon
ably ehetsPer for the majority:: •
rata • ._ -
.". 'To 131r.-Loonia—Thaiapper bridge vie nd
. iog, and the Nand street, part of the time liras
• collector. The tipper 'Midges did not interfere
L -- with-us much. The custom would have gone to
• ':- the tipper bride; if we had charged by the trip,
at-beast , those who could make It fait- The
.._ 1104 etreat, bridge is two equareesbove the old
. • foti. • I iderayiliendarstood all the bridges toot
- • . yeekUngs.,. ,I myself venebyr the add& Midge,
7 biloano• itAratotaisper ,. . , -
. . 'To: Mr. -1 19trothil now cross by, the lower'
. brags. :- The Mance for crossing over the
Nmalstreet.britigs, with a hens, on fait, orb:,
~ • etbugggy, was two dollars cheaper then,. that, It
' was ,etr:the old bridge. - I sin now charged one
•. -1 ' dollar , less at tlai. lower bridge than I was pay
' bleat the tuna street. bridp.
• ITOJadge Studer,-Idon't think'the toll war.
. ever named anything on amount of a ferry..
- -Mr. , Altien %proposed -- to offer In enkletue 'the
charter , Of the bridges, is well as the
erns of Allegheoyrounty. • , ,
yr.Stauntonobjeetted to their reception. ran
I mreAnita' case; • stigma particular bones. lad
• on them the relator. grounded hi s , case. N to
' whit' one of these_ tunes did-the proposed art:
• • dmontrelste ? -What bad any thing done not
. ,
• dine 4 oilier' bridges, to do with the questions 1
• • in isms},. AO to the census, what possible con:
- • neediew lied if with the St. Clair street bridge,
• howat would an account of the popniation sines
• the creation, aid in elucidating the case? It
•LL suds no difference ta
to the issues Whether a -
1' 1 Bin - Or ball million - of inhabitants now inhabit
Allegheny county. . • . • L
e. : lit. Woods said that the romans yore very
. - plain to him, thou& they might not In eo to the
- gentlemen..;The little testimonyadduced bythe
. •
' other aide, went to show thatthe revenue of the
g St. PO street bridge was inolcanal by commut.,,
. • int the tolls, antl the question ; bath; the jury
. • vrfird imam to deelde, rtes, wheAn pr not the
tolls had been diminished by this prficeeding. —
`, '. • Thecharters of . the other bridge , ktiff'Lli i cry
. .
•• 0 palpable bearingei4ine case,,..einee, therOliarbire
Le' of J all were the e They Were ell directed
- . ,
t o obaggela certain amount of toll, and to nub-
Bah 4 sinking fond for their ultimate redcap.
1 • lion.. This would completely I
overthrow- • heir
• or ipanemt that one bridge had' not lowered
• 5 the toils, =makerlrattl,d hive done so, sip:inane
. 'ii
_, of them itrid'spiFight,' to. catanate _them- . -- 2 ' l ,
v. foillis oriole to cfoutante,l the Supreme
TI ' Obort
wouldvlbridewhether, according to their Aar.
teal, 41 could , he done. But the fact was, that
.I'l ill On Oridlgoa bad co blued to *Joute am law,
• 4
• •
and rhs4thideiffered;en le evident of this fed,'
from theininutes. ' ' - -
-' As to the none. be thought that IM produe.
lion wee very material, since. theY had shown
tbat in 1840, the toils received at the old bridge
o,l"i:did to SIOXOO, or !thereabouts: They
Penned to show that; although the population
of, Allegheny and Pittsburgh bad doubled - since
then,' inder the combined reduction, of all the
bridges,_ the receipt of Mlle had diminished.-
He wished to bring this.fact before the jury.—
The population' of Allegheny had more than
doubled—the Imeinen bad more than doubled,
retarget the tolls bad dimioished. It was for the
jury to deter:lithe whet bearing - these facts had
upon the case. !" Ile thought that the questions
were pertinent to the issue. The gentleman on
tho other side might think them weak, but for
his part, he thoughtthey would have some diffi
culty in answering them.
Mr. Alden sold that it could not be denied
that the tolls had been reduced two thirds but
whether or"niii this had soy bearing on the case
Owls for the Supreme thrort to say. Rethought
that no jury could come to any other conclualon
thirstiest, if they - bid not . been' remitted, the
bridge would now be free. What was the - drift
of the questions put to Mr. Stewart? Did they
not plainly point to - the course the 'defendanti
bad marked out for ! themselves? They would
undoubtedly attenipt to prove that the commu
tation of the tolls was a wise measure produced
by the ocamethionig other bridges. But from
whence had the 'inertia Commutation comet
From the Saint blair Street bridge which bad
twined them while the :other newer bridges
were struggling against . every disadvantage.
Yes, the - Board of that bridge hid lowered the
Mlle, until they anieunted to a mere cypher, just
enough,' as he had shown, to bring them in their 'per - cent. and that - was all for which
they eared. - 7 - -, - , .-",-..
e gr. Alden quoted an'Act of the Legislature,
passed in 1860, chartering • 'bridge company in
liworielitini county: giving the/lend of Maur
gen an express intldrity to lower the tolls if
they should'. deem it`necessary. This bridge
cocatiany Imola contend that they the bad aright
to lower their: Mlle, but they ;ern *wry much
Mistaken. By the very set by which the com
piny anis Muted, • sinking fend eras established.
with aripress!referense to the erodes:Merin of the
bridge,rindering it free to the . public, and no
predsien relative to lowering the tolls, was con
'mined la - that el2 . Aiete , H. conteitthrtliat by
';commuting the tells, they - had violated
charter.- Thiry' had received Maple payment for
' ill that they • bad" ever expended - yes, th ree
times as moth es they were entitled to b 7 law , -
and yet theyiud not rendered the bridge free;
hnt had in lasi - pod its proceedings In mystery,
that the great and benevolent object of the Leta,
ware bad been defeated. -
"- When the bridge 'company took the charter,
they tack it iith their eyes opts, end subject to
ill the pmtisious which it, contained.. -They
foituordell lived in i land of law, and that law
co 1d cannel' the power of a carpet:nice, no
matter hew intlnentird, when they violated the
law: .aat4iiitatmonailuidd the toll, thousands
- iissi tkimutande of de f ers could hen been noon
.. , - -
ulated are this. 'Re bad no hesitation in say ,
ing thatif the thisniepere had come before that
Court iiithe_ ammeter of tiardianKof minor
" idelldniti ithilibeir joints bone any resemblaucs
'to ilicsatiffithed, that Coat would deem it their,
dozy not only to, illearlar, but to order criminal
procreating! to Debnnitoted method them. The
Legisistare had had • prophetic .view of this
matter; end hid therefore tied them down by the
terms of theft! charter. What legal right had
they, for instance, to reduce the tells on the
female sex • Irmo one cent to nothing at ail, while
the nudes were charged two centiescbt
Mr. Alden quoted from an Act of the Assam,
lily;giving the Commissioners of idontgomerj
county power to build a bridge over ariverr there.
That Act gave wren power to them to gine
yearly commutations of. toll to be made. , Hire
vise an easemedvthith snared te the advantage
of the whole community, because the tolls -went
te benefit the Sainity, but thieves not theesse
with the Allegheny bridge,for the Legislatnrehad
"declared that as soon as they had been paid the
Value of the bridge out of Mamas, ardavermr
!bandentee bonus beam for many years, it
should trifles . They bad plainly forfeited their
charter, and he-trusted that the Court Would
tenth `them a-lessee,' which Would redound to
the benefit of all other enigmatic= in the conn
Oh: Ouse menagersiere very selfsame: !
Yes, - and they !had got • portion of the public
press, toe; to praise them far lettingthe ladies.
pars seetfree: We,l, If .they wanted to , pay.
their devoirs to the fair see, let themdo so at
their awn espenie: He liked - a cis generosity,
but peel! , should be just before they paraded
that enmity. , The srduct ef the, three
bridges= ninthuled bim Very fortibly of one of
Ssop's tables, The old tnidgemas afield for.,
which, having lest its till by the trap, (or by
the; cencardades of the sinking fund; which
would fret the bridge,) called the other bridges
to a aolezan , conferees% and proposed that all
abordd bite off tbeiitails. The fo•es in the fa
ble were toe wheeler OAS, bed he feared that the
Wm bridges bad cat off their tails, Able , . they
had commuted the thlls, in obedience to the sug
gestion ef the fez -(Laughter.) t hat His boner, Judge McClure, - observed t
Mesers. Alden and Woods, bed made two die-
tinetelfers. They wished -first, to, put in nit!!
donee the charters aide osier bridges, SOT the
Pupae* *sing that all Were tompilsd, by- .
act of Legialstani to charge the same sconet of
toll. The question wasothether this first -pro
position:ma pertinent to the' bone, ;and 'dregs.
eds.': After tbe creation of . the St Cheir street
' bridies; twoicothers
had beta th e
siiosi th e Ai-
gb, l 7. 011 -the Legislature or might_net
Ws followed' the Chinn of' the old Midge - hi
drawing up then of the new; ones. They were .
kmg and provisions the droller. - Re coidd not see
boweser, that the charter of the others bridges,
bad anything to do with 4 thei of the St. Clair,
street bridge, and would therefore. rule them
`With regard to the accord Point, (the offer of
the Maros at esery decennial period since the
- bridge had bum chartered)—the question , was,
coidd legitimate inferkiMes be drawn trim
His honer, Montt they not be relMaikt.
In 1819 the old bridge had been .erected. The
pcpnlation of Allegheny county wee then cam
prativelY midi. and the bridge had met with
tie opposition, except front. ferries. There was, it
wee tree, an undoubted, and very large increase
in the, population, but if the censuswere ad
mitted, questions of political economy which had
Ise connection with the case, would follow 45
matter of coterie. Facilities of conununicatiou
-between the different points of the county, had
increased Arith the population, until, if the evi
donee' was samittedi-no juror could do more than
approsimate at the smolt. -
Two milt bridges
had beea built soma. the Allegheny, and an
acqueduca—a bridp across the Ilionoigalkeht—
end steam ferry boats ran on all sides., Where, . • .
the evidence depended on eo many conlingenmesi,
he felt it his duty to rule it out.
Mina. Akita and *orals asked for a bill of
exceptions, which wars:anted: ,
Mr. Alden'offered in evidence the two acts of
Assembly he bad gated in his spewl• They
were esemplificatlins of what he raiintained the
law to be, that the charters should be construed
according to the terms on . which they hid been
granted, and that conatructioa not eztetalkabbe
yond the terms of the act of incorporation.
Objected to by Mr. Siazokton, and ruled, out by'
Judge McClure.
Messrs. Alden and Wood s filed a bill of er:
. . _ 4rrlaadm mama
The Contt, met at niimiy two o'cloth.
d. W. Lam& rose to open the trial on behalf
of the defines. Ile began by *tinning that it
tout been remarked by the counsel cn tie other
eider that this nee was one ar;graat importance
—eut great Joao, as ever occupied the attention
of any jury in that wait boom It might, well
be regarded as important. involving as it %lid'
questioes both of lair and fact. of the utmost
donemPilutuu. It involved pectudary interests to
the amount of over $lOO,OOO, and he questioned
if emu eo heavy an amount had been dependant
upon ttus result of a sett 4i that ciao.. if 'the
jtui drained thelespesto be true end the . Su.
piems Cottrtil bikir: Whist them, ,his
elletibi4O#Veter Over 411000. It was true
that the snit had nothing too do th the
jostles or Otto iio 36 " of the plutnuu , but
the evidence should be most *carefully sifted.
Now It wasalleged that greats abuses had been
committed by the bridge cpuipany upon the eighth
of the community—that they had 'violated the
,great publio trusts reposed in them. If those
charges were trueohe counsel on the other side
did but their duty in e :poring the company.
. He stood there as one of the counsel employ
ed for the . defence: 'What, interests had his cli.l
ents at state ? Their eqsidationa and chaiacterl,
in the first place, fpr they were
. argea with a
gross violation, , of law; next, the interests of
their constituents, whose interests the managers
represented. and whose euppOrt,depended on the
bridge. resteden thereettlts of this case. Though
money was not to , be compared to reputation,
$lOO,OOO rested upon the Tardiest likewise.
Ithad appeared in evidence, that the original
sum subscribed, amounted to $88,000; but that
was by no means sufficient for tie completion of
the bridge, which had cost $lOl,OOO or $102,-
1000. The anipany had beim compelled to bor.
row the difference, and with its aid, a great
public Improvement bar , been completed, which
Iwan Paid fo r, - by the persons who had invested.
I their earnings in it. r.
The object of the present sultiree not to ob.
taint any radiation; but to take away the 'mg ,-
role rights, franchise, and authority of the
corporation—to deprive them of the privilege of
remising toil, and the result would be, that if
the case went , against them,_ their whole pro
' petty would be forfeited to tie •Commonwealth
. Petsnsylvania, far a judgment. of seizure,
would hare that effect No debts, owing to tbe
I bridge, by any individual,
could then be collect.
I ed i the judgment would at once strike them
dead. The object of this 4roseention wu the
forfeiture of the *hole property, sad the State
(could then dispose of it es it thought proper
other taking possession of, and keeping it,.or,
throwing the bridge opentiiihe public. ,
_ .
This, then, was a trial deserving of the
gravest and•most earefulconsidendloo, and he
rejoice that the weary . progress of this prose
cutlers; had now arrived at spoils; and the case
would - .be trivia' its merits. It had been coin.
menced, fifteen months ego; the 'first step made
[lasing been an' application In that very court
for a'Quo,Warranto, on two inggestione. That
l yric had'heen 'refused, u he thought properly.
The writ had sib:wards been prayed for on two
seggeMione, in the . Supreme Court, and MA few
days three others had been filed. He might then
remark that ever since that time, the Board of
I Managers had been subjected to the most severe
aniusedversions. Their lips bid been closed in
I the preliminary trial. If, in thejtulgment of the
Supreme Court, the suggestions were sufficiently
comprehensive, as in this, case, it devolved upon
a jury to try the .futs.• , - The most severs cen
sures, up to that very dig, had been parsed upon
the Bridge Company. It had been denounced
as ,`ad overgrown monoply—u as incubus-4t
was alleged that it had violated its public trusts,
and perpetisted a series of outrages upon the
pubic. Now, however, the ease was on trial its
that Court, sod it world be judged on its merits;
and the oaths of tie jury.
It was conceded by the other lide, that the I
that orighottors of the bridge were .entitled: to
some merit for their energy,. As early M . the
year 1810, a eharter was granted to Ibis. cum'
pony for erecting a bridge over the Allegheny
river, with a promise that if it were not comPlet
id in air, or seven years„ the Legislature could
recall their grant. It was found impossible -to
rebut the sum required for the completion of the
bridge, by private subscription, as no individuals
could be found to embitrk their capitol' in that
inferpriee. None, it was true, was of more its=
portance to Pittsburgh or to Allegheny, thee •
little town, and not only Ito Allegheny but to. a
I portion of the Stated Ohio. ;
We bad prepared a report of the important
portions of Mr. Lions& 'speech, but it was not
finished until a late hour, and until the evidence
lbelow, which waireittentsut before the 4ounk•
I mut of the Court; was setup. The remainder
I will appear at the heed of our report, to-I:nor
':Tames Anderson sworn—Mr. Woods. Are
yo• •• teenager -of the bridge ? I am, but not • '
stockholder.:. .I have given away or sold _ell
stock.% 'I have no tart erintereat In - the
bridge, j
farther, thin a claire to wastain the credit it,
has always borne Mr. Anderion refused to 1,
AttLSWer whether be had sold or given away. bin
stock, with s. view to being - a witness in this
cause, What stock I have glen away, Ido net
expect to receive apin' , bo4tf 1 can buy any,
that I have sold, rat a-fair "price, I will - do it.
Mr. 'Anderson refused to say whether he bad
sold or given away his stock within two mottle,
he naturally appeared unwillieg to tell to whom
Le 14 given the stock, but finally said, he hid
given part to a maiden female friend, and part
to the Orphan !keyless'. I have been a menages
.since 1810, with the exception of GOO year.. -
Mr. Woods objeeted to'the reception of, Mr:
Anderson's testimony. Ile was directly ititerest
ed, inasmuch as be was liable to answer for any
-onsminduct in office.
. Mr. Staunton woul d not reply. He would
merely say that Mr. Anderson bad; resigned
since Mr. - Woods had eouunmenced his speech.
Mr. Woods =Waded that be was liable u
rosuager, notwithstanding his resignation in
Jed,gelstoCbtre admitted Mr. Anderson's its
" - and Woods filed an
timmj, lead - . Messrs. Alden .......
exception. _ . !
'Dir. Staunton offered in evidence the int:lutes
of Mande 24, 1819. a
Dlr. Alden objected on the grounds that they
had received no notice of any intention on the
other side to otter their books. They could only'
cite the portions to whith they. (the plalatifre
mensal) had referred. - . .
Mr. Woods maintained the semepoint. Previous
noticed the ['gentian to producethe books was
indispensable.. - ' According to law, mere declara
tions, the statements of an Interested party or
corporation. though " tb O Y- Oar be. used against
them, could not be used in their fawn
Mr. Staunton spioted an authority on thenb-
jeit but declined. entering into: any argument
upon it, as IA thoug p dim. 1
Judge McClure la hitheid that t oint he limed counsel
had concluded their evidence on behalf of the re
lator. Were not the defendants lobe entitled to
make *defence? Were they to depend on the
fallible memory of roan, or, an the, books which
were certainly entitled to greater weight? The
Supreme Court had sent dawn several issues in
this Important nee. How could these luau be
tried unlenthey were tried according to evidence
and of what better evidence did' the nature of
the case admit than this? Alexander Johnston.
who had kept these minutes, was now in the
grave; and them was no other method of prov
ing what the defendants wished to prime. Ob
jection overruled . • Messrs. Alden end Woods
filed an exception.',' '
Mr. Staunton was preaseding to readfrom the
minutes. of 1819, when Messrs. Alden; , and
Woods insisted that they had not been proved.—
It must be shown that they were regulsrly
tered-by-the roper officer. Overruled. E ception Sled ....
Mr. Staunton read to . ths effect that before
the opening of the bridge, a committee was
appointed for the purpose of inquiring into the
propriety of taking passengers by the year, and
that committee had advised such a cormnutation.
Mr. Staunton offered throve byldr. Ander.
eon, first, that the Board of Managers did .not
refuse. by thedelmosolution, to let James Todd,
commute his yearly toll. -
Second. That 'kite defendaats did, each and
every year,make euch returns so toqoited.
Third. That the clear annual dividends were
not more than 15 per cent., if the tolls charges-
ble by law had not been remitted., • I
Fourth. That the defendants did vest the ex. '
ease of dividends, • over 15 per cent. in Maki
stock or otherproductive funds.
Fifth. That p
the tolls over and above the sum
regairedhy law for the use of the etookholden of
said Company, and which would,h been re-
I neived -by the sold Company, at a fair
. appraisemmt of the mute by disinterested per-
1 eons. not have been sufficient to pay for or re
deem said bridge and pay the stockholders of
I said Corporation, the appraised /slue of the I
profits of theresidue of the term of forty years.
Sixth. That the stockholders did not eppro- I
1 priate the tolls collected by tow, to the .payment I
1 of Individual indebtedness of the stockholders 1
for stock, by them subscribed ' sad takes, as set' ,.
I forth in said complaint- . f ,
Mr. Alden objected to the tampion of the
I evidence, and desired the Court to file an ex
Eraudnation resumed—l reside in Westches
ter. Have been • stockholder in the bridge
since its opening.. Mr. Anderson stated that he
had been in attendsem on the Court sloes its
commencement; having beau =bruised ins Todd's
side. Ile then proceeded.
whi M ch r. bill Bis o un en t" ced the iske ßoard d 'i n
W ermmtete the th re e to n ll s .
Objected to by- DiAlden and Woods, on
the pound th at th e re'.
remons which influenced
them, bad nothing to do with the cate r•Ti
dame admitted and Olfaction'. filed.
Rommunlnation manned—l was on the first
toll committee that iris in that bridge in 1819,
and him ; continued ever since, - with the =cop
-1 lion of one year. When we first met at the toll
imns., the country people had been passing on
, two ferries near there. The country people
fated to area =loss we let them go at the same
terms,-and ve were obligpi to comply. Idr._
Butler, Judge Davis and myself were op' that
committee, and to accommodate the ~c ountry
people, we lowered the »tea. One ferry was
immediately above i the bridge—the other was
where Hand . Street now-is It was about 80
rods from one to the other(the distance of two
narrow ten acre lota.) •
Mrlltannton asked. if theeomtentaiton had not
been adopted, what would Bare been the effect
on the bridge. , -
Meters, Woo& and Ablen'objected. The wit
nets could not give his opinion—he was entitled
alone to speak of facts. 1 .
Question admitted, and exceptions
Examination resumed—l ',hue been on this
and the other ride , of the Allegheny river for 83
year!. I knew the wants and habits of the comp
try people, es well as any other person. Bare
been on the other side rime knewitic7
would not girt more at the bridge than to fer
ries. rhe ferries gave passage by the year, and
we had to 'conform to it to do any geod. Ido not
think, but I know,thet the bridge could not have
divided more than three per cent but for that,
for the first 10 or 12 years. We nere driven to
do so. There were two eminent counsel on the
Board at the time- If we had done any, thing
wrong, they would have told ns. levee a great
convenience to all parties, and we were dispo
sed to accomodate, as far u we could, to be of 1
any advantage at all to the bridge. The stock
subscribed was not srJllelent to pay for the
Messrs. Alden .4 Woods objected to the noes•
don on the ground that the book of stock wan the
best evidence.
Judge McClure amities' the Itestimony: a bill
of exceptions was filed against the decision. -
The original contract for builtrusg the bridge
was in writing with Mr. Johauston.
Objected to by Mr. Weals, en the 'ground that
the written contract wee the best evidence.—
This paper never had been filed.. It vu of .the
utmost, importance to inventigate it but they
could not examine it as It was kept from them.
Judge McClure admitted the parol evidence.
Me.U're. Alden and Woods 614 en exeeption.
The first contract wee for $lOO,OOO. When
the roof came to be built, an' alteration out
:woe, which involved an expense, of near $2,000
More. We felled in getting the stock taken—
people thought it we. worth nothing, end would
;never bring 8 percent, let alone 6. Money
was scarce and people who bed it few, .All that
1 Imbortibedexcept a few paid.
Mr..Aldtu objected on the ground that the
books were the tut evidence of that (ad, as
decided that very afternoon. Not decided.
Examination resumed—Alexander John's:at,
wee treasurer. He has been dead, twenty years.
Boum of.the books ere not In a good state of
. I)Tel 'Al rvi thlit ti s ° tage u. of the protean — op . the Court
adjourned until nine o'clock this morning.
IscitvrED ET ram O'IISINNY riazaiassi Flsi
AND IZTORSID 101 THAI 1171111711411 OAAMITL,
Naw Yogic, August 13
The steamer Prometheus from San Juan de
'Nicaragua, bringing 131111 Francisco dates to the
15th July, sad 360 peillengera She beings
$200,000 in gold on freight, and $OOO,OOO in the
lambs of passenger'.
The Nellie left Sin Francisco on the l6th,and
arrived tit Sault= on the 2fith. Her passen
gers then bad 06 miles to treed by iwid, and ,
thence by steamer ionise to Nioerago• Lake
San Juan river:'.lbey express great , sane
faction with the new route. •
The only event of exciting interest that' bed
occurred at San Franelscohad been Milted and
execution, by n. rigibuxe committee, of a des
ponde character named James Stagert. Ile
was executed at 2 o'clock on the llth at the end
of Market wharf, in presence of five hundred
At Sacramento, Marysville, Stockton, and
Other places, the citizens bad been compelled to
actin their own defence, the laws being made
gnats, and their administration ineffident
The execution of Stewart had crested yeti
: excitement itSan Frandaeo, and the eenduct of
the Vigilance committee had been severely re=
yrebended by the cowls. .Theme autbmitles.,
however, and the 'dare= geny sauctioned
the action of the committee. " -
Stewart, rho was executed' by the Vigilance
Committee, : bad been convinced orrouider and
numerous ribbroics. . He tonfested,thethe he,
kaird spa bandiehoSerwohrobject was robbery.
nod murder. The authorities tried to rescue'
him from the hands of the Committee, but failed
in doing so.
1 judge Campbell charged the Grand.Turg . that
the Vigilanro Calamine were nothing but mar ,
The Mayor horned a proclamatitit4 call
ing on all good citizens to abandon the Vigihnea
Committee. There Ana, conseqtornr,e, great.
Richard Loper wirenteented at San Jose on
FridsY , for the murder of a United States dm.
CoL Blackman was . ihot through the bead
:elide going on horseback to North sranch. _
SeVelld attempts hays been made to fire the
city of Saab
& Spanish woman was hung at Downwille,
Sacramento Valley, for murdering a man named .
Canon, on the 7th instant.
The Alto California thinki that the Vigilante
Committee swill soon rid the community of the
who have so long Warted it.
An extra session of the Legislature is still
talked of.
The news from the mines is say favorable.
The effects of the late fire are yet perceptible;
but the , tones are being. rapidly constructed;
and orial the burnt district's becoming thickly
built with good and substantial houses.
It le Mated that rich gold mines have tea
cowered. They range *bout, twenty tulles from
Santa Cruz. Fifty to 100 'men are working
there, and they are said to be very prodective
The editor of the Tianned Transcript saw s
piece. of virgin gold weighing four pounds two
and et ••half ouncevi taken front the north fork of
-American river.
The intelligence from the north is disastrous.
A party of pioneer emigrants, of 10 men, were
massacred by Oman:Mins above Trinidad. The
Indians were still continuing their depredations
on Roque river.
Dr. Wogencreft, one of the Indian Commis
sioners, is totally without funds, and unable to
prosecute hie mission, without additional map-,
SATI Feocusco, July 16
Flo= is inactive, and Chili is held at sl_ for
quarters, end $ll for sacks. Pork is doll.—
Coffee is dull. -.Boon and shoes have declined.
The Boger wake, is overstocked.
• -,
-New You.. Aug. 13.'
The !Amara sailed for Limped at DMZ lo•
day; With 69 passengers, and $116,000 in specie.
Among the passengers was 81r H. L. Buleret, the
British Minister.
Pnovnimice, It. 1.. Aug. 11.
It Wag so positively asserted by Cookson,
wbo wee ebarpd with the murder of his wife at
Pawtucket, that she had gone to Maize, • met
onym was sent there, Inaba to-day telegraph
ed the Magistrate of Pawtucket that Mrs.
Cookson was alive. The husband, therefore.
la dlsdharged from mutody.
The question is now mind, who Is the wo
man whose body has been fonnd.
PHILADII , III.I, Aug. 13.
The steamer City of dianchester from Liver•
pool with dates to the 26th is below coming
New OSMIUM, August 0.
Cotton—There are no sales to report.
Flour—The market It active, with sales St
Louie brand' at $4.e. 2 i.
Pork—Bien to held at SIC, and prime at $l4
191 bbl.
Lard—ls selling at 11c. •
The market generally to doll and inactive.
Flour—ls °Korea freely to day, at $4 bbl,
without finding buyers to any extent.
Bye Flour to lower, with Wes 200 bble, at
$3,25 bbl. .
Corn-Meal—Bales it $2,81 bbl.
Grain—bales 8000 bn old prime wheat at 97 ®
980. Bales Penn's red it 80®85e. 1110 Is
heavy at 720780 per ha Corn is doll, with
sales 10,000 ta southeroglow at 01(}020, find
57@58 for western. mixed.
Whiekey--Bales at 230
'1 gallon.
GtOCCrilll sod Provielone are steady.
Floor--Bales 1,800 bbls at 98 67 i6 4 qP
Orsiu—Salss of Prima red wheat at 70€030c,
and white at Stettin bn. Salts of oats at
80®38O V bet, 'and of prime white corn at SU
Provisions;—The market is gaieL Salesmen.
pork at $15,50, and prime st $13,6011 bbl.
Lard's selling at,GeOlOc. Bales bacon imams&
• DOlcopialdtilili;„sita 'boulders at 71 v
Groceries—The market is firm Gales Porto
H a lo Sugar at Go, and Oriesne at Gi@Go ptrib.
Bales lagasyni Coffee at 9e,910, and alo at 81
09a par lb..
' .
Pens irsii ;Toinistrot.--litii felinds Of ;Scott
lad Johnsen met, - pursuant to public notice, on
Saturday afternoon, the 9th inst. , Abm„ Hoe.
back was called to the chair, - and .Thonmi / 4 E7
. , •
After the all fee the meeting had been reed,
the following named persond,srere;ou motion,
appointed as delegates from this township, to
the Commotion, to be held at Pittsburgh; on.the
David Irvin, Abtrt Horback, John Liggett,
20th instant: ,
Thee Bl'Cleary, Thee Aiken, David Aiken, Luke
Devisen,•fisni'l Crawford,. 3111111101 Rankin, John
Settler, Sam't Beitler, Col Wm P. 'Noble Geo E
'Peebles,J se Woodrow, Jae blitehell,Wm PI Burch.
field. George Trimble, Dr. John Wilson, Henry
Barker, Wee Larimir, James Gormley, Chas II
Paulson; P R Drava, John B Ilayard,:Janses
Stratton, - Joesiph McFarland, John Aitens,. Wm
Tomer r Lemuel Spahr; Gee McCombe, John
:Murdoch. jr, Wm Mordoch„Elgin Brune, Norris
McCorole, A W Marks; Walter Forward jr, Thou
Such, Geo Such,'L T Ciptoo,..loe Biller. Robert
Phillips, JoluiPatteroon, DelmortJones, Turner
Blashford, Geo Duke. Geo' W Irwin, Wm Raker,
Rohl Robb, John J.BOggan, Wm BOUghtr. Alex
Watson, Wm Watson, Thee Hutchinson, Wm
W illiams,Gregory Plainer, John up, Wm
Baum, I.F Winobiddle, and 'limp , ineblddle.
It was, on motion, - ' . • ',L. '
Roioliyd, That the follorting nam ruddier, of
,the Mexican War, be added to the re, se hon
orary delegates,Sari'l Fulton , 'W Winebiddle.
David Lindsay, and Dealt! Ryan:
It wee, on motion.
)(prelim', Thst the abovei named delegst.e.l be
empowered` to fill all yammers oneasioned by
whatever cause, and to add to their number at
It was also. • „.
Resoford; That a Scott mob be formed, to bi
celled thi."Peebles Club," and the above named
despite. were appointed a Conunitthe to attend
to the organisation of the club, and the enroll
ment of the members, and weredirected to re
port their proceedings at an adjourned Meeting
of the Scott and Johnston men of Peebles town
ship, to be held at thie place on Saturday next.
The same Committee wee also instructed to
consult with similar committees In cities and
adjoining townships, concerning titi method and
manner of joining the procession, ( f any be COD'
taMplatedt on the 20th inst., and report cant
Saturday. •
Reatred, That the Scott and Johnston men of
thin thwaship, will meat in
a body at the Railroad
Depot, for the .putpmse of welcoming Governor
Johnston to our county.
Resolutions strongly urging the nomination of
Gen: .Stott for the Presidency, and pledging
both to him and Wro. F. Johnston a hearty imp
port, were unanimously adopted.
After which the meeting adjorried, till Sat
urday pest, at 3 o'clock P. M. .
Taos., Linear", Seo'jr, • ~. '
F .. IL PAWL ilk CO,
4aporters of 'French and Coital:loafs,
xi, DROADTrA 7; NV/ East.' - • .
111ESPECTFULLY invite buyers. 6' - 1za232-
'lliVingtolf4,.....A oral •
BLACK GROS Dt .0114 L—All widaft‘o Drier, M ' .
ft.* boft moin.
BLACK SATT2/121S1Z mike Out bat Wm , :
' ;ftvrt t i; Moot ...i*.y7 cr.,W, block
colora CM* Litsei, sad oaf Crspes.
m00...4 all toloro and Pia. • DRAM CHAPIDI,of 'Mow
GAM DE CHINE. Sfroroots. liars., sad o th er 8050
DKADIf ff,thollsatort osarl.ot. jy1.11.0.)
FICTURYR• No. 41 Sonth, ettoo6 titroty, (atom
toot saio.lll2liodsladl, • fitalnli
WaliNtrAitTem, Whole.
rak Ha WA Moorksi Pbll444phis.
6. t J. au=
, VR
.F T .ALD,.. BlEletrask.A
i FO. Nr T
Ler' 4,16 liorttrWharves. adat6b.l*.
Ni MAW 0 A
- -
New York India Rubber Warehouse,
MO. 27 Maiden Gems, and Mo. 69 Neuman grad.
Tait ecae. , e fnattniinly, hew', AVlspaithrt. -
rIINIE SUBSORII3ER. Prortor of thin e 6.• i
1 tablt•Liirsi. 'innld I albra e old tt. , 4‘govni, sod 1
marabouts generally, that Lt la as roniviag nOt lab
WinlT 110 sainnally taro and athellont Wort of Ltidia
4r a iter w T44 , i.l et n i g a.sallt=lab,nr Sts nn . F at 1 .11•4 7 ...
„Fermi 1..........ta his roodsinery sod augolitioa.
gols rantdent nava tsit giving parka sonbeion.
nani t.Ee net WO. niannfae
t V.ra.loacr4l s i VElaln tth i V i itag ... 9oataill.=
1= r, ,, , ,. . 1, r ,...a., = ,.. , " 21 ..l a rt.=ig
nee 0.3119 Ciatarbijbl/terWA oortommit 0.-
4=Tgor.'";rlt=toi Irti l ,”!' V . rtirro s t
Asada and sold sa goal. Orden skald a...LW' Wee vaiieW
Ovzstanras —A WI dock a al tho etnirrastairlea
Led varieties. tram theism .voeved two itabban to • to
liV4sar=d e4:„.............,...0g.riajtgr' 4,in=el
Xornal and lined vßWbers. Ar. -- .
14,1===rgerZha t i k .:= 1 ; 1 =r 1 Vrt'
I,II•I2=;.TOUI.AI=. tritna,
l'Me Caere. It 711713reastIPLonat,thi katlelng.Eba
die lOW.. Paper ol,lorot Air lialls. 0 , 011. ant EOM.
Proir a'rangragrVireal*sredgabott=bie Doti
Von toWligrgel2ZlVittort alto , . es , . =a pr.
Imam , o ' oll4qm' Ilsoda, lt/esthing
and VW.;
."41;11Z,V41.1 ,- tft mils.. an. ___.%
I- itiftiza . P. Wth.genAlf.
' . Shawls: Cloaks! Mantillas! I
IlqS. MILLS. No. 6 C-ortlandt irt., N. York,'
o 10 now atiSlit at hi* gbaerl Waretionoots teeth
n of gall leder IMAM IA eaillattnit of all eagles
Beath and Domeene Wool Long Wavle. together with of grew% ono V loam Winne sod Lath,
. Ater, to etl.'lio, ateeMoborg,aleitho,T6llntvglltt
Faith. and Velvet MAIO. 111JINTILIAS. iLLGES, go.. of
r ergo: e thirMl,l s=nragrlayVi...
one ateanove.
lie Invitee Oa rpectal attention of isonatern sod Wad.
ern .Thirobwita to Ilse alone. as tiny .111
god an noon
aunt of nhania. and road Mona gads toy an
....d.r.rge tb ttriti SHOW 'STANDS, Ur agbitdtlag
!bawls and dliniflllas. dressed in teary colored Pythias{
Cann.. at tt and SS wet iralaf
To the Pahlie. ••
J. bee bap called to au re rettieeetrotby Home B. ixr,
of 11 Ja4IASI.
egirl it? ill ~...=
mob anmrrlied elm of oor attorner.Wl.3.P.O.E.O. ,
be wort. ant we dun !motel:rage blestrltlt Weave Good
7.r.'s hOut IttnipLyar Ott sal that be Os ¢ ot .
i TIVT: "" r r drab..
re pore seed oar Bonner kr ibe to. or
Thal. Itabbereboes oodsr lloolroes Poteett, kull pat
tor corr. sea ere 4.llLpgr • lartff ter tp f ereop std
Orrp,retC7: este 07./ondllareteor W"
Woe I t r '
Al puregra Mob -to • TIDO W .
re '.
UtoOti=rlotr it
tdriNtri r akes 7 ;roa
tarred to War. ixa to LnOlar. ts retnt. Ilete Peer
atteripaps. Pot tear to Infriss. sal peerook, but te to
o ut oho tam for In WO 01126111100 . 0.. purchred
oar liepeprs Lifir WA, wOlll water WM:, imd apt thorn.
it r. Der. dirertly, teat at over our my idnatales. with
letroPos smolt 0 ertlyeerir Ewers. la Ulm otetnambtro or
th .s'l l 7 traNtrel th.,=r , , '11.7 L'z
themes% verollos Me elte4 . otede IsetollAkts of Pit mt
pst 110.4 lil, ll .l.rrr, P "
• filet* Ali V SIMPER CO, • -
. , br Wes. A. Burlap (Pm,
_Trereartr: -
EL Uotrblsuro, Preddrat,
TV - 4 CO.
A . lit* Itars. Jul; CAP. Mil. We. lm
tro. 75 Salim Law, New York, ;
'IMPORTER and Jobber in FRENCIkand.
& Y ;;Vi L d h ." ft e rA l T° Mne= T aTedeeed ,v a t:
tex Av.
eggenr;e . hem 44 Anuoirea lin Tmjpgrtz.,
Office far Foreign Patents,
N 0.5 Wait ot., N. York. and 166 Flat et., London.
pATENTS.FOR IN procured ,
AseTs= tantrho ik rtsba. 8 41
/01 mformsdaa =As above tamp hs4 gerssolat
mr6;1111 6 Will stmt. rinAork. •
Superioitlack Writang_and Copying Ink.
lONE'S EDIPEEtE U. 81:Nassau street;
Itimlltaldlit .t .,v4l.l o 4 , ..
Thl, lithe Nod artiemnw
rmanotsettmd. It tint . rent"—
m b fl000d=1XiliY711100.11NI:=-4a1 w v il uct,4 l not tla oartol vtri s : ,
talrably odsptal for tt:/iterl Pett. • .
Th. laudvntir la prepared to furnish to ttio ink& et•
t u ber ti=tport bonie , of d a4m . cp c o i d Age l eborti , fIA
(Ile city Fr're or Dar
eb_ln: for caw ' : Tamil
ten am doused extra at oett eon. _
Profesior Alex. C. Barry's Trieopluro
OR .11RDI . CA I T ,, ED COMP OUND for
t tIeTITIV. L IVIrmtr7 , - ., jr "a lb : L.
bancor=4 Dr v.i.riat.C .
rkor, eta. o< itragibe =lE 4' 74? 11:
I,lloolat toatizotraiala oclootoi ham huitatV
Im 2.17011°. VI. Vgil of then. t01.".7.:'
given It • Watt
PIM Busa—Dear flr—l blrtal=" o eoo
taa•ous motion at the map. of a moot aggranwi
=lad ' ire ' t Vr.% so=l2l d aTelai . l. b* . i
<law. attd ao the roapartallotur
hol y.
trar.ZZ ; 1 01raTphlte un b 7l 4 tild I sZlirtt
„ oor i. .y• furrim .4 grattlkatkat, taloa wren'
carat ttrabont two mamba. Bath walk th. rloNna of t o
&cadet that at Moo 1 araa PaatielrVled.
hamottolty, yours io ecg...bis id A . PELtTo •
NJE Ton. Ott. sa, Igzo.
Pam. BLIA7-317 Dear eh—Abouttwa
came eat a areal deal and Mr bed tem much
arttb dmaina. l.aa told bra Moult° Lm
u& .11 IME eta and 4 , m7 MEaMtb 7ll .4. M 7 t
Orally raolad. *ad all the Eamtraff dlampaaral, aa
stems for /MM.
With input. I am raw obeell wet,
'i E TEXAN,/
lady et retlemas doubts Ma authra l ttrtrAba
nacre. tear will plasm all at Protesear A 1.1 Bartz a elOte.
11... war. New Tart. where be .111 praf.a. ea, °do.
LAI latter*.
Irmo tho Milltory ood Narai Anus. Item
m ,„ 1 . wri.b. r .r.t.t eon of M.l4Mow
mid &mom of the orsolost amseralle, that her mmeoe4
pepolettty 'Muted by . th e *Miele koown se Protestor
perefoSticoohmoom or Machealad Comte:wed. It la en
m‘ovely wad bf the titter aiareo of tba mhomotltyl la
I VAT:Jam r at. " Vo eV.=
lb. I'l l il.3.34==graixanlleb.M.4".'= tit I
buy. It will can all Meows of tha reap,
rootk asoooht hood. dew worm Melr otbor obnoxious dime.
dare of the altem to elespeme ea wall monkery. it .Loch
untloollol. It Walls Ism halo. poke Bomb. as No,
ifto o ovoy. sad it tholtroulota gooolto, thMot
. • .
...eimerlaaa gaidwan..
DLIVEN, .CLAPP•t DOUGLASS,Maaii Amt... N... i Fir m = ttereedoots from
I ....L. ism Toni. wooki ly IosILA tho
iontloo of tl.. ihothrmo Trull. to Ls Stock of Goods, ro
lofted d ova from 41 . • tosaulastonra, sal tor Palo on 6-
. .
01110A00. ILLI24OIS, ••- • ' • ; •
CONTINUES his usual facilities hireieive
on Karam Nth, and Trataldot. all Ilaiebandlot
.Niguel him. Boata leay• biz doc k M dally for all tadnia
on them Wus and the Illinois Moat and Wray. -
11oBrooma—Steanra. lawous, Etarlins. C Co.
Wows. Jones 1 lialgr;
. , Mr. John A, Caugher.
Prolwre. Cammlwiw. and forwarding Merchants. o tbs.
• • . Leyte, lit.'dtwerb.
Kern . Alrywalcr notion, am).Lorenr„'St , rll.l. & Co..
Pittsburgh. •
-, •
. TUTTLE, Atiurnoy at' Lnrr;
and Commissioner. lbr Pennsylvania. t Loaf. Ma.
conorgunkallora promptly arwrered. • ongtulY
4eOIIN IL RANKIN, Attorney and COW).
Niko. of. Law, sod Commlntooor dm Moto o
un) Wool.. Or- Lo 1.. ITO (la. of Plttebafit6) •
Utor mlg:rttcl. ( 7; . 7.4,1'3'11"e t
5&m,... &word & .
Valuable Beal Estate in Beaver County
• • . • at AUction. • •
TTHE subscriber offers for sale the following
properte, air— •
. e n do. late In Pension, Soarer county, krefog fots
Noe. 3 belts about IUP fret. square. °warmth leered
e 4 cm black of.inte frame dwellings, and our separate
'frame 4 0,0100..11 too Modes •
N 0.. . One lot AG feet front on sot street, opposite the
Move, and *Mending to the toy of t h e bill.. •
No. a. Two bomb lots, mob MI feat boot, and
Item the road mime Dote, mark, on the Big Barer.
wi1b710.4. ( 2 * ,Vrtrtgel'er lot. aUa Gat i
Wb ",
N. 0. cr. tot 01.14. ipniii.tAir tor. ISO feet h oot. end
frameto the toy of the hill. 00 wbleh is emoted ow
star 0 and wandmuee. by GO feet; steoone
frame dwelling, tom M high. _
lie. 6. Om lame lot In N.. nrightou, W.Va. munt7, be
fog Mend 140 bet on Malden. amt stoat 2R.0 Not MM.
eon ainlug Mum, on witieb amsrected two limra bum*
de *flings. 004 ona mall frame honey need Ile .o 0000
TGis Forwei - a r trrf e rai 4 " mAlittlio=
and le r i erT C.. • . 1 ‘ • .
NtM M. v. 1424.11, itainsdlattly bgtrAtistOsi Bridge.
b.bltm"r4rrt,!_trti•lts, Cron Water
ow * t.lare mjeday, the tth der of SePt.s•Pfel :
next, at private ale, it i ll t
ottnett st. panne
.01 op tbs prembm Terme at sale.
angP:dgwtsti ' Agent Pm Johnston A Reektou.
Valuable Beal state sit Aneticm. •
rPSUBSCRIBER decd for Sale, On gia
oralo term% Ito Unman I.olMar. I. thrM,
.4 or lurburgla.
Throe walostOo
fet tbriroto7 back etwonloit
8.0.341 Area. twtwowe )4 1 1.1 0 . 4 t ., amt..
I VAt.4ll " tiiqd aUK frOolon Third drat %Ain
1 . 1 . 121:1 i i=b=n4Zan
x , ,, % 4 1. 44 T 4 4 4 .12 4, 3:
two story-Leek tambour.
It tbo acre it Dot told twUre Tlisralay. tbo itli darof
&Veal. , at piratrao la ,ft will th at be oitiered of rano
ma Pao.
lama tor aohasuln Storirtou
1 j
&ROOM. corner of Grant aid Third
• acos kostlositar • larryir or • pt
t. U r
ts proorriror t " g . "'
1 &mod IL
.. . , .
TIIE subscribers, intending to renuivell
to 74 Water stmt. serum of Chansery,Larre.
rieste* Wsrehonto Innlnalununntsut.Pt — Nu
45 Waal street—running theringb tn Med attest. P.
session air= at. the IA NOctober nent,_or wooer tf yr
. •
. .
FOR RENT-The Dwelling, No.. 155 2.,. ..
'Third scre. sirs, Benithteld—as man as gui ''"
thetart bnildlog and tha ranting and tsWi t l .
scabs bows is socopleted • nit bed ehlan on the
sscood • Star bu aMN cam itultki, vltjk ba and cad
Ire" wascassopt; dc r . • . •
shn—tet Ilmi• adjoin.,. al • cosdonds rent. 'Engarc
aurktf . ' /north stmt. scar Wood. •
Sewickley Property for Sale.
Tyr a;,
offers for sale s fine Tract
And, cattalo:mg 336 seem belt t r ikr. of the
Prosody lately owned LI th e Zeman,. ly t
Allegheny comedy. one Wog ,boot 111) acne a 1r
n4411011= LW, between tbo rennelleao4 and Ohio
nn lt.O
o 4 seat tho deer. The 41anee (o 6 san) abet.
:a.lot"tiNalltleritirer.t7tlth • Ilittger rr irel Oil Kin, T. 4
0W running ender. gni gardens or refute conntryreat
deagns, this property is ono of the Sant mom offered, bar
ing soma to the cite' at all tlmea. Rallroad. Stn . , arAl
tar term.. ne
I.l =n, n
t! .. ! . SITU,
le•na II
ton nion from w o
• At•e-100 TOWN LOTS, Wyeen the oreemn bullion
hat of the wilhetkaml iho Depot et halm. - , . - --
All of ',bleb niU ba .o mt..' tenn• for the web.
cre.• Stmt la Cm OW imsl Pro)brat. Railroad, or in
Other of Liu Santa to Att.thamtb, trill to tetra in pas
-1 .lo *La bo deineheitOme, of geoml. satoththit the
Depot Trostethlo • compaWnt wan or •any. to oreet • :
Int Mar tiotot no on tehtth 6 feo. l Mh•ehh he 1 . 1 P
I't L M
IgrtgagnTgalh.g.Ttb. sti.. or pin.. , 1
b • sod Clemhoot t. bettomn PauebornbnalWom• 1
te. the benefit to be derived from the PLuX. Howie I
coo coastrnoted to and from Balm. =hes St ase of 1
the Z _ holute r po Um lit==be • lirM
• .p...T01y 1 . ; •51.—{11ter 8 - -
-- • •
V•l • ble CalWrilleats for Bale atio;u3t*l.
lIE BUI3 . SCRIBER, haring
. diyhied isio
I yanx—matandas 137 a<my Itaa.asaa•r u
• • •nithln hen enhentee welt of the Ohio sad
emu Boltnead. and fink Innen Iran Minh.] eitiTid - 16 - d
Bremer elad—into choker Lots. eantedninit rnen Ann'odehS
beeeeeento nob. geld men the gam, by anotool, on TIM.
DAT, theirlOth dey of AUGUST. VAL • •
The leent is of netedlent nodally, and la high itste of
eninendon. hantegmbern
amt. ne t : . dreretr .. ..g air a
tor =L e = or erTlei ' anrOttne=4 , ndleT of &WI
WI:W*I.I.M f.A.C.ZiM.wnartt,T
talariverett4ortal en•
anal paysdents;. with Wendt, to be 'vented by bend nod
end be .ieegca pr free
girds_ oco!eioidce 31., on Tdrder, tni du
of Anc bl t doo oot.l.43l. MASMVS ouarsic.
undersiped offers for role a pier* of
ecotai4g tors en WI lift
pp t➢.lad
finrroil• 13Mrou=o"..!Vrth u Xi t irl"
irtilbe rad. iv is arlaplal iryins aid too
VI Ws. saner of the z===l=pzewdd .
Wog ll ama et =Ma I=l4. a Co.
- Valuable Beal .Estate for Bale:
THE following described properties are of ,
Ittred for ale. upon rektor writer:4c
lbar star, Inlet savebotro. and lot., In TRltherfth. , ou
the mouth die of Weal. W o od. sum ao4 Rtsttt
deeds. Dos etr o p%l . tz Wmt;'=, 1.14
qr.. lb: Stralriblt Illingitirl a ib•VOIS, , Z Rooting
. 13. 1 4 00000' lb.
=rep " A l t . arlirlatotrarootth . g
30 feet melba tooth 001131.0. b•MITI. taodoelrr .t , 0..
Ultt 00020i0b4.1. 0 d vomit; Valor el/oRRt tort,
'VOI- 4 1 ; lot.Prryin4Rornietr C A l titt Reserve ' lonr ,
Woe, these wed lot below the Mertheltheoltalrh . ootOst. ,
on the Carlo ever, WI rootelning stoat 11 sane. .
.110—A boom ex& tot, In Altstheov dn . .... eeeolrore
Mre e l7ll ll lr:=f rth=;g . i.0 27 i
trout •
AL.-About: Qum Mi. .1 Sl , Mta 10 L a* ettY 01 AM'
: tl'Verl= l :,batitArgl'b.=fttEla
loon Male them% erri tho rorirf enter &Lel elde
thereof. two oeetry) o4 br Ramo , • ' .
.foolv to .- , • JOREPR I; M 1 0 077 ko.: - ,
• -- - • • • Gnat Aiwa, Plisso
7, - 'Braddock's Field Property. --
rMONS - desiring beautiful; heathy. Ids
iterurri.uru'4 is h :r3=t f rE= .7o Mre
t.t sevreisilsols erssu b reb.
.cashtr laa
old rterasbls
sovnltg=h)dilldzig nom wboassranew Wit
p :nth■ b tdr tjr= ja r :VAN= Ve u k
but auxerteckti andibr j e a _
Fast4g'll:4? =l e% ,
j Con will ou l =log csrioarl RemPiwbarih UM , la
rare "' tri Z1 b .:7112 iVta..l ll
one:l=El' """niissist a siss. o.SO
1 0"471,..1=4.
noun siurA • MIA, JAIL w. i n i outiAN :
J • iilsru
For Sale—friiierrtyou -the Canal .lbsidn;
TA: , LOT, corner of Penn Weal and Ste- e:2l —
toolains• plat or tn. Naga Bri l l
I D. On whloo ors two thow4tory Brick 13ouloo. •
41110—A Howe owl let co Dem street. ooze the north
Pr.bit . " Ca "rao th jYtraillfrga s ont
above Adam. triot.
To Let,
A. LARGE. commodious WA1111101111.21
Poo ion sit= Immedlll,. • Aro.
_ GROUND, favorably
located ior Strawbeni., or trait at
ttWhhllnnn low oxinutrectelvear I.llzrairrms
i o For 8010 or l',.e_tualies*, i
: ,
011TY-TIMEE Builarnia lows, iiid
to oat lot No.= In the Mead ql.ea of th e town
./p:.lethean fronting on both eidee of Re been amt. anu
Ali:. 411i , t for ..„. par? . .
cot lot no the =I eehntes lack "L”‘ la . "LW" a U''''
...3Pbal as eaetato lot. - t. r .. " ..4 * h" . 41
_ For term. m
° pavan of Dlr. 11PRES BORLND ben
the. Wm4.M.-....._.!_tt21 solnenter. at MI Mo. ho. lul
"Tyra T ''
'''''''''''''' : ' II BRADY WILKINS.
A _ --
10 Let, - • • [
DWELLING USE, containing - 9rn
riiinirdrZ trig.A.retgrug=b4
17oR. RENT.—A three • story .briekja
dwelling boom, ettutts otahltd stattet.botmeta
taut and k.r.tet the how* V tt,elt tlot4ltti E It;
&sot to the latch. anttLabore•Wen tha O n to th
tuOt roam
•tt Dot sod cold weer. Pomo:low pro imturtllattO
at& to , P. VON110:010111tT It CO.
Ito. 93 it AS Trout E.
. • Real &tate far Bale. .
A VALUABLE unimproved LOT, on tho
AL =nor of Liberty and Factory otreout TM li s t
to tn. German Latlsollo Morel. Amt. trout on Ilr:
21)7 1 1:11 IUO feet deep on Paden. =Wag bocA tot
' 11 1114,4* three !nor) Wick Dwalllog Ilona on Lanter .
mut, .itidaom sac.% its lot tains .A 1 on Maltby
lon fret deep. To. boon Is lame sal ocurenlant, built In
M et a mi.. an 4 ocotobas *lmo moo.
ju...-....v ocao. of 'try near iltr t ntlfb.
Aloo-A Corm of 134 urea lo Wert Dem tow
Also-A Yansi of =4 says in Lowr.oce conoty. moo
fr=-12ein Beam county. Of TorlooS .41.21 - Vol
Woes. nom COO Wes down.
• .
Abc, . e r r Tolstabloloto in Mann, Sinaolo.„rrices
.4..... P -4gr. 5.t. a a, 1.. n. irnmanaet.,
~.. '-.
- .
MUMMY 1 at Law
, myVl . . no. 107 fourth strut. FittabolotO
- - -- - -..
'OK RENT—A Warahotuse onlVatera
"treat. baciestillarket •114 Ferry; snitalat• for
yr:dm. Imam*. 'Lo r. .
/AXES ALLEI.L. Mirsta st
'IRE well finished and furnished Store 4
mud amt., th• Part Wks, at. grant
eccaplowlk7 ithi.Parteroks • J.rolry mare. - gm!
• STEA.'
CINC:INNATI.L.—TIie siaen • • ••
dkt, enr." sa3dAtitardrAdOt
Truittk Copt. Mulett, Nem for th
.bprr mil .at 10 o'clock,
OB ST. LOUIS.—The. undid
.V.J Devi.
a =or the stove sad an In
mrts Bottadsy. the Otti at 4 °Week. P. •
/or freight or gunge Mal m t.r 2 .°" o • '
sell J.VLACIC. Ages.._.,
vFOR WREELING. The • • Ste
steamer: DIURNAL. W. L Commit. will
I sthe above and Intermediate porta or
Monday, 11th Instant, at IL A.B.
sage • • • ABLINTRONO, CBOZP.e t CO; *MIL - •
Br m, A3 ULAR . WHEELING AND • • '
HUN/Witt BACKUS—The fart running
WLIANYILLB. Capt. B. Tonne, "
eirn eis ••mutat menet between Pittsbuzgh.
Bridgeport, rod Itandeb, leaving Pittsburgh every Mon d
afternoon for Wellsville, Reshot:4,M, B
Bin TlM :4, o l mo= - for Etrubenvirbehing,
• Bridget= Ot and Pundshi mturnlng,lmgmßrAile
pert arid every Tuesday .ft non, and ilmsMit
'brrtl T .Vit 7 !Tire' u `iv i re ig . Varixi w 't, ar.
VOR N — EW R LE A N B—The •
Rdszetld sum simmer =PLANT, R.
b an, 14 sater, will leave Etn• Um above Lad sll
Intermediate ports, cm the lint rio t of nate.
For !bright passage apple . . awd, or to • '
Jr/ • .Ul4l. ittl.TeNßNßULit.' ApnaL
Assn. PIIAYT N. Y. A. A. Crane. master,
will team, Pittsburgh for Wheeling, (SO. and Bmtdah.
every Tnestay and I ri dsy, st• o'doet r. xi returning
leaves Laidig. fa Cantina. Wheeling and rlttsbargh,..
am• Wednesday and BatuniaLatlOn'elorlLL Pateeniters
and siting= ma depend upon this twatenuningremdarly
4001 for wa4s wares. .
Yoe a.lobt or w.wgo. solo on baud_ mtlo'
This neeemebostorubselt b 1
the owners of the steamer lama tientani rod Others, Lir
the Clorinnati .4 Pittsburgh Packet trade:mei will lento
every Wednesday ter la ydare of the Neer limp
lami N 0.2. Ler height or apply en hart or tn
mr23 • ' W.MTNNItat.OIIII, Sono..
.12 EdR
r tetstearaerDlUßNAW„Ni t treo,.
WU ' drag% Wher.llll=Pit=gl at 10 erluelt
.tart WY. Wedoestsy mud Friday. sod ressaisiS
Tue•MYt non.?
h'uTAIL ' """AV=TareitVil..ev.t.
upoia.-Th. lime summer PAOLVIC,
...i...01" Stalls aborwaa4l
adittrg=pp== l" :=
• - No. of W.atrltlrsit
, • • • SOH Mt CURB Of
A DICING the-mu:mono dis6oveziei Sciewie
11 hum& In thlo guastion to Ittllitetethe Imbue
of Ids, Braun its adatirat. and drew Team tbs term
cf. luau sobjetra. nun ea - be mud GI more real Tau
to inadtind. tiwacthit tonlatbettiren of Cltradatey m tb.
fluting Ace. A. rest bisrof MMISM thrinebeiet thlo
vest ices Bruno lxionil a doubt that no at lichn
* or cotahlastins of adiditime Tat known. oat wom' Con
trol tad eau Liu .00000000 =dear of BrehtennaUdheisu I
libieh ban hithato prat Era oar sitiLt tbrosardo and
MMTIMMIII Mar rm. Indeed. Uwe bora alaxodut roees
eon to Wino s. remedy ha..t banal been !bud which,
tan bot relied on to cue Ote nod dansrams ereetionsol
the lane. Cm lllMM.bsze will not pundt sta to Inthibb .
anT loopation of the ram eflbohed es lb no., both
preen that mllortni Opinions of udnenit nun, weirder
father mearr to the &Mar. which the sera* Wow
named abeam , be Bland to famish tra. wheirat to.
nordadaa an
t d liediontsble raeif althea.
a. le:ldeated .1710.
174508 110 Et
.losoe• C. dsiiire 1 hare and your Chou Pabtrot
in toy own era o a
f' d e n
Bronchitis. andi su WOW
from Ste tirades] condltattoo that It B b Aiii . eldrehie tou
for for the relief of hutted and AllitcaticA
If Mr VOZIOU tO It* Mammim charade, b. of ap,
.. of Chat
, • OailegZabte of the Ll U t.%l4. l =lL
of Amara and Urapa
atedi the Chau Paton' an actodrable
from ;tau of tit. bast attelos In the Maoris Id a, end
a Tory
ruisdr Ibr ciao of Uranus is Wear
era Vey Basal. Ct. JIM 1.1542..
NAM PA TTLSOA Pronerat of So B. C. Brate.staini
that Itis has and the chern with raodadul sec
ewp. to tore au brae Mto d.the lunge.
Pros ens ewe sus P t edwirard Neraa
Eielej. APB Mk MB
Xratil—Dear orre 1 au nu . eonstan
you Chary Plural to at prance.
ether medial. for redinonay orapialatell=tt tly
ration of nary emu taus. I omrthosd It will curs
rout* tOld.• and dtetera of the that hero rut to
dollanorail other notedipa. X las y tiorannend tte
on In our of =s .= moth Us teed
msg. _ _ amnia!, stn
- tai, Lo %by Mlle U. Amu, Prettiest Chat.
Hold hil l .1 Mane br B. A. TAB.
jaiUMwatilie J.
azz . TOWF. ,thre.. TD.
Ina In dagle lustosoo , toiled to expel vont.' •
• ; • ,• Cobol Oznat Noose, V., JulylP.C.' -
• ble. A= IL Iltruzett—tott trill reoelleet tha 22. t
when 'ere i
were la Pittsburgh. itiltoretaber Wt. you areealled ottae
to err Versoithge. to test Ito virtues. 're did en. sad
the orintetere eold *tut - tee yurehosed. which I
r - T1T:r= t, 2 ..,..,.., nr.L1 ,,,,.... 4 vri c= ,
',bleb meted he •the..4.341 , 0f the yseseat month.
sod oirytoterday ere odd the last of 2 dot: betties. We
sow ruish you to voted go by the Ord eafe oweeeyeaNt. li
dot. owe. We Sad it to estnebta s utodicine..thst etterY
r ifes% ' ,.. 4 tetto l a VAlllMintal2b7:= V ltt.
to giNt eertesadel of ttIP esorNeoty.. Out of. the tmentitr
r ote leaded. it hoe Dever4e v e c, ehig a ltatiarmallei
IV )a ti qi Ztt rekl . bi in V. NELMS.' No. 5I Wood st.
,• • . -- • 7 8FaidaFflia -- c - ex --- .-- ---
, .. . . •
§B.OULDER BRACES of the most • app--
:premed styk. datoto In otroctoro stil, osgilly. Mod;
of dem to mit sal wholmy reqtart them, lost .ree..l
sod tark..boksalt out retaill, •
• IT ' . • If.. C. S.ELLia., Virocd prt
Snottft — Mutaal LifelniurguiceCompany.
• • OvertaNTVIVID. $100.00 0 .• '.
S COMPLIIY offers to Om insured • ill
I,re:I! a secwitr and athraataires ot the Motel and Jehxt
Kens (ea breeze. availed) enaaldned. namely: Lew
nt.... , yeessiotav as annual return in cob et the Ter
tentage reetdred far
~t , Z math= risk et the Tear: an
itatV=lontarere=ta Otrla,VitVantu"eq'''enta:
blethe seteasardethen tend. leaarat
__,.te enth
ama parade at death, by eneilla area their n , e+r-rs
* aserasta fnea Missed tee the Terreaneat seearity - of
abort hen, members. and else IT the present seenatty of
thew for the a hole term of We. . •
. Arnie le ttowandylintend tite Inrarare Chm . naary:
ester rates at areminte en Lted at stair redneed Mead
ard, tech IL Wand= for as ananuily WalaWan enewair•
halm at hinds (thr Tante Neeavity) neer.. proportion la
the ararant et anainese md the inenseinn fiat trhee ed
lare,aire mama the Manners. •. - : .
• Pun lea, tract. a m e r. g b eia, in detail the plea and
rate* the Vbeetanli =Cave:
lbeinearance reached DT •
125 , . it..Viszr.r, ,
Wondered, Tith
lir= hues). liedleel Ihsminer. . .
. : 3T24iIT (01 ' , , .
To the Deaf !
A.FNESS z -'misee• •iv OA Ind, and-all
* lajr " Trreatned rims rata or st r.. soVerg by
Itnertnr, Pets:o44Am. is( lb* I.Y. Sp, awl Paz
SargetT, ot 911:Areb below savortnee
tare:Um farstnrdays- ontaber k loroastassos of the
eas. Inater ha cared Me yeast els% and tbe cratirying
ansonmS d metre iddstt attended tits aratutlon, bare In
duced tdso to mad. !dere.. Dia stay_ bore nil) de. '
=Ws stroonere, sad it tar adrablr
l a u a
k ix th rt—ZlNTln 3 iir i .
law.. woad tenet &setting tortlnt Betaten
on Remota attest
./L , Valuatae Improvement in,Trasset.
DR. UARD'S Improyci: Patent TRUSS
and tinkTtrilil 11.11NU.S. b vbkb •
rare can be Anted.' nu Tema le vatizely @teat fn
illVltrararrat=latraiarMo. u b reel
lite ' reeseure en eo
of nto en nee and
u t in the
&Men owe* of nen* end en be
lammed to abases any Inn •
St. Mine. is law
tont. enl baln brought in bon tounellately nett the
. kin opening, and affording
th e sentatty and inn.
kin at all tn.. even under. the meet violent enrolee.
ny•the use a this Trawl. wnitandien= l 7,,, bY • nil
atre=tlon,. or any Air ' =roue
tow. whin to.not on noTreentiat won
toe of illy noted nom!, it i• • WIT MEMOS rennin
rjitrfrauelivioll b 4.l? ' s luttzr 1=4.=% 4 0
ono understand U. Inarborr of the
riri tob
noteitunt Wit not oasts% of lteree•
jinn to Ws Tram. se we know any will lin
value. Wo also ban a variety of ulna Sturee at es,
Wyatt nine. Infant Trani kent_ooturtalatly en land. .
• Kn 981.0 alel , OnfKLIL. Aeon.,
ie2 lin Wood R. risteborn.
Abdominal !Modems.
WBE SUPPORTERS are intended chief
ee tho our• of Ptolsolo Uteri. gad 'Liam dlr.
sums vitae moshartiosl subpart to tho Abdominal Tinos
srsora. They atas pale,Ct t.IL uhlogg Le iust
I=ai=ir. "za
retts:TalittnUttAletrA ro=l=PT:rb''...
-Vseartoc4a Proatration. ihouchius, Shcattasso of littugh.
bft f tut i ' 1 !'. 1.4 Mttrilsovr m Y . •
.• . 140 Wood at, Pittsburgh.
• . Pam rzas.r. V0.,(kt.‘1847.
Id. 11. T.. Slum—Of yoar TortrOtos, =Y . .Ithof
hrsitotket that. 1.'114 used If ortoulnly o rto metio.
for Oa lost four or Pro Joan, tlonk It doCiLtedly th lAst
promotion of or
kind of♦'bleb 1 havia=roortAso ,
sit.boash 1 bore htrotoforslsso= of mold
Mbar mor.olactorero. Yocum
D. tatiClL,
0n . 14 •
sol 4
Vr:ipareil sin
bill. SEILZRZi. fa R.
by dnnunata generally.
.11 . U ST Opfflainn very excellent assortmva
of MA:MLA. EFL et from 45 fp= all Inkffsat
'''''Ao I " Megiel &oaf. for $1.56
• Sellers' Liver Pills:
• I to
.Ikkonity of leatlfylnit faro , of your hteat
en uable
no. About two pm . , ago. I irss LOAM & ulth
Were 11111....1.100 OE the liver, sad •la /0 reduced ty
'gala meat. and other Orem of Ltue dreadful dbare.
*het my life was &malted of. Atom attar mama bad fail.
ed. I vat Wetted 0) toy Ante". to try your LlyrePilb4
wad I,
eay that after taking ace too =I • half I
thisb... Mimed to reanonaLle harlth. art=.42 . l.
this ham 1 therrtor• take pleasure to
them to ahem antlered. with diem. of the Geer. -
• Yours noneettth.;• JOELII GIIV/SSEAn . • '
All other tills raged "Liner Mlle: aka conaterlettuna
base button.. The 0100 ISE ..44 DI
Irt • - A IL E. L Wood
AKI ;re tA,i4t.
B. Basinli
EXTRACTB of Boit; Ursa go Flower, JED
Dee. Yeah.. P d.
wide, lieopnet de Canithe. Demme. IleUeoP.Oelreii
Dlounrliene, Tobeviee, Bergainc.i. Camelia, 11thieyelieDwi
Dthquille,Jiekegl i iiti. Lae, Diarecteele. ED:this nowom
Clemehe, Wen ileascr Lind. Oego, thiwrtiella Meal.
and h.:et Musk. u ithe tinnith WADI.. with ease afqw
All the acne &Azle, whiai ...le • twit
aesonseesit. an at the TOS7
00.007. telex m i na.-
'hared wor
ith modal awe. -The w.wheith Wee made
ma WL
nta. hllly last hiith Ithith Uri DM
bd4 i a A l4l Elolutia., 7 Waal it:
1,'1~7 i~TS~
. •
Ixitatt atti tale at S. 1.4 9.lAbalat.
IL-Ira invite du &Umtata of llatm ant Mambas;
„I t , th,attitia.vlath
torte harm
atial tor up.
want , at tbil moat., aad eatattatad be.
ta 1.01. rat. U. anon mpati. to_a*kd ata=
ea *at *hitt! in.shattqat,sta.M It. Walt..
a fambet mai mar. lam. it....
anaaat tatietaa4.4l. Mtn Pitatic te.l4• at outal4
aatt.. 11111 cotta a.' aaa att.). itatbal +Moat to.
lam atsi as It arms emsnatal wilt equal amiabt. it
Lt W~YchuPY . lllu 'J. a g. rinuars.
. • Boyers , ' Maio Prlxr.• -
Li. • RIEDER ;has jrust. rceerred Beyere
. _eaktreled beinbee tor Abe llama. Teach me
griedsed by Iffelivairinal men In Ulla comatry and as
Na., b 0... be ate bat welt or <Le bad ever Indabbed.
Ileyea.weal Manna u ow el the icual. soca:mita mammal
fer besinamrs a rm
ed bur. b. mOaltkd ••ale..=
sad anardy tilt by musical pubile. {IS: MI!
bra peoommaye sad fettermattam to tam pupa. byt.b
tad .=ta...c.,
ea.morias and tame. thus moistly tuoldatber
kmtWsameabat tedioam and lek.aro and nada of ism:
jZLACK _BBRAG:E DE LAINE.—This Tt.bik.i..ylooncassnotrof
AP imam sitida an bm had al tb• star. of
Jo= IMMIXa moans= r.ataaa me
m" .I.4.atwanu 1. 1 3,
- -
. •
• -Judd's Mediated liquid_ Cuticle. .
lIIS ARTICLE is intended for fainily use,
end shankl be food In th e penetheion of terry haw
Lir n the land. Daiwa. who aro in issattht dere* e a I
~,,,,th to their persons Wrath b seeider 0 the le rsthe
sr or smiths um of tooth will and We i iti lo to fora.
table to thrift, Lod LIST L Dar trial will consider . 0 lathe
Thie inny Otani} that we. the 'Wing rne
sand r node cm of Jnitire Modlothed Cotten pre
wird try Mears. Yetirold ,ik Clualk M nth", 'HinnL.
eborefully theoromena IL to oor profeerionsl breto n r.U. in
an orethent-soletlerthe' Dr Lethesiro Wester. in a
honor, este. seLlit ni bentook and HI Wade of troth..
then. Le t..... Nto a mind visor Hied. . .
.. -. .- , ,- • ' 1 . : DUNA DA
_M. il ia .
-11 D. &Wit
Conarnhdow et the praetigNe Ph.1. 1 th... I. Ow cur co
wee Lath by ' - IL A. TA LIN EnTOOIL A 0H...
r iS put up in quoit bottles, _and csar
tete the strese if Or. WA Wain ay pith pan
.entitha.loo- w A efrion Ma
Wper Some, tee ah ist hr. -
it hat hem a well welsh i- O.W rers cut, that
rare sec pnwee we the
ten true peneswhew
for all &mum ut a[ aLP.. as Im
rift Mews!! tbe blood, Inethine menai.,..t.ttcvatag
weeltther .I . X . i7treLft;'Airellf r ifa OP RARIAPI
RiLLA bi the °sir proposals:l Sena the Stifle tut
Prepand on eerily witrilffic stun iand or metes
Ansel, v r +^ d without mark
to pen and rpm peel. IN nines% to .
tho deem% chemical nso,•fi ' ortetWateeiliniid
beef tele used f
Hers hatexperllla oh:Whitens UM Thine at sone
other wahable weer, t %ether termite the bed me.
veinal. ..I producing the grease curate. Wei to tai
kunst world! „ , . . • . _ •
• - WILL CtfliE wasoui TAIL! •
&nettle or &thee VII. Casten, 7•=ne, Emptiest
_the gi r t:f , t , rt z ilmt Qmou
Soil r f liste Ape, Rt.F.
Wm, Nemeth* Boutelholuis. ''
, • . • Ohl holos,Uleere. iiiteleS • •
of the Ulaudethredl - • .
: - • - Kenos. •
so. eritinsirrom. •
NIS= sad " glied;
deny 11.010 Mom Lucm'•
r =al u ttelloe.Oostiveoe. Sore Tbroal
B Omar. Ookbb W.meto of the 4.'beet.
irulsoebery or.e. ssul ell efts disteo.v.a 1.2.0 .
War Oregialeb. Female Inonlare ear i t,",rnt=
11-7 brAs i be= Mega ' Littkaa Die
eues..4 • mi. wad au.. dd.. .0 geoereltow
k for the eisMat. eact prate .1 Biwa. paryabb
emorrior W lalie Lick or ttrtyroore vet. ulte, or Dew
. •
'rim tb• vezbatinvor eartilasio DM/ in
the poseemlon af the Entre Earminnitie , —
ter. X.' W. Wen is =MI generelly known -en en
elannent leenompliebeel pantos. al' theta. E. th e
UV. r.I , MIOU Est 0.3 lcoonn al the mart eni•
mud not onions Eferlbettl test the genfaelgrlennee
could kart of tar saw iEft
the WO and yemonela=datlnent L.
bog l47 :—. 0.. thn nand madam bat; or nvre;
in tem al my seedinitto
/Miff Teo=r/aswai Sow OferainFtwor of
Any Kaiak r • - •
Ur. B. W. bacs-3. - y; 3. ItsrsiMM.
• . ImalTabs, Map P3,liia.
*t . tars %Lad John Bars duasomills.stid bass bream
It to aced; tab mate atistscaam sad as ban no MP
Ittbaa catbda that is Wass it to bs o nal sad rear
maaad compound. sal adanbad to produce mica
= l r m a
amainlsla much , Datarbar sad ' , paws Mena=
o smappliz reconnatal it to tbs It
Plotsd. (ania) P. W. PYJICIS
. . .
En vs di *lssas ti atm boosted obit. s m kin, sod it
Ivry Woad dust Mar ofbro doss sal sca, notjas
sash:ma& . tissidandorts so &way to es • is
soonaties, bast:tombs* is sad solatiog
r . raMl. to Yawn *Damn • sonbignos of dams
tbs =Ltbso of, sod tbst fro, shit gnat Vat
P. gansogrllls la do bort cocoas
It Nevada, ito ea skin. by rsatorting sta t. P.tisis at
o _
meat sod Alsosisd maas tbs blood.
bsalats. sat drowns gaioo ostait7 eeetT
veseel, sad standar the yellow sod auk sotattatasa to
Um blotto sal freskagss of youth. ladas abandon dui
ass ogsaints sad matures. ast tut Bon's gams sdlis.
au only affsetall misty. .A .ma to the .4114 it
cat" and • ban 1 sassiat to do Wits •
'lotiropm Lik4 the Following, Baden Superfinoscs
ail Comment inis EfficinicY of Ban Sarso-
TromDr. L. P. Tammy Profams of Cbrodstry, in: Ms
• • • Louisville ?Sodas! Coneys
•'1 ha.. toast MC the tat of intesdants sootpeetht
Jobs Boll's Commun.( Ell:mad glaystarills.syst hays no
tasitatto Int saying that they term Ws cosopyrout. sod
oat that nondses sell to daonta dissoa . s i r ob.? , At
"Vottlettas 6,131 d. F .
• Med PRI PYZJZS; by amp, the Loa.
LtaGle Marine /1.‘4 osys of BULL'S ata.sArrA
EA •
Lotomus. March 074 LI):
Thee. recutlual the Peeeerrleh Dr Do Mr.." of.
John thslVe eateaparills. and believe thy Ooen matt.. to
be all excellent Orea, and well oslesdated to prEdile• on al
bratty* Depression on the ertent..lDa.r stae4 0:1 a beet .1112
igte and r i ljate sweep.. sad
eat PD.Oltlan at the Looleetlle
4CAUTIO--Beerate end eat to the ce=l DZ.
101 K BULL'S KIIt34PARILLA, fr.& K 7-7 end
twee smother— • • KM= A ?mina,.
140, Weal street, PittebsteihiSa, Wholesale and 1/4613
Roo ,of. byD. 11. CllllltY . Cia JOB. DOUGLASS, AID ,
ahuty city. and by Droitists generally. 1e11.03
VIM Pun. best
mow. issasen.. inn - PiTurt — gassitantioft.
Inonstbaussem of Orkweeneral Flturiludisates. -
Demand Spirit* end Gleamy Stare cf Mind. are surd tar
Dr. thwagesigractqf TerawDecksed Saxivi ,, •
Sirts intseediate relief by mantas the toustakkof health
sad sttenstli. the blued. nosobrilkors bed tom.. Cthe
stoutural secestion4 sad =vs • beslibr act= to sn
Its mlto p=etties render it roculisrly ippli..
able to the ticisier,and &Ws constitutda of the Sr
suds. It bunsoliatekr einostesuets !bit distressing norronse
tau lasnitudo sp copriaxm to to. recede fruneond
bops= in energy 11,13 i buotsorT steu , M= .
" are pealefoL, Wo hare amides., en tic shicb induces us
o=er to recesurnari this 'lsLedieF, to =rricd people
Pito Imes not been blows! adtkettscrt="
Dteii.or Tafing of the tiTe7= l le 2ls.
cured by Dr. Gipott's Rat= of TellonDodi and
Parsapirlils, lifter awry other Imo= reisrdy bad ties
tries trittsct !end: ,
WA. 0.. tett 13,1549.
This certifies that lay att.: Lied S" pas. has sothred
ander the above_ oaraphint for Ira rows; warts all that •
time a:mailed to has If. I bare for thus Tears caustsath
=played the bast medical talent that maid he :accusals
ads seetka of the =mars: uttboat sur-Istudt wants...
I hats also purchased neer nadthrthat recoutatuand
ths cans of sub withans. all of ataxia tam& wrtatblas.
the wing of 1540. I Irsa iodated by war friends to
try Dr. thwart's Tallow Dock and Swarsaills, whichorst
sad tor nor moths. Attar ohs had land Una start tsar
weeks, it au asidaut to all of =that atm ass improwisur..
sod from Udall:tat she narrowed Moan. athl 9ofasd Stab
sad stroastii. roll fibs, is row eulawios.racat wa king
110111011 P. •
Wait thightora to Wm. of Julia Mcluta6 lows
that the stews atartathats.. to the Atha.. of Mrs. Km;
tort, sad as to tin wore tains affected hr Gamut'. Ways
Dock aid fissawadth, sr• stricUr bus.
JANE lEDDlr,_l_, •
.• garbs EE'S-Can of 0. K. ..Loorgard.
: • Walton Own, twe. I, 11119.
Matra. Estmett 06:—.0enter. seme U. to IM6
wee al: meted with King'. lead In mT WTI. whichees=
Mame I could name It, and la 160 mortilleetka met la.
I moSkTed. no Mame than, mob pbmidem d estalmitY :
;dean my resell; ell told au my arm tocut moutated;
irt.m the shoulder In the *ma= W. Ml of runaind
lead. My Argue, at this Mato Ina ea maletell =lmag
ed. mad my palm dumb emadatal. pullatted this -
Agate dual ISM wham I caw ea idrerthermat
Yellow teak deasaiwillla) which I reed. aud mitt
leuMe of the article. oaymee Tallow Dock mat Sums-
MIL . cured ma: I took an tubei meth . while salsa it
'nl feltserfmtly well before edam the Math bot
tle: Ilut I and it at Cm tut avvarmam of the aalled7, l '
eta ware it would here mewl •toe from mum of Dula and
iodating: I most. euroratly racoon:wad every late= ma ,
lertag .4.r any deader dimes% to am Ouyeare
baetaad Sanapardla. which will Mem. them to tweltb.
Yours, m gratitude, 0. M. LgtittAllD.
' .
Curt of an aggravated C¢34; of Erstripels:. .
/ 'gm cores p erforroM by Da. tim-satre Pattmat at 'Ulan
pock szal Bsresparills, ars lading. ilm tadiettl'S Via Med
health continues to Morays slim dims. is rammed , .
gums an mat ehrookled until Moo has tally tasted that
there mad* no retam as return of the dimes.
Nona. liertimer to.. YebramY, 1044.
I. P. Bthaert & Ca—fbonts: It Isolth grestplaarmtlis
I with you about ohs rary word Mimi , ot your Tolima
Pack tad Plersaamills upon ear sea. who kw Mg bans sap
bring nada that dreadful and Indiums dims, lleyslps
sr, with which he arm attacked in 1(15. and .es for limy
at moths attended by orms of our beat physiebnis, whet
:ried their shill perraminstly for firm:tenths. Mthealt thy
imaiddsl smelts laitaltr. Ll• Imam reduced to s per.
feet MUM. as boot alum Mau bit hip 0. Ida Mee,
_ eshieh nem anattsmally dinclaargian dieganingly admire
math , Iledkal and smgleal AM wiis Male& Phyetidans
(.14 e 4 .., his ass• eras hosslem; these amid be nothing
dome a * mad Wei rabble gansmaas aker. ta7 =ter
bars sad myself thought his diimintim near at hand.
gm of my naighbars (Tata (.4 eared a etdld of !metals
;rich year 10001001010 nualbanelairdnat maks ideated
It; sad, mom Morn the miles desire todo simaldant Mild*
UM lutad. than from any bar , of Inteluz.lie. I wix , ...t
'ere. lo ^ unlei of your gallon bock mad Zmuivatills. tart -
manneticed suing It; mad to my astonishment hs bags&
Pa Mamas hefts bo bad need the third Mule Mal betas
Lshad osed • hair a.m. tottleo. h e mead walk edt. lls
Wed to all tenths tattles Marina dee pear 160. sad trY On.
; lat he mas perbetly remmato Sven amiss of- ths
'diame; erupt the mars. is removed. sad h. re ..i.. I.
perfect health ot the. present time. Ills dummy, nod.
ibs Ideseiag of fiat. b entirely owing to the use at your
:f anon Dock sad Psiammilla; sad SWIM , JOU that I (ml
*mid meter great oblimMam to you. aunt is with great
ley that I Inform ion at 'that your Emsessrilla hsa eta.
,my my son. Laweln.rir• •
• SASES 88•13**
' - , • -'••
% f geld lly .1. I). Palt,lsmionam to Stint,ol & Park.)Potlatti
. , Mell Walnatstreets. CiarinastVlbto. theetal &ameba Cis
t: . South sal Wet to whom all °niers mast be seldremed. -:
, J. KW & gm. IL A. Pa noestoek & 0.. J. A. - Joao, L.
Wlleaulr, TlVAlmsh; La A. Deckbam. ALlestola atr.
L. r “,...u. Waddrigtam L. 11. Bowie. ilniectoinse IL
iirelty,Oranastnitr, B. Nannts.Sosionset. Emit & Whams.
.Pedilsal;Raol *Pam litratingdos.Hrs.Orr. IleilidarAnn
,lLLiebrard I (10.. Lactlam 1.-K. Wright, gittsithlag,
!Evans 8 C.. Ercarillt A. Wilms & tion,"Waymborg
'ltalsrshal & 0.. S. 5 , .9..acr stuarnkt Itnytan 8 0.1:
!Mr Gmlism & Porter. Matinr; Imes Kelly* Co, ISM.
,1,,,, S. eadtb„ Beam; J. o.Edaalerto:. Warm: T. L. 4 C.
is. Joross.Cesdayearr.P.Cnoifijr.ui*,:nrais. .:-
/larrrito-4ii Par itOta4; SiZ Dotal for $4
.mecces.(bYt , • •
`l .