HOME MATTERS. BRIDGE GAIL - . . . Before tho. Hon. Wm.. 13 - McClure, President Judge, and Bon: T. ,L. McMillan, Anode' is •, , raosiconol ). C019:1121171D. ' Boten Itialb ' • .:_, worn—Mr. Woods. lied you , any conversation at soy time with Solomon no / nor (one of the director!). Vu e'er, I had.— Questiern=7elist - ieu 1t.7 Objected to by Mr. Staunton. -11 r. Woods offered",to prove by this witness that Mr. Storierhad informed him the thet:Warder Managers had 'passed a resolution, .. eta regular meeting, eschiding biro iron cross big exempt by paying toll at entry trip. • • - Objected to by Mari Loomis and Staunton. Admitted. and su except:la filed thereto: . - iadge McClure was astedtin what grounds he' .- Lbisted his .e.onoltisiot. Ha explained, that. Inas . with u this resolution, if passed, had not bun, , ''entered .on this Initiates, evitienoe of tffe nature 'offered was the au., best - evidence of which the nature of the easdadmitted. • ' .. Etturanstiori co* s' neel--Mr. Stoner spoke to me over a year apt, or _probably more. We were talking &boat th.er.diacooity Ntweell../Odd la lepers . She bog% and out, -Lt 1 jamming on • ewle. He stadtluitiritte ttheirdiults. that roods wan , abothers fell er, -and the Board bed-passed a - resolution.: k ing-Todd' pay by %Abe . trip. He •ssid be. was • member , of the . Beariof Wagers of the bridge.. I wee talk „ins abeet my own affairerredetint to the tolling. enticing exist about making my ploughs and other aidelci•pass our in my own wagon, ma •-•,,, kinglet , . unload very frequently. The gate keep .,.,en said it was not their fsalt- r that a resolution , - of tiltigoard boropelled them to.lio so. - ..... •-thinisramokted—Thii Conversation tooliplace iti - Mr: tinnier', clothing Starr, on Wood street -4 don'tknow when this snit was float brought -- 1- - : ,-Iliilltotior lin snidest of this city. I think he ” • iiiver the tooutaatet. 4 -: - • L " :j , • 'Mc minute booker the Company datedlforch , • • 16,. 1846, gap 191, showing the appointment of ' :1,:.W.-Cook;.as eusessor,•and collector of yearly tetra was tewied.. l The report for .1847 wu of --.."- SOO to pun* tt,at , 3ll. Cook had united his -11•Me.-oitodi,iteke4, for -the . .:originitg beck of steetholdin:benteining the names 4 the stook . heidets-.bodi.the amount Paid. • Ltlr. limper • said that the tarlionbook of shiest:4mb" con. ' -... Sir: Aided asked for' the book containing tin' ' - - sated eubseriptiOnsof stack. • - --- bleillmper said that the earlier papas had . been very nunh,sostarred,,. since' the death of Mr. Sciaucin, but that ,wirtild search for the book,: and ifshecoulcifind it; would briuggit. to • Um Conn toicarraW..•l;......- . • . Mr. Woods next offered,' inevidence;; the icor-, '`. dal of .tireliermte of 1844;:ahowiog the,Wee Of the State Moot, mike amount of $48,1 76. - - - Tbs minute Ixtole .was Ligain, offered in ad ' • • dineeta grin the comroutstioncf toils. NW .. " ALL: L Pirosdaydth Novembers---.- from which it _,...; appear/ that the -object oflowming the tolls., - - itidletting fernillei over by .bontinntation, vas - both tocondace to the COllttlaillEol of the citi csuut-abd to ; destroy ell , competition 4 ferries . above ortriacw. ,No faudlyins to be talum; (far ••• . th eenselves: iffeir flintily and horses) atlas than -iL ...friar dealers.. L All cattle, I veldems, ,ite., -belong ingu.anbeetOnors, were let overret hairpin. , On Owl )8 antl'42, were found fartini:is .2actions of toll; . ~. Pr-pages 179, 80, 81... fie., were fon d pro.. .amfrings . duilaring that it was found, on moat-. Mg,: that May one eighth - Or - nlith of the passim-. on over,the - bridge paid by the trip, and me-. Moles a like progartion. The toll - keepers were tdireeted to be more'vigilant, and it was reenm-. sanded tri adopt some measures, by witch the burl= of paying tolls, thoold not fall: is it ' !m did. • slotest altogether, Mi. trip purettari, bo used prj ‘ the b ri dge Inuit. -•• • - L ..... -• On pages 192, b e., were the ing of. " et regular meeting of the -Board, to ' cm the nom-: cdttee on tolls tetanal a tariff , of tolls agreed to by the three hridgesorerthe - Allegiatny, low erbigthem. • • ~,•• 1 •:' L.- - "'Oa the set Tannery; i 1819, Axon= were el- . lowed to erkes free of toll. -, '.- 1' -.-- - - •-' agentßernd-sworn--I.litt lie 1848 end '44 for the -Ohio State doulpsny. In 1845,L And In 1846, I wss'egpaAfor the Ens .Company. . . The-Ede.Company's stages passed our at the tatter 480. per, annum: On 0,1,• Ohio line; the stage did not ran regularly. •., - . - ,1 - •.• • *as EzillilillOS—Thore wentitherbriages by ildok - Neon Mages,mold irsee , cromieft , ' There • toes no ferries:. ~.. ..".• ' I, - ~- .. • ,Mn. Staunton asked whether. if a huger man . bad been'obampid, the conipany build not bans ; • magi some otter bridge? '.. ~ ; • , • L ' - - - NO, because it would lam been more corn - Went far them to cress the • old. bridge. - The roprietni; o . jgrateand denied crossed tree. . '' T. ..- ~..- Nnowlson•wermo; I reside , lb Pitt tp. 4E:4 leek maker. I haul Mirk: 11011:11i the -MC - sinew bridge. • I• have varied: inlanwee, . sometimes one horse and .caneitanatlim• a tem h974ll-erst..--:-.Lately.l. pal Sri cents a hares.— In 1848, Iliad:fogey : um cents per Wound Wear - Had not to. pa yfor • any jrebein - tries, ;when-the-cart was empty. . ' t- • . - _ , • Ebben Siebert sworn. ' - ,l newt to be toll COI- ' leaterOd the , ol d ' Alleghenybridge: -,, Was there —tel, or twelve yes= . It Is eight - years or Mare • Mime I them e: ¢ mTeb. er. k s w ra r s e a wm fctrpets endyeerly tolls. - When I itrm.thetre I hae.only eroubleWith one man, and made Man pay by the Min,..not allowing him to pay yearly. - _ ~...-• ' The managers and their families passed tou T freewhile they resided with their Whets families.. PaLseucagersnotdidnot puniest. Snow that the Presidentotthehlononsakelibridim passed fres. Cbarpdfariarriages on the Sabbath day, unless to theywere going thank on afore ed ... Mr. Aldmissid that ha_ Itad,pow Gaillard the tundution of his witnemcs. , 1 , , He only wished .to offer is stridence ~ .the CU of 'incorporm Nos of the bride; together. with the ulnas .of ' Allagheirl coludy;'sheraing the vast increase of . population. within late years. i',. . -.- • . Mr. Stuartm called for the de, Mr: Stun- Wm asted,whethree the emu= 'hot tolls had 'is his opinion any tendency' _ decrease the rev.; mum of the bridge, QueruMa.objected to, Mr. Woods Maturing that it woa'not a correct cr o ss ifiabdu•ffil , inasmuch as itLIM not tsar upon Ibis smarm on craminatknoi chief. If his up , gsuerdsbid say defence to Mt:dui, it wasthis, sad now they attempted to bringinthat depute. " bettnitheir case was_ opened. • ' - Mr. Altiammtudea that if answered, the witness weiradmerely give his opinion. -