The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 14, 1851, Image 2

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    }' I'i"l'~l3U
CC • 1.11411 ED DT WCITX .2, CO
'll - ins i
ie.ltril , P,T.VTG .I.I,4TEffIriLLIIE FoinVii
-Ti.torica4 or oirDGES —We fear the imui' enoe
- responsibility devolved upon -the people. by the
Isle ameodinent of the constitution,. is net pro
,. ..
• ,I•iity. realized. -"It is a very different matter to
choose thelmembers of •a Supreme Bench, from
. vhdse dsciltiOns respecting the property and so- 1
_ 1 - ri;3l,;profoit., - and' civil liberty of every citizen,
i., Obr 7 o 34 laPPeal , than It is. to civets Clerk of
the Courtorabigh Sheriff. The month:du
cf the Bench is nisei immense,'' . as to people:c a n
.. ‘. 'long ' Mairin it high otandard of moral. and
lonorsble feeling while the seats of juStlee tire
corrupt. The Courts are the safe guards of the
people from Oppression, fraud, 'and legal rabbi).
ty. -De r'jhe confidence of the citizen in t
ile* , um irealetweettmon and man, and You
'..d2stroy h s patriotism, .his confidence in the in
....ititutiOns of his country, and render hint ready
~..„ far any: change which may offer. . .. '
-The pdoplo o f . l'etinsylvonisi hare decided to
. bike - fearful responsibility - of selecting their
,ludges i I tO their on:ihande. : Many goOd and
ri t e
_...patirio c ' n have lOoked upon th is change with
~, ' . .,.regrei, a d watch the approach of th e first trial
:with . . hiiich depends - giant starting tight.
,litho perlti
'. mulcted in selicillig a good Bench
at' thet4eguttung, the' prObabilities are Strongly
in'fa:Vor .fcoatinuing so worthy an exempla—
. _ The electtorus-to take place iii October, then, will
, at iniportant of any for the future, and
cre behooves the 'people to weigh those
ttili.'es well. •
it theitfCl
rhige have presented a ticket for
4e:raga:met which not one 'word has
an be said: Every - man on it is a gen
' fine mind, profound legal attainment!;
reproachable private and - public char
, an tot much be said of the ticket of tie
t-Candidates on that ticket have been
beta or
Coto= o l
awl of i
r crde Of t
Justly h
issailed by,memhees of their Owl party.
iem hal been pronounced by those who
a I Patt ' grossly incompetent; another has
his usefulness,. and 'nearly his former
gh reputation. To 'get rid of him wee
_ inducement with hundreds to vote for
the nm
i s
iidment of the.nonititution. Indeed, It
is donb ul whether the constitution would have
hem: tered at this time, but for the desire to
reform do Supreme Binelo. , . stun we then, by
carelecanese.and indifference,' permit the evil to
tm'atill!longer fastened upon tig We leave the
voters,' eery single one of whom is 'personn/ly
interested, to answer the question - to their own'
eansciences. -: . k •
. .
Cni.!BtOszt's raopOts. Ltlncit lzmuirrescs
,Ztl;.--ilti'notioplig Cot Bigler's reposed safety
fund scheme yesterday, we. only offered a few
brief comments upon one of the minor proviairms
of the hill, leaving its main fesiirta, embraced,
in the ',first and encond*sectiotul, to another time.
WO navy propmse to examine the provisions of the'
second Eection in their practical operations, had
that tall become a law.
'We rdrall take the cue 'or a farmer. We will
rup 4 pope that tbraughinduatry and good manage-,
meet' has become . proprieto . r of a farm, and
that that form, though the continued exertion
of biolwell•directed industry, hue becomemt the
clear iraluo of two thousand dollars, or upwards.
Such at form as this in Pennsylvtinia will afford
to an 'etillstriocts and frugal family cotatortiable
euppo I, put not' ucb more. Now we will inp
pose t at the owner is. the head of a family, as
react good and honest men are, and that this
family, is yet dependent upon the strength and
lahor of - the father,' This supposed case Ls
07111 Ell
i ,
C3' among the rural population of „die
State hst it is the rule and not the exception.
Thi .., seen, in the midst of his labors and use
tutor. , is struck down in his strength , and laid
on a lled of languishing. The test skill *bleb
...., the tatlighborbood affords is employed, remsrdleso
.yr expense, to preserve biotite; but Moan. He
diet. Illio,property remains in the hands of his
aMictoi family, Who straggle . on, as beet they
can, without him..
~ . -,
.. . le his supposed ease we bate not drain in
soy peculiar or aggravating -circumstances, but
' it3TII .!itaplY depicted the ordinary features ot
tilts% gictive dispensation which sooner or later,
=setae/all erwalialaselaslat Yet at this eccize
of dark:near and tiial,when the , ~ .."• •
Pr'777 -7 ..kir0 61 0h. happily wan Itrattg--
I . in 'to birth) Wu al& hate 'come in to demand
- oltld4widow and her orphan children its one
pet cent. (antotmling in thie
. s . upposed cue to
treatydollars or over) in :Addition to ail'other
5I t '''e: all oat tai Colonel Bigler with cruelty . or
liardheartedacns. . .Tee,.think this ii- not his
‘ cliaracter;. but, on. the eother - hand, we believe
that if e could have “perceiver the .ebearing"
Obis wereeherot, he would have shrunk from .
it with' horror. No, we shall permit him to
tscape[undei the cover of mental weakens', of
that ttuck•headedne'ss; which incapacitates him
for lartstigation. - -
So much for the provisions of the second sec,
lion pt ( that that famous bill. ' The unconstitutional
and u est features of the first section may forth
the rOb , ject of another orticle. • la the Allem
'time:he itsk the peopleshether they iniend
; sUnpor a man for Governor who;: if they cannot
, allowllta the plea of, imbecility,
.has rendered
I rbiorsof oinfoxions to the charge of cruelty in its
Worst form, in attempting te impose a heavy tax
aeon widows and arphank at thevrey moment
when e ery good man would desire to relieve
tfitm if ' , ossible, of every burden. . . .
.: -171.3=02.E, AND ITS CLUE:
era are aware that there exists at
panto and pressure in Neer York. In
the fel owing article of extnordiriary force and
clear:tele, the trio cause ie.pointid oat,' as well
.'., es t c remedy. - - '
I i s - nttetly vain to expect ri return of pros:
p trander the policy now prevailing; and It is
' e - rain to hope tuf 'a
cbringe of Paltal'ao
lo g as the , 'ecotone party retain the legialsrilve
r w4 . :1 - 7f the " U atri .' ". : ' :
We are purchasingtoo`tintelrfrotn foreigners,
a . selling too little in return;
.. ,Ilie balance of
t trll - : against us: to an enormous amount.
Thi is loftily caused/by low ad saforem duties on e
MTh WO great departments of oar national
irides ry, the agricultural and mechanical, are
.bith eranged bY the present policy ;if the 'gov
~ . .
crime ' x While the [trials overcroided and
overthene—more being produced toeh-rean be .
profitably cold—the other: is greed* depressed
by Wet competition - of foreigners.
.. . 3letiWlre irould be manufacturers if they could,
and, iit ; cat ii , e,contomera to the farmer ; are
caape ka to cultivate the volt; and thus putout
of being the farmer's cuitomera, are' his corn
Experience has heretofore taught us, and in
now.t4aching no; the folly of attempting-to be
. come huost exclusively an sgricultrtral - people,,:
mid o eseklug a foreign marliet for our aurplun
pixie('••. gar farmers cannot compete with
thane f Etruria; 'Poland, am) Proasis, In the
i i.,
great arkets of Europe; ,itfrillown,Aerefore,
that they are more intereallitot than' any other
cinSit of bur people in susi.ntaining a borne market;
- and ib ep can easily perceive that a home market
can crilk be maintained by protecting American
hulastrY, ugainit foreign craripetition. . ' •
. And . the farmers know that • this policy, is
earnestlY and 'steadily contended for by the
Whig pUty; and that theopposit4.rir free trade
policy yluseclopted and is yet aontained by the '
locefocoparty. ' , - . -
' . They know„ too, that nothing but the votes of
the people can change this policy; and that the
Men 'Whi. 4oten for the candidates of that party
Luc* s l ight to Complain of hard times, scarcity'
,of .mop . low prices. for agrieultuntl products,
of his i hilitY to sell at i 11....: - '
....... .
If _he will reflect a mement'he will recut:feet
that in • instance have ; pried; of dour, inoti
grain h en very low while we had ai protho' thy -
!aria', and iti tiolnetance bare prices _tenni high
It/le:parked of. the Zilch famine,eseepted) While”
tho country was under a low tariff. •
faraihre, if these thingiuresce—strul yen
well an it , do that they it*
of politicions ought you to bit Is It
ar of duty to 'appal that policy which
int promote your own and your neigthree, in.'
lauds? Or is it better to heng on ta that tietA
descript, ever changing pony* l 44...cella-itseit
diaieratie, even' though by so doing you an
sostaioltig the overgrown capitalists of Binning
, barn, lads, fitanchesder and Sheffield agairat
your.awn conotrymeit 1 - 'ls this'she thing you
calldemoereo7f It mutt be,: for it is tbe cooly
thing gisifig that name, in. PeansYlvania. Do
you , If you &lit go ahead, defeat
Johnston, send loccdoccu(-to the Lev' latme, and
yen wil' perpetuate your favorite policy indell
aitely. This election will tell poweffully upon
this question. The elnetice of Colonel Ifigleri
will be understood u the emphatic 'declaration
of Terinsylventa io Savor et that pellet which
has extinguished her thrisea; shut up; her work
shops. arrested the march of improvement,
crialted down' the prime ef.'egrieulteril pro
&tete foone bait what they ought to be, and in
oddities to all Ws, has enabled the English mann
facterere to Issas their weakly bulletins,. stating
that the state of trade is ..very satisfactory."
To this last we have no objection, prodded it
were not at our expense. 'Yes, his election will
be a glorious . triumph to free trade.
But, it is pbjected, CoL Bigler is ,s Democrat,
=dam Johnston is not. Well, asthat objection
opens p field of contemn' , 1114, led= refloll,
truth, common smuts or rational argument can
not enter, lie decline amcirening !t. Ton moil
overcome it if you 'can, or yield to it if you
We have anitE motet by may of introdaction
than we Intended. • Here Ii the article 0t which
we 'Take. Read it, and It Toter democratie
To the Editor of the Tribune:
,-Tho pressure in out money market now ra
ging, is just what, every man, sound In Wavle's
of eeottamy. pruliated 'when the tarter
Law of 180 was matted.-
But for the famine In 'Europe in 1846, 1847
and pat of 1848, this pressure would. have
reachetttm long before now:
It has come now Mouse we buy more than-we
sell; because we bring here en enormous amount
of foreign goodswbich we oughtton manufacture
ourselves, and Which' must be paid fork stocks I -
or adn. .
atooks are all sent to Europe or held by
foreign capitalisti. Our canals 'and ridroads
earn money which is sent 'off, In the shops •of
dividends, to pay interest on out debts. • The
amount of dry goods endsilksimportediato this
country last year, sa shown by the bounty re
ports, exceeded 84„000,000, besides, railroad
iron, bar irony, orookenr,ware, iron-wire, bran.
dies and angers, amounting to more than $60, - -
000,000, in addition to the dry goods.
By !decocts to the returns of specie contain-
ed in the banks of New York, London and Paris
in 1848, we find that New, York possessed In
round numbers, $7.900,000: London, $78,148,.
000; Peri 5,547,589,000; whilein 1850,New York
possessed $lO, 800,000;* London, $53,751,000;
Paris, 5n1,038000.
We here see that the specie has increased on
ly $2,910,000 in New York, while in Paris _lt
has increased our $66,009.000 in two Yaw.
The plain truth is, all one gold which we have
got from California hug ate to pay
,fbr goods
imported, which we aught to hen Made lunar
Wespent $150,000,000 first and last ix the
Mexican war, to require New Mexico and Cali
fonds; We have carried-intO the harbor of San
Francisco $600.000,000 of property. We have
sacrificed 60,000 lines in California. We bare
post the and labor of 800,000raen for three
yams in California, and ourOcily reccarpense for
all this, we here received about SO to 90 millions
lof - gold from the Pacific coast And this has
mrstly gone to France under our blessedsystinit
of ad valorem duties; made upon a foreign vein
al= 'A man In Paris makes brandy to sell:—
Ile eau mike It for 50 cents a 'gallon—he will
ewe= that this is themsrlet price. The brandy
pays a duty of 100 per cent- ad valorem; hence
his brandy can be sold in New fork at $1 per
Igall., freight added:
This manufacturer now opens a store "or
counting-room in New Tork,and crib Ids bran,
I dy, and receives orders for it at one -.dollar per
The Americo.' importer *ender° Paris for hie
brandy; he is now charged GOcents a galfon for
the same article which the French manufacturer
invoke!. at 50 Dents per gallon. Duties arenow
paid by the American importer, GO cents a gel
ion, MY per cent In ether words, by the tariff
law s of '1646,7the American iinporter finds that
his brandyhas cost him, laid down ballew York,
$1 20per gallon, besides freight' and commis.
sins, while the Frenchman sells his brand,y, by
the some tariff law of 1846, at ono dollar per gal-
Who dots business under such • lliw as air ?
The Frenchman or the6merican?
Them are the blessings'of free trade. All 'of
our importing business is thrown [Moths hands
of the foreigner; ell oar money. slides off to
France, add in the mean time moneriseii*-46.
mandiaz.rsesos!! 'Per cent.
the best
Let the Mattawan Company assign to pay its
laborers, let our cotton feetmier break; let our
iron mines stop; let the fernues go out let one
woolen mills cease to do bushman let our stocks
fall off; let as run in deft let as appoint Com
mittats by teba, and tiftiesfed toY hundred,, to
preserve the Union, last some wild Yankee should
break 14 let us guile before the powers that re
pedid, our TarifkLaw of 1842; let as dam, God
sue the Union! according to the Castle. Gordon
qatem; let, as, read homilies from 17Le Journal
of Comourre on Tire Trade, on the Blessings of
Blarery, as a struttrre of Republicanism. But
it is no matter :whether our flour setts far.= or
87 per barrel; whether Ti buy Udell as much
oz we sell; whether -omr etocka are owned. in
Amain or Emopm whether Bankruptcy is nal
sued in our, country or -
A man of common ISOM will tell us, - thst the
remedy for the diftenities which now beset as is
to restore our Tariff to home vibration; to give
us epftitio duties on our imports; to set our
artinuis and Mechanics and.zmanufuotarere In
operation; to sell our manufactured goals
abroad, and to supply our own.marketa with the
Products of oar own labor; to carry away our
cotton,lleather, lean, and wooden goods to for
eign.conntriea, after they are made up into fab
rics by our own people, instead of exporting the
raw material.. Let as no longer carryon a ruin
bums trade with France, at the toneof $7- 4 ,000,-
000 to $80,000,000n year for imports, while we
sell that nation no mare Van from $6,000,000
to 513.000,400 a year exporte .
Let us stop buying sugar front until and Co-
be, while we have hundreds of millions of acres
of land - in Florida, Alabama, bflasiesippi and
Texas, waiting far cultivation with sugar.
' 'Let on eat our own wheat and door in the iron
miner, copper mines, and coal mines of the ff.
States, instead of sending them to Sweden, WM"
via, Siberia and Staffshirs, to feed foreign
&borers and workmen.
,Let Georgia, Tennessee,Ohlo pmdNew England.
raise and manufacture our ilk goals, instead
FranieTElpain and Italy.
'Let di hear no more about the Humbug
of przameing - the Union, irhich• . .praereation
means Free: Ttado-41doh'preserratiost *Means;
bay emything Auld sell nothing.
. -P . HANIILIN . •
, , ,
Itetrerer. Cucciamos.—The city authorities
of Boehm, propose to celebrate by a festival at
Patient' Hall, and other eppropriate ceremonies,
~ t he toil amplellon of the great lines of rail
coy, uniting the tide *Mrs at Boston with the
- Siena and the gust West, also the establish.
'mat of-America lines of steamers, between
Boston and Liverpool." In making this annorce
mat, the . Mayor of Boston lays:
"There are now completed and In operation,
in kLunchusetta alone, about 1200 miles of rail
way ; and in New England 2400 miles. Bison.
chnsetts alone, has expended-in the completion
of -thue roada, the- enormous amount of , BM,.
000,000; and it appeals ham the report of the
eeveral railroad corporations in this State, made
:to the loot Legislature,. that these were trans.
ported,onn the Ilestschnsetts roads alone, dor
'the -year 1860, 9,600,000 mangers, and
2,61)0,0W tons of freight.. But this Is not all
76e lines connecting na with the
das, northern NeW York , the great lakes, end
far. West, are now completed, uniting ashy rail,
road and steam navigation with thlecinin Enna
Of the Anion, comprising an area of 428,706'
Naze miles; the two Canada, the laket, with
their 5,000 miles of coast : ad bringing within
our couunerclal sphere a population of 10, mil
lions of inhabltanta.• .'drod if we look Pa -a me
, went at the kindness of the Lakes and the Esn.
a las, and °beau - its rapid . early increase,
se shall be still more Itis (stint
tad that the imports and exports of the Lake
''.harbors., emend,* of the Canada, daring the
present year, will be 200 Millions of doll n.— :
The anus' increase of t this Manua Is found to
!_to 17} per ant.. thus doubling .Itself In le n I
than yawls *Mitten to this, the importer
I tad experts of the Canada' will amount, during
' the present year, to millions of , dollen."
I It is,proposed Mani* , to be *sat, the Gov
ernor General of, Canada,lds aids and alined,
the . leading members of the Canadian Pulls,
ment,- the Serpa - Oat of iiiimurial, the 'ending
nietatanti In all the Canadian sittl4andOgdena
burgh, the President :if th e Col States and
Ids cabinet ; Cie Gannon of; the Sifew-Engisaid
Stites, the,gresidinte of all the'Bufirsjelitllii
Eng4dd,'the Mayor. or ilia citl,s of New
land, and others Interested In railway mid**
teriPlitm." I "
:11.430 . riiiscw - ovi.—On Monday sad
Thuntlay of last week elections for lteprusenta
tiresinConreas were held inner= of the Wade
ern and Southern States, entitled Mille spire,
sm o te to fifty members, Mu Senttle4 10, IMES:Mt
10, Tennyson 11,1mtkearouna 9, Alabama 1,
Aaiun . ; 1, and Texas 2.'la &line of these
States. flier' e wire ILO elected iteinheri of their
ramective legialedire and State officers. The
telegraphic bulletins, however, haring confined
their information mainly to the Congressimud
=TIM we giro the 117110/!11 as thus reported ar
Dist I—Linn Boyd. Dem." • '
2—Benjamin IL Gray, Whig.
2.—Presley Ewing, Whig.
4—Wm. T. Woods, Whig.
6—Jamest W. Stone, Dem.
6—AddLson White, Whig.
7—Humprhey Marsh 4 :Vibill.t
B—J. C. Breckenridge, - Whig.
9—John C. Mason, Whig. .
10—Riohard H. Staunton, Dern.
Diet I State Rights.
2.—James Abereremble, Union..
B.—Wm. 8. Mudd. Union.
• :4—Wm. B. Smith,. Union. •
6-George. R. Houston, Union. •
B. W. Cobb, Union. '
7—Alexander White, Union.
The Montgomery, (Alabama) Journal, of the
6th Instant, as we learn by. telegraph. confirms
the report that the Union, ticket for Congresi in
Alabama has carried every thing- before: it
'throughout the State The only district they
have lost is the fait, in.uhlohtharlee C. /. 46 8 .
don, editor of the Mobile / Advertiser. has been
beaten by John . Bragg. Tc the Legislature,
Union men have_been fleeted From almost every
county in the State.
; • sorts cumuli.
• The Union ticket for Congress is generally
suncessful. In the-eighth district, -Stanley,
(Whig,) is probably defeated.
Dist 1-4. Dellueler, Whig.
2—Cyrus 1.. Dunham. . '
; S—John L. Bobineon„ Dem. .
4... Samuel W. Parker, Whig.
6—Tbomus A. Hendricks, Dem.
6—Willii A. Gorman, Dem.
7—John G. Davis. Dem.
Id.=—Dacilel Mace. Dem:
o—Graham N.litob, Dem.
10—James W. Borden, Dem. , I
TRUTT wry! Posavoaa.—The New Yerk
Journal of CCMUIIC9O has letters from Lisbon of
18th Jolt', from *deb welearn, that Sir. li ed.
dock, our Clump to Portugal, has prised the
air:Wore of that Government to the pew truly,
-and has transmitted it,to Washington. The ru
mor mentioruid in the Englislypepare that the itr•
biter (Louis Napoleon) on the natation of dim,
ages for the destruction of the privateer Gin
Armstrong had already decided against the
AMeriean claim, and in favor of Portugal, was
was without foundation..
Esromao Mum:mt.—TheSanwa& Gearieut3
gins lb* following alit of a letter. dated
Toomsboio. 'Mahn= county. Aug.
On Tuesday lad a negro mum, belonging to
Mr. -Haney Kiel, raiding In this county, viola
ted rho persons of. ands ut:mania murdered hie
mistress and her sister; Min Mason, whilst they
titers washing at is spring near the hone. Bottom
stole a horse and attempted to escape, but was
so closely pursued by some of Mr. meg neigh
bors, that he had to leave the horse and tats to,
the riser swamp. Several citizens of the county
turned out to search for the murderer, and sue
ended is arresting him at 11 o'clock on Toes*
eight. They then tied him to stake and horned
him death. .
Weal?! GT Broceneumms—ilow it Works—
It is stated In the money article of the New York
Tribune that Oa Bank Department at Albany had
received nodes from the following banks that
theiraffairs will be elated, and circulation with
drawn so speedily as possible: H
Adams Bank, Ashford; American Bank, Map
ail* Champlain Beek. Ellenburgh; Cortland
Co. ,Bank, trinchinstss; Knickerbocker Bank,
The tiroulaiion and capital of these tanks is
stated in the Cotopttoilar'e repti of test Decem
ber, thus:
Capital. Circalation.
$l6B $64,744
/00 70,493
Adams Dank,
American Bank,
Champlain Bank, 6,000 120,880
Cart Linden. Bank, ACCIO I=ooo
Kukla:evoker bank, " 12,496 147,468
:iris ouly etch banks am these, whose drools,
licaa is about fourteen times as lams u their cap
ital, that ma liable to be stetted by restrictive
Isms protecting their note bolder". i
Asomnmaraii.- 7 A few del dna' Inqad).
ematidsdoptlon of this Inettatiom •W• -amfeas
tremees somewhat Ineredaloas about themtbeiag
a gui which could iestanbuteemskequateh a Mune
and yet be inhaled by the Inman lama in Want.
ty; bat this mstMeseems to beset completely at
rat by the following extracts which we wake
trout London papas • ••• •
The London Tnnes in domains an exhibition
or demonmastion of the pram:loll nosed this
invention, by setting fire to n house and Irma
lately extingtdshing it 'with this machine. he
The ieetesee inatimea the cam of the Unit
is endive' which took plane same years aincela
the Mecilterranian,when an ialandwaa thrown up
from a depth of 80 fathoms. The dames reach
ed a height of three miles, but as man as a va
por rose, the flames were extinguished on allthe
points when It was seen; and, having witnessed
this fact, his attention was drawn tome closely
to the ridden. The vapor with which he extin
guished a bintdeg masa wain powerfal,thatoren
tit- Pears Cathedral In dames in the interior, he
could Inflate it in two or three minutes, itrequi
red. The vapor witepartectly intuitions and
tended to purify the air sod under Ito shield s
man child approach dm: to any leans, and ex
tinguish the fire. It drew out all noxious guts
and In the nee of foul draba,ifthent were a sect
given, it wouldpurify. themlaunedlately. !sau
nter to quad= put by a lady, Mr. Philips
laid thit the materials • would Let. any .
The partible Fire Annihilates Is limb she than I
en upright coal Mottle, (eixtean inches In highs
by eight inches In diameter.) .
We copy the following from the London Morn
ing Poet
The gaseous vapor emitted, although anti
combustive, is the oontraryL to the anti•respira.
toty.. -it renders the, suffocating exhalation of
Ere tolerable in the no midst of It, and Is so
refreshing as to enable the bearer of the wahine
to earl Riot° the midis of the Ere.
It Is unquestionably the most,valuable lust*.
mint furnished by Medina science and modern
Ineentlon; no vittied, no-Uublio or private nub.
I:aliment should be without it. It Is certainly
the thespeatland most desirable method of in
suring both life and property...„-.,
TheLottdon Standard sly':
It wu utonishing to see with what we the
firemen, protected by the vapor emitted from the
eylinder, could deliberately and with Impunity
walk Into the middle of a Gre,whose heat caused
distant spectators to recoil, and mooed in pour
ing the vapor into the Interior of the. building.
This combination is by no means injurious to
animal life—quite the contrary, although It Is
indomitably antleomboatlve. . The flame of gee
or of such - combustible substances or tinkle as
cannot-be overcome (except by immenion) by
mewl of water, era inlitediathly extinguished
by it
The followineremarlurvidah are perfectly coo
*Galva on We point, are from the London Ob
If the remits produced unbounded eariatii,
lion and utoolatment, the ., ImPlan*non of the
nature and construction of the Annihilag,r gave
almost equal delight; the 11131:101:150 power- of
three or four pounds of charooal,With two pounds
of nitre and two &made of plaster or gypsum;
when converted from a wild to a galleons state,
And combined with's; quart of srster. appeared
to reelitithe extreme of scientific calculations;
while the eheamieso of the charge, its preserve,'
tionlor lean in perfect readiness, 'the ficiUry
of oPereling by a smart touch on • button, end'
the innoxiorm nature of the vapor ' ha which Lord'
Dudley Stewart . and two or 'three other - gentle-.
men Immersed their feces without inconienience
were cotteidersd the crowning practical merits
of the invention; the- only disappointment, ea
peciaßy among thiladia, was, that. Otis pro.
team are not ready for purchasers.
The London Bun fully settles part of the
questicm u follows:.
One thing, and a most Important thing It le,
is, that the vapoi tete} , bestateijinhaled without
misrmo, or the joist ill.etreete, which the Wren
torpoweld to a demonstration trr . plaeiug the
bote to his mouth, and Imblbing wtost, appeared
to us a most tmeavorp draught,
Lottinilla Jonnui says that efforts hare
been made in that city to pc:exude .Scits, tome
of them ,at more am entree yew old; tread
in an expedition against Cu* ender premiers
that they would be provided witherery thleg oc
ean:oy for their comfort, sad en their arrival re-
- .
;Theigithwi , Swedish , 'scairteess, Joan? Lied.
eft New Yorkan Friday morning la the douses
Reindear tar ' Alblia7, intending to pass some
time the interior of she State.
''Tmeltzw... Miran, Borioe.— . .A fell
description of the . American lime, recently
opened briarie Rimy the iroprienr; llfts pub
-I•4eyt 3h.,tiostimi t Jilarnal and Tranec .
The iciliriting iceount it` eendenied
• :The American Reuse is one of the Finest Cr.
: chiteatenah ornaments of the City, presaating •
beautiful front, of the Italian style. The main
building is 112 feet front cuinanoreretreet. with
two wing) of sixistories, 250 feet deep to Sneezy
inner, haling a passage between them of 20 feet
In width; the areas bologna disposed as to adroit
ample light and is from all sides, the whole
coming :7,000 feet of land, erected and finished
st a cost.of about $300,000. It has 340 rooms,
and wilt 600 persons. •
The Lain' and Gentlemen's Parkes occupy
the whole fronton.the first floor, appr& Lc" bed by
wide ham, with ample receleing rooms: A hal,
cony extends along tie eniire front, the entrance
to which le from the oriole windows In thepee
lers, It;contains a suit of splendid DAV
Rooms, very chastely decorated and richly far
dished, ►tieep at which {says :the Transcript)
might poesibly annihilate - the stoicism of the
most incorrigible bachelor.
_ The MAIM Entrance Hall or Gentlemen's
Eltoluutito,` ,o , n the street =Mode through
- the clattre,iof the building, and measures 160 feet
in length 30 in width. •
Besides five main stairways leading to the up•
per Itoor,Abere are several other filgfits in vari
ous parts of the .American House, so that in the
ease of fife, or for any other wise, ample mesas
of egretutltre provided.
The Intmense structure has been built upon
• unique 'plan combining the utmost convenience
of arrangement with groat elegance and thor
oughness of finish, and the introduction of all
the desired modern Improvements, and it impro
bably the best calculsted In all its appointments
fora large busineu howl* of airy is thocounU7.
A number of ear best mechanics and far - Maher*
bare contributed their skill and taste to the no•
his pile, which of itself sufficiently speaks their
praise, as seldom is there found in a single build
ao much of gamut perfection.
would refer our readmit:to them:do( Mr. Platt,
In another column, from which It will be seen
that tile loss by the meat fire has been prompt.
ly and satisfactorily adjusted by the State Mu ,
tual'Fireltsturance Company. Thisounong the
many instanoes of promptness and liberality that
have been manifested by tide CoMpany, in the
payment of losses, is the more particularly hoe..
melds es Mr. Putt, by neglecting to procure an
assignment of his partner's- interest, who had
left the farm, in accordance with the conditions
of inemmnce, evidently had no claim for over.
one half the 1113131 covered by the policy. This
Wititution richly deserres the extensive patron
age which it is receiving: and so long as the
same regazdfor the pecuniary situation of-suf
fer= by fire - Is manifested by the officers gen
erally as be. been evinced by- Ur. Carrier in
this instance. it must continue to be appreciated
by the public.. Mr. Dobbs, a gentleman who
possesses a thorough Imowiedgs of the buboes,
we understand, is employed to make surreys in
this dy end eitinity.—Journal.
ItijaGarrity, who killed her sedum., Ed
reißunn, at Newark, a day or two duce,
volontartly returned to that place on Wednesday
night, end gaye herself up to the °Scent of jus
tice. It appears that ebe tied to . Brooklyn the
night of the murder, where she concealed her
salt The current of public fooling seams to be
setting in her favor. The appearance of the
prisoner, we suslorstand, is quite prepossessing.
Bhe is about 19 years old; her dress was careless,
and her thee ind demeanor gate evidence of her
Laving been the victim of almost unavoidable
phrontsy.—..%: Y. Cour. • _
The Ann cargo of new ((flew Sort Statej
►heatartieed at Albany on Fridaylast, and sold
at 10Oe. Thi first cargo of new wheat which ar
rived last year sold at 180 e •
Foreign and Amerman Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
• taU aseloampleattoelid 10/LEIGN .4:40411.1L110.11,
th• Oda; tredeocod rWeb tlarr aro prsperid
to *Far to groxeluren a/ Pun dal will maps:.
fanead, With.AT f flu dd.*.
. _ _
Peiialit= I
lionnows% IlasibsyWo os..6.;Slageb
Kure—Dew fir. Tow Pawl.= Is wasting wa
4sss ld IbLitielatty;lbusiw. •a 1.411144 U nu bawd
tae &we by the Yslassrylraub. lisitscs4. Ws We es
Wyly wt sot ft Is Wag IsKisleld kr Wood onry day.
• Team rwa•rttully. JOAN warp N.
. ammo., Aotglood 00.,..0-11orob 10.61.
1.11. Kmo—ifoor Six, Tow Afroar. c a lbw roam 'do..
loft ofitit ea tsar dons Root Oft .bleb .. bon, 5511.
Plan 'brooked to sills doom immodlotoly.
Tom molklas is mooting from:tonls and. nem._ lie
two Waist .twat mance. torttliesti*.ft Tor desire LW .
„ yam; W. VI. SCOTT.
Tor ofl4l by /bT mar 1 140 ifiod moon II:
datra. IT Wood street fA. Tabses6xt.l Co, ammo,
Wool moi toootatfoot4.lO. X. Cony. D. A:, gthon..lcomb
Doossfoso.oad r.leturorta..a.iiiiits. t 7 flo_Lor
. grystatfemetly of the age seems
100 the totibectott ofedkiso egad If. 0. Farrell, jot 4
an Lholsofort. Itti mod sras eatornal *WWI.. audio
mall to pool ow root sonollorfal qtalltioo for hoallosolo.fot•
log Wu. roomful' poldal Mot* &a:. A Mood tido moot
Immo hoar, foldeb atroafrood pOitifkoktkoo L. bad and
Word rol000dfo• Jo so Idol; lobos be woo oototoorto try
U. O. Ifsefotli Alablao Liolameld. Imo bottle of which ou-
Only oorfOl Ala. We infoo flo doubt. tom Ow ostoot of
IM NM. Voi se this oxcenoot foodlefoock..l4 bare
bed • miaow Wu of ft. 0.. folgootiommot. ...IyZi
LIKE OIL .1 1 / 1 0Y2 WATOXLTbe skit man au hall
goal Matineabg MIME Mae eakkamaihr. on mil mural
Mame by rialu it UM Uam mu trim It. and Ws It
Panr. it sm the pototimity with the whole rift
Yea Met inimainci• mild= lota math, am a.b.a It
lemassne maalystanutial Mater. Ike Doman bed teams
of valid dangles; sad it Is this hat that has estabilabad
tim repatation et "Sant Oomptanai Paid gotrset Ulu
saparills." bmoad ali cavil a damn. Str action apes
%a hum ernek bin anomiemn ebb Mkt& end phi.
lemialakal magyar th• tanks annum
ad maniatti of Ih. WO. lagamm obetmetions, embus
mamba! lad Maud mita, stammilartm lb. numb
sad WOW.* Moak ornam nem pum a mad healthy
himiLang roglialas tha nem lianetiorm of the Mina=
emus at thea body. This to all prthrtroa oltimirt tie
dahrot dbum. the Petaratkat bnu a. aalh es it
Is elikultom. It may bethought by the nutial, that it
PelPirli to rats ho way Mums. bet atom runner
.tlak it sill be ibud emi t • lake netiesity at the Maw.-
if which Mkt lb. lamas family originate in in Impure
aka. of the blot.. D• not Oseeimd, them by other em.
,sapartlim betas AMU 1W bt "tey Wks* amalgam
and aster "ormanalme as a iratatityk Oat the - original
Jobs Drags dimaniiritlar Thin makable yommat k a the
~Am umiak to in napalm to *Mu
Cagruir—brarate and ask ihr the original Dr.• /Ma
Dbas thouperilta/rma iskinota—au hare noothat.
sakartiaroma on madam omm.
KBTM=Da U OW Lb 140 Wood M.
jelOalharksT Wholanne s listsli masts.
jelf. ie 1 V ' Pt:a.m.—No Inadidilll) ever
earned for Welt • bfgher mutation In eo .hart • tin., ae
has the Leer Pill. around and eampowneted b 7 Dt. La
Leneolf Thera. • Although boo • short time 01.03,113*
Healy Wore lb. WAIN tt bat already woad tor Ithelf
degree of popularity hitherto areurpamcd. Stue demand
fir theta has become Immense. %ma. BM t Co., the
Sreinteteow of the medicine, who reside In Ptheborgb,
toner of north end Wood streets, am matzo tly retwiri •
ordeal ablate they And It about utterly imporible to map.
Ply. 'Us popoluity at them Pine Is not conlined to any
particular section of the exmotry, the demand being erne,
end, loom the North, South, Ent and Welt Ile troth
ge doom le came common la all smarter, et the Unapt
teatet , then Chet a the Liter. dad them Alb are the but
temedy scar yet ditoonted fw Uthatle derangement.
Mot M. by . J. KIDD A CO.
atteirdeithlt.9 No. 8. Mott
Pituborgh Litee /anima Company.
. •
OFFICE, 'NO. 75 l'onra snasr.
Y 4 Pm:dna—Amu=
r-11. a..oouna„
adranlonseet la =alb., pad lblo mar.
Citizen's Insurance Uompany of Pittsburgh
OINcAo. 41 Water suit, in tb•wsrebons• DAC. U.
1 . . Minn, Proklsol. .. .A. Atilt/ Beer.
thelbsetinny ham preinaci to limn all nUtellan4lse
In otom and in Insult% mui4A, as. . •
An ample summit) Aetna nAllitr and Intigrlty or the
lcuLllnUon Is ;Road In the ebsructAr Know%
rho sicitiieun cl Pittallnrati. intll sad favorsblf
rxtle inity !> their predonee. intelligence,
J,t Di:amnia— Unosei, eagatio. Larirao
ot. r.. W il t
it,...ta.r Jong U.amentletouti.
• . - A Card.
111AVINO raceividjull satisfaction from
uu tn. ants maw vi01...4A. fbe tho
lon or m r .to.. 4W mutant.. b y ere, on Pone Meet, t
eiteie to reootateend the compeer to the petton••• end
confidence of the-peLlte. fly .moks OM , MMLIT due
foe the Menhir 104 naboority Inealtestaa In tint Itt•
Anna, as by ler one tae. otelltions of the polity 1 nu
oulttiod to needy. only oh. tat( tae mount of lb . Iwo.
• •0114 ' baulky Of the flint of haft • Mal
t,IiIGAR—GO Mids. N. 0., fur sale by
suil4 • -= J. S. DILWORTH' Cp. •
lioollld-Uu do:. fur sale byy
pp Cecil . J. H. DILWORTII i cu.
ciORN-M ba,.fur sale •
a - AFET Y FUSE-10 cassis for blastiug, for
A by' J, B. DILWORTH • au.
• -
ICE--15 tee. prime, for sale b
Gfilit,ESE-40 boxes prime, for Bale bi
susl4 ' • IItrOMEDLE.S.
augl4 Jl-4 tel. for tab by
i " • - wroc a kaccaNurm.
SCOTCII SNUFF-30 boxacßomus' eel&
1= 413 " 41°. "" VaTlCltlitat..
PRINTS!—A. A. Manx k co.
N v e irt h =t o ed Ti cuss lessitlll,l ister stylo
Also, 6 mos of
P b o eolQat TO I L et
z/rPAI TN, the
<hapset roods nos othrol I N
4 7%1%
g. PERSONS indebted to the Eirtitta
Noy' 1110onl; tato' ot Mai* 'township doolosed ' ,
oro by obtiZed mak. lausedlata paymen4 wad Ultai
olohos Nolan mai at yttonst Wm, Only
sot.banticaleO, tot rat, to
thadwill 4 , 9 AO& Zi0tt'r147.434-1P
MACHERE L.L.50 I\u. 3 Large;
Male by' & A. cugalsoltay,
§ 1 179 . 4 . 1?.. -45 Laid.. - . • -tt
-• • • t OWL Nau1ki1..7.210
eiie b, H.l.' CUNSILNUIII.II,
augl4 525) Liberty anet.
N O. MOLASSES-150 1)1)14.111p , ress;)
For . sale by a Z l CON ' NCltilali,
aujrl4 327 Llberty meet.
Q H. MOLASSES-Z) bbls. Battle Ground.
lo • 'Ar We Dl . R. a" cuaiNnauen. -
.414 3:2 Marty =M.
0114 E .AffLE (.MEESE—For sale 'by
• . wit. a.. swam° ti CO.
114514 . Oroars and 1 . 14 NNW. .
BI EEF TONGUES—A primea - I. — tick on
P" dd bi arm. A. %rause'
612E14 -rBO Liberrr .t.
HOLLAND • MARINI:3 7 -10 liege New
liallaad Hoylng. far ad. try
aogla WM.. A. IL,CLIJO a CO.
MESS MACKEREL—One grade, fiflerthan
ITS Na. 1 sad the beads Wkalk offaby sal. by -
14 1.1411 MST'S RAZORS!—The tindoreign-
N-P .d b..* .D/Xftted asent We treads of W0r.01.1.
0,21.11 Rawds, Thaw Hawn aro mannfactawd l tba
redusl. States, gad am ansonalled In dowdy by either
British or ateserlosa•maanfacuors.. Iverr Razor Is tear
ated. aod If It does a* prom I.ll4aUtOry • Lb* =wow
trW be redwood as [hi Hater Um purchaser
may wriab. This artiels du bra In we wend years, oat
I. raPktll Srpessedbos lesser other Rasa. With • good
trot, %boy will slot math twang for tea years. •
/or Ws, thalsssla and retall, at the Wawh arot JaaerY
store of • • • 'W. W. WILWON,
00113 . corner of Fourth and Marin au.
frowned sad Pan eopy.)
Health and Economy. •
ENT BABINO P0W07.11, .—tly mimed by
01191.14 cola alCciat of thfa patent In tha 0.
Yila peroration be an Inesinable anhetltute toed uat or
Imen. predurinp the moat otailasenne, light aW not*
rims bnad, made rad] . for the arca to too cr thlre rain
aka. Ito and comma, otablng delialout tea
caluta paarry. podding., corn naral,rbackerbeat osloa,
yid ha found tby nuaridlng to the dtrecttone with each
IV On Ora tria=ther with a saving of one-ball the
u IntontY of And con alro, a saving of 121bs.
of ' Wel in • handy:el.:which Is deatrayed by the use of
east or Latta 9lita Poorder,Ve Invaluable tor taverns,
I•tenuttenta• and thneeacho Wake* Journeyit by land ta
me. ft being always ready and mew roar. it to need re.
tcoabell ie F•n•I•t
r 7 part of tha e, and iteland. and la ant to
di od teirl! arnscit r ode ir mp z fret
conaticatkon and many in= rennthat tare ' •
Toe Concentratad Patent Dakhla- Ponder to wed, and
highly approved: by soma of MN arm landlits of DIM.
b Wine . 1.23 i .. casta box: aweigh fey 14 Ilea
. cud 17 h. E. naLlare, Jahns Rhoda. nod P. Wicker.
Nevinood Aram Masan noon a Parrs. and Mews.
Nevin * 00., What, Moen Mr. Ifortb, Mr. P. IL Draw , .
and Mem. tbreorta a Cairns, Di samst Mom. take a'
71n.1a atreek thorns ntephanaolk corner Dolton and
kralatstlO KroftJ. Dtateldann. et. POW iamb Mr. Mc-
Fadden, Ft= at; Mead. lhor CC,. an•Mr.bchwarta.
Ai rgi b tniTit c lier - enema. A 1 to
_DP 7
M. Ho. 9 May street.
amen • . litteborgh.
es own% an sold twit a• to str. tha boar an
• or slup•ro., otslttl, at a loTiirke. C4l sad tom at foolllll • . T. WOODS It SONIC
au.MEETING of the , Stockholders' of the
North Aemertots MMus 0161P.Dr• .10 be held at
to the city of Plttsbureh Tsreday, am fat
1.7 of etwoober hest, as 3 p'etoelt:P. It, to take action .
co the etnetetteent ur the crter l i r V 11314027,
proted June 921, b a
ll: PA flectetary.
MACKEREL-150 brill No 3 largo, 1851;
,Z.L, r oY b fear Mltrt2ifeC/117:4,62
IieLAX-23 sick, for solo by • _
_a: goer RICK !WANDLEM
Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail
Qat" SHARES for sale,
111.7 SWAN at Ito Banking Mae of
• sag1121&•3•1* Woo 4 at. 'bola foastb.
4.ITABCII-42 boxes Bonbright's din for
W& br [. a&l2) WICK & McCAdDLI43B
'lit ROOMS-1M do: corn brooms for rale by
fiIIOCOLATE-140 lus Boston Ohooolate
Pwirl2l WICK a 11LeCAND Less
kaALERATUS-42 casks Dean's for sale by
ArqUESTICTS—G brit, for rale by
lIUiINIA TWIST-29 sale .
Tarnip Seed, Crop.of 1851.
JUST received from the east, one barrel
teeth ?Enlist Seed of the belt varietlft...llbe say at
btom.raer of Wood sod 1.1.01 Meet..
=402 , N.N. WU:JUN-MAW
Vl. IWOOLEN GOODS-6 . es Blanket Vovting;
v.. IS Jem.4ls• mid Omem
a .". ,V. alert Mmid C.M . ' , •, ,
1 4.16. largo alm Bat Blamtrtm
I can Crib 8.A.. • .
Tla ..• Oft bASid Ma re. 1.1. from I MA.
Metar... be Ws r . MY or t rnti u
.1.12 . rmtpuir A .4
1111.A.1811i8-60 bas bunch in Afore. fur sale
lA, by .Id/ it DIMES a CO,
anal: Woad. abd Vona at.
`SMOKED 11E1tRINOS-14.0 bxe Luber, in
pole br Isagl2) 18.11•1111 MANY &
ACKEI{EL-40 qr. b,ls eery nice No 1.
I sw.6l , by - Nagi2l ISAWI 'WAXY &
‘II.4.I 4 .III , ACT.URED TOBACCO-100 brs
4 VI '="4. 1 ""'"
11A11n DICK[ aen
ttrecoms Omen&
? !It% M .".'• • • - -
r 7,.. ha nose sad *lO be veld ve_Ty lay, to
1.• , ....ta1k0m0l 07 .19.41•11 ['MU' Cu
.o/IYWain mi /root W.
- • • -- or
ILABOR Im o F r plate diio and • • 0.151:5h wad the aUPltlatirritb. cnsettlsur,
•••••••••• Pnlitoot estop:bort —164.
• •••
A. W. I.IS owl 1,/
Sae rrmalaa al an. *Ma lasS•ful derrl4ar
rams He areltht emellre Vrarmats. •
Teraxx-Oso tb.ltt labesel sal Ma loharels ,
rAaPll 1.)%5x.1x, swami brixrod awl ormsrur_
spogausLi • TOWN • WA
Artstreet. tsw,
atil• 110 •
. . .
OJ.. —110 . 91. Rood stmt. would ren.ntbni 1. , /•
sqtvialt pf,ttracr macaw, Wth e public {a Ole I , IIIW
!Tu : A tl7 lIIM •blett th ey ~I llintroluar olk y,
UGAB-20 hbda. N: 0, in dune and fur
ar - oum) D. C.Ol/11L.D.
ALERATUS —75 boxes,
2.11 23 abb. la start sad the sal. t. 7
011.-15 bbls. pure Linseed, for we by
EARLS-44 torus No. Lin store and for
V lIRESE-100 boxes Cream;
• CARRIAOEB--The.iubscriber
bat Jot 171 ( =tr b l zf:toAtzg
t• •o• oer• dap. JO Unit • air ms
boom at tha CIISIZI AWOL l'ortoso vtalvt to proont•
I. 7b ni.ill
.711 n dY " the
a_ ilk m
a•conlla nwl. la a.,.. E xt atm eity,ln i o d
gctwrslOwelatest 'Odd. or .47 doMiptk:•-.
or, kookowsys, Vomit, Wrings. 6.- . 1 ..1 . 4 .4 1
at Om' Ws nom , JOILMI an= • '
anlbelto Stelabosvitio rood.
, Elam' Vermifage.
Potli Viratom; Va. Ora 4.1147
' R. Z Stßers—Of your Vanuitura say haul '
h.A.Uve.% burtuir uYul it oltruslirly
g - 4; . ...tratutnbiznn4- 2 "
altbough X hare berstotar. nod they '' tv ' sA ' o
other ori,ufteturera Tor" roy. ,
bY VT/4MM a: irc.i a... 4
-6 Ids& Maddor-isick '
tav a =thrl lattga •
Lovala by - wirlIAMXlr • Cba.
111 bad a) Wool w. ,
FO bogs Block Ptypm: ,
• ID do Thumb;
a chats l'foygo—landlna 04 Ibb
WK. SAO/Mar a C 1).
la bud 40 Wood O. •
. L yam Solmetod oper•dy tor atodirlool
mlab.m. abd Mr Ws by lb* oast x m bottle bl
• Amour TEA MIST, , •
null to Me Diamond: '
UREN C 11. L AST I NO—An addithinal
r.ll mond? tye'd by MURPHY &
Pb° LEAD-4 00 pigs Lend, (to arnvo) for
gw.Lr laollY 17.1 lh WILSON. 147 ;Int mt.
DUD• d Leman&
and 1 et& j ust
OCHEI3-t0 dos. Mulct ' s . n store and
c " FuLb.
broad, by (.II)
'NOTICE:—The partnership heretofore. ex.
.IW. op.:WM*l Us M. A. WHITE* CO.. ha*
WA** be. eloolred e 7 motool coolant.
M. A. W111TH:
.11 ' in a. Iftrarn*
Bieett:-.2lotToies . ffichineid TuLaciro
dl—of tho mat approved In•salklaullus
oMo br 11.111 WM. 111CIALXY *CO.
FitE B / 1 TEAS- 6 00 Prokages Fresh
at i er o. :4 - Y T ens;
• ,
eowinui, •
Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 25 cents. .
sit E Hoejassenor steamers.
lan their landlnge at Pittsburgh and lta.RlMEsermillik
eheitter, errredak(flundagyako/v,z=n7. a
3 r du A
limas wishing to gu Deaver * can procure Rscurainta
Ticket. PI licehatter awl tack to Pituburgh. for DO sera.
Tfrh"lesan. th e
a. one.
Vol Mans anal, 00
"Miebigaa rim 3. - or at the online
JOHN tilltianefritt., h.
At NO3. 62 4. 69 itarket elms, Pittsburgh.
A A. MASON CO. are now in dully re
ly. mpg new stoilst• tnan4frblch Iwo been ha.
ynned .3 kr taste sales. her with an imams:
I ' M:l[l%4; ctiog hobo =n the with eau, .etif war
be ;opt op dnrink the enaunt. farming • !dock which, tar
satictr,..uality...l ion ne9.9.19. Orrilt ken *glutted
in this city. attentlen or wholesale mat retail pun
chasers le turinetaili Witted. auga
. Rinbroidered Flouncing& -
r A. MASON it: Co. have junt. fecoirea
pMor &t a t es d pv t : Irgzoply of tauVlltaibroiderml
4:t. at. G 2 !War "7 " 4 Mt!.
VIEW_ EMBROIDERIEfi—dIiiit receisa
pjnitifp,...•..argrte:t4of Embinklerlito. so.
..totfpx r of 15 F oTed Colhan, INCE% etZL7M .,
Inenvon.Joonott 1 . 18 • 1 ./ pm Owl
beautiful I
ua of ttllon, antanott AV?. Uslniro awl Import.
log . scWhito nadl 2114,0 k
he V=l=l , ll4l Ten on to Op above
offend In this eft:. AVISVIrCe.
Black sub. Mohair Mitts, doo
BURCHFIELD bawl real
. by rparrr=ozily=reior Mohair anti.
111 hmess...u. b.M B AIRD I IZfIN.
ABD OIL—A lot of Burekhardt & Ces
lA br I mai J. KIDD a co.
MIMI amoremijor Ida
e) KIDD CO. •
Wad at.
'l lol l 4l lrtiffrintil
VASTOR 011,--0) bbls Blow's No. 1, for
‘.../ sale ss , w ur si J.IUDD CO
14. — TICHR0114TE POTASH-400 lbs. far
re a d], J. KIDD I CO
BOSTON CR ACKERS. - .Batter Biscuit end
vv Droiorpola or Online Omani. remind abort from
loodoo ? manual, on toad awl or nolo oolz
weal.WoCLuzu it CO
tr • Zel Liteity ot. •
Z - 41" . "" ; " H " " 4 '4" tm lit b At. wasiaa & n:t
IVOR. SALE-Pittsburgh Gas Stock;
.1; et. Clair Stiniet Blida Stark:
°hk. utd
P'"" Atter =I
j&vat .11Yt i a Scots
WANTElocks of she litteeLßaniTs•
V Y American Dollars and Ralf Man: Muk to aaai
,ElantraLoliarrarenth DrSn ri th E t roanaaims; far vh.kb.
. f .
evrinsekani and Brimmatelke Afireadantiud nen
pike and Ptak head Cdmitantr; .
IITOTICE la hereby given that the Stock
bolder. Ia eat& Coormny ars nonfood to P./ the
rd Instalment of My velure on each *bare of stook
roborribea. to the Treasorer, (Wm lona , Jr..) en the
flftmenth day ofdrurtort.lBsl; and the tbarth hostelsoent
of Flre Dollaye on cads than eaterrribad. on the diet day
of Bebtratber mat. By ceder tbe Hoard • • •
auarothi JOLIN Iftlf.Ekaircretwy.
pEFINED 51.143 A c ' 0 bbls Lovering'
I.l.,crozbed. oalvalsod, soh emboli, sod kat •
tor sale at the lover rum brTh bvr. , or MdC O r
sae b
RV. A n" Tea ROeldam CO
Rail Road /boil=
Orgatthation of the “Hasbutglk andSttutotoilte
'karate! Comptary." - -
1 7VE, the n ndereignedCommissioners to re
roloted " br al, Art et th e W e
el . 1•0=itl org wtv ‘7
veal,. etultbel .An Act to h iv e* ora the e vil
sten:ninth Denson Cannot_ • 94th,
ISM berm,. idea Mike. that lettletre 4 =l, cut data
/ale 22d, A.D. MI, neer the Arlon teal of the Cnoaten.
yell!, mg snood by Wee. It. Johnstor; Gorsroor. hove
bem lamed t tionalintlef the subscribe. and those yho
Mall hereafter entwine, to the capital neck of saki Coos
mot. then oneneore tad mimes. a Cony nape m 4
Lnimarate; to danced Di Dow. ander the nun aforems.
and incratbn: .iriteitir: to L aic at the Ma
Commotronalth, berth! appoWn Ds*. that
meeting °tend so ..benihne to nI4 OXIMIXI7I.III
hohl.Ar. the of the at T rade. come of
Third not.lend leaae4. Di the dtr of Iltlehorgh. m
Th,,aredek z.u."theg=2l..adtherotA=.llMattbe.teit
sad there held: , sold tannin., at the WAD.. and
One of tordingTo alert a Ferny,. ead melee Undo.
at the mid Earned ODIMP.M.T.. The election will moo.
moor at Nu o'clock in the bronco. - •
• \
_ S 4III USI A .1 9171C' lark N.
xeD MI D M , B.;
O K N L AL ; • .
_ MAC •
2261—aotadid -" ••
Tbl. Ll * : •art 4.6 i
'Weal Is pinand to fozo 4 . • suSsly of roair
MUM bam hem I,am after meal ymn• Mg. both M
=Y and the Unirad litstr to , Mars Moir artylhal
not protrun smmortim ammlor to my .Orr
DMA rbAtrtcr. ?Mir
Is purely as Orkl.ollllnr.'inl la warembwl run from 411
Itorstina and tomurlty whAtronm It meat mll,ls
mi Is Da m M a the sdarnms
Tar mat ether Damn. se Mamma n do•
IQ - 13;71platers and MM. Walla
- •
Attica fowled to mitpharane er rosphitic imhalatione w or
etc ntiesa shinny in • close no. As an ontddr cd.
It wlttonsidr a means climate the insther r
than any Wier. not bring Linde to Ws ;stalky c to
rumb)* and nib re It roc erat.W nith air clog.
with Inte r porr andetan ri
galm.*. Or gbh varniett,ohicts gins Ur tele,
Thor an forobbrat at a low arkkaad an a:Wool:WIT
Ib rbearood boa paints a tbo curia for coating.
roork Owing• ontbooar, larroobcokr, or sax mama rat
tan of word. brkk, tbs, or tram. ar Kir ars
Forirro3 Nazar. tarr are partkatarir valuta., oa rhos
Lam a gatraale coo aorbort, and =direly Inatera orkk
,tkm. err dry ooktly, sad baring a pore matelk beak
tooot bog. rotor Ilko mar or Um earthy platplatDow
Meters tapplled oft Hive! term by_ they gnata of the
P. C. J 0.9 W..
7 4 :4 " 7 1 1.04.1 , • 17 &oath Whistv*A. PlALidelphls.
ill ' 10 CO r' . 100 . f.
linta7! J. DILWORTH .llt CO
qICE,--20 tea rice for mole by
toff • 1. EL DILWORTH* CO
UTTER-- 6 bbh roll butler for sale by
a<II• _ .1. 6 DILWORTH &CO
LA o —
mo o the •
avaldon athana Ityberatlf. atalUatat. of Sao
claißeedod at HOLOVEY Itltetar7 D. 904 apaO r tte the Pot
m ; aura
tM EN TABLE CLOTBS.;—Blintrirr &
t 6..& MW= otmemos to
soocatmottt of the w.tiabove vol.. modiaxt
• 126 4 .11 - V.V 4 / 4 27.1.114==.
Iran at bejbard, knrest Moot. •
ARIEDER, street, ' tutajnit
CUltuda Caflople—Labetalty;
St l tet=Tra'lll=Ettba onto 447'
tOers of foray ream
xerthu t or the refer.
Or %filo. betide the
ferret Arnie of the vide.
Ttem beet emended OArehttaket keel Ue:
We ttee=l.--.7war
Wtcht 14•IPPIILhart;
Re parted In At rom
?ha ruches-,
Tertrichora Fear with Tletreifit. • -
Wb -
- Olf Tint GOLDS( WARP.
F" A LE --Mt excellent F.4llllSt z ,
cmas • SCUOMAIVIL arcs
IN COMPLIANCE with t Cmatxt lately
*WU LEV the cohmitud liCiaml b t . ..kt
i ' Ardigr t 7l3. atla
day d ' Aagoaa, aeVeloct s TOZ!
all tha Wt. la per Dlaa of liaat Plttabarld4 whit* mum*
uatlzaall of 04=11:1t.agai.,
1.6 1. 7 =l:as aat staktuala k. ‘ razarebasca aenr aF
f 7..11,-Tbese lobar. lot calla
Lamb. as la* Dal lo as. • - mekhr
NeW.Chocalsle Factory.
QIG: N. OIAMBONI & CO. respecifidly in
teaavgl:e that tbrr snoMo manehadantao
unlike moo other 11.7dIrrm ti la =amend sorre and ans.
delta:rand. and Jar et Ede M,. sore autrlaloas and
hale:loran 14. „AC.. hart,. bun reortelere of we
ga t imearva. o inanuortman la Inar,aren• the
artleleena W sot nor
!ler to the beet LOrraMt •
- is tar ears r. 80 . (Wad, Ise
tie. frerrth m.. ap del"wu day to thearcr !M
.POST OFFICE SCALES--Juat received.
an A.:Ultima! stork end Ibr salo 11rt
. W. W. iVLSON
eats: . ' •
eraser Market end smarm ate.
INSNCES, for detecting Counter
way Jo sod dftwthatjalts TbW W •
de..k hdiallbis dowtor.Pow •IT
,a 0 • W. W. wzr.SON.
COLD PENS—A fine assortment of the
bad wake always as Mad, .4 ywrwitadl.
lausb W. W. mums.
TAR --50 bbls. la store and for sale by
am/ Ml= &MIXT ao•
VEATHERB-44 sacks for sale by
,ass • 11. & w. 11111113013.
ta--26 tierces for sale by .
-- - -
QUOLR-50 blvir. N. 0.. for sale by
‘,7 . H. • W. 11•1111AUGEI.
,(.10DA AM : it--40 casks for sate by
sy s s & & RAPAC.OII.
HAMS -20 cooks C a n v assed , for sale by
aturS Se w. 11A11.1111701L
QPTS. TURPENTINE-410 bt4e. in tlne or dee, 6r yal• by . . IKTIOWOLLZU 11 CO. .
ESALTS-10 PSO3I bbla. for sale by
*ors -J. EC110011311111313L CO.
1111ERY-35 kegs (assorted) superior to
..1.:• Wu asa•Ur •514 la this matigt.lo isle by -.
LEAD-1000 pip Orieutu •
fioce tre. Bar be WAIT__ --
mill ' Jena A. I.l=CallION &W.
.--._ . _
L UGAR-440 lade. prime N. 0., in store
wie ter ..J by
100.LASSES-160 bble. Plantation, (oak;)
40 I. 81-Jua4•Bor. MAOI4
teiZe by .
SUOT-60 kegs sas'd NOS., for sale by
aup4 JAM= A. ill7=ll3oN ACO.
UEMP.2O6 bales Missouri Dew Dotted,
br sae by JAM A. ITUTCEIISON A 00.
y INDEED OlL—La:lo_ galls. for , sateby
Ls saw J. KIDD 00.. 0. Wood. t.
qUICKSILVER-60 lbs. foisale by
ingi _ J. JUDD AO3.
VALOIIEL- 7 7511m. for sale?
aar4 ' a
00 ,
HITINO-30 bble. for sat by
V V ios• • '
piwpEß Jw-150 un.Ac)l 7 1e
ii W.
—5 tons i tn imes DdLLSLL tetils7
Llbest7 str••
r ua,•
. „
Fine Watches!
FEW very- superior' Gold, Patens&
lam tratekm, tee by. corr. wr b rot t.
kb an, .plaadkl
1111sItialgt; doabl. esadi Med% ptia 1.4
nirrayed, of mins sg_te. !amok.
rn IL MC WA waaalca
• - (Pon eovr.l
JUST REVD. AT, R. aiciumso_
riralti.f"l" .34 • 11'
Improvement on the tLt *NA- the Pablle afig
lerlhei to cell etel int
Arrangement Made to Far Ward Prod&
aamaciakommant mgrommicul aPL teft,
i 731 MUM haa mai Winn UN PURI&
TIE Tenth Annual Seaton . of the Wealep
theod.on. ameienatl. will amnia . nom ma
mady, the Zth et Anne. Th 6 man* of monadic. fa
gablawit Tangly bated
in WHIN alamme. halrainewfal mad Teed Mash% and
Lha eteoe wornsamentsl irnmaelia, The Taman im hum
.61 ennowal a wall naLiSal and emperimaamd Tmembarim
Tarn. tar bearding an
das onalls arm smrs amoderate.
Student. , remind m 1 any tiara Nor
""""j oeirtot% '"*.b7 kit"
k'te."`"l'mi. wnatittt. enenton..gmY
Yong Ladies' 13emisary,-Allqiutay,
IV-OPOI: pwir School 11.1=Vertme
aes of tuition toe same ex heretofore.' Far partecalen
Mee Clnulayer soar to Lb* Prtuelpslar
- •
Li 60 Ma*. EL WWI Btu= Ossified Byruk
forsdebr llVTlglitng4l6lo3oNiPX
20 tierces prime Carolina, for sale
. tret o tad of Loarf.a24 . Dual Mark Leo lfoibc
for :CZ tam do:irsck%kk IMlnard
A. MASON la CO.'S Great Annual Shawl
pan atiragh.-=.2''.;==.:Piarm
anhibnad In tan dty. ono, addax • • '
. Plain *Oita Crap. abaola •
Fancy high cord french thibal Shaul= • •
Plain minted and ambrotilaxot "
Drachm Cadman and Eons " • ' '
Of dna and Meth= analos, all of which dory - ant den.
mined to alma oat. prenlona to merino t o
fall nada.
Tlsay will to talond at • grad Induction ton% *mow
pranta and len than manna con. aced
.CIS TWIST kegs ;Po..t.
rOTTON-5 bales Tennesiee, in store sad
ILJ - Ihr br HARDY, J 051513 • CO.
• • , Ten'DollanZaward.
lAOST, on Thuraday evening, either tit the
rbfter... baton= the 'Matra and Grant 4rest,,
az nab. Eraltbo•lo,ar itdrd straws. aPOCRYT ar , AL.
LIST ar PORT XONNailf., amtainteg Owl $5O to Maa r
and lame peenabarof no valor trot to Use 01rterV. . •
t ;R/ anranlaGl paha to abraran. mill i = It
VINEGAR- - .130 gnlla IV - me;
mul 19'1.1.17iiiititilig
WASH BOARDS-25 dos. Zinc, for sale bi
angl J. D. WILLWOI s CO,
11.1. 1 1.dt4,421 3 00.—mr
JONLN H. 14 '
• New Patterns _I • -
17L. at 2:1 old N " 65
Yd tuM... DIM THOS. a1:11'7.1431.
WLIDOW 131.12Mej1 n" ..t .
far MOM P te ,
6gOAP-109 barks Cincinnati - Pam Boap,
jy reetd norms 11 . A. CUNNIIS
o. CA Ike ale by
• , N.OFLAX.
N Mau .L
Alf y l o MlOL-50 bbls. far axle b
LARD 01.1,-75 bbli. No. 1, for eale bi
030 B. 6. ranxiserom a 00.
1 41, 00K81—No. 33 of Byrne's Di ctio nary of
31 6 :1=igg l Mvauat sod
. . .
Al.l Wsr übsrbsoent of . Claadca and Elscollyeby,
fW nellbad far tab by J. L. arrm.
n. - %/ polio &Map" Etllo2l
Mir 3
00 bbls. No.3; for
• well estalalsbed. Mao utto is well gustilled to tomb
~.. _ . .
Bummer Quilts. -
I HAVE receiyed a case at'esie 31arsailles
Qtalk of affront tisef, wklo lo
Ira - NIL NOBLE. Itosoissaror. Vara st.
f. ' 4=== = \‘:
_ wk. Wrens: now lardieipee
11• La sad trout \
Smn'D HERRING-5U bxs. New No.
for sal* at MMUS' TEJ. 31ART, Irtr. Ormaced. •
N AILS 300 kegs assorted sizes in store, kr x], - ROSIN 809; [ITU?. k CO.
Pp ra n SALTS-10 ca s ks fjo.rsal:lzl
A 'lle
bbla.: for . tall V im, 6c..
G)DFII,E I t MALVERN: or the Life of in
Mather. ItThchus MM. With tirhuirtnre
l' graVitrbe rb rhited ado. he... daring IMO shd
I.4.l===t a raz i, p... 2 • • ,
The ht.* books lase reed had Ix ale 67 • . •
.1713 R. C. BM/TUN. W Ifsitst
3• -- t t
t k
Cu-" boxy" for sale by
_ - _
LUG CAUSTIC-5 lbs,lor Wax,.
ANIDE POT.&SSA-10 fo; rah by
. _
Green y Teas Inure advanced 10e. per lb.
to coma. at buy Green Teas, far three months
KOPIRIP tha Stu; In lb. Mme& at
nntas. cad Mae OlNUties. setwlthatraett us the
advance ta east. ma than , base • slacken hand.
Aod Bargain is atm- Offerek-
IF AM Go ICATION • BE- BLOB • 500 N..-.
nave te Tom /CM: Ea Mammal!. Bane Mb.
am, Herr. Isisad--ea tbe membee ba■ bm
•etUa meemary bendlors. Se. Tbe mar be MM.
dad Mb bb, eat mkt at semi Per diumed
pEttom win ant, to • BAIRD a IRVIN.
. . 114 feerael
PROPXBI.—A Dwain 4,11/es: rawest/4a
, 114 Eamed u.
_ .
itAvg PEN rdie ~
morning! fuithire
g ir ajo.pato w
Mosonicr Irer: micoscik-re•
mom Jec.: a* the vartheast
corner ar tom* oak
. • jim,
. . •
_ _ .
SALERATUS-8 casks (Inirrantedre)
Scarce pad Ikkrablo Goods,'
OF -VARIOUS IFYL o this nufnk
-1114 14 4 Pgrilm ia t Tm us As.
Juswbe b hers
Wm*, W Goods lbe dners.
•111 nas. to-1W toaarrow, Clod
4!OKERRL—Nos. S, sad 3, io WAS.
.$ sa4l It/ Ma, ttgr sal• b 7 ' •
I,72;HAVE just weaved ClltiB of Wash Net,
:11.. Saw nes iitSsnlor Alma al N to
1724 WS. OBLY. St.ted dm&
ROCK POWDER 300 kegs for sale by
Jr2l aV.voa DONNIIOII3Thak.
CHEESE -75 boxes for sale by
rrri. & r. vox aowsnakarr a Co. .
CHEESE , —= bores prime, for salsa
Jr= J. B. GUM
3-New Boob Received..:, /lid •
EAST a Problem ; rep ri nted with etrree- .
um additlacog by the Oath." of ,31,3 . Yoeta
CleopairoAtooon of Nom by JoeOb Abbott.
PilViitlot . swath. Puritan. 12ab0..
• Panbory; • We: by Anna It Dorry.obUtor of eirkkubi
Tortaboo. Pau szd iono ,
Apo/doffs Mettuake. litonotor and JtruabieurJou r .
nab xo.
gnu.. Dkuotkory of Moduzdes..EasArn IfoH •; ,, d 14 !' l
ouerbar_ Um. 31 and =.
Longue. Pktodal 31•14 Book of tbo 1t0t010dm,130.13.
It Otoffrophy nod Bibb. aldory, with POUto,
ocrooldo Nam by P. u. /Übboul. of Euioobefoo Out?,
rz7l4tot by Aoki P. Illdder. boo r tun
• 13 113.:416 ToskrUtV.
SALERATIIS--125 times pure;
b= _ bbb ' .I.I3OAIMbY,
I i II j TED OIL-20 bbl2..foraielltm.
.1 - ARE FISH-10 la. Wh ite
" bb "
• . "-' , "A CPNTIVIe
ItOOMS-- 5 doz. for rib} by •
jrn Z. C4NNIRLD.-
130 T ASII - - - -110 audos for rate by •
Jr= . a. IL C/NAIELD.
' - Shirting Lana and_ rish Linens—
K • RPHY& 13011 011FIE141) haterectived
tu•••1••••b. at marmite ladttilut Mastics and
cl allectl itmz y from il:nttett anr.s rtrt
at the Itorthout tome or l'emlll Martut anon
ON OlNClNli ci Ajl t
rata z io n s' il
r. %MINE t 00.
15TRAYED Olt STOLEN frommthe Wiee.
to.. at notom s , =lir= a noall DOG tunin
law ler.. the tan a ' loan or bu!
, IIT:p c p . ?"rept1101:1141 .
. nsvinl.he afore as
1301tIlit/Der OCIDIRAIL
1714 b.. 116 IMBigr irtreot .
lAVA COFFEE-10 bags very superior,
d tau ""." ft" w b rr. A suc
ur suita s Cr, -
XII ze tabo
• ' RIM 'TO .10 . , '1
• LElvibiliv t P nrigicPe'is%1 1 1 1 47.;1••=.' P.M.
LEAVE P1TT481.10.011 at 10 A.
Y. sad 4 1 / 2 P.M.
War . 7.11 E, 3 CIS. PIE . Ma&
Childowa valor taeloo years of ago half arid, • I
lief 000 s Ptttztorgh VI Hamill, • /toe .•
AMA it.. 7
K Re maom7. 60
Now NAtcos." ' " •
Eseenvioa begets will old at oKhlool RUC
Homo= Pturbototh aui Rochatar, t arar miaow alai
Daewoo rittobargis alai Nog Wight= oaf! toot,.
aTtb® zaw-ans.
Tlchoto lama ca Warta) will bo goof to 140 fotufelaft
" Inrailag b...t.02.4 ulom miskte4 . 2
tho 01.11.4
or d er day. .
BY order at tba Bou.l of Lembo.
• • 01:041.1X PARCT4I,
Mearyy ir rt hi a & Liverpool Line
4Sailing from Philsulelphin on thAli
Rh. sad L!eer ea the 1.4 es-harm
iiita t r g t z a r.tgiim
. hater.
.131110E4M SSW. (sec.) W. W. *at. Yoder.
She eecTo obitst ass bellt of hhe bac sad sect =SY
msterble. and ars noted for Mc rerchts f etch'
they an Mord so sith ett Wert tatproeccmtn. sr=
I=u aroryaneed foe charm.
CrCr &toed Ooh Se nd Scorcp. Rums;
they an eassoststed.t.y m. 2 of eskoosldged tsbot, who
ate Satqualkst tWr etPninlllsa an thn pocket merles
Pcsac dicier of
.= thew fetes& the Old
Uoan cad rr s t elithe, end osel,==.7.l l
erpeol mill Webb then sith Me paver letazystioc sal
Joe li.
styCpNy drays ke fa caritas slat upset& paystde
dlneonst. sideh
rattled by sat Of
or Pat Ofneee tbes Vetted Magda=
th lOire 29,ll a. gSbrabld lecloateen addict fro= Unf-
DooLree!? Cleat tha olairt n -rappiwi «in be inzatalad
*soh PealeaSef of 32 Tesal o'r me sad ter..r. 21:110.beeld.
sta. 2 oz. tea. lbs.o
a a o. tatat. Mouser. 1 141locr, •
d 7 1.1.111, 2 ,4 :
half idlcsasee of tekry sad =ohms*.
, Webout street. helve &toad. Yhtlatel G kit.
}afar' farms Cloth sad - Wood ste...Pt
1851 J iiragEWigal 1851.
Danldrit =I the Ede Railresat. reormedne- with
elms straws= Lake_b.r.; the Nleldnan 6 WLA
Cohnlv end anottmett. ..mand mat PM.
Itasidea Mli n b tai ndroned RaPneds, and atocameseattbe
ObSa Mom and not *Ma, 16,11666
''''" • =els c raava vimmaiis
14 • Idernlng lAssers T. 6 tftlot.t...
Te meal
1141 train atolo at Elmira. ober* ansmainds me
rlem boon. cad take the ss Train, ardente In Ned
Tort nen taming at 9 Weekonskinattnedtddsdlatenas
The Exyrene faded mad Cottle Trent barn Throktrk at
A. M. dailet a Passenger C. attached to %Mall:BM to
A ell- rare tram Now Pork, fa. Eettod
mini .111 Le Wan In led dem
Tide Comyeayto transport pvcetork
'l=ll 11 kb ... th " :4l 'l4 Al:l! ronX i firl
AL vt.
toind 6 Sot & Mawr &route mem adrentome mar
direttlitreal . =ir mill be ,-4=4lsatioa
"gti g et raus - wlll ha dberilmted. tneloe /611:tiF611_
las In named to Utopias. at Preght. as don t. wanted
1., 1rM111611111, Tani. Dag: wim " ° 6%;
/1 -
iltateestote to Mao:tett Coetde.]
• - Canal Bruin, Pena Shwa.
Rom Ban Itoadeai—Catial Bail grid'.
!rut. subscribers having been: smln
Abt= i ii. wm p t trut a6ual w a r
cor. any samititt of mamba:also Cr ral aro for adstord
-Goods Ida ttda roots wail be amid throarb m fr
sod stleanagoad to ta will be forwarded tree of e
atria or ram= anradi elletlXLelll4 waMITERI7:OII.
Deg , h.d.. two.
wavekreettett. Ofewraok Pifer , DVS ra
er. Nes. Ttmotbr sad otter firr a aa s. , im t
Barr, Pestki Boner, Lard. Lard 08.-Solo.* Load Codas • '!
Wow, Grata sad Yam ' COo fillar •
Ashes aureole (MO) Tee.Pllch. Batas ammo Oa&
Bates Bums Sr, 60r2.12)
Pittaborit. Ibtol.—ejTe
26 HOURS TO U174;1..011 . .1
\ IOZa3 ' 1851,...12aaik
EITITSI Packet' and &same Line to 'Cada&
ASSENGERS Imre everimoraintit 9
a tckek. by m.mbatte &lav a theme 1:1: Merl, ;
eanat.mairelbn eto to Itamma, thous by
To Cloralso ToPasco
d. *a bo a, NJle
om , To Dattoit.,
.7 ".° Cilia ave./7,
N/a eolotobas asal Tao* by Claraland ato Ctiamioal
Pao/mu= fOt Cl
Cldt sad 31111 , lean
Clayalaad trrery aventhif e o'clatk. br 5p3.1p40
mums of Ilikblaso !Dram* ._ Irani Oa ,unrom
thew. at 7.16" deka. A. M., by_itaiumber to Now Itot4t.
and !whims was mains **tamp. 1?T stacaboat. -•
kro - wator to Chrome ontaroutatO alfd*
owlet. ant Oaten*. VII be Icattatimatit qtyleter t
P wi tha rv a ?l ,
at: A. cAcoarr 44 i,t r •
(Up Asks) owner Of Boaltbfkold Otot UMW
. " - Forty-o'x hoots to Philade/44UL
Fortgfoot holm to Baltimore.' - -` - •
281 miles Raikowl--1413 miles yank-
, - NEW Y0R2 1319
4, oK9Jricfroos mai she aw n -
" aAd
'via / 2 '
j " r7.4 " 4
ErifesisPackbt.ftv. /Amu -
MEE • i 466
1 - I MaCIPItITE4 Ar tt
loPortscatansad °lumt"l4lbente
40 0rinnIRGH,
Tye Ilandnd M hirtritTi =Avenel to • : ,
. tadata kom away montinitimmOol, Ot otkok.
IoM ont7 Maoists it Mauna Wm, _
tan to ildhodolplea, $lO. Yam to lialthamm.
- Padogers for
Tu. thtTork .4tubert.o i l af tt .d. a l r Ldboor. -
sfaorgz of Qua a.t. that Nam. , Distaam (ohttrt7
Noeharro for bandlmgßaggage as this roues.
She Cara at Mi. motion nar, lad of the mart ammo.
akommonatiat Le manta and oath,
llff ToO dada thaw travailing and comkttahlo meow'
mammon. Men your &Smoot
J. P..110131141Ent,
_ m ammo:
feral Ludo. Pena amt.
D. M:cH &•WO. LIE&
Eigigg_. •
110114 , AND NEW YORK. •
171F°nett - being in good order, we ars
enwee to transport weee awl met. baamlls,
Q tb• atm, elms. at Na lowan enxcent OCm at
telglll. with 1.1 tpri. The taus lg .
laritt sod in5t 0.04.4 m r.
D. 1.4 t e0.13 • IreetiLkw,rrea.
. ,
R} I ?
ea u ,'
• 2:avvt.'
/1. Wm* drat, N•ve Yort:
. . FARE Exoucab,
Au 1851. Waggiing.
xOIIONOLIIELA 11.01717.. . . .
Yin 'Primarillo and Cumberland, to Salthnima '
and Philadelphia.. -
Za th :RNING BOAT lemma W h i r thef
above th• &Wag ad*. at I .'cloak pivalatly. tat:
adth the can at Ctuabataad most marn . - 1 -,
Boat lawn !LOY (clang B.aaaT.ao44ll'
atlattlraaagatag arab the ora at Cala aria Altaa.t
Taaa tlxvisir t ames . ttonta 11l boars: Tu.
Palladatabla. fa bona Fax*
tha n. . . t....= , ..;,,,.=-. ra
~ cab daa*"..l7 taw twat ma. Use.
L 4..
' =at: '
airx ' ota. la t a e Mormanhala •
1851. ,ksfig
On the i Lasylvania aad Ohio Canals.
Fhilitatica ca ta z .. i . a= = ; t4
Fl - w."llTg well imcrwn Line ir now ?lard
""n ne Cana mai a l :2
The nicilltlea tn. Hor t .. nraTirrawrd in =lnner Au& 1
it 7. did netwdrlf Cnninidn. O.'
V. ace t a C . !no Pit Inti Ont ts • d n
In connocdos with Ltn• esunneau benrhi rla23 4
lIIMLOH and 11P.••p., sad • Lbw of lirtelsamennanavi
(nroponre ana vtac,s) =n lake,
'A c t rirga°9' -
.1141.1 3 2 b.. 424 -
ketoaliel . . 11 Cc7, 7 rnatlla b g.:
Headmen • eZqxtfttUnk7 an, 04:
&VALI.' intl.' iet
JOILX •ecourr..Leeent,
nnl am Water •M tanitidiAdd raubana.
ireatar- '
gte&s , MANUFACT , keep ear
stsatly artlisad essay d•serljAlois of lybyllta sail. ,
AlLASswaalkasid IllavoW Glass. -.ane
bed.. 143 Wood Aran. filature,.
AY. tains , ilds dsi sisockstal
isa.JOSIA Y. bIes:ULLY, yid mails. UN bastsaii as
bmiolia• at Os old s•sad, muter itts all. Of IS. Ms.
GULLY a GYL TlAssilla lot rut laresst.b• bs9ss by
ode sal mist sttestiou to*. quautl of We am.
to %—i.• • am Of the Ysislarria2Z
stored heretalon.