**wilt 'tar' ~ '•.r. . .41° - . . • • , • .. - ... ,•. ' ..• - • B : : , 1; '1..;: . :r . ii 1 ,...... appi!Oist Hai. ',MM. ."dicestp,'lcraident 5 144 *.. 4 4! °Th • • t . r" ' Nclailg. - .brooms. 'gel; 140 .',.,.,,.. "-- • ': • '. '-' '' ' • ' - ear.-:neam nada the following motion :this aul adi.M . ,f i Cenitiwinaa. in ex ad. Junta Taid n. President' poefiteTittelberllatempteM company for erectus a bridge op gh o. _ end now. nitwit , the .12th August 1851, the' 1 Com'tle- try, her ettanme, Messrs Addeo and ' 1 Moats,true the Cant to order a. special Ter. diet to e halm es the. Woes joined 'ld this 1 I cue,' toC that: a - col*. of. the . nodal in-: t . • • diet, be eased , ca th e opposite eratull, forth.' t - with at the tar. •• - . i . ludgeMcclare had epent way home an the' proriarat day L and night In examining the pa i Pori in the can, and intended himself to draw. upa,eadee'of propositions to be handed to chilli. '''• In to Hat by e simple • aidniudian Or begethen. May amid 'sprees their opinion! on thofecte - .: , Jaime Todd was called ea a witness. .•.. ' Ifr. - . Bternitai °hinted to his being wean: He wee a_ Piney direalY interested, being lame for the emu, in egret of. falling in his ult. : , :- ' 1 Mr. Aldan asked the opposing Leconned• f•W re duos their obeerratiou to writing.- • , ' !' ''. Mr. A. contended that hewn ape fectly good i witiera RI, ioterrit an regarded coati might i. I affect tde credibliot hie coMpitency. 'I-• - :., • Judge nein cited Dunlop; 767, goo w anima o, I'concern, native to • relator being. Uablel for 1 Costa it wu not necasary for. them to goler , the tha'i'M M they 'ow as had dove, that Hilt; him had chosen to pawned iibla own : lit4,Artill . although =lig the name of the Commeartrefilth, .! war the real plaintiff, . ' ''.- g • -..11.-1 • i Mr. 8 neaten defied the o th er ads ie praline , i i a single parallel case wherein the, relator, was j , metered to be • liftmen. •- - • '1 • : t € ^ Mt.-'Alden contended that the inane' cue F. • was a geed criminal notion to recover a civil rifiihe - ' . ' . ,-.- • --- - '.. :1 ' e after some farther discluisiin, ledge McClure i declared that in an cues through, this ,trial; ,:•;, whine in was no t perfectly certain, es . ..toques. ` tiara trervidence, he would-- admit it, Cue if Ii carnet, the. Supreme Court could niect it on• t , The counsel for the defended" eat for antlat... 4 hies on the subject, and 111 r. Weida not, Id keep' 2 the Court welting, offered a evident. 4p 7 ,0f f- , all thereparte which had been made.by the bridge eozopsey,-certided to by Ephiehn lankanudit . . fl Hi.. Lamb! agreed to allnit MI that - were Car, .•,, tided, but declared that be - wield - not *meat 1.: that t h e mere ihould be received loofa: tie they -.! certified that then weraire other paperspf the bridin unamaty on 61... • I '. - 1 Mr. Woods insisted that they should be re,- '1 eared is evidence of . that fut. To one Of their t - plan the ,taidge company asserted that , the roman hed - been properly made • the - Auditar General denied by hie certificate !''.- r Me.- too - isle did not °Ojai to the racist no 6 iiirje they weal, bat the catilicate of tl4 . orb. cerlhatuo other - return hid been rude: was not evidence mince they might bars heettlat ar i 1 mislaid. - • ' ' - , . . M. Wade wined their - objections dr ownup in pear; claiming shuns fact of certain teporhe not tabig 'ini Ille; was prime facie &Caner that th4 l B4l ll •M=. been Male • -Thn:ittioati,taterin ' artMattedue Arm. . , . I.' . ..,- 1 .. i Mt:Maeda read from the •fourteenth'eation of as. lioktof 1810,. inempenting tie' bridge, ~ sin . ariag:that in iree the duty of, thelnidge nom , peaty to nixie . anent 'maim. -New. they tad ~' remind from the Andi tor amanita the puma 4 an Me in hie office, thin was - certandy twine_ fm: : ate evidence that no otharreports had been made.. , Paper. were earebilly•presenedi in. that eau, sad wire net likely to haviiineen lost. 1_ ••• Judge McClure cold ihortidi mighthenbeeri 1 . • I - '16.,• Woods said this t hat wintrue, ail% it. a,. . _ i ',.. ' .eolvild upon the other side, if they had .made say report' an the years in question, te'rrodoce them. - They were in possession of their been: ( and could . neily Lance that they were in:east. tees, if they had been made. No anenillet had ban made that they bad teen destroyed::." ' IMr. learnt" read the act of Assembly 'admit, . Vag in evidence certified Covina! putdie papers mid commaded flat miter as regarded any other Tact, it. moat be . proved by testimony. 1 - 1 • 4.. • . ' Cansiderable.tileansion enetathett ..• 424 . point, betieni# -- Mean • Icaale;, - ,wfor and Mr. AldialiiMted that Hay 000ld rat !prove • •Ilifetirt.:4 u the bridge company insisted diet : tluryked eosin the returns pmendy,!they had ' • the proof in their own hub, sed.let ;than pro:.• • I • don it . - • '' '' ; • -.-- -'. ' Join Moamar thought that in a: technical, point of Caw. thecertifirate wee evidence tired as Mheredurea had been -made..! ' . '., Mr. Alden asked tar as eiceptan to. the dal., aka, which Ins graded. ...- • .1 • '.--, ~ ' The ondlican wan admitted in evidence, with Om is. et the portion deeming that th on Inn the only copies of _seance . relative to -the bridge company, now out le. . Mr. Moods 'than proceeded to offer the eati- : • fad copies in evidence watch he declared to be , • . eatable to arm* of the leinei - ' Mr. Shaba wiehad f fi h - now to vent aeon these inn epplicable.„.. •- - . . ' 1 • ISr. Alden nlii that MA I= equation for the jay; thecopyaati- applicable to alt ', - the lanes • mnapt . .thetweeehttive to. Todd: - 1' /frilifesilkipoereded to read theapateirom ' ' V/114.-4149810d,, that the follaving Meru of ' Jails received had been Madr,'Ntat is tits report at .ria....7,11e.51; the . tolle.oftltvirdows yeer: *684 00 litill. ' , . • ~..: .. -- i 11,905 00 ..-- 1583 . i . .... • , ..7.• , -., 12.619 . 46 • . '.. 1884 '. ' . ' . ---. , -', 12,753 67 „ ... ins - _ - • .... '• - - ...INC& 88 . ---' 1888; -.,e " . '-' .• - 16,961. 86 .' .7,- 1837 • ~-.r . . •4i . , j , . 1%408 86 r . ' - '1839 .. ' i ' " ''• •.... •". . : 19,077. :72 ...-, 1 88 a 5 ' 7 ' - ...17,578 42- : - i . 1441 ; . - .. ' .' 14,167-71 - • IB4d " - . ' --- ... , ".' . ' .18,009 85 ~- - 1841 11,,~46M 1844 : -;.• ' ''' • ". 'I: - - !10. 6 7 2 •20V;d 1845 ';'-; • ' ' -' - ' ''....l":*il'l 1E37 -rola if previeus year,•- . 17,299 67.... - , .; 1848,'.. _4! ..,.".. ... -:. . 17,656 84 • • ' 4542 ~,,' ',.. •.. - . -•- 18,209 12' : ~1 1858• . 4 . .... .. 18,00 42 ' 1861 -' ". -. , :.' •• ' 18.822 1_,„ 6 . -•, 'i lb.: Addirn, in reply ma Tsarina of `Mr: Bairn- . • tem,:deolerei that he propited to. pion . 47 1 Jamie - Todd the mlitor, that lie and hli flindli lima fi'' a i liti t t'el by epaciel reenlatloo al the Baud, frr s a Cueing our the bridge el the t ea* meted rata of .tolL -. ,'. •- . 'i i -', ~ -......• Mr 81;ontonirisked to cake two ogeopils; dra,;til the' competency of the witnatpnatiO, to the iseepetatery of the eviderne. ,4l4 . ll4lllB6ll the Denepininey of. the iritata, he . IMMIMM• I 3 S that tie relator bad a dent „la -.- • tiktilte re-' ;WIWI, case, It .4gh Minnow :watt ceet4 'rep vas the pestreetlytithitisled and . I*tee arta On thlip*tt , le quo* Jet aesairarp", siatimo647, dzelartzt thit ws Pit to: ocais, be had s &net Ailkmt hi the volt • The only acceptioos 'to Wet were • .sitstalary pratision,hect heipi patio; if has the estate of the ease, soother eeldseves. be *Uwe& Phlliph 4 ,lliblveal, •• COWS' .antse,*(olB4.; Ur. paantolt: pt,cteediftii, arra Solholitine quoted, at coasideet . ebbe letoptitr?:',* the eiosptimos to the role vats illittbas 411, of the sa=l watt, and the Poestatt eeseares not it was contended, sm• booed abler them- i • , Jig Sant objection vas that Mr. Todre , Aljest was sal competent to, main ail the issue; .b win not the beet evidenoe of which the estate of Ilus CZWit stbaltted. Had .the 'issue beed:: vbeihey or not the toll keeper Asa premostetl Ur. Todd from passing, there voalti. hen bait noterplicitlon. The issue - waa; ',Maw or tot te . “epoist meiotic'," had be pasted by the . Ikeiri. •If so, it vas to be fahnd oa he soitnatipi of the oarpotation, end that wee the. hest eel-, dram of which the notate of the *mei admitted. ]Jr. Alen declared that this vis • mese visa= of, the gustiest at Issas, bat that was the moan to which this duo had bra, ushca64 go (hr. It via said that elniy 6411 t . would bit Oran far 's tale trial, bat they vas met on very threthold of tine oilke by Onions objeetiaas.: What wia ear gtiostdan'qf chetweilt, Asa Ih ice the sula44...igAtVtiatl , • C7'.4.7 41 = 12,1 • • • '.."'114.1.1","14t-rfr-,-40..*: • :Jav ' • i sse ßftelfit i MPi t ,: x "7.-7,0". tu.',.thisst , osiekth*thio':ot till pcd- Er they iiriaaaold'protto'ce,thrin.. Pry, , • mi ,l4 he tar t by the difeidanteedth' the rihje,o• mat they were hot rcetui to ,prodoce th eir bees.se thei yore not compelled to titan goaaktisiottord prooeet Ihkg. f drrvdi ' Todd's. *Mace is: .the QM best :which could be -produced.' Ifr:. Atha 'proceeded tr 'anus !hie position et oculdereble'leogth. - . Ifor, honor, Judge bl'Clure ins tight, what be era, that to the trill of this we, when iheriera soi,doubt es to tiered adeeihility of testimony, be siall•fadidt it, inb jeet, of coarse, to the irorisiou .of the Serino* Ginet. .• - • would M the effect if the evidence were inegcl? Won cot the 84retce Court tale the verdict 911 that issue eel look at the piiiition invhieh they ;toad Thelleidge Company' had ill their booth in their pammadon. if no each flea:lien lud ever been Fused, the aempany could mildly prodaee them and prove it--thrttbere Cu an Mr. Staunton rose to defend hie positions, and toads an exceedingly eloquent speech- Mr. Woods referred to Ana Hassle; page 189, I reStive to the cotopetoney of Todd. He eon. I tended that the reason why no case could bead. domed relative lo the admluihility of the witness ran, that thepteiot bad never been derided. The relate/ Wee not liable for coats, nett] Made eo by a recent Act of Aesembly. Who gained his suit hlr. Todd would not coakea Cagle cent by it. Mr:Loomis followed, reading the allegations of the jgahttiff to bin information end complaint, aid professed their medium to meet those alls gatione. The Septet:lie CcUirt wished the allege. bona alone tried. Mr. L malnialmed Ms position relative to the' inadmlssibiliti of the evidence offered, in a very eloquent speech. Alter some farther discussion, the ,argument tru closed as . to the Inadmissibility of the witness, by Mr. &sadism. . =:11=11 =E2=!!!!M Alis honor,. Judge McClure,' decided against competaboy or .Todd„ ea .6 altiere, • where. von tttorcerueled autxceptlon'to the de- A.W.Du• /Aden anti mid the folleirlag oder : ;Corareartitalth Ex. Rid—James Todd es. .Pies. Maxi & Co., Bd, !f0..65., L end Oct. The plffs. propose to peeve. by evidence other than that of the misses; that James Todd, the - ralator, trent to the office of the above Company sad there tendered E. N. Cook, the officer of the ella Company, the som of three dollars law fel money of thd United 13taies in fall for one yea?' oommtitation of himself and family and within 41IX Yeare last pan: tad demanded of the' raid Cook teat his name might be enrolled scums those who had 'commuted 'their tolls for that . yme under the by-lays of said Corporation, ao theriting such commutation ; and further that the esid,Cook was the duly anthorized wag of the Company for that proper*, and that the said Cook declined to receive the said money of the said Todd and enrol hie name as requestild, the I said Cook alleging as the reason , that the Board of Managers of said Corporation, had in:trotted him, to ftfose the said Todd and his family the beatlet of said eammatation, and instructed hint, the asidCook, 'demand from the said Todd and Me family two coati toll for each and every time the said Told or any of bit family crested laid bridge. tdn 'Staunton said thatbe did not object •to Cock's having declined to enrol Todd's name, :but Ottlactoti collie reasons which Cook gin for decitniog. • The defendants were bound by what their agents did, bat not by what they said. Mr. Alden bens asked to snake the following addition tOkirl . proposition': , • , • '..smil Alai the :Board of Mr:4m bad in ' e stetted him to do SO. This was objected to for the rectum that the tune was, that the Board of Managers bad ex cluded Todd from the - benefit of the commute tionby ',medal resolution.? _. Mr... Alden said that he would not base any armament on a point so self ivident.. :The Judge might. do as he pleased. . Loomis quoted • from etk Sergeant ' and Hawley Mae et al va. Kanfium, 820, to the ef fect that one' member of %congregation could not erect the congregation bys declaration as to 'what took , place as one of it. meetings - • It moetbe prOllbitbit thercsolurioa was made by therßoant ofhistagers: If one of tbe Itaxisgers declared that that resolution had passed,' it was not evidence, tir less what a member' of the Board might have tol d Mr. Cook. - • 3ie, Woods geld that the ohdect of the offer vu to prove-by Cook, the tender of the money and Wood, and afterwards to follow that up by evi dence, showing that the reeolntion had been 1.0091111 directed the 'minute book of the company to bowman-cod, st. the esnustiniedeclar• ins that no such' resolution would -be found Albion then wished to ,know.whether they could not be allowed to prove the passage of the resolution by pace? isvidence. ' • , JOlalflarper, Esq., was trareita—lam Secretary of the Board of Martieperi, and also Treasurer. .1 never,entered . n rasolenion of the Board of !tanagers excladiniglames Todd antifamily from the benefit pf . ,tioscautation. Mr.:llsintisiiiistd - hir. Barger" whither he 'retarded tai tie sesaiMions Purled by Um Board . • Mania. Wiiiiitind allmo eltiectetL Th is was 110 t a comet . scab. seinainstioa. They bad proved in `ii itrecialietif and tier 'other side could not ' l2 iti" .I t l 4 ofo F;i4e. fre'cawP , P rove • A long ergo:meet earned on the same subject: Mr. Aldan contended /Lit the mere transcriv. time of a resolution was not the two:dation ; and that a "pedal resclatkor, labs wait ; vu are totation which epplied.to Mr. Todd. 'Obey bad preyed: Idr. harper;, that no etiolation had bern'entered on the minntes, sad now theryeoold earl other witneisee to prove the pungent the resolution bjiwrol evidence. Th*Pourt sold that they Pnetunied. the attar . wife's. Todd vriebr4 ti proiertbsb„ though the resolution had heat pale* difigaitlssdeen. Alden egad that war Ws object. - Judge Meatus decided du Mr. Harper's evi dence ahoidd be-admitted. liners Alden and Woods *ejected, and'llled an inception. hfr. Harper via recalled: It wee loydody enter all the inlnutie of the Board of Manapre. 1 ciaLltair recolleano liestarkut when held m uteri/I the reseluliene adepted by the Board: Mr. Btemoton asked whether' he remembered that ony resolialon restive to the etelasion of hir. Todd, had ben passed...;:; • I • Objected to by Mr, Woods and waned.. Ur.' A Idea renewed hie oder; • . • Staunton-objected to the eame s parts as ben re. McClure Wllaltted Tt. ••• • throdai-b--Balta.o2 Ws Patio Itlao raw st 05030 00 per cat, sad 100 MAI korto Rico molasaas'at 20@'210 'per. prin. Whlab7=L ullang .2;6240 par s *nth= ~ . CINCINNATI Mantua:" - - - r CMGS/Lat. Aagisil2. e ; Flour-The market lei art/4'lth sales /NO bbl. ::iv $3 30 per bbl, for goodbrande. • , i tlehiskey-Baies at lig@rite per genera. , Cheetio-7.Then Isai fair demand at 6ie per lb. "Pro sl titetitelee 800 143 mess pork at $l4. Bales 60 tubtle dear hittan tildes st Slc; 10. do obos:Mere at le, and hams et be for phis. 1 far min Oiled, mllOl for city roger eared hams •,•• Boer-The market is form it 6eiOle'toi fair . f eci and e qualities . ._:. oil-861111 at 66e1e.760 pet galliet . • • is Hor bas eiseia air Indies. We hod heavy' ramp im l etiorevooo. •. • ' I• • .. .„. • exseurof or, env r1111)11;11.11 or. was Co.-' Dia Femme-Taylor; Shelton. - and Murphy, thilliteintei onvitted alike brutal imam i of,l'iln:.'ewelen. 'tins "wife, sister , end wilts% Ott , ter; ht O rgetorzi Cross 1411, lient'ount.i. I 'Uhl=c t in Muth tut, . were • ezeouted st Cieetertown, on Friday last, In the prosanee`of I sieved thousand persour, many of whom had come frots Talent parts of the 1110 to be pres ent at the dnadAil acne. It I. imported by tel. egrept thet all thres,ol the condemned declared themselves Innocent up to the last moment.-- The gallons was twenty.gre feet 'blab.. atid the fall Mx feet The rupee *era 111 adjusted; sod when the trap' dropped, the kriot of hfarphy's rope broke, sod be feel tea, ground. • &tan* , ofrolve the L.. Lie was perfectly ditsetwitilt..:... The others died without a straggle: ' They bung torah athlete; and were talum dom. llophy, by this time, bed ree,overed, and win again sue. podia. : He eppeued to dleAaltees.Mly. ; the miergrilise dispersed ' :'' ' - -• .' . iliteablinfiranti.--Tfe Polditha telegraph, ledtispetelejoeststrday, Mentioning coeueder case loth* tows itillogerfatid t Oneida met]. Mei motadini'ere communleatid In i letter to the Uthis Ossetic . . Two libareti,'John Perkiest; thiother e negro 1 - Ws in the employ ethic Looints fetidly, bad brOitiowing together dna, niorubsg. Toward 6 e'erock in the afternoon they halted for ama meat, whet the negro was heard auddeoly to et-1 eli•lm, "tie WWI, me-I:am 'killed." fie Os- medlitely staggered from the vat and, fell to, the pound. A gorge= owed for, hot it was' 'nearly en hoar and a half beast be orrivech ths negro was then taken up and curial. into the beam. On lathes off hivelotldng, a leout. Of the mod fearful deeerhdon rsa prestentoll-.4 hightthl grit' resehing &mirky. antind his body. The lower bowels protruded from al would, and the spina/ column win Steady arervel. The scythe ',filch Perkin* haft used during tae day wee found near their pieces where the Deem fell and it was covered with blood.. The extfccetwasto 'omen= lived overly ten boon after the woad was ingleted. and retained possession of his seam. On being told by Doctor Proton end hi had but a sheet. time to Lew and that If be bad any thing to say relative tothe *Ur he had 00 , time to lore, be slued OM* ha. rowboat hla injuries roam Patina Who theietad them inten tionally. • - rakizis- tode• to attempt to escape sal is now In ettatody.. .. t. pm r St? - _ - r - - 1-11. Dow r ck .' ''— lxiCiparters.of Frearb .ad: astaa Goad; - , x.. 0 iticowarjraw mix: . • - - ,• • • . ESPEOTVIILLY: invite-10ln to war • two Hoer And, ~ • • • , • ' • ' mkt Juttity3ll—.l. lorr olombdoertmoot• ' 1 ..jYkri wry K.AriN ltiMmu...t f&L•owsrprio. li , . 4 /LB O.S DS k ILlNZ—A ... l.AuktUtaml prkm. IN • IPrai l algg=== t a 41taznz-mivm-aigte" bbobtook • . .; . .. " LATIN Dt CUM. M. omooto. Sam. .olobbOboot Me labor to tbo tboatoo corbel. . . .. .. 471*.1i0t r . BMW , WHITE; :BONNET, -MANN , • ItACII7REIC. lift: Woo& - 114aboblitia rim • OIL MOJA immn. - 7 eta ralfirOWAlS I Ta, it 9 as adoommokart usikrioi; esoarsuats. aril r . Tabs co nh 41.1.1artkrWintied. .*l l • • Cleilt4lllllll4lllteteklati. J. Fatah Dalet in WOW AND War' "="rothartairairar m ‘qtriz77...l) ..... Anwie.„--rudw.t. s . ,Nated. D raw... CLAPP & DOUGLAS Maim leroa ... T ., ArtNllts. 6 Plat ban Oral= Manus 'lnds to lr in st ational& nr. sni . ,sA 6 wort from us 01.401.141; and V. no ls. - Hew To* laths ittibber Wank*" Na. CI *ails taw, it . gul Nd. 69 Neaar Pent, &tr., fr. Broilmiwiro. ri L artm. r Mimi :AM. THE SUBSCRIBEH, Pr:Core this eil ' tad . ..old W.= QM cortor. col biota roooorolly. 1.1. h. It toom= Oroalo rm . szmunt=mod 1. eTromla, l* ay......... lotro= t7 omnot aro gaol too t tooorooommoitto la to= autos., Wee....., to ocabloot moot timll troth:for., ......Umoo. ......1 oriostloo oputamomo to t .... 7 „.„ 1.7 .,..... itemat ir to 64 lar="tbo 11l taalUti Wm. Roo ...a boo. asi Smoot woo Mops.= iromollelollm. swot. ...1 to mios. • Ito uno smoostruomea Ilio imam= • If latiortout laroomoooll . 4dMoto=ti ." .. , :r=. ., re . x. b. r..2 am .4 r moo. Omloro .4.4 opocler U. =Arts 1 alt:Xl s=ritottag,l,..w.,„„rtzr: av,...1 - 5. Ilim rs ..3 -- '' Pr ''' 1 iiiiit r- - - ".* 140.4 fad ial A: emonsuoto ..... tbillAblritig WWI& hIMP lati.C.l•ta, Cap.. reecbge, Passta.Llb tre=rW i toomoo mm= 6 w i l i or J=.4l 4SCont.IIIOIM.I lima.= Ms Porkist, Shoot rommoo, Moor floktoro, Air Sal* bank WM.. IVrmrltb r.ll/7 rlooriortloo or Rob. d.. assotort=7.strootott. / 1 1 . 4 11 =..0 , ,X. ft flr atorro molll Imor ibooot • Oat 'I otsftellloirl oo . or Wood • thodo. litio .IN = ry mnrt.tor (=i;:.42., jitieeil6trie: , %: : 4 • , -: • i •• Shawls!: alooloilihmtinsir .E . 13 : 1.111 , LS:RO; 6Cciithildtst.; N. tort-, ..., .. =polar of Itt• Phomol Wartionoo,o. fro* of 11.1 oat II loon et! It i, t+ . % . somodmolso of wart.. te r ra. amod lArs , tazl S.W. Moolltz with tfr it rui= " ="o".oroG illorb.Thlbo4,l3lli,. ot. sad Vey= MOW, 1111XnimmeM47, og v., shot. t.. UM*, saitdmiten4 • Ott ir a Ms mrs isporoutosio; uttpell• sit • 1;4 9 , 5 1. , o.4.latiatisle iltitdolf• sad Writ era te le the farm , sr tbattrUl Illx•ppirg.. soot .1 t Is. MI wortlmoto4 nots, Ilt!tm ‘ lot. vv. amrity. !fell , . L.... .A=lir d ommlce Ittt4JVAlirOS. M , at, Ikt LI jig eZ 7 7 •'rr i, :',.. • • • Mee tbr. Pardo Patecnni. _ No.f. .1.. X. Tint. IG6 Find st., Lgarkm.. o, tATENTS FOR INVENTIONS 'procured ICI PM/ Mita*: Thor* Mona. Maas; Wad aU Halt. of Itaropr—tba caaadaa, Ukba, allthe Safi btolmaUoatsW atom e i l ta brats-.... - 114ffe7/loaks yrenni Ithiekilfrininir and Copying Ink. NE'S EMPIRE 1NR, 8 7 - NaagiuOreek o. Ilallflaas flea Yoe) , • • • afTell . T. MI Tani... f.:f;!1.4.a?',.,? ar • 4 os. .•• la d ILoo arta to.'...ooditallgirS-41?"=rLotitrndh inoaq, ' ,..441.g. &m y. and scao.... 4.lUularia ad lbf I am! Mil Ma Ink, a - adults an llae . VW?, .401•1 lan Oa Rol Va. """"' TU. maim/gad la mowed lo AIWA, la Um, bade al that liv•zpart bow. , coommaloo, laa Wm* VIM, l el= Pt 5' rh.,7,:op=vz.t..-zr. or Imam ara