. . 7 5444 1 71 sum wit. - - Tutespititrovanovita4org *won. hitaTiefiCio: iiiliesiainfila Usisiiir • thi tit' Oki ' :20dp Company, emu up IMF tr4sl . yeittaday.' Is Os court at Common :Nu, before the Ban. Wm. B. MoClure, Pfeil -40ot Judge, and Maus L McMillan, Mooched 1 4dts. Moen. Alden 'and Woods for the prosecution; I i s lands, Shafer, litannton, end IdAfin*u for the . .istesoa. ds the ease le one of the almost lm. 2;Partaame, it sznitad great attaathos, and the tlEkturt Boom wee crowded , with tP , c l . lO l, 'olostoopt wham we 'observed the principal Mock- ;beldam of the bridge. In tel =au of the', . lam, there wee *beast a cart load of Wan. ,be tog the-nem* of the bridge earopany's pro ' ^ wwwelltep slate the yeu 1010, whiekerfll be agar ! A jury was !mined vitt considerable Jiff , - IV, 1 Many of the gestlemen elm were of the panel, sot being able, auto; to None In their futdliek, . to emu, and others hen challenged. Mr. hides; .begged the curt to SIMI Mr John B IPPadden; who wu in the bee. ea bs was hie brotimr•tn= at, sad his riqUet Was ' r ecanpfled 'tidal. The following Jmy was nutted , , ' , .. _ hlesnaddr Moore; Lout blieitir, Willie r m Laciderey, Eli Pinkerton, Jamas lideokeran, Joke Young, Jr. 4 Janus Karr, thouma Murudia, , Youph Berths.. Ep.h. Brooke, James Brooke, Ilexuy Ingiam.! . Bears they were swam, the Joy= on were in: tempted unto whether soy of them alined stock in the. keidge,.and all responded In the 1 megarea.L. . T.',l: Fos 1112,; rag:, Bait opened the caie i; It ittlease the Graft, gentlemen of **jury, !.tto luaus which you us empantreled to try, Is ore iset great Imirtenece to this county, as Import ,Pat !Mica ie. aoy which era ocespjed the 'alien „slat ..........:lion of this” lll D3lO, a alibi:: iii. (to , limes thetOselves f figidharllF;. the - I:: rtrir" of IP; Mai. Ofetgil /11114 12 7 ;lVjytt. It vu en ItlrpritrTl=hlf,',l4l*lßM, li,t • A. Ibil *IN tint. Mill the managen ovate*. get a ;:itieclast aim of money übseribed to lints .it. : Ili 1 na, - ...pquaint. wan added totho chide; ' and addltionalptifiloploauitured I:pantile Cour; my. - in'thi yeuriellic tAtui.'bOgo Ins , coot- I Pi". : • ':..'.' ''..'. i '7 '. :*.::''. - . ' , . ', He did not irleb to depict:We the mane of the ... - eilirViews r e ndered tO " tbe community by thole who erected the .hridge, bat they had not only 1. - Imett pit& tat overpaid for their trouble. 'They ~ ? ~_ : We bound to take the charter according to the tam and conditions amazed to the great.— !be °bind . et dist clatter wee, that ell the ;,.' . irecere, after paying the stockholders • fifteen . ~ pee : ant. per ammun, 'an -their innanment, ~ ; Tie to bs vetted in a slaking fund mail the ': %Ado law redeemed. end tendered flee to the ":4111816, the rtooklblitert hallniisciaved the full i -War thereof Whenever that wee done, it was -Alm dray at the Commoutrialth to take it in i edam, end nee it for- the beast t of the whole ;Yetaninunlity. The promedlogarertac btheMissomwereforread i la toolutizeily termed a wild gee mensosto. It wee a camoton law priateding, end was graded „ by the Somme Caint„ticeording to the Ad a f A.- - emettly, in such cases made and prenrided. . Is - awe la fact had been tanned In that Cwt., and , ri:nutodata mated' to the Court of Caittaaa - Plies directing them to try the same unicohni is hos Wad forme of law. The EMpreine Court, by Ids proceedlig, wished speolticaLly to ser . - Isla the troth or. ifalsabood 'of cata Lea' al , in/Ind In the dugluttbu. information end corn si • Vidal In ordei to mplify' the iziattee, and tender the &Hemet the jury less complicated, hol had. tritta dal - salami* of has learned col lages, driviVile special .verdictileavieg suit: able blank; aCtlist all they WM* 4 0 . 1 ° 6, would be to inetivi the affirmatleiipzi negative - of each lecne..' ifir, 'regretted - t eta had been unit a to write II out in time to; to ttirolab his distityphelsed appanage with. otpy. The harsted:gaitlentar then proeseded In . , read the vordint,lerklob =ivied ale .pages of foolscap. It MIS i Incumbent pa Cho Common - wealth to prove that the rite Of to il prescribed by the set of Imagination; towboat reduced twodlarits. They must also &heti, that had the ' tams over the atm', of fifteen per cent, on the capital .tack, which I ,ngAi hart been received - find eenually Infested in a sink4ag fora ea pre entibed by the Ad, the .bridge mould long ekes ' ban been redeemed; end free to the public. , It if/ the duty of tie jury merely to - eacerteln the taros of the awl and it then derolval upon the Barre= Court to pronounce the law upon the Irma riot for thtm; nor far that Coat io VOZIOCLICKS a denial:tit upon the Isw lathe pus.' The Supreme Court Done bad asthenia of that 64111.*Ci. Es thought that he maid, "out 'at Char own mouths"oondemn the ' bridge cal- piny. Thu set of Oaratiat provided thitt' i msor h the eacttal . stock tild be &tided into .8000 ' SUMO: M VS 00 ?each: Of hie number; tie Etats took 1600 Apes, and individuals 1400. Thwart ilia =WO it imperative span them, to esdarge the l amedi fb iif they required eddithmal , . masa to maul toidge. The company hid eat dam iNLI appeared by theirplesdingeln the en" but had borromvol the stem of $18,600. They also set forth thelinportant fact, that to dividends had bray made farm the yea 1819 to. 1628 ors, the monies, being deeded to paying edible debt.. Thlit ins shown In their very tied report -Mars mild be no gumboil as to Cu 11- Uglily of tbh pttoeesffing, the company being bosadtt tharneedad additional holds,to enlarge Os capital slook.l Tbs jury would permits that a variety of facts ware afraid for 1 their coesideration.-- First, did the bridge catogany manilla thatstits of toll, and whilst doing so to *there deny the Amu privilege Wider:ea Todd, the relater, and . tls fan l 4-1 , ;Nat, nen timr.• nr might thorn - 'than been, iid . lbe betioest of the. Comp4l , • hem property total:cud, an arm oven 16 per vacs t u au" taight hare been, or eta, tree . : 11 properly tnreeted In a sinking fund I' End Miry tau divided an wan aver 16 per =it, - 'uplift auccialata, Mama of tutuil it in tie aguoil toad t ; rcrold the tone whank bed bain Irtml44 bun bees Imatiett.nn' calculation. 110, ,'"..inn the bride? The .lurrintuld entrtdta , ini k b ,4 ~,,,, L A , at'-' miden bad hoeirod ino,ooo wrath bf suet, for whkh they hid ' '", taut peld, 02 if they had, kid puid, it cut of . :tkiti,:tak, tkiii reoliving 16 and 1,8 per cent, 4ter WM,je m erllo,ooo, far whielithey bed thans . eaff: on, Orate :er pleedinge deyorittiiiL =fie.' co 94,1400 ems{, issmool*: — . - prmind by the paptaiiii tba . Mlle, - , dlillOrtathed, ti ne 1801 aliaren ...It:devolved tiOntilihe hrldAle 'ptuipur to prui that all their deviation had' been Skir and honest- ~ lwegi deClue, iertimelad that - be would he : • roileetel tram the tronhis oi giving an opinion in ' ate Mass, dm lamas be mainly of fact, . 7 hie. Woods iattuPed with his honor. Ur, Lomeli mked the oOpoting mama to read - QV testae on the pleading& - 'dells. Alden lad hrtiontad,, tha dale vu cue at guts itapVt avu, ugi tiia jurymen should be Ird'anned of the leuling, fade at the anteet. . - /It- ' Alden roe, to oomply with hit. Lovvlrr , vagaas,,,atut curnavand by Meting that the .'l4olollEng bY it writ (lino s r r In a 31th, thick coital ts liCli in !dui light of a criminal ps °mi1.,..,..,. .,..,..,. , terikykee now merely a mode to ascertain a citil tig*:',.Whem the appl least= for.a writ aria 111010 he oppaing party MUM hiaturisaistild ther:imetba. ' The pre t being graded by the Ba pimiiiCorrt, the whole nutter contained In the inforteetion and ernaplatta,sres embodied la it, to stint the dere:ode:an replied bj .- !-- , their pleas. bistro of taw aid tau kering been formed In this can, the Supreme Court tuned the 21111.1111.14 to the Coat of Common Pleat, to try the lianas , of feat farmed at of the andicalone =a simill am:. the duty of the ledge in *la mute w a s , . nee rely to attend end pre:am order, tenses of het being testae by juries alone. Es teLnitted . . that as to questions deride:ice, the Judge coda ' . act exit deemed legal, scatlect to a tall of er.; etptioaa u in all ether came; bet he had tab let to do with the facie. After scam feather remarks on the lime mar Jul, btr:Alderl reed the infontatko. . ~ - geeing other thinge, it was aged, the! the , ledge company Led entered nen land Wane:Los t• OrneltnaL Wm. Bobineon, nd taken poe simica of 45 fest In _ltatalk Jr.,nd a few tees to woad* as teach la held • ebai via This l a w vs" ended to be worth then abed thy - eadetud la considgnitice otit,Catostod hI family bare ever sines crowd on foot and la 0 1,243 5.1. Pt*eLt ban-1 0.4 .414. taw b. milected, it wan acjirat: that if put cut at eseptrandliterest, eirpradded for in tbe act of lamerporsdam they MOM wow sec a nt to a soon more 11111 sufficient to redeens t r = widgie. , ' It am not alleged Lim; the tad am; traded tw o s :1 they were too if they had netcierd, to Dave enlarged this capital4o) attaree was to have been eslowellvidnels.--!.600 by the Common wealth, Wore the hung of lettere want The Contrecenealth bad done ea they bad aimed to do, bat this =another' had eat paid the amount 1 nancribtel tee, appropriating the proceeds of the tans to the payment of their debts, thee delv ing the payment of ttridards for some years, and analog • forfeiture of the charter. To throe pleas the Bridge Company. bad re, plied by • denial, throwing themselves upon the Country, (the joy).- 4. Jodie 11001 an °beer, ol that as the papers inn very eibli2glW3, he thought it would rare the time of the Count It the counsel would 'vie-. 'rents the pint;, and narrow them down to the strudiest Possible complas. . Jar:Alden said that he had compreeced the matter as much as pomible, in the 'pedal ver dict; which he and. his colleague bad, drawn up Kr: Staunton' rose to make strew remark,. This nee , time Into that Court by • mandate , from the Supreme Court The jury II ire to try attain. feels ; now the 'Chart was bound to ex amine the record, end ascertain the lama to be tried. ' It was their duty, likewise,. to inform . the jury "halt:base Manes weir; ' end he would oak his Bacot to charge the inn on that tub. Jett. , He bad drawn up an abelnict of the is. trues, which he begged LOST* to present; end would, at the proper time, object to the special verdict prepared by his learned opponents. -The gent !email then rend his abstract, • 177 novas of vadikii ea follows: ' • Pint--The that isms was • question of fee; as to whether, the defendant was excluded . from the privilege of commuting his toll bjcpcMcd rooked= of the Board of Managers. . 'Second—The defendants 'did not make such report' to the daditorGemeral every three years, aa they were required by the Act of , Assembly.: Judge McClure aid that as the records were cry voluminouq sand the Court bad DOM bad en oppomunity of examining them, unbar the aoaneelsand to submit certain dicta as the points in rune; be would, when he tad an mot" toady, that eight, for itudanoe, tusks SO abstract for bimedL Mr. Startaton proceeding to read his abstract, sold that the third pointtras, ,whetber the divi dends would ban exceeded Men par cent, bad not Mentes of holl been commuted. Yourth—Whether defentante had invested the awes., over Mauer cent. , in bank stock„ , or other imxlactive f • Fifth—Whether the atoms of tolls, over and Shove fifteen per cent, which Might bare been received, bad not the tolls been remitted, would here "mounted to • Ram sufficient to redeem the bridge, It tweeted as prescribed by the charter. Himh—Bad the defendant& appropriated the fond, of the Comprzy, to pay their. individual insitiotedoesa for stick.' • Beveruh—Redfany of t he ' violations set forth in the informadon and complaint, takes place within the last thirty years. lir 8 ta uo um procened to say,that there wash* differenue between his abstract, and Mr. Aldem'e special verdict except In form, The facts had been submitted en theplmdinp and replleation, and he gave notice that be would object to the 'pole: verdict of his opponents, at the proper time. - The evidence should be named to the arm points which he had submitted. Yr. MoOds—Zio I undermiutd the gentleman to mean that we are to be readied to the repll, 11r. Btanntori--Tes Mr. • • Judge Moan» again salted whether they mid not rigree as to Sarasota in Issue. "Mrs - Alain. said ' tiud there was 'no dispute Mr. ',male. suggested that they had better adjourn until this morning at nine teelook, to glee his haw, Judge McClure time to matins the paper" hs the ma. - • 'Judge McClure thought a preliminary' exam- Mama was indispensable on his part .. After coeviarnble discussion, the time of meeting and - session was tied at from nine fetlock to ball past twelve, and _from two to ave. The court then adjourned. , • Ma honor, Judge McClure, before the !ad journment; cautioned the jurors not to allow say person' to convene with them on the cense which they were to try., -; • Prrpucapz ian tirenearrnta Bananas. Diarnio.—A., huge meeting of our cifisenst, fa ettrittde to the construction of the Pittsburgh and 131enbeneillentl1roni, was held last night In the rooms of the Board of Trade. S. D. Guam, Esq.. was called to tbnClajr. end Ism& Pennock, Leg., appointed Viee Presi ded.: Mr. Joseph Snowden was elected Sec retary. The call for the meeting wu read by the Bee• The 'committee who bad visited Pbllidelphla., were ogled on far i report. (harp Den* Esq., rase on bedudf of the 'committee, sad regretted tb►4 rraforttuudely, the Clielnasn; the _Honors tile Hamar' Denny, was now viol in-Philadal pbbt, and no mitten report bad bin prepared. He world, bower, with the permbuitat of the meeting, mike i verbal one. IVpeq the committee was first appointed, they readied Inpitteni'd tn,diathirgs the. duties Son. care, promptly, and to mini lir pair at /dee Hotel, in lidladelphia, on the Standar weeding their appointment.' The heavy rake, by which the State improvements bed been LeMred, retarded their snivel a llttls but hs met Mr. Denny in Philaded. Pia on Monday, and Ceptain Naylor tided on Teteday. thdortonetely Mr. Denny beans 11l immeNately alter his *relent; but he, and his other colleague were buoy among the .altiseas, explaining the Medleys of the Pittsburgh and Steubenville red, and drawing comparisons be tween It end the proposed ifempleld route He found that the 8411W:teals road was every whin- iiitudid - With fivor; not_ - ha - dig met with & stogie person wittives not friendly to Ito instruction. do soon ea the state of Mr. Den ny'', health permitted, i meeting of the Mum gen of ths Central Railroad Was called. Mews. Haprs gad Mead, of Suaddile, wire prey ant Mee *. and, ;together with the etc inittee hum Allepeny county, eddremed is ting forth the rest adeantages'of the Steuben ville road They lad succeeded in producing •very Womble Impression elle 'meeting, tihri:trets unanlzionaly in favor of the printed read. dil agreed that the Hemptield roots was out of the question. Towards the close of the meeting, Mr. Merri el, 'President of the Central Hearted, ad dratted it, and in the course of his rintarirs denied that the question of giving aid to the Ibooplell route, had ever beinconsidersd by the Hoard They had deer' ben silted to. do se. Mr. Kaprre had a way Interesting table of distances with him, by which with the aid of a on+, ths immense advantagra of the Stathemille rottener/ all others ware made apparent, and It mad great attention amongst the stooktold ers cf the Card railroad. • David B. Brown, Earl., who was present, de del that be had ever expressed himself in faun of ore proposed . Hempfeld routs. He wee in favor of the Pittsburgh and Steubenville Merl, and to den hie forangs oa the wiled, he look mode: to the amount of a thousand dollars. He h.d yid , hcrwmu,amt he was afraid Pldisdel phis could ILA do much, dace the greater por tion of . their available Snide, mod be denoted to the completion of their own Central road. . Thar Whew received with the greatest cor diality and kindness kr Philadelphia, and ha me, treaded that its dated would do all in their Polar to promo be the saccess of the Pitts burp dd. Steubenville railroad. Mr. Dards then mad a %Meg dietueunet Pointing oat do ii 0121210 ilk* of the proposed dad, and eon chided by toasting that ell unfriendly refellop between Pittabrup and Philadelphia, yen at an end. Hereafter the andrahht relations which akochl be maintained 'between these two cities, wou hi *retinas emintentmel, and all heart bunt ings and Jed:rosin be aided. Mr. Denis ad down amidst loud. applause, and an motion of E. id. Stantoo, Eel., the thanks of the meeting dot tendered to the committee, far the estiefect tory ma/um In which they had discharged the andote drake - devolving upon them. Captain Naylor bad had ao interview with David B.9rown of Phadelphis., 'Who had de nied having mid what wee attributed 10 him i n n the papers relative to the lisuinfloid touts. Neither ha nor Mr. Merrick had expntssed them reins in favor 'of that route, and both errs Vining to old the Viltditergh and Stesbendlle tad, to the utmost of their eMlity. All ths cilium:la of Phlladilptis were In favor of that rest Ile had seenlths stilton, of the PElladslyada Ledgir, of Is. Peztatrtnals J. scam, tEs Elszsats, the Bulimia, and la fact, al LE:frigid/se paws, land all wars la firer of ad. _ Tad. flay deelaied their readisterse tei bait' artieleiydatln4:l4 ataltdikUllillon till examenii for itcadirettr.t:. - - ,_ - ,-, i , _ , ...111i tiia ii, 4314 that *MO& *II Tre'ititq allied hire ' andalcog the ?oak for the read Iva eery popular Ica Obi& I :• ._ N .. • I ' lir. Naylor Pratiethsi.a. eariatent npoii De! alartaAce Ut: the rod, cad ..t.ot-baled PT !burl tag that he,* 'pada, nee4 tba apeerabsal Mai n to the ability of*Dttaiergh to *plea the road, 'copied by - us from a.Philadapla , pa. pep ra that tiniabsO ! , - -'•-. '.---. '.; -- . 1 Mi. rdet.li el igl iltan t.-;9fF!" 120 4. ..IYUldiitill4 ton County,:wase:MßedOulor asitieteli, by Cip . i lain Neylor,' sal ate.lrivtcipipcusreiniM wig . , a 'amplisseat to the SE** who had'ara ceded biro, obserredthat the reject of the sigh" of .way ofthefittaargic abet Btanbeitriithe road, through Virginia, 'wee not generally deratood,' tat iteadputtages appreciated. •. Compaphad at colynenstiadontoisselluptgll .inst, thit owners Of the land bad made edited of conapance to it; 'of altlialad taantarYfoirltel anartiollrel, lat will se foratthetimber, st; sideraird which Might; be required to bintd! keep it in repair forever: -- - - ',.. •• He slain' thli dada:Coisapteilti th.Lejal gentlemen here, as 'all isin Philadelpha,234- psuatitiNtriiYork; and allagreed that limas bind ing _ .. and superior tea abuts+. I A'member of the has.; in'' Rabin,: lelso, - lutd Subscribed. • $2, towards the erection of this road, assured.:l 'bat 'he was a etookholder in' the.. Sprisiedild aid, which paned thaiigh Vacant is distend of seven irdies, and the Begislatere havingka; , ei to gin It "await., the Compan,y applied to the priers of the land thron' which'. it I , , paised, 'fa th eir simple peragesion t construe } It. Mt 4,1 bein glyzo,lia list` Pie mission was bin _ on them. AF; " the 14-1 , Leitrim could , then do, was to im the . , .- ; . tat upon the road.' -'- ,-'•'.. '' -, . ' ,,, '' , bi Another ohjoetioit' width hi hadaat ya k' that it would be , necessary he ,orierke Minitrack this 'road,th. brides the Ohio at Stenteevilli, and how could rittiburghemi eldto do thleteith aijieasMstenty, irhen they hid ;so' MIS,* . op posed the Wheeling'! bridge t , The cases rro I not 'parallel 'however, since no rationantaste would oppnee iprojece to bridge eriver,ireitii ed 'xi doing tai, no oat:Cala. Ma 'offeied * iatigatiOn.„ Ittnir they llould bind!, 'bridge 4 1 Steubenville', vt. 1 4.1.041 - ut,4 :choral Haifa don. Tluty had so favonsbles'polition thetthei could Pally do this. -. .The chapel it Dinars-, wills was only: MO het liroadfrotri tire*: * Ohio. They bid a rocky foundation MI build upon, and tlui banks we io'high; th at lii As i , . greatest.: floods, steamer.. could rtadily,gus under the bridge: "' Bei world net deny that 'the bridge at Malls* was too low. No bridge . , . should hare been bull; there; for the town * Et situated 'that it *Mold not be done. Whittle erection of a bridge at Steubenville would' be irresistibleargattept against theWheelthabal The truth was, that in patting it so low4e Wheelingitas 'had- had .an rye to making' town the head of *lotion, by olaritta. tiona to steamers amine to Pittsburgh. , J _ . . The WsehiaiNon Paan-rae7 week eautalsd some allusion calculated to throw cold water upon the Steebeallle road. The truth"as that it, would be better,for them to hay it built than their favorite Hempfald route. That roots would injure Pittsburgh if the Stembeaville road were not built, and anything calculated to injure this city; would, inevitably Ware the whole Of Mertens as well is Esatern'Pennsylania. , Thie should be the point where all articles dial* for the West, would be manufactured. Blight theva... .crt Pittebureh, and at only West ern and UmeMPeansylranla, but parts of Ohio and Virginia would suffer too: Hlllll2lXMAktli the Hempfldd•nad would injure Washing*, and thought that be could con4nos any of its li able*a that itwoold do so. If that roadie* completed between the roes ofilmenteargb and eifY ef Wheeling, it ma true that soma farmers from Ohio: might take a few docks ofshag or turkeys along it. ;.The inhabitants of Wag ton might take a ...ride on the nil" too, but if they did, where wall they go -,to Greenabmglit Who wanted tO go to Oreensburgh ? , He had never sea a nuarrho wanted to go there. :He had travelled all over the Union, but had "aver met with even a amp who wanted to go there. And whet, in hearse's name, would "they d 4 If they went there? No me could sell eren squat Zit chestnuts in that town, or s half a bushel of batermilk. No„ that lead OM" would be bulk he thought. The mbsalption of Washington county would, be trusted, be defeated at the ballot box: Let Goo who'irialed it, build the road, and the Lord help the stockhadem. (Loud applause.) ' lie would islets $200,000 bribe Bteniameelle road before the drat of April, and more if necessary. (Laud Applause.' Slone the Allegheny County ' 06mi:ditto , ' had left Phibutelphia. hlr. David 8.. Brows bad se. trued him t tat the' road *Todd' go' ahead. Why was Acme the New Orleans grumbling grumbling the .New' York via • Wining them? What would be the result of the Steu benville and atherwithirri aids upn• that city? Allalong the route 'of this road, *on ore, Bina stone r and cad; abounded. It piped through a lentils :ectonlny, and he worldecuieluds.,ble remarks by plaiting Idroself to sada it bj all the cleans in igs papa: :Di hobece d . net tit*. gather, for his pea advantage ,' but 'for the grad otiodely, it., Urge. ' if he were going' ole* the country.: foraver-Inthirty days, Ise would. Spend that brief intand Of time in daze ell he amid, for 11, confident that h. *ld lei 'the benetitUng his Die* end neighbors. -' ID' 14- stivittotooktaandambistlaudvpisesto .• • Cto.lstykrr declared; thstanmeric" as had been the railroad meetings Whichhelted attend. ed be hid newer before bard so gad's: rails* ,pgisebleilvenid. 'Vs mowed Oaths thanks of, the meeting be 'tendered to Ha•Livingdorkt . " Thin: ntaticatras seconded by Mr, &mita, and unalmoualy.adopted. . 1 .... • • . , . , . .- ', ..I.' Pianism Sewell Esq., ' Num caned „. the adoptkon.cf• the follo wing resolutions and they were manimonsly carried. - - '. - _. • ... • 1 Resolved, That the large - subsea. peon *the Pittsburgh end Steubenville Railroad, in this eitY, and on the line 'of the road,and the friendly spirit =Metal to it by Philadelphia,. egad ample assurance of:the mats” of that, enter- Resolved,' That ilia the organization of that Company, they abroad proceed at mix with',.the work, so as to ensure Its completion within ,pro ' Ur. Harper read a letter : from :egad:Mean In Dresden, Ohio, giving the Most Sat .terinesa entrances of the speedy completion of the Pita, burgh and Steubenville Railroad. , • t ', On motion of N. Kirk Lewis, Eai.. it ;MS ta• solved that a committee of thirty, to balde the present committee, be appointed* the ,Ehele man, to Proare auteniptiona for thifyittsbagh and Btenbeineille teilreed. ' - ' .... :- : . i.. , of this meeting be published In the PittliVirgb, philid On :p tian 'tils 4 , iZatuurrill"mailde,"' th atSteb7unaille"9"l: ~,411. The Chaitduall. D. Dana; dellarad th fok able speech Ware of the rod, attar tektich, on station; 'the maitheg adjourned. ' '.", ',; -- it . ' . . Watcha! I UST BECELYLD, by thia moming's6 of rryrso ., sleartmeat °Mau& . at Wit f I ibrxm mumuck....a th. wi. 0 .. e... 1 .. a ... 11,ft* . Ab u *: • . gLod . e. eeee i=itoderse Md., tetabllterneht, Out en• nagehaests trith swan and bowmen, wombat to ~mat Oe ler that ire seeemethel te sell at the tomet motor p ri m bud Is the Valtetint. • Waling salad be empranesq .41 II = mu domed ea v tzlz theit =.l.= emooer. gad ee 4 , . . ... , tUgf.='; , - , ~ • . O. am. Wet* and 7 .Biwa' Fire Proof liners! Paint. - iruheerihar, tur t i . comg l 4:l his es rtabllsluarut ttot the of alma mud ' lA. toor tbs bood or Nowt hit. soma to forupdt if, thirsh bis siorolly_ titor ,or grand 12 aIL . , . JAMN6 C. . - . . ACME . . • • . A:Ocaltar, lA. at Third oat Wood Ida.: ICllnts • US lawn stmt. Jao2.lkwilae.J. • Oreemwood Oszden. A CHOICE collection of Etbrubbery, Vining ftbrilblßT/00 0 1 6 11 2 / 7 . =b. Mt. NUM* laudy mootaly aod rmory p t weary to oroastrat yarda sat will as at =rad rfl ' Ol 4P XL won " ; iff as ibr ". Ur Worm leo Comma rad iabrr takfilliorata arrnri op Dovrhotor. W.* lllsoebooln. AIF.r coargt7. P.. wIU moire props •noetkal. Notice. lIAVING "sold our Canal Stook, and our . I ,l?arttiVV= N ktita l 7 tl of " r "" nt O. PIEYa. irtMrc • Itorled.r. P., July MO. 1141. A. 0. PARKS & 00. OVIW/1161110 AND. 0011110.611.103 ROCDB7fI. PA. AS,i, • t rl4 'j: bik.D C arm • " " yy Packs* Liao a t: . Biwa WY+ !Swinton ac e. ps. : Joss L. Can:ui, Wax 50r.b.5i.5e.1 . 6.101/ Ihith . 11. CLARKS it CO., rinwaszawo_ara co=x Siractuml. axaU fwelmear. Job 1.04 1713.1 a twnB.--0° pigs. lu°sSase.°4l.. • Ofto'fildeT &UM - e n HOULDra BRACRI3 of the moot L- 7 rwod.tr la Anxtari sa4 guar II of alto Lola AA, • Jill" • !I IL W 44 it' . . ... . ... : BY. TRWEARAgIi; -.... Iscsnrro sr rm. stisitgt,tiirii. sro worm - ) rviriii • . - gaggle& lami l . . . . . .... - - - _ '. : .. FOREIGN N E WS. ; •:.itiv.L OP 21111,1118/1114 RIP , ARVTI..- - SUR *int laiTE2 ' MIK St/DVE4 New YORK, August 1 1. • The AMericto steamer Arita, which from Liverpool, at 121 ceeloedr, on the - 30the hit arrived this morning. havispetlerieneed ad triads dozing the mast 0' her, pimp , ... , beings 36 peasengtaa. . - -z 1 ii. The Attics arrived at Liverpool, on the 26th sad thi Bala= the evening if the 29th. CfrIHNIERCIAL INTELLIMENCS. ''''' '* * 1J141604, Augitit'lli4 Corms—The market blast - • The isles of pad thee. asp were 32,000 balta. of liala ( siact claims lad 'Etas took 12,000. . n have ine ha sdnated Id lb, with the Billowing quoted-sae Pak Orleans' • Uplands gad MoMle 6fd "el 11N, - noba—There is • fair Mal Ilind in th 4 Market, and prices are =hanged, sines the sail'. lug of the-last steamer. .. ' . I Oasts—The market la 'here of hoe yellow Corn, with no cheap hi prime or troaluesa-+ Wheat is dell, but without change. . I .Plovutoes—Tbere is • fair request at previous rates. Tau.ow—Prices are 6d better.; soceatzs—Bagar is steady. Corm is into tim, but unehenpd. Tea has slightly declined, and more bee been doing,. Molasses le in good supply, with* Imp Walnut. Bios LI neglect. . Moil Efaisme—The Loudon mousy market Is a dude better. Camels closed doll on TUAli day, at 96tig903. In American searritlee th em* bad been • fair business, with no vatiathso to es The ktenchaster trade* had been mere airier, sod prices were rather In favor qt buyers. ! POLITICAL /MLIIIMMiIiIE. • , ELAND. - ' •L !The Home of Cottuncote * „bas sustainad Lon' John Road 's tootlem, - usdnding Mr. Abe Jewish member, from his seat in P=at by a majority of 69. Mr. Swift, the liammist, had bean Michell Sheriff of Laudon. . ... - , . 1 The riparian' discovery of four . bodies tf qtr I John nenkiltee party, by the at, of a Holt whaler, is gamed, credited. , , 1 1 Parliament clam Dar seed= befripsithP 14 aid 16th ed'Artgast. r i The number of Millis( visitors to the peel ethdbitiou Protionee to thamasii. , , • , I The Preach Arscoutily has decided to adjourn on the 10th at Aurast, anti the 20th of October. The Committee as the Budget estimate the de ficit:my at 69,000,000 banes. The Prima military sulhotities of Loreie, bare {tested the capers of the Lognisitioli from their paters to soaks roam for the prim' of troops- It has caused serious dimagereinems. , M. Ofrudin has become converted to peace , doctrizies.- . IRELAND. The Mak Catholic. difir axe sdalfrestriam sm art appeal from the pulpit, In fora al Lori Arundel, the candidate far Mmeriek. . I ' NEW TORE. MARKET. , New Yes; Aug. l I—P. Ilt. I Cottees—The market is lien sad prima bate gam/gad le lii pentad, with males of 1400. hem Plow'—dales of 1,...V0 Olga at 14,18 i. for Oanuree, and $3.96 @ 4,00 for Stets, gad 400 for Ohio, $4,26ag4,37 for itarthero. e Bye Ploer—aaea at 11.1.374. 1 • Caro Mial—Salta at 12, 300 "g 1 bbl 1 Grain—Bales of 1000 bushels North Carailis red wheat at Cc., end 40.000 Lc' ' 4.. at C° 9 4 3 . ale for mixed Western. Praisione—Sales at 290 bhle mum pork et $14,60'{1 bbl, ', Coffee—Bales of 100 hip Lapps at, OK • . 160 bags KW Sp- Buriar- • -Salee of 60 ads' of Mumondo . 4 Oi° 10. - . 0 er ankles remain eimbinged. ;- . Foetus nom CIIII4:—* the arrival at New York on Thunday, of Ike barque Nataeoltee from Neuritis, the Herald bas advises to the 2Sth from that plan, bating one weak later thin preview advisee. El Until of Puerto Principe, of the 18th ult publithem• an official eta Waal relative to the outbreak at Ban Jam The cosi. amides of the gtewmaseed eves there saili • latter to the Governor dated July 16th: 1 have great plusses to ensaltesting to tsosilsooy that et 12 o'clock to-day the ' eq uals, the fiat of whom mates I send you, who were taken from the party of highwaymen who proposed thnuelvss to dtharttryablie order, base been presented no ma, and Lan awry your Et asthma, that this will be the came of the cora pieta defeat of their , plans. ea the discord bap altered bathe camp of the Sew; eatendlog to roe Information of the Leelliddnals We. party. when th ey meld Vat the/ did not utor remain longer, einem or eighteen of • al them, and the party vas discovered. D. fiepostrocemo Berme sent to ma the fallowing dOCIUDIGO4 sad D. Hama Nunes the letter which follows. What I say to your Swansea Is Me ported by the indlriduaLe baton ma. 1 kart thane arrested, and I well send them to thi patty of &iota Cray, when they will be kept accord - leg to the dispowitisteof your Erman:icy. Here follow the letter alluded to. Which MO that they, Barron and Nunn, having aceLlant thy met dm Ins le, were forced Valeta le to their service Burow soya: ..They passed through diffinna Fames atilte party, meatus the men who they eamenere?, and thrsalcalng to kid them eke= should soak. any resistance.. But when we wen tailed and meld speak; we wonted to go book; bat they frightened nu by saying that the mentioned vas sines of Par demotion. width It would urn Wine famed, but roltuthary, and that we ehttudd Immediately be shot. Bat when they pat In our hand, your proclamation, It wee nay to in the joy expressed by all composing our party. .We were nearly crasy, and swore to die Wan we would 'be separated from the pent= itch ond that bath is profound and slum, and I hoPe tbot the sample gonnunent will be penetrated wittstey Insosates, and reepeot to the laws. Nunn &aye robetsatially 'berms am the above To roarequence of then repreeentatiems. Sheen , DOT Lamer, Woe! a proclamation, offering per den to all the betrarpots who might surrender end formally mum that they bad ben led eif unwillingly into the' evolt, promising. ocrettle. las, not to do so again, and not to attend say ecurplaions nutting on pain of were punish mrnt coretspondait of the Herald, writing Mo l est ?fourths, July 2440wiyin • MU revolatice, 0? which you ham min* been Inundated with ancounte, was badly planned and badly wssonted, as the riming was not paw rid. The olloial see ount of the battle Is pot DJ. together earrtet. The troop/ last siren Met the number of the wounded I. 114610,12. /be natives had three Modell three warooded. The firing lined three Ileum, or tall night aped In, when the troops retired. The revolutionist'', teenalour la all, were commanded by Aurae Arum.. The troops numbarld cr.e hundred itt leat7 and twenty•f re lament Thin do the ea inlas' report, and I have reason to Wine this nearly amen. Tha peoelscstion of pardon has had scam e} foot.roar of the throrgruts presented thinned* to the Governor at thla port on the hat lust, and are now ptisonine. It le impeded that ell who corn. in and present themselves will be par doned• There are now only six, Including WO chid; Josqedn de Angfro yout - la the woods, sad thine are surrounded by troop*. It is mid that they are reduced to the nesealty a f deflecting the:maim porpeAahtngwitlthunger In my apinlon, the taterreotdon is at an end for the present. • The ilershat we am teamed that the nit. tin. hare lost all hopes fora while at least. The movement bas Intremed the feeling of hostility among the Bpeadarob against • the Americas', eL whose door the whole affair In laid. It out said at Nonitas that the whole movement was shock ingly arranged—that by mletake In the pen word s ' in stkestlng the Governor's house at .Lite Tunas, the patriot' actually Fred upon nth other and killed seven of their own party. . According to private advice', the pardon es tended-to those who would surrender to the gorimmial will not mult very happily to then who were unfortunate trecogh to meat tette terms. Ten or twelve had been sent from Need. to to Havens; to be Imprisoned In theltisnal. It la reported Ott moat et the papers I d a patriots, with ths names of those engaged inUilf mum, had fallen tato the hands of the gorses. j.. 4 IELLOR, No : ZZ av celf sow stik st ir e m. AraturZa. ft ra ft ' te tri trlMlg JsaMidi I'd 811 a • Ont" . . 4 %eaannta ;pith:4lAL . T 441 bov i t.bapig w qr‘ ; • allaar6lnflitoS-1 lint! stollmplail •E. - ram & • cx,t,.. Appi*nif-Sztte.l r• t,..LIFI4I3I4IiNaILDW4r, Itt sturpiir., r il. rtLY; la iitp .ba.feit ♦ to Jur EtILOS.L.II _Art-Ant asurtssist. lAD 84 TAMS.BO346—• agE s erpr DJF i1. a1.--.111 • 14, boa --aracriutizirsrriarcs-iwi.....uiutrbm4 W . .777=biar e F ri . env. Wow oat ass *m. • . • CllrtON MOW: ' Ziti t tl=ll 4 •lll) SCIISSR-4alfria l 11 4 i:A Si hy‘ • WM DL calm. isnerts. Berm sal altar Eil4 poesuarls thaamaioa aseitot—r-i _ • JILIkKia) RONAS NYIIITE, BONNET. MAJNII, F *. • • 41 earth Land • ixoydf; ARD• tap CKIST BQ OR .I.:bb: T , •I•Narde Marva FLIER ANTELO, , Oestiad Cknzimis! orb r ..a — lth". • •tt!i' - wiwar . :r . ua,lis wer Cant saved to Canbt p_srettazds, It J. RING Dealer iti BOOTS AND IBEIOn IS North &wad Med. Mtn hae Mit reeNt the metatectory as aslant" ti ides•d *Olt awes gads, lhich will e• ma la IMP % o .ld.weelheekf, he 'warm In _ the d 4 .. Fr ! etett `7., ll lMiiifif4. 1ri......1...: . , • M. _ .._ ...1, -.4 . attentig ihs Ow Tart Llerakl of Ilth Ja114141, Zupan*, of atm. da taf t . ke rid., ...41 " r i e4n0 . =1,1 , 1 chum+ loot ;rlil 3 lr . l 4 4 r nr""m IZ7=7lll ' riutr i th' rsoo. ' lIH ' 41 ' h .., At Immo Ire , t 4 Istille at.. .der tkoGlTtse. Fat. 0 to. sad ear wawa, *M al rtel ettp O • WIZ a the at mutt o ;a UMWW4a p lwo& ay w s , Acot. g tht•P 10 woe VD • right. fe w • ••ads tear.Otas lo In r y turileks two prowls ites••l•Oper me. 01 "Me • etil L mum, mad lie paw •14= sr a ;aafrats• ~a o=ltat 1 rah :to him tar • Kap parshma sad we wit under thew. w doors ah® a sof UM ova ow on tlynatanwlrith .D.: , V6naea P•testa, ta the twralbolcu• at oboe. Wlett he U ethalaa lo the otatilm Yd a ll Ova T .... t:100 sad 41 oho ace warmed •tth Ws la wo or 'WI rwilas hla was la viattlas id selttrat -1.1 4 701I 5A 11411 .. ..,,h_VAIrlikrEnO, 11 00....., D lensidrat, 4930 Kre , UM, ...1)1214 1 11 :1 lY2ailk 1 I. WHOlbeitein.- dr0.16 Araidea Yr* Pori; 24:PRTBR r and Jobber in FRENCH and ViCIUMIEcT A:loops. r .0.4 moors, owe V 14ye:na a l:a isermaeraemaLeot br him". 411 Pendia PAcsossoMasport Amelcas SW Top ; 'lmpost& iras • Net/ York India Rubber lillaphask Iry 27 Maid" L M asit,• saki.l6. P .69.llmoini oral; IrenitZlet e 7 l lo Me n t . /;• ..4cirao '."3.6aat 'sameortfa wbn 't4 . 4oa cm. ' %Mort *a vanlimal /an. aaa of flabameNikolka amiszallorwW. cranult b tbe IVA and na WA. [Ma bawl air larmalanwl .nasal ar• ea 4 aasat Isapavavarrei.. la els oacti:n.y sad maymll.la. voa/aSaat esaaca eltra porta:a mailatecalms. &artist auratice easilatin uAu bi WatzE r Donirr twt Vta aot= ll kk L t i rr=og blylatipe...lat rgarly dlamagrma atm dcalk caul.. up bear noes nealloisoor to Mar Rq *sew. lbw pLain CM& ea& sad oala anal. *W. oboall molt nnat7 *Nand. . . of ummy—A ten it'd of all do eure,t4 .t;1 so• vszSoolow. lose Ur Impor74d Pan iobtors to flor Ir. 000d.d I=lokoo--notiootos Look WO•eill .4 Pb..o Piro mot Toodaks, W o rld. W• molt own= tho Iblloolo• 01001 op4 r, t" i rcobooT , Ltegr t =l.2 . ferita b i ' = "th ir '.. tl% "4 =11 11 / 4 11MM " 4" =` tL .""" V .- I ;" P =l4=httbst Dow I%op, folio Goolmelr . host. .• Own wiLl 1 , • bad • won onlola carp =r• angora of ilood• lOombhog Um sail slue obit. and osft, • - Pon Robing Comm I* Waver v 0n, :9: - ?...____ - - ... - 1 1 929.M_V 1 . ' itsvlcios . is i Itutillui ~.• E S. e.M, - + letirjr unerld i teMetke ot book). OM le V. ` nom with 0 toll saolfl/O•S3 of /nab 1124 1/Mai SW Ma Me•ai, Slaw L 4 of •IMIT r ... Wok= essomito do. 0f . ,.....11.1 ... 112 low, Tatra CWAYS. T S. . t - Itooo, old fooliaosthy P. 00, loom.. Do' Onno. Ito troisl stfoofJoo of &C , 60,1111.1 Wok. ont tana .. t . To n tro. so r . ..114= e a 4,1= 1.. LL. RIO* STAXDS. Sow aothlll ties Rboof• loci ttsati Li" eloomd la Dm" colookl Pros mad Coto, os IN 0003 15 *orb. 1411 f ______ Office far Foreign Patents, • " No. 6 ir.tt H.. N. rat*. 4.1166 fiat st., DATENTS FOR INVENTIONS procured • Wilma.. aitlw ,atm cam b. e.a r t t ep..* ir.ll urosarria.;t. gamier Black Writing and Copyg Ink. 'ONE'S EMPIBE INK. 87 Nam= in street, ejS /1•6 1101341 ass. n Yoelt. quirt& INEd6s....—s1 t 60 maps 4raz _LAO so suss " Is. , tnat6t.pa iia 44 m ctArtrils= ' 4ll4 l ==. dersy. 6/14 possum, LH MO cual. ll moan Wrung 1614 nll6t. me tL (MR, Led .14 alrWy .46661 d Itrt slut Wad Pea u. l:46l=aprolgrl fun d 2. t r o. ltz n teet• eS. !mix ; gi.tajg.p.LroxiiVlZend Canala ea kap an durpd7riG al sett TUEODOILI MST. 2161141•11 wmp" ProtaitorAleL Q..r*_Tricaplucrami; ThiEDIOATID CO WOUND, for re: uras, wernisidiadilleantilytna the halzondies soul itai du:IMA sill tutu etimairre • c ut b WA, slandat sal snake. eilasp, de. It 40.10aW 0... b1 , Ispertlogar= l'14.."::'11""'1111" 11.s t g i'Mg port. .41?r,.0 val. of tOlo or~ales. lO.tofinuesda. 11. wttla 1 the 11 Mn by thaw .bo awn One It • MY: . - - • • N. Vasikapt. =M. hat. pail— tit..l tra barb said. with • ca Imo. onsava et Om anp. al a mat =anal abav Ib 4 t -r. z lb* ativba t 1.2"2. 0. 42 ma. t 1 a• l b 2 a, e.t.a nal all 2 4 , 7a11at that e. col 74'..►,.....-,-.7,,— T ---,,,....=-114...7.... nark and. la my manes sad enbleasnan bawl malt =a stoat t. menb• la. woo dr nob... at tba that at lima I ata Pannqrl4.l,BLT "424U214.. ' 12'" 110 Oa . Ms 4 I. • • '_ • tin Toot. odt.=;ttso. lac 11.7 . 12 Nat eir-...itoatt. oamitaa v air awl an • dat, .4 ay bad au cad, VIM Lonna Una tan . • hind to try rat Eths adltilq uol to lay anaulatarmat. iar tab gnu mad. aal ..11 tha &admit mina al. al iba sa• Gam rat 10,00. Wit.b nowt, 1 us, year 0.11 wan, • , _J 8 SILMADW ILL, 64 111.4.7. U s 4 7 Lady a vanilla. &alba tba eartaltne w il at the abirm, top ob.. an at Plana. • 0 dna, piey. l!la• Yak, 40.• la all prod•e• one. ... „Cr the 711 1 Mat Nora La. N.. It, 1.1140.1 an is so los tb i mm i g i nat= a Mao eu n ti.. ..... v. 1 t H ole arileb, 6...• 4 rit.:: . Ye a ',.* II . bi lb. .[Tar cluat at I. e.qamalry; la :41/A5=t 2 :47 7 1.1 2 11.1 22 . kV '. 2 : 2 44 2 t0 In a := o :2 Cb• , sal ttst. mama Ila grant, to • nootartabla na. t dadroa lao dnalrat sat wart ad name tat tali toe .4 a... It vat can all ala•aarat ibo map, sued 1 mat ba., 4. mom tat alba obsonou ellaa. rnl 2 .lit ° Mt :14 11 '1 = bt t 7112, :,= , ....r..1nt. 5...1 E= ,. aada a* vnailnapan‘Uv, Iltzgvn CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. oTHOKAS HALF, 4 . •FozWANDIxo oomirseloN macula; cuicaock maws. - • CONT I NUE S pit nasal facilities to re.iietiv o lriiZt u Veirroenalt i AV= later•saa—t=. 14.08 :ur°,4,4'. • wm.crc....=!; ST. LOUIS* ST. JOSEPH. • • BT. zoom, ffissouar.77' MIDDLETON, RILEY WORE, Reims. Comb Aria. arb],grirsrotog . lllrrrisala. oa the Mb; to Alrier==.3. SbrlblS • C.. Ilttsbargb. • . .• • • • birkir pO3lll AVID Ii..TUDYEE, Attorney u w, bad Cbroadokron lbr lbabrylvanl4. bt Lc IA 490111:111inte memo eantenn. =air O.OIIN H. RANKIN, Attorney aid Coup: *Akre let Lew. and Oceasebeicter IL etatie. 0 14 onlesate..P. Loctla k ito, ac... thet. kl ) • Raiielen l4 l . l auvbro •• • • Cdekeriore Plazas. • JOHN 11: MELLOR, Agent for Cblisrthe. Plum; Eft YltuDiamb :=4 " 1 " opn "'""'C Zt=4a ems Mils the • Oe• alacsA Iconrood tut 11,4=11 Oise '"; • =l:4 i K ' 3,1•121 47 . tautd "Ir., 0 • bosum 67.11=0. . , ALSO VOX 61L.r. , A15 . M17,0101.1.6•21 licerno,6,l6 0,11161•5 A. 11.6ent.1.1 ttrdrt Adasttaint Oe1• 6 • • Uwe! Ratio; ' • me-bat.l 5 • 0 631k1,57565, ist4 . 4 Qom • • e.em ~; • ...bowl tesipsy • , • QUM= BONNETS AND HATIS.—IL H. 0 PLUS= Isaisstmlai nevi, vicletrefie igreaMitrt , Oar HOUSES *ARMS...ik • Valuable Ruff Dim . tiliesneColudy e A Son I NA 4. Wog ohms IWO Ora 41 OM blot of to Inor froLlogo. ""g = Dmao• t0e11144. al too We, 14).1. Ow lot Wirt D ea 1 coorgug iti sing. go 4 to ao. tag or Uor 11LL 114 mock 44 ton boot. Itag maim' ”..g to Iwo rum on th 4 ,214 Morsor. No. •O. rahoWo ogler lg. bolos Wlool 14444, tiu too guano gator rower. blo. •Ow lot oognito Ur motor SO It gem% sag .:14744, , 4 .7 t b V i i i ig . ogZt44 r ftr4A brio 6 =1_41 . 2_4 taro .11kao *sire kir& lia,ll. Our k 4 llsgagarlark agoorrootr. tor N N Awn 14) le JiMpilraY. 411 d WWI Xo log 4.44, . 4 4.4144t0 116 ocer. p arr4ldeb Orro0•11:40 laahp. Domor =glom mg oar l harm, gag dor alMor proomq oznoird, by Bk. .U. Oftild, •Z •. , 7 Mobrutly amino lromodkrkelyoogooll4 ko. T. flog oolor Igasollggly bakorlaflotool= wog awl 100 Ike La hogrik.roolal:l444lft Om 0.4.4. to kw orkor mart. or ontog boggy fltmgo 110144 y as ptrabor v 051.41 .414.11 lord sg ago amigiggigg+' Alma ler Jo=7lltoritoo Valuable Beal Estate at Atietbui 7, ril- SUBSCRIBES &ere fai Sale, la ariaatt. ant thsibilmrl",g wyperty; t., t z„, 4,er? ja, e e1n . ,1 .. ..tk I. tb n...d te r btl e i t dwellias bow* OW &end 10.4. Martin sal ferry garv", Vb.! k" 201 WA 4ittabltmt. =WU tlo i t t ... v lotet coo tt*Orr WU% Med so • Stay , : MU, 4 1 .0 ow • stay bog aid bib,. IlturelaT %be 413 err er ilkg_sidel •111 tb. be . .... ff . ... 111) 114 - •, ~ .i,,,f,PF": -" Wlftf a ltl3l reitt. '` ; '''S a l I • ..s 94 t. • • 4011 for Jobartat • • !Wettest:. ;.! 1 '• ,14 ; 4 EPOM. • corder of Gnat Third mtg.; s goad loobLloo foe • tilnotiagenekino..lso icoodoo ell to aim,. • oriel • -Mann. tik_os . To Let enteeTiberts, intending to reionon • • so 4b Wood is sr stmt. camp of .nolfy • not tbf drtibotur tbsyal go•seatoecopt—Na —numbs to 111,1 Mot Lima c r e tig. n a o r r i rr oo Wfy• • VOR RENT—The DireMog, No. 155 a.... : :MI siva. mat Am lakfirta—as maa. as the N r.t.v....1-"vg tz..41., i 4 reaml liar bas • roam •ThbetvaL t .F ot *ad (AN War. inter do* as ; o alao-11.• Boum &Wake. la • . m , * sit. • ' . law mar 11 aid. ' • Sewickley Property or Bile. TES subscriber offers for sale a floe. Traci et Itzl=n 6 Ine ones. ham spro. eta* aL'""riV irano 44 oPo v°l rokl 094 the nrer 111. Wawa (90 wren) stars • ••=ll•ecr fty;, b ittb • =M a = Str rirg /*TA 9100 7 . 47 7 0 0 e r•O4. ra, •191 10t4,W,6661y itrarit,po.r. Soutar,Etta 0•00•07. or IMO. V- ELLP/94,1611 AWL HA: - • Sim Valuable Parka fatilile.. kl. IL SITUATED near the OM* vtd Pettn "1 aL a Vine gb. e2tait 11‘0.4= ' * 411,-- IOWN LOW. 1 .0•••••=moulit haulS4o 211 d wbrel.Vl b• et ook rh =tve la U . Ow Obto 00$ •••••le I =AM* Lnt. tp Ai 0441414 6.W‘U,7IW Mg Irish to 4ftat• a /int et glainol. •dJabstas Ut• Mlceav=vi t ,.= MT a S Zre::: o . t .. c u gr , :wl . 74 ........r M . i1gt.1i0 “.. 1.• • =Q. ill e me oi slu & - laixt icrumt solara . Lte li trVirjafin• • Mr. 4....,a1l /. 'IL—I UMW* • .'--- • • • • velueElsComaryeeetaterßale,S,Anelloa. 511111 E SUBSCRIBER, harbig divided hii FAlLll—ooataloiss IX! torm, thwatll Is Kan Dow,. ="..1.1.11.'re.467a,,,:."= 0 no. noS—lssot.balot lablocosanteg fl*m /oar to My ers .mobo torio. win NU tht New by maim, am IT . DAY, do doy ADOtta, IM. • • Teo land It a ortabot 11 • blab Rao . a tottivaloo. LAYlas Woe %obi Off ? vil e W.l. of Tom , awn, at es tiot los action's, rob a videb moot Dto HU mai MootedtolD o Cobsat7 5 .4171 i Man,. to, h os ;.., my ono, Fj Mer *Duty tito • • Sbg h tt,gl th tloop, Is en MOW SO. !Ittlai brivilegot trILI to 'Amnia Um . 44 1 ettl ticket, A. y... 1 Tram ttoo esi at . .I== . .1.2.11441.4 I, • Country Property. rundersig . tied of !Zak pieedrot b" V I MIF 8 1.i.s.etV' .4 .11.tr. with alth a frzta . . Valuable Beal &tate foillale: "1 THE following described • properties wife otadzveiv.g. k ri. 1 ,..„...•,.1 the math dile st&o• tmoortrel a llt• eallikrth ml lttTrk. uraAgetwltue b 0.4.41 .git•Alrir s hat= p i t r . elq. trautlo • • Mao ad lot la at Alleabinly.te: . o= E . Vag .. . IW Comm. ....1!:: ..n. 8., 4 = 4 / th. _ ftwal "4"n ia . 7 Ito. =tin ii...”.••ns• X.ld t did" the =,.• Tr th• tsl. Leman, .01 Ur Oti ni ing• twain Mg Join II acne. . . • . lab Irl*faidla nod 04 ;.1.4 soli.* analsa77 -- W. I:3llWalers 4 6 0 4 fr.l La •ao—JS. . Ito 4[4.44 od a tf• dir e All. L 7: .. o b • .. per i y m ar...a, &,•-• _ I . • Endapelea Field Property. rERSONB dest ... . beau lila], healthy, hie eMe, reZettNoSea tb l=errUnnt... licb t op " 4 ... ty• taap Pa Wtot. ' t i rar isle tpnl foop of ip emploo gr, kr ... 4=4m 4I c. f g .. r r b ' . d ear m ff tz.. = ILIP 1. re.lU4l. i Mips . 4 tbomitiPta roa . Nrii .c t..adlr g = v. 4Allpt tout. is iggickur: ..% Ui WO raolurilvpds(Cptn.l) Ai as "UPI the cup will p „; , nor . Cord EA.. tt th l i tr tr t ... ., 01 opt a= I ipp roo7 For .11•111 maw tesp IP II lout OKI .111 al "WrZaptr" %hp lun,4lpre 1 Pail ~.11, ip pews the tratiubt.Wgz. Clialail gene- Viellora ma Is WAD* Y.epoa u mem es al a Wei • . 'tut.ir.iirtraLliam. 'I •0? 88 . 1 " - PloPUI1, 01 _l4l Ousi A LOT, corner 414 Porn itrimi and 84tv vat tboo liP /oullk 1 40 ;; A , L Tg . Mum /11, 147 isterallwr. n16.1.0(loill above Adams meet :yet, LAME, aci=dia" ni Vtatimm.2 /ATM 'WIGHT . AORHS OF GROllHD, , favaralli V l lambi by ftesebenida or Irstt etzelad..z, vr kw satistge Al t, reci. • - For Bale or Perpetual Leask •• • FOKTY-THREE BUIIDING-4.4718, • IoIS od to at lot So.2e. 144 04i44003 lam of Cho tow boor. troottagao Oaldrlto llototeaStiort, sad Also. for not tor VW or wry pount,i2oiroklito of (No MI 44 04 Qs Wt. ortasellos bor.l is Ildp Neva, uur }AM as • putt. 1 , 4- e tact,Fe-. *pooh. of Ur. W*l2lP(litAi ID, ,aikr %ha polio* at or the oribultor,,ot ht. Moo, T. Wt. Thlnt gm% ftttotarek. • ~~r~ A DWELLING HOU mataliVi agelgeVrAre. l 4ol"c i tl briZst • wet tl• ^ ER RENT.—A :Wee atot7 —; elth S ig m hoz" Wash. caLed hymn. nal Wein, llb Ihildbid •• I hi Ur Mars mai Mm then lai• • iamit • owl calf haw. • • • h. 1 , 011% . ;'1 • Real Estate far Sala. • :ATALVAIME unitisProveir LOT. on de TM Want. "r thitar="atholle r =h=boes 1.11, h 7 It* bet hew al hkettry, t.dt 4 4,4116 tame Nary Ihirk btas 11017Wee'Utett Va l & .671 4 th b a th 20 bet (*m i t 7 10h bet p. boo* le Ism vetlebt bahtla ;mann 7t71.4 add( emM= Dtv .11..-113 wee ery b. bu—A ilt sew t e Fest Abo—A= ham In throe, RaTibil , " . "71 : 4-4 "°A U. 1+1..0.4. pf notoosisoe o'oo ehltur• lob . to Namo l lyifite47; "" 4. . • f ° Y. 4 "l..r. aa NIM *Lamm el Lt t , E nd se, ' • Ma 1W /will ribehh72lll . kVA %rename on Mews MT Mews Maillst o gitrere7, bra bams. • • sera •• • • • Juin PAL2lll.ll9P;bre rt ' • T o L e t, , • TILE well Intabed and furnished Store 4 war dr PEE Ms. Ai wend r. " 4" W • 41 . I. trArikL ii.r blOr ".. tar 4" rsieit• • Ltuat-: To Ipazateas. ACRES 'Aiming and Grazing dm. , 0141. LM 011 .Mr Me mid. A1.. 1 . 01ity7M . " . : an d trnes. wool,* at masl , am, otofeA nal • • ACRES of Oudiolog Lis , Vrattrsto"igy,__""' al a. ab. .amm-Yalßa ral r* mpalmaat Ma Baaklaa maw all - 7 • , • . Mail . mut et sal , X& ! Pa Bala Lmember of the Fairmount The COZ2`. erZ ia lk o f... et LL ia t.:4 &es. , • . rUNITED STATES HOTEL DLOCK,2LIFERLIMICIAerratiIramIf , el , rods • ....:. Um City et P m Tee 1" tror" am wastrel ssid 11,4 a bar AI as Alp". am Modred sad RA" .inl OW MUM= au"s, to a tram' 11" aka. ib rialliln4ll -• . - 1 , AOS Olaii,. , Far Bale,. , ' • AZAKERY, with three ears !ma ado fiClral ONO. Eltaret imMesS7 IX II ore AN lad tin tow, tar!ii , i4117{ . .43 ^ RAM ST Ei!itigto ! 4 **6 V 4 0 '2 4 . immin wedyst viirk t i ftw ..lll4llik tile. ea tr. r, n. wies .1 10 FOR • WHEELING.— The - • .• ammo. W. coma: lW I tiq b l " 6:ll"s.4ax"..ilagst"""i".t.s-cio=l:ol:Ar.t. VP MOLAR WHIRLING . AND - ' V., .nal , !MME3fra-Mi a......... Car Wailnlll, Pm twritn4 oloof allionoo• fur• Ilioatmovina. - Wiralool 8.'144 port sad duiett...... ..L . . .......... ..• . t• • % - 1 i'l 6 -7 1IVINPar. 'roß NSW 0 LEANS-The j , ' rerrai 6 :r ai,,strzaiantarr N. tr,• %111. sis ist•lnsffe. •• - • REGULAR. PACKET•:BS-' - Twaffma SIMISEtaz Ira V ... 4 ,0 , Attalvt Cr llibootatel sactat. • ray 7 'FadY7o tt l oo l aloo4 "7 lttoji lt"l":42l trloai nUtotig .41UantoloIN= • .. b.iii i . ~ . .. 'EL RIL AR . WYDNESILLY ' • • eactigri... L. coverAT4rade a Or ennaara of lihr ''''b ium N oat Oho*** • Ws mb fYhart "r ; sot _yin lam m, Z. r or Ott i . °6--u or ... m. .its . la P, r,, L ' :MD EMIR PI TTSBURQII AND -- Tamura t a r aci p . romaki 1546468* 4Suird=. . 11.r.r.tx; .ou AIWA. I A 41414 gs.I.IKAKIEVAAND HOCK- • .IB=c il ltalran.p 1 t 'T 141711.1 4= :2 . . . sikeloraZk 1.....:;% i ...me T • r V 1. Kentucky Mutual LifelnstrraneeComplar. .•. OUARANTY. FUND, sioo,ooo. COklPANY.offers to the theithed the waxily mad relnottraltae tard solliaabirt Plana (so Weldor, UM roars of arm) cm: tie .astral la nab of me pa pottage nomalll Mr the eta of the Yew at storion4•: Inat not ermine, be thereto,. een. My al umbers for Up • lena of 114.0 enal tee hie . , , o tbe amnia totuta food .1.11114 tf. TOM TelliAls Sidealb, enidit• wpm guar atil • Mail dosigood Vot Um permanent serratri abort woo members, and aim Mr the armor mempty o . lbw Re s term of Ills. . IllirTtd the o thit Plod -may hlatool I enemies whom nue of premium an axed or • to nearterit= ord, ma ► erosion Orr. ratanoli 11111111 M islim of hoods (tar foram sorority to enet proportica to Me macaw of haeltes and the dot flaw ed. rmor4or aormi namotem. trot troVrt .l4 lt 4ll eal l. l • kt 7 the pa ,oar Era . • trrt landimpa parrelteit •r mon, Stt"" • • 129 laudanum. PI eel' W{417, 0014 atOkO*7o44.c. • • To the.Dest? • • - • DEAFNESS noises in the head, and nil =raga , dlseb riu fzertso r••• 10, FALB. Pltaelps3 Aims* T. La b s Itar ma of l,PDHada 'phial, bop to tda rota= kin Iry d aro Me amber • Wpartanow albs err ander kW ow on ai. tom v 1•11„ ikod fuopmt of scoop 0b.1.4 •throdoS terettoo= l . •took •O• •IP• Ma morn• kW nary toso 0.• pad matt op* eb.w.ooo. awl II 1.01 to uhuabas Itrol obo obis to coantlk tam„ to oak. us Apt! e• W. U. tarnb aoralted. aloU fiznlin• to - .•W• Pooi r... Tod Wet domain :toped tb• Wool U." NEW BOOKBI' , NEW BOOKS: - CIO:BIES'.LITERLEP DEPOT, Third Alma. Tad di toi•Oldr— - • . . - , Littild via:AVVit Az.: , 7' , l e • ...qr. 4..Dlaetacof t.eni. lb, dlr. ' • ' • idisalot. kit July. •,' "- • i A.:instal.. of Pan/ Posittollt; • di d'r. • bt donor* of Lileabuig.Catou. , [W 01 IC id &loos of by Mg. tkdoisco- . d•o1 a Probt , lo; b y Id sat of "Ade Lceta• • ' distr. of • e.itior.- or • dot of td Uout. ' d• Tante. 03123 , V. wilikidainakies. • . Trateligs ti alas 0 dr O. axed dud ' • dew et tb• pair :aWe at re . 4 dr OT doid• Lr• dull. • .. , . ~• •.• • .. .. • Th•1 . •: . .. 5. me Warisakt, • Min b, Marl How= ' da aslant of NUM% • law of tiro prom! tb•e. ; noun YT do; • iss•oir d advt.. : . . =• Dicatlay 'Lewd.. fieJskr—iiii. 1 . .• ' 1.121/ „... k0k.„.-er z l air .: ' ..• 1 ' OS AYERI CHERRY PECTORAL. ..: Mt MN Cl= UP . POOOHB,. COMM. SOMMENIMS, nthiCa • . • TIB, WHOOP11104:01:101f. CROUP.• • . ASTHMA, commilm . . .-A-MONG the euitieFeiti ahmeeriee - Seieneil. xl elm mwee te tut maw. to WOW. UM boohoo of Ito, berme no ottiotteet, aid me waves Um tons of booms oakum, mop eta tot mowed atom mint: meakted. Umm title otottethatbm ot Chetahs:try to lb. aeallsur Art A vet SOU of tta virtue ttoobithopt thu tom eseatn. ho. oteitiLbmosot eGloble. Mot no melds, or mattenation et soolkiamtist intro. out to moat omo toot may nu* the enemas lamellate batztoesty tloome orttkb beg baler', not tom oat coded &comb amt ttemanatt mon roe. .Imtbol. Chao It ter embalm se. ma !to bones • ma:o tom ot teeth boob beet otel ma b. rebel ea to moo the see dotatoome stemma oi Um !me No tem bee alit oot pewit tut to trohtlelt soy emporttoo et the oar etoetod 11* tit em.' bat oo Nome eb. tolLottot ortalom of oaten* osom, mot rem tattoo tawdry to Um tocolar.eLlott . lb..teem Wee MONA *tit sl.od bo embed totentiob tom. otresolo sit fall benitelork sal lodloootablo me of lbw term, • • M, Oa Presided .Q.lotteasi Chatet t CM *hod/ PRO . 1.11430.111.11427cvta. I "James 0. Ltor—tlin l her mood year Maw la or ore aro of tionsomsol Emotblas. mot .m tom Ito ohoseal amoltatioa Matto to.. *there& oats wend to lb. telot of lartnalot amdbtmekW tece.a..ka u or Whim oe co tut sspetbr u atumotercom Li le 4.b li V w intlTrlt i aft. trr mat sazimaiL it litzt=traTa o2 . amen Om Corry PM:OW am bot i Om AG of Um bomb. rtteles te the Moho to. eat ..e/r e m" - =my: ST Ito Genet Menem it toot std le rem"- • • •Clow ti. Sao. Dab NAM Aarrisorr. AtiokfontettbittlX=Metio eat be basted te a awry trmre4wlte w lOW i i ,a to comtea tottoontattalter hbe mcm, . ha or id' ArrbscAm miilkir SA.II4L • .Itt CL Arm levell—Aar Alr. lum soy m:rutty =be ' nip Cum Porlottl m trt tintetliu sattrnetrit flo .st odor torlitts• At rtlissaarrocerrldaft rtmfbur Mice of many urn:re era. t• tt mutecot timid. tt• tau Lam raTC, =all of Ern rartallst I soft of emote, Gn at tad offallot oreMM.. 4d. creunirt, p?Arget LIT CL A ar 14 411 i In:4mb mL br A A NAL/. `°°?, MI - 1° J DOL Oa& .. • J rav-.7ia. A Vabitble inipravemicat, fn Tram 11R. HARD'S improved, patent TRUSS 1,14 EUPTIMIS br i=lm u ewe tea b. elfeeted. Tram Weal: ay trth. a. .d DtlntlpM. :f r a Wed and um b."" peat ore., The memo. op_be ee wales! me to glee ewe eat eamaxt le Lb. rust —CMealt aim et liable. fed ea ter lammed is , stattet u. siEse 6 . 1 1 . 10 L Tb. Wenn. I.lbe teral,,, _sal Wog to brar imseettlatet7 ern abe 'Ponta cpralegessl or plied enmity awl tam at 11l ttrou; ma ander atm met Ilt4strs lle. ; 1111 Y tbe seat &Tina applifel=i2 by eat atiaaganrioeve sal 04. Legemos aviettei OA ILA masege.nt OROTVOoff Off 111);ffdaffted / 1•17 eaessece breezier ;Art " 4 7, &am vue 41e.ttaut tae atillittee 03 1;!.. niigh weal oat ropeetPally all tlt&liattealkro at Ply* iMtto lals hew, es be tees' they will aggreclsts We elm lin. a marbkl tourt 1t0... at lie ' • :""f• l iimma a Vol e :u. l." lto Plthbarab: • • • Dr. Hard's Abdozaitutl Elopporters. !rpHESE SUPPORTERS are intruded cli4 • Jr b 4 Ow mew oC 'Wax/. 131•11, end In Qum dir raga lawn I, :haniewiniwpert th• Winew , 'an motrws. few, pirfcct liapport Lbw ablawilawl l e n iwwWww. and mai , wore with cwailortA . at a Tba 411. r E ll it ri f: F ri n 13 1 ' IS . iht..j of t hak ut the Witt. DAM. eti WY. ' Ye 7 • " • 11,014.1. t, Rll enuu—n aser ututolke UM. Lula/ mod U tor Lb* loot borer ora3uro, I think it docidatly tWI propossUou of Me Liu! of gaga I. tura la toortodso, aw oltboug . l. .I ....t. bauforniVo rv, ...rol . auoteurretal Pri14344 Lr R. K. *XL M r' 11211citiru jtsir ai nt- Ax7 excellent assortment • nom lS to t7r..11 Irani& sem mgot.. ax mho W Mustare fit it erg tarl6 • ; luilamgatenit. J an. awid &R. B. RS:—.l take thisx any at bettlTlns la hats of yaw a,. atm. terw a yr oa . / wat . tt . Trz levers need D . sight we ' ler =743ise let taw neestral that sir We est &wash IL • new raliwatre tos M aur yen sed uses ens that , wow ...lag moo Grast i ralAtth him ham restored te numb. health. which L at. this tiner. -1 tam*. take photoa is than seeder, atlnneel with dame et the Wee._ Yam teeseethen.. • JOkUll WSW- Au as,. Nita -.Liver Me; a. onotenslal at bus imitation, The Mtn. toy . Iski Ire R. IL ante.aan. 4? Wad oh X BOWS rIZISIOT to/U=2d) XTRACTS•of Rpie; Ofw jui mi oar:tt.; ..." • staaftalu ti.„ waft. . • Joisonlla. -"-M.LUag, anwheL. L.lsmatn Wien 'Jewel Lid. a/ed Weed. ulna. aus no sh heats, • SIMS AU. at:wale Crantaicto are • • parteel &swum... aft et' the herr beet asaLlizr. Wait Land witecial eat. The extenelve ask. sada in ...MT. laity teat the bl a heailoaUss In wi n ch heW tee Oey teensanaity. Sot ta ws; , White Paint • ": TON OF WHITE OXIDE OF ZINC, waked sti4 Smoak, st Sea . 1 met 9 Wood at 11.--We Wet. U. attention of nom 1.4 : lthitate to Lb. mak=e, wheat eta == unas s tatitha. Z:Vgjona pil.ll L. 1154.01rtir tea that Liu • two hal. hi. meet. Lt. and alma Q ...ur his • rt.ttilr 404 MX. I=mt Lai u spline le:a v.:wheed. and Os wore d korlsehleer amen ort. It wUI oca rob all. and out Le wombat larrSl ea It amen more eselhea with twist reat deep es sta span . 111111. • ictLecK BERAGE . ,DE ;LAIN .t 4 I Ay Warm sAickp sus be had as {la owe lie. eia me ~°i :4 T 1 NINE MEAL . ,Juddi MAthestedlactilLlArticie: r 3 ARTICLE is intemded fctirazonytube. , • b t, 11 , L 4...=/. < 3 .• ladarldi widtt tad lo I.lopusemallooo2iZiti Om so at amik End **adagio i• xi to taw" sad apart • bar tae will wwwiltar .1 "xi* IVO am . gm vs. ' ba , isag lea I:awl, an- V.••= Sawa a roan t afaadgatt• mi. aad al4 0,1 ?* SF• • • • P u s 'ant' . • nai lj a •%r.r. ersor i VßlVaiii';: • . ------- ir Au iplcirr Brox ti lc 1 JIMN: BULLS :muumuu, LT IS _pals-p quat - bottter. Lead alb.. edam lie Strewth nd IR Dv saLeWeedilind ati Slt i Tre4 . 4 -lkitria=d ' A . rise =neltit'ln . Iti e tied " tett nenierille. vat Jeedi elet Oneder_g_erennestsi. nren tee ear endinksreddirandes At . nt_kasslid, nr rf k I inV e " Z .72 M le tbe pnesnitlde Odds the o r tlid leiderell el WIMP NSW prnr .t e end or wilted =atter _ ann =atl the Strident nsimistalnnte an In. ..nom oloartaby ...OWti ell . amides Lid sixteen or add dew I N.Witgef orates the tea nanin ! =KlZfreistess vatted teamed mond tatter eirir rintorri rhisf &row. N t aiNeents. u ttcsnatilMied Wl o~ f l i d. 41 = 4 ' • • ' ' lasidait Ode*. ir himapur7, ad all Other dirrui inaus le setzittldle. eitE beersolsasela irt4TiseiZi)emil rd Ler Wtr . ' Lar d ted =a serstenNZ dewed Ur WY ,v Lewd. weds. al.. or Nip 'yErrnicamui. ' r:„......i rbad11b...at ...1.1zm i• DU .....till a i5e . U . L..... ww ... ; lay. IL limy. bas WM iliblrlk Ilif,