The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 12, 1851, Image 2

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    I'ITTSBUR GA . ETTF J , !Ns thrmin Went Parr lye ant netsr
)srisod to sap:* iislibirre Amin tab' SS-•,
° Or a° t° We ma* of 0 004 pv :
Hew York; alter haringassalled the Win of
.ft3paYlratda,,balndlng Noy- Johnston. temp
the new &dont has trIT door, In it." •We
Aim& know whit the Morgan wishes to be at,
nor b it very ciaterinkas it typorm far to
stand sod aini4l debating Whisyspon of the
ITntao 114 Lsottisidos j'llcior; an the ;other
hand, has the union of the WhlgsOf New York
a s the bee:tab:l,g Of altarpiece Patios] en: We
append the opining sestence af a good article
oat he subject, in that paper, in which the spirit
of the ,whole b eiptested.
..Thsßytrit' "of ipubsoßy work.—We like ' Xs
address of the Whig Central Conan:lbw of New
York, which we unload atillondey. We the it
not merely tombs it looki the anion of the
whig party In that gnat state, butbeesuse it in
&cabs that the spirit of harmony and ]ore, for
the Union is at work, and will rise superior to
all notions or ferlizigsthatprconisedbcordjabang
the States."
ge-IZAiDInt; M4= WIaIte•POWID
Owing to m nonswit pas, of la* matte, We
are obliged to omit the pomading, of soheral
wind andarmaldp massing, sat - two to'qwee
; The Battissort - • • • Is rin''better pleased
with the-Whigliatfoiin of NV/ To:k i th= With
that ofPeimaylvand denounces it—Witiptut
; Its mina a ahem to see it-An . Jud e'
tmorivaimeesnd terms.-- Whitt it
princiPaffi with, it she dmistaii 6
by the Nair York Whigs; of the eight of free ' , pr.
tlasienr and of thri !repeal and tricelificitiop of
~ ,
,iselmeration which seemed tra.bre,
ealled for at, this time by the efforts. which him
:Veen made tominprol this primeriprintripie in a
ire* gore - The dmethcal: does not deny
the *tetrad right, ties; up that •if we &ion
to exorcise it in resew , to =Ado iiottor 3 :4 l tu
they, the:km*, exercise the tight of ;Con
. eidering -Ws adversaries. In 'egad to the
Platform in the Allealosa Makes this
etriphatledisurstimi,::. , 7
oWe have no respect for inch jogai= as
~, the setroosiras of -New York :have; fibricated.
It wants senndnoss; 4t wants honeety. It forms
Aso basis open which 'thw-thea, that ma d e It can
• Mok their flonthernl brethren honestly in the
fare. It is s subterfuge on . the part of some of
its framers, and a =ire on , the part of others!"
Such-is the opinion entertained of the grelt
and united Whig party of New York, by one of
the leading Whig papas of iilaiyisad, and it is
no plesame Jedleition of the unbappy state of
edatinandenerouragrid between the
North and Soutkrfor We far that the =teeth=
- littfectees ieddiosentiment in that region in Its
hush and almost insulting, marks: this
stite of feeling is, to co n tinue and to increase;
we may asenzedtr look for stormy times =aid,
for it is utterly =ekes ao expect that the Whtg
psiti erthe North will =treat front' the
11 'taken in theStati mad o f porn on 077:61i OW
hope 'mast
York end . Pennsylvania , end ewe : hoe de•
dermuly it remer may. We can namely ander-
Mond the feeling which seems to be urging en
portion of our Southern-brethren in their et
to riptsto coerce Mulbrow-beat the North into a
tam? acquiescence iall their demonic, bit it
appears us that y are risking moot seared
privileges itirdileh blessings, for the gritificstion
of folse pride, or of an inOrditude and no.
billowed ambition: Conscious titst their position
is ocrieffiering. just and reasonable, the Whigs
of the North can c al mly abide the Inane.
onto AHD mainvezne itm*Lon
The following is theft:snit of the first week's
iegular work wee r that. padtion of the Ohio and
- Persesylainia Bairn:adze* in use betiniessPitts-
Sure' andfiviror Brighton, '', l Ttieminther
of passage - re carried woe 1,729; and the =cant
of money received was. 1,047 75, being a eras =
tion over 60 leapt ,esich.• • The work has been
'done with one train Snaking two double trips
The receipts are eattteient to pii7 expen
ses and interest an the nest, of thereat in use, :
• . the rate of amide, Percent. per annum. Such
a result in the beghthing most bo highly gratify
hsi to the stockholders, the losnholders, and
the public who sro interested in the road. A
=.. thilrondis a that:Quad enterpidie, and it is the
prof:WittTea trt;:te - li the , nett receipts bear to
to gross cost of the work wfdeh le the true
touch stone of success. This friends of the road
airealiy begicio see; in its unfinished state, the
• good effects of thopolioy pursued by the Presi
• • :dent and Directors sunder the adithe of their ex-
I . • perieneed Engineer and General Sopeninteirdszt,
Solomon 14. Roberta, Esq. lifiteAthellne is ex
-1 tended into Ohio and connected with the Cleve
lind lload;,whlels,it will be this , Will be.
come one'of the most importautthor is
Co .
rintiy; and when Itvenetrsbes,theesiutties
of Sinrieand Wayne ..h 'FM open to Pittsburgh
lbsiichOst idlest rer4onot Ohio. The storh'still
bisposheil forward ss slip* as possible, Until
it telebell it! If 6011t12 arsziecticros. •
Tho atrather, of the' past.' oteek was ntsiuntally ,
wet. tad dis4;ietu6)le, a:disks/Is nuzahar of put
,eniers eacr i ed per da was s a Mows:
August 4th, Monday' ..Ull passenger.
sth, Tuesday,: - • 221
- 6th, Wednesday, 276 ..;
764 Thursday, 288
FrldaY, 376 t ,
9 th, 661=10, . . 335 4., ,
11'28 passel:gene
carried in the Siet niatek, er average of 288
Nsw Raiscun SUMS . 3.3. Rims Bums.
—For the ostnreedszton of the citizens of Benner,
•. Brighton, Sturm well as for a line portion
'of Rochester, the Bisector of the and
R. Ibis agreed to establish a passenger station
so the east end of the Beaver boidge neer OS
Diwaisid in /troches* to be called the Beeves
Rtatioowttere all wimp= can tilts or leave in
the cars with safety end comfort. Over 80 pis
urgers toolepassige — st Shia Italian pester:lay
-- I¢s Cnsai Insasuonos.-71t nee seems to
lie extremely probable that - the lithorrestion-if
the little irotarbailee there =Sy* oakd so-is
ilmost entirely supprethed. $1 is now liniment
that the, gnat body of the people of Cobs are
averse to the illsthrthuses of ths-esietingagte of
things; and whether , they act wisely In thth•is
- .their business, net wire We may denouneethe
tyranny and maid= . of - lbs. Spanish rind In
that - Island as macho plesse, In the acme
voi int ore 'at. liberty to denounes Usk=
slavery in the Southern states; but any attempt
at forcible iaterfereivio on our part is igen. alt.
inept . thing. What would ,be thought of an
attempt -to get up an armed tons in Peutsylvs- '
nis or New York, for the purpose of marching
Into Maryland or virgins,' to tree the slams, sad
Corder upon thentlut . rights of Oititenst yet
neutron! . ss such ii 'erudition would toy it
• linid bn quite. as joist/eta! sa•thestc!tpinier!
eciltdillons to Cuba.. • • -
happens that two steamers mild it few dap
'ago fronillew I;!erk arid monitions,
to join the' Cuban hisurpnts. is surmised
that; the. autboritlat at iliwani were early ap
pr4ca of the monnunt‘ boron All the &Pm
' able used fore% both steamers and sail weesels,
were soddenly dispatched to t h e neighborhood of
tbeJate: disturbiatees; It la supnosed 'with tbe
Intention; it posaible, of Intencttiag'and 'captor
ing these two steamers. - .lf they aneeeed, the
life of every mai!. on bunt is toilette& Con
- siderehle uneanness is felt respecting theta—
Hopm are entertalud than", may he captured
Ancient' vessels now on Oil lookout forimeh
expeditions. Stioilia.dhibathiicase, theirlivits
'"A.Mtoctoos Vnxerax.--Botie villain attampt
ed iwAtitday to throw the peasenger train aathe
OhictAnd Pannsylvinle. Railroad Off :ffie track.
lie ee ;e e ted a pliaC about big balm=
Rochester and New Brighton, where the read
runs along the face of ,a Steep bill, end fastened
4 ; with spikes is wrought.iron ruined cliair,on the
1 top of the This ; wasidone on the outside
rail curie. for tha Purpose of throwing the
engine down.the bank. /alike train approached,
going westward, about noom: a moderate
i ..speed the three persons on the engine law the
obstacle at the smai.moment. The
immediately reversed his engine;
the mottos of the train, so that none'of the Pie
: stager sari. left the track: The engine was,
horror; upset awn the Ws of the:stoke otan
embankment of grant The engineer escaped
wither few Miami, and m
11 41, 41 kn Was SaliWtd ,
"injured. The injuryto the locontotirewas on
4Lidersible, except to the Chiang' and outside
i framing._ The engine was the odlllssme i n - built
in Boston, and the engineer,, Mr.
pini...yrith petit: coolness it'd Ocarage, stick to
it : until it brought Upegabsst istutap.".The track
was in goclorder, and hid been gone mils n
band car end carefully, examined, bit half ' en
beer before the occitirence.. The intelligence
- .was SAO to .the cumPanyWoilicej fay:graph,
and extr a : engine wee kn. .16 e 7 Vat doll*
to= taiii.the ;place of the thudded one, ed
}lie tratna made their naval that
niMabit of trips for
tfie day It: is the.iateatito of tha oftitswe of
vi e Gi n g:do:* to saske'svcry lace; to bring:the
petpeiestor of thLinefatkocia 011teeRnAtt ounikiget
~,„ -
Cassroisu.--Between fires and miles the
Giglififtssia People hare a wretched time of it. A
number of the slalffornia Cotciiry which graham
:tut been man, is Omit wholly occupied with
details of the late oonfiwAloa,i and of assas
sinations, murders, €gbts, robberies, 'thefts,
lynching, inning, end such like proceeding!:
The terrible smart to mob or lynch Lim, dada
the spacious name of committees of sigilanci, fs
not confined to Sea Pm:duo, but appears to be
the order of the day througbont the State. The
regular administration of crimlaal law seems to
be suspended. This state of things is rigorocigly
sustained by the pens and by public opinion.
fin the paper before as we find the following pan
graph.f, • • ;
.The work you broody on.- , 43acrammto emu
'mental the yak of hanging one 'Mien, Ban
Framoisris followed; Loa Angelo. has jmt ere
buted twelve, and Sonora kW; killed four. Let
these blows be kept up by the pea& aid we will
soonkill oreatermlnans the /Maine who are com
bined to rob and essamisatt us. We ;want to
hear bt a war upon them in emery quarter. We
will certainly MKTA, people in motion'. if we
can. We phsal hare no false sympathy foe alai
nabs. - We desire to see them all brought to Jar
tine in the must and shortest manner. If the
people will not abate their vigilance and deter ,
mlnarion to ferret them out and punish them, ere
will not be wry long in lidding the country of
therm ;
I a
What may be.tbe mot of this h orrible elite of
things none cap formes ; but there is reason to
fear that it will drive the minty and law sliding
citizens away, leaving the country aprey to M
imi, disorder and outrage. '
. .
One greet source of trouble is the incomeg of
. ne ,
,eensiderable numbers of twid Tracheate=
the British penal colonies, of New South Welts
end Van Diemen's Lend.' halos, the man re
cently hung by the mob in'Sai Francine, ens
, .
fromfipiney; the chief 'town of Austrarts. The
• . .
Californiaf papers complain bitt erly of this im
migration. The Courier, in a long article' on
The euject, says: ' , :: •
.Ihe emigration from Sydney during the pad
nate* to- California, has exceeded in number
the • emigrants from the Atlantic States of this
Union for the mane period. This is not I deck
ration made at random, but is rude from actual
ambrals it this port, and this population is like
,to increase monthly to an extent equal to the
past month.:
"We may here ask, is this inemsas of po_pula
tins: the result et ordinary ;. or estrmardleary
means.. If from either cause it is a serious in
vestigation. By the D. 8. Census retmas just
taken by P. P. Heal Esq. we find that tle for r
alga :populadon of this city ie larzez x t some
I handle& than: the America'. g, to
the circumstances by which we are sueromeded
this fact ought to awaken serious concern.—
Whst propomice of thispepulation is made up
of wavier) from the penal colonies we are un
able to determine. One thing is erideat, the
majority of the population from that master
ars ~ isms and criminal, and: 'therefore an an.
life and dangerous body. Intleal many of them
hare-made threats in open:daythat if they had
a mind to; they ar e s trong enough to take the
city. -. " ! ",
"Evidently heretofore they have been able , to
bura doim tho city over our hied' sous four or
dye times, destroyiag' some thirty /Ives, and
property to the amount of at least $20.000,000.
What caught, through their noccea, they
bus succeeded in swearieg through the courts,
to again run at . large, withl aviditir and .
boldness They are orpnto pugs. end
hays their regular stores,lddhliVanno and on'
pests. ..We cannot resist them the slow pro
ems of law. - Iftetherefore whoa we
catch...them commi burglary, aft, murder.t x,
or arson , hang them .., Califon:lsis to be
selected by Geist - " and her British polo.
nits as the beldame of her connote, we will
soon bedlam- end her dependencies that they
are mistaken; We eousider this subject one of
serious considentioe, sad we ask the attention
of the General Government to it. In doing ea
bovrover. w e . do not wide that we 'bold delay ac
tion until we aball hear from Washington. "
Elsewhere' vs see it tasted that the people:of
San Francisco are about to : interdict the land
lug of passengers from those oltudes, unless
they can IMKIUDIII satisfactory testimonials of
goal dander. .. •
T h dieskans and Chaney, are giving trou
ble, several murders and robberies having been
committed by them.
• de ens redeeming feature of the very napless- ,
ant news brought. by the late arrival, we notice
thedwiration of -“the San FranciscO Elabbatit
Behnol &ion." The meeting was MO at-tie
Tresbyterbut church at Stackkuf, and dais
and one of thrilling interest. Maud wasisised
to procure books, papas, de., and to establish
Depository for the Statet - I • '
bn this =Meet we clip trona one of the papers
the follintog waging=
Thews Sunday schools begin at the dint place
_bring the principles of virtue to Dm , up
on minds not yet contaminated with sine—got
yet involved in the dales and shackles -of aril
habits--sot yet hardened iminiquity—and Ewald
their characters for useftentiss, happiness and
yepility. • .
&brag the own generation into Sabbath
sehools,,and keep them there daring their child-,
hood and youth, and in our next partition we
may. tear down our. -jells, " or keep them
one lr ii f i zr the use, of foreign miscreants sad
". iho " leave their country for their
country's 'good," and came among us only
to prey.upon society. It is to .he hoped
that before that time am climate well become
too - hot for that class'of add blooded agile:ti—
tbit they may be reformed . or banished—and
that we may bepermitted to breathe • pore and
healthful morel atmosphere, and ago/ that se
sanity of life ind propertfirlda our trim, civil
sad religious ism:Stations are so animal, cal
culated to-promote. , - ,
" 'flssy, see thit ample who have antriespod
'llkm:end Order is a vengeful =made against
crime and its capacitate, ad who in their &Ma
at the said chaos which surrounds them, end
which they themselves has oontititated to pro
duee,sie eager to have religions Institutions es
tablished ansmod gime, knowing aid &ding
that in the tibteemballan of Christian Muth is
their only hops of safety,. Pow! and Fos-
Cisextreo atto Itnestaaa Rottsoaza—The
iolkowiai eat - rad .of a leiter to the editor gives
• vilifying acootmt of the progress of the Pitt*.
burgh Railroad. The letter Ls dated at flallue-
Tills, Ohio, "Agog 7:
.Ctor railroad yroveming Maly. They
ham noW got down to the Meath of Habs'a son
with the nil trent, and by thithet of fhb month,
will be &Me Sandy Enosint, only twastrtwo
or, three callei, front Weller Ma. The corps of
Raghseem are .now locating the Wawa of , the
road from Welltrille to. Bearer with twel7
pod of having a' tint rate. track._ So this will
hi another, linit to the chain of the ..Cireambem ,
Alban" may also mention that:the *tole line
from Wanes to the nineteenth or Yellow Creek
liommir, will be ready for the mile by the Sat
cf Ortaninc; *that the whole track will be laid
t tttttttt with the exception of atm allies
Warms the landy and . Yellow Creek B=dts,
end confidently eipeoted they will be ready
in Bonmber, if not before. Then all , that Is
wanting is the above link to connect no ith the
..Iron City^ to the "Iron Bad,"
. .
The New Constitotion'ot ,Wisightis, which is
soda to noise the adoption. or rtiectiot of the ,
people,. bo *alma of b 7 tits loan men of the
ns we cootalaing scam
le clusstioat, siot other w are d e-.
daetrand Itheottolli. bffroomn4 on the
tonna gosolutot% two oho Is= tbst the
raislittle oft eyet7 day ituwessing of its stag
tibility to the tesjotittr of , the althea .of the
Suite, and* , is etpsebld ths lostrentest lOU be
adopted by the sous at 'lisp owdcwity. 14
rut and Mee:ft festers is odd to b• that
it trusters the ierwereCthe State from an ay.
rizaltith°l 4 N4° ' ' •
. , ,
A figures& Igarkst An* .drysopdihoslie
1 2 Ptilladol9l24,fa tits imam gide,
1401020•1. Thu .Rdes st a tepo . giaL•
000 to stooloo.-41. r.
Ixraiiturrito 14.:c PATIRS-11180
3 1Timagia•Ige Inn Dolt
of the m 4018401
nandituting the prevail 131.11/0 Debt of Pennapt
mak. and ereinottnas they :stood oaths htlfsy
"of Dirember, 1869, age the Reading Journal, la
copied from dui nand report of Jahn &Tort
vienee, late Looofoar Arrifitor General, nude to
the liat Legileture:
nal *mien ortiaintiridnien tannertvettu.
Stork lan per se; al Apill 2, 1821, 120,321 99
do: do ,Aprll I,IBIX. " :515404 21
do do, e 9 .11C27. 999'41 15
do do 214 11121 1,971 419'42
ao ai ea la tins, re.:274
do " do • . Muth 15,,1839,- 3.991,a0s
do d do o 1 0 1131.. 1. 2,131,20 8.
12 , 0 4 00
40 do , Mont, 30,, 1131.11/8,984 83
„.. do /.
do do Ido
Aotinl , tti N 1,18.12, 211133C811 .437
do 6
" do • d o Yobmul . 16. 1633. , 2,311.,.., 111 1 1 13
40 do do
ddio d o
AWn17. 1 11032
9 3
do do January 20,11139. 1 . 103 4. 83
do do , February 9.1839, . 1.121.210 04
d 4, Much la, 1ran4 4 2 . 9 13 ~ 33
du dui - 13.61:
do • 46' , 3U: 163;), 1.134.316
do do 1 364 19.1 iddy - "
do do 3.nm .5,11118 1 . , B ' , 82
do • do ' April 1.11. '1113,8111 95
do do :Joao 11,1910. ' 154,282 ee
dO do •
isocou7 18, 1841, otopod 09
do - do 81.ateh 4,1141, ' 90
Low (raljar) du Mar 6, 1/61,0 S 612,16 i 00
Lwa do May 6,166 , 6 . 636,66 r 63
let artiart. r fit
: 1 1.11-... • 97,eiii 5t
k .e irg et % ta0 , 11 3 9, 1811, 60.191 30
Stack Lana Apil 4,68W19 1i
-I, . ftptil"lT.ll, "
i t . In loan 40 Apt 1110.1140.1 199.990 00
w [lt should be added that the ori&ttl relief
loan amounted to about $8,000,000 Out has
since been cancelled and reduced to the present
sum of $882,164 00.3
f This loan was created for the pusposit of
avoiding the Inclined Plane on the Columbia
Ballroad,—s work of great practical utility, and
one which greatly redounds to the interest! of
the Commonwnith.]
The above Is taken letter for letter and jars
for fare from the. Official Statement in Gui let
Auditor Gsnmsrs Report, pegs 120. Let na nor
see under what administrations tide debt mune.
emaciated : •
Date, 44Detiaietnetoni. Debts Orttraited.
1420 to 18M—Joorob. }barter. Loco, 1120,3161 99
16a to 11119—J. Auer. Irtortto, 4487011 at
1699 to 1163-11ecrs• WWI.. 60. 16.6962669 TO
1936 to la4S—Jortph Altar VW& NON tt
1636 1144--D. I +ow, ISO 93.616 96
1614 to 1614-11rttela bannk, 4.166,6 . 4 GO
1619 1661...Wrt. Y.369611=4 19613. 409.000 00,
Examine the above figures carefully, and then l
ray whether the Locofeco party of Pemusylvinie
is not the Debt Cresting , Party. Except the
$400,000 loan of 1840, crested for the purpose
of avoiding the Inclined Plans on the Columbia
Railroad, not one dollar of the PublidDebt was
ever contracted bye Wbig AdiMaistiii s ilior I
Gos Ritzier came tnta office in,December, 1835,
and want catkin December, 1858, and, as will be
seen, not s siogie 'cent was added to the debt
dazing his • administration. Then commenced
the adialzdatratlon of David B. Porter; '
whom the public debt nu i 70-rnd at the rate
-of over two millions a 'mai! • Nat tame the
lamented" Shank, who added his mite to the
sum total at the rate of over a milliona year,
until the debt was Pelted up. to the enormous
amount of forty millions of dollars: .
In July, 1848, Pnricis ft. - Shank died.. Ther
eupon Wm. F. Johnston became Governor • and in
the fo ll owing fktaber the people aNnindthe
, selection at the ballot Before this the af;
fain of the rites were in &daphnia:de condition.
The intercitan the publics debt had not been paid
by the Leto/mos for - a considerable' time, and
Penturylvania had' become a by.word and re
proach throughout the civilised world. Well,
what -did fkmemor ./ohashati 'do t! Why. one
mouth after his induction Into office—in August,
1848, be paid the interest promptly, without re
sorting to the Loattrece expedient of loso—e
thing which had not been dune for years 'before
—and aver since it bas been paid promptly when
dotsl Ad and elm. The very first year of.
his administration he paid off a temporary lonn
of two hundred thcmsaod dollars and a floating
debt of four hundredaud sixty thousand dollar",
left by- the , previous Lacerate administrations
Nor is thia all.. lia commenced paying off the
main debt, which, as a pears by his last annual
message, was since the 80th of Nevem,
bar, 1848, .over half a milllim of dollars ! Be,
sides this, one hundred lad AGTPaniand dol
lars has been paid for the completion of the
North Branch Cane, a work commenced under
prevkis Leedom administrations, and shim
dcrnedfor want of farads. This work 11011 mien
be eemphded, and then rne will have an impart,
ant source of revenue for the pymeut of the
jrneefoca Buda Debt. ' .
The crafting &Perna Governor Johnston's
administration has been the creation of a' Mak
ing raid for the redemption of the main debt.
The act creating this hod was recommended by
Gain Johnston. and hen this far been eminently .
InicceildbL During the years 1849 and 1860,
there was recelied into the Timmy on's:count
of this fund the handsome sumof $424,832 75,
as apprize by the laid report of the Auditor
General, pagesl26-27. This earn Ins upended
in the
. purchase of loans of the funded debt,
mounting In the aggregate to $454,122 98.'
It wo ul d be well for the pingffit or Persasylw
nice to renumber these truths. Gov. Johnston
' has already pid off Urge smatint of the fireded
debt,' and if cantinnedin office, he will be able
during the remainder. of his term to conch=
doing so at the rate of nearly or gultsione '
lion of dollars peranntun, withrnat any additional
tax to the people. We have hero the acts of the
Whip apt the Impaitical proration, sr the
Looofoeos. Bleat Johnston andStrokm, and this
gratifying state of things will continws ' But if
the 'dew:lodes of the Commonwealth are spin
committed to the pleadenws. we "hall have a
ratan of the days of . Wolf; Porter sad BPlik,
and the State will once.rears be plunged intoir
retrievable rain and embarrassment. •
.of. the Costesittes on ExheUlm.", of the 'Waal&
/*dilate of the &ate of PH0W310 , 1164, jOr
FrOOKIIIOII op eh. Ifficharde de.
The Przuklln Institute of the Elate of Penn
sylvania, for the promotion °Ube
Arts, will hold its twenty.firetTahlbiticni of
American Manufactures, in the month of Octo
ber nut, in Ohs halls, of the Mumma Building,
to tbe city of Philadelphia; iod thit undalgoed
having hien appointed a committee to carry this
prima into effect, respectfully invite your co
operation in a =odours, the utility of width.
'long experionee end ths rapid spread of those
exhibitions among our people, has approved.
In soaking this annorumnumt, the Committee
on Exhibitions denim: to Impale the ton:urea
time ' and mechanics of Await% with the
penance of increased effort in getting up their
display of this year, In order to dissipate the
notion of American inferiority in Industrial skill,
that, hen been sedulously fostered by numerous ,
critics, npon the American deeertment in the
London Exhibition of the worlds products. It
is not to be denied that the stets of the arts in
our country is very inadequately represented in
the great trans.adantic exposition, and it is
therefore the more Incumbent on us to show at
home the extent of our industrial attainments,
nx as to disabuse the public mind of the preju
dhe against domestio products that it in Unger
of being now revived, after having, in a great
memos been eradicated by the past *torte of
the Listliute audits kindred orgoltations in the
principal cities of the Onion. • .
To pre these exidbitions the desired utility' it
Is necessary to make them general, •and to bring
together u far as possible, the products of all
sections of the Union. Every, inineement will
therefore be offered, and every facility afforded
to the toselanka and.reanahetarere of sr
or oar country, to take adman e of th is ski.
bitten for the pummel of making their: ocsis
generally know= AU articles forwarded to the
Jnatitute will be carefully preserved while ender
their charge. and nu be so pitond en to command
their fair share of the attention to the numerous
The vast extent and conndent umurgement
of the rooms In which the Exhlbidons are bald,
present great advantages for the display of goods;
and every effort will be made to improve the op.
hwhit& are thus offered.
exed rellatatia" are 5ub14 " 14 5/ t b .
1 same as those by which our - former aihi them
have been governed. The rule requiem( that
goods Intended to to submitted to the emmtitia.
tion'of the judges, and to itemplie for a t prenii
..uta,shallnert be deposited later than on day
redone to the opening, has Wen found proddo.
' tire death convenience to the depositorennd to
the managers; that it is Millonatinued. -
Arrangements will be made to exhibit to ed.-
vantage, any.working models of machinery that
may be sent to the rooms. The Institute has a
stain engine of sulikient prerem:and' a careful
superintendent of machinery will be provided.
Cantritations in this brand are reepectrolly ln.
rind, es exparleacelmsehatm Wintered whic
the public take in them.-and the display is cal.
massed to extend =fed Lotormaelonand to ben
twtedentis will awarded far itilieles Of pe
culiar merit and -excellemm„ coder the „mula
tto= hereunto annexed,
Believing, thatibre, that this Exhibition Will
Allard a Tllitnbilllollll4% of submitting to patio
bumeatient inch artieleit as you may be &deem
of Wing more generally known and appidat.
I ed,' we respeettally invite you to contribute el•
thee perm:ally or thmugh - your evmts, the pro•
duets of y0ur.,4111. , That novelty, excellence
or their style ox.sorkaipaship, and their
gasp on to the proms Intended, willthus be
M4* known to Osiers and to the imannunityta
generel, to the mutual benefit of hoth F9taqu'
ight atTnlaer Limped bay the co 3
a;3:: of II TTb3le • f73,-
"mititV4fr ' r d a y N
.• bli,kfidtot,, to
•3, 6 , ot :1851.
' Wm 'ExhibitiOn ItamrsUbe prepared for
the . .reception At . 0006 . on Friday, the 12th of" .
Octoberomid' Opened for Umiak of
on onTseidayi the 21st, at 10 o'clock,*. . N., sad
the exhibition will dose on &today;the lst
day,of 1104100 o'clock; r. sr. -
2. No Goodsdeparited after Ifieday emminiv
October 20th, asp be entered on the judges' , list
for competition or premium; bat May be dere.
lteft for exhibition' only., After ftabaday Mu
ing,-October 25th, no deposit" " will be received
except by weld sedan of the Cosomittse on
Exhibitions to whom application most be made
in writing. 'Articles - cannot be removed front.
the exhibition rooms, after being entered in the
invoice books until the day after the *Me Otis
Eihibition, except by the special action ejßie
Committee on Erlibiticms .
8. ,Tor-Losare a perfect irepardaUtnthildin•
sore of_ the Institute. the Committee on Elia:
dons, sada Anna and putuenhips . tn Iddell a
Manager, 'or a member,' of . the . Committee on
Exhibitions, is interest's], shall be excluded ftom
oompetitimr, mid the Judges shall beexclosivsl/
selected frontperms -practically ' acquainted
with the several branches of matudactures on
which duty shell be appointed, but who are del,:
they Aga:Roes of such manufacteres" them ,
selves, nor In say way interested In the amides
mitudtted to their exustib:,Ml,:s"
4. ;Awards will not be =thud to .
prepared far exhibition, butregard
,be had
to the Prices and quality of ths articles, den
pared, with the lams description' of foreign
goodie„.and with specimens Presented et former
exhibitions, and no milindone shall be awarded
for any article that hes received one at any for
mer exhibition of the Institute.
intros grades Of premiums shall be sledd
ed; styled, a first, a second, and • third premi
time When an article 4211 be judged worthy
of se first premium, In cue the maker bas 're
ceived a Ant premium for a deist article at a
farther Exhibition, a certificate (styled recall
preichan)will be awarded referring to , the for
enerAdrud, and stating that the present is equal
in (plenty: unless the improddent over the first
award may be judged worthy of another deaf
6.1 When the Jridges are of opinion that and
dation or Improvement requires more deliberate
investigatlim and research, they may recommend
it to be submitted to the Committee on Science
and Arts of the Institute for the extuninstion,
and 'awardiswill be ms by the Committee on
Eshibitions in accordance with the report of the.
Cominitteki on Science and Ater bnt such exam.
indices wilt be made only on the mitre/ire:lmi
of the mther.or depositor. .
7, Proof .of origin must be furnished, if re
adied; for eedy specimen offered for exhibi•
8: All articlesfdepoeiteddrist be accompanied
by in invoice, stating thename and residence of '
the maker ;and depositor: and It is particaldly
thested that labels may be attached, bearing
emade . of the niaker—dt default of which. sr
' (joie* bare sometimes Idled to receive toy
award by the judges. It is also desirable' that
the names of tbe articles should be minted up
on them, ded that these intended for sale. sliw/d
be 'narked with their pried, and the places
where they-can be obtained. _ • .
• 9. The Committee will use all] diligencein
prodding the goads from being lest or iljutird,
by map dithble persona to taint them in
eupe 1 g the room; end else, faithfal and
conepotenS : watchmen daring the night—but all
articles will be at the risk of the depositor , . who
are requested to place all small and valuable
titles in proper show cases for 'their - praise
10.. The minium of r eset day, until fifteen
minutes before ten o'clock. shall beappromiatod
to the judges. ' •
11: Neither owners or depialton el goads
will be admitted to the exhibition rims during
the time appropriated to the Judges, except et
lbe special diueat of the Judges of the articles
coined or deposited by there.
seo,emeie e
'The above Wet grub:sof prtioloms 1•8.
• silver midst; 2d, s bronze and* Bd, s trona-
harms ut CALIIVERA-4(Xdo Wows —Wit
lona fond Captaitt Pair, our candidate for At
t nutty Genus!, who boa just retuned from Mon
terey, that the people in that part of the State
an preps** fee the contest. This hasepu m 2
been considered "'Leiden couaty,butbe eo
as that Beading will walk over the .
unlisted. Southern Callfarnla will gin our cut
didate for 410,41120 r and the thole Whig ticket
splendid thejorily. A friend wiling us from
El Dorado tells us that that conoty will gni •
hstoitoute nukkatty to the Whig nondnees. 00,
letters from the southern loins !math en with
cheering EMI of the propped. Of the Whig Party
in, that portion of the Mate. Rau the Woo
ve end that MMus= and othentere doing Pl
iant mike in the northern miens. We bops
our friends till be active, and spine no pains to
secure a thorough !id; organisstion.,Cififee.
aia Currie' ,
birLiv s st<l. ILL's .—tio medicine eTei
...a ex u.ltaligher vetatinios la la that e tiara to
tat the Liver IV. dbroanal sad eantoritalea by Dr.
Utak of irattele. 'although tat • that that natallar
that? bettretht public, it hat shady Sawa le itatU •
awn* a pp* zit) hitherto 131>=01.6 4 - Tb. 40001
tur Om boa become hummer. ltestraltiati a lho, the
maid= of the atedirise, who rad& la nuomb,
4.... of flauth maltreat stoat% areeoastetaly matting
seem whirl they 1114114=4 attalylawattle totab•
ply. The popularity of that Ma Is net mina to any
partkolsr tanks of the aerstry. otanater Walt tat.
era. ft= the Meth. Booth, Este ead Wert TM troth
how ainterith atontentamea la ell gutters of the Thad
elate tball that a:initiator. Awl theerbillsasetht
remedy era yrt dhararrat Ihr lleratle derearement.
'Yor melt trl • .1. EMI) 100.
tantrobtaalth -' • Ito. Oh Poet et
The greatest remedy of the age semen
to to Ur osialersted solkins al M IL O. Abates Ass ,
Usbssat; It Is sold u as sztertoslsfAltstbn. ddb
otl4 to poem sass worolcrthl siattiles ISt bosnos:o 4 "
lag sots. ',Moth's
Webs. fa. AI:MAW s most
wen Walsh whist thts•Aosol ssatilbestlots be W s sad
synrral raskallss to so OWL. elm b ww alvlsol to Sr,
U. G. VemU. • AfslAss Lialiasst, ow bottit sf ,bkb tas
duly carol blot- Is. so doubt. tossi tbs Waal of
the Warr. but Ex Ms method msZetss, be walla bsrs
but • seises Mato .f It. be. warreibmosst. 1:211
littaburgh Lite Imam Company.
017104 NO.
0 7 ma t, 1 15 7171 STREET
rlaidest—Jaits Mac
Tim Praieloot—Basm IteCazzo. - :
Teem:ter—Joon L Ulm
Qew a/leita °4 aLlit ' put of *dome.
Citiseannume Compui of Pittsburgh
v r. No. 41 Ante street. tattle webown cdC. It.
d. Ikiistr.ll4.ll.o.--.1. W. Rots Ser
Ted. Ocesany mumreptrod teams all Issithsaarr
l e eral= ". " Mad 7""rl iFthe l ausette lit"4 l Ch.
giukrji.. ll
,Jobsillsk. VsatsslM. S. ilrr wntd
BRaututaa. llantaxdoa co. Pa.. Stant I.
B. If. Saav—Dess Br. Yaw Mambas la be:MU E
am le tta tatatr, tbettfow vs mould emit yea tarot
132 two doom by the Irasaybaala ballbatt. Ot•
Mbar oat. 04 it b being babbitt ter good awry dot.
• Yam. rat tactfully. i ODY LONG t CO. '
liantrAti /Wand ea. 0.. )Serb 10.'1L
B. X. IttaL—Dar fir, You Aittal, a i VOINI 40.1.
Wt with us but doom Haab OIL rtath tan Ave intl.
titan tbrobre to un tli dams quabbably.
YOU bonds la working wooden X tAtt mem Ira
cab obtain wand tabllna up:UAW...Lit yea desks Wm.
'• ~ • Yam, a., ~la. 11. BONI. 1
Tar tale by Enos *XtDoveU. 10' Waal Matt It: L
Wan. 17 Wood Weft; D: . . AgAbratoet. ♦ 04 vasty
Woad sad haat senate. D. 24.04trbp. A.AN M t. JoastA •
Dosgbabaa4 P. Ikbautt. aba tb• xb .
A. M.
aatbdtzT Coast Bastblonntbat..Plitatabalb
t.uts OIL .1111012 MIT/IL—The dell SUS am MO
good sadigleas by tales It. u dal* as aDr. CU be $O. l
Masa by entinet. dad II omen trim U. and mash
paa. it FM destroy Ma popularity With Um aleph Ala
Tolman barteloos medicine Into moths ass salmi It
gammon reatlysabehattal Thum. litoohom di bad shwas
of mild otdortleas. and It Is ibis Maths/ big agleddishief
the ragatattas of .11W, Cosammed Plaid ltetssot A
seasaills." Myoad all era at alga.. ha gala* 11/. 11
lb. ham= name UL acoadsami altb railed sad•edd;
loamtdeat peadpla-.11 promotos Um maw gosystioas
Mg Pah= of tha body, means obstrwalmeh illsalacas
morbki sad dimmed =Wen itrositheis tb stmaseb
sad Mostln maw. agates sew. para . sad boillikl
blood. sad masa* the auk= faartiogis WI ha Massa
*mom of tbs body. This is ah pahrated without tbe
Imordardpir of ham, au limas** ban' as allt salt
It ellabliosa It May bs Mahal blabs MAMMA that
parsarls be ears km etisar dlemams.- Wasps wader
Um It will tw hood that 4 Ilt/P alaketitY d lho higist
sa ablobahlot tles Wadi faidif MUM,* taq
d * statulM bloat- Bs gat doodad. thim. Paulr kr
saaailha Wad. abseil Via la "sor Wats Of saikished
sad Irma reaustios" so a sateditals lb. orisipal
Jobs DlBh dusimartili I This WWI% paiparatios lb.
agomigtot enemata MUM/Mae to a cam. _ •
Caortos..-Itswintaad ask is the wished Or. Moe
pal's fframprrala,from kentiakm. , aad bas maim/. Pea
sdanlbahaak ea moths/ pame. . • ,
hilalairhaT . • MAMA" 1 hriaO pond&
Pcatign and &swim - liardware..l
No. 129 .Wood Street,. . •
A la log otanktlibilt of 1011126UCAND 411=112A3
BaltablOke *mains trmAAsad Olathe? us IMAM
le eliis to madam= al num UM VII Memo_ .
toceAbiT vita mot the Term ON&
13. adjourn smilax or Estardar Welt. 0104 Mir
Wort* the Ikea Cannabis, vill ram Om al 171Pb7
inisdag. Ll* 1214•11,ii 0wee4.44, el. placq,
Ustliny omit 4rlfetutb ad iferl WOW AlmpoiNl
warAssei ofthr! Ems juscuanstea mw et afainm
- ----
,i . 1116,,i1344 ' 4134 - 40144011 g oath s e'
sii t,bor3o Ws Iftlsdist. a
4 k,,:2, .
Italia. ... 4 ..,•--.w.,,,....ti UN mu*.
barosilts sod to too, shies Mors WS Ye. S• Moll .
less. ssisdatol d war ,t 4 the Iran Coares 111 A
I.l=l.4"""6""lV'fflre_MNiirtrjb. M A T: 1
1ar4435 AMMO. ,ietb, for W. savor retails. .
• ,Tb• lOsithritristS•oadi•l'aftlibi l ig 214 "' IP
to to bsid IS T Wal.ok. P. Y. sad IS thr e siSAT towsrblrs
7h. dirtrke an nouratad to " 4 ittii-deinl**l .
- '• - - 'SO olds, ret•Cloisilltskof Aktsagrasstb.
- -N.44-17smIross stsuntttso still sr rt at Qs odor sr
O• r.. APS4OIOI4. Vet* Wilt. slam Smithrstdos !Imo
as/. tArrUth Inri., st I oclock.. P.*. .. , ; 1 '.. •
LADIES' .114111,; - -
rLulled or Chrisietturch; Haw Bricha.
dor t Mosd U. lold • Par co Wad ordar sad Tlt re.
or v.*. Sr Os HMI of W. lissom tiesdassr.
'''....".". 4 .-1 at I ssirsk..t. 31.„ es Waturdsr, Os pss
AL seer weal sad tosc? litild/a . ! silt be ?Sind Ss
The nersdlors tab vill.h• moll moiled. Olt IS rd.
&Um. • table ar .45 ..5 dishes EU to prornM Ito
110 sosiktios at 'Woos Ova PlanknirgS.
AMEETING of the Stook holdets 'of tho
SoakAonstoes. Xining ComdeeViv d ll be tideit
oPSes. in tile der of Pittsbmb, on oods* the , tut
day of PopPdabwr nest. et a felqes, P. to tim odloa
on the ousooPmerit to Om rre.l, el '".. ....L.". ' I P
Proved jusell2l.li4l. • • ~ W. AIMS& &meal. :.
Navel I.llilemildeal Lectures and /*id-
N he p . a L rp .
ieJeOHhNtt V M cOORHeI
eCKrd designs'
tauambibitketo CartearAt M ha NatantPh b 4.
Waaetl i ah stre A etTHll YVY t o, a Ai r rt 0a
btbgoig, r e hrhUy
of am a hr o in tpi : l l 4 t 1 4 1"ob= "tre"
4 Z T atonlit bi r = tt . 4M . or Ull
lbw et
plosnre, Ranh*, Ibinttain, Wt.:mita( the netting rent
a wan. The fotorraitheo llll
Ammo, •Flag the scam .0
the *Wang Wars% ebbuta Dad timbal Mini. Bet*
/throttler Jet, ea ortztnal invent/am tor masts:lag upon
Amebas ea Illamfastet
net larnutloathe 1041easelehtehof
istretatiVretlet=ger trive. eV* by ;
l oti "i taf thir dthwd o' rrrago ' gstint
=1.1..ur rir..7.1=21.71 Pura- tal:
la w all, Y .44 In 00 larettedpoettloa.ttpea
Oswalt,: earfael Of Way pothdtalltallsa aught. No%
• D.n oral et Tx dottok. roobrowoot to ‘oo•
btu. moistly et I. adadadon 24 cents. Tickets fir
We at the door. .4,2411'
ACKEREL-150 bd. No 3 largeelBsl
rebind brats ler i ' abenß l rVIVB2IS4OLIf
; nbright's extra for
nlab, rastsl2) - ' - WIC% • IIIeCANDLLIS
STARCII—Q, boxes
HROIMIB-483 dos corn broom; for sale by
sa.o2 •.WICK 2 IddLLNDIJZS
fiIIOCOLATE--140 bin Boston Choindanr
Jon awnr tautl2) iCK IIeOANDLT.SB
Q.ALERATTIS-52 casks Deares fossils by
11 : E .E2 T 43 NITTS— brie for sale
TWlST—irago ter sale by
Ohio and Pemaylviu42, Rail Road.
nil SHARES for sale.
3eLysy 17:Koko se the Eantag house
Tozoip Seed. Crop of 11351.,
TIIST received , from east, one barrel
eit fresh Utah, rho tont ratiohn, mut for Solo at
;by hod Stork boner of Woad old birth street.
onsl2 . IS. X. W1C1D:11.41L1.2.
WOOLEN DS --45 cs Blanket Coating;
: v 43 new Jam., Plus an.l Greet
3 uses illt ene4 Cktb:
. 1 ahee large u ` /I d /Id 331eAkets.
1 cat•Crle
The above .g al a
=sad recetp . fma the emu.
teeterere, W
. far sob by the cue et by
MORPIIIt .13 '3.133 Liberty et
tit AISSTB-60 bra baneli In store, for sale
er t DICILEY & CO.
0,30 Water sad Front ,
SMOKED LIERIIING 6 -80 bu Lubec: in
wow *a Dee Dr [assl3) ISAIAH DICIEST* CCI
ACKEKEL-40 qr. brig Tery Di*, No 1,
IVlSter ogle by WW23 ISAIAH DIM= it (X)
by Ma" • =1 br"“l'
toblus. 1* stork aakygi —I4I±I7INN to
•Yar Bale . • ,
- A: LARUE is or piece of ground 'ataxia in
lb* Sixth Wad tin city OF Plttilartlttr t
tnertpr i4 trer strod. m M rish -17 "S ts f Igyabens ...
3111'="at h AlVaShe4t.12:.=
A.W. 1"'"4 . 3 ZZ,9 " ,11 Get '4@
rte be eM Y
Mew *rib.
"is'ggfr=M balsam hi An &Yea
'AT & Wr
- • Ne.lloTrZtriget.
WILSON & SON, FAss toxams Harris
01 a ••4a.91 Wand Med, waaltS mpataur mvite
aneatkos *CORO. outworn sad tb• paptio to ttro 311160 r
NULL OP 11.431, TPIPaa Ihry,aill Macaw* au Plaaah 7.
Q17(11Ali-2) hbda. N. 0., in stare and for
Web? (se 11) J. IL CAN PIMA
RA . 7
. 0 , 8 =7
2 .1 t4.1,, b0ze5 :_
.t • ,
OUt. ls ' -
10166AP48-43.tans - N0..1. in store and for
L sa•bs -- (Dial 1 J. kcsannn.
"101) bona Cream;
t+ 411,, 34*(at
wk .. CARRIAGES-1U irubsiiriber
tuis lest si= lEl%OOlOa Ghts-46
si s•• b. Val 1:11 • kis days ll itt , eit gm, tt i mt
at tbs Cznal Huta Persons its to mean
vill plasm sill bsissilimlely Lin. [Raisin
wilt be eliestmd to sty CE. tom on tits bum
betivills foot. U WU g the city. in • lii• dm.. : A
moral iisiortausit iti vs of ornisi —dialpegg
1601,11.ockarant. /star Carden* . sts- . I .sifP sii lOW
east Ifie say vsty Wis. . JOISIPLI war/L ~
snitriglAii . itts.tessilbi road
Sellars' Vermifoge:,
• l'oist Pumbl,er.Vb.,Oet. 4:1641.
• Mr. lbtl 7.111 . ray r
buttatbm. dolt twins eii—Of It mob orriy loy,icrr tbooti
Tor Ow bad Slay at in pears. I &dud'
=nof tbo kind of which b=4 ,.... kr,
ave buytolko. mud Ow
olboy asettfactosen. Yoolb. nopo7aT cu : m.
suggist. d fold by R. B. a
oboYollY• miss, b 7 irtkol w il es
Ow by dr l
VstaanVert ,' i
Ilisnantod ram bladed asrapix et anodic:lml
inipodea. and te asni bY Ina , axs.
MORRIS' Taldll4
RENC.H L ASTI NO--An addi • nal
.40/7 nal b 7. IVRPUT a lIIMD
NOTICE—The partotrehip' heretofore bx
latlus team Ma arm et I. A. want • co. no
t dui beau ellamtm.s 6: mutual umlaut.
-• "
MKIBACCO-210 Ulm Riehmopd Tobaiico
• itir 4 WifiatVirirct.4"`
FRESH TEAS - 600 packages Fresh Ten.
r . fertorenirekiet ri t oat:recarrioas
Vel ` b "Uw.
W eb. " ta"—r . Wl= Vl•c7
turicrsianTiciatitolieuer, - 25eents
Tin ll_ fire ger . ' e cesium
Inn l ini t =,,,, d
__' l r
w issen
VE*l24: Vic l a:. i'iVa=l7.3i.
.e .do ' Iv. so . d.. ..t .
Wro - 7 - o — obble's to go cos 1120[1111.
... 144. e U lArt677711412•7411111ba r l i "b p1b4 h. DairZ , - "I A
loadll - Coo. idiroitemltidt Vidi.iValintoti.
. .
Taith dzinrl Susi°, of the West
daygto ItdrVudat t ato . ccomo l ot ttotesedloa to
It ossZoCcoo b VAr . tddi n Sl2l2
.._! oddlid==o2fgrEof mava ..
ilisdiard g rnon. '"
mr o M ar o letter to p ! 1 .. I V a .15
, NEW IP • .000D8,
. Ar Na: 82 464 Market lerettclig,illaik i „ t.
k,.,„ & . 27411: 1 1,10
vi1t..,11,11:-Eige t:lic
impavas lIMPR. 4 , OP, v.
VA ne !it=
. 1 .....4 7 * Aw may.4=l -* "4
~ Smhraidered
% A. WON & CO. Luise
t at received
6.1 6 4 . = Ficra i Surr stria. awl Yerria,
sway, at Oa .sue
W o rkWOO/pr . V ai ttd ..
yiyelyPol' a Val l"."'"l. ' ab.
Many blorvAibeasettiodllyinit44/7 .0.
i t r4gradlFL.,,,Alr b . 8
e•Yrotbrd in tIdodYY." ' Anil) A. 1.11/0011 Mo.
Bluk Bilks, Kohair BUM, -
gitArmartbastattotinriorLauti MUMI
• • ixt las kol Pr -."24uwalinu,
ARD o.ll—klat of Bunkhardt & o:4's
bud, Mr riga irr '
. esslSOW4xd
I 4 LEAD-50(41W, Lead, (to arrive) for
sal4 trr (814111 V. WILSOL 241 IFWif rt
RY • • • PLE&• , •4 Ibis. and 1 cask_ iirit
nradved sail for *e br (urn .1.11. 01401.611. F.,:
UCKETB-30 dos.-Misriotta. in store' and
ex ago br (son) J.
aosq for de bi
rad ;-'2-ElOlll.-CO.
GAsToli bbli Blow. No. Licit
mai ." ( ang) 1. KIDD tCO
IVOTI amen - • - ROMATE POTASII-500 — lbo. fox
' rub, f7. YIDDt co
ESTON CRACKERS—Butterßiscult and
DiOnotoda or Graham Craters, naudeod dine, inn
, tondantly on basal and Int Ws onli
izoß SALE--Pitteburgh Goa stink
at Rale Stmt/ Wig gka:
C ' bi° I"nerggin*eriarill:olut'
WANTRD—litoeke of the PitteeLaniur;
i%t.r k Maze them= Crolfron Irlarb.
the hlTbeet. mix et Irlb b. bad by
1). Ilaskse sad Broker,
sus . Foartb otreet.
ilirminsaass and Ihnteito il le Macadamized non.
~ i , pike and Plank Road Company. :
NOTICE is. hereby 'given - that the Stock.
boktoin in mid °new ere teethed in per the
trd fthrteltheat of flee teeter. on each there of Moot
ea qui bed. to the TIWILILM (Wm lea 3 am . Luther Jr
thattL ~) on the
nee g ibitaso" f rsieral t rd, on iho inn dm;
.464 7 4 8 is Wont. 11..roniorlofaxtbnariznik.arre.,,T.
REFINED SUGARS-30 bbls Lovering's
oulmwd. 101 l entibed, sad kar nom
". 4 . "l4di gU n " " 4.4b7 4 . 11 b r. WININCO
Grown Tea Dogma
Rail Rad Klectiaa.
Organisation of the' "Alain+lA and 'Steubenville
• _ Railroad Company."
WE, the undersigned Commissioners to re.
e en. paha:dation. and "ormalie a company; on ,
inhatnl by the AM re the Gomm Amenably of-Penomi
ardtrtllled •An A¢.1.0 11:103 the P 111 2 .2 hand it
1649. beg i b l i• t i dra Ull =lgirtlera= l . •-'7l2g 2 late
Jml Y3I.LU . 1661, older grau'roliWe=
.been .constltatins the iobeorlbem and Ode mite
shall rafter enbentbo. to the angtal dock of odd Corm
patty, Maly mommoorend alehnnol. • body' gamic ad
eartorata. In deed aml ander the namnakmanen.
tud. • •
Amd vm, thereeme: lerielbly M ea laira of , the add
o althi. hereby =mint awl glee node. that a
meamon f odd mtheerthaa to •Me said Companp
to bold. at the Homo of the Dosed of Trade. corner ot
Thhd and Wood amt. In the pity or Pittsburgh. no
Thunday. the, tweaty-Ont der of noMmt. Instant, M. ten
*Week to the Orate— ..nd that ma Cordon mill be Men
and them held, I y raid eabeerlhery. at the sald , tka• ancl
Mame( method, to elect a President and twelve Dll.lOll
of M. nallrno Company. The deettem wilt ono.
pm at ten o'clock to the Ammon. • •
- .• • osmium tivueohlPOS. ,
- htERCB4
' • • .14111E0• WALLACE.'.
_ .101 IN lICNCaN
JIII. • ,
TIRMI P M)L...4I I :.;
111:DIe1 NIE C 3IO, IB. • •
11111 - MA6R;
lAsl—aunfaltd ; .
awful.. N.J.
Tbt• Comyanp iisnr.ta to Danish a :moot, of moo.
"valuablo • •
.wekti hare been Motet after eeirral Mre both tu .
Swope ao4 the Ilniteet States, to re their 04E1.1
b.utr 14 ,4 . 4, . Lancrtias superior to nip other,
paintbaterer. Theis
• -
Is Purl? so Osidiof Um. sod is marramted Iris tram ali
sdalomMm sod tmtonity mbsissma. LL cove, mall.
bmontiolly obits, mad la sotinly fres tram the PODOEOUS
coma Mho , pain daossroub to tie
Mrssod their tadliim
. •
WU:tap:Ord to sulphurous at •WPldeo tAtlettto..
area ethet .bat op to • dore room . 4 et outside pent:
It •itbeLedr • pothers Males ate the Iol a better
tbsu any eta. Dot Wog liable to tam y or to
'ettcatbl• and tab 011. It ortop be matted erty color.
teltb west atttl ere. et eitb vatiett•.lalek OM tbo eat.
breed pOtoelen Inlet. - ,
Thom aro' fluldstked at • low rim. sod an undoubtetlli
tb• cbespela wut tart plata nu Um masigaS ler mUng
rcob, fenduz. aotbages.stemboe soy axiveal ow!.
Ito of vactiOniek. tin. or inn, so Um are both •
Tar Iva Items they en renttenbulyrilnable. ss *4
term a ssieenic emulates', and canny rewind enter
Um the? 4117 eat.' pad WM= • DILA llllltallb tem
elo not eltsalverltrr Wu mare tatsMe', Sealtr. teter
tn we. . • •
Dealers supplied on Mad terms by tbe r ef the
_ r. CLJONIOIS it ~
"2 :IV .442 p) IT South Mums, Ph ntelptiln
" ' wit • or e
wed) ' . • DILWORTH •CO
Ricr-2O to rice for sale by
ate 1. IL IMMO= 100
BUTTIEft-6 bble roll butter for sale by
lki EC ILAN ICS' MAGAZINE, No. 8, for
ILL tr= n. .
_Dest 1.1.1. . - •
._ ..... , L I
Aware la ttet us of Na lisrpret atinuana.or Bow
nyendw. written by barrel!.
a...ha u, no er LIWIII7 15.5.. 00Pwite the rod
001 e. •
uninmao tole. dot attention of posobsoort to
atutrtmost nu c 1
10,. 7 401. oboiltwoot
= " 4=loo Crosirotiang. 104 Bit Elooo k4
tooortelool slow S
010 Itotad, at 1..4 Won. •
.nob •
VoIKLEBEB, Third street, ba•jupt
• ...J—
-ty.nod th• D.A.417
4 R ., : il =igiMktaAris.ll. '
thdlope—hehltehil "'
grj tare. 7.145= =pa*. song—Toetei;
tbe stew
Jolt tfately; • •
OW for • bow tattle the Mlle - • .
greet Abol• of the vain • ,
, Thoo bast enoendei the Qtrit thet tared then '.
1 74 1 y . ..,Attseosur Lb*
i .
X conned le stanAng,lkolen , :
We pored te Almon • ,
so l" 7:r ". lra Z VIII' GOLDS." HARP. : .
Wall SALE--An excellent FAMILY9,,,k m
HOLM Essatte of
sash J. ECTIOONIIIiaa •
N COMPLIANCE' with the request lately
¢ll4. tlanajb tho Wan= of tho Gantt... oa4 of •
IA DAY., z _.:l7l" l l.4r.s"MeaL.l".T.
all Molar oar Vona( zoos inttobareb,vbkh may tot
Do ell.prood'or %twat tkis sod the. 4al.
ree4 l4 . '..?l'"ld"n.m. b utit lratEXH d*".. 77 lir' llirr "44
ILTbOOO an in the arigina yloan of bus Pitts
burst,. am laid mc er 00. ang.klv
- -NO Chocolate , Paotort. . - . .
9,, IG. N: OLUIBONI d: 'CO. reipectfully In-
Inforeastrx.r4 =l b. ,. 7
yanks mat ether sold bava. - la araiiiistnie and WU:
&Mended. and tams of dna dam, more natiticiout and
wholes= .. aft.V 4. o. ba ,,, ,........ ga .... gm
" atta l at th:y . ' vill b r ea'aiira apaZ r a 00t CIFF
LT' 40 31. toga In and at a lam prim ' .
It la Sta. gala at r. KV& (Mad. ficandY
Na 102 /north .. us subs. Mat door le the el= (.1 . 1
floa. =slang Ulu) •
"POST, OFFICE SCALES—Juat 'received;
L au additional
moots mrat Market aad herd. w+'
Caill-BALANCES, for detecting Cduriter-
Lit Me. of all 4llmostateatioas It& Is
Tay quiet and uttal/Ibls detester. ler saw
_by . • •
OLD PENS--A . fine sasortment of file
GGboa make shmis an Dud; sad
luxe •
471-40 bbls , in stare asad for sale by
Milan DICICIT a 00.
T• mun
FEATHERS -54 eacktfrwstgrow
RICE -26 tierces for lei u
T. 40 hhde. N.-0. for blow
SODA ASII-40 casks for age by
.0 • , • 6. W.EUREACGEL
I.IANS-20 casks Cal:mined, for gale by;
AA's ♦ W. /14411.C1M1L
TURPENTIN • I bble. ia
dalbr Wei* scaocersaram Ai CO.
p 4 1 ,6051 SALTS-10 bbLs. for sale by
wet ecnoomuzzit CO.•
I?IWERY--35 kegs (assort = ed) super* to
.112 Ost usually KU la this mo o mak - • •
L E A D -1000 , tge Galena;
:148n3 11 2.TIMUIZON • CO.
ITGAR-14 3: - . 6. prima N. 0.; is . stare
bi , win A.nvinmeow a co:
,V10LA13938-160 bbls. Plattatiott. (rk;)
- 40 • etiamementie
t;t?e ,o tri , ' ir_114:65 41.80117111D0N ha).
QHOT-40 kegs au'd Nos, for solo by
10 • tad. • JAMLS A. RVIVELUICIN it OM
'ILIEMP-200 Ludes Itiiasotui Dew Rotted,
cistri. try JADL . I2I a. lIIIICEIDON 4:2q,
LINSEED f41,7-120(1 . yalls:hr sale by
' ' moo a 00.6.1r00d
fitnexauxsu—so lbs. for sale by
C t”
~ 751 b.. for 114,1_olb.inmh
WHITING -30 bblo. for sail 116 '•
.17P . .4PM44.1,15Q it,goenioArj
ct4I,ERATUS -4 tons in bases and bbla,
I.7 u r.f e rsi.a7 14 . 11:0 . 11tELL
. 1 ca.
VELEESE--Primo W. for solo by r
4 1.. J - . INILZELL* 00, Übdrir
. 11112 UMW VERMEVIRM--qt . baknover,
)., ta 6 adakia Initaae, 611.4 to lajka Torlu."."L .
ie k ,
- . Ontel 02U1SUM1111, Y.... ni:U.
.. Mi. S. .Y. dillzus-Tos "tilt . blI n irj
to [LP r ;WAIF I ,iffppg.' tau h td .
10 1. 1; 111:1 6 b4ll7: "ll rerdereci
..r... I , s Za lb Ja i ea Z It= ....'! 'wl,
r klail a t t ootiklUM • mediciartl=
tc..p.tumit.fu......7. ea Ur qnso=
.n aim naftgl. *bail orst,At
' , O.MS auk 04 liilf. V. .A 1: colic
DEFINED Webi ' bbL timid; Lo
- - Loafs Mae ltettsem
16 it& 111401111 etms ovum simp t
-1:1% - Kara'Maoism •
,cO- 1 0it'' .. '=.4:: .- - 1
Yaw ZarlitabillibilW
Mit. AND lIRS.W.
==edgrts= l . 6
re. w tolika the ape as balmalbes. -
see arratar. "MT se es Friadrats. s.
Rack . Lee Veils
7P81( Blllloll=6
a,unadi Dad T ao T aal
ftw ds4
A- A.3LiS r ON&CO.'S Great Amami }Usti
altit i Ostru=o2=tragr=
rtoch i ng s m v. ao dtiarnlt!*
Rids - • • . _ . .
• ut, gh t. e s e d snivel
IMurhro t ra d t b" ieVer v an ai yw a t tsor in tii air*
eahut to out, tendons flair RNLI.
Xtey will to OK* i at • siwtt ow from lama
Intuit. WI tot haw euters mt. . • . saga
S; ix TWIST ,TOBACP47-104 kerliro:l,
, 11 , 713 , = 5,
•egli an "d
" mum. JON/2
COTTON --5 bales Tennessee, in, stare and
s,r 0.3* by . • ; , . ausratuans am;
Ten DoUkr Reward
ipST; on Thursdalirrening, either atthe
sln 460. "Zia m noica d C iatet
La or PM MONNAt&rtstsdtt&ebttst $
OO Nam
u ltir m = " retrA s i o rfU pail Wi ttrrhorsifilll it tt
to MU ogle.
VINEOA 130 galls. Whir,
adar tr ille A li s 00.
VWASH BOARDS--2S dos Eno, for side by
one I.IIW =WU • CO.
dx mum, sad in foal Ott?
J 1
maantkUnZial %Os at tbie Wdronsi, Vso=
kat acres (.0311 =o6.7Aiina.
44 PLAIN GREEN,- plity_ed j aild
tbr sale y
Jai .
SOAP—, 109 boxes Cincinnati. PILIM,
reed on eendirennind seed feretle ' •
ir3o • —8"11.71127=1.
ALCOIiOL-50 bbl& f Bale b
or . ~~ . ~.r'.
LARD OIL-75 bbls.No.;_l, for soh by
~ rso , s.A.yAnNteroUtaim
ftOOKS!—No. 33 of Byrie's Dictiop f axXof
ti.. 04 1. 7. "t g i tiv ada°l , o , t . ', " 4*4 _
list red ... 34 ' C T''' . pen, Duilaus. "Vara .4"4:
TAC : ' 100 bbL.
_Lame • o. 3;
ala Jsuo R. A. cuwatltGratt.
welt 4:40,1410-ed. Una yaw Is eisafoed to tomb
P.mewere niarhle4 tassachile ef f eS emale aloalitioa Wigan/ rs , Tee
Bummar Quilts.
j ILAVE received a cue of flue Marseilles diensat Am. 92r We law. •
ir.s mi. roux. csauisoo.ruut. -
i rairts at MUM' lei 141 a. is LW /Vail.
Aws 00 legs assarted sizes is stets
isr sal* by I L SOMMMLITIMEICO. ~
E% /Ig,fM,TS-10-audi: ! _ fl or . sal%
LCOHOL-20 tibia. for sile b '
New Boole.
GODFREY MALVERN:. or the Life of an
Theeee 11111,.. brogibes
Trawls In Umid own,. kr. tuttig uppo mg Ma
Twtre i
tj arte, pc..i. • :
TIN atom bookshf. Teed and .
.172 g lt. C. STOCK:AM 47
out tow TorAtiff
lags. for pl. ISAIAu 1.•••. r • w•.:. ,
CIIESSE-125 boxes far tale by --
noLvs SAICSAPAMILIL-12 dos, for
/LP abbe by J. lIIDD
CAUSTIC-4 lbs. forrsakatz.
YANIDE POTASSA-10 lbe. for ask by
NJ fat ' LEE= Altoo.-
Green Teas have advanced 100. petlb
you can bay Green Teas, ter three months
to tam at MOWS' U . : L la Mada& at
't old rim, cod As same tb•
whams le pieta raigt. as tbl7 ba•• •
tbry *.ll tb• Two Le Pittsburgh iti=aB42ll•
fr opal:sla . . jym
• A Good Gargain• is now ro_A- t
FT.O3 Throe to ll= ACRE& la Damns Bowoad•
um. Hat's Wand-gm the wrnolnowtt• taw ytal,
with await, Irolklbw, a_Tho ROW Wit*
Jed tato ots. satt sad at • goW S AL ADI‘•• tiews•
to wambao••will asply to • zaTIN,
ins m t. • -
TINA-100 bb = h( /0 d
0 11 1M i1 1 7 . 0 1 13. E J. 1211)
HAVE OPENmorninf ia t farther
t4 " f
"obalsatc.‘" u4 olsetktl% mdeloct i e
Ma ll mma 1rem.14.1 rnal • aimed Mr
mos, act at tboimithout wart Of d /myth enlittlat
OLL SIII4STONE-2 bib!. for sale by
AUIRATUS—ti casks (warraated panty
ler sale by J. ECCIOUNIKAILICA I OD. ,
Allegheny County, 88: ', . - :. , - ',
Naas it ' . .huladost vs:darns Milk,. .'
t i the Distriot Court; Ven&Ez., - '
. )
um., told.. July Mk. 114 co gar k
tiock aM. T-Nelloa. Atiarner Ow Misr ,-, \ •
(Niter tds Reno. - WOW L. torria, - - .
a. ) C. IL IL andahlaq. , to Na,. -
wAla . tor to , Malibu% dr zoirls la • .
LOortilled tram U. Roused .1 • , -
• . ' , , t i .
_OW , . UAU, 'rat:. 1 .
• An primi izkiri.t.a .ukt i m i.tsks hays dotal*
avallor atom taloa •111 We mves et Ids
=:=s * .rgim: dl ebe Zatdl7ll 4 Z[Vi 2 deice • .Y., ama az -
. jrallain • C.D. * SKIM Avatar. '.'
&am' and DadraleGoods,
.falo , VARIOUS STYLE o i nk di tismosti-,
Jr In,. br_IMBPBY B witetc.:;
Blattleastpe leate ibe.
M L. Lest Beerei2 l4" • -
• auntie. Vlnribd to tbetreheiceemßhißit lnacL
Lewes, Wblto Bads Mr tmeetax. • •
We milt tvel=edmr ortematne, me 4 Nei Tetit
ACKEREL—Not, 3,2, an. 3. in bib.
lug CL bblz,ftnlllbr ack , ;
Zosquito Ban.
I RAVE jut recei44 Ono ease of Witah'Neit.
. Id"br Arro l a a Tided 'trot
:DOCK ItIVDER—KO kw for soils kit
1e24 ILY.,OX woman aow 1
VILEESZ T -75.bues for jsalaby.
7ra - 11.7,Pos=maisr a co. t
VIEE SE--!xiaa prslyiffirt
•uFL-30 bbb. %!LaZtMii,;.
New &oaks, hut Eseatead— •
VEAST: a Problem . ; reprintaiwitli
t.t.• lad Maker, ay Ids madam at Allo, late.
Clidaaaa: dam or sent blJaddal
2% " %t i • RIM% I L I4 ord
w irp. l =isa l = i dtatuai daistaasahlai
• qiegna z ta , ....a boo wa,:t aks as
I`, lar
• • ...ow :
For igal• bt _ • • J. lob dcaD.
M 1 M91!1P , 9
AMIRAT!JB-1.% boxes Tarr.
abt ‘ J. Cllf i rat
l i i 7 iEJ4 U 011—W bbl: aitirgtsa:
17A4 VlHl! . ...lo.bblga White irth3:f
• .1.11.0
BIWOMS L5O dos. for oak by- -
P; r O3 ASIL 7 " r"lii.l7al-i-ntm;.
KRPHYA BURCIMELD hate teeisivild
• Ilsribn =Ws = Moe SW Mufti art
lu• ive= hos isastr=
azta d tsa llikn.
_se *ma pad WWI.
uur avallsk t/t.•AmL•II•44
Tor b "".4 l l . a"l 4 - . I
a r .. LAIN . BIAOK
Tr0i...1,11b0, 1141
A wan
sod wu ratomilgo 111 b.
laottuest to to r r
%miss •
§l:Lixxiai 'OR STOLn ahm.EN from the Wire ;
bo. DOO.bawbsi
*a. the rat of ids botr
u snite. thoek.
4:4 r M7 oo'nal li , " " to su d jaa.. & • d r B l*:
• ,• 7
TlaNkNiirrarrlori. ,
tab ihad pahnehaniziailma.
tONDAI 4 ; koitor
tan - "cit
lam* anam eaa. tl so sat
1160•21114. *** 01lif * ass=ol
norm moo or Istadars wort n o mama*
4. 6• 4 llramenarl - anton Now mow*
4 VII itosa Philadelftr
uth. th lut aill , 4
M r The atom sa 6.6 " b"
. - ; . 4 , ,
i n, al V.VainghegtA...i. jug* : A
tlzwy an asseadsmAtar
see immetillat bit _ . .
Moms dett=4l .
Wir , A dd imar.b.. mid oupenti la
ta,. 41. , . ..,:,,
isocructimsi Math* to their 44.= • y . : . .
• lltor Um acanoleace ol s wiiites vpietilet
rsgliTZarr dti d= 6 la r=5,,,,r2, • ..,,
9. - ~.............. ita..„ „ a=up....
__ .. .,..
.. .
" Air , Zolgs r .... 2l i k.
rfi..r , .gi.Fb.=..p.,r--%. ...
stbnadotoes.l-60. 1 iiiialovuo gi Witir '
-Mr" 144 halt .ii rt lim
Btlffra. A
o:iarirama !#?a,..".r.*-tv a .t,..,..
• ,.., • -. eerier /Stith ad llroad stn.
~: ~:~'; i 1 A:~.i.l~~ciAt.~NA~Ar 7 R.i A~
NEW ROUTE TO.NEW•goasarrvis
- ramktrk sad CE• Ws - cagsseclag o. a
.... staatacts cot Labs lUie, tko
OtbatElli RR RastataLl. ka•
•••••••••7 RA Cbtatastat kailacoß RR cs tk•
Mk mod -
~,.IMNl!iii. Ricn. mad tELOatalkSbuoViott
...,12EISIWEE magma. AB Eol4.olalit :- -
'P I 11: " T !, a !: a e ta' - -
3 . 4 1 tkaatiour =navy_
. __ 4, .. 1 11 .. ..; :-..!'!
EU 11•11 Into tem ...RR's. .ERE
Pa Ltr * attairstallt•t ttle=reßlVßl•ilsol•
FRIER •03 Cattle kndatkaat•DiEttek
• A.R. mina: • rstamiar Carßattacbt4 te Walks=
saccomodsta [ Way Euettastakitsal Deanna. , - f ...
, aGranaf Ma Dnant In NM ERIE EL . ERRE Mk
" Vs Camptal Era -maao' kr& Rock IRE
Eat=ll kw, Misdrecrs Ns...Talc _ .
satuttloußtil t. Rat te Rodr, Est tittro.
!Res It kat vt - t&h ERR Mix Rata Rest •••••turr
aarraut in ttof filairralanall ar
—4IiIP 2 9"1..4 1 Z.- Ina M.., .M 04.091, 1,16
'W igh t s atct skew
lan fa Mal to 1.1: 111 1±:Orfilia afanaffn
Wiwi" : , IuktEARTZ : ,
am moss— ' ,' 4 ..«....lnla♦7,Cala.. '
.. ~ .
, , ~ .• , COV OD E & COLE. -
a i l
• . ; 16a..wolittladmi AY . 01•06.7 : -:'
•- , 1, Ceusa.c.ftivi,./*/ 1 /441St•
Penn& Han
Ca—Ceztal/4 r ll
3nix= having be.:1 ipstebalset w - .
V .
toxis:l4 ,l gOofivillbireisithieitak4=
.....0 uaseill lbeinatlaktne
13nVIt=firimntel:m=mike kt o i d t i , a , . 3 ~,.
'F.4o%tim..i .4,.
,„, 5 ,... - w-iti..i'...-,..,i0ii:
- g .
--51. b. up.oo l'itcb Bash
. •
"* ' - - OCIVODIM
fitt.bigisi.Jvili , 14, r 9 . ,' .=
graigiffa 1851 -
Parket ea Rama' Lise $0 81544
ASSENGERS" loeie every moriiinglet 9
~, _ *leek, by stnabmi to- 8116.1[_. U.01 , 11T
num to
t to 8.....n . htb50m . b . F . rttobiala . - ' ' : 4 o , " t '•
. :re =4 Wier* , . Ib2lll,3lllctint. ' " .
*Ti*,gh'stbi , i ,.'...- ti?-rri4tiii- :ls.Olcobas sad Xe ;11 ilai
Ctak% .
cu rgt jmi ie Dank. ; 4,1 1; 4 ' 1 --
ilfillift .7 7 MA/ 7 0e:
Uwe= al IX L. 11.., % a... 'fijpit_
aSS m• 1 d•A,...""=,.iC0l Opt
lb' .t"r iasi... .
amper, usd Or
thutTir rat swi l '""b •
caws ralusii.ii
mart: J an.." hamsti. - 1. 11 '1 1 •!t 1 -
.. , ... ..1 .catuairer Ali R."
(Up MU+) earott 01 ....11ir '
' Mcdt•—iikik...pb grw"
.1851.. _SPRING ARRANWENENT. 11231
To:trait' lints to Philadelphia;
Forty-four hoot to Ealthoopi,-.-,-
201 miles itailsoiol-403 mUet Cana,- .! •
Was. sow "awls Juak al ' saraisiaaj44
Wayfretfroot 21ifsmirekeuiget - coarrontorytt
tosont-at mita picot Vats. is
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