Araks' Liased‘. 7 8 7'7 . was rder rated arnortelliti - oflitUsaelbld./1 bjbbil the ; ddriebtr, Ales* of the city and county, regsfea adtbennild ke. There yeal grand terrsont Of the order In the — turnoan to lay thou:Sur stone id their new ball, In Eleventh street, below Verity, Oe err(- monies of whieb were very imposing. In the' altemocna the, Fraternity paraded to attend the 1 funeral of as old and highly reepeemble man of color, Francis Peet.% well known to the comma= jnity. The deceased was one of the Grand High 'Prateta of die *Meter klarendo Order: and Me' olreqnies were marked by narmsl respect and solemnity. lies remains were interred at Thomate,Chreetit--Nortir Aterriaus. , , Tat Cogan ..Diztaiumon."—The National In: telLigencer regards the Cuban Declaration of Ist' dependence se srank finger, and imposture,being ,beyond ail doubt. the manufactured' Cidnuipst riots in Ills country, betteretflled b the woof the pee than of any eitter..vespeM„ and whose parity with.the Anglo-81z= tongue boa ambled them to, wield it with too couch ability and de:- : terity tc; allow it to be mistaken by educated men • for the work of Dui Creoles or the Spanirda of Cabs—She language sod a** or the document prove. it be no act of the People of Cabs, bat of . those individuals irbo bare in different cities of thlscountry,operiodrectuillognmdurous,intsed and lent money, displayed etrenge flags and mar shelled procession, for the purpose of sedieing :gad deluding innocrit youths sad rootless. dee.' giegradoei from their allegiance to their Goan •wient, into wild. daemons and infamous enter piaci against the dominions of Speip. •' . . • MST(' SLI ASS . —Ateotitt from the ICesterlans ar e as usual, deeply interesting. LA letter from Dr. ' . • Weight, dated May ITth, glen s most interesting SiMaaal "(the .recent pnblio examination of the 311104001 Seminary at Stir The examination miltatten 'hy the four bishops of Oroomiab, ',lather lending rxielintitieS, forty or filly.tesehers schools, the principal Nestorian laymen lead partials and friends of the pupils. The Sem . la . ary room was crowded to overflowing. The oe- L -cation 140111.11 to have been one of the deepest in , 44111 at to the Nestorian', many of whom poured 7 nat. Oeirgraleful emotions in warm expressions of gratin:slate the Superintendent of the school. - and to the Mistrion gene ally. At the close of . the exercises; about 250 persons eat down to din ner, on the roof of the Seminary building. At n raising in Hwetingtoo, , dounty afar days since,there were thirty lane men present, when It was- 'lmposed by some one of the partly, that a vote should be tam to see how 'the question at (Towner stood with three presset. The vote was taken and twenty semi voted for W3l. V. aeILITOX, two for Wm.. Motu, and ten would net Teta• On being asked the reason why they reused • to vote, they stated that they were Demothata and'could - not rote for Jot:soros, and that theyArould not vote far Blows, broths, be had voted la 1847, denying the use cf onrjalia to the Iliaveholders, which taw was Wiped by the patriot lie OXIC, and now he - au endeavoring to thot ,odiam upon the memorj of that great and good msa, by delioundag that law; that they despised a hypocrite. sad that they would vote for no mm who would be guilty of such truck . Freight received for all the Way Stations on the Pernisylrania Central Railroad.. ~Adam L. Walterx F. A. &rota. Latcagar - , .H. MolarrelL : • • Modezarell A -• . . ' • Jobb iln7aUL • . • OLKODE lc oar. canicr of Pam ud rpys• dmeu, Conthes. lIA VE just iveeiied from New, York, an wvareurlser.7 CU.IIIIIOES a.) • • ' ' poIRON-150 tons Crock Pig iron . • • • ZNO tow Rota Cnbelo no oo do da SOF(oOdi Er' • • VIZ LITTLZ a Oa. ! I II.R.VMENIYS • *5.4110.41..P.A• 1 -3 • A ---;•1, • •Yeb•isOatbilindieltibriite sr. .• • ••• rlsy.~2~.~3~;lTn~_ 1 row AZEI lbs. jazE ailed aid Cot • s u.sicrLans. , EATHER+IOO Sides N. Y. &le, for sabi cokuEs r B L irlfau f a s atd b,... PARISG . IIII3EN-544 . he. 23 :1 for gale by I I M LASTIIR-60 lbs. Cantharides,far sale by Y ' • D. A.IPAIIMSTOCE CO.._ Pure y, for Thai:Aces. a ' 13FAII IN MIND! should you need Fre.neb Wrummy. rt., me aka to auaaA at KUM' Abll, la th• Diumad. at a 1 per wort at eau.. VIRE. WARD PRINTS—For sale at 25a, br Hort • . W. P. M.A.BSEULL. 13 Irani • MAK AND ROSIE-- , - • • • • • ••• • lOabb MAL Tar. Irgisbaara • yy •••• • , 3•12 • • ' • 1110 bilebt b • a..2 * lb, • UNIAT.A. NAIL HODS . 05 bindles Slig. Ary: =l.. .. Luce Acermnoux*CO3:. , ' • Arithrunte CoaL • 20N43Ast received, a superior article WRY for r or bunny 131.. lby sale by C. A. Mr.ANULTY & 004 • LIREEN Gr. A 71 ,1 1 WINDOW:BLIND PA •.. urperlar lad the abpre utida hat ned tad mliby • •. • . 2111.111i3 Magi. . SIINDRI4S— ' • . • ' • Naarm Lrss • 0131.5. No. 2 " . • • ...' • . r 0 t "fu_ No.. 1 010 . 0.1 11s1t-Nonlaz 10 . _ . N , - .10 " mos now, rour terse* by i ''' . 7... . JONN wirr * tx).. tAPECTACLE I—Wo have &complete itack of OW. dam aad Sant rpattacka,and MO:4ot aolttr W cow. and =dam Glam. Weplsor to entrf invidrty of vialonton;adind tbi bog* ..44. : Item . te. AT. WM. Fl : 4.1 N lin . Mara 011 lorwrlordjut roed sad for rale 1 Or. I ' W3L itert.riigitt IWINDOW GLASS 250 boxes assorted sessessscestse nu _ • • le , BON.I is 330:f. LITTLZ h CO: INBEED. OIL-1000 gallons (to arrive) saidart, /JUDD CO.. b Weed MINER:BONNETS AND lIATS-E. H. 110 PAUIIfI bats jest reeeirol • (mat ',Arty doe. Midi Walt% moue bestatital sa4 Isonli styles. • A , 44 la's MI Don' anal. Etrws. acid other MU. MO GGS-300 dot; far sato by e:•ru W:IIARBAIMIR ARD 0 1L—.7 bbls. On 4 i rlarric, :o., fur L ARD . Ib r .i ' , I " l : a ltair los Inetus. EARL --a... — - . - i 411-30 WA. for'sale by ion ' ' J.B.CAXIIIIILD. /NSEED,OI.I.-30 Ibltls.Oriswoltsbesed, beak DT . J. &alumna. ME" eV" , far aide 4. i;)- • s.caanur.. .I IBUCKETSIdoa. Marietta make, for Ede br •mu • . 3.ILCANIVIELD. • • Noted for Three Prime Articles! rk RAP. LN. LUND !—Biessue. Ts. Steyr, num...l, 4 nand sall# . • ' Ter ton SCA; , , Tb• ben PORT VIII .41 . • • Tiro boot Via.SCLI ea.INDTr Plt4basili. • tuaki toe b. 44a mod Ideal parpors. pral iFusr . , 4l7 war lta parley. • .11,11 Crushed and. Pulver " Nov Wawa, Lad toe 4.lvitiad. te War NEAT PLAID OINGHAIDS of 11 aupor .IkV gasiltro36o 'WM= fes G 8.A.?,45 bbt..10 . „ Arloltz t • ' • • I 11010RiN TING & WRAPPING- PAPERS"- ! • I • re -apt At. oes .4 Strxe Wmplas • t • octorrlor itopt. Ofilk• 100. ImpeW ?Sll 31 The Om+ " via • lot of old does ee/nu et imno , the bl • ir.x. 141 • rararit 1 1=Cirm1= " 1 Idnatik 011.0LOTH—s00 rues for IVire iUlf Maidloollief4 ao.sws..7 1.1%. rai r poo li tri• woe "mt. J. it UAW! (J &28-4110 bozee Window Glass, sapur gut al 4mo:iris vo , f io ,,,, :briunt e r a 6.. D1E06.8-40 bbis. ircider for site by • tenth., a pilaw olt *Ad. (Mika • IL WICKKILSILUI. 4.0 . Cotoorat Wad saa"ab EPINED BORAX-40U Mcrae 'said Ey, Jel4 J. JUDD CO, fp Wood - Lit X-1000 14. :or .40 by • • - . cianita. SAND PAPZ . 6O krin!Tel),! AHD, 01E 7 .10 bids: No. 1. for: by Tao — ?.CLAY-7 tons Cciplefs Pot'Clayji . y; norindsaul for war br 11.15CILOOMMIXA *CU:, "I - MEDICAL; 71. inast zdrywiymonv Diva av bi aging , ' a 1 i! ref:* 4 1/ibi M . 4efelo" l "ft i • - T4 ''' ' 6 : • ! - ' - ~ ...,3 : ; It - ataffeli - i - - . t• , ' -•• •• online:ED ItkitELM 14 3 / 1021 T1 ' ' Arabian O:I`AttREWS g eUrnne • • arangsbandiaFtMlial Oda 1• 4 • 04 bawd diattd br Tanya* au wawa.. erag ou l • ~,,.. SW anr all bew la tin ann Wapoold wean to AtaW, WOW i=eat "4lB = all ow, auvar J., 4y.",pgrr•u,sragyjrd=. .It =7.pil a bonmdcat i Pss"Y ti t .. - A' '' . °ll ' uwa, whkb a.m..* , th.„,,i,...d.c. 'cu. ivrari , •ust" . ."Arm a '44 ' ... ebeet a yaw and Walt sgo.* awning nlnnalad. PM visa , gradually inninalla G aya anw n s h e ann tat us lay eat. and own LW bear On panninvaltinti.bansiyaj d an WI =Mout itr sane sal It ina UM.. or adamant - et the gabs y anin,tbajt .04 , 301 2. = .t w a r uf OCOraria nos seen in visa I Ater Onnan und ans=rerad area b• eadalat 1 out in tbaninthal i was wannal a 47w 1 U. landre Arabian Lbn=as nestte arA . a" aaa Wars: tad La'a eos rya . " = " ellw ...., a. t. .1 i.u..Te.—mainitt .........4 gm, . : PeorajlAinb•:l• 4 C - '-' - - i• . • •• • • ,„ _ Mann /Wu pantenanera .b yn) OW ;wan an andyaw via nest man SW bad lad th a we of bar lew kw tlirmaxae b "hi ji. =4,737tri,4lll,eitir pcadtka of We kno b = •ga tt" lnl-11. 1 , s=tirLi l a r t , ...Pitt is sow able to - Iran WM aunr, und I= a sinderlit. /.bare Wail/ nand aneallent tened7 gby barn ••din. Yor •• =at i t a ar N anwrinendocutalle SbJ's rg SS i U4 n farrier WuhOlitw:lPienn tteanalY Wan banns nub and bat. Wan War =ill 4 llat if' pertarnbag. I al an Wane I i yano 4 . 44 . 1 ., = ,,,......, cf. r... As., / hare sad burn ell the wean gran, rintmends. U. ---thr---..11= .“-- rag Inv.; O. fuse 'a Annan t wands *ST made we of. •Br Mani haw nald Basayand SIB Inn any tan bad bra pronionnallnacrable, ad cand more WA My bora tan ananenth your cb. VA. Mania, ant .I .lr*:r• I eau Intheen 01 Ito an tbehmin 1$ = b ray =Minn./ . a ..n ig, iii eo= 4o - rmr fle es , cita lanyadbau SW. gat • tll 1 enunaandu. =go! rm. F 01... 1 Y '- i " 05.470 . 0 te=nl Wititips.ll Itrx IL a. rop3l) U. IL I. ro.-o.oabeiloire:..tth the "So. robe fter Om .... 7 = 7 , by 01V4 .1 1 . bon - L I A • . jl4 6.a, Wow. da.T. 'To Ala= 614 _64 nottans•of 6 6.66 ; t. .1 vett IMO _...46 .ar . l 4 s tea woo . woo lac .66 : i.a. = 66 74. . 6 1 6 . 6 1 Cer01rtaT6 ...... ,1466 1 6i Su ua nnlaitt .. lisla7s •PI6 6... ,641 -gr embed la) SAM • .DI I , • tot-Voir WI tot= ir, b., ,667 '4 1° F.VAVT . ./^ Bolts Pilot, i"..16 , .6, ta..... 6. SU, t . : . ZsrarinoSerfritt. • TO . 0 04111) !.ITION R/AD 21:1Z M 4 tatr.;OLLY. Tb p.igh, ore womwo, otattoorti &Maw& a t Due Coolafra vplek Ms Isuoir ma& livirl=l . l, I. - y Lb* imq . :6 . l =atm it Ina •- • . Is s tkur 664 .61 won brlo ' to • • ....: to sumo et IrsnelL Them ton 14 • • • .• • ' cal •Is elyr .. egroll's iLlurs imes., • , M ,, ;• 1 MVP.. b. , 666.76. k . .to ex,r. .• • • • gArkvaysbmgao lellelri re n e .P.- 1" .41414.`....-1"..1. Q' Fr ." 1 -4r 's • .! t 'f ''''' '•• Ibraratiatos, u"' 1g5i n 61 11444 4121, brlottor u. U. =i Nods, us. via. 770 , 417. oo =lbo Z a t.rnui. I of Mute, • DeoY Eclos mod, lambi.. Wm:Wt. for Or= el.. "T I-LOnd.. 'clots. sed ow doll. tr boat. IVMIO sr kL Farm 4 •o 11.1, neiabaar=r . 1 lt:V . 3. i 93,100.0., b waemnr attr:antai; Attiemi T . • The ': um 84 pit ?expire, . • CO SAYS NATURE, to tow.) ; toltby or •••••r. •••1••••••• T z• ~.2. : •, ,,, , : •0 5 p zi..••01 1 , 4 21 areaskel gray ammo a l' g verraradlw. sari .2 th• • n's• •••ittoiii ikal. imleisa Q. Air , 101411 u W. Wt. ar art lataarta' oat k ; 3/ Y r tot a, l 2 17 =ot a4 I k a tE , ? aa n a it rat. b....3" k . Nit rue it in each mead II r-1J larla rl T Nit No. 1P......,Y0m. or Loy tiro alma. ' natty la warmed Mal Watt ma tar . all artr , lit at kart ache trla3 VII vim, I matll ea WPM. tarsi of torr triad, rWrt hap. sea Errs bard tray la-aratpad. go , Ls spin ailirted 1 vrerata rotas .11y sal It tar Mr abarg, arakaa 1 Larry It ra b. all I Mat. Thom br. an 1414 a to mutt, f••••••tor •t•v•to oot. oto r o t a ..• l j uoi• a lam a = • Watll7. 4 :::= War de m. tad dab rtll.7.a7Nallbaar jelFt• la its I Um 1 eta. Arr. . Lb* aroma .., elatdra with aid sirraltayk Ix Jane Italian bay 1 yeY U,ACtiIION, wily A=1"1? I'V t bred at W . • . . . . . . :Periily White Teeth, ard Pro Div* to tal e. that • 2tb mat box at Jam Latter Val fuse 'ILI tb t. b t 0 IbL. as mot. sad ID* !moth alarllttoosty !Wet 0..17 lALISOri ticp. 2LO ÜbrnT 4. it.a 'A Scientific Hair Tonle, EeMiW pi= .111••,—.Ittal Bath% 17.% ants. That •lao , Sata. .ti . ltatr ladona. Itnsar ta asallant 2 thaw • Apoi. ve mo th dm lama Ur gab. 12/1 o.inkiE ,, math talr to gria at MIL Pas. Ma masa ialmalad taxa co cm atop It Whoa as cancan ardadraft tad outs UAL or Lay Lair than' Mtn SW note:rag du bar and and as marl tb•—ta mann It trulylLA,lit: dad. th• amt liollacildad-7•t Vl' lad, fa only at WIL LIILILDOSII Sim, 340 Marti afflilL bad of Wort Pliaborna. . •—• • • • JONES' tiolatiern of Jet, • Liquid Haman Zak 11/Ta, tor thaa Oaten of •142•, rad, a wet bath to • nearthlnt Mow. or bar atm. In • ay lantana: thiors—to ream and Mai by WILJACILatiI : 240 LILlainWaUb... 4 WWW4 Add lush. • . • . . .. JONES', LILLY WHITE--Lattlaa an sap taima manna mar roma% Nyman, Chalk. ma met MO bar Wally Mario= I/ l• to Lao% bewiiiscare &a oath.. Wow and canal WrISIWInna altar pips ~.,4 ~..i . c . , a. • lath gais a ball .. • ' Es tananW bet artlca.•bida an gap Jorrf Li/ly Inbla. • • . It Is %arum, ammo. tar at athadanaps dam awl It tanathea l ra • mama. battlry. al. amour, clnar. thing • •/. atm Wm mints m ca. a•th on ab• stth. OM by Ith .114,02.%111. JICIMMIta• dty anat. Mad IftaL PO:abash Pram xi amt• • • - 1 .'• NORITE'S COmpomdElyrup Of Yellow Dock Root OCCUPIES thoi:.Cra.."4 rant Dmang the pro. radon 7 snolidoes of thiOassitry 4w. emphasis autos Csaikar, nett /Rtsnat..l27llpa:_aa. ssad._ Orr dlw em Griffon Quo an Wools data at We a u /UP, (Saar Canetalut.Catah. Smetana, asadashat. (Saabs. &ro asset 71.taem about as o:wan Isrea adios, or hcasseoe. Omar. and Willa" ...Wm Wt tbe 'lomat and la sod With wastetoastoso name to all awe et • Innate. Mania mut Onsfral Dettlity. Ptsvandlaning lb sisalonsal too3y. Ovias taw to the various must sal larstanoanalr lb. aW II the seassce7 of thousand, at Wins Intim, Ins an Sank.: the ...t.7.0. 1 1. canoe spa lilt aingolas. - to autos att thaaora, and had and bream doom asasEttottona lt Ns Us Um aesweadUen: saal as ascurataly ...34. 71 7 V peaamtfoe.d' hatut= 4 "" Uu of "``"""u= rL ,Ar... • P. y the Blood. mem/ sosonicrostc eltsesea which base hart she skill at the U.S phytelans. and has ahio tonal Bat Mason. 12s2kUr 12.2 ma1e711 . 20.a. which Gas= la brL sooet " e 7."7 ll=tra 'r bar bse ouad sp° l7 : 710 toedicioa. Was fay that It la assasubleasallabse all 1111.101/d I.I:IICPLAINIA It smarm all oteuroadone In the clivdattos, tholavor eve, active. sod ho thy. It saloon, .tUUM or &be Lear% eat! retinas to ttt cases et Asir sod maw Ds 61.4 to an ultimata*, and at all swam the year.' • Shia Snap horpanal oulr bC.lloll6r. ♦ 102 *waist's great. rook, lead aoA who/rats sal Nodal, ty . • . If Olds Asyut Ibr_Westent Patatolvants, wok's irszaboosa cons. Weed UN Blab snarl* B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder.. WASHING Without labo l Warranted to tato dm Midas out of Val* Rasta sod amp Doti Drum= sot Ocr--Pot your sloth.. Is o softeltrot ay td add inter to toms theta, Moo add too tottim {Mal Motoitoto this bow Pomba. 1. each .71 gouts of vatt sol sith to Moth. U Iba moms is bud. odd mom of Mho Diode,. odd boll Mom to. otitiotao Itt the sumo Littai rm . them lama vita t 4444 thou hat theta lo • tab sad add salltleat mid maim .a.that (tory MIL sot Ito too not to habit.. Thou nth lb* diets Area.. or ID other Elm Mom t tharonsb riming. bad 11114 L. solidont to lotto...them F90110. : M. adeVissabickat's ..anrign :...; N. . •. t =attoe mit OM Tr bra stay os. 4—,THALX-?10 , lism t in fob &iUlsws • 'kid .-ctio , each. • EMBIMEESI • . VAIZCIP • V.,,, 14, 41.1e311.ti Lemon , it • =YI7-.6.4111 Obi 114 ?V...