PITiEURGH GAZETTE. .00111.11151110 DT 11/Alf • • 00 ).'"''.---,-,ertessv twin SATURDAY XOutso, • IarRRADINTO 11.4112 4 WILL13 11 SOUND E. 4 CH PA OE Perill 3,4ffit• • - HON. WALI3SIII32WASD: ,• , • , ,The szusesed letter wss „melted s few days Memo from our dial:washed fellow eilhen. by s tsralter, of Me peplilj,..l'he elelay:erse oesets; , .. ad* ditbkelqii,:ble. ems for Wane time tbe Costibest, ma pi Dot my rgesives btbillsige• of his ncenisellos, woo. •.' COOILIOCIarij 3aly 18, 1851:: .,. Sir•-:•Yoar letter; info r ming me of int ileilinslion far theoffiee of Jethilot • Court;jostiteeelved. - "Hash* been made stale t was 'absent from , • • borne, It System fbillsge of thelleepeetgrill . • Vide, mod I shall most ebserfollyobeylbe wishes or wy fellow chinas. Wunat OWOOt tr. To A. W. Nubs, nig. • . . . I= WNW ?LAMP: " It with sincere gat:Weldon that we 'lnld . Wore ore readers yesterlay the esioidlon or ptinciples agreed upcnkby the Otis grind ythlg re• IA New 'lnettltil at: the Utica ientios, of dot Syr tune Courtodioi, sail of t ',Whig Delia:Fs of lie Legittadsra Vim On on esaafttlally the time is. those adopteethy the Lamesster Conyention„antiwidelk . we Wen predicted would be the gonad tion whiab the great Whig part] 'or the, dal= would . . Ittalsthe grea parties Of the acanthi hare been ally malted by qncsiions adapt tint o f acting subject of slarrti: For !LON/A . Ol tranquility of thetcacxdrivras deltheyed.emi - • peed ami intemlty threatened, by the extreme • . - ,issue tuterteired• led - etyma.' by 'men of innpundloatade Petriotirti, but who, - io the et , eiteera of the cant 'r — t:r'rtisly were called farther that eras. pendent. to one side or Om other; is • their feelings predominened In New York the great' Whig party Ins fora time &tided LIAO , I hostile total iron:l triton. - Calm reflactioit; ; hoverer,- ' retained, and taught both, the . division' that each 1 owedilo the other some' exicessions. Friendly - coaferences ensued; - *ad the berar,mmilffebel . ' union nice good, itotrOl obi 'llMorithiipilba*. lithe result They arts true bathe floyth: L teer, to thiSoralt, .sad true to the.Unima:ttleettleg. Lie occurred - since the ,isdinisalmi of Tim& ein well calculated to restore quiet : and lialesiiiffa• .• •.•• teelfitlis and to the country a the deelaVaile4; of tali Atnerican prier4lea put forth mealy • tiyilic Whigs of , Peansylarde and New Xork. • • We toot occlusion, it few drys since; to relate • a tioirot . and latemposte - abide lade by the Balt imose.:Aleunkali upon the Whigs of •Piclail*, truths: •Buch eraimeats its were Ms theideemi! elon'uttered by Via paper Lareidana mane q, endanger lie Union th'anali the eitresie patiese • both North and South; hate been ale to'seceopi •• Visit , :It seemed to farget_for tbei time that the . Matti ha d Tie rights is cell ai the eiel that cattoug we may be mots ere For. hips their: equal in 'elf respect. „ fideati da put i ' end although that paper Luna, re far as we bete etieerted, this important Moved mini in New Tort, to athmicions to the repose of the coiostri end the triumph of Whig yet we iregtal inoisierre that. it. is bailed by • leading pspers Booth of Mean and Dison's line, ! among which is the irosaington' R4rUic, with as , , hearty as It has been'by • , the: Whip North of that line. hote.discorered the true lirktaS ranivA • . hei r lipi.rtywhoseprinciploareregnirettesighte abothaho great divide:a of ea Unieet-4br • peekitiey tar, the thtiolabilifr of the rightist piwptrtj the ioterelyti.of the dtatee,,eadtho *Jim) of ditauslllol3. c i • • . te:conortled, an this era of ,caletnees , • ". iisid - goto/ humor, that there was; by implitedeli • sileent,;. inlesiou by, the ' pecipit of •thil Solidi • • tbetie &lends, of the freedinnit?iiiiieKok • r ednle Parliplentaticiii• Tele, he it rest. or imegioao. sea (eit tend ea. dated; t d tmdthattars been pers'aretinl. reitnioat hiattithlted, NOT. iinweter. tie ocitldtutlytiope for a ,ante of , titok kind eltd Whitt lortairly s p smiled- .1 i The, Whig:press of tie sty of ,- Nee Nark art not lice/tally The •I;sprrio;•titleh ban alaiye Nanny defended the ilgblt of 1 1 i 0 4. 1 4 6 j. . IS III) di ffi caltieln our: seeasenabliag together, raider suite eal as tide, -Naiad tar. stitatipaa prisciplore ere, here. enforced,-4unis arsicltierence to..the Cementation of .the Celled BUity.in fife its parts ;..not an we eared rea mt• der:atm:die. ,or chaise lo'nuderetand it. bat as the /atheist Tribunalicrated for Sat porpe.te cipoired it: Lad thin; is in , this all a Dolman pledge 'to meals and defeat' web decisions es the lair of the Land until they, are reversed by the lace tribunals.' . ., Acquieacence It the gam-. promise measures is, aloo f tri and c the Nsw etelblerice • ind support, o . the • What* nt York'.ere Pledged tithe National Administra tion -far: • the. mien'. ability and . patioiltat • which hate ettaractrtired it.Slnellll.llT2:. 111:77,21(.4 which has ever been lllol2llfilla "rem soil? in its views, says that this platform ~ t ittest imeimend ititelf tor Its rigatoni and Jar the. to • all Whigs, no leather how vilely they I • may hate'differed with tepid to the Compri in geaend, or the Fugitive. Law In parr thader" * • • ' , With ti platform so lib- I chatted tair, we may Tell tidy fei . the coley of 'Aimee deniable for,the itiatoph of that sys. • tee of policy which we :belierre'to be for its bat I laterite of the country. The Com . mlttee at Al . heel hate done their duty; it. is . Dow for ohs Whip of the State to do theirs." . • Tar Btfalo aniasteniat, an eepecial !deed of • President; Fillende ;maks arrangement perfected at Albany will ,glee (dere satisfaction to al true,Whiffii in Mil on secti of tha State. It was accomplished with • out any sacrifice of principle, by metal names sloes, ander the pregame of 114 platter demand, • . and in obedience to the antes erne tonstitnen . cite °Cate. antra conscattem Disorpoising enacts; prompted by personal animosities, were wartime .splest the Win- good mete which , gamed the deliberates at the torn rho bad lb* in daft:a, Tim soggenices °tante and bona were not listened to, end hence the • gratifying result annonaced belay. Ws are per: stueled.thet the Whig cense let sot to be drew* ' • hereafter by. the:sinister tiolence of: th e estre. • Witt. ,Sfen of a angle idea, who hate saga to keep up the stherriescitement, lathe ally mese% • 'nff e i f, of maintan•,. • • . position t i cousm agoza and sg . pnr ant toto.their enificance Amity. The of the Wage °filer York' will be steady and onward. They liateirteuiltel ' to support the gamma administration, and to• . • ' stead firmly upon the political platform of tit he Wag party of the nation. la re reseentable or • respautde quarter will there he further diana- . stag abiant Voris, or Opil2figiil. orpersola Pre' , fereart; but instead thereof airigoracia,trarfere • spinet the common enemy,. . ; „ The Cleated Herald says:.. •.• •': “With. great gratifestims we ere ebbe to an , wane. that ha - Whig party d - Neer Ton is - spies Unit, ready far action and anted for the approating Presidential Campaign era a plat - farm epee Web the Maga of the Clean tan mand.”. The two State eed Legislalte-Corruidt. tees hen scatted In frianiug a cett.for a Beat. COSITIMICII.IOIk.b. lad /1&6013.1); end embodies sacred Whig.datrines. .10 the coming earerpalga,-.irtiorrer. may be libe rmaizeir the Wt.*. National ()antennae, lb* Whip 'of the • Empire , ad 11ookeye /item will gip am as "• •.' cernat.. - sma . dtanite and einclell•alrildt, and, calomel:rem liattics, Wiwi add In essuriag his one teed mato. ircb# , 4 done. These genii l'fb'elPferee*lntithi#o,ljilia tY.the I,l444wifii;.roon; adetantiallythe same as those laid dawn by Oa: •Johnstan in , ids Last Lama Mealy, end of for which be east with rellnitnlicazu a k 't . ; ~.. - '1 : hfs . 'politica' !deeds in, that day of , heat , ant et rife ' lint cant dent in the,fiteidneal and.ln* , • • dcs tf his position, literately and quietly mati-1 rased his grouted; and new be hes the sanslap- Olelading' threat to th e 'midi% et oil . . . • • re*.A.7.;41.. . . • - #strirlAr D l o l C .2 ,,cti. .4 1 L. 14 g 09*-4-41,0 icarimlrwari sof itmartative titer tarvirucal in this rat cf tho wort& Aa coital of-It teach ,13 from maury quartets arldcly repented. We have already Elven some account of SA= a:unite - SO this ‘iuir•Perate iutaattes. But -It was tiorter l 7' 'Wed in' &anent" county West as, it aaa Tai4bi aa is c;r• iliecr.s at Whew, beet etti.tinieleatt. The WetV era Etataartreo4lool4Weret:etilnettlikr detalia oft o diotliedtasibgts Itheit 9i the isms illaposObere vis slog on - fAW. C1440101i emu% r.X." - sied Mutsu coon- on . n ammo . „ TOTEM Mai 't ' figirees gre era The mid impattant *atm of the Allsedit's rixn e e . t h e divines le the defeht of the netlike schenseiin Re O arernor meat ~ ► at- , Owee-eitowiwasis el Mee nausea that Thant these fistkeni Aintobly„. • Thant Were len a good deal of excitement leadeemorty and the adjobtieW co pe will be throughout Yana, when the Mgt wan kn 1 14041-4 thi IVA ELAM is VP. kitten will no unpleasant incident Mined- tO diem* the dit• REM). ItcOtusti t'FrNgww Publ i c rwCw• .-•• • -- The Constitutionslidellintkteisteu - -so 70 9 0 4.1 „41421;•viii c' r irtir t r ab kft ' rre the Irede''...but — dedif' same tbe most sordid, there erre many hate expressed for the on the I.B* io ger _Weir MALI ckief Malgs fowl,. •.• tri * . 3 4 beer from Lls owe Lips so iiipusition The London sad Liverpool press are taken up of the principles w • Lich guide blot in his admin• with comments upon tibt, to them seemingly nu , .• • - looked for result The. Times bfell of dint tittatns. Gov. /ohm= has Ear.duced . an euellent Pinnutic2 the Wm* sad the TATIIeI pa pas see iu the detest of Napoleon's as pir ations custom. and one all we )001* mil Penetw - Wing but new revolutions , new • • lani—lhal a meeting tits cidtjutz bee to - Wm, We, =Wag Marva (millet with the people, is well as Witt the vesonecte, improremeots and eantsof theConmisotweelth. in requires amen of talents to do this with advantage to himself, and none other ought to wire to that bonorside and respuusible office, Us Li a universal favorite where be is known. His noble appeertnee, his coartems mnoW his simple but impres sive eimpanue, make a highly PIT4IIIIbIII loopres lon wherever he gum We LaTIM atteation to a abort, .00 10 1 ,0 ou the Impartailms of Ina, and Its 140 4, mina from the Westiamvistel Intelhgetteer. Our reli.ace Lon 444 sad ca the pointed, e42ln" Mem* teachings of rush erriteri as "Ilempfiehi." We her be will write who. Pmrsemost.sen arm 0ZZ1134,1 Huuotn.— A for • piddle melding few of this enterprise will be fosmd is iti ippriprisie Owe in this paper, to b bet/ oil blondey 'ming, at 'the moms of tbilloiefid "Trade; st wbueb dins tits eammittmrsiiter preemaid td plauliipta., 'under • midst= of • timser m - sift& WM cake their mart • thle oppostooolty of Laying that the Wore of the Gnats to codes the argent- 'ration of the P. et s. Beilroad Cmepsny arose, :net from I feeling of humility, es the Peat char ateueiminkf 'charges, nor throe& an trverolgbt, Istabenause the botice palmed at onus into the '66treititiog department, noel did not - COMO an- Amens evye - at the acting editor until elks the 1111 r Wi perlna luuwt ' - • ••• WOWET,IIII2II6II XIW TORE . isms**. importations, ropenitedicsi , by a ,fea,trada Witt, an beginning to work their kennel* , tdfects open the crony marts", IA •- 10 =f.itiliftmula gold. Our New Yorktown'. • Val. tell the reader how things an iworitiog there. The tact is the annoy . is out of pated , --It tam lost lie balance. bare too many Proatrors of acricelkirol prodocts, for which.. 'unitizes. ILA hoes tint ama, la. 11, t . t• a Prolitato market_ dad we have too Mr producers of manufactured attain ; benne foreigners uL supply our =net with .the,.. cheaper than we cm, snake ,theta.- _ The resole of this state of :things k therefore, just what any . amts capable sot remdagtma teat' to affect would have !tonere:4 sod did foram • , • Boom time since, we argued that things wen 'tending to a point of esteem doprinalm; that it aspeosibie La such a stale of auroral sr imattoo7, timtprosperity could continue ; bat we confer that the estastrophe in New YEA by came sooner than 'ire soticipatect Paper, which Mar • months ago could have comminuted ;bash at 6 : to : 6: per teak cannot now be bean under 12 to le. Ire seer use Animal et meatus' g • wittmefuellf/ 'aiarat,;' b r ut srs would be extremaly,glins It • we !inanity pennede the people of the hatenthet,lin.. !inanity of returning to Um policy of protection. 'We 'tail go Into no abstract argurnento, nor yen our theories upon the people, thonsfit It Would be Tay easy to do so. Bat we point to ' experinCe • cf the past and present—to the ! ironrying truth that general prospezity las always followed the =petnitiot of 'protective and depensin; low prima sad disuses ltsfe brie ; sussded ;440 4 is These 24401.1isSssil of -espesieuce are watth. itento., _ithas ell the declamation that was sew Imecesd by UM fledged politicising *bout Ms an.' litivie solfettimm st.tbi pour , sad the oppkw t s o . si'.st - the rid:, thc;2 l ( -11 4 ,4 P 'i°00°04 _ !lerislieries, who would sot More at reftelle jethosei rests ateres are .oree, and 1020 pr011; . 11T tmTer together—fellows who Insult the poor mad l i byinsiedltlog that be belo n gs to a degenleti, itask to soilety. '• will perhaps do some of our free trade : Bovine good: to rehearse -s stems - with 'Mk= `many - of - oar Peimailvsnle "deolocesur vista isoes ',sty tuaillse •• • i , EtEor•flOnt Clay I Waist makes you hook so bine; . We will have Polk end Della', Sad the Tong of forty-fro.".. Ws tanned to this and kindred snatches In .1814' with feelings of pairt, Weans, we knew perfeetlY well that it vas ell *Meat, and that if they nneeethlekl In their object, Polk and Penn iinold eon. 61 the tariff , of ,'412 lied we', not been pretty araU acquaints' with the ' , demon , tier of Penneytnels. We should tom Foctlded noctidently Mat the sitbssquest wanes of Polk sited IMllaa iostd have played the =Statist with #is psei in ,Petareylvania. Bat they bore the mange with the greatest pettenee, wheeled Wooed; de:mimed the tariff which had been their iellytog cry, end noir Te hare Me Amite of all I' 4lB- te ratans The feet that Mosey is tigjvt , !'in New York to an 41Titienen of enemata impor. taltoit:lndeed for mood , " put nay Mesmer ..catitiCe66 boatels of thousands of. dollars.— . The big Cull. yes that Me tutusof gold from Collimate would make it sp; and Li appeared to do so for • time, but this expectation wu falla cious, as we now see. • , E Ttis Great pressure was attributed to:enrertroding .sod speeded*: which WU In part tans; but that its prbanpal cams lay In the want of protection, was proved by the instant revival , of prosperity OW the enactment of the Mild tat of 16112. The great nil during Ms period to which we bare adverted. as well is at fhe present moment, roosistrd to crusting one departmeot of prods LoMistry, end oveverosralsg snottier. The whole questicia Is Una narrowed down tO this simple and abalone %POW , Scannell Psalm lesrrneowisele ire stated a few days eis, wan to take place :to Llarlealcoe, e., warred there on the ?Mb olt /dna 'Ettbrige, er, presided. misted by sixty vi eft presideeas and escrentrita., Letters were Ma from several ,distinged shed ame, speeches liar spade by Dillrn, emong whom were A. P. aridl3. is Baroweit, Ewe , sad a series Impressive of the viers of the Mina, edonted. , Excepting that the project Othennolate Depirisig State , merino Irma decia, P:4ARelln 'be inexpedient, there, vas Wng in Its lvetwtre to dietiternish the lent ili onstratina. from those width hare beta made by the plies e.totherzi Eighte saeodatton: The redionionely atworl doctrine, deolsrin eseh etatheovervign, and thieleford entitled to roods et will loan the 'Union, wasdiatlncily end neenelided4 anrrfted la the resolitions, and, the equally obvious filet ' hood that the North hie made, cm it tasking, sg grotsionaupon the Southern tights, weeprecisiso ed as broadlyse it ear has Woo by the most , violent brattlene, against the ,eontederscy, who mare themselves 3D the make of the friends sod advocates of • sePerste State wombs. ' _noires& tench; therefore, those who participsted in the roeittpt referred to may, flatter themselves that titles:tsetse is more respectable, or enlightened. pr OititotiO4a point of erne to to thst we ineetimatle :compact of toleration , opoa whieh all the blessings and rights of the :dal Pate depend for secatity-,-- than that of the gethesings'Areld by thamoirttrztrein distmlwelets, ' . 'iclisiteddevodi. by all right tended people, 1 •0 41 42Litalttle, IS gay, hatter.. and the ova PYs7.lnabiXicetutso 41 POMOIM; substs!i 3010stillenii perverted villieerli.rki other. • . . I s tro Calla AL1111).--Tbe. antral of lks../Ld• sm. CErsy.' With four dap Wee urn from Ha laza, Lad without an/ additional ONLE21:1111111011 91 the reported mDltalaktry yromedisit, hat castErsi aa La 0 , 41 Claihkei WV tom loastatarit eapToolind of Doi • of o .7phal character at th• publications &hitter:Dada. Thom i aatblop lbal vs have moo la_ eaocarenagalame tints a ratio, of pahaa within ilia Wool to Whim the bell of that say mime gathrtak kaa aonarred or atttidpve lat To [pia moat ma nation aka* Ow nosy tali disposoL is ths =lto rota tadated-ta la= riarn walk Aly tx Mt:ark Ltt apadltioto pi oo spooesdoo, ta old La dralezanUoo* La doom who mat- I modtramiP thartia IC Oa a • idoist° IlLtstb•U Wbst it Is reprosodisl =Wag LL latL El all ds ode; *Di if c °gamic of now iliSiat bag tam place, DP We iroseist, • toso tiIT.OOATIRO cal% Issa WSnb.mrd cam wee. lain do Ws krain say, look batire pro I esp.—N. 0. e ..P The mod notable incident In the proceedings of Pealancet, since our last, is a speech from the Date of Wellington, on the Civil and Sale. diciest Titles BBL. The following Is the pith of . ! las remarks: t.I have CO desire to Infringe on the rellgionii privileges a. the Roman Catholics; on aba COW are 7, I wish them to enjoy every means of gold !lowing their religion with perfect freedess:: (Med.) I confess I view without apprchemdim the effect which this messed may bed in Lye: land. Vied.] We have had • good dealefhZ pedalos In the effect produced In Ireland 111 measures pasted by the Legislatare There vas the Belief Act. A greddral Tea expected bots that, end It vas said that it would put en end to agitation in Ireland fore err. Bat in the very your—nay, I. beUent.elearst In the very month in which it became the law of the land—Leith egitalks reconimmed. (Cheers and laughter.] How arta'. since thew, has the Crown from time .tocime„ bad occasion to complain of egitetion in Iceland? Mow often hes the Crown come to PlVllnnlane for additional powers for the perpoes of putting down. the agitation, or worse than agliailaav aninting In that aaininrithe Belief Act notwithstanding? [blear, tied.] My 'd ebts to your lordships IA to do that which Lelia* end needisery--to mainpais the power and pee; Medd of 44* Crown, and 'to WWI the sub jects of this daft - ) and qo more, and you may rely on it you rat ears the support and • good wishes of the loyal people of Ireland es well an ' of this country. (Cheers.l !laving the mile foams on this occasion to differ from my obi* Mend, the noble Earl who addressed your kid- dips second in the deldte, I felt it neerdert j,t . e tremble you with these few worde, to sheie whet. grounds I intend to import the motion foi the second resding of this blTh"• (Loud cheers.) I • Bts Joan Paaistrs.—The fading to. the' copy of e letter received by the Meyer of Liv- Crpool, to reply toe petition to the preying that a vessel might be area in search of • .31r 4ohn Fraatlln , gperastrr, July 14, 11351. tt fita—l somadeddl fey 121 t bends COW . .llll37lloaare of the Admiralty to acquaint you' that they have reoeived and have had ruder con "Hero:ion, the memorial elped by you and cer, tato of the =unhand ind inhabitants of the city of Liverpool, recommeading that steam vessel be immediately dlepstched to the Artie tied, to explore Jone's Bound to search of Bir Joan prig, qPd bleparty. My Lards fully appreciate the humane rbogreo T h! 9 4 line deiced tbe merchants and inhabitants of lanr pool to thing this subject spin before the Board of Admiralty, but- feeling that every turtle° for the general object In new, has been made, • they are of opinion Out th ey • cannot comply with aid erode, consistently with their sense of public, de w ed! pr=lbility In idle& er farth en an In tAtal• tirqe dr, your o lent bumble smut, • '. - J. PIKER. "The Mayor of LieerpooLv Tv 011 AT EIMIIIIIIOII.-0311111 221 70,440 • Demme visited the Crystal Palau—an =prat lented number on Monday, and 11,838. was taken at the doors.; /$a important eittniar has been bets issued to en loy . f.pe Em Committee, announc log Out thay are the Constatemon to form a repqrd thtoll4 Artie iq Behibition whioh arc cal red 40 Pp of nee yr rittql• On , =Nation, and larittrig ersoperation. At no early period we pointed ode the nine of sub a col lection, Sad we earneeil, trust that every full ' lty will be afforded by iudirldnals bastards a walk lathe steam of which the manufacturieg Interests of this coantryi axe largely coacerned. FILItiCE• , ;211zr i r corespondent of the Loudon Times 'the scene In the Fnmeb !National As sembly presented Wllly the gull =is on the Be- OW= was taking, eape that the Wale? corn- . mewed at • quarter put air sad mokd et • I to eight o'clock. Pens Bontrparte, depositing his ticket in Lim ant, cried oat, • i'me is B.webterser When , the trainload= of , the yams was concluded there were not ewe thus IGO repraentatialt in the Aaverably. The re: =lt was then mocialmear as ta rot above—a re =lt which arse mauled by the Moan** with a cry the same as that uttered by Pierre llorrapart• Fere la Repthligur, and the lime adjooned It maybe ottani - I to obseree that the eonelivion 'of the debate was oat anticipated by the ptdidio. !Ikea were several meatus—among than M. Ifentalembat—who It was thought would ad- dress the'Assembly. The decision to the con., pry wu, It is aid, adopted by the Parilamen tarry Gish of the 6 - aides Pyramidal in the coma of the woe Manuals ••Tile principal members who sated egtirm the revision, arms in the 'Mrs?era—Generals Ca vaigtme, Lamoriciore, Bedew, and Le tio ; Dufaure,Corne, Crams, Monet, Velette, fit, Beare,, Lafayette, aid Ferdinand , de I t seteyris ; hp the Orleans party—Maste. Merv, Bare. General CiloAponitr, • ;Oa de' Lastarie, Deleueet, Damoouwua, do Gine Menace, de Mornay. Placatory, de Neenuess: !Undo Nor Nord, insPcmdet and In th e ultra Le gi t party—Messra L• ROOAttlirquelein, Leo de Tabard', Itaudot, Boulder de PEcluse, Otonberel de Loyal. Fawn% &e. MORS. Na t pAeOtl BOMplite, Pierre Boasparia, de Lamar ! sloe, and Omani Vanier voted against the re ' vision, Ileull. Mortimer Teruo:, Navin and Ferry. about at the moment of the ballot, ham' Written to the Nourrwr disk tad they been pm eat, they would have voted with the ustiority.— Of the SP members absent. either be leave or accidentally, sit who sheathed, IL Yuma alone belonged to the minority. M. Duple, the President, who seldom takes part la ballots, voted in favor of the revision. OMMI, FROM VICTOR HUGO, ON SU MT ix Tne, mum STATEN. In compliance with the Mout of lira. Chap man, (• noted abolition women la or 'WO Pair con,) who la reported to entertain • deep inter est in the Anti. Slivery cause in Ibis coun try, Victor Hugo has written • letter upon the subject of A11143241a /MUM', Thich appears la the Paris Er...nomad lisnans: I hare sanely any thing to add to you let ter. would cheerfully sip every line • Purees your holy work. ou have with yon ali great souls midria good helms. You are plowed to believe end to emus me that my voice, In this signet ewe pf elevery, will be listened to by the greet krurrimln peo ple, whom I ion so profoundly, and whose dee. skies, I am fain to think, axe closely linked with j the wisdom of Francs. • You desire to. to lift up my tole,. l I will do it at once, and I will do it on ill ea I I clan& I agree with yenta thinking that with in s definite time; that within • time not distant, the United Bates will repudiate shivery with horror. been in eneb vo country. ' Can them be as Incongruity mom mooslipps. Dubai= Installed in the rem heart of • society which in itself the affinnation of civilintion; libertjbear log W elmin; blasphemy echoing from the altar; the ease of the negro chained to tetitgedestel I of of Weiblegton It La thing unh . sergeres, it Is impossible. Snob • spectacle weld -dektavy limit The light of the clue twindiewitary alone, li sough to destroy it. Malt Watery sairetioned by the ley among datillighlinelirsteigibswho for aunty years have 'inliainMeillther.pregresee of civilisation by their esedii dessonstrated (Lawrie, by their power. sidlibarty by their prosperity! Slivery In the Mated Staten; It is the duty of this republio to set each a bed crimple so longer. It is sebum Abel she was never born to bow her heed. . It is not when BMvety is taking lave of old cations, that it elsould be resolved by the new. Whet! neu every is deputing from Turkey, shall it rest In Arogriost WWI Dries it from the hearth of Chair, and adopt it at the hearth of Franklin! No! No! Ito! There is an Inflexible loglc which deralopcs more or Wu skier; which fashion", which To drams aucerding to a mysterious plan, pimp title only to great rpirits, the feats, that men. the lowa the monis, the people; or better under all human thinp, that are linage divice. Let ell those great souls who lose the United Sister, as a country, be roecoured. The UMW Stew must renounce slurry, or they must re. bounce liberty. They cannot moque liberty. They mast renounce elatery or renouncer W. Oespei, They will oats moues the Amen; Madame, with my devolims to the CSUM you advocate, the homage of my respect.' 'novo& two°. Jaillet, Issl, Purls .‘ . . . Mike CSCIMPOIT Of rit 6 birei tNOOURAOR. ILOW, INSTITUTIONS I noes $..4t Wsget is W. lrynbiXtir ore. U. Upsn,llrateett.--. 1 . W. IthEMSoey. Psby boos resposedts Wary torrobsolls. As mrple tooanally the t : J r= INC Less, is •Abselsl *lts ab a t s e er tbs sto osz a.l aura. ntbobbss, sal roverabi Icrots Lbs mozarantty So lb& ssalsor. Ll:S.l4szor. zszt btoorrltr. Iscw Ilasory, On. 4d Lashes, Li 6 Wolto us nest i trost /Wm?. mass L FIL . -4 N :: 11364 tainit i ef ;al km the Um PUI, :theeemet sad ea:melba hi be 1 110 Use, et Time!. althea th bat .Om the satire! Ittelj bee the ietak,. tt Iw elreeir .raid as tads &gm ipmplauy Where tatrurieteet;, rb. gethad bowian. Yearn. Lea 06., el; th. ...41dpa, who male In PiUi *Mad terete . •-• • °Non Oda And It alasort o Maly telfart t. fa sir IST.: Ttle or. Own RIM is oat aantind toot pnrtkidar oadlon of Ito smutty. tno dmand I.LT gip ,mu, ISOM tba 'Math boat.. 4d '.d Win. 700 MU is,Vadnata. L. mato aoantnin knoll oaartoro rr tb.thdts ittrus thin that Olio abet• And lb... Mora the bat ro wdy onoi fit dinowerod t Unmade desineetoold , . 6100 • Cth. onog.dtailtdi ; jerSCOST fiLLTINGS.—The friends of Gen. WISIIIKLU EMT, OO r•qttootait to moot 1. toy4;•rotioi UT• et.plm 1114114% Os flateirday. lb. Oth of Amota, for IL portatio of Itrnolog dalmattood to alteod the Emit ,Coartttleto. to be bald to m.latr.r enubiiitb.os .WlO St Anatt; to to. °TWA talk. of (Sobs OW.' mots m.nootttud Joharton mum, TO• otoftlay to bt hold at Uto 00001 *sew, to ite yards too tuna/0a... 17 Ve.laek, sad to tO. townattlat at 3 o'slak. P. U. onler of Us. Ccooolttoo or Arraogetorodo.: ; • ' Petroleum I • Itiruu.rtmzo, Uuntlalloem. Moßdl4.ll. ssur.—lbea Mr. Vert Tstiotens Is erostLog lib. den is this thelefbre of weld tbsalt mums!! as me dans by WI rensurylesals tiellernel. We an et Ur Ir sal. .4 It is Wins Lcestired for sheen evely . 4o. Town. e•spestrulLY. .1011 N LONG I ' • liammtsa. Jtebtaal aa.o. Mach MIL *IL L. a DPlf his, Tow Acesa. • is yeses • • • 10 mills se lb. 'Loom Dods lAL eirtkh we Dave PM :now *s. Mrose WA Qeao Lowsell•bal. Tate vegeta• b eretkkosr venters Is thie mikes. We sae oblabs essesal euellent certbleskr. If las desire tbs•s. !seer at. , • W, W. awn% .liariala by Lusa bi•Dosell. 110 Weal eteeeb.g..* Aerbft, e 7 Weld street B. A. rahnostest. • Ccs “rses Wad sad TroMeseeti• D.IL Curry, D.l. Mott. Jaen* Mr..* LL Ochsratts, Alleibetty. else M. by the pm> IL the • • ebtAlleg? Ossall34.3.Beseeth et— Ptuabaseb. jerVIUTII FLOATS ABOVE FICTION LID OIL &BOYS WAII/L-arhe *let z nes tea Selle red eletteteebynythe Mee owlet ea sln. tee trU PO aeon by eating It. Awl U m uses Woe flotea bode It Ivor, U &Aral the letiletertly etth the whale tat/. You met letrolwx*etellotto tato teed., u soles women tolilyeatelsitlel Oaten, Doe tn. ell be ellecte at n/11 obinthout. god U U 1W Gat %het be rstablltbol the onesatkos of .Dull'e Cougenual Fluid Kumla Per eepertUe." beyond Jl cern or daptin. ha dello° .poi tbe beaten syrnot la le etombeor •Itt. ntkoel itra keopbleal priodplre—lt prootelat the wins wereUtio sad eurttosa of the betty. 'emus obtensetkoa. umbern corbtl end *lamed Latin, eine 'Own the • dooneh not divan. ammo, meta. ay. pun. meg harshly toe* sea revalue Um rykete I oadaol2l ,bon d the Wryest oriputo et tbe ball. That la ail perform:A without the toot 4s.e.per or barte„ tba prepentko b.log le letb , mitt to mewl... .It may to thought by the eltatehteL thei It purports te ten to men bet upon mode., Ole. It .111 be limed the& t lameetatoruy ey the alw. etArb egllrt the Ibuotee tonal MI 60 lo se Impose ergs 'of btoaL It: sot a... 41.4. tbrO.e. b 7 ether lee eaperUtes Wet carnal Yro. DI 'NW aril , . or =oboe. AM vete , le•perstiote ea retetlytte Oar tb• arietteal Jebs . reirs PormeratU• f Ibis valuta. preyousuoo the proprbear moron to br Mona to eU others. rainetha—betren sad let Par Urn orteteal Dr. Jbee • OW'. sanoterake Leehrtair-oed hen to b e ere .o . t . itoUtereaut beetbre rye. ' • Waage*JLI . LOWZI.L. Wort et. • Prio.l4 " • Mona& a leetalt *trete • ithrThezrea test remedy of the age semi to betM .i.tinrd mNfde. oaks !to. io 'Adana , la Is t.e4. a .attar athalaame, fear allfra Vega lacataisagattil agaUtke On holly& gala lag wag tmairlas jaidal balm, k • (And bad • mot amen bratrortleh theaabludoortiarstiam O. bag aid amoral tasaallea b as sere; ibex b wall dying la UT WO. farralra 1f12 4 / 1 Uganda; am WO. of .11ab •a• Walt mad bier. V* •• &labs. tam Oat asteat or _tia, tai ttila eaMlatt al . analak toa lreal4 bar 'had • &aim* Um a.lritirseek. Jr -4 Foreign sad Amine= Bardwase. .1 LOGAN, - : 'WILSON & • CO., • No. 129 Wood Street, .. yI.4TX NOV EA WrOlti sal .0110 4 . , . Mite hat/art Aim Ailiciata • HARDWAR E, U. , lXtet trek u. inessmi to ofv to pactsmei 14ruse Mg empors . ' Lasaisbar winger, a! the eaters eltia ILATIIthAD .11210=0.. . . PrrTsßtmati & STEUBENVILLE RAILBOAD • PUBLIC MEETING will be held ,on Nowt.. owsler. ttn nth Of / I S oul r pee t. lb. A. m. el tbelloaltto4 ot tW sad !1.0.W.. ttaltra.d. to fwd.. U. at • Y'WLrtilladolpflta tti.Mo.4, . atagt....t By ant. of Prestlout. — lfietzestooTicke ta to Beaver, 2S cents. - yrII E • flee .p.v.enges stetuuers j BEAVRA and .1.11C1110 , ..1 blo all has i larahar , .e kV tra arab awl anon.. mr, 41r. V51D , 6404.1 as foilovo— Boom. kagra Pwwlasrola seaa. N. Odwbottx 2r. M. blo - Attas do • do . _ SP. 0. de S. N. forams otrillog to go w liwayrr ITYIt• Errozdto Tirkrt• Itordwalw awl back Sr Pllwattnob. Oar Id 'rata 70414. cord /Wawa ow air and op to. writ. • ..,11a a tr arotj board idestsboam .10awarr No.:. or at tar .• . Jails A I:AUGHlll.lrast , gadCor..Watar !ratbdia "au ittarbaraa... itENALE COLLEGE. Azincal SaariCM at itho Waiter es Nato Uolt•r• of Oarteasu. .171 eammen" , ur, *UVULA. Ito emsw. utotturtma 141 tnbinta..iabnrlsg suut tb• suldect• umali• taught w =Us raitnur. ono lestrua•Mtl bed bAu ••• ter Mbar •roowbuhl brosuts. Ito Frfrusin, U .4 mowed et veal gutlillut tad muou4 %nip . rrilvdh)r Vra• st. • 41t, sudnstr. &loom. tes •Pa partuulart ay pIT perusal ro.r.. tly k VrtD Vulu.7l ttgbaNelles•• batirtitl ' ' • U. en r.a, Ara Ittllogophical Lectures sZip* , . • .. MR JOAN &MINION &riga. ring radbnleds EtriarChis Pb rit worpantiat rAii T 4 AlrAVlVErif ri tnuse as mesh anat. HIS EV LAND, Am 4 M. TN.IND. will ermio.rwai whb the gross IWnstAis Salmi with whith M.UI a nowt wish a palarsteS bottom • pi:math. of wear. ...ht. U t ma as thaw as ;lemur*. 11.014.4,11tatem,.bo•lem the mill= pima ..1 , 47 , 6 twalmaAtium I , prviP? .obandag the Nation a( W. aatonsi •tata. raw tin• la/ "yeas. Sea : harsh.," ar•ll.oasaai.les ay.. • Wask.l.l•4 tritaia. Respirawlow.. o'.lswain. "iel ths pow." .1 .TM tberosamoll;rantatry Alr Cbmpstrwir, " % " 1 " 1"ab a hIS. hiohLowszinastsd by • toad*. sestaleht na calm. atr II am. =jorµop of thk. gaparaili4 he will tin • e•isltt•lrpN rmfh u'46 l3r ci:Maruregdi=l l 6. l •••= Tasi ANTIPODEAN PEDESTRIANISM! • I. • latch /lnliaCt wen, is as lawstiai whim. spa", th. wain name of • laisitir asAisliail whs. awt tau" . SEnwar. son atIM detest. Pedarnaiww Socowismiuso el. isreclatis. Autialoko IS min Delhitelor West lb* -•— • NEW PALL GOODS, di Na. C 2 444 Market dm% Piagirry*. . ti.A. MASON A. CO. are now in dAily re m/ t4:...au. ouba . Whlrb A... berg h. 12 f O*. tor wilt to lowa.. • 6 • lb awn rev ftoo tog lisop.dips m a il. rassero Mier, •bteb grill IN ria WP.. Um saw. rmale• • sicts ..IrA Us tager'SVlrUrnbrXir .. b r %XV. cbsors la NB 111 661 /. 16 . 1 . ' .. r; MASON & CO. base just received • •s••••• totgo supply 010.11,0+M tootrottoonl sod llwiss I lasmuag. ant Asks. sad Mt so . Mt.. gas% at 13 k 14 Motet a. KW EBIBROIDERISS.—Jost receivad 50....• my Mrs oat*, su•ust... witb mat es• layortalßes. •••• s uurs..4 Wm. Polk, 1.-Ittolatts, bun was X Sloovoo,Joartoott mot /Moo fßojt.crito itod bototital otykte. Jsotoott sod Ilirbo lams. Mix. RIM. owl Mock Yotio. Le 4c. &Wm. We et Uts Wis. is psttleottoty looliotrod to „gib fog?oittro IMltrnottiM.AtiliAlmrtgrar MU! BLcic illohair Kitts, &c: Minn & BURCLIFIELD have.ree'd Tirrtintb,:s:::l4.ll"""'""il 3.11 P KU. ICIi — LIJSTEING —An additional malr awa try iiOIIPIIY BUILCIIIIELD • Vail:110)11i Real &tate at Auction. 1 qv, 81:118C111BAR offers for Sale, opa Cfr aro 7r1 , 0"M?!..."1°14.4 rie.qr, le I.o* so. 11.1brftrielq•bie Om /km brkk 40nrIlles bout& on beron4 ems. 414•••• 144r6.4 sod •••.b. km, itw k• th• lot=bl9l.4tratby6Tb.rNal Wooo7bogfot. 4 !rot • , kolas lb• portals atteha tad v as the um= b rmsa jAntia lL %apsolattato • • t Wood mod. 6400 rt WMM. %Aka roma., .112 ,1 sir 1 4 ' Allegheareandy,l3B: Neiffni,,tyiknormi viweareir Jaler. ' • ti INV l" 7 et tu Ven444' ..eL sow. towtr 2411 19th.1431. \ - Om of 11.r.trilus..Atianier. ,•,, 11 11" .1, :6 W astrEq i l d rj. po_1•11:6841tor Olatettni• [Outgo:l,om ChiLearr4.l a. fl Ye. hater • • • • --- .AU woo. laneutel piner te tag isetke tba3 the miller Igo. smell will litter& t dorpsrpte, of hit ahrolight.t. ibitglai of Todd a Night!. e. 1.4 Rank 10.44.Pitc.barAb. sslarda 7 . I.l* =4 4Ar A4irri 4 . arm st Teekek. P, 34.0 t that div. 0:446C,r4.4, • O. U. if . 1•41 tor. Scarce dad Desirable Goods. OF VAIUOUS STYLES, o n Morn mur in, brill:WM BIIagIIVIX 11741".=Vat AttialSaliblsntlel to tblit elfelae:.k.tiaa rnisch ta.. WbUe Wats ix _ • ` li4 . 7lllaskinw today ..0.1..T.wp fte• • • Jell • ACH . OICE collection of Ehrobbeiy.Vinia'• g. ' 0.0. f. lbuo.l7.4o+vicnr,oot~7. obouruk Thi... IMAY ....an:Zrar rne7 . plaal ado rary.lsrarst ylls sod , will th loi. Molt Mats& sal 1171:261.1.!Pulabecrgb , evr; toff bask Itr Ur Odom: lea Cr•lsa and aber nterbaosalor 0.11.2 a. • 0,0 9! I.b l . o bid t* lb. T ,,, rid.r; lrott Ilasetada; illr.r ~tt. Ihg, 'rill n.,• root 4 dater • " , • t EriElTcB . SitRTm CO. have rettrv adi ed rrR ACKERElkaios. /: '2, and , 24 It Yak, 1 4 , 141"..4'."1' ) . 1 " . 4 " I. Jaw var a co.:. I HAVE just recilred oi3e case ding& Net,, .F-1 2 X"'" 41 .. 7 1 " mit-Ittita rbim $ ; •-• • REESE-4S boxes sale by .. ' JOS vfor os sossubsar a co. . --- - . Thiv*l teal Nark York Piniabing Walt ' :?•r- 1. .: • - . . &limit : WHERE work is done on Seizetifie WM 4..di&eueemsa vmeaaer. le al lb era4o. eV smarm sal di..T.Wh- M.: • . ....... . od sip with abarch hos -45 to 1i716 Ik rete....... :---,-..--,:,--:: 2, ' •, . i., ./.=. . ' sim Ckolithei,-.--.-..,........ I to•• • I ',.• rtrasilw-............ --' ...-:....;.:.::..:, • 5h.... 1,•• :: ' t fwwl.s. wwiit t. -- w - a a i lli .. .., Air jump.. =Wrr, AlsaiModl pot iiji a &law!. d trpar , . wwltmiN" I Paiiipc 117 4& Ihisi:shasiik ky . ii.wa Vats la act , raw. , h. owaril27. raire refi, its 1 ; bse .. - • atr Wad sad "WWII*, -,. lISESE--3X.1 bona rime, ferule . V 11l 17= . • . . J.E.c.l,r= 1..1;1 • .1:1t .30 • • 1011 • •' • Nei tixdc, , Just Received. YEAST: i Pr'Mimi retaiited *Rh aerie .. Un tot uldOlocu; er Lb. What at Alton loan • Mawr,of Clacastra.!ltru of Egypt by Jacob Abbott. • tbl l 4 ' i pert L and ra atal meesa.s. Apiltaa' p.a !ILK/make Maps.. sad Itystanarf hair miapskah ftsim Nos. 31 aao Lwo i.&l 11,4 coop of tin arriiptim Ulatorr..vith =Lb- OannObba an•• tar .h b 7.. •• kLERAT 18-125 boxes pvls . -••• - 42 aria", l i lN , ; l (}4p? O . IL-- . Or) bl?l.lolLici=x LA" FlBll--10 bblx:Witee . • . attd:tibernlut,' , UC1111,173-30 ilettilasjetta, tut sale by 1100111.8-7 f) 0 ate: fir kale try poT 4113117:40 - eislakoreale bitt;u:' ana irish use* KrtimutaugatrinDhayemerpa tagb=ar war minim Mew of .7. l=l:4 . vert palthlt. g 616 . 1111d rAiN Ibt • -‘l.--.441.1P 14444 44 !" . " 4 "1jj; -I-EWaCUYLI4.4, lime lblls illy CINCINNATI, !!: :‘ • • ' uu Di•!r i troptr".. Rfg I F!0011>s: fa' epat',-.' OAP-100 6411'03°,4 Rosin, for egos by :4 'I gm • t 4o 4t ,11" ..1, 4444.1 11. • "a idn.4 _ wi"rit INgE I - 011;=1500 sIL for solo by DUB/ICM STONE . - [pi. for sale by' ; A, • _ • L nap kiv: • I CITY AU Mp;;;-100 bbbv 14m , ,ti0;3; *l4lb, "'" /Of ' 11. 1:81 W. 'iMillki/011. faULPLIATiI QUII4INE-50 oz. Vxr sale b a . I.YIDDt CO. I • , .01do, cad Itseatianisiholka. • i int*. i.ls:2l7l:feitfil I:1 IF4ti). inin. itrom4 direr MONDAY.. AUGUST 6A,; I ttlatrit Areltralarol.= VI PIITISBUIUM gi le A. .samd I t. WAY vomit en. ru ; cud,. limier teen yeas cd P"*"*" •• VE I- L ; - • = 4 , • 4 air tancsaas &stets •M 'ad la aided Iktylwa Sutassrsb. sad amAaw. Iv sag Mama sad Itstraith"4 - s - liQuirs sal . —43" ._4llr . tau sill Doi nuos assasy.ksa assasslos Tic=sai Isarseds7 Ma Ss sad Is Oa Isaan!aaP se Th. taloa blab! 74.• LlTsi namtPraGtlembbo i t""" t th.. "" i t iZOu N "VaAssni. Hsag= AVliii from Philluitiphis on the awl =Agog_ 11-. 4 "` b - I. . f ult rit i c. ii. ti u. i.t.er i.4l . - 1 P : • Lacirderotd,i Writ: IL/Mu 11.• atoto Quo as War shoo 'ma am. mills . an hada. tat mod ter dm raster a . 1 . 4, 11. ~ . 7 : : i n =. I .1 Want 5iam.......a. .1. , .••• end sx• owermmg Ibr adz I.e. lb, &ant Carr raid Flarrarr Prompr2 - they sar ecouroirled iry Aro of dm.. ~ ...tt.d.1 . 0 . *b. E . ... T . Frr 'F.& • =Primer la U. oast verbs. ~,,74 •11=1 1 , 47 , 11 W..... 1C r C t ' a Mk. • Irbrh .2 I t F;r . seri Fat .Il a seaman .me rr digrat "'" nt rrimad ririll turrark tins Far Um laibruslars FM , rubor,. to er Om . Far 11. errarrakerre or lb riaatior m o oed as o.7l=ltutrs lor rad rourrr FOIFFir al 47 tie hi irrie2 • er odd Yry sa7 FF Us or Fla= fletiour ILIFF4c... ' /Forrrandral - tam ecatiNg tray _ P . 4. . .Itwery writ Or Inovlng ewer. .111)., lII= , oath ponoger of Lt Tad or ram rad Fro" 2.), tbs. 2 lb. rim. I os.R . F tbs. ormorrk. )211r. rarer. 1 LL Fror, 0 . 12:= I 1 , 11 . f.tr4. z i =ers.rlogr= Itar,rad 101 l &Wm. et Awn=triann. lio. 32 'Watt mixtrt, OW . • I . .... i i k . YICIS 7 , snot glstb and illitt.. - NEW - YOBJL AID MB z........-- 1851.16111411186 L ROUX TO NSW YORK ary iris: Dlcallail ut . tbe Ira. 1.21116 4 M i t eilaa aimimo.•: . = ...4 . , rnr.,110. 4 12::: -. F .s7 l=l LsagUllnri nut Al raualrai - r:: .. ut ":9-" ti r rft"' 6 66 1° 66 . == imannal.= Mormaalaig na • elfract .3 - liatiiNlgrAfftVlMMl• , 1 17 da 4 /0 , - i Mr r a r =noittat . = art. IL facKad Chm .irtr:tll.l* Ores to a dars. ' . la ..EBl.. Ma sict kerb t ivage l'''. r :fr ' Ta icrii. - Th. • .W. 04 a bat a atn.• roak•greatalaatapo••• ' •sr , •• vs lmmilon dr Meet • : iir ••11 fill I. JOS I. •Ma••••• Lit • WrstagAt vai b. atevilmt.a. 'Mimi Nv: , .. u.. L. mr.ra m ti. p.. or Tdolt :NA ta 1 .r . V.Liall.X. Aim, liqrattrk.. . • •••••07•LINL--,--.---- JOIN •-- COVODE & COLE, .. . , ' -, ' l ' ilia•••=aa to IIlaYallo• it IX - vai•-] - ' ' - • - _ . . Pam Rail Road Co.—VerAzzl Bail Zook rF. subscribers baring breti..Sluts.' rule - ,s=si L oss. be da• Prawart...ar that. ar• war ft ••• , rain . .. amaareacrebaadis• ar pr... fiatpamil - - " 1 1.1.4• ria stile row. will b• earrbd dams% La ir7= _ '• ma all U: . .ill I.Lar.rdea trap at aien ar • tar eamaar. . t - 7 - • a/.•.• acramr r 777.7.171% , R*s , - 4 laa • 4 11.277-0.74 , 7, Chtecrima, hash.. !VslaraL 81.43a777,• ...I 0717 7 7 7, 6 77 . , Ib7/1171. 4,. : t. tattaa'Llad11.,. Latt - 011, Tti.... Silage - 7 Alibroa larati• tetnarb) rar Ma &aka, • ' ' ' • ' 00rOli , roner Papal W ow areal, Plitabirtb. SOY 14" • • 28 MATHS TO CLEB/Wra ' " AMINE ',1854 • PITTSBURGH AND OLIMBLAND au Palo ami lama Liao to CZelekoot VASSENGIERS.ItsTo every marnizg; • o'etotk. by_ottuelbot tor Setroh=Vrolt', iron= "" Ittl. • br to C 3.1. UAL 3 1 , t To mama. 28 h0?1.1 , * Woo tint to .11 • • In 01111.11111, - Cobonbas tool SW.. by Ornottail obit 4 .: _ • " t - 4.1 1 . 1t0b00d. mows ot Iliabloa""Vroang LTS %boom ot tt‘tOoLodu AL. by_ Orirlttin bloitt‘l„ . „sto on= tr.ottr i Alt t :r room cattalos, • CAW ktottb-• 7-IMNISYLVASLt ZATLIUtIin issi sPWcfO' , 2' , rrefuLtaz • ' Forty-ail bin= to Plintikltaat. • • i. Forty-four house to Baltintora. •, ; art tolle011oilrosa".10 , 1 man (boa sum son mainsm cacpoWsci bppci TO PHILADELPHI YOREA, BAITIMORN 'OW NIA . s from tA. siogy Penn Arty ' arcuctid with piece Lan- • -Two Dull Lines Express Picket Bests...; UAW rc - ixspisir rot }UMW 1:111.5./ % Ed - Pittsburgh Pittsburgh fa? Johnskiin., a thetscit, AU Item. 1441,...0., 1:111J,TIIA =MUM R un a • 41 , TvolliPelskent rcerp. ass. damn te • PackiiiPii.ory psss ss ZAPS Pd *TM 9 , rofleioe moo maw. , n. stabbsPia, p lss• *Mtr...l3tsl • Tito Po Tort nail es arrtml of fl o • Pm. vellem) 21P. . Na darts rss s'4ll^i lisiZsgs as this meg,: The CP es tide meta ore Po. LP of el. WOO WM." ecoserrietion ler Poltot eel parry. Prtilitio omit oYIX. Doran 71701. J. P. li qures. A - Ong VW. Moe Sart WIIMBILN , ISM. TRANSPORTATION COMPANY'. I D. =PCB & . EOM RAIL ROAD Amp. war, ryrrsaintas. P II HM I NN.P I BM. DASDS:, Nom AND NNW TORS - being il , ea ra ig manal ea lairootlV sea led . tOs ote tnadantizad. sod all =1427 • 44 uktrA :74 ilaaftiaa L ., 5 & ,LL Moir! FARE ESIIIICIED t ' 2 Afig. 1851. vi.7IOI I IIIIABEA =EL propmille sat Combeti.tha. Betti,l7 iIfaELIVEN . iltaaves thas Withzi 7 irate= ati.llll.~!‘ sa• 111=ts i 414 Irkk Uw• eanlll 7. "Ar• irprze, tp • tkodaes brtworo wora• thth..tath‘theth. Tth ic ar bow • . 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