The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 08, 1851, Image 4

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    Cefirti StutiTrittriiittndi. Is Psi
i ta rr, 4 Ciayszatra:—Tho ulcer auteltinimizeks
of - J: 0: illaseey and 'Company treat Into opera
. .. Vial lad reek:. -,They are situated on * tAt
it'd above the Viper will ofld. C. Nonni
and Chnitang.. the 'lociilon isnitirsenctOn*
The gtounds are ample; or dig awns, and rico
',-lii, arelt adapted to: the bardness.. a
:new business here, and the proprietors infoitned
.3 that it . coold torprosenuted to better admin
. toge et ta bs pcded tiour anywhere else. We anti:
tipati, titst this is to mari,w Dew tram the
mannfictiging buitinese of 'Cleveland. If this
' suerecda,lother machinery of, kindred character
will follot--iron Moon:terries ( rolling • tratlia;raii
estabiletwisents, &c., dui. These will gAve
ploymeotl to heads, gleil• Shill; energy
cod en ' to, meclumics; - giv) them' hontee.
ilta,'rgeten and interest hi tbe_prosperity mid
growth of Cleveland.. . Witheuttsueb men no city
can lionnsh. It ii they, the inventive, the *orb
. jog, nu:denim, that constitutethe sdoryer ii7itn
otcat and flemrishingmetropolis. Without pack
o.onh cities of extended. areas cannot have az
.- istenoe: [Without - plenty , of machinery, to, give
T..- Such meal employment; arid pay even oar 'own
Forest City, notwithstanding - the beauty of , her
location, had bmnatified streets lux! lawns, arc
' nines an garden's', would contrast with such .a
town's well, like-a well dressed doll . or wax
figurer; tit the bewitching infl oence of flesh blood
' - and bin ireidi of a being of life, motion, action;
sensilyil and sod. - t •-• -', . . :;
_--.Our of wealth . hare hitherto done iittlif to
~- [oriel. ehinerj; mid give life and vigor to; 'the
Avorksh g, They. ham ventured little. The in
"frevod vnbaeof real estate has made th em rich,
and th e ',till rert in quiet inaction, for sn iii
crew* population to make them richer. If
the en 02'1 above alluded to, succeeds, perhaps
attune o them aid venture their capitol in some
• -wayths lett} benefit *o city.
Toe works of Hassey and Co. will be in opera
. bon all tim. week.': Werret ; that the city 1.'111. 7
d,hted kthein for the enterprise in which they .
~1:c engaged, and wish them all the 30.13333 which
: they lore anticipated in Commencing,the under
: ,taking.-- damn True Democrat. ,
. .
• Wear a Noon an cam Do.--lhlany people, says
a rual,pphiit'paper, turn up their noses at
what they call 'dirty work, as though ell honest
• • !:: , 30r 11113 t cleaner than many kid-gloredwaysf
one's *ay through the world. Rath.'
• r than iaenni living to tholatter we should in
, 'finitely reefer to shake earpetormreepeldmueys
at fifty cents per day. A day or two since we .
learned an lustructire bit of biatery touching a
a doer or ?Arty work' -u hodman. No matter
. • where,he Uia bore; be:was none the worse for
6,44 6 0 Tittlitaitt or, frishinan. Ile mime to this
city abeunten *seam ago, young. healthy and
honest, Di could get no employment but hod
- carrying: and' the carried so well se to earn at
. "once hie dollar -a day., Ile procured cheap but
g o4xi based and logingic inept none of his ear
zings on groceries or low plater, attended chnerti
Solihull; educated himself in the eresaings; laid
atoney.[andat, tho end of tire years bought a
Lit intim tity, and built a pretty cottage. In
year more he found,..a good wire and need
Lle cetsogihe had before rented:out- For am
adz youti to
had steadily carried the bad. Ile
• eras a noted riorker, an acknowledged !scholar,
asseLe noble of a' mad On the opening
of the eig hthpear his talents and integrity were
called tot
r e profitable account: Ile emblarh
ed . in a business already well estab
lished'. T is day he is worth atleastsloo,ooo:
hue a Neely wife and two beautiful children,
hemp that is the centre of ti brilliant; social and
intelligent !circle, he is one of the happiest and
' moat honored men as far nape is i knovna .So much
has beeorgeof the hod-man.
• ..
A Nov....aPasainos.—Wo learn from c•pt, Mole/
oohs ..Ih.4comhire," who arrived from Liverpno/
, . on Satarday peening, that there was no eicknets
.:-.- straw, his Oinengercwith the excepticM of one
rano: tchq,i it appears came on board affected
with :the mill-pox. As soon na thin einem-
Aare becarne known to the Captain. the patient
was placed'in the atern-boat, hanging it the da
vits, coveralleet from the ship. Over theboit i
tent war erected, covered with tarpaulins. Here
:he peteot pas nareed and attended by the phy
elan and officers of the'eldp. lie is nownoite well
and be never left hie semantic domicile daring
the whole course of the plunge. Phis timely
precaution; :taken be 'Capt. Movey,.preteated
the disease trent affecting any
,of the other pas
s'ITOWNag.ND'S 13.6 RaApARELLA„.44
Nwrivjunt reciaLdisul for. ta
&'l ,l - - RELLEILS.
prune ity, just
+thdibrrsltirr tolui R. -eRLLERs.
lbs,jutt ree'd and'for
: IL E. StELLEit.9.
EA11.1E12. - .14:10 bides N. Y. Sole, for solo
a . 4 , '1.13 . J.&6. FLOYD.
cI4RKS---100 gra. for.9le by
: FEGLIMS, Wood et:
• Allis 0 - 11EEN-540 stit, s l oi i i ie bye
EMP---45 tons Miss. 1): for sale Lp
atyla ' ' JAMES & HUTCHISON a CO.
- 11LA8TE13--60 lbs. Can dig:ides, for solo by ,
Pare Brandy' for Dianlicr4, tke.,
• - 2Z13-.1.R-IN MINI t should you need.Ftemd
A p Dratetv,tbe orar um MO le ottsmod at SIUHKIS
MOT t. w tbo Ittsiotool. or SI pee grout or bottle._
14 1 111E-DOARD PRINTS—LFor sale at 25c.
, ti.l7 W. P. kIAIWIIALL.I3S Wood
-100 661 c 9i u,_
' -----
UNIATX NAIVRODS-95 bundles Slit
Cr "'tor sale by V. V. Cl)711 VONNIIOIter I CO.
VII.EESi.;-=4.1 boxes, now landing and for
es!. by INALA It DIRKET '
Jet • ' Water sad FrOilt
Bllthracite Coal
- . .
3() TONsjust.receireil, a Superior article
CJ tar Formarr cr tunny' tme,ror
C. A. , IIIcANULTV Ce., •
•II 111 -.Pint superior lot of the above article rout rer'il
acid tor Nilo THOMAS PALSIEIt. •
t.nis Karat rt. •
icatiNDRIES-r-- '
M 61,13. 13CII LIM [jai! Mulettl,
?; bble: Pit
WA,110.1 - , tan. Merriam
t 10 No. 1. Olt,
Kann Family floor; for solo br
JOHN ware A Cu.
• Q..}tO CIO LE. Sl—We Live a complete
ototant Gott. tliver and Ittoel Speandenand Übe best
onsnia otroomort and coneareollesea,, , W. t m it r, g i aaso. to
wow rasters ot.olsboo. awarding the b•of. p.kaof
. 0.4k4 =MM. I fionit W. W. ILAto.
'QUB.LI.IIE OLIVr, OIL, in Flunks ; the .best
27.4.un nurott , , , iar t n•ed'll cor. l . l a,
• • irl2 . Gronas roul Ter, Ulm
IVINTOW , GLASS 250 bOxes assorted
V V Are., in dare Tor mar '
MUD qll.--1000 gallons (to arrive)
arereiiiibe JALIDIt W.d t.
• • 'ALUM beiJoat received! gr‘tt varlet
L. laninala PranetvilVtara Prandial ma nov4 r . A "
.• .2Arais sad Poiraqinal./.3traw,gact other Itahr. r" /en
G .GS,-300 doz for sale by.
B. it jrtAROADCI
C 111,47 .bbl.i. on . cotoitgnment; for
c.,14. • I. .IOJJA r CO.
• Waters ual Front Al•
11EARLASII-30 bbbi. for sale by
AL 101 , J. D. CAN FIELD.
,111SkED OIL--30 KILL Orbrirold's brawl;
b r selt J. B.CANAIELD.
101110TABII---4 — caake fotenle by
' J. B.c.usviEt.n.
rnz' PROOF PAINT-10 bble.for gale by
1110K.R.T4-750 doz. Marjettrake, for sale
Noted for Three Prime*tteles
- menu 'IN. MlND! —Noosuie Toe MART,
JUIP . lat . l2t r ero l d, b noted for Mang ' •
rill i'fittentl"
Eborld von nadligg later no . nlatt.lna.l7 ron
nip,l2,LbLik,4 won Ita rarity.' ; JO.
.SUGAg..--Lovennes Cruirhed,and Pulver
rrr Oilcans, Loa gm cimigm o' sM bf
,Jr IS V 'd. D. iv icta Ime 4.x.
...l.l,...rtalli7.lsiely 1 4 .10.450 t a lb*
mama 311.1/LnlY tiquAx.irmat; • .
FASF"ls•bble for sale try
• 3bo teikip: MOetax aui Wr.pdpV
ea Moafam
- -
ILO .L . Daub!, Medium 2110 Venting
' I 1
- • 21.71
not lo t of obi al aif
Vvon rgke/i by
Ysim tr.
!OS - : erg:ri;ti fx;V I AV I II%
brOIicCLOTIL-300. yinls for Afrin
JI dvr =INK inniced from Vae L toffv. Ana fa ftsfrAl .
05.7 frsd Vag stmt. '4. all. VII LLIVV. , •
-1111,..5-100 Windowlilass,-nooo-
LA .4 ni.r,erroinr • • • • • .• .
VINEG.A.R.-4101)blis; pure cider for sale by
(WARY . 8622).-3,51.1 1 01ba. justceived
from tbe D7L , tot, pithaTarllele 4411.1ta
- , rar:Wco.l sod Ellititaur-tr.
- -
_ .
AERIAZD,BORD lbs fur sale by,
len . :J. 51.40& 0.1.. CO Waal.
FLAX—.I!)4;I(I for sale; by
PAPE I t - 7 0 0,reainsasedabi — sale
ARD cat,' bbirH:No. I; for sale by
. 'mos siecaam.v..s.
T CLAY-4 ionsPiller # 9-4 y, Nu,
21,4.4 Dr' ' a
.multe4t::.;' . .
migficießintsfinw r ; D,,,ayBt retWatd tr
a5i . ..601*-440 , 40:44tadar,Bilud' i
11.0.ftrierg, • !
`ilea fit thootitigraor...._ loofkzol, tliTstb
0.4 bmedthnilj..72: byt
whierirMarototoirtithsocod ttoo
the,toor k .Ul s 7=h 4
*lay ; Moir ottootiatlac. moo
"I' Vu. 4 tgoVXrr= ' b h rfor=V l
Doont." . orielo otecb nokseoloos awn* tok offing Um 411.•
jr " d
Ls"1"6114.111"""‘"121t=7 =ma
i dy -.
Almost a par.atot a Pall moo. oonoo/Llait oPPOOOOPpof
' ll th' A U t4t2=lboTool.TZ
Nor tbo reset oicos girls; boo ullozo
ol i tt . 4rtseV r t o: o t= " AlgOo th t ' ort
ontorsootent of M. Solaro; Ootoo, that it 'um ootuaripo
tont ot. MO ~elk ataf others mkt It fru o. Tumor of
tho Ovati.s: ofso waif motto mod exalt try ratline It
ris)ftr J= "l =. vitgo r lt, " l i strox=
0000 *ppm; upon the ttati solficatkot also tea.= to ..-
11;,,MX111,°:itu""'grui=t1Itril oo
r Kaiak 4:IW. ' -
- •
000 wan's* how nib* Tony Lin with great ineeen.
She hod het the agent her kin Mr thee foam the coeds
being entrees.* en that her lege Inns tints much while
• standing, u I. eland Do the plodllotrof the. legs while
netting, and she weld not bend them le the. lesst hat DT
the nee ot.ll. gettell's Alealtion .LMlment, the Is tow
able to weir with teem and base mrstat hola- than
found it a most
7 enten T e remedy; . dw hails ftM !Le, tot
47 oTtlilWae=tl Tli=ro
• , L graohingtoit: late. June 111, II
toln w ttg l i speedy as j =turt ensta ballot moneld
beac not hesitate rfemonnee It tlrtittteit Ikoltiy if the
ear bant. M .taZei st r i th'i the ' 4ll?te gltr , ...l7. 7 t r art a '
....wjv a alt r t=g a bgr i la y t
. .tht,
?ti . • • o its tute; / have end geemy . MiD•7lll
long she May bad ens prononnent lasansble. sod 1 hare
cued =t u t /ay kens tins mason with. your Lint.
mmd4. . ester shade of dense, from utak!.
and mune tow emelt:Fete. mad *weeny. lea
atm brarnstlemny tor sot ' am tbe hennas eye
tem.. 1. was eotsllned n sttly.P.roto tx. .qr taom
with Itbswenton. mat mot gat.nmetitit 10 31 Vr .1 i t41,0. 17 .
/ etemened the um alone LIWISte• • • y
cared me
hen Pain l a te , tLy w eirs' stonding eased hr . IL SomsiV.!
Me. IL IL Vegute—Dsay aim - 1 had hen Melded with
the Mt = Pole for the lan en year, and could tam gM
relief emagt bee bkw*Mm
_but by Um 110101111,. IL G./amen a
tone myrtle teloples about thee at
innt els ed.r.ltleltenthsly removed. affil her* *lt
nothing of it sin.. I weal. thtio. Ir to
a t.
mis. it n torsevaore ke. and Mtn
and fell enalnst my lee, entMdttalt*.
so badly that they tuned asjdaeg u es
.A tfir . fi
" o= m r i ar L- tMe ¢a " s .° l tXaf: I I tretf (Co.
mulled my Mow IL: eh .01.0 mime. Dr iettiwr
back-45 ow F r. yogy Met rot h en !
Sone Pedant, Pellet:o:e*. Pen. 6. Mg.-. •
Xrioare of vatorfeds.
• • Lowimo autoudx. -
Tin Pale Ire partirolarly cannoned wand • Ban
` 6 `""rurit b e.trrxlii` b
Lintiment." •Vatiroartgrul edam Ills
to dale from him barring 'nente . • Thor
foie be nernener neer tonsil for it tqr
e - diene." Ya
wn deeere hem. W.
IGOVI engem awn yon Me be neap net
far *lt G: Rovers Archie Lasnig. end Mkt tio altar.
tbiegrels• ahem hes the Utters R. !Leine Farrell%
nee N tel eigestiterA.r
re .nte ea bottle — gene weber. eel One
ee t dan k, grate,
. . .
dams modal In limn Town, Id •
• foOl Bunk! I.
Ur Unifed &atm In width one Is - Avnly
hl latior lo IL U. r...a. v..% zu...ieb tool nimb.
.to ehsrsetar, rcroonsibUity. to. ' • _ • - .
fk-I1 on the Long yaw grin tarnish rono of Qum; b
to* knojarlotno moth othnible Ininatolionfoo 000 f f dn.
0414?..Z.1 dOW b*Ues
' The marand o w`
IL U. Yarrellool
1111.1 a istrart. Rona. /1411.1 for We
s kitlit
" Wood etro4;
Ran MILT. 4171.40..7 ats. •
; Oft
Q n o 6.446, ki4ecON, pi have At healthy ar
leu=re rges'ENRA =
Mack& Bono cannoll _ • re
time moll2l o oat warns ghlf4t Irtp-fe;
of .thlanro. • • ,
1 -
I naaw.t.tM s ln a Rd am CsYasß 4aman
a d s t n
d O M M a Ar I
ttMte g a l
annae tln l i a ne a h
. i
L - 4as,Botche. urethan ortnyohasklndhwa s s.
~..41,...: 47. 4 that th is bto .Mn. palled matelot, as
ente Ul4l 111 TO. I oymkt mon= a teat alba
1 Pe 710y 2 1.-and tha ' 4 7415.7 4 m award kraal tiotom.
i to i
t 4,146
*ay sell it ter Me Wan li , ¢eylt to he all I Kale.
Thom who so Ilablit chafed. oar..l,s.pod.ip,
WI Cad that ast. only • eon. bat a 4 , tan
~wanly add, that mama altkat a War el
or eadlar df,aorill Lad ads al/. end atto may* adj'
rata fa ite .bi. ed than I rata. •
Jr"' rn ` d 'rpn.L'er.= ,. .== hm
boyit. Tot *44.dhaiMONs etear Ag r a in
' bad of oat.
Pcarli 'Mita . Tee.t ....- ', and p m k mai, to
la had tor 1. meta—Prams who ham, paha:"
so ri.=
bly amend that il La Is am breath
teeth decayed, dart or -yellow, , and
Oat 10.5. awl box a Joao' Amber Tooth Aretnitl CA =
the ha e h
as white' a. wow. and tha breath odeafereately
man. • 1
W Bold only ad 4/141Myll 1405% 210 MeV st. load at
001. 1 .
4 ^ 4 .7 4,
A Scientific /lair Tonic, Itesinakkt ig,rl gdp•
Itar.—Trlal ~ m.r..b...ladqz?
~..• Vast limb,harterer. atom he melba VISM
them who have not. we aeon. It to pawns the tolloarka
eleatakem—lt will lore* the has tog ar et, SAY Pat whoa
Warm Zr a , tal Ina to ammr; atop 4E0.14 oth cure earl
a daatntM and ate hull. red or gray har grow dart
Yoe nodanor k tne u tall. am wt , . 44, :tij 4 1,0. 4h4 "' "'"' j
It so. lt a lar.
do 4 d. th. tost *- 'AIWYst appaka-mollele for ea
. . . . . . .
Ga . oat? at WM. JACKSON'S Stays. 140 41.Nntr greet
begat of Wood, ritzsISAKII.
Prits•Sle• Celia. SS costs sad
JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Human'
RW P.M att. *TONT a *tam. o . um, tuar.tna
Lisntuul broaq, oir mask ot color. to •I. minutes.
Priers—au erais,sl4 _
Sold 1,, WM, Jilit4l.o..:ioWlWlTrtnrt, tirade, wow.
Paula wet. , , •
• JONES' LILLY WElTE.—latEas g!)-
tiortsl yralost wing . tli• eacconoo Iwwfww`d etwar- - Vwt
am not. ware how nistmur lownioas a u co.the stiwl
Dow w:www. bow .wat.b. now saw. yytlow, 4.1 usawslMl
wPPotra wrier ming ;rowed UMW Bwskta.ito,
dc= o cootalcdwg a
u Ver w p a = . ltr i ll
csll Josses' ig= d l.llY • ' -
lc is pnandly lanchooL beirked of mu &Wick:coo
Apnlities. kaltloapwrta &OW W howitbr.
wbostenclesr, ' , bk.; at
K r ao cow
,netie oft tlwrekln. Miles wa impfdt(tA
Sod % r ibs Ac t % WU. Li& nu*butrgruL.
Compound of Yellow Dock Root;
411CCUPLES the front rank among the pro
orienal o ml. coontrr for. men 04 , 041
outing thmker 0040 Ahem. r4ltaipelat ,w„ nal all other &s
-ews arising lo om an ha 0 the blast Also.
Liver tbmolaintAn Di 4
Oman. Yonne. and " Ilhea4
<bites, or bane
dretwon and thitting
*toot tbe throaU and is wed with anprandented
in an en. Of
Female -Manes; asul General Debility.
Stemetberdne the evil:mad body . , &lag tone to the
IrsZian •std inv the
If t h e teetisteny of tboassads ivrazug 'Mpg lefhtesees, from
all rarte of the eolugry, au be Veiled Upoll,, it IA *Wrote,
IT etecatious in mine ell i7viebeicke
oa v
601V12 tOilatitlatiai: It i• totirTyNrirti-
Ole in lit campaeltion, mho amitratell combinedproportions Mat the chemical. b
, otane. atti , or& pm.
wenn. of naith ITM =lo b Antal
It has nontreeil manychroolmllaaare which bees Wart
the 0111 of the bre phyeldoneomal Imo atm eared Canker.
Salt libeam. Eryelpeam end which Saotelottilhi
Ifyin , tmet=lart to Enke the I
ma¢y Caws rectetfrasiro:
MOW. The mat olLnate Cowen bare heah roma by
• this toedkioe. itseay.that It la avelnableneelicioo In an'
SIMMS LIMPLeLI NUL :it sot all o
the clteniatkot, rende ri ng We Ay tree, =et ' .
thy. It reatoreel'alpitation
.... ierdurrettmo in
all tame of !laths* soy ouiy he I IlMehm. mat
at ali moo. of
Thle afro, le prepand only hy Chinn it at hid
. fountain strectatorklenor,.S. eoNorbotonne and
• • Only Agent tor Western retio•ylf=h4 -
mytcy Waretatue. corner Wool and /Sixth N. Pltt.ti:
B. I'. Babbitt's Celebrated.floap Powder:
WASHING, without labor! • Warrautal
to Sake the keine out of table litown and imp ,
Illarettose roa Utra.—Ast "oar dollies anibeient
onantity of cold water to emir Om. then add two table.
rMie of this Veep Powder:to etehAlz 0000 ts of: mart
weep oro d whit the cloths if the water la tent wad mote of
the Powder. and boil
themo wn wi the e m t t d e h n t haelm in g inet e
wean trimode
rm naelntcoldw h r,' that n the p y o wi Sha r la h a t u oohot
to handle.' Then rah the ditty Areas.. in abet worda
ere them a thorough thteltig. Nal that Is rattielatit I.
onto them Ana . • •
H. 11.—Thors Wino oo info In tbir Soap. itldli lnn
tar dodos nor obits, rind no bed ~storjt, or moor
soap. do. fthroatizo coot of the =total saw] tloor rot
"mat two ma %toorotplet• B,lml:dm or leo, werform— ,
Warranted not to rot or Voisin thr cloth*. •
Mr Ls • Vorokr thaw:pm will make tWrlvesitiaiti
tort Molly Soft taro. - . • •
Marion row Uro—take.par . sio quarts or water sal
mix the tow etrr with it, sari taro lot It bor. try fift saw
atoktbirs add al stmtrir rola ..t.; Carlo Zapata/
tig g tbm i llutt ...,, tr. l .l . 4l l . l w r At rar,
will lamb well, rad will not .at th e tar& Wu sax; pot
Stop. aorta Lbo ek4bei. 40 b mot with turd or salt
broattri the vestal' Into at ;mats torted . of
f0w1... Tin So ft Ecor Is bat relsrtot fOr Inaba.% d ie.
E . MILY FRIEND. or Baking Prep*ritive,
. swiromila• lb. on of Taut, p•sinsaft liebt. woo ,
Mot. =Morita., aod digital. that AP.. ookTr,
to lean tioe, we al kid mos than the rid fennastad
brisk ink* mom to • vest. anent, a s sollsoitko.
_pens after mmos. Nodal" mod lba, arrow
Comex dupefor to soy thing Ibr =Wag Wad aml24.
Mita 75 240 Pour of Pkgat ry bb premation will maks
10 own loam of woods lbw vitts I.lans.. Meads
of faielka. we omens air coostilalloa• amid at.
aporl to son breal,aa ona of lb. Olga ram of late
moo. ran Hospitals, Inermatiaa.dottoads, I.• aril large
I. a great adrantago. lo at.
323 .. 0 , 2 0 4 . * ?‘.',W .. rierVirP r ot 67 Wosi it.
. . .
. , Trofetuar L O. BarrtsTticopherons,
. T.
•• - teribt untlmoinsi is tem Mid i. LW.. ei the
Atottleaa' Uothomitt. O entrasoo. LI Oa
. . .. .
_ . . .. Nye You 114 x. AIM
B.rree ?Waltham, loan astir-Lithe& w. take 6 , 4iettre
In wording tbo tagbed rommerdetklos. :We do sat doll
..POu the rroarroteretatheof alitern. trot from corm. pot.
weal trtorledeo of Its *trate non the tudr. while It MAP
to Woo It braltbn Son. stror=ol'. removes dm.
awas.sat• xmy hair. In It. gmentio a
'eathoor Mo-Kne/LW hi-sot other comrodtiott 1“101/113 ILO'
V. - Ix peon only mods to on ono bottle to be oorrthod
at dd. troth. - - - -
Both to tocatioketoo 1:3 milt, et thi prthdra al. P 7
IWO tolarge totues.iorie. 25 cent:, it Mo
p l ABBITT'S WAY POWDEBS - ara now
ma r
*ell tow
dat rr ..a.".", n an to ir_,ll
_ tbei Ur Lbw
Warranted oat to rot ar adore drabs. tar ral..,whoh-
Parra.' . 1 . 11 . 1 .1 M. a. Javarau a co. ,
' . • no. utattyri.
- Lloo Of the moiled tratrralts w larltod to tea tr.
Ear roaatain c tiv Dr. Pawl. Oceolbt. or Nos York.—
Jost remittal and sor by bb • N . w. was",
nteCHEREL-100 bbla. No. 3 Small, to
'irro•Aodloi vido or . -
JOUR 114AIT C 0 ...
`o,bbis. for sale
T OVERIGS 13170ati....20 bm,
QARDINESBRINP-111. - 41 . 1
alata la tals• (Bsla Was) tataktat etat
1 7.1,1 11 ,: C 1 1 . 4 ta i llb% it
11.4.„PAPE 4.--A roper. tor iot , just rseed.
andMesita 67 • . N LtAVD4Stat3tatat. '
y 0.25 matt at Mated lad Market att.
By rag nicanmat of:m*lm evasti
, .
Ezmi-• '''• ' of law 1, IditiAßDF '
-, _ ~....i ~, 'lit=
and man, balm Shot suss. sow win b. bald ai
Co anderomytimml find Mee. la the Ando of hrtiesumi
at thalontedhl bereinattordeelFe,ted, ter vitt -
' -At - ... • ~ eta
_ .. ma Lend one at 11111.VILL11. - ootonstelng
mmamtbe ntat day of bentemi. , - next,fg. the
reatarAnddle bade Masted *lila, the
ye end nantkmaltownehly., vls:
.... i
Jr,r*VoeoMtfimeoef teedaftleArAyainahalturnben,
Toandllp Seq.( ra n
Indiana tannaldp kalytv . i. tart:hat libiltil rtVer, of
•T = Idrlte...' hii...a...krta .0. i.;trrh2.4.4ii...66.,
Fractional Admen and twelve, at ranee alt,
. st ill ia t the g a rt: Ofnee = at ClLA = llkAtiln
...u. o l. L.P.ooroseene t...
i.. in./ t ea :
BMA Oita Memel magfthiflAsorannalteenont.
Towaships lerentond tomsom.or rands sereatent v
.._ . . T ATir h to ' fan? ' al nrlifi l Ir . on ) 10 0 .
my. U. th M a y_ of Annan' for 1 ,1! mama
of nubile wittds the Itnlming i ratd tuarmbital ant
re=ifrean d =ennef 11.. AW, priteaule.eridint•
&ohms thirtem.terentrtnroo,- twentrfoor and tarn'''.
Am amt. of the tn. Frannie river, In tomMIP than. a
- • • . .
Smdtr jebstaule tepa rt ener talMoratoteollannafint-
• la In four and of an. motion thirty, WM/Abner. to tomehlp thirtee lß
n, of rams ott•-
.. At the Laad Me at IATTLE ROCK. animenning on
g 11 '7' 4 h u ge =V{ I =VI r Telert st .: * 4=
el ' VirZettlg:d..s.2ia.
TM month half of section alith i t t...„ moth half of ten,
pantimal aeolilosue . En and the math halt of
eateitteen.lte end- of twordyme i ge4treo, e h t:
north haLf and eat. assn.. , s'
northreet mmter o ;Ids, and the yeet Co lt *ha
marthee=r of . terentranna, Itlk tomhltih thee, Of
n' lrd own:dated by IM for thi we of schools, tolli
erlth "them mama ant
0% 7 =1 atg=tlVrttereby be ehltintlon.. If
my, which Mall be seleeted by th State Ha be.
kora tbefigiFinted Ibr the mint Ma orb
-ne gala rely,,ntaler th e entitled An Ant to
arable Oa 0 of rnms m a d i hp,r Stab* to reelahn
Irr zu ." l 4 l4L, h %le th edreei '''
. ti 1 ...: mhe
calms Ix land botanic. tad any kW Of
' Monroe% fOr aglitat7 seniors n ett the trdted
Otates, mil oeyermttef on my of n?..., 1.44
am melded by tha mt entitled . AM making anproptl
ationsfortheotroo.4olk2gteitonTotatk expenses of goretrunent;!
a offering of - I - 147Wr e. a
tnentkmed lamb will Le *Air
1 .mammal en th e dap; appointed, and *UI proond In the ar
b. they ma admthed. with all comentent di.
Web. the whola *bellboys been Meted and
Fe " arnintdlll7ll ° 74:tthe ll' 0 If
bzif.g" . ,Ko.,...t.ri
OITVZ [WWI/ i t . , 1.1 0 1 0 a tho ll , ... d .buT t t b li;
515th d ))
. bulTAup FILLIWILL a the &sag Lead
lit•Aita pmetoW i llsz
=Vie . VlTaft.F4 itetelm LI the 44. '
tir d oig kl' imrtlet " = " erdrV=4:
Lt4Mrra?l,7o, Pratte 401Calidt.
Oceneilstioner of
tb G Ake
ta727 letrlat
l i N' purstni;l" a taw, 1ft4;44041 . 61m
pftvg s =twao sr
lut , o b l t a. a t az
the ondernientioned 04ortn the than of Attnens,
t rtgr44 ' t r=l/t MN " , a=dre o Me n
dn. the Int day of Mptentbar next.for the disponi of the
pnblio node situated within the fonewtolf nam ed te
peneipalsorktient .
TownsW tvrMnite7 Ispenirg;.At nut twentrohm
on sod nom Carnal rive of Miro • '
Townhips twontrooven, twentreigbt and Ismennim,
on end near Conn( river. of noon bar. - •
Tome ship twentyMght, eel • bramh of Current ens. of
non Me. • -
Townships Sweaty-throe. twentrfour, twee:trent.: and
TtTtm ) 4Ml . 44.llo " nepty . -foui.ltreatteight and
twoutinue. of non 0,44. ' ' •
linetional towanin twentrem, towastaips man.
tvon imoirehno: neutrino. tweetrfin sod twellines.
' %tC PLA.Cg. antioneittl tut Noid.l•th•
tenth day of tintrader zien. for Ins disposal of them&
lie . lands within tbe folk:wins mases.owaships aod polo
N i! tu: - .nrend mac/WAN printuienifin:
T ' nage two.
Yrxy tivro i strnasziF l l hoT f triv.4
Tow b P h=itrVet. =in ton:
Tnn yr :r==re and twerdy-thne. of nags tr 4,
sixteen. and township. twentrtn,
entdrehreo. twentrfonr, twodr fors. twentrsil sad
tweutreeven. of nom six_
Fractional townships sizteen and seventeen, ind town
lesonnem. twentrtwo sad tweatrihrer: sod
*ger tointAtriu..i remlres to hsenteme inehe
Ore, s frearrpete l WitrEsten towswhip
"LT lAra...„• &rept frenieent asrnoas
to Mernme luelasive.) Inettonal hurnsblp twenty , end
fractional Ituntship twenty-me (ereept section or:Ando,
Metro, nentonne. terafrion, nonentee. famorear.
Mentriorn,Omerfestr, tidnyjne, sad telsirsir, of nor.
•• • .
Tho northwerlftsetion ofnrtion Kr, to inernahlpithoe.
fr41 , ....4V1CV . .":”111t01.1•11ip twenty, of rouge leo.
mmiletgarelet izeStrire. the north half of tidetren,
At;intrrotprtgrovrrldailutmo. A. 4 to Utley-
Iralamrs. la tonight.O.SPVTAWitonf.
ree.. l ll=lirtil=ol;eenti•Vr.. t;7ei.•l4ltre
ten, end; ante:m. o W. gighty-ni inclsizire. to tornatip
twenty. of range met..
The port east or ^Unto R7oQ Ortnlow."ot towohlp
titsarriruee.of magethirte,".
(except the ner.J. nnatier.) .M whom
feferneen,,efnetnn. thetp n• 41 , 7.4 utt of "Little
Weer Ofente7,l. in tent:whip t.. ,/
-n , --toots( nage fent
• •
At lb. Land Ohba 41 cet...rtchtet on
Monday, the eighteenth 4.141, of Au,ie-••••Thent:iPer4len 44'
pout of the public lends situate] , 11.:111 the talloritts St*
bed fractional lerrnahipa, to wit:
A...Mg fate bast Mks awl twa
Township tweeetrtwo, of range leaf retro.
Township teener-two, more twentrihree- '
et-n-Gone of motions heestitlarre leterliehr% •
thertuyArz•e, tterftviewer.therty,free and teliefirrie.eceath of Ito •
°blimp lenitt;in loywihtp tweatrone, of range 00 , 01 - •
maimed township tvenyrowe. eitleceeet to the Slab
Line of ranges twenstreor en, reirenty•titori thittiee tient,
one, thirty-two, thirty ihree Mention, • • •• e • I
Lande etoproptiated b,
law Cr the um of eehter-is,
tory ant other renew. toiretber with `lbw* eneiniP ant
overflowed "bode rude mat thereby ter rultivetwae..
anr,which br alerted ter the Ebb authetrivas brine,
day. apointed fbr the commencement of the pallet=
&lb, re. rear miter the An .utbed An to en.-
ble the - ofigninees an 4 tlxv Mates to reclaim the
7htle " V • nth fir ranAlsvl i Zolea. ' Xno .l =l
Ike land humnlea leera=ol, , Loi 3 Ota ,
ana., for tedinorl ''d o es! •
'Wed presided e nti tled MAP. UV" .
'br the act "An Ad blitaticatancies
for the nalMarch diplomatte mane' of GoVarnneent." Ae.
‘ lthl.
=orbit of the above mentioned Leda rOl actor
wooed ontbe .UI toe the or
deer hie which they ate achwetteeed wit4.ll=telent dor
whole . hall have been Mere& ands enke
ffet t l f e ' = i tieti pato rhea be tot open louses th an two
= L i tt
t ra ti. tie.tALLToi of the lande k w . l . llP• err
Given nottertnyteratthn Vitp•of!ara4yr". Ode
nth day of lisr. by Dadilnl ono thowasisil bicht . tever
dried SJILI OttPC.I. ituocaup itwaups.. ,••••
yr hudduar • • •
Co.lllllellotofi of thei l' eheree '"TrCit ral
NOTICZ TO. 111£,K1f1-17011 CLAIKA NI%
.. he .. ..-rix . PTIKII3 entitled to th e dab , of preeseption to nay
of alialibi.b the toe-help and parts of toward
tebteyeeteo. 11 t. r t sVre-11 establiete the nose to the
eaUsfectron a? pp re revolver of the proper latnt
othin.Zed tool. leAt aor asseon drywnctashie wy•
ter Mit note , : nbit re• the ilappenolnied
Cointnenottoest of the pte le take tifr.• mai 1,..b0et
the teen claimed: other. sash d. ,,. ..1 1 )
013T1,1k1JELO, •
Ccrataindoner tha Grum , Lulet o,Zne.
ETA /Ara:A
BY IBS TltEblD> fT OF WA prrnaisni
LN pursuance of law, A trit „, Pippiroxr,
i'reddloat or the United Mate LV4
. and mt. i aW,l tb."4"tt? et
the =mintage deejgattedyto tat
At the Lend Offlee et 10 wA eanateendnit en Ulth•
day. the EMI day al geptender met, Abe Mealed the
Wain lands Wanted in the fallMng. named toeehlge,
North bar !fa, enniend a/ th.l t.i.ermJ verb
. .. • • .
Tovntbip eortgbtrpl.o4 Tomo tmetrty.tlee. ,
To... Wpm arreaylota,uf Mut novo [linty.
Totratbbps arm' rpio..b4) . 1 ,: ro Ibtsir on..
Ta* , ..bibs tmutroins, - 4(40 . . . . 5 .. b...,„„...
shirt...two.. •
n,,,.thwrom. . - . , 77,- , -.. -- -_,
I t tb. 1 1 ...Va tt t at YAiItVIKLIb botowatkir on 11.. P•
dILY• tb• Grwansb day .of lignamber WU. IM W th.P.RI
a thr public hada witbto tbetiodrna.tmo..toibtUN l
to wit: .
• •
I North 4/ Du bast limp and otsf tf Mr NIA principal we-
Township web, of runetblel. ' • •
Township wrecaly, of tog
Tenstdp affleuty, of rev thlertboos
As ee s4rui Oda at lib MM. ou Monday. tbe *ler
' , web elay:f t 2rojegtele, lbw &neat or the follow.
log trees. to w
A small Iti
of wanten Ind relent. la ten.
Ship rigtiy•hro aortb, of lee oris fhemotteet
quarter of mete lesherma, iti
to 1Y 'alt
13Orth, of roue Moo wee of the ARO
It by tee ter the aro • • '7, IPS
tory ondt=rten teethe with crews krawy eat
I Mode wads mint 'leer for netted..
If ey, 'kebobs"' be elected by the Mate ausboriner te
hro the giextdated for thr romownerient of thr pec
'leeks rely, undo, U
m Art egged "Au 401 to
rube th e We of Menne sod other State to relent
Lb.'.omp hods , settle their lefts." mono: Septem
ber Thh,letkeit coluded.frota gees And no bc
ethos for lase bongo" beretoOnv grebe by say law of
eaturnms. Itor WWII - Meer lhif. 4 g. u 04 1 .1
Eta se! be prreithe on a sp the chronentonnt fedi.
as proribe by Oa re entitle 1 4 , 1 0 iMoki.E0OPP , Ve.'
Mow for Ma celled diploarelespeumsof Onefp.wpt...
AA, append ad blurb, .
The offniag of tele& will be meatennall na
temented. proeord la 'be order to which they sra
sorted wlth roavralentdalcb. suttee orboto
bee hen offered. and the Dicethe reel; but no el.
eel be kept open looser than two weeks, and no create
*obey of oay of thelsods will be admitted utittl offer I be
sehatten of Um two acres. •
If 7 .m ander my bed at the 1 0 lLy of Wasbluel...tble
latr ' l ".. " 0 ° PnritrAllo'lltiltAiß.l.'°'
• . -
wilbs Sie BUTTIRPI nna Limp Wit P.l.l)te. •
e 4.1
a ira=34l , t i led . g . tlargle i = r a p tiat . t 77'
atom enumerieaa, is repaired to eetaba 7 the nine tri
setlefactiow or theregister and nraiseer of the proper lend
alas sad make payment therefor se woe espreohnthie
tor seem LW sabla, awl before the day appointed for the
COISIZMINtIamt of tbe piddle Nib of ths bade embracing
the Usti rlattwid; otherwise nth claim -will to forfeited.
-wn:le Comatostr ' of the General Wad Utica
• ar:ln
New !kaki I
a Problem; reprinted with . cnr ,
Vet •JclSLlcay. (sou rnuoVa If ocadoo.
/NM: • OW a tb• illhoritosog by the author of
Piamr In Lib of Mrs. Jim ut Abajtfood,"^/loylb
400011 of Snob by Jamb Abbott;
- 717.11: Back of aro lienolntion:
No. 7 of LoOdots labor and tb , • London boo.
" • lb* atom Books jot noels, ^ 0.141 for NU by
1417 u.. Lt. tiffleft C 0... 47 Itatkot it
Books I Ea ks
lifustory.of rdece.--4 Mao',
;V t. Agh 4: 6 El r e hov irist 7 1k bage n.
5 1"::="yVirk91.4:..s.trftiol
tb., B = Lri v ii = o rt n . d iz . :=Kej . tt l ?AA . ,
Tot , a p .
rorr•a r
.t ry.d .r .w. and
lit Mir of Wort - Wirhouh 'hy l rarittoritt.
- Thor PhilteOpar 0fg.."...t0r: Usmilalad •4am
Conn& flttlotophisro•ltlr• of Atestuts *mt. nr W.
N 'lrs= d akte•ni oikt. l
tido/as* of MP_ jate r arin alms. proof, Vit.
hm, nod 11014 portsol Warts th• hod. With 000
huadnd thsllr4sl4llolll l / 1 1h br Lagoa sod zuhu.
tvc...ionat thG .0r..,
attlmlt New If ottilai itaifi Ats•.
:ro• the dap.. Drain: • ratan,
• ontoya boas i gainaTrixt rs nal "
1 • U b'TOCITON. 47 fiarkat HlI
• 1.4 4 , 5 , 1eun, lith • fOl ealarOwai
as th• mno kJ. of
to N. raON.roatik it.
85 f
Lin BRIG Aim wane Ai
taautiLL.P.llll[ll Bcauletta, z
TR 'PROPRIETORS of this old ond well
inns lam, would lelbrat the Dobbs that nit,' an
tem to otembeak Lye yreekeht and luta coo
seceirlhitllkelrht Paneetwenverbk.b
Lane .111 eerastant/y the , imam:. Wow the lbws!
[theta Bette. to Twelve trei_sht.
W. W. Coaighsham. ?Jett Guth. FIkVI
J.ll &Halt: ithan..barstr;
Wt. Ada.' t Co..
U.S. Wall whbre..Bulfalo, Awl!
New. Lake SFperior Lino 188 E -
T HE 'twit ateamer NORTHENF,R, Capt, B.
. U. Overt, baring every team hoe. L . for
eau comfort. will lee. Cleveland me re M 7.11
M. roost, ea her . t trll.— .ld weekly t
TAW, 6)f delak. P. X. to the Peat ate.
The steamer MAN LIATTAN, Opt. Jove C 'will
leave Pant ate. No de, to the dlcerrat lemhogi oo
Sohertor, on the ntivel of theetemmT ?hotbed:or: ootlat.B
moist . 4.0/117 hoe. throof
Mime. r,
Perelatelmxl the Cooper sod r i olt uNe t
Cleveland, 0, And! 25.1851.—U
ffaggEsg 18 5 1.
that this UHL enintamal matimir of t , ratiost roato.
I. mar to roll or.rtaniiimitiiptritiasiz orr7 • tHil"
r=41 114 , lama abort time. and alas low. td
rag: a 3
arrange.mdi bare HMI.. =do for carrion
War Freight to BWrarilla, Jobontotro.. ktollidaaimln,
Water ItHvakillmatidtia. V•tarabantit. 'Louden -dm, WM
Creek. Haw Hamilton. NoVertowo, ' , Matas,-1u Mirka
Newport CHM Permalarrirkork, Colombia, and ail otk
isr latemardiMakolota on the PmorrhardaCmni and girt
, 2:
4 Rall .a mL z... . Haring net= I=4,Mste d mann
the akmaaaki, painiT lowoot Mirrielled
eboom. Li 800 Tr. Proor ty ktor:
• Wzrber 'brit
malii2lf ' --- !mood door wettof the Caml.
EANNT IN IIaVIIAN'S LINA to tar brother.
ON elan/lA.II. the borinees at Pittannerh b.r.
after D. thinnetrd leader tint Ml* of "SI as. Bingham i
,Ringhams',Transportation Line,
TrIIE CANAL being now open, we are rna
dy to veldt* VA dernard Nrenartne. Produce and
echandire, east and vett
rnisato , at blend rates charged he rep-1..119e
Prodnoe and hieretunnlial vela b• reeefeed and forwarded
cut wat. without ,a,r nama. tar foreranling le ad
ra.dean , fabt, eonurd.lon. or ea..,
EMI of Ladino rornanlnl and all direetlone tettbrall)
11 - ir E. r ' .4(rWL 'o a
c :lll?,WraVari t
deeneen Vourtb and Emu stn,
n' . l / I V4 tb
N781NU71411. N
Merchants' Transportation . Line,
A. tarAIIULTT A Ohl. Canal Buda 405 Poo Wogs
MAO. s FS RAYNOR. Costral peek. Snail 11.4, rho..
we my proved to Irre•i•• • Legg 10 , 301,131 t ElerehandiAv
re dls produce le elan on thp opening of she =Ca u. Chile.
dOphle, end ell inOpepshoe piano st Sneer rAtes..4 In
Ain time than in any pork ...AM. •
..- X. p._The Semler.* Ember of 'OWL, presided Pi
the Cno.l I.lAsloner• r tarrying oar teats on Mr
SOU Hallroedsi rill 'prer en y ponitillep of delay ist
Jahrunorndloleleprberg or Ml= t. On manna
Obi& ' Cana Basil.
. „
Too4ipp.“! of 4rerckuPlisO; 4 1:c.,
v en rent esitlrest inter. Tone.
CO Tryptietnte, Na 11:1 Market, .ad 61
BELL is blutiErr, Agenth thee' tante Clttsbatzb.
Jon, TAYLOR t BUN. dtratt,Baltannen.
Wean. wowed, on the cap ant et the l`rtinolvanla
Canal. to tontrart SR Freight it. ey L. rate& and cite
th . .aneen ea moth de/Web and ore ea Lair <Ow Llue.
_ _lBsl itZ;A
Pittsburgh Transportation Line: _
JAMES trColl6.llt t CAt, Cane] K. 131.. riltabOntb.
111SEK. JAM LS A th.. Incas Innettuel Chewy Knee,
mak No. 3 Youth Fourth meet. Lotecen Market sat I:bert
nut 'theta, PU10.46144.
111.:0N 60E3 Clkl,7p North exert. llaltboare.
It4 l ll/ 41 1 01 1 7 :-C2llll,l4Jej pay Ayrang,
it 're it prnnurt by4a COO •Ipinliej Or the
nun , Castel, to carry treiglit aud Ivan
buntsoltiotare, 'tom fttaten,
tlanali. B Loehr in.. et- Loot* mat ell the tett and Wert, tin
a 1
kno ratesod with tonne Intl!
ra t f te i n , any We i
ri ' es:flie= tab:4r eVel t' irla II totem • = n ig ' .
nut hatily etteded by Loy nth. , Line.
eclat, noketiona elLinnue.l to ontlehne watt.
t i tia .,.. ,.. l.,ndanata, WWI, Louisville, sod Lore A
piney hill eyel. tone mate oneahrat
1 66r 1 e 1.1 . Oas Lim all lebouvitealLlXert.‘ta we, unls the
Pbtboktbla Trssuipettallou Line el At.
A Lieu GUT .
W. W. WILSON, Watch Maker,.
N0..67 Matta, Cor;tir of lowa it, iitnantrstA,
pp4I,F.R in Fist IVATcnt4, Jcirtiati,
+Niro it k r, L11.7.•••, t 0 . 4.1 . t sp.!
21 . 111tag i Tglot tr rslotutIV. - Cauj , ... 4 - z • E; ••ot•
curionr I.bwekat7le attl.4 4 us:r I
Watch work•etucutr4 In *44 5 0
1141.10.1, r, loq•.•• 4 IT
Um best krigUA WA V reach wortsw L..
Lewis's Patent Reversible Water Filter
3 NOW to be seen in epetrttion ta, WM.
Plumbs, No. 10 Conan utee.f,
n61;1 /Zenla . sealed ntYO4 41. WILLI NJ.,
/.0111st 'notelet. V.ltatrargb. ifglbee beareeetred
• tfolb gam tha 10stOote t.f Inet.
Awl • Llerttloslo ham the Yestielin 100111e0 of PhlleJob
" P:a e= " = B . gar= Vy
of ebkts the fbilogrlzif esenapte.
- Platatatantt.Mfarett*.th,lelL
It glare iss !Met vlaseure ratuauturel to lb* Werra of
lntla, el." new, Oa Patent Len:TAU. Oster II Oteter,le.
Tented br 11c. Lewis. Illoto wad °soot Hem tot mew
41 mouths, lam remitted to lteka of
• OLO/iiiE rLITT,III . %relent meet."
Match Itch. 1851.
Yoe Civet Neetsonil lovetatel by Ito
Esmwt fAreiA , Loe.uea e el f./raa months et aq
prorate teabbreee, Is ell Ilea oaf pfltap anal. 1
tberyooreoodoi4er It • pesellene b bate It I.pJ lamr la
nacloamenfl It In lb* ruble , JONAS P. VA Ilt L.A.11/4
Ne. 8 Soma. tO.-t•• .
Thew WY. ant eratranted to talto out tiny smell ny
Unto • defeehrOleed awimd GT 'text..
bye matter In the wake. They ere rarretael to het tae
Yenta. and loath orileety are OHS last teen enJ "twain
only to be seen to be amoactateal.
taY4CII Afth Arent. rldladelolna.
sad /Domestic Qiumnirara
tun LIVIC.O, O titan:my. of PoiklaglanisigYersor Casio Rem
Akrnaarpto Zooms, corner BUM sod Meet? ,urea`,
monad Clinch bollalog.) entrathot nest door to J. A H.
tbkr et: Wag. Week. enable ye Ps all mien. pracetAly.
A tfttop.teot deekoket Lelar mm4l:fly . ensplured. alto 1•11.
sard. Id keep pars 'nth all lb. Pew and it0Pet ,,, Q ,, 7 1 .
or • r.
CtoPtln,Ppiik*Verk,Eakny'roye,l) , eftrtkt
g. run fiotikke kek Uttolwent.e.
4fiak. and articleet doscreskkeltee, Its pent emit - T.
Orden reVertfulig
• -...--,
Heating qui .
v Unitise by noun Itotele,lkout /Comm Leeture
Route,k War, Moe, V•etoties. ALA buM.
an,nreftrydroeription, ;Mak .al mind, AI, Lena.
Pact and Pitts{ nannn.. far ail 1.0.M . ** taw.' tekaler
Z01C".."49,1,14 &dr.!: onJ for, (boar
.10, I Is must tall
~1 1faspr IltritUktk,Ztural or lkseed Pm, Pik
; br a prnenbryann denn .
tics of oh. to dr.Splans saustioDod an
stitekasidlly heated apall:is Plats% Wrong talent,
tky4etgl PleArn•VPoiegnoe4 Prilknsirlditt, st
tam tsje l PUP ratlre =Nom len O to mot,
"'" roj r ktrihritaNkaA n N k
Agricultural Implements.
1f AVE JUST received from the Emit the
1141otrius houletamats. all of Om bre. 'manututora
Um toms went Inmallons, and I ...Id MM. .11
Brum, mtll .1.11/001 my tarok. •
krAmisinna !mirror., beaus. beiitti , turnip.. ar.
I, tiztaat., smogs, a./ Earley:
Cord Ittart4.l4l3oyni N./ pun, ponmi. . •
tiara/ Mall cum,
,:liput !cm ItcTm.
PlTZ l =ggin/Wtem
Caol.tinit Walls and Wane Ilytbsa. and
. .
Cattstwei two. t hree witd tour smug furkon .
All mannfmotany lams Ins toga matnists and for rats
it lhn Urns mml Ored Bate of
- ri if: WICK
my-1 • Corner of Waal sal BALI beet..
Beanglont's Patent Starch Polish..
•PAENTgtI;4I I IITT,IBSO.—For giving
wo. p" c..
4,13 htwWllffo.. PlOvents the Iron from
mlltsfing w. sal pilyr/lrl01•4
Llama. La, sal =claim W.Nn•JAJmio.
y kr* Karol • pas le a wont of
I4ln~l S. wea bnn tlre t' 000 Calts i ! l trti ' wholettatto141wftwfwfl Lr
1.3 R.1101.1.(110,57 .00di
Copley's Pot Chiy.
►rl anbrortbern aro now Salo' .Agents
" ttl o l l C oliago
ai."o 7f r u t,,s,..,A lib mak , of ana uf eturt
info hie mihoUnaT linnyx s and Ls va r y tarefall 7 selrated
and '""‘" 1 Pr . " l " . 9Vilooriiwout ort
.roa •
CLIFF PINS—Jut rcuired, a beautiful
seeortanot et plata hol. fahey EaErne
er aerer end desirable petterns. d 11.4 • I
• • . • W. tY.. WILhON Jetrelkr,
Jel4 GI Marke t .r write; of ',earth..
TEMPLARS' SWORDS--J7lst Fee% a lot
ithiwbte Templar Swords , with the einbleheitt Ihn
I et twauttritily sow erect.
Japti W. W. Wilt 101!:.
WOOL—Coah . paid for Wool by "
../y! _ • esuuNlY
IL/1 4 SEEli 01/;--151M gat. pure, for onle
br . J. LOW,Puti MAheNt tl).,
'•ilf Wool Newf.
Vi OIL-10 W
Wu. pure winter
Is du Nn.2.
or /ale J. KeIIOMMAK & , 0 , J.,
Kt, Komi O.
Lu t oonier. ROOT-500 lbs. for rule by
Y.llll DINTAL-6GO tonolfor 80
I 1 2ES' BUBBkOLO tS .-- 4 DI -- -
In ladies ser a p
aw :=102 . • h , : v ... de ....... 1.
14 " ."k.'"E irte buM soo , Irbil., 'Frr It.. I..‘' el
1441"21r. 71. - ... 4 -- • 7 -.." 1 7,. a )1. rilitza i:.'..' ..
=l= ' -''
CRa AM TARTAR-1,000,1b5:ior inro.f)y
.~ L W t t. ~ 1,61 .
~ ~~
It [ILLS' SABSAPAItILLA.--A few dui.:
luquart bottle.. me NEU tg. N. wcimmN.
j,6 Coma or Wood and !Sixth idro.ts.
VIMORATETOTASII-50 lie: fur ialo
r More. Newaialet
OA . nusTANDING the adranend staid
J-1." o .9maims tomair=4=
ammor of My Mod& ma tim ey y h
FUIT flolo Irk MM. WM, Stat Thom
.7.7-41:1 =NMI= :AI
Cheap RUM Thasine. - • :
URPily &.-.BEIRCEFFECD lupe just
. be of Ma OW rcibi) Lsdras,ll.
• Superior Shirting
unpin BUROWULD hate ref's-
otoreivg 4:other sapid,. of but EbirtioAlfos-
INAleomt head. Ham and Shirtioif Lizamprocured
dfrectif flume the caskulfactureis !gnat, sal east be wax ,
MAKI est. -
BLACK BIM/ME—An additional supply
.W° ! hi " ''°"44 rdoTorrrimactitiztn. '
, ee roe on Mu shin cr
LA. Ktisift Co.; . 62 and 64' Narked at,
WILL commence 0111.0.tIRSD2, &MO 26,
V. aid toothier throut,hinat the .rtpth of July.,
Wholesale Room to
toward to the retell trade.
and nen while throttolint the establlehlont will he
wed at an icemen* redoctlon from anal One.
meT -
• Melt' Lewdly. made enertlezercheewober anon.
*tat .0111717. comprleler wore ate 60) rims.
will be doted neat en LlZMltilde dlecoantneel Onelirieot.
Meal Dhow 10 10wa..., tiOc.
lee Freest.
Ifo rt i rrrech od English 1/Inglisate..„--. -.100
thOll , reught C l
Oil of
turtle obi
4 ettil ,
w.r • prlc
- MO arms
a n d and AinerTean Cdba 7300 =:. a nd es Illetched and Oro Muslim at man
Alm.'Lamm Inolderiea. Trinalamr, Jlnefei,
Linen, White , Damao. Oharrla Chnlor. ne-, toroth.
:414itl eh mi . r h t =ln or all kind. ot Dry 15oml=
a holemle prices. 1.1.2517.' at
•• . GaAs for Warm Weathm.. = -
MURPIIYicBIJRCHFIR 6..81 the North
East roomer of Fourth . ad Mutat elmets. wall
mpp tad rdth mob adapted to•ewm weather, limb U - , Smith and Preach LAMM+. '
lii7rac sa rtrla d
Tian ~_
Plain 0 15. Sieira7irel Minding.
Doman Islam
Thep have jll4 remind mother lot of ItZl7 GOODS:
rueb l'arando. <imam:able Wks for Prarti, blank Mr do-.
black Mahal, Minh Lisle Worm, Undi-mloryes. Dotted Nett
Mr do, nom plain Gil:Thaw, dark LlamoLtirtim [moot.
I: ', = 4 ll,ln p frr fi a l cae_ . ‘ l"ViVi t trj 4
araortmoni emu rot" . h Itharrant arms
got. of pen goat, and rold at mm Paslnd oesneater
are olTerol to harem lo mill and make the irmaretaars, •
yEL(VET CARPETS.—W:M'CIintock hiL5
TIOIC wet fared,' the helmet seecetment of Vel.
7 0, atre ,mr oaletieted is this market. Carpet Vieeetree
HRU§SELS o.ARPETS.l4:')Felintock
411 li=t=t r e..trb • b..`"4. - „r,
1646 . 66Rtir No. 16, Fourth 6t.
V v . ? it s`l4'grxra `" 6 % 4 .17g1ar." u taa 7 "
66t0011y etioopKl ui6maing ribbosut. to
Ittddbr igtelltkuk coatotaars 0, to vital MN. 4664
W. Mutat a. • •
More. New Lawns.
A. 11 . 1 4 ASUN .5, CO. hare just received
its i r m ster7 s ilefirablo hymn
st No. Cu .... 74 61. Mat t - "'natal!. on
L aro atm 1/01100 001111*MT /0110 ,0 001% Or 80.
mt bw. at .17 Phlonr4 pat... Cut and amain., if
you I. at a birma. ' tic 6.62.6141 64 1164.4 a •
- White ]iarseilles Quilts. ,
IHAVE on hand a large assortment of
poet.d cal Ames (WILT& of raped. atiler, at
areal( reduced MM. NOBLE.
TIE oubFeriber, having mido qmogo
t etteotk let sonsavansq apish idts:ss Istsing-a
casaba slaby by Oa JO Am ssta eel mar ogress Ins
lark siock a Mmes. Ilssary. Ulbboas, Used% Eoo
beadsrba bass Trimaloss, lbaulkersbiers, Vas Abbbs
Purrdsbiss (lads, Zephyr Wasted. }brat Idsbaisbb
Manta% Vasa,bl tanb, and Thread - sod Nada lu.
Siam Aba. Was' bbis, (bat Phlladdybis make,) al
crafty rrtistad pram altskabeasul
To ffiillinexL
VILAPE . LEISSE, Line, white and pink;
Ylorrona •
Craw, whit. awl 1.1tri.,,•
Hand, ttio.bha.. p“ IoA crten.: • •
All4Grinkl Myren% lc.: 12 este
base urt seed van niae while', pita, - blue and Wvk
Crape. Ma above war , and demabir panda will baauld
damp NOM. M 404 w MAMA .t.
AWNS! LAWNSI—A. A. Maxsa & Co.
A h••• jttt. opreted w« <••• Ogle Wart M... •rrY
p. Air, • ••ry largo supply of bmuliful fancy ruby. .l Urn, 111 , nt ;Or parr*. rfl , t
Co. an Pfkriug thtir I arsd 'stint •..n,11. , r 1 at Ivry Mm priory. (;:utetry yaerrh.
watt •••1 Gthers ar• nnorsts..l to all •13•1 emanalsorWme
pur•bsolag elo•mbry,
• ya2l.
Fine French linasdetithi.7 -
11, 1)11.PIIY &13URCI1FIELD incite the at-
Arnti. of battle to [heti semen= of the above
troth from tee taut
_approved manatsotothe of
enter, Atet. raw french StAn Vetting. tee
('RAPE 8.11.&-IVIS, it reduced prioes!
A. A. MAPON CAp. Ureirrtork of bra ,
41 au I 4Mkpa Shawl.. at <mat
Aortkm Irma km. p.m. Call arm sad gri nl..trafn
Nes. k?. C.l Mak. 4. rat.
I AWNS! LAWNS! . at cts. par yard'.-
. A. A. MAY.OIN A CO. arc ronollecteg the mot calm.
Aro FA of chap Lawns mor cchloo.l t chit cal, ill ill
pram. Its.-00./.AO ceitilT 4010 pie 1001 int up. no attenum of c.
toncrs • • leCt
boaedatrodard to co r e oat th e bal.a.a. thetr :Ora
floonoto and Mao. , roload nu.s. The a.
WA of Who , is oolioilnl to tEw tansy- tool- - Jell •
TTRENCHFLOWERS!—The istentitta of
IntStr , t war large xtoat of
at Cloven, whirl we aro nor cll,ang
CUT It wry re
%luau Tar. till: J A. LAIAZON t CO.
Piano and Table Covers.
A. MASON •tott2 respectful],
• adt the attontioe or hetteatepete to that ••37 •Jt•
1414 le ••••toeteet tethir Mated and elribMll46llo
Awl tale hewer.. areoned mien, Mee. • ••ty Wen 'nip.
•f hoot and duels* teleto <loth, mottoes &thee.
wwellet N0,..02 001 w . 3f Ana Ptltet
(aUSISMIC CLOTHS, for Men'o and
Senn also, l'lneoil.f.e•ALm , ernits.enxilinerna,t, in
whist varinty of Oil. and quantlin , nnnilini and offerri
ton at inn a:4.ot
del 31IIRPLIV/1
Ildrebfklil taro norkred • iopisis llittovjo
lane of wry vuppriar quality. jel3
• Late Cartairie.
LHAVE jest received, direct from the 'Mi
mic,. cc hue zooartnnot of Lon Clorasu,
~ Cumin Material...l trinanlonof al I Moab.
I.IISIITATS--4superiec article 40 inch, for
br • t.r7 • • MURCII A! lax
Woolen Goods! • -
2 CASES Orrin Nixed Jeans;
1 . Nlrek Re 224
Tb.• 44• • VW. an, jut reed trt.42'..v.•to 21•..12,•.•
Tema.. esaaatiomeat.. and to r•le on favortb). ,
• 2.T7 " • .3101lellY a LEL.'
GNi 4 .4lllll3ftiftibli/VES &at ifitg.
(M.A . .is (mat ntillt: I. mil kierttni
conk Trh.r..mlettloa. to . Ow 1..0 IA rroitrit•nete a.
In. Aka. en
Ind :alI .1 J. r IL rlll4.lre.
NDIA RUBBER b 7 S —An excellent I cor
.eaaOn our. eicor• yr 44=2. Ntlf-mittrritm mkt hx•
prrriml. lo air .t *Wr. ml.
„„,, •J. t 11. Y/lILLItII
illYrrON 110SIEK1 & GLOVES--A full
, wesortzsonicf all Mali.. leaf lama ItelierT,•24
bbe. anxntme.t at Lid. Thread. eak nod tkAlau t 1 Wye,.
4 rale, •124.•a1e 1.4•11, by
al/10V. 11. RATON.. 62 Foatth at •
_ _
DILIED bo. Prattles;
. Pr nth. by,
. -
large isto , ,k uf .
• Flow Oil Cloths, al .14.11 h, 4.4 la.
• am P••••... ...II a. loot •• the nano tool. ral.
..••bax•l oa thy Pact. fl•rrhult• and bombe, I. v.. pus
...sled been...l exmlue cu r
beim. 0..1..1.2
elorrherv. • . J. • 11. VIIILLI
torIC 7 au. 9 Wood •1.
Straw Bonnet 'and Hat Wftretinise,.
No. 105 ?Gazer Stem ,
I) 11. PALMER offers for sale, at very
J Orifti, WWI voortraont or Strati' and littlltt
err untie 1 .
bitiV/PATS—Porelpti and Anviiirstl_Piiin
i and &tiff
Sitar Mill. Chip. tamp, Alilloto Lace. Lair, Palmas, Loa,
Lem i ts.,
nArs-41 en% Youths% and lindtP .Leghorro taw alai
idol. Plaid. lapaia, lianlllo, Mod Palos Let In
fanta' Lfthorn. Enid, Pinar, Chip, (limp, larr. and (hip
knave Ulpwr. Jean)) Idea. and other limn; in great cut
ely or ohavi and 1310.1111...
RUMOITP—Kkb 11.4 rd 'cr. rtala gala and Tat ,
fi2 rA g l 4 1 17:1 ra d nr= " iroriThltr:lrco 4 =23lirtrid
Cotton Motto.
-- 71141411 , YRIlflialla—Curds,.eastvle,Buttcrai4HrildA ,
I' VMM7lekr.;ll ikuliA l teerltaw 41" bpael.dhw4
a yo , Bo.targirrAllil i ttrllll 51. e 11.
Men: UR , Florenai, , vad oat.? ilylmogorozint
aml colors:
BATlAW—Allasurlodind colors. •
axidl low primal Parasols moil Ucalwellietißowil
WM. DIU 81". , hi 0.1.111 Lanai Nutt,.
Eery Ism mat euca. MoakPashlonalo Unotto.
adapted to ilettleroen a ai ear fur pyrlnm ranprialaa ID.
natrest 140. 10'.0111 , 110/10. English aael Yrenth Camel
war. a arTY aldendhl assortmen! of . Vestitag ic and tlotta
of every r..., ohirl• sthl Onion yl o ilsll,_
tetarri l .lll4 ....4 4 t gr i o dom t ga t t A Y . =
rtneta wader the livahenina aintirkieb PforiieLer
la &lamina! to <der at scut pear as VIII enneler• all
• ho favor *Kb • call. that shot only the moat autarke
4:lothina anal This establishment, bait also at the low
est prfore to the ettr.
the Tailoring Ilne executed. al oanal,lo UOt
byt tremble manner, and at the short,* notice. •
• .
. le now constantly rwviring his Elwin Obit of
. c0mpp.g:4114 ' 44.00101/o.l?tt varletter •• •
tiara korai V.1144E41 thireetg..had. upoi,
eels. do. do. Broimelle ortra• sow. tan suslerane pin
derma; lestrs aoe do; hue doum:awes do; cotton do:
44..24. fee. and 24 twined Venittan; 4-4. 34, 641, arid 24
0.0., 4A. and 24 00.1 and oAtork do. . •.'
11.00B; - :11ATIL OIL MOMS,
litre Chenille ItitAn . flue do.; do; out haled do; Ew
do..lo4eeturoou do. Chenille Door Mat; tufted do. dui
sheep rein dn. do. Adelaide do. dna Thrum do. do.'
Crumb Clothe. felting do, Dotting 124„ OA, and Z 4. ''
Alen—nowt lb MAU"; out to ell war sire hall or mica' Mad del Oil Cloth.
Alie—iialr Bodied all slued Coot 111 IN= UAW-
PetF_ltaudo;4,44.sod Kattlualt Table Lime*. Crash
GadDIV.; Doe 2 ebuel , do. 2 seAVertet arbadmed.hadon
Dud wi.a....unwadg r . wtham - su..t.
Goren, doVralele dui da Stead dna tt ended Table do.
14 uretoteet.r vtekellniet from the
Mad of the belost and are
mzltialee to our
"(4:l:arnifits=taWll us ma. tie
The CarpetWorehouse, B s,Feartgititeet. - -
moitl9 W. McOLINTOOK.
it" mama mut um. I `„'L.l
, -:1,-„;'z
.FISIL-50 bias.neir 1851,t y nkled Bening
tcllg f or al" &l b Arm WA" 40 .
- G , ISEI-10•bblo. net) Lake front; t -.• '
loo[ • .• ibrrit. or'
F.•" • ".
bbla.. No. 1, for sale bi
a DICIESY. a'ol3.
ARD 01L—.8 bblo. No. 1, for sal by
11 7
ids . ammo DAIZZLI. as wr•—•
0.:3. MACKEREL.-30bblo: for sale gi
GEL Watt.: at
. , . .
N _
1 1 1aeti lup
Fay mi• by [sem . JOHN WATT co.
N 0.-SUGAR-2Z hhda. for alai=
N IITNEGS- A bbl. No. ijor rate by
NE* N 0.3 MACKEREL--100
ht.bbla. le antrkpir okend Ibroak -
- -
gYßUPS—Underwo o od r 'a finelgaion Syrup.
w near. sad Eltraybetzlilonrar
Grafts sal Tr Dealem
n AIRY .SALT—A superior artielufor the
,eI 4 .T.M ertsios.rusvii wan bansweiii u.
• • 'r l ' A " la c°"•;t.;
ASMKEREI,,— bblo:'No. for salo by
W l .Vbrfirm A YL7. s 2Ag nB
1 4 1 451:-25.
31:23 ' • - As lI*CLIMO *CO.'
(10D33 FlBH—ao lb& yen , fine. for wile by.
Je . _ WILL sKtuno *co.
DRlgb • PF,AdiES-100inshels driii I
r am . .""1"7 I r ° saanatou.
LINSEED bblo. pure, for elle by
1.16 110111.6011.L127.LE * CO.
ACON lIAMB-10,000 r
11.1. : ROBISON, Lig= ° oo •
BACON SIIOULDERS-35,000 lbs. forstle
'jelb - . ROBISON. LITTLE! 00. '
- _
DACONL-7000IbeJloms, Sides, Shoulders;
find. bi I.le E. a W:ILiRJ31111311. :
14 - 110.-110 bbLs. 'Ssxtra""flour in stoic
"IL =di mr at. b . Skin E. • nessArait. •
bbla—Nerw Whitey
6 " ft bi s i t
.1.14 7 . 8 CIAMPI 1
51L1.14 LERATOS--100 boxei iittre; tl
• 20 bbls. "-' lb. ail.
•'• • • -
• - --•-
IHEESZ—MO boxes far sal* i
B ACON—is casks Shoulders ,
3.14 JauesVazeu,mar.ur ec.
- 9
CIIFXSE,4IO beze l for rege m q
.11 . 3 " 19 41,4,....M2 sta.
ACURE. I,- -Quartat ,Ibla No:. 1 fat
k " =litigant &
inlo , Ws/sr it frost ma.
AWN--20 eke., received and for eale b 7
INSgED OIL=-10 bble for sale 11
1.81,10 'Tic 4'IIMANDLEBI.,.
jr I IIOOOLATF4-128 tag: Bo4t.ort Chocolate
5A??A•bx .1.10 • - WICK. a aruANDlzss.
1 4 ARD OIL of Bennett awe mazinftir
tun, La old by 1811.111 DICKCY 8
J A ARD.-2,0(X1 Ibe. Led, for: asle •.on CV/
bibrament br WOODS A Egi.Y.i
• tio. 01. Wafer rt
ACOW-5000 lbs. Ho Round , on oolongs'
_UP Inca, foe who - Tatalks 200 .
61 Water it..
LODrISU 10 drums for sate by e.
. 14
•._l l J.& DI LWOILTII & CO
111 ICE—al tierces Carolina, for axle by
. : ;AarralLtrwremscutikto.!
: 3 .4' 9
, ithds. N. 0., for ,. sale ht
lORII-40 Ude shelled, for sale by
l_J 0.10 e, P. TON BONNIIMIST 4 . CO.
bse for ado by • i
Li /010 • S. V. vox Bo:41mo= * CO.
IL I A n -
D-12 bbls istore "awl for sale by
~ -laeun DICKEY AON
• • r Water It Erma 04,
lIAVANA SUGAR.-50 big white w r
es.a sanMud .."'erairmum
L O.,iP SUGAR.-30 bbl loaf:600u, (as-LA =fed inuatrObl i ta ms n th mt a:
• __ Na 116. Warr rivet - ,
E! M
LARD -12 bbla No. 11001 for sale
4,2 T A EtC boacA lloalncabri-a ght's extra c tor
Inle IBJ •
ARD OIL-32 bbl . fur sale_Ly:
eiIIEESEL. - 3 - 6 biz. N. R., for sale by
t.'r. vox naNnonsv
COFFEE: -300 bgs. prime Green Rio Co
tco,reanukt sal for rale br
206 jomi WATT
WCE-15 tierces .'rei3l2, fol. sale bio
kA, pI3 • ' /AID. ► YD.
nRIED BEEF-2,000 Ibt. prime,' just re
ity 4:161•4 ult by 'JA E.W. lIAJUSAI3(4II.
Q 1 lAMB 61 htids, received and for sib by
S. R. 1/A11111176111.
MOLASSES -100 bbls just reeeiveduniL
fbr by. -• 1.9 0. W. 11.111,BAUCILL
MACKEREL -40 bbla No. 3; 1851, in
bs ft.
DYE FLOUR.--3 VOL, 'rye flour for sale by
UALERATIIS-31 casks, for.q3a!o by .
Q CORClllNGS—:scaskstoiros oo . 1111724 wad
10 for ale by WILM " k =CANDLES?.
T . for W WICK &
__ •
ii I OWLLIVS. PATENT.I I ft, far utak
' t. 4 P.4,7:o.krn;lsnt
resol U. %Winos of sok/ water mar, mast lions
rll I. Itnunl the roan commis/4 sad cinema that an
fur holusloold Insrpooni sasizurS3 per mg. in bat
./ lig i Wd =MU 'lb...A. 4 'Maks lAA/
/ innse, th sow wing of; um*
W tans/ ' salt ls rot up in ronnetinnt
=idof 3
An/ mnizuito MULL, • •
Itit FLOER-13 bbls.furiil b
m 730 • SDAIS=h OZ. Liberty at.
CHEESE. - - 9 "
BACON-43,000112.tihouldem . ----
a1) . 21 513
co. -
btlehttl!l t b
is. • witLJusavait.
'llk I USTARD SEED-500DA! kir gala
11u+,.., A: tiwastoct A OP. '
LE A libil 1100 . 11013 . ND-400 110. Bdeon
AN Istv, eti.. ab5116.1#1444 tar Irk b • i . .
sarr.o , ll.* W. ,,•, ISOM
. _
frt.'%) BEEP= - Awilli°4%w.
S UGAR --60 Ahd4.ll.t i tr blon
LI to tor odroliod lb pensy. andtaroA.. by nay In tb.
any —tondsatlf on band W ti.‘ Mk by ma no cam!, or
of . . -
Ate- itAtall prkte--46e, 62.10 ska?.7te..,
A Ilbena eiteceo . l.6ll7l4 uggr o .M!7.
- +Limp* 41,41Tes.Datarrs.
A* commo l i best;
mrts . . Railleartvilts.
& CO.,
' emir of .Irototooii
ita ty bras krblifi 0
4Nbi.Verts -.1.1 do: 414;..
in4ls6 0.49.6 IZltli.r.
o 6.. c. lila WOOS,
bo . LiM1 , 10.4341 Atm
ZSyo , o 4ll :4 lßd f I ,
bbliTtroa. 1 toil alleck
V.I)(, 43,014d0.t i l
,I. tts.dal
1306114. latra Maildir
Vbe a a
bd. ~,Vr_m it!! ..
2 :. 9-- -..;,„ 1 2.0
10 - - Clem
2 b6l4.o6entra Bastt
is bogy a Mlearba I.Seihr, -
lul Joan itaporsltr;
100 lbg. Istirlimii kiwi war
lai - B. r. Indlri. - •
IM Own B
ads. of 6040c0t to4or
the *oda
01= u, 54 . 1155 .
50 bun ortra war. Stud:
1: D.?.. kl. tr. n 9io t
2 " Vi
11 1 .
1 " Arrow Roo4
i n
tr. 8." 15105
1 11WEItraol t" ot
Atom, aad "an 111.14
5 w lama
Nil &dm
4511011. So. - MAX
l a:aViL thl t/p l l . . 6)Z
300 tao. 1
l mi3Ll3. nnllt al& IrAbhtc
3000 to.
..xkles Scd4
36 Ear. Wallkuti:
60 " U 1.6024 Zing
1 60 03
" .1=0367:"+.
30 ux6i
" 0A1(403.b0n
30 " ba -
60 " Bruir,
10400 Mud p• t sp
ef „. o .. Datau.
it - 6 4 ? -- ski
SW Ms. "SW " 114
log v.. 0.1. D. Telma%
• 111. 11111.
" kr .
D woe.
is i ' 3601r.630133d
+ "s : l g ,r 6llZ
gocal. Ullsost as.
lie enia .
1 1 00 blab. N . C. 4 .
60 }Asia mod ailatz
• lOU ma limos Vm gegur
100 F ro. nuts
57019 " 9W k
O 0 qt. 1.
60 kits
300 kelp Hall', wed .11MK
40 U14.2.04' 014
oco lazon 4X4
3( 2 11 .) ,40 . 4...
.11000.44 r.
O. IS sod ado
att ". : 2 at Zirox
Rittsbargli Life InsOraiii:e.caml:tany• i
Titenls- Cow Arm 'Nraii
b ed r.. 74 ina..ith Prv,taal Charter, "2,04
boldness a eaplial of $100"0. , -
Mu tual ' •
ittorns dot* bositcc_ Lath oo thiaJoint
d plan.
in. Joint itiftk clan the into; ntall4nl-14Or thai
Mope olcrifol br Mutual taancloalcaani jkiltottrniJni,
loM Mao due minor mot btotk Onpenin. • • ;
; • Mutual ran ore- the tam n tbs. adositcl&T ilAen
2 * ol s ao ban eUnl
Mt. ttronttni=tlea iam gi mitre
uitte= of Insurance. and the . 4.7rital andSol7flr lijed
Joint atm% defortmena • ~,•• • • ;
e Charter rerodte the trantlor or Inroranforojilk
in Mr? Sorra, toelostinr the icht- or sift, eitildreol.t.
rints. sr-taint. Wanda or neditorf—to incite rbo lafe el
onotharito thelrown exclosin banelit:rainhitafttr deolta
or opoo the cattierarrivina at Um ado of 80, &fa 4(l,crta•
at tbe ovtlowor DGr tosorel.-
rennet AleClorian, l'ntt tretidect.,
lcrph S. Leech, "Irekturer. - ,
Charles A. Colton, refret,c7. -•-: •
Sarauel IdeChut.tU. Wru. rhtl.br4.,
ttrit. Wdb.a Wilturt4.l.l.4 Berret.rrht War:*
(lon. Waite r..orward. Pre Seerrtst7 crf ant}:
• t 413, 4e trq. : lltrbter of ray b Rank;
M411:41.1.4, 7 1 4 Re./ , Irbokrale Grocer.. , • '
• * Jorelth Patzttn,J4. I;4' rr
.OOfPAtaß4rt /MR.. 71. U.
.Itrett.f4h Ittooks. M. - G.. Edrulgtotk D
. raranet Dilworth. M. P. 47 ratitbrold strata.
Robert enyarr, Al, P.. PM Fourth street. ;
Job* Cestribrl, M.D4 - 21rtb *tram • • : IL D., I.o7.Ltimstr otrotet.,; -
Pr. Dll•rorth will be ma atter44,44l. Our oil, rya/.
. 1* thr thhtriar, Ro t Faurthrtrert.L - .
State Biala Fire lastaance Compapii.
liitANClrefilCk—Y - Tat stainnELDSTasey,
• " .
THE best evidinco. of the.f..enconsi of.'the
Diteetcce in ewleasonnye te leek* ate STATA AO:27i.
, IPIRE ;NUIRANCr. Cid.VPAN r covet the want. of
LOW MISIZI10117.: 10 the ancounlicied amount Of 1.11,4110611
which boo been done; .ba.tenc mutat TAW l'oliebra <baba
the last year, thereby addles over $1.V,000 to ten nude
netball. Needy all the property used le a die
Went Went La mall flake, and • lune prapornan tnaFred
O. . - • !
D. d...P . .13.701111,ted:p. forts' .t.t.7ll.,
Amount of Propecti - iii;reaa......—•:. $7,1,5441ti
• .1.....da1w1e1, tenalnaud.aspir.44,ltl,7ll tel . • -
Sure .
re, ;F. l lan t 7 a ,csPi '
D 0 . 1..,
17Dm • aPr ircreZ=-,
0145714 .:
tAlole andlotree and expenrcapssl...=3,4ll4s :
Sebum. an terror of the te, In man—. • o= .oo o
Twcity ornountry merchant% an 01,111.21 of dweillnea.
Whlnd 004 connitY incir . nr. It is•beliarred Mime.
WY amt. wheaten. in lea nt of ehearseent faker, 04
*warily, infer!ot to uo Inentano , Con psety in Ude conatry.,
Centhactal on the mineable and '
of Clannhcatioat Maks, each:ellen ell eretiel nesarda,:in
start= only • 'halted enaount in any on* kendity, time pre..
<Audit= the trennency and OCCIIMIIVI crf. ism lin% ani
also. on both the Mock and Mutual plan, It snit
eats the cheepnese sad enmsamodatner of both 10 b 00&
4t , t=ditle. the Instered 10 a partietpation in the preelts,
JArectorrhn P. huthertont, A. J.tillietta. T. Jonea.
Alamo A. Wrier. Philo LL &device, Punnet /once, llohn .
Jebn B. Reeks; John B. Katherine:l... • L.
r • J. P. ACITLIARTOILD, modeni
J. OlLlAS:TOletretery.
&zip Dividend of
T o e a next.. .Add=
Pend. ha. been declored by the Toreaors. aml is now re
celrable at this 0011 a far nenewals; lar- , rectemnabla werh
at the end al' ninety days. r. Callasa, der.-
Franklin Fire Insurance C0.. - ai
W. rtiehar* e Tboeatart. oolecial D. looh,Totros
agie i t AMtra n tl. , Aoris. riatteretarriat, Et Devon.
• r akisi
llittaxi; reciatair.i
thb Ocatpuir ontlibrises to male letraestiom irsrtoritt
or Waited.. every tieseittalois or eseitr Wenn. a nd
at rates aa kyr es are ootierstent wit& aseatrity.:
Tise Company Imo reamed a lasts toothstaut
which, with thrlr Capital arid Priosititasientlrly Lurertor.
iLe orreiti thr Cortimr. Jarman , u. s as jute
Asher otereabluto_tbe Act of Arairoablf veto as tal4air
ig "'*?
mrs.ry 'eszoos
Flom their hmaeoratioo.' • relied of T a i 'yew; Um,
Aare Paid mounts of One Mull= Wow Iloultmlllmotuad
Loam's Imam be P. Ilereebr *Me.m of the
oelvantates oflommelo, m cell u time-MOM, and dla
plcllloo to meet Stitt 1.mM...a MI IMMlinee ,
J. IJAILDNXR. WYNN. elleetst.:
orl6 , °Moo S. Y=me of Wool end Yd do.'
Penn Mutual Life : initiuLeit Ca, Philairtv
deerasaL) Na MMlLhertstsuret.:.
or better mourn:omm of perm. reakting the
Warr rat of the Intr. lbet may also b e tona l from IR to 12 nod 2to 2 Vskg, as the counting mom Gf
J.Schosamakar I end No= Wool Moe; caber. all mace
rarr uMannation Ell be give* and tommuuleallons pram s.
ty attended tn. nomad.. toPlatntint tbnrubthikmi nd
bruents of Life lusunums, and bhum. forms f mama tds
Most eiero4,M and runstantlp Inentasitig.—
Prnt thrblrd nErmastly xsuotlgn. those lamina Mr We..
Pittsburgh. Jas. 21. intd.--m.14 •
Marine, Fire, =I - Inland Tiansportation
yliE Insurance Company of North Atzteriat.
l'hiladelyinee-Cherterndlith (IMAM] /MOArndt
000.17 U. theta= AO. Will main la unto.
bmldlnptand their conternson this oily and. simaity; oho
ereV' nem-SIMS. ahiPPril Per Stear. boatx
and ether erreeircenner by inland trasurpartatlilliiiirl the
Arthnt can. Pres, xtu3sms P.Com
wood W. Jame s John 11.-)nl • t
eamnel Etrolm, it Austin Aintom, :. ; ;: ..
- .Terir " 7
litt Z r otti:= - .44-s
tt -
Jetrob eL Thrust. hums ll.ineteon.
htmns - 11. D inarnem. nev e r. :. '.,
11111141 the Wart, huoronce , t.l mpanyln the United eta.
and Itten g•lath m• CSperql4 , V.lll/e haw,
and Madly; a eta of an extra .r.reous enttr. it
may to comenern) ex crimp amp le .newel c
the Went,
Or. • Anew. '
isfll 1ee.14.1.110rn 4n:et
est= ee Company o f
/QAPITAL $300,000. ?T rxR,
Presicient. F. M.
tismetnry. -
• 'lll mime anninst all Lull 01 treks, Tire "ea tit...
All !mum 'till te laterally nillutret surt Drumply paid.
Iwo* institrAton—rtsumm.l Obis ellee arar van
Imams in the connannirs. end who are deterroteen by
Ampmess and llheraln •to raliatihi the them..-ter nth).
Veer Item airmitmL r encrte4 4. but poodootkot to ttoo.
frinunths—lL Jr a Gm. Simi, A. Butler.
Ifolmon Jr.. Wm. It Dame, C Oro. . W...!mtron.
Wirt 12. Lion .1 mum Littenet tr. itterre Dank. Jaws )1 ,
Auley. Alta. 1i12111 , t, TL ia em , tt.
Olbse, No. Calk air, eit,m4 OM Elio., of :rpm: h
np ann., fltlantgh.
Delaware Mutaal Safety Warn= Comp'y.
CIIANCIL Thad street
to lierriaiica--liai - rir.4 rt.tig
er/1 tte a ki ' Vrgt . e ;ri. " ;11 '" .
klajlt I asneanch—Trey elle I#.ll, Van , 44} . . Lees,
Prelehts. Annan or amity lee, unler ermi Air sneimil
Air4ty . nr, es the_ nearnl mar
tranaacallat by Wagon:. llati ”lal eau. Canal danba4 tanal
boat, ra man. val tat,. writ labmal tyrrs.
Ihna.mas—Jac.. ph lilaantal ' il.iisuder,
Darla, Rnbolt Masan. JoLn_b.. Bum/ Ezinada,
tra w 8:
Tb.,bn. JC.11.3 Mack, • Llecary
Sloan. lluala 47..1.11. 31.11`,...
Chant. Kelly. J. la. Alannut. Win. DT.a.T4 , ...
DlV:ane ilrrat.4oll- - D
nabLivall.nat. Tim. C. Um, *PA I . nral
Ohio , Labanztory. • '!
4, -. 1 -gt '76 "
I' 4l- 80 't • 95-i P
IL --
_ it!! I . •
„„-: 85 _
_ • Per ernt. Strength. • r
OIy.ELL FLETCIIER .t 31noutd,ew
,L4 Cr *4 ilt.f2A ° ':j .7"itgt- c a . r,l4:bk4r: Urztc
Chrett t ine ArAMPSITCL, tbrisTiss. Unto.
trim trent Pittsburgh will be stranntin i.
St insert motet
Nirimes and ialtors: -
No 167 Liberty at., Formerly Ihrti4 eiacktrfatiorf:
O . 3, CMTII* V. :701=w, et N. T.
aemooes to lb. public gruerallr, • ad their 'Me
17. (tut tthr hare retsiblisbut NM IMO. laid
AsithOlt ATORIi st the there thud. lathe o*y-than id•
sem keep • Atli soortreent °Pith beet creek—thisethe wed
Peach sui sad white With. Alsktheurli dui and rate
arsodiiie. of the thoiesst'etuthipiA Jimmies rum, flolLand
stn, IthitlVAlskenebssithothe and spusillso, Imxik=
at th e most slithere' Anode, tOft WM% ANL
mil muscat WththAbethtiot. Ao. Aoo.thrthioutililthid
berriskje, Lit t urb Queer. • All of.rh Um,
vlll . war thither:out reemothths truth;
One the part . Mr. Etiioreeiik roottmtile Oki
lizotalatiou mums io the eilirepo York.the there the
is ormtholmoll • uthor nod • lit tier Wide than thy
other bowi ae in this city. Please tire us eon, breath you
• - 1/Wrthaiii I supplied or, ertts thug, slid at the
,CARD.--I have removed to my iieweiire -
Oabgrag,ltillrie= .irritilvr-listut
ow and ...Ire data virLo Ar""." 4 E
cola vly.lvg! , ,/trortmant I.lpholgary, Nasal/ :Xi
f4titzb.,=..,,az,lllots.l.3lll4/1. 101.1 lino& 1610.1.4...
13011 _,_, 11 1 , 41111, NMI Okrugort . .;Vgleve l"' &l lU"' .... k43 l n r al'..
ilr t
...n.r l4 ' . ..U. 1.4 *Ms arti , te usually 41,11 ".
_eAultro enlablial t 7risso atilt kind. 0 1. 4.31. - Pit
11 ' .4Ontl...nara
*AP 11'
C. °. improved '
. TP 41=1.13 hin.116114 ed g't:f. - la br, -
l i ,dattr 4/11.y.,111/..r.E ON
134 V 11.4441.11..
' ::Seed Store Removed
Vsubscriber Has removed hie Seed tore
r E eett Emma etreet to the ntlattr IrrllPrita.
ter r. Kay es • Mike. sher. ott 'Mint elen eee , ;
thetiebkly rocalte the l'oet mow. • .• •
. r.. suowtmu.
entrrod into OoraziazerrhfpstUlmr tM arm oc./..
A Okllll. . ISSIIII.. 11.54.1/IPE,,
-1110.3 t I ROSE I! .110 SE! ll—Jut keed
from tbckumar-tory b , frodort. Mt rain
ridia kat.,
wipi% lanes rangletg fkato ,!‘ to . ..4' lathes I. dimes:,
ve is far merlon to =lf hp. rp.l.Parhu , M. Pr
. far hd reat.tortdocuost.or /Ire kuiLlt. Or.
• irOlk ti to be 411stin.:J., ung.4.r.4.3 that oral rd
bola trust soft Elation? egablWarluat J. van.. Iv
11" ti=t2l72l=l/t=47r4ltraZ
',. t TEA T& Piltitliiirli- . 7 .g)t)Cl - ..7 p'.512 - inlic mixed;
Pisib.nd Pure . India Ro btr.i. Perking frPti 42 tc , '
- loam, ttildrwrirrata.ol to be the very brat Pbeki•Xll
- rxr. la vee, for the folltrekor rerrpoe.: llarmoie
Eigfp. Plana made Steam Join.. btu. Ci 11,40
µlildi4 Staltag &nes. te a tc. For irsie ACID* Isalaita.h.
te,r at" No, 7 104 9lbmlgm r. - ,
twill . . .-- .. F.'a n. Pian.uve.-.
SODA •Asu—.s - „,, k ,
.... 4 0 .1, 0131' MI mann
tsal La we a we knigtiemmtetnno. ‘"
wrgi; -AXXXXIT. attUlr a ou
GROSS. STEEL alss. oran okuali•
urn tariudh4 !Amu4 , 34k 11.
004. • tivieti l'eta.
enhbrialed nut vlaevara,`. tz+
VV. b. ILL 11-Ve Euti.wery &WC,
soma mak.; am mood sta.
1, ' Needles' Celebrated
...;„%br: =shawl vim. urt i tr u m.
I=-,........ t . m i. =
. 11* mast Villegeless
oil oar Dem=
Mot elt lb. Walsall antlemea tea le b 1111.%.
the bes bees ladolted, basth row the galled."
totbeaubh, ses krtbstrestpedor date. eurt .11 etboldee.
4 1 %. 1 .4: . 11sIkaie eg tbdratheseeiwer7 =Ado
tonally eatabibeL leek. them r-.... 317
penotattallsathcto patetheart <Moo. , ....'
Vet bolo to lowa roetteet nam prottudief moos
adesePste coat. east kol.abel .. Ms otiose llesasklil
demo a abe lady, their ethelkeal .4tanater p , ,,,,,,...
e = alletens = aagtoba nai,=== Aa a mud y is 1.... v ena g....„
Ter oakeeses ss.. le the beet seal mak:
tram moo stransa. at ist. kiders. ea, Pt
r=ozr i e i t aT=s ,..d e,..
i nt kAgez4l,l46 lry
Lela:Atka, ne oboe . r .124-briar pesaaltbeees
that tbab toethall egierte will be loot a men.
ror cab. Ideas-sate that akriAilits.
• -ien. li belunltaitkvs Liftbei........lfinte.
hire.Callbm Ebbe lams. *ad an Wads. et
Y pnerem. ttn , Ka man COIN, UL/ea,
finis &eking: Ir <matins nottriar Watleaa 1* mum la
Klub h*Tert. , TS. /alba ban lons ausulhltillm
ankh , : Awl tbear expel:Ulm
IT nkabud. Y Da caeirettika is Sated apse ea
4.111476. ti1n7 4onia <Mb* wid as
• -
• Also 416 eel& per CA, I L LCake wtth tall 6 tnefiair.
Po Web, yr. 81tUM&ai Want
. . '.7.1 :TI):1' I ' 0 . :1i : I). ~
litroo thi r
WILE framed. tile. remaitaile rem el
it dr, tort the oonstont otedieation Ito it. to the Mat
.tar. b.f.:toad titte to tome itout no .e bon*, JILL ,
bolo ant dirortionajto the bmetrt of the Pntoo.
no YUROLEuaI It promote Two oven tu thioNsa:
tr, id a depth of Omer hutteted f10rt.. ,,.... _ft • pute,..tinoloiteng
-Ted erode, without nor
tows boot A aturtra ofteot=7,l • '*h - ortr n t a bg
Terre..:.. teaching • number at disea l. rio 174p0r m
loaner of ormtatoty. T=itz inane t in the sr.
cams of tonne. *WA. If 'Mat be tart moolait
ocaelo alltenstlax eathrint. MI nototing the
bealth and eltr o to loony a i rderer. umg a blo.
=VA:rile= igtomathriti ' I ' VI
Floe calls kw It. and @grail tentarliatie tures it nos
Panel,to • aunt Indication of no futon popularity
las M. 1.2 •Illakakiii ill the nut of clmate,
de Met oh* Innate • hoar Wade
ire ore r.,4.1.. Rat the metthnue can /TM .CRit 1211=
into Um treat. of ikon who taffer. sod Wlb to to
St MIA 're do not tie floe It a sinee,•l sop:iamb. titW
.'dean ate totheattattultlT us. thm - en . now. 0
Chrome lt la anuirolled. 4llnottp Wane Mai bit
emote 0 dbmtoter et the manna tango, huh
CilliONlo_ololsl2llV4 CONIOI.IIYrION. On 114 tif
dhows ern. air poartiOas. .
Eit Ca , hI4.IIDIT. IttBPEPPIA. le•thom. Pure* at Ito
filoollice ausi Pahm It
tfor s...n s or fro• Norm.
Um/am - Ithemoonot=it. Penh
elat. Tenor, Kingoorlmo. tonno., Ohl mots
Ale- to. In ..aamot eiet•hir....T . rmazzmn...7
Yong .11 protroeted woo a disease Mb
mboie froroo l teloorbuf o . ear thatat2
lutetium • telt elltila disesan ond • es opeetnu -
w an ailing intammot and renewal to all Ito wpm
Ele! Thee pnortiater knows of, moo of PULS
that twirled ...err other treat:moat. gat well ee l, . them.
of the YTTIZOLI.UXI for • short tora,The put ea• be
sen to our wee= who tlediso it.
F old
the pausimmithout tbo dioatune of thepruprlplor.-•
0. WM Oonal Itmin v &moth east
aum, by E. Z. PY ob i Melt ot.,
came Wool Mott and Virght Alky. oho AM
somas hit ?moistly alltointed /watt
NOW iU amen vb.:rate Fick aid'
win dints* el ttet Blender sad Keens. with thou
ma pangs la back or than, etnrigftte, obi sons.
ekr. jber nt=e. by uktair th• WteZr,
lents aostrau se nook
&Fa lath* nue not asks Mtn tbrenulattalle
la the. nee at so Moen occuanatty,thst It had enema
ankh 11re morainal In MR ObetTrmedl d The um
who it nehat sfW Den. gun attlortos toir
man T. net Una say Of the ealDfetataa
. H.dcc it °Obis esti Me to an2,l, Shit
hula Is MO o paint *Up panne
ccpcocs an mut . ba th hi "man glebes.
tat bythe muter ban Let ftbblesaphaa tie
bosom ot oar mocha tarthja Its ottatut panty. guk
Yin to =Una/ Intanalty • rentlyeasayi. undo ea/
tand'Pttek: Atter ethUttadlehne ' heebttont lr
renter w 7 relleb... it by awed lthesmallan , at. inn
im wort stet mod wheat elmiater. n
=4' a
ml Choltra2kl4iou. by ow or tea dam It begs
rntel au outs of uorrines, in Una every othat Loattls •
het nett at De swell. As a.. bon- tratEr t•; sae
tiVirligur b Ta t . a tau rl i etu a l ' ob=sul tqg
In • Int asthenia:kw oadcanted. Wilma ass
ot tbr troth rotastren la the non
con &ORIEL AL KIVA Caul Benat e i Mpeee. Olt
elt i o=ie mu_ . • .
alter k. SetW74=lnt
Curyattleltblete sze the matt. r
= ,,, lsces licnag a tie b =er apd
inneatar af l Ordebrand_tastrateeW "
utaps; an aliveness elan ed laarnkl
. .ersra
dreamt that Agnelli pkyaician. DOCkelt end is •
a:Waste of the Unhandy arlezaryl hac chaMrt,
'Pews alms has•sal been
or nasedies tie maw& la lbw lantstlipOmpt
esce. sad the ican thews. , .
~ Thassdpsd. inn Odds WWI= ta/pOstomoseelisnntth
his thephylactis gym. and Wier sesesdie=
paned an napanathhas madame In inistidt than
.alt taw =awl.. TuhenallsciAsnnema.„=l%
Scrofula; Stbresostina. Scams. scee sualAssw, •
all Made, await larydreisa.thaw obstinate
Zral s Shoe[ 4 4 d r
1 et, re Ml=
thiaja es =lazte r,
reandisi, adlspiest to, and panrelbal Ids; eseltrsallop
TTaQaeacsale:VberfLi• Pllll%arlesa ued,te a , pseudo ,
nee es Irro lama islave tit to=
Pair free teas eastivenens deo Bolden are sib
Isj i tettre , =pogrom tacahas plopariMaiale
nititneas to d establisb vial Ina been iski.intta ads=
—The salieted 'Mnnta! to and ptt
care jprat/s1 sae et th• Dances pasarkistiv
ed marmot of each remedn wad ica swan.. •
Yor sale b tar steaM, 1F70!"-.47
sinis t she
hea..dt Pittibtat.: :
L r Jdxyll
•J. M. Ibensead. pawpaw, - 441 Mutat st. -
Ara A, Pechbesa.... ante the lest ocaci,mpap.
ME. AFFLICTED. will be oait ha
Divine. rellizawi INT/WM -IMAM=
71add.whth has Mad Mu or of thboty sofa.
psalm*, and bso, beyond doube. - teen &Da mom of sae ,
Inc Meteors at ShcorAmds othatividnals,to Mood nvii7
WS ISni okambiss of Mame. 111 feel Mat Ins tassad
Mob- is ssyba&Msatbde tbs 0 1 / 7 mednina MaAjaes Dam
areal to .w 12= dam. ba inlay elestasot Moves%
It Das cased andlicapalleof ass
0u.r.fta1e...00.4, foresm. 1111 . IR.-D 7 "931,
nude er sold. or by what nap. •
a. • ininagnail , earrinnin WO of MA abiloa. , We .117
that Isla Ms only ank> th at Du messed ha the tzent of
Utts77V44l %e th li t t! ".'"." Vss thW anzl w e=
klt, 42% or used), ofay et
th"* TDr7lae 31.. e
west. )4... -lac
16.4111 IT.T.
tor.. 171111 m . Esq., fordor of fintztt
tbney; lad • host of caber dasdnabOshol caimans of Sow
York, who blip fully tooted Its stasits.Dave permit/al the
As St to rHlkb.ra that Patent iolideosail . 74 wow
alb. Warr-End by shake:med wealthy and Pa/Ue on"
Int! eawloubtodly sightto Wel osamolsea We.
Zlle Thls Wonder srogfiirgrod AssMisesl7
oTATTa m ..-... .= 4 .....zn i sgorsard
,osrvibuia/ bona of tin vs.tfolassAand sansitve
r ine, /tin nincreinn mar nit
=%%M . rip an inn tut fr.MiZt`•
71,M : ebb - Wm Dave teen add 'mahout
' 4Z7C - re Drat. as wolastesnr aababa6ina " lXEd Int bei
one:a:and in oar pcsessaion. tba. monism passible ed.
SDY lasdieiniko nahabAl nsinsay. as more
etables. Insersal /a ussl aa entersAl .aS
linos the dvz l =fi c ag
aD spasaolbi affections. diseases P A the Yilasys i and
Waelhoss laemwteordmaakittain cluAsets out, ana7
• 707 Pidabar*Sl rdelle Th ltescra.
Co.; aod Ogshor t• • asstby ramie' Wawa,
sosnrs l / 7 ,. 7nl n) of
• - •
Tolhe Readers of thiPittsburEA Osseer . '
TOE ELIO „ ATTENTION is .ippeetfolly kv.
. ji..4a.ll.tet too.f.k.o.trz, AA Igrtglg o aigago IP
P {ATE% tr Wa gOA F T/L: It l. ot a= Max -
par are Mom Mr grea Wady PA{lrepar tepee t a,
for &be Mier sad cure of r1q.;....1 tine
re aaaa. bag. axe agave
eratanaltre nature Murtha Ulu Ufa the
reare ariebt fall Its War
1 la eat Oa am.
adr ot • day, pot up tbe ode anaemia a ruakira Ilan;
but. reautlea ver =modal. sui <saunato be awl vhdia
all ether mama I =argatea %be Otarima fin
a Mama Peutedr.
.... Us the Oahe the earth
I " . %,,Ir,Ma tenTdoee " art a ro all
ut a tuall.
et*" lbat it atila the etie tar tall:de:War
heed admire those tolter_tearat oar InAtai , pat cut&
data be ot.statemeoa. - odbe eh are ritry poet. pm& ~
afff Wes tost War hoes darter A nay aaa
harily to tee 7 Waged to aura the abela a Pan ,
tott, a, ; , a hum =me a Ibeur"-•ltrnerateete aft data
tbiu mart atalan oply tdorAthe battle earataa a
par ra•Wy amid to ale; a ormareoraentte luau pep.
tattoo far 0tendag=„...._ ...... .P4111 Arta la alt* Map* au&
tea. .• Mid wawa, thalaabelarertelad
ip age egg ad nererb oYnm tarej saga teedietal aSr •
, aultia the ra n twc. et t etraelfatelar
*be eau b ea rimw ta dalu. Seer
era =RS" bladuala atelAute ot Okla, Lye,. bap
Mat , aleleu,,tlet eue oda ..mlsjitopet aunty.
rears sar4lw= tut tame are eeate oar area. and mar
'he rearmed tub: Oar terhaserbo betsetouteares La map
'jai More taaa weer rand alter th tied bees shadow.
al hr Dhaka. ma botelesu The teat ....
lam used to . ~.„..
..__ , Pilar. ttheounasek it hat Me.
=Mmato hoe, • Pots
ac pular la the banal Wee q
Wpa, gala, Caeca Coady
el7 ti t....
Yuba:eau aketka. of •
Gaml3a*g *
a * . ‘a34r = t t a
Pare•p •
raterto-r4tt.prl r itthhilraet
i l V r* elna Hadeaggl:, :oflag=mit.Eez.a
a a t l r ae G ea dPaga palecranga • Outtha u a Mater
VIII take . fa Arm
.. 1 %= 1 .64 ... ed1iedal ar aufti;
1 4eita..... „
.. .
rack= fa th a jawiett ltanatr . ot —.."' .. ..."
of blab irtagla nt the ea a
to theft berries:Thomerathrd ,at
* sad tratateteve allllug OD IMIli IrjliM
17617:7 1 .7711att.. _ " VIIII ' M r "44.'
at Mdkip.i.....M. irpo ".
tall.. by IdIMIPIL Al A oat*
Abo—h. Z. Pe 67 Waal Street; la 11. a
w Wici T r it Al N 7 P c'w* A l4b7 M .
. . u.,lteerea . atom
mull a At. a th. Wart eall. head ster
A YriouttowErt .
, .T4tutbnpoievuo.tekciViairesobv. --
asa• . A 1114."
Mr-It. Z. II•I 7 abater; 11113.1thlitlVtl.
sat ta ambles:am condo. Gall Ur
.. Salfmat
t•-les,to v•al Uttle_purroar. J was • • .• • _, •
lasmesta aloud imam uousb Ilinilfr le • PM •r , .-
ay . typal MY Iltn. lid Ilta War • •,.. MI, •-
at thus. Nal II Ilaa oner 8111411* ••- —•-
1 -bays aveassmaladrit-io rig 4team, • to
atualsaakaady 00Ilen• tball It Is
tbalbas Ter orm • othred ta
dleald sot malt alldunk
4 0. V . Irlata tbsy maw to cano by a JIIcI.IOL-tila
itAl i : . 07 b 4 . 6a4 at; •ial li ttlialr.. 22l =ia...
ta r... and the gas ®the aratlfteral . ier t ,
tin's Mamas Arciaidy 9 &att.
trestial Wier
NIZMI and Dom Ltilment Maktermrs ULU of Haft
Osodgcicc. theees
Imomy Holum reirliztzactotik4a
Pe*# Loalb7l Cigahmu w.
ric;=ta • sirii?rrtfAlNTsarg es U
t 11,10A.U•DM tg:4 7 ,,Phibk •
Y' ~t~tTTe Coermtaaa~
tau Otet i tta d igr !Was Ey. Min
1)4.'" ••
IIiALE.-41.1 bbLY. - 4
V art