The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 04, 1851, Image 3

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    ~ -
t Tun Ilammt-Ctt4-This'team*. cbah.:. the I
iikWilldes 17a11 on the 'recant Satitday, met *
on Saturday night i 4 the third` story of Wilkins
11.4,;.iti. key of which had hien toned iiipritali
for the * aentilos - itlien:yre - test lrent SOW: *
very few were ;;risalt:Ant aiming them wait W.
W-Dallu, Esq., 14e:Erelddint. The numbers
eontinutd to inereese, .14 eGoi2 iimiii,iin,be : ,
mime action; for title Performers*, to cusinitere;
but :Citric Kenyanbsent, - es ketone,' tbeY
were compelled to await his triieid: let '=last, :
thati'gentleingh,riehti .13 • the''.4loe'Peetilent, -
striving, ' Mr. 111110 .- slid . his ski de camp
mounted Ili. , roltrini:- The aiirtifzi - asked
eome ono in. ibe , ime+icito' nominate a aeons
tarp.. , Lie -Poeterfwas nominated, but ;bilked
• eireitig„.; ` Me: :Diehard plidlips rim nominated:
and elected„-butispleared that their -had
Made a mistake to the names of ihigemilit
-Min intended r: flamed Fleming nu elect;
ed; . - ..but. declined :SAT... mr. Mcßride was;
- ' :fleeted.; tint Sould ' inotterve.Mt...Crinntil win'
nominated, kutdefinedbetorethe vote was pit.'
'...'71e Cludinien'' tip ai red to *Wit's :end,
but at last ihriztit thought Celia 18i;eind he
walled ontheco rideig Cemetery to eater
4Sersitity. - '?. - : -.P, - -,. , ,1 ,.- , .;1 - ~." -
,- liti...DailiiifitS - that Milli Oliti..iiithe Agit
int would be khid. enough"' 16,76ente them with'
no addries.'! , ;(l'reiersged 'silence • followed,:by
isnghter and - applause.) The Chairman then
tiersliu4tltit it d epoleed upori him to Say a sew,
words 'esOnille..qh.reces; tallith hid, assteorblid
them , c en.' :Recommenced y eta
tli - ''
th r '' . * ****
-1; rid * ding it
great len:gth;t ll 6. - ":.?igler-Clob • trrmitheelargett
trt hetng disiegaine: rs; which; bid been brought
spinet them, though we cannot say that In our
epinlonhosacieetled. Urethan Pooteeisi tr, Solo-
gist tie .611eitriCm Digiere! and declared that
, .
they had nothing Whatever to with thisqualr.
ble stiotit: s'pre.tdeotlal' eandldele, then se:.
tarinthe Dem crate ' party.': Ili ..was no
g, . ,
••marie mut. ;'.''hey were no mates men." After
alisling to the rivolution in Coba;', and goring .
Bigler "another cucb,7 he toped that * no a.i4-
. . .
ril; among thrmitelres waif mar ' the-pros
preity of their party, math-gild them _tobe.ii- .
'giblet, as they bed to. contend.ngaitstOter great'
"Whig porty;' at the had of which was Governor
. • Johnster,e Mtn f C ‘2l2donbted pelitieal saitaty,
. .
and Want. They, (Dallas end_ ether mem
bers of the Bigler Club,);hed been denounced
se disorganizerak..llo seldtheivere not. - (faint
i applaute.), Let them elect stGoverrotr first, and
' Intl! e their`disagreemet afterwa rd s.'... '' : -,'
~ _ .
Mr. Pletrffog roe called on, for, a !needs; bet
did not appear iinclitsed to eomply..- AIL West.
• Bon Was collidon,- but that manners coached
;Cerra on his Cat, 'ail thongithe did not Wish' to
be seen, and refused .t 0 go forward.. .. '., , 4 .
The Choir-curt then snit' Cat is they - neither
appeared wilthig loepiak, he iirrocitofferireso:
lotion. He reed one; which - fn substance de
elated that . the proceedings, of the Democratic':
Gasify Comrt+e which met attire St. L'hardee;
a fern days ago r in satjsrestinj'hi ttiiiir call for
Melding theprimory meetings, . the propriety of
electing delegate s to the scot St iti Contention
n6-11errisbure to nominee' a banal' Coninds.
sionei as also o elect delegatesio the nest Na-.
Conventi n at' Baltimore, - were contrary.
to the usages o - the Democratic party, We did
not liele:tis reeointita either moved ir - ietio rt ,
lel - Bat it 'mi . -put and tarried.
..! ;W. W... Irwinihad come in towards the close
~'cii the meetini; and being called Miter a s peech,
`. , rompliesli,;,,Derinf the course of his remarks,
one of, ..the , Ear. -,revolting' : incidents' 'with
.. 4 Irrbi4i'vie bate : ever met,, took goes: •Be de,'iliiie,ie was.neeless serist*tothini at
: . .,.... , pin siii(4tz noininatiegi any .candidate,- since
f:- . -
many chargesmight take piece. : General Siott
Might: die hefor "idled'. Sere Walled , on :to 'ilete
'..inate,'"ind a different' come - shrodd be
Anneired.'::llila remark won ' indeed with* the
lutist •neriteroui epplause.:-.:lt was evident that
the reerehrie 6 amend Boitffe.deati yoked
tdertn;' fo r di''' . ere: probably few, : very: ei;
......,.. .-.-- T , ,
eyen - in the Democratic ,- party, ,that really en ,
peer re -- defeat le olkeoll'er. whit...will be found
aelnvineilde its' • the political. - tinina as he BO
been while winning ' the betties of Ms country
tin usiiiiielentedleld!..
At the elan of Mr. Irwies address, n o other
. .
speaker appearlg, the meeting broke np: The
•-wholt affair w a a ,failin*-. The few speakers
preseut, appefitO4l-:generailY * to be unwilling to I
appeir; fearful paellaby; of exciting the 'reef
.. „the rival Locotoeo faction in this Connty.. With
". '..tho exception ' o i l , W. W Irwin : Jeihn'ldeli
.',...Dear; toge ir' with wore balfdotea other
~ , p ersons who refedlo participate in the meet
., i ~- ; there was not a simile leading Dernimet
pr e sent.' The *4lin/se is divided against itself;"
and for our part,'lre ear,. alit how soon it fells.
Probably ' it will stand, though tottering more
and mole, rill tb political whirlwind which will
-Sweep over , the State, ' on, the occasion of der:
. * sintos Johnstotfe nrileetion, duels -it to the
tit ' Ararar 2,1841.
',...: -,*ifete tie Ho ': EL:omen Hepburn, President
41!iiK . ;xid_witt6,1*i, Associate Judges. -
-* , - -`,,toisils - 'fipermilr,ii: , simnel ''thiotiNci.. 47,
A - jog:tonic 1861.1. , , On motion of T. McConnell,
'. * ;,•.,EttCernd.tiffelayit died; the. Court-gram is. nil*
te ohne' CCM why.tbe judgment should not be
opene4itini,defeimions -.lain- to a defence, and
'.'.. itttbe",meardiesejpriceitings ;toyed:as
,to that
'.. ~ Baton for vs: o',o. 'Oren. Defendsit,
with team of the co r al, flies tardier. objection to
,;;:•,.the Sheriff 'intle.r m .- ''- .',' , -.-.;
- - Caner Canis, P.:014h Sheriff okAllegheny
. erotuti, eau, hi
Court, and-acknowledges Ids
deeds poil; as foil :••i -. ..' . --..,.-- •
.. ~•
..---•,TOMte,3l.trY inton, for ell, therighte title,
4t0., et • Jonathan Linton,of,;in, and tees lot ot
j . : ground in3hiSe ' nth[Weitlot tlai eiti of Etta
burgh, chistaining one acres and` two nerehes-r
consideration, $l, 10'00; ';''' '.. ~ : --
, 174. Michael kleCullmrb, - ,jr., for all the right; '
title, de, of Elijah C. 116r011; St: in, and to a
lot of ground is Dtaprester borough--considers=
- -.7 To4seter Gray, ifor all the right , title, dm., of
''..' 'Wes.•Clismber;of,; and JO abouteisty acres
fif land; - In'lefferson - towneldpconsidereticr,
--'; $5OO. 00- - '•:-,.. ...).''*:-: - i.. : • .r.-. ~ "-.---:. -.
~.. ,-• To John Drown or ell the right; title, At: of
Lewie;'l3ensuel; eseph; Illeara,land Andrew
Waieuer, et. al.,'of,' in, and to loti'lio."4B, :44,
:;45, 0;47;48, 40,164, 66, and parts of Jots 67,
- • .68; and 59; hidßrown'eplan of lots in the
:borough et East. B irmingham -colisidiendion,
To jai Brown, all the eight, title, did•Lof
obi t
• Lewis Gamma; et ,nt; in, and tolots lies. nu,
61;6'4, load;:itiii,.i _ the 'borisiuglint Pest IlEe- 1
- , _eistegtiom-tobeide lin t 00. , :.•-• '' 7 ';'-.
To James Vern ..tai all the right, title, Ite,
of Jam:Cites% ot.nst to - 25 acres of land, in
, Pl u m ril township .:.; •...i union, $200. ,
, -- "Exchange Book 0 'Ettetoiegh vs. Andrew' A.
Duelciet at -tie 638,- November 1846.- On
rootlet( et ,* Dmiff, Ritchie, gsc sad an ;affidavit
filed,Lbijudgeneutda ells case i cipested as to J.
11. Ildffelleaff,lri order that he rosy, he let' int o
-,- • In'thinUitterot theeperial return or Indeed
s * creel nano to Th and Rachel Mel artery by,
• ' thel3berlft, upon cicala.w rits :able hands .
(NMI. , 211, , 4tl; 263, • 364, 265, - 266; 267,' 268;
and zeo.:Arpossi.) . I/meet/era having bum
read in open: 'Corot, and, objections, thereto be.
.mode,hy Geirge,P.: liamllton and. Wilson
McCandless. Esql., - on behaltotiertaln Bettered
' item,' the Court - ,apphintlrdnelL 4 .lsl.
'enditor, to audit i the ..excettbme;end: to.distrib
' et* the fond roisedby the itile;:alitiithe
act of. Assembly; ' and stiles of this Court.
•• Bingbani , 4l, Breidesidiab,l6s, - ..leapi;lBsl,_
",,. Breideuthel vs- Breelenthel;l79,- JulylBsl.--
- - liartnime et M., vs. Drindeithal;lB6;July;lBsl".
On motion. ot .John Bartort,-.F.R., Attorney for
~_ Hugh Ilartipee., - .4:'0; , :;: . rule 44: - Partee Curdy'
Esq., 'Shut:Dl-6U meghettreounty. - te pay info
Court the money tande on the shove write, on,-
j;.or before Saturday the lAttintit. -, .• -.- -,--...- -- .
-Luke Cartwright,•=complabant,. 71, - , 24wir4
Clark respoadent. - - - No. - 06, 'April Ternr;.lBsl.'
: BM la_ chained:: f Annter:andrephlestiontiled.
; 'On mallets of Woo. 11.. Negley; , ./. , 1-.Enhn, Seq.,
'appointet menet tolette't!stimo.l,*,l-,:,;-_
Contain:yrs.—The emttmitments . to - the
comedy priens: 47 f. persons homed . of rations
alums, iithintl- including - drunken/tem. end
• licriney, daring the month of 'filly, amounted
-to ninety Eire of-these were for burglary,
fourteen forlatieeny, - tit for riot, six for peados
counterfeit' money, one for home steeling, °stator
bitpuny,'- tem fob conzpirary, twenty wren for
insult and battery nine for !surety of the
ptsce, nine for breeches of the pesos,
for costs: °to wa otamitted-bY Feutel44ol«
Our p on capita, •
rots -A voiastimniedßri*t
itted , lii pie* ,acilliturisy,
fit': oblftlid..aa matte Mar
itetltptti !1 . 1:110,411ibr. Wog*
, Aiken
_try_alder,apn BC
• suet ffiott,
trout her. - '
• •
':.L ]:,
. . . . ... ~
2 2 Vaamarrs.- . —Tiro 2nd. lhfrt~ erg
,j a zi t oqnvstrialtfi and Aniniuirds_ COM•
Mitted to-prisma limb* tbirpart tniintl6- • ' •
Ismer:3m AWCIOLL . D.—A young _women'-
rteterke lodged e:complaint Wail: Alderman
Steel, wine' the person - to whom she bed been
4PrealleeCiPalehourlite accused of In treat*
sent The matter .4ss. iohipretnised
welling the ladeduree." few 7thrs or Ler Oren'
tteeeldp hot baling expired.
, . . .
littAirivr.—Thehotsorstmched Dr.Bmee's
bagiOratHtotr 'down Sixikstreet," on Friday st-'
tarIDOIL-:' The buffyiras much brokre: bat no
Other wan done. . , ,
BRIAD.-=Two=nil :nix • hundred and
kiiinty-crue two p ound
. lova brindwere con
rained by the prasonerer confined in Oe jail
Brom. - learn from - , the
Trumbull tkitutty:Whig,L Warren,- Ohio, that the
deatruotive : dorm of wind - and ' hail; whlchAid
'soonuch damage ;here, -was avidly violent - in
'that, and the adjoining Counties. , .
Fannington.—The crops of corn and oat:
;were beaten flat with the ground. A barite and
colt belonging to Mr. Bottick, were killed by the
falling of a tree,' end hla .barn overturned by the
storm. Thelmtn of David. Bundy was also an.
Morgan. Gssidil, of the 4ifest
era Reserre Hon e," was the chief loser by lids
etorm. — lllis tarn was bgrned, containing his
wheat and bay crop,raids were killed by., the
fiat stone , which fell' hi the "
eizc of genie eggs:
Cline's barn, well stored,
was street by lightning and burned. -The dam. -
11gC in, 'tide town..was .00nfinodito the western
';'.lfotterni:- . .h..fine. or belonging to Wm. Hen
ntalyioras by the fallinglif a tree, t
' Tecnnyttown.•=:-The northerwpart Of the town
ship, en well as the:village; !suffered strergy.-- -
Ettrreral barns and houses were unroofed, btitehe
chief. &zone .done - to the timber. Fire s'
treat of fotemiles, more than one-roarthef the
Guest tiMbei is dmrti..
Dundyaborg&—Berend barns and hurtles were
=roared, and threethrelling houses and one
school hottee,were atruet by lightning.
The barn . of IS:. Hiram Ford, In the north'
part of Parlanitn township,. , :: was ; entirely con-
Akfidimmlle, thestorm wee very severe and
did tremens, damage to the Mops. The hail
fell in torrents, demolishing the &Litt,
Barra were. unroofed and cattle killed in various
parta:of -the comity— 'lt' likewise extended to
Pairont; whartatarna also - 4qtailly destructive;
haying prosttste treat and fences mdismicolnide..
lyr; It infeared Vhst there has been much. dam
age done on the Lake": es there were a number
of assets and two: propellers but a abort dia
tom* out fromlairport a few.mindes before
' In
.Geaaga .connty.;the destruction iris terri•
ble.' The crape' . have been. cut to pieces, .and
orchard; • forest fences, :dwellings,, , &b.,
proiteited: ' TEO towns - of Concord, - Chardon;
Caddo* Britian,' 'Newbury and Parkin= erns
vialisdanistievenly. Many farmers hire turn
ed their tattle into the . oat and cornfields, the,
crops not beink.werth Urinating... • •
ID4 ELS . R. JONES respectfully inforixis City
111 Iterthatts at& the krolUkt gets.relty, that GAB' 1p /Intro, .Y.NUFY. and
AMORY . . No. 137 Front atrert. otut Ater mtrtb.
west of S.A. Fabneatook's Drug Store. where he has now
la elm *sat for N.* large and general satortntsat of 10
most antr4 ilraisda brands Toham.atrt aaelert wort.
meotoilhstatar News, of the thoieert brands alma
10 bids . Int & Leak All kind* of lisntneky Tobacco
kaannheturhd th ears and dienatrh. enters thankfully
received and nohaptly attended to.
R. JON 63.
**tight receiyed far all the Way Stations
on the Pennsylvania Carats' Railroad.
ne9g: • . u • Ad net ioTth.
11.1daVsb P %ex.
Colunat4i, : Modenrell a.
8.12.011 t.. •
i re fiercer,
": • O. Thotuyes.
• licaer 8r0i1...e1.
lUl eartm... • • John .11 oyett.
" 7, 77 ;; •,•'•• • • ‘..• < Cals.t: WT.%
come Or.
Noted: for Three Prime Articles I ,
MfAll .31INDI—Nlosius'. Tx. Him
Jurle the Di=art, uotid for
Tbt bbd SR
=Mau •
• Tbo bud PORT VITM , •
Ito bestillYSCH BRANDY: Iv PlUsburgle.
Should you beidtbs Mr/. dit.) paryoun. you
=so utly dept. up= . Jytt •
SUGAII.--Loviring's Crushed . and Pulver
taka...romodian, Loaf and Cuilled.'for NJ. by
iY/J* -- J. D. WILLIAM 00:
'TEAT rp.utin) GINGHAM of o super
.L.N for qultv. weir I nri n i.drd mizf i ra .
iIfI.I3,ELLSE-r-15 bbLs. for sale by
- =Amu gud, nig ggd nu!. wrwwg EV'm
- 116. 'aerated Manias
'lotgaitg tort oil,. _p.m; •
. Double Sintiran 21:37 Printing hien
' toe tritit • lot of Odd .a. i , nan:ll%. Vv La at
irms , Pam.,
7 8. LUXES,
.osns ali r oadron ntAt•
_QPECTAC L E Sl—We have a complete
0 mace Gold. E 11... 6.18..t0 , ....1 a: b.:
4.110 of amt. =4 tows. optl term tit
traty oast. of. ft.., zeoordlog to I. b. odol. of
.0.40... - • (.le.ll W. W.l IMO*. •
= EED OIL-14 bbls. tar stile
New Kole.- : •
KLEBER haeljtuit received-- •. •
Nay / I %tx LC-Yoder.
.Slmm_of cbrlstima, verde from Lanni* Pa.
hummer ham rd.: •
• Nene England Haw. by litra. Amur Wade, of
14=4,h/roe I in hotel,
-Inc oar merry Swim home. vocal &tett, by
thaw be gob. leer.. read. bl
, - Tara pat, moray, dash. by S. O. Fos,.
OW. I loved thee blur dear, by e.g.. hater.
al. In Winter.
' .It aren't tear mentioning..
Pentes.—Hasulats, Evergreen, Deni Jain%
'&l=Estr . uner j ifsq=e:
• emcu . L novae,
Wtztcl—tkenege, '" Beyerles
Mood lirroph, Tbree Menem,. etni Mon • Isa
tdentlndl or benign innele. Elgn Me Golden Gam lnl,
szi ,60 bbls. pew pure No. klac . l . Lent •
SLL 3I2. MILL - 1 Etalcirsitinz-.
qa a 144 . iiils by,
albs WV = 4 bfaM fur ' 4° br
SlN4 7 —Extra fine f;r etiie by
EILINTB GROUND 11 , 1 Olt. in 11b. cans.
Ilcoul dad Us Umber, Cbtam• Team, Pulsate.,
yel l". "4
reeigiff AEER Mal Wood rc.
,f, LCOUOL-76 -and 92 deg. strength, for
is. Nes by' * J.SCITOOVMANCII7 CO.
I:WHITE GLUE-31.M8. for rale by r ;'•
.ilIEN't3 Nerve and Bono Liniment--5
Stack Tea
ST RECEIVED, 310R e an'ea Mart.
ILI, %UZI traatlird trut Ev"—Ailig=
1.1.7 ars .cractly W.1..= kinds of 1C . .. WU . .. a!! Mr
, • • Wall.Paner and Borders. . : •
THOMAS PALMER, 6G Market etreet; re
i; spectrulls Invites tb+ stlaution of.parebssirs to his
Pressat motets seal artemiss.stock cousprisinte almost
oral artists la Igs Una of business. fe7.l • •
TATA ORTEE-10 ;bap 'very #nperior,
"..P!!!!T e :1 i.iucrifara
r9PIBIT' ccimposid:
iter...nd doratiot.s to etiobiio 1,. Farter..ot this
litk,iria 'uraraget bt.ll.Hi.ber at Aland fa
1 eir;Vrrllgr at h loe y gr "'".aU ! '
Daley Iona; with tathitions. by
1i.1.. _
the Antrum of mr Team - fry Ames Darker. •
Afen. • Ana refection of 'Foreign alosie for Plano. non , :
If. MADAN.. lolll3lnl stmt.
• • • Alga td the()Men _
P. lk—A ralandid hit-ht nen PLANOS now opening.
Bert good mond-hand 8 orfare Plano for
TINION 7 CorrINGiTRESS—The• neatest
main pperorral, Petie or-In u it} on.* nn ‘
FtWDl..b7lemcle altrietion mama% tad morkseneact ,
er Jvcaleisme Yea SabgAtua: eargatumm sem, m Ism
V. at ••• B.ICATISI3
, 44:. • - dcrilarebouse.3ldarist
AMERICAN drift P.APERa—Risto Pip
tis=t4te Iltbabwats tlii Velt4 SW*
ti•netb Walbloitab tb•
eargrt=r• r our iirstso bastion/BMM
210xt *nut hum.; obbabb 4 P 01111 : 0 %
SCorallbutl. PiatisUcat, tkonocue•M ' t
D. 010 0.1 ••7.1. and lartb tbr., tab
attard a tb• Arta am li hb• statteutb, tubl • M.P. d 01 4
Illt•dat• at tb• Tunesboat
•. abte WAWA@ works tor obt• r
'all cr • •a. ISSOCXTON.O Iftrlst
FsadDLS. RUBBER BELTDRF--j us i — 7 - re d,
fano the uturalhetatese. 1400 het Li e be Dem.', ter
111ttr w Wee tr. rate K tl j te Lel aubteet heeet.
,SO3.- WALTER P. IlLzinum
EXP-11 boles Missouri, for sale by
*go RIMY. MATITIEWI • • 00.
COTTONY tales for ludo bl ewLe
jSAIN-4359,pigs Oalons, for We In
j 4.74 - ' JUIEY, rurntrws
:RAUrri. , .- 1 1 50 bu.prkine Peaches; .
AL C3,3O * Li* "-WfisTrifix b rret ua
itEFINED,SUUARS-12A bbbi..ernshed,
n~ _. __--
11.1CILVID ET Till earmay nuoupn.saiii,
ext.sitroirst, rOE red nrranvinu aAirrga.'.
• " Newyoar.„-Aufit.,
The alitsi Iteronehire, from London, arrived
to day, with 47 of and of the Ifunti
slab stink, who were lately released from Tur
key. They are a fine looking Doily of men. •
L .
. 111. YaltIr., 'August 2.
Police officer. Niel:Mil Foster, was stabbed this
morning by a Piirtupese 'sailor named Antonio
Lopes, while attempting to quell a riot. It is
feared bin Injuries will prove
lion. B. P. Leteiter; United Unites Atlanta. to
hlialco; Wm returned to this city from Ken.
tueliY,*aud is now awaiting instructions from the
Government, ripatory to his return to
' ' HAIVITOSD, At . tgust 2.
el-tertian Laundry establishment, on the
corner. of Tenet - anCConinsereo streets, - was
destroyed bj fire last night: Loss fihout $l,OOO
ALTIAXT, Aegast 2.
The Whig Caiientr Committee have agreed upon
11 . mill for a Whig .13tate Convention, embodying
a complete declaration of Whig principled-en.
donleg the National Admlnistranon, and aqui . -
eseing in the adjustment measures or .the test
.Serail' well moulted _counterfeits. haie 'ret.
eently been discovered; among than' are l'a on
the Fanners' Bank of Newlersey; at Mt. Holly;
6'a on the blannfaetaratind Merchants' bank
of : Oda city.; and S'a and 10'5 on the Chemical
Boik. of New York Several arrests baTe been
Made of perrone attempting to peas these mount
• PIZRADILPECU,. august 2 ,
gOtton—The market is quiet 'and without
Flour—The market'is firm , with - a Moderite
demltnd. Sales 1800 bbls, mostly old, at $4,12/
and kJ fresh at $4,25 bbL .'
Grain—Wheat is in fair request, at 84€11111e
forwew red; and 90 @No for white. Sales 2000
bus Penns rye, at .74e la bushel. Corn is steady,
With, gales 6,600 bus, Oast at &to: " •
Provisions—The market is firm, with only
limited - salsa Mesa Pork is held at $15®t5,5
atoryrime at $lB bbl Lard is firm at 90.
Bacon has advanced in,emisequenee of the re
dated stocks
Whiskey—;s sefiog at‘24o 331 '
Groomes—She mhrket Is poet and steady.
Sales 200 bbls Porto Him Sugar at fileE,Gio ?
lb.' Mobisses is in fair repeat.. Sales 2000 bp
Lipari, Coffee on priestelerms.. *, •
Flour—sales 4000 bble 11.6. brandsat $4,121,
and of City MU at $4,2.1 p 1 bbl.
Grain--Sales red wheat at 80 ®B3e, and of
white at 90® 98e IR bn. Yellow corn Is selling
at 68®60e, and white, at 62®64e 14! bushel.—
Sales of Eye at 64c, and of Oats at 300 11 bus.
Provisiarm—The market is firm, with an
ward tendency in prices.. New mem pork is
held at $l6. Sales bacon shoulders at ite, sides
and hams at 91@110 ib. Lord is held at
9 hallo
Groceries—The market is steady. ,Sales 7000
bags Bin Coffee at , 81®9c. Stocks on hand
amount to 32,000 bags. Sugars and Molasses
are without change. •
Butter—Sales at 10®12c 14 lb. ('
Cheest—Salerat 7()10a lb.
Whiskey—Sala 5t.t..3®'..r40 V gall. • -
Tobacco—The Market is firm at fotmer prices.
Holders demand higher figures.
Wool—The market is dull. The'veek's sales
amount to 120,000 Ms at. 22®24 for oemunon
unwashed, 82®34a for ecomnon washed.
Fish—Shad are lolling at so,2a; Herring,
$4,75; Mackerel No. I, $10:60; No. 2 , $9,60,
and No. ;3 at $5,50 ikbbL
' Nrw Toile, Aug. 2.
Cotion--Sales 300 bass stplaal, at' gsc
- Flour—Thi - mutat is steUly:mith sales 3,500
bbla, at 134e4,12i for state, sad $4,00c4,78
for Ohio.
Grain—Ss]es 4000 bathe]." red wheat at 909
tales 7000 bushels earn al 50a for mixed; sale*
Obio oats al 40a 11 by:
Privisions—The market is betis7. and th ere is
no - mosement. Small sale% new mess park at
$14.75, and of prime at 812,87 QJ bbL Mess
beef Is selling at $8,7661111, with sales 100 bbls.
iard is firm, with sales 200 bbls at 9e.
Lsksy--Szles at 24s yl yam
Groceries-421es 700 bags Porto Hies Cords,
at 916, No: ` bales 700 bbbt and boxes Musco
vado sugar, at Co lb. Molasses Ims a down-.
ward tendency.
Linseed Oil—Sales: 2000 gallons at 730 11
Tallow—Market quiet, but firm at 7e.
Wool is inactive, and but little inquit7 is man
. . • Ns* Yong, August '4.
. .
Cotten—_The demand is fair, end pietism
with sties middling to goal middling, at
Ih, and of Orleans at seq. The sale s
to day are 1000 bales. I '
Flour—A moderate ettaineis Was done,' tho
sales reaching 12 . 10 bbls at $494,121 for Oita
and western, 4n4 $4,12W4,20 for Genesee...
Bales of rye four at $3,481; and or eorn meal at
1t2,81102,93 - 11 , bbl, for mate, and 193,124 for
Jersey. .-
Gtain—Forther. sales 1000 bus wheat at 95e
for Genesee, and 900 for Ohio. Sales 85,000lius
earn, at 60.3 for mixed, and 57®880 for round
Coffee—Sales 1000 bags Porto Elm at %Rio
Whiskey—Faks 200 bbls at F.4/43
Other &tildes are generally without change.
'DIG IRON-150 tone MU Creek Fig Iron
ESO tonalterts Crook do o
• Jill . • • zsa Libertr Fdr.L
BEESWAX WANTED—The highest price
In cash will be poll ibr gut quality.
13. A. /ALIN MOCK k CO.
jel7 corner lint and Wood sta.
A let TURS..—Ledlee end Ml od Weevil* received
On sale bv - • it: PALMSK.
J .17 • L 105 Harkrt st;
HANOINOB-;-A large assortmatit,
• of Pre=b and Assateast Yaps Ilanginm ay,
4 s.d Ax ado by. W. P. RIAU/WALL%
Wood of-
1O) LIVER OIL-40 gallons, run worm
lJ krisialo try -1•1 B lt. L BELLIMIL
1,?I8H-160 bblo. No. 3 Mackerel;
2.7 a 0 Na 1 Tecint sad rub;
lo No 9 6
langthm lad (wads by
TEA—Priam to Extra Fine Green; .'
Chelan, Nlngpag. and Oolong Blatt;
ei said br Jrl6 .J.D. WI LLIAMS CO.
(IMO/LES-10 boxes Star; -
1 ,3 t 1 3 3= 4 - r r Far '
QUBLIME OLIVE OIL, in Flash,. the beet
61.2 Urreets and 'lva Nun...
WINDOW, GLASS po boxes assorted
b 4""
miroViN sox., urns'! ors
y t ACON-20,000 bbls. Bacon, Shoulders,
" JOS 24' . 4 Dit'relktiftLl'VMO.
NE-Rs'lo 1 7 50 bbitufavelle
i.. 4 I
.. 0 . . I
t., . . , 'O. .
EIRE BRICK--We.have on band• 00,000
Rat Grow. Me Brick. warranted equal to ant roads
. United Slaw, welch we, WA w ll km to ;lon tto
conalwarestit. - ' . WALlatto9llo /eat.,
FISH -10 bbla. White Fish;
-1d ht. !Ns.
YEMIUM CHEESE--2 Extra Large Pre-
m{® Oosbat Chem :m . 4 sad for able by
WH.A.l46bUnil CO: •
JIRIE1) FR 01T-300 bush. dried
P t* ear:bee
4". Ibr We by tE.,IUDIENEON.L ITT LE
WANTED—Lod marmots .wanted, for
stiks the WWI pd wiLllO O. at . •
AitZlol.l, CO.
Jyl6 ' Erebus* sad Beath( Voarth ' •
F ISLI--Maakerei, Sslmon Shad, and Her
etas, ea 230. by .1. D. inzi.uxe a coma
L I End PAEAN ears Lln CLI k
fIibr ZESV-61 bol Jaime D A es receiving per.
• U.S.U.,
7/11 61 Water. and 7$ /mat el.
FIRE BIUOK-25. 000 for sale by
raw nun natant.
HAMS—Prime &gni. Cured, Venison and
IA: Waldo, Dd.d ad SW Vacua a... Dr •
J. D. WILLIAM ik C0..116 Wad d. . •
VEATHERS--For sale by- • • • • •
Al• /pi . thaau MCAT a co.
AR—id bble„ Cider, for We
IIEU! MACIOARONI—A'vory superior
6.ll.A.lsarnmAl sal /...2•17 • - 0 " •- • i
In Lain,
Illml~R ~ f M
Pziatensumn, A 4. 2,
;loos smut.
J. u.verinzu.).
;. .: -. y.
. .
WIELLow 81 Waid
b. uttO 2lbw liabiwihie hr. ixut Popular Allem,' l
ihhrwell - • •
• Whith Btu uta. by Pilch; •
• '
j •
• titt b ytita i rftsteLa l • •
rem sle aung,br Nat.: • ,
I 'uth , thee•with
offer thoo tidal band of mini.:
i thaw boo ther
J M? r' lr t r t T j'
dloltie of fOrs it, aat Norms -
the . itivwlso Yolks • . _
ulna* awn -I.7wittirf Maly BIT::
; Hallos Doris Only.: •
• . '. Jenny Mail Polk. ;
„Ufe Ls bat atxtfri '• WoolAbikk
tall o. lid haw.; - Wool 1.,. with then
Goof Look Polka: Muhl HON.
*47,ln o rr k Liri hOPeti
BatahalOr's Paths:- liiirttS . - •
etIICHERIN6VB Ixiors vtock • band
;JAMB—leasks superior, W for sale en coit
us:moms y , . OODS A SON. •
MOO key Qu3as raktriar Blg e tlnic
Iyl2 """.
'1 LAREN {VINEA clic, ce artield, for tap
.) 117 . use. by tbAdve. cloit.oktor Ad, kt,
.1112 . • - A.CULBRATAON A 13(k. =
OVERING'S SUGAR—SO Wille r Crushed
1./ sss rutssrts.s. roi , tele by
5712 A. CULBERTSON & CO.'--
mpoly of N. Hamar t.a.b.'s v./Aosta:l flay and
rmum auras. an band and far pa:. at manna prima, by
• • It. YUIND , EXTER.Warar
.412 amok ,
niant Or Hamm it,Co.• • •
ilyE RAVE. o ere foe the Stock of yore- ow, Alining Cconfoges of Lobo EuparkEr. non
F!! '"'"' :L a raffll . l)3 20/
gIIIRERE-4113 boxes W. R.. fur sale by .
11J it 1...5k 14.11a1t8117011
•bhrMaNi i iiifWißMa
PEACHES -10, casks prime Halves, for
nal. by Jill . a IP. ItiIIBAUGEL
"VEW,DIACK ' L-50 bbla No. 3, large
arr. Inekrrsinort mind Ind for We In
WBIINDOW GLASS-1000 boxes City and
CoontrTbrazzas, Ira sale by
1 - :B.t W. 118.13.8A1NW1.
CODA SH-650 casks, dons own mann
-41:1"."74;117,7mbkh ik u lt".7:or" *4
im • •
PACKED 'TEAS I—Jenkins h Co.'s (of
Philadelphia) superloi pistol Green sad Black Taw
Is seen , satiety. eau all time. Ir etwiled to ssist..od
be wsrraated to ere lestisesetkro. •
Pittitnuith, Cincinnati and Laniattla Tele-
A, FEW SUAREnthis Stock wanted at
arrant. Moe of
711 A. WILKINS it CO:
SAL SODA-200 cankertbr Ede by •
taln by jal IIiC4NEIT.IIEEtItY t CO.
AMS-600 prime Caiavaseed. for sale by
B. k W. 1111LBAIX111. •
.IifOOLI WOOL!—Cash paid for the differ.
OFFEE--L7.5 racks Green Rio, for Bale by
. A. C07.1112.TEC1N4 CO.
TOBACCO-100 boxes Moltufaetured, W.
1. IL Chant% R006.61/1 Ifttirones,ard other ebole.
twat l
'lt 0610 se CULIMMITSON C
411 • /06
ES-40 bbls. N. 0., foriile by
1 30 }T SR-20 ar'ska
VORN-400 bu. Shelled, for sale by
- . 6...DILWORTH CO.
- Comuiration Service.
MAL WWI!. &e. far We wusoN.
'JIIO C 7 Market .t. ottrtler of l'ourth.
LARD -1500 lbe.ttio. 1, for sale by
17/OT. WOODS A SON. 61 rl .
SODA AS11:- -- casks intiricit brand;
s - arn'.
rin. Dab Er E
101 l W. it P. 1111.90 N.
SHOT -11 kegs!rs., for sale by
400 W. A V. 1T71...,01
TOAF SITGAIL-150_bble. slued Nos., for
.1 , by SOO W. * T. Inumay.
ILDOWDEIt-500 kegs Du Pont's Sheeting
‘4l 7.VlNNtrol. °7
OIL-5 enskswarranted pure,
- . J3lO . • ICE. HMIS. 6: Wood at.
ipNIATA 8L00.113—'20 tons for sale to
oms Elm a J° 3 a,;.
YU) 0113 d
O. MOLASSES 400 bbl#. oa (o? $&l
S . 11 in S o nt"--26 bbia: toi tale b 7
IV 0. SUGAR-150 bbds. fur ask by
1 ; N • .1,10 W. IP. tilLettil
gIEESE-45 boxes receiving per Bidwell's
snd fbr nl. by JAMES PALZYLL
Ts 9 ds Wskr. and is Smut Os
MACK EBEL-40 bbl 3. New tar sale
vos or 179 JANt3DkLIELL.
Family Base.
d i LARGE fine looting Sorrel horse,
tat Tut
be selterzieb.ri
11100617.1 ILL.
• HS ' • lAt A. Wilkins 014 I
bb! No, 3 Lapp
aad fur malt D, . 44
br iSIS " . Diann * W.
18 anditifixd rR
LOAF SUGARS-300 bblL used Nos., for
We by • lIAGALWT 11:XI J
JIS ' . IS sod 3:1 Wonl
1 1V:ta t for
p bars . 1 1 , VhitACI.s . L . Fite:L- w
101 • . ANITA' (1).
kIY4UPI4OLASSES• 4 -27 b bin. S. H. Syrup
Q 1:1 4 "'"'" u r?''•""' Tort tiAtTr I Co.
•I< t.a% J. r. igeHuOtiiiim • Co.
QOAP,3OO boxer.ltosin,Cia'ti 'brands, for
us . and 2.) Wood at.
ii . OTTON- , -.T2 bales itoro and for eale by
111t1t111 DICKEY t CO.
Water t ?root Ma
COTTON BATTING-50 baleiFnmily, on,
irr" * " i° kroViiinrcent
MEWS!-150 boxes for sale by
TAR -2 bbLs. l genuine Barbrtra Meal . BaO
Dneariun der. recelrni • lbw *eve se4l
Terillost French Cimino, a a rood quality. Ala,—
Wank Drab Ele. for ftcnnsoer (net. . 1,2
M....OURNING ALPAOUAS--Idght in body
.ad opPciall t'
adart.d' to ttomjaer wt.. Al". -
CURT. tthwi. astun Coo. j Vow/maim, sonlWitr
styles . of Itotimlng ood•—• futi twortniost to btPabd
al Übe flora or - )11111g1IY a .tiutqutikw,
• Jr 2
M AOtEEREL-50,bbls. Largo-N0.3 , ••
r _,
VRAMED COCCA2-Yreth4-jum. =tired
JYfby inf. A. 31eCLING C,
Grocer. and V. D.aters.
eiy &lord:4Am. kw as.h. by , -
oy oat by MI. A. Mee WWI a . CO. -
Urogrrn ma TAI Dealer,.
bAlti bble. Lake Trout, (ne - ArT)
net maim! .4 rorPal. tr
J. CA:4VMM).
pEns superior, for sale by
Chickering's Pianos. •
TOLIN 11.31.ELL014 . A for
Chickering's Plauto.,[o.•4ttAlstruhl,
haslVestern Yeunsyls en* No.SI Wand sta
Rs. rs"lstal and Rots oPt6 mr suls:the•iot•
loving elegant assurtatant Of "faun Yortrs,6lsuct Rum the
tainsuLecinry, at Mr. Chlekeribes (.10"tat ) pleas:
One elegant Roamad owl-Irma /Oro, C attar,.;'
4112, 74 .
11 , re " -
platu " " •
Mt, " round mm 0
T-4 "' • "
The o
shoes Idea. Farts* ant of the Hest styles of !twit
tuts, end ..0111, ell Mr. otocanitora'imprareonntr. the
pneco Insendahly the sumo et at 40404 tAiMbill.2•lo4 to
DUrchlasen in thlistaglott. the anat.., and risk of Inns.
• kt•f,, , 0/60 FOR SALItt
eat Rossursulearred Moulding.? 6.y otters Plana 1444
4[444444 A. 4241114.114 . •
~•131:03 lloselond actals, Ads= riolot t Co: : • •
Use tatt.7.4sand •' tddeketind, is sad pe new;
Masao 4 Karen;
00, 6 •• • Dubois a tro
Use •••• " Manhattan COMMUT.
M by
riIAR-2uu bbh4. for 13. o by I
ACKERED-100 bbls. No. 3 (1851) for
J.VJL br t 3.301 BAIRD • IRVIN.
tilOE-50 tierces (tc! arrive) for see by
•JKlo Dstrto IRVIN.
lialo3oik larntrEUS—On closignment,
• vitt be eicapio do. Ihn.. • •
*Of • • IdA110( DICK CT CO.
QULAI-:Wbblt'for sale by
11°I'LEVSN't FLAY -10 tons for sale by
CIOLDEN LE Ltda. and 10 gaL
11,24 the St. Inulp unlwo'. tor br • •
itaiNESS' OIL-4:776k. Book Oil , for
a6rri • prv• J. 4 R. /WM ,
ODIDEAPOYASII-416 lbalor 11410 hi` • •
• 'r•IINE_ST_,JCZ a to. •
I...:yrkg o o tr?.a Una: • . •
201.•:AL:•JAmi.N.Tiiriatitlux w.
..%U.CWlSKALRi:iftig..S=isCio:fora - ala — ii
•••• Mutsu:tor.
11.1,00 ..5a X10,4(10 .y3iutTena; r trMeby
•priiEtE - '.'
1 ... .- E. IL . DAY/fi A - 004'.; - . ' -,-..': - ''''-
: • , - liRoADWAr, ..v,E . 'w nytx, , , - -• , ',-...
ESPECTFULLY incite buyTi too-exai
me the. etatr'
XXXI . RIBIioNR-41 arm &Want loacettenni.
TAFFETA AND SATIN RIBBEDvs— A f ull,moramat.
BLACK. Gll os! LE 8./.IINA—AII • kdales nod Drama of
ELAM. SeITLY nvnzinvs-aws. mike thelbas ane
w...stone en moth uttotactlota .
. WO= Solve.. bloat and. toner Crowd; black and
colored Croce. Craw Law. aced Hal Crane". : , , ..,.
valor of a colors aml price. DBMS CRAPES, of 'taboo
" arli. DE clime: sar6s, indot/O 4 ' 0111,
roeultsr lotto. Con on oo k,t /710o6o)
McHenry's Philadelphia it Liverpool Luis
of Packet!.
Silirml from Phi.ltideen - ori tit At i
.1 41 1 , I ' l'6 .t7r
E nLikiN_ MOAN. wat.Pd n a i r m orainetor..
ito Nathaniel C.
• w Alfred 766al
Elidcredld&lON, (newa, W.lreet. ter. •
' The Shore Alpe aro Dent of the tett m .te a motif.
aniac. ma art noted for them edd,' Of their
= they ate b ittedso tu w = ith alli zi atest
t= lutprorecnenteare mat
they are torothafded by roan of aoknowledged tale Itl
nt. whO
one unequalled hr their experience itt the
.... whet :orrice.
Ynned &drone of bringing the friend n the Old
nts7 du. obtain cerdgmte• of paagey width will be
ogo o for elght months. and otifit .. . In /rebind and lb ,
owed will ntrolah them with r hetermation and
inetrortione relative to their re.•__
Per enarrohm. of ra9 d lrtsmorc to send mo.
ney t mayfly drone tor Ind 'Mew.% payable
At pig: .unout di Lppee Pat ort r. vtlet !De oohed tey
griraiers rams gth ronilitar•
• 01:17 .riot the following Coolies will bi tareiebwl
AAA, manner of 12 years of ione and oret , if lbe. bawd.
2 !b WI. 2 es. Ws, 6 Iw. otne lb. eg.. lg. e
At W a.L
e ey ea~ofwobir
;OW . turner Elia and Wood skald,. net.;
: 'Halted States Hotel at Philade lphia
HE SUBSCRlBER•rerpectfully annum
as In hie Mende .Pt-the mien comnronity.
a he ho assonmoot the Protatatorehip of ing
the UNIT=
'brallta • HOTtil.. Long morn In conneetket with the
Hotel under the lots Proprietor: he au.pasatir PM to
promising old tattoos. that Judaea shall to wont..
to manna tts reputation es the best kept boa.
In the c oo ottl- - capense Mu been shard ha
If pretties the entire establishment. and hs veinier y
Invites attention to the change. totroduted ts.
venlence sad ecentbn, of Ladle& ,getogitrattl &Mend.
ed to give aollefeettm. , he eotblta a oontlonanee Of that
-I=!"otwaya so • freely otred on Use old unittal
' iroyaldno • A. U.' ALLEN.
cMt E r .gelf.,r&ilL.W.. 8 -' 24 8 ' 1tki,441.
sale° N. Ihr • • • •l• • •
Vlr '' Sttrt
D:ckALD .
mgion w t . erar ta w p ac, Waterztur
• 7 3FII, a ene .ymtr
dam llenbsatsi Pbll.aelithir U 1.,, advance.
10A Cent saved to Connuy Ikrebanta,
J. • KIND, •Dealer inBOOTS AND
liuomss. 46 north !toad usart, PhDadelible,
hulas* vied nom Us htstulharry as exds...assa veu
arladed stock of the shore Ea* sada wW toaddr
pertrd.4thaa cut ruthiaed U the city, Isr mule
Dealers will doll to tall tedue oturtuutar . ; • •
No. 76 Maiden Lane, Nem York,
- - - •
URTER and Jobbei in FRENCH and
Stated. Slat. Perils, Snuff Dazes, Arcordeass,Lcok•
Lar Obves, Roo,lll, -
roTtirtorent kant forlmairsailn Tom Elrevorki.
Hew York Indio. Rubber Worefume.
No. 27 .15:iefen Lane, mut Wo. 59 Nassau out,
First earner tram hiaadway. rectrarli Itast24tb
THE SUBSCRIBER,'Wopnetar of ,tht., would !riga old castamers. suAl .
Wts4 an IT= and excellent MI
}Warr Goods ensaulichared no:reedy Ibr the Trade,
and ehtch,,inna taring introduced senora nen airi inn
whet Intorarentente la his inschinary and ennpodtioa.
he bets minden% cannot fail ellperbet
emial atuelmo emotion,. to said to the salmi a
nue of - Agana' and_plain CARGIAI worn,
from ta 6-111 tacioxim . The din arsearandlyseketed
tram the has brawn and speed with the Itneziansa.vhkh
mums pool In pelmt leather. snastotactarse
the Inman= Wol. • wogs rant n.laiplwement re
cozily dlscersred. by bine& the :Mb Y made to bear sax
elan rem:JAL... muceiot mtber. The plain Wa
ste& android as nasal Orders atimld nerit. tae ..Met
OVLASIIOr3.-11. WI K t a all tto ellffarrot
aad vatieLlse, Mm du Imparewl Pm tubber. le Os re. Pertr.4lolore—reolusclas Mmes. Woo:ao ovi
Cla Urea , 611prersand fax 124.1. Wawa's
Fla mod m.ll/.lhtthhers. ae. . •
. . .
A eolupwtwfwrortement of du &Ikeda." os Mad:
/"Caus. Ow , rum La. ktmtmert.
Driving Glare,. IlAuw Glares. Reefing Jacket...CAM Ler
wino, Tobin* WollehAflocblH Belting, Ilurolial Rh=
/turret:aro% Whips. firrosiPourprAtowor
der anon.. raper liclanu. Air DADA DolltlltiarwA
touottnt with over, deselptiou of Rubber OondA.
tido suzufsetnnw or Colaudwrd Stotallio Rubblw Dow
' VA= r a l
aToina h roiewt mid my raid_ Vs. '
not,* of Ctli;ped nowt, biewt!hut owrAtilt
them whits lop
CM"4 . 6"bin".. noromAx.
Rawls! Mate! Illaatillas • •
FS. '3.111,L5, No. 8 Conlandt et., N. 'tort,
t t r Ummllist, s
e t ti Vagl=Tht Esse .
of Nssteb Aust Doctors r iCsottess glum Ls smear Islth
*swats:rest of Resell abs %Sums &pun sal Use
Broths Shawls, t 4 sem srslo.
crap mgreillenia. ssetssil osisissastlair
tam steamers. -
erg=l*. viewed alventlen of Scene and West
ent the stem. the/ .11/ ;L e w s.wwt
wetct cbsala, vielyeasto genie ler
' fltg rP. r ' s 4 ,
EUOWltiDe r_ Wattle/
newel SlenveLe /meet t o re ry egret . Priet sat
tbain, et 14mut t 5 elite. • i.tett •
.oithe tor :Foreign Patents,
N'o.L Wail lark, aat7.161.) Eal at.. Logdox.
L la thcat /Wally "um. tlavium. EiaLlasd.aad all
. O i.ast ram ot tun:qv—the Caaatlaa. .b.. sad Ma en.
Information oo tLe &boor as be Dad r tunroming
mitZny' . 6 Wall j oirto ' be.Mfo;k.
Siiiierfoißtick Writing and Copying Ink.
'ONE'S EMPIRE INR, 87 Nail= strtet,
e too Buildlop. Na Tort
ans r ..,. Tit TLDR
IY+ult Pay do. fq 4oa.Ar 50
Oa ragoa. " 29
Tiga b tho boot Manufactured. 'it an, ?rear—
1.. prod COPYING INN—and -win Dot corrode. Mould.
'Nacional.... dorsi. and mama. all the Ruggles requir•
el for a good ':l'l l itut i Lok i. saltabte far th e quill. and adll
I TVlt=to+l ptarll l4 o . 4 . mbh to do tiade el
4'Ocr.for eau,. or Loma ocroooMpli . t.. 7
lalgtzil.f=gr b z . ..ll. 4.1 4.1 1 1 , 71 in Maku . at
.0 Iwo smittsreed !Ara at a:a b M . • •
-- --
Professor Alen. C. Barry's Trieopherons,
stoth2,,, derrelog ..d bewatlrsin( the tole,eredire.
thtx rrtart end demand). and eurinet theme...! m.
Elta b l:rdain....- i t . .4 ring. r=b t r , ahm eta.
atone Itniglured thiewolerket. to mutes thereem el •
of the tone. end all the animal Meow
liaddrtidr trttliaredidr, erherted ft= b Meech of elm lei
denmrt, ern/ sem to Mthr the vidne pr raeperstleth
and the ratnnatkua la which It te 6Wby mow who her..
threw It • trials ; L.
tler. lldmr—Deer Mr-1 bore e all 'artered with l3 co.
teamed motley. or the mealy, of& met woranted dm ,
&el Idt the WI
of perei b er detiaft QM W.W.I
base. had' the •thlra , or nette of sent elalsegt bhp&
clam, null:ate tried 0/1 the preparation. be the hale and
Ain wow loom without the hen bmellt.l was
by • Mod to try yuur s. try did Po. 1111 Il a n4
'mart. Wa. to soy unwire end wrstlbeedlces.=l
axed in about two menthe. Boa wee the of tM
whet st loam I we. partially blind. •
ittarenthillr. 10. t. ti
110 toottuatdentmet, Brooklyn.
• . re. Itcaut. 1:3; 11150.
Mae. kmar—! l Deer Elr—Abouttwo menace st4l:
mem owl ...errat deal. end my bad wee mach' KM
with dandruff. I wee told by hind to try roar
'oue, end / dal so, and to my setnalshaterd. 1.7 50 u
thrall. wand, sodell the deadfall Illsappwared. ea the
Mad now allow, for „
... •
.Ifltb tropt•et, I kmr obsdfl • , '
as rra ou
icawata. Droadirss.
Il .3 T iaa or .raucous doubts lbs autheuttelty of the
sower,. tbos trtil 01C111111 itlgillna A Ci 7/0•477 . 1110"
.1.10 Dosulway. Now York. taste ?sow* proklues fbs %Ist
ust learn •
rt,er4l46 ,
4111tary HMI Arm Noe . .9. Ilat]
Veers Le It , newly to the wreak:it sure of haldoess
Slid diseases of.she eranlum generaliy. that bas resew
the p0pii1 , 4g.,....5, the snide korner. am Professor
/Surer as. os I , ledfelded Cceopotand. It Is es,
terolreltrac by the upper doom of the efearnaalty: la
sears alstem to the land It asod massages to
other asilelssr of thit:l. It Impute stile r to. the rooted
the hair, sedihus otes Its gratrtlt to • Isedsrkablo the
EiTfir l ,:ll7 f • T;.,
sort SA 1,6.10 nal T utrat VMS, ildid other ob.:Woos aro,
der. of the sklan.ln rhea lib trellassAloaer. It stands
ansleslltel. - It sod ld Isms t 25 rents, at/to.
IST theedway. at tits Mantas'miscalls, throughout
the lhalted Etats* and Caoads.
CONTINUES his usual ftiFilitats to'ricelyo
gileriy,',l,4l polab
on the lo.Sttl , ond tlbe Illinois Canal nay er.
lie Porneee—Mosers. Lorens Sterling • Oct . '
Mteers. Jones & ptogr,
Joho A.Centrboy. ' &Waco
.13T. JOSEPH, -- 11113801111L
Prodon. CommniCon, and Innordloir anchana, n the
Lon% St Jonepi • .
'ten to Manner Union. and Lorna, Mining Ca.
pAVID 0. TUTTLE, - Atto rn ey at Low,
11114 csdamielana tom Ponanlnah4 Bt. Ito
...sitticathos• pommy
4oOIIN U. ItANKIN, Attorney and Conn.
otllor awl Cooatobokom An. tho State o
oilMax,l4-11Ois.e . o 7 Oats of vitutome
Semolo, MeCoH a
aitt.. l •M - ir.`" A
Co. flach •
m, 7011=. fait a
- onslid.7
It•tf:OTEll 31: 11 1111',..3101TOW.
rrilE. undersigned having enured:
built onst enlart,d the Wok...stove totibli.kb
owor.tooaoast to Jl6 otoot Wye boodtal dant
tom...mat t ,,, Pootntal sits 001100 tus nody
tot ito two 99. otht ozoota.twoo or ths trontlitlit
commtalty_. •
Attortroota mike or tbo ttol toolsoisorad Ude
Ilan* la dentle. gnaw... so tito ottoottooo Unman.
watt trltich two I..aLottdo <moot b. pt 09.17
oll•reTtloost.ot. • tome. It to tal. oo orpOutt hot tom
or: to ronder:ot=tuatt Petlon.,
1= . 441,1061:11rr " .41..p - 12111 Drayton
toosto; to Amnia to to ot swot botatttot pamoto.
tam Tbe Maio* Mow otoolooo, mot Ito boar. Oar
itioguottl to. to salvaged at to snit thtt tosnotooto alb)
omit sad lat.. •
dowtotrot . irtil toodocta.:l Is onastoptkati.
bi• stotter, sod ttism ;JAW. WO AttO
Asoolooo Roost sn.nutraly tba Ttottitoeollopoo
lObtainfclawlfit't ' LOU/
Valuable IllarmtrpSeatefor Sale atlaution.
TPUE SUBSCRIBER, having divided his
FARll—contahtbig arr.. situated In Hew 101/0.
. within tot minutes' rant of th. Ohio and
rant. Jialtroat and t. nabs from Allegbenpel=
team 3.4—1nt0 en:dee Lob, eolLudrdne from tour to sta
tion wen tuck will sell the mama by atudixt, an ITStb
DAT, tbe 19th day of AUGUR, 1231.
The land la of abet/eat quality. os.l to a lath stale at
cultivation. havtag_been kept aa a. droving bra tar •
uuntl of eare. Men an, on the prembea pre. beer
ittWr• Tr l o b" tn . . s. tir ror bulb
haring ner d e One= 01:1 ".
Terms—Ons Lard to ansa;%. balatua T tn 6n equtd an
nual Pannente r X i b Inbred. b be mewed by bond and
da prhileg. will La Wenn on the tart
itp-t — air 11 o'rlork, A. H.. an Tuned*, tbe ltatt der
9f A twat, DM. CUOPOL
. .
. .
VisE 'undersigned offers for sale a piece of
, - so contain!. between fore and sle dens, situated
on • reed ladles lhorildinerwile to FAN: LIWAY..".h.
to • al, rode of the (..butral ltallried. {filth . front of 41
=. the rosil, it is wed adapted foe Wing out bide
:ig iota. A darter of the grooo4 Ma} be seen at the
Banking House of: - , •
L. a 1111. L A W. : .
JrZoliorderdi .•
O • •
' - • air ' •
NIiODERATE_ • TERMS-,To-i4 sold; (if
not mild, to be Wire simmer )ews) and preemie.
PM= fat af October nazt—a beautiful, sequeetered spot
vary near Ads Plank and En edinuiiitiolieit Sekoulid
scenery of the Obi, Thur. Charlie :Tea...and me opposite
Wand. Ilia propq;:y cons ists of boutLea . ..van seres,-
,I,=="r I telge i ti=lt b raiddeu of ex..eeirat
fruit. of algreet sem kind .. The Whole is w ell watered,
and eituated about three mile
.°J4O Allegbmy, smi ton
ile below Idattebester,called.Ro3rE, or RUSE -VAL
LEY, near the month of Woods' , and adjoining the
benberty of War. Lacey. :Led
-.67x,, , a , A, , ,.„r4 ~.„-eaLty-.7)._ 010.00 Ayr. D.
9 Ray stmt. PlustuirsAr.. we. %111 ehow some. Piedtilieu
None can meth= without sdmiHng their elm.. beta',
.Thitiditnit,' !ti yield perty„' .
PERSONS desiring beau ithl, healthy, hie.
issiteMara g and rr i' al f lentlorier ri" , .. Iderdrflr ;eh
/snow seine mokria stash restyle, the ' - most rennaide
lame. Y.Jghtplive ants here beenus fold this Neilson,
to arms/ different individiude. mine of whom art now he
mein, by betiding.. de. For edvanteres of eve r y 11 14 .
lot pertleedarly of seem from the o ty. the place is unn
ndlot; Three trend thoroughfare+ run br It. audtbnyogh
It. to wit—the Monongahela river, the Pittsburgh and
&midair* Field Slink need. *bleb w now wryest,. Irani.
M; and the Pentwelyanla (Orntral) Laitrw& on which the
Ca re wilfell. l be rußotts nning ra•l
there 01114 frt. rittaborgh that far
wa lond ern-, few holm, fenalbow
sae will soon travel the PLask Rosh and the Cue will Id.
gram Won with nal ke swerni. .
sterLog fur the mon . ..t he fano, where I shall
be r e ady to ;thaw Deno. the mould,. and nayea I:te of
&whim thereof. Ifielnyrn übe erwaom the
'Mansion Haw ea ato hotel.
dilute Jell..W. BIICILMS.L.C.
For Sale—Property on the Canal. MISUL
.ALoT, corner of Penn etreet and Ste-2
rinsues Oki:4.6llElg put of ea" Canal Br
on which ar• laro alma-gory Yana
Alloo—al Ikons and Len on Yana meat. next the Fourth
Pnnbyterian Chureh,.Clfth It'ard.• Engulf* of
- • JAMS Rai E 13.147 nanog
• /716f11n•404) • • above Mann air et.
The Gloucester Iran Works, at Gloucester.,
Wow Jersey.
Tbia Ortatilbhment fte the wmunfacture of Pio= Encino',
ofir "." l - e l i t r l e o n4 y k .on l ttfVfipTig ' ee ,=l:
mediate neiebbreeOe% or the City of Philadelphia, roan
prism a large Machin. Ahoy, Proitha • shop. toiler Atop;
l.r= Mod /tn. Yourotioe, owiwbio oremplorion
or eiahtityadrod hthilatator harlog In frontal the It orty
. a WRAP./ FOY bet in length by tar In width, on the river,
aforeteelererfor Mee. gbr the tithed cbtaa f Moth,
Vessels. the whole together conthrithow ono or the hawse
comp Leta astabibiditcnta In the nountry.
Pomona wishing to enter Into tba tneeacw.vrie end the,
• &ideate croporemity RP profitable inrewment.
Adjoining the Own tttrty n iargo ably Yant also,
tortrnairo Cotton Mills and Illoachery. Combat mono u
s:dean. by steamboats hotwrou the Mbar( belonging to
the Works, arid the City of ebeen.eige.:7 ,- , •
4 0 p iela d r, to be at the arts. or ha: IM Market
Jrl7:At() t]. C. AMEX •
For Sale,
LOT OF GROOM), on the west - eidere,l
I‘. of Washlnuton gavot, 100 Wet south of Wyl/o
most. 147 foot deep hr hl [sot trout.. on which L... ,
etertoS • =tall two storts4, Srluk Ito Cling Mouse. Tema
low for ash. Ing_olts of
. AA. R. 1RE.1.1,-A llarorys at TAW.
.17101. kart! at- between etaltheeld anst Wont_
• To Let,
A LARGE commodious WARcuovac. srfs,
Pcostorlost p}v, hatstedialttly. Areplir to kg
loystid Aternbnryiet? tridt of -n kind ah.l
•kw kklnVag*gbire o Allegheny El' Pa
For Sale or Perpetual Lean;
!In out Int N. 22, 111 Mc mile! of du to.,
/ i llarbim . froatiagatt both slides Hamm, •beet. and
foe met for oat or lam. 7eargLlT. residue o tlie
bat lot on the MIL extending Leek to Elden street, lated r
...•nded se &pasture lei
Tor terms, an,enquire a M. MGM BORLAND. near
the prelktheS at of the rutueriber, a, Els altioe, No. lire' Third Macs. PlttelontllE.
Jetta . 'BUM - WILKINS. •
A DWELLING DOUSE, containing
10.V1:c11 /OW. sad ponetailti ta et
eelll+aJtltJ• tan the
s famediat• y. E....D.GAZZA.3l:l46trutst
Jelfftf sys.r the romth of Mini..
Valuable Lot on 'Third 'Wet for Bale.
WILL sell the Lot oil Meet, ad
',l-/eiebe theltphnlllen7l.tetaltatztutit of W. treble.
one ma, and th• Yttrnte Hemne or the Wont Flee
clentpany eet lb. other. The front nu Med next. 44h;
tart, tetth • depth twenty grand erect nt 60 (Monne. tn.
/at Th•prte• it 114,601,.0ne thnentani In bend. the be
_cutb Internet to be Waned by teed and tundras* an
In coo end two yeete• [ma the deb of
Wet Th• UM Is perkily. rpm.
jell:et:et tat the Ottlee of Masher a On. rourth rt:
sg.OR RENT.—A thme mei, brick 1r. , .. 4 4 .
tlttrllitirt boot, ra1tate3313 , 1131311 I L .. ..A. t.. 333.3 ;V.3
r t and Itcrw. Ltro 433313333 if Tell rniA With hr.....
t In tae kitchen and stn.'.
In th ere 133331.3113 mom
II lx3t and cold Val,. Pm...lnn rie3.33 11333,341133.3.1?
a- . v- -'""TfmTgit„!,:::..e.
• Howe and Lot for &LIP- -
LAIIGE LOT, on Ltnoook
leeway. mud *lrroub t0t:A.4416 (=ming
I ort on eseb 1.1244.1. 41111 .1. mit of JrV 146,
Rott.l . with gool Ifttrif DveHir. Row., cnntaitlnf
motal. SW term: al , pty. to Aell &KIN N11)01/11:1UBL. to-
Olucn Otfilti Y. ECCIET. •
WON ro LET, on Market,t., 7-1 , .;
wood dem , tectr. roattl., and ortolutrtg T t i tzzi . ....,...
and rey.trr •tcr• of Lc% I•suos.
Ens L•• bacdumne. frcnt In Ur , cl tr. God to.
tin belt bout= fel. • Itrt. thclit IDA V•ccr lla
Rent bT the tutu, of Um yvar be cart lortr. Fa
oars of i4YL9 cuuty. cr
Real Estate for Sale
VALUABLE unimproved; LOT, on the
.1 - 1 turner of Liberty and Factory Meseta Fifth Wahl.
tbs Orman Catholic Choish. ;al &Knout on Lib
••y. by bay Met data Factommuming leek to gyring
AlM—Ahe three Atm ndek being Liberty
etyma adjoining the aMms the Int belng 20 Net foot by
UM feet deo. The Mum la large and conectilenk built In
Alec—AMamie= dyno. and cOntalm Oaten 101.9. .
of very valuable laud mar Charintmenh.
Alm—A Tura of 13% acres to Mast User tastubip.
Also—it rum of VA e.t.a In Lowness county, Co collet
from Nan Csone. • ' •
ALLO.—r6SLOS LP 8.1111 . [MM. n( PULP., WM. and
Dykes. imm 003 arm down.
Ateo-11 very valoaMe tote In 1111nela
moderate. EnquinvOf
N. r. 10. L YETTERMAN.
Attorneys at Law. and IMO Estate kyncts,
my2S . •. NO-107. Fourth etert. llttencout.
Fox RENT—A Warehouse . ort Water 51
arm. between Market an 4 rem; rultabl. for
pnso , • bilalnesa. Eugulre
JA)&) JULZELL aY IVater Pr.
To Let, •
THE well finirled and furnished Store, rAt.
on rant dot., to. the Post Mb*. at onamt
ormtpted by AIM Pertet, ae a Jewelry tdota. abbirm."''
to . 1..1/1.7.714.711ahryty eta
To Farmeft.
A *OOO LAL, and Grusin g
anon lonalod on the
j eZT .d ri•e . r, sfindn tinelva toll of i. Non York and
Ato-1.000 Amin Lit Elk'"4l: ty for la on .r oonmoda:
flag tams. &pub* of WlLTil:th a C 4,
mTI• corm of 31arkat stein:Ord eta.
To Gardamen.
ACiiiiofT liar dening Land,
t h e
ready . nod. Arced eultlratlon, loggia ow +We ef the
, .111 be gold an sent—ono third nab, and the
anor In one, two, and three team Per pardetdarg.fte
q Er at the hankies Ileum of
• mil . . come. of Market and Thlol rls.
1 • - For Sale.
ILE member, , of tho Fairmount Fire COM
letnr,elTen, their Enable for We.. It la In good pr
imed will be gold cheap. Knottlreef
• , . • • 3 3IIIL Been
TAW • ...
No . 4010 Penn sire t.
4OR RENT-.JA liwelling House onz,
Thted greet, above and near to Staltheeld. It ....'•
AA fat Ihtuns. large gar& yeeh bonne, ar, WIII
he rental low, and poribution Ai r s, .
Also—Bor Bale or Lew, eome lota in the Ninth Word,
betrdl. Penn tined and the Allegheny rim,
at Benj. Carllngton's, rogrth street, sear Wood.
snetattlf •
Unable Real Estate for'.Bale. •
rat,SUBSCRIIIER eon. for Sale, on 71
' orable terra toibteing Zatate. io
• of Pittsburgh...els.
No. I. Three Tali:nude threw etory Wirt 4welllng hen-eo,
oh Emend must. Oloolut and /ferry streets, itie
loto bring tub 10 feet front by 60 der,
No. Mntains 67 feet frost on Third Other adjng
the Third Preabitarian Church, or width le netted one
roar story brisk house, used so • prUttOil aloe. and ono
two 'tory brick warshouan.
No. 3. Two lots. fn Yellston. Beaver wont} being let.
N0t,13 and 4, being aboat lOU feet ware, on which bersid ,
ed one Wolk of Oar (mos dwellings, and awe setiorobi
Mane dwei.ung, all two otiodu high.
N 0.4 . One los 60 foot front on neck et tent. moons the
shoed, sad ottandino to the top of the MI.
- No. 6. Two Wash lota each 60 foot front, and muting
from the road to low water rata, on th. the SoOToo.
No. 0. One valuable water Ica 100 feet on It heel two:
with too laws water power albchad. .
No. 7. One lot otoposite the water lot. BO feet front. and
egtendlng to the top of the hill, on which Is erectsd coo
two story brick store and warehouse, 38 by 60 feat; elesioaa
&Swot -hulling, two start but.
Clot hop IS lebton,lkarereoonty. be.
Ira wood .140 ton= IltoOdWal. orb about MO fest deep.
ulsroln~lN sae. on which an erected two large pante
two:one, and one mill frame bowie, wool got as Oleo.
Los property wax mimed/
_occupied by Ito. T. C. Gould,
Vol vary pleasantly located, being Immediately opposite
the Valle= Drift/
90. D. Oae wat e r lat,tatnectlately belay ' , List= triage.
Was abort 100 Oat In length. aa4 extra/4w from Water
to 1011 VWr mark or towing Path. cl‘ bl t
71: tt b ritilloo ' rl i i&VlV. B l2 4 sVo7o %7A3:r
rod ilartat eUect.t,_ J011:4 YLEAtlii.: Altera.
trirh= vaermal wad Pat coor.l
, For Sale.
3IA)CK OP BITILDING113: Lbe comer of Woh-s . d .
Lug md Ann atm% sad frostlso oo the Now
glumly said, In ths City of Pittsburgh. The Lot frost.
ea. hundred and &my lour foot or Peos stmt. end ono
hoodnt and 011710 Sot nine Wiwi on it oshlettloo stmt.
to • went, - feet Lmults or •
- I
,Tho under
Yon NW • onto unmoor ea 'wow.
tolietc h t i at /lorouch o orgrashuthatt i
y "' ljed seu tb:
Palle *hod Mon 111011 EugbakiLatberan
:the .ssold strewth illnalastsis Its olstlov.oked
issoshomarbing wealth, sod th4o temOnsble o.oi at which'
lobt.lll Weak, relll mole , them • Valle and senaltablels•
VedmetlL.' Title perfect Tens, ktronills. •
Nor particulars an - Ismos.MerlhoShionismod, at
the odes -ors time 'Vogt. PlWro
;buret. balms Third • and I ~i triotts.'or of
M osta and 19: Yasterua, Pites, is their otlbeee la Din.
R.ARPEWEL-MAGAZIRE; Yo;,4ARD, 1 3Z-7 bblo• on capp e ricalerV,far
tinneettred• at 'HOLUM , Luau? • Stdri $4.1)7 - MAW{ rn a CO.. •
oregiqh tin rot 0 4 01, MaigaldriONSEl, .
mmoor staziott , EZPBMIII, MAW;
losta ter the state and
War, ports on Mit 4.7.•:•3 0 -
For trelght mDamad tt . to
stainer O,E S V AoVillans.nisater.
to leave tar tbentoreandlntremedtste
on Itondag. the 4th Ina, at 4P. : , :
For height or mentge..iirf r ati a rt l o...
- !.nei StIERJUITir BINNING. A •
111 • did steamer NAVIGATOR, Capt. ,
1.01 ItATt for the above and all lotenaelitate
MM. nn tbla Gan Lea la gnat: at to (eclat. M. •
Fat /Malt or DA NT. vine 1...4W • ..:•
DEGULAB WHEELING' AND ~....iiit. .. - -
1114•11147 NV ELLBVILLE. Capt- 1 . ..1 ,1 11..MM
TM ,•S • regular mead betennin VI , argh. ITheating.
Bridgeport. and Sunfish. leaving Pftighetrltft..........,evert WM=
afternoon far Wellaville, !Ragtag:Maw &MI
!Y.! El" Thum:lay an e nt*. for gteubenali.
rgwet Car tina.and Benitah; raturning,legrat=
~-, WWI every , Tuesday , afternoon. sal
to athuneen. Per fight or
baud. or to fir:sl 117.11. Vlllgelrillivol 7 c.
' IT lendfil twtr 'team, ELZPIIANT.
T, Maxtor. trill liar. ter the abototaatl
Ittersoodiate Tort, ott the tirll flan of trot •
Yor fretted or Nu". spot, on bawl, orb '
131 - , GEO. D. EULTENIRE,Itta.II. Attrot.
' • incamr PILOT Nis. 11. A E. C038.141.J0C0.
VIII Wye Pitvtargh for Wheeling. casting and Boned
every Tuesday and Friday. Weak. retnrithili
lean. Sourish to flapthis. Wheeling sad Ellisbnigh.vri
err Itednesitiw and Huoassgal
and shippers essi depend upon this host running teintinoll
goring the Inv valor nova.
For freight or takvage. ODDLY On board. ntrlo
N. Damn of U.. otoooner /raw Norton,, and othous, llt
tbeeladonott and htuburah Ilekett.d. ? ' , fi ll leantoot7 Woloooolsy toe Cinch:ma. la plan. o f the New &Lg.
1.4 No. L. Vol. freight or me, snit onboard. Of t. -
fora/ Tl. ^ -iIII-RGEH. Asetvt .
_ . _
I t 4 611
wurnma PACKET.-7 . 11jd
thin city sad Nibee!bin ellWritta at 10 o'clock
erety lllandny. ,Walnenday and Writtsr. anct Tennandng,
leaves iil..lng anal Tominy.•Thnalir. tiniongt ;
In teen wee For Ic.ittllt or purrann, r
nun • :AllllOlllO5 ittROIIEB. hien.
Ammon' PACIPI:SIarIa
fuT the atote lad
Foy freak: or p...0..1; 4917 .2=1 1 .= • P •
T,lruov9 EON '
Na LI Wata and /Proat AL • '
A 310ICG the 0111320 YOUS &ca . ye:ice Science
ji hat mule in thin newest!. to facilitate the bathe..
of like, Maths* it. eto•vmeet, sal eveo prolosurUur torso
of bathos existence, now Mu be named of more malealue
to mankind. than ttde ambito:id= of Chatham to the
An. A east trial alt. therm throonhoulthie
rut ont:dry. but prole, beyond a dooht that no medicine
or Ormibinetiort of medicinu ye: known, ma so threlyoutO
trol and cure the mamma rarithre of mthennterydlasuo
whkki bath bitkulto swept tram our midst thousand. and
thouninds nem , year. Indoed, there la UMW Iblindant
ma tolbelithe • remedy kith at length both found thiich
can he relith on to care the meth Mayen= efectkuni
the lunge , o or spare bite stn out permit us to publish
MI Proportion of the came eroded by Its' Use, tot we
Prom... the tollowlos 'otkPoo. of Mho.% Muth end mho
further etholry to the thoulte, which the nerds blow
named will away" harder...el to ihredsh free. wherein my
foil rerticulari, end indirpotable proof of them Wt..
Prom It. Prniinu cf atlvr., fda csktratal Pita
FESfitAlt 1111VIRVCIC.
ovaC. flyera4in 1 hare mod ymar Cherry Parlorla
In my =act of dcep-matal Crona 0011 am atiated
Irma lir chemical movaitution that It is so admira& mom
pourcl ior the relief of laryuclal amt bronchial dllticultlat
If my Mali= 0, to ity roprrior ammeter coo be of any
evrricro yoo am al lipe o ‘tAtizr It lol n 0C1 1 y0 n.,,,,„ 10 thia l !roßey.
/*Om tic middy alemotat
IY.. L. L. p. Prrfemor of themiatry Mho:rah:m,
Yale CoLr Member of Ma Lit. MA. Mal
Bcleuttffe cl:delr or America and Marva,
dram tbr t.b.rry recomal admMable arch
Mao acme of the Nwt article's In the Hated&
It and
rum. Inz•dr kr Me duo Of &semen It le late.
Mal to rum . limy Liar.. Var.!. IBM
.11410t2 PATTIROY.Prui.icct VA< At ft Smote. Maar
[twilit ho. 0.1.3 Mc tMerry Pcramal, attb trmtderfal
rem.. to 0900 an inaiSar.aLkna cr Vr..o
frr, ones gig Jirzt
EPAys ico, kiisiss /kis.
Apnl A ita.
'Tr, J. C. A. Lt'irell—Dcir dirr I am tow mut:m[4
usLarr, year Cherry. PectoruLla nypritellor, ard prof. Otto
nay etn medkitte kr mamma . , camiiiiikezi
' fLltnofl,4o] - 114,,11 CV.. I =I
armed It mill etini
mar, smd dig* cl
(ha irtuipi r tbst put tt
detrzta , riber tert.Lica. kniriably riaverzcivid
is mrirs or ocrinskpritio, and au4dtr it =rich Ms WO
Pre tbet know. , •
RRT'rrtsllT 7e41, LP. CUPLIIIAN, ILA*'
Pvgamil by JAMSJI Alniti.,ThedailCbma
Fat In Plkbareh, and vital, by P. A.
11TOIr: It CO.:int J. rd.
hil4rbruy City,
. a P. scastrAirl2. Asa I. DOD.
..6.1 by I mix' irrinr+lll: ilikiar2tref
A Iralnableimprovement in Trams.
nit. HARD'S
as lmproved Patent TRUSS
IIOPTLTIC hk111:10T. lir which a permanent
core too be effected. This Tense Is enUrely differentia
Pont wad ptinethlea or wen r . from other Tram", hula,
ell.tb* Urania:se et a welts., %Meted asel uniform maid
am The profuse thin be to rednieted as to eve aese end
ccoaTrti In the most difficult cud of Mule, and den be
motored to rtlm ettiny tat.. Clanilad. The osmium Una
turetrend bring bee ht to bear immediately out the
hernial openbas, end affordtag perfect multi ud roan.
Sion at ail time.. tern wider thegloat violent exereissi.
De the too of this Tired, when applied property try skill
fol stppron, the wrest, is oleo"! beyaU the dimmer
etrenuiclii r any other dannudite or patent rutp.
toms. which La not en toilinuont ocurenoe in th e .11 ,
fez cr ills adapted trawl, tle decry elaattba preetice
for at1p...0.1 ICul.ture to scirct a tura and sp.
Olt an- m.4 n, This is a idol meths , which can be
rdn eel; br the. utulnalau4 the anatomy 01 the
parte hotels.
We woula reamttfully. roll the attend. of Phta:
clans to shis Truss. ea we know thus will ellacsidite
value. e aim have It rallety of ocher Trams sit the
5.% pm". Intent Indere tut conatullt be head.
Melillo ELL. Arend. .
Do Waft to.. /qd butch.
Dr. Hard's Abdominal Supporta& •
THESE SUPPORTERS are interle4l chief
the ewe or reateben I:4tS, and all these die
ete *here e etwort to the Abdominal Vim.
Ls repeienL They give .yrreet rapport to the tdelneminal
negene.e.l may be nom with moon U. The dite
peydneet by a trenkonnt et the mind eunselee
nry Ibtdetedt Uteri. Peitind tha Benrele. Centavo.
nete, Valne In the Dub and Eytne, Leeettu,:, audit:deems
Tenth:. et Ptoetrattan. 13renebtt4; ettntbet, or Breath e
Palpittelen of the Heart, Den - event, and dem ral debUltr.
/taiLM 3141ttle Mae
its . 140 Wend rt..llttelnent.h.
311. q t. E. CrummY-Of rimer StruesnYet..tein 4.1647.
your Ventiltuir... 1 ray without.
I.utiori dot. harine U.Sed- [t Itll(2.llltrir In my praerkie
for the tart four or five year, I think if lisithieilly dos beet
reenarethet or the hied of which 1 hare as browlebt
eltUrrigh 1 hero heretofore wed the preparation of 0.
Mbar maitubetitrera. Than rcy.etfulty.,__
Dim - ma:EL LI
Ite° gild wad by TL E. SELLERS. 67 Wool at, and
e. 7 1 ,1 tiroutibts Fertniallr. 0714
TUT openitlF—a 'sal , excellent nssoctlnent
ig ,,, , ,,! . !1ANT11.t-Locas. uncut SS tZll: all warraM-
Ala.r—Lwa Ciarit.
for Si,ZA each, arwl warrant
ol—rheap camel to Pa =a la rrerr mara.
IV. W. W1.141P... Mutat
try eraser of➢Foart.b.
11.1.P1P-130 bales Mi. 1).1)..., fur .xda by
I _AHD OIL.— Q this. for sale by
aeli J. KIDD it 00- ITood
Vird WILL SUFFER fur the * sake of sa
y 0. Dott-tra Itrowli'o mar American Rem<
a for,tho for b r
• 'crew st.
Orrogolloo'n worth boo cowl U. owwo dilletat mot.
rIMMOTILY SEED-34 hbls: for Fak by
;:413 J. t R. FLOYD.
- • •
(110.1 2 5 C-400 bu. for sai/J by . . •
BA i l a iltELS-200 1:417 ,. F
,4, 11 , 11[47 tt 5 t 1: try.•
-1:,n0 pev P 14,11135, in)fiwzr.ine:
i . •,:...1.0 - -•-• loirriv Kl .
Mw b . Ke - hill, to Mokatinn i Var pals
t ___ J.:. In LIVORTiI C 0...,
A.TETI: ii)SE-2 bblo. to arrive, for e ie
0 1 ;y tie, J. e. Di ravorau e co.
CORN -45 bbl s. for sale by •
B. F. TON IlasNnonsr & co..
zuj-fl C,ndo.SFeoot R.
pgI:ASII-3 , 0 casks pure, fl a r - st i l . e i la
,i 7 ryb
1V (lab TWINE—ZOO lbs. foe vale by
vv ! 1..13 C. ARBUTIMUT
QPIRITS TuRPENTINE--W this. (to nr
lc *oft.. Jule tr
no ICaod st:-•
1 1 , , IFEVESCINfi, COMPOUND,- a "tstiloti
mwragt,faiwic. Le. : Nng trr.V. intkes..le.o,3; irt.lett
; 11 9 A ' . rSratiß4Tait 1 4 : L
..)• 7 - st.
1%, , , p
j t, ,,i kssEs2-200 bble. N. 0., for sale by
. J. t It. FLOYD.
11, 1 1 1S11-31ackerol, Shari, rout Herrinr, for
oxle , br :I°3 J. At. R. FLOYD.
rgI4R-30 bbls. Boston,-for rale by
uts a. a It./LOYD.
11,11/E !'ltloo RY DAVIS
st '
der. Jut :red and for srhal , and
iixtnt for rouboutt.
1 . 13notoottut,(t*polts. I:lltabitgh,) Jul?, f.i., 'Vs
Vt. K. E. SILLERS , -,11. take thin tipper.
..L .. tOaOty of testifying it favor of your ilrf Si lIIMO
113 , 15, Abollt Moran µ•O.1 as taboo flown will
noon, Infammativo of J //te lint. s od was. ..sicced by
'sight . stal otLef, esti, of Ws thosatfol 4toesse,
er L'iallstrT.i'g',-",t,0f,,,ta1r t ba .1.1'14 41 '
s I ' must *try Itai r sita? '..1.113 to
all Crad"ritslll
IlTofl I N.] re f to reto,rast.lo /LID, srk /:ttiof SI
this tiros. 1 thasefore. take plossuro in ' ..!stft ' azitutitas
Chetah others laic Ind willilltssato of the I.lsar. •
,j P l n .r=2l;, ti it^ " "" Er ,U
arl ; . 0 4 1 Hat !ow. The r!tz . l,az i, P i ri . alt24:S 'P i!or7r
X. .11Es...zes (successor to Roussel) Parfaits
for the Handkarebbe. .. ~ :.
re . XTRACTS of hose - ,
,Orange Flower' JOe-
A `melee. bortubal, 'Verbena. ttecot Put. TordlrryLl
ee,.ely, t lola, blieetonetle, Itlalndlearejtozr, Plat.
oode,, bouquet de Comb., rireneure. it MP. Cod.
. bleu reel me, Ttem, luerusatot, Carneibt, lioneysectlre
Jot:lnutile, Jectey Club. Lidue ‘ Manttele, Hindu. flowers
elcrustitc. Wed bud, Jenny Lied. raege. ot t ueßie Abate
.4 litlYert lands. in one ounce built...Ws ... a .
..... All the come Lltractrterbkh aint ouly • part a
euortsent, are all. Mr brut qualit7. brim .... ma
tor. , ulth rbbettal min calve muds le this
'country, fully Wet the high leettoltou In Wire, U.3'..",
held ,4 the rortirontlty,. - Iron rile by ' ' .. '.
et. . R. K bELMst " .4.1 4. '
White Paint. • •
advad aad for We et Nee.: and a Woad a<-
• 11 , - {S e fans the attentloa of Muse and Eteembeei
kalutere b ada artiele..bkb We L. , * bleu aging br bp
wade et three mootba.
-tand MCI DicCeStO biUPOritit
la Whitt. I.d Lams In era- . re= 1 of aboceidair
r= wad =ere %flae mist It *Dadra
loath hareem. and more durable tar luelde outald,
we... lc will riot rub off. and eau b i a . .. i wldbed without kr
lir r alS d urblarie %Ile 4 1"" 1" . •
111:LACK ,BERACIE .14,1117. — . --This
sattas an b• Ire aOw itm. of
14 3 4 3 73, sni74lT,`llMl
-, mEDitAL - . , : , ''.. - '- 4 ,;..: ,: .'::,:'•
Liudgis Mediated Ligold
iri.ins ARTICLE le intended Az family use,
awl uhoild foand the ponemdca at enerr non.
11.7 the lad. -Mcchaska Isla ass In constant &not at
lukism to their wow thrimah IneMent. aid Hut tome
er or noshes woof 100IJ. pm ful this artlelntolohral,
colds In C 1,211. and sulr Ear trld vrillmeMoa. bello.
. "' & " 'coo otottlir this rra.t . aidarst i O
oneattr toads not of Jtule's Msdknod entith..nre.•
=l4 Sy=tnend r* V l te t or ".
an molten{ sabottate attbsetve nlcater
, lattok , ,_ srg .t hr. oat an A[inlace,ino._t . tnla.: .
Nor c a .
. - WM. B. Wilt
alumna= nuns. A . &aside
• Ine .ete
____ _
" .."
ganaparnisOr El lid i. ,- -.4.nrepatal. nos tA •
only tatio wines all 6t/NM air, aunts Crum an bn ,
=ato of the 1100. me of metro.. intoxicating
.11 lab: ioutb. barrtono
T , to R. bole
mom that JOHN BOZ.1.::: z.,(71411GT or IfdtHSAPI
HULA it ilia on. onroor thou roe , . the rablso Ulan,
prepared on otlietlryclooe Or plo - .t bet onl. of conk=
1,= Tr. borpolomi oi , s ..-.I , ol willsont. retool.
- And traTtoont /..., , . tool, it to
the ark:est ..11 . 0.-soy oo 1 t, : • , oenosourertalsonl
beforo being oanll . .. ..
Sutra Bono.narWa of, veto'. too virtu. of onerol
oilier voluablo moon, b.
WWII: ea best mu
=l,...rondoolorin!; too...tort enTot. 1. ascot 101Ao
' • .... WILL ecru iiirmtotrr zuLt .:.- •
Beinfuls or IM,C=Tronook yi t...rottiotilLl *ll
' U. Mao.. .
norrn_ 11!-A c : 9 , 1 1 1 11voor , .
. . thonlatns In o Ikromor.Toloto‘ . • ...
Inn% B.lllnt - •
.• U ef a n 13
. .
Nib.• . -
. .
. ,
. . .
• • . - . . . .
. . •
M. 111* o •
Polo in tba E.. 61 stonaril; -': .
Itonoto l tL=, Co Wooknoto ixTtliest. -
!atoms. A loth. dinneno_ Wadi= to
Lloor 11711A1b12,%T.0n010 ' ties and crowbOntr.
Nick =I arms Brodie Aldrito. ftlobt .1.9,
..uratoloruchnooln Qcrettle Oonsoto Wool Dt.t.
.• Ming and onnuter arta. and Mo. oitoro
lo Ix elm. saoloentlo one Nowa. 0 0 00141., r,f
mmsoct., /Moo Ski ar tk0...1.1...1% "or mio'
The billowing tbs Tarbathsi any et oaf hada 11011
ths posanion of the of Mira kartspoutlla.—
Err. X. W. Ilehat la and known as
akernant and secompliabett pan. Church. mut
nom Z. Stemma hat brat known aa one et goat ad
antad and maims mambas that the an
natal boat et for =any 71,, and at this Ulna la ail=
the WO and reepandhla wawa of anent Oho the 11.. E.
Eon on.n.. I Can the amid producer bettor. or arra
matalbetory latintony fattier of tar mallet f
Botta Ititiroony g.6m r ., teas Spe, Ofordiaravor of
. • ~
'etity irairku.
Bfl. 8. thata—,mer. i. Eiremsoir.
- • Loraseins, Kay 23. ISSO.
We tan mid Job. ihrirn liumpesnl. therel DAVO knew*
MD be need. with mulm satimeccom mad ere hem no b.
Italica lir etattog that res believe lt,io be • rate mid valu•
We medicalrompound. mad vulva:steal to prninee much
vod end relieve much miteriuut er.d retold nrmerare •
cheerfully and most ermstly .retortummetit to the at
meth.• • (Signed) - .8. W.I3THON •
s. Erravraieat, •
Roe In all minds. • Moor beautiful whits shin. ancl •
rem colored cheek. Hoer often do vs me perm.. cap.
mufti& tble "dedidenutom GO &Mi' to b e
ulaed, re
sortin to etemetior, Jahns. nelbee. heots.' stet
Lmereviele, to restore to Iherr
end a t eemir th s: vian
otl d diem:.
I= Be e /re &gamins le t t'. heat It beinalbes Moe the tido. by tentovlng every punch, al
=abide/hi at matter form Um bke,rnekbas it pure,
Maltby. sad Memo.. giving activity to every =Mote ,m
es4l ehmittos the ignore sted dark momettem• tlif
tbe mid freshness ed youth. Leciku Omahas the
me of pante end mixtures, end um Bull'. Soon,
the emly effectual remedy. .A vent to the wiee to Fut&
dent" and • blot Issoochh to che
Testimony Lob Following; Renders Superfine:: -
att Comma on the E7nenty of Ursa--
I= Dr. L. P. TAMMUZ, .Pretmor of Chemistry In the
Loafsrills Medical Chilean.
"I bent toted pray the list of Inartetionte anotechap
John BellnCompoond antract of Parsoatillsand Lan no'
',lmitation In earner-that they form • ante annnotund, flan
on• that promises well to chronic disc.., to ninth It is
Et=- • L. P. VAInDELL e II.
Jar. 6,1848.
- _
What DR: RTLES. appoentmeicia z..;
niali'S WihititPti
lonsernik War= hCLIP42. -
have examined in. ppaseriptiosi for no preprint.= of
Jobs lialPr Bono ,an d and I believe the onahloallosi
be an anelleatain. and mill eakolatioa prod. an al
to hilinnion OM the wenn. have used le b.tkb
ulabg aka prineepragtle, sad think [hen..[ =ticked
inn= P..
I e Minions— kit this Loafs - rills al
b. Merle=
—beirane and ask. for in original DR.
b... =otter. Khlkikal arpown.L.
110 6 Wond =am Pittburgh, Y., Wholesale a= Retail
A for sale brD.H. ClltitTand JOS. AlleL
Own? =nand bp Dawns= genotally.
~, i„,,-0:::... --t-.-.9
1 ~r
-1:1 ;=• : : j.::.:- . !: ., !- 4- 4iPt .'- -:
zraia j
. ..,-. .....!:-. L-1 , .::::! f-Ti. •-:"lr'r -
, .
- -"
Mash Wdidm Imam. Inetykat Conscomytka.
Bareannosa.Leseorrha or !natal, TeregulayMewtrnatlora
fneontirnanos of Crioe.thenneal Prostratiattof the Eye...
D,ptao•rd aphita. and Gilman, State of Bllral, ate cored hi,
De , Snalonrs &trod afTettoeoDoch coadEmapol7la.aeble.h
glyea hemedlata rellof by naming the lbantaln or health
and atratontla: the aloud: It nantrallsea had human, naps
...natural sectattona, and give, healthy all th.
vital maws.
Its mild alterative properties render it peculiarly arplt•
cable to time slender and delicate °aestivation of the
mats Inman:ad*ly counteracts that distrendun- =war
am and Latitude m nouunan to the female haute, and
leararti an onergy end buoyancy as surm , ..rlnans then
are irratefaL We hone evidence an hie which iadoset 49
Wrongly to recommend tide medicos to married wale
who bays not tem blamed with otmecing..
Psalm*. Inert.or Yalliss of th•Foadi. of firers-ars vas,
ding, oared by Dr. CluTsott'a ltrtract ofTallor Deck sal
Barnanasilla after swarrathar known anneals had ham
Wad without relief:
Wasinow.o.. Pah 13.1840.
This cantina that nay Wth. aged 27 feast, haaasifferrd
trodsa tha stars somplattit an Ora years, nearly all that
1168 ootnined to tsar bah I hare for foss Tea, .onatanily
...Oared etas bast medical talint tbat conk Iwitts
thleseetion of the onsiray. without any Tanta whatasar.
I have also porshaffied arm inatroasot tetionnisetided fat
the me of math diseases. all of which provad,snwthlasa
In the wins or Ism I waaithhaiod brio)* 66 .6 6
taw Dr. Onnottl Tallow Dock. and Bassataxills.
used dir box month,. attar abe had =AIM. about true
west., it vas aftlant of es that ahir wu in:fraying.
and from 'this time ahalsonroin.4 rapidiT. and rakaad tub
and 6600416 . aka 1. nos an.i , Xing suet escellszt
health. 2fll . 21OD'IODT.
FL • bolos tisighbors to Asa. and Julia Monfort. know
that tha abore stalsanants, as meho sickness of Hrs. Non
fbra and as to ea tots balms offixted by 43 111-alit's Yellow
Doak and Eansamilla, ars 'Meth , true. ' , ' • -
• eriog's .Eva• Cave of 0. it Lennord-
Moon. Gm.. D. 1843:
. Stamm S. P. Sonnets ICo .Illents Boma tit. in lath
I woo attacked with Hines Ertl to my arm. whiah bor..
PO Are Imnl4 not use I. and to 1114.5 nortilthttlon at lu.
1 employed. at dill/arta time, web physiel. of Sedebrity
within my reach: all toll to, my arm roast to amvatated.
Prom the el:Mulder to 'the' forearm wr foil of ramdtist
soma Sly etructsth at this time woo a.ntehrly ethatat.
od, mid my tenon ouch <Modeled. I motional In this
state natal 1811, when 1 rw an adrertisnmort (13
Tello*Dock and Sareavarilla) odd. I toot, and sent for a
tot. of Om article. aayl.ti'm Tallow Pooh and Samara•
rBL 000001 ma; 1 took no other remedy whit. using It;
.4 bit mysolf verbally well bellow r.sins ibo 017th bot•
tie. Hai .rd It at the Mat of the touslady..l
am Nue it would hare raved me loom )1 , ,01i of rain end
suffering. I most earnestly reoommet..4 areii le.tlan mb
feline ander any Similar Maw., to W. elly.f.Vl Yellow
Deck mad Sarsaparilla, width will 1 . 0010111 them to hralth.
Toms, In gratitude. 0. M. I.LONAP.D.
Core of art aggravated case of g rysipdat.
The mores performed by Dr.Ouyeett's Extract of Yellow
Dock mat Panavarilla. ate lasting. The yottenfe g.eral
health =Moues to Imp.. after dMarse N remored.—
Cons an not checoolehol until time has folly thstod that
there a... relapse or return of tho Omer.
Itarklmerr to.. February, 1850. .
S. 7:lBennott 0.-Gentot It Is with mem aka.. that
I write you about the ray harpy effects of your Tell..
Dock nod Sarsaparilla moon my woo who haa ci lens boc suf
fering Hale that dreadful anctlnetiam.disea....thowthe
as, with which be was &Vatted. 112 1140, and war. for PP,
' al months attended by some of our boot ptlyalebos who
tled th eir Ain penercringly re.tho. wit/10A any
ionellidal revolts abater... tie bracotit rploord to a per.
fart L ek.ktom Ile had Moen from his LIP to Ma kat,
whkh were iontionally IllechstaingliMomoinaly olfeothre
matter. Sledkal .d surgical Odd Ira ballted. Phyakia.
.11 but his moo was hopeless: than could bc-nothdrtg
don. to arm( 1130/o - 11.11ble gyagrening Marra. Hy .I.gte.
bor. oral 'tassel: thought hie dirsointion boo at hood.
O. of boy welsh.. (who bid eared o abild of Scrofula
with yOur laraluatie roodlable) w blood ma to make teal of
and. moo Irmo the soda something While
110 beach lb. fn. WV hope of netts. bile/. I moes.d.
ibtea b.ILIM of 7000 Tabor' Dock and 2...avarilla.,
exw,oe 004 hang It; nod to my twtorddornera be /WPM
to hums* bathes ha had used the third bottle; on/hefty
Ile had Ulll4 • half down tosllon, ho mold Wane.. 14
mod to all tad. bother during the year 1340.. d by ob.'
Lobel last ho ter perfectly restored.. Every restisa of the
died...card Um war. is moored. and ho rennin In.
Itatforn tdolth al the 10000011 time. 1110 rew.ary, sa,4 c r
the bleartos of God. Is entirely owzn4 to the Obi of your,
liellow Dock aid Sirwmarills; and 1 ationi ,o, that y fool
under grood obilinathMa to yea. sal It la with ',scat
joy that 1 Mk= sat of what your ransparlda bas dons
Ibr m 7 An.
: • • .7.4:1ES EUPBELL .
D0k11 , 15. D. Pax. (meaner lotantml t Park.) tantla
.s.4lnuit:NAL litosinattl.ObSt. timers' Aaeatkr tly •
boa* and Wat. ft *Dam all order! atirevent,
J. MU J Co. B. A. Wm:ego& C.2.‘ J. A. .lcutt.'L;
Mkt:4k, Pittsburgh: ett..ttektAas, Al/rilusr ary ;
L. T. liatalL ltattgAttart 1.." IL Bowie. - Cramotow - o, -
amosburc, B.Koczaajo...4l3oott tjlibarre.
Dearth good 41-Don.lhttinilonalro.Orr.lloDmorrobon
IDLlstroad a Co. troDszo; ElCooodoc .
Zuni Alt Co.iitztetwilln Mit tct.. A - mean:mg
xdoc.D4 a Cs. b. Colleadol. laud - ado DIIH.OII J Co: •
Doi4 Groh= t Inrloor, Mimi; Jan i e its/Ir I Co. Bos
t= 5.1321114 Dome; J. o.boat32artato %moo ILL.& C.
D..Tosioo. o oo&orgDocc4'.Crookor.k.DzononsoiThg.
Kl:Eluta Rat rectived Bejtre.
• eLebirdlrikiokal . vi z tt e r: .n.s.h ,, g t .-
Yarrive7E 7 te tan work et Lb* kmad WIZ
lam sicono WOO. GS Cbo mat r0.. ' 61 caogreers
Ibt lapel beiteaT too ben ono 1 1.3 *G.L 'MX
sad Gommll2l bT iduocat vls: u droop,.
'l=Geol=y, ii6== d o
1,11( MU. hat tadlo. Irimme Int Audi ut
go tad *Goo "tool no; no solkorbst.n.b.a. book
sioso MAX "jobb