The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 04, 1851, Image 2

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outtanum az,wauu • co
MOITh • :4: i• ch It IZ
' ''- 4 `4 .l 2tatifialltilie t. ' hag mat ieer , MP!! ta en
4nretaieittlthltixutina: When he'doestso;-vee
=•.!ithidiNibeeilshiele;'trhich in ti - good One
TiaiWittiuf . at'
'. uteri . Tdinifeas; - ,ittilste l artleli on politits, has
.- len* i'elaU.liiQX--.. l ' .l i*lnil:ertlilte WidiS:Psleti d
peansylverua, which vre.-Aamedingly regret to
. tee.:-Per that paper We have "buys had high
.. ~.
t -Feet; 'Adhere regarded it se eminendt Fn
. - - . ...., .
dentand etenveriative in its political oottree. sea
sea most ' - aupporter of the iirldi mud.
Between whige.of Pettasylwadu and
land there - also, always misted warm 'Ym."
pattdes,' 'lre fn yeti:viral:di ' hail felfas
deep an in(erest_in Abe - . rimers of. the Whig
. -
. mums La in our own State .._ BLS Psinfal,
_ them
therefere;•th And sash simper as the American
losing ttchatatos, and .delsoonting ' without
ClllMltholliiii of theOid 'Key/done, who have
faight itonutny barditattleain thisatrong-liold
, of LocofooiS' , and Who bate nobly persevered
, .
simidat thead dishearteningeircumstanees.
But ts the:f TeuPliker "i'Veh are as
z eriatt
lelleies i 1.1 '
li PaimiAriusii , We "see that the m en who
' neadmusal Johnston for Geretztor rettMe to pais
s reiolutioavecognlsiag the obligetitins of the
'Coletitsthm than:Latter which Southern mestere
bound to - nisei alt one of enpreine othasidere--
, tion; and yet these men olPenusylerysit auk
. _ tog snob II wk m
iastion, mada& eircamistincee,
call tiumuOviii Whigs, - and seem to ' expect that
the Wolgeofj this section :will allotr this claint
'andileternite politically frith them.. We beg to
.: am= them tf they have - .not learned feat ,
before; that they, are buffering curler a profound
T. trilitike, - Titer may call: themselves, by 3witat
name thefmay " profer;Asut they must play
their awn gente, - suth as it Is, with such induce
' - amnia and reasons as they_ may find for there-'
' tares; &milt -thee arewthing to be disgraced,-
'to be it; bht,,let„ - them . not ettheapt to ,bring
- .then Into a tparticiputinu with their sharae. - -s-
Once for all let :us be understood.that wx sin
• hava . no Walton far ilLtee; and .if those me th
of us who calitheratelies Whigs cannot 'nom
nise and bdont the:first'priaciples of Whig con
. sm'yntisto, which ia comprehended in an honest
!Joni' - true devo ti on to the Constitution, then the
' boaner an understanding is bad the better for
ill aides. We of the South* cul l hold our own,
'without dented of asking favors: . "It istiot e
sectional 'organisation that weXeek-,,tatt what
choice la lett 'us!' if We are'put 11Pon 011 de
,- -` froilve we via "stand'to it as ane'than. 'No In
, .11aente of party names will hate theleast effect.
- The vote of 'Maryland will be given to bonne
for the Presidency who does not stand clear and
free in his adhesion to the compacts of the'Ciaz
stitution--tuniery one of therm. Let theta be
' no.mistinderabinding 'ton this' point. We ism
teem with et:uprise a flippancy in some journals
that ought to know better, us.though the Whims
of this section of the' country' were indifferent
to the question which every body knots Is now
the prominent question in political matters, and
-as though we were willing to compromise it and
t o It pass as a thing of party expedimacy.-3 -
Thin is a great mistake. We go the extremes of
-- neither aide—but we' hold to the ground of the
- llanstitution, and from that position we stall not
. • retreat' - -A point of boobs. is involved which bas
-more control ripen the' people of Maryland than
: . - . nay considerations of Interest. We profeas,,and
we-hope without arrogance, to understend.thda
' -..tilavery:uurititat better than any Cr, you at the
.---.' Nails.. With You it Is an abstractions with - us
' it'iXakienlity, .ItLi Is oar midst , '-4 part-sad
.. - tweet ef.our every day life -If it be an evil it
. is .curs and not your{:'you are rest responsible
for it; end do -youlnot see"-how presutoptu
• *cared offensive your Interference must be - In-
a domestic mistier of thin kind, concerning which
- -you are profouruilyignorant, and in reference
' . -to width every step you take Is founded upon
--ea-assumption of superiority,- which 'is to us
: r most absurd and ridiculous? Let as alone with
-.ear institutions of &mettle labor; If they do
not please- yon;-remember for - a- moment that
they werenerrerdesimiedtopdmiseyou. Whomette
you judgesiir us 1' -Beep to your own ground.
If you are Battened with yourselves,: thank Hea
ven and by Content, tYon.ueed not be Pharisees
beton your time—notwithstanding your pro
. cavities that way.' There is virtu, extent be
-We itudlpasi by for the Present:and for OM'
sake of petite,' and ititlt the hope of a batter
uudentilltelinfa . the areoffAtatuo iriitu' dug style
,of the alms remarks, and come, at am * * to the
charge,mide by the :American against the Whigs
_ of Peussylvania, - which is, "thatthe men who.
notainated,/ohnston for Governor refusete • Pme
, .
, a zesolaticak recomdxisig the .
obligatians of the
Constitution in a matter. which Southern, men
are bound to mud; as one of eirpreme costae
reara." The lstnee hens refeired to, ‘, ii,
convention of the Whigs of the whale State, se
lected"with rentarkeble tunadmity; end rem* -
. ,
...' sealing most faithfully the, Whig sentiment of
the Cozbmonwealtit;:the charge is, that they re,
- sued to pan n resgation noogniziag some ob
r iigatlam Of. the Canetittoion: • The natural le
- gniry is, whoa; resolutions did they, pass, and
41a they teeie.,
of the Cenetite'
don unrecognited. uy referring to the proeeel
' hum we .Sad ; the 'cottoning resolutions were,
psiaid by tbe ~m en, i orho nonlitinted Johnston
So wit• !- I
• 5: •Itesolved,.Thattive GoVernmentind people
of. Pennsytierda antilop' to the National Con
stitution, and" are ready at all hazards to .earl
its previsions into effect; to assert otherwise is
a libel upon the fame of the citizens of, the Com!
Imaiweattit. .
q. Itesolred, .That the iatinstmenilllCA3G . 17C11 of
The 101 l CettgreSS'eluill be faithfully observed
and respected by'; the Whip.
7. tteselved, net an tmaltirablit determine
', lion. to maintain the supremacy of the Constitu
tion sad Laws has been, as 4 now, one of our
caßliud doctrines,' and that while others have
' faltered, the history of the Whig lierty demon
strates that in the stenos of adversity or the
smiles of prosperity,. this guiding star of our
courdiThas never beca z dimmed by its action or
theseresOlutions we haves clear, unequiv
'peal acknowledgement of the. duty of-loyalty to
the Constitution, and, the expression of an neat,
,tenable determination - to, maintain the suprem-•
.licY of the Constitution and Laws, and that theta
Might ho 11;) misunderstanding to to theinter
pretstion to be put open thie language; they &-
clime that the iidjnennene Measures of the last
Congress Shall be faithfully observed.
Whet more can o4c Southern friends' requ:ire
iluni Ws, nultsi theY claim - the right to • dictate,
the e'snot langane bi which we shall express our
wess--a prvnik. which we asivetilly shall no
grant, evei•trete they . to . reqnire which we
'believe they dot not::desire. : 1r the:Baltimore
Antrrinan ie 'inch Whip an .
these of Peruisyratita,that paper will- certainly
have to seek other.. atAlistions, 'foe it 'iney be
seamed that u+is*ig party of this - great State
is eus near spit , on this sutryect, na any body of.
men composed of gnat inunensennmbers,can be
On'.any subject of pithiest opinion. The Whip
of the free 'dtates In the Onion are else with"
Whigs or 04 State on tide ecilleci; and if .
the. Whig pmrtY of the South are disposed to
. .
loose frout.thei , t - bretlwen of tho . North, as the
,Balttal?rp papTr suggests, .red to form sea
. tlonal , party STEL tach , ..eimsy tosil : ,utireixeoncr
g,rotmds, on'their own head . ; be; the eonse= .
glance's of their I.iniuseas sea folly. Sorely .
..such men ough i to be ashamed to talk of th e fa-S
natielint of Who tionism, for.nofanatlolszo could
;.. -exceed • • •
. ,
Y The . .
Doti. JOlitt Id.- Botts, all .address to a
porticos his constituents' The axe
. disatisten
with his timers! la the VireArillefonn Courts'.
tbire;. bee declined, the ,
,nondention for.. Congress
-.made some by a Whig Contention in
. theniziltipsddongressienslDistrict. - ffe
.I:this step no:entail until another District Coo
vention ehafl declare ishither lid is still ° the
' choice tel the Whigs for the position - in 'titiestion,
- • -
• ,,, •:11anasten.Tbe. Wheeling tiszette astute
• "tint abridge' of the height requiiidli'dite.
cellos Waltforlh, , l2o feet,. adapted to . the 'nisi of
rilinead trains; could not be erected at Pitenben"..
at tete eost than 41,000,090, •, or lees than
one ogle in aggregate length,' or lea than 1609'
• feet spin; aid: that it would be'higher thert
tops of tbe boast/in 'becity. No good, pima-,
test bridge engineer lib reduce estbsiatei
one dollar or one•foOt." • • , .
$1,000,000 t 0 build atel. ;
vi•iato at Bteabmrlite ,', : where tee: efeer Ii
tki_.lisike 4041 i<et► much w ill ii
Baird ; eac h i.;bildge 41 Wbentileg,.wbsee,
• isitUid*erionos,-bettoleit.:t he psfikk and
jab':a bibike,'..l*, notbe over the .tope
of the
torsos to { Yheeling 1 If :. rdttaad bap is
unwind at Stenbeadlle, . ass" , billsedsd al
„ .
- '
a... N
Ccit.4tains,in his letter which we published
on Patriday,Asia of the bill for which he voted,
and which Gov. Shat taped in /W. that be
reP 'many of Its provisions as rtneoastght.
tiopal and wafer! in their operation."
'ln i n tro ducing the bill to repeal certain sec.
tie* of that law, the Committee on Judicial%
, .
IhnalltiOaanilL rnrinri Enna° repo rt tete
Home Journal for itbo. p. WO) in which they
"It is for the purpose of repeallag these third.
f our th,efth; and sixth sections of that act, that
the bill 'Mali 'a report was read in place..-.
altbOugh that act was a leyal and Coestitutional
exercise of State" Legislative power, as reroy
by tia'Sairame Oust of Ike .Uritett Stater and this
State, yet in consequence of the excitement be
tween:the different portions of, the United States,
brought - about by the. ultra 'lees inhumed on
each side Of the question, rirlehich -it is to be
hoped tutelary large portion of any part of the
Union concurs, would have been better that it
had-neverfound. plebs upon our Statute
. Now pf.itraand that togethse—Wm. Bi g ler
on oniold s,„ and James 'Madison Porter, (the,
author' o the . Locotooo Jullidel Address) the
Comadttte' on ths Judiciary, ;and the Supreme
Court ocirthp Prated Btate4 on :the other. Could
any 'thiWniore ridiculous' he imagined t The
Colonellio either a very great man, or a very
Darren ofzpogulation us Ireland-1m effects upon
the fah:trial Pursuits of Greet Britain, and
'the Social and Po&kat Ililecture of zoeiety.
The London times is evidently sismned at Xim
decrease of population in Ireland; and indulges
in the following reflections' uPon its possible or
nrobable effects. It would boa remarkable km ,
olition in the affairs of the worldebould the iu
Mistrial acedition or Great Britain be intention
ed•i-an esaratoelt of labor and low, , ragea Pferoll -
Others, wi th. a marries of /dor and high.wa
'gee Shahid ensue there. Should the ni;Ant go
en 5 0' for;tra to to ran" something like ' an °fa'
ihriunsixititese thingebetween the two ceuntriee,
PerhaPali would be well for !!the greatestpum
bee" in both naIiPPIL flor PrePoot low 4 ariir
tends to Preterit this eqUallotjorrin some meas
ure; but ft= present appesrunsee It will 91d
-island,' take place.. What the Times dreads is
the political power which such-estate of things
would give Ida, laboring classes; while we in
thlsneuntry 'hare ifenten to dread the del:is:mg
demitializing effects stir.b pm follow an
Over supply of labile. The puliticel 84;54/4951 of
this country depends 'upon the .ability of the la
boring' chimes to command a Comfortable compo.
.41together, it is one' f the most ironer-
Mat qnestions ant now press upon the attention
of statesmen, Wera :Pe extract:lsom the
The bare facts of the case, at get as some
siumible remarks which we puhlishl yeaterday
under dm head of "The Irish Censor," :suggest
some very grime questions. To what extent will
Irish emigration and Irish depopulation proceed!
and how far Is the example hkaij le lie followed
in this island? . There is always a great 4E41 to
be said for the state guo, and the safest course is
to;predict ho considerable change. But they
sells expect nothing nut of the way are sometimes
'disappointed. Ten yearn ego a men would have
been` laughed at who.: &Mid tmyp ' , matured to
fennel stet heroes the expiration of that pefitsi
a failure of the potoloe would reduce the popu
lation of Ireland to less than it was thirty years
no, and would Send more Huth e Pinkert arose
the Atlantic. Lena than ten years ego, we re-
Member to have seen it affirmed that nothing
would eierindruse an Irishman tn eider a work
house or apply for public relief. Facts, hover
er, ere sotostimeS snare paradoxical than opin-'
ions, andatow we And nannives in the full tide
of some of the must coluddsett:l2heki with which
history acquaints us. We may. then, sentare to
ask a question which would have sounded n dicd
lone tea True ago. Bow far will Ireland leaVe
Ireland, and England follow after her? It is at
least a : question foe sbe purest consideration.
A _quarter 'of the Irish peasantry Is already an
the opposite; shore of the A Ileum, and Oat pose
' tee npreseanin much larger proportion of ' , both, I
strength, energy grid rkill. What it gone
tracts; what reinaiurt P l ea While the A meri
-cans bare received a sr grcBtor'RWA4r. tbao
they ever thought pewrible to be sdatitk , /, their
own opportunities and enterprise bare inareased I
itt more astonishing ratio. decade 30
usas Ilene in the annals of' a marvellouspeosle,
has been as fertile in hew States,. new clues, 1
nevi:parade, new ceppla neilines of maritime,
lake,and inland natrigation,:w menu factorlel,
and new mines, as it has ken in ins increased
Though the laborers are - many, gm,
honest is still great. is it probable that this
,PrOslcet will soon lose Its fascination in theeyes
of the Irish peasantry? They know what they
will find to the United Metes—what is there in
their own country to detain them ashome? Even .
'the mortality and the casnaidee treifireut I
Ship are trifling compared with dove of *work
house. 6174 aro incited and assisted by those
-eho have gone before. Are there really no
bounds to this endgrition, or even a probability
of its being Confined to Its 'present atotnit?
Civil war between the litotes of the irojP, or a
dreadful epidemic, might Cheek the mulgrotiell,
bat that would beet:4l;4.a An the fibule;
we hold it safe to reckon on' Ireland being still
'Airtime depopulated, and the United Suttee still
further peopled from that biLand.
4 But why should not the population of Ireland
lie reduced, cay to four arrive millions 7 Should
that, indeed, come to peas, it meat and will in
volve great changes in the social and political
state, not only of. Ireland, but of Great Britain
also. It must greatly itierease the vslue-of la.
bor, and-the appreciation ot , the laborer through
oat these Isles. For a wbolegeneration man has
been *drag in this country, and populstion s
IItIiNALICt. labia scarcely entered into the heads:
of economists that they would ever have to deal.
with a deficiency of labor. : The inexhaustible:
Irish, supply has kept down the pries of English
labor • whether in the field, the railway, the fee !
tort', the - army, or the nary; whether at the
sickle, the hod, or the desk. We believe that
for fitly years at the least, labor, taking its val.?
Ity Into account, has been cheaper In this coon'
try than in any part of Europe, and that this
cheapness of laborlas contributed vastly to the
improvement and power of the country, to the
success of all mercantile ppronita, and to the Mil
joymem of thcce• who have money to spep4. l7 .
This sameeheapness has pieced die 1ab044
Muses most effectually under the band of money
and the beet of power. But will there not be a
change sod a beginniag of changes when our
great reservoirs .of human labor begin to full
short - ; when every employer of the people, from
the authorities at the Ilona Guards and the Ad
inimity to the occupier of fifty cures, or to the
,possessor of half a dozen lace =china, begins
to call is rain for more hands? Will it not be a
day of change when, instead of two men being
after one master, two masters will be slier one
man? Perhaps It will be thought at all events
the conditioner the laborer will beso much bel
-1 toed that there will bo no English emigration.
Of that we are not sure.. What, keeps the :Ee
-1 gush .laborer at home Is Liei profound Ignorance,
his went of imeatility, and habits of depend
ence, Bet thew peculiarities wilr.he much af
fected by anysocial amazes that shall make the
laborer snore actually independent than he now
is; and we can conceive a great demand for, ta
bor, skilled or unskilled, increasing emigration,
instead of represwing it. • Bach • changes will
give the laborers the meting; the combination, the', and perhaps she, the Incense
ing qtearreis between master and earmuff the
provocation necessary for trying a new country.
If alltlepended on what Is called the market
of labor, as soon as the population had fallen
to a certain level, labor would sonimand such a
price as would overpower all inducements to em
igratiem.-- Bat besidesthe market of labor there
are some things not quite en seltadjustiog,
though quite ise important to the interests of la-
bor. The institutions of the country are adapt.' ,
ed to fee actual condition of the laborer, to the
actual rate of his wages, the - actual sphere of
hisexpectations, theactual calibre of his intelli
gence, to his actual education sympathies, and
manners. But th ole laminations, the work er
ases, are not easily adjusted to a rapid change.
Should the Mamie of this Country And that they
were masters,-and.that the rate of wages de
peadsd no longer an the decision of the market
table, mei Should the same discovery be made
even qukker to our manufacturing towns, who
does not aim that a new element would be, intro.
diced not only in our industrial, but also in our
olltiaal eatealatione? the Perliamentruyi the
judicial; 1M lhe eaelesiastical systems of the
country might feel the unwonted prefeeaeot4Ude
064 newly catechism energtes below the present
wawa , *aril , " Of things. Alneady we behold a
mist esiticallatiosi and: Wring of peoples. The
loot tom years have done more to bring man aud.
rogether,sand to destroy the political as well- as
the geographical • barriers = between
witanan. Entardaaan. and German, num
Anj•Preelens century In go history of the world.
Back change, es these cannot foil to disengage
the rising generation mare from the lifter cus
tom and place; and enable them to fight their
wet better intl. baffle of the veal& When
our. misses *reap longer either lianlated by want
of commomleilioe,. or -end:inhered by that town
numbers, liner.- - atil , they preserve that banally .
*deb Is as convenient ':to their "employen as it
,is conifortable. to then:Maras .• This 'ls thh time
to ctinsider _these: questions; few if the working
population of these islands is to rierparrc greater
'actual power,lt Is high klme they shooldbe pro
. and the basso put in order; fir so great
The tarifa ehlettf whleh Puled ewer tho
gion oif flatoiday, the Ztlth alt, apptiersto hirer
gained strength and tone as it adnitced, tmtil
near the mountatincTorheie Itideitreethe par
ent were most appallng.' The toflotritigaeoonnt.
of Its ravages In Fayette county, We tate front
the-" bitiontowe -Deward," of TherlsteY
. Webers Jost returned tam awhdtto the, scene',
of the.,toost destructive and violent storm ever
known to traverse this Section of the State. We
bete not heard how far westward it commenced,
but it is said to have .emued the Monongahela,
river above Oteestield,- and bearing in'it South
eastern direction. plumed about four miles north
of this place. Weird took its trail three miles
beyond Upper Middletown, and eight mile N.W.
of Uniontown4 where it creased the State road
leading to' Pittetturgh. We Imre heard of its
. progress as far East as Yeast's tavern, thirty
nine miles east of this,. en the National read,
where Ii blew. down the stable of Mr. Yeast ; kill
log one borse.stid injuring two others. It pan
el over this region - on Saturday last, between
ten and eleven o'clock: at night. • We follownd . its
track about six mites, beginning at the farm aid
; residence of George Wetsell, and levAtg it a
I short distan c e f r om be foot of the itooitain,
eoliths ConneUsville road. *. ' .
. -The devastation at Mr. WeiselPs is alair tem
ple of Its , progress ao far be ..we have witnessed
or heard of it. It preserved en aimed uniform
width of about two hundred yards, but makings
clean sweep of almost every thing - within its
range. Houses, bates, stables, trees, fences,
stacks of bay and grain, every thin; fell or was
swept away, or prostratedistal scattered over the
face of . the country. Not an orclundis left stand.
fog In its range—and from the Pittsburgh mad
to the foot of Laurel not more than three
or four houses - were able to Withstand thaehook,*
To be more minute, beginning at Mr. Rebell's,
Ffp found a number of his neighbors engagid
oolong Pwi r 9143 pf his-barn and dwelling. • Of
the barn, scarcely lei rep left on its founda
tion. The family ocaupled a large big building,
with an immense -old fashioned stove chimney
in the western gable. The upper tloor and Joists
hid been removed, to worked' up in a -new
frame building being erected at the west end of
the old one. The first blast of the storm brought
down the old chimney, and crashed Mtn. Weteell
under li, kluge stones fell on Mr. Wetsell. The
upper story Was c , a d away, some of the huge
logefalling lislf the floor
was coined with stones from the depth or 'foot
.to eighteen Inches. Many - of them-we-I ed
from fifty tdeighty pounds . From under. me
Mr. Wetsell literally quarried out his trite; god
brig her ip sitting posture, with . her head
pressed down tO thp Root. with - the superior's&
beet stones- . They were - 044cl nth her
blood. A cradle in which,was a young child
was crushed to the floor, but•the child wee un
hurt. The,newbailding -was levelled with the
' ground, parts of the roof lying in a meadow
tome yards yards distant, and the weather
bnirdmiq "gope S 9 RAM 31prnown. Every shade
and frint ;MI oft too Prendeen I r rarlrftei t '
or etript of its top nod branches, 'it poised
pole. Ascending the hill in front of e house,
the summit Of which was triaged with heavy
timber; the storm cut Ito way as if it were open
spyg s way for a read or - ndlway.• The ground
wss P 7 974 rth the tops and tremks of the
trees: while tie hipphirr saplings' and under
growth, wore bowed and log 4n¢ Isterl*PPed
their branches almosratripped of thatein
those 'remaining, whipped with the storm
bleaching In the sun, looked gray, - 13 if they had
been withered end seared, with fire.
Croysjew a field on the top of the bill it enter; .
ed a cops& of eery tayevy timber, with which it
etrewed the ground to that we foraad it impost'.
ble to get through it on horse back. " °int the
top of the next bill It encomium' the bun and
dwelling of Mr. Arrisea. The Waves not en
tirely destroyed, but the dwelling was a heap of
intos. - The' Pip clone chmney weal prostrate
across the yarn—three or fonr peunda of logs
only eel:Mined their pieces, the rest were
strewed about—p images" of the loge ae rub
biskl . " Y er l es the (rot floor - *ere th e family
were at the itimc of ;Veteran. Thi beeken
fregmeute of bedsteads, chairs, Wes end - other
fbruitere were strewed about the yard ; ever!,
thiog eeeme to have been crashed.: Both Mr.
and Mrs. &risen were badly hurt —be having
smut of his ribs broken, and , she being terri
bly eat mid
Descending th e bills short .
dietaries it encoun
tered the residence of the Iler. Mr. lasi:. two
story mime building. The family consisted of
ten persons; one being absent from home.—
Nothing was left but a email angle of the first
story—merit of the stone and rubbish having
fallen in epee the first ?icier. One girt, of thir
teen years old was instantly killed - 7 1 1 11 , 1 1 ,0 feet
are badly blued, and their present condition
eery marinas- , Three of the family uereateep
lug in th e garrettlpry were foe nd fifty or six
ty paces distant Imug is an Ok'blll'k 4 4 4'7
Thelut of. one of the boy's was feana r en
farm of Col. Bute three miles distant
Crossing two fields and a small ravine, the
storm nett encountered the frame barn and
threlling of James Stewart. The bitter was a
two story log building with acme basement
flouild by an maiarmi roviliptr in. the alr, Mr.
Stewart steppe,' to his door, and by go .-k r , r , of
the lightning he saw limbs of tree' and all sorts
of rubbish rushing and reeling through the Lair,
In an instant be seized one child, 'his wife ano
ther lind they rushed to the basemeut Thee*
was bat oats bl4ft a4t).% crash,. and Ws home
was gone. In one
lad Tee a perfect
calm. lie lit a candle ann :there map Pet a
breine to disturb it in the .open air.. He pro
ceeded to march for two. other children which
were eleeping on th e first floor.over the bed,
which was eyethed to the Hem, he founda woods
empartitim, en 4 pp lop of that 'meet large
logs. , Crawling beneath' them be cpand his
deete'stuened tea not . serloOly 44 ; 0. lilt
to,rn was strewed in every direction. • we,Paw
the broken fragments of tables, chnirs,,bereens,
be, lying in every direction. •
Following the trail of the storm a distance of
o mile, we passed the residence of Mr—Strong,
whose new @alive withato e d the blest, but his
ham bed test part of Its roof. An hundred
yards from his house it nneected a stone tithed
Mrie, and taking a strip of the finest timber we
knew of; belonging to Co). Bate, it metes to
have let boas all Its fury. The read MAPS
along its side was literally choked up with trees
atid binsh. We took to the woods, and wending,
our way beet in one direction and then in tato
ther,-pataing between trees lying , parallel—
erenling *NUJ?" their top branches where we
could, end jarolung lop, gpere no, ollier pass
ago was permitted, we at teltr/rad'the
-open road, within half a Tolle •of Co übs's. '
The Colonel thinks he has come in for is more
than a full there of the storm, which he thin k s
is the work of the,bovil—who the scripture de
china, as he says, is "the Prince of the power
of the air." For him it destroyed eight build
ings, composed el stables; dwellings occupied
by his eons, and vaximm granaries and out houses
ills main dwelling bouts atld large barn escaped.
A grandchild, a small child of Alts Archibald,
had its then tnictured--another was slightly
injured. One berme was killed and twelve others
crippled or injured more or less. Col. Bate es
timates his loss at $20410.
Crossing the nett hill and the reed to the Lan-1
rel Hill meeting Ilobse, Weenie down upon the
wham' of Eatherish Ball. Me ledge_'rime
barn was destroyed. liiiderelling was substen-.
tial brick—with IS inch walls. The
on the first floor In a room fronting the fiat.—
Tee roof and upper story were carried away,
mil the east, front fell outward—exposing the
family to the open air—but the floor. overhead
protected theta frent above, and they escaped
There le.a gentle rise, mostly open bells to oil
next batch of buildings, belonging to Ocneral
H. W. Beeson. First the storm took the house,
timing away the tipper .story and uprooting
every thlog about It. One apple tree neer the
house bas never slate been heard of..
.The General's barn waollny- feet agnate,
framed of large timbersaed doubleCeione.fouri
defines, one within the other. It mood on the
very apex of the hill—we saw the foundation,
but what had become .of the barn is yet until
cartained. A: quarter of ,a mile East of It in a
deep .ravine we eaw two beams, 12 inches square
—.3ID about 7, another: aliout 12 feet long, for
merly point Is.. 4 email Part of - the roof was
found on the pest flip General says he
bat some tens of thoumnda of allindeo—.-tre for.
get how many—he knows not where. We tuaye
heard,' however, of some of theco—they
been found near the top of the aminamith eTee
I miles Eut of their place of departure.
At the next farm we saw .people repairing
damages on the dwelling house, the roof of which
was gone—others repairing a barn which was in
the carne ne condition. Ha we left the track of
the destroyer eat) returned to town.
Pursuing its course tat/zeds the mountains It
destroyed the barn end the brick'dwelling of
Mr. Jones, on the old Connellaalle rod- Ita
last act before rising the mountain was to Ga
nef a. house ccoupled by Mr. nue', *nil hs
stepping out of her door,, found himself In the
top of a fallen tree,- some hundred stkps from
his noose, measionally Limiting the ground en
his way,, bat unit& to. slay itlo course until he
lodged in the tree. Severs) ether, - houses were
destroyed wholly , . or. In. pert, beforejlin.rdartn
took the Mountaiu, but we came! give partic4-
teri. - Crossing the tap of-,the mountain; It Mete
drs-. lo barn belonging (alert {Menu*,
of ee. .Il'e next hear of iteit Mr. Sebastian
1tt.,"0 `a. on f.'..e.National 1i0ad,..12 miles East of
ad.-, ....btu, it. blew the ruwf of. his new .tatn,
sus' nod .partly unroofed. hro
TM • 'been . out of the 'min track Of
the , it peeked near the feline the.
Toot? hogee of Mr. Tharp...:
Time, to hare follownd zieer NA sal
k't:whforlatie Whine' down the,
Lotter 1 , - Wm. Show, and proming into
thu`.;sy. Yough a. little below Smithfield,
on its u'ti t erosible the house and barn
of Job-' , lag, and Jacob Easter,
a little , -
e aba4not stlempt In estimate the dsmsge
death. At h» been t=ense; of muss& The
crop of taw plahtatious Welt literally swept ,
oiLt,The ks,7ps „of several' are,hangin g , on the
to and Undies on the face of the lc onntnin.
hts lois 4;1000, _ Alk
:Walters lost Whole crop of oats, about one
thousand,bushels. ,
, Enuithin:Ariati.—The Pilladelidde . • PM
statelhat the four men whose charred reineins
trawfotuul 'on Sunday morning last in the Wins
of a LiejT : lq' Bedford. nonnty,..whlch hsid been
buent - 'derinettia night, were brat murdered
sad the house Larne toeoneeal the act. One of
the mistimed men was a tontraetor on the maid,
Who had eppOlotod 010..1MM:dui hiondai to pay,
offlde workmen, end It is pretruica that. he bad
$3,000 In - hte possession. •
, .
9nt of the 298 futesettin Penosyl mil; 199
. (jlist iineshalf) /MVO stopped :If Mall . the toot . lB
moiths; anti the workmen thrown Out of emploi
.tment! And . yet rem vessel that artiees
cgttntry' from Eukind is, oaded with ei'areill,
clo touch for so tooth. . ;
nil Midge pier tits Kentucky river atFrank
fat (Sue, completed, and the eau paned .
it fir the filet - time Au a les .dry
aevomplialtes the, ritlreid eommunic • doe, be 7
tweets Lexiagtp and Louisville.
Tztittityi neeeals oe rue Cuome.. 7 -.1 . 4ti•
44ei paper - ATE.' hite adviaie froakehe Wend at
tltoad canary, Vetch state that oat et: a popula
don Lof tiett Ile:missed which the humid contelte,
•t leastiberibeiteand hale pertshetlee delete.
:The 'Vrie'grr.ede warmly urges the Mantra°.
doe of.,,the ',Pittsburgh. atid Tele statied. - : It
urgestfixt all the agrees, all the available taw,
0 4 4 allPie, 1 0100110! of Piet be devoted to the
work, nail It te r completed.
()tie dater
leg aphis despstc • from New Wm ststes, l
Chit &Bgbt ieciired between cien. Maihion and
'Beisaior FoOikst filedgesille, Miss, a foe 6)4
lice bat isriOusly Wand. They
aee • hoth andiastes far botenor of Mississippi.'
Moan Camsoastafloto.—The Boston Trefoil
leilayi—VWe bete private rtdeloes from Ball' ,
(bruiser apmfeetly reliable character, • bich at'
sure 61 thattheprospective gold prodimt of that.
State hes been underrated. The writer aaym
%Mitoses is dull, goods amehesp, money scone,
and business men generally pressed. Bat WI.;
ramie will come antrigh.f —our gold product wit
be more abskdaut. i thun poor . l speak from gut , •:
sal knowledge . .o shall get morp gold than at
coy time, heretofore." may safely estimate
the •psndst . of this year at $70,000,000, and
that no climb:Alin will take place in the supply
for some year!, to come."' •
TfF0' 160 "194 2 Coverl 4 fl e5e11.. 4 . gio ,
tion of Mr. Savant :4,a court recently ordered
the Jery in this ease to find a verdict of se,quit
tal in favor of Blackbnen, Barber and Welch, in
order that' they might be need Z 3 witnesses by
the other defeadanb, which direction woe ite
to.cdiately complied with, though strongly op.
E r ased by tk: n rution, and argued by counsel
litmus Dtatirssar.—Tti Centreville (hid
Times of Saturday, says that *camber of die.
tretilnetales of .thiti disease ars In the hands of
the physicians at that place. The cafe/ are oh.
stioate and necessarily alannidg. Few faralUes
" IP* tat.o en felt. whin looking tbaTe a iota
chat, atmosphere, that there was an infinity of
spa:, which we could not ailplora. When I look
into men's spirit, and ate there the germ of ail
immortal life:-I feel more desply that- an•infinity.
lies tad peyend what I see. In this idett of 4p,
ty, chicle ifttng , PP** MO haman heart,
dl,cern mote lelred 194 baaWileet thin
wlaich Pimp the WWII to a more
'alorloni Wap tha
iti flan t tOwhiall ittrattition
Linde the body , ind„whiettfi-14 tate, though
the laws of phialiarnature las -.away— Reery
morel Sentiment; avery iatelowioal sedan; Is to
me a hint, a prophetic Ago, of spiritual power
to be expanded tar even just as-feint ray from
• diftOnt. Mtr algmlfieaat of uolmothaable
, .
get ' WokYe! Woratg!—The eymptotas of
ta. promeoe..of Amble lo cbildren abould be =dull?
grab:bed bf borebtei" 'Aid io icon as LW. L. »mato eat
peel tbsb. esLitraeo, ewer mane ebbald be abed to asp'
thee oraabtly son tbomothlr. The brootistors of Abe
tioes bfbabe termlfax4 ore mealiest tbar Mr., offer
caioalf this result, (bes6Y erirtambi
i.beiule'totbrpumi...i4 they ierit. to it tbe attain:l
of oil t!K• lire the lbooiork.ot of datum. -The coif r
libel is
s i l.,b4CeieAnf MP. err' , togs ba pb.4.lre
s'o. 44 1 ,,P1 ) t .
• Ge..lf.d rt
ge`The greatest remedy . 6f the ago etetai
this relebroted Bodkin. 0.114 11-V.V.:MN Aro b
lAzdefirot.. It is sod be Oo oAteroobibblkot4bo.oo4l3
uW to pes.e.l Mast weadarha quank.
in/ ptill ‘ restarb4 platted Wan. ar. (deal tad 1.301 t
.Mei ) M4, It4ch threatened enortilketSeas b. Waned
several tepee to'noereet. - vben be nu Orland toted
WU. Youislre rabian Lltatess‘one hoWa 01 rie
elrele rural him,. •We bars ao doubt. hob the carat ot .
the Nam but tot ibis mental madielar, ho .90.11 hoe
hod s wino dam at It. fee Meeethebeent. irie •
tatiVert; 4 Roy' :FLOAT
k ems tea tett
vas . - uZa..11,4730t as a DI:000 tall aO.
dia.. by tains Lt. Aid It oils ciaa hits st ay 1150,,a II
row. it dtatror thw portlatity with 0 . 41 halo ;10.
Yew litralwar matt% haalwAlwilatiltw ww3WW•tt
twosome reatiptaladaalial vitiates, dwarf= ALI
of rand Ojai-tams; .a 4 It U tbla Sot that ha raialtehril
C.. mutation of ^Daltl Coatpawad F •Estniat San
44,44 V; .•• 1T:A.41 a. titttatta. Ito adki 0502 thr th eu pu i 't • I t a l ie u,car.laaat with tatioaat awa pita
W.W.I WWl+ . gaziirgni t r ha 001101 i. wrwstictsi
aal exatiatui of tha Way. lemma Astaie tiaaa. *ow.
. maul and dismal mato, alawalttbral tha gamut,
0.1 tilawatta *max, matta abdl basil/ 1
Wed..o4 tt watalwi am carious faartlaws of the Mae:rat
aro .of th• totw. Mb la all portwoual witamot llw
Mad datum of tutu, the Fri:Armlet, Wax a. alto a. it
5k mar to thought 'by the almakal. that It
pourrsrta ewe Gaa gamy thiciocs. 0.0 Maw amataa ,
Utah it wilt As 5110.1 15 . 11 t a tam atatatirf or to. aim.
et* tOttitipw tbs L'a.u.rtttOlt haptra
swat* tba Nnai: IM a:44min+ tk.Ml 6r atlkai Dar
aaai 'r;kll4 re! "
.a 4 min 'preplan." al a saValltata 5 tha =Waal:
John Datil 24111.118111•1 TIM valuable perparativa lb*
armlet= warriata to 4tapmtor .thatk-
Catrucar.—Bewara 444 sat an taw otiataal is.: Joan
DatriSampitruhtfrota dentway—tuai hare ao attar are
whettlatateakt oa mother .
KET44I; 14
I.lo4jraltaT Whaltialaa Malt laws. •
" • TOCTI*I I M) I .
•.• u.ausura.pc.i P..46{0.6. '61: 7 .'
19.61:Krc1. , 40w MY; #'. , rtrolr.g3 w0rP , 1r....-
ads in thLruirdnftr; tbursArd To would *44ioutn trad
tutu do.r by the 'Peaasiliszda Ruilrool. We err ea
drolly- oat, and Itl WWI togoU i6rtJmlatertr7dos. -
'-Your..' rapodfalln , •Aktf.i LONG
/I.‘&l3Mko, AWArllce, o.l7sirott
b. L. o.o4 , =Drur air, Your Una.. itiy,'.l(.lo
tuft whit avian :dolma 'Rua - Oil, •IdatvaNi tuqu *AL
Piny 114 . 0ar4 Az dotrularawdtately. •
Veur rodlga• 17 r 4 , 15'.eati otdsla Atentrilursikat eat qkishq'roado:ra tAesti.
. ter MY bettsyser I lieDowoll. Wis.d itruet R. 'Z.
golidu, 67 Wood udnuell 0. A t Fabnanoet. • Co. tomer
Word sad Frnot streetg D. U. cum', V. At Mott. 'card.
10:66.0nd achaurtf, Alloul.0711; tif i tto yro
-4:61;1 Buda Povuuttiot . .. Pittobla
No 129 Wad' &riot . ;
.. _. , .
~ . .
~,- n evs Nowlat trrcuts ' ..-..
A gun ma isap/itostzekor F 01.100.! y AND . AILLTICAN
„ . 1 - IARDWAItE ,-.. '
. •
Oulobl• for tinvipthij4pgs, nut which thelr an , Inwrewmi
to Ohmic. isurchlwors si Alta. 44 ii4l romiane , •
' fcwwwbir with .m of Ms easiern'clt:Scl. '
Citizen's ImuslittCompany of Pittsburgh
r i,„ No. 41. Water street, lathe werehonal 010. U.
Muer, Prideut. , flew, !.'l.
Art nap rue ..tiktarli l to
q t
I eltleens al; ;f1.1 " ;
known la ate cammaallY Olf thole Radom*, lal• Itleaee.
lad laemitY.
Dramas-OAL limey Wm Ilsgelee, W. Latham
PitUbergh Life banilea Company.
.4 r.: •
TrettiaretWell B. LILCO.'
88eretar7-0.. t. Lbtra.
44 . 15•0 ulT•rtltelnett lubribt, Dut P.P. ,
Scott Convention
• DlOThii Cinamittee Arrangemeats fur
Pap. Courrna.;n, owl the rntorprototst., ohL.lntod
!hti kisoo: ylil nod st the Pent Y.. A pplohnh
Fogrits «(a4 P . 44 ,khd.r• Au " 4th, at
chinch. P 111: 4 hroxorm.s tiiirntkuttltiit tA rogao•tal.
. . J taispwcpiktivo, • t
m. Comeolttreln 'Junto, tgAttpl , rdi,
W. J. !faiths, A. Itleharbon. 3.ll.Fhwell,jobn Morrison.
.A. IL WAurno.-John /14111, Milts, 111.:Prrelvia,
Jacob Alum MU:W.A. Blow, shpt John nab &maw
evapiri . nen. L Appleton: 1. D. Narks, nuA AteCotrolrh:
John Di co, J4ltheni !en; CoL J. Ik.K.lhankrarkl)r. D.
U.pholdoch I..4.l4ths.:D.EgrrPr. td•CP.Phel.l.4.ol l. .
Pap,/ 4kr. ht. ['pryer, iswel.
plin.Ohletin; ..•
prlto 4ff413
lams A. rterctusoN 'a co.'
ntaSSES--100 bble. Plantation, (oak;)
• fl4...itams /Mara . Mni.4l
DT . • '41., auT(111492 , 1 4 Cu.
a OT.-69 kegs need Noe., far sale bi
A 7 suet - • JAMES A. tiOTCUIPOM CO.
'HEMP-200 bales. Missouri Paw Ratted,
Ls Aar ale In JAMES A. uutcru.soxl CO.
• .
.:., up.e.larcze HAIL. •,- .
E In AT. ,. g.114 - wmo,. or Bie..i,: - irk
• das... no oortmof Wee:deaf
and Wadatudevemaeal: the Ilth.z..
-datardndtsaVret. of staysar. -
Tide malt:: Kr-WAHL will weak lathe 401
the Milt , . tomhbmillannTe' Me.... , .. 1 ._._.• "be
osttlandan. wilt be dimmed: on Welneeds.r eneathit.
• the orm at aspeete oft,. mthelemer own la tom
tchntirreisreliff iaiell i .ii 12 " ."..4
and the oublie generally. - , , ; . ,
Artzolttamr,ll) orate. " ' ' ~_ .7 3 .:
Irmoneder. /or Cram. Wm. Pratt, eal au defles.
doe of the /1.60. 'rill be enrol *a the Mad
To mama* et Odea•Meteelr• , Ug4ls
• , flinrtilsley Property firt Sale. '
rpliE subsinl.w3r eters for sale a flu • Tract
IL - t Moil, contenting Mt IMO% be a of the
P TAig4ttiur,T2l.l„%ttrk-orlaV
; , ‘ „, 11 0,,,,,,,,......, ti0 b r v0 !Ir . Yeatuvlva
sra ltood *do ,
I br .1.4.1+ well oujt . rd ' Sor =sir . Plimr " ...jLlea
a rateable Weter rower. g ar aMe der and • W. la
foal running order. For gardens. minehe ... • r red
!let... tab , Property I. o. of the Coed ever • ... • hay.
lug acme to the city at ell Wore, 07 Milmar ran and
Waver nal. . . • ,_. . .
V. tret...POty al W. 1:: DUNN. Crotee • • • • ... Ilme•
veer/may, or UM/. It. 1111d/LE. 149 Fourth • litta•
To School Teethe±,.
I'..TA L ' . .
.. I .tn.
1 .. ranneehlp. he. - remlved to open the nab achode
ua er UM oars on the let of September; e The
lmerd alll met on Thunder. the lethrber of at
the boon Of Mallarah ildarlead. on the Ste
Turoolko, at a redr.M.a. el, to emotion all pernme Mr
.damp for mittattloae as -Teethers.,The Trader of the
nt subdirtrtetaare Mancted to be vlititet , p r p o
earlon Teachers, and have thern Ihnraft the •
.atat.also, to antral , tlyee to witness the pollonnanea
4.4 s of palmed, &MU. Um the eebodavill be kelat
•of ...11111 b. matte Mani on that de '
:rr eraldllthritT •: ' -nocrobter ol the noun.
INSEED OW-1200 ppaallljs6• for sale by
IA aux.', J. KIVU 01, 6 .lifoolfsc
(113 ! 1: 4 '..MLVilli-60 lbs.
, fs ;. g o ebiw.
A 49EL-75 lbs. for sale a
co. -
IV in
J,.4 I.K DDk co.
- po b ? . TER JA . W-150 lbe.
j (ltll i e b )p c ! o . ! al°.
A.LtiItATIJB —5 tons in boxes and bbLa,
A7 inctub by IL CALZELL CO,
Liberty Med.
VARESE—Prime W. R., for Bale by
augi DALZELL a ccL.Libcrtj
ELLERS' V.Eft,MIFUG.F.!—"It has barer,
1 1 .7 In • gnats Instance. babel to eked fronap^:
Gabel Chart Ileum a.. July 22, MT—
': lie.-'R. dintram—lion 0111 seralleet Moos when , ma
were in Plusbutvh.ln leovereberlast. you retailed on to ,
to try Our Yen:dross. to tett Ite virtues: We did 10, tad
tbretigh the minter ere oeld what me purchased, >lnch
pf Ts It a lair reputation. In May last me_pcurehosed more;
ob. was disposed of bannelistely. We then aniseed
man; which reached on the lath of the prefielel month.
and pa Tiff. filar fre 4.14 the later 100. MUM Wa
POT Irish yen to send 00 by the drat mare eonaryanee,
&I. Mon. W. find it ff> falullbla a math:lna.- tbst 07117
penes or a dually wishes to bare It In their pooa. •
Thaw whe have Innehotadlt mould be yertrany wlUler
100170 antleades of Its intwily. Old of the etunitity
aro tows 'mid. It hoe never, In it liaratilostee 4 Med .
1:14;74:4,1 4.7 M - 4,44 bi tifit.s.l4l. zialT4Wood
lop &FINED SUGARS-650 bbL Small Loaf.
lUL Vr ot ed., PA:mil...l, sad MOW, kir We bl • •
- • .1.411k3 A. LIUTOiIIAUS a 1,1).. - -
foul Agents for FL Used BON aetra.7.
bbl,. Rt. Loyll Stews Clarlanf
Foe nle 11 • co. t 7 t ßi l lt 1.91V171.90N A
.1111CN- 1 .20 tierces prime Carolina, for ealo
THE First Preabyterisn Church will be
asaiind ' NeMP 3 to Wc"h ta ti : o'
at /O. o'7l . ner b
004‘213i Y: Y.._.__..
Oldo and Petwaylvanla Railroad.
•A IN and otter MONDAY, •AUGUST 4t11;,
If 1001. s Banatmer Traki BUJ ran
LTA OE 10 VW BRIGHTON at .6 6 AL and 2N- P. 01.
6E6TH PITIIII3GI4II at' Al 411. sod 6 P.M.
• , rdlf r 4,1:, 3cm ris Nut.
C2OlOOO BoJer valr• rear of 916 boll pike. -
twors IlUsborga • 11 9ftri •• • /'7111.2 ds
..• . - 60
" to "
• " Itothost6T . •
1 1 9
Eloureloo tiolorts ll to • s; nittoal 1946-
Rftwora Pllt9otob 4 whoa sr. to any st.Wm &Rd
4/166616 'i Ott 6166 661 f, Istioltoa 6.64 Wk.
the so. dal •
4 6 7" Th• Train will oat me es Buoday. but Kumla.
Tklel.6 Wool uo, euurlar win b• loaf
"Ite en
Elleca4 beitnki New ?MOW* at
11. 660 hot poutioatl• 661. •
• • fly order of lb. Da Bo
of Dix - Mart
titieWit P/1.111E131.
atte. - Aff; Tint,
Black Late
yawn, - & BUIIetIFIELD have a full
smarrawat at law Dealt Week Law Sala
t a., • &Lila Mkt anao tta.: craft aemt atml
tat ata; War L.: Clack. tak iatt. akin sad Awed. am.
Cheat Shawl Sale.
~.i. A. BtASONA CO.'S Great Annan' Shawl
; . a.a. • 111 eaamonue ma ruesdar.Mogust Stb,mrbere
AM3e - Intl ogler We lat. .4 •13.1 Ns; marled sumtcr.lbsml.
ever eakita,l 3m ttum city. e.m).HATIg - • -
Mal* lt)dtt Cpme Ur*
13 . 12 ,5 h ,
- .
Yana ' Fan Plgbroll in0r6114. .
PIAUI pr 30133.1 awl .3313r04.3r0d • •
groo3m.eubaure .4 Lamm ..
Of Imo and moll= mmalities, all at which Our &ter:
1 cllned 4, tin... Wit , rtrelutio to veeit lug their etctk•
They milt 1.3 uffet,l .I • •n•et redaction IfOnO.l
3 , 3'33m - e, mud kw 1.13.3•3333 , r0 ost. 43r1
, 333.1 Tred sal for ma. LT
mmm3.3 .• LIMIDY. JOSIB CO
At I OTTON-5 balea Tenuessen.lA a re 04
t) tat We kr WADI. JUNKS CO.
. Ten WWI - Reward. •
11,0 ST, on Thursday evening, either at the
Theatre oe between the Maass and Grant street,
et Fifth. Seslattleld. or Third stem Leos POCKET WA L. ,
LbT or PORT 1110.1:14US. contolabis about Italia wets,
and 1.09. 014 a 00 tutor but to the *WWI.
Trtabere nrereril will be mist tro 'beers/ still Marls it
to th • met
PrOPOralo for Tmcialic.4ive....Ll siTtd Cars;
Ini7th4o urn rfisa-4 Ir» Ccha
• Pi/teams/A, My 810851. j
DROPOSALg'IsiII be p t li tm. tr i AM6lMr i tr&e 0404 . 75 ....1
dam alai Tea raAlti jgrA. ta meal la p hase pect:Le
tlMse oner wed ay Ca r a kallalla.) , Waal/ eigbtl
wheeled Plalbena awl WIT alga Tr :‘
es" Pollee trazapartatiaa a/Waal, The
wet kozallehip will be required la Feu( the beet deacTlArol%
and 01.1.lete are requested la slat" the eatileatilaT at vat.%
they grill tehiertakeelellyer, at Pittsburgh, any number
aLW .¢113.6. M . 9111.0 t ir the ttepparly. _
- Valuable Real Rotate for Sale.
following described properties are of
• feted fee ale. nab earpaymatte:
tax am' bark erttrebouse and. be. In Pitlabash, en
the math Ada of Wood ettete,..b.taten t., Eb oat erns
gr.a...por tecuphat try WM. alothally
bas-41 . /et In Um Walla Want vie gh s
rl taut
Zg i yr=o. BO2UVW " neat trout! s
• AtiTT•4l WM , st jotla &Its 017164. Z. frAtio4
b . ? feet en tbe 'bath comma. between atity ana
M lL , Oonnnenbal angle beet t h t r4ter alley .24.0 teet.
*1..0- b %.t=ll llearq wily In Reams babe
ohipe, the sated la below the •11110 iloaltal, babble
n the Mkt taw, oat contaleba *boat It acres.
ilitwheoyelty, now nervrol
21uslgreslUt0tl 101744h44;ua ;1 11.
Aber mat thnie win of grand In the ell/ tiles
C O adjaialog tbs IVlOttleil oft:Tula Hamm tetatlne
ttaTet r ei y "r bitlntlrairalg2l , 4t ,' A
oaleynt.ebtry ela . taleft. now
hal o .ad
j .." ‘PU O ß reTifeetrif4intil,
„ fPoit COPM
1:10 mita. Wine:
c..c td ,r or nubr
:••• v-
~ 1.10.
eareby uc
Rob ° , h u h ii4l : 44 . H o4 l o l,l l . i uru c t,....- t. •
• wall' '
-1"-. “ 4 .''SZlN d ibilattot"'"
et wad str.t.
Arraagmileat- Made to Forward Fieight
1 , 1211.4,414, by
- • Cul ODE a (N)Lit,
ij7lll Leorner Waype /740 E,
• .?Manchester Leta at. Auction. -
HE elubecri*re will cell at Public Aua..
Winne, a natant of valiabl. auiu*
I.u're.„betr i er r e rt i lrj , .R . l
v tinifkg, Zeta! “r 3 Mt,
the rale to comae.. on laland Laoe, and to tat etnalnuod
on Martha Area. Thou Lots an Ora well anon° to uted
ani particular *rotten. or imaaruendattoa. Th. early.
1 =1:g ,ilAler;;Lna=7,l,vania Innah-gz
Increase of amalgam In that inelol4 l 7inti .pndy nee
la the rain,/ or toosejty-mate than tnnitahle both Le
"d th.
all Ineunibranta. •
T.altilh-tina firth eaal the balance taa tvalbral
and lbw yea.: tetra en siMITILIIr Nit 4eyor age ,
warn! hi , Wad and a • " - • -
Vor turthre narallotara, htt horcbare at pinto aanh
• - • ,lew Patterns
PER. Jett tetetteJ It= the meg extensteeettiteelk
oisaufectortee, W ear tale at,th• old eteed, Wet.
4 1 1 41 NoltPEN, ned inaiinglas
-ItT TRChiltr Ithtlgp P P E. R pale veoelra ea!
for lode r '7l OMNI PAYIIII3I. •
jorj •• • mom,
" LVOILUL--S1 Wits. for stile by
jr9o 11. A. 9Af IaIUCK. t CO.
To the• PoDlio
INpIA RP!Bilt • SIIOES..--our attention
' ila. l if: VA? g,t l / I ',=Vg sin„ N i p
thvii..7-oneen , end *o4dter anise Ott;; . Id Nitilet6 -* •
reVt ' llZ i l:= ll ;fgel= t•lV=l;credl
rel • rereet under outwit mese•efend he t l att.
[ 0 tvirw• co....lytara refeetAja IL leechiductortniod:
• We limo pus thitid ont Hon br the anummeunt
lolls Matter eL,.. ender efe.yateute, and
mar ttteer.eed ere.qn( Pe ~. Win for die madzidt . h
~,,,,,Iter wroth tootot
pot botooNtibgamil to
gialVtlf . 3 2 f j P3
g..,. Um% to virtop?..., --÷4ll •114 bow piteetroud,
erlmoirltdood- I-In.Yeets.'4. eeed•il tettleamt, sat
- iwtr•ed. 11l fulun• 13. i 1.% • tit r.{.V. • hats UV
ittgrOV.110:11 0 1 add relent:l.l,oW Injure
ed to. •Po 4 in ecamderaten. Nounntned.
Pr . . 3,4rlonttitifriltrii . niVIZEIR
ritrilicUrab no 11 dr4u, it ...brili.r.i. .....1
notie• Oa; he and all ellte otombertited um al to par.
F rd. 0 .....dias to 61.=:,,,,,,.50.01'.4411'4!
! ku. F h t!'re t A:".4l7 • • - a .. ._ ..-z , •-. - , - .,:.;',:_
~ ., ... ........:1 4,1 ,1v4z..Kt i a : ,....,,..,,
.-.•. : - . ,..rris N , A IN DLL I.l_ ' Ai.ou..-01,
. a, 4!orblnOen,,. mote. _
. x r ~, unauly IJP. not • __ - , -. . STZ , Za
s . .
IT beaks*. sod WWI to etber doo or ga
Ltu irarigrz=r==eir m tt .
Pl 7 ot 247 Litortiscroet. 173114
ARD OIL-75 Ws. No. I, for sale by
•-• 1 7 30 - 0.1. FAUN MOCK 03.
OOKS i—No. 33 of. ByTtle's Dictionary of
IdeobsOks sad Nothowoh t
• 7 of look•too's Meets ond Rolithoore:
Mo.—A WO" oPortmoot of ciodnd gridwow 11.1 , 44
j" r ee4.4 br WILT J. L. gr% Arcot.
Atortothnikthngt. Fourth
i ea tot
kir AClCEdfit;-1 - 0 - 01b1c. Lim". - No. 3; for
eW bY 1730 B. L:cunntianax.
11 ootabllshod. oak Irbo b initt qoalool to bath
to. dubbing brunches of fraud. edotot.ionn dralrot Por
further mucultrs aoDIT at Ibl• Oleo. ,• - soy2Sl
- -
Summer Qailte.T'. -
T RAVE reeeieed a ease . of , fine Maneillea
4 .ltdia. at' different ski, far mai• kis, •
. WM. !WSW. Upbaleteree. Third&
x ease rety.~e -
arks Bawer.. nen lendingt ar'
ilartford, Welty I.B.4,I4aDICIFAY dr CO. -.. 41
Jai . • . War. and front eta
aa sale at 110321R,Thlt MART. la Ne Diaaxad...
' . Flue !Watches!
FEW very superior Gol4 Patent&
Laver Ifakber, tre'lli by goanTaka l . l l , 9*
orb are rplandkl Pallet Cbrostomelars. of beau.
tiful finish: double cord Ilaottoz
~ogyarrd, of various sty ba nod bottoms, at .. •
• 11.4 • . 11. RIOFIAIII/3U2e15, 81 Market at.
[Yak coon.l
AILS attli kegs assorted sizes in , store;
Ir oak tr ': ROIIINSON, LIMN 4 CP.
PMF" I " 7 "4
No. Bl'llartet street, another lot of Pattat Oaralio-
Sto:A=t ol " ? ' 111:1=tefirli h l el! 11;itre ' XV
Invited to roll sod mottos. • - -jr2s
EM U SALTS.--10 casks f;o.rxsalg2%.
ALCOHOL = 2 o bble. for sale b
ara y
.1. KIDD t CO.
eW Books.
fIODIMET: FERN : or the Life of an.
i va Aniti , l. jr .. llonita MlDtz. WUI, tweneribur D.
i x
Travail!? haw
. 1= 1 1 i ... d/dlnsc /149 Ana USD
l'l t elli at L).9r and go Lata ortk 4 Poor.
Tla abo. Look, I 'reed and forma, by
J 72.4 , ll, C. STOCKTON, 4/ Maztat st.
i , 1 ,1, UIiDRIES _ •
1.,y a . t ,,,. ;11 i,..
..b„ ...I. b 7 1 . I
lalalad:lnl.4 i led Vann. CO itna.t.
4 - 31,1EESE--12' boxes for male by )
1../ i7ll , LULU sale
a co.
•ala iD
ba x xD & co .
J 2% td Wood at.
i UNAR CAUSTIC-6 lbo:for sale by
!La JIZI . , J. RIM) & CO.
ftYANIDE P ASSA-10 Ibe. for ode W
s , J. JUDD &CO. .
Sims' Fire Kineral Paint. ' _
PUE subscri r, haring'completed his es
blishrwat rut elle pl.p•radoo of in, : i tr gunnod
. DPS, ths bind a rad•fli lOW. Ispre.
pond to turoleb 0, nbrough , /do agent Inor dry, or
ground In oil. , , . .4
. , .
J. A. Coulter. Drtfol4. rumor of Mixt un4 Wteri de..
T. U. Neel* it 110o.,Dtturmets 126 Warty stm4 , ,
, P , ...g. Douai... Drone.. 1/lAmoso, Allegheur. -',
AVIOFFEE--150 bags Rio, for sale by;
Green Teld have advanced 10e. per lb
you can buy Green Teas, Cor thiee zeonthe
-to roe" at MOttlar Tea Malt, t the Manmad e at
I ae prim, that tie am. qualitkr, eatwtthetazatlag the
oadvatteet ha ogees east, a• they hare a lastreneet =bah&
bey sell the beet Teas ha Plltabateab at ads Atom and dee.
fr apiwition. 1,26
A Good Bargain is now *feted:
Jl:rtoß Time ta Your ACRE& to Duquette Harotto.
user Llerex lalaod—ou *be mambos la • good tau Tud.
vocaseur bll&lngs. &a. Tko ptayrety my is
&al luta WU, oat oNA at goal Front Peer m . '
to yorcblas rill war DALSII • IHYIN,
- Samoa st
to mo l
e OPE.—A o will
Batt to Tow I lostloot
114 toned f a 4,
l ton to
. in.
WRITING - -100 Lb's. (dry and very_fine )
• • to b! J. deIIOONVAZIR It ell
DOLL BRIMSTONE-2 bbls. for sale by
SALEILATUS-43 casks (warranted pure)
Mt fay by • , .1. SCLI Oa:MAILER k CO.
. .
- . • • Watches! • i :• • "
I UST RECE D ED, bj ads niortdoetiti
P. ' ti y,.....4 , 2 perlor wort:boot of Wakb• •
a lt Wk . t=ji y, is •' : ti r, e r . sar tib.
l.blas coosiantlyi es jai= assarbtoola DlV...Ward:.
..* ony b. Zombi al way 41110111111111abbIDIML. , OUr 61 ,
INISLIMUente •Fltb gmbublObb.ers aul tbabcstat aim& am
Zerßeittg Wlsißled by bArbilreemi *al fal,Wi esleb
: , 113=
h elzurz t rj . dopent on , Is= !bele Watches
W. W. inesu, Wald, blsk;r. •
. lit'b bi. corner 31.1 - krt boa Youth And*.
• • •fitorp4 & Burchfield. •
HLAVE OPEN this morning a farther stip
. pit or Mosquito Netthur. attite.hlue tad teem ro
w abate Nitta Mart Len Moyne teary Linea Cheek,
veer. bish Limon aline end agitated ek.
Itioss " ,V7as the northeast owner of Stratth mon Merin
Blair NI:11C,•.
KLEBEB, No. 101 Third meet, O just
lir '
r !Peny ft , 'not Aca k
'41:1444 . =
Walt br the 'vow.
WM: C4.rses. 'the peat
wrote'? goonlatous • •
iitertaiiTiry7l . 4llllbor.t.
• Oft beam
Came irb.r• &watt tend setbyro gtos • -
1 b•aagel'e vbisvm • • •
aloae,•ll•Jon.c by . Demplan
ObE ay to Lbw Fran* • •
PastaL yrs the die 1. net
Carole. ebildbx4's toasty homy,
Naar,. Belt; .
.IVtonla Wall= by 8.Lb...* • t •
Bylpb Wallsrs by 1.14.8!G8 ' • t' -
TVlVlT:tly n telbosen. •
• /12• BlOll Ot THE GOLDEN qAtcp.
1 • NEW 1101:11031' . SEW BOOKS:
Llttella Ur lag Age. - .
Braelrooodi, .tor Aug.& '
itarrer's atagarbe. tor .1.17.„ !
iet AVentu of P n at • Bea Sti.;
Couutees of I.llw
,by DOM.. 1
o r e ".
Foam: or the &kw or Writ by Ttlekaidses.
• Lel= DoltutZ .7 the aultr k oli
Its Tumor'. romuniorr. o g lth Illustnainus.
Traveler's Gold. thryugh the 11. S.an4. Cam's.
Item: er the Some Stol; a tale of real by Caroline
Lee Ilsots. • , ,
Th. Hour by Butner. ,
7). itdra wa 1.a.• tsia zpart
Tbe Daughter of Malt a story or preeent Urea.
Not. xi Dad u.. Yoe= • comonly joy Salyer. ,
Ttreotates Stouthly Magallaa. Ju
lkdey's LaAy'a Doak. tur,luls
Alrahsia's_alairashuN . '
Malfr i : e agrlue al.
arga •
• • To the Deaf 1 , •
BEAFNTEss, noisca in the head,. and all
or the ear venally and
perma dl =mored Ittihad pain or incadmulnce bt
Ur. Harmer, Modred Acrid of the N. V. litye , and Ear
thanery. and of 99 Arch at, Phi ladelphh. beganduationoce
lata Want Mrs fee days. The number hammunce attire
nun nada his to.. rot his recent ebdt.itbe grafting
moment of mares which attended hi. treatment. dams' bun to acredlie his return. Lila stal l b.. eglar , ;
Mth44lti:Ctdi:=TrC6,"o It ho .4 ciaL
hr. It may te cosultni: until - farther runrcei
alma*. wend peat d,,rillus
tK Arta. ITO
Itentudwllutual Lifel.nsuranceCompaiy:
GuARANTY FUND, $100,000:.
... COMP
Mai a AN
druiburesY oren
of to Itte
OW insil and Joi eed .411
the it/ the Mnt
t Plans (saberstotare wheal onabld. amoaly, lon
=iaad t= 4 0 .1 t tn . nual intern to
a or the per
721 r 2tite' amosalrep= " ethe hstira art
oftx st ab l e o m i l:t s ti , e ,. sabgli t tres
mended., Terabla at draft by esti. i md m their pa:if,
sitiarenty 10W, deigned Ler the
eisourlty at
dant tomnarbrra. and far tha pramoi mcuritt 41
• Ai Art. ttaVoiriratuji IJp 14sitranee!Ooemeny
whose ratee of premium are;e4 st a lair minced masa.
an/. • Ina • baaridon Par ma nalay Mereadan annuals
htkd of tends (tor future seta ty) La exert prormatlau to
the amount .of endues. end the ineresdna stab nomad.
sap ind
rates the r, f _ the
gra* NaPplicationa
fur lid . nramer Pid by J. Minh Amt.
• 12ii Waddler. tnib..
fail= 1411111 alls U. 1 4, 8 . T.M 0 4 , 11 , •TL • • •
• •
1Vr1:11TOP NETS, Blue, AVBite, Ao.; tP
0 . 61114 Mita:o6f
Seven Valuable Barmy for Sale,
kLL SITUATED near the . Ohio and Penn.
Soltrood. to du, otobolf of Saw: ohla
r tml it o llAro SO faJOKI oflowtoob t awl la spot
A4o- 0 'WM1 ,14 14 bof
p nZr oitooriiboubita
94 21Vothro l ttil t i lt= Di nay teloao for ttio mass
Ebbw 014 t0400}4 t glen
A n gromd, to* 4 , ollPttalt Dilt: or , InTr . !o !recto,
:eta= :Ms:allot& tr; "
tbs annul mint balms thi shim of Pitt,
burgh WI Cleveland: sla, Wilma Pittsburgh WA Wow.
ton , und thobesolit to to &Frivol Rout tto Plunk Roods
now king tonstrofided to srid Trim Waal, =startle me al
i v to 4 o . p - stta tt potato o -
ult o lino of otout fr st
' • •
41141telY CataltY; ge: . • r
:• Nriaos,f /anion it ndreto *air. '
ttlie Distiict Conn, ye n. d.
tio. 223, Agrril , ( , ) v _
mw : lo trio iOl7 vt i.;. os ar o
tloMbottle ' agog,. %Wet IL borwrin
L gni .C"At qatith= Pinta r
!Anil tb • run _ . • 1
. I)ettltlect hots, the itoootd.]
• tit venom Itgeritto4 will jok.oo to Wu ootSeO tbittbo
'ol.utitor 4avo natond will snood, lbw - ebb,
atraat: t"aiu TtrittVecoTrattl i r t a tr4.ll7/ ' 4 "'h ust
" 24el n k 14 a 'I I'
' 72446tryilt: '• •" -
Scarce aasiDestrable floods,
l ttit49fft4"itue,
Want riP.Plint. hnlarnr
• 5. - an
/ani. ls hotted to their chotnarrortreent el French
Lanus, Whits tleeds Ihr drama.
A is
We metro. tods7 tooormr, Chu Ik* or-t
i- .i. _,_
R 5..... '.~~s ...-. .i
ensearma esztlen.
CHOICE collection of Shrlibbel
Rom; gosobagg,fts•-hamatomialuigs
tops Than. hordr ammy Itass2tl ....-- tsi:
omary to rA
oroatomat giAli anti Xllns mad a
amnnstod Nosserg.• AM OurX=,•• On ear of
Alultat sad PM slava; Pittsurgh, Army Mit mot nu
the Clartisn. Ins Qom= and ethos relhisturaga gorgon VP
In ties !Algona
- Orders arklzamail to tho ~dor, Wad 111k . othrtigor .
in r ""' " 'Ar. F''.:, .7""m4VIZ,AIN.
EMMET BERRY & CO. hare removed
. to thelr sriWarebtaas, caramotChamMaaa
MACKEREL S - r til i l, and in. VA&
jr23 7 JOU wArt oo:
Mosquito -Bars.
II LVE jostreceivedonecase of WaulaNgt.
V') '2. * 4 r""'id"'ibtlateliforri.raosar.o..-
OCE. POWDER-300 kegs for sale by
1111.b24 &F. TON BOAWHOZEITh CO.
VIRESE---75 bow for sal e
_Lta , ,7_,
' ..O. VON 301180.1=Jk CO.
The 'only real Nei York. Pbuntdnir
RE . Work is.doite, on Scientifi o PAW.
sad Siaatstoat
Plusahlak la all 113 Ersathis;
Soo. with mamas atal diaasteh. - ;
• Baths Stud vy.un sholersaltaa-.......16 m ES;
_ iliaporwalea #
• Wake Ilkerhtieomplote.--...—...—.. tto ,it..
atteOw. Pw=rw. el>ut rtille . te=_77 .
amsm. lam Sonia% Ark Tras, Hat Ale
Rummy sad Lead Pips, tarablwd sad put up oth' /ww7
V •
fam.. awl Taal Peal Hydras/10 Itaaxi,wantaai!
rgotat . :l , l istroa lig cowatri: 7 ,
- • 111 . 1011.• nada lz
betwiwn Weal .ad st.sit
... . - Wanted to Zurcluise:
TOOK of the Bank of. Pittebft or
L..) -Marchluxte BM thumbetarete Baak, of
Gwalreof .-• .W.Y. INICIRAIT. •
IYAd2•lt'P" , armee /033111 end Mutat W.
boxes Pritapiforlo
pram ASH-30 bble. fcr; sale .
New Books, Jut,,ltecefiet
VEAST: - is Problem; reprinted with corm
' AL' tient ladi44l.tioar. by the author af Atm isclta.
. CbaStri Guam Egyir b7. 1 . 04'
Mao lasts. - -
Caleb MI: a Tale ag the Raglan.. -.Moo. law
ms*br Aam rk.TY...thcm"""U '
aaQ Yortanee ,Po. mad max • -
•a yri!ef,a' , ll 111,2=17 Magartne . and Eaglemare Jaw
. lassiaa's M Hon
edal Mid Rook
Palatine. ba aaehraaff Mae
oaraidde Mayg_b tia y
m R. flibtard,, of 9:adr..
caea: ottaat
Wasr-yof-ty, ' Z 44Mut
". MR . • •
!VA' - • " ioLoeutiemes. Youth •
SAUEBATUS-125 bona
" kl."l".br
ip i ki r lEE .
LARS FISH-10 , Ltd!. Witi:te!Fl . !b; • .
10 bbls. Lake Trost
. ,
A lICALTS-30 dos. Marietta, for sale by
' • 3.8.CA11111D.
BROOMS -50 doz. fir rate by
p0;r ,21, 4311.10 maks for asi.t.
Ethirting'Xuslinis and IA&
"I a t gr w l =.11.'
/Laud; sad am be sal at Somul wadi& • • *W—
WI& etlagaPlClal• Cur Ma • • ac., an haul
gLAIN . BLACK BILKS—For Beath and
Dresser- Abe. nett Axed dark BILIA, Aar
I. A lam amoltsent lo tarad ß
etas or •
Lotrrm;_ •
SAINT vil a ilA rn
Will cmnaa. ma. br
Jrn A. witsres oit
2o Drool:to and Pates
ARIS RESER 13" BRAND, Iscorciii
Sari '• Prnorr: •Innusiftll by {lto Gold Modal of
• Amer's.= Is. P••••••tos
laity of Made led valor. Th• ...Lauer of us* Aare
Paint h. roamed th. dom. %=I Lott tatlbuct sittek
of Kris Ittetas. that and that•matit
Irktboat dettimmt to Ws gam* awl Das zolliond irg u ro-7 1
on. to 1111M171011 , a1a.1407 ,
11•Slfg h..a .7 , 9otutal Oa. It tM ante or Ws
lebratad loon
Mondd of Puim tir•••• 'eaten).
Rho* at
VLOITE---200. bbh. Extra Ea2:44l,6 7 aTife;
br jyl9 • E.* W. nasnal7CDl.
Pei p „i! 'E4ll)-s°°° Um. for
isle bJ
Ls OAP-100 boxes No. lltosio, for sale by
irl9 •6 t W.
MAIDICER . EL--5 2 abl!..LFge No.);
/0 bf. bbLa.
Jost erealial kg rale by .
lylll JOHN Wan a CO.
INSEED OIL—MO gall. for We by
Lt. nl9 . J.YIDD•Ca.OWac4E.
GDIICE STONE--800 , lbs . for sale b
ACILEREI!--190 laf. Lays .N0...3;
toe ads by iyl9 k l:& W. ILIBRILIIIIII.
SULPHATE QUININE-50 oi. for male by
C ODLIVER 011.-3 gross genuine Bush.
L KIDD /1 00.
OLD Jacob Tmnmerid.Simmarilla, 7 24
dos. La sal*'
EtzEs.F.-54 boxes. on- conilitanniT. , minim
'debit 12e/ln DMA.= 11,C2.'
jslY• . - Water asotTellta:.
%JO. 1 MACKEREL - in gnartzrbblo. for
Al o tleby, . 119.011VICITArrati
RICE—By the tierce or bbL for We by
/3,1 , 11A11 DICIEST t 00.
VUTMEGS-1 bbL. for Bala low to clot!
ccasslarnmat. 118,1AII MOUT a_co.,,
Iyl9 , Water sad ream AL
INDIGO -2 ceroons Caraccas_ . ; -•—
...eiriment. 4km 3w
n9-Mli n .
Water AM licit sta. •
i~ _,~ r: i :: iq.
Ilketaiere Arts, Ito. 5 :Are,Athrsedects . fecea
tostlL 'l titriLhente TnAle Wiaild t g a ollkolat
otirtA d malt= the =Aut.-Mem mut tab as lb.
• - Wm.llauft_kco
. 1 •
LASS 21A,N1c1FACIWEIL9 , , ,
BUCK (ILASSWARItra WIN tre ULU:O. ; !ern.
holm. Itt Want street, rlttehmsh.. • -
The nad,rde.a. anul it sta. O , T etmaiehed,htth hi=
W '
Jinni r. IIeCULLe manoute the
heretofore et the old et.end. under the AM
LLY it 00. Thearal her hast tamite how
prosentitode and strict anentlost troth* a kt, 4
eke.. to metre a awe of the pettonese ea brolly
Wowed bennotore. • WIL ULT..
Jrlinto •
Q,AL SODA-3000.1b5. Eng li sh. for sale by
'V I A u o AZINES Frfatt.llo 4
S t. Tgt. Holmes!
;anima's Ibr Aup.
• LadleeNstloadgairadms blt •
6. - 1 rewired Is good radix:, sod Ibt W.O th•Dnairi
Jrl3 =on Ro a dof•a4
IaIANTEDI-4 young Man, acguain - Q
VT with th. Drug boAmr. io go to Illincto.lbr no
don. .alary. 4414 nus .Drimirist. at LILL cam
. ,
p a i . lVlNGl'aold. oar Canal Stack; mid oar
tan ay. anetiaaa N. 2 NW Bum.
• g 0404 a kJ Elibuottbe sub.
:ribetz i a! e.U•slet, gay aulbairi•Ad to edile tbe
liacheArr;P“Jolsl4l.l),USL •
": " Xspres. I . sekstlllaqg_lonisnik_
•• Staambooltanvrr a kL
Batista '' , 1474.1 .43 ei11t1bi.r, 116 ,
• • /1. PLARTE C°211r.4114.
MA, leth. 1151: PA.
anwiTioN period .
cal • otk hi bit art. tar sat • :
AIttIYICIAL 01.11711NT1,
hiaae Nkaaho bank arattlag as milts Oallaatt ,Y 'rano
sad Italy; vyho alto neat" Weida. a Ilttla =gash. thaw
Ctalreaaelatwl.taa a...aftaa sia4a. 0,...
Jay rant a T aaada. ow tlttpsa aami d t at a...a tact of
eattivatioakataltlastiatia et old - -
leanly. at the elf. of tba WesaPetkaay
litaataaeltang, Ita.l7lSa4b.reht strait, ;
SHOULDER BRACES.: of the. tiestit.
.4 gilt rtr2t.:teay rotatr. tbahleh r e=
1n:- 41 ir*D4 44, • ,
c.a.ciaadians.T. Trays hi mat Plata
dimirl ho M tr " , ahlw
Mgt% baba "Maw Tall. Paw
Rl,, Mi
al to cam soda a amaßtmat arm a nav e at 00
mast ram , • . . . W, WaLaott.
, isi, . . - tam Sigsh.e: Mariutatteo.
A:AURY,with Om* yews kvaao of the
st' nagrat amt. AUNcloopt.
Ovala il =sr ."Y ua.= " VATT..leMLlhies
k244* : W"1 rcerl
AliD OIL;:-12 bbls: fur sale by .
A 1717 • • • • JAIIIIIMAISILL.;
itTRAYED OR STOUR' frow:the icrarp-'
boats Of Varbdigi sea DOG. bates
It kw. rwit of b l egre&s. parbally biya n .
AS/ pawn fetnrlgag sad =an rea l l. ft* shown,.
B. Ull Ilhalswad.
Alip Nita N. W. METOALF,IefiI
I • :1 " tom •
Wawa aad , tardadr that. I,: f ten obeli two ar
!et AV 1
e zth. tomt
1 8 5 1.1511E1851'
a taddel...aad.thaarliedatdae me rataathli v,..,..
WIWI= sad Chadaztad. tarindatat sad wgs.
%hadareeatt Radevada, and is eat
Ohio aad ant; mot ten Cala, ladlataa '
P.ille VAM, went tnisinis. as svi,iows: • -
- . Ist Konatat worm= Geoa. •:;
S'6• Mall ?Ma Um at Woks, 'than Taalihaltl cao
ajnelj n eostra and ta
tamWep la e l i b e o Lwow Tralst b ..==
" IVragteaial4lei Oa d Cattle 'hada /nova Danktek
•1. X. daily;a Ploatagat. Cas
wadpt fa attached *this Vats to
accoomodato 'Way etiologierom. • •
Arlan Croft R.O.Wa is Neme Tort, 31 eceeed Cho
pima tae elm fa aSA • -
Thla COMP•B7 aao PR011.4 araospora Ulm rtea* add
holdbta of all Mods ao aad tom No. York. .
Parlecular Mirada. win be pkid Suet: • The pop •
mei sed side, gin* to
taws snit utrantornawar.
rune" wit* 'Whoa& to thee tesnroortazlon ot Odoet..
•-A zired Third 1111 ame last otoonadaltas let • •
7 744=61k1ib• itirtmehlkl i ttlea , •
limb roped ate ea plc, at': [Masao= ao . Tema
1 11V1:1401fili. Aetdr, Emma. U".4.l7g3ip'•
LA CONSEQUENCE of the decease otJolua
Yoram, the outage/ 7 o betototos
.w oo
, be=
far case * Cbea
to 1 1 610 Us basin= of the lots Orosz
All Nacos path* dolma aft4=l=t4l24.
r. mos. -
• fateoteotors to Malden. h tods-1 •• •
The Imainess .of the Agency of the Penn
=der hen and etp
rrirsaia Central Asthma com4taD7 bentefter te autt.
aocted titute •of • •
- .Cu'rODE &co • ;
" • • I ammo of Peolt ro lai Warm street& ,
• - LSoceemota to Weiler% t Carole .) •••
• - • • Cased Basin, Alm Stied:
Radii:4llo Riga (7c7—Certral Rail Rcad
X illbsCrite f i tito . baving tionla bee tr il dieltil A
bile thaw* on, too prigand to no.
ad. •=amenbasllto mono= Tot
Owls via Inbrionto win be Budd in
and all noodsood to na mill tfor emmu
tam /112thWM= P1PL119031114 an. nem= a.
Dz .ry ticatair ut err, Bcotio
lispihrste, is
Ormies, Atatm. 008,,
Ustb , .. ./11•431matty end
.41,Crd:Lsrd 011; WM*,
Asba, Ifiair(rear, Pitcb, Rosbh Chmosag 0 1 .7,
OOP, 1.
Pliaarih.J.l,l:ACa 6;1.11
w 7 Pena
I: :.. :, ~ , ti: . 3g.,,, ~
% Ma
- 8
Pactit and llama Liao to Okoettted.
ABSTSGERS kayo every morning st 9
< en
M bamartr tbw.binx land oila.p4sb,w,z,
, To s=o
So Detroit, la Imam,
. When even Ulmer to
rt. cdbaebb, .ba .xbb.. by ca...a.d sz63 Cindarati
_hemmers Ma Detroit.end Di3vantre. ve lea
Cleveland gram erneedig lit b V n.a ttelach, by the !uremia
st a 11 =A.11bLiteilmsd trig: hi Th4"‘ illieht:
and arriannie emaind'et cnneregreandoet.
sash ' . it " k... and Una . . C, O1 6 bribuntl=
thsi M . e" "" ctirgialridn. Sordeletove. -
Ste Wats ot Initirmation heti to:
.10nle A- CAM= Amt..
(tire stain) maw of Smithfield and Menet%
rite to IC 8.1100 r . AVM% - ' .-- •
, risnatixLVAßlA : - 1 :', . I. ''''
Fortrsix Lone to Philadelphia.
Forty -Aar hours to Ralfuttore.
231 tulles Railroad-103 miles Canal.
-amatmon Atm
Zkiagfterfros the many auger
. and pclicrairse
• • =tutted with piece Lew. - -
Two .11%4 Lines Rpm, Pocket Boats
Ml n" f P = 3.) T EAgtiullrJl!' th!
a ! e IA voftwegaml
iner.tskizitb.. _
. .
Tv> Hnsend red Itetrave ads' alixt -
haste Maw wrom
emsdas tbe s sam
acs at Ada Moloott,
aad nem eim
. • usPhileolatchia. SUL Fare to B haithaaM
P Wx.
ea antral e. Caraat_ that him. Odsali
Mar Wk.) Thcoe. YOUta beam . - .
NO dine far handing Bagpes as thL MM.
tcm Co n w aM e m
at m m m , a tt. . the mad mem
i asit dadre terrealas mod mm ab le mem
- J. P.. LIOLNEW, .
. D: LEW a. CO.
Canal auto. Pam attest. •
- -- .
11151: WESTERN-
.. 'D. istm t cot int :--; :', ;- . .
- ,
• RAIL - RAISE - AND CANAL‘- - -` -7
MORE, AND NEW pas. ,= .
beinirga t inoo de;wa aro
t''' d l, n Vallferat L ' u ' l li:aaci. at
°n . '' igiro.lmsa n a r i r amu rrwut. t ela eluft tagtid,
cone .nn
imili.t a ir c ra.tlttabarea•
limiliag 1:41.0f /3 4U. emlb it
Z4o.k=st., Mariam
*6 N. .7. Waist:A 1-Irnrkaric
jag 4851. &IMRE
itiurorenza Rom.
Via Brennan!. and Cumberland, to Balthus*
MORNand Phil/W.404a
MORNING BOAT leans the Wharf
Bap daily, a, I eelott. prodady. am
m on at Cusabarlaal mart nsamlag.
Boat km* dall7 lament Boalay evades)
it 6dekicompralaig with the ors at Comberlead put
• ya
. 1"
dt n
aramitioatell ts 12 6, =zto lath
thiteakelbo benne% sea ska, nCkL
main tb4 &Molly the best_re. &A.
MIEN e, 1851: Arid
the Peopsylvania and ohio ate..
mail 3 wen inalnr Line u notr.mted to
arenno tt ft iad =ail a l
Wlislact tba law atro masuramd
len of Dads. atpsiam 0104011.2Pf_
ti ro• Ilthiberrali sad Chrnlikt
Y ll ApErtilrikrali Lim of intelevialazoikete
OMPaley . irsimiti)ea TANI lakes. • .
- - k 2 ?l. lC iai T r .g*""h oi,
A. I. N. X= rans.o.; •
:" ;•
- Kant. arS o,a;Yrsab •
L LPoSt c. l i azitlikr mho:
• c kiem •
t i trfer34. l ll7o..cedNp, w at .
. Jar toi.Watessattandlidlakt rm.
- - .
'ver speinatstinition tothe Collec
rimes tor Mathias sad ittbders. la We*
eta _
ommm Masa. 0 . 4 Mar,
i ggy=„...a t ilai , egfa.D. N. Whitt.
I.OAP BUGAB-40 loaves g's P• sr
MUM, nett
P AIPI /I—Bin& Boob,
=arms". Fads .64 6, ran, d
IbLSZED OIL-1000 gallon , (to mite)
la Ws ' J.lLlDutoo,llolFaxast.
F, „...: • „,o,• ••, ... 0 . :,., c : :i t :
.. .....,....•.....ii.;.,:. ..,...„" Ar.
_ ..
HEESF,2OO boxes in stare, for sae 1 :1
Son - - 12 .1111/LDICI6I7 2 CO.
E OOl3-300 dos..for Bale bz,
• - •;_;,••-:•,Xtuibe for the liteareere., •
ir.1412111,101 Third street sign orthe.
• Goklea Ham 110411*
bwraiN= L efibl ir " "Ii`;"1:
testte_. Aloarmyre of lb* toloperbi htio7.
5324 %,.ymapzentoos Cal
Z r :•=ii n crAmica.SaVilegetailisok. In}