lAD if if( PITT:OI*W GAZETTE Ds. DEIIIIS. Sir!' BrV. Ikstt n 1 nzmu.IJACKSON eeddilp-th e - A tie following _.maz"' new t ' ' .. . ... . _ . Ist tea W 1 tar oflBB2Pirsiii entlll44 , olk Sots. ferrod the mission biliMiris,,orponssjusily- die , (initialed son - or Pentisibnulle.: - •• Before the newly oppolet,ed Itialiter,,hentevei; Ind depart ed on his mhislotri he deeniedit.dos to the Pres, W4s ent to.ra ' ,Otetisel iirrefereneeto the selec tion of a a ; Mrs ,- oflegotion. ThiPresident declined si r otetZszenee:.asid• iethirked • to the . mi n i / gee thne as U. S.Altiiiinsoletit-would. hold him responsible foe the.mtemer in' which boas.: chseg•atie duties ; ' an d Viet , he would coat., fluently be at liherty" ta.chooso his own secrete. ; ~.. The utinisiter zeta' ned his respectful siitireerl edgemeids,,breVberMe taking; a fined leave: eoaghtliindvice in - regard ".tOtk-.l o ang gentleiniiit then - Es the _service ofthe State . De punnet* eni;l'seitt was highly reconuneridodb7 • the (thvn) alretalT. -- Oen. .J'ackson..peonptly oeld,_"! advise vms,'ldr, not to takethotinast,. At is not a goitrisolgi. ofprestAiny." The Mister f r u an seemed pi/ . FA, d obscrend that the objection needed.e• ..I em a t to give is;"esid the old . hero, oe+ 'sail. he thus to tinned:, 9:ni last Sabbath morning„ I ' attended divine Bailee:lithe Idithodist,Episco pal Mardi; in:thts,city. - There I listened- to a. • soul inspiring Seeman bi:ProlerierDarbin, of Carlisle, . one of the ablest , :pulpit. orators in America, Seated in a Peirlitme mei observed this identical)ronEtistan; apparently en orlon- ' . tire listener. i -On the day following, he came in .. to this chamber on public beslness. when khad the cariosity to osk his. -opinion -of the. ermton "And what thlnyyon, - An the young upshrt, with consummate asetastice,.'pronoun .nd that sermon all fioth; and Professor - Daehln a .hum-- - bug..? I toOklthe Shorty of t:toying to him--"dry goons amo,„siatt are a hy4Lug purielf, and don't know it. "ind now ,7 -continued the venerable old mite, his Y . eye .11t•isp with_ totem - anima tion;,."rest enured, nii deer sin! that a nun who is note: betterjudge of preaching than that, is wholly unfit -to - be your companion. And be sides,','-her added, .-if be were the prodigy the Seciotervof.State, .repneimits hint to be, he would be Wean:dm to confer his services upon - ypi:-Lie wont! ratbef be anxious to retain them : hIVAIt." The Presideat'sadviee Was of course folkrited by tine ambiuseadar. and the young MID'S ,4)subocquent career of Tice and folly proved that the 'general's; estimate'. of his character; albeit founded upon 's common place incident, was pub- • _ va p & been voted e p an drct4 Wl ce for some gallant action, ediiner was given to te letrato it, and after the sloth bad been removed the whole astembled company wain with interest to hear the eloquence that &mid attend the pre sentation. The president arose, and thrusting the cup towards the o ffi cer, vaid---:" Thereto thejne To Thichehe other replied, taking it up with Pleatitro and examining--"It tltiallionrogt" A Thorm--It *titres more courage to think difierently front the , multitude' than it does to fight them.l - - Thvc first hero, therefore, was not be vt - ho made the conquetd. but who littera the first donbi • . • • . ro EESILJONES rept' filly informs City 111, itemba.t. iad - thi ac M. h* h. ove.+l a vi.1... , ' SOB CCO. ..4..VUPI, and MGM? ICACPACTORE. Nek 137 Fro. street, one do. ' wt.. hf 11. A.I Pthnertmit's Drug 810 re. where he taus In a . wad lb. saft I Lugs .. 11...1 .......... a th° sual amyl* Vlightls brads Tobacco, .4 • meterttnert• melt of G. eris.. 4 •nt Ns cholera bramic .... 10 OLL, fa. Sec. , AU Idris of EL.baay TO.. mauut.tanid with ....10.49 , 1.1 , OW 1" .. ihhhh,hl, It/ ACK.EREL-100.:bbls. No. 3 Small; to LYj utni• so f t tot a2u. to', • - A'tilVl-LAU for ante - .1• . J. SCIIOOIIHAW it co. -. bble 3,otei - IA g'y entsbed polvyi...lln/orjascr..eelyri low b 7 . WM. A. 111%111111 t Ob. I.III.DINES IN BRIN.F t .--lllThegeSur= kJ ZIA.. lb brirm (bardellous)jott Aftelverland Car est. , lotll/AL A. 1111. a Q). - • ILL7gAPER- 4 superior lot just tec'd 11/0 AA , as by tamer of bmItAVNi Slab riIOWN4EfiIYS SA.RSPAMLLA-71 dasen.jast rerlyedsad bt osis by . 'DINK flAOT=4ool.lr3.l)time quality, junt 1:; , , , c'.1 mud tar saTi by. fielol R. Y. lIKLLw.W. aa ACID—ZO lbs:, just rec'd Bud ,fin xj tab. 14 • , jel9 IL 11.111ELLbli.v. A •MER I. II,2 I AN STATE PAPEES.—State t p I ar. tin,..mbY,=ut a:•jr,libltlu bs b•A d ertFlete view eg i ou=brArzbalous Pars i . ' /temr; aoldslubbc Fothavel.mabarkub. Oroera t irski. beivutillead. Statistical. Ecuontolval. sad It '' re °rifle Arts aut I'd r = irr=o7dlt oPthe hai. (rola 1011. • , The abdre valuable vvrks Cur sale br • ' • j.. 11 - . ILO. STOCKTON...I hlrrknt :LIND= RUBBER BELTING—Iust rec'd, from ihe manofteterent - 15C0 rt Mr& Itelthut tor NI toreros, rot sale at the Imila thlbber Defol. -Nor T ,een Wool at., J. re h. KIALIP3. " FATHER- - 100 Sides N. Y. Sole, foe lobe EIPAND EAR .FOUNTALIN.--The atten; of the ranted fraternity Is ineited to the Es* nant.Ear Fosmtala c ar Ur. Pavel, Vocalist. of Nett Twit.— Just. swatted tnal nals b) W.W. Bog.LE ~ARIS GREEN-510 1!)s. i n, for sate ty iirar - 4 5 tens Miss. D. , R.,)for sale by .ustrz A. trusansox a co. • 4, :it } Ttiro &•; for Diarrhoea, Qcc. 151EA4.1N MIND!. should you nevi French % .71t , c aST.T,:rarr,,:t r =e,,tr. na j le WISH HOARD PRINTS ;- For gale at 25c., ••,A• by 1.1.47 W. P. ILLII.SIiALL. SS Wad k. / Alt AND ROSIN . .2 osier, 10 , " bright No. 2 • for Wn by 1431 JOBN WArrt 0,. 'IUNIATA NAIL RODS-95 bandlei Slit, fa foiyr .a r. VON Bosmioaer a co: ettENSE--52 boxes. 'ocrw 7 landint and for T INION - COPYING PRESG—Thii neatest Donteful Ilet•Iu sur.-dadet on • slaw trletinatarcome.aredetralomnt ,'' .1. • ITT' Newslif . Mute, WIP E -15 fi atit a lhlMi co Iyagen PAPER - For sale byv . lIIESIP--41. bales Miaeouri, for saleby ikkk COTTON -413 boles for sole by xee uzr, merretrws k LEAD, -2359 piorGalena, for este by - MINT. AzArrazirs co. ' 4 0 pnme • eae ea; . ikel!illifrigre k co: R EFINED SUGARS *124 bbls. Crashed, WAMIALNY AM' It IOX-46 . tca. 'fresh Carolina, for seta by 110 bti!is. N. C..for E tal i e A l wil. u l (n. g°7lTEx-2a toss Sp u~ 'ea ° aLe~a ~o: "CWRPSE--260 boxes W. R., far salecV Q,OLELEATEIM-400 Sides bestliemlock `7 T' " tfr w " k L ' ib "*V. t a ro b ei it CO. ASTOf.OIL,—IO for `IIIItE O ROBANTB , BANK. . STUCK WANT- EilillNat7l 3 / I ,IIK. STOCK WANTED; Jr , INIINT,,p) MA , forsaly low. ronallam mt. to ek DICKIRI a CO. (ON W bbl.2.2iror !ax Z 10actinci; ' • -/12IZ Harin " Extra TaedittsiloarAg -20 rsale 22 • -TORACCO-20 kegs (Geds'el N0.1_54 rrANNERS'..OIio; j_ust receiving Av - br i=sl. - uidttx leth br -..Lutra DLZELL. Froaitcco—us boxes as'd ofthobest Imiui• as acme obi larval* b . F, , Water aal Rost as . • ' ' , HAVE jolt received from New York, an -I.44lThi'Valfring""kwrrw P"'Fnez4' and • • - ,4.7 • 161:140m.e. , • ANP PAPER-60 MOMS need; for Bate by „se= 717:i tIII47II4I,..,EYIaPPANG .PAPER-4 b, =tar CO , ' Anthmeite i-lu °" A " TO ' e c h o & II au - j flErAVoibt 5114AGIO' WATCH:IW (*.Rouble : Hunting:. Ocitt LIM WiltaaCieed• to et a s en DA Falmorilti sold pal. ar,S , Mowmt o py r gni tolieskajtsCaledmitiO4Vd. T.IIEitS—WOLI lbs. far sale 6 ..!,P:M;. , .•.'=.'... ,, .• , ;•'; The H -- toisittlitillilirk-7:- g i O . t2.3l4,llm,*64iiEsidttys *ollasyeoPsithoaiial th.. '''-'l""a4l.oaatArald. Dho. NOw. -Kwhe CM:I6W fr.. 10411210.• not al the a , slag at tba tag ymistaz&NNltt avh. la% who pas It to posts wawa sot hatrhk Phoplop 'Shad.; Town ka,. any shbacassaw. review Is mood that Oda la n 0 .% . assb=d s u p= ow trill will IP , . a ...aa prows award at were nd. OotO boa, and Owl Wad. - Boy It -pad Ur reader it agatowoored woolakodatrla, 7111 1 =2 „ or tho u = s. • It c rgWE: h t will 101 l thisoot oalyta etos . , fi but porsere.. o sjr , eso c r " Mad thli altapOtkaah Mrs sole In Ita d ah. h thhlta othro - - - • apt i VA L you sit Pe toarif tnO soar LtsOsoChasoloalM boy lily at WM JAI:IWO. c oyly Apant la Teetklitui'Ppre, Bitighrtiti tor bid barti osolor— , Perwambo luivieltturr. sib babes , ' thot-lf tbeir booth 14 Imre no IOW: eras* lortik thwartd. dirt or lattor;_sod. ttod UMW tha± .24 «n«n box of Jane AzatorPtootimaroh Poor l m mute the tdeth &a *MO as ow, old W beend/2 citartkoooal7 .. w iP acody_st li/SBO3l/1 Lilortr / . 111.1111 • - 4, s B4;initili iLdi,Tonid.ltaitorer Nam: 0.-lAii.BWlArai .13soiww h. Dare 'ions' Cana Hair nelnr..-know ion ei.ftwoinnse. theti•!step bate nen. we sawn It topensees nailitle win lame the bair to gine a.lP.t.her• mauls intended bar to eiet eine geninW nue Wind ire dateirein end ant. um,retha enty Mr WOW Ili* for geadering the heft son and . nothing .sib tnn—it amine MIT besotilin. Minn Wen It V 4 is deed.i the sicist meratient—let etVeleeTeXttete roc the . co; .enly st hoed oL.W W e74cT SOYS , Stm. Sid Meet-= no:dean can* sad • J.ONEtr.Snliitioid:' - orJeLii Liquid - Human lbrDen, lbw the cdanniturat widen. fed,. WM bwis.b." . besaUfalbroe/n, or Week ot e010r..• minute& Ptieee—b• eentooktelAtt. . Eld4 ay woo. . JONES' LILLY Want ...tataiell ire =- timed ...cubist using Mgt otottoottotettusal CtiaLt. Tbol are not *tram frog Itightfultr jamitres It Is t. the Mat hos mazy taw roosb. bus ltollos. the skin imam atm ming pivrar , d OW= • DmidAtt b ijna " is= V ' en ' A ?il=itttelt i timblob 'mat Joss orrabb w Ms , Lt. is storßstlA T rtd. War PnrlB.l a ail Gemara= atm/10aq and I Inputs to the oils • =Met b..1t.7. st• aar.a, dear, stilton at the =too tit. seth4 cplP., tb. WV". son ..04 .meotb. Bold by_th. Agent. .L 7400014 SW Wats One. bnd Woal l hOtaborsh. n "lOU Batitnit's Celelxratedloap Powder. W'ASIFING without lobort %mita Tv tour. the stains out of table llama . arid-nap . Dtrartion pm , clothes In a eulPitirat quantity of coth wear to awn them. them odd bre tebte ttooofule of Ws &lap Pond.. toeaelt tli a...tear... 1 .r mad with the Umbra if the water labs*, Odd more of the Powder. and boil than ten =Mutsu tootle wen paw Mem them down with • ethk, thee pet thee to • tub and add imaisient told water. to that thewf ietll not. tree too bot to handle. Theo rub the dirty attraia. or in other womb , . Mee them • thoronith donna. and, that It suillelent Itetit'a It rill leant Ina nerr 'dn.., and no bad ally _nor,,ll. as Nom rape du:-The eat:lreton of the matnielread doe. not armed trooentnto complete a nulling or Inn paean.— Warranted not to rotor InjUris , the clothes, • Pond. , that=raster nig mate tiretta~s • • lesscreoss ma Dz.—Ube. so els pendia of nthin:end mlz. the Powder wilth It. and then Mt It boll. . See volnr ethei. thou odd el gerneenth weber; the them lethal= iff? ' thf/te Ail% hem .'"7 =ll, "' TT r""'". ...1 • Soil . ersthceeeth and TW pot eat the tettde Ili eV P 'er lkdt Sam nos rot the clothes. An Ile need with hard =NM inter. toe nut= the qua etx quart. Instead of -twelve.. The eca sow Is D as =tett L 4 Dealing ndien _ . Bdd~Onlae6 m 4 ratan br XOBSZB Campania Syrup' of Yellow Dock. Root; gACCUYIES thi" float rank among the zo- Lir arlatory 'madklots lot ebb maim foi eunkt•ir uzio• Coke, ma ammo, monpanb_ !,p41 , 44aa,f1! , ..p es n''..MATismll," I.4ver CcessiestoL.l.turh. Combs, &muesli sed- Tight... Una lbw Chart. Bram• at housemen.. &0n.% •ed • Stall= smmutiom about Ma throat mzel v mud with mmPremdeohol sumo la all eases et . Feral - ireat4tesanzi Gemmel prreggtherdiur the =ldly, ging tone to the estionsartrzan, Pad In Ittbe tete:imam Or ado:a& I.Wdr •1 Lam rens au. a:warn re ai ly eglateloon Int ) 1/1M141 , 011 ss ikutr4AZ, ' . . 11.110 11/mar gnat OAP SOGAR.--30.b6liToaf sugar (as itsiTiData inotaws, Na 116. Wm. amt. • • RIOE-14 tierces for sale by RICH a IrCIANDIXXIL 4RD-12 bblo Na. 1 Lard for Dale . - WICK A IrCANDLAAS. `STARCH-40 boxes lionbright's - extra for tgjtaleby • ' WICK• bIVALDI32SB.. riltDOlLr42 bbbs. for solo by la • . & icuLaavon. 1111131:8-30 bra. W. R.. for We by. CO. ha• • a. r. TON BONItOECET k • - - COFFEE. -300 Green.lio CU' IL ; 0 1 . 11 JCI 4ol{s' WATT ACM R I j %-15 tieroeseeh, for . nt baomi lED BEEF—^, Uriine, just' re cavedwad Am wM br Yee S:Nr. iIIAnitAGUEL SUGAR—CA lamb, received and for sale by OLASSES-100 bble , just receive:l:land Ibr We by R 9 IL W. 11ASZAU011. ACKEREL4.O bbla No. 3, 1851, in ; 1V.11.41%. sod NS. S. 7,11.011At0y. 'fiat - Vaal ry e flair for by 17 he . WWI• WCANDLEM. . SALERAT US--31 mks, for sale D i p. • • army. t 11134.15_1 . 4.7.;9,. easiiiaime on band and 1.-7 sau ar . win& a arcoanss4. VIRGINIA TWIST , ibr male tor WWI lIVANDLUE. 4VOIVIEWS. PATENT FLOUR, for mok-, &IggValit l ati424ll,TlLlL of null. %mud Ms foort.roarraleat and cbes4wat tbal eas! b. road for boaarioLl anarralaa,.. , ltut Tblafrorat•ir 1 aral c.a.,. and analog Ur utast rasetiorlterad, mt . Utz', INaddlig.t= /le. arett a rat MAIM of' me t"b 4 1 373 aad a Ibb, ll ' iftrltillitr= for air, To .b. 4 r t = rt. A. NeJLU KO a CO sad Torrraalara. 4 IQ __ YE FLOUR- bbLEfoi Baleßale • pi, =Ur " ' Ir. DALT= 1000-. Libirir e —. ___ CHEESE -50 boxes good W. It, for sale by moo- . Co._ AbON T 4I::6IO Shoiadeto; sva RotWeileta aa co. FLOUit—g bbin MPSTARD SEED-600 lbo. for tale by . .la a.L 11.1.111ZSTOOK CO.. IitACON ROG ROUND-8001/114. 'Simon 11.11 112 m..; Sides. and nankin% foe • D RIED BEF-3000 — lbe. for sale by' SY2 4A-60 hhdfil sale ENOLIBII t IRISH BLACK TEAS—Not b, ezeelled th quality , and gavot by an to the -I.lly—ecostsalt on twee 1104 br Ws by the hell th.A or at triztaiuln.owiduTt...,;i • -u • • • wiad.a...4%.!!,: ROOMS--50 dos: - oommoit to beef " sum Amy: 010 by . • n= , lummox, LITTLN tW. .' J. D. WILLIAXB. , & CO., . ~ • - .., corner qr" Wood irtif ./VtA Pate, Pittsburgh, ' Kurr. NOW IN STORE; and to =Titre this tack lb m llrgi . guit, of 026=4 meat Vt. lib bons vim, Un.607416 btan uemC o Matt Zlr2c7Vash 45 I:47.l:ests "1 &I. , 00. 60 ba.. l , Ala*, 117 td4ol kV04 5:411"4 P titli 11..171.7... . • yrs 604.1.0ra _6 B. . i, • „ • "1 1 11 3; t 24 " lil r6 ' : ' LA (=et lu 1 d i /NS Dbl. 0.1 sod alb& - • rastenssuas; ,i z . ii,: i, 1 .. 5. ; _ 66 .0 0 g l ond_1•01 16.14•106; • ' . 4 3 L1ik .,. .. *. e•th r .am,. mE=g i kti, - .: 6C:I Hard= - 60 Melly . . 1200 Si to.U. , . 1 es Ithel - Candy; . _ , 2 " Gana Cara* .. I ', tr. 1U . 0 . 1 tr - N. ~..L . ,.....''P,T. . ~,7'l bl ..C l = ... 2 •". .6.... lii% '. ,' , • ih Mr i.., 1... . " 1 bbt. sub. Oat.. 40 . ...• 1 ''" •.* .• :. I "..,_Crous Tutu; -, 10 ki n 'y . =tart 6610 rout 1006% 10 "• ' %vit. ,' 1 ...1 - . lidnotam ~. . ° • ". Mir . stml 61611001 10 , °. . ... ". •i . 1 now tha n iiipi We" Its. B V 2* .s,. t ri .="="rti tesxss, Igo - ....S. . 401gcr,,. ..‘ . . EOM. ameiVeallin 20 02s . :Ink . • . I' ..6 ° 1 .0 0 1.1606=1 : , ark ea 0646; ; : • 1 01.060;1=11101.6 , 14 0i1... iidas , , yo b i ."o,oLo SOO V.)1.11.11L.14.10u5r. - ' PUM4bU I. X.• .!'bb . A'I 26 balm wean *tr. - / 50 b1 ' 647 =46..4 '• It' ; . O l galintr .4 1 is - , 117.1 0 dram Ilsr In d.a..4 f V 1 b I r - ASiunr: lt ::- .*,... ..h4, md V. a u x .C. t aro.s. u r , ....5..- - usWinami' (1.414.4 grog" ' A brAllgh rni m. ox, . 1 63=bit t •Pipm . 11 " k Ii , COL II =. - . .v . ,,,1 2 '':. 4 ICK I VA - V e Zs i ld 1 aiaii ~ rj tE Av i r ... • , 2 • irar MO ti .. 4 0 1 .b . , vb.' . 72.1 .0. 7 .1 ".5 44117. , I ilt M i. ......, • , 1013 gwes 11.1. D. slm; 104:0 Pa. LOW °lb • . ' Molbous Mosta &ea •. - • Ice do. /WWI; - • LACI . . - ouiti,ar =-2) ..:Taby • . • ti , - esiu , ~. ~ .it 0. Hp ~ a i d ogiuNi.. I , kalruid 14 I=lit t . '... . .'•'boxlTietag th. gitoxi• nott sratmoolumt of irxd,ugadaraitk i rfi nti , Norma. 41 - • 1336=14,ma4 /X Inas its. Pituburgh..iife Imiuraica , cokOmt • . „ T HIB . COMPANY , incorporAtfn February. lasl, with a tenet.' Caerear. ewv The Gaups dors busters& both ea tbslotat Flockatul • Val the Joint Eh:et - bleu tbe'retes are oteithiol less ilia these thanes by Mutual Companies. inal rats. ker Oshi lower thee the oars of met an:chase:44oloa _ !fetus/. rides ars the sum as theme panted Di w. 2=l4l=iter"W=Vil the t e a-. grragesurausa and U. 13ealtal mat Ber Toad of ou ha arm aues..ll P Vlerflag L the VIS of f trliks rbilstreAP. musk relations. triads or creditors—to loser* tiro of eaclbst /or thelrers exelsulrebeerat.hayabbrensrdeet.h. or abort the prase arrl•l2 at the sae or te/. CO, or E 6, Imes&Elmo. trusktall.. a.. Emma DeChaim. 1 icw = 12.=: .. .1. l i T4tOr ‘ i. M. 54.3 " Z: . ' ;Irian S. Ilroa. - Armor& D. Leitch. - Jobs B. Dilworth. . Chz=tow, tirrauel Meant., . . Witt. . , Ilea William Mains. Iwo fklarforf of Wan - 'lloo. Walter forms". Imo Boorotary of Treason, John 0w1... rOq..l.*chler of Nu...burin Bank " newt= /..0-14 Eft", Wbolesal.fitmew.. - - • um A. W. .'" 2 """_ . A. b. * maxi... 4 riga. Phy iseitsiesset. . awn Gartszo. IL AL, etee, Ai Mists Addion, Jeressish hessian. IL, Ye : kidringhose . Annul torrSZl ' d Stmt. - - Robert balder, IL D., Ind Fourth otreet. Ala Crierorn. D.;:di girth stmt. ' '"' liarAtn. O. bin Liberty stns. . D. Litisreeth to in interim. n bt w e seam elm " XVI' Vit (Ammer. N. 75 /north - . • I IdlstArdi . CAA-WM . ON, Prey. St!tte liana Ere Sastuariai- COirTany. OFFlCE—No..atibgranmSimr, =arm Rtrasos ucc eat, 160 L " TIIE best evidence of the success of the no,boyoat to lola th. 874271.11171" Th ILEX ...222222.1.12C12 it. PA Hg; man the argots of ata consnanslay. la the anparallekd amount at haat.. which b. been done: baying Want 2,22oo..gaikloihhoegg tha pot ye., alureby adding. oarso2l B9o ta :nods t00th."b•= 6, ..7e etssem 1... a is et the =tot ••r and • bogy prolortlint Insured whole rea. , • MO . Do. do..pol.tostaituted,..agd, v 2 • - • Amount of revirumnretvii.— . $7.68144.10 '_Paw. {.lmloltal,tYpltbd..TLhl 03 SAI/191 Daf-YrrolioltitiOu= Do,. eanenlad,lorminated,asydred..." 01/ - Da. 61,607 74 ••• -• • Whole nal kosea and aspeastopo34,...K . Fdll Balance In favor of tha In Oath ' • W= a So city or ronnUT roarehanta. ancrovnaors of dont/Ina; inadimolalect andrountsf 5501.57,1 t bolbsfan tSgo roo. pant afford, advantages point .elaodossa,..odety, and • otcorlt , istferko• to no Imam.. Oardnoaf dlootdosts7.-. . CO an the oqultable and wetly =proved rfatem r3adainadlon of Mat; arrhadbar all trona 1....." th" wily-. Waited mount In any ana dealith thos , Pnr el log tho frogoaner nad_teturrente of Sarno Ono; and Woo on both tho h rock and /RAW plan, It not ot . = . vs. Ma cheapness dad aernonnolatlon both bu antltlee the tosunal to • participatlonAn Ishartorr..---John It KotherlbrA d. J.tfilkil m n.T.donan, Mann A. Carrier. Alla C.•SoOgok-k tonna annan, likAA John A. Parka,. /anti. Itutherford. A. A. Cuotti. dctslatT. .1.7/7 _ _ N. B.—A Peep Die Wad of Wham what; ari OnlAtinr pollens bail been 4/echoed br the larteoote, and fa ova .stroble Ms (lake far ,rettaaols._ or beeleeamblo Lo cub of the era] of ninety Oaf a. - •A; Casatca:Ast Fifinklixi'Fire:insitnuico Co. pTmEctogs,oiaries w. itanckir, aeo:: -W.fiehards,_Tboaalart. Weadeed D. Iserti.tobbm Cobb e ggreg m . .D Al=d threat, David & Droop. o.:ll=cgs. ZL'i,.BINCX/34 PeWLral Tide Came= soadenedto mass ientratusi:mern=e or Unite d every description of Di to= itel CO . t r itra ratestlow es a= mniels=rri =mit addebortth Me i ji tZitai and Pet= eal d =ortml.. ^.. " C IA ample yr deep= to tbe eemant. nest. ttre 1-napany, on Janney lat.iaa/o .! AwttlDl7. .anode Mons : didg.l2l l Gil 88W •A'ong 5a03611 64P, . , - Khoo thrir itwohmatin_ • of .11 INT bar* DoM opwszda of Ono mull= Pone IhreitreValbowswa Dollars Low* by Pim [twat otronlipc. wrid.hoo go oh, &Waxes of Lararsno. veil ow tbd tblidrone 4t - podtion met withplOWDhow..llhohilitiw. l• • • WIFIN, ent ig Otico S. &comma Mott and tid M. sw • . Penn :Mutual . Life Luariiiii Co., Murat i t L OENT IN PITTSBURGH; W. EL DAVIS; Z.S3 /41.17 stray thi Wig p i rri U. drr:lbe a ab st 4 I n= bl.l/41. r,Ydtaa 4ll/1.1% 110131 // 12 awl 2 t 0.2 st. Om =Wing room of J. Bettaaarnaker lb., ~ . f %oat stmt. what ail nem. our t o will dm printg and ormprompt, ty stletstal so. ramble.. wagalWas Slav sad loemobla .1 LA Ilan : mare. kiss& I:terzo4ftrtu.stud oa "gpl k =ll ;;Taso./UoAxpainit.;;.;d4i; ixossudwww 4bo. J.. al. , Marine,' Fix% and Inland Transportation E Insniiuice Company of North AineirizZ naudepbl.-artere.RlVC Capital Wage. Meet . snoop 1.4 Ha. AIM I:ZSA AA, iill make lasseastes ore , buildings sad their oasereets, la tills ci ty. ad vleteder sles OA ampertra ...-r u L...latJorothilord no sum= boas sad other vessels, el Dr Iteland usasvortsttoary ths ' d o. wan. "wt.. &m IT. Jona,' John IL award Mann. John A.ll ebb. Panama 11. Austin With:Mk • Clb Ambroad Maadas.Tarkw nta . . Wm. w h. tionatt. , • cho Jacob ALA:moan Jame. b. Morris Wain . 11. Aberred: W 2,.: Tbia fa its ohlan. [Ma Company IsatimUolted dtalfm cud nom its WO sunhat. lotat Un=h aud syddius all 110141 or an ctn. anxious mar no cmoadarwicas oneireta a ct a i turda tha pohim Weiiiilnraranne Company of Pittstrargh; /QAPITAL $31:10,009, H. KlL . l t Elt;'.l Preildaut. F. AL Cintdomnessetaty. iD halm against all kinds Of lists, She and Mariana Alt Issues will by Ilberally wlinatad.