The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 28, 1851, Image 4

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~sy,wAurai cunt= WIDOIL
Aod lowls le beer thall ' told;
Natlituot Its* ItAalsos ! •
lAstramd to =soy •A•—;
eons axe vim,. Also hot crew ot6l.
Anis sot szocog
- • Ito dots wb.aos.. =pr.
VAC prrtt7 Aes Irmo! I
As media Islar iJAL:
• *lwo 1 - Astb la.m it* Am/.
Ara (mart It thee be fall') 'aro reso bag gel'. ge e...r.
ALA eret rbirobat ' • ball flltat,: •
liftmen atm pert lull ethl—
"Ob. Luellll I ma gulls ' •
Bellthaolertth &drilla:
4fit quiet orm erttlis bah w prar befell^ ••
• •
• /mother. come Walla.
An all. that Mr of mine, • . .
boorsAM to desk lull • • •
Thu sed terizied It roast.
Pea sos,the wee ins so far.
' The, Singe Inscription.
It is weld that in the neighbor
hood of Haut Sinai there have,. for many
yeans,:bee-n known to exist a va riety of in
scriptions in a character hitherto %obey
planed, which nerentedan insoluble puule _
to schblars an travelers. They are found
in the valleys 4, hills which ran northwest
front Mount inal, as far no the , esters
shore of the Calf of Suet. They are quite
numerous, inertia& that the traveler, ta
king almost any direction from the monas
tery of Mount Sinai, will find more or less
of them written upon the rocks. Similar
inscriptions are likewise found in Mount
Sabel, lying to the smith Of these route,.
They are found in the greatest numbers
and variety in ;the valley which _atretcher
from the eastern shore of the Gulf of Suter '
for six or saver miles towards • the South.
On the left of thisfowl, on a chain of ateep
sandstone, perpendieular as masonry. is -o •
vast; multitude of Well-preserved - inserip.
tions, the great number of which has given
the wad the name of "The Written Val
ley," - (Wady kfokatteb.) ' Adjoining this
is a bill,"called "The Written Mountain,"
also filled with the inscriptions. They are
intermingled with images cud figures, ere
cared in a very'rude style, and evidently of
the;saine age.
A recent English traveler, Rev. 'Dr.
Forster,. has . =weeded in deciphering
them; .by which - they are proved to be
probably the work of the Israelites during
their passage through and sojourn in the
Wilderness. This.thee g has been often
saggmted, but never before demonstrated.
The process of .discove.ry we have not time
to indicate, but the results of some of the
translations are highly interesting. On the
mks' are recorded several of the principal
, events of the &ale, precisely as they are
narrated in the Pentateuch. The hurried
flight of Pharaoh frxm the returning waters
of the Red Sea; the he aling of the bitter
springs of Marsh; the miracidas supply
of wrnged fowl; the uplifting of Moses'
hands at the battle of Rephidim, with the
names of Aaron ' and'fbar as his supporters;
the. miracle at the, waters of Meribah - the
plague •of the fiery serpents, with many
others, are clearly d , ecyphered by Dr.
Forster. In several-mstances these de
. eeriPtione aro amotopanica 'by pictorial
rem:mutations of men and. animals. - • . -
The language in'which these inscriptions
. are written, Dr- FOrStet pronounce -s to be
in effect a very primitive, dialect of Arabic,
written in a clurracter, totallyslifferent from.
that now.' tit. O3lli, iit;.#ol4othig
which,.thimgh.olnielefis, - 10' iitill: ?mewed
in the old Arable lexicon: ' This language .
Dr: F:. - Conaiders The "one' pitiiivirl lan
guage," when "the whole earth was of one
language - to of one speech." , If. this die.
covet) , shall ultimately bear the test of
therough'examixottiOn, it, l . form a high
ly interesting addition to the admhible
: ado of 'proofs of Suipture verity, which
the expleritions in Rapt and Artayoaa, and
other places, in Modern times, have for-
We copy the above from the New. York
Evangelist. Hitherto, wo,bolieve, the most
probalile opinion respecting those inscrip
tions , wss, that they *ere of monkish
origin, and about fifteen hundred years old.
—Chris. Ado. & Jour.
Philosop . by of Swimming.
, The following roles. and mama, given
many years ap, by Rimy Wright, of 13os.
!ton, ought to be republished every summer
in every newspaper of the land
"No brand' of education has been six
much neglected as this. Man is the only
animal which does not swim naturally..
Be sinks in deep water, from the sire of
his brain, when not 'pr . operlY exercised.;
That is to say, the. weight of his brain
above his nose sinks that orgay a little be-.:
math the surface, when be is tom erect
position, before his body disphor its weight
of water and thus . finds an equilibrium.
With the nose under,.one must breathe wa
ter and drown. But when the; brain comes
to be exercised enough: to thiow the head
back and the nosenp, pointing to the very ,
smith, and you keep kcal& and feet care
fully under water, then by the eternal laws
of hydrostatics the nose wUlr.ohtinue above
water, 'and the person will float hlie an
empty bottle which is so balanced as to
keep its mouth uppermost. No human be•
hig can sink in still water or any depth,
lying on his back, with hand's and feet us
der water." •
„ •
In the memoranda of Dr. Breckinridge's
travels in Eunrrooppee, scram ten years ago, the,
following ane cdo te ocean.
A gentleman-like and well-informed Eng
lishman, who was in the :Stage coach with
me, and who found oat 1 was an American,
after dilating on the greatness the beauties,
the majesty, in short, of this noblest of
British rivers, (the Thames,) concluded
"Sir, it may seem almost; incredible to
......r, it rosy seer. . . i0,,,....._.
you, bat it is nevertheless true, that this
prodigious stream is, from its month to its
source not much, if at 'all,' short of one
hundred and fifty toileslongl" "
I looked steadfastly in hilance, to tee if
he jested; but the gravity of deep conic-,
tient was upon it. Indeed, John Ball I
never jests. After composing myself a
moment, I slowly responded : -
"Perbar, sir, you have never beard of
the Ohio nverr' . !
"I think I have."
"Perhaps of the Ifincnni?"
"I think so; though not !Mrs."
"Certainly of the Mississippi ?,,
"0 yes, yes." I
" Well, Su,a man will deseMid the Ohio,
in a steambo at of the largest claw, a thou
sand miles." ' 1
"Of what, Sir? how many, sir?"
"A thousand miles; and there he will
meet another steamboat of the same class,
which has come in an opposite direction
twelve hundred miles dowii the Missouri;
and then, after going fifteen hundred miles
more, down the blissiasiptii, ho may see
that flood of waters disembogue by fifty
channels into the sca." .
I bad made up my mind to be considered
&cheat ; so I went calmly and emp
through the statement. 'As I pro p
my companion seemed somewhat
to take my story as a personal affront; but
at its close, he let down bia visage into a
centemptuouit pontossAssegigarly . ent my
Sowrasi says in one of . his letters,
HI have told yon of the Spaniard who
always pat on his spectacles when he was
about to eat cherries, that they might look
Mane! and' more tempting... In hire
nummter: . I mato the , most of my enjoy.
untuta ; and though I do not east my
cares -stray,: I pack them in "as "little
composi as I can, end catty them as con.
vatieutly as I can tor myself, and never
let them antioyothens.'-'-' . Pon't forget 0.3.,f41
•,•••,..,...••• •
":. • . • . t
, ••••
•.• • • -
Ateiftallitt Peispit* :
SO SAYRNATtralkiii hare s bet a / 3 14*
blb ,
tatotoao. and Immo ilbaidatootrOfr....
atattdbOf aktalablitmt Joto!....thdho,
Chtoolod bog. catummt=edo. "
Lotto sad sidog ',Ur. tat •
of ma
lete=.lW/ Lbonayaftlaaraaisa tat oil f filad.
ftsaatat , rma lab bar ,
~,ra es
risVet ith lllnaa , oaio==aa ,Nba
tasclartasasorat thatra-_, A lo
' cridu.vtur pews. • ^ — ISO MLst4-
Poulos world of orator,. Ora• boo. tool tot. • ' ' ^
• Bay lt—ad Uot rooks la moat toe_ 01.4.! te 4 _tre...trtcrap,
alMttt . ll . •=.4.„ .
MU Cod Me tot tall • Dot • imp, aal I oaf
Imo oaf, adj. !!shoey we with Oar of Um awn.
tu.l.riji WO al sad ciao wan WRAF,
f, ff. Mot I sta.
Ur aorta o llootal olds
aaalT•T Jane Itallaatboole•I
tow tali Aiwa la litWllSha
Peirif'Whibi, Teeth.; sad Piro Bitettli; to
to tad Ito aaslo*Paroott •ta dna alga. are booms
hit awarad that It Mar !metro Is am 2o tool. v. Abair
• will &ago& data or Tallow, cal grtel.llol4 1,1421 WOW
that • M oatt Um &Jam antar SoaUx Pasta v till
the tooth as oblta so ran, sod that !moult
tad.bahl JACIUDOZI : 2 Mona its Wart; at: band
A. Scientifui Hair Tonto, Restorer Stitt Bea
lac.-41 V% coda non arta tun alt 4
tom' Oast liar Weimer, hoer lu etorlltrat qua/lbaa...
Mom oho ham oat. w tsars tt to !paw th• 10110•Uhr
atod/da.--It ran brw tb•halr to Is :ot ri st
noon tobaalal hair to= goy ougmat
rralertoribitla ./dat=rf.
alt Only tital. mad aola ISM
dead. Oawoot caparlcar—mtk.ta barr
bo WH. JAMMU'S &air. ISO Liberty Midi
bald ot.WaoS,Ushargb. • • . •
oada. 40 toga sad SI. • •
JONES' &titian • of Jct, s Liquid Unman'
Dais Drt: Dr Lb* thane*, el/bite. wLAI Ur. bn
besztiMi tocntia l le bind jet color, In a In" coluAlra. . -
saki by 10/11.J ,SKlLlbotystmot.bnicA AWL
JONES' LILLY WlllTE...—Luties aro cur.
Wad .small InAmmon praamt Quit- Mop
EAm not small 6011( ally tniotatto it Is tc. %no ato p
mom tar anat. 5a1ar.7.41.. .../44 na11•01.4
tb, oa. ap.... r propsrof t•tnan , be/$4416.1t hp
WEllil:64. a snuallty of Asa .. .
We bar• • ba.ctlful epts4l.atiolo. • blob iv*
sal Jct. , ' path.b /.11/.7 %Wt.-
It to paially Inaccent. betas - Nu - MO of tt•lateloos
coalition awl ttlmpala. to the Ain • nII oral ; boelLlKr. all
a. clew'. liflng watt; of U. saw• mato& a our
amid on to sYth. Mating It poll aro stn ob.
bold Ikttho
_4mt...)W.11. J MAIM!. 110 I.ltotal ilro•t.
bat 4 4 Mot: Mandan.: Pring..a watxt - • - ,
mod l*trizoistilia4 • is 04 Wall is
the great Arabia* Rea* for Max and Bead/
'LIM minxlllXL. cues perfumed 11,ttoo
Amble. pteclana i ln dna of old. vvre thee
an. Int= ylUa Ihe i rr ' hirrot7 rra n t ur Lbw . = ix
thou . rarpoldnit payer am dime. Thalr nesita lb
the Vroslodity of. nryiklna yen the yonder of Lbw rnor.
odic the monk Woe tb• rotary Clurotiroty. width ,
161151bront bid 11r WO. Ina to the not •
of the vorld -• 1
inalrd WOO &NI tit &Lee/ dory inre.tb• zooid ask.; at I
andents. In the beautiful gm. .tun thy &moot
Arabia. acod we plants and ed.eee coed.s artuneaaty
obtalmol Moo aranstle gams and reactant balm.: or
utdcb, ttdr Inaangaraile. llntotord I. tato pond, and 1,1
stare rtimsdallni arenoun, ponetratlng !lora AsWyn•
wept min Itt Ybrts Instantsra.o.olf dlltormi
throarrb lb. trtutlo wary qua .Jets.. all. Yin the Isetet In
um. Pan b 1111 . 11. 5,15,1 d I Own d
ttn• of lb
t or 15 Wanted.
t=cdon Ir peontpl. varmint awl att.ciaal without .1b•
enstra=ll nnlarry or Lo lest ! i c ha bete
Twirled for Team ozone. The antirvlrd Bran gros , oat
and nen blend to circular* thnuron 11. roles ' It Teflon,
lb.lhs Bfnornd flnld or Jaw. Water. and Ws 1a the
trhf 11 Aso lora so nalvrryidly rnegy•stol In coring All
dial... of the 301 at. ehronte . alfactlons of Mt Von.:
lango nodot. If llarfs. tbt" .n.& Asaldan • rontyly
Rands, sord toe nine Cam of ralarenntatot 115•
It • apselllc, and in litlyannarism bas portal..
B •=to h reart rstryardltrarf yam on mart
for Clasaph Bra/12 . 1t05. lifonentaXtillblat=
10114 thrretn.r. te. It L. epeallt
la diary of • ol 101/.rom.
= m r " parlll=ton i {owl for ner2; all
althorn. out or • Won ninnies Ira atm.
ka •natton.. tW. Ilnlaarnt rtnedr at. the Intl ate&
The talering le even ths seeendhad a< the
renhby end highly relarallft /Owe Or Vila • Ma. at
Ante, .ad eremente en* Oft Oat dellesatta ram In
W anima ter modes) Wear ;
Ur. 11. G. Wert Dtsr Ur. Lauded bynames of cars
. trines. I =hen tha talowtso ea an heetess et the etre
try ell your grad nadiminw nO . ldotes
redanair WWI WWI • 1.51111411 diorama s le Ws
= te reel Waltzers. Irate
that eel • iota mead bo tent; the fink
band all and eel& umi entirely darned of immr,.• the
rem ILted. ney clamed and taltesecher bloat. telke.
the this au ~am re ell snimet. the mane became me'
laarted.. jaid u zszrd.....= • boo lertnn ch i ld boa. Ur
I ohs!, the oreonstal
eoa - 1 emeritus et bang desa Inmarettately to the se
Yea. the nadir Arad.n au called In And kr tkree mete
V bard to neWee It mo Istlng. bat ell is rale, although
was • damtad variation Ire
learala ward. • eanenhesion or lamemdriene nen tbeh
bottom re" was Memo
them i r sea Os
rU b. hed SS I ntOUtt • .d..rLa the maw Tut=
pp Ds mad do sahing nom .We thee eeintorimed
root Ltsdnimert teeny seer the entire length of the
end ywn may iseenhas street • T •
err 10. ertemetteen tau mama. The
IrtgiViro=eriet. eftn
i rar tfiel:=Vitte
stow boerty ant robes/ ao as be. •
11. other mon of the tau Ida] oecored In I:Ludes
torture, y. ed bleb dem:, rhea net bt. If
Rorie. troth L. UAL. U.L.111.V ciALA.:4 Y.
Lifer Coarpiaini, 6rynelos, end EAtititatim
Ramat, liaabit Qt. 61. IM S. MIA
Mr. U. o.lalata—ikar far . Vous I.lalwas La ...Wm
narywed. adAdiddl • Mg a•ni Xll IV=
it• La.... • bed wit of ik7•l
a • bad dads la dr besot- A se wbd was eantwal
eared Atmerral moths with Uwe WahLatot sad Alba.
tles u. 'Ma =MO If
brtM meet y•st.
•zattan Lialmant-no. tbebnmruld.leMm
deert. It baa b.•• to I. Gnat eat. sat mead t. Lt
a abort Slaw. 1 tuns agetml lab iiannamalms fka
bas Wm, mat lm Wk. • Ira soppll ll
satmei im
art LUCI bad ma we all dart and th addtd 1 law
mewed bathing maddest with me Liabasab stet
bob+. I wad dean atdotbeA. tba Pablo ••••le
Complaint, Soenuy, DistaCeihr . and
• IN. Mae Pretheager et Flat. lean. Omer; M.
.7). ILo.ll.thstr , rear' Anal... Lealshret L.
plead brar visbb.W teeeme h lOg
yar *tweak. by Oath .ee lthelaretteee.rel I
eared Gee wr owe ern*
Oita. eared hie bane et lea 111thEtraeo=
It ea • tote teat Ise the tad carol it
lauxedietel.. ler. e • greaten Iwo.
sealleala be ever aeW lath " ante» rived
gre Eye. Cid L {tar r.heete. mniklu
Beware of Cotaatils. -
To Guava AcmisErr Intrunno etzw - ins rou.
',oust' C.:WM 1.. • •
The Pot& we tierhealerly esistliwed hugest a Sn
tleintoretst cadet. bee lately aids appwww. wad b
haled be the hisposWenaskes It i• VI Yeentls
so µsawed.' This b p i Wavelet trued awl esson
to &who ems U. beerice the maws( liareell. Threw
fen b. psrlicuthr weer to ash jar heir the naselsweles
Liedeoent.. to ontsrLoelpted &skis wilt hawse ths RPU.
It a°l l. is l } ~ L m . ~~a nnlnw ALlT=
as Cho wisoloit ahsess has the Worn abase
bb'shresliew Is Yes oes the ichiside irespost,ael Wee
worts Wawa IA Use Om G. Pamirs ..litaLat
Lome mead to erery Siet.7lnase sad Ussalst to
the Untied Butch to which ow is hot wectosstieh.
by latter to Me). Varesl l esserit . t with 11.4 ielweriese
se to thsreeta. niitertod
hall wly swot eho • 11 furnish It,. of Chow. a
bast esetholog mesh rslosble haltmaatibm Is were dew
of rielsew.
Yisros—Z mots, SO wets, awl we dolls+ per tout.
the why oohs. b w.scorwittred be Lt. U. Neenien.gole
1 picots. wel,heopeissor.hod *Oohed* decireiht No: 17
Melo stmt. Mat. 1.1.14 sod be sal obokschi sod Moll a
p...pprro es
g Wks by IL re- tiLLIJNEL
714 k .. CURS N 0.47 Wood saw*
Gold brill T. Albtabbar MY. •• •
WASHING withont labod . Warants,
to tai agni. !mt. or taa. tieim 'lid . iwo•
=Mom von Uss—Pit iou cklbob ki =Sada
quantity of ookt safer to corer tbm. nob add fttObadb•
rocoofan of tido buss Poodob to rook cisquarts of solo?
MOS •Ith Ur clothe% if tbs oyster
tlor Powder. sod toll thaw. los Worn.; to du boss thaw
woo Om down with • per, thou pat mom to o tob sad
odd sufklast cold Irak, oo that tbor out to too hot
toollo. Thom rub thwart, osn•sto. or to Oboe wont.,
'giro tboa • thoissitt Hobbs. sad shot to ralketrot to
• • •• •
N. 11.--Ithsnt Won no rods loSo•p: R. will . Wive
the cloths. .e7 w Into, awl Ito bad oil/tow.ll. dosow
www• 416. TM can. eon of tb• matert•l owd not
mad two entto, to matt.. • woantwg of ten
W•awanted oot to tot or on the sloth...
Titto Is • Powder tbstaloop•ott will mate nyttt•ilottri•
,- . ...,. rem. ..
=CM.I/..--Talte. my As weans a Ira. aa
WE Lbw Pointer with it, end that let It boll, se y See mile
. 1 46...
afar. Mum mitt gm web eold 'ratan Mb them lolltostaty
=. and si Amer when it ertll not bees., •i 3.1
t h :ii . dit .111 litql Mkt mit slop White 8.044 eeet
IW' nub well, will oat eat Ih e battle Übe bear !tat
deep me fat Um esit be .10.4 with ban, be emit
estetr, by mutts gthe avatity Me sth butte bated of
twee. • 2W eon Ilesplelma Idig,i4l he padU . 1 : 1, a.
end mmilee raft' • • •
"i64lmtroaiiale lad retail bl
Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Boot,
griCCUPIES tbt front rank among Rhein:.
au/ -artatorf toodlelos of thlo costar, for tome latsly
corms Conte, 840 Yriti penny awl all attar oar
moo violas inmoi elm . suito of Usti Wool Alon„
lltar OanoLaial.talsrrb.floprooft,ll.l4ect" Disslneis,
Cosily, • ifoortano and Titbit:win; tam% Me aunt Bro.
onto* or boarantets. drparon. and • ticallos Noonan=
stoat ttio tbfoan and to wad arlin onoreor4rontli memo
In all moo of
Female Weaknezr and Orrural
Etrpsurttradas tho awards.' Ind f. Shinn Lan! 01.
various mono, IlildgUrilLing Ib• 10.0
If Um totruaoon of thousand. of Urnis frcoa
all . narto of the conntry, ran to nlnd ono:nit is angular
la airing all -I.lvarro, wed mooting &MM.
and boles down moon Mims. It to sonar nmeta.
W. to Ito wanton]." and o setarstaty tantblael la Ito
proportion.; ISat tbo caosilea/. totaalnil, and m. 4001 pro.
podia oil cacti lastadi•ln h
th annoalo
l tt
ood. ily malts
Porify e B
It tota ramrod tau Telonato Coatis ankh hue Wart
lAA sttllrd Ina bag stryticlan• and boo also rand 0.01000.
nott Ittonua. &Taw' to nodlimenla. winch norantartna
Syrups trattokly LIMB to mans the Wort inipreation nwo.
Mau P.O. tooted la many ram of OnfiCCJIOUS 1111.
WAS. The to obstinate C.a. ban tons mod br
ILA.rah nod Idna.• w. lity_tbat u b•nhsablessmaiet. .0
BiLlous 0(1301A-1-- It mom. obstrarrimo In
tho drralodloa, f a dint the U. Ow, gram a l 4 kmaal
tay. It reaper Palo lm oft bonowt sad 0.100. La
all roeof 4th and arsy t• amid Wan ettatatos, awl
at all onto. of CM raw , —
Stdo Syrup hi peparf• map C. MOM CO. at 102
Porratals stmt. tg s4Pletdt u r.Sa4
b l I ow, Spat 14 tifeaere ecoserielale,
way Warabousr, mom Woad and SIM tot.. Pitta.
• •
AMILY FRIEND, or Baking Prep ruin,
144, Teut,47o arlat 11444 um
-66.1. of 70rro=
to We ..0 st 60:1= h tru 6,11067 6
blue: • bkh mo t to • put esiut, 6164100460000.
06061.4 ws4, bratothe, and otter rata
trin.krl,rr=',Zl,l." 4 cww=
ID Dom b... or • tootott. no., twos vitt, Uwe. Linde
of 40:01.66. pulos ot uttoo7 tonetitoki
wad to pou bt/. la one of the freest of Lbot
60. lloultalt.lotmootiubtboote4 tt u 4 VT
ottaWla, tu 444 46 ro4s It Is • pus sutio bottle. ed
22x. mote, USD thsetions torer.
It. • 47 SW et-
Profetior A. C. Burrs Trtiophirtns,.
e gl a, l ,
• l it Mr. Iltma, LIU. of the
American. DO 441 my mese* Wm ,
- lln Yout-.114. Ti. 419.
& L yres Trloobborous lrea ittithe that er• oW eeeeeare
tbe Ithybeet combrualsl-44. 14 do tee de It
Aiwa but aces
Arabia of us ;FA about-he WWI vale it P"'
b""kr usy * r, ' " ,trh a nAgritrloVih "
dryQ. meanie by
1 0. other padLhet4e4 t! ' to
•• • palm cedy neat o two ars• Wally to, to 0.3011000,1
cases Pohl ka twelielLartoe2S Lab.Lab. at Me . Ott 1.141
:tor Tort
101 l 4, Ease bottlektake . 1% Lents. " sr= 6
tee by • - • , • IL IL 1,
pAßßirra SOAP - Powpgas - aie rioi
o tell kaory lotto toonLnt poralloß Noll We.
j their ar t4r Mw Instals it. settmaiLT
p l br ooratotArg tot ,.
. 7 Itaotim i l i a lol& L yor .
. .• •..
4 e
'By ma menu= sax TE u=ta suss'
IN ptlrraa of Irtv I, Mum, Ruxon,
la .3 " a k t atTbil ez
& LAW! of Arltawarr. I
: 1 1altearrir=trionst
Rarth tor Zal lf rA•Vr,Priwtol;
" rautossi, moth of Whits rinf.
grhof thrbdattatoodertd ot&A/Vs priar(polmerldarw.
.1 2 71:1; =4:11=0
Aurooa, dnr t 1
Illtarsthiloy of wroor the 461 ,
EILI or lbw walk hob wUhia itho imarraorttolph•
tr a . 7. of
Oilholtotratot ow . _ .1kos•
th t
s ot Aaron Inst. U.. =WM re Wads within to/J=od trofittio , ....
2110. oast IfiZt, irsocia tltR . toMonutirthroo. ar
swrlA of Uhe boarlowerodowatif thierfeffen"."4"°"
;moot 1p row sad watt film la aolims thUSIN
two azd thzirWthww„ fat iriwoh M tom. op a t
llicta l the IClaytt Wane ma.
of Lbw to too sowowiwil nasal Lost+ on and
/*eanlwear tommd.;esdruJigoi.m. l ,,
Ttto roulb half of wallow K ff....
lhartioofil who= fotutoehows halso, Om worth hall of
;Imola.. Lbw mut pair of Moot, otoa,,two.
worth loaf oth moothowt,ft . rua,,, , ,%•=4
ciorrzaa wiroug t...11r, b. b,"Giyhto.thoofr
law& awfol kir a lcr the tilo, oeboaLr. WU
ary oilur oarsmen, wilh n4.l_
orerflovid laada mode Worth, u
say, •bich b• aorZt.7 .
raonk . !Moir, Muttare afititW Al 3, Aff
Omuta/ mmur , weer sw.t.e.e. •
tt , tca " n
0.. tar Uhl bauttos hoototaVerowtoti 87 V. 71. Of
Ocetornom tor sarrites• taw (101101
Start wattorgeriwilioloneow Oa weidtwoliknOtt,
so I:marital tr 7 the orlowthiti Al AM mr M 111.01;
flt " 2"" Ittfrtir 9 " 2l,l4 r , r • • -
U. Outlaw of /ha aka, uttdl min btp:101-
I=Mad wi col IA Um an
Oa la alla Owl 7 na with. oofrooolnot
, watch. soil Ow shah atia/I bowel:we o V u or•b•
Inn no ealo rholl tor krit fo , Uwio I
I two wwala. sad. VITA& 7 m. , oaf lb* .11!
to oallaiwwl until Oar the VI of sort. 'oohs
Ulm% awl.. lof A lftrol =e a r=
I oistb Way al Kay, • ono
4.4 sad frem or.o. Id 11 ORI.
Cometiroloarr of the (lowa Lana Molt
ha PR,ItZNP/7045.1.1111/Wri
:It o :La
at wi nra shes Who
oknol =hoe mad of Walt:
woutrowd. m_ tow 1.6
nadvtlog of W. Kimura, aunavor of-lb* tx‘rpfr
bud ao4,foriltaportosol gram en /rano.
tio a/kr Warp .foad trihr• olog amdotal War
the coromertwassot Potzr,f,t,r , ;nl=
attic W.
, J. BUT•ClirlitLD,
Ccosuairsiourr tatUrarrol Lual
By nre rummer a TEE mon swat
Fdraironce Or Ulf, 41111.1AalaiLliCOIS,
PrecUrrst of tat Uldhrl Otated of Limiter Se Mr*
tha ®Led maks Initora, that Edw. vld hi Id
lionsradoord Land Moot 8000 odo of JihOli moo filt:,
at thwywritats binriaartsr dishisted to loll: • •
At t,MO Moo oS oranialseitid Ow WOW
day, b. day of hillotohir m i1,..1012! . /Uctif o. ttr
*node hole sitnalad within usw
OpVia: - - •
0/o.l.o4eiebtandllSSlVral iirragfpalsertErrc
onstop. tesnlyworalk town O.Y Mptral,r,
co ad aav Conant Mier, of raft
Toanuddya twootywersta hors old twintptd.or,
Oo itod ono entreat Sur, Wren"
' Township on aR ...comet liter, of
Townships twastrthroo. twentriliar, tweetradobt end
=araca nourceigla.
t7nnty - dits, twontywiaht sad
M' ll:gre r tlna 'fi t , jr .kitgrraalatot Maser
terc tvcsartbrectwerarrocx,rworrr - fmwratorittlwri.
at lM NMI I'L& I. cocaoaxiar 11.
ItoV./ of AsTAnhaor 0120, Ito the diSpiaat of that..
arithla tha /03.10.113FA•Olo..owisiana and taro
Nowa of Me thwart rotor dry(tUr prod.& merinos.
TooTobtp twwitrtwo, or ram, two,
lirairsocul tawtottips wral twit:Al - b.. an A
township twentrews. of wait tIRR ,
Taint:hip Weary twin of Maw hair.
Townships tvenoptiro .at, a:1.4 kr nary orc
lirarticroal tow unto rittanr. cat tow nWpo rortartlre,
two/I-WM. ltrlnatyto - , :fIiroINVM, gw,piTyp.
mr=4:o;., station sad orrontors. awl
tizs u t
. 11-orgzo i stro=kty==tiresinoi w itial
stra,•scal twoneyortar to forry-rwr , lastrialy, h. wog.;
boa yeia
frottkoal tconaship (Mesa wean... 4 Mhos I
darken, brectrarrec IroartrAlrr. rorrorfir..
torts,ll..rtrfrar, tawn,9ll*, Vortrtsil=
far ocel2wert franker, of section a" to Isormatdp au-
Ono. sad hardball lowinadp twestY. I
Sect taus ow I. roan lacistaire, throat% half of raress,
Jlc - rurc to fwerawoor loehorst, yid honttplighl to tWt}
or lochoirs, in rorroshio sight... "^.. "
Wein el re. to township alonewsr, sod rial"a Citron/OW,
row, rho loath half al to Orawar sr
on.. aid Units: as" I=4 7Vin, ln . tow Dada
of maw twirra.
Th. Mae. cast of ntatlis tithe...: of unrnArlD
tvliotr of man thistwn. a
ges=r. MN, oat "n"" ,,iast •Isttia
Eller thrstikiw. , to toy whip warty3Nt. of .104• 1 . 1 `
1, in lb* furl Come a ISPLINIWIIIELD.ecoarcorcir as
:Vg. , 1 4 b•;&20. 1. 1 . 121 . e.....*1=6.a . , .. ib taz . ... 11
and fnartastattorraitapt,
as mita,/ thsAlTApils.W osiothAn•
Wow, rwattydwo, of Moo twiniftwo. •
lhwothip tan...t z t=, of= tw=s. RKllmt oiti„.,
tiorry•tarnr.ndwiestr,thlitotot tairtireta,sontis oat
old :QM Llor, township M.. , now at was. Moral ,
actional Winship to ;diming fa the litata
Lino. of num crratralm, flgritrr
otos, thot.t -two. thin and thistrdows.
lands kr low to Ms usr a ertredar
nrf .mo‘fiwor regrebor wit% •ttrear nun& rd .
orcrisorsel woo ord. aicat thcr•lrr far anatl•seles. If
cal% wilco m.O br wanted 07 Lb.
ow day. synclinal to ohs oionarovreassis Ms
Was nworettirly. under ttor Act *litho., - Au At to sow
Melba OW. of 1-rta.aosa .4 ottwo lila. so Uwe
'mussy laswire sword haw
Mk, la/aroma As ra~saarthe mina Alai rwr
no. *sad !noon. trinnolbro orsalid h7 c+r L cf
foe an 111.7 roodsral to tba 1411* kw..
11,4 ea pawn= an ratett n otwor.=4 , 4ort„ , o wl =
Th k rtirtrit rd ' ri ' pliaistle iriptlo WI ilarrnuroar,"
andrunal 30 Marsh. 1141.
'a lit minion, of tho watireolt las& hill our
, d p o o r n d la ,.
trinin thd yr hanotraar.o. t
w a bw i t h
R t r acwoLewo ovdw t o a U nUmit rs
a olm
=to d4rrrcli b h w
ee J t ihad Whops a y e n ton...bah two
• worts, aid twagrtrato ostrrof air pi On WO di Wink
Want anal, wilow Oar wryirsidos of two wart.
ilivan under ray hazel at dr City il !nob MU
opg.r . Vgr, Stay : Ann* Souti===litt r.
• by ttia . r I
- • • .m...,.517TrFP1UX1:P1....
• • - - - -
4 11 711 . 17:1=r h”U"" nr 1 =4
sou. roaedoosted., b da " Ur am Va.
atl../dottoa of the ...tido datilvedloor of RR "tow
darn and auks IMMO , / lbonnAbir 'IOxl• .P.M . ..
t,,sep, MU adtdo tbd dd7 ed .. 1 1, UR
easimesoinado pobild sold of eta Md."
tied as
. eldam t. athirst... dab clam .Yin ...FIRM
. .
I.3nomidetobed of Abe Orberdi iardirdies►:
- • meXclem - .IM • ,
ors iesumwr.o7 savprzno) sum
, pursuareoeof law,i, MILLAAD VILIJIOIIZ,
Predicat or tho tialioll PAW pf.Aaocrlao„ ito Ner,by
sad oats allprro,lar4 ariMir. . will !II Oda at
aaderctentiostal Lsati tJaam la Mr Nato of Mo. at
par a rrridt== rd it it h ltrAlb wit_
Ilar, U. ant day of Ittptegior aostit " = ..., o 2
potato load* sitatiatt la Mobilo, as saar4
.21 • 014 of Pa base /lay ortaftnart ar dr ARA priwapa 0,6
• • •
. .
lownsfity srysotymins, of nosy tombola.
Tommblps omentrobomml meant% rano MIRE.
Toomsons setwsky ono sod stextbol nate Mttirtoll.
• TmitmbitmOwntstrolaa. Mikan.' Mmblyose,of moot
thilty•too. . 0. 6 ,..
. Toomablp tight .of mese thirlyilyra •
AM. Lona Si /MIMI/JUN otommodos so lbw
4i.tials. 9 =l. ts . y i l t ifd=exabas oest..=
a llals=
to mit.
Nora et Om tom tim oat ost.Y.lf the.MS Swnwind wt.. ,
' Somtuddp intern. of nate kafr:.. u. ....... .' ' : •. : •, '
Towsunip www•M f 4, fm
. Strirstnip *newly. of toot lb
Al nu Land OZ. M. DU 11 Y. Me Ma:W. tio • sts),
' neat, day of Assam oast. Ow 41sRal ot Wm Mikis.
moll Island to pectins sobtodom Mg .40.br0. Is lows.
11=3,1b . v. two leoftla , llll.llsooss , MM. aZUsisooLbosel
morn, of Ms. , ens men Malts ali relorlpil ssol
t ionarassok by Ztpr u tile4Lithoiall. 111 I
w=s9r . Se on= thereby bat Wal..
tors ao y WM. WWI bombs - WI by Um Slats wallyi Mo. Ow
I.M..days spin and too Ms manommenor 1 Um mkt.
veriontwalf i rter the An estil ... Mt Act w n ,
solgyttblo rb.l7 l .lmY sow nerMt
Z I Mr,, Itt i moral be ..d OO4 fro .. ai. And mo b
Wine fory tug bpsattm beretwfbn Rental by mil Iser of
flnsyses,_for mllttay . 3.o plotend to Um - 17.46,1
i finsom eel bi remind sew cf IM tommerdsmedMlMM.
m swwwidot by Its set ... As ma making swoon.
Cass for no M. - Miami diplanstkerspattore of tioverosmat, w
I int sorrowed 13.1111amb.1131. • - , L • .
' 'lbw offering of tbe nods will btce thit W.
sonStmet. and =mod isAlte ontsrla they ms OF
malted Mtb In enur..ku illmax-bilmittltbs rbdte nail
bon o.osoffeted„satt the mdm lbw 71..4. bot *0 0010
obmt M. kos ores Tosser atemrso mown, sod so mints'
mitty of ..r of tbel bade VW be mbnittail sow aft., the
-gZrof Ito o weeks. . . .
andeirmy tw bawd at no City of Wisblostra. On
irtsib WI Si My, As= Dnna . _ pps. t..smispd!fsitt boo.
d"d .. ".*.
firlis.: , .', ‘"••••".
'”A". " " .•
,i. turnerl'lk. •
. • Canailirlaiar of sta (Moral Lulu urn.
ti.ll. Wool 4."
same ro r.4:477 - rrioNdsmitas.
gm, ante memo totes chaste peacapece to ay
of the a .. .annals Ito loweatar=a ectabfet
abaft aemenset to tale s IrSlie tome
of tla maw ream seta cape lad
tt..f..;=enka....mretat aim=
.tir=tratt pf
• •J. turtettarlat.
Cbonamhzen at tione Mod Vete •
Baw,B • • . .
Problem reprinted. with :cor
• nether atel ettlltkes. arm armee.
• b /told , •Ws of the Po.titeno• by the smear d
14 !", d ~/Fg!"'Lm ' a u.4." 'lm n•
Maori of Cleopatre, GIDW‘v F.i.Tpt, by iteet;Abholli
' TOW?! =rid Field ikOh " oilies Metoletitota;!.. •
• go. 1 of Lead= Wee sao the WWI.= Poor, • •:' •
Ttr obeys liketalse etemind sad linear DT • -
JIM •LLL iSTOCtt Taff /Wiwi •
Books, &aka * '
CLIMITZ'S Ristomof Onteco.--A Hilda
Ttftri.wratrAWiWl.. ol Ijihiltqlli=i
11 1= I lt• P rie . Ir in p r#
sal lb. I".
W. " .6 .11 .1 / I srtto u
" 4. Vs7isod; ea....1 . 144•Tarkt.
Iltr k :f oi ..!, ism th .
O. d. Tod . 1.. - 7 - aJL4WW. (Ww/o. UT W.
:Wr'Nerr Toth4B.i CM .
C"' W W= n at'igl[ZW l TS4
.nalesa Xj, 24n gr i .y Loring .0.11
r. stetchnt. rWr.!,/ q
N.v . .. t hiflifigtettx/
WwW , lol.te. Um WC. .
Manna Novo. Ih. St
1tc.4.6.s and .ue*rou.malikai of lani
~. `;;t.
ar s t.
- "'ON TEE'EreftrtSlON 'CANAL: ' • '
Mtn Racosma. I:aadmo d .
TrIgPROPRIETORS of this old nod. woll
addi Lfd wad Edam tla aa thi ti , j , t tb „,,
now to lwr tb: wowow .; Aul bare mood.
ad mai Lail. ars ft s tp .
IMMea=."7lbettn. ad t Afl tad Ado d LOU
Lla• •1110. maddalr eta, Iddlaa, add O d M a ma
I°4 ' 4 , • . "7_ loWatoiutuoliir Ulna, •
=ea tar. 1, des oda baataidd da...rideasta
W. 67966 .them5:N. 1 .9154.6 P. 4
t.. 1 1 -15.
• Wm. Art. 6
• , 4114 .
r i f63l4A I
• • u. ill
.• . .
ior . . -—_
Me* Lake Supere.-1851.- I
• D m 'Wirier' NORTIMER, emit. B.
• Ir ff ...i.t.. 6l %=C:re s elthel=sh.tivil
...,,, 4 ne te, ant heip—etud wyettly theewalt,esaa
thy. at el 6 -o,kett -r . NI:. to the Beat tie. litalh. '.
tZVp=lN., ll `ithl. kad: 7:r a,. o,''''ltil
itspertor. as the anent the rthaerr Nhrttterwr.heaktat
ha=emetly M., throughout the whom be, , hho
taqtbsOoppresaJ iron Mtn.. • .
rIYS t;
shitljlft, , catamil aLiketkal Scab.
AZ ' ltrat ft llt=t l Tho seritaltl=l, 6 =
traslet/g44, la aor abort at a. to. .11.4144 aa . aar
'lperiSntAl - et*.f
tarbl•lBttwilalmllls, r.t hri t =zl . l= l l
llnleleNo t" rihmllranaVeytajo,
Ner,=ll7kwzgllartc m i ef Man za.
IW JaAl . .h..=n/E:oloi=larllgagiaaalthrj
ER WM lop blkbet,
botlawat klust
gear be asomm* lU.Sti4
Vaaspo rtati# Lined
arrKcen r•:
fiCHE CANAL being now open, we areften
,l7 realrf fir
•=• proDDIII• D
r u 4
.reban..lto. eV{ mot.
/frights alms" at: ram awed br
PlOtlues outtl Sfrrriff•fin will be refelryd furo,4e•
*An sad vest imboo a t dfiref fur tarrardla•
'TV r ib t iA Ibrw ---- Infetkass fal4VDir
' 4 ' l4 ta ' . ArinaEll"lf O, Cinal fDr.:
' • Om Many sad Warne O, If Daman. •
DOODAH • DOC ,)6 MIN art.% ,
Streeth arid Fatal tta., 111132.1•4016.
JAI4ES IVILSOh. Aral. • •
nratft l ilLat.lia piCitroet
tie •
SEM • ;.4.1351:-.•••lllffigia
;•iderchiti '4olf •
Ts*; •
our IMP ICI Pf 150 ., •.1 • , •
If e.ANDLTI. a Ctly Caul Lta3l34 haft WM..
FIAT:AL itAITOR. OtatrgDlock. Bead ili , ; ml:iblhir
I. ;unve i l
Ahp=tc. ,
trit:to . iipd%;,
tee arnylat btit is cot ttz
TT , O7llLiTka = N.
LiSgfia . .. 1851.
To Shipp& okVerchiuutisPialialcAc4 .
...rum saarnana kaa.adircaLas am* a. yam.
, TATION LorE:' • ..
u itinre ac0.,pr0p0,,t... .4:1 54
Elo=osnaa Mod, •
SUL a Amax, °maxi dui. ilttdaaria.
Joe. TATUM a Boa. Agesta. Bahas,
id• a• ata. AI L LW Pattaniasala
OWL le <canna 10/ hat 111 rain, 534 gal•
adagew as
sub &swatch add VW uwar Watt Idaa.
• . uLltass
EMMA 1851
• • Pittatragh Tnun;lirtation.Line •
. JAMAS s uo, • 01. Cao..11:6•11,
Boy tirtb o MARAS and CWb
one•itimm — • '!
. _...
lIAVING folly 'completed oar. atrinart
ants. re WI Le iermmd_apr Us. aMaaMila Aa.
aczalau.L....altthaimag..t I. alal l asa nat .
LaWntlba EL foal. At its esataAA AMA
lams mambas: MI/ mos Jis
lu patabmalcare ipso gar ob:
z p2=dorret:Lwe ß r na r..
Ai alkolaa bl .47 al - VAft. .._ ~...„
.. u MOM 010f131.1 olliV•od W. OnfOtilloo Of
VOL a L*. Maciamta It. aLb. SmainAlm, pan r1,..i ii
mown... bL Losals aUI sm. rat( WOW oLLOOtOOno
o r Wm tkas aotaramatiarosbassrer alb IL
SW Mama Tram:a:ALM Liar ar M..
W. W. WILSOB, Watch 11111#erj
Tal ic 'kV
Offin. qi Fora llt, - PilarrA
. in .Frx/meats, • JcwiLar,
J 1104 Wan. *WWI Qua's. l‘alpt sa.l coral.
=14.14. Wan. thr , T.S.tolqq., ae: 11.4 row
Imusasosts. swl • gr.' le rieb.
.Ig4.o.lhollinishiq goals. awful list arinamoul. '._
iire1 .. 02:z= ".,,... =mu" aanlard I*.
lawLti Patent Reversible Water Filter
NoW•to be Been in optlation st
TATE It 1074:5., .71astIont. Ka In taw. !Pt.
;era 2 :;irs r Ir= VT Ll 2, •
:7.4 • Gertll3.o. tn. t4 l =lle=e•l7:4:=
at i lkale t :=l: it4=l4 imt ter.
.1 1 ,7_
ne nenthi!lkilentos=sA Ws
II itirjessned to .tostwart W. Wm, 5.4
e th• robe. Ibreoesttrle 14 Ott
••os.d try Ms. Irmlo.. MM. ose4 woof slums bolo en
•J wet. tun . • 'I
OKLIII/11. 71.11 T. lit 1 1 1.7 irts.lo . • , .
• Pars....7...lierth ?Lb. 1•41...1
The PO.. Rm.. , Wet. 111:erre. tow..
.2•••••/ IL. Is rte. sal umml by moo Leo. N
= u t,
r t. r.I•ono, I l ithat .7 7 . 01
a *tetra., 6••• It Is ene wore 1.•
Wm.. Ilb lb. Jur/Art P. /AI uLAIIIO.
Kw Y gtesamr• Cairo."
Ct., we warmed to taart •st sty MOO et
teas soy orb* tem tkeemit.... 7 ..
.1.7.71r01. tb• water. lb. en yearn.. 0.1.7%
Jt.eaa►l.ltl. ord.., eon .18 last tea. .4 1..1a
only lobe.. to to .1•71.1.4.
=lamb My. Ptill•Seliet.
ROctingbank . and Domestic litteansWara.
sloalasara at ttrollaghan sad Yell. C.. Wu.
alire.ftleonvor 111.• anal Mott atm..
13..• mu.. rat Sta. fa J. • IL
:WM Wbolft. roe,
oar .11.11.1.• Wftat as.. via en MI rms.!.
apyr peuer t Satire. ban aba •IF
tarp pea witla Inaftv.ll.l.•
M ...ay.
IVY. Una P.... T1Y
Taw. .. 0•64 , 121, 01 , 13M1 wodwn• •
Nita Java sad ft.. llasmak Y•. le ca." ..147.
•---- • - • •
Heating And Ireptiatio-...
‘• it.uur H 112.. m ii•l•ls.o•l.throas.lactur•
&ma, Mut Wee.. Nam. Vairralwa, Polbui
!ago few/14MM Woe. vwsbile •••1 /4....1.•••
him mai IM7lll# ittoymns. or imi/ imr. , ••• • ".•_
tas W pengs...itlw•thskar .2.Bred: rts•
aarr embed 11. ml t•
A l =b• Mural at {ikr.l
t• serpend • bo•n• 11.1,88.
11.114:mo dr Oa ...rt.. 4. - iirt/Ama •••Ntlar;U ar•
at smemtlfuil, to•tal wpotilor WE. +a IL*hrt• ••
sh. 0011.1 •2•1 I•• • •••14•••••• mulizst 1,11. St ul
uired Yew..." •i ive: aTalsb owls . . ! nolo. es.
.111 Wa
dut. or dsto mom owl WA, N tram In..
_ IAwI
LHAVE JUST received from the East the
fAlowl.o loplactrata. all of the tog
the most la..lcas. oadi I 4..4 Untie
kW.... Pall sad ...Ina Is, flock.
.13•chlo.a for eon, MYI
aw, W.^ ie.
Lira. Dril .tau.
lb.; Warr. Carom. mod hunt v.v. -. I
rusv 4411 Cara Ault CUILLINI bccurc • '
V•rllatisikot Wien. .
Ot - lotelVere Mein Illata.
.; (Wiled awl Um. entre, •334 Ilown. . •
LUINsal t timur pax pnag &nit... . . ,
All mostofrannal tbe t ea t laiaLqUl4 sal gs . ssks
" °'. j."‘
''''''. l
11. WlCllliSillalt. Y .
, siel. . r " C.ra.r of We:4,W Ilitlibigig.4 .
! . Beatiogarea Patent eterobloijibi . •
nATENTED, July Zth, 18.50-Foi win . g
Naglital Obi tol l ems If cialinx nualwirkMi.
.Ahm p.m& ft., ant alv imyrat. the tr. ROW
1.1 gissa agrergals Malta. etklagaill
/now! we tbia4 1.0.4.... .. •
1/swamp—rim • t Slisls a •• la! ls 4 SlMiHri
nWtAlirglsUlr'rMf. .iiL Oda wholes& sal Mill by
. , i d v. datums. 67. w.cd____
'. - , .,....:.......0t01............;,.••
y subscritxrei iini now . So l o - Atept4
.4 . ..3 1;art=b1rrtutm a t e x l a=z4r.
,04 L.A P0t..2tm1Y , 04.11e. it Ls mad. of new of Monist
to Us rietr4asees Lamm: and Le Ti calsfully meleet,..l
elce.seet preelems to irrtalor.
• Mt J. tsetioontans a cio. tatrG~t~ .tl ?t6
4. IINM a :ZZ tailed, ' a btaatifal
Sir Tii•
• WILSON Jr". r:
• , : 1.14 : sr trwaa ai...a. ma:, of Yo oe~•
Ira:MLLES! SWORDS—Just :redo lot
*.'~ht t.
. Jaw' T Ike -1.
.VINSEED 01L-1500 galla.lure, for eat
Lit . MD 01 L!.. pn!a winter,
MO! 0011olguanal. •
IQUORWE RIXYA-7609,1b5. foi sal by
IA jai
, 1)1113 MCIAL4-15.tons fin.
00 side by
SDI • ' " Arns tw.
7 A DRS'.
/avoltsabli ladixkld s nettled tope
6"".'6"'l"rangUniliry hitn410',1.31,"
driI . TARTA.R, 7 7I,OO irm. for eT•iceii
Y4l . ' lu
tTut Vag&
UtTON prime; for
ima• byt baySEI MTV. MATTION Iftl •W. :
recLus-BARSAPARILLA.I-A few dos
mews Mum. be sou • .
avowal Mod
..,10 41 a. num csrOct• • CO-
I DR 44:50A4,:ieb:1
Icre Nest floods!
VOIVITIMANDING 0444vaaced . state
lof Liss SWAM... socrelsoi sOss4•=2=
mobs. of Noo tlootta and bow opm this
.rf soo4
w ndrl x , sf:lstet LUset e 44 Ifabotr 1111 , 07 11M Zoos
sod , Bus* Do Woo
Elm . ao cl
dasirohlf IshY,.h v., oil I soil
111.110 • boacurisLo.
.ossuer of. Mouth soft Italie. mutt
• . amp Met De Lain ,
opaad let of leo (n Ina) 6laei De.1.2.N.0
s 'irr daft
I Mtra arta. & , 22o . a
abi r t t na
smaotri= yuto, aml csetr:V,
LACK ,I 3 • . .11E—An Witiopal supplAs
I_P rft e t thr morales ot lb. don
8111.0 '
DIULPHT • 1111131 D.. •
Tip =luau 156111.111NIYAL lIALZ OW
A. A. Mason 41 Co., 62 and 64 Mutat it.,
iivlLT i zr T urz y 2 2 n ,A
Their Tibblesels Lasso .111 be otstg4 0 tgirtail '
..d 000ry amid. throusbouo Ua etlebUsbtoeue
LW At en latiterur• nd oetlagb Boa astabl prim: 0 - ,
, floylotitvorettly touts
a y
t aw.
wet ell' be fowl very choke sad &liftable. - ••. • ...,
toolralcoo or itilla.'eotrucielog DOM &Mb
will beelossi oat se. UMW!. SUINGIIOIOIb
Uold Ilbse Mini as tow
.. . 72 ''T
SUB Polk a.. •-.. —........—.. , 1144
Bet Nrsge Liam - 7= .... -.- .. - ....,..: ' •
Thst Colored 1awn5.....Z.—..-...--...-......,....: tr,
Ylos Premed tberage....- ..... ----- 1 4 •
Me 'melt 3socetet— —..,--..........
tit r A illoeb =I bbe11ek . U1ubetee.....,_.......2 fg
100. T.s7L;:viiiii.:::::,..—=, •
boo %Med Coalart-......“..-...—.......---.—lr
fad Oulenvdo.llcose-... . ~., .. .....:.:.....8 a.
ICO twee itoslith and laoselesiOslkum..-:..„........10
XV .. •
nhctsoti Wes blembedabd BUMP NNW , . St WI
. . •
Al" I. be=etre, T 7111220 . 1. etafery. ak. , m. -
!J. : , Welts Uwe; lbotmeu. libeels, 1.. °Lbs. Ls, to**
5.2h . V11 be 00 00. =gtt ' b " /vt ' ft ' et D Y,srae . n n s
•boloule prke. • ... I.)ali . . 4...4.. ItAreOVII OU.
. • - : Chkidi toi Warm .Weather. . . ,--
.NEMPIIY &BLifteIIVIELD. at die Nor th
bud comer of Potutb ad Market stnots. an Tell
oup oflUt goods Adopted to Irma wreaker. nett eat
• ftec4eb ate Treneb LAWN fk- - . . • -
Embroider...l tad fliatod KOMI= • ' '• '
Now stilt % 'curb. lloolbax
. .
:date. aird 14111 Mull= .'• '
' Tboy bora lost roodrOd ittothor lot of NNW 00 , 004%
oath at Yaratobi. I. Ulu fax fifforfo. bin& Re...
block Maud, fem. • Cllcrno, bofarsborryo.Dotiod Mott
for do. and. Ode Ottl •ALlorst booby',
Lore., ad DWI% lb lb! . era strle lILOWri e
Lib 'AK eb.Trabt. Pi. M.
Tbolf mm1...1 bobbf TM Ulf: woe ..enstitat. som:
dear ..f maw nob, oat tol4.ostursotstuctotod La
ore =ort to boron 'to esti so& Imes *Olt
• ...
r - b - vET CAREETS.—W. M'Clintook ham
Is stow ad far was. th• lannirt limorteeral of Vod
ir hepai not e2e.111.• LW lust id. Cbrpot Wombs.**
!Pw. waintluc
CARPETS.—W: - M'Clintdclr.
it ham le atm and fsrkn. maw ,
rt. IlnuolstUpplo, to which b. WSW altaattaa al
curtotoon. Duvet Warebaus• Blo.ll,,falath al. 14 •
. a OLIO*. Jun nealvad prr 111.awm ...r.4.1r
. 1, ant / al Um Wen moor .4 Irina& ankh*. • •
• • ••••••••.• MOT Ci1.1)4 triallitiON•lo.l.,
*bleb tbr erstossses is issues at Ca est
4% !WAS ft.
Mote New Tawas.
A. MASON'A CO. have .justleceadl
ihu a ggata7. oo .•• l 74l . !„, le.
Lai. at h•AZ
triBONS ItEriaEDl—A. A.: Muer&
as sr,. DOW &Chi eat tbattothanarock it
jOis a tir s. wit4 Moist Z U M •
white Zane"nes " •
IRAVE on hand • largo assortment of lin:
P.t.d .ad Mantras 3101111 Y. of rpltri. OtrEfh
rrratli rectored rrtm,
. - •
lIMIE • ffnbacriber,• haring made arrange
g inentiL enonsonmins of asbk kiLP
mon Lis sling 1,14%. i t st pf Attila It sirs=s o t ; ''' us * lt
irt i g
famishing laphyrllformal:' Plower PonserLam
Vothrsilfo. Parmal. Mat. and Irtimid asal hismilla
CAM AWL Elms. (MR T 11 1 . 1 . 1 0 ,4 Il!"
prnsUp robed presch me WAIL
, I. O. BATON.,
To iffllintft •
IRAPE LEIS E, blue, whits sadpiek
tAtw Maw. NIX '
.dad blot . • .!.
111...1. *IAN W. , P.M.4 Snag . .
♦rtiblal PoWer... 4..; tit Me " •
‘,../ tom ttnt ark tam gat* ed. bp. iudi Mark
tvapo , 11. alms sea o.onNe web •111 le mad
cf., .t .W 64
AWNS: LA NS 41: - Iielboox (la
t.... 4 wild ,01 tair th at
g Mantel
rt wry, sasrq law Alablif,
etet!il=r " rrecLe ' =
aW ues a/WWI =OM' r..blit•
Sine Alit&
!7" "
4 . IItAPII 611/CWIA . at reduced prices 1—
V, t . It In uz
..I=u Cry. 74ts}la. At
IA SI LAWNS! at CriEW:per yard:—
LA A. A. 111.40 X A CO. nrw o&naa Übe IMINS
lei M Aliso Lawn...A rnIALLWA La An tit/. al al
yr.. Ina, 4Alawas wow yarA 111111..i.900 1/44:10AR1 Mess
Lifters Ls wwww•llully Att:
ty F :Ts • . • . x 4, 0 .
bow de&enelsal m dedibutliMlloolrot Lbalt *gel
1? - 216 - al YLOWEltS!—Theyon i
I..X;"= " Mr f Ca l gtitW it'a l
4.`st r•tml• 1).1 . : I A. A. ma • Z4ll.
Piano ana Table. Cototo..._ _.• 11
A. MASON. b CO.. wooldmealy
• 1 217.4=r u ri,tftVitt%di k ""Zr e '
. = .4 1.0=i
lorrltf. Y. ILL /So. fi •Td Anat. Hi
far Mm'
,J Noon alma. Turftlo. cadisTITTIT. .
, T •. 4 .'Mr of min TAM 1.1114% Tad oliame,
lit ITT 4/4/01.4.. .... ••
Doclllai rearlyellaimltettii: aboomper.
lied Moats TM inipMaT Tow. ..• • IsTa
- - -
RAVE jun received. direct boa the hi;
poeilmh•lant. samurai a Us 05106114 Vat t
•al o.lllkm. Carta& Maki aserm•Mallitods.
unr _.___••••u! • In!.
*optic (Wait — • •
CASES Green Mixed Jesus;
sir Y : aak.
The Glove ovals ane eau nee4 ham satins muallets.
oil earaiwat. awl lar saeagulautlarautaa
num.. arm. 1..11
411 d
a_mt:ta b erel k.UT AZ%
:wt.. toasty &a cas Woes.
. .
pofit ezeenent cm*
. oat re *so awn et sena imeltfeasdai sad lir
lo eiStai audio Vocal&
• UI •
( I )4.vrToN *HOSIERY a GLOVES-7A Gill
rawnwst of .11.1 on awl Nal
t LW@ I 11 , 7 ".
i t , tir a rirld t = krat, AWL Gaol Ccass no.
...". b lll. YAWS. totrth
• • ! 4 ' as.litain7L)*°l:.
IFLOOR OIL CLOTII9.-4 Imp. saa. of
n .. 1111 Mau, a 2 221.112ka noctiut Om 4 . 01 lt
e aro provelli SO /Al W. la, IS MO MY CY
Tareb..4 as lb. 6M. iforrauts W Wags am
maa• - ta esti /ma math.. osjillit
Straw Bonnet tod Bif ~t3X NOON.
No. 105 blur= Sneer,
lAIL PALMER offers for wile, at my
• 10. peak a MI aimed:Lost al Stew sod mais•
Zl'on7g-rerelra ..e.imerins_pia. ssA t.ser
... it.... 04, °Sep, Mlles, Lam
I'MTS—lres.. ... imthe. lad
u MN. Ma . 1'....a. lierts&=-Itt la
et.. togborn. Jrnl.l. bi., mre, Isis. ie., .4 ihit.
Nine olswey. o=3, nod Mow lbnax. la gnat van..
et, of rt.* sod
RillAtUN.V—ltlch lkaaust 1.154 Scarf. Wale. bads anclTst.
Ibur ail widtbraed eakmr. laser Ono.u.ea4Cmollyn.
, LACES-I'44s .el %rural whits at.d rolond COO WI
Cabo liwltn.
Ame w 1710010/o.9—Coviis. Tunis, Buttons. 11.4.1..
11 / 4 . Aratiti—biseh azel Ametcsa Swiss, band. ..eul
Mri b illirllrrl M-01w, im. 0. It.
se.e. um. 0. Mee, Irlannew, Lod ottuu .71.• .....1.1
qtelelltim WNW.
WM'S—AMA- 0 4.llt{fe AM wimp. .
Algo—Kirb and low priced Parsonb azoi Ciabntinta . y
lin. ae.. ie. •• J .
2121Z01T22 . 1..L.4
adatlYd roTtatlebaoWaor tot Bprlar aaaftal of PrLbn.Dl. CaltlM,
foosat style. ha Ameieso. Itaallab, *.a Moab
a.aa oplaoall aosortootot of ~..0
.rock of a and Cloths
of wry gyafte.ble shade am
no *Mob do I
00retorurar ZVI
Oats weft at lb* Alloakoak...3l—or;Zrir: *=.l
to O•teralittod to odor ot stub prten so oravtme
to tavola= with • tbot oat call lbo
a ova tblo ootobibbmoat, bott also otUtrial:
, 1 14 ,.= 10 a.
. ' .' V McCLINTOCK . ', .. .- •
Rua +
'• ' tisooiiiikast 2...l.totrisironditiork 'I -
-16.ariliub.aidthessoisni*wmis i - . II ;
' • • -. CARPETS. •' ' .--: -'.','. - -
' ' e r a HontH Wirt Pik 0..0.4.4 d15..1111.
retr i 414 . J.i..110 7 .0d4 4244...p0f. I NA.. . mg
r i .,. ard,,-..,LuNtt: 11-iv:4r . .." 44. et4n
pull. do; 464, 64, u 4 •41 , C.4 .124 votioadls. • !
RUGS, lIATi‘ OWOLOTH.B...Iis: i i.:.'
.s.hittbeam , stostrVZ 4 faVggilittl:
do. do; :woo. JJ.
liblop kllo do 04, - .40•42.144 do. do: 21.ruro 40. ao, 4 / 4 . Vol u opt.. Sea log 424034. •ad 24.
Al. Oil-Bhr. l.lolor.t Or It oar aloe bailor 11.1131. ,
14.74. M. 6-4, *40.10 4 0
0 02.404- - - -
Ai.—ttuLir.n.4., a air.. Conet Bbodlorrar I.l=
PM Itsplo; 04,44.43 4 IrotUour WA, ur
.0 Mover; liu.tobact els. 2roOrporrat Win4oonhafreg
Men% indoor iinthadr Vraltisa biladir. Imbooros *um
Carrre do. UM. 404 .40.•21401.1.. Wonted Toblo do. ,
• ll.Loir t rporird soa par.. 4 pay = t.ti ,„
, swot Ki• net:RIM DOM . tn•
' Frat:t7., -4tx.-can,,171„,,:r1.*,,-.,
' 1:1.12.1 4 611 , !=ifZi." . ... ,' .5 .1,3 A,4
The Carpet Warehouse, 85 Fourth stre.R.
1 i nich.ll..;- , :. .. , , . W - . McCLINTOOK. :..‘
no)uuREAL- GOOD Ae4ll,
r z.bikati got
or &mum ars Morn:
- - d
. • .
SO ileirlBslpickhid
a: • so o do do &7 . do •
.". bo/t talk do •-` do
Limon izol. Ws by • ,
the) . JO/121 WATT a 130.!
:piss -10 bbis. new Like Trout;
, IIIhL 7 7 .
ARD-20. blilsaioAgfar sale 1, 7 '
1' _OLL-tbbla. Na !•••for,:le
N . 0..3. ittACKSREL-50.bblevior salet7
AkT4Vir MACKE • '
Far who Dr ball JOIIN — WATT cu-
•SIi•SUG • ; • . 4
VUTMEGS;—I bhl.lNo.,l;for
•.t , „
XRUPWEnderirood'a Sue Lemon Syrup.
pemy SALT—A supsrfo I. r
6 article for the
dairy or tabs iptiya, MLn 1 lar WWII*
gala Ml 7 AJVCLUBO d
r 11.0 • itar-60 • • . 3,' f• by
raylb truasimase 11101111,JX.
c 3 !KO :=4lllllMa 47PM'
4 W. ,
Lake z: . p: 18!1; " i ;•
a. a. aLanaLa.
1- 1 5 0
.N 4
1.7 Ja2o Inca-11°01AM t Ob.
CP FJS I bL w v it r i fiMgg i cit. by lt
, •
ED 4EACIITES-4.00 taeltp47 - 1,14 . 4,
azr" ou—la bble; Imre, for 'tale by
' „las EassoLlErneroo;: ;
ACO 1111111: 100001. •
"IN l UD • . • .frf.,4103
1911-45 bble. Nerw.White;
‘I4LERATUS-100 boxes! pore;
1 1 7 , 03 . •• . izeilmm!u•
71 ' 1)? ` t"*es . r°- "lttUittx.
itTACOI4=4S c5aY4 18 4 .614, 47
9 t„ br
- D 69 Wart st.
VIIEESE- 7 80.boxes foi eale by_
ItilLOKEßEL—Qaartin- bbls• - .No. 1 lilt
BACON--: JD cpFrecehed 4e forinie by
jdo . - ^ vim* smuts:rums,.
INSEEP.OIL--10 bbla for =b
110C'OLAT&-:•M` Mo&,late'
-- , lrmriumvemums. -
ti 0 L pf, done,* o mut*
tat*. kn. pie 1.7 ISAIAII D co: -
wan.* haat ot.
Lard; it* 4318 'on - cow
ssfacnnt. -
, Vir 2f 9:l 4 ls l 3 r lSClN oarla,
UA ' C'ONLSOOO lbs. Itog Round, on consign
mow, ;.: WOODe • EON.
aDl$ll,-10 drums for ask by. .- -
• rIa7STYISIiI3,IkII; 1 : - Prfailf4
• r0.a..0...a5i Citified_ Obr *kw
- 41.11.13 46.11 U MESON CO.
10—:ics Caiina, fur c a bs byl • . • .
JaiIIaWn7WHINON a co. '
%UgAE Ithdi: N. d.; for tale b
PORN.-4° bbts stielietb for sale by • '
kao 3. .C..1 - BONNHCOUg t op :
•fiIIYESE-35 htsforlissle by •
X). JOY , - e X. VON ..BONNIIO3BT, it CO.
bbb is store and for sale by
• , ISAIAH DICKEY s 1:0..
AVILNA SUOML=.6O ,Dss -i wLlte -Ifs
vaaa mud., '
L •
•1 OAF SUGAR-30 bliLs 10 f enigar (an
sortolavosbon)tor ode '
80. U 4 Wu. stmt.
RICE -:-19 tierces focesle by
}.4 WWl' is IeCANDLL33..
•it i eaD-VbbLNal for sale
, L
QiAttl4l-40 bane Ilar.briat'a extra fpx
by . - Inert WCADLESS, •
. _
T ARD OIL 32 bbb,.
w. UGn.
lizow Itiforesierby
_jwl• a.l. VON BONIIONST t CD,
griORIRR7:4OO tit& prime Green Rio Col
wv ike,nteitut Las toe Sag bT
Ott -15 deices Fresh; forsole by
; • VIZ J. .6.lqAtilo :
'DRIRD REEge-.4.00Q re.
mind ma IbtialebT , J.A ., tc:
UGAR---fAlbhdo, received and for fade b 7
-,- • ,
- ----
'VI—OU R.Rst-10Q bbld jtst-reoeived , and
ix ..kby . .o, ~. ,ip, ~-.. A. lit; 41.1.NRAVOU. •
IVIAUK Ell--50 'lt& .' No.; 3, , 1851, in
Oa, ale by. dar 6,W:111=0.1W/1. , .
1101 YE F :—!Xibblitr*efioui rot galeby
...A..... .........z „
Q ILLERATUS-41. raild. - lbt' dile DT,r -,,!:
0 jog - - WIC!. • WOLN 7 7
CORCHMOS-=soBl:sorimeomn hsf,'
fa fDifilair , ' - Jed -, - Irta a a -
R°llllA-IWITOBACt, I / 2 0—;21:1 kegsV l -- 'lnes & arecoutes.- -
&.l24,l33ikit lwirr: ca.; &es gills; the Bert ot
Abe eildelset tit gal areitt , oolr..lbie Mir
vill los Anted the Noe teltvhotesi ::Xlet. ft:et tea
be thed Ila evoltsehoW harpoon. mites le teeth In bat
e lael eAttetitettUM_the Seel Am& is
I .137. Cotes ... with le cent eavlbe ot
met Wale. above be ' pot' wlttoottveateat
of 3 oat 0 lbs. edth lea .._etteth=t Ite• I.
= 3, ; , ~ , . •. . . _ WI. itv Ava:Ll.llo3 4 00,
.• lar..V ' • " . • •, - ( Mewl end Tea Dealer.', .
- 14 — YEFLOTIRIC bth for salo - by'
s.DALECLL CO, Liba.4 rt.
HESS—SO bcizes pal W S.: Ear!Web) .
mum • ••• • - MULL a Oa.
ACON-43,000 Sitoulden;
•. 't t sro"sotsa cm
LOUR-10 bb
... 4.141 , :i _ „,
AtriaTABD.UtED-500 lbs._ for sale by:
-.l:4"..rAnimstocc co.
lot ACON 'HOG BOtail
isicsipuidir roanil&
RED' BEEF-3000 lbc'fcir sa3e by -
TArn , • • • 6. W. HARBAWII.
Uag-4"-!;1!"!4;1f4Ill. Ills
i tio to to eseo r llr d . h i llosAl ib rll,,%roLbpag2 2 l.
eve s.d
U Tlrreall
. f. 7 .
Jr 2 Orcons tkod Toe
B . 00MS-250 dot 011{11101110
- e 112.1666.51
LEa 66).
•; Cornet 4- Wood owt AO Streets, ltittiburgb,
JEIAVE NOW INST 0112; andld iiiii o liiii,
.mot. 14= 7 gccl 2 4 Lth•l Ix 4 :
ia .u. , 1
prime ilms.l.Z 00104. F „; 11(04
• .46 hi l etsts do. do. 60 bo ne Siazok.
/12 . 11Vatxt ("!.. Tiketti-vi.o.b! ~-,...
00 twin 1' /4. X. s =a.Ll.l. 10 ...Jam. 16 ,
• . 010.6 byr64 iii i.
' 05601.6 . c... 1 04 Mick- 0 - 0 -...i4,arc p ,r n sits4 -
- 1' Itetei t aliii i 4l div: '6O &Via Myrna rigg • '
, - 2 sal 60Imats. • witts,poonam hvecis
10 4... g 5 , 4 r..; ..2 1 t.'"? ‘ 1 1 4 .0. ii ..1 ......,,
.;Pttli`..."' m r- .v:t 1.-, s =41,..t , ';x: :-.
I - . —."....., ... . :. 19 '., s
11 tr z , &wpm;
I. 1 1 ‘. , DMA. 16 almond
I , §
•It b -
II tom il2 d05.11111M.66v:
.....' ',I " " Pepper, - -11/I ,I OD. (169 b. tkd.:
1 ' " " : '2 2 X•X r. ' I ' hu ' •=sZg lri
........._ ... - - . .
"' 1 -' e f 4 lta i n
- Z -
'Io '4
'AN= ,Z-, 7 : Zlf ic r .4 - , ltri ,
I 8
bous a f= : . ".. Arpw go.t, ~ --
Su . Id Bath met" . ,
Ito :.• . • •11 poen ,_ .- •'.„L - - • I ON. -Ilonz balphzil ' '.:
i dam . 16semet bViciunc. 100 awe Haab,. .. i :...
lOU lbs. nupaemPHiao Nous; IC dos. Zatned'Afletmen,
„Iti . `.15--li. bat= , , %, ,•L— , ' -•
•I. II" Audi Yattlll4'
n 000 0 0 '
you we. Aping
.. • es& Dal Sad!: • ' ,
, Ulan, Bath. Whlt•ldiftl. Lod OIL Da
, - riacbtXlc,
34k birstesosit. ea braid. a. ISll.l3sislmk.=
pkics u., MA, sum 1,000 Its Admaidir
Slack .Tesr, Pm.ks &saint=
'•150 kits . rr Issakp ' 11:tig.WSI11*
• Coil Totowa 50 OrosseViestr, , •
15 L
bs es: 00 We: . 1 Mriumslol% , ,
1414 . 15. N ..17 .5 i ' '
'lO4 ewes Wr . o smss . 's Isesssr, 141 , . • •
4 caroms 10
550 bss.l3:lo.lol3NCassc
za,%retk --- • . Om. Smixessst
Iwo kegs rfiali;
t a4vlll . , 64, Frog. s.
:i1 Tal,',A
2 °. " -2 4 7 7 i ttappg,_ ,
31.11,1tL.011tobsiskiled sktdc Gessmat sad . 01-
ling *'il r.U.SlLlV l3 V llilen
nll O.
samonatszt of gua4ll o l,l,
•.• - - 193 Sosso.akel 6Vllrma sm.:.
,-._-.,,,,=,„ ,INsUItAINtE,:.,,:„;;
r littarrirgli Life In aaee
- rtriea
,S_ COMP4Nr • was . ineroris) •Yi
AL-msaassr.• 1.831: a'Perrpitaxl Chute! eila vise
toetmentee4au et eoz 4 tal•161000.0. 1.-1,
'11r4,1 •C " 4 "? I?ttt'haeee bah on se. Jalatatetaaa
Oat the Joint Sioel ptie the ieij4 r
thettf chard h . / .MetetaCcesventeEer Illfeenret peel
Atreer then the or moon. melt immix
err= rata ll* peutt a r4=l " " 444 bi
ll °CC
pr,e2i,'re"'"h•r l / 2
ejrnevtasureeee. eattl Ltweepital end
Charter jlenalta the Kraiithut roo'.rioil.! mil:
ie. every - gttret. Ittehtd/ot the r...-he of vile, thlttliare.
rests. teleliouN Saimaa oreeediton..-t. Item. d
smother lut tharotre trzehte}e• beeeftt.panblealler
aroma the lonia anteing at the axe er bet Nh. OW et I*
tet!he option of the• • „
• • etrtazi:
• Jones& Meet, reveiden t, 4 4 . , ; z •j: - .
,_.,11.1901 .IteClueba, Vim
• -
.nsepb 11. teeth; •
&b. a Dilwor th , " - Mark* Wm;
• MAIO 13/ 11.111lIt.
Ems irl/liasSlVlWas.. I, SS:Marro: ' , ,
Roe. Walser lbrirarl, Igo Sgt-M-srr
Jobs Snyder.2)9, l...blate of PUN bcsb.P.
uaamm lorsb, Wbotextle Omar.
W. ,i B. XeOthamt;Sma
Jerre& Domed. AL D Addlrow. /IL lir ,
lwrcenlati Limb. M. ,
Y.lthairke. -
; Poona D11W0rth.41..U...4 antathelld
ylobert. Darter, IL 102 rconth stmt.
; Jobb L 43 1 ,4041. M. 0,12 birth otnorr.
Wm. Melt. Morgan. !LD loi Liberty - rtrort •
Dr. Dilworth will Do In itlendoriewot.the alko,,Wro*
Diert oftb• ttooicanlib,
• Jrzi4Atr.s C. A. CII4TOS•ZieI.- 1 •
State Mutual Tire
llttalr cif OFFicr-No. fiteemigesTearat---
1 , • rtrelitheCtl. ehlYlet.
ITHE beet evidetwe rif'tbe liteeeitvol , thit
DI iramoichi esliatrathe ftecalre the Milt NUM
-7.1.1W 11v54.1.11.4.vc84.4411 N mea the waste of
the eammauchr.' to the aleseraJeled amount of Melons
tbleb Larberardasen hallos Wool TSAI Polklee dea th s
he pstt year; Ihraeby Wins oyes SI to
_site Piled&
of the Cosopeayi Neuf? ell the propeety WorM ttee tew
001 l tleal to =all rick., wed • these propartteet tolnlesal
Tot . •
-Dad 4s
eafi ed
Tha tegetoltrat Reheant. .
Astosot of Properly • - 07. 81 4 1 • 10
Es . - asoeled,seetsterateLhexpleath**l fel
emceed. tramirested, *spinet., , 631 10 • •••• '
1 1 ;371.
. 1
Whole sist lean .al flu
Bataan Is haw orth. - =Xi*
To city or country metaluotic sal eosin Or deaI:USN I
eralleoletell Aral ratt=Tsmraity..l% is lballread Miasma.
pray etlonta eatrastalse sohtiSita ,'
eV, lore/Sot to no foratrattee Company In coticoosteT
eocitahle atcliteratlFtrabo t t=.
~ ,,t tlos of Risks eaelottkos ell aped* - U -
M:ohm ooly • lltcatol etaQuat 412 any me zeednty Unapt.'
eluding the trismeher ahremessee , ofierre ,
Mira srat
Stio.on both the, Clock and itstual plan, It not V=
semi the chraporas at& aceotensalstioo or both
bob entitles the farmed to stssetteiossioo MU* Perah. •
L.- 4-Jobe P. Itothralbed, A.J.tillterottl. T. kora!,
Alcamo it. (heeler, Prallevrielt rootleljobras =Di
Mott Jobs B. Placket. Uotalt. Rotherludi 1. ,
; -O. Peediest:
ClLlast de
ht. Seely Dividend oh Mese tee eau at enStin
racietan ham been Dolor
Ihreelosa.ani Le owe ee.
rateable exit& 0111 to raseerals' lh aW
K the end of 13/.4) . day. vae7e, Asc., ,
l'imiklin' Pit* ligniancir CiiPiiMiiliii* '
lea_ W..Bane4`.oici,'
- Ir. *kb ardivrTieetalext,",a D. Lavin. Tad.
om Axial*. mlforiedeamPellereat. hum a..omm
Patr l
P dt.tialtn. Marie Farrar.. . .. .
' - ' CPAs- - v:luNcisp; gveitamt. '
• =l 0...8.5eux,
ama contranet=ftinim:PVennarient
or limited. on enrry dererlaton of 'Poperty" Alma and -
°pantry, at rates as lag air are apasirdent with many, :.
The ficonomiy here marred whine opailtident strd.
mad, mitt, their (..pital ard Fretnintaismair hatrinii
gi gs lemm amNe a the Comp hetbmb
ny, on Jurca b ri , Fial .
/had agretrahly re the Art a helm r. memo. s
, il ,_,
.. ~_
.... 1, ~,,i. • .. ,i', "'"' ',
It a6 ealtia a tet; . .. j=.777 ,, r i a , 4 ,.,,,,,
• ....T. a ..r,Li.'. — .,........;--..:—..: .L. tm.zi ~...,:r.:
..:, , ...:,...,ek.,—,...,...,......."..:...,...-.... , ..-......:: .•--61,b16 al i ...."-:
. .
elan iliir.i.itiniritic... • i.dod of zi mm a .=
pan paid arenas of One SLIM. roar LitaidredTb "
Leave Lame by Fire, thereby" affording era.. of trai
advantage* af. laminae, . ;yen rartheir abidiry and dim
Sala. to meet mi. proniatrea all dlidendhe.
. J. UMW:fat (WV FIN, Agent.
•We • Offere S. X. near at Wood and----*--- neleta: i
Penn Mutual Life Co.. 'Raab;
xt e riz ;.243 to iM.
a tiro - dt,..6 7.geos i‘rwra.• $3 , 4, 4 , 41a . 3.
from to 1.11.
ma 2sp clam*. at dm coirntinz ram as
J. Pebassamiker 4 O Vo zilvaxt. irtnet. 'bars all• two ,
lappeassam mil samisen mai SMILMS
IT Maamieti to, •, Pamphlets mplalahm las sad
• -bm•ets.vf Lll4 insarszone. sad' LULA. forms ea
• vital rt , Xlr: am . SX.4oo6ani:
dh . l4.4wrimat ihne. for
liembarsh. Jan. 21. sal.— mai •
Itlarine,'- Fire, and InktutTranspatiltiot
• • .A :•,. „ .• ~, buninuke.,
,r, twin:met Company ofNoith%A.fiketiai,'
rhihd.bau—ctateia im. I,*adiviocum:A.4 is
annif7l3, MI. 11.,W1.7.X. b. Will alas bammace 0.,
baitau.s..4 their content.. is tb l 3 etT V 4 Vkliatrk _fa..
on • propest7 of ererr atnearipllon.stslVAA•PO .0........
rid diner 44442,4[6er 6ru0rt116 , 6
.. sprts[krkar on Or
Labs/ G. Cain, Pre', Theirtaa Copp s
!Ismael W. Jones,/ Jobb k. telly • • '
irew=4 sothih t a rs•
John A- Brown, . William We
Samuel J. Park!". /assle Blahs%
perosel Brest;Araks =sok
Charles Taylor, Km. E. Bows. _
Ambrose k race, - George "
ia i r , =4 buers,
Thiele the oklearionaratere Ccespasylstkellslted i tteles
affirm. Its WI staa.liar, loot uverkenrk, al= ct.r asst
sal arkllng rkla of an arm hasg.rdous
skiir 110 rassalesal as atlestok ample madly W Walk.
N'llw AM P, JUN 1:15. •11".1.•
Western Dniiria' Us Company cnittibua gb.
`ffIAPITAI43OO,OOO6 J. 14.
Niu ins Pies
ure minuet WI Mule of Vire ant *atm.
At= a tt=7 . %l,l= l :glitirkl - .4
known in &mu:m.lm - and - *be Ate' drilTtaret,vr
peon:mums and Liberality to maintain the character mbida
Una bum moiamet: as OL4MH W boa inatectkat io tis
Mitarrom—lt. Miller, Jr.; O..Blset,'J C -Iret3iiol:'
111ftrglg=tggir .'1 W5g 2 nk
A 144:e 'l4l;th==bii;:',;r 4, 64
Delaware Mutual isfety Insurance Clumpy ,
441:101E, NORTH...4OOM CIFTEIA &Nit
mom& tio,d
. . 4.131C9A.NC5.-.-6914liittly nint tab=er
nthnermy • a touts and country th awed
athuthe by ere; at Ws lowest then of nrerrn , ..
wader apes oT.D.d.
noncies.asthe assured may glesirs_ • • r
Lthino •thaserneranne.—Tbay then thnuellitheithaltho
transterted by Wagons. nall rent earn Waal.. tantheseen
Inetha than, on dyers son lakes. on the nthetbbesiterath.
inucrou.-elescreeth_kinth..initnintleL lioriket•Joinr•a.:,
Ithria.iobert Boni. John i. klaxon naothel k eari
ibrayLathlelpenthinardthnincybonl knthelleiks
liana folvoll, John neeilin. I. R. M. ijus=il three L.
lliftwal.k.z4,pee lady"
er Kiriry;• 11 4 . = l4nr:i:a l r ' f '' h Bellegg k ik
'.icirrenellers.lith../iyre Jr . • • • •
UN:Wroth ay Prrithaoi , D. ,. ±7 c 64.
%ninth Prealent. tem nee Pi.ll.
death JoinnsW. bowax. bairentryi..o - t
MK/filth of then thony. tether threes. rktbe
/thor. • •r.'n.,3IILDIZISA: kaitint,
,-- 43163 Labanitorp - . ..•
. d:
, .
lll — rit 76 qr. -- iiii 92-7.417_k_:,.. --
4 -- -- ' 4 ;7 ''
- i i;11
' 80 Ifiri '9s' I
!iv if iv , •
85 "'" . 99 I '''' •
Per pent-Strength.; - .- • -' ' .
OWELL FLEVOILER Er. G'o,'lttainifsetti.
rams el ALCOUOL: Part Spirits kr Worm and flran.
Dapper lhatilled 1 , Y.' iildskey .liar: on band
•of lima and Yrontatreana, Oicanali. am . •
4 ....,
it &TAU orders Gem Paistlazgb will be promattz MLA
brand , =vitt pekes. r:;, . 1 span," .-
Wines and ligndrs '.
-Xs; 167 inaelly Denis eiciarrideto
milquilsx„ef rittOurmi .; ts.s.riolnrErtsoth..7,
. •
:ETICXEISE N. egfOTIVENM-reiiiatray.
.74 then. =Aft.
m riu tv s. tb 4r,tro= =he ViV i bi W %Eat
V...P.XAMZI.V.VeXt `Aber. to.: • e & it& *44
a• thA
Air . " it Tn. WE apatllinie ann.,
" riilr il. ll2l " 2
• tn " i bs l a t e Nteciti •11 k
Mlrt e Lha t ag Of• b
J. thei r
One pairnlnni, ‘"" Ze.yatrairg moo
el s atill eantantrir kin
immtaton wean.. in 160640t' N titan ti.nbovii ant
U lambkin to tell a damper wain tea.' attain' ht.. *AT
4:4.= .. b0un In this etir.. zt,o4 c4l,l,llCen.Tas.
Ail:Famines Implied ha* t . .; enita chanty Is*
&tatted War. • • no •
loCAttirtlaTll; 464 fe.iiiiiil . l4li44,
earaU/ILU . dters t town y'ouswits Mir Tara
low Whams usl man /Vett theligacca md. Vjit
k °ll l , Mr buys suarusuf Of I/
Fiala& las. (=rafenekt i As * -
sex ..Yestlts: Rads, tairers. Pllktrllskuu 1 / 1 111114
Csaatussu, sad Ounfortu Window ab.s., or surly Yr
riun. Da* aal' drum srlielCuuldreSlsul an* .
mat unessire essablislaustultbe kind. OdentsGell
- asUeltdd sod cusu vrasulrlßd. • 2 . •
0 . 1 WK. OLE.
T - RAD Cornell's, itaproved patent
Pip At IV:nip. • _
• • tuol
tl] aisdon Nana and tia t." :2•• 4m++lsE I.
: - Seed SforergtmOved...•.. •
HE itubscriber has reliiiMa 1 . 418 te44 j gtaili
rims eased the building occupied
br Heal .s TaSlea Nbo. Thinl Met% almost la
.:- opt „ . F. L.BNOWZIEN.'..
CO -The eutlecribera hoe
• enied Into C6Partavruldw i der dr Arm DT 8ea1."...
HOSE 1 1 HOSE t Het-JUdi -mad .
from the hhenefahtetT Beether.7loo **LUZ& Rate
coo glen reefing [nee Xto al.. Izeber m 41anmee.:
We wish It te emmelly ue uee. goo .ttsma o or .ettabtletamet , Ihr
the hemp:eel totessd or the maw refatetel. -Just in
ILI 7= Wee% the , /.rktthter Depah, No. At ti Wad It
••- - •
:§ I TEA.M . PACIEING-;-4001) palm& mixed;
Fiala r a lpow. , htaablm.Paddstattfof ISt I:
rr Tortr pin t
taitsbzaVtt i grpd, 4440 W• •
VOIVASIL , 4OO etas of our tiwn
fictaasorarrmaa at al ;tad quaUty and an Walk tat
o pp GI tOSS.SITTRIPPENA. of till ctasW
U. tarc ii.haingauktmxt., at: aad 1:4 Prig
'MrAig - I =le t rt i t:re
.li<lbr4audl - 11 ,1 ".
mi " . . -="......7,03.4,,,,a,t3..
‘,., •
.. , _ , ,
[ _ : It* laic* midkat.d . plaiftra bar tom yeah if .
?.c.'r-....t=irt..4ihulws.vlbta Orb Ir k = , • .-
, th . h , gb . n eeftal= " AZie ematlereed..= '.• '
itsvimea aeted , O=Erthe 'a lswei Ilatt•rtrg . ''
_. !VA I.l?!!'slypipiar
atiikeiriem eraftnisall.- , .
. flood. thou pettauam swam, to .
:;I t ir ft Vgb:PriLl=g 4 tra pioinet.l =MN '
raW x =rz i ge wins =prat/nil
=''''' 1. 41 "-
- Isets ao ...-
ba bsei Ilaly many rare.
,• or Imam. Mk yosizftMithotrek vol a Moo.. •
mem* glashokwaw sr p• kfitocrs. a., their sa
t=ta l =u a • - 17.411= •
:2L...1-1111111.1kal Mar git.b domassmi pins. Owe
, ........m, ginth Us* malklaut anyone*
• Waar broilkftl Abets TM I. Med 4.17 &tidal. .
IM We, vbakado sal ralya r i mort treedtreedit. ..
Itt I YW NTI""'""-
Jeg b l a bo giro. booatifol jokes to Ulnas, !lathy
..00s lars, EU; t Boroaolood WI Woofs p'ft . W.
PR0. 1 4 %be pm crow Litotth:osoMMll ,
otorAinip It to= mottling =low to doer ,
11%7024ag010., bt at0l In MU their oln= b 4l7l
" aril& 019110 , 04011116nr0t allot on lupine '•
, loioa iOOO '
ati th.tity
-I,:r&l2)Ount,. b Coke with min dtrootiooi:
Of . ono 20— ;At. X. SOLLIMS.I.7 Wm!
=O. I.,011:801:111 OIL LL: - -•-•
J `,4=k•re=Lbl23 4, 13 beam" sett eseth.:_ . 1:: . •
E - VlRlVECofithiv 144040P07.
ramarkable rem: ,
n bailidn.ditoi Se hale t mt a l Li"l' Vo l hoWeoh. ""hl' lg ln . 4 -
4 - es 4 the aoudad
nod dkeedeoeihr the bwatoru. v .bu.
PSTRIALEWL. Cron • veil la MLA
et wOrottrat Ibeiran het; is • ram 'lima
• .• •
.tirittrA 4 4.l ' =”i ' llitriiVAN. '
f .. - a.
~. '4 il I ' ul 7, , A t' ' • '
a tlOhaZ sOmt ommu , beergoit in., - . . ,. ,
0 ihread tbr4. — reaster a memoir ~ • 14boteee Lb. ohs
..tre If ir =le.als hod • mete. ,;
Ite Maze senesiie==l,,,,,WVO i .
"Is e' Atm 11101//5 of Us Wu» poplar:llT asi {-,'
• " •= . ■Ws ti e to :1 " iIE VI ir p= " cfra iti;i:l a i 4.
in • l e .bilrll t = who eau. sad 'M Z. to to tort tal
0. dotal Math! pries midmost et4atee/Oh la ow
=be„.x....mi'lmt In .s ti zzatba
. lOLllRMA=Vallti=ret les 16" `
MityNE D MA A t atet r = l te sh; '
. .Ale Bw r i toresas ib mw .. ..
e .
.r.....*0t d. ti• "“ aWag i 1"4.1=4A ,
I „woe. Flcable4 — ad emit ~--.
t A groftert a irl d l ice se h ig NW excIALSWie . •
1 1 beesteh duos. , law sof to the ':
I ==dlminftod a " = ceetanu
ant =rig= = = t re lIEW
0 .4
Aut =C MLd M! the thv
a' shore ttr,.• 'She mot cos M . '
• Was h. =mgraoas "4 grignatipit il.Pvigk* , !.
.1 ' S. 1 6. Quasi Ilada ir rat !.Rath stent,, • .
, , . : . aseIIEXTBSN, t WDOIVILL‘ . i
I ' !,•'' 'exert Wool iereet watt Thee w
t = - am
' '
. t ' • 2.80411.11UT10N -. . -.• •- - ~.•
NCAr all men aim ars sick ,
and 'aied d.
. 'with dhows of SS. =War sod =says, with lima
Sidafgritar ItafrafgeetisoldscagespAtV p
-1 17stssfailtilaaSils taill=roasm= •-',
131.... a:11..4 «,%ttlfg'fillo=. -
Y. eat cansabed In. say atlas narady , Ms IDLY
4.4 s natal with ..La, sad aallatos bass dissass,s%
150 ems, gsl s'sW ad= sal of the dis .
amaealt cadaver" UM. to ifsifi a Uhl.' lids Path. '
VaZ r ftt . !. cs '4 = l4 mna "m tdrerntar p_r =
Lei by Me mato bust of pstafa. sad osoblat %m i tre= tat:
of out mother carat, la Ils °dead mill .04 0L
t° Magr i :A baluzlir Liaredy tenaln o maids sad
i eased Iffhw.affaxist sudlatass ban, Wed is , "..
=Ls relief it kus rand libewa•lasa. of
Msal of tassel:snood mot 'deal Amass: 'ti
esfe C lT ''''imget.tallr*rtieh " ngs=L i gE ,
pay afro scan: AS A kat flatbeds In aa. -
•tt b Seder lbastsana so da a r :=:LsWa or 0i11.11:04111
eat;2% . t.i , b . :Mis b rbi===. P;:,. ,
...% BA.Blu XL /1. Kum. on.' Maa, ee...M enr; af, ...
Mawr SleDosett, eosin at woos And sad • o
.•• .. •. .
:—Tiw. Judi' troari.' tbs diseorkar Ilia. rotipdelor -.
• :.
Investor oi l C=d hartroo=tba '
,Hn r a talltdp=a4ratcrordodirmw
ltrwarata or lbw lintrwrdtr Orton rad tor ..' -
aran. anal Las - bora roved JO Um turertigadar of dlr.„ . .
' we/4=lor angina= reseadiertlsondo. -., • -. : - ,
-biTr4PO.l.l. o
.p Ll. lVrtrerenT *4l9. tia Inf ,
W . ord arkon autumn to ming taps,
-sad - WO oralottlec - Tormerealaz_ Ilarsamptiork Carrearsi . .
.torafia,Stwarnatloa. Adams Mr , ard .d...ThreCla O. ',.
.all Idoda Chatato Errdpelaa, aa 41 thaw namb• at
mei pee:CURIA , . Saaales. ladord,ormay Sono at dlaorsa...- , ~ ,
Washes under due am of U. 1tt12 , 42016 to wldrh boriraot•. ' . -4 . .
U i. ir hair—rart/n - the war of awrorasaarad ady,llOr -tom
locarapatlbla Vll2l Phrrioiogiad Law bat by tall I 'll , Of • _
,tt at audio, abided to, lad Ike. arra 'Sawa" , • '
rato 4 =64iterifirililliibiit`t;i4aiW it'grr'xii.' • ' , •:•
ir aclml r edall . Ic=mtos i.t. all i ggz,La . r:=.„, ,
taltiner MIN 0241111 Mir: 111•Shai• (lOU 1111 arw rd -,1 ,
rattlia tanalfr; .t tlooma ?godly tooroVzog a r :' ,
is .! . !1. Tib d = wast i' M boor nal, la tharatodrot
. L ,'..rir aftfirtrtt in a ritrei renal vans aw ' rw`mi; " d a .a- .
am. tgratialraa of the Doctors ponabytradrtas a
ad would
of ear* remedy. attd U. WWW.I.= • -
.Poraalwli Or Ibliardzarta as wal.kar brastrddrat.
'..1. R. Toworwat. far . a
•14,. Port si. liiiirt -' . .
V021 . ,41.13 --Al :beckantin
ir_iictC. maxim mom.
wanuvrhith tem of thirty pore ai•
mlomr,s34 Wood admix. tam the wawa
thwlkom- of mamma attsktbrb,l: , b aimOM mwrl,
ems and,thlualffOr dhow" w habotwo•
UM( thwaiLVtkthh, la tb• Daly that haw howa.,
pat 04. r. v..,
- (Nibs giorWalea. - 066 ,,
'am otha .ww•aghtwllbewbhe, int by. wham •
wade ar sold, or. by last =SIM •
. luiff tooliaipzt wool' of Uri •
VW tb•mdr=le.Lua hmiblww.d Ma Omar*:
r.* .
~ ey ilAdidwo ut..u. healmr ham
u gatabwl ar=
May mar.MlM?Filir, a< rilky.,
jibe on. tom , TL tiwo.
Wagripm, : 'boa U. 4L
fleeK NA bad isA:. 14w°.
1=41 4 : 1.1 1 1 1=4.
....A.s a aragra t chnt Pabwat 31rdlehmwam ntt
h...o. ° &=" i rott
TAlPT " M= 4 lM b hweembdob l" - hmit t6"th' T i• = 1 .4
Vewand maim
stroutiormArmatunarmailutob=l , il
i lnlar VCCOAtftgrisl4ll? "
fed hamperfsebot nth
I .matwake SIM... would WawfM """' Whg, hal ewer'
and Is am mows* AIV.4 MS,
maktid allattsl randy lavavvosltn:
titbit. tar Warm' at atrnaial
lra.lhada adt tetat kt3HH thr It health tat
Zatotatlatt, illll='Y
itastaaar to akillaarlaaaka artiltarat cow It tsar
t, T.WirgatiQta ' bi tt: ratite. items:
CO. • • • eadlim At aunt.% and itrtbit
• forwvi4.s.•alliumg.
• • ...
, .
To't]ii itidiatii et thi.PAtiati**Elizett, l .
- 1011j13LIQ :ATTENTION xe.. .iw , ...113. 'IA.-1 ,
- - 2-.' *lt& to th. Italootia . u Anna. lot Ito% %=loop 4,4
000 of geoid tolsposourt robolleo of melon ~ . ,
- fIgUIALIWY AGM AWL MU Mb.* zoom th en oho , .4
11.1..,, L .111., AOLS Ms asoysty - su.brought, beim to., ~ '
IlOrtbe nelizt W h
eat. at draw, 11.• ma ponto , '.,
E 119111% lonbildoot the.. tome tilt r iewobidjor u. . -
itoottaftl, Z, Um It Is Meg th e
loam am= boo steel& - Is oot the ma,
kW ot a day,rolt tql ttemiktb....tratpolo otasallibit mbar ;,,
- bat o b. , which Int =mem trtu ocutloti• t• to ••• 1 .b.: ~
.Itll'otber embalm L o . been *adz. StesEbtrotnua .
• 6 $1•1 1 floszAtrs
f eb.ot..ed•l:.dh. an=cd• . but i
ra ea•.t sad . ecroey that , to .olosat,,,
osnotittano.- RIO ,vben we lath, about a - bad.t.. , , , ,
W i rt lowirrilo tbz . Ink itatrimrot eaboo. ~
7 trust ottr fold
t rt coy}, ..
detwo sh l . a or tho 'et
~ t to= abo irt" ..r i i „ ... ...T0t A.. ..... lit, :
key bo km Otpittr zoircr tho oldea - Wa
ar htlliteliptiZia=o OM., lio., •• 4o acCdoitro,,
only MK Ito tnititto Mabee to
, 1 tx:re n0.% ." .1w014 ba bstd4, to =WM .10t 1t • mho: .
balm ato=woingo,
' VW . a.4.' i
ttitar - city oad tedetax/bovil, bat op,bio Lagar. ~..:
. .. .. . ....... ~.. _ .
.3flib3rigGlit — twe loiontis.. tro of etai am eft - 6 - 24, - -''
eZ i =iMlLlWrobo bl 76zaM - 11' I ,
~. ...I _ , A .s.soss.lng•se.othgentkotinnlaleestergottgen.
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