The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 28, 1851, Image 2

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    ' Gil GAZETTE.
• PIIBLIbUID BY 9/01,TE aco
ORNING„,./WX *M3, 1851
Imrszra - mi
- : iggRACt.g.,c4O.B,I47HISPARER. '.4
• , -,f1at,8411U14.7 . -tb_n.,TAKconotur ,, ,wealtraf..
Ititat. • -
.7e. rw iw,l 3 oeliP4 , .t? t)r O'14:11-.9g rte 121 * ~_ i
• Plate-, -Twe.raotwiwg pezeande r trahi.arrived ie
. Eocbraterabout tea ..O'clook,' and :preeeded - hy
• the littleet *.dititty , Immediately inFOOds' Isn't°
tilghtOo: '. i . kiltile 'thbi"o, At lbr;ten . n,:'•the
i.:alon . leeri '&4444:ehat iiillaisrhs atraitifie
4. 9 44 oli or: this Ps* Nr.14201'041 iba track:
Isyeate la ***elf:night and day, they tuni Ward
zotiabtetoiet iteatirdlrlikhod; About' (dein
I,*eii,'Litiraii4ithirtii. bide., issued - ii: the
it4l.l.4, 4 *i.k;itiv.liii.iii.*: , ltciiiii..4ildit*
14i!iill 9, t h e
_, l P Bo l;:and the 61124 act galle
ry. A good dea- • 4of - lite* bad to be den., before;
the Unita coati - hihetitai tilde, and - neab4
erAeicti'ethei ';1146 , ' - t4* iii,l644tigibie'.' a.:
el l __ 5ein.:1 6 f14k: , . fir.,,tuahg,rl94:imaint,
010 11 44 . e •the yorkeras &abed quo,
er the .po '•' dent, or the gazdletuudy,
resideat ~ eag r t 4. Mr„Waraer, about four o',
clockomd., Ma
co ltagoodies- were tented. wood
- -
end Woks . co tee Au& t! , e-teowteg!' , trelic
ready,to dart, *ea oclock. ,--,.
,On orrietiNi t Acebeater, it wan found' that a
pirtfori of the e Till and embankment, back : :
or dm Tuna -bad A ll en down ` "
afar the Tea,
.er:gibethetilik *ii'lltigblon."; The breach was
Neirelro/* owil.,
~, Wller. ee . . ePee
sogeot the ton. L iks retarnieithont difdetd
- • •• . .- ... - . • . . .
Thelida rub are cawedthe track to nettle
" .6 ,
1C4etht.:p1ii,....., b, (iiiiiicirti" L are buy adjniting
it,,aO dua. thi, .t' -_, traps will , be ioade. Iligh ,
opted, howeeer • t bo. obtained; until the.
read in well eittled.andballatted. .; '••• -' • • •
. . .
, .
o .ici-J? 4 'eet° l 7 0,0 !' 1, 1! in the trido uu
EatqrJej falploard will =ler; bi-
7ez mweaces OP itus couirraT.
From the planting °Utile first Engltheolonies
on this continent at Jamestown and 'Plymouth,
in the early port Of - the seventeenth century, to ,
the beginning of ;the: nineteenth, a. period of
nearly ewe centarirm, the progress of the eolo•
~ _ .
cies and states, Whichtoculnon language, symps
thlia,:dattgers,nland,interesta united into one
great eon:fedi y'vraS het vex* rapid. ' Brest
Obetacl6 laY in , heiriray, which they then had
, very inodennate means:of „overeat:Mg; but pat
sassing, is they did,. the inestimable heritage of ,
tree and enlightened freedem;governedand reg
oldedhy the p9miples ;of an unfettered Chem
iianity, their coarse wasioneofsteadily int:rens-
Providence ordained thatthis continent should
telltales undiscovermdinailthe dawn of the Refer
mabier,.az that here the prinelpfes of ta il great
*Oral revolntiOot slmuld - tind a _ th eatre for their
fullest- and freeLt dr/elopes:amt. Rare too Wu
Freiered a yeru . r for the'oppressed - and Perms.
ailed.. The heroic champions of the rights of
conscience mono hex, not to seek fortium, or
I;m:teethe:ix. worldly. condition, but to enjoy - tie
inestimable priirilege of worshipping the God of
their fothena se their consciences and their Iti
' bles directed .lAnd if Teireald trace hack the
principles of ,raii94 liber t y 'which, _have done
ai, rent , thing.i tor",thLstootuary,V their ulti-
Mate source; 0 win find it in the' religion of
thmie men, or ether: in the awed Volume which petted: and i. thafroe,Mtraminel,
led interpret/aim of that voltiMe. We Would
not withhold. tumor. from our pilgrim father;
nor from our revolutionary fathers; nor do we
d° en in saying that the great PrittelPlett of civ
il ', Mad_ religions freedom; did not ,originate
'with - tbetu;, neither did they originate with
the. greet , and' good of= the "[crema
tion. Their great exponent was Jesus of Nei.
areth. Lie it wee that,-irra few aimple words of
life and' power; gave, to the' world, principles of
of such all-eoMprehensire expansion; such re-,
. . . ~ , _
mallets power ] rintl'eo perfectly Adapted to every
pomible condition of man ; that' we may ' . with,
perfect confidence rely upon their albemmering
energy to pot down every form.ef oppression,
71Latiler ecelesiestieal,aocial or politica. •
It ii a gletkotis thought, and we believe it to
he irne; that the pMciples of . liberty under
which we lii. wniclr ire Ito highly - prize, and
- which have set us on high among tbe nations of
the earth, are traceable directly to the divirre .
• Founder of our Faith. This thought carmesll3 unto
price them rt.ill more, inspires wraith confidence
in tbeirperminence, and &helve us how...they may
be preeerrgqd in their punt y. `.... -
. The end era' oneness widch'haa _attended the
establishment of BemildieruiiM in ine United :
staws, 1.1,1. all other attempts in modern times
bare proved abortive; is to' be ascribed to the
deep end 'nt9ingent religious reefing wh i ch Ina
ever preriled among the 'people- France is
deatithte o .this, and hence the. wretched &bor
lions she bias made both'at the close of the test
century and the middle Of the present . Great
, ..
Britain, en the other hand _
is republican in fact, .
although beigiverzanent to monarchical in force;
end this iiatwibutable lathefact that the Bible
'Min t h e beans, and the principles of the Bible
are in the hands, of the great.moss of the Pop=
station:..,lrt' feet there b not noir, .id n ever:
was, knation enslaved, amcng,whose peep), this
heeknae l rienerali7 diseenlinatedt indthetneT•
er was,,nbr is there at present., a single Lion
in the peacefeil enjoyment of freedom where this
Wefee tr'disposition to underrate the glori
ous eieu 1 yyureof government reared. by thegreat"
men who founded thidrepublic; but to regard the
Boatatinit.enof the United States 'as' our Chief
aid "nithrlate safeguard is; a great crier.' Take
it niitiy and leave the Bible in the bands and
hmtris or
( f it,
e people, and another Constitution,
soothesoTernmenc, equally goad, would Soon
take ire p ace. • Bra remove the Bible and sub
veztits p cledeS, and, our blaticmal Constitu
: Bon tuld lama could not preserve us in freedem
and seem* a single year. , • . . -,.
V15....511,10r nearly Ml?' profess"- to believe that
the .giblo l •bac ii 4 itiiine''origini: bat 'this"' is not
enough—ire Saint ilea recognize its divine iner- .
if, and tii4lB-eneTgy we will do well gt. aacribe
oar vendrr ul progress as a n ation tans& ovary
thing: ~ constitutes - grentneas. - .Pearplerltho'
Awe it a t.. at att;' - as the Chinese,' anise at a
certain greaZi:ilfilizialin, a certain paint In
the.. oats of sciences, and there they ntop. It
as fr . i#ifit;llllgo no ' farther: Ancient and
inoilernidstog combine in:aairolioration of 164
exitlAidiiikry fact; ' Since the: days of Clare;
alai f , O years ' et - orn - ClA'sist, China - Bali 're-
inaiaid itatiOnary. lamoral :ecienca,:aud almost
'agilely ad, in physical Ocicice; hills io len than
ball that ime other .natiol2s.llllTO iiStOOSOder
the light f C 1414611 truth, tract grime barber
, . , . . .
iota to th higiteet, point of civilization anir at
carom hyimen.
. SO Or aittipns Where the light or the tjpaplitt
pivtiellylehett aut—vthere the fable,. although
ezlatitig. r ...i - g euarally dililtiedantengthepeo- ..
plethi mune morel phenomition le Ob z,iiiable.
For illnet4tiona,..of this, w e oat t . ittiaa,iri
, pi a , ...
. .
spli., raituga, Italy, Ana the South Ameriesh
republitn.l- How despoil°. or onsteble ..,, , ,.. Li oi
these govereuninti!' and heriobJeet am] inseoeue.
is the eotaitizo of the people!;` " - -
'Let riti cherish the Bible,. therefore, as thf
. gresepellttatrd of nidoliat weii awl progresr.
If we chug to It and through It to' its Atithire,,
our coorite;:ie !"s7 be in.rre;lrip _he onwirJ end
opirsill Willie faest extent of the fondeit aroi'
tation; ;13pirekts "eildixtee,.. this nation. May
very soon 61101/13i , tur gout central enitrollittlt
powdr at tie ifividsignsize, iiian'ot a Corse,`.; :
.. ola Ruxrewii; to the feebler or lent sdranced
eationlby itia we Siersurroturled. ItitCito
to ri good eAs norri let it betonie more ant
more so, .0 .then let this notion fulfill Its great
miesion, - ' :
• the. „Pi tgabursrli OdZetre.
hill. EDtiolttl—Yoll.lira engaged in Om do.:
recce of the Directoriof the Ohio and Penneylral.
tdiallailroed, with.% Oa and muneetnesa, which
if f i g .bao by tented diacretleti,, would 'doubt.'
i„„ ~. al ' F?. decided commendation. To
your.d .horreri Pahield, Um character of
the - Direc4
- fniin silt soejiiciOn" of mitairnrim,
or , improper tOotieil; - You - . seem; singularly
cm,, el
enough. 1 , to bore' fqr&Ot tee or overlooked
the nre*ct, eta pencils, who may be as boa
ted aide cientions area as the Editor of the
Onref4Cid_riselfathough-Pradttkr not gaits ed
clifOterodLor tb*Pr."P l an . ab sor h i Nf rah'
jest of
. ,
Your !engage, if intended to b e applied to
the' teteheleA e kGeweeit it. 12 P0 4
'-4ted °W ig * tet tliProl to *so
McGee torklf theVo#--tenmds, OW the
lead Pelt, heraltand discettinterne. Albolc* -
Plialoitet" Sol remark , .1141 see Dom
airy 'floret the ditricaltles to bs ormnounted in ,
captious are,thelr objeetiorm4 2 7 o'Y folk witk'el
Mtlgthiolgziggaggagg, and m. ag gait of igg•
gtig'g go usgenerons es it ir disgraced." , The
reederviillidessio uuemeatimUltat theami
oenhetU,tpine.;.ftL,adteitte d ean 4 1 3. hoode.
tbst frierol.WtimelspecaagyAlimed to Pie;
when so inclined, the hewn plume to his edito.
rids; and in .that note hake adokidation he
has stionceedtd, beyond deubt, to his heat's
There is nothing took millete from my peesn
eat deshm, than to attempt to defend membeta
of Comm= 001221011.. In their action, In the
Premiere! that , in,deeft netbieg, that needs
defence; ton the rerun wire the 'fact, they
are entirely emepetent to. fighttheirolen batten
It may, tower, be remarked indaentally, that
the staolutiou ,al AMU** lutdc4tkrleg-,
peettal, simply lecithin the appoint or of a
Committee ,to' aecettaill from theDirrotoro of
the road “tehre", tt world be extiondea to Pitts
burgh. The iletolutlon, questiem csat no
imputation upon, nor conftined a stogie charge
spit* diacondoet or character of any of the
Directors--enprinsed no preference for any of
the contemplated routes named In the Gazette,
and-was passel almost unanimously, o n ly three
voting in the negative.
As regards myself, Tdo not think my brief
communization, published in hmt Friday's Oa
zee*, either “ungoirroor or dispareful;" hut as
I here no . desire to engege inn , protracted die-
env:rims, nor totreepass unretmonably upon your
time or attamtiom 1. arid only add that by giving
the above art•insertion in your paper, you'll
oblige '• A PeIIND TO Intiovexesr.
26, 180.
Barroom. Nors.—The writer of the above Ls:,
infOrmed 'that his feet ,article wee uot in our
thoughts whenfwe wrote theremarka on Delete,'
ptibilehed en Satudaymorningi neither did:we
attach atty. Importance? . to .hts communication
whitifer- regard to the action ofthe Coin
mon Comscilorhish he defends in the above; .6'
ahould recollect that .PitisteUgh has three mem-.
terser the Baird of 'itirectotooritila dlleghehy
has but one, and that the, action• of the Board
ho, been entirely harnonions. One of the most
active, isildrious and influential members of the
Board, Mr. Louse; is a member of the Coon-'
oils of :this city; end asprr_sents the.stock of the. ,
corporation. rltis=welt, kaolin that Councils
have.:. strongest conddauo in tbs. integrity,'
ability; and impartiality of this gentleman, and
Witte was prepared at-all times to glee either
body all the Infonnation to bedesired OD ally sub
jects connected with the 'Railroad. We hstenot
the "Beata abjection+'to Councils 'Rattling es'
many reetluSens is they Fleets - hut we aloha to
° Mta'Ct i ., th 4 ' rtlitt to comtor-ut e freely on, the
coudait of our city Legislature.. as on "DIU of.
State and National, and we shall not foil todo so
whenever we choose to neer:hie` our right.—
Giareblidies, such City Councils,. Should not
free random "Mats, 'or sufferitneuielres to be led
'away by the excitementor whims of the moment.
We haven doubt the Directors of the Ohio' and
Pumsyleanis Railroad will respeetlhlly answer
&lithe iliteetions::of the cOlllSltlitig APpolutta
ander the vent:dicta; but both the Councils and
Directors could hare been sired ell thin trouble,
if some pets=.. had been willing to apply to
sources of Information most amply within their
Tux Rscossirms is CUBA.—Ity telegrepluc
des;c4c l 4 which we Pwhilche'l, Los" c;ice on
Saturday morning . and which la
be found to
oar columns dile morning, , it appears that the
news of the risimeof the people, of Cabs is‘con
firmed, sad that it Ilse assumed )3 ' very forrida
ble sspeot. 'St LeSdtt the* be anything like
sdniity among thi people of Cuba, they will eac.
seed in . schievinetheirisidependence; and shdtdd
the"war' become ir.neral, - volunteers from the
United States will pour In 'in ttiosuindito join
the rants of the People.- The standard of reva.
Intim being raised by the Cubans thennelres, it
is probible that this'government will not inter
fere to prevent our cititars : tram joining in the
affray;ithichwoldi be le very differectitrair from
the late attempt at invasion by the • party,adder
L4peett If the people of Cuba really wish
I be separated from SpaLse they trill certainly
here the beat wishes of all tree Americans :for
their encase. Farther advisee 11/iii be awaited
We are Indebted to the National luteWenner
for a very laterestlngletterfroco Perla, nhieh
see with some eloquent reflections. ,The , mac'.
trill be struck with theisicallaritrof rim!"
_of the
ultrarepnbliesml, of Frazee and the ultra lonoto
ont of . the United Stela on the tnibject of .labor.
The a the triter on that point, 'AMP.
he eayi nothing about the aimUirityto which - fa
hare adverted, are equally ape/kale to bath..
LI=LL MOM 211- Jrxreezos.suvanursu
Tar. lam= Tnarroay.-
Bound:Mee of the Ntbrueka 21terftoty, Sail 7
Oine r ite, Surneey-Agricultral And Miami
Reources..Existrants fur hit
Gzelr.ifititanA, Nebrialca Tenitory,l
' I • ' Jane 8 1851.
, . .. • . . •-
. M. EorrelbAra-1 trot yo n will be pleased
to tusks the eotamas of per papey the medium,
for eoromunicatiag a few items .of information,
toeehleg this Very interesting *ties' of eounfry,
and therefore I have availed lapel( of an air
prtnite. hour - to Ilardela you with the el/Abbate.
. . •
Raving, some months' since and While I was
remaining east of the Minsise River,"l7oo
- to 'the ttiminissioner of the Getimil
Land Office at Washington, an intention ,on bay
part to visit this motion of country, with a view
to , secertain the availability of the 'mainly shores
of the Missouri river, between thstoonth-Of the.
Big Sioux on the ninth; and - the Kamm' Ou . the
south, for .of settlementa, and
thereupon ; I was finuisited, by Mr. Butterfield;
wither:op of the inipomil Territory of Netiesska, ,
By this map the Territory is em . ;
Mace the country between the fortieth and forty;
third degreii of north latitude, - an d t 6, ettend
west from the Missouri 'River to- the Rocky
Mountains ; .ond. it le estimated to'. contain
186,700 square miles, *037,488,000 acres of land:
Floes the to the Kansas these shores are
of the mos discriptions of country; and on this
(the west) ebbs the resources are 'precisely, the
some snit any civilized population which may
inhabit then (bores must have precisely the
same interests at !asks Then, the plicelty of
timber which Mate ernyMbere In the Territory,
extort iiithevicialty of the Missouri River, will
confine •the visrly settlements to these shores.
For the reason of tWm.Mstetice of these matters
it would be mostpt that the south line of
the Territory should Mande, ito the Ramis
River, instead of being ed o n the fortieth de- ,
pee Of north latitude, (and thereby seriering the
Territory, which is ccusl by natural ties) as
proposed by the Commissioner of the General
Load Mace,' sod which cutting off of the Terri
tory, if persisted in, could not fell to (maide the
eettleraent ofths lands sad the developement of
the resources of the country. , '
let me not-be regarded - as- uttering a jest,
when I declare to you, as I do, that the mil on
the ldissoarl bonmar, (a term glum to the Willeys
on the liver between Gm blutfiot the two eddes,)
',Mahan alluvial, will measure a depth of from
twenty-flee to 'thirty feet, sand that opts the
rolling prairie the coil is often - of a. depth - Of ten
Or fifteen ftet; - aid that which' mai, Appear still
Trion strange to the inhabitants of the States east
of_the Miseterippi Valley te the bet, that in this
region there are no waste lands, either of twaurp. ,
sand,' or ridge; On the . opposite aide =of the
river; whin the lends era cultivated, thapeople
deist orti'tkiie stable mad bans .mannte; and ,
threw it overthe rivet's brink, to be carried off
by the current of water, humid of spreading it
.iion - the ;Mode as it Ie required to be 'done in
sastern'sectiona '
bin just arrired hen from' Table Creek,
(old Port gearney,) distant about - fitty mike
above- , bly ' , Tante wes dowa the riser on the
Nebraska rile, I paued through ic.more
migoiSpnt neratur Shea I had ever before seem:
Tbe nionl. have travelled" in the Nebnialus Ter
viten; (end nty perambulations .bers bare'been
conedderable,): and observed it. lends end ex
amiaed its•reiggazei, the more =sited has bei
oome - my : opinion or tbe oorratry; - and- now I
emphatically panuounee Its eastern portion,
..rePlretlCO to lta :knurls,•• suitable for
h y d riii lle power, talaeral wealth, richness of
soil, asininity of ciliate, and leanly of scenery.'
umio n e d by any other ruction of the pelted-
State': • allow that,- foeagrienibma •
the land of the westero , connties otowa, , end
the north-western mottles - of; blissouri,'vennot
be besh • yet the lends of thin Territory; tem ayd.
eallaral purikens, are fay equal to those; and
bent= Bleak ante Fell, (J3l. to-) sand Ser
ge's& tiltdt, the eligible town eitee are all on
this Ude- of the Missouri finer, which le ise
ventage otiepsramount trusiderathei4 , • ;
Again The stinena moms§ 'of this eeetion
of'ooonfry are it ose this able of the riser:with
as shim:hum of tertegur Of water arallablefor
nrilla andmachinery: while on the easterlyaben
there is ar leek of einem iltorstiog-water
dekelanoy d ;pFactozi baodinj,
'and aintia' real wealth las yet been discovered,
the ar
neer jatesoeLd'_rek chore ear
4d : bet for Ihe of
At teals railicien PI e
*Ads- !!, etcv •ZZL,
q ty r iendimaye q• •
beobtained In el eley section. On the north Bide
cued the'Elk Flom I saw sandstone, strata,
such an is common in the Talley of the Wet
and T. oleo discoreitd Iron ore of rood quality on
L. IP =Av.& 4ah 'fifer the
miles above the mouth of .the Elk llortalClW - ii.
ho swore; end hence °I tranitherVini
relmnetibte In lquantity:Y - I.liodettielialio`fop
ataidaut in every ; amiss toe simenien
for, the lack4/c, a yeffmu aim
dettepAtc,,mtrii, coal of 4
good qualltimay - he hid in many . parts of the;
Territory,: ..I.lookarterelphoes at read from&
relit which shows itself in &bluff situation &few'
saes below Table Creek; and burned them ~t hel,
spri b prreedttiinbel or
: ilioc44 . aaliti 7
tethe*ol-bitiaitit*tlO'6tan4oat .
Canielidi - Ot thilolo aiei,,lb4, on the,
lortp .01',fifts i.miles. from ; the hfiesttre, there.
.18 a salt lake of the etteriet of several into, 'af-'
fording toinntratEcient far the manufamure of
'salt IN - quitarities Myna) to the - demands Of Ulf
of the poopplls~'of the Union...' For Par fruit and 00.11-
ere Nebrreklt Will r . Piave equal to Ohio or Minis.
, he re .labored to obtail correct reformation
of the.trua umber of the • emigranni ilia have
gotst from trait frontier thie sesson,"end l%oi: in
''strutted thatthey bare not exceeded 0,000. ' The
greater : potion, say 8,000 Or more, have crewed
the hilasotirl at COLIZICEL Bluff. and proceeded np
theNebrsoka.ftlrer on . the . north aide: The
exact number, of ' emigrant wagons which. were
si .
orossed st lab!. Creek, Old Port R yo as I
have been informed by. Mr. dolor wiwerithe
feriyuirin; were 220 ; Of 'which, I 6 were for
Oregna'B6 for Callioredia and 80 fo th e Valley
of that, aint Salt lake. , . Thai eedirt up
the youth aide cd. the Nebraska RI
Eturiurthe last past months. - of . March and
April; and the lint half of May the water ot.the
Mengel 'River' hat ...bien'yerey 101 l f ' but now,
the high vator sewn'het .commenried,Und the
Miriam{ ire up to tbeibrita-Mahar, It said,
than tie witenehave before beenelnee 1844, the
year of the great:Rood. - :The anow-satars of the
north came down by the Tailor Btoste,:and the
Nebraska Is bringing in the flood of the melting
snows of the Rocky Mountable; 'indthteals now
ruldU:tri swell the M c etresm.,_. . .- ~-., ....,
COLIMII74TION'OT ocianniry
;:llearly three - binureed -and edity peers ban
pained since this Western World me 'anemia°
mankind- by the disarray :of- Cohmitnut;- and
thonak - tine centuries mat a haltt afford am.
Idefime WOO 4 , 4 lulaf of 'leek JO. t oo4roW
a co?'"el*Piles wittOot 11 404$ PRO' Bo*lnal•-':
rel tin _influence of . America .npon the- pro,
.grtoetie comfort of -the human
If we look on the map, at the portion of - this
'continent occepied by in st. Resat. *if
amend at the vast a:pension of our territorial
tinter within much less than",one ; third of this
4; the 'middle of the 'bart eautury, the
Fattish dominions in America were but a fringe
upon the_Atlantic slunte: liegiusdrig IS*/ Par
of Fundy, their ontUne ran sorsaareetwardly
skirtiog the eastern shore of Lake Wrath, until
dt touched the northern spar of the - Alleghenies;
and then, tleicending along the dopes ,of those
Maintains, it struck the northermast angle .of
it the mouth of the Alatothithe.' The arerige
'breadth of ththsoant region was - not more than
ill de/mt. West sad waled blithe vast
prisnival form* the gigaullc lakes 'and rims;
delmed. by: the o; flthada sad
the provinces of Lordelens, , while sontb, on
rho, Unit of ,blectico and the Atlantic,.-stretth
ed-_the romantic shone 'of " Florida trader'
the docathion 'ot, Simla.. It mos not until the
epoch Of the Indientroublecof whichl Ma about
to speak, and on the eve of our tlerolutionary
that the (Ado bosthis the recognired boun
dary Indwell; the 40444 red nisli; and
he who now entering out of these @eating pals.
ces of th wedelns waters, Brdiddlile,;:and
dem/Sr:Gni the Ohio to- th e Kbribwippl, and the
tlissinippl to the Onlf, ran hardly believe that
within less than eighty mere the whole of this
angaltbsient region, where the progress of trade
Imo rud. effaced all traces of rantantio- Ordure ;
was still o dreary and dings/ems .w@dorness,
temu11e 4 ,1 1 c4 0 . 6 7 "VW heist,-or'shy human
beings *Mott as songs= ' :there pee men still
Using who moiled the legends of Indian mu ,
far* or foray in liaryland PeonsylmgdO orTir-'
erdi. 4e4 can recount the maps or the death
of some awed/se by the tomahawk and scalping
nife. Thed'are those amogst us, too, wham
hair Is still =silvered, who may remember their
*port as boys 44140104 g the daub* Indians
—halt beggars, half "Immilts—who every winter
thribited our streets, hat whose 'only not. of
the bow and the arrow via toxin the peonies
we votrtoresi in °tired test the Warms= et their
But where. even now,.Ls the .”Iter :Week"
which in those days was spoken of uumething
zoyeterioutly .indefinite-ss neuthing denoting .
pegs of - journe end Indian cruelty? It was
that that we ba d still territorial bandana to
wide with Brftste; aid titles anwell'ae
to'it use with 'Cobham apes. ft truthen that
tbe far seeing and CO=Pletteal4le meniunalsid
the foundation 'of his -wealth • by trucking the
bearer in its wildest no Oregon..,-It
tros-thenthst California wan.: relnembenn,
field - Of 'Mantic :sidellany. labd ehannth
dna IdeX3 ask Viaroyilint knd hEithaii4
bona enterpriu It wan then that oar young
and. realms snails eat. tha alleys-of- the
Chin and Misnssiopi u ho me s -which- were be
ginning to be fully redeemed from the hater
and theunge. Thou the Far West of those
dap. tint now stangiumee salute an ears,
Rounding no more of Indian monoteits. but eom
mentoratra monuments, ae o 1; ae.language
'ball lan, offinories ater.einutu men. We
hive 1A 34144.44 PIO= . nomenclature end
edoPted the cskonler.of Christian ailntd Sun
fe, the Rio Bram dig Nate-thy - Golorado of
the West-the Pecos.4he. Ciiii-the valleys of
San Joan and Santa Claratte plains'of the
Sacramento and Sul Jountr. and the ;viand
.vale at the foot of • Monne liant--the Gan
Basin, around wheat:at* waters the Memnon
koothoeleete bore. tkel*ledieseklug refuge among
,lie enrages f ro m the bigotted rastneentias of
einlization nonerey =4144 Inmeised:- trio
Diego-ChrysopeLe ...a the= Golden Gate*, and
last of all, the Natation: . toren scithowledged
boundary, and the Warta fors hi ghway
There is no lager a , ofar nest', States now
planting on the brink artily Paoifie,'arid imbed
by surge, eurb, - 'direction!, 'the nt
npotable limit of our dominion. Gold, in
spans:4ly linexhanstible quantities,: . har - aag-
Penally attracted an immense popuntion a the
brief spare of three years. The Bret great ex
periment-of pleating tba Anglo Saxon race on,
the pee fir. fang the Indies with a clear - and
short higeway - in front, is no faker *problem
to be soloed. The tide - of
to etnipailon sets no
ore,exclusively.fran East to-Wen, 'but rapidly
ebbs:endanger backward, ate Chloe, flindoca
tan; the Ananias colonies, the Pacilielsiditht,
is. Minn. Peruvian. 'maiden= Stites, pour
theirtootely crowds of eageritoralgrents „along
the ihole rout .hrem - Gin to the, Cols:sepia-.
The Icy tops of 'the Sierra Nevada are passed,
and the great upland Basinqf Utah became the
thoroughfare of truism: pilgrims, end caravan;
from the far-East; 'Through thewilderarlia
Santo F0;1414 thence along the passes
of the nountaine; • other erolol*Pteee each other
to fro on the path of the nuidern.Ophir.--
And thus; in the progressof a fqw brief yeast
the swollen tides of humanity, bersthit the Inc
tiers of the Alleghenies-Imm the East, unit ,
the Nevada 'from the Welk: must at - Itst:tnetir,,
sand'. mingle In - the valley. of the Idiesislipp4 -
arblek I. destined to be thi central man of our
mighttyy Union
In are genial panidede of gridnalljoped- -
jug theiresoarois of this world for the progress
• of mankind, them lithe nonrated; acoomme- -
dation tn'the enWng wants . and espacitien ot
ter nee. - Eve rything .33414 anneal at once.
The grad, the deniable...An ;actuary, are 'bid-
Jen away In thieuth's sand places, lathe
task of laborious enterprise Is imposed on mist
for their discovery end useful pteparation. Yet"
Tea:yellow as ere the:modern develoPteante of
'industry, of silence, and sometimes wren of cep- .
Went thane. W a r e " la. as edoPtellOil in these.
resources; for new means of+ access seem to
keep tioneteet Flit*.*lth each lantlalior; and na
earls.. Oar Benacent ?den weirkseaX his
wonderful sehemer • by berm :sant*,•told'AS'
ninnies. with sit its ,i - kiwes
its ans, is charged with the noble task of rrea
desekprearo, and eats the results become the
'wont of n3nn, and aremede the . totalsitod'iOtis
211 S MOTU beciana . graW44l 7 , o 4 -1 9! 40 1 00- -
rill:arid in , which the cramped and burdened
editions might find room fur and in ie
pendenoendt , new Continent' was suddesdx
tinciesed for their Occupation The old
01 systems of E urope and of the Eastern on:
tions delayed in consopenctof the ineancit,
Ments of individual power made deeFottnlaton
ruptlOn or loran-slid .4 • virgin can* .W4lk
forthwith opened as a!refuge for thee/loused
masse,, h, which:Le i trim:lp% of 'blonde pain
cid and - religious in might he teed without
any -00tmOloirei effort to ext(v_i?lr nuere
' The min; even inthth new
amid,' began 'to strip commercial conntrien of
their forestei or mode gauge aduablefor fuel;
and suddenly the heart : oAM Paik3,l round to
be veined with minerals will save the lives
of the majestic toonambeirlashadrarth shelter
she -Coat thus becomes the moat pa- - .
tat agent in commercial deselopmenk tot, With
al,' it, the aoss could not be trauma witiathe
rapidity, end 0:0407 guit otity_Mtole - enact.
Tine increased industry saut ,taremou: pr
len° l l" , °lo°°Oted POliodtdtoott of lotion* nem
tiles required either a greater tannin of apt;
tir to:represent 11411°,,Ptquotift.1e'F%-ARay
ftsadard of vales teethe precious meats already
i n, •=FFit i ,. 0 l
ntig t if regen4 1 ,07.14
...014,7e- ..""411041.01.ibl
is .': frit - OW
t A
l a d T :tterlize=
liF 4
ed.: i egieviter"o doer'
• .
f.m =Mud. &nd haina , iddll, ambling
its wires, embrop i the whole won.; with the
0010140 S i,8 1 4 . 04 , 41041:310, afore
ouses Of Jaren op, comfort, and wealth are not
=Melt t e o ? fir= I
=Tim Far a ylly„iiLdi r totis they lie.
Fer aytaf amid roreebtuid Vit•MFar my in'.
;....reallted , by, dmuri4iyages..—.
r iidalArig ilia renewal' of hope in de-
Spalding heartvfind renewal of energies in bed.
ken men. There thefileHong concealed and
wisely garnered tenifdatione be ,discorered
at the appropriate moment la the world's.
grail and to lead man thither no the founder of
a new field of human industry."' •
- 1: In this genial demsloPment of ear globe, three
classes persons here always been
Diseorerer, the CoMpteror, and the Pioneer.' ,
Emigration is the - Orerflowing 'of a bitter cop.
jam- do not ooltuatili leave their native landl
and' kindred for the perils the, wildentess, or
for, a country with which they hare no commm
pity, of laws, .language, or present Interest.' on
less poverty or bad government CrOwds them in t
to the forest: When tbe,Discorerer and the Coo
-1 !pact Mtn foundltbeland and partly mined ttie
I mirage, the Pioneer advances into their tield'of
W 11 13 1,1131 10 'enterprise, and his : task partdems.
Maim; deg;Mes, of the daogera incurred by both
hie predecessors. lie is aiyrap.,4 taming seek,
er Indin 'ismi 'generally pursues• it
with a b,u4iMe dmaise , to improve his lot; yettbe
dance .sometimes
g r i f iri t g, z =y o =re d rin , lts monde; In
car country, is thil - Orvieto self reliance...of the
one man or the one family, - This spirit of social;
sad industrial ludepeadence oCcasionaV
ly becomes wild, impatient, and uncontrollable;
Itsmalest exhibition under such. circumstances
it in mulemannemlorlwaywardlawlessnessorbich
eutragedaceighborboods are Wont atutunarily to
suety mockers of 4 ir Iti n" 48 19 - 9 pa l e, w' and
there ari'multitudes who not Ord) go voluntarily
end wisely:lnto new lands, but other beadiest or
.tolling crowds are scourged by society Into the
Ochre nod': urely are these el
ements ' -new.. - States gathered. Purged,' 'end
eindallixed mound thecentres of modern civili
sation:: TiOpe,embltlon; misery, avarice. Oren.
tura noble prime, 'drisoott impstient men wbo
will not be'satisfted 'with the slow, dripping
secessions. Of wealth In the old cointounities.—
They require fortune and position by
Independence) .demand.+ span. for the gigged/0
t*Piretitos of its rat - 1124e; awl tuts, be.nouk
to , the forma. The wandering .In:edema's:or
hunter gathers his brothers - in armed masses for
protection tunid Ibis oboes of irocaganised free
dom,:4ll4 they support each other cherrfalli in
season* of danger or'
the. eoclak , law of humanity vindicates
itself; Pisa' tbe eager spirit of .perfect inde
pesiteuer::,lThOterr Man. who bad once either
drained or sipped the cup of civilisation : ls fond.
there mutt red slid olothea, , 'Oar does he
cease to yeast, for .the ' relinquished luxuries,
anniseioestaini'eonsforti of the horns he alma-
I dolled beyond the eastern ntoeuttolis: Wherever
MIA goes, man'seseritatins-Assoney—pur
sues him;
and sec retly he lunge for the pleaaing
results of that civilisation which be feigns to de
spite.- Thin the:pioneer may be said to bolt the
forest like a trap far the trader. Taking Up the
war:with thejasltAil where the conqueror left it,
he at once eutaines the soil aid the savage. The
fanner; at length,' plante himself on the land
that the ranger wrests from tile indlyt. 'The
mendant 40itril with hie soils the Baia that
were seouigsd hy the pirate.' - The &Her dolls
the edge of the bowiehnife. .ITherethe pioneer
treads the mistiottary followa.. Element brisk..
'nun; einliststien ;4°o Def. reset% like s
shadow, follows the Mae of war. Death
career of the:primeval roister, and
the laws of God, vindicated, by its licrtrot alt'. .
mats 'eticcesih Obi Merit of . peace, whoee
umphs aro the only true ones, plants the trader
and the fanner on. his grate, and that which was
'wildly won' is quietly and enjoyed.
—Bragg Mayer's Ditroune Geom. the Maryland
Pam', July 7, 1851,
The:great ques tio n-of the day. is ROW rapidly
.. .
appreschingthe moment of Its solution. - Tee
reporter &f de Tmrpterille is annorrneed for to
day, and 44 'debate +open It may be expected
next week.' The positions of parties with vu' :
. sped to Ikandprospects of..the ethimpt to Mod.
IfY the coustitation„lere undergone no Menge
since Ibust alluded to the subject. . .
.The President,bai been twice Meent from the
capital for e day or two since I lest wrote, - and
upon both occasions be made use of what he
'calls kis mitione• ins way which, while It does
not awake` the ate= that ad Ms late speech et
Djon, cconirmi ther.enspicion of his enemies 113,
Ural koceati of. his' intestines, and makes his
.defence mare &Skutt to his friends. It seems
, . now. pretty oust, that .tha President and hie
friends - 4n an ion of the teasel. b r the
- A roily to m0d.14 the ocmatitation so 91 to ad
emit of Ids legal ..IWelectlen, are . preprint; as .
One Sescommithlch, others failing, may:procure
the deetred:prolouption of parer, a cosi/ shat
by the People, with theEailot In band instead of
the =stet . Hie bate-speeches mean, so" intt
MOM the ementeletesel, and so &mill. de La
puutine;lbat be will be voted. for by the people ,
tu 1852, Invite of the Constitutional &lability
tinder which belies, and that be will accept this .
Inestuliiend rembatlimary candidacy. Thiiis'
phtingthresferad; bat the threat is not, I think
rraughb with much ' danger, and for itiels- tea;
poor The petition monument now near its Alma
has not, (notwilliersotlisig the. Immense edminis- _'
!ratite premiers which hes been applied) remitt
ed In the procuring of more than half • million
of elgMberee..that ' dein:aid a renewal of M.
Bansperts'a term of office. This is a very lib
end, probehly.tho large an allowance. Dot there.
Is; fright:4 l MtaiteN4 ll ve dithmico from this
lumber to Meals roUlialut who elected him lo
1848, "; Where is be lo'get even the two millions;
nemesary to the:valffity or I PoPolsr tleclion ,
; Again, his ail millions in 1848 consisted of the
Milted monarchist -.parties against - the republic,
But 'lf the Indere' or tbe TAMED monarchial per
iies In the:ttatienzbly . are [revocably oppomd to
the melectirea of LI. BONAPARTE, and unwilling
to concur in '.itiessizes, legal or illegal, :having
that re k elemlonte 'view, it may be -counted on
confidently'. that they; .will have suffelent In
fluentowitle thairteepecilm parties in threonntry
to prevent that being effected by a popular coup
trete! which they retheito effect as legislatoni.
Iforechrar;the President has done much to de.
populatite- hinmelf Mins:lB4B; by
or- essetionlng -etbroceting, and seventh* by
taking - no . steps to procure the repeal of the
numerousitivitunpopular, oppressive laws
Which mar the stattatelmok,' lie cannot succeed,
do what be will, In throwing the responsibility
end the odlinn'nfthee laws upo theAsseTably:Te
side; rather then Minnie GM ordierisid mirage en
der which the elections 0ft;48141849 took place
the Amemby y would emotes legialetive
amp d' dal, or provoke 'one feomthe 'President,
kuowing thatrievolutfon ins more fonnidablo
thapewould spedlly. follow. 1 donut apprehend,
theretre, any thing 'unions from the threats impli.
tertrithe Prtaidehtial speeches, and expressed ni
his journals, of revolution by the ballot-box. If
M. BONAPARTE is ill power after May; 1862, it
will Irby shine eta military anttconatiattion
ed Mochnientoperated by Moo, or of a; similar
thoillgentary movement effected for him, to which
the rasition nnty he rotepilled by the Plinleent
thinger,ot democratic :nesislient.- I apprehend,
.notwitisitancling the determined nnfriendly tons
With which they now strait', that, the re-actlonist
parties would still prefer BONAPARTE to CATION ie
- T and for this' reason: They know that the for
mer is incapable offoustliny any tbipg; and they%
would prefer the :provisional under Mon with
hope thatesch. Party would retain of altintately
anteceding theprovishinal into the definitive of its
choice, to the definitive, most certainly- hotline
to all their pretensions, that might be ,foitrided.
L 7 CaP4 .
i Thlt.ltingililyitt Row discussing, and IPM been
- doing so for mast days past, the expediency of
almadordog the monopoly hitherto held, by the .
State Of the stearaboatmaG serviie in the Medi
terranean.' There it every .'prospect Mat the
decision will be one that - wisdom, policy; and the
pithlio interest properly underetood, would die
- late -- Heretofore Govethment, 11l obedience to'
• ' at deplorable gated. of .eentralisation which
, patsies private enterfritie, keeping the 'nation
perpetuelly In a emit jacket; the State, with its
. own boat; and its own. agents,. has badly per:
formed the fleecier:et immerse cost. It m hap
pens that a wealthy and poWerf4l private siesodP
lion, the “htessagerleti Nationales,"} (National
Slate Coach CeozPally,) . hes been . compelled,' by
the eztenaion of railroad lines over't h e , 111301,1
,:enefece4 yntoto, to to o F tatt Its operations, as
to make the conti nued eziateoin of the munpany:
for the purposes of Its original' foundation:l:Mad -
vinable, and the Campo). will proceed to iltili.
quidation of its 'affairs and final dissolution, so-
Ines the proposition which it has recently made
td Government for undertaking on Its own de-,
ant the Mediterranean mail service should be
- Welled to. The project has found an able and
warm supplier in M. Ihtfaute, ~f the Aniembly..
The whole right and ttoi moderate le ft seem ' ln; ,
dined to vote it: while the Montagniudnind So:
chains of the Eshrtmi tett oppose the project,'
I lichen, to., in man:, These geotlemeoi with
itkzt I canneebithold to. be Tiny theta/Islam.
DenionNey . ,-,lnehm, es an article of their polite/
cal creed, upon * the , vighy • to - lebor.'!:' They
therefore desire that GoihniMent Mould poeteti
Half of• ell rallreade, cr . all canals, of ell eater-
Prifteis of generallnteresh*that It should': seize
Japan and monopolize the national labor , in hit
lii depnriments, in* order that it may be 'ever
ready to Eatisfy this rright - trtlsbort"WPicif alley
atone In Thin to get inserted In the GOMltinetion
of 1848. Lm ' out of iiiiir ,ths Izernemsely
~... 'l'llittune
r&p m, - ultrietesdo oot
cretin D how - sepooloc**, are
their Do ass' ion ' . Theyforget that all
Grum:mots • are' conserratlve, sad etr be-
al l itkii:l•l4 4 =47 % tif , reitiiithl of
their views would centre in Govermnant; what
• • stibbrpolltlisittleintrit
ennerntOntabliglitdrlions"ot wortingnitit, with:
their timoilies,•degewlent tor -daily breed upon :
the daily stretching forth of the. ecrvernment'sr
hank what dares
: instruments of deopotloro
they must ineritatdy become. -• Away•wltir such:
detestable Democincy ae this! Misr
abominable alave•inaklnt doctrine of the rilgbli
to labor 1"... All 'I ink ton anyeelti and for 'MI
Metall; ii.ihe:linertynt labor.ns it -is nadir
',Mod end practiced In the- United States: I.ct
Gorernment hive as little to do with me,eerie
as rarely iti - datinictsritlitint Li psalm leave
petite to employ LTE T , faculties, dental undplty.
noel,- when; when, sot and to the extent Ipleatre,
so - I diinotinteretere with the prior-or main
right's at another. -Let It protect mein UP ex
ercise of these . tannin, 'and' In enjoy:lent of
;their profits, - and then • 0011121TIZIOIIi will bare
done allWanly : Cigna the subject of theleboi of
• Our'Mitionar festival; the everglorintis Fourth
of July penned. here in the mat manner.'-'4
/arSe44 o lParty.or of.wltont there are
greater riuMbers in Paris this. year than I have..
ever before remarked, dined .topther . at the .
Trois Itres Pervenernir,,in "he P4ls;
blerrimeti tabiu. with patriotism and ,good
cheer. , Sirrenty-eve rare af happy,presper
and glorious 'republiel. Andel. the end. of Shit
period the people tutting. spretalmonsly to lit
tle communities all Over,:and,with
still'greaterenthtudismWherever,theyrial hap
pen to be thrown' together in foreign landa, to
hail the anapiciouristinivenno, whose every re.
tura witnesses anadvante innatkosel
and an extension of biotin happiness,
philanthropy ninivrelli Noire, of which patriot&
ism may well be proud! May thoseArenlat in-:
stitritiona flourish yet a thousarul years beneath
the fructifying ioduences of our bleared Mime
.013 n emote, which that. of Gov ernment for the
people by the people; which 13 that of liberty
without license, of self-government, eeluditteut
with Model:stint, stability, and progress; of 'eV
government, assuring protetcion total intsrestia
eqjeyinent or all rights: al' trreaom, individual
end national, in its largest Petit, made oribsarii
'Tient Without revolution, without shock, without
, danger, regularly, peacefully, surely, rapidly,tio
Individual and national happiness In their truest,
!ewe; this canal v not one In which .wa wane
are interested; it is harm:than% The United
Suttee will blaze throughout all time, a light to
guide umions to the adoption of republican gov
conment, or a beacon to warn them of the &o
gee of democracy. If IL falls with tut, where
could the republic possible succeed!: . - Vfliateafir%
eh What refuge, except in the arm 3 of that hoary:
Despotism from; which we - :hope the Is
freeing sireelf, its eyes fixed owns - with admire
i lion, with joy, With hope, 'and yet with tipprw.
Sams of the nitra.democratio Icituntaht 'fle
horibe this little American patriotic re-rode etc..
the 4th in reidentl i i . exaggeritedfirom addrog
incidents Uhl& I' uld be sorry to bailee* to
have mewed ! One of them concludes withal,
expression Of the belief that " th e two sister s publics will heCreforth have' but one slut di
same toice to proclaim - the fraternity and' 't
named' union or maims" ! -BA I I skald
loathe the tame of republic If I knew it only b ,
be manner to which ...latterly,- Equality, tin
Fraternity," andz , lemily, labor. property, a s'
pudic order" are understood, - pmetisedand pro,
tected hoe. - Atter the - pelebration at the Mir
Term Pr, aibiatux, Minna of the party repaired
to the residence of our new Consul, hfr. tdood
rich, PG line dela Victoire, who his commenced
the perfornitosce of his official &dim here under
the happiest anspirse < Once /sweet hie , house
is thrown op= M. Americans In Parts; and we
we always sure of meeting there. from himself
'and the accomplished memberti -of hit fintoily, ,a
: kind *MI btepitsble reception. !! Our Minister.hlr. Rives, is, Ism told, abseuttrom Veriest thla
simmer, visiting, for lala healths sake, one of
the farblonaltde French watering:places.
... The journals from 1t.,,. stets that American
seamen at that seeped celetouted with much an
imation the national holyider, ~. 'All American
itISSSIS wee. decorated - with' nage; and' . bo*
`with mania and colors king, traTtplied the city
in CI ditectione, with many Beide:meson the pert
of the population of good-will and sympathy.
' It is getting to be generally understood that
the Assembly will take a recess at a few weeks
after the revision question shall he declilet. :
. '.Charles - Rego, who was condemned to stn
months imprisonment sad an haialted IMP
fine, .46 few weeks ego, fur publie inthe Ace
mrcr an article spinet capital pWahmtmt, and
who '40114 has withdraw the appeal end
e u
accepted the sentence It was in this ca m,
may remember, that his tether, Victor II
wee rrmitted to appear, sad Made so
I s. de cure for Ids son. This la a hard case.
alp.licasits. J. hum d: Weieul.' b to itt,:
PM tam that we have sold all at roar Wont llaittlta Tao
loft with It., We wish yoe, to 'end ita some mite plot=
goollSiors tt hu liVlnt Meat Slat4o4oo blTh
bi 1.1162217 rolls for lt alms • • brew town wok at the all.,1:
tla. It Lu to tormatki all latart Hapapaloaajstrala woo.
t7,..1 thl. :Moans 101 , VIA to bap a Maly tot boa&
• It 4 If. 1.1 , 4215111103. I
The Alves Is owe of the Ltiod,Ma of allollit =was/.
eollma tibittt for Dowiteton of MU asedlallto midair
aeiviok., Where It Las bad tatroctoowl. IS ba• beam* tbe
papal. moot): ba
1 1 / 4 r salt IT J. LTDD k •
tiMasalika Ifs. Gs. waoCit:
joie-The krantvit remedy of the ago Booms
try he the weleloatedlniaktneeelledi H. 0. Werra. nil W .
Nn lleantent. it le need ea an external anelltaelm mat Yr
tea n pwesri mat wandirthl anixlltles foe hisling.quier:
lag paha, restoring park' Angle, fn. A Mad hods non
weer* braise. wbirn Itaratelowl wartineetkien he Wand
fermi renardiei Ca tu, elect, when As .vas adttni4 WWI
0. 0. I.4oora,aaebottl. . ot *bleb en._
Orelr rand lax. We been no dreebn.freen the eaanal or
dm Warr. trot far Mt exaelleal tneetklne., be *nail herri
tnki a evrione no. a It. • nee, edratlannent
LIKE OIL tuirlsVATltlge- . fli ink man can tall a
wont thegirtin ay Mit% la wowed* las Dr. mina swath
ginner by earths It And one man Wet it. amigo& it
poor, it will &rimy' ths populnity with Ur. wboirett7,
You etiol lutrolare a anagidne tato populist wro nukes it
'tiara*. really initaitaritlal Vista.", frac lrom'all bat dimes
of yr= objections, ant It la thla tert that boo matabliabgt
thrseputatlon liall'lCoamfoarid Fluid ketrart or ger:
raparills.^ beyond all cavil or disputa. its adios Upow
the human arrterm Lb words:ow with ratinual arch
laeoPhind Igtheltaio,4t twarootee the valiant , omptioni
and nation/I of the body. nitogreargagnutions. glighteet
utothla tad &nand matter; • rtrenathens that atocuath
wl ql.fintket *Mutt mate. unte boalthy
bloog ant regulate+ the various manila.' at tUghnint
oCacao or the body.. This la NI ,pargrund villa:nit the
leset4theer of harm. theirserstratiori being a• aan tan.
efiloareirri St mar bethought by thethaPtioii: Mit U.
;tarpon to rare Pro Many .110...., tart now crinit.
that, it will to gonad that a large "majority of the glary
ea "fall tCkt tha busman farallr eliminate in an isotitira
date of the him!. Be net &Mt eg;glent. by other Sax
le.ium offered, you by "may Allow, mwthinee
wort , preparation" as a anbatitota car the' critical
Min MON thanioaDllat valuable Prepapitith . t e .
proprietor woman to be matador to all othon.
Carrioa.—pence and salt 44%14 ortairod Dr. lota
Mars SortePorato l Kneativ—.4l hay* motto,. Bee
advarttarsorot DU anotbre paga. .
. .
: KSYSBIt & Ii'DOWNLL. I W W 60,1 1.14'
. .1.1M41,3MT - Molandetitetsilinatta.
. .
Petroleum I
.Buliureauaa. tiuotinzamm.PLOganaVV.
•s. M. ' BuarUear Elr, To Putetdaam u watilos wan;
dm to tbir. Tlefoltyobarelbra to would Umiak you to bra
taro dawn by tha Penneyhaula 11.011 road. We an as
tbrr I r out, and It to Wag taduliel aioadid Infaly day.
P.P.064 1 1. • ;JOON &Witt 4.0 a.
41orurrulr. dridau4 c 0...
4.11a, -Des: rilr, Your Joni. • Iblr weeks 1a.%
Intr. with no bur ."dorm Rout 01C Add& iro ban sold.
- Man rorrroni to rut Au Joan Isuoollut47.
your I,o4elnilii rocking ymkborn Ms region., Wa
can obtain yernanl antlflob*ltyan dialentbpa.
Yours, . W. BCOTY.
• For sal. by anyory McDownll. 140 Wood drat; R. I.
11%.1 ol.Ob B. A. Yalanridock, I ON came
if and Front mtniebs D. B. cnrry.D. A. itniou. Jona
Denglaa,a.n.l 11. P. Ye : by - Arts, Alitay. Wan by the yr.
• • . _ 8.11. RIM.
,a011:111wer canal
insurtune Company onittsbuigh
()Moe No. 41 Wetprgyree4.lo she waphoome ofC.ll.
C.O. 'MUT. MAW. 1.110 . 7,
Thb coeugay le now gozgarel home enerelteroilie
to eeore. &tea .
atii=oo.lT ' l ' SABO in the l ettaniete r Vof
who emelt Ahem, of PlLlatnergh , well and ta If
,mown to th e coon...tie Le their prudence. Intellipam
end lotrdritr
1/0.4.14113-.4. ibiften Wll. 1144 . 1141 Wm. Latham
Je., Welter Bryant, thigh D. Llwiud Lleulets.
Joho . ll4.lwoe4has• th.butarb. 11.11. r. • - AM:W.
Faseign and' Anierican
1 2 9. 1 PW'strite.;
Ittbla tha WWI Vu N nal which they in prpand
t. to yardman at Palm that vtltaaaWara
farotaly vrl7.f tb•rupan
P~ttebmgh :; Life lmmune. Company,
oppieg.wo. 76 fOtIRTII STREET.
IL Moon.
• V ice Prealagnt—lttanat Netazatix.
• s zkleattavarttosmeat IS Part Ma payre.
Va4 toiiP.,6l/4 -
AFEW' very . auPeri°r '.
L.. 7 - 11.7 "'' bi. - . -
~,.. sylexidkt gjahua 010. P.., •
Ufa UA; do.L4...dh..i.t.d.patt.7..ridmor d; ;
..4, of swion.7l,lwwsOP4 B• I . .
liE l4l o' t D eut ," ..A C TT ltickL itiottop '
JMarket Eftrt ew sstatbd lot oi Paint Vail*
oiEs. • ottr antes. at Ulna Intratatt Mft &ITC
rgaziat i g i on ttg• ci l jyre,
• .
G.I . - ' M A L ENn tiM life ii;
0 4 1 * i . ~/,11.7 14 i ,
7,7 . 1 , A t : , *7b.. . . . e
~e, *. ; .3 1 4i:1 4 ;4.
The Mane sootabastilhed hr '"
Tme Oil . Paintings it Auctkat.. -
gliN MONDAY EVENING,Ivir 28n it
YogetiiV tli* '''"ktk:4jl
enz oe•eall St Pablialla•W
nantlnes ra ar=Enna . 14 44
".2.=lF= nOnt7 or DosalLeas nun mateican
, Num estistanixwm4 und limma•
. ,
Ilso• and labor bniininst I na.".."cua'
'offOpin isms anat. 'All than us In l•
rimy win frILIZION Assitmo. da to 'dant cb• per
. .... , , .
They EU In .o2wllog tlpielloalialtltlikek.ost/Lare
day mondair.te •rbana estakcao
Tlreltbarks •the WINS seingrethil,
bay *au.= . • •
. 2 csiki WAttreaVt
C.V"UrbiewitY .
: 4:1:m .."crrirmyri_ ri.
111 LL
- 11'S SARSA.PAAIf.LIL-12 dos: . for
Bmals br J. EXDD a D.
14" CAUSTIC-4 . 11m for. tale la.
fIYSINIDE POTASSA---10 lbs for sale, by
EPSOM SALTS, 40 castefor osle byy
A LC011011) fo . r 'sale
Sims' Fire Prod MineralrPsint.
subscriber ; completed tie is ,
I...tablishment far the of Cho awns taut
Ample, Door the bad of ledotal maw!,4 l4l=
teooad to aIL 0. 23,.-
1.044 to' nuabb it, *tough :Ids at
• J. 4.Coattn, 'mesa of Irtdrd land Magi •pqi
LiN a zto &Co ISO Lawny stole%
h aihtlth.T. ;'
_ _
i ft,OFFEE- 1 1521odigiltio,Sai by
J 7 - ; • JOBB WAIT 00.
MACKEREL—Noe. 1,2, and 3 in bale
Green Teas have advanced We- per
you catt buy Green' Teas, for three montiul
to maw, at moms , Tea Mart, Ise tba Dlasaced: at
ta v akt Wes, aad
Tarr Wi tbs = ~at
T ln tr o na
A Good Bargain >A 'dost:Gfferbd,
r.k...n0. taloa: AMMAR Amu.. Ikensh.
oar Harfe Male sernala p rg••• t.• rad.
7 4erran s e r e ..,, flan=
Vat. 16- Parma.
up:velum wI.U.PPII tO AULD • IftYM
b, y4itomz , v 7 A blinga IrtU&O.:211611a
Ny ft IIITING-400 bbh. (dry and very One)
. i.k, hi .1
.14010053W= lb Wit
"'OIL BRIMSTONE-2 MAL for gaiety:
tL Jr 421 - ,LISCHOOAVAIMII • 4/0.
ALERATUS-8 :casks twarroated Eve
$,7 Meads by J . SCHOONKAKIR
JUST RECEIVXD, b*thii liciining'ia
r . ge0 .. ..11: t 2=0r ampartmat ULM&
e.gotaralla, Lot mat Barstow, sad Waal
acovuour. an goal sataortmott atlas Wetermer
as nor to lowa aim mama otablitaseast... ear or.
Momenta trltla team Vat la:sorters at• warm la
to warrant to la advanislar th
d at we itui saabial to atll at
th. . marilataa n =l DT, ragaa= h. i.r a ...=-
...Am, laas anotal. ao hoes; Omar Watebea
matted la at boa saaa
A. r sr attal oarr. .
ii'Z' • ' C..earaar /Wad sot I , *testa ",
Murphy it Mutheeld
c HAVIC OPEN this .;;Inince nuttier sup..
't%gsh" t sfftt"riZV:A=Sirsraes..
anlnamat Irma: Irian Liam; WOW manna Illre•
roam. en: at ter nadbaut more at tomb and Mutat
ICLEBER, Nci.:lolTtird street, haijust
• abonil It evbr Ibybk4 yeomen -
Wbittyrbas.ll•Bl42obab •
•: The =kabob:
• Ire 1111.• bbli 'maw alrlksted to Kb Canon, Mt • Crest
•• bee
Oboe elbmannwi timid mires roc
The bbitbtb
.___ l.. otb+ 4l .. l =b• b " ) "" . ! "7;
Testis lla la tem ' •
Cualemebildabollb away ran - . •
Sasbby, 47kabr, =by
TO* Wallas, by blabban
1.-" .14 W4n4 . 17 VIZ GOWEN num •
j6T 110121LBS'IXEKBAST - OSPOT, Third
'• thUt Aim Xa.874:,..
, no 14
ft t r
i s r a e l
n a . s
an l zun 0s tziO :l44ra Eels
; Pz la votr/rlm 4 .M.ia.m...
.. ,
a xi tr=vreta
tl. I 1
' -
; nu, Teri& EULlthestrialece. `
' ,.. Sa Or U. b. awl Coml.._
• •or t &law 4: • la& of nal bk; by cornium
, Tbr Iletrof utiraybug. a isie; by ii....iu.dit: -
. vw DaNklibicair Mk t
. 47y . a Me breast tt00.,,, -
; -
i , oc&ri twirkdr„ $4 , '''",—, `"' -i- - *
.. . .
•' '-•TOtheAkatil
- riSAilaa noises .111 the head, and 'di
itillienetile - elneinwsve fret men. ntintrlyttel
gliMbinSUr 1111121011114 •11.4611 pal% 1.111•DI MI by
Dr. Hallrtil, PTlseaA W. N.Y. ley* ant Ear
Eh:stems= at On st., bet. to moat=
his Meta .T he number* jpottute oft=
awe asterhe a =hie ne» (Moot the =Whim%
11,16:70In a MOM Wilda illitaktll4 4. UI•MitIIU have i n
Ci=te awn. Ids Mann Bh u tto& tee . =
=A, en% nm4nnr
ealis an early tall.
1,. U. may be ateenittd. mu ev ri nice, Au.
eitnin . et = wiett 'nett =Wing bar en th
, . _
: • r fireenvoctairdim, _
.A CHOICE collection ef,Slirabbeiy,
11,11. 1 410.,W471 8 43 . 1 . 1 4t a
saaan tassasaral T N sad amid g
Void sad i lt=ds, " Pliastasssis y ITtf boatrt
•ordas rulnied t. the prowistor. W•ss Minebeter.
Alkiboay county, Pa, will twelve ptampt attnaloo,
4711.11 J. WEAL%
;.• liganoved.—
ENNErr, BERRY a CO. hi.e.iemoied
Wanbouseopotadtat hue Led
. -
/ D -1 4 44 7 1 0 3 / 3 aUfghatirlinlXMO l2 4 l 4r
ILIII&COMPANY offers to the ilueried sill
W.. ...Air and admit**. QM.. Maloof and.intot
.. Pismo ma banana. reethe) donning, domain la
Wawa Wales. an =Voltam la and et tab
outage npfroloaf dar ' fiak of th• Tamils
adediaata,'lot Ind no fire WI fanny meow
Salt of manna fot We i torod of Illannhan molts
bit Wend hi Ind tecandalanakc hat moron' to - oath
odnoloora dajakla at dank by croilta won their ponder._
• causati ISIDe degtaxl ftt tbo dannanont sorafftf of'
wet mu. teeretem ero t mee lb. ;Trout toottOtt at
'or "r"d' botorratea n 'ot . #l, "Il uaa ads- no=
g:ge t, ,z , 1 , 1 E..... agrz.. ... tr1n „ =z;
taw mama '
i =tt . Odonendor OA nont ad
In tall the Vila Ltd
nig?"Eckonaof I:= K ipal' and andantinos
r " .I TF",'.." -2 T . OTib 7 ., iizi,,ix P i
:B " Un Dn:""i; WOW nalill.R.. . rot a.
IIiAVE jut received onecase orW.aeh
Mo•quit* a ri.
_jy2l • • WU. NOBLY. nun, aniß,
WFA ala.,;!
je ,
The ceA`real NiewTorkilieutchii Raab.
E cork isdone on , Scientific Prin
ad Stemateet_ll.4in. In .11 ' "n. l:ma*
Edon. rit.truottom yuLt•
• Path 1111,44 tID wi.teuslam - tram„.......-St to
WlLetuna qq
Jimagrs.past isso Licaim . '"lfiarfrasA Etseltr
TRWO ° 4I 4 O 6 L I6 'LW Ww.
L.ahad Tad Pwash6 Untesallsltheos.coottait 2
'Tra„,, 1 414 4 .47:2 the wants 7:
rair • initri; ns Pest st.
. Jr 44 Wood hod Warta sti. '
Wanted to Pneettalez
QJOCK of, tb,e ' of. Pittiburg [ or
s , l „ .'"g"O r Y 47 l..irtulab"'lgn.'
• roma womb ant wart roc' '
A-IAI= • '
ARL-ASH=3O bbL. foc sale by
_ • New Tot Received:. ,
AS tr Problem; reprinted with comer,
emus bad sidltiman by th• antlsce of Eton Locke.
'l =it CkoyabOaultali o(iapt. by Jacob Abbott:
18 attralt • To.of 4r vAetem. • taM.atm,..
t w er=jolg !Lim: tiovrr.,ro-rda",
M. 49 .44 itaiswa
7ynio Dktbry ofatadubt . lch bbailbe if. , * /CD : .
,rea N itimirrad 1144 thiania.ilair.
U. qootrobm i Stbi.Eikwm SOUtb , "
ambit b t jtp i gl i t ran UMweacazity•
hobb • 4WD) lullaby*. north
RATdS— boxes rare; •
"• • " • J.Zoixnabr`
1 4 1ENSEED OLE 2R btdb!., taxi: l 'l= l
LAKE FIBII IQ 4 bbh lirhitgrflel; l i
• 6 61." 661* by
fIUCKLII (km' Mazietts,Tar Eiale - br
-jr= i J. B. CAMEL°.
VPamirslnnis /*lrma ,C,9l4PanYdA
ats the. impratli th. laWeeni
eaduratlytialeataehe all theft operatke,
ultimo thee moat airaiat b. ta wartiater Ite
wee . We take nova. C.MTODS
leadore time tanemach thee , win b. tam-
Wu of tiw Crinitt) that the Injury to the lama ea
t r eirr a irt 11 . V i m "'
" a
t s t"' wehi n 4 fl ea=
• ew t
si ne remit atm the an:bner
". b as
sin Wile. ma on ;mama I , Irlif.e
a+iaatthFouratqa e .' •CE
$ the retie at the 'Hebron Cammer. . •
• 01. aloreley, the 29th Inn.. w* Jaen ....h. gab/ L eap as
tun et the by ..X r bernallue dune&
CLARE TLIAW, POO. sal Ohl. Una
..„ ' D.Larell a ca.
V 7. BINGHAM a . CO- Manuae une;
=far oaarr a pa, 1.10,50 W 10ne.:.. ?
BROOMS -50 doz:
Ctibts for,vile by
tem .J.Beatitra).-'
, Shirting Muslims sad Irish Linens.
K.ffiP .4 UT&BElßCtlFTELDhairaie'fielied
• Wthamzoir of TWA , " fthittitut 'wafts ma
restheset . dlrettly Er= the maaahmetturcem
4 taralia4 eau
at lowest pmelblerea:
'Oahe bortbout carpel OTr'grtb .
ram BLACK SlLKS—For.Searra and
Dtwors. Alm, light cod du* awn/At:No 1111k4
- Jitt 3t. """labilatly'llagetrull.'
OiCiVINOIN NATI aster fuo~e
D 1.410
iiriu'i,;"punti.nit . forable nu. b;
- . A. wittnis a-co: ,
• , :., , ,;Toloantene of , Eloali. - ; , •
pi =ORE, uncalled fur, the follciwbigps4,
"- ":= 2 : l
Onion ant enasiied7t . A? tfllitdyj D ur s.
earcwg fralsbsnA::
% earner Pam sad It alt. SW, nun&
. : Paititers.
.• SCRAM'S Pram: returned by tbo Goiti listbd o
UMW. Institute.. sbr Lamming unvarying unigtr
miry of dude mod cable. lbw rossofsetzwer of the aboVe
A= ea.:aut....l um deneo...l mon wath.t.n.
of Prato (Irani, Oa to yormanent, smiths: els yground
tritium& detriourot b. kw* boo rodurni Nm pro.
coo aniri.C,..aratiy; P 1.4 124
o•4= bito4 - 1,4 Ads Wren; pirrehsoors will be snir,
FLOUR --1.10 bbls. -Ex far sale
by j yl9 N. 4 W. lualuvan.
R ED LEAD-5000 Ma. far sale
•,, , A CO..
SOAP -7100 boxes No. 1 Rosin, fOrialeby
MACKEREL -60 bble. large No. 3;
73itinesitht saiMeaar "b. ' •
Art" . JoutvitaTt * co. -
LINSEED OIL-1500 gall. far gale by
Arta ' 7. KIDD A Ca. DrWcal.r-
lIHEMICE STV . NE-81200 lbs. for ante 1g
MACKEREL -100 Mils. Large No. 3;_.
fat.t. b rrio - - 4.51.11 '
SULPLIA.Qtrpa.N.E-.-V).01. f6r islikt by
riODLIVER OIL,-3 gross genuine Runt
tm o cianc&o...;toriatibr , •
OLD J scab Townsend Sirsapasills--24
dz. Gyrate LE • J. 2:11)D 00.. "
- PAUSE xe
-54_bos, ou consiment noK :
11.1 h.fts.Thr eau by 18.1Lt6 MOIST
Water and hem an
0. 1 MACKEREL in inner bbls. for,
N'• teemnrclicrt
1719. Weser col 711 ,
U ICE-41y ttie tierce or bbl. for sale 14%
" "1 / 1 1 . 9 t",l44lllasExrda,Ces24
IaUTBIEGS-1 bhl. for Wit - low to 'claw
musignEunt. IWAII DICKEY k_ ".00
,rlll • Waur cud 'mut.. •
1 - 441:11113p-:—.2 cerociu — Learaccas;
- 4 kegs klassllls—mill e..ou low to . ekssi
1119 : Water sad Front
, .• 1 AmericanEardware:.'l ,
RLIVEN,.:CLAPP .DOUGL it FA,. Blallti;:
41,0%134 30.5 Platt sisset,thadoom from
IWeirroUgmr tom, would rerpwilollr ttortbi the
tontioator tbe tbuthrus Trade to that Stock ot6oodnao
oared direct
from tti* outtatixtureTs. ..14 be W. otrfr
- WM. NOWT & CO.. ' ' -
_ otattly co hand .revn- demerll4.lmi CFRUNK aad.
B ,314.251VAH.C. and WI? DOW- GLUM. Wu.
80u5r0.4.1. Wad On*.
• She und•nd•••l !minx M. dal•••••Secl
eon. Jo . ll•l th. V.ll 4:4th . reU . lL .4 V : yrill
th. tharabe i.a lnrad Ua te
CtiLLY Jr. Oil. ThatoLtal lcs put Wan. tut - hop•ii k i .
procaptitads Mil strict okttexilol to tb•qualty 4 htlol-AV
tee, to sloth. • Shand the ystroeso EeNyy b..
• NUL 17cCU
AL SODA-3000 lbs. EZnOish. for sale V
jslD• • ' J. KIDD & CO.
41 6.e LGAZINRS FOR AUGUST, at Mimed
Meru" 'Derbfrill wt.; oPPoldir tha Pao Ma
Waal arderovad
' /In caner ot Wood tad 111331.trati: .
W . ANTED I—K young Man, .acquaix' ned
new :2,gb.°A,Dirgehg,Pj°
_ . ..
UI!..VING sol 4 ciur Canal Stock; ari Ibta
.Intarritlrratiissoboeta Malvin N. 2 wad Sawn.
of A:WU t Parka Pi illasol•ad. li.labiar of the sab•
at }tort Ater, Pa-, are as Lbaxiiied to paella the Ler
spai - the arm. •.. . , HAMILTON CLASH&
G: - PARKS-,k C 0...
roltir.uunisa ANIP oalsassioN "arccgiatz3;
• florhtv . : .•
• Etoscaboala Berm aa4
icaci CAmlitli. Azilat; Pitubmitty%
Lt. CLARKE 4t, CO.,
eIZ rark4re him art, fur hu
by am whd has hem *attics orMach lit Lie_ ,rontry' Mum
otal Rolle yea also tayeata. toothea• Mak teltituth
Ilia le well oostsitl4d collarilef Somers, (dam
h.t.) that ot rosoUtAto,'Ulaneboro.) WA atm that at
(decontrol.), mod ilatton himself nabs MU
do credit to hMocootatiom IL ohm draws plaza tar ant
mativaticco. or altentloos of atones,
at the onee of Doe West•Pectrylmiidechm
StaatoZoivez, Ito. 170 Smithfie/d mom
QIIOULDER BRACES: of Abe, moat np
provvol slyko.aliiple sthattnra isi4 wetly Sued,
andot Alta to altaUmb. may regoln tbex.:4l.4: reel.
sad DO sale..wboln* sod br • -
1711 _ - 11.111. waoi
Cadlittleki. Cutlet..., TedVesys le gotta:
then dram., tithe. Lithe, Sow Thew,etteautietur-.
ed to order. mud geed emarithent stymy* cat Jtandod the
kastaptioat. • W. W. IitLSON,
• .1717 lithar Melte Snit,'
For Bak,
11 . 1 . AK.ERY, with ihieo_yetu's . lease of the
'stmt. osi Adam' mt:Allegbro7: lb* askiril Wks
Asmara mammy lb, dans ung r0 b.1......,-
01 , 00 iarira aal aannammed eltJew-Prkp
W.' 70r !ersossppll to BA= MIN.;
LARD OIL-12 bbbh-for ask by
J 341 7 4 r. 4 /A Nl2l ISALULL.
et'AXED' OR - STOLEN :6oni tha Wale
ics, OA rept of bla
etty,mDst nuaulos NM &Veal reatirVontbe
'll ,
k r7Vawao kixamime
kreight received for all tut Way 134;i0s
cm the Pemylinuga, Central Railroad:
Odmalka, , klalerwell i DkanDi r ,
Ilarrioburg,' • •
; • 'Walleye! a San. -
Daticannon, ' Ebber Moron k (k;
kfilkkkikkk, • r :
J ; Dekrysville, • D. D. Thmpk.
klaplAoo, • • Jam DOosl4kka. .-
DUI Onr.k. • •
Joba ter o.
July UM. iksl. ° °°°
14° W&T '"
MUNU.ITO ii#/rar'EhiN tt.
b. bad at the store of '
J 145
XII tar want/. lately rreetv•ll lad aellta kir sty
')lo ificai-r-lko vans Mill. Creek Piz, Iron,
:J4 toils Find
b r . • ' ! ionaresps tlrnß firco.-
INDOW - GLASSboxes. mseetsil
dee:, is am. te sex, be •
srla - - EJIIINSCLX,
erne. ca-:`:.
UACOI4- , -20,00
IMMtEtt b 6o:
—• • •
IlIANNEtte`, bble.! for isat l E M
ILARD • 01.1.-20 iNito." / Bennett
ohm mak', b esets br ; IZALLEIS/Cgla it CO .
j ne - .warnisancelipovia.
Tow Wks' Seminary--Allegbroi.
i r ples=as ea Mandan Piete t ak=a lito4
"rates ad tol4as th• sun e Moan . s
baresoliss, /11.:
ses abeam Wands ttia "MOW.
EV. N. .1. ,RETTRuww bega to ittimate
, gy m. pmit. igii , = tau. au admit two.
ItrodOtloost toque ot tanks laud.
sod tbe olaswats ot toi.
rum ' ato Is 11. boom. sod st.,
~rut =dab.. that
io.R .''4". Z ."" C
itodar. WA wot mt. thaw =
t• sdat- no Durso.. KU Llow=lso.
dm watt at thaw wwwtows3 el
rood toe. ..ex or wodo toi=ostostw. Ito.
Urato.23o Pnmay.W. &maw PiouboritO. Wats sad
tome our be bowl& to applSestion; . jytlT.
SSW Y071.1.41,3D-IMIR
- - - -
tngsktrk fad the Ira' Malmo& fooswellsi atm
elan monsootioa latotlai• tat
Colatobat totd aselased.ed ital
taadad•l (= , 4l.4itutatt Solafailo, 01 , tb•
Mao cat firm cod tao Oblo, U.s• oat
VILIS Dimiluaii AS F 0124166:
Asslikeralasm Vats 6 ticket.
dd ltreolag •
n. Tate Moat at,. atm.
c i != It=t s ta ., 64 ,
9 16 , 61 k rat .. Lfstra . se=ar
Ittiala oda. Dunkirk at
4 A. Y. 461 r • Pawnor Cot is matched to tale Than to
mattasoola Way Patenzeas oaf Lacrters.
.6'irY•ro tam Dunnat to Sam York. AS. bawd Clam
inie••lo be cam ?ram.
Tbto Imasas an so tautoart Ilt• stock 4a6
treibooof /clods toot.Wor lora.
Platiesdar *anal= tall tot pad to SW*. Thy OW ,
war 6 sot Altos tii4 talus ova altvatafooona
mama rads la Mt Otaarlartilla• of Mad.
Sir Testa. trill la 6•6 atamlalott In •
lit _Sniffs 466S a nfatat fog
lan to mud to tho pram, af at an as WW'.
Dosikt.. 11" . °1 : . MO=
El CONSEQUENCE of the decease of Juba
maw... yartamhtp Umiak" eraidiag banns
also it Omads busby ttiossind. Job*./ kisa 7s
folly allthosissd to setticUls business of Use ara.—
masks lambs dft. .ill,=„r" 1 um is'
.. . . . . °Rs aly 1.
rola torona.... -• r. ear -11
DB do
•• taileoneort to Melaka 1
Tbe-business of the of the-Penn
ninon& Central Rairoaa ....Ilocatan Al T ri a berrafter be ono
' • • or Pao ord Warne area.
rittaartb. Jails Ist. 1851:—!)r9• .
I roan r. cam.
Renasi.2ay bu Meo.---Central Raa Boa •
YrLaving been appointe d
! a i = eammumetlatranlvaalacie
re .or MlLlOUle<t bl f k marcbsaill . s. at paxtue l iir d atilsamt,
MC i oods to ' will be aati4 tbro;th - 131 an 1411 1
'sad ail eaosissua Wm rill b. fan. dtdll. a taiga*
_ .
. . _
ilsrl 2" lianrke;ica ;17 W/3t3M-
' a l e ( 1 1 stria
wung..t.suc - -
Pitutattli, July :
'MUPRN . Issl. dOEIV
r. Peeled irod. Anima .Lioi to Chatkout,
; AEG - ENGEM loaye *Toy morning st , _
'Wjan by Obtoabmt to iloatbr M,
cotraunOtbatot!br n=bugb........,.
' To Clavoluall. tO btour,' . To Detroit. atrbolux , ;,..
I " 4 7 nth eill'e i irirs T i ,
Via Ce - daittbos sun L) .a .na, candnun
1 riiat L er -- 16 nn. g' L luhnuakuo,
tt., crory
, orll.n; at. e by U.
Co. lbe
IMlZotert of IlleNio . 0..0t _
utoooo at N. •.• 21,
mad b E t a c .; i„. obozobtot - .;,=Mos same onolog at
to Lb. Obto YtT ..tbit =ls to
14 P Clod.
iolt " l. l rOr . Lbt• WI Calm% Wilt glntob comb quittat.,-;
"""'d cainuts Janus. -
1 ifte t td'iruthmlis gin7V .... ...Chworr i 4.:4. ' ' ,
, :km; nom) /WSW of ambanoto satins.. stmt., -,'
i --
.. 'Mryettelltirlit '''
l'' ' '. Olin man I% &Was Uotol. W=l ottoob * .- C' ,
C - *LS • • - . rirxsamu3n. ~
1851• . SPBINiG ARRANGEICENT. , 1851
Fortpaix. /onus to Philadelphia. ,
Party-four taus to Baltimore.
.` 81 milr Boilroad - 103 -' • - . '
pallet QCDBI
Amor. row malty: Ars camartuts tong ~fi
Effnlirtfrom . ths .omy Orval. oter Rotten:kit:
Tao Dailrlineainspreol'acket.toati.
iLEAh Pittabole 43forPJohnstotro,thenoi Dr ru4te so lL. !,
ROLLIDATB4I7)I,(M, - : 114 Os ••••
ima - Fid.d.grortiVreadlrmliraes !-,
Poolatationtnerabac i mber at o' s oloel
to Plaolltetailor • Toti i 014711,13004 •
• for .
a Ul!l ,! ri ld'ltreiss4 Thal2:l2lA rkaim „
ono= of Ono. tou ,
I No ebargo far bandbagßaggp4i
iTta Cots on Mb loots on am, and of thostogollnpont.
14111 foostmotloo.fortoortet • ,
' you daily ebsap too sozolbiltoblo Loom. t
otedatkos. mare ror tictoto at
..! LIOL2fIS,..t,
1 Or of ,
ISbl WESTERN ' 18.51:
TRANSRORT:AMON 0 01 16:kiir;
D Liz&
. .
i Canal being in Rood order, - wt -art
Dinsied io surebzodisi
two the stars is tti. bind comas robs of
(IVOR Vit .. trisataiiiir aid Tbs
71. M. tromazitaa. Oat tmsn=aptlT
- "
Lbw; tios.l3 tIA South it. P
p Ltic
Dist at.
..., . . •
WO= -'
Vy.:prorisyllie , sad ettaberiand, to Ralgotanr
. - :
HE MORNING BOAT 10111NOti the Wheit'
' aka tha Brno. th o:lo.3ll•E•thit . r . . cosi
• 'n the ear.
Tl• • laMllesri Oimpt Zustday irreithri! . .!
at 111 amain la pia , Jas . a.
t e• l tr it .. o ...E=t4n. 1e..114im
mobs this 41..e6.p tti: bees nate Kat.
• • - -; •J. 11311ILIIES, 'Avg.
- isurr Ofkalatia Manangsbeka wax,
Nan -_ - 1851.
;Onlbil'Pannotranta and Ohio Mania
MIMS well n' Line iiiiialirprepozel
clirvirAM:a Duman timirniszuza
mwhauti. YLisai • /Xt.* aft the Cuat tawl ,
appwity oc.....=.7.o=uhanraral-
LiCtr „ id&
commetion Ina .Uas at sumbodus
Buzau...a asaviszadLbat
iir"U"..*".oo/4 Cam. - "the'"ait'44l
• ,• • ; • •
.ccuaccanrim - - -
•1 A Cur o.
M ° 121" 'gk.k
a b rorratP*4_
.....MR`"l/"Na.rhai. 1414 • . ;
la 3 L as : Halm lad
1 WEL 31. BraCiliOt
.1 • 0, 1:§ilre /*ld
ern truds glaj Zta. /1 17 1 'wir, 14 / 'ataal, la Witt
'. n•l4 QPIX•a• the Ilatei . n 4 t
likras Huapcsa. layf WV=41,.. C H, 1ng r 64 ...... D.N. Widtes
OAF SUGAR-40 !Oared .140Ter441's Don
• Ile Mined, reed and On sela
II AGED BLANKEOQK: •+- 43 44 r!? o k3,
of2o4l4od irftrizeii
'NSW o.l.llXtqgalloni--(to.anire)
lb: .pale Dr . DB 01.10 WOod
- •
PALM kat lwt natradi /res ... riftty Qtr.'. •
liday s autt mrr a lltrwr, sad attar
C RUSE -42 boxes, now landini =dam
Ar 7 IsAiaLtwa.a.
Art,HEES.r...:zO boxes in store, for sae b,
Lb. „lan • 2 • - IHALLEIDICILIa •OM , 1
Gl4 dos:for valiby
IiABRED 4111D3:7- pieces desirable :,
Azt lii4ll.l,lplakros!/.1.0