The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 26, 1851, Image 4

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    'Eff15.413:4311217 *MUG NAIL
You :4inaie line
Ina .Wlierste Virtue's tamer:.
Ven 4 e -L Weetfriiieftif eval.
Roe pet •i.mstipsia.i, tome , e
Wafisth.l6 voreSa. Mike% lie
anuivAeß , and tut se sin:
IVAINT;m47 , nr - owite skY. - '
/WI gsetiet
And Net teem
Though sltueder.en nell—
envy, wake, kelk , „ and bale
vid.• F.P:00T0e:41 1 .14 • ' ' -
DolTioo Mob leltugsould idor (lava
To f6a tool4ara can 's olodo ; "
Rot hob!, tho - oois or saute what
ilia 11cu ' e j OI;4 aro
sem. itiod# ,
Mt Cabral Osier of Xi woe, ,
And se4
Far blaiajoxid-autre land;.
Alit teed th at iionlOppew bokth Al t
Cri}vlll:lG, titalmiecivl2
0o the nom ownossoes head;
Axel WM
.7_4lTteelteee for his ales;'
Ahd rof-",dallrOres4l`'.
Ilene soreese to thisie'ettorte too,
Then neol'Ot hot Luther rogue ;
Ells helot Itneedertee d!ell log plue.4
She been virtue's Lome!
Prone the LOisdon Morning Poet. •
naziothrii4iiidtAli - OP JULY
- Mr. George PeabodY,\ the - eminent and weal
thy American merchant and banker, (and one of
the earlieetsuld most' unificient - subscrtbera to
the' fond for erecting the Crystal Palace), invited
n numerous and distinguished party last evening
to meet his Excellency the; American Minister
and Mrs. Lawrence, An a "'contort, ball and sup
per" given= a scale of unsurpassed elegance and
magnitude at •Willis'altoodm.
Thin entertainment' is remarkable,.not merely
for the manner in which it was 'eve; but more
especially Dam the fiat:that It wail given on the
anniversary" of the declaration of American Ind s .
pendenem a day o n iliith,freen feelings of dellea.;
eye all pnbliemseinblages of Americana in Eng
land have heretofore been scrupulously avoided.
Bat Mr. Peabody has;amumed, that the time for
any feeling;of irritation., in regard:to the day, or
to the event which- it commenter-des, as long
• past aid that Engliehmen, and.Amercans may
meet upon that day, in as much harmony and
gocd-fellowship an ut.* - Apy other of the. Gunn
hundred and sixty Ave... . .
And it certainlywohld appear that his feeling
on the subject has the concurrence of both our
countrymen and his ewe; for the attendance on
.this ; occasion was 'ittimerons and fashionable,
and worthy of the numrpained elegance and Mu
'Alcamo which characterised the arrangeinente
Ana it may be ,sbsened, that in this boldly,
breaking through the prejudice attached td this
particular iteniversary, Mr: Peabody hes only,
follovied not the pnumple enunciated by hislath
Mejesty George the Third, on his 'reception of
the first American Minister who ever presented
his eredentialn'artheßritish court; to whom the
king declared that, having been the last -man I
in his kingdom to 'sir-knowledge American In
dependence so - long as there was a hope of de:
testing it, he would be the foremost to recognise
and sustain it now that it had been formally or - 1
The entertainment commenced with a concert,
including the performances of vocalutts no leas
distinguished- than Cravat', , Catherine lleyes,.
Lablache and Gisrdoni, all
.of whom acquitted
thenundies with remarkable spirit, and melted
enthaslastle applause,' The perforimanceof Cen
ral in'tha aria .thref,ozet eont.,- ma that of
• Mins Hayes in 4 . All mop fits," was received with
peenha* r emthemissm. l l -
~ •
The csmpany included many - diatingulshed
Americana, some of 'whom have been assembled
by the Exhibition, nnitallany have come ninrfeeter
the continent or up from the provincial lownst
A veryaingulai combination was fdrinedlittiiso'
moment by the aecidential grouping„ nadir ;the
portrait of Washington, and la> front t She
American Minister of the Duke of Wellington.,
Mi. Cobden, Mr. Chisholm Anstey, and M.l ,
lituriec Ming parallel to the . grouping of the
English and - American flags around the portraite
of our beloved Queen' and the ever illustrioaa
Washington. '.
The rooms wore mo s t tastefully ditnirat .
dowenn , and with the Zags of England and Amer"-
ea skillfulb. blendetLV - Indeed - -Elenaoleddteelt
has rarely looked so brilliant; and nothing @Fad:
exceed perteetion..o' the indin anangtnant; -
connected with them:mai=
GILLETT'S 303 PENS--A frctl aptiply of,
thaw superior tcal rued isud far nlwE
. Wilier of &rood
Wall Pawn and 'Borden •.' -
, I , olordes PALMER 55 Maiketstreet:ie
rtg •a lkareakm atparehaser to ts
nrr .1 in nu
JAVA corFEE4lo,ba g s - Ivery,sopenor,
jgut erA'4 mil Gar sale by • •
JJV perkor Bmiinbtbn Vaboked amity, Wale by
• - A.. IlltellatO CO.
4041 ' Urban owl .ft/IDMI.
ROMAN CEMENT-2 bble., , tor saw by
- a', P. TON , VONUOBST &VG.:
GT MSE--15 b
for sale by
09LTAIII0e58lt 00.
FyaOVERING'S -Loyeiz
toes umbel and polvvrlzed smorltist nectred era
kby by • WM: 11C.IA;RO 1 CO.
SIIINES IN kegs 'Sar. ,
dies/ brine (SardAtesuoJcst. ret u elg . l o o..
low br - Fn. A WC
VIILL. rAPEtt—A - superior. lot jtu3t rec'7l
bu'unde by, W. B. Illr&st. etakerger.
ma.ime. redied for .1e b'T ' •
. pprime.just,
reed mad !break br told] It. tiELLHU.S.
CACID:--250 lba..just - ree'd and far
1J oh : Seta , It s. asuman.
SS-250 baxas assTl3 — ires; for elle by
• t e. 4 W. ILAXBAVOtt:
_I UST RECEIVED—A eu&y:fpodiaßob
roos. for Wfl e
tr t I= N lp e
. 7 .1. voraee
pas an Pablk Datuatents of. the thattwl Sham
4 .1.H. 00 a Gas's. Iretabingtorg to Uto
op, talabiting • eramplete view of oar areign Maths:l3loe.
that tlarel_htelatlitur 00aftleatist Doessunts.
Naar wag. RaotanN a:Halals; PolitkaLHlttatleel,
Mr Statistical, Y.conacratal. sad /3;-
=of ttre MTV= te . =lona
Evetttiof the That* tram
Tha sten valuable work. for sale by
HP/ P.O. ItTOCIITON. 47 I.ltakal st.
from lb* telaufactantrt. 1603 toot Llght bolts & lot
AIM tasitatat. tar. Itala at the India Rather Derot.
Hal 7 sad 0 Wool at. I ' a LI. PHILLIPS. -
A - EATLIER-ZlOO Sides N. Y sole, foTeale
br - e.-mu). '
SPERM 01E-18 par. Attn.-for sale by
MANNERS' 01L 1 -2S bbls. for sole by
raDIA.RUBB&P. WIIIPS—Or all the lazes
amaactaaa, areal . wbolatil• nal re4ll, Um, lur
mubb. 9 D. 1995. ilos. 7 sad 9 Wood etnert.
, If. NITWIT.:
. --
K r Y ... E A ND EARVUNT--.. a N., 777 Tb 7-7 eaten
ua'of the medi cal fra ternity
I. iriritad to eb. Ell
YOtintoiln, by Pr-Vowel. tnenitst, of Nin.-Yark.--
Jost taunted and for see by , W. W. WILSON.
fIp,OTTLt CORKS-13, 00 groi. for sale by
Jul' , laii Je.- Ji. Szuras. OT Wool •L -
IS GREEN-IC.4' 0 lbs.. sup:, for sale by
I.ISUP-45,tons Atha, D. It., tor sale by
PLASTER—GO for sale by
Pare Bwifill,l fcit Di/tub:Bs; dte:
Ip,R IN MINA! should you need French
Amain O. vat urs to olAyned at PICARTS•
nut. la lM TAucAAKI.AASIrwr govt., bau,.
EIRE BOARUPILINTS—szi e at 25c.';
try lien •.W. P. MARSIIALL .. .IS Wond
TAR AND ROSiN— " • '
- aoo bb2.. Tat. 43 peoo
lIINIATA NAIL RODS--95 bindles Slit,
VP- 11* sae by . POP. VON BOSNnowr • CU.
Hew t • •
yiti. SPIRIT. POLKA, composed by Pf.
Weber. sad' dedktstl to Stephen (.!. Poster' or (Us,
l iginii`• • %US. =mirk bY 11. Mawr, ss , played by
'WWI out.
"4:16 . 1 1 11.y10n5.. the
Doky Jaws, with yssiWous. by La
Ths . datsosa of OW Mag. by Ueorge - '
Also, • dad sslectlou of londirn Mosie [be mesa F/tds.
VIOVds- . IL Audma.mi
-( TW
L A Assoc. ;
Y. ii. solsodld lot lA' st i aTOIANOS now Ip ri stlnt.
Pod cool .woad-batid octavo Kum be sde...
iff,T.,„rorwrsinw 5i..nb0u.,..1 au,
mth..t, - • %v.& HAN EN'l4
en TONS received, a. superitie articifit
City TON _
nu ma '
by ,40
WRENCH 1.111/INS, -of ,varichm gualitietr,
reeelved atd. . , r , ialb* stare of -
130TABH-40 :AA for sale by:
„Km - is ea'
IJOKET&-25' or. : , Marietta; 'side b' ,
mires 41, sum; influx
011.11.111 V *MX
Thilmoaleanzietliso .
di great Arabia* Reassisrfor Ifanaxißeettl •
Ef, G. 2arrelrs
Xife minkulOwiCeari4 ilirfonited thi
.„„ AralAilfro th.tays as. was tun
• .7).• m'seault ot susetlr. hat same Ire hate her
cu, w1 % 3 their Idetorr a• "
theirsambang pm. over alseas..--Mbeif attalainats
th. k...dedVe suedlettertron tho treader 'of the Lay
white Si Ufa maw W. of Cliesalstrt.'alWb
with than Malmo. giee, wee to tke rest of, the world,.*
.sled book.' tatln Bate., they tr.e. the met adoaa of
andel:sta. lath.le.nafat smrwtbtrb skin the deserts
Mal* i.n plaute and odorous amt. eb.aeea 1
otaalued . aser
who.. mow unatuolts, petietratlrt lad
alaatt. It le. 'vb., eotdled. lustantaneousl7,attloned
termth the whole war.. rrstno. augur tt: faoss
VZ=iir p ti gmpt. pow ut,lJ F lllt ‘ tal effeetrilrw, Rho at the
r....ver. peuetratee the lloth to . the 130111,
cost; reams are to ;halo trialeb have teen
palled lbe bi gs. atua4s the abslialed Itesb to Pow eat
and rich to circulate Unmet Itsmelaa. It nohow i
ttava l. lal or Jolla Water, am th lt i gilLberaum
/AL. attlaJolrtet= " trfti r l "tall 111.
/Aron Lout] am !Mem, the gnat Arabian rowdy
efeAttopantltelst Toe.Aree Cate or leutareeakeut ot th e
8 It le a pedal; mad for Rbetustatlera It knower..
cue of the Spat astreordloary WI record: slab
for Crams.. B.Mus. Palus, Wouuda Chnhiel=
White threlnata. TUmenkstu. tr. IsAmlir,
In &awe of Abbas* VI. as Fatal; grar.B•le4,
litUf Ostaphilat,Dieteummlfarer.tiorabssalruleakWo
!Imes; !paths; It Isdaalls. ker measly
dlsaista-Lizt maa or beast, whleh require sis ext.
ts=dhattlea. thke Ilatmeat stood. at the heed of all
- The thltuing I. hem the orincipereemehtent of the.
, ...HAT and higblY therecteble bc... of Vass 0 Bed, of
'Pooled. a
We an udree n tdio te
l one of
• the meet summed mine I.
bir.ll- 0, Farrell. Dewar, Actuated by ethesedotgretir
Wu. I nahmit the o.llowinsa . . Inamme ot the util
ity of yeeir wrieit Fund. se en
1:14: . ..k1uid
suddedir sUecieel eelthd def . dime. • to ' Is
thsa es bour.Tuutratel it to MU AdatermaL T Mete
beau. po right that eat a 'met' could be test: the bests
turned black and mid. add eatirstlorred Leif/Ohne; the
eyes dud, partially eked*. el der blefed.t ltollowi
meted. mu &Vans to liaisons. sniper Nu.
to NW - IR due that when Wigs oe its bead, the
head mad eerie twig teembed... hideed..the pree.teel
evelT. eopearence of g emit 1 T eti u. ed .
deb, the fully &mild. woad Lo.sna thr three soaks
be labored to reer it
Bi el,. [,.. talbug.but ralth veld although
It sru blietered a doun iens ho.
Wend milled. ..e. mo
o. of .libldeflans less- then'
to eir m.. . The mu wee then brooght dr
rhia bad not *6. te , ' i:Illt nmhL
one; ell Um I d oetr=el
.nie. he could do co :it eirme. Wethen co.unmel sk
etTonz tholment hulk bete tha entire length' or the
and you mar imagine a yarenth',l4-7. • elheiL.dto' •
se lU ski liouse redrew educe:ion sou .d.tes... The
cigise .r, 7.
fi rm e d ' reco with the excerption Of 00. lht.
vr el not period ear nearly a inord.b.. , tt le
now Led tobust aerate be, ", '
,___' rh . e. o th. ..I. ard i b..... kua.p.u.4 I. tily sehad '
uthood preview+, et' which dal; when, no doubt, if .
-yenr Liniment nem ped%-thy Tula luive recovend.
Peoria. Muth /ESL -. , . • . hiEThif th.CLETublith
Liter Complaint;,
11; U. U. r agnntelarilrg 00.. 87.,
very sad= vsat dad of good moos the pee
. has furor, bad Mr of thy alpotes, ond an other
of • had path ha the tuna. A IWy, who vrita
uer bed lin. mversl months with Liver Comptstht sod ASS"
o ell a = "11t mUnif 7,2tt Y .V.t. der ao
V 4.14 it has been Implied to • frosh rot,
be eared It to
Mort time; 1 lam been *Meted with .It tor
intarli z tre vaao tad lr't b t ' llten . laTtit I t t lietkla "
named humane Too rubbing trio your uthiment. and
bakes I Ina done rtiblahag. the trio mimed. ' • -
Wa m in,taiga, Emy, Ilistpver, Cork; and
IM. Pastonater at kl. Talton Vountr, /41-.
A u. %m os tr °4 l
16?nt" '" agir
00ff Aiggvgta:lZri
mond,. bi . ent ntli, ?hail bus Ilajt%r 'l lAns epred
of Son Srea With .I.llal 11 rirt priteim
• : Beware: of Cottsterfei4. - •
• LOWING °Ammar.
- Tke Noma are wirticsauly einakeml smikuk • Dar
Onwerfrat stack bm
caned by the
mote bank.
to dredre tram Ws twining e.nawe Furor,
font° wirttralm an:.-to Jo aby Me kM4O orrru'e
Likkowst," .11Pri.dpkd &saws Will Immo t spu.
.8106.4 winnow IMM Fog for tbe gonna., bat a' 48
for• I'll. smrelt s -Arabian 40.-weeZ and farffo othr , '•
w genoine Almon buthikietOr. 6W:sera/sem.
I d r
trn r b et r gs ' L i = (PJM,WV:4".=
mrre. sward in Wiry Town, Silage .I liszolet In
'the utiordalsbieh OM I. Oa VSSAbblettd.' Apply
by boxer o.imnd&Prorls, /11.. watt goal reformism
0411 - awing fri I rundea free of hrm, •
book orintankm numb iratindo Inkasinakiis fur every Wass
ruck...= Munk a.aakaa4 na Va.' P. , pu le *
Tittoray °mums rwasufactural y {l. ki.
Munn. and • nroplefor, sod lobate-We. drnke•ti bn.
i t
Main street, Peons. 1114 gad for nsi• vasolow•WM
p•sphotre's wk. IT, • Lt`rt
, TIP CURBS. All•ibony lYtr. •_.l ‘ •
Ow .aoloaO Body - Nast Perspire, TT .
go - BAYS NATO Y, g 9 bapi,a healthy '
to age moms al/I=ste= Tat,.. 44 4:7.1 7: nohow
Cboadcol Soap amoda o Poo pcma.“.l.4 Ott la.
Moe soothe.% sad oof. sma aux chi og It tk.s .."
&arm 8311Itboo, nod Bi/ms. an loot Poly /pace.% •
cored WSW are, am itLoot 7.physiclotut in N. talc to -
./a9 woo It ho mob nan d end It aablliat—ao also, la
=lt Blototovar u Tt x =r olio illanam . ”o .
Goo Mal lOU prom I coakt entuaeroto tt ko=ty •
witaa Carol of
0880 ree
gM M ax ake gs. m t oia a r t tul a r l sa r
.R..age t g cllt4 NUeadtisweailyatoro,bat•alr/11.
'oaf ooly odd, .base y pogo atlicact with any al too ante,•
atbia In Bt alt.
or *whir min Mot this..t
all.rroa own rn.l-
801.. tbo Atom. a,, ecodo3 with
ram • o&for_Jolcse /tollastatecokol shag
ytt NIT of ./.4141B" oaly hand la PI
Peal-ly NNW' Teeth, and Pare 111;e4, tp
op Wire . is wittla—Nnows who Lateeither. ate Potion.
wIT mond that If breath is wive go row or their
teeth demo/. deck or yellow, and etierasted with tatter.
that Z. eras bolt of Joan' Awtter Tooth Pale will make
the teeth el Idea now. ititt the hiaettittUtiktn.d7
sou 617 it JActitstra gc*". Utisits at. biiatt
A& uplift Ilore.U*,.Bestoyer Semi
tner,-Trial 'Ball" SW. amt .: Maw wborbprE rand
L lb ,bo taLleares.4.9 l 7 . ga ric*U.q=
.4121Litiesc—It ba r.
ftrar tho l =io geovr co l b.
* partulm.
vaturo 1311,04.1 . && Wpm; dap St AUL* cAr.
Dr &admit Ape irks ustt. rou pf/z Cr." di*.
Pot readout Ow bur ogt. , claw= 44,3 ert
tblo—lt makes lc truly banderol. lump It.. if. Mize ,
b M coostecure! roparbcrarticle for . th.
itystwm,JACkSarAStMe. 210 Utwat7 &mt.:
JON,ES' Solatieti bf Jet; 2 Liqeja Ifeiman
tbegmaelfxetra j esearairle
Prinee—=, and _ " " _
Bold by . W3l JACKSON.ML,LI,ety. ! efteet.bratll of Woad
. .
JOris LILLY WHITE ;= LeaLes HlTE.=Laes are'cau
asd &titbit being the common . breveted Usallt.; They
eye metwerane haw bightTWlT beano= it Is to the bawl
bow coarse, hue weigh, bow ave, pdhar, andenhaelthy
W anneal , . after wing pitepa t r i ajCpalle Ileatlta,lt la
Cre bay. ter.pateti t a=ifOl TegUdear Ude , which vrt
call loner Wombat Lily .•
It Is perfectly locilichetnit hurtled of all dalatarloo.
ottalitlag =1 hopartato the akin a hatoral, healthy,
Later, eh., living :DU *I Means* dine tiding ea ect ,
path. on the. bo. matt= it ;oft and smooth.
8061 . 4 th. J p ACKg9h, ttlO ger f .t.
tbhaßb; .
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder. ,
WASHING without labor! Wartuuttid
Wie the stiLitu out of-1401!1',Iimsm Spa wit
Ltinections'rot Crei—Pat Tonr In
Tx= ol f t u t rit.tx
r eozn o V t ; t te leik; r t t:
wed mint Abe elothee the inter le bud, mkt mote of.
1b...P.4er. and Eon them kirttbontetq In lite =tett ll=
MU them down tomb a stick, then pot them In wlint tad
aid mulnelent ester:so mat they 0111 not be too hot
to banttle. Theo rub tbe Illetylitrests, otittotber vont;
. ILit. than • tnotongb dorlog. and ttat blAnifettent , to'
. . . •
N. 11,—.Thitorbdon no mein In this ,
It win Imre
the-cloth. miry white, of no bad oily wow9l, as me
Roans do. The voiles met of the. material need doe. not.
mimed two rents, to complete a numbing of ton penman—
Warranted not to tot or injum the clothe. •
This Powder that Ortapsyrr will mate twelve gnaiti
beet family tioft Polo.
Mammon rot Ul.-Tate, say .1. Yawn s of water and
mix the Powder with and then let It boil, my Lee Wo
nt., then add six quarto mid widen air them Intimately
hinottmr,' and mrlt my ahem it will not freeze, and
When mad it will: be very Inlet and Moe Whit. Notilb and
will wash erell, : atid will not wet the hoods o th er Stn Soap, raw rot the elothen thin be need with hard or salt
water. hy making the Into ein cumin Instead.,
twelve. .Ph , i WA hoop is beet Wanted lb. weehhen - Mined
trod woollen goats, •
hold whohaeleand !Nail ' 51N4131.13,
. • •
Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock 800
fiCCDPIES tbe front rank among the pro-.
prietory andlehthe of thie country for astaptely
00000 Canter, Pelt Enema Erysipelas, end ell °thee dir
Awes ernian from an torpiare data 01 lb. bleed. LW,
Line Comilalntthdarrb_, Dynortabs, OeadrL 100...,
Coughs, &mass and node® atom the Chest; /hike, or or boanteneaa dryness, and a tickling sensation
&beep the thnet; and le sued with upprieseleated admen
In all eases of
Female Wraknes4 and General &Wiry. '
Strengthening the even/mod holy. nielats tone to the
rations ormum.and knives/log the entire system.
If the teetitunne of Ointments of ILITISS witnesses, ham
111=the country, nth be relied neon, it Is aingelan
In canon ell fleners, and nebula, debility,
04 and broken Linea constitotioda It Ls purely Vegeta.
hie In It* comptelnem., and so accurately combined /a Its
that the chemical. Wankel. and undical pen
=a t t " .f rash incregient lIMIZIIIIIiOOIIIf mins to
rarity the Blood. -
It has mussed manythroaledieemes es bleb have bagel
the akin of the h2iystelans. and has also enne/Osuker.
Bolt Banta Ensi as and Itenduin which liaresparille
_ " 11% nert l ated tu t."'" the
of OrtMUllifi u M
MOBS. Ttur sant obdurate Inuyerni have been nrivel to
Ude inedidne.
_We esy that it Is a rainablesesheine In ad
1/1110/18 CONFLAInTS. mem: all tkoo lo
the circulation, rendering the !deer Sae, actin. and Mai
thy. It memo SelpintWa of the lieut. and tenons In
all men of Seam, and mar ta wed in W ouragoa, and
This Pm,
Penntain trivet. mamma, .1 ? itallr i & s %Ve and
Only Anent kr Western Yesmaylveale,
m 757 Ws/thong% °Muer Mood and stxoy as. Pitt Z.
. 4 .I.tiLY.FRIEND i
,orßakn gpreparative, —
tb• Sr Of Year Merril HO , .
arr. and digestive Beer. of oarriolos,
In lest roy sad si lan or ttre eter ofttin.u7
breelt *Web
Ilateresee. Dam slur b....u.tuN
diaries. res. o twos for order Cakes
• rite. • a .= Ohl prerratios rit anb e
lb taro bans A da
rare ado roan errs Darr ; Heals
of Wallies sad WM. ofmekly isonStir=ttht,
tad lair trod. rear of ter Sart of ra
la Cowart llarilar.
•laelreaares, Harr rd WC°
.• Mr rrideari, Liad
1054.2 r. vale drier. At WK.
mole e1f:14.2.88, ea wood at..
.?rofessor A. 0,11422 71 TrixTheroui,
qajdnit ladle:tepid li ham MT.lllatos,%Edhae of the
am Antelau., Comeat as nedL aflame le no-
ileefes Tilmberceto le Mole that._ jek.
evneglas the Mahal rotamdetheas. we wa
, r.emandetknoemore, bee hem tenvell per
anon_ lettee Otto etheee htolothe bah *tale It trade
to keep lt 044447401 ti sad glow, le also ennaeee den.
drer, pemate tray t, aal• 43e4ThIcS He loom .6..
tamer enapindled h my other easettodtlon Moen AD
Ageoen 044 nods 43 UM VW Willy 4. occeland
• bald he ton/eNprine 2:3 eento, tn.q.,h,dpipsioir
Bad li r lt'bow. „ , • •
l a tlrett known na tozr r oo Ongan r s 4 6.o LDltll.
lilmsntrorn Inn :r t doll.. 1ii10,."013 ' WM MIAOW a 00(
=Cr Libarlf
• . .
jot ptiranapireof•• 100;
4 .gAVlZaf=t
~ . .....rderma=a3l l llljol g a t hol3V e of.
w t .
5.40 ,13 17rmid minummth.=.
4010,4.740."17.0. 01.4.00
12...45.12 . 4diadata1s tats7'•:itn &and=
.dkoftedfTbe twatike wiralmfalprimgaal
two.of mite -
emeripulerfas.M.Mutopsf •
nu " il eoWpaTl
e t
Id Al lb. ha . nd Ofnowebella PASS° erammerealme az ,Wo
p.ent.ti a ltnad t m Vit el i teteo w be.6.44,74,::
hada orate Mee iintend wutigkoboai,e*
.2<artotdpe *leen:tam! •
tr bt.
theelghtewatThy . qf Azimut teratObe
of Wile lands ettthltt the Milowtmommed toermaim and
=lf rontgotiMafoi Afthmaeg --• worahteh.
Sections adtteen..reatmraftwentrie and tweotr.
.dma.mat of Um St Francis whies , to lowneldP tbn,
range ibur.
Towitehltildaciainke •
Itimon qf bleboselmeondloratettaaAanymitheimerammi..
.TOwnsblp four and plot of ao 201000 to'seetims thirty.
two and tb pMAhree.uatownafdp tfdrtran, of tame owe.
At. the Land Oftee at LITTLE Wag, ennuneoda
Monday,tbe Enochy of September neat. fter the
th r i ra th e Sallawiof maned. ktmte o f. aod
VittsCrpettelttgiel MetteVireotiOlo.64fwK
The south ballot eettlma bt. .panth SW ko.
r‘odketal Pe14401 Moslem mt... lb. ...lunar of
amentetti Qua anat WY of toratdvoree,, tw:14 , 400, the
matt Ulf and noutbratt mutter, of l ea h.e..tb°
northwest Quartet of twentiele , w half oath*
nowtbelernuerter of tweedy...we to'n,lll4 thee. of
am n s pperatedtw b i
y t y
w c
o t o rit • r
thetln o "' t l t r
l o t "P" N_YA k eulr=
w AL* thailtMetg by tonnuL' ttbitle tw e f, r . s be t ,tri il n
the 'Laverne Made thba th,tr MOW! apprOTl4
ber ^AIN 1860. won be exttisoted f zombi e Yak.. Aht no lot
cations Mr lad !mattes heretofore granted by any loin/.
Conorma, Mr military- - temaenel to- the. bulled
Atatmlontt tworauttai many of ote oeepamoatantedlonele,
m Melded by the am entitled "SWAN Maine eeidoprl.
maw:a tbettleddtplematloomenetioYsommteeet...
a otterluilarthe mentlobed lean be mar
mantel 01 , tbo Uri anointed. sad will Monad lb the
to which It% ate adrert i lrd; with au nomenant d
Wit°42l tba .I.l*.atart..' - ovr—a.p. s Vr a
10. d 0d aerate at dau t. f. zit=
wea ltln
wed Ut ohm the exp
01,00 under my hand at thWart a 1 % . ..bV tDla
iirth day' of IlEay..dato Donbed owe themand t hua4
del snd lattrosm. • , 61/LL4llft AILS_ gr
• By tba PrOiblent; '
C P atla tiM i el i MatEhP*9so.l4l,44TlO;.:'
.fforrairc. paAkiwarox.ct.;ll.4iNt3i.-.
tO=fir= giawts
p=— riar 0 ..........76rV n
Lobo Ofilee, end toakeyeltoeirtboweloteenwe
Die qfter setts; tia ea., and beflo. th• day Mr
thy rommaymimunt a Ito MULL. sale 0( 1100 , am
pa Meet claimed , otherwise ouch malett wt 64144
• .1. SMITHS . •
tbantoleolomer of tbe tamers! LW °Mem . .
BY THE YIMIIIM OP Ti unto mrpnze.
IN pursuance of her, I i MILLARD FILLRORR,
a i Product or tn. mod eadoodAueleco, o
nos casks keens. that sat Woo odd
Cl.. Laudolloos lath MAU of MialsoF4a,
d., bthe
ria 13 1 1.1g= uf Co !do
yr j o h. w.ll 17.1treortnr u"""'
eh. bare 7to cod sent /0'
S t o o o r n a n o s l h d lp ro s
Tandwa r roovet tr oph s t o a a s n nod d g
t trow o ta o oangrfeoicnncgnlfaoaxo km k.
Cotng doon a lonia Dan_
r. Torradolp twourfaarcht, cot s branch or uncut man or
nage aoo.
.Icenealoa b oo olPthooo. flrogt-lkaar. fornotteighl
' V= ,flrtrfou, rintstroldit sag
t 7 • poon4llnr,• nalo goo. •-
McCann Conway tnentpono, and tenonoblpo Drectr-
Inn Donotrabroo,torcatrlbac,toontrilco awl [adman,
° 7IZ Piece: mouweoicoi sioesoV, lb. CC
tionah day of &Tannin ont, lbw the or thohan
o nada nlthlrt N rollatetag nand tot=hips ant tons
!tora, ...can e ... urbenti*r.. hp-a.tratsmqi...,
olnlattly rwrotrbro. of ru
lowaV br A l lM,Pfd r " gl ol4"! l "1 "1 741 .'t
Township tannipton.
n...m rande• Zr.
tirostpthroe tolenty.lbar, twontain., ora a t r .
tanl=fa,Afiraita, and .Wp oorenneD• W torn.
A talk.' too/nobly.
tio_ary_.ono. tonnahloo Matra.° nal Drearrthron
dove to tea .W.loolvnondodt to tranname Loin
neacatioodoo to Joanna, fit townoblp
"."471" =o a r ( thirfpna;
Ttionthipt n wept rentlond rodlcon
l t,a inontolla.l Indlonal toontatan tnnCT *Da
I ==an (mond d,..
hoosttorca, thcer - Ja4ln An: _ Of flail ai
r ite siortivvat tioetke b....hip .4.-
4.0. snd reactional tornado Dreary. of nuns In.
DocUnao nu to rodeo Lochnlce, Inc porn half of nternoc,
Antlers to leelflyqul Inclaci .f. and nano!. 1/D.r.
non Inolnlne, toortatap non "no. Onoo to ten
lacloolva tagroshlp 'abut— Ind coathos notrannalos
ken, gis mouth tokthof torgitoo, howl 041nkit to hamar..
17•N 'fi rreli: "'". d 4".
• L • !'
'The Coot or •LIIDo Ornflene," of rooradap
te or o lair*
( 1= I M
&Inc (rneellosr IS 9 San •t
to , or nap Am.
.. . . . .. . . ..
. At.' la: • Laaa - calaa tvaranciiniu.Naomaaaaibuiaia
Ole oltigasn}ls day of..autna. mat. far. tba dia
-1 I .itett ; 2 . the younalanda altharad gm= 1.1. tanning' tor
.rthofor hat .
.lard of theM; priaajad nerf.'
1 . .T.,,, , . 4 = 1 , 041 . 42 ..., :tmtvv ,.....„ .
I...PracUcca of aram netWygre' 'Q ;roan.
1 VlnliKaerll Itthirfaanr.thartrimathitlirtiliec attha
.art :dada Um, m lonian* mantpona,. odinmta Mud/.
'netkoaal Winship 'Mention.. adiaMpt to lb. State
Um. of ranges tyvatreel'all. loanty.oloo, distr. thirtl
- thirty.thn lid three and thirty. Mar... _
• Lthda by L. the omer of athown, .O , U.
UM and . lin=,.h.lit d
t " tho w mum ma. ,
overtlmal wool
Math anal - be aw. , ., - ,a , 7 - iiaa — il..4l. " ll=4U
. tit
. ty .. ! . . ; v.3b4 .. - .. 4 .
~ . : 2 ... -=. 1 h ., 41 , . ... n e e '
tdstlaklianses aral other &aim top:data Um
. ..Mama, lands' nithirk rind; pth , pnwved Nt:Ltz 1 , Moordl Le es the aa And 60
adbll N fr,.O N ll . e r e
....i. :
i. 4 S . g . 4 g=:=o 1 :; 4 11",: .4.-P4Mt,l= _ ot-..:i.l.aer
iir _iaanarsa
o *medic 4as
ta u pe .2. infs . : M eeei
-4•71.1m vo.d bathe ot.
ead tab att M . :MAIM db.
• M
.. •. . . LO4l chit*
arro, sad no_pirata Wm At anyatita
mth, until athe enttrththorof th• Mb ext „
' • Gime nada, my nand at the CM OM Ulla
alith day of May; inao Lasolni Mr 1...b1U0.11.-
__ tta tun,
drad aM %mat- . .• , *WARR 111441 AX:
' .
i 6 ,,,i, -
1,d.... a
.. I: VOTTERNIELD. , ...
the l , land Ogres.
.oriot TO PfilitHltaTtac.pulmja , r.s, , ,
or kir I . l= t tAl l ig t tii n. hVsta' p•ft . gt , L
=erltai t al.r...lthytdrZto ,... lols -- a.. - .lz. — zi .,
aim. and Mans paysoant th erefor arifoes ir b re=eo.o-.
ter ..d.., Ma nalairod beam th e dar .o%.listed Ca the
ranumnartaant tt a path. solace hues ernbmetos
1 e nut oithupt. ern* mob *III to tafthad.
,r ,- ' . 1 aterk 1 . -td . caCii of thp Ramat Lend (Mks.,
ITHE rarsmarr OK EBB UNITED Irth.rEa'
N pursuance of .14i41; ..lert4ARD buxom, :
Isu hv t j a r irriVall= i 4etttil t :i
te. orb.= tp of tiy. of IOWA: at
, Ant r reatat Murat IO4A Clefr egneenettlit ifibtote .
4.r. ch. Int of.floptanber met, Le the dl of the
patio hoots 'Waged la lb. ' fallaador Datead rmohltr,.
/Forth 'et: tne b1.,!zi..., trad teat eai Alikpel,;,-4;ir../.
7_ . ....bip..t,..i..0r,m0t0arith...-
Toon:WON aavaratiottpaarat sighty, of 'Made eddy,
roirothipii moteatrotho and althly. Of mode May an.
, Too - fohlPf friflitlidaa.aftf!frratid•Oraffr.OLO! 'ma. ,
NY.too. ,
iite r tgeW b Oltitgarr rgq"... ar' ajt : ltaa.
o d :lLlVA=l:4V,V= . l.: ti th, " =,
r .,. tog, t.,, hoe .4 4,,-,t if th, AnA s.4.*.ii)' sie-r ,
1 Tenreetne, eireentP. of,mapette. , " ' •'.
-Township seventy. of cense rivit• , • • ,
1 Townshtp sonfoty. all th rthtea - •• Y-. -
At. uk, °sm.' vu Q.U,L, onillettley, the 'ebite
toroth nay of AngastawsL f Ufa roartaat Of thalottoo.
lug Lew, to nit:
Annan Wend in seetteat LenteMehrf do hee:oad Imp
ellip dibtr-two =rib. of norm Guesser...of the eouthetet
quarter. of motion noonneeroon, fa fo=htp =tilt,
oorth, of rasa Woo oast
. .the fifth pal ,
, Lana seroprtsted be leo for thunee Of iambi. soilP
fur end 01 zurpolL.tocet .... r . Itarafiroatod k r4
antratoral ,' ,
on • b
ammenalm eadti
grartikh a t be meg by7l; antbottes be-,
roro thlV V' tite ' ol Y rZlVl A 4 _ 4" oar Ittetel lid i n reei L iftt '
I T . ; rra, t ygur A riz. = ,,,, 2l. . mu t
Wk. foi"fand boon .I.Wl — :,efote,Leomintoi bj eilifilir Or
2"="• op nalltkry, - *orrice. progenoL be lba united
teeli haplageltiotan afor dithasOotrafanhallotrawdo ,
as pryvklot by the not !Waled :llama, maJUARgll4l.Prit
tkatafor tab antaod4r wn.* oft.Olatotuad a
i tette Oa If be womeppeedoLthedel•
the order in ohiote Loy ere ed
pe=theardeentonkalepatoh, lastil theihole atoll
hue been 0fterL1,, ,,........ - soiL Monate Um
t o bot no mkt
WWI be kept wen then tiro weeks, gad neZeg
Wry of sop of Mr al Irtu te..d.o.duat noun .
!Vieti " , taigenar Itt= im lbe' eitibi Ciesittita, thL
itsth der of Wm. LOOO on ht Dote
Ord sod lift . -77— filltrAltlf frit.l4 KC
Or gried;oL •• 'L • -
--'''' ~ Lurrearattav .
• ; -; ; L. 44 02 01— A
I. - • • - .' - • -. ,
.mrtiva norriet-krrnoiiectAlmAx73.--
t .
r.,/ prrion entitled toile light Of preetoption to oar
of the 4mde NMI* the tonoahlos on,fpule of tnetebble
then ohnonorsted, le popttrottactitablish the Otteme loth*
Palefottlon . of the remetag ob. reeetrerof the propeLltont
WILL and make popment dr NOS 00-xammuieool.
to "dap INS oaks. and Was tha day aptalotad Ix !ha
ostomantolounit Cd Lb. Public lateof, the lamb embettion
the tree: claimed: ott:Tryrlas ariah Ida be forfeit&
the General Loon Moe. il
' • '
;Ini'Problatallegiz e. aed with coi
11 1 7 Ww sbd stklltkata.
Web Mkt: Anis the Pulite= br tbs tabor nt
rhavria".lfs , 34.• 11 , 1 F .t. " 4 " .4-41 .ft'
Mstadrar n asrbitb49arirrorrirs4 iia r k Abbotb ,
y. 4 ' 13. 41 1.141*.1 d I*E - of Ustarrolutice.
rttr!ll , .
• 1,;6 1 ; I sw ag ! _
• .
~„„, Lc C
745 1 0;;,#%4?" ,1,4
aamum or
ihrmeirrairr o. u,„ lb. R.l
.„, d
va=r% . g=
id ;„,u t „,„k..„,.,
1 ,,
eob 4,
WM ono
by sodßctaftt.
grad .1. tbatts
..orkw 'MY
Tbe Cbll4 Waryiglibbyb,`,. ''''''-
bbrbaleyl rowel. the unbar of bltetelars.
trtustar• Wats pat remthe d gr fof
.1 7 6 1 1 .'
tag itasi..tvihattbeing.l44..
zoo it. L. won. Pot [th.t
~~..~ r r 3 "~~_',
: ~ ~' z
CLLEOLE, mks it 1:0. itoccairia, pltorm c : i ,
VICE TEOPRIETORS of this old and well
'..l:*twrekliwy !mkt Isabrm Ula public that Uury ars
maw 1= ottrstica pftgelle 1100013.1.44
reidta . utlndgt o ri
ve Przsr w ar . lll, they vs In ,
i 7. .ucttlipaa. ' n ' the tom' eo
Mat. IhuToTa" d
Lim WU to ronstaxtUr az Um 7nndl.. Iroace.laj
toxectay -
'Mx, ea. w ' con sa2 Bmi
soloszios: theeld p ur e,.
R. W.Strcoftgb.un, rtit. •
Ps a ,
* A
'Wm. Power
U. B. Wall %arida. N. Y. 1
New Lake.Buporkw ruirio7,lBsl.- •
rE , niiiiatimiiiier.NOßTllENEß, CapL B.
112; evan - Auntortmar mo= Impronsoot
ty invo Clenlaad oat Ur &I
of May oa MY ant Inp—osal manly thorn/tor cm
ot oNa.k, 111., foe On goat at. , -
The nano, naNUATTAN, Inn. Jana enacm.
into Sant Ino.•11ond4 - l n Ito dfferna.loadloya ea Lin , tho alettatafttuntrany Nortboron; insane
a nanny Wanly nos, tinooMon. 'no mum, Warn
VleyeintaanoktkoCorpor tad nano, • .
Clinton!, 0.. April nt.., 11131, -If • • aJ
. •
' t L:•]!ap , pfatr's..Line.
I'4l h.V1 14 4....*.=.0=1, ) ,'" u aa
ti V.F.t.t.Ptaladmitala uu l ads,== a r.
tlaw, sad sc.. tor rites, as asy
."3 ti2==init:
tr l ' lgh " *.4 "'Pde e e'l'
v w t s. r uab t, =ln if l h turur.
6 : ll ==r )ri.".l7 .6V=clZMl.j.m . 2,Hi *"li I
_th:TA L lNtaro,Jamds l.O ,
thik 1. 1 7 itadegajtert ahlpaaa ti ., 1 4 17
•w = 4 " * liiir •
n!oEMOrem: bwe l let at littrrartiragli bon!
alter tate:pawed War th• etilr . W.Mif i nabala
1114#141310 Transportation Line
In: CANAL, being now open, we ere rea•
dl Y6411004'0.4 eoronni ownwor. ronlowi , oo
anal., out sbd wart
it 0 ; 1 0Wat rat. thartad Mnotaraalbie
Pram* and Mictehatattio wBl h. reerind and forwarded
oast mad - mut, without am' <ham rfanrardins or ad
...muan. lla
dP h laro =l ir A
etir ac P ioas ilt a h .
Co allyakiedite?"tAjarbu s.
Lka t o alklt"'!'""" rg,
.J 443111
)(a...1 lipailprek Howard arrratcfialumorn.
.1111f0RA14.2i.10 wNerwarimir.
Seim t-1851.:.Erams
. ]fferchants!-Transpol l ation Lir"'
nt 41211iiinviatiL caxauk OM
, our! ualarPrina.- 1
rftuit Cllttr..l 3le 7tAtili T o 4 ll .C" rat EL= Ite• li 7: 4 1:::
team ya w ed smite ihmt• wham amg; ,, d , "
a--• ',Mama. ahl t roa N. esuatas of the mad. . Phil.
Ohms. sad all hthuiskt • lsen to lovr•trato• aiLd, In
ln,aarpnklin.rrM ,gtm="tt Tiveks 1tte,14.3 hi
Pr. • tPltaalm•g N. W 41 1 hr"Vt tr.let th
at .
•oeculavrzt.Llnyltugur woma LLI. 4144 m. 7
S.W. '..I::::! . " - V , C.A.
1-.".. 7t 1 1LL r tOL .1
To Shipperoof ffierobaudite, Proitocei
Awns ou2l , pro r to., u 7 .4 14
-13okkotkik stivrt, ,
/ALL a LIIIMTA Avata.C.6l.l3o4a. Maar..
,ItIaYLOR k N. .
&ral. to ra=l:A;t:=l4 "
shim, !II mad. cliesntcb esp. at., oft.
*INEZ Magi
JA•"'rittilbtitT s
s,Pltts rsaiportation,
11163 CIVON4 . 1
Ghtsul liastbuet.
• 151TE3t, I/spas Brasd sod b'berry at.t.
tot Na3foolb fourth most, NON. !Witt sod tiara .
ot streets,_Patutelpbbs.
OCObltita4 4-13 S. :0 North SUM, /barbital, • •
XANING^. folly completed our smog&
Vo A r.ara .. Reeur" a ' a 4rkt i tterr i l:irlit.
bit 2
t a 3 ia
- 11 .
=I bro:r Ws too tolly=" b e l ;
• by tosstrlocw sithonbasy blurs toosasts.s. plotsetiob
tut ectlly afforded by any other Liao. • •
AU ersteataimUom sJaloer3 to otasobnos at soots.
Intl • Co, Ctssishostb
W Wsbb, Lontssals, and Lows It
aura, IshiipArlisbetis= Stubbs Wso•.0o.
Tifer74. it, old*. am.Z.Gror:lrt:7437itt.
fiat„ s _vou, mt . Ft rr•USIPM4I)O# UAL te.
. .
. No. 0 7 - Market, Crow .: Aurth it. Pittawyk
tiEALEit. in . rpm WaTc . ats, Jtirturr,
41:11 r Nt r u n. irt.4""V.Vog=
A._____., : t•
n aids, work otaasted to • markt' ana1aer.........,
tito bert . Easll.lll aM, Preach vorts?en. - . , se79 ~,,
Lewis'l,Patent Ramalle. Water Filter
S NOW to 6a seen in operistion atlYl4.
tete ag.7l .. .lkviethers. %V? WI.,
a ltn c l
gla v uz.olvimtrovr=l.ltura.frilily.,,,,,,
=tater ** from tboaatVerg= g l nat I ' l=a.=
• = a ilaiih MI6 tem.
At OW post pleasant* evaaateml to the lowata i r .
buY. &sr lover. I,l4Pbbro Ilyryyylkay yumbittens.
nowt b 7 /U. &11 - TY. Ilatlot magma of . lralw an ,
"' tl " Erltaltlirg, 111Vilitatlitrot..
"YELtzurata, Much lath. Mal.
!be Palm[ am:dbl. Water Irtftert. inybutat by MY.
l!atukel larals,,od . Wad be nu Ow moo mouth. at nit
totrald rwadda.., la all Um warm maid
tame. ectorklet It • whiter to la la tot plv_t . to
qfP1491%. " r"""a"'••
Ttn. glum two umtutorto toto out our tosttl-or .
Wl* Wairn utor from deermaprod we neve
atartarintherwarrn nary an- war animal ranted to hat tw o .
rrara i rd with ordlass7 an will ha taw, and mania
mrtntr **4 ; I.."44' aftATElLJAll.l 4N.
" '' • WO Arch atreat.Philnlaltda
Rockingham anif , Domestio (kaecosware.
.of Jipck!ntboto out Yellow Co m Wore,
h Motto
414430tpte Ce". •
. illtOtt mad Libotty both
r ch l4 ITRIM . 4
o. t rffiottJ entreaty boot door to J. a h.
'Oar ermslvs . Worlo seal. as Will urchinpotatottly.
k ...PAW Oodaiter btfrot sosstassir rispisiss, sips tot
•ab1..n.10 Inv% jp ... 4lrltti all the oetrand lloptorot Who
tt Brtt ~Der
irotgl "T a
Jo oad
talie* Ls dootattlo oat. to great variety.
nd ventilation
w Heating bt Stud In Ilabilr,Conrt llama Uttar.
iloomallut Mu, !Stotts, lartorlaa buld
%of auTil•lintani Dublin and print*. Alro.Lar
d and Drying luou, far all porpoww *ben regular
tua , F .... tacins, Ulan bldlx ar low, is deired: and lor
pa no °We toUlsool :p a to
au Veglatkm nrer ar or forced um; will
various 'descriptions raentlaned are
nocecdally lUsted upon tble plan in Lute. tuna
ad tb•rialhal !warn a wbaluoine, uniform beat, at uir
required tinnunetau .witb rutin flub= from ut,
adieadiu,or dammed, ud aster feu dre.
Dula ATKLNbiII t 0/11iLY.
. . tgrietturdi - Implements.
LIAVE.AfST, 'received from ibe Eut tb6
.folloebad. beekiTheabe en 4 the Lest gland:sepal
' tbe moolk-rseent loreetlose, end I wawa Invite ell
armors to cell sad a:maim &ulnae. • • •
• , Drilling /Ischia.; far corn, bums, beet', tangle, 1.•
than Lail; for wheat, rye, oats and barley, • • '
1 Coraßbeller. fo r beteg and bled power. '
•• Brow and 0023.1.8 . 1ait Cattlus Bem.
X 2 a .Chain Itelvet.. '
lEts , te....ltribe MI Uzuse4lbes, sad Leer.
tacin t A n tore the be four is eTteal r rlels; sod far Wei
et the iltagabd Bred Bleu or , ~ . • '.
oey2l .-. .. L. . , Corea ot !RN aed Bleat lereil.e. '
- 2 Ileauccamt's Patent Starch Polish.
1I I Iv - ATBI4T E Et , . Jul 24tb50 F ....-:
• •
.t, ~.. -Or iv
&thi b itlf=rt:L4 l 7lt , vnreuN "4". tr " '
fdtkerlntwAlomodite-,µl4Ereats Mat Oval= to
V",..derttg44. Ito %Air... lt
stasvb wben boning; M * brinttly, P ,:.
;Ft......4 cents par We. Bokl li tibmte. pad kali b
;___.! .. ...3 . 1,LLZ,1 ~ - ; HL 2 TM 0 7 Woll st.
. .
Coiilera Pot Clay:.
IlCE:.iiiitt'Ciibera rqi, now Sole Agents
.; -of J;tkeloy t (1,.. for tin solo of their Pot Mot..
are of veil vototathod motaticok for Ma toovoloctuto
of (110.1Pot.,atoel Pot., to. It Is male atao• arta* mad
tolusiblo tutatonces lumina anal to vent earefolly a/amt.d
and downed vretkas to geltoilot •
` - °" l" "" r 4, t , i !". iii i . :;: °l
4 .l.. e ved"" N::: dbaa akr ;u4n . tifulg4h.
CITATIVI—au - sr r
0441. corm. of tomb.
TEhIPLAES' SWORDS -411"e reo'd, a lot
. of KW Templiz wlth 'be Madan Of tbe
l:Caah p aid for Wool by
.INSEED• OI . 4 - 15 (kgollo•_Poroi for old?
• J. ISCHvoNidttr o 4 441? .4i.
4 ABJEOIL--10 bble: pure winter
- -
IQUOBICE ROOT-4;001bl. for sale by
13.10 BIZTA.L.:-.56U to»a forbale by
jay - HUEY, lIATTAISM34I 00.
jci lWlau swan:Um to tbi baralkfn
swam cle ninr.profama.eare of "Sower; be. Lc wear..
locifter b the haws snowy VOW. For sale lop at'
le Pawl. 7 end YWWI loyal'
ilpfigl9l T4I.RTAR-4,000, lbs. for
"0 - ;
• mY ItATT.;;cwfl 4101—f•
Wir Cbt.for W6lll4ileiltb
PIULOWE POTASii--50CM&40241110
• Norir Bow Good"! • .
IkToTWIIIfgrANDENG the advanced state
VI if Moil:non; Iwo month= to illoolvo%ibir=
712li" Irrai l* Vik L ag .. = thW
sad Ci•• •• Bliek ' out. taesel4OtliVto Woe. awl
.soedry, destroblo mita, 'met gr. &trt.
memo. of Fourth mid llorbt stmt.
Cheap Black De Laine,
lr i gd a a n it e. O.r 4130 (an .03)) blwk Di Lairmy
VIPP i VI:i rrEMLD re 'd
isCalleintla w enV
diceetly Erma& munallauscr• nts. •ad
marl me . 1" "4 4. 44.-
nitdeK , BElLdl373,-9n additional supply
L'!"'C ritilfl e rglllllCll/lELn. •
XIOUTII 881111•ANNIILL aux. or
op ORi coo fla t aloes or. .•
•d. d, XaSOll Ito° , es inditt,lpirtit'st.:,
R i t ILL commence on Tnusenex June 26,
a/041mm the =Mat 4.NT.
T !Mi 1b
de l. ast. konmi. .11l be opened qq the Man VW,.
Akricre.47 WWI thronstrout the ,agtablen; b.!
$O/4 Atlmmense roductkm tram loud &dart
' Mus meetly , Male intntsive it:zebu*. their anali-
1011 di closed G&W aalaunerom .314untfroos %madam
" " M
-IMlFut Colored Lamm.— •
I s¢
yin, fr ench . ... 12k
Fra• frond,
.. . ...
b n o r eA
re, i ,, b1 , 1 4 .""VaC.13/rlrit
WM( Em i grderles, Trlta&g. 1 44.1.
Lb.vs, Whits
m xi., &mats. Roma. Cloths. ar-, tftelk
Vt% of 'A' Orr.
• • .
Gsmidi foi Warm Weather.
East come of Fourth sad Market Stftets. Mr Iran,
, urPh uith condo aalgtild to warm watt., sash as
Scotch Sad Tomo VWNe; • '
Embroideurd and Mated
'Nat Mk Victoria Muellux
• ;Plain white Bevies !sod kfull-Mtudirm
' l 'hePanitilreired • Saintlier lot of NEW 000 0 *:
istch =sir cbmr o b l ts at I k u sle . e==r i a a
Eromis end Vilellte Illoods, dert U uster hoer L=Nitow.ll
LAWN'S. chlogusb ' . •
Their assortment Wort rarr run. with constant -
dam of tom gooda, and sold at essartiace. inducement&
are °freed to ourcrsto oill and leeks their purchases.
. in sad Its snla, the lug.% uwrtosont or Vtol.
lio.76=Tit th t . W..thori
W • In non abi be taloa WT . % 2161211.1$ tunat
bromebOerpots..toarhich b. turtle. the atlestbott of
=Maw. C orfot Warehouse No. 76. Fourth et. p 7 .
- V here just twalegfer.lbir this atorulug
."rrO f a
tirgVro=uthatrltlata=l bieul,to
tehlett the atteutlau of common b bteited at No. 62 and
Nora Ne Lawns.
itA. MASON k CO. have just receirel
dillyn shrre lot of tholovert dedivble brava
41 . 1.Vg.12:11 a14117:1,...'"r4 ""br4"'k
ari nair elitthis ant thelrMar• stock °Mon-
Zit I.lrArrrltr.:1 1 .. 61=64 Ilalket it.7"Z
RAVE orchard a large aaaortment of Im
webs and Anactiogn QITILTS, of fomimot
grootly rodoold :Mom ". N°B ".
- Jell?
Ate. aubscriber, hayin made. arrange•
ciente:ln ocautralotooi of whidal . tg r toeit bestneia'
latttt be eloest by the
1 7 of Attege soee4Vtga .
=4fgetVAteh a trahatth b rie Th. alfte.
► rtrltia, * Pa c" rA Z Vo l g4 W egleier MS 1=:
glen, tedte• 1515aes, PLfLle!➢hL make.) at
To ffii thiera.
RAPE LEISSE, blue, white and pink;
Slontave Mk;
Ctspe, BUR. And User, •• •• • P• •
' BUM., Use, 'AAA AM MAAS •
Airelf.eial power% At: ix tai.
t IKAPES: CRAPES A. AlAwx,4.oo,
lJ 44/4 oneintin • hll4. p lot: littai 66614446
Crum. 'rue above *ewe and 0411644 calk .111 Woad
04•61, at lice. 62 sad 64 14641441.46.- . j 6.21
1 AWNS! LAWNS!-A. Alf & Cu:
b... quad mew am p/sla Mock LAI.* 'MI
. ,
1110ARASOLS REDUCED!—A. A. Blawa &
L N. re oow caning tb IE Vat AfottoVattart,
mat of Paraaols al tery noloodi Oroptry turnip
sob sod otbars ovaosted szed ataalsto tett*
Mobutu' olomtutts./. . ,
Pilo ?tenth Broadcloths:
Wald. of Wino to Molt tooortmost of V* al.*,
/ranee. CrooAttlto ,trooa
. tooh VoNlibts. , *XV
Lit)Pis, SHAWL 9 stduced priced—
`A. NASOX It CO. winds:mad Lhels stock at bra
do:Wl? lui r rabsoklosed Co l thavls. at • cat re.
Nta. a 2 .764 /I "' =" ,n • •". "."4*
ILAWNS! LAWN6I at at cht.per yard!—
A. A-11180ff t 0:1—ors *tali MMUS lho.ioadoxil.
ye 114 al they, Lawman? Mbibitad lu this dlr. at al
prices., flan 4.1 i mute per rant lop. otteotioo, of co.-
tamers Is reopeetfuLly Aolklta4. '; Nil •
aradrirrerri.iterrrortirerrarrr.ortui r r
rad Haw AS Maly rultotel MOM, The *-
Um of Win Ls AolleiLe4 U. abow• goods. !Ali
RENOIL FIiOWERS!—The attentio
r......ieviirtfisllTJavitod So *wimp Aica
on% names: •baly. sal awr OpflAmlo-sal
o o f t
Piano and. Table
A A: MASON A- CO. would respect( j
sad ;17 . 17 a r m'iuthi
"4. solg hi li t" rert. b r id :4l7 .tr e .
DI, of !boa sad dasalf. SAWA cid:Su ... moms.
towelly.4o; at Na ev164.• Nadu* - -
/ .vr Mlti ...... s , llCLOl c la, for Men'. and tope_
crwavity agr , b...oowx.aawoire±rni onigt
i ds =tali If A BOSCMUELD.'
.AUL. —MOB •- , =l;dm'phy r .t'
afr , ebbid o ly zwai
. 443:411Z . the "bnes,
- - ..60 • • •
HATE 'tut received, direct from the int
-a atextiment of Lot •• • • • ablet,
BUILLAPS--An w r s ior article 40 inch, Air
• Wookm Goode!
. 2 CASES Green Mixed Jeans;
. . ,
The *bor. pods an sin reed team astern Laantasetn
nu% 3134 law Wall. km.
—Than alma axe of great ntlltts to an kbaSS
wor an* ltrdoetion to lila loads la wash as.
dng, aardealus, ain pso,,••
infallible reeualr for thaaros • • • •
INUL& RUBBER, COTS—An excellent iny
tat inen2s.'..n...6hkthir
porno. to stem orator; for sale at N0..7 and 9 Weed M
oult. .1 11. PHILLIPS.
VeOTTON .110SIERY..4,'OLOVES , - , 2crtill
saeoltment et ell colors and ee.ellsieWl
s senescent of Lisle
t Threed. ISUIt Pea CoPro.
far 7. 1. 1,j, b 7 k." H . ff "' l l i. A. WON. 02
Tkiii4l) FRUIT-400 bu.:Recsobes; ,
Lir co - Arks, lamb).
:Fitoos 451.i4 currn..
s.A large .e — firek 'if'
Floor Oil Cloths. a arldths ranging Maw. to 6 Ns.
• eNM prepared to sell as kW ma to Nam suds mate
yardman:l at the East. Iderobanta cud haws Leeson ere
readossbal to ell and exantissa ....Cask befothahrobasins
boartutra. ' ' - 'J.II U. PHILLIPS.
. , . 7 and 9 Wood at.
Straw Banat sad. Hat Warehouse,
"Issi; 105 Miant 'STRICT;
; kf ...PALMER offers
,for sale, at very
. • I=loe,a. a fall areortateat Lof dtrate and 11.11lizr
" iro,v,vgt•Vo i•l3l'
Straw Bail. Mb. u=a:=/10a. Mee. Ilalr.Paraela, Lep ,
~ m a r lV—atm% Youths% sad Egy," Ihney esul
teq2lbr Jer InT, Ulm 0 ima . .ziltr. Ltd awn lartaa.lle . traelaarr
ety snaps mid
611311ONS—Alch Bounet sad Scarf,
abbe l!Mlyt 1.21
fete ,r all width. =4 Moe* &arty Ulu* and CrapeCapa
LACEY—PIain sad tsar= erhlte and colored 11111,
Cotton Vette-
BTRAW TILIBILDICTuseI; Buttock scl4l nS i oW/Lew.h.tzeittizerieaft eptiatiath...4
!TM, a Kr
pk 1 1 . 1 .7. g,=,: Flamer; and oth., WNW,
• •
Parma pad
Doan". La. • ' - itch
D1G8W0.136 Lana Bram; '
I'W 1.
, rAm w itoer TeshicantAte.M
gptt l et t 4ln Atarrleen
mHee;r 7pl inwortinerit oeVern Ciotlas
• ohs& etd WI&
taMil.o/ZlrcetlVlV=.l. beetYadsoted
a m t,g wed of the Arkansas% all of whleb tbe Proportor
L. &terrai... to offer al scab writ& es will croprinew 011 1
who &roe bine wilha WI: that not only the most seprrsor
Clothlar Is sold an Win optablt.Lnnwpt. bat sin at the kw
°Mersin the thteirtated; &mask Ld
Lestlxweiblerranai the aborted 1a 0 b0 ,. . , 4
ARPETS, OIL icuritis,;4o,
• Mum=
L turriondautly receiving kb Opting Stock of '
. • compthiarin varithelampas rufeleF.
Exec* Sopa Velvet Pilo Win- &ib . f i t i;
'lr a.. 14
464 "
Mod.: 44.84. 6/. sod 24 wool and cotton da •
Extra Chenille itagN Colo aoido; ozui,
dw do.; occinoorrda %lag WSW do. #o:
oboop skin 46.4..1_ /I4•l4toks. 4 .4 Taram Crozob_Clotk4o4_44l4/44._.1: 11 - 4.24,14 34. .;
.41,1.—Sheet mt. o•-oo,f . iloadr ropy
54,74, tH, 64, 44. lad 4.4 tot
Also-Stair Earle a . 11 01. 4 1......c.grvetZnwre....
ititurmn i ridpia.4o.: Cr.h I
Thar W1D4c1C414.00., tothomoct ttooa
(know do,'Tably dol. GO. &MS Sox' ,
IL.Lt=imtitdoot 1 0=1% . from lb*
crco ':"4 ,4, sty la as& <Glory: wo two teat r:griro.„.6-
hulas and cultotorrll CI aq r ous to ant /w r*,=ryitgro oar oftek of
T4O CarpotiVarehrMie, 85 F4MIVIIttat:,
main W. MealtiroOK.
la U. Daaa
D TEO, zo
. 1411_,
r ar itoluerrer. si.t; aaturatteaaaraametarl as•
. 1 2: Eviu2.r,' • "zing
1. 40Int WART rCO:'
bbla. new Like Trent;
-!°4e " --.•
ARri-20 bble. No. 1:1):. eabijiy
'a J 74 • inautua -w
.4RD 0 bbla. No. I, for sale by
-?..fines DLL=l.lft eS W•br
V9;3. MAOICERE!..;•2S( - 1 bbls. for sale
NMa.. Eon= bisp.tbm
2 0 • "2, •` " • " •
202 • bY
Og i l!Gffli‘4s fj3.7B.Re
N i ' fr3B7l?bl.:lln. I,l L br it sale by
A; r w NOt3.,MAGILEICELT-100.bbln. and
. 1
IN ht. bblz., tolirtinkper anklauld Ibr ode by
: , • __. _ JAMAS Dw.ELLOSIS Wan st-
.• • UPI 3-• - -13 •• • ~. ••• •'
0a.7 . •;
vb.Va - gbr'sal• by
' " ' i. 4" 1 9L. w.x.:Lkcatica&co,
pAP.I r SA I2 I-4titolierior article for the
orlry or table. pia{ ti. j .ln 1119.1111101451 WIL. A. MCLOIO tor
) family irrr
xiaor ,
AOKEItEL-50 Ws. No. 3,' for gale by
14fiNDSOR •80AP-50 -boxee gide% for,
sale br fur= WA- PARIMITCCX* 00. •
Vir4ll7-25. bbls:Lalce Sp. Whito,W;
~,k , b, IO M : 714, ~ JAL alitlEili • ,:' • '
- - - - '
S4P SAGO CHEESE—Fur sale by
pee - wit - Lareccuact co
COD FISH-400 lbe- var y fiß f
W ~,auzg sale
DATED' - PkAtitES-100: busbetsdri — ed
Arl"mend and "rink bt_
- 15. w. aase Aram
INSEED OIL-:-.10 bbls. pure. for; sale by
uIiCON RAMS-10.000 Itaqmpwior yy
IJI On for mak by Rom:sox. trnocz CO,
i•l6 • • - 0 • —t.
Tp„ CON,SHOULDEBS-*-35 • 000 lba. for tali
'l/ by Age • ' Rostsolt, LiTryx k CO. •
R m ON-70q01 1 . , 8 side, Shoalde:
ai && w;UAYBAVIQ.
F /.0 13R-110 bbls. "extra" flour in stern
And Thr We by Jel.. B. 11Y. lI.A.E.BAUGEL
ISR- 15- tbbr, plew Whi •
• 3. B.CrAibram.
*f I • 11 ..
INIEES. I .O boxes for sale br
11-a3.14 j; c
B I ACON—LS mix Moulders,
3.14 • l9
JAMIN gna t lVlTTater aC
kIEESE-430 boxes for eale by
.. ;
MLR Dt =l7 01).,
Water sad Yrs% st
MACKEREL—Quazter. bbls No..
4.T,1 Enakcrel, nompai pihrtAi r
UAW; DI it W. •
:Joio , • our tern= da.
• CON• 21? eke., Fp:mired ari
AiII d 'CLNDLEAS for We by
trio • I=
OfT13III) PM ril:llrscV.lM
Boston Onto:ante
I &BD OIL of Bennett & Jonev' maitufae
fOr we by/ 11141111 DI DD '
Water& /not sta.
liAlt.D.-2,000 lb!. putt, for sale oil con !
dirmeit. by • , 1.,1100D11* , SON, •
- Na el. Water at.
t OON-5000 lbs. Hog Bonrul. on consign
rosicose gala 07 - T. WOODS &
•• • 61 %Inst.
.1 u.
•2: J. D WO
EFJNED BLIGARS--1061b1s. Clprifed
owenckmi . cm l l u v aisoN
CE-213 tierces CO . :dins, for sale by
" •• -- JAMES 41: ifInCIIISON S 01.
CIUGAB,-25 hide. N. 0., lei sale by
1.4 .7. &CANTLE
I. loRb o l--4U . bbls shellied4";
E I ARD—!2 bbls it? sto2 fiv Balo
nAVANA SIRIAIL-50 • but • w4ir.4 Ea•
vans sagar,jant rearived sad lar ...kW •
- 111111.111MXII INuEIRAIL,
- Water anat. -
i OAF SU blilo-loai:ougiir (ar
id n°4.4 " . " 1 11
• rn. rro. 116, Water Ora&
DICE -14 domes for sale by I
1L tea ': • • WWI a .111CAND1,1:611.
'7: - .E.D,12 pu, no, 1 Lard for sole Ea u. .
T5..ECE,40 boxer lloabriaht'a extra for
war 4T . ' ' - i.e - - witova mvamns...
ABC CIL--32 bbbwforirabs b
zawyy, ,
14 • ' ' ' • L'a lc nireiL '
IfEESE--34). bra..W. IL, for sale by
: i.e Al. Y. PDX BONIIIMLEI' It Co.
, OFFEE.,-300 bga .rairoe'Green ND Cot
+ &almond sad for oor dby • '
• JO. , . aorta watt' fco.
I ICE-15 tierces Fresh, forrale by
1 ____________ .
II ELM BEEP--,2„000 lbs prime, jolt ro
ll • ad.! sad tor Web, 14. &W. III.:
§UGEZ-44 ads, received and for wide by
• 01.48 M-100 bbls just received and
- No. -3;. 1&51, in
- sfon sA;dlbrgahrbr W.IIARBAVOIL
U YEFLOUR-2o bbls ryas realeb
.I.ALERATUS—ZI.canki, for
CORCILINGS-- . onekoprlme Oa hand and
kr We by • jell - Wlt& a ItreaNDLESE.
WLEWS.PATENT , FLOUIt. , for ,ausk.,,
leg treed: Putrp,' don. tat realm the .bett
V , l=6 . 4ltlea wnt =erez d e= 6 Lele none
eed bremanott MUM IS per =Mgt:
sal ego. eat most taw*, Dread. 11.0 t
I •nlry, Ininas.etenedLe. aila" l •CaZ WPM"
uvulae. TM &bore pat . t
pecan.. et 3&m It.. .Itb
b r ' er • 7 ) f . ft • 4'4 J Thul eaTeeinere.
ILYZ FLO tat. -8 Ibis. for solo by .
ma): Si DALSILL IX...Liberty at. , .
te ado by r. AWL t WCANDLUA.
CHEESE -50 bqes good W. IL, for saleby
• =am L co.
ACON="43,OOO lbs: Shoulders;
LOUR-10 ' ' •
- • • wb«,:e. forsaleb '
USTAILD SEEN-4001b3. for sale' by
Jc.l CO.
BACON 11003 ROUND#43OO2 lbs.,B4cqn .
F-3000- Ito. Tar ale byi,
a-a w. waaaaaatc
UGAR-00 ithdr. N. 0., for rale b
Jl4' to bo ozeolkot ottallV' and dant by any in um
11.2lletW on loaki pad la isia by Co W.lfcart,, or
;MIMI dlsactioa2a "d i t . the towitity
piROOMS-250 doz. common to 1:014
1"! . .32 . , ItoTiaTigiSt a t tEg.
H 4.c0
fitratiftc, o l,ov4;: .
at this
Osumi mem Iname;-
' '
corne..r4i wild Old , •
t kik Now IN Err I
WO . 4064 G "
'45 tit.
46 shot* ••646. :
T . 264146 6
. 1 1 . 1th' isilam
Icu dues r& 0.X4, 1 4.1 1 .
3:. ag, ' ,llZ...esm .
s , l=Ati=4. -
1.1.) lb,. 4.14ra 64446144; .
- 103;iisP2t=o2 47172a41
99'9 =2 No't Stacki:
Ttrbb,12. , 1 & 4) 1 .. ;
. •
" Loaf. CrtuUd. and
- -Pavulandfingag
21s. meallAss 2.2102 x.
Erena;.. 1 8. 121 . yraaji',
tlErgr a i
• 10
,• . C•2211,1 4 2=1
- 124cia.)16itari e ,
• I, P., 01.1.1-Ttgir,
" Y sad 24221
1 241 "51 5 :1i.t.
bbl. 23%
121=0 Kilebsix •
10 dos. kurset n g
Loam agar.'
teak Eal Bcdr.
at OIL te. man
1 . " ' '
bt b niaqt= l 7. " thou
1. , .." • . Tow:
lu ". • Menu*
• 2 bi15.11.22d11 1
21 1 0 1..." " E
% d;usi
10 , 2 tat. =rpm Bk. man
Wan, Roils. WWI.
347 Ibmp_rhaelLo3l3.44 We bra. left.*; •
i l. 33126:1 , 11, 136 2 1. 1. 63.0 , kOOO i..
Black Tong
. 04e3 l Ah =l , osl:i
1150 bats Ps Lopap b. and I - - Xng. iltan/M'
, - 6P. 6441U66,7.4 64 -.- Droand !Aar,
a ;tax; . ,a Ir r. lll4s .a.m.
103 bOlf. Llanin •• : - 16 ~. , Prom;
/00 bbl 3. N. O. Tae,•-_ ~, 6 40 • Upon 11633i7
-60 ' . Ma it CrV Bum , 110 ;" , 306630146c666;
100 cam HayattalYi Delp= 30 •• Pepper 8600 , 4
I , 2 61612. Malden
ego • w 3.1031/ .
350 1:22. 62.10; 1031 013312 10,030 POW). Coe=
i gg MeltWtr:rf, _
." 'IM M-M. i
40 Lbl.ll(6l,26merseer, . 112 : 14 2.36.37116. * - .
60 pt. N. 1.2, .- 10011 s. Watrr, Omar ma/
200 HOU, so'd she% .
. 424 , ? ..
• aouo os. InItIn; 330 lA. _ ... 30 :',_ . ..,
: 4012015. Tamen' Oil; , /!,33 an.. t,".s't*".".
1 1 000
00 aßoe "44 .lO Woo =3.631
..3., .. .r u b k ' t . .. D. a 31-Candle%
N. o.l3ncar ad 310165ee§.33.1 1010X4 1,0001,1 / 1 0-
=T:gr ik=g=asa T0uV . .;,...4.9
—, —.vs ..,...."00=60 DYNI2/372.
Y=o3 ,- , 1 .. • ,
3614402431. sod 163 howl no.
• , .Pittsbargh Life lasorsace.Compui.
TZCOMPANY win ! iliac:pointed in
gebroary 1851..*1th a Perpetual:Charter; end has
hasiness on • ardtal of hit/opol
.1:16. Compaq does trtuanni both OP Us...fainter/ph and
..liattnal plan.
the staa "kietlihd • •
' Oaken, Mork plan an las flan
abae ehargal by Maas] Companies. and gibeen ger Cant
1.4 than lb. Mee of mat block Llama:am
Mutual rates my the woe a• thew adopted by other
safevMarkert CaillpPtka. -Thom Inamplas ges b ar
:rah or '•"±'''
and lb. Captains:al Porplati l iorai of
the, Joint Stoat department. , . • .
!Ds Charter penult. the granting of Inruninee Lon ltb o
in every [Dim. ineanding the right 'of elle. ehthbaAp
o f
tett,. relationn. fr iends or endltore—to Mauro the of
another for Meto., aoltutire lamed bpayableafter death.
or' nain the pram , attain at the age - of WOO. f1t)..60.
at the Make of th e i
Pros:ant '
..Paroool Vro Xisrigrot
Jcml4. Leech. Tr...worm
J at le IVmphß. Latta.'
Digmtb. - Choler 4.oattoa.
liarnyal AleClarkary Wm.p.
" J. A: Miro. •
l aw or
Ron. IV Wilkins &creme., or - w.
J i trintV t t r . r ip " ! V . ‘ Te,lrgmg,,
loch, bog. WholesaloG roost.
Hc9. t k. W. boom* -4.ll.3.lCCebeee6
cee2TtlTPl7"..eieteee. •
' ll)=Kte l
..banelp ll .l7. ° ,l7 s =ji treeb.
Yole.tb '
W. Jlowou. D.,11(1 Liberty street-
Dr.:Dilworth erlll be la eneedsztee at Lbe °Zee. e1. , 7
'!llharf trar, reallireit.' •
jr.rlzbk.rbt C.A.COLSON;Beer..,
State MnW Fire xeihreeee.Compaziy.
BRANCIfOEFICE--No. 64 Sltrllbeltl.D arIICET,
' ' Prrra num
••, - • •
fday 1581.
TEE beet evidence of the. success of • the
Directors in etudosvorlaz to make therSTATZ ATTU.
„rum INSURANCE CDS(PANY meet.tha mutts of
Ihg lai enummlnit7. le the unparalleled amount of Nudism
er has been done; haring Dated 7,900 Deihl.. during
the Hut year, thereby adding over 1130=the Mods
of thopteapituy. Dearly all the property iv of the
PALM Mod ams/1 rlaks, sod lame Protroatoti thawed
I,lllZifr.tTlici 7.stti
Do., do. cap tegtZted, elleerta, •
des Toros
Amount a Propc3t7 57.115141.
Do, canceled, tamhosted,expind-t.511,72$ 00
Do, Premium D0tte.....- - DODO im • •
Do 4 urmout.d.errixed.:. m7lc)
Do. lo fonne--.
•.0.19 77
Do. Cash Drembuarrecei old
Whole net Icon and expermiaitakt—=.6ll 65551=5 70
,Blilanete to favor of the en. in auth... 6is / 11117,r4 45
• •To city or country numchLyte, and eof EIMIIMngs,
and 4.h , tha and property. it believed this com
pany albedo advantages. polotettheapueem eafety, and
oeourity, inferior to to Insurauto Company thuds country.
• Conducted au Lb* opotable and mealy improved a stem
of Claasidtation of ilblra, ereltektur, all glacial he.
=lag 0111/ • 111111te4 a1120=11113 crille ICOLIty, eko eloditur the tromumoy satl'occtuvence of lame Drag erek
Wm on Loth the Stack and Memel plan, It not only
atom the theionrome and'amummedation of bythr atet•
but artttlas the Mama! to a pertleiratime in the petellta.
Diremorm—Yohn M'ltotherford. .1.1/illett.d. 2. Jona,
;Alonzo I.Canier.,lldlo C. liedoeick.Barduel James, hobq
Mott. John It. lo ter. John B. itotheabed...
A A. J. ouasrr. Barorter7.
A. A. Nettie. dmin . . myl7. .
N. IL-7A stuip dend of elle. per amt. on cutting
pelletal tea been declared by the Din :Mors, and la tude r.e.
Lrialtht at . l94 l =or m arromtle, or a. rreumble 12 Mery
,Franklin Eire humrance Co. of Philaa'a.
PIRECTORS: Chsaioa W. Bander, Cleo.
vr, Me/Lards, Thocatart.ldeal D. Grob. Tobias
j agal Evasiel Gnat. Davit B. Browsk
- •
Cautre 0. Banal. Beerstary. .
uu, eintinnee to make Instmances, permanent
er every Abseritelon GI Preperty tau aed
country, at rates as low ea are asasistent. with nudity.
the Company hare reseried • large confluent hind,
which. with their Capital end Premininaontely Muchal.
afford simile protection to the amend. • •
The emote at the
Company. m Janur7lid.llsl.
lhliedureeably to the Act cf Assembly. were al sol Na—
1/91 , 2 7. = ZS
ham pall unit h anl
period of Yl.
keillim Mum by lita, t/mzeby aftfu ' dby. evidence of the
Mintitages of lortmance, ea vrell as them ebility arid dir•
peel to meet le llii pro:opine= all liabilities: • - .
efile J. °PIO:ill/I LlJPiTliv'Alteftt
Moe S. E. comer o f W o ad are! 31 cu.
Pan . Mutual Life Insuiauce Co.;•Plulad'a:
rhMay. jr..
of No. 383 Liberty irtreen.
or me fetter eon ratan. of Wean/ tusking to the
lasteX.fax. Ma MI. the Ment.'nuly Ma be found •tiagfy
front t to= and to 3 o'clock, at the cot:Whig nom us
Blibolitunaker Os, No bi Irma atmat, atom all yam.
sari infonnatton will be given aml communleaticaut prompt•
ly atiendei to. _Pamphlets explaining the pr=llll
m 1
Lenelita Ufa insurance, blank frEmmaf
" atra stock over k••=400 Ind constantli hasteiilag:—
Pranta divided animalmonscat =me mewed Mr 1110. , •
ltttabnoth. Jas..3l. fhb •
Marine, Fire, and Inland Trutspartation
yrriz Instmaxt_ce Company of North America;
Yblladelphla • 3E* CapitalSMl3ll. Audi
azoury 13. /W. 31.001456 30. Will mate lasuraace
tll6l wad toxaemia. to 12th tit,. and licinitr, dn.
ea-pronea of ereeT dexelptica. shined PEP 313 ask ticato
sad otlurvesfria. eilber Dr snlaxid tramp
ores 11"
Arthur O. (MEW. Peet, Thomas' P. Core, '
Parnael W. Joan. John IL Neff. •
D. WeeM.
tot A. Dever tb. a, Waleb, -
Demme Y. &MM. Yrasede Hoethes,
bamuel Emote. ri.ammin JlDbop.•
Charles Tayks. Wm. 4t. Bowels. .
Ambrose ibblte, ?mum AsLlamati. .•
• Jamb M. Thames. amex N. b. Akeyl ale, . IL D. Sheseetel e
This Ls th e 4
Mem fembrarem Commanplattle Doled Peep-
tad Dom Its Mph Mambos. baiter parbeeme. amble mease,
and avoiding all rile of as extra am
le thanes
may be considered ere ollerlea aamle eecurty,Lto the baba,
DILLIAbt JUSIDI. lame. .
Na. 141 /moat newt.
Western.insarance Cpmpany
cAPITAL $300,000. R—.ISLII.LEIt, .
Pnoiden t. P.M. Gordo on n. 23enetat7.'
'Ullman mann all Co n
of t, Vire sal Malan
All Lames will to liberally WA/Joanne annird/ Pon.
• hoc. lasantlus—mnsged by Directors wbo nil
known Dean nasseardsy sod• who are deisontker r
=9 • sot amt llintality to niandan U. ehoracter.
have assumed; sa oft , ng - the best protection tonne
dridn to be ironed.
admen Jr.; Wml ..ILlter. Jr.,
oboes,o.. Math 5ter,. 4 4,1
C. Ihnons.,oto.
Ww ,9 l 2, nnenosel Idnenent. ?eon. Donn
AUgles. blank. Then non- ,
- 92 Water Meat. (tarehoine Prager• Co,
Delman ffititual Safettlmriusee
MUNOZ. Thud mtmet, •.• : ^
• intrwcr...,Dradlost. -mgse t AO other
wry. In town and tolmtry. Ittam•d soto.
by. Cm at the lowest Ms preteltort., • 7., ..ton or''
. Inczalver_—Th," .1" v„„" , ,
atka Totrigo eaketviss4 muter openeri=
Islam litt.mortarroa.-41.4, *Do tato.
b.:imported Dr Wagons, 1.141 opm,= :4
Moo= twat,. on slr.t. antiiak the son Lbtral temL
Drasetoss—JectNl,ll. tetk:Mmtood A. Bowler,. •Jolnt C..
Daris..Robeti; Sumer.' Jan it. Ye Samuel Etrortres
Goons C.:.Leisecjidis, Dartlyska: IL Dtaria..llYt;
Iltaaolt , oll, " , _lo.y ll o. Dr. X. Ifort Juons.l...
=MgMar -J • Remy
e rtA ye,, t „' 'l7
John 'i v „;. 0 Jr. Dr.& Tinos.
a groTa T 11.13TERaff—D.,
dVilurtat b Nitim,Pterldttrt. Thai. C. Moo. Vito 11.4.
emo, /lola. W., tiloTuT. beendaTT. . • . • •
et of the Compan.r. No. 12 Watar ttreet,
irrit&":"7 r. 6. 31.ADK11LL..111,1211,
Wig D)10,3 oce RA
• Ohio - Laboiatory, - -
' '
'tor 95 !um
99. ,.%! "
Per cent:. Strength. • -
h OWELL FLETCHER'&, CO., - Did - 612[am*
: ,,, .oVALll ollo r4 4 tcroSplefUfteologlsselidgiiii•
Copper Met/Led V. Nan manna band. ,
Comer of Thai mut Immo:rata, Cretaatn,
111,—.A1l ardent treat Plttabargh will be vromptly tiled
at lots market pekes. • - • • tru er
No, 167'L3erty st.,:Poinartithivircrackeffactoty,
D. , mums, Pitte?Ww.) 14.s.ifoon , sa, orig. Y.
• -
dr. annotate to the public creamily, and tfutr Mends
modally; chat they Lan astabllshet • NEW ' wm a and
sdQUON !SWORE at las Warta stand, abase
heath W/
lynce7. Matt at..
too.MI awar tmeet of tae Lessee! —Mnattla
rednd *Ws dark !Mania
ea, of the chained statagett Jantslea ruts, Ro
dal WI& Widaka7.ananWairas and wiling bock nines.
of tact asoetirovad tommis„ . rort wineadladalw, ahem
andsciascat Abeicatht ‘ Abo..atlions NOWA
amino. and Lim numb Mt.. All ofanktrthsy
ant salt, arhotssate.ortatail, an tn.. moarniaststaWatarots.
Oas *be sputum, My. litonsenal. stlll amildWag his
Importation business hs the city a, If Tart, thy atm dm
it =salad Walt actuates and • battaYwdtio any .
=oust In OW city. ?lowa gist os • call, Wye you
.451e . ruunu. rerreee at extra ducsaa, a n d :ut.
sacrum moth,* apt my nowstore,
oots Wawa meat. orpialte U. Basket
rlhisans,where I sill be gled tome my friends sod IM
lowsitleamt. mad ricers • snare of their thethro, i srl/1
keep is 'err Iwo assortment of 1:1=7 .1 7 Ileds sad Zak
Math Maras
dingLeuried Heir, Swss,
ses,modbm• badly DeletienPillosth Dlaskotgol.Mlite s
Cestterpsn sod Uomithis;
odes. of ..7.
dee m
es, m. Door Mats, and mot artiste tonmlr Um'
! a, =Wel. asset:4lAm= of thertimL Vrdsrersopt*
full f solicited and most moonily
, anl , - , • wit, tarmac; raw .cnic,
r.BAID improved "patent.ll Icad Plpe fm I:l=aats.
. ,
Seed• Store *moved- •
subscriber bairemoved . his Seed Sioii
aom eeeena .thot toe. wg"emintir teearke'
er~tr. Reed ma Tailor 5tde,,,....a= area. Algoma ex.
dedletely epPo.R. P'"/r. I.:ELSORI)
• • •
CARTNERSHLP—The subscribers lurid
satmd late Corarteenalp_s_alar ea. arm Eaab,
A a mar.
, Jail/13 ATElNnuat
IaSIJOUN .11S. MUM. 7.
WE I HOSE 11 HOSE !I}--Just reed
tram Ito ktooofielorylo Battooibetlaila ler
dos nmci. tn. SC to 3.5. 0. la &mem,
Sldo Him to IL. onparlor to ony to. mazrolootongt of .
_kgbor. be WM,. . 1 1=Idottaxot kite b.f. paro.o.
we Irldi I. to o. di. 7 ....kW that ...71.2. of
1.... that goo. from ooz lotabllobourot to orareuttol for
re triZa l . tWdcgralr rAO.II ,
t ic.. I.
§TEAM PTO —lOOO pounds' mixed,
Mu am! Par. mu amt., rmkus 2@s to
rz.Lbsek....."thkkwthal to ttm W i t yy y Imat
r. Mils pn..W2,.. Fornl! at tb• labs ital.:
Cas 0 Otir OWII MUM
SODA 4.51/..00
- Gann warranted of a. cam q.01t7 .41 at 11101 tat
Imported. •3341, tor We at Ow
mar:l Ems Err. BERRI t CO,
lANGRASS STEEL . of All:quali
-B,t.g hwingtenet t!e g. a i tr . 22" Pent
Near Nukes apt ermllio,
.. ,
needles' Celebrated ' r - -......
114.01dPouND-- RESILOCK' PLASTER-- '''. '''
‘../ Tema talrbt, blares tom Imo map s.-:, t -.-r
~..'""h .a . 4,,,,,....1ear5. daring rbkli tlarttbe" am* -.- :_.•
allkerfaii , - 7 --. ,,,a.aMartg%.,,..... tb..l wet ablcrama- , ~ t. •
tdelabaor tba- blereat em - ZA. ~,, 4,"! 1m = y =t . 4cr
~ tn.. hl. b... . t .k.a tho lak mic a ,. bar
o tlx4 r aumb .ll "=" , i ~..,
~'. Tbet - ta of abalr eamboal ,*,. M,, =sal ..-,
correctly comblasd,mal . .. ta Meal beerlimlr Oa .i i :. I.
:,ribb;dlbl ' afeVAletVjgream ".
*.... raise , : , '
ar WbValgle,
_Mal looal Wm._ Qv aarlam
...0thd1arruaa...t....=4.../Mthtrmed ba c l.r.ea .aa, . . b- soam -- "" eir;:. :'',.
Slrbeen (bar !vb.. r enrem dreamt. .
_. ar •••klfetli ard_mlaut la Um but ' d
dos, read:tar ''' -
=arm Mem Meataa. ammo eJ Ma alarm, M., %MU ea ~ L
-, :
overall other platen bat beer abeltly Wand ar '''
Mlrba barerrapstfaramt mamma meths= their i...-ifi
To scab m surer rleb ebernsalo PMem. IleaM .
rfE..drpb. M. rraMat
"armlet, eboleorlerard
011; for dirini abet ttful g.
!dim .odinvd.iln.ldaPsna, ant
'cm lmfmt , Lb* eon nom ddbellxv .
non, dzletlarjs enatstad whim a.
of mit di, nirsiz.ladles b.,* long
6, dad In Ild•tbatr .3 - pea__ - -
1r mMuct As m ccmx•mlonfstosmi Mier as
• N• 11.—thc• QMonnfaiddrIt dom. cf .741314110
dtd3By itauld br whbontit.
, Fried /lIX mote per CLkiL. Each Pke with f Alit/elWm
Vol• aihe DT utelll on. IL /3 ELLER& ; Wood A.
i •- i Aopxom.-
jrr • „ l ,, • , .l i .C.r•_t - Ink i
eue .'-
vrtfigo . f . hw a t o e.mpaS; rkable rem: - •
'45,2 7 .1=1,1=...112_. •• belt. to therloonn : ..-.., h
_s.. th. b,.' . 1,. 1. 1 11 ,_ . 'Fit,J 4
b.) ,ln inrIMM Is rearmed gout e inn lir thie 1 S t
re, et. doth of few hdred feet: le a Sure, onsdniq . -..
ted wren, nitboot swam/ad_ chandebut but el ,
doss rotat • Nstars's Strent b ...sonrater 1 r . Mut It MOWN 'l.. -. •2:
• 12.Vitk. s teep s : rno? of dims% to no longer
at i' ll;flstert,tenieE. it hooter u nt%Tt to t Telitt i th = .
nen in elimanng_ softens& Land -reennisy, bloom ,
health end visor to zany. tufferer..• tans - b en. we at e : ze :, ,
tgaMTe S6 co . :CPY. ftitis j' ech b lld h rall " zi ' .
elan WU'S= st..• ° several remarkable acne It nes - '---:-'..
thenateMen sorti . ... 01= tenor , sows -
.7'R:lr:dm:alt. o=4ttalbsiiefor =.7.?Arhieetok , '
.eretin , oestsdoot Vest the medktne cm non Inch 1143 ; : ..-
ot the emir of them who seats, and with to be
•••ftwe do pet claim Cr it a sonvenslopplinetlon e .
wry dieeafte Vt. ti6 1 . 1 / 1 1171/17 San , that In • number
LI.lOlO oJ._ It 111 Utall.d. ar; tbese= be , i,
EllitlktitttrtMil.g3VMOlMits ent; ; , ;.;
i kin na t tliti r stg
E sit z raesAfjL k ie sir
..r= a Ll d s; ::,.
er ant fildoerri .. .l4se in he awe or dkle. Nemo. .
lroffereZienntltla: Etuntendie Yea , Gook
_Rue*. .
nisi. Tenn% Ainevortos ants. Bead,. it..,.,, tlld wee 7 ~, ..
.t. ke.. In ewe of debditr." ....Inn frots= 4 4, 1 ,
lotnt sod troerseted woe of dtesae, this
blitz relies It enlittet se ••Dere' TOMO and AMA •
. hh
ATM' in such wee. 1= tone sod e:err tie , !
whole frame r removing opnint. the
fitnations. olden nom dimmer and S • =Otos L
and rs ineressed and
energy es
of add - The stopredor Stem aroma ewes of Mt ' ~, .
'that misted other trestosent, set well under 114 u ,
s 2..
of the Prrao for • than the.. She snot on ler ,
.. .
glens to any serest tebo donna et. -
___:..• . . - .•.- ,
am igt , en t tn. sloshes at the stropinsinee
. -8 oansl Da
t ft. ttesi S st eventh Arent: ' '' ".•
A.lso, by It. E.. 1311 , ens. ont a_
and lEtTrEit a NU w---- ' '
eat= Word eines end Virgin alyy,.b. an . •
norrelly. . .L. terohnif Manned Amts. , ~,
Ii OCLAsimON. IcOIV aII PR toen who ars flick aid afflicted '
mawith disteseN the Bladder eadHildneys. with sham::
nains in teti ar lin* uld.loUrle.t.kl wee.
plmNdte Ittet they on be eared by taking the r ie:,,-..",
Liall3l. Yoe may Mlit shoohlts Way a oretrumas •.., •
es yea please. bat does ow make it ea forwemodstst; '
in the free ei air beareft. artiaasdry. , Mg it has tteass, ...
.bleb Cr. MA tan u Vl la any other : : ,
elm is Imbed wi n. and sullesing tr u d . issime, •"!- -
.60 emits, set re rum any of the .
abree. . ~
Dewitt it tote vier Mu t. ewe • tite..2tils Petro
lnigrgilre=liris7Ao r 11=
tea 6f the master hand of netoss. met babblers,' DOM tin .:1
tome et ma nothey earth. la its oriMnal lemilAfflit . S., v:
tam to milaring haymmity • ready restedy,a
It to tarts
Pb.. awe an.r aoaki••• tuiti aitodie :.,-,'
rest, any Wier It has mad ithemsatism.' of lola' • ~
roe a the wont and rood painful ehareeter. /I
:cured (lbolemi Moan; by am or taro deem 11. r .„
.estred eld casts of Dtarrhae, blvialeh every other •
has been of Cl amill. •As s Loral remedy la trarns• . i.q .
mai. iMhotter
.t.g... en, miettoe ce•••••••u at
that ses tit. •/t will tem. etillinauts and b ' ustri d2 rt i . , - '''
In is lewrst undoubted Mittman? ma bs itstenish,....l:
est of ttg truth contested in the shore statement, by
a s
ing orihASIIIML IL. ELM Cued Beam Bennith street as ',.'
..w. of thesmmts. . • . , ~z ~
• Erreer 41.• McDowell. coma of real street atut Wltirla '''
ellen M. E. Hellen. 67 Weed street D.A. Elliot. and D. 7. 1 .4k-1
Cart7.Alletbea7 Mtn an ta• wort.
~ M IL Atuni.
JAMS .tbsdbiormir and mob
.41. tenclicial thedloth. ate 4 - -,
;be Inec=t=labraleti Inatrutornsfte leo 'tog tbe '11:
Luzz, to .ellettlog a ease.of Clafortle ELlfeieFae 1 - 11 , ‘ , "." • -
dolt of toot mina. phrthianl.tar Y/1 stal u M L. •, •
Ill.inate of tlar Unirendty of P.m/fluids, f or •.:
rears abbe baa be. est,74 in the innecthr.. hf thtetf .3.
the toe of Ws Inhaling tube .lueldlifthe -..
ii.e . VAD llnFti,A7r., toll othof hie ranulhas , . e.
ical.d an uncenuebea obbtenee to =log those
1 .4 falai maleinac Tubercular ConsuuthiScau Omani n
licenbla. Rte.nate.. bobtaariteeerotoS ine. T.. o
kiz' Al% 's D•' E Eetr j' tn4% a drevery tb
reniabee,nrubtr nee of Ws remedies, to trblett. bon ;•o
.ty Is ;t—wt I we of mot couthound.ol4, - the -..
to thecentatiblierl Phrinolosiba Me % bet' bT thee. '
Orb of d
ble bereniee. . edant. to and Droserthed forrath piesiltst, ,:f
ins _
Dr. Roaelalionla Allergies Pena. • hen used, an felfacts.
dr attnowledged to be /tuna. to all others, as
sbthe z
4 e a nt sn fiol o
. a e i . o t nt u d .
. b ,. ui j =dWa rg b Aar4e .it;.t,m.l=—h-. le r: . 7 . a 'l _m
= ,. 4 . 1.".rn a y. pii.J. , - ;
aken enbilab mint by been said. tn.,inbda 2 n2:;
Thestnctel a er
ie Wlted
to cal/ M. the wet. *l
,onf. - '
t(trawl ow of Oa Doftaf's re=g,rittlfn . e
.-. , L
..count of eery re.dr, .4 te
Tor Nab bv tbe IllontitTnta.. le. . bTI4I . A anthe - :
girls thresuatent tbe Imo .
.9 „.
J. fob & co., 24 cod et. Pitlabursh. l
J. ALT Illyncolot, 45 Mart. et.' "• ' ' L ' ~..
. Lee A. meant. DM tbo Poet Ohm fliheighe , :•'
" Jan* Battle . Darlington. Soarer main it .• . . .
JohT. n ltllk. Taller; " ' L -
~ evolZilr •
AFYLIOTED, will be found in •
Devltt.C.EaUlagerS INTaufasz ntall:M rk
Pita, which has Seed th• tent of thirty yauset ,
, ipethenewonst I/I=a doubt. toortha atects•S awe =,
u.ilm oy rten Wawa
dam and character of Wawa. fu • *el tax
wr bawd as
thing In ••„71.actAstsida lathe anly nnalknothat toastema,n.
It to am le , - that aces In greyness of theor?:ll:t,,.„
what te mkt far.
It ha• cored, red 4 capable of eartnw nano Shams thas
umber atedldnaoffwest for malaosstrwratit b y "hats
made era ld. or by what warm „
as • steengand esavirldna proof of the alai: •••41,7 , -
- that It• only article that has ananired WM
l i ar , medicine - that bursa been patandsed nada.
” th• Vasa "Isawallad , o
hordly Ifedleht• et7r and kr rale, car
Inect h i !ay of
tigns etc
1)s Ras Nam Ork.11 ) has 31.C....-.2hagant SOK •
..1116 4. 3r 1 AhtWaM2
.tania; mad). twat af other calms et,llew d
La f rotted 14 m¢t4,)tyre
Aa It Is wall Issas etst Pates t • Math= aritte=lit
Bur D•tarnlaed try the herned. wealthy PSIS
ets,. andoattedly • ftht to- Seleanwelves hlghlyjstw
Ileged.. Thin Wander le tug Composed Us tweeneasta , .
wenn years bears Us_ public-. Its ars Mealier* now It'
streoreal Itad hat • MS mod Ittalbontpt.e,tir. Istaftwissid':,l
ernreinelare.sraof a it. metal nattalnes and many"
tqe ~ t
nehtle• swsrverefist WO] Vat MO n O. d.IIIIIVI.
ateottilas fw•lltrup, gamins brawn. 21
arm, and Ss mks atai aelwa that haat I. ear tn.
~.21, 1 o,Arror bottles
eue-hes•-•••••µ6..„.._,..L,_ without am
rt — Tadle: = V I failsa irog7:l ""''' staisri u tisf. Est wor Sat
oftersfr••• oat posawks. antis@ ratedbl•••},
ass, . .
Thie asildne:•• Warw . r reonedir is prepared noi r .
ksad., tbr Internal 44 noel. external vas • It acts gurart,,
Lrroue ome .b.c.,...,„j jmh t- a n c t g e bele&
-watxs In 0101. or hnat4 Roo-n
Prthrthrrth. t. &Um, Meurs..,FA L lr
pat .1 by Lbw retail
, . 1 7- Sat .7 , In fns. two. and aaeshill=•L
To the Readers of the•Pittaburgh,Gazetti,)
rIIBLIC , ATTENTION is ilespeowicin: 3
'rind to the forkortrin troths, set lona la a re to - i '
WrllOLMOrrileff OM If irriot mom theft of modem '
par ego time MU mem rawly wee Women: beneath. :1 ,
Utt:l47Vrainre traticorletr•AM_Vra
LI i ril= ri ' ll 11: ralb gi r t 4est. * i7lit it theta .:•
: r
Rit.°Ltd4g-V...e..°°,4lroontion'its= :
all other Warn. here boa forgotten. The Petiole
• Natorel ltwootrolaborewl fir the oused' 114 arta
tir • power rod
amity that laughs to teorwall nrama .
ampotinom Write war dutr, abort w, write Moot • med 4
onw• thst we the umb--that we asf notbnin ohne
Mei to dentin three who son Una oar end to int .:
dam; In or etaterneats. the 'dot are ram eta to at ,
r thing t h
at premier relief from diatom. ~• story owe
hardly. be tia bight,' o mmilit i Ateemit otert of tall.
Mar ir; it .' V g asistont stone Lir the& th• tt . otb to tent= ~
atm .t ..r be %WO/a order to for •
tattoo far an Thiele article fa the meats oath"
kia Plato hem—bete Mat =The montahked %
In Mona are=balaitoil. bees ample torttmotir la fr. ~
Tor of the ht
Within the lam two 111120011. two of oar own dates; •
who were mow. 7 blind, hem been restored mot Are- ,
mal awes of oumnim. to the Mate of Ohio. am 7
ore& drel,aisotim cue of •
eaten Brom corsat7.,
b e et /anthem am maw near bona sot nuke .
be tettrna totes ear mime trao bare doubla on tbe mili.- 7
Piet- Than maim were tined tiler [bier had lawn absedreW -
. 1 b y . s. tut bowies. The remmetna will- cerni„: - .
M'rhea mod emordinjA partkitDiarrbrea. i iiM. .
te e a4 Tr a• i• lam inimoktain filW... g..."'.c,r,e,
UredMtbe home tote ttma Worm ,
Vesta, AVM
_cootthe,_, ant eat .
dm., of • .noe. man ! . num. lo vie,
d ik•edteeenee o N f the Medan sad I
am lianila
',_s sad
In tIN AL SLUT arnsusi, Nallann, nas bent VIM
la tattoo abate Omen 'Malta the pen yeter wall IN ,
man sorbet imam Catlaottet that Ina enentah on are
-flatmae of the •Loatittor abowill take planate totem . ..
t0i n tt:2 .... 1 to the ammo or Jaen metre.
other* Mr SwF Slslat th eir Inat% 4 ••• the '
Petrolemo is the penned Itemedr of the lm m a roonne
ewe, imeodloa in the profsnicat us la us I& -
,in thOs anttot. 'Thor abo es ant kated oo ta dant
ecesi a n rko akst. tu.lmaamst po
ar m oa sro ma . raa nwa • '
econalled to seltoostage ah. Petroleum Is thounne. ,
at ouldiclas in disessare,L 1 ', met te. •
tea KM= a It 110.Was1 tin '
a.liellera 67 Waal now; D. Cum IL A: .
Feat ag: 1 att
ems, a b g.t. l l= - '
.a A. /shame", it Ca, Wan Ltd hoot low
• -.. :. .
A], -it is eftosqp. ouLtook...pd ttle ch . ofileor,da.
lb, ft- e t. Ilelltfe—lty •eblldta C LIU othornssiohimi
tottioot , to taw bitottoo =Lim sad bowleg mut elbow 5 .
foloottios to rtt7 Unituturptoo. 1
t o wooed trr . VA ve
throtouto stoat Tow. wool sirup to j ft a
=Tilt= Itfx t b i m. sod I=l7
I him nototatotdott It to my oolithlior...l do Mos
coase t iozolottgLellor• tlatt ,
t t i tjter u test oottoh otooft4to . t .
_.. !Isimarat Attaracca.- 114 X.
Ana tO stould — lot prialit toeurtftlldroo to aulke 114 ,, .
rwhoa tboy toss to eared by a 2.3 ct, tottlo of •
ax, • - •
Pawn*: sad add bm,
meld) - . It. t. MUM
_...' ' ' - .t,
41 wood st, oaf. Drossiot totoorsEt7
g TENTlll.l large•k
; a.m.., for mho on Mr moot - lUe
Ointorng j_rateouk, ram
11,11 • • • arpozpaat's Prop; •
X.rreVSalt of balsto dr maltas!t ithrtr II !! W
- , • Carpru
is ggenrExtrietaraggitg%
" n tz . : Lrm cgararbagy.
" nalp.•Tomme "Pm...a/re: . .
mt,% fru.wc.
;sr:ln - 4 0 .ft
Itoillittrmt for tatter 4. 7 5 y 4 ' 1 4% gbr Doer
Istrragsbosslns Platters otrdlr
Borritier Palaces Ordlrerzahl""t `7'"'n
g1014.1 - ronores
liarreco n :4ll ,
%%beDraig, De er 0 72 1:47 . W1r XERMajc::-:4"1
K-10 bbL
for sale by