The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 25, 1851, Image 3

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    ~ i ~ ~~ ;
_ :.0
rim or Aioiri:-.--IVe lesrn that our colored
insects will celebrate the 12th go.nivervar.of
ilDaoelpitioti onthelit of dogrtst,oritheepaids
. .
. .
"Parana Cp =martyr Ilassi.—A mantuunok
John Clyde was held to bail on WedneadaY. by
Alder= Lawis, on a, charge of i•isaing acawn
',tat& note • • Edward Rafferty:- •- -
Eltataca Coxrmaar.—ti4e lea= that
lar orals qaartz mixing • convoy:,
We city,.arith the iseoestaxy ,
he, , ,uotehiehey which - they ham
se: city, "01 enish :treaty tons of:
loOti to
- oc7
rock, I 4"7
ttput.—Edati , edt Morgan, who bad
old to prison on • Catlia, was rater
before Judge Hepburn on • writ of
•us sod discharged on bail.
y . day brorel
babwri- ri
orno A .—Mr. Platt, who wns burned out
'• lit.Bayardsthim, during the present week, has
Ea' *pes:dins milk and butter depot.' Weirs
tO lesio that his wife, . . who was somewhat
by her fall from the, first story window;
haring be e l l unabli to escape by the staircase,
. - .
- gi av i : —We bed a very hesey 611 of
ay minting, end arli4 In-the after
no= It will probably ceemion a rise 113 :the
; . .....-Waarrin A Drroncr..—A Mr. and;
of Alleghiroy,.. made their appearance before
for fleming yesterday. ' The an:romance of
r ;M.r.' , lifcCray was altogether involtmtary, • bin
steodgeds complaint against him
fore;She appealed very eantesgy
utalia/ honor for a divorce; which be of course Is
'eased, le.r; he could not grant. • Mr- hiceray wu
; dally committed , to prison in default or paying
" - a.litie of ten dollars, and the mists:
......bisrrnio Or Mrs Aaronson' Conjoin COVE.
.....' 4;:ri;... 1 A special meeting of . the Common Council,
of jithenyeay, gm ailed pester:lris evening,
-• Mr: d, President, in the Chair. .
, ... t
''-- - rnment--blesers. Bagaley, Craig, Lomat, Rey,
Parke, Seas, Walker, Vickers/ma, ,and
''The Comet riCriancil co:teamed with the se
'. - fien - of the Select Council.(reported ina former
number of the Gamma . in referring the bill of!
o..L.'Molityle to,the Committee on Streets.
..The one of. the publio . figure was granted fir
the nut Fair of the' Allegheny County Agricul- '
Mail Assmistion, to be held in October next, af
t- eez.the General Election. , ' :
.-., A- number' of unimportant bills for the pay
.l.'aeitt egmoney were, putout and the Mayor au- .
~ . .- t harized to draw his warrant.-
' .. ,',". , ,Thefolliwbst resolution h was adopted:
- , •Resolved, That the Committee on Surveys be,
liithals hereby authorized to eecure by contract,
' tat many . stone land marks as are necessary .to
..:':geartMtlegpainte of survey as placed by Messrs.
- , i.. The . " following:resolution from . the Select
". Mandl ins concurred In, but referred !tithe
Committee on Strcete.
t.'..."" Noeolledp That the Mayor be authorised to
',draw his wurant in favor of John McFaxiand„
;. ' ..fori the sani'nf ten dollars; Which is en addl-
Maul Upropriztion for the erection of a sewer
anileffersart :street, and also forty dollars, being
the appropriation for said sewer.
sepstreporr..of the Surveyors, in regard' to the
in the lower part of the city, was taken
IV.. Li the Select Connell, the low grades were
" "p'W..: lit Common Conned non eournated in,
but Wetted to the Committee on Weer, to con
-. ' tek with the authorities of. Manchester, in eels:
- :.....' - 'An ordinance which had been adopted in the
:...13,eleaf Council, authorizing the grading maple- 1
." . ingat.'East Lane, from. Bank Lane to Liberty.
. . street; Leacock street . from Anderson street!
f;'entaterardly to the' Canal; ands .Leacock street, I
.:: , Gram Federal street 'to - Andemob street, vas
'..iiiigited in the Common CormeiL• , 1
' • ' a l ia lar. Day, City Surveyor, made a statement far
information of . the members, - relative to the
, -grades in the lower part of the city. ' 1
1:"... 1 - The following resolution was presented by ldr. 1
. .. ...flay, and adopted:. . . , ., . 1
1 Iletolved,.That the Committee on;Streets are
; - busby died. ~ when an ordinance is parreed.l
',..1nr.. the grading end paring of , any etreet, lane. I
.". -at alley, to. drat get the estimates made out, and
afterwards let the work of grading and. paving.
' •_. - -Mr. Yfickeishant offered the following resole
RUolved, That the resolution of the sd of
. - Stly,eatherLdng the Mayor to. draw his war.
rage in favor of certain contractors, on the or
- der of the Street Committee, be, and ie hereby
repealed.' Not adopted. j
• { lOn motion, it was --
~- -Itesolved,,That the Committee on Surveys be .
ed to el:Maine into the present condition
liv Bank Line and report some plan for its per
, . .:.'...,L , _petition' from elisions citizens of Liberty
'was presented, praying that the grade of
Ike: ' street, as adopted, be nxiltipd. _
" The prayer of the petitioners was granted,
r...11ad that the Committee en Ordinances, bring in
'it ceidinanOs In cOnformity thereto.
" • ..l
~..On -motion, the Council adjourned a little af
. • _ _ • ' .
'diri-Bicresooor Boom Carious Th
rople of : the Paireetio.filate wre not all beside
,theemelves with secemion." The South Carolles
=Patriot publishes a report of the Celebration of
-OM fourth of July at Greenville, n. 4 which a Own
tittee's report wee mode and adapted, pousting
the folly of any attempt at secession, in view
thf facts that the Praideet is sworn to en—
fore the taws, and; ha.," at his disposalforces
vidach in a brief time would put an end to all
each manifearatioes of folly on the put of South
.elarginew With reference to secession, sena
... slag it pixosibie, this retort held the following'
Thai easciesioUwill involve SouthCarona in
bloody aril wars and ruinous taxat ion, - weaken
.66d ultimately destroy the institution of slave
Sri end 'end in the: degradation of the State,
year emormitteeletve not the slightest . aluolow
of admit& .. That it is see remedy at all for the
Of. which thelsecessiceasta complain la; to
tO the: minds .of. your :committee , Preposterous
uad oaten:kb: . It will not restore Celifonds.or
ppptant iny voider the 'sprawl' iou 7of slavery into
- Ueslo,siod Now Mexico: r - It cannot increase ,the
area - of 'slavery, or-prevent-legislation on :the
part of CONFINI3 in relation to slate
someasson if siceelana; eipctu
"illy foixemniscribe the area of slavery, and utter
lyrele it 11 trouth Carolina. :ds mai as the
date goes out of the Union, every slate la it,
:' Wed all their descendants, in all time to come.
lmextares to our soil! If one should chance
Itake carried over.the Savannah `river, his own
e: win -forfeit, .ender the laws of the United
p, :ten' theusand dollars- and incur seven
pionoeimpristourmat; and stand artmosittal until
1 , .-elwo.. film is paidl White Persons may leave the
ift4 tout slams cannot.. Their labor may be
but here :they moat remain. In the
ecursii of time their owners will run off and leave
:theati - vol South Carolina may become' a black
- r - rstate.,- a second San Domingo, by the wiedozszof
Buiewaraz will depriveus of the constitutional
estarastee, wide' lo we now have on thi'llorth
:eesPeoPle." is surrender our -fugitive . slaves.
tut South Carolina cannot pareue, hers or,' at
. timid to bring them back.'
Stls well !mown that the police' *iodations in
Charkstoro; in relation to colored seamen, would
--got be tolerated by Great Dritabos - but for the
: --Aran& and power of the Pedena Government.
.- Were South Carolina an indeteudisot nation she
I "call* compelled to repesl them. -Indeed. we
eltould be the prey of the abolitionists all
quarters of the world, sad in no kingdom or
cation on earth Is thatelaas more powerful than .
Dyeekteolonviegive top all interest &nth daroll
. 'nnbasitothe tenitorins, in the publio lands,bothe
r gold Minos of California. in the PropertY belong - -
to the United States and In •the army and
' terry: be left withoit a vessel to pm
, lett our commerce, or -to defend ;oar flag
=.custbas high' sess.- 7 We Oben have neither ►navy
army, nor the means of raising or maintain
, in,g the one nor the other. The whole prOperty
- - afr the State, lauds and negroes, goods and &M
-.- tsilai'sioneys.arodorklits,.would not suPpoM an
-army and'eavy capable of defending our eatimo-.
al#7 fin runt. Our' Waskines _and ioaigtdfl
- cam* in the eyes of the world, would samost de-
of. admission into the family of ltd..
Eplaloo.ll. If ' , Matted, - the republic, or
- or oligarchy of South Caroline could'
maintain her foreign missions et the (lit
' bran ; courts of Europe. -Rendre& led -thoti
,;"moorlis of. he; citieens would -leave the state - to
avoid the burdens of taxation, and that stamina
lbllghterd gloom Which would pervade the land:
00,. however, could move - out.: of South
Garolituatoithout , being an. alien for five_ years.
Re would.loie the right of citizenship, the right
of Voting, holdihg lands, serving on juries,:sad
holding commissions Coder the United :States
- state in which he - might settle.: Lifts; le South
Carolina, woJiba neither be entitled, to inherit
she lands of our parents. childree'orkbodrod'
tom other states, - nor will they boo able to inhar ,
rmoufattees Were to be formed, and other no
tits memeres adopted, to rally the .state, upon
Apo :jury ire the cm of Dodges agairt the
City pas Coinpeni, r at Norfolk, declaring it
antssrorre mid not
•.: - .: , -''..i1y..:T_F4.:gcr.!?,.4pii:: • :, ,, :,,
ar rvZ`o&W.ti; zuso2rPo Wl,
D isp'Cia.Tgiprioissis errTsevaali
. • 1;11,4
, .
The Republican of this Marring bits a despatch
from thdepeaderme ,kating that the Banta Fe
mall had reached that point. The carrier. - was
attacked ,
on the way bye:kb ladiass,-bot-sulfered
na in,3l4.The territorial Judie*, , with . a. few
Ipideng, Lad arrived at Beata Fe:
The health of. Fort :Sumner was 'good. Col.
.liutuner's command took the Fort Bent routs.—t
801110 of the' troops were still suffering trim .
There was little sickness along the trains.
We have no cholera in this r,city... The city is
otherwise _healthy, the total ,deaths yesterday
sonothtiog only to - '
sOOll =PORT.
Plonr , —The ins:kat is steady, with sales 4000
blots at $4,06 for straight western, $4,12 . for
State, and $4,3144,4 for fancy Ohio. Sales
Bye Flour 5a53,34 rot bbL
Grait—,Sales 2600 bus Michigan Wheat at 100
bn. Corn has advanced, with mask 12,000bn
mixed at 511 c. _
provisions—The market is dull: Sales of mess
pork at $14,810515, and of prime at $12,87®
$l3ll bbL '
Whiskey—The market is easier, with sales
Ohio at 24.5 c 1?
It ales6oo bsp Bio Coffee at 810
90. and 1130blds Cubs Malawi at 23Q250 "til
Linseed Wil—Sales 1000 gallons at Tdo ".0
' Stocks—ll. S. 6'5,1867, hare declined to,irith
sales at - 1151. Sales Virginia trs. 1856, at 106;
66c is offered for Illinois Improvement bonds.-L.:
'adison and Indianapolis hare adnineed 1 Per :Madison
Iron—Pig is firm,with salsa 20 tons
at $19,50 per ton.. "
Hemp-,ls firm with, at $117€0120
"Lead—Sales of Galena at $4,75 wt
Flour—Sales 1000 bbla new Crity Mine, at
$l,OO l bbb, and MO bbbi S.,
btd. • . 4 .
Graia—The maiket is Atm at steady
• CTICINNA7I July 24
Fitolv—PriceS have declined, • with sake of
800 bbls at $8(?)3,1211 bb1...,
•Whiskey—Has adeaneed to 18@18le 1,1 gall.
Cuaese--Sales ace boxes at 66116t0 "i 2 lb.
Provisions-13aeon shoulders - have ' advanced.
with salsa 28 hhds . at 6to packed. -
Lead-881es 600 pip at 4}u fb.
The vim has iisen 18 inches sines list reprt.
, s.
Prone drthes Some Gazette.
"Did Barnet pay the bill!' encritired Mr. Gilbert
of his clerk, who had just , come in.
• The young man gook his bead;
"Didn't pay id"
"No sir." :
"What answer ,
did be gisel"
"lie was angry; end Bald that be wished yota
wonldn't send after the bill any more that, when
he was ready, he Tour dbrieg you. the money,
and not before."
"Ile said that, did her Mr. Gilbert spoke with
considerable excitement. of - manner.
-la, sir. I have never called on him that be
ffidn't get out of patients, end soy something on
"Ver9 well," replied. Mr. Gilbert, is a Mena-
Icing tour "give Mb the bill. I'll collect It."
And, taking up, his hat, he left the
Within two or three blocks was the office of . an Alderman; and thither his steps were turned.
"Thank, - fortune '. there's a Mort nay Mend
With men iittheseames." Thus Mr. Gilberttalked
to himself, as he moved rapidly along.—
eland my bill indeed! Why doesn't he
come and pay it, if he is souks in thm matters?
lie dosn't mean to pay; that's the true MNISOM
Bat, be is dealing with the wrong man,. and
will and this oat before he is twenty-tort hOuri
older. Ile can lona . off a clerk, but wili n
city buTdi a different sort of a custmier."
Such was the state of Mr. Gilhert's mind, is he
I hurried on his way to tho Alderman's office.
Berner, the offeider in this ease, wm a poor
I ta il or, w ho bad beaome indebted to Gilbert for
groceries. The amount of his bill- was silt"'
dollant7ra very large .ftem fur him. ask far
exceeding what he bad supposed It Wouldbe.—
Sickness and the loss of a child, had, some
months previously, lamed his income, =dabs
burdened him with =mud enema. 13td for
this, he would not have become indebted. Hon
est and sensitive, the debt worried him. In
stead. however, of going tOMr. Gilbert sad ask
ing him to let the obligation stand for a short
time until be could pay it off gradually, he kept
'away from him, - and fretted himself with think
ing over the •mmlemant relation he bore to the
grocer. . As was to base been expeetek the bill
came in. The clerk by whose hands it was
sent, made his demand in a edyle thst -Bonier
thought rade, if not insulting. Thie was more
in imagination than in reality. .
' ain't pay this now." was the tailors brief
answer. lie spoke with a troubled voice and
oclunteunee. , The clerk interpreted his manner
by the word "anger." .
"When trill you settle it?" he inquired," with
eamethlag peremptory in his voice.
."I can't tell," said Horner, in a short, quick
tone of voice. .
, The clerk bowed and went away. His report
dd not please the grocer, who, in a few days,
sent again for the money. The second demand
cams upon Bomar while he was thinking ofthe
ball, and hopebessly casting about in his mind for
some mesas of payingit. Not mussing a great
deal of sellccontrol, he unwisely uttered an-ex
pression of impatience the moment be tsar the
clerk•of Gilbert.
"Weil, sir ; what about that bill?" said the
"It's no use to keep calling on ate," replied
Horner. "As aeon as I bare the money I will
pee Mr. Gilbert" _
:..A third that the clerk called. Poor Homer
ire& in a very unbsppy state of mind. He bad
been thinking of little else besides the grocir's
bill ell the maiming ; while, In Ids mind, was a
nem= presentiment that he should here a visit
.ihat day trot the collector. He was not in er
ror. ' Even as the 'thought trcmbled him. open
iliftfig hisdoor, and the messenger .enteree Gilbert i
"See here, young mud" exclaimed Horner,
before the other bad time to speak.; lust tell
Gilbert not to send thstbill here again. It won't
bring the money su hour sooner. When I am .
I ready, I will pay 34 and not Wore."
The clerk turned off and left the shop without
a ward of reply.
"That, wasn't right, John," said the tailor's
wife, In a tone of gentle reproof, after the hips*
of 830 minutes. She wisely forbore to speak ure
Ail time enough bad elapsed for her irritable bus;
band to regain a degree of self.composure. '.
"I know it wasn't," answered Horner. Pane
ing in his work and giving vent to his feelings in
a heavy 'sigh. "I know it wasn't. Bat this,
constant dunning is hard to bear.. He knows as
Well as I do, that he will get his money as soon
03 taxi possibly earn ix" , --. ~.
"No, John; not as well as you do," said the
wife, Mildly. "He .cannot see your thoughts."
There was a brief silence. , •
"Have, you ever seen Mr. Gilbert, John"
e n quired' Nrc . Homer. i
"No. But.—"
The tailor hestitated. He saw what was in
the mind of his wife, and felt its force.
"Don't you think it would' be better to see
him,. and explain just how it is with rout I
don't believe he would give you any trouble, if
you were to do so. There te no telling whet
kind of messages hie clerk takes to him. If be
gives simply your words today, Hr„ Gillett will
be angry; ; and there is no knowing what he
might be tempted to do." . , ..,
.1 don't want to see him," replied Heiner.
"1 can't bear to look into a nun's face if I owe
him mo
The wife sighed; but did not answer. 'isßoth
remained silent for come time. Horner's own
mind aeon suggested all that his wife wished.
but, bedtatod to eay. levee but right for hire .
to see the grocer, explain to tdm folly hie roiliest,
and after assuring Mit 'd his intuition to pay
every dollar of the debt, ask of him • libersl ex
tension of Gme. .., - . '
"I'll sec, him," add he, at length, paUfng
suddenly br hi, work, getting down from his
shop board . In a little Lil le be was ready to go
out, when he pierced fo to are his creditor.
..,In th e meantime , Gil rt bed kept on his way
toward the Alderman'e, fully resolved to hind
his debtor seer to thes e der mercies of the law.
He was within a few doors of the office when he
meta friend.': -
"What's the matter?" enquired this Indian
aL "You look as if you were going ,
to sue some
body.", •
“Just what I em about doing," replied . the
• "Ah, indeed! Who is the.hard cue that re
quires such astringent mensal..." . ,
"Homer, the tailor. You know him, I be. -
' ...You very well. But you are not going to one
, Indeed I am."
"How much does be owe you I" . • --)„,
"Sixty odd dollars. " '..,,
" I'd think Mice before I troubled poor 0 to mi..,
Horner." said the other .shaking his bead. , '- - ' -
""lie - seeds ulp onlylo3Ultiog answers ,"' re- 20 hf. bids
30 eta,. ,
lied Gilbert. "I've dunned him until I'm lo - rat ,
red." . • m
0 it
!"Perhaps' yOthe dvdm,ed. /illti. ' ,ti , ehaS: fleti
le intuitive . 1121,1 in:ltalie: ! .:. ~ . -
No ; I've only sent three or four times. 'ha,
morning he returned far-.ever that be would
pay when he was ready, and not fiefore." '
And, on the spar of the lambent you Ini
deter:reined to put theaccnent intuen Alderman's
"I hive.'.!., ..
..- •
"Too hasty, friemtVilbert - In all matters of
this it . is better to think twice. Remember
that 'Horner *I'M , eielmcas aid death - In BIS
family. •.Thess,.! know; have thiciiih him tistdt4
Bei. th mi the. canoe of his slowness in paying;
Ilut"surely, these things entitle•tdra to conghle;
' ration... dle Is honest. lam certain of MIS."' 11
"I didn't think abonthis sickness and the lose
of his child," add Gilbert: TEL 6'm . y:flied toise,.._4 1
I "-But this isndjustifiCation for the rude, 0,54 td
i.e.:tory answers he sent to, my application for
.0f °Ciro' net. - lint, every man cennot;' st
all times control his
. feelings. .An twine: mind
often these enick sense of Indio:sedan when ii
demand IsMads for a debt where present inibiliti
Ito polytheist& This 11; , fie doribt,'tbe case with
Horner. , Honest. In his, intentions, he felt your
,repeated applications as
_questioning questioning; that bon:,
'esty and ho ' could not hear. the ImputatiOsiwitli
becoming patianie."
Thatiatoensoparilted. Gilbert had thought
twice; and Matted of going to the Idagistrete's'
. ofhocc returned to his shire. • There, a 'little to
his' surprise, he found the tenor awaiting him.-4
They met ;with some reserve and embarramment
But Horner.said, in a moment ot two, and' in a
subdued voice. . '‘, • . . .
i r
.4 am'. earry,lllr. G il bert; to ..have kept you
out of yew money so long; nothing h prevent:.
OW Ming: you. but Inabilty. here 'had
sickness shd trouble; or
it would. of now .be
with me an it Is. I felt worried (then your
clerk called to-day, and' seta , you an iMproper
mernge. let me recall that. And, now. I - will
tell you the best I can d 0.. .. If ion will take
from me fire dollars a mouth, until the whole
bill le settled.' I tell faithfally pay you that multi
=dinars if it is possible." . , •
.Perfnctly'satiafaetary,”. replied Gilbert, in s
voice so cordial that it sent the blood bounding
through the 'veins of the unhappy tailor." IC ,
you had-only made thin protion before, At
would havo been cheerfully accepted."
When the two men separated each was wiser,
and each felt happier.' The Uttar kept - his en,
gegement; and the grOCr . not ' only received hie
money lug retained a good cnitomer.' . So Mitch
for sober second thought& - r. s. a.
JUJU since edifice ii,shani
to be put up in Nell Orleans for a Bible Dorsi'.
tort', . where a stock shall be kept cOnstantly en
band for the ompply Of the Whole South Western
country. Six thousand dollars have been al,
ready subscribed, as we learn from Dr. Stiles,
Whose warm heart and powerful eloquence, IA
efficiently aid in carrying it through. -
have put 91,951 copies in circulation einee , its
rganlzation, and 16,880 the put year.
' I The American Bible Society are doing a nobl
I work in preparing editions of the New Testa.
moot in German and English, in Danish and
_English, in Spanish and Engllsh,in French and
lEnglish, and very recently in Swedish and Eng.
Bah. Then books hare been found eminently
useftd to emigrants who .are such
numbers to our shores. •
When the present flourishing city: of Louiti;
erne, Kentucky. was a pretty village, the ours ;
~withyshlch the place abounded, were the
agents of circulating a large. number of Biblei
in Oda wise. lA. plena young eleek, returning
from purchasing goods in New York, brought,
three hundred'dollars worth of Bibles, that cure
remaining unexpended after his Fintalat of
goods.. His muter, the merchant, reckless
self ofreligion, thought it a bad speculation: but
finally adopted the rule,,that charging as be
$1,60 far every pack 'Acetyl!! he sold, the' .par
chaser must take a Bible with the cards, at 50
cents. The problem would have the cards, and
could not but have the Bible. They usually
gave the Bible to the first boy cr girl they met
in the etreetr, In this way hundreds of familiu
received the Bible who had never had it before.
A French gentleman states ' that more than
200,000 Bibles are sold end thus circulated in
Franca every year. - '
The New Testament is about to be introdueed
into all the common schools Of 'Kentucky, as
reading book. ' Dr. Breckenridge, the State Su
perintendent'of Instruction, goes strongly for it,
arid there Is every reason to believe it will be
CAN fIION.-1103f of Calfeiderf are, Ire donf4
not, aware of the vast amount of the tranaporta
don on the Philadelphia and Beading r4i1r045,
few of them probably have reflected on the op.
portnnity afforded byltsestbusiness for testing
the comparative durebli4 of the different de
scriptions of imn—an opportunity' probably un
equalled in the world . For many.yese a Nerd
has boon kept In relation to , every single lair re-'
moved showing the length of time it had been
used, and its condition when removed, so that it
can be at a moment ascertained how many tons'
weight has passed upon it before it became so far
worn as to render its removal necesei7;' and the
mutt of the whole, has been to establish the fact
that true ectnomy'requireet. hkit Ametican iron
sheld alone be used for all feare repairs, even
at a much greater difference of price than' now
exists. That each is the ease will be seen from
the following fact= • -- •
An weighing - sixty pounds to the
'Yard, require 94 tons to the mile, the coat of
which, at $4O, would be $3,760. An American
one of 60 Parris to the Vara, would require 78
401;4 which, at $4B, would be 3,744: Expati
ate hat 001111 the letter to be mere durable,
and in every reaped better than the former, and,
therefore, to be mark cheaper, erect at a differ
ence of eight dollars per too, or more' than the
whole of the prcneat duty on foreign iron, where
as. the actual• differencets, as- we learn, little
more than $5 _per ton. Nevertheless, -English
iron, cheap and comparatively worthlsss, is Im
ported be hundreds of thousands of tons; and
will, we doubt not, continue to be so until the
remainder of our farnaces shall be closed, what
prices will again rile, and ,probably to the old
- Mr. hntinena.—The.Whip of the,
riiStl Of Tfollt Teton Rouge„reoently amen
led in Convention, and declared Infarct? of Ml
lead Filintore as the Presidential 'candidate of
the Whig party, - • •
A g =ilea= advertised in the Washington
Intefligenier, Cottle lost, on the Path:stain, 4%
silver watch, with s gold face, and gray frneig
coat". ' , :
An exehanim sap it dime not, wish to benzo
ate that the milkman otopo too near the rivet,
but it does look sospidoini, when his eon Is found
fishing for minnows in the milk pans., •
A man . doim South was on trial for stealing
snuff fr om
ne - tobacco:l4es atom He Pleaded
that he ever hoard of, a law which forbade 'a
man "to take soul.".
A. colored Mae died at Danville, Va., on the
4th inst., whose age, as nearly as it could be ae.
catcalled, Must hale' barn 107 years.• • ' •-", .. •
. .
I A restless person rarely accomplishes Moen.
They wear and tear 'a great deal, but they sel
dom replace and mend. ,
• . '
Oast principles are at the bottom of ..all
things ; but to apply them to daily life, many
little roles, precautions, and insig,bts are needed
Thortre and three ettiiarm . of Dr. Vipe died
suddenly at New Orleans on the 12th, from the
effects of poison, by cooling in copper vessels.
QYRUPXOLASSES--27,bble. 8.11. Syrup
rAria co.
'63 1 /l s grlTXr nil
c .I..aes lE. e
frtilet Yourolut ficalp—• full smortmeot 1. be found
41 •41 dam of IMAM! /1131.111CUVLELD. I
MACKEREI , - 50 bbls. Largo 11?.1;
ELL, ONiraterst.
COCOA- rgo id„...
wry daerlytioo, ter Nes' by
bY Wog. A. iIoCLORO CO.
.1,2 I Omen lad at. Dalarst
TOBACCO ke l p
Twist. l , "I. b Y itsa wwrognd 711 tint
/11.AEILS IL-50 bbls. iced receiving
br Mal, and for oak 31111151111.7.0. L. .
VOILIOOO-125boxes tte'd of the beet
2. bratots Os "IA ta'ston mei forma* by '
, .
WO •
_t___±VL•or AVIV As.'
°me' Fire
TIRE BRICK-45.9°° .30.4 ko ° thi paint i nria.)
Rr, mutat not _
b"" " 4 1". wALLmotosz a co,,
ocpREEN OIL CLOTII-300 yards for Wiri
d.llllnds, Just IWO froo Portoll, sad for NsNs 7
and irstroccl stmt. ; , 1 .: . J. • f M ritILLI
LUM-60 bbla. for sale by
Medhizei, io4 Dm*lotttnn. Ems,
_far Ade vhollosals
Sad tall br 171,TE11. MARBILIAM,
QAIDPAPER- -60 re:linguae& for Pao by
Sen 7.BCFIWYMA4Eatco.
astralarte and bear
lei I
/VA arrive .4 ter age
'~ra,~ ~,~, - j a""+z ~._~i ""` ~'~s~_"i e'~``~' ~`'C+ s Via;
" " ''", ~-.. r.-.--~~-~--ate'--' ^-~--~~:
LAKE 1181-25•bbls. Lake Trout, (nalr;)
I. 3furt Tti!dial sad tar alhy
'IRENE," PAPER--For sale by '
kao • ' ••:4 :NALSTA P. SIALISIIALL.
EBIP--41 Wei Missouri,,for sale bytu ,
LIMY. mArruews
COTTON -7 , 18 bales for sole by '
yeas,- WIRY, ItATTRIMS s CO.
1359 pigs Gi lena 'for sale
143, WRY. liet7ll6WEl a W.
T. SUIT-1450bb.einePeaches;
rigitaterl e A r sa co.
REFINED. SUGABS--124 bbls. Crushed;
Pnlierized: and Clarified e.g.= beo Tor%
Ji:Astor:alp BAGALEY k W.
jp tcs. fresh Carolina, far Bela by
bbla. N. C. for Fiala by
• • • wk-lianALgr•ao.
LITTER 13 kegs spr4 . . 2 l:2 l, r epa i
(CHEESE-26(1 !2..otes W. B:, for sale by
pso • ; WM. BAGALEY • CU.
SOLE LEATTIER-30) Sides beet Hemlock
Tanned New Tort Leather, In We br • • ;
les/ WA. IMOLLEY d CO. •
IASTOIt OIL-10 bble. extra quality,
‘.; sale by WM. BAGAUT a 00..
114 Neen44 orb
.roo . 114 Bergml at e
ouper u iff iw folgt . by
.Ro j 92-400 41a. for sale y_
&Liam I IRVIN.
Ai bbls..for sale by • ,
REL--100 bble.
3.301 BAIED /1-110
R IOE-50 dynes
. (to arrive) for ludo
INDIGO & NUTIIEGS--On consignment,
rill be rad abn9 to.k.
.p. 1 7 . . 4
Sit/11-TC , bbls. for sale by
ievo ILA RD & 1
COPLEY'B POT CLAY-10 tons farsale by
.148 J. EC 11.00MAKSIL t CO.
CiOLDEN SYRUP-Inkt Ws. and 10 gal.
keg* ham tb• Ht. I. ItelAtu,km s•le br
et • .1•10 A. nunall BON a 00.
_ _
TALN I,, ERS' 01r27 :bbl , ll.
01)IDE POTASH-50 lbs. for rale b
ir2 B.
11 4 - 7140 0 pigs Galena;
cOOO Dar for isle by
• • ra •,. " , 11(11VMSON k CO,
ILArAdia-WATOllES,,oilioulde llan
4.1.11_ Goa Lorre iistacs. suds so at to clar ma boa
Mtim with cold raw, ar to show the Fars open at pleasure.
Veer dve make,Jast marred rad torsal to
W. f
•• 'jt2 • corner Market ad Fourth etc.
- • - -
EATILERS-2900 lb a. for sale by
j. 16 • 0.0 IT. ItAILILiCO It
i t.II3 .I I 4 FER MAT9IIES-25 0 0 . Eo n . for :Isla m. br.
W 02 1 4. TWINE-500
BLOOMS -200 tons Soft Tenn., for sale bj
ARDbble. No. 1, for ale by
YNT CLAY-7 tOOO Copley's Pot Clay, Na
j ' n rl'mmans b alooxUslttit a pi
EARL ASH-30 bbl.n. for
LINSEED OIL-30 bbls.Oriswold's brand,
tbr de ror .1.14 J. B. Wag/ 61.1
- • •
OTABII-4 easke fur Bale by
pl 4 ; J. IL CANVIVID.
Nbbi. for emle by
LIRE PROOF PAlNT—liii)b .for sale by
J. IL C.lOl KLD.
UCKIITS-50 doz. MarieWs miske,for sale
ix by J. 14 Z. B. CLNYLELD.
lt tSIVAS.,Wit.NTED—The highest priCe
Jur ..t. ellal •1116• pp i r ,.. iyalidir km , co , i
. Jell' ' ' ' ;oarorn kin% sod Wood as. ..
A GA SlJUlL—Lsdieri dad Wm.' dz. inn neolvei
ebr , , IL IL PALMER.
i.l7Art W ,' , .106 klark•LiG_L
i r A PER HANGINGS--A large aaeortment
at. rzebrb and ltatlican Pyle , Ihneny,a l •l4.
ad and or oak by , I'. blddbudy.l.;
LIVER 0 =a, rau warm
IL far sale bt 1019 B. R. 6YLL1111%., .
"ndow Wass, wort-
Less -400 boxzs
Jai .laa ir
1 1 . v. VON BONN uoner a co.
IPSO-150 bal. No. 3 Mackerel; • •
„• og li 7.. allryeat eae White lige,
1 0 )4
• Joint ware a co
H A - Vegetable Capon&
rNEWS BALSAM; an infallible *me
lin, Dymentary. Dowel or Sommer COW
a t ve.l &Awl sio:11.==11 rat Vit . =
with happy end newt , fano: street. by some ef our rata
enoventlni wrartitkinera wherever /napalmed.
lie the tut two or three year. ae ter cettirates grain .
nearing the niedielas. la para Vet for= ' Hundreds of
enra, of both Chiktreu and Adult.. have been eared and
relieved by the above Braun, altor emery other Handy
had been triad vain. -
The [aiming 4 cope at eactlbWe relarame the - va ,
ttiehete. of the abene Dwlsem. used in tbe cd
H. Swear, of Ow Methodist Bait Concern. of nue
city. Hai
eri l lt , l . ll l =l : Me Orin =hegira.
Ham mil
but gat little menet lint.
, brlng Tiotrradodl.
lijunrinel,inte bouleahAticel.4r.,.=igb,.:ittrai;
r=ie radioing fop pontoon sisallH
"." ri .nrirotall:Jtfertira r°l' raL •
-lbw shove Syrup. sato is %%antral n p... thole.
Pala and retail at SAMUEL C. 4 buirs.
nortbea. t corner of Inclund and aln strati; •Store
of Gardlner Co, on Hata street. between Seventh and
Elghthtertes, %west sidr, and at the vineipal DM and
other sraw in the Wad generally. f
Also, An sak by IL 7.lNlelteribra. puta.miti:
W. H. Idtctellittat, Hasiolaratt
ritraraid, South Sittrawgie d.rimlth.transrenor
at u tha ltiriAnt . un it.. Drwiperi
EI Pinry ' fialt a er. ageeport. inyitteDn'r
1 ,
yItE Life andatinesol OAL ri
the great Bettma= trunlated tram r
a Garmattof Nal Marna vols.
Lauds of Um Moslem,
_a sanative of OA.'"
ental tray= by El 111,17114 rat: 1 vo l . riot!, - •
VAbblands Den work.-alm Authority of 004. ar trim
bunion embus Bomb& siremloon (Carters.)
LIE of the Kat and Lommah' by Mrs. IL Stewart
Sl en th: Illustrated.
ralo P. 7111. WWI Natal= mad Elcarsobloal
Staab. of Iles. L. IL I 9 00 0
!demon. of the Iles. flaw Wotan Pos. H. A., with aa
Intralootom Dorty by the UT. C. P. Ildtralsm. It I),
Instals of Won
vhamy arri Yynalim... of limoblv a thp y llotlyes arg .
M c rinals of thrad gehool
hristian Exyrdams, =7.,ri. 1;141171g ' 07 114
PAall the author of "atrial= Relinnoest.. ,
of tberaers of the Derivation of lodeprodettat
b , :m= 40. 8 .
. 1 4%
ik= T 41* =OW 117 -. ' - 001711•7114M7i1 - 7/101
„„Llltgmtlos„.„o„.Atosros t.lagsatukgololbSgetaisotha.Eart
Memoir of Nev. Alassaller Watrab. IL Dr, alaflsrikrtn.
front his eylstolas7 m e bl am Eat. esmsa
The tams works an for sale oy •
IleY. D
myaMat A. AI:GLIM A 00..19 Wood rte
LEX., - W. FOSTER, Attorney and COLITO
ornor at Low, No. 47 Fourth Maori, Dear Marko!
buruh. .uorluailtrlS
- podworth's Patent Pinning , Machine,
'SCENT. dodisions (tea Pittitburgh Daily
Chmette; _Nay . WI, 1811.) havitig_folly and froWly
tithed all the elem. of the WOODWORTII PaTralT,
the retliteriber I. now prepered to tall tho right to net
them aleolanee in the BM. of New Tort; and in Numb
iltbe ectunUm ot o Linattet Crefor i l i. Glintoti r ; i 6A
Mk.. guelinVntlott r Wte, Worre o ll, arca tVlton
dePCI .. 10.1bIt t ins .: 1 31. .tr. t e.rbi.....
t r olled .
u lanial act agnom to the r Vagsf l bita k il:
dam, at one n u erZoo. re=opptekk..... 2 slaw
magma; fanarea, beads .04 rantene, In tn. twit Itieliw.•
1000 feet of boar& or Menhir. en bairn and iw Pill a r
ri, l iarlei r g =gra il i graitarg" 4,l lit
411 kinds of muting ere perforated by T 0 .b.rttsr mu.
000. .02 four tin e se empeaLgoustr nod cheaply, ae It ma
bYtre ;gat?: ocantle i we i d r .
for planing, tOngfatig!
:irmarina tafrom *zoo to 110D0 sommilng to eite ana
alltr. 1=40.0 0 0 to ten home vo _, er sill Mire It. Nino
train* Mtndredthe of all Ma p4kt'd
In Oor
term titles and tom.. to now armed with Woodworth'.
timid... which roar be men in SKTISSITFMT. In Me
Aram planing nails at TOStOT Phil Mel a, tisw -Yore,
',11r..D-.i;ff'ia,°,..,-1.;i:i:.,:g. 1, 171;:,.,Tiii.r. - 0 ,. ... - lig . ,
1 iA0..1
Man. Illaghempton. lamas, Am ,_
roe ST eit'UTSTS single right to non them marlame,
rA allant modoned aoain4 ..t497 0 ...V
• rf=any of the atom muntlee. W. 1. . ,"
PlS...lrlf et
IMBNI" V i4g %IN. '
Portable Thrashing Machines, Separators
I and Corn ateliers, •
TWAItitANTED to 14 thorotighly built,
I and to wort well: made and MU bv BAS,VIAN b.;',ratr.
tut, Mamie and cora:wet: im olai .% rental fill u t% g.'
El.*: No =rt. runellabeer ' , thr=l;:tel. or =A.
teal wort. are . MST iI,COO of them are in ime is
the Western Slates. atta MI goinw Zest of the Itoonteler.
.Many of. them hare threshed from SO buehels
Nob; sad, on thorough trial, iloy hare tom 0' o°o2'
by throe who um Mm . ,. to he all COMpiell. and towarlt
LI 1N•11...i . in Ma warm. .. _, ._ .
' sn ' fg j etrifiTt=t E'r" ' IL IlVa'srl.,lwthmels= iwrz;
antes we straw and Star from the dein. sjb. wires
entire setlefeetion wheoever used. Bleats but hula pow ,
eery to n0t ....... , It. end een be attached to ang.,T=latti
fa l tolg .. latte Ear tr I I' Mpl ' reka in the Buttes of Penuerh
verde aL . d Virginia, nod all southof dam (Milo fwd. ttle
Ohio river, eat of the linautool .tiver. e= ./ . tn. ,
Mae of Ohio, &wept the countiesorTramoull and Colour .
b4 regartiltieller le alio Itoolia Pineal, IlWa ie en: am*
lir: 112Ptuduir" ' 4=A ' Z ti=gi
thirteen men la Me altr"of•Mttebergia. tad 6 , t ,,, 012
PI" ..mbas•im4 Ina AM en tast..soi. occurred when
' !141,1",,,=Ait7,„,,,me, thohleehbm adroit,
earomXfal with direoWait how to Net It lit operation..
S. IAU Madan a la. l, wau....." ..
-- 01 - 1 - ffirU ----- Rall COMALERCIAL Cousqs,
'IE. %Mar.= m igttuVt kuc`red a A . „l,'
Yam:re—Joan Masa, l'll..lbla 00.00 T I. 0 .
fleintre of deeennts. •
0 11 . C....W , de. .. Profess=
Of Peamasatblp, Mamma
tllo pearataUme Wawa:4 En, id ,- ...' .. C......"
ducusara M.
Law. .• .
Dula or Tareftsa—Wea. Win. Wilkins. Ma. Jail* .
TIUGUIMO, Iten. John Braun, Ilea. Marko Naylor, Um
..,4 ., ::: ... thm. w. u. uraw. In:J. it. oCllatoek,
aa AlWrap. tm., ay. J, tr Jaw lata.
.. Ira tieriaq.Ysq. • • •
a commer..—Joba..T.:. C2ehnot Attor., se
law; Jame. Team lierchaah.U...... Mar, domantm4..
t r i lreut enter tau frab u t .. 2 .....„,.,.. t y. : .
I z u. 1 1 41 ru ro
krz • • asp aga by th•7l , W. W .Wi
1 41 traionsi Imasledga i tqek . ii,,,, p .
.P=inhis., de ll' wal base la mind that Ms ls the Gal .
Chartered Couemiof the Nadia Mahwah. Coossattale.
Maas sahlreeiwa. to 0. & Chamberlin, will =earth Mama'
sttaillus. DOWN
pAPEB-r- 5013
qtl bole . Ito. 3 Small, tO
1 .70117 i WATT *CO. ;
t.rge No. 3 /1.2.1 . 0:'
No-i Bat. ll.r ring:
r o ytyriblas; DT
~ . .;1'.,'.':i'.!;.!:i'.1.- - '.)fi_t-.l. f ..i'_.
Importers' Of: reich'itiecZaztan.
:11ESPECITUL1,Y buyOrnto exam
m.k, • _ ,
theL male that has berre% ,
221. trg ' Vr47r. Cis, 44. block .33,F,
cdlmaa Cm+, leimee; etod.lue
CRAPE SHAMA ,A.517,140uk89333urt, an by
Ode of poil*s 4' ll *PP.
"gtti DE cifutetlini.i." ,. 101 °th "' gm "
ormi. to the Can too market. • Iriz.(lo
McHenry's PhCladelphia'ski,Werpc
of Packets • •
4 Sailing from inx the AA
Ike. &Ad tiierzol. ea th e let °iamb
irk MARY L ANTS. It. It. Delkaoakillseter , „
,PMLNANDOAII. rip. P. ChtrAleor. ,
" EUROPE. liatheatel O. 1191....!! „ aster.
" BERLIN. Alfred IA Omith
pRACRAMAXON, (pm.) w. w.
ItMrW- The shore el
tboeoaebl f are belle of tin beet wed newt toollyi
ter• :ctitringvrgitat tee mm
Yhey are oetyaerull mmy °t id ' • me knosiedgerltatetkuerb i i. and-an ummpunlf 4
7.7r . 1 i htl for their ex=er lie peeket vervkal
cv ni ' v ' T ' es. .1 ". 'f ert ' lM l cr " 7 " , wrAl ° l u g
loot tor Mirka re e, atelentir scents tn legend jet LW
mad f thew with the Voter te.... 1 " .
petruetione rele to their &venom ,
yer ree some MM ,rlakl77 to Met
Pt .nkb lo =trier of
slts or Wk. la the United Itinkrates. „
firlmrls krupplied pessewrere comfits roe. eerer ,
Beery seek e following sopplUs win be iu{onbed
each were r years et' ege =et oror 111 lbs. brood.'
7 I
y l l e z i lbr. art Ib i rraralt ese
eps.l..l34Asif alloval. of Mallag n r in tair
^'•lnn/ street, W./No.& Philadelkar,
weer Shit, sad Wool eta,. Pittaborile.
. .
jelCdf ,
tligted Stites 'Hotel at PUNla4dttEt.
rsUßSCKßEß:respectinll3 aiwun
beAr; hie :fri et
aaem 001 eet
alstut=lll er s teirM 1
ATZS HUM. LOWS tone It eolteetlosi watt the
• llotel ender the lee Proteletar, he feels perlistly safe IA
rootlet. 0 Se 01 , 1 peso.. thee boatels shalt to senthat
r Zta.
t , s‘of Ft. •ig , r1'..1.30. M.Ut.tiOr, SI th e hoot sets hoe.
0' the smeary.. -ho especushes..been/eleied Wt.
I! Mittel% the ants. , entabbsbatest. sod It. ir
Ulna attention to the eteJaSe. intredsted the
sestets. end comfort of USW. Delat 7
ed to Ott eathrfeelesgl Follett. • ocellt . nese
'WI Ml'P''''-'.".ft0731:.41'1:71' ? I• tl-Itial q th 4- •
f . 011.4LS • I'iNITE;. - BONNET' .24ANEr.
1 1 ct.4l,7°.,4l,i,ita&isathi..f—ml atz.v..b.-
, y
r N
3 (1135_11 fo!
n . ti. WOOOWS n
sax rhugdrad.... v4l
V. . 1/0.13..
ILeiebantn, ?fa 41 North Water stmt.
'0.16 Nati:Or/urn., rtaladelphis: luxe
MERCER L' ANTELO, Genend Commie , .
. ,10 lints. Philadelphia. Liberal Orman
an mot,. Hits pf Priloca oneralir. fiiiiihainii '
,girl Cent. saved to Conatry ifferelsaata
lit, 4. KIND. Dealer in BOOTS AND
SIIN :la 40 Noith Second iti , vi, Plilltlahlai
nit Toed from thi , niailutetriman nominee wel
aeiectui min or the shove irmia..whieti arlii lii Nokia% iii
po cent. leo than ran be'pneettoeil in thil nilT. lin noh
aridly amiptania. - • •
Dniris to di aim, mthiruir. , . ~
I. W. HaMatrali
No 76 Menden !Ante, New Y
IMPORTER' and Jobber F:
RBOLIBIJ TA2fOT 000 DB Benue, Tor
States taste Broelfe.Anuff Boxes. A •
But Olse t eg r . ;10t1ge;1.1:r.,%1 I
New York India Rubber. .Wandionse,'
No. 27 Maiden Loot. and No. 59 Namely street,
• ft,. Wm., - from ftroadwey. , Team 1251fasthlth
rIIRE SUBSCRIBER; Proprietor of thin es
• j tatitehmso 4 would minim bin old oustontera. and
marchanta we • rally. that be la dolly mraisteg from ht.
ea ow:Walls Luse sad excellent Ants* 1011 a
rags Woods nanufectund sap we'll falba nu Thad..
, and which. from 'meta, Intro:toed soveral new awl tow
cet= laa=o=tlrAtadtsiorid oce.=e,
Woeful ones:dim manna.. to% mid to the =none-
I taro et Dotted awl plate CARKI AO elifttl.of all width*
from 3-1 to 6-4 loolasive. The drills me carefully selected
~f etanw l ee beet branCurt=l
tamaqa"Vcrx-t,a„, ta,
taaranr t o ..m cloth Is wale t bear an
*net reessohleme to...meted halite,. The pILY finish
made atsl sold as mutat Orden should away the misty
• ITER.4IIOE9.—A full stock of all the different .tike
Oct TSAR**. Ito. the Imparted rare alittetlr to the re.
twed.d Yercentat tlhaw—embradtla Mao* WW Ii, V. Nut
Children's oc.s. Snow. Elie V'. awl eandelr.
Turned mid Llowl ltubtsow,
A swentorta woortment of the folloviuG elstalwalt band:
31wdolcohes.Costs. Capes. fond.. l'auts.LtfeEresnosfe.
•Drielaw Ulcers. lloase Mows, Enbo t Jseteta, Cato, Lew-
Muhl. • ludtlag.lthshital hheetlaq.
florae llovers. 11 - 1•1 p`. tress% Pum ye, W team Petlatlhoot
der Entree, Weyer llotlers. Ate IloDs. and Mot..
=ether with esery ds•wolythst of Robber thuds
pole csusoftettirer et Vulcanised Metallic Robb.? Door
hystugtountor tlyrilyuses racsot.
The Gums >nit be fount • meet wain ann. and tar
-n .... ntn h af, t ypr • ta , ,, , 7d,._t3raellin them and Rannint
Dan Itubbre C.nent Cos Dalbers .
jy11,..331 D. DODDIU.S.
'MILLS, No. 6 Coithat et;
, o - I .l.trUfron t eaVo'n b A• i l b .rann i- gral'ity fr i t o. '
r 'smith sod Domertir Wool Loos Fl:rfastber tab
• fall assarlsoest at Franck a. Visa. oars nut bog
Borba etas., of story and . , •
Alat so astanavo Aorta Cdars,
amok sea re 40.0 CLOAKS, ILASTILI.AII. SACKS.
minas .Wawa and sttloy umanbetorcet from Petit I.t ,
taros id I& arm torrartatdas, ndriral sanlasordhlY Par
Mare armor. ,
. Ito inviter the modal attrolkm bf Soothe =and We4t ,
are eertisote to the abr., ar ad,' .111 Sad an srsort -
roost of Fluals. and ready gads for ladies'
amontriasmad. lo the city. ,
Ala., superior WH: 9LIOW erANDS. Gar
Flaw!, and MaretAllee. Jeered 10 every colored Print and
st id and $4 .dat. . .
— office foi Foreign Patezta,
Itio.L' N. York; and Healed r!.. Lcadon.
In tool Mils., loran.. Marra. lloCsaa.
pans of Europa—the Catudu. Cal.: 2.11 the Mr
informatltnion tW sberna amps hal by addressing
J. P. P11t550.7.
steed. firW.Tork.
Superior tank WriMn_ gaud Copying
JONE'S EMPIRE INK, 67 Num= street,
Now Itialloce, New York,'
wart PSI= TOM tIWA. • • _ •
IThAtta. pr0011...:......41 d
riots I 00 as. -.......
TZr. xoo " os
ihlr le tea beet artie. lisanufactored. It flow. Gould.
12 . goal wrviNti INK—aad will not corrode, mould.
t . i d reilpitale or diva,. and wows. all trie u lealate•
roggra g rsprel h aVti6l i ret t i 7
The tads:lowed prewareil to turoott so tbe emu+ fa
Import .1' hoe. etioromptkel.wr tlia ! 18 Om
20 r=
rtgriti rsi4i *F. X.P/„.1.° 14 g; %%
lens are .trin St niqtt cr- •
NT Nemo w Illakl/111%
Hew Boob.
Professor Alex. 0. Barr Y's Tricot: l )=mM
11l Melon wanton end brantlfylhe the haly.esedler
hen ware and damimff. and anion dram.. of the MM.
elands mad monks, sties.... With..., Mnr
has bran asoratalned Intexperalmt. thel Bern'. m
era= hsa traduced theist.. effest in Unmeant
WI, etc"( the hoer. and ail the animal
knowing trailmooLals, nested Man h
hapmt. will tra m to &Dow the 'aloe of Me
and the eatimetion In which the held bY .thaer who lam
Oren it • trial • •
NM - Ina& Sena =ISM
Pam. hater— .r Sim-I hese bran afflicted wlth • cu
taneous eruption of the scalih a••
• •• •••••••ud ann .
aster, for the last Ashram ye... addarten Unit period
bate had the *deice.! some of the mod male
day. and hare whit all the empasathme In the hale and
Alm am known, altboettbs loam tamed. I was Weird
by • feted to try yam Teloopberoae. I did to. SO • lam
meat; end, to my napes. end gratlikenos. tsar smelt
ended in Wand two months&rah wee the slottesee of the
disorder that lath.. I Wssipi ••• ttlail taled. •
d 14 /LAM
Itraectfulli. Yktin, aterat, ffenoklys.
;' 4
NCR and
• 4-naay.a..
• . ^ t n
• ,
- • TMiLi'Ord.'4•lllso/
Moo. BAUT— alt Edr—Atoottim . y . m . ra'avi=
s c lird ' lrutef ' ll.l. toidl n 4 l a m fritul 10107 rto ' lltionditaX ,
om. and !did mi. dud In my astoutatimrsd. Mr hair vas
Anal, rooted, awl all t h e dandruff dIuMMIM7d. as Ma
haul Doe Mama for Melt ' -
.• Wi th resport, lam your ern% ' • '• '
J 8 TREADW ELL. CM Smarmy.
If my lady or modem.° doubt. the aMbeitie lm of thy
gem., they will rime at.Pwifinwir A al..
1.27 Mrowiway, t 2 IfookiWkiWii be 'Bl 0,7488.
' •
jyrots the 11 , 1 p Ana Nasal Arras, tfor.O. 'O4l
• • Thar. le to y tor the persoueset cure of bi , t=
and dioceses of • 00001 00 Senersily, that hes
the Ipptite T 4 enjoyed by the article torn.. Ptstemor
BUT?, erutub or Shelleatnl tbespoureL It , 11,
tresteely by the upper claresa of the comatortity; I.
otbrt artielleNraTi In the
lamettalil and t = t t . ro . r . t i e n lle az d aellie f. s . tr i uskatrt i l:
holy aod 'hon. It 0111 cure all dloases g Walsh
mth as amid head. dew Tome end other obaroilow boon
der , al tha Ala; In elleanll.o sa well as gamey. It
ovitallob It le eold larse bottles, price :Smote. at Sim
ll,yaroaderey. nod at the Lirusitiete (broil out.
th•boltedhlatessodthiusda. • , _••••
PONTINUES his usual facilities to raaeive
j an sum.. am Trio mbipbtabt, AltEss
conttgAr4 Wm. amts ',Av.. dock. Maly So All pcluti
cm Ow Lek. Ault tbr Cabal and l. •
Sl:f: ,' lrjee D';
Str. J0)10 A.Cottabry
• ST. JOSEPH, MD38017E1.•
Coottatotiott. awl Porttvdlt4 Ateldooitto.pitho
, • •
Inr to Alesa• • low,
tutor thordoo,Joooptt
sod otooN pfltiAlt A C.••
sod Oonamtootroat, for P ott , Trtont", Bt-Lonts,
cotozototlastlooo promptly . outlttted.' • ..A= l 7
BANEIN, Attorney and Conn
ono: lat Law, Cotatolnioner foe dm State o
... =gar.,:ple, , i.pfrt=ib ot . a
Mkt 3111.111dIrat blapUS
games. Al<oo,l a CO. .11144 Y
• HANOY tit 5TRE . 11.4 . , SOSTON•
Trundersigned . liming
ue mt erdaticeit the atm eamslre
toms containing In 1/11.U:interne bundmt wet aft
normlmola nornotfully aim notice [bat la Is now mow
for the reeeethet sod socommodalon of atoaltMaing
Amnia:tied notkeor uicuttrarloatiaectof this
iluaoe tealed. etiperthteee, no the narootroallaromo .
stunts which tune brecttade castaa b. Pfacar at.
al adoertlerment. Salim to MI: Ito *sp= Log ,
gout to mode. ma suottout Pcd.t . ' •
U.tano". mamas expressly la cola, mgadkr. el
Wit. tad 0'!
pawns of Ix, opelagy ths Malang
Maass *ill to (mad to be of ate most beautiful manuf.m
tom Tbe tooMs CIPPek... Ala Oa b..ri
awns trill b sa &crowd sr to suit the coosuittuoi of Ms
Stun deltututrui sill be cosatteted Its au ustoseuthauc
sostuter,satt ttekiroptitter ehnisme Massif tha
Anterican lams shsabe truly the Trounces Maw
FERSONSZesinn beinfful, testa:ly, .•..
fork. eselotteete loomtionsilor ,residen.4, ere
sited tis tuns their eneotlou toll= Meld, ...nut
t ls nor Vold to small panels, hue he most Womble
- t7-1111t. nem ban been mold this sown,
to amend nerved indiebtue/s, some of Sibudi ne not toil
by bulkilamt. de. /or advantages of eseek
Mir 'S putlettlerly of seem Itoin the the iihkee I=6l
r1 d. ,41= " 7 " 0.447.4 1° 1= - : l ltr t l l igroirrgi
Itsuldoek'e need Planklloed, villa Is neer gresny trim+
:etb. ad the Pennerleinta(Oontaul)ltsMemff.ntilshkh tbe
Cers sill to nundiss essevind Cum Pittsburgh that To
by lornMal,ldeafi Will there gem. norbounc - Oendbion
*men= samsAt the Mak Reset. mad . Ms' Oars utli aI7
• WO swing tense eutemete el the dip, 'shire 1 .101 l
be meson o show weans the Armada, sun me pinto of
Ahislon thereof; •leltome eau be . eecammodsted the
- jelittl • ass. cr. BUCitiltket..
For Sgi , —,•Propesty On.. the: Cannt Basin
4 LOT, corner of L'eatintreet itnd sth -2
pfirtiotlb• Cued Itme'
Agy-- " -Tllonme odd - al= " stet Stave. next, am Fourth
.Presbyterisite hurpliitth Wild. thundre or •
AMIS 44114147 holm eUer.
Vas Olowmiter Ira New n Weak at glorteeider,l
- Jersey.
. °INES. ISOILEPP. bocoharrrves. a TOR 51.X.C.
TU. tatabliebrolat foe the inannrattor of ~
Laminotlree,,, Baler., to. le mod remade locatal at,
OlOureater. new Jaw, on the gam Defame, lam, to,
media.. neighborhood of the Cla PhiladelPhia, non;
rotas a Imre Pactilne 13hop, Enittnr Phep, gollerlibety
garnalgr.mthoTeit + a
egg re g
• WILW 500 feet le length by ige. in *lath. on he S t
affording metier faint.. arc th. 1011.4 Clas s a
Taal. ybols together onnighloa one Of Ms
complete tft•l•arialltt ID the collate/.
lareca. abattoir to cam lam thr foal this
a dateable omnit , :ity tot proliglile hereetmepytint
eg=l3ttOn n atirleßrieachiorgalat i t
SraloUan steamboat. tweet the Inert sdoecUt4
:grebc%rtliC rt:Lgt P trVatot Ite. 133 nuke
"‘" - ittatoeter . C. 14. it J. C. MEL
A LOT OF 0400 ND, on the west aide ow
aasgia4'W.l.—k W01:11-
Fr od • ...a, t.. 4. ,÷ eA 4 • O. Tenni
M.& a. ar.u.. Atu.wl. ta...
.1y1=• . Mu th H.., bawdiest Vatith6o4 and Gnat
To Let,
LARGE commodious Wutruoves.
4 . 2 itii7"" i '' ch. ' b4"91/IRAViltriN.
Seven Valuable 7arues foreale. ,
k:SITUATED'near the Ohio end i'enn;
trlnetta aaneah_ ., the' adult, of Palm, OM":
con X i Ltout 50 to Lrict aeon each, sad In • good etas
Also—lop Towa IDTP, between the ambient buslnale
part of the MAK, and tbe De pot ac Sado.
All of which will be mold an eery terms Ihr the paten.
en. Stuck In the Ohio and rannaylranta liallund, or In
elan of the Barka in ritlab=ne oft be Wen In pare
I alto wish to &nab a-two-a gnaw. adrolenC the
Depot ground. to • nconeetent nanoroctcPolac to etre •
Peet eliot Doter," on which • foredo par be tot W
ircalgrohtnee wlth t. - 4ater lh o ,
burgh and Zli:rel ;•I tN rattreenTrltanAk."—afd Wool
ter, and the et to tweladtro= 04 • Decal
noter Ned to o tspo reta re It am o
th,...• ,POna J O lOO !kW Uniolzaklimiel lb, lira
c Tiil;iaTO:. Jed I..lll.—{jriallAwsa • rwr•
RES OF GROUND, favdrably
.tnrbrrrin.or trait of vg . tirl , . and .
" "7.17/12MS
, A f located (trr
For e or
ORTY-T : B I WA ' S% laid
Foff Mont N 0.29,11. the caiir E :Latof tho two
Alhro.7. • • LI.SOO .Preastnet,stt
Alm. Tar rent • we ar arm. yetrethe residue the
ant Sot op the II I. exteadlor bock in lidcar ttreet, lady
ft.-culled oft • K.
Vor tuxes,esqsar. of 10.1109K9 ttoftldtflD, ;ear
the vends; or of to • oubforiber, b 0.151
Taint etneet, Iltteirritb• Ta
Et •
To Let,
HOUSE, containing 9p
or 10 toms. Is reedt`tr. on Forte& Meet. .41
I betty city. t &tat In the ,0,1 .1 r hlth tax.
enow=zer:thrt. Meet low. sod pored= tan be giv
e.:• /L D. GA ,,, t.
01231 . •
• hoar the =nth of thLtd.
Valuable Lot on Third etreet for Sale. -
1:11.1. soli the:Lot on Third etteet, ad-
J o nno . za t tir7.lG . in . bgateg t glt i le vir ao
on. the other. The Trans as Third otresd, teet. l l
feet. out depth Weald &nand sheet of SO See, suds nt .
hos nerds. le b e one thousand In hand. as bal.
sane with tannest to be seemed by bnod nnstsinne 00
the lay payable to ow sod tro. yEst? , !sons She doe .1
" U " "? title V" 1 " It S ariamri situ=
3.ll:dan et tbe onLee oft:. Studer i 03. Fourth st.
tOR ItENT.—A three story 671112
darling Waite, Alma+ eri TlVrt strcet,behreen
tWaitrthe lOwlwo wlwie r ibleh the r is bt nwth
with trot awl chid water. , PIj•WACM2 given Immediately
.OPti B. F. ,111.1110Nli MAST t CO. •
Preat Et. • •
- • House - and Lot for Sale. •
ALARGE LOT. do Leaeock eireet;A:2
twitter. matting through to Robot.. trondoi
rt on each Anat. with • depth or VZ dad ,
neter aida a cool Brick Dandling . Mom,
_welsh:dux Ida
moat. ratter antr to AMMON WOODLIDUtit; Ito.
Taifilltollfiflikton 1 1E44 St.
woad 'door tram Vonttls. and 'adlodtdog_the
ateb sod .hweirr Slot. Or Wlttsta.' Tit
atom Room tialithtlsspiodaartfront and la
IS. test 04/60a kr • M ,
r ttoW tootaaiP Ba.
Reat to tea Wane. of the rear 1dU.117 law. Mo
ld •
Peal Estate far We
A VALOABLE unimprived. LOT, on' tloi
,ortmrr . 1" Meer' led
.Y.e-MmY ft
?g,7'4ltr.274l:9TF=Ti b . AtraMPA - C
n •tiso—tba Wee stem Brick Imellime Ilome orl . Melt,
stmt. extedoing tbs above. Me lot Mime 2.1 feet freed by
• lad het deep: Ms bowels large mod *Mr./mt. bellt
motam arid cattalos wren moms.
mm—.-m Ceres of very valuable Led near Ehasirergli.
Alo—A FYI. of Mt sores In Wert Deer tow p.
Ater—A Yana of :Si mod le teereefe ommy.
from Now Wile:
A4.—Farms In Wove . county. of Maims .sin/ and
;dim. from We aces dodo. •
Amo—le 1.7 .1.4 e lot. ba NormlllbseM. Priem
Moderato Gadder.
a o. k n. ronousto:
.. Um, and boa EMMA , Amette. •
m No 107 aMmtb street. Yeadoterb.
1e 4 - NOR RENT--A Warehouse' ea Water =
street, between Alaska asvt err suitable S.
lm:dace buidassa itausin
sar. .1411sa %SUL...GS Watelist.
rrlIE well finished and furnished Store, pia
TAPP 4"4. k an' ee the
l!rr V ZI;T:EI 2 .
to Id"'
6 * .6ZILLIT7 3 lams
sqlett • Lruae. now., •
• . • . To Partners.. 7 -
A(Win ACRES Farming 'and Gnixing
„.„, Lob, Ls Warinn comty, lorated th.
it6. 124 , 7 .4 .1v . er, lortit,ln eln !alien of WI Now lark. and
Aloo.-1.000 Anna in Elk county, 6110• acrounnodn.
tins toms. Erquiro of A. W INS CO,
myl comer of Mork sud Third M.
TT o f
ing Land, al-
aadar war raltlratkaa, au* ota. qf
rj..ut i r icadjr , lX art—ona ilizlA a szt the
golly at tairmaltlag of
at I aim, af Marta* aut Ttthd
For Bale.
members of the Fairmount Fire Cora
Omar Men
.. O b ajeir En gi ter W.? i le In goorxt
ottf " •tie CV PeociateeL ,
"OR RENT—A , Dwarfing louse on
Third street, abore and sow to Ensith Odd. It
E.. datum. largo Paid. wash house, to. Will
0e muted lan and Vow glen itstnediately. '
Also—Por Ade or-Lew.. some lots In the Sloth Ward.
betwero• Pens Meet and the Allegheny sieve. •
Darlington's. Worth
s tartoness Wood. '
Valuable Real Estate for Sale. ' • •
rntE• SUBSCRIBER offers lot call
aeorsbl• Imam, follemlog 110.1. same, r,
. yof Pittsburgh. vis
11.1. Thaw nbasble Mr. story beet o N
t1f.004 alfmt.betyrans 01ar kit soli ferry streets. Lb*
, il=9 l ps z t
, freo t =o , r tea. sum o n .
lb. Wad Presb oat erbkliTs ` a
'Any sloa7 Stich man usal a. a priattlAit race. and
two Mary Witt warchoon .
Na a. Two lot. 414.11400,13eavereotiuly.bulaul lot
Hoag and 4, tePag about 100 het which iserect.
'ed one bkek of hur frame dwelling., sod on geplante
No.l.ous oitoliel=roMk i‘traci. 017Pnit• te•
odu, sal exteudh‘the top of thrhill. • •
• No. 5. Two bomb nth 60 foot 'trout, end Mello
tad blow • mark,. the Pig beam.
10a. b. thus valuab . I water h.., VA het ou Wheel jar.,
wl ttt. t Vtlos , loi . opiLlirti PO Piet trout, nod
iststallog to the top of Lb. hill. ea • kb is enetso one
two sly brickftot: awl *T i bor.. 2 1 1 by 10 kat: also tun
o. S. Om lain in Nflr fitglztoin . LlipitntacM;lty,be•
hag about 140 Pen llrradirgi. sal'aboot :WO feet dna.
miutataing IX woo. wllich ore eructed two Imo frnos
dwoillogs, sual 000rops/1 fram. boo., aunt a. ma ogles.
This property tn. Immarly onniod YU. T, C. Goal.
may J. Tory pleanotly located. Wag latandialciioelnit.
thy Feist= /LOU. . • . •
No. a. fttei lataisimedlately bilavaallstoo
hlwf shoot 17 . 0 In length, Dom It net .
Th. Om property stllle. subroo scry &royal.. Immi.
Apply_ al tbs. - Book of eltiCSTliN,. coma Thhi
and lisrk.% Amex -
JOHN YL/15111:U. *Put.
oeh2l • 11ournal sal Post 0097.1 • • - •
p, _ .
•.' . BLOCKOW BUILDINGS; os. the rornto(aeh•
and P.uu Ames. and fronting au the Pen
rands Canal, to the Ole of Pittsburgh. lbe Lot Mout
cala hundred and Forty lour feet on Penn racer. and one
hundred and nine Out ohm , luaus on: Weadduston ettnet.
t. ."."ti."4l".' • b"l"* lbflD OHLS&
Zi0.106 Penn at.
E t d 1..' E STATE FOR SALF.-The ander
mow offen LINT sale i lam notetxr of valuable
lots, sad 1.1331 I o dalrabte alter Gm saantabro
n tae borough of located now WS
,tI " N the Fcbool lioner and Mg 'LatberanCbarcl. .
Tbe f = ai grorrtb of Dirllagbatn' la romaat.l= sad
.. weal*, and tbr mom:0bl. pr at *bleb
lot. will br , irllt tend=o t t safe ~..,. NO;LUIbiTIx.
" 4 ' 43 ' nragtrins....v.t.atu.n.amtinm. a.
t h ' o e t 5 =n1 Y A u w iu 'l`T. irit tt ,, ,`" t 7. 1: 'VI=
tlytnmee and 14. haw." trres, 4.1'....r Oilers ha birch
Elli,il)f,,_, B.
mt for
41 ° ch li k N tni n ss. , c. rautrargbAll
4 w..t061 , viinia,Zio.ol %T r.
bu mod , d../no "IP= 0.... dine tn. td ,
ruNgZretam: .. ine. 0 kinOulErt.r- ,
91, lecot, 841004 .
.. n .lrorod r OOO . o.IC oot.o ‘'.n
r7r• " r W l, -...
Vp : I ' " ' 4
l .
... :"
'M . t
. ...
w, ..64
Malmo Piano minim of ea latest mtfles of film:o-
With 41 Mr. ettlartnes lognormagt.r, tt:
mi... inner,bil r it 000. tUffoby ring
inuchaners lb Olds atm Um expoin mg Mt of Om!.
: Ow Ito.orooi Cured Moulding. VXOelavo Pb... MD
,701.11.4 by Adorn StodoAmdt.• Oa
om stmtut a
C 0 .
0.- w—
w.rxd : rt , Boos. USW% s _ .
, 0 66 'we'll:x.4 61 " ObkicariNf. sired os um :
,y 6 0p . Bacon a Morn. •• .
000. ~" .. kt s{,:., :444 . 4k Brotbor.
1 8 6 ° : : 71i " =az Omapinr. 10,1_
aLUE-100 bbls. for sale low ITy
-4,..R 30 J. ocupoNuAlum a co.
F .. s t'vs: ~~
.._ _
OR,CLNCINNATI .:— The 15144
ymini 1a111 . .. ' - -
=did ' lulu! light gltsekett rtme 6.2 '
EN 11. Csaialik 0. . Bl'Llawat.
Imam the the Oars and inll Interox.diate asitd
Ilsistit or swage nr../L.—b... 1 2... t..._
- ' -111=. , . J..e•LiTax.N JuNES..a.c.uL . :.
did tamer SUTPUWEL - i r
stouter...will leen to tha,lbo
Pmts oil this dor;lhe 24th m.l P. M.
For !Mitt Or petwolo , WI/ rot Worth JAI
O ... ZANESVILLE. -- , The fine L auf,
ebe=ehdateterweetliste ports at We
Jor ha/she:or,r on laud: jell.
rN EIY 0 ELEANS- 2 The••
. 471Zt Ert iL ,..e u rePFLir
int...NOW& Pawn the Ora rime of motes. •
P rer e "'l' . " 'l7 fßaLTEVlVlVtAstea '— re
- gams nun N 0.% 16. Creel. muter,
w , 411 Inve
s,ber Pitut
• otehh Itat Viimmlet=s sad STIAMM,
L.l". • 13ondati Oaptias:ittealing asdPrit= lB
ere WeettwolarstothathrOtmet /00Wodteo.. l'ohrehtrore
wet ebloperseszt depend apoo this boat rohnlaw rewolarly,
, daring
_the low wet. mon- _ • _•
-Soo freight or mow. eoolr ort WU. ml/0
i)GULAR a t WEDNESDAY i gg ink., ; : '
Pecsrr,_CINCINIPATI. Ouitnizi Job=
balm 111*.pledki boat WU trOUL to
the on of Um gamer law .Ifirw'M ~ oi ~ Mibl.
lbw Clnekulati sad PlUmbargh Pocket fr 0. 1 .53141 I.lllleank
MT WedneadAl km Mediu** In Ph.. O. N. MN'
, VA.a. 2. Yor freight , Zr . nreAPAMMAr . .
ars tacyet natatm DIURNAL, t -, geß, mw p,rfonalas ter mutat .M.raeltlyttlia Was..
'tatt any sad Wbeelin, teving DittsbutO at 10 (Mock
ataxy fatuity. Walasedar tad 711, sad refiming:
InTre W turazoceTery Tattda.T. nVial 84 .rdt
elbett ?rect. Ear halt o
m mtn bawd, or
mit N Matta
I.ICOPOUV-The Ina steamer PACINI.
te=talgT'llitiodV b a . , !
.7 o r . treled or passage oply esAsaVar
• • I
18 h. BOW
EOM Na el Writer and ad IrreatsM.
Jieditrrnrieli PACEXT—Tbe tot
meows WR.LLIVVILLY. Cot B. I:4V
M me.o4 batsmen Picosimmek;Whoster.
• .13=rat itr atti===a1Va seen MicaMa
o mM Oasis.. Ibr Sterammills,
AL4rt, Os Mod Boallah: mambo, lerralkids;
pr . ( litri_ar fastoort. mad
Wverg n ir n''' ( keel . W n re. MriseMll
OU ,
A MONO gla igumerous • diacoeeriefi Science,
Painted., ha this Illierrlake to facilitate the boshama
of M 4 banes Ha esdomiteut. and even prolong the Wn
of human arletence. now an be named of more Ma No.
to mankind. than ttdo mutribution 04 Cbemishy to tbi
peahen An A vast trial of ito virtues throughout this,
Tau 0,96117. has proven beyond • doubt that no medicine ,
or combination of medicines yet komrh, can e 0.0,017 con 4
trot end cum tbo nomerou• varlet/m . OO pulmorstry dltease,
. which have hitherto swept hem our Midst tlatemande.a
(hot:mends erery posh indeed. there is now atrundantree ,
ems to behave a restudy has at length been Arend which
ran be relied on to cute the mod disowns attotticam of
the lungs. Oar iteuo hero will not permit tut to publish
may proportion of the cares effected WM o.o* but we
mment the following °Malone of indica men, and refer
Lather enquiry to the circular. which the- mama below
named will always be pleated to fund& Age, ohmic. 0O
particulars. gad that:ratable proof of tbeaelectu: !
Fr zs th i ca n igg v Arorrt Ctthear. tht cdatennal ,
"Jr C. ghe. I hamuseti your Cherry m:toter
in my own c are.- aof derpecated Bontelitis, ant ton watintlatt
-Amu Id chemical cesualtotkro that 4 ft is mt admirablecoari
tr.g.Z.k.'ao M a te "' ricer r ter ti ee ' f
aerviow '" "EVArttill rTifit r A th _ Uir •
p.m thr lead, mkt/WM PROP6sISTAt
D. L. L. D.. Prete.= of 0 , Minerslegn
gala tfttl. Member of tbre . l7:::.o l l:d.,Pbil.end.
Bcleutato , c.nm , of America. Eutona •
ds6ll htemstal tics
tuna some of the beet artlase in the Matertalid — ste. - and
a very einem remedy tO, the c_W of dimmer h inteory
dad to tux.' • Neer Hamm. Ct. him.", .
£1.70112 P42'27804 Rwiteat te, a a StsadhstoMo
that he bee wed the Mom Pectoral, with wonderful PM:
MUMMA= Of t:10 vng
. .
iot;tio,ti oitToxraPaitidt.tioirtsw
aooo itto,.opot sm. 1813.
j. C. Ayer. Lowell—dase bin I.m now mentsiall.
using your Etacery Pootoml in my peactlegh.nd prod.ritic
any other : medians for pulnicatryoomplabsta ginelobsie.
vWan of assay an sourniseld it will sure, sat dim.t of thi=thes. bays put tot,
dela. WI other ruindles. I ly
um in now
kOo Of es
o sine u rion; weesider ft i=tie " bP." '
ins di""' I. .1).
lte Prow. mad not! by/AIM CL AMR. Pnek.lo.oan:
Li, mll, Maas ,
Sold ha Pittiburgh, whole's' , " Ind renitl. bI B. L
D.. and J. U. TOWN REND. • ,
In AlloghatCitY. by 11. P. SCIIWANTZ. cid I. DOCO ,
GUM l by Druggist. Einerally.• jedawdat.-7
A Valuable Iraprvement in Tat:tem./.
DIJARD'6 Iniprund Patent TRUSS
ana aUPTU'II_E,-REVEDY. by whkb , • termthent
thr• can be ellected. This Tram entirely dlifersta in
tam aria tainciples of action from other Tramaa hatita
all the tat vaunter of • well-retthisiel tha urn= pram
Ina The 'mem en fa eo regulated as to giro ear and
comfort In th e mort. atillcuLt rues of licrals. end can be
lammed to •Imost ear tom desire& The wan. Wart
tarsi. and bang, broot to beart...a t•I ir over the
hernial openlass aal m•diatt,pe mentity anti mt.-
Ron at all ikon. nee order th e most violent eindas:
lA the we at as Tran. r lbea ... ay
tram erabz=
etts= h or MR ether tona ar aslant nail ,
tcana f rat not ass unfasitwarecestens in the enter
' LI 'wage stirsi with kip= taMet a trams wasp ,
nlylt th emselves Tide la • bed tomtit" which ma be'
seen ealy by those rho onsierstnal at the
putt sascbst in hernia. _
meld moot reepeetfalirthe Weals= .tarat ,
den to Ills Tress. ea w• knew they nillsamate_ita
nth. We L ain Dery 111 . ,11.rietT of Than. .1 the
lowest prices Infant Trurste beta toactatstly W baud. '
lillYettiliaMtDOWYLL. Watts
' 1411 Wood et, itittebergb.
L • Dr. Harl's Abdominal Supporters.
TUSE SUPPORTERS are intended cider-,
ir "Or Pltolaftela Merl. and an
vases ahem a. etemilanieed rapprt. %a tbeAbdosoloal Viten
rettalreL They era Pm... aallletd`l tod tar latalmlima
oritaus..mal may be trona with rosatort by all: Tbe diet
mgu molt:teed by a en:inner. at Ma abdominal made,
sr. , Pedal:Ma Uteri. Fantod - of Ma Itennle, Pilra, MattlYee
nom. Pants le the Ilaek and Erin., Lamitode and Panama
Peelinps of Pecatrallom Monehlt4, Pleartnam of lireatl:
Palpitation of tba noire. DepePent, margeneral debility.
- 221diftlt MoDOWEL.
, 140 wool at, Pittabargh.
- • Poo" PukaaPr.P Oec.k, 1f47.
E. Sidttera—ltf Tour Ferodfoiree keY *Blot.
-hoaltation tbak-baring cued it extensPed7 her IP'orkkO
For tha last four or fire pear% I think tt. deal/A.llr WO beet
propetration or the kind of utile+ 1 hare any kaotriedgai
although I leave heretofore turd the Prermit=
other masifseturera. Toosa renboetroute_
• • - ).EuECII. BL.D
• .
Prepared and told by 11. E. SELLEB4 hi Wood et, and
told by &IMO.. 0e0e.117.
excellent assottmen!
raas 'eta stko .;14.4
ed—tbeaD b lViarOTs7 111wket.a.
comer of north.
111 EM 130 bales Ali. D R., for sale by
ARD OIL-10 bbls. for talc bygo '
14 Jett '• J. KIDD CO. Wood st.
AXT 110 WILL SUFFEK for the sake of sa•
vioqora D000.U2 Brown's:out Janette. Rehr
" forth I•ILf3. foe tab bT t7 Wahl ,
Ott dighlell If_7 S EED-34
cur. the matt uttachtt cure.
I\niOnii SEED-34 bbls:for gale by •
1.13 J.*
(I . ORN--.500 bn. for sale by • _
jer J. S.
AKKELS , - , ..1.00 new Flour, for sale by
Jue Jo 2 3.13. DI 4.IVORTII Cv.
Iwo logo glooteg, lo
24Zt , ) to upon . (
low br rjellj ,
SAFETY FUSE-2.5 bbLa. to arrive, fur ple
1.3 L r {W2I 3. tt DILWORTLI CAI
RN-3S bbl,. for Hale by
uryl3 •
` !Liza Vt. Yrontrt.
I_IIOTASII-30 c-askb pure, fur 83 - IC by
I_ - . •4. IL TWIT. .
OOL TWINE-500 lbs. fur aale by
6 MMUS II 'A ar.
0 1_17 ) " u by MIL'
K. 4 late Om roan for ralfloa rakes, fte„ by which
"mina of 13 w ornt O 3
,sa. Waal r
.IVI°JBSES-200 MAIL i , g rjo
i ml i z by
- 11611—Mackerel, Shad, toad IlerrinF, ftir
sale by ja. J.t k i7Ala.
T AR-3Tb1,18. &w
an, for sale by
-100 dos. Jolt iefd ma CO( rale. Tailnlrds . and
g. 9 liLLERS.
' drvat for Pittebontt.
SeUecn' Liver Pine.
.. . . ,
Duteria nob (oppoite Yilleburubi) Jima 24. 46.
.VR. R. E. SELLERS:-1. take this oppot ,
wilt,- of test i f y ing In Eieut of your invaluebie
~.,, 00 11;0. 11 7 1 , 7. 0 ?.fr,
H ag, 1 . : 34, L20 ,:; =.4 .
tilirb7. ettniteyuol ' Aber eeects Of thit dreadful dente.
two, toy lit, WWI dritrf Rd Of. After Oat. mearfolvd hit
.u. dl
en. odeue.4 by my ibieleion to t.ll yous Urn . rina,
rl'altz.dut rtto'rlaittrth, =V ' t', L aTst
~... tim. I thetrfore tale pletsure health}
them to ether* ofilktol with 4uesie of the lArror.
• You. huoettfully ' '• - . AUBS MAXIM.,
All other nu.
.Llrer PWA," are
a nt
o l d or
bur Itultetions. 'The scant. etin Ism-area and old by .
I rt. .. ti....h. Oh:LIAM.. 07 Word tt.
8.. Basin's (iracdessor to Roussel) l'ertimmes
for the Handterchief. , • : •
IXTRACTS of • Rime, Oranie nom?' "lee
i • earnlrt:' l / 4 I`orta gel. Verbena. Street Pea, Soada„ s r.4.
oly. a tot Illgnionette..llllelleern, Ilwae7„Pion. g,
n aka: Donee* de Caro li na, ileraneurn. alellelorps. (Went,
Ileusseltne„ ransom., hen - moot. 1. ,, ne115,, - Maw Meal..
jo,,,,,,,llia,Jnekeßb. Una. Marselrele, haring Kneen.
thennalte. Wert Mow Lod. Cassie. Citronelle Boast.
..,i y,,,, a ar jgr.n, n ana comes bottles, Ea , Biwa short
pens. , l,ll US above Latrantambleh are only •neet or toe
.r..-gt. 4,74 geTa.771,1TX.1 3 .1.t.t. " =1 . 1 ` ;
metro. nal,rlptft, high eansearlon to nigh they ah,
heal by . the commently. , nor sea' Or r • '
,Wa. • IL N. ha:U.OlB, *7 Wanda
---- *--
oetTed and for sale at N dv Wa,o
.3.—We intlte th. atvotiou of it and.f t0..;,.r0 t 0t
Pawn three so Ilia vise., 1,
n e isctmm
oloredonaar ior IMde nrou4 1.4
off end eau bolo...bed without in.
mere .urtvls with equal IL
4."1; a'" " " It "'"" bite load.
J.* u. ruiLti
2 .. fr t EM1 , 1 4.2.. F--T1137
marritr BiIIit2WIELD.
toW. - on consgnment, fee
Watgraul Protasis:
2 bbls. genuine Bsitatioes, for sole
0421 J. KIDD t
/1 111
vas b
T b;
.1! •,-;
Judd's Medicated Liquid .Cutiels,
/rims ARticLE is intended for family me,
1 . ant gonad In !broad In the Tioraorkm 01 arm Cia
o,' ID Oa land. ifildllllll. tl.O ire ilraOlatintd•agwe ot to Wole porous thronats widen; and Ina 1152,1-
or or canton um of trots. Trilt and thlr ankla to to to.
to theca, sal after a Iktr that VIII ran** It ital.
Thi t o i r=rlritor d t; ortiat
!ro ' noll Bums* PrittErlil Ciannvßs7 , l .consk,
...ea by Mae.—
cheerfully eleatotoetel It to au profeasioaal br.
an excellent liabilLtratar 17..a.11ealre plaster. la
berm, cot.. Inaba. sal all Mode.. Pleb
Wo. la Pore Nip c • reaslmed.
it it gttf4 . B q . ;„ •
WOOlbegi at.D
- 11.4.ltILSON
Pastaial.a I tb. practising biaxial= ba pccar o
- mow.. by . A. PA/CabaltXba. a CO,'
Jell . . . . corn. IF.ol sad Ilat.
- '
. . .
10118 .£44I.2 . I3APABILiat
11., IS put up in , quart - bottle% and con
ta. strength of a= Wag as much nun
se env droller veneration in Aturrina 1:=
tar pre heels, or els bottles for eve dollars. , .•
It hag Nen • wall established tact to revs toot. that .
StausgariLta„ , when Iron .ref proterirgremeed, was the
noir true panacea kr- t he mal i ns from an las
eon. mote og the Wad. use of inereurf. Intesinating
JOHNIn mrt.
Oh, berreuna, se. We baldly
sewn that 1.1"..4.'S EXTRA B.4I4.TAPA
VILA Ls the only preparation before the , pubtto that to
negated au smalls redentidd principles and of waken ,
let=Th. Sarespardla puramed without maul
and every pound, bribes being tired, is Wee to
the etrictest chemical tens, tual ginulneasaars ' ertalinst
before anus used
Sull`s SsnapirUla also contains the ritillt• of *renal
other valuable armee. together forming Use , best tom
=l..enc.dirduclog the greeted eurettle again in the
Scrofula or KlllOl E. 11. Cancers, Tuinona &WSW.* of
the :lilln,,anystpelss. Quads Serw_greo, - Iting•
warm or Team.. Your Had, Rheum.,
tim, Suntan:tall. Bones orlolnts,
Old Sava Wrens, Swelling
Wanda S 0' -
nceTrts. t
of t
es, artring_fnou
the uno of Memory,
Palo La thehlde end Shoal, , -
llntesc.:"Vri ibe r. Dr''V'.l4sl& t .. rat. '
Pubmsnarg . end an °Uwe • terdlarg to
-711020G0 caascurnon: -
Liver Hosistelot, Prorate irregulaes and carcpialots.
flick and hem. Hadahe, Dow Spirits. Hight Sweets.
Hgangtes, i=grudence 10 Lifer Meals Co
ew end Is a spring and EU.= &bk , anal general Um
' le for the arena, asstgentle ard glossent Toritonnt., .f.oe
. imprint to SUL. Lkk or Cssurrens wale. earn, or beid•
The Waning ir the ratan. wog atm:Cicero now he
the poweelon . of the Draprietor of Rare egrespartlis.—
Her. Y. W. Behan Is *Mgr and generelly knows • ag AO
elogwat end seaccapUshed peat= of the U. X. March. end
Her. E. Blereasso Iles been Almon es omit the rant tot•
VlSted and mhos inenabere that the Benturky Conference
ocond bow of for we, row. end et Unto la glint'
the high stet roneninble Wang of anent VT the S.
Boot Can the .rorld produziter, gime
./tAdelhotary togiraohy in limn-of ing " or ,
ptier.Testimmy thavms Erei Of in Farim of .
Airy Iredicias
got. E. W. Erna"--"Arr. E. BISTiMOS. ' ' - •
• ' I.t. •• • ' Jr. Dash . 1/3141.
We ha need Jahlißuirs Pamperl.lle,..l camera
Ma be al. entire attiat.tkcor peel we Mae. 11.
Data. a that Ire belkae it to I..ea, into .4 Wall
,We toedltel cocareurd. axed ' calcul•Led to amt... mu.
laud relieve much , euffnlate: awl woo. therefore •
chnerfull and =cot ...Ur recreate,. It to the at
aided. pace.) ' E. W. SEIION.
. , ,-- • .l. STIIVI.NrciDI ..i_
, .. • DIAUTLYIII, - CL7.all SUN. - .
Itoer we sli admire . deheo bea u tiful whits Pain. .d •
rm . colored cheek. Ilea ofteo doer. pee perneu. h pot pos.
imam Oda derderatuat co devoutl he uleed,* re
..D. to conaeles, lcdions. rashes. y . to .to. taut colt.=
ocalt, to restore to thou • ...mace el ...AD..
hea damdred them 04ml that tat, erlth ined Warr to
Pte ekto. Bull" leareareanD• le the heet'<olltet. h.u.a.
It bre... d d. the shin, Ureo . gar evgl i partlelsof
....T. , ..1 eV... laving a lt.. to eerMiertun
reluel, wed .....7 the . yellow ' s.' dark creentecanea to
the bk.= sad Imbues. of youth. L*lll.ll. *hand., the
um of palate and d. .
.ad one Dull', derseparilh•
the calf Free.. treacdp. , "A word to tto vice la er.l6.
dent" =I .Cord. enough to the lad., • ' ,
Testimony Jibe the Foliose:mg, Jtenderr SUperfiXOUS
. Comment on the Blat's . Harm
-. paraia:
Ira. Dr. L., I'. T...., Proelemar.of oicedstry; ha .the
, Louirctllealedie. Dale..
_ _"1 benerkloked or. the list of Durrall.c. , compadar
SalateDull's Coms•und Extract of Pareaparllteuud bane so
• beldlatton to earl= that they form It Scauderund, and
ace th•t_prolaleas well to chronic dhe to which tt la
•" , . . L. P. I' DI.LI• 81. D.
Lone.... Jun. 6.154 5 : , . -, ' '
- I .cLet tAe/wo
• SAltsuw
inele Manne sn. Cd , 3
.14ILL .
bare erateltell the prucMollen for the mew.. d
Jobe balre trareapatills, uW I believe the rem tdentrork to
be. re - repent one, etul well otkulater to reeWaer_. ol r ;
hopreeeleo um the eretehr..i.beee nrQlt
relic atel rrrseye..4 tbit , A . .l p ra- b :,71177r
rte=sl 4 l' l lrtat'the
d •
..KEYSLIt VDt.115111.1.,
Wod.ll I.P Wb.lesale
and Detail
Yoe W). IL Cllltlt‘ eAUe
glom. br Drnewirts getterallr. twlelawlteur
..a: /mule Redid. known. Incipient Coneennltina.
II:wont:Iron. of Driste,General Pnertration of the Optic:4
Deranged Spirit.. and Cikeimy gtate . of Mind, are cured
Dr. Gnegts Extrude ram Do* mid Earsapecnra.*bkb
dreg Inamedlate relief by renewing the fountain of health
sea strength. the blood. It neutiantes had Uuttiors.giogn
untnturni eseretiwne, and gives healthy action to all the
Ile oaf ititer2l , re Properties trader it rOuallarly
cable to 111411111e.Cd•Z M.131.t delicate cowl:It/hien of the h
moia.ltimmediatply coutteractit that distreming Oarrouse
gams end Malted* so common to Ur female frame, meg
imMata an enemy 'mat !mammy as surreletrg ea they:
am grateful. We bare erldeoce on Lir which Lahr. cm
'hooey to recommend !Lilo medicine to iourlol goggle
Lmboluee oat been blamed arith offoriair .
• .
pitui.i...p.e.eireirsit MILD gionth.of niegthrs eta.
nag, oared b> • v Onysotge I:egad of 'Miner Mot sad
.hersaparitta. after eTOICT other known rein 4T hod than'
tzkd w [ lh oa t
• • WAsatsorrot. Ct. Feb.
nig =tiles that: my +Me, aged ram has rattrig
under the shore complaint far Dee yam, nearly . that •
thth congaed to her tad. I bare for four rears consteatly.
eingldsrlt the best mantel talent that oontl be gran:trod In
this erstoa of the einntrg, zithont abr Lectethvbalnai.
1 bare *lea porthseat every lostrmotht recommended for
the core of mob d4rars all of Ishich groadvorthleaa
In the Goring of ifuf, I,r•sinduoed br mT Wends to
try Dr. OuploVei Yellow Dockers' Susaghillsothlahvth
nerth fai tsar months. - Alter she had wain foga/tout tug
steaks. It arse ert.tent to an of me that she au hatothrtg.
end front this time she improval reStd l l,thl Papa. neth
and strength. until the 4 now enjoging .th art etheliasst
health.- IttINIORT.
..We. beteg stelghboth to Wm. and - Jane Monfort. tom
that the shore statements, ILA to the richooc+uf Idrathth.
fort, end as m the ware being egestaLbr (thrr.lth Ten , .
• oFet •
. ti':'4' ,
Sisals EcirLea.r of a. :pi Lennart , - .
• • Bloom. GLorr. 1,1e4D.
*min.& Y. Derairtt Ce:—Gentai dome time In 1543
1 was attacked with Klnieelln my am, width Nadas •
co pored could tied one lb and 1.'1343 mmtilleation act in.
1 eraplord.l.l different lthleiciao. , mietwit/
within lety reach: all told me tay arm must P. insiontataL
Prem . the rhoulder to the Tara= aat full edvithnidil
ems. 311 . etreactit time wag combiletrly athwart.
ed. and say peva= much comciatut. I cordinued In gdo
stab tiotlble4B, when 1 taro rolverit.erunt tbiaredit'a
Yellow Dock and Zareaperil la) olkhl road. and purrs .
bout. of the article, llorrott). Yellow Dont and
tin. eared me; 1 1.0.0 k PIA ether retdecly iddlibuidndlt;
and &Ml:creel( perfectly widl before tided slithhot.
de. liadl sued it at Weird ap ?ma °ILO. roalody,l
am sum It mould bale eared me from Truro Of Math and
ofterlos. I roost otalststly reotitt. , D.l creel person sob
tering under any rmpv dliwasy, to uta ciciredYs
Dock sal Waddell". which will ri,tore them to beano-
Yours. In dratitada. L .10. 31.1,E0113.1tD.;
Cure of a aggravated me Fri/sire:dr:
. The cures zerfermel he' Dr. thiyactee Extract of Yobs.
..latek and NuaaParilla. SPY 111A1130; . .10to jpititOrol=
healthrosainan to troptvto altia...lica.e le revs
Cum are toot ehrentrled until time P., folly mud that
there can be no ranp or rotnitrof thit
Nol.lllr, Herkimer ee., Octnaary. WA.
I'. lierineq. Cu—Omani: MD with . rpktattia that
I 'rata pea about We hopor meet, of your Yellow .
Dock and Ilarmoarilla opfut fop con. who hasbnidOicepanib
feting under that dreadful and Math,. dice Wee. Zaire •
with which he team attacked toll IS, and wail for ins
el menthe attended by eon.; of taiirl , 4 fldidelandli "be
tied their akin nerecTerinely for five row Um, witbAtt
berrobeld resulte whited - M.
feet skeleton. 'lle had Metre Meta Ids hip to Ida /Wee.
whkh were euntinually-diechargind
nutterillkUmil lad • 1 2 0 .6 0. 1
mid. that MI MI.. was theme An old to irda . bung
to lanai theme ter r ible manambiutlithatrb 31 /Wdh"
hors mid myrrh thought hie aLeolutkot zeta oa liana.
Ono of my neighbors twho had mud a thild of Scrediala
with Ton, Invaluable needielnelnlehed to to maki Wald
itt *ad. More from the reviles. denim rode ethaetbing While
Ude lasted, than from any Lops of a:Miran:lief:l procured
( hr. Malmo , Your 'Yellow Dock Mid and
casunedwaViteind m7 act'addimeat U'alw
to improve betas he bed inel the Mint bottle; and before
be helped a bait damn bent.. It.
used so all I.e.e bottles thididi the soar ISY. nod titP.
tiaber ILA b• Ws., perfectly ...Wed. Crory ,Wig., artitO
tiooth• lan ,Cara. ; to rnw.d. tad hr toatalta In
perfect health at-the yrtmend Claw ilia Tecoro77...ap/00
U. Woad. a Of God. is'ootbolr °villa to the use 'Orj-itur
Yellow. Dock aid nataapariflat ands :swum Two Mall fed
myself under great etilleatione to You, audit
joy Witt Daferm yea of whet your Etimmankla his don.
for my an' ' •
„ - „ ,
goad D 7 J . D. Poi., (saaseert to :wean] Pook.)/LioittA
ora IPolontetto&to,tsocianoU.Ohlo.C.mrol &CooLAO Lbo
South sad Wert. to whom ell orlon Too.tte:l4.lrootect.
J. ELM k D. A. Pohner..o AMC..
wo z oo.jr, poUtorrolo Leo A. Tieilifisksi AIistAOMPPT:
L. T. Itoasoll.-Waxhlooteco L. roSazobolk.
Welty, Otecittrorp... S. Ronal, Potna.^:l; Been s GlSscrs.
Dediant; Biod & boa. tiontSooloto
Illidehrand A Co.. Palls= J. 'S. Wriabt. Aittot.AAMl
Anima & CA,Proolutlto A. Wilma A ;.tai
Moirosolod & Co. Pl. Callototer. Proodtille; Bari?
.Prie, Graham & Potter. Genet Joao” 6.Dr & Co. Dot.
WI P. Pala. Sewn J. O. buoutitotto. KotoOtr: ). - L AC.
E. Jot...a, CoodasporO P. Cnoker.,.}A.Fvosrtorrillo.., r
• ser.prir per Bottle; Sal :atria, JoiriZs'
Piano Pri
KLEHER hasdsi
the j recedStl:Boyerrr
a s yreetYtor We Slava. **Let le se
-57 Vorderavasi Men >e Likl2. COILCre, fIJ la
burry, us be ties test - .Art at the raid err. Wnaratit
Bel er r veil tnysro as one 91 Meuse*. straervfal cosestesprs
for beginners and lavas, ass boar .•P 101 a wont king
and seemly fort Yr tbem kal rtib ik 'i
bOVIy tangeerigat pod intrisering to it^ DLIPlir lath In Ira
fta sad ones, ant atcaa7 brillatarri and coootlo
Log tbe adnewbet rations end euvrae 70 star/ of
elf sad Wane parsing. Tbe boor Wi ttoriestra rota bars
ermined the - wort, as referral aire
Probes= ilorbrrm.lsederows, Nab. J*lo